Accident Prevention System Using Smart Helmets With Sensors: High Technology Letters ISSN NO: 1006-6748

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High Technology Letters ISSN NO : 1006-6748

Accident Prevention System Using Smart Helmets with Sensors

D Saneetha1, Hari Prasath Manoharan2, K Venkatachalam3

M.Tech Scholor, 2Assistant Professor, 3Associate Professor
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Audisankara College of Engineering & Technology, Gudur, Andhra Pradesh, India

In the present scenario, because of development in population and expanding number of vehicles
out and about, danger of accidents is high. Thousands lose their lives in vehicle accidents. A
significant reason for the fatalities happen because of the fact that either the individual was not
wearing a helmet, and he was unable to be admitted to a medical clinic early, or on the grounds
that he was riding while alcoholic. So endeavors ought to be made to maintain a strategic
distance from accidents and to limit their outcomes. A portion of the reviewed papers identified
with smart helmet with driver behavior investigation to be examined in this survey paper. In the
new period smart helmet is a special thought which makes motor cycle driving more secure than
previous. By concentrating every one of these papers, we get a thought that all the frameworks
contain fundamental highlights like auto start with the assistance of helmet wearing status, liquor
substance and accident location. Primary target of keen protective cap is to give a methods and
contraption to recognizing and revealing accidents. So there is a need to make brilliant smart
helmets utilizing IOT.

Keywords: Internet of Things (IoT), Smart Helmet, Sensor, alcohol Sensing;

1. Introduction endurance altogether over non-helmet

wearers. In 2012, the National Highway
Riding a motorcycle gives riders a feeling of Traffic Safety Administration assessed
freedom on the open roads. Be that as it 1,699 lives were spared in light of the fact
may, there are not kidding threats engaged that people wore helmets. From 2008 to
with riding without a helmet. A motorcycle 2010, there were 14,283 motorcyclist
doesn't give the basic assurance that a fatalities in the United States, and 6,057
vehicle does to guard drivers in case of a (42%) of the individuals who passed on
accident. Motorcyclists need to avoid were not wearing helmets.
potential risk to secure their body. The most
significant spot to begin is by securing the It is significant for motorcyclists to
head. The head and mind is generally comprehend the dangers of riding without a
helpless against injury in a motorcycle helmet. Riders who don't wear helmets are
accident. Drivers and travelers wearing in danger of enduring an awful mind injury
helmets increment their possibility of on the off chance that they are in a accident.

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High Technology Letters ISSN NO : 1006-6748

Without insurance, the head is powerless some other sort of injury (9), with the end
against a horrible effect in a accident in any goal that these wounds apply a high cost for
event, when going at low speeds. a nation's medical services expenses and its
Every year almost 1.2 million individuals economy.
pass on because of road accidents, and
millions more are harmed or impaired (1). In
some low-salary and center pay nations,
where cruisers and bikes are basic methods
for transport, users of bikes make up a huge
extent of those.

Why are head protectors required?

Bike and bike riders are at an expanded
danger of being engaged with an accident.
This is on the grounds that they frequently
share the traffic space with quick moving
vehicles, transports and trucks, and
furthermore on the grounds that they are less
obvious. Likewise, their absence of physical
insurance makes them especially powerless
against being harmed in the event that they
are associated with a crash.

Head wounds are a main source of death and


Wounds to the head and neck are the

primary driver of death, extreme injury and
handicap among clients of cruisers and
bikes. In European nations, head wounds
add to around 75% of passings among
mechanized bike users; in a few low-pay
and center pay nations head wounds are
assessed to represent up to 88% of such
fatalities (6). The social expenses of head
wounds for survivors, their families and
networks are high, to a limited extent since All around the world, there is an upward
they often require specific or long haul care. pattern in the number and utilization of
Head wounds likewise bring about a lot bikes and bikes, both for transport and
higher clinical expenses than recreational purposes. In reality, the greater
part of the development in the quantity of

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High Technology Letters ISSN NO : 1006-6748

vehicles on the world's Roads originates the cap or not. Liquor sensors distinguish the
from an expanding utilization of mechanized alcoholic substance in riders' breath. On the
bikes. Asian nations, specifically, are relied off chance that the rider isn't wearing the
upon to encounter a head protector or then again if there is any
more number of bikes on roads than any liquor content found in rider's breath, the
other nations in the world. motor cycle stays off. The motor cycle will
begin until the rider wears the protective cap
and on the off chance that there is no
alcoholic substance present. When the rider
crashes, smart helmet hits the round, sensors
recognize the movement and inclines of
helmet what's more, reports the event of a
accident. It sends data of the relating area to
relatives of the rider and crisis contact

Smart Helmet for Accident Detection

using Sensors

In the present time, because of development

in populace and expanding number of
vehicles out and about, danger of accidents
is high. Thousands lose their lives in vehicle
accidents in light of deferred crisis clinical
administrations. In emergency clinic, now
and then required blood for certain blood
bunches isn't accessible as expected.
Consequently, endeavors are made to stay
away from them by limiting their outcomes.
Our principle thought process is to maintain
2. Literature Survey a strategic distance from the deferral in help
after accidents. Keen protective cap is
Smart Helmet and Intelligent Bike associated with a cell phone by means of
System Bluetooth. The microcontroller in the
shrewd head protector is
The primary goal of this paper is to used to monitor related data of all
construct a good framework which is boundaries with respect to accidents. Effect
incorporated with the smart helmet and sensor is utilized to recognize the vibrations
smart bicycle to diminish the likelihood of of the effect on the protective cap because of
bike accidents and smashed drive cases. The accident and accelerometer distinguishes
flex sensor checks if the individual wearing

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High Technology Letters ISSN NO : 1006-6748

abrupt changes in the X, Y what's more, Z An accident is a surprising, strange,

tomahawks. At the point when accidents unintended outer activity which happens
occur, GPS is utilized to distinguish the specifically time and spot. Thoughtlessness
current area of the rider and with assistance of the driver is the central point for accident.
of Bluetooth innovation, related data is The administration has made principles that
shipped off crisis contacts and close by rider should obligatory wear the helmet and
emergency clinic through the android not devour liquor and drive. Still the riders
application. don't comply with the principles. These
Smart helmet with sensors for accident accidents are caused because of carelessness
prevention of the rider. Not wearing the helmet causes
the rider with head wounds which may
The effect when a motorcyclist includes in a prompt passing of the rider. So as to defeat
rapid accident without wearing a head this clever framework, savvy helmet is
protector is risky and can cause casualty. proposed, it identifies the helmet and
Wearing a cap can diminish stun from the furthermore the liquor present in rider's
effect and may spare a daily existence. breath. This framework has a couple of
There are numerous nations upholding a transmitter and beneficiary, the transmitter is
guideline that requires the bike's rider to set in the helmet and the collector is put at
wear a protective cap when riding on their the bicycle start. There are various sensors
bike, Malaysia is a model. With this to guarantee the helmet is on the head.
explanation, this task is exceptionally These vibration sensors are put in helmet
evolved as to improve the security of the where the likelihood of hitting is more. A
cruiser's rider. Motorcyclist will be liquor sensor is set close to mouth of the
frightened when as far as possible is rider. The liquor sensor identifies the
surpassed. A Force Sensing Resistor (FSR) presence of liquor in rider's breath. The
and BLDC Fan are utilized for discovery of information of the identification of helmet
the rider's head and recognition of cruiser's and liquor is coded with RF encoder and
speed separately. A 315 MHz Radio afterward sent through radio recurrence
Frequency Module as remote connection transmitter. The beneficiary at the bicycle
which ready to impart between transmitter gets the information and the information is
circuit and collector circuit. PIC16F84a is a decoded utilizing RF decoder. The
microcontroller to control the whole consequence of quality of helmet and the
segment in the framework. Just when the liquor identification is examined on the
rider clasped the cap then just the bike's advanced cell. The proposed framework will
motor will turn over. A LED will streak if be intended to the point that in the event that
the engine speed surpasses 100 km/hour. one of the two conditions are abused, at that
point likewise the bicycle won't start. The
Smart Helmet: Smart Solution for Bike bicycle will begin just if the two conditions
Riders and Alcohol Detection are followed. This brilliant helmet will push
the rider to necessary wear helmet and

Volume 26, Issue 11, 2020 469

High Technology Letters ISSN NO : 1006-6748

confine drive under the influence condition.

MCU controls the capacity of hand-off and
the start, it control the motor through a
transfer and a hand-off interfacing circuit.
3. Methodology

The smart helmet framework fundamentally

comprises of 2 modules; helmet module and
the bike module. Helmet contains switches
which are associated with a microcontroller
unit. Sensors like liquor sensor, speed sensor Helmet unit
and a RFID tag are put on the helmet. The
bike module comprises of an accelerometer, Bike unit: The fundamental undertaking of
RF decoder microcontroller unit, hand-off, this segment is to get the helmet position
GPS module and information by the bike unit through a RF
an IOT framework. collector also, send information to the
microcontroller on the bike unit. At the point
Helmet unit: Two switches are put on the when the sent sign from helmet unit is
helmet. One of the switch is set on the focal gotten by the bike unit, at that point the
point of the internal surface of the helmet vehicle start framework will be turned ON.
and next one is put on the helmet clasp. It On the off chance that a mishap happens, at
checks the situation of the helmet constantly that point the tilt point of the vehicle is
and send the helmet status to the estimated by utilizing an accelerometer. The
microcontroller and afterward to the RF GPS module put in the bike distinguish the
transmitter. The switches turned ON just vehicle area. The mishap status is ship off
when the rider wearing the helmet on his predefined people utilizing GSM. Every one
head appropriately. Subsequently the best of these sensors and boundaries are
possible situation of the helmet guaranteed constrained by utilizing microcontroller and
by these two switches. The liquor sensor hence sign in to the worker. A WIFI module
utilized in this part detects the liquor is introduced in the bike which is utilized for
substance of the rider's breath. The speed the web association and for detecting all
sensor of the bike is recorded by utilizing a these information through MCU.
Hall Effect sensor. The comparator checks
the information put away by the liquor
sensor and the speed sensor and offered it to
the RF encoder. On the off chance that the
rider has a drunkard breath, at that point the
bike start turns over in any case motor stays

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For sign in measure, http convention is The GSM has 4 sections and each parts
utilized. Raspberry pi3 module is cooperate with a capacity.
additionally utilized in this segment. An
approved individual can get to the 1. Base station subsystem (BSS)
information from anyplace whenever on the 2. Organization exchanging subsystem
planet through web which helps the (NSS)
following of the helmet and rider status. All 3. The activity and backing subsystem
the information detected by MCU can got to (OSS)
by the traffic specialists and along these 4. The portable itself
lines they can classified and rate the riders
utilizing their driving status by utilizing an VANET: VANET is Vehicular Ad-hoc
application. Python language is utilized for Network which is utilized for Vehicle to
fabricate the application. Consequently the vehicle communication with various
traffic authority can caution or screen the purposes. It is organizing of vehicles which
riders by utilizing the rider statuses. moving at rapid. The fundamental design is
that it improves the street security. The
Modes of communication VANET presented by utilizing the standards
of MANET (Mobile Ad-hoc Network).
A. GSM MANET is a remote network utilized for
B. VANET trading the information to the area of
C. WIFI vehicles. VANET is additionally utilized for
D. BLUETOOTH entomb vehicular communication (IVC).
E. RFID Sensors are fitted in the vehicle. The sensors
F. ZIGBEE utilized in the vehicle interface with the
sensors of other vehicle or interface with
GSM (Global System for Mobile framework. So as to convey between the
communication): GSM is worldwide vehicles, the vehicle in the ground structures
framework for versatile communication an Ad-hoc network.
which is generally utilized for impart
through versatile. GSM utilizes TDMA WIFI (Wireless Fidelity)
(Time Division Multiple Access), GSM and
CDMA (Code Division Multiple WIFI gives network availability by utilizing
Access).GSM pack the information and radio waves. A remote connector is utilized
digitized. At that point the information send build up an association with make hotspots
through a channel with other streams. The and the remote switch. It is a world well
channel fundamentally utilizes two floods of known remote systems administration
client information and each have a schedule innovation utilizes radio wave to give high
opening itself. The GSM works at the speed web and organization association and
recurrence band of 900 MHz or 1800 MHz . dependent.

Volume 26, Issue 11, 2020 471

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Bluetooth: It is a remote communication The following sensors are used in the smart
which can be utilized for sending the helmet to reduce the accidents and to protect
information between two gadgets. It is the rider.
Individual Area Network (PAN) which has a
recurrence of 2.45 GHz. Its truly range Alcohol Sensor: Alcohol sensor
normally under 10 m (33 ft). Bluetooth can distinguishes the presents of alcohol in
be utilized in PCs, advanced cell, gaming breath. This sensor can initiate at a
reassures, sound gadgets. temperature goes from 10 to 50 degree.
Force gracefully will be under 150 mv to 5v.
RFID: RFID is Radio Frequency This sensor is primarily utilized for traffic
Identification Technology is utilized for police presently days. MQ-6 is one of the
observing and distinguishes the items renowned sorts of alcohol sensor which is
exclusively. RFID can screen the article reasonable for breath analyzer. It is utilized
during moving stage. RFID innovation for to checking the grouping of alcohol in an
the most part utilized rather than bar-coding example and essentially utilized by traffic
framework. Utilizing RFID innovation we police.
can undoubtedly distinguish the item. RFID
comprise of 2 parts. Corridor Effect sensor: Hall Effect sensor is
utilized to quantify the greatness of an
1. RFID tag: Tag comprises of a chip and a attractive field. Yield voltage is legitimately
receiving wire. Chip holds the data about the relative to the attractive field. This sensors
item and receiving wire .gives the are utilized for closeness sensing,
communication between the recipients. Positioning, Speed discovery and current
sensing application.
2. RFID per user: It peruses the RFID label
subtleties utilizing RFID receiving wire Accelerometer: Acceleration forces are
which is worked inside the RFID tag. estimated by utilizing the accelerometer. It
is utilized by numerous cell phones sense
ZIGBEE: ZIGBEE is a remote organization development or vibrations. It measure the
used to make an individual region adjustment in speed or speed separated by
organization (PAN). It is a low force time. By utilizing accelerometer, the client
organization essentially utilized for home can be resolved whether an item is move to
robotization, traffic the board and little tough or whether fall over, or if tit inclines,
activities with low force and low its fly on a level plane or descending.
information rate. The physical scope of
ZIGBEE is 10-20 meters. It is easier and Force Sensing Resistor: They are likewise
more affordable organization. ZIGBEE called force touchy resistor and now and
resembles Bluetooth gadget. It can send then called FSR. It is a material utilized for
information in significant distance utilizing change the opposition when a force,
network organization. mechanical pressure or weight applied.

Volume 26, Issue 11, 2020 472

High Technology Letters ISSN NO : 1006-6748

ordinarily utilized temperature sensor and is

Vibration sensor: Vibration sensor is utilized for estimating the temperature of
otherwise called piezoelectric sensors which solids, fluids and gases.
are adaptable gadgets and it is utilized for
estimating purposes. These sensors measure Weight sensor: Pressure sensor is utilized
the progressions with speeding up, for the weight estimation of fluids or gases.
temperature, force, weight or strain by It is expressed as far as force per unit
changes to electrical charge. This sensor territory and is the force needed to
estimates amount and capacitance for preventing a liquid from extending. It goes
choosing aromas of air. about as a transducer and produce signal, is
electrical. It by implication gauges the
Bioelectric sensor: This sensor is utilized for factors, for example, speed, height, gas or
screen the body bioelectric information and liquid stream and water level. Weight
it include finger like equal projections sensors are otherwise called pressure
considerably. It structures dielectric markers, manometers, pressure transducers,
substrate. pressure senders, piezometers and weight
transmitters. It can fluctuate definitely in
Gravity sensor: The gravity sensor is execution, plan, and innovation, cost and
accustomed to estimating the impact of application appropriateness. For catching
speeding up in earth's gravity. It is gotten rapid changes in pressure, various kinds of
from accelerometer. In the event that a weight sensors are planned.
gadget having gravity sensor held up, the
gravity pull of earth is same as the gravity IR sensor: It is an electronic gadget and it
increasing speed source. The tilt point of the recognizes and estimating the infrared
can be determined by utilizing this sensor. radiation of the general climate. William
Little body inclines were antiquated gravity Herschel found this sensor in 1800 and he
sensors and id tie to a wire associated with saw that while estimating the temperature of
any gadget. each tone of light which is isolated by a
crystal, the temperature past the red light
Temperature sensor: It is a gadget, typically was most elevated. The frequency of the IR
an obstruction temperature identifier. The is longer than that of obvious light. It is
temperature information of a specific source imperceptible to natural eye. Infrared
are gathered and along these lines secret it radiation can be emitted by whatever
into reasonable for an eyewitness or a discharge
gadget. Temperature sensors having the heat.
applications like clinical gadgets, HV and
AC framework ecological controls, and 4. Limitations of Existing System
substance taking care of and car Naturally four wheeler segments
in the engine observing and controlling incorporated various safety features like
frameworks. Thermometer is the most ABS, Air bag and automated guidance

Volume 26, Issue 11, 2020 473

High Technology Letters ISSN NO : 1006-6748

system over the periods. But in two wheeler 6. Result

segments very little has been done to protect The above shown diagram represents
the two wheeler drivers by various proposed architecture of the transmitter
manufactures. There were prototypes using RF communication. Proposed sensors
proposed with more features causing more like Alcohol is connected to the 12 GPIO
components to be implanted on the helmet pin of the RPI. Positional sensor pins are
which can lead to add more weight to the connected to the 13,15 and 23 GPIO pins of
helmet and also more cost involved in raspberry-pi. Positional sensor is used to
developing it. There was no discussion on detect the inclination angle with respect to
the protection of human head when it land. Piezo sensor is connected to 7th pi of
exposed to severe accident which results in RPI to detect pressure applied on that object.
electronics are being embedded to the As usual, GPS transmitter pin is connected
human head. There was no prototype to the receiver pin of the RPI for latitude and
available or designed with solar energy as longitude acquisition. Final decision will be
power source to the smart helmet. taken by calibrating all sensors outputs in
RPI unit. Yielded output will be transferred
5. Proposed Methodology & Design to receiver kit through RF transmitter using
IoT based Smart Helmet is a cost effective HT12E encoder IC. Encoder is is connected
assistive technology to provide security and to the 29, 31, 32, 33 pins of RPI.
safety of the biker against road accidents.
The proposed IoT based helmet that
prevents road accident and detects alcohol
consumption and this will be able to track
the biker and sends GPS coordinates
periodically to pre-defined number. Also, it
detects crash and will be able to send
notification to the predefined number and
also the nearby police station. This system
consists of micro controller, position sensor,
Alcohol sensor, piezoelectric sensor, RF
Transmitter, IOT Modem, GPS receiver,
Power supply & Solar panel.

Fig: Transmitter of proposed technique

Volume 26, Issue 11, 2020 474

High Technology Letters ISSN NO : 1006-6748

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