Sampling Strategies in Forest Soils: J Fons, T Sauras, J Romanyà, VR Vallejo

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Sampling strategies in forest soils

J Fons, T Sauras, J Romanyà, Vr Vallejo

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J Fons, T Sauras, J Romanyà, Vr Vallejo. Sampling strategies in forest soils. Annales des sciences
forestières, INRA/EDP Sciences, 1997, 54 (5), pp.493-499. �hal-00883164�

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Sampling strategies in forest soils

J Fons T Sauras J Romanyà VR Vallejo

Forest Sciences University of British Columbia, 270-2357 Main Mall,
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z4;
Departament de Biologia Vegetal, Facultat de Biologia, Universitat de Barcelona,
Avda Diagonal 645, 08028 Barcelona, Spain

(Received 31 August 1995; accepted 2 September 1996)

Summary - Many studies have revealed the high variability of soil properties, especially on the
forest floor. Sampling techniques have been developed to reduce this variability so as to obtain more
precise mean values. Little attention has been paid to the frequency distributions of variables, even
though they could provide information on factors that control variability. This paper addresses the selec-
tion of the sampling strategy considering the type of study. For the characterization of ecosystems,
stratified sampling or systematic sampling is proposed, depending on previous knowledge of the
study area. To study processes, two cases were considered: processes that occur within the ecosys-
tem, such as organic matter decomposition, and processes that concern the whole ecosystem, such as
fire. In the first case subjective sampling was useful, since it reduced the extrinsic variability of the
processes. In the second case, both stratified and systematic sampling were very effective. Frequency
distribution analysis was proposed as a tool to detect some factors that control litter accumulation.

forest floor /frequency distribution / subjective sampling / stratified sampling / systematic

sampling / variability

Résumé - Stratégies d’échantillonnage dans les sols forestiers. Beaucoup d’études ont révélé la
grande variabilité des propriétés du sol, en particulier celles relatives aux horizons organiques. Plu-
sieurs techniques d’échantillonnage ont été développées pour réduire la variabilité et obtenir des
valeurs moyennes avec précision. Bien que l’étude des distributions de fréquences puisse fournir
des informations sur les facteurs qui contrôlent la variabilité, cette approche a reçu peu d’attention.
Cet article discute la sélection de stratégies d’échantillonnage selon le type d’étude à effectuer. Pour
la caractérisation des écosystèmes on a proposé l’échantillonnage stratifié ou l’échnntillonnage sys-
tématique. Le choix de l’un ou de l’autre dépend de l’information disponible sur l’aire d’étude. Pour
l’étude de processus, deux cas ont été considérés : les processus à l’intérieur de l’écosystème (décom-
position de la matière organique) et les processus qui affectent tout l’écosystème (le feu). Dans le pre-
mier cas, l’échantillonnage dirigé s’est montré approprié parce qu’il réduit la variabilité extrinsèque

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au processus. Dans le second cas, les deux techniques d’échantillonnage (stratifié et systématique) ont
été efficaces. L’analyse de la distribution des fréquences a été jugée utile pour détecter les facteurs
qui contrôlent l’accumulation de la litière.
Distribution des fréquences / échantillonnage dirigé / échantillonnage stratifié / échantillonnage
systématique / horizons organiques / variabilité

INTRODUCTION using nonparametric techniques as a tool to

obtain information from variability.
Most soil properties are highly variable,
especially those of the forest floor (Blyth
and Macleod, 1978; Quesnel and Lavkulich, SAMPLING AREA
1980; Arp and Krause, 1984; Carter and
Lowe, 1986). According to Allen and Hoek- Most studies approach the analysis of
stra (1991), the heterogeneity of natural sys-
soil-ecosystem relationships (production,
tems is caused by the interaction of different
plant composition, etc) using the plot as a
processes. Some of these processes are often sampling unit. It is intended to represent a
of no interest or not relevant to the aims of particular ecosystem or set of environmen-
the study, obscuring the effects of the factors tal conditions. Its area is variable, typically
that are being examined. This is a key issue exceeding 0.01 ha (Courtin et al, 1988;
in ecological research considering that sam- Sawyer, 1989). Heterogeneity within the
pling design is still one of the least investi- plot reflects the characteristics of the sys-
gated aspects (Orlóci, 1988). In practice tem, but also the author’s concept of repre-
most studies make some assumptions (ie,
sentativity and homogeneity. Literature on
random samples, normal distribution, etc) this topic is scant. As an example, Blyth and
that are required for common parametric Macleod (1978) concluded that plots no
statistical tests. This practice attempts to smaller than 0.5 ha should be used to study
take advantage of the fact that the more soil chemistry.
assumptions that are made, the more infor- Another point deserving more attention is
mative and reliable conclusions are drawn.
the definition of sample volume and sam-
However, as noted by Seaman and Jaeger
(1990), usual misuses and presumptuous pling depth. Changing any of these may
assumptions may weaken the results. Non- integrate the variability originated from dif-
ferent factors that are relevant at a given
parametric statistics avoid these problems scale (Qian and Klinka, 1995). For instance,
and provide a different kind of information
related to sample distribution and patterns when studying the litter layer the minimum
(Gibbons, 1985; Burke et al, 1988). sample area is derived from the size of the
leaves. As surface is increased other factors
Our objective was to establish a guide- are integrated and variability fluctuates.
line for studies on forest soils based on Beckett and Webster (1971) considered that
recent reviews on this subject and data from 1 m
2 may integrate almost all the variability
several studies in the Mediterranean region. in the plot. Two sample areas, 380 cm 2
Specifically we focused on i) setting the (Sauras, data not published) and 616 cm 2
basis to determine the appropriate sampling (Serrasolsas, 1994), were compared to esti-
area and sampling size, ii) establishing a mate organic matter accumulation in the H
rationale for selecting the sampling strategies horizon of a holm oak (Quercus ilex L) for-
adequate to the aim of the research, and iii) est (table I). No significant difference was
ally beyond the possibilities of the study
(table II). An alternative criterion could be
based on the relationship between sample
size and variability, whatever the distribu-
tion. In the case of organic matter accumu-
lation on the forest floor, variability stabi-
lized around 16 samples and it was
independent from the type of sampling
(fig 1). Collecting more samples would
increase the power of statistical tests but the

observed in the mean but the variance

decreased as the sample area increased. This
is particularly interesting when working on
a plot level as the results suggested that
small scale variability can be integrated by
increasing sample area.


Assuming the normal distribution, a set of

formulas are available to calculate the num-
ber of samples needed for a given power of
test or error estimation (Zar, 1984). The
problem is that, under field conditions, the
amount of samples to be collected is usu-
variability of the system would already have
been integrated within 16 samples.
Composite samples make it possible to
decrease the number of samples to be ana-
lyzed. The result is a certain decrease in
within-site variability and lower precision,
but this may not be significant at an ecosys-
tem level (Carter and Lowe, 1986). Com-
posite samples are particularly useful for
nutrient studies as soil physical properties
usually are more variable and require a
greater number of samples than chemical
properties (Arp and Krause, 1984).

SAMPLING STRATEGIES revealed that error obtained with a stratified

sampling based on the litter type within each
The objectives of the study are to determine plot (pine litter and other species litter) was
lower than random sampling (table III).
the sampling strategy since the technique
Stratified sampling reduced variability by
used strongly influences the information
15 to 20% and therefore the number of sam-
acquired (Orlóci, 1988). We have consid-
ered two groups of studies. ples can be reduced by an equivalent per-
centage (Sokal and Rohlf, 1981).

Characterization of ecosystems
Studying processes
To characterize an ecosystem, its intrinsic Processes in the system
variability must be
integrated (Orlóci, 1988).
It may be accomplished by systematic and
It is desirable to bypass any variability
stratified sampling. If there is no specific
extrinsic to the process and control as much
spatial pattern, systematic sampling is rec- as possible all factors affecting it. Subjective
ommended because it ensures a better cov-
sampling (also called judgement or prefer-
erage of the population than random samples ential sampling) allows us to eliminate unde-
(Petersen and Calvin, 1986). sirable factors by considering only samples
Stratified sampling is one of the most from specific areas of the system (Crepin
precise sampling strategies (Petersen and and Johnson, 1993). Vallejo et al (1990),
Calvin,1986), but it requires previous infor- studying the incorporation and cycling of
mation on the system for separating the radionuclides from the Chernobyl accident
object of study into component parts. Its in forest ecosystems, selected only samples
effectiveness is due to the sampling error from under dense canopies and in sites with
arising solely from variations within com- well-developed forest floors. In a parallel
ponents and not between them. Then, the experiment on radionuclide migration in the
effectiveness of the stratified design depends forest floor, samples were taken 50 cm from
on the relevancy of the criterion adopted for trees either to the right or to the left follow-
the selection of components in the system. A ing the level line (Sauras et al, 1992). A sys-
study on litter accumulation in Pinus tematic sampling in the same plots (Arias
halepensis Mill stands (Fons, 1995), et al, 1991 ), showed higher variability
(table IV). Therefore, the subjective sam- ognizable a priori, stratified sampling is the
pling allowed us to limit the variability in most appropriate. For example, Romanyà
the process of interest, and diminished the et al (1994), studying the effects of fire on
variability caused by other factors extrane- soil phosphorus availability, surveyed the
ous to this process. area prior to sampling using the line-tran-
sect method. According to the intensity of
Changes in the whole system fire the site was divided into four strata
(fig 2). Areas heavily pertubated by logging
When studying changes in the whole sys- operations were avoided, thus the study only
tem, such as fire disturbances, it is neces- included ash bed, burnt and unburnt areas. In
sary to consider all sources of variability in each studied stratum systematic sampling
the system. Then, as in characterizing was carried out and each stratum was stud-

ecosystems, systematic and stratified sam- ied separately. Finally, to describe the global
pling are the most suitable strategies. When effects of fire on soil phosphorus pools,
the heterogeneity of the area is readily rec- results were integrated considering the mag-
nitude of the effects and the relative surface
of each stratum.


A study on litter accumulation illustrated

the usefulness of frequency distribution anal-
ysis detecting some patterns.
The effect of slope position (upper, mid-
dle and bottom) and aspect (N and S) on lit-
ter accumulation was studied in Pinus
halepensis Mill forests (Fons, 1995). At
each combination, two plots were selected
(16samples per plot), analysis of variance
(ANOVA) revealed only differences
between plots, and lack of significance on
slope position and aspect was attributed to
high variability. The analysis of frequency
distributions revealed two different groups
(Kolmogorov-Smirnov test): i) top and
in discriminating between treatments, oth-
erwise variability can be seen as a source
of information and used to describe ecosys-
tems. In this case minimizing variability
may be a strategy of no interest.


We thank the Group of Forest Soils (Dep Biolo-

gia Vegetal, Universitat de Barcelona) and two
anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on
the manuscript. This work has been partially sup-
ported by the EC Program Environment (EV5V-
CT 92-0141).


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