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Ilogic From Zero To 60 in 90: Jon Balgley Autodesk

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iLogic from Zero to 60 in 90

Jon Balgley

Page 1
iLogic from Zero to 60 in 90
Jon Balgley

Learning Objectives
• Create an iLogic rule that validates the ‘range’ of the value of a parameter.
• Create an iLogic rule that updates an iProperty whenever the file is saved.
• Create an iLogic “form” that makes it easy to change certain Inventor parameter or
iProperty values.
• Explain the difference between internal and external iLogic rules

Have you heard great things about iLogic but never really learned about how or when to use it?
This hands-on lab will cover key concepts and techniques, with minimal expectations of
programming experience. You’ll leave with an understanding how you can be more efficient with
Inventor by using iLogic to automate routine tasks.
We will begin with the basics: what rules are and when do rules fire? Samples and exercises
will illustrate the extents of what can you do with rules – in parts, assemblies and drawings.
We’ll work with iLogic “forms” which let you make a “user interface” without programming. We’ll
use rules in different circumstances/scenarios – for parameter validation, for updating
iProperties on file open/save.
Finally, you’ll get some exposure to more advanced capabilities like external rules and using the
Inventor API.

Speaker Bio
Jon has worked at Autodesk since 2005, and has designed, developed
and taught CAD automation technologies since the 1980’s. Recent
work includes Design Automation API for Inventor, Configurator 360,
and iLogic.

[email protected]
Inventor Customization Forum -- your best bet for answers

Page 2
Intro & Overview.

In this section, we’ll create a simple iLogic rule. It will validate that the value of parameter is
within a given range, and then take various actions if it is outside the range.

Let’s start with some basics:

What is iLogic?

iLogic is a built-in capability of Inventor that allows you to easily run bits of logic (program code)
at certain predefined & convenient times.

The “bits of logic” are called rules. You get to write the rules. Simple logic is easy to write.
More complex logic is harder to write. You can do a lot with simple logic!

“Running” a rule is also called “triggering”. The most common way to run a rule is:
 Refer to a parameter in the logic in the rule
When you change the value of that parameter, iLogic automatically triggers (runs) your rule.

There are other ways to trigger/run rules, too.

What can you do with iLogic?

Just about anything you can do, “by hand”, with Inventor!

But in practice, most people focus on simple “routine” operations, such as:
• Checking for obvious errors (e.g., out-of-range parameters)
• Automatically setting iProperties based on various conditions
• Filling in title blocks, setting the view-scale, etc.

iLogic rules can be used in parts, assemblies and drawings.

iLogic rules can analyze the content of a document.

iLogic rules can modify the content of a document.

iLogic rules can synthesize new content for a document.

Page 3
In the following exercises:

Yellow highlight means some action that you have to do.

Green highlight indicates something that is optional. OK to skip if you’re short on time.

Page 4
1. Exercise: Rule to enforce the “range” of
1. Start Inventor 2019.
2. Select project, ex1.1.clean
3. In ex1.1.clean, open box.ipt.

4. Open Parameters dialog:

Either use the shortcut on the title bar…

..Or the regular command on the ribbon… (“Manage” ribbon for IPTs … “Assemble”
ribbon for IAMs)

5. Observe that the box size is controlled by the four parameters. Change ‘width’ from its
initial value to something really small, like “3 in”. While it “works”, it’s probably not
acceptable to manufacture/sell. Now change it to something REALLY small, like 0.5
(less than the thickness). Observe that the model breaks. Set ‘width’ back into
appropriate range (48). Close Parameters dialog.
6. Idea: Limit ‘width’ value to be in the range of 8” – 24”. If outside the range, clamp it to
the min/max.

Page 5
7. Open iLogic browser using the tab next to “Model”. If “iLogic” is not showing, use the “+”
button to get it:

When you click on the iLogic tab, you’ll see a big blank panel like this:

Page 6
8. Click right on the blank area (with the “Rules” tab selected). Select “Add Rule”.

Change the rule name to “ClampParametersToRange” (You weren’t going to name your
rules “Rule0”, “Rule1”, were you???)

Page 7
9. The Rule Editor pops up. Take some time to become familiar with this window.

Page 8
10. In the Options tab, change the Syntax coloring from “Classic” to “Modern” (it’s OK to
keep “Classic” colors, but colors won’t match with this document).

Page 9
11. Click on “If…Then…End If”, in the middle:

iLogic inserts code like the following:

12. Modify the template code (by typing on the keyboard).

You may notice the iLogic tries to help you by giving you a menu of possible
completions. Feel free to use that.

a. Change “My_Expression” to “(width < 8)”

b. Insert “width = 8” on the blank line after the “Then”

Notice that “width” appears in a darker blue. This means it is correctly referring to a
parameter. If it’s not dark blue like that, you’ve probably made a spelling error. Make
sure you are using the correct “case” (Inventor is case-sensitive … this parameter name
has no capitals).

13. Click on “Save & Run”. Nothing happens … apparently. Did it run? Probably yes; but
we can’t tell. (Note that “Save” here means that the text of the rule is now included in
the IPT in memory only. You still have to save the file to make it permanent.)

Page 10
14. Open Parameters dialog again, and change width to 3 … only goes to 8, not 3. Did it
run? Yes. What made it run? Triggered by change to ‘width’ parameter. Normally
iLogic rules are triggered (executed) if any referenced (i.e., in dark blue) parameter is
changed. Close the Parameters dialog.

15. Now is a good time to save the file. The rule is an integral part of the IPT file, just like
sketches, features, workfeatures, etc.

16. Now let’s see what happens if you make certain mistakes. You can open the rule for
editing by clicking on it in the iLogic panel. You can right-click and select “Edit Rule”, or
double-click on it.
Make each of the indicated errors below, and click “Save & Run” to see what happens.

After you’ve tried these, put rule back to its working version.

Page 11
17. Well, silently clamping a parameter to value that’s different from what the user requested
can be inappropriate. The user might not notice that you’ve clamped it. How can we
make the “clamping” more obvious? Here are three options:

When clamping is required, use one of the following statements: (free-form exercise, no
specific steps, you have to )

a. Copy-and-paste:
MessageBox.Show(“Requested width is too small; setting it to 8”)

Image of desired rule:


Using MessageBox.Show is a good idea when you want to be intrusive.

Page 12
b. Logger.Warn(“Requested width is too small; setting it to 8”) Skip this unless
you’re interested.

The message appears in the “iLogic Log” tab. It doesn’t show automatically; you
have to add it with the “+”.

Use Logger.Warn when you want to be subtle. User might not be looking for these
warnings. More about “Logger” later…

Also note: “Logger” is a new capability in Inventor 2019.1. Your experienced

colleagues may not be aware of it.

Page 13
a. Change color or other aspect of model. Skip this unless you’re interested.

(You might notice that iLogic helps you when you press the “.” after “iProperties”.)

Use this when you want to be intrusive, but you don’t want to block processing
until the user responds. Probably some additional notification to the user may be
necessary. Consider a special “warning decal”.

Page 14
18. Optional – it’s tricky. The previous errors were fairly obvious. Let’s examine a more
subtle one.
a. Open the Parameters dialog and set the width to be 3. Your rule fires and
clamps the width to be 8.
b. Edit the rule to have the following mistake:

c. Click “Save & Run”.

d. Nothing obvious happens to the model.
e. Change the width to be 3. Your rule fires, and the width is clamped to 8. So it
still works right?
f. Now change the width to be 36. Your rule fires, and … the width is clamped to
8!!! What happened? Well, iLogic is happy to allow you to have program
variables that are not pre-declared, such as “widthxxxxx”. And if you don’t set
their value, the value is automatically set to zero. So zero is ALWAYS less than
8. So it always clamps width to 8. Ugh! Tricky! This is probably one of the
worst kind of subtle errors, and now you know about it.

If necessary, put the rule back to the working version, and re-save the file.

Page 15
19. Optional. Use some basic iLogic snippets. For example, to add or modify a custom
a. Put the cursor where you want the snippet text to be inserted.
b. Double-click on the snippet (iProperties  Custom)

c. The snippet text is inserted:

d. Change the snippet text as needed:

e. Click “Save & Run” to test.

Page 16
f. Show the iProperties and look at the Custom tab:

20. Additional exercises:

• Make this work for maximum values too.
• Make this work for length and height too.
• See how much you can avoid duplication in your code as you do that.
• Add additional features (decal or emboss or extra “body”) that shows “warning” text in
the bad state.

Page 17
2. iLogic Forms
• Nice way to interact with (customize, configure) a model
• The “Forms” tab
• Parameters, properties, rules.
• Plus pictures, for show!
• Multi-value parameters
• Also stored in file, usually; implies file-copying

Page 18
Exercise 2.1: Make a simple form
• Parameters
• Multi-value parameter
• True/False parameter

1. Restart Inventor, select project ex2.1.clean, and open the box.ipt from that folder.
2. On iLogic browser panel,
a. select the “Forms” tab:

b. Right-click in the blank area, and select Add Form:

Page 19
3. The Form Editor pops up, for the new form. Take a few minutes seconds to familiarize
yourself with the different regions:

4. Change the name of the form to “Configure Box”

Page 20
5. Add length, width and height, by dragging from Parameters tab to Control Area:
In progress:


6. Click “OK” to create the form.

7. Now the form is available on the Forms tab. All the forms in this document will appear here.

Page 21
8. Click the “Configure Box” button. The form appears. Change the parameter values by
typing in new numbers and pressing <enter> after each one.

Page 22
9. Note that your rule(s) will fire when you change parameter values. See what happens if you
try to change the parameters to a value outside of the valid range:

Note also that you don’t have to have any rules at all, just to use a form.

Click ‘Done’ on the form when you’ve tried enough variations.

10. Save the file. The form is saved within the file.

Page 23
11. Let’s say the ‘thickness’ really shouldn’t be completely variable, but should be chosen from a
handful of standard dimensions:

The best way to do that is with Inventor’s “multi-value” parameter mechanism.

A. Open the Parameters dialog
B. Right-click on “thickness” and select “Make Multi-Value”

Page 24
You’ll immediately see the Value List Editor. Here you can enter the allowable values:

C. Type in the values we want, and then click “Add”

Page 25
D. If necessary, select “1.25 in” in the bottom area, and click “Delete”:

E. Leave “Allow custom values” UN-checked, and click “OK”

Page 26
F. Now you can see that ‘thickness’ has a drop-down box to enter values, unlike the other

Multi-value parameters are a normal aspect of Inventor; you don’t have to use iLogic to
have a multi-value parameter.
G. Close the Parameters dialog.

Page 27
12. Place ‘thickness’ onto the form, as follows:

a. Right-click on the “Configure Box” form-button in the Forms tab, and select Edit:

b. The Form Editor appears:

Page 28
c. Drag ‘thickness’ into the Control Area. By default, it gets a “Combo Box” (drop-down
menu) control:

Page 29
d. Click on the “Configure Box” button in the Forms tab. The form opens, now with
“thickness” listed.
e. Choose from the options to change the thickness:

13. Save the file.

Page 30
14. Now imagine that the “logo” decal is an option. Sometimes we want to turn it off, so that
should also be part of the “configuration”. The best way to do that is with a “True/False”
(Boolean) parameter.
a. Open the parameters dialog
b. Click on “Add True/False”

c. Give it a “Boolean-sounding” name, like “hasDecal”:

d. Click “Done” to close the Parameters dialog.

e. Observation: Switch back to the Model tab, and right-click on the “CompanyDecal”
feature. There’s a “Suppress Features” command. If it’s suppressed, then the decal
disappears. We want to control that automatically from the new Boolean parameter,

Page 31
f. Add a rule: If necessary, switch back to the iLogic tab. Select the “Rules” tab. Right-
click in blank area, and select “Add Rule”. Give it a nice name, like “ToggleDecal”.

Click “OK” and the Rule Editor appears.

g. In the top area, right-click on “CompanyDecal” and select “Capture Current State”:

Page 32
h. iLogic inserts the following snippet:

i. Now change the ‘True’ to ‘hasDecal’:

This rule will now be triggered whenever ‘hasDecal’ changes value. Since the only
value it can have is “True” or “False”, either one is valid here … and no “if statement”
is required!

j. Click “Save & Run”. The decal will either stay or go away or come back, depending
on the value of hasDecal vs. the previous suppression-state.

Page 33
k. Open the Parameters dialog. Change the value of ‘hasDecal’ to the opposite setting.
You should see the decal appear/disappear to match.

l. Save the file.

Page 34
15. Now let’s include this on our “Configure Box” form:
a. Switch to the iLogic tab, and to the Forms sub-tab.
b. Right-click on “Configure Box”, and select “Edit”. The Form Editor appears.
c. Drag “hasDecal” to the Control Area
d. It appears in the preview … but as a True/False Combo Box:

e. Change it to use a Check box:

f. Click “OK” to close the Form Editor.

Page 35
g. Click on the “Configure Box” button … and configure it:

h. Save the file.

Page 36
Additional things to try:
• Change “display names” as shown on form
• Display iProperties on form
• rule-buttons … run a rule (without implicit triggering) from a form
• Other layout stuff (images, groups)
• Modal / non-modal
• Forms tab is a form! Can add rules-as-buttons and other things.

Page 37
3. Events / External Rules
1. Another easy way to fire rules.
2. On Open, Save, etc.
3. Internal/external
4. Global events

Page 38
Exercise 3.1:
Prompt user to initialize a particular iProperty when file is opened/saved.

Phase 1: Do this in a regular “internal” rule, just to test the mechanics.

1. Open project ex3.1.clean

2. Open box.ipt

3. In the iLogic tab, in the Rules sub-tab, double-click on “SetCustomerProject”

Observe that it has an “if” statement that:

o Checks value of iProperty “Project” (on Project tab). If it is empty string – then
prompt user for new value. If user cancels, do nothing, leave it empty.
o “None” or anything else – do nothing, leave it.
o Use “InputBox” to prompt (insert a snippet)

If String.IsNullOrEmpty(iProperties.Value("Project", "Project")) Then

Dim newString = InputBox("Customer project ID, or None", "Project", "")
If (Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(newString)) Then
iProperties.Value("Project", "Project") = newString
End If
End If

4. Test the rule:

o Close the Rule Editor, right-click on the rule, and (since it has no triggers) choose
“Run Rule”
o The “input box” appears. Click “Cancel” The iProperty is not changed in this

Page 39
5. Open the “Event Triggers” dialog, (“Manage” ribbon-tab) and be sure it’s on the “This
Document” tab,

6. Drag the “SetCustomerProject” rule to both: “After Open Document” and “Before Save

7. Test (save, open, see what happens with OK vs. Cancel buttons)

Page 40
Phase 2: Make this be the standard behavior for all files:

In “Phase 1”, you learned the basics of using Event Triggers for internal rules. Now we’re going
to apply the same concepts to external rules and “global” events.

1. Open Event Triggers dialog, remove the rule from the two events (on “This Document”).
Close the dialog.

2. Open iLogic configuration dialog. It’s hidden here:



Page 41

3. In the first box, “External Rule Directories”, use the “+” button to add “this” folder (i.e., the
folder with box.ipt) as the (only) external rules folder. (Or any folder is OK, just
remember the name.) Click OK.
This tells iLogic where to look for External Rules. Normally/typically, this would be a
shared network folder.

4. On the iLogic browser, select “External Rules” tab. The directory is now listed.

(seems to be some cosmetic defect with displaying folder names with multiple “dots”!!)

5. Convert this internal rule to an external rule: (not as easy as it could be, but this isn’t a
common thing to do)
o Go back to the “Rules” tab.

Page 42
o Edit the SetCustomerProject rule.
o Select all the text of the rule.
o Right-click anywhere on the selected text, and select “Save Selected Text”. Be
sure you’re in the correct folder (typically “3.1.clean”)
o Save as file named “SetCustomerProject.iLogicVb”
o Close the Rule Editor
o Check that the rule is now present in the External Rules tab
o On the “Rules” tab, right-click and delete the original internal rule.

6. Attach the new external rule to global events:

o Open Event Triggers dialog.
o Select “All Documents” tab. Note that only External rules are available (in
contrast to the “This Document” tab).
o Drag SetCustomerProject to all three:
▪ “New Document”
▪ “After Open Document”
▪ “Before Save Document”
o Click OK

Page 43
7. Save the document. You should see the prompt.

8. Test the “new file” behavior:

o Now start a new IPT document. You should see the prompt.
o Click OK with no text.
o Make some changes to the document.
o Save. You should see the prompt again.

Page 44
Exercise 3.2:

Using iLogic for formatting text for iProperties:

1. Select project ex3.1.clean, if necessary.

2. Open box.ipt if necessary.
3. Open the iProperties dialog. Change to the Project tab:

4. Enter =<length>x<width>x<height> (with the “=” and “<” and “>”), as shown:

You’ll see the results once you press “Enter”. You can edit the “formula” using the “fx”

Now the iProperty will always stay up-to-date with respect to the Inventor parameter
values. But this “=<param>” mechanism has limited string-formatting capabilities.

5. Add new rule to update the “Description” iProperty. (You can do this without
instructions, right???) Call it “UpdateDescription” or something similar.

Page 45
6. Insert code with snippet. (See the last step in Exercise 1 if you’ve forgotten how to do

7. Change the value to refer to parameters: Use “&” to concatenate strings.

8. Test

9. Change code to use RoundToFraction:

Dim rndLength = RoundToFraction(length, 1 / 8, RoundingMethod.Round)

Dim rndWidth = RoundToFraction(width, 1 / 8, RoundingMethod.Round)
Dim rndHeight = RoundToFraction(height, 1/8, RoundingMethod.Round)

iProperties.Value("Project", "Description") = rndLength & " x " & rndWidth &

" x " & rndHeight

10. Test
11. Save file

Page 46
4. Configuration & GoExcel
1. Configuration of assemblies
o iLogic enables “Top-down design”
o Two styles of managing components:
▪ “IsActive” and LODs
▪ “Managed” components
o LOD style – suppression, etc.
o Managed – actual deletion of components
o Capture Current State (2x)
2. GoExcel
Other topics for exploration, without specific exercises
• Drawings
• Configurator 360 & Design Automation API for Inventor
• For programmers:
o Programming (loop at the heart)
o .Net classes
o Custom class libs

Page 47


You can do the others at another time.

4.1 Assembly configuration: Uses the older, legacy style. If you’re more interested in reading and
understand existing rules, perhaps from your colleagues, choose this one. Page 49
4.2 Assembly configuration: Uses the newer, “managed” style of assembly configuration. Choose
this one if you want to learn about the modern style. Page 59
4.3 Excel as a data file: If you’re more interested in Excel than assembly-configuration, skip right
to 4.3. Page 68

Page 48
Exercise 4.1: Box assembly with conditional cover, LOD-style
1. Open project ex4.1.clean.
2. Open box.iam (box.ipt is different, iLogic-wise)
• You might need to remove your rule from the global events (from last exercise!!)
3. In iLogic Rules tab, edit DimRangeCheck … just examine it; it should be familiar. Close
rule editor.

Page 49
4. In iLogic Rules tab, edit the “ConfigureComponents” rule. In this rule, we “push” values
from parameters of the IAM into the appropriate parameters of the child components.
This is a kind of “top-down design”, enabled though the use of iLogic rules.

Please notice:
o We are referring to the child by the name of the occurrence (“box” or “cover”).
But we are actually changing the parameter value in the occurrence’s file
(“box.ipt” or “cover.ipt”). If there was more than one occurrence of the file in the
IAM, then they would all change size.
o You can also use the filename instead of the occurrence name, but there must
be an active occurrence of the file. This will be an issue later.
o It’s a one-way transfer. If you go into the IPT files, you can “manually” change
the parameter values and the IAM won’t be aware of it.
Close the Rule Editor

Page 50
5. Test configuration:
• In the iLogic Forms tab, click on the Configure form.
• Change some of the dimensions.
• Click ‘Done’ to close the form.
• Save the assembly. Notice: the IPT files were modified too.

Implication: “in real life” you should be working on a copy, or use some other technique
(e.g., iParts).

Page 51
Now we’re going to implement the option of having a cover or no cover. We’re going to use the
“LOD style”

6. Create LOD:
• In the “Model” browser, find & expand “Representations”.
• Right-click on “Level of Detail: Master”, and select “New Level of Detail”.
• A new LOD is created.
• Slow-double-click on the new LOD, to change the name. Change the name to
“iLogic” (the name can be whatever you want, but using “iLogic” is common)
• It should automatically be activated (checked), but if not, check the box now to
activate it.

Page 52
7. Just to test, try “manually” suppressing the cover now:
• In the Model browser, right click on the “cover” component.
• Select “Suppress”
• The cover disappears from the graphics. It is grayed-out in the Model tree.

• Now bring it back: Right-click on the “cover (Suppressed)” component in the

browser and select (uncheck) “Suppress”.
• You might notice that the number of open files changes (in lower right corner)

8. Now we’re going to do this with iLogic, based on a parameter.

• In the iLogic Rules tab, double-click on ConfigureComponents to edit the rule.
The rule editor appears.
• Make sure the cursor is on the blank line at the top of the rule.
• In the rule editor, there is a “Model” tab at the top. Find the “cover” component,
right-click on it, and select “Capture Current State (IsActive)”.
• iLogic inserts code into the rule that represents the current state of that

(“IsActive” is the opposite of “Suppressed”, with some additional BOM-related

behavior, see below.)

Page 53
• Now we want to make the “active” status to be equal to the hasCover parameter
value. We can use iLogic helpers to make this change:
i. Double-click on “True” to select it.
ii. Click on “User Parameters” to show them in the adjacent tab.
iii. Double-click on “hasCover”

The rule is changed to use the parameter value:

• Save & Run (nothing happens yet)

• Open the Parameters dialog. (Move it so you can see the box in the graphics.)
Change “hasCover” from True to False. The cover goes away. Change it from
False back to True. The cover comes back.
• Close the Parameters dialog.
• Save the file.

Page 54
Note that you might see this error message when running the rule, if you change the
active LOD back to Master:

9. One more small thing. When the cover is NOT present, we want the box’s height to be
the total height (i.e., not subtract the coverHeight). So we need to change the
ConfigureComponents to account for that:
• On iLogic “Rules” tab, double-click ConfigureComponents to edit.
• In the rule editor, change the code as follows:

This means the “height” of the cover part no longer contributes to the height of
the box part (when inactive).

• Save and Run

Page 55
10. Now let’s update the “Configure” form with this behavior:
• On iLogic “Forms” tab, Right-click on “Configure”, select “Edit”
• Drag the “hasCover” parameter to the form layout
• Change the “Edit Control Type” to “Check Box”

• Click OK to close the Form Editor.

• Click on Configure, and test the check box on the form.
• Save the file.

Page 56
11. Observations about this technique:
• All suppressed components must actually be listed in the model, even if Inventor
can save some memory and kinda-sorta make them not visible. If you have a lot
of potential variations, you’ll have a huge “master model” (all the suppressed
components are still listed in the model browser).

Page 57
• BOM. The BOM always comes from the “Master” LOD. iLogic’s “isActive”
function tricks the BOM by setting the inactive parts’ BOM Structure to
“Reference”. “Reference” means the component should not appear in the BOM.

Page 58
Exercise 4.2: Box assembly with conditional cover, Managed-style

Same thing with the “Managed” technique.

1. Save and close all documents.
2. Open the ex4.2.clean project.
3. Open box.iam (box.ipt is different, iLogic-wise)
• You might need to remove your rule from the global events (from last exercise!!)

4. In iLogic Rules tab, edit DimRangeCheck … just examine it; it should be familiar. Close
rule editor.

Page 59
5. In iLogic Rules tab, edit the “ConfigureComponents” rule. In this rule, we “push” values
from parameters of the IAM into the appropriate parameters of the child components.
This is a kind of “top-down design”, enabled though the use of iLogic rules.

Please notice:
o We are referring to the child by the name of the occurrence (“box” or “cover”).
But we are actually changing the parameter value in the occurrence’s file
(“box.ipt” or “cover.ipt”). If there was more than one occurrence of the file in the
IAM, then they would all change size.
o You can also use the filename instead of the occurrence name, but there must
be an active occurrence of the file. This will be an issue later.
o It’s a one-way transfer. If you go into the IPT files, you can “manually” change
the parameter values and the IAM won’t be aware of it.
Close the Rule Editor

Page 60
6. Test configuration:
• In the iLogic Forms tab, click on the Configure form.
• Change some of the dimensions. (Don’t try the “hasCover” checkbox.)
• Click ‘Done’ to close the form.
• Save the assembly. Notice: the IPT files were modified too.

Implication: “in real life” you should be working on a copy, or use some other technique
(e.g., iParts).

7. Edit the rule “ConfigureComponents”

8. Add code to the rule:

a. Use the “Manage Components” snippet to insert some code as shown:
(be sure the cursor is at the top of the text area!)

Page 61
b. Remove all the code except for BeginManage/EndManage:

c. Remove the “Group 1” (unnecessary except in very complex scenarios)

This is the basic structure of “Managed” assemblies. Within this pair, you state
the conditions under which you want components and constraints created. iLogic
takes care of cleaning up under any other conditions.
d. Capture current state of the “cover”:

Page 62
e. The code is inserted:

f. But that’s not very interesting yet; it has just reproduced the same state we had.
So now let’s add an “if”:

Now the component and constraints will only be created when “hasCover” is true.
When “hasCover” is False, iLogic takes care of making sure the component and
constraints are removed.
g. Click “Save & Run” and see what happens (nothing).

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h. Use the Form to toggle the cover (don’t change other parameters yet). Things to
i. Look at the Model browser to see what happens to the components.
ii. There’s no iLogic custom LOD (as there would be in the other style).
iii. And of course the BOM works normally; no additional “reference”
components. (as there would be in the other style)
Close the Form.

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9. About the other parameters: With the “managed” technique, when there is no-cover,
there’s really no “cover” component at all! It has really been deleted. So all of the
parameter-setting statements, like “Parameter(“cover”, “height”) = coverHeight”, will fail.
The solution is only to run those statements when the cover is active. So:
a. Edit the ConfigureComponents rule.
b. Add an “if” statement to enclose the cover-related statements, like this:
If (hasCover) Then
Parameter("box", "height") = height - coverHeight

Parameter("cover", "height") = coverHeight

Parameter("cover", "length") = length
Parameter("cover", "width") = width
Parameter("cover", "thickness") = thickness
Parameter("box", "height") = height
End If

Image showing this code in context:

Now we have a fully customizable “box”!

Page 65
10. (The following section is just for reading & learning. You don’t have to actually do any of
it to complete the exercise.)

About those face & edge names: If necessary, iLogic will create face and edge names.
But you can also specify “nicer” names yourself. As you can see in the rule, there are
names like “leftFace” and “hingeEdge”. Those come from the model in the IPT itself:
a. Open box.ipt
b. Show the “Model” tab if not visible.
c. Notice that there are workfeatures with “good” names, such as “hingeAxis”. This
is one source of the names.
d. In the “blank area” of the graphics, right-click and then select “Show Labels”:

This view shows the named faces and edges. There is a corresponding “Hide
Labels” command.

Page 66
e. When you are making a part, you can name a face or edge. Select the
face/edge, right click, and select “Assign Name”:

Note that if you change the name of a face/edge, you’ll have to manually update
any rules that used the old name.

Page 67
Exercise 4.3: Predefined configurations stored in Excel file

In this exercise, we’ll use an Excel spreadsheet to provide predefined options for “standard
configurations” for our box. The user should be able to select from the available configurations
from a drop-down menu, like this:

This is similar to using an iAssembly, but the configuration is defined externally in the
spreadsheet. (Using iAssembly is tricky for controlling subcomponents; all components have to
be iParts and you need to specific iPart-rows for each one … which is OK, just … tricky).

Since the “standard configurations” are being saved in an external spreadsheet file, the first
thing we want to do is to retrieve (update) the list of all the standard configurations, since
someone else might have updated it since the last time we saved the IAM file. We should do
that when we first open the IAM.

In summary, we’re reading Column A from the spreadsheet, and using it to populate the “multi-
value” of a parameter. Plus adding “Custom”. Then we’ll disable the parameter-controls on the
form, unless the user selects “Custom”.

Page 68
1. If necessary, save and close all files.
2. Select project ex4.3.clean.ipj
3. Open boxAssy.iam (same as 4.2 finished … if you’re just continuing with same files, be
sure to copy standardSizes.xlsx file in 4.3.clean folder)
4. Create these parameters:
a. Create new TEXT parameter, “ConfigurationName”. Value = “Custom”
b. Create new TRUE/FALSE parameter, “IsCustom”. Value = True
Note: Watch the capitalization … Inventor parameter names are case-sensitive.
c. Open the spreadsheet with Excel, (“standardSizes.xlsx”) just to see what’s in it.
Note the column-names.

Close Excel.

d. Create a new rule called “UpdateConfigurationList”

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e. Add the following contents to the rule (copy-and-paste from the code below …
watch out for line-wrapping problems):
Dim configs As New ArrayList

Dim dbpath As String = System.IO.Path.Combine(ThisDoc.Path,

GoExcel.Open(dbpath, "Sheet1")

For i = 2 To 100 'Skip header row. And don't go on an infinite

loop, just in case there's some error.
Dim m As String
m = GoExcel.CellValue("A" & i)
If (m = "") Then
Exit For
End If
Next i

MultiValue.List("ConfigurationName") = configs

f. Let’s review what this code does:

i. The first and last lines go together, to address the ultimate purpose of
setting the “multi-value” for the ConfigurationName parameter:


MultiValue.List expects an ArrayList, so we need to construct one.

ii. Open the spreadsheet:

System.IO.Path.Combine is a .Net library method. It takes a directory-

string and a file-string and combines them together. You don’t have to
worry about which one has the “/”, or not.

ThisDoc.Path returns a string containing the directory path to the current


Page 70
GoExcel.Open makes the given spreadsheet be the “active” spreadsheet
for subsequent GoExcel method calls.

iii. Get the configuration names from the spreadsheet.

• The ‘for’ loop starts at 2 in order to skip the header row.
• The ‘for’ loop stops at 100 at max. It’s common to make some
mistake in loops (especially “while” loops). If your iLogic rule goes
into an infinite loop, there’s no way to stop it gracefully. You have
to kill Inventor using the Task Manager. And you’ll lose everything
since your last save. So be careful.
• GoExcel.CellValue – gets the value of the specified cell, from the
“active” spreadsheet. Note that we’re using string concatenation
(“&”) to build the cell reference.
• If the cell is empty, then exit the loop. This allows us to have an
arbitrary number of configurations (up to 99).
• Configs.Add – this adds the name (from the cell) into the arrayList.
• Logger.Debug – shows this message in the iLogic Log window, IF
you’ve set the Log Level to Debug or Trace. Otherwise, the
message doesn’t appear.
• Configs.Add(“Custom”) -- we always want this pseudo-

g. Save & Run the rule, if you haven’t already.

h. Open the Parameters dialog, and look at the choices for ConfigurationName.
Leave it set on “Custom” for now.

i. Save the file.

Page 71
j. Open the iLogic Event Triggers dialog, and drag the new rule under After Open
Document (on “This Document” tab). Click OK

k. Save and close the IAM file.

l. Update the spreadsheet with a new configuration:
i. Open the spreadsheet in Excel.
ii. Add another configuration name (don’t worry about the other parameters).
iii. Save the spreadsheet and exit from Excel.
m. Back in Inventor, open the IAM file. Open the Parameters dialog. See if your
new configuration name is listed in the choices under ConfigurationName. If you
get an error of some kind, maybe you forgot to close the file in Excel? In that
case, you may need to restart Inventor too.
n. Open Excel again, and remove your new configuration name. Save the
spreadsheet file, and close Excel.
o. Back in Inventor, close the IAM, and then open it again. Open the Parameters
dialog and look at the ConfigurationName parameter. Is your new config-name
now gone?
p. Wow!

Page 72
5. You might notice that it’s a little slow to open the IAM file now, since it also starts Excel
to read the spreadsheet. There is an alternative mechanism that is faster; however it
has certain limitations: (a) It can only read cells with data in them – it doesn’t execute
any formulas. (b) It doesn’t provide access to the Excel COM interface, so you can only
access the spreadsheet using the iLogic GoExcel functions. (c) It applies to the whole
Inventor session, so all other uses of spreadsheets will also be subject to these
This behavior is controlled by an “environment variable”. To change it:
a. From “Start” button, click on “Settings”:

b. In Search box, type “environment”

Page 73
c. You get the Environment Variables dialog:

d. In the upper area, click “New…”. Enter UseLibXL and “1”:

e. If necessary, restart Inventor.

f. Open the IAM. Faster now?
g. Note that this is the default behavior when using Forge Design Automation API
for Inventor (Pubic Beta was announced Monday, 11-Nov-2018) and also when
using Configurator 360.

Page 74
6. The next step is to apply the settings (parameter values) from a given configuration.
a. Start a new rule named “ApplyStandardConfig”
b. Content of the rule should be: (copy-and-paste, watch out for line-wrapping)

If (ConfigurationName = "Custom") Then

Logger.Debug("Custom settings -- no changes applied.")
IsCustom = True
Dim xl_file As String = System.IO.Path.Combine(ThisDoc.Path,
Logger.Trace("Excel file is: " & xl_file)
GoExcel.FindRowStart = 2
i = GoExcel.FindRow(xl_file, "Sheet1", "Name", "=", ConfigurationName)
If (i < 0) Then
MessageBox.Show("Standard configuration named '" &
ConfigurationName & "' was not found.")
IsCustom = False
Dim yesno As String = GoExcel.CellValue("G" & i)
hasCover = (String.Compare(yesno, "Yes", True) = 0)
Dim vals = GoExcel.CellValues("B" & i, "F" & i)
length = vals(0)
width = vals(1)
height = vals(2)
coverHeight = vals(3)
thickness = vals(4)
End If
End If

c. Let’s review what this code does, more-or-less line-by-line:

i. If (ConfigurationName = "Custom") … In this scenario, we leave all the
other parameters in their current state, except we set IsCustom to true.
Later, we’ll use this parameter in a Form.
ii. Logger.Debug … print out this message to the log window, when log level
is at Trace or Debug level.
iii. xl_file … same trick as earlier rule.
iv. Logger.trace … hey, it’s easy to get confused about which folder/project
you’re using; this statement helps us be sure we’re using the correct
copy. Note the message only appears at the lower “trace” level; it doesn’t
appear if you’re only at “debug” level.
v. GoExcel.FindRowStart … we’re going to use “FindRow” on the next line.
This tells FindRow to skip the “header” row.
vi. GoExcel.FindRow … this iLogic method allows you to specify some
search criteria, and then it will find the first matching row. Return value is
the row number, or -1 if not found.

Page 75
vii. GoExcel.CellValue … takes a cell reference (using the “active”
spreadsheet file and sheet as set by FindRow), and returns the value. In
this case, the value is a string.
Note you can also use GoExcel.CurrentRowValue(“ColumnName”), but
using CellValue() will reset the current row, so probably best not to mix
the two techniques.
viii. hasCover = (String.Compare … String.Compare returns -1, 0, or 1
depending on whether the string is less than, equal to, or greater than the
other string, in alphabetical order. So “= 0” means they’re equal, and the
whole parenthetical expression returns True or False, which can then be
assigned to hasCover. The third argument to String.Compare says
whether to “ignore case”. True means ignore case, False means case-
ix. GoExcel.CellValues() … (with an “s”) gets the values of a range of cells.
The cells should all have the same type (all numbers or all strings).
Returns an array.
x. Remaining lines just pull the values out of the array, and assign to the
appropriate parameter.
d. Save & Run the rule. You may see some changes to the model based on your
previous state.
e. Open the Parameters dialog, and change the value of “ConfigurationName”
(something other than “Custom”). As you change it, you get different sets of
values applied to the model.

Page 76
7. (Optional – skip to #8 if short on time) iLogic “Logging”. We’ve already seen some
places where the rule invokes “Logger.Trace” or “Logger.Debug”.
a. iLogic Log Window. If you haven’t already figured it out, you can see the output
by looking at the “iLogic Log” window. Click the “+” next to the “iLogic” tab:

And then select “iLogic Log”

You’ll see the window (perhaps with different output):

You can drag the iLogic window to “float” it, or you can dock it against an edge of
the Inventor window. Here it is at the bottom:

Page 77
b. Log output is always performed at a certain priority level. “Trace” is the lowest
level. “Fatal” is the highest level. You can set the “log level” to control what
output is generated. Log output is only performed/generated when the “log level”
is at or “above” (higher priority) the requested type.

You can set the log level using the drop-down menu at the bottom of the Rule

The default log level is “Info”. “Debug” and “Trace” are lower-priority. So if your
rules do “Logger.Debug” or “Logger.Trace”, you … or another user … will only
see those messages if you go out of your way to change the log-level.
“Logger.Debug” should be used for most debugging “print statements”.
“Logger.Trace” should be used when you have extremely detailed information
that you don’t need all the time. But there’s no real restriction here.

The ApplyStandardConfig rule already has Logger.Debug and Logger.Trace


Page 78
c. Rule Tracing. At the “Trace” log-level, there is an option (default=on), to get
“Detailed Trace” messages from iLogic. iLogic will automatically generate trace
output when it enters and exits a rule, and also what parameters triggered the
rule (if any). You can use this information to debug certain types of problems. It
might also show you when your rules are being executed multiple times (e.g.,
because a rule is changing some parameters, which triggers other rules that
change parameters, etc.)
d. Set the trace level to “Debug” and use the Parameters dialog to change the
ConfigurationName parameter to any non-custom value. See what output is
generated. You can right-click on the iLogic Log window to clear the contents.
e. Now set the trace level to “Trace” (Detailed Trace on). Change the
ConfigurationName parameter again. See what output is generated.
f. Now set the trace level to “Info”. Change the ConfigurationName parameter
again. See what output is generated.

8. Add a “Configuration Name” control to the “Configure” form.

a. Go to the “Forms” tab. Click right on the form-button, select “Edit”
b. Drag the “ConfigurationName” parameter to the form-layout. Change the name
to “Std Config”.
c. Click OK.
d. Test the form:
i. Change the configuration name to anything except “Custom”. You should
see the model update, as before.
ii. Try changing any of the dimensional parameters. It should automatically
force the parameter back to the “standard” value.
iii. Change the configuration to “Custom”.
iv. Now change a dimensional parameter. You should see the change take

Page 79
e. OK, that works. But really, it would be best if the dimensional parameters were
only enabled when the user selects “Custom”:
i. Edit the form.
ii. Select the “length” parameter to see its properties
iii. Change the “Enabling Parameter Name” (that’s why we have this
“IsCustom” parameter) Only True/False parameters are shown.

iv. Repeat for all the rest of the parameters.

v. Test the form
vi. Save the file

Page 80
Wow!!! You can pick standard configurations, or choose custom and change sizes!

Page 81
You’re done!

Page 82
What experienced iLogic users know
1. They would say: Ask yourself: What do you want to do?
a. Someone has probably done it before. Avoid writing it from scratch: Search with
“site:autodesk.com” … Customization forum. YouTube. Autodesk University.
Guided tutorials in Inventor.
b. Have a “spec” for what you want to do.
c. Other Inventor capabilities have their place; don’t use iLogic gratuitously. (iParts,
addins, skeleton modeling, etc.)
d. Other Inventor capabilities have limits and/or require human interaction where it’s
not necessary; that’s where iLogic shines. E.g., moderately complex assembly
configuration (iAssemblies are hard to use; many standard configurations don’t
really require much thought … iLogic to the rescue).
2. Document Updates.
a. If the model isn’t updated after your rule completes, there are iLogic snippets for
doing an update. Best is probably “iLogicVb.UpdateWhenDone = True”. You
can put this anywhere in your rule and iLogic will update the model when done.
But indiscriminate use of this and similar snippets will cause lots of unnecessary
updates, slowing down the whole process. Most Inventor commands will perform
an update if needed, so why does your rule need to do it also? If rules are
triggered from Inventor commands, the command has an update, and no extra
update is required. But if just running rule, then rule must ask for update. But
not necessarily every dependent/triggered rule.
b. Intra-rule update. iLogic normally waits until the end of the rule to “really” update
the parameters with their values. During the processing of the rule, the code in
the rule can refer to temporary things (local variables) with the same name as the
parameters. This is much faster. But if you do something within the rule that
accesses the parameters indirectly (e.g., via the API or by computing the volume
or other dependent geometry), you may need to “push” the parameter values out
to the “real” Inventor model. Use “RuleParametersOutput()”.

3. Using VB.Net (e.g., extra Sub’s and Function’s, try/catch, etc.) and .Net libraries (e.g.,
System.IO). Keep your code modular. Don’t Repeat Yourself (the D.R.Y. principle).
Take advantage of the best tool for the job.

4. Copy Design. Know your workflow w.r.t. copying files or not. I.e., should un-modified
parts be copied? When are parts copied? What file names (naming convention) to use.

5. Difference between a parameter reference (triggers) and Parameter(“foo”) (doesn’t

trigger, but is dynamic -- string can change, e.g., in a loop). Case-sensitivity of
parameter names. Weird names (“return”, “case”). Non-triggering. File must be open.

6. Units, especially when mixing API and iLogic. API centimeters, iLogic is doc-units.

Page 83
7. SharedVariables (global data accessible to all files, but only within Inventor session)

8. OK to dive into API when snippets not sufficient. Discerning between iLogic objects and
their properties, vs. API objects and their properties. (especially important if “units”
come into play)

9. Drawings need API usage. Drawings are hard, unless merely poking in strings /
changing parameters.

10. Cloud options:

a. Configurator 360 – Configure Inventor models in a browser, using iLogic forms
b. “Forge Design Automation API for Inventor” (just entering “Public Beta”). Use the
Inventor API (and iLogic, of course) totally programmatically.

Page 84
Additional Resources
1. Inventor Customization Forum
Note you can just use Google to search for any relevant phrase, and add
“site:autodesk.com” to limit the results.
2. YouTube … search for “iLogic” (some great videos from Autodesk partners/resellers)
3. Autodesk University previous years
4. Inventor Guided Tutorials
5. Inventor documentation There is a whole section dedicated to iLogic.

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