Lenze Lecom-A/B Protocol Delta A. Hmi Factory Settings: Appendix B Communication - Scredit Software User Manual

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Appendix B Communication|ScrEdit Software User Manual

Lenze LECOM-A/B Protocol DELTA

A. HMI factory settings

Baud rate: 9600, 7, EVEN, 1 (Baudrate: 1200/2400/4800/9600/19200).

Controller station number: 1 (1~99).

Control area/state area: None / None.


1) Please pay close attention to each pin definition of cable connectors.

2) Ensure not to use the general RS-232 5-pin cable. This is because if pin 2, 3, 5, 7, 8 are all connected to
the drive, the drive can not recognize the communication signal and can not identify what kind of
communication it is.

3) For more detailed information of pin definition of cable connectors, please refer to the C. Connections
(Connector Pinouts) in page B-26 and B-27.

4) Ensure the HMI communication data format (The communication data written into the drive) is correct.
The Word “m” in the following table is used to specify the HMI communication data format.

5) Ensure the HMI display data format (Property table/Setting value...etc.) is correct.

6) When using broadcast function, please check if the using device is available. This is because the
broadcast function can be activated only when the user choose “write only” device for broadcast station
number (only choose setting value/setting constant (button) and then the broadcast function can be
used). If choosing other devices, the system will ask you to read back the drive setting value, so please
ensure to choose the correct device. If choosing the incorrect devices, a “Controller Station Number
Error…” fault message will display on HMI screen.

7) Support 82XX frequency AC drives and 93XX servo drives.

B. Definition of controller Read/Write address

Registers (n, m, y are in decimal)

Read/Write Range
Word No. Bit No.
Register Type Format Data Length
LowByte HighByte
Parameter without subcode CWn n: 1 ~ 10000 N/A N/A Word
CWn.m n: 1 ~ 10000 m: 0 ~ 23 N/A Word
Parameter with subcode CWn/y n: 1 ~ 10000 N/A y:1 ~ 255 Word
CWn/y.m n: 1 ~ 10000 m: 0 ~ 23 y:1 ~ 255 Word

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Appendix B Communication|ScrEdit Software User Manual

Read/Write Range
Word No. Bit No.
Register Type Format Data Length
LowByte HighByte
Parameter without subcode CDn n: 1 ~ 10000 N/A N/A DoubleWord
CDn.m n: 1 ~ 10000 m: 0 ~ 23 N/A DoubleWord
Parameter with subcode CDn/y n: 1 ~ 10000 N/A y:1 ~ 255 DoubleWord
CDn/y.m n: 1 ~ 10000 m: 0 ~ 23 y:1 ~ 255 DoubleWord


1) m : HMI communication data format

2) The value of m represents the different communication data format:

y If m value is undefined: ASCII hexadecimal format (VH). (4 or 8 numbers.)

y m >= 23 : ASCII hexadecimal format (VH). (4 or 8 numbers.)
y m = 0 ~10 : unsigned, ASCII decimal format (VD).
m represents decimal place, For example:
m=0 Æ no decimal place
m=1 Æ one decimal place (tenth)
m=2 Æ two decimal place (hundredth)

y m = 11 ~20 : signed, ASCII decimal format (VD).

m represents decimal place, For example:
m=11 Æ one decimal place (tenth)
m=12 Æ two decimal place (hundredth)

y m = 21 : signed, ASCII decimal format (VD).

without decimal place

y m = 22 : ASCII hexadecimal format (VH). 2 numbers.

when using this format, the write value will be limited within the range of 0~0xFF
(low byte).
For example: when entering 0x1234 during communication, the actual write value
is 0x34, not 0x1234.

Contacts (n, b, y are in decimal)

Read/Write Range
Word No. Bit No.
Register Type Format
LowByte HighByte
Parameter without subcode CBn.b n: 1 ~ 10000 b: 0 ~ 31 N/A
Parameter with subcode CBn/y.b n: 1 ~ 10000 b: 0 ~ 31 1 ~ 255

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Appendix B Communication|ScrEdit Software User Manual

Only VH type parameter can provide Bit read/write function (it is convenient for the user to read/write Bit No.
of parameters).

CBn.b, CWn (CWn.m), CDn (CDn.m): read/write address is the same (address n).


1) Since the data format of this controller is complicated (a. VS (String format), b. VO (Octet string format
data blocks), c. VH (ASCII hexadecimal format)(1, 2, 4 bytes), d. VD (ASCII decimal format)(positive,
negative, decimal,..)) and the communication format is not compatible, therefore, it is needed to ensure
the HMI communication data format is correct, or the error may occur.

2) Registers: only can read/write the data of ASCII hexadecimal format (VH), ASCII decimal format (VD)
(i.e. Either VH or VD data format can be set via communication.)

Contacts: only can read/write the data of ASCII hexadecimal format (VH)

HMI display data format (Property table/Setting value...etc.) should also be correct.


y Registers: only can read/write the data of VH, VD. HMI needs to set communication data format
(please refer to 4), 5) and 6)). String format (VS), and Octet string format for data blocks (VO) can
not be used. If the controller returns the data in VS or VO format, HMI will show “……Value Is
Incorrect” on the screen.
y Contacts: only can read/write the data of ASCII hexadecimal format (VH). Only VH type parameter
can provide Bit read/write function. If the controller returns the data in other format, HMI will show
“……Value Is Incorrect” on the screen.
y Do not write the inexistent Bit address, or HMI will show “….Write …. Command Can Not be
Executed” on the screen.
For example: CW470/1. The valid value of CW470/1 is within the range of 0 ~ 0xFF. Therefore, Bit
8 ~31 is not existed. Although HMI will show the value of Bit 8 ~31 is 0, the user can not write or set
the value.
y The settings of ASCII hexadecimal format (VH) and ASCII decimal format (VD) should be correct. If
the VD data is set in VH format in HMI (m value is undefined, or m=22 or 23) or the VH data is set
in VD format in HMI (m=0 ~ 21), when HMI write the data, HMI will show “….Write …. Command
Can Not be Executed” on the screen or tell the user the write value is incorrect.
y The decimal place of ASCII decimal format (VD) should be set correctly, or the write value will not
be correct. The decimal place displayed on HMI should also be correct, or the display value will be
y ASCII hexadecimal format (VH), 2 numbers (m = 22). The value is limited to 2 numbers. Using this
format the write value will be limited within the range of 0 ~ 0xFF (low byte) automatically.

3) Station Number and Broadcast

y The valid station number is from 0 to 99. If exceeds this range, HMI will stop read/write operation
and show “Controller Station Number Error …”on the screen.

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Appendix B Communication|ScrEdit Software User Manual

y 00 indicates the global broadcasting number (1~99).

y 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 are local broadcasting number.
The affected ranges are: 11~19, 21~29, 31~39, 41~49, 51~59, 61~69, 71~79, 81~89 and 91~99
respectively. Only choose setting value/setting constant (button), and then the broadcast function
can be used. If choosing other devices, the system will be confused while reading back the drive
setting value via broadcast function, so please ensure to choose the correct device. If choosing the
incorrect devices, a “Controller Station Number Error…” fault message will display on HMI screen.
y Use in LECOM-A/B protocol. 82XX frequency AC drives and 93XX servo drives all use this protocol.

4) Explanation of communication error address

y Registers: display CW n, CWy n, CD n, CDy n in order

y Contacts: display CB n, CByn in order (n: address value)

5) HMI data format explanation

y Some controller parameters are in Word and some are in Double Word. Therefore, there are two
kinds of data format: Word ( CWn (CWn.m), CWn/y(CWn/y.m) ) and Double Word ( CDn (CDn.m),
CDn/y(CDn/y.m) ).
y Furthermore, regarding to Bit No., HMI only read/write 32Bit (Bit0 ~ Bit31) of parameters in VH
y CWn(CWn.m), CDn(CDn.m), or CBn.b: read/write address is the same (address n), but
When symbol is set to CW, read/write value is the low word of parameters (n) only,
When symbol is set to CD, read/write value is the Double Word of whole parameters (n),
When symbol is set to CB, read/write value is the Bit (b) No. of parameters (n).
(m : HMI communication data format)
y (CWn/y(CWn/y.m), CDn/y(CDn/y.m), CBn/y.b: read/write address, which y subcode is the
same(address n), but
When symbol is set to CW, read/write value is the low word of parameters (n) only,
When symbol is set to CD, read/write value is the Double Word of whole parameters (n),
When symbol is set to CB, read/write value is the Bit (b) No. of parameters (n).
(m : HMI communication data format)
y Actually when using HMI,
i) When using devices that the unit is in Word (e.g. numeric devices (numeric value display,
numeric value input…)…), the read/write value will be the same no matter the read/write
address format is set to CWn or CDn as read/write value is the low word of parameters (n)
ii) When using devices that the unit is in Double Word (e.g. numeric devices (numeric value
display, numeric value input…)…), if the read/write address format is set to CWn,
read/write value is coming from the low word of CWn and CWn+1 these two addresses.
(The low word of CWn is regarded as “low word” and the low word of CWn+1 is regarded
as “high word”, and then combining “low word” and “high word” to a Double Word.)

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Appendix B Communication|ScrEdit Software User Manual

If the read/write address format is set to CDn, read/write value is the whole Double Word
of CDn (1 address).
iii) When using character device (e.g. character display, character input…), if the read/write
address format is set to CWn, the read/write value is coming from the low word of CWn,
CWn+1, CWn+2, …every address.
If the read/write address format is set to CDn, read/write value is the whole Double Word
of CDn, CDn+1, CDn+2,…every address.
iv) When using “Multiple Duplicate” function, if the Word and Bit addresses exceed the valid
range, the Word and Bit addresses will be set to 0 automatically. Sometime error will
occur to remind the user when compiling.
v) CBn.b, CBn/y.b are added for the user to read and write Bit No. of parameters in VH
format more easily.
vi) Only can read or write 1 parameter for each communication.

C. Connections (Connector Pinouts)

Pin 2, 3, 5 are for RS-232 communication. Pin 7, 8 are for RS-485 communication.


DOP Controller Controller

9 pin D-SUB male 9 pin D-SUB male 9 pin D-SUB male
(RS-232) (RS-232) (RS-232)

RXD (2) (3) TXD

TXD (3) (2) RXD
GND (5) (5) GND
Top View


DOP Controller Controller

9 pin D-SUB male 9 pin D-SUB male 9 pin D-SUB male
(RS-485) (RS-485) (RS-485)
D- (1) (7) T/R (A)
D- (4)
D+ (2) (8) T/R (B)
D+ (3)
Top View

Revision 05/30/2006, EH00 B-45

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