Machine Design (Kme 602) Unit 5: MCQ Based Questions

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MCQ Based Questions

1. A jaw clutch is essentially a

(a) positive action clutch

(b) cone clutch

(c) friction clutch

(d) disc clutch

2. The material used for lining of friction surfaces of a clutch should have ............ coefficient of friction.

(a) low

(b) high

3. The torque developed by a disc clutch is given by

(a) T = 0.25 μ.W.R

(b) T = 0.5 μ.W.R

(c) T = 0.75 μ.W.R

(d) T = μ.W.R

where W = Axial force with which the friction surfaces are held together ;

μ = Coefficient of friction ; and

R = Mean radius of friction surfaces.

4. In case of a multiple disc clutch, if n1 are the number of discs on the driving shaft and n 2 are the

number of the discs on the driven shaft, then the number of pairs of contact surfaces will be

(a) n1 + n2

(b) n1 + n2 – 1

(c) n1 + n2 + 1
(d) none of these

5. The cone clutches have become obsolete because of

(a) small cone angles

(b) exposure to dirt and dust

(c) difficulty in disengaging

(d) all of these

6. The axial force (We) required for engaging a cone clutch is given by

(a) Wn sin α

(b) Wn (sin α + μ cos α)

(c) Wn (sin α + 0.25 μ cos α)

(d) none of these

where Wn = Normal force acting on the contact surfaces,

α = Face angle of the cone, and

μ = Coefficient of friction.

7. In a centrifugal clutch, the force with which the shoe presses against the driven member is
the ..............

of the centrifugal force and the spring force.

(a) difference

(b) sum


1 a 2 b 3 d 4 b
5 d 6 c 7 a

1. The cylinders are usually made of

(a) cast iron or cast steel

(b) aluminium

(c) stainless steel

(d) copper

2. The length of the cylinder is usually taken as

(a) equal to the length of piston

(b) equal to the length of stroke

(c) equal to the cylinder bore

(d) 1.5 times the length of stroke

3. The skirt of piston

(a) is used to withstand the pressure of gas in the cylinder

(b) acts as a bearing for the side thrust of the connecting rod

(c) is used to seal the cylinder in order to prevent leakage of the gas past the piston

(d) none of the above

4. The side thrust on the cylinder liner is usually taken as ........... of the maximum gas load on the piston.

(a) 1/5

(b) 1/8

(c) 1/10

(d) 1/5

5. The length of the piston usually varies between

(a) D and 1.5 D

(b) 1.5 D and 2 D

(c) 2D and 2.5 D

(d) 2.5 D and 3 D

where D = Diameter of the piston.

6. In designing a connecting rod, it is considered like .......... for buckling about X-axis.

(a) both ends fixed

(b) both ends hinged

(c) one end fixed and the other end hinged

(d) one end fixed and the other end free

7. Which of the following statement is wrong for a connecting rod?

(a) The connecting rod will be equally strong in buckling about X-axis, if I xx = 4 Iyy.

(b) If Ixx > 4 Iyy, the buckling will occur about Y-axis.

(c) If Ixx < 4Iyy, the buckling will occur about X-axis.

(d) The most suitable section for the connecting rod is T-section.

8. The crankshaft in an internal combustion engine

(a) is a disc which reciprocates in a cylinder

(b) is used to retain the working fluid and to guide the piston

(c) converts reciprocating motion of the piston into rotary motion and vice versa

(d) none of the above

9. The rocker arm is used to actuate the inlet and exhaust valves motion as directed by the

(a) cam and follower

(b) crank

(c) crankshaft

(d) none of these

10. For high speed engines, a rocker arm of........... should be used.

(a) rectangular section

(b) I-section

(c) T-section

(d) circular


1 a 2 d 3 b 4 c 5 a
6 b 7 d 8 c 9 a 10 b
1. A cone clutch consists of inner conical surface and outer cylindrical surface.

a) Both cylindrical

b) Both conical

c) Outer conical and inner cylindrical

d) True

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Answer: b

Explanation: It consists of both inner and outer conical surfaces.

2. Power is transmitted only by key and friction in the cone clutch.

a) Only by spline

b) By key, spline and friction

c) By friction only

d) By key only

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Answer: b

Explanation: Power is transmitted via key, friction and spline.

3. The torque transmitting capacity of cone clutch increases as its semi vertical angle increase.

a) True

b) Decreases

c) Remains constant

d) None of the listed

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Answer: b

Explanation: Torque transmitted is inversely proportional to the sin of the semi vertical angle.

4. When semi vertical angle is greater than angle of static friction, clutch results in self-engagement.

a) True

b) False

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Answer: b

Explanation: Self engagement takes place when semi vertical angle is reduced so low to increase torque
capacity that it become smaller than static friction angle.

5. A cone clutch with a small semi cone angle requires a relatively large force to engage and small force
to disengage.

a) True

b) False

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Answer: b

Explanation: It requires large force to disengage.

6. A cone clutch transmits 24kW at 490rpm. The coefficient of friction is 0.2 and allowable intensity of
pressure is 0.35N/mm². The semi cone angle is 12⁰. The outer diameter is fixed as 310mm.Assuming
uniform wear theory; find the maximum torque which is transmitted.

a) 502.4N-m

b) 542.3N-m

c) 467.72N-m

d) 454.5N-m

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Answer: c

Explanation: M=Powerx10ᵌx60/2πN.

7. A cone clutch transmits 24kW at 490rpm. The coefficient of friction is 0.2 and allowable intensity of
pressure is 0.35N/mm². The semi cone angle is 12⁰. The outer diameter is fixed as 310mm.Assuming
uniform wear theory; find the inner diameter.

a) 275mm

b) 300mm

c) 290mm

d) 280mm

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Answer: b

Explanation: M=πpμd(D²-d²)/8Sinἀ.

8. A cone clutch transmits 24kW at 490rpm. The coefficient of friction is 0.2 and allowable intensity of
pressure is 0.35N/mm². The semi cone angle is 12⁰. The outer diameter is fixed as 310mm.Assuming
uniform wear theory; find the face width of friction lining.

a) None of the listed

b) 48.1mm

c) 52.2mm

d) 56.8mm

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Answer: b

Explanation: b=D-d/2Sinἀ.

9. A cone clutch transmits 24kW at 490rpm. The coefficient of friction is 0.2 and allowable intensity of
pressure is 0.35N/mm². The semi cone angle is 12⁰. The outer diameter is fixed as 310mm.Assuming
uniform wear theory; calculate force required to engage clutch.

a) 3546.9N
b) 2231.5N

c) 3241.5N

d) 4354.5N

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Answer: c

Explanation: P=4MSinἀ/μ(D+d).

10. Centrifugal clutches are not recommended for IC engine applications.

a) True

b) False

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Answer: b

Explanation: IC engine is not able to start under load ad hence centrifugal clutches are used.

11. In a centrifugal clutch, when the centrifugal force is slightly more than the spring force, shoe begins
to move in a radially inward direction.

a) Radially outwards

b) Radially upwards

c) Radially downwards

d) Radially inwards

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Answer: a

Explanation: It moves in radially outward direction.

12. Chain saws, lawnmowers, golf carts etc. never use centrifugal clutches.

a) True
b) No, it is highly used

c) Depends on the load required

d) None of the listed

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Answer: b

Explanation: The electric motor has time to accelerate to reach the operating speed before it takes the
load and hence centrifugal clutches are used.

13. The centrifugal clutches are used in light duty vehicles and not in heavy duty vehicles.

a) True

b) False

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Answer: b

Explanation: Centrifugal clutches are used in heavy uty applications as they provide a time delay that is
sufficient to permit the prime mover to gain momentum before taking over the load.

14. Find number of contacting surfaces for a multi disk clutch plate transmitting torque of 10N-m and
inner and outer diameters of friction lining are 70mm and 100mm respectively. The operating force is of
magnitude 305N and coefficient of friction is 0.2.

a) 5

b) 2

c) 4

d) 3

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Answer: c

Explanation: z=4M/μP(D+d).
1. Clutch and coupling perform the same action.

a) Both being permanent joints

b) No they are different type of joints

c) Both being temporary joints

d) None of the listed

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Answer: b

Explanation: Clutch is a temporary joint while coupling is a permanent joint.

2. Eddy current clutch is a type of friction clutch.

a) Yes

b) No, it is an electromagnetic type clutch

c) It is a mechanical clutch

d) None of the listed

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Answer: b

Explanation: Eddy current clutch is a type of electromagnetic clutch.

3. In positive contact clutches, power transmission is achieved by means of friction.

a) Yes

b) It is achieved by shear contact

c) Major part is achieved by friction

d) None of the listed

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Answer: b

Explanation: Power transmission is achieved by interlocking of jaws or teeth.

4. The jaw clutches show great amount of slip.

a) Yes

b) Zero slip

c) Used in non-synchronous applications

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Answer: b

Explanation: Jaw clutches do not slip and are used in synchronous applications.

5. For a new friction lining, uniform wear theory is used.

a) True

b) False

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Answer: b

Explanation: Uniform pressure theory is used.

6. A plate clutch consists of 1 pair of contacting surfaces. The inner and outer diameter of the friction
disk is 100mm and 200mm respectively. The coefficient of friction is 0.2 and permissible intensity of
pressure is 1.5N/mm². Assuming uniform wear theory, calculate the operating force in the clutch.

a) 15546N

b) 12344N

c) 23562N

d) 24543N

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Answer: c

Explanation: P=πpd(D-d)/2.

7. A plate clutch consists of 1 pair of contacting surfaces. The inner and outer diameter of the friction
disk is 100mm and 200mm respectively. The coefficient of friction is 0.2 and permissible intensity of
pressure is 1.5N/mm². Assuming uniform wear theory, calculate the torque transmitting capacity of the

a) 412.23N-m

b) 353.43N-m

c) 334.53N-m

d) 398.34N-m

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Answer: b

Explanation: P=πpd(D-d)/2 and M=μP(D+d)/4.

8. A plate clutch consists of 1 pair of contacting surfaces. The inner and outer diameter of the friction
disk is 100mm and 200mm respectively. The coefficient of friction is 0.2 and permissible intensity of
pressure is 1.5N/mm². Assuming uniform wear theory, calculate the power transmitting capacity of the
clutch at 80rad/s.

a) 27.8kW

b) 32.4kW

c) 21.2kW

d) 34.5kW

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Answer: a

Explanation: P=πpd(D-d)/2 and M=μP(D+d)/4.Power=Mxω.

9. A plate clutch consists of 1 pair of contacting surfaces. The inner and outer diameter of the friction
disk is 100mm and 200mm respectively. The coefficient of friction is 0.2 and permissible intensity of
pressure is 1.5N/mm². Assuming uniform pressure theory, calculate the operating force in the clutch.
a) 15546N

b) 12344N

c) 23562N

d) 35343N

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Answer: d

Explanation: P=πp(D²-d²)/4.

10. A plate clutch consists of 1 pair of contacting surfaces. The inner and outer diameter of the friction
disk is 100mm and 200mm respectively. The coefficient of friction is 0.2 and permissible intensity of
pressure is 1.5N/mm². Assuming uniform pressure theory, calculate the torque transmitting capacity of
the clutch.

a) 412.23N-m

b) 549.78N-m

c) 567.54N-m

d) 678.86N-m

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Answer: b

Explanation: P= πp(D²-d²)/4 and M=μP(Dᵌ-dᵌ)/3(D²-d²).

11. A plate clutch consists of 1 pair of contacting surfaces. The inner and outer diameter of the friction
disk is 100mm and 200mm respectively. The coefficient of friction is 0.2 and permissible intensity of
pressure is 1.5N/mm². Assuming uniform wear theory, calculate the power transmitting capacity of the
clutch at 80rad/s.

a) 27kW

b) 32kW

c) 39kW

d) 44kW
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Answer: d

Explanation: P= πp(D²-d²)/4 and M=μP(Dᵌ-dᵌ)/3(D²-d²).Power=Mxω.

12. If number of contacting surfaces are 5, then number of disks required in multi disk clutch are?

a) 4

b) 5

c) 6

d) Can’t be determined

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Answer: c

Explanation: Disks=Contacting surfaces+1.

13. Multi disk clutches are dry clutches.

a) Plasma clutches

b) Wet clutches

c) Yes

d) Depends on the lubrication used

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Answer: b

Explanation: They are wet clutches as a lot of heat is dissipated due to more contacting surfaces.

14. In scooters, generally single plate clutches are used.

a) True

b) False
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Answer: b

Explanation: Multi disk plate clutches which are compact are used.

15. The coefficient of friction is high in multi disk plate clutch.

a) Yes

b) Coefficient of friction is less

c) Coeffficient of friction is high

d) None of the listed

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Answer: b

Explanation: In multi disk clutch, due to oil cooling, coefficient of friction decrease.

1. The ratio of indicated thermal efficiency to the corresponding air standard cycle efficiency is called

a) net efficiency

b) efficiency ratio

c) relative efficiency

d) overall efficiency

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Answer: c

Explanation: Relative efficiency is defined as the ratio of indicated thermal efficiency to the
corresponding air standard cycle efficiency.

2. Compression ratio of I.C. engine is ___________

a) the ratio of volumes of air in cylinder before compression stroke and after compression stroke
b) volume displaced by piston per stroke and clearance volume in cylinder

c) ratio of pressure after compression and before compression

d) swept volume/cylinder volume

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Answer: a

Explanation: None.

3. The air standard efficiency of an otto cycle compared to a diesel cycle for the given compression ratio

a) same

b) less

c) more

d) more or less depending on power rating

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Answer: c

Explanation: None.

4. The calorific value of gaseous fuels is expressed in terms of ___________

a) Kcal

b) Kcal/kg

c) Kcal/m2

d) Kcal/m3

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Answer: d

Explanation: None.
5. Indicated power of a 4-stroke engine is equal to ___________

a) pLAN

b) 2pLAN

c) pLAN/2

d) 4pLAN

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Answer: c

Explanation: Indicated power of a 4-stroke engine is equal to pLAN/2.

where p = mean effective pressure,

L = stroke

A = area of piston and

N = rpm of engine.

6. If the intake air temperature of I.C. engine increases its efficiency will ___________

a) increase

b) decrease

c) remain same

d) none of the mentioned

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Answer: b

Explanation: None.

7. All heat engines utilize ___________

a) low heat value of oil

b) high heat value of oil

c) net calorific value of oil

d) calorific value of fuel

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Answer: a

Explanation: None.

8. An engine indicator is used to determine the following ___________

a) speed

b) temperature

c) volume of cylinder

d) m.e.p and I.H.P

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Answer: d

Explanation: None.

9. Fuel oil consumption guarantees for I.C. engine are usually based on ___________

a) low heat value of oil

b) high heat value of oil

c) net calorific value of oil

d) calorific value of fuel

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Answer: b

Explanation: None.

10. The thermal efficiency of a diesel cycle having fixed compression ratio, with increase in cut-off ratio
will ___________
a) increase

b) decrease

c) be independent

d) none of the mentioned

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Answer: b

Explanation: None.

1. The air standard efficiency of an I.C. engine depends on _____________

a) fuel used

b) speed of engine

c) compression ratio

d) none of the mentioned

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Answer: c

Explanation: None.

2. The specific fuel consumption per B.P. hour for a petrol engine is about ___________

a) 0.2 kg

b) 0.25 kg

c) 0.3 kg

d) 0.35 kg

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Answer: b
Explanation: Generally, the specific fuel consumption per B.P. hour for a petrol engine is about 0.25 kg
while the specific fuel consumption per B.P. hour for a diesel engine is about 0.2 kg.

3. The specific fuel consumption per B.P. hour for a diesel engine is about ___________

a) 0.2 kg

b) 0.25 kg

c) 0.3 kg

d) 0.35 kg

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Answer: a

Explanation: Generally, the specific fuel consumption per B.P. hour for a diesel engine is about 0.2 kg
while the specific fuel consumption per B.P. hour for a petrol engine is about 0.25 kg.

4. If the compression ratio in I.C. engine increases, then its thermal efficiency will ___________

a) increase

b) decrease

c) remain same

d) none of the mentioned

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Answer: a

Explanation: The compression ratio in I.C. engine is directly proportional to the thermal efficiency, so as
it increases, then its thermal efficiency will increase.

5. The thermal efficiency of petrol and gas engines is about ___________

a) 15%

b) 30%

c) 50%

d) 70%
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Answer: b

Explanation: The thermal efficiency of petrol and gas engines is about 30% and the thermal efficiency of
diesel engines is about 70%.

6. The thermal efficiency of diesel engines is about ___________

a) 15%

b) 30%

c) 50%

d) 70%

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Answer: d

Explanation: The thermal efficiency of diesel engines is about 70% while the thermal efficiency of petrol
and gas engines is about 30%.

7. The thermal efficiency of diesel engines on weak mixtures is ___________

a) unaffected

b) lower

c) higher

d) dependent on other factors

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Answer: c

Explanation: None.

8. The volumetric efficiency of a well designed engine may be ___________

a) 30 to 40%
b) 40 to 60%

c) 60 to 70%

d) 75 to 90%

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Answer: d

Explanation: None.

9. The working medium of an air standard cycle has constant ___________ throughout the cycle.

a) pressure

b) volume

c) specific heat

d) mass

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Answer: c

Explanation: None.

10. It is assumed that all the processes of an air standard cycle are ___________

a) reversible

b) irreversible

c) adiabatic

d) isothermal

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Answer: a

Explanation: None.
1. The thermal efficiency of a standard Otto cycle for a compression ratio of 5.5 will be ___________

a) 25%

b) 50%

c) 70%

d) 100%

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Answer: b

Explanation: None.

2. The efficiency of an Otto cycle is increased by increasing ___________

a) pressure ratio

b) compression ratio

c) temperature ratio

d) none of the mentioned

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Answer: b

Explanation: None.

3. The Otto cycle consists of ___________

a) two constant pressure processes and two constant volume processes

b) two constant pressure and two constant entropy processes

c) two constant volume processes and two constant entropy processes

d) none of the mentioned

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Answer: b

Explanation: None.

4. The thermal efficiency of theoretical Otto cycle ___________

a) decreases with increase in compression ratio

b) increases with decrease in compression ratio

c) does not depends upon the pressure ratio

d) none of the mentioned

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Answer: c

Explanation: None.

5. What is the work output of the theoretical Otto cycle?

a) increases with increase in compression ratio

b) increases with increase in pressure ratio

c) increases with increase in compression & pressure ratio

d) none of the mentioned

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Answer: c

Explanation: None.

6. The mean effective pressure of an Otto Cycle increases with an increase in ___________

a) pressure ratio

b) compression ratio

c) temperature ratio

d) none of the mentioned

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Answer: b

Explanation: The mean effective pressure of an Otto Cycle is directly proportional to its compression
ratio, so it increases with an increase in compression ratio.

7. In Otto cycle, heat addition takes place at ___________

a) constant temperature

b) constant pressure

c) constant volume

d) none of the mentioned

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Answer: c

Explanation: None.

8. If compression ratio of an engine working on Otto cycle is increased from 5 to 6, its air standard
efficiency will increase by ___________

a) 1%

b) 20%

c) 16.67%

d) 8%

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Answer: d

Explanation: None.

9. If the compression ratio of an engine working on Otto cycle is increased from 5 to 7, the percentage
increase in efficiency will be ___________

a) 2%
b) 4%

c) 8%

d) 14%

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Answer: d

Explanation: None.

10. The constant volume cycle is also called ___________

a) Carnot cycle

b) Joule cycle

c) Diesel cycle

d) Otto cycle

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Answer: d

Explanation: None.

1. Diesel cycle is also known as _____________

a) constant volume cycle

b) constant pressure cycle

c) constant temperature cycle

d) none of the mentioned

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Explanation: Diesel cycle is also known as constant pressure cycle as pressure is constant in this cycle.
2. A diesel engine has compression ratio from ____________

a) 6 to 10

b) 10 to 15

c) 16 to 20

d) 25 to 40

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Answer: c

Explanation: None.

3. In Diesel cycle, heat addition takes place at ____________

a) constant temperature

b) constant pressure

c) constant volume

d) none of the mentioned

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Answer: b

Explanation: None.

4. The combustion in compression ignition engine is ____________

a) homogeneous

b) heterogeneous

c) laminar

d) none of the mentioned

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Answer: b

Explanation: None.

5. In a diesel engine, the fuel is ignited by ____________

a) spark

b) injected fuel

c) heat resulting from compressing air that is supplied for combustion

d) combustion chamber

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Answer: c

Explanation: None.

6. The thermal efficiency of a diesel cycle having fixed compression ratio, with increase in cut-off ratio
will ____________

a) increase

b) decrease

c) be independent

d) none of the mentioned

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Answer: b

Explanation: None.

7. The pressure at the end of compression, in diesel engines, is approximately ____________

a) 10 bar

b) 20 bar

c) 25 bar

d) 35 bar
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Answer: d

Explanation: None.

8. What is the combustion in spark ignition engine?

a) homogeneous

b) heterogeneous

c) laminar

d) none of the mentioned

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Answer: a

Explanation: The combustion in spark ignition engine is homogeneous while the combustion in
compression ignition engine is heterogeneous.

9. If the temperature of intake air in I.C. engine is lowered, then its efficiency will ____________

a) increase

b) decrease

c) remain same

d) increase up to a certain limit and then decrease

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Answer: a

Explanation: None.

10. The fuel in diesel engine is normally injected at pressure of ____________

a) 5-10 kg/cm2

b) 20-25 kg/cm2
c) 60-80 kg/cm2

d) 90-130 kg/cm2

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Answer: d

Explanation: None.

1. Swirl is the rotational flow of charge within the cylinder about the axis.

a) True

b) False

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Answer: a

Explanation: None.

2. The _____________ is defined by the parallel portion of the piston and cylinder head which almost
touch each other as the piston approaches T.D.C.

a) turbulence

b) swirl

c) quench area

d) none of the mentioned

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Answer: c

Explanation: The quench area is defined by the parallel portion of the piston and cylinder head which
almost touch each other as the piston approaches T.D.C. while turbulence consists of randomly
dispersed vortices of different sizes which become superimposed into the air and petrol mixture flow
3. ____________ consists of randomly dispersed vortices of different sizes which become superimposed
into the air and petrol mixture flow stream.

a) Turbulence

b) Swirl

c) Quench area

d) None of the mentioned

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Answer: a

Explanation: Only turbulence consists of randomly dispersed vortices of different sizes which become
superimposed into the air and petrol mixture flow stream while quench area is defined by the parallel
portion of the piston and cylinder head which almost touch each other as the piston approaches T.D.C.

4. The amount of vortex activity,and the disintegration of others, _____________ the turbulent flow
with rising engine speed.

a) increases

b) decreases

c) remains same

d) none of the mentioned

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Answer: a

Explanation: None.

5. The degree of turbulence increases _____________ with the piston speed.

a) indirectly

b) directly

c) linearly

d) none of the mentioned

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Answer: b

Explanation: The degree of turbulence is directly proportional to piston speed, hence it increases directly
with the piston speed.

6. Turbulence decreases the heat flow to the cylinder wall and in the limit excessive turbulence may
extinguish the flame.

a) True

b) False

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Answer: b

Explanation: In fact, turbulence increase the heat flow to the cylinder wall and in the limit excessive
turbulence may extinguish the flame.

7. The flame propagation velocities range from _____________

a) 10 to 15 m/s

b) 15 to 70 m/s

c) 20 to 80 m/s

d) 30 to 90 m/s

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Answer: a

Explanation: None.

8. When ignition occurs the nucleus of the flame spreads with the whirling or rotating vortices in the
form of ragged burning crust from the initial spark plug ignition site.

a) True

b) False
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Answer: a

Explanation: None.

9. Swirl ratio is defined as the ratio of air rotational speed to crankshaft rotational speed.

a) True

b) False

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Answer: a

Explanation: None.

10. Abnormal combustion knock produced by surface ignition in SI engines is not harmful as normal
combustion knock.

a) True

b) False

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Answer: b

Explanation: In fact, abnormal combustion knock produced by surface ignition in SI engines is more
harmful than normal combustion knock.

1. In CI engine, combustion occurs by the high temperature produced by the compression of the air.

a) True

b) False

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Answer: a
Explanation: None.

2. In the CI engine, the intake is air alone and the fuel is injected at high pressure in the form of fine
droplets at the start of compression.

a) True

b) False

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Answer: b

Explanation: No, but actually, in the CI engine, the intake is air alone and the fuel is injected at high
pressure in the form of fine droplets near the end of compression.

3. What are the phases of CI engine combustion?

a) ignition delay period

b) period of rapid combustion

c) period of controlled combustion

d) all of the mentioned

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Answer: d

Explanation: The three phases of CI engine combustion are

i) ignition delay period

ii) period of rapid combustion

iii) period of controlled combustion.

4. The rate of pressure rise depends on the amount of fuel present at the end of delay period, degree of
turbulence, fineness of atomization and spray pattern.

a) True

b) False

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Answer: a

Explanation: None.

5. Which of the following factors affecting combustion in the CI engine?

a) ignition quantity of fuel

b) injection pressure of droplet size

c) injection advance angle

d) all of the mentioned

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Answer: a

Explanation: The factors affecting combustion in CI engine are

i) ignition quantity of fuel

ii) injection pressure of droplet size

iii) injection advance angle

iv) compression ratio

v) intake temperature

vi) jacket water temperature

vii) intake pressure

vii) engine speed

ix) load and air to fuel ratio

x) engine size

xi) type of combustion chamber.

6. Which of the following factors affecting combustion in the CI engine?

a) compression ratio
b) intake temperature

c) jacket water temperature

d) all of the mentioned

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Answer: a

Explanation: The factors affecting combustion in CI engine are

i) ignition quantity of fuel

ii) injection pressure of droplet size

iii) injection advance angle

iv) compression ratio

v) intake temperature

vi) jacket water temperature

vii) intake pressure

vii) engine speed

ix) load and air to fuel ratio

x) engine size

xi) type of combustion chamber.

7. Which of the following factors affecting combustion in the CI engine?

a) intake pressure

b) engine speed

c) load and air to fuel ratio

d) all of the mentioned

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Answer: a

Explanation: The factors affecting combustion in CI engine are

i) ignition quantity of fuel

ii) injection pressure of droplet size

iii) injection advance angle

iv) compression ratio

v) intake temperature

vi) jacket water temperature

vii) intake pressure

vii) engine speed

ix) load and air to fuel ratio

x) engine size

xi) type of combustion chamber.

8. Towards the end of the compression stroke when injection of the fuel into the combustion chamber
commences, the quantity of fuel discharged is spread out over a predetermined period.

a) True

b) False

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Answer: a

Explanation: None.

9. The rate of burning does not depend on the relative movement of the burning droplets to the
surrounding air charge.

a) True

b) False

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Answer: b

Explanation: In fact, the rate of burning depends on the relative movement of the burning droplets to
the surrounding air charge.

10. In CI engines fuel is injected into the combustion chamber at about 15ºC ___________ TDC during
compression stroke.

a) after

b) before

c) at

d) none of the mentioned

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Answer: b

Explanation: None.

1. Crankcase explosion in I.C. engine usually occurs as __________

a) first a mild explosion followed by a big explosion

b) first a big explosion followed by a mild explosion

c) both mild and big explosions occur simultaneously

d) never occurs

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Answer: a

Explanation: None.

2. The ____________ volume created in the cylinder during the operation of the engine is filled with the
working fluid.

a) constant

b) varying
c) any one of the mentioned

d) none of the mentioned

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Answer: b

Explanation: None.

3. ____________ forms the first link in transmitting the gas forces to the output shaft.

a) Cylinder

b) Piston

c) Combustion chamber

d) Exhaust manifold

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Answer: b

Explanation: Piston fits perfectly into the cylinder providing a gas-tight space with the piston rings and
the lubricant and forms the first link in transmitting the gas forces to the output shaft.

4. What is the function of a fuel pump in a petrol pump?

a) inject fuel in cylinder

b) supply fuel when carburetor fails

c) pump fuel so that it reaches carburettor

d) improve thermal efficiency

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Answer: c

Explanation: None.

5. If overhead clearance is less, then which of the following type of engine should be selected?
a) V-type

b) In-line type

c) Vertical

d) Horizontal

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Answer: d

Explanation: None.

6. Which is the false statement about the advantages of V-type engine?

a) compact design requiring lesser space

b) improved distribution of air to cylinder

c) casting less liable to distortion

d) less overhead clearance

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Answer: d

Explanation: In horizontal type engine, less overhead clearance is found.

7. The pistons are usually given a coating such as tin plating in order to __________

a) reduce weight

b) conduct heat efficiently

c) reduce the possibility of scoring

d) reduce friction

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Answer: c
Explanation: Pistons are provided with tin coating to reduce scoring.

8. Piston rings are usually made of __________

a) cast iron

b) aluminium

c) carbon steel

d) phosphor bronze

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Answer: a

Explanation: None.

9. Piston rings are plated with chromium, cadmium or phosphate in order to __________

a) reduce cost

b) improve surface finish

c) prevent clogging

d) reduce wear and eliminate scuffing

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Answer: d

Explanation: Piston rings are plated to reduce wear and eliminate scuffing.

10. The top piston ring nearer to the piston crown is known as __________

a) compression ring

b) oil ring

c) scrapper ring

d) groove ring

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Answer: a

Explanation: None.

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