USB Disk Drive Replacement Kit: Product Manual

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ABB Robotics

Product manual
USB disk drive replacement kit
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Checked in 2011-08-23
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Product manual
USB disk drive replacement kit

Document ID: 3HAC038751-001

Revision: A

© Copyright 2010--2011 ABB. All rights reserved.

The information in this manual is subject to change without notice and should not be
construed as a commitment by ABB. ABB assumes no responsibility for any errors that
may appear in this manual.
Except as may be expressly stated anywhere in this manual, nothing herein shall be
construed as any kind of guarantee or warranty by ABB for losses, damages to persons
or property, fitness for a specific purpose or the like.
In no event shall ABB be liable for incidental or consequential damages arising from use
of this manual and products described herein.
This manual and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without ABB's written
Additional copies of this manual may be obtained from ABB.

© Copyright 2010--2011 ABB. All rights reserved.

Robotics Products
SE-721 68 Västerås
Table of contents

Table of contents
Manual overview ................................................................................................................................ 7
Product documentation, M2004 ......................................................................................................... 9

1 Safety 11
1.1 General safety information ................................................................................... 11
1.2 DANGER ......................................................................................................... 12

2 Introduction 15
2.1 Introduction to the USB disk drive replacement kit ..................................................... 15

3 Setting up the USB disk drive replacement kit 19

3.1 Installing the USB disk drive replacement kit ............................................................. 19
3.2 Formatting the USB Flash Disk .............................................................................. 20
3.3 Using the USB disk drive replacement kit ................................................................. 23

4 Spare parts list 25

4.1 Spare parts ....................................................................................................... 25

Index 27

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Manual overview

Manual overview
About this manual
This manual provides an overview and describes the installation of the USB disk drive
replacement kit.

This manual should be used during the installation of the USB disk drive replacement

Who should read this manual

This manual is intended for the qualified Field Service Engineers (FSEs) at ABB.

The reader should have knowledge of the mechanical and electrical installation of S4,
S4C, and S4C plus controllers.

Organization of chapters
This manual is organized into the following chapters:
Chapter Contents
Safety Important safety information that must be read before any
installation or service of the control cabinet.
Introduction Introduction to the installation of the USB disk drive replace-
ment kit.
Setting up the USB disk drive Describes the procedure for installing, formatting, and using
replacement kit the USB disk drive replacement kit.
Spare parts list Includes the list of spare parts.

S4 (M94-M96) - User's Guide BaseWare OS 2.x
S4C (M97-M99) - User's Guide BaseWare OS 3.x
S4CPlus (M2000) - User's Guide BaseWare OS 4.0.xx

Continues on next page

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Manual overview


Revision Description
- First edition
A Updated the manual by fixing the following errors reported:
• Supported operating systems. See Supported controller versions and
operating systems on page 15.
• Format USB Flash Disk using format tool software. See Formatting the
USB Flash Disk using the format tool software on page 20.
• Format USB Flash Disk using DOS. Added a note. See Formatting the
USB Flash Disk using DOS on page 22.

8 3HAC038751-001 Revision: A
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Product documentation, M2004

Product documentation, M2004

Categories for manipulator documentation
The manipulator documentation is divided into a number of categories. This listing is
based on the type of information in the documents, regardless of whether the products
are standard or optional.
All documents listed can be ordered from ABB on a DVD. The documents listed are
valid for M2004 manipulator systems.

Product manuals
Manipulators, controllers, DressPack/SpotPack, and most other hardware will be
delivered with a Product manual that generally contains:
• Safety information.
• Installation and commissioning (descriptions of mechanical installation or
electrical connections).
• Maintenance (descriptions of all required preventive maintenance procedures
including intervals and expected life time of parts).
• Repair (descriptions of all recommended repair procedures including spare
• Calibration.
• Decommissioning.
• Reference information (safety standards, unit conversions, screw joints, lists of
tools ).
• Spare parts list with exploded views (or references to separate spare parts lists).
• Circuit diagrams (or references to circuit diagrams).

Technical reference manuals

The technical reference manuals describe the manipulator software in general and
contain relevant reference information.
• RAPID Overview: An overview of the RAPID programming language.
• RAPID Instructions, Functions and Data types: Description and syntax for
all RAPID instructions, functions, and data types.
• RAPID Kernel: A formal description of the RAPID programming language.
• System parameters: Description of system parameters and configuration

Application manuals
Specific applications (for example software or hardware options) are described in
Application manuals. An application manual can describe one or several applications.
An application manual generally contains information about:
• The purpose of the application (what it does and when it is useful).
• What is included (for example cables, I/O boards, RAPID instructions, system
parameters, DVD with PC software).
• How to install included or required hardware.

Continues on next page

3HAC038751-001 Revision: A 9
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Product documentation, M2004


• How to use the application.

• Examples of how to use the application.

Operating manuals
The operating manuals describe hands-on handling of the products. The manuals are
aimed at those having first-hand operational contact with the product, that is production
cell operators, programmers, and trouble shooters.
The group of manuals includes (among others):
• Emergency safety information
• General safety information
• Getting started, IRC5 and RobotStudio
• Introduction to RAPID
• IRC5 with FlexPendant
• RobotStudio
• Trouble shooting, for the controller and manipulator.

10 3HAC038751-001 Revision: A
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1 Safety
1.1 General safety information

1 Safety
1.1 General safety information

Read safety chapter in controller manual

Before starting to work with the robot system, make sure you are familiar with the
safety regulations described in the product manual for the controller, see References
on page 7.

3HAC038751-001 Revision: A 11
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1 Safety


Working with high voltage is potentially lethal. Persons subjected to high voltage may
suffer cardiac arrest, burn injuries or other severe injuries. To avoid these dangers,
do not proceed to work before eliminating the danger as described in the following

Continues on next page

12 3HAC038751-001 Revision: A
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1 Safety


Elimination, S4, S4C, and S4C plus controller

Action Note/Illustration
1 Switch off the main switch on the control-

S4 Controller Main Switch_en1000000374

A: Main switch

S4Cplus controller main switch_xx0700000477


Location of the main switch on both S4C and S4C

plus controllers are the same.

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2 Introduction
2.1 Introduction to the USB disk drive replacement kit

2 Introduction
2.1 Introduction to the USB disk drive replacement kit

This chapter provides an overview of the USB disk drive replacement kit.

Supported controller versions and operating systems

The USB disk drive replacement kit supports:
• C5.3,S4, S4C, S4P, S4C plus, S4P plus controller versions
• Windows Vista, Windows XP, and Windows 7 (32 Bit and 64 Bit)

The USB disk drive replacement kit is a complete packaged upgrade solution that
replaces the existing floppy disk drive units with the USB disk drive units. It allows for
the transfer of all the stored programs and data to a standard USB Flash Disk and
connection to a PC.
The USB disk drive replacement kit is a safer way of storing data. While programs
and data are among the most valuable parts of a robot system, they are often stored
in 3.5-inch floppy disks. Since the life expectancy of a floppy disk drive is less than
one-third of the rest of the robot system, there is every chance of it failing and corrupting
the stored programs and data. By using the USB disk drive replacement kit you can
safeguard the vital robot data.

Benefits of the USB disk drive replacement kit

These are the key benefits of using the USB disk drive replacement kit:
• Replaces 3.5-inch drives or boxes of disks
• Faster transfer rate and lower risk of data loss
• Ideal for cold booting and program selection
• Large storage capacity – equivalent to 100 floppy disks
• Plug compatible – supplied with fittings


The USB disk drive replacement kit supports up to 100 virtual disks on each USB
Flash Disk. The desired virtual disk can be selected by changing the channel (00
to 99) using the Up and Down buttons on the front panel of the kit.

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2 Introduction
2.1 Introduction to the USB disk drive replacement kit


Hardware description
The following graphic shows the front panel of the USB disk drive replacement kit.





A LED display
B USB port
L1 Green light. Power on indicator.
L2 Red light. Indicates the status of the USB kit. If the light is bright, it indicates that
the USB kit is working (accessing data or transferring data).
K1 and K2 Up and Down buttons to change the channels.
Press K1 to increase the counter (00 to 99)
Press K2 to decrease the counter (99 to 00)

Continues on next page

16 3HAC038751-001 Revision: A
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2 Introduction
2.1 Introduction to the USB disk drive replacement kit


The following graphic shows the back panel of the USB disk drive replacement kit.


A Slot to insert the 5V power cable

B Slot to insert the 34-pin data cable


Do not open the USB disk drive replacement kit. If opened, the warranty is void.
The USB disk drive replacement kit has a total of 6 jumpers inside (J1, J2, J3, J4,
J5, and J6).
• By factory settings, jumper pins 2 and 3 of J2 are short, while the other jumpers
are open.
• By default, jumper pins 1 and 2 of J5 are open.

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3 Setting up the USB disk drive replacement kit
3.1 Installing the USB disk drive replacement kit

3 Setting up the USB disk drive replacement kit

3.1 Installing the USB disk drive replacement kit

Procedure for installing the USB disk drive replacement kit

The following procedure provides information about installing the USB disk drive
replacement kit on the robot controllers.
Action Description
1 Switch off the power on the
controller cabinet and remove
the floppy disk drive.
2 Connect the USB kit to the NOTE!
controller. • Insert the USB kit in the same slot as provided for
the floppy disk drive.
• Use the same 5V power cable and 34-pin data
cable as used in the floppy disk drive to connect
the USB kit to the controller.
• Connect the 5V power cable before connecting the
34-pin data cable.
• Disconnect the 34-pin data cable before disconnect-
ing the 5V power cable.
3 Switch on the power on the The green light on the USB kit is switched on and the LED
controller. displays c4.
If the LED displays EX, there is an error. Check whether
the power cable and the data cable are connected cor-


Be careful,
• when connecting the 5V power cable in the slot. The pin can be damaged if
the cable is inserted incorrectly.
• when connecting the 34-pin data cable in the slot. Check for the groove and
the position of the slot before connecting the data cable; it can be damaged if
inserted incorrectly. The red light on the USB kit is switched on when wrongly

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3 Setting up the USB disk drive replacement kit
3.2 Formatting the USB Flash Disk

3.2 Formatting the USB Flash Disk

Format the USB Flash Disk before using it. It can be formatted in the following ways:
• By using the format tool software. See Formatting the USB Flash Disk using
the format tool software on page 20.
• By using DOS. See Formatting the USB Flash Disk using DOS on page 22.

Formatting the USB Flash Disk using the format tool software
The USB Flash disk can be formatted using the following two versions of format tool
• Version 1.1 (valid for Windows XP and Windows 7, 32 Bit)
• Version 1.2 (valid for Windows 7, 64 Bit)


You should have Admin rights to install the format tool software.


Do not remove the USB Flash Disk without stopping the service driver.
The following procedure describes formatting the USB Flash Disk using the format
tool software (Version1.1).
Action Description
1 Insert the USB Flash Disk into the
2 Double-click V1.1 UFloppyMana-
gerII-ABB-EN.exe Note

You can download the format tool software V1.1

UFloppyManagerII-ABB-EN.exe from the ABB Library
in the following way:
• Go to Products & services/ Ro-
botics/ Service & Support/ Spare Parts/ V1.1

3 Right-click My Computer, select The Format floppy disk dialog box appears.
4 Select floppy format as 1.44M and
number of partitions as 100. Note

By default, a maximum of 100 partitions can be created.

5 Click Start. The formatting process starts.

6 Right-click the partition and select
"Batch format floppy disks..."
7 Select 1.44M and click OK. The USB Flash Disk is now formatted into multiple
partitions depending on the number of blocks selected.
8 Select the partition to which you
want to transfer the data.

Continues on next page

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3 Setting up the USB disk drive replacement kit
3.2 Formatting the USB Flash Disk


Action Description
9 Double-click the partition. The Explorer window opens.
10 Copy the contents to this location.

Always remember to save the contents, if not, the

changes will not be saved.

11 Right-click the partition and select

Save. Note

If you delete content, always remember to save, if not,

the content will not be deleted.

The following procedure describes formatting the USB Flash Disk using the format
tool software (Version1.2).


For systems running on Windows7, 64 bit; while starting the computer, press F8
and select Advance boot options --> Disable Driver Signature Enforcement.
This option remains active until you restart the system.
Action Description
1 Insert the USB Flash Disk into the
2 Double-click V1.2 UFloppyMana-
gerII-ABB-EN.exe Note

You can download the format tool software V1.1

UFloppyManagerII-ABB-EN.exe from the ABB Library
in the following way:
• Go to Products & services/ Ro-
botics/ Service & Support/ Spare Parts/ V1.2

3 Right-click My Computer, select The Format floppy disk dialog box appears.
4 Select floppy format as 1.44M and
number of partitions as 100. Note

By default, a maximum of 100 partitions can be created.

5 Click Start. The formatting process starts.

6 Right-click the partition and select
"Batch format floppy disks..."
7 Select 1.44M and click OK. The USB Flash Disk is now formatted into multiple
partitions depending on the number of blocks selected.
8 Select the partition to which you
want to transfer the data.
9 Double-click the partition. The Explorer window opens.
10 Copy the contents to this location.

Always remember to save the contents, if not, the

changes will not be saved.

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3 Setting up the USB disk drive replacement kit
3.2 Formatting the USB Flash Disk


Action Description
11 Right-click the partition and select
Save. Note

If you delete content, always remember to save, if not,

the content will not be deleted.

Formatting the USB Flash Disk using DOS

The following procedure describes the formatting of the USB Flash Disk using DOS.


This is possible only when the kit is installed into a PC.

Action Description
1 Insert the USB Flash Disk into the USB The LED displays 00 which means the disk
port of the USB kit. is now being formatted for 00.
NOTE! Before inserting the USB Flash Disk,
by default, the LED displays c4.
2 Go to command prompt and type The message Insert new disk for drive A:
Format A:. and press ENTER when readyappears.
3 Press Enter. The message The type of the file system
is FAT. Verifying 1.44M appears.
The formatting status appears.
NOTE! The message Volume label <11
characters, ENTER for none>? appears.
4 Type a name for the volume label. For example, FLPPY0.
5 Press Enter. The message Format complete appears.
NOTE! The message Format another
<Y/N>? appears.
6 Type Y and press Enter to format anoth- If Y is typed, the message Insert new disk
er block. for drive A: and press ENTER when ready
or appears.
Type N to stop formatting.
7 Press K1 until the LED displays 01. The disk is now formatted for the next block
8 Repeat steps 3 to 6 to format 01. NOTE! You can create a maximum of 100
multiple-floppy blocks (00 to 99) by repeating
steps 3 to 7.

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3 Setting up the USB disk drive replacement kit
3.3 Using the USB disk drive replacement kit

3.3 Using the USB disk drive replacement kit

The USB disk drive replacement kit is used to perform the following:
• Backup and restore. See Performing backup and restore using the USB disk
drive replacement kit on page 23.
• Boot or restart. See Booting the controller using the USB disk drive replacement
kit on page 23.

Performing backup and restore using the USB disk drive replacement kit
The following procedure describes performing backup and restore using the USB disk
drive replacement kit.


You should have knowledge of performing backup and restore using the S4 and
S4C controllers having a Floppy Disk Drive (FDD).
Action Description
1 Install the USB kit in the controller. See Procedure for installing the USB disk drive
replacement kit on page 19.
The LED displays 00 which means the channel
00 is ready.
2 Connect the formatted USB Flash Disk to See Formatting the USB Flash Disk on
the USB port of the USB kit. page 20.
3 Perform backup and restore. The backup and restore method is the same
as in the S4 and S4C controllers using FDD.
See User’s Guide BaseWare OS 2.x for S4
See User’s Guide BaseWare OS 3.x for S4C
and S4C plus controller.

Booting the controller using the USB disk drive replacement kit
The following procedure describes booting the controller using the USB disk drive
replacement kit.


You need to have knowledge of booting the S4 and S4C controllers having a Floppy
Disk Drive (FDD).
Action Description
1 Install the USB kit in the controller. See Procedure for installing the USB disk drive
replacement kit on page 19.
2 Connect the formatted USB Flash Disk to For information on formatting the USB Flash
the USB port of the computer. Disk, see Formatting the USB Flash Disk on
page 20.
3 Copy the robot boot disk data to the
formatted USB Flash Disk.

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3 Setting up the USB disk drive replacement kit
3.3 Using the USB disk drive replacement kit


Action Description
4 Boot or restart the controller. The booting method is the same as in the S4
and S4C controllers using FDD.
See User’s Guide BaseWare OS 2.x for S4
See User’s Guide BaseWare OS 3.x for S4C
NOTE! Instead of using the floppies to access
the boot disk data from the controllers, press
K1 or K2 to select the required floppy blocks
for accessing the boot disk data. For example,
when the controller asks for disk4, press K1
until the LED displays 04 instead of inserting
floppy disk4 and proceed with the booting pro-

24 3HAC038751-001 Revision: A
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4 Spare parts list
4.1 Spare parts

4 Spare parts list

4.1 Spare parts

Parts list
Item Description Spare part number
1 FDD-USB kit 3HAC041840-001
2 USB Flash Disk 3HAC038143-004
3 FDD-USB unit 3HAC041748-001

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B 5V power cable, 19
Booting controller, 23 34-pin data cable, 19
floppy blocks, 24 electrical installation, 7
restart, 24 floppy disk drive, 19
robot boot disk data, 23 mechanical installation, 7

controllers, 15 USB, 15
S4, 15 flash disk, 15
S4C, 15 port, 16
S4P, 15 USB disk drive replacement kit, 16
back panel, 17
F channel, 16
Field Service Engineers, 7 counter, 16
format USB Flash Disk, 20 front panel, 16
command prompt, 22 jumper, 17
DOS, 20 LED display, 16
multi floppy blocks, 22 Power on indicator, 16
V121_UIFloppyManager, 20, 21 Red light, 16
volume label, 22 Up and Down buttons, 16
Using USB kit, 23
I backup, 23
Install USB kit, 19 restore, 23

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Contact us


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Discrete Automation and Motion
Telephone +46 (0) 21 344 400

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