Soalan Assignment HPGD3103 May 2020

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1. Answer in English or Bahasa Malaysia.

2. Number of words : 3000 – 5000 words excluding references.

3. Submit your assignment ONCE only in a SINGLE file.

4. Submit your assignment ONLINE.

5. Submission date : 27th JULY 2020

6. This assignment accounts for 60% of the total marks for the course.


This assignment enables you to demonstrate your ability to:
a. Describe instructional design model.
b. Design an effective lesson plan using technologies and instructional media.

This assignment consists of TWO questions. You are required to answer both questions.

Learning theories describes how people learn. Theory based teaching is an effective way
to organise your thinking and conceptualise what you want to convey to your students.

Discuss at least TWO (2) principles of learning based on the following learning theories:
(i) Behaviourim Learning Theory
(ii) Cognitivism Learning Theory
(iii) Constructivism Learning Theory

Provide suitable examples of online learning activities for each of the principles of

Your essay should include:

a) Introduction
Provide overview/ definition of the three learning theories namely Behaviourism,
Cognitivism and Constructivism.

b) Principles of learning based on learning theories

Describe at least TWO (2) principles of learning for each learning theory. Provide suitable
examples of applying the principles of learning for online learning activities.

c) Conclusion
Synthesising the key issues that was highlighted in your discussion coherently.

(Description between 1250 - 1500 words)

The ASSURE model is an instructional system that teachers can use to develop lesson
plans which integrate the use of technology and media (Smaldino, Lowther & Russell,

Create a lesson plan of your choice using the ASSURE Model. The lesson plan MUST
integrate the use of technology and media.
Provide the description and examples for each of the following component under the
ASSURE model:
(i) Analyse learners

(ii) State objectives (Topic 7)

(iii) Select methods, media, materials (Topic 3, 5, 6 & 8)

(iv) Utilise media and materials

(v) Require learner participation

(vi) Evaluate and revise

(Note: Refer to the samples given in Topic 5)

(Description between 1250 - 1500 words)


Question 1: (30 marks)

Criteria Excellent Good Fair Poor Unsatisfactory Max

*QN CLO Weight
4 3 2 1 0 Marks
1 1 Introduction 2 Comprehensive and Good descriptions of Fair explanation Weak descriptions of No submission. 8
Provide overview/ definition of the three excellent descriptions all 3 learning descriptions of some all 3 learning
learning theories, namely Behaviourism, of all 3 learning theories. of the 3 learning theories.
Cognitivism and Constructivism. theories. theories.
(CLO 1)

1 2 Principles of learning for each learning 4.5 Comprehensive and Good description of Fair description of the Weak description of No submission. 18
theory excellent description the principles of principles of learning the learning that are
Describe at least TWO (2) principles of of the principles of learning for each for each learning suitable for online
learning for each learning theory. theory. learning for each
learning for each learning theory. Provide
learning theory. learning theory.
suitable examples of applying the
principles of learning for online learning Provided suitable Lack of relevant
activities. examples of applying Provided suitable Few suitable examples.
(CLO 2) the principles of examples of applying examples of applying
learning for online the principles of the principles of
learning activities learning for online learning for online
learning activities. learning activities.
Included references Lack or no proper
and in-text citations references and in-
according to APA Included references Many missing text citations
Citation Style. and in-text citations references and in-text according to APA
according to APA citations and not Citation Style.
Citation Style. according to APA
Citation Style.

1 2 Conclusion 1 Provided clear and Provided a good Provided a fair Provided a limited No submission 4

Synthesising the key issues that was complete synthesis by amount of synthesis amount of synthesis of the
highlighted in your discussion coherently. describing the by describing the description of the learning theories
(CLO 2) learning theories and learning theories and learning theories and and their principles
their principles of their principles of their principles of of learning.
learning. learning. learning.

Write-up had
excellent coherency. Write-up had little Lack of coherency.
Write-up had good coherency.
Total 7.5 30
*QN = Question Number

Question 2: (30 marks)

Criteria Excellent Good Fair Poor Unsatisfactory Max

*QN CLO Weight
4 3 2 1 0 Marks
2 3 Overview of ASSURE Model using a 1.0 Comprehensive and Good overview of Fair overview of the Weak overview of No submission. 4
diagramme excellent overview of ASSURE Model ASSURE Model the ASSURE Model
(Topic 4) the ASSURE Model supported with an supported with a supported with
supported with an accurate and clear diagramme inaccurate/no
accurate and clear diagramme. diagramme.

2 3 Description about the components of the 3.0 Comprehensive and Good description of Fair description of Weak description of No submission. 12
ASSURE Model: excellent description all the components all/some of the the components
(i) Analyse learners of all the components under the ASSURE components under under the ASSURE
under the ASSURE Model. the ASSURE Model. Model.
(ii) State objectives (Topic 7) Model.
Somewhat explained
(iii) Select methods, media, materials Clear explanation and Clear explanation and their application for
(Topic 3, 5, 6 & 8) demonstrated their demonstrated their the lesson plan.
application for the application for the
(iv) Utilise media and materials lesson plan. lesson plan.

(v) Require learner participation

(vi) Evaluate and revise

(Topic 5)

2 3 Provide relevant examples for each of the 3.5 Comprehensive and Good description of Fair description of the Weak description of No submission. 14
following components of the ASSURE excellent description the examples under examples under the examples under
Model: of the examples all the components of all/some of the the components of
(i) Analyse learners under all the the model. components of the the model.
components of the model.
(ii) State objectives (Topic 7) model.

(iii) Select methods, media, materials

(Topic 3, 5, 6 & 8)

(iv) Utilise media and materials

(v) Require learner participation

(vi) Evaluate and revise

Total 7.5 30
*QN = Question Number

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