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Partly sunny 88/70 • Tomorrow: Partly sunny 91/72 B8 Democracy Dies in Darkness THURSDAY, AUGUST 5 , 2021
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Lebanon marks a year since deadly Beirut port explosion Cuomo defiant
as perils grow
Confidants expect removal, say governor is in denial
BY J OSH D AWSEY pected to begin in the state Assem-
AND F ELICIA S ONMEZ bly later this summer. Several of
those close to the third-term gov-
New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuo- ernor said privately that they be-
mo faced mounting criminal in- lieve the once-powerful Democrat
quiries Wednesday and momen- was in denial about his future.
tum grew in the state legislature “He’s not the kind of guy who
to impeach him in the wake of an will just resign,” said one person,
explosive report by the state attor- who like others spoke on the con-
ney general that found he sexually dition of anonymity to describe
harassed 11 women in violation of internal discussions. “It’s over, but
state and federal law. he won’t admit that yet.”
Ensconced in his Albany man- Even the chair of the state’s
sion, Cuomo remained defiant Democratic Party, Jay Jacobs, a
and declined to resign, assessing longtime Cuomo loyalist, called
with advisers whether there is a for his resignation, saying the gov-
path for his political survival, ac- ernor had “lost his ability to gov-
cording to people familiar with ern, both practically and morally.”
the conversations. His attorney By Wednesday afternoon, Cuomo
has called the report “inaccurate” SEE CUOMO ON A10
and “biased.”
Four current and former advis- At the front: Report paints top
ers said that they expect the gover- aide as one of top defenders. A11
nor to be removed eventually but
that Cuomo intends to fight the The Cuomo quandary: CNN has
impeachment proceedings ex- little to say about anchor’s role. C1

Relatives carry photos of 3-year-old Alexandra Najjar, one of the more than 200 people killed in last year’s huge
port explosion, as they take part in a march Wednesday in Beirut. As Lebanese held a day of mourning to mark a For some, extension of
year since the disaster, some protested the government’s failure to properly investigate the blast. Story, A16
eviction ban comes late
BYH AMZA S HABAN, opened. Indeed, some renters
A BHA B HATTARAI have already been evicted or

Redistricting battle kicks o≠ early with lawsuits AND M ARISSA J . L ANG

A last-minute extension of a
could still be evicted in the next
few days if they don’t live in a
county covered by the new evic-
moratorium barring evictions for tion ban.
BY C OLBY I TKOWITZ for the next decade, and which dicating which states would gain covid-struck counties is injecting Early Tuesday, a sheriff rang
Democrats scramble party will emerge with the great- and lose congressional seats. The a new layer of confusion for mil- the doorbell and waited as Brina
The battle over the once- er advantage. Fierce fighting over suit seeks to ensure how courts lions of renters who had been on gathered clothing and medica-
a-decade realignment of legisla- to try to cut into the maps could delay that process play a role in the process, part of the verge of eviction and aren’t tion in duffel bags while her land-
tive and congressional districts is Republican advantages in many states — potentially up- an early effort to shape the rules sure whether they’ve gotten a re- lord changed the locks in the
underway across the country ending 2022 campaigns mid- that will govern how maps are prieve — and for some, it’s too late. Missoula, Mont., apartment she’d
even before new maps have been stream. drawn. When the nationwide morato- lived in since 2015. She and her
drawn, with lawsuits filed in The National Democratic Re- “There is heightened attention rium lapsed Saturday, some states mother, a legal secretary, fell be-
nearly a dozen states, signaling historic deficit when it comes to districting Committee, an advo- and awareness of the damaging and cities had allowed courts to hind on their rent earlier this year
how intense the fight for partisan the bare-knuckle redistricting cacy organization founded by for- effects of gerrymandering, and process legal filings on behalf of after Brina lost her job at Wal-
power in the states and Congress process that Republicans used in mer attorney general Eric H. you’re seeing an increase of litiga- landlords wanting to evict non- mart.
will be in the coming year. 2011 to cement their dominance Holder Jr., filed lawsuits in Loui- tion as a result of the voter paying tenants. The lapse in the SEE EVICTIONS ON A23
Many of the early moves have at state and national levels. siana, Minnesota and Pennsylva- suppression and other election moratorium jump-started that
been made by Democrats, who At stake is how voters will be nia in April, as soon as the U.S. laws passed by Republicans as eviction process Monday when ‘Activists’ in Congress: Liberals
are scrambling to make up a divided into individual districts Census Bureau released data in- SEE REDISTRICTING ON A13 sheriff ’s offices and courts look to keep pressure on Biden. A4

More families of color In recreation, forced adaptation

choose home schooling Enjoying the natural world increasingly requires reckoning with climate change
about the safety of her family. And BY G RIFF W ITTE, H ANNAH K NOWLES,
she began to question whether S HEILA R EGAN AND S ERGIO O LMOS
Reasons for Black, Latino the school her children attended
and Asian parents range was equipped to talk about rac- In the vast tract of wilderness that is the
ism with young students. Bates, Boundary Waters area of northern Minnesota,
beyond the pandemic who has a master’s degree in kayakers still ply the glasslike surface. But
theology and is now a manager in they do so beneath a smoke-clogged sky, with
the banking industry, did not no campfires to warm them on chilly summer
BY M ORIAH B ALINGIT learn about systemic racism until nights.
AND K ATE R ABINOWITZ she was in college. Would her In California’s wine country, backyard gar-
children have to wait that long, deners still harvest lush tomatoes and nurture
When school buildings were too, to understand the roots of feathery lavender. But they must use water
shuttered last year, Torlecia Bates injustice? recycled from sinks and showers, risking hefty
had not given much thought to For Bates’s children, 10-year- fines should they dare run the hose amid
home-schooling her two school- old Kayden, 8-year-old Kaylee crushing drought.
age children. Like a lot of parents, and 3-year-old Kayson, these les- And at sports camps across the Pacific
Bates, who lives outside Rich- sons could not be more critical: Northwest, raucous kids still chase one an-
mond, viewed remote schooling The children are descendants of other — and occasionally the ball — as they
as a temporary inconvenience Sally Hemings, the enslaved sprint from goal to goal. But they’re more
and had plans to send them back woman whose six children were likely to be indoors, forced to retreat from the
as soon as schools reopened. fathered by Thomas Jefferson, inferno-like temperatures raging outside.
Then something in her shifted. and they live not far from Monti- Haze from Canadian wildfires hangs over downtown Minneapolis on July 30, “This is what our summers are going to be
Following the murder of cello, the former president’s plan- coating the Twin Cities region in suffocating air pollution. like moving forward,” said Jason Frazier,
George Floyd, Bates, who is Black, tation. president of Skyhawk Sports Academy. “We
had a panic attack. She worried SEE HOME SCHOOL ON A9 Fleeing Athens fires: Residents leave as Greece battles its worst heat in 30 years. A20 SEE HEAT ON A6

In the News contribute to the illegal

flow of weapons over the
Northern Virginia
now has enough com- Inside
border. A19 munity transmission of
THE NATION this year as they seek to the coronavirus to fall
A federal judge pun- influence infrastructure under CDC guidance to
ished two Colorado law- spending proposals. A12 Boeing said it will move Jump-starting
wear masks indoors. B1
yers for filing a “frivo- its Starliner spacecraft Before his campaign productivity
lous” lawsuit challenging THE WORLD off the Florida launch- If your motivation needs
for Virginia governor,
the 2020 election late A Belarusian Olympic pad as inspections con- a boost, here are five
political newcomer
last year. A3 runner seeking asylum tinued a day after the common techniques that
Glenn Youngkin built a
The Senate Foreign Re- after clashing with her launch was scrubbed. A21 can help.
lengthy career at a
lations Committee ad- country’s athletic offi- A court hearing in private-equity firm close ST YLE
vanced legislation to re- cials arrived in Warsaw British Columbia to Washington’s halls of Oops, did we
peal decades-old autho- from Tokyo. A17 marked a crucial phase power. B1
rizations for U.S. mili- The World Health Or- in Huawei executive A bipartisan group in
do it again?
tary missions in the ganization called for a Meng Wanzhou’s battle How the pop spotlight
Middle East. A8 halt to coronavirus against extradition to the has (and hasn’t) changed
troduced amendments
Bronze for Lyles Alexandria’s Noah Lyles Three Democrats in- booster shots through United States. A22 from Britney Spears’s era
to the state’s pandemic
troduced a resolution in September, citing vac- to Olivia Rodrigo’s. C1
earned a medal in the 200 meters and then cine shortages in poorer THE REGION relief bill, lengthening
the Senate to create a With the academic the process. B4
discussed his struggle with depression. D8 countries. A18

national covid-19 day of year starting this month, A federal judge rejected BUSINESS NEWS ....................... A21 CONTENT © 2021
memorial. A9 The Mexican govern- COMICS ....................................... C6 The Washington Post / Year 144, No. 243
Pentagon killing Officer George Gonzalez was D.C. officials are rushing depictions of Capitol
Nearly 2,000 groups ment sued several OPINION PAGES.........................A25
to get eligible students breach defendants as LOTTERIES...................................B3
attacked without provocation by a man who have lobbied Congress U.S.-based gunmakers,
“political prisoners” at a OBITUARIES ................................ B6
alleging that lax controls vaccinated. B1 TELEVISION.................................C3
had just stepped off a bus, the FBI said. B1 and the White House sentencing hearing. B8 WORLD NEWS............................A16

For the latest updates all day, visit washingtonpost.com. Left wing complicates Pelosi’s calculus
8:30 a.m. | The Commerce Department issues international trade for
June, which is expected to show a deficit of $73.5 billion. For In July 2019,
@PKCapitol House Speaker
developments, visit washingtonpost.com/business.
PAUL KANE Nancy Pelosi (D-
8:30 a.m. | The Labor Department issues jobless claims for the week Calif.) had a
ended July 31, which are expected at 378,000, down from 400,000 the particularly
previous week. Visit washingtonpost.com/business for details. derisive dismissal of the impact
4:05 p.m. | The Washington Nationals host the Philadelphia Phillies at
that four young Democratic
rookie lawmakers were having
Nationals Park. Follow the game at postsports.com.
on the institution.
7:20 p.m. | Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas speaks at “They’re four people and that’s
the Black Hat USA cybersecurity conference in Las Vegas. For how many votes they got,” Pelosi
developments, visit washingtonpost.com/national. told the New York Times
columnist Maureen Dowd of the
8 p.m. | The Dallas Cowboys play the Pittsburgh Steelers in Canton, Ohio, liberal “squad,” which had just
for the National Football League’s Hall of Fame Game. Follow the game at failed to block a compromise
postsports.com. border bill.
Two years later, the quartet
has found reinforcements,
growing in number because of
KLMNO CO RRECT I O NS several successful primary
victories last year. And now —
NEWSPAPER DELIVERY with Pelosi’s majority so narrow
For home delivery comments l In some Aug. 4 editions, a that a loss of four votes would
or concerns contact us at Sports article about the sink her legislative agenda — the
washingtonpost.com/subscriberservices or Washington Nationals’ loss to far-left flank of the Democratic
send us an email at
[email protected] or call
the Philadelphia Phillies the caucus has a chance to flex its
202-334-6100 or 800-477-4679 night before incorrectly said that muscle much more powerfully,
a single by the Nationals’ as shown by its victory this week
TO SUBSCRIBE Gerardo Parra landed between in forcing the Biden
800-753-POST (7678) Phillies center fielder Odúbel administration to extend a
TO ADVERTISE Herrera and second baseman moratorium on evictions during
washingtonpost.com/mediakit Adrián Sanchez. Sanchez plays the coronavirus pandemic. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, flanked by Rep. Angie Craig (D-Minn.), left, and Rep. Sara Jacobs (D-
Classified: 202-334-6200 for the Nationals, not the This creates a different Calif.), listens as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez speaks at a June 16 news conference on Capitol Hill.
Display: 202-334-7642 Phillies. The ball landed between calculation for Pelosi from what
MAIN PHONE NUMBER Herrera and the Phillies’ Ronald she has had in years past, one Trump administrations. have the House back in session Now these young liberals are
202-334-6000 Torreyes, who was playing that could produce ripple effects For Pelosi’s almost 19 years until Sept. 20. considering how far to push
TO REACH THE NEWSROOM shortstop, not second base. across President Biden’s agenda leading House Democrats, That approach fell through as their side of the agenda when the
Metro: 202-334-7300; in the months ahead. Although liberals have always known her some moderate Democrats House begins to consider the
[email protected] l A July 25 Page One article most attention has focused on a as the grass-roots activist before declined to support a bill that Senate’s $1 trillion bipartisan
National: 202-334-7410; about the effects of a Supreme few centrist Democrats in the she arrived in Congress in 1987, had no chance of becoming law infrastructure bill and a
[email protected] Court ruling last year that Senate, where a single defection sharing their legislative goals and would only anger their local proposed $3.5 trillion budget
Business: 202-334-7320; returned a swath of Oklahoma to could prove fatal to some and ambitions even if she real estate industries. filled with liberal agenda items.
[email protected] Native American jurisdiction initiatives, Pelosi’s tougher sometimes asked them to eat As everyone else headed After Tuesday’s valedictory
Sports: 202-334-7350; incorrectly said that about balancing act will involve her half a loaf of legislative bread. home, Bush, 40, took over the news conference with Bush,
[email protected] 79,000 criminal convictions caucus’s liberal wing — a place But this new generation of Capitol steps and drove the Ocasio-Cortez signaled that her
Reader Advocate: 202-334-7582;
could be vacated due to the she called home when she was Democrats has adopted a more message for almost five days, camp would consider using such
[email protected] ruling. A survey of district just a rank-and-file Democrat. aggressive approach to forcing Washington veterans like tough tactics again.
attorneys in 17 affected counties Her leadership team has never congressional showdowns, Biden, 78, and Pelosi, 81, to “When you have to play
TO REACH THE OPINION PAGES identified about 76,000 faced the quandaries of past epitomized by Rep. Cori Bush’s respond to her actions. hardball, you have to play
Letters to the editor: misdemeanor and felony cases Republican speakers such as protest of Democratic inaction Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hardball. And we’re not afraid to
[email protected] or call dating to 2005 that could be John A. Boehner (Ohio) and Paul on the expiration last weekend of (D-N.Y.), who defeated a 20-year do that,” she told Punchbowl
202-334-6215 overturned. D. Ryan (Wis.), both of whom the federal eviction moratorium. incumbent in a 2018 primary News.
[email protected]
clashed for years with their far- Bush (D-Mo.), who defeated a and was the original “squad” With three House seats
Published daily (ISSN 0190-8286).
right wing. 20-year veteran in a primary last leader, joined Bush most days vacant, Pelosi has 220 Democrats
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The key difference between summer, set up on the steps of outside the Capitol and turned in the House vs. 212 Republicans.
The Washington Post, 1301 K St. NW, Washington, those two wings — embodied by the House for four nights and up the media attention on the If the GOP holds together, that
D.C. 20071. The Washington Post is committed to
Periodicals postage paid in Washington, D.C., and correcting errors that appear in the the Congressional Progressive galvanized other liberals to join issue. leaves Pelosi just three votes to
additional mailing office.
newspaper. Those interested in Caucus on the left and the House her demand for action either in Ocasio-Cortez, 31, spent most spare to try to pass these Biden
contacting the paper for that purpose Freedom Caucus on the right — Congress or by Biden. of her first year in office clashing initiatives.
can: is that the GOP group has been “Activists are in Congress. So with Pelosi over legislative Bush, Ocasio-Cortez and a few
Email: [email protected]. willing to use tactics that will expect things to be different than strategy, but the veteran almost others have leverage now that
Call: 202-334-6000, and ask to be hurt government functions and what maybe people are used to,” always got her way over the they didn’t have two years ago,
connected to the desk involved — entirely blow up deals that it Bush said at a news conference newcomer. That’s how a when Pelosi’s caucus had more
National, Foreign, Metro, Style, Sports,
Business or any of the weekly sections.
does not consider perfect. But Tuesday after Biden reversed compromise border bill played than 230 members and Donald
Comments can be directed to The the Democratic faction has course and announced his out in June 2019, as Ocasio- Trump’s presidency was
Post’s reader advocate, who can be resisted going too far because, administration would extend the Cortez joined fellow Democratic considered such an existential
reached at 202-334-7582 or deep down, it wants government moratorium. Reps. Ilhan Omar (Minn.), threat to Democrats that they
[email protected]. to function. The original decision last Ayanna Pressley (Mass.) and had to stay unified to defeat him
In legislative parlance, the week was a classic House Rashida Tlaib (Mich.) in loudly in 2020.
Freedom Caucus has always been maneuver: As the deadline opposing Pelosi. But Pelosi has faced these
Upcoming Washington willing to shoot any political approached, Democrats tried to The legislation passed, and, in battles before and has almost
Post Live events hostage that it took, helping in cobble together support for a bill an interview with Dowd a few always come out on top. Back in
the past decade to fuel several to extend the deadline, despite days later, Pelosi dismissed the 2009, leaders of the Progressive
All programs will be streamed
long government shutdowns and knowing that in the Senate, there younger quartet as social media Caucus declared that they would
a near default on the U.S. was nowhere near the 60 votes stars who did not know how to not support the Affordable Care
live at washingtonpostlive.com, on
treasury’s debt. needed to cut off a filibuster and play the inside game of Act if it did not include a public
Facebook Live, YouTube and But the Progressive Caucus pass the legislation. legislating. health option.
Twitter. Email postlive@washpost. won’t go that far, demonstrating But such a vote would have at “All these people have their By March 2010, Pelosi had
Download The com to submit questions for our an almost implicit trust in least given liberals symbolic public whatever and their knitted together 219 votes for the
Washington Post app upcoming speakers. All times listed Pelosi’s decision-making, even cover to say they tried to do Twitter world,” Pelosi said then. ACA — without any defections
are in the Eastern time zone. when she had to craft unpopular something, as they headed home “But they didn’t have any from the Progressive Caucus.
Stay informed with award-winning
Thursday, Aug. 5 | 12 p.m. compromises with the Bush and for a summer break that does not following.” [email protected]
national and international news,
PLUS complete local news coverage “Here, Right Matters: An American
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articles for offline reading in My D IGES T
Retired Army Lt. Col. Alexander
Post, browse the daily print edition Vindman
and scroll through our the Discover
tab to find stories that interest you. In conversation with Karen Tumulty MISSOURI was the sailor charged Thursday
Free to download on the App Store with aggravated arson and the
and Play Store, subscribers enjoy Governor pardons willful hazarding of a vessel.
unlimited access. gun-toting couple His lawyer, Gary Barthel, said
he had not seen the search
A St. Louis couple who gained warrant yet and could not
national notoriety for comment on what it said until he
brandishing guns at peaceful had the chance to review it.
protesters last year and pleaded “Ryan has maintained his
guilty to firearm charges have innocence throughout this entire
been pardoned by Missouri Gov. investigation,” he said.
Mike Parson. The fire started July 12, 2020,

Sell at Auction in New York! Sticking to a promise he made

before the pair pleaded guilty,
in the lower storage area, which
Mays’s duty station had access to,
the Republican governor according to the court document.
announced Tuesday that Mark About 160 sailors and officers
and Patricia McCloskey were were on board when the flames
among 12 people granted sent up a huge plume of dark
pardons on Friday. In June, Mark smoke from the 840-foot vessel,
McCloskey pleaded guilty to which had been docked at Naval
misdemeanor fourth-degree Base San Diego while
assault and was fined $750, and Rescue personnel at the New York Fire Department Training undergoing a two-year
Patricia McCloskey pleaded Academy — also known as “the Rock” — prepare for a homeland $250 million upgrade.
guilty to misdemeanor defense emergency drill involving a chemical, biological, radiological The amphibious assault ship
harassment and was fined or nuclear attack in an urban environment on Randalls Island in New burned for more than four days.
$2,000. Both agreed to give up York City. The facility is used to train candidates looking to become Left with extensive structural,
the guns they had brandished in firefighters for the New York City Fire Department. electrical and mechanical
the confrontation. damage, the ship was later
Parson, a month after the scrapped. Estimates to replace it
confrontation, told local radio ran up to $4 billion.
station KFTK he would pardon demonstrators. DEFENSE DEPARTMENT Officials investigating the
the couple if they were convicted. The couple, both personal ship’s damage found three of
On June 28, 2020, video and injury attorneys in their 60s, Sailor charged in ship four fire stations on the ship had
Washington, DC Consignment Day photographs showed rifle-
wielding Mark McCloskey and
faced felony firearm charges
after the display in front of their
fire was SEAL dropout evidence of tampering: Fire
hoses were disconnected and one
Tuesday, August 17 pistol-toting Patricia McCloskey
in front of their mansion as
marble-faced palazzo home but
ultimately pleaded guilty to
The sailor charged with
starting a fire that destroyed the
was cut.
They also found uncapped
protesters marched through lesser charges. USS Bonhomme Richard last bottles containing small
Prices are soaring at auction – now is the perfect their gated community to the The McCloskeys said in a year was assigned to the ship amounts of highly flammable
home of Mayor Lyda Krewson statement that they appreciated after dropping out of training to liquid near the ignition site,
time to sell. Our Specialists are collecting Jewelry, (D) amid nationwide protests Parson’s “support and his become a Navy SEAL, and he was according to the court document.
Watches, Art and more for auction consignment, after a police officer killed steadfast commitment to the 2nd described by some fellow sailors Mays joined the Navy in 2019
outright purchase or private sale. George Floyd in Minneapolis. Amendment.” as a person who had disdain for and started the grueling training
The images garnered national Mark McCloskey announced the Navy, according to to become a Navy SEAL in
Information & Appointments attention, prompting President in May that he would run for one investigators. October of that same year. But
Donald Trump to speak out in of Missouri’s U.S. Senate seats, Details about 20-year-old dropped out five days after
Samira Farmer defense of the couple. using the images from that tense Ryan Mays and the early starting it in Coronado. He was
[email protected] Trump and other Republicans faceoff with protesters in his investigation into the worst U.S. reassigned as a seaman and put
301-348-5282 considered the McCloskeys law- campaign ads. warship fire in recent memory on the crew of the ship.
abiding homeowners defending The couple appeared at the were revealed in a search Mays was arrested after a 10-
their property. Republican National Convention warrant unsealed Tuesday in U.S. hour interview with
Others saw the couple as last August. District Court in San Diego. investigators.
1 0 4 2 1 M E T R O P O L I TA N AV E . KENSINGTON, MD 20895 overly aggressive toward — Meryl Kornfield The Navy confirmed that Mays — Associated Press

politics & the nation

Judge penalizes Colorado lawyers for 2020 election suit
million American voters, alleging truthful and factual allegations
a complicated plot engineered by in our complaint.”
Attorneys are ordered to Dominion; Facebook; its founder He added: “The case has noth-
pay opponents’ legal fees Mark Zuckerberg; his wife, Pris- ing to do with Donald Trump,
cilla Chan; and elected officials and is concerned only with the
for ‘frivolous’ case in four states. They had sought integrity of our Presidential elec-
$160 billion in damages. tions.”
The case was dismissed in Wednesday’s order came as the
BY R OSALIND S . H ELDERMAN April, but Neureiter ruled that judicial system nationally has
the attorneys had violated their been grappling with how to hold
A federal judge in Colorado ethical obligations by lodging it accountable the lawyers who
has disciplined two lawyers who in the first place and by pepper- filed flimsy challenges to the
filed a lawsuit challenging the ing their motions with wild alle- election.
2020 election late last year, find- gations that they had made little In June, a panel of judges in
ing that the case was “frivolous,” effort to substantiate. Legal rules New York suspended the law
“not warranted by existing law” prohibit attorneys from clogging license of former New York may-
and filed “in bad faith.” the court systems with frivolous or Rudolph W. Giuliani, arguing
In a scathing 68-page opinion, motions or from filing informa- that Trump’s personal lawyer had
Magistrate Judge N. Reid Neure- tion that is not true. “communicated demonstrably
iter found that the lawyers made Calling the suit “one enormous false and misleading statements”
little effort to corroborate infor- conspiracy theory,” Neureiter or- that amounted to an ongoing
mation they had included in the dered that the duo must pay the threat to the public. Giuliani’s
suit, which argued there had legal fees of all the individuals lawyers have said they are confi-
been a vast national conspiracy and companies they had sued — dent his license will be restored
to steal the election from Presi- 18 separate entities in all — as a after a hearing.
dent Donald Trump. way to deter future similar cases. Last month, a federal judge in
He particularly called out the Neureiter ordered the defen- Michigan spent nearly six hours
duo, Gary D. Fielder and Ernest dants to compile records show- skeptically questioning a group
John Walker, for quoting Trump ing how much time they had of nine lawyers, including pro-
in their legal filing, which cited a spent on the case and their Trump attorneys Sidney Powell
presidential tweet that claimed typical billing rates to determin- and L. Lin Wood, as she sought to
without evidence that voting ma- ing how much the two lawyers Rudolph W. Giuliani discusses suits related to the 2020 election results last year. The judicial system determine whether to sanction
chines manufactured by the com- will owe. has been grappling with how to hold accountable lawyers who filed flimsy challenges to the election. them over a lawsuit that sought
pany Dominion Voting Systems “In short, this was no slip-and- to overturn President Biden’s win
had “deleted 2.7 million Trump fall at the local grocery store,” are the stuff of which violent months after the election — In an email, Fielder said the in that state. A ruling is expected
votes nationwide.” Neureiter wrote Neureiter, who was ap- insurrections are made.” Neureiter said a close examina- two planned to appeal the judge’s in that matter soon.
called that allegation “highly dis- pointed as a magistrate judge by While the lawyers attached tion of the testimony showed it order. Other disciplinary actions are
puted and inflammatory” and other judges. “Albeit disorga- affidavits from various people was “notable only in demonstrat- “We were never acting in bad pending before a Wisconsin
said the lawyers made no efforts nized and fantastical, the Com- who alleged the election had ing no firsthand knowledge by faith,” he wrote. He said the case judge and in front of bar associa-
to verify it. plaint’s allegations are extraordi- been rigged — a common tactic any Plaintiff of any election was intended to seek “a peaceful tions in multiple states.
The two lawyers filed the case narily serious and, if accepted as of Trump supporters in the doz- fraud, misconduct, or malfea- and legal method” to address rosalind.helderman@
as a class action on behalf of 160 true by large numbers of people, ens of challenges filed in the sance.” what he termed “the mountain of washpost.com

Trump attorneys blast Justice Dept. for authorizing release of tax returns
that the request by the commit- the Treasury Department to en- was prompted by a House lawsuit scrutiny. last year’s Supreme Court ruling
tee chairman, Rep. Richard E. force a subpoena for Trump’s to compel testimony by former House Democrats say the that congressional subpoenas
Both current and former Neal (D-Mass.), was not legiti- returns from 2013 to 2018, saying White House counsel Donald Mc- Treasury Department and the seeking a president’s information
leaders’ records should mate legislative work but rather Trump alone among recent presi- Gahn over whether Trump ob- House historically have always must be “no broader than reason-
an attempt “to expose the private dents and major party presiden- structed the Russia investigation. agreed that the tax-writing com- ably necessary.”
be protected, filing says tax information of one individual tial candidates had refused to That fight ended when Mc- mittee has authority under a 1924 Trump’s lawyers said Neal’s
— President Trump — for politi- make his tax returns public, Gahn agreed to testify in June, law to obtain tax and audit request “badly fails ” that test, set
cal gain,” Trump attorneys Pat- stonewalled Congress and after the Biden Justice Depart- records to examine how well the in a case involving another House
BY S PENCER S . H SU rick Strawbridge, William S. Con- mounted “an extraordinary at- ment, House Democrats and a IRS is enforcing the nation’s tax panel’s request for eight years of
sovoy and Cameron T. Norris tack” on oversight of the nation’s lawyer for McGahn reached a laws. Trump’s records from accounting
Attorneys for former president wrote. voluntary tax system. compromise. In opposition, Trump’s team firm Mazars USA. The court
Donald Trump on Wednesday “The new OLC opinion does “Numerous investigative re- Similarly last Friday, the Treas- raised six claims Wednesday, ar- ruled that congressional de-
blasted a Justice Department rul- not deny the record of impermis- ports have revealed that Presi- ury Department told McFadden guing the House has failed to mands for a president’s personal
ing that directed the Treasury sible intent, but instead gives dent Trump, through the com- that it intended to comply with show it has a legitimate legisla- papers demand careful scrutiny,
Department to turn over his tax wobbly justifications and shal- plex arrangements of his person- the new OLC opinion for Trump’s tive purpose to obtain the rec- suggesting that lower courts
returns to Congress, formally low reasoning for why the execu- al and business finances, has returns. The time period for the ords. They also argued that under weigh whether other sources can
asking a court to block their tive branch should ignore that engaged in multiple aggressive records requested were modified separation-of-power principles reasonably provide the same in-
release and arguing that records evidence,” Trump’s defense said tax strategies and decades-long by the House in a concession to the law does not authorize the formation, and whether it bur-
of former presidents as well as in a 37-page filing. tax avoidance schemes,” the law- Trump to cover material from House to request returns of a dens a president and may result
presidents should be similarly “The government’s complete suit stated. “Congress and the 2015 to 2020, a range that in- president or former president, from partisan politics, as well as
protected from subpoenas by reversal on the legality of Neal’s Committee, however, have thus cludes his presidential campaign nor to obtain tax records subject whether the evidence sought ad-
lawmakers. requests came, of course, under far been unable to evaluate the and years in the White House. to ongoing audit in an executive vances a valid purpose.
Trump’s lawyers called last President Biden, a Democrat who President’s claims about the IRS’s McFadden set a Wednesday branch agency. Earlier this year, Trump’s tax
week’s decision by the Justice ran against President Trump and audit process or to assess if and deadline for Trump and other His lawyers also argued that records were turned over to the
Department’s Office of Legal made the disclosure of President how President Trump has been parties to lay out a schedule for giving Congress the records sub- Manhattan District Attorney’s
Counsel the latest effort at parti- Trump’s tax returns a campaign able to take inappropriate advan- fresh written arguments. Trump’s ject to an investigation would Office after a separate legal fight,
san retaliation against him by issue,” his defense said. tage of the tax laws.” counterclaim set the clock run- violate Trump’s due-process and and his lawyers said Wednesday
Democrats, and denied that the The new filing marks the latest Trump aides called the effort ning for a new round of litigation First Amendment rights, reward- that Congress could turn to other
House Ways and Means Commit- turn in House Democrats’ long- “presidential harassment” and that could take months or years ing an “effort by one political sources for information needed
tee sought six years of his tax stalled demands for Trump’s fed- an attempt to dig up political to complete, but with parties’ party to harass an official from to pass broad tax law reforms.
returns out of a legitimate inter- eral tax records and appears to dirt, saying that Democrats roles changed. the other party because they They also argued that enforcing
est in closing tax loopholes ex- ensure that legal fights spawned would “never” see his returns. Rather than one political dislike his politics and speech.” the subpoena could unconstitu-
ploited by wealthy Americans. by Trump’s presidency will con- U.S. District Judge Trevor N. branch suing another — the legis- Finally, Trump’s suit claimed tionally weaken every future
The July 30 OLC legal analysis tinue to shape future limits of McFadden froze the case pending lative vs. the executive — Trump that although he is no longer president in dealings with Con-
overturned an April 2019 memo- presidential power and privacy the outcome of a similar multi- as an individual is suing Con- president, a higher separation-of- gress, raising the prospect that
randum by the same office under even though he is no longer in year legal battle testing the bal- gress, arguing the courts should powers test still applies to at- lawmakers could seek to embar-
Trump’s administration. office. ance of powers between a presi- protect a former president and tempts by Congress to obtain a rass them once they leave office.
The earlier ruling assessed The House in July 2019 sued dent and Congress. That dispute his businesses from unlawful former president’s records, citing [email protected]


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Lifted House liberals look to keep up pressure on Biden

significant victories on the recon-
ciliation bill,” Jayapal said during
As they push priorities, a call with reporters Tuesday.
win on evictions A White House official, speak-
ing on the condition of anonymity
is considered a blueprint to describe internal discussions,
said that the administration con-
tinues to work with liberal leaders
BY M ARIANNA S OTOMAYOR, in Congress and advocacy groups
S EAN S ULLIVAN to address their concerns with the
AND T ONY R OMM safety-net bill but did not say how
it will improve relationships with
House liberals buoyed by their liberals who are now aiming to
successful push to get a moratori- pressure Biden on issues he can
um on evictions extended said tackle unilaterally.
they plan to keep pressuring the Pelosi has also earned some
Biden administration to chart a goodwill with the caucus for the
leftward course while vowing to role she played in pressuring the
hold party leaders to their prom- White House to extend the evic-
ise to move an infrastructure plan tion moratorium.
only if it is accompanied by tril- “If we didn’t have Pelosi, if we
lions of dollars in new social-safe- didn’t have Schumer pushing and
ty-net spending. having those behind-the-scenes
The lawmakers who called on calls, it would have been harder to
the administration to extend the get the moratorium done,” Rep.
moratorium, after the White Jimmy Gomez (D-Calif.) said in an
House insisted it did not have the interview. “It reinforces some
legal authority to do so, said the ideas that we already had, which
lesson they took away from the is that in order to get legislation
experience is that their activist done or continue fighting for
backgrounds and methods can working people, you have to bring
achieve results even as they now in the outside activism and inside
fight their battles from inside the legislating together.”
government. The sequence of events this
“Activists are in Congress, so week was strikingly similar to a
let’s be clear: Expect for things to lengthier standoff with the White
be different than maybe what peo- House this spring over refugee
ple are used to. We don’t have the policy. In that dispute, Biden
same eyes, the same background backtracked from his pledge to lift
or agenda as some others,” Rep. the cap on the number of refugees
Cori Bush (D-Mo.), who slept on Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.) stands outside the Capitol on Tuesday. Bush slept on the steps to draw attention to the end of the federal pandemic who can enter the country each
the steps of the Capitol to draw moratorium on evictions. The Biden administration changed course Tuesday, and many of Bush’s colleagues credited her efforts. year, opting to leave the limit
attention to the moratorium’s where the Trump administration
lapse, said Tuesday after the ready agitating for the House to learned is to pressure the Biden had set it. This angered liberals
Biden administration announced quickly take up the bipartisan administration to act unilaterally and refugee advocates, who kept
the extension. “We are servant Senate infrastructure package “Activists are in Congress, so let’s be clear: when possible, rather than allow- pressing him to live up to his
leaders. We serve first.” rather than waiting for the larger ing the White House to kick those initial promise. Eventually, Biden
But forcing the administra- spending bill to be drafted, which Expect for things to be different.” issues to Congress — such as raised the cap, and the most vocal
tion’s hand on an eviction ban tied could take months. Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.) whether to forgive student loans activists and lawmakers attribut-
to the coronavirus pandemic may The moderates, many of whom controlled by the government. ed the shift to their relentless
be an easier task than ensuring represent competitive districts, “We forced the White House to pressure.
their priorities do not get short- are eager for a piece of significant had to move in tandem, despite this week revolved around the do better,” Rep. Mondaire Jones The evictions episode also bore
changed during the upcoming bipartisan legislation they can the misgivings of more-centrist Biden administration’s decision (D-N.Y.) said Tuesday evening some echoes of the way Biden
legislative fights, with Democrat- champion back home to beat back members. to say it was allowing an eviction during a news conference in front responded to demands from lib-
ic moderates in both chambers Republican accusations that the Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) moratorium to expire, because a of the House steps. “There’s so erals that he do more to champion
wary of the amount of spending party is being run by socialists. said that earlier this year the Con- Supreme Court decision from ear- much at stake still. We know there voting rights in the face of GOP
liberals are advocating. “We urge House leadership to gressional Progressive Caucus, lier this year prevented it from is a looming deadline with respect state legislatures tightening vot-
The Senate this week is expect- bring this deal to the House floor which she leads, did a vote count unilaterally extending the pro- to the cause on the collection of ing laws. After public criticism
ed to pass an infrastructure bill as a stand-alone bill for a vote of its members on major parts of gram. Lawmakers complained student loan debt and the accrual reached a boiling point, Biden’s
that resulted from a deal cut by a immediately following Senate the party’s agenda, allowing the the White House did not inform of interest and, make no mistake, Justice Department announced
bipartisan group of centrists. passage, and the Co-Chairs of the group to issue an ultimatum that them of this decision until late that the White House will not be new actions, and Biden gave a
House liberals have panned the Blue Dog Coalition oppose any the two bills had to be tied togeth- last week, giving them little time allowed to say that it didn’t know speech on the topic in Philadel-
bill as falling far short of the effort to unnecessarily delay con- er if either was to pass the House. to pass legislation to save the that deadline was looming.” phia a few weeks later.
country’s needs, but party leaders sideration of this critical biparti- “And I can tell you not every- program. The administration has been Hiccups along the way, howev-
have said it will not be enacted san legislation,” Rep. Abigail body was pleased with that,” she Bush and other liberal mem- careful to tend to the needs of er, suggest more trouble could be
unless a larger bill that would Spanberger (D-Va.), the moderate said. bers who are new to Congress — liberals when it has drawn their in store for the president in the
spend trillions on education, Blue Dog Coalition’s co-chair for “It was weeks later that the and elected on promises to buck ire, which has bought Biden some months ahead with the left wing
child care and climate change is communications, said in a state- speaker, who is an incredible vote- the conventional way Washington goodwill. of his party. There is lingering
passed alongside the money for ment last week. counter, the speaker then took up operates — harshly criticized the Many of House liberals’ priori- dissatisfaction on the left that a
roads and bridges. Aides to liberal lawmakers said that position and Senate Majority administration while imploring ties were included in the $1.9 tril- campaign promise to raise the
With only a three-vote Demo- they are aware of the limits to Leader Schumer took up that po- congressional leaders to stay in lion pandemic relief bill enacted federal minimum wage to $15 an
cratic majority in the House, lib- their power in a deeply polarized sition,” Jayapal added. “It was a town to work on a solution rather earlier this year, such as a larger hour has yet to be realized. And
erals have leverage, but they will Washington, especially given the very strategic organizing cam- than adjourning for the summer child tax credit, and the adminis- they are pressing Biden to do
have to decide how hard to push party’s small majority in both paign to get that to be the message recess. tration and congressional leaders more on immigration, voting
leaders trying to balance their chambers. of the Democratic Party, which After a few days, the White included the Progressive Caucus’ rights, climate change and gun
concerns against the concerns of But they also said liberals had that did become.” House capitulated and an- priorities in the social-program control.
moderate members. Those mem- already scored an early victory by Asked Wednesday whether she nounced it was extending the pro- spending package. marianna.sotomayor@
bers’ votes will also be needed to pushing House Speaker Nancy would hold firm on her plan not to gram, with some tweaks, even “I think the thing I want to washpost.com
successfully complete the legisla- Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Ma- move forward on the infrastruc- though President Biden acknowl- stress here is that the approach [email protected]
tive two-step required to get both jority Leader Charles E. Schumer ture bill until the larger social edged the action may be shut we’ve already taken of identifying [email protected]
infrastructure and safety-net (D-N.Y.) to publicly pledge that spending proposal was complet- down by the courts. our priorities early, being clear
spending into law. the infrastructure bill and the ed, Pelosi told reporters: “Yes.” Multiple aides to liberal mem- about our position, has already Mike DeBonis and Tyler Pager
Democratic moderates are al- expansion of the social safety net The show of force from liberals bers involved said one lesson led to two significant efforts, two contributed to this report.

Following eviction victory, congressional Democrats turn to student loans

In recent weeks, the Biden ad- many borrowers may not even be president at times has sounded a
ministration has signaled it is at aware the moratorium is soon skeptical note about delivering
Many want temporary least considering another freeze expiring. Warren and Markey fur- the sort of relief his party’s law-
freeze on federal on federal student loan payments. ther said their investigation had makers seek. Six months ago, for
Without a final decision, however, revealed little contact between example, Biden signaled he is not
payments to be extended lawmakers have ramped up their some major lenders and their bor- open to waiving $50,000 in stu-
advocacy — hoping to ward off the rowers about payments, partly dent debt, as lawmakers like War-
same financial cliff that had due to a lack of guidance from the ren have sought.
BY T ONY R OMM threatened millions of renters un- Education Department about the “I will not make that happen,”
til Tuesday. future of the moratorium. Biden told a borrower at a town
A torrent of congressional With the eviction moratorium, Their efforts at times have been hall hosted by CNN in Milwaukee
Democrats is calling on the White the White House initially said it met with public silence from the on Tuesday. He later said: “I’m
House to extend a soon-expiring lacked the authority to reissue its Biden administration, prompting prepared to write off a $10,000
pause on federal student loan pay- policy, which expired at the end of lawmakers including Warren, debt, but not 50 because I don’t
ments, emboldened by their suc- July, citing an adverse court deci- Senate Majority Leader Charles E. think I have the authority to do it.”
cess in pressuring the Biden ad- sion casting doubt on its constitu- Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Rep. Ayan- The Justice Department con-
ministration to approve a new tionality. The expiration of the na Pressley (D-Mass.) last week to tinues to review the legality of the
eviction moratorium. eviction ban exposed renters who try to increase the pressure. Ap- matter. In recent days, though,
The current student loan freeze were behind on their bills to the pearing at a news conference, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-
temporarily spares many stu- prospect of losing their homes. Schumer called it one of the “most Calif.) has signaled it is likely up to
dents from having to make their But days of public and private effective steps the government Congress to act — a tough propo-
typical monthly payments and pressure from Democrats led by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), seen heading to the Senate floor has taken” in response to the pan- sition given Democrats’ narrow
sets their interest rates at zero Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.) prompted for a vote on Tuesday, is among those trying to increase pressure. demic. The leader urged the majorities.
percent. The policy dates back to the Biden administration to re- White House to extend the policy Undeterred, some Democrats
the earliest days of the pandemic, verse course, restoring protec- progressive wing. The new victory ment pause has provided a finan- at least until next spring, but also have resumed pushing vigorously
but it is set to conclude at the end tions for many Americans facing this week has left the bloc of law- cial lifeline to students in need — encouraged the president to go this week. Holding a call Tuesday
of September — meaning stu- financial hardship. makers galvanized, as they try to while even helping an estimated further — using his “existing pow- to celebrate their victory in
dents could see bills again start- Speaking with reporters after put their stamp on other national 2.5 million borrowers repay their er” to wipe out some of Ameri- achieving a new eviction morato-
ing Oct. 1. the decision, members of the con- economic debates — including debts in full, and perhaps early, as cans’ debts entirely. rium, progressive lawmakers spe-
Fearing some people with stu- gressional Progressive Caucus, the still-emerging fights over in- a result of the government’s deci- “This pause has actually shown cifically stressed the importance
dent loan debt still may be in dire which helped lead the charge, her- frastructure investments as well sion to set interest rates at zero. how important canceling student of helping borrowers in need.
financial straits, many liberal- alded the move by the administra- as a $3.5 trillion budget deal that Warren joined Democratic Sen. debt is to borrowers and to our Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), for
leaning lawmakers in the House tion as critical to keeping millions includes health care, immigration Edward J. Markey (Mass.) in cit- economy,” Schumer said. “We’ve one, called on the White House
and Senate are urging President of Americans housed. In doing so, and climate-change spending. ing the statistic last month as they heard about how being saddled and Congress alike to pursue “full
Biden to continue the deferral they also stressed students and The White House declined to made the case to the Biden admin- with this debt has affected mil- student debt cancellation.”
period. They point to the arrival of graduates now need the same sort comment, and the Department of istration that it needed to an- lions of Americans’ lives on so “We’ve got to have student loan
the new, highly transmissible del- of help. Education did not respond to a nounce another extension of the many choices they’ve liked to forgiveness.” said Rep. Barbara
ta variant of the coronavirus, as “We’ve been worrying about request. policy. make.” Lee (D-Calif.), a member of the
they make the case for additional the fiscal cliff of these moratoria With student loans, the Educa- “As the economy recovers from The issue has loomed over caucus.
protections into next year. Some expiring,” said Rep. Pramila Jaya- tion Department first allowed this unprecedented crisis, bor- Biden, after a 2020 presidential Democrats see reason for opti-
of these Democrats are also call- pal (D-Wash.), the leader of the borrowers to suspend payments rowers should not be faced with cycle that saw some Democratic mism in the loan fight, and law-
ing for longer-term measures, in- caucus, in an interview. She said on their federal debts last March an administrative and financial contenders promise to seek the makers, including Warren, say the
cluding the full cancellation of she raised the issue with the under President Donald Trump, catastrophe just as they are begin- cancellation of some or all of stu- law is on the president’s side in
their remaining debts. White House as she discussed the seeking to help an estimated 42 ning to regain their footing,” the dents’ debts. Biden has endorsed canceling student debt.
“Time is running out on the fate of the eviction protections million people who found them- senators wrote. efforts to wipe out about $10,000 “The eviction moratorium
student-loan payment pause,” with top aides this past weekend. selves at risk of delinquency. Since In doing so, the two Democrats of students and graduates’ debts, could have died a quiet death. But
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), “Don’t go to the last minute,” then, the U.S. government has also warned that restarting col- in a break with progressives, who it didn’t because people spoke
who has long advocated for such Jayapal warned. “These are mat- issued two extensions, as federal lections as planned in October want to see even more erased. out,” Warren said, adding of her
relief, stressed on Wednesday. ters of life and death for people.” officials tried to balance students’ threatened to result in undue More than 60 House and Sen- prospects: “That’s what gives me
“The payment pause gives us a The fight over eviction protec- financial needs with the complex- hardship for families. They point- ate Democrats urged Biden to hope.”
moment to focus on, the same way tions — and the new campaign ity in restarting collections on a ed to evidence obtained earlier cancel student debt in a letter in [email protected]
the eviction moratorium gave us a seeking aid for students — comes loan portfolio of more than $1.5 this year from major servicers, late June, as they issued their own
moment to focus on, what’s hap- at a moment of political ascen- trillion. including Navient, Mohela and call to extend the payment mora- Danielle Douglas-Gabriel contributed
pening in this country.” dance for the Democratic Party’s Democrats maintain the pay- EdFinancial, which showed that torium in the meantime. But the to this report.

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Heat and fire spell

big changes for
outdoor recreation
HEAT FROM A1 worse: Throughout the summer,
divers and barge operators have
have to adapt.” been working furiously to move
Adaptation is, indeed, the marinas closer to the water. Utili-
name of the game this summer. ty lines have been shifted, too.
With extreme weather ripping Wells have had to be refashioned
across the American West — his- to keep water pumping at the
torically large wildfires, unfath- park’s hotels and restaurants.
omably high temperatures, a Next month, a new multimil-
megadrought decades in the lion-dollar ramp will open so
making — the reality of a chang- boaters can reach Lake Powell
ing climate has never been so even if it hits “dead pool” levels —
omnipresent. a once-unthinkable point that
At the same time, a country would render it virtually useless
seeking relief from more than a as a reservoir.
year of pandemic-inspired anxi- “That’s the type of scrambling
ety and isolation has perhaps we’re doing here now just to
never been so desperate to em- maintain access,” Shott said.
brace recreation in the natural Hundreds of miles down-
world. stream, at Lake Mead, it’s a simi-
The result has been a collision lar story, with the water level at
— and, ultimately, a negotiation. the nation’s largest reservoir hav-
Americans are still getting out ing fallen by a Statue of Liberty-
this summer to do all the things sized amount. And as with Lake
the season is good for. But they’re Powell, workers have been so
making compromises and adjust- busy moving ramps and making
ments, a recognition that human- other adjustments that the casual
driven climate change is not some boater might not even notice. ALISHA JUCEVIC FOR THE WASHINGTON POST

abstract notion for the future, but “There’s still a lot of water
a determining factor in how there,” said Chad Taylor, who TOP: Smoke from the Dixie Fire Yet this summer, he said, fire banned, on pain of fines of up to
Earth can be experienced today. directs sales and marketing at fills the sky late last month has put his favorite high-altitude $1,000 per day.
“Climate change makes all Lake Mead Mohave Adventures, above new construction in lakes off-limits. Many roads are “Climate change makes Windbiel’s husband, John Wi-
these kinds of extreme weather which manages marinas, motels Paradise, Calif., a town closed. “Typically I can escape the est, recently bought a “tote,” a
events that much more probable,” and restaurants on the lake. “If it virtually destroyed by a fire heat and the smoke by driving to all these kinds of plastic container for liquids capa-
said Nick Bond, a climatologist at wasn’t for the bathtub ring, you three years earlier. one of these remote national for- ble of holding 275 gallons, to take
the University of Washington. “If wouldn’t know that the lake level ABOVE: A man sits with his dog est spots,” he said. “But it’s so extreme weather events advantage of the city’s new pro-
you don’t like it, I’m sorry. But is so low. It just means more as he eats lunch June 26 at a all-encompassing that that’s off gram to deliver free “gray water”
this is probably something that sandy beaches.” cooling center in Portland, Ore. the table.” that much more — recycled from other uses —
we’re going to have to deal with In Missoula, Mont. — a para- This summer, a deadly heat Now he is looking to move. once a week to residents. “I’m
again.” dise for outdoor enthusiasts with wave has swept the Pacific “This is my home, and I love it, probable.” trying to keep my trees, flowers,
Some of the shifts Americans its easy access to national forests Northwest. dude,” he said. “But the smoke — Nick Bond, a climatologist at the garden and tomatoes alive,” Wi-
are making in response offer — the wildfire-infused air this it’s driving me out.” University of Washington est said.
blunt reminders of the scale of summer has been harder to ig- The vast scale of the wildfire In the water-rich Pacific North-
the climate crisis. Others obscure nore. It has made the surround- threat makes it hard to know west, the twin plagues this sum-
it, making it possible to pretend ing hills hazy and cast everything where to go for relief. area, which extends west to the mer have been heat and fire.
that nothing much has changed. under a slight yellowish pall. More than 1,000 miles east of Boundary Waters, has made the Frazier, who runs the chain of
On Lake Powell — the nation’s “This year is looking like it’s Missoula, Minnesota’s Twin Cit- idea of camping unpalatable. sports camps, said in addition to
second-largest reservoir and a going to be one of the worst ones,” ies region was coated in suffocat- “I have a friend who was plan- shifting kids indoors when neces-
haven for boating enthusiasts — said Pam Gardiner, a retired For- ing air pollution last week. Some ning to spend nine days on the sary to avoid record-beating tem-
the bathtub ring along the sur- est Service employee in her 70s of those seeking a break drove Superior Hiking Trail,” said Hans peratures or unhealthy air, his
rounding sandstone cliffs tells an who said she checks the air quali- hours north to the shores of Lake Krengel, owner of WatersEdge programs have moved to earlier
unmistakable story. ty online a couple of times a day. Superior, where they found . . . Trading Company in Tofte, along in the day, with more water
Two decades of drought have On a recent Monday, the air more smoke. the North Shore. “She decided to breaks and coaches instructed to
brought the lake to its lowest-ever was crossing into “unhealthy.” “When we got here Thursday cancel her trip.” be vigilant for signs of overheat-
level, with a decline this year that She was heading home from a from Minneapolis, it was really To those living in the path of ing.
has been especially pronounced. running club meeting where the bad,” said Lauren Schroeder, 41, wildfires, staying home carries its And as extraordinary as this
“We’ve all known there was a smoke was on people’s minds. who was staying at a lakeside own peril. summer has been in the North-
drought,” said William Shott, su- Gardiner said she tries to get resort. “It smelled like burning Chris Windbiel packs a bag west, he doesn’t expect next sum-
perintendent of Glen Canyon Na- outside a couple hours at a time plastic. It’s gotten better, but you every night with her best clothes mer — or any summer — to be
tional Recreation Area, which en- for distance training, but lately, can definitely feel it in the air.” and key household items and fundamentally different.
compasses the lake. “But I don’t she’s stuck on a treadmill. The thick air made Schroeder keeps it by her bed, along with a “That’s the new normal,” he
think anyone saw how drastic “It takes some of the joy out of think twice about hiking and head lamp in case of a wildfire said. “That’s the way we’re going
this year was going to be. It’s been summer,” Gardiner said. As she other outdoor activities with her evacuation order in the Califor- to have to conduct business now.”
very sudden.” spoke, she cleared her throat four kids. “It’s unfortunate be- nia wine country town of Healds- [email protected]
The falling water level has had every few minutes. The smoke cause you come up here for the burg. [email protected]
consequences: On the late July irritates her chronic cough. fresh air and to get away from the In addition to wildfires and
day that Shott was speaking, only Michael Hodges, a 45-year-old cities,” she said, “and then you smoke, which have plagued the Knowles reported from Missoula,
two of the lake’s 11 boat ramps writer and wildlife photographer, have to rethink your plans.” town for years, the area is experi- Regan reported from Grand Marais,
were operational. The others had has lived in the Missoula area The smoke plus the dry condi- encing a severe drought, with Minn., and Olmos reported from
been stranded high and dry. since 2014, drawn by the abun- tions are keeping some people mandatory water rationing. Portland. Lea Donosky in Healdsburg
Yet it could have been far dant wilderness. away entirely. A fire ban in the Sprinklers or irrigation are both contributed to this report.



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HEARING IS MORE Senate panel advances e≠ort to

repeal Middle East war consent
with one of the Bipartisan majority votes
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approved by Congress
Ever Made!

The Senate Foreign Relations

Committee on Wednesday ad-
vanced legislation to repeal de-
cades-old authorizations for U.S.
military missions in the Middle
East, a first-time step in a larger
effort in Congress to reclaim
Now You See It... lawmakers’ war powers from the
executive branch.
A bipartisan majority of the
panel voted 14 to 8 in favor of
repealing authorizations Con- Sen. Todd C. Young (R-Ind.), center, seen on Capitol Hill, and
gress passed in 1991 and 2002 to Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) spearheaded the measure.
approve of hostilities against
Saddam Hussein’s erstwhile re- while seemingly assured — is Constitution establishes the
gime, first to push Iraqi troops expected to be fraught politically. president as commander in chief
out of Kuwait and later to depose The Senate measure, a resolution of the armed forces; in that guise,
Now You Don’t! him. That legislative coalition all spearheaded by Sen. Tim Kaine presidents are assumed to have
but guarantees that when the (D-Va.) with the help of Sen. Todd the right to dispatch military
measure comes to the Senate C. Young (R-Ind.), is a marriage of force without Congress’s consent
floor — which Majority Leader one noncontroversial measure when the United States or its
Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) has and another that has inspired vital interests come under attack.
promised will happen this year — heated dispute. No discernible Not all Republicans accepted
• Features a Tiny Micro-Chip right in the ear! it will pass.
Proponents hope that this ini-
opposition remains to repealing
the 1991 Gulf War authorization,
that logic, however. Sen. Rand
Paul (R-Ky.) challenged his col-
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withdrawing other long-pending 30 years ago. But a majority of thought it would be a bad thing if
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their next target, the 2001 autho-
2002 Iraq War authorization
should remain on the books to
new war authorization from Con-
gress to counter new threats.


rization that Congress passed to address potential future threats “A vote to keep this is really a
green light the war against the in an unstable region. vote to allow something as big as
Taliban and al-Qaeda in Afghani- the Iraq War was at its maxi-
stan, will be a thornier undertak- mum,” Paul said, reminding his

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ing as it is the legal justification colleagues that, in hindsight,
underpinning hostilities against “I’m loath to remove many people view the Iraq War
the Islamic State and other ter- was “a mistake.”
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Earlier this year, the House didn’t vote for another Iraq war,”
$125 passed separate measures to re-
peal the 1991 and 2002 authori- Iranian regime is he said. “But if there is another
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increasing its posture When we have been attacked, we
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and see how easy it is to get started! Biden for final approval, which is
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tious portends an even more
Repeal of the authorizations replacement.” difficult road ahead as Congress

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will make no difference to the Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-Tenn.) turns its attention to other war
United States’ security posture authorizations that critics be-

on the ground, according to sen- lieve have been stretched to justi-

ior Biden administration officials “I’m loath to remove any tool fy military action.
who testified before the commit- that gives us leverage at a time On Tuesday, the State Depart-
tee Tuesday, saying the 1991 the Iranian regime is increasing ment’s Sherman said that “revis-
measure is defunct, and the 2002 its posture against us, without a ing the 2001 AUMF is appropri-
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measure has not been cited as the replacement,” Sen. Bill Hagerty ate,” and congressional archi-
sole legal justification for any (R-Tenn.) said. tects of the repeal effort would
military venture in years. Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah), like to see it shelved by the 20th
The Miracle-Ear Advantage: The 2002 measure “is woefully
outdated, in terms of our diplo-
who co-led the GOP’s campaign
to interview government officials
anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist
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about repealing the authoriza-
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that it would be a “sign of
recent presidential decisions to
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“Repeal says we have succeed- ways it is not today. scheduled to recess for its tradi-
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AUMF] should be put upon the
“Would we under Article II
have the legal authority to go in,
tional summer break, and is not
expected to return until after the
BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD shelf.” if we’re not there and threat- anniversary.
Still, the road to repeal — ened?” he asked. Article II of the [email protected]
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cars along the “Iron Pipeline,” a Wednesday, and three had been Georgia in connection with the

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state 95 along the East Coast into cluding Duvaughn Wilson, ac- has been released pending trial.
New York and other Mid-Atlantic cused of being the “straw” pur- Charges in the superseding
1455 Old Bridge Rd., Suite 202 7430 Heritage Village Plaza, #102 and Northern cities. They are chaser who bought a total of 87 indictment announced on
1-888-387-3068 1-888-387-3068 generally purchased legally and guns in 30 transactions with Wednesday include conspiracy to
then resold on the black market, licensed dealers in Georgia be- traffic weapons, gun trafficking

creating a challenge for law en- tween last August and April. and interstate travel with intent
forcement personnel trying to In making those purchases, to engage in gun trafficking.
trace the source of weapons used the indictment says, Wilson at- Thomas and Schloss also were
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surge in recent weeks, calling for
provided the guns to co-defen-
dants James Thomas (a.k.a.
and Argam Taj were arrested in
New York on Wednesday morn-
a crackdown on gun dealers and Spazz) and Courtney Schloss ing, while Ken Alexander, who
traffickers and urging cities to (a.k.a. Bway), prosecutors said. also is charged, was arrested in
*Hearing tests are always free. **If you are not completely satisfied, the aids may be returned in a satisfactory condition within 30 days for a full refund. Fitting fee use coronavirus relief funds to Many of the weapons allegedly Massachusetts.
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affiliated with, nor does it endorse or sponsor the contents of this advertisement. Trademarks referring to specific providers are used by Miracle Ear for nominative
purposes only: to truthfully identify the source of the services about which information is provided. Such trademarks are solely the property of their respective to combat shootings. members of the Blixky Gang, a mos, Samuel Taj and Christopher
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CODE: TQ139130
With homicides sharply up in musically inclined street crew in Machado — are at large, officials
cities across the country last year Brooklyn, for use in music videos said.
— including New York, Washing- where guns were brandished [email protected]

Senators support a memorial day for more than 614,000 pandemic victims
New coronavirus cases, deaths and
Warren, who lost brother vaccine doses in the U.S., by day
As of 8 p.m. Wednesday 250k
to covid-19, sponsors bill CASES
for a national tribute Total 35,366,673

Yesterday 119,613 150k

7-day avg.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-
Mass.) and two other senators 0k
introduced a resolution Wednes- Feb. 29 May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March April May Aug. 4
day to create a national covid-19
day of memorial, giving momen- DEATHS
tum to the cause of hundreds of Total 614,652
grieving families to ensure their Yesterday 643
loss is not forgotten. 7-day avg.
For months, the families of 2k
those who died struggled to find
a single senator to support their
cause, and they converged on 0k
Washington last week to make Feb. 29 May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March April May Aug. 4
their pleas in person. VACCINE DOSES ADMINISTERED 4m
The activists argue that the 7-day avg.
Total 348,102,478 3m
number of Americans killed in Yesterday 725,329
the pandemic — totaling more 2m
than 614,000 — have been ig- 1m
nored by many in the country. 0
Their loved ones, they say, have Feb. 29 May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March April May Aug. 4
been reduced to a number and a Rima Samman talks about the death of her brother as a candlelight vigil for coronavirus victims is held Note: Yesterday’s vaccine dose total reflects two days’ worth of inoculations.
point of debate amid the ongoing at the White House Ellipse, on July 26, during a lobbying effort for a day of remembrance.
fight over masking and vaccina-
tion mandates in the United The group Urquiza co-found- pandemic has stolen from us,” because everything is happening fear among Republicans that ac- “I think this bill is ultimately
States. ed, called Marked by Covid, has Warren said in a statement an- at a distance.” knowledging people’s suffering going to pass,” said Stanton, who
Creating a national day of been the driving force behind the nouncing her senate resolution. The resolution would desig- could be construed as criticism of authored the House bill. “The
remembrance, they argue, would congressional lobbying effort. Warren lost the oldest of her nate first Monday of every March former president Donald Trump. families fighting for this are on
not only acknowledge those loss- Earlier this year, she and other three brothers, Donald Reed Her- as “COVID–19 Victims and Survi- In the Senate, such resolutions the right side of this tragedy, and
es and help families grieve, it also activists convinced Rep. Greg ring, 86, in late April 2020. She vors Memorial Day.” in the past have passed without a they have an army fighting for it.”
could unify the country in grief at Stanton (D-Ariz.) to introduce a has talked about his death in Warren was joined by two vote as long as no senator objects. Stanton noted his own wife
a time when it remains bitterly bill in the House of Representa- detail only a handful of times. In fellow Democrats as co-sponsors: But in the House, it could face a spent five nights in the hospital
divided on pandemic response. tives and got 51 Democratic an interview in the Atlantic last Sen. Edward J. Markey — War- steeper challenge. with covid-19: “Everyone’s been
“We’re also doing this for fu- members to co-sponsor it. But year, she recounted how she ren’s colleague in Massachusetts In the 1990s, U.S. house lead- touched by this."
ture generations,” said Kristin without a companion bill in the remained haunted by the fact her — and Sen. Martin Heinrich ers adopted a new rule to reduce Urquiza said her group plans
Urquiza, who lost her father last Senate, the measure did not brother died completely alone. (N.M.). the flood of commemorative bills to redouble their lobbying efforts
year. “The lessons we learned stand a chance of passage. “I just kept imagining what’s It is unclear how likely it is congressional representatives in coming weeks, with the goal of
during this pandemic came at So Urquiza and others decided happening to him. Is he afraid? Is that the resolution will win pas- were introducing about obscure enacting the memorial day en-
such a high cost. By remember- to focus their efforts on Warren, he cold? I kept thinking about sage. No Republican in Congress people and events in their home acted in time for March next year.
ing that loss every year, we’re whose brother died of covid-19 whether he was cold,” she said. has endorsed the measure, de- districts. That prohibition could “For us," she said, “it’s not a
passing down those lessons so we early on in the pandemic. “He died, by himself. That’s the spite hundreds of calls, emails make the resolution more diffi- question if we get it passed, but
can prevent this level of disaster “Our hearts hurt from every- hard part — really hard part. It’s and meetings by grieving fami- cult — though not impossible — when.”
from happening again.” thing and everyone that this hard to process things like this lies. Hampering their efforts is to pass in the House. [email protected]

Concerns about bias turn some families to home schooling

HOME SCHOOL FROM A1 because the way schools are, most
of them — it’s tearing our children
“Dealing with everything that apart.”
we’re dealing with — with the Tracie Yorke was working at
social climate, with the political and also sending her son Tyce to
climate, I could not see putting an independent school in Vir-
my kids back in school. I just ginia when the pandemic struck
could not,” Bates said. and forced the school to go re-
So last summer she did some- mote. Then, as she processed her
thing she had scarcely considered anguish and fear after Floyd’s
before: She decided to take her killing, she decided she wanted
two older children out of school her son to get an education that
and teach them herself, all while would give him an understanding
caring for their younger sister. of and a deep sense of pride in his
As the new school year ap- roots and teach him why he
proaches, millions of parents are would have to carry himself dif-
eager to deliver their children ferently than his White peers.
back to teachers and put remote “I really wanted something re-
schooling — which wrought an- ally focused strongly with social
ger, frustration and financial tur- justice and a focus on African and
moil for parents who needed to African American culture and re-
return to work — behind them. ally addressing sort of the needs
But for other parents, particular- of students of color,” said Yorke,
ly parents of color, the pandemic who now works as an educational
and last summer’s national reck- consultant from her home in
oning over race prompted them Hyattsville, Md.
to pull their children from tradi- So in the past year, Tyce has
tional schools entirely, moves taken a hodgepodge of online
that helped fuel an explosion in courses that covered African crea-
the popularity of home schooling. tion myths, the intersection of
The percentage of children in science and race, and the history
home schooling has nearly tri- of Grandmaster Flash and turn-
pled since mid-2019. By May of tablism. Instead of Spanish, he is
this year, the U.S. Census Bureau learning Yoruba. Yorke teaches
found more than 1 out of every 12 him to challenge Eurocentric his-
students were being home- torical narratives — such as the
schooled. idea that Christopher Columbus
Even more remarkable are “discovered” the Americas, a
where those gains came from: sprawling land mass that had
Even though home schooling has been populated for at least
often been considered the do- 20,000 years before his arrival.
main of religious White families, Tyce Yorke, 11, with parents Tracie and Shenan Yorke in late June at their home in Hyattsville, Md. Tyce attended an independent school in The nation’s racial reckoning
the most significant increases Virginia, but amid the pandemic Tracie Yorke decided he should be home-schooled so he could develop a better understanding of his roots. prompted soul-searching for
were seen among Black, Latino Christynn Morris, a mother of
and Asian households. pressed similar concerns. And equate resources — buildings, showed that Black home-school Black and Latino children and two whose parents emigrated
Between 2019 and May 2021, Asian families have sought to materials. But we don’t have parents sought to escape a system special-education students are from the Philippines. And that
home-schooling rates jumped influence their children’s cultural those things,” Johnson said. that they believed treated their overrepresented in suspensions, soul-searching led her to decide
from about 1 percent to 8 percent education. Bernita Bradley, an education children unfairly. It was some- expulsions and school arrests, for to pull her daughters from the
for Black students — a more than In many cases, the migration activist in Detroit who works thing Mahala Dyer Stewart, a reasons some attribute to racial New Jersey private school where
sixfold increase. Among Hispanic from mainstream education with the National Parents Union, sociologist and visiting professor bias. Morris had worked as a music
students, rates jumped from shows the rising fears among said the pandemic lay in stark at Hamilton College in New York, “There was a lot of discussion teacher.
2 percent to 9 percent. The in- parents of color that schools are relief the disparities between the discovered when she interviewed about how disabled children are She said she was “just thinking
crease was less dramatic for failing their children and the city and more-affluent suburbs. Black and White home-schooling disproportionately given deten- about the kind of education the
White families, where home growing awareness of racial dis- After schools closed in March families within an unnamed tion, suspended, disciplined, and kids are receiving” and won-
schooling doubled from 4 percent parities in the treatment and out- 2020, suburban districts swung Northeast metropolitan region as how even in some states, you dered, “Is their story even going
to 8 percent over the same time comes for children of color. While into action and started remote part of a study conducted from know, like school resource offi- to be a part of it?”
period. Between 2016, the year of the U.S. school system strives to schooling while Detroit was still 2014 to 2016. cers will actually handcuff or Come this fall, her daughters
the most recently available data be “the great equalizer,” inequali- trying to get laptops to students. “I had many stories of Black even take children, you know, put will take Tagalog and Filipino
for Asian American families, and ty is still deeply embedded in the “Our kids here were at a stale- boys being framed by teachers in them in the squad car or what- folk-dancing lessons. And she en-
May, home-school rates went nation’s public schools, with mate, and all we kept being told particular as violent or hostile not,” Sotelo said. rolled them in the social-justice-
from 1 percent to 5 percent. yawning achievement gaps mark- was ‘Give us time,’ ” said Bradley, when the mother didn’t see where Cheryl Fields-Smith, an educa- oriented Black Apple virtual
With coronavirus vaccinations ing the performance between who home-schooled her daughter that was coming from,” Stewart tion professor at University of school.
widely available and safety proto- White and Asian students and for her senior year after a dismal said in an interview. By contrast, Georgia who has conducted the For Bates, the mother from
cols in place, educators hope Black and Latino ones. For par- start to virtual learning that White mothers were primarily most significant research on Virginia, home schooling has also
Black, Latino and Asian parents ents already frustrated with their spring. “Seriously, it was devas- concerned about catering to their Black home-schooling families, brought a sense of freedom. Her
— who had expressed the greatest child’s education, the pandemic tating.” child’s academic needs and never said she worries about what tradi- children have a flexible schedule,
reluctance to return to class- provided another reason to give Khadijah Z. Ali-Coleman, a expressed anxiety that their chil- tional schooling — including the allowing them to take breaks
rooms — will feel confident home schooling a try. scholar who is working on a book dren were being targeted. “It was dearth of Black history — does to when needed. Her children can
enough to put their children back “I feel like the school system is about Black home schooling, said totally different.” the psyche of a Black child. work on their own timelines in-
in school buildings. But many setting these kids up for failure, many Black parents fear that The fear expressed by Black She said the recent efforts to stead of being tied to a classroom
have concerns that extend far and I don’t want my child being a some traditional public schools mothers is hardly unique to that tamp down on how teachers talk curriculum, taking breaks or
beyond coronavirus safety issues, part of it,” said Jennifer Johnson, will exact a mental and psycho- community. about race — including passing spending more time on subjects
meaning the upswing could be- a former Baltimore schoolteacher logical toll on their children. Tanya Sotelo is Latina and rais- laws that ban the teaching of that trip them up. She is intent on
come permanent. who is now raising — and home- “When we talk about being in ing her family in a community critical race theory, an intellectu- centering Black history in their
What is driving the shift is schooling — her 7-year-old cousin spaces where our histories are east of Los Angeles. She and her al movement that examines the education.
difficult to parse, because of the Donovan Bien. The underfunded continuously distorted or ig- husband began home-schooling way policies and laws perpetuate She had been worried that
dearth of research that focuses on city schools — where three-quar- nored, where a child cannot see their autistic son Fox, 8, this year systemic racism — concern her. home schooling would over-
Black, Latino and Asian families. ters of students are Black and at themselves or their ancestors in in part because they began worry- “Cultivating a positive self-identi- whelm her and her husband. In-
But previous studies of Black least 58 percent hail from low-in- the retellings of stories on how ing about what would happen ty for children of all races . . . stead, it seemed to have the oppo-
home-schooling families found come households — are emblem- things have been created or devel- when the boy shed his “cuteness means that we have to tell the site effect.
they were often pushed out of atic of the kinds of schools Black op, that is an assault on your and smallness.” When Fox grew to truth about our history. It worries “For the first time in a long
traditional school systems when children attend across the nation. mental state,” Ali-Coleman said. be taller, would administrators me that somebody is worried time,” Bates said, “I felt extremely
their children encountered racist “Baltimore City schools, ever “Home schooling becomes a safe perceive him as a threat when he about that and they want to stop liberated.”
treatment in the classroom. In since they have been established, space.” is in the midst of a breakdown? that,” Fields-Smith said. “Right [email protected]
interviews, Latino families ex- have been advocating for ad- Before the pandemic, research Her fears are rooted in data: now, we have to home-school [email protected]

Cuomo is defiant as public, political support evaporates

CUOMO FROM A1 wearing a dress.
Cuomo also told the trooper
had no major figures in the state that his criteria for a girlfriend
or national Democratic Party de- was someone who “can handle
fending him — a precipitous fall pain,” according to the attorney
for man once seen as a party star general’s report.
and White House contender. The governor touched the
The deepening peril for the gov- trooper inappropriately on sev-
ernor was underscored by news eral occasions, running his finger
that the district attorneys of Man- down her spine when he was
hattan and Westchester County standing behind her on an eleva-
had sought materials gathered as tor in his New York City office,
part of Attorney General Letitia according to the report. In an-
James’s investigation, the first other episode, Cuomo allegedly
steps toward launching formal ran his hand across the trooper’s
criminal probes. Both offices stomach as she held the door open
sought information about epi- for him at an event on Long Island.
sodes of alleged harassment by “I felt . . . completely violated
Cuomo that occurred within their because to me . . . that’s between
jurisdictions, including his con- my chest and my privates,” the
duct toward a female state troop- trooper testified, adding, “But,
er. you know, I’m here to do a job.”
Those inquiries come after Al- The offices of both Manhattan
bany County District Attorney Da- District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr.
vid Soares announced Tuesday and Westchester District Attorney
that his office is pursuing a crimi- Miriam E. Rocah sought informa-
nal investigation of the governor. tion this week from the attorney
An official familiar with the general’s office related to Cuomo’s
matter said James’s office would conduct toward the trooper.
cooperate with other law enforce- In a letter sent Wednesday to
ment bodies. James’s office, Vance’s office re-
Meanwhile, the Judiciary Com- quested the names and contact
mittee of the New York State As- information of “two unnamed vic-
sembly, which has been conduct- tims of potential sex crimes inci-
ing its own investigation of the dents that may have occurred in
sexual harassment allegations, is New York County.”
set to meet Monday, and impeach- One is the state trooper, who
ment articles are expected to be testified that Cuomo engaged in
drafted later this month, accord- A screen in Times Square shows coverage Tuesday of Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo after the state attorney general’s office found he had sexually unwanted touching of her body at
ing to people familiar with the harassed 11 women. Prosecutors in Manhattan and Westchester County have asked for information regarding Cuomo’s alleged conduct. his New York City office. The other
committee’s work. is an individual described as State
The Assembly has the power to Still, Cuomo has remained un- officials in public, and a second Cuomo wants to make his case to memoir about his leadership dur- Entity Employee #1, who said Cuo-
impeach Cuomo with a majority bowed in the wake of the report’s exhibit filled with photographs of individual members and try to ing the pandemic that secured mo tapped and grabbed her but-
vote, which under the New York release. other prominent Democratic offi- dissuade them from impeach- him a $5 million advance. tocks at an event in New York City.
Constitution would prompt a trial In a video address released cials, including President Biden, ment, it is unlikely to work, they People close to Cuomo said his Vance’s office also requested
by the state Senate and a group of Tuesday afternoon, he said he Vice President Harris, House said. And because the governor team was surprised by the release “any and all investigative materi-
senior state judges. That body would continue serving as gover- Speaker Nancy Pelosi and former and his team have a history of of the attorney general’s report on als” related to the incidents and to
could remove Cuomo from office nor and defended himself as a president Barack Obama doing tirades against lawmakers — even Tuesday, which they learned of any others that took place in Man-
by convicting him with a vote of champion of women and victims the same. allies — they have been unable to roughly 10 minutes before it was hattan.
two-thirds of its members. of sexual harassment. “The facts “A joke,” said one. “Who would secure any defenders, former ad- announced. While Cuomo’s office Rocah is seeking information
On Tuesday, Assembly Speaker are much different than what has put that out?” A second person visers said. had prepared for weeks to rebut related to the alleged harassment
Carl E. Heastie met with fellow been portrayed,” he said. described it as “insane gaslight- One of the only major figures in the report, the team was not ready and unwanted touching of the
Democrats and announced after- “He is going to take it to the ing.” New York not to call for Cuomo’s for some of the accusations, par- trooper when she was stationed at
ward that “it is abundantly clear to brink and see if his shamelessness Cuomo remained at the gover- resignation yet signaled Wednes- ticularly those related to the state the governor’s residence in Mount
me that the governor has lost the works, and to see where the As- nor’s mansion Wednesday with day that he might. The Rev. Al trooper, whose account was not Kisco, N.Y., in Westchester County,
confidence of the Assembly Dem- sembly really is,” said Jonathan his dog, Captain, while his aides Sharpton planned to finish a se- previously public. as NBC News first reported.
ocratic majority.” Rosen, a New York political strat- were at the state Capitol assessing ries of meetings with local officials The trooper, who is in her late According to the attorney gen-
At least 82 of the Assembly’s 150 egist. Rosen said he did not think the political damage, according to in his civil rights group before 20s, was hired onto Cuomo’s de- eral’s report, the trooper testified
members — a majority of the body it would work but added that for- people familiar with the situation. weighing in, his spokeswoman tail after they had a brief ex- that during the summer of 2019,
— support beginning impeach- mer president Donald Trump and Key lawmakers, including Rachel Noerdlinger said, but she change, even though she had not Cuomo asked whether he could
ment proceedings if Cuomo other politicians had shown Heastie, had not spoken to the added that “it is leaning heavily yet served the requisite three kiss her while she was stationed
doesn’t quit, according to a tally by “shamelessness” can work. governor in the past 24 hours, they that they want Gov. Cuomo to years to work on his protective outside the residence. Fearing
the Associated Press. Even some of Cuomo’s longtime said. resign.” detail, investigators said. what would happen if she refused,
“I don’t know of more than a advisers expressed disbelief at his Some people close to the gover- Separately, Cuomo remains un- The report details an alleged the trooper said she froze and
handful of members that would tone in his video response Tuesday nor said he hoped the Assembly der investigation by federal and pattern of harassing behavior by responded, “Sure.”
vote against impeachment right and a rebuttal document released would take a while to impeach state authorities on a number of the governor toward the trooper “The Governor then proceeded
now,” a Cuomo adviser said. by the governor’s office that dis- him so he would have time to other issues, including his admin- while she was on duty in various to kiss Trooper #1 on the cheek and
The public mood has shifted, as puted the characterizations of his fight, and that he believed much of istration’s handling of nursing parts of the state. On several occa- said something to the effect of, ‘oh,
well: a Marist poll taken Tuesday accusers and argued that Cuomo the public would still want to hear home deaths during the pandem- sions, Cuomo would ask her ques- I’m not supposed to do that’ or
night found that 59 percent of maintained a “family” atmos- his side. ic, the preferred access that Cuo- tions about her attire, such as why ‘unless that’s against the rules,’ ”
New Yorkers want Cuomo to re- phere in his office. It included But current advisers said the mo family members were given to she did not wear a dress, the re- the report stated.
sign and only 18 percent of Demo- eight pages of photographs of turn against him in the Assembly coronavirus testing, and work port said. She told him it was [email protected]
crats would back his reelection. Cuomo kissing and hugging other was probably a fatal blow. While that state employees did on a impossible to carry a gun while [email protected]

Cuomo’s sta≠ sought help from victim advocate in push to discredit accuser
BY M ICHAEL S CHERER sented during the investigation devastating. Seeking our engage- wise now.” pose was other than to further Up, who spoke on the condition
AND J OSH D AWSEY by Kaplan’s law firm, told investi- ment without disclosing all of the The involvement of both Kap- familiarize themselves with the of anonymity because they were
gators that Kaplan was “fine” relevant facts about any and all lan and David was instigated by prior matter,” David said in a not authorized to comment, said
Days after the first accusation with the document with some survivors is reprehensible.” DeRosa in December of last year, statement. “By law, I am required that Tchen and Kaplan believed
of misconduct surfaced last year changes. Cuomo’s office declined to when Cuomo’s advisers were to provide my former client, New the document was an op-ed that
against New York Gov. Andrew In a statement, Kaplan said comment. scrambling to find a way to blunt York State, with any documents was going to be published by
M. Cuomo (D), his staff began that she tried to respond to the Log Cabin Republicans, a con- the political damage of accusa- with regard to my representa- former Cuomo staffers, including
reaching out to a prominent ad- request from the governor’s office servative gay rights group and a tions about the governor that tion.” David.
vocate for sexual harassment vic- in a way consistent with the critic of the Human Rights Cam- Boylan was posting on Twitter, Days later, according to the “We have now learned it was
tims and the head of the largest mission of Time’s Up. paign, called on David to resign according to the report. Boylan report, Boylan tweeted more ac- written by the governor and there
gay rights group for guidance as “While it turns out the re- Wednesday for his role in Cuo- would later accuse Cuomo in cusations against Cuomo, includ- were questions about releasing it,
they mulled how to discredit his sponse was never published, I mo’s defense. The release of the detail of sexual harassment in an ing the charge that he had “sexu- but none of that was discussed
accuser. made it very clear that any re- report has also roiled tensions online post, saying that he, ally harassed me for years.” Az- with Time’s Up officials,” this
This week, an independent in- sponse should never shame an inside the organization. Employ- among other things, gave her an zopardi then obtained a separate person said. “To be clear, no one
vestigation commissioned by accuser,” Kaplan said in a state- ees at the Human Rights Cam- unsolicited kiss in his Manhattan copy of the personnel files from asked Times Up about whether to
New York Attorney General Leti- ment when asked about her role paign participated in an extend- office. the counsel’s office and started to go out with the document. Times
tia James found that the subse- in shaping the letter about Boy- ed and sometimes hostile “open The attorney general’s investi- give them to reporters in an effort Up’s role was limited to what is
quent effort by the governor’s lan. “Given the revelations in the conversation” on Wednesday gation concluded that her claims to raise questions about her cred- appropriate and inappropriate to
office to undermine the credibili- New York Attorney General re- with David, according to a re- were credible and that the gover- ibility, according to investigators. say when there are these kinds of
ty of former Cuomo adviser Lind- port, I support and agree with cording of the session obtained nor’s behavior toward her was Around the same time, Cuomo allegations.”
sey Boylan — by leaking her Time’s Up that Governor Cuomo by The Post. unlawful. aides testified, the governor be- Around the same time, David
private employee records and cir- should resign.” Several people asked David David was a longtime defender gan drafting a letter, meant to be and other former Cuomo staff
culating a draft of a letter that Tchen said in an interview that about his possible resignation, of Cuomo, helping him success- signed by his former staff, that were informed of the letter and
impugned her credibility — while she did not remember the and multiple people voiced con- fully navigate political crises, would raise questions about Boy- asked if they would sign it, ac-
amounted to “unlawful retalia- particulars of what she discussed cern about the damage his role in such as when one of the gover- lan’s account. cording to the report. David de-
tion.” with Kaplan, she was angry that the Cuomo matter would cause nor’s top aides was indicted and “The letter denied the legiti- clined to sign, since he said it
Attorney Roberta Kaplan, a Cuomo’s office had tried to use the organization’s brand. convicted of corruption. After macy of Ms. Boylan’s allegations, contained information that he
co-founder of Time’s Up Legal that conversation internally to “I am looking at the issue to eight years in the governor’s of- impugned her credibility, and at- could not confirm. He said in an
Defense Fund, and Alphonso Da- justify the letter. She said she was make sure the brand is not in any fice, he left to become the head of tacked her claims as politically interview that he helped revise
vid, the president of the Human confident that she would have way affected,” David said, after the Human Rights Campaign in motivated,” the report said. the letter by suggesting the re-
Rights Campaign, are now facing pushed back on any effort to saying that he did not plan to 2019. There was significant debate moval of passages that were prob-
questions about their role in Cuo- attack Boylan. resign, according to the record- Cuomo’s advisers first contact- within the governor’s office about lematic. After some revisions, he
mo’s aggressive effort to fight “You cannot make any attempt ing. ed David for help with the Boylan the wisdom of this tactic, Cuomo agreed to read it to other former
back against his accusers. to attack or discredit a person The chairs of the Human accusations on Dec. 9, 2020, after aides later told the attorney gen- staff members in an effort to get
Jill Basinger, an attorney for who has come forward with alle- Rights Campaign’s two boards of Boylan, a former adviser to the eral’s office. other signatures, he said.
Boylan, said in an interview gations,” Tchen said. “Had those directors, Morgan Cox and Jodie governor and candidate for Man- DeRosa — who told investiga- Investigators in the attorney
Wednesday that she and her cli- parts existed in what was read to Patterson, released a statement hattan borough president, tweet- tors that she had her own qualms general’s office found that DeRo-
ent were stunned to read in the me, I would have said, ‘Do not say on Wednesday expressing “full ed that Cuomo was “one of the about the letter — said Cuomo sa told other former employees
attorney general’s report that that.’ ” confidence” in David’s leadership biggest abusers of all time,” ac- instructed her to reach out to that David had said he would sign
Cuomo’s office consulted with the David — a onetime lawyer in and announcing that his contract cording to the report. At the time, “some of the folks on the team.” the letter “if we need him.” David
advocates as they sought to un- the governor’s office who called had been extended for five more she was the only accuser to go Among the people DeRosa con- denied that.
dermine Boylan’s account. for his former boss to resign this years. But a planned publicity public with such a claim. tacted was Kaplan, who had The attorney general’s office
“We were shocked, just week — suggested changes to the campaign regarding his new con- DeRosa asked David for Boy- worked with Cuomo’s office in concluded that the letter and the
shocked that the people that were never-released Boylan letter, tract has been delayed, at David’s lan’s “full file,” the attorney gener- 2019 to extend the statute of leaked personnel files were retal-
asked to protect survivors, the which was later leaked to report- request, and will be rolled out in al’s report said, a reference to limitations for rape in New York. iatory. The investigators said that
very organizations put in place to ers, according to the investiga- the near future so as not to documents related to unrelated DeRosa testified that Kaplan simply distributing the drafts of
help people, were being weap- tion. He later made an effort to distract from his call for the personnel issues that Boylan had read the letter to Tchen, a one- the letter, which was never pub-
onized against Lindsey,” Basinger get signatures for it, even though governor to resign, according to been involved with during her time chief of staff to former first licly released, had the effect of
said, adding: “She didn’t know he told Cuomo advisers he would David. time as a state employee. When lady Michelle Obama who now improperly discouraging others
there were this many people root- not sign it himself, David told “This falls in the category of no he was an attorney in Cuomo’s serves as president of Time’s Up. who worked for Cuomo or previ-
ing against her.” investigators. He also provided good deed goes unpunished,” said office, David had counseled Boy- “Both of them allegedly sug- ously worked for Cuomo from
Kaplan is described in the at- Cuomo advisers with an internal Hilary Rosen, a Democratic strat- lan during a personnel complaint gested that, without the state- coming forward with claims
torney general’s report as confer- memo about Boylan, which he egist who serves on the board of against her and had kept docu- ments about Ms. Boylan’s interac- against the governor.
ring with Time’s Up President had retained after leaving the Time’s Up and previously served ments as a copy of his legal record tions with male colleagues, the “The responses to Ms. Boylan’s
Tina Tchen at the request of a governor’s office, the report said. on the board of the Human when he left Albany. letter was fine,” the report con- public allegation of sexual ha-
Cuomo adviser about the appro- David said in a statement to Rights Campaign. “These leaders Two days later, David sent doc- cluded, citing DeRosa’s testimo- rassment against the Governor
priateness of the letter Cuomo’s The Washington Post that when simply did what they always do, uments related to Boylan to Rich ny. (Kaplan and Tchen were not constituted unlawful retaliation,
aides were preparing to release he was first approached about the give good advice to politicians to Azzopardi, a communications ad- interviewed by investigators.) in that it was conduct that would
that pushed back on Boylan by, letter, he was not aware of the tell the truth and not attack their viser to Cuomo, according to the DeRosa later relayed their ‘dissuade a reasonable worker
among other things, attacking extent of the allegations against accusers. That clearly wasn’t report. views to Cuomo, as well as the from making or supporting a
her political motivations and de- Cuomo. good enough for the cesspool that David said this week that he fact that many other advisers charge of discrimination,’ ” the
nying the legitimacy of her “Absent all the facts, I chose Cuomo and his office was swim- did not know the documents thought it was a bad idea, she told report said.
claims. Top Cuomo aide Melissa not to sign,” David said. “The facts ming in. But they stayed away would be leaked. investigators. [email protected]
DeRosa, who was legally repre- as outlined in the report are and it isn’t fair to suggest other- “I didn’t know what the pur- A person familiar with Time’s [email protected]

Report paints Cuomo about the governor emerged pub-

licly, DeRosa called Larry
Schwartz, the state’s vaccine czar,
and asked him to phone county

aide as a top defender executives and inquire whether

they were going to be calling for
the governor’s resignation, the
report said.
BY J OSH D AWSEY rent and former Cuomo advisers. Although Schwartz said he
“No one is closer to Cuomo in made clear to county officials that
The vivid and lengthy report state government,” said one long- he was not making the calls in his
released Tuesday detailing exten- time Cuomo aide, who like others role as vaccine czar, county lead-
sive allegations of sexual harass- spoke on the condition of ano- ers told investigators they were
ment by New York Gov. Andrew nymity to avoid incurring DeRo- aware of his ability to influence
M. Cuomo mentions one aide’s sa’s wrath. “If Melissa is scream- the distribution of vaccines at a
name 187 times, matched only by ing at you, the governor is time when they were urgently
the number of references to Cuo- screaming at you.” needed. One described himself as
mo: top adviser Melissa DeRosa. The 38-year-old, who splits her stunned and unsettled by the
Throughout the report, DeRo- time between Brooklyn and the conversation.
sa is portrayed as a constant Albany area, started as communi- Two weeks later, DeRosa asked
force, taking part in an alleged cations director in 2013 and be- Schwartz to make another round
effort to discredit one of his ac- came the governor’s top aide in of calls to county executives to see
cusers, lining up women and 2017. She was key to helping craft if their positions had changed.
elected officials to defend him Cuomo’s response to the corona- “Ms. DeRosa testified that it
and even confronting and chas- virus pandemic and assisted him did not cross her mind that the
tising the governor about his be- in the writing of a book about his County Executives might feel
havior at one point. handling of the crisis, for which some pressure in receiving a call
DeRosa, the daughter of a pow- he was paid a $5 million advance. from Mr. Schwartz, whose only
erful Albany lobbyist, has long The role of state employees in the role in the government at that
played an influential role in Cuo- project is under investigation by time was the administration and
mo’s orbit, one that has only New York state authorities. Melissa DeRosa, a top adviser to New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, attends one of his daily distribution of vaccines,” the re-
grown in recent years with the DeRosa has regularly touted coronavirus briefings in 2020. The secretary to the governor is widely seen in the state as his enforcer. port stated.
departures of other key aides, her work on behalf of women’s Investigators also found that
according to current and former issues and serves as Cuomo’s number of reporters — actions believe the Chamber was an in- advantage of the governor’s of- what they described as the office’s
administration officials. “Chairwoman of the New York that violated laws prohibiting re- clusive and supportive environ- fice, the report said. “toxic” culture was largely fueled
Cuomo obliquely defended her State Council on Women & Girls,” taliation against victims of sexual ment, and instead thought it was “I did not think it went well,” by DeRosa and several other
in a video he posted in response to according to her biography. She harassment, the report said. abusive and toxic,” the report DeRosa told investigators. women. One woman said she
the investigation, saying women has been featured in various pub- In a recorded call between De- says. DeRosa also tried to squelch a feared being fired if she reported
in positions of authority are treat- lications, including in a 2020 Elle Rosa, another Cuomo aide and On another occasion, DeRosa news story scrutinizing whether a bad interaction with the gover-
ed worse because of their gender. magazine profile, in which she two staffers at the Albany Times allegedly asked a former staffer to state rules were changed so an nor to DeRosa and another senior
“A number of complaints tar- discussed her pivotal role in the Union, an editor told the gover- call and record a state employee inexperienced female state troop- staffer.
get female managers, which state’s coronavirus response. nor’s office that the newspaper who had tweeted about Boylan er could join Cuomo’s detail, the On occasion, Cuomo would ask
smacks to me of a double stan- “As long as you know what’s did not want the Boylan file, the supportively, looking to ferret out report found. staffers how they were being
dard,” the governor said, adding: going on and feel like there’s a report noted, but it was sent to what further claims might The trooper was repeatedly ha- treated by the “mean girls,” refer-
“A strong male manager is re- plan that you’re a part of, then you the outlet anyway. emerge, according to the report. rassed by Cuomo, who touched ring to DeRosa and others, the
spected and rewarded. A strong can galvanize, and survive, and DeRosa told investigators she The employee, identified in the her back and stomach, kissed her report said.
female manager is ridiculed and endure, and get through it,” she decided to release the file after report only as Kaitlin, had fielded and made comments about her Cuomo denied using the term
stereotyped. It is a double stan- told Elle. “If you don’t, that’s consulting with other staffers, uncomfortable comments about appearance, investigators said. “mean girls,” the report said, but
dard. It is sexist. And it must be when you hit real crisis.” making the decision that it was her appearance from Cuomo When a reporter from the Alba- DeRosa said she had heard him
challenged.” In the report about the sexual necessary because Boylan’s when she worked in the gover- ny Times Union inquired about say it and asked him to stop,
DeRosa and her attorney de- harassment allegations issued by claims on Twitter about Cuomo nor’s office, investigators said. how the trooper joined the detail saying she hated that term.
clined to comment on the record New York Attorney General Leti- had grown “more and more esca- She later transferred to a state and whether she had sufficient Even as she publicly defended
about the report. tia James, DeRosa is alleged to lating.” agency. experience, DeRosa grew angry. the governor, there were times
In recent weeks, after testify- have played a key role in trying to At another point, DeRosa cir- The former staffer testified She told investigators that she DeRosa castigated him behind
ing to the investigators in the discredit one of Cuomo’s accus- culated a letter to current and that she called Kaitlin — and called the editor of the paper and the scenes, the report said.
attorney general’s office, DeRosa ers, an effort that investigators former staff members attacking surreptitiously recorded the con- yelled at him: “You guys are try- DeRosa testified that after she
posted comments on Twitter said was unlawful retaliation. Boylan and defending the gover- versation — at the insistence of ing to reduce her hiring to being learned that one aide, Charlotte
viewed by many Cuomo advisers And despite the numerous claims nor, asking them to sign the letter, DeRosa, who “was looking for about looks. That’s what men do.” Bennett, had complained about
as a preemptive defense of how that surface about his behavior even as she privately harbored information about if [Kaitlin] In fact, investigators found, Cuomo’s conduct to state officials,
she would be depicted. with young female staffers, she is concerns about releasing it, ac- was working with Lindsey [Boy- rules were broken: The trooper she angrily confronted the gover-
“Haven’t you heard? Women not depicted as going to lengths cording to the report. lan] or if she had allegations had been allowed to transfer onto nor while traveling with him in a
aren’t allowed to be mad or fight to investigate them. She then sought to secure against the Governor,” the report the governor’s protective service car.
— being tough and direct makes In December, after former aide 50 women to sign a second letter said. detail even though she did not “I can’t believe that this hap-
you a ‘bitch,’ ” she wrote in one Lindsey Boylan tweeted that the — at Cuomo’s request — describ- The former staffer told investi- meet the three-year service re- pened,” DeRosa said she told Cuo-
tweet. governor was “one of the biggest ing him as “strong, tough, re- gators that she felt pressured by quirement. Cuomo then proceed- mo. “I can’t believe you put your-
Holding the title of secretary to abusers of all time,” DeRosa asked spectful, inclusive and effective” DeRosa’s constant calls and texts, ed “to engage in a pattern of self in a situation where you
the governor, DeRosa is widely a former lawyer to the governor after the allegations of harass- and “was deeply regretful” after sexually harassing conduct would be having any version of
seen in the state as Cuomo’s en- for Boylan’s “full file,” according ment emerged. she made the call, the report toward her,” the report found. this conversation.”
forcer — someone who engages in to investigators. “One woman, who worked in stated. A person close to DeRosa said When the car stopped at a
bare-knuckled political brawling Cuomo aides then distributed the Chamber at the time, told us DeRosa did not end up using she believed at the time the story traffic light, she said, she got out
and is known for delivering blis- Boylan’s personnel record, which that she declined to sign the the information from the record- was sexist. and walked away.
tering tirades, according to cur- included internal complaints, to a statement because she did not ed call because it was not to the In March, as more allegations [email protected]

Massive economic packages inspire a lobbying bonanza

secured a number of victories. A have sidestepped the issue for proposes higher fees on chemical
push publicly and privately by now, omitting any tax increases as manufacturers to help clean up
Thousands of firms that conservative advocacy groups in- part of the $1 trillion infrastruc- highly polluted “superfund” sites.
would benefit from cluding FreedomWorks ultimate- ture proposal they began debat- Taken together, Democrats and
ly helped prompt a bipartisan ing on the floor Sunday. But the Republicans insist that they can
proposals seek influence group of senators to halt efforts to fight over corporate rates is likely raise enough revenue to cover the
increase new funding for the In- to resurface, as Biden and his full cost of the roughly $1 trillion
ternal Revenue Service. Some Democratic allies seek to raise package — a contention some ex-
BY T ONY R OMM Democrats, along with the Biden taxes on corporations and perts dispute. The financing is
AND Y EGANEH T ORBATI administration, had hoped to in- wealthy families as part of their critical to lawmakers from both
clude the funding boost as a way upcoming $3.5 trillion reconcilia- parties on Capitol Hill, some of
Nearly 2,000 companies and of beefing up tax enforcement on tion package. whom seem disinclined to sup-
organizations have lobbied Con- corporations and the wealthy, and For now, though, the absence of port a bill that adds to the federal
gress and the administration this raising government revenue. tax increases in infrastructure re- deficit.
year in an attempt to influence the “Massive spending bills like in- form has helped lessen the indus- But those funding mechanisms
contours of major new infrastruc- frastructure and reconciliation try opposition. The Chamber even have touched off their own lobby-
ture spending, an effort that is always offer the potential to reap helped launch a coordinated ing barrage among affected in-
sure to intensify now that the big rewards for clients,” said Shei- Washington effort to push the dustries.
Senate is hoping to vote within la Krumholz, CRP’s executive di- legislation called the Coalition for The American Chemistry
days on their version of the $1 tril- rector. “Now is when lobbyists Bipartisan Infrastructure Invest- Council, which represents com-
lion public-works package. will be going all out to get in front ment, which brought together la- panies including 3M, Dow, Du-
The proposal — along with a of members, trying to shape this bor unions as well as business pont and ExxonMobil, has taken
still-forming second economic legislation.” groups like the National Associa- particular aim at a portion of the
package valued at $3.5 trillion — This year alone, more than 260 Companies wanting influence in shaping new infrastructure tion of Manufacturers, which rep- infrastructure package that
carries high stakes for corpora- companies and other entities spending proposals have collectively spent more than $426 million resents companies such as Dow would raise the country’s so-
tions that have long pined for large and small have hired new in lobbying efforts on far more than that, an analysis contends. Chemical, ExxonMobil, Caterpil- called superfund tax. The group
infrastructure improvements and lobbying firms in Washington lar and Pfizer. has sought to stave off a renewal
other federal spending that would specifically on infrastructure, ac- Amazon did not respond to a these two sets of investments as “We’re going to continue to of those fees, which expired in
be beneficial to their bottom lines. cording to an analysis of federal request for comment. Lawrence historic, likening the spending push until this thing gets done,” 1995, arguing it would hurt oil
The first pot of money could be ethics records. That includes Ar- Slade, CEO of the GIIA, said in a Biden seeks — and the changes it said Ed Mortimer, vice president and chemical companies and that
used on a broad range of projects rival, a little-known electric vehi- statement provided by a spokes- can catalyze — to the Great Soci- of transportation and infrastruc- they shouldn’t be the only indus-
across the country, focusing on cle manufacturer that in April man that the group engages with ety and New Deal programs in the ture at the Chamber, in a recent try forced to pay for the wide array
efforts to upgrade the nation’s retained a former Senate aide to governments to argue for the role shadow of the Great Depression. interview. “This coalition is singu- of new public-works spending.
roads, bridges, pipes, ports and Biden, Ankit Desai, to lobby on of private capital “in delivering But the policies also carry high larly focused on coming to an Shortly after Democrats and
Internet connections. “charging infrastructure for me- infrastructure that addresses stakes for corporate America, agreement on infrastructure.” Republicans released their blue-
The organizations working to dium and heavy duty electric ve- global challenges including cli- which has long pined for massive The corporate support for the print for infrastructure reform in
shape the package — ranging hicles,” among other issues. mate change, clean energy and federal investments that would be infrastructure plan has left some June, the council’s top aides met
from powerful trade associations In a statement provided by a digital communication.” beneficial to their bottom lines. liberal lawmakers uneasy, feeling with White House officials and
representing agricultural and en- spokeswoman, Arrival’s vice pres- The lobbying barrage serves to The delicate dance has been on as though businesses are trying to began canvassing Capitol Hill. In
ergy giants to small-time firms ident for public policy, Richard underscore the wide-ranging na- display since March, when Biden escape any new financial respon- its lobbying burst, the trade asso-
working for cities in Alabama and Colley, said the company “works ture of lawmakers’ ambitions as released his $2.2 trillion infra- sibilities. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio- ciation has argued that the exten-
Kansas — mentioned either “in- with a broad range of stakehold- they race to pass two major eco- structure plan that raised much of Cortez (D-N.Y.) pointed to some of sion of the superfund fee techni-
frastructure” or President Biden’s ers to advance the importance of nomic packages in the Senate — its funding through tax increases the emerging infrastructure bill’s cally violates the parties’ pledges
initial proposal, known as the electrifying the transportation all in a matter of weeks. on large corporations. Organiza- provisions, such as beneficial not to raise taxes on corporations
American Jobs Plan, on their lob- sector to address the urgent cli- The first, which targets infra- tions including the U.S. Chamber bond financing and the possible or Americans making under
bying disclosure forms during the mate crisis.” structure, puts aside roughly $1 of Commerce and the RATE Coali- leasing of public infrastructure to $400,000, arguing its imposition
most recent quarter this year, ac- Within corporate America, trillion for public works projects tion, a group that represents com- private entities, as a potential would force members to raise
cording to an analysis from the meanwhile, the lobbying offen- that touch nearly every sector of panies like AT&T, CVS, FedEx and giveaway that she said should be their prices.
Center for Responsive Politics, a sive has been expensive and wide the economy. A bipartisan bloc of Toyota, saw much to like in spend- “very concerning and should be “Whether it’s a car or consumer
nonprofit group that tracks mon- ranging. Amazon, whose founder lawmakers unveiled their pro- ing that would make it easier and concerning to every American.” electronics or paint or building
ey and influence in Washington. Jeff Bezos owns The Washington posed legislation on Sunday. faster for them to ship goods. But “Bipartisan doesn’t always materials, all these things are
Those groups collectively have Post, spent nearly $10 million in With it, Democrats are finaliz- they also worked to block any mean that it’s in the interests of made with chemicals that are [po-
spent more than $426 million in the first six months of the year on ing a second measure that in- effort to roll back the tax cuts the public good, frankly,” she said tentially] being taxed,” said Ross
their lobbying efforts, which in- a slew of lobbyists who worked on cludes other categories of spend- enacted under President Donald this weekend on CNN’s “State of Eisenberg, the vice president of
cludes trying to sway lawmakers issues including “electric vehicle ing Biden supports, including Trump. the Union,” adding: “Sometimes, federal affairs at the ACC.
and regulators on far more than charging infrastructure” and “in- new money to expand Medicare, The RATE Coalition hired there’s a lot of corporate lobbyist Noting the approach is “per-
just infrastructure, the center’s frastructure investment legisla- combat climate change and invest Forbes Tate Partners to lobby giveaways in some of these bills.” verse in a way,” Eisenberg added
data show. The activity reflects a tion,” according to filings. The in new family and child-care-fo- against corporate tax raises, a Lawmakers have included a the lobbying would continue as
dramatic uptick from the same Global Infrastructure Investor cused programs. At the request of firm whose lobbyists include for- wide variety of additional funding lawmakers proceed with debate.
period one year ago, when more Association, which represents fi- the White House, lawmakers mer aides to the Senate’s top tax- mechanisms in their bill. They “We’ve carried out a very robust
than 1,300 lobbying operations nancial firms like Goldman Sachs, hope to finance much of this en- focused committee. One of the have proposed recovering money congressional education cam-
sought to target Washington on Blackstone and Morgan Stanley, deavor through tax hikes on cor- group’s leading advisers is from past coronavirus aid pro- paign to . . . educate members of
infrastructure. Their total spend- lobbied earlier this year on “pub- porations and wealthy families, a Blanche Lincoln, a former Demo- grams, for example, and put for- Congress on this package,” he
ing on all issues over that period lic-private partnerships in financ- move that has only hardened Re- cratic senator from Arkansas who ward new efforts to collect unpaid said.
exceeded $291 million. ing state and federal infrastruc- publican opposition to the idea. served with Biden in the Senate. taxes from cryptocurrency bro- [email protected]
Already, these lobbyists have ture,” its disclosures show. The White House has described Senate negotiators ultimately kers and investors. Their plan also [email protected]


People walk past the Bicentennial Tower in Erie, Pa., in July 2020. At stake in the redistricting process this year is partisan control of battleground states such as Pennsylvania.

Flurry of lawsuits signals fierce fights ahead on redistricting

REDISTRICTING FROM A1 ade,” he said. “Republicans will first of many steps we will be political process” that he thinks
be playing more defense than taking in the coming weeks and Redistricting landscape advantages Republicans will be slowed by leaving it in the
they attempt to hold on to power,” offense because we have signifi- months to ensure the redistrict- Control of post-census congressional boundaries in each state
hands of people with no political
said Kelly Ward Burton, the cantly more redistricting control ing process is not subverted by experience.
group’s president. “We are fight- than Democrats.” politicians who want to hold onto Republicans (187 districts) Democrats (75) Both parties (71) Seat gain Michigan is one of only seven
ing for fair maps that reflect the Every state has different cri- power at the expense of fair Independent commission (96) Single district (6) Seat loss states to have truly independent
will of the voters, and if Republi- teria for drawing the maps for representation,” Holder said in a redistricting commissions. Other
cans attempt to ignore this and state legislatures and House statement when the suits were states’ commissions either have
gerrymander their way to power, seats. Since the last redistricting filed in the spring. Mont. bipartisan members selected by
we will be ready to sue.” in 2011, several states have moved In Wisconsin, Democrats tried Ore. politicians or deliver maps that
Other lawsuits over the map- away from a partisan legislative to argue that Republican state N.Y. are not binding.
drawing procedures have popped process and delegated the work lawmakers should not be allowed In Missouri and Utah, two
up in other states, providing an to commissions, though some to use public funds to fight for Pa. states where voters approved bal-
early glimpse at efforts on the left serve only in an advisory role and maps that would benefit them. Ill. Ohio lot initiatives in 2018 to depoliti-
Colo. W.Va.
to blunt the GOP advantage. their maps are not binding. The decision by the state Su- Calif. cize redistricting, state Republi-
In Wisconsin, for example, a Of the 37 states where elected preme Court to side with the N.C. can lawmakers have moved to
citizens group filed a complaint officials will ultimately decide Republicans could signal trouble weaken them by allowing politi-
against Republican state legisla- the shape of congressional maps for Democrats in Wisconsin, cal appointees to draw maps.
tors over their decision to hire this year, 20 are fully in Republi- where the courts could have final The Utah state legislature is
private attorneys for possible can control, eight are held by say over the maps if the Republi- Texx.
Tex. working on a parallel track with
lawsuits related to redistricting. Democrats and nine are split. can legislature and the Demo- Fla.
Fla. the advisory redistricting com-
The Wisconsin Supreme Court Redistricting is historically an cratic governor can’t agree on the mission approved by the voters.
last month sided with the GOP. opaque process, despite its mas- lines. State Rep. Paul Ray, a Republican
“Redistricting has become en- sive ramifications for U.S. poli- The case “was a preliminary who chairs the legislature’s redis-
trenched warfare where lawmak- tics. Democrats’ tenuous hold on skirmish before litigation over Sources: All About Redistricting, Brennan Center for Justice HARRY STEVENS/THE WASHINGTON POST tricting committee, said he is
ers exert enormous effort and the U.S. House has raised the Wisconsin’s 2021 redistricting open to considering what the
expense to gain an inch,” said stakes even higher — Republi- heats up. We believe that it is an commission produces but thinks
Michael Li, senior counsel at the cans need to flip only five seats to improper, private purpose, ad- normal. process. But the commissions are lawmakers have the responsibili-
Brennan Center for Justice, a take back the House and block vancing narrow, partisan aims Some states may not agree on facing upheaval as well. ty to draw the maps.
public policy institute that is part President Biden’s legislative instead of the legislature’s insti- district boundaries until after “Even in states that do pass But, Ray said, he won’t be
of New York University Law agenda in the second half of his tutional interests; the legislature campaigning for the 2022 elec- reforms, you see immediate at- interested in a map that makes
School. “Lawmakers have always first term. has no constitutional authority to tions is underway, creating a tempts by political actors to find one of the state’s four congres-
attempted to game redistricting, Democrats are already at a spend taxpayer dollars for private logistical nightmare for candi- weaknesses and to try to exploit sional seats — all now held by
but we’re seeing a lot of new disadvantage because of popula- gain,” said Doug Poland, a dates who want to run for Con- weaknesses in the system,” Li Republicans — vulnerable to be-
tactics this decade because so tion shifts. Several Republican- Wisconsin-based election law at- gress or state legislatures but said. “Having a good, plausible ing taken over by Democrats.
much is on the line.” controlled states, including Tex- torney representing Wisconsin won’t know who their voters will legal claim is seemingly no longer Anti-gerrymandering advo-
The process of setting district as, Florida and Georgia, are gain- Democracy Campaign, a group be until after the filing deadline. [necessary] to file a complaint.” cates are also wary about wheth-
boundaries this year comes amid ing seats in Congress, while that filed an amicus brief in the Some states have filed lawsuits He pointed to an attempt by er New York’s Democratic legisla-
a national fight over voting rules Democratic-run New York, Illi- case. “Of course, the legislature to extend those deadlines, al- Michigan Republicans in Novem- ture will follow recommenda-
— an issue that Democrats hope nois and California are losing could avoid all of the litigation though not all have been success- ber 2019 to delay creating the tions made by its new advisory
will bring new energy and re- them, according to census data and attendant drama by follow- ful. The Michigan Supreme Court commission on grounds that it redistricting commission, given
sources to the arcane redistrict- released this year. (A more de- ing a transparent process to enact recently denied a request from violated free speech and associa- that the state is one of the Demo-
ing process. tailed set of numbers is expected fair, representative districts. Un- the state’s independent redis- tion rights because it restricted cratic Party’s only chances to
Voting rights advocates warn this month.) fortunately, every indication sug- tricting commission asking for those with close ties to politi- shape districts to its advantage.
that the redistricting battles In 2011 redistricting, Republi- gests they will do the opposite.” more time to draw the maps. The cians, like family, staff and lobby- Several of the states where
could play into efforts to chal- cans who had won control of a When the lawsuit was filed in Michigan maps are due Nov. 1. ists, from serving as members. A lines were most partisanly drawn
lenge election results — as Presi- majority of state legislatures a March, Wisconsin Assembly Michigan is one of several district court and two appeals in the past now will be working
dent Donald Trump attempted to year earlier used their power to Speaker Robin Vos (R), the states since 2011 in which voters courts have denied that effort. within the guardrails of commis-
do in 2020 — by shaping who is in pack Democratic voters into few- named defendant, called it “frivo- shifted the redistricting burden Tony Daunt, a plaintiff in that sions or divided government. But
control of state legislatures and er districts and protect their GOP lous” and “yet another lawsuit to independent or advisory com- lawsuit and the executive direc- Republicans still have the upper
Congress when the 2024 presi- majority. filed by a liberal attorney.” missions rather than relying sole- tor of a GOP redistricting advoca- hand, with complete control over
dential results are certified. “The gerrymandering that we The legal landscape has ly on state legislatures — an effort cy group in Michigan, said redis- the process in politically influen-
Democrats were caught off- saw last cycle was unprecedented changed since 2011, leaving fewer to take the politics out of the tricting is “a complex, inherently tial states such as Florida, Geor-
guard a decade ago when Repub- in their sophistication and how safeguards. The redistricting gia, Texas and North Carolina.
licans, who had shored up their long they endured and defined conflicts this decade will be the (North Carolina has a Democrat-
majorities in state legislatures the last decade of our politics. first since the Supreme Court ic governor, but he does not have
during the 2010 tea party wave, The Republicans were able to struck down a key protection in veto power over the GOP-drawn
used their power to shape GOP- dominate the process without the 1965 Voting Rights Act that maps.)
friendly districts in battleground Democrats fully able to under- required states with a history of The growth in all of those
states such as Pennsylvania, stand what happened until it was racial discrimination to receive states has come from younger
Michigan, Wisconsin, North done,” said David Daley, an au- clearance from the U.S. Justice and non-White voters, groups
Carolina and Ohio. The new con- thor who has written two books Department for changes to elec- that are predominantly Demo-
gressional districts gave Republi- on redistricting. tion laws, including redrawing cratic. Yet Republicans can en-
cans the power to stymie much of But, Daley said, “that won’t be maps. This is also the first redis- sure that for the next decade their
President Barack Obama’s policy the case this time. Every twist tricting since the Supreme Court seats are fairly secure, thanks to
agenda. and turn in every state is going to in 2019 ruled that federal courts their sway over the process, ex-
Republicans say they plan to be contentious and chaotic and would not take on partisan gerry- perts said.
make the most of their current contested.” mandering cases, leaving those “The gerrymandering that
dominance. The Democratic group headed fights to play out in state courts. comes out of this cycle is certain
Adam Kincaid, the executive by Holder argued in its suits in The contentious process is fur- to be just as enduring as 2011,”
director of the National Republi- Louisiana, Minnesota and Penn- ther complicated by the delayed Daley said. “The process leading
can Redistricting Trust, has said sylvania — three states with Re- and compressed timeline for us there is only going to amplify
his group is preparing for “a publican legislatures and Demo- map-drawing forced by the coro- the polarization and divisive-
decade of even more litigation,” cratic governors — that the map- navirus’s impact on last year’s ness.”
and to challenge maps it views as making will cause gridlock and census. States will not receive [email protected]
unfairly tilted to the left. that courts should be prepared to population information needed A sign in Oshkosh, Wis., last fall encourages voting. Democrats in
“There will definitely be more draw the lines. to draw districts until next month Wisconsin argued that Republican state lawmakers should not be Harry Stevens contributed to this
redistricting litigation this dec- “These lawsuits are just the — nearly six months later than allowed to use public funds to fight for maps that would help them. report.



The World

beirut — Lebanon held a day of

mourning Wednesday to mark the
first anniversary of the huge ex-
plosion at the Beirut port that
destroyed much of the city,
wrecked the lives of tens of thou-
sands of people and helped propel
Lebanon’s economy further
toward collapse.
The day also quickly turned into
one of anger as Lebanese gathered
near the port to protest the au-
thorities’ failure to offer an expla-
nation of the cause of the blast or
to hold anyone to account.
At 6:08 p.m., the precise mo-
ment of the explosion, a minute’s
silence was held in honor of the
victims. A bell tolled as the names
of the dead were read over a loud-
speaker to family members seated
in plastic chairs at the site, clutch-
ing photos of their loved ones.
In streets nearby, clashes erupt-
ed between police and demonstra-
tors who were attempting to
march on the nation’s parliament
to protest the failure of the author-
ities to properly investigate the
blast and to take action to halt the
country’s spiraling economic de-
cline. Police fired tear gas and
water cannons as the demonstra-
tors attempted to break through
barricades blocking roads leading
to the parliament. Dozens of inju-
ries were reported.
More than 200 people died,
7,000 were injured and tens of
thousands of homes were dam-
aged in what has been ranked as
one of the biggest nonnuclear ex-
plosions in history. The blast was
caused by a fire that ignited a stash

left unattended for more than six

years in a warehouse.
A year later, many questions
remain unanswered, including
what caused the fire, who owned
Lebanese mourn ers don’t have the money for re-
pairs, or in some cases have left the
country, a daily reminder of the
trauma that still haunts the city’s
ruption,” she said. “It’s a political
fight, and not just on August 4.”
Initial hopes that the explosion
would jolt the country’s squab-
backed Hezbollah movement,
which Israel said it held responsi-
ble for the attack.
“Lebanese leaders seem bent on
the ammonium nitrate, why it had
languished for so long at the port
and why no one has been held
blast victims, decry residents.
“It’s been a year and still we
don’t know anything,” said Randa,
bling politicians toward a solution
to an economic crisis brought on
by years of corruption and inepti-
a stalling strategy, which I regret
and I think is a historic and moral
failure,” said French President
responsible. An official investiga-
tion has stalled many times, and
politicians representing the coun-
try’s various factions have rallied
lack of answers 41, who gave only one name. She
said her family members were in-
jured when their home in the
Ashrafiyeh neighborhood was de-
tude have faded. Instead, a year
later, the country still has no gov-
ernment to replace the one that
resigned in the wake of the blast,
Emmanuel Macron, speaking at
the launch of an international do-
nors conference in Paris that aims
to raise at least $350 million in
to thwart efforts to interrogate stroyed in the blast. because politicians have been un- humanitarian aid for those Leba-
senior figures. For some, the occasion brought able to agree on how to distribute nese most in need.
“Given the scale of this tragedy, back terrifying memories. Sister posts among the country’s com- But Lebanon needs billions of
it is astounding to see how far the Marie-Joseph Salameh, 57, was at peting sects. dollars to resolve its financial cri-
Lebanese authorities are pre- the Rosary Sisters Hospital when In the meantime, Lebanon’s de- sis, funds that the international
pared to go to shield themselves the explosion brought ceilings, cline has accelerated. Its currency community has made clear will
from scrutiny,” Lynn Maalouf, masonry and glass cascading onto has more than halved in value in not be forthcoming until there is a
deputy director for the Middle patients and staff, badly injuring the past year, and is now worth government that can implement
East and North Africa at Amnesty her arm. She said she has been less than 90 percent of what it was political and economic reforms.
International, said in a report reliving the moment over and on the eve of the financial crisis in The work of forming a govern-
highlighting the lack of account- over, especially as the anniversary 2019. More than half the popula- ment that will combat corruption
ability. approached. tion now lives below the poverty and stem the decline “has to start
“Revenge, revenge, until the re- “The wound cannot be re- line, according to a report pub- now,” President Biden told the
gime falls,” chanted protesters as moved. You keep reliving this lished in the spring by the World conference in a videotaped ad-
they marched through one of the memory,” she said. Bank, which cited fears that the dress, announcing $100 million in
badly damaged neighborhoods Amar Suliman, 23, a medical country could see civil unrest. U.S. assistance. “If the leaders of
en route to the port. “The people student, said she hoped the anni- In a reminder that Lebanon Lebanon make that choice, the
want the fall of the regime,” said versary would prove to be an op- also risks becoming ensnared in United States will be here every
another group, echoing the calls of portunity to revive popular pres- escalating tensions between Israel step of the way to support your
a protest movement that began in sure on the Lebanese authorities. and Iran, rockets were fired efforts,” he said. “We’re there to
2019 but has since fizzled as politi- TOP: People approach the port of Beirut during a “It’s also a day to remember that Wednesday across the Lebanese help, if you do it.”
cal elites have refused to heed calls demonstration commemorating the first anniversary of the at any given moment, these people border into Israel, prompting vol- [email protected]
for reforms. deadly port explosion. ABOVE: Protesters clash with are willing to kill us, to injure us, leys of Israeli artillery fire and [email protected]
Many homes and buildings re- security forces near the Lebanese parliament. just so that they continue with airstrikes into Lebanon. Southern
main in ruins because their own- their rule and preserve their cor- Lebanon is controlled by the Iran- Sly reported from London.

Rockets fired from Lebanon into northern Israel add to regional tensions tacks in the Gulf of Oman.”
Gantz said Amir Ali Hajizadeh,
richment in response to the
Trump administration’s with-
commander of the Revolutionary drawal from the accord and reim-
BY S HIRA R UBIN media. The munitions sparked tempted similar cross-border at- serving prime minister. Netanya- Guard’s air force, was behind doz- position of sanctions.
blazes in both Lebanon and Israel, tacks in recent months. They oper- hu is suspected of having ens of attacks in the region involv- Since last week’s drone attack,
tel aviv — Sirens sent residents where extreme heat and strong ate in an area tightly controlled by launched a series of attacks target- ing drones and missiles. Bennett has tried to rally interna-
in northern Israel running for winds recently have compounded the militant group Hezbollah, ing Iran, including explosions at “Iran is responsible for dozens tional support against Iran. But he
shelter Wednesday after three the risk of wildfires. which is backed by Iran. the country’s main uranium-en- of terror attacks across the Middle also said that Israel was prepared
rockets were launched from The incident unfolded on a day The incident comes days after richment site and the killing of a East,” Gantz said in the meeting. to “act alone” in defense of its
southern Lebanon, drawing of national mourning in Lebanon Israeli, U.S. and British officials prominent nuclear scientist. He further charged that Iran “has national security.
rounds of cross-border Israeli to mark one year since a huge blamed Iran for a fatal drone Israeli Defense Minister Benny violated all of the guidelines set in Netanyahu has repeatedly said
artillery fire and escalating a explosion obliterated Beirut’s strike against a partly Israeli- Gantz and Foreign Minister Yair the [2015 Iran nuclear agreement] that Bennett, whose fragile coali-
regional security situation seen as port, a disaster that has come to operated oil tanker off the coast of Lapid, who met Wednesday with and is only around 10 weeks away tion is made up of eight ideologi-
a test for Israel’s new government. symbolize the country’s crisis of Oman in the Arabian Sea. Iranian ambassadors of U.N. Security from acquiring weapons-grade cally disparate parties, is too weak
The relatively small-scale oper- corruption and negligence. officials have denied any involve- Council countries, said they pro- materials necessary for a nuclear to handle what he called an exis-
ation, in which two rockets landed Israel fired more than 100 shells ment in the strike. vided detailed intelligence infor- weapon.” He added: “It is time for tential threat posed by Iran.
in open fields near the northern into Lebanon, according to Israeli That attack marked the first mation proving that Iran struck diplomatic, economic and even “The Iranians need to under-
Israeli city of Kiryat Shemona and media reports. It also carried out major confrontation with Iran for the oil tanker last week. They said military deeds — otherwise the stand that it is impossible to sit
another came down inside Leba- airstrikes on the sites from where Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Saeed Ara Jani, head of the drone attacks will continue.” placidly in Tehran and ignite the
non, was carried out by Palestin- the rockets were fired, the military Bennett, who took office in June section of Iran’s Revolutionary Iran denies that it seeks nuclear entire Middle East from there.
ian groups along Lebanon’s south- said early Thursday. following a 12-year stint by Benja- Guard Corps, “is the man person- weapons and says it has breached That’s over,” Bennett said Tuesday.
ern border, according to Israeli The Palestinian groups have at- min Netanyahu, Israel’s longest- ally responsible for the terror at- the deal’s limits on uranium en- [email protected]


IRAN In a Twitter post, the two head of his party and its armed years later when forces loyal to killed in the crash, which since May. Quezada was crowned
defendants’ attorney, Mostafa forces, rival military leaders said Kiir and Machar clashed in the occurred about 8 a.m. in the town Miss Nicaragua in 2017 and had
Two dual nationals get Nili, said Taghavi and Raouf Wednesday, a move that could capital. of Milavce, authorities said. The called on citizens to vote against
over 10 years in prison were sentenced to 10 years in pressure an already fragile peace That sparked the massacre of regional rescue service said 52 “the dictatorship” of socialist
prison for “participating in the process. hundreds of civilians in Juba from people needed treatment, and President Daniel Ortega, who is
An Iranian revolutionary management of an illegal group Machar played a major role in Machar’s Nuer ethnic group and a nearby rescuers from Germany seeking a fourth consecutive term.
court has sentenced two dual and to eight months in prison for pushing his partner, President spiral of brutal ethnic violence came to help. Transport Minister
nationals, German Iranian Nahid propaganda activities against the Salva Kiir, to a peace deal in 2018 and revenge killings. Karel Havlicek said human error 16 killed by lightning in
Taghavi and British Iranian regime.” and in the subsequent formation The civil war killed 400,000 was the likely cause of the crash. Bangladesh: Lightning killed at
Mehran Raouf, to more than Taghavi, 66, a human rights of a unity government following people and triggered Africa’s He said the driver of the high- least 16 people who were
10 years in prison on national activist who lives in Germany but years of civil war. biggest refugee crisis since the speed train had failed to stop at a traveling to a wedding party in
security charges, their attorney kept an apartment in Tehran, was But he was stripped of his party 1994 Rwandan genocide. designated location. western Bangladesh and injured
said Wednesday. arrested there in October. posts after a three-day meeting of — Reuters several, including the groom, a
Iran’s elite Revolutionary Raouf, 64, a labor activist who senior leaders of his SPLM/A-IO Nicaragua said to arrest former local government official. The
Guard Corps has arrested dozens splits his time between Iran and movement, who accused him of 3 killed when passenger trains beauty queen seeking office: official said the bride was not
of dual nationals and foreigners Britain, was arrested in Tehran on undermining reforms and giving collide in Czech Republic: Two Nicaraguan police have arrested a with the group when the incident
in recent years, mostly on Oct. 16, according to Amnesty family members strategic posts, passenger trains collided in the former beauty queen two days occurred about 150 miles
espionage and security-related International. according to a statement from the southwestern part of the Czech after she registered as an anti- northwest of Dhaka, the capital.
charges. — Reuters party’s military wing. Republic, killing three people and government candidate in the He said the group had just left its
Iran has been accused of trying Machar’s wife, Angelina Teny, injuring dozens. Czech Railways Nov. 7 election, the conservative boat to take refuge because of a
to win concessions from other SOUTH SUDAN serves as defense minister. said a local passenger train and Citizens for Liberty coalition said. thunderstorm when the lightning
countries through such arrests. The party’s chief of staff was an international high-speed train It said vice-presidential candidate struck. The annual monsoon is
Tehran, which does not recognize Vice President Machar nominated interim party leader, heading from Munich to the Berenice Quezada had been underway in Bangladesh. Each
dual nationality, says the arrests ousted as party leader according to the military wing. western Czech city of Plzen and placed under house arrest and year, more than 200 people
are based on its criminal code and South Sudan gained the Czech capital of Prague were was being held incommunicado. If are killed by lightning in the
denies holding people for South Sudanese Vice President independence from Sudan in 2011 involved. The drivers of both her arrest is confirmed, she would country.
political reasons. Riek Machar has been deposed as but descended into fighting two engines and a passenger were be the eighth candidate arrested — From news services

Belarus Olympian seeking asylum arrives in Poland

prised to be told she had to leave
because she “didn’t say anything
Runner feared reprisals political.” She would like to re-
at home after clash with turn to Belarus “when I know that
it’s safe,” she said. “Maybe I’ll only
country’s athletic officials be able to return after five or 10
The International Olympic
BY I SABELLE K HURSHUDYAN Committee launched a formal in-
AND S IMON D ENYER vestigation into the case Tuesday.
Spokesman Mark Adams said it
moscow — Belarusian Olympic has received a written response
runner Krystsina Tsimanouskaya from the Belarus Olympic Com-
arrived Wednesday in Poland to mittee, “which will obviously now
seek asylum after refusing to be evaluated.”
return to her homeland amid fear Adams said the IOC opened a
of reprisals from the regime of disciplinary commission “to es-
President Alexander Lukashenko tablish the facts in this case” and
as it wages sweeping crackdowns to question two Belarusian Olym-
on dissent. pic officials — Artur Shumak,
Tsimanouskaya, who runs the deputy director of the national
100- and 200-meter races, had track-and-field training center,
criticized Belarusian Olympic and Yuri Moisevich, the national
officials in an Instagram video team’s head coach — “who have
from the Tokyo Games after they been allegedly involved in this
tried to force her to run in a relay incident.”
that she had not trained for. She European Union airlines have
said those comments led to an been banned from flying over
attempt to forcibly send her home Belarus since May, when Lukash-
Sunday. enko sent a MiG-29 fighter jet to
The 24-year-old asked Japa- force a civilian plane to land as it
nese police for protection at was flying from Athens to Vilnius,
Haneda Airport in Tokyo and Lithuania. Belarusian authorities
pleaded for help from the Inter- then arrested one of its passen-
national Olympic Committee. Po- gers, Roman Protasevich, the
land and the Czech Republic both founder of an opposition media
offered her asylum. outlet.
“I want to thank all Polish After Tsimanouskaya refused
consular and diplomatic staff in- Krystsina Tsimanouskaya, who received a humanitarian visa from Poland, meets with Austrian official Magnus Brunner during a stopover to fly back to Belarus on Sunday
volved, who flawlessly planned in Vienna. She had been expected to fly directly to Warsaw but boarded a flight to Vienna instead, for what were called “security reasons.” out of fear for her safety,
and secured her safe journey,” Zdanevich, her husband, fled to
said Poland’s deputy foreign min- dress, making her trademark Tsimanouskaya received a hu- Ukraine. Ukrainian Foreign Min-
ister, Marcin Przydacz. “Poland heart signal with both hands. manitarian visa from Poland on ister Dmytro Kuleba said on Twit-
continues to show its solidarity Kolesnikova and Znak were Monday and had been in the care ter that the country is “ready to
and support.” members of a coordinating coun- of the Polish Embassy in Tokyo provide necessary help during his
Tsimanouskaya initially land- “I want to thank all Polish consular and cil set up by exiled opposition since then. She had been expect- stay in Ukraine and make him
ed in Vienna before boarding a leader Svetlana Tikhanovskaya to ed to be on a direct flight to feel safe despite shocking news.”
flight to Warsaw, according to diplomatic staff involved, who flawlessly try to negotiate a peaceful trans- Warsaw on Wednesday but The Belarus Olympic Commit-
Austria’s Foreign Ministry. In fer of power. Several more opposi- boarded a flight to Vienna at the tee is run by Lukashenko’s eldest
Warsaw, Tsimanouskaya was to planned and secured her safe journey. Poland tion figures were arrested last minute. son, Viktor Lukashenko. The IOC
be reunited with her husband, Wednesday, according to the Alexander Opeikin, executive has refused to recognize Viktor
Arseniy Zdanevich, who fled continues to show its solidarity and support.” rights group Viasna. director of the Belarusian Sports Lukashenko’s election to the post.
Belarus. After Belarusian activist Vitaly Solidarity Foundation, a group No mention of Tsimanouska-
Marcin Przydacz, Poland’s deputy foreign minister,
Tsimanouskaya was under po- Shishov was found dead in a park that opposes the Belarusian gov- ya’s flight was made on Belaru-
on Krystsina Tsimanouskaya’s arrival in Warsaw
lice protection in a VIP section at in the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, on ernment, said Poland’s embassy sian official media, which instead
Vienna’s airport during her lay- Tuesday, Ukrainian President Vo- decided to change the plan for focused on the return of Belaru-
over. lodymyr Zelensky instructed se- “security reasons.” sian Olympic high jumper and
“The top priority for us is that curity services to examine any Belarus said Tsimanouskaya bronze medalist Maxim Nedosek-
Krystsina Tsimanouskaya is safe security threats faced by Belaru- was removed from the national ov to Minsk on Wednesday.
now. That is the bottom line,” of continuing crackdowns since protests last year calling on Lu- sian exiles in Ukraine, pledging to team because of her emotional isabelle.khurshudyan@
Austrian Foreign Minster Alexan- mass protests over the August kashenko to step down, faced a ensure their protection. Ukraini- state, but she told the BBC she did washpost.com
der Schallenberg said in a state- 2020 presidential election, which closed trial Wednesday with op- an police were investigating not suffer from any mental health [email protected]
ment. was rejected by the opposition as position colleague Maxim Znak whether Shishov’s hanging was a issues and had not had any con-
Belarusian security forces have rigged in favor of Lukashenko. over claims that they tried to seize murder staged to look like sui- versations with physicians at the Denyer reported from Tokyo. Robyn
arrested dozens of activists and Leading opposition figure Ma- power. Kolesnikova appeared in cide, but few details of the probe Olympic Village. Dixon in Moscow contributed to this
journalists in recent weeks, part ria Kolesnikova, who led peaceful court smiling and wearing a black have been disclosed. She told the BBC she was sur- report.

WHO wants booster shots halted, citing global disparity

BY E MILY R AUHALA, choice.” The United States an- yet. But there is growing concern according to a federal official fa- booster campaign is underway in share of near-term supply and un-
H ANNAH K NOWLES, nounced Tuesday “an important among some health officials about miliar with the situation who Israel, where the effort focuses on dermining a WHO-backed effort,
L ENA H . S UN milestone” of more than 110 mil- the urgent need to give additional spoke on the condition of anonym- adults over 60, and Russia. Clinics known as Covax, to equitably dis-
AND L AURIE M C G INLEY lion doses donated to the world, doses to people with fragile im- ity because the process is ongoing. in Moscow started offering boost- tribute vaccine.
she said, more than all other coun- mune systems amid growing con- Once the Pfizer vaccine is li- ers in July, amid a surge in cases Covax aimed to deliver up to
The World Health Organization tries have shared, combined. cerns about waning immunity in censed, clinicians could recom- and concern about delta. 2 billion doses this year, with an
on Wednesday called for a halt on “More needs to happen, but we vulnerable populations and surg- mend additional doses to immu- Parts of Europe appear to be eye to vaccinating 20 percent of
booster shots of coronavirus vac- believe we can do both,” she said. ing infections from delta. nocompromised patients and oth- moving in that direction. The the populations of participating
cines through at least September, In recent months, as a small Some patients are trying to get er vulnerable people who are more WHO’s announcement came two countries in need. To date it has
as poorer countries struggle to number of relatively rich coun- additional doses, including those likely to become seriously ill from days after Germany said it also delivered just under 178 million
access doses, even for high-risk tries have pressed ahead with cor- who are immunocompromised covid-19 and might more readily would start offering boosters to doses to 138 countries.
populations such as health-care onavirus vaccination campaigns, and are doing so at the recommen- spread the coronavirus to others. the elderly, the immunocompro- As it became clear that the Unit-
workers and the elderly. the WHO, public health experts dation of their doctors, clinicians Emerging data suggests that an mised and those who got the As- ed States had more than enough
“We cannot and we should not and advocates have urged rich have said. additional dose in immunocom- traZeneca or Johnson & Johnson doses for its population, the Biden
accept countries that have already countries to do more to share dos- Many patients have “taken mat- promised people may enhance shots, because they may be less administration stepped up its vac-
used most of the global supply of es and increase global supply. ters into their own hands and disease-fighting antibody re- effective than other vaccines. cine diplomacy, promising to play
vaccines using even more of it They have stressed, repeatedly, many are proceeding with addi- sponses and increase the propor- France also plans to make cer- a leadership role.
while the world’s most vulnerable that the unequal distribution of tional doses of vaccine as they see tion of those who respond to the tain groups of people — residents Other wealthy nations have
people remain unprotected,” doses is not only unethical but fit,” Camille Kotton, a transplant vaccines, CDC officials have said. of nursing homes, those over age pledged to share surplus doses,
WHO Director General Tedros Ad- could extend the pandemic by pro- medicine physician at Massachu- Debate over the need for boost- 75 and people with severe health but supply remains limited — and
hanom Ghebreyesus said at a longing shutdowns and giving the setts General Hospital in Boston er shots has intensified since Pfi- conditions — eligible for boosters diverting supplies to boosters
news conference. virus room to spread and mutate and a member of the vaccine advi- zer and BioNTech announced last in September. could make that worse, the WHO
Tedros said the focus for now in unvaccinated populations. sory board to the Centers for Dis- month they would seek regulatory Hungary this month will begin warns.
should be meeting the U.N. health Now, the spread of the highly- ease Control and Prevention, said approval for a third shot for all offering citizens a third dose of a Asked if nations already provid-
agency’s goal of 10 percent vacci- transmissible delta variant has at the panel’s meeting last month. eligible adults, not just the immu- coronavirus vaccine, Prime Minis- ing extra doses are “failing their
nation coverage in every country countries with vaccine access con- In Northern California, the nocompromised, amid rising con- ter Viktor Orban has said. Spain duties,” WHO officials focused
by the end of September. So far, sidering third doses before much Contra Costa County health de- cern about the delta variant. and Italy have said residents will Wednesday on those still weighing
more than 80 percent of vaccine of the world has had access to one. partment notified its providers The companies’ announcement be very likely to need a booster but the issue, saying they hoped lead-
doses globally have gone to high- The WHO’s position on boost- July 23 to allow people who want- that they would seek an emergen- have yet to announce firm plans. ers will hold off.
and upper-middle-income coun- ers is still taking shape. WHO offi- ed a booster dose of any coronavi- cy-use authorization for a booster In Britain, meanwhile, health Tedros urged “concrete” com-
tries that account for less than half cials said Wednesday they do not rus vaccine to get one if one was prompted U.S. health officials to officials have said they are prepar- mitments to global vaccination
of the world’s population. necessarily oppose giving addi- available, only to reverse itself this declare that Americans who have ing to offer booster shots in Sep- goals and ventured that the lead-
The remarks come as the Unit- tional doses to certain popula- week after realizing it was in viola- been fully vaccinated do not need tember but are awaiting guidance ers of G-20 countries will deter-
ed States and other wealthy na- tions who are not protected by tion of Food and Drug Administra- a third shot at this time. from an expert advisory panel. mine the course of the pandemic.
tions weigh whether and when standard doses. tion policy, a spokesman said. But health officials make a dis- With global supply scarce, the “We need everyone’s coopera-
booster shots are necessary and Bruce Aylward, senior adviser The FDA’s existing authoriza- tinction between boosters for peo- booster debate will deepen ques- tion,” he said.
consider how to balance domestic to the director general, acknowl- tion permits only a two-dose regi- ple who already have an immune tions about how the world should [email protected]
calls for additional doses against edged that the moratorium may men of the Pfizer-BioNTech and response after inoculation versus address the problem. [email protected]
growing evidence of an alarming also need to be extended. “Is Sep- Moderna vaccines, or a single dose additional doses for the immuno- Since last summer, a small [email protected]
vaccine gap around the world. tember long enough? Not on the of the Johnson & Johnson prod- compromised who have failed to number of relatively wealthy na- [email protected]
White House press secretary current trajectory,” he said. uct. But the FDA is expected to respond fully or at all to the shots. tions have cut deals with directly
Jen Psaki on Wednesday said the Officials in the United States give full approval to the Pfizer Other countries are grappling with vaccine manufacturers, Reis Thebault contributed to this
WHO was presenting a “false say booster shots are not needed vaccine by the end of the summer, with questions over boosters. A snapping up a disproportionate report.

In reversal, U.K. advises

shots for older teenagers
BY K ARLA A DAM ference, government officials were
AND W ILLIAM B OOTH repeatedly pressed on how much
had actually changed in just two
london — It was a relatively easy weeks. “I think people are a bit
call to vaccinate the elderly confused about this changing ad-
against the coronavirus and keep vice,” said one reporter.
them from getting seriously sick. Wei Shen Lim, chair of the vac-
But as rich countries rapidly work cination committee, said the ad-
their way through the age groups, visers now had a greater certainty
the vaccination of children is prov- of data that has influenced their
ing highly emotive and conten- recommendations.
tious. “There is no time to waste in
That’s especially so in Britain. getting on with this,” said Jona-
Just two weeks ago, government than Van-Tam, England’s deputy
advisers said that the “minimal chief medical officer, noting that
benefits” of vaccinating those un- children will start returning to
der 18 didn’t outweigh the poten- school within weeks. “I want us to
tial risks. Yet on Wednesday, those proceed as fast as is practically
same advisers said 16- and 17-year- possible.”
olds should get jabbed as soon as But health policy experts who
possible. Though only one dose, have been critical of the govern-
for now. And most younger chil- ment’s hesitancy to inoculate
dren should still wait. teenagers said officials have been
The new guidance represents a wasting time while getting to even
confusing 90-degree turn that this halfway conclusion, under-
British teens and their families mining what is otherwise one of
must navigate. Even pro-vaccine the world’s most successful vacci-
parents would be forgiven if their nation programs.
heads were spinning. “The idea of allowing a pretty
Britain’s Joint Committee on much uncharacterized virus tear
Vaccination and Immunization through our children is utterly A health worker gives a coronavirus vaccination in London. Officials say 16- and 17-year-olds should get a single dose as soon as possible.
said its revised recommendation reckless and irresponsible, espe-
reflected both the state of the virus cially because it’s a vaccine-pre- vaccines in even younger subjects. vaccination for individual teens. potential for new variants of con- Sheikh and colleagues at Public
in Britain and additional safety ventable disease,” said Stephen Last week, President Biden ex- With the new advice on Wednes- cern. Health Scotland suggested the
data. Griffin, a virologist at the Univer- pressed optimism that children day, Lim said: “While covid-19 is From a societal standpoint, risk of hospitalization was dou-
“In the last few weeks, there sity of Leeds. under 12 would become eligible typically mild or asymptomatic in Young said, “the benefits of vacci- bled for those infected by the delta
have been large changes in the “I’m very pleased that they are for inoculations in the United most young people, it can be very nation for the young strongly out- variant, compared with the alpha
way COVID-19 has been spreading doing this U-turn,” Griffin said. “I States “soon.” unpleasant for some and for this weigh any risks.” strain, first detected in England.
in the UK, particularly in younger hope once the safety data is in they In Britain, regulators author- particular age group, we expect Some of the most comprehen- But when the alpha version of the
age groups,” the committee said in go even younger.” ized use of the Pfizer-BioNTech one dose of the vaccine to provide sive studies on the effects of the virus was rampaging, vaccines
a statement Wednesday. Peter Kyle, the opposition La- mRNA vaccine in June for those as good protection against severe ill- coronavirus on children and teens were just beginning to be de-
It did not specify what about the bour Party’s point person on young as 12. But when the experts ness and hospitalization.” have come out of Britain, and so ployed, so comparisons are tricky.
spread had influenced the shift in schools, tweeted that the govern- on the government advisory panel Other public health experts say there is global interest in what Children can suffer from “long
thinking, but Britain was hit early ment reversal on vaccines for old- delivered their assessment two it’s not just a question of risk to the Britain is seeing. covid,” but a review in the journal
and hard by the highly contagious er teens “is too late to make a weeks ago, they concluded: “Until individual but risk for the whole Those studies have shown it is Nature reported that estimates of
delta variant of the virus, and be- difference to education when more safety data is available and society. Teens can readily become very rare for children to get severe how common it is in children
cause so many older people are terms starts next month. Govern- has been evaluated, a precaution- infected and spread the virus to covid. “vary wildly.”
vaccinated, many of those getting ment have squandered the oppor- ary approach is preferred.” other children and to adults, in- Within England, from the be- Wednesday’s new guidance in
infected now are young. tunity summer offered.” They approved vaccinations cluding those who cannot be vac- ginning of the pandemic through Britain prompted an anti-vaccine
The vaccination committee had Britain’s resistance to jabbing only for the most medically vul- cinated for medical reasons. February of this year, studies cal- campaign on Twitter, under the
previously noted concern about the young has made it an outlier in nerable 12-to-17-year-olds and Lawrence Young, a virologist at culated that there were about hashtag #leaveourkidsalone. But
serious vaccine side effects involv- the developed world, where most those living with immunocompro- Warwick Medical School, warned 4 million cases of covid identified teens re-appropriated the tag, de-
ing inflammation of the heart rich countries are trying to get a mised adults. that Britain may never reach pop- in children, with fewer than 6,000 claring they were eager for the
muscle or the membrane around needle into the arms of those un- Some commentators in Britain ulation immunity or herd immu- hospitalizations and 25 deaths. vaccine.
the heart, but on Wednesday it der 18 as quickly as possible. have wondered aloud if the reluc- nity if children are not vaccinated. And while the delta variant is “maybe the anti-vaxers in
offered further assurance that The United States and Canada tance to inoculate younger people Some estimates suggest 85 per- more contagious, it hasn’t clearly #LeaveOurKidsAlone should lis-
those were “extremely rare” and have been vaccinating 12-to-17- has been driven by concerns about cent of a population must be vacci- changed how the virus affects ten to their own advice and leave
more of an issue after a second year-olds since May. France, Italy vaccine supply. The government nated or have had a previous infec- kids. Some hospital workers in the us alone??,” wrote one user. “i’ve
dose. The committee also cited and other countries in Europe be- has declined to release numbers of tion to stop the pandemic, and United States report anecdotal ev- been waiting for this vaccine to
data suggesting that one dose gan in June. Germany was some- available jabs. But health officials people under 18 make up about idence that the variant makes for help protect my high risk parents
would provide young people with thing of a holdout, but this week it insist that supply is not a limiting 20 percent of the British popula- “younger, sicker, quicker” pa- for ages and i’m excited to get it
80 percent protection against hos- decided to move forward on vacci- factor. tion. This pool of unvaccinated tients. In Britain, scientists want over and done with.”
pitalization. nations for that age group. Government advisers have em- people could keep the pandemic to see more evidence. [email protected]
At a Downing Street news con- Trials are underway to test the phasized the benefits and risks of going on and on, increasing the A preliminary study by Aziz [email protected]

Mattel introduces virus-fighting dolls featuring British vaccine developer

BY J ENNIFER H ASSAN aware that they, too, could work in series include Amy O’Sullivan, a According to STEM Women, an onavirus. nary efforts” of those who helped
the fields of science, technology, nurse who worked in Brooklyn organization based in the United Last month, the product cel- others throughout the pandemic.
london — British Professor Sar- engineering and mathematics amid the coronavirus pandemic Kingdom that provides inclusion ebrated the milestone of distribut- More than 4 million people
ah Gilbert, one of the co-creators of (STEM), in which women have his- and appeared on the cover of Time and diversity recruitment resourc- ing 1 billion doses, although Sir worldwide have died amid the
the Oxford-AstraZeneca coronavi- torically been underrepresented. magazine’s issue featuring the 100 es to employers and young people, Andrew Pollard, a professor and global health crisis, with the Unit-
rus vaccine, has been honored with Lisa McKnight, senior vice pres- Most Influential People in 2020. 35 percent of STEM students are director of the Oxford Vaccine ed Kingdom — which has had at
her own Barbie doll as part of a ident and global head of Barbie and Audrey Cruz, a doctor in Las women, statistics shared by the Group, warned that the crisis is not least 130,000 deaths — among the
series dedicated to inspirational Dolls at Mattel, said, “Barbie recog- Vegas, was also honored with a group earlier this year show. over. countries most affected by covid-
women fighting the pandemic. nizes that all frontline workers Barbie doll that reflects her, with Gilbert has been producing and “It was hard work and it still is, 19.
The doll in Gilbert’s likeness have made tremendous sacrifices tied-back silver hair and bright testing vaccines for more than a but it’s hard work doing something The United States remains the
sports dark-rimmed glasses, long when confronting the pandemic blue scrubs. decade, according to her profes- that really matters,” Gilbert said in hardest-hit country in terms of re-
auburn hair and mirrors her pro- and the challenges it heightened,” Canadian doctor and writer Chi- sional profile on Oxford Univer- remarks made earlier this year, corded infections and deaths, with
fessional wardrobe by donning a the Guardian reported. ka Stacy Oriuwa, who is working to sity’s official website. She began adding that a “huge” number of more than 614,00 lives lost to the
navy suit. The creation, Gilbert “To shine a light on their efforts, eliminate racism in the health-care working on the coronavirus vac- people joined forces to make the pandemic.
said, left her feeling “very strange.” we are sharing their stories,” she system, and Brazilian biomedical cine in 2020 after the original out- jab possible in such a short space of In 2019, as part of the company’s
“My wish is that my doll will also said, adding that the company researcher Jaqueline Goes de Jesus break in Wuhan, China. time. “Inspiring Women” series, dolls
show children careers they may hoped the series would “inspire the were also honored along with Aus- The Oxford-AstraZeneca vac- In June, Gilbert was recognized were made to honor Rosa Parks,
not be aware of, like a vaccinolo- next generation to take after these tralia’s Kirby White, a doctor who cine, which Gilbert helped create, with a damehood and led Queen Florence Nightingale, Helen
gist,” Gilbert said, adding she heroes.” co-created reusable protective gear is now widely used to protect peo- Elizabeth II’s Birthday Honors list, Keller and Ella Fitzgerald.
wants future generations to be Other dolls created as part of the for those treating covid-19 patients. ple around the world from the cor- which championed the “extraordi- [email protected]

Taliban claims attack just that,” he said.

“Taliban leaders continue to say
one thing, namely that they sup-
port of government forces.
The United Nations warns that
the increased violence could re-

on defense minister port a negotiated solution of con-

flict,” he told reporters. “Those
words ring hollow when they con-
sult in record numbers of civilian
casualties this year unless the two
sides agree to a cease-fire. Accord-
tinue these types of actions.” ing to U.N. data, the Taliban and
BY S USANNAH G EORGE But Tuesday’s assault marks a Taliban fighters have increased other insurgent groups are re-
departure from recent large-scale pressure on other major Afghan sponsible for the majority of civil-
kabul — The Taliban claimed attacks. Since the United States cities in recent weeks and have ian casualties in Afghanistan. The
responsibility Wednesday for an and Taliban signed a peace deal surrounded the government com- Taliban uses mortars and other
attack on the acting Afghan de- last year, car bombings and shoot- pound in the center of Helmand’s indiscriminate explosives in areas
fense minister, saying the assault ings in the Afghan capital have provincial capital. Only a handful populated by civilians.
was in retaliation for escalating decreased. Those that have oc- of government officials remain in But the heavy use of govern-
government attacks on Taliban curred have largely been claimed the cluster of buildings that house ment artillery and airstrikes in
fighters. by the Islamic State or have gone the governor and provincial coun- populated areas has also caused a
“The suicide attack was in reac- unclaimed. Previously, Taliban at- cil in Lashkar Gah. spike in the number of civilians
tion to the actions of … the Kabul tacks rattled Kabul on a near Afghan forces have long strug- killed and injured.
regime” and those “ordering at- weekly or occasionally more fre- gled to hold and retake territory “The Islamic Emirate will not
tacks against innocent people, quent basis. without close U.S. air support. As be silent on such brutal actions,”
and bombings of civilian popula- Acting defense minister Bis- Members of Afghan security forces on Wednesday watch over the U.S. forces began the last phase of Mujahid said in the Taliban state-
tions,” said Zabiullah Mujahid, a millah Khan Mohammadi sur- site of a car bomb explosion in Kabul. their withdrawal from Afghani- ment Wednesday, referring to ci-
Taliban spokesman. vived Tuesday’s attack unharmed; stan, Taliban fighters launched at- vilian casualties caused by govern-
Fighting between the Taliban he was not present at the guest- said at least eight civilians were any government in Afghanistan tacks, bringing large swaths of ter- ment attacks. He said the militant
and Afghan government forces house when the assault occurred. killed and 20 wounded. that seized power through force or ritory under the group’s control. group “will challenge them with
has intensified in recent weeks as For hours after the initial blast, Speaking after the Taliban disregarded civilian life. The Taliban now controls full force.”
the Afghan military has attempted explosions and gunfights rocked claimed responsibility, State De- “It would be a grave mistake for roughly half of Afghanistan’s dis- [email protected]
to retake territory after Taliban Kabul in some of the most intense partment spokesperson Ned Price the Taliban to expect even a de tricts, according to U.S. officials.
advances following the withdraw- fighting in the Afghan capital in warned that foreign nations minimis level of international The officials said U.S. warplanes Haq Nawaz Khan in Peshawar,
al of foreign forces. months. The Interior Ministry would not recognize or support support if they were to seek to do have stepped up attacks in sup- Pakistan, contributed to this report.

Mexico sues U.S. gunmakers, alleging poor oversight fuels weapons tra∞cking and violence
understand, they’re going to con- spond to requests for comment. tered the challenge faced by the “It is difficult to read this sults. Security analysts say the
Security experts cite tinue doing the same thing and In a statement, the National country’s security forces. complaint without coming to the government has not had the
major roadblocks to we will continue having deaths Shooting Sports Foundation, a “State police and municipal conclusion that, as a matter of political will to carry out a more
every day in our country,” Mexi- trade association for the Ameri- police have kind of melted away,” ethical business practices, there profound transformation of the
effort prevailing in court co’s foreign minister, Marcelo can firearms industry, rejected Grillo said. “They’re not going to is no defense to what these courts and police.
Ebrard, said at a news confer- the claims that U.S. gun manu- fight against guys with .50-cali- companies have done,” said Mexican authorities said sev-
ence. facturers were negligent. bers,” Grillo said. Adam Skaggs, policy director eral recent U.S. cases had given
Security experts in Mexico saw “These allegations are base- If local police are not intimi- with the Giffords Law Center to them hope their lawsuit could
BY M ARY B ETH S HERIDAN the lawsuit as an attempt to raise less,” said Lawrence G. Keane, dated, they are often bought off Prevent Gun Violence. succeed. Among them was a
AND K EVIN S IEFF the profile of gun-trafficking is- the group’s senior vice president by crime groups, security ana- Still, he said, the case will be judge’s decision that survivors
sues but one unlikely to lead to a and general counsel. “The Mexi- lysts say. tough to win, because of the and relatives of a 2019 shooting
mexico city — The Mexican legal victory. A U.S. law that took can government is responsible The lawsuit maintains that the Protection of Lawful Commerce at a California synagogue could
government sued several major effect in 2005 shields gun manu- for the rampant crime and cor- U.S. arms manufacturers “are in Arms Act, which bars most move ahead with a lawsuit
U.S.-based gun manufacturers facturers from most civil liability ruption within their own bor- conscious of the fact that their civil lawsuits against arms com- against the manufacturer of the
Wednesday, alleging that lax con- claims. ders.” products are trafficked and used panies after their guns are mis- weapon used in the attack.
trols contribute to the illegal flow The legal action “sends a state- Cross-border trafficking has in illicit activities” in Mexico, used. The Mexican government’s U.S. analysts say policy chang-
of weapons over the border. ment and creates a pressure created a growing pool of weap- according to a document from case argues that the 2005 meas- es such as an assault-weapons
The unusual suit — filed in U.S. point with the Biden administra- ons that circulate among armed the Foreign Ministry. ure immunizes the gun industry ban and universal background
federal court in Boston — seeks tion,” said Alejandro Hope, a groups in Mexico. The most pow- “Nonetheless, they continue to only from lawsuits involving vio- checks for gun buyers would
unspecified financial compensa- Mexico City-based security con- erful guns go to large drug car- prioritize their economic benefit, lence in the United States. reduce trafficking. But the Mexi-
tion from the companies but sultant. “But I don’t think the tels, and older, smaller weapons and use marketing strategies to Arms trafficking is hardly the can government, they say, has
does not target the U.S. govern- Mexican government is expect- find their way into the hands of promote weapons that are ever only thing fanning violence in come to doubt that those changes
ment. ing to win.” lower-level criminals. more lethal, without mecha- Mexico. The nature of the drug will happen.
Mexican authorities argue The suit names companies in- “Because of the abundance of nisms of security or traceability,” trade has changed in recent “It’s not surprising that they’re
that American-made weapons cluding Smith & Wesson Brands, firearms, now every little gang- it continued. years, with cartels splintering looking for other ways to either
have fueled an explosion in ho- Barrett Firearms Manufacturing, ster has AK-47s or Barrett .50s,” The government alleges that into smaller, feuding groups that bring awareness to the issue or
micides in this nation over the Beretta USA, Glock and Colt’s said Ioan Grillo, author of the U.S. gunmakers design weapons have diversified into extortion, correct it,” said Eugenio
past decade. Around 2.5 million Manufacturing Co. book “Blood Gun Money: How that will appeal to Mexican crime kidnapping and other criminal Weigend, the director for gun-
illicit American guns have In addition to financial dam- America Arms Gangs and Car- groups — citing, for example, a activities. -violence prevention at the Cen-
poured across the border during ages — which Mexican officials tels.” “Then there’s the spillover Colt .38 Super pistol engraved Successive Mexican presidents ter for American Progress.
that period, according to a Mexi- estimated could run to $10 bil- effect, when cartels send ‘burned with an image of revolutionary have tried to stanch the violence [email protected]
can government study released lion if the legal action is success- weapons’ to streets and you have hero Emiliano Zapata. That mod- by overhauling the justice sys- [email protected]
last year. Legal gun sales in ful — the suit also seeks tighter schoolkids buying them.” el of handgun was used in the tem, arresting drug kingpins and
Mexico are tightly restricted. controls on sales and better secu- The ease with which Mexican assassination of an investigative providing job programs to lure Sammy Westfall and Taylor Telford in
“If we don’t file a suit like this rity features on weapons. cartels can access military-grade journalist, Miroslava Breach, in young people away from crime. Washington contributed to this
and win it, they’re never going to The companies did not re- weapons has fundamentally al- 2017. But they have achieved few re- report.

Greece battles worst heat in 30 years as wildfires rage

which saw lush green landscapes
blackened by the inferno and
Thousands in Athens flee forced residents to flee their
as homes burn and villages.
At least eight people were
temperatures soar killed in the city of Antalya and
parts of the country’s Turquoise
Coast, and livestock across af-
BY J ENNIFER H ASSAN fected areas perished before help
Thousands of residents fled Turkish authorities said that
their homes in Athens as forest over the past week, rescue ser-
fires swept the north of the city, vices had battled to contain more
burning houses, severing elec- than 100 fires.
tricity supplies and sending Climate experts blamed rising
plumes of thick smoke into the temperatures on the widespread
air as Greece grappled with its devastation, which was also seen
worst heat wave in 30 years. in Italy, where residents in Sicily
Emergency services worked to were evacuated, and in Finland,
contain the flames, in part by which saw its worst forest fire in
sending planes to drop water half a century.
from the sky. In the United States, record-
Greek officials confirmed breaking heat over the summer
Wednesday that at least 77 peo- triggered fires and stifling
ple had been hospitalized as a smoke.
result of the huge blaze in the Last month, Greece became
Varympompi area of Athens. the first country in Europe to
Temperatures soared to appoint a chief heat officer. In
115.3 degrees Fahrenheit earlier Athens, Eleni Myrivili will be
this week as Greece recorded its responsible for finding ways to
hottest day on record. Greek keep the city cool as the world
Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitso- faces more extreme conditions as
takis said this week that the a result of climate change.
country was “facing the worst The mayor of Athens, Kostas
heat wave since 1987,” during Bakoyannis, said that finding
which more than 1,000 people ways to navigate the consequenc-
died. es of the climate crisis was an
George Patoulis, regional gov- issue for cities and countries
ernor of greater Athens, de- Volunteers from the Cyprus Civil Defense team work to support local firefighters to contain the reignition of a wildfire in a forest near worldwide.
scribed the fire as “large” and Athens on Wednesday. A wildfire north of the city forced residents to evacuate their homes during the heat wave in Greece. “Climate change for our city
said the heat had dried out the means more frequent and dan-
landscape, worsening the “The fire is still raging, its On Wednesday, Greek emer- that conditions were “very diffi- nou, a journalist living around gerous extreme high tempera-
conditions. “It will take a lot of perimeter is very wide and the gency services took to Twitter to cult.” 20 miles from the fires raging in tures for residents and for tour-
work to get this under control,” heat load is very strong,” a fire warn residents and tourists of “Whenever I go outside on the Athens. ists who are critical for our
he said Tuesday on state-run brigade official said Wednesday, “extreme fire danger” in Rhodes balcony it ‘rains’ ashes from the The fires come following dev- economy,” he said.
television. according to Reuters. and Crete, and advised people sky,” tweeted Demetrios Ioan- astating blazes in nearby Turkey, [email protected]

Tens of millions of people have been moving into flood zones, satellite imagery shows
BY T IK R OOT maica stayed about the same. But “This is a back-burner issue with potential flood exposure. Wing, chief research officer at the “do not reflect how climate
many places, such as Bangladesh that people don’t really talk The satellite instrument that flood modeling company Fath- change may affect flood risk.”
Tens of millions of people have and India, saw large increases — about,” said Jason Thistleth- the scientists used — called a om. He added that advances in Tellman hopes scientists will
been moving into flood zones of up to 14.3 million and 44.8 mil- waite, a professor studying cli- Moderate Resolution Imaging satellite and other technologies use her work to improve their
around the world. The influx is as lion people, respectively. mate risks and extreme weather Spectroradiometer, or MODIS — have made better modeling data flood models and has been in
much as 10 times more than Overall, the paper found that at the University of Waterloo in takes images twice a day. But it available than what is found in touch with insurance companies
previously thought, and if the the population of flooded areas Canada. “Studies like this shed does not work through clouds, the study. “It’s probably not that have also expressed interest
trend continues on its current grew at nearly twice the average light on just how really urgent Tellman said, which often accom- something I would use as a flood in the data. She said she wants to
trajectory, millions more could global rate. Proportionally, as the situation is.” pany flooding, and it does not modeler myself.” continue to improve on the study
suffer the impacts of flooding, much as 24 percent more people With climate change, migra- necessarily pick up floods that But others said they would use by adding more detailed satellite,
according to a study published lived in those areas by 2015. tion and population growth, Tell- happen on a shorter time scale, the data set, which is publicly or radar, data.
Wednesday in the journal Nature. Previous estimates, Tellman said, man said, the number of people such as the flash flooding that available online. “This gives us But, ultimately, she’d like to
“People die and lose their put the number closer to about living in flood zones is on track to recently hit Europe. The 250- some real data to check our see improvements to public pol-
homes and livelihood,” said Beth 2 percent. increase. Using climate models meter resolution of the imagery models against,” said Phillip icy that take into account the
Tellman, a human-environmen- “If people are moving into from the World Resources Insti- also makes it harder to see urban Ward, a professor of global water impact of flooding on popula-
tal geographer at the University places that flood, it’s going to risk dynamics at Vrije Univer- tions.
of Arizona and lead author of the flood again,” said Tellman, noting siteit in Amsterdam. “The countries we expect that
paper. The study estimates that the areas they examined flooded Roxy Mathew Koll is a clima- have struggles with flooding
up to 86 million people have an average of about three times “We can’t be complacent about flood risk. tologist at the Indian Institute of [should] have the financial sup-
moved into places where there since 2000. That, she said, can Tropical Meteorology. He said he port to continue to adapt,” she
have been floods, which Tellman lead to not only loss of life and We’re not acting fast enough.” found the study useful because said, noting that isn’t always the
says is only “the tip of the ice- property, but longer-term set- Hannah Cloke, professor of hydrology at the University of Reading climate change models don’t al- case. The Central African Repub-
berg.” backs in economic development. ways take into account human lic, for instance, had the highest
Tellman and her colleagues “It’s only a matter of time.” impacts. Calling the work a expected increase in proportion
collected satellite imagery of 913 The study did not look at why tute, the study estimated that flooding. “wake-up call,” he said global- of population exposed to floods
large flood events around the people might move to flood- between 2010 and 2030, 57 of 106 In total, Tellman said, there level analysis like this can help in the study. But it’s relatively low
world, from 2000 and 2018. The prone areas — though Tellman countries examined will see such were more than 2,000 recorded point to where more precise, on the list of recipients of inter-
database included floods from said the reasons could range a jump. That would potentially flood events that the researchers localized modeling is most need- national climate adaptation
rivers, tropical storms, melting from migration to urban centers expose as many as 179 million didn’t have images for. That ed. funds.
ice and snow, as well as dam or near water to the affordability of additional people to flooding. means many more people may be The data could also be useful Tellman said many other tools
levee breaks. Researchers then land in flood-prone areas. It did “We can’t be complacent about exposed to floods than this study in the United States. “Our current — including zoning restrictions
compared the population of the find that the issue was particular- flood risk,” said Hannah Cloke, a captured. regulations are based on histori- and managed retreat planning —
flooded areas between 2000 to ly pronounced in areas of the professor of hydrology at the Some see these satellite limita- cal data that’s no longer accu- could also be used to address the
2015. global south, such as sub-Saha- University of Reading in Eng- tions as problematic for the pa- rate,” said Sandra Knight, an growing proportion of people liv-
The change in population in ran Africa and Southeast Asia, land. “We’re not acting fast per’s findings. engineer working on water policy ing in flood zones.
flood zones varied by location. In which Tellman says are seeing enough.” “You compound all those prob- at the University of Maryland. A “We can reverse these trends.
Russia and Sri Lanka, for in- large population growth or in- If anything, Cloke and other lems, and you struggle to see if recent U.S. Government Account- It’s not inevitable,” she said.
stance, the number of people creased flooding risk due to cli- experts say, the paper is underes- you can trust the conclusions ability Office report found that “Those are human decisions.”
living in those areas shrank. Ja- mate change, or both. timating the number of people they are putting out,” said Oliver most U.S. flood insurance maps [email protected]

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Boeing to move its

Starliner off the pad
will look for the next available
opportunity after resolution of
Inspections will continue the issue,” a NASA spokesperson
inside vehicle integration said via email.
There’s a slim chance the prob-
facility in Florida lem could be fixed this week,
according to aerospace engineers
not affiliated with Boeing or
But what’s more likely is a
Boeing will move its Starliner weeks-long delay as teams at-
capsule from its launchpad in tempt to locate the source of the
Florida on Thursday back to the problem before beginning the
building where it was stacked multistep process of fixing it,
aboard the rocket that was to putting the pieces back together
carry it to space, Boeing officials and running safety tests.
said late Wednesday. Boeing attributed the scrubbed
The decision to return the mission to “indications that not
spacecraft and its Atlas V booster all valves were in the proper
to what’s known as the vehicle configuration needed for launch.”
integration facility (VIF) came Boeing revealed little about the
after NASA and Boeing investiga- valves except that they were lo-
tors were unable to determine cated in the spacecraft’s service
what had caused a sensor to module, the rear portion of the
indicate that a valve on the vehi- spacecraft that contains its pro-
cle wasn’t in the proper position, pulsion system and is jettisoned
forcing officials to cancel its long- before the capsule returns to
awaited launch Tuesday, the com- Earth.
pany said. The valves in question may be
Boeing said inspections of the used to help guide the spacecraft
vehicle would continue in the in the right direction in space,
facility. It gave no timetable for according to Sven Bilén, a profes-
how long those inspections might sor of aerospace engineering at
take or whether they would re- Pennsylvania State University.
JOSE F. MORENO/ASSOCIATED PRESS quire separating the capsule from “If your car is misaligned,
Stranded travelers sleep inside Philadelphia International Airport on Tuesday after Spirit Airlines canceled 61 percent of its flights. its booster or disassembling the you’ll be constantly pulling on
spacecraft. Others familiar with the steering wheel to get it

Cancellations continue at strained airlines spacecraft engineering suggested

it would undergo a lengthy in-
spection period that could keep it
grounded for several weeks.
straight,” he said. “In a spacecraft,
it wouldn’t maneuver the way
that you expect it to. You risk not
getting to the space station, or it
“Boeing is working to under- burns up in the atmosphere com-
Aviation experts cite busy summer season and pandemic’s lingering staff issues as cause of disruptions stand unexpected valve position ing back because it wasn’t orient-
indications in the Service Module ed the right way.”
BY M ICHAEL L ARIS due to pandemic staffing levels.” nearly 50,000 flight attendants at Florida,” the airline said in a state- propulsion system that led the Based on the information re-
Southwest Airlines, the nation’s 17 airlines, including those at Spir- ment. But it added, “we’re happy company to scrub yesterday’s leased by Boeing, it seems like a
Spirit Airlines canceled 60 per- fourth-largest air carrier, faced it, said the airline had an IT outage to report that we’re not, currently, launch attempt early in the complex issue to solve, Bilén said.
cent of its flights Wednesday and disruptions in mid-June to around Tuesday that prevented employ- experiencing the same operation- countdown,” Boeing said in a “If the valve is broken, if they
apologized to customers for se- the July Fourth holiday, spurring a ees from using the crew schedul- al disruptions” the airline faced in statement. have to pull it out and replace it,
vere disruptions in recent days, surge in cancellations and delays. ing system for more than an hour, June and July. Boeing said “troubleshooting you’re talking weeks at a mini-
the latest in ongoing issues for air It came after the airline compounding other challenges Spirit said it is working through of the valves while the Starliner mum,” Bilén said. “If it’s a sensor
travelers seeking normalcy as air- notched steep growth in recent and stymieing efforts to rearrange “proactive cancellations” that will and Atlas V were on the launch- issue, and it’s easy to replace,” a
lines struggle to bounce back from months, with passenger volumes flight plans for flight attendants. enable a quicker reassignment of pad has ruled out a number of relaunch could happen sooner.
pandemic lows. rising 45 percent between March “In an operational breakdown crew members. potential causes, including soft- But there may be a concern that
The union representing Spirit’s and June, Southwest Chief Oper- like this, the airline needs to ‘reset’ “As a result, cancellation num- ware.” It also said “the severe “the same issue is on other
flight attendants said the Florida- ating Officer Michael G. Van de in order to recover quicker and bers will progressively drop in the storm that occurred on Monday valves,” he added.
based company was addressing Ven told investors last month. He prevent further disruptions that days to come,” the airline said in a also appears to be an unlikely Boeing was originally sched-
the meltdown by using pro- cited technology issues in June could last weeks,” the union said in statement. “The last three days cause, but the team will closely uled to repeat its December 2019
cedures developed to recover from that led to “extreme delays” as the a statement. “The reset will see were extremely difficult for our inspect for water or electrical test flight last Friday, but that
hurricanes. company also works through significant cancellations in the Guests and Team Members, and damage while the spacecraft is in retest was postponed after a mis-
Aviation industry experts said staffing challenges. short term, but avoid long term for that we sincerely apologize. We the VIF.” fire of thrusters on a Russian
the busy summer travel season, Van de Ven said the carrier has disruptions.” continue to work around-the- “The team is steadfast in its module attached to the Interna-
combined with lingering impacts searched for flight instructors to That means canceling more clock to get our Guests where they commitment to identify root tional Space Station sent the
from the pandemic, has compli- support training for pilots return- trips and nearly rebuilding the need to be.” cause and determine next steps,” space station into a barrel roll.
cated airline scheduling and add- ing after an extended time away flight attendants’ schedules from The delays are coming as the the statement said, quoting John NASA officials rescheduled that
ed to logistical problems. Spirit’s from the cockpit. scratch, said union spokeswoman Transportation Security Adminis- Vollmer, vice president and pro- flight for Tuesday to give it time
woes this week are the latest for an “It feels really good to finally be Taylor Garland. tration said it screened 1,797,120 gram manager of Boeing’s Com- to be certain the incident, which
industry strained by rising de- in a position where we can add American Airlines said it faced people Tuesday, compared with mercial Crew Program. “Develop- NASA said caused the space sta-
mand on the heels of a pandemic- flights and pick up our operating significant cancellations earlier 543,601 on the same day last year ing solutions in a disciplined tion to roll over one and a half
induced slump in travel. momentum,” he said. “It was a bit this week from storms at its Dal- and 2,387,115 in 2019. Tuesday’s manner and letting the data drive times, hadn’t damaged key com-
Experts say some carriers are messy as we throttled down our las-Fort Worth International Air- total was the lowest checkpoint our planning is critical and the ponents.
facing difficulties in arranging pi- activity and it doesn’t surprise me port hub. volume at the nation’s airports team is working to ensure our Boeing cannot simply relaunch
lots, flight attendants and ground that it’s a bit messy as we’re accel- “It was sustained wind, hail and since June 22. spacecraft flies when ready.” Starliner whenever it wants.
crew to service flights as they re- erating it.” rain. It was not a great situation Tuesday’s dip in screenings A lengthy investigation could NASA determines safe mission
cover from historic declines in air Most recently, Spirit has been for the operation,” said American came two days after a pandemic- add to what has already been a dates and times based on a blend
travel, leaving them vulnerable facing its own far-reaching prob- spokesman Curtis Blessing. “The era high on Sunday, when more humiliating chain of events for of factors, including the launch
when more routine problems oc- lems. The airline canceled more result of that has been weather than 2.2 million passengers Boeing. site availability, room to dock at
cur. than 800 flights over two days this recovery for the last couple days.” moved through airport check- Starliner’s first test flight, in the International Space Station,
Jon Jager, an analyst at aviation week, including 61 percent of its Scores of diverted planes Sun- points. December 2019, ended when a weather and orbital needs.
data firm Cirium and a former Tuesday flights, according to avia- day left crews out of position, he The TSA has battled its own software problem put the capsule “A low Earth mission with spe-
schedule planner for a major U.S. tion firm FlightAware. The airline said, leaving lingering effects. staffing struggles in recent in a wrong orbit and forced cific timing needs must lift off at
carrier, said airlines are used to said many of those cancellations “We’re coming out of it,” Blessing months, alongside those of air- ground controllers to bring it the right time to slip into the
planning for events such as cycli- were part of a “thorough reboot of said. lines. home without reaching the Inter- same orbit as its target,” NASA
cal weather patterns. But staffing the network, allowing us to reas- FlightAware data indicates The acting head of the TSA is- national Space Station. Boeing says on its website. The space
constraints — as travel demand sign our crews more efficiently American canceled 377 flights, or sued a memo earlier this summer then rewrote the capsule’s soft- agency also has a SpaceX trip to
outpaces airline employees re- and restore the network faster.” 12 percent of its total, on Tuesday. warning that the nation’s largest ware, taking 80 “corrective ac- the space station set for later this
turning after the worst of the pan- The company blamed “overlap- It canceled more than 100 flights airports would face shortages and tions” and waiting for a launch month and a big mission to study
demic — are creating difficulties ping operational challenges” for Wednesday. asked office workers to volunteer window that aligned with avail- asteroids associated with Jupiter
in planning as the end of summer the issues. It said a combination of Southwest also faced weather- to assist with checkpoints, such as able docking space at the space no earlier than Oct. 16.
approaches. bad weather, computer problems related delays Tuesday, with 1,215 managing queues and aiding with station. For Boeing, relaunching Star-
“This is the last best chance for and staffing shortages caused of its flights — about one-third of administrative tasks. In the ensuing 19 months, Boe- liner is critical. NASA has paid
airlines to make revenue — and “widespread irregularities” — is- them — coming in late. The agency has promised recur- ing’s rival, SpaceX, delivered the company more than $4 bil-
the demand is there,” Jager said. sues exacerbated by high levels of “Mother Nature provided chal- ring monthly bonuses, allowed three astronaut crews to the sta- lion for developing the capsule
“People are wanting to travel. This summer travel and fuller flights lenges yesterday with convective part-time workers to become full- tion. and flights, and any repairs now
causes pressure on the airline to industry-wide. thunderstorms around the Den- time, adjusted shifts and in- NASA declined to say when the are added to the company’s ex-
maximize their schedule with few- The Association of Flight Atten- ver area and across a large stretch creased the use of overtime. next available launch window penses.
er employees available to work dants-CWA, which represents of the Gulf Coast, southeast, and [email protected] might come. “NASA and Boeing [email protected]


EMPLOYMENT increased 318,000 in July. Jobs in The automaker told the same such as pickup trucks and large educational assistance at select costs as it expects some uptick in
leisure and hospitality rose story as competitors Ford, SUVs. online institutions for its front- vaccination and treatment costs
Survey: Job gains were 139,000 in July, also the smallest Stellantis and others, saying that The average GM vehicle sold line employees. The discounter and normalization of demand for
weak last month advance since February. high prices and strong demand for nearly $44,000 from April said Wednesday that it plans to non-pandemic health-care
Payrolls at goods producers for expensive pickup trucks and through June, the company said, spend $200 million over the next services by the fourth quarter.
U.S. companies added far rose by 12,000. Employment at luxury SUVs overcame inventory and it was up nearly $3,000 over four years to offer workers free CVS also announced higher pay
fewer jobs than expected in July, construction firms increased by shortages. that in July. undergraduate and associate’s for some of its employees, saying
indicating persistent hiring just 1,000 in July. GM also boosted its net — Associated Press degree programs and certificates it will raise the minimum wage
obstacles despite broader — Bloomberg News income guidance for the full year in business-oriented majors at to $15 an hour effective July next
improvement in the economy. to $7.7 billion and $9.2 billion, ALSO IN BUSINESS select institutions such as the year, from $11 currently.
Businesses’ payrolls increased AUTO INDUSTRY and pretax earnings of Growth in the U.S. services Universities of Arizona and Jamie Dimon said he’s
by 330,000 last month, the $11.5 billion to $13.5 billion. It sector, where most Americans Denver. Like other big corporate unlikely to be running JPMorgan
smallest gain since February, GM says high prices had been $10 billion to work, rose to a record pace in names, such as Walmart, Taco Chase in 10 years, but he does see
after a revised 680,000 gain in drove $2.8B profit $11 billion. July even as businesses Bell and Walt Disney Co., Target himself staying for another five
June, according to ADP Research GM executives said continued to face challenges in is working with Guild Education, years. “I’m not going to go play
Institute data released Despite a computer-chip Wednesday that they expect tight hiring workers. The Institute for a Denver start-up that negotiates golf and smell flowers,” Dimon
Wednesday. shortage that temporarily closed inventory and high prices to Supply Management reported deals between companies and said in an interview with Fox
The slowdown in hiring some of its factories, General continue through the year as the Wednesday that its monthly colleges for the program. Business that aired Wednesday.
underscores the challenges of a Motors made a healthy chip shortage lingers into 2022. survey of service industries rose CVS Health on Wednesday JPMorgan’s board last month
full labor market recovery. Firms $2.8 billion net profit in the Chief executive Mary Barra to a reading of 64.1 last month, hedged a bit on its long-term awarded the bank’s billionaire
are trying to keep pace with an second quarter. cautioned that the fast-spreading up from 60.1 in June. It was the target for double-digit earnings chief executive a special gift to
unleashing of pent-up demand, The earnings came even coronavirus delta variant could fastest pace since this series growth for next year, pointing to stay on for another “significant
but it will take time to fill a now- though GM plants cranked out cause supply-chain problems began in 2008. Any reading uncertainty around the number of years.” The CEO, 65,
record number of open positions. 200,000 fewer vehicles than they down the road. But she said GM above 50 indicates growth in coronavirus vaccination and also reiterated his prediction
The hiring deceleration was did during the same period in is managing through the service industries. testing demand, as well as that the U.S. economy is poised
acute in leisure and hospitality. 2019, the last comparable shortages by allocating scarce Target is joining a growing medical costs. CVS said it sees a to boom.
Service-provider employment quarter before the pandemic. chips to higher-demand vehicles list of companies offering slight rise in its full-year medical — From news services

Extradition fight enters final stretch for Huawei’s Meng

by walking in circles, according
to his family.
Hearing marks crucial The “two Michaels,” as they’re
phase for executive and known in Canada, were tried
separately in secret in March.
for Chinese tech giant Verdicts have not been an-
Meng, who is represented by a
BY E VA D OU team of lawyers from across
AND A MANDA C OLETTA Canada, has been dealt several
setbacks in her bid to stave off
Weeks before the arrest of extradition.
Huawei chief financial officer Last year, the Supreme Court
Meng Wanzhou in 2018, a book of British Columbia found that
came out in which she wrote the crimes for which Meng is
about the struggle to get the wanted in the United States are
company’s financial records on a also crimes in Canada, satisfying
sound footing. a prerequisite for extradition.
“Ten years ago, Huawei’s fi- She has since been seeking to
nance staff were criticized non- get the proceedings stayed be-
stop,” she wrote, referring to her cause of an alleged “abuse of
father only by his title. “They process.” Her lawyers have ar-
were criticized by our CEO Mr. gued that the case is political,
Ren Zhengfei, by business de- that her rights were violated
partments, by customers, and by during her arrest and that the
employees. We were like a head- United States’ prosecution of
less chicken, running around Meng violates international law.
aimlessly.” On Wednesday, Mona Duckett,
In the book, “Visionaries: one of Meng’s lawyers, began
Huawei Stories,” other employ- laying out the last of the abuse-
ees of the Chinese tech giant of-process arguments, arguing
described the young and inexpe- that the case should be thrown
rienced finance team, whose al- out because U.S. officials misled
leged mishaps ranged from Canada about the evidence
missed tax payments to possible against Meng.
accounting fraud. Meng wrote The Chinese executive was
that they worked hard for years dealt another blow last month
to professionalize Huawei’s man- when the court denied her re-
agement. quest to admit evidence from
“We are like a tiny sapling HSBC, including internal bank
yearning to grow,” she wrote. “We reports and email chains be-
are working hard and constantly tween employees, that her law-
improving.” Huawei chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou leaves the Vancouver home where she is under house arrest to attend a British Columbia yers had said would “fatally”
She may not get another Supreme Court hearing in March. The Chinese tech giant executive is battling extradition to the United States on fraud charges. damage the U.S. case.
chance. The documents “would no
Meng’s fight against extradi- “I would rather withstand at- working far from home. She was has emerged in court. Meng’s doubt be valuable to Ms. Meng in
tion to the United States on fraud tacks for a couple more years and raised by her mother, whose lavish lifestyle in house arrest a trial,” Associate Chief Justice
charges entered its final stretch my daughter to suffer more, than surname she adopted. has raised eyebrows — and Heather Holmes wrote in the
Wednesday, with a crucial court let China concede something to “I wasn’t the type to play drawn unfavorable comparisons decision, but they “are not capa-
hearing beginning in Vancouver, The arrest of Meng the United States for Huawei's around with my children, play to the plight of the two Cana- ble of directly impeaching the
British Columbia. The hearing benefit,” he told the Associated hide-and-seek and things like dians, former diplomat Michael evidence” in the U.S. record of
could run until Aug. 20, and if thrust Canada into the Press in 2019. that,” Ren told CNN in 2019. “I Kovrig and businessman Mi- the case “in a way that could
the judge rules in favor of extra- Still, Meng’s case has been barely took care of them.” chael Spavor, who were arrested affect the issues for determina-
dition, the decision on surrender geopolitical standoff under discussion at high diplo- Ren called his young daughter in China in apparent retaliation. tion in the extradition hearing.”
will be made by Canada’s justice matic levels. China’s Foreign “Piggy,” a nickname that resur- In January, a British Columbia If Holmes rules that there is
minister. between the United Minister Wang Yi raised it with faced when she used it to sign an court was told that Meng was enough evidence to commit
The arrest of Meng, 49, in Deputy Secretary of State Wendy open letter to him from house spending her house arrest in a Meng for extradition, the ulti-
Vancouver thrust Canada into States and China. Her Sherman in her visit last month. arrest. seven-bedroom mansion, that mate decision would fall to Cana-
the geopolitical standoff be- Meng was detained at a Van- Their relationship remained she traveled to designer stores in da’s justice minister. The vast
tween the United States and case could also affect couver airport in December cool as adults. Before her arrest, Vancouver to shop in private, majority of extradition requests
China. Her case could also affect 2018, at the request of the United Meng and her father didn’t ex- and that she had a large Christ- from the United States are grant-
the fates of two Canadian nation- the fates of two States. The U.S. Justice Depart- change greetings on holidays mas dinner in apparent violation ed, but any decision could be tied
als who have been held in harsh ment alleges that Meng misled and rarely spoke by phone, Ren of coronavirus restrictions. Her up for years in appeals.
detention conditions in China, in Canadian nationals banks about Huawei’s relation- told Canada’s CTV National mother, husband and children In the 2018 book, Meng wrote
apparent retaliation. ship with a subsidiary, Skycom, News in 2019. have visited her. that the finance team was be-
The next weeks could deter- who have been held in effectively tricking them into Still, she was promoted at Kovrig and Spavor, held in coming more proactive in ad-
mine the future of one of China’s violating U.S. sanctions against Huawei and helped lead a re- cramped cells in separate pris- dressing risks.
most powerful business families. harsh detention Iran. vamping of the company’s ac- ons, have been largely cut off “In the past, we would im-
Meng has had a rocky relation- Huawei’s lawyers say the case counting system. Ren has bluntly from sunlight, their families and prove only after we were aware
ship with her father, who was conditions in China, in is political and based on misin- denied she could take the helm at the outside world since their of our weaknesses,” she wrote.
absent for much of her childhood formation. Huawei, saying she lacks vision. arrest on vague charges of spying “We would take up our responsi-
and divorced her mother. But she apparent retaliation. “Meng Wanzhou has spent “She does not have that partic- on and stealing state secrets. In bilities, and stumble our way
has also been rumored as a nearly 1,000 days as a pawn in a ular quality that is required for the more than 960 days since forward into the light. Today, we
possible successor to Ren’s busi- geopolitical game of chess,” said strong leadership, to point the they’ve been detained, they’ve have a plan, and act accordingly.”
ness empire. Alykhan Velshi, vice president of way forward like a beacon,” Ren had a handful of calls with their [email protected]
Ren has said her situation corporate affairs at Huawei. told the BBC in 2019. “She is not families — combined — and 25 [email protected]
can’t be considered over the Meng was born in 1972, when my successor for sure.” visits each from consular offi-
national interest. Ren was still a military engineer A different facet of their lives cials. Kovrig has passed the time Pei Lin Wu contributed to this report.

Trump’s push for rules to make dishwashers faster appears primed to become a washout
BY T ODD C . F RANKEL work pretty well. “I’m disappointed,” Kazman It was Kazman’s group that measured per shower head, in-
On Tuesday, President Biden’s said. “But we’ve been expecting started it all with a petition in stead of per shower stall. So a
President Donald Trump really
Biden administration Energy Department said it this for some time.” 2018 asking the government to shower stall could have multiple
got the crowd going last year plans to reverse changes planned to reverse the Trump-era Trump’s dishwasher rule creat- create this new class of appliance. shower heads — delivering more
when he promised them faster changes. The still-new rules for ed a new class of super-fast dish- Dishwasher makers immedi- water.
embraced by only a few dishwashers, washing machines washers with one-hour cycles ately objected to his idea. They Trump often talked about dish-
“Anybody have a new dish- and clothes dryers would go back that would not be inhibited by said consumers were not asking washers and shower heads while
washer?” Trump said at the cam- to what they were before Trump. water and energy limitations. for this feature. And they said on the campaign trail or at the
paign rally in Milwaukee in Janu- heads, clothes washers and dry- It comes a couple weeks after the It took effect last October, almost all dishwashers shipped White House last year.
ary 2020, using hyperbole to ers. The rules relaxed limits on Energy Department said it was shortly before the presidential since 2017 already included a He also talked a lot about
claim modern, efficient dish- water and energy use. Trump said doing the same with shower election. one-hour option. toilets — how they allegedly do
washers needed 10 cycles to clean the goal was to give consumers heads. But no manufacturer appears Trump also changed the rules not work as well, either, because
dishes. choices. The agency’s move was ap- to have made a new dishwasher for shower heads, creating a loop- of efficiency standards. Toilet
“I’m sorry for that,” Trump But almost no one was clamor- plauded by groups such as the that fits the rule. hole to allow for potentially un- manufacturers and product test-
said. “I’m sorry for that. It’s ing for the changes. Manufactur- nonprofit American Council for Same with super-fast clothes limited water use. ing firms disagreed with his as-
worthless. They give you so little ers did not support them. They an Energy-Efficient Economy. washers and dryers. While the amount of water sertions.
water.” said there was no need. Environ- It was mourned by people such Kazman chalked it up to man- used in a shower was still capped But it did not matter. His
Trump’s administration last mental groups called the new as Sam Kazman, general counsel ufacturers expecting a new ad- at 2.5 gallons per minute, the administration never suggested
year rolled back regulations on rules wasteful. Consumer groups for the conservative-leaning ministration would undo the agency gave a new interpretation rules for more powerful toilets.
dishwashers along with shower said modern appliances already Competitive Enterprise Institute. Trump-era regulatory changes. of the cap. Water use would be [email protected]

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Last-minute moratorium on evictions creates confusion


“We are living paycheck to pay-

check and have no place to go,”
said Brina, who spoke on the
condition that she be identified by
a nickname because she fears
backlash. “Right now, we’re just
trying to see if we can get a hotel
for the night.”
The Missoula County Sheriff’s
Office confirmed that the eviction
took place Tuesday morning.
Brina said the extension of the
moratorium was “too little, too
late” for those like her who were
evicted Monday and Tuesday. No
data is available on numbers of
evictions that occurred during
the lapsed moratorium; however,
The Washington Post talked with
landlords, renters and housing
advocates in five states who con-
firmed evictions had happened or
were imminent.
The last-minute ban appears to
be granting a reprieve to some. In
Volusia County, Fla., for example,
which includes Daytona Beach,
sheriff’s officers had been prepar-
ing to carry out as many as five
court-ordered evictions Wednes-
day. The agency had contacted
landlords, asking them to give
tenants 24 hours’ notice. As the
new Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention order took effect,
agency officials said Wednesday
they are no longer proceeding
with covid-related evictions, al-
though they are carrying out evic-
tions unrelated to the pandemic.
Volusia is considered an area with
high levels of community spread.
The CDC announced the new
order late Tuesday, citing surging
covid cases. It warned a cascade of
evictions could fuel the spread of
infections. The new ban will ex- NICK OXFORD FOR THE WASHINGTON POST

pire Oct. 3 and applies to counties Samantha Goddard, seen with her dog, Nugget, outside her apartment in Edmond, Okla. She said she wasn’t sure if the extended eviction moratorium would help her.
that are “experiencing substantial
and high levels of community
transmission,” according to the “It’s just me, and I have nowhere to go. I’m just sitting here, waiting to be served eviction papers.”
CDC. The order also said that Samantha Goddard, who is three months behind on rent
80 percent of counties would be
covered for the month, because
they are experiencing substantial in medical focus groups and on- ment. and on during the pandemic, Last July, the apartment com- ord.
or high levels of community line surveys. But over the sum- Now she’s just waiting for the working at a restaurant that the plex tried to evict her but she “It ain’t much, but I live here,”
spread as of Aug. 1. mer, she ended up with a $500 eviction, wondering if each knock pandemic shuttered, as a tech fought it in court, citing the mora- said Mills, who moved to the Gulf
But lapse in coverage and the electric bill that set her back. Now on the door means she’s being support contractor and later as a torium. The judge halted the pro- Coast after a divorce and recovery
new threshold to qualify under she owes about $2,000 in unpaid kicked out or whether she’ll re- cabdriver. She tried to pay what ceeding until after the moratori- from an opiate addiction. “What
the eviction ban created its own rent and said managers at the turn from her shift at the thrift she could in rent, but sometimes um had lifted. Now, Mills said, she really gets me is I came here to
wrinkles. The ban is good news apartment complex where she store to find that her front door it didn’t cover the full $720 a feels that familiar sense of anxi- restart and build, and this has
for renters behind on payments has lived for five years are prepar- has a padlock, like the one that month, she said. After a while, the ety. been crippling.”
throughout much of Florida, the ing to file eviction paperwork. recently appeared on the unit management firm stopped ac- After everything, she said, she [email protected]
West Coast and the South, where “It’s like I’ve fallen through all across from hers — even though cepting partial payments, she still might be forced to leave her [email protected]
the delta variant of the coronavi- of the holes in the Swiss cheese the federal moratorium was in said. home with evictions on her rec- [email protected]
rus has been spreading fast. But and am lying on the floor,” she place.
the moratorium creates new geo- said. “Where do I go from here? I “We’re scared,” she said.
graphic boundaries for evictions, don’t know.” “Where are we going to go? I can’t
sending some renters searching Goddard applied for rental as- afford to buy a house and the
their county’s level of community sistance from both federal and prices of rentals are just astro-
spread. While most of the nation local organizations in June but nomical.”
is covered by the new eviction
ban, there are counties in Wiscon-
sin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and
has yet to hear back about either.
Goddard isn’t sure where she’ll go
next. She doesn’t have family
The cheapest two-bedrooms
she can find, she said, start at
about $1,400, which is nearly dou-
New York protected from evic- nearby, and her friends are al- ble what she has been paying. She
tions next to counties where evic- ready stretched thin. put in an application Tuesday for
tions can continue, because com-
munity spread is considered
“It’s just me, and I have no-
where to go,” she said. “I’m just
a house that costs $1,595 a month
and is waiting to hear back.
Simplify storage with custom shelf systems
“moderate.” sitting here, waiting to be served “We’re just kind of stuck, wait- for your existing cabinets
Housing advocates cheered eviction papers.” ing to see what happens next,” she
news of an extension, even if it Rajni Shankar-Brown, a pro- said. “When I say my prayers at
was narrower than they hoped. fessor of social justice education night, I just ask the Lord to bless
“This is a tremendous relief for at Stetson University and vice all of us who are in this mess. I
millions of people who were on president of the National Coali- know it’s not just me.”
the cusp of losing their homes tion for the Homeless, said the In Central Florida, Timothy Mi-
and, with them, their ability to new order appeared to be more kus said he’s relieved to be spared,
stay safe during the pandemic,” targeted than an overall exten- even temporarily. When his gigs
said Diane Yentel, president of the sion of the moratorium. “This is as a performance artist and edit-
National Low Income Housing truly a massive and deeply dis- ing for a production company
Coalition in a statement Tuesday. tressing crisis, and likely to have dried up last year because of the
More than 6 million renters had multigenerational effects,” she pandemic, Mikus, 55, got by
fallen behind on rent, according said. through the generosity of friends.
to Moody’s data. In Boca Raton, Fla., Gary Bres- With no income, he hasn’t been
Some landlords, however, ex- tle kept an eye on the front door able to afford rent for about a year,
pressed mixed feelings. Tuesday, waiting to see when an relying on the moratorium to


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“I would hope there’s a provi- eviction notice might come his keep his home, a room at a hotel in
sion that would allow renters who way. Brestle, who lives with his St. Cloud, Fla., where he is a
exploit the moratorium to be held fiancee and her mother, said they long-term resident. Operated


accountable. Those folks should fell behind on rent after he devel- Mikus applied for emergency SA

still be evicted,” said Richard oped covid-19 in July. rental assistance, he said, but he Y GUID
Brown, who runs the real estate “Today’s our last day to some- was denied funding because the
company Five Eight Holdings and how come up with $2,000 or lose name of his residence has the
owns 21 rental units in Connecti- our home,” the 28-year-old said, word “hotel” in it. Two weeks ago,
cut, where counties may be cov- as he rushed to gather bank state- Mikus received an eviction sum-
ered by the new moratorium. ments and pay stubs to complete mons. “I’m living on pins and
“The moratorium should be in his application for emergency needles because I can’t get an-
place for families who need it, and rental assistance. “We have no swers from anybody,” he said.
are trying to do the right thing.” extended family. Our car is going Adding to his financial strain,
The stakes are high for some to become our home if rental Mikus said he was diagnosed with
renters who were on the verge of assistance does not step in.” leukemia in February and, after
being evicted. Throughout parts In Mesa, Ariz., Kathryn Tilley, feeling more run-down than usu- CALL NOW!
50% OFF
of the country, even when the 80, received an eviction notice al, learned Monday that he tested
pandemic-era eviction moratori- last week. Since then, she has positive for the coronavirus. Mi-
um was in place, it was up to cleared out her two-bedroom kus said the new moratorium is
renters to ask the courts to en-
force the ban.
house and put everything in stor-
age while she waits to be forced
“temporary relief, for sure.”
Shea Mills, 38, got a notice in INSTALL*
Samantha Goddard, who is out of the home she shares with late July that should have felt like
three months behind on rent, said her son and dog. good news — her request for rent
Tuesday that she and her dog, Tilley, who works part time at a relief on her Biloxi, Miss., apart-
Nugget, were to be evicted by the thrift store, was doing fine until ment had been approved by the
end of the week. She wasn’t sure if July, when her $1,670 social secu- local homeless prevention agen-
the extended eviction moratori- rity check failed to arrive. She cy.
um would help. couldn’t pay her $765 rent that But the notification didn’t tell
The 44-year-old, who lives in month and fell behind on car and her how much she got and went
Edmond, Okla., had been making insurance payments. She ap- straight to her landlord. It wasn’t
ends meet during the pandemic peared in court Monday, where enough. Her landlord tacked on
by picking up odd jobs — $400 a the judge ruled in favor of her late fees and filed for eviction on
month as a research assistant, a landlord in a matter of minutes, July 30.
few hundred more by taking part since she’d missed a rent pay- Mills has been unemployed off

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Boeing 226.63 -1.1 5.9 Microsoft 286.51 -0.2 28.8 LIBOR 3-Month 1-Yr ARM Real Estate Mgmt & Dev
Caterpillr 204.52 -1.9 12.4 NIKE Inc 171.91 0.4 21.5 Energy Equipment & Svcs 4
Chevron 100.30 -2.2 18.8 Prcter& Gmbl 142.43 -1.1 2.4 r Airlines
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HANG SENG INDEX 26426.55 0.9 4:30 p.m. New York time.
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In home garages and on city streets,

electric vehicles are catching on fire
until the state of charge is low- Mary McCormack, whose hus-
ered. band owned the vehicle. Tesla
Tesla recalls, warnings Audi did not immediately have acknowledged that the flames
are growing as battery comment. came from the battery.
Automakers face numerous In late June, a new, top-of-the-
dangers emerge challenges as they race to get line Tesla Model S Plaid was
electric vehicles to consumers destroyed when it erupted in
ahead of regulatory and company flames shortly after the owner
BY F AIZ S IDDIQUI deadlines for shifting production took delivery of the vehicle.
away from gas-powered vehicles. Meanwhile, the National High-
san francisco — Yogi and Car- They face skepticism about the way Traffic Safety Administration
olyn Vindum were still asleep late availability of charging stations, has been investigating Tesla’s bat-
last year when their Tesla Model S concerns about vehicle range and tery management system since
beamed an alert that charging apprehensions over cost. Fires 2019. The agency said Tuesday it
was interrupted. have drawn attention because of does not comment on open inves-
Twelve minutes after that, they the high-profile recalls and blazes tigations.
awoke to a blaring car alarm and that followed product rollouts, Tesla had come under scrutiny
a fire consuming their house in analysts say, further complicating over concerns it allegedly manip-
San Ramon, Calif. The blaze had the automakers’ calculations. ulated battery software in older
started in one of the two electric Tesla in the past has argued vehicles to lessen the risk of fire.
vehicles in their garage and that its cars are a tenth as likely to The company has proposed a
spread to the other. catch fire as gas-powered vehi- settlement over the issue, and
“If we had lived upstairs in this cles, drawing on data from the Elon Musk tweeted late last
house, we’d be dead,” said Yogi National Fire Protection Associa- month: “If we are wrong, we are
Vindum, a retired mechanical tion and U.S. Federal Highway wrong. In this case, we were.”
engineer. Administration. NHTSA opened an investiga-
The fire, which has not previ- Still, safety experts note that tion into Chevrolet Bolt fires in
ously been reported, is one in a the fires can burn more intensely October 2020, before the initial
string of recent examples show- and last much longer. recall of that vehicle.
ing what can happen when elec- “Battery fires can take up to 24 Battery-powered vehicles have
tric cars are left parked in garages hours to extinguish,” Tesla’s web- not been shown to catch fire at
to charge overnight. The issue is site says in an emergency re- rates higher than gasoline cars,
causing mounting concern as a but when fires do erupt, they
number of electric-vehicle mak- burn longer and hotter, propelled
ers have warned owners not to by lithium-ion batteries that su-
leave the cars charging unattend- “If we had lived percharge the blazes, experts say.
ed in certain circumstances, or Including gas-powered cars, the
upstairs in this house,
sitting fully charged in garages. National Fire Protection Associa-
Automakers including General tion says there were 189,500 over-
Motors, Audi and Hyundai have we’d be dead.” all highway vehicle fires in the

IN AS LITTLE recalled electric vehicles over fire
risks in recent years and have
warned of the associated dangers.
Yogi Vindum, whose California
home, was destroyed by a fire that
began in a Tesla car being charged
United States in 2019, encom-
passing passenger and other
types of road vehicles.
Chevrolet last year advised The case involving the Vin-
owners not to charge their vehi- dums’ cars is unique because it
Update your shower or bath with KOHLER LuxStone —a complete cles overnight or keep their fully sponse guide for the Model S. involved two electric vehicles
charged vehicles in garages. It “Consider allowing the battery to parked next to each other in a
system of walls, faucets, accessories, doors and storage. recalled more than 60,000 of its burn while protecting exposures.” garage, demonstrating the explo-
Bolt electric vehicles over con- Tesla owners have reported sive force they can unleash when
cerns about the cars sponta- numerous fires involving older- burning.
neously combusting while model vehicles, though not all A fire inspection report ob-
1000 OFF
parked with full batteries or under the same circumstances. tained by the Vindums in July
charging, after reports of five The Washington Post has docu- cited the Tesla Model S’s thermal
fires without prior impact dam- mented at least five fires involv- management system as one of
THE LUXSTONE age. The company issued another ing the Model S, including the two possible causes of the fire, the
SHOWER EXPERIENCE recall last month covering the blaze on Dec. 30, 2020, that de- other being a fault in the car’s
same vehicles after two reports of stroyed much of the Vindums’ electrical system as it was charg-
battery fires in repaired vehicles. home in San Ramon. In that case, ing.
E IIN-HOME CONSULTATION “We don’t think every vehicle Yogi Vindum recalled, at least six Yogi Vindum, who described

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has this rare manufacturing de- firetrucks came to the home. himself as a Tesla fan, missed the
fect,” General Motors spokesman Also late last year, flames start- initial alert to his iPhone at
Dan Flores said. “But we can’t ed shooting out of a five-year-old 5:25 a.m. In the garage, where the
take a chance, so we’re recalling Tesla Model S in Frisco, Tex., and 2013 Tesla Model S 85 had been
all the vehicles.” firefighters struggled to gain ac- charging overnight, flames broke
Tesla, which does not typically cess to the cabin after the motor- out and began spreading rapidly.
answer media inquiries, did not ized doors failed to open. Tesla The other Tesla Model S was
respond to a request for com- said in 2019 that it had sent parked next to it. The garage
ment. Hyundai spokesman Mi- investigators to the site of an erupted in flames, with violent
Take The Post shopping chael Stewart said the company explosion involving a Model S in a explosions powerful enough to
announced a recall for its Kona Shanghai car park. Surveillance blow off the metal garage doors,
Washington Post podcasts go with you everywhere EV in March to replace the bat- video showed smoke billowing they said.
S0108 3x1

tery. Stewart said owners were from the parked car before a fiery “The firemen said it was so hot
wpost.com/podcasts advised to lower the maximum blast. In 2018, a Tesla Model S that they couldn’t walk up the
Politics • History • Culture • More state of charge in their vehicles to caught fire “out of the blue” on a driveway,” Vindum said.
80 percent, and park outside Los Angeles street, said actress [email protected]

Why our medical ALYSSA ROSENBERG

students must The disgraceful

be vaccinated ‘Cuomosexual’
s there a more embarrassing recent

AND J AMES E . K . H ILDRETH entry to the American lexicon than
“Cuomosexual?” The expression burst
s leaders of the nation’s only four into the public imagination last spring,

A historically Black medical schools,

each of us has arrived at the same
conclusion heading into the coming
school year: We must do everything in our
power to protect the next generation of Black
when New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s
briefings on the unfolding covid-19 pan-
demic made him a national icon.
That flush of enthusiasm hasn’t just
faded, it has curdled into the most recent
doctors — starting by ensuring they are all example of why it’s better to approach
vaccinated. public figures as a citizen than as a fan. It’s
We have a lot of reasons to feel confident in A nurse pulls on a second pair of gloves at Johnston Memorial Hospital in June in Abingdon, Va. fine to approach the question of the cutest
our decision to mandate coronavirus vaccines Beatle or member of BTS with a mindless
for our students. As medical experts, we know
that the vaccines have been thoroughly tested
to ensure their safety and efficacy. No short-
cuts were taken in the process of authorizing
What it will take to stop ferocity, because the answer ultimately
doesn’t matter. But substituting worship for
scrutiny is unworthy of voters in a democra-
cy — and creates cover for politicians who
these vaccines for general use. The technology
underpinning the vaccines’ development has
been in the works for decades.
With more than 160 million people in the
the next pandemic fail to serve the people they work for.
As President Donald Trump alternately
flailed and railed against the pandemic last
spring, it was understandable that many
United States fully vaccinated, the three coro- Americans craved honest advice rather than
navirus vaccines available in our nation have BY E RIC L ANDER understood family, coronaviruses. It We desperately need to strength- ad hominem attacks and quack cures. Cuo-
proved to be safe and effective, both against was possible to design vaccines with- en our public health system — from mo (D) and Anthony S. Fauci, the director of
the initial strain of covid-19 and against the oronavirus vaccines can end in days of knowing the virus’s genetic expanding the workforce to modern- the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and
known variants that have emerged.
Last week, more than 50 medical groups
issued a statement calling for health-care and
long-term-care employers to mandate corona-
virus vaccinations for their employees. This
C the current pandemic if
enough people choose to pro-
tect themselves and their
loved ones by getting vaccinated. But
in the years to come, we will still
code because 20 years of basic scien-
tific research had revealed which
protein to target and how to stabilize
it. And while the current virus spins
off variants, its mutation rate is slow-
izing labs and data systems — in-
cluding to ensure that vulnerable
populations are protected.
And we need to coordinate actions
with our international partners, be-
Infectious Diseases, filled that void. Fauci,
who is now 80, became an avuncular grand-
pa figure on the left, while Cuomo turned
into a bizarre sex symbol.
At least some participants in the phe-
included the National Medical Association, the need to defend against a pandemic er than that of most viruses. cause pandemics know no borders. nomenon, such as writer Rebecca Fishbein,
American Medical Association, the American side effect: collective amnesia. Unfortunately, most of the 26 fam- These goals are ambitious, but recognized that their affection for Cuomo
Academy of Family Physicians, the American As public health emergencies re- ilies of viruses that infect humans they’re feasible — provided the work was a kind of pandemic-induced Stockholm
Academy of Pediatrics and the American cede, societies often quickly forget are less well understood or harder to is managed with the seriousness, syndrome.
Public Health Association — groups long at the their experiences — and fail to pre- control. We have a great deal of work focus and accountability of NASA’s “I catch myself touching my hair (not my
heart of organized medicine. Their reasoning pare for future challenges. For pan- still ahead. Apollo Program, which sent humans face!) when he talks about an increase in
was simple, and consistent with our own: demics, such a course would be The development of mRNA vac- to the moon. testing capacity. I swooned when he told a
Vaccination against the coronavirus is crucial disastrous. cine technology — thanks to more Importantly, these capabilities reporter he had his own workout routine.”
to protecting health-care workers themselves, New infectious diseases have been than a decade of foresighted basic won’t just prepare us for future she wrote last March. “You may think my
but also to protecting their colleagues, families emerging at an accelerating pace, research — was a game-changer. It pandemics; they’ll also improve brain is poisoned. You are probably correct.”
and patients. and they are spreading faster due to shortened the time needed to design public health and medical care for But figures including Ellen DeGeneres
The stakes for the Black medical students global travel. and test vaccines to less than a year infectious diseases today. and “Daily Show” host Trevor Noah stoked
training at our institutions are incredibly high. Our federal government is respon- — far faster than for any previous Preparing for threats is a core the phenomenon more credulously. “You
Cultivating more Black doctors is essential to sible for defending the United States vaccine. And it’s been surprisingly national responsibility. That’s why should love a leader who engages the people
the effort to eliminate health inequities in the against future threats. That’s why effective against covid-19. our government invests heavily in and remembers that they’re serving the
Black community, such as the excess incidence President Biden has asked Congress Still, there’s much more to do. We missile defense and counterterror- people,” Noah told DeGeneres in an April
of heart disease, stroke and diabetes — and the to fund his plan to build on current don’t yet know how mRNA vaccines ism. We need to similarly protect the interview. “Cuomosexual” merchandise still
higher rates of hospitalization and death due scientific progress to keep new infec- will perform against other viruses nation against biological threats, abounds on Etsy, ranging from pink T-shirts
to covid-19. tious-disease threats from turning down the road. And when the next which range from the ongoing risk of to crudely drawn canvas prints of a shirtless,
Black doctors are more likely to work in into pandemics like covid-19. pandemic breaks out, we’ll want to pandemics to the possibility of delib- ripped governor.
underserved communities, focus on issues As the president’s science adviser, be able to respond even faster. erate use of bioweapons. How silly that enthusiasm, or even the
that predominantly affect minority patients I know what’s becoming possible. Fortunately, the scientific com- Pandemics cause massive death idea of Cuomo as a leader who “remembers
and display greater cultural sensitivity when For the first time in our history, we munity has been developing a bold and disruption. From a financial that they’re serving the people,” looks now.
treating patients of color. That last point is have an opportunity not just to refill plan to keep future viruses from standpoint, they’re also astronomi- Cuomo scored a $5 million deal for a book
particularly vital when it comes to overcoming our stockpiles but also to transform becoming pandemics. cally expensive. If, as might be expect- touting his pandemic response even as his
vaccine hesitancy in minority communities, our capabilities. However, if we don’t Here are a few of the goals we ed from history and current trends, policy of transferring recovering covid-19
which stems in part from deeply rooted start preparing now for future pan- should shoot for: we suffered a pandemic of the current patients to nursing homes may have exacer-
institutional mistrust. demics, the window for action will The capability to design, test and scale every two decades, the annual- bated the crisis. And the specific idea of the
Black Americans continue to be underrepre- close. approve safe and effective vaccines ized cost would exceed $500 billion “Cuomosexual” looks even more grotesque
sented in receiving the vaccines, making up Covid-19 has been a catastrophe: within 100 days of detecting a pan- per year. Investing a much smaller in the context of this week’s damning report
13.4 percent of the U.S. population but only The toll in the United States alone is demic threat (for covid-19, that amount to avert this toll is an eco- from New York Attorney General Letitia
9.1 percent of fully vaccinated people. After the more than 614,000 lives and has would have meant May 2020); man- nomic and moral imperative. James that portrays Cuomo as a serial
many historical and modern-day examples been estimated to exceed $16 tril- ufacture enough doses to supply the The White House will put forward sexual harasser, charges he has denied.
supporting the widely held belief that our lion, with disproportionate impact world within 200 days; and speed a detailed plan this month to ensure Cuomo and Fauci are hardly the first
nation’s social institutions do not operate on on vulnerable and marginalized vaccination campaigns by replacing that the United States can fully public figures to undergo this peculiar
behalf of the Black community’s best interests, communities. sterile injections with skin patches. prepare before the next outbreak. transformation.
it is unsurprising and understandable that But a future pandemic could be Diagnostics simple and cheap It’s hard to imagine a higher eco- Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg became the
large portions of the Black community would even worse — unless we take steps enough for daily home testing to nomic or human return on national object of an unseemly cult of personality
hesitate to be vaccinated. In addition, misin- now. limit spread and target medical care. investment. late in her Supreme Court tenure. The
formation about the vaccines is rampant, and It’s important to remember that Early-warning systems to spot affection for the “Notorious RBG” acquired
it can be difficult to discern truth from the virus behind covid-19 is far less new biological threats anywhere in Eric Lander is President Biden’s science an edge of condescension: Ginsburg was
falsehood. deadly than the 1918 influenza. The the world soon after they emerge adviser and director of the White House simultaneously a powerful inspirational fig-
The most effective way to overcome this virus also belongs to a well- and monitor them thereafter. Office of Science and Technology Policy. ure, and beyond reproach even for her
vaccine hesitancy, and to reduce health-care ultimately disastrous decision not to resign
inequities more generally, is through diversify- during Barack Obama’s presidency. Valuing
ing the medical profession. Ginsburg’s principles as much as her per-
Research overwhelmingly indicates that son, her jurisprudence as much as her jabot,
greater diversity in the physician workforce
contributes to an overall increase in the quality
of care for patients. Yet only 5 percent of
The ‘sludge’ that is clogging our lives ought to mean respecting her enough to
argue with that latter choice, especially. But
the logic of fandom precludes holding its
doctors in America are Black. Last year, there objects morally accountable even for their
were approximately 1,350 Black medical BY R ICHARD H . T HALER some people will just give up. But efits of the new child tax credit, a worst mistakes.
school graduates, and at least 1 out of 7 of those there is another motivation, which is signature program of the Biden ad- This tendency is hardly limited to the left.
newly minted doctors graduated from one of he most important lesson I to give the agent the chance to offer ministration. A key provision of this More than any other politician, former
our institutions.
We understand the outsize role our schools
play in ensuring a diversified medical field.
That is why we are leaving nothing to chance
and vaccinating our students against this
T have learned about human be-
havior is quite simple: If you
want to encourage people to
do something, make it easy. If you
want people to sign up for the retire-
you a special deal. Why should loyal
customers have to periodically spend
an hour on the phone to be sure they
are not overpaying? Businesses should
take note: A reputation for fair dealing
new law is that families that do not
earn enough to file a tax return are still
eligible to receive the money. But
unlike those who regularly file a tax
return, the money will not just appear
president Trump has fully substituted the
dynamics of fandom for those of politics. As
authors including conservative columnist
Matt K. Lewis and Wall Street Journal
White House correspondent Michael C.
virus. ment plan, automatically enroll them can also retain customers. in their bank account. Unless a house- Bender argue, Trump’s campaigns func-
As the covid-19 pandemic continues to unless they opt out. If you want to Sludge removal can bring societal hold has been filing tax returns and tioned as much like jam bands’ endless
present a significant threat to Black communi- encourage healthy eating, put tasty, benefits — for example, helping en- have a working bank account, the tours than they did a conventional political
ties, we cannot afford to undermine — in any healthful food options in prominent courage students from disadvantaged Internal Revenue Service has no way operation.
way — the success of the next generation of locations. communities to apply to prestigious to automatically send them the money. “The community that sprang up around
Black doctors. We know that this is one of the In our 2008 book, Cass R. Sunstein universities willing to offer a free They have to apply for it via an IRS web Trump’s rallies was seductive and intoxicat-
most critical moments for health care in our and I called these small interventions education to those who qualify. portal. Assuring every American has ing,” Lewis wrote in a column. “The atten-
nation’s history, and that it is imperative that “nudges” because they gently guide The University of Michigan sent access to a free bare-bones bank ac- dant friends, activity, music (Trump rallies
Black medical students make it through this people in the right direction, rather letters to high-achieving high school count with a permanent digital ad- had a concert-like feel), T-shirts with inside
pandemic with their health intact. than force anyone to do anything. But seniors from low-income families and dress would help solve this problem. jokes, and circus-like excitement all contrib-
And our students are answering the call. for every way you can invent to help guaranteed them full-ride scholar- Indeed, the part of government that uted to the delusion that you were part of a
Already, 93 percent of the medical students at people make good decisions, there is a ships if they applied and were admit- contains the greatest amount of exces- large and important subculture.”
Morehouse and 94 percent of the medical related strategy that can be devised to ted — no cumbersome financial aid sive sludge may be the tax system. In The emphasis on how Trump makes his
students at Howard have received their coro- do harm, impede progress or make a forms required. Other, similar stu- Sweden, people can file their tax re- followers feel, rather than a sober assess-
navirus vaccines. They are returning to our buck. dents only received a letter encourag- turns via text message. Suppose on ment of his performance as president, has
campuses ready to learn, ready to lead and Before the practice was banned, ing them to apply but without that Feb. 1 you received a text message from made him particularly difficult to dislodge
ready to help save lives as we continue to fight some banks would automatically en- hassle-free path. Enrollments for the IRS saying, “We think we owe you from U.S. politics. But cheering from the
this pandemic. They are counted among the roll people who opened a new check- those who could skip the forms were $2,470. If you agree, reply with 1, and stands is different from practicing citizen-
millions of Black Americans who have received ing account with overdraft protection twice those who did have to submit that amount will appear in your ac- ship. A fan’s job is to admire and defend the
at least one shot of a coronavirus vaccine and “as a courtesy” — only to charge hefty them. count.” Roughly 90 percent of Ameri- object of his affection. A citizen’s role is to
are either protected from the virus or on the fees when it was used. This is an Governments emit large quantities can taxpayers have returns simple judge the public servants they employ. By
path to immunity. example of what we now call “sludge.” of sludge, sometimes referred to as enough for this service to be feasible, converting his base into fans, rather than
We must protect our future — whether that’s Sludge, which is any unnecessary fric- “administrative burdens.” These bur- but the IRS is legally forbidden from mere voters, Trump made it difficult — if not
our next generation of physicians or our next tion, is the opposite of helpful. dens are often imposed in the spirit of sending taxpayers such automated re- impossible — for anyone to challenge his
generation, more generally. We are calling on Unfortunately, we are seeing a lot of living up to the letter of the law. But turns. If you think that the tax prepa- hold on his admirers.
everyone to take a hard, long look at what they sludge in the world around us — not thoughtful design can greatly reduce ration industry had something to do Across the political spectrum, it’s long
can do to end this pandemic. This may mean just in the private sector but in govern- sludge. with that law being written, you would past time for Americans to rediscover some
getting vaccinated, encouraging family mem- ment as well. We should all be engaged One example involves free or re- not be wrong. self-respect and to adjust the terms of our
bers or friends to do the same, or helping folks in a mission to seek and destroy sludge duced-price school lunches. Once, par- Sludge is annoying. It is costly. In relationships with public figures. Andrew
to get answers to the questions they may have. wherever we find it. ents had to fill out forms to sign up many if not most cases, it is unneces- Cuomo isn’t a hottie. Even if he was, it
With cases of the delta variant on the rise, One common form of private-sector their children. Things improved great- sary. Firms can try to attract and retain wouldn’t matter more than the thousands
we must use all our tools to keep our communi- sludge involves making it easy to join ly when a federal law instructed school customers through good service rath- of dead New York nursing home residents
ties safe. The strongest tool we have is vaccina- but hard to quit, from news subscrip- districts to enroll eligible students er than maze-like steps to exit. Govern- or 11 women he allegedly harassed. Your
tion. It’s time to roll up your sleeve — so we can tions to gyms. Call it the “Hotel Cali- directly, based on their households’ ment policies can be designed to be mileage on whether Trump puts on a great
end this together. fornia” syndrome: You can check out participation in the Supplemental Nu- simple, even for our neediest citizens. show almost definitely varies. And no
anytime you like, but you can never trition Assistance Program (SNAP), Make that especially for them. spectacle is a substitute for basic compe-
Wayne A.I. Frederick is the president of Howard leave. Although you can join or sub- previously known as food stamps. tence and dignity.
University; Valerie Montgomery Rice is the scribe online with a few clicks, you Now, the vast majority of children Richard H. Thaler is a professor of By all means, enjoy Dwayne Johnson’s
president of Morehouse School of Medicine; David must call or engage in an endless eligible for SNAP are directly enrolled. economics at the University of Chicago arms, root for the Boston Red Sox, and
M. Carlisle is the president of Charles R. Drew online “chat” to quit. Fewer forms means fewer hungry and the winner of the 2017 Nobel Prize in worship at the altar of your diva of choice,
University of Medicine and Science; and James E.K. One reason that companies put kids. Economics. His newly revised book with be she Dolly Parton or Beyoncé Knowles-
Hildreth is the president of Meharry Medical their customers through this torture is Sludge is also threatening to de- Cass R. Sunstein, “Nudge: The Final Carter. Fandom has its place and its plea-
College. obvious. If quitting is painful enough, prive the neediest families of the ben- Edition,” will be published Aug. 3. sures. But do your job as a citizen, too.




Mr. Biden and Egypt

Is the president serious about fighting for democracy?
RESIDENT BIDEN’S pledge to put those tests; to the contrary, it is the most In an attempt to silence him, the regime

P advocacy for democracy and hu-

man rights at the center of his
foreign policy is off to a poor start
in a key region: the Middle East. His
administration has already retreated
repressive in Egypt’s modern history. But
Mr. Blinken has the authority to waive the
conditions and deliver the full aid pack-
age, and Cairo’s Washington lobbyists are
working overtime to win that pass.
has repeatedly arrested members of his
family in Egypt; his father, who was al-
ready imprisoned, disappeared. In a re-
cent visit to Washington, Egypt’s spy chief,
Abbas Kamel, demanded to know why the
from his pledge to make Saudi ruler Mo- If the administration yields, it will shat- U.S. government had not confined
hammed bin Salman a “pariah.” It re- ter any notion that this president will Mr. Soltan to a U.S. prison. It’s stomach-
sponded equivocally to the power grab depart from the coddling of Mr. Sissi by turning to think that such chutzpah
last month by Tunisia’s president, who previous administrations, with disas- would be rewarded with a $300 million
threatens to dismantle the only Arab de- trous results for those in Egypt advocat- exemption.
mocracy — a fault only partly remedied by ing for basic freedoms — and for Cairo’s lobbyists annually trot out the
a phone call to the would-be strongman Mr. Biden’s agenda. As Sen. Chris Murphy same tired arguments: that the United
last weekend by national security adviser (D-Conn.) put it in a speech on the Senate States needs Egypt for help in keeping the
Jake Sullivan. floor last week, it would “send a bright, peace between Israel and the Palestin- LETTERS TO TH E ED ITOR
Now the administration is facing a po- blinking message to the world that Ameri- ians, for fighting terrorism, for transit of
tentially decisive test of whether ca talks a big game on democracy, but isn’t U.S. warships through the Suez Canal. But [email protected]
Mr. Biden’s rhetoric will be translated into willing to do much about it.” Among the as Mr. Murphy pointed out, in taking
meaningful action. Secretary of State An- first victims of a retreat would likely be those actions the Sissi regime is merely
tony Blinken must determine in the next the dozen political prisoners whose death pursuing its own vital interests; no brib- A plan that taxes singles fairness and impartiality) with regard to
few weeks whether to withhold on human sentences were recently confirmed; they ery should be necessary. By withholding matters of race.
rights grounds $300 million of the $1.3 bil- supported the democratically elected Is- aid until the regime eases its repression, Regarding the July 27 Metro article Martin Walsh, Washington
lion in military aid annually given to lamist government that Mr. Sissi ousted the United States would be pursuing what “Bowser pushes D.C. Council to reassess
Egypt. The suspension is mandated by in a bloody 2013 coup. Mr. Biden has defined as the crucial Amer- income tax hike”: George F. Will’s concern for the ill
congressional legislation linking a portion Then there are activists such as Mo- ican interest of advancing democracy in a The D.C. Council recently voted to effects of government programs on recipi-
of the aid to conditions such as releasing hamed Soltan, a U.S. citizen who was fateful global contest with autocracy. The raise the D.C. income tax on those making ents missed the point of equity. He
political prisoners and allowing media imprisoned and tortured in Cairo after decision on Egypt will show whether his $250,000 or more. D.C. Mayor Muriel wrote, “Government spoils systems, ra-
freedom. No one disputes that the regime 2013 and now advocates for Egyptian commitment to that cause is more than E. Bowser (D) opposes the increase. The cial or otherwise, wound their beneficiar-
of Abdel Fatah al-Sissi has failed to meet human rights from a base in Washington. rhetorical. July 23 editorial “The D.C. Council’s rush ies.” Really? My family was not wounded
to raise taxes” did as well. In their argu- by the Federal Housing Act. In fact, the
ments, each overlooked a fundamental house my parents purchased for $35,000
issue: the D.C. income tax system itself. in 1963 sold for $770,000. And no sur-
The D.C. system allows couples filing a prise, my parents are White.

A moratorium on the rule of law joint federal return to file as individuals.

Maryland and Virginia require filing
with the same status as federal. The
Why is it that the only time I hear about
government programs wounding the dig-
nity of people is when a policy is directed
D.C. system is complicated, confusing to help the poor or a group of people
Get ready for the courts to strike down the new eviction ban. and unfair to single people. treated unjustly? Do the tax breaks wound
Here is why. Take a two-earner couple the rich, too? Colorblind equality that does
MERICANS BEHIND on their with a taxable income of $260,000. When not counter the real effects of structural

A rent payments may have cheered

when the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention an-
nounced Tuesday a new eviction morato-
rium for most of the nation, this one set
the couple files D.C. income tax, they do
so as individuals. If one made
$90,000 and the other made $170,000,
they would pay $15,400. A single person
making $260,000 pays $18,900. The sin-
racism, such as redlining, is merely an-
other form of racism.
Katie Murphy, Falls Church

to last until October. With some 6 million gle person pays $3,500 more. Not in the scope of his duties
people owing back rent, many of them The differences do not end there.
victims of covid-19’s sudden economic D.C. allows a couple to allocate deduc- Regarding Laurence H. Tribe’s Aug. 1
damage, there is little doubt about the tions any way they want. That means the Sunday Opinion commentary, “Trump’s
need for aid, particularly because people lower earner can assign all tax deductions luck might be about to run out”:
are about to be thrown out of their homes to the higher earner. This rule lowers their The Constitution imposes upon the
just as disease rates are climbing. tax even more. Again, the system benefits president a duty to “take Care that the Laws
But the CDC’s action was almost cer- couples and slights single people. be faithfully executed” (Article II, Section
tainly illegal. Under pressure from House If D.C. adopted filing status conformi- 3). A president who aids and abets the
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and pro- ty, it would mean a higher taxable income obstruction of official congressional pro-
gressive Democrats, President Biden and base. That, in turn, means D.C. could ceedings, i.e., the certification of the elec-
the CDC may have muted accusations raise an equal amount of revenue with a toral college’s votes under Article II, Sec-
that they failed to stick up for desperate lower tax rate. Doing so would also tion 1, Clause 3 of the Constitution — or
renters. The administration also may greatly simplify tax administration and incites a mob to do so — violates his consti-
succeed in giving many Americans a be far fairer to single people. Raising the tutional duty to execute the laws faithfully.
short reprieve from eviction. But per- tax rate on the current system perpetu- Such actions cannot reasonably be con-
haps not as long as advertised — because ates an unfair and byzantine system. sidered to be within the “scope of the
courts may strike it down before October Carl Bergman, Washington employment” of the president of the Unit-
— and at the expense of the rule of law. The writer is a former deputy ed States. Just the opposite.
The CDC crafted its new moratorium D.C. auditor. Maurice F. Baggiano,
after a previous eviction ban expired last Jamestown, N.Y.
week. The old policy covered the whole
country and had been in place since Advocating for equity
September. But Supreme Court Justice Our history of torture
Brett M. Kavanaugh warned in June that George F. Will’s Aug. 1 op-ed, “America
the CDC had “exceeded its existing statu- is morally regressing for ‘equity,’ ” cited Regarding David Ignatius’s excruciat-
tory authority by issuing a nationwide the heroism of former Supreme Court ing July 29 op-ed recounting Salem Almu-
eviction moratorium” and that it could Housing advocates on Wednesday in New York. justice John Marshall Harlan’s embrace of zaini’s torture at the hands of the Saudi
not be renewed absent “clear and specific “the great principle of colorblindness” government, “A Saudi official’s account of
congressional authorization.” Justice Ka- federal rental aid money is still only fault that states have been slow to get and “equality of opportunity” as more torture reveals the regime’s brutality”:
vanaugh was the crucial fifth vote that trickling out. federal rental aid to needy Americans. worthy pursuits than recent efforts em- I think we can agree that torture is not
stopped the court from immediately That is unlikely. The law the CDC relies But the administration’s only reasonable phasizing racial “equity” that Mr. Will only inhumane but also reprehensible
striking down the old eviction ban, on to justify its unilateral eviction ban options were to push states to get their equated with “race-conscious govern- and unacceptable and that nations that
giving states an extra few weeks to begin authorizes the agency to impose mea- acts together and to request that Con- ment allocation of social rewards.” torture should be condemned. Unfortu-
distributing some $47 billion in federal sures such as “inspection, fumigation, gress give the CDC the authority it Though Harlan’s dissent in Plessy nately, the United States is one of the
rental aid. disinfection, sanitation, pest extermina- needed to reimpose an eviction ban. V. Ferguson was certainly atypical and nations that are guilty of torture.
The CDC on Tuesday tried to get tion, and destruction of animals,” not to Indeed, the onus remains on states and courageous for a White American during We have never had access to a full
around this ruling by issuing a new ban freeze the rental housing market month localities; they cannot count on the new a time of virulent white supremacism, accounting of the torture endured at the
that covers only areas “experiencing after month in nearly the entire country. moratorium, issued on shaky legal Mr. Will’s attempted apotheosis of Har- hands of the U.S. government in our “war
substantial and high levels of community Many landlords are themselves desper- ground, to absolve them of responsibility lan’s 19th-century views as the final word on terror.” An unredacted Senate torture
transmission.” This amounts to 80 per- ate, on the hook to keep up their proper- to aid renters. on race and racism in contemporary report has not been released. No U.S. offi-
cent of counties. Advocates argue that ties, pay taxes and service loans whether If the Trump administration had ig- American society is puzzling. cial has ever been held accountable for the
the rise of the delta variant may have their tenants pay their rent. Justice nored a direct warning from the Su- In the United States, White Americans authorization and torture at CIA black
changed the court’s thinking and that the Kavanaugh in June clearly signaled will- preme Court, Democrats would rightful- have been anything but colorblind histor- sites or in official U.S. custody in places
new policy is more closely tailored to the ingness to disregard their plight — and ly line up to condemn the president. ically in using their overwhelming num- such as Bagram prison in Iraq and Guan-
worsening public health situation. They the law’s limitations — for another few Mr. Biden does not get a pass on the rule bers to enslave African Americans for tánamo prison in Cuba. In fact, Gina
also argue that Justice Kavanaugh may weeks, not months. of law because his heart is in the right about 250 years, then terrorize, murder Haspel was appointed director of the CIA
uphold another temporary policy while It is not the Biden administration’s place. and deprive them of civil rights for 100 even though she had overseen the torture
more years through lynching, voter sup- of prisoners as head of a CIA “black site” in
pression, discrimination, segregation, Thailand.
convict leasing systems, etc., then dither, Until we come to terms with the atroci-
unevenly apply and quickly rescind very ties committed by our own government in

Vaccinations are the only way out limited remedies such as affirmative ac-
tion over 50 more years. It is absurd that
in 2021 Mr. Will would decry pursuit of
the specious service of national security,
we will never have the moral authority to
condemn other nations.
“equity” and declare “colorblindness” as Helen Schietinger, Washington
Instead of fretting and arguing, let’s wear masks and get our shots. the highest ideal in racial matters. The writer is organizer with Witness
I applaud those who are willing to see Against Torture.
HE SUMMER of fun has become, contrary, they are robust. Provincetown fragmented and rapidly changing gov- our country as it is — not as a fairy tale

T suddenly, the summer of pan-

demic misery, with case counts
rising, especially in some South-
ern states and unvaccinated areas, driven
by the delta variant. But there is a simple,
was a jam-packed holiday scene, with
many people indoors in bars and restau-
rants, not wearing masks. Of all those
infected, only seven were hospitalized
and no one died. The vaccines worked.
ernment advice. But if we are going to
trust the science, that means sticking
with it when conditions change. The
delta variant washed over the United
States in June, and has proved quite
where we’ve done no wrong but as a
country with flaws and yet enduring ide-
als — and who try to appreciate varied
lived experiences and perspectives. In so
doing, we can challenge ourselves not to
 Letters can be sent to
[email protected]. Submissions must
be exclusive to The Post and should include
the writer’s address and telephone numbers.
effective and proven firewall that will Look at a chart from the CDC’s contagious. The average number of make some arbitrary binary choice be- We are unable to acknowledge submissions;
stop the flames: vaccines. They are free internal presentation that was first people each infected person passes a tween two ideals but to embrace equal writers whose letters are under consideration
and available, and they can save lives. disclosed by The Post. It shows that virus to, if nobody were immune and no opportunity and equity (which means for publication will be contacted.
A legitimate source of anxiety that vaccinated people have a 25-fold reduc- one took precautions, is the basic repro-
cropped up recently is the prospect of tion in hospitalization and death com- ductive number. For the original virus
breakthrough infections — people get- pared with the unvaccinated, and an that broke out in Wuhan, China, it was
ting sick even though they have been
vaccinated. In an outbreak following
eightfold decline in disease incidence. In
another measure, the vaccine was effica-
2.4 to 2.6. The CDC internal presenta-
tion says delta has an R-naught of
crowded July Fourth holiday gatherings cious among 91 percent of the fully between 5 and 9, making it more FREDERICK J. RYAN JR., Publisher and Chief Executive Officer
in Provincetown, Mass., 469 people vaccinated and 81 percent of the partial- transmissible than Middle East respira- News pages: Editorial and opinion pages: Vice Presidents:
tested positive, 74 percent of whom had ly vaccinated. Vaccine breakthroughs tory syndrome and Ebola, about the SALLY BUZBEE FRED HIATT JAMES W. COLEY JR.........................................................Production
been previously vaccinated, suggesting are a known issue, they will happen, but same as chicken pox, and less than Executive Editor
Editorial Page Editor
L. WAYNE CONNELL............................................Human Resources
KATE M. DAVEY.....................................................Revenue Strategy
the vaccine firewall had cracked. Of among the 163 million people who had measles, which is ultra-contagious at 15. Managing Editor Deputy Editorial Page Editor ELIZABETH H. DIAZ....................Audience Development & Insights
those, 79 percent had symptoms, mostly been fully vaccinated by July 26, the Instead of fretting and arguing, let’s TRACY GRANT RUTH MARCUS GREGG J. FERNANDES..........................Customer Care & Logistics
Managing Editor Deputy Editorial Page Editor SHANI GEORGE......................................................Communications
mild. The director of the Centers for CDC reported a minuscule share, confront delta directly and wear masks KAT DOWNS MULDER JO-ANN ARMAO STEPHEN P. GIBSON.....................................Finance & Operations
Managing Editor Associate Editorial Page Editor SCOT GILLESPIE ........................................................................... Arc
Disease Control and Prevention, Ro- 6,587 hospitalizations or deaths, due to and get vaccinated. At this point vaccine KRISSAH THOMPSON KRISTINE CORATTI KELLY.....................Communications & Events
chelle Walensky, cited the CDC’s study as breakthrough infections, and some were mandates by many kinds of organiza- Managing Editor JOHN B. KENNEDY...................................General Counsel & Labor
SCOTT VANCE SHAILESH PRAKASH....Digital Product Development & Engineering
one factor leading the agency to call for a from other causes. tions are justified; the time for polite Deputy Managing Editor JOY ROBINS..............................................................Client Solutions
return to indoor masking in public The CDC turnabout on masks caused requests has passed. But it should be a BARBARA VOBEJDA
Deputy Managing Editor
spaces for vaccinated people. But the confusion, in part because it marked a matter of common sense: Mask up and
Provincetown study should not be seen retreat from high expectations of a get vaccinated to save yourself and The Washington Post
as a sign that vaccines are broken. To the normal summer, and in part because of everyone else. 1301 K St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20071 (202) 334-6000


The CDC adds How should

to America’s delta change
institutional the way
disarray we live?
he still-unfolding story of the t’s been a week since the Centers for

T eviction moratorium might yet

validate the axiom that nothing is
as permanent as a temporary
government program. It certainly dem-
onstrates how the coronavirus pandemic
I Disease Control and Prevention is-
sued new masking guidance based
on evidence that vaccinated people
can become infected and transmit the
more contagious delta variant to others.
has exacerbated a preexisting political Many people who thought the vaccines
ailment — institutional, including consti- allowed them to return to pre-pandemic
tutional, disarray. normal are now asking whether they
In March 2020, Congress legislated an need to change how they go about their
eviction moratorium applicable to feder- daily lives.
ally subsidized housing (about 28 per- While delta does change the risk calcu-
cent of multifamily properties) and ex- lus, it doesn’t mean that we have go to
piring in July 2020. In September 2020, back to hunkering down at home. When
the Centers for Disease Control and Pre- deciding which activities to engage in,
vention, an executive branch appendage, vaccinated people should consider two
suddenly acted as a supplemental legisla- factors: the medical risk of your house-
ture. The CDC declared a ban on evictions hold and the value of the activities to you.
from any rental housing for nonpayment Someone who is vaccinated, generally
by individuals making under $99,000 an- healthy, and either living alone or shar-
nually or couples making $198,000, who ing a household with others who are also
self-certify having suffered pandemic- Shontel Brown at a Souls to the Polls rally at Sanctuary Baptist Church on Sunday in Cleveland vaccinated and healthy might decide that
related financial injury. (In 2020, the they are protected enough that they
median household income was $68,400.) JAMES HOHMANN won’t change anything. According to
The Biden administration extended the CDC data, the vaccinated are approxi-
ban three times, through July 31.
Saying that evictions would cause peo-
ple to move around, perhaps into con-
gested spaces, the CDC located its author-
Biden doesn’t need mately eight times less likely to become
infected than the unvaccinated. Even if
they contract covid-19, chances are excel-
lent that a vaccinated person will experi-
ity to adopt a housing policy in a law
empowering it to “provide for such in-
spection, fumigation, disinfection, sani-
tation, pest extermination, destruction of
to keep caving to the left ence symptoms akin to the common
cold; after all, the vaccines reduce the
chance of severe illness by a whopping
animals or articles found to be so infected But isn’t that the cautionary tale from
or contaminated as to be sources of oo many politicians, in both high-profile primary losses to moder- State newspaper last week. Provincetown, Mass. — didn’t revelers
dangerous infection to human beings,
and other measures.”
The most recent of the federal courts
that have ruled the eviction ban illegal
unanimously held that “other measures”
T parties, promise to be “fight-
ers” when they run for office.
But the last thing Congress
needs is more brawling.
That’s what makes Shontel Brown’s
ate alternatives this year, from another
House special election in Louisiana to
the governor’s race in Virginia and the
mayoral contest in New York City.
Turner, the national co-chair of
Fear was another motivation for
CBC leaders. They privately worried a
Turner victory would embolden addi-
tional radicals to launch primary chal-
lenges against incumbent Black law-
letting their guard down lead to around
965 people becoming infected, including
many who were vaccinated? The CDC
directly cited this outbreak in urging the
vaccinated to resume masking.
must be something the moratorium is upset victory on Tuesday in an Ohio Sen. Bernie Sanders’s 2020 presiden- makers in 2022. What happened to That’s one interpretation of the data —
not — measures “similar to” those enu- special election so refreshing. She beat tial campaign and one of his highest- Lacy Clay in Missouri remains top of it’s true that vaccines are not bulletproof
merated in the same sentence. The court, Nina Turner, the epitome of smash- profile surrogates in 2016, promised to mind. The 10-term congressman, armor and breakthrough infections can
anticipating the Supreme Court, said mouth-style liberalism, in a Democrat- hold Biden’s feet to the fire and at- whose father co-founded the CBC, was happen. Consider, though, that an esti-
that Congress must enact “exceedingly ic primary to fill the House seat vacat- tacked her opponent as a “puppet” defeated in a primary last summer by mated 60,000 people gathered in Prov-
clear language” if it wants to dramatically ed by Housing and Urban Develop- who would go along to get along. activist Cori Bush, who had the sup- incetown over the Fourth of July holiday.
enlarge the government’s power over ment Secretary Marcia L. Fudge. Brown, a county councilwoman, coun- port of Sanders and the Democratic Restaurants, bars and house parties were
private property. The court said that Brown prevailed by embracing Pres- tered that she’d be more effective as a Socialists of America. packed to the brim. Some of the infected
under the CDC’s interpretation of its ident Biden — and celebrating his “partner” to the president than a thorn Now a freshman congresswoman, reported prolonged close contact with
power, it “can do anything it can conceive brand of incrementalism. “This is in his side. Bush campaigned with Turner in Ohio. others. Another conclusion is that this
of to prevent the spread of disease,” even about making progress, and some- Sanders (I-Vt.) headlined a Saturday She made the news this week for was the ultimate stress test of the vac-
shuttering “entire industries,” exercising times that takes compromise,” she said rally for Turner. All four members of sleeping outside the U.S. Capitol to cines and they passed with flying colors:
“near-dictatorial power for the duration during her victory speech in a Cleve- the self-described Squad endorsed her. protest the lapsed federal eviction Only about 1.6 percent were infected, just
of the pandemic.” Or without a pandem- land suburb. “Because when you de- “Please send me Nina,” Rep. Alexan- moratorium. Bush is being widely seven were hospitalized, and no one died.
ic: Seasonal flus kill thousands annually. mand all or nothing, usually you end dria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) urged vot- credited with pressuring the Biden If the attendees were told of these odds
So, the CDC evidently thinks that it can up with nothing.” ers during a swing through the district. administration to issue a new ban on in advance, it’s likely that many who have
do things the president clearly cannot The crowd of grass-roots activists Turner lost by 5.7 percentage points, evictions. underlying medical problems or are
ever do: for example, order a national cheered the mention of compromise. even though she outraised Brown Biden had resisted such a move more risk-averse would have taken addi-
mask mandate. And if Congress has em- Democrats who might be tempted to $5.6 million to $2.4 million. She re- because, as the president himself ac- tional precautions. Some might not have
powered the CDC to suspend any activity torpedo a scaled-back infrastructure leased an internal poll from May that knowledged on Tuesday, it is legally gone. But there will be those who would
involving mobility that might spread an package, on the grounds that it’s not showed her leading by 35 points. dubious. “The bulk of the constitution- still say that the value of the get-together
infection, then there is no limit to Con- sweeping enough, should listen. A turning point came in June when al scholarship says that it’s not likely to was so high that they would have taken
gress’s power to delegate to administra- Biden has to be attentive to the left, Turner appeared alongside Killer Mike pass constitutional muster,” he told the risk and not changed anything.
tive entities essentially legislative power. given Democrats’ slim House majority. as the rapper said it was “incredibly reporters. What about people who might not
As of June, landlords were owed But Tuesday’s results suggest he stupid” for House Majority Whip This is an unsettling approach for worry for themselves, but who live with
$27.5 billion in unpaid rents. Almost half doesn’t need to contort himself to James E. Clyburn (D-S.C.) to endorse someone who took an oath to uphold unvaccinated or immunocompromised
of landlords, who include many minori- placate the party’s progressive wing — Biden before the South Carolina pri- the Constitution — a statement that family members? That’s the situation I’m
ties, own only one or two rental units. as he’s doing with the extension of the mary. “The only thing you get is a would have enraged liberals had it in, with two young kids, and my husband
They continue paying mortgages, proper- eviction moratorium — as much as federal holiday and nothing tangible come from Donald Trump. And maybe and I are careful because of them. My
ty taxes, insurance and utilities while the they demand or he has often deemed out of it,” he said, referring to June- it’s unnecessary, as a matter of political advice for those in our situation is to
CDC requires them to house nonpaying necessary. teenth. Turner appeared to agree. calculation. Biden may not be as be- continue the activities you care about
people or risk jail. Landlords can plausibly A single special election shouldn’t That viral moment helped spur holden to the left as he thinks. while reducing risk. Eat at a restaurant
argue that the moratorium is a “taking.” be over-interpreted. But in the latest Clyburn, the No. 3 in Democratic lead- And that may be the real signifi- but dine outdoors. Keep your flight plans
The Constitution says government proxy war for the soul of the party, the ership, and leaders of the Congres- cance of the Ohio results. They show but wear a high-quality mask the whole
shall not take private property “for public pragmatists again beat the ideologues. sional Black Caucus (CBC) to come out the leader of the Democratic Party is time. Go to the gym but during off-hours
use, without just compensation.” The After failing to win the presidential strongly against Turner. “I just kind of not Sanders or AOC. It’s Biden. And he when you have more space to yourself.
concept of “public use” has become al- nomination in 2020, the party’s pro- decided if I’m going to be stupid, might should start acting like it. At least he There may be high-risk events that are
most limitlessly elastic. It originally re- gressives have suffered a string of as well be stupid,” Clyburn told the can count on Shontel Brown’s vote. worth the possible exposure because of
ferred to things (roads, bridges, etc.) the their value to you. If you can’t take
general public uses. Then, courts expand- precautions during the event, quarantine
ed it to include combating “blight.” The for at least three days afterward and then
Supreme Court’s infamous 2005 Kelo get tested. Maybe you normally avoid
decision stretched “public use” to encom- E.J. DIONNE JR. indoor gatherings with unmasked and
pass government taking one person’s unvaccinated people but you make an
property to give it to another private
party who would pay higher taxes. If an
eviction moratorium to prevent the
The lesson for Democrats from Ohio exception for your sister’s wedding. May-
be you reduce business travel when you
can but still attend an important in-
spread of infectious disease fits within person conference. Maybe you’re a
the capacious modern conception of tak- t should not surprise anyone that erating with a Democratic administra- the administration to act after it first grandparent who took a long-awaited
ing for “public use,” then there must be
compensation for the taking.
State and local governments have
managed to distribute only about $3 bil-
lion of the $46 billion Congress appro-
I grass-roots Democrats are united
behind the president who defeated
Donald Trump and wary of candi-
dates who seem more interested in
fighting Joe Biden than in advancing his
tion whose success is a precondition to
routing Trumpism for good.
Anyone doubting that the former
president remains a radicalizing force
within the GOP should consider the
said that executive action to protect
tenants would likely be overturned by
the Supreme Court. Even if this turns
out to be true, it was a mistake for Biden
to resist offering protection for the
vacation that involved lots of dining out.
Consider taking additional precautions
before you spend time indoors with
vulnerable family members.
Remember that vaccinated people are
priated for rental relief. President agenda. results of the other major Ohio congres- neediest as covid-19 numbers rise again. safest around others who are fully vacci-
Biden’s press secretary says he would This is why Cuyahoga County Coun- sional primary on Tuesday. The Trump- That Biden responded to the pressure nated, too. The CDC has not said this, but
have “strongly supported” yet another cilwoman Shontel Brown defeated for- endorsed candidate, Mike Carey, 50, a is a textbook illustration of how the I believe a workplace that enforces a
CDC extension of the moratorium, but mer Ohio state senator Nina Turner in coal industry lobbyist, overwhelmed a Democratic Party now works. Progres- vaccine requirement can make masks
“unfortunately” in June, in the pesky Tuesday’s special Democratic primary talented field of 10 other Republicans. sives can win a lot of ground for policies optional if it’s located in a jurisdiction
Supreme Court, four justices termed it election for a U.S. House seat centered Carey won 37 percent of the vote in a that are popular (see Biden’s entire where that is permitted. If others around
illegal. A fifth agreed but said it should on Cleveland. district outside Columbus. His nearest spending program) by playing an inside/ me have an eight-fold lower chance of
be allowed to expire July 31 — and could Brown, 46, had backing from much of competitor — endorsed by Steve Stivers, outside game. getting infected, and I have an eight-fold
only be extended by “clear and specific the national Democratic Party as a the popular GOP congressman whose And the lines between “the establish- lower chance of contracting covid-19
congressional authorization (via new down-the-line supporter of the presi- departure forced the special election — ment” and “progressives” are blurry, from them, that’s low enough risk for me.
legislation).” dent. Turner, 53, is a progressive hero, got just over 13 percent. given that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi This applies in social settings, too; I’d
By ordering yet another extension, as but you could argue she lost the race It needs to be repeated until it really (D-Calif.) was pressuring Biden private- attend an indoor dinner party with all
he did on Tuesday, Biden — who is more back in 2020 when she likened voting sinks in: If you look at primary results ly for the moratorium and Senate Major- vaccinated people, even if someone there
terrified of progressives than he is im- for Biden to eating half a bowl of over the past five years, Democrats ity Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) might be engaged in high-risk behavior.
pressed by the Supreme Court — has excrement (not the word she used). In remain the party in which more moder- gave Bush “amazing credit” in a floor But I wouldn’t have this person around
decided to dare the court to make good on 2016, Turner declined to support Hillary ate candidates can prevail. Republicans, speech on Wednesday. my children unless they first quarantine
its signaled intent to defend the separa- Clinton against Trump. even when they opt against a Trump- What doesn’t work is wholesale oppo- and test. The only adults in close contact
tion of powers. Whenever this lawless It didn’t help Turner’s cause when at a endorsed candidate here or there, are sition to Biden and rhetoric that denies with our kids are those who also have a
moratorium seems about to end, there June event for her, the rapper Killer much further to the right than Demo- the possibility of agreement across the low-risk lifestyle — who spend time with
will be another wave of media stories, like Mike suggested it was “stupid” for crats are to the left. Democratic Party’s factions. And the only vaccinated people and mask in
last week’s, anticipating a tsunami of House Majority Whip James E. Clyburn But something else is true, too: Tur- strategy will fall apart if more moderate indoor public places.
evictions, thereby triggering calls for (D-S.C.) to have endorsed Biden in last ner’s defeat does not mean that progres- Democrats representing tough swing Note that my recommendations leave
what would be a sixth extension. Even- year’s presidential primaries. Last sive Democrats are “crushed,” to use the districts lose in 2022 and control of the the decisions to the individual. The
tually, the memory of normality having month, Clyburn wryly told a South sort of language popular on Wednesday. House shifts to a Republican Party that, vaccinated constitute a small minority
faded, the moratorium would seem nor- Carolina newspaper that he “got in- Progressives remain an important force under Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy — some estimate it to be less than 6
mal and warranted as “social justice” volved” on Brown’s behalf “when I was in the Democratic Party but as part of a (R-Calif.), has become a Trump defense percent — of total coronavirus cases.
because evictions might have a “disparate invited by the Turner campaign.” broader coalition. They succeed when firm. Carey’s victory in Ohio will only Israel, which does much better contact
impact” on minorities, and hence be Brown’s success is being described as they act as critics inside the tent. They strengthen the Trump apologists. tracing than the United States, reported
evidence of “systemic racism,” even ab- a victory of “the establishment” over fail when they are seen as bringing down For her part, Brown embraced the that 80 percent of those vaccinated did
sent evidence of disparate treatment. insurgents and of a “moderate” over a the tent. role of a politician who delivers the not infect anyone in public spaces. Even
Meanwhile, because of the moratori- “progressive.” Though partially true, Ironically, Turner’s defeat came on goods. “I just need to make sure the if we asked the vaccinated to significant-
um, surely many tenants who could pay the shorthand misses as much as it the same day that another progressive people I have been called to serve are ly restrict their activities, it would hard-
their rent are choosing not to: reveals. Democrat, Rep. Cori Bush of Missouri, getting the resources they need,” she ly make a dent in total infections, and it
$99,000 earners are among the top The divisiveness of Turner’s rhetoric won a big policy victory in pushing the said in her victory speech. could be a major disincentive to vaccina-
17 percent; $198,000 households are in aimed at others in her party goes far Biden administration to reimpose a For progressives, the lesson of both tion. We should help guide the vaccinat-
the top 11 percent. Also, the moratorium beyond where most progressive Demo- partial moratorium on evictions. Brown’s victory and Bush’s is that they ed to make the best decisions for them-
is, like excessive unemployment benefits, crats are. And with the Trump specter Bush’s one-person sleep-in on the will deliver far more as critics who selves and limit any restrictions to those
an incentive for some to remain out of the still lurking, the 11th Congressional steps of the Capitol to dramatize the nonetheless remain allies of Biden and truly endangering the public’s health —
workforce. Such are the ricochets of District’s primary voters decided to plight of the homeless was part of a his coalition. Their real adversary is not the people still choosing to remain
government, unbridled and gargantuan. reward the candidate focused on coop- broad effort by liberals and the left to get the guy in the White House. unvaccinated.

TIME Again
And as local stages,
galleries and concert venues
spring back to life,
The Washington Post is For the latest
leading the way news, reviews and
in covering and updates on the return
supporting their of D.C.’s arts and
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approx. 4 p.m.
Area foxes appear hungry A judge rejected claims Psychologist Paula Caplan
8 a.m. Noon 4 p.m. 8 p.m.
88° for reading material as that detained defendants challenged sexism in her
Precip: 5% residents report a slew of in the Capitol attack are profession as she tried to
69 81 88 81 ° ° ° Wind: NNW
4-8 mph stolen newspapers. B3 “political prisoners.” B8 improve women’s care. B6

Slain o∞cer was attacked without provocation, FBI says

BYJ USTIN J OUVENAL, and he was killed. The officer later Officials said Gonzalez had life he lived,” the statement read.
D AN L AMOTHE died. PENTAGON ASSAILANT HAD TROUBLED PAST served with the U.S. Army and “George devoted his life to serving
AND D ANA H EDGPETH The account released Wednes- was awarded the Army Commen- his country; first in the military,
day was the first detailed descrip- Judge ordered mental evaluation of Ga. man in May dation Medal for his service in and then, as a law enforcement
The attack began without tion of the encounter, which Iraq. He also had stints in the officer, he continued to serve by
warning or provocation, when a prompted a lockdown of the Pen- Transportation Security Adminis- protecting service members and
Georgia man stepped off a bus tagon and drew a massive re- Georgia and had allegedly acted charges that were pending at the tration and the Federal Bureau of citizens of this country.”
outside the Pentagon on Tuesday, sponse from police and fire agen- violently and erratically in recent time of the attack outside the Prisons. Pentagon Force Protection
stabbed a police officer and strug- cies. Officials said a bystander months, court and police records Pentagon. His family did not re- Gonzalez’s family released a Agency Chief Woodrow Kusse
gled with him, the FBI said. also was injured. show. spond to requests for comment. statement Wednesday saying he said Tuesday that the officer was
During the melee, Austin Lanz An FBI spokeswoman said the Lanz, 27, was most recently a Officials at the Pentagon Force had an infectious personality, a attacked on the Metro bus plat-
shot Pentagon officer George agency was still probing the mo- resident of Acworth, Ga., the FBI Protection Agency on Wednesday big heart and “was fiercely loved form shortly before 10:40 a.m.,
Gonzalez with the officer’s service tive in the case as the investiga- said. He had tried to enlist in the identified the slain police officer by his family and friends.” shots were fired, and there were
weapon, before turning the gun tion continues, but Lanz had been Marines but did not make it as Gonzalez, 37. He had been “We are heartbroken over the “several casualties.” He said au-
on himself, the FBI said. Other ordered to undergo a mental through boot camp, a spokesman promoted twice and attained the death of our son and brother, but thorities were not seeking addi-
Pentagon officers engaged Lanz health evaluation by a judge in said. He also faced a number of rank of senior officer in 2020. we are so very very proud of the SEE PENTAGON ON B4

O∞cials in
N.Va. urge
indoor use
of masks
Region now has enough
virus transmission to fall
under new CDC guidance


All of Northern Virginia — like

most of the rest of the state —
now has enough community
transmission of the coronavirus
to lead local public health offi-
cials to recommend people begin
wearing masks indoors again to
stop the spread of the virus.
While the mask mandate has
been lifted in Virginia, this week,
health directors from Arlington,
Fairfax, Loudoun and Prince Wil-
liam counties and the city of
Alexandria recommended that
residents wear masks indoors in
public settings, regardless of vac-
cination status.
efforts to further improve vacci-
nation rates and efforts to main-

D.C. focuses on vaccination of teens SEE VIRUS ON B2

School faces legal challenge

A George Mason law professor files
suit over a vaccine mandate. B4

BY P ERRY S TEIN backpacks. Families could also visit a

dentist, get groceries and listen to the New cases in region

ario Sykes, 38, is not vaccinat- Ballou marching band.
ed against the coronavirus. And, while they were there, the Sykes Through 5 p.m. Wednesday, 2,470
He figures he doesn’t get sick family and others could get a coronavirus new coronavirus cases were
much and hasn’t even gone vaccination from Children’s National Hos- reported in Maryland, Virginia and
for flu shots. Lately, he has pital nurses. the District, bringing the total
been reading news stories about vaccinat- When a nurse approached the family, number of cases in the region to
ed people contracting the virus. And with Sykes encouraged his son to ask her 1,222,522.
changing mask guidance, he isn’t confi- questions. They inquired about the dan-
D.C. MD. VA.
dent that anyone in charge knows what gers and the rare breakthrough cases as
they are doing. the nurse explained that the vaccine is safe +58 +695 +1,717
His eldest son, 14-year-old Yahir Gonza- and effective. “We’re having a thorough 50,858 470,605 701,059
lez, has been receiving emails from his debate about this in our house,” said Sykes,
charter school saying the vaccine is his who owns a home renovation company. Coronavirus-related deaths
best chance for a normal year of high With the start of the academic year this As of 5 p.m. Wednesday:
school. He wants it. month, D.C. officials are rushing to get
On Saturday, Sykes took Yahir and a TOP: Registered nurse Cathleen Raisher talks with eligible students vaccinated. It’s already D.C. MD.* VA.
younger son to Ballou High School in Yahir Gonzalez, 14, and his father, Mario Sykes, about too late for youths to receive both shots of +0 +5 +5
Southeast Washington for a back-to- vaccination at Ballou High School in D.C. Also listening an authorized coronavirus vaccine before 1,149 9,840 11,541
school event where children could receive was Precious Holmes. ABOVE: The teen receives a the start of school. Teens are not yet
routine school immunizations and free routine immunization for school during the event. SEE VACCINES ON B2 * Includes probable covid-19 deaths.

Sudden death puts care center at risk Inside Youngkin’s career at Carlyle
The future that their days with friends and staff their plastic coverings and set BY G REGORY S . S CHNEIDER tial private-equity firms, occupy-
Nyome Kamara members who know them and up — she died unexpectedly ing the heart of the power struc-
envisioned still their needs. Kamara was after a lifelong battle with sickle richmond — The first thing Before entering politics, ture in Washington. Far from the
sits in plastic. working to create a similar cell disease. She was 35 and most Virginians know about Re- Va. Republican led firm cliche of a few entrepreneurs
At the outlet for children with leaves behind a husband, two publican gubernatorial nominee working in a garage, Carlyle by
beginning of last intellectual and developmental children, ages 5 and 7, and a Glenn Youngkin is that he is rich.
close to halls of power 1995 had existed for eight years,
Theresa year, she moved disabilities on the other side of nonprofit that her best friend Very rich. boasted a former defense secre-
Vargas the adult day-care the building, and despite the and husband are trying Youngkin has so much money tary as chairman and had ad-
center she pandemic limiting funding and desperately to keep from being that when he retired last year as Youngkin built that wealth. In a vised a member of the Saudi
founded for young adults with the construction hitting snags, lost along with her. co-chief executive of the Carlyle campaign ad, Youngkin de- royal family on a $500 million
intellectual and developmental she was only a few tasks away No one expects to look Group, he could afford to turn scribes joining Carlyle in 1995 investment in Citigroup.
disabilities into a larger from making that happen. through the depths of their best his back on more than $100 mil- when it was a “small start-up,” Youngkin’s successful career at
building, one that would allow Families had already friend’s office files and work lion in unvested stock options. and notes that by the time he the company is both a political
her to pull more names off the expressed interest in enrolling. emails without them, but that’s With a fortune that already became co-CEO, it was a global strength — the central credential
wait list and expand services to Chairs, toys and other how Jacqueline Jewell now topped $300 million, he’s using business powerhouse. for a candidate with no record in
children. equipment had already been spends her days. those resources to help bankroll While the business had only a public office — and a potential
More than a dozen young bought. In the two months since his run for governor, blanketing few dozen employees the year he liability.
adults have come to depend on But on June 3 — before Kamara’s death, Jewell has read the airwaves with early and fre- joined, that description obscures The nature of private equity
the building in Manassas as a Kamara could see any of those through her business plan, quent advertising. the unique nature of Carlyle as itself, which involves buying and
place where they can spend chairs and toys unwrapped from SEE VARGAS ON B3 Less widely understood is how one of the world’s most influen- SEE YOUNGKIN ON B5

D.C. scrambles to get teens vaccinated before school starts

VACCINES FROM B1 get the shots, too.
D’Amonie, a rising sophomore,
eligible for the one-shot Johnson wanted to be vaccinated at E.L.
& Johnson vaccine, but officials Haynes so she could see the cam-
hope they can get students a first pus. She started at the school in
dose this summer and administer Northwest Washington her fresh-
a second once they are back on man year but had never been in
campus. the building because of virtual
They have big challenges learning.
ahead of them. Vaccination rates The vaccination clinic provid-
in the District among students ed her an opportunity to see the
ages 12 to 17 are low, particularly school for the first time. “I was
among Black children, who ac- excited to just get in the school
count for about 65 percent of the building,” she said.
city’s public school population. Fifty-one people were vaccinat-
Fifty-one percent of White 12-to- ed at E.L. Haynes on Friday, in-
15-year-olds have received at least cluding 34 students. That’s a big-
one dose, while just 14 percent of ger uptake than other youth-fo-
Black youths in the same age cused vaccination clinics have
group have received one, accord- experienced. In June, for exam-
ing to city data. ple, the city had a clinic for adults
Among older teens, 47 percent and children at Ballou’s high
of White 16- and 17-year-olds are school graduation. Not a single
vaccinated, according to city person was vaccinated that day.
data, compared with about On Saturday, thousands of peo-
21 percent for Black teens of the ple poured into a back-to-school
same age. event at St. Elizabeths East Gate-
(Hispanic teenagers have vac- way Pavilion in Congress Heights
cination rates similar to their that was hosted by Martha’s Table
White peers.) and the Monumental Sports &
One of the big hurdles: Many Entertainment Foundation.
parents of these teens — Black There were backpacks, clothes,
men and women in their 30s and groceries, school supplies and a
40s — are also unvaccinated. booth where people could be vac-
And the stakes couldn’t be cinated. Community of Hope — a
higher. The daily coronavirus case health center in the neighbor-
rate in D.C. has increased more hood — was administering the
than fivefold since early July, with vaccines, and Imani Marks, the
the virus spreading most among nursing director, said she saw
unvaccinated residents younger Antionette McNeely speaks with Deena Alston about coronavirus vaccination during a back-to-school event Saturday at St. Elizabeths East many of her patients at the event.
than 35, data shows. In the Dis- Gateway Pavilion that featured backpacks, clothes, groceries, school supplies and a vaccination booth. Alston has already been vaccinated. Only a handful of people — and
trict, it means that the new cases even fewer teens — were vaccinat-
are overwhelmingly affecting questioning the safety of the vac- But health officials are up said Gabe’s aunt, Nicole Winston. ed at the event, but Marks said
Black residents in the most low- cines, a requirement right now against a young population that “And all the older people in my she was able to talk to people
income parts of the city. could create yet another hurdle to Fifty-one percent of feels it does not need vaccination, family have [been vaccinated], so about the vaccines. Another Com-
In the spring, unvaccinated getting students back in the and one that is consuming a lot of I figured it was my turn.” munity of Hope worker walked
students needed to quarantine at buildings. White 12-to-15-year-olds misinformation on the Internet. E.L. Haynes was providing $25 around the event and asked peo-
home if they were exposed to the The city is relying on a patch- There’s also historic mistrust be- American Express gift cards to ple if they wanted information
virus in their classroom. Depend- work of trusted community in the District have tween the Black community and current students who were vacci- about the vaccines.
ing on health protocols in the fall, health providers, school leaders the nation’s health-care system nated that day. School leaders said “We’re having good conversa-
the city risks having unvaccinat- and activists to share information received at least one that the city has not been able to they have known these families tions about vaccine hesitancy, but
ed Black students spending more about vaccination or hold clinics. overcome to achieve equitable for years and figured that if any- we haven’t had as much [uptake]
time at home in quarantine than The hope is that beloved schools dose, while just vaccination rates among one can build trust among their as we would want,” Marks said.
their White peers. and known organizations such as non-senior residents. students and parents, it’s them. “But our biggest goal today is
“We continue to see disparities Children’s National Hospital — 14 percent of Black Gabe Perry, a 13-year-old rising At the clinic set up in the education.”
in who is getting infected in the which has been out with its medi- ninth-grader at E.L. Haynes Pub- school’s gymnasium, some fami- Back at Ballou, Sykes and his
District of Columbia both from a cal trucks providing roving youths in the same age lic Charter School, was afraid of lies said they had been waiting for son were learning more about the
race and ethnic perspective as health services in Southeast coronavirus vaccination. He saw the school to offer vaccination vaccine.
well as from a geographic per- Washington throughout the pan- group have received false rumors that you could die or before they signed up their chil- “The shot will help with the
spective,” D.C. Health Director demic — can eventually persuade lose a leg. dren. new variant?” Sykes asked.
LaQuandra Nesbitt said at a news families to get the shots. one, according to city “I read it on the Internet,” he D’Amonie, a 14-year-old whose “It won’t 100 percent prevent
conference last week. “Black Mayor Muriel E. Bowser (D) said. family did not want her last name you from getting it, but if you do,
youth are three times more likely also recently announced that up data. When the school sent an email to be published, was among those it won’t be as serious,” replied the
to be infected with covid than to 1,200 unvaccinated teens can to parents and families with news who attended the clinic on Friday. nurse.
their White counterparts.” get free Air Pods if they are of a vaccine clinic on campus, the Her mother initially was reluc- Sykes said he would consider
Nesbitt said she has the power vaccinated at designated school tion to people 16 and older in boy’s father signed him up. tant about vaccination and opted getting the vaccine. He let his son
to require that students get coro- sites. A raffle will also award April. Youngsters ages 12 to 15 Gabe was nervous, so his aunt to wait until she felt it was safe. In decide whether he wanted it right
navirus vaccinations to return to $25,000 college scholarships to followed soon after. The city also took him and his cousins, recent July, once her office said employ- then. They haven’t made any firm
school buildings, but she has opt- selected vaccinated teens. They expanded access, with an ample E.L. Haynes graduates, to the ees needed to be vaccinated or get decisions.
ed not to exercise it. Many city are giving grants to schools for supply of shots and vaccine sites clinic. All of them received their tested weekly, she decided it was “I’m going to do a little more
leaders agree with that call, say- outreach. across the city that do not require first doses together at the school. time. And once she was vaccinat- research,” the teen said.
ing that with so many families The District opened vaccina- appointments. “We wanted to support him,” ed, she allowed her daughter to [email protected]

N.Va. localities reach ‘substantial’ virus transmission rates

VIRUS FROM B1 as of Wednesday compared with of schoolchildren younger than ties cannot implement wide- cy medicine at Virginia Hospital “Who are you supposed to be-
253 one month ago — points to a 12 in the county of 1.1 million who spread mask mandates without Center in Arlington. “It’s definite- lieve? They tell us yes, they tell us
tain other mitigation measures to larger burden on the local health- are not eligible to receive the Northam’s say-so. ly back.” no. Why should I get vaccinated if
address this increased disease care system if it continues, he vaccine, putting them at higher In the meantime, public health Silverman, who writes a widely I have to wear a mask anyway?”
burden on our community,” the said. risk for serious illness, McKay and elected officials have experi- circulated weekly Facebook up- she said people say.
health directors said in a joint New hospitalizations are still said. enced pushback, especially on date about the pandemic, said Some will never change their
letter to area government leaders. low, averaging about 71 daily “They are the ones that have social media, from residents urg- three to four weeks ago doctors minds and others may be swayed
As of Tuesday, the five major admittances in the region this me the most worried right now,” ing more — or less — action, and nurses were beginning to with education, she said.
localities in Northern Virginia week, but that could change if McKay said. sometimes back-to-back. return to “business as usual,” but “You’ve got to break that bar-
were all in the “substantial” cat- people continue to gather with- “I had residents say, ‘Oh there the respite was short-lived. rier to make people understand.
egory, which the Centers for Dis- out wearing masks, particularly you go again sowing a panic and He attributed the increase in It’s hard,” Shirley said.
ease Control and Prevention de- those who haven’t been vaccinat- getting everyone freaked out,’ ” infections in Northern Virginia to A team of Federal Emergency
fines as 50 or more total new ed, he said. “The real challenge is, Alexandria Mayor Justin Wilson pockets where people are unvac- Management Agency volunteers
cases per 100,000 people in the “The real challenge is, when (D) said, “and then, a couple cinated and the delta variant, went door to door but stopped
past week. “High” transmission is you’re on the curve for covid-19, when you’re on the hours later saying, ‘I can’t believe which he called an “entirely dif- when residents distrustful of the
100 or more total new cases per you don’t know where exactly the you’re not taking everything ferent animal” from the base vaccine complained they were
100,000 people in the past week. curve will top out,” he said. “We curve for covid-19, you more seriously. Why are you not strain of the virus. being coerced even though the
Only about a dozen counties in don’t want our health-care deliv- shutting everything down?’ ” “It’s more likely to infect you if volunteers carried only litera-
the state are below this standard, ery system to be overwhelmed.” don’t know where The city’s acting health direc- you’re unvaccinated, but even if ture, she said.
including Madison and Rappah- Alison Ansher, the health di- tor, Anne Gaddy, said about a you’re vaccinated the possibility However, Shirley said their vis-
annock. rector in Prince William County, exactly the curve will third of city residents who tested of you getting it now is higher its to businesses and events, and
D.C. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser said the low rate of new hospital- positive in June and July reported compared to other variants,” he expanded availability of the
(D) reimposed a mask mandate in izations in that county — 0.2 top out.” recent travel — a reality that said. shots, have lead to an uptick in
the District last week — which is percent for every 100,000 resi- David Goodfriend, Loudoun County reflects the challenges of contain- While Northern Virginia had vaccinations, from a handful to as
classified as having substantial dents — may change as newly health director ing the virus when people are “substantial transmission” as of many as 10 to 15 daily.
transmission — but Virginia Gov. infected people fall ill. eager to resume normal activi- Wednesday, almost every border- Brandy Darby, a Virginia De-
Ralph Northam (D) and Mary- Fairfax County was the last ties. ing county, where many residents partment of Health veterinary
land Gov. Larry Hogan (R) have major locality in the region to hit “Covid doesn’t follow the lines commute to Northern Virginia, epidemiologist working on the
not done so, instead reiterating substantial transmission — turn- Last month, Fairfax County on a map,” she said. had “high transmission,” and covid response, said vaccinations
the CDC guidance. ing from yellow to orange on the Executive Bryan J. Hill began Although Virginia’s hospitals some had lower vaccination are the best way to prevent infec-
David Goodfriend, the health CDC map — a change Jeffrey C. evaluating how to implement a are not yet as crowded as harder- rates. tion and severe disease.
director in Loudoun County, McKay (D), the chairman of Fair- policy to require the county’s hit parts of the country, positivity That’s the case in rural Page “Masks are great but they’re
called the surge in Northern Vir- fax’s Board of Supervisors, said 12,500 employees to either be rates of patients are on the in- County, where area health dis- not bulletproof. Vaccines add an-
ginia “troubling.” was inevitable in a region where vaccinated or submit to a weekly crease. trict nurse manager Leea Shirley other layer of protection,” she
While not as bad as in the people may travel through multi- coronavirus test. “We’re not super busy but said people question masking said.
winter, the continued increase in ple counties in a day. Alexandria officials are consid- covid is part of our day in the guidelines because they say fed- [email protected]
new infections across the region The change also underscored ering vaccination requirements emergency room,” said Michael eral, state and school district [email protected]
— to a seven-day average of 1,888 the fact that there are thousands for public employees, but locali- Silverman, chairman of emergen- guidelines are always changing. [email protected]

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Retropolis Stories of the past, rediscovered.


Avid consumers of news: Foxes steal papers at night across the D.C. region
Every few years, I newspaper went missing two shouldn’t be. The simpler a tip
hear about foxes mornings in a row, he sprang is, the easier it is to remember.
that are stealing into action. The District’s Sue Ruff will
newspapers. In Frank is a wildlife biologist, never forget a conversation she
2009, it was so, of course, he has a wildlife had with an exterminator. She’d
happening in camera. He moved it from the called him after a rat came up
John Alexandria’s backyard to the front yard and through the plumbing and into a
Kelly's Yacht Haven was rewarded with eerie night- toilet.
Washington subdivision, vision footage from when it was “What should I do?” Sue
where a fox (or dark, as well as color images asked.
foxes) unknown captured after sunrise. “Don’t sit down without
was plucking The Washington “My camera video revealed a looking,” the exterminator
Post, the Washington Times, the young fox approaching the replied.
Examiner and the Mount paper with something in his Then there was the time Sue
Vernon Gazette from in front of mouth,” Frank wrote. “He puts was at a game preserve in South
people’s houses. that down and takes the paper Africa, preparing to squat in
In 2015, it was Vienna, where out of camera range and then some brush. The park ranger
homeowners found a cache of returns to pick up what he had said, “If something comes
newspapers under their shed, left behind.” toward you, don’t run.”
dragged there by a fox. Other What he left behind was You know, I’m not sure either
readers — from North probably that day’s breakfast: of these is an example of good
Springfield to Round Hill — some kind of rodent. advice. Still, what pithy advice
chimed in that they, too, were More than one fox has been will you never forget? Send it to
suffering from newsprint involved. Sometimes a fox me — with “Advice” in the
predation. doesn’t steal the paper, Frank subject line — at
The headline writes itself: Fox said, but pees on it. Everyone’s a [email protected].
news. critic. Frank Kohn, a wildlife biologist in Fairfax, set up a camera and caught this fox taking a newspaper. In
This happens often enough Wrote Frank: “I hope having Bill McCloskey’s Bethesda neighborhood, foxes took papers and stashed them in a den at a local park. Hiroshima documentary
that it isn’t really news: “Dog to replace papers doesn’t “Pictures From a Hiroshima
bites man” rather than “Man negatively affect The Post’s are sometimes mouthed, said den with something soft. One fox places. Schoolyard,” the documentary
bites dog.” But this summer has financial status. Maybe The Post Jennie Fogarty, who lives not way a mother fox teaches its McCloskey said one mentioned in Wednesday’s
brought a bumper crop of fox should consider expanding to too far away. The plastic bags young to hunt is by bringing it commenter on his Bethesda column, was broadcast Sunday
tales, stretching from Bethesda this vulpine demographic and wrapping The Post often have bits of food, along with stuff that neighborhood’s message list on Maryland Public Television.
to Fairfax County, too many to accepting payments in the form teeth marks on them. isn’t food. Dragging a suggested a solution: getting the Thursday’s 10 p.m. broadcast is
be ignored. of rodent carcasses.” What’s going on? Experts I’ve newspaper around is a good way fox a digital subscription to The on the MPT2/Create channel. It
Nature is healing and the Foxes have been stealing spoken to over the years have to learn how to drag a squirrel Post. Let’s see it drag an iPad is also streaming on pbs.org.
foxes are looking for something papers in Bill McCloskey’s told me that foxes are curious, as around. around. [email protected]
to read. Bethesda neighborhood, too, interested in playing with a toy And don’t forget that foxes Twitter: @johnkelly
Frank Kohn lives in Fairfax, a stashing them in a den in as a dog or a cat. They may like have lived here longer than Advice and consent
couple of miles east of George Boundary Park on River Road. the mouthfeel of a newspaper. people have. They don’t divide Good advice needn’t be  For previous columns, visit
Mason University. When his Even papers that aren’t stolen They may want to adorn their the world into people places and complicated. In fact, it probably washingtonpost.com/john-kelly.


THE DISTRICT 47 miles to the south in Charles

‘Nobody does what they do’: Care center faces closure
County and 37 miles to the
Mandatory vaccines northwest in Frederick County. VARGAS FROM B1 her father, Phillip Bush, says of hold a fundraiser that will see
for some workers An earthquake with a the center. “All I have to do is food trucks donate their profits
magnitude of 2.6 struck in the scrutinized her budget and get her up in the morning. They and a reptile expert offer photo
D.C. government employees Woodlawn area west of Baltimore pleaded with officials for help, pick her up, they feed her, they opportunities. But Jewell
who work for the city’s attorney on June 25, and a minor all in an attempt to keep the have fun activities — before already knows the event won’t
general will be required to get aftershock with a magnitude of nonprofit from shutting down covid, they would go on field raise enough money to save the
vaccinated against the 1.7 was recorded two days later. and leaving the Virginia families trips — and then they bring her center. She has done the math.
coronavirus, while the city’s Neither caused any noteworthy who depend on it with nowhere home in the evening.” Payroll adds up to more than
mayor has not imposed a vaccine damage or injuries. to go. His daughter has friends at $21,000 a month, the building’s
requirement on the vast majority — Associated Press “I don’t know where else the the center, he says, and it gives rent costs $12,300 a month, and
of the District’s workforce. community is going to get this her the structure she needs to then there are utility bills and
Attorney General Karl A. kind of care,” Jewell says. She feel comfortable. It also allows other expenses.
Racine (D) announced to his staff Flutist’s firing follows recalls once asking Kamara why her parents, who both have full- Hoping that crowdfunding
Wednesday that they must get social media rebuke she chose the work. Kamara told time jobs, to work. might help, Jewell created the
vaccinated by Sept. 13, when their her she knew how it felt to be “I don’t know what we’ll do,” Nyome Kamara Fund, a website
office is scheduled to resume in- The Baltimore Symphony shunned and made to feel a Bush says of the possibility that where people can donate. At
person work. Employees who Orchestra has fired its principal JACQUELINE JEWELL
burden because of her sickle cell the center will close. “There’s first she worried that she set the
document a medical or religious flutist months after distancing disease. “She went into her field nothing like it out there. We’ve Nyome Kamara and her goal too high and the amount
reason for preferring not to get itself from her social media posts of work because she never looked. I was on Care.com, husband, Sidikie, were raising would scare off potential
vaccinated, or those who say they that questioned the safety of the wanted anyone to feel rejected trying to find someone to fill in. two children, ages 5 and 7, donors. Then she saw all the
will not get inoculated until the coronavirus vaccines, the efficacy for who they were.” I searched for months.” when she died unexpectedly on bills and learned that much of
Food and Drug Administration of masks and the outcome of the Jewell sometimes talks out Right now, he says, the family June 3. She would have turned the pandemic crisis funding set
approves the vaccines on a 2020 presidential election. loud to Kamara, and she does so is trying to figure out whether 36 on Thursday. aside to help nonprofits was
permanent basis, will be required The orchestra offered only the as we speak on a recent evening they would be okay if his wife gone, and she realized that she
to get tested for the virus once a broadest outline of its decision to about the business plan she has to quit her job. The center crying herself. For that reason, set the goal too low.
week. dismiss Emily Skala, but its found tucked in one of Kamara’s accepts Medicaid waivers, which he and his wife have not told By her calculations, $210,000
Most D.C. government statement suggests there were files. makes the family’s cost her why Kamara is gone. is needed to keep the center
agencies that fall under the multiple violations of multiple “I’d seen it before, but I significantly less than what they Jewell says if she wasn’t open through the year and see
purview of the mayor, rather policies. Leaked workplace hadn’t read it thoroughly — would have to pay someone with working to save the center, she those chairs, toys and
than the elected attorney general, emails from Skala also had come forgive me, Nyome,” she says. training to take care of Imani. would likely be spending her equipment unwrapped and
either worked in person under scrutiny. “But reading it, I could feel how “There are so many lives that days crying nonstop. She finally put to use.
throughout the pandemic — such BSO President and chief much she cared for the are impacted by that center describes Kamara as more of a “If we lose, we lose, but I just
as police officers and trash executive Peter Kjome said the community she was serving. She being there and being open,” sister than a friend. can’t not try everything,” Jewell
collectors — or required musician was fired under the was a genius and what she Bush says. “The government In May, their families went to says. “She would never stop. If
employees to resume working in progressive discipline policy wanted to accomplish for the needs to step in, whether Disney World together. Kamara the shoe was on the other foot,
person last month. Mayor Muriel agreed to with the Musicians’ community is so beautiful.” federal or local or state. We planned the trip to celebrate her she would be doing this and
E. Bowser (D) has not required Association of Metropolitan As she tells it, Kamara, who need somebody to come up with 5-year-old son’s birthday. more for me right now. That’s
vaccines for employees, although Baltimore. was born in Liberia, opened the a way.” Shortly after they returned, she just the type of person she was.”
she has said she is discussing the “Ms. Skala has had discipline Bright Center in 2016 in a He describes his daughter as grew ill enough to become She was the type of person
matter with the labor unions that imposed upon her over these past rented space she shared with a being so in tune with other hospitalized. whose best friend still talks to
represent city workers. few months for violating several church. She started by serving people’s emotions that if On Thursday, she would have her — and hopes to soon tell her
Fairfax County is the first policies; unfortunately, she has eight young adults. In the years someone is crying, she will try turned 36. some good news.
jurisdiction in the region to repeated the conduct for which that followed, that number grew to comfort them and then start On Friday, the center plans to [email protected]
require vaccination against the she had been previously to 152, and the new building was
coronavirus for all of its 12,500- disciplined, and dismissal was going to allow her to serve even

Instant Makeover
person workforce. the necessary and appropriate more.
— Julie Zauzmer Weil reaction to this behavior,” the Her business plan called for
BSO statement said. the center to eventually open a
MARYLAND The firing comes about six coffee shop that would offer
Small earthquake
shakes Howard County
months after the orchestra
publicly rebuked her for
controversial social media posts.
some of the young adults an
opportunity to receive job
training and interact with the
for Your Home
She had been suspended from public. She also envisioned
A small earthquake shook work duties and was notified by bringing in health specialists so
Howard County early phone Tuesday that she had lost those young adults wouldn’t
Wednesday, according to the
U.S. Geological Survey.
The quake with a preliminary
her job. Skala, who has been with
the symphony for 33 years, has
consulted with lawyers.
have to worry about stepping
into the office of an optometrist
or a speech therapist. And if
magnitude of 2.1 happened about
2:10 a.m. It was centered in
When asked about her social
media posts spreading
families have multiple children
with intellectual disabilities,
& protect
Clarksville, about 15 miles
southwest of Baltimore, and was
misinformation about the safety
of the coronavirus vaccine, she
opening the other side of the
building would allow siblings to with High
about 2.1 miles deep. said: “I did all of this basically attend the same center.
About five hours later, the
agency had received more than
because I wanted to protect the
orchestras of the country. I
“Nyome, how did you do all
this?” Jewell has found herself
Quality Siding
300 reports through its website wanted as few people, as few asking Kamara often lately.
from people who felt the temblor musicians, to be lost.” In the past, Jewell attended
across the region, including — Associated Press events organized by Kamara,
but she says it was only when
she started looking into how to
L O T T ERI ES keep the center’s doors open
that she realized how difficult it
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Slain Pentagon o∞cer lauded for dedication to service

PENTAGON FROM B1 he served a stint in South Korea. that says ‘police.’ It’s not safe.”
Lanz’s interaction with the mil- Gonzalez was not a member of
tional suspects. itary was brief. the D.C. FOP, which has about
The FBI said Wednesday that On Tuesday evening, the U.S. 8,000 members.
the injured bystander was treated Marine Corps released a state- Neill said many of his group’s
at a hospital and released. ment saying Lanz sought to join members are worried and feeling
Gonzalez, a Brooklyn native, the Marines on Oct. 9, 2012, but stressed.
joined the Pentagon force in 2018. was “administratively separated “There’s a dehumanization of
In a statement, officials with the on Nov. 2, 2012 and never earned police across the country, and
force said he took to heart the the title Marine.” that’s hurt these officers,” Neill
mission of “protecting those who It was not immediately clear said.
protect our nation.” what Lanz did in the following Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin
Gonzalez was a “die-hard Yan- years. also issued condolences in a state-
kees fan” and graduated from In April, Lanz was arrested for ment. He ordered flags at the
New York City’s Canarsie High allegedly breaking into a neigh- Pentagon to half-staff to honor
School. He later worked at the bor’s home in Georgia, according the slain officer.
Bureau of Prisons and the TSA, to a police report. The neighbor’s “This fallen officer died in the
rising to the rank of lead transpor- surveillance camera captured line of duty, helping protect the
tation security officer before land- Lanz walking through the home tens of thousands of people who
ing at the Pentagon’s police agen- holding a crow bar, the report work in — and who visit — the
cy. states. Pentagon on a daily basis,” Austin
In a statement, Pentagon police The neighbor told investiga- said. “He and his fellow officers
officials described him as gregari- tors that he was planning on are members of the Pentagon
ous and said he was “well-liked moving because he had had nu- MATT MCCLAIN/THE WASHINGTON POST family, and known to us all as
and respected by his fellow offi- merous encounters with Lanz A police vehicle near the Pentagon on Wednesday. Bus traffic was rerouted to Pentagon City, away from professional, skilled and brave.”
cers.” over the previous year and did not the transit station serving the military headquarters, after the deadly violence at the station Tuesday. The violence occurred at the
Gonzalez also served in Army feel safe, according to the police Pentagon Transit Center, which is
artillery as a cannon crew mem- report. nal damage, riot in a penal insti- ordered to stay away from drugs tions about the case. The charges on the east side of the Pentagon
ber, with time on active duty from In one incident, the neighbor tution, obstructing law enforce- and alcohol and not possess fire- against Lanz remained pending and is the largest transit hub in
April 2003 to November 2005, told investigators that surveil- ment and making terroristic arms. at the time of the attack at the Northern Virginia, according to
and in the Army Reserve from lance video showed Lanz placing threats. He also was ordered to undergo Pentagon on Tuesday. the Defense Department.
November 2005 to March 2011. He pornographic images and sexual The Cobb County Sheriff’s Of- mental health and substance Lanz’s attorney in the cases did Metro said it plans to reopen
left the service as a sergeant. He notes in his mailbox, according to fice in Georgia confirmed that abuse evaluations within 30 days not return calls seeking comment. the Pentagon Metro station and
was deployed to Iraq from August the report. On another occasion, Lanz was in custody in April 2021, and not have contact with three On Wednesday, Gerald G. Neill Pentagon Transit Center on
2004 to July 2005, said Lt. Col. police were called after a com- but it referred all other questions specified individuals, online Jr., president of the D.C. Fraternal Thursday morning. The stations
Gabriel Ramirez, an Army spokes- plaint that Lanz had placed a about the incident at the jail to the court records indicate. Those peo- Order of Police Lodge #1, said had been closed since Tuesday
man. large cardboard sign on the FBI. The office released a redact- ple did not respond to requests for Gonzalez’s slaying and other re- morning.
While deployed in Iraq, Gonza- neighbor’s front porch that read, ed incident report that offered comment. cent violent incidents that have [email protected]
lez was a member of 2nd Battal- “I’m tired of wondering.” scant details about what hap- It was not clear from online involved law enforcement officers [email protected]
ion, 17th Field Artillery Regiment, On the day of his trespassing pened. records whether Lanz had under- in the region are concerning. [email protected]
Ramirez said. arrest in April, Lanz was accused In May, a judge granted Lanz gone the evaluations, and a “A lot of people felt it was a safe
Gonzalez also received a Korea of assaulting two Cobb County cash bond in the cases, and some spokeswoman for the Cobb Coun- police department,” Neill said of Devlin Barrett, Justin George, Tom
Defense Service Medal, indicating sheriff’s deputies at the local jail. of the charges were dropped. As a ty district attorney’s office said the Pentagon police force. “We tell Jackman, Julie Tate, Emily Davies and
that in addition to his time in Iraq, He also was charged with crimi- condition of his release, Lanz was she could not answer most ques- them it’s not. You wear a uniform Martin Weil contributed to this report.


Law professor sues GMU over Senators introduce amendments to

university’s vaccination mandate covid relief bill, delaying its passage
BY S USAN S VRLUGA ing understanding of vaccine effi- most effective way to avoid the BY L AURA V OZZELLA
cacy and new variants, political virus and stop its spread is for AND K ARINA E LWOOD
A law-school professor filed a divides and deep pandemic those who can get vaccinated to
lawsuit Wednesday challenging weariness. do so as soon as possible. “I recog- richmond — Republicans and a
George Mason University’s coro- Some universities are mandat- nize that a mandate is an extraor- few rebellious Democrats in the
navirus vaccine mandate, arguing ing coronavirus vaccination and dinary step to take,” he wrote, Virginia Senate teamed up on
it is unnecessarily coercive and other public health measures, “and one not taken without seri- Wednesday to reshape plans for
unconstitutional. while others are allowing stu- ous consideration of the public allocating $4.3 billion in federal
The nonprofit New Civil Liber- dents, faculty and staff to choose health situation and the safety of coronavirus relief, defying efforts
ties Alliance filed the case against for themselves. our community.” by Democratic leaders to fast-
George Mason’s president and And people have pushed back The lawsuit contends that the track the spending bill they’d
some of its other leaders in the on both sides of the issue, with university also notified campus hashed out with Gov. Ralph
U.S. District Court for the Eastern students and faculty on some that those who have not provided Northam.
District of Virginia on behalf of campuses calling for stricter re- proof of vaccination will be re- Democrats who’d hoped to get
Todd Zywicki, a professor at the quirements and lawsuits chal- quired to undergo frequent test- the legislation out of both cham-
university’s Antonin Scalia Law lenging mandates on others. ing, wear masks and practice so- bers without any tinkering suc-
School. At the University of North cial distancing — and that failure ceeded in the House. But the Sen-
The lawsuit argues that the Carolina at Chapel Hill on to comply could trigger conse- ate added $189 million to beef up
public university has no compel- Wednesday, faculty leaders wor- quences including termination of bonuses for sheriff’s deputies and
ling interest in overriding Zy- ried about a recent surge in covid- their jobs at the public university. correctional staff, and require the Sen. Janet D. Howell (D) urged the chamber to move quickly on
wicki’s personal autonomy and 19 cases passed a resolution urg- Zywicki said in an interview Department of Motor Vehicles to spending, but also agreed to take up the 142 proposed amendments.
that because none of the vaccines ing state university system lead- that he would have gotten vacci- provide walk-in service again.
approved for use in the United ers to give the flagship school’s nated if he had not already con- And more changes could be future needs. in their areas, a situation that some
States has received full Food and chancellor and provost the au- tracted, and recovered from, coming from the Senate, which was “If anyone looks at this pro- attributed not just to lagging wages
Drug Administration approval, thority to mandate proof of vacci- covid-19. He said that he was expected to work late into the night posed budget, there’s no way in but the perception that law en-
the school’s policy is in conflict nation and provide guidance on advised by his immunologist that Wednesday as it considered a total this world any of us, any of us, in forcement has been under attack
with federal law. masking and other protocols. he has strong natural immunity of 142 proposed amendments. this chamber should vote against since the nationwide protests that
Robin Rose Parker, a spokes- At George Mason, officials ad- to the virus now, confirmed by Any amendments could slow this budget,” House Appropria- erupted over the murder of George
woman for George Mason, said vised the university community positive antibody tests, and that a the budget’s adoption if the House tions Committee Chairman Luke Floyd in Minneapolis police cus-
the university has no comment on this summer that all students, vaccine is medically unnecessary. and Northam (D) do not agree to E. Torian (D-Prince William) said. tody last year.
the litigation. faculty and staff would be re- “I would rather rely on the the changes. Northam’s spokes- But on the other side of the One senator said police agen-
Colleges across the country are quired to give proof that they had advice of my doctor,” Zywicki said, woman did not immediately re- Capitol, in the closely divided Sen- cies are losing officers to trucking
grappling with how to keep cam- been vaccinated. “than mid-level bureaucrats at spond to a request for comment. ate, Republicans and a few Demo- companies because the pay is bet-
puses safe as classes resume this Gregory Washington, the uni- Mason who are designing a one- Del. Mark D. Sickles (D-Fairfax) cratic allies had the muscle to ter. Another said the shortage of
fall amid surging cases of the versity’s president, wrote in a size-fits-all solution.” said the House and Senate had force some changes. psychiatric beds in the state has
coronavirus in some areas, evolv- message to campus that the single [email protected] agreed not to accept amendments Sen. Janet D. Howell (D-Fair- compounded the problem, since
in order to move the process along fax), chairwoman of the Senate deputies called to intervene in
as quickly as possible. But, after Finance and Appropriations Com- mental health emergencies some-
amendments that significantly mittee, urged the Senate to “move times must stay with patients un-
impacted the funding proposal as expeditiously as humanly possi- til they can be moved to a psychiat-

Beat the Elements

Our siding products resist extreme climate conditions,
passed in the Senate on Wednes-
day, he said they would definitely
be going into a conference com-
mittee, where legislators from
both chambers would try to hash
out their differences.
ble with the goal of helping our
hurting Virginians and our com-
monwealth’s businesses.”
But she also agreed to take up
all 142 proposed floor amend-
ments. Senators had only begun
ric hospital, taking them off the
streets for hours and sometimes
days on end.
Democrats called a short recess
and upon their return, relented,
with some joining with Republi-
“Some of [the amendments] are slogging through the pile when cans to approve the amendment
including high temperatures, humidity, rain, hail, reasonable and will be accepted,” one met with success. on a voice vote.
Sickles said. “Some of them will Sen. Travis Hackworth (R-Taze- Not long after, the Senate ap-
snow, and even hurricanes. not.” well), the Senate’s newest mem- proved two language amend-
Sickles said he doesn’t know ber, proposed a change to provide ments from state Sen. Chap Pe-
how long it will take to reach an $5,000 hazard-pay bonuses to tersen (D-Fairfax City). Petersen’s
NO payments and agreement, but the approval will
take longer than leaders in both
sheriff’s deputies and correctional
staff for the next three years. The
amendments have nothing to do
with how the state will spend the
0% interest for the Senate and House had
planned for.
original plan, as passed by the
House, provides a $1,000 bonus,
American Rescue Plan Act funds.
But he was using the budget bill as
6 months “We were hoping to make it
quick,” Sickles said. “It’s going to
and only in the current fiscal year.
Hackworth’s plan would be no
a vehicle for legislation.
One Petersen amendment ad-
Payments as low as $159 monthly. be slower now than we had small adjustment, costing the opted by the Senate would require
with approved credit based on 1000 square feet. hoped.” state $200 million, up from the state Department of Motor
Offer valid 30 days following date of written In the name of expediency, $11 million as originally proposed. Vehicles offices to resume walk-in
price quote given prior to 9/4/21. budget leaders in the Democrati- Hackworth, who won his seat in a service, rather than the appoint-
cally controlled House and Senate special election in March, said the ment-only model it adopted under
worked with Northam before the move was needed to help attract the pandemic. Another that
two-week special session to ham- and retain deputies in “vastly un- passed would require the state to
$2500 off mer out a plan that they hoped derstaffed” sheriff’s departments. report on how many of Virginia’s
would get an up-or-down vote in Howell acknowledged that more than 100,000 state employ-
a whole house of siding both chambers — without any sheriff’s department pay was a ees continue to work remotely.
amendments that would slow problem, but said it would be bet- Later Wednesday evening, Lt.
*Terms and Conditions Apply. See Ameritech for details. down the process of getting a bill ter addressed along with State Gov. Justin Fairfax (D) stripped a
Minimum purchase of 1000 square feet. back to Northam’s desk for his Police compensation in the regu- provision of the bill that would
signature. lar session that begins in January, have allowed collegiate athletes to
House Democrats, who have a after a study on the subject is get paid by third-party brands for
CALL TODAY 55-45 margin in the chamber, took
just two minutes to shut down
completed in October. She also
said Northam has already prom-
sponsorships and partnerships.
Similar laws have passed in states
Republicans’ attempt to substi- ised to include money for law across the country this year after
FOR FREE ESTIMATE tute the bill with a plan of their enforcement raises, not tempo- the NCAA removed amateur pol-
own on the floor Tuesday. On rary bonuses, in the budget he’ll icies that prohibited student-ath-
Wednesday, without further de- propose in December. The one- letes from earning compensation.
202-897-4160 DC bate, the House passed the bill in
its original form on a bipartisan
time federal funds cannot be used
for raises because they are an on-
At the urging of Republicans, Fair-
fax ruled that the matter was not
301-264-8998 MD 71-to-25 vote.
That plan includes $800 mil-
going expense.
Howell said her approach
germane to the purpose of the
special session, which was called
lion for the unemployment trust would produce “a truly long-term to address the pandemic, appro-
703-586-9092 VA fund, $700 million for rural broad-
band projects and $250 million
solution to a very bad situation.”
But other Senate Republicans
priate federal funds and elect state
VA #2705029456A | MHIC #46744 | DC #67000878 | NC #77474 for school ventilation systems. It spoke up about a shortage of sher- [email protected]
also sets aside $800 million for iff’s deputies and correctional staff [email protected]


Warner, Kaine tell Senate leaders that restaurants need more covid relief
BY M EAGAN F LYNN experience decreased sales, crip- the restaurant area than there are founded by former Trump advis- filed bipartisan legislation in June not an appetite in Congress for
pling staffing shortages, and sig- funds available. . . . There’s not lots ers Stephen Miller and Mark to replenish the Restaurant Revi- another “broad-based” covid-19 re-
Democratic Sens. Mark R. War- nificant debt burdens,” they wrote. of talk about another covid pack- Meadows. They argued that the talization Fund by $60 billion — lief package, especially given that
ner and Tim Kaine of Virginia “Hundreds of Virginia restaurant age, but unfortunately it may be SBA’s prioritization of applica- the legislation Kaine and Warner Republicans have been vocally op-
called on Senate leadership owners have told us that they may necessary.” tions from certain restaurant urged Senate leadership on posed to the billions in funds given
Wednesday to take up legislation have to close their doors perma- The American Rescue Plan — the owners — including women, vet- Wednesday to move on. to state and local governments. But
that would provide restaurants nently if they do not receive addi- major covid-19 relief package erans and socioeconomically dis- A spokesman for Schumer said Warner said enough Republicans
with billions more in pandemic tional federal relief.” passed this spring — provided advantaged groups — discrimi- he “absolutely supports replenish- may get on board with more target-
relief after tens of thousands of In an interview, Warner said about $28 billion for the Restau- nated against them. A court or- ing the fund to keep local restau- ed restaurant relief and, he hopes,
them were left out of the last that two or three weeks ago, few on rant Revitalization Fund, adminis- dered the SBA on June 11 to begin rants open and workers em- his bill to provide relief to minor
round of grants, and as the delta Capitol Hill were discussing fur- tered by the Small Business Admin- processing applications for non- ployed.” A spokesman for McCon- league baseball clubs — among
variant threatens to accelerate the ther covid-19 relief, especially as istration. After just two months, the prioritized groups while halting nell did not immediately respond some sectors of the economy com-
pandemic. the infrastructure negotiations SBA shut down the program July 2, others. By the time Gresser heard to a request for comment. pletely left out in previous efforts.
In a letter to Senate Majority and reconciliation package domi- having run out of money. It admin- back from the SBA about her Kathy Hollinger, president and He said it was not likely that
Leader Charles E. Schumer nated senators’ focus. But now, he istered grants to more than 100,000 stalled application, it was only to CEO of the Restaurant Associa- Congress could move on these
(D-N.Y.) and Senate Minority said, if the delta variant continues applicants — but more than notify her of a minor paperwork tion of Metropolitan Washington, items before Labor Day given the
Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), to drive cases upward, Congress 278,000 eligible restaurants and error at the end of June. She said said it’s imperative the legislation August recess, and that the urgen-
Warner and Kaine noted that “de- may have to consider another more bars had applied, leaving the vast she was given no opportunity to fix passes, especially as the delta vari- cy probably will depend on the
mand has far outstripped the targeted relief package to prevent majority in a lurch. it before the program’s funds were ant adds yet more uncertainty to trajectory of the delta variant.
available funding” for the Restau- more restaurants and other small Ruth Gresser, owner-chef of depleted, causing her to join thou- restaurants’ plans for recovery. As Gresser said she’s not counting
rant Revitalization Fund. The vast businesses from closing. D.C.’s Pizzeria Paradiso, was sands of other eligible restaurants a whole, she said, restaurants in on anything until the relief money
majority of applicants across the “Literally in the last two weeks, among them. She applied for a that did not get the relief they were the Washington region are still is in her business’s bank account
country — about two-thirds — I think there’s been a mind-set grant within 10 minutes of the depending on. nowhere near their 2019 numbers. this time — but was certain that
were denied funding because of change,” Warner said. “We’ve seen portal opening on May 3. She was “What we thought was going to “We knew going in that there without it, some in the industry
the shortage, leaving many lag- it in people’s behavior changing, elated when it was approved just happen in May, the RRF funding wasn’t enough funding in place may not survive the winter.
ging behind in recovery even as people starting to re-mask in the weeks later. But Gressen was puz- helped us all to breathe a little given the high demand and need of “What do we need in order to
widespread vaccination and lift- Capitol . . . starting to look with a zled when no money arrived as more, because we thought we our industry,” she said. “A lot of make it? That’s the daily puzzle,”
ing of pandemic restrictions led little bit more dread about the weeks went by. were on this positive road to recov- people were left behind. We are not Gressen said. “Every day has been
more Americans back to restau- delta variant uptick. So what Sena- The SBA’s grant rollout was in ery, and we thought this was going okay with that. It has become an a puzzle. Without knowing wheth-
rants. tor Kaine and I wanted to do was part complicated by a lawsuit filed to help,” Gressen said. “And now incredibly polarizing issue, and the er you’re going to get the money,
“In Virginia and across the put a marker down again to say, we by White restaurant owners, rep- . . . where are we?” only fix is to fully fund RRF.” there’s no relying on it.”
country, restaurants continue to know there is a lot more need in resented by a conservative group Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) Warner said there probably is [email protected]

A political newcomer familiar with the power structure

YOUNGKIN FROM B1 a big zero on the national finan- prompting Swift to target the
cial scene. But Rubenstein had private-equity giant on social
selling companies, has some- an insight that wound up defin- media in a quest to regain con-
times dogged politicians. Repub- ing Carlyle: Rich people and trol of her own music.
lican Mitt Romney endured powerful people like to rub el- While those scenarios all un-
tough scrutiny over his record in bows with one another. If he folded during Youngkin’s time in
private equity at the Boston firm could arrange that, there were management, insiders said he
Bain Capital when he ran for deals to be made. was not directly involved. Young-
president in 2008 and 2012, with So they hired former defense kin was said to have had a far
questions raised about jobs cut secretary Frank Carlucci as more personal role in two signifi-
or sent overseas by the firm’s chairman, beginning a long line cant deals involving infrastruc-
investments. of A-list politicians cycling ture: the purchase of fossil fuel
Then there’s the character of through Carlyle as advisers or pipeline giant Kinder Morgan in
Carlyle. executives. Former president 2007, and Carlyle’s successful
“Republican voters have a soft George H.W. Bush, former Brit- effort to win a contract refur-
spot for successful business- ish prime minister John Major, bishing Terminal One at JFK
men,” said Quentin Kidd, a politi- former secretary of state James airport in New York.
cal scientist at Christopher New- Baker III — all these heavy His Democratic opponent in
port University. But ever since hitters played roles in those early the governor’s race, former Vir-
Donald Trump won the presiden- years, making connections, mak- ginia governor Terry McAuliffe,
cy, he added, the Republican ing fortunes. has criticized Youngkin over Car-
base has also been enthralled Initially, the firm’s focus tend- lyle’s record, saying the private-
with anti-establishment outsid- ed toward buying aerospace and equity firm has done deals that
ers. defense companies, managing resulted in jobs being eliminated
“What was appealing about them for a while and then selling or shipped overseas.
Trump to Republican voters was them off. The Associated Press reported
that he had all the success they Carlyle became so synony- last month that Carlyle, under
found attractive in a business- mous with the ruling elite — and Youngkin, had invested in com-
man, but it wasn’t establishment particularly with connections in panies that moved at least 1,300
success. In fact, he thumbed his the Middle East — that it was STEVE HELBER/ASSOCIATED PRESS American jobs overseas.
nose at the establishment. And regularly the focus of conspiracy Glenn Youngkin, now the Republican nominee for Virginia governor, speaks in Richmond on May 11. But Youngkin’s campaign has
Youngkin is sort of the opposite theories. Its reputation was not He was co-chief executive of the Carlyle Group, a private-equity firm, until his retirement last year. pointed out that McAuliffe him-
of that,” Kidd said. helped by the fact that as the self invested in Carlyle, including
Youngkin generally won twin towers fell on Sept. 11, 2001, a stake worth several hundred
praise as a capable, collaborative a half brother of Osama bin thousand dollars in one invest-
manager from a handful of for- Laden was attending a Carlyle ment fund in the mid-2000s.
mer Carlyle executives inter- conference at a Washington ho- A spokeswoman for McAuliffe
viewed for this article — all of tel. said less than $5,000 remains in
whom spoke on the condition of A few years after that, the that investment and noted that
anonymity to discuss the closely growing firm made a conscious McAuliffe was a passive investor
controlled company. turn away from government and — like someone parking money
But several expressed disap- toward the world of business. in a mutual fund — with no role
pointment that someone whom Legendary former IBM head Lou in business decisions.
they viewed as a serious-mind- Gerstner came in as chairman,
ed business leader has coddled and Carlyle began expanding far No golden parachute
the Trump base of the Republi- beyond Washington. Youngkin’s role at the compa-
can Party, such as by being Carlyle’s influence continues ny came to an end last summer. It
hesitant to acknowledge that to permeate the halls of power. was big news in the financial
President Biden was legitimate- Federal Reserve Chair Jerome H. world when the man anointed by
ly elected. Powell is a veteran, as is Nasdaq Carlyle’s founders to carry on
“I wouldn’t have done that,” chief Adena Friedman. their legacy decided to step down
said one former Carlyle execu- The firm owns or has owned in September after less than
tive, adding that Youngkin’s ap- companies as diverse as the three years sharing the top job.
proach to the campaign — slow Dunkin’ coffee and doughnut Youngkin has said that he felt
to roll out policy proposals, quick brand, Booz Allen Hamilton, compelled to start a new life in
to support the polarizing former Getty Images, and the Hertz car politics, that he saw Virginia as
president — was frustrating. “I’m rental agency. Returns on the being “in the ditch” and wanted
not even sure what Glenn’s agen- funds that buy and sell those to save it.
da is. . . . But [politics] is a dirty companies sometimes run from Two of the four former Carlyle
business, and you’re dealing with 30 percent to 40 percent per year. executives interviewed for this
a lot of irrational voters.” The investors who benefit ASTRID RIECKEN FOR THE WASHINGTON POST article said that Youngkin had
One former Carlyle executive from those returns are often big From left: William E. Conway Jr., Daniel D’Aniello and David Rubenstein, seen in 2011, founded the long signaled an interest in pub-
praised Youngkin’s business ca- institutions, particularly large Carlyle Group in 1987. The firm sprouted from the legal, political and business circles of Washington. lic service and that they were not
reer but demurred when asked pension systems. The California surprised by his decision to
whether the same admiration Public Employees’ Retirement vestment side of the firm into Youngkin as co-CEO. Each had a deal widely hailed as a success. leave.
extended to his political activi- System is a major backer of management in 2008. He helped role, with Lee as the aggressive BoozAllen, similarly, grew sig- The other two said his depar-
ties. Carlyle funds, and last year the oversee the stripping back of dealmaker. nificantly after Carlyle took a ture seemed to be hastened by
“I don’t have any insight into Virginia Retirement System investments that helped Carlyle “Glenn was the long-term guy. majority stake in 2008 and gen- friction with Lee, his co-CEO.
any of that,” this person said, committed up to $1 billion to a ride out the financial crisis, He’d been there 25 years, he’d erated billions for the private-eq- They echoed reports in the finan-
declining to discuss the topic. Carlyle investment fund. served as interim chief financial helped the firm grow, been over- uity firm after selling shares to cial press last summer suggest-
“You don’t see a lot of Carlyle Eventually — in 2012 — the officer and eventually became seas,” Ullman said. “He’d seen the public. In 2013, Carlyle took a ing that Lee’s more hard-charg-
people coming out and support- formerly clubby, private firm chief operating officer. how all the pieces fit together. He minority stake in the head- ing nature never meshed with
ing him,” another former Carlyle went public, selling shares after Taking on those roles, another was a culture carrier.” phones maker Beats, boosted its Youngkin.
executive noted. a complex transition overseen by former Carlyle executive said, One longtime Carlyle joint- national distribution and then “It was pretty well known that
Youngkin’s campaign declined the rapidly rising Youngkin. was something of a sacrifice for venture partner, who spoke on profited when Apple bought the the two of them didn’t get along
to make him available for an The 6-foot-5-inch Virginian Youngkin — leaving behind the the condition of anonymity to brand just nine months later. that well. . . . There’s always the
interview for this article. A was well-liked by leadership, ac- more exciting world of deals for talk frankly about the firm, said Carlyle’s stake in the nursing shock of it, but it struck me as
spokeswoman for Carlyle de- cording to interviews with a the sometimes thankless task of Youngkin was smart and person- home chain ManorCare was a totally the right thing to do to get
clined to comment. handful of insiders, and played corporate operations. able but not one to shake up the different story. During the five out,” one former Carlyle execu-
many roles at the firm. He was A former member of Carlyle’s status quo. “A phrase that was years of Carlyle ownership, Man- tive said.
The rich and the powerful elected a partner after only four management committee said kicked around is he’s like Won- orCare struggled financially and There was no golden para-
Youngkin, 54, who played bas- years, in 1999, then worked in Youngkin was willing to play that der Bread dipped in whole milk,” exposed its 25,000 patients to chute for Youngkin, but he didn’t
ketball at Rice University in London until 2005, setting up role because of his commitment the joint-venture partner said. sometimes serious health risks, need one. In a firm with more
Houston, earned undergraduate offices around Europe. When he to “a collaborative culture. . . . He His role in management according to a Washington Post than $230 billion of assets under
degrees in mechanical engineer- returned to Washington, Young- was one of those principled lead- meant that Youngkin was no investigation in 2018. The firm management — nearly four times
ing and management studies be- kin led a Carlyle sector that made ers who sort of did what he was longer driving individual deals, declared bankruptcy after Car- Virginia’s annual budget — mon-
fore heading into the business industrial investments. asked to do and was also inspir- but he said at a February cam- lyle and other investors extract- ey flowed freely to top execu-
world. With an MBA from Har- “One thing that enabled him ing. He would lead town halls, paign appearance in Virginia ed some $1.3 billion in value and tives. Though Youngkin forfeited
vard, he worked at McKinsey & to rise up through the ranks was communicate [across the organi- Beach that he would “own every- left behind enormous debt, The more than $100 million in stock
Co. before joining Carlyle in 1995 his capacity to absorb informa- zation]. He was not sharp-el- thing” that had happened during Post found. options, he received more than
as an analyst. tion. You can shovel gobs of bowed whatsoever.” his tenure as a top executive. Carlyle owned a waste recy- $12 million in compensation for
The firm had sprouted in 1987 information into his brain, and The three founders made a As Ullman put it, private equi- cling company called Synagro 2020, $16 million the year before
from the legal, political and busi- he can analyze it and spit it out in momentous decision in 2017 to ty is like lion taming — when it that went bankrupt in 2013 after and $37 million the year before
ness circles of Washington. With- a useful and comprehensive step back and name successors goes well, it’s great; when it goes losing several municipal con- that, according to filings with the
in a few years, three people manner. Glenn is astounding at to run the company. Because wrong, it can be catastrophic. tracts. A former Synagro official Securities and Exchange Com-
formed its brain trust: former that,” said Christopher Ullman, their partnership had worked so Carlyle had its share of both pleaded guilty to bribing a mem- mission.
Carter administration official Carlyle’s longtime public face as well, according to insiders, the while Youngkin was there. The ber of Detroit’s City Council. Youngkin remains one of Car-
David Rubenstein, former Mar- its director of communications three envisioned continuing firm took a one-third stake in And in an unlikely intersec- lyle’s top shareholders. A compa-
riott executive Daniel D’Aniello for nearly two decades before with a similar division of duties Dunkin’ in 2006, for instance, tion with pop culture, Carlyle ny proxy statement from April
and former MCI Communica- stepping down in 2018. at the top. helped manage the brand as it drew the ire of Taylor Swift fans listed Youngkin as owning stock
tions executive William E. Con- They chose a newcomer — opened more than 2,000 new for its role in helping artist worth more than $335 million at
way Jr. The long-term guy Kewsong Lee, a hard-charging stores across the country and manager Scooter Braun buy out its recent trading value.
At that time, Washington was Youngkin moved from the in- New Yorker — to pair with then took it public in 2012 in a the singer’s back catalogue, [email protected]


As region’s cool days fade, next week could be the summer’s hottest in D.C.
BY M ATTHEW C APPUCCI Wednesday marks the last day well as Cape Cod, where rain numbers may have to be bumped tiday stretch of exceptional heat. the Potomac away from the tem-
of comparatively cool and com- totals of 5 to 6 inches are possi- upward. Dew points, which measure how perature sensor at Reagan Na-
The Mid-Atlantic has been en- fortable temperatures. On Thurs- ble. “High temperatures are ex- much moisture is present in the tional Airport, boosting the odds
joying a brief break from the heat day the heat will begin to creep In the coming days, the upper- pected to reach well into the 90s air, will be on the rise, too. They the station there will over-
and humidity over the past cou- back into the forecast, with highs air pattern will pull a dramatic with heat indexes nearing 100 will approach 70 over the week- achieve.
ple of days, but don’t expect that near 90 returning by Friday. switcheroo, our bowling ball of Sunday through Tuesday, espe- end and likely climb into the 70s In the medium range, late next
welcome reprieve to last long. A lobe of chilly high-altitude upper-level cold replaced by a cially near and east of I-81,” wrote next week. The combination of week appears toasty, too. NOAA’s
Signs are pointing to a reversal of air has stalled over the Eastern ridge in the jet stream, or “heat the National Weather Service in heat and humidity will lead to Climate Prediction Center has
the upper-air weather pattern United States in recent days, dome.” That will shunt the jet Sterling, Va., on Wednesday. heat indexes in the triple digits. already outlined the Northeast
over the Lower 48, spelling a centered near the Ohio and Ten- stream northward, steering mid- Some models, like the Ameri- Whether temperatures ap- as being at “moderate risk” of
return to stifling heat, sweltering nessee Valleys and keeping the latitude storm systems up into can GFS model, are bullish on the proach the century mark is a excessive heat.
humidity and a chance at period- Mid-Atlantic under its cooler Canada. And it will keep us heat potential — simulating a question of wind direction. A The weather pattern also looks
ic strong storms. influence. That’s brought a fleet- parked beneath a stagnant re- high of 97 degrees Sunday and 98 southwesterly component of the to favor a few disturbances that
Recent days have brought a ing lull in the steamy summer- gime of sinking air, sunny skies on Monday. The European model wind could mean a touch more could bring showers and thun-
refreshing air mass with high time weather characteristic of and Gulf of Mexico humidity. is calling for 99 on Tuesday. moisture sneaking northward, derstorms to the Eastern Sea-
temperatures near 80 in the the D.C. region. In the nation’s capital, Sunday These temperatures could making it a bit more difficult for board, including the risk for
Washington region. It’s been To the east, the Bermuda High could feature a high of 92 de- match or top Washington’s high- temperatures to climb. Light some severe weather. That likely
the coolest stretch since Inde- is sweeping a stream of sultry air grees, with 93 predicted Monday est to date this summer: 97 westerly flow is ideal for bring- won’t occur until mid-August,
pendence Day weekend, when a and deep moisture northward and 94 on Wednesday. Those are degrees on July 27. ing the hottest temperatures in with only more isolated showers
strong cold front ushered in an over the west Atlantic. That’s forecasts a week out and could be While those values ought to be D.C., since air subsiding over the and storms cropping up before
invigorating air mass from been clipping portions of the a little conservative. If weather taken with a grain of salt, they Blue Ridge warms. It also pushes then.
Canada. Outer Banks of North Carolina as model trends continue, those illustrate the potential for a mul- a thin layer of marine air from [email protected]

PAULA J. CAPLAN, 74 “thrown out.” University, American University
“In our increasingly psychia- and Harvard University, where

Psychologist, trized world, the first course is

often to classify anything but rou-
tine happiness as a mental disor-
der, assume it is based on a broken
she was director of the Voices of
Diversity Project at the Hutchins
Center for African and African
American Research.

author countered brain or a chemical imbalance,

and prescribe drugs or hospital-
ization,” she wrote her Post com-
Dr. Caplan’s books included
“Lifting a Ton of Feathers: A
Woman’s Guide to Surviving in
the Academic World” (1993),

sexism in her field Earlier, she had gone so far as to

declare psychology an “overrated”
“Psychologists and psychia-
“Thinking Critically About Re-
search on Sex and Gender” (1994,
co-authored with her son, Jeremy
B. Caplan) and “They Say You’re
trists can do wonderful things. Crazy: How the World’s Most
BY E MILY L ANGER fering that they feared might But these days you would think Powerful Psychiatrists Decide
come from leaving — a potential that there is no such thing as Who’s Normal” (1995).
Paula J. Caplan, a psychologist reprisal from the abusive partner, normal,” she wrote in the Times in
who challenged the sexist as- loneliness or indigence. 2003. “If you are still grieving a
sumptions that she identified in Countering another belief loved one’s death two months lat-
her profession — among them, a among some psychologists, she er, you fit the category of ‘major “The same behaviors
tendency to blame mothers for argued that women who sacrifice depressive disorder.’ Insurance
their children’s problems — in a their needs or desires to give more companies want you quickly fixed, that are defined as
decades-long campaign to im- fully of themselves to their chil- drug companies have a pill for
prove mental health care for wom- dren are not bearing out Freudian every occasion, and friends and masochistic in women
en, died July 21 at her home in ideas of female masochism, but family are too overworked to pro-
Rockville, Md. She was 74. rather are fulfilling the nurturing vide the irreplaceable support for would be defined quite
The cause was metastatic mela- maternal role that society expect- grief that is present in other coun-
noma, said her daughter, Emily J. ed them to play. tries. We are damaging the nature healthily as sacrificial,
Caplan Stephenson. “The same behaviors that are of friendship, teaching people that
Dr. Caplan, a clinical psycholo- defined as masochistic in women,” they need experts to treat them for or courageous . . .
gist and longtime professor at the Dr. Caplan told the New York everything.”
University of Toronto, embarked Times in 1985, “would be defined Paula Joan Caplan was born in in men.’’
on her career in the early 1970s. quite healthily as sacrificial, or Springfield, Mo., on July 7, 1947. Paula J. Caplan, in a 1985 interview
Only a decade earlier, feminist courageous, or facing realities, or Her father, who worked in real with the New York Times
writer Betty Friedan had identi- hard work, in men.’’ estate, had served in the military
fied in her book “The Feminine Psychology’s mistreatment of during World War II and inspired
Mystique” a pervasive malaise women, according to Dr. Caplan, Dr. Caplan’s later work on behalf In addition to her academic
among unfulfilled housewives extended to pinning blame on of traumatized veterans who, in work, she wrote plays and pro-
that she labeled “the problem that them for the mental disturbances her opinion, society shuttled into duced documentary films includ-
has no name.” of their children. Among her clini- mental health treatment without ing “Isaac Pope: The Spirit of an
Dr. Caplan, one of several prom- cal colleagues, she noted what she deeper interest in their needs. American Century” (2019), about
inent psychologists who sought to regarded as a disturbing tendency Paula J. Caplan, a longtime professor at the University of Toronto, “Simply sending frightened, a 100-year-old African American
bring a feminist worldview to to use mothers as psychiatric assailed the concept of female masochism, according to which angry soldiers off to therapists veteran of World War II and his
their field, argued that for genera- scapegoats, a trend she addressed women take pleasure in dissatisfaction and suffering. conveys disturbing messages: that experience of racism through the
tions, male psychologists had la- in her book “Don’t Blame Mother: we don’t want to listen, that we’re 20th century.
beled women’s problems with the Mending the Mother-Daughter gued, PMS symptoms were the quences. afraid we’re not qualified to listen, Dr. Caplan’s marriages to Paul
wrong name — a systemic failing Relationship” (1989). result of natural fluctuations in a “Since the 1980s, when I first and that they should talk to some- Mohl and Marcel Kinsbourne
that, she argued, resulted in un- Reviewing a series of studies woman’s hormone levels. made public my concerns about one who gets paid to listen,” she ended in divorce.
told numbers of women receiving published in the 1970s and 1980s, “If they had made a decision psychiatric diagnosis, I have wrote in The Post in 2004. “The Survivors include two children
one diagnosis when they should she observed that “mothers were suddenly pathologizing a half mil- heard from hundreds of people implication is that their devasta- from her second marriage — her
have received another, or even blamed for 72 different kinds of lion men, there would be a public who have been arbitrarily slapped tion is abnormal, that it is a men- daughter, of Rockville, and her
none at all. problems in their offspring, rang- outcry,” Dr. Caplan told the Times with a psychiatric label and are tal illness, and this only adds to son, of Edmonton, Alberta; a
She assailed the concept of fe- ing from bed-wetting to schizo- in 1994, expressing her disagree- struggling because of it,” she wrote their burdens.” brother; and five grandchildren.
male masochism, an idea rooted phrenia, from inability to deal ment with colleagues who sup- in The Washington Post in 2012. After receiving a bachelor’s de- “I love proving and stating that
in Freudian psychoanalysis ac- with color blindness to aggressive ported labeling severe PMS a “About half of all Americans get gree in English from Radcliffe Col- what men are saying about wom-
cording to which women take behavior, from learning problems mental illness. a psychiatric diagnosis in their lege in 1969, Dr. Caplan enrolled at en is wrong,” Dr. Caplan once told
pleasure in dissatisfaction and to ‘homicidal transsexualism.’ ” The argument in favor of classi- lifetimes,” she continued, which Duke University, where she re- the Toronto Star, reflecting on her
suffering. In her 1985 book, “The Dr. Caplan attracted particular fying the condition as a mental “can cost anyone their health in- ceived a master’s degree in 1971 work. “There are a lot of myths
Myth of Women’s Masochism,” Dr. attention for her opposition to the disorder, Dr. Caplan’s detractors surance, job, custody of their chil- and a PhD in 1973, both in psychol- that are used to oppress women
Caplan sought to demonstrate the official classification of premen- said, was that it might encourage dren, or right to make their own ogy. Dr. Caplan’s mother, who died that are based on sloppily gath-
concept’s pernicious effects as it strual dysphoric disorder, a severe research on the subject and help medical and legal decisions. . . . In in February at 97, pursued gradu- ered data, biased theories and
became ingrained in psychology form of premenstrual syndrome, affected women feel justified in light of the subjectivity of these ate studies in counseling just as outright misogynism. Mental
and the popular imagination. in the American Psychiatric Asso- seeking help. But in a broader diagnoses and the harm they can her daughter began hers. health professionals must take
Battered women, she noted, ciation’s Diagnostic and Statisti- assessment of psychology, Dr. Ca- cause, we should be extremely Dr. Caplan was on the faculty the responsibility to undo the
were labeled masochists when in cal Manual of Mental Disorders, a plan maintained that a diagnosis skeptical of them. of the University of Toronto from damage and show what is posi-
fact they remained in abusive rela- widely used guide known as the of mental disorder could, in some Dr. Caplan ultimately conclud- 1979 to 1995. She later taught at tive about women.”
tionships to avoid the greater suf- DSM. In the first place, she ar- scenarios, bring about real conse- ed that the DSM should be institutions including Brown [email protected]


Mother of would-be Reagan assassin devoted life to mental health research

BY STAFF REPORTS guilty by reason of insanity, and 1984, and it later merged into of asking a federal judge in
AND NEWS SERVICES he was ordered to live at St. another mental health associa- Washington to grant him release
Elizabeths. Mrs. Hinckley and tion. from various conditions that he’s
Jo Ann Hinckley, who became her husband, John “Jack” Hinck- In 1986, Mrs. Hinckley said been living under.
an advocate for mental health ley Sr., had moved to Williams- she and her husband had no idea Jo Ann Moore was born in
research and education after her burg to be closer to their son. at the time that their son was Brumley, Mo., on Dec. 7, 1925,
son John Hinckley Jr. tried to John Hinckley was the young- sick. She said they “knew noth- and grew up in Oklahoma City.
assassinate President Ronald est of Jo Ann and Jack Hinckley’s ing about mental illness” and She attended the University of
Reagan in 1981, died July 30 at an three children. He was 25 when hoped the fund could help “make Oklahoma, where she met her
assisted-living center in Wil- he shot the 40th U.S. president something good come out of our future husband of 61 years at a
liamsburg, Va. She was 95. outside a Washington hotel. tragedy.” school dance. He established
Barry Wm. Levine, John According to a 1985 book In 2006, Hinckley eventually Vanderbilt Energy Corp., a gas
Hinckley’s longtime attorney, called “Breaking Points” that the began making visits from the and oil firm that made him a
confirmed the death but did not couple wrote with Elizabeth hospital to his parents’ home. millionaire. They spent many
provide an immediate cause. Sherrill about their son and the Those visits expanded in length years raising the family in the
Mrs. Hinckley had been her assassination attempt, Mrs. over the years. wealthy North Dallas neighbor-
son’s primary companion as he Hinckley was ironing and watch- Mrs. Hinckley was intimately hood of Highland Park.
transitioned in recent years from ing television when a reporter involved in monitoring her son’s In addition to her sons, survi-
living at St. Elizabeths psychiat- for The Washington Post called activities during visits, serving as vors include a daughter, Diane
ric hospital in Washington to and said that her son had been his chauffeur before he got a Sims; four grandchildren; and
being allowed to live with her identified as the man who fired driver’s license and staying in two great-grandchildren.
full-time in a gated community shots at the president. contact with mental health pro- [email protected]
in Williamsburg. “Is this your idea of a joke?” fessionals at St. Elizabeths. Her Jo Ann Hinckley and her husband, Jack, right, parents of John
Levine said Mrs. Hinckley de- she responded before slamming husband, a retired oil executive, Hinckley Jr., along with attorney Barry Levine, center, at court in
voted her life to looking after her down the phone. died in 2008. Washington in 2003, for a hearing regarding visitation privileges
son following his shooting of At the time of the shooting, A July 2016 court order grant- for their son, who tried to kill President Ronald Reagan.
Reagan on March 30, 1981. His Hinckley was suffering from ed Hinckley permission to begin CORRECTION
spray of bullets — six shots from acute psychosis and was ob- living with his mom full-time, himself or others. 2017 and expressed interest in
a .22-caliber revolver — also hit sessed with actress Jodie Foster. and he moved permanently in Since he moved in with his living with John after their
White House press secretary Jurors said he needed treatment, September 2016. By that time, his mother, Hinckley “was grateful mother’s death, according to a l The Aug. 3 obituary of psycholo-
James S. Brady, leaving him not a lifetime in confinement. mental illness had been in full to have been able to reciprocate risk assessment of Hinckley that gist Albert Bandura incorrectly
partially paralyzed, and injured In the years after the shooting, and sustained remission for dec- in some measure by providing was filed in court last year. said that President Barack
U.S. Secret Service agent Tim his parents began to raise money ades, experts said. The judge full-time care for her,” said Levine said John Hinckley, Obama awarded Dr. Bandura a
McCarthy and D.C. police officer for mental health research and overseeing his case wrote that, Levine, his attorney. now 66, had already moved out National Medal of Science in
Thomas Delahanty. education. They founded the with appropriate conditions, John Hinckley’s brother Scott of his mother’s home before her 2014. Dr. Bandura received the
A jury found Hinckley not American Mental Health Fund in Hinckley was not a danger to had moved to Williamsburg in death. Hinckley is in the process award in 2016.

JOHN CONRAD PHILIPPEN Gordon Blaine Pracht of Forestville, MD, passed Of Silver Spring, MD died July 30, 2021, in
Devoted citizens and resilient contributors to away peacefully surrounded by family on her home, surrounded by her loved ones.
their families and community, teacher Ellaree August 1, 2021. Viewing will be held August 8 Sharie lost her brave and terrible battle with
Beaty Philippen (October 14, 1926 - July 6, at Lee Funeral Home in Clinton, MD from 2 to Metastatic Breast Cancer. She leaves behind
2018) and husband, Naval Veteran John Con- 4 p.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. Funeral service will be her loving husband, Ronald J. Smith; her devot-
rad Philippen (April 5, 1935 - June 29, 2020) will held at Mt. Calvary Church in Forestville, MD ed daughter, Cara S. Rynning; her brother,
be interred together in honor, at the National on August 9 at 11 a.m. Interment to follow at Howard A. Brown, and two grandchildren,
Cemetery in Arlington, VA on Thursday., August Resurrection Cemetery in Clinton, MD. Hugh T. Rynning and Elizabeth R. Rynning.
5 at 9 a.m. Born on February 7, 1949, to Howard W. and
Rose A. Brown in Manorville, Pennsylvania,
Among the bereaved are son Hans and wife Sharie grew up with a love of the mountains,
Patricia O'Reilly-Philippen of Harrisburg, PA, Allegheny River, and socializing with her many
daughter Leslie Renee and husband David close friends. In 1984, she married the love of
Martone of Silver Spring, Maryland, and Alvin
and Jocelyn Hutchinson of Bethesda, Maryland.
REYNOLDS her life, Ron, and moved to Silver Spring, where
they raised their daughter together. Sharie
Surviving are great grand niece Anastasia was best known for her easy laugh, bright
Krosofsky, devoted nephews Michael, Patrick,
ELEXAMIS REYNOLDS, P.M. smile, and devotion to her friends and family.
Terry, and Kevin O'Shaughnessy (formerly of The officers and members of In her later years her most joyful moments
Roanoke, Virginia) and Robert Philippen and Pythagorus Lodge No. 9, F&AM were spent with her grandchildren, who knew
wife Rose of Massapequa, New York. PHA are notified of the death her as “Mimmy”, and her daughter. Sharie
JEFFREY I. BAILEY JUANITA CARLESTER HYSON of P.M. Elexamis Reynolds. Wake will be greatly missed by her friends and MARTHA KIMBLE
Entered into eternal rest on Monday, July 26, Juanita Carlester Hyson, 91, beloved wife of Mrs. Philippen was a graduate and lifelong Friday, August 6, 10 a.m. until family. A visitation will be held on August 7, Martha Helen Kimble, age 96, of Silver Spring,
2021. He is survived by his daughter, Rachel the late Wilbur T. Hyson passed Friday, July 30, supporter of King University in Bristol Tenn. time of service at 11 a.m., when 2021, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Hines-Rinaldi Maryland passed away Sunday, July 4, 2021.
Avant; former wife, Brenda A. Bailey and a host 2021 in Bowie, MD. Juanita was born November Mr. Philippen originally of Long Beach, NY Masonic Service will be per- Funeral Home, 11800 New Hampshire Ave., She was a proud Montgomery County School
of other relatives and friends. Mr. Bailey was 19, 1929 in Washington, DC to the late Graham was inextinguishable in his love and care for formed at Wiseman Funeral Home, 7529 Old Silver Spring, MD 20904. The interment will bus driver for over 30 years. She was also a
preceeded in death by his parents, Ernest F. and Inez Brown. her. Mr. and Mrs. Philippen were married 57 Alexandria Ferry Rd., Clinton, MD. Interment follow at 3 p.m. at Union Cemetery, 3001 member of the Methodist and Free Methodist
and Gladys J. Bailey and brother, Eric Bailey. She attended DC Public Schools and subse- years and enjoyed the affection of many grand Heritage Memorial Cemetery, Waldorf, MD. Spencerville Road, Burtonsville, MD 20866. Church in Layhill, MD. She was very active
Mr. Bailey may be viewed at Stewart Funeral quently retired from St. Elizabeth’s Hospital as nieces and grand nephews, grandchildren: Ila Michael W. Green, Sr., WM in volunteering at multiple places including,
Home, 4001 Benning Rd., NE on Friday, August a Licensed Practical Nurse. and Sam Martone, and John, Dara and Chloe Alonzo Wannamaker, Secy. Meals on Wheels, Montgomery General Hospi-
6 from 1 p.m. until 3 p.m. There will be a final She’s survived by three sons, Bernard, Clinton Marie Philippen. Beloved included lifelong tal, and the American Legion, as well as Rosie
viewing with reflections on Saturday, August and Raymond Hyson, a daughter Wylene McK- friend Dorothy Herndon, countless elementary the Riveter in World War II. She had many close
7 at 1 p.m. at J.M. Wilkerson Funeral Home in night, a son-in-law, two daughters-in-law, eight school students especially Sharon Skinner, and friends and relatives and was happiest when
Petersburg, VA. Interment is private. grandchildren, ten great-grandchildren, two the Meizell and Burgess families along with DEATH NOTICE she was helping others. A mother of eight sons.
nephews, a niece and a host of other relatives many other co-workers, neighbors and friends She was born at her family home in Tayloria,
and friends. She surely will be missed. Pennsylvania to Roy P Hart and Sarah Wallace
Services will held 10:30 a.m. on Monday,
in the Silver Spring and Wheaton, Maryland
area. ABERCROMBIE Hart on May 3, 1925.
BECKER August 9 at 1st Baptist Church of Glen Arden,
3600 Brightseat Rd, Landover, MD 20785
She was happily married for 35 years to Hanes
Anson Kimble until his death October 6, 1982.
And Jerry Scaranto four years. She was pre-
DONALD JOSEPH BECKER deceased by three brothers, one sister, two
Donald Joseph Becker completed 91 revo- PITTMAN husbands and sons, Roy Philip Kimble, Philip
Roy Kimble, Hanes Anson Kimble Jr. (Bo), as
lutions around the Sun on his Earthly jour-
ney before rocketing off on August 2, 2021.
Born in Bellevue, Iowa on November 4, JIMENEZ well as a grandsons, Dennis Larry Kimble II and
Philip Roy Kimble Jr.
1929, to Joseph and Dehlia, he continued She is remembered by her sons, Dennis Kimble,
on to The University of Iowa graduating David Kimble, Gerald (Gerry) Kimble, Steve
with a JD degree in law. Navigating through Kimble and Joseph Kimble. She is also survived
a test flight as a JAG officer in El Paso, by many grandchildren, great-grandchildren,
Texas, he landed swiftly on the grounds of and even great-great-grandchildren.
NASA forging a new flight plan which flew A celebration of life will be held August 14,
him through Huntsville, Alabama to the final DEATH NOTICE 2021 at 2 p.m. at Burntwoods Church, 14135
destination of Washington, D.C. He devoted Burntwoods Rd.,Glenwood, Maryland 21738.
nearly 35 years supporting the Mercury,
Apollo, and Space Shuttle programs of SMITH
NASA. He is survived by his loving and
devoted wife of 67 years, Donna Joan DAVID RICHARD SMITH
Becker; two children, Brent Becker and Of Rockville, MD passed away peacefully on
Cheryl Butler (David); two grandchildren,
Nicole Schaefer (Tom) and Tavis Butler; and
July 25, 2021, after a brief but fierce battle
with an aggressive form of cancer. Dave was
William Bowie Abercrombie, age 63, died
two great grandchildren, Lucas Schaefer born in Washington, DC on August 9, 1944, peacefully in his home in Ashburn, VA Sun-
and Sophia Schaefer. Don and Donna spent and raised in Silver Spring, Maryland. A 1962 day, August 1, 2021, surrounded by his
their leisure time traveling the world, and graduate of Sherwood High School, he went loved ones. Bowie was a man of God, a
when at home he enjoyed listening to music on to earn a Bachelor’s degree in Physics from loving father and husband, and a fixer of
of his era and long-distance bike riding. ANN L. PITTMAN (Age 59) the University of Maryland, a Master’s degree all things. He was an avid reader of the
Being incredibly handy, he also served as Transitioned on Friday, July 9, 2021. Family will in Physics and a Ph.D. in Cellular and Molecular Washington Post.
the neighborhood fix it man. The family has receive friends on Saturday, August 7, 2021 for Biology (specializing in Neurophysiology), both
wished Don farewell privately. Donna is at GEORGE T. JIMENEZ a memorial service from 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. from the University of Southern California. Funeral services will be held Saturday,
their family home, welcoming anyone that Our beloved George T. Jimenez passed away at Freeman Funeral Services Chapel, 7201 Old After moving back to the DC area in 1981, August 7 at Money & King Funeral home
wishes to call or visit and share in their peacefully on Saturday, July 24, 2021, at the Alexandria Ferry Rd., Clinton, MD. he most recently worked as a submarine in Vienna, VA. For complete obituary and
memories. Memories may also be posted age of 85. George was a kind and loving sonar software engineer at the Johns Hopkins guestbook, visit
online at Moneyandking.com family man, a highly principled executive, an Applied Physics Laboratory before his retire- www.moneyandking.com
adventurer, and a lover of the arts. He started ment. He is the beloved husband of Valerie Hu,
his career in engineering and mathematics as loving father of Matthew Hu-Smith, and son of
one of the early experts in computing in the the late Carroll Smith and Verna Johnson Smith.
1960’s. George went on to become CEO and He is survived by his brother Donald Smith of
CLEMENTS Chairman of Ace*Comm Corp. from 1983 to
2008, a company he took public in 1996 onto
Killeen, TX and his wife Suzy; sister Joan Berish
of Albuquerque, NM and her husband Dave;
(Age 91)
the Nasdaq stock exchange.
George was an avid skier, marathoner and
nephews Solomon, Matthew, and Jonathan
Smith of Northern Virginia, South Korea, and GLASHOFER
mountain climber of Kilimanjaro, 14,000 ft Iowa, respectively; and niece Melissa Smith
Went home to be with our Lord on July 29, of Kentucky. Dave was also a veteran of the
2021. He was born to the late Paul Eugene, mountains in Colorado, and a Founding Father
of Opera Naples in Florida. He is survived U.S. Army who was stationed at Fort McNair, MIKE WYNN
Sr. and Ruth Clements on October 9, 1929 in DC and Fort Myer, VA during the Vietnam Mike Wynn of Ruckersville, VA, passed away
Illinois. by his wife of almost 60 years, Cecilia J.
Jimenez, his children, Celine Jimenez (James) war. Inurnment will be held at a later date July 29, 2021 at Sentara Martha Jefferson
He left behind his loving wife, Martha Savold at Arlington National Cemetery. If desired, Hospital in Charlottesville, VA.
Clements and their combined families. Chil- Crowson and Edward (Eileen) Jimenez, and his
four grandchildren, Maya, Sophia, Julian and contributions may be made in his name to Mike was born in Washington, North Carolina
dren are Ellen Clements Greene (Donald), the American Cancer Society. Please sign the to Robert and Nollie Wynn. He is survived by his
Wayne Clements (Susan), David Savold (Markie) Andrew, who will all miss him dearly.
A memorial service will be held at St. guest book at: spouse, Mary Wynn; daughters, Kim Deem and
and Nancy Savold.
Gene worked as a Controller for the Army Bartholomew's Church, 6900 River Rd, Bethes- DEATH NOTICE www.DeVolFuneralHome.com Sandra Wynn; grandchildren, T.J.Overhulser,
da, MD 20817 on Saturday, August 14, at 11 Erica Green, Tyler Ayscue and Logan Ayscue;
Materiel Command and after retiring worked and sister, Sheila Campbell of Portsmouth, VA.
a.m. Interment private.
as an Investigator for the House Appropriations
Committee both in Washington, DC. He was a In lieu of flowers, individuals can direct dona-
tions to St. Bartholomew's Catholic School or
MORIARTY He was preceded in death by his brothers,
Robert Wynne and Gary Wynne; and sisters,
very active volunteer for many Lutheran (ELCA) Patricia Ferrari and Joann Wright.
Church Committees and very active in his The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's
Research. Mike's passion was golf. He attended The
home community of Brookdale, Williamsburg, University of Houston on a golf scholarship
VA. Please view and sign the family guestbook at
www.pumphreyfuneralhome.com where he met his wife, Mary. From 1971-1978
A memorial service will be at St. Stephen he was a player on the PGA golf tour. He
Lutheran Church on Sunday, August 8, 2021 later was Head Professional at Elizabeth Manor
at 3 p.m. or to be viewed live at: Country Club in Portsmouth, VA and Evergreen
https:www.youtube.com/channel/UCNq5Fg- Country Club in Haymarket, VA.
B091Edfs6BYDMDHxQ SIDNEY GLASHOFER A visitation will be held on Thursday, August 5,
In lieu of flowers please consider making a
donation in Gene’s name to the Memorial Fund MALOW On July 25, 2021, Sidney
Glashofer of Silver Spring, MD 2021 from4 to 8 p.m. at Ryan Funeral Home,
12819 Spotswood Trail, Ruckersville, VA 22968.
at St. Stephen Lutheran Church. passed away at the age of
87 years after a long battle A memorial and golf tournament will be held at
MARY HELEN MALOW a future date.
Mary Helen Malow (née Baxter), age 79, of with renal disease, including
four years on dialysis. He is In lieu of flowers, family requests donations be
FULLER Fuquay-Varina, NC, passed away on July 12,
2021 with her daughter and son-in-law by survived by his wife of 62 years, Miriam,
and three children and their spouses, Lori
made to the Mid Atlantic PGA scholarship fund.
Ryan Funeral Home of Ruckersville, VA is
her side. handling the arrangements.
HUGH FULLER Originally from Albuquerque, NM, Mary and Yitzhak; Paul and Sara; and Marc and
(Age 78) Helen moved to Washington, DC in 1966 Alison, and by seven grandchildren, Adi,
Born at Columbia Hospital for Women in Wash- and soon found employment at the Library Guy, Tomer, Akiva, Raanan, Natan and
ington, DC. He graduated from St. Albans of Congress. She also served as a staff Olivia.
School, attended Virginia Military Institute and assistant for Senator Clinton Anderson, and Sid was born in 1934 and grew up in
graduated from American University. He later in life, she worked for Mitretek. Mary Philadelphia. He graduated with a degree
worked at the Security & Exchange Com- Helen was a talented dancer, avid gardener,
JOHN K. MORIARTY in pharmacy from the Philadelphia College
mission. Hugh died peacefully at home on John Klinge Moriarty, age 101, a retired military-political analyst and former colonel in the U.S. of Pharmacy. Upon marrying, he relocated
voracious reader, and animal lover. She Air Force, died on August 1, 2021 at his home in Manassas, Virginia after a brief illness. During to the Washington, DC area. He worked DEATH NOTICES
June 23, 2021. Hugh is survived by his wife, volunteered for many years for both SHARE MONDAY- FRIDAY 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Georgia Elaine; children H. Robinson Shaw- WWII, he served as a pilot and squadron commander in the United States Army Air Forces. at local pharmacies including Summit Hill,
of McLean, VA and St. Matthew’s Cathedral After the war, he spent his professional career focused on the objectives of lessening the SATURDAY-SUNDAY 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Fuller, Teresa E. Fuller; his Shaw-Fuller grand- and was an active member of the neighbor- Packett’s Lake, Rodman’s, and Giant phar-
children, Nathan, Becca, Daniel and siblings, nuclear confrontation with the Soviet Union, reducing Cold War tensions and bringing about a macies at the Blair and Colesville locations.
hood where she lived for 45 years. But her more balanced U.S. policy in the Arab-Israeli conflict.
To place a notice, call:
Robert W. Fuller IV, Sally F. Sutton, Nancy M. most important and impactful role was as He was a highly respected pharmacist who 202-334-4122
Mr. Moriarty was born in Mobile, Alabama in 1920, grew up in Birmingham, and graduated was devoted to his customers and their
Fuller. Celebration of Life is at Goodwin House loving mother to her only child, Jessica. from Birmingham-Southern College in 1941 with a degree in English Literature. He entered 800-627-1150 ext 4-4122
(S. Jefferson St.) August 8, 2021. In lieu of Mary Helen is survived by her daughter, health.
flowers please contribute to Goodwin House the Army Air Forces shortly afterward, graduating as a second lieutenant in May 1942. He In 2004, Sid survived an abdominal aortic
Jessica; son-in-law Matt Molesworth; and became a squadron commander in Troop Carrier aviation while still a first lieutenant at the
Foundation-Staff Support for Citizenship. step-granddaughters, Ashley and Saman- aneurysm, beating incredible odds. He [email protected]
age of 23 and served at numerous bases in the United States. He then became commander flourished over the next 14 years, returning
tha Molesworth; and brothers, James Bax- of a Combat Cargo Squadron in the China, Burma, India Theater of Operations, where among
ter and William Baxter. to work, traveling and spending time with Email MUST include
GENDELMAN She is preceded in death by her husband,
other duties he flew the "Hump" into China. Recalling in 2001 his squadron's tactical support
of the British 14th Army in Burma during this period, he said in a memorial speech: "Our
family. He became a grandfather two more
times, and celebrated the Bnei Mitzvah of
name, home address & home phone #
of the responsible billing party.
Richard Malow; her mother, Lena Baxter supply-dropping at 200 feet altitude in the mountains and jungles of Burma, and operating email deadline - 3 p.m. daily
(née Dolzadelli) and father, Robert J. Baxter; six grandchildren in the United States and
ISAAC GENDELMAN off the dirt ‘airflelds' that the British, using local labor, would hurriedly scratch out of the in Israel. He was the most consistent and Phone-In deadline
her brothers, Robert J. Baxter, Jr. and John rice paddies, resembled more the early aviation barnstormers or Air Corps pilots flying the 4 p.m. M-F
On Tuesday, August 3, 2021, Baxter; and nephews, Michael Baxter and enthusiastic fan at his grandsons’ basket-
ISAAC GENDELMAN of Silver mail, than it did the operations of any airline or even the bombers and fighters flying from ball games. 3 p.m. Sa-Su
Matthew Baxter. proper airbases in Europe." Because of his squadron's exceptional contribution to the British
Spring, MD. Beloved husband A memorial service for Mary Helen will be The past three years of Sidney’s life became
reconquest of Burma, he was given a special award of the British Distinguished Flying Cross. CURRENT 2021 RATES:
of the late Goldie Gendelman. held in October in Albuquerque, NM, where increasingly difficult, but he fought with ( PER DAY)
Devoted father of Joycee He also received two US Distinguished Flying Crosses and four Air Medals. tenacity for what was important to him:
she will be interred. After World War II he served in the Air University, first as an instructor in Troop Carrier
(Howard) Giberman and Asher An online guest register and additional family, and in particular his beloved wife
Aviation, then as an instructor and later Deputy Director of the Air Force Military Management Miriam. He will be greatly missed by his MONDAY-SATURDAY
(Jill) Gendelman. Loving grand- information may be found at Black & White
father of Ari (Jennevieve) and Rachel School. When the Air Force established its Comptroller School (the first of its type in the wife, children, grandchildren, nieces and
www.thomasfuneral.com. Armed Forces' postwar effort to improve financial management) he was responsible for 1" - $150 (text only)
Giberman and Moriah, Jessy and Eliana nephews whom he dearly loved. Funeral 2" - $340 (text only)
Gendelman. Dear great-grandfather of creating the new school, designed its curriculum and instructional methods, and became its services were held on Tuesday July, 27, 3" - $490
Joshua and Isabelle Giberman. He was Deputy Director. He later served in the Office of the Comptroller in Headquarters USAF in the 2021. 4" - $535
a Holocaust Survivor, and every member Pentagon, where he was promoted to colonel, and then as Deputy Comptroller in Twelfth Air Donations in Sidney’s memory can be made 5" - $678
of his immediate family perished in the Force Headquarters in Germany. to Sulam, a program for inclusive Jewish ------
Holocaust. Graveside funeral services will In January 1955 he left active duty to enter Georgetown University's Graduate School of education, 13300 Arctic Avenue, Rockville, SUNDAY
be held on Friday, August 6, 2021, 1 p.m.
at Judean Memorial Gardens, Olney, MD.
McANNENY Government, to prepare for a career in foreign affairs. While working toward his Ph.D.
degree (received in 1962) he served for two years as special assistant to Thomas E. Murray,
MD 20853. Black & White
1"- $179 (text only)
Shiva will be announced. Memorial contri- former Commissioner of the Atomic Energy Commission and at the time a consultant to the 2" - $376(text only)
butions may be made to the U.S. Holocaust Joint Congressional Committee on Atomic Energy. In 1960 Mr. Moriarty joined the Weapons 3" - $543
Systems Evaluation Group of the Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA); in 1963 he moved to the 4" - $572
Memorial Museum, www.ushmm.org. 5" - $738
Arrangements entrusted to TORCHINSKY State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research as a political/military analyst. After
HEBREW FUNERAL HOME, 202-541-1001. nearly three years, he returned to IDA as a senior analyst, where he retired in 1984. He was 6"+ for ALL Black & White notices
particularly involved in studies on NATO strategy, Arms Control, and the Middle East. After
retirement he remained active in foreign policy matters. GOLDBRENNER $150 each additional inch wkday
$179 each additional inch Sunday
HINTON Mr. Moriarty also operated, by himself, a beef cattle farm in the Shenandoah Valley between
1964 and 1999. He still owned the farm at the time of his death.
Survivors include his five children, Kathleen Moriarty (John Wiggins), of Bloomery, West Color
Virginia, John K. Moriarty, Jr. (Elizabeth), of Doylestown, Pennsylvania, Annette Samsky (John), 3" - $628
of Manassas, Virginia, Julie Moriarty (Rod Leffler), of Waynesville, North Carolina and Marian 4" - $676
Lewis (Joseph), of Exton, Pennsylvania; 13 grandchildren and five great grandchildren. He will 5" - $826
also be missed by his St. Bernard mix, Sherlock. ------
The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p.m.. on Monday, August 9, 2021 at Pierce SUNDAY
Funeral Home, 9609 Center Street, Manassas. The funeral liturgy will be offered at 11a.m. on Color
3" - $665
Tuesday, August 10, 2021 at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 12975 Purcell Road, Manassas, 4" - $760
Virginia, with Rev. Edwin Seh officiating. Interment will follow at the chapel cemetery. 5" - $926

6"+ for ALL color notices

$249 each additional inch wkday
$277 each additional inch Sunday
On the morning of Sunday, August 1, 2021, Joe SHEA Notices with photos begin at 3"
McAnneny passed away at home, with his wife (All photos add 2" to your notice.)
by his side after a long bout with myelofibrosis Mr. Shea enlisted in the U.S. Army at the age
at the age of 77. of 17 and served in Japan during World War II. ALL NOTICES MUST BE PREPAID

Born in Somerville, Massachusetts to Joseph He met the love of his life, Maureen Scanlon MEMORIAL PLAQUES:
McAnneny and Loretta Coyne on March 18, Shea, when she was a George Washington MARIAN GOLDBRENNER (Age 79) All notices over 2" include
1944, he grew up idolizing Ted Williams and University student and a lifeguard at the Marian Goldbrenner passed away on July 31, complimentary memorial plaque
NORMA C. HINTON the Boston Red Sox, never dreaming they Volta Street pool in Georgetown. The pair 2021 with her husband Jean-Claude by her
Entered into eternal rest on Wednesday, July would take down the “hated” Yankees on their married in 1954, and remained devoted to Additional plaques start at $26 each
side. She is survived by her cherished husband and may be ordered.
21, 2021. She is survived by her three daugh- way to the first of four championships in his each other for the next 67 years. of 52 years; her adored son Elie and grand-
ters, Donna Jones, Veronica McDonald, and lifetime. He earned his bachelor’s degree at children Sariah and Zayne; her brother Asa All Paid Death Notices
Melvetta Dockery; son, Joseph Hinton; three the University of Connecticut and a Masters They settled in Annandale, Virginia to raise Dorfman and his wife SuAnn; her nephews appear on our website through
grandchildren, Antonia Jones, Rodney Jones at Penn State University where he met his their four children. Despite his dedication Zachary and Max; and numerous cousins who www.legacy.com
and LaDonna Jones; one sister, Grace Jones; wife Susan Kappler. During the Vietnam war he to an always-challenging career, Mr. Shea will all miss her dearly.
one brother, Daniel Hinton; two brothers-in- served in the Army as an intelligence analyst was unwaveringly devoted to his children Marian received a BS in Dance and Physical LEGACY.COM
law,, Jerome Jones and Cecil Bowman; a host in Washington, DC and was honored with an and grandchildren and deeply involved in all Education from New York University. She was Included in all death notices
of other relatives and friends. Ms. Hinton may award. aspects of their lives. passionate about modern dance and studied Optional for In Memoriams
be viewed at Stewart Funeral Home, 4001 Ben- with several prominent teachers. She taught
ning Rd., NE on Monday, August 9 from 10 a.m. Passionate about economics, he went on to He was a fan of poetry, especially that of physical education and dance and choreo-
until service a 11 a.m. Interment at Harmony join the Department of Justice (DOJ) Antitrust the Irish poet Seamus Heaney. Mr. Shea PLEASE NOTE:
graphed several shows (Anything Goes, Can-
Memorial Cemetery. Division as an economist and earned his Ph. D. also enjoyed music, literature, film, politics, dide, Carmen, and The Mikado among many) Notices must be placed via phone, or
in economics at George Washington University. TERENCE JAMES SHEA "TERRY" sports (he was a Washington Football Team in several schools in New York City, London, email. Photos must be emailed. You can
It was at DOJ where he earned his nickname season ticket holder since the 1960's and Paris and Washington, DC. She loved traveling no longer place notices, drop off photos
“Chief” from his colleagues, many of whom Terence James Shea, known as Terry to go Red Sox and Nats!), and oysters. He around the world with her husband, immersing and make payment in person.
When the became lifelong friends. He joined Economists
Inc. in 1984 where he worked on major
antitrust cases including US Steel and Coca
his many friends and Pops to the children
and grandchildren who adored him, died
was an avid tennis player and lap swimmer
and enjoyed teaching English as a foreign
language (although this resulted in his stu-
herself in local customs and enjoying local
Payment must be made via phone with
debit/credit card.

need arises, Cola until his retirement 33 years later.

of cancer on July 27 at Goodwin House in
Alexandria, VA surrounded by loving family
and friends, just days after celebrating his
dents speaking with a Rhode Island accent).
He enthusiastically shared his passions with
The family will hold a private funeral. A memo-
rial gathering of family and friends will be
planned for a later date.

let families In his later years he would talk about his son
Christopher and daughter Jessica as what he
was most proud of in life. He cherished his
93rd birthday. He faced his final days with his
customary gusto, good humor, and love of
his family.
Though Mr. Shea enjoyed an illustrious career
In lieu of flowers, the family suggests donations
can be made to the Duke Ellington School of
the Arts in Washington, DC.
find you in the time with them, carving out time to coach
their youth sports teams and sweating away
on deck as the “Chief” timer at their swim
Mr. Shea earned a record number of com-
mendations and awards over the course of
with the Department of State, what mattered
most to him was family; they always knew
they were totally loved by their Pops. In
Funeral Services meets. In his free time, he enjoyed playing
golf, mentoring UCONN economics students,
and of course watching his beloved Red Sox
a 50+-year career at the U.S. Department of
State before fully retiring with uncommon
addition to his wife, Maureen, Mr. Shea
leaves two daughters, Mary Hayes Shea of
Hull, MA, and Stephanie Shea of Arlington, POST YOUR
Directory. and Huskies. He was most at home on Cape
Cod each summer, enjoying the New England
breeze, watching the boats ferry through the
distinction at age 91. As a career Senior For-
eign Service Officer, he served in many roles,
from traveling around the world with foreign
VA, and son Andrew Shea and daughter-
in-law Bellina Kweskin of Tustin, CA, plus
seven grandchildren who cherished their CONDOLENCES
dignitaries to serving in the Carter White
canal, spending time with family, and treating Pops beyond words: Colton Dwyer, Levi
To be seen in the everyone to ice cream at Four Seas.
House to being the Acting Inspector General
at USIA, to being appointed the director of Dwyer, Dylan Shea, Guthrie Shea, Hayes
Funeral Services security for all NATO nations in Brussels from O’Connor, Sheridan O’Connor, and Quinn Now death notices on
He is survived by his loving wife, Susan; his two O’Connor. He also leaves his brother Barry
children, Christopher (Stephany) and Jessica
1979 to 1988.
Shea and his wife Janet of Rhode Island, washingtonpost.com/obituaries allow you
Directory, please call (Bill); his brothers, Robert (Melissa) and Brian; He was born in Newport, RI on July 21, his brother- and sister-in-law Terrence and to express your sympathy with greater ease.
and his four adoring grandchildren, Hunter, Judy Scanlon of Delaware, as well as many
paid Death Notices at Madison, Tyler and Audrey who lovingly refer
1928, to James Shea and the former Mary
Johnson. He studied at the Portsmouth Priory nephews and nieces. Visit today.
to him as “Baba.”
202-334-4122. in Portsmouth, RI, then graduated from
Georgetown University in 1952. He spent He was predeceased by his son, Christopher
A funeral service will be held at 1 p.m. on
Friday, August 6, 2021 at the Mount Vernon
Country Club on Old Mill Road in Alexandria,
two years studying at The Industrial College
of the Armed Forces (ICAF).
Shea, in 2010. Mr. Shea will be interred in
Oak Hill Cemetery. A celebration of his life is
planned for the fall.

The Weather

More sun, less humidity Today Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday OFFICIAL REC ORD
Partly sunny Partly sunny Partly sunny Partly sunny T-storm T-storm
Thursday will be full of sun and not possible possible Temperatures AVERAGE RECORD ACTUAL FORECAST

too full of humidity. In fact, you

probably won’t even notice humidity.
Highs head for the mid- and upper
80s. Winds are likely to blow from
the west-southwest around 5 to 10 mph.

88° 70 ° 91° 72 ° 86° 71 ° 94° 75 ° 95° 75 ° 94° 74 °

FEELS*: 92° FEELS: 94° FEELS: 91° FEELS: 99° FEELS: 99° FEELS: 100°
CHNCE PRECIP: 5% P: 5% P: 25% P: 10% P: 30% P: 30%
WIND: NNW 4–8 mph W: SSW 6–12 mph W: SSE 6–12 mph W: SSE 4–8 mph W: S 6–12 mph W: SSW 6–12 mph
HUMIDITY: Moderate H: Moderate H: High H: Moderate H: High H: High
Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa
Statistics through 5 p.m. Wednesday

REGIO N NATION Weather map features for noon today.

Reagan Dulles BWI
High 82° 3:00 p.m. 82° 4:00 p.m. 81° 3:59 p.m.
Low 69° 3:00 a.m. 61° 6:00 a.m. 64° 4:00 a.m.
Harrisburg Philadelphia
84/67 Normal 89°/72° 87°/67° 88°/67°
87/65 Record high 102° 1930 99° 2002 101° 1930
Hagerstown Record low 54° 1912 51° 1976 55° 1966
88/66 Dover Difference from 30–yr. avg. (Reagan): this month: –5.4° yr. to date: +0.1°
Davis Washington Cape May Precipitation PREVIOUS YEAR NORMAL LATEST

74/57 Annapolis 78/68

88/70 84/68 OCEAN: 72°

Charlottesville Ocean City

88/65 77/68
OCEAN: 73°
85/65 Virginia Beach
80/68 Reagan Dulles BWI
Norfolk OCEAN: 76°
81/68 Past 24 hours 0.00" 0.00" 0.00"
Total this month 0.35" 0.65" 1.36"
Kitty Hawk
Normal 0.46" 0.48" 0.58"
OCEAN: 77° Total this year 26.46" 20.31" 24.36"
Normal 25.12" 26.17" 26.27"
Pollen: Moderate Air Quality: Moderate
Grass Low Dominant cause: Ozone
Trees Low
Weeds Low UV: Very High Moon Phases Solar system
Mold Moderate 9 out of 11+
Rise Set
Sun 6:13 a.m. 8:15 p.m.
Blue Ridge: Today, partly sunny; a stray afternoon Moon 3:03 a.m. 6:37 p.m.
T-storms Rain Showers Snow Flurries Ice Cold Front Warm Front Stationary Front Aug 8 Aug 15 Aug 22 Aug 30
thunderstorm, except dry in central parts. High 70 to 75. Yesterday's National World
New First Full Last
Venus 9:04 a.m. 9:48 p.m.
Winds southwest 4–8 mph. Tonight, clear to partly cloudy. High: Thermal, CA 120° High: Basrah, Iraq 121° Mars 7:58 a.m. 9:15 p.m.
Quarter Quarter
<–10 –0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110+ Low: Daniel, WY 36° Low: Maquinchao, Argentina 18° Jupiter 8:58 p.m. 7:39 a.m.
Low 58 to 63. Winds southwest 4–8 mph. Friday, mostly for the 48 contiguous states excludes Antarctica Saturn 8:02 p.m. 6:03 a.m.
sunny. High 74 to 79.
NATIONAL Today Tomorrow Des Moines 81/67/t 88/72/pc Oklahoma City 84/68/t 92/73/pc WORLD Today Tomorrow Hong Kong 88/81/r 85/81/t Rio de Janeiro 72/65/pc 74/64/pc
Atlantic beaches: Today, partly sunny; a thunderstorm in Detroit 84/65/pc 84/67/pc Omaha 87/67/t 93/73/s Islamabad 92/76/t 95/77/t Riyadh 114/87/s 113/89/s
the south. High 77 to 81. Winds east–northeast 6–12 mph. Albany, NY 77/59/pc 84/62/pc El Paso 94/73/pc 97/73/s Orlando 87/75/t 92/76/t Addis Ababa 69/55/sh 68/55/pc Istanbul 95/77/s 94/76/pc Rome 82/67/pc 84/67/s
Tonight, mainly clear; humid in the north. Low 66 to 70. Albuquerque 91/69/pc 94/70/s Fairbanks, AK 86/64/pc 70/55/sh Philadelphia 84/67/pc 90/70/pc Amsterdam 71/60/sh 69/57/sh Jerusalem 90/77/s 91/77/s San Salvador 82/68/t 83/68/t
Winds south–southwest 4–8 mph. Friday, sunshine, a few Anchorage 67/57/c 64/57/c Fargo, ND 82/58/t 84/66/pc Phoenix 108/88/s 107/88/pc Athens 102/81/s 99/81/pc Johannesburg 69/47/s 73/48/s Santiago 70/38/pc 70/37/pc
clouds; humid. High 81 to 85. Atlanta 86/71/pc 83/71/c Hartford, CT 74/62/r 89/65/pc Pittsburgh 83/64/pc 86/66/pc Auckland 61/53/sh 59/51/sh Kabul 92/66/s 92/65/s Sarajevo 78/56/t 79/55/t
Austin 87/72/t 88/74/t Honolulu 86/77/sh 87/76/pc Portland, ME 69/62/r 81/63/pc Baghdad 116/91/s 116/91/pc Kingston, Jam. 87/80/pc 88/80/t Seoul 92/76/s 91/75/pc
Waterways: Upper Potomac River: Today, sunshine, a few clouds. Baltimore 88/66/pc 92/69/pc Houston 92/76/pc 91/77/t Portland, OR 84/65/pc 79/60/pc Bangkok 90/80/sh 91/80/t Kolkata 92/83/r 92/84/t Shanghai 91/81/t 90/80/t
Wind west 4–8 knots. Waves less than a foot. Visibility generally Billings, MT 92/66/t 79/62/pc Indianapolis 84/63/pc 83/66/c Providence, RI 72/65/r 85/67/pc Beijing 90/72/t 90/71/pc Lagos 82/76/t 85/77/pc Singapore 89/81/c 88/80/t
clear. • Lower Potomac and Chesapeake Bay: Today, partly sunny. Birmingham 87/70/pc 87/71/sh Jackson, MS 90/69/s 90/70/pc Raleigh, NC 85/66/pc 87/71/c Berlin 75/58/sh 77/59/sh Lima 66/61/pc 66/61/pc Stockholm 68/49/pc 69/53/pc
Wind northwest 6–12 knots. Waves 1–2 feet on the Lower Potomac Bismarck, ND 89/61/s 91/66/pc Jacksonville, FL 82/73/t 86/73/t Reno, NV 89/57/s 90/61/s Bogota 64/48/pc 66/48/r Lisbon 81/63/s 76/63/s Sydney 66/50/s 69/47/s
Boise 93/63/t 83/62/s Kansas City, MO 84/68/pc 91/72/s Richmond 85/65/pc 88/68/pc Brussels 72/60/sh 70/57/c London 69/60/r 70/57/sh Taipei City 96/80/t 91/80/r
and the Chesapeake Bay.• River Stages: The stage at Little Falls
Boston 70/66/r 84/70/pc Las Vegas 111/84/s 105/82/s Sacramento 87/58/s 99/62/s Buenos Aires 61/54/s 65/56/s Madrid 96/66/s 91/62/s Tehran 92/74/s 91/75/pc
will be around 2.70 feet today, with no change of 2.70 Friday. Flood Buffalo 84/63/pc 85/69/pc Little Rock 89/70/pc 89/70/s St. Louis 87/71/pc 88/72/pc Cairo 106/83/s 105/82/s Manila 88/82/t 89/80/t Tokyo 94/78/pc 92/80/pc
stage at Little Falls is 10 feet. Burlington, VT 82/63/pc 86/68/pc Los Angeles 85/64/s 84/63/s St. Thomas, VI 90/82/pc 90/80/s Caracas 73/63/t 74/62/t Mexico City 71/58/t 72/56/t Toronto 82/62/s 84/67/pc
Charleston, SC 85/73/t 84/74/t Louisville 87/67/pc 88/69/pc Salt Lake City 101/71/s 86/64/s Copenhagen 70/59/pc 72/60/pc Montreal 83/66/s 86/66/s Vienna 67/59/t 76/59/pc
Charleston, WV 84/63/pc 88/65/c Memphis 89/71/c 89/72/pc San Diego 75/64/pc 75/65/pc Dakar 87/80/pc 88/81/pc Moscow 72/60/pc 66/61/r Warsaw 67/58/r 60/54/r
Today’s tides (High tides in Bold)
Charlotte 86/65/pc 87/70/t Miami 90/79/t 90/79/t San Francisco 69/58/pc 74/57/pc Dublin 66/56/r 63/55/c Mumbai 88/80/sh 87/80/sh
Key: s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, r-rain,
Washington 12:37 a.m. 6:36 a.m. 1:50 p.m. 7:14 p.m. Cheyenne, WY 88/59/s 88/57/pc Milwaukee 85/70/c 82/70/t San Juan, PR 89/79/pc 89/79/pc Edinburgh 68/57/r 67/55/r Nairobi 73/53/c 74/56/pc sh- showers, t-thunderstorms, sf-snow flurries,
Chicago 85/69/pc 82/69/t Minneapolis 79/66/t 87/68/pc Seattle 82/62/pc 73/58/pc Frankfurt 73/58/sh 73/56/c New Delhi 94/82/t 96/83/t sn-snow, i-ice
Annapolis 4:07 a.m. 10:36 a.m. 3:26 p.m. 9:41 p.m.
Cincinnati 84/65/pc 85/67/c Nashville 89/68/pc 88/70/c Spokane, WA 89/62/t 83/59/pc Geneva 72/58/sh 75/56/pc Oslo 67/51/pc 68/53/pc Sources: AccuWeather.com; US Army Centralized
Ocean City 12:06 a.m. 5:48 a.m. 11:48 a.m. 6:21 p.m. Allergen Extract Lab (pollen data); airnow.gov (air
Cleveland 82/64/pc 86/68/pc New Orleans 92/75/pc 92/77/t Syracuse 83/61/pc 87/67/pc Ham., Bermuda 86/79/s 87/79/s Ottawa 85/63/s 86/65/pc quality data); National Weather Service
Norfolk 2:10 a.m. 8:03 a.m. 1:46 p.m. 8:21 p.m. Dallas 91/74/pc 94/77/s New York City 80/67/pc 86/71/pc Tampa 86/77/t 91/78/t Helsinki 69/47/pc 72/54/pc Paris 73/61/pc 73/59/c * AccuWeather's RealFeel Temperature®
combines over a dozen factors for an accurate
Point Lookout 7:12 a.m. 11:49 a.m. 5:16 p.m. none Denver 92/65/s 94/61/pc Norfolk 81/68/t 85/72/pc Wichita 88/67/pc 94/72/s Ho Chi Minh City 88/78/sh 90/78/sh Prague 63/54/r 71/55/pc measure of how the conditions really “feel.”


U.S. judge rejects claims that Jan. 6 riot defendants are ‘political prisoners’
BY S PENCER S . H SU was there — to interfere with the
democratic process — and what
A federal judge rejected claims he sought to achieve — the dis-
that detained defendants in the ruption of the counting of elector-
Jan. 6 Capitol breach are “politi- al votes,” but noted he was not
cal prisoners” or that riot partici- accused of violence or destruc-
pants acted out of patriotism tion.
before sentencing a Michigan Jackson called the misdemean-
man to six months in prison or plea and sentence just and
Wednesday. sufficient, adding that pandemic-
U.S. District Judge Amy Ber- related lockdown restrictions
man Jackson of Washington said made his jail time harsher than it
Karl Dresch, 41, of Calumet, Mich, would have been otherwise.
was held because of his actions, Comments by Jackson,
not his political views, and that Dresch’s judge and a 2011 Barack
others who joined the attack on Obama appointee, were seconded
Congress as it met to confirm the Wednesday by U.S. District Judge
results of the 2020 presidential Thomas F. Hogan, a 1983 Ronald
election could face prison time. Reagan appointee, who sen-
“He was not a political prison- tenced the Bustles.
er,” Jackson said. “We are not here Hogan said he seriously con-
today because he supported for- sidered jailing Jessica Bustle be-
mer president Trump . . . He was cause her social media posts call-
arrested because he was an en- ing Jan. 6 participants “patriots”
thusiastic participant in an effort were “so inaccurate, so misguid-
to subvert and undo the electoral ed.”
process.” “Patriots are not the ones who
In a deal with prosecutors, attack the operations of Con-
Dresch pleaded guilty to a single gress” or attempt to stop elected
misdemeanor count of parading, lawmakers in both parties from
picketing or demonstrating in the performing their constitutional
Capitol after four other charges duties, Hogan said. “That is revo-
were dropped, including a felony lution, not patriotism.”
count of obstructing an official Hogan noted authorities at-
proceeding of Congress. tributed several deaths to the riot,
Dresch has been jailed since including responding police offi-
his arrest Jan. 19, so the sentence cers who have died by suicide.
is effectively one of time-served, MANUEL BALCE CENETA/ASSOCIATED PRESS “If you listened to the testimo-
and he will be released. Smoke fills a U.S. Capitol hallway as Capitol Police officers confront rioters on Jan. 6. On Wednesday, U.S. District Judge Amy Berman ny on the Hill the other day, you
Jackson’s sentencing came Jackson of Washington sentenced Karl Dresch of Calumet, Mich., to six months in prison for his role in the attack. understand the tragedy that has
days after four right-wing Repub- occurred in their lives,” Hogan
lican members of Congress — this case, have any concern about been delivering a cold splash of Northern Virginia couple, Joshua ment searches of his Upper Pen- said, adding that holding those
Reps. Paul A. Gosar (R-Ariz.), deterrence?” Chief U.S. District reality to defendants, including Bustle, 35, and Jessica Bustle, 36, insula home on Jan. 19 turned up responsible may require jail time
Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), Louis Gohm- Judge Beryl A. Howell of Wash- some who say they were lied to by ordered Wednesday to 30 and 60 a Russian SKS rifle, two shotguns, for most charged defendants.
ert (R-Tex.), and Marjorie Taylor ington asked in accepting such a Trump or led astray by right-wing days of conditional home con- a Glock pistol and more than 100 But Hogan noted neither Josh-
Greene (R-Ga.) — showed up at plea last Thursday. commentators or social media. So finement, respectively. rounds of ammunition, prosecu- ua Bustle, a real estate agent, nor
the D.C. jail demanding to inspect In Dresch’s case, Jackson said The two others — Dresch and tors said. Jessica Bustle, a vaccine critic and
the treatment of those detained he has the right to vote for whom- Michael Curzio, 35, of central Unlike Curzio, Dresch was also stay-at-home mother, acted vio-
in connection with Jan. 6, whom ever he wants, “but so does every- Florida — have been sentenced to charged with “corruptly . . . ob- lently and spent only a few min-
some Trump supporters have cast one else. Your vote doesn’t count “We are not here today the statutory maximum of six struct[ing]” Congress, a felony utes in the Capitol. He also ac-
as martyrs. any more than anyone else’s. You months in prison or time served. punishable by up to 20 years in knowledged defense arguments
By contrast, in a string of plea don’t get to cancel them out and because he supported Neither was accused of violence prison. Prosecutors said in Face- that the couple has been pun-
and sentencing hearings in the call for a war because you don’t on Jan. 6, but each had a criminal book posts Dresch likened events ished in the court of public opin-
riot cases, federal judges appoint- like the results of the election.” former president record and other factors that U.S. on Jan. 6 beforehand to this coun- ion, in Joshua Bustle’s business
ed by presidents of both parties The judge continued, “You magistrate judges said posed a try’s declaration of independence affairs and in their family life. The
condemned such claims. Some called yourself and the others Trump.” risk of flight, obstruction or dan- from British rule in 1776. couple is relocating to South
have gone further to challenge patriots, but that’s not patriotism. U.S. District Judge Amy Berman gerousness warranting pretrial Afterward, he posted, “We the Carolina for a fresh start, their
U.S. prosecutors’ acceptance of Patriotism is loyalty to country, Jackson, at a sentencing hearing detention. people took back our house . . . lawyers said. Both Bustles apolo-
misdemeanor plea deals for indi- loyalty to the Constitution, not Curzio was the only misde- now those traitors Know who’s gized, and a lawyer asserted they
viduals involved in “terrorizing loyalty to a single head of state. meanor defendant held pretrial, really in charge.” had purged social media from
members of Congress,” forcing That’s the tyranny we rejected on far, about 30 of more than 550 but had a prior conviction for In sentencing papers, prosecu- their lives.
the evacuation of lawmakers and July 4th of 1776.” defendants charged have pleaded attempted murder. Dresch had a tors said in a footnote without “I’m sorry for my actions. I love
violence that authorities have led Dresch declined to address the guilty, and six have been sen- 2013 felony conviction for elud- further explanation that they our country,” Jessica Bustle said.
to several deaths and assaults on court, and his defense’s sentenc- tenced. Five of the latter admitted ing police in a 145-mph vehicle dropped the felony charge “in an “I [don’t] condone and do not
nearly 140 police officers. ing request was not immediately to single misdemeanors involving chase that spanned two states. effort to achieve consistency” agree with anybody who is ever
“Does the government, in unsealed. no violent conduct, and three And despite a ban on felon pos- with other riot cases. Prosecutors violent toward anybody in life.”
agreeing to the petty offense in Judges at sentencings have received probation, including a session of weapons, law enforce- maintained that “he knew why he [email protected]


hedges on
its Cuomo
Network is mum about
anchor’s involvement in
legal report on brother


CNN provided wall-to-wall

coverage of one of the biggest
news stories of the day Tuesday:
the damning report released by
the New York attorney general
that concluded Gov. Andrew M.
Cuomo sexually harassed 11 wom-
en, which led President Biden to
call for the governor’s resigna-
Among the 179 people inter-
viewed by the independent inves-
tigators was CNN anchor Chris
Cuomo, Andrew Cuomo’s young-
er brother who had advised the
governor and his aides on how to
respond to allegations of harass-
Chris Cuomo did not acknowl-
edge his involvement in the in-
vestigation or the report’s find-
ings during his prime-time show
Tuesday night. “We’re focused on
covid here, especially until we get
the delta variant under control,”
he said at the top of the program,
before talking about Biden’s han-
dling of the pandemic. Later in
the hour he criticized another
governor, Florida Republican
Ron DeSantis, for his messaging
during the surge of cases in his
state. A spokesman for CNN de-
clined to comment, instead
pointing to past statements Chris
In March, the CNN star apolo-
gized on air for offering crisis
communications counsel after

The pop princess, The Washington Post reported

that he participated in strategy
calls about allegations that his
brother harassed several women.
“It will not happen again,” Chris

then and now Cuomo said on air at the time. “It

was a mistake because I put my
colleagues here, who I believe are
the best in the business, in a bad
At the time, CNN had said the

merica’s newest pop princess made would not have been out of place as the anchor had not been involved in
her way to the White House press Exploitation and rallying cry of a protest taking place approxi- the network’s coverage on the
stand clad in a baby-pink tweed and expectations for mately one mile away. As Rodrigo addressed allegations but that “it was inap-
plaid skirt suit, chunky white high the Briefing Room, fans and advocates gath- propriate to engage in conversa-
heels and black socks. Olivia Rodri- Spears, Rodrigo ered for a #FreeBritney demonstration to call tions that included members of
go, the Disney star turned Billboard sensation, for Britney Spears, who has spoken out about the Governor’s staff, which Chris
had met with President Biden and taken a BY NATACHI being controlled by her conservatorship, to be acknowledges.” The network had
photo with Vice President Harris before facing ONWUAMAEGBU freed from its restrictive ties. SEE CUOMO ON C3
the masses with her signature half-smile to The eventful afternoon, which took place
advocate for vaccination. last month, proved that if one thing remains
Contrast was essential to Rodrigo’s look. LEFT: Britney Spears at consistent in the music business, it is the
The actress-singer-songwriter’s outfit was the 2001 American enduring dedication and attention paid to our RIHANNA
“Clueless” meets punk, her effortlessly calm Music Awards. RIGHT: young, hit-producing female royalty — and Forbes reports that the singer’s
demeanor belying some of her debut album’s Olivia Rodrigo arrives at how we inevitably chew them up and spit them worth $1.7 billion. C4
most affecting songs, including the aptly titled the White House last out.
opening track, “Brutal.” month to promote At a glance, it may not seem as if Rodrigo, 18, CAROLYN HAX
In the tune’s first few lines, Rodrigo asks, coronavirus vaccination. and Spears, 39, have similar journeys to star- Sharing is scaring? A cheater’s
“Who am I, if not exploited?” — a line that SEE POP STAR ON C2 confidant no longer trusts her. C8
What will the Tokyo Olympics be
most remembered for? C8

The 19th is a model of how to amend news coverage Napoleon, from Waterloo
With canapés,
cocktails and
chatter, the
gathering seemed
to watering his garden
like a typical
Margaret party from the LIFE TOLD IN
Sullivan Before Times. Of the making of books about GARDENS AND
It was a kick off Napoleon Bonaparte, there SHADOWS
for a nonprofit news site that seems to be no end. Two hundred By Ruth Scurr
would focus on gender politics years after the emperor’s death W.W. Norton.
and policy: The 19th, named for in 1821 on the island of St. 416 pp. $28.95
the amendment that granted Helena, he continues to be the
women the right to vote 100 subject of new biographies and
years earlier. (An asterisk in the speculations. His name and icon-
19th’s logo acknowledges that ic image — the bicorne hat worn and lost the make-or-break Bat-
the amendment initially affected sideways, the army greatcoat, the tle of Waterloo, he was all of 45.
White women’s voting rights hand inserted in the vest — are Imprisoned afterward on St. Hel-
mostly.) instantly recognizable the world ena, the deposed emperor even-
High-profile women and a over. tually died of stomach cancer —
celebratory air filled the living Even though ours is an age of or, possibly, arsenic poisoning if
room of Craigslist founder Craig billionaire boy wonders, Napo- you’re conspiracy-minded — at a
Newmark’s 19th-century home in leon’s sheer precocity still daz- still-young 51.
Greenwich Village that evening. zles: On Nov. 9, 1799, shortly What did Napoleon do during
Two major donors — Newmark after his 30th birthday, the for- his six-year confinement on that
and Kathryn Murdoch, whose mer artillery officer from Corsica tiny South Atlantic island? He
husband, James, is the left- assumed dictatorial powers over grew flowers (the roses died),
leaning son of Fox News founder all of France. Five years later, he planted trees, constructed an
Rupert Murdoch — gave crowned himself Emperor of the aviary and harvested peas and
eloquent speeches focusing on French. At 40, “the man on beans. An engraving shows him
women’s issues and rights. horseback”— Edmund Burke’s wearing a straw peasant’s hat
But the date was Feb. 20, 2020. THE 19TH prophetic phrase — had con- and leaning on a spade. In fact,
Within weeks, swaths of the Erinn Haines, editor at large for the 19th, on video screen, interviews vice presidential candidate quered all of Western Europe. contends Ruth Scurr in “Napo-
SEE SULLIVAN ON C2 Kamala D. Harris in August 2020. The news website has expanded its focus beyond just women. When Napoleon’s armies fought SEE BOOK WORLD ON C4

For pop stars, expectations shift but challenges remain

POP STAR FROM C1 ter how much skin is showing, she
dom, but the overlaps are there. “I thought [being less sexual]
Spears’s career launched when would paint less of a target on my
she was a Mouseketeer on Dis- back,” said Wilson, who wrote
ney’s “The Mickey Mouse Club,” “Where Am I Now? True Stories of
while Rodrigo’s rise to fame was Girlhood and Accidental Fame.”
in part propelled by her starring “Unfortunately, I have been sexu-
role on Disney’s “High School Mu- alized and stalked by people who
sical: The Musical: The Series.” only know me from children’s
Spears’s most famous songs are movies. It still happens.”
danceable, catchy, bubblegum-
pop hits from the late ’90s and ne of the biggest differences
early 2000s. Rodrigo’s debut al-
bum “Sour” pays homage to that
era with an angsty edge.
O between Rodrigo’s and
Spears’s respective rises to
fame is the proliferation of social
But the expectations put on the media. It’s easier to transition
two pop stars are drastically dif- from a media object to a relatable
ferent. Spears was never expected teenager when you can take con-
to take a stand on political issues; trol of documenting your life.
her role was to provide earworms Stars like Rodrigo don’t have to
with a side of eye candy. Rodrigo’s wait and hope for tabloids to show
job description, on the other their humanity — they can go on
hand, includes weighing in on Instagram Live, post a photo with
social ills, writing heartbreak an- their friends, show their lunch
thems and (if she so chooses) and tweet their thoughts.
posting a picture of herself in a That being said, the private
bikini. Our most popular pop lives of our favorite stars are still a
princesses have certainly evolved. commodity.
Or have they? Could it be that When Rodrigo debuted her
they’re as beholden to the zeit- single “Drivers License,” fans ob-
geist as ever? sessed over her relationship
Experts point to a rise in social with her HSMTM co-star, Joshua
media, changing market tastes Bassett. Rodrigo has said little
and a heightened fixation on indi- about the source of her inspira-
viduality and female empower- tion, but in an interview this
ment as a reason for the change January she claimed it was “not
over the past two decades. important.” She still hasn’t dis-
“Hollywood will always give cussed her exes publicly, and her
people what it thinks they want,” social media presence is mostly
said Mara Wilson, an author and Pop star Olivia Rodrigo, left, is introduced by White House press secretary Jen Psaki at a press briefing during which the singer appealed devoid of men. In stark contrast
former child star best known for to younger Americans to get vaccinated. Rodrigo’s debut album “Sour” pays homage to the late-’90s era with an angsty edge. to Spears’s barrage of questions
her work as the title character in and tabloid covers regarding her
“Matilda.” “It all comes back to relationship with Justin Timber-
objectification and turning these lake, Rodrigo appears to have
young women into objects to be more control regarding her love
consumed. I think now we’re real- life, and what information she
izing with people like Britney chooses to share.
Spears that women are human The transparency of social me-
beings. They’ve been under so dia provides a level of protection.
much control for so long and When pop stars feel unfairly at-
they’ve been objectified for so tacked or objectified, they can air
long. We’re finally having a reck- their feelings.
oning with that.” “We don’t know what they were
doing to Britney and Mariah [Car-
t’s possible that fans and lis- ey] and Christina [Aguilera]," said

I teners want their pop stars to

play the role of social justice
warriors — Gen Z is notorious for
Butler, the Berklee chair. “Today,
you turn on Twitter or TikTok and
we know what’s going on in every-
naming and addressing issues of body’s business.”
inequity. But it’s also possible that “Transparency is what led to
girl-boss energy, individuality the shift in treatment,” she add-
and unabashed youthfulness are ed. “It’s the fact that we can say,
just trendy right now, in the way ‘Hey, wait a minute, you can’t do
that low-waisted jeans and hyper- that to her!’ or ‘That’s not fair.’
sexuality was 20 years ago. Thirty years ago, what those
“The market has always want- women went through was so
ed options,” said Tonya Butler, private. But today, I don’t care
chair of Berklee’s Music Business how much you want to keep it a
and Management department. secret. Somebody’s going to tell
“Different women view them- on you.”
selves in different ways, and they
just want to be reflected in music. his summer was pivotal for
Unfortunately, the industry didn’t
always offer a lot of options and
that was the problem. Now they
T Rodrigo and Spears. The 18-
year-old made her first big
foray into politics at the direct
do.” request of the White House after
Of course, there have been her debut album went platinum,
plenty of young female stars along while the 39-year-old publicly
the way who broke traditional spoke up in court for the first time
molds (think Queen Latifah, Lau- about her conservatorship.
ryn Hill, Alanis Morissette or Avr- It only makes sense that the
il Lavigne). What it means to be an pop stars took to Instagram to
“outsider” or to exist within the SCOTT GRIES/IMAGEDIRECT/GETTY IMAGES GARETH CATTERMOLE/GETTY IMAGES celebrate their wins. Rodrigo,
“norm” has changed over the Britney Spears, pictured at the 2001 MTV Video Music Awards, is Billie Eilish, who’s often seen wearing baggy clothing, defended her whose most recent images were
years as individuality has become at the center of a legal battle to be freed from conservatorship. decision to wear a corset for a Vogue cover shoot. all promotion for “Sour,” upload-
increasingly commercialized. In ed a selfie of herself with Presi-
addition to our usual scantily clad Industries of all kinds “tend to to put it overtly on display. It’s A lot of Spears’s sexuality was a breaking her self-made image. dent Biden and wrote a lengthy
blond women, we see fame for commodify us, commodify our hard to say whether this move is a personal choice, such as the deci- Eilish responded by thanking the caption about the importance of
green-haired teenagers in over- body positivity, our agency, our direct response to the criticism sion to roll down her pants to magazine’s creative team for “re- vaccines. Spears, in between post-
sized band tees. Instead of pa- female empowerment,” said Ali- Spears and her ilk faced in the show off her hipbones because specting my vision,” and told her ing memes with captions alluding
parazzi photos of underage girls son Trope, director of the Critical public eye — a protection mecha- she felt it was sexier, said Stark. fans to “do whatever you want to her legal plight, posted a photo
in clubs, we see girls in tweed Media Project at the University of nism of sorts. The look was a trend among when you want.” It was her body of herself topless, her arms stra-
meeting the president. Southern California. “It’s not just “I do think there’s a rebellion teens, but it still managed to on her own terms. tegically placed, with a simple
The more popular female em- if you’re a person in the [enter- against being sexual when you shock the public that “teenagers The problem with young fe- plant emoji.
powerment becomes, the more tainment] industry like Britney don’t want to be,” said Samantha do have sexuality.” male stars showing skin or pre- Both images received millions
the music industry will pump out Spears or Billie Eilish. We’re all Stark, creator of the New York Eilish, 19, famously wore bag- senting themselves in a sexual of likes. Both images showed how
people to fill that role, said Butler. being commodified. All of us.” Times’s “Framing Britney Spears” gy clothes that hid her body light isn’t with them, said Wilson, differently fame affects people.
Honesty sells, especially when it documentary. “But if the pressure shape, so when she posed in a now 34, but rather the older men Both images proved that there’s
comes to youth and heartbreak ex is never out of style, but to not be shamed like Britney is corset for the June cover of who feel like they have the right to not one right way to be America’s
(see: any album from Rodrigo’s
inspiration, Taylor Swift). S our modern teenage pop
stars appear to be less likely
the reason to not show your sexu-
ality, then that’s really sad.”
Vogue, there was pushback, ob-
jectification, anger at her for
comment and lust over underage
bodies. That will happen no mat-
pop princess.
[email protected]


For the 19th, a gender and politics website, it’s been one pivot after another
SULLIVAN FROM C1 intersection of race, economic Errin Haines. sides of every controversy as argued that it’s far more
disparity and gender. This week, “This is a Eighteen months after the respectable, even when one isn’t. important to do ongoing
country were locked down due to for example, a 19th story kickoff party, the 19th can Not long after President Donald coverage of pressing issues, and
a raging pandemic that hit explored why Black women markedly different reasonably be called a success. It Trump and many Republican for the site to have a diverse staff
communities of color especially make only 63 cents for every has raised $13 million, attracted lawmakers provoked an of reporters and editors.
hard. Parties began to seem like dollar White men make. nation than it was 10,500 paying members, and insurrection at the Capitol in Zamora and Ramshaw said
sepia-tinted memories, political “This is a markedly different hired more than 30 staffers. January, for example, the 19th they want to set the gold
and social anger exploded, and nation than it was when we when we started, Although it does not share changed its self-description from standard for an equitable and
the fledgling 19th found itself started, and by necessity, we’re a audience numbers, it has landed “nonpartisan” to “independent.” supportive newsroom culture.
inventing a new kind of markedly different newsroom,” and by necessity, scoopy interviews, including the And unlike many established The 19th is doing a pay-equity
reporting to confront a new kind said Emily Ramshaw, the Austin- first with Kamala D. Harris after news organizations, the 19th audit, and unlike many small
of national turmoil. based site’s CEO and co-founder. we’re a markedly Joe Biden named her as his encourages its reporters to start-ups, it has a “chief people
On March 13, a 26-year-old Both Ramshaw and Amanda running mate. Politico called the bring their own experiences to officer” who focuses in part on
Black woman, Breonna Taylor, Zamora, the 19th’s publisher and different 19th the “the start-up scoring all their work and writing, rather countering the employee
was shot to death in her other founder, have roots at the the Biden admin. interviews,” than attempt to present burnout that has plagued many
Louisville apartment by White Texas Tribune, an early nonprofit newsroom.” noting that it has also themselves as ideological blank other news organizations.
plainclothes police officers who digital-first newsroom. interviewed prominent slates for the sake of old-style As for what’s ahead, Zamora
Emily Ramshaw, chief
forced their way in during a drug The site’s coverage of Breonna Republican women. objectivity. told me she wants to see the 19th
executive of the 19th, a news
investigation. Several weeks Taylor explored whether the The outlet’s first virtual Kate Sosin, for example, as a presidential debate
website that launched near
later, a Minneapolis police officer national media initially showed summit drew 180,000 viewers. whose job title is “LGBTQ+ moderator, and to expand the
the start of the pandemic
murdered George Floyd. little interest in her death And when it holds its second one reporter,” and who is nonbinary organization enough to help with
Worldwide protests broke out because she was a woman. this month, the speakers will trans, wrote a first-person piece the decline of local newspapers.
over racial discrimination, the “They’re killing our sisters just include Michelle Obama, Demi in June titled “Why you won’t see The goals are ambitious. But
2020 presidential election and like they’re killing our brothers, Lovato, Billie Jean King and splashy Pride stories at The given all that’s happened since
its violent aftermath, and but for whatever reason, we have Nikole Hannah-Jones. 19th.” It began: that party at the end of the
Republican legislation in dozens not given our sisters the same That success hasn’t happened “I’ve never particularly world, I wouldn’t bet against
of states intended to restrict attention that we have given to by standing still. It’s required enjoyed Pride. My inbox fills with them. The 19th is an object
transgender rights. Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, one adjustment after another. brand messages for all kinds of lesson in how change demands
The site’s original focus on Stephon Clark, Terence Crutcher, The site has dropped some of deeply odd rainbow products change, and how to respond.
women became much broader. Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, what Ramshaw calls “the (queer cannabis, gay mutual [email protected]
Soon, the 19th’s stories were Eric Garner, Laquan McDonald,” baggage of legacy news funds, ‘bisexual fragrance’). Plus,
about transgender rights, Taylor family attorney Ben organizations” — including the I’m shy in a crowd. Parades For more by Margaret Sullivan visit
LGBTQ issues and the Crump told 19th editor-at-large media’s tendency to treat both overwhelm me.” The piece wapo.st/sullivan

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Coverage of Gov. Cuomo absent from brother’s time slot


also said Chris Cuomo would not

be disciplined.
New York Attorney General
Letitia James issued the 165-page
report Tuesday that detailed find-
ings and interviews with the gov-
ernor’s accusers, his advisers and
himself. It painted the governor’s
office as retaliatory and con-
tained details of several examples
of unwanted touching by Andrew
Cuomo, including allegations he
groped an executive assistant
while hugging her and inappro-
priately touched a female state
trooper he arranged to have on
his security detail.
The governor defended him-
self in a video address he released ED JONES/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/GETTY IMAGES

after the report was made public The New York attorney general’s report on Gov. Andrew M.
— which CNN also aired — cast- Cuomo, at far left, was front-page news, but the story was not
ing himself as a champion of covered on the show of CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, at near left.
sexual assault survivors. “The
facts are much different than
what has been portrayed,” Cuomo express contrition” after media ance, calling it an extraordinary
said of the report. “That’s not who reports detailing allegations were time and saying there was great
I am.” first published. human interest in seeing Chris
CNN provided extensive cover- Several texts and emails Cuomo talk to his brother, the
age of the fallout, but little men- showed how Andrew Cuomo’s governor of one of the country’s
tion that one of its biggest per- inner circle discussed responding hardest-hit states, about the virus
sonalities was involved in the to the growing scandal, including that upended life in America.
story. Before showing the video in a Feb. 28 email from Chris Cuomo About a year later, three wom-
which Andrew Cuomo offered a that contained what appears to en publicly made harassment al-
defense of his actions, CNN’s be a draft statement on behalf of legations against Gov. Cuomo.
John King did tell viewers, “I his brother responding to the Chris Cuomo remained notice-
want to put this on the record: allegations. But it’s unclear ably silent, until March 1, the
Many of you know this, but the whether the CNN anchor wrote same day the governor formally
governor’s brother, Chris, works the draft statement or how much, referred the allegations to the
right here at CNN as an anchor. if at all, he contributed to its attorney general’s office.
We should note that. And he was contents. The governor’s office “Obviously, I am aware of what
interviewed as part of this report released a version with similar is going on with my brother,” the
as someone who reached out and language. CNN anchor told viewers at the
talked to his brother as this crisis CNN has previously said that time. “And obviously I cannot
was unfolding.” since 2013, when Chris Cuomo cover it because he is my brother.
The report described Chris joined the network, he had been Now, of course CNN has to cover
Cuomo as well as others as mem- walled off from covering his it. They have covered it extensive-
bers of the governor’s “team of brother — a common practice ly and they will continue to do so.
advisors” who “had ongoing and that calls for journalists to avoid I have always cared very deeply
regular discussions about how to conflicts of interest to maintain about these issues, and profound-
respond to the allegations public- credibility. ly so. I just want to tell you that.”
ly.” It also cited internal docu- But he did end up interviewing [email protected]
ments and communications in his brother six times during first
naming Chris Cuomo among few months of the pandemic. The Sarah Ellison and Jeremy Barr
those “who counseled him to network said it made an allow- contributed to this report.

Stories of the past, rediscovered.

Rihanna is a billionaire now, but not because of her music

BY S ONIA R AO Singer Rihanna, at far left
performing in 2019 at a show
The latest Rihanna news once for her Savage X Fenty lingerie
again has nothing to do with her company, is worth $1.7 billion.
long-awaited next album but Much of her wealth comes from
with her status as a beauty and that line and her Fenty Beauty
fashion mogul: She is a billion- products, at left.
aire now, according to Forbes.
The financial magazine esti- reality, and that’s the thing I
mated Wednesday that the 33- really enjoy. Music had led me to
year-old singer, whose full name these other outlets, and to things
is Robyn Rihanna Fenty, is worth that I genuinely love. My mom
$1.7 billion — making her the pretty much worked in the beau-
wealthiest female musical artist ty and perfume industry for a
in the world, and the second- long time — she did makeup for
richest woman in entertainment people and was a makeup artist
after Oprah Winfrey. Forbes at- — so I always loved that.”
tributed $1.4 billion of Rihanna’s Rihanna also noted elsewhere
wealth to the success of the Fenty in the interview that the balanc-
Beauty brand, of which she owns ing act of managing various
50 percent, and the rest to her business ventures is part of “the
Savage X Fenty lingerie company reason why an album isn’t being
and earnings from her career in spat out like it used to.”
music and film. “I used to be in the studio, only
Fenty Beauty is a 50-50 joint the studio, for three months
venture with LVMH, the French straight, and an album would
luxury goods company behind come out,” she said. “Now, it’s like
brands including Christian Dior, a carousel. I do fashion one day,
Givenchy, Louis Vuitton and lingerie the next, beauty the next,
Marc Jacobs. Fenty drew con- then music the next. It’s like
sumers in right off the bat with having a bunch of kids, and you
an inclusive, 40-shade range of need to take care of them all.”
foundations, reportedly making A Vogue profile from later that
$100 million in the first few year confirmed that Rihanna
weeks after it launched with was working on her ninth studio
Sephora in September 2017. album, her first since 2016 s
While conversing with her “Anti.” In March 2020, she told
“Oceans 8” co-star Sarah Paulson the magazine that she could not
for Interview magazine in June announce the release date but
2019, Rihanna said that “with that she was “aggressively work-
every business outlet, I’m mak- ing on music.”
ing something from a vision to a [email protected]

The Napoleon canon reloaded as ‘the man on horseback’ takes up gardening

BOOK WORLD FROM C1 English style — for Malmaison, EMPIRE’S have at least one book that ed the English to be honorable ing question about Napoleon
their private residence. As em- EAGLES: THE emphasizes flower beds instead and soon found himself en route remains open: Would the world
leon: A Life Told in Gardens and press, she obsessively collected FATE OF THE of battlefields. to St. Helena. More fortunate, his have been better off had the man
Shadows,” this world-shaking plants and animals from around NAPOLEONIC There’s just one battle in elder brother, Joseph, made it to never been born (or born at a
military genius had always the world and was apparently ELITE IN Thomas E. Crocker’s “Empire’s our shores, where he established different time, as in Stephen
turned to the natural world — the first person to breed black AMERICA Eagles: The Fate of the Napole- himself in regal comfort at a vast Vincent Benét’s little classic of
and to two- or three-hour long swans in captivity. By Thomas E. onic Elite in America” and that’s estate near Philadelphia. alternative history, “The Curfew
baths — for succor from the ills of Most accounts of Napoleon’s Crocker Waterloo. After Napoleon’s de- After other Napoleonic loyal- Tolls”)? It’s a hard call. Napoleon
the spirit or the burdens of inner circle usually concentrate Prometheus. feat — “a near-run thing,” as his ists reached the United States led millions to their deaths, yet
power. on that slippery diplomat Tall- 456 pp. $29.95 adversary Wellington admitted they founded clubs and support he also instituted laws and re-
In her book, Scurr tracks eyrand or the scheming minis- — the emperor’s family and his groups, tried to establish a Uto- forms comparable in importance
Napoleon’s rise and fall with ter of police Joseph Fouché, two generals all realized they would pian community devoted to vini- to those of the U.S. Constitution.
hardly a glance at his battles, masters of Realpolitk: Each has labors in the landmark cata- soon be facing prison sentences culture in Alabama swampland He had few illusions about peo-
political maneuverings and mis- been credited with the classic logue “Description of Egypt.” or firing squads. Where should and even planned a military ple: “Look at my virtuous repub-
tresses (there were at least 21). Machiavellian comment: “It Later, many of the botanical they flee? To many of them, operation to install Joseph as licans: all I have to do is hang
Instead, we learn about the was worse than a crime. It was a and zoological specimens America seemed a land of refuge emperor of Mexico. All these gold braid on their clothes and
vegetable patch young blunder.” Scurr, though, prefers brought back from France’s sci- and, perhaps, of renewed oppor- activities Crocker relates in me- they are mine.” Yet he could also
Bonaparte kept while at school, to devote greater attention to entific expeditions ended up in tunity. ticulous detail before devoting exhibit Trumplike bombast:
his later attention to green spac- André Thouin, head gardener at Thouin’s care. A scholar of early American the second half of his book to a “The French can be governed
es when undertaking urban re- the Jardin des Plantes. Thouin Throughout this unusual biog- history, Crocker opens with a long-standing legend — that only by me.”
newal in Egypt, Italy and France, was among the 167 members of raphy, Scurr — hitherto best riveting day-by-day account of Marshal Ney, Napoleon’s “Brav- Whatever your opinion of the
his enjoyment of reflective walks the Commission for Arts and known for a delightful, quota- Napoleon in the port city of est of the Brave,” faked his death upstart Corsican, one thing is
in the woods and his penchant Sciences that accompanied Na- tion-rich account of the 17th-cen- Rochefort, waiting to escape before a French firing squad, certain: A hundred years from
for neoclassical landscape de- poleon’s army during his largely tury antiquary and gossip John from France, perhaps to Balti- then escaped to South Carolina, now, publishers will still be
sign. Straight lines, notes Scurr, unsuccessful Egyptian cam- Aubrey — elegantly explores Na- more, where his younger brother where he resurfaced as a school- bringing out books about Napo-
along with “precision and order paign. Stationed in Cairo, the poleon’s inner Rousseau, the Jerome had once been married to teacher named P.S. Ney. Could leon Bonaparte.
were central to his aesthetic.” In group soon created a 30-acre 18th-century philosopher who a local belle named Elizabeth this possibly be true? Crocker, [email protected]
contrast, Napoleon’s first wife, walled garden and research extolled nature and the simple Patterson. Revealing an unchar- trained as a lawyer, lays out the
Josephine, insisted on natural, center, eventually producing an life. Among the vast acreage of acteristic lack of decision, the evidence both for and against. Michael Dirda reviews books for
parklike surroundings — the encyclopedic record of their Napoleonic studies, it’s good to emperor dillydallied, then trust- In the end, the most tantaliz- Style every Thursday.

The abusive ex wants a get-together, but saying no is one of the joys of divorce
Dear Amy: More reaction, it hurts to be near children to maintain whatever Dear Amy: My girlfriend (age “girlfriend” because she doesn’t One day he said, “You don’t
Ask Amy than a decade them. relationship they want to have 54) thinks it childish to want for people to see that you like me, do you?”
AMY ago, I escaped an I do not want to go to this get- with their other parent, but you introduce me as her boyfriend, are in a committed, exclusive I paused and plunged in with,
DICKINSON extremely together but feel pressured. My should also explain to them that and she doesn’t think I should relationship, then that’s a “Yes, you are right, and I am
emotionally and children see it as a step forward being someone’s child is vastly introduce her as my girlfriend. serious relationship question sorry. I can’t figure out why I feel
sometimes physically abusive for all of us to heal and be a big different from being someone’s I’ve met all her family and that you two should discuss. this way. It makes no sense —
partner and proceeded to raise happy family. ex. Your kids might find an most of her friends, and she has However, I can completely you are great — yet I can’t get
kind, compassionate and I have done my best not to understandable equivalent if you met mine. understand why a 54-year-old past my feelings.”
successful children on my own. disparage my ex. If I don’t go, the asked them if they would enjoy We take many trips together woman would not want to be It turned out to be beneficial
Now in adulthood, all but one ex will use my refusal to make bringing their most painful and stay at each other’s houses referred to as a “girlfriend.” Far for both of us, as we now “knew”
has established a relationship me look bad. If I do go, I will breakup partner to a fun dinner weekly. We are intertwined quite from being flirty and youthful, each other and didn’t have to
with this pretty much absent endure my past trauma being with you and your spouse, all in nicely and communicate the term “girl” actually makes pretend. In fact, this mutual
parent, who now wants to stage stirred up again, while my ex the name of celebrating a happy beautifully. some grown women feel ancient honesty made us more
a get-together that includes my gets to look good. What should I reconciliation. I totally disagree with her (I assume being referred to as a comfortable.
new spouse and myself. do? Your children need to regarding this manner of “boy” might strike some men the — Tam
I use the word “stage,” as my — Been There, Not Doing That understand that the way things address. same way).
ex has continued to demonstrate are now (both of their parents in It’s certainly not a I used to take issue with the Tam: You showed a very “savvy”
manipulative behavior that has Been There, Not Doing That: separate spheres) is as close as dealbreaker, even though it term “partner” to describe a side.
hurt me and my children. One benefit of a breakup is being you are ever going to get to being offends me. committed love relationship, but
They have succeeded in spared “get-togethers” with the that “big happy family,” and that I’d respect and would like I’ve come around. Would this Amy’s column appears seven days a
creating quite a wedge between ex. as far as you are concerned, your opinion on this matter. work for you two? week at washingtonpost.com/advice.
me and my middle child. They Many exes can manage happy, that’s a pretty good result. — Disappointed on the Cape Write to [email protected]
love to create scenarios where peaceful and inclusive family Always maintain a careful Dear Amy: I can completely or Amy Dickinson, P.O. Box 194,
they are in control, and they events, but for others (such as equanimity concerning your ex, Disappointed on the Cape: Your relate to “Not Savvy.” Freeville, N.Y. 13068.  You can also
know me well enough to push yourself ), breakup is a liberation but don’t cave. Manipulators question is a little unclear about I too once had regular follow her @askingamy.
my buttons. from having to be in your ex’s love getting a rise out of people what the actual issue is. If your interaction with a person I did © 2021 by Amy Dickinson distributed by
While I have the strength not presence. (it’s ammo!). SO (significant other) doesn’t not like, but I couldn’t determine Tribune Content Agency
to show anything but a pleasant You should encourage your So steady on, no wobbles. want to be referred to as your why I felt that way.

Intermittent fasting is the new weight-loss trend, but the jury’s out on its benefits
Dear Readers: consuming less than 25 percent heart disease and Type 2 we traveled, hobbies enjoyed earn our repeat business. Thank Avery R.’s complaint about
Hints Ahhh, who of normal intake for an entire diabetes, and blood pressure and businesses that were a part you, Heloise! women’s pants pockets. I took a
From doesn’t love a day) and time-restricted feeding and cholesterol numbers may of our lives. — Joan, Spokane Valley, Wash. couple of pair into an alteration
Heloise good trend? (no food for 16 hours and then improve. — Mary From Texas store and asked if they could
Here’s one that normal eating for eight hours) Always go into fasting after Dear Heloise: Struggling with extend the pocket.
people have been jumping on: are two popular types. Experts having a conversation with your Dear Heloise: As a patron and stickers on jars is part of our life. She said “yes,” and they
intermittent fasting. What’s it agree that fasting for weight loss doctor. He or she can advise you. parent, allow me to make a plea Here is another option for turned out great. The cost was
about? How does it work? Is it can be somewhat effective, but P.S. Intermittent fasting is to restaurant owners through removal. For smaller labels, much less than replacing the
good for you? Let’s take a look. the long-term effects are not NOT for pregnant or nursing your terrific column (which I simply put mayonnaise on a pants I am not wearing because
Fasting (deliberately not eating) known. women, older folks, children, enjoy): Please place a small step paper towel and rub. of the tiny pockets!
has been around for centuries. What should you eat? Lots of people who are already lean and stool in your restrooms, or make For larger, stubborn labels, — C.Z. in Southern California
Intermittent fasting for weight fiber and lean protein: cottage others. other minor accommodations, squirt a ribbon of mayo on the
loss is new. It’s thought that cheese, eggs, fruit, veggies, so that children can reach the label and leave overnight. It Heloise’s column appears six days a
when you eat (and when you oatmeal. Eating these foods will Dear Heloise: I have an sink and soap to wash their might need a second week at washingtonpost.com/advice.
don’t) can affect weight loss. The help keep you feeling full. enclosed stairway in my home. I hands. application, but give it a try. It Send a hint to Heloise, P.O. Box
jury is still out on this one. Participants have reported hung wooden lattice the length It is rare to find made my life easier! 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-
There are different types of feeling more energetic, with of the stairway and attached cup establishments with setups — Mary Ellen S., Lima, Ohio 5000, or email it to
intermittent fasting. Alternate- improved sleep. Intermittent hooks to the lattice. I then hung appropriate for humans of all [email protected].
day fasting (no eating, or fasting may lower the risk of all of the ball caps from places sizes, but when we find one, they Dear Heloise: I agree with © 2021, King Features Syndicate

A longtime friend quietly got divorced. How can she express her support?
Dear Miss the early 1980s, when we were of her divorce? I feel an urge to providing it. huge family, and almost his aunt and uncle by excluding
Miss Manners: I was both young moms starting our send a “thinking of you” note, Despite your appreciation of everyone in it was invited. the cousins should be enough.
Manners shocked and careers. We are both in the same but I am afraid that might seem the comments from strangers, a Unfortunately, my family But unless the event includes a
JUDITH saddened to learn profession, have served on intrusive. polite acquaintance, even a well- consists only of my mother, two family-against-family soccer
MARTIN, that an old friend boards together, belong to many For what it’s worth, I went intentioned one, does not sisters, two brothers, one match, Miss Manners does not
NICHOLAS of mine had of the same organizations, and through a painful divorce when comment on the intimate brother-in-law and one sister-in- see why your implication that
MARTIN AND gotten divorced our children went to preschool my kids were young, and I details of another person’s life. law and their children. the numbers should be more
JACOBINA last year after together many moons ago. appreciated the warm support Even friends wait to be asked. My son decided to omit my equal is relevant. However, if
MARTIN some 40 years of Although we have never been of my female friends — and even If you want to show support, niece and two nephews, who are you think such an argument will
marriage. I super-close “girlfriends,” we of strangers, including the bank extend an invitation to do over the age of 18, because he persuade your son, she makes
understand that it was not her have a very warm relationship tellers and customer service something together. If, after a said he “doesn’t know them.” My no objection to including it.
choice. — we are always pleased to see reps who helped me with the meal and a few drinks, she brother and sister are upset they
She and her husband each other, enjoy sitting messy details of separating from brings up her divorce, then you weren’t invited. My mother is New Miss Manners columns are
apparently chose to keep the together at club meetings and my then-husband. can share your own experience pressuring me to have my son posted Monday through Saturday on
divorce very private (assisted by generally appreciate catching up and your sympathy. reconsider. I am freaking out. washingtonpost.com/advice. You can
the pandemic lockdown), and on each other’s lives, despite If she were being uncharitable, Any suggestions? send questions to Miss Manners at
most people are only now going long periods of time Miss Manners might suspect Dear Miss Manners: My son her website, missmanners.com. You
hearing the news. without contact. that you are wondering how to and his fiancee sent out Reminding your son that can also follow her
She is my age (mid-60s), and Is there any appropriate way demonstrate support without invitations to their destination weddings are family events and @RealMissManners.
we have known each other since for me to acknowledge the news the time commitment of wedding. My husband has a that he does not want to offend © 2021, by Judith Martin

Thursday, August 5, 2021

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Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins (PG-
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Champions (PG-13) CC: 9:15 Champions (PG-13) CC: 4:15 The Suicide Squad: The IMAX 2D Jungle Cruise (PG-13) CC: 1:20- The Suicide Squad (R) 7:00 8:30-10:30 Old (PG-13) CC: 3:35-6:00 Space Jam: A New Legacy (PG) Old (PG-13) 12:55-3:40-6:25-9:05
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The Green Knight (R) CC: 3:00- The Green Knight (R) CC: Experience (R) CC: 7:00 4:20-7:10-9:20 Space Jam: A New Legacy (PG) Stillwater (R) CC: 4:20-7:40 thony Bourdain (R) 2:05-4:40 12:05-3:00 Joe Bell (R) 1:45
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10:30 AMC Columbia 14 The Green Knight (R) 11:00-1:50- Space Jam: A New Legacy (PG) F9 The Fast Saga (PG-13) 1:00 Experience (PG-13) CC: 4:05
Reston Town Center 11 & BTX
The Green Knight (R) 12:45-3:50- 4:20-7:35
Joe Bell (R) CC: 4:15-5:45 10300 Little Patuxent Parkway CC: 1:00-4:00-6:40-9:10 Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins (PG- 2:05-4:25-7:15-9:45 The Suicide Squad: The IMAX 2D 6:55-10:00 Jungle Cruise 3D (PG-13) 1:00
4:40-7:35-10:30 13) 1:00-3:40-6:20-9:00 The Forever Purge (R) (!) 12:05- Experience (R) CC: 8:05 11940 Market Street
Stillwater (R) CC: 3:00-6:30-10:00 F9 The Fast Saga (PG-13) CC: The Suicide Squad (R) (!) 7:30- Escape Room: Tournament of Old (PG-13) 1:55-4:35-7:15-9:55 BLACKPINK THE MOVIE 7:00
Roadrunner: A Film About An- 1:15-4:30-7:45 Jungle Cruise (PG-13) 1:00-1:30- 2:30-7:20-10:30 Jungle Cruise (PG-13) CC: 4:45- In the Heights (PG-13) 12:40-3:50 Stillwater (R) 12:25-3:35-6:45-
8:00-9:00-11:00 Champions (PG-13) CC: 2:20- Demon Slayer - Kimetsu no Jungle Cruise (PG-13) 12:30-
thony Bourdain (R) 6:30-9:45 4:50-7:25-9:35 2:00-3:00-4:00-4:30-5:00-6:30- The Green Knight (R) (!) 10:20- 5:15-8:00-8:30 9:55 1:30-2:00-2:15-3:45-4:15-5:00-
Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins (PG- Monty Python and the Holy Grail 7:00-8:00-9:30 1:20-4:20-7:10-10:10 Yaiba - The Movie: Mugen Train
Jungle Cruise: The IMAX 2D 13) CC: 1:25-3:20-4:20-6:25-7:25 (PG) 1:10 A Quiet Place Part II (PG-13) CC: The Suicide Squad (R) CC: 7:35 Joe Bell (R) 12:10 5:30-7:15-8:00-8:30
Experience (PG-13) CC: 3:45 The Suicide Squad (R) 7:00-7:30- Old (PG-13) (!) 11:40-2:20-4:50- (R) 5:00
Jungle Cruise (PG-13) CC: F9 The Fast Saga (PG-13) 3:50- 2:10-5:00 AMC Shirlington 7 The Suicide Squad (R) (!) 8:00 Private Watch Party 12:00-3:15 The Suicide Squad (R) 8:00-9:00
The Suicide Squad: The IMAX 2D 1:45-4:45 The Forever Purge (R) CC: 4:15- 8:00-9:00-10:00 7:40-10:20
7:20-10:45 Black Widow (PG-13) 1:40- Stillwater (R) (!) 10:10-1:10-4:10
2772 South Randolph St. Demon Slayer - Kimetsu no SR Kalyanamandapam 6:05-9:20 BLACKPINK THE MOVIE 7:00
Experience (R) CC: 7:00-10:15 The Suicide Squad (R) CC: 7:45 7:40-10:15
The Boss Baby: Family Business
The Green Knight (R) CC: 1:10- 5:00-8:00 Jungle Cruise (PG-13) (!) 11:00- F9 The Fast Saga (PG-13) CC: Yaiba - The Movie: Mugen Train Thimmarusu: Assignment Vali Regal Manassas & IMAX
Black Widow (PG-13) CC: 1:05- (PG) 10:40-1:20 Space Jam: A New Legacy (PG) 1:30-2:00 1:50-4:00 (R) 12:10-7:45 2:40 11380 Bulloch Drive
Jungle Cruise (PG-13) CC: 5:45- 4:10-7:20 4:00-6:50-9:40
Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins (PG-
Old (PG-13) CC: 2:00-4:40-7:20- 1:00-3:40 The Suicide Squad (R) (!) 7:00- Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins (PG- Joe Bell (R) 2:45 Pig (R) 1:15-3:50 F9 The Fast Saga (PG-13) 12:05-
Space Jam: A New Legacy (PG) 13) 2:30-5:15-8:00-10:45 Escape Room: Tournament of 8:00-10:00 13) CC: 1:20-4:50-7:50 Jungle Cruise (PG-13) 1:00-4:00 Secret Movie Series 7:00 3:20-6:35
The Suicide Squad (R) CC: 9:00 CC: 1:15-4:05-7:15 Jungle Cruise (PG-13) 10:15- 10:00 Jungle Cruise (PG-13) CC: 12:40-
Champions (PG-13) 3:40 iPic Pike & Rose
The Suicide Squad (R) (!) 7:00 Jungle Cruise (PG-13) 1:50-4:55- Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins
Angelika Escape Room: Tournament 1:00-4:10 Stillwater (R) CC: 1:30-4:25- 3:50-7:20 7:00-8:00-9:15-10:05
6:45-9:50 The Green Knight (R) 2:10- 11830 Grand Park Avenue The Green Knight (R) 1:50- (PG-13) 1:00-4:05-7:10
Pop-Up at Union Market of Champions (PG-13) CC: The Suicide Squad (R) (!) 5:20-8:30 The Suicide Squad (R) CC: 4:40-7:30 The Suicide Squad (R) 7:20-7:40- Jungle Cruise (PG-13) 12:10-
550 Penn Street NE - Unit E 2:00-7:20 7:00-10:00 The Suicide Squad (R) 7:00- Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins 7:00-7:40
8:30-10:00 Old (PG-13) 1:00-4:05-6:40-9:20 Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins 8:20-10:30-10:50-11:30 12:30-3:10-3:15-3:30-3:50-6:10-
The Green Knight (R) 4:15 The Green Knight (R) CC: Black Widow (PG-13) 10:00- (PG-13) 2:45-6:00 Black Widow (PG-13) CC: 1:00- (PG-13) 2:30-5:15-7:50
Stillwater (R) 2:15-5:30-8:45 Jungle Cruise (PG-13) (!) 3:45-7:15 4:10-7:20 Black Widow (PG-13) 12:15-3:25- 6:20-6:30-6:50
Roadrunner: A Film About An- 1:45-4:45 12:30-1:30-3:30-4:30-6:40-9:40 Phoenix Theatres Marlow 6 Jungle Cruise 3D (PG-13) 5:00 Black Widow (PG-13) 12:20- 6:40-9:50 The Suicide Squad (R) 7:00
thony Bourdain (R) 5:00-7:40 Old (PG-13) CC: 1:10-3:10-4:10- Space Jam: A New Legacy (PG) 3899 Branch Avenue The Suicide Squad (R) (!) 7:00-7:45 Pig (R) 2:20-5:20-8:00 3:20-6:50
Regal Rockville Center Black Widow (PG-13) 3:15- Jungle Cruise 3D (PG-13) 6:15 Black Widow (PG-13) 12:00-
Stillwater (R) 4:30-7:20 6:10-7:10 10:10-12:45-3:40-6:20-10:20 F9 The Fast Saga (PG-13) Stillwater (R) CC: 2:00-4:20-7:30 Space Jam: A New Legacy (PG)
Joe Bell (R) CC: 1:55 199 East Montgomery Avenue 4:00-6:45 Jungle Cruise (PG-13) XD: 12:50- 3:05-6:15
Avalon Theatre Escape Room: Tournament of 11:45-3:05 Roadrunner: A Film About An- 12:45-3:40-6:30 1:20-3:55-4:25 Space Jam: A New Legacy (PG)
Stillwater (R) CC: 1:15-4:35-7:50 Champions (PG-13) 5:50 Trolls World Tour (PG) 10:00AM F9 The Fast Saga (PG-13) 1:10- Space Jam: A New Legacy thony Bourdain (R) 1:05-5:10 Old (PG-13) 2:10-4:50-7:40
5612 Connecticut Avenue
Pig (R) 4:35 4:20-7:30 (PG) 2:30 The Suicide Squad (R) XD: 7:00- 3:20-6:15
In the Heights (PG-13) 4:00 Old (PG-13) 10:05-11:30-2:10- Dolittle (PG) 10:00AM AMC Tysons Corner 16 Stillwater (R) 12:50-4:00-7:10 Escape Room: Tournament
Jungle Cruise: The IMAX 2D 4:50-7:40-10:25 Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins The Green Knight (R) (!) 4:30-6:15 8:00-10:10-11:10
Summer of Soul (...Or, When Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins (PG- 7850e Tysons Corner Center Private Watch Party 12:30-3:30 of Champions (PG-13) 1:10-
Experience (PG-13) CC: 1:00-4:00 Stillwater (R) 10:20-12:50-4:00- 13) 11:00-1:45-4:30-7:15-10:00 (PG-13) 1:30-4:20-7:20 Old (PG-13) 3:30-8:00 Jungle Cruise (PG-13) 12:00- Regal Ballston Quarter
the Revolution Could Not Be F9 The Fast Saga (PG-13) CC: 3:45-6:20
The Suicide Squad: The IMAX 2D 7:10-10:15 Jungle Cruise (PG-13) 11:30-12:30- Jungle Cruise (PG-13) 1:20- Stillwater (R) (!) 3:00-6:30 3:00-6:00-7:50 671 North Glebe Road
Televised) (PG-13) OC: 1:00 2:05-2:40-3:05-4:50-5:40-8:00- 2:40-6:05-9:30 The Green Knight (R) 12:40-
Experience (R) CC: 7:00 Roadrunner: A Film About An- 2:35-3:30-5:30-6:30-8:30-9:30 F9 The Fast Saga (PG-13) 3:55-7:05
The Boss Baby: Family Business
Roadrunner: A Film About An- Jungle Cruise (PG-13) CC: 2:30-
thony Bourdain (R) 4:30-7:30 thony Bourdain (R) 10:30-3:20 The Suicide Squad (R) 7:05-10:05 8:40-9:00
The Suicide Squad (R) 7:20-8:20
CMX Village 14
1600 Village Market Boulevard 1:35-4:55 The Forever Purge (R) 12:25
4:30-5:30-7:30 Jungle Cruise (PG-13) 11:10- Space Jam: A New Legacy (PG) AMC Courthouse Plaza 8 Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins
In the Heights (PG-13) OC: 1:15 The Suicide Squad (R) CC: 8:30 Black Widow (PG-13) 1:00- Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins The Departed (R) 7:00 Old (PG-13) 12:20-3:15-6:10
12:00-3:00-6:30-9:20 11:05-1:50-4:30-7:15-9:55 2150 Clarendon Blvd. (PG-13) CC: 12:50-1:45-3:45- (PG-13) 3:10-6:20-9:35 Stillwater (R) 12:15-3:30-6:40
Summer of Soul (...Or, When The Green Knight (R) OC: 7:45 4:00-7:10 Smurfs: The Lost Village (PG)
the Revolution Could Not Be Cinemark Egyptian 24 and XD Old (PG-13) 12:00-2:30-5:00- Space Jam: A New Legacy (PG) F9 The Fast Saga (PG-13) CC: 4:45-6:45-9:45 3:45 Jungle Cruise (PG-13) 1:15-1:45- Joe Bell (R) 12:35
Televised) (PG-13) 7:15 AMC DINE-IN Rio Cinemas 18 7000 Arundel Mills Circle 7:30-10:30 3:40 Jungle Cruise (PG-13) CC: 3:00-3:30-5:00-5:35-6:15-7:15- Jungle Cruise: The IMAX 2D
1:40-2:50-5:50-8:50 F9 The Fast Saga (PG-13) 4:45
9811 Washingtonian Center F9 The Fast Saga (PG-13) 12:05- Regal Bowie Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins (PG- 1:40-4:50 The Boss Baby: Family Business 8:15-9:30 Experience (PG-13) 1:30-4:30
Regal Gallery Place Escape Room: Tournament of
701 Seventh Street Northwest F9 The Fast Saga (PG-13) CC: 3:25-6:50-10:20 15200 Major Lansdale Boulevard Champions (PG-13) 5:00-7:40 13) CC: 1:40-2:10-4:30-5:10-8:00 The Suicide Squad (R) CC: 8:00 (PG) 4:20 The Suicide Squad (R) 7:00-7:30- The Suicide Squad: The IMAX 2D
4:15-7:45 The Boss Baby: Family Business F9 The Fast Saga (PG-13) The Green Knight (R) 2:00- Jungle Cruise (PG-13) CC: 1:10- Black Widow (PG-13) CC: 3:05- Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins 8:00-8:30-9:30-10:15 Experience (R) 7:30
F9 The Fast Saga (PG-13) 3:20 The Boss Baby: Family Business 4:20-6:35-7:30 6:25-9:50 Space Jam: A New Legacy
Jungle Cruise (PG-13) 1:00-4:00 (PG) 10:55-1:40-4:25 4:00-7:15 5:10-8:30 (PG-13) 3:45-8:10 Jungle Cruise 3D (PG-13)
(PG) CC: 5:15 Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins (PG- Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins Old (PG-13) 1:10-4:10-6:50 The Suicide Squad (R) CC: Space Jam: A New Legacy (PG) Jungle Cruise (PG-13) 4:50 (PG) 4:25 12:40-3:55
The Suicide Squad (R) 7:00-10:15 Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins 7:00-7:50 CC: 1:25-4:25-7:25-10:15 The Green Knight (R) 2:45-
13) 12:10-3:15-6:25-9:25 (PG-13) 1:30-4:30-7:25 Stillwater (R) 1:50-5:00-8:20 The Suicide Squad (R) 8:00 Regal Springfield Town Center
Space Jam: A New Legacy (PG-13) CC: 4:00-7:15 Black Widow (PG-13) CC: 1:50- Escape Room: Tournament
(PG) 3:15 The Suicide Squad (R) 7:45-8:25- Jungle Cruise (PG-13) 1:45-2:30- Jungle Cruise 3D (PG-13) Black Widow (PG-13) 3:55- 6:05-9:25 6859 Springfield Mall
Jungle Cruise (PG-13) CC: 4:45 9:00-9:35-10:55-11:35 4:45-5:30-7:50 2:20-5:50 4:50-7:20 of Champions (PG-13) CC: 5:00-7:20 Old (PG-13) 3:40-6:30-9:20
Old (PG-13) 1:30-4:20-7:20-10:05 The Suicide Squad (R) CC: 8:00 Space Jam: A New Legacy (PG) 3:55-6:35 F9 The Fast Saga (PG-13)
Black Widow (PG-13) 11:05-2:25- Black Widow (PG-13) 1:15- Space Jam: A New Legacy (PG) Joe Bell (R) 2:20 1:30-5:10
Stillwater (R) 1:00-4:15 Black Widow (PG-13) CC: 3:40-5:45-9:00-10:00 4:35-7:40 Regal UA Snowden Square CC: 1:00-3:50 The Green Knight (R) CC: 1:00-
Joe Bell (R) 1:30 9161 Commerce Center Drive 4:15-7:15 Jungle Cruise 3D (PG-13) 4:00 Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins
4:45-8:00 Space Jam: A New Legacy (PG) The Suicide Squad (R) 7:15 Escape Room: Tournament of 4:00-7:00-10:05 The Green Knight (R) 4:20-7:30 Stillwater (R) 1:35-5:05-8:30
6:45 (R) 6:45-9:30 Space Jam: A New Legacy (PG) Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins Champions (PG-13) CC: 1:20 Old (PG-13) CC: 1:15-4:10-5:40- (PG-13) 2:40-6:00-9:40
11:55-12:45-2:55-5:50-8:45 Space Jam: A New Legacy (PG) Old (PG-13) 5:30-8:20 Jungle Cruise (PG-13) 12:45-
Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins CC: 4:30-5:00-7:30 Escape Room: Tournament of 1:10-4:00-7:00 (PG-13) 12:00-2:55 The Green Knight (R) CC: 1:05- 7:05-9:55 Regal Dulles Town Center
(PG-13) 2:00-5:10-8:20 Stillwater (R) 4:30-7:50 21100 Dulles Town Circle 1:45-2:15-3:30-4:00-5:30-6:45-
Escape Room: Tournament of Champions (PG-13) 12:10-2:35- The Green Knight (R) 1:35- F9 The Fast Saga (PG-13) 1:40 4:00-7:00 Joe Bell (R) CC: 7:35 Joe Bell (R) 8:30
The Suicide Squad (R) 7:30-8:00- Champions (PG-13) CC: 3:45 Black Widow (PG-13) 1:35- Old (PG-13) CC: 2:20-5:00-7:40 Stillwater (R) CC: 2:55-6:20-9:40 Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins 7:15-7:45-8:45-10:00
5:00-7:30-10:15 4:40-7:45 Jungle Cruise (PG-13) 3:50-4:50- The Suicide Squad (R) 7:00-
8:30-9:00-9:45 A Quiet Place Part II (PG-13) A Quiet Place Part II (PG-13) Old (PG-13) 1:35-4:25-7:20 5:15-8:35 Pig (R) 10:00 (PG-13) 12:30-3:30-6:30
AMC Hoffman Center 22 6:00-7:00
Black Widow (PG-13) 2:45-5:50 CC: 6:15 11:50-2:35 Stillwater (R) 1:00-4:15-7:30 Jungle Cruise (PG-13) 12:00- 206 Swamp Fox Rd. Reminiscence: The IMAX 2D The Suicide Squad (R) 7:00-8:00 Jungle Cruise (PG-13) 1:45-2:45- 8:05-9:30
The Green Knight (R) 1:00-3:45- Nine Days (R) CC: 7:00 12:50-3:30-4:00-6:00-6:45 Experience (PG-13) 3:00 4:00-5:05-6:15-7:15-8:15-9:15 Black Widow (PG-13) 1:50-
The Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard Joe Bell (R) 1:15 F9 The Fast Saga (PG-13) CC: 5:20-9:00
7:00-10:10 The Green Knight (R) CC: 4:30 The Suicide Squad (R) 7:05-7:30- The Suicide Squad: The IMAX 2D Cinema Arts Theatre The Suicide Squad (R) 7:00-8:00 Space Jam: A New Legacy (PG)
(R) 2:10 Jungle Cruise 3D (PG-13) 1:00-4:00 2:00-5:25-8:50 9650 Main St
Stillwater (R) 6:00 The Forever Purge (R) CC: 8:15 The Green Knight (R) 12:30-3:45- 8:00-9:05 Experience (R) CC: 7:00-10:10 Black Widow (PG-13) 1:20-
Jungle Cruise (PG-13) 1:30- Regal Cinemas Majestic Space Jam: A New Legacy (PG) Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins In the Heights (PG-13) CC; DVS: 12:50-3:50
Old (PG-13) CC: 5:00-8:00 7:15-10:40 Stadium 20 & IMAX 12:10-3:00-6:00-8:55 (PG-13) CC: 2:15-3:00-4:00-5:15- Chinese Doctors 1:05-4:20 4:45-7:10
4:30-7:50 Escape Room: Tournament of
Stillwater (R) CC: 4:15-7:45 Old (PG-13) 11:45-1:15-2:30-4:15- 900 Ellsworth Drive 6:15-7:00-8:15-9:15 Jungle Cruise (PG-13) CC: 12:55- Space Jam: A New Legacy (PG) Champions (PG-13) 12:55
9:00-10:00 The Green Knight (R) 12:30- Mama Weed CC; DVS: 9:40-12:00-
Black Widow (PG-13) 9:15
Pig (R) 4:20 7:05-9:55 F9 The Fast Saga (PG-13) 12:30- 3:40-7:00 In the Heights (PG-13) CC: 5:00 2:20-3:00-4:05-5:30-6:10-7:15- 2:35-7:30
12:40-3:30 The Green Knight (R) 2:30-
Jungle Cruise: The IMAX 2D Stillwater (R) 12:05-3:25-6:45- 3:50-7:10-10:25 Old (PG-13) 12:35-3:20-6:15-9:00 Jungle Cruise (PG-13) CC: 3:45 8:25-9:15-10:20 The Green Knight (R) CC; DVS: The Green Knight (R) 12:45- 6:10-9:30
MARYLAND Experience (PG-13) CC: 3:45 10:05 The Boss Baby: Family Business Stillwater (R) 12:10-3:30-6:50 The Suicide Squad (R) CC: 7:00 The Suicide Squad (R) CC: 7:45- 10:00-1:00-4:00-7:00 3:50-7:35 Old (PG-13) 1:10-4:10-7:00-9:55
The Suicide Squad: The IMAX 2D Joe Bell (R) 11:30AM 8:40-9:25 Old (PG-13) 1:30-4:50
(PG) 1:00 Joe Bell (R) 12:10 Black Widow (PG-13) CC: 2:45- Mandibles CC; DVS: 10:05-4:20- Stillwater (R) 1:00-4:40-8:30
AFI Silver Theatre Experience (R) CC: 7:00 Private Watch Party 12:30-12:50- Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins 6:00-9:10 AMC Worldgate 9 Stillwater (R) 1:05-4:20-7:00-9:30 Jungle Cruise 3D (PG-13)
Jungle Cruise (PG-13) CC: 6:30- Jungle Cruise 3D (PG-13) 2:50 6:05-8:00
Cultural Center 3:45-4:05 (PG-13) 12:30-1:15-3:35-4:20- Space Jam: A New Legacy (PG) 13025 Worldgate Drive Jungle Cruise 3D (PG-13) 12:45 1:15-4:30
7:30-8:30; 5:30 Summer of Soul (...Or, When
8633 Colesville Road SR Kalyanamandapam 6:00-9:30 7:25-10:30 Regal Waugh Chapel & IMAX CC: 3:00-6:00-9:00 F9 The Fast Saga (PG-13) CC: the Revolution Could Not Be
The Suicide Squad (R) CC: 8:45 Pig (R) 11:00-1:45 1419 South Main Chapel Way Regal Fairfax Towne Center Regal Virginia Gateway & RPX
The Suicide Squad (R) CC: Jungle Cruise (PG-13) 12:30- Escape Room: Tournament of 7:15 Televised) (PG-13) CC; DVS:
(!) 7:00 The Green Knight (R) OC: 7:45 Thimmarusu: Assignment Vali 1:15-1:30-1:45-2:30-3:10-3:35- 4110 West Ox Road 8001 Gateway Promenade Place
Jungle Cruise (PG-13) 3:00-6:20 Champions (PG-13) CC: 2:00- Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins 12:10-5:00
The Hidden Life of Trees (PG) Nine Days (R) OC: 8:45 11:30-2:45 3:50-4:20-5:00-5:15-5:30-5:45- The Suicide Squad (R) 7:00 4:25-6:50-9:15 (PG-13) CC: 4:45-7:15 Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins
Stillwater (R) CC; DVS: 10:10- (PG-13) 1:10-4:10-7:10 (PG-13) 12:50-3:50-6:50
(!) 3:00 The Suicide Squad (R) OC: 7:30 Secret Movie Series 7:00 6:25-6:50-8:15-8:30-9:00-9:40 Stillwater (R) 12:00-3:30-7:00 A Quiet Place Part II (PG-13) CC: Jungle Cruise (PG-13) CC: 4:00- 1:15-4:15-7:20
Summer of Soul (...Or, When AMC Loews Escape from Mogadishu The Suicide Squad (R) 7:30-10:45 Jungle Cruise: The IMAX 2D 3:10-6:10-9:00 5:00-6:00-7:30 Queen Bees (PG-13) CC; DVS: Jungle Cruise (PG-13) 12:30- F9 The Fast Saga (PG-13) 1:20-
the Revolution Could Not Be St. Charles Town Ctr. 9 7:00-10:00 Black Widow (PG-13) 12:30-3:55- Experience (PG-13) 12:45-4:00 The Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard Black Widow (PG-13) CC: 12:50-3:45-4:05-7:00 4:40-8:00
Televised) (PG-13) CC: 6:45 11115 Mall Circle Chinese Doctors 4:15 7:10-10:30 The Suicide Squad: The IMAX 2D (R) CC: 6:25-9:10 4:30-7:30 Roadrunner: A Film About The Suicide Squad (R) 7:00 Jungle Cruise (PG-13) 12:45-4:00
The Woman Who Ran (!) 5:00 F9 The Fast Saga (PG-13) CC: Jungle Cruise 3D (PG-13) Space Jam: A New Legacy (PG) Experience (R) 7:30 The Green Knight (R) CC: 2:45- The Suicide Squad (R) CC: Anthony Bourdain (R) CC; DVS: Black Widow (PG-13) 12:55- Black Widow (PG-13) 12:50-
Eyimofe (This is My Desire) (NR)6:00 12:00-7:50 12:45-3:40-6:35-9:50 Jungle Cruise 3D (PG-13) 6:00-9:15 7:00-8:00 9:40-2:30-4:50-7:30 4:10-7:30 4:05-7:25
(!) 12:20-6:00 Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins Escape Room: Tournament of 11:45AM The Forever Purge (R) CC: Space Jam: A New Legacy (PG) Space Jam: A New Legacy (PG) The Suicide Squad (R) 7:45
Cinemark Centreville 12 Space Jam: A New Legacy (PG)
The Green Knight (R) CC: (!) (PG-13) CC: 6:15-9:00 (PG-13) XD: 1:30-4:30 Champions (PG-13) 12:40-3:05- Regal Westview & IMAX 5:25-8:30 CC: 4:15
6201 Multiplex Drive
1:00-3:45-9:15 Jungle Cruise (PG-13) CC: Jungle Cruise (PG-13) 12:40- 5:30-8:00-10:35 5243 Buckeystown Pike Old (PG-13) CC: 3:15-6:10- The Green Knight (R) CC: The Green Knight (R) 12:40- 1:10-4:20-7:20
Roadrunner: A Film About An- 3:50; 12:20-12:40-1:35-3:10-3:30- The Green Knight (R) 12:30-3:45- 8:20-9:15 4:15-7:45 F9 The Fast Saga (PG-13) 3:50-7:00 Escape Room: Tournament of
6:00-10:15 F9 The Fast Saga (PG-13) 12:20-3:45
thony Bourdain (R) 12:30-9:40 3:50-4:45-5:30-6:20-6:40-7:00- 7:05-10:25 Stillwater (R) CC: 2:45-9:15 Old (PG-13) CC: 4:45-8:00 Champions (PG-13) 7:30
Roman Holiday (NR) 3:00
Black Widow (PG-13) CC:
8:40-9:30-9:50-10:10; 11:10-2:20 Old (PG-13) 1:35-4:20-4:35-7:20-
Joe Bell (R) CC: 2:30 Scoob! (PG) 4:00 The Boss Baby: Family Business Old (PG-13) 1:05-3:45-6:45 The Green Knight (R) 1:15-
6:45-9:45 Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins (PG) 12:05 Stillwater (R) 12:35-3:40-6:55
Star Wars: Episode V - The The Suicide Squad (R) CC: The Suicide Squad (R) XD: 10:10-10:30 Pig (R) 6:30 Escape from Mogadishu 6:30 4:30-7:45
(PG-13) 1:20-4:35-7:40 Alamo Drafthouse Cinema - Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins
Empire Strikes Back (PG) 8:30 7:00-9:15 7:00-10:15 Joe Bell (R) 12:25 Roadrunner: A Film About One Loudoun Jungle Cruise 3D (PG-13) 12:45 Old (PG-13) 1:00-4:10-7:25
Jungle Cruise (PG-13) 1:20-2:40- (PG-13) 12:30-3:35 Stillwater (R) 1:00-4:20-7:45
AMC Academy 8 Space Jam: A New Legacy (PG) The Forever Purge (R) 11:25- The Forever Purge (R) 10:15 3:40-4:30-5:50-6:50-7:50-8:20- Anthony Bourdain (R) 3:25 20575 East Hampton Plaza
2:05-5:00 Jungle Cruise: The IMAX 2D Jungle Cruise (PG-13) 12:10- Regal Fox & IMAX Joe Bell (R) 12:45-1:30
6198 Greenbelt Road CC: 6:00-8:45 Stillwater (R) 12:30-1:00-3:45- 8:50-9:20 Space Jam: A New Legacy (PG) 3:20-6:30-9:40
Escape Room: Tournament of The Suicide Squad (R) 7:45-10:55 7:05-7:20-10:20 Experience (PG-13) CC: 4:45 22875 Brambleton Plaza Jungle Cruise 3D (PG-13) 4:45
F9 The Fast Saga (PG-13) CC: Black Widow (PG-13) 12:50- 12:45 Black Widow (PG-13) 12:05-3:20- Jungle Cruise (PG-13) 3:55
4:35 Champions (PG-13) CC: 9:30 Jungle Cruise (PG-13) XD: Pig (R) 7:25-9:55 4:00-7:00 Jungle Cruise (PG-13) CC: Cloudy With a Chance of Meat- Jungle Cruise (PG-13) 1:15-1:45-
11:10-2:20 6:35-9:50 The Suicide Squad (R) 7:00-10:10 2:15-2:45-3:20-4:00-4:20-5:20-
Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins The Green Knight (R) CC: Jungle Cruise: The IMAX 2D The Suicide Squad (R) 7:00 2:00-2:30-3:15-5:15-5:45-6:30- balls (PG) 12:20
The Suicide Squad (R) XD: 7:00- Experience (PG-13) 12:40-3:50 7:30-8:30-9:00 Space Jam: A New Legacy (PG) The Green Knight (R) 12:40-3:50- 6:00-7:45-8:30-9:00
(PG-13) CC: 4:00 7:00-9:45 Space Jam: A New Legacy (PG) Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins 12:50-3:50-6:50-9:50
8:00-10:15-11:15 The Suicide Squad: The IMAX 2D (PG-13) 1:50 The Suicide Squad (R) 7:00-8:45
Jungle Cruise (PG-13) CC: 4:15- Old (PG-13) CC: 6:45-9:30 The Suicide Squad: The IMAX 2D 12:45-3:45-6:30
Experience (R) CC: 8:00 The Green Knight (R) 12:15-3:30- 7:20-10:30
7:15-7:45 Stillwater (R) CC: 7:00-10:00 Cinépolis Luxury Cinemas Experience (R) 7:00-10:20 The Green Knight (R) 3:50-7:10 Jungle Cruise (PG-13) 1:50 6:45-10:00 Stillwater (R) 12:00-3:30-7:00- University Mall Theatre
The Suicide Squad (R) CC: Gaithersburg 6:45 (R) 6:45-9:25 Old (PG-13) 12:50-3:30-6:20-9:10 Jungle Cruise (PG-13) OC: 4:15 Stillwater (R) 2:10-5:00-8:30 10:25 10659 Braddock Road
AMC Magic Johnson Old (PG-13) 12:25-4:20-7:10-
7:00-8:00 Capital Center 12 629 Center Point Way Jungle Cruise 3D (PG-13) 1:00- Stillwater (R) 1:20-4:40-8:00 The Suicide Squad (R) CC: 9:00 The Suicide Squad (R) 7:00 10:00 Jungle Cruise: The IMAX 2D Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins (PG-
Black Widow (PG-13) CC: 800 Shoppers Way Stillwater (R) (!) 4:15-7:15 2:15-4:05-7:10-8:45-10:15 Joe Bell (R) 12:55 Stillwater (R) OC: 6:00 The Green Knight (R) 1:30-4:00- Stillwater (R) 12:00-3:15-6:35- Experience (PG-13) 1:10-4:20 13) CC; DVS: 1:30-4:45-7:30-9:55
5:00-8:15 F9 The Fast Saga (PG-13) CC: Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins Regal Germantown Jungle Cruise: The IMAX 2D AMC Potomac Mills 18 4:40-6:40 9:55 The Suicide Squad: The IMAX 2D Jungle Cruise (PG-13) CC; DVS:
Space Jam: A New Legacy (PG) 5:00-8:20 (PG-13) 3:15 20000 Century Boulevard Experience (PG-13) 12:50-4:10 2700 Potomac Mills Circle Jungle Cruise (PG-13) 12:30-3:45 Private Watch Party 12:00- Experience (R) 7:40-10:50 1:00-4:00-7:15-9:45
CC: 5:30-7:20 Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins (PG- Space Jam: A New Legacy Black Widow (PG-13) 12:20- The Suicide Squad: The IMAX 2D F9 The Fast Saga (PG-13) CC: Black Widow (PG-13) 12:30 3:15-6:30 Jungle Cruise 3D (PG-13) 12:45 Black Widow (PG-13) CC; DVS:
The Green Knight (R) CC: 13) CC: 2:30-5:15-8:10 (PG) 6:00 3:30-6:40 Experience (R) 7:40 4:05-7:30 Old (PG-13) 1:15-4:00-7:00 SR Kalyanamandapam 6:00-9:20 The Suicide Squad (R) 7:20-10:30 2:15-4:40-7:10-9:50
4:45-7:30 Jungle Cruise (PG-13) CC: The Green Knight (R) (!) 4:30-6:45 Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins Jungle Cruise 3D (PG-13) The Boss Baby: Family Business Black Widow (PG-13) 3:00- Thimmarusu: Assignment Vali Jungle Cruise (PG-13) 12:30- Space Jam: A New Legacy (PG)
Old (PG-13) CC: 4:30-8:30 4:00-4:45 Old (PG-13) (!) 7:45 (PG-13) 12:50-4:00-7:10 1:50-5:10 (PG) CC: 3:45 4:15-7:45 2:55 3:40-6:50-10:00 CC; DVS: 12:05

She had a loud, nonstop

crunching noise in her head…
Read “Medical Mysteries,” Tuesdays in Health & Science.





♠ 86
♥ AK62
♦ 742
♣ AK85
♠ QJ7432 ♠ K9
♥ 75 ♥ J 10 9 8
♣ QJ ♣ 10 9 7 3 2
♠ A 10 5
♥ Q43
♦ A K 10 9 5
♣ 64

The bidding:
1♣ Pass 1 ♦ Pass
1♥ Pass 3 NT All Pass
Opening lead — ♠ 4
“M y cousin the Queen
of Hearts is so obses-
sive-compulsive,” the Queen
of Diamonds told Alice as the
players at the Mad Hatter’s
took a tea break. “She can’t
stand the idea of her card
being captured. But I know
that losing a trick can be bet-
ter than winning one.”
“Of course, your majesty,”
Alice sighed.
Queen sniffed.
When Alice was declarer
at 3NT, West, the Dormouse,
led a low spade: six, king,
five. The March Hare, East,
returned the nine: 10, jack,
eight. The Dormouse then
led a third spade — and
the Hare swiftly pitched his
queen of diamonds. Alice
won but had to fail. She
couldn’t set up the diamonds
without letting West get in to LIO MOTHER GOOSE & GRIMM MIKE PETERS
run the spades.
“Had I known, I’d have
won the second spade,” said
Alice makes 3NT if East
keeps his queen of dia-
monds. Alice gets to dummy
twice to lead diamonds
toward her hand. When East
plays the queen, Alice plays
low and is safe.
Queen of Diamonds chortled.
You hold:
♠ A 10 5 ♥ Q 4 3
♦ A K 10 9 5 ♣ 6 4
Your partner opens one
heart, you bid two diamonds
and he rebids two hearts.
What do you say?
ANSWER: To bid four
hearts might work, but since
you have good controls and
slam is possible. Partner
might hold 3, A K J 7 5 2, Q
2, A 8 5 3 or K 3, A K 10 9
7 2, 4 3, A 7 2. In a game-
forcing two-over-one style,
raise to three hearts, forcing.
Otherwise, you might try two
spades and support hearts
— Frank Stewart








You are a natural
leader and excellent
at managing and
directing others.
Ever adventurous, you are
self-assured and diplomatic,
which is why others listen to
you. You have humanitarian
values at heart. In a nine-year
cycle, this is your ninth year,
which means it is a time of
endings and letting go of what
your life.

Moon Alert: There are no

restrictions to shopping or
important decisions today.
The Moon is in Cancer.
(MARCH 21-APRIL 19).
Today is the perfect day to
cocoon at home or relax with
family members. A discussion
with a female family member
might be significant for both
of you. However, you might
want to “hide” in comfortable,
JEF MALLETT DARRIN BELL familiar surroundings.
(APRIL 20-MAY 20).
In discussions with others
today, you want a genuine
connection with whomever
you are talking to. This means
you will be disappointed if the
conversation remains at a
superficial, chitchat level.
(MAY 21-JUNE 20).
Financial matters are on your
mind today, which is why this
could be a tricky day if you are
shopping. You might make
decisions rather than practical
(JUNE 21-JULY 22).
Today the Moon is still in
your sign, which makes you
more emotional than usual.
However, it also increases
your good luck just a tiny bit.
(And as we all know, every little
bit helps!) Therefore, ask the
universe for a favor today.
(JULY 23-AUG. 22).
DUSTIN THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN in your sign now, you are
powerful and busy relating to
others. However, today you
have a chance to seek some
solitude and escape from the
busyness around you, if you
choose to do so.
(AUG. 23-SEPT. 22).
This is a good day to have
a heart-to-heart talk with
someone, perhaps a female
acquaintance. It might benefit
you to share your hopes and
dreams for the future with
this person, because quite
help you.
(SEPT. 23-OCT. 22).
Once again, today the Moon is
sitting at the very top of your
chart, which seems to put
you in the public eye. In other
words, at some point people
will notice you more than
usual, and they will be talking
about you.
(OCT. 23-NOV. 21).
Because you feel a bit restless
today and eager for adventure,
explore something new.
Do something different! Go
someplace you have never
been before. Obviously, travel
will appeal to you.
(NOV. 22-DEC. 21).
Although you have a desire
to travel and “get away
from all this,” today you
cannot ignore certain details
regarding shared property,
taxes, debt, insurance matters
or something to do with
(DEC. 22-JAN. 19).
Because the Moon is in the
sign that is 180 degrees
opposite from your sign, the
best way for you to handle this
is to be ready to go more than
halfway when dealing with
(JAN. 20-FEB. 18).
Very possibly, you will have to
perform a service for someone
else today. You also might
be more involved than usual
with a pet. At work, you might
confide in you.
(FEB. 19-MARCH 20).
You’re in a playful frame of
mind today, which is why you
will enjoy fun activities with
children, the arts or any kind
of mental, intellectual games.
You also will be attracted
to sports events and the
entertainment world.
— Georgia Nicols



More online: washingtonpost.com/comics. Feedback: 1301 K St. NW, Washington, D.C., 20071; [email protected]; 202-334-4775.

On this day in 2006, Warren Moon became the first It’s another pleasant day with highs Find more of Fred Bowen’s
Black quarterback to be inducted into the Pro Football in the middle 80s and partly sunny columns about Olympic and
Hall of Fame. Moon remains the only Black quarterback skies. other sports in our online
in the Hall of Fame. ILLUSTRATION BY ELISE BROWN, 10, ARLINGTON Score archive.



Giant panda Huan Huan holds one

of her newborns. They weighed 5.3
ounces and 4.6 ounces at birth.


Giant panda gives
Tokyo Games put the spotlight In a men’s 800-meter race, Nijel Amos
from Botswana and American Isaiah
Jewett collided. They tumbled to the
birth to two ‘lively’
cubs in French zoo
on pandemic, mental health track. Jewett, however, picked Amos up,
and the two finished the race together.
Still, these Games may be remembered A giant panda on loan to France
because Simone Biles, the greatest from China gave birth to female twin
I have been wondering: coronavirus pandemic. gymnast of all time, did not compete in cubs Monday, a French zoo
The Score What will this summer’s Runners streak to the finish line in most of the events for which she announced, declaring “they are very
FRED BOWEN Tokyo Olympics be near silence. The U.S. women’s soccer qualified. lively, pink and plump.”
remembered for? team plays with their voices echoing in After some early exercises, Biles said The Beauval Zoo, south of Paris,
The Games often are almost-empty stadiums. The matches she was not ready for the all-around and said the twins weigh 5.3 ounces and
remembered for one big sound more like a side-yard pickup game several individual events. Biles said she 4.6 ounces. Their mother, Huan
thing. In 1936 in Berlin, than an international sports event. had the “twisties,” a gymnastics term that Huan, and father, Yuan Zi, are at
Germany, African There have been the usual highlights means she was not able to sense where Beauval on a 10-year loan from China.
American track-and- and surprises. U.S. swimmer Caeleb she was in the air. The twins are their second and third
field star Jesse Owens Dressel ruled the pool by winning five Online bullies called Biles a quitter cubs after the first panda born in
won four gold medals. The victories were gold medals. Lamont Marcell Jacobs of and a disgrace. But it seems that having France, Yuan Meng, in 2017.
especially significant because Germany’s Italy stunned the track world by winning the twisties for a gymnast is like “Huan Huan is taking care of them
leader, Adolf Hitler, falsely claimed that the men’s 100-meter dash with a time of temporary blindness for a baseball very well. She took them in her mouth
White people were better than people of 9.8 seconds. Jacobs had never run the player. You wouldn’t ask someone to to lick them and clean them. We can
other races. distance in less than 10 seconds. stand up to a 100-mile-an-hour fastball if hear little cries,” the zoo said in a
In 1976 in Montreal, Canada, 14-year- There have been wonderful examples he couldn’t see. In any case, Biles statement.
old Nadia Comaneci of Romania earned of good sportsmanship. Ariane Titmus of bounced back to win a bronze medal on Giant pandas have difficulty
the first perfect scores in women’s Australia beat swimming superstar Katie the balance beam. breeding, and their pregnancies are
Olympic gymnastics. Ledecky in the 400-meter freestyle. It might be nice if the Tokyo Games are challenging to follow.
In 1992 in Barcelona, Spain, the United Ledecky showed no disappointment with EZRA SHAW/GETTY IMAGES remembered as the Olympics where we “We just lived a moment of rare
States’ pro basketball stars — the “Dream her silver medal. Caeleb Dressel, left, won five gold started to listen to the athletes and let intensity. These births are always very
Team” — showed the world how the game After the race she said, “I knew no medals at the Tokyo Olympics. But the them make their own decisions. exceptional, but they also bring some
is played. matter the outcome I was going to put up a Games may be known for the lack of [email protected] surprises,” said Delphine Delord,
The 2021 Summer Olympics may be fight. . . . Even if I didn’t win, I was still fans in the stands, the withdrawal of director of the Beauval Zoo.
remembered as the “Covid-19 Games.” It going to be happy for whoever won the Simone Biles, above, from contests to Bowen writes the sports opinion column for The cubs will spend a few years in
has been strange to watch the gold.” Ledecky added, “I found a lot of joy protect her mental health and the KidsPost. He is the author of 25 sports books France before being sent to China, the
competitions without fans, most of and happiness and love coming into that remarkable sportsmanship of runners for kids about baseball, basketball, football zoo said.
whom were banned because of the race. . . . I think that’s the biggest win of all.” Isaiah Jewett and Nijel Amos, right. and soccer. — Associated Press


1 Assorted
5 “I Know This
Much Is True”
author Wally
9 Comfy and cozy
14 Algerian port
15 Type of rug
16 Dodge
17 Rural landscape
18 Google
19 Unoriginal
20 Alternate
job title for
a locksmith?
23 Little rascal
25 Chicago
briefly, with
Past a≠air causes a friend to doubt her
27 Least civil Adapted from an Scarlet Letter?: A better topic everything is okay, he said yes.
30 Workshop online discussion. for conversation than text, no? His actions are telling me
debris Either way: Tell her it’s a otherwise. My instinct is to back
33 “Lone Survivor” Dear Carolyn: great question, and fair, and off until he either comes around
Last week, I you will respect that by not or ends things. But if he’s
actor Hirsch confided in my giving her some hollow distant and I’m distant, it seems
© 2021 Tribune Content Agency, LLC. 8/5/21 Carolyn
34 Trattoria choice friend “Maya” answer, like, “Of course I’d that will inevitably lead to a
36 Machiavelli’s 67 Played (with) 40 Standoffish 54 “__ the Woods”: Hax that I slept with a never do that to you.” Or even, breakup.
28 Sunspot center
“Dell’__ della 68 Bygone 43 It may be Sondheim different friend’s “I am now an entirely different So, do I act as if everything is
guerra” 29 Alternate
GM line job title for a glazed musical husband for a short period a few person,” because presumably business as usual? How long
37 “S.W.A.T.” 69 Pet pros chiropractor? 46 1994 sci-fi 56 Part of SATB years ago. I don’t want to make before the affair you also saw should I give it before I end
home memoir 57 Yield excuses, but it was during a very yourself as someone who things myself ? I don’t want to be
30 Small jewelry bad time in my life and I did a lot wouldn’t do that. We know our strung along, but I also don’t
38 Short-order item 48 Combined 58 Theater sign
tool DOWN of things I would never do now. current selves pretty well at want to overreact if this is
1 Kid 31 Condition 49 Low-level 59 Purges (of) I knew I was disclosing a best — and our future selves something that may pass.
41 James’ creator workers
2 Puccini piece 32 Present, e.g. 61 “Killing __”: pretty big secret and Maya would are a guess. — Back Off?
42 Roman aque- 51 Slowpoke BBC America
duct section 3 Java neighbor 34 Microwaves probably pass judgment, but I Instead, you’ll say only what
4 Marine 35 Skater Midori 52 Washed drama didn’t know how much. A few you know to be true: that this Back Off ?: You can say you want
44 Apple music (down) days after that conversation, she experience changed you, that to take his answer at face value,
holder explorer’s aid 39 It has hammers
and keys 53 Fine spray texted me to say she had been you’re making better choices in but you’re skeptical — so if there
45 Rosters 5 Maze runner thinking about it a lot and general and that you like is something on his mind, you
47 Garb often 6 Flounder’s wanted to know if I could yourself so much better now for hope he’ll trust you with it when
shortened to best friend, provide her any assurances that I it. he’s ready.
three letters in Disney would be more trustworthy to And you hope she will be Then give him some room to
49 Uncle Sam 7 98th-percentile her than I was to that other transparent with you if this come to you.
feature group friend. I wanted to write back worry keeps dogging her. Good If you distance each other into
50 Portent 8 Captures that OF COURSE I would never for her for speaking up where a breakup, then that doesn’t
9 __ Bible go behind Maya's back, but those she could have just backed away strike me as an overreaction so
51 Chases off words feel hollow. from you slowly. much as a sign — if nothing else,
53 __ drop 10 Egg cells
11 Alternate job The answer is that I never It may be your friendship that you don’t communicate well
55 Alternate would, both because Maya’s can’t recover from having this enough to work.
job title for title for a file
friendship is so important to me truth out there, it happens —
a librarian? clerk? (the other friend’s was, too, but but if you’re transparent with Write to Carolyn Hax at
60 Signed 12 Dutch cheese maybe not in the same way), and each other, then there’s also a [email protected]. Get her
62 Cut with a 13 Dining review because I am now an entirely chance you become closer for column delivered to your inbox each
beam site different person who makes it. morning at http://wapo.st/gethax.
63 Skirt length 21 Rx specs better choices in general. But I
22 It’s often don’t know whether these words Hi, Carolyn: My boyfriend has  Join the discussion live at noon
64 Jobs in
checked by seem hollow, too. suddenly become a little Fridays at washingtonpost.com/live-
high-tech — Scarlet Letter? distant. When I asked whether chats.
65 Layer surfers
66 Poet during 26 Nutritional
Augustus’ abbr.
S0108 3x.5

27 Sum up Did you hear The Post today? wpost.com/podcasts

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Japan drops in


A champion for so many, Japan’s Sakura Yosozumi earned a

gold medal Wednesday in women’s
As the host racks up medals,
Felix fights into 400-meter final park skateboarding, a new Olympic skateboarding gains a foothold
event that has fueled a boom in the
tokyo — This once was such a foregone host nation. The sport embraces BY M ICHELLE Y E H EE L EE AND J ULIA M IO I NUMA
conclusion for Allyson Felix that she could
“diversity, race, gender, different ages,
program it into her schedule: heats, semis, tokyo — Rihito Minowa’s teammates in soccer would
final, all run with uncommon grace and disabilities,” the head of the Japan make fun of him for his long hair, which he has been
precision. She was 18 at her first Olympics, Skate Park Association says. growing out to donate to charity. So last year, the
Barry in Athens in 2004, a prodigy oozing 10-year-old switched to skateboarding, in which the other
potential. She is 35 now, a mother, a kids and their moms don’t talk about his hair. In fact, no
Svrluga legend. A heavyweight’s ‘destiny’ one at the skate park fits into a mold.
So on a suffocating, soupy Wednesday U.S. boxer Richard Torrez Jr. will fight for As Rihito watched the first Olympic skateboarding
night at National Stadium, Felix came off the final corner gold. ‘I’m meant to be here,’ he says. D7 competitions last week, he learned that even the
in a semifinal of the women’s 400 meters, carrying all that superstars slip and fall off the board sometimes. It gave
history onto the homestretch but also her same grace, her Lyles wins bronze, then lets it out him confidence about the fact that he often falls, too, and
same precision. An Olympic final, in Athens or Beijing or Noah Lyles finishes third in 200, then he resolved to try harder in the sport that makes him feel
London or even Rio de Janeiro, was a given because those talks about his toughest fight. D8 free to be himself.
were the days when the medals flowed in, nine in all, as Live updates and more “I feel really proud seeing him out there doing what he
many as any woman has ever won at the track. Real-time analysis, news and much loves,” said Chikako Minowa, 44, who sat on a bench
Each of those medals — six gold, three silver — was an more online at postsports.com. watching Rihito practicing at a Tokyo-area skate park this

Nadal overcomes rust to survive Washington TE Logan Wizards acquire veteran Dinwiddie
Thomas, coming off a career
a crowd-pleasing Citi Open debut year, is ready for more. D2 from Nets in a sign-and-trade deal
BY L IZ C LARKE challenges to advance to the Citi Open’s SALLY JENKINS BY C ANDACE B UCKNER close to the situation confirmed.
third round with a 6-2, 4-6, 7-6 (7-1) The NCAA’s shameful While Washington receives Dinwid-
Rafael Nadal returned to competition victory. It took two days into NBA free agency die, the former Brooklyn Nets guard
for the first time in nearly two months But he acknowledged afterward that
handling of women’s hoops and a complicated web of maneuvers, who played in only three games last
Wednesday and found himself battling the injury remains a factor, particularly has been laid bare. D5 but the Washington Wizards landed season, the team sends forward Chan-
multiple opponents: American Jack Sock, after Sock seized the upper hand and their prized point guard in Spencer dler Hutchison and a 2022 second-
pain in his previously injured left foot and forced the contest into a third set. BASEBALL Dinwiddie. round draft pick to the San Antonio
rust from the hiatus he took to address the SEE CITI OPEN ON D4 The Nats are trying to shake On Wednesday, the Wizards agreed to Spurs. Dinwiddie will sign a three-year
issue. a deal to acquire Dinwiddie in a sign- deal worth $62 million.
Over three imperfect sets that spanned Citi Open, early rounds things up, but results are the and-trade agreement through a frame- Shortly after the transaction made
3 hours 4 minutes, Nadal weathered all Today, 2 p.m., Tennis Channel same in 9-5 loss to Phillies. D5 work that included five teams, a person SEE WIZARDS ON D5

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A return Excerpted from


to stricter Rivera using Kuechly

as example for Davis
protocols Jamin Davis has won the praise of
Ron Rivera. Over Memorial Day

is proposed weekend, Rivera — who coached

the Carolina Panthers for nine
seasons — had former Panthers
linebacker Luke Kuechly speak to
F ROM NEWS SERVICES the Washington Football Team’s
AND STAFF REPORTS linebackers at their training
facility in Ashburn. The former
The NFL Players Association defensive player of the year was
told its membership Wednesday the epitome of a three-down
that it will propose re-tightening linebacker and the model for
the league’s coronavirus protocols Rivera’s next project in
and testing vaccinated players Washington.
and team staffers more frequently, During the first week of
based on growing concerns about training camp in Richmond,
the spread of the delta variant and Rivera cited Davis, Washington’s
breakthrough infections among first-round pick out of Kentucky,
vaccinated individuals. as one of the young players who
The NFLPA’s proposals to the stood out with their ability to
league — outlined in a memo sent retain information and translate
by the union to all players — would it to the field.
represent rollbacks to the previ- After the first padded practice
ous easing of restrictions for vacci- Tuesday, Rivera again cited Davis
nated players and staff members. as one of the players who thrived.
It was not immediately clear “He put the pads on, and he
whether the NFL would agree to just kept running into people,”
the NFLPA’s proposals. Rivera said. “I mean, that’s his
“Based on the guidance of our mentality, and that’s what you’re
medical experts and what we looking for in guys.”
know about this new variant, this Tight end Logan Thomas made 72 catches for 670 yards and six touchdowns in 2020, all far surpassing his previous career totals. And after Wednesday’s
is the best defense we have to workout, Rivera made a beeline to
prevent infections and protect you Davis. The two stood at the
and your families, while also exe-
cuting a full season,” the NFLPA
wrote in its memo. A copy was
obtained by The Washington Post.
Thomas set to take ‘another big step’ 30-yard-line as Rivera talked to
him about Kuechly, who was in a
similar position in 2012 as a first-
round rookie.
The union wrote that it will “In talking to Jamin, I used
recommend to the league that vac- BY S AM F ORTIER help him break out again is sharp- and turned underneath, making it But until scientists and ethi- some of those examples,” Rivera
cinated players and staffers be ening into focus. During one peri- an easy throw for the quarterback. cists have breakthroughs in clon- said. “ ‘Hey, it’s okay. You are a
tested for the coronavirus each Basically since last season end- od of practice Wednesday, Thom- Later, Rivera noted Thomas ing, Washington’s best hopes are rookie, but it’s okay to be up there,
day they enter a team facility. ed, Washington Football Team as was the only tight end not to saw a similar play and explained Bates, veteran Temarrick Hem- to be that guy, to be that leader.’
Under the current protocols, coaches and players have insisted traipse across the field for block- the concept — find the crease in ingway and camp-signee Ricky That’s what he’s done, and I just
developed by the league and union that not only was tight end Logan ing drills. He instead stayed with the defense rather than always Seals-Jones. Sammis Reyes, a de- wanted to reassure him.”
and released in June, vaccinated Thomas’s breakout 2020 not a the receivers and ran deep routes running a route as it’s drawn — to velopmental player who missed
players and staffers are tested fluke, it was only a beginning. You — a stark visual departure from fourth-round pick John Bates. practice Wednesday with a knee
once every 14 days, while unvacci- would be forgiven for any skepti- last year, when he was a high-vol- “The next level of my game is injury, has not yet shown that he is Sims making his case
nated personnel remain subject to cism, partly because the 30-year- ume, shorter-yardage safety blan- helping others around me and not ready to contribute. Rivera has said he doesn’t know
the daily testing that was in place old former quarterback’s stats ket for the team’s quarterbacks. just worrying about myself,” said In the meantime, Hoener not- how many wide receivers he plans
last season. from last year — 72 catches, The next step for Thomas is to Thomas, who often deflects to ed, Thomas must keep developing to keep on the initial 53-man
The league said it would be 670 yards, six touchdowns — were maximize his catches because, by teammates when asked about to maintain his confidence. He roster, but Steven Sims is making
flexible and adjust the protocols if between double and triple his pre- snaps and targets, he’s already in specific parts of his game. “If I can thought the tight end was down a compelling case. The third-year
necessary. “We all have the same vious career totals. the vicinity of the league’s elite grab a guy and make him just on himself at the start of last player has received ample time
goal,” said Allen Sills, the NFL’s But here’s the argument for tight ends, such as Kansas City’s 5 percent better off of something I season. with the first- and second-team
chief medical officer, “which is to why he will keep ascending, ac- Travis Kelce and San Francisco’s can show him, it makes our team “He made a few plays and made offenses, working both in the slot
create the safest possible environ- cording to tight ends coach Pete George Kittle. But he’s not as ex- better.” some great blocks in the red zone, and out wide, and has regularly
ment for our players, coaches and Hoener, Thomas’s staunchest plosive as they are. For example, Similar to running back Anto- at the goal line, and all of a sud- been in the mix as a punt
staff.” supporter. Thomas has “complete while his 6.9 targets per game nio Gibson, an advanced under- den, his whole persona changed,” returner.
— Mark Maske tight end traits,” including his ranked fourth among tight ends standing of his position will allow the coach said. “Fortunately, for Sims said last season “wasn’t a
l PACKERS: Quarterback Aar- combination of size and speed, as last year, they didn’t travel far (his Thomas to open up the playbook him and for us, he had to play a lot, great year” and that he didn’t
on Rodgers said his relationship well as room to improve and a 5.6 air yards per catch ranked for offensive coordinator Scott so he’s in there getting more reps perform to the standard he set for
with General Manager Brian body that hasn’t taken as many 25th) and he didn’t do a lot with Turner. For example, if Turner and continuing to improve.” himself. In 12 games, he had two
Gutekunst is a “work in progress” hits as others his age. Hoener said them after the catch (his four wanted to use a three-tight end Washington hopes the same dropped passes and two fumbles
but he has nothing but affection Thomas is one of the league’s top- yards after the catch per reception set, he could line Thomas up in the will be true of his deep routes, the lost (three others were
for the man Gutekunst drafted as seven tight ends already, and ranked 20th). backfield as a fullback and use benefits of which have been evi- recovered). Sims also dealt with a
his possible replacement: backup when asked whether he was near This offseason, Thomas stud- motion to get Thomas the best dent in practice. Perhaps the best toe injury in Week 2 that landed
Jordan Love. his ceiling, Hoener said, “No.” ied other receivers down the field matchup. example came in the two-minute him on injured reserve for part of
Rodgers returned to the Pack- “I do anticipate him taking an- to find nuances he could improve. In those sets, though, Washing- drill Tuesday. Facing fourth and the season.
ers last week, reporting on time for other big step,” Coach Ron Rivera He focused on getting out of his ton would need other tight ends 20 from the 29, Thomas ran into Now healthy, Sims said he
training camp after an offseason echoed during offseason work- breaks cleaner and deepening his that defenses respect as receivers. the end zone and wound up com- focused on “going back to the
in which he made clear he was outs, and five weeks later, the understanding of route-running This almost never happened last peting for a jump ball against basics” in the offseason. After
unhappy with the organization. team backed that up by signing from the receiver perspective. Ri- year, and Hoener acknowledged cornerback William Jackson III. practices, Sims has been one of
The three-time MVP skipped Thomas to a three-year deal worth vera noticed the difference in the team needed to find comple- Thomas reached over Jackson the last ones on the field.
Green Bay’s organized team activi- roughly $24 million. camp when, on one play, Thomas ments to Thomas. “In an ideal and wrenched the ball away for a
ties and mandatory minicamp, Early in training camp, at least saw the linebacker vacate the mid- world,” he said, “you want three dramatic score.
and he acknowledged he doesn’t one part of Washington’s plan to dle seam, so he adjusted his route Logan Thomases out there.” [email protected] Allen out again
know whether he will be back with Kyle Allen did not practice for the
Green Bay next season, saying he third consecutive day because of
just wants to focus on this year. an ankle injury he suffered
Love took the majority of reps at
minicamp and probably would
have been the Packers’ starter this
WFT announces updated policies for FedEx Field Saturday in Richmond. Allen has
been day-to-day, but when asked
whether the team planned to sign
season if Rodgers hadn’t returned, another quarterback for
a situation for which Rodgers has BY N ICKI J HABVALA was open to all fans, the team had use of Native American language, public spaces in covid-19 hot competition, Rivera said he
some sympathy. a different name. As part of its iconography and imagery. . . . spots. doesn’t expect Allen to be out
“I didn’t hold things from him,” When the Washington Football rebranding, the team has made a “We will choose an identity Maryland is one of the most much longer. Steven Montez has
Rodgers said. “I let him know Team welcomes fans back to Fed- clean break from Native Ameri- that unequivocally departs from vaccinated states, with 77.8 per- received reps with the third-team
where I was at mentally and what I Ex Field this season, Native can imagery, and has even ruled any use of or approximate linkage cent of adults having received at offense in his place.
was thinking about. And hopeful- American-inspired headdresses out Warriors as a candidate for its to Native American imagery.” least one dose of the vaccine as of Defensive linemen Jonathan
ly he appreciated that.” and face paint will be prohibited. new name, which is set to be As part of its updated proto- Wednesday. Allen (hamstring) and James
l BEARS: Chicago signed line- The team, which issued its 2021 revealed in early 2022. cols, the team is also recommend- The team warned that its pol- Smith-Williams (lower leg; he
backer Alec Ogletree to a one-year stadium policies and protocols “We recognize that not every- ing but not mandating the use of icies could change with updated had offseason surgery on his shin)
contract. Wednesday, announced in the one is in favor of this change,” face masks inside the stadium for local regulations and reminded returned to team drills
l JETS: New York signed quar- spring that it intends to be at full team president Jason Wright said unvaccinated guests. that fans cannot come within Wednesday.
terback Josh Johnson, giving the capacity for games this year, after in July. “And even the Native Because of the rising rate of 20 feet of players. And defensive tackle Matt
team an experienced backup be- a 2020 season in which Washing- American community offers a infection and the spread of the Washington will return to Fed- Ioannidis, who was activated off
hind rookie Zach Wilson. ton’s home games were played range of opinions about both our delta variant, the Centers for Dis- Ex Field on Friday for an evening the covid-19 list Tuesday, worked
l RAIDERS: Las Vegas signed either without fans or with very past and path forward. But in ease Control and Prevention re- practice dubbed “Friday Night with a trainer on another field to
free agent defensive tackle Gerald few fans in attendance because of these moments, it is important to vised its guidelines in late July Football” that will be open to ease his way back into workouts.
McCoy, a six-time Pro Bowl pick. the coronavirus pandemic. prioritize the views of those who and urged Americans, vaccinated more than 20,000 fans. — Nicki Jhabvala
— Associated Press But the last time FedEx Field have been hurt by our historical or not, to wear masks in indoor [email protected] and Emely Hernandez


Noon New York Mets at Miami » MLB Network
PRO BASKETBALL sending a protected future the country. It also comes at a looking to add schools. 4 p.m. Philadelphia at Washington » MASN, WJFK (106.7 FM)
second-round draft pick to time when the highly “Our conference has never 4 p.m. San Francisco at Arizona » MLB Network (Joined in progress)
Four-time all-star Golden State. transmissible delta variant has strategically aligned or plotted 8 p.m. Atlanta at St. Louis » ESPN

Walker goes to Knicks Paschall averaged 9.5 points, led to some regional spikes in with ESPN to influence PRO FOOTBALL
3.2 rebounds and 1.3 assists over infections. . . . conference structures,” Aresco 8 p.m. NFL preseason, Hall of Fame Game: Dallas vs. Pittsburgh » WTTG (Ch. 5),
A decade into his NBA career, 40 games last season. . . . Kansas State Athletic Director said. “We wouldn’t do that. WBFF (Ch. 45)
Kemba Walker is heading Veteran former coach Mike Gene Taylor was added to the ESPN has never done that and 8:30 p.m. Canadian Football League: Hamilton at Winnipeg » ESPN2
home. D’Antoni is joining the New College Football Playoff would not do it. . . . Any GOLF
The four-time all-star point Orleans Pelicans as a coaching selection committee, replacing suggestions or statements that
10 a.m. PGA Tour: Barracuda Championship, first round » Golf Channel
guard will sign with the New adviser, and Jarron Collins was Texas AD Chris Del Conte. we colluded with ESPN with Noon PGA Tour: St. Jude Invitational, first round » Golf Channel
York Knicks after agreeing to a hired as an assistant coach, the CFP’s announcement comes regard to the structure of any
buyout with the Oklahoma City club announced. less than a week after Texas and other conference is a completely SOCCER
Thunder, a person with The moves come after the Oklahoma announced they unfounded and grossly 8 p.m. Concacaf League, preliminary round, first leg: Santos de Guapiles
knowledge of the situation said Pelicans hired Willie Green as would be leaving the Big 12 to irresponsible accusation.” at Verdes » Fox Sports 2
Wednesday. their third coach in three join the SEC in 2025. Big 12 Commissioner Bob 10 p.m. Concacaf League, preliminary round, first leg: 11 Municipal
Walker — who was born in the seasons. The 13-member selection Bowlsby sent a cease-and-desist at Comunicaciones » Fox Sports 2
Bronx — and the Thunder have committee mostly comprises letter to ESPN last week, TENNIS
been working on the buyout COLLEGES sitting athletic directors along accusing the network of 2 p.m. ATP: Citi Open, early rounds; WTA: Silicon Valley Classic, early rounds »
parameters in recent days. Unvaccinated college athletes with former players and encouraging at least one other Tennis Channel
The 31-year-old is owed nearly should be tested weekly for the coaches. Each Power Five conference to raid that league
$74 million for the next two coronavirus, wear masks in most conference is represented by an as it tries to find a way
seasons, including a situations and be quarantined if active athletic director. . . . forward. . . . GOLF University of Pennsylvania, beat
$37.6 million option he held for exposed to the virus, while American Athletic Conference UCLA will host Villanova in Defending champion Rose Zhang 1 up at Westchester
2022-23. He never played for the vaccinated individuals should Commissioner Mike Aresco men’s basketball Nov. 12 for the Zhang tumbled out of the U.S. Country Club.
Thunder, who acquired him in a not be tested routinely, vehemently denied that his first time in 11 years. Women’s Amateur in the first- The 18-year-old Zhang, from
trade with Boston in June that according to the NCAA’s latest league ever “plotted” with ESPN The game is part of a home- round of match play in Harrison, Irvine, Calif., won the U.S. Girls’
sent Al Horford back to the health and safety to undermine another and-home series finalized N.Y., with qualifying medalist Junior two weeks ago at
Celtics. recommendations. conference by poaching its between the two schools. The Rachel Kuehn one of seven of Columbia Country Club in Chevy
Knee issues limited Walker to The updated guidance mostly schools. Bruins, who advanced to the the top eight seeds to fall. Chase.
43 games last season. . . . follows Centers for Disease Aresco addressed conference Final Four last season, will go to Elle Nachmann, a sophomore She won the Women’s
The Utah Jazz agreed to Control and Prevention realignment during the AAC’s Philadelphia to face the from Boca Raton, Fla., who Amateur last year Woodmont
acquire power forward Eric recommendations and comes as virtual football media day, Wildcats during the 2023-24 carries a 4.0 GPA in the Wharton Country Club in Rockville.
Paschall from the Warriors, football practice starts across saying the league is not actively season. School of Business at the — From news services

National League American League
New York 56 51 .523 — 4-6 W-1 Milwaukee 65 44 .596 — 7-3 W-1 x-San Fran. 67 40 .626 — 6-4 L-1 Tampa Bay 65 44 .596 — 5-5 W-1 Chicago 63 45 .583 — 5-5 L-1 x-Houston 65 42 .607 — 7-3 W-1
Philadelphia 55 53 .509 11/2 6-4 W-4 Cincinnati 57 51 .528 71/2 6-4 W-1 x-Los Angeles 64 44 .593 31/2 5-5 L-1 Boston 64 45 .587 1 4-6 W-1 Cleveland 52 53 .495 91/2 4-6 L-2 Oakland 61 48 .560 5 5-5 W-1
Atlanta 54 54 .500 21/2 6-4 W-2 St. Louis 53 54 .495 11 4-6 L-2 San Diego 62 48 .564 61/2 4-6 L-1 New York 58 49 .542 6 7-3 W-2 Detroit 52 58 .473 12 5-5 L-1 Seattle 58 51 .532 8 5-5 L-1
Washington 49 59 .454 71/2 4-6 L-3 Chicago 52 57 .477 13 4-6 W-1 Colorado 47 62 .431 21 4-6 L-1 Toronto 56 49 .533 7 7-3 W-2 Kansas City 46 60 .434 16 5-5 W-1 Los Angeles 54 54 .500 111/2 5-5 W-2
Miami 46 62 .426 101/2 5-5 L-1 Pittsburgh 41 67 .380 231/2 3-7 L-1 x-Arizona 34 74 .315 331/2 4-6 W-1 Baltimore 38 69 .355 26 5-5 L-2 Minnesota 45 63 .417 18 3-7 L-1 Texas 39 69 .361 261/2 4-6 L-2
x-Late game x-Late game

O’s defense lets down TOD AY

Harvey in New York NL games
MLB will open the 2022 W-L ERA TEAM
season March 31 — as Nola (R) 7-6 4.30 10-11
long as there isn’t a work
YANKEES 10, ORIOLES 3 Ross (R) 5-9 4.00 6-12

stoppage — and will try for METS AT MARLINS, 12:10

the fourth time to have
BY J ON M EOLI Hill (L) 6-4 4.10 13-8
every team play its first TBD ---- ---- ----
Matt Harvey’s second-half renaissance was con-
game on the same day for tinuing apace when the inconsistent Baltimore
the first time since 1968. Orioles’ defense that made his first half so frustrat-
Arrieta (R) 5-10 6.20 6-12
Márquez (R) 9-8 3.51 13-9
The All-Star Game will be ing reared its head again.
at Dodger Stadium on And after he left under uncertain circumstances
Wood (L) 9-3 3.83 12-6
July 19, its latest date with just four innings completed Wednesday night,
Kelly (R) 7-8 4.38 10-12
since 1981. it ended up helping to doom the bullpen as well in a
10-3 loss to the New York Yankees at Yankee Stadium.
Crowe (R) 3-5 5.40 7-8
With the bases loaded and the Orioles trailing 4-3
Gray (R) 3-6 4.26 7-8
in the seventh inning, Giancarlo Stanton hit a
Angels: 3B Anthony towering pop-up down the right field line that, BRAVES AT CARDINALS, 8:15
Rendon will undergo despite a hang time of more than five seconds, Muller (L) 2-3 2.43 3-3
season-ending surgery to eluded right fielder DJ Stewart and first baseman LeBlanc (L) 0-2 4.17 3-4
repair a right hip Ryan Mountcastle for a three-run double.
impingement. In It was the second of what would be three flyballs NL scores
58 games this year, that fell in — after a similar misplay Tuesday night — TUESDAY’S RESULTS
Rendon hit .240 with six to scuff up the notion that these Orioles (38-69) have Philadelphia 5, at Washington 4
homers and 34 RBI. been better since the all-star break. at Miami 5, N.Y. Mets 4
Atlanta 6, at St. Louis 1
In Harvey’s fourth inning, after Anthony Rizzo at Colorado 13, Chicago Cubs 6
Brewers: RHP John snapped his second-half scoreless streak at 212/3 in- Pittsburgh 8, at Milwaukee 5, (10)
Axford is out for the at Arizona 3, San Francisco 1
nings with a home run, a pop-up by Aaron Judge that WEDNESDAY’S RESULTS
season with elbow trouble went 175 feet fell in for a base hit between several Philadelphia at Washington, Late
after lasting just a third of Orioles and led to a second run off Harvey before he at Milwaukee 4, Pittsburgh 2
an inning Monday in his N.Y. Mets 5, at Miami 3
left the game after just 63 pitches and four innings, Atlanta 7, at St. Louis 4
first major league his ERA down to 6.13. Chicago Cubs 3, at Colorado 2
San Francisco at Arizona, Late
appearance since 2018. The Orioles led 3-2 at that point after two runs in
. . . LHP Eric Lauer was KEVORK DJANSEZIAN/GETTY IMAGES the first inning on a sacrifice fly by Mountcastle and
placed on the covid-19 a run-scoring single for Austin Hays, then Mountcas-
injured list. A debut in Dodger blue tle hit his 19th home run of the season in the third.
AL games
Former Nationals ace Max Scherzer, making his first start for Los Angeles since he was dealt to the West But they were done scoring at that point as
Dodgers: Four-time all- right-hander Jameson Taillon settled in for New RED SOX AT TIGERS, 1:10
star LHP Cole Hamels Coast at the trade deadline, delivers a first-inning pitch Wednesday against Houston at Dodger Stadium.
signed a deal through the — Baltimore Sun Pérez (L) 7-7 4.56 12-9
end of the season, adding Skubal (L) 6-10 4.53 8-11
depth to a pitching staff Yankees 10, Orioles 3 Rays 4, Mariners 3 Reds 6, Twins 5 Brewers 4, Pirates 2 Athletics 5, Blue Jays 8, Indians 6 ANGELS AT RANGERS, 2:05
that is racked with ORIOLES AB R H BI BB SO AVG Randy Arozarena had a Luis Castillo pitched six Pinch hitter Rowdy Tellez Padres 4 (10) George Springer had Bundy (R) 1-8 6.66 5-10
injuries. Mullins cf............4 1 2 0 0 1 .323 two-run triple during a effective innings and Tyler launched a three-run hom- Matt Olson hit a two-run, four hits, including the Howard (R) 0-2 5.72 3-4
Urías 2b ..............4 1 1 0 0 1 .284
Mancini dh ..........4 0 0 0 0 3 .256 three-run third, and AL East- Stephenson homered to er with two outs in the sev- walk-off double in the 10th 42nd leadoff home run of MARINERS AT YANKEES, 7:05
QUOTABLE Mountcastle
...3 1 1 2 0 2 .262 leading Tampa Bay beat Se- give Cincinnati a cushion it enth inning to put Milwau- inning as Oakland rallied to his career, and Steven Anderson (L) 5-8 4.39 9-10
1b .....................
Hays lf ................4 0 1 1 0 0 .237 attle to avoid a season se- ended up needing in a vic- kee ahead for good in a vic- beat San Diego. The A’s Matz pitched six scoreless Cortes Jr. (L) 0-0 1.93 3-0
“Guys are joking Stewart rf...........2
Severino c ...........3
Franco 3b ............3
1 .200
2 .230
1 .213
ries sweep.
Josh Fleming allowed
tory over Minnesota.
Castillo had seven
tory over Pittsburgh.
Tellez is batting .340 with
scored twice in the ninth
with two outs off closer
innings for Toronto.
Springer connected on

Martin ss ............3 0 0 0 0 2 .000 McKenzie (R) 1-4 6.11 6-8

in the clubhouse, TOTALS 30 3 6 3 1 13 —
two runs and five hits and
Mike Zunino hit his 21st
strikeouts and won his
third straight start.
five homers and 16 RBI in
21 games for the Brewers
Mark Melancon to tie the
game at 3.
J.C. Mejia’s first pitch for
his 13th homer of the sea-
Stripling (R) 4-6 4.75 8-9


homer for the Rays. Ryan since he was acquired in a son. He ended up a triple
like, no one LeMahieu 2b .......5 1 3 4 0 0 .268
Sherriff had his first save.
Kepler cf .............4
1 0 1 1 .207 July 6 trade with Toronto.
Pham lf................5
1 1 0 1 .253 shy of the cycle. Lynch (L) 1-3 6.96 1-4
Rizzo 1b ..............4 1 1 1 1 0 .400
Rooker lf .............5 0 0 0 0 2 .189 Frazier 2b............4 0 1 1 0 0 .179 Keuchel (L) 7-4 4.51 12-8
Judge rf ..............5 0 1 0 0 1 .280
season sweeps us. Gallo lf ................4
Stanton dh..........3
0 0 1 2 .087
2 3 1 1 .257
Crawford ss.........4
1 2 1 0 2 .269
Polanco ss...........4
Arraez 3b ............3
2 1 1 2 .273
3 0 2 0 .310
Park rf .................5
2 0 0 0 .333
Machado 3b.........5
0 0
1 0 0 4 .285
0 0 1 .275
Straw cf ..............4
1 0 1 0 .238 TWINS AT ASTROS, 8:10
Haniger rf............4 1 3 0 0 0 .265 Sanó 1b...............5 1 1 1 0 1 .210 Castro 3b.............4 0 0 0 0 3 .196 ss...................... Rosario ss...........5 0 1 0 0 1 .268
Torres ss.............4 0 2 2 0 0 .249 Jax (R) 1-1 6.41 1-2
They may get one Odor 3b ...............4
Higashioka c .......2
0 0 0 0 .223
1 0 1 0 .196
France 3b-1b-
3b .....................
...4 0 0 0 0 1 .274
Larnach rf ...........4
Gordon 2b ...........4
1 2 0 2 .225
1 0 0 1 .250
Polanco ph...........1
Reynolds cf .........2
0 0 0 1 .210
2 0 2 0 .308
Hosmer dh ..........4
Profar 1b .............4
0 .277
0 .242
Ramírez 3b .........5
Reyes dh .............4
1 1 0 0 .254
2 0 1 2 .274 Valdez (L) 7-2 3.01 9-3
Seager dh ............3 0 0 1 0 0 .218 Jeffers c..............3 0 2 1 1 0 .214 Gamel lf...............4 0 1 0 0 2 .275 Grisham cf ..........4 1 2 1 0 1 .253 Bradley 1b...........5 1 1 0 0 3 .208
Davis pr-cf ..........1 2 1 0 0 0 1.00
Caratini c.............4 1 2 1 0 1 .230
series sweep, but Gardner cf...........2
Sánchez ph-c ......1
0 0 0 0 .197
1 0 1 0 .216
Toro 2b-3b-2b .....3
Torrens 1b...........2
0 .429
2 .214
Barnes p..............1
Cave ph ...............1
0 0 0 1 .000
0 0 0 0 .175
Nogowski 1b .......3
Stallings c ...........3
0 1 0 1 .295
1 1 1 2 .240 Kim pr .................0
Nola c ..................0
0 .213
0 .265
Mercado lf ..........5
Miller 2b .............5
4 1 0 1 .250
2 3 0 1 .131
TOTALS 35 10 12 10 5 4 —
Fraley ph-lf..........2 0 0 0 0 2 .244 Garver ph ............1 0 0 0 0 0 .236 Difo 2b.................4 0 0 0 0 1 .261 Hedges c .............5 0 2 0 0 3 .174 AL scores
Murphy c .............4 0 0 0 0 2 .198 Donaldson ph......1 0 0 0 0 1 .248 Newman ss .........3 0 1 0 1 1 .218 Marisnick rf ........3 0 1 0 0 2 .200 Zimmer rf ...........3 0 1 1 0 1 .246
they don’t do it BALTIMORE... 200 100 000 — 3 6 0
Kelenic cf.............4
Moore lf-2b .........2
2 .128
0 .186
TOTALS 36 5 11 5 5 11 — Brault p ...............1
Hayes ph-3b ........2
0 0 0 1 .000
0 0 0 1 .242
Myers ph-rf.........1
0 .252
10 —
NEW YORK .... 000 210 52X — 10 12 1 at Toronto 7, Cleveland 2
Bauers ph-1b.......1 0 0 0 0 1 .236 REDS AB R H BI BB SO AVG TOTALS 32 2 7 2 4 13 — BLUE JAYS AB R H BI BB SO AVG
again.” E: Gallo (1). LOB: Baltimore 2, New York
6. 2B: Higashioka (6), Stanton (12), Tor-
TOTALS 33 3 7 2 1 12 — India 2b ...............5
Winker lf.............3
3 1 0 1 .284
0 0 1 1 .302 BREWERS AB R H BI BB SO AVG
Canha lf...............3
0 0 1 0 .254
Springer dh .........5 2 4 3 0 0 .296
at N.Y. Yankees 13, Baltimore 1
Seattle 4, at Tampa Bay 2
res (15), LeMahieu (18). HR: Mountcas- Guerrero Jr. 1b ...5 0 1 0 0 1 .322 at Detroit 4, Boston 2
RAYS AB R H BI BB SO AVG Farmer ss............3 1 1 1 1 0 .259 Wong 2b..............4 1 2 0 0 0 .295 Marte cf ..............5 1 1 0 0 0 .360 Semien 2b-ss......3 1 1 0 1 1 .275
— Rays left-hander Josh tle (19), off Taillon; Rizzo (3), off Har- at Chicago White Sox 7, Kansas City 1
Lowe 2b...............4 1 1 0 0 1 .219 Votto 1b..............3 1 1 2 1 0 .273 Adames ss...........3 0 0 0 1 1 .292 Olson 1b..............5 0 2 2 0 1 .279 Bichette ss .........3 1 0 1 1 1 .291 L.A. Angels 11, at Texas 3
vey. RBI: Mountcastle 2 (62), Hays (38),
Fleming, who pitched five Choi 1b ................2 1 0 0 2 2 .249 Stephenson c......4 1 2 2 0 2 .282 Escobar 1b...........4 0 3 1 0 1 .286 Laureano rf .........3 1 1 0 1 2 .246 Espinal 3b ...........0 0 0 0 0 0 .305
Rizzo (6), Torres 2 (41), LeMahieu 4
(44), Stanton 3 (53). SB: Hays (2). SF: Arozarena lf ........4 1 2 2 0 2 .268 Suárez 3b............4 0 1 0 0 1 .176 García rf ..............4 0 0 0 0 1 .267 Lowrie dh ............4 1 1 1 0 2 .259 Hernández rf.......4 0 1 0 0 1 .294 WEDNESDAY’S RESULTS
solid innings as Tampa Bay Mountcastle. Meadows dh........4 0 0 0 0 1 .242 Aquino rf.............4 0 0 0 0 1 .212 Taylor lf...............4 0 0 0 0 1 .243 Harrison 2b-3b....3 0 0 0 0 0 .167 Dickerson lf ........4 1 1 2 0 0 .125 at Tampa Bay 4, Seattle 3
Wendle 3b ...........3 0 1 1 0 0 .274 Akiyama cf..........2 2 1 0 2 1 .211 Cain cf .................4 0 1 0 0 0 .246 Murphy c .............1 0 0 0 3 0 .218 Grichuk cf ...........3 1 1 1 1 1 .254
avoided a season sweep at ORIOLES IP H R ER BB SO ERA Franco ss .............3 0 0 0 1 0 .244 Schrock ph ..........1 0 0 0 0 0 .311 Urías 3b ...............3 1 0 0 1 0 .233 Kemp pr-2b .........0 1 0 0 0 0 .251 Valera 3b-2b .......3 1 0 0 1 0 .182
at N.Y. Yankees 10, Baltimore 3
at Toronto 8, Cleveland 5
the hands of Seattle with a Harvey ................. 4 3 2 2 2 1 6.13 Kiermaier cf ........2 0 0 0 1 0 .228 Freeman 3b.........1 0 0 0 0 0 .186 Piña c...................3 1 1 0 0 0 .155 Chapman 3b-ss ...4 0 1 1 0 2 .215 McGuire c............3 1 1 1 1 0 .290 Boston 4, at Detroit 1
Valdez.................. 1 2 1 1 0 0 5.40 Zunino c...............3 1 1 1 0 2 .192 TOTALS 30 6 9 6 5 7 — Peralta p..............2 0 0 0 0 2 .057 Andrus ss............3 0 0 0 0 0 .230 TOTALS 33 8 10 8 5 5 —
4-3 win at Tropicana Field. Sulser .................. 1 1 1 1 1 1 2.90 Gomes ph-c.........1 0 1 1 0 0 .300 L.A. Angels 2, at Texas 1
Phillips rf.............3 0 0 0 0 1 .205 Tellez ph..............1 1 1 3 0 0 .340 Kansas City 9, at Chicago White Sox 1
Fry .................... 0.1 1 2 2 1 0 3.64 TOTALS 28 4 5 4 4 9 — MINNESOTA.. 100 000 040 — 5 11 0 TOTALS 32 4 8 4 2 6 — TOTALS 32 5 7 5 5 7 — CLEVELAND... 000 000 042 — 6 15 0
Tate .................. 0.2 2 2 2 1 1 4.14 CINCINNATI ... 004 100 10X — 6 9 0 TORONTO ...... 413 000 00X — 8 10 0
STAR OF THE DAY Knight.................. 1 3 2 2 0 1 18.0 SEATTLE ........ 001 001 010 — 3 7 0 LOB: Minnesota 9, Cincinnati 7. 2B: Ar- PITTSBURGH . 000 101 000 — 2 7 0 SAN DIEGO .. 001 200 000 1 — 4 11 0
LOB: Cleveland 11, Toronto 6. 2B: Miller
TAMPA BAY... 003 001 00X — 4 5 0 MILWAUKEE.. 001 000 30X — 4 8 1 OAKLAND.... 010 000 002 2— 5 7 0
Rowdy Tellez, Brewers NEW YORK IP H R ER BB SO ERA raez (12), Sanó (16), Larnach (11), Ke- (2), Dickerson (1), Guerrero Jr. (20),
Taillon .............. 6.1 4 3 2 1 10 4.04 LOB: Seattle 5, Tampa Bay 5. 2B: Craw- pler (13), Votto (13), India (18). HR: Po- E: Peralta (3). LOB: Pittsburgh 9, Mil- No outs when winning run scored. McGuire (13), Springer (10). HR: Ramír- Interleague scores
Loaisiga ............ 0.2 1 0 0 0 0 2.60 ford (24), Lowe (17), Arozarena (20). 3B: lanco (18), off Castillo; Stephenson (6), waukee 6. 2B: Stallings (16), Newman LOB: San Diego 7, Oakland 8. 2B: Carati- ez (24), off Romano; Mercado (2), off
The first baseman hit a Holmes ................ 1 1 0 0 0 1 0.00 Haniger (2), Arozarena (2). HR: Zunino off Burrows. (11), Park (3), Wong 2 (18). 3B: Reynolds ni (7), Grisham 2 (16), Laureano (21), Ol- Romano; Springer (13), off Mejía. TUESDAY’S RESULTS
Abreu................... 1 0 0 0 0 2 5.19 (21), off Steckenrider. TWINS IP H R ER BB SO ERA (2). HR: Tellez (5), off Shreve. son (26). HR: Lowrie (12), off Musgrove. INDIANS IP H R ER BB SO ERA
three-run, pinch-hit MARINERS IP H R ER BB SO ERA PIRATES IP H R ER BB SO ERA PADRES IP H R ER BB SO ERA Minnesota 7, at Cincinnati 5
WP: Loaisiga (8-4); LP: Sulser (3-2). In- Barnes ................. 4 7 5 5 2 2 6.23 Mejía ................ 2.1 7 8 8 4 0 8.75 San Diego 8, at Oakland 1
homer to vault Milwaukee herited runners-scored: Fry 1-1, Tate Gilbert.................. 5 4 3 3 4 6 4.14 Minaya ................ 2 1 0 0 2 5 4.40 Brault................... 4 3 1 1 1 2 2.25 Musgrove ............ 6 2 1 1 3 5 2.87 Garza ................ 1.2 2 0 0 0 2 2.03 Houston 3, at L.A. Dodgers 0
2-2, Loaisiga 1-0 Steckenrider ........ 1 1 1 1 0 0 2.41 Burrows............... 1 1 1 1 0 0 8.59 Ponce ................... 2 0 0 0 0 3 7.71 Johnson ............... 1 0 0 0 1 1 2.70 Hentges............... 1 1 0 0 1 0 7.86
to a 4-2 win over Misiewicz............. 1 0 0 0 0 2 3.98 Thielbar ............... 1 0 0 0 1 0 3.79 K.Keller ............. 0.2 1 2 2 1 1 7.07 Pomeranz ............ 1 0 0 0 0 0 1.88 Wittgren .......... 1.2 0 0 0 0 3 5.30 WEDNESDAY’S RESULTS
Pittsburgh. Swanson .............. 1 0 0 0 0 1 1.77 Shreve............... 0.1 2 1 1 0 0 2.56 Melancon ............. 1 3 2 2 1 1 2.35 Parker............... 1.1 0 0 0 0 0 2.18
REDS IP H R ER BB SO ERA Spitzbarth............ 1 2 0 0 0 0 0.00 Hill ....................... 0 2 2 1 0 0 2.90 at Cincinnati 6, Minnesota 5
ORIOLES TEAM LEADERS RAYS IP H R ER BB SO ERA Castillo ................ 6 6 1 1 1 7 4.09 BLUE JAYS IP H R ER BB SO ERA at Oakland 5, San Diego 4 (10)
Fleming................ 5 5 2 2 0 6 4.12 Garrett ............. 0.2 0 0 0 2 1 6.55 BREWERS IP H R ER BB SO ERA ATHLETICS IP H R ER BB SO ERA Matz .................... 6 6 0 0 1 8 4.30 Houston at L.A. Dodgers, Late
Batters Avg AB H HR RBI SO
TODAY’S GAME Mullins .321 399 128 18 37 81 Chargois............... 1 0 0 0 1 1 0.00 Brach ................ 0.1 1 3 3 2 0 5.08 Peralta ................. 6 6 2 2 2 9 2.21 Montas ................ 6 8 3 3 0 8 4.10 Richards .............. 1 1 0 0 1 1 2.89
TO WATCH Urías .285 158 45 5 25 40 Wisler .................. 2 2 1 1 0 4 2.13 Cessa ................ 0.1 2 1 1 0 0 3.86 Suter .................... 1 1 0 0 1 1 2.87 Chafin .................. 1 1 0 0 0 1 0.00 Saucedo............... 0 5 4 4 0 0 4.73
Mountcastle .262 363 95 18 60 107 Sherriff ................ 1 0 0 0 0 1 4.82 Lorenzen........... 1.2 2 0 0 0 3 0.00 Boxberger ............ 1 0 0 0 0 1 2.58 Diekman .............. 1 0 0 0 0 1 3.10 Cimber ................. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.68
Braves at Cardinals, Mancini .259 390 101 19 60 99 Williams .............. 1 0 0 0 1 2 2.58 Petit..................... 1 1 0 0 0 0 2.96 Romano ............... 1 3 2 2 0 3 2.82
WP: Fleming (9-5); LP: Gilbert (5-3); S: WP: Castillo (6-10); LP: Barnes (0-2); S: Trivino ................. 1 1 1 0 0 0 1.95
Galvis .249 249 62 9 26 58 Sherriff (1). Inherited runners-scored: Lorenzen (1). Inherited runners-scored: WP: Suter (10-5); LP: K.Keller (0-1); S: WP: Matz (9-6); LP: Mejía (1-7). Sauce-
8:15 p.m., ESPN Hays .237 279 66 11 37 60 Chargois 1-1. WP: Wisler. T: 2:39. A: Brach 2-0, Cessa 2-2, Lorenzen 1-0. PB: Williams (1). Inherited runners-scored: WP: Trivino (4-4); LP: Hill (5-6). HBP: do pitched to 5 batters in the 8th Inher- NL leaders
Santander .235 243 57 6 27 64 9,701 (25,000). Jeffers (4). T: 3:15. A: 16,828 (42,319). Shreve 2-2. IBB: off Suter (Reynolds). Musgrove 2 (Canha, Harrison), Diekman ited runners-scored: Garza 2-2, Cimber
Severino .228 241 55 8 28 67 Through Tuesday’s games
LHP Kyle Muller (2-3, 2.43 WP: Suter. T: 3:16. A: 28,003 (41,900). (Frazier). T: 3:23. A: 10,648 (46,847). 2-1. T: 3:16. A: 14,410 (53,506).
ERA) takes the hill for BATTING
Red Sox 4, Tigers 1 Angels 2, Rangers 1 Mets 5, Marlins 3 Royals 9, White Sox 1 Braves 7, Cardinals 4 Cubs 3, Rockies 2 Castellanos, Cin ............................... .329
Atlanta against fellow LHP Turner, LA ........................................ .322
Wade LeBlanc (0-1, 3.15). Eduardo Rodríguez Shohei Ohtani pitched Javier Báez launched a Salvador Pérez hit a Adam Duvall and Jorge Patrick Wisdom hit a Segura, Phi ...................................... .307
Reynolds, Pit ................................... .305
struck out 10 in five innings, six solid innings, Juan tiebreaking homer in the two-run homer, and Kan- Soler homered and Ste- three-run double to back a Winker, Cin ...................................... .304
and Boston snapped a five- Lagares raced home from eighth inning after scoring sas City went deep four phen Vogt drove in the solid outing from Alec Harper, Phi ....................................... .301
Soto, Was ........................................ .299
game losing streak with a second base on a wild on a nifty slide in the sec- times. The Royals ended a eventual game-winning run Mills and lead Chicago to Turner, LA ........................................ .296
AL leaders win over Detroit. pitch for the lead with the ond to help lift New York. four-game losing streak, with a sacrifice fly to propel a tight victory. Freeman, Atl .................................... .294
Through Tuesday’s games Tatis Jr., SD ..................................... .292
J.D. Martinez, Enrique two-way standout at the NEW YORK AB R H BI BB SO AVG while the AL Central-lead- Atlanta to victory. Mills overcame a rocky
BATTING Hernández and Jarren Du- plate, and Los Angeles Nimmo cf.............4 0 1 0 1 0 .292 ing White Sox lost for the BRAVES AB R H BI BB SO AVG start to pitch six innings
Pillar lf.................0 0 0 0 0 0 .213 Tatis Jr., SD ........................................ 31
Brantley, Hou .................................. .330 ran homered for the Red beat Texas. Jack Mayfield McNeil 2b ............5 0 2 0 0 0 .274
eighth time in 13 games. Albies 2b.............5 0 1 0 0 0 .261 and earn his first win Acuña Jr., Atl ...................................... 24
Gurriel, Hou ..................................... .324 Soler rf................5 1 1 1 0 2 .375 Alonso, NY .......................................... 24
Guerrero Jr., Tor .............................. .324 Sox. went 3 for 3 while homer- Alonso 1b ............3 0 0 0 2 1 .254 Royals starter Carlos Freeman 1b.........5 0 0 0 0 1 .290 since July 7, and Wisdom
Do.Smith lf-1b ....5 1 2 0 0 1 .255 Escobar, Mil ........................................ 24
Mullins, Bal ...................................... .321
ing from the No. 9 spot for Báez ss ................5 2 2 1 0 1 .200 Hernández yielded only Riley 3b...............5 1 1 0 0 2 .291 finished with three hits. Freeman, Atl ....................................... 24
Bogaerts, Bos .................................. .307 Swanson ss ........4 3 4 0 0 0 .254 Báez, NY ............................................. 23
Fletcher, LA ..................................... .303 Hernández 2b......4 1 2 2 1 1 .254 the second consecutive Conforto rf ..........4 2 2 0 1 0 .203 two hits over five innings. Duvall lf ..............3 1 1 2 1 1 .167 Manuel Rodriguez picked
Villar 3b...............5 0 0 1 0 4 .234 Hoskins, Phi ........................................ 23
Anderson, Chi .................................. .301 Duran cf...............5 1 1 1 0 2 .180 night for the Angels. Heredia cf ...........3 1 1 1 1 0 .238
Bogaerts ss .........3 0 2 0 1 0 .310 Nido c ..................5 0 1 1 0 2 .240 ROYALS AB R H BI BB SO AVG up his first career save. Muncy, LA ........................................... 22
Hernández, Tor ................................ .294 Vogt c .................2 0 0 1 1 1 .216 Duvall, Atl ........................................... 22
Devers 3b ............4 0 1 0 0 0 .284 Carrasco p ...........2 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Merrifield 2b ......5 2 3 1 0 0 .274
Bichette, Tor .................................... .293 L.A. AB R H BI BB SO AVG Smyly p...............1 0 0 0 0 0 .094 CHICAGO AB R H BI BB SO AVG Riley, Atl ............................................. 22
Martinez dh.........4 1 1 1 0 1 .288 Drury ph ..............1 0 0 0 0 0 .303 C.Santana 1b......4 1 1 0 1 0 .231
Martinez, Bos .................................. .288 Fletcher 2b..........4 0 1 0 0 1 .303 Almonte ph.........1 0 0 0 0 1 .230 Ortega cf ............5 1 1 0 0 3 .311
Verdugo lf ...........4 0 2 0 0 1 .270 Davis ph ..............1 0 1 0 0 0 .311 Perez c................4 1 2 2 0 0 .276
Ohtani p..............3 0 0 0 0 1 .272 Adrianza ph ........1 0 0 0 0 0 .254 Contreras c.........5 1 1 0 0 1 .233 RBI
HOME RUNS Renfroe rf............4 1 1 0 0 2 .255 Marsh cf .............1 0 0 0 0 1 .170 TOTALS 40 5 11 3 4 9 — Gallagher c .........1 0 0 0 0 0 .161 Pederson ph........1 0 1 2 0 0 .323
Cordero 1b...........2 0 0 0 0 1 .196 O'Hearn dh .........2 1 1 3 1 0 .226 Happ rf ...............3 1 0 0 1 2 .177 Aguilar, Mia ........................................ 75
Ohtani, LA .......................................... 37 Gosselin 1b .........4 0 1 0 0 0 .280 TOTALS 36 7 10 7 3 8 — Wisdom 3b .........4 0 3 3 0 0 .278 Machado, SD ....................................... 75
Guerrero Jr., Tor ................................. 34 Dalbec ph-1b .......2 0 0 0 0 2 .212 Upton lf...............4 0 2 0 0 0 .230 MARLINS AB R H BI BB SO AVG Alberto ph-dh.....1 0 0 0 0 1 .253
Vázquez c ............4 0 1 0 0 0 .258 Dozier rf .............4 0 0 0 0 0 .194 Bote 2b...............4 0 1 0 0 1 .201 Tatis Jr., SD ........................................ 70
Olson, Oak .......................................... 28 Adell rf-lf............4 0 0 0 0 1 .375 Chisholm Jr. ss....4 0 0 1 0 0 .251 CARDINALS AB R H BI BB SO AVG Schwindel 1b......3 0 1 0 1 0 .250 Escobar, Mil ........................................ 70
Devers, Bos ......................................... 27 TOTALS 36 4 11 4 2 10 — J.Iglesias ss ........4 0 0 0 0 0 .270 I.Díaz 2b ..............4 0 0 0 0 1 .179 Rivera 3b ............4 0 0 0 0 2 .222
Taylor cf .............4 2 2 1 0 0 .238 Edman 2b............4 0 0 0 0 0 .254 Fargas lf .............4 0 2 0 0 1 .400 Duvall, Atl ........................................... 69
Perez, KC ............................................ 26 Suzuki c ..............4 0 0 0 0 0 .207 Aguilar 1b............4 1 2 1 0 0 .266 Alcántara ss .......4 0 0 0 0 0 .177 Albies, Atl ........................................... 69
Olivares lf ..........4 1 1 1 0 0 .273 Carlson rf............5 1 1 0 0 1 .254
Gallo, NY ............................................. 25 TIGERS AB R H BI BB SO AVG Lagares cf ...........3 1 1 0 0 0 .237 Brinson cf............4 0 0 0 0 3 .236 Mills p ................2 0 0 0 0 1 .053 Báez, NY ............................................. 67
Lopez ss .............4 1 2 1 0 0 .279 Goldschmidt
Altuve, Hou ........................................ 25 Baddoo lf.............5 0 0 0 0 4 .263 Eaton rf...............0 0 0 0 0 0 .244 Anderson 3b........4 0 1 0 0 1 .252 ...3 1 1 1 0 0 .267 Romine ph ..........1 0 0 0 0 0 .400 García, Mil .......................................... 66
1b .....................
Haniger, Sea ....................................... 25 Schoop 2b............3 1 2 1 2 1 .285 Mayfield 3b.........3 1 3 1 0 0 .234 Alfaro lf...............4 1 1 0 0 2 .224 TOTALS 37 9 12 9 2 3 — Duffy ph .............1 0 1 0 0 0 .233 Turner, LA ........................................... 65
Arenado 3b .........4 1 2 3 0 0 .264
Semien, Tor ........................................ 25 Grossman rf ........3 0 1 0 1 2 .233 TOTALS 34 2 8 1 0 4 — De La Cruz rf........4 1 1 0 0 2 .227 Crawford, SF ....................................... 63
O'Neill lf .............2 0 1 0 1 1 .273 TOTALS 36 3 10 3 2 9 —
Ramírez, Cle ....................................... 23 Cabrera 1b...........4 0 1 0 0 1 .253 Jackson c.............3 0 1 0 0 2 .182 CHICAGO AB R H BI BB SO AVG Alonso, NY .......................................... 63
Molina c ..............4 0 0 0 0 0 .254
Lowe, TB ............................................. 23 Haase dh-c ..........4 0 0 0 0 2 .242 RANGERS AB R H BI BB SO AVG Thompson p ........1 0 0 0 0 1 .100 Anderson ss .......4 0 1 0 0 1 .300 Hoskins, Phi ........................................ 63
Bader cf ..............3 0 1 0 1 2 .286 ROCKIES AB R H BI BB SO AVG
García, Tex .......................................... 23 Candelario 3b ......3 0 1 0 1 1 .274 Panik ph ..............1 0 1 1 0 0 .145 Hernandez 2b .....3 0 0 0 1 0 .278 Riley, Atl ............................................. 63
Kiner-Falefa ss ...4 1 3 0 0 0 .258 DeJong ss ...........4 0 0 0 0 2 .198 Tapia lf ...............4 1 2 0 0 1 .290
Greiner c..............3 0 0 0 0 2 .222 Sierra ph..............1 0 0 0 0 0 .232 Abreu 1b.............4 1 1 1 0 2 .243
RBI Lowe 1b ..............4 0 1 0 0 2 .249 Happ p.................2 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Rodgers 2b .........4 1 3 1 0 1 .278
W.Castro ph ........1 0 0 0 0 1 .211 TOTALS 34 3 7 3 0 12 — Jiménez dh .........4 0 0 0 0 3 .105 Carpenter ph.......1 1 1 0 0 0 .191 STOLEN BASES
García cf..............3 0 0 1 1 0 .252 Blackmon rf........4 0 0 0 0 0 .269
Guerrero Jr., Tor ................................. 85 Short ss...............1 0 0 0 2 1 .157 Heim c.................4 0 0 0 0 2 .217 Sheets rf ............4 0 0 0 0 1 .218 Sosa ph ...............1 0 0 0 0 1 .250 Tatis Jr., SD ........................................ 23
Ohtani, LA .......................................... 82 H.Castro ph-ss ....1 0 0 0 0 1 .291 NEW YORK..... 030 000 020 — 5 11 0 Story ss..............4 0 1 1 0 0 .244
Ibáñez 2b ............4 0 0 0 0 0 .222 Moncada 3b........3 0 0 0 0 1 .258 TOTALS 33 4 7 4 2 7 — Turner, LA ........................................... 21
Devers, Bos ......................................... 82 Hill cf ...................4 0 0 0 0 2 .274 MIAMI ............ 000 021 000 — 3 7 3 Cron 1b ...............4 0 1 0 0 0 .245
J.Martin lf...........3 0 0 0 0 1 .159 Goodwin cf .........3 0 0 0 0 0 .243 Tapia, Col ............................................ 19
Abreu, Chi ........................................... 80 McMahon 3b ......3 0 2 0 1 1 .264
TOTALS 32 1 5 1 6 18 — Peters rf .............3 0 1 0 0 1 .333 E: Thompson (1), Chisholm Jr. 2 (19). Vaughn lf............2 0 2 0 1 0 .263 ATLANTA....... 000 112 030 — 7 10 0 Edman, StL ......................................... 18
Meadows, TB ...................................... 76 Díaz c..................4 0 1 0 0 0 .222
Holt 3b ................3 0 1 0 0 2 .207 LOB: New York 12, Miami 4. 2B: Collins c..............3 0 0 0 0 2 .204 ST. LOUIS....... 300 000 100 — 4 7 1
Bichette, Tor ....................................... 72 Hilliard cf ...........3 0 0 0 1 1 .188 ERA
BOSTON ......... 010 030 000 — 4 11 0 Terry dh ..............3 0 0 0 0 2 .100 Do.Smith (14), McNeil (11), Conforto TOTALS 30 1 4 1 2 10 —
Olson, Oak .......................................... 70 E: Bader (2). LOB: Atlanta 6, St. Louis 7. Gray p.................2 0 0 0 0 1 .111
DETROIT......... 000 000 100 — 1 5 0 (12), Jackson (1), Aguilar (19), Anderson Buehler, LA ...................................... 2.16
Alvarez, Hou ....................................... 69 TOTALS 31 1 6 1 1 10 — 2B: Heredia (24), Pederson (5), Arenado Joe ph.................1 0 0 0 0 0 .276
LOB: Boston 7, Detroit 10. 2B: Bogaerts (7). HR: Báez (2), off Bass; Aguilar (19), KANSAS CITY 122 100 210 — 9 12 0 Peralta, Mil ...................................... 2.17
Walsh, LA ........................................... 67 CHICAGO ....... 000 100 000 — 1 4 1 (28). HR: Soler (2), off Happ; Duvall (1), TOTALS 33 2 10 2 2 5 —
(30), Renfroe (21), Verdugo (22), Schoop L.A.................. 001 010 000 — 2 8 1 off Familia. Woodruff, Mil .................................. 2.26
Grichuk, Tor ........................................ 67 off Helsley; Arenado (21), off Smyly.
(19), Candelario (27). 3B: Hernández (3). TEXAS............ 000 001 000 — 1 6 1 NEW YORK IP H R ER BB SO ERA E: Abreu (5). LOB: Kansas City 4, Chi- CHICAGO ....... 000 030 000 — 3 10 0 Gausman, SF ................................... 2.35
Martinez, Bos ....................................... 6 BRAVES IP H R ER BB SO ERA
HR: Martinez (21), off Mize; Hernández Carrasco............ 4.1 5 2 2 0 5 3.24 cago 4. 2B: Taylor (8). HR: Olivares (3), COLORADO.... 200 000 000 — 2 10 1 Rogers, Mia ..................................... 2.46
E: Suzuki (8), Ibáñez (2). LOB: Los An- Smyly .................. 4 6 3 3 1 2 4.50
ERA (15), off Mize; Duran (2), off Mize; Loup .................. 0.2 0 0 0 0 1 1.25 off Giolito; Perez (27), off Giolito; Tay- Wheeler, Phi .................................... 2.57
geles 5, Texas 4. 2B: Mayfield (4), Lowe Rodríguez ............ 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 E: Story (10). LOB: Chicago 8, Colorado
Schoop (18), off Taylor. Familia................. 1 2 1 1 0 3 3.41 lor (10), off Giolito; O’Hearn (9), off Bauer, LA ......................................... 2.59
Lynn, Chi .......................................... 2.07 (12), Holt (12), Kiner-Falefa (18). 3B: Matzek ................ 1 0 0 0 1 2 2.63 6. 2B: Wisdom (6), Tapia 2 (24), Rodg-
RED SOX IP H R ER BB SO ERA Castro .................. 1 0 0 0 0 1 3.40 Ruiz; Abreu (19), off Hernández. Scherzer, LA .................................... 2.76
Ray, Tor ........................................... 3.04 Fletcher (2). HR: Mayfield (6), off Al- Martin ................. 1 1 1 1 0 0 3.86 ers (8), McMahon (21).
Dr.Smith .............. 1 0 0 0 0 0 2.65 ROYALS IP H R ER BB SO ERA Stroman, NY .................................... 2.80
Cole, NY ........................................... 3.11 Rodríguez............. 5 2 0 0 4 10 5.33 lard. Jackson................ 1 0 0 0 0 1 2.25 CHICAGO IP H R ER BB SO ERA
May ...................... 1 0 0 0 0 2 3.21 Miley, Cin ......................................... 2.92
Ryu, Tor ........................................... 3.22 Sawamura ........... 1 1 0 0 1 2 2.66 L.A. IP H R ER BB SO ERA Hernández........... 5 2 1 1 2 6 4.58 W.Smith .............. 1 0 0 0 0 2 3.16
Taylor................ 0.2 1 1 1 1 2 3.38 Mills .................... 6 8 2 2 2 3 4.41
Manaea, Oak .................................... 3.26 Ohtani ................. 6 4 1 1 0 6 2.93 MARLINS IP H R ER BB SO ERA Staumont............ 1 1 0 0 0 2 3.46 STRIKEOUTS
Ottavino............ 1.1 1 0 0 0 2 3.74 CARDINALS IP H R ER BB SO ERA Morgan................ 1 0 0 0 0 1 3.86
Bassitt, Oak ..................................... 3.29 Warren ................ 1 1 0 0 0 2 2.45 Brentz ................. 1 0 0 0 0 0 3.28
Barnes.................. 1 0 0 0 0 2 2.25 Thompson............ 4 3 3 2 2 2 2.53 Heuer .................. 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.00 Wheeler, Phi ..................................... 170
Berríos, Tor ...................................... 3.31 Cishek.................. 1 1 0 0 0 1 3.72 Tapia ................... 1 1 0 0 0 0 5.40 Happ .................... 5 5 2 2 1 4 3.60
Detwiler............... 1 0 0 0 0 1 6.03 Rodríguez............ 1 1 0 0 0 1 4.50 Burnes, Mil ....................................... 152
Mize, Det ......................................... 3.41 R.Iglesias............. 1 0 0 0 1 1 3.08 E.Santana ........... 1 0 0 0 0 2 5.62 Helsley ............. 0.2 2 2 2 1 1 4.98
TIGERS IP H R ER BB SO ERA Pop .................... 1.2 0 0 0 0 2 4.72 Woodruff, Mil ................................... 152
McFarland ........ 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 4.00 ROCKIES IP H R ER BB SO ERA
STRIKEOUTS Mize ..................... 5 7 4 4 1 3 3.57 RANGERS IP H R ER BB SO ERA Bleier ................ 0.1 2 0 0 1 0 3.29 CHICAGO IP H R ER BB SO ERA Gausman, SF .................................... 149
Cabrera ................ 1 0 0 0 0 1 3.45 Gray .................... 6 8 3 3 1 6 3.67
Holland ............. 1.2 3 0 0 0 4 7.50 Bass .................. 0.2 3 2 2 0 2 4.10 Giolito ................. 4 8 6 6 0 2 3.98 Scherzer, LA ..................................... 147
Cole, NY ............................................ 176 Allard................... 6 6 2 2 0 3 5.07 Gallegos ........... 0.2 3 3 3 1 1 2.91 Chacín ................. 1 0 0 0 0 2 4.34
Farmer .............. 1.1 1 0 0 1 2 6.82 Okert................. 0.1 1 0 0 1 0 2.63 Foster.................. 2 0 0 0 1 0 5.64 deGrom, NY ...................................... 146
Ray, Tor ............................................ 154 Herget ................. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 García ............... 1.1 0 0 0 0 1 7.36 Estévez ............... 1 1 0 0 1 0 5.06
Jiménez ............... 1 0 0 0 0 1 6.53 Guenther.............. 1 2 0 0 0 2 0.00 Ruiz ..................... 2 4 3 3 1 0 3.53 Nola, Phi ........................................... 145
Cease, Chi ......................................... 149 Barlow ................. 1 1 0 0 0 1 0.84 WP: Martin (1-3); LP: Gallegos (5-4); S: Bard .................... 1 1 0 0 0 1 4.33 Peralta, Mil ....................................... 145
Rodón, Chi ......................................... 149 WP: Rodríguez (8-6); LP: Mize (6-6); S: Anderson............. 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.00 WP: Castro (3-3); LP: Bass (1-7); S: May Bummer .............. 1 0 0 0 0 1 4.42
W.Smith (22). Inherited runners- WP: Mills (5-4); LP: Gray (7-7); S:
Giolito, Chi ........................................ 143 Barnes (24). Inherited runners-scored: (4). Inherited runners-scored: Loup 2-1, WP: Hernández (3-1); LP: Giolito (8-8). SHUTOUTS
WP: Ohtani (6-1); LP: Allard (2-10); S: scored: McFarland 1-0, García 1-0. HBP: Rodríguez (1). WP: Mills, Chacín. T:
Manaea, Oak ..................................... 141 Ottavino 1-0, Farmer 1-0. T: 3:20. A: Okert 2-1. IBB: off Bleier (Alonso). PB: WP: Hernández, Staumont, Giolito. T:
R.Iglesias (23). WP: Ohtani, Allard. T: Martin (Edman), Jackson (O’Neill). T: 3:04. A: 36,205 (50,445). DeSclafani, SF ...................................... 2
Bassitt, Oak ...................................... 139 16,633 (41,083). Jackson (1). T: 3:33. A: 9,760 (36,742). 3:14. A: 22,793 (40,615).
2:53. A: 27,360 (40,300). 3:28. A: 32,205 (45,494). Bumgarner, Ari ..................................... 1
Berríos, Tor ....................................... 133

Nadal defeats Sock in his debut in D.C. At Citi Open, small team
of stringers has a big job
“The match wasn’t easy,” Nadal Racket technicians work hours before play starts
said. “I started to suffer a little bit and don’t leave until after final match concludes
too much.”
Nonetheless, Nadal managed
to do what has defined so much of BY A NDREW G OLDEN ment, said he has known Sebas-
his storied career: fight harder tian Korda, an American player
than his opponent and not lose Ilya Ivashka sat on the sideline competing at Citi Open this year,
faith despite struggling with his before his second-round match since he was 6 years old. Origi-
serve and blasting an uncharac- against Grigor Dimitrov on nally from Columbia, Brotman
teristic number of groundstrokes Wednesday. He hit the center of helped string rackets at a tourna-
long or into the net. his racket with his hand about ment for the first time at the Citi
Nadal, 35, who is tied with Rog- 10 times before he walked onto Open 35 years ago.
er Federer and Novak Djokovic for the court. Don’t tell Rowell Salvado
a men’s record 20 Grand Slam It was 5:04 p.m. on an 81-de- there isn’t pressure, though. This
titles, disclosed Sunday he had gree day at the Citi Open, with is his first Citi Open.
been battling an injury to his left the humidity around 38 percent. “If you look at it this way, every
foot, which is what forced him to The conditions each day are time you see a player that you’re
withdraw from Wimbledon and important — the temperature stringing for, [I think] is it them?
the Tokyo Olympics after his semi- can impact how the ball moves Is it me?” Salvado said. “You
final loss at the French Open on through the air. There are other know it’s a little bit of their skill,
June 11. factors to consider, too, though, but it’s also depending on if you
As he slogged through the ebbs including the tension of a play- gave them the right tools.”
and flows of three hard-hitting er’s racket. The five-man crew has to
sets, there were moments when During the day, when it’s hot adjust to each player; some
the ailment seemed to hamper his and humid, a player is likely to prefer to have the work complet-
movement. There were other mo- increase the tension in the ed in the mornings, while others
ments in which his foot speed strings. At night, when it’s typi- don’t mind if their rackets sit
seemed to catch Sock by surprise cally cooler, a player is likely to out overnight. There are
as he ran down drop shots and go down. So rackets have to be personal preferences for ten-
gamely chased down lobs — in- prepared to players’ liking. sion, too.
cluding one he fired back between Enter the racket stringers, The Citi Open stringers split
his legs to extend a point he ulti- who can be found at the Citi up the tournament field before it
mately won. Open in a small room near the started and will continue to
In the tiebreaker, Nadal gutted front of the players’ lounge tent. string those players’ rackets on
through any discomfort he might There are five men who work the same machines as long as
have had, sprinting full out to there, stringing rackets at ma- they’re still competing, to pro-
reach a drop shot that gave him a chines. vide consistency. The racket
3-0 lead, and reasserted the grit “Every time they strike the technicians get to work around
that has defined him at critical ball, the tension in the racket is 7:30 a.m., more than six hours
moments of so many matches. what dictates the depth of the before the first match of the day.
“I know [it] will not be easy Before Wednesday in Washington, Rafael Nadal had been out nearly two months with a foot injury. court,” said manager Jay Lewan- They sometimes don’t leave un-
after a couple of months, coming dowski, who works with the til after the final match is
back from a tough situation with For the capacity crowd of 7,800 claiming his world-beating form Serving at 3-5, Nadal staved off small crew at the event. “So when played.
my foot, a couple of months with- at Rock Creek Park Tennis Center, after a shaky stretch in which he three break points. But Sock lev- their swing is the constant, what The life of a tournament
out playing,” Nadal said. “But here seeing even a work-in-progress missed more than half of his first eled the match at one set apiece controls the depth in the court is stringer is a grueling one, ac-
I am. I [fought]. I am able to play Nadal was reason to cheer. serves. with a service winner. the tension. cording to Brotman, who used to
again tomorrow, so that’s a great Nadal strode out to deafening From there, Nadal started The deciding set featured the “So if they wanted to go deeper travel 42 weeks a year but has
news.” applause and a standing ovation crushing his forehands with the best of each man at this moment into the court, they loosen their dropped to around five or six in
The Citi Open, Washington’s from fans who paid upward of signature toreador finish, whip- in their careers. tension. If they wanted to go less recent years. Brotman and Le-
late-summer hard-court event, $500 on the resale market for a ping his left arm above his head. Sock got an early break; Nadal deep, they tighten it up. So they wandowski said they feel the
represents the next step in what ticket to see him compete. Some of the blasts were such a broke back, and he left no doubt rely on us to do our jobs so they pain in their backs and knees
has been a weeks-long process of The match got underway on an blur Sock didn’t bother trying to who was the more seasoned com- can do theirs.” more than their hands.
recovery for Nadal, who went uncommonly cool August evening run. petitor by bolting to a command- The trust that players build But despite the grind, the
20 days without picking up a rack- for Washington, 79 degrees, with a Nadal seemed in full command ing lead in the tiebreaker. with stringers is something that relationships they have built tie
et because of the foot injury. gentle breeze and no humidity to after wrapping up the first set in With the victory, Nadal ad- develops over the years, so Le- them to the players. That’s what
Since early July, the Spaniard speak of. 47 minutes, and Sock trudged off vanced to a meeting Thursday wandowski doesn’t feel any pres- brings them back.
had progressed from 30-minute Barely 20 seconds into the to the locker room for a permitted with South Africa’s Lloyd Harris. sure. He started his company, “It’s funny because every tour-
practices to practicing with play- match came the first declaration break and change of shirts. If he continues to win, Nadal Game Set Match Tennis, in 2003. nament by Saturday, that first
ers at his tennis academy in Mal- of devotion from the grandstands. Though Sock hadn’t been Na- will play each remaining day of He has worked with colleges weekend, Jay [Lewandowski]
lorca and with his coaches. The “I love you Rafa! I love you,” one dal’s equal in the ragged early the Citi Open, which culminates across the country and has devel- and I are always looking at each
Citi Open offered the chance to female fan screamed. going, the momentum changed in with Sunday’s final. He would face oped long working relationships other like: ‘Why? Why the hell
practice and compete against fel- The first mid-match standing the second set. No. 2 seed Felix Auger-Aliassime with players as they have are we still doing this?’ ” Brot-
low pros and get reacquainted ovation came 21 minutes in, after Sock broke Nadal’s serve first in the final if both perform accord- climbed the ranks. man said. “But we just love being
with the velocity, spin and brute Nadal’s between-the-legs shot. It on back-to-back forehand errors ing to the tournament’s seeding. Craig Brotman, another around the players.”
power of top-50 opponents. was the first hint Nadal was re- by the Spaniard. [email protected] stringer at this year’s tourna- [email protected]

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Wizards land point guard Dinwiddie from Brooklyn in deal involving five teams
WIZARDS FROM D1 Russell Westbrook to the Lakers. shooter from behind the three- terior looks, according to the second-highest scoring average the Wizards to rework their
Though Dinwiddie suffered point arc), he’s at his best driving tracking website PBP Stats. in the league with 31.3 points per roster. In compensation for
the rounds on social media, Din- the kind of major injury that to the basket and creating plays The Wizards needed an all- game. Westbrook, Washington re-
widdie, 28, all but confirmed the defined the condensed 2020-21 for others. star caliber point guard after However, the team lost in the ceived an elite perimeter de-
news by tweeting a short clip season, in his last healthy year he As a 6-foot-5 guard, Dinwiddie they sent Westbrook to Los Ange- first round of the Eastern Confer- fender in Kentavious Caldwell-
from the first Harry Potter movie averaged career highs in points is an isolation specialist, and he les. Last season, Westbrook re- ence playoffs, parted ways with Pope, as well as wing improve-
in which the main character (20.6), assists (6.8) and rebounds ranked in the top 15 in the league placed John Wall as the franchise longtime coach Scott Brooks and ment with Kyle Kuzma. Also, the
discovers that he is a wizard. (3.5) for the Nets. It was during in isolation possessions during point guard, set the all-time soon would have to spend free team added big man Montrezl
In Dinwiddie, who will be this 2019-20 campaign when his last healthy season. Also, league record for triple-doubles agency searching for a third Harrell, the 2019-20 sixth man
entering his eighth season, Dinwiddie showed his scoring Dinwiddie made more than and helped carry the Wizards to starting point guard in three of the year award winner. On
Washington will have a point potential by dropping a career- 60 percent of his attempts at the a playoff berth. The one-year years. According to an interview draft night, Washington added
guard on the mend but also a best 41 points against the Spurs. rim. As a passer, Dinwiddie can pairing of Westbrook and Beal with ESPN, majority team owner backup point guard Aaron Holi-
younger model to pair with all- Although Dinwiddie’s shooting find the open man, and 92.1 per- appeared to produce positive Ted Leonsis said Westbrook re- day through a trade with the
star Bradley Beal in a revamped numbers still leave something to cent of his assists in 2019-20 results — even with a ball-domi- quested the trade. Indiana Pacers.
backcourt in the wake of dealing be desired (he’s a 31.8 percent resulted in three-pointers or in- nant point guard, Beal had the The Westbrook trade allowed [email protected]

Robles remains an enigma atop order Shameful NCAA neglected

Phillies 9, Nationals 5
women. Blame Emmert.
NATIONALS 5 Jankowski cf ..................5
Segura 2b .......................4
2 1
1 2
1 0 0 .299
1 0 1 .310
If a businessman basketball as a burden — in 2016
Williams 3b ....................0 0 0 0 0 0 .250 undervalued a he insisted it lost more money
B.Harper rf .....................5 2 3 2 0 0 .306 prime asset at a than any other sport. This has
Hoskins 1b......................4 2 2 3 0 0 .239
BY J ESSE D OUGHERTY Gregorius ss ...................5 1 1 2 0 0 .211 fraction of its real had consequences in how the
Bohm 3b .........................2 0 0 0 1 1 .253
Moore p ..........................2 0 0 0 0 0 .000 worth by sport was treated and valued. “It’s
Here was a slugfest that, as Herrera lf........................5 0 1 0 0 0 .239 $80 million to stigmatizing,” VanDerveer says.
currently constructed, the Wash-
Knapp c...........................5
Torreyes 3b-2b ...............2
1 2
0 0
0 0 3 .170
0 0 0 .273
Sally $100 million and The line items in the report are
ington Nationals could not win. TOTALS 39 9 12 9 1 5 — Jenkins chronically blood-boiling. Buffets for men,
Their three solo shots were upped NATIONALS AB R H BI BB SO AVG depressed its boxed lunches for women.
by a pair of two-run homers for the Robles cf.........................3 1 1 1 1 1 .200 commercial potential for a solid Luxury lounges for men, none for
Escobar ss ......................3 0 0 0 1 0 .263
Philadelphia Phillies, plus a four- Soto rf ............................4 0 0 0 0 1 .295 decade, he would be fired. If he women. Millions upon millions
run rally in the third. The result Bell 1b ............................4
Hernandez lf...................4
0 0 0 .245
0 0 0 .312
misstated figures in the millions in promotional and marketing
Wednesday was a 9-5 loss for the Adams c..........................4 0 0 0 0 0 .000 and skewed cost-revenue disparities.
García 2b ........................4 2 2 2 0 0 .178
Nationals, their third in a row, Kieboom 3b ....................4 1 2 2 0 2 .281
allocations, he would be sacked. The NCAA spent $180,000 on
showing their thinned lineup, ro- Espino p..........................1 0 0 0 0 0 .071 And if any other leader today in its gleaming basketball courts for
Stevenson ph .................1 0 1 0 0 0 .218
tation and bullpen, all at once. Parra ph..........................1 0 0 0 0 1 .256 corporate America got caught the men during March Madness.
Within that, though, was a bit Zimmerman ph...............1 0 0 0 0 0 .231 allowing a hierarchy and It gave the women plastic decals
more taking stock for the future, a atmosphere in which female that cost $38.75 apiece.
PHILA...................... 004 020 210 — 9 12 0
theme for the season’s final two Victor Robles homered on the first pitch he saw hitting out of the WASH ..................... 120 000 101 — 5 7 3
executives were not fully Men’s teams got chartered
months. So while Paolo Espino leadoff spot Wednesday but also popped up and struck out looking. E: Escobar 2 (3), García (1). LOB: Philadelphia 8, Wash- represented in senior leadership service from airports to hotels
had his worst start of the cam- ington 4. 2B: Knapp (3), Jankowski (5), Segura (20),
Hoskins (28), B.Harper (26). HR: Hoskins (24), off Es-
discussions and chronically and booked by a travel agent. The
paign, yielding six runs in five Robles at the top. Martinez kept N AT I O N A L S O N D E C K pino; Gregorius (9), off Rodriguez; Robles (2), off An- determinedly devoted only a women were told to use “existing
derson; García (2), off Anderson; Kieboom (2), off An-
innings, Victor Robles took some explaining how Washington need- derson; García (3), off Moore. RBI: Jankowski (8), Se-
fraction of resources to the airport transportation where
tiny steps forward — then some ed someone, preferably Robles, to vs. Philadelphia Phillies
gura (39), B.Harper 2 (41), Hoskins 3 (66), Gregorius 2 women’s side of a business, he feasible.”
(33), Robles (14), García 2 (3), Kieboom 2 (5). S: Ander-
tiny steps back — in the leadoff reach base in front of Trea Turner son 2. would be terminated — and sued. But these details are just the
spot. The 24-year-old homered on and Juan Soto. Hitting coach Kev- Today 4:05 MASN PHILLIES IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Yet these are some of the ornaments to what is a larger
the first pitch he saw at the plate, in Long was even more direct, Anderson .............. 4 3 3 3 1 1 55 6.75 descriptions of how the NCAA architectural and atmospheric
Hammer............. 0.2 1 0 0 1 1 23 0.00
walked, popped up and struck out saying in early March: “If we can at Atlanta Braves Moore .................. 4 3 2 2 0 3 52 6.30 apparently has operated under malaise, according to the report,
Kennedy............. 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 2 15.4
looking. He is back atop the order have Victor Robles lead off, it’s Mark Emmert. The takeaway of which uses the word “structure”
because the other options were huge. . . . It kind of lengthens out Tomorrow 7:20 MASN NATIONALS IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
the independent report from the no fewer than 51 times. The men’s
Espino ...................... 5 8 6 6 1 3 90 3.66
shipped out at the trade deadline. our lineup.” Saturday 7:20 MASN Rodriguez ................. 2 2 2 2 0 0 33 5.03 law firm Kaplan Hecker & Fink is game is so prioritized that
Guerra....................... 1 2 1 0 0 1 21 4.50
Manager Dave Martinez is seeing Then the Nationals tried it for Machado ................... 1 0 0 0 0 1 15 4.00 that anyone who wants to see real women’s administrators have to
whether, this time, he can stick. eight games and hit the eject but- Sunday 1:20 MASN WP: Moore (1-3); LP: Espino (3-3). Inherited runners- change in the NCAA’s sexist answer to male counterparts as if
“He came out aggressive in the ton. It was an incredibly short scored: Moore 2-0, Kennedy 1-0. HBP: Espino (Segura), treatment of women had better they are superiors “in both
Rodriguez (Hoskins). WP: Moore.
strike zone, and that’s what we’ve leash. And not only was Robles at New York Mets HOW THEY SCORED
be prepared to break some buried practice and perception.” One
talked about with him,” Martinez removed from the leadoff spot, he NATIONALS FIRST
old rocks with a hard shovel. The female tournament
said. “He gets a ball in the strike was shunned to eighth or ninth in Tuesday 7:10 MASN Robles homers to left field. Escobar grounds out. Soto report set out to examine why the administrator was assigned to do
called out on strikes. Bell grounds out.
zone that he feels like he can hit, the order for most of the past three Wednesday 7:10 MASN Nationals 1, Phillies 0 women’s basketball tournament an operations job that the men’s
we want him to take a swing at it. months. Martinez batted Turner NATIONALS SECOND is so shoddily treated, and it side devoted eight staffers to do.
Aug. 12 12:10 MASN Hernandez flies out. Adams flies out. Garcia homers.
And he did that. . . . He’s getting first, then Schwarber for that sear- Kieboom homers to center field. Espino grounds out. discovered a massive bed of “These tensions and skewed
Nationals 3, Phillies 0
better. He’s having good at-bats.” ing-hot stretch in June, then Al- PHILLIES THIRD
calcification, one big enough to incentives are embedded in the
Radio: WJFK (106.7 FM)
Robles isn’t the only one with a cides Escobar when both Turner Knapp doubles to deep right field. Anderson out on a get Emmert a museum- NCAA’s organizational structure,
sacrifice bunt. Knapp to third. Jankowski doubles to
chance created by the fire sale. and Schwarber were hurt. Then right field. Knapp scores. Segura doubles to deep left installation as a stalagmite. staffing, budgeting, and culture,”
Because Brad Hand and Daniel after the deadline, it was Robles’s stretch so far. field. Jankowski scores. Harper singles to shallow cen- Whether that’s out of the report states.
ter field.Segura scores. Hoskins doubles to deep center
Hudson are gone, Kyle Finnegan is job again. At some point of this Nationals’ field. Harper scores. Gregorius flies out. Bohm called incompetence, malfeasance or The NCAA under Emmert not
out on strikes.
the Nationals’ closer. Because Kyle “The most important thing for rebuild, Robles will have to accel- Phillies 4, Nationals 3
pure swinishness is unclear. But only negotiated but recently
Schwarber and Josh Harrison left, me is to get on base,” Robles said in erate or move aside. That’s why, for PHILLIES FIFTH details are salted all throughout extended long-term contracts
Segura strikes out swinging. Harper singles to left
too, Yadiel Hernandez is getting Spanish through a team interpret- him and the team, the answer to field. Hoskins homers to center field. Harper scores. the 118-page report, which is with CBS, Turner and sponsors
regular starts in left field. Without er. “I need to be on base to allow whether he can bat leadoff — or Gregorius grounds out. Bohm walks. Herrera grounds both a real stunner — and the through 2032 that are specifically
Yan Gomes and with two veteran the hitters behind me to be able to somewhere close to it — is impor- Phillies 6, Nationals 3 smartest thing written on the detrimental to women’s
catchers on the injured list, Tres have runners on and drive me in, tant. His first-pitch homer off An- Harper flies out. Hoskins hit by pitch. Gregorius homers need for an upgrade in NCAA basketball, constituents Emmert
Barrera and newcomer Riley Ad- basically.” derson’s fastball, a 424-foot blast, to right field. Hoskins scores. Moore grounds. Herrera leadership in a long time. The is supposed to equally represent.
lines out.
ams are splitting the position. He entered Wednesday with a was just his second of 2021. His Phillies 8, Nationals 3 governing body’s upper echelon “The contracts prioritize
Without Jon Lester, Josiah Gray, a .198 batting average, .321 on-base four-pitch walk was a product of NATIONALS SEVENTH is portrayed as not only support for men’s basketball to
Garcia homers to left field. Kieboom strikes out swing-
pitcher who arrived in the deal for percentage and .283 slugging per- Anderson’s sagging command, not ing. Parra strikes out swinging. Robles strikes out demeaning, negligent and the exclusion of women’s
Max Scherzer and Trea Turner, centage in 296 appearances. That’s notable patience. And his third Phillies 8, Nationals 4 penurious when it comes to the basketball (and other sports),”
went straight to the rotation. extremely limited production with result, a pop-up on a high slider, PHILLIES EIGHTH
Knapp strikes out swinging. Torreyes grounds out to
marquee women’s event but the Kaplan report states.
Carter Kieboom, 23, is starting next to no power. He is swinging looked like a lot of his season. second base. Jankowski reaches on error. Segura sin- slanted in its structuring of its These deals are as retro and
gles to shallow infield. Jankowski to second. Harper
at third and Luis García, 21, at less and chasing less and, believe it “[Josh Bell] has helped as an- doubles to right center field. Segura to third. Jankowski
business deals and deceptive in revenue-stupid as they are
second. And in the second inning, or not, has lowered his strikeouts other set of eyes for me out there,” scores. Hoskins flies out. revenue accountings to throw repugnant. The report states that
Phillies 9, Nationals 4
they smacked back-to-back hom- while increasing his walks. But Robles said of the Nationals’ first NATIONALS NINTH more cash to men while labeling the women’s basketball
ers off Phillies starter Chase An- way too much of his contact is soft baseman. “Just the time he’s given Hernandez singles to center field. Adams lines out. the women’s game a “money tournament ranks among ESPN’s
Garcia flies out. Kieboom singles. Hernandez scores.
derson. García then added a sec- and ineffective. me and the help he’s been able to Zimmerman grounds out. loser” when it is not. highest-rated programs — with
Phillies 9, Nationals 5
ond blast in the seventh, logging Last summer, as he struggled on bring to me, any word of advice, “It just feels like more than viewership comparable to the
his first-career multihomer game. offense and defense, the stated has been great.” neglect,” Stanford Coach Tara NBA Finals, college football
But Robles’s leadoff opportu- reason was an added 15 pounds of Robles ended his night with a power, the occasional walk, weak VanDerveer said after reading conference title games, MLB
nity is a bit different than the rest. muscle, weight he didn’t carry five-pitch strikeout against lefty contact, solid defense and crip- the report. “It feels willful. It feels postseason and Grand Slam
During spring training, at the Na- well. This year, Martinez’s only reliever Matt Moore. pling indecisiveness with Moore’s purposeful.” tennis finals. Championship
tionals’ complex in West Palm public explanation is that Robles is Many parts of his game, past off-speed pitches. Robles needs the The report is a huge rebuke to ratings for the women have risen
Beach, Fla., a common thought still hunting consistency and still and present, were mixed into positives to show up more often. Emmert, who is either so by 32 percent since 2015, at a time
was that the club’s best order had young. But the latter can only Wednesday’s defeat: a flash of [email protected] incapable of counting that he is when almost every other major
not fit to hold his post or so sport has declined. Women’s
dishonest that he has lied to sports are soaring opportunities
Congress about NCAA finances. in a stale market. An

Reyna, Kamara score as United steals three points First, when the shabby
cheapening of the women’s
tournament was exposed in
independent media consultant
labels the women’s tournament
“one of the most valuable U.S.
March, NCAA officials insisted sports media properties” with the
of the year as United handed enter in the 17th minute. 18,398 supporters. Kempin came the budget disparity between the potential for utterly explosive
D.C. UNITED 4, Columbus (6-5-6) its first defeat Two minutes later, however, off his line to break up a pass. men’s and women’s events was growth on multiple platforms.
CREW 2 in four home appearances since United went ahead. Reyna pres- Gyasi Zardes tracked the ball and $13.5 million. Turns out it was One of the report’s
Lower.com Field opened last sured Aboubacar Keita into a crossed. Frédéric Brillant spilled more like $35 million. Second, recommendations is that the
month and first home setback giveaway a few strides outside the it to Kevin Molino for a blast into Emmert and his henchmen went NCAA hire a “chief business
BY S TEVEN G OFF since last October. penalty area. Kamara collected the top of the net. on a concerted campaign to officer.” Lord knows they need
Kamara scored in his fourth the stray ball and cruised in alone The Crew struck again in the portray the women’s tournament one. “Such blinders, such lack of
columbus, ohio — Already consecutive appearance and in- before beating Eloy Room. Out of 71st. Molino hit the crossbar form as a multimillion-dollar loss and vision, lack of leadership,
missing nine regulars for an array creased his season total to nine, respect for his former club, Ka- distance, with the rebound falling cost burden. parochial thinking,” VanDerveer
of reasons, D.C. United on joining the other league leaders. mara did not celebrate. to Lucas Zelarayán for a close The NCAA’s numbers on that says. “What can you say? It’s like
Wednesday watched goalkeeper Seattle’s Raul Ruidíaz began the The lead grew in the 40th min- volley. are funny, too. The calculations sticking with horse and buggy
Bill Hamid limp off the field not day atop the list with 11. ute on an outstanding delivery Everything seemed to be flow- about which sports “purportedly when cars are on the assembly
long after the Columbus Crew’s Before the match, Losada tried and finish. Andy Najar provided ing Columbus’s way, but on a make and lose money” are line.”
black-and-gold clad supporters motivating his team by pointing the cross from left corner to the counterattack, Reyna took on “skewed,” to quote the report, by It is difficult to read the report
filed into its new downtown sta- to the Crew’s home streak. He also heart of the box. Reyna ran Keita, cut inside and whistled an unduly shunting all credit for and not conclude that the
dium. brought up the MLS All-Star toward the ball and used terrific 18-yarder into the far corner. The revenue exclusively to the men’s responsibility for this lies with
But as Coach Hernán Losada Game roster: no United players technique to twist his body and Crew was all but done. side of the ledger. the man at the very top of the
noted after the surprising 4-2 among the 28 selections that will angle a downward, 11-yard header “Today was about efficiency,” The report says: “The results organization.
victory, “This team has had so face the Mexican league stars lat- into the back corner. Losada said, “but also how we have been cumulative, not only “We’ve been stifled,”
many obstacles and difficulties, er this month in Los Angeles. As seven minutes of stoppage scored the goals.” Two came via fostering skepticism and distrust VanDerveer says. “It’s more than
that makes us stronger.” Losada called it “painful be- time commenced, the Crew’s star high pressure on defenders, one about the sincerity of the NCAA’s neglect or not caring. And the
Losada filled the voids with cause I believe there are many on defender, Jonathan Mensah, lost through the Najar cross and an- commitment to gender equity, thing I feel like shouting
players who understood and em- our team who deserve to be there. the ball at the edge of the penalty other on the counterattack. but also limiting the growth of hallelujah about is that for so
braced their roles, and in a stir- Maybe it’s due to the fact D.C. area. Kevin Paredes took posses- “This is huge,” Kamara said of women’s basketball and many years the NCAA has been
ring first half, United scored three wasn’t good enough the last cou- sion and, as he raced into the box, the rare victory by United in cen- perpetuating a mistaken labeling women’s basketball as
goals against the reigning MLS ple years and lost a little bit of was upended. tral Ohio. “If we can keep working narrative that women’s the biggest loser. And it’s not
Cup champions. D.C. conceded respect. Little by little, with this Kamara converted the penalty hard and be humble, this [could basketball is destined to be a true. It took this report to point it
two midway through the second big heart and fighting spirit, we kick, again keeping the excite- be] a really good moment for the ‘money loser’ year after year. out. And I just feel like, where has
half before securing just its sec- are coming back.” ment to himself as his players team.” Nothing could be further from the oversight been?”
ond away victory of the season United on Wednesday was embraced him. Notes: Because of the person- the truth.” [email protected]
and improving to 7-7-3 at the without five injured regulars, two “They’re down 3-0, and the nel shortage, rookie defender Ja- Emmert has long been on what
midway point of the league sched- U.S. national team players recov- fans are booing them,” Kamara cob Greene, 18, was recalled from seems to be an intentional For more by Sally Jenkins, visit
ule. ering from Gold Cup duty and two said. “That was a great feeling.” second-division Loudoun United. campaign to denigrate women’s washingtonpost.com/jenkins.
“No matter who is starting, no players serving red-card suspen- Returning from a one-game ab- D.C. still had only seven available
matter who is playing, they are sions. sence for concussion protocol and subs, two fewer than is al-
just giving their life for each oth- The personnel issues deepened needing to be ready for a weekend lowed. . . .
er,” said Losada, whose team is when Hamid rushed out of the match, Kamara was rested in the D.C. will host CF Montreal Take The Post shopping
unbeaten in four matches (2-0-2) box to break up a threat. He second half as Losada added de- (6-6-5) on Sunday night. Washington Post podcasts go with you everywhere
and 3-1-2 over its past six. appeared to injure his right ham- fensive reinforcements. [email protected]
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scoring tear with two goals and leaving the field, prompting for- ute resulted in a goal and re-ener- CF Montreal at D.C. United
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Yordy Reyna posted his first two mer Crew keeper Jon Kempin to gized both the Crew and the Sunday, 8 p.m., NBCSW


2021 Tokyo Games Track and field Wrestling Sailing MLS FC Cincinnati 0,
New England ....................11 3 4 37 33 21 CINCINNATI 0 0 0
Orlando City........................8 4 5 29 27 22
SEMIFINALS GRECO-ROMAN 67KG TWO PERSON DINGHY - 470 Philadelphia........................7 4 7 28 24 17
800M REPECHAGE 470 First Half: None.
United States 3, Dominican Republic 1 Nashville.............................6 1 10 28 25 15 Second Half: None.
Japan 5, South Korea 2 FINAL Frank Staebler, Germany, def. Julian Stiven Horta MEDAL RACE New York City FC................8 5 3 27 30 16 Goalies: Cincinnati, Kenneth Vermeer, Przemyslaw Ty-
1. Emmanuel Kipkurui Korir, Kenya, 1:45.06. Acevedo, Colombia, 8-0, Technical Superiority. 1. Australia (Mathew Belcher; Will Ryan) (4, 2, 2, 2, 2), D.C. United .........................7 7 3 24 25 20 ton; New York Red Bulls, Carlos Miguel Coronel, Ryan
WOMEN’S BASKETBALL 2. Ferguson Cheruiyot Rotich, Kenya, 1:45.23. Artem Surkov, ROC, def. Fredrik Holmquist Bjerrehu- 12. Columbus............................6 5 6 24 19 20 Meara.
QUARTERFINALS 3. Patryk Dobek, Poland, 1:45.39. us, Denmark, 7-0, 0-0, Points. 2. Sweden (Anton Dahlberg; Fredrik Bergstrom) (2, 4, 4, CF Montréal........................6 6 5 23 23 22 Yellow Cards: Tarek, New York Red Bulls, 23rd; Cruz,
Serbia 77, China 70 4. Peter Bol, Australia, 1:45.92. 4, 4), 18. New York ............................5 7 4 19 20 20 Cincinnati, 32nd; Barreal, Cincinnati, 70th; Kubo, Cincin-
United States 79, Australia 55 5. Adrian Ben, Spain, 1:45.96. BRONZE MEDAL MATCHES 3. New Zealand (Paul Snow-Hansen; Dan Willcox) (10, 8, Cincinnati ...........................3 7 6 15 17 29 nati, 77th; Yearwood, New York Red Bulls, 88th.
Japan 86, Belgium 85 6. Amel Tuka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1:45.98. Frank Staebler, Germany, def. Ramaz Zoidze, Geor- 6, 6, 6), 36. Atlanta ...............................2 6 9 15 18 23 Cincinnati, Kenneth Vermeer; Geoff Cameron, Nick
France 67, Spain 64 7. Gabriel Tual, France, 1:46.03. gia, 5-1, 0-3, Points. 4. Spain (Jordi Xammar; Nicolas Rodriguez Garcia-Paz) Chicago ...............................3 9 5 14 18 28 Hagglund, Ronald Matarrita, Gustavo Vallecilla; Luciano
8. Nijel Amos, Botswana, 1:46.41. Mohamed Ibrahim Elsayed Elsayed, Egypt, def. Artem (6, 6, 8, 10, 10), 40. Toronto FC..........................3 9 5 14 21 36 Acosta (Haris Medunjanin, 78th), Alvaro Barreal, Allan
MEN’S BEACH VOLLEYBALL 9. Clayton Murphy, United States, 1:46.53. Surkov, ROC, 0-1, 1-0, Points. 5. United States (Stuart McNay; David Hughes) (8, 10, Inter Miami CF....................3 8 4 13 13 25 Cruz, Joseph-Claude Gyau; Brenner (Brandon Vazquez,
QUARTERFINALS 10, 8, 8), 44. 88th), Yuya Kubo.
200M FINAL 6. Japan (Keiju Okada; Jumpei Hokazono) (12, 12, 14, 12, New York Red Bulls, Carlos Miguel Coronel; Kyle Duncan,
Norway 2, ROC 0 (21-17, 21-19) WEST W L T Pts GF GA
FINAL 12), 62. Tom Edwards, Andrew Gutman (John Tolkin, 62nd),
Latvia 2, Brazil 0 (21-16, 21-19) Mohammadreza Geraei, Iran, def. Parviz Nasibov, Seattle................................9 3 6 33 26 14
ROC 2, Germany 0 (21-16, 21-19) 1. Andre de Grasse, Canada, 19.62. Ukraine, 3-1, 6-0, Technical Superiority. 7. Italy (Giacomo Ferrari; Giulio Calabro) (16, 18, 12, 14, x-Sporting KC .....................9 4 3 30 29 19 Amro Tarek; Wikelman Carmona (Dru Yearwood, 71st),
Qatar 2, Italy 0 (21-17, 23-21) 2. Kenneth Bednarek, United States, 19.68. 14), 74. x-LA Galaxy ........................9 6 1 28 27 27 Cristian Casseres Jr, Caden Clark (Frankie Amaya, 71st),
3. Noah Lyles, United States, 19.74. GRECO-ROMAN 87KG 8. Britain (Luke Patience; Chris Grube) (14, 16, 18, 16, Colorado..............................8 4 3 27 22 16 Sean Davis; Fabio, Patryk Klimala (Tom Barlow, 62nd).
WOMEN’S HOCKEY 4. Erriyon Knighton, United States, 19.93. REPECHAGE 16), 80. x-Los Angeles FC................6 5 5 23 22 19
SEMIFINALS 5. Joseph Fahnbulleh, Liberia, 19.98. 9. Greece (Panagiotis Mantis; Pavlos Kagialis) (20, 14, Minnesota United ..............6 5 5 23 19 21
Denis Maksymilian Kudla, Germany, def. Atabek
6. Aaron Brown, Canada, 20.20. 16, 18, 18), 86. x-Real Salt Lake .................5 4 6 21 24 16 New York City FC 0, Fire 0
Netherlands 5, Britain 1 Azisbekov, Kyrgyzstan, 1-2, 9-0, Technical Superiori-
7. Rasheed Dwyer, Jamaica, 20.21. 10. Turkey (Deniz Cinar; Ates Cinar) (18, 20, 20, 20, 20), x-Portland...........................6 8 1 19 19 26
Argentina 2, India 1 ty.
8. Jereem Richards, Trinidad and Tobago, 20.39. 98. Houston ..............................3 5 9 18 19 23 NEW YORK CITY FC 0 0 0
Zurabi Datunashvili, Serbia, def. Bachir Sid Azara,
WOMEN’S HANDBALL FC Dallas.............................4 7 6 18 21 25 CHICAGO 0 0 0
Algeria, 0-1, 5-0, Points. WOMEN
QUARTERFINALS TWO PERSON DINGHY - 470 x-San Jose ..........................4 7 5 17 18 25 First Half: None.
WOMEN BRONZE MEDAL MATCHES Austin FC............................4 8 4 16 13 18 Second Half: None.
ROC 32, Montenegro 26 470 Vancouver...........................3 7 6 15 18 27
Denis Maksymilian Kudla, Germany, def. Mohamed Goalies: New York City FC, Sean Johnson, Luis Barraza;
Norway 26, Hungary 22 HEPTATHLON MEDAL RACE Chicago, Gabriel Slonina, Chris Brady.
Sweden 39, South Korea 30 400M HURDLES Metwally, Egypt, 0-1, 8-0, Pin. x-Late match
Zurabi Datunashvili, Serbia, def. Ivan Huklek, Croa- 1. Switzerland (Linda Fahrni; Maja Siegenthaler) (2, 2, 2, Yellow Cards: Parks, New York City FC, 42nd; Tajouri,
France 32, Netherlands 22 FINAL
tia, 6-0, 0-1, Points. 2, 2), 10. SATURDAY’S RESULTS New York City FC, 84th; Kappelhof, Chicago, 90th.
WOMEN’S VOLLEYBALL 1. Sydney McLaughlin, United States, 51.46. 2. Germany (Luise Wanser; Anastasiya Winkel) (6, 8, 6, A: 8,371.
QUARTERFINALS 2. Dalilah Muhammad, United States, 51.58. FINAL 4, 4), 28. San Jose 1, Seattle 0 New York City FC, Sean Johnson; Alexander Callens,
3. Femke Bol, Netherlands, 52.03. 3. Britain (Hannah Mills; Eilidh McIntyre) (4, 4, 4, 10, 10), New England 3, New York 2 Maxime Chanot, Gudmundur Thorarinsson (Malte
South Korea 3, Turkey 2 (25-17, 17-25, 26-28, 25-18, Zhan Beleniuk, Ukraine, def. Viktor Lorincz, Hungary, 32.
4. Janieve Russell, Jamaica, 53.08. D.C. United 0, Cincinnati 0 Amundsen, 83rd), Anton Tinnerholm; Jesus Medina
13-15) 0-1, 5-0, Points. 4. Israel (Noya Bar Am; Shahar Tibi) (8, 6, 8, 6, 6), 34.
5. Anna Ryzhykova, Ukraine, 53.48. Miami 2, CF Montréal 1 (Ismael Tajouri, 67th), Alfredo Morales, Maxi Moralez
United States 3, Dominican Republic 0 (25-11, 25-20, 5. Poland (Agnieszka Skrzypulec; Jolanta Ogar) (14, 10, (Andres Jasson, 90th+5), Keaton Parks; Valentin Castel-
25-19) 6. Viktoriya Tkachuk, Ukraine, 53.79. FREESTYLE 57KG FC Dallas 2, Sporting KC 1
7. Gianna Woodruff, Panama, 55.84. 1/8 FINALS 10, 8, 8), 50. lanos (Santiago Rodriguez, 83rd), Thiago (Nicolas
Serbia 3, Italy 0 (25-21, 25-14, 25-21) 6. France (Camille Lecointre; Aloise Retornaz) (12, 12, Real Salt Lake 0, Houston 0 Acevedo, 67th).
Brazil 3, ROC 1 (23-25, 25-21, 25-19, 25-22) 8. Anna Cockrell, United States, DQ.
Yuki Takahashi, Japan, def. Stevan Andria Micic, 12, 12, 12), 60. Colorado 1, Austin FC 0 Chicago, Gabriel Slonina; Jonathan Bornstein (Brian
1500M Serbia, 2-0, 5-0, Points. 7. Slovenia (Tina Mrak; Veronika Macarol) (18, 16, 14, Minnesota 2, Vancouver 2 Gutierrez, 87th), Francisco Calvo, Johan Kappelhof
MEN’S WATER POLO Nurislam Sanayev, Kazakhstan, def. Diamantino Iuna
QUARTERFINALS SEMIFINAL 1 14, 14), 76. (Carlos Teran, 90th+3), Chinonso Offor (Luka Sto-
Fafe, Guinea-Bissau, 4-0, 3-0, Points. 8. Netherlands (Afrodite Zegers; Lobke Berkhout) (10, SUNDAY’S RESULTS janovic, 87th), Mauricio Pineda, Boris Sekulic; Ignacio
Spain 12, United States 8 1. Faith Kipyegon, Kenya, 3:56.80 (Q). Georgi Valentinov Vangelov, Bulgaria, def. Abdelhak 20, 18, 18, 18), 84. Chicago 1, Philadelphia 1 Aliseda, Gaston Gimenez, Alvaro Medran; Stanislav
Greece 10, Montenegro 4 2. Freweyni Gebreezibeher, Ethiopia, 3:57.54 (Q). Kherbache, Algeria, 5-0, 6-0, Pin. 9. Brazil (Fernanda Oliveira; Ana Barbachan) (16, 14, 16, Nashville 1, Toronto FC 1 Ivanov (Robert Beric, 64th).
Serbia 10, Italy 6 3. Gabriela Debues-Stafford, Canada, 3:58.28 (Q). Kumar Ravi, India, def. Oscar Eduardo Tigreros 20, 20), 86.
Hungary 15, Croatia 11 4. Jessica Hull, Australia, 3:58.81 (Q). Urbano, Colombia, 3-2, 10-0, Technical Superiority. 10. Japan (Ai Kondo Yoshida; Miho Yoshioka) (20, 18, 20, WEDNESDAY’S RESULTS
5. Nozomi Tanaka, Japan, 3:59.19 (Q). Reza Atrinagharchi, Iran, def. Suleyman Atli, Turkey, 16, 16), 90.
6. Elinor Purrier St. Pierre, United States, 4:01.00. 1-0, 2-2, Points. D.C. United 4, Columbus 2 Nashville 0, Revolution 0
7. Kristiina Maki, Czech Republic, 4:01.23. Bekhbayar Erdenebat, Mongolia, def. Arsen Harutyu- Nashville 0, New England 0
8. Gaia Sabbatini, Italy, 4:02.25. nyan, Armenia, 2-1, 4-0, Points. NASHVILLE 0 0 0
Sport climbing 9. Katie Snowden, Britain, 4:02.93. Gulomjon Abdullaev, Uzbekistan, def. Liu Minghu,
Atlanta 2, CF Montréal 2
10. Martyna Galant, Poland, 4:06.01. Philadelphia 3, Toronto FC 0
WEDNESDAY’S RESULTS China, 2-2, 8-0, Points. Equestrian Miami 1, Orlando City 1 First Half: None.
11. Cory Ann McGee, United States, 4:10.39 (qR). Zavur Uguev, ROC, def. Thomas Patrick Gilman, Second Half: None.
12. Caterina Granz, Germany, 4:10.93. WEDNESDAY’S RESULTS New York City FC 0, Chicago 0
WOMEN United States, 1-1, 4-3, Points. Goalies: Nashville, Joe Willis, Bryan Meredith; New
13. Winny Chebet, Kenya, 4:11.62. Cincinnati 0, New York 0 England, Matt Turner, Earl Edwards Jr, Brad Knighton.
QUALIFICATION 1/4 FINALS OPEN Austin FC 3, Houston 2 Yellow Cards: LaGrassa, Nashville, 33rd; Bou, New
SPEED Nurislam Sanayev, Kazakhstan, def. Yuki Takahashi, England, 34th; Farrell, New England, 37th; Kaptoum,
1. Sifan Hassan, Netherlands, 4:00.23 (Q). Japan, 0-2, 4-2, Points. FINAL Sporting KC at Los Angeles FC, Late New England, 48th.
1. Aleksandra Miroslaw, Poland, (Lane A: 6.97, Lane B: 2. Laura Muir, Britain, 4:00.73 (Q). Kumar Ravi, India, def. Georgi Valentinov Vangelov, Real Salt Lake at LA Galaxy, Late Nashville, Joe Willis; Jalil Anibaba, Jack Maher, Eric
7.01), 6.97. 1. Ben Maher (EXPLOSION W), Britain, 0.
3. Linden Hall, Australia, 4:01.37 (Q). Bulgaria, 6-0, 8-4, Technical Superiority. 1. Daisuke Fukushima (CHANYON), Japan, 0. San Jose at Portland, Late Miller, Dave Romney, Taylor Washington (Daniel Lovitz,
2. Anouck Jaubert, France, (Lane A: 7.12, Lane B: 7.29), 4. Winnie Nanyondo, Uganda, 4:01.64 (Q). Reza Atrinagharchi, Iran, def. Bekhbayar Erdenebat, 70th); Brian Anunga, Matt LaGrassa (Anibal Godoy,
7.12. 1. Maikel van der Vleuten (BEAUVILLE Z), Netherlands, 0.
5. Marta Perez, Spain, 4:01.69 (Q). Mongolia, 1-0, 4-1, Points. 1. Henrik von Eckermann (KING EDWARD), Sweden, 0. SATURDAY’S MATCHES 64th), Alex Muyl (Randall Leal, 79th); Jhonder Cadiz (C J
3. Song Yiling, China, (Lane A: 8.74, Lane B: 7.46), 7.46. 6. Lucia Stafford, Canada, 4:02.12. Zavur Uguev, ROC, def. Gulomjon Abdullaev, Uzbeki- Sapong, 64th), Ake Arnaud Loba (Hany Mukhtar, 47th).
4. Miho Nonaka, Japan, (Lane A: 7.55, Lane B: 7.74), 7.55. 1. Malin Baryard-Johnsson (INDIANA), Sweden, 0. Atlanta at Columbus, 7:30
7. Sara Kuivisto, Finland, 4:02.35. stan, 2-2, 4-4, Points. 1. Peder Fredricson (ALL IN), Sweden, 0. New England, Matt Turner; Brandon Bye, Andrew
5. Iuliia Kaplina, ROC, (Lane A: 7.65, Lane B: Fall), 7.65. 8. Diana Mezulianikova, Czech Republic, 4:03.70. Orlando City at Cincinnati, 7:30 Farrell, Henry Kessler; Wilfrid Kaptoum (Emmanuel
6. Alannah Yip, Canada, (Lane A: 8.17, Lane B: 7.99), 7. Scott Brash (JEFFERSON), Britain, 1.
9. Lemlem Hailu, Ethiopia, 4:03.76. SEMIFINALS 7. Cian O’Connor (KILKENNY), Ireland, 1. Houston at Minnesota, 8 Boateng, 63rd), Matt Polster, Arnor Traustason (Tommy
7.99. 10. Marta Pen Freitas, Portugal, 4:04.15. New York City FC at Toronto FC, 8 McNamara, 63rd); Gustavo Bou, Tajon Buchanan (Teal
7. Kyra Condie, United States, (Lane A: 8.12, Lane B: Kumar Ravi, India, def. Nurislam Sanayev, Kazakh- 9. Gregory Wathelet (NEVADOS S), Belgium, 4.
11. Elise Vanderelst, Belgium, 4:04.86. 10. Luciana Diniz (VERTIGO DU DESERT), Portugal, 4. Austin FC at FC Dallas, 8:30 Bunbury, 81st), Adam Buksa, DeJuan Jones.
8.08), 8.08. stan, 2-1, 5-8, Pin.
12. Heather Maclean, United States, 4:05.33. 11. Ashlee Bond (DONATELLO 141), Israel, 5. Sporting KC at Colorado, 9
8. Julia Chanourdie, France, (Lane A: 8.43, Lane B: 8.17), Zavur Uguev, ROC, def. Reza Atrinagharchi, Iran, 2-2,
13. Edinah Jebitok, Kenya, 4:05.56. 12. Nicolas Delmotte (URVOSO DU ROCH), France, 5.
8.17. 6-1, Points. Real Salt Lake at Portland, 10:30
9. Akiyo Noguchi, Japan, (Lane A: 8.27, Lane B: 8.23), 400M 13. Koki Saito (CHILENSKY), Japan, 5.
FREESTYLE 86KG 14. Jerome Guery (QUEL HOMME DE HUS), Belgium, 7. SUNDAY’S MATCHES Austin FC 3, Dynamo 2
8.23. 1/8 FINALS
10. Petra Klingler, Switzerland, (Lane A: 8.42, Lane B: 15. Bertram Allen (PACINO AMIRO), Ireland, 8. New York at Chicago, 6 HOUSTON 1 1 2
1. Marileidy Paulino, Dominican Republic, 49.38 (Q). 16. Martin Fuchs (CLOONEY 51), Switzerland, 8.
8.67), 8.42. Hassan Yazdanicharati, Iran, def. Javrail Shapiev, Philadelphia at New England, 6 AUSTIN FC 2 1 3
2. Candice McLeod, Jamaica, 49.51 (Q). 17. Darragh Kenny (CARTELLO), Ireland, 8.
11. Jessica Pilz, Austria, (Lane A: 8.51, Lane B: 8.63), Uzbekistan, 5-2, 6-0, Points. Nashville at Miami, 6 First Half: 1, Austin FC, Pochettino, 1 (Cascante), 7th
3. Roxana Gomez, Cuba, 49.71. 18. Daniel Deusser (KILLER QUEEN), Germany, 8.
8.51. Stefan Reichmuth, Switzerland, def. Fateh Benferd- minute; 2, Houston, Pasher, 4, 27th; 3, Austin FC,
4. Quanera Hayes, United States, 49.81. 19. Mouda Zeyada (GALANTHOS SHK), Egypt, 8. Los Angeles FC at San Jose, 7
12. Brooke Raboutou, United States, (Lane A: 8.67, Lane jallah, Algeria, 3-0, 3-2, Points. Pochettino, 2, 45th+1.
5. Eleni Artymata, Cyprus, 50.80. 20. Yuri Mansur (ALFONS), Brazil, 8. CF Montréal at D.C. United, 8
B: 8.81), 8.67. Osman Gocen, Turkey, def. Sohsuke Takatani, Japan, Second Half: 4, Austin FC, Dominguez, 4 (Fagundez),
6. Susanne Walli, Austria, 51.52. 21. Marc Houtzager (DANTE), Netherlands, 13. Vancouver at LA Galaxy, 8
13. Oceania Mackenzie, Australia, (Lane A: 8.83, Lane B: 2-1, 0-1, Points. 56th; 5, Houston, Picault, 3, 86th.
7. Ama Pipi, Britain, 51.59. 22. Mario Deslauriers (BARDOLINA 2), Canada, 13.
9.38), 8.83. Artur Naifonov, ROC, def. Boris Makoev, Slovakia, Goalies: Houston, Marko Maric, Michael Nelson; Austin
8. Lada Vondrova, Czech Republic, 51.62. 23. Kristaps Neretnieks (VALOUR), Latvia, 13.
14. Janja Garnbret, Slovenia, (Lane A: 9.44, Lane B: 2-0, 4-0, Points. FC, Brad Stuver, Andrew Tarbell.
10.32), 9.44. Myles Nazem Amine, San Marino, def. Carlos Arturo 24. Nayel Nassar (IGOR VAN DE WITTEMOERE), Egypt, 13. D.C. United 4,
SEMIFINAL 2 25. Eiken Sato (SAPHYR DES LACS), Japan, 16. Yellow Cards: Dorsey, Houston, 79th; Stroud, Austin FC,
15. Viktoriia Meshkova, ROC, (Lane A: 9.54, Lane B: Izquierdo Mendez, Colombia, 8-2, 4-0, Technical
9.73), 9.54. 1. Shaunae Miller-Uibo, Bahamas, 49.60 (Q). Superiority. 26. Niels Bruynseels (DELUX VAN T & L), Belgium, EL. Crew 2 83rd.
2. Jodie Williams, Britain, 49.97 (Q). 26. Daniel Meech (CINCA 3), New Zealand, EL. Red Cards: Ceren, Houston, 20th.
16. Shauna Coxsey, Britain, (Lane A: 9.65, Lane B: 10.07), David Morris Taylor Iii, United States, def. Ali D.C. UNITED 3 1 4 Houston, Marko Maric; Teenage Hadebe, Sam Junqua
9.65. 3. Roneisha McGregor, Jamaica, 50.34. Shabanau, Belarus, 3-0, 8-0, Technical Superiority. 26. Harry Charles (ROMEO 88), Britain, RT.
4. Wadeline Jonathas, United States, 50.51. 26. Geir Gulliksen (QUATRO), Norway, RT. COLUMBUS 0 2 2 (Adam Lundqvist, 65th), Tim Parker, Tyler Pasher
17. Seo Chaehyun, South Korea, (Lane A: 10.01, Lane B: Lin Zushen, China, def. Pool Edinson Ambrocio Greifo, (Griffin Dorsey, 32nd), Zarek Valentin; Darwin Ceren,
11.74), 10.01. 5. Paola Moran, Mexico, 51.06. Peru, 5-0, 6-0, Technical Superiority. 26. Beat Mandli (DSARIE), Switzerland, RT. First Half: 1, D.C. United, Kamara, 8, 19th minute; 2, D.C.
6. Lieke Klaver, Netherlands, 51.37. United, Reyna, 1 (Najar), 40th; 3, D.C. United, Kamara, 9 Joe Corona (Mateo Bajamich, 90th), Fafa Picault, Matias
18. Mia Krampl, Slovenia, (Lane A: 10.44, Lane B: 10.43), Deepak Punia, India, def. Ekerekeme Agiomor, Ni- Vera (Boniek Garcia, 65th); Corey Baird (Memo Rodri-
10.43. 7. Aliyah Abrams, Guyana, 51.46. geria, 4-1, 8-0, Technical Superiority. (penalty kick), 45th+3.
8. Aauri Lorena Bokesa, Spain, 51.57. Second Half: 4, Columbus, Molino, 1, 65th; 5, Columbus, guez, 65th).
19. Laura Rogora, Italy, (Lane A: 10.50, Lane B: Fall), Austin FC, Brad Stuver; Matt Besler, Julio Cascante
10.50. SEMIFINAL 3
1/4 FINALS PRO F OOTBALL Zelarrayan, 6, 71st; 6, D.C. United, Reyna, 2 (Skundrich),
74th. (Jhohan Romana, 64th), Zan Kolmanic; Sebastian Berh-
20. Erin Sterkenburg, South Africa, (Lane A: Fall, Lane B: Hassan Yazdanicharati, Iran, def. Stefan Reichmuth, alter, Diego Fagundez (Rodney Redes, 77th), Hector
11.10), 11.10. 1. Stephenie Ann McPherson, Jamaica, 49.34 (Q). Switzerland, 12-1, Technical Superiority. Goalies: D.C. United, Bill Hamid, Jon Kempin; Columbus,
2. Allyson Felix, United States, 49.89 (Q). NFL preseason Eloy Room, Evan Bush. Jimenez (Nick Lima, 64th), Tomas Pochettino, Alexan-
Artur Naifonov, ROC, def. Osman Gocen, Turkey, 8-1, der Ring (Daniel Pereira, 64th); Cecilio Dominguez
BOULDERING 3. Sada Williams, Barbados, 50.11. 4-0, Technical Superiority. Yellow Cards: Keita, Columbus, 24th; Etienne, Colum-
4. Natalia Kaczmarek, Poland, 50.79. WEEK 1 bus, 30th; Mensah, Columbus, 45th+1; Alfaro, D.C. (Jared Stroud, 71st), Jon Gallagher.
1. Janja Garnbret, Slovenia, (T1z1, T1z1, T1z1, T1z1), David Morris Taylor Iii, United States, def. Myles
5. Kyra Constantine, Canada, 51.22. Nazem Amine, San Marino, 6-2, 6-0, Technical United, 66th.
2. Brooke Raboutou, United States, (T2z1, T1z1, z1, 6. Amandine Brossier, France, 51.30. Superiority.
T1z1), 3T4z 4 4. 7. Catia Azevedo, Portugal, 51.32. Deepak Punia, India, def. Lin Zushen, China, 1-0, 5-3, Dallas vs Pittsburgh at Canton, OH, 8
D.C. United, Bill Hamid (Jon Kempin, 17th); Tony Alfaro, NWSL
8. Lisanne de Witte, Netherlands, 52.09. Points. Steve Birnbaum, Frederic Brillant; Julian Gressel, Felipe
3. Akiyo Noguchi, Japan, (T2z1, z1, T2z1, T1z1), 3T4z 5 4. Martins, Junior Moreno, Andy Najar, Kevin Paredes
4. Shauna Coxsey, Britain, (T2z1, T1z1, z1, z1), 2T4z 3 4. 3000M STEEPLECHASE THURSDAY, AUGUST 12 W L T Pts GF GA
SEMIFINALS (Yamil Asad, 71st); Ola Kamara (Drew Skundrich, 46th), Portland..............................8 3 1 25 19 7
5. Seo Chaehyun, South Korea, (T3z1, T2z2, z1, z1), 2T4z FINAL Pittsburgh at Philadelphia, 7:30 Yordy Reyna (Griffin Yow, 80th).
5 5. Hassan Yazdanicharati, Iran, def. Artur Naifonov, Gotham FC..........................5 1 5 20 13 7
1. Peruth Chemutai, Uganda, 9:01.45. Washington at New England, 7:30 Columbus, Eloy Room; Saad Abdul-Salaam, Waylon Chicago ...............................6 5 2 20 15 18
6. Viktoriia Meshkova, ROC, (T6z1, T2z2, z1, z1), 2T4z 8 ROC, 1-0, 6-1, Points. Francis (Alexandru Matan, 80th), Aboubacar Keita,
5. 2. Courtney Frerichs, United States, 9:04.79. David Morris Taylor Iii, United States, def. Deepak Washington........................5 4 3 18 15 14
FRIDAY, AUGUST 13 Jonathan Mensah; Derrick Etienne (Luis Diaz, 56th),
7. Laura Rogora, Italy, (z1, z2, T1z1, z1), 1T4z 1 5. 3. Hyvin Kiyeng, Kenya, 9:05.39. Punia, India, 10-0, Technical Superiority. North Carolina ....................5 4 3 18 16 9
4. Mekides Abebe, Ethiopia, 9:06.16. Buffalo at Detroit, 7 Kevin Molino, Darlington Nagbe, Lucas Zelarrayan; Houston ..............................5 5 2 17 14 13
8. Miho Nonaka, Japan, (T2z1, z1, z1, -), 1T3z 2 3. Marlon Hairston (Pedro Santos, 72nd), Erik Hurtado
9. Jessica Pilz, Austria, (T3z1, z3, z1, -), 1T3z 3 5. 5. Gesa Felicitas Krause, Germany, 9:14.00. WOMEN Tennessee at Atlanta, 7 Orlando ...............................4 4 5 17 15 16
6. Marusa Mismas-Zrimsek, Slovenia, 9:14.84. FREESTYLE 62KG (Gyasi Zardes, 56th). OL Reign .............................5 6 1 16 12 13
10. Petra Klingler, Switzerland, (T3z1, z3, z4, -), 1T3z 3 8. Dallas at Arizona, 10
11. Kyra Condie, United States, (T4z1, -, z1, z3), 1T3z 4 5. 7. Beatrice Chepkoech, Kenya, 9:16.33. REPECHAGE Louisville ............................3 6 2 11 7 17
12. Oceania Mackenzie, Australia, (T3z1, -, z1, -), 1T2z 3 8. Zerfe Wondemagegn, Ethiopia, 9:16.41. SATURDAY, AUGUST 14 Kansas City.........................0 8 4 4 5 17
9. Elizabeth Bird, Britain, 9:19.68. Anastasija Grigorjeva, Latvia, def. Kriszta Tunde
2. Incze, Romania, 2-2, 12-5, Points. Miami at Chicago, 1
13. Anouck Jaubert, France, (T4z1, -, -, -), 1T1z 4 1. 10. Winfred Mutile Yavi, Bahrain, 9:19.74. Union 3, SATURDAY’S RESULTS
11. Genevieve Lalonde, Canada, 9:22.40. Liubov Ovcharova, ROC, def. Henna Katarina Johans- Denver at Minnesota, 4
14. Mia Krampl, Slovenia, (z1, z1, z1, z2), 0T4z 0 5. son, Sweden, 4-1, 4-6, Points.
15. Julia Chanourdie, France, (z1, z7, z1, -), 0T3z 0 9. 12. Valerie Constien, United States, 9:31.61. Cleveland at Jacksonville, 7 Toronto FC 0 Orlando 1, North Carolina 1
16. Alannah Yip, Canada, (z1, -, z1, -), 0T2z 0 2. 13. Luiza Gega, Albania, 9:34.10. BRONZE MEDAL MATCHES New Orleans at Baltimore, 7 OL Reign 2, Louisville 0
14. Carolina Robles, Spain, 9:50.96. Cincinnati at Tampa Bay, 7:30 TORONTO FC 0 0 0
17. Erin Sterkenburg, South Africa, (z1, -, -, -), 0T1z 0 1. PHILADELPHIA 3 0 3
18. Iuliia Kaplina, ROC, (z2, -, -, -), 0T1z 0 2. 15. Genevieve Gregson, Australia, DNF. Iryna Koliadenko, Ukraine, def. Anastasija Grigorje- N.Y. Jets at N.Y. Giants, 7:30 SUNDAY’S RESULTS
15. Emma Coburn, United States, DQ. va, Latvia, 1-1, 2-0, Points. First Half: 1, Philadelphia, Glesnes, 3 (Gazdag), 12th
19. Song Yiling, China, (z5, -, -, -), 0T1z 0 5. Houston at Green Bay, 8 Portland 2, Kansas City 0
Taybe Mustafa Yusein, Bulgaria, def. Liubov Ovcharo- minute; 2, Philadelphia, Gazdag, 1 (penalty kick), 33rd; 3,
20. Aleksandra Miroslaw, Poland, (-, -, -, -), 0T0z 0 0. Kansas City at San Francisco, 8:30 Chicago 3, Washington 1
va, ROC, 10-0, Technical Superiority. Philadelphia, Santos, 4 (Martinez), 36th.
LEAD THURSDAY’S RESULTS Seattle at Las Vegas, 9 Second Half: None. Gotham FC 1, Houston 1
FINAL L.A. Chargers at L.A. Rams, 10 Goalies: Toronto FC, Alex Bono, Quentin Westberg;
1. Seo Chaehyun, South Korea, 40+. SATURDAY’S MATCHES
2. Jessica Pilz, Austria, 33+. MEN Yukako Kawai, Japan, def. Aisuluu Tynybekova, Philadelphia, Andre Blake, Matt Freese.
3. Miho Nonaka, Japan, 30+. Kyrgyzstan, 2-1, 2-2, Points. Yellow Cards: Glesnes, Philadelphia, 26th; Wagner, North Carolina at Gotham FC, 7
4. Janja Garnbret, Slovenia, 30. SHOT PUT Carolina at Indianapolis, 1 Philadelphia, 47th; Mbaizo, Philadelphia, 90th. Portland at Washington, 7
5. Viktoriia Meshkova, ROC, 29+. FINAL FREESTYLE 57KG A: 14,303.
1/4 FINALS Houston at OL Reign, 10
6. Akiyo Noguchi, Japan, 27+. 1. Ryan Crouser, United States, (23.30), 76-5 1-4. Toronto FC, Alex Bono; Omar Gonzalez, Kemar Law-
7. Mia Krampl, Slovenia, 26+, 3:16. 2. Joe Kovacs, United States, (22.65), 74-3 3-4. Risako Kawai, Japan, def. Khongorzul Boldsaikhan, TRAN S ACTION S rence, Chris Mavinga (Nick DeLeon, 46th), Eriq Zavaleta; SUNDAY’S MATCHES
8. Brooke Raboutou, United States, 26+, 3:40. 3. Tomas Walsh, New Zealand, (22.47), 73-8 3-4. Mongolia, 1-0, 6-0, Points. Michael Bradley, Marky Delgado, Richie Laryea (Ifunany-
achi Achara, 60th), Jonathan Osorio (Patrick Mullins, Kansas City at Louisville, 3
9. Julia Chanourdie, France, 25+. 4. Darlan Romani, Brazil, (21.88), 71-9 1-2. Helen Louise Maroulis, United States, def. Tetyana
10. Laura Rogora, Italy, 25. 71st), Yeferson Soteldo; Jozy Altidore (Jordan Perruzza, Orlando at Chicago, 6
5. Zane Weir, Italy, (21.41), 70-3. Kit, Ukraine, 2-0, 6-0, Points. MLB
11. Kyra Condie, United States, 22+. 6. Kyle Blignaut, South Africa, (21.00), 68-10 3-4. Iryna Kurachkina, Belarus, def. Valeria Koblova, ROC, 71st).
12. Alannah Yip, Canada, 21+, 2:14. 7. Armin Sinancevic, Serbia, (20.89), 68-6 1-2. 1-1, 5-2, Points. Baltimore Orioles: Optioned LHP Alexander Wells to Philadelphia, Andre Blake; Jack Elliott, Jakob Glesnes,
13. Shauna Coxsey, Britain, 21+, 2:23. 8. Mostafa Amr Hassan, Egypt, (20.73), 68-0 1-4. Evelina Georgieva Nikolova, Bulgaria, def. Anastasia Norfolk (Class AAA East). Selected the contract of Olivier Mbaizo, Kai Wagner; Alejandro Bedoya, Leon
14. Petra Klingler, Switzerland, 16+, 1:49. 9. Jacko Gill, New Zealand, (20.71), 67-11 1-2. Nichita, Moldova, 0-3, 6-0, Points. RHPs Marcus Diplan and Dusten Knight from Norfolk Maximilian Flach (Jack McGlynn, 85th), Daniel Gazdag TEN N IS
15. Anouck Jaubert, France, 16+, 2:14. 10. Payton Otterdahl, United States, (20.32), 66-8. (Class AAA East) and agreed to terms on major league (Quinn Sullivan, 74th), Jose Martinez; Kacper Przybylko
16. Oceania Mackenzie, Australia, 15+. SEMIFINALS contracts. Designated RHP Shaun Anderson and INF (Paxten Aaronson, 74th), Sergio Santos (Cory Burke,
11. Mesud Pezer, Bosnia and Herzegovina, (20.08),
17. Iuliia Kaplina, ROC, 14+. 65-10 1-2. Risako Kawai, Japan, def. Helen Louise Maroulis, Domingo Leyba for assignment. 66th). ATP
18. Song Yiling, China, 13+. 12. Chukwuebuka Enekwechi, Nigeria, (19.74), 64-9 1-4. United States, 1-0, 1-1, Points. Boston Red Sox: Reinstated RHP Matt Barnes from the
19. Aleksandra Miroslaw, Poland, 12. Iryna Kurachkina, Belarus, def. Evelina Georgieva COVID-19 list. Optioned INF Jonathan Arauz to CITI OPEN
20. Erin Sterkenburg, South Africa, 7+. 110M HURDLES Nikolova, Bulgaria, 2-0, 9-0, Technical Superiority. Worcester (Class AAA East). Atlanta United 2, At Willian H.G. FitzGerald Tennis Center in Washington
FINAL Los Angeles Angels: Placed 3B Anthony Rendon on the Purse: $1,895,290
60-day IL, retroactive to July 5. Selected the contract of CF Montreal 2 Surface: Hardcourt outdoor
1. Hansle Parchment, Jamaica, 13.04.
Cycling Diving LHP Packy Naughton from Salt Lake (Class AAA West)
2. Grant Holloway, United States, 13.09. ATLANTA 0 2 2 MEN’S SINGLES — ROUND OF 32
and agreed to terms on a major league contract.
3. Ronald Levy, Jamaica, 13.10. MONTREAL 0 2 2
WEDNESDAY’S RESULTS 4. Devon Allen, United States, 13.14. WEDNESDAY’S RESULTS Optioned RHP Chris Rodriguez to Salt Lake. Denis Kudla, United States, def. Taylor Fritz (10), United
Houston Astros: Reinstated RHP Ryan Pressly from the First Half: None. States, 6-4, 6-2; Brandon Nakashima, United States, def.
5. Pascal Martinot-Lagarde, France, 13.16. Second Half: 1, Montreal, Toye, 7 (Torres), 53rd minute;
MEN WOMEN paternity list. Optioned RHP Bryan Abreau to Sugar Daniel Evans (6), Britain, 7-6 (7-1), 6-0; John Millman (11),
6. Asier Martinez, Spain, 13.22. 2, Montreal, Camacho, 1 (Mihailovic), 63rd; 3, Atlanta,
10M PLATFORM Land (Class AAA West). Australia, def. Elias Ymer, Sweden, 6-2, 7-6 (10-8); Steve
7. Andrew Pozzi, Britain, 13.30. Martinez, 4 (Barco), 65th; 4, Atlanta, Moreno, 5 (penalty
MEN'S TEAM PURSUIT PRELIMINARY Kansas City Royals: Reinstated 3B Emmanuel Rivera Johnson, United States, def. Alex de Minaur (3), Australia,
8. Aurel Manga, France, 13.38. kick), 76th.
FINALS from the 10-day IL. Placed RHP Kyle Zimmer on the 6-7 (7-5), 6-4, 6-2; Reilly Opelka (8), United States, def.
1. Chen Yuxi, China, 390.70 (Q). 10-day IL. Goalies: Atlanta, Brad Guzan, Alec Kann; Montreal,
7-8 2. Quan Hongchan, China, 364.45 (Q). Daniel Elahi Galan, Colombia, 7-6 (7-1), 6-3; Lloyd Harris
Los Angeles Angels: Selected the contract of LHP Packy James Pantemis, Sebastian Breza. (14), South Africa, def. Tennys Sandgren, United States,
7. Britain (Ethan Hayter; Charlie Tanfield; Ethan Vernon; Table tennis 3. Delaney Schnell, United States, 360.75 (Q). Naughton. Optioned RHP Chris Rodriguez to Salt Lake Yellow Cards: Struna, Montreal, 19th; Campbell, Atlan-
4. Melissa Wu, Australia, 351.20 (Q). 6-4, 1-0, ret; Jannik Sinner (5), Italy, def. Emil Ruusuvuori,
Oliver Wood; Edward Clancy), 3:45.636. (Class AAA West). ta, 27th; Mihailovic, Montreal, 85th; Damm, Atlanta, Finland, 6-2, 6-4; Ilya Ivashka, Belarus, def. Grigor Dim-
8. Switzerland (Robin Froidevaux; Stefan Bissegger; WEDNESDAY’S RESULTS 5. Meaghan Benfeito, Canada, 331.85 (Q). Minnesota Twins: Claimed RHP Ralph Garza Jr. off 90th; Moreno, Atlanta, 90th+6.
6. Elena Wassen, Germany, 323.80 (Q). itrov (4), Bulgaria, 6-2, 7-6 (4); Kei Nishikori, Japan, def.
Valere Thiebaud; Cyrille Thiery; Thery SCHIR; Mauro waivers from Houston and optioned him to St. Paul Red Cards: Camacho, Montreal, 73rd; Martinez, Atlanta, Alexander Bublik (9), Kazakhstan, 6-2, 7-5; Mackenzie
Schmid), 3:50.041. MEN'S TEAM 7. Lois Toulson, Britain, 314.00 (Q). (Class AAA East). 82nd; Wanyama, Montreal, 82nd.
8. Iuliia Timoshinina, ROC, 313.20 (Q). McDonald, United States, def. Benoit Paire (13), France,
SEMIFINALS Oakland Athletics: Agreed to terms with OF Khris Davis A: 11,000. 6-7 (6), 6-4, 6-4; Rafael Nadal (1), Spain, def. Jack Sock,
5-6 9. Alejandra Orozco Loza, Mexico, 308.10 (Q). on a minor league contract. Atlanta, Brad Guzan; George Bello, George Campbell,
China (Fan Zhendong; Xu Xin; Ma Long), def. South 10. Andrea Spendolini Sirieix, Britain, 307.70 (Q). United States, 6-2, 4-6, 7-6 (7-1).
5. Canada (Vincent de Haitre; Michael Foley; Derek Gee; New York Yankees: Optioned RHP Luis Gil to Scranton/ Alan Franco, Ronald Hernandez (Matheus Rossetto,
Korea (Jang Woojin; Jeoung Youngsik; Lee Sangsu), 3-0. 11. Celine van Duijn, Netherlands, 306.80 (Q).
Jay Lamoureux), 3:46.324. Wilkes-Barre (Class AAA East). Recalled OF Jonathan 69th), Anton Walkes; Ezequiel Barco, Marcelino Moreno, MEN’S DOUBLES — ROUND OF 16
Germany (Dimitrij Ovtcharov; Patrick Franziska; Timo 12. Gabriela Agundez Garcia, Mexico, 297.65 (Q).
6. Germany (Roger Kluge; Felix Gross; Leon Rohde; Davis from Scranton/Wilke Amar Sejdic (Jurgen Damm, 68th), Santiago Sosa; Josef
Boll), def. Japan (Tomokazu Harimoto; Koki Niwa; Jun 13. Christina Wassen, Germany, 297.15 (Q). John Millman and Alex de Minaur, Australia, def. Filip
Domenic Weinstein; Theo Reinhardt), 3:50.023. Martinez.
Mizutani), 3-2. 14. Alais Kalonji, France, 295.90 (Q). NBA Polasek, Slovakia, and John Peers (1), Australia, 7-6 (4), 5-7,
Montreal, James Pantemis; Zorhan Bassong, Rudy
BRONZE 15. Sarah Jodoin di Maria, Italy, 291.05 (Q). Camacho, Kamal Miller, Kiki Struna; Mathieu Choiniere, 10-7; Marcelo Melo, Brazil, and Marcus Daniell, New
MATCH 1 Atlanta Hawks: Signed F Jalen Johnson. Zealand, def. Matwe Middelkoop, Netherlands, and Marcelo
3. Australia (Kelland O’Brien; Sam Welsford; Leigh 16. Tanya Watson, Ireland, 289.40 (Q). Ahmed Hamdi (Samuel Piette, 13th), Djordje Mihailovic,
China (Xu Xin; Ma Long), def. South Korea (Jeoung Golden State Warriors: Waived F Alen Smailagic. Arevalo-Gonzalez, El Salvador, 7-6 (10-8), 6-2; Michael
Howard; Lucas Plapp; Alexander Porter). 17. Katrina Young, United States, 286.65 (Q). Joaquin Torres (Zachary Brault Guillard, 86th), Victor
Youngsik; Lee Sangsu), 11-5, 11-5, 11-8. Houston Rockets: Signed G Jalen Green. Venus, New Zealand, and Neal Skupski (2), Britain, def.
4. New Zealand (Aaron Gate; Campbell Stewart; Regan 18. Pandelela Pamg, Malaysia, 284.90 (Q). Wanyama; Mason Toye (Sunusi Ibrahim, 78th).
Germany (Patrick Franziska; Timo Boll), def. Japan (Koki Indiana Pacers: Signed F Chris Duarte to a Rookie Scale Fabrice Martin, France, and Max Purcell, Australia, 7-5, 6-3.
Gough; Jordan Kerby), OVL. 19. Kwon Halim, South Korea, 278.00 (R).
Niwa; Jun Mizutani), 11-2, 11-3, 9-11, 8-11, 11-7. Contract.
20. Maha Abdelsalam, Egypt, 275.30 (R).
Los Angeles Lakers: Waived F Alfonzo McKinnie.
GOLD 21. Nikita Hains, Australia, 270.00.
MATCH 2 22. Matsuri Arai, Japan, 268.80.
Minnesota Timberwolves: Signed F Nathan Knight to a
1. Italy (Simone Consonni; Filippo Ganna; Francesco two-way contract. Inter Miami 1, WTA
Fan Zhendong, China, def. Jang Woojin, South Korea, 23. Celina Toth, Canada, 261.40.
Lamon; Jonathan Milan), 3:42.032. Philadelphia 76ers: Signed G Jaden Springer and C
11-7, 11-9, 16-14. 24. Ingrid Oliveira, Brazil, 261.20. Orlando City 1 CONCORD 125
2. Denmark (Lasse Norman Hansen; Niklas Larsen; Andre Drummond.
Tomokazu Harimoto, Japan, def. Dimitrij Ovtcharov, 25. Anna Konanykhina, ROC, 252.85.
Frederik Madsen; Rasmus Pedersen), 3:42.198. Portland Trail Blazers: Signed F Cody Zeller. At The Thoreau Club in Concord, Mass.
Germany, 7-11, 13-11, 11-5, 11-9. 26. Jun Hoong Cheong, Malaysia, 251.80. MIAMI 0 1 1
Toronto Raptors: Waived C Aron Baynes. Purse: $115,000
27. Noemi Batki, Italy, 226.95. ORLANDO CITY 1 0 1
MATCH 3 28. Anne Tuxen, Norway, 219.15. NFL Surface: Hardcourt outdoor
WOMEN First Half: 1, Orlando City, Carlos, 1 (Nani), 45th+3
Ma Long, China, def. Lee Sangsu, South Korea, 11-9, 29. Sofiia Lyskun, Ukraine, 216.55. minute.
30. Shen-Yan Freida Lim, Singapore, 215.90. Arizona Cardinals: Signed OL Ryan Pope. WOMEN’S SINGLES — ROUND OF 16
KEIRIN 11-8, 9-11, 13-15, 11-6. Second Half: 2, Miami, Gibbs, 1 (Ulloa), 66th.
Atlanta Falcons: Placed P Sterling Hofrichter on IR. Madison Brengle (3), United States, def. Lulu Sun,
FIRST ROUND Timo Boll, Germany, def. Jun Mizutani, Japan, 7-11, Goalies: Miami, Nick Marsman, John McCarthy, Dylan
Baltimore Ravens: Signed WR Michael Dereus. Waived Switzerland, 6-1, 6-7 (5), 6-2; Cristina Bucsa, Spain, def.
HEAT 1 13-11, 11-7, 11-7. Castanheira; Orlando City, Mason Stajduhar, Adam
OLB Chauncey Rivers. Activated CB Iman Marshall. Usue Maitane Arconada, United States, 6-3, 6-3; Mariam
Buffalo Bills: Signed OL Caleb Benenoch. Grinwis.
1. Laurine van Riessen, Netherlands, 0.000 (QF). MATCH 4 Weightlifting Carolina Panthers: Signed S Doug Middleton. Waived Yellow Cards: Junior Urso, Orlando City, 56th; Pizarro, Bolkvadze, Georgia, def. Greet Minnen (7), Belgium, 6-4,
2. Zhong Tianshi, China, +0.174 (QF). Xu Xin, China, vs. Jang Woojin, South Korea, TBD. Miami, 68th; Rosell, Orlando City, 85th. 6-4; Hsieh Su-wei (2), Taiwan, def. Beatriz Haddad Maia,
3. Lee Hyejin, South Korea, +0.371 (R). WEDNESDAY’S RESULTS FB Mason Stokke. Brazil, 6-3, 6-1.
Tomokazu Harimoto, Japan, def. Patrick Franziska, Chicago Bears: Signed LB Alec Ogletree. Placed LB Miami, Nick Marsman; Nicolas Figal, Kieran Gibbs (Brek
4. Lee Hoi Yan Jessica, Hong Kong, +0.445 (R). Germany, 5-11, 9-11, 11-5, 11-9, 11-9. Shea, 77th), Kelvin Leerdam, Christian Makoun; Gregore,
5. Katy Marchant, Britain, REL (R). MEN Christian Jones, LS Pat Scales, DT Eddie Goldman and WOMEN’S DOUBLES — ROUND OF 16
OL Elijah Wilkinson on the covid-19 list. Blaise Matuidi, Lewis Morgan (Indiana Vassilev, 84th),
MATCH 5 +109KG Victor Ulloa; Gonzalo Higuain (Rodolfo Pizarro, 61st), Mona Barthel, Germany, and Ankita Raina, India, def.
HEAT 2 GROUP B Detroit Lions: Released OLB Reggie Gilbert.
Fan Zhendong, China, vs. Jeoung Youngsik, South Korea, Denver Broncos: Waived OT Cody Conway with an Robbie Robinson (Julian Carranza, 61st). Lizette Cabrera and Maddison Inglis, Australia, 3-6, 6-4,
1. Lea Sophie Friedrich, Germany, 0.000 (QF). TBD. 1. Peter Nagy, Hungary (3, 178-392; 1, 218-481), 396 injury designation. Orlando City, Mason Stajduhar; Antonio Carlos (Rodrigo 10-3; Kateryna Bondarenko, Ukraine, and Tatjana Maria
2. Daria Shmeleva, ROC, +0.102 (QF). Dimitrij Ovtcharov, Germany, def. Koki Niwa, Japan, kg.-873 pounds. Green Bay Packers: Signed DL Josh Avery. Activated LB Schlegel, 46th), Robin Jansson, Ruan (Emmanuel Mas, (3), Germany, def. Rebecca Marino, Canada, and Chieh-
3. Lee Wai Sze, Hong Kong, +0.188 (R). 11-9, 11-7, 11-8. 2. Marcos Ruiz I Velasco, Spain (1, 180-397; 3, Ryan Wilborn from the covid-19 list. Activated TE 81st), Kyle Smith; Junior Urso (Oriol Rosell, 76th), Nani, Yu Hsu, Taiwan, 6-3, 6-3; Cristina Bucsa, Spain, and Usue
4. Charlene du Preez, South Africa, +0.309 (R). 215-474), 395-871. Josiah Deguara from the physically unable to perform Andres Perea, Mauricio Pereyra; Benji Michel (Tesho Akin- Maitane Arconada, United States, def. Jamie Loeb and
5. Coralie Demay, France, +0.425 (R). WOMEN'S TEAM 3. Caine Morgan Wilkes, United States (5, 173-381; 2, (PUP) list. dele, 76th), Chris Mueller (Silvester Van der Water, 67th). Quinn Gleason (4), United States, 6-3, 7-6 (5); Angela
6. Migle Marozaite, Lithuania, +1.364 (R). SEMIFINALS 217-478), 390-860. Jacksonville Jaguars: Placed DL Taven Bryan on the Kulikov and Rianna Valdes, United States, def. Catherine
4. Sargis Martirosjan, Austria (2, 180-397; 6, 201- covid-19 list. Harrison, United States, and Samantha Murray Sharan,
HEAT 3 China (Sun Yingsha; Wang Manyu; Chen Meng), def. Britain, 6-2, 4-6, 14-12.
Germany (Ying Han; Xiaona Shan; Petrissa Solja), 3-0. 443), 381-840. Kansas City Chiefs: Activated RB Darwin Thompson FC Dallas 1,
1. Kelsey Mitchell, Canada, 0.000 (QF). 5. David Litvinov, Israel (4, 176-388; 5, 205-452), from the covid-19 list.
2. Luz Daniela Gaxiola Gonzalez, Mexico, +0.100 (QF). MATCH 1 381-840. Las Vegas Raiders: Signed OT Jeremiah Poutasi.
Sounders 1
3. Anastasiia Voinova, ROC, +0.119 (R). 6. Hsieh Yun-Ting, Taiwan (6, 172-379; 4, 206-454), Los Angeles Rams: Activated WR Tutu Atwell from the SILICON VALLEY CLASSIC
4. Bao Shanju, China, +0.206 (R). China (Wang Manyu; Chen Meng), def. Germany (Xiaona 378-833. DALLAS 0 1 1
Shan; Petrissa Solja), 11-9, 11-2, 11-4. covid-19 list. Waived G Jamil Demby. Signed G SEATTLE 0 1 1
5. Emma Hinze, Germany, +0.310 (R). Jeremiah Kolone. At San Jose State University in San Jose, Calif.
6. Liubov Basova, Ukraine, +0.554 (R). GROUP A First Half: None. Purse: $565,530
MATCH 2 New Orleans Saints: Signed CB Adonis Alexander and
1. Lasha Talakhadze, Georgia (1, 223-492; 1, 265- LB Kwon Alexander. Placed CB Keith Washington on IR. Second Half: 1, Seattle, Montero, 4 (Joao Paulo), 72nd Surface: Hardcourt outdoor
HEAT 4 Sun Yingsha, China, def. Ying Han, Germany, 11-6, 11-4, 584), 488 kg.-1076 pounds. minute; 2, Dallas, Jara, 3 (Tafari), 90th+1.
11-9. Activated K Will Lutz from the non-football injury list. WOMEN’S SINGLES — ROUND OF 16
1. Olena Starikova, Ukraine, 0.000 (QF). 2. Ali Davoudi, Iran (2, 200-441; 2, 241-531), 441-972. New York Giants: Signed TE Tommy Stevens. Placed RB Goalies: Dallas, Jimmy Maurer, Phelipe Megiolaro;
2. Yuka Kobayashi, Japan, +0.070 (QF). 3. Man Asaad, Syria (3, 190-419; 4, 234-516), Mike Weber on IR. Signed WR Andy Jones. Seattle, Stefan Cleveland, Spencer Richey. Magda Linette, Poland, def. Petra Martic (6), Croatia,
MATCH 3 Yellow Cards: Smith, Seattle, 87th.
3. Shanne Braspennincx, Netherlands, +0.105 (R). 424-935. New York Jets: Signed QB Josh Johnson. Waived LB 7-5, 7-6 (5); Daria Kasatkina (4), Russia, def. Caroline
4. Ellesse Andrews, New Zealand, +0.182 (R). Chen Meng, China, def. Petrissa Solja, Germany, 5-11, 4. Hojamuhammet Toychyyev, Turkmenistan (4, 184- Brendon White. Dallas, Jimmy Maurer; Bressan, Nkosi Tafari; Edwin Garcia, France, 3-6, 7-5, 6-3.
5. Marlena Karwacka, Poland, +0.400 (R). 11-4, 11-9, 13-11. 406; 6, 230-507), 414-913. Philadelphia Eagles: Activated S Andrew Adams from Cerrillo (Andres Ricaurte, 76th), Ryan Hollingshead,
6. Simona Krupeckaite, Lithuania, +1.093 (R). 5. David Andrew Liti, New Zealand (6, 178-392; 3, the covid-19 list. Waived DB Nate Meadors with an Paxton Pomykal (Freddy Vargas, 78th), Facundo Qui- WOMEN’S DOUBLES — ROUND OF 16
MATCH 4 gnon; Jesus Ferreira (Bryan Acosta, 66th), Ricardo Pepi
236-520), 414-913. injury designation. Gabriela Dabrowski, Canada, and Luisa Stefani (1),
HEAT 5 Sun Yingsha, China, vs. Xiaona Shan, Germany, TBD. 6. Enzo Kofi Kuworge, Netherlands (7, 175-386; 5, Pittsburgh Steelers: Waived DB Demarkus Acy and OT (Franco Jara, 76th), Szabolcs Schon (Jader Obrian, Brazil, def. Arina Rodionova, Australia, and Kaitlyn
234-516), 409-902. Anthony Cole with injury designations. 66th), Ema Twumasi. Christian, United States, 7-5, 3-6, 12-10; Kveta Peschke,
1. Lauriane Genest, Canada, 0.000 (QF). MATCH 5 7. Jiri Orsag, Czech Republic (5, 180-397; 7, -), -. San Francisco 49ers: Signed CB B.W. Webb and TE Seattle, Stefan Cleveland; Xavier Arreaga, Yeimar Czech Republic, and Ellen Perez (3), Australia, def.
2. Madalyn Godby, United States, +0.075 (QF).
Wang Manyu, China, vs. Ying Han, Germany, TBD. Joshua Perkins. Waived CB Tim Harris and TE Josh Gomez Andrade, Shane O’Neill; Joao Paulo, Jimmy Elixane Lechemia, France, and Ingrid Neel, United
3. Urszula Los, Poland, +0.159 (R).
Pederson. Medranda (Bradley Shaun Smith, 60th), Alex Roldan, States, 6-3, 6-2.
4. Kaarle McCulloch, Australia, +0.365 (R).
Cristian Roldan, Kelyn Rowe (Nicolas Lodeiro, 87th);
5. Yuli Verdugo Osuna, Mexico, +0.440 (R).
Fredy Montero (Will Bruin, 73rd), Raul Ruidiaz.
6. Mathilde Gros, France, +1.126 (R).

TOKYO Olympics THURSDAY, AUGUST 5 , 2021 EZ M2


Richard Torrez Jr. batters Kazakhstan’s Kamshybek Kunkabayev to the mat during a super heavyweight semifinal Wednesday. Torrez moved to the final when the referee stopped the bout in the third round.

Torrez reaches his final ‘destiny’

L ES C ARPENTER imagining his left landing, making the bigger
Californian saw himself becoming the first U.S. boxer to fight man wobble. He was still picturing himself
tokyo — Over and over Wednesday after- for the super heavyweight gold since 1988, and now he will pummeling Kunkabayev as he walked into the
noon, Richard Torrez Jr. slammed his fist into ring in the early afternoon while Beethoven’s
the forehead of Kazakhstan’s Kamshybek “Moonlight Sonata” played through the are-
Kunkabayev, pounding away 33 years of U.S. na’s speakers.
super heavyweight boxing irrelevance until Torrez loves that song for the way it makes
finally the skin broke above Kunkabayev’s him calm. In high school in Tulare, Calif., he
nose. A gash opened wide, and as blood began listened to it when he took important tests and
pouring in the third round, the referee waved also during lunchtime chess matches as the
her arms. school’s chess club president. He once read
The fight was over. For the first time since that classical music helps brain function, and
Riddick Bowe in 1988, an American boxer will he wondered whether maybe he should be
fight for gold in Sunday’s featured final fight, listening to Beethoven when he walks into
the last of these Tokyo Olympics. fights as well.
Torrez’s victory came minutes after female Tulare isn’t a big place, a handful of stops on
welterweight Oshae Jones lost a sluggish split the road between Fresno and Bakersfield. But
decision in her semifinal fight to China’s Hong it is a place of Olympic champions. The faces
Gu, guaranteeing her a bronze medal but of the city’s two most-famous athletes — two
leaving her storming out of the ring and time decathlon winner Bob Mathias and Sim
through the Kokugikan Arena hallways, refus- Iness, a discus champion — are captured on a
ing to speak to anyone, screaming down an downtown mural beneath the words, “Olym-
empty corridor. pic Gold.” Torrez wants to be on that mural,
Torrez, on the other hand, wanted to talk too.
Wednesday. He stood in the same hall Jones And that is why he fights.
had raged through and said he had a word to But he fights, too, for his father, who came
describe his Olympic run: “destiny.” within three fights at the U.S. boxing trials of
He said he has had a feeling about these landing a place on that 1984 Olympic team.
Olympics since his first fight here, wiping The older Torrez brought his son to the gym,
away the doubts fed by more than a year of taught him the sport and hoped his child
international tournaments canceled by the could take a punch. They talk constantly now,
coronavirus pandemic and by the punch that even with Richard Jr. halfway around the
knocked him out in the quarterfinals the 2019 world. For Richard Jr., this is their fight
world championships. With each fight in together. When he thinks about destiny, he
Tokyo, he said, the sensation kept getting imagines going back home, shaking his fa-
stronger. ther’s hand and saying, “Dad, I did it.”
“It’s an existential feeling,” he said. “I don’t Now comes Sunday’s gold medal final, the
know how to put it. What is love? It’s kind of fight that could land Richard Jr. on the side of
that same thing. I’m meant to be here. All I that building in downtown Tulare, making
know is that.” him the first American man to win an Olympic
Torrez’s victories in Tokyo have not been a boxing gold medal since Andre Ward in 2004.
surprise. He entered the Olympics as the third Looming on Sunday is Uzbekistan’s Bakhodir
seed even though he’s smaller than most of the Jalolov, the man who knocked Torrez uncon-
men in his weight class. scious in that 2019 world championship quar-
Kunkabayev is 6-foot-3, a two-time silver terfinal.
medalist at the world championships who has Jalolov has rumbled through the Olympics,
started a professional career in which he’s 3-0 winning all but one round unanimously. On
with three knockouts. But Torrez was fast and Wednesday, his semifinal match against Brit-
strong and willing to follow the strategies ain’s Frazer Clarke ended in the second round
constructed by his U.S. coach, Billy Walsh, and with a great gash on Clarke’s face
his father and personal coach back home. Few will expect Torrez to win. But as he
Guard against Kunkabayev’s left, they told stood in that empty hallway, he smiled. He
Torrez, then use that against him. So Torrez said he will be ready for Jalolov. If nothing
did what they said, deflecting Kunkabayev’s else, he has learned to defend against that
punches, then dropping his own left against punch that comes furious from nowhere. He
Kunkabayev’s head. After the first couple of said he is going to leave here as the Olympic
shots, the fight never felt close. super heavyweight champion.
Torrez, 22, had fought this fight before, “I think it’s something the U.S. needs,” he
inside his head, five times Tuesday night and Torrez on making the final: “It’s an existential feeling. I don’t know how to put it. said.
another three Wednesday morning, each time What is love? It’s kind of that same thing. I’m meant to be here. All I know is that.” [email protected]

United States China Russian Olympic Committee Live updates: For analysis and
results throughout the Games,
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27 33 23 83 32 23 16 71 14 21 18 53
Medal leaders as of 12 a.m. Thursday

Tokyo OlyMPics


Noah Lyles, right, wins the bronze medal and watches as Andre de Grasse of Canada, left, takes the gold and teammate Kenneth Bednarek, obscured by de Grasse, gets silver Wednesday in Tokyo.


Lyles doesn’t win gold in 200. His message wins the night.
BY A DAM K ILGORE ter George Floyd was killed by a sprinter, fast enough to make the blocks. At times, his advocacy Noah Lyles. I’m not Usain Bolt’s time ever.
Minneapolis police officer, he 200-meter semifinals at the U.S. brought further pressure. He felt successor. I’m not Andre De “I don’t think about what-ifs,”
tokyo — Noah Lyles knelt on grappled with how the country he trials. But the difference in their as if he were being asked to speak Grasse’s successor. I’m me. And Lyles said. “Why would I put
track at the end of National represents treats Black men like speed separates them as athletes. on behalf of all Black people or all that’s who I’ll always be.” myself in a position of thinking
Stadium and thanked God. He him. In the summer of 2020, In the mixed zone, Lyles in- Black athletes. Lyles said he believes fully in about a whole bunch of what-ifs?
clasped his hands and pressed Lyles revealed he had started haled and breathed deep. Lyles started taking antide- the efficacy of antidepressants. . . . Then all of a sudden, I’m
them to his forehead, an Ameri- taking antidepressants. They af- “I thank God every day I’m able pressants in the summer of 2020, He has heard from people on creating panic attacks for myself.
can flag wrapped around his back fected his training, and he cycled to come out here, but at the same which he revealed on Twitter. The social media that his revelation I’m digging myself into a hole
like a blanket. Two years ago, off them before the Olympics. time, this wasn’t even my dream,” medication led to slight weight helped them seek help. that doesn’t even exist.”
Lyles set a goal to win three gold Shortly before Lyles boarded Lyles said. “In 2012, my brother gain and impacted his training by “And I knew there was a lot of Lyles started the Olympic final
medals at the 2020 Tokyo Olym- his plane for Tokyo, he broke had the dream that he was going neutralizing his emotions. people out there like me who in Lane 3, a consequence of how
pics. But he made that declara- down crying and had a long talk to come to the Olympics, and I’d Lyles cycled off antidepres- were too scared to say something he finished his semifinal heat,
tion when he still thought they with his girlfriend. really just tag along for the ride. sants to ready for the Olympics. or start that journey,” Lyles said. when he eased up at the line and
would happen in 2020, before the “We were talking about a lot of Sometimes I think to myself, you As he prepared for trials, his “I wanted them to know, if you fell into third place. He started
world and his life changed. things,” Lyles said late Wednes- know, this should be him.” training took another blow when see me in a big light, I want you to well and made an excellent turn,
On Wednesday night, in 2021, day, standing in a place called the Lyles stopped moments later his massage therapist fell ill. know that it’s okay to not feel he believed, and expected he
he won a bronze medal. He called mixed zone, behind a metal bar- and apologized. He sobbed and Without her, he said, he felt at good, and you can go out and talk would be ahead of De Grasse and
the result “boring,” and then be- rier and facing about 20 report- heaved. He seemed unable to risk of injury and could not recov- with somebody professionally or Bednarek. But he couldn’t catch
fore a global audience of people ers. “We were talking about me continue. A USA Track & Field er from workouts as well. even get on medication. This is a them in the homestretch.
who had watched him run, he and my brother. It’s been really representative patted him on the “I always said the day I wasn’t serious issue. You don’t want to Still, Lyles remains a star. Only
bared his soul so that he might hard for me watching him train shoulder. Reporters thanked having fun with this sport, I’m wake up one day and think, ‘I three men have run halfway
help some of them. as hard as he has.” him. going to leave it,” Lyles said. “And don’t want to be here anymore.’ ” around a track faster, all eye-pop-
Lyles, a 24-year-old from Alex- Lyles paused and rubbed tears “I want to finish this,” Lyles for a little bit, I wasn’t having fun As 11 p.m. approached ping names: Usain Bolt, Michael
andria, sprinted 200 meters in from his eyes. said. this year. I did want to leave. I had Wednesday, Lyles remained in Johnson, Yohan Blake. He al-
19.74 seconds. Canadian Andre de “I’m sorry,” he said. Lyles spoke for another seven to make a decision. I was like, I the mixed zone. He found the ready started plotting a way to
Grasse won gold in 19.50 seconds, Lyles and his brother, Jose- minutes and spent all of them got to get better. I can’t let this session therapeutic. Mostly, he change his training to return to
and perpetually overlooked phus, became inseparable at a discussing mental health. He was control me.” wanted media present to spread his fastest times, perhaps with
American Kenny Bednarek took young age. Josephus is a year diagnosed in his youth as dyslex- Lyles remains thankful for all his message. less practice on the 100 and more
silver in 19.68. younger, but Noah was held back ic, and the struggles he faced in the sport has given him. He loves “I want other people to know on the 200, like in previous years.
Lyles and Bednarek, young and a year in elementary school be- school led to his first bouts of fashion, art and music, and his there’s a better way,” Lyles said. “Maybe it wasn’t my time,”
famous and at the apex of their cause of extended illness. Most depression. When he started run- success has enabled him to ex- “. . . Even affecting one person is Lyles said. “God said that you’re
sport, walked a victory lap people thought they were twins. ning track, he said, “I felt that press his other talents. Before the the goal.” affecting a lot of people and you
draped in flags. They talked It was Josephus’s idea for them to everything had been lifted.” Games, he appeared in GQ. Though Lyles used the Olym- don’t have to win to affect those
about how hard the last year had turn pro together out of high The pandemic resurfaced “Shoot,” Lyles said. “I’m going to pics as a platform, he had come to people. Maybe somebody else
been. school. They moved to Clermont, those struggles. Lyles felt com- the Met Gala.” Tokyo to win. Had the Olympics needs that light. Maybe De Grasse
Lyles has struggled with men- Fla., where they room and train pelled to speak out after Floyd’s “I am not defined by being an not been postponed, he might needs that light. It’s not all about
tal health most of his life, he said, together. death in police custody. He Olympic bronze medalist or a have. In 2019, Lyles won the 200 me. It would be selfish to think
and like many athletes here, the Noah Lyles fast-tracked to su- marched with Josephus in Orlan- gold medal world champion or meters world championship in it’s about me. Sometimes it’s
coronavirus pandemic year chal- perstardom. Josephus battled in- do. He wore a black glove and the high-schooler that went pro,” 19.83 seconds. That same year, he about other people.”
lenged him like none before. Af- juries. Josephus is still an elite raised his fist in the starting Lyles said. “It’s not who I am. I’m ran a 19.50, the eighth-fastest [email protected]


Already a champion to so many, Felix shows why by battling into 400-meter final
SVRLUGA FROM D1 assured, confident. She came Felix and Hayes put forth that semifinal back in California — something other than that. did. But she’s also not the runner
here vulnerable and self-aware. message at the U.S. trials in June, even as it represented something “You just have to get smarter — not the person — she once was.
accomplishment. An “There were a lot of moments when Felix clawed her way to about Camryn’s mother: “the and figure it all out,” Felix said. “Hopefully, a lot of mothers
accomplishment here, at the where I was doubtful I would be second place in the 400, passing fight to get here.” “I’ll say that: I’ve been very will see themselves in us,” Felix
Tokyo Games: reach Friday’s able to feel like myself again,” she two rivals over the second half of And the fight she still has here. intentional. And I’ve had to take said. “I’ve heard from what
400-meter final. said. “And I’m slowly getting the race, beaten only by Hayes. When the eight women in the it one round at a time. It’s a seems like thousands of them —
“This time around, I don’t there.” Afterward, Felix scooped up her third semifinal hit the humbling experience, but it’s all the different situations and
know,” Felix said. “You get older, Judging by her performance 2-year-old daughter, Camryn, homestretch, Felix was running also a very rewarding to see the scenarios, all that they’ve been
and it seems like it’s harder.” Wednesday, she’s quickly getting just as Hayes grabbed her 2-year- with Jamaica’s Stephenie Ann progress.” through. There’s a lot of
Preach. Felix, by now, means there. By the time Felix took to old son, Demetrius. Spread that McPherson. Sada Williams of To earn a 10th Olympic medal similarities. I just want to be that
so many things to so many the track, two of the three message from Eugene, Ore., to Barbados trailed, but she had no — which would break her tie representation.”
people — because she is a mother semifinal heats were over, and Tokyo and beyond: Women chance. McPherson pulled away with Jamaica’s Merlene Ottey She is that. Five years ago,
who has returned to her the task seemed daunting: finish should be empowered and and crossed in 49.34 seconds, the and bring her into a tie with Carl Allyson Felix won silver in the
profession and excelled, because in the top two in the third and emboldened by motherhood, not fastest time of the night. But Lewis as the most decorated 400. On Friday night, she will try
she has spoken out against what final heat or record one of the limited by it. Felix was second in 49.89 — American on the track — there to match it — or better it. The
she considered to be the sexist two fastest times that didn’t Here, though, the coronavirus faster than the 50.02 she gutted will have to be more progress. Six 4x400 relay — an event in which
practices of Nike and started her automatically qualify. That pandemic has prohibited fans of out at trials, the fastest time she of the seven other runners who Felix has three of her golds —
own shoe company, because she standard, when Felix took to the any kind, including families. So had run as a mother. That, in advanced to Friday’s final ran awaits. Felix will bring to both
has addressed lawmakers on starting block, was the 49.81 Felix and Hayes are left with itself, makes it a wholly new faster than Felix did Wednesday. races that grace, that precision.
Capitol Hill about the hardships seconds turned in by American FaceTime sessions, multiple experience. They include Shaunae Miller- But she also will bring something
faced by Black mothers who are teammate Quanera Hayes, the times a day. Hayes sings songs — “When I was younger, I don’t Uibo of the Bahamas, the silver more: an appreciation for even
systematically and chronically North Carolinian who is six years “Walking Through the Jungle” think I ever really thought about medalist at the 2019 world one more chance to race at the
disadvantaged by the health-care younger than Felix and also a and the like — because it’s the making a final,” she said. “It’s championships who won the Olympics, representing more
system. Her pregnancy was mom. only way Demetrius will look at just, it’s a part of it. You put it all second semifinal and has the qualities to more people than she
complicated, with both mother “We’re just basically holding it her on the screen. On Wednesday together, that’s the goal.” fastest time in the world this ever has.
and child in peril, and people down for all moms in the world,” evening, Felix was sure her In her 20s, when she had only year: a 49.08 from April. [email protected]
need to understand it all. Hayes said, “and just letting husband, former sprinter herself to think about, that Felix won’t be a favorite. But
That’s a lot, and she knows it. them know just to keep fighting Kenneth Ferguson, had allowed process was easy. Here, between she will be there. She couldn’t For more by Barry Svrluga, visit
On the track, she always has been and not to stop.” Camryn to sleep through her FaceTimes with the family, it was assume that, not like she once washingtonpost.com/svrluga.

Tokyo OlyMPics


Holloway wins silver while Crouser reels in more gold

Virginia hurdler fades
late, comes up just short
against Jamaican idol


tokyo — For two men Thursday

morning at scorching-hot Nation-
al Stadium, an Olympic gold med-
al hovered as both target and
presumption, a prize on the way
to a different kind of history. Ryan
Crouser, a 330-pound, red-haired
obelisk from Boring, Ore., stood
on one end of the infield and
hurled 16-pound iron balls. Grant
Holloway, a hurdler from Chesa-
peake, Va., with a dancer’s and
arachnid legs, walked to the other
end, placed his feet in starting
blocks and looked up at 10 high
obstacles to navigate.
As Crouser heaved and Hollo-
way paced, a rare feeling
emerged: These two Americans
had discovered exactly what it
was they had been placed on the
Earth to do, and they had toiled
and refined those feats for years
until they could do them as well as
any man who had ever lived.
Crouser entered with the world
record in the shot put. Holloway
believed he could break one in the
men’s 110-meter hurdles, a little
more than a month after he had
come as close as possible. Hollo-
way may one day join Crouser in
the ranks of world record holders.
But in a surprise, while Crouser
won his second in a row, Holloway
will have to wait at least three
years for his first Olympic gold
It is hard for a 23-year-old,
first-time Olympian to feel let
down by a silver medal. But Hollo-
way expected gold, and one of his
idols upset him. Hansle Parch-
ment, a 31-year-old Jamaican, ran ANDREW BOYERS/REUTERS

down Holloway over the final Oregon’s Ryan Crouser, who entered with the world record in the shot put, broke the Olympic record multiple times en route to capturing his second straight gold medal.
hurdles and finished five-hun-
dredths of a second ahead of Hol- myself and I,” Holloway replied. dream come true.” offered a primer for anyone trying Kovacs moved up one place on the claimed Virginia state champion-
loway, who had dominated the “Respectfully.” At the moment Holloway to wrap their head around what podium when he threw 22.65 ships in the long jump, high jump
event since he turned profession- Holloway hopped at the start blazed across the finish line, an- those mountainous guys are do- (74-33/4) on his last throw. and 110-meter hurdles and fin-
al in 2019. line and took a deep breath before other American had placed his ing in that circle. The U.S. men’s 4x100 relay ished second in the 200 meters.
Holloway crossed in 13.09 sec- he dropped into the blocks, puff- own world record under assault. “Go to the bowling alley and team added to its tortured history He also scored 15 touchdowns for
onds, one of the best times this ing his cheeks. Holloway attacked On his very first throw, Crouser pick up the heaviest bowling ball with a new problem: It just wasn’t the Grizzlies’ football team.
year. But Parchment stunned him the first hurdle and opened a gap heaved the shot 22.83 meters, that’s there,” Crouser said. “And fast enough. The foursome of Holloway attended Florida,
in 13.04. between him and the rest of the nearly 75 feet, for an Olympic then go to a basketball court and Ronnie Baker, Fred Kerley, Tray- where he would have been in the
“I’m okay right now,” Holloway field. The clock seemed his only record. Crouser threw with a red stand at the free throw line and von Bromell and Cravon Gillespie same dream recruiting class as
said. “The first loss of the season opponent. Except he landed hard ponytail poking out the back of an turn around and make a three- finished sixth in its qualifying, Noah and Josephus Lyles had
always sucks. To have it at the over the eighth hurdle and lost American flag cap. As he released quarter court shot with a bowling not enough to make the final. The they not turned professional. As a
Olympics sucks a little more.” speed. Parchment ran a perfect the shot, the hat fell off his head. ball. If you did that, you did not result means Noah Lyles’s Olym- freshman, he won the 60-meter
Holloway had come within one race and added a gold to his 2012 While Crouser kept spinning, be- break the world record. But you pics ends without a chance to add hurdles national title while also
one-hundredth of a second of London bronze. fore the shot had even landed, he would have been close to medal- to the 200-meter bronze he won running on the Gators’ 4x400 re-
breaking American Aries Mer- Holloway was still young snagged it behind his back. ing” at the 2019 world champion- Wednesday night. lay team — which finished second
ritt’s record of 12.80 seconds at enough to have idols. He talked to Crouser showed why he could ships. Holloway had been headed to nationally — and long jumped.
the U.S. Olympic trials in June. Parchment early in the event and break the Olympic mark so casu- Crouser broke the Olympic rec- the top of track and field since Since turning professional in
His dominance in the event had raced against him. “That’s some- ally — he broke it again on his very ord a third time on his final throw, youth. At Grassfield High, he won 2019, Holloway has dominated
made the gold medal feel almost one I watched coming up,” Hollo- next throw, nudging it to at which point he had already the indoor national champion- the world. He is still looking for a
like a formality. He was asked way said. “You just think about all 22.93 meters. secured gold over American silver ship in the pentathlon and record, and surprisingly, he is still
after a first-round heat who he the other ones. For him to be here, Just what kind of feat is that? medalist Joe Kovacs. Crouser fi- 60-meter hurdles and high- looking for Olympic gold.
viewed as his rivals in Tokyo. “Me, for him to be next to me, it’s a On the eve of the Games, Crouser nalized it at 23.30 meters (76-5). jumped 6 feet 10 inches. He [email protected]


U.S. medal hopefuls painfully describe the heartache of missing the podium
BY R OMAN S TUBBS for is a medal. There’s some salt in as a younger man, finishing 12th to line up. Murphy carried the
the wound today.” in Rio, and he felt ready to take the swagger of someone who had
tokyo — When he finally sum- The thrill of Olympic victory next step in Tokyo. His body of been here before — and he was, in
moned the strength to get off his played out in more scenes for the work suggested he would. He won fact, the only returning finalist
back, Clayton Murphy rose and American track and field team national championships in 2016, from the 2016 800-meter race in
walked off the track at National Wednesday — for Sydney 2018 and 2021. He overcame an Rio to run here in Tokyo.
Stadium. The American runner McLaughlin, whose eyes were ugly bout with the coronavirus in It was his moment to earn re-
stripped off his uniform and misty as she stood on the podium April 2020 that dropped him from spect after being long overlooked
walked bare-chested by a row of after she set a world record in training for weeks — “I went in an event that also includes
television cameras, the ones re- 400-meter hurdles, for Kenneth through the gauntlet of all the Isaiah Jewett and Donavan Bra-
served for the medal winners, not Bednarek and Noah Lyles, who symptoms,” he said — but he re- zier, neither of whom made it this
for him on this night, the last- laughed together as they took a covered and beat Lance Deal’s far. But Murphy was boxed in
place finisher in the 800-meter lap following their silver and American record at the U.S. track early in the race and, after some
final. bronze medals in the 200-meter trials this summer. On Wednes- jostling, finished last in 1:46.53. A
But Murphy was still scheduled final to push the United States’ day, he was trying to become the pair of runners from Kenya, Em-
to talk about it with reporters in track and field medal count to 16, first American to medal in the manuel Kipkurui Korir and Fer-
the dark bowels of the stadium. which was 10 more than any other event since Deal did it at the 1996 guson Cheruiyot Rotich, took
The only problem is that he had to country. Olympics in Atlanta. home the gold and silver, respec-
wait for the microphone. It was But it was juxtaposed by images But he felt “unfocused” from tively, and as they celebrated to-
being occupied by Courtney Fre- of pure agony after a string of the onset. He was nervous. His gether, Murphy collapsed on his
richs, who earlier in the night had stunning letdowns from potential After a last-place finish in Wednesday’s 800-meter final, American first throw of 77.08 meters back and put his hands over his
won the silver medal in the wom- medal winners, including by Mur- Clayton Murphy said, “There’s some salt in the wound today.” (252 feet 101/2 inches) would be his eyes.
en’s 3,000-meter steeplechase. So phy, who had won the bronze in best. He went in reverse and “I was only going to walk away
he found a nearby folding chair the Rio de Janeiro Games in 2016. She clipped a hurdle and stum- The group got quiet, and she didn’t eclipse 76 meters on his disappointed one way, and that’s
and was within earshot of her It included Rudy Winkler, the U.S. bled onto the track, and eventual- eventually continued to describe next two throws as Poland’s if I lost the race,” he said. “I lost the
talking about the best night of her record holder in the hammer ly she was disqualified for lane the pain. All of the metrics sug- Wojciech Nowicki won the goal race.”
athletic career. He took his spikes throw who searched for answers infringement. gested that she should have been medal at 85.52 meters (280-7). It They didn’t know what the next
off and buried his head into his after finishing seventh in a ner- “I was going to come out and in contention to win the gold was Winkler’s worst meet of the few days might bring. By the end
uniform as she spoke. A runner vous performance. crush. I thought I was just going to medal. She had been fine-tuning year, and it came at the worst of his news conference, Murphy
from Botswana stopped to shake It included Emma Coburn, a come out there and be fighting for her body for months in workouts time. shook his head and simply said:
his hand and tap his shoulder. medal favorite in the 3,000-meter a medal, fighting for gold. And without a hiccup. Then came “I think that’s exactly,” he said, “This one is hard.” A thrower from
Murphy revealed his red eyes and steeplechase whose body shut that wasn’t today, and this is going Wednesday. Maybe it was the hot taking a moment to pause and Great Britain stopped for a mo-
stared blankly at the concrete down by the third lap, causing her to be really hard,” she said, her and humid conditions in Tokyo, collect his thoughts. “You put so ment to pat the back of Winkler,
floor. to finish last in the final. She voice cracking. “This is going to be she wondered, but she refused to much work into it. . . . It’s the work who said he would meet with his
“An Olympic medal is an Olym- stopped and talked with reporters really hard for the next year, until use it as a crutch. Every runner other people are also putting into sports psychologist Thursday to
pic medal, and I just needed to for more than 15 minutes after her the next championship can come was dealt the same cards. it. So I think that was part of the process what happened. Coburn
keep holding on,” Frerichs said race, using words such as “embar- around. . . . I’m really sad. I’m “It’s not what I’m capable of. I pressure I was feeling today. reminded everyone of the exact
into the microphone at one point, rassing” and “mystifying” and really disappointed that I couldn’t need to do better. I don’t have the Wanting to represent my friends time of the medal ceremony later
amplified by a speaker so every- “heartache” — multiple times — do better for my coach and my answers for what happened today. and my family and my girlfriend in the night — 8:50 p.m. — and she
one could hear, and eventually she because even she didn’t know the family.” I wish I did. I wish I had a — ‘Oh, I and everyone who has put so was still trying to process that she
was whisked away. Murphy left answers. At one point, a reporter in- have a hamstring injury,’ and, ‘I much into it for me to do well, and wouldn’t be there.
the chair and took the micro- Coburn has been one of the formed her that she had been was feeling like crap.’ I don’t have then not having it go the way I was “Today is mystifying,” she said.
phone. most consistent athletes in her disqualified. that,” she said. “My body shut expecting is tough.” “I went to bed last night thinking I
“I don’t know about everyone sport for more than a decade — an “Cool. Cool. Cool,” she said, and down, and I don’t have an answer. Murphy said he had run his was going to be coming home with
else. I run for one thing: That’s an Olympian and nine-time U.S. a couple of reporters laughed. She There’s nothing mental I could race in his head during his day off an Olympic medal. I walked on
Olympic medal,” he said. “I could champion — and she entered shook her head and looked at have done to will my body to do from competition. He was intro- that starting line thinking I was
give two [expletives] about the Wednesday’s race in peak physical them. better than it did, which is really duced, along with the rest the coming home with an Olympic
American record. Really could. I condition. By the halfway point, “That sucks. That’s like, not frustrating.” field, to music before the race, and medal. I’m coming home empty-
could give two [expletives] about her 30-year-old body started to funny to me. Laughing isn’t cool Winkler, 26, knew how she felt. he took a swig of his water and spit handed, with a lot of heartache.”
running 1:40. This is what I run give out and she wanted to stop. with that heartache.” He had been through this in 2016 it out as he walked down the track [email protected]

Tokyo OlyMPics

Youngest competitors find sisterhood in park skateboard


tokyo — When 13-year-old

skateboarding phenom Sky
Brown spoke after winning her
bronze medal in women’s park
Wednesday in the scorching To-
kyo heat, it wasn’t her usual
manner of public address.
Brown wasn’t communicating
directly to her audience on the
video app TikTok (she has 1.3 mil-
lion followers) or Instagram (she
had 942,000 followers Wednes-
day morning and 1 million
Wednesday afternoon). She was
facing old-fashioned reporters,
most of them men and most of
them somewhere in the realm of
at least 30 years her senior.
Brown, who lives in California,
grew up in Japan and represents
Britain thanks to her father’s
lineage, had support systems at
the ready.
The first was her dad, Stuart,
who was able to accompany her
in Tokyo because Olympians un-
der 16 are permitted to bring a
guardian to the Games. He stood
off to the side during her inter-
views Wednesday, beaming un-
der his mask, helping to remind
his daughter when she was asked
what he told her before her final
run of the day and had forgotten
— “Winning this contest doesn’t
define you” — and stepping in to
deflect questions from British
reporters about his background
— “This isn’t about Dad, is it?”
The second of the bronze med-
alist’s supporters was the gold
“Skyyyy!” Japan’s Sakura Yoso-
zumi sang with delight when she
finished her own informal news
conference and encountered
Brown just beginning hers a few
feet away.
Yosozumi, 19, who won with a
score of 60.09, and the silver
medalist, Kokona Hiraki, 12, who
had a 59.04, faced an even larger
contingent of reporters than
Brown because they won Japan
its fourth and fifth skateboarding Britain’s Sky Brown rallied for the women’s park skateboard bronze Wednesday in a field in which the ages of the eight tightknit finalists were 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21 and 23.
medals of the Tokyo Olympics.
Hiraki had the added draw of bowl with differently shaped con- day, she earned a fist bump from energy. It is competitive, but in a Lizzie Armanto chose to repre- The diminutive Brown is flip-
being the second-youngest ath- crete mounds rising out of the Brazilian skater Dora Varella, really healthy way. We’re all just sent her father’s country, Fin- pier than most of her competi-
lete of the roughly 11,000 at these cavity and performed tricks. who shrugged, stuck out her there to watch it unfold, do our land, because it left a spot open tors, bending low to gather speed,
Games. Runs lasted 45 seconds, with the tongue and drew rowdy applause very best.” for another woman on Team then going for big air and flashy
“I’m so stoked! I can’t believe best score of each skater’s three from the other skaters when she Competitive skateboarding is USA. tricks — she fell in her first and
it. It’s unbelievable. It feels like I runs determining her place in the then fell a few runs later. One of a tight community already, “When I root for them,” Wett- second run trying to nail a stunt
dream,” said Brown, who earned standings. the largest roars of the day came bound by people who believe stein said, “I root for myself.” in which she flips her board
third with 56.47. “I was definitely The skaters brought speed, when American Bryce Wettstein their sport is something closer to Wednesday’s final, with its horizontally in her hands while
a little, like, I thought I was going highflying tricks, turns and cool took a major spill in the final a lifestyle or art form than, well, a constant cheering and hugs her feet hover in midair. She
to get it on the first or second run. poses Wednesday. And they had coming down a ramp and sport. That community is per- along with the flips and tricks, nailed it in a flawless third run to
I was a little shocked and a little in abundance something that is splayed, belly on the concrete. A haps even closer knit among girls felt at times more like a presenta- seal the bronze.
like, ‘Am I going to make it?’ But rare to see at an Olympic venue: onetime favorite to win gold, and women, who for years tion than a competition: Here, As Brown finally finished, she
Sakura, she really was like: ‘You exuberant friendship among Misugu Okamoto from Japan was watched young White men re- world, is what skateboarding is crouched into a ball on her board
got it, Sky. We know you’re going competitors from different coun- hoisted on her competitors’ ceived better promotion, bigger all about. and held her head in her hands.
to make it. Go!’ That made me tries. shoulders and feted after falling sponsorships and more opportu- But there was competition and When she popped up out of the
feel better.” There is a lot of falling in and finishing fourth. nity to compete. showmanship among the friend- bowl, Wettstein and Australian
Women’s park skateboarding skateboarding, especially in the “Skateboarding is such a good The X Games, the sport’s big- ship, too. Yosozumi earned the skater Poppy Olsen were the first
made its Olympic debut Wednes- park discipline. But skateboard- community,” 17-year-old Ameri- gest showcase before Tokyo 2020, highest score of the day on her to run over and celebrate, engulf-
day with some of the youngest ing is perhaps the only Olympic can Brighton Zeuner said. “I’ve didn’t make women’s park skate- first run in the final, a powerful, ing her in a hug. The two Brazil-
athletes at these Summer Games. sport in which falling is, without known pretty much all these girls boarding an official event until clean showing that displayed ian finalists joined shortly after,
The ages of the eight finalists fail, accompanied by rousing since I was 9, 8 years old, and just 2003. This year’s Olympians grew technical prowess, and she thrust followed by the rest of the young
were: 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21 and cheers. being here with them is absolute- up learning to skate together. both fists in the air when she skaters standing nearby. No one
23, all skaters who dropped into a When Chilean Josefina Tapia ly surreal. . . . We’re performers, They are so supportive of each landed one particularly difficult was looking at the scoreboard.
roughly swimming pool-sized Varas fell in the first heat of the and I think we need that good other that California native trick. [email protected]

As Japan racks up the medals, a long-stigmatized sport finally gains a foothold

SKATEBOARDING FROM D1 On Wednesday, Japanese ath- to challenge new things and for it “We’ve had a lot more custom-
letes Sakura Yosozumi and Koko- to be really accepted,” said Kawa- ers since the medal win, especial-
week. “He loses confidence easi- na Hiraki won gold and silver, saki, 51. “The most important is ly women,” Ueno said. “Seeing
ly, but seeing him out there respectively, in women’s park to communicate properly and the Olympics, there were much
actively talking with the teachers skateboarding. Sky Brown, a not do it behind their backs and more women coming in, saying
and trying so hard, I’m really British skateboarder who is really show that they have re- that they wanted to start after
happy.” half-Japanese, won bronze. Hira- spect for the property, such as seeing the female skater winning
In Japan, skateboarding is ki, 12, made history as the young- actively picking up trash in the a gold medal.”
gaining a newfound recognition est Japanese summer Olympian. area.” Several skaters said they hope
— and residents such as the Olympic snowboard silver med- Kawasaki said some longtime the Japanese public will begin
Minowas are hoping others in alist Ayumu Hirano is expected aficionados fear the surge in associating the sport with com-
Japan will appreciate and em- to compete in Thursday’s park interest among novices may cre- munity and acceptance and la-
brace the sport’s emphasis on finals. ate havoc on the culture they ment the missed opportunity of
individuality, freedom and cre- The local buzz is a noteworthy have spent decades to protect. showcasing skaters with disabili-
ativity that they have valued even development in a society where For example, beginners who took ties at the Paralympics later this
before it made its Olympic debut skateboarding long has been up the sport during the pandem- month.
at these Games. stigmatized as a noisy nuisance ic have been blamed for violating “Skateboard is not a Paralym-
Skateboarding shops around of a hobby for misfits who don’t trespassing rules and damaging pic sport this time, but there are
Tokyo are seeing spikes in sales comply with social expectations. property. many skaters with disabilities
and foot traffic since the compe- Such perceptions of the sport are “While it’s great that skate- that are absolutely amazing,”
titions began airing last week. not unique to Japan, but it can boarding is gaining new recogni- said Takahashi, 47, the sales
Children and adults alike are feel quite acute because of the Kokona Hiraki and Sakura Yosozumi claimed Olympic silver and tion, there are some people who associate at Murasaki Sports
filling up slots for skateboarding country’s rigid social norms and gold medals for Japan in the women’s park skateboarding event. may not necessarily appreciate who has been skating for nearly
lessons and getting added to wait lack of tolerance for those who skateboarding becoming so big 30 years. “And I think it’s the
lists. The sport has drawn so stray from expectations that cen- the core of skateboarding as a nated parks must follow strict with the Olympics,” Kawasaki beauty of skateboard that things
much hype that local officials ter on being cisgender, ethnically sport and really understand why rules. According to a 16-point said. like that don’t matter and every-
announced this week they are Japanese and able-bodied. it’s grown so much.” “Skatepark Etiquette and Man- Still, many welcome the re- one is accepted in the communi-
working to turn the temporary To many longtime skaters and It’s unclear whether the ex- ners Book” booklet stacked at a newed attention and hope it’s ty.”
Olympics skateboarding venue fans here, the Olympic spotlight citement is a momentary blip or Tokyo-area park, skaters may not here to stay. Ryosuke Ueno, 23, There are signs that messages
into a permanent facility. feels like a potential inflection the beginning of a shift. eat or drink or make loud noises began skating a decade ago be- of acceptance are resonating
“After the Olympics, we’ve point in the way the country Skateboarding is still strictly on the premises and must re- cause he thought it looked cool. with the Japanese public.
been getting a lot more custom- views their sport — which in regulated in Japan. It is not member to greet others when But he came to realize not many During Wednesday’s women’s
ers, many dads who used to many ways is also a lifestyle and allowed in areas with foot or car they enter the park and to say others in Japan viewed the sport park finals, where three of the
skateboard who now want their a subculture, with its own slang traffic. Skaters either must find “please” and “thank you” as nec- as he did. eight finalists were from Team
kids to skateboard,” said Koji and fashion. They hope that the their way to designated parks on essary. “Skateboard until now was Japan, the skaters cheered each
Takahashi, a sales associate at Games have shown that these the outskirts of central Tokyo Skateboarding began in Ja- honestly not seen in a good way other on. When Hiraki, the
Murasaki Sports, located in the tweens — even those with blue that often require entry fees or pan in the late 1960s with the in Japan, but I think with the 12-year-old, finished her runs,
center of Tokyo’s shopping dis- hair or tattoos or of mixed race — must wait until 2 or 3 a.m. to arrival of other board sports Olympics I’m really happy that Yosozumi gave her a hug so
trict of Harajuku. are world-class athletes worthy practice in the streets so that such as surfing and snowboard- people’s images and impressions vigorous that the two fell to the
The surging interest in skate- of Olympic medals for their “su- they don’t get caught by law ing, Kawasaki said. The strict of skateboard have really ground, then laughed.
boarding has been driven by the per sick” talents. enforcement. ordinances and social expecta- changed,” said Ueno, who works “Skateboard was absolutely
achievements of its own athletes. “In skate parks, diversity, race, Large “No Skating” signs hang tions made it difficult for skat- at Instant Skateboards, a shop amazing!” a Japanese user tweet-
Two of the country’s own won gender, different ages, disabili- on the fences of local parks. U.S. ers to practice freely, so they located near a skate park in ed just as the medal ceremony
gold medals in the Olympic ties are all embraced, and every- Olympic skateboarder Nyjah worked to expand their sport Shibuya. began. “Of course the medals,
street skateboarding competi- one is equal as ‘skaters,’ ” said Huston posted on Instagram last while building trust with the There has been an influx of but I loved their smiles even
tions last week: Yuto Horigome Satoru Kawasaki, the head of the week that a Japanese security local community over many customers at the shop since the when they fell. And the smiles of
in men’s and Momiji Nishiya in Japan Skate Park Association. “I guard inside the Olympic Village years, Kawasaki said. Olympics began last week, buy- the other skaters. They’re all
women’s. Japanese skateboarder hope with the Olympics, more banned him from skateboarding “Japan has a difficulty accept- ing parts to personalize their friends and cheering each other.
Funa Nakayama won bronze in people become aware of this there. ing new things or have negative skateboards and asking to sign What an amazing sport.”
the women’s street competition. ideal in skate parks and what’s at Even those who skate at desig- reactions to it, so it’s really hard up for classes. [email protected]

Tokyo OlyMPics


Larson nears end of her career, with one finish in mind


tokyo — She has been doing this

for 20 years now, swinging her
open right palm at a 9.5-ounce
sphere of synthetic leather with
as much force as she can muster
from her 6-foot-2 frame. Jordan
Larson has been on the U.S.
women’s national volleyball team
since 2009. She has played pro-
fessionally in Bayamon, Puerto
Rico; Kazan, Russia; Istanbul;
and Shanghai. She has raised
championship trophies and worn
medals around her neck in are-
nas from Milan to Nanjing, China
to Bangkok — and, of course,
London and Rio de Janeiro.
And after this week, she isn’t
going to do it anymore.
So Larson, the captain of the
American squad competing at
the Tokyo Olympics and at 34 its
oldest player, took a moment to
reflect Wednesday as she led
Team USA out of the tunnel and
onto the court for its quarterfinal
match against the Dominican
Republic. Here in the single-elim-
ination round, she never knows
when the next time will be the
last. For the rest of this tourna-
ment, she will treat every point as
if it’s match point on her career.
“I addressed those emotions
before I even set foot here,”
Larson, an outside hitter, said
following the Americans’ 25-11,
25-20, 25-19 victory that sent
them into a semifinal match
Friday against Serbia. “I’ve
thought about it a lot: How do I
want to leave my legacy? And
what do I want to leave behind
when I’m done with the sport
and with USA Volleyball. For
sure, those thoughts went
through my mind, and I got a
little emotional today.” FRANK AUGSTEIN/ASSOCIATED PRESS

The one thing missing from Jordan Larson has earned silver and bronze medals at previous Olympics and has the United States two wins from gold after it beat the Dominican Republic on Wednesday.
Larson’s extensive résumé —
which includes an Olympic silver team in 1984 and 1988. “We’re No. 2 Brazil as the biggest threat with the singular power to vali- more than a decade now, which, real life hurtled forward. She and
from the 2012 London Games going to keep hurtling ourselves to Team USA, which is ranked date her career. That career, from combined with her U.S. national boyfriend David Hunt, the men’s
and a bronze from the Rio Games at that door and try to break it No. 1. an all-American stint at the Uni- team duties, has left her an volleyball coach at Pepperdine
in 2016 — is the same thing down and stand at the top as no There is more positive news on versity of Nebraska to a 2014 average of one month off per year. University, got engaged in
missing from Team USA’s. Since USA women’s team has done the horizon for the Americans: world championship with Team In a roundabout way, it was the July 2020. The wedding will be
women’s volleyball debuted as an before.” They could see the returns of star USA to three Olympic appearanc- coronavirus pandemic and the Aug. 27, exactly 19 days following
Olympic sport in 1964, the Unit- Over the past few days, a better setter Jordyn Poulter and oppo- es and (so far) two medals, needs resulting shutdown of global the gold medal match in Tokyo.
ed States has five medals — three metaphor might be the rest of the site hitter Jordan Thompson by no such validation. sports that showed her how The wedding planning over
silvers, two bronze — but no world cracking that door open Friday’s semifinal. Both have “If we’ve done everything and much life she had been missing the past year has been a whirl-
golds. The Americans are two for the Americans. On Monday, been sidelined with ankle inju- come up short, I’ll be okay with and how her post-volleyball life wind, and it will be exponentially
wins away from changing that defending Olympic champion ries, though both dressed that,” Larson said. “In Rio, we might look. And she kind of liked so in that narrow window be-
narrative forever, but as Team China, with star Zhu Ting ham- Wednesday. (As the last Jordan/ took the bronze, but I thought we it. tween the Olympics and the big
USA knows, the last couple of pered by a wrist injury, failed to Jordyn standing, Larson resisted gave everything we had, and “It was kind of nice to just sit day. But for this stretch of three
wins are the toughest. make it out of the qualifying the urge to take the court that’s what we walked away with. and to be at my house for more weeks, the length of Larson’s stay
“Our objective is always to do round. Then on Wednesday, Tur- Wednesday in multiple layers of I want the most out of this team, than a month,” she told NBC. “I in Tokyo, those duties have fallen
something that hasn’t been done key suffered an upset loss at the bubble wrap.) and if that means walking away haven’t had much of a chance to to other folks, all of whom know
before, but the opponent has a lot hands of South Korea. Thus, in a As much as Larson wants an with gold, that’s fantastic. But life kind of step away and really better than to try to involve her.
of say over how that works out,” span of 72 hours, the world’s Olympic gold medal to round out is going to go on.” reflect.” “My mind,” she said firmly, “is
said Coach Karch Kiraly, a gold third- and fourth-ranked teams her trophy case, she knows better Larson’s life certainly is. She While her volleyball life went here.”
medalist with the men’s indoor were eliminated. That leaves than to view it as a magical object has been playing overseas for on hiatus during the pandemic, [email protected]


Sport that was mostly for teens graduates to older champions at these Games
BY E MILY G IAMBALVO average age of medal winners in Women’s gymnastics medal winners
Tokyo was 20.6, the highest since
tokyo — As she prepared for 1968, even without Biles skewing
haven’t been this old in more than 50 years
the 1984 Olympic Games, Kathy it upward with what was project- Even without 24-year-old Simone Biles winning as many medals as expected,
Johnson Clarke sometimes ed to be a haul of five medals. She the gymnasts who finished on the podium at these Olympics were, on
looked in the mirror while pull- instead earned two medals after average, older than they have been in decades.
ing her hair into a ponytail and a disorienting mental block kept
thought, “I’m almost 25 here.” her from competing in several 30 years
Johnson Clarke missed the 1976 finals.
Olympic team, then reached that Take the women’s floor exer- 25.1
goal four years later, but the cise final as an example: U.S.
United States boycotted the Mos- gymnast Jade Carey, 21, earned 20.6
cow Games. Unwilling to aban- the gold. Vanessa Ferrari, a 20 19.0
don the sport she still speaks 30-year-old Italian, won her first
about with adoration, she hung Olympic medal with the silver. 15
on for another quadrennium, Japan’s Mai Murakami, 24, and
well into her 20s. the Russian Olympic Commit-
“I was ancient,” Johnson tee’s Angelina Melnikova, 21, 10
Clarke says now, explaining how shared the bronze.
she was perceived by those With an open-ended scoring 5
around her. system, the sport has evolved.
At the 1976 Olympics, Nadia Harder skills take longer to de-
Comaneci captivated the sport velop and often require more
with her perfect 10 and an all- mature bodies that can generate 1960 1980 2000 2020
around gold medal at age 14. power. Beginning in 1971, gym-
Once the Romanian star set this nasts had to be 14 by the end of All members of medal-winning teams are included. The ages of gymnasts who
standard, the already declining the Olympic year to be eligible ASHLEY LANDIS/ASSOCIATED PRESS won more than one medal are weighted by how many medals they won. Ages
average age of Olympic medal for the Games. That minimum Every gymnast who won a medal in the floor exercise, including were calculated based on the day of the Opening Ceremonies.
winners kept tumbling, and that age rose to 15 in 1981 and 16 in American gold medalist Jade Carey, above, was at least 21 years old. Source: Olympedia EMILY GIAMBALVO/THE WASHINGTON POST
trend stuck for decades. Coman- 1997. More recently, a cultural
eci’s coaches, Bela and Martha reckoning in the sport ques- Russian Olympic Committee’s denly realize, ‘Wait a second, I showed how that can be done, continue, and I wouldn’t put it
Karolyi, brought those philoso- tioned whether young gymnasts team. She wouldn’t have been could do that.’ ” which “opens the door for more past some of these young women
phies to the United States, and were being pushed too much and age eligible for the Games if they Skinner has admitted that her programs to see that as a possi- to continue to go that route,” said
gymnastics became perceived as too early. hadn’t been postponed. return to elite gymnastics after bility and more athletes to see Jenny Rowland, the head coach
a sport for teenagers. There’s more evidenced- But then there’s also Oksana three seasons at the University that as a possibility,” said Saman- at Florida, a perennial power
The window between ages 14 based research available now, Chusovitina, a 46-year-old repre- of Utah might not have been tha Peszek, a 2008 Olympian and that recruits many of these top
and 18 was viewed as the “opti- said David Tilley, whose work in senting Uzbekistan, who just possible if Martha Karolyi still former UCLA gymnast. athletes. One of her gymnasts,
mal time to even attempt the sports medicine and strength competed at her eighth Olym- led the national team — “be- College athletes representing Trinity Thomas, competed at U.S.
Olympics,” said Betty Okino, a training focuses on gymnastics, pics. Chellsie Memmel, a 2008 cause that intense level, it’s other countries, such as Canada’s elite nationals and the world
1992 U.S. Olympian who trained and coaches have started to U.S. Olympian, successfully re- almost sometimes too much,” Shallon Olsen (Alabama) and championships team selection
with the Karolyis. Rarely did the listen. Tilley thinks the average turned to the elite level this she said, adding that her body Jamaica’s Danusia Francis camp in 2019 just after her NCAA
age of U.S. Olympians exceed 20. age of the U.S. women’s team — summer as a 32-year-old mother might not have been able to (UCLA), have done the same, but season ended.
Since Johnson Clarke competed 21.25 at the Tokyo Games — of two. Biles proved she could handle the same amount of making the dominant U.S. team If this trend persists, and U.S.
in the 1984 Olympics, just two could increase further and that execute more difficult skills in repetition it once could. Healthi- poses a difficult challenge. Skin- elite gymnasts keep training well
other American gymnasts did so the so-called peak age of per- her 20s than she did at the Rio de er training environments and an ner left school and returned to beyond their high school years,
at an older age: Annia Hatch and formance actually might be in Janeiro Games and before. Skin- improved culture breed longevi- her club gym in Arizona as she the framework for development
Mohini Bhardwaj, both members the window between 22 and 28 ner, an alternate in 2016 and now ty. pursued a spot on the Tokyo may need to be recalibrated, too.
of the 2004 team. years old. a vault silver medalist, also im- “We really didn’t have bal- team, which in the United States “Now what we have to do is
But that trend, with regard to There are still — and probably proved during that stretch. ance,” said Dominique Dawes, a requires frequent training what we did when we all went,
both the U.S. Olympic team and always will be — examples on “It's amazing what someone three-time Olympian. camps. But the way she integrat- ‘Oh!’ when we saw Nadia,” John-
medal winners at the Games, has both sides of the spectrum. Chi- setting that example can do for As the age of top American ed difficult skills into her college son Clarke said. “Instead we need
started to reverse. Americans na’s Guan Chenchen, 16, shined the next generation,” said Shan- gymnasts continues to rise, ath- routines reminded others that to say, ‘Let’s imagine they’re
Simone Biles and MyKayla Skin- with a gold medal-winning per- non Miller, a two-time Olympian letes could be faced with a new Olympic dreams for Americans going to do gymnastics into their
ner each made the Tokyo team at formance on balance beam. Vik- in 1992 and 1996. “When you see choice: Will they still compete in didn’t necessarily need to disap- 20s and work backwards from
24, just months shy of Johnson toria Listunova, another 16-year- a gymnast compete at their sec- college while maintaining their pear upon entering college. there.’ ”
Clarke’s Olympic age. And the old star, won gold with the ond or third Olympics, you sud- elite-level training? Skinner “I’m hopeful that trend will [email protected]

Tokyo OlyMPics


Liukin helped viewers and NBC navigate Biles’s absence

BY B EN S TRAUSS rored the way the network has
pivoted to cover Biles’s withdraw-
As Simone Biles readied for her al and away from the traditional
vault in the team gymnastics feel-good stories of triumph to
competition last week, it was more complicated conversations
difficult to imagine what was to about pressure and mental
come: a stumble, a withdrawal health. Aly Raisman and Laurie
and a new conversation about Hernandez, former teammates of
Olympians and mental health. Biles, appeared on the “Today”
But Nastia Liukin, calling the show to talk about Biles’s strug-
event on NBC, seemed to sense gles and some of their own, too. In
something was amiss. prime time one night, former
“The amount of pressure she swimmer Michael Phelps and Tir-
has on her shoulders,” Liukin said ico had an extended conversation
before Biles attempted her vault, about Phelps’s battles with his
in comments that would air on mental health.
NBC’s tape-delayed broadcast in “For Simone to say her seventh
prime time. “Not just her team- Olympic medal, a bronze, is the
mates but the entire nation — but most meaningful to her, that’s all
not just the nation but the entire you have to know,” Liukin said.
world — is expecting for her to be “She’s inspiring so many genera-
the best just like she always is. tions to come and the importance
And that’s a lot.” of understanding and owning
She added: “Nobody knows and acknowledging that fulfilling
what it feels like except for Simo- other people’s expectations won’t
ne Biles.” define you.”
Liukin, a gold medal-winning While there has been plenty of
gymnast for Team USA, has been discussion of pressure and men-
perhaps the person most respon- tal health as macro issues, there
sible for explaining to Americans has been less direct conversation
what Biles was experiencing in — on NBC and elsewhere — about
Tokyo. She has been a fixture on what Biles has been through as an
NBC, discussing everything from American gymnast, overcoming
the “twisties” — gymnastics’ the abuse of Larry Nassar and
(much more dangerous) version NBC analyst and gold medal winner Nastia Liukin said, “If you’re a gymnast, if you say the word ‘twisties,’ you are like, ‘Oh, gosh.’ ” USA Gymnastics’ handling of the
of the yips — to Biles’s status in scandal. Before the Olympics,
the competition. and uncertainty.” NBC executives — wanted to she wanted me to get that out network aired a package set to Biles said she was competing, but
“I definitely feel like I want to Liukin’s call struck a far differ- hear: that Biles was training there, and I think that was impor- Taylor Swift’s “This Is Me Trying” “I am not representing USA Gym-
explain to the rest of the world ent tone than the broadcast that again with the possibility that she tant for people to understand.” that included a voice-over: “What nastics.” (Tirico and Biles did
what people don’t understand,” aired live on Peacock. During the might return to the Games. Li- Biles returned to competition do we want from our heroes? refer to issues in gymnastics
she said in a phone interview preamble to Biles’s vault, the ukin also relayed a message di- Tuesday, winning a bronze medal What do we need? What happens obliquely in their conversation.)
Wednesday from Tokyo. “If you’re broadcast only hyped her up: “It rect from Biles: She had with- in balance beam. NBC has been when they surprise us? When you Asked whether those issues
a gymnast, if you say the word doesn’t matter what vault she drawn to save her teammates. battling flagging TV viewership have the attention of the world, needed to be part of any conversa-
‘twisties,’ you are like, ‘Oh, gosh.’ ” does, it’s a showstopper. It’s must- “Simone said to me, ‘I really for these Olympics and sought to everything you do takes on a tion about her mental health,
Ahead of that vault, Liukin had see TV.” want everyone to know I wasn’t maximize the prime-time audi- bigger meaning. It can be a heavy Liukin said: “I think that’s for
followed Biles’s Instagram posts On prime time the next night, being selfish,’ ” Liukin said. “ ‘I ence for Biles, which angered burden.” Simone to talk about. I think
and then saw worrying signs in Liukin spoke with host Mike Tiri- wasn’t there mentally and didn’t some gymnastics fans. A replay of Tirico also interviewed Biles what she’s done set the standard
Biles’s practice routine. “There co about the twisties — which she feel safe enough to do the other the event was not available, as on Tuesday night. In the conver- for speaking up for yourself and
was something in her eyes,” Li- knows firsthand — and how diffi- events. If I got hurt, the score will other events have been, on Pea- sation, she said that she was not safety comes first. I think every-
ukin said. “I’ve known her since cult it would have been for Biles be far less, and Team USA can still cock until after NBC’s prime-time medically cleared to return to thing else is for her to decide, and
she was 14. There was a look I had to compete. She also told Tirico win a medal.’ I think a lot of presentation. action after her vault. I’ll leave it at that.”
never seen. It was fear and nerves what many fans — and no doubt people didn’t see it that way, and To set up Biles’s return, the The presentation Tuesday mir- [email protected]


Heat forces Thompson’s

caddie to drop o≠ bag
A SSOCIATED P RESS 265 kg (584.2 pounds) in the clean
and jerk for a winning total of
Lexi Thompson had to bring in 488 kg (1,075.8 pounds). All three
a team manager for the last three figures broke his own world rec-
holes when her caddie succumbed ords in the over-109-kg men’s su-
to the heat during the first round per heavyweight category.
of the women’s Olympic golf tour- l HANDBALL: The world
nament Wednesday in Kawagoe, champion Netherlands is out of
Japan. Players walked down sun- the women’s competition after a
baked fairways using umbrellas, 32-22 loss to France in the quarter-
some of them occasionally hold- finals.
ing a bag of ice on their heads. France will play Sweden in one
Madelene Sagstrom had a hot semifinal, and the 2016 Olympic
start of her own. gold medalist Russian team faces
With a tough pitch to four feet Norway in the other.
for a par on the final hole, the l TRACK AND FIELD: Peruth
Swede kept bogeys off her card on Chemutai of Uganda made her
a day of searing heat for a 5-under- move on the last lap and pulled
par 66, giving her a one-shot lead away for the win in the women’s
over top-ranked Nelly Korda of the 3,000-meter steeplechase final.
United States and Aditi Ashok of American Courtney Frerichs
India. took silver.
Extreme heat is nothing new for l SAILING: Britain won gold
most of the top players, with an in the women’s two-person dinghy
LPGA Tour schedule that includes as Hannah Mills, partnered with
stops in Singapore and Thailand. Eilidh McIntyre, became the first
This ranked right up there. The British woman to win at least
ARIEL SCHALIT/ASSOCIATED PRESS heat index topped 100 degrees, three Olympic medals in sailing.
Artem Dolgopyat cannot marry his fiancee, Maria Seikovitch, in Israel because he is not considered Jewish according to Israeli religious law. and at that point caddies were In the men’s event, Mat Belcher
allowed to remove their bibs. and Will Ryan of Australia won
Heat wasn’t the only problem. A gold.
MEN’S GYMNASTICS tropical storm is approaching, l TRACK CYCLING: Italy
and the current forecast is for a broke its own world record to win

Israeli champ tumbles into marriage controversy 70 percent chance of heavy rain
Saturday and a slightly higher
chance Sunday. The competition
the gold medal in men’s team pur-
The team of Simone Consonni,
must finish by Sunday when the Filippo Ganna, Francesco Lamon
BY S TEVE H ENDRIX wanted to focus on his victory, not For 73 years, marriage in this coun- Gurion Airport on Tuesday, the Olympics close. Players have been and Jonathan Milan stopped the
the controversy, leading some try has been run by Jewish law.” crowd waved flags, sprayed cham- informed about the possibility of a clock in 3 minutes 42.032 seconds
jerusalem — When gymnast Ar- commentators to speculate that The office of Prime Minister pagne and blew shofars, the tradi- 54-hole event. to edge world champion Den-
tem Dolgopyat stepped off the po- rushing to the altar is more his Naftali Bennett, who called Dol- tional Jewish ram’s horn. Having The extreme heat ruled out any mark, which finished in 3:42.203.
dium as only the second Israeli to mother’s cause than his own. gopyat in Tokyo to congratulate Dolgopyat treated as a Jewish thought of playing 27 holes apiece
win an Olympic gold medal, he His fiancee, Maria Seikovitch, him, declined to comment on the hero, one without a Jewish moth- over the next two days. Saunders’s mother dies
triggered one of Israel’s many cul- said Monday the couple got en- marriage dust-up. er, could make him an emblem for “It’s hot. I’m not going to lie. It’s American silver medalist Raven
tural tripwires: It quickly emerged gaged last year, and she displayed Polls consistently show a signif- a more expansive view of Judaism. very hot,” Sagstrom said. “But it’s Saunders said her mother died.
that the country’s newest sports her engagement ring to TV camer- icant majority of Jewish Israelis “Who is a Jew and who can manageable. Most of us have been The shot putter wrote on her
hero is banned from marrying his as. want the state to recognize all marry are two existential ques- in Asia, played a lot of golf over Twitter account early Wednesday
fiancee here because he is not con- Since her son’s Olympic tri- marriages equally, but the rabbin- tions that Israel has failed to grap- here, so we know what to do. I think that “my mama was a great wom-
sidered Jewish enough by the rab- umph, Bilan’s maternal gold med- ate restricts the rite almost exclu- ple with in its 72-year history,” said at this point it’s harder for the an and will forever live through
bis who control Israel’s marriage dling has sparked a furor. Several sively to brides and grooms who Rabbi Uri Regev, head of the group caddies than it is for the players.” me. My number one guardian an-
law. top government officials pledged can show an uninterrupted line of Hiddush-Freedom of Religion for No need to explain that to gel.”
Immediately after Dolgopyat to seize the chance to break the Jewish mothers. Israel. Thompson. She was walking up Media reports said Clarissa
took top honors in the men’s floor rabbis’ longtime grip on marriage Those who cannot comply look Advocates have already whit- the 15th fairway when she said her Saunders died in Orlando, where
exercise, his mother took the law and allow civil unions to be for wedding workarounds. Most tled away at the rabbis’ lock on caddie, Jack Fulghum, turned to she had been attending Olympic
chance to complain that Israeli recognized for the first time. (Mus- travel abroad to get hitched — some issues, with recent Israeli her and said, “Do I look white to watch parties. Raven Saunders
religious law is keeping her en- lim and Christian Israelis also nearby Cyprus is a popular venue Supreme Court rulings opening you?” won silver Sunday. . . .
gaged 24-year-old son from tying must be married within their reli- — and then register as married up avenues of conversion to Juda- “I didn’t really notice. But he The world champions of the
the knot because only his father’s gious institutions.) back home. With travel restricted ism and a new budget that breaks just didn’t look good,” she said. decathlon and heptathlon are out
side of the family is Jewish. “It’s intolerable that someone during the pandemic, dozens of open kosher certification to great- She had him sit down off the of Olympic medal contention after
Marriage law is tightly con- can fight on our behalf in the couples were married in Zoom er competition. Regev said he green and brought in Donna they broke down during their last
trolled by Israel’s Chief Rabbinate. Olympics, represent us and win a ceremonies conducted by county thinks Dolgopyat could now per- Wilkins, who works in player ser- races of the day.
And for generations, couples who gold medal and not be able to get officials in Utah. sonalize and popularize the issue vices for the LPGA Tour and is on Heptathlon world champion
are of mixed religions — or who married in Israel,” Alternate Prime Dolgopyat’s family immigrated of marriage. the staff for Team USA at the Katarina Johnson-Thompson in-
are atheists, gay or inadequately Minister Yair Lapid told the Jeru- to Israel 12 years ago from “The battle for who controls Olympics. Thompson birdied jured her right calf muscle as she
Jewish — have been forced to mar- salem Post. Ukraine, according to the many marriage is age-old,” he said. “But three straight holes, closed with a rounded the bend in the 200 me-
ry outside the country. But ultra-Orthodox political biographies that have appeared when you have an individual who bogey and shot a 72. ters, the fourth event of the com-
Dolgopyat’s training schedule leaders warned against weaken- since he edged a Spaniard to be- is heralded by not just the public l WEIGHTLIFTING: Lasha petition.
has made that impossible, said his ing the religious nature of the come Israel’s first gold medal gym- but the cabinet and the prime Talakhadze pumped everyone up About an hour later, decathlon
mother, Angela Bilan. state. nast. (The country’s only previous minister, that has the capacity to with three world records on the world champion Niklas Kaul of
“I want grandchildren,” Bilan “Winning a medal doesn’t make gold medal was won in windsurf- move forward that which already final day of competition. Germany appeared to injure an
said Sunday in an interview with him Jewish,” Aryeh Deri of the ing.) His father’s family is Jewish; enjoys the support of the silent The defending champion from ankle during the 400 meters, the
Israeli radio. religious Shas Party told the news- his mother’s is not. majority.” Georgia lifted 223 kilograms fifth of 10 disciplines, and did not
Dolgopyat told reporters he paper. “Our laws are consistent: When the athlete landed at Ben [email protected] (491.6 pounds) in the snatch and finish.

Tokyo OlyMPics


Britain’s Ben Maher, aboard Explosion, rides to the individual jumping gold medal Wednesday at Equestrian Park in Tokyo. He is the second rider from Britain to win an Olympic gold in the event.


Americans keep hopes alive Team USA finally finds its groove Brit has the horse for the course
A SSOCIATED P RESS leaguer in his home ballpark of A SSOCIATED P RESS home.” A SSOCIATED P RESS straight games with a jumpoff
the Central League’s Yokohama The Americans will face Ser- time of 38.02 seconds.
yokohama, japan — For Tris- Bay Stars, added a solo home run saitama, japan — Breanna bia on Friday looking to ad- tokyo — Ben Maher earned Maikel van der Vleuten of
ton Casas, the Olympics feel as in the fifth, his second long ball Stewart and the U.S. women vance to their seventh consecu- Britain its second straight gold the Netherlands won bronze at
comfortable as spring training. of the tournament to go with a played their best basketball of tive gold medal game. The Ser- in equestrian individual jump- 38.90.
That’s because when he .412 average and five RBI. the Tokyo Games, putting on bians, who won the bronze ing by besting five riders in a Maher gave credit to his
stepped to the plate in the Unit- Team USA (3-1) plays defend- the kind of dominant perform- medal in the 2016 Rio de Janei- jumpoff. Maher follows Nick horse for a performance worthy
ed States’ elimination game ing champion South Korea (3-2) ance the team has been known ro Games, rallied to beat China, Skelton, who retired shortly of a gold medal.
against the Dominican Republic on Thursday night for a spot in for over the years en route to 77-70, in the quarterfinals. after he won gold at the 2016 “We read each other’s minds;
on Wednesday, he was facing Saturday’s gold medal game, winning six consecutive Olym- France will play Japan in the Rio de Janeiro Games, to give we’re very in sync, and he did
Boston Red Sox Class AA team- with the loser facing the Domin- pic gold medals. other semifinal. the country its second gold question me,” Maher said. “I
mate Denyi Reyes. icans for the bronze. Japan (4-0) Stewart was a big reason, For the first time, the Ameri- overall in the event. felt a moment of hesitation,
“I have one career at-bat off of defeated South Korea, 5-2, to scoring 20 of her 23 points in cans looked like the team that Just six of the 30 finalists and he kind of grew wings. He
him in spring training, and I hit earn a spot in the title game. the first half as Team USA rout- has won 53 consecutive games completed their runs without can do that. That’s what sets
a home run over the batter’s eye Scott Kazmir (1-0) escaped a ed the Aussies, 79-55, on in the Olympics. penalty, and Maher, riding Ex- him apart from the rest of the
as well,” Casas said after he bases-loaded, one-out jam in the Wednesday in the quarterfinals. “Knockout rounds brings out plosion, had the fastest time horses.
crushed a two-run, first-inning first. The 37-year-old left-hander “We wanted to come out and a certain intensity about a team, out of all of them in the jumpoff “It’s not so easy. We’re riding
drive that started the Americans pitched five scoreless innings. set the tone on both ends of the and that played a huge role in round at 37.85 seconds. horses, and anything can hap-
to a 3-1 win. “I felt like I still had a lot in floor,” Stewart said. “This is the it,” said Sue Bird, who had nine Peder Fredricson of Sweden pen, but this horse is just in a
Tyler Austin, a former major me,” Kazmir said. quarterfinals, and it’s win or go points and five assists. earned silver for the second different world.”



Spain sends game U.S. squad home Brazil’s Cunha breaks through Russians spin a golden web
A SSOCIATED P RESS ed big goals down the stretch. A SSOCIATED P RESS 10th five years ago in Rio de A SSOCIATED P RESS this moment.”
Hannes Daube scored three Janeiro and fifth in the 2008 Swimming last out of 12 final-
tokyo — The United States times for the U.S. squad, which tokyo — Ana Marcela Cunha Beijing Games. tokyo — Svetlana Romashina ists to the music “Spiders,” the
produced its best performance has dropped four straight. Alex of Brazil won the women’s 10-ki- American Haley Anderson doesn’t count gold medals. Russian pair came out in nude-
of the Games, but it wasn’t Obert had two goals, and Alex lometer marathon swimming finished sixth, and teammate She could be excused for los- colored suits with black arthro-
enough to beat Spain, which Wolf finished with eight stops. event. Ashley Twichell was seventh. ing track. pods splashed across the front.
eliminated the Americans, 12-8. “We were great. I’m proud of Cunha touched first in 1 hour The seven-lap course in To- The Russian star claimed her They mimicked the crawling
Spain improved to 6-0 in my guys,” said U.S. Coach Dejan 59 minutes 30.8 seconds kyo Bay featured a backdrop of record sixth Olympic gold in ar- bugs on deck before diving in for
Tokyo, outscoring its opponents Udovicic, who declined to com- Wednesday morning, finishing skyscrapers, the Rainbow tistic swimming, teaming with a dramatic performance punc-
73-39. ment when asked about the nine-tenths of a second ahead of Bridge and the nearby floating Svetlana Kolesnichenko to win tuated with fierce leg kicks. They
Spain was clinging to a 7-6 video review that led to the defending champion Sharon Olympic rings. the duet Wednesday night. also had a grueling line of under-
lead in the fourth quarter when penalty shot. van Rouwendaal of the Nether- The air temperature during The Russians were heavy fa- water work without coming up
a video review showed Team Daube, the youngest player lands. the latter stages of the race was vorites in a sport they have long for air.
USA attacker Luca Cupido en- on the U.S. roster at 21, is con- Van Rouwendaal took silver 86 degrees, with 74 percent hu- dominated. Their last Olympic The silver went to China’s
tered too early after an exclu- sidered a rising star, but he has in 1:59.31.7. midity that made it feel like loss in what was then known as Huang Xuechen and Sun We-
sion. Alberto Munarriz Egana struggled with inconsistency in Kareena Lee of Australia 95 degrees. The water tempera- synchronized swimming came nyan. Marta Fiedina and Ana-
buried the ensuing penalty his first Olympics. He scored earned bronze in 1:59.32.5. ture was about 84 degrees, un- at the 1996 Atlanta Games. stasiya Savchuk won the bronze,
shot, and Blai Mallarach Guell five goals in five games during Cunha won her first medal in der the allowable limit of 88 de- “I don’t count medals,” Ro- giving Ukraine its first Olympic
and Roger Tahull Compte add- group play. her third Olympics. She was grees. mashina said. “I just want to feel medal in artistic swimming.


Basketball Canoe/kayak Golf Track and field 3:30 a.m. (Fri.) — Women’s 20- Water polo
kilometer race walk — NBC Sports
7 a.m. — Men’s semifinal: Slovenia 8:30 p.m. — Sprint, qualifying — 6:30 p.m. — Women’s third round 6 a.m. — Men’s decathlon and 6:30 a.m. — Women’s semifinal:
Network (live)
vs. France — NBC Sports Network USA (live) — Golf Channel (live) women’s heptathlon events; Spain vs. Hungary — CNBC (live)
(live) women’s pole vault and men’s 400
meters, finals; men’s 1,500
12:30 a.m. (Fri.) — Women’s Volleyball
Diving Skateboarding meters, semifinals; women’s Wrestling
semifinal: United States vs. Serbia
4x400-meter relay, qualifying — 8 a.m. — Men’s semifinal: France
— NBC (live) 8 p.m. — Women’s platform, final — 8 p.m. — Men’s park, final — NBC 5:15 a.m. — Men’s freestyle 57 kg
Peacock (live) vs. Argentina — USA (live)
NBC and 86 kg, finals; women’s
4:30 p.m. — Men’s 50-kilometer Midnight — Women’s semifinal: freestyle 57 kg, final — Olympic
2 a.m.- (Fri.) — Men’s platform,
Beach volleyball Soccer race walk — NBC Sports Network United States vs. Serbia — USA Channel (live)
qualifying — USA (live) (live) (live)
9 p.m. — Women’s bronze medal 10 p.m. — Women’s final: Sweden 10 p.m. — Finals — Olympic
match — CNBC (live) vs. Canada — USA (live) 8 p.m. — Men’s 400 meters, final; Channel (live)
men’s decathlon and women’s
10:30 p.m. — Women’s final — NBC heptathlon events; men’s 1,500
(live) meters, semifinals — NBC


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2021 FEP 000061 WILLIAM M. SAVAGE, et al. Cheng, Chief, Municipal Permits Division. Hearing- Trustee's File No. 17-269480. particular purpose or use, structural integrity, physical condition,
impaired persons may request an interpreter at the informa-
DC, MD and VA area April 1, 2020 and March 9, 2015
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vs. or 1-800-633-6101, or at the above address, at least ten LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP, 10021 Balls Ford Road, Suite 200, liability, zoning, subdivision, environmental condition, mer-
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trict of Columbia agent has been
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filed with the Register of Wills, DC.
copy of this Order be inserted School located at 15030 Turkey Foot Road, Gaithersburg, VALUABLE FEE SIMPLE PROPERTY will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed
help local families with food, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20001-2131 in THE WASHINGTON POST, 1150 Maryland to ground waters via a subsurface soil absorption
clothing, counseling. Tax deductible. 2021 ADM 722 The decedent owned the following 15th Street, Washington, DC, MD system. KNOWN AS by purchaser. If applicable, condominium and/or homeowner
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MVA licensed #W1044.
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in said County of Prince George's The Department is proposing to issue the Permit with association dues and assessments that may become due after
410-228-8437 once a week for three successive 14011 Gullivers Trail
www.CompassionPlace.org Witherspoon Madison aka Grace DC 20007. Claims against the dece- weeks before the 23rd day of the following limitations and conditions: (1)BOD5 :30 mg/l the time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser.
dent may be presented to the (monthly average), (2) Suspended solids: 30 mg/l (monthly Bowie, MD 20720
Fannie Witherspoon
Charles L. Wardell undersigned and filed with the Reg-
August, 2021.
average), (3) Total nitrogen: 10 mg/l (monthly average), and
Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, transfer
Legal Notices 1775 Eye Street NW, Suite 1150 ister of Wills for the District of
Columbia, Building A, 515 5th, NW,
The report states the amount of
the sale to be $221,000.00. (4) Flow: 3,900 gal/day (monthly average). Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident to settlement
Washington,DC 20006
DISTRICT COURT 3rd Floor, Washington DC 20001 The following conditions are also a part of this permit: 1) Deed of Trust to VINH PHAM, Trustee(s), dated December are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of the essence for
The permittee shall monitor the performance of the disposal
Case No.: A-21-0827707-C
NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, within 6 months from the date of
first publication of this notice.
Mahasin El Amin #597
Clerk of the Circuit Court For trench system via inspection ports and piezometers; and (2) 8, 2006, and recorded among the Land Records of PRINCE the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be forfeited and the
Dept. No. 13 NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS County of Prince George's The treatment system and disposal fields shall be operated GEORGE'S COUNTY, MARYLAND in Liber 26960, folio 001, the property may be resold at risk and costs of the defaulting
James McBride
Personal Representative LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP
by a Maryland certified operator; and (3) The permittee shall holder of the indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust having purchaser. The purchaser agrees to accept service by first class
Yvette P. Madison, whose address is monitor groundwater quality via three monitoring wells.
v. 1631 Webster Street, NW, Washing- Nicole D. Stevens 10021 Balls Ford Rd, Suite 200
If a written request is received by August 25, 2021, appointed the undersigned Substitute Trustees, by instrument mail and certified mail addressed to the address provided by
Register of Wills Manassas, Virginia 20109
statutory trust; STRATEGIX
ton, DC 20011 was appointed per-
sonal representative of the estate (703) 449-5800 a public hearing on the tentative determination for this duly recorded among the aforesaid Land Records, default having said Purchaser as identified on the Memorandum of Sale for any
SOLUTIONS, LTD, a Nevada limited of Grace W. Madison, who died on SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Trustee File #20-288144 application can be scheduled. The request should be sent occurred under the terms thereof, and at the request of the party Motion or Show Cause Order incident to this sale including a
to the Maryland Department of the Environment, Water
liability company; WILLIAM
CHRISTOPHER DAVIS, an individual;
October 12, 2019 with a will and
will serve without Court supervi-
July 29, Aug 5, 12, 2021 12352733
and Science Administration, 1800 Washington Blvd., secured thereby, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer Motion to Default Purchaser and for Resale of the Property. If
and DOES 1-10, inclusive, sion. All unknown heirs and heirs WASHINGTON, D.C. 20001-2131 852
Anne Arundel County Baltimore, Maryland 21230-1708, Attn.: Mary Dela Onye- for sale at public auction at THE PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY the sale is not ratified or if the Substitute Trustees are unable to
whose whereabouts are unknown
shall enter their appearance in this
2021 ADM 000664
maechi, Chief, Groundwater Discharge Permits Division COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT FRONT OF THE DUVAL WING convey marketable title in accord with these terms of sale, the
and must include the name, address and telephone number
(home and work) of the person making the request, the OF THE COURTHOUSE COMPLEX 14735 MAIN ST, UPPER purchaser's only remedy is return of the deposit.
COURT MAY DECIDE AGAINST YOU appointment (or to the probate of Gary Altman, Esq. ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY
WITHOUT YOUR BEING HEARD decedent's Will) shall be filed with 11300 Rockville Pike, Suite 708 name of any other party whom the person making the MARLBORO, MD 20772 ON, Trustee's File No. (61883)
UNLESS YOU RESPOND WITHIN 20 the Register of Wills, D.C., Build- Rockville, MD 20852 James E. Clarke, et al. request may represent, and the name of the facility and
DAYS. READ THE INFORMATION ing A, 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Substitute Trustees permit number. Failure to request a hearing by August 25, AUGUST 23, 2021 at 9:30 AM JOHN E. DRISCOLL III, et al
Floor, Washington, D.C. 20001, on or
before 02/05/2022. Claims against NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND Versus 2021 will constitute a waiver of the right to a public hearing ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES
on the tentative determination for this permit.
plaint has been filed by the Plain-
tiff(s) against you for the relief set
the decedent shall be presented NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS
Janet L. Perkins and Written comments concerning the tentative determination thereon situated in PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY, MD and
to the undersigned with a copy to
forth in the Complaint. the Register of Wills or filed with Adam H. Cohn, whose address is Robert E. Schley
will be considered in the preparation of a final determination described as follows:
1. If you intend to defend this law- the Register of Wills with a copy 3821 Morrison St. NW, Washington, if submitted to the Department, to the attention of Mary
suit, within 20 days after this Sum- to the undersigned, on or before DC 20015 was appointed personal
No. C-02-CV-20-000921
Dela Onyemaechi at the above address, on or before LOT NUMBERED EIGHT (8) IN BLOCK LETTERED "B" IN THE
mon is served on you, exclusive of 02/05/2022, or be forever barred. representative of the estate of Kiira September 6, 2021. Any hearing-impaired person who SUBDIVISION KNOWN AS "HIGHBRIDGE, PLAT THREE", AS
the ay of service, you must do the Persons believed to be heirs or A. Lee, who died on September NOTICE requests a hearing may request an interpreter at the hearing
following: legatees of the decedent who do 27, 2020 without a will and will
Notice is hereby issued, Thursday, by contacting Mrs. Onyemaechi at (410) 537-3662 or 1-800- PER PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK NLP 142
(a) File with the Clerk of this Court, not receive a copy of this notice serve without Court supervision. AT PLAT 100, AMONG THE LAND RECORDS OF PRINCE
whose address is shown below, July 29, 2021 that the sale of the 633-6101, or by written request to the above address at www.hwestauctions.com
by mail within 25 days of its first All unknown heirs and heirs whose
property in the proceedings men- least ten working days prior to the scheduled hearing date. GEORGE'S COUNTY, MARYLAND
a formal written response to the publication shall so inform the Reg- whereabouts are unknown shall
tioned, made and reported by A181, A316, A311, A182, A183, A425, A426, A461, A463
Complaint in accordance with the ister of Wills, including name, enter their appearance in this pro- Information supporting the tentative determination, includ-
rules of the Court, with the appro- address and relationship. ceeding. Objections to such James E. Clarke,
ing the draft permit and fact sheet, may be reviewed by The property will be sold in an "AS IS WHERE IS" condition JULY 22, 29, AUGUST 5, 2021 12349698
priate filing fee. appointment shall be filed with the contacting Mrs. Onyemaechi at the above telephone number
(b) Serve a copy of your response Yvette P. Madison Register of Wills, D.C., Building A, BE RATIFIED AND CONFIRMED, without either express or implied warranty or representation, TRUSTEE'S SALE
to make an appointment or by written request to Mrs.
upon the attorney whose name and PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE 515 5th Street, NW, 3rd Floor, Wash- unless cause to the contrary there- Onyemaechi at the above address. Copies of documents including but not limited to the description, fitness for a
address is shown below. Nicole D. Stevens ington DC 20001, on or before of be shown on or before the
particular purpose or use, structural integrity, physical condi- 11 Country Club Drive, Glen Burnie, MD 21060
2. Unless you respond, your default REGISTER OF WILLS 01/29/2022. Claims against the 30th day of August 2021 next; pro- may be obtained at a cost of $0.36 per page.
will be entered upon application of decedent shall be presented to the vided, a copy of this Notice be tion, construction, extent of construction, workmanship, mate- Trustee's Sale of valuable leasehold property improved by
the Plaintiff(s) and failure to so undersigned with a copy to the inserted in some newspaper pub-
respond will result in a judgment SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Register of Wills or filed with the lished in Anne Arundel County, rials, liability, zoning, subdivision, environmental condition, premises known as 11 Country Club Drive, Glen Burnie, MD
against you for the relief demanded
in the Complaint, which could result PROBATE DIVISION
Register of Wills with a copy to
the undersigned, on or before
once in each of three successive merchantability, compliance with building or housing codes or 21060. By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed
weeks before the 30th day of
in the taking of money or property WASHINGTON, D.C. 20001-2131 01/29/2022, or be forever barred. August 2021 next. The report other laws, ordinances or regulations, or other similar matters, of Trust, dated August 3, 2007, and recorded in Liber 19544
2019 ADM 1159
or other relief requested in the
Persons believed to be heirs or lega-
tees of the decedent who do not
states that the amount of sale
of the property at 1903 NORWICH
and subject to easements, agreements and restrictions of record at Page 179 among the land records of the County of Anne
3. If you intend to seek the advice Sarah M. Bullock a/k/a
Sarah McNair Bullock
receive a copy of this notice by mail ROAD, GLEN BURNIE, MD 21061 to which affect the same, if any. The property will be sold Arundel, in the original principal amount of $405,000.00.
of an attorney in this matter, you
should do so promptly so that your Glen E. Frost, Frost Law
within 25 days of its first publication
shall so inform the Register of Wills,
be $206,000.00 subject to all conditions, liens, restrictions and agreements of Upon default and request for sale, the undersigned trustees will
response may be filed on time. 839 Bestgate Road, Suite 400 including name, address and rela- Scott A. Poyer NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS record affecting same including any condominium and of HOA offer for sale at public auction at the Courthouse for the COUNTY
Annapolis, MD 21401 Clerk of the Circuit Court
4. The State of Nevada, its political
subdivisions, agencies, officers,
for Anne Arundel County assessments pursuant to Md Real Property Article 11-110. OF ANNE ARUNDEL, at 8 Church Circle, Annapolis, Maryland,
WSSC Water will hold two virtual public hearings on the
TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $29,500.00 payable in certified on August 10, 2021 at 4:00 PM, all that property described in
employees, board members, com- NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, Adam H. Cohn
NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND August 5, 17, 19, 2021 12350884 Proposed Capital Improvements Program (CIP) for Fiscal
mission members and legislators
check or by a cashier's check will be required from purchaser at said Deed of Trust including but not limited to:
each have 45 days after service NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS Nicole D. Stevens 853 Years 2023 through 2028, which commences July 1, 2022.
of this Summons within which to
DeVal Bullock, whose address 1108
REGISTER OF WILLS Calvert County The six-year CIP proposes planning, design and construction
time of sale, balance in immediately available funds upon final Tax ID# 05-130-03561605
file an Answer or other responsive IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR expenditures for major water and sewer projects. The
Glenraven Lane, Clermont, FL 34711
pleading to the Complaint.
was appointed personal represen- To: Christina Nicole CALVERT COUNTY, hearing dates and times are as follows: ratification of sale by the Circuit Court of PRINCE GEORGE'S Said property is subject to an annual ground rent in the amount
Steven D. Grierson tative of the estate of Sarah M.
MARYLAND COUNTY, MARYLAND interest to be paid at the rate of 2.0% on of $120.00 and is improved by a dwelling and is sold in "as
Bullock aka Sarah McNair Bullock, Wednesday, September 1, 2021 - 7:30 p.m.
Clark of Court
who died on 05/27/2019 without a
James E. Clarke, et. al. unpaid purchase money from date of sale to date of settlement. is condition" and subject to all superior covenants, conditions,
Substitute Trustees
By: Robyn Ridriguez 1/20/2021 will and will serve without Court You are hereby notified that a
Plaintiffs Thursday, September 2, 2021 - 7:30 p.m. The secured party herein, if a bidder, shall not be required to liens, restrictions, easement, rights-of-way, as may affect same,
supervision. All unknown heirs and guardianship case has been filed
Deputy Clerk
heirs whose whereabouts are in the Circuit Court for Montgomery V. post a deposit. Third party purchaser (excluding the secured if any.
Regional Justice Center For instructions on how to view or participate virtually
200 Lewis Avenue unknown shall enter their appear- County, Maryland, Case No.: 6-Z- Rustin Needer
in the hearings, visit: wsscwater.com/fin party) will be required to complete full settlement of the
purchase of the property within TEN (10) CALENDAR DAYS of TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash or
Las Vegas, Nevada 89155 ance in this proceeding. Objections 21-0020. All persons who believe Defendant
to such appointment shall be filed themselves to be parents of a male
the ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court otherwise the certified funds shall be required at the time of sale. The balance
child born on July 20, 2020 in Silver Civil No. C-04-CV-19-000556 Please contact WSSC Water as soon as possible at 301-
Submitted by: with the Register of Wills, D.C.,
purchaser's deposit shall be forfeited and the property will be of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per annum from the
SOLOMON, DWIGGINS & FREER, LTD Building A, 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Spring (Montgomery County), Mary- NOTICE PURSUANT 206-8200 if your attendance at a meeting will require
Floor, Washington, D.C. 20001, on or land to Christina Nicole Barun (DOB: TO MD RULE 14-215 (A) an accommodation under Title II of the Americans with
resold at the risk and expense, of the defaulting purchaser. date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within TEN DAYS
(NV Bar No. 7706) before 02/05/2022. Claims against August 21, 1989), and an unknown Disabilities Act.
ORDERED, by the Circuit Court
All other public charges and private charges or assessments, after the final ratification of the sale.
[email protected] the decedent shall be presented father (DOB: unknown), shall file a
written response. A copy of the for Calvert County, Maryland, this
9060 W. Cheyenne Avenue to the undersigned with a copy to 29th day of July, 2021, that the After public comment, the CIP will be transmitted to the
Las Vegas, Nevada 89129 the Register of Wills or filed with
the Register of Wills with a copy
Show Cause Order may be obtained
from the Juvenile Clerk’s office at foreclosure sale of the property County Executives and County Councils by October 1, 2021. including water/sewer charges, ground rent, taxes if any, to be Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and special or regular
Tel: (702) 853-5483
Fax: (702) 853-5485 to the undersigned, on or before 50 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, MD described in the deed of trust
docketed herein and located at adjusted to date of sale. Cost of all documentary stamps and assessments will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter
02/05/2022, or be forever barred.
Persons believed to be heirs or
20850 and phone number (240) 777-
9530. If you do not file a written 11583 Tomahawk Trail West, Copies of the preliminary draft of the FY2023-2028 CIP will transfer taxes and all other costs incident to the settlement assumed by purchaser.
On or about January 11, 2021, Dun- Lusby, MD 20657, made and be available on the WSSC Water
ham Trust Company filed its Com- legatees of the decedent who do objection by September 6, 2021,
reported by James E. Clarke, website at wsscwater.com/fin, or by phone at: 301-206- shall be borne by the purchaser. If applicable, condominium If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners association
not receive a copy of this notice you will have agreed to the perma-
plaint for Equitable Indemnification
by mail within 25 days of its first nent loss of your parental rights to Christine M. Drexel, Brian 8100 by August 20, 2021. and/or homeowner association dues and assessments will be dues and assessments that may become due after the time
and Contribution against William Thomas, and Jason Murphy, Sub-
Christopher Davis, alleging, in part, publication shall so inform the Reg- this child.
stiture Trustees, be RATIFIED and adjusted to date of sale. If the sale is rescinded or not ratified for of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser. Title
ister of Wills, including name, Please submit any comments for consideration by
that William Christopher Davis must
indemnify Dunham Trust Company address and relationship. 820
Official Notices CONFIRMED, unless cause to the
September 13, 2021. Written comments can be emailed any reason, including post sale lender audit, or the Substitute examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, transfer
contrary be shown on or before
for any and all liability incurred
DeVal Bullock the 29th day of August, 2021; pro- to [email protected] or mailed to WSSC Water Trustees are unable to convey insurable title or a resale is to taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident to settlement
related to the forfeited interests in
PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE Cellco Partnership and its vided a copy of this Order be Budget Division at 14501 Sweitzer Lane, Laurel, MD 20707. take place for any reason, the purchaser(s) sole remedy in law are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of the essence for
the death benefits of life insurance inserted in The Washington Post,
policies held by the Charles L. and Nicole D. Stevens controlled affiliates doing or equity shall be limited to the refund of the aforementioned the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be forfeited and the
once in each of three (3) succes- 825 825
Jerry R. Oliver Perpetual Care Trust, REGISTER OF WILLS business as Verizon Wireless
(Verizon Wireless) proposes
sive weeks before the 29th day of Bids & Proposals Bids & Proposals deposit. The purchaser waives all rights and claims against property may be resold at risk and costs of the defaulting
dated October 30, 2013. August, 2021.
SUPERIOR COURT OF THE to collocate wireless com-
The Report of Sale states the WASHINGTON SUBURBAN SANITARY the Substitute Trustees whether known or unknown. These purchaser. If the sale is not ratified or if the Substitute Trustees
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA munications antennas at a provisions shall survive settlement Upon refund of the deposit, are unable to convey marketable title in accord with these terms
NOTICE is hereby given that the PROBATE DIVISION centerline height of 41 feet
amount of the sale at $89,959.99. COMMISSION
following named company at the
address listed herewith has made
WASHINGTON, D.C. 20001-2131 and 56 feet on a building BY THE COURT: ESA 5year Prince George’s County – 16781 this sale shall be void and of no effect, and the purchaser of sale, the purchaser's only remedy is the return of the deposit.
2021 ADM 000713 with an overall height of 64 Kathy P. Smith shall have no further claim against the Substitute Trustees. Trustee's File No. 20-287871.
application to engage in the busi- Clerk of the Circuit Court WSSC – ESA 5year Montgomery County – 16782
ness of loaning money for the HELEN ELAINE JACKSON feet at the approx. vicinity of The sale is subject to post-sale review of the status of the
license year ending December 31, Alan S. Bowser, Esq. Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling, Orlans PC
PO Box 2548
Scope of work: Work consists of sewer main and manhole
loan and that if any agreement to cancel the sale was entered William M. Savage, et al., Substitute Trustees.
2021 as provided by the Act of Bldg 92, 235 Wick Dr Wash- rehabilitation in Environmentally sensitive area in Prince
into by the lender and borrower prior to the sale then the sale LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP, 10021 Balls Ford Road, Suite 200,
409 Deerfield Avenue Leesburg, Virginia 20177
Congress, approved February 14, Silver Spring, MD 20910 ing, DC, District of Columbia George’s and Montgomery Counties. Bids due to Anchor
20373. Public comments Orlans 19-700922 8/10/2021 COB. Bid is due to WSSC August 12, 2021. is void and the purchaser's deposit shall be refunded without Manassas, Virginia 20109 (410) 769-9797
NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, regarding potential effects August 5, 12, 19, 2021 12353187 MBE/WBE firms are highly encouraged to submit pricing.
LendingUSA, LLC
15303 Ventura Boulevard
NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND from this site on historic interest. Additional terms and conditions, if applicable, maybe
Suite 850 properties may be submit- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR
Subcontracting Opportunities Include (but not limited announced at the time and date of sale. Sale is subject to the
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 Tracy J. Goodeaux, whose address ted within 30 days from the to): Utility contractors to excavate and install sewer mains, attestation by the Borrower in accordance with Section 5.A of the
MARYLAND manholes and laterals. Bypass pumping, CCTV inspection
is 4923 Falls Circle, Missouri City, date of this publication to:
Anyone desiring to protest against Texas 77459 was appointed person- Trileaf Corp, Jaimie Tarnai, James E. Clarke, et. al. and sewer cleaning, Mill and Overlay contractors. Suppliers Governor's order of 10.16.2020. File No. (17-14071)
the issuance of this license should al representative of the estate of [email protected], 8600 Substitute Trustees of aggregates, concrete, asphalt, bricks, PVC & DI P pipe
do so in writing to the Commis- Helen Elaine Jackson, who died on LaSalle Road, Towson, MD Plaintiffs and other items. MOT, saw cutting, Material and Geo testing Thomas W. Hodge, Brennan Ferguson, Christine N. Johnson,
sioner of the Department of Insur-
ance, Securities and Banking, 810
February 4, 2021 without a will and
21286, 410-853-7128. V. Miscellaneous Concrete Repair Work (Alleys, Aprons & Jeana McMurray, Robert A. Oliveri, Melissa Alcocer, www.hwestauctions.com
First Street, NE, Suite 701, Wash-
will service without Court supervi-
sion. All unknown heirs and heirs Young Taek Yang and Sidewalks). Trucking and hauling of materials. Substitute Trustees A181, A316, A311, A182, A183, A425, A426, A461, A463
ington, DC 20002, in the manner
prescribed by said Act: See DC
whose whereabouts are unknown 851
Prince Georges County Pok Nam Yang
JULY 22, 29, AUGUST 5, 2021 12350583
shall enter their appearance in this For further information, please contact Bill Custead or Joe
Code Title 26, Chapter 9, and 16 610 610
proceeding. Objections to such
appointment shall be filed with the
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Civil No. C-04-CV-17-000234 McElwee at 202.269.6694; [email protected] Dogs for Sale Dogs for Sale
815 Register of Wills, D.C., Building A, MARYLAND Anchor Construction is an equal opportunity employer.
TO MD RULE 14-215 (A)
Legal Notices 515 5th Street, N.W., 3rd Floor,
Washington, D.C. 20001, on or Brennan Ferguson, et al. ORDERED, by the Circuit Court
6/20, vet checked, vaccinated,
dewormed, $1200. Hagerstown, MD.
Born May 9th. $500. up to date on
shots, vet checked.
before 02/05/2022. Claims against Substitute Trustees for Calvert County, Maryland, this MARYLAND VIRGINIA 240-310-2777 814-662-4027
Wake up
the decedent shall be presented
to the undersigned with a copy V.
29th day of July, 2021, that the
foreclosure sale of the property
Roommates Roommates www.hwestauctions.com Beagle—Purebred Beagle puppies, Rottweilers, AKC reg, healthy, active,
to the Register of Wills or filed 4/18/21,tri-colored, beautiful 1st happy puppies, ready for new
described in the deed of trust AUGUST 5, 12, 19, 2021 12352006 shots, dewormed, very playful. homes, vet check, shot, starts at
to home delivery. with the Register of Wills with a
docketed herein and located at ADELPHI -1BR in apt, shr BA. Close SPRINGFIELD - 2 rooms, with private
Pics avail .$500. 540-743-2874 $2200 nego. 240-535-2770
copy to the undersigned, on or
before 02/05/2022, or be forever Case No. CAEF18-50783
311 Sheckells Road, Huntingtown,
MD 20639, made and reported
to Beltway. Utils & cable incl. $650.
Bus access Call 301-793-0506
bath in twnhouse in SpringfieldVA
share common areas, walk to bus w/ Time Shares/ 245
barred. Persons believed to be
heirs or legatees of the decedent NOTICE by James E. Clarke, Christine
M. Drexel, Brian Thomas, and
access to VRE & metro. $790/mo +
share of utils. 703-250-2996 Rentals, Sales DISH Network. $64.99 for
190 Channels! Blazing Fast Internet,
Black Lab puppies, 1st shots and
wormed, ready to go now, males AKC registered, very small parents,
male & female, sable & white.
who do not receive a copy of this Notice is hereby issued this 19th Hugh Green, Substiture Trustees, $19.99/mo. (where available.) and females, $600 540-820-9512
Timeshare Cancellation Experts Call 540-560-5132
1-800-753-POST notice by mail within 25 days of its day of July, 2021, that the sale be RATIFIED and CONFIRMED, Wesley Financial Group, LLC Switch & Get a FREE $100 Visa Gift
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SF Register of Wills, including name, Metzerott Rd, Apt 1918, Adelphi, shown on or before the 29th day and fees cancelled in 2019. Get DVR. FREE Streaming on ALL wormed, 2 all black males. with registration papers, shots,
address and relationship. Maryland 20783, reported by Bren- of August, 2021; provided a copy FORT WASHINGTON - Lg house to If only you had home delivery. Parents on premises. $700 .
share. Free cable. Close to MGM. free informational package and Devices. Call today! 1-855-407-6870 dewormed, tails docked, puppy
nan Ferguson, Christine N. John- of this Order be inserted in The 1-800-753-POST SF learn how to get rid of your time- Ready now. 240-606-3815 care package. 804-387-4120
Tracy J. Goodeaux son, Robert A. Oliveri, Melissa Washington Post, once in each of W/D. $150/wk Special. 240-882-8973 265
Nicole D. Stevens
Alcocer, Substitute Trustees, be
ratified and confirmed, unless
three (3) successive weeks before
the 29th day of August, 2021.
share! Free consultations Over 450
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Motorcycles Directory REGISTER OF WILLS cause to the contrary be shown on
or before the 19th day of August, The Report of Sale states the 225
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2021 provided a copy of this Notice amount of the sale at $651,000.00. prices - No payments for 18 months!
SMALL COLLECTOR PAYS CASH Lifetime warranty & professional Labradoodles $900, 1st set of shots,
be inserted in The Washington BY THE COURT: dewomed, vet visit twice, health
What’s for Post, a newspaper published in FOR COINS/COLLECTIONS. installs. Senior & Military Dis-
Kathy P. Smith Call Al, 301-807-3266. guarantee. 717-372-0750 or
counts available. Call: 877-738-0991
dinner? Prince George's County, Maryland,
once in each of three (3) succes-
Clerk of the Circuit Court Will Come to you!!! 717-372-1787.
wpost.com/recipes sive weeks on or before the 19th Orlans PC Never Pay For Covered Home
day of August, 2021. PO Box 2548 Repairs Again! Complete Care Home MALTESE KOREAN TEA CUPS -
S0316 1cx.5 Leesburg, Virginia 20177 Retropolis Warranty COVERS ALL MAJOR SYS- 7 weeks old, 3-4 lbs grown, 1st shots
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Legal Notices
The report states the amount of
sale to be $73,000.00. Orlans 16-700013
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Local Living

it done
Set a timer? Eat a frog? Make a matrix?
Comparing 5 common
productivity systems. 10

Home Start small, set manageable Gardening If the cicada invasion On Parenting How can I help Home sales L2
goals and other simple ways left you with dead tree branch tips, my cheerful, fun preschooler Crime report L2
to ease the stress of organizing. 5 try some judicious pruning. 6 with autism make friends? 12 Health code violations L2
Deputy Editors:
Elizabeth Chang, Amy Joyce, HOW TO
Mari-Jane Williams
Art Director:
Victoria Adams Fogg
Stopping nail pops in the ceilings of older homes
Photo Editor:
Jennifer Beeson Gregory Q: My 50-year-old townhouse
has a problem: recurring nail
Staff Writers: pops that resist repair on either
Helen Carefoot, Allyson Chiu, Jura side of a central wall on the top
Koncius floor. The nail pops are roughly
Columnists: at the house’s centerline, front-
to-rear. I’ve had them repaired
Adrian Higgins, Meghan Leahy twice in two years, but both
Email: [email protected] attempts by contractors have
Telephone: 202-334-4409 failed. I think the workers are
just pushing nails back into
place, filling the void with joint
Local Living section, compound, drying it with a heat
The Washington Post, 1301 K St. gun and repainting. I’d like a
NW, Washington, D.C. 20071 more permanent fix. What
ADVERTISING guidance can you offer?
Annandale, Va.
Doug Coffelt, 202-334-4440
ON THE COVER A: You’re describing a problem
Illustration by Marysia Machulska that often occurs in older homes
for The Washington Post with roofs supported by trusses,
rather than rafters. Truss-framed
roofs are less expensive to build,
because they create a strong roof
using much skinnier wood, often
2-by-4s, to get strength that READER PHOTO

would otherwise require lumber

eight, 10 or even 12 inches wide. You could install crown In a reader’s 50-year-old need to drive just a few screws,
Trusses work because the molding as a permanent fix to townhouse, nail pops in it’s worth getting a drywall
pieces are nailed together to hide nail pops close to the walls, the ceiling are a dimpler bit, which consists of a
create triangles, which brace the but there is an easier solution recurring problem. Phillips driver surrounded by a
wood and let several pieces share when there are just a few nail When there are just a rim that recesses the screw head
the pressure when a heavy load, pops, as shown in the picture few nail pops, simply by the perfect amount. (One
such as snow, presses down on you sent. Simply pull out the pull out the nails and fill example is the DeWalt Drywall
the roof. But because the bottom nails and fill the holes with the holes with drywall Screw Setter Bit Tip, $2.25 on
of the trusses are typically drywall joint compound. The joint compound. Amazon.)
covered in insulation while the ceiling won’t cave in, because, Once the screws are in place,
top pieces, next to the roof, are even 50 years ago, builders pull the nail or nails that have
not, the long pieces at the installed ceiling drywall before popped. Take care to pry against
bottom lift up in winter and they covered the walls. The a board or wide putty knife, so
move back down in summer. upper edges of the wall drywall you don’t punch through the
This phenomenon, called truss support the outside edges of the drywall. Cover the holes and the
uplift, occurs because wood ceiling drywall. When truss uplift new screw heads with drywall
shrinks and swells with changes If a nail pop appears farther joint compound.
in humidity, and the wood into the room, first screw 11/4- occurs, the ceiling Whether you’ve pulled nails
directly under the roof absorbs inch drywall screws into the close to the walls or added
and releases moisture in the air ceiling framing about six inches drywall nailed to screws farther out into the room,
at a different rate than the wood on either side. (If you were fixing let the drywall joint compound
tucked under insulation. a nail pop on a wall, you’d need the bottoms of the dry, then smooth over the
When truss uplift occurs, the only one screw, about 11/2 inches surface with sandpaper or a
trusses has to
the washington post . thursday, august 5 , 2021

ceiling drywall nailed to the away from the popped nail.) damp sponge. When the surface
bottoms of the trusses has to You can determine where the is dry, brush on primer paint, let
move up and down with the ceiling framing is with a stud move up and that dry, then top with paint.
wood. Some of the nails hold; finder or by tapping to see where Paint made especially for use
some get loose and show up as hollow sounds become thuds. down with the on ceilings is very matte, because
nail pops. In some houses, cracks Roof framing is always shiny paint tends to make
also appear at the tops of walls. perpendicular to walls, but if wood. Some of the irregular surfaces show up more.
Today, builders avoid truss you’re not sure whether the The light reflects differently
uplift consequences by attaching pieces run side to side or front to nails hold; some across the humps and valleys. If
metal truss clips to the tops of back in your house, go outside your ceilings are matte, you may
interior wall framing, then and look at the roof slope. Roof get loose and show be able to repaint just the areas
fastening the edges of the ceiling framing is always perpendicular you patched without seeing
drywall to the trusses through to the peak. up as nail pops. streaks where the new paint
slots in the clips. But there is no It’s important to drive the overlaps the old paint. If your
way to add the clips once the screws so the heads press into ceilings are shinier, you might
drywall is in place. the paper covering and dimple need to repaint the whole
In situations where big cracks the drywall slightly, allowing the surface to get a uniform
have appeared, one solution is to head to be slightly recessed in appearance.
install crown molding fastened comparison to the surrounding
only to the ceiling, so it covers drywall. But the screw can’t rip  Have a problem in your home?
the cracks and floats up and through the paper or crumble Send questions to
down, as needed, when the truss the gypsum core of the drywall. [email protected]. Put “How
wood shrinks and swells with It’s tricky to set the screw at just To” in the subject line, tell us where
changes in the weather. the right depth, so even if you you live and try to include a photo.

Expires 9/30/21

the washington post . thursday, august 5 , 2021

Exclusive for New Members only. EXPIRES 9/30/21
DC Home

Sprucing up the ever-so-practical laundry room


Just because the laundry room is the ultimate utilitarian space doesn’t mean it has to look the part. Whether
you have a separate room, a closet or just a corner in your basement for your washer and dryer, there are ways
to keep the space tidy and aesthetically pleasing. ¶ That’s designer Brigette Romanek’s sweet spot. ¶ “It’s
this idea that I have all of these ingredients and put them in a pot and hopefully come out with a good meal,”
says Romanek, the owner and principal designer at Romanek Design Studio in Los Angeles. “Clients tell me
what they need, and it’s my job to enhance that vision, to make it beautiful but also make it functional.” ¶ In the
laundry room, that means thinking carefully about how you’ll use the space. Keep the detergents, softeners and
similar products within easy reach of your machines, Romanek says. Think about whether you are right-handed
or left-handed, short or tall, when deciding where to place items. ¶ And if your laundry space allows, Romanek
says, have at least some closed storage to tuck away extra supplies or unfolded clothes. ¶ The takeaway: Don’t
get caught up in trends. Instead, make the room work for you. ¶ Here are Romanek’s suggestions for items that
will help you keep your laundry space organized while adding a bit of beauty. Combine them in your own space, YE RIN MOK
or use them as inspiration to hunt for similar items at a lower price point. [email protected] Designer Brigette Romanek

Baskets add instant texture to any space, but

they’re also a great place to store detergents
Reduce visual clutter on open shelves by and items such as lightbulbs and batteries.
decanting detergents and other laundry These water hyacinth storage bins with
products into refillable dispensers, such as handles ($8.99-$19.99, containerstore.com)
these clear half-gallon glass jugs with come in four sizes and are available in a
labels from Church Street Designs ($35- Corral loose towels with these interlocking towel organizers ($33 lighter shade and a mocha color. Add these
$110, etsy.com). There are options for caps for a set of two, westelm.com). Available in black or white, they are bin clip labels ($9.99 for three,
and pumps, and the bottles are sold 5.7 by 11.8 inches and can lock together to create multiple sections containerstore.com) in black or white to help
individually or in sets of two or three. to hold hand or bath towels. everyone stay organized.
the washington post . thursday, august 5 , 2021

Use the Selena Although Romanek likes to have some closed A drying rack is a Add texture and warmth with a hamper in a
hook rack ($98, storage in a laundry room, not everyone’s must for clothes that natural finish. Romanek likes the basket-
anthropologie.com) space (or budget) has room for that. These need to air-dry, but weave Marjan hamper ($293,
to hang mesh marble wall-mounted shelves ($69.95- that flimsy foldable luluandgeorgia.com), made of teak. For a
laundry bags, $99.95, cb2.com), made of Carrara-style gray model you used in similar look at a lower price, the laundry
reusable grocery and white marble, add storage and style. The college has to be hamper from Longshore Tides ($84.99-
bags, totes and shelves are available in two lengths, 24 and dragged out each $87.99, wayfair.com) is also made of wood and
other items. The 18- 36 inches, and are eight inches deep. They time you need it. comes with a removable liner. It’s available in
inch brass rack with come with metal brackets in a brass finish. This wall-mounted natural, dark mahogany and white.
a bronze finish has drying rack by Iris
four hooks and Hantverk ($75,
can hold up to helenmilan.com) can
16 pounds. be hung within
arm’s reach of your
machine, and it
folds back against
the wall when you’re
not using it. It’s
made of solid oak
and has three 21.75-
inch bars.
Home DC


6 ways to ease the stress of decluttering in a tumultuous time


If you’re looking for a sense

of control in your life as our
pandemic-weary nation heads
into an uncertain fall, try tackling
a manageable decluttering proj-
ect in your home. You could get a
sense of satisfaction, and it might
encourage you to keep organizing
in small ways. Feeling over-
whelmed and not sure where to
begin? Follow these six simple
tips to get started.
Gather supplies
You don’t need fancy bins or
tools to start organizing your
home; a few boxes and garbage
bags will do. Whether you’re de-
cluttering your kitchen, closet or
office, the boxes and bags will
help you sort items for donation,
corral pieces that need to be put in
a different room, and compile
papers and other materials for
recycling or shredding. Once
you’ve culled your belongings,
you may need to invest in baskets,
trays and other organizing prod-
ucts, but don’t start by going out
and buying more stuff.
Keep it short
Don’t plan on spending an en-
tire day organizing, because you’ll
be setting yourself up for exhaus-
tion, frustration and burnout. In-
stead, pick one room or one spot
to spend 15 or 30 minutes work-
ing on. Set a timer, so you don’t
need to keep track of the time
yourself. You’ll be surprised at
how much you can accomplish in
a short period. When your timer
goes off, complete the task and
congratulate yourself on check- podcast. Bring in a friend or quicker sense of accomplishment. you pace yourself and stay on
ing it off your list — or, if you feel neighbor to help with decision- Organize one or two drawers in track.
motivated to do more, go for it! making, then resolve to reward your kitchen first, then continue Remember not to stop with
Try to do a little each day or find yourself when you complete a Don’t plan on working there for a week. Or orga- sorting and decluttering. Your fi-
some consistency. project, such as by ordering take- nize your dresser or a single filing nal step is to remove the items
out from your favorite restaurant spending an entire cabinet, or even a manageable from your home and donate or

the washington post . thursday, august 5 , 2021

Manage expectations or buying a book. Getting started category, such as coats or T-shirts. dispose of them. Once you’ve
A messy room that has not been is definitely the hardest part, so day organizing, As much as I love Marie Kondo’s done that, you might feel a little
organized in more than a year will do whatever it takes to motivate philosophy of pulling everything less stressed and a little lighter
not be transformed into a perfect- yourself. As with exercise, once because you’ll be in one category together to reflect knowing that you’ve brought
ly organized space in one day, nor you get going, it becomes easier to upon whether an item sparks joy, some order into a part of your
should that be the goal. Proper continue as you build on your setting yourself up that approach is not realistic for home during a tumultuous time.
organization requires a few phas- success. many people, and it may actually [email protected]
es of work. Start by sorting into for exhaustion, create more disorganization.
categories: Put like items togeth- Start small Anzia is a freelance writer and owner
er, and decide what you’re keep- As hard as it may be, try not to frustration and Set a deadline of Neatnik. She can be reached at
ing and what you’re discarding. think of every task that needs to Many of us have not hosted [email protected].
Then assess whether you have the be completed to organize your burnout. gatherings in our homes since
right organization tools to put house from top to bottom. You’ll early 2020, which took away the  Chat Thursday at 11 a.m. Wayne
everything away so you can easily lose any enthusiasm you may pressure to organize. Some fami- Edelman, president of Meurice
find it all later. Organize items on have had. Instead, begin with a lies’ workstations were constant- Garment Care, joins staff writer Jura
a macro scale first, before you small and relatively easy project ly changing to adapt to shifting Koncius for our weekly online Q&A on
start to fine-tune. If you become — something that isn’t too emo- 5 common methods needs, making it feel fruitless to decorating and household advice.
mired in small details, you’ll ac- tional or sentimental — and pro- to boost your spend time getting a particular Submit questions at
complish less overall. ceed methodically. It’s easy to go productivity — and space in order. But now that a live.washingtonpost.com.
down a rabbit hole looking at old their pros and cons 10 return to schools and offices is on
Make it fun photos, so if you think you won’t the horizon, set a date for a dinner  At Home newsletter Go to the
Try to make what you think of be able to break down a large task party or use the first day of fall Home & Garden page to subscribe to
as an arduous task more enjoy- like that into smaller ones, try (Sept. 22) as a deadline to get our email newsletter, delivered every
able by listening to music or a something that will give you a yourself organized. This will help Thursday.
DC Home

Cicadas damaged trees, but these other pests can be more harmful
Several readers Tip of the Week
have sent me
pictures of oak A dethatching rake is a great tool
trees with dead for removing thatch buildup in turf
branch tips, and for preparing a lawn for
wanting to know overseeding in a few weeks.
Adrian the name of this Tackling small areas now will
Higgins alarming disease lessen the task come seeding
GARDENING and how to treat season in September and October.
it. Although oaks — Adrian Higgins
suffer a host of
foliar diseases, these images are it on two popular screening
not about the arrival of a new plants, Leyland cypress and the
pathogen, but the departure of a arborvitae, especially the
primeval insect. ubiquitous variety Green Giant.
It has been several weeks since Defoliated conifers don’t
the exit of Brood X of the 17-year rebound like deciduous trees and
periodical cicada, and I know I’m shrubs, so unchecked bagworms
not alone in missing these are bad news. “The reason the
enchanting ruby-eyed creatures damage occurs is that people
and the otherworldly soundtrack don’t know how to recognize
of their chirping. But we knew them,” said Heather Zindash, an
that there would be a price to pay integrated pest management
for this spectacle. consultant based in
After mating in May and June, Gaithersburg.
the cicadas pierced the living Once you have trained your eye
layers of pencil-thin branches to to recognize the brown shrouds,
deposit their eggs. The wee you may be appalled at how many
nymphs are now falling to the you can see. The evergreens can
ground, where they will burrow be sprayed organically with Bt or
and feed, seeing daylight again as spinosad, she said, until the pests
PHOTOS BY HEATHER ZINDASH reach a size when they stop
adults in 2038. A single female
lays 20 or more eggs in each of Bagworms are bad news for popular garden plants, especially conifers such as arborvitae, pictured. feeding. They are still at a stage
multiple nests, and because there Unchecked, the cocooned caterpillars can do significant, permanent damage by the end of summer. (just) when they can be sprayed.
were countless billions of these “In the next few weeks, they’ll get
insects in much of the Eastern damaged side. If the top of the too large to control that way, but
United States, the damage is now leader of a tree is dead or dying, you can still physically remove
widespread and evident. you should cut that back to a them,” said Zindash, whose firm
Species of oak seem a favored healthy side shoot and allow that, is the Soulful Gardener. Put on a
target, but the cicada is not picky. in time, to turn skyward and glove, handpick them, bag them
Small trees, big trees, young become the new leader. and throw them out.
trees, old trees, native trees, But no tree is worth risking Another more persistent and
exotics: It does not matter to a your neck for. If you can’t safely more damaging creature than the
mother cicada driven to attend to this pruning, the tree cicada is the scale insect, actually
perpetuate her species. will grow through the damage. a range of scale species that have
The twig scarring consists of The speed of this self-repair can their own preferences for
puncture wounds that often join vary by tree type. According to a ornamental woody plants and
up to form a long scar, usually on study in Maryland of the 1970 citrus. They are small, some the
the underside of a branch. This Brood X appearance, delayed size of a grain of rice, but they can
damage has the capacity to branch dieback occurred over the suck the life out of a plant in
disrupt the flow of sap to points following two years in such trees sufficient number. There are two
beyond the damage. This is as black gum, purple-leaf plum, basic types: The first covers itself
manifested in a number of ways. photinia, lilac and dogwood. But in a conspicuous white, waxy
A branch might die back to 12 there was rapid, smooth healing coat, and the second lives
the washington post . thursday, august 5 , 2021

inches or so from its tip. The in such trees as hornbeam and beneath a dark and camouflaged
leaves in that section turn brown, Southern magnolia. carapace. Both are thus hard to
and the wood becomes brittle As for the delayed effects, I control with contact insecticides.
and collapses, a process called would wait until next spring to Organic horticultural oils are
flagging. see where new growth erupts, available for use against scale;
This is the most and cut out dead or damaged consumer products will probably
straightforward damage. The wood then. be premixed to the correct
flagging branches will eventually More immediately, cast an eye lightweight solution. Follow the
fall off, and lateral growth from on your needled evergreens for a label instructions for timing,
below will take over. If you can more pernicious and furtive application and precautions.
safely get to these dead tips, it is insect named the bagworm. This The best defense against scale
best to prune them off to a point is a moth in its larval form, and it insects, in my experience, is a
where a healthy side shoot is spends the first half of the healthy plant. Give the tree or
growing. This will not only summer munching away, often in shrub the light, soil and moisture
smarten up the tree but, more great numbers and to a point conditions it prefers, and your
importantly, also leave a small, where it can ruin even mature plant should be protected. Not all
clean wound that will heal more plantings. This is because it hides garden ornamentals have a 17-
quickly. in plain sight; that is, it builds a year break between attacks.
The other cicada damage may cocoon of dead needles, so it is [email protected]
take a while to reveal itself, either effectively made invisible. @adrian_higgins on Twitter
in stunted growth or drooping It starts off small in late spring,
branches, a function of the wood but by August, it is a large and  Also at washingtonpost.com
growing normally on the upper The larvae shroud themselves in needles, making them difficult to rapacious creature beneath its Read past columns by Higgins at
side of the branch but not on the detect as infestations begin. Handpicking is an effective measure. magic cloak. You’ll probably find washingtonpost.com/home.
the washington post . thursday, august 5 , 2021
DC Home

Tips and tricks from owners of Five Star Painting of Loudoun

Tina and Stuart Nokes, owners of Q: How does lighting affect color,
Five Star Painting of Loudoun, and do you have any suggestions
joined staff writer Jura Koncius for finding colors that suit your
last week for our Home Front on- space’s lighting?
line chat. Here is an edited excerpt. A: Lighting significantly
influences your perception of
Q: Where should you start an color. Sampling and testing
indoor painting project? colors on walls in all kinds of
A: This depends on what you light is an excellent way to know
want and whether you’re doing whether you’ll be happy with the
the painting yourself or hiring a result. Look at the color at night
professional. Painters can start and in both natural and artificial
anywhere, but they prefer to light. Don’t rely too much on
work from the top down. If you’re paint chips, because the color
doing it yourself, we recommend always turns out different when
starting with the easiest room painted on walls. If you don’t
first, such as a guest bedroom. want to try anything on your
You can gauge your skill level and walls, wooden boards also work
judge the results. Lay down well.
plastic, then prepare the room.
Start with the ceilings, then cut in Q: What is the best way to match
the walls, then paint them and existing colors on walls?
finish with trim. Clean and finish A: Find the original paint in the
the room. basement. If it’s been too long,
the paint won’t be good anymore,
Q: What colors would make my but if you find it, you’ll have the
house look bigger? brand, sheen, color name and
A: White and gray are both very number, and color formula. The
popular colors. They will look next best method is to find an
beautiful mixed together in inconsequential spot, carve out a
adjoining rooms. Stay on the triangle with 11/2-inch sides and
lighter side of the grays. gently peel off the underlying
wallboard paper with the existing
Q: How do you choose paint paint color, which you can take to
colors? your paint store. The stores often
A: Here’s how interior designers have computer matching that can
do it: Go to the paint store and help, and a skilled paint mixer
get a fan deck with strips of all can get you a close match. You
the colors. Find colors in that could also try to get close with a
deck that match the colors in fan deck, but know that this
your room, such as those of the method is not nearly as accurate
sofa and pillows. Choose one of Tina and Stuart Nokes, above, as the other two.
those for your walls. If the color is say interior paint, top, usually
too bright or too dark, go up the holds up well for about seven Q: How can I find a good painter?
color strip to a lighter color that years. If you are thinking of And is it better to use someone
will complement the colors in changing your exterior paint who works alone?
your room. Get a sample of the color, start with a clean surface A: Here are the main questions
color from the paint store, and that is not flaking or peeling. you want to ask a painting
paint a little bit on your walls. company:
Look at it throughout the day to A: If you cook a lot in your 1. Are you licensed and
see how it looks under the light. kitchen, you need a sheen: matte, insured? If so, ask for physical
You may also want to consider eggshell or satin. If you don’t copies. If not, run. If there is
the washington post . thursday, august 5 , 2021

putting a sample on other walls, cook much, you can go with a flat damage or injury during the job
because paint colors can look finish. For most people, I at your house, you are now liable.
different on different sides of the recommend a matte finish. 2. Do you have a website with
room. reviews I can read? Check out the
Q: How do I choose colors for reviews to know what kind of
Q: What mistakes do people kids’ rooms? quality is provided.
make when choosing an exterior A: Get the children involved. 3. What type of paint do you
paint? They usually have some pretty use? It should be good-quality
A: Not doing the necessary strong opinions about what they paint. If it’s low-end, you will get
preparation and not waiting for want. I recommend staying on a less-than-optimal result.
temperate weather. For paint to between siding or erode the Q: How often should your the lighter side of their choice. If 4. How are your projects
adhere well, it must be applied to surface of the wood. interiors be painted? you go too bold or too dark, be managed? We provide a project
a surface that is clean, dry and Don’t paint on hot days, in the A: It really depends on how you aware that you will need to prime manager on every job.
not flaking or peeling. Depending rain or during windy weather. live, the size of your family, the first before repainting later. Try 5. Do you offer a warranty? We
on the condition of existing Ideal temperatures for painting ages of those in the home and to coordinate an acceptable color offer a two-year warranty and a
siding and trim, this often means are between 50 and 90 degrees. when you feel the need for a color with other decor in their room. final walk-through to check for
considerable scraping and Hot weather causes the paint to change. Interior paint holds up touch-ups.
sanding before you can paint. dry too quickly, as does direct well for seven years. A house that Q: Which sanding materials do [email protected]
Begin by washing the surfaces sun. When possible, wait for the is rented often needs to be you need for painting projects?
with a hose and a scrub brush shade. Temperatures below repainted, because the moving in A: A pole sander is very useful  Also at washingtonpost.com
with water and detergent, or a 50 degrees may prevent the paint and out is tough on walls. before painting walls. Foam block Read the rest of this transcript and
pressure washer. If you use a from adhering to the surface sanders are great for contoured submit questions to the next chat,
pressure washer, be careful not to properly. Dampness or dew can Q: What paint finish would you spaces, and they’re easy to hold Thursday at 11 a.m., at
drive water deeply into the joints bubble surfaces. recommend for kitchen walls? and work with. live.washingtonpost.com.
Wellness DC

Do’s and don’ts for 6 common situations requiring first aid

BY S TACEY C OLINO packs — or a bag of frozen peas —
for 10 to 15 minutes at a time,
Now that we’re relishing our every two to three hours, to
post-shutdown freedom, we’re reduce swelling, according to
making the most of the season of Carius. Resting the injured joint
barbecues, picnics and other out- and taking ibuprofen can help
door fun with friends and family ease inflammation and pain.
members. That’s all good, but it “The goal is to keep the swelling
also means that we’re at in- down, because that’s what causes
creased risk for summer bum- most of the pain,” Carius says.
mers such as splinters, sprains (Note: Some experts dispute the
and burns. When it comes to benefits of icing a sprain and say
treating injuries like these, the if it’s done too long or too
strategies our parents used may intensely, it may actually slow
no longer be the right things to the recovery process.)
do. In some cases, old wives’ tales Don’t: Put ice directly on the
have been debunked; in others, skin, because this could damage
doctors have found better, evi- the skin, Wilson says. And don’t
dence-based treatments. apply heat in the 48 hours after
“As we learn new things from the injury; this can increase
science, the guidelines change — swelling — the opposite of what
and that’s happening with first you want.
aid. We now have better evi- Seek medical attention: If
dence of what works,” says Sean you can’t bear weight on the
McGann, a clinical assistant pro- injured ankle or it looks mis-
fessor of emergency medicine at shapen, go to an urgent care
Thomas Jefferson University center or an emergency depart-
in Philadelphia and a spokesman ment. “Sometimes it’s hard
for the American College for people to differentiate a
of Emergency Physicians. If sprain from something more se-
your first-aid techniques aren’t rious like a fracture,” Bachmann
on target, you could end up says.
exacerbating an injury. In a
study in which 654 adults took a Someone is having a seizure
multiple-choice test on recom- Do: Call 911 (or get someone
mended first-aid skills, not a else to), then clear the area
single one answered every ques- around the person, so they won’t
tion correctly, and only half of area, which can help moisturize Don’t: Soak the splinter in wound after 24 hours because of hit something. “The most impor-
the adults were familiar with it, says Michael Carius, an emer- water. This makes the wood the risk of infection,” Carius says. tant thing is to protect the per-
60 percent of the questions. gency physician in Connecti- more susceptible to breaking son from being injured while
It shouldn’t be that way. cut and past president of the apart under the skin and less You got whacked in the nose having a seizure,” Bachmann
To make sure you’re up to American College of Emergency likely to come out as a single and your nose starts bleeding says. If possible, help the per-
speed on the latest in first aid, Physicians. piece, Carius says. Do: Place a towel or a wad of son get on the ground and turn
check out these do’s and don’ts Don’t: Apply butter, egg white Seek medical attention: If you tissues under your nostrils, and them on their side, so “secretions
for various situations: or vitamin E to a burn, as some can’t get it out on your own, go to apply pressure by pinching the will leak out of the mouth and
people do, because these could an urgent care center or an nose tightly, just below the nasal not into the airway,” McGann
You burned your finger while introduce contaminants or irri- emergency department. “The bone, for 10 to 15 minutes says. (Don’t feel bad if you didn’t
barbecuing tate the raw skin, Wilson splinter has to come out, because straight. “Don’t keep checking to know what to do before now:
Do: Place the burned area warns. Applying ice directly to a it’s almost certainly going to see if the bleeding stopped,” A 2021 study by researchers at
under cool running tap water for burn can lead to more tissue become infected if it stays under Wilson says. Lean your head the Centers for Disease Control
at least 20 minutes to calm the damage. And if a blister forms on the skin,” Carius says. forward to prevent the blood and Prevention found that
area and stop damage to the skin. the burn, don’t pop it, because from going down your throat and only 25 percent of adults in a
“A lot of people don’t realize the that bubble of skin provides a Your child fell off a bike into your stomach, which could national survey knew seizure
thermal damage is continuing barrier that helps prevent infec- and got a bad cut trigger nausea and restart the first aid.)

the washington post . thursday, august 5 , 2021

even after they’re no longer in tion; if it pops naturally, apply an Do: Wash the cut thoroughly bleeding. Don’t: Force anything (such as
contact with the source of the antibiotic ointment and a clean with mild soap and water, mak- Don’t: Put tissue, cotton or your fingers or a spoon) into the
burn,” says Matt Wilson, vice bandage. ing sure all dirt is removed, then anything else into the nose to try person’s mouth to try to prevent
chairman of emergency medi- Seek medical attention: If you apply direct pressure, using a to stop the bleeding, because them from biting their tongue,
cine at MedStar Washington suspect it’s a deep burn because clean towel, to the wound to stop “this could introduce a source for Carius says. “That’s one of the
Hospital in D.C. “Cooling that the skin looks intensely angry the bleeding. Apply an antibiotic infection or make the situation more dangerous things you can
area immediately is the key to (like raw meat) or waxy, go to an ointment, which helps keep the worse,” Bachmann says. Also, do.” Doing so can cause the
limiting the damage.” A 2020 emergency department, Carius wound moist and facilitates heal- avoid blowing your nose for a few person to choke or chip their
study found that treating burns advises. ing, and cover the cut for the first hours, so you don’t restart the teeth.
with cool running water for 48 hours to prevent infection, bleeding. Seek medical attention: Any-
20 minutes was associated with a You got a splinter in your McGann says. Seek medical attention: If you one who has a seizure should be
decreased thickness to the burn foot while walking barefoot Don’t: Use hydrogen peroxide can’t stop the bleeding with evaluated in an emergency de-
and significantly lower odds of Do: Grab tweezers or splinter to clean the wound. “In addition nonstop pressure after 15 min- partment, so doctors can deter-
needing a skin graft to repair the forceps (if you have them), and to being painful, [applying] per- utes. Keep in mind: If you have a mine the cause and assess their
damaged skin. (If you don’t have gently but firmly pull the splinter oxide can actually damage bleeding disorder or you’re tak- health and mental status after-
access to clean running water, out. “Make sure all of it is healthy tissue and slow down the ing anticoagulant drugs, it may ward, Bachmann says.
place a cold compress, such as ice removed, otherwise it becomes a healing process,” McGann says. be harder to stop the bleeding; if [email protected]
wrapped in a towel, on the area source for possible infection,” Seek medical attention: If the you can’t, go to the ER, McGann
for that long.) says Daniel Bachmann, an asso- wound is gaping or really dirty, if advises. Stacey Colino is a writer in Chevy
After cooling the burn, pat it ciate professor of emergency there’s a foreign body embedded Chase who specializes in health and
dry. You can take ibuprofen to medicine at Ohio State Univer- in the cut or if it’s longer than You twisted your ankle and psychology and is the co-author of
reduce discomfort and apply a sity in Columbus. Then, wash the half an inch, head to the ER. fell while playing tennis “Emotional Inflammation: Discover
soothing antibiotic ointment area with soap and water and Keep in mind: Timing matters. Do: Elevate the ankle above Your Triggers and Reclaim Your
(such as bacitracin) to the keep it clean. “A lot of physicians won’t close a your heart and apply cold or ice Equilibrium During Anxious Times.”
DC Wellness
the washington post . thursday, august 5 , 2021

Jump-starting your productivity

If your motivation needs a boost, there are techniques that can help. Here are 5 common ones — and their pros and cons.
BY A NGELA H AUPT in Alberta, Canada, has tested ing is really going to be your best means tomato in Italian, and the Work on your task — and only
many productivity methods, such bet most of the time,” she said. original timer was shaped like a that task, no interruptions al-
A lot of us who have been work- as the Pomodoro Technique and “These strategies are fantastic and tomato — to break tasks up into lowed — until your timer beeps,
ing from home have been experi- Eat That Frog, and he said that, a great starting point, but there’s short intervals. notifying you that your 25 minutes
menting with various ways to im- although most are helpful, there’s not going to be a one-size-fits-all The Pomodoro Technique, are complete. You cannot extend
prove our productivity — or, at no universal “best.” He recom- solution for everyone.” which was invented by Francesco your session, and you have to take
least, have been thinking about mends trying each one for a couple To get you started, here’s a prim- Cirillo when he was a student a five-minute break before start-
doing so. There are so many differ- of weeks, then modifying them to er on five of the most widely used in Rome in the late 1980s, is a ing again. In addition to the short
ent systems that it can be over- suit your needs. productivity systems, including great way to stay focused, Dear- break between each 25-minute
whelming for the average nonpro- Anna Dearmon Kornick, a time- experts’ opinions on their pros mon Kornick said. To get started, block, you should take a longer
ductive person who simply wants management coach who hosts the and cons. choose a task to work on, then set a break (about 20 to 30 minutes)
to be told which they should use. podcast “It’s About Time,” agrees. timer for 25 minutes. There are after every four.
But Garland Coulson — She prefers to blend her favorite Pomodoro Technique many apps and websites that sup- Frank Buck, a productivity ex-
a.k.a. Captain Time — will aspects of various productivity One of the most popular time- ply a timer, such as Pomodor and pert and the author of “Get Orga-
tell you: It’s not so simple. The systems into one personalized management methods em- Marinara Timer, or you can use nized! Time Management for
time-management coach based framework. “Mixing and match- ploys a timer — “pomodoro” one on your phone or watch. School Leaders,” appreciates that

Productivity Techniques,” likes those things that are going to give

the “all-encompassing” system, us a payoff sometime in the future
but he notes that it won’t work for or cause a problem if we neglect
everyone, especially because im- them. But we really don’t have to
plementing it requires a great deal act on them today.”
of time and effort. One of the benefits to the Eisen-
hower Matrix, Buck said, is that it
Eat That Frog promotes delegation and long-
A popular saying — often attrib- term planning. But rather than
uted to Mark Twain — goes: “Eat a relying on it as your only produc-
live frog first thing in the morning, tivity system, he suggests using it
and nothing worse will happen to as a framework as you’re adding
you the rest of the day.” tasks to your to-do list.
That philosophy inspired Brian
Tracy’s 2001 book “Eat That Frog!,” Ivy Lee Method
which stipulates that you should More than 100 years ago,
tackle your most challenging Charles Schwab, the president of
(read: unpleasant) task first every Bethlehem Steel, hired productiv-
morning. ity expert Ivy Lee to improve his
“A lot of times, the things that company’s efficiency. The story
really move the needle in our life commonly told is that Schwab was
and our business are things that so impressed with the results, he
we want to put off because they’re paid Lee $25,000, which would be
complicated or complex,” Dear- worth more than $400,000 today.
mon Kornick said. “We have a little Under the Ivy Lee Method, as
bit of fear around them, whether it’s now known, you write down
it’s fear of failure or fear of success, your six most urgent tasks to ac-
or perfectionism.” Identifying complish the next day, in order of
which tasks are most crucial — importance. That day, you work
and blocking out time to get them through them in order, not start-
out of the way — is often helpful. ing a new task until you’ve com-
Plus, she adds, many of us are at pleted the one before it.
our sharpest first thing in the Buck uses a similar method,
morning, with the most focus and which he calls “the fab five.” He
energy we’ll have all day. likes that this method emphasizes
As Buck puts it: “If you’re a planning for the following day and
teacher and there’s that phone call prioritizes critical tasks. Coulson
with a parent, and you know the agrees. “It helps you define your
parent is mad, go ahead and make visions, goals and objectives,” he
the phone call. It probably won’t said, and focusing on one task at a
be as bad as you thought it was time is a smart idea, because “mul-
going to be, and you’ll feel so much titasking is a myth.” Our brains
better after it’s over. You won’t be can only truly focus on one thing
dreading it for the rest of the day at a time, he said.
and procrastinate on everything.” But there’s one big drawback to
However, he points out that, the Ivy Lee Method, Coulson said:
although the Eat That Frog tech- “What do you do with all those
nique provides a method for start- other tasks?” Most people need to
ing the day, it doesn’t guide pro- work on more than six tasks a day,
ductivity beyond that; it’s “not as and this method doesn’t account
well-developed as other systems.” for or provide any direction on
That’s why it often makes the most them.
sense to implement in addition to This is another reminder that
a broader approach. the best approach to productivity
often involves borrowing the com-
Eisenhower Matrix ponents of several different plans
President Dwight D. Eisenhow- to create one that is most effective
er is credited with creating this for you. “Different systems work

the washington post . thursday, august 5 , 2021

the Pomodoro Technique helps Things Done,” first published in “organize” those actionable items system, popularized in Stephen for different people,” said Laura
train your brain to focus on one 2001. The personal productivity based on category and priority, Covey’s book “The 7 Habits Vanderkam, a productivity expert
task at a time, and that it can system described in it “serves as a with due dates and reminders. of Highly Effective People,” which whose books include “I Know How
improve your estimation of how method for getting every- Allen suggests implementing reg- experts say is a helpful way to She Does It.” “If a system generally
long tasks take. (“We’re generally thing out of your head and held ular “reviews” to decide which ac- prioritize tasks by urgency and works, people are going to need to
poor at estimating this,” he notes.) somewhere,” she said, adding that tion items you should tackle, while importance. modify it in some way, shape or
But it “imposes artificial time Allen’s belief is “that our minds are also logging your progress. Final- Those who use the method sep- form. If you go into the productivi-
pressure,” he said, especially given for having ideas, not storing ly, “engage” means to act on your arate their tasks into four quad- ty literature with that in mind,
that some tasks require more than them.” tasks and, well, get them done. rants: urgent and important tasks rather than attempting to find the
25 minutes. You can return to it To cut back on overwhelm, Al- (This is a simplified description; that must be done immediately; one gospel truth, you will be a lot
after a break, of course, but is it len prescribes five steps: capture, each step has its own components, important but not urgent tasks, happier and a lot less frustrated
really necessary to ruin your clarify, organize, reflect and en- as Allen outlines in his book.) which can be scheduled for later; when something doesn’t work for
flow if you’re in a good rhythm? gage. “Capture” means to collect This system is complicated, as urgent but not important tasks, you. Because nothing will work
Plus, it doesn’t account for the whatever has your attention; for Dearmon Kornick acknowledges; which can be delegated; and tasks perfectly for everyone.”
interruptions many of us face, example, this could mean writing even Allen has said he doesn’t that are neither urgent nor impor- [email protected]
both at home and in the office. down all of your appointments follow it precisely 100 percent of tant, and can therefore be elimi-
This technique is sometimes a bet- and ideas in one central notebook. the time. But “it really helps you nated. (You can draw these on a Angela Haupt is a freelance writer and
ter choice for those who work in Then, you’ll “clarify,” or process, create a methodical system for piece of paper or use an online editor. Follow her on Twitter
isolation, he said. each one. If you wrote “plan birth- capturing things, organizing them template.) @angelahaupt.
day party,” you’ll now break that and then staying on top of them,” For example, one might add
Getting Things Done into actionable steps — make Dearmon Kornick said. changing air filters to the “impor-  Wellness newsletter Go to
Dearmon Kornick recalls guest list, buy invitations, send Coulson, who is the author of tant but not urgent” quadrant. washingtonpost.com/wellness to
spending an entire beach vacation invitations — and indicate which “Stop Wasting Time: End Procras- “It’s preventive maintenance subscribe to our email newsletter,
absorbed in David Allen’s “Getting one you can delegate. Next, you’ll tination in 5 Weeks with Proven kinds of things,” Buck said. “All delivered every Wednesday.
DC Family

Can I help my son with autism spectrum disorder make friends?


Q: I have a preschooler
with lots of developmental
delays who was recently
diagnosed as being on the
spectrum. He’s a cheerful,
friendly and fun little guy.
I’m not sure how to support
him in social interactions
where I feel as if other kids
are being exclusionary or
rude toward him. I was
never taught how to be
assertive, and I want to do
better by him.
It’s complicated because
of his language and other
delays. It’s usually in
situations where the other
child’s parents are not
close by. For example, a
kindergarten-age neighbor
kid told another neighbor
kid that they shouldn’t play
with my son. Then he
brought out a fun toy and
said my son couldn’t use it, this world. and kindergartners, as a rule, are story, and he can practice Just as your son will work
I turned to my friend Jen immature and don’t show concrete ways to handle people with social narratives to
but the other kid could. Dryer, a parent coach and consistent consideration for and social situations. Although strengthen his interpersonal
There is no history between advocate for parents of their playmates. Without adult your son is still young, starting relationships, it would also
neurodiverse children, and the supervision, playtime can these social narratives will give behoove you to find a supportive
them; the kid was being first thing she noted is that quickly become a “Lord of the him a much better chance at group of parents who can cheer
exclusionary for no reason. unstructured peer-based play for Flies”-like situation, with the navigating the nuances of you on, offer ideas and give you
an autistic child can be difficult. strongest and bossiest child interpersonal relationships. the compassion that all parents
I hesitate to “parent” “Supporting an autistic child in leading the pack. If many autistic As for the children in your of differently wired children
another person’s child, but peer-based social settings, children are socially behind their neighborhood, you can commit deserve. Raising a neurodiverse
especially when play is peers by a year or two (or more), to supervising their play, and you child can become isolating; if
I think that’s rude and unstructured, as it would be at a then there is little chance for can always advocate for your son you can, reach out to your
the washington post . thursday, august 5 , 2021

unkind behavior. Can you playground, is often incredibly successful independent play with in a way that isn’t punitive for neighbors to let them know who
challenging,” Dryer says. “I like the neighbors, at least for now. the other children. (After all, you and your son are, and that
give me any tips about how that you are thinking about how Once the neighbors are they’re young, too.) “Setting you would like to look out for all
to parent my child in to prepare your child for excluded, there isn’t much you some clear parameters ahead of of the children in the
potential challenges and can do to go back in time and time and explaining that neighborhood. “It takes a
situations like this or what, confusing social situations ahead change that, but you can move everyone’s brains work a little village,” right? Sometimes, a
if anything, I should say to of time, to help alleviate the forward with a skill-building differently, and some kids may simple email or front-yard party
anxiety and stress that peer-to- plan. want to play in different ways can break the ice and help
the other child? peer issues in unstructured and Dryer recommends beginning than you do, and that’s okay, can everyone see each other.
often unsupervised with a well-researched technique be very comforting,” Dryer says. As researcher and author
A: Thank you for writing in. environments can create.” called “social narratives.” Social It’s absolutely appropriate to Brené Brown says: “It is hard to
It can be acutely painful to We’re already seeing a path narratives are where you can continue saying everyone’s brain hate people close up.” So take the
watch our children be rebuffed, forward from Dryer’s comments: “practice and teach specific ways is a little different, and this is step to connect with your
ignored or treated unkindly by Your young son may not be able to react when a friend does how your son’s brain works. I neighbors. Good luck.
other children. And you’re to participate in unstructured something you don’t like,” she would like to promise that this
right: Parenting other children play at this age. Can you bring says. “This can include some key will get easier as he gets older  Also at washingtonpost.com
is not a worthwhile path the children to your house and phrases to use (ex., ‘I don’t like it (and there are many signs that Read the transcript of a recent live
forward, because it’s a bit of a play with them? Yes. Can you sit when . . . ’ or ‘it’s still my turn; the larger culture is moving Q&A with Leahy at
fool’s errand. There will always outside and accompany the you can have it when I’m done,’ toward accepting that people washingtonpost.com/advice, where
be people who will not try to children as they play? Yes. And etc.), and some key actions to learn and move about the world you can also find past columns. Her
understand or be compassionate know this: Unstructured peer- take (ex., walk away, find a in different ways), but the reality next chat is scheduled for Aug. 18.
toward your son, so your efforts based play doesn’t go well with grown-up, etc.).” remains that children (and their
are better spent skill-building all sorts of children, not just Narratives like this place your parents) will not always behave  Send parenting questions to
with your son to prepare for neurodiverse kids. Preschoolers son as a character in his own kindly and inclusively. Leahy at [email protected].

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DC Home Sales Crime Report
D ISTRICT OF CO LUMBI A Arizona Ave., 3036, $1.29 million. N St., 3123, $1.4 million. 13th St., 1502, No. 3, $510,000. DISTRICT OF C O LUMBIA
Belmont St., 1311, $910,000. Newark St., 3030, $1.73 million. 13th St., 5111, $1.33 million.
These sales data recorded by the Brown St., 3430, No. 6, Newton St., 1857, $1 million. 15th St., 1515, No. 202, The following information, provided
D.C. Office of Tax and Revenue in $835,000. O St., 810, No. 208, $575,000. $529,999. by D.C. police and formatted by The
January were provided by Black California St., 2158, Observatory Pl., 2232, 16th St., 2001, No. 501, Post, shows selected incidents
Knight Inc. For information about $2.05 million. $930,000. $549,000. reported by police. Reported
other residential real estate Cathedral Ave., 5143, Ontario Rd., 2244, No. 3, 16th St., 7229, $1.79 million. incidents did not necessarily occur,
transactions, visit $1.07 million. $622,500. 18th St., 1545, No. 322, and they may be based on
washingtonpost.com/homesales. Chapin St., 1412, No. 206, Pennsylvania Ave., 701, No. $408,000. preliminary information that is
NORTHEAST $587,000. PH16, $1.33 million. 22nd St., 1414, No. 41, $1.4 subject to change as a result of
A St., 1416, $992,641. Chesapeake St., 4630, Porter St., 3821, No. 125, million. further investigation. You can
Chillum Pl., 5380, $535,000. $1.41 million. $380,000. 24th St., 922, No. 709, $246,000. reach the police department
East Capitol St., 1354, Church St., 1445, No. 23, Q St., 1725, No. G1, $230,000. 28th St., 1345, $950,000. directly at 202-727-9099.
$1.7 million. $949,000. Quincy Pl., 13, $857,500. 31st St., 5467, $1.5 million.
Fort Lincoln Dr., 3806, Colorado Ave., 5885, No. 110, R St., 1619, No. LL3, $399,000. 34th Pl., 3434, $2 million.
$275,000. Reservoir Rd., 4432, $931,000. 35th St., 1940, $1.11 million. ASSAULTS
$665,000. Benning Rd., 3400 block,
Gault Pl., 4407, No. 2, $234,000. Columbia Rd., 1458, No. 405, Riggs St., 1306, $1.12 million. 39th Pl., 2459, $1.33 million.
$274,900. Rock Creek Church Rd., 3606, 42nd St., 2325, No. 217, 1:28 a.m. July 23.
North Capitol St., 5027, Bladensburg Rd., 2700 block,
$635,027. Connecticut Ave., 2660, No. 5C, No. 101, $470,000. $225,000.
$2.9 million. S St., 1808, $1.25 million. 2:54 a.m. July 23.
Meigs Pl., 1251, No. 4, $299,000. SOUTHEAST Gales St., 1700 block, 1:07 p.m.
Morris Pl., 649, $1 million. Davis Pl., 3941, $1.76 million. Sheridan St., 609, $699,000. Alabama Ave., 1425, $385,000.
E St., 675, No. 200, $645,000. Spring Rd., 1352, $900,000. July a.m. With gun.
Orren St., 1111, No. 501, Croffut Pl., 3327, $455,000. Jay St., 3500-3800 blocks,
$565,000. Emerson St., 235, $145,000. Tunlaw Rd., 2400, $1.55 million. East Capitol St., 4607, $265,000.
F St., 912, No. 907, $740,000. Underwood St., 1364, $850,000. 8:45 a.m. July 21. With gun.
Quincy St., 2229, $610,000. H St., 1617, $1.24 million. Jay St., 3500-3800 blocks,
Shepherd St., 1915, $1.11 million. Flagler Pl., 2217, $1.27 million. V St., 1390, No. 206, $449,500. Independence Ave., 1369,
Fordham Rd., 3812, $1.9 million. Vermont Ave., 1310, No. 5, 7:26 a.m. July 23. With gun.
South Dakota Ave., 4547, $1.06 million. Montello Ave., 1300 block,
$699,000. Girard St., 1222, $855,000. $1.12 million. Kentucky Ave., 109, $955,500.
Huidekoper Pl., 2417, Volta Pl., 3215, $1.5 million. 9:27 a.m. July 18. With knife.
T St., 219, No. 402, $283,500. Mellon St., 449, $693,000. Rhode Island Ave., 1500 block,
First Pl., 4411, No. 5, $211,400. $1.1 million. Warren St., 4992, $2.46 million. Pennsylvania Ave., 1391, No.
Ingraham St., 1205, $900,000. Whittier St., 218, $700,000. 6:09 p.m. July 21. With gun.
Third St., 637, No. 404, 347, $606,000. West Virginia Ave., 1900 block,
$368,000. Ivy Terrace Ct., 3913, Wisconsin Ave., No. 102, 3114, Pennsylvania Ave., 3941, No.
$1.65 million. $240,000. 10:33 p.m. July 21. With gun.
Fifth St., 1119, No. 2, $855,000. 102, $125,000. Fifth St., 2200 block, 3:14 p.m.
Sixth St., 1141, $885,000. Kansas Ave., 4929, $999,900. Fourth St., 1222, No. 2, Trenton Pl., 1215, $470,000.
Kilbourne Pl., 1837, $1.6 million. $855,000. July 25. With knife.
12th St., 706, $974,000. Second St., 413, $1.3 million. 50th St., 500-600 blocks,
12th St., 5034, $495,000. Lamont St., 732, No. 303, Fifth St., 1411, $1.23 million. Seventh St., 550, $1.07 million.
$525,000. Sixth St., 1810, $1.1 million. 7:58 p.m. July 20. With gun.
14th Pl., 623, $450,000. 55th St., 71, $469,000.
18th St., 765, $550,000. M St., 408, No. 1, $679,000. Eighth St., 4121, $1.3 million. ROBBERIES
Madison St., 304, $799,900. 10th St., 2110, No. 3, $707,500. SOUTHWEST Bladensburg Rd., 1100 block,
36th St., 169, $675,000. G St., 273, No. 102, $605,000.
Massachusetts Ave., 1727, No. 11th St., 1550, No. 208, 5:57 a.m. July 26. With gun.
56th Pl., 704, $405,000. M St., 300, No. N809, $339,000.
210, $230,000. $599,900. Blaine St., 5600-5700 blocks,
NORTHWEST Military Rd., 3328, $1.2 million. 12th St., 1115, No. 404, Third St., 725, No. 413, $694,900. 7:25 p.m. July 18.
Adams Mill Rd., 2707, $549,000. N St., 1300, No. 504, $437,500. $304,000. Fourth St., 1435, No. B502, F St., 1000 block, 5:53 a.m.
$238,000. July 21.
Mt. Olivet Rd., 900-1000 blocks,
9:57 p.m. July 22.
New Hampshire Ave.,
6200 block, 4:25 a.m. July 25.
HEALTH CODE VIOLATIONS Otis Pl., 1700 block, 5:38 p.m.
July 20.
Todd Pl., 300 block, 2:27 a.m.
July 22. With gun.
These food establishments Fifth St., 500 block, 7:42 a.m.
were closed because of health July 25. With gun.
code violations. The list, Seventh St., 700 block, 6:09 a.m.
compiled from health July 26.
the washington post . thursday, august 5 , 2021

department reports, reflects 17th St., 3700 block, 11:38 p.m.

actions taken by the July 24. With knife.
departments. 42nd St., 400 block, 7:25 p.m.
THE DISTRICT July 24. With gun.

vol • un • teer
2011 S St. NW Adams St., 3100-3200 blocks,
Closed July 28 because of 2:58 a.m. July 25.
pests. Reopened Friday. Benning Rd., 1900 block,
A person who changes a child’s life forever Virginia Market 8:25 p.m. July 14.
1776 U St. NW Benning Rd., 2500 block,
Join Us. Closed July 27 because of 10:41 a.m. July 20.
Benning Rd., 4500 block,
pests. Reopened the next day.
Experience Corps volunteers – people age 50 and older – help children in 8:34 a.m. July 24.
Benning Rd., 4500 block,
kindergarten through third grade learn to read. Join us at an information session to Mi Pueblito Mercado Latino
9:54 a.m. July 24.
learn how you can become a reading tutor and transform the lives of students in the 5604 Kenilworth Ave.,
Bladensburg Rd., 2100 block,
Washington D.C. area. Riverdale Park
1:24 p.m. July 26.
Closed July 27 because of mice.
Brentwood Rd., 900 block,
Register online at: VIRGINIA 8:10 a.m. July 22. From vehicle.
No new closures were reported. Cherry Rd., 3100 block,
12:36 a.m. July 24.
or call (202) 434-6349 — Compiled by Terence McArdle
Clay St., 4400-4600 blocks,


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*Offer valid on 3 Day Blinds brand products only, excluding shutters and special orders. Buy 1 qualifying window covering and receive the 2nd qualifying window covering of equal or lesser
value at 50% off! Offer excludes installation, sales tax, shipping and handling. Not valid on previous purchases or with any other offer or discount. Offer Code BGXB. Expires 10/31/21.
3 Day Blinds LLC has the following licenses: AZ ROC 321056, CA #1005986, CT HIC.0644950, NJ #13VH09390200, OR #209181, PA #PA107656, WA #3DAYBDB842KS, Nassau County, NY
Home Improvement License H01073101, Rockland County, NY #H-12401-34-00-00, VA #2705172678 (Licensed through Great Windows Services, LLC). © 2021 3 Day Blinds LLC.
DC Crime Report
CRIME FROM 2 I St., 300 block, 2:46 p.m. July 27. 8:03 p.m. July 22. From vehicle. 2:08 a.m. July 26. 14th Pl., 600 block, 8:36 p.m.
Jamison St., 3600-3700 blocks, New York Ave., unit block, Second St., 1300 block, 9:17 p.m. July 25.
4:15 a.m. July 24. From vehicle. 9:32 a.m. July 21. From vehicle. 10:51 a.m. July 25. From vehicle. July 21. 16th St., 200 block, 6:14 a.m.
Crittenden St., 1000-1100 blocks, Jay St., 3500-3800 blocks, Okie St., 1300 block, 5:31 a.m. Second St., 1300 block, 8:42 a.m. July 22.
6:39 p.m. July 24. From vehicle. 5:45 p.m. July 20. July 24. From vehicle. July 24. 18th St., 700 block, 10:33 p.m.
D St., 900 block, 1:29 a.m. July 20. Jefferson St., 700-900 blocks, Okie St., 1300 block, 5:54 p.m. Second St., 1300 block, 2:01 p.m. July 26.
Douglas St., 2000-2100 blocks, 3:32 p.m. July 20. From vehicle. July 25. From vehicle. July 24. 51st St., 1000 block, 6:31 p.m.
9:03 p.m. July 24. From vehicle. Just St., 5200 block, 2:40 p.m. Okie St., 1300 block, 9:01 p.m. Second St., 1300 block, 4:31 p.m. July 23.
Eads St., 5900 block, 12:30 a.m. July 22. July 27. July 27. 59th St., 300 block, 4:42 p.m.
July 22. K St., 100 block, 11:47 p.m. July 17. Pickford Pl., 600 block, 3:23 p.m. Third St., 5200 block, 6:13 p.m. July 22. From vehicle.
Eastern Ave., 5800 block, Kendall St., 1800 block, 9:33 p.m. July 21. July 24. MOTOR VEHICLE THEFTS
8:58 p.m. July 21. From vehicle. July 27. From vehicle. Q St., 100-200 blocks, 5:34 p.m. Third St., 5600 block, 2:49 p.m. Bladensburg Rd., 900 block,
Eastern Ave., 6200 block, Kenilworth Ave., 1300- July 22. From vehicle. July 19. 3:10 a.m. July 25.
2:01 a.m. July 25. 1400 blocks, 4:26 p.m. July 21. Q St., 100-200 blocks, 1:43 a.m. Fourth St., 600 block, 4:43 a.m. Bladensburg Rd., 1100 block,
F St., 1500 block, 11:36 a.m. Kenilworth Ave., 1300- July 27. From vehicle. July 23. From vehicle. 12:41 a.m. July 27.
July 22. 1400 blocks, 4:50 p.m. July 21. Rhode Island Ave., unit block, Fourth St., 1200 block, 7:01 p.m. Bladensburg Rd., 2800-
Fort Lincoln Dr., 3200- Kenilworth Ave., 1300- 1:17 a.m. July 25. July 25. From vehicle. 3200 blocks, 9:22 a.m. July 22.
3400 blocks, 1:42 p.m. July 21. 1400 blocks, 8:17 p.m. July 23. Rhode Island Ave., 400 block, Fourth St., 1300 block, 4:43 a.m. Cherry Rd., 3100 block, 6:06 p.m.
From vehicle. From vehicle. 8:44 a.m. July 21. July 22. July 22.
G St., 300 block, 2:22 a.m. Kenilworth Ave., 1500 block, Rhode Island Ave., 900 block, Fourth St., 1300 block, 2:03 a.m. Clay St., 6200 block, 6:10 a.m.
July 24. From vehicle. 12:40 p.m. July 23. 2:26 p.m. July 23. July 24. From vehicle. July 25.
Gales St., 1700 block, 4:20 p.m. L St., 600 block, 1:22 a.m. July 26. Rhode Island Ave., 900 block, Fifth St., 1300 block, 4:56 p.m. Corcoran St., 1700 block,
July 23. Market St., 2400 block, 3:39 p.m. 1:51 a.m. July 25. From vehicle. July 17. From vehicle. 2:22 p.m. July 24.
H St., 300 block, 5:45 p.m. July 5. July 22. Rhode Island Ave., 2800- Fifth St., 1300 block, 3:58 p.m. Edgewood St., 500 block,
H St., 300 block, 5:06 p.m. July 16. Market St., 2400 block, 8:07 p.m. 3000 blocks, 5:54 p.m. July 26. July 22. From vehicle. 12:25 a.m. July 23.
From vehicle. July 22. From vehicle. Fifth St., 1300 block, 2:37 p.m. H St., 1100 block, 3 a.m. July 22.
H St., 300 block, 6:19 p.m. July 21. Maryland Ave., 1300 block, Riggs Rd., 300 block, 3:39 p.m. July 27. From vehicle. Jay St., 4600-4700 blocks,
H St., 600 block, 2:43 p.m. 3:11 p.m. July 27. July 21. From vehicle. Seventh St., 500 block, 4:54 p.m. July 23.
July 22. Maryland Ave., 1600 block, Riggs Rd., 300 block, 10:01 p.m. 12:54 p.m. July 27. K St., 300 block, 11:45 p.m. July 5.
H St., 1200 block, 7:01 p.m. 3:53 p.m. July 27. From vehicle. July 25. Eighth St., unit block, 6:48 p.m. Kenilworth Ave., 1100-
July 21. Michigan Ave., 400-500 blocks, Shepherd St., 1000 block, July 26. 1200 blocks, 8:50 p.m. July 24.
H St., 1300 block, 12:05 a.m. 11:08 p.m. July 24. From vehicle. 12:27 a.m. July 13. From vehicle. Eighth St., 1100 block, 1:21 p.m. L St., 200 block, 10:31 p.m.
July 20. Minnesota Ave., 4000- T St., 100 block, 4:55 p.m. July 22. July 21. From vehicle. July 21.
Hamilton St., 300 block, 4100 blocks, 11:56 a.m. July 23. W. Virginia Ave., 1300 block, Eighth St., 3400 block, 6:16 p.m. L St., 300 block, 1:22 a.m. July 25.
6:38 a.m. July 16. From vehicle. From vehicle. 3:34 p.m. July 21. July 19. M St., 100 block, 11:49 p.m.
Harewood Rd., 4000- Minnesota Ave., 4900 block, Yost Pl., 2900 block, 2:09 a.m. 12th Pl., 4200 block, 5:06 a.m. July 17.
4200 blocks, 3:17 p.m. July 25. 3:25 p.m. July 21. From vehicle. July 21. From vehicle. July 26. From vehicle. Maryland Ave., 1100 block,
From vehicle. Morse St., 400 block, 5:55 p.m. First St., 1000 block, 12:53 a.m. 12th St., 300 block, 6:43 a.m. 2:57 p.m. July 11.
Hayes St., 3700-3800 blocks, July 21. From vehicle. July 27. July 21. Morse St., 500 block, 7:41 p.m.
11:54 p.m. July 25. From vehicle. New York Ave., unit block, Second St., 700-800 blocks, 12th St., 3800 block, 4:56 p.m. July 24.
July 26. From vehicle.

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the washington post . thursday, august 5 , 2021

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the washington post . thursday, august 5 , 2021
DC Crime Report
CRIME FROM 4 Rhode Island Ave., 900 block, 3:47 p.m. July 23. July 25. V St., 1400 block, 6:57 a.m.
8:11 a.m. July 26. 45th St., unit-100 blocks, Juniper St., 800 block, 11:21 p.m. July 21. With gun.
N St., unit block, 7:50 a.m. July 25. First St., 1200 block, 11:04 p.m. 9:49 p.m. July 21. July 24. With gun. Seventh St., 1400 block,
Nannie Helen Burroughs Ave., July 25. 48th Pl., 500 block, 4 p.m. July 26. Quincy Pl., unit block, 12:34 a.m. 3:19 a.m. July 24. With gun.
4900 block, 4:53 p.m. July 27. 16th St., 1100 block, 1:49 a.m. July 26. With knife. Eighth St., 4300 block, 2:16 a.m.
New York Ave., unit block, July 25. U St., 1100 block, 6:32 p.m. July 21. With gun.
11:46 a.m. July 27. 35th St., 100-200 blocks, ASSAULTS July 24. 14th St., 1700 block, 1:58 a.m.
Florida Ave., unit block, 5:12 p.m. July 23. With gun.
15th St., 2400-2500 blocks,
11:11 p.m. July 17. With knife.
Arkansas Ave., 4000 block,

11:43 p.m. July 23. With gun.
Decatur St., 1400 block,
4:28 a.m. July 25. With gun.
Florida Ave., 700 block, 8:46 p.m.

July 24. With knife.
Geranium St., 1400 block,
7:59 a.m. July 25. With gun.
Kenyon St., 1300 block, 3:24 p.m.

July 25. With knife.
Lamont St., 1700 block, 6:08 a.m.
July 21. With gun.
Longfellow St., 700 block,

11:17 p.m. July 25. With knife.
Mt. Pleasant St., 3100 block,
6:19 a.m. July 21. With gun.

Newton Pl., 600 block, 4:36 a.m.
July 21.

Park Rd., 1600 block, 2:05 a.m.
July 25. With gun.
Second St., 5200 block, 5:20 a.m.

TRIM July 18. With gun.

Third St., 1900 block, 2:51 a.m.

July 24. With gun.
13th St., 5100 block, 11:23 p.m.
July 22. With gun.

VANITIES 14th St., 3500 block, 9:52 p.m.

July 21.

Argonne Pl., 1600 block,

5:12 p.m. July 26.
Buchanan St., 1300 block,
3:26 p.m. July 27. From vehicle.

California St., 1800 block,
12:08 p.m. July 26.

California St., 2100 block,
2:39 p.m. July 18.
Carolina Pl., 5400 block,
4:35 p.m. July 25. From vehicle.
Carroll St., 100 block, 5:43 p.m.
Carroll St., 100 block, 8:33 a.m.
SERVED IN THE DMV July 26. From vehicle.
the washington post . thursday, august 5 , 2021

Carroll St., 200-300 blocks,

Industry leading 5 year warranty 4:18 p.m. July 23. From vehicle.
Cathedral Ave., 2800 block,
Skilled and licensed professionals 5:38 p.m. July 25. From vehicle.
that care for you and your home Champlain St., 2300-2400blocks,
Voted “Best Handyman” in
3:04 p.m. July 23. From vehicle.
Church St., 1400 block, 1:18 a.m.
Washington City Paper and July 26. From vehicle.
Bethesda Magazine Columbia Rd., 1600 block,
Awarded “Top Workplace” by The 8:34 p.m. July 22. From vehicle.
Washington Post
Columbia Rd., 1700 block,
6:32 a.m. July 16. From vehicle.
Columbia Rd., 1700 block,
4:46 a.m. July 23. From vehicle.
Connecticut Ave., 1200 block,
VA 703.691.5500 4:53 p.m. July 26.
MD 301.388.5959 Connecticut Ave., 1700 block,
DC 202.770.3131
11:50 p.m. July 22.
Connecticut Ave., 1700 block,
ScheduleFRED.com 5:24 p.m. July 25.
Connecticut Ave., 1700 block,
4:46 p.m. July 26.
A DIVISION OF VA #2701039723 | MD MHIC #1176 | DC #2242


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Licensed, Bonded, Insured. © 2021 Lednor Corporation.
DC Crime Report
CRIME FROM 6 3400 blocks, 1:14 a.m. July 24. Davenport St., 4200 block, July 21. 12:52 a.m. July 27.
Connecticut Ave., 3300-3400 8:38 p.m. July 20. Euclid St., 700-800 blocks, Fort Dr., 3800 block, 11:51 a.m.
Connecticut Ave., 1900 block, locks, 10:29 p.m. July 25. Devonshire Pl., 2700- 1:15 p.m. July 25. From vehicle. July 21.
10:22 p.m. July 22. Connecticut Ave., 3500 block, 2800 blocks, 7:18 a.m. July 25. Euclid St., 800-900 blocks, G St., 700 block, 3:11 a.m. July 25.
Connecticut Ave., 3200 block, 4:43 p.m. July 17. From vehicle. 2:16 p.m. July 25. From vehicle. From vehicle.
9:53 p.m. July 22. Connecticut Ave., 3500 block, Dupont Cir., unit block, 9:42 p.m. F St., 1000 block, 5:30 p.m. G St., 700 block, 12 p.m. July 26.
Connecticut Ave., 3300- 6:55 p.m. July 21. July 22. July 21. From vehicle.
3400 blocks, 4:14 p.m. July 23. Corcoran St., 1800 block, E St., 900 block, 3:06 p.m. July 22. F St., 1100 block, 4:09 p.m. July27. Georgia Ave., 3100 block,
Connecticut Ave., 3300- 12:22 a.m. July 26. From vehicle. Ellicott St., 4700 block, 6:07 p.m. Florida Ave., 600 block, 7:47 p.m. July 22.
Georgia Ave., 3200 block,
6:08 a.m. July 25.
Georgia Ave., 3600 block,
4:51 p.m. July 25.
Georgia Ave., 3600 block,
6:21 a.m. July 27.
Georgia Ave., 3800 block,
1:36 a.m. July 25.
Georgia Ave., 3800 block,
7:50 p.m. July 25.
Georgia Ave., 3900 block,
3:33 p.m. July 26.
Georgia Ave., 4000 block,
6:30 p.m. July 18.
Georgia Ave., 4000 block,
5:05 p.m. July 20.
Georgia Ave., 4000 block,
1:14 a.m. July 23.
Georgia Ave., 4000 block,
1:06 a.m. July 26.
Georgia Ave., 6600-6700 blocks,
3:59 a.m. July 26.
Glick Ct., 600 block, 7:45 p.m.
July 18.
H St., unit block, 11:49 p.m.
July 19.
H St., unit block, 5:58 a.m. July 20.
From vehicle.
H St., unit block, 7:45 p.m. July 23.
H St., unit block, 2:36 a.m. July 26.
Harvard St., 700-900 blocks,
9:28 p.m. July 25. From vehicle.
Hertford Pl., 3500 block,
9:39 p.m. July 16.
Ingraham St., 1400 block,
10:39 p.m. July 24.
Irving St., 1400 block, 11:37 a.m.
July 21.
Irving St., 1400 block, 11:24 p.m.
July 22. From vehicle.
K St., unit block, 5:01 a.m. July 27.
From vehicle.
K St., 300 block, 10:56 p.m.
July 16. From vehicle.
K St., 600 block, 12:34 a.m.
July 27.
With real-time pricing, curated designs, K St., 700-800 blocks, 5:20 p.m.
the washington post . thursday, august 5 , 2021

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DC Crime Report
CRIME FROM 8 N St., 900 block, 6:47 p.m. July 27. July 19. Sherman Ave., 2300-2500blocks, 3:31 p.m. July 22.
N St., 1100 block, 1:31 a.m. Park Rd., 1500 block, 11:36 p.m. 8:23 a.m. July 25. From vehicle. Seventh St., 1800 block, 7:14 p.m.
July 25. July 23. From vehicle. July 20. Sherman Ave., 3300 block, July 21. From vehicle.
Kalorama Rd., 2100 block, N St., 1400 block, 9:03 p.m. Park Rd., 1500 block, 1:55 p.m. 11:27 p.m. July 23. From vehicle. Seventh St., 1900 block,
8:50 p.m. July 24. July 22. July 22. Spring Rd., 1400-1500 blocks, 12:47 p.m. July 20.
Kalorama Rd., 2100 block, Nevada Ave., 5900 block, Peabody St., 1300 block, 6:18 p.m. July 25. Seventh St., 1900 block,
11:56 p.m. July 25. From vehicle. 5:43 p.m. July 26. From vehicle. 5:44 p.m. July 21. Summit Pl., 1800 block, 5:25 p.m. 6:04 p.m. July 25.
Kennedy St., 100 block, 7:03 p.m. Nevada Ave., 5900 block, Pennsylvania Ave., 1300 block, July 6. Eighth St., 400 block, 2:57 p.m.
July 22. 6:20 p.m. July 26. From vehicle. 1:52 a.m. July 28. Sunderland Pl., 1900 block, July 25.
Kenyon St., 1100-1200 blocks, New Hampshire Ave., 900 block, Pennsylvania Ave., 2000 block, 9:08 p.m. July 22. From vehicle. Ninth St., 900 block, 9:07 p.m.
9:29 p.m. July 21. 5:17 a.m. July 21. 12:27 a.m. July 23. T St., 500-600 blocks, 6:36 p.m. July 6. From vehicle.
L St., 400 block, 10:53 p.m. New Hampshire Ave., Piney Branch Rd., 6500 block, July 21. From vehicle. Ninth St., 1300 block, 2:02 a.m.
July 23. 2000 block, 8:43 p.m. July 20. 9:40 p.m. July 23. From vehicle. T St., 500-600 blocks, 6:53 p.m. July 23. From vehicle.
L St., 1300 block, 3:57 p.m. From vehicle. Piney Branch Rd., 6500 block, July 21. Ninth St., 1900 block, 5:18 p.m.
July 22. From vehicle. New York Ave., unit block, 1:23 p.m. July 26. From vehicle. T St., 1100 block, 7:51 p.m. July 16.
Logan Cir., unit block, 2:38 p.m. 2:42 a.m. July 16. From vehicle. Porter St., 3000-3300 blocks, July 23. Ninth St., 1900 block, 5:43 p.m.
July 21. New York Ave., 1100 block, 1:06 p.m. July 21. From vehicle. T St., 1300 block, 3:47 p.m. July 21. From vehicle.
Longfellow St., 1300 block, 4:55 p.m. July 22. Potomac St., 1000 block, July 25. From vehicle. 10th St., 700 block, 2:47 p.m.
1:19 p.m. July 21. New York Ave., 1100 block, 5:24 a.m. July 21. From vehicle. T St., 3800 block, 7:17 p.m. July 20.
Luzon Ave., 6600 block, 5:08 p.m. July 23. Q St., 600 block, 1:26 p.m. July 17. July 23. From vehicle. 11th St., 1100 block, 4 p.m.
11:49 a.m. July 20. From vehicle. New York Ave., 1100 block, Q St., 600 block, 6:04 p.m. July 27. Tewkesbury Pl., 1300 block, July 27.
M St., unit block, 6:53 a.m. 5:17 p.m. July 27. From vehicle. 1:30 p.m. July 20. From vehicle. 11th St., 2200 block, 7:57 p.m.
July 22. From vehicle. Newton St., 1400-1500 blocks, Q St., 1300 block, 5:49 a.m. U St., 1000 block, 5:27 p.m. July 20. From vehicle.
M St., 1100 block, 4:19 p.m. 3:21 p.m. July 26. July 14. From vehicle. July 17. 11th St., 3200 block, 7:40 a.m.
July 23. O St., 1000 block, 12:07 a.m. Q St., 1700 block, 1:59 a.m. U St., 1000 block, 9:03 p.m. July 23.
M St., 1300 block, 6:21 p.m. July 21. July 24. July 27. 12th St., 500 block, 11:33 p.m.
July 17. From vehicle. Ogden St., 1500 block, 1:06 a.m. R St., 100 block, 2:02 a.m. July 27. U St., 1300 block, 6:43 a.m. July 20.
M St., 3200 block, 11:35 p.m. July 22. R St., 1800 block, 1:30 a.m. July 21. 13th St., 500 block, 1:18 p.m.
July 22. Ordway St., 3600 block, 1:28 p.m. July 22. Vermont Ave., 1100 block, July 16. From vehicle.
Massachusetts Ave., 600 block, July 26. From vehicle. Reservoir Rd., 3800 block, 5:17 p.m. July 26. From vehicle. 13th St., 1200 block, 12:10 p.m.
8:58 p.m. July 24. P St., 1500 block, 2:04 a.m. 4:28 p.m. July 26. From vehicle. Vermont Ave., 2100 block, July 20.
Massachusetts Ave., 1100 block, July 21. Rhode Island Ave., 1400 block, 5:40 p.m. July 27. 13th St., 1200 block, 2:54 a.m.
4:41 a.m. July 27. P St., 2100 block, 1:35 a.m. 7:43 a.m. July 21. Vernon St., 1800 block, 2:22 a.m. July 22.
Massachusetts Ave., 1500 block, July 22. From vehicle. Rhode Island Ave., 1400 block, July 11. 13th St., 2800 block, 5:53 p.m.
12:41 p.m. July 22. Palmer Alley, 900 block, 2:16 a.m. 10:46 p.m. July 23. From vehicle. W St., 900 block, 1:48 a.m. July 21. From vehicle.
Massachusetts Ave., 4800 block, July 22. Rhode Island Ave., 1500 block, July 26. From vehicle. 13th St., 4200-4400 blocks,
3:57 p.m. July 27. Park Rd., 1100-1200 blocks, 6:16 p.m. July 22. Wiltberger St., 1800 block, 8:45 p.m. July 21. From vehicle.
Monroe St., 900 block, 8:36 p.m. 12:23 a.m. July 21. Rhode Island Ave., 1500 block, 4:51 p.m. July 21. 14th St., 1300 block, 5:33 p.m.
July 24. From vehicle. Park Rd., 1400 block, 4:27 p.m. 1:57 p.m. July 27. Wisconsin Ave., 1200 block, July 21.
Monroe St., 900 block, 12:41 a.m. July 16. Seaton Pl., unit block, 8:04 p.m. 3:41 a.m. July 25. From vehicle. 14th St., 1600 block, 6:01 a.m.
July 28. Park Rd., 1400 block, 1:28 p.m. July 23. Wisconsin Ave., 1200 block, July 21. From vehicle.
Monroe St., 1300 block, 6:06 p.m. July 26. From vehicle. Sheridan St., 900 block, 4:13 a.m. 10:05 p.m. July 26. 14th St., 2000 block, 11:39 p.m.
July 22. Park Rd., 1500 block, 4:24 p.m. July 23. From vehicle. Wisconsin Ave., 1800- July 26. From vehicle.
2000 blocks, 2:28 p.m. July 20. 14th St., 2100 block, 6:12 p.m.
Wisconsin Ave., 2500 block, July 20.
2:32 p.m. July 24. 14th St., 2100 block, 9:19 p.m.
No Other Window Company Gives You As Many Affordable, Options. Wisconsin Ave., 2800 block, July 27.

Like Our Beautiful State-Of-The-Art... Bi-Fold Windows & Doors!

7:54 p.m. July 25. 14th St., 3100-3200 blocks,
Wisconsin Ave., 4400 block, 5:42 p.m. July 17.
4:09 p.m. July 23. 14th St., 3100-3200 blocks,
Wisconsin Ave., 5300 block, 4:09 a.m. July 23. From vehicle.
2:43 a.m. July 21. 14th St., 3100-3200 blocks,
Wisconsin Ave., 5300 block, 5:03 p.m. July 24.
4:45 p.m. July 24. 14th St., 3400 block, 4:57 p.m.
Woodley Rd., 2800 block, July 22.
9:53 p.m. July 23. From vehicle. 14th St., 4100 block, 2:58 a.m.
the washington post . thursday, august 5 , 2021

First Pl., 5400 block, 3:46 p.m. July 27.

July 22. 14th St., 4500 block, 7:29 p.m.
First St., 1400 block, 3:37 p.m. July 21. From vehicle.
July 27. 14th St., 6700 block, 10:24 p.m.
First St., 1900 block, 12:38 a.m. July 23.
July 26. 15th St., 1000 block, 10:36 a.m.
Limited Time Offer First St., 2000 block, 9:07 p.m. July 24. From vehicle.

20% OFF
July 26. From vehicle. 15th St., 1000 block, 4:39 p.m.
Third Pl., 4700 block, 5:55 p.m. July 26. From vehicle.

July 24. From vehicle. 15th St., 1500 block, 7:47 p.m.
Third St., 1900 block, 8:36 p.m. July 22.
Windows, Doors & Installation July 18. 15th St., 1600 block, 2:42 p.m.
Plus... Third St., 1900 block, 10:28 p.m. July 23. From vehicle.
Have Us Give You A FREE July 26. 15th St., 1600 block, 7:54 p.m.
Estimate & We Will Beat Any Fourth St., 2100 block, 12:34 a.m. July 26.
Window Company Estimate* July 25. 15th St., 2000 block, 11:58 a.m.
Sixth St., 900 block, 12:14 a.m. July 26.
We’re Here To Help... July 21.
Seventh St., 400 block,
15th St., 2200-2300 blocks,
12:48 p.m. July 17. From vehicle.
Our Experts Can Answer All Your 10:01 p.m. July 25. From vehicle. 15th St., 2800 block, 10:07 p.m.
Window And Door Questions!
Seventh St., 1100 block, 4 p.m. July 24. From vehicle.
202 505-7918
631 S Patrick St
St. Alexandria
Alexandria, VA 22314 July 23. From vehicle. 16th St., 1600 block, 12:36 a.m.
www.SunBriteWindowsandDoors.com Seventh St., 1300 block, SEE CRIME ON 12

TIME Again
And as local stages,
galleries and concert
venues spring back to life, For the latest
The Washington Post is news, reviews and
leading the way updates on the
in covering and return of D.C.’s arts
supporting their and entertainment
efforts. institutions, visit our
Restart the
Arts online hub.

the washington post . thursday, august 5 , 2021


DC Crime Report
CRIME FROM 10 Maple St., 6900 block, 6:57 p.m. July 28. With gun. 4:57 p.m. July 17. Eighth St., 3000 block, 4:49 p.m.
July 26. ROBBERIES Jasper St., 2600-2700 blocks, July 22.
July 24. N St., unit block, 12:52 a.m. Barnaby St., 800 block, 7:36 a.m. July 17. From vehicle. Eighth St., 3900 block, 10:08 a.m.
16th St., 3500-3600 blocks, July 24. 10:19 p.m. July 25. With gun. Livingston Rd., 4100- July 27.
2:30 a.m. July 17. New Hampshire Ave., 3700 block, Bruce Pl., 2700 block, 7:22 a.m. 4500 blocks, 5:41 a.m. July 26. 10th St., 300 block, 9:45 p.m.
16th St., 3500-3600 blocks, 6:30 p.m. July 25. July 21. From vehicle. July 21. From vehicle.
11:57 p.m. July 21. New Jersey Ave., 800 block, Bruce Pl., 3100 block, 6:16 a.m. M Pl., 2900 block, 1:07 a.m. 11th St., 100 block, 3:11 p.m.
18th St., 1800 block, 4:23 p.m. 8:06 p.m. July 21. July 16. July 27. From vehicle. July 21.
July 25. From vehicle. Nicholson St., unit block, C St., 1500 block, 4:51 a.m. M St., 400 block, 2:56 a.m. 13th St., 500 block, 5:15 p.m.
18th St., 2400 block, 5:39 p.m. 9:12 p.m. July 21. July 22. With gun. July 21. July 21. From vehicle.
July 27. From vehicle. Park Rd., 1300 block, 4:46 p.m. H St., 5000 block, 6:01 a.m. M St., 700 block, 4:14 p.m. July 21. 14th St., 200 block, 3:15 p.m.
19th St., 1100 block, 10:52 p.m. July 21. July 27. From vehicle. July 25.
July 25. From vehicle. Q St., 900 block, 2:57 a.m. July 23. Langston Pl., 2700-2800 blocks, Martin Luther King Jr. Ave., 14th St., 1900 block, 6:54 a.m.
19th St., 2400 block, 4:42 p.m. R St., 1900 block, 3:47 p.m. 3:38 a.m. July 27. 2400 block, 11:26 a.m. July 26. July 27. From vehicle.
July 21. July 25. Minnesota Ave., 2200 block, Massachusetts Ave., 1600 block, 16th St., 400 block, 9:51 p.m.
19th St., 2400 block, 10:49 p.m. Sandy Spring Rd., 6600 block, 6:30 p.m. July 27. With gun. 10:43 p.m. July 27. July 26.
July 25. From vehicle. 3:27 p.m. July 21. Pennsylvania Ave., 3100 block, Milwaukee Pl., 600 block, 16th St., 2300 block, 2:38 a.m.
24th St., 700 block, 5:54 p.m. T St., 200 block, 12:27 a.m. 9:15 p.m. July 23. With knife. 1:20 a.m. July 23. July 28.
July 23. July 22. Sheridan Rd., 2600 block, Minnesota Ave., 1900- 17th Pl., 1600 block, 3:04 p.m.
27th St., 2800 block, 12:50 a.m. T St., 1000 block, 8:02 p.m. 9:06 a.m. July 25. With gun. 2000 blocks, 12:20 p.m. July 22. July 25.
July 22. July 23. Stanton Rd., 2600 block, From vehicle. 17th St., 300 block, 10:22 p.m.
29th Pl., 2800 block, 5 p.m. T St., 1400 block, 10:34 a.m. 9:41 a.m. July 25. With gun. Minnesota Ave., 3400- July 25.
July 23. From vehicle. July 20. Water St., 300 block, 3:40 a.m. 3500 blocks, 2:46 a.m. July 26. 19th St., 1500 block, 3:19 p.m.
33rd St., 1600 block, 4:33 p.m. U St., 1300 block, 9:24 a.m. July 24. Mississippi Ave., 1000- July 21.
July 23. From vehicle. July 17. 1200 blocks, 4:23 a.m. July 25. MOTOR VEHICLE THEFTS
39th St., 1900 block, 5:53 p.m. Woodley Pl., 2600 block, Mississippi Ave., 1000- A St., 300 block, 7:18 p.m. July 21.
Alabama Ave., 1500-1600 blocks,
July 20. From vehicle. 4:31 a.m. July 22. 1200 blocks, 5:27 a.m. July 26. A St., 1600 block, 12:53 a.m.
6:31 a.m. July 17.
42nd St., 5300 block, 4:59 p.m. Seventh St., 700 block, 2:43 a.m. Naylor Rd., 1900-2100 blocks, July 24.
Alabama Ave., 1500-1600 blocks,
July 17. From vehicle. July 23. 6:13 p.m. July 23. From vehicle. Alabama Ave., 1500-1600 blocks,
11:03 p.m. July 21.
MOTOR VEHICLE THEFTS 11th St., 3300 block, 6:15 p.m. Alabama Ave., 2200 block, Naylor Rd., 3000-3100 blocks, 3:49 a.m. July 22.
Belmont Rd., 1800 block, July 18. 1:19 a.m. July 28. 11:54 p.m. July 21. Bangor St., 1400 block, 1:43 a.m.
6:50 p.m. July 21. 14th St., 3500 block, 1:33 a.m. Alabama Ave., 3600 block, New Jersey Ave., 1100 block, July 27.
Columbia Rd., 1600 block, July 26. 6:51 p.m. July 27. 5:45 p.m. July 23. Independence Ave., 1800 block,
4:13 a.m. July 25. 15th St., 1500 block, 2:32 p.m. B St., 5300 block, 1:29 p.m. New Jersey Ave., 1100 block, 11:52 a.m. July 21.
Dumbarton St., 3000 block, July 27. July 21. 6:01 p.m. July 23. K St., 1400 block, 12:23 a.m.
11:41 p.m. July 22. 18th St., 2300 block, 11:18 p.m. Bay St., 1800 block, 9:16 p.m. New Jersey Ave., 1100 block, July 22.
Fairmont St., 700 block, 1:56 a.m. July 26. July 22. 6:08 p.m. July 23. Livingston Rd., 4000 block,
July 20. SOUTHEAST Benning Rd., 4900 block, Pennsylvania Ave., 1100 block, 1:27 p.m. July 24.
Florida Ave., 400 block, 8:29 a.m. 5:15 p.m. July 22. 5:40 a.m. July 22. M St., unit block, 4:06 a.m. July 27.
ASSAULTS Pennsylvania Ave., 1500 block,
July 25. Brandywine St., 400-500 blocks, Potomac Ave., 1800 block,
Ainger Pl., 2300 block, 12:55 a.m.
Florida Ave., 1900 block, 1:26 a.m. July 27. 9 p.m. July 22. 8:29 a.m. July 18.
July 27. With knife.
9:34 p.m. July 24. Central Ave., 5500-5600 blocks, Pennsylvania Ave., 3900 block, Q St., 2200 block, 1:24 a.m.
Alabama Ave., 2200 block,
Georgia Ave., 2000 block, 5:58 p.m. July 25. 7:35 p.m. July 21. From vehicle. July 23.
12:47 a.m. July 23. With gun.
1:23 a.m. July 26. Chesapeake St., 800 block, Potomac Ave., 1300 block, S St., 1600 block, 9:43 a.m.
Bowen Rd., 2600 block, 3:54 a.m.
Georgia Ave., 3500 block, 6:41 p.m. July 23. 9:16 p.m. July 14. July 23.
July 22. With gun.
11:40 p.m. July 24. E St., 1300 block, 11:37 p.m. Potomac Ave., 1300 block, Southern Ave., 5600 block,
Bruce Pl., 2700 block, 11 p.m.
Georgia Ave., 3600 block, July 16. From vehicle. 12:21 a.m. July 21. 7:45 p.m. July 22.
July 26. With knife.
2:14 a.m. July 25. E St., 1300 block, 7:34 p.m. Potomac Ave., 1300 block, Ninth St., 200 block, 4:25 p.m.
Call Pl., 5100-5200 blocks,
Georgia Ave., 4900 block, July 26. From vehicle. 3:22 p.m. July 27. July 24.
4:34 p.m. July 23. With gun.
11:22 p.m. July 22. Elvans Rd., 2400-2500 blocks, South Carolina Ave., 600 block, 16th St., 2200 block, 11:45 p.m.
D St., 5000 block, 4:11 a.m.
Georgia Ave., 5700-5800 blocks, 3:46 a.m. July 25. 9:16 p.m. July 21. July 24.
July 26. With gun.
10:56 p.m. July 24. Forrester St., 600 block, South Carolina Ave., 600 block, 17th St., 1500 block, 2:34 p.m.
Good Hope Rd., 1500-
Georgia Ave., 6300 block, 1:09 a.m. July 28. From vehicle. 11:30 p.m. July 21. July 25.
1600 blocks, 1:58 a.m. July 21.
10:23 p.m. July 21. G St., 300 block, 5:09 p.m. South Carolina Ave., 600 block, 18th St., 3300 block, 1:05 a.m.
With knife.
Georgia Ave., 6400 block, July 22. 11:35 p.m. July 21. July 26.
Good Hope Rd., 1500-
4:37 p.m. July 23. South Carolina Ave., 600 block, 28th St., 1700-1800 blocks,
the washington post . thursday, august 5 , 2021

1600 blocks, 8:51 a.m. July 21. G St., 1300 block, 10:54 p.m.
Georgia Ave., 6600 block, July 22. From vehicle. 3:48 p.m. July 25. 3:42 a.m. July 27.
Good Hope Rd., 2400-
4:23 a.m. July 23. Gainesville St., 2800- Southern Ave., 1200 block, 54th St., 400 block, 1:43 p.m.
2600 blocks, 6:21 p.m. July 20.
Georgia Ave., 7400-7500 blocks, 2900 blocks, 8:53 p.m. July 23. 3:48 p.m. July 20. From vehicle. July 27.
With gun.
12:32 a.m. July 20. Good Hope Rd., 1300 block, Stanton Rd., 3500 block,
Martin Luther King Jr. Ave., SOUTHWEST
H St., 600 block, 6:31 a.m. July 16. 4:57 p.m. July 22. From vehicle. 4:10 p.m. July 17.
2600-2700 blocks, 9:47 p.m. THEFTS/BURGLARIES
Holmead Pl., 3300 block, Good Hope Rd., 2300 block, Stanton Rd., 3500 block,
July 21. With gun. L’Enfant Plaza, 400-900 blocks,
8:31 a.m. July 25. 1:13 a.m. July 21. 7:58 p.m. July 26.
Martin Luther King Jr. Ave., 3:46 p.m. July 26.
I St., 1400 block, 2:41 a.m. Good Hope Rd., 2300 block, Varney St., 900 block, 10:13 a.m.
3100 block, 1:21 a.m. July 22. With M St., 200 block, 8:30 p.m.
July 26. 9:31 p.m. July 26. July 20. From vehicle.
knife. July 26.
Kalorama Rd., 2100 block, Hilltop Terr., 500 block, 3 p.m. First St., 900 block, 4:07 a.m.
Naylor Rd., 3000-3100 blocks, Maine Ave., 600 block, 10:33 p.m.
10:31 a.m. July 22. July 26. From vehicle. July 21.
6:23 a.m. July 23. With gun. July 26. From vehicle.
Kansas Ave., 3900 block, Howard Rd., 700-900 blocks, First St., 1000 block, 2:27 p.m.
Savannah St., 900 block, W. Basin Dr., 200-500 blocks,
6:21 p.m. July 25. 8:11 p.m. July 22. July 9.
8:25 p.m. July 21. With gun. 4:50 p.m. July 25.
Kennedy St., 1400-1500 blocks, Howard Rd., 700-900 blocks, Fourth St., 500 block, 6:25 p.m.
Stanton Rd., 3500 block, Wharf St., 800 block, 2:19 p.m.
3:40 a.m. July 23. 8:50 p.m. July 22. July 26.
4:24 a.m. July 21. With gun. July 23.
Kenyon St., 700-900 blocks, Independence Ave., 500 block, Fifth St., 200 block, 10:24 p.m.
Upsal St., 100 block, 2:29 p.m. Fourth St., 900-1100 blocks,
5:47 p.m. July 27. 4:57 p.m. July 25. July 21.
July 26. 8:53 p.m. July 12.
L St., 400 block, 12:34 a.m. Independence Ave., 1100 block, Sixth St., 4600 block, 7:49 p.m.
Virginia Ave., 600 block, Sixth Pl., 600 block, 7:12 p.m.
July 21. 12:05 a.m. July 22. From vehicle. July 21. From vehicle.
9:40 a.m. July 25. With gun. July 26. From vehicle.
L St., 900 block, 1:49 a.m. July 22. Independence Ave., 1300 block, Eighth St., 300 block, 8:18 p.m.
Eighth St., 3800 block, 3:54 a.m.
M St., 3100 block, 12:25 a.m. 12:44 a.m. July 26. July 21. MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT
July 21. E St., 300 block, 5:44 p.m. July 27.
July 22. Independence Ave., 1500 block, Eighth St., 500-600 blocks,
14th St., 1900 block, 3:16 a.m.
4:54 p.m. July 21.

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