A Step by Step Guide of How To Operate ODME and Principle of Its Operation

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The key takeaways are that ODME is used to ensure environmental compliance on ships by controlling the discharge of oily water mixtures and allowing disposal only when conditions are satisfied. More companies are focusing on environmental aspects in their operations.

ODME is used to bring a balance between not discharging oil into the sea and reducing operational costs for ship owners by allowing controlled disposal of oily water mixtures that meet certain conditions regarding oil content and discharge rate.

ODME works by controlling two valves - an overboard valve and a slop valve. It measures the instantaneous discharge rate and total quantity discharged to ensure conditions for disposal into the sea are met before opening the overboard valve and closing it when conditions are exceeded to divert the flow to the slop tank instead.

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A step by step guide of how to operate ODME and principle

of its operation
Written by Capt Rajeev Jassal  on

May 31, 2016
I wrote a brief post about ODME  some time back but this post is going to be in detail.
More and more companies are now focusing on saving the environment. Oil major do
not seek to engage with company that do not consider environmental aspects in their
day to day work.

So far so that it is not enough nowadays to just fulfil the legal requirements.
Everyone wants us to go beyond legal requirements.

ODME is one of the equipment which ensures environment compliance on board


But there continues to be detention because of ODME non-compliance. These non-

compliance are sometime intentional but many times unintentional. Company should
focus on developing a safety culture which can take care of intentional non-

But thorough knowledge of the equipment such as ODME is the only way to avoid
unintentional non-compliance. This guide can help us to be more aware of ODME by
knowing more about it.

What is ODME for ?

Well if you are reading this, most likely you know what is ODME for. But lets still
ask it. Why do we need ODME? Can’t we just ban throwing oily mixture overboard
and land it with barge.

We are concerned about the environment but there are businesses to sustain. Ship
owners would argue that they should be allowed to dispose the water part of the oily
mixture into the sea ?

ODME brings a balance between “do not throw oil into sea” and “reduce operational
costs” to the ship owners.

But sometimes we forget that the purpose of ODME is to remove water from the
slops and not as much oil as is allowed.
How does ODME do it ?
Broadly speaking ODME controls the operation of these two valves shown in the
below diagram.

These two valve will never be open or close together. If one is open, the other will be
in close position.

We know that Marpol Annex I regulation 34 lists the conditions in which oily
mixtures can be disposed into the sea.
When conditions number 4 & 5 are satisfied, ODME will open the overboard valve to
allow the disposal of oil water.  Whenever we exceed any of these two conditions,
ODME will close the overboard valve and open slop valve.

Now for doing this task, ODME need to  measure

 Instantaneous rate of discharge to ensure that it is not more than 30 L/NM

 Total quantity discharged to ensure that it is not more than required
So lets see what all components help ODME measure these things.

What all components make ODME

If you remember, the formula for Instantaneous rate of discharge is
Now if ODME need to measure IRD, it surely need values for oil content in PPM
and Flow rate.  Speed connection is usually given either from log or GPS.

All these values are fed to the computing unit of the ODME. Computing unit does all
the mathematical calculations to get the required values. Most of the times you will
find the computing unit in Cargo control room. Now lets see how and from where the
computing unit gets these values

Flow rate 

ODME computing unit gets the flow rate from flow meter. A small sample line goes
from the main line, pass through the flow meter and goes back to the main line. Flow
meter calculates the flow in m3/Hr and gives this value to the computing unit through
a signal cable.
Measuring PPM

Measuring cell is the component that measures the amount of oil (in ppm) in the
water. Measuring cell is located in a cabinet called “Analysing unit”. Most of the
times you will find “Analysing unit” in the pump room.

The measuring principle relies upon the fact that different liquids have different light
scattering characterstics. Based on the light scattering pattern of oil, measuring cell
determines the oil content.

The sample water is passed through a quartz glass tube. And the oil content is
determined by passing this sample water in different detectors in series.
But to measure PPM in a water sample, a sample from the discharge water need to
pass through the measuring cell. This job is done by a sample pump.

Sample pump draws the sample from the discharge line before the discharge valves.
This sample is sent to the measuring cell (in analysing unit) for measuring the oil
content and then sent back into the same discharge line.

It is important that sample pump not run dry or with excessive discharge pressure. To
avoid this situation, a pressure sensor is fitted inside the analysing unit. This pressure
sensor measures the inlet and outlet pressure of the sample pump.

Measuring cell should always get the continuous flow of the sample so that the most
current sample is analysed. The pressure sensor also eliminates the possibility of
running the ODME with sample valves closed.

The measuring cell need to be cleaned regularly during the operation. This is to avoid
any deposits of oil traces around measuring cell which can give wrong readings. To
clean the measuring cell, ODME runs cleaning cycle in pre-defined interval during its
operation. The cleaning cycle involves flushing the cell with fresh water.
Cleaning line and sample lines into the measuring cells are segregated by pneumatic
valves. So when cleaning cycle is initiated following takes place

 The pneumatic valve of the fresh water line into the measuring cell opens
 The pneumatic valve of the sample line into the measuring cell closes
 If the ODME has provision for detergent injection, the required amount of
detergent will be injected during the cleaning cycle
We need to make sure that the detergent tanks is not empty and we use maker
recommended detergent only.

So there are three additional lines you will find going into analysing unit for cleaning

 Fresh water line for the cleaning of measuring cell

 Air line for operation of pneumatic valves
 Cleaning solution line for better cleaning of the measuring cell
The analysing unit sends the data values like pressure and oil content to the
computing unit in the CCR. Depending upon the make, the analysing unit send these
values either directly to computing unit or through converting unit.

If a converting unit is fitted, it may be doing additional tasks like controlling the
cleaning cycle.

The computing unit calculates the IRD based upon all these values fed to it. If the
IRD is less than 30 L/NM, it gives the command to solenoid valve assembly to open
the overboard valve and close slop recirculation valve. When the IRD becomes more
than 30 L/NM, it closes the overboard valve.
The computing unit also calculates the amount of actual oil that has been discharged
to sea. The requirement is that we cannot discharge total oil more than 1/30000 of the
total cargo carried. Before we start ODME, we need to calculate and feed this
maximum allowed value in the ODME. This we will discuss later in this post.

But as you can see, slowly we have created a basic line diagram of ODME. Now if
you can take out the line diagram of ODME on you vessel, check if you can relate to
it. I randomly took a line diagram of one of the make to see if we can identify the
parts and line of ODME ? I could, can you also identify in the below image ?

If you could, Very well. But if you still want the answers, here is it in the below
Now that we are clear on what ODME is made up of and about the components of
ODME, lets see how senior deck officer should operate ODME.

Operation of ODME
As we know ODME is required under Marpol Annex I, which deals with pollution
aspects related to oil cargoes. Now in 10 steps lets see how we should use the

Lets assume we are on a product tanker of 45000 DWT which has just discharged an
oil cargo of 29000 MT (30000 m3 @ 15 C). This tanker need to clean these tanks
which were carrying total oil cargo of 29000 MT. How to proceed with cleaning and
decanting the slops with ODME ?
Step 1: Set the total oil quantity in ODME
Marpol has put a limit on how much total oil we can discharge in the wash water.
This limit is 1/30000 of the total cargo carried. So in our example of product tanker,
lets calculate

Total Cargo carried in the tanks to be cleaned : 30000 m3 @ 15 C

Total oil from the washing that can be discharged = 1 m3 (1000 litres)

Set the total oil limit as 1000 litres in ODME. Lets demonstrate this in ODME of
make Rivertrace engineering.

To set the total oil limit, go to Oil dischrage under Mode selection by pressing the
enter button (center one).

Under “Oil Discharge Set Up”, go to “alarm limit” and press enter.
Set the new value by Up and down arrows and press enter.
It will ask to confirm, which we will and we have now set the max oil discharge
2. Allow minimum 36 hours settling time
We will wash the tanks and collect the slops in slop tank. But before we can start
pumping out oily water through ODME, we need to allow a minimum of 36  hours
settling time . This settling time ensures that the oil has separated completely from the

We may argue that if our discharge is limited to 30L/NM, then what difference does
it make with settling time ? But the fact is that even when we can use the ODME to
discharge oily water, we must ensure that the oil is minimum in the water.

3) Check all other conditions in Marpol Annex I, Reg 34

We must ensure that other conditions related to vessel being enroute, minimum speed
and distance from nearest land is OK.
4) Prepare ODME for operation
After we are satisfied with all conditions, we can prepare to start overboard discharge
of the slops.

We already discussed what components are present in ODME and what are their
functions. So we know what we need to do to set up ODME for operation. Offcourse
it could be little different on different vessel but most of the things will be common.
We must check and locate each item mentioned in the manual. Here is recap of some
of the common items need to check before ODME operation

 Check if the inlet and outlet valves for flow meter are open
 Check if Fresh water supply is available and all valves are open
 Check if sample line inlet and outlet valves are open
 Check if air supply for pneumatic valves is on.
 Check if cleaning solution is present in the container
 Check if power supply is on for the converter unit
 Check & rotate the sample pump shaft with hand to check if it is free to move
Also check and confirm that all values are in auto and not in manual mode. These
values to check are for flow rate, speed and PPM.

5) Start the cargo pump in recirculation mode

Once we have set up the ODME, we can start the slop tank pump containing oily
water in recirculation mode. Now even when it is running on the recirculation mode
and overboard valve is closed, on some equipments you can check the IRD in the
CCR ODME screen. If you see some strange valves, for example high PPM of oil in
sample, stop the pump and

 either start a cleaning cycle manually, if that function is present in the ODME
 or Clean the measuring cell manually with maker’s tool as would be described
in the ODME manual

6) Start overboard discharge

After all the above steps are completed and verified, we can start the ODME to
commence overboard discharge.
7) Monitor during entire overboard discharge operation
Now if everything is going fine, carefully monitor following

The discharge water is not making any visible sheen on sea surface. Remember you
dont need any torch to see that. You need to do the overboard discharge operation
during daylight only.

Check and monitor the values for oil in water (PPM) and IRD. If IRD is close to 30
L/NM, you dont want it to cross 30L/NM and stop the operation. In this case you can
reduce the pump speed to reduce the flow. With flow rate reduced, the IRD will
reduce too.

Monitor the oil water interface level by MMC or UTI tape. This is important because
we are serious about the environment. We want to stop the overboard discharge few
centimeters before we reach the oil surface. This shows our seriousness to save the
environment. The also shows that our aim was not to dischrage as much oil as we can
but was to discharge as much clean water as we can.
Moreover we do not want to spoil our ODME system by allowing the oil to enter into
the system.

8) Stop the overboard discharge

The ODME will stop automatically when either the IRD exceeds 30L/NM or we have
cross the total oil dischrage limit.  But we should be ready to stop the ODME
manually too. We should stop the overboard discharge manually when either of the
following happens

 We have reached the interface level

 Rapid increase in PPM. We can continue if we are sure that oil water interface
is still very far.
 We see some oil sheen on the sea surface

9) Do not start the ODME multiple times

If the ODME is stopped automatically because of IRD exceeding 30L/NM, we must
not start the ODME again. Some people start the ODME again to check if they can
still be able to reduce the onboard quantity. Even when you can argue that you are
doing so through ODME, you are actually voilating MARPOL unintentionally. Many
vessels were detained by Paris MOU for multiple attempts to start ODME. The
detention has a logic and following reasons

 By multiple starts, the operator is trying to throw as much oil overboard as he

 Once ODME stops automatically, the operator need to allow further 24 hours
of settling time to start the ODME again. This is because if the level of
oil/water mixture is very less, on recirculation this would have churned. Now
to have the water separate out from oil, we need to allow it 24 hours.
But if the ODME had stopped because of some error when the water level was still
high, there is no need to wait for another 24 Hour settling time.

9) Perform the cleaning cycle

Each time ODME is stopped, a cleaning cycle will start. But if it does not start
automatically, we can start the cleaning cycle manually.
10) Close all the valves and system
Once the ODME operation is complete, we can close all the valves and electric
power. We can then make a entry in oil record book for this operation.

There has been number of detentions and hundreds of observations on incorrect use
of ODME. These detentions also include willful incorrect operation of ODME.

There were few cases where seafarers had bypassed the ODME even when ODME
was in perfect shape and working. This was because, the seafarers sometimes feel
that an equipment such as ODME is difficult to operate.

But if we know our equipment well, not only these will seem easy to operate but also
will operate perfectly.

7 much your Your valuable information sir...could u pls explain about ppm. Is odmcs stop 15ppm?

 Jun 21, 2018

Slops on board, engine sludge transfer to the slop tank (system approved by class) then we have cargo
slops together with engine sludges. Can we use the ODME????


 Jul 9, 2018

Dear Sir, can you please explain the difference between Flow Rate and Discharge Rate ? I don`t believe
are the same. Thank you.

 Aug 6, 2018

Thanks. Very clean.


Avinash Varella
 Aug 7, 2018

Very well explained sir. Could you please provide some information on how to test ODME?


 Aug 7, 2018

30L/Nm alarm verification. simulate: oil content 580 ppm, speed 10 kn, flow 500 m3/h. discharge valve
should open(29 L / Nm). After that set oil content to 620 ppm.Discharge valve should close and L/Nm
exceed should come. (31 L / Nm). Regards.


Harbinder Singh
 Sep 16, 2019

In addition to Dorin mentioned above test also for Total qty discharge criteria, set a lower value and run
the ODMCS in simulation mode with IRD say around 29 L/NM. You would see the Total oil discharged
reading go up. When you reach the set value of total oil discharged, the ODMCS should shut the
discharge valve.


Jitendar Kumar
 Aug 8, 2018

Thanks capt,now can you discribe about tankscop,multigas detectors,and drager tubes

Vico Peißker
 Oct 3, 2018

Best Regards (Mr.) Vico Peißker. Skype: neftegazoiltrading Thank You


Vico Peißker
 Oct 3, 2018

We are please to inform your esteem buying company the petroleum products you are looking for is
available in our storage tanks, We have an official FOB and CIF offer (Fob Rotterdam). We guarantee
truth and professionalism, We will be ready to cooperate with you in various products. to ship to our
customers. and reservoir for immediate delivery Such as: Jp54 Gross price $46/ Net $44. Minimum
Order is 2,000,000 barrels / month JA1 Gross price $46/ Net $44. Minimum Order is 2,000,000
barrels / month D2 indent $ 380 / $ 370. Minimum Order 100,000mt / month D6 Gross $0.80 cent USD
per Gallon Net $ 0.70cent USD Provide your official email or contact us via email to enable us issue
our official soft corporate offer (SCO).Thanks. BELOW IS OUR CONTACT INFORMATION, E-mail:
[email protected] E: [email protected] Skype: neftegazoiltrading Best
Regards (Mr.) Vico Peißker. Skype: neftegazoiltrading Thank You


Sailor L
 Oct 29, 2018

Good day sir , Nice explanation given above, can u pls say what is the difference btwn odmcs and odme


 Jan 9, 2019

Dear sir, thank u lot of. I have one request how would know analyser sensor OK or not!?? Because we
can calibrated Flow transmitter.. If there is chance know about sensor healthy or not???

 Feb 11, 2019

hi our ship odme was not working because of actuater stuck now we have corrected but date and
showing old. please tell how to set time model bristol babcock


 Feb 11, 2019

Thanks :)


Li Qiang
 Mar 7, 2019

Thanks a lot CAPT,Very well explained. But could you please explain that why the max oil mixture
discharged is 1/3000 by totall quanity as per regulation?


Harbinder Singh
 Sep 16, 2019

First of all let us understand the rationale behind this requirement. The first requirement was that while
the ship is moving, you can discharge 30 litres of oil contained in the oily water provided this 30 litre is
spread over one nautical mile. If the second requirement is not there, one could keep on diluting the
oily mixture to make sure IRD is always less than 30 L/NM and pump out entire tank content. This
requirement limits the total oil that a ship can discharge irrespective of complying with the first

 Apr 28, 2019

Very interesting! What is the main reason of having a Communication Error Alarm? Thanks


 Apr 29, 2019

I would like to know the action will you take if you find that on testing the ODME or OWS it is not


Imamu kingsley
 Jun 28, 2019

Can you please explain the procedure for the calibration of ODME. if how to cancel calibration failure


Sonal Kumar
 Jul 30, 2019

Nice such good blog to read keep sharing more thanks for it


Sourabh Gupta
 Aug 2, 2019

Hello Sir, Could you please explain as to when can we run the ODME in manual mode and if yes then
when and how many times are we allowed to do so?

Harbinder Singh
 Sep 16, 2019

hello sir unable to open You can read the full answer here? article


 Oct 20, 2019

Very useful notes. Can u please explain difference in decanting desloping and demucking?


 Nov 30, 2019

Very good presentation Captain! I am using the RiverTrace SMART Cell as well and am having an
issue with the self test. Self test continually fails on wiper/air/ppm. There was a small air leak in the
solenoid in the E/R but this was rectified. While running the self test, I do not feel any air from the
wiper cylinder inlet. Any help that you can provide would be appreciated. Thanks again!


 Dec 26, 2019

Very good guide. Thanks for detailed informations


Gebreyesus woldu

 Jan 18, 2020Thanks! Discharg flow fail alarm came what can we do in this case?

Fransisku Sampath
 Jan 19, 2020
Thank you Captain. It is very helpful and can understand easily. It was very helpful for my new job.
Good luck and keep updating important things you have. Thank You once again Captain


PJ Llamas
 Mar 2, 2020

this is very clear and indeed very helpful.


 Jul 10, 2020

Hi Captain, Do you still need a certificate from any local bodies to ascertain discharge


Harjinder Singh
 Jul 12, 2020

Thanks sir for such explanation...can u pls explain procedure if oil enters segregated ballast tanks...can
we use odme to remove maximum water


 Aug 26, 2020

we would like to have a conversation with you. Please contact us at +832-4397233. or send us your
contact number.


 Sep 18, 2020
Dear sir Good time I have GPS signal failure on My device ODME model S-3000 Also no havd any
psition data on display or ODME log printer. Pls advise me how to confirm the correct GPS signal with
multimeter? I checked already . I am sure that The cabling and terminal is corect Would you pls
requested to sent your valuable advise to my E-mail address As i can not reconnect With best regards
Abbasi Eto


captain Hüseyin
 Sep 23, 2020

Thanks for sharing. This information was very useful to me


 Oct 6, 2020

Good day sir, Your all articles are very helpful. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with
us. Sir I had a question in mind which nobody could clarify regarding ODME Manual discharge valve.
Should we throttle adme overboard valve during operation or not . Thank you in advance .


 Oct 14, 2020

Sir, who specific person operates ODME on the ship???


 Nov 23, 2020


 Oct 18, 2020

Who operates ODME? and why do we need to test ODME?


 Oct 19, 2020

Hi, can anyone share the rivertrace smart odme password to delete the alarm/activity log entries?


Sheila Donnell
 Nov 15, 2020

My purpose out here today is to share this article to the world about how Doctor Odunga helped me in
getting back my EX-boyfriend that broke up with me 4 months ago. I tried all i can to make him see
reasons with me so that we can continue our relationship but he denied me. Thank God for giving me
the thought of going into the internet for help, i searched properly and i saw different reviews of Doctor
Odunga and i insisted in giving it a try by contacting him via what's app on (+2348167159012). He
gave me reason to live again and he prepared a spell and told me that my Ex-boyfriend will come back
to me within 28 hours. Can you believe it, my EX-boyfriend came back to me and our wedding will
hold Soon. Contact him now!!! if you need any help. Email: [email protected] and he
does a lot of spells. Once again i want to say am very grateful for your help
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