Diy Kit 5. Stairway To Heaven: What To Do If It Does Not Work

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DIY Kit 5.

Construct your own game of skill. Press the switch when will be partially ON; there is a 0.6V drop across the
the bicolor LED is Green and the chain of LED's will diode and T7 leaving 0.3V to partially turn ON T1.
gradually light up. But press it when the bi-LED is Red and
all your hard work is undone - the chain of illuminated • T8 the BC557 is turned ON. This allows some of the
LED's goes out. LED'sto turn ON depending on the charge in C2 as
just discussed in the previous paragraph.
A Kit to introduce many basic concepts in electronics. The
kit is constructed on a single-sided printed circuit board • the bicolored LED is red
(PCB). Protel Autotrax and Schematic were used to design
Poor soldering is the most likely reason that the circuit
ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS does not work. Check all solder joints carefully under a
It is usually best to add the lowest height components first. good light. Next check that all components are in their
So we suggest you solder all the resistors first, followed by correct position on the PCB. Thirdly, follow the track with
the transistors, LED's and remaining components. Follow a voltmeter to check the potential differences at various
the overlay when you put in the LED's. Find the BC557 parts of the circuit. Check that the transistors, capacitors &
and do not put it in a BC547 position by mistake. LED's in the correct way. If none of the red LED's lights up
when you push on green then try pushing on red. If that
NOTE: we have found that 2 legged bi-LEDs even from works then the bi-colored LED is in the wrong way.
the same supplier can vary from batch to batch as to which
side (the red or the green) has the flat. To overcome this
problem solder the bi-LED last and mount it high above
the board. Do not trim the legs. Then test it out. Pressing COMPONENTS
the button when the bi-LED is green should start to light up Resistors, 1/4W, 5%:
the stair. If this does not work then press the switch when 150R brown green brown 1
the bi-LED is red. If the stair starts to light up then you 270R red violet brown 1
know to turn the bi-LED around. Then you can remove it, 330R orange orange brown 1
and solder it flush with the circuit board. 390R orange white brown 1
470R yellow violet brown 4
CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION 560R green blue brown 1
The 3 inverters of the hex Inverting Schmidt trigger IC 1K brown black red 2
74C14 (or the equivalent 40106) form an oscillator which 2K2 red red red 2
cycles at a rate determined by the 22uF and the value of the 4K7 yellow brown red 2
potentiometer. The chip has Schmidt trigger inputs which 10K brown black orange 1
makes the circuit noise free and give sharp transitions from 22K red red orange 1
one state to the other. The flash rate is set by the position 100K KOA trimpot 104 1
of the potentiometer. You may download the Data Sheet
for the 74C14/40106 from the National Semiconductor 1N4148 diode 2
website at 10uF ecap 1
22uF ecap 1
When pin 6 of the 74C14 is HIGH, the bicolored LED is 470uF ecap 1
green. Pressing the keyswitch will allow C2 to charge up 74C14/40106 1
via the 22K. T8, the BC557, is turned OFF. The charging 14 pin IC socket 1
of C2 is at an exponential rate. So that many more pushes BC547 transistor 7
at the correct time are needed to get the last 10% of charge BC557 transistor 1
than are needed to get the first 10%. Bi-color LED 1
Hat keyswitch 1
When pin 6 changes to LOW we have the following 5mm red LED 6
suitations: Single pole, double throw PCB-mounted switch 1
Kit 5 PCB 1
• if the switch is pressed the charge in C2 will rapidly 9V battery snap 1
discharge via the 470R resistor. Box and 4 screws 1

• if the switch is not pressed then any charge in C2 is

placed across 7 BC547's, and a diode. At each there is
an approximate 0.6V drop. So the number of LED's
which can turn ON is determined by the charge in C2;
the greater the charge the more LED's will be able to
be turned ON. Eg, if the charge in C2 is 1.5V then T1

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