Anderson 2001
Anderson 2001
Anderson 2001
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M. J. Anderson
Massey University
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Abstract Hypothesis-testing methods for multivariate data are needed to make rigorous probability statements
about the effects of factors and their interactions in experiments. Analysis of variance is particularly powerful for
the analysis of univariate data. The traditional multivariate analogues, however, are too stringent in their assumptions
for most ecological multivariate data sets. Non-parametric methods, based on permutation tests, are preferable.
This paper describes a new non-parametric method for multivariate analysis of variance, after McArdle and
Anderson (in press). It is given here, with several applications in ecology, to provide an alternative and perhaps
more intuitive formulation for ANOVA (based on sums of squared distances) to complement the description provided by McArdle and Anderson (in press) for the analysis of any linear model. It is an improvement on previous
non-parametric methods because it allows a direct additive partitioning of variation for complex models. It does
this while maintaining the flexibility and lack of formal assumptions of other non-parametric methods. The teststatistic is a multivariate analogue to Fishers F-ratio and is calculated directly from any symmetric distance or
dissimilarity matrix. P-values are then obtained using permutations. Some examples of the method are given for
tests involving several factors, including factorial and hierarchical (nested) designs and tests of interactions.
Key words: ANOVA, distance measure, experimental design, linear model, multifactorial, multivariate dissimilarity,
partitioning, permutation tests, statistics.
The analysis of multivariate data in ecology is becoming increasingly important. Ecologists often need to test
hypotheses concerning the effects of experimental
factors on whole assemblages of species at once. This
is important for core ecological research and in studies
of biodiversity or environmental impacts in many
habitats, including marine subtidal environments
(Warwick et al. 1988; Gray et al. 1990; Chapman et al.
1995; Glasby 1997), mangroves (Skilleter 1996;
Kelaher et al. 1998), freshwater systems (Faith et al.
1995; Quinn et al. 1996) and terrestrial systems (Oliver
& Beattie 1996; Anderson & Clements, in press).
Univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) provides an
extremely powerful and useful tool for statistical tests
of factors and their interactions in experiments
(Underwood 1981, 1997). Partitioning variation, as in
multifactorial ANOVA, is particularly important for testing hypotheses in complex ecological systems with natural temporal and spatial variability. This partitioning
is also needed to test multivariate hypotheses in ecology for experimental designs involving several factors.
*Present address: Department of Statistics, University of
Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand (Email:
[email protected]).
Accepted for publication March 2000.
The essence of analysis of variance is to compare variability within groups versus variability among different
groups, using the ratio of the F-statistic. The larger the
value of F, the more likely it is that the null hypothesis
(H0) of no differences among the group means (i.e.
locations) is false. For univariate ANOVA, partitioning
of the total sum of squares, SST, is achieved by calculating sums of squared differences (i) between individual replicates and their group mean (SSW, the
within-group sum of squares; Table 1a), and (ii)
between group means and the overall sample mean
(SSA, the among-group sum of squares). Next, consider
the multivariate case where p variables are measured
simultaneously for each of n replicates in each of a
groups, yielding a matrix of data where rows are observations and columns are variables. A natural multivariate analogue may be obtained by simply adding up
the sums of squares across all variables (Table 1b). An
F-ratio can then be constructed, as in the univariate
Table 1. Calculations of within-group sums of squares for partitioning in (a) univariate ANOVA, (b) a multivariate analogue
obtained by summing across variables, (c) a multivariate analogue equivalent to (b) obtained using sums of squared Euclidean
distances, (d) the traditional MANOVA approach, which yields an entire matrix (W) of within-group sums of squares and cross
products, and (e) the partitioning using inter-point distances advocated here, equivalent to (b) and (c) if Euclidean distances
are used
(a) One variable
(b) Summed across variables
(c) Geometric approach
(inner product, a scalar, based on Euclidean distances, correlations between
variables ignored)
(d) Traditional MANOVA
(outer product, a matrix, based on Euclidean distances, correlations between
variables matter)
(e) Inter-point geometric approach
(a scalar, based on any distance measure, correlations between variables ignored)
W 5 S i 5 1 S j 5 1 ( yij yi.)( yij yi.)T
N1 N
SS1 5 n Si 5 1 Sj 5 i 1 1 d ij eij
yij, univariate observation of the jth replicate (j 5 1,, n) in the ith group (i 5 1,, a); yijk, observation of yij for the kth
variable (k 5 1,, p); yij, vector of length p, indicating a point in multivariate space according to p variables (dimensions) for
observation j in group i. A superscript )T9 indicates the transpose of the vector, bars over letters indicate averages and a dot
subscript indicates averaging was done over that subscripted variable.
j 5 i 11
d ij
1 N1
n i5l
d ij e ij
j 5 i 11
where eij takes the value 1 if observation i and observation j are in the same group, otherwise it takes the
value of zero. That is, add up the squares of all of the
distances between observations that occur in the same
group and divide by n, the number of observations per
group (Fig. 3b). Then SSA 5 SST SSW and a pseudo
F-ratio to test the multivariate hypothesis is
SSA /(a 1)
SSW /(N a)
If the points from different groups have different central locations (centroids in the case of Euclidean distances) in multivariate space, then the among-group
distances will be relatively large compared to the withingroup distances, and the resulting pseudo F-ratio will
be relatively large.
One can calculate the sums of squares in equations
(1) and (2) and the statistic in equation (3) from a
distance matrix obtained using any distance measure.
The statistic in equation (3) corresponds exactly to
the statistic in equation (4) of McArdle and Anderson
(in press), who have shown more generally how
partitioning for any linear model can be done directly
from the distance matrix, regardless of the distance
measure used. Another important aspect of the statistic described above is that, in the case of a Euclidean
distance matrix calculated from only one variable,
equation (3) gives the same value as the traditional
parametric univariate F-statistic.
This is proposed as a new non-parametric MANOVA
statistic that is intuitively appealing, due to its analogy
with univariate ANOVA, and that is extremely relevant
for ecological applications. The results (in terms of
sums of squares, mean squares and pseudo F-ratios)
obtained for individual terms in a multivariate analysis
(No. of F p F)
(Total no. of F p)
The only assumption of the test is that the observations
(rows of the original data matrix) are exchangeable
under a true null hypothesis. To assume exchangeability
under the null hypothesis is generally to assume that
the observations are independent and that they have
similar distributions (e.g. Boik 1987; Hayes 1996). By
similar distributions, I mean similar multivariate dispersions of points, not that the points are necessarily
multivariate normal. The test described here is a test
for differences in location (means or centroids) among
groups of multivariate observations based on the
chosen distance measure. Like its univariate counterpart, which is sensitive to heterogeneity of variances,
this test and its predecessors that use permutations, like
ANOSIM (Clarke 1993), will also be sensitive to differences in the dispersions of points, even if the locations
do not differ.
The sensitivity of ANOSIM to differences in dispersion
has been suggested as an advantage by Clarke (1993).
This is because it was introduced in the context of
detecting environmental impacts, for which detection
of differences of any kind between control and impacted
locations is very important for environmental reasons.
Here, I simply suggest that caution be exercised in
interpreting the results of tests of significance.
Determining if significant differences among groups
may be due to differences in dispersion versus differences in location (or some combination of the two) is
an important statistical and ecological issue. The use
of permutation tests to obtain P-values does not avoid
this issue.
A useful comparative index of multivariate dispersion
has been given by Warwick and Clarke (1993). Also, a
separate permutation test for significant differences in
multivariate dispersions (after removing effects of differences in location), as an accompaniment to the nonparametric MANOVA approach given here, will be
described elsewhere (Anderson, Dutilleul, Lapointe &
Legendre, unpubl. data).
The number of possible permutations for the oneway test in the case of the grazing experiment is
9.6 3 1025. A random subset of 4999 permutations was
used (Fig. 5). In this case, the null hypothesis of no
differences among groups was rejected, as the observed
value was much larger than any of the values obtained
under permutation (Fig. 5, Table 2).
As in univariate ANOVA where there is a significant result
in a comparison of 3 or more treatments, we may wish
to ask for the multivariate case: wherein does the significant difference lie? This can be done by using the
same test, given above for the one-way comparison of
groups, but where individual pair-wise comparisons
between particular groups are done. To continue with
the logic of the analogous univariate situation, we
can use a t-statistic (which is simply the square root of
the value of the F-statistic described above) for these
Table 2. Non-parametric MANOVA on BrayCurtis distances for assemblages of organisms colonizing intertidal surfaces in estuaries in three grazing treatments (grazers
excluded, grazers inside cages, and surfaces open to grazers)
18 657.65
14 520.89
33 178.54
Open versus caged
Open versus cage control
Caged versus cage control
36.61 0.0002
pairwise comparisons. These have the same interpretation as univariate t-tests, but they test the general
multivariate hypothesis of no difference between the
groups on the basis of the BrayCurtis (or other
chosen) distances. This is Students univariate
t-statistic if Euclidean distances are chosen for the
analysis of only one variable. P-values for each test are
obtained using separate sets of permutations that are
only done across the pair of groups being compared.
In this example, a random subset of 4999 permutations
was used (out of a possible 6.8 3 109) for each pairwise comparison.
For the analysis of the experimental removal of grazers, there was a significant difference among all pairs
of treatments: assemblages colonizing surfaces in cages
differed from those in the open or in cage controls
(t 5 8.07, P 5 0.0002 and t 5 6.11, P 5 0.0002, respectively). Grazers had a significant effect on the assemblages, which is consistent with the pattern of
separation of points corresponding to different treatments in the non-metric MDS plot (Fig. 6). The fact
that assemblages on open surfaces also differed significantly from those in cage controls (t 5 3.27,
P 5 0.0002) suggested that there was some additional
artifact due to the presence of a cage in the experiment.
An important point here is that the a posteriori comparisons just described did not make any correction for
experiment-wise error rate (Day & Quinn 1989).
Similarly, the multivariate pair-wise tests available in
the computer program NPMANOVA are not corrected for
experiment-wise error rate. This means that with an a
priori significance level of a 5 0.05, one should expect
to obtain a significant result in one out of every 20
1 N1
bn i 5 1
d ij e(A)
j 5 i 11
where e(A)
ij takes the value 1 if observation i and observation j are in the same group of factor A, otherwise it
takes the value of zero. Similarly, the within-group sum
of squares for factor B, ignoring any influence of A, is
1 N1
SSW(B) 5
an i 5 l
j 5 i 11
d ij e(B)
1 N1
n i5l
j 5 i 11
d ij e(AB)
where e(AB)
takes the value 1 if observation i and obserij
vation j are in the same combination of factors A and
B, otherwise it takes the value of zero. We then can
Two-way factorial design
Table 3. Non-parametric MANOVA on BrayCurtis distances for assemblages of organisms colonizing subtidal sandstone settlement panels after 33 weeks in an estuary at
different distances from the seafloor (positions either near or
far) and in three different shading treatments
Position 3
5595.40 5595.40
3566.44 1783.22
1238.94 619.47
17 841.43
Shade versus control
Shade versus no shade
Control versus no shade
and the effects of patch size become less clear (Fig. 9b).
Increased dispersion (variability in assemblages) after
these longer periods of time, compared to earlier
periods, is seen clearly in the two-factor plot of stick
centroids (Fig. 9c, which includes all data). As noted
earlier, the tests are sensitive to such differences in dispersion. Overall, although the two factors did interact,
the effect of time (i.e. succession) was relatively more
important in distinguishing assemblages than the size
of the patch (compare their mean squares in Table 4),
and effects of patch size decreased through time for
these assemblages (see Anderson 1998 for further
Natural temporal and spatial variability is intrinsic to
ecological systems. Indeed, variability might be considered the currency of ecological scientific work. It is
for this reason that statistical analysis plays such an
important role in the development of ecology as a
science. In Design of Experiments, R. A. Fisher (1935,
p. 4) wrote:
We may at once admit that any inference from the
particular to the general must be attended with
some degree of uncertainty, but this is not the
same as to admit that such inference cannot be
absolutely rigorous, for the nature and degree of
uncertainty may itself be capable of rigorous
Quantitative statistical inference is indeed what is
needed for the rigorous interpretation of mensurative
or manipulative ecological experiments. Although our
conclusions may be uncertain, they are still rigorous in
the sense that the degree of uncertainty can be
expressed in terms of mathematical probability. In univariate analysis, W. S. Gosset (Student 1908) made
this possible for comparisons of two treatments, while
R. A. Fisher made this possible for many treatments
and experimental factors. In a complex and intrinsically variable world, ANOVA allows us to identify simultaneous effects and interactions of more than one
factor, and to identify the uncertainty of our inferences
with rigour (e.g. Underwood 1981, 1997).
An important advance in the analysis of multivariate
data in ecology was the development of non-parametric
methods for testing hypotheses concerning whole
communities (e.g. Clarke 1988, 1993; Smith et al.
1990; Biondini et al. 1991). Some parallel advances
were made in the context of tests for significant clusters in cluster analysis (e.g. Good 1982; Gordon 1994).
Before these applications, particularly ANOSIM (Clarke
1993), became widely available, most multivariate
analyses in ecology focused on the reduction of dimensionality to produce and interpret patterns (ordination
Patch Size
Time 3 patch 8
Sticks (time 3 15
months months months months months
Small versus
Small versus
Medium versus 1.49
I am indebted to those who have worked on and developed multivariate methods and permutation tests that
have led to the ideas in this manuscript, including
K. R. Clarke, E. S. Edgington, R. A. Fisher,
P. Legendre, B. F. J. Manly, N. Mantel, B. H. McArdle,
L. Orlci, V. D. P. Pillar, E. P. Smith, and C. J. F. ter
Braak. I also owe a great deal to A. J. Underwood for
his work in the statistical analysis of ecological experiments using ANOVA, which inspired my pursuit of this
topic for multivariate analysis. T. Glasby kindly
provided data for the two-way factorial example. The
PRIMER computer program was provided courtesy of
M. R. Carr and K. R. Clarke, Plymouth Marine
Laboratories, UK. My colleagues at the Special
Research Centre for Ecological Impacts of Coastal
Cities provided logistic support, tested out the computer program and commented on earlier versions of
the manuscript. The computer program NPMANOVA is
available from the author. This research was supported
by a U2000 Post-doctoral Fellowship at the University
of Sydney.
Anderson M. J. (1998) Effects of patch size on colonisation in
estuaries: revisiting the species-area relationship. Oecologia
118, 8798.
Anderson M. J. & Clements A. (in press) Resolving environmental
disputes: a statistical method for choosing among competing
cluster models. Ecol. Applic.
Anderson M. J. & Legendre P. (1999) An empirical comparison
of permutation methods for tests of partial regression
coefficients in a linear model. J. Stat. Comput. Simul. 62,
Anderson M. J. & Underwood A. J. (1994) Effects of substratum
on the recruitment and development of an intertidal estuarine fouling assemblage. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 184, 21736.
Anderson M. J. & Underwood A. J. (1997) Effects of gastropod
grazers on recruitment and succession of an estuarine assemblage: a multivariate and univariate approach. Oecologia 109,
Bartlett M. S. (1939) A note on tests of significance in multivariate analysis. Proc. Camb. Philos. Soc. 35, 1805.
Beck M. W. (1997) Inference and generality in ecology: current
problems and an experimental solution. Oikos 78, 26573.
Belbin L. (1991) Semi-strong hybrid scaling, a new ordination
algorithm. J. Veg. Sci. 2, 4916.
Biondini M. E., Mielke P. W. & Redente E. F. (1991) Permutation
techniques based on Euclidean analysis spaces: a new and
powerful statistical method for ecological research. In:
Computer Assisted Vegetation Analysis (eds E. Feoli & L.
Orlci) pp. 22140. Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Boik R. J. (1987) The FisherPitman permutation test: a nonrobust alternative to the normal theory F test when variances
are heterogeneous. Br. J. Math. Stat. Psychol. 40, 2642.
Bray J. R. & Curtis J. T. (1957) An ordination of the upland forest
communities of southern Wisconsin. Ecol. Monogr. 27,
Caliski T. & Harabasz J. (1974) A dendrite method for cluster
analysis. Commun. Stat. 3, 127.
Chapman M. G., Underwood A. J. & Skilleter G. A. (1995)
Variability at different spatial scales between a subtidal assemblage exposed to discharge of sewage and two control sites.
J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 189, 10322.
Clarke K. R. (1988) Detecting change in benthic community
structure. In: Proceedings XIVth International Biometric
Conference, Namur: Invited Papers, pp. 13142. Socit
Adolphe Quetelet, Gembloux.
Clarke K. R. (1993) Non-parametric multivariate analyses of
changes in community structure. Aust. J. Ecol. 18, 11743.
Clarke K. R. & Green R. H. (1988) Statistical design and analysis
for a biological effects study. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 46,
Crowley P. H. (1992) Resampling methods for computationintensive data analysis in ecology and evolution. Ann. Rev.
Ecol. Syst. 23, 40547.
Day R. W. & Quinn G. P. (1989) Comparison of treatments after
an analysis of variance. Ecol. Monogr. 59, 43363.
Edgington E. S. (1995) Randomization Tests, 3rd edn. Marcel
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Faith D. P. (1990) Multivariate methods for biological monitoring
based on community structure. In: The Australian Society of
May 2010
square square
Water (1)
Nutrient (2)
Water nutrient (3)
Block (4)
Error ()
F Value
This design was balanced. Original data and R code for analysis are
in the supplementary online material (
*Statistically signicant (P 0.05).
For this example, data will be used from the experiment when egg rafts were removed daily. Data use has
been restricted to a randomly extracted subsample
from the original data (only four pools per site) to
have a dataset similar to that of a balanced design. In
this experiment, oviposition (y) was measured by
counting the total number of egg rafts oviposited over
5 d. The experiment has three independent variables
(i.e., n 3): 1) x1 water quality (with two levels:
combined sewage overow water and tap water as
control); 2) x2 nutrient addition (added or absent
as control); and 3) x3 sites (four in total). Only x1
and x2 are factors (each with two levels), because x3
is an independent variable considered to test the
block effects of forest site on oviposition. Because
all treatments were present at each site, this is a
randomized block 2 2 factorial design, which is
randomized because both factors were present in all
four sites (blocks in the model), and 2 2 factorial
because each factor has two levels. The goal of a
factorial experiment is to test whether the factors
interact, which can be expressed by the following
y il 1x 1 2x 2 3x 1x 2 4x 3l il [1]
where is the average value of the observations; 1,
2, and 4 quantify the impact of each independent
variable; 3 the interaction of water quality and nutrient addition; and is the error, which is assumed to
be normally distributed. The subscript l denotes block
(site within the forest patch), and i is for individual
pools within a block (containers in a forest site).
Therefore, yil is the total number of rafts from a
given pool and block (i.e., container in a site). Table
1 shows the results of the analysis of variance for the
data using the model presented in (1). The natural
logarithm transformation of ln (y 1) is done to
normalize the data and fulll model assumptions.
Table 1 shows that neither block nor the interaction
between water quality and nutrient addition was
signicant (P 0.05).
The inuence of water quality and nutrients on Cx.
quinquefasciatus oviposition can be reanalyzed using a
LMEM. By contrast with the LM analysis, in which
inferences are done over blocks, the LMEM assumes
that blocks are random samples from a larger pop-
where , the s, and y and have the same interpretation as in equation 1, and quanties the variability
across the blocks, which is assumed to be normally
distributed. The signicance of factors can be tested
using F tests, which work well when designs are balanced (equal number of samples per treatment and
block) and parameters can be estimated using maximum likelihood. More generally, signicance may be
tested using parametric bootstraps, for balanced or
unbalanced designs where parameters are estimated
by restricted maximum likelihood (Pinheiro and Bates
2000, Faraway 2006). Table 2 shows the results of an
analysis of deviance, with parameters of equation 2
estimated using restricted maximum likelihood and
inference based on 1000 replications of parametric
bootstrap (an analysis in which datasets are simulated
and the results of likelihood ratio tests for studied
factors are compared with those of the true data to
compute the signicance of factors). In this example,
inference about the impact of water quality and nutrient addition is qualitatively similar using LM or
LMEM. However, LMEM provides additional insight;
it indicates oviposition is nely grained. The variance
at the individual container level is larger than at the
block level (Table 2: 0.059 and 0.024), a
pattern also observed in the original study for the full
dataset (Chaves et al. 2009). The data can be observed
in Fig. 2.
Constrained Designs. One of the major limitations
of the LM is that it is not suited to analyze datasets with
constraints in randomization. For example, all replicates from a treatment should be present in all blocks.
This is a frequent limitation in eld studies in which
features of a given landscape cannot be altered, an
underlying motivation behind split-plot designs, in
which some treatments do not vary across blocks.
Split-plots are widely used in agriculture (Faraway
2006) and economic entomology (Blumberg et al.
1997, Haile et al. 2000, Oyediran et al. 2007). However,
constraints in randomization can also arise as a product of other trade-offs in experimentation or by the
nature of the questions asked. For example, the original design of Chaves et al. (2009) was unbalanced in
the sense that each block had an unequal number of
replicates for each one of the treatments. However, for
each block the amount of total nutrients and water
quality was constant; one of the questions was to
determine the grain of mosquito perception for oviposition choices. The largest variance was among the
individual oviposition containers, indicating a nely
grained perception, in contrast to a scenario of
coarsely grained mosquito perception, in which the
largest variance would be expected for the blocks or
sites. To illustrate the analysis of constrained designs,
the original data of Chaves et al. (2009) are sampled
in such a way that all experimental pools with nutrients added and combined sewage overow water
Fig. 1. Blocks: xed or random? The left panel shows the case for blocks as a xed factor in LM, in which the assumption
is that inferences are exclusive for the observed blocks (within squares). The right panel shows the case for blocks as a random
factor in LMEMs, in which the observed blocks (within squares) come from a larger population (i.e., blocks inside and outside
squares). (Online gure in color.)
came from the same block (Fig. 2), and therefore the
design becomes unbalanced (Fig. 3). Thus, the LM
from equation 1 cannot be employed to analyze the
data, but the LMEM from equation 2 is suitable for
such an analysis. Results are presented in Table 3 and
are similar to those presented in Table 2, showing a
decreased variability in the blocks and a larger error.
In summary, LMEMs can uncover the same variance
pattern in data under pseudoreplication, a major advantage over LMs.
Table 2. Analysis of deviance for the effects of water quality
and nutrient addition on the ln of total number of egg rafts 1
oviposited over 5 d by Culex quinquefasciatus in Atlanta, GA
(Chaves et al. 2009)
Log likelihood
Water (1)
Nutrient (2)
Water nutrient (3)
Blocks ()
Error ()
Spatial Variability
Organisms can be clustered in space, for example,
the larvae of mosquitoes can be associated with only
certain habitats where eggs are oviposited, thus making their abundance autocorrelated in space (Pitcairn
et al. 1994). Several statistical tools can accommodate
the lack of spatial independence in data from eld
studies (Fortin and Dale 2005), and they have been
widely used with insects of medical importance
(Koenraadt et al. 2007, 2008; Vazquez-Prokopec et al.
2008). However, their description is outside the scope
of this article. LMEM can also be used to consider
spatial variability. LMEM are especially suitable for
cases when spatial scales are nested. For example,
mosquito larval samples coming from containers in
several houses that belong to the same neighborhood
are hierarchically nested. Several studies have used
this approach in recent studies on medically important
insects (Harrington et al. 2008, Chaves et al. 2009,
Gurtler et al. 2009). The LMEM tting procedure is
similar to the one used next to consider the lack of
temporal independence in longitudinal studies.
This design was balanced. Original data and R code for analysis are
in the supplementary online material (
research/Chaves_SOM_Pseudoreplication.html). LRT, likelihood ratio test.
Longitudinal Studies
The fact that observations are repeated through
time in the same place (or from the same organisms)
can lead to data that are not independent and are
autocorrelated in time. One approach to this problem
May 2010
Log likelihood
Water (1)
Nutrient (2)
Water nutrient (3)
Blocks ()
Error ()
This design was unbalanced (because of the sampling from the full
dataset). Original data and R code for analysis are in the supplementary online material (
SOM_Pseudoreplication.html). LRT, likelihood ratio test.
Fig. 4. Boxplots (median and quartiles) for the hourly number of Anopheles nuneztovari landings: (A) outside the house,
dry season; (B) inside the house, dry season; (C) outside the house, wet season; (D) inside the house, wet season. Data
extracted from Rubio-Palis and Curtis (1992). Original data are available in the supplementary online material (http://
for the lack of independence that arises from the repeated measurements through time. There was no variability because of the year of the observation ( 0; see
supplementary online material http://www.envs.emory.
and a simpler model, without a parameter for the annual
variability, was t, as follows:
y ijk 1x 1 2x 2 3x 3 4x 2x 3 k
jk ijk [4]
Results for this model are presented in Table 4. The
interaction between season and time and the main
Table 4. Analysis of deviance for the effects of site, landing
time, and season on Anopheles nuneztovari abundance in Guaquitas, Venezuela (Rubio-Palis and Curtis 1992)
Log likelihood
Site (1)
Landing time (2)
Season (3)
Landing time
season (4)
Month ()
Day ()
Error ()
Table 5 shows the results for the analysis with equation 5. All factors are signicant with this model (P
0.05). However, when compared with the model with
random effects, the main effect for landing time is not
signicant when the lack of independence in the data
is properly modeled with a LMEM (Table 4). These
analyses illustrate one of the problems of incorrectly
Table 5. Analysis of variance for the effects of site, landing
time, and season on Anopheles nuneztovari abundance in Guaquitas, Venezuela (Rubio-Palis and Curtis 1992)
F Value
17,914 17,914
Site (1)
Landing time (2) 11 162,525 14,775
1 286,446 286,446 107.5666 2.2e-16*
Season (3)
Landing time
season (4)
Error ()
671 178,6849
Original data and R code for analysis are in the supplementary
online material (
*Statistically signicant (P 0.05).
May 2010
modeling the lack of independence across observations: the LM rejects a null hypothesis that is true
(type II error) by saying that landing time by itself is
signicant (Table 5), when in reality it is only significant when considered in conjunction with the season
(Table 4).
Pseudoreplication: an Issue of the Past
As shown in this forum, pseudoreplication no longer
is an issue preventing the statistical analysis of experiments and eld studies. Current statistical tools such
as LMEM can model the lack of independence in eld
observations. However, pseudoreplication will most
likely always be present in any ecological study, because of the complexity of working with living organisms that constrains full randomization or limits the
number of replicates. Although other objects of study,
like molecules or atoms, are numerous and widespread, samples of living organisms are comparatively
few and organisms always are evolutionary and ecologically related at some scale. Although this forum has
been focused on demystifying statistical concepts and
presents how to use LMEM models to address the lack
of independence in datasets, the ingenuity of statisticians is laudable because many other techniques outside the scope of this article have been developed over
recent years. A best example includes the extension of
LMEM to accommodate non-normal observations in
generalized LMEMs (Bolker et al. 2009). Other tools
that do not consider the individual variability of observations, but rather the average across all samples,
like the generalized estimating equations (Faraway
2006), can address the lack of independence in observations, and have been used in the study of medically important insects (Lindblade et al. 2000, Gurevitz et al. 2009). A third line of new computer-based
tools, including neural networks, trees (Olden et al.
2008), and random forests (Ruiz et al. 2010), does not
have assumptions on data independence, and has been
successfully used to study insects of public health
importance (Hu et al. 2006, Ruiz et al. 2010). Thus,
pseudoreplication should no longer be considered as
a major aw that impairs the statistical analysis of
experiments and eld studies. Independence constraints in the manipulation and observation of organisms are adequately handled by many available statistical tools, thus enabling valid inferences from
valuable entomological data.
I am thankful to Yasmin Rubio-Palis for sharing her original data on Anopheles nuneztovari from Guaquitas, Venezuela. This work was funded by a Gorgas Research Award from
the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene and
Emory University. This work also beneted from comments
by the editor, anonymous reviewers, Jorge Rabinovich,
Nicole Gottdenker, and Greg Decker, and helpful discussions
from a National Institutes of Health-Research and Policy on
Infectious Disease Dynamics (NIH-RAPIDD) study group
on mosquito-borne diseases.
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