Preliminary Assessment of Candidates Seeking To Apply For LOE For COC3 Deck

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Preliminary assessment of candidates seeking to apply for LOE for COC3 Deck

P/P No:
Date of birth:
Alternative email:
MPA LOE Application reference number (if applicable):

S.No Criteria Yes / No

1. Basic educational background
10 years of school – equivalent to O- level
12 years of school – equivalent to A- level – 2nd year of University
Diploma/Degree programme
Kindly fill the following marks for:
O-level (Class 10) A-level (Class 12)
2. Can you read and write in English?
3. Have you done Distance Learning Programme (DLP) / correspondence
4. Have you completed ‘Training Assessment and Record Book (TARB)?
5. Have you completed ‘Pre-sea Cadet Training’ from Overseas?
If ‘Yes’, the duration of training is of:
6 months or less, in duration.
More than 6 months duration.
Holds a degree / diploma in Nautical Science
List the name of institute and the year training was completed:
6. Have you kept ‘Bridge watch’ under the supervision of a qualified officer
(with documented proof).
If yes, the duration of ‘Bridge watch keeping’ is for:
6 months or less
6 to 12 months
More than 12 months
7a. Have you performed the sea service on ships above 3000 GT ?
7b. Have you performed the sea service on ships engaged in Ocean going
voyages or in voyages of more than 500 miles between ports?
8. Have you done any post-sea preparatory courses e.g. Foundation course for
‘Near-coastal voyage’ watch keeper, STCW short course like GMDSS,
Tanker Familiarization, Medical First-Aid etc.
If yes, list the name of courses done:

9. Have you served in a shipping company having 10 or more ships under it’s
List the name and address of the company:

10. Have you served on Singapore flag ships?

11. Is your company based in Singapore?
List the name and address of the company: (Leave blank if there is no office
in Singapore)

12. Total sea time

Sea time as Deck cadet
Sea time as A/B
Sea time as O/S
13. Kindly fill the following details for your sea service:
Name of the ship Gross Rank From To Mon Day Trade Port of
tonnage serve ths s (Foreign/Co registry
d astal)

Detail of any STCW certificate held:

Cert No:
Issue by:
Date of issue:
Date of expiry:

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