Sample Organization Internaship Report Sample

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Organizational Internship Report

Submitted to

Dr. Nazia Iqbal

Submitted by


Class ------------Section

Due date: ---------------

Department of Psychology

Faculty of Social Sciences

International Islamic University, Islamabad

Organizational Internship Report


National Book Foundation (NBF) was established in 1972 as a service rendering

educational welfare organization. It is statuary body created under the provision of
National Education Policy 1972-1980 through Parliament Act
No. XIX in order to make books available at moderate prices and strengthen national
production of books and reading materials.

Overview of the Organization:

National Book Foundation is working under the Ministry of Federal Education and
Professional Training Islamabad. It is the only government owned organization for the
production and development of general and federal text books which has a mandate to
disseminate knowledge throughout the country.

NBF represents Pakistan at all national and international forums most of which are
obligatory on the part of the country in pursuance of certain bilateral agreements. It

Organizational Internship Report
also maintains soft image of Pakistan through participation along with printed material
at major International Book Fairs and interaction with international Educational
Institutions through Pakistani Missions abroad.

NBF was notified as Federal Text Book Board vide SRO No.615(1)/2010 dated 6-
07-2015. It has its Head Office in Islamabad and four Regional Offices at each
Provincial Headquarters. In addition, it has three Branch Offices and twenty four
Bookshops throughout the country. The Chief Executive of the organization is the
Managing Director who works under the general supervision of the Federal Minister
and Federal Secretary of the Ministry of Education.

Main Functions of National Book Foundation:

a. Encourage the writer and the book trade in general in the production of books and
making them available to the students and general public at moderate prices.
b. NBF has mandate to developed and published Federal textbooks in line with approved
curricula as prescribed by NCC.
c. NBF also published books for visually impaired person at NBF Braille complex
Karachi and also for Tevta and other polytechnic institutions.
d. Translation of foreign and locally produce books into the national and Regional
languages of the country and vice versa.
e. Publication and reproduction of local books as well as those published abroad.
f. To initiate such other activities and programs as may assist in the task of Book
Development, Book Promotion, and advancement of Literacy & dissemination of
knowledge by means of the printed word.

Other Literary Activities Conducted by NBF:

Besides development, printing and sale of Books, NBF arranged several activities for
the promotion Book Reading and dissemination of knowledge throughout the country

Organizational Internship Report
1. Book Exhibitions

NBF arranges two Book Exhibitions yearly in its all 26 outlets in May and December,
in which NBF offers special discount on books from 15% to 90%. Approximately 400
book exhibitions are managed yearly.

2. Readers Club Scheme

National Book Foundation has been running a development project namely; Readers
Club since 1985. The members of Readers Club are entitled to buy books of their
choice at 55% discount from NBF bookshops and 50% discount from bookshops on
the panel of Readers Club of the respective city.

3. NBF Book Clubs

• Village Book Clubs
• Travelers Book Clubs/shops at Jinnah International Airport, Karachi and Allama Iqbal
International Airport, Lahore
• Travelers Book Clubs/Shops at Railways Stations (Karachi, Rohri, Multan, Lahore and
• Prisons Free Mind Book Clubs (in Jails)
• University Book Clubs/Shops

Organizational Internship Report
• Four Mobile Book club/shop (Books on wheels)
4. Monthly Magazine
NBF publishes “Mahnama Kitab” (Urdu) full of information about books.

5. Supply of books and reading materials to other countries

To create soft image of the country through its publications, NBF donated Pakistani
publications to Pakistan’s missions/Chairs, educational institutions, dignitaries, etc.
abroad (amount allocated during 2016-17 Rs.1.7 million). Since January 2016 to date,
966 books have been donated/supplied to 28 countries.
6. Awards authors of books written for Children Literature on Quaid-i-Azam,
Allama Iqbal and Pakistan Movement

Cash Awards are given to the writers of best published books written for children up to
the age of 16 years on Quaid-e-Azam, Allama Iqbal and Pakistan Movement. Since
2016-17 to date, 09 cash awards worth Rs. 4, 50,000 have been given to authors.

7. National Book Day

The Government of Pakistan declared the 22nd April as National Book Day. NBF
celebrates the National Book Day with New festivity and International Taste with the
vision of honorable Minister of NH&LH Division from 22nd to 24th April 2017.
8. NBF National Book Museum (first of its kind).
NBF National Book Museum (first of its kind) has been established in Head Office
Islamabad, which a place of wonder and wisdom. Besides rare books, manuscripts,
sculptures and Book Tree, 26 rare old Quran-i-Pak handwritten with gold water having
worth of more than Rs.10 million, single Stone Book of 8 tons are also part of this
9. Book Park: According to Hafiz Shirazi verse "‫ "فراغتے و کتابے و گوشہ چمنے‬a beautiful
“Book Park” has been designed, prepared and opened for public in the vicinity of
Head Office building which is highly appreciated by book lovers.
10.Literary Corners: To strengthen relations through literature and culture with Islamic
countries a scheme regarding Corners of their National Poets has been introduced.
With the financial assistance of Embassy of REPUBLIC OF AZERBAIJAN
“Nizami Ganjvi Corner” has been prepared and inaugurated. “Khawaja Hafiz”
Corner is under preparation and others are in pipeline.

Organizational Internship Report
11.E-books programme has been launched in August 2015 and in the first phase 10 E-
books have been prepared for sale.
12.Speaking books and enhanced activities of NBF Braille Press in connection with
printing and providing free Quran-e-Pak and other books for visually impaired persons.

Plan of Internship Programs:

NBF has also launched internship programs for the students to make them able to work
specially for the dissemination of knowledge, promotion of Book Reading culture and
other sector related to the book and education industry i.e Book publishing, designing,
administration supply of books, E-books, sales and other literary promotional
activities. As I study in international Islamic university, I selected National book
foundation Islamabad to know and understand official community I thought its better
to study to their community help them run more decently and efficiently .So I planned
to help them in whole positive way in all official works whatever they ask me to. I
hope to gain knowledge about walkability, which is an importable public health issue
because of the impact that it has on my community (physical health and environmental
health).I plan to develop survey/evaluation and health communication writing skills so
that I can improve my chances of getting a job with a public health non-profit after
graduation. I plan to increase my public dealing skills. I plan to develop the experience
of internship fruitful and helpful and plan to explore with peoples of this organization.
I panned to work with them on desighning different book titles and what I know about
desighning want to share with them. I used to plan that I want to work in library where
I want to decorate some positive pieces of quotes which can attract the peoples and
spread positivity.

Training Programs
This internship was our marked academic task to perform as internee in any
organization so then I selected National Book Foundation organization so that I
understand the peoples of organization and build good relationship with them. This
internship trained me in many ways that are:
• More Empathetic personality.
• self confidence
• improvement in speaking skills
Organizational Internship Report
• leadership skills, problem solving skills
• learn to be patient, more co-operative.
• I did some official works like make power point presentations for their organization,
used to make attendance sheets, works in desighning department use to work on
computer and many more.
• I learned how to behave when you are at any specific official post. so I learned
some official rules that will be helpful for me whenever I will at my official job in
my future. The organizational peoples were also very cooperative with me and made
me to understand things properly.

Learning experience
I did my internship at National book foundation Islamabad for 10 days almost
regularly on working days. I used to go to office from 9 am to 1pm before the start of
semester classes, as the classes timings were 1pm to 5pm.I worked with full energy,
confidence , enthusiasm and regularity .As my internship plan was to help in any
positive way and to bring positive changes in organization. So I learned and gained
experience in a positive way. As most of my internship work was to help people in
different task. I used to work what they gave to me and I always respond them in a
positive way. By dealing them I developed More Empathetic personality,self
confidence, improvement in speaking skills leadership skills,problem solving skills
learn to be patient, more co-operative. As I did some official work on official
computer I learn organtional processes very well. In theses days they were planned
about the book fair which held every year in Pak-China Centre Islamabad. I also
work with them as a team and also participate in meeting to give them positive
advices my learning experience as the result of internship was fruitfull. Most of the
time I used to work in admin and desighning department. I learned how to behave
when you are handling different task post so I learned some official rules that will be
helpful for me whenever I will at my official job in my future.


25thh Feb2020 Tuesday Introduction of

Organizational Internship Report
organization, briefing
about work.
26th Feb2020 Wednesday As they give me files to
read and guide me how
to manage files.(award
files, personal files etc)
27th Feb2020 Thursday Give me presentation to
make on power point.
28th Feb2020 Friday Make sheets
2th March2020 Monday Manage attendance
3th March2020 Tuesday Participate in a meeting
related to book fair as a
4th March2020 Wednesday Put data of ambassador
that will be invited in
book fair 2020
5th March2020 Thursday Make phone calls and
confirm who got
6th March 2020 Friday Go to designing
department where I used
to draw some pictures
related to books. Like
Animated cartoons
9th March 2020 Monday Go and visit to library.
Where I said them to
bring some positivity
related pictures or quotes
which I posted on
different attractive walls.

Organizational Internship Report
SWOT Analysis

Strength of organization
As doing the internship in National Book Foundation in ADMIN, LIBRARY and
DESIGHNING DEPARTMENT. I found following Strengths that are given below;
1. They easily hire internee at their offices without being reluctant.
2. They co-operate with new internees.
3. They make them to feel comfortable
4. Donot make them feel neglected.
5. They happily assign work to internees.
6. They donot show strict behavior regarding the timings of internship.
7. Their working speed is appreciable.
8. They waste less time and use more official efficiently.
9. Every department peoples are giving respect to their internee.
10. They act with internee as they acted with their employees in respectful manner.
The environment of their office were so calm and comfortable.

Weaknesses of organization
As doing the internship in National Book Foundation Islamabad in ADMIN,
LIBRARY and DESIGHNING DEPARTMENT. I found following weaknesses that
are given below;
1. As the employees of this organization some of them are lazy.
2. As above mentioned whenever they are in good positive mood they co-operate
with them otherwise vice versa.
3. Subordinates posseses less patient personality they need to be more patient.
4. Promotions are not given to sub ordinates on the basis of their talents.
5. They only put internee in organization they donot want to make them their
regular employees even they are talented.
6. The attitude of their officers with their Naib Qasid were not good.
7. The officers are sometimes moody and donot respond their employees on time
whenever they need.
8. Need to learn some speaking skills.
9. Needs to be empathetic.
10. Need to be patient.

Organizational Internship Report
11. As they have some foreign book ambassador they need to talk with them in a
good manner and make the feel secure and comfortable.
12. As the linguistic barrier is shown, they should have to learn English properly
and speak fluently. Don’t have leadership skills.

While working with them for 10 days I think these are the following
opportunities that are given below.
1. Due to organization in Islamabad and comfortable environment parents easily
send their childrens for internship.
2. Student can get unpaid internship without being referral as they allow internship
without any hesitation.
3. New comer has no chances of getting job in offices due to no vacancies as all
the posts are filled already.

Psychological Assessment
As I did my internship for 10 days. At starting days I was immersed in public
dealing and some official works so according to my plan at the last days when I
was about to quit my internship I will do some psychological assessment on the
employees of office to know their job satisfaction and environment. But
unfortunately due to uncertain situation of the world as covid-19 happened and
pandemic occurs and obviously my internship quit in that uncertain way and left
internship in that way. So I did not get chance of application of psychological
assessment tests, did not evaluated their well-being and job related satisfaction

Role as a Psychologist

A workplace must operate smoothly and efficiently in order to foster success. In

businesses where employees are happy and healthy, quality of life is a priority
and the organizational infrastructure is strong. Conflicts, when they arise, receive
swift and effective resolution. So keeping in mind I as a psychologist portray a
positive image of a person as well as co-operative office worker. As before
starting internship in National Book Foudation organization I heard rumors their
negative, aggressive, and non- cooperative attitude towards their employees
whenever they come for guidance and I experienced that non- cooperative

Organizational Internship Report
behaviors with employees, so I treated empoyees with co-operation and
emapatheticaly. And sloved their problem by envoling and asking official
officers to pay attention toward employees patiently and co-operatively. And
also Improve quality of life for employers and employees. So in few days I
played a role of great psychologist as much as I can and spread positivity in
employees to work as a team in a positive manner.

Recommendation and improvement

We can recommend suggestions when we know something clearly not only
strengths but weaknesses so on the basis of weaknesses, these are the following
recommdations for the employees and officers that are given below:
1. Decentralized policy should be adopted
2. Young employees should be given more chance to increase the diversity.
3. There should be some specific strategy and policy of promotion and it
should be strictly followed so that the employees take interest in their
4. Make their employees confident.
5. Allocate great English speaker employees for foreigner Book Ambassador.
6. If officers treats all the employees equally then half of the problems of
employees would have vanished.
7. Make the employees to work in a team effectively and efficiently.
8. Always appreciate your employees to motivate for performing their task


Doing internship was great idea of our university it help me in many areas to
explore in many areas of education it can give me experiences and I done my
activities or internship efficiently .I used to go to office from 09am to 1pm before
the starting of semester classes, as the classes timings were 1pm to 5pm.I worked
with full energy, confidence, enthusiasm and regularity. As my internship plan
was to help in any positive way and to bring positive changes in organization as
by being part of organization it was a great experience I took from National Book
Foundation . So I learned and gained experience in a positive way. As most of my

Organizational Internship Report
internship work was doing different task. on daily basis different problems faces
used to come in office for solution of their problem, some of them were the
problems related to upcoming book fair. It was also difficult for me to talk with
foreign book ambassador countries. By dealing them I developed more self -
confidence, improvement in speaking skills, leadership skills, problem solving
skills, learn to be patient, more co-operative. As I did some official work on
official computer I learn more of the organizational my learning
experience as the result of internship was fruitfull. I learned how to behave when
you are at any specific official post so I learned some official rules that will be
helpful for me whenever I will at my official job in my future.

platform where orphans can get Islamic education too along with other



It was in 1940 that a few notables of Abbottabad took interest in

managing the affairs of the neglected orphans. They worked hard and

established an institution that was the only home for the orphans. The tireless

and sincere efforts of the pioneers succeeded and the orphanage was founded

and registered in 1945. It was not only a home for the orphans but was also a

religious platform where they could get Islamic education.

The orphanage sustained after the emergence of Pakistan and besides

all their financial difficulties, people of Abbottabad supported the institution

progressively. The sense of social responsibility and patriotism of the

administrators really facilitated the process of registering the institute again in

1963. The district administration of Abbottabad became directly involved in

the activities of The Orphanage in 1976 and till now it is supporting the


Organizational Internship Report
The orphanage was reformed after 2005 when young and hardworking

team joined the elders in their efforts. People from different walks of life

participated in the activities of the orphanage and joined it as members. Plans

were made to raise funds and improve the living condition of the orphans.

Several governmental and private donor agencies were also contacted to run

different useful projects within the orphanage. The administration took

initiatives to associate several welfare homes throughout the country to work

jointly. The children of this orphanage are now able to join other welfare

institutions for higher education.


Sr Day Time Activities

1 Monday 6 o’clock: Awakening time
7 o’ Clock: breakfast
7:30- 1’ o clock: School time
1 o’ clock to 2 Rest time
2 – 3 o ‘clock Lunch time
3-4 o’clock: Tuition time
4-5 o’ clock: Quran class
5-7 o’ clock Rest time + Preparation for next day.
Dinner time
7-8 o’ clock TV time
8-9 o’ clock Sleeping time
9 onwards
2 Tuesday 6 o’clock: Awakening time
7 o’ Clock: breakfast
7:30- 1’ o clock: School time
1 o’ clock to 2 Rest time
2 – 3 o ‘clock Lunch time
3-4 o’clock: Tuition time
4-5 o’ clock: Quran class
5-7 o’ clock Rest time + Preparation for next day.
Dinner time
7-8 o’ clock TV time
8-9 o’ clock Sleeping time
9 onwards

Organizational Internship Report
3 Wednesday 6 o’clock: Awakening time
7 o’ Clock: breakfast
7:30- 1’ o clock: School time
1 o’ clock to 2 Rest time
2 – 3 o ‘clock Lunch time
3-4 o’clock: Tuition time
4-5 o’ clock: Quran class
5-7 o’ clock Rest time + Preparation for next day.
Dinner time
7-8 o’ clock TV time
8-9 o’ clock Sleeping time
9 onwards
4 Thursday 6 o’clock: Awakening time
7 o’ Clock: breakfast
57:30- 1’ o clock: School time
16 o’ clock to 2 Rest time
2 –7 3 o ‘clock Lunch time
3-4 o’clock: Tuition time
4-5 o’ clock: Quran class
5-7 o’ clock Rest time + Preparation for next day.
Dinner time
7-8 o’ clock TV time
8-9 o’ clock Sleeping time
9 onwards
5 Friday 6 o’clock: Awakening time
7 o’ Clock: Breakfast time
7:30- 12 o clock: School time
12-1 o’ clock Friday prayer preparation + prayer
Lunch time
2 – 3 o ‘clock Tuition time
3-4 o’clock: Quran class
4-5 o’ clock: Rest time + Preparation for next day
5-7 o’ clock Dinner time
TV time
7-8 o’ clock Sleeping time
8-9 o’ clock
9 onwards
6 Saturday Off day
9 o’ clock Awakening time
10- 12 o’ clock Breakfast + bath taking_ school home
12- 2 o’clock Lunch time
2-4 o’ clock Sports time
4-6 o’ clock Tuition & Quran class
7 Sunday Off day Awakening time
9 o’ clock Breakfast + bath taking_ school home
10- 12 o’ clock work

12- 2 o’clock Lunch time

2-4 o’ clock Sports time

Organizational Internship Report
4-6 o’ clock Tuition & Quran class
6-8 o’ clock Dinner time
8-10 onwards TV Time + sleeping time


Office Timing

Office timing of organization is from 9-5 pm for 7 days. Any volunteer,

sponsor person can visit between these mentioned timings.


Recruitment is entirely based on merit, qualification and abilities of


Here is the structure of HR functioning and Eligibility Criteria of Employees

in Idara e Tadrees Quran and orphanage Abbottabad.

Senior Administrator, office manager, receptionist manager, wardens schools

teachers, school management, HR manager, donation management officer and

then all other required officials and personals come for taking care of children.


➢ Leave application

Organizational Internship Report
➢ Approvals

➢ Paid/unpaid leaves


Performance Evaluation for job confirmation

Periodic performance evaluation


1. Salary Revision

2. Warnings

3. Job confirmation letter

Any other document that come under the service matter



Employment shall be terminated upon the employee’s attainment of

retirement. Age, resignation, discharge or dismissal.

Every employee while leaving organization whether he is retired/

terminated is liable to handover all assets and office gadgets during clearance.

All terminations removals etc. (voluntary/involuntary) must be treated in

confidential and professional manners by all concerned.

➢ Procedure (Retirement Age)

All employees must be subject to retirement upon reaching 65 years or

remain working consecutively with Orphanage Abbottabad from up to 35


Organizational Internship Report
➢ Registration

Any employee who wishes to resign should notify in writing about his/her

resignation in accordance with the rules (by giving a notice before 30 days)

• Termination

An employee may be terminated with the stipulated notice period (one month),

or one-month gross salary in lieu of such notice at the option of the employer.

This shall be applying in the following cases;

Where the employee is found unfit for service on account of health, poor

abilities of employee, threat to security of premises/ assets or organizational

conditions do not warrant the continued service of the employee.

➢ Removal / Dismissal

Removal/ Dismissal will be made on account of;

1. Misconduct

2. Fraud

3. Corruption

4. Theft/Pilferage

5. Unauthorized absenteeism

6. Inefficiency of employee

7. Engagement in subversive activities

8. Falsification or improper disclosure

9. Insubordination

10. Possessions of weapons

Organizational Internship Report
11. Any criminal activity or such activities that are harmful for


Plan of internship Program:

I stated from 10 June to 22 July internship here in education

department of orphanage Abbottabad where I got knowledge and different

skills by observing senior teachers and internship ended at 22 of

July.MY overall internship program prove to be very useful in gaining

different skills and knowledge. I chose this type of organization because of my

interest in serving humanity especially children, it was nearby our area, and

most important a great organization to apply my all knowledge which I am

taught by my teachers to apply on, and make plans for better mental health of

children. I was assigned with duty to interact with children, built rapport with

children who remain quiet all the time and know details about their emotions

and feelings and motivate them .Assigned to teach them some useful coping

skills like aggression coping and relaxation techniques, along with

communicating skills.

Learning Experiences:

I leant there how to work in team, how to manage children who are very

stubborn. How to deal with stubborn children with care and love. I learnt

communicating skills by interacting with different staff along with different

children there. I learn management skills, time management, and discipline. I

practiced CBT by the way how I was taught in university. I applied positive

psychology which I learned by my teachers to motivate children and give them

strength to make them know about themselves , their strengths and ways how

Organizational Internship Report
to utilize them ,and this was the best part which made children very happy,

confident felt strong, and indefinite energy to move forward. I too practiced

gratitude home works on children.

Values and attitude which I found there to be most important for

success is hardworking, with unity ,team work, and management of time and

work, and discipline of your routine. These values are the proof for the

progress of organization and which I too learned as values to practice in my

life too.

Most difficult task which I felt was building rapport with children who

usually remained quiet and don’t participate well. I did this by trying to notice

their interest and then according to their interest playing games with them.

During play, I used different techniques and got all useful information about

their personality and built rapport with them. And also planned program with

senior staff for their engagement in different activities daily.


1. Strengths of Orphanage Abbottabad:

Playing their part efficiently in the rearing of orphans.

Employees are Honest and committed to provide better lifestyle to the


On the way of meeting demands of Orphans moral, physical and psychological


Organizational Internship Report
2. Weaknesses of Orphanage Abbottabad:

Small number of Wardens and mothers (care takers)

Children level of interaction, confidence vary due their admission in different

school systems, some might feel inferior.

Children are fond of playing games, place for proper play ground is not


3. Opportunities for Orphanage Abbottabad:

Every day, volunteers visits the orphanage, and spend time with children,

teach the moral, ethical, social values to children.

Recently, some internees have planned to educate the children on weekly

basis, so this is big opportunity for orphans to learn moral values, enhance

their knowledge.

Volunteers are staring campaigns for economical supports for orphans.

Different other organizations , government and private sector and NGOS

taking interest and planning different programs and along with providing great

donation for children is good opportunity for institute.

4. Threat to Orphanage Abbottabad:

Terrorism and kidnapping is a big threat for this orphanage.

• IMPORTANCE OF Orphanage Abbottabad in the District:

Orphanage Abbottabad Pakistan being non-political, non-governmental and

non-profit organization is committed to serving humanity especially

vulnerable and orphans without any kind of discrimination to contribute in

Organizational Internship Report
their well-being of health, education, financial sustainability, livelihood,

shelter, availability of clean water, mosques, savage of disaster and other

aspects of life and for welfare of its employees by means of resource

mobilization and developing partnership with NGOs, other concerned public

& private organizations, supporting, engaging in and during useful programs

and doing all such acts, deeds and things required to achieves above with

integrity. Its sole aim is 'service to humanity' without discrimination of

religion, race, cast, sect, language, or political affiliation. In today’s realm of

education it serves a great platform of giving Qur’anic education to orphans

and its proper management system increase its importance as compared to

other orphanage present in the district. Which is working for many years for


• Need of Psychologist in Orphanage Abbottabad:

As orphans suffers from many psychological problems, the need of

psychologist and psychological interventions are very needed for this

organization. Orphans suffers from many psychological problems that are;

✓ Separation from parent (usually mother)

When mothers cannot afford the rearing of their children, or their

parents force them to do second marriage after the death of former husband,

they send their children to the orphanage for better education and shelter,

which they can’t provide and afford. This kind of separation makes the

orphans mute, lack of interactive that further leads to more behavioral and

emotional problems. So, psychologist must be there in the organization to deal

with behavioral and mental problems.

Organizational Internship Report
✓ Death of a parent

Some child came in the orphanage after the death of their

parent/parents, and remain in traumatic state for days, for them psychological

intervention through psychologist is very necessary for their better


✓ Threat to their lives because of property conflicts

Some orphans are attacked, abused and beaten by other family

members due to property issues, facing this kind of abuse and torture make

them more fearful that lead to lack of confidence, insecurity in them. Here

psychological aid is essential to make them more comfortable, secure and


✓ Natural Disasters:

Due to increased natural disasters in KPK and Abbottabad nearby areas

especially Earth quack, many people old , women children face huge

loss of relations, mental health, food, jobs, shelter. So organization

working for providing all such facilities during such circumstances.

So, in this organization need of psychologist persists for following


1) Psychologist can use different techniques and therapies to enhance the

child capabilities, involving them in healthy activities, to reduce the

effects of trauma (death) and separation from near ones.

2) Further, psychologist can provide training in educational settings to in

foster the confidence, attention and spirit to learn and competent others

in class room settings.

Organizational Internship Report
3) Psychologist intervention is necessary to deal with emotional and

behavioral problems of orphans who become more aggressive, abuse

and anti-social due to facing series of problems.

4) They also provide emotional warmth and support along with work for

betterment of mental health for children, women, old aged individual

who become disturbed and mentally sick due to more occurring natural

calamities like earthquakes in the region.


Vice President

HIERARCHY Administrator


Supervisor Administator
(1) (1)

House Mentors
Wardens(^) (1)

Security Guard Cooks Qari

(1) (3) (1)


Organizational Internship Report

My activity log Orphanage Abbottabad:

During my internship, I participated in various activities in Orphanage


• Spent time with staff members, observe their management and

working method and along with spending time with children, talking

with them and spending a lot of time together.

• Performed some clerical tasks at first of internship

✓ Updated the files of students as per new classes.

✓ Updated files of newly admissions.

Organizational Internship Report
• Contributed my part in self-grooming of Children.

• Contributed with making different programs for better engagement and

learning environment for children which they can enjoy too and learn

through it.

✓ Taught them moral lessons by relating and reading Stories of


✓ Asked general questions from students regarding Prophets to check

the knowledge and interest in Stories of Prophets.

✓ Arranged a Gratitude Test Activity to develop sense of

thankfulness in them for every blessing they have.

• Taught them to learn efficiently and succeed in academics to achieve

their goals.

• Taught them different relaxation techniques and learning techniques.

Role of psychologist:

Psychologist plays vital role in such institutes where children from

different historical backgrounds and due to different reasons are there

together. They work for the wellbeing and better mental health of children,

who face a lot of things in their lives, .for their motivation, weekly plans

are too formulated by psychologist. Many children are going through

depression, trauma and other mental health issues could only be identified

and resolved by psychologist .There are similar a lot of issued among

children which should be efficiently recognized and managed by

psychologist, so psychologist plays their important role for health of

children and in their better development in such institutes.

Organizational Internship Report

M y experience overall was good, BY keen observation in organization

working and management system, I inspired by their discipline and

system. But along with that I suggest paying attention to those staff

members of some only who are strict with children and harsh in behavior.

These children are very sensitive and need affection and love. Moreover I

suggest that organization should also plan different branches in other areas

and work on their expansion of programs .Organization discipline was

overall good and management too was excellent. Organization too should

plan different trips for children for better mental health, as these

recreational trips are very important for health. Seniors member of

organization are very hardworking and sincerely working for children and

surly be achieving their goals.


Introduction and history of organization. Retrieved from


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