RER620 IEC 101-104 Point List Manual

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Relion® 620 series

Advanced Recloser Protection and Control

IEC 60870-5-101/104 Point List Manual
Document ID: 1MAC302441-MB
Issued: 07/20/2017
Revision: C
Product version: 1.3

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The data, examples and diagrams in this manual are included solely for the concept or
product description and are not to be deemed as a statement of guaranteed properties. All
persons responsible for applying the equipment addressed in this manual must satisfy
themselves that each intended application is suitable and acceptable, including that any
applicable safety or other operational requirements are complied with. In particular, any
risks in applications where a system failure and/or product failure would create a risk for
harm to property or persons (including but not limited to personal injuries or death) shall
be the sole responsibility of the person or entity applying the equipment, and those so
responsible are hereby requested to ensure that all measures are taken to exclude or
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This document has been carefully checked by ABB but deviations cannot be completely
ruled out. In case any errors are detected, the reader is kindly requested to notify the
manufacturer. Other than under explicit contractual commitments, in no event shall ABB
be responsible or liable for any loss or damage resulting from the use of this manual or the
application of the equipment.

This product complies with the directive of the Council of the European Communities on
the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC Directive 2004/108/EC) and concerning electrical equipment for use
within specified voltage limits (Low-voltage directive 2006/95/EC). This conformity is
the result of tests conducted by ABB in accordance with the product standards EN 50263
and EN 60255-26 for the directive, and with the product standards EN 60255-6 and EN
60255-27 for the directive. The protective relay is designed in accordance with the
international standards of the IEC 60255 series and ANSI C37.90
1MAC302441-MB C Section

Section 1 Introduction ...........................................................................3

This manual .............................................................................................. 3
Intended audience .................................................................................... 3
Product documentation............................................................................. 4
Product documentation set.................................................................. 4
Document revision history ................................................................... 5
Related documentation........................................................................ 5
Symbols and conventions......................................................................... 5
Safety indication symbols .................................................................... 5
Manual conventions............................................................................. 6
Functions, codes and symbols ............................................................ 7

Section 2 IEC 60870-5-101/104 data mappings .................................11

Overview................................................................................................. 11
Point list for RER620 Ver. 1.3................................................................. 12

Section 3 IEC 60870-5-101/104 protocol implementation...................31

Section 4 Glossary..............................................................................43

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2 RER620
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Section 1 Introduction

1.1 This manual

The point list manual describes the outlook and properties of the data points specific to the
protective relay. The manual should be used in conjunction with the corresponding
communication protocol manual.

1.2 Intended audience

This manual addresses the communication system engineer or system integrator

responsible for pre-engineering and engineering for communication setup in a substation
from a protective relay perspective.
The system engineer or system integrator must have a basic knowledge of communication
in protection and control systems and thorough knowledge of the specific communication

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1.3 Product documentation

1.3.1 Product documentation set

Deinstalling & Disposal

Planning & purchase



Application manual
Engineering manual
Installation manual

Operation manual
Technical manual
Communication Protocol
Protocol Points List

Figure 1: The intended use of manuals in different lifecycles

The engineering manual contains instructions on how to engineer the protective relay
using the different tools in PCM600. The manual provides instructions on how to set up a
PCM600 project and insert protective relays in the project structure. The manual also
recommends a sequence for engineering of protection and control functions, LHMI
functions, and communication engineering for IEC 61850 and DNP3.
The installation manual contains instructions on how to install the protective relay. The
manual provides procedures for mechanical and electrical installation. The chapters are
organized in chronological order in which the protective relay should be installed.
The operation manual contains instructions on how to operate the protective relay once it
has been commissioned. The manual provides instructions for monitoring, controlling and
setting the protective relay. The manual also describes how to identify disturbances and
how to view calculated and measured power grid data to determine the cause of a fault.
The application manual contains application descriptions and setting guidelines sorted per
function. The manual can be used to find out when and for what purpose a typical
protection function can be used. The manual can also be used when calculating settings.
The technical manual contains application and functionality descriptions and lists function
blocks, logic diagrams, input and output signals, setting parameters and technical data

4 RER620
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sorted per function. The manual can be used as a technical reference during the
engineering phase, installation and commissioning phase, and during normal service.
The communication protocol manuals describe the communication protocols supported by
the protective relay. Each manual concentrates on vendor-specific implementations. The
point list manual describes the outlook and properties of the data points specific to the
protective relay. The manual should be used in conjunction with the corresponding
communication protocol manual.

1.3.2 Document revision history

Document revision/date Product version History

A/11/23/2010 1.0 First release
B/10/31/2011 1.1 Content updated to correspond to the
product series version
C/07/20/2017 1.3 Content updated to correspond to the
product series version

Download the latest documents from the ABB web site

1.3.3 Related documentation

Name of the document Document ID

IEC 60870-5-101/104 Communication Protocol Manual 1MAC306892-MB

1.4 Symbols and conventions

1.4.1 Safety indication symbols

The caution icon indicates important information or warning related to the
concept discussed in the text. It might indicate the presence of a hazard
which could result in corruption of software or damage to equipment or

The information icon alerts the reader to important facts and conditions.

The tip icon indicates advice on, for example, how to design your project
or how to use a certain function.

Although warning hazards are related to personal injury, it should be understood that
operation of damaged equipment could, under certain operational conditions, result in

RER620 5
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degraded process performance leading to personal injury or death. Therefore, comply fully
with all warning and caution notices.

1.4.2 Manual conventions

Conventions used in protective relay manuals. A particular convention may not be used in
this manual.
• Abbreviations and acronyms in this manual are spelled out in the glossary. The
glossary also contains definitions of important terms.
• Push button navigation in the LHMI menu structure is presented by using the push
button icons, for example:
To navigate between the options, use and .
• HMI menu paths are presented in bold, for example:
Select Main Menu > Settings.
• LHMI messages are shown in Courier font, for example:
To save the changes in non-volatile memory, select Yes and press .
• Parameter names are shown in italics, for example:
The function can be enabled and disabled with the Operation setting.
• Parameter values are indicated with quotation marks, for example:
The corresponding parameter values are "Enabled" and "Disabled".
• Protective relay input/output messages and monitored data names are shown in
Courier font, for example:
When the function picks up, the PICKUP output is set to TRUE.
• Dimensions are provided both in inches and mm. If it is not specifically mentioned
then the dimension is in mm.

6 RER620
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1.4.3 Functions, codes and symbols

Table 1: RER620 functions, codes and symbols
Function IEC61850 IEC60617 ANSI/C37.2
Current Protection
Single-phase non-directional time overcurrent protection with 1-ph trip option, low stage SPHLPTOC1 3I>(1) 51P
Single-phase non-directional time overcurrent protection with 1-ph trip option, high stage 1 SPHLPTOC2 3I>(2) 50P-1
Single-phase non-directional time overcurrent protection with 1-ph trip option, high stage 2 SPHHPTOC1 3I>>(1) 50P-2
Single-phase non-directional instantaneous overcurrent protection with 1-ph trip option SPHIPTOC1 3I>>>(1) 50P-3
Non-directional time overcurrent ground-fault protection, low stage XEFLPTOC2 Io>(2) 51N
Non-directional time overcurrent ground-fault protection, high stage 1 XEFLPTOC3 Io>(3) 50N-1
Non-directional time overcurrent ground-fault protection, high stage 2 XEFHPTOC3 Io>>(3) 50N-2
Non-directional instantaneous time overcurrent ground-fault protection XEFIPTOC2 Io>>>(2) 50N-3
Non-directional sensitive earth-fault EFLPTOC3 Io>(3) 50SEF
Negative sequence non-directional time overcurrent protection 1 XNSPTOC1 I2 >(1) 46-1
Negative sequence non-directional time overcurrent protection 2 XNSPTOC2 I2 >(2) 46-2
Phase discontinuity protection PDNSPTOC1 I2/I1> 46PD
Three-phase inrush detector INPHAR 3I2f > INR
Directional Protection
Single-phase directional overcurrent protection, low stage 1 SDPHLPDOC1 3I >->(1) 67/51P-1
Single-phase directional overcurrent protection, low stage 2 SDPHLPDOC2 3I >->(2) 67/51P-2
Directional ground-fault protection, low stage 1 XDEFLPDEF1 Io>->(1) 67/51N-1
Directional ground-fault protection, low stage 2 XDEFLPDEF2 Io>->(2) 67/51N-2
Cold Load Timers
Cold load timer 1 Phase A (in seconds) TPSGAPC1 TPS(1) 62CLD-1
Cold load timer 2 Phase A (in minutes) TPMGAPC1 TPM(1) 62CLD-2
Cold load timer 1 Phase B (in seconds) TPSGAPC2 TPS(2) 62CLD-3
Cold load timer 2 Phase B (in minutes) TPMGAPC2 TPM(2) 62CLD-4
Cold load timer 1 Phase C (in seconds) TPSGAPC3 TPS(3) 62CLD-5
Cold load timer 2 Phase C (in minutes) TPMGAPC3 TPM(3) 62CLD-6
Voltage Protection
Single-phase overvoltage 1, source 1 low stage SPHPTOV1 3U >(1) 59-1
Single-phase overvoltage 2, source 1 high stage SPHPTOV2 3U >(2) 59-2
Single-phase overvoltage 3, source 2 low stage SPHPTOV3 3U >(3) 59-3
Single-phase undervoltage 1, source 1 low stage SPHPTUV1 3U <(1) 27-1
Single-phase undervoltage 2, source 1 high stage SPHPTUV2 3U <(2) 27-2
Single-phase undervoltage 3, source 2 low stage SPHPTUV3 3U <(3) 27-3
Positive sequence overvoltage protection, source1 PSPTOV1 U1>(1) 59PS-1
Positive sequence overvoltage protection, source 2 PSPTOV2 U1>(2) 59PS-2
Negative sequence overvoltage protection, source1 NSPTOV1 U2>(1) 47
Negative sequence overvoltage protection, source 2 NSPTOV2 U2>(2) 47-2
Zero sequence overvoltage protection, source1 ROVPTOV1 Uo>(1) 59N-1

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Function IEC61850 IEC60617 ANSI/C37.2

Zero sequence overvoltage protection, source 2 ROVPTOV2 Uo>(2) 59N-2
Frequency Protection
Underfrequency, Overfrequency, Frequency rate of change, Source 1, Stage 1 FRPFRQ1 f</f>,df/dt(1) 81-1
Underfrequency, Overfrequency, Frequency rate of change, Source 1, Stage 2 FRPFRQ2 f</f>,df/dt(2) 81-2
Load Shed & Restoration, Source 1, Stage 1 LSHDPFRQ1 UFLS/R(1) 81S-1
Load Shed & Restoration, Source 1, Stage 2 LSHDPFRQ2 UFLS/R(2) 81S-2
Other Protection
High Impedance Fault Detector PHIZ1 PHIZ1 HIZ
Circuit breaker failure protection SCCBRBRF1 3I>/Io>BF 50BFT
Circuit breaker close failure protection SCCBRBCF1 SCCBRBCF1 50BFC
Directional positive sequence power protection DPSRDIR1 P>-> 32P
Directional negative/zero sequence power protection DNZSRDIR1 Q>-> 32N
Autoreclosing, 1ph and/or 3ph SDARREC1 O -> I 79
Synch-check/voltage check (Source 1 is defined as bus, Source 2 as line) SECRSYN1 SYNC 25

Circuit Breaker 1 (3 state inputs / 3 control outputs) SCBXCBR1 I<->O CB 52

Loop control DLCM LCM LCM
Supervision and Monitoring
CB condition monitoring SPSCBR1 CBCM 52CM
Fuse failure supervision, Source 1 SEQRFUF1 FUSEF 60
Three-phase current CMMXU1 3I IA,IB,IC
Demand metering, Max/Min metering CSMTA1
Sequence current CSMSQI1 I1,I2,I0 I1, I2, I0
Ground current RESCMMXU1 Io IG
Three-phase voltage, Source 1 VMMXU1 3U VA,VB,VC
Three-phase voltage, Source 2 VMMXU2 3U(B) VA,VB,VC(2)
Sequence voltages, Source 1 VSMSQI1 U1,U2,U0 V1,V2,V0
Sequence voltages, Source 2 VSMSQI2 U1,U2,U0(B) V1,V2,V0(2)
Single and Three-phase power, Power factor and three phase energy, Source 1 APEMMXU1 P,SP,E P,SP,E
Frequency, Source 1 FMMXU1 f f
Digital fault recorder (DFR) RDRE1 DR DFR
Sequence of Events (SER) SER SER SER
Fault Locator (FLOC) DRFLO1 FLO FLO
Other Functions
Battery voltage, current. Test the battery ZBAT1 UPS UPS
Universal Power Drive XGGIO115 X115(UPD) X115(UPD)
Programmable buttons (16 buttons) FKEYGGIO1 FKEYGGIO1 FKEYGGIO1
Move function block (8 outputs) MVGAPC1 MVGAPC1 MVGAPC1

8 RER620
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Function IEC61850 IEC60617 ANSI/C37.2

Move function block (8 outputs) MVGAPC2 MVGAPC2 MVGAPC2
Pulse timer (8 timers) PTGAPC1 PTGAPC1 PTGAPC1
Pulse timer (8 timers) PTGAPC2 PTGAPC2 PTGAPC2
Generic control points (16 outputs) SPCGGIO1 SPCGGIO1 SPCGGIO1
Generic control points (16 outputs) SPCGGIO2 SPCGGIO2 SPCGGIO2
Set reset flip flops (8 outputs) SRGAPC1 SRGAPC1 SRGAPC1
Set reset flip flops (8 outputs) SRGAPC2 SRGAPC2 SRGAPC2
Time delay off timers (8 timers) TOFGAPC1 TOFGAPC1 TOFGAPC1
Time delay off timers (8 timers) TOFGAPC2 TOFGAPC2 TOFGAPC2
Time delay on timers (8 timers) TONGAPC1 TONGAPC1 TONGAPC1
Time delay on timers (8 timers) TONGAPC2 TONGAPC2 TONGAPC2
Multipurpose generic up-down counter UDFCNT1 UDFCNT1 UDFCNT1
Multipurpose generic up-down counter UDFCNT2 UDFCNT2 UDFCNT2
Multipurpose generic up-down counter UDFCNT3 UDFCNT3 UDFCNT3
Multipurpose generic up-down counter UDFCNT4 UDFCNT4 UDFCNT4
Multipurpose generic up-down counter UDFCNT5 UDFCNT5 UDFCNT5
Multipurpose generic up-down counter UDFCNT6 UDFCNT6 UDFCNT6
Multipurpose generic up-down counter UDFCNT7 UDFCNT7 UDFCNT7
Multipurpose generic up-down counter UDFCNT8 UDFCNT8 UDFCNT8
Multipurpose generic up-down counter UDFCNT9 UDFCNT9 UDFCNT9
Multipurpose generic up-down counter UDFCNT10 UDFCNT10 UDFCNT10
Multipurpose generic up-down counter UDFCNT11 UDFCNT11 UDFCNT11
Multipurpose generic up-down counter UDFCNT12 UDFCNT12 UDFCNT12

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10 RER620
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IEC 60870-5-101/104 data mappings

Section 2 IEC 60870-5-101/104 data mappings

2.1 Overview

This document describes the IEC 60870-5-101/104 data points and structures available in
RER620 Ver. 1.3.
The point tables show all the available IEC 60870-5-101/104 data points in this protective
relay. The points are grouped into four tables: Analog Values, Binary Controls,
Indications, and Integrated Totals. Within each group the data objects are listed in order
based on the objects' Information Object Address (IOA). The IEC 60870-5-101/104 points
can be freely added, removed, reorganized and reconfigured using PCM600.
This list represents the superset of IEC 60870-5-101/104 points. The actual set of available
points is determined by the protective relay’s ordercode. An asterisk (*) in a No Events
column indicates that no events are enabled by default for that point. The word “Disabled”
in Disabled column indicates that the point is not active by default. Inactive points can be
made active through PCM600.

RER620 11
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IEC 60870-5-101/104 data mappings

2.2 Point list for RER620 Ver. 1.3

Table 2: Analog values

No events 61850 Path IOA Disabled Description Multiplier Interrogation
CMMXU1.A.phsA.cVal.mag.f 8000 "IA,IB,IC:phase A amplitude" Yes
CMMXU1.A.phsB.cVal.mag.f 8003 "IA,IB,IC:phase B amplitude" Yes
CMMXU1.A.phsC.cVal.mag.f 8006 "IA,IB,IC:phase C amplitude" Yes
CSMSQI1.SeqA.c1.cVal.mag.f 8012 "I1,I2,I0:amplitude" Yes
CSMSQI1.SeqA.c2.cVal.mag.f 8015 "I1,I2,I0:amplitude" Yes
CSMSQI1.SeqA.c3.cVal.mag.f 8018 "I1,I2,I0:amplitude" Yes
FLTMSTA1.OpCnt.stVal 8024 FLTMSTA1:OpCnt status Yes
FMMXU1.Hz.mag.f 8025 f:Hz magnitude Yes
FRPTRC1.StrDur.mag.f 8026 Freq1:StrDur magnitude Yes
FRPTRC2.StrDur.mag.f 8027 Freq2:StrDur magnitude Yes
APEMMXU1.TotPF.mag.f 8032 "P,E:TotPF magnitude" Yes
APEMMXU1.TotW.mag.f 8033 "P,E:TotW magnitude" Yes
APEMMXU1.TotVA.mag.f 8034 "P,E:TotVA magnitude" Yes
APEMMXU1.TotVAr.mag.f 8035 "P,E:TotVAr magnitude" Yes
RESCMMXU1.A.res.cVal.mag.f 8036 IG:amplitude Yes
SDARREC1.OpCnt1.stVal 8041 79:OpCnt1 status Yes
SDARREC1.OpCnt2.stVal 8042 79:OpCnt2 status Yes
SDARREC1.OpCnt3.stVal 8043 79:OpCnt3 status Yes
SDARREC1.OpCnt4.stVal 8044 79:OpCnt4 status Yes
SDARREC1.OpCnt5.stVal 8045 79:OpCnt5 status Yes
VMMXU1.PhV.phsA.cVal.mag.f 8047 "VA,VB,VC:phase A amplitude" Yes
VMMXU1.PhV.phsB.cVal.mag.f 8049 "VA,VB,VC:phase B amplitude" Yes
VMMXU1.PhV.phsC.cVal.mag.f 8051 "VA,VB,VC:phase C amplitude" Yes
VMMXU1.PPV.phsAB.cVal.mag.f 8052 "VA,VB,VC:phase AB amplitude" Yes
VMMXU1.PPV.phsBC.cVal.mag.f 8055 "VA,VB,VC:phase BC amplitude" Yes
VMMXU1.PPV.phsCA.cVal.mag.f 8058 "VA,VB,VC:phase CA amplitude" Yes
VMMXU2.PhV.phsA.cVal.mag.f 8062 "VA,VB,VC(2):phase A amplitude" Yes
VMMXU2.PhV.phsB.cVal.mag.f 8064 "VA,VB,VC(2):phase B amplitude" Yes
VMMXU2.PhV.phsC.cVal.mag.f 8066 "VA,VB,VC(2):phase C amplitude" Yes
VMMXU2.PPV.phsAB.cVal.mag.f 8067 "VA,VB,VC(2):phase AB amplitude" Yes
VMMXU2.PPV.phsBC.cVal.mag.f 8070 "VA,VB,VC(2):phase BC amplitude" Yes
VMMXU2.PPV.phsCA.cVal.mag.f 8073 "VA,VB,VC(2):phase CA amplitude" Yes
VSMSQI1.SeqV.c1.cVal.mag.f 8076 "V1,V2,V0:amplitude" Yes
VSMSQI1.SeqV.c2.cVal.mag.f 8081 "V1,V2,V0:amplitude" Yes
VSMSQI1.SeqV.c3.cVal.mag.f 8087 "V1,V2,V0:amplitude" Yes
VSMSQI2.SeqV.c1.cVal.mag.f 8091 "V1,V2,V0(2):amplitude" Yes
VSMSQI2.SeqV.c2.cVal.mag.f 8097 "V1,V2,V0(2):amplitude" Yes

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IEC 60870-5-101/104 data mappings

No events 61850 Path IOA Disabled Description Multiplier Interrogation

VSMSQI2.SeqV.c3.cVal.mag.f 8102 "V1,V2,V0(2):amplitude" Yes
LLN0.Beh.stVal 10000 LLN0:Beh status Yes
LLN0.LocRem.stVal 10002 LLN0:LocRem status Yes
LPHD1.NumCmpChg.stVal 10003 LPHD1:NumCmpChg status Yes
LPHD1.NumPwrUp.stVal 10004 LPHD1:NumPwrUp status Yes
LPHD1.PhyHealth.stVal 10005 LPHD1:PhyHealth status Yes
LPHD1.PhyHealth1.stVal 10006 LPHD1:PhyHealth1 status Yes
LPHD1.PhyHealth2.stVal 10007 LPHD1:PhyHealth2 status Yes
LPHD1.WacTrg.stVal 10008 LPHD1:WacTrg status Yes
LPHD1.WrmStr.stVal 10009 LPHD1:WrmStr status Yes
DNZSRDIR1.OpChrAng.mag.f 10105 32N:OpChrAng magnitude Yes
DPSRDIR1.OpChrAng.mag.f 10106 32P:OpChrAng magnitude Yes
DRFLO1.FltLoopX.mag.f 10108 FLO:FltLoopX magnitude Yes
DRFLO1.FltZ.mag.f 10109 FLO:FltZ magnitude Yes
NSPTOV2.StrDur.mag.f 10110 47-2:StrDur magnitude Yes
RDRE1.FltNum.stVal 10111 DFR:FltNum status Yes
RDRE1.MemUsed.stVal 10112 DFR:MemUsed status Yes
SDARREC1.AutoRecSt.stVal 10113 79:AutoRecSt status Yes
SDARREC1.ShotPntr.stVal 10114 79:ShotPntr status Yes
SPHPTOV1.StrDur.mag.f 10115 59-1:StrDur magnitude Yes
SPHPTOV2.StrDur.mag.f 10116 59-2:StrDur magnitude Yes
SPHPTOV3.StrDur.mag.f 10117 59-3:StrDur magnitude Yes
SPHPTUV1.StrDur.mag.f 10118 27-1:StrDur magnitude Yes
SPHPTUV2.StrDur.mag.f 10119 27-2:StrDur magnitude Yes
SPHPTUV3.StrDur.mag.f 10120 27-3:StrDur magnitude Yes
SPSCBR1.AccAPwrPhA.mag.f 10121 52CM:AccAPwrPhA magnitude Yes
SPSCBR1.AccAPwrPhB.mag.f 10122 52CM:AccAPwrPhB magnitude Yes
SPSCBR1.AccAPwrPhC.mag.f 10123 52CM:AccAPwrPhC magnitude Yes
SPSCBR1.TmmsClsA.mag.f 10124 52CM:TmmsClsA magnitude Yes
SPSCBR1.TmmsClsB.mag.f 10125 52CM:TmmsClsB magnitude Yes
SPSCBR1.TmmsClsC.mag.f 10126 52CM:TmmsClsC magnitude Yes
SPSCBR1.TmmsOpnA.mag.f 10127 52CM:TmmsOpnA magnitude Yes
SPSCBR1.TmmsOpnB.mag.f 10128 52CM:TmmsOpnB magnitude Yes
SPSCBR1.TmmsOpnC.mag.f 10129 52CM:TmmsOpnC magnitude Yes
SPSCBR1.TmsSprCha.mag.f 10130 52CM:TmsSprCha magnitude Yes
XGGIO115.Swrev.mag.f 10149 XGGIO115:Swrev magnitude Yes
XNSPTOC1.StrDur.mag.f 10150 XNSPTOC1:StrDur magnitude Yes
XNSPTOC2.StrDur.mag.f 10151 XNSPTOC2:StrDur magnitude Yes
ZBAT1.AcInputVol.mag.f 10152 UPS:AcInputVol magnitude Yes
ZBAT1.Amp.mag.f 10153 UPS:Amp magnitude Yes
ZBAT1.AuxLoadI.mag.f 10154 UPS:AuxLoadI magnitude Yes

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IEC 60870-5-101/104 data mappings

No events 61850 Path IOA Disabled Description Multiplier Interrogation

ZBAT1.BatTstVol.mag.f 10156 UPS:BatTstVol magnitude Yes
ZBAT1.RailVol12V.mag.f 10157 UPS:RailVol12V magnitude Yes
ZBAT1.Temp.mag.f 10158 UPS:Temp magnitude Yes
ZBAT1.UPSBldrVer.mag.f 10159 UPS:UPSBldrVer magnitude Yes
ZBAT1.UPSFwVer.mag.f 10160 UPS:UPSFwVer magnitude Yes
ZBAT1.UPSHwVer.mag.f 10161 UPS:UPSHwVer magnitude Yes
ZBAT1.Vol.mag.f 10162 UPS:Vol magnitude Yes
SECRSYN1.EnSt.stVal 10163 25:EnSt status Yes
SCBXCBR1.OpCnt.stVal 10164 52:OpCnt status phsA Yes
SCBXCBR2.OpCnt.stVal 10165 52:OpCnt status phsB Yes
SCBXCBR3.OpCnt.stVal 10166 52:OpCnt status phsC Yes
SPSCBR1.InaTmdCntA.stVal 10167 52CM:InaTmdCntA status Yes
SPSCBR1.InaTmdCntB.stVal 10168 52CM:InaTmdCntB status Yes
SPSCBR1.InaTmdCntC.stVal 10169 52CM:InaTmdCntC status Yes
SPSCBR1.RmnLifPhA.stVal 10170 52CM:RmnLifPhA status Yes
SPSCBR1.RmnLifPhB.stVal 10171 52CM:RmnLifPhB status Yes
SPSCBR1.RmnLifPhC.stVal 10172 52CM:RmnLifPhC status Yes
ZBAT1.Auxinfo.stVal 10173 UPS:Auxinfo status Yes
ZBAT1.BstVolVal.stVal 10174 UPS:BstVolVal status Yes
ZBAT1.RlVol60V.stVal 10175 UPS:RlVol60V status Yes
ZBAT1.UpsTimeDay.stVal 10176 UPS:UpsTimeDay status Yes
ZBAT1.UpsTimeHr.stVal 10177 UPS:UpsTimeHr status Yes
ZBAT1.UpsTimeMin.stVal 10178 UPS:UpsTimeMin status Yes
ZBAT1.UpsTimeSec.stVal 10179 UPS:UpsTimeSec status Yes
FLTMSTA1.StrDur.mag.f 12000 Disabled FLTMSTA1:StrDur magnitude Yes
FLTMSTA1.MaxAmpsA.mag.f 12015 Disabled FLTMSTA1:MaxAmpsA magnitude Yes
FLTMSTA1.MaxAmpsB.mag.f 12016 Disabled FLTMSTA1:MaxAmpsB magnitude Yes
FLTMSTA1.MaxAmpsC.mag.f 12017 Disabled FLTMSTA1:MaxAmpsC magnitude Yes
FLTMSTA1.MaxAmpsN.mag.f 12018 Disabled FLTMSTA1:MaxAmpsN magnitude Yes
FLTMSTA1.AmpsA.mag.f 12019 Disabled FLTMSTA1:AmpsA magnitude Yes
FLTMSTA1.AmpsB.mag.f 12020 Disabled FLTMSTA1:AmpsB magnitude Yes
FLTMSTA1.AmpsC.mag.f 12021 Disabled FLTMSTA1:AmpsC magnitude Yes
FLTMSTA1.AmpsN.mag.f 12022 Disabled FLTMSTA1:AmpsN magnitude Yes
FLTMSTA1.AmpsNClc.mag.f 12023 Disabled FLTMSTA1:AmpsNClc magnitude Yes
FLTMSTA1.AmpsPsSeq.mag.f 12024 Disabled FLTMSTA1:AmpsPsSeq magnitude Yes
FLTMSTA1.AmpsNgSeq.mag.f 12025 Disabled FLTMSTA1:AmpsNgSeq magnitude Yes
FLTMSTA1.VoltsA.mag.f 12037 Disabled FLTMSTA1:VoltsA magnitude Yes
FLTMSTA1.VoltsB.mag.f 12038 Disabled FLTMSTA1:VoltsB magnitude Yes
FLTMSTA1.VoltsC.mag.f 12039 Disabled FLTMSTA1:VoltsC magnitude Yes
FLTMSTA1.VoltsAB.mag.f 12040 Disabled FLTMSTA1:VoltsAB magnitude Yes
FLTMSTA1.VoltsBC.mag.f 12041 Disabled FLTMSTA1:VoltsBC magnitude Yes

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No events 61850 Path IOA Disabled Description Multiplier Interrogation

FLTMSTA1.VoltsCA.mag.f 12042 Disabled FLTMSTA1:VoltsCA magnitude Yes
FLTMSTA1.VoltsN.mag.f 12043 Disabled FLTMSTA1:VoltsN magnitude Yes
FLTMSTA1.VZroSeq.mag.f 12044 Disabled FLTMSTA1:VZroSeq magnitude Yes
FLTMSTA1.VPsSeq.mag.f 12045 Disabled FLTMSTA1:VPsSeq magnitude Yes
FLTMSTA1.VNgSeq.mag.f 12046 Disabled FLTMSTA1:VNgSeq magnitude Yes
FLTMSTA1.PDNS1MxRat.mag.f 12048 Disabled FLTMSTA1:PDNS1MxRat magnitude Yes
FLTMSTA1.DifNAngN.mag.f 12049 Disabled FLTMSTA1:DifNAngN magnitude Yes
FLTMSTA1.DifAAngBC.mag.f 12050 Disabled FLTMSTA1:DifAAngBC magnitude Yes
FLTMSTA1.DifBAngCA.mag.f 12051 Disabled FLTMSTA1:DifBAngCA magnitude Yes
FLTMSTA1.DifCAngAB.mag.f 12052 Disabled FLTMSTA1:DifCAngAB magnitude Yes
FLTMSTA1.Hz.mag.f 12053 Disabled FLTMSTA1:Hz magnitude Yes
FLTMSTA1.HzS.mag.f 12054 Disabled FLTMSTA1:HzS magnitude Yes
PEMMTR1.SupWh.actVal 14000 Reverse active energy Wh Yes
PEMMTR1.SupVArh.actVal 14001 Reverse reactive energy VArh Yes
PEMMTR1.DmdWh.actVal 14002 Forward active energy Wh Yes
PEMMTR1.DmdVArh.actVal 14003 Forward reactive energy VArh Yes
I5CGGIO1.ActSG.stVal 40000 Active setting group Yes

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Table 3: Binary controls

No events 61850 Path IOA Disabled Description
* LLN0.LEDRs1.Oper.ctlVal 20000 LLN0:LEDRs1 control
* LLN0.LEDRs2.Oper.ctlVal 20001 LLN0:LEDRs2 control
* RDRE1.RcdTrg.Oper.ctlVal 20007 DFR:RcdTrg control
* RDRE1.MemClr.Oper.ctlVal 20008 DFR:MemClr control
* CMSTA1.RecRs.Oper.ctlVal 20009 CMSTA1:RecRs control
* LPHD1.RsDev.Oper.ctlVal 20013 LPHD1:RsDev control
* SCBCSWI1.Pos.Oper.ctlVal 21001 CB Control:Pos control
* SCBCSWI1.PosA.Oper.ctlVal 21002 CB Control:PosA control
* SCBCSWI1.PosB.Oper.ctlVal 21003 CB Control:PosB control
* SCBCSWI1.PosC.Oper.ctlVal 21004 CB Control:PosC control
* SPCGGIO1.SPCSO1.Oper.ctlVal 21114 SPCGGIO1:SPCSO1 control
* SPCGGIO1.SPCSO10.Oper.ctlVal 21115 SPCGGIO1:SPCSO10 control
* SPCGGIO1.SPCSO11.Oper.ctlVal 21116 SPCGGIO1:SPCSO11 control
* SPCGGIO1.SPCSO12.Oper.ctlVal 21117 SPCGGIO1:SPCSO12 control
* SPCGGIO1.SPCSO13.Oper.ctlVal 21118 SPCGGIO1:SPCSO13 control
* SPCGGIO1.SPCSO14.Oper.ctlVal 21119 SPCGGIO1:SPCSO14 control
* SPCGGIO1.SPCSO15.Oper.ctlVal 21120 SPCGGIO1:SPCSO15 control
* SPCGGIO1.SPCSO16.Oper.ctlVal 21121 SPCGGIO1:SPCSO16 control
* SPCGGIO1.SPCSO2.Oper.ctlVal 21122 SPCGGIO1:SPCSO2 control
* SPCGGIO1.SPCSO3.Oper.ctlVal 21123 SPCGGIO1:SPCSO3 control
* SPCGGIO1.SPCSO4.Oper.ctlVal 21124 SPCGGIO1:SPCSO4 control
* SPCGGIO1.SPCSO5.Oper.ctlVal 21125 SPCGGIO1:SPCSO5 control
* SPCGGIO1.SPCSO6.Oper.ctlVal 21126 SPCGGIO1:SPCSO6 control
* SPCGGIO1.SPCSO7.Oper.ctlVal 21127 SPCGGIO1:SPCSO7 control
* SPCGGIO1.SPCSO8.Oper.ctlVal 21128 SPCGGIO1:SPCSO8 control
* SPCGGIO1.SPCSO9.Oper.ctlVal 21129 SPCGGIO1:SPCSO9 control
* SPCGGIO2.SPCSO1.Oper.ctlVal 21130 SPCGGIO2:SPCSO1 control
* SPCGGIO2.SPCSO10.Oper.ctlVal 21131 SPCGGIO2:SPCSO10 control
* SPCGGIO2.SPCSO11.Oper.ctlVal 21132 SPCGGIO2:SPCSO11 control
* SPCGGIO2.SPCSO12.Oper.ctlVal 21133 SPCGGIO2:SPCSO12 control
* SPCGGIO2.SPCSO13.Oper.ctlVal 21134 SPCGGIO2:SPCSO13 control
* SPCGGIO2.SPCSO14.Oper.ctlVal 21135 SPCGGIO2:SPCSO14 control
* SPCGGIO2.SPCSO15.Oper.ctlVal 21136 SPCGGIO2:SPCSO15 control
* SPCGGIO2.SPCSO16.Oper.ctlVal 21137 SPCGGIO2:SPCSO16 control
* SPCGGIO2.SPCSO2.Oper.ctlVal 21138 SPCGGIO2:SPCSO2 control
* SPCGGIO2.SPCSO3.Oper.ctlVal 21139 SPCGGIO2:SPCSO3 control
* SPCGGIO2.SPCSO4.Oper.ctlVal 21140 SPCGGIO2:SPCSO4 control
* SPCGGIO2.SPCSO5.Oper.ctlVal 21141 SPCGGIO2:SPCSO5 control
* SPCGGIO2.SPCSO6.Oper.ctlVal 21142 SPCGGIO2:SPCSO6 control
* SPCGGIO2.SPCSO7.Oper.ctlVal 21143 SPCGGIO2:SPCSO7 control

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* SPCGGIO2.SPCSO8.Oper.ctlVal 21144 SPCGGIO2:SPCSO8 control
* SPCGGIO2.SPCSO9.Oper.ctlVal 21145 SPCGGIO2:SPCSO9 control
* SPSCBR1.RsAccAPwr.Oper.ctlVal 21152 52CM:RsAccAPwr control
* SPSCBR1.RsSprChaTm.Oper.ctlVal 21154 52CM:RsSprChaTm control
* SPSCBR1.RsTrvTm.Oper.ctlVal 21155 52CM:RsTrvTm control
* SRGAPC1.Rs1.Oper.ctlVal 21157 SRGAPC1:Rs1 control
* SRGAPC1.Rs2.Oper.ctlVal 21158 SRGAPC1:Rs2 control
* SRGAPC1.Rs3.Oper.ctlVal 21159 SRGAPC1:Rs3 control
* SRGAPC1.Rs4.Oper.ctlVal 21160 SRGAPC1:Rs4 control
* SRGAPC1.Rs5.Oper.ctlVal 21161 SRGAPC1:Rs5 control
* SRGAPC1.Rs6.Oper.ctlVal 21162 SRGAPC1:Rs6 control
* SRGAPC1.Rs7.Oper.ctlVal 21163 SRGAPC1:Rs7 control
* SRGAPC1.Rs8.Oper.ctlVal 21164 SRGAPC1:Rs8 control
* SRGAPC2.Rs1.Oper.ctlVal 21165 SRGAPC2:Rs1 control
* SRGAPC2.Rs2.Oper.ctlVal 21166 SRGAPC2:Rs2 control
* SRGAPC2.Rs3.Oper.ctlVal 21167 SRGAPC2:Rs3 control
* SRGAPC2.Rs4.Oper.ctlVal 21168 SRGAPC2:Rs4 control
* SRGAPC2.Rs5.Oper.ctlVal 21169 SRGAPC2:Rs5 control
* SRGAPC2.Rs6.Oper.ctlVal 21170 SRGAPC2:Rs6 control
* SRGAPC2.Rs7.Oper.ctlVal 21171 SRGAPC2:Rs7 control
* SRGAPC2.Rs8.Oper.ctlVal 21172 SRGAPC2:Rs8 control
* XGGIO100.SPCSO1.Oper.ctlVal 21173 XGGIO100:SPCSO1 control
* XGGIO100.SPCSO2.Oper.ctlVal 21174 XGGIO100:SPCSO2 control
* XGGIO100.SPCSO3.Oper.ctlVal 21175 XGGIO100:SPCSO3 control
* XGGIO100.SPCSO4.Oper.ctlVal 21176 XGGIO100:SPCSO4 control
* XGGIO100.SPCSO5.Oper.ctlVal 21177 XGGIO100:SPCSO5 control
* XGGIO100.SPCSO6.Oper.ctlVal 21178 XGGIO100:SPCSO6 control
* XGGIO105.SPCSO1.Oper.ctlVal 21179 XGGIO105:SPCSO1 control
* XGGIO105.SPCSO2.Oper.ctlVal 21180 XGGIO105:SPCSO2 control
* XGGIO105.SPCSO3.Oper.ctlVal 21181 XGGIO105:SPCSO3 control
* XGGIO105.SPCSO4.Oper.ctlVal 21182 XGGIO105:SPCSO4 control
* XGGIO110.SPCSO1.Oper.ctlVal 21183 XGGIO110:SPCSO1 control
* XGGIO110.SPCSO2.Oper.ctlVal 21184 XGGIO110:SPCSO2 control
* XGGIO110.SPCSO3.Oper.ctlVal 21185 XGGIO110:SPCSO3 control
* XGGIO110.SPCSO4.Oper.ctlVal 21186 XGGIO110:SPCSO4 control
* ZBAT1.BatTest.Oper.ctlVal 21189 UPS:BatTest control
* ZBAT1.ResetUps.Oper.ctlVal 21190 UPS:ResetUps control
* I5CGGIO1.ActSG1.Oper.ctlVal 41001 Activate setting group 1
* I5CGGIO1.ActSG2.Oper.ctlVal 41002 Activate setting group 2
* I5CGGIO1.ActSG3.Oper.ctlVal 41003 Activate setting group 3
* I5CGGIO1.ActSG4.Oper.ctlVal 41004 Activate setting group 4

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* I5CGGIO1.ActSG5.Oper.ctlVal 41005 Activate setting group 5
* I5CGGIO1.ActSG6.Oper.ctlVal 41006 Activate setting group 6

Table 4: Indications
No events 61850 Path IOA Disabled Description Interrogation
LLN0.Loc.stVal 10 LLN0:Loc status Yes
RDRE1.RcdMade.stVal 12 DFR:RcdMade status Yes
LLN0.SetSeld.stVal 13 LLN0:SetSeld status Yes
LLN0.SetChg.stVal 14 LLN0:SetChg status Yes
GSEGGIO1.Alm.stVal 15 GSEGGIO1:Alm status Yes
LPHD1.PhyHealth1.stVal 20 Self-supervision / Warning Yes
LPHD1.PhyHealth2.stVal 21 Self-supervision / Error Yes
LEDPTRC1.Str.general 40 LEDPTRC1:general pickup Yes
LEDPTRC1.Str.phsA 41 LEDPTRC1:phase A pickup Yes
LEDPTRC1.Str.phsB 42 LEDPTRC1:phase B pickup Yes
LEDPTRC1.Str.phsC 43 LEDPTRC1:phase C pickup Yes
LEDPTRC1.Str.neut 44 LEDPTRC1:pickup Yes
LEDPTRC1.Op.general 45 LEDPTRC1:general trip
LEDPTRC1.Op.phsA 46 LEDPTRC1:phase A trip
LEDPTRC1.Op.phsB 47 LEDPTRC1:phase B trip
LEDPTRC1.Op.phsC 48 LEDPTRC1:phase C trip
LEDPTRC1.Op.neut 49 LEDPTRC1:trip
LEDGGIO1.SPCSO10.stVal 90 LEDGGIO1:SPCSO10 status Yes
LEDGGIO1.SPCSO11.stVal 91 LEDGGIO1:SPCSO11 status Yes
FKEYGGIO1.Ind1.stVal 100 FKEYGGIO1:Ind1 status Yes
FKEYGGIO1.Ind2.stVal 101 FKEYGGIO1:Ind2 status Yes
FKEYGGIO1.Ind3.stVal 102 FKEYGGIO1:Ind3 status Yes
FKEYGGIO1.Ind4.stVal 103 FKEYGGIO1:Ind4 status Yes
FKEYGGIO1.Ind5.stVal 104 FKEYGGIO1:Ind5 status Yes
FKEYGGIO1.Ind6.stVal 105 FKEYGGIO1:Ind6 status Yes
FKEYGGIO1.Ind7.stVal 106 FKEYGGIO1:Ind7 status Yes

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FKEYGGIO1.Ind8.stVal 107 FKEYGGIO1:Ind8 status Yes
FKEYGGIO1.Ind9.stVal 108 FKEYGGIO1:Ind9 status Yes
FKEYGGIO1.Ind10.stVal 109 FKEYGGIO1:Ind10 status Yes
FKEYGGIO1.Ind11.stVal 110 FKEYGGIO1:Ind11 status Yes
FKEYGGIO1.Ind12.stVal 111 FKEYGGIO1:Ind12 status Yes
FKEYGGIO1.Ind13.stVal 112 FKEYGGIO1:Ind13 status Yes
FKEYGGIO1.Ind14.stVal 113 FKEYGGIO1:Ind14 status Yes
FKEYGGIO1.Ind15.stVal 114 FKEYGGIO1:Ind15 status Yes
FKEYGGIO1.Ind16.stVal 115 FKEYGGIO1:Ind16 status Yes
PTGAPC1.In1.stVal 130 PTGAPC1:In1 status Yes
PTGAPC1.In2.stVal 131 PTGAPC1:In2 status Yes
PTGAPC1.In3.stVal 132 PTGAPC1:In3 status Yes
PTGAPC1.In4.stVal 133 PTGAPC1:In4 status Yes
PTGAPC1.In5.stVal 134 PTGAPC1:In5 status Yes
PTGAPC1.In6.stVal 135 PTGAPC1:In6 status Yes
PTGAPC1.In7.stVal 136 PTGAPC1:In7 status Yes
PTGAPC1.In8.stVal 137 PTGAPC1:In8 status Yes
PTGAPC1.Q1.stVal 138 PTGAPC1:Q1 status Yes
PTGAPC1.Q2.stVal 139 PTGAPC1:Q2 status Yes
PTGAPC1.Q3.stVal 140 PTGAPC1:Q3 status Yes
PTGAPC1.Q4.stVal 141 PTGAPC1:Q4 status Yes
PTGAPC1.Q5.stVal 142 PTGAPC1:Q5 status Yes
PTGAPC1.Q6.stVal 143 PTGAPC1:Q6 status Yes
PTGAPC1.Q7.stVal 144 PTGAPC1:Q7 status Yes
PTGAPC1.Q8.stVal 145 PTGAPC1:Q8 status Yes
SRGAPC1.Q1.stVal 150 SRGAPC1:Q1 status Yes
SRGAPC1.Q2.stVal 151 SRGAPC1:Q2 status Yes
SRGAPC1.Q3.stVal 152 SRGAPC1:Q3 status Yes
SRGAPC1.Q4.stVal 153 SRGAPC1:Q4 status Yes
SRGAPC1.Q5.stVal 154 SRGAPC1:Q5 status Yes
SRGAPC1.Q6.stVal 155 SRGAPC1:Q6 status Yes
SRGAPC1.Q7.stVal 156 SRGAPC1:Q7 status Yes
SRGAPC1.Q8.stVal 157 SRGAPC1:Q8 status Yes
SRGAPC1.Set1.stVal 158 SRGAPC1:Set1 status Yes
SRGAPC1.Set2.stVal 159 SRGAPC1:Set2 status Yes
SRGAPC1.Set3.stVal 160 SRGAPC1:Set3 status Yes
SRGAPC1.Set4.stVal 161 SRGAPC1:Set4 status Yes
SRGAPC1.Set5.stVal 162 SRGAPC1:Set5 status Yes
SRGAPC1.Set6.stVal 163 SRGAPC1:Set6 status Yes
SRGAPC1.Set7.stVal 164 SRGAPC1:Set7 status Yes
SRGAPC1.Set8.stVal 165 SRGAPC1:Set8 status Yes

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No events 61850 Path IOA Disabled Description Interrogation

TOFGAPC1.In1.stVal 170 TOFGAPC1:In1 status Yes
TOFGAPC1.In2.stVal 171 TOFGAPC1:In2 status Yes
TOFGAPC1.In3.stVal 172 TOFGAPC1:In3 status Yes
TOFGAPC1.In4.stVal 173 TOFGAPC1:In4 status Yes
TOFGAPC1.In5.stVal 174 TOFGAPC1:In5 status Yes
TOFGAPC1.In6.stVal 175 TOFGAPC1:In6 status Yes
TOFGAPC1.In7.stVal 176 TOFGAPC1:In7 status Yes
TOFGAPC1.In8.stVal 177 TOFGAPC1:In8 status Yes
TOFGAPC1.Q1.stVal 178 TOFGAPC1:Q1 status Yes
TOFGAPC1.Q2.stVal 179 TOFGAPC1:Q2 status Yes
TOFGAPC1.Q3.stVal 180 TOFGAPC1:Q3 status Yes
TOFGAPC1.Q4.stVal 181 TOFGAPC1:Q4 status Yes
TOFGAPC1.Q5.stVal 182 TOFGAPC1:Q5 status Yes
TOFGAPC1.Q6.stVal 183 TOFGAPC1:Q6 status Yes
TOFGAPC1.Q7.stVal 184 TOFGAPC1:Q7 status Yes
TOFGAPC1.Q8.stVal 185 TOFGAPC1:Q8 status Yes
TONGAPC1.In1.stVal 190 TONGAPC1:In1 status Yes
TONGAPC1.In2.stVal 191 TONGAPC1:In2 status Yes
TONGAPC1.In3.stVal 192 TONGAPC1:In3 status Yes
TONGAPC1.In4.stVal 193 TONGAPC1:In4 status Yes
TONGAPC1.In5.stVal 194 TONGAPC1:In5 status Yes
TONGAPC1.In6.stVal 195 TONGAPC1:In6 status Yes
TONGAPC1.In7.stVal 196 TONGAPC1:In7 status Yes
TONGAPC1.In8.stVal 197 TONGAPC1:In8 status Yes
TONGAPC1.Q1.stVal 198 TONGAPC1:Q1 status Yes
TONGAPC1.Q2.stVal 199 TONGAPC1:Q2 status Yes
TONGAPC1.Q3.stVal 200 TONGAPC1:Q3 status Yes
TONGAPC1.Q4.stVal 201 TONGAPC1:Q4 status Yes
TONGAPC1.Q5.stVal 202 TONGAPC1:Q5 status Yes
TONGAPC1.Q6.stVal 203 TONGAPC1:Q6 status Yes
TONGAPC1.Q7.stVal 204 TONGAPC1:Q7 status Yes
TONGAPC1.Q8.stVal 205 TONGAPC1:Q8 status Yes
ZBAT1.ACLoss.stVal 210 UPS:ACLoss status Yes
ZBAT1.AuxStat.stVal 212 UPS:AuxStat status Yes
ZBAT1.AuxVol.stVal 213 UPS:AuxVol status Yes
ZBAT1.RelaySt.stVal 218 UPS:RelaySt status Yes
MVGAPC1.Q1.stVal 230 MVGAPC1:Open Yes
MVGAPC1.Q2.stVal 231 MVGAPC1:Closed Yes
MVGAPC1.Q3.stVal 232 MVGAPC1:Phase A Open Yes
MVGAPC1.Q4.stVal 233 MVGAPC1:Phase A Closed Yes
MVGAPC1.Q5.stVal 234 MVGAPC1:Phase B Open Yes

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MVGAPC1.Q6.stVal 235 MVGAPC1:Phase B Closed Yes
MVGAPC1.Q7.stVal 236 MVGAPC1:Phase C Open Yes
MVGAPC1.Q8.stVal 237 MVGAPC1:Phase C Closed Yes
MVGAPC2.Q1.stVal 240 MVGAPC2:Q1 status Yes
MVGAPC2.Q2.stVal 241 MVGAPC2:Q2 status Yes
MVGAPC2.Q3.stVal 242 MVGAPC2:Q3 status Yes
MVGAPC2.Q4.stVal 243 MVGAPC2:Q4 status Yes
MVGAPC2.Q5.stVal 244 MVGAPC2:Q5 status Yes
MVGAPC2.Q6.stVal 245 MVGAPC2:Q6 status Yes
MVGAPC2.Q7.stVal 246 MVGAPC2:Q7 status Yes
MVGAPC2.Q8.stVal 247 MVGAPC2:Q8 status Yes
PTGAPC2.In1.stVal 250 PTGAPC2:In1 status Yes
PTGAPC2.In2.stVal 251 PTGAPC2:In2 status Yes
PTGAPC2.In3.stVal 252 PTGAPC2:In3 status Yes
PTGAPC2.In4.stVal 253 PTGAPC2:In4 status Yes
PTGAPC2.In5.stVal 254 PTGAPC2:In5 status Yes
PTGAPC2.In6.stVal 255 PTGAPC2:In6 status Yes
PTGAPC2.In7.stVal 256 PTGAPC2:In7 status Yes
PTGAPC2.In8.stVal 257 PTGAPC2:In8 status Yes
PTGAPC2.Q1.stVal 258 PTGAPC2:Q1 status Yes
PTGAPC2.Q2.stVal 259 PTGAPC2:Q2 status Yes
PTGAPC2.Q3.stVal 260 PTGAPC2:Q3 status Yes
PTGAPC2.Q4.stVal 261 PTGAPC2:Q4 status Yes
PTGAPC2.Q5.stVal 262 PTGAPC2:Q5 status Yes
PTGAPC2.Q6.stVal 263 PTGAPC2:Q6 status Yes
PTGAPC2.Q7.stVal 264 PTGAPC2:Q7 status Yes
PTGAPC2.Q8.stVal 265 PTGAPC2:Q8 status Yes
SRGAPC2.Q1.stVal 270 SRGAPC2:Q1 status Yes
SRGAPC2.Q2.stVal 271 SRGAPC2:Q2 status Yes
SRGAPC2.Q3.stVal 272 SRGAPC2:Q3 status Yes
SRGAPC2.Q4.stVal 273 SRGAPC2:Q4 status Yes
SRGAPC2.Q5.stVal 274 SRGAPC2:Q5 status Yes
SRGAPC2.Q6.stVal 275 SRGAPC2:Q6 status Yes
SRGAPC2.Q7.stVal 276 SRGAPC2:Q7 status Yes
SRGAPC2.Q8.stVal 277 SRGAPC2:Q8 status Yes
SRGAPC2.Set1.stVal 278 SRGAPC2:Set1 status Yes
SRGAPC2.Set2.stVal 279 SRGAPC2:Set2 status Yes
SRGAPC2.Set3.stVal 280 SRGAPC2:Set3 status Yes
SRGAPC2.Set4.stVal 281 SRGAPC2:Set4 status Yes
SRGAPC2.Set5.stVal 282 SRGAPC2:Set5 status Yes
SRGAPC2.Set6.stVal 283 SRGAPC2:Set6 status Yes

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No events 61850 Path IOA Disabled Description Interrogation

SRGAPC2.Set7.stVal 284 SRGAPC2:Set7 status Yes
SRGAPC2.Set8.stVal 285 SRGAPC2:Set8 status Yes
TOFGAPC2.In1.stVal 290 TOFGAPC2:In1 status Yes
TOFGAPC2.In2.stVal 291 TOFGAPC2:In2 status Yes
TOFGAPC2.In3.stVal 292 TOFGAPC2:In3 status Yes
TOFGAPC2.In4.stVal 293 TOFGAPC2:In4 status Yes
TOFGAPC2.In5.stVal 294 TOFGAPC2:In5 status Yes
TOFGAPC2.In6.stVal 295 TOFGAPC2:In6 status Yes
TOFGAPC2.In7.stVal 296 TOFGAPC2:In7 status Yes
TOFGAPC2.In8.stVal 297 TOFGAPC2:In8 status Yes
TOFGAPC2.Q1.stVal 298 TOFGAPC2:Q1 status Yes
TOFGAPC2.Q2.stVal 299 TOFGAPC2:Q2 status Yes
TOFGAPC2.Q3.stVal 300 TOFGAPC2:Q3 status Yes
TOFGAPC2.Q4.stVal 301 TOFGAPC2:Q4 status Yes
TOFGAPC2.Q5.stVal 302 TOFGAPC2:Q5 status Yes
TOFGAPC2.Q6.stVal 303 TOFGAPC2:Q6 status Yes
TOFGAPC2.Q7.stVal 304 TOFGAPC2:Q7 status Yes
TONGAPC2.In1.stVal 310 TONGAPC2:In1 status Yes
TONGAPC2.In2.stVal 311 TONGAPC2:In2 status Yes
TONGAPC2.In3.stVal 312 TONGAPC2:In3 status Yes
TONGAPC2.In4.stVal 313 TONGAPC2:In4 status Yes
TONGAPC2.In5.stVal 314 TONGAPC2:In5 status Yes
TONGAPC2.In6.stVal 315 TONGAPC2:In6 status Yes
TONGAPC2.In7.stVal 316 TONGAPC2:In7 status Yes
TONGAPC2.In8.stVal 317 TONGAPC2:In8 status Yes
TONGAPC2.Q1.stVal 318 TONGAPC2:Q1 status Yes
TONGAPC2.Q2.stVal 319 TONGAPC2:Q2 status Yes
TONGAPC2.Q3.stVal 320 TONGAPC2:Q3 status Yes
TONGAPC2.Q4.stVal 321 TONGAPC2:Q4 status Yes
TONGAPC2.Q5.stVal 322 TONGAPC2:Q5 status Yes
TONGAPC2.Q6.stVal 323 TONGAPC2:Q6 status Yes
TONGAPC2.Q7.stVal 324 TONGAPC2:Q7 status Yes
TONGAPC2.Q8.stVal 325 TONGAPC2:Q8 status Yes
DLCM1.LCMClose.general 817 LCM:Close general Yes
DLCM1.LCMTrip.general 818 LCM:Trip general Yes
DLCM1.RstIn.stVal 820 LCM:RstIn status Yes
DLCM1.RstOut.stVal 821 LCM:RstOut status Yes
DLCM1.S1Status.stVal 822 LCM:S1Status status Yes
DLCM1.S2Status.stVal 823 LCM:S2Status status Yes
DLCM1.SetGrpSel.stVal 824 LCM:SetGrpSel status Yes
DLCM1.Src1Enable.stVal 825 LCM:Src1Enable status Yes

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1MAC302441-MB C Section 2
IEC 60870-5-101/104 data mappings

No events 61850 Path IOA Disabled Description Interrogation

DLCM1.Src1EnOut.stVal 826 LCM:Src1EnOut status Yes
DLCM1.Src2Enable.stVal 827 LCM:Src2Enable status Yes
DLCM1.Src2EnOut.stVal 828 LCM:Src2EnOut status Yes
DLCM1.SWOTF.stVal 829 LCM:SWOTF status Yes
DNZSRDIR1.Dir.general 830 32N:general
DNZSRDIR1.InRcaCtl.stVal 831 32N:InRcaCtl status
DPSRDIR1.Dir.general 856 32P:general Yes
EFLPTOC3.Op.general 868 50SEF:general trip
EFLPTOC3.Str.general 869 50SEF:general pickup Yes
FRPTOF1.Op.general 883 FRPTOF1:general trip
FRPTOF2.Op.general 884 FRPTOF2:general trip
FRPTRC1.Str.general 889 Freq1:general pickup Yes
FRPTRC2.Str.general 890 Freq2:general pickup Yes
FRPTUF1.Op.general 895 FRPTUF1:general trip
FRPTUF2.Op.general 896 FRPTUF2:general trip
INRPHAR1.Str.general 903 INRPHAR1:general pickup Yes
INRPHAR1.Str.phsA 904 INRPHAR1:phase A pickup Yes
INRPHAR1.Str.phsB 905 INRPHAR1:phase B pickup Yes
INRPHAR1.Str.phsC 906 INRPHAR1:phase C pickup Yes
LSHDPTRC1.Op.general 916 LSHDPTRC1:general trip
LSHDPTRC1.RestLodOp.general 917 LSHDPTRC1:general
LSHDPTRC1.RestLodStr.general 918 LSHDPTRC1:general Yes
LSHDPTRC1.Str.general 919 LSHDPTRC1:general pickup Yes
LSHDPTRC2.Op.general 920 LSHDPTRC2:general trip
LSHDPTRC2.RestLodOp.general 921 LSHDPTRC2:general
LSHDPTRC2.RestLodStr.general 922 LSHDPTRC2:general Yes
LSHDPTRC2.Str.general 923 LSHDPTRC2:general pickup Yes
NSPTOV1.Op.general 965 47-1:general trip
NSPTOV1.Str.general 966 47-1:general pickup Yes
NSPTOV2.Op.general 967 47-2:general trip
NSPTOV2.Str.general 968 47-2:general pickup Yes
PDNSPTOC1.Op.general 973 PDNSPTOC1:general trip
PDNSPTOC1.Str.general 974 PDNSPTOC1:general pickup Yes
PHIZ1.Op.general 1004 HIZ:general trip
PSPTOV1.Op.general 1069 59PS-1:general trip
PSPTOV1.Str.general 1070 59PS-1:general pickup Yes
PSPTOV2.Op.general 1071 59PS-2:general trip
PSPTOV2.Str.general 1072 59PS-2:general pickup Yes
ROVPTOV1.Op.general 1085 59N-1:general trip
ROVPTOV1.Str.general 1086 59N-1:general pickup Yes
ROVPTOV2.Op.general 1087 59N-2:general trip

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IEC 60870-5-101/104 data mappings

No events 61850 Path IOA Disabled Description Interrogation

ROVPTOV2.Str.general 1088 59N-2:general pickup Yes
SCCBRBCF1.InCBFlt.stVal 1091 50BFC:InCBFlt status Yes
SCCBRBCF1.InPosClsA.stVal 1092 50BFC:InPosClsA status Yes
SCCBRBCF1.InPosClsB.stVal 1093 50BFC:InPosClsB status Yes
SCCBRBCF1.InPosClsC.stVal 1094 50BFC:InPosClsC status Yes
SCCBRBCF1.InStr.stVal 1095 50BFC:InStr status Yes
SCCBRBCF1.InStrA.stVal 1096 50BFC:InStrA status Yes
SCCBRBCF1.InStrB.stVal 1097 50BFC:InStrB status Yes
SCCBRBCF1.InStrC.stVal 1098 50BFC:InStrC status Yes
SCCBRBCF1.OpCls.general 1099 50BFC:general Yes
SCCBRBRF1.InCBFlt.stVal 1100 50BFT:InCBFlt status Yes
SCCBRBRF1.InPosClsA.stVal 1101 50BFT:InPosClsA status Yes
SCCBRBRF1.InPosClsB.stVal 1102 50BFT:InPosClsB status Yes
SCCBRBRF1.InPosClsC.stVal 1103 50BFT:InPosClsC status Yes
SCCBRBRF1.InStr.stVal 1104 50BFT:InStr status Yes
SCCBRBRF1.InStrA.stVal 1105 50BFT:InStrA status Yes
SCCBRBRF1.InStrB.stVal 1106 50BFT:InStrB status Yes
SCCBRBRF1.InStrC.stVal 1107 50BFT:InStrC status Yes
SCCBRBRF1.OpEx.general 1108 50BFT:general Yes
SCCBRBRF1.OpIn.general 1109 50BFT:general Yes
SCCBRBRF1.Str.general 1110 50BFT:general pickup Yes
LD0.SDAOGGIO1.ActivePhA.stVal 1111 Sdaoggio1 Phase A Active
LD0.SDAOGGIO1.ActivePhB.stVal 1112 Sdaoggio1 Phase B Active
LD0.SDAOGGIO1.ActivePhC.stVal 1113 Sdaoggio1 Phase C Active
LD0.SDAOGGIO1.CbPosA.stVal 1114 Sdaoggio1 Phase A Cb Position Yes
LD0.SDAOGGIO1.CbPosB.stVal 1115 Sdaoggio1 Phase B Cb Position Yes
LD0.SDAOGGIO1.CbPosC.stVal 1116 Sdaoggio1 Phase C Cb Position Yes
SDPHLPTOC1.Op.general 1117 67/51P-1:general trip
SDPHLPTOC1.Op.phsA 1118 67/51P-1:phase A trip
SDPHLPTOC1.Op.phsB 1119 67/51P-1:phase B trip
SDPHLPTOC1.Op.phsC 1120 67/51P-1:phase C trip
SDPHLPTOC1.Str.general 1121 67/51P-1:general pickup Yes
SDPHLPTOC1.Str.phsA 1122 67/51P-1:phase A pickup Yes
SDPHLPTOC1.Str.phsB 1123 67/51P-1:phase B pickup Yes
SDPHLPTOC1.Str.phsC 1124 67/51P-1:phase C pickup Yes
SDPHLPTOC2.Op.general 1125 67/51P-2:general trip
SDPHLPTOC2.Op.phsA 1126 67/51P-2:phase A trip
SDPHLPTOC2.Op.phsB 1127 67/51P-2:phase B trip
SDPHLPTOC2.Op.phsC 1128 67/51P-2:phase C trip
SDPHLPTOC2.Str.general 1129 67/51P-2:general pickup Yes
SDPHLPTOC2.Str.phsA 1130 67/51P-2:phase A pickup Yes

24 RER620
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1MAC302441-MB C Section 2
IEC 60870-5-101/104 data mappings

No events 61850 Path IOA Disabled Description Interrogation

SDPHLPTOC2.Str.phsB 1131 67/51P-2:phase B pickup Yes
SDPHLPTOC2.Str.phsC 1132 67/51P-2:phase C pickup Yes
SECRSYN1.FailCmd.stVal 1134 25:FailCmd status Yes
SECRSYN1.FailSyn.stVal 1135 25:FailSyn status Yes
SECRSYN1.SynPrg.stVal 1136 25:SynPrg status Yes
SEQRFUF1.Str.general 1137 60:general pickup Yes
SEQRFUF1.Str3Ph.general 1138 60:general Yes
SPHHPTOC1.Op.general 1139 SPHHPTOC1:general trip
SPHHPTOC1.Op.phsA 1140 SPHHPTOC1:phase A trip
SPHHPTOC1.Op.phsB 1141 SPHHPTOC1:phase B trip
SPHHPTOC1.Op.phsC 1142 SPHHPTOC1:phase C trip
SPHHPTOC1.Str.general 1143 SPHHPTOC1:general pickup Yes
SPHHPTOC1.Str.phsA 1144 SPHHPTOC1:phase A pickup Yes
SPHHPTOC1.Str.phsB 1145 SPHHPTOC1:phase B pickup Yes
SPHHPTOC1.Str.phsC 1146 SPHHPTOC1:phase C pickup Yes
SPHIPTOC1.Op.general 1155 SPHIPTOC1:general trip
SPHIPTOC1.Op.phsA 1156 SPHIPTOC1:phase A trip
SPHIPTOC1.Op.phsB 1157 SPHIPTOC1:phase B trip
SPHIPTOC1.Op.phsC 1158 SPHIPTOC1:phase C trip
SPHIPTOC1.Str.general 1159 SPHIPTOC1:general pickup Yes
SPHIPTOC1.Str.phsA 1160 SPHIPTOC1:phase A pickup Yes
SPHIPTOC1.Str.phsB 1161 SPHIPTOC1:phase B pickup Yes
SPHIPTOC1.Str.phsC 1162 SPHIPTOC1:phase C pickup Yes
SPHLPTOC1.Op.general 1163 51P:general trip
SPHLPTOC1.Op.phsA 1164 51P:phase A trip
SPHLPTOC1.Op.phsB 1165 51P:phase B trip
SPHLPTOC1.Op.phsC 1166 51P:phase C trip
SPHLPTOC1.Str.general 1167 51P:general pickup Yes
SPHLPTOC1.Str.phsA 1168 51P:phase A pickup Yes
SPHLPTOC1.Str.phsB 1169 51P:phase B pickup Yes
SPHLPTOC1.Str.phsC 1170 51P:phase C pickup Yes
SPHLPTOC2.Op.general 1171 50P-1:general trip
SPHLPTOC2.Op.phsA 1172 50P-1:phase A trip
SPHLPTOC2.Op.phsB 1173 50P-1:phase B trip
SPHLPTOC2.Op.phsC 1174 50P-1:phase C trip
SPHLPTOC2.Str.general 1175 50P-1:general pickup Yes
SPHLPTOC2.Str.phsA 1176 50P-1:phase A pickup Yes
SPHLPTOC2.Str.phsB 1177 50P-1:phase B pickup Yes
SPHLPTOC2.Str.phsC 1178 50P-1:phase C pickup Yes
SPHPTOV1.Op.general 1179 59-1:general trip
SPHPTOV1.Str.general 1180 59-1:general pickup Yes

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Section 2 1MAC302441-MB C
IEC 60870-5-101/104 data mappings

No events 61850 Path IOA Disabled Description Interrogation

SPHPTOV2.Op.general 1181 59-2:general trip
SPHPTOV2.Str.general 1182 59-2:general pickup Yes
SPHPTOV3.Op.general 1183 59-3:general trip
SPHPTOV3.Str.general 1184 59-3:general pickup Yes
SPHPTUV1.Op.general 1185 27-1:general trip
SPHPTUV1.Str.general 1186 27-1:general pickup Yes
SPHPTUV2.Op.general 1187 27-2:general trip
SPHPTUV2.Str.general 1188 27-2:general pickup Yes
SPHPTUV3.Op.general 1189 27-3:general trip
SPHPTUV3.Str.general 1190 27-3:general pickup Yes
TPMGAPC1.Op.general 1214 TPMGAPC1:general trip
TPMGAPC1.Str.general 1215 TPMGAPC1:general pickup Yes
TPMGAPC2.Op.general 1216 TPMGAPC2:general trip
TPMGAPC2.Str.general 1217 TPMGAPC2:general pickup Yes
TPMGAPC3.Op.general 1218 TPMGAPC3:general trip
TPMGAPC3.Str.general 1219 TPMGAPC3:general pickup Yes
TPSGAPC1.Op.general 1220 TPSGAPC1:general trip
TPSGAPC1.Str.general 1221 TPSGAPC1:general pickup Yes
TPSGAPC2.Op.general 1222 TPSGAPC2:general trip
TPSGAPC2.Str.general 1223 TPSGAPC2:general pickup Yes
TPSGAPC3.Op.general 1224 TPSGAPC3:general trip
TPSGAPC3.Str.general 1225 TPSGAPC3:general pickup Yes
XDEFLPTOC1.Op.general 1228 XDEFLPTOC1:general trip
XDEFLPTOC1.Str.general 1229 XDEFLPTOC1:general pickup Yes
XDEFLPTOC2.Op.general 1230 XDEFLPTOC2:general trip
XDEFLPTOC2.Str.general 1231 XDEFLPTOC2:general pickup Yes
XEFHPTOC3.Op.general 1232 XEFHPTOC3:general trip
XEFHPTOC3.Str.general 1233 XEFHPTOC3:general pickup Yes
XEFIPTOC2.Op.general 1236 XEFIPTOC2:general trip
XEFIPTOC2.Str.general 1237 XEFIPTOC2:general pickup Yes
XEFLPTOC2.Op.general 1238 XEFLPTOC2:general trip
XEFLPTOC2.Str.general 1239 XEFLPTOC2:general pickup Yes
XEFLPTOC3.Op.general 1240 50N-1:general trip
XEFLPTOC3.Str.general 1241 50N-1:general pickup Yes
XNSPTOC1.InEnaMult.stVal 1242 XNSPTOC1:InEnaMult status Yes
XNSPTOC1.Op.general 1243 XNSPTOC1:general trip
XNSPTOC1.Str.general 1244 XNSPTOC1:general pickup Yes
XNSPTOC2.InEnaMult.stVal 1245 XNSPTOC2:InEnaMult status Yes
XNSPTOC2.Op.general 1246 XNSPTOC2:general trip
XNSPTOC2.Str.general 1247 XNSPTOC2:general pickup Yes
SDARREC1.PrgRec.stVal 2850 79:PrgRec status Yes

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IEC 60870-5-101/104 data mappings

No events 61850 Path IOA Disabled Description Interrogation

SDARREC1.PrgRec1.stVal 2851 79:PrgRec1 status Yes
SDARREC1.PrgRec2.stVal 2852 79:PrgRec2 status Yes
SDARREC1.PrgRec3.stVal 2853 79:PrgRec3 status Yes
SDARREC1.PrgRec4.stVal 2854 79:PrgRec4 status Yes
SDARREC1.PrgRec5.stVal 2855 79:PrgRec5 status Yes
SDARREC1.SucRec.stVal 2856 79:SucRec status Yes
SDARREC1.UnsRec.stVal 2857 79:UnsRec status Yes
SDARREC1.RdyRec.stVal 2859 79:RdyRec status Yes
SDARREC1.ActRec.stVal 2860 79:ActRec status Yes
SDARREC1.PrgDsr.stVal 2861 79:PrgDsr status Yes
SDARREC1.PrgCutOut.stVal 2862 79:PrgCutOut status Yes
SDARREC1.FrqOpAlm.stVal 2863 79:FrqOpAlm status Yes
LD0.SDAOGGIO1.ActivePh3P.stVal 2865 Sdaoggio1 Three Phase Active Yes
LD0.SDAOGGIO1.CbPos3P.stVal 2866 Sdaoggio1 Three Phase Cb Yes
SDARREC1.UnsCBCls.stVal 2867 79:UnsCBCls status Yes
SDARREC1.WtMstr.stVal 2868 79:WtMstr status Yes
SDARREC1.AROn.stVal 2869 79:AROn status Yes
SCBCILO1.EnaCls.stVal 3011 CB interlock:EnaCls status Yes
SCBCILO1.EnaOpn.stVal 3012 CB interlock:EnaOpn status Yes
SCBCILO1.ItlByPss.stVal 3013 CB interlock:ItlByPss status Yes
SCBXCBR1.Loc.stVal 3021 52:Loc status Yes
SCBXCBR1.PosCls.stVal 3024 52:PosCls status Yes
SCBXCBR1.PosOpn.stVal 3026 52:PosOpn status Yes
SPSCBR1.APwrAlm.stVal 3027 52CM:APwrAlm status Yes
SPSCBR1.APwrLO.stVal 3028 52CM:APwrLO status Yes
SPSCBR1.CBLifAlm.stVal 3029 52CM:CBLifAlm status Yes
SPSCBR1.ClsAlm.stVal 3030 52CM:ClsAlm status Yes
SPSCBR1.InPosClsA.stVal 3034 52CM:InPosClsA status Yes
SPSCBR1.InPosClsB.stVal 3035 52CM:InPosClsB status Yes
SPSCBR1.InPosClsC.stVal 3036 52CM:InPosClsC status Yes
SPSCBR1.InPosOpnA.stVal 3037 52CM:InPosOpnA status Yes
SPSCBR1.InPosOpnB.stVal 3038 52CM:InPosOpnB status Yes
SPSCBR1.InPosOpnC.stVal 3039 52CM:InPosOpnC status Yes
SPSCBR1.InPresAlm.stVal 3040 52CM:InPresAlm status Yes
SPSCBR1.InPresLO.stVal 3041 52CM:InPresLO status Yes
SPSCBR1.InSprCha.stVal 3042 52CM:InSprCha status Yes
SPSCBR1.InSprChStr.stVal 3043 52CM:InSprChStr status Yes
SPSCBR1.LonTmAlm.stVal 3044 52CM:LonTmAlm status Yes
SPSCBR1.OpnAlm.stVal 3048 52CM:OpnAlm status Yes
SPSCBR1.OpNumAlm.stVal 3049 52CM:OpNumAlm status Yes

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IEC 60870-5-101/104 data mappings

No events 61850 Path IOA Disabled Description Interrogation

SPSCBR1.OpNumLO.stVal 3050 52CM:OpNumLO status Yes
SPSCBR1.PosClsA.stVal 3051 52CM:PosClsA status Yes
SPSCBR1.PosClsB.stVal 3052 52CM:PosClsB status Yes
SPSCBR1.PosClsC.stVal 3053 52CM:PosClsC status Yes
SPSCBR1.PosIvdA.stVal 3054 52CM:PosIvdA status Yes
SPSCBR1.PosIvdB.stVal 3055 52CM:PosIvdB status Yes
SPSCBR1.PosIvdC.stVal 3056 52CM:PosIvdC status Yes
SPSCBR1.PosOpnA.stVal 3057 52CM:PosOpnA status Yes
SPSCBR1.PosOpnB.stVal 3058 52CM:PosOpnB status Yes
SPSCBR1.PosOpnC.stVal 3059 52CM:PosOpnC status Yes
SPSCBR1.PresAlm.stVal 3060 52CM:PresAlm status Yes
SPSCBR1.PresLO.stVal 3061 52CM:PresLO status Yes
SPSCBR1.RsAccAPwr.stVal 3065 52CM:RsAccAPwr status Yes
SPSCBR1.SprChaAlm.stVal 3066 52CM:SprChaAlm status Yes
SCBXCBR1.BlkOpn.stVal 3080 52: phsA BlockOpen status Yes
SCBXCBR2.BlkOpn.stVal 3081 52: phsB BlockOpen status Yes
SCBXCBR3.BlkOpn.stVal 3082 52: phsC BlockOpen status Yes
SCBXCBR1.BlkCls.stVal 3083 52: phsA BlockClose status Yes
SCBXCBR2.BlkCls.stVal 3084 52: phsB BlockClose status Yes
SCBXCBR3.BlkCls.stVal 3085 52: phsC BlockClose status Yes
CMMXU1.HiAlm.stVal 4701 "IA,IB,IC:HiAlm status" Yes
CMMXU1.HiWrn.stVal 4702 "IA,IB,IC:HiWrn status" Yes
CMMXU1.LoAlm.stVal 4703 Disabled "IA,IB,IC:LoAlm status" Yes
CMMXU1.LoWrn.stVal 4704 Disabled "IA,IB,IC:LoWrn status" Yes
RESCMMXU1.HiAlm.stVal 4709 IG:HiAlm status Yes
RESCMMXU1.HiWrn.stVal 4710 IG:HiWrn status Yes
VMMXU1.HiAlm.stVal 4715 "VA,VB,VC:HiAlm status" Yes
VMMXU1.HiWrn.stVal 4716 "VA,VB,VC:HiWrn status" Yes
VMMXU1.LoAlm.stVal 4717 "VA,VB,VC:LoAlm status" Yes
VMMXU1.LoWrn.stVal 4718 "VA,VB,VC:LoWrn status" Yes
XGGIO120.Ind1.stVal 5010 XGGIO120:Ind1 status Yes
XGGIO120.Ind2.stVal 5011 XGGIO120:Ind2 status Yes
XGGIO120.Ind3.stVal 5012 XGGIO120:Ind3 status Yes
XGGIO120.Ind4.stVal 5013 XGGIO120:Ind4 status Yes
XGGIO110.Ind1.stVal 5020 XGGIO110:Ind1 status Yes
XGGIO110.Ind2.stVal 5021 XGGIO110:Ind2 status Yes
XGGIO110.Ind3.stVal 5022 XGGIO110:Ind3 status Yes
XGGIO110.Ind4.stVal 5023 XGGIO110:Ind4 status Yes
XGGIO110.Ind5.stVal 5024 XGGIO110:Ind5 status Yes
XGGIO110.Ind6.stVal 5025 XGGIO110:Ind6 status Yes
XGGIO110.Ind7.stVal 5026 XGGIO110:Ind7 status Yes

28 RER620
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1MAC302441-MB C Section 2
IEC 60870-5-101/104 data mappings

No events 61850 Path IOA Disabled Description Interrogation

XGGIO110.Ind8.stVal 5027 XGGIO110:Ind8 status Yes
XGGIO110.SPCSO1.stVal 5030 XGGIO110:SPCSO1 status Yes
XGGIO110.SPCSO2.stVal 5031 XGGIO110:SPCSO2 status Yes
XGGIO110.SPCSO3.stVal 5032 XGGIO110:SPCSO3 status Yes
XGGIO110.SPCSO4.stVal 5033 XGGIO110:SPCSO4 status Yes
XGGIO100.SPCSO1.stVal 5040 XGGIO100:SPCSO1 status Yes
XGGIO100.SPCSO2.stVal 5041 XGGIO100:SPCSO2 status Yes
XGGIO100.SPCSO3.stVal 5042 XGGIO100:SPCSO3 status Yes
XGGIO100.SPCSO4.stVal 5043 XGGIO100:SPCSO4 status Yes
XGGIO100.SPCSO5.stVal 5044 XGGIO100:SPCSO5 status Yes
XGGIO100.SPCSO6.stVal 5045 XGGIO100:SPCSO6 status Yes
XGGIO105.Ind1.stVal 5070 XGGIO105:Ind1 status Yes
XGGIO105.Ind2.stVal 5071 XGGIO105:Ind2 status Yes
XGGIO105.Ind3.stVal 5072 XGGIO105:Ind3 status Yes
XGGIO105.Ind4.stVal 5073 XGGIO105:Ind4 status Yes
XGGIO105.Ind5.stVal 5074 XGGIO105:Ind5 status Yes
XGGIO105.Ind6.stVal 5075 XGGIO105:Ind6 status Yes
XGGIO105.Ind7.stVal 5076 XGGIO105:Ind7 status Yes
XGGIO105.Ind8.stVal 5077 XGGIO105:Ind8 status Yes
XGGIO105.SPCSO1.stVal 5080 XGGIO105:SPCSO1 status Yes
XGGIO105.SPCSO2.stVal 5081 XGGIO105:SPCSO2 status Yes
XGGIO105.SPCSO3.stVal 5082 XGGIO105:SPCSO3 status Yes
XGGIO105.SPCSO4.stVal 5083 XGGIO105:SPCSO4 status Yes
SPCGGIO1.SPCSO1.stVal 5090 SPCGGIO1:SPCSO1 status Yes
SPCGGIO1.SPCSO2.stVal 5091 SPCGGIO1:SPCSO2 status Yes
SPCGGIO1.SPCSO3.stVal 5092 SPCGGIO1:SPCSO3 status Yes
SPCGGIO1.SPCSO4.stVal 5093 SPCGGIO1:SPCSO4 status Yes
SPCGGIO1.SPCSO5.stVal 5094 SPCGGIO1:SPCSO5 status Yes
SPCGGIO1.SPCSO6.stVal 5095 SPCGGIO1:SPCSO6 status Yes
SPCGGIO1.SPCSO7.stVal 5096 SPCGGIO1:SPCSO7 status Yes
SPCGGIO1.SPCSO8.stVal 5097 SPCGGIO1:SPCSO8 status Yes
SPCGGIO1.SPCSO9.stVal 5098 SPCGGIO1:SPCSO9 status Yes
SPCGGIO1.SPCSO10.stVal 5099 SPCGGIO1:SPCSO10 status Yes
SPCGGIO1.SPCSO11.stVal 5100 SPCGGIO1:SPCSO11 status Yes
SPCGGIO1.SPCSO12.stVal 5101 SPCGGIO1:SPCSO12 status Yes
SPCGGIO1.SPCSO13.stVal 5102 SPCGGIO1:SPCSO13 status Yes
SPCGGIO1.SPCSO14.stVal 5103 SPCGGIO1:SPCSO14 status Yes
SPCGGIO1.SPCSO15.stVal 5104 SPCGGIO1:SPCSO15 status Yes
SPCGGIO1.SPCSO16.stVal 5105 SPCGGIO1:SPCSO16 status Yes

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Section 2 1MAC302441-MB C
IEC 60870-5-101/104 data mappings

No events 61850 Path IOA Disabled Description Interrogation

FKEYGGIO1.SPCSO10.stVal 5119 FKEYGGIO1:SPCSO10 status Yes
FKEYGGIO1.SPCSO11.stVal 5120 FKEYGGIO1:SPCSO11 status Yes
FKEYGGIO1.SPCSO12.stVal 5121 FKEYGGIO1:SPCSO12 status Yes
FKEYGGIO1.SPCSO13.stVal 5122 FKEYGGIO1:SPCSO13 status Yes
FKEYGGIO1.SPCSO14.stVal 5123 FKEYGGIO1:SPCSO14 status Yes
FKEYGGIO1.SPCSO15.stVal 5124 FKEYGGIO1:SPCSO15 status Yes
FKEYGGIO1.SPCSO16.stVal 5125 FKEYGGIO1:SPCSO16 status Yes
XGGIO115.InClsA.stVal 5509 XGGIO115:InClsA status Yes
XGGIO115.InClsB.stVal 5510 XGGIO115:InClsB status Yes
XGGIO115.InClsC.stVal 5511 XGGIO115:InClsC status Yes
XGGIO115.Ind1.stVal 5512 XGGIO115:Ind1 status Yes
XGGIO115.Ind2.stVal 5513 XGGIO115:Ind2 status Yes
XGGIO115.Ind3.stVal 5514 XGGIO115:Ind3 status Yes
XGGIO115.Ind4.stVal 5515 XGGIO115:Ind4 status Yes
XGGIO115.Ind5.stVal 5516 XGGIO115:Ind5 status Yes
XGGIO115.Ind6.stVal 5517 XGGIO115:Ind6 status Yes
XGGIO115.InCls3Ph.stVal 5518 XGGIO115:InCls3Ph status Yes
XGGIO115.InOpn3Ph.stVal 5519 XGGIO115:InOpn3Ph status Yes
XGGIO115.InOpnA.stVal 5520 XGGIO115:InOpnA status Yes
XGGIO115.InOpnB.stVal 5521 XGGIO115:InOpnB status Yes
XGGIO115.InOpnC.stVal 5522 XGGIO115:InOpnC status Yes
XGGIO115.LstPoleOp.stVal 5523 XGGIO115:LstPoleOp status Yes
SCBCSWI1.Pos.stVal 7010 CB Control:Pos status Yes
SCBCSWI1.PosA.stVal 7011 CB Control:PosA status Yes
SCBCSWI1.PosB.stVal 7012 CB Control:PosB status Yes
SCBCSWI1.PosC.stVal 7013 CB Control:PosC status Yes
I5CGGIO1.ActSG.stVal 40001 Setting group 1 Yes
I5CGGIO1.ActSG.stVal 40002 Setting group 2 Yes
I5CGGIO1.ActSG.stVal 40003 Setting group 3 Yes
I5CGGIO1.ActSG.stVal 40004 Setting group 4 Yes
I5CGGIO1.ActSG.stVal 40005 Setting group 5 Yes
I5CGGIO1.ActSG.stVal 40006 Setting group 6 Yes

30 RER620
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1MAC302441-MB C Section 3
IEC 60870-5-101/104 protocol implementation

Section 3 IEC 60870-5-101/104 protocol


This section describes the specific implementation of the IEC 60870-5-101 protocol
within the RER620. The RER620 uses the Triangle MicroWorks, Inc. IEC 60870-5-101
Slave Source Code Library Version 3.
This section and the documents listed below provide complete information on how to
communicate with a RER620 via the IEC 60870-5-101 protocol.
• IEC 60870-5-101 = Companion standard for basic telecontrol tasks
• IEC 60870-5-5 = Basic Application Functions
• IEC 60870-5-2 = Link Transmission Procedures
• IEC 60870-5-4 = Definition and Coding of Application Information Elements
• IEC 60870-5-3 = General Structure of Application Data
• IEC 60870-5-1 = Transmission Frame Formats
Please note that the IEC60870-5-104 protocol support shares application level feature of
the 101 implementation defined in this section.
The pages in this section have been extracted from the 60870-5-101 © IEC:2003, Section
8. The section numbers below have been purposely retained from that document for

8 Interoperability
This companion standard presents sets of parameters and alternatives from which subsets
have to be selected to implement particular telecontrol systems. Certain parameter values,
such as the number of octets in the COMMON ADDRESS of ASDUs represent mutually
exclusive alternatives. This means that only one value of the defined parameters is
admitted per system. Other parameters, such as the listed set of different process
information in command and in monitor direction allow the specification of the complete
set or subsets, as appropriate for given applications. This Clause summarizes the
parameters of the previous Clauses to facilitate a suitable selection for a specific
application. If a system is composed of equipment stemming from different manufacturers
it is necessary that all partners agree on the selected parameters.
The selected parameters should be marked in the white boxes as follows:
Function or ASDU is not used

X Function or ASDU is used as standardized (default)

R Function or ASDU is used in reverse mode

B Function or ASDU is used in standard and reverse mode

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IEC 60870-5-101/104 protocol implementation

The possible selection (blank, X, R, or B) is specified for each specific Clause or

NOTE: In addition, the full specification of a system may require individual selection of
certain parameters for certain parts of the system, such as the individual selection of
scaling factors for individually addressable measured values.

8.1 System or device

(system-specific parameter, indicate the station”s function by marking one of the
following with “X”)
System definition

Controlling station definition (master)

X Controlled station definition (slave)

8.2 Network Configuration

(network-specific parameter, all configurations that are used are to be marked “X” )
X Point-to-point Multipoint-party line

X Multiple point-to-point Multipoint-star

8.3 Physical Layer

(network-specific parameter, all configurations and data rates that are used are to be
marked “X”)

Transmission speed (control direction)

Unbalanced interchange Unbalanced interchange Balanced interchange

Circuit V.24/V.28 Circuit V.24/V.28 Circuit X.24/X.27
Standard Recommended if >1200 bit/s

100 bit/s X 2400 bit/s X 2400 bit/s 56000 bit/s

200 bit/s X 4800 bit/s X 4800 bit/s 64000 bit/s

X 300 bit/s X 9600 bit/s X 9600 bit/s

X 600 bit/s X 19200 bit/s

X 1200 bit/s X 38400 bit/s

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Transmission speed (monitor direction)

Unbalanced interchange Unbalanced interchange

Balanced interchange
Circuit V.24/V.28 Circuit V.24/V.28
Circuit X.24/X.27
Standard Recommended if >1200 bit/s

100 bit/s X 2400 bit/s X 2400 bit/s 56000 bit/s

200 bit/s X 4800 bit/s X 4800 bit/s 64000 bit/s

X 300 bit/s X 9600 bit/s X 9600 bit/s

X 600 bit/s X 19200 bit/s

X 1200 bit/s X 38400 bit/s

8.4 Link Layer

(network-specific parameter, all options that are used are to be marked “X”. Specify the
maximum frame length. If a non-standard assignment of class 2 messages is implemented
for unbalanced transmission, indicate the Type ID and COT of all messages assigned to
class 2.)
Frame format FT 1.2, single character 1 and the fixed time out interval are used exclusively
in this companion standard.
Link transmission procedure Address field of link

X Balanced transmission Not present (balanced transmission only)

X Unbalanced transmission X One octet

X Two octets

X Structured

X Unstructured

Frame length

4095 Maximum length L (control direction)

255 Maximum length L (monitor direction)

Time during which repetitions are permitted (Trp) or number of repetitions

When using an unbalanced link layer, the following ASDU types are returned in class 2
messages (low priority) with the indicated causes of transmission:
The standard assignment of ASDUs to class 2 messages is used as follows:

Type Identification Cause of Transmission

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A special assignment of ASDUs to class 2 messages is used as follows:

Type Identification Cause of Transmission

Note: In response to a class 2 poll, a controlled station may respond with class 1 data when
there is no class 2 data available.

8.5 Application Layer

Transmission mode for application data

Mode 1 (Least significant octet first), as defined in clause 4.10 of IEC 60870-5-4, is used
exclusively in this companion standard.

Common address of ASDU

(system-specific parameter, all configurations that are used are to be marked “X”)
X One octet X Two octets

Information object address

(system-specific parameter, all configurations that are used are to be marked “X”)
X One octet X Structured

X Two octets X Unstructured

X Three octets

Cause of transmission
(system-specific parameter, all configurations that are used are to be marked “X”)
X One octet X Two octets (with originator address). Set to zero in case of no originator address.

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Selection of standard ASDUs

Process information in monitor direction

(station-specific parameter, mark each type ID with an “X” if it is only used in the standard
direction, “R” if only used in the reverse direction, and “B” if used in both directions)
X <1> := Single-point information M_SP_NA_1
X <2> := Single-point information with time tag M_SP_TA_1
X <3> := Double-point information M_DP_NA_1
X <4> := Double-point information with time tag M_DP_TA_1
<5> := Step position information M_ST_NA_1
<6> := Step position information with time tag M_ST_TA_1
<7> := Bitstring of 32 bit M_BO_NA_1
<8> := Bitstring of 32 bit with time tag M_BO_TA_1
X <9> := Measured value, normalized value M_ME_NA_1
X <10> := Measured value, normalized value with time tag M_ME_TA_1
X <11> := Measured value, scaled value M_ME_NB_1
X <12> := Measured value, scaled value with time tag M_ME_TB_1
X <13> := Measured value, short floating point value M_ME_NC_I
X <14> := Measured value, short floating point value with time tag M_ME_TC_1
<15> := Integrated totals M_IT_NA_1
<16> := Integrated totals with time tag M_IT_TA_1
<17> := Event of protection equipment with time tag M_EP_TA_1
<18> := Packed start events of protection equipment with time tag M_EP_TB_1
<19> := Packed output circuit information of protection equipment with time tag M_EP_TC_1
<20> := Packed single-point information with status change detection M_PS_NA_1
X <21> := Measured value, normalized value without quality descriptor M_ME_ND_1
X <30> := Single-point information with time tag CP56Time2a M_SP_TB_1
X <31> := Double-point information with time tag CP56Time2A M_DP_TB_1
<32> := Step position information with time tag CP56Time2A M_ST_TB_1
<33> := Bitstring of 32 bit with time tag CP56Time2A M_BO_TB_1
X <34> := Measured value, normalized value with time tag CP56Time2A M_ME_TD_1
X <35> := Measured value, scaled value with time tag CP56Time2A M_ME_TE_1
X <36> := Measured value, short floating point value with time tag CP56Time2A M_ME_TF_1
<37> := Integrated totals with time tag CP56Time2A M_IT_TB_1
<38> := Event of protection equipment with time tag CP56Time2A M_EP_TD_1
<39> := Packed start events of protection equipment with time tag CP56time2A M_EP_TE_1
:= Packed output circuit information of protection equipment with time tag M_EP_TF_1

Either ASDUs of the set <2>, <4>, <6>, <8>, <10>, <12>, <14> or of the set <30 –40>
are used.

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Process information in control direction

(station-specific parameter, mark each type ID with an “X” if it is only used in the standard
direction, “R” if only used in the reverse direction, and “B” if used in both directions)
X <45> := Single command C_SC_NA_1
X <46> := Double command C_DC_NA_1
<47> := Regulating step command C_RC_NA_1
<48> := Set point command, normalized value C_SE_NA_1
<49> := Set point command, scaled value C_SE_NB_1
<50> := Set point command, short floating point value C_SE_NC_1
<51> := Bitstring of 32 bit C_BO_NA_1

System information in monitor direction

(station-specific parameter, mark with an “X” if it is only used in the standard direction,
“R” if only used in the reverse direction, and “B” if used in both directions)
<70> := End of initialization M_EI_NA_1

System information in control direction

(station-specific parameter, mark each type ID with an “X” if it is only used in the standard
direction, “R” if only used in the reverse direction, and “B” if used in both directions)
X <100> := Interrogation command C_IC_NA_1
<101> := Counter interrogation command C_CI_NA_1
<102> := Read command C_RD_NA_1
X <103> := Clock synchronization command C_CS_NA_1
<104> := Test command C_TS_NB_1
<105> := Reset process command C_RP_NC_1
X <106> := Delay acquisition command C_CD_NA_1

Parameter in control direction

(station-specific parameter, mark each type ID with an “X” if it is only used in the standard
direction, “R” if only used in the reverse direction, and “B” if used in both directions)
<110> := Parameter of measured value, normalized value P_ME_NA_1
<111> := Parameter of measured value, scaled value P_ME_NB_1
<112> := Parameter of measured value, short floating point value P_ME_NC_1
<113> := Parameter activation P_AC_NA_1

File transfer
(station-specific parameter, mark each type ID with an “X” if it is only used in the standard
direction, “R” if only used in the reverse direction, and “B” if used in both directions)
<120> := File ready F_FR_NA_1
<121> := Section ready F_SR_NA_1
<122> := Call directory, select file, call file, call section F_SC_NA_1
<123> := Last section, last segment F_LS_NA_1
<124> := Ack file, ack section F_AF_NA_1
<125> := Segment F_SG_NA_1
<126> := Directory F_DR_TA_1

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Type identification and cause of transmission assignments

(station-specific parameters)
Shaded boxes are not required.
Blank = function or ASDU is not used.
Mark type identification/cause of transmission combinations:
“X” if used only in the standard direction;
“R” if used only in the reverse direction;
“B” if used in both directions.

Type identification Cause of transmission

request by group <n> counter request

unknown common address of ASDU

unknown information object address

return info caused by a remote cmd

return info caused by a local cmd

interrogated by group <number>

unknown cause of transmission

unknown type identification
deactivation confirmation
activation confirmation

activation termination
request or requested
background scan
periodic, cyclic



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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 to to 44 45 46 47
36 41

<1> M_SP_NA_1 X X X
<2> M_SP_TA_1 X X
<3> M_DP_NA_1 X X X
<4> M_DP_TA_1 X X
<5> M_ST_NA_1
<6> M_ST_TA_1
<7> M_BO_NA_1
<8> M_BO_TA_1
<9> M_ME_NA_1 X X X X
<10> M_ME_TA_1 X X
<11> M_ME_NB_1 X X X X
<12> M_ME_TB_1 X X
<13> M_ME_NC_1 X X X X
<14> M_ME_TC_1 X X
<15> M_IT_NA_1
<16> M_IT_TA_1
<17> M_EP_TA_1
<18> M_EP_TB_1
<19> M_EP_TC_1
<20> M_PS_NA_1
<21> M_ME_ND_1 X X X X
<30> M_SP_TB_1 X X X X
<31> M_DP_TB_1 X X X X
<32> M_ST_TB_1
<33> M_BO_TB_1
<34> M_ME_TD_1 X X
<35> M_ME_TE_1 X X

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IEC 60870-5-101/104 protocol implementation

Type identification Cause of transmission

request by group <n> counter request

unknown common address of ASDU

unknown information object address

return info caused by a remote cmd

return info caused by a local cmd

interrogated by group <number>

unknown cause of transmission

unknown type identification
deactivation confirmation
activation confirmation

activation termination
request or requested
background scan
periodic, cyclic



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<36> M_ME_TF_1 X X
<37> M_IT_TB_1 X X
<38> M_EP_TD_1
<39> M_EP_TE_1
<40> M_EP_TF_1
<45> C_SC_NA_1 X X X X X X X X X
<46> C_DC_NA_1 X X X X X X X X X
<47> C_RC_NA_1
<48> C_SE_NA_1
<49> C_SE_NB_1
<50> C_SE_NC_1
<51> C_BO_NA_1
<70> M_EI_NA_1*
<100> C_IC_NA_1 X X X X X X X X X
<101> C_CI_NA_1 X X X X X X X
<102> C_RD_NA_1
<103> C_CS_NA_1 X X X X X X X
<104> C_TS_NA_1
<105> C_RP_NA_1
<106> C_CD_NA_1
<110> P_ME_NA_1
<111> P_ME_NB_1
<112> P_ME_NC_1
<113> P_AC_NA_1
<120> F_FR_NA_1
<121> F_SR_NA_1
<122> F_SC_NA_1
<123> F_LS_NA_1
<124> F_AF_NA_1
<125> F_SG_NA_1
<126> F_DR_TA_1*
* Blank or X only.

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8.6 Basic Application Functions

Station initialization
(station-specific parameter, mark “X” if function is used)
Remote initialization

Cyclic data transmission

(station-specific parameter, mark “X” if function is only used in the standard direction,
“R” if only used in the reverse direction, and”B” if used in both directions)
X Cyclic data transmission

Read procedure
(station-specific parameter, mark “X” if function is only used in the standard direction,
“R” if only used in the reverse direction, and “B” if used in both directions)
X Read procedure

Spontaneous transmission
(station-specific parameter, mark “X” if function is only used in the standard direction,
“R” if only used in the reverse direction, and “B” if used in both directions)
X Spontaneous

Double transmission of information objects with cause of transmission spontaneous

(station-specific parameter, mark each information type “X” where both a Type ID without
time and corresponding Type ID with time are issued in response to a single spontaneous
change of a monitored object)
The following type identifications may be transmitted in succession caused by a single
status change of an information object. The particular information object addresses for
which double transmission is enabled are defined in a project-specific list.
X Double-point information M_DP_NA_1, M_DP_TA_1 and M_DP_TB_1

Step position information M_ST_NA_1, M_ST_TA_1 and M_ST_TB_1

Bitstring of 32 bit M_BO_NA_1, M_BO_TA_1 and M_BO_TB_1 (if defined for a specific project, see

X Measured value, normalized value M_ME_NA_1, M_ME_TA_1, M_ME_ND_1 and M_ME_TD_1

X Measured value, scaled value M_ME_NB_1, M_ME_TB_1 and M_ME_TE_1

X Measured value, short floating point number M_ME_NC_1, M_ME_TC_1 and M_ME_TF_1

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Station interrogation
(station-specific parameter, mark “X” if function is only used in the standard direction,
“R” if only used in the reverse direction, and “B” if used in both directions)
X global

X group 1 X group 7 X group 13

X group 2 X group 8 X group 14

X group 3 X group 9 X group 15

X group 4 X group 10 X group 16

X group 5 X group 11

X group 6 X group 12

Information object addresses assigned to each group must be show in a separate table

Clock synchronization
(station-specific parameter, mark “X” if function is only used in the standard direction,
“R” if only used in the reverse direction, and “B” if used in both directions)
X Clock synchronization

X Day of week used

RES1, GEN (time tag substituted/ not substituted) used

X SU-bit (summertime) used

Command transmission
(object-specific parameter, mark with an “X” if function is used only in the standard
direction, “R” if used only in the reverse direction, and “B” if used in both directions)
X Direct command transmission X Select and execute command

Direct set point command transmission Select and execute set point command


X No additional definition

X Short pulse duration (duration determined by a system parameter in the outstation)

X Long pulse duration (duration determined by a system parameter in the outstation)

X Persistent output

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Transmission of Integrated totals

(station-specific parameter, mark “X” if function is only used in the standard direction,
“R” if only used in the reverse direction, and “B” if used in both directions)
Mode A: Local freeze with spontaneous

Mode B: Local freeze with counter

X Mode C Freeze and transmit by counter interrogation

X Mode C Freeze by counter-interrogation command, frozen values reported

X Counter read

X Counter freeze without reset

X Counter reset

X General request counter

X Request counter group 1

X Request counter group 2

X Request counter group 3

X Request counter group 4

Parameter loading
(station-specific parameter, mark “X” if function is only used in the standard direction,
“R” if only used in the reverse direction, and “B” if used in both directions)
Threshold value

Smoothing factor

Low limit for transmission of measured value

High limit for transmission of measured value

Parameter activation
(station-specific parameter, mark “X” if function is only used in the standard direction,
“R” if only used in the reverse direction, and “B” if used in both directions)
Act/deact of persistent cyclic or periodic transmission of the addressed object

Test procedure
(station-specific parameter, mark “X” if function is only used in the standard direction,
“R” if only used in the reverse direction, and “B” if used in both directions)
Test procedure

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IEC 60870-5-101/104 protocol implementation

File transfer
(station-specific parameter, mark “X” if function is used)
File transfer in monitor direction
Transparent file

Transmission of disturbance data of protection

Transmission of sequences of events

Transmission of sequences of recorded analog values

File transfer in control direction

Transparent file

Background scan
(station-specific parameter, mark “X” if function is only used in the standard direction,
“R” if only used in the reverse direction, and “B” if used in both directions)
Background scan

Acquisition of transmission delay

(station-specific parameter, mark “X” if function is only used in the standard direction,
“R” if only used in the reverse direction, and “B” if used in both directions)
X Acquisition of transmission delay

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Section 4 Glossary

AIM Analog input module

ANSI American National Standards Institute
AR Autoreclosing
BIO Binary input and output
CB Circuit breaker
CBB Cycle building block
CBFP Circuit-breaker failure protection
CROB Control relay output block
CTO Common time of occurrence. The time and date CTO object is an
information object that represents the absolute time of day.
CTRL Control logical device
DFR Digital fault recorder
DR Disturbance recorder
EMC Electromagnetic compatibility
HMI Human-machine interface
IEC 61850 International standard for substation communication and
LD0 Logical device zero (0)
LED Light-emitting diode
LHMI Local human-machine interface
LLN0 Logical node zero (0)
PCM600 Protection and Control protective relay Manager
PSM Power supply module
SBO Select-before-operate
stVal Status value
Val Value

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44 RER620
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