TVL - SM 12 - w5

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Learning Area TVL- Shielded Metal Arc Welding Grade Level 12

W5 Quarter Third Date

I. LESSON TITLE Weld Carbon Steel Plates in Vertical Position (3G)

3.5 Observe weld capping/ final pass not exceeding allowable tolerances
specified by welding codes/ standards

III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT Welding procedure specification.

IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
A. Introduction Presentation
Panimula 1 hour In this lesson, you will discover the knowledge, skills and attitudes in performing
Weld Carbon Steel Plates in Vertical Position (3G). It is important to learn the welding
procedure specification.

A Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) is the formal written document describing

welding procedures, which provides direction to the welder or welding operators for
making sound and quality production welds as per the code requirements. The purpose
of the document is to guide welders to the accepted procedures so that repeatable
and trusted welding techniques are used. A WPS is developed for each material alloy
and for each welding type used. Specific codes and/or engineering societies are often
the driving force behind the development of a company's WPS.
These are proven and tested procedures that include but are not limited to,
information such as the materials needed, the tools required, the processes to follow,
the techniques to employ and finally confirmation of the desired outcome. A Welding
Procedure Specification is essential for every welding company to have because it
maintains quality standards across every weld.
1. What is the welding procedure specification?
2. Give at least 5 tested procedures mentioned in the paragraphs above:
1. 4.
2. 5.
B. Development 1 hour A welded construction applies, quality prescriptions concerning design production
Pagpapaunla and use. Therefore clients in commercial and industry claims approved welding
d procedures. Welding requires skill. Determining "how to weld" requires knowledge
regarding the materials being welded and welding process, among numerous other
factors. Because of huge number of variables involved, the knowledge of the welding
engineer and the skill of the welder need to be validated by a series of tests.
The Welding Procedure Specification is a required document for all code welding.
Your customer either directly or indirectly specifies to what code your company must
qualify. The WPS outlines all of the parameters required to perform your welding
The Welding Procedure Qualification Record is the document that qualifies the
Welding Procedure Specification. In order to qualify your WPS, a procedure qualification
plate is welded to the code requirements. The actual test parameters are recorded at
the time of welding to ensure the WPS was being followed. Generally any supporting
documentation, such as material specifications, electrode specifications and shielding
gas specifications, are included as part of the WPQR. All required testing, both non-
destructive and destructive, is recorded as well. These tests typically include X-Ray
examinations, ultrasonic examinations, tensile testing, bend testing and when required
impact testing.

Learning Task # 1: SCRAMBLED LETTER

Directions: Arrange the rolled up letters below to form the correct word. Write your
answer on separate sheet of paper. Use the PARAGRAPHS above.
C. Engagement 1 hour Open this link and read:
Pakikipagpali procedure-specification
Then, answer the activity below.
Learning Task # 2: FILLING THE BLANKS
Directions: Fill in the blanks, Choose your answer from Welding Procedure Specifications
according to European and international standards inside the box. Write your answer
on separate sheet of paper.

1. _______________ WPQR for welding of tubes to tube-plate joints

2. _______________ WPQR for finishing welding of aluminum castings
3. _______________ WPS for arc welding
4. _______________ Qualification based on tested welding consumables
5. _______________ WPS for laser beam welding
6. _______________ WPQR for fusion welding of cast iron
7. _______________ WPQR for arc and gas welding of copper
8. _______________ WPS for electron beam welding
9. _______________ WPQR for arc welding of steel and nickel
10. ______________ WPS for resistance welding

DS/EN ISO 15609-1 DS/EN ISO 15610 DS/EN ISO 15614-13

DS/EN ISO 15614-4 DS/EN ISO 15609-4 DS/EN ISO 15614-3

DS/EN ISO 15614-6 DS/EN ISO 15609-3 DS/EN ISO 15614-1

DS/EN ISO 15614-1 DS/EN ISO 15609-5 DS/EN ISO 15614-8

D. Assimilation 1 hour Welding Procedure Specification are prepared based on the requirements for the
Paglalapat practical welding work and the required standards and specifications. Here it is welding
personnel know the standard in welding process, base materials, filler materials and
welding data can be laid down, and so that the practical welding work can be
performed by the welders.
Working with metal is both exciting and empowering. As the sparks fly and the heat turns
up, welders are able to transform some of the world’s strongest materials into the shapes
and products they envision. This skill requires work and practice to acquire, and its best
learned with the assistance and guidance of Welding Procedure Specification

Learning Task 3: Answer the following questions using your idea base on the information
given. In each question your answer must be at least 50 words or more.
For this activity use another sheet of paper then write your name, week number and
the Learning Task number.

1. How do you prepare welding procedure specification?

2. What is difference between PQR and WPS?
3. What is the importance of WPS for the welders?

CRITERIA 5 points 3 points 1 point Scor
The answer The answer The answer
ACCURACY given is 100% given is partly given is
accurate. correct. incorrect.
Statements 1-2 sentences 3 or more
GRAMMATICALLY are 100% are sentences
CORRECTS grammaticall grammaticall are
y correct. y incorrect. grammaticall
y incorrect
Total score

(Learning Activity Sheets for Open this link and read:
Enrichment, Remediation or
Assessment to be given on
Weeks 3 and 6) Then, answer the assessment below.

Direction: Match the Welding Procedure Specification Standards in Column A with the
corresponding descriptions in Column B. Write your answer on separate sheet of paper.

Column A Column B
1. DS/EN ISO 15607 A. WPQR for spot, seam, and projection welding

2. DS/EN ISO 15614-13 B. Qualification by approval of a standard welding

3. DS/EN ISO 15614-12 C. Qualification based on a pre-production welding
4. DS/EN ISO 15609-1
D. WPQR for arc welding of steel and nickel
5. DS/EN ISO 15614-11
E. WPS for arc welding
6. DS/EN ISO 15609-2
F. WPS for electron beam welding
7. DS/EN ISO 15609-3
G. WPQR for fusion welding of cast iron
8. DS/EN ISO 15609-4
H. WPQR for resistance, butt and flash welding
9. DS/EN ISO 15609-5
I. General rules for WPS and WPQR
10. DS/EN ISO 14555
J. Stud welding of metallic materials
11. DS/EN ISO 15620
K. Brazing/hard soldering – procedure approval
12. DS/EN ISO 15610
L. WPQR for finishing welding of aluminum castings
13. DS/EN ISO 15611
M. Qualification based on tested welding
14. DS/EN ISO 15612 consumables

15. DS/EN ISO 15613 N. WPQR for welding of tubes to tube-plate joints

16. DS/EN ISO 15614-1 O. WPQR for arc welding of aluminum

17. DS/EN ISO 15614-2 P. Friction welding of metallic materials

18. DS/EN ISO 15614-3 Q. WPS for arc welding

19. DS/EN ISO 15614-4 R. WPQR for electron and laser beam welding

20. DS/EN ISO 15614-5 S. WPQR for arc welding of titanium and zirconium

21. DS/EN ISO 15614-6 T. WPS for gas welding

22. DS/EN ISO 15614-7 U. WPS for resistance welding

23. DS/EN ISO 15614-8 V. WPQR for arc and gas welding of copper

24. DS/EN ISO 15614-10 W. WPQR for hyperbaric dry welding

25. DS/EN 13134 X. WPS for laser beam welding

Y. WPQR for overlay welding

Z. Structural Welding Code – Stainless Steel

VI. REFLECTION ● The learner communicates the explanation of their personal assessment as
indicated in the Learner’s Assessment Card.
● The learner, in their notebook, will write their personal insights about the lesson
using the prompts below.
I understand that ___________________.
I realize that ________________________.
I need to learn more about __________.
Prepared by: Nicodemo C. Bron Checked by: Marilou M. Magpantay
TLE-IA-SM 11-w5 Loida S. Narvaez

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