Introduction To Lighting: Light and Material

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Introduction to Lighting

Lighting is one of the most important considerations for realistic 3D graphics. The goal is to simulate
light sources and the way that the light that they emit interacts with objects in the scene. Lighting
calculations are disabled by default in OpenGL. This means that when OpenGL applies color to a vertex,
it simply uses the current color value as set by the one of the functions glColor*. In order to get OpenGL
to do lighting calculations, you need to enable lighting by calling glEnable(GL LIGHTING). If that’s all
you do, you will find that your objects are all completely black. If you want to see them, you have to turn
on some lights.
The properties of a surface that determine how it interacts light are referred to as the material of the
surface. A surface can have several different material properties.

Light and Material

When light strikes a surface, some of it will be reflected. Exactly how it reflects depends in a complicated
way on the nature of the surface, what I am calling the material properties of the surface. In OpenGL (and
in many other computer graphics systems), the complexity is approximated by two general types of
reflection, specular reflection and diffuse reflection.
In perfect specular (“mirror-like”) reflection, an incoming ray of light is reflected from the surface intact.
The reflected ray makes the same angle with the surface as the incoming ray. A viewer can see the
reflected ray only if the viewer is in exactly the right position, somewhere along the path of the reflected
ray. Even if the entire surface is illuminated by the light source, the viewer will only see the reflection of
the light source at those points on the surface where the geometry is right. Such reflections are referred to
as specular highlights. In practice, we think of a ray of light as being reflected not as a single perfect ray,
but as a cone of light, which can be more or less narrow.
In pure diffuse reflection, an incoming ray of light is scattered in all directions equally. A viewer would
see reflected light from all points on the surface. If the incoming light arrives in parallel rays that evenly
illuminate the surface, then the surface would appear to the viewer to be evenly illuminated. (If different
rays strike the surface at different angles, as they would if they come from a nearby lamp or if the surface
is curved, then the amount of illumination at a point depends on the angle at which the ray hits the surface
at that point.)
When light strikes a surface, some wavelengths of light can be absorbed, some can be reflected diffusely,
and some can be reflected specularly. The degree to which a material reflects light of different
wavelengths is what constitutes the color of the material. We now see that a material can have two
different colors— a diffuse color that tells how the material reflects light diffusely, and a specular color
that tells how it reflects light specularly. The diffuse color is the basic color of the object. The specular
color determines the color of specular highlights. The diffuse and specular colors can be the same; for
example, this is often true for metallic surfaces. Or they can be different; for example, a plastic surface
will often have white specular highlights no matter what the diffuse color.
OpenGL goes even further. In fact, there are two more colors associated with a material.
The third color is the ambient color of the material, which tells how the surface reflects ambient light .
Ambient light refers to a general level of illumination that does not come directly from a light source. It
consists of light that has been reflected and re-reflected so many times that it is no longer coming from
any particular direction. Ambient light is why shadows are not absolutely black. In fact, ambient light is
only a crude approximation for the reality of multiply reflected light, but it is better than ignoring multiple
reflections entirely.
The fourth color associated with a material is an emission color, which is not really a color in the same
sense as the first three color properties. That is, it has nothing to do with how the surface reflects light.
The emission color is color that does not come from any external source, and therefore seems to be
emitted by the material itself. This does not mean that the object is giving off light that will illuminate
other objects, but it does mean that the object can be seen even if there is no source of light (not even
ambient light). In the presence of light, the object will be brighter than can be accounted for by the light
that illuminates it, and in that sense it appears to glow. The emission color is usually black; that is, the
object has no emission at all.
To light a scene, in addition to enabling GL LIGHTING, you must configure at least one source of light.
For very basic lighting, it often suffices to call

glEnable(GL LIGHT0);

This command turns on a directional light that shines from the direction of the viewer into the scene.
(Note that the last character in GL LIGHT0 is a zero.) Since it shines from the direction of the viewer, it
will illuminate everything that the user can see. The light is white, with no specular component; that is,
you will see the diffuse color of objects, without any specular highlights.

Normal Vectors

The visual effect of a light shining on a surface depends on the properties of the surface and of the light.
But it also depends to a great extent on the angle at which the light strikes the surface. The angle is
essential to specular reflection and also affects diffuse reflection. That’s why a curved, lit surface looks
different at different points, even if its surface is a uniform color.
To calculate this angle, OpenGL needs to know the direction in which the surface is facing. That direction
is specified by a vector that is perpendicular to the surface. Another word for “perpendicular” is
“normal,” and a non-zero vector that is perpendicular to a surface at a given point is called a normal
vector to that surface. When used in lighting calculations, a normal vector must have length equal to one.
A normal vector of length one is called a unit normal. For proper lighting calculations in OpenGL, a unit
normal must be specified for each vertex.
However, given any normal vector, it is possible to calculate a unit normal from it by dividing the vector
by its length.

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