Executive Position Profile - Loft Literary Center - Executive Director

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Loft Literary Center

Executive Director

Ballinger Leafblad is pleased to conduct the
search for Executive Director at the Loft in
Minneapolis, Minnesota.

The Loft Literary Center is one of the nation’s leading nonprofit literary
centers. With a focus on encouraging and supporting writing, and
connecting writers with readers, the Loft promotes the written word and
storytelling as vital to civic life.

The Loft offers more than 300 creative classes each year for youth and
adults at its home at Open Book, in community settings, and on-line,
serving thousands of writers and readers annually. In addition, the Loft
presents dozens of gatherings and happenings each year, awards
fellowship grants and mentorships to writers, maintains a small resource
library, offers writing studios and a book club meeting room, and provides
a wealth of online resources about the value and craft of writing and the
writing experience. The Loft's annual festival Wordplay, and conference
Wordsmith, are recognized for their scope, innovation, and excellence.

The Loft’s annual (non-pandemic) operating budget is $2.7 million with

37% of its revenue coming from earned income, 5% from its 3.8 million
endowment, and the remainder from contributions. The Loft has
enjoyed balanced budgets in all of but two of its 45 years. The
organization accomplishes its work with a staff of 17 employees, 250+
contract artists and teaching artists, and 15 board members. The Loft
shares a permanent arts center facility called Open Book with the
Minnesota Center for Book Arts, and nonprofit publisher Milkweed
Editions. Open Book is an independent nonprofit run jointly by these
organizations. A Year
Minnesota has one of the most celebrated communities of word-lovers in At-a-
the country due to its wealth of people engaged in writing, number and
quality of its independent presses, thriving library systems, and locally Glance
owned bookstores.

15,000 $600,000 300+ 2000 95-96%

Audience & Participants Paid to Artists Artists and Teaching Artists Individual Donors Students/Event Attendees
Would Recommend The Loft
HISTORY Every third year (2023, 2026, 2029), the Loft Executive Director
will provide leadership as Open Book’s Acting Director. Other
Founded in 1974, the Loft is a haven for reading and writing, one of years are rotated between chairing finance and external
the largest centers of its kind in the country. Incorporated on relations committees.
August 22, 1975, the organization began when a group of writers
gathered to share work and learn from each other in the upstairs Read the story of Open Book:
loft of Marly Rusoff's bookstore. Over the years, the Loft grew into https://www.openbookmn.org/documents/OBMonograph.pdf
a presenting organization, an artist service organization, a
community school for the arts, and a gathering place.
In 1999, the Loft, Minnesota Center for Book Arts, and Milkweed The award-winning Loft is renowned, not only for the quality
Editions, joined together to renovate and connect three 1880’s of its programming and its service to the community, but as a
vintage warehouses located on Washington Avenue in Minneapolis. great place to work. Loft staff members enjoy a flexible
This $5.5 million capital campaign resulted in their permanent schedule, four-day work week, generous vacation and holiday
home known as Open Book. time off, health insurance and other benefits, and the
company of dedicated and creative colleagues.

OPEN BOOK The organization is staffed by a combination of long-time and

new team members with an orientation to bringing fresh
Open Book is a cultural
approaches to further the mission.
and artistic center
dedicated to the book. It
is the first in the nation Staff members reflect with pride on how the organization
to serve as a gathering pivoted successfully to a virtual environment during the
place that celebrates the COVID-19 pandemic. All are committed to ongoing, critical
book community. It is a work to be not just inclusive and equitable, but to become
meeting place or quiet actively anti-racist within the scope of the Loft's
sanctuary and a destination for all who are interested in or programming and organizational practices.
inspired by the literary and book arts. In addition to housing the
Loft, Minnesota Center for Book Arts, and Milkweed Editions, it In offerings, outreach, practice, and its collegial
includes for profit-businesses including a coffee shop, a software environment the staff aspires to make the Loft:
consulting firm and a massage studio. The Open Book building
features performance and meeting spaces suitable for receptions, • Playful
meetings, and book clubs. • Challenging
Open Book’s Mission: • Genuine
• To inspire and welcome a vibrant book community. • Equitable
• To be a catalyst for artistic collaboration. • Innovative
• To engage the community in activities and programs for all
interested in book art and the written and spoken word.
• To provide a sustainable home for literary and book arts
This work is essential. We believe that story, verse, and writing aren’t just nice things to put The Loft advances the artistic
on a shelf, but are core to a full existence. At their best, words help us connect, entertain, development of writers,
mourn, provoke, educate, and empathize. fosters a thriving literary
community, and inspires a
We accomplish our work by bringing essential conversations, artists, readers, and learning passion for literature.
opportunities together under one roof, including classes, conferences, festivals, events, grants
and awards, one-on-one services for writers, residencies, and community engagement.

EDUCATION Year-long Writing Projects

The Loft's Novel Writing Project, Creative Nonfiction/Memoir
Classes Writing Project, and the new Poetry Apprenticeship are year-long,
The Loft offers hundreds of adult on- cohort-based intensive programs designed to help writers
line and in-person classes in standard complete a book through instruction, workshopping, critique,
genres like poetry, fiction, and personal mentorship from the published author leading the
creative nonfiction, as well as cohort, visits from authors, editors and publishers, and a
offerings in creative process, culminating public reading .
children’s literature, young adult
literature, playwriting, screenwriting, SERVICES
the business of writing, graphic
storytelling, blogging, mystery, romance, video game narrative, and One-on-One Coaching
horror. Adult students range from 18 to 90, with a equal numbers The Loft offers all levels of personalized services to help
participating simply to exercise their creativity and to seriously individuals reach their goals. Individuals have a video
pursue publication. Experience levels range from brand new conversation with an expert in order to answer a specific
writers to authors with several published books who participate question related to writing and writing careers.
for the ongoing community and accountability. Manuscript Critique Service
In 2016, in collaboration with one of the community's most This service is more intensive and is designed to match an
celebrated writers and teaching artists, David Mura, the Loft individual with a writer/editor to get feedback on their work and
launched a series of classes taught by writers of color, for writers of take the next steps to get a manuscript ready for publication.
color. The classes are designed to both address some of the barriers Bring the Loft to You Community Programs
to participating in regular Loft classes and to provide a comfortable The Loft works with schools, libraries, workplaces, and service
community in which writers of color can share their work and organizations and will tailor a creative writing program to a
lived-experience. specific group.
In addition to classes for adults, the
Loft offers a light schedule of Studios & Book Club Room
primarily afterschool classes for Renters describe the Loft's studios as "magic"-- many books have
youth during the school year and a been written within their quiet sanctuary. The book club room
robust program for young writers provides a comfortable, welcoming space for both book clubs and
during the summer. writing groups to gather.

Wordsmith is the Loft’s craft, career,
Each year, the Loft presents two major annual and connection conference for writers
gatherings – Wordplay festival and Wordsmith of all levels. The event provides help to
conference -- as well as an array of more intimate those preparing to publish their work
events throughout the year. and an opportunity for writers to pitch
their work to agents.
Wordplay is a festival for The next conference will be
readers of all kinds to come presented October 1-4, 2021 and
together, connect, and will becalled “Wordsmith
celebrate the year in books. Deconstructed” with
The Loft’s Wordplay launched programming offered a la carte
in May 2019 as Minnesota’s due to the fact that it will be
largest celebration of readers, virtual. In addition to craft talks
writers, and great books. Attendance surpassed 10,000 for the and panels, the event will have 14
inaugural festival weekend, joining authors such as Stephen agents and two editors available
King, Edwidge Danticat, and Amy Tan in a celebration of books. for virtual one-on-one
The event included readings, conversations, writing workshops, consultations.
kids’ activities, and one-of-a-kind happenings with outdoor OTHER EVENTS AND
stages, book signings, quiet reading corners, boisterous parties, SERIES THROUGHOUT THE
food trucks, beer tents, and books, books, books. YEAR

Wordplay has something for every reader. The Loft typically hosts
Wordplay’s mission is to celebrate the ways dozens of events in the Open
in which people connect to and through Book performance hall each
words and welcomes anyone who shares a year. The Big Ideas series
belief in the connective power of story. uses books to generate
thoughtful discussion on
With the need to go virtual in 2020, the Loft topical issues. With
was able to successfully pivot the event to Equilibrium Spoken Word
entirely online in a matter of weeks, generating 75,000+ views (EQ) the Loft
of 53 virtual Wordplay events. Wordplay 2021 also took place showcases nationally acclaimed spoken word artists of color paired
online with programming for youth in the morning, with local emerging spoken word artists. Two themes per year drive
international writers over the lunch hour, and three ways of curation of additional author events and readings and there are
looking at a topic with a poet, a fiction writer, and a non-fiction always opportunities to partner with other essential literary
writer in conversation. organizations including our local presses Coffee House, Milkweed
Editions, and Graywolf Press.

GR ANTS AND A W AR DS Mirrors and Windows
The Loft created the Mirrors and Windows mentorship
The Loft has a long legacy of supporting promising Minnesota
emerging and mid-career writers with grants and experiences to program to address the disparities in representation of diverse
advance their work. perspectives and authors in books for young readers. Through
this program, launched in 2018-2019, ten to twelve early
career/emerging Minnesota writers of color/indigenous writers
McKnight Artist Fellowship
will take part in a six-month mentorship and instructional
program with a diverse and qualified group of professionals
Five $25,000 awards annually are
and established artists.
given in recognition of excellence to
accomplished Minnesota writers. Four fellowships are awarded each
year, alternating between creative prose and poetry/spoken word. The Loft’s Mirrors and Windows mentorship program is
Similarly, one award annually is given to a children’s/young adult engaging the selected fellows in monthly workshops, along
author alternating between middle grade and young adult. The with manuscript consultation and access to other services and
fellowships are judged by prominent American authors and editors support.
who also visit the Loft, meet the winners and honorable mentions,
and make a public presentation or give a craft talk.
Excellence in Teaching Fellowships

Mentor Series
The Loft Mentor Series in Poetry and Creative Prose selects The Loft Literary Center and
twelve the Madeline Island School
emerging for the Arts (MISA) have
Minnesota partnered to award two
writers fellowships for a one-week
out of stay at MISA to work on a
hundreds writing project of the artists’
of applicants choice.

for the opportunity to work intensively with six national

acclaimed writers of prose and poetry for one year. Since 1979,
the Mentor Series has both validated and encouraged emerging
writers who meet monthly as a cohort, receive genre-specific
coaching as well as cross genre workshops and craft lectures,
individual consultation, and share the stage with the mentors
for a reading



Executive Director

The Executive Director at the Loft is an exciting role at one of the country's most treasured literary centers. The Executive Director reports to
the Loft’s board chair and serves as the organizational leader. The Executive Director is responsible for providing the vision, strategic planning,
and management oversight to effectively carry out the Loft’s mission. The Executive Director represents the Loft’s interests to its diverse
constituencies including the media, the literary community, educators, the cultural and philanthropic communities in Minnesota and nationally.

The Executive Director sets the Loft’s overall programmatic direction and ensures the appropriate organizational structures to accomplish the
annual goals. The position also oversees administration of the Loft’s programs and activities, and the management of the staff. The Executive
Director is an ex-officio, non-voting member of the board and of the Executive Committee, and is responsible for ensuring outstanding
governance practices and sound board management and recruiting.

Position Vision
The Executive Director is a passionate advocate of the literary arts who is able to articulate a compelling strategic vision for the
organization and to lead staff, board, and volunteers to turn that vision into a reality. This leader joins the Loft board and staff in their
quest to be an anti-racist organization that upholds and uplifts the voices of all communities and uses the resources of The Loft to
better all communities. The Executive Director must be able to make critical decisions, take risks, and meet challenges. This individual
must be a creative leader with excellent board, staff, and project management skills and be an effective communicator sharing the
Loft’s mission, values, and strategic plans to the public and media in a variety of settings. The Executive Director will cultivate working
relationships with media, grantors, foundations, corporations, and individuals to expand outreach to and promotion of the literary arts
locally and nationally. The Executive Director is ultimately responsible for the financial stability, smooth operation, and programmatic
success of the organization.

Essential Responsibilities

Organizational Leadership
• Lead an organizational culture that is passionate about the power of words and committed to anti-racism. Recruit, motivate,
and retain a talented staff to creatively carry out the organization's work.
• Directly supervise, coach and collaborate with the Loft’s leadership team. Assist them in creating a collaborative environment
that promotes initiative, fun/balance and creates individual growth opportunities.
• Constantly review all Loft programs and activities to ensure impact, quality, mission alignment, and good use of Loft’s
• Be a positive champion of change, providing guidance, direction and oversight as the organization continues to serve new
communities and their needs.



Executive Director

Strategic Planning
• Create and communicate a clear strategy for achieving/expanding mission to staff, board, and stakeholders.
• Develop and implement long- and short-term strategies and goals, and galvanize the organization to assure that it fulfills its
mission, including its commitment to anti-racisim work, remains true to its core values, and uses resources effectively.
• Monitor and evaluate the outcomes and impact of Loft programs and initiatives and make improvements or changes as necessary.

Community Advocacy and Public Relations

• Serve as the lead external spokesperson for the organization to constituents and stakeholders including: funders, students,
teaching artists, and the literary field.
• Facilitate effective relationships with all external stakeholders including visitors, members, community partners, the press,
funders, and politicians.
• Build collaborative strategic alliances to further advance the Loft’s mission.
• Promote the Loft’s mission and leadership role in the field while fostering a collegial atmosphere among partner organizations.

Board Relations:
• Engage the board of directors in shaping the vision for the Loft’s future, actively soliciting their input on key issues
in a timely manner, and formulating recommendations for consideration by the Board and its committees .
• Communicate, inform, discuss, and guide the board in affairs of the Loft and in issues that require policy decisions,
evaluations, and direction for new policies, procedures, or programs to improve the overall operations and programs.
• Work with the board to identify and recruit potential board members to diversify and expand the outreach of the
• Structure participatory board meetings and encourage active involvement of all board members.
Fiscal Responsibility
• Develop appropriate annual and long-term financial objectives; lead the Loft in consistently achieving these objectives, including a
balanced operating budget.
• Manage the budget to strategically grow earned and contributed revenue for the organization and implement growth plans.
• Steward and help grow the Loft’s endowment.
• Set and reach fundraising goals per an annual fundraising plan with regular assessments.
• Personally nurture and sustain close, productive relationships and collaborations with key donors, colleagues, and supporters of
the Loft who are in a position to advance the mission.
• Lead fundraising for special campaigns, annual gifts, sponsorships, government grants, and other strategies.


Executive Director

Open Book
Serve as the primary liaison between the Loft and the collaboratively run building, Open Book (independent nonprofit). Every third
year (2023, 2026, 2029), provide leadership as Open Book’s Acting Director. Other years rotate between chairing finance and external
relations committees. Serve on Open Book’s board of directors.

Management Responsibilities
The Executive Director reports to the Board Chair with significant involvement with all board members. Roles reporting directly to
the Executive Director include the managing or associate director, marketing and communications director, development director
and three artistic program directors (education, awards/events and festival/conference.) A total of 15 dedicated full-time and two
part-time staff work at the Loft, supported by five paid interns, and over 250 outstanding volunteers each year.

Required Qualifications
• Related experience with a track record of success, especially in anti-racist work and engaging marginalized communities.
• A track record of being an inspiring and service-oriented leader who has long-term vision and can effect change; capable of imparting
credibility, trust, integrity, enthusiasm, and the ability to motivate others.
• Strategic planning and programmatic planning and implementation experience.
• Meaningful experience in fundraising, sales, or related activities, with an ability to raise money from individuals.

Desired Leadership Style and Characteristics

• Commitment to diversity and inclusion
• Deep love and appreciation for words, books, stories and the importance of reading
• Collaborative interpersonal skills with the ability to create a supportive community
• Solid skills and track record of positively managing people, projects, and budgets
• Ability to multitask, and work calmly under pressure; detail oriented
• Diplomatic, kind, and patient; able to make and communicate hard decisions
• Sense of humor
• Excellent writing and communication skills
• Ability to work with diverse communities and varied personalities
• Creative, innovative, bold thinker

Compensation and Benefits

The compensation range includes a $120,000 annual salary and participation in the organization's comprehensive benefits plan.
The Twin Cities metro area includes Minneapolis, Saint Paul and the surrounding suburban area. Making up the
14th largest metropolitan area in the country, it is a unique blend of a small town and major cosmopolitan hub.
Both urban cores boast a thriving business atmosphere. Saint Paul, as the state capital, is home to state
government and has a more historical vibe. Minneapolis is the larger and more commercial of the two cities.
Separated by the Mississippi River, both cities share a common root of being
river towns - and the great outdoors are still a major attraction for residents
and visitors alike. There are over 100,000 acres of parks, walking and bike
paths, and other outdoor spaces.
Outside of the central downtowns, however, both cities have many distinct neighborhoods, and residents
identify more with their individual communities than with the larger city as a whole. The area has a diverse
range of neighborhoods and homes, with an atmosphere of a small town feeling with the conveniences and
cultural hallmarks of a big city.

3.6m 1,750+ 300 1,000 60+

Population in the Regional Lakes Parks Miles of dedicated on Museums in the
Greater MSP region & off-road bikeways metro area.

The Twin Cities offer something for everyone, from six professional sports teams to a robust arts scene. There is a thriving “foodie” culture
offering award-winning restaurants (several chefs have been regional James Beard Award winners). Shopping is plentiful with area malls and
unique shopping districts in both cities and in the suburbs.
There are over 30 theater venues (the Twin Cities boasts more theaters per
capita than any other US city), 10 dance companies, and 30 classical music groups
in the cities of Minneapolis and Saint Paul alone. Arts organizations like
Penumbra Theatre, Forecast Public Art, Northeast Minneapolis Arts Association,
and The Minneapolis American Indian Center showcase a range of artistic
expression. For the museum-goer, there are over 60 museums in the Twin Cities.

Cultural celebrations abound, including Cinco de Mayo, Dragon Festival, Selby

Jazz Fest, Little Mekong Night Market. And, nearly every weekend there are
several outdoor events for participants and spectators, displaying the
uniqueness of each season.

RESOURCES Greater MSP Partnership Saint Paul

MeetMinneapolis Minneapolis Park & Recreation
Saint Paul Convention & Visitors Bureau MakeIt MSP
Saint Paul Chamber of Commerce HomesMSP


Marcia Ballinger, PhD Damon Shoholm

Co-Founder/Partner Partner
651-341-4840 612-723-0824
[email protected] [email protected]


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