Soalan HMEF5083 Instructional Technology
Soalan HMEF5083 Instructional Technology
Soalan HMEF5083 Instructional Technology
6. This assignment accounts for 60% of the total marks for the course.
Research has shown that integrating technology into the classroom can enhance student
learning (Krentler & Willis-Flurry, 2010). According to Byers (2014) teachers are the
gatekeepers of the classroom which means that the use of technology in the classroom lies
in the hands of the teachers. Hence, it is indeed crucial to explore factors influencing
technology integration in classroom instruction.
Support your essay by citing experts, theories, and/or research related to this essay. Include
a suitable title for your essay.
Cite at least THREE (3) articles which may be sourced from journals, books, and/or reports.
The essay should be presented in an organised and coherent manner.
(TOTAL: 30 marks)
The ASSURE Model (Smaldino, Russel, Heinich & Molenda, 2005) is an instructional guide
that helps teachers to successfully integrate media and technology in the classroom to
create the most appropriate learning environment for students.
Prepare a Google Classroom lesson for a subject of your choice using the ASSURE model.
Provide description for each of the ASSURE Model steps and also provide screenshot of the
Google Classroom as evidence to show that you have incorporated the steps.
(TOTAL: 30 marks)
QUESTION 1 (30 marks)
*QN CLO Unsatisfactory/No
Excellent Good Fair Low Max
Criteria Weight Marks
4 3 2 1 0
1 3 Introduction 1 Title reflects the Title provides a good Title reflects the content Title does not reflect the No title. 4
A suitable title, aim of content of the essay reflection of the content of the essay modestly. content of the essay.
essay & definition of perfectly. of the essay.
technology integration in Aim of essay is fairly well Aim of essay is poorly
classroom instruction. Aim of essay is very Aim of essay is well articulated. articulated. Aim of essay is not
well articulated. articulated. articulated.
Fair description of Very poor description of
Excellent description of Good description of technology integration in technology integration in No description of
technology integration technology integration in classroom instruction. classroom instruction. technology
in classroom classroom instruction. integration in
instruction. classroom instruction.
3 Review of articles to 5.5 Excellent review of Good review of articles Fair review of articles Very poor review of No review of articles. 22
support factors influencing articles with expert with sound opinions and with some opinions and articles with little opinion No opinions or
technology integration in opinions or suggestions of the issue. suggestions of the issue. or suggestions given. suggestions given.
classroom instruction. suggestions of the
3 Conclusion 0.5 Conclusion is clearly Conclusion is clearly Conclusion is fairly stated Conclusion is poorly No conclusion. 2
stated and connections stated and connections and connections to essay stated and the
to the essay objective to essay objective are objective are fairly clear. connections to the essay
are clear and relevant. mostly clear. objective are incorrect or
Several errors in logic are unclear.
The underlying logic is Minor errors in logic are present.
explicit. present. Underlying logic has
major flaws.
3 Organisation and 0.5 Paper is very well Paper is well organised, Paper is fairly well Paper is very poorly Paper is not 2
Mechanics organised, has has logical cohesion of organised, has limited organised, lacks cohesion organized, lacks
excellent cohesion of thoughts and ideas, and cohesion of thought and of thought and ideas, and cohesion of thought
thought and ideas, and is easy to read. ideas, and is fairly easy to is difficult to read. and ideas, and is
is very easy to read. read. difficult to read.
Numerous gross errors in
No / minor errors in Few minor errors in Some gross errors in grammar, spelling and
grammar, spelling and grammar, spelling and grammar, spelling and punctuation. Extremely poor
punctuation. punctuation. punctuation. grammar, spelling and
Improper referencing punctuation.
Accurate referencing Good referencing most of Some referencing are not and not complying with
according to APA it are according to APA according to APA APA Referencing Style. No referencing.
Referencing Style. Referencing Style. Referencing Style.
Total 7.5 30
*QN = Question Number
2 3 State topic and subject 0.5 Excellent description of Good description of Fair description of the Very poor description No description 2
of your lesson all items required. almost all the items items required. of items required. of items
Screenshot of Google required. required.
Classroom as evidence Screenshot of the Screenshot of the Google Screenshot of the Google
Google Classroom as Classroom as evidence Classroom as evidence
3 Analyse learners – 1 Excellent description of Good description of Fair description of the Very poor description No description 4
learner’s knowledge all items required. almost all the items items required. of items required. of items
and skills, number of Screenshot of the required. Screenshot of the Google required.
learners, grade or age Google Classroom as Screenshot of the Google Classroom as evidence
level, gender, evidence Classroom as evidence
socioeconomic factors,
exceptionalities, and
other types of
Screenshot of the
Google Classroom as
3 State learning 0.5 Excellent description of Good description of Fair description of Very poor description No description 2
outcomes learning outcomes. learning outcomes. learning outcomes. of learning outcomes. of learning
Screenshot of the Screenshot of the Screenshot of the Google Screenshot of the Google outcomes.
Google Classroom as Google Classroom as Classroom as evidence Classroom as evidence
evidence evidence
3 Select methods, media/ 2 Excellent explanation Good explanation for the Fair explanation for the Very poor explanation No explanation 8
websites and materials for the choice of choice of methods, choice of methods, for the choice of for the choice of
Screenshot of the methods, media/ media/ websites and media/ websites and methods, media/ methods,
Google Classroom as websites and materials materials that are aligned materials that are aligned websites and materials media/ websites
evidence that are aligned to to learning outcomes. to learning outcomes. that are aligned to and materials.
learning outcomes. Screenshot of the Google Screenshot of the Google learning outcomes.
Screenshot of the Classroom as evidence Classroom as evidence
Google Classroom as
3 Utilise media/websites 1.5 Excellent use of Good use of Fair use of Very poor use of Did not use 6
and materials media/websites and media/websites and media/websites and media/websites and media/websites
Screenshot of the materials that are materials that are aligned materials that are aligned materials that are and materials.
Google Classroom as aligned to learning to learning outcomes. to learning outcomes. aligned to learning
evidence outcomes. Screenshot of the Google Screenshot of the Google outcomes.
Screenshot of the Classroom as evidence Classroom as evidence
Google Classroom as
3 Require learner 1 Excellent detailed Good explanation on Fair explanation on Very poor explanation No explanation 4
participation explanation on methods used for methods used for on methods used for on methods
Screenshot of the methods used for actively engaging all actively engaging all actively engaging all used for actively
Google Classroom as actively engaging all students for the lesson’s students for the lesson’s students for the engaging all
evidence students for the duration. duration. lesson’s duration. students for the
lesson’s duration. Screenshot of the Google Screenshot of the Google lesson’s
Screenshot of the Classroom as evidence Classroom as evidence duration.
Google Classroom as
3 Evaluate and revise 1 Excellent description of Good description of Fair description of Very poor description No description 4
Screenshot of the evaluation of student evaluation of student evaluation of student of evaluation of of evaluation of
Google Classroom as performance, performance, performance, student performance, student
evidence effectiveness of effectiveness of effectiveness of effectiveness of performance,
technological tools and technological tools and technological tools and technological tools and effectiveness of
instructor’s instructor’s performance. instructor’s performance. instructor’s technological
performance. Screenshot of the Google Screenshot of the Google performance. tools and
Screenshot of the Classroom as evidence Classroom as evidence instructor’s
Google Classroom as performance.
Total 7.5 30
*QN = Question number