Apologetics Field-Based Activity Cults Final

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The purpose of the activity is to provide you with an opportunity to construct a short
argument for orthodox Christianity against a cult while anticipating possible objections to
that argument and then sharing that argument “in the field.” In the sections provided below,
you will insert your constructed argument and possible objections; you will enter the date, time,
setting, and short description of the person with whom you share the argument; and a short
reflection on the sharing experience.

1. Construct a short argument for orthodox Christianity against a cult while

anticipating possible objections.

Type below the list, the name of the cult that you will be addressing (limit yourself to one of
argument): Jehovah’s Witnesses

The following cults are discussed in the Gould textbook.

Jehovah’s Witnesses

If your self-selected argument dealt with one of these cults then you might want to choose a
lesser known Christian cult. For an alternative cult, contact your professor for approval of that

a. Lay out your argument as you plan to use it in the conversation you will be

There are differences when it comes to Jehovah Witnesses and the Christian religion
on religious practices and beliefs. Both religions confessed that they believe in the
authority of scripture, yet the Jehovah withness denied the existence of the trinity, the
morality of the soul, and a hosts of other biblical practices in the Bible. Although I
found some of their doctrine to be biblically sound, I found some to be very much
like a cult.

b. Anticipate two to three possible objections to your argument and how you would
address those objections in a short conversation.

Objections: Jehovah Witnesses believe that by calling God Lord instead of using His
divine name Jehovah, the Christian religion makes it difficult for other Bible readers
to understand that Jehovah is different from the other lord mentioned in (1Cor 8:5).”1

Reflection: Jehovah Witnesses fail to mention that the next verse described God as
one God the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live, and there is
but one Lord, Jesus Christ through whom all things came, and through whom we
live” (1 Cor 8:6).

Objection: Jehovah Witness openly denied that the " doctrine of the trinity was never
taught in the Bible, but developed because the term Lord was uses for Jehovah and
Jesus , making it difficult for Bible readers to distinguish that Jehovah and His Son
are separate individuals with distinct positions.”2

Reflection: The apostle Matthew was one of Jesus apostles who wrote what Jesus
commanded them to do, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing
them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”(Matt 28:19).

Objection: Jehovah Witnesses claims Jesus is not God, but He is the only person
created directly by God and was used as a “master worker” to create everyone else.”3

Reflection:Jehovah Witnesses teach that Jesus is not God, scripture reminds us, “No
one has ever seen God, but God the one and only, who is at the Father’s side, has
made Him known”(John 1:18).

2. Sharing your argument for orthodox Christianity against a cult.

a. Identify the time and place in which you had the conversation.
Hair salon, Tuesday, 5PM

L Weaver, and G. F. Simonis, “The Watchtower” Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom, June 2019,
Harold L. Corkern, and Mark L. Questell, “The Watchtower” Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom
2020. 10.
b. Identify the setting (coffeeshop, online, text, etc. It must, however, be a conversation
and not a monologue):
The conversation took place at a hair salon.

c. Identify your conversation partner (no names please): unbeliever, believer; uncertain;
knowledge level, attitude of partner (antagonistic, interested, doubtful, devil’s
My partner is a female Jehovah’s witnesses’ believer, and she is also my hair stylist
for many years.

3. Reflection (two-four paragraphs; a paragraph will have at least three complete

sentences) in which you describe how the conversation went, the reaction of your
conversation partner both during and after the presentation of the argument, what
you might have done differently, and how you feel after presentation about the
strength of the argument.

My partner and I always have some form of disagreement when it comes to the Bible, but
this time our conversation started out better that I had anticipated. I was better prepared
to give a defense for the truth. My partner was pleasant and well prepared to do
evangelism; because she brought 13 copies of the watchtower for me to read.

She asked if I had come to the conclusion that Jehovah Witnesses have the true message
and that they are the only true Church. I asked her how Jehovah witnesses could be the
true church and have the true message when they don’t believe in the cross. I told her we
don’t have to work in any organization for our salvation because salvation is already paid
for by Jesus’ death on the cross..”

She asked me if I could show her where in the Bible is the “expression of immortal soul,
because it is not listed anywhere in the Bible. I have her read 1 Corinthians 15:54 from
my Bible, and she was shell shocked. We wrap up our argument by drawing on Colossian

“See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which
depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ”
(Col 2:8). I don’t believe that I could have done anything differently, our conversation
ends on a promising note to meet again. Now that I am mentally prepared and better
equipped to defend the gospel, I promise to take her up on that challenge.

Weaver, L., and Simonis, G. F. Watchtower” Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom, June 2019.

Corkern, Harold L., and Questell, Mark L.“The Watchtower” Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom


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