Contemporary Topics - 3B Food Addictions

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Some foods and drinks like chocolate, coffee, soft drinks, candies and snacks can be potentially addictive if consumed in large amounts regularly. Addiction is characterized by a strong desire to consume something frequently.

Chocolate, candy, soft drinks, cookies, cakes, tea, potato chips and other snack foods are mentioned as foods and drinks that can be addictive.

Some potential negative consequences of consuming too much sugar mentioned are weight gain, negative effects on health and teeth.


Food Addictions

Is there something you eat or drink a lot of each day? Would you say you're addicted?
An addiction is a strong desire to consume something. When we think about addiction,
we often think about drugs or alcohol. But even some foods and drinks can be addictive.

Read the list of foods and drinks. Check ( the ones that you consume every day.
chocolate candy soft drinks, such as Pepsi or Coke
other candies coffee
sweets, such as cookies and cakes tea
potato chips other --------
other snack foods

Compare answers with a classmate. Talk about how you feel if you cannot have some
of these items.

UNIT 3b u�1�1ul,,j�.JD
Bu IL Dyour vocabulary
A. The boldfaced words are from the unit lecture on food addictions. Listen to
the sentences. Read along.
1. affects-When I drink coffee late at night, it really affects my sleep. I
cannot go to sleep easily, and I wake up a lot.
2. consequence-The consequence of eating too much sugar is getting fat.
Without a doubt, that is what will happen.
3. crave-When I'm tired or feel sad, I crave something sweet. I really want to
eat candy or cookies at that time.
4. harmful-Some foods can be harmful. If we eat too much of them, we can
become sick.
5. legal-When a doctor writes a prescription for a drug, then that drug is
legal. It is OK to take that drug.
6. moderation-Drinking several cups of coffee a day can make a person feel
too excited. It's better to drink coffee in moderation-so maybe just one cup.
7. period of time-Many people drink coffee in the period of time between
waking up and going to work.
8. regulates-The government regulates the sale and use of alcohol and drugs,
but we can buy and eat addictive foods freely.
9. risk-When you drink many cups of coffee every day, there is a risk you'll
become addicted. It's possible you will feel like you need the coffee.
10. substances-The substances we eat or drink can make us healthy, or they
can be addictive.

B. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.

consequences harmful legal

1. Some of the things we eat and drink can be ________ to us.

2. Some drugs are not--------· The law says we shouldn't

take them.

3. Having too much sugar in your diet can have negative ________
for your health.

Health Sciences 47
crave period of time risk substances

4. In the morning, I ________ a cup of coffee.

5. For a --------, from June to July, I tried to stop eating sweets.

6. Some ________ can become addictive if we consume them

too often.

7. I know there is a ________ of addiction, but I still drink Coke

every day.

affect moderation regulated

8. The use of caffeine or sugar is not ________ by laws.

9. Eating sweet things like candy or cookies is OK in ________

10. Eating too much sugar can ________ the health of your teeth.

C. INTERACT WITH VOCABULARY! Work with a partner. Notice the boldfaced

words. Cover Column 1 as your partner reads sentences 1-3. Listen and write
the missing words in Column 2. Your partner corrects your answers. Switch
roles for 4-5.
Column 1 Column 2
1. Last time, we looked at healthy 1. Last time, we looked at
lifestyles. ________ lifestyles.

2. Caffeine is a natural substancE 2. Caffeine is a

that makes people feel awake. ________ substance
that makes people feel awake.

3. Caffeine carries a risk of 3. Caffeine ________

addiction. a risk of addiction.

4. You might experience the 4. You might experience the

addictive quality of coffee. ________ quality of

5. Eating a significant amount of 5. Eating a ________

sugar can make us fat. amount of sugar can make us fat.

48 UNIT 3b
FOCUS your attention
As you listen to a lecture, it's a good idea to predict what may come next. For
instance, if a speaker says you will hear three examples, try to predict what
those examples will be. It's OK if you're wrong. Predicting helps your mind
get ready for new information.

When we hear a speaker present a list, using numbers is a good way to organize our
notes. Say a speaker presents a topic and supporting points. It may sound like this:

Let's look at four effects of eating too much sugar.

Fir6t . .
Next .. .
Third . .
Finally . .

·····.:· .... .
:: : . · · ·.:=·
A. Listen to this excerpt from a lecture on the
harmful effects of addictive substances. Predict
what the speaker might say.
B. Listen to the excerpt again. Create a numbered
11st below as you note the Information the
speaker gives.
C. Compare notes with a partner.


Health Sciences 49
L I 5 T E N to the le ct Ure


You are about to listen to the unit lecture on food addictions. Look at the pictures
above. Based on the pictures, predict some things the lecturer will say.


A. Close your book. Listen to the lecture and take notes. Try to predict as
you listen.
B. Complete the topic and main ideas from the lecture. Use your notes and the
words below.
addictive chocolate food sugar
caffeine excited moderation

Topic: Addictions

1. Many foods can be ________

2. The ________ in coffee can make people

feel ________

3. Manyfoods contain , which can be addictive.

4. has sugar and a couple of chemicals like caffeine.

5. The keyis ________

50 UNIT 3b
A. Close your book. Listen to the lecture again. Add details to your notes and
correct any mistakes.
B. Use your notes. Circle the best answer, based on the lecture.

I. A drink that contains caffeine is ________

a. tea b. milk c. orange juice

2. We might become addicted if we drink a cup of coffee ________

a. once a day b. several times a day c. in the morning

3. One harmful effect of caffeine is ________

a. a racing heart b. a craving for bread c. your body holding

4. Sugar can make us feel happy and then unhappy.

a. true b. false c. The speaker didn't
talk about this.

5. Chocolate contains sugar and a couple of chemicals that are like caffeine.
a. true b. false C. The speaker didn't
talk about this.

6. Caffeine, sugar, and chocolate are

a. regulated b. socially acceptable C. always harmful

7. A luxury is something that is

a. special b. illegal C. both a and b

8. It's OK to eat or drink addictive substances if we

a. don't overdo it b. consume a lot C. want to have a
of them headache

Health Sciences 51
TA L K about the t O pi C
A. Listen to the students talk about food addictions. Read each opinion. Then
check�) who disagrees with it. More than one student may disagree.

Michael Rob

1. Chocolate cake tastes bad.

2. Rob has an addiction to espresso.
3. All TV shows are boring.
4. All addictions are bad.
B. Listen to the discussion again. Listen closely for the comments below.
Check (�) the discussion strategy the student uses.
Expressing a fact
u�1�1 ultj e?>" an opinion Disagreeing or example

1. Michael: "Sounds like somebody has

an addiction." D D D
2. Rob: "Well, I wouldn't say that."
3. Michael: "Hmm. I don't know if I agree
with that." D D D
4. Michael: "Every Wednesday night
there's this live music show on MTV." D D D
Discussion Strategy: Expressing an opinion In an academic setting, you
have numerous opportunities to express your opinions-your thoughts, feelings,
and positions. But while many opinions start with expressions like I think,
I believe, and In my opinion, only the interesting ones continue with facts,
experiences, and other forms of support!
l ill l f

C. In small groups, discuss one or more of these topics. Try to use the
discussion strategies you learned.
• Are there any foods or drinks that you crave? When do you want to have that
substance? How does it make you feel? Do you think you are addicted?
• Talk about any foods or drinks that are taboo-not socially acceptable-in
your culture. Why aren't they acceptable?
• What advice can you give to a friend who eats or drinks something you know
has harmful effects?

52 UNIT 3b
REVIEW your notes
With a partner, review your notes from the lecture. Discuss the addictive
substances and harmful effects you noted. Then complete this outline together•

I. v�",e"s � too lo"\1.\0\
4'\. he�...t ...�ces c. 'boJ..y loses-------

'b. J..i.#icl.\lty J... -------

II. t)�",eYS � too IMI.\O\

""' �eel hi.'h �"J.. the" c. 'b� �o... -------
'b.,et ��t

...... Ill. t)�",e"S � too IMI.\Ch

4'\. -------- ...�ces

c. loses--------
J.. he��d\es

........ �-
e. �eel-------- �"J. the" --------
�o... --------

....... ,.,et

The "ey =

r-----� _
........ - ..........

Now you are ready to take the Unit Test.

Health Sciences 53
EXT EN Dthetopic
...:::• You learned about healthy diets and unhealthy, addictive foods. Now
expand your knowledge. Discover the importance of sleep and learn
about other people's food addictions.

A. Listen to a public service announcement about the connection between sleep

and weight gain.

)iscuss the following in a small group.

1. What might Mrs. Daly tell Jessica about managing her time and sleep?
2. Do you have difficulty managing your time? What are some things you do to
get all of your work done and to get enough sleep?

B. Research the importance of sleep and good health. Find out more about
keeping a healthy weight and getting enough sleep. How are these related?
Below are possible search terms for an Internet search.

sleep and diet

sleep and good health

Share your findings with the class.

54 UNIT 1h
C. Listen to a radio advertisement for a new high-energy product.

Discuss the following in a small group.

1. What product does the advertisement want consumers to buy? What are
some of the features of the product?
2. Would you buy Chocojolt? Why or why not?
3. Have you ever tried a product that promised any of the following?
·····} to help you lose weight/fat
....} to make you look young
....} to make your hair grow
....} to give you more energy
....) other

Talk about some examples of products that do these things. Share your
experience and opinions about these kinds of products.

D. Investigate food addictions.

····} Interview three or four people who are not part of your class.

Interviewed � (name) (name) (name) (name)

1. What is
something you
eat, drink, or
do every day?
2. Would you say
you are
3. Would it be easy
for you to stop?


····} Report your findings to the class.

Health Sciences 55

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