Lesson 5. Blow Down Procedure

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Blow down procedure

1 Comment on the statement. Justify your answer.

Proper procedures to remove sludge and maintain a

predetermined solids concentration maximizes
performance and minimizes repairs.

Proper procedures for sludge removal and controlling solids concentration are essential for
optimal boiler performance, preventing damage, and minimizing repairs
2 Share your ideas about boiler blow down procedure. Compare and justify.
Boiler Blow down is process of removing a portion of the concentrated boiler water to
control the level of dissolved solids
Dissolved Solids are impurities in the boiler water that can lead to scale formation and
other issues
Blowdown of boiler water at regular intervals keeps the concentration of these impurities
within acceptable limits, ensuring efficient and safe boiler operation. This process helps
maintain water quality, prevent scale buildup, and improve overall boiler performance.
3 Read the statements. Match the words in bolds with the definitions below
1) Blowdown of boiler water at regular intervals keeps the total dissolved solid impurities under
the rated limits.
2) The process helps in preventing corrosion as it removes the impurities which accelerate the
corrosion process.
3) It helps in preventing scaling of boiler tubes and internal surface.
4) It prevents the carryover of impurities and contaminants with the steam, providing the pure
5) If there is oil sheen visible in the boiler gauge glass or hotwell inspection glass.
6) Ensure not to do scum blowdown else it will cause oil pollution.

a) a film with shiny color that appears at the surface of the water due to oil or gasoline spilled
b) when the scum valve is used for blow down
c) the removal of the scales from something
d) it continues to exist or apply in the new situation
e) something that is impure or makes something else impure
f) separated into parts

1f 2e 3c 4d 5a

4 Fill in the gaps with the words from 3

1) Blow down procedure prevents _____?_______(scaling) of internal parts of the heat
exchanger where the pure steam goes as a heating medium.
2) oil sheen is visible in case of oil spill at sea.
3) scum blowdown is done with the help of a blowdown valve mounted at the water level of a
boiler, used to blow down lighter oily or foamy deposits that float on the water.
4) High solids concentrations also can lead to scaling of the boiler water into the steam.
5) Companies need to blow down their boilers regularly, since the concentration of dissolved
solids from makeup water increase in a boiler after removing pure water as steam.
5 Discuss if the statements are True (T) or False (F).
_T__1. A boiler is blown down to control the amount of solids and sludge in the boiler water.
_T__2. High solids concentrations can cause water hammer and damage piping and equipment.
___3. The blowdown process involves partially draining the boiler to remove sludge and
maintain a predetermined concentration of solids so that boiler performance is maximized and
maintenance and repair costs are held to a minimum.

6 Read the text and title the paragraphs

Boiler Blowdown Procedure
1. Open the quick-opening valves (ones closest
to the boiler).
2. Open the slow-opening valve.
3. Blow down the boiler for the amount of time
specified by water management consultant by
opening and then closing the slow-opening
valve. Pay close attention to the water level in
the gauge glass.
4. Close the slow-opening valve.
5. Close the quick-opening valve(s).
6. Open the slow-opening valve again to drain
the line between the quick and slow-opening
7. Close the slow-opening valve again and
double check that the shutoff is tight after the
valve has cooled off.

Boiler Blowdown Operation in Port Waters

The oil leakage inside the boiler water to be stopped and all efforts to be made to clear the oil
from hot well by filling freshwater and removing oil-water.
The vessel must ensure not to discharge any boiler water via boiler blowdown in port
waters. This is because the water consists of different chemicals or other additives which are
added to reduce impurities or prevent scale formations. The boiler blowdown must be done as far
from shore as possible. The Master and the duty officer on the bridge must be informed before
commencing the blowdown operation. The boiler blowdown operation must be recorded in the
Engine Room Logbook which must include the starting and the stopping time operation. If the
boiler blowdown or hot well water is transferred to the bilges, the same must be recorded in
ORB and engine room logbook.

7 Complete the chart and compare with your partner

quick-opening valves
What devices are operated in the procedure? slow-opening valve

Risk of contamination and damage to

What is the consequence of oil leakage inside a environment

What requirements do you know to discharge

The boiler blowdown must be done as far
boiler water? from shore as possible

Who should be informed before commencing a The Master and the duty officer on the
procedure? bridge must be informed

What documents does an engineer make a

Engine Room Logbook, ORB
record about the procedure?

8 Finish the sentences with the word combinations in the box

settle at the bottom of the boiler shell due to their weight

heated and converted into steam
water treatment and amount and quality of makeup water
or one quick-opening valve piped in series and one or more quick-opening valves piped in

1) During the steam making process, when the boiler is in operation, the water is heated and
converted into steam
2) The dissolved solids get separated from water or steam, and they tend to settle at the bottom
of the boiler shell due to their weight
3) Various factors affect blowdown such as type of boiler, operating pressure, water treatment
and amount and quality of makeup water
4) The system should be equipped with either two slow-opening valves or or one quick-opening
valve piped in series and one or more quick-opening valves piped in series
5) For proper blowdown, a boiler should be equipped with either two slow-opening valves or one
slow-opening valve or one quick-opening valve piped in series and one or more quick-
opening valves piped in series

9 Describe the process using the picture.

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