English-3: Quarter 1 Module 4

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3 Tigaon Adventist Elementary School

Talojongon, Tigaon, Camarines Sur

Quarter 1 Module 4

Yes, We are Siblings

a.) Use appropriate punctuation marks
b.) Describe literary elements of texts including
characters, setting, and plot.
c.) Read the story aloud
IFL e.) State that children should be taught about God to
help them walk in the right path

ENGLISH EDGE: Integrated Language Arts Series pp.27-40

Memory Text:
And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great
shall be the peace of thy children. Isaiah 54:13


Good morning, child! Let me ask you first,

how many brothers and sisters are there in
your family? Are you an only child in the
family? If so, will you want to have siblings?
Siblings refer to one’s brother or sister, or a
person who shares the same parents.
Let us ask first the guidance of God as we discuss our lesson.

Father in heaven, we humbly come before You today to ask

Your help as we study our lesson. In Jesus name. Amen

Draw a line to connect

the word to its meaning.

1. success a.) a blast of wind

2. recycle b.) basic unit of society

3. gust c.) to use something again

4. family d.) an achievement

5. careful e.) to be watchful

Good job, child! Now let’s go to our next adventure.


Listen as the teacher read

the story for you.

One Day at the Park

“Hurry! We need to get this kite flying while it is windy and

before it gets dark,” Mrs. Fabros heard her son Julius say. “Yeah,
but we need to be
careful, too, in making
this kite,” said Agnes.

“Remember that we have to stay safe as we are using sticks,

cutter, and scissors here.” Billy was just quietly watching his
older siblings, while his eyes showed how excited he was to play
with the kite.
Mrs. Fabros was happy to see her children getting busy
making their own toy one Sunday afternoon. Her kids usually
create stuff they find fun and interesting especially after seeing
them on television. It is a good and inexpensive way to learn
new things because the use recycled materials most of the time.
Mrs. Fabros reminded her three children when playing
outdoors. “Please be careful as you play at the park. Make sure
not to go with strangers.”
“Yes, mom. We will just fly our kite and see how high it can
go up in the sky,”
Billy answered.
When Agnes and her siblings reached the park, she
immediately ran while holding the kite but failed to make it
soar. She tried several times but without success. Billy and Julius
did the same, but they also failed to get the kite in the air.
“There must be something wrong with what we are doing,
Ate Agnes,” Julius said.
“Why can’t we get this kite to fly? We keep running and
running but we just get tired in the end. It’s not fun at all,” Billy
“I honestly do not know the answer too. But maybe we
should try watching first how other people here are doing it,”
said Agnes.
The Fabros siblings waited for a while and observed how
other people at the park start to fly their kites. “Aha! First, there
should be someone holding the kite and another person holding
the ball of string,”
Agnes remarked.
“You are right, Ate Agnes,” Julius said. “We should set the
kite onto the air once there is a gust of wind.”
“Observing the direction of the wind is also important. The
wind should blow toward the one setting the kite,” Agnes
“Why don’t you try it first, Ate Agnes and Kuya Julius?”
asked Billy. “I will just wait until the kite is up, so I could have
my turn to hold the string.”
“That is a good idea, Billy! Julius come and hold the kite
upward while I hold the string,” Agnes said.
After several attempts, the children were able to fly the kite
successfully. It was indeed a fun and very interesting day for the
Fabros siblings!

Practice Task #1
Answer the following questions based
on the story. Write the missing word to
complete the sentence.

1. What kind of toy did the Fabros siblings made on a Sunday

The kind of toy that the Fabros siblings made on a Sunday
afternoon is a _______________.

2. What problem did they have at first when they started to play
with the kite in the park?
The problem they had with the kite is that they can’t make
the kite __________.

3. What can you say about the way Agnes, Julius, and Billy
treated each other?
They treat each other with _______________.
4. What do you think are the good things about having siblings?
The good thing of having siblings is you have someone
whom you can ___________ on to.

Practice #2
State the plot of the story by identifying the proper order of
the pictures shown below. Put a number between 1 to 5 beside
the drawing.






Good job! You have read the story, answered the question
by writing the missing words, and you stated the plot of a story.
This time, we will discuss our lesson about using
punctuation marks properly.

What is the use of using punctuation marks?

 Punctuation marks are used to make sentences clear and to
organize ideas in a group of words.

What are the most common punctuation marks?

 Some of the common punctuation marks are:



question mark

exclamation point
What is the use of each punctuation mark?
 A period (.) is used at the end of a sentence that gives a
statement, request, or an order.
Example: My brother likes ice cream very much.

 A comma (,) is used to emphasize a slight pause and to

separate two or more items in a series.
Example: During the summer break, my family will go to
Tagaytay, Baguio, and Palawan.

 A question mark (?) is used to ask a question.

Example: When was the last time we played chess?

 An exclamation point (!) is used in sentences that show

strong feelings or emotions.
Example: Fatima won the singing contest!

Practice Task #3
What should be the correct punctuation mark to use in each
of the following sentence? Shade the circle of the correct

1. I shared my food with a homeless child (____)

2. Finally, I found the book I have been looking for since last
week (____)

3. Dorothy and I will have eggs (____) bread (____) and hot
chocolate for breakfast.

4. How come I seem shorter than my younger sibling (____)

5. Our mother always reminds us to pray before sleeping (____)


Siblings that love and respect each other have

a good relationship.

God is happy when brothers and sisters are

loving and respecting each other.

Punctuation marks are used to make sentences clear and to

organize ideas or group of words.

The common punctuation marks are period, comma,

question mark, and exclamation point.
Congratulations for a job well done! In
this lesson, you have learned that
siblings have a good relationship if they
respect and love each other. You also
learned the use of punctuation marks.
Let’s be ready for our review for the
coming 1st Grading exam.
See you!
--Teacher Nerie
Answer the following questons.

1. What is the meaning of siblings?


2. What kind of toy did the Fabros siblings make?


3. What is the use of a punctuation marks?

II. Put the right punctuation mark on the blank provided.

1. I like to go to the beach___

2. Ouch___ my head is aching___

3. Mother buys eggs___ fish___ and fruits yesterday___

4. How old are you today___

5. I always pray before sleeping___

6. I like to play in the park___

7. Help___ I’m falling.

Key to Correction
Vocabulary Builder:

1. success – achievement

2. recycle – reuse

3. gust – windblust

4. family – basic unit of the society

5. careful – watchful

Thinking Time ( task 1)

Answers may vary

Task # 2

Test I

1. Siblings refers to one’s brother or sister or a person who shares the same

2. The kind of toy did the Fabros siblings make is a kite.

3. Punctuation marks are used to make sentences clear and to organize ideas in a
group of words.

Test II

1. (. )

2. ( ! and . )

3. ( , , . )

4. ( ? )

5. ( . )

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