08 Isavasya Upanishad Versewise
08 Isavasya Upanishad Versewise
08 Isavasya Upanishad Versewise
Om poornamadah poornamidam I
Poornaath poorna mudachyate I
Poornasya poorna madaaya I
Poorname vaava sishyate I
Om shanti shanti shanti hi II
18 Mantras
- Jnana Yoga
Verse 1 - Jnana Yoga Sara
Elaboration . Verse 4 - 8
- Nivritti Marga
1. Dasa Upanishad :
That is Whole, this is Whole ; from the Whole, the Whole becomes manifest. From the Whole, when the Whole is
negated, what remains is again the Whole.
Jivatma Paramatma
• Equating them we can say, Jivatma and Paramatma are one and the same, both
• Same as Tat Tvam Asi.
2) Poornat, Poornam Udachyate :
• From Poorna Svarupa Paramatma, Poorna Svarupa Jivatma originates, arises,
• Infinite not limited by time and space. It cannot have beginning or end.
How you say Jivatma originated from Paramatma?
• From the standpoint of their nature both are same Chaitanyam.
• From the standpoint of their Nama & Rupa, Name & Form, one originates from
Example :
Wave – Ocean :
Jivatma – Paramatma :
3 Messages Conveyed :
1) Jivatma, and Paramatma are essentially one and same.
2) Jivatma, Paramatma have superficial cause – effect relationship with Upadhis.
Essentially without Upadhi. Hence no relationship.
3) What is the relation between Me and God?
Superficially Essentially
That is Whole, this is Whole ; from the Whole, the Whole becomes manifest. From the Whole, when the Whole is
negated, what remains is again the Whole.
This That
- World - God
- Seen - Unseen
- Effect - Cause
- We see world in ignorance - Negate equipments – Body and Mind.
- Realise Infinite I am the truth.
• Upanishad explains Sat as Jagat, and God as cause of Jagat.
• Nothing wrong with Srishti – change Drishti.
• In Isa, Conciousness, Substratum alone, both cause + effect exist.
• From Isa – Space comes, 5 elements come, breathing happens.
• Poornam is state of fulfillment, Pure being.
• It is also cause of appearance, manifestation of world.
• I alone as Brahman am truth of this world. From me, world manifests and resolves.
• You become infinite by knowing infinite.
• When seemingly finite Jivatma grasps infinite Paramatma. What remains is only one
Atma / Brahman.
• Moksha is silent renunciation which happens intellectually because of rise of
• I am pure Conciousness. World is Nama, Rupa, Kriya and World is perceived because
of Conciousness. I am present as “Aham” in all Bodies.
• See Poornam in self and world, then all the time, I am in Poornam, Bliss. 11
All this, whatsover moves in this universe, including the universe, itself moving, is indwelt or pervaded or enveloped or
clothed by the Lord. That renounced, thou shouldst enjoy. Covet not anybody’s wealth. [Verse 1]
Ishvara World
- Karanam - Karyam, Nama, Rupa.
- Ekam, Nityam, Satyam. Self of all - No Existence without Ishvara.
beings. - Many ornaments but one Gold
- Karana Darsanam leads to with different name and form.
Moksha. - One Ishvara with different
Names and forms.
- Anekam, Anityam Mithya.
- Karya Darsanam leads to
• After Jnanam use ornaments for transaction but through all transactions, remember
it is Mithya. Hold to Karana Ishvara - Tena Tyaktena Bhunjeethaa.
• By Renouncing Dvaita Darsanam protect yourself from Samsara.
2nd Explanation :
• Universe pervaded, enveloped, clothed by Lord / Isa / Brahman.
• Renounce world and enjoy.
• Path of renunciation.
• Surrender to Isa, Conciousness, see oneness in all Jagat – then no Likes + Dislikes.
• Right Drishti.
• Gold Alone exists.
• Bunjeeta means to get protected and enjoy in knowledge of oneness.
• Don’t be vulture enjoying dead matter – Ma Gridah Kasya Svidh Dhanam.
• Mind is deluded and eventually disappointed by the thought of happiness from
material acquisitions. No lasting happiness in the world but in Atma, Sukham is
3 rd Explanation :
• Ishvara not another entity.
• Ishvara is the World.
• Prapancha Drishti is Ishvara Drishti.
• If I am separate from the world then fear, anxiety, worry, will continue. 13
Observer Observed Observing Instrument
Ishvara Ishvara Ishvara
Performing, verily, work in this world should one desire to live a full hundred years. This alone is right, for there is no
other right path. Action never clings to a man following this path. [Verse 2]
Sunless are those worlds, and enveloped in blindening gloom to which all those people, who are slayers of their own
Souls go, departing from here. [Verse 3]
• Those who do not follow Karma Yoga / Jnana Yoga are doomed to return.
• Those seeking pleasure, sense objects are in total ignorance.
• Discover permanent Isa in changing world.
• Self ignorance criticised.
The Self is the motionless one, swifter than the mind. The devas (senses) could not overtake ; It ran before them. Sitting,
It goes faster than those who run after It. By It, Matarisva (the element Air) supports the activity of all living beings.
[Verse 4]
The Atman moves and It moves not ; It is far and It is near ; It is within all this, and It is also outside all this. [Verse 5]
Achalam :
Conciousness has 2 expressions
He who constantly sees everywhere all existence in the Self and the Self in all beings and forms, thereafter feels no
hatred for anything. [Verse 6]
First Interpretation :
a) Seeming Contradiction :
From that (which is) this Atman, is space born; from akasa, air; from air, fire; from fire, water; from water, earth; from
earth, herbs; from herbs, food; and from food, man. [II – 1 – 2]
In me alone everything is born ; in me alone does everything exist and in me alone gets everything dissolved. I am That
non-dual Brahman. [Verse 19]
• Svapna rises from me, rests in me, resolves into me the mind during waking.
• Jagrat Prapancha also rises, rests, resolves into Atma in sleep.
• Sleep makes you create Svapna.
• Maya Shakti of Atma helps to create, preserve resolve waking.
• I am the Projector, Supporter, Experiencer of the universe (PSE).
• Tataha Na Vijugupsate :
He will be free from problem of insecurity.
• We hold to Name, fame, money, position, possession, prestige, relationship because
of insecurity.
• As long as I take myself as body, the feeling will not go away.
• As product ever insecure. As cause, ever secure.
• Wave claims I am water – no destruction.
• Jiva claims I am Paramatma Chaitanyam – I have no destruction.
• Shifting attention from Anatma to Atma is Vijugupsate.
2nd Meaning of Vijigupsa :
• Jnani does not hate anyone like mother can’t hate child, an extention of herself. 21
Second Interpretation :
• Creation is resting on me. I am Karanam of the universe.
Example :
• Svapna - It rises, rests, resolves into me.
• For Dreamer its not dream in dream.
• For waker its not dream in waking.
• Every object is in me as Nama / Rupa.
• I am in every object as its content, saram.
• One is free from :
a) Jigupsa – hatred :
I don’t hate Janma Marana Shariram.
b) Insecurity :
I give security to world.
• I am in the world and the world is in me. (Duality)
• No me or you – all one (Advaitam).
• See all existence in the self 22
• See self in all as substratum and feel no hatred.
• Jigupsa has no fear.
• I am finite (Ahamkara), World of objects is real (Mamakara).
• No sorrow / grief for one who sees oneness. All beings exist in the supreme and
supreme exists within all of them as their controller.
• Whole Gita from this verse.
• In delusion, you see private world and experience sorrow.
When, to the knower, all beings have become one in his own Self (Atman), how shall he feel deluded thereafter? What
grief can there be to him who sees oneness everywhere? [Verse 7]
He who constantly sees everywhere all existence in the Self and the Self in all beings and forms, thereafter feels no
hatred for anything. [Verse 6]
He, the Atman, is all-pervading, bright, bodiless, scatheless, without muscles, pure, unpierced by evils, wise,
omniscient, transcendent and self-existing. He alone allotted their respective functions (duties) to the various eternal
years (Creators). [Verse 8]
I am not the state of envy and passion or the emotions of greed and attachment. Neither I am intoxication nor I am
the emotion of jealousy. And I am not even the four Purushartha — Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha. I am the
eternal happiness or bliss state, I am Shiva, I am Shiva.||3||
2 Versions of Chaitanyam
Naciketas said : “That which thou seest as other than virtue and vice – as right and ‘unright’, as other than cause and
effect, as other than the past and future – tell me that.” [I – II – 14]
Gita :
Those rsis obtain absolute freedom or moksa, whose sins
have been destroyed, whose dualities are torn asunder,
who are self-controlled and intent on the asunder, who
are self-controlled and intent on the welfare of all beings.
[Chapter 5 – Verse 25]
• I don’t have Sanchit, Agami, Prarabda. Hence as Chaitanyam I have no birth and
Birth Death
- Sthula + Sukshma come together. - Sthula + Sukshma separate.
Gita :
He is not born, nor does He ever die; after having been,
He again ceases not to be; unborn, eternal, changeless
and ancient, He is not killed when the body is killed.
[Chapter 2 – Verse 20]
• First 2 lines describes Atma at individual level.
• 3rd line + 4th line – Big leap :
Atma is creator also, Atma called Paramatma with Maya Shakti.
g) Kavihi : Omniscient
One Atma plays 2 roles
- Jivatma - Paramatma
- One Vyashti - Total Samashti
- Lord of one Body, Mind. - Lord of all body, minds.
Upadesa Sara :
From the standpoint of the gross and subtle equipment, there is difference between the Jiva and Isvara. But from the
standpoint of their true nature, the supreme Reality alone is. [Verse 24]
h) Paribhu :
• One above everything, transcendental, superior, Atma is Kaaranam, everything
i) Svayambhu :
• Exists by itself.
• Not born of Something.
• Anatma born out of Atma.
• It exists by itself all the time – Nityam, eternal.
j) Paryagaat :
• All pervading.
k) Arthaan Vyadat Chasha Vatibya Samabya :
• One Vishnu allocates duties to Brahma, Shiva, 14 Prajapathis, Devatas to Manage
cosmic forces. They get power from Ishvara. 33
Taittriya Upanishad :
Through fear of Him blows the wind. Through fear of Him rises the sun. Through fear of Him again fire and moon and
lastly, the fifth, death proceed to their respective duties. [II – VIII – 1]
• Seeker learns to look at Universe with Sastra spectacle as given above in Jnana Yoga
again & again (Anupashyati). He finally gets free from Shoka, Moha and Jugupsa by
owning up Atma Svarupam.
• Moksha is dropping insecurity in the world and finding security in ones own Atma.
This is by Jivatma, Paramatma Aikya Jnanam mentioned in Verse 3 – 8.
They who worship Avidya (rites) alone enter into blindening darkness, and they, who are engaged in Vidya (meditation)
verily fall, as though, into an even greater darkness. [Verse 9]
Avidya Vidya
- Sakama Karma Yoga and Rituals - Sakama Upasana criticised.
criticised. - Makes one extrovert, given to
- From worldly angle - good, will pleasure only.
attain Svarga. - Spiritual darkness.
- Get lost in entertainment. - Goes to Brahma Loka by Krishna
- Spiritual Angle – Darkness. Gathi to enjoy better Loka.
One thing, they say, is verily obtained from Vidya, another thing they say from Avidya ; thus, we have heard from the
wise who explained that to us. [Verse 10]
Avidya Vidya
- Sakama Karma Yoga leads to - Upasakas get Siddhis which are
material prosperity, Svarga Loka, also criticised.
Krishna Gathi.
- Initially given as incentive, so say
the Rishis.
He, who knows at the same time both Vidya and Avidya, overcomes death by Avidya and obtains immortality by Vidya.
[Verse 11]
Avidya Vidya
Shiva Manasa Puja :
O Lord, You are my Atma (Soul), Devi Girija (the Divine Mother) is my Buddhi (Pure Intellect), the Shiva Ganas (the
Companions or Attendants) are my Prana and my Body is Your Temple, My Interactions with the World are Your Worship
and my Sleep is the State of Samadhi (complete absorption in You), My Feet Walking about is Your Pradakshina
(Circumambulation); all my Speech are Your Hymns of Praises, Whatever work I do, all that is Your Aradhana (Worship),
O Shambhu. [Verse 4]
Vishnu Sahasranamam :
I bow before that God, Vishnu, Who is the lord of three worlds, Who has earth as his feet, Who has air as his soul, Who
has sky as his belly, Who has moon and sun as eyes, Who has the four directions as ears, Who has the land of gods as
head, Who has fire as his mouth, Who has sea as his stomach, And in whose belly play and enjoy, Gods, men birds,
animals, Serpent men, Gandharvas and Asuras. [Verse 2]
• Karma Yoga and Upasana Yoga Samuchhaya (Combination) gives Viveka, Vairagyam,
Sadhana Chatushtaya Sampatti Mumukshutvam.
They fall into blindening darkness who worship the Unmanifested (Prakrti) ; but those who devote themselves to the
Manifested (Hiranyagarbha) enter into greater darkness. [Verse 12]
2 Types of Upasanas :
Asambuti Sambuti
- Prakriti Upasana, Shakti Upasana, Devi - Hiranyagarbha – Samashti Sukshma Prapancha
Upasana. Upasana.
- Samashti Karana Prapancha - Has origination during Srishti, born out of
Upasana. Prakrti and dissolves into Maya during
- Maya Shakti Upasana of Brahman pralayam.
(Brahman is Father – Maya is - Upasaka gets Mystical powers close to Ishvaras
Mother in chapter 14 Gita) powers.
- Prakrti is Seed, Karanam of Universe - Anima, Mahima, Laghima, Garima etc.
into which universe dissolves in - Power has origination and depletion.
Pralayam. - Kevala “Hiranyagarba” Upasana inferior.
- Anaadi, Asambhava, Janma rahita - Hiranyagarbha, Sambuti, Sambhava, Janma Sahita
tattvam, without Origination. Tattvam.
• Not born repeatedly will be one with Maya.
• Born Again in next Srishti.
• Both Upasakas condemned. Nirguna Upasakas alone obtain Moksha. 39
One thing they say, is verily obtained from the worship of the manifest. Another thing, they say, from the worship of the
unmanifest ; thus have we heard from the wise who have explained that to us. [Verse 13]
Manifest Unmanifest
- Asambava Upasakas
- Sambava Upasakas
- Hiranyagarbha –
- Prakrti Upasana
Sukshma Prapancha
(Karana Prapancha).
- Merge with Maya.
- Go to Brahma Loka and
- Get reborn in next
Return through Krishna
Srishti Say the wise.
He who worships the Impersonal Godhead and the Personal God together, overcomes death through the worship of the
Personal and obtains immortality through the worship of the Impersonal. [Verse 14]
Verse 9 – 14 :
• Mainly focusses on Pravirthi Marga, Ishvara Upasana in the heart, Nishkama Karma
Yoga for spiritual growth. 41
The face of Truth is covered by a golden lid ; remove, O Sun, that (covering) for me, the practitioner of Truth, so that I
may behold It. [Verse 15]
Gita :
He should be known as a perpetual sannyasi who neither
hates nor desires; for, free from the pairs of opposites, O
mighty-armed, he is easily set free from bondage.
[Chapter 5 – Verse 3]
• Grihasta drops “Raaga Dvesha” and becomes ready for Jnanam and Moksha is
essence of this Verse.
• Advaita Jnanam alone gives Moksha. Vedanta Shastra Vakyam only Pramanam. It
requires a prepared mind. See meaning of Dhyana Slokas in the mind to prepare
Verse 15 to 18 :
• Prayer of Dying man for Jnana Prapti and Moksha Prapti.
• Material attractions – Cover Gateway to Moksha (Satyasya Apaihitam Mukham).
• Golden disc, Hiranmaya Patram, Covers the face of truth. Pray for lords grace for
Vairagyam and Mumukshutvam.
• I am physically or mentally pre-occupied. This denies me knowledge.
• I follow Vedic disciplines, Pancha Maha Yagya, values and have done Upasana. Loved
life of truthfullness but am unable to drop identification with the ego.
• This is prayer of Jnanam and Moksha here and now. (Eh Pushan tat tvam apavrinu –
Remove my obstacles).
• This can also be prayer Krama Mukti.
Gita :
And whosoever, leaving the body, goes forth
remembering Me alone, at the time of his death, he
attains My being; there is no doubt about this.
[Chapter 8 – Verse 5]
• There is travel after death for Jiva with Sukshma, Karana Shariram (With Upasana
Punyam) and Reflected Conciousness.
• This nucleus withdraws from body, enters the Sushmana Nadi, and comes out
through Brahmarandra. 43
• Path is called Shukla Gathi, goes to Brahma Loka through Solar Disc.
• Gets Atma Jnanam and becomes Jeevan Mukta alongwith Brahma during Pralayam.
• Before we take Satyam as Brahman, now taken as Hiranyagarbha Devata.
• In Sloka 6 & 7, Vijugpsa is freedom from Shoka and Moha, freedom for Jnani here
and now.
He who constantly sees everywhere all existence in the Self and the Self in all beings and forms, thereafter feels no
hatred for anything. [Verse 6]
When, to the knower, all beings have become one in his own Self (Atman), how shall he feel deluded thereafter? What
grief can there be to him who sees oneness everywhere? [Verse 7]
O Pusan (Sun, Nourisher), O Sole Seer, O Controller of All, Surya, Son of Prajapati, disperse Thy rays and gather up Thy
burning light… I behold Thy glorious form… the Purusa within Thee, He am I. [Verse 16]
• Pray to Purusha indwelling in the Sun. (Alambanam, Symbol – like flame, idol)
• Surya Narayan – Bagawan.
• Pushan – One who nourishes everyone.
• Ekarshi – One who travels around earth, alone, controls the activities of all Pranis.
• Each ray like a hand, embraces all, gives energy and light.
• May you withdraw your rays so that I can look at you.
• Invoke Shiva, Vishnu, Gayathri Devi – Savitri, Saraswathi.
• Upasana – is imagination, Jnanam means knowing as a fact.
Let my Prana merge into the all-pervading air (and) now let this body be burnt (by fire) to ashes. Om, O my mind!
Remember, remember what you did! Oh remember, remember what you did! [Verse 18]
Om, (O Lord) Keep me not in the Unreality (of the bondage of the Phenomenal World), but lead me towards the Reality
(of the Eternal Self), (O Lord) Keep me not in the Darkness (of Ignorance), but lead me towards the Light (of Spiritual
Knowledge), (O Lord) Keep me not in the (Fear of) Death (due to the bondage of the Mortal World), but lead me towards
the Immortality (gained by the Knowledge of the Immortal Self beyond Death), Om, (May there be) Peace, Peace, Peace
(at the three levels - Adidaivika, Adibhautika and Adhyatmika). 46
• Let Vyashti Prana merge with Samashti Prana.
• Body has come from Bagawan – Samashti, for realising higher Nature.
• Body is offered to Agni Devata who is broker for Bhagawan.
• I merge with you through Krama Mukti.
• Let mind do Ishvara Smranam.
Gita :
And whosoever, leaving the body, goes forth
remembering Me alone, at the time of his death, he
attains My being; there is no doubt about this.
[Chapter 8 – Verse 5]
• Om represents Ishvara.
• Oh mind (Kruto Kruto), remember Upasana you have done.
O Agni! Lead us on to ‘wealth’ by a good path, as Thou knowest, O God, all the many ways. Remove the crooked
attraction of sin from us. We offer Thee our best salutations. [Verse 18]
a) 1st action in Puja is lighting a Lamp. Agni is witness (Sakshi) of all our Karma. Agni Devata
has records of all Pancha Maha Yagya done, Vishnu Sahasranamam chanted.
b) May you lead us through Shukla Gathi, Auspicious path.
• May you get rid of my Papams, obstacles.
• I do verbal Namaskara to you.
c) After death we loose our freewill. Travel can’t be controlled by Jiva. Without Golakams
Jiva can’t experience anything.
d) Upasaka gets Moksha by Krama Mukti in Pravirthi Marga.
• Jeevan Mukti by Nivritti Marga presented in Verse 6 & 7.
Verse No. Details
1 - Ishvara Is Karanam.
- World is Karyam.
- Renounce Dvaita Darsanam.
- Hold to Ishvara Drishti, drop Jiva Drishti is Moksha, Immortality.
- I am part of Ishvara.
2 - 2 Life styles
- Karma Yoga :
Pancha Maha Yagya, Sarvam Ishvara Mayam.
- Jnana Yoga :
Sarvam Atma Mayam.
3 - Those seeking pleasures, sense objects are in total ignorance.
- Self ignorance criticised.
4 Atma is :
- Ekam (bodies Many)
- All pervading – Sarvagatam
- Aprameyam – (Sense organs can’t catch Atma)
- Nondifferent from Ishvara.
Verse No. Details
5 - Atma is all pervading and doesn’t move.
- Its reflection in Body and Mind moves.
- Atma is me, not far or near. No distance.
- Atma is inside outside, everywhere. No limitation spacewise.
6 - Atma is Karanam, Adharam, Antaryami.
- World is Karyam.
- Atma in the content, essence, Antaryami of world.
- Atma is both material cause and intelligent cause of the world.
- World = Atma
- Wave = Water
- See all existence in the self.
- Self is controller of Universe.
7 - Atma is everything and everything in Atma, Advaitam.
- No world separate from Ishvara.
- Only Conciousness exists.
- No grief, sorrow, delusion, hatred for one with Ishvara Drishti.
Verse No. Details
8 Nature of Atma
Individual Level :
a) Shukram :
- Self evident.
- Uses 3 windows. Sthula, Sukshma, Karana windows for experiences.
b) Akayam :
- No Sukshma Shariram.
c) Asanaviranam :
- No Sthula Shariram.
d) Shuddham :
- No Karana Shariram
e) Aprameyam :
- Subject not available for objectification.
f) Apapa Viddham :
- No Punya Papam.
- No Birth, Death.
Verse No. Details
8 Nature of Atma
Samashti Level :
g) Kavihi :
- Lord of all minds, Ishvara.
- One Atma with 2 Dresses.
h) Paribhu :
- Transcendental, Karanam.
i) Svayambu :
- Exists by itself, eternal.
j) Paryagaat :
- All pervading.
k) Arthan Vyadat :
- Allocates duties to Devatas.
Verse No. Details
9 - Avidya – Rituals criticised.
- Vidya - Upasana Criticised.
- Both give only better Lokas.
10 - Avidya – Karma Yoga gives material prosperity.
- Vidya – gives Siddhis.
- Both Impermanent.
11 Practice Karma Yoga / Upasana Yoga :
- Upasana Yoga – Lord in my heart.
- Karma Yoga – Nishkama Karma without Ahamkara.
12 Asambuti :
- Samashti Karana Prapancha Upasana.
Sambuti :
- Samshti Sukshma Prapancha Upasana.
- Gets mystical powers of Ishvara.
- Both condemned, Nirguna Upasakas are best.
Verse No. Details
13. Sambava :
- Worship Manifest.
- Karana Prapancha Upasakas.
- Merge with Maya and born in next Srishti.
Asambava :
- Worship Unmanifest.
- Hiranyagarbha, go to Brahmaloka through Krishna Gathi and Return.
14 - Worship both Saguna and Nirguna together.
- Sambutim – Worship personal God.
- Vinasha – Worship Unamnifest – Hiranyagarbha.
15 - Prayer to Lord Sun to remove his Golden Disc to see the Devata
16 - Withdraw your rays, so that I can look at you.
17 - Let my 3 Sharirams merge with 3 Prapanchas.
- Let me merge with you.
18 - Agni is witness to all our Rituals and Puja.
- Prayer to Lord Agni to lead us through Shukla Gathi to freedom.