5.2 Status Block: Chapter 5 Control Block and Status Block - Scredit Software User Manual

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Chapter 5 Control Block and Status Block|ScrEdit Software User Manual

5.2 Status Block

For two-way communication and display screen between DOP series and all brands’ PLC, it needs to input
starting address of response register in status block. The status block in DOP series is a continuous data
block, such as Dm=D10 (length is 8 WORDs = D10-D17). When the control block size is set to 0, the control
block function is disabled. If the control block function is disabled, the status block function is also disabled.
When the status block function is enabled, the external controller, i.e. PLC can know the status of HMI by
writing the setting in status block. The function and explanation of each WORD are listed below. (In the
following table, we assume that the users use Delta PLC, so the available starting addresses in control block
are Dm ~ Dm+7 (D10 ~ D17).)
Word Number Register
0 Status Register for General Control (GCSR) Dm (D10)
1 Status Register for Screen Number (SNSR) Dm+1 (D11)
2 Status Register for Curve Control (CCSR) Dm+2 (D12)
3 Status Register for Sampling History Buffer (HSSR) Dm+3 (D13)
4 Status Register for Clearing History Buffer (HCSR) Dm+4 (D14)
5 Recipe Status Register (RESR) Dm+5 (D15)
6 Status Register for Recipe Number (RBSR) Dm+6 (D16)
7 Status Register 2 for General Control (GCSR2) Dm+7 (D17)

„ Status Register for General Control (GCSR)

Bit Number Function

0 Screen Switch Status
1~2 Reserved
3 Clear Status of Alarm Buffer
4 Clear Status of Alarm Counter
5-7 Reserved
8 User Level (Bit0)
9 User Level (Bit1)
10 User Level (Bit2)
11 User Level (Bit3)
12~15 Reserved

„ Screen Switch Status

When the screen is switched, the Bit will be set to ON. After screen switch is completed, the Bit will be

„ Clear Status of Alarm Buffer

When HMI clear the alarm buffer (clear status of alarm buffer function is enabled), the Bit will be set to
ON. After this function is completed, the Bit will be OFF.

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Chapter 5 Control Block and Status Block|ScrEdit Software User Manual

„ Clear Status of Alarm Counter

When HMI clear the alarm counter (clear status of alarm counter function is enabled), the Bit will be set
to ON. After this function is completed, the Bit will be OFF.

„ User Level Status

Bit 8 ~ Bit 11 are used to record the users level when HMI is in communication.
Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11
User Level

„ Status Register for Screen Number (SNSR)

Word Function
0 The last open screen number

„ The last open screen number

The register SNSR (Dm+1) is used to store the last screen number you opened. Every time the screen
is switched, the last screen that the users open (including sub-screen) will be memorized and stored in
this status register (D11).

„ Status Register of Curve Control (CCSR)

Bit Number Function

0 Sampling status of curve 1
1 Sampling status of curve 2
2 Sampling status of curve 3
3 Sampling status of curve 4
8 Clear status of curve 1
9 Clear status of curve 2
10 Clear status of curve 3
11 Clear status of curve 4
4~7;12~15 Reserved

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Chapter 5 Control Block and Status Block|ScrEdit Software User Manual

„ Curve Sampling Status Flag

When sampling general curve or X-Y curve, the curve sampling status flag will be set to be ON (Bit 0 ~
Bit 3 is set to ON). After sampling operation is completed, the curve sampling status flag will be OFF.

„ Curve Clear Status Flag

When clearing general curve or X-Y curve, the curve clear status flag will be set to be ON (Bit 8 ~ Bit 11
is set to ON). After clear operation is completed, the curve clear status flag will be OFF.

„ Status Register for Sampling History Buffer (HSSR)

Bit Number Function

0 Sampling Status of History Buffer 1
1 Sampling Status of History Buffer 2
2 Sampling Status of History Buffer 3
3 Sampling Status of History Buffer 4
4 Sampling Status of History Buffer 5
5 Sampling Status of History Buffer 6
6 Sampling Status of History Buffer 7
7 Sampling Status of History Buffer 8
8 Sampling Status of History Buffer 9
9 Sampling Status of History Buffer 10
10 Sampling Status of History Buffer 11
11 Sampling Status of History Buffer 12
12-15 Reserved

„ Sampling History Buffer Flag

When sampling history buffer, the sampling history buffer flag will be set to be ON (Bit 0 ~ Bit 11 is set
to ON). After sampling operation is completed, the sampling history buffer flag will be OFF.

„ Status Register for Clearing History Buffer (HCSR)

Bit Number Function

0 Clear Status of History Buffer 1
1 Clear Status of History Buffer 2
2 Clear Status of History Buffer 3
3 Clear Status of History Buffer 4
4 Clear Status of History Buffer 5
5 Clear Status of History Buffer 6
6 Clear Status of History Buffer 7
7 Clear Status of History Buffer 8
8 Clear Status of History Buffer 9

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Chapter 5 Control Block and Status Block|ScrEdit Software User Manual

Bit Number Function

9 Clear Status of History Buffer 10
10 Clear Status of History Buffer 11
11 Clear Status of History Buffer 12
12~15 Reserved

„ Clear History Buffer Flag

When clearing history buffer, the clear history buffer flag will be set to be ON (Bit 0 ~ Bit 11 is set to ON).
After sampling operation is completed, the clear history buffer flag will be OFF.

„ Recipe Status Register (RESR)

Bit Number Function

0 Change Status of Recipe Number
1 Recipe Read Status (PLC → HMI)
2 Recipe Write Status (HMI → PLC)
3~15 Reserved

„ Change Status of Recipe Number Flag

When change status of recipe number is controlled by PLC, the change status of recipe number flag
(Bit 0) is set to ON. After HMI change the status of recipe number and update the RCPNo value, the
change status of recipe number flag will be OFF.

„ Recipe Read Status Flag

When HMI read one recipe data from PLC, the recipe read status flag (Bit 1) is set to ON. When the
recipe data is read and saved in HMI completely, the recipe read status flag will be OFF.

„ Recipe Write Status Flag

When HMI send one recipe data to PLC, the recipe write status flag (Bit 2) is set to ON. When the
recipe data is sent and written to PLC completely, the recipe write status flag will be OFF.

„ Status Register for Recipe Number (RBSR)

Word Function
0 Current recipe number

When recipe number register RCPNo is changed (no matter it is changed by PLC or HMI), the status register
for recipe number (RBSR) (Dm+6) will be updated also. Monitoring this status register for recipe number
(RBSR) can know the current recipe number.

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Chapter 5 Control Block and Status Block|ScrEdit Software User Manual

„ Status Register 2 for General Control (GCSR2)

Bit Number Function

0 Multi-language status value Bit 0
1 Multi-language status value Bit 1
2 Multi-language status value Bit 2
3 Multi-language status value Bit 3
4 Multi-language status value Bit 4
5 Multi-language status value Bit 5
6 Multi-language status value Bit 6
7 Multi-language status value Bit 7
8 Printer status flag
9 Printer form feed status flag
10~15 Reserved

„ Multi-language Status Value

The users can know the current multi-language shown on HMI from the multi-language status value.

„ Printer Status Flag

When this flag is triggered to ON, it indicates that the printer is printing current display or editing screen.
When this flag is set to OFF, the printer function is disabled.

„ Printer Form Feed Status Flag

When this flag is triggered to ON, it indicates that the printer is retracting the paper and aligning the
paper for the next run automatically. When this flag is set to OFF, the printing form feed function is

Revision 05/30/2006, EH00 5-11

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