Economic Analysis - EP

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Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II)




May 2017

Prepared by:

Transport Consultancy & Training Services (Pvt.) Ltd., Sri Lanka.

Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) Traffic Studies & Economic Analysis – Eastern Province

Table of Contents

1 Introduction...................................................................................................1
1.1 Background ...................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Outline of the Economic Analysis...................................................................... 1
1.3 Project Roads................................................................................................... 1

2 Socio-Economic Profile of Eastern Province .............................................3

2.1 Introduction....................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Geographic Profile............................................................................................ 3
2.3 Demographic Profile ......................................................................................... 4
2.4 Economic Profile............................................................................................... 5
2.5 Relevance of the Project................................................................................... 8
3 Traffic Analysis .............................................................................................9

3.1 Introduction....................................................................................................... 9
3.2 Overview of Regional Transport ....................................................................... 9
3.3 Estimation of Base Year Traffic for Project Roads ...........................................11
3.4 Generated and Diverted Traffic........................................................................12
3.5 Traffic Growth Rates........................................................................................13

4 Economic Analysis.....................................................................................18
4.1 Introduction......................................................................................................18
4.2 Economic Analysis Using HDM 4.....................................................................18
4.3 General Inputs .................................................................................................18
4.4 Economic Costs...............................................................................................22
4.5 Economic Benefits...........................................................................................23
4.6 Results of Economic Analysis..........................................................................27
4.7 Estimated CO2 Emission..................................................................................29
4.8 Financial Sustainability ....................................................................................30

5 Sensitivity Analysis ....................................................................................32

5.1 Introduction......................................................................................................32
5.2 Risk Analysis ...................................................................................................32
5.3 Switching Values .............................................................................................33

6 Conclusions & Recommendations............................................................35

6.1 Conclusions.....................................................................................................35
6.2 Recommendations...........................................................................................35

Appendix 1: Details of Project Roads & Results of Economic Analysis

Appendix 2: Cost Benefit Streams for Aggregated Investments

Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) Traffic Studies & Economic Analysis – Eastern Province

List of Tables

Table 1-1: Selected Project Road Lengths for Evaluation ........................................................... 2

Table 2-1: Administrative Divisions in Eastern Province ............................................................. 4
Table 2-2: Distribution of Population, 2012.................................................................................. 4
Table 2-3: GDP in Sri Lanka, 2010-2015..................................................................................... 5
Table 2-4: Provincial GRDP at Current Factor Cost .................................................................... 6
Table 2-5: Provincial GDP by Industry Origin at Current Factor Cost, 2013 – 2014................... 6
Table 3-1: Road Network in Eastern Province, 2016................................................................... 9
Table 3-2: Vehicle Fleet in Eastern Province, 2006 -2015 ........................................................ 10
Table 3-3: Composition of Base Year Traffic on Project Roads, 2016 ...................................... 12
Table 3-4: Estimated Diversions for Different Types of Connectivity ........................................ 13
Table 3-5: Population and Bus Fleet in Eastern Province, 2009 -2015..................................... 13
Table 3-6: Real Per Capita Income & Private Vehicle Fleet in Eastern Province, 2006 -2015. 14
Table 3-7: Real GRDP & Freight Vehicle Fleet in Eastern Province, 2010 -2015..................... 16
Table 3-8: Predicted Annual Traffic Growth Rates .................................................................... 17
Table 4-1: Design Cross Sections for Project Roads ................................................................ 19
Table 4-2: Characteristics of Vehicle Fleet ................................................................................ 20
Table 4-3: Economic Operating Cost and Time Value .............................................................. 21
Table 4-4: Economic Price of Fuel ............................................................................................. 21
Table 4-5: Roadside Friction Coefficients .................................................................................. 22
Table 4-6: VOTT for Passengers and Occupancy Rates .......................................................... 24
Table 4-7: Extent of Project Feasibility for Eastern Province..................................................... 28
Table 4-8: Summary of Economic Analysis Results .................................................................. 28
Table 4-9: Summary of Savings in CO2 Emissions (for Project Life of 20 Years) ..................... 29
Table 5-1: Results of Risk Analysis............................................................................................ 32
Table 5-2: Results of Switching Values Analysis ....................................................................... 33

List of Figures

Figure 2-1: Geographical Location of Eastern Province .............................................................. 3

Figure 3-1: Correlation between Growth of Public Bus Fleet & Population............................... 13
Figure 3-2: Correlation between Growth of Private Vehicle Fleet & Real Per Capita Income .. 14
Figure 3-3: Variation of Real Term Per-capita Income in Uva Province, 2010 – 2015 ............. 15
Figure 3-4: Correlation between Growth of Freight Vehicle Fleet and Real GRDP .................. 16
Figure 3-5: Variation of Real GRDP in Uva Province, 2010 – 2015 .......................................... 17

Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) Traffic Studies & Economic Analysis – Eastern Province

Acronyms and Abbreviations

AC Asphalt Concrete
ADB Asian Development Bank
ADT Average Daily Traffic
AADT Annual Average Daily Traffic
AAGR Average Annual Growth Rate
CIF Cost of Insurance & Freight
CPC Ceylon Petroleum Corporation
DBST Double Bituminous Surface Treatment
DS Divisional Secretariats
EP Eastern Province
ESA Equivalent Standard Axle
EIRR Economic Internal Rate of Return
FOB Free on Board
HSR Highway Schedule of Rates
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GND Grama Niladhari Division
GRDP Gross Regional Domestic Product
HDM Highway Design and Management
HGV Heavy Goods Vehicle
iROAD Integrated Road Investment Program
LGV Light Goods Vehicle
LKR Sri Lanka Rupees
LTTE Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
MAV Multi-Axle Vehicle
MGV Medium Good Vehicle
MT Motorized Traffic
NMT Non-Motorized Traffic
NPV Net Present Value
EPRDD Eastern Province Road Development Department
NTC National Transport Commission
PBM Performance Based Maintenance
PCSE Passenger Car Space Equivalent
PCU Passenger Car Unit
RDA Road Development Authority
RPTA Road Passenger Transport Authority
SERF Shadow Exchange Rate Factor
SCF Standard Conversion Factor
SLTB Sri Lanka Transport Board
ToR Terms of Reference
TTC Travel Time Cost
VAT Value Added Tax
VOC Vehicle Operation Cost
VOTT Value of Passenger Travel Time
XMT Road-side Friction by Motorized Traffic
XNMT Road-side Friction by Non-Motorized Traffic

Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) Traffic Studies & Economic Analysis – Eastern Province

1 Introduction

1.1 Background

1. Lack of all-weather access to the socio-economic centers has rendered a large portion
of the rural population with poor agricultural productivity, limited employment opportunities,
slow economic growth, and relatively high incidence of poverty. As such Government with the
assistance of ADB has initiated Integrated Road Investment Program to connect such potential
1000 rural hubs to nearest socio-economic center by all-weather roads. Preparatory work for
the Phase I of this program was conducted in 2014 for Southern, Sabaragamuwa, North
Western, Western (Kalutara District) provinces and currently under construction. For the
Phase II of this program, preparatory works now have been commenced for Northern, Eastern,
Uva and Western provinces.

2. As an integral part of the preparatory work for Phase II, traffic studies and economic
analysis are intended carried out for individual road sections selected for the program in afore-
mentioned provinces. This report presents the results of traffic studies and economic analysis
for the project roads selected in Eastern Province.

1.2 Outline of the Economic Analysis

3. Economic analysis presented in this report assess the economic feasibility of selected
project roads in Eastern Province (EP) which is formed with three administrative districts of
Ampara, Baticaloa and Trincomalee. The report content includes;

 Socio-economic profile of Eastern Province

 Estimation of base year traffic for individual project roads
 Traffic forecasting for each project road over a period of 20 years
 Estimation of benefits in relation to savings in vehicle operating cost and travel time for
both motorized and non-motorized users and reduction in maintenance cost and CO 2
emission cost.
 Determination of economic indicators of EIRR and NPV for individual project roads as
well for total investment.
 Sensitivity and Risk Analysis in relation to changes in capital cost and predicted
 Assessment on economic feasibility of the proposed investment and recommendation
for project implementation

1.3 Project Roads

4. In principal, provincial roads and local roads which are managed by Provincial Councils
and Local Authorities respectively are prioritized for improvement under this investment
program. National roads which are coming under the management of RDA do not consider to
include in this program unless improvement of such roads compulsorily necessary to establish
the connectivity between selected GNDs and its nearest socio-economic centers.

Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) Traffic Studies & Economic Analysis – Eastern Province

5. Selection of project roads for Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) in
Eastern Province was initiated with the long list provided by the Provincial Level Authorities.
After receiving the long list, Project Office commenced preparing a short list of roads by
evaluating each road with respect pre-defined criteria based on the results of Survey and
Preliminary Engineering (SAPE) activities. In general, a given road in the long list should meet
following criteria to be qualified for the short list using for economic analysis.

a. Length of the given road should be more than 500 m

b. Estimated Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) should be more than 100.
c. Even if above two criteria were not met, given road will qualify for the short list
if it is important for ensuring network connectivity
d. Given road should be located outside environmental sensitive areas.
e. Given road should serve 50 household minimum

6. After screening the long list though above criteria, a short list was prepared for further
evaluation through the economic analysis. Details of such short listed project roads for
economic analysis in Eastern Province present in Appendix 1and summarize in terms of their
type and length in Table 1-1 below.

Table 1-1: Selected Project Road Lengths for Evaluation

District Road Category No. of Roads Length (km)

Provincial Roads 71 179.05
Ampara Local Roads 225 359.01
Urban Roads 24 21.89
Sub-Total 320 559.95
Provincial Roads 24 70.63
Local Roads 101 121.78
Urban Roads 30 27.65
Sub-Total 155 220.06
Provincial Roads 30 95.23
Local Roads 93 104.24
Urban Roads 15 13.18
Sub-Total 138 212.65
National Roads 16 155.76
Provincial Roads 125 344.91
Eastern Province
Local Roads 419 585.03
Urban Roads 69 62.72
TOTAL 629 1,148.42

7. Total length short listed for economic analysis is 1148.42 km and it includes (i) 155.76
km of 16 national roads, (ii) 344.91 km of 125 provincial roads, (iii) 585.03 km of 419 local
roads and (iv) 62.72 km of 69 urban roads. Based on the results of the analysis, eligible list of
roads for implementation is prepared by eliminating all unfeasible roads. If funds are not
available to implement full list of eligible roads, priority will be given to the roads with higher
economic returns.

Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) Traffic Studies & Economic Analysis – Eastern Province

2 Socio-Economic Profile of Eastern Province

2.1 Introduction

8. Like Northern Province, most part of the Eastern Province, especially Trincomalee and
Baticaloa Districts, was under the control of Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) for many
years until Sri Lankan military recapture the entire province in July 2007. Immediately after
end of the war government took necessary initiatives to resettle displaced people, develop
necessary infrastructure and provide necessary facilities in addition to establishing civil
administration in the province. In May 2008 Government held the Provincial Council Election
and re-established civil administration nearly after 30 years. By now, province has gained
considerable economic and infrastructure development under various development programs
such as Nagenahira Navodaya (Eastern Revival) program which included various agricultural,
infrastructural and social development projects. In addition, there were many other
development programs financed through donor agencies for construction and repairing of
roads, schools, hospitals and resettlement of IDPs etc. However, it is understandable that
economy of the province still under recovery phase and living standards of inhabitants are yet
to be streamlined with other parts of the country. Taking all these concerns into account, this
chapter investigate geographical, demographic and economic profiles of the province to
emphasize the relevance of the project.

2.2 Geographic Profile

9. Eastern Province in which selected project roads are located geographically sub-
divided to three districts namely Ampara, Baticaloa and Trincomalee. These three districts are
administered as 45 Divisional Secretariat (DS) Divisions and 1,079 Grama Niladhari (GN)
divisions covering a total land area of 9,996 sqkm. Figure 2-1 shows geographical locations
of the province and its districts whereas Table 2-1 summarize the details of administrative
divisions in the province.

Figure 2-1: Geographical Location of Eastern Province




Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) Traffic Studies & Economic Analysis – Eastern Province

Table 2-1: Administrative Divisions in Eastern Province

Districts DS Divisions (Nos.) GN Division (Nos.) Area (sqkm)

Ampara 20 503 4,415
Baticaloa 14 346 2,854
Trincomalee 11 230 2,727
TOTAL 45 1,079 9,996
Source: Department of Census & Statistics

10. Eastern Province covers around 15.2% of total land area of Sri Lanka and it is
surrounded by the Northern Province to the north, the Bay of Bengal to the east, the Southern
Province to the south, and the Uva, Central and North Central provinces to the west.
Trincomalee has named as the provincial capital. The province's coast is dominated
by lagoons including Batticaloa Lagoon, Kokkilai lagoon, Upaar Lagoon and Ullackalie
Lagoon. The shortest distance by road from Colombo to district capitals of Trincomalee,
Baticaloa and Ampara are 265 km, 308 km and 310 km respectively.

2.3 Demographic Profile

11. According to the latest census carried out by the Department of Census and Statistics
in 2012, the estimated population in Sri Lanka is around 20.3 million with a population density
of 324 persons/sqkm. It is one of the most densely populated country in South Asia accounting
for 72% of the population in rural areas. Out of 20.3 million of population in the country, 1.56
million are residing in the Eastern Province. Although the province becomes the second
largest in land area, it has been only occupied by a 7.7% of country’s population placing its
population density of 155.6 persons / km2 at the fifth highest among all provinces. Table 2-2
shows the population distribution and densities of the province for census year 2012 in district-

Table 2-2: Distribution of Population, 2012

Distribution (%)
Area Density By Ethnicity By Sector
District Population
(sqkm) (pop/km2)
Sinhalese Tamil Moors Other Urban Rural
Ampara 649,402 4,415 147.1 38.9 17.4 43.4 0.3 23.6 76.4
Baticaloa 526,567 2,854 184.5 1.3 72.7 25.4 0.6 28.7 71.3
Trincomalee 379,541 2,727 139.2 26.7 31.0 41.8 0.4 22.4 77.6
Province 1,555,510 9,996 155.6 23.2 39.4 36.9 0.4 25.0 75.0
Source: Census Data in 2012, Department of Census and Statistics

12. Among all three districts in Eastern Province, Ampara District, which is the largest in
land area of 4,415 sqkm, has become the highest populated district with 642,402 inhabitants.
Table 2-2 indicates that population density of this district is 147.1 person/sqkm which is very
close to the provincial density of 155.6 persons/sqkm. Baticaloa district is only about 2/3 rd in
size of Ampara district but carry a population of 526,567 which is only about 120,000 less to
the population of Ampara district. This results Baticaloa to stand as the highest populated
district among all three districts with a population density of 184.5 persons/sqkm. Despite

Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) Traffic Studies & Economic Analysis – Eastern Province

Trincomalee district almost in same extent of Baticaloa district, it becomes the least populated
district among all three districts with 379,541 inhabitants resulting the lowest population
density of 139.2 persons/sqkm.

13. As indicated in Table 2-2, the province has been residence for all major three ethnic
groups of Sinhalese, Tamils and Moors with respective shares of 23.2%, 39.4% and 36.9%.
Most of the Sinhalese are living in Ampara district and account for a share of 38.9% at district
level but become second to its share of Moors with 43.4%. Compared to other two districts,
Ampara district is also having the least share of Tamils with 17.4%. Meanwhile, Baticaloa
district has dominated by the population of Tamils accounting for 72.7% of its total population
while Sinhalese only account for 1.3% and Moors for 25.4%. In contrast, the composition of
ethnicity in Trincomalee is not dominated by any of the groups. Although it has higher
proportion of Moors with 41.8%, Tamils and Sinhalese also make up significant proportions
with 31.0% and 26.7% respectively.

14. Table 2-2 shows that about 75% of total population in Eastern Province are still living
in rural areas while only 25% in urban areas. However, being the provincial share of rural
population is about 7% lower than the national share indicates the preference of inhabitants
to shift for urban areas expecting better facilities. The shares of rural population at district level
vary between 71.3% and 77.6% with the highest share in Trincomalee District and the lowest
share in Baticaloa District. The rural population in Ampara District is estimated at 76.4% and
it is slightly higher than the provincial average.

2.4 Economic Profile

2.4.1 Gross Domestic Product in Sri Lanka

15. At the national level, Sri Lanka has experienced modest economic growth since
independence in 1948. The civil war in Sri Lanka has discouraged foreign investment and
constrained economic progress since the early 1980s. Until the turn of the century
gross domestic product (GDP) has grown at an annual rate of 3 percent per annum on average
since 1948. Economic recovery in Sri Lanka, which commenced in 1999 was again disrupted
in 2001 and resumed in 2002. Since 2003 the country has posted a broad based 5-8 % real
economic growth in each year.

16. Table 2-3 summarizes the progression of GDP since 2010 to 2015. After ending civil
war in 2009, GDP in real term has grown at a high rate and peaked with an annual growth of
9.1% in 2012. However, in following year real GDP has only grown at 3.4% but touched almost
5% in next two years, 2014 and 2015. Meanwhile, per capita income from 2010 to 2015 has
grown at about 7.5% in nominal terms and almost reached US$ 4,000 in year 2015.

Table 2-3: GDP in Sri Lanka, 2010-2015

Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015(a)

GDP at constant (2010) prices (SLR Billion) 6,413 6,952 7,588 7,846 8,228 8,622
GDP Annual Growth Rate (%) - 8.4 9.1 3.4 4.9 4.8
GDP per capita (US $ equivalent) at current
2,744 3,129 3,351 3,610 3,853 3,924
market price
(a) provisional

Source: Central Bank of Sri Lanka.2016. Economic and Social Statistics of Sri Lanka 2016. Colombo.

Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) Traffic Studies & Economic Analysis – Eastern Province

2.4.2 Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) in Eastern Province

17. According to the Central Bank Statistics, Eastern Province provides a better
contribution to National GDP with a share of around 6.0 % in 2014 and remain same in 2015.
This contribution can be ranked above the same contribution made by Northern, North Central
and Uva provinces. However, the provincial share of GDP has not been improved over last
decade or so due to least developments in infrastructure and industries resulted by prolonged
armed conflict. Consequently provincial per capita income of SLR 415,331 in 2015 still remain
only above that of Northern and Sabaragamuwa provinces and is about SLR. 118,000 less to
the national average. Table 2-4 summarize the Provincial GRDP at current factor cost over
the period of 2009 to 2015.

Table 2-4: Provincial GRDP at Current Factor Cost

Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015(a)

Sri Lanka GDP (SLR. Bn.) 4,835 5,604 6,543 7,578 9,592 10,448 11,183
Eastern Province GRDP (SLR. Bn.) 279 334 379 478 562 623 671
Eastern Province GDP Share 5.8 6.0 5.8 6.3 5.9 6.0 6.0
Annual Growth of GRDP, % n.a 19.7 13.5 26.1 17.6 10.9 7.7
Provincial Per capita Income (SLR. 000s.) 182 214 239 306 357 391 415
(a) Provisional
Source: Central Bank of Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Socio-Economic Data 2016 (pg.49-50). Colombo.; Central Bank of
Sri Lanka. Economic and Social Statistics of Sri Lanka (2011 to 2016). Colombo.

2.4.3 Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) in Eastern Province

18. Table 2-5 presents a GRDP Structure of Eastern Province by industrial origin at market
price for year 2013 and 2014 with a comparison to national figures for 2014.

Table 2-5: Provincial GDP by Industry Origin at Current Factor Cost, 2013 – 2014

Eastern Province, Sri Lanka, % Share

Sector (SLR Mn) 2014 of EP
2013 2014 (SLR Mn) (2014)
1.Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing 67,954 77,768 833,888 9.3
1.1 Cereals (Except Rice) 1,696 1,606 18,436 8.7
1.2 Rice 14,599 29,129 104,723 27.8
1.3 Vegetables 4,177 4,367 72,651 6.0
1.4 Sugar and other Non-Perennial 162 182 3,431 5.3
1.5 Fruits 2,644 2,556 45,697 5.6
1.6 Oleaginous Fruits 2,460 3,259 79,821 4.1
1.7 Tea 0 0 91,544 0.0
1.8 Other Beverage Crops 2 1 1,622 0.1
1.9 Spices, Drugs & Pharmaceutical 277 390 75,740 0.5
1.10 Rubber 0 0 17,438 0.0
1.11 Other Perennial Crops 189 326 22,623 1.4
1.12 Animal Production 4,459 6,386 57,289 11.1
1.13 Support Activities to Agriculture 673 988 12,110 8.2
1.14 Forestry & Logging 5,193 3,643 71,767 5.1
1.15 Fishing 31,423 24,935 158,996 15.7

Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) Traffic Studies & Economic Analysis – Eastern Province

Eastern Province, Sri Lanka, % Share

Sector (SLR Mn) 2014 of EP
2013 2014 (SLR Mn) (2014)
2. Industry 173,651 193,271 2,986,200 6.5
2.1 Mining & Quarrying 13,298 15,450 254,640 6.1
2.2 Manufacturing 57,562 72,563 1,841,230 3.9
2.3 Electricity, Gas and Water 1,346 1,404 90,797 1.5
2.4 Sewerage, Waste & Treatment Activities 893 1,008 13,140 7.7
2.5 Construction 100,552 102,846 786,393 13.1
3. Services 282,229 309,761 5,924,433 5.2
Taxes Less Subsidies on Products 38,256 41,959 703,958 6.0
Gross Domestic Product (SLR. Mn) 562,090 622,759 10,448,479 6.0
Per cent of GDP Contribution 5.9 6.0 100.0 -
Per Capita GDP by Current Prices (SLR.000) 356.9 390.9 503.0 -
Source: Central Bank of Sri Lanka.2016. Economic and Social Statistics of Sri Lanka 2016. Colombo.

19. Sector-wise analysis shows that service sector has strengthened provincial GDP by
making 53% of it. However this sector seems still underperforming when compared to the
same sector contribution of about 61% at national level. This sector largely benefitted
from tourism industry with many seaside resorts and hotels situated mainly in lagoons as well
as beaches such as Pasikudah, Nilaveli, Uppuveli and Kalkudah. Historic sites and other
natural attractions such as Pigeon Island, coral reefs also contribute to the industry.

20. Industrial sector is the second highest contributor to the provincial GDP with a share
of about 33% and can be rated as good performance compared to the same sectoral
contribution of 30% at national level. This sector is primarily benefitted from (i) Manufacturing
of Food, Beverages & Tobacco Products,(ii) Manufacturing of Textiles, Wearing Apparel and
Leather Related Products and (iii) construction industry. Export processing zones like
Trincomalee Export Processing Zone and Sampur Heavy Industrial Zone have been
developed to boost the Industrial sector alongside the Trincomalee Harbour which is being
developed for Break bulk, Bulk cargo and industrial activities including heavy industries.

21. Meanwhile, agriculture sector also performs well making about 14% of the provincial
GDP and being about 5% higher than the contribution at national level by the same sector.
The province contributes about 28% of national paddy production and hence commonly known
as the "Granary of Sri Lanka" since ancient times. It also contribute about 10% of national milk
production and 16% of national fish production. In recent past, large scale maize cultivation
with hybrid seeds and contractual marketing has increased significantly and it is targeted to
produce 25 per cent of the country’s maize requirement.

22. Despite the good performance at present, both agricultural and industrial sectors still
have immense potential to improve their productivity at provincial level. These potentials can
be transformed to actuality by using under-utilized lands, other natural resources as well as
human resources available in large scale in the province. Such sectoral productivity increase
may boost the regional economy while lifting provincial contribution for the national GDP. In
line with this perspective, improving supportive infrastructures such as roads in rural areas, as
targeted in this project, may enhance the performance of each of these sectors ultimately
leading the province to become a prominent partner in national economy.

Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) Traffic Studies & Economic Analysis – Eastern Province

2.5 Relevance of the Project

23. Immediately after military victory over Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in June
2007 in Eastern Province, the government took initiatives to re-establish civil administration in
the province and sooner commenced infrastructure development activities to integrate and
streamline socio-economic development of the region with rest of the country. During the
cause of this rebuilding process, the government prioritized improving regional core network
of roads which is considered to be a prerequisite to facilitate the inhabitants as well as other
concurrent development activities. This endeavour of government was assisted by the donor
funding agencies including ADB which extended its financial support for Conflict-Affected
Region Emergency Project, Eastern and North Central Provincial Road Project and Northern
Road Connectivity Project. However, these initial investments were to improve the core
network of roads especially the national network and some of provincial and urban roads.
Local roads hardly treated under these initial investments and hence connectivity between
rural and urban centers were not been established properly.

24. As indicated in Table 2-2, being 75.0% of population in the province are living rural
areas, it is important to improve the ‘missing links’, mostly the local roads, to establish proper
connectivity between rural areas and urban areas where socio-economic centers are located.
Such improved connectivity between rural and urban areas may lift both agricultural and
industrial productivity resulting boost in regional economy as well as its contribution to the
national economy and eventually the livelihood of the inhabitants. Full-filling such demand in
road network improvement perfectly concur with the objectives of the project and hence
implementation of the project can be considered as highly relevant for the province.

Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) Traffic Studies & Economic Analysis – Eastern Province

3 Traffic Analysis

3.1 Introduction

25. Road user benefits resulting from improving the condition of project roads represent
the significant proportion of benefits in conventional Cost-Benefit Analysis. The estimation of
such road user benefits requires base year traffic, its composition and forecast for the project
benefit period. This chapter elaborates the approach and the methodology adopted for
estimating afore-mentioned three basic elements in road user benefits in addition to provide a
brief overview on present context of regional transport at outset.

3.2 Overview of Regional Transport

3.2.1 Road Network in Eastern Province

26. The road network in Sri Lanka, other than expressways, is broadly classified into
national, provincial and local roads according to their functionality and management. While
the national roads, classified as A and B class roads, are managed by the Central Government
through the Road Development Authority, the provincial roads, classified as C and D class
roads, are managed by the respective Provincial Councils. In case of Eastern Province,
Provincial Road Development Department has been set up under the Provincial Council to
administer the provincial road network. Local roads in the province are managed by respective
Pradeshiya Sabhas, Urban Councils and Municipal Councils. In addition, there are some roads
which are not fallen under any of above classification. Total length of such unclassified roads
are very minimal compared to the classified network in the Eastern Province.

27. The road network in Eastern Province by length of road under each level of road
administration is given in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1: Road Network in Eastern Province, 2016

Length (km) % of Network

in EP
EP Sri Lanka
National Roads (A & B Classes) 1,171 12,210 9.6
Expressways (E Class) 0 170 0
Provincial Roads (C & D Classes) 1,098 18,900 5.8
Local Roads a (includes unclassified) 4,838 85,500 5.7
TOTAL 7,107 116,780 6.1
a Estimated based on Eastern Province Road Sector Analysis, Road Project Preparatory Facility, 2010

Source: Economic & Social Statistics of Sri Lanka, 2016

28. National road network in the province is almost fully sealed with Asphalt Concrete (AC),
Double Bituminous Surface Treatment (DBST) or penetration macadam and as a result most of
them are in better condition at present. The overall condition of the provincial road network can be
rated as poor despite more than 2/3rd of provincial roads are sealed. Meanwhile the condition of
local roads, which are mostly unsealed, can be considered as very poor in condition and in-fact
some of them become impassable during rainy seasons. Unlike national roads, sealing of provincial
and local roads have been done by using wide range of surface treatments including AC, DBST,

Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) Traffic Studies & Economic Analysis – Eastern Province

penetration macadam, concrete and block paving etc. The carriageway for national roads varies
between 5 – 7 m while for provincial roads between 4-6 m and for local roads 3 - 4 m.

3.2.2 Vehicle Fleet and Traffic Volumes

29. Composition and growth of the provincial vehicle fleet together with a comparison to
national figures are illustrated in Table 3-2 for the period of 2006 - 2015. The estimated fleet of
motorized vehicles in the Eastern Province in 2015 was 286,339 and accounted only for 6.4%
of the national fleet. Average annual growth rate (AAGR) of the provincial fleet over last
decade is calculated at 13.4% whereas the national fleet only grew up by 9.5%. The growth
of the provincial fleet is particularly dominated by two-wheeler and three-wheeler which have
been grown steadily over the last decade at an annual rate of 14.0%. This indicates that the
population is gradually shifting for the motorized by acquiring low cost private modes of transport
such as motor cycles and three wheelers. During the same period vehicles used for public transport
only grew at 0.9% annually while private coaches at 5.7%. Meantime, privately owned 4-wheeled
vehicles, i.e private cars and dual purpose vehicles, show high annual growth of 21.1% and 18.6%
respectively but their increase is less in numbers compared to two and three wheelers during the
same period. Vehicles used for goods transport in the province have been grown at moderate annual
rate of 5.3% since 2006. It should be noted that above calculated vehicle growth in Eastern
Province appears high due to (a) rapid motorization incurred in recent years with effect of
ending civil war and (b) low accuracy of information sources prior to ending war possibly led
under-estimate provincial vehicle fleet in 2006.

Table 3-2: Vehicle Fleet in Eastern Province, 2006 -2015

Operational Vehicle Fleet
Fleet, 2006 Fleet, 2014 Fleet, 2015 AAGR, % (2006 -2015)
Vehicle Type
EP Sri Lanka EP Sri Lanka EP Sri Lanka EP Sri Lanka
of EP, %
Omnibuses 702 16,808 734 19,832 764 21,820 3.5 0.9 2.9
Private Coaches 323 23,436 427 26,413 534 30,878 1.7 5.7 3.1
Dual Purpose Vehicles 2,574 171,518 9,607 292,661 11,929 341,487 3.5 18.6 8.0
Private Cars 1,648 225,710 6,265 418,459 9,265 523,920 1.8 21.1 9.8
Land Vehicles 9,753 87,650 17,872 93,642 19,275 101,445 19.0 7.9 1.6
Goods Transport Vehicles 3,921 161,814 6,008 210,155 6,231 224,571 2.8 5.3 3.7
Two & Three Wheelers 73,070 1,272,248 198,108 2,670,893 238,177 3,191,461 7.5 14.0 10.8
Other 140 3,336 231 5,886 164 6,320 2.6 1.8 7.4
TOTAL 92,131 1,962,520 239,252 3,737,941 286,339 4,441,902 6.4 13.4 9.5
Source: Central Bank of Sri Lanka

30. Traffic survey results indicate that almost all national roads in the Eastern Province,
except Colombo - Ratnapura - Wellawaya - Batticaloa Road (A004), carry motorized traffic of
less than 10,000 vehicles per day. In the case of provincial and local roads, most of them carry
less than 1,000 motorized vehicles per day at present. Most of this traffic is made up of two
wheelers, three wheelers and goods vehicles. On the other hand, non-motorized traffic
volume, especially bicycle, is high on provincial and local roads and often more than half of
the total motorized traffic. The typical average speeds on the national roads are between 25
to 40 km/hr while that of the provincial and local road network are in the range of 15 to 30

Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) Traffic Studies & Economic Analysis – Eastern Province

3.2.3 Transport Service (Passenger and Freight)

31. Road Passenger Transport Authority (RPTA) of Eastern Province, established under
the purview of Provincial Council, is authorized to issue route permits for intra-provincial buses
and for regulating bus transport within the province. Currently there are around 620 private
omnibuses operating with permits issued by the RPTA of the Eastern Province. In addition,
there are 120 buses issued with permits by National Transport Commission (NTC) for inter-
provincial services of which one trip end is located outside the province. Besides the buses
issued with permits by RPTA and NTC, buses belong to the Sri Lanka Transport Board (SLTB)
, which are not issued with route permits, operate an estimated 220 state owned buses per
day for intra- and inter – provincial services.

32. Other vehicles operating within the province for fee or reward such as school vans,
office vans, and three wheelers or taxis are not yet regulated by any agency. Three Wheelers
provide passenger transport services within town areas and in rural areas, especially where
regular public transport does not operate or after such services cease operations in the
evenings. Trucking is still deregulated and there are independent small scale operators most
of whom have other businesses. They usually provide different capacity vehicles ranging from
2 tonnes to 7 tonnes with flat beds. Rates are competitive.

33. Railway line from Colombo branched at Habarana, immediately before entering the
Eastern Province from West, and serve Baticaloa and Trincomalee towns by separate two
lines. Nowhere in Ampara district facilitate with railway connectivity. Since railway has not
expanded to cover the important nodes in the province it is not an attractive mode of transport
for intra-provincial travel. However, some of the passengers working in offices in district
capitals of Baticaloa and Trincomalee preferred to use rail during peak periods due to higher
speed and comfort compared to buses. Despite railway is still not attractive for intra-provincial
travel, it gradually become more popular among inter-provincial passengers especially
travelling between Colombo and District Capitals of Baticaloa and Trincomalee. The railway
also provides several goods trains from Colombo which are mostly used to transport fuel to
the East.

3.3 Estimation of Base Year Traffic for Project Roads

34. The base year traffic volume is referred to as the prevailing traffic volume or else the
traffic volume that would pass along the project road if no investment took place and it is
expressed in terms of Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT). Along with the AADT, its
composition, and the future growth rates form the basic traffic inputs to the economic analysis.

35. For the purpose of estimating base year traffic (2016) traffic counts were done on
project roads covering both motorized and non-motorized traffic classified as below.

1. Motor Bike 7. Heavy Goods Vehicles

2. Three Wheeler 8. Multi-Axle Vehicles
3. Car/Jeep 9. Tractors
4. Van 10. Carts
5. Bus 11. Cycles
6. Light Goods Vehicles 12. Pedestrians
7. Medium Goods Vehicles

Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) Traffic Studies & Economic Analysis – Eastern Province

36. Traffic counts were conducted for all selected project roads to estimate base year traffic
for each of them. Counting traffic was started at 7.00 am and continued for a period of 12
hours for both directions standing at a pre-selected location of the road. Once the traffic
volumes were established for 12 hours an expansion factor of 1.2 was used to convert them
to Average Daily Traffic (ADT). This expansion factor was estimated based on previous
counts, local knowledge and night-time observations of project roads. For the conversion of
ADT to AADT a seasonal factor of 1.0 was conservatively assumed since there were no time
series of traffic volume available for the project roads. Appendix 1 summarizes the base year
AADT in terms of motorized and non-motorized vehicles for all project roads.

37. Typical compositions of base year traffic on project roads were estimated based on the
results of traffic counts and presented in Table 3-3 by road category for each district.

Table 3-3: Composition of Base Year Traffic on Project Roads, 2016

Motorized Vehicles Non-Motorized Vehicles

Category Motor Three Car/ Light Medium Heavy
Van Bus M/Axle Tractor Ped. Cycles Carts
Cycle Wheeler Jeep Goods Goods Goods

Ampara District
Provincial 71.57 18.18 2.39 1.51 0.57 2.90 1.13 0.09 0.01 1.65 42.9 56.69 0.41
Local 75.55 16.41 1.19 1.07 0.35 2.19 0.78 0.07 0.00 2.39 52.59 47.11 0.29
Urban 66.81 21.07 3.68 1.84 0.36 3.30 1.52 0.39 0.00 1.03 53.73 46.27 0.00
Baticaloa District
Provincial 65.86 22.46 3.03 1.89 0.49 3.14 1.69 0.06 0.02 1.36 39.14 60.77 0.09
Local 69.76 21.9 0.73 0.92 0.38 2.86 0.84 0.07 0.00 2.54 50.64 49.29 0.07
Urban 71.30 21.56 1.78 1.11 0.22 2.25 0.82 0.09 0.00 0.87 39.49 60.47 0.04
Trincomalee District
Provincial 53.80 27.22 3.02 3.66 0.34 4.28 2.76 0.26 0.03 4.63 55.66 44.06 0.28
Local 57.85 30.26 2.29 1.87 0.21 2.88 1.47 0.06 0 3.11 52.64 46.83 0.53
Urban 53.21 36.43 4.01 2.35 0.25 1.87 0.87 0.12 0.02 0.87 63.12 36.4 0.48
National Roads
National 64.46 17.33 3.49 2.57 1.02 4.76 3.49 0.08 0.00 2.8 48.75 51.21 0.04
Source: Consultant’s Estimates Based on Results of Traffic Surveys

3.4 Generated and Diverted Traffic

38. Generated or induced traffic refers to the traffic which is originated with effect of newly
established infrastructure. But diverted traffic is an existing portion of traffic which were using
other roads before and shifted to improved roads due to lower travel time and transport cost.

39. Improvement of roads would motivate road users to shift from non-motorized to
motorized modes of transport such as two and three wheelers. Such modal shifts were taken
into account in estimation of traffic growth rates for private vehicles and hence not considered
as generated traffic for the purpose of avoiding double counting. In case of freight vehicles, a
10% of generated traffic is considered by taking productivity increase in agriculture sector into
account as described in Section 4.5.4.

40. Following the improvement of project roads, there will be a diversion of vehicles from
roads in competition. Such diversion is normally governed by the contribution of project road

Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) Traffic Studies & Economic Analysis – Eastern Province

for network connectivity. Table 3-4 tabulates the estimated diversion as a percentage of
normal traffic for different types of connectivity of project roads. Diverted traffic for the roads
with dead end is not considered.

Table 3-4: Estimated Diversions for Different Types of Connectivity

Estimated Diversion
Type of Connectivity Provided by Project Road
as % of normal traffic
National Road to National Road 20%
National Road to Local or Provincial Road 15%
Local or Provincial Road to Local or Provincial Road 10%
National Road to Dead End 0%
Local or Provincial Road to Dead End 0%
Source: Consultant’s Estimates

3.5 Traffic Growth Rates

41. Traffic growth rates are predicted for public, private and freight transport separately for
two time intervals, 2016 -2028 and 2028 – 2038, covering the project evaluation period of 20

42. Public Transport: Both government operator, SLTB, and individual private operators
supply minibuses and standard buses for public transport. In general, demand for public bus
services strongly correlated to population indicating increase in population increases the
demand for service capacity. As such relationship between the population and public bus fleet
is investigated closely for the period of 2009 to 2015.

Table 3-5: Population and Bus Fleet in Eastern Province, 2009 -2015
YEAR 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Population in EP (000s) 1,517 1,530 1,543 1,556 1,568 1,582 1595
Public Bus Fleet in EP 505 593 618 678 720 734 764
Source: Central Bank of Sri Lanka

Figure 3-1: Correlation between Growth of Public Bus Fleet & Population


y = 3.2084x - 4332.3
R² = 0.9512
Public Bus Fleet




1,515 1,525 1,535 1,545 1,555 1,565 1,575 1,585 1,595
Population (000s)

Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) Traffic Studies & Economic Analysis – Eastern Province

43. Average annual growth rate of population in-between the census years of 2001 and
2012 is about 0.83% in Eastern Province. If conservatively assume that this growth rate will
continues for next 20 years, projected population in the Province would be 1,762,580 and
1,929,710 in year 2028 and 2038 respectively. This projected population will claim for a fleet
of 1,323 and 1,859 buses in respective years of 2028 and 2038 in accordance with the
relationship exhibits in Figure 3-1. This is further equivalent to an average annual growth rate
of 4.3% and 3.5% in bus fleet for the periods of 2016-2028 and 2029-2038 respectively.

44. Private Transport: Private transport modes include motorcycles, three wheelers, cars
and dual purpose vehicles such as vans and pick-ups. In general, private vehicle ownership
depends on the financial affordability or in other words per capita income. When the per capita
income rises people tends to change their personal mode of transport for enjoying higher level
of satisfaction. As a result shifting from non-motorized modes to two wheelers and then to
three or four wheelers is expected.

45. Since the project roads are mostly access roads for rural areas, it is anticipated that
these roads would be used by the vehicles registered within the province. Hence the growth
in provincial private vehicle fleet is closely investigated together with per capita income in real
term over the period of 2010 to 2015 to build up a relationship for forecasting.

Table 3-6: Real Per Capita Income & Private Vehicle Fleet in Eastern Province, 2006 -2015

Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Per Capita Income (Rs. 000s), Constant
214.0 239.0 306.4 366.8 390.9 418.5
Prices, 2010
Private Vehicle Fleet (EP) 13,562 147,589 189,300 201,129 214,407 259,905
Source: Central Bank of Sri Lanka

Figure 3-2: Correlation between Growth of Private Vehicle Fleet & Real Per Capita Income

Private Vehicle Fleet

220,000 y = 522.73x + 22848

R² = 0.9296
200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440
Real Per Capita Income (Rs.000s)

46. Figure 3-2 indicates that private vehicle fleet increases with the increase of per-capita
income over the period of 2010 to 2015 with a resilient correlation which can be fitted to
following equation.

Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) Traffic Studies & Economic Analysis – Eastern Province

PVFy = 522.73 PCIy +22848 --------- (1)

PVFy - Provincial Private Vehicle Fleet in year y; and
PCIy - Real term Per-Capita Income for year y.

47. Growth of private vehicles for the periods of 2016 -2028 and 2028 – 2038 would have
been estimated by using Equation 1 if per-capita incomes were known for 2028 and 2038.
However, due to non-availability of a projection, it is assumed that per capita income will follow
the same trend from 2010 to 2015 in next 20 years or so. The variation of per-capita income
(real term) since 2010 to 2015 is shown in figure 3-3 and fitted to the equation 2.

Figure 3-3: Variation of Real Term Per-capita Income in Uva Province, 2010 – 2015


Real Per Capita Income (Rs.000s)

y = 43.961x + 168.74
R² = 0.9701





2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

PCIy = 43.96 Ny + 168.74 ------ (2)

PCIy - Real term Per-Capita Income for year y; and
Ny - Number of years from year 2010 to year y. (N2010=1; N2028=19; N2038=29)

48. Equation 2 estimates real term per capita income for 2028 and 2038 as SLR 1,004,000
and SLR. 1,443,600 respectively. Such estimated per capita income values are used in
equation 1 and calculate the vehicle fleet for 2028 and 2038 as 547,668 and 777,466 vehicles
respectively. Same expansion of the fleet can be further expressed as an average annual
growth of 5.9% and 3.6% for the respective periods of 2016-2028 and 2029-2038.

49. The per-capita income elasticity of private vehicles fleet is calculated as 0.96 during
2010 – 2015, 0.85 during 2016 – 2028 and 0.96 during 2028 – 2038. Rapid motorization
incurred immediately after civil war may cause to perceive a comparatively higher elasticity of
0.96 during the period of 2010 to 2015. Although the elasticity for 2016-2028 drops slightly it
again reached to 0.96 after 2028. The consistency of the elasticity in all three periods indicates
that private vehicle fleet has almost reached to its saturation level.

Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) Traffic Studies & Economic Analysis – Eastern Province

50. Freight Vehicles: Freight transport modes include light goods, medium goods, heavy
goods and land vehicles. In general, growth of freight vehicles directly proportionate to the
level of regional production for which these vehicles provide the mode of transport. Due to the
absence of relevant primary data, level of production is represented by the GRDP in real term
and compared with the growth of freight vehicle fleet since 2010 to 2015 for establishing inter-

Table 3-7: Real GRDP & Freight Vehicle Fleet in Eastern Province, 2010 -2015

Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Real GRDP (Rs.Bn.),
Constant Prices, 2010
333.9 365.2 415.7 459.8 490.4 517.4
Freight Vehicle Fleet (EP) 20,190 20,503 21,747 22,082 23,880 25,506
Source: Central Bank of Sri Lanka

Figure 3-4: Correlation between Growth of Freight Vehicle Fleet and Real GRDP



Frieght Vehicle Fleet

y = 26.973x + 10709
R² = 0.9024




320 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 480 500 520 540

Real GRDP (Rs.Bn)

51. Figure 3-4 shows a robust positive correlation between freight vehicle fleet and Real
GRDP over the period of 2010 to 2015. Their correlation can be represented by following

FVFy = 26.97 GRDPy + 10709 --------- (3)

FVFy - Provincial Freight Vehicle Fleet in year y; and
GRDPy - Real Gross Regional Domestic Product for year y.

52. Growth of freight vehicles for the periods of 2016 -2028 and 2028 – 2038 would have
been estimated by using Equation 3 if GRDP were known for 2028 and 2038. However, due
to non-availability of a projection, it is assumed that GRDP will follow the same trend during
2010 to 2015 in next 20 years ahead. The variation of Real GRDP since 2010 to 2015 is shown
in figure 3-5 and fitted to the equation 4.

Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) Traffic Studies & Economic Analysis – Eastern Province

Figure 3-5: Variation of Real GRDP in Uva Province, 2010 – 2015

Real GRDP (Rs.Bn.)

y = 38.202x + 296.7
R² = 0.9896



2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

GRDPy = 38.20 Ny + 296.7 ------ (4)

GRDPy - Real Gross Regional Domestic Products for year y; and
Ny - Number of years from year 2010 to year y. (N2010=1; N2028=19; N2038=29)

53. Equation 4 estimates real GRDP for 2028 and 2038 as SLR 1,022.5 billion and SLR.
1,404.6 billion respectively. These two distinct real GRDP values are used in equation 3 to
estimate freight vehicle fleet for 2028 and 2038 as 38,198 and 48,449 vehicles respectively.
Such increase in the fleet is equivalent to an average annual growth of 3.2% and 2.4% for the
respective periods of 2016-2028 and 2029-2038.

54. The GRDP elasticity of freight vehicle fleet is calculated as 0.52 during 2010 – 2015,
0.59 during 2016 – 2028 and 0.75 during 2028 – 2038. This indicates a consistent increase in
freight vehicles fleet during project evaluation period.

55. Based on above estimates, Table 3-8 summarises the traffic growth rates for each type
of transport modes during two different time frames.

Table 3-8: Predicted Annual Traffic Growth Rates

Annual Traffic Growth (%)

Transport Modes
2016-2028 2029-2038
Public Transport 4.3 3.5
Private Transport 5.9 3.6
Freight Transport 3.2 2.4

Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) Traffic Studies & Economic Analysis – Eastern Province

4 Economic Analysis

4.1 Introduction

56. Economic Analysis compares the economic costs and benefits of ‘with project’ and
‘without project’ scenarios and thereby provides the internal rate of return (EIRR) and the net
present value (NPV) at a specific discount rate as indicators of economic viability. In the
without project scenario, road user would experience high vehicle operating costs (VOC) and
travel time costs (TTC) whereas the with-project scenario, VOC and TTC would be lower as a
result of project interventions. Further ‘with project’ scenario would derive more regional
benefits due to improved access to better health and educational facilities in addition to
increased productivity in agricultural sector especially when rural areas are concerned.

4.2 Economic Analysis Using HDM 4

57. Traditionally, economic viability of road projects is evaluated using the HDM-4 model.
A wide range of mathematical and logic models arranged in different modules are used in
HDM 4 to predict the future performance and costs of the road system and the vehicle fleets
operating on the roads. Analysis makes sure that traffic volumes would reach the capacity of
the road (either in the "without" or in the "with” project situation), while not allowing to grow
further, under specified interventions during the intended benefit period of the roads. The
primary inputs to the model will include road characteristics and sectioning, proposed works
interventions, vehicle fleet, Vehicle Operating Cost (VOC) and Value of Passenger Travel
Time (VOTT) updated to the current year. Once the model is calibrated with country and road
specific data, the model produces the desired economic indicators including the overall net
economic benefits (savings) of choosing between investment options and other various
economic indicators, i.e., Net Present Value (NPV) at a specific discount rate and the
Economic Internal Rate of Returns (EIRR) of the proposed improvement.

58. HDM 4 is not able to capture the social benefits arising from regional development
such as increased productivity of agricultural sector, better access to health and education
and elimination of interrupted access etc. Hence such benefits have to be estimated
separately and should be analysed together with HDM -4 outputs to calculate final economic
indicators of the project. However, practical difficulties in quantification and monetization of
these benefits prevent incorporating them in this economic analysis nevertheless parts of such
benefits are taken in to account in estimation of generated and diverted traffic as well as
forecasting traffic for project benefit period. Section 4.5 of this chapter discuss these issues in
more details and provides a qualitative assessment on likely social benefits of the project.

4.3 General Inputs

59. Economic analysis is intended to carry out for each individual road section included in
the project. Therefore data are collected and input to the model for each individual road section
separately. Road sectioning, pavement condition, project evaluation period, residual value,
discount rate, standard conversion factor, roadside friction, vehicle characteristics and their
economic prices make up the major general input required.

Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) Traffic Studies & Economic Analysis – Eastern Province

4.3.1 Road Sectioning

60. Since the average length of project road is around 1.7 km and the measured length of
about 70% of roads fallen below the average, it is conservatively assumed that vehicular
movements are homogeneous along full length of each individual project road.

4.3.2 Pavement Conditions

61. The existing pavements of project roads are paved with asphalt, DBST, macadam,
concrete or cement blocks unless they are unsealed. Despite the existing pavement type, all
roads are proposed to improve with asphalt concrete surface. The representative roughness
(IRI) ranges from 4.5 to 9.0 m/km and 3.5 to 8.0 m/km for existing sealed and unsealed roads
respectively while targeting 2.5 – 3.0 m/km after improvement. Carriageway and shoulder
width designed for typical cross sections of each category of roads are summarized in Table

Table 4-1: Design Cross Sections for Project Roads

Carriageway Shoulder Width

Category of Road
Width (m) (m)
National Roads 6.2 - 8.0 0.75 – 1.0
Provincial Roads 4.0 - 5.5 0.50 – 1.0
Local Roads 3.0 - 4.0 0.50 – 1.0

4.3.3 Project Evaluation Period

62. The duration for the construction defined as 2 years in contracts for each construction
package included several roads in proximity. However, the construction of each individual road
would not extend over complete contract duration as they are shorter in length. As such, for
the purpose of the economic analysis, it is assumed that the construction of all individual
project roads begin in third quarter of 2017 and last in the final quarter of 2018 spending
approximately one and half years for construction.

63. The period recommended for accruing benefits is 20 years beginning from 2019 after
completion of construction by end of 2018. Therefore the project evaluation period for each
individual road considers from 2017 to 2038 including 2 year of construction period at the

4.3.4 Residual Value

64. A residual value of 20 % was allowed at the end of the benefit period.

4.3.5 Discount Rate

65. The discount rate used for actualization is 12 % for all types of roads and total

Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) Traffic Studies & Economic Analysis – Eastern Province

4.3.6 Standard Conversion Factor

66. The economic theory requires that a shadow exchange rate factor (SERF) to be
applied for the tradables if the domestic price numeraire is used or a standard conversion
factor (SCF) to be applied for non-tradables if border price numeraire is used for converting
financial costs to economic cost. Since border price numeraire is used in this evaluation, a
Standard Conversion Factor (SCF) applies to the opportunity costs of skilled, unskilled labor,
local resources such as construction materials and transport, as well as project outputs in
terms of VOCs and VOTTs to convert financial cost to economic cost. Unless otherwise stated
a standard conversion factor of 0.97 estimated from trade data is used for approximating the
border price equivalent of non-traded inputs and outputs.

4.3.7 Vehicle Characteristics and Economic Prices

67. The vehicle characteristics of each vehicle type used in the HDM 4 Model mainly
include gross weight, number of axles, number of tires, service life, utilization in terms of km
driven per year, desired speed, PCSE, equivalent standard axle (ESA), capacity in terms of
number of passengers for passenger vehicles and pay load in tonnes for goods vehicles. For
this analysis, technical characteristics by vehicle type are as per automobile manufacturers’
specifications while operational characteristics are obtained through recent surveys and
studies done in road sector projects. Passenger Car Space Equivalent (PCSE) values and
ESA values are as per the RDA specifications. The vehicle utilization details adopted for this
study are given in Table 4-2.

Table 4-2: Characteristics of Vehicle Fleet

Vehicle Type Fuel Vehicle Life Utilization Utilization No. of Weight Occupancy
Type (years) (km/yr) (hours/yr) tires (tonnes) Rate
Motor Cycle P 12 6,000 250 2 0.2 1.5
Three-wheeler P 12 8,000 400 3 0.3 1.8
Car P 14 14,000 350 4 1.1 2.5
Utility/Van D 14 15,000 400 4 1.6 4.5
LGV D 14 18,000 600 4 3.9 -
MGV D 16 45,000 1,400 6 12.5 -
HGV D 16 45,000 1,800 10 22.5 -
MAV D 16 45,000 1,800 14 28.0 -
Small Bus D 14 40,000 2,000 6 6.8 25
Large Bus D 14 55,000 2,500 6 10.0 40
Tractor D 14 5,000 300 6 6.0 -
Source: Consultant Estimates

68. The economic prices for each vehicle type, tire and tube, its components and
accessories including fuel, crew, maintenance labor, passenger time and cargo are also
primary cost input for HDM 4 model. Vehicle prices and prices of components and accessories
are used net of taxes and duties while fuel prices are at border prices. The vehicle-wise
economic prices used in this analysis are given in Table 4-3.

Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) Traffic Studies & Economic Analysis – Eastern Province

Table 4-3: Economic Operating Cost and Time Value

Time value
Unit cost (Rs.) Cost of
Vehicle type (Rs. per hour)
Vehicle Tire Crew cost (%)
Motor Cycle 130,000 1,800 70 - 12
Three-wheeler 310,000 1,800 70 200 12
Car 2,290,000 9,500 200 80 12
Van/Utility 3,800,000 9,800 200 80 12
LGV 1,750,000 5,700 200 70 12
MGV 2,900,000 9,800 200 90 12
HGV 5,600,000 30,300 200 370 12
MAV 7,700,000 46,600 200 370 12
Small Bus 2,900,000 25,000 200 320 12
Large Bus 3,900,000 35,500 200 320 12
Tractors 650,000 3,700 200 200 12
Source: Consultant Estimates

69. The economic prices of petrol and diesel have been ascertained on the basis of
information collected from Ceylon Petroleum Corporation (CPC), outlet dealers and persons
concerned with the oil industry in Sri Lanka. The prices at different cardinal stages have been
identified and tabulated in Table 4-4.

70. The economic prices of fuel is estimated including cost of distribution, dealer
commission, margin to CPC, storage charges, port handling and pipeline charges with the CIF
value. The transfers like customs duties, financial cost to working capital, VAT, excise duties,
turnover tax, council tax etc. have been eliminated in the estimation of economic price.

Table 4-4: Economic Price of Fuel

Price (Rs/Litre)
No Stages of Price
Petrol Diesel
1 CIF Value 37.6 32.0
2 Landed Prices (CIF + Port Levies + Pipeline Charges) 48.0 42.2
3 Calculated Cost of Product (Including Taxes & Margin) 113.4 79.9
4 Actual Selling Price (MRP) 117.0 95.0
Source: Ceylon Petroleum Cooperation

71. The CIF cost includes FOB cost, freight, insurances and ocean evaporation and
contamination losses. The landed unit prices of petrol and diesel were taken as Rs. 48.0 and
Rs. 42.2 respectively by applying the cost of port levies, storage and pipeline charges to the
CIF value. The difference between calculated cost of product (3) and Landed price (2) includes
margin to CPC, cost for CPC in handling, processing and storage charges and also the
government taxes. The distribution of such costs and taxes are not disclosed due to political
sensitivity of information and hence assumed as 20% accounts for costs and margins for CPC.
Further the commission for the dealers is taken as the difference in Actual Selling Price (4)
and Calculated Cost of Product (3) in accordance with the available information. Thereby the
economic cost of the fuel is calculated based on following formulae,

Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) Traffic Studies & Economic Analysis – Eastern Province

Economic Price of Fuel = Landed Cost + Margins & Costs for CPC + Dealer Commission

(2) + 20% {(3) – (2)} + {(4) – (3)}

72. Above formulae estimates economic price for petrol at SLR 64.7 while for diesel at SLR
64.8 and same were used in HDM 4 model. Since these prices are subject to frequent
fluctuation with higher tendency to increase, above estimates were kept in higher side for
representing 20 year evaluation period conservatively.

73. There is no definite information on the price structure for lubricant. As such the factor
of difference between economic and financial prices of petrol has been used to obtain the
economic price of lubricant using its average market price as Rs 450/lt.

4.3.8 Roadside Friction

74. Roadside friction factor is a function of carriageway width, percentage of slow moving
vehicles, roadside parking and other activities along the corridor. In view of the intensity of
road-side activities and the volume of slow moving traffic on the project roads, the friction
factor on existing roads varies within the range of 0.7 to 0.9. Ad-hoc side friction coefficients
given in Table 4-5 applied to national, provincial, urban and rural roads for both the existing
and after improvement conditions. Under ‘with project’ situation a slight improvement of road-
side friction is expected for all kinds of project roads as lane marking and shoulders are
intended to properly design although widening is not possible.

Table 4-5: Roadside Friction Coefficients

Friction Coefficient
Type of
Type of Road-side Friction With Without
Project Project
On Motorized Traffic (MT) due to Non- Motorized Traffic (NMT) 0.95 0.80
On Non- Motorized Traffic (NMT) due to Motorized Traffic (MT) 0.95 0.80
On Motorized Traffic (MT) due to Road-Side Activities 0.95 0.90
On Motorized Traffic (MT) due to Non- Motorized Traffic (NMT) 0.90 0.80
On Non- Motorized Traffic (NMT) due to Motorized Traffic (MT) 0.90 0.80
On Motorized Traffic (MT) due to Road-Side Activities 0.90 0.90
On Motorized Traffic (MT) due to Non- Motorized Traffic (NMT) 0.85 0.70
On Non- Motorized Traffic (NMT) due to Motorized Traffic (MT) 0.85 0.70
On Motorized Traffic (MT) due to Road-Side Activities 0.85 0.70
On Motorized Traffic (MT) due to Non- Motorized Traffic (NMT) 0.80 0.70
On Non- Motorized Traffic (NMT) due to Motorized Traffic (MT) 0.80 0.70
On Motorized Traffic (MT) due to Road-Side Activities 0.80 0.80
Source: Consultant’s Estimates

4.4 Economic Costs

75. The economic cost is estimated based on the financial cost given in engineering
estimates for each project road. Financial cost includes actual construction cost plus an
additional 20% of that as physical and financial contingencies in equal amounts. Such

Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) Traffic Studies & Economic Analysis – Eastern Province

estimated financial cost is converted to economic cost by leaving out financial contingencies
first and then applying a conversion factor of 0.85 to the remainder. The conversion factor of
0.85 is calculated based on border price numeraire and in accordance with the ADB
guidelines1 by applying SCF and Shadow Wage Rate Factor (SWRF)2 as required to the cost
component of the project. Appendix 1 summarizes estimated economic cost per km for
construction of each project road.

76. Maintenance costs are calculated based on Highway Schedule of Rates (HSR) and an
analysis of recent road expenditure details. For asphalt concrete roads, cost for periodic
overlay was estimated at SLR. 1,600 per m2 for 50 mm thickness. Unit prices for treatments
were estimated SLR.750 per m2 for patching, SLR. 1100 per m2 for edge repair, SLR. 330 per
m2 for crack sealing, SLR. 9,400 for shoulder per km and SLR. 27,000 for grading per km. For
DBST roads, unit cost for surface treatments was estimated at SLR 700 per m 2. For gravel
roads, unit cost for gravelling was estimated at Rs. 2000 per km.

4.5 Economic Benefits

77. In general, following quantifiable and monetizable benefits are considered in economic
analysis for the project roads selected:

 Savings in Vehicle Operating Costs (VOC’s) taking into account the speed and
travel time in the with- and without-project scenarios for both motorized and non-
motorized transport modes.
 Savings in travel time for passengers and goods transported in motorized and non-
motorsed modes
 Savings in CO2 emissions
 Savings in road maintenance costs

78. As stated in para 58, this evaluation does not consider social benefits quantitatively
but later in this section provides a qualitative assessment for the regional benefits generated
due to increased productivity of agriculture, improved access to health and education, Saving
in VoC and TTC due to elimination of interrupted access etc. More detailed discussion on
project’s social benefits are given in “Involuntary Resettlement Due Diligence and Socio-
economic Profile Report” and “Initial Environmental Report” produced and submitted as a part
of the same project preparatory work.

4.5.1 Saving in Vehicle Operating Cost

79. HDM 4 model is used to estimate the Vehicle Operating Costs (VOC) for both motorized
and non-motorized traffic on each selected road section under with and without project
situations. The model estimates VOC in both the with- and without-project situations taking into
account the speed, travel time, surface quality, road congestion, vehicle characteristics including
fuel consumption rates and presents the net reduction in VoC as the saving.

ADB. 1997. Guidelines for the Economic Analysis of Projects. Manila.
A shadow wage rate factor of 1.0 for skilled and semi-skilled workers and 0.72 for unskilled labors was used.

Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) Traffic Studies & Economic Analysis – Eastern Province

80. The HDM 4 model comprehensively predicts the performance and operating costs of
vehicles in the selected fleet. Vehicle performance predictions include speeds (free flow and
congested conditions) and consumptions of each cost items. Predictions for vehicle operating
costs include cost of fuel and lubricant, tire and parts costs, crew and maintenance labor costs,
capital depreciation, borrowing costs, and overhead costs.

4.5.2 Saving in Travel Time

81. The model estimates the travel time cost (TTC) for passengers and goods in transit in
both with- and without-project situations taking into account the speed, travel time, surface
quality, road congestion, vehicle occupancy rate, loading level etc. The model presents TTC
reduction under improved road condition compared to existing condition as the saving in travel
time cost.

82. Value of Travel Time (VOTT) for different types of road users is the major input in
estimation of TTC. VOTT is assessed for each road user groups based on the “Assessing
Public Investment in the Transport Sector” published by the National Planning Department
(NPD) in September 2001. The Manual has defined different user types of public and private
transport by linking them to particular income categories, identified as deciles of income
earning households. The assumptions used in the Manual are as follows:

Cars - 10thdecile
Vans - 9 thdecile
Motorcycles - 8 thdecile
Public Transport - 1st to 8thdecile
Non-motorized Transport - 1st to 4thdecile

83. Work time is valued at 1.2 times the hourly rate (allowing 20 percent for employers’
overheads) and non-work time at 0.2 times the hourly rate. (A lower factor for non-work time
than usual, but considered by the Department of National Planning to be appropriate).
Although the Manual recommends different rates for different types of road surfacing, average
of all types is used for this analysis as there is no significant differences.

84. By following the procedure specified in the Manual, VOTTs are estimated for different
road user types for year 2016 depending on the availability of data. Estimated VOTT and
vehicle occupancy rates for different types of users are shown in Table 4-6.

Table 4-6: VOTT for Passengers and Occupancy Rates

Value of Value of non-

User Type by Mode Occupancy
work time work time
Rate (a)
(SLRs/hr) (SLRs/hr)
Two & Three Wheeler 113.6 18.9 1.5
Car 598.2 99.7 2.5
Van 598.2 99.7 4.5
Public Transport 59.2 9.9 25-40
(a) Occupancy
rate of three-wheeler not including the driver
Source: Consultant’s Estimates

Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) Traffic Studies & Economic Analysis – Eastern Province

85. The average payloads considered for goods vehicles are 2.2 Tons for Light Goods
Vehicles (LGV), 5.3 Tons per 2-Axle truck, 11 Tons per 3-Axle truck and 15 Tons per Multi
Axle Vehicle (MAV). For goods in transit, time value has been calculated using following
method suggested in the HDM manual.

Rs. 65.9 per per hour for 2-and 3-axle trucks and
Rs. 22.0 per per hour for light commercial vehicles


365 x 24
GARGO = Cargo cost / hour
PCTCGT = Fraction of vehicles whose cargo have benefited
OPC = Opportunity cost of cargo
VALCAR = Value of cargo (respective payload of each MT vehicle
multiplied by average cost of commodity)
By adopting:
PCTCGT = 0.7
OPC = 0.48 and
VALCAR = Rs. 600,000 and 1,800,000 for light commercial trucks and
2 & 3 axle trucks respectively

4.5.3 Savings in CO2 Emission

86. A special and important case for environmental valuation is estimating the value placed
on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, either as benefits where a project reduces emissions,
or costs where it increases them. Contributions of road projects to emissions cover a number
of GHGs including hydrocarbons (HC), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Oxides of Nitrogen (NO x),
Particulates (PM), Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), Lead (Pb) but CO2 is likely to be the most important
for valuation purposes considering its influence towards global warming. The analysis herein
takes saving in CO2 emission into account in determination of project viability.

87. Emission model built-in HDM 4 is capable to estimate the net annual change (increase
or decrease) of CO2 in terms of quantity when project is implemented. For this estimation, the
model uses characteristics data for vehicle fleet and road conditions as primary inputs. Such
estimated saving in quantity is monetized by using a unit value of $36.30 per ton of CO 2 in
2016 prices and expected to be increased by 2% annually in real terms3.

4.5.4 Increased Productivity of Agriculture

88. Two forms of productivity improvement in agriculture can be expected;

ADB.2017. Guidelines for the Economic Analysis of Projects. Manila

Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) Traffic Studies & Economic Analysis – Eastern Province

a) Reduced transport cost saving: This will generate additional income for the producers
as well as for the buyers. But reduction in transport cost is anyway assessed under the
TTC and VOC savings. And hence it is not required to reassess and include in the analysis
as it leads to double counting. However reduction in transport cost will motivate farmers to
produce more if land available. Therefore it is conservatively presumed that once the roads
are improved farmers tend to cultivate underutilized lands as it would generate additional
freight traffic equivalent to around 10% of the normal traffic on each project road.

b) Switch from one form of production to more marketable product: this requires a
detailed analysis of the present cropping patterns in the area and the likely switch in
cropping patterns to more profitable cash crops which will be induced by easier access
and transportability to markets. In such analysis, it has to be verified that apart from
marginal increase in extension of services, use of more fertilizers and improved seeds, no
significant agricultural investments in land improvements would be required to adapt to the
expected switch towards marketable crops. The net incremental benefits from agriculture
(after meeting all additional costs of farming and transport) have been taken as benefits
brought about by the road, since the absence of a road is the main bottleneck in producing
more market-oriented crops in this area. This requires a detailed assessment of each
project influence area and hence it is not counted for this analysis

4.5.5 Improved Access to Health and Education

89. Improvement of rural roads generates social benefits by providing improved access to
education and health facilities for the local communities. Conventionally, benefits from
education is estimated using increased school enrolment levels (due to improved access) and
using estimates of the incremental life earnings of the children who would have otherwise
remained unskilled. Health benefits is assessed based on reduced sick days away from work,
lost net income, and other health savings from better access to health centers.

90. The aforementioned approaches for estimating social benefits require a considerable
amount of data which has to be collected through detailed field surveys. Alternatively a random
sample interview surveys were conducted with the locals to find out whether condition of
existing roads has been considerably affected to schooling and accessing to health facilities.
It reveals that condition of roads are not having any significant impact on schooling as almost
every other GND in the province is facilitated with a school spaced of around 2-3 km. Therefore
only a limited distance of roads has to be used in accessing to a school and in-fact it is hard
to find cases of ‘no schooling’ as government has insisted parents by a regulation to send their
children to schools if older than 6 years. Similar argument can be built up against access to
the health facilities as the province has fairly well distributed network of Government hospitals
and dispensaries in addition to private dispensaries located in almost all townships. In general,
a person can access to a Government hospital within 30-60 minutes from any part of the
province indicating that there is no significant difficulty for accessing health facilities at present.
As such it is conservatively disregarded including benefits of improved access to schools and
health facilities in the economic evaluation herein.

Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) Traffic Studies & Economic Analysis – Eastern Province

4.5.6 Elimination of Interrupted Access

91. For the cases where passability suffers during the rainy season, an assessment can
be made for the extent of interruption. Impact of seasonal changes for transport can be
assessed on the basis of local socio-economic impact, such as higher goods prices, lost
productivity, or decreased social travel. In such cases, an assessment of the impact on
particular activities may be necessary. Since losses associated with seasonal interruptions
may vary by activity (agriculture, marketing, travel for jobs and related wage earnings, school
attendance and consequent decline in quality of education, health visits, etc), it is difficult to
directly observe the impact of seasonal access variations and such information is usually need
to be collected either through a community survey or other participatory processes. In addition,
it may be possible to examine the costs associated with alternative (but longer) routes (that
increase transport cost and time), or substitutes for transport (migration, storage), or even lost
opportunities and income, to better understand the impact.

92. In case of project roads, key information for the analysis is the duration of inundation
which generally assessed by a hydrological survey in project influenced area. In the absence
of such survey for this study, a general interview survey was conducted with the local
communities and found that project roads, except few, have been hardly undergone water
during last decade or so. Even if flooded, still it had been passable within a day or two. As
such it is conservatively presumed that there would be no significant benefits due to
eliminating interrupted access following the improvement of project roads.

4.6 Results of Economic Analysis

93. The Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR) and Net Present Value (NPV) is
calculated by using the annual cost streams produced by deducting the annual costs in the
‘With Project’ case from the annual costs in the ‘Without Project’ case. The project discount
rate of 9% is applied to these annual undiscounted net differences and sum up them to obtain
economic Net Present Value (NPV). From the stream of undiscounted annual net costs and
benefits, the EIRR is calculated as that the rate of interest, which would reduce the net present
value to zero. If such calculated EIRR value is equal or higher than 9%, proposed investment
is considered as economically feasible for implementation. The analysis conducted for two
cases of including and excluding savings in CO2 emission but the former is considered in
determination of feasibility of individual roads and aggregated investments.

94. EIRR and NPV are calculated for each individual project road as well as for the total
investment and several combinations of roads to understand the extent of feasibility of the
project. The analysis found that 932.67 km out of 1,148.42 km evaluated are economically
feasible and hence eligible for implementation in Eastern Province. The afore-mentioned
length of total feasible roads includes (i) 155.76 km of 16 national roads, (ii) 310.24 km of 108
provincial roads, (iii) 414.04 km of 283 local roads and (iv) 52.63 km of 50 urban roads. Table
4-7 presents the extent of feasibility of the project, in terms of number of roads and km, for
Eastern Province in detail.

Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) Traffic Studies & Economic Analysis – Eastern Province

Table 4-7: Extent of Project Feasibility for Eastern Province

Feasible for Unfeasible for
Selected for Evaluation
Implementation (EIRR ≥ 9) Implementation (EIRR< 9)
District Road Category
Number of Road Length Number of Road Length Number of Road Length
Roads (km) Roads (km) Roads (km)
Provincial Roads 71 179.05 60 156.13 11 22.92
Local Roads 225 359.01 125 239.65 100 119.36
Urban Roads 24 21.89 11 15.05 13 6.84
All Roads 320 559.95 196 410.83 124 149.12
Provincial Roads 24 70.63 21 65.83 3 4.80
Local Roads 101 121.78 76 90.66 25 31.12
Urban Roads 30 27.65 25 24.94 5 2.71
All Roads 155 220.06 122 181.43 33 38.63
Provincial Roads 30 95.23 27 88.28 3 6.95
Local Roads 93 104.24 82 83.73 11 20.51
Urban Roads 15 13.18 14 12.64 1 0.54
All Roads 138 212.65 123 184.65 15 28.00
National Roads 16 155.76 16 155.76 - -
Provincial Roads 125 344.91 108 310.24 17 34.67
Local Roads 419 585.03 283 414.04 136 170.99
Urban Roads 69 62.72 50 52.63 19 10.09
All Roads 629 1,148.42 457 932.67 172 215.75

95. Results of economic analysis for each individual project road are presented in
Appendix 1 including and excluding Savings of CO2 emission whereas a summary of results
aggregating feasible project roads (or eligible project roads for implementation) by road
category presents in Table 4-8 for each district and eventually for entire province. Cost benefit
streams for aggregated feasible project roads by road category are given in Appendix 2 in
district-wise and province-wise in addition to present the same for overall investment of entire

Table 4-8: Summary of Economic Analysis Results

Economic Indicators for Economic Indicators for
Feasible for
Agregated Feasible Roads Agregated Feasible Roads
Implementation (EIRR ≥ 9)
District Road Category (Without CO2 Savings) (With CO2 Savings)
Number of Road Length NPV @ 9% NPV @ 9%
EIRR (%) EIRR (%)
Roads (km) (SLR Mn.) (SLR Mn.)
Provincial Roads 60 156.13 15.4% 1,664.32 15.4% 1,654.12
Local Roads 125 239.65 12.7% 1,356.19 12.8% 1,432.66
Urban Roads 11 15.05 15.3% 192.18 15.3% 194.00
All Roads 196 410.83 13.8% 3,212.69 13.9% 3,280.78
Provincial Roads 21 65.83 14.1% 678.13 14.0% 668.89
Local Roads 76 90.66 13.4% 839.85 13.6% 881.54
Urban Roads 25 24.94 17.4% 640.52 17.5% 652.84
All Roads 122 181.43 14.4% 2,158.50 14.5% 2,203.28
Provincial Roads 27 88.28 14.3% 920.45 14.3% 907.44
Local Roads 82 83.73 15.3% 1,100.13 15.5% 1,145.17
Urban Roads 14 12.64 29.4% 606.95 29.6% 617.14
All Roads 123 184.65 15.9% 2,627.53 16.0% 2,669.75
National Roads 16 155.76 23.3% 7,334.51 23.2% 7,269.26
Provincial Roads 108 310.24 14.8% 3,262.91 14.7% 3,230.45
Local Roads 283 414.04 13.5% 3,296.17 13.7% 3,459.36
Urban Roads 50 52.63 19.4% 1,439.64 19.6% 1,463.99
All Roads 457 932.67 16.8% 15,333.22 16.9% 15,423.06

96. Results of the analysis conducted including CO2 emission are used for the assessment
of feasibility of individual roads and aggregated investments. The proposed project, defined
only including feasible roads with EIRR equal or above 9%, covers 932.67 km of 457 project
roads in total and provides an aggregated EIRR of 16.9% and NPV of SLR Mn. 15,423.1 (at

Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) Traffic Studies & Economic Analysis – Eastern Province

9% discount rate) when saving in CO2 is considered. These two indicators securely pass
respective thresholds and hence total investment for the project can be considered as feasible
for implementation. Meanwhile, all the groups formed by aggregating feasible project roads
by category and by district and province are also produced same indicators comfortably above
the cut-off values indicating their feasibility.

97. In general, national roads which carry a significant traffic ranging from 1,000 to 4,000
AADT, provide the highest feasible group EIRR value of 23.2% compared to all other groups
by road category at province level. Urban roads of which cost/km doesn’t vary drastically to
national roads produce an EIRR of 19.6% as a one group of feasible roads and become
second to the national roads primarily because of more than the half of those roads carry a
traffic less than 1,500 AADT despite few exceeds 4,000 AADT. The provincial roads generally
carry a traffic between 500 to 1,000 AADT and account for a comparatively lower EIRR of
14.7% as a single group of feasible roads. Meanwhile, the most bottom layer of the network,
local roads, mostly carry a traffic less than 600 AADT and as a result account for the lowest
group EIRR value of 13.7% among all the aggregated groups of feasible roads at province

98. As a whole, above results of the economic analysis suggest that proposed investment
on feasible roads in Eastern Province is competent in providing positive economic benefits for
the region if investment is made. Hence, recommendation is made to implement all feasible
roads if funds available.

4.7 Estimated CO2 Emission

99. Table 4-9 summarizes the estimated saving in CO2 emission, in terms of quantity
(Tonnes) and monetary value (SLR Mn.), over the project life of 20 years by road categories
by districts and eventually by the province.

Table 4-9: Summary of Savings in CO2 Emissions (for Project Life of 20 Years)
Saving in CO2/20 Years
District Road Category Quantity
Length (km) Value (SLR Mn.)
Provincial Roads 156.13 (4,835.0) (36.8)
Local Roads 239.65 28,850.2 210.2
Urban Roads 15.05 608.7 4.3
All Roads 410.83 24,623.9 177.7
Provincial Roads 65.83 (3,871.5) (28.6)
Local Roads 90.66 15,770.4 115.0
Urban Roads 24.94 5,015.5 37.4
All Roads 181.43 16,914.4 123.8
Provincial Roads 88.28 (6,806.0) (52.7)
Local Roads 83.73 17,130.9 125.1
Urban Roads 12.64 3,940.0 28.9
All Roads 184.65 14,264.9 101.3
National Roads 155.76 (26,816.9) (198.9)
Provincial Roads 310.24 (15,512.5) (118.1)
Local Roads 414.04 61,751.5 450.3
Urban Roads 52.63 9,564.2 70.6
All Roads 932.67 28,986.3 204.0
( ) Negative

Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) Traffic Studies & Economic Analysis – Eastern Province

100. Estimated saving in CO2 emission for the proposed project is quantified at 28,986.3
tonnes and valued at SLR 204.0 Mn. Both local and urban roads as independent groups at
district levels have been able to generate a saving in CO2 emission when project is
implemented. However, similar grouping of national and provincial roads have been unable
to generate such saving in CO2 emission mainly due to high induced traffic expected following
their improvement.

4.8 Financial Sustainability

101. After construction of project roads is completed, financial requirement for operation
and maintenance will decrease due to improved condition and would only require finance for
routine maintenance interventions for about 10 years. The project itself has further intervened
to reduce financial burdens of road agencies by introducing a performance based
maintenance (PBM) period of 5 years for national roads and 3 years for provincial, local and
urban roads. After completion of PBM, project roads will be handed over to respective
agencies for their maintenance and hence necessary institutional funding arrangement needs
to be set up in advance to ensure the long-term sustainability of project roads thereafter.

102. Feasible 155.76 km of national roads accounts for about 17% of total eligible length for
implementation. The cost-benefit stream for aggregated national roads, provided in Appendix
2, suggests that these roads would require about 325 million (in real term) additionally for both
periodic and routine maintenance over their life time of 20 years. This indicates that additional
SLR 16.2 Mn. is required annually for RDA to spend on maintenance of these project roads.
This annual requirement is only about 0.4% when compared to RDA’s maintenance allocation
of SLR 4 billion4 in 2016 and hence assurance can be granted for adequate financing in future

103. Feasible 310.24 km of provincial roads are about 33% of total eligible length for
implementation. Similar analysis conducted on cost-benefit streams for aggregated provincial
roads demonstrates that incremental maintenance requirement, including both periodic and
routine maintenance, for next 20 years is about SLR.128.6 Mn (in real term). This indicates
that additional SLR 6.4 Mn. is required annually for EPRDD to spend on maintenance of
project roads. In 2016, they have been allocated SLR 371 Mn 5. by Central Government
through Provincial Specific Development Grant and Block Grant for both periodic and routine
maintenance. Therefore above calculated additional requirement for maintenance is about 2%
of what they are actually receiving now. Given that current maintenance allocation itself
insufficient, granting an additional 2% for project roads is highly unlikely and consequently it
would be a burden for EPRDD unless proper funding mechanism is established for
maintenance of these roads in future.

104. Feasible 414.04 km of rural roads, which are maintained by the Pradeshiya Sabha,
accounts for about 44% of total eligible road length for implementation. Cost benefit stream of
aggregated local roads presented in Appendix 2 reveals that these roads require about SLR
795.0 Mn (in real term) additionally for spending on their periodic and routine maintenance

Source: Ministry of Finance. 2015.Budget Estimates-2016
Source: Eastern Province Road Development Department

Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) Traffic Studies & Economic Analysis – Eastern Province

over next 20 years. This translated to an annual incremental requirement of about SLR. 40
Mn. and it is about 40% increase to the amount allocated to all Prdeshiya Sabhas for
maintenance in 20166. Since the current allocation for these roads is also inadequate for their
maintenance providing an additional amount as high as 40% of the present would be
unrealistic unless the funding mechanism is rationalized for future.

105. Implementable length of urban roads is 52.63 km and it is only about 6% of total
feasible length of the project. These roads are supposed to maintain by Municipal and Urban
Councils after completion of PBM period. At present each of these councils (3 Municipal
Councils and 5 Urban Councils) earns adequate annual revenue to finance the maintenance
of their road network which ranges 60 - 120km for an entity. Further, the cost benefit stream
for aggregated urban roads reveals that additional funding is not required for maintaining
urban roads included in this project. Hence, maintenance of these roads will not be a strain
for the councils during their design life.

106. In summary, national and urban roads included in the project are likely sustainable in
terms of financing their maintenance and operations after completion of PBM period. But both
provincial and local roads included in the project are unlikely to meet financial requirement for
maintenance once the PBM period is over. Therefore central government together with
provincial councils and local authorities need to set up a financing mechanism for maintenance
to ensure the long-term sustainability of project roads.

Allocation for maintenance of rural roads in Eastern Province is estimated at SLR. 100 Mn. for 2016 based on
the information provided by the Planning Division of EPRDD. Although actual amount should be available at
Pradeshiya Sabha level, relevant information has not been documented properly.

Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) Traffic Studies & Economic Analysis – Eastern Province

5 Sensitivity Analysis

5.1 Introduction

107. Sensitivity analysis is prepared with an ultimate aim at preventing budget overrun
during construction and providing guidance for the estimation of project contingencies. This
analysis primarily assesses the impact of uncertainty of underlying cost and benefit
parameters upon the project, by varying the parameters affecting most on the project
feasibility. The impact of variation of estimated construction cost and benefits tested through
two forms of sensitivity analysis, risk analysis and switching values, to comprehend the risk
associated with proposed investment for the projects roads selected in Eastern Province. The
analysis herein is limited for the decisive case of saving in CO2 emission considered and for
the combinations of feasible roads only as unfeasible roads are no longer part of the project.

5.2 Risk Analysis

108. The approach and methodology adopted in estimation of construction cost and benefits
were attempted to ensure an accuracy level of about 15%. Hence risks in relation to increase
in construction costs and reduction in predicted benefits are assessed by increasing 15% of
construction costs and decreasing 15% of predicted benefits. Further the combination of those
two cases are also assessed as the worst case scenario. Table 5-1 presents the results of risk
analysis for above three cases separately for different groups of feasible project roads and for
the total investment for entire province.

Table 5-1: Results of Risk Analysis

EIRR (% )
District Road Category 15% Increase in 15% Decrease in Both Cases
Base Scenario
Construction Cost Benefits Combined
Provincial Roads 15.4% 13.3% 13.0% 11.1%
Local Roads 12.8% 11.0% 10.7% 9.0%
Urban Roads 15.3% 13.2% 13.0% 11.1%
All Roads 13.9% 12.0% 11.7% 10.0%
Provincial Roads 14.0% 12.0% 11.8% 9.9%
Local Roads 13.6% 11.7% 11.4% 9.7%
Urban Roads 17.5% 15.3% 15.1% 13.1%
All Roads 14.5% 12.5% 12.2% 10.4%
Provincial Roads 14.3% 12.2% 12.0% 10.1%
Local Roads 15.5% 13.5% 13.2% 11.3%
Urban Roads 29.6% 26.3% 25.9% 22.9%
All Roads 16.0% 13.9% 13.6% 11.6%
National Roads 23.2% 20.5% 20.1% 17.7%
Provincial Roads 14.7% 12.7% 12.4% 10.6%
Local Roads 13.7% 11.8% 11.5% 9.7%
Urban Roads 19.6% 17.2% 16.9% 14.8%
All Roads 16.9% 14.7% 14.4% 12.4%

109. The risk analysis suggests that none of the groups formed aggregating feasible project
roads by category by district and province is in risk in terms of their economic feasibility as all

Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) Traffic Studies & Economic Analysis – Eastern Province

of them are robust against all different cases considered including the worst case. Even the
group of local roads in Ampara District which accounts for the lowest base-case EIRR of
12.8% also remains risk-free by retaining the worst-case EIRR at cut-off of 9%. Further, the
total investment for all project roads in Eastern Province holds an EIRR of 14.7% and 14.4%
at 15% increase in estimated construction cost and at 15% decrease in estimated benefits
respectively indicating the project is securely feasible under those independent cases. Even
at the worst case, EIRR stays over 12% showing total investment for all feasible project roads
is strongly risk free and remain feasible for implementation.

5.3 Switching Values

110. The impact of uncertainty of sensitive parameters upon the investment is assessed in
terms of switching values and it provides certain indications on the limits of feasibility of the
project under different scenarios. The switching value shows the percentage increase in cost
variable or decrease in estimated benefits required to drop EIRR below the cut-off level of
12% for national roads and 10% for all other roads (or the NPV to become zero) or in other
words project turns unfeasible. The switching values for each group of feasible roads and for
the total investment for entire province are presented in Table 5-2.

Table 5-2: Results of Switching Values Analysis

Switching Values
EIRR (% )
District Road Category
Base Scenario Construction Cost Benefits
(% increase) (% decrease)
Provincial Roads 15.4% 59.6% 38.7%
Local Roads 12.8% 35.4% 26.5%
Urban Roads 15.3% 60.0% 38.8%
All Roads 13.9% 45.9% 32.3%
Provincial Roads 14.0% 45.5% 32.0%
Local Roads 13.6% 43.4% 30.5%
Urban Roads 17.5% 88.2% 48.2%
All Roads 14.5% 51.8% 34.7%
Provincial Roads 14.3% 46.4% 32.6%
Local Roads 15.5% 63.3% 39.0%
Urban Roads 29.6% 230.0% 71.3%
All Roads 16.0% 66.2% 40.4%
National Roads 23.2% 151.5% 60.7%
Provincial Roads 14.7% 53.5% 35.3%
Local Roads 13.7% 43.9% 30.7%
Urban Roads 19.6% 110.0% 53.8%
All Roads 16.9% 76.2% 44.0%

111. Estimated Construction Cost: As stated in risk analysis, necessary care had been
taken to maintain at least 15% of accuracy level in preparation of cost estimates for the project
roads. Therefore, any project road or a group of roads requires more than 15% increase in
construction cost to reach the cut-off EIRR can be considered as unlikely to turn unfeasible
due to increase in construction cost. Switching values analysis presented in Table 5-2 shows
that total investment for all feasible roads in Eastern Province requires highly unlikely 76.2%
increase in estimated construction cost to turn unfeasible. Even the aggregated investments
at the district level also show higher resistance against increase in estimated cost with a
minimum switching value of 45.9% for Ampara District. Therefore, the project as a whole can

Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) Traffic Studies & Economic Analysis – Eastern Province

be considered as highly resistance to turn unfeasible due to increase in estimated construction


112. All feasible national roads as an independent group of roads for the province shows a
strong resistance with a required increase of 151.5% in estimated cost to turn unfeasible.
Aggregated feasible urban roads also shows a similar kind of high resistance to turn unfeasible
against increase in construction cost with a switching value of 110.0% at provincial level. This
high robustness of aggregated urban roads is mainly contributed by the sub-group of urban
roads in Trincomalee District for which requires an increase of 230% in estimated cost to turn
unfeasible. Meanwhile aggregated feasible provincial roads also shows a comparatively
higher resistance against increase in estimated construction cost with a switching value of
53.5%. Though it is not as high as for national and urban roads, still it is beyond the risk limit.
All feasible local roads aggregated at provincial level also requires a comparatively low but an
improbable increase of 43.9% in estimated construction cost to be unfeasible as a group. At
district level, these roads maintain a lowest switching value of 35.4% for Ampara District which
is still free of risk.

113. Estimated Benefits: Estimated benefits are primarily based on the estimated base
year traffic and its forecast for project roads. Since the approach adopted is more
conservative, a variation more than 15% in estimated traffic and consequently in estimated
benefits is highly unlikely. The proposed investment neither at province level nor at district
level drop to such a low figure in switching value analysis and hence the investment can be
considered as robust against variation in estimated benefits. Table 5-2 shows that total
investment for entire province requires unlikely 44.0% drop in predicted benefits to turn
unfeasible with almost similar requirements at district level.

114. Aggregated group of feasible national roads stands robust against lowering predicted
benefits with a switching value of 60.7% at province level. Feasible urban roads aggregated
at provincial and district levels also show higher resistance to switch unfeasible with effect of
decrease in predicted benefits. These roads also requires a highly unlikely drop of 53.8% in
predicted benefits to turn unfeasbile at province level. However, both provincial and local roads
aggregated at province level do not show a resistance as high as national and urban roads,
but still they stay beyond the risk limit with respective switching values of 35.3% and 30.7%
against decrease of estimated benefits. In district level sub-grouping, the lowest switching
value for provincial roads is 32.0% for Baticaloa District while the same for local roads is 26.5%
for Ampara District. Even these lowest values are still above the anticipated risk limit. In brief,
it can be concluded that none of the aggregated groups of feasible roads by category either
at district or at provincial level is in risk against decrease in predicted benefits since all of them
are comfortably above the anticipated accuracy level of predicted benefits.

Overall results of switching value analysis suggest that proposed investment in aggregation
of road categories and districts as well as in total does not carry a noticeable risk against
increase in estimated construction cost or decrease in estimated benefits. Hence proposed
investment for Eastern Province can be considered as a feasible and a risk-free investment to

Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) Traffic Studies & Economic Analysis – Eastern Province

6 Conclusions & Recommendations

6.1 Conclusions

115. Economic analysis herein is conducted for 1,148.42 km of 629 project roads which
were chosen by screening a long list with respect to pre-defined criteria. Such selected roads
for economic analysis include (i) 155.76 km of 16 national roads, (ii) 344.91 km of 125
provincial roads, (iii) 585.03 km of 419 local roads and (iv) 62.72 km of 69 urban roads. The
costs and benefits associated with each of above selected project roads were estimated based
on the primary data collected on-field and secondary data collected off-field.

116. The economic analysis herein is conducted by using HDM 4 Model. This model
predicts net benefits comparing project cost with its benefits accrued in savings of (i) Travel
Time Cost, (ii) Vehicle Operating Cost (iii) NMT costs and (iv) CO2 emission cost (v)
maintenance cost. The analysis is initially conducted for each project road individually and
then for several groups of feasible roads aggregated by road category by district and by
province. The results of the analysis expressed in terms of EIRR and NPV values. A project
road or a group of roads generated EIRR value equal or higher than the 9% is considered as
economically feasible for implementation.

117. The analysis found that 932.67 km out of 1,148.42 km evaluated are economically
feasible and hence eligible for implementation in Eastern Province. The afore-mentioned
length of total feasible roads includes (i) 155.76 km of 16 national roads, (ii) 310.24 km of 108
provincial roads, (iii) 414.04 km of 283 local roads and (iv) 52.63 km of 50 urban roads. The
total investment for all feasible roads in Eastern Province generates an EIRR value of 16.9%
at base-case and found robust against likely increase in estimated construction cost and
decrease in predicted benefits. Moreover, all the groups aggregated by road category by
district and by province exceed the cut off EIRR comfortably and remain robust against likely
increase in estimated construction cost and decrease in predicted benefits. Therefore, the
proposed investment for project roads, found as individually and aggregately feasible, is
justifiable as a risk-free investment to proceed for implementation if funds available.

6.2 Recommendations

118. Based on the outcomes of the economic analysis, construction of project roads which
were individually found as feasible are recommended to implement. Thereby, overall project
in Eastern Province can be included a total eligible length of 932.67 km, comprising (i) 155.76
km of 16 national roads, (ii) 310.24 km of 108 provincial roads, (iii) 414.04 km of 283 local
roads and (iv) 52.63 km of 50 urban roads, for implementation. However, if funds are not
available to construct total length of eligible roads, a recommendation is made to prioritize
eligible project roads based on the EIRR values. Further, a recommendation is made to
conduct such prioritization at district levels and assess the number of km implementable in
each district based on the funds allocated for it. Such district level road selection process will
ensure original rational of distribution of project roads among districts.

119. During the construction, recommendation is made for sufficient provision for
construction supervision consulting services to ensure guidance, support and training to the
contractors and strengthen their capacity and knowledge on international practices in

Integrated Road Investment Program (Phase II) Traffic Studies & Economic Analysis – Eastern Province

construction and contract management procedures etc. At the same time, procedures and
monitoring mechanisms need to be established to ensure the compliance of environmental
and social safeguard measures with ADB and government applicable guidelines. Meanwhile,
the government needs to disburse adequate funds on time to cover all counterpart costs to
ensure the continuous progress of the project.

120. After completion of construction, contract agreement requires civil work contractors to
proceed for performance based maintenance of same contracted package for 5-years for
national roads and 3 years for all other roads. At the completion of PBM period, national roads
will be handed over to RDA while all other roads to respective provincial and local authorities
for the maintenance. Although RDA, Municipal Councils and Urban Councils will be capable
enough to finance maintenance work of their roads, most of provincial and local agencies will
struggle as in the case of now. Hence a recommendation is made for developing a mechanism
which ensures timely and adequate fund disbursement for those agencies to maintain roads
securing network sustainability and reliability consistently. At present, maintenance of national
roads financed through a Road Maintenance Trust Fund but it needs to be extended for
covering both provincial and local roads as a long-term strategy for ensuring overall network
sustainability. Such fund can be operated at provincial level by channelling respective
provincial revenue generated from registration and annual licensing fees of vehicles.

121. Finally, a general recommendation is made to implement the project as soon as

possible in order to complement on-going regional development activities effectively and
thereby to generate utmost economic benefit for the inhabitant who were suffered prolonged
armed conflict and still struggling to bring their lives to normalcy.

Appendix 1: Details of Project Roads & Results of Economic Analysis
Appendix 1.1: Details of Project Roads & Results of Economic Analysis - Ampara District
Selected Project Roads AADT (2016) Econ. EIRR, %
S/N Category Cost Without With
Code Name (km) MT NMT (SLR/km) CO2 CO2
Roads Feasible for Implementtion (EIRR ≥ 9%)
1 EAM001 Damana Padagoda Pallanoya Road Sec. i & ii Provincial 5.68 1,040 92 31.3 10.7 10.7
2 EAM003 Diyaviddagama - Rathkinda Provincial 2.92 1,242 680 25.6 16.8 16.7
3 EAM004 Padiyatalawa Kolamantalawa Road Provincial 3.97 2,083 558 16.9 28.2 27.9
4 EAM005 Senagama Road , Uhana Provincial 3.01 1,219 601 20.6 17.6 17.6
5 EAM006 Pudunagala Templr Road Sec. ii Provincial 1.29 515 88 17.9 9.3 9.3
6 EAM008 A.G.A'S Office To Vinayagapuram Road Provincial 1.86 1,795 1,233 24.9 25.4 25.4
7 EAM008A A.G.A'S Office To Vinayagapuram Road Sec .i Provincial 2.59 1,795 1,233 22.3 18.5 18.5
8 EAM011 Village Road Alayadivembu Provincial 1.50 2,760 1,285 20.1 29.9 29.9
9 EAM012 Sammanthurai Veeramunai Road Provincial 1.71 3,082 1,742 31.8 22.5 22.4
10 EAM012A Sammanthurai Veeramunai Road Sec .i Provincial 0.48 3,082 1,742 31.7 23.2 23.0
11 EAM013 Malayar, Vissavaithiyar, Vissavaithiyar North Road Sec. i Provincial 0.75 1,238 699 37.8 10.4 10.4
12 EAM014 Chettiyawatta Road, Sammanthurai Provincial 0.64 3,416 1,055 20.8 34.3 34.2
13 EAM015 Mahaoya Kurunthuvinna Road Provincial 2.99 784 99 20.9 14.9 15.1
14 EAM016 M.M.V. Road Karaitivu Provincial 0.53 1,240 772 43.3 9.6 9.7
15 EAM017 Annamalai Navithanveli Road Provincial 0.99 955 472 25.2 12.2 12.2
16 EAM018 Navithanveli Vc Road Sec. i & ii Provincial 1.32 2,708 383 22.5 31.5 32.0
17 EAM019 Medagama Hannanigala Road Provincial 3.39 1,102 696 20.1 18.2 18.1
18 EAM020 Kariyappar Road Maruthamunai Provincial 0.99 1,261 476 19.6 26.8 27.1
19 EAM023 Sainthamaruthu Thaikka Road Provincial 0.52 3,624 1,749 22.2 27.8 27.7
20 EAM024 Lahugala Village Road Provincial 2.09 537 125 18.2 9.3 9.3
21 EAM025 Central Road Pottuvil Provincial 1.57 1,847 1,318 30.0 20.2 20.2
22 EAM027 Lihiniyagama-Wijapura Provincial 2.80 393 263 18.8 9.5 9.6
23 EAM028 Tempittiya Kolanisiyaya Road Provincial 1.79 620 468 22.3 9.2 9.2
24 EAM028A Tempittiya Kolanisiyaya Road Sec .i Provincial 2.09 530 468 18.2 9.3 9.3
25 EAM029 Padiyatalawa Demodara Road (Saranangara Road) Sec. i & ii Provincial 2.67 948 546 35.9 11.7 11.8
26 EAM029A Padiyatalawa Demodara Road (Saranangara Road) Sec. iii Provincial 0.58 948 546 14.9 25.6 25.9
27 EAM030 Central Road Maruthamunai Provincial 1.07 2,134 1,199 13.1 31.5 31.3
28 EAM031 Central Road Sammanthurai Provincial 0.98 5,506 2,795 18.6 34.5 34.0
29 EAM032 Aandi Road Sammanthurai (Fifth Cross Road) Provincial 0.90 1,322 1,196 26.1 16.8 16.8
30 EAM033 Amman Kovil Road Sec. ii Provincial 0.51 808 484 14.8 18.5 18.5
31 EAM034 Konawatte Road Addalaichenai Provincial 0.47 1,252 290 18.4 21.0 21.0
32 EAM036 Vakkirasa Road Sec. i & ii Provincial 5.38 628 309 22.9 9.2 9.2
33 EAM037 Irakkamam Akkaraipattu Link Road Provincial 1.30 1,662 509 27.1 20.7 20.7
34 EAM038 Village Road Pottuvil Provincial 0.76 560 811 20.1 9.5 9.5
35 EAM039 Udayar Road, Kalmunai Provincial 1.07 973 584 25.7 11.1 11.1
36 EAM041 Udayar Road Urban 0.92 298 245 17.6 9.2 9.3
37 EAM043 Mcc Road Urban 0.53 294 211 17.9 9.0 9.2
38 EAM048 Badur School Road Urban 0.81 523 688 19.2 15.3 15.5
39 EAM058 Old Beach Road From Mahmood Balika To Rest House Urban 2.96 1,480 683 30.1 13.7 13.7
40 EAM058A Old Beach Road From Mahmood Balika To Rest House Sec .i Urban 4.18 1,480 683 21.4 16.8 16.8
41 EAM064 Alayadi North Road Urban 0.65 1,715 846 17.7 28.3 28.3
42 EAM069 Thesigar Road Kar- 7,8,10,11,12 Local 1.76 1,500 737 17.5 18.9 19.0
43 EAM074 Road in Mavadipalli Sec. i, ii, iii, iv & v Local 1.50 390 238 16.1 9.2 9.4
44 EAM079 Boc Hidaya Road Local 0.76 882 384 18.1 21.1 21.5
45 EAM080 New Town Road Sec. i & ii Local 1.25 481 306 18.6 12.9 13.1
46 EAM081 Water Tower Road Varip Local 0.63 415 249 19.8 9.0 9.2
47 EAM082 Millath Road. Local 0.54 688 671 11.9 29.4 29.8
48 EAM083 Central Road, Kudivil Sec. i Local 0.62 1,070 381 24.1 20.8 21.2
49 EAM092 Madeena Puram Road Local 1.06 335 100 16.9 9.3 9.5
50 EAM097 Gayathrikiramam 1 St Road Sec. i & ii Local 1.07 455 437 27.4 9.1 9.3
51 EAM099 Gayathirykiramam 9Th Road Sec. i & ii Local 1.22 390 319 22.4 9.2 9.4
52 EAM100 Gayathirykiramam 13Th Road Sec. i & ii Local 0.91 516 608 19.8 14.7 14.9
53 EAM105 Village Road Thambiluvil Sec. i & ii Local 1.20 515 413 22.9 9.1 9.2
54 EAM106 Veeraiyady Road Local 1.39 420 470 18.8 12.1 12.3
55 EAM108 From Bodagolla Mv Sangadasa'S House To Ambagahawella Local 1.13 298 186 16.5 9.3 9.5
56 EAM112 Nishantha Welandasela To Ambagahawella Main Road Local 1.19 295 140 16.3 9.0 9.2
57 EAM114 Borapola Samagipura Internal Road Sec. iii & iv Local 1.10 480 416 23.2 10.9 11.1
58 EAM114A .Borapola Samagipura Internal Road Sec. v Local 4.52 480 416 14.7 16.8 17.0
59 EAM117 Thuwaragala To Kugdagala Local 3.15 806 527 22.1 12.5 12.5
60 EAM117A Thuwaragala To Kugdagala Sec .i Local 3.74 806 527 15.6 10.4 10.3
61 EAM118 Mahawanawela To Bihirisorowwa Local 1.93 868 612 23.0 13.3 13.3
62 EAM119 Lihiniyagama To Wehadagama Local 3.08 654 574 21.1 10.4 10.5
63 EAM119A Lihiniyagama To Wehadagama Sec .i Local 1.54 654 574 20.9 9.3 9.4
64 EAM120 Nagaswewa To Bakmeedeniya Local 3.03 517 299 20.8 9.2 9.3
65 EAM121 Manal Kumpathady Local 1.05 592 169 20.9 11.8 12.0
66 EAM122 31/3 Old Moh Office Road Local 1.31 305 224 16.9 8.9 9.2
67 EAM125 Al - Siraj - Murugan Kovil Road Local 1.50 1,147 743 13.4 17.8 17.8
68 EAM128 Kudiyurrupumunai Road Local 2.96 1,108 944 14.5 18.3 18.3
69 EAM132 Ds Office Front Road Sec. ii Local 0.30 326 351 19.7 9.1 9.2
70 EAM138 Anchenayar Kovil Road Sec. ii Local 0.31 311 469 19.4 9.2 9.4
71 EAM140 Periyathampiran Kovil Road Sec. i, ii & iii Local 0.53 739 999 19.6 21.7 22.0
72 EAM144 3Rd Cross Road Local 2.71 2,872 633 11.5 31.0 30.9
73 EAM150 Coparative Road. Local 0.53 598 447 17.1 17.8 18.1
Appendix 1.1: Details of Project Roads & Results of Economic Analysis - Ampara District
Selected Project Roads AADT (2016) Econ. EIRR, %
S/N Category Cost Without With
Code Name (km) MT NMT (SLR/km) CO2 CO2
74 EAM164 7Th Avenue Road Urban 1.03 575 209 21.4 9.6 9.6
75 EAM165A New Housing Scheme Road Sec. iii Urban 0.94 485 235 19.7 9.3 9.5
76 EAM173 Gunasiri Bakery To Pirivena Road Urban 0.65 1,523 305 24.8 16.8 16.7
77 EAM177A Thalapitaoya Kokumawara Sec. iii Local 1.85 383 229 16.5 11.4 11.7
78 EAM181 Sareef Hajiyar Road Sec .i Local 5.33 412 329 12.9 10.7 10.8
79 EAM182 Central Road, Alamkulam Local 0.99 382 326 13.9 12.8 13.1
80 EAM192 Laddies Arabic College Road Oluvil-3,5,7 Local 0.79 314 205 16.3 9.5 9.7
81 EAM197 Al Arsath North Rd,Malayadikkiramam 03 Local 0.44 1,853 1,579 28.6 29.9 30.3
82 EAM198 Salam Mosquerd,Kallarchchal 03 Local 0.55 1,121 1,824 26.1 24.6 24.9
83 EAM199 Mal 15 Th Rd, Block J West 01 Local 0.62 2,131 2,176 27.1 26.7 27.0
84 EAM200 Am-14, & 15 Th Rd, Udanga 2 Sec. i, ii & iii Local 0.83 786 832 37.4 11.7 11.9
85 EAM201 Hijra 2 Nd Rd.,Block J East 2 Sec. i & ii Local 0.59 1,560 1,092 43.3 18.5 18.8
86 EAM203 Karuththidda Rd. ,Malayadikkiramam 3 Local 0.46 1,621 1,293 20.4 30.5 31.0
87 EAM205 Am 10, 11 Th Rd, Sammanthurai 12 Sec. i & ii Local 0.64 1,039 561 35.0 14.9 15.2
88 EAM207 Majeethpuram School Rd., Malwatha 3 Local 1.03 473 461 19.3 13.1 13.3
89 EAM208 S Channal Irigation Bund Road,Udanga -2 Local 1.31 1,230 367 15.4 16.9 16.8
90 EAM209 Kulaththady Pullayar Kovil Rd., Malwatha1 Sec. i & ii Local 0.95 476 207 18.2 11.6 11.9
91 EAM210 Madeena Ummard, Block J Esat 3 Local 0.84 1,111 705 19.0 27.6 28.1
92 EAM213 Pannalgama To Bakmitiyaawa Local 6.04 395 13 18.5 9.5 9.7
93 EAM214 Wadinagala To Karabana Sec. i & ii Local 3.97 404 384 19.2 11.4 11.6
94 EAM216 Al-Fathah Mosque Road Sec. i & ii Local 1.02 451 591 21.3 12.2 12.4
95 EAM217 Pottuvil Central College Ground Road Sec. i & ii Local 1.05 445 603 21.1 12.2 12.4
96 EAM218 Urani Kattukal Road Local 2.07 350 98 17.4 9.5 9.7
97 EAM220 Kundumadu Road Sec. i & ii Local 1.02 349 472 21.9 9.1 9.3
98 EAM222 Boys School Road Local 1.02 851 1,496 21.4 25.1 25.3
99 EAM241 Neethai Road - Alim Nagar Local 0.69 344 173 16.3 9.6 9.8
100 EAM242 Ruhunugama School To Buddhangala Post Office Sec. ii & iii Local 1.94 397 304 17.6 9.2 9.3
101 EAM243 Road From 60 Junction To Gonagala Village Sec. i & ii Local 2.64 545 198 18.1 11.0 11.1
102 EAM243A Road From 60 Junction To Gonagala Village Sec. iii Local 0.39 545 198 17.2 10.6 10.7
103 EAM244 Suhadagama Saman Boutique To Rajagama Junction Local 1.99 366 233 18.1 9.3 9.5
104 EAM244A Suhadagama Saman Boutique To Rajagama Junction Sec .i Local 0.64 396 233 18.1 9.2 9.4
105 EAM245A Lathugala Road From Dora Paha Juction To Lathugala Sec. iv Local 5.65 419 221 16.2 9.0 9.1
106 EAM247 Magulmaha Viharaya Bunt Road, Dewalagoda Sec. i & ii Local 1.57 415 288 22.8 9.8 10.0
107 EAM247A Magulmaha Viharaya Bunt Road,Sec iii Local 0.17 415 288 19.8 10.5 10.7
108 EAM248 Bogaslanda Road, Pasalgoda Sec. i To v Local 2.04 402 198 15.9 11.7 12.1
109 EAM258 Padiyathalawa Siyabalagaha Jc. To Welikumbura Jc. Local 1.92 286 328 16.5 9.1 9.3
110 EAM258A Padiyathalawa Siyabalagaha Jc. To Welikumbura Jc. Sec .i Local 1.24 286 328 16.3 9.2 9.4
111 EAM260 Diyarawela Road Local 2.93 337 296 15.6 10.6 10.9
112 EAM263 Bulugastalawa Road Local 1.27 348 200 16.2 10.4 10.6
113 EAM263A Concreting Bulugastalawa Road Sec .i Local 0.46 348 200 17.3 9.6 9.8
114 EAM264 Tekka Watta Road Provincial 1.09 532 479 18.6 16.0 16.1
115 EAM266A Kekirihena-Kalupenibedda Road Sec .i Local 3.43 290 201 15.7 9.3 9.5
116 EAM268 Saranagama-Samagipura By Road Local 1.41 305 310 18.6 9.2 9.4
117 EAM276 Tempitiya Dumana Road Sec.ii Provincial 2.67 690 245 15.0 17.6 17.6
118 EAM279 Ihiniyagala Power Station To Pahalalanda Dewalahinda Road Provincial 8.29 505 123 11.0 13.9 13.8
119 EAM280 Kethsirigama To Pallanoya Road Provincial 6.29 578 230 17.8 9.7 9.7
120 EAM282 Ambalaanthaaru Church To Stage 01 Muslim School Road Local 1.88 320 154 16.6 9.3 9.5
121 EAM283 Channel 06, Pola Road Pokurugammanaya To Channel 8 Bridge Sec.i & ii Local 1.32 351 274 18.1 9.2 9.4
122 EAM284 Main Road To Y.S.S. Junction Tibirigolla Road Local 3.36 349 200 14.6 11.9 12.1
123 EAM289 Near Damana Provincial Community To Kalladi River Provincial 8.72 401 78 17.6 9.5 9.6
124 EAM290 Near Higulana Temple To Madiyana River Local 1.95 463 152 14.9 14.7 15.0
125 EAM291 Community Hall To Koknahara Sec.i, ii & iii Local 8.30 589 438 16.2 18.3 18.6
126 EAM293 Koknahara Hena Road Local 2.02 326 219 15.9 9.0 9.3
127 EAM294 Kethsirigama, Galapamula Road Local 0.97 379 394 15.4 12.8 13.2
128 EAM297 From Dewalahinda Main Road To Main Road - Kalugolla Provincial 7.11 431 89 11.5 10.4 10.4
129 EAM299 Kalugolla Bus Stand To Hindakalugama Road -Boo Tree Jc. Sec.i & ii Local 2.17 286 212 16.5 9.0 9.2
130 EAM307 Galmaduwa Sugar Company Office To Old Sugar-Cane Farm Local 1.59 286 138 14.6 9.4 9.7
131 EAM308 Ampara, Old Higurana Road -Village 07 To Padagoda Road 40 Jc. Provincial 5.63 730 103 14.7 14.9 14.9
132 EAM309 Lihiniyagama To Wawabadagama Sec.ii Provincial 2.72 508 366 15.7 10.0 10.0
133 EAM312 Bihirisorowwa To Muwapatikewala Provincial 5.22 458 400 14.9 9.5 9.5
134 EAM316 Uththalapura Across The Pahalagama To Kudaoya Local 4.33 346 249 19.3 9.5 9.8
135 EAM317 Across Sandunpura Babarawana To Mawanagama Local 4.18 340 328 18.4 9.3 9.4
136 EAM320 Koomana To Helakoomana Local 5.73 289 289 17.0 9.3 9.5
137 EAM321 Koolamanthalawa Welaganayotha Ela Road Sec.i Local 5.08 345 197 17.3 9.4 9.7
138 EAM329 Wirana Collage To Wirana Village Local 2.24 342 193 18.1 9.0 9.2
139 EAM330 Near Jayasiri Maha Bodi To Helico Local 2.33 505 377 16.8 9.2 9.2
140 EAM342 No 10L Weeragala Junction To 10/88 Home Local 0.92 525 327 19.9 9.7 9.8
141 EAM343 Weeragoda Cataract Junction To Rajagama Provincial 3.85 797 178 14.8 15.1 15.1
142 EAM344 Bridge Camp To Dematamal Palassa College Provincial 3.27 405 173 15.1 9.2 9.2
143 EAM345 Weeragoda Cemetery Junction Suhadagama Village Provincial 3.67 1,206 259 12.3 18.2 18.0
144 EAM347 Warankatagoda College To Bandaradoowa Y Junction Local 5.77 646 344 16.8 19.2 19.5
145 EAM348 Near Gonagolla Dorapaha To Bandaradoowa Village End Provincial 6.98 1,674 370 16.9 19.4 19.3
146 EAM352 Near Udagirigama 67 Home To Udagirigama Junction Local 1.75 596 714 17.7 19.0 19.3
147 EAM353 Near The Mayadunna 36 Home To Senagama Temple Local 2.98 392 130 17.6 10.3 10.5
148 EAM355 21 Thissapura West Temple To Galkoriya Sec.i,ii & iii Local 2.76 701 448 20.0 16.4 16.7
Appendix 1.1: Details of Project Roads & Results of Economic Analysis - Ampara District
Selected Project Roads AADT (2016) Econ. EIRR, %
S/N Category Cost Without With
Code Name (km) MT NMT (SLR/km) CO2 CO2
149 EAM356 Near The 97 Factory To 141 Home 1.90 Local 707 472 17.3 18.9 19.2
150 EAM360 33/132 Home To 33/116 Home 1.18 Local 604 350 19.2 16.1 16.4
151 EAM362 60 Junction To Akkara 50 Road 1.36 Local 326 168 16.9 9.4 9.7
152 EAM369 Near The Coconut Cultivation Board To Children'S Home 1.51 Local 589 215 19.0 14.9 15.1
153 EAM370 Dematamalpalassa To Samanabadda Sec.i 0.73 Local 434 334 19.3 11.4 11.6
154 EAM371 Karangawa School To Across Karangawa River Himidurawa 12 Ela 7.69 Local 290 191 16.7 9.3 9.4
155 EAM373 Koongas Junction To Kumarigama 1.01 Local 730 449 18.3 9.8 9.8
156 EAM378 Main Road-Near The Rajagalathanna Bridge To Wellawali Jc. 1.56 Local 367 226 18.3 9.5 9.8
157 EAM379 4.14
Old Walathapitiya Lali Kovil Road To Palaweli Kalmuneyar Road Sec.i,ii & iii Local 516 385 16.4 16.1 16.4
158 EAM396 Galwalayaya,Near Mr. Karunasena'S Shop 1.57 Local 512 344 17.4 14.5 14.9
159 EAM398 Aranthalawa Nuwaragalathanna Rubber Crop 1.46 Local 325 331 16.9 9.5 9.8
160 EAM413 Galamuna Road Near 14 Post To Horigala 1.49 Local 362 299 19.2 9.3 9.6
161 EAM414 Hulanuge Smurdi Road To Monaragala Yanawila Main Road Sec.iii 1.26 Local 574 376 15.4 9.3 9.3
162 EAM418 From Lahugala Ground To Tamitiyawela Boo Tree 1.55Provincial 553 391 15.8 10.2 10.2
163 EAM419 Thirukkowil Jc. To Winayagampuram Central Road Sec.ii, iii & iv 2.45 Local 2,065 2,479 16.5 20.6 20.5
164 EAM426 Bandaranayaka Girls College Jc. To Gamunupura Buddhist Center 1.44 Urban 1,958 311 23.5 22.2 22.1
165 EAM448 Namaloya,Diyabeduma to Main Irrigation, From Welusumana College 3.93 Local 387 270 19.7 9.3 9.5
166 EAM457 Galwanguwa Main Road To Hospital Road 3.43 Local 330 209 17.7 9.4 9.6
167 EAM461 6B/7 Near The Community Hall Sec.i & ii 0.51 Local 652 276 22.7 14.0 14.3
168 EAM482 Near Mr. Wikrama'S Home To Sriya Stores 2.58 Local 360 237 19.2 9.5 9.7
169 EAM489 Digawapiya 234 To Deegawapiya Ampara Main Road 3.10 Local 880 342 15.5 11.2 11.1
170 EAM490 Digawapiya 234 To 336 Road End 2.94 Local 385 186 17.0 9.3 9.5
171 EAM491 Digawapiya Cooperative Junction To Kaliodaya Road 3.96 Local 720 118 15.0 10.6 10.5
172 EAM496 Technical Collage Road 0.94 Urban 618 109 23.6 11.4 11.6
173 EAM500 Mpcs West Road Sec.i & ii 0.87 Local 760 420 19.5 19.2 19.5
174 EAM507 Pahalalanda To Karana Road 3.75 Local 794 516 18.2 19.3 19.8
175 EAM509 Margasthupitiya New Temple Road To Samanalathenna 2.42Provincial 422 340 15.2 9.4 9.4
176 EAM510 Araleganwila Main Road To Dhulakande Internet Road 2.72Provincial 822 580 19.7 12.5 12.5
177 EAM514 Hotwell Internal Road 0.86 Local 314 255 18.1 9.2 9.5
178 EAM519 Al- Rahu,Am Road 2.25Provincial 827 121 16.5 14.3 14.3
179 EAM520 South Road (520) 0.53 Local 1,042 388 14.2 16.5 16.4
180 EAM521 Theater Road And Cross Road 0.49 Local 1,702 532 20.7 18.6 18.5
181 EAM530 Thiruppathy School Road 1.10Provincial 511 468 18.0 9.2 9.1
182 EAM536 Sri Murugan Road 0.86 Local 345 283 19.5 9.3 9.5
183 EAM537 From Pahalalanda Main Road To13/14 Pady Land Road 1.01 Local 382 303 16.7 11.3 11.6
184 EAM538 Moragahapallama Mahwella Sec.i & ii 1.15 Local 361 271 18.7 9.1 9.4
185 EAM546 Theatre Road 1.08 Local 2,797 673 15.1 22.6 22.5
186 EAM547 Beach Road 3.51Provincial 1,183 535 11.0 28.1 27.9
187 EAM548 2Nd Cross Road 3.72Provincial 517 77 11.4 12.6 12.6
188 EAM549 1St Cross Road 2.04Provincial 492 248 12.6 14.5 14.6
189 EAM550 Mavady Road 0.93Provincial 508 410 22.2 9.3 9.4
190 EAM551 Kiddanky Road 1.43Provincial 1,451 539 15.4 19.7 19.5
191 EAM552 South Road (Continuation of EAM520) 0.93 Local 1,410 560 14.2 20.9 20.9
192 EAM554 Beach Road - Palamunai 2.95Provincial 500 145 18.8 10.9 11.1
193 EAM559 Old Aga Office Road 1.32 Local 592 549 19.4 10.6 10.6
194 EAM561 Post Office Road 0.96 Local 638 672 17.9 9.3 9.3
195 EAM562 Irakkamam Central Road Sec i 2.84Provincial 2,587 518 30.7 20.8 20.7
196 EAM573 Old Post Office Road 1.14 Local 596 179 17.7 9.8 9.8
Roads Unfeasible for Implementtion (EIRR < 9%)
197 EAM007 Akkaraipattu Neethai Ambalanoya Road Provincial 2.98 384 138 30.7 1.1 1.0
198 EAM010 Sivankovil Road Alayadivembu Sec. i & ii Provincial 0.72 181 219 26.0 (0.7) (0.6)
199 EAM021 Kaliodai Deegawapi Road Addalaichenai Sec. ii Provincial 1.77 780 255 50.5 3.6 3.6
200 EAM022 Manikkamadu Road Irakkamam Provincial 2.11 337 431 26.2 1.8 1.8
201 EAM026 Bederakka Road Provincial 0.85 545 360 40.3 1.8 1.8
202 EAM035 Devalahanda Galkandana Road Provincial 0.97 278 293 21.6 1.9 1.8
203 EAM035A Devalahanda Galkandana Road Sec .i Provincial 0.49 278 293 21.0 1.5 1.5
204 EAM040 Rds-Hall Link Road Provincial 1.17 151 180 22.8 (0.2) (0.1)
205 EAM044 20/21 Common Road Urban 0.50 155 139 20.9 1.0 1.1
206 EAM047 Transformer Road Urban 0.60 274 185 20.5 4.5 4.6
207 EAM071 Lagoon East Road Sec. i Local 0.81 140 160 21.5 0.5 0.7
208 EAM084 Ameer Alipuram Main Road Local 0.59 251 155 27.2 2.6 2.7
209 EAM085 Mam Aliyar Road Sec. i & ii Local 0.78 162 342 33.7 (1.4) (1.3)
210 EAM086 Cemetery Road Local 0.57 122 121 20.1 (0.8) (0.7)
211 EAM087 Katheebalance Irakkamam Sec. i & ii Local 0.43 104 106 38.6 (4.2) (4.2)
212 EAM089 Newguna Temple Road Sec. i & ii Local 0.45 368 323 30.6 2.8 2.9
213 EAM091 Kullakkarai Road Sec. i & ii Local 1.06 152 187 48.8 (3.1) (3.1)
214 EAM093 Sehu Nagar Road Sec. i & ii Local 0.97 176 144 22.4 1.3 1.4
215 EAM094 Visnu Road, Vinayagapuram-03 Local 0.64 337 245 19.5 8.5 8.7
216 EAM098 Gayathirykiramam 4Th Road Sec. i & ii Local 1.17 246 289 22.8 4.6 4.7
217 EAM101 Palakkadu School Road. Local 0.44 145 321 22.4 1.0 1.1
218 EAM102 Mandani School Back Road. Local 0.31 218 243 19.6 4.2 4.3
219 EAM103 Vaddaivithanai Road (Bus Stand Front) Local 2.16 142 129 18.5 0.8 0.9
220 EAM107 Ketagul Ara Bogaha To Main Channel Ketagalara Local 0.86 199 228 20.0 3.6 3.8
221 EAM108A Bodagolla Mw. Sangadasa's House To Ambagahawella Sec .i Local 1.15 212 186 18.0 4.4 4.6
222 EAM109 Bibile Main Road To Compost Pohora Center Sec. i & ii Local 1.99 176 133 24.2 1.2 1.3
Appendix 1.1: Details of Project Roads & Results of Economic Analysis - Ampara District
Selected Project Roads AADT (2016) Econ. EIRR, %
S/N Category Cost Without With
Code Name (km) MT NMT (SLR/km) CO2 CO2
223 EAM109A Bibile Main Road To Compost Pohora Center Sec. iii Local 0.50 176 133 18.4 2.5 2.7
224 EAM110 Samadagagama Road Sec. i & ii Local 1.51 146 166 26.4 (0.4) (0.3)
225 EAM113 Grama 06 Muwangala Left Mr.Dharmadasa's House To Mr Sirisena's Local 0.48 151 164 23.2 0.2 0.4
226 EAM113A Grama 06 Muwangala Left Mr.Dharmadasa'S House To Mr Sirisena's Sec .i Local 0.98 151 164 15.5 2.4 2.6
227 EAM116 Unwaturabubulla Internal Road Local 0.42 803 178 33.8 6.8 6.9
228 EAM124 Namahal Road Sec. i & ii Local 1.17 180 169 20.8 2.1 2.2
229 EAM126 Hospital Road Local 0.85 182 169 26.1 1.0 1.2
230 EAM131 Sivalingam Kadai Road Sec. i, ii & iii Local 0.70 238 454 21.5 5.7 5.9
231 EAM137 Hospital 1St, 2Nd Cross Road Local 0.84 179 227 17.6 3.9 4.1
232 EAM139 Aligambey Commen Road. Local 0.43 155 164 20.1 1.6 1.8
233 EAM159 Near Ariyawan Guest To Saddathissa Primary Urban 0.37 598 293 37.8 2.6 2.6
234 EAM160 Infront Of Seeweli Temple Road Urban 0.38 127 75 20.7 (3.5) (3.5)
235 EAM163 Near No.220 House To Mahamevuna Asapuwa Urban 0.38 601 215 31.5 2.7 2.7
236 EAM165 New Housing Scheme Road Sec. i & ii Urban 0.62 485 235 37.6 4.5 4.6
237 EAM167 Behind The Bus Stand Road Sec. i & ii Urban 0.42 350 243 45.3 (2.5) (2.5)
238 EAM167A .Behind The Bus Stand Road Sec. iii Urban 0.20 350 243 28.0 (0.6) (0.7)
239 EAM175 Hagamwela Main Road Local 2.00 151 149 18.3 2.0 2.1
240 EAM177 Thalapitaoya Kokumawara Sec. i & ii Local 2.02 383 229 30.4 5.8 6.0
241 EAM187 234 Round A Bout Road- Deegawapiya0.8 Local 0.81 155 147 15.6 2.9 3.1
242 EAM187A 234 Round A Bout Road- Deegawapiya0.8 Sec .i Local 1.06 155 147 16.2 2.0 2.1
243 EAM190 Beach Road -Palamunai 02 Sec. i Local 0.30 344 238 57.1 (2.2) (2.1)
244 EAM191 Univercity Road, Oluvil -01 Sec. i & ii Local 1.02 226 174 20.3 4.1 4.2
245 EAM193 Thrikerny Boader Road, Oluvil Local 0.54 212 213 18.0 4.7 4.9
246 EAM196 Central Road - Sambunager Sec. i & ii Local 0.79 156 205 17.6 2.6 2.8
247 EAM212 Zahira School 5Th Road Puliyadi Road Local 1.12 151 163 16.8 2.5 2.6
248 EAM213A Pannalgama To Bakmitiyaawa Sec.i Local 1.04 260 13 17.3 5.6 5.8
249 EAM219 Al-Abzan Vidiyalaya Road Sec. i, ii & iii Local 1.44 133 110 20.8 (0.2) (0.1)
250 EAM228 Jinnah Mosque Road, Pallikkudiyiruppu-2 Sec. i, ii & iii Local 0.69 454 431 41.5 4.9 5.0
251 EAM229 Asmiya Road, Pallikkudiyiruppu-1 Sec. i Local 0.44 284 459 27.6 5.0 5.1
252 EAM245 Lathugala Road From Dora Paha Juction To Lathugala Sec. i, ii & iii Local 4.38 359 221 28.7 2.4 2.5
253 EAM246 Piyangala Nugelanda Road Sec. i & ii Local 0.61 744 261 53.7 2.4 2.5
254 EAM250 New Kumana Velag Road, Panama South Sec. i, ii & iii Local 1.08 139 125 30.2 (1.6) (1.5)
255 EAM251 Mahapokana Aroundsabhi Road, Panama North Sec. i & ii Local 0.98 132 111 25.5 (1.1) (1.0)
256 EAM252 Kurulam Pokuna Veloge Road Panama South Sec.i, ii , iii & iv Local 1.14 110 144 37.2 (3.4) (3.3)
257 EAM254 Road Via Pitawela Amuna Local 2.10 146 112 16.5 1.9 2.1
258 EAM255 Road From Kandabada Yaya Road To Mahathalawa Road Local 2.49 308 361 31.0 4.1 4.3
259 EAM256 Kadupara Road Local 1.50 144 130 22.5 (0.1) 0.1
260 EAM259 Road From Kongaspanwila To Wilathalawa Road Local 2.65 156 231 16.6 3.2 3.5
261 EAM262 Tepelpola-Wagaspitiya Road Local 0.53 214 150 17.7 2.6 2.7
262 EAM266 Kekirihena-Kalupenibedda Road Local 0.94 250 150 20.6 4.7 4.9
263 EAM267 All Roads Of Dambadeniya Grama Niladari Wasama Sec.ii to x Local 7.84 118 95 18.9 (0.1) 0.0
264 EAM267A All Roads Of Dambadeniya Grama Niladari Wasama Sec.xii Local 0.63 118 95 17.5 (0.2) (0.1)
265 EAM269 Road Close To Multi Purpose Building Local 1.53 179 177 20.1 2.9 3.0
266 EAM269A Road Close To Multi Purpose Building Sec .i Local 0.37 179 177 16.8 3.6 3.8
267 EAM270 Road Near The Temple Provincial 4.20 125 143 14.6 1.7 1.7
268 EAM271 Construct A Bridge Yaya 70 By Road Local 0.96 25 97 26.1 (6.4) (6.4)
269 EAM273 Nelligastalawa And Kolongasyaya Road Sec. i & ii Local 2.05 205 198 30.9 0.2 0.4
270 EAM285 Main Road To E.G.20Road Main Channel Local 1.03 206 119 15.9 4.3 4.5
271 EAM292 Near Wawasirigama, 6Th Bridge To Near Mr. Ganasiri'S Home Local 0.65 206 211 17.3 3.9 4.1
272 EAM295 Galkanda Main Road Local 2.10 181 142 15.5 3.6 3.8
273 EAM304 Near The Galmaduwa C24 To Village 6 Local 2.04 150 167 14.9 2.7 2.9
274 EAM306 Village No 03- Near 8B, Community Hall To Wawa Rawuma Monumental Local 1.08 146 131 15.9 1.7 1.9
275 EAM335 Thalapitaoya South Lobby To Kokumaawara Local 1.67 216 129 17.2 4.1 4.4
276 EAM358 Piyangala Wirana Road Local 0.97 122 185 19.3 (3.4) (3.4)
277 EAM364 Gonagala Temple Road Local 0.60 336 276 20.2 2.1 2.1
278 EAM366 Uthurabadda Arama Senasana Road - Bokkabadda Sec.i Local 0.62 120 186 21.2 (1.2) (1.1)
279 EAM367 Bogas Junction To 141 Home Local 1.43 148 144 18.0 0.8 0.9
280 EAM368 7 Ela Margaya To 11 Ela Palama Local 1.31 137 130 18.5 0.2 0.3
281 EAM372 Near 21/118/02 Home To Komariya Bridge Local 1.29 260 164 16.5 7.4 7.6
282 EAM374 Near 20/26 Shop To Galkadalle 20/17/01 Sec.i Local 0.51 271 223 22.4 4.7 4.9
283 EAM375 Near Gamunupura 9/11 Home Road Local 1.65 164 106 17.1 2.3 2.4
284 EAM382 Saaybaba Samithi Center To Nagathambiran Kovil Road Local 1.23 59 222 15.8 (2.6) (2.6)
285 EAM386 Borapola Road Pokura Akuloba Road Sec.Ii Local 0.69 178 174 20.1 2.1 2.2
286 EAM389 Near Rathupas Uhana Unuwathura Bubula Temple Local 0.84 240 265 18.3 6.2 6.4
287 EAM397 Niloba Kongasuwathuayaya Oya Road Local 1.54 174 238 16.7 3.5 3.7
288 EAM405 Tampaan, Muwasirigama Local 2.43 116 153 17.2 0.1 0.3
289 EAM408 Panama, Radalla Road To Shathrawela Temple Road Local 1.16 128 32 16.9 (1.8) (1.7)
290 EAM410 From Angakkala To Panama Debouchure New Coast Sec.i & ii Local 2.32 122 124 18.0 (0.5) (2.2)
291 EAM411 Cemetery To Panama Debouchure Local 2.08 121 79 19.0 (2.2) (2.0)
292 EAM421 Akkareypaththy Sinnawullathiwu Central Road Sec.i, ii & iii Provincial 5.98 248 108 20.2 6.3 6.4
293 EAM427 Ampara -Kalmune Road-Sahan Saw Mill To Ampara Eragama Road Sec.i Local 0.78 376 76 20.4 2.5 2.5
294 EAM429 Tsunami House Road, Through Lion Club House connecting 1st Lane Urban 0.88 256 152 21.5 3.6 3.7
295 EAM430 Road From No 57/01 Home to Widyananada Piriwena Road Sec.i Urban 0.25 296 162 30.4 (0.8) (0.8)
296 EAM432 Ampara Muslim Church Junction To Saddathissa Road Urban 0.50 220 246 26.2 1.4 1.5
297 EAM434 Iginiyagala- Left of Army Camp to Old Kotawehera Bogas Jc. Sec.i & ii Provincial 1.68 209 90 18.7 0.7 0.7
298 EAM435 Internal Road Of Ampara Y.M.C.A. Sec.i & ii Urban 0.55 206 123 29.5 (3.2) (3.2)
Appendix 1.1: Details of Project Roads & Results of Economic Analysis - Ampara District
Selected Project Roads AADT (2016) Econ. EIRR, %
S/N Category Cost Without With
Code Name (km) MT NMT (SLR/km) CO2 CO2
299 EAM446 Namaloya,Bibila Road Yowun Mawatha 02 Sub-Road Local 0.75 214 145 19.7 2.7 2.9
300 EAM447 Namaloya,Main Jc., Near Boo Tree To Main Sub Channel Road Local 2.93 223 191 16.2 4.8 5.1
301 EAM456 Near The Polwaththa Register Office To No 90 Home Sec.i, ii & iii Local 1.03 269 111 23.6 4.0 4.2
302 EAM458 2B,Against 4 Post - Channel Local 0.62 138 152 22.1 (0.6) (0.5)
303 EAM459 Near 5B/64 Home To Channel Local 0.39 148 169 20.1 0.6 0.7
304 EAM464 Near 3B,75 Home To 3/40 Home Sec.i & ii Local 0.96 133 165 19.9 0.3 0.4
305 EAM470 Near 2/114 Home To Left Channel Local 1.55 199 206 16.2 4.9 5.1
306 EAM476 119A,Mr.Gamage's Home To Polwaththa Highland Sec.i, ii & iii Local 1.48 197 300 22.2 2.6 2.8
307 EAM478 Polwatha Temple To Near 198 Mr. Dayawansha'S Home Sec.i & ii Local 1.54 202 184 19.6 3.0 3.2
308 EAM479 Polwaththa Widyanandasada Shop To Near Mr. Rathnapala'S Home Sec.iii Local 0.93 182 310 17.3 4.0 4.1
309 EAM480 End Of Polwaththa School Road To Cemetery Road Sec.i, ii, iii & v Local 1.98 152 150 21.0 0.3 0.4
310 EAM481 Ali Oluwa Karunarathna's Home To Ambagahawalla Nishan Shop Sec.i & ii Local 1.40 128 174 19.8 0.0 0.2
311 EAM486 Palamuna Main Road To Winhaj Collage Road Sec.i Local 0.92 191 152 18.3 3.3 3.5
312 EAM493 Kali Kovil Road , Chenaikudiruppu Sec. i Local 0.13 125 145 27.9 (2.4) (2.3)
313 EAM513 Ismail Road Sec.i, ii & iii Local 1.35 218 206 20.9 (1.7) (1.7)
314 EAM528 Zahira Namro School Road Local 1.03 186 189 21.0 1.7 1.8
315 EAM532 Navagampura 3Rd Avaneue Road Urban 1.19 223 220 20.7 3.1 3.2
316 EAM533 Central Road Sec.ii Local 0.78 42 72 17.4 (5.6) (5.5)
317 EAM535 Irakkamam 3 Sec.i Local 0.13 78 109 24.5 (4.9) (4.9)
318 EAM553 Thathavady Road Sec ii Local 0.76 170 155 19.3 1.9 2.1
319 EAM557 Hussainiy Nagr Joining Road Sec ii Local 0.46 232 196 18.0 4.7 4.8
320 EAM558 Cemetry Road Sec i & ii Local 0.91 204 204 18.2 4.1 4.3
( ) = Negative; AADT= Annual Average Daily Traffic; EIRR = Economic Internal Rate of Return; MT = Mottorized Traffic; NMT = Non-Motorized
Notes: Threshold EIRR for being eligible for implementation is 9% for all types of roads
Appendix 1.2: Details of Project Roads & Results of Economic Analysis - Baticaloa District
Selected Project Roads AADT (2016) Econ. EIRR, %
S/N Category Cost Without With
Code Name (km) MT NMT (SLR/km) CO2 CO2
Roads Feasible for Implementtion (EIRR ≥ 9%)
1 EBT001 Porativu Palugamam Thumpankerny Road Provincial 3.73 2,173 470 37.3 13.2 13.1
2 EBT003 Ammankovil Road Provincial 1.82 7,871 704 28.4 32.5 31.7
3 EBT004 Kurukalmadam Amplanthurai Athuchenai Road sec. i & ii Provincial 12.18 493 399 19.1 12.9 13.0
4 EBT005 Athuchenai Pulugunawai Road Provincial 2.03 498 411 27.6 9.1 9.3
5 EBT006 N.G. Thamotharam Road (Up to Thanthamalai Kovil) Local 3.02 488 307 28.3 9.1 9.3
6 EBT007 Kaluwanchikudy Kurumanvelly Ferry Road Provincial 3.69 1,399 623 27.9 11.3 11.2
7 EBT008 Robertsan Road Provincial 5.20 480 417 24.0 9.1 9.2
8 EBT009 Vantharumoolai Kaluwankeny Road Provincial 2.58 1,358 743 15.6 21.9 21.8
9 EBT010 Valaichenai Oddamavady Road Provincial 1.61 5,473 2,516 28.9 19.5 17.8
10 EBT011 Kuruchamunai Pavatkodichenai Unnichai Road sec. i & ii Provincial 6.65 872 234 22.0 17.6 17.8
11 EBT012 Karaveddy Mahilavedduvaan Road Local 2.80 1,240 716 22.6 29.1 29.6
12 EBT013 Marine Drive, Katankudy Provincial 1.50 1,368 615 46.2 9.7 9.8
13 EBT014 Eravur Punnakudah Road Provincial 2.50 960 564 22.7 9.9 9.8
14 EBT015 Meeravoral Karuwakeny Road Provincial 0.54 2,490 1,915 37.4 16.7 16.6
15 EBT016 Punnakuday Savukady Road sec. i & ii Provincial 2.58 558 354 21.0 9.3 9.4
16 EBT017 Kayankerny Road Provincial 1.69 815 762 17.7 10.5 10.4
17 EBT021 Thuraineelavani village Road Provincial 2.25 1,280 1,301 19.2 15.4 15.5
18 EBT022 Kankeyaodai Ollikulam Mavilangathurai Road Provincial 2.68 396 338 18.1 9.7 9.8
19 EBT023 Merankerny Access Road Provincial 2.07 1,262 656 16.7 16.4 16.3
20 EBT024 Meeravorai Kinniyadi Road Provincial 2.28 534 452 18.2 9.7 9.8
21 EBT025 Palamunai Road Provincial 1.19 2,534 2,240 40.3 15.4 15.3
22 EBT026 Datch Bar Muhathuwaram Road Provincial 3.00 840 293 31.6 9.0 9.1
23 EBT027 Thuraiamma Road, Kurumanvely West Local 0.51 414 978 27.5 9.7 9.8
24 EBT029 Koddaimedu Road, Eruvil South Local 0.77 489 420 35.9 9.5 9.7
25 EBT030 Kumarankalamandra Road, Kaluwanchikudy-01 sec. i & ii Local 1.35 391 292 23.8 9.2 9.4
26 EBT031 Arasady Road, Kaluthavalai - 01 Local 1.48 571 389 27.8 11.7 12.0
27 EBT034 Boundary Road, Cheddypalayam, Kurukkalmadam Local 0.80 672 601 23.5 15.3 15.5
28 EBT036 Main Road, Mahiloor, Mahiloor Local 1.40 1,476 1,507 23.1 30.4 30.9
29 EBT037 80, Housing Scheme Road, Onthachimadam Local 0.34 477 490 29.6 9.5 9.7
30 EBT040 Sivankovil Road, Cheddypalayam Local 0.50 408 787 26.6 9.2 9.3
31 EBT041 Thikkkodai Thanthamalai Road, Thikkodai Local 3.67 646 668 18.2 17.8 18.1
32 EBT042 Kalumunthanvely Road, Kalumunthanvely sec.i & ii Local 3.84 262 265 19.7 9.0 9.2
33 EBT043 Ayurveda Hospital Road, Munaitheevu Local 1.29 570 526 20.2 9.0 9.1
34 EBT044 Thitkodai Thanthamalai Road Local 2.24 370 421 19.8 9.6 9.8
35 EBT045 Mahiladitheevu to Kalikovil, Mahiladitheevu sec. i & ii Local 1.42 1,370 1,408 23.0 14.0 14.1
36 EBT046 Narasingka Vairavar Kovil Road, Ampalanthurai sec. i & ii Local 0.92 517 501 30.7 9.1 9.3
37 EBT048 Boundary Road, Kokkaddicholai sec. i & ii Local 1.07 363 520 29.6 9.0 9.2
38 EBT050 Vaikal Kulathu Road sec. i Local 0.90 498 502 27.3 9.3 9.5
39 EBT051 Central Road, Arasadithivu Local 0.62 1,378 1,257 27.1 10.9 10.9
40 EBT052 Kanapathipillai J.P. Road, Puthukudiyiruppu Local 0.88 824 1,636 19.3 27.3 27.6
41 EBT053 Theerthakkarai Road-Kanapathipillai link Road, Selvanagar Local 1.12 896 997 15.9 20.9 21.1
42 EBT054 Beach Road, Kirankulam Local 1.10 439 369 19.6 9.0 9.1
43 EBT056 Meera Jummah Road, Palamunai Local 0.47 978 646 33.9 9.0 9.1
44 EBT060 Ahamed G.S. Road, Valaichchenai sec. i Local 0.23 1,318 1,642 23.8 17.9 18.1
45 EBT061 Ahamod Hirashi Road, Semmanodai Local 0.51 518 443 19.0 16.3 16.6
46 EBT065 Habeeb Kankaniyaar, Mavadichenai Local 0.45 530 395 23.1 11.7 11.9
47 EBT067 Pansala Road-03 Culverts, Branthuraichennai sec. i & ii Local 0.52 745 611 50.9 10.7 10.9
48 EBT070 Vinayagapuram Central Road, Kalmadu 204 A Local 2.23 2,746 1,398 18.8 27.4 27.1
49 EBT072 Visankerny Road, Kiran East 203 sec. i, ii & iii Local 1.72 384 656 24.6 10.3 10.5
50 EBT075 Chairmen Road, Murakkaddanchenai 199 sec. i Local 0.67 592 831 48.4 9.3 9.5
51 EBT076 Nakathampiran Kovil Road, Kannaki, Puram 205 D Local 0.80 643 663 35.1 9.6 9.8
52 EBT077 Kulakkoddan Street, Kinnayadi Road Local 0.71 256 447 22.6 9.5 9.7
53 EBT078 Kaalikovil-Jinna Joint Road, Devapuram Local 0.90 643 702 17.2 20.2 20.5
54 EBT079 Boundary Road, Sungkan keny, Sungkan kerny 202 C sec. i & ii Local 1.57 427 772 19.2 13.5 13.7
55 EBT080 Anna veethy Road, Karuvakerny 202 A Local 0.51 564 673 43.0 9.7 10.0
56 EBT081 Vipulanantha Cross Road, Valaichchenai Tamil 205 Local 1.22 2,299 1,684 38.8 13.8 13.7
57 EBT082 Kurinchinagar Road, Karuvakerny 202 A Local 0.59 421 441 25.4 9.1 9.3
58 EBT083 Paddiyadichenai Vishnu Kovil Road, Kalkuda 204 Local 0.53 407 315 30.5 9.2 9.4
59 EBT086 Thaddumunai Main Road, uriyankaddu 213 B sec. i & ii Local 4.21 542 597 24.1 12.4 12.6
60 EBT087 Puliyankandalady Main Road, Vaharai North sec. i & ii Local 2.05 490 512 24.0 9.9 10.1
61 EBT088 Sithravel link Road, Amenthanavely sec. i & ii Local 2.08 424 438 23.8 9.1 9.2
62 EBT089 Thombuthar Road, Kathiravely sec. i & ii Local 1.48 305 353 24.0 10.5 10.7
63 EBT094 Kanchirankuda Panchenai Main Road, Panchenai sec. i & ii Local 5.02 520 839 29.2 11.9 12.1
64 EBT095 Puthumandapathady Main Road Local 0.75 512 330 32.5 10.8 11.1
65 EBT096 Old Soruvamunai Road sec. i & ii Local 1.96 376 356 30.8 9.7 9.9
66 EBT098 Uppodai Road, Vantharumoolai Local 0.35 389 232 15.4 9.2 9.2
67 EBT101 Kali Kovil 1st, Koduvamadu Local 0.89 438 404 22.8 9.7 9.9
68 EBT103 APC Road, Vantharumoolai sec. i & ii & iii Local 1.38 469 1,027 19.5 16.0 16.2
69 EBT104 10th Mile post Road, Kommathurai sec. i & ii Local 0.56 522 590 14.2 9.7 9.7
70 EBT105 Market Road, Chenkalady sec. i, ii, iii & iv Local 0.83 319 360 17.1 10.9 11.2
71 EBT107 Vipulananda Pura Road, Mylampaveli Local 0.70 372 525 16.7 12.4 12.6
72 EBT109 RDS Road Michnagar, Iyangkeni sec. i & ii Local 0.80 305 482 18.9 9.3 9.4
73 EBT110 School Road, Meerakeni Local 0.43 539 484 15.8 17.7 17.9
74 EBT111 Kudha Pali Road, Michanagar Local 0.40 1,034 873 16.6 32.2 32.7
Appendix 1.2: Details of Project Roads & Results of Economic Analysis - Baticaloa District
Selected Project Roads AADT (2016) Econ. EIRR, %
S/N Category Cost Without With
Code Name (km) MT NMT (SLR/km) CO2 CO2
75 EBT113 Murugan Kovil Road, Savukkady Local 0.99 442 629 18.0 13.5 13.8
76 EBT114 Vipulananda Road, Siththandi-01 sec. i & ii Local 0.86 912 2,389 15.4 33.0 33.2
77 EBT115 Thirthakemi Road, Uthayan Moolai sec. i Local 0.19 448 578 16.2 15.6 15.9
78 EBT116 Barathy Lane 1st Cross Lane, Iyangkerny Local 1.06 233 447 14.8 9.2 9.4
79 EBT117 Kanesha Viththiyalaya Road, Vantharumoolai sec. i, ii &iii Local 0.77 352 898 17.0 15.8 16.0
80 EBT118 DS Office Road to Iyangkerny, Chenkalady sec. i & ii Local 1.02 852 953 11.5 32.4 32.8
81 EBT119 School Road, Iyankeny sec. i & ii Local 0.83 446 895 14.8 18.9 19.1
82 EBT120 Bake House Road sec. i & ii Local 1.25 803 835 18.0 23.8 24.1
83 EBT121 Talecom Road Urban 1.39 3,904 2,206 53.7 15.7 15.7
84 EBT122 Muhideen Mosque Road Urban 1.05 3,306 1,593 35.7 20.6 20.7
85 EBT123 Hostal Road Urban 0.48 1,097 696 42.9 11.1 11.3
86 EBT124 Deen Road Urban 1.57 2,374 1,641 47.0 21.5 21.7
87 EBT125 Central Road Urban 0.47 2,315 1,349 39.9 22.7 22.9
88 EBT126 Abrar Road Urban 0.65 725 889 39.7 9.0 9.2
89 EBT127 Vadamunai Uthuchchenai Road, 210A/1, Vadamunai Local 1.50 308 298 15.8 9.1 9.4
90 EBT128 Potthanai Road, 2010E, Punanai Local 3.20 293 189 19.7 9.9 10.1
91 EBT130 Resettlement Area Road, 207, Mancholai sec. i & ii Local 1.45 395 583 25.2 9.8 10.0
92 EBT131 Palainagar Road, 210C, Thiyawattawan Local 0.81 331 451 18.9 9.1 9.3
93 EBT132 Youth Club Road, 207, Mancholai Local 1.29 548 473 21.0 15.5 15.8
94 EBT133 School Road, 210B, Kawatthamunai Local 0.60 1,049 690 35.1 17.6 17.9
95 EBT138 Alim Road, Valachchenai, 207B, Meeravodai East Local 0.61 460 833 11.4 12.6 12.7
96 EBT146 Alaiyadi Road Urban 0.30 1,416 987 13.5 24.4 24.5
97 EBT154 Railway Station Road sec. i Urban 0.82 2,408 1,377 12.5 42.1 42.3
98 EBT155 Hassan Husain Palli Road, Eravur-2C Urban 0.51 725 901 22.0 19.3 19.5
99 EBT158 Poonochimunai Road, Navathudah Urban 0.85 978 598 42.1 9.8 10.0
100 EBT161 Music College Road, Nochimunai Local 0.61 919 1,225 37.7 15.4 15.6
101 EBT163 Vipulanantha Road Sethukuda Urban 0.50 2,494 3,023 44.0 24.9 25.1
102 EBT164 Tharisanam Road Navatkuaha Urban 0.47 1,212 738 47.3 14.0 14.2
103 EBT165 Kannahi Amman Kovil Road Thiruperunthurai Urban 0.87 1,117 672 35.3 14.1 14.2
104 EBT166 Puliyadi Madu to Sathurukondan Bund Road Urban 0.45 779 471 21.4 11.5 11.6
105 EBT167 Thiraimadu School Road, Thiraimadu Urban 0.59 1,172 575 22.0 13.2 13.2
106 EBT168 New Palamunai Road, Poonochimunai Urban 1.26 1,301 747 25.4 21.4 21.8
107 EBT169 Mamangam Kovil Road, Amirthakali Urban 0.61 3,440 1,152 39.2 17.8 17.7
108 EBT177 Extension of Lagoon road from Kathiyar Jc. to A5 Road Urban 2.33 432 806 12.3 19.3 19.5
109 EBT178 5th cross Hisbulla Nagar road Local 0.27 366 550 14.0 16.7 17.0
110 EBT179 Redbana road Local 0.23 548 377 35.0 9.3 9.6
111 EBT182 Reconstruction of Kathiyar road with drainage Urban 0.60 3,427 1,816 60.5 27.0 27.3
112 EBT186 Hospital Kinniyadi thurai Veethi Local 0.74 307 684 18.8 10.9 11.1
113 EBT188 Ellai Veethi_Sec_i, ii & iii Local 0.52 830 1,041 35.6 13.3 13.5
114 EBT189 Vaaikaladi Veethi Local 0.86 622 656 34.1 9.6 9.8
115 EBT192 Onthachimadam mahiloor kurumanvelly Road Provincial 4.06 2,045 1,329 17.9 25.9 25.8
116 EBT193 Lagoon Drive Road, Kaththankudy Sec i Urban 1.71 732 981 21.9 17.3 17.4
117 EBT194 Karbala Palamunai Road, New Kaththankudy Urban 3.01 1,468 1,824 29.1 12.6 12.6
118 EBT195 Hisbullah Road, Manchanthuduwei, Manmunai North Sec i & ii Urban 0.95 754 1,173 39.1 10.1 10.3
119 EBT196 Rideethanna Main Road, Kolaraleipattu Central Local 1.44 684 395 27.8 11.2 11.4
120 EBT197 Palamunai Main Road, Araympathi Urban 0.30 1,217 715 19.1 14.5 14.6
121 EBT198 Kaankeyannodei, Main Road, Arayampathi Urban 0.82 1,489 1,181 18.2 19.8 19.8
122 EBT199 Upodai Lake Road_East Lagoon road Urban 2.38 1,081 510 27.2 12.9 13.0
Roads Unfeasible for Implementtion (EIRR < 9%)
123 EBT002 Manmunai ferry Road sec. i & ii Provincial 0.75 414 389 36.3 1.1 1.1
124 EBT018 Ranamadu Bakeilla Road sec. i, ii, iii, iv & v Provincial 2.06 233 285 23.4 2.7 2.8
125 EBT020 Kokkadicholai Ampilanthurai Road Provincial 1.99 245 208 22.7 0.8 0.8
126 EBT033 Vishnu Kovil Road, Mangkadu Local 0.75 179 641 24.7 6.4 6.5
127 EBT035 Annaivelankanni Road, Periya Kallar South sec. i Local 0.42 311 361 30.6 1.2 1.3
128 EBT038 Palaiya Thannithanki Veethy, Thuraineelavanai Local 0.54 262 320 43.8 3.0 3.2
129 EBT047 School Road, Kachchakodi Swamimalai Local 2.24 134 210 28.5 0.1 0.2
130 EBT049 Sukan Road, Arasadithivu Local 1.02 138 180 30.3 0.6 0.8
131 EBT064 Al-Hamra School Road with Drainage, Semmannodai 208D Local 0.68 838 1,438 63.2 1.6 1.7
132 EBT071 Thikilivaddai Main Street, Thikilivaddai 200 A Local 1.68 216 443 37.2 3.0 3.2
133 EBT073 Muruthantivu Main Street, Poolakkadu sec. i & ii Local 1.60 212 178 23.5 5.9 6.1
134 EBT074 Cheddiyaarkudiyiruppu Main Street, Kiran West 203 A sec. i & ii Local 1.50 187 374 23.7 5.7 5.9
135 EBT084 Kondayankerny Resettlement Village Road, Semmannodai Local 0.42 437 399 52.3 5.9 6.1
136 EBT090 Meeyankulam Karamunai Road, Punanai East Local 2.57 175 39 17.9 4.1 4.4
137 EBT092 Uthumadu Katpakakeny Road, Pavakudichenai sec. i & ii Local 2.47 253 252 26.6 3.7 3.9
138 EBT099 Thalavai Road, Pangkudaveli Local 1.99 175 173 15.0 4.5 4.7
139 EBT100 Pannaithidal Road, Karadiyanaaru Local 1.37 197 306 13.5 8.4 8.7
140 EBT102 Colony Kali Kovil Road, Velikakandy Local 2.19 206 212 20.9 4.6 4.7
141 EBT112 Board Vaady Road, Kaluvangkerny sec. i & ii Local 0.79 134 448 15.2 6.3 6.5
142 EBT129 Rahmath Masjith Road, 210B, Kawatthamunai sec. i Local 0.77 234 271 32.3 4.6 4.8
143 EBT134 Thurayadi Road, 210B, Kawatthamunai sec. i & ii Local 0.58 348 680 25.2 5.2 5.3
144 EBT139 Meeran Hajiyar Road Local 3.46 173 299 19.1 4.4 4.6
145 EBT157 Seliyan Road in Sinna Urani Urban 0.31 277 362 17.5 6.5 6.7
146 EBT162 Brain Drive Road, Piliyantheevu Urban 0.39 672 189 35.4 1.2 1.2
147 EBT170 Poomugar 12th Cross Road, Vedukau Urban 0.36 820 228 50.9 3.4 3.4
148 EBT172 School Road Navalay Urban 0.79 152 118 20.8 (1.0) (0.9)
Appendix 1.2: Details of Project Roads & Results of Economic Analysis - Baticaloa District
Selected Project Roads AADT (2016) Econ. EIRR, %
S/N Category Cost Without With
Code Name (km) MT NMT (SLR/km) CO2 CO2
149 EBT175 Raal Odai Road, Kayankerni Local 0.49 244 290 63.0 (0.7) (0.6)
150 EBT181 Savukkady Beach Access Road Local 0.66 296 145 27.0 6.3 6.5
151 EBT183 Poonochimunai Jumma Masjid Road Urban 0.86 338 462 42.1 1.1 1.1
152 EBT184 Mavetkuda Pillayar Kovil Veethi Local 1.35 205 240 21.3 5.8 6.0
153 EBT185 Vinothan Veethi Local 0.50 216 266 30.6 3.1 3.3
154 EBT190 Mayana Veethi Local 0.81 164 109 22.2 2.7 2.9
155 EBT191 Vanniyar Veethi Sec_i Local 0.27 211 248 32.3 3.5 3.7
( ) = Negative; AADT= Annual Average Daily Traffic; EIRR = Economic Internal Rate of Return; MT = Mottorized Traffic; NMT = Non-
Notes: Threshold EIRR for being eligible for implementation is 9% for all types of roads
Appendix 1.3: Details of Project Roads & Results of Economic Analysis -Trincomalee District
Selected Project Roads AADT (2016) Econ. EIRR, %
S/N Category Cost Without With
Code Name (km) MT NMT (SLR/km) CO2 CO2
Roads Feasible for Implementtion (EIRR ≥ 9%)
1 ETR001 Tract 11 Road Provincial 5.64 960 435 15.2 19.1 18.9
2 ETR002 Branch Channel Road Section i & ii Provincial 0.91 544 124 23.1 9.2 9.2
3 ETR003 B.p 7th Milepost to Jayanthiwewa Road Provincial 6.31 524 169 19.5 15.0 15.1
4 ETR004 Sugar Factory Road Provincial 8.07 3,788 2,641 29.1 25.1 24.5
5 ETR006 Thopur Kaddaparichan Iddimanthurai Road Provincial 7.17 1,105 1,016 24.8 13.2 13.0
6 ETR007 Salli Sambalthieve Road Provincial 1.91 648 740 21.2 11.5 11.7
7 ETR008 Selvanayagapuram Road Provincial 2.67 890 582 14.5 17.2 16.9
8 ETR009 Pillaikulam Sambalthieve Road Provincial 2.02 1,120 782 21.8 14.9 14.8
9 ETR010 Ganeshapuram Housing Scheme Section i, ii, iii, iv, v & vi Provincial 2.71 557 435 15.5 12.6 12.6
10 ETR011 Pudukudiirrippuu Paththinipuram Road Provincial 4.06 515 406 24.0 9.1 9.1
11 ETR012 Kuddikarachi Alankerney Road Provincial 1.78 5,915 5,352 20.6 39.5 39.6
12 ETR013 Kaivaikal Kakamunai Road Provincial 2.47 1,852 1,219 19.2 27.1 27.0
13 ETR014 NochchikulamaKarakawewa Gomarankadawala Road SectionProvincial i & ii 3.84 361 310 16.4 12.9 13.1
14 ETR015 Kallarawa Road Provincial 2.96 367 362 15.7 13.4 13.6
15 ETR016 Mawadichenai Road Provincial 4.58 356 229 20.8 9.4 9.5
16 ETR017 Morawewa Nochchikulama Road Provincial 4.86 457 491 17.7 16.1 16.3
17 ETR018 D6 Road Provincial 1.88 348 400 16.1 9.7 9.7
18 ETR019 4th Lane, Orr's Hill - ETTRI 177 Urban 0.76 640 429 20.7 12.2 12.3
19 ETR020 Gandinagar Road Section i & ii Urban 0.56 746 702 20.0 15.1 15.1
20 ETR021 Mihindapuram Main Road - ETTRI 250 Urban 0.65 511 344 14.6 13.6 13.6
21 ETR022 Jamaliya to Thulasipuram, Main Road - ETTRI 274 Urban 0.85 1,402 708 26.7 15.0 15.0
22 ETR023 Central Road - ETTRI 230,Peruntheru, Arasady Urban 0.90 5,300 4,500 26.0 44.4 44.8
23 ETR024 Seaview Road & Kasthurinagar off Seaview Road- ETTRI 025,Thillainagar
Urban 0.90
01 1,000 16.9 42.6 43.1
24 ETR025 Green Road - ETTRI 002 Urban 0.80 2,682 837 21.7 33.6 34.0
25 ETR026 Jalaliya Mosque Road to Batticalo Road, Annal Nagar Urban 0.42 1,432 1,086 28.0 26.6 26.8
26 ETR027 Faizal Nagar Main Road, Alankerny Urban 1.55 2,950 2,622 24.7 34.6 35.0
27 ETR029 Alim Road to Jalaliya Main Road, Annal Nagar, MancholaichenaiUrbanSection i,1.78
ii & iii 1,188 1,108 17.6 31.0 31.3
28 ETR030 Dipo Road to Lathif Hajiyar Road, Faizal Nagar Urban 1.46 1,612 1,217 26.5 30.8 31.2
29 ETR032 Kolimuttaikarachai Road, Kachchakoditheevu Local 0.65 1,006 626 16.3 28.1 28.6
30 ETR033 Nadutheevu main Road, Nadutheevu Local 0.88 876 754 29.4 17.9 18.2
31 ETR034 V.C Ground Road, Munaichenai Local 0.59 1,566 1,423 34.4 11.7 11.7
32 ETR035 Mahamaaru main Road, Maharu Local 0.99 1,782 1,018 18.7 30.9 31.4
33 ETR036 Soorangal tower Road, Soorangal Local 0.81 1,421 1,186 23.1 30.2 30.6
34 ETR037 Kakkamunai Central Road, Kakkamunai Local 0.99 1,435 1,067 19.3 31.8 32.3
35 ETR039 Sunkankuli Road to School Road, Majeednagar Local 0.98 995 2,316 8.9 23.8 23.7
36 ETR041 Naduoothu to Vattamadu Road, Upparu Local 0.98 366 325 23.1 10.3 10.6
37 ETR042 Campus Road, Koneshapuri, Sambaltivu Local 2.26 562 472 19.4 17.3 17.6
38 ETR043 Aaththimoddai Veethy, Sambaltivu / illupai kulam Local 1.95 397 603 18.9 15.8 16.1
39 ETR044 Vadali Pillayar Kovil Road, Sally Local 1.06 424 261 17.3 9.4 9.5
40 ETR045 Linganagar Main Road, Linganagar Local 1.23 1,202 1,103 17.8 23.3 23.5
41 ETR046 Karumalaiyoothu Veethy, Vellaimanal Local 1.50 1,010 837 19.2 25.8 26.3
42 ETR047 Madco Approch Road, Vellaimanal Local 0.35 899 515 19.7 15.6 15.7
43 ETR048 Sangama Road, Chinabay Local 0.46 427 641 20.0 11.2 11.3
44 ETR049 Champa Lane, Andankulam Local 0.42 450 213 22.0 11.4 11.6
45 ETR050 Housing Scheme Road to Muslim Cemetry, Chinabay Section 01Local 0.57 313 402 18.3 12.3 12.5
46 ETR051 Jamiah Road, Pala Nagar Local 0.49 1,284 1,751 19.9 32.1 32.4
47 ETR053 Al Hambra School Road, Allai Nagar West, Allai Nagar East, Iqbal Nagar 0.92 1,662
Local 1,034 16.7 32.1 32.5
48 ETR054 Al Hairiay School Road, Periyapalam Local 0.47 451 989 23.8 14.2 14.3
49 ETR055 PDS Road, Thakwa Nagar Section i & ii Local 0.60 1,679 3,335 16.8 30.5 30.7
50 ETR056 Vethatheevu Main Road, Shafi Nagar Local 0.49 380 721 16.1 18.2 18.5
51 ETR057 Kiliveddy West Road, Kiliveddy Local 0.50 1,397 1,174 19.7 29.0 29.4
52 ETR058 Cooperative Road, Iruthayapuram Local 0.51 419 859 21.6 14.1 14.3
53 ETR059 Manatchenai Peruvely Central Road, Periyavely Local 0.49 584 636 18.2 22.2 22.5
54 ETR060 Malikaitheevu to Mengamam Road, Mengamam Local 0.49 433 253 25.5 9.0 9.2
55 ETR061 Bahriya Road,Thakwa Nagar Local 0.50 521 813 12.6 28.7 29.2
56 ETR063 Cemetery Road, Aalim Nagar Local 0.51 647 1,310 18.1 27.9 28.3
57 ETR064 Manarul Hutha Road, Neithal Nagar Local 0.50 498 1,426 16.9 23.6 23.8
58 ETR066 Munnampodiveddai Road, Palathadichenai Local 0.50 386 592 24.8 11.0 11.3
59 ETR067 Kovil Road, Kanguvely Local 0.48 320 448 24.7 9.5 9.7
60 ETR068 Jaya Nagar Centaral Road, Jaya Nagar Local 0.51 1,282 1,334 19.4 22.5 22.7
61 ETR069 Central Road (Kovil Road), Muthur Central Section i & ii Local 0.54 2,374 1,536 25.9 28.4 28.7
62 ETR070 Ralkuly Main Road, Ralkuly Local 1.48 404 737 19.8 14.0 14.2
63 ETR073 Periyakulam Internal Road, Periyakulam Local 1.31 360 275 20.3 11.5 11.7
64 ETR074 Nilavely Beach Road, Gopalapuram Local 1.11 1,871 132 15.0 31.3 31.8
65 ETR076 Kumburupiddy East Internal Road, Kumburupiddy East Section i,Local ii & iii 0.89 548 551 19.4 18.8 19.2
66 ETR078 Sinhala M.V.Road, Pulmoddai (Aarisimalai to Post Office),Pulmoddai
Local 0.93 606 648 19.6 21.4 21.7
67 ETR084 Sippithidal Road, Thampalakamam 228 I Local 0.66 418 730 22.2 14.0 14.3
68 ETR085 Potkerny Main Road, Potkerny 228 B Local 0.91 329 308 17.7 12.5 12.8
69 ETR086 As-Sums School Road, Mullipottanai North, Mullipottanai 228 GLocal 0.52 492 452 20.9 16.4 16.6
70 ETR087 Al- Aksha Road, Mullipoththanai East Local 0.87 508 366 19.6 17.1 17.4
71 ETR088 Meera Nagar, Thakiya Road, Meera Nagar 228 H Local 0.50 393 278 28.1 9.7 9.9
72 ETR089 Arabic College Road, Sirajiya 228 E Local 0.41 473 561 23.3 14.4 14.7
73 ETR092 Buhari School Road,Mullipottanai Local 1.44 313 405 18.9 11.6 11.8
Appendix 1.3: Details of Project Roads & Results of Economic Analysis -Trincomalee District
Selected Project Roads AADT (2016) Econ. EIRR, %
S/N Category Cost Without With
Code Name (km) MT NMT (SLR/km) CO2 CO2
74 ETR102 PKT to Pankeriya Ulpata Hotwell Road Provincial 1.96 287 204 15.0 10.1 10.3
75 ETR103 Raja-Ela Road, Peraru Provincial 1.77 763 380 35.6 9.0 9.1
76 ETR104 Jayanthipura-Wan-Ela Road, Jeyanthipura Provincial 1.99 455 383 35.3 9.2 9.4
77 ETR105 Senanayake Mawatha, Unit 05 Raja Ela Provincial 2.06 435 380 29.2 9.0 9.2
78 ETR106 Sooriyapura Samanala Palama Temple Road, Sooriyapura Provincial 0.91 612 530 32.5 10.6 10.9
79 ETR107 Sivan Kovil Road, Sooriyapura Provincial 0.87 536 551 36.0 9.3 9.4
80 ETR109 Sripura School Road, 31 D Sripura Local 0.48 374 369 28.4 9.4 9.6
81 ETR110 Gamunupura Main road,31 N Gemunupura Local 0.56 514 517 27.2 13.1 13.4
82 ETR111 Kawanthissapura Main Road, 31 H Kawanthissapura Local 0.96 358 400 23.0 10.7 10.9
83 ETR112 Clinic Centre Road at Paranamedawachchiya, 31 F Paranamedawachchiya
Local 0.69
i & ii 216 30.3 9.6 9.9
84 ETR113 28 , Main Road tracking yaya 10 Local 0.50 323 316 23.1 9.2 9.4
85 ETR116 Pallegama Stors to Mr. Rangana Sashipraba House Road at Samanpura,
Local 31
0.65M Samanpura
242 340 16.4 9.5 9.8
86 ETR117 Gunawardhana Mawatha at Singhapura, 31 J Singhapura Local 0.68 425 286 22.2 11.9 12.2
87 ETR118 8th Track Sripura Road Local 0.62 416 369 23.8 11.2 11.5
88 ETR119 Sripura Bus Stand Road Local 1.60 396 224 19.0 9.4 9.5
89 ETR121 Viharagama Road,Mahadiwulwewa stage - 1 Local 0.65 186 209 12.5 9.4 9.6
90 ETR125 Namalwatha Road, Namalwatha Local 0.75 370 685 14.4 19.1 19.5
91 ETR127 Methagama Central Road - Somapura, Seruwila P.S, Dehiwaththa Local 0.96 254 462 18.6 9.3 9.6
92 ETR130 Mankala Boakku (culvert) Road - Seruvila, Seruwila P.S, ArriyamaLocal Kerny 1.41 415 326 20.3 11.8 12.0
93 ETR131 School Mawaththa Road at Dehiwatta - Seruwila P.S, Srimangalapura
Local Section 0.90i & ii 504 811 21.9 17.6 17.8
94 ETR132 Mohideen Jummah Mosque Road at Selvenger S.P.S, Selve Nagar Local 0.51 294 354 20.8 9.4 9.6
95 ETR133 Lingapuram School Road Local 1.05 810 1,326 22.3 24.6 24.9
96 ETR134 Karechchei Road at Selvenager - Local 1.05 397 334 19.8 13.6 13.8
97 ETR135 From 91 bogas junction to Wewsirigama temple road through water Localtreatment0.70plant 467 323 34.4 9.4 9.6
98 ETR136 Infront of 91 bogas junction through Jayantha light mawatha uptoLocalParakrama1.48 mawatha
493 377 38.5 9.0 9.2
99 ETR137 From Kantaale town to through Ariyawansha mawatha Local 1.17 391 483 26.4 9.7 9.8
100 ETR139 From Batukachchiya to Thaigaswewa road Section i & ii Local 5.56 685 486 34.4 13.6 13.9
101 ETR140 From Parakrama mawatha light road upto Senanayaka mawathaLocal 1.85 1,801 1,319 30.1 17.4 17.5
102 ETR141 pooddankadu mosque Road Local 1.53 670 590 31.7 12.9 13.1
103 ETR142 Arisimalai Road Local 0.67 354 277 14.9 15.5 15.8
104 ETR143 Selvanagar Main Road Local 0.86 546 591 18.7 18.0 18.3
105 ETR146 Rodduwewa cemetery Road Local 0.56 390 487 18.8 15.2 15.4
106 ETR147 Thean tamil veethy left side 01&02 nd land form Aansaneyar KovilUrban At orrishil
0.32hill Section
644 -01 561 18.8 13.4 13.5
107 ETR151 Shiraj Nager Main Road Local 1.01 1,172 662 19.2 16.5 16.5
108 ETR153 Panichai adi road Local 1.26 433 422 17.3 17.3 17.6
109 ETR154 Alimchenai School Road Section i & ii Local 1.90 656 530 24.8 18.2 18.5
110 ETR155 Palanagar Mosqu to Army came road Section -01 Local 0.33 343 576 16.4 15.9 16.1
111 ETR156 Neithal Nagar Main Road (Old Haber Road) Section i & ii Local 0.82 793 1,228 31.9 9.0 9.1
112 ETR157 Eachchantivu to Fizel Nagar Joint Road, Eachchantivu Section iLocal
& ii 2.55 830 821 21.8 9.9 9.9
113 ETR158 Aalankerny Juntion to Eachchantivu Raod Local 0.60 442 542 15.3 20.5 20.8
114 ETR159 Rahumaniya Mosque Road Section i, ii & iii Urban 1.18 2,597 3,040 24.6 32.4 32.5
115 ETR160 Kinniya UC Road Section -01 Urban 0.51 870 2,163 20.6 19.0 19.1
116 ETR161 From 91 Palugaswewa through unit 14 a road from Vendrasan pura Localupto main1.72 road538 596 32.1 12.1 12.3
117 ETR163 Jenthipura wanela main road to Wanela Police station road Provincial 7.88 557 263 36.0 9.0 9.1
118 ETR164 Neelapaja Junction to muthur road Provincial 1.17 845 517 31.5 9.7 9.7
119 ETR165 Dehiwatta to 5th speel Road Provincial 1.35 712 634 19.9 20.4 20.7
120 ETR166 Mavilaru Junction to Seruvila Main road Local 4.22 284 360 19.9 9.7 9.9
121 ETR168 Dipo Junction to Parakkirama mawathe Local 1.17 521 407 30.4 11.7 11.9
122 ETR169 Konamalai Road via thaif Nagar to Sivasakthipuram Section i, ii,Local
iii & iv 3.55 385 315 25.9 9.6 9.8
123 ETR170 Sampoor Soodakkudah road Provincial 4.48 541 809 25.3 13.4 13.7
Roads Unfeasible for Implementtion (EIRR < 9%)
124 ETR005 Meenkamam Kanguweli Road Provincial 1.48 307 383 18.3 5.3 5.3
125 ETR028 Navavipalli Road to Palapalli Road, Faizal Nagar (section 1 ) Urban 0.54 604 601 75.8 2.3 2.4
126 ETR040 Sollaivedduwan Road Local 0.50 217 461 22.3 4.8 5.0
127 ETR075 Al-Hamra School Road, Iraakkakandy Section i & ii Local 0.68 300 182 25.7 0.7 0.9
128 ETR079 Thennamaravady Koddady Road Local 0.93 160 256 18.8 3.9 4.1
129 ETR081 98 Main Road, kalmettiyawa south,Galmitiyawa (N) 228 C Local 0.51 186 221 23.7 3.3 3.5
130 ETR083 Ulpothwewa Main Road, Galmitiyawa (N) 228 C Local 0.53 168 271 23.6 2.9 3.0
131 ETR099 PKT to Kalyanapura Road Provincial 2.46 164 146 14.5 5.5 5.6
132 ETR101 Moragama Road, Mailawewa Provincial 3.01 277 42 20.1 6.6 6.7
133 ETR115 Water Tank Road at Lassanagama, 31 P Lassanagama Local 0.67 251 119 22.2 6.6 6.8
134 ETR123 Nochchikulam Shanthipuram Main Road, Nochchikulam Local 0.93 108 277 15.0 3.3 3.4
135 ETR138 Trincomalee road turning to Sugar Factory from 85 junction Section Local
i & ii 7.87 163 44 31.2 (1.3) (1.2)
136 ETR152 Vattamadu Road Local 2.54 190 240 17.8 6.8 7.0
137 ETR162 Nominy Junction to Jenthikama to Seruvila Main Road Local 4.34 164 117 33.6 (0.4) (0.3)
138 ETR167 25th housing scheem Road Local 1.01 257 354 25.7 5.6 5.8
( ) = Negative; AADT= Annual Average Daily Traffic; EIRR = Economic Internal Rate of Return; MT = Mottorized Traffic; NMT = Non-
Notes: Threshold EIRR for being eligible for implementation is 9% for all types of roads
Appendix 1.4: Details of Project Roads & Results of Economic Analysis - National Roads
Selected Project Roads AADT (2016) Econ. EIRR, %
S/N Category Cost Without With
Code Name (km) MT NMT (SLR/km) CO2 CO2
Roads Feasible for Implementtion (EIRR ≥ 9%)
1 EAM346 Uhana Kanishtha Vidyalaya To Central Camp Hospital (B440/B073) National 17.46 2,551 395 27.6 22.4 22.3
2 EAM380 From Malwaththa To Central Camp Road (B266) National 8.23 2,191 672 23.1 23.9 23.7
3 EAM381 Central Camp Wayal Road (B266) National 4.63 1,231 810 19.5 18.0 17.9
4 EAM420 Alayadiwembu Junction to Alayadiwembu Central Road (B002) National 3.00 2,122 449 19.5 26.9 26.7
5 EAM564 Kalmunai Sea View Road (B186) National 1.21 3,550 385 39.9 24.0 24.1
6 EAM565 Ampilanthurai-Weeramunai Road (B018) National 11.62 1,675 320 37.8 11.7 11.7
7 EAM566 Sammanthurai-Malkampity-Deegawapi Road (B483) National 1.90 2,864 285 57.2 20.2 20.6
8 EAM567 Addalaichenai - Alankulam Road (B572) National 9.75 2,150 345 50.8 9.3 9.3
9 EAM568 Akkaraipattu-Deegawapi- Ambalantharu Road (B573) National 3.40 950 220 39.3 9.9 10.1
10 EAM569 Galmaduwa-Muwangala-Hingurana Road (B131) National 5.15 2,660 325 33.3 22.3 22.2
11 EAM570 Pallanoya Inginiyagala Road (B350) National 10.87 1,550 225 35.0 11.2 11.2
12 EAM571 Ampara Inginiyagala Road (AB001) National 4.71 3,875 230 30.8 32.5 32.5
13 EAM572 Chadayamthalawa- Uhana Road (B073) National 7.24 1,077 179 17.1 15.1 15.0
14 ETR171 Batticaloa Thirukondiyadimadu Trincomalee Road (A015) National 30.30 3,120 355 32.2 34.1 33.9
15 EBT201 Batticaloa Thirukondiyadimadu Trincomalee Road (A015) National 30.24 2,435 245 32.2 27.7 27.5
16 EBT200 Paddiruppu Vellaveli Road (B344) National 6.05 3,708 401 38.0 27.0 27.0
( ) = Negative; AADT= Annual Average Daily Traffic; EIRR = Economic Internal Rate of Return; MT = Mottorized Traffic; NMT = Non-Motorized
Notes: Threshold EIRR for being eligible for implementation is 9% for all types of roads
Appendix 2: Cost Benefit Streams for Aggregated Investments
Ampara District - Provincial Roads (Feasible Roads Only) (All Costs & Benefits are in SLR Mn.)
Without CO2 Savings With CO2 Savings
Capital Recurrent VOC VOTT NMT CO2
Year Costs Total Net Discounted Total Net Discounted
Costs Costs Savings Savings Benefits Savings
Benefits Benefits Benefits (9%) Benefits Benefits Benefits (9%)
2017 1,167.1 (2.9) 1,164.2 (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) (1,164.2) (1,164.2) (0.0) (1,164.2) (1,164.2)
2018 1,750.6 (6.7) 1,743.9 6.8 0.2 1.9 0.2 8.8 (1,735.1) (1,591.8) 9.0 (1,734.9) (1,591.7)
2019 0.0 (2.7) (2.7) 170.9 165.1 19.8 3.7 355.9 358.6 301.8 359.5 362.2 304.9
2020 (7.1) (4.9) (12.0) 203.8 186.2 21.5 (0.9) 411.5 423.5 327.0 410.5 422.6 326.3
2021 0.0 (4.1) (4.1) 213.4 196.8 20.3 (1.2) 430.5 434.6 307.9 429.4 433.5 307.1
2022 0.0 (3.7) (3.7) 246.3 209.3 25.2 (0.8) 480.8 484.4 314.9 480.0 483.6 314.3
2023 0.0 (4.4) (4.4) 276.8 223.0 29.3 (0.5) 529.1 533.5 318.1 528.5 532.9 317.8
2024 (311.6) (13.1) (324.7) 305.9 237.2 32.6 (0.3) 575.7 900.5 492.6 575.5 900.2 492.4
2025 (3.7) (3.8) (7.5) 188.9 246.7 11.4 (2.2) 447.0 454.5 228.1 444.9 452.3 227.0
2026 (3.4) (7.1) (10.5) 192.2 260.6 9.5 (2.6) 462.3 472.8 217.7 459.7 470.2 216.5
2027 0.0 (6.0) (6.0) 210.5 276.0 11.3 (2.4) 497.8 503.8 212.8 495.3 501.4 211.8
2028 0.0 (5.9) (5.9) 220.7 285.9 12.0 (2.5) 518.7 524.6 203.3 516.2 522.1 202.3
2029 0.0 (7.3) (7.3) 230.6 296.1 12.5 (2.5) 539.3 546.6 194.3 536.7 544.1 193.4
2030 750.0 (10.7) 739.3 240.6 306.6 12.9 (2.6) 560.2 (179.1) (58.4) 557.6 (181.7) (59.3)
2031 0.0 (7.7) (7.7) 251.1 317.1 13.3 (2.6) 581.4 589.1 176.3 578.8 586.5 175.5
2032 (3.4) (8.3) (11.7) 272.2 328.7 15.6 (2.3) 616.5 628.2 172.5 614.2 626.0 171.9
2033 0.0 (9.8) (9.8) 286.1 340.5 16.2 (2.2) 642.8 652.6 164.4 640.5 650.4 163.8
2034 (316.4) 1.9 (314.5) 301.9 352.6 17.0 (2.2) 671.5 986.0 227.8 669.3 983.8 227.3
2035 (3.7) (11.0) (14.7) 277.2 365.1 12.9 (3.0) 655.2 669.9 142.0 652.2 666.9 141.4
2036 4.8 (10.4) (5.6) 279.5 377.5 11.2 (3.5) 668.2 673.8 131.0 664.6 670.3 130.4
2037 0.0 (10.8) (10.8) 300.8 391.4 13.4 (3.2) 705.5 716.3 127.8 702.3 713.1 127.2
2038 (586.9) (12.2) (599.2) 315.5 405.4 14.0 (3.2) 735.0 1,334.1 218.4 731.8 1,331.0 217.9
TOTAL 2,436.1 (151.6) 2,284.5 4,991.6 5,768.0 333.9 (36.8) 11,093.5 8,809.0 1,664.3 11,056.7 8,772.2 1,654.1
( ) = Negative CO2 = Carbon Dioxide NMT = Non Motorized Traffic NPV (SLR. Mn.) 1,664.3 NPV (SLR. Mn.) 1,654.1
VOC = Vehicle Operating Costs VOTT = Value of Travel Time EIRR 15.4% EIRR 15.4%
Ampara District - Local Roads (Feasible Roads Only) (All Costs & Benefits are in SLR Mn.)
Without CO2 Savings With CO2 Savings
Capital Recurrent VOC VOTT NMT CO2
Year Costs Total Net Discounted Total Net Discounted
Costs Costs Savings Savings Benefits Savings
Benefits Benefits Benefits (9%) Benefits Benefits Benefits (9%)
2017 1,701.0 (5.1) 1,695.9 (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) (1,695.9) (1,695.9) (0.0) (1,695.9) (1,695.9)
2018 2,551.5 (7.1) 2,544.3 16.5 0.1 15.8 0.6 32.4 (2,512.0) (2,304.6) 33.0 (2,511.4) (2,304.0)
2019 0.0 (3.1) (3.1) 218.6 163.0 80.6 9.2 462.3 465.4 391.7 471.5 474.6 399.4
2020 (25.1) (4.6) (29.8) 248.0 181.8 82.2 6.0 512.0 541.7 418.3 518.0 547.7 422.9
2021 0.0 (4.2) (4.2) 222.4 192.1 50.4 4.9 464.9 469.1 332.3 469.7 474.0 335.8
2022 0.0 (1.7) (1.7) 270.5 203.8 73.1 6.5 547.4 549.2 356.9 553.9 555.7 361.1
2023 0.0 (3.9) (3.9) 301.6 216.4 85.2 7.5 603.2 607.1 362.0 610.8 614.6 366.5
2024 (152.4) (9.2) (161.7) 325.6 229.2 91.7 8.4 646.5 808.2 442.1 654.9 816.5 446.7
2025 (25.1) (1.6) (26.7) 294.8 240.9 81.1 8.3 616.8 643.5 323.0 625.0 651.8 327.1
2026 0.0 (4.5) (4.5) 261.1 254.4 48.0 6.8 563.5 567.9 261.5 570.2 574.7 264.6
2027 0.0 (2.8) (2.8) 314.8 269.3 72.0 8.9 656.1 659.0 278.4 665.1 667.9 282.1
2028 0.0 (2.1) (2.1) 336.7 279.0 81.3 9.9 697.1 699.1 270.9 707.0 709.1 274.8
2029 0.0 (2.8) (2.8) 352.2 288.9 85.5 10.7 726.6 729.5 259.3 737.3 740.1 263.1
2030 822.9 (5.3) 817.6 364.8 299.2 86.7 11.3 750.7 (66.9) (21.8) 762.0 (55.6) (18.1)
2031 0.0 (2.4) (2.4) 328.7 309.2 56.4 9.7 694.3 696.7 208.5 704.0 706.4 211.4
2032 0.0 (0.7) (0.7) 385.6 320.5 82.1 12.3 788.2 788.9 216.6 800.5 801.2 220.0
2033 0.0 (3.6) (3.6) 410.8 331.9 90.6 13.6 833.3 836.9 210.8 846.9 850.5 214.2
2034 (152.4) 5.7 (146.7) 430.4 343.7 94.5 14.5 868.6 1,015.4 234.6 883.1 1,029.9 238.0
2035 (25.1) (2.8) (27.9) 430.8 355.8 92.8 15.0 879.4 907.3 192.3 894.4 922.3 195.5
2036 0.0 (0.3) (0.3) 386.9 367.7 59.6 12.7 814.1 814.5 158.4 826.8 827.2 160.9
2037 0.0 (0.1) (0.1) 450.3 381.0 86.4 16.0 917.7 917.8 163.8 933.8 933.9 166.6
2038 (850.5) 0.1 (850.4) 476.0 394.6 93.9 17.5 964.4 1,814.8 297.1 981.9 1,832.3 299.9
TOTAL 3,844.6 (62.2) 3,782.5 6,827.3 5,622.5 1,589.8 210.2 14,039.6 10,257.1 1,356.2 14,249.8 10,467.3 1,432.7
( ) = Negative CO2 = Carbon Dioxide NMT = Non Motorized Traffic NPV (SLR. Mn.) 1,356.2 NPV (SLR. Mn.) 1,432.7
VOC = Vehicle Operating Costs VOTT = Value of Travel Time EIRR 12.7% EIRR 12.8%
Ampara District - Urban Roads (Feasible Roads Only) (All Costs & Benefits are in SLR Mn.)
Without CO2 Savings With CO2 Savings
Capital Recurrent VOC VOTT NMT CO2
Year Costs Total Net Discounted Total Net Discounted
Costs Costs Savings Savings Benefits Savings
Benefits Benefits Benefits (9%) Benefits Benefits Benefits (9%)
2017 137.6 (0.5) 137.1 (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) (137.1) (137.1) (0.0) (137.1) (137.1)
2018 206.4 (0.9) 205.5 1.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 1.4 (204.1) (187.2) 1.5 (204.1) (187.2)
2019 0.0 (0.5) (0.5) 21.8 16.9 3.7 0.6 42.4 42.9 36.1 43.0 43.5 36.6
2020 (0.6) (0.7) (1.3) 25.6 18.9 3.9 0.1 48.4 49.7 38.4 48.5 49.8 38.5
2021 0.0 (0.7) (0.7) 27.0 20.0 3.5 0.1 50.5 51.2 36.3 50.6 51.3 36.4
2022 0.0 (0.7) (0.7) 31.2 21.3 4.3 0.2 56.7 57.4 37.3 56.9 57.6 37.4
2023 0.0 (1.0) (1.0) 35.4 22.7 5.0 0.2 63.1 64.1 38.2 63.3 64.3 38.3
2024 (24.9) (1.7) (26.6) 40.1 24.2 5.7 0.3 70.1 96.7 52.9 70.4 97.0 53.0
2025 (0.6) (1.0) (1.6) 23.2 25.3 2.5 0.1 51.0 52.6 26.4 51.1 52.7 26.5
2026 0.0 (1.2) (1.2) 23.1 26.8 1.9 0.0 51.8 53.0 24.4 51.8 53.0 24.4
2027 0.0 (1.3) (1.3) 25.8 28.5 2.4 0.1 56.7 58.0 24.5 56.8 58.1 24.6
2028 0.0 (1.3) (1.3) 27.2 29.6 2.6 0.1 59.4 60.8 23.6 59.6 60.9 23.6
2029 0.0 (1.5) (1.5) 28.5 30.7 2.8 0.1 62.0 63.5 22.6 62.1 63.7 22.6
2030 67.3 (2.1) 65.2 29.8 31.8 2.8 0.2 64.5 (0.7) (0.2) 64.6 (0.6) (0.2)
2031 0.0 (1.7) (1.7) 30.6 33.0 2.4 0.2 66.0 67.7 20.2 66.1 67.8 20.3
2032 0.0 (1.9) (1.9) 33.5 34.3 3.0 0.2 70.8 72.7 20.0 71.0 73.0 20.0
2033 0.0 (2.0) (2.0) 35.6 35.6 3.3 0.3 74.5 76.5 19.3 74.8 76.8 19.3
2034 (24.9) (0.4) (25.3) 37.7 36.9 3.4 0.3 78.1 103.3 23.9 78.4 103.7 24.0
2035 (0.6) (2.3) (3.0) 34.6 38.3 2.9 0.3 75.9 78.8 16.7 76.1 79.1 16.8
2036 0.0 (2.5) (2.5) 34.4 39.7 2.2 0.2 76.4 78.9 15.3 76.6 79.1 15.4
2037 0.0 (2.6) (2.6) 37.5 41.3 2.8 0.3 81.6 84.2 15.0 81.9 84.5 15.1
2038 (68.8) (2.9) (71.7) 39.5 42.9 3.1 0.4 85.4 157.2 25.7 85.8 157.5 25.8
TOTAL 290.9 (31.5) 259.4 623.1 598.7 64.8 4.3 1,286.7 1,027.3 192.2 1,291.0 1,031.6 194.0
( ) = Negative CO2 = Carbon Dioxide NMT = Non Motorized Traffic NPV (SLR. Mn.) 192.2 NPV (SLR. Mn.) 194.0
VOC = Vehicle Operating Costs VOTT = Value of Travel Time EIRR 15.3% EIRR 15.3%
Ampara District - All Feasible Roads (All Costs & Benefits are in SLR Mn.)
Without CO2 Savings With CO2 Savings
Capital Recurrent VOC VOTT NMT CO2
Year Costs Total Net Discounted Total Net Discounted
Costs Costs Savings Savings Benefits Savings
Benefits Benefits Benefits (9%) Benefits Benefits Benefits (9%)
2017 3,005.6 (8.4) 2,997.2 (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) (2,997.2) (2,997.2) (0.0) (2,997.2) (2,997.2)
2018 4,508.5 (14.7) 4,493.8 24.3 0.3 18.1 0.8 42.6 (4,451.1) (4,083.6) 43.4 (4,450.3) (4,082.9)
2019 0.0 (6.3) (6.3) 411.3 345.1 104.2 13.5 860.5 866.8 729.6 874.0 880.3 740.9
2020 (32.9) (10.2) (43.1) 477.4 386.9 107.6 5.2 971.8 1,015.0 783.7 977.0 1,020.1 787.7
2021 0.0 (9.0) (9.0) 462.8 409.0 74.2 3.8 945.9 955.0 676.5 949.7 958.7 679.2
2022 0.0 (6.1) (6.1) 547.9 434.4 102.6 5.8 1,084.9 1,091.0 709.1 1,090.8 1,096.9 712.9
2023 0.0 (9.2) (9.2) 613.8 462.1 119.5 7.3 1,195.4 1,204.6 718.3 1,202.6 1,211.8 722.6
2024 (489.0) (24.0) (512.9) 671.7 490.7 130.0 8.4 1,292.4 1,805.3 987.6 1,300.7 1,813.7 992.1
2025 (29.5) (6.4) (35.8) 506.9 512.8 95.1 6.2 1,114.8 1,150.6 577.5 1,121.0 1,156.8 580.6
2026 (3.4) (12.8) (16.2) 476.5 541.7 59.3 4.2 1,077.6 1,093.8 503.6 1,081.8 1,097.9 505.5
2027 0.0 (10.2) (10.2) 551.1 573.8 85.8 6.6 1,210.6 1,220.8 515.7 1,217.2 1,227.4 518.5
2028 0.0 (9.3) (9.3) 584.7 594.4 96.0 7.6 1,275.2 1,284.5 497.8 1,282.8 1,292.1 500.7
2029 0.0 (11.7) (11.7) 611.3 615.7 100.8 8.3 1,327.8 1,339.6 476.3 1,336.1 1,347.9 479.2
2030 1,640.2 (18.1) 1,622.2 635.2 637.6 102.5 8.8 1,375.4 (246.8) (80.5) 1,384.2 (237.9) (77.6)
2031 0.0 (11.8) (11.8) 610.4 659.3 72.0 7.3 1,341.7 1,353.5 405.0 1,348.9 1,360.7 407.2
2032 (3.4) (11.0) (14.4) 691.3 683.5 100.7 10.3 1,475.5 1,489.9 409.0 1,485.8 1,500.2 411.9
2033 0.0 (15.4) (15.4) 732.5 708.0 110.1 11.6 1,550.6 1,566.0 394.4 1,562.2 1,577.6 397.4
2034 (493.8) 7.2 (486.6) 770.0 733.2 114.9 12.6 1,618.2 2,104.7 486.3 1,630.8 2,117.3 489.3
2035 (29.5) (16.1) (45.5) 742.6 759.2 108.6 12.3 1,610.5 1,656.0 351.1 1,622.8 1,668.3 353.7
2036 4.8 (13.3) (8.5) 700.8 784.9 73.0 9.4 1,558.7 1,567.2 304.8 1,568.0 1,576.5 306.6
2037 0.0 (13.4) (13.4) 788.5 813.7 102.6 13.2 1,704.9 1,718.3 306.6 1,718.1 1,731.5 309.0
2038 (1,506.2) (15.0) (1,521.2) 831.0 842.8 111.0 14.6 1,784.8 3,306.1 541.2 1,799.5 3,320.7 543.6
TOTAL 6,571.6 (245.3) 6,326.3 12,442.1 11,989.2 1,988.4 177.7 26,419.7 20,093.4 3,212.7 26,597.5 20,271.2 3,280.8
( ) = Negative CO2 = Carbon Dioxide NMT = Non Motorized Traffic NPV (SLR. Mn.) 3,212.7 NPV (SLR. Mn.) 3,280.8
VOC = Vehicle Operating Costs VOTT = Value of Travel Time EIRR 13.8% EIRR 13.9%
Baticaloa District - Provincial Roads (Feasible Roads Only) (All Costs & Benefits are in SLR Mn.)
Without CO2 Savings With CO2 Savings
Capital Recurrent VOC VOTT NMT CO2
Year Costs Total Net Discounted Total Net Discounted
Costs Costs Savings Savings Benefits Savings
Benefits Benefits Benefits (9%) Benefits Benefits Benefits (9%)
2017 621.9 (3.0) 618.9 (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) (618.9) (618.9) (0.0) (618.9) (618.9)
2018 932.8 (5.2) 927.6 5.6 0.1 2.6 0.1 8.3 (919.3) (843.4) 8.4 (919.2) (843.3)
2019 0.0 (2.6) (2.6) 93.0 77.1 16.5 2.0 186.5 189.1 159.1 188.5 191.1 160.8
2020 (12.6) (2.1) (14.6) 119.4 85.6 18.0 (0.5) 223.0 237.7 183.5 222.5 237.2 183.1
2021 0.0 (2.6) (2.6) 100.4 89.2 13.4 (1.0) 203.0 205.6 145.7 202.0 204.6 144.9
2022 0.0 (2.3) (2.3) 119.5 94.2 17.7 (0.8) 231.3 233.6 151.8 230.5 232.8 151.3
2023 0.0 (2.7) (2.7) 136.8 99.6 21.2 (0.8) 257.6 260.3 155.2 256.8 259.5 154.7
2024 (52.7) (4.3) (57.1) 154.1 105.7 24.2 (0.7) 284.0 341.1 186.6 283.3 340.3 186.2
2025 (3.8) (2.4) (6.2) 103.5 108.8 13.7 (1.7) 226.0 232.1 116.5 224.3 230.5 115.7
2026 (8.8) (2.2) (11.0) 100.6 113.2 10.0 (2.4) 223.8 234.8 108.1 221.4 232.4 107.0
2027 0.0 (3.0) (3.0) 107.3 118.0 12.7 (2.7) 238.0 241.1 101.8 235.4 238.4 100.7
2028 0.0 (3.1) (3.1) 114.0 122.2 13.8 (2.5) 250.0 253.1 98.1 247.5 250.6 97.1
2029 0.0 (2.9) (2.9) 120.2 126.8 14.4 (2.4) 261.4 264.3 94.0 259.0 261.9 93.1
2030 278.6 (6.9) 271.7 126.4 131.6 14.7 (2.2) 272.8 1.1 0.4 270.6 (1.1) (0.4)
2031 0.0 (3.3) (3.3) 127.8 136.6 12.3 (2.1) 276.7 280.0 83.8 274.6 277.9 83.1
2032 (8.8) (2.6) (11.4) 145.1 142.5 15.7 (1.4) 303.4 314.8 86.4 302.0 313.4 86.0
2033 0.0 (4.1) (4.1) 147.2 147.8 16.4 (1.2) 311.5 315.5 79.5 310.3 314.4 79.2
2034 (70.6) 1.9 (68.7) 155.2 152.2 17.1 (1.2) 324.5 393.3 90.9 323.4 392.1 90.6
2035 (3.8) (4.3) (8.1) 146.6 156.5 15.3 (1.5) 318.4 326.5 69.2 316.9 325.0 68.9
2036 17.9 (5.0) 12.9 142.2 160.4 11.8 (2.1) 314.4 301.5 58.6 312.3 299.4 58.2
2037 0.0 (3.6) (3.6) 158.2 164.7 15.2 (1.7) 338.2 341.8 61.0 336.4 340.0 60.7
2038 (319.7) (2.7) (322.4) 166.9 168.5 16.2 (1.8) 351.5 673.9 110.3 349.7 672.0 110.0
TOTAL 1,370.5 (68.8) 1,301.6 2,590.0 2,501.3 313.1 (28.6) 5,404.3 4,102.7 678.1 5,375.7 4,074.1 668.9
( ) = Negative CO2 = Carbon Dioxide NMT = Non Motorized Traffic NPV (SLR. Mn.) 678.1 NPV (SLR. Mn.) 668.9
VOC = Vehicle Operating Costs VOTT = Value of Travel Time EIRR 14.1% EIRR 14.0%
Baticaloa District - Local Roads (Feasible Roads Only) (All Costs & Benefits are in SLR Mn.)
Without CO2 Savings With CO2 Savings
Capital Recurrent VOC VOTT NMT CO2
Year Costs Total Net Discounted Total Net Discounted
Costs Costs Savings Savings Benefits Savings
Benefits Benefits Benefits (9%) Benefits Benefits Benefits (9%)
2017 854.7 (2.4) 852.4 (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (852.4) (852.4) (0.0) (852.4) (852.4)
2018 1,282.1 (3.0) 1,279.1 9.4 0.1 13.6 0.3 23.0 (1,256.1) (1,152.4) 23.3 (1,255.8) (1,152.1)
2019 0.0 (1.2) (1.2) 112.0 77.2 63.3 4.7 252.6 253.8 213.6 257.3 258.5 217.6
2020 (12.7) (1.5) (14.2) 127.1 86.1 64.3 3.3 277.6 291.7 225.3 280.8 295.0 227.8
2021 0.0 (1.6) (1.6) 112.1 90.9 37.9 2.7 240.8 242.5 171.8 243.5 245.1 173.7
2022 0.0 (0.6) (0.6) 138.4 96.3 57.3 3.6 292.0 292.6 190.2 295.6 296.2 192.5
2023 0.0 (1.7) (1.7) 153.7 102.2 66.7 4.1 322.5 324.2 193.3 326.6 328.3 195.8
2024 (19.9) (2.4) (22.3) 165.1 108.2 71.2 4.5 344.5 366.7 200.6 348.9 371.2 203.1
2025 (12.7) (0.8) (13.5) 155.7 113.9 66.3 4.6 336.0 349.4 175.4 340.5 354.0 177.7
2026 0.0 (1.0) (1.0) 137.3 120.2 39.4 3.8 296.9 297.9 137.1 300.7 301.7 138.9
2027 0.0 (0.9) (0.9) 166.6 127.3 59.8 5.0 353.6 354.5 149.8 358.6 359.5 151.9
2028 0.0 0.1 0.1 177.4 131.8 66.7 5.5 375.9 375.7 145.6 381.4 381.2 147.7
2029 0.0 (0.4) (0.4) 185.1 136.5 69.7 5.9 391.3 391.8 139.3 397.2 397.6 141.4
2030 308.4 (0.9) 307.5 191.6 141.3 70.6 6.2 403.5 96.0 31.3 409.7 102.2 33.3
2031 0.0 0.5 0.5 171.9 145.9 45.7 5.4 363.5 363.1 108.6 368.9 368.5 110.3
2032 0.0 0.7 0.7 202.5 151.3 67.1 6.8 420.9 420.2 115.4 427.6 426.9 117.2
2033 0.0 0.4 0.4 214.8 156.6 73.3 7.4 444.7 444.3 111.9 452.0 451.6 113.8
2034 (19.9) 2.3 (17.6) 224.5 162.1 76.2 7.9 462.7 480.3 111.0 470.6 488.2 112.8
2035 (12.7) 0.8 (11.8) 226.3 167.7 75.8 8.2 469.8 481.6 102.1 478.0 489.8 103.8
2036 0.0 1.7 1.7 203.2 173.2 49.2 7.1 425.7 424.0 82.5 432.7 431.1 83.8
2037 0.0 2.1 2.1 236.8 179.5 71.4 8.8 487.6 485.4 86.6 496.4 494.2 88.2
2038 (427.4) 2.1 (425.3) 249.2 185.7 76.7 9.5 511.5 936.9 153.4 521.0 946.3 154.9
TOTAL 1,940.0 (7.7) 1,932.4 3,560.4 2,654.0 1,282.0 115.0 7,496.5 5,564.1 839.9 7,611.4 5,679.1 881.5
( ) = Negative CO2 = Carbon Dioxide NMT = Non Motorized Traffic NPV (SLR. Mn.) 839.9 NPV (SLR. Mn.) 881.5
VOC = Vehicle Operating Costs VOTT = Value of Travel Time EIRR 13.4% EIRR 13.6%
Baticaloa District - Urban Roads (Feasible Roads Only) (All Costs & Benefits are in SLR Mn.)
Without CO2 Savings With CO2 Savings
Capital Recurrent VOC VOTT NMT CO2
Year Costs Total Net Discounted Total Net Discounted
Costs Costs Savings Savings Benefits Savings
Benefits Benefits Benefits (9%) Benefits Benefits Benefits (9%)
2017 311.4 (1.4) 310.0 (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) (310.0) (310.0) (0.0) (310.0) (310.0)
2018 467.1 (3.2) 463.8 2.1 0.0 2.5 0.1 4.7 (459.2) (421.2) 4.7 (459.1) (421.2)
2019 0.0 (1.4) (1.4) 49.9 41.7 17.8 1.6 109.4 110.8 93.3 111.0 112.4 94.6
2020 (8.4) (2.6) (11.0) 58.5 46.2 18.7 0.7 123.4 134.4 103.8 124.1 135.1 104.4
2021 0.0 (1.8) (1.8) 53.7 49.3 13.3 0.6 116.2 118.0 83.6 116.8 118.6 84.0
2022 0.0 (1.7) (1.7) 62.4 52.8 17.8 0.8 133.1 134.7 87.6 133.9 135.6 88.1
2023 0.0 (1.8) (1.8) 69.7 56.8 20.4 1.0 146.8 148.7 88.6 147.9 149.7 89.2
2024 (19.7) (3.3) (23.0) 76.8 61.2 22.2 1.2 160.2 183.1 100.2 161.3 184.3 100.8
2025 (1.6) (1.1) (2.7) 63.4 65.4 15.1 1.1 143.8 146.6 73.6 144.9 147.7 74.1
2026 (6.8) (1.1) (7.8) 64.3 70.3 10.9 1.1 145.5 153.3 70.6 146.5 154.4 71.1
2027 0.0 (0.9) (0.9) 70.6 74.6 14.3 1.3 159.5 160.5 67.8 160.8 161.7 68.3
2028 0.0 (0.5) (0.5) 73.6 77.1 15.3 1.4 165.9 166.5 64.5 167.3 167.8 65.0
2029 0.0 (0.7) (0.7) 76.9 80.3 15.7 1.4 172.9 173.6 61.7 174.3 175.1 62.2
2030 93.3 (0.3) 93.0 80.8 84.2 16.0 1.6 180.9 87.9 28.7 182.5 89.5 29.2
2031 0.0 (0.3) (0.3) 82.7 88.3 12.9 1.7 183.9 184.2 55.1 185.6 185.9 55.6
2032 (6.8) (0.6) (7.3) 91.9 93.9 16.7 2.1 202.4 209.7 57.6 204.5 211.8 58.2
2033 0.0 (0.4) (0.4) 97.6 100.6 17.3 2.4 215.4 215.8 54.4 217.8 218.2 55.0
2034 (19.7) 0.0 (19.7) 105.2 108.1 17.8 2.8 231.1 250.7 57.9 233.8 253.5 58.6
2035 (1.6) (0.2) (1.8) 109.4 116.4 17.0 3.1 242.8 244.6 51.9 246.0 247.8 52.5
2036 0.0 (0.2) (0.2) 113.8 125.8 13.1 3.4 252.7 252.8 49.2 256.1 256.3 49.8
2037 0.0 0.1 0.1 123.6 131.9 16.8 3.9 272.3 272.3 48.6 276.2 276.2 49.3
2038 (162.4) (0.2) (162.7) 129.6 137.6 17.5 4.2 284.7 447.4 73.2 288.9 451.6 73.9
TOTAL 644.8 (23.7) 621.2 1,656.4 1,662.4 328.9 37.4 3,647.7 3,026.6 640.5 3,685.2 3,064.0 652.8
( ) = Negative CO2 = Carbon Dioxide NMT = Non Motorized Traffic NPV (SLR. Mn.) 640.5 NPV (SLR. Mn.) 652.8
VOC = Vehicle Operating Costs VOTT = Value of Travel Time EIRR 17.4% EIRR 17.5%
Baticaloa District - All Feasible Roads (All Costs & Benefits are in SLR Mn.)
Without CO2 Savings With CO2 Savings
Capital Recurrent VOC VOTT NMT CO2
Year Costs Total Net Discounted Total Net Discounted
Costs Costs Savings Savings Benefits Savings
Benefits Benefits Benefits (9%) Benefits Benefits Benefits (9%)
2017 1,788.0 (6.7) 1,781.2 (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (1,781.2) (1,781.2) (0.0) (1,781.2) (1,781.2)
2018 2,682.0 (11.4) 2,670.6 17.1 0.2 18.7 0.5 36.0 (2,634.6) (2,417.1) 36.5 (2,634.0) (2,416.6)
2019 0.0 (5.1) (5.1) 254.9 196.0 97.7 8.3 548.5 553.6 466.0 556.9 562.0 473.0
2020 (33.6) (6.2) (39.8) 305.1 217.9 101.0 3.5 624.0 663.8 512.6 627.5 667.3 515.3
2021 0.0 (6.0) (6.0) 266.1 229.4 64.6 2.3 560.1 566.1 401.0 562.4 568.4 402.6
2022 0.0 (4.5) (4.5) 320.3 243.3 92.8 3.6 656.4 660.9 429.6 660.0 664.5 431.9
2023 0.0 (6.2) (6.2) 360.2 258.5 108.2 4.3 726.9 733.1 437.1 731.2 737.4 439.7
2024 (92.3) (10.0) (102.3) 396.0 275.1 117.6 4.9 788.6 890.9 487.4 793.5 895.8 490.1
2025 (18.1) (4.3) (22.4) 322.6 288.1 95.1 4.0 705.8 728.2 365.4 709.8 732.2 367.4
2026 (15.5) (4.3) (19.8) 302.2 303.8 60.2 2.5 666.1 685.9 315.8 668.6 688.4 317.0
2027 0.0 (4.9) (4.9) 344.5 319.9 86.8 3.6 751.2 756.1 319.4 754.8 759.7 320.9
2028 0.0 (3.5) (3.5) 364.9 331.2 95.8 4.3 791.9 795.3 308.2 796.1 799.6 309.9
2029 0.0 (4.1) (4.1) 382.2 343.5 99.9 4.9 825.6 829.7 295.0 830.5 834.6 296.7
2030 680.3 (8.1) 672.2 398.8 357.1 101.3 5.6 857.2 185.0 60.3 862.8 190.6 62.2
2031 0.0 (3.1) (3.1) 382.4 370.9 70.9 4.9 824.1 827.3 247.6 829.1 832.2 249.0
2032 (15.5) (2.5) (18.0) 439.5 387.7 99.5 7.5 926.7 944.7 259.4 934.1 952.2 261.4
2033 0.0 (4.1) (4.1) 459.6 405.0 107.0 8.6 971.5 975.6 245.7 980.1 984.2 247.9
2034 (110.2) 4.2 (106.0) 484.9 422.4 111.0 9.5 1,018.3 1,124.3 259.8 1,027.8 1,133.8 262.0
2035 (18.1) (3.6) (21.7) 482.2 440.7 108.1 9.8 1,031.0 1,052.7 223.2 1,040.8 1,062.6 225.3
2036 17.9 (3.5) 14.3 459.3 459.4 74.1 8.4 992.7 978.3 190.3 1,001.1 986.7 191.9
2037 0.0 (1.4) (1.4) 518.5 476.1 103.4 10.9 1,098.1 1,099.5 196.2 1,109.0 1,110.4 198.1
2038 (909.5) (0.8) (910.3) 545.6 491.7 110.4 11.8 1,147.8 2,058.1 336.9 1,159.6 2,070.0 338.8
TOTAL 3,955.3 (100.2) 3,855.2 7,806.8 6,817.7 1,924.0 123.8 16,548.5 12,693.4 2,158.5 16,672.3 12,817.2 2,203.3
( ) = Negative CO2 = Carbon Dioxide NMT = Non Motorized Traffic NPV (SLR. Mn.) 2,158.5 NPV (SLR. Mn.) 2,203.3
VOC = Vehicle Operating Costs VOTT = Value of Travel Time EIRR 14.4% EIRR 14.5%
Trincomalee District - Provincial Roads (Feasible Roads Only) (All Costs & Benefits are in SLR Mn.)
Without CO2 Savings With CO2 Savings
Capital Recurrent VOC VOTT NMT CO2
Year Costs Total Net Discounted Total Net Discounted
Costs Costs Savings Savings Benefits Savings
Benefits Benefits Benefits (9%) Benefits Benefits Benefits (9%)
2017 821.8 (3.3) 818.5 (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (818.5) (818.5) (0.0) (818.5) (818.5)
2018 1,232.7 (5.7) 1,227.0 12.7 0.1 5.3 0.3 18.2 (1,208.8) (1,109.0) 18.5 (1,208.5) (1,108.7)
2019 (6.4) (3.4) (9.8) 153.7 91.7 33.3 4.0 278.7 288.4 242.8 282.7 292.4 246.1
2020 (23.9) (0.1) (24.0) 181.6 100.7 35.0 0.1 317.3 341.3 263.5 317.4 341.3 263.6
2021 0.0 (4.1) (4.1) 138.0 105.7 20.9 (1.0) 264.6 268.7 190.3 263.6 267.7 189.6
2022 0.0 (2.8) (2.8) 166.4 111.6 28.0 (0.5) 306.0 308.8 200.7 305.5 308.3 200.4
2023 0.0 (3.9) (3.9) 187.7 118.0 32.7 (0.2) 338.4 342.3 204.1 338.2 342.1 204.0
2024 (56.1) (4.0) (60.1) 206.8 124.4 35.8 (0.1) 367.0 427.1 233.6 366.9 427.0 233.6
2025 (13.5) (2.1) (15.6) 164.8 128.8 27.4 (1.0) 320.9 336.5 168.9 320.0 335.6 168.4
2026 (16.8) 2.0 (14.9) 145.3 133.9 17.7 (2.3) 296.8 311.7 143.5 294.6 309.4 142.5
2027 0.0 (2.1) (2.1) 155.0 139.4 22.3 (2.4) 316.6 318.7 134.6 314.2 316.3 133.6
2028 0.0 (0.6) (0.6) 166.8 143.0 25.3 (2.6) 335.1 335.7 130.1 332.5 333.1 129.1
2029 0.0 (1.7) (1.7) 175.9 146.2 26.9 (3.0) 349.0 350.7 124.7 346.0 347.6 123.6
2030 360.5 (8.0) 352.5 183.9 148.8 27.8 (3.8) 360.5 8.0 2.6 356.7 4.2 1.4
2031 (6.4) (1.1) (7.4) 179.6 150.1 22.4 (5.3) 352.2 359.6 107.6 346.8 354.3 106.0
2032 (16.8) 2.5 (14.3) 202.6 150.7 29.0 (6.2) 382.3 396.6 108.9 376.1 390.4 107.2
2033 0.0 (2.1) (2.1) 195.3 151.3 29.5 (7.8) 376.1 378.2 95.2 368.3 370.3 93.3
2034 (68.7) 1.6 (67.1) 210.9 157.5 31.1 (7.0) 399.5 466.6 107.8 392.5 459.6 106.2
2035 (7.1) (2.4) (9.5) 204.2 165.1 29.5 (6.1) 398.8 408.3 86.6 392.7 402.2 85.3
2036 12.6 (2.3) 10.3 191.6 173.2 21.2 (5.7) 386.0 375.6 73.1 380.3 370.0 72.0
2037 (6.4) (1.3) (7.7) 234.9 184.2 29.6 (2.4) 448.6 456.3 81.4 446.2 453.8 81.0
2038 (427.7) 1.7 (426.0) 250.7 196.2 30.9 0.3 477.8 903.8 147.9 478.1 904.1 148.0
TOTAL 1,777.9 (43.0) 1,735.0 3,708.4 2,820.7 561.3 (52.7) 7,090.4 5,355.4 920.5 7,037.7 5,302.8 907.4
( ) = Negative CO2 = Carbon Dioxide NMT = Non Motorized Traffic NPV (SLR. Mn.) 920.5 NPV (SLR. Mn.) 907.4
VOC = Vehicle Operating Costs VOTT = Value of Travel Time EIRR 14.3% EIRR 14.3%
Trincomalee District - Local Roads (Feasible Roads Only) (All Costs & Benefits are in SLR Mn.)
Without CO2 Savings With CO2 Savings
Capital Recurrent VOC VOTT NMT CO2
Year Costs Total Net Discounted Total Net Discounted
Costs Costs Savings Savings Benefits Savings
Benefits Benefits Benefits (9%) Benefits Benefits Benefits (9%)
2017 762.3 (2.0) 760.3 (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (760.3) (760.3) (0.0) (760.3) (760.3)
2018 1,143.5 (2.5) 1,141.0 9.9 0.2 10.8 0.3 21.0 (1,120.0) (1,027.5) 21.3 (1,119.7) (1,027.2)
2019 0.0 (0.7) (0.7) 123.4 75.8 55.1 5.0 254.4 255.1 214.7 259.4 260.0 218.9
2020 (9.8) (1.1) (10.9) 139.7 84.5 56.1 3.5 280.3 291.2 224.8 283.8 294.7 227.5
2021 0.0 (0.9) (0.9) 121.9 89.0 34.3 2.9 245.3 246.2 174.4 248.2 249.1 176.5
2022 0.0 0.0 0.0 150.6 94.6 50.3 3.8 295.5 295.5 192.0 299.3 299.3 194.5
2023 0.0 (1.1) (1.1) 166.9 100.4 58.2 4.4 325.5 326.6 194.8 329.9 331.0 197.4
2024 (20.9) (2.3) (23.2) 179.9 106.5 62.6 4.8 349.0 372.2 203.6 353.7 377.0 206.2
2025 (9.8) 0.1 (9.7) 169.8 112.5 56.1 4.9 338.4 348.1 174.7 343.3 353.0 177.2
2026 0.0 (0.1) (0.1) 149.0 118.5 34.0 4.2 301.5 301.6 138.9 305.7 305.8 140.8
2027 0.0 (0.2) (0.2) 181.7 126.0 50.6 5.4 358.3 358.5 151.4 363.7 363.9 153.7
2028 0.0 0.9 0.9 193.5 130.6 56.4 5.9 380.6 379.7 147.1 386.5 385.6 149.4
2029 0.0 0.2 0.2 202.1 135.4 59.0 6.3 396.5 396.3 140.9 402.8 402.6 143.1
2030 258.5 0.8 259.4 209.1 140.3 59.8 6.7 409.2 149.9 48.9 415.9 156.5 51.1
2031 0.0 0.8 0.8 187.6 144.7 39.6 5.9 371.9 371.0 111.0 377.8 377.0 112.8
2032 0.0 1.1 1.1 221.5 150.5 57.2 7.3 429.2 428.1 117.5 436.5 435.4 119.5
2033 0.0 0.8 0.8 235.2 156.1 62.4 8.0 453.7 452.9 114.1 461.7 460.9 116.1
2034 (20.9) 2.0 (18.9) 246.1 161.8 64.9 8.5 472.8 491.7 113.6 481.3 500.3 115.6
2035 (9.8) 1.4 (8.4) 248.3 167.8 64.0 8.9 480.1 488.4 103.5 489.0 497.4 105.4
2036 0.0 1.9 1.9 223.2 173.2 42.2 8.0 438.5 436.6 84.9 446.5 444.6 86.5
2037 0.0 2.7 2.7 260.4 180.2 60.2 9.7 500.8 498.1 88.9 510.6 507.8 90.6
2038 (381.2) 2.4 (378.7) 274.5 187.0 64.8 10.6 526.3 905.1 148.2 536.9 915.6 149.9
TOTAL 1,712.1 4.1 1,716.2 3,894.2 2,635.6 1,098.8 125.1 7,628.6 5,912.4 1,100.1 7,753.7 6,037.5 1,145.2
( ) = Negative CO2 = Carbon Dioxide NMT = Non Motorized Traffic NPV (SLR. Mn.) 1,100.1 NPV (SLR. Mn.) 1,145.2
VOC = Vehicle Operating Costs VOTT = Value of Travel Time EIRR 15.3% EIRR 15.5%
Trincomalee District - Urban Roads (Feasible Roads Only) (All Costs & Benefits are in SLR Mn.)
Without CO2 Savings With CO2 Savings
Capital Recurrent VOC VOTT NMT CO2
Year Costs Total Net Discounted Total Net Discounted
Costs Costs Savings Savings Benefits Savings
Benefits Benefits Benefits (9%) Benefits Benefits Benefits (9%)
2017 112.3 (0.8) 111.5 (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) (111.5) (111.5) (0.0) (111.5) (111.5)
2018 168.4 (1.9) 166.5 1.4 0.1 1.2 0.0 2.7 (163.8) (150.3) 2.7 (163.8) (150.3)
2019 (5.1) (1.3) (6.3) 32.9 28.2 10.5 1.0 71.5 77.9 65.5 72.5 78.8 66.4
2020 (0.6) (1.4) (2.0) 37.5 30.6 10.9 0.7 79.0 81.0 62.6 79.8 81.8 63.1
2021 0.0 (1.6) (1.6) 39.7 32.5 9.8 0.7 82.0 83.5 59.2 82.7 84.3 59.7
2022 (2.8) (1.5) (4.2) 47.3 34.7 13.1 0.9 95.1 99.4 64.6 96.0 100.3 65.2
2023 0.0 (1.7) (1.7) 46.9 37.0 12.2 1.0 96.1 97.8 58.3 97.1 98.8 58.9
2024 1.3 (2.9) (1.6) 51.4 39.6 13.3 1.1 104.3 105.9 57.9 105.4 107.0 58.5
2025 (5.7) (1.6) (7.2) 42.3 41.8 9.3 1.0 93.3 100.6 50.5 94.4 101.6 51.0
2026 0.0 (1.5) (1.5) 42.2 44.4 7.5 1.1 94.0 95.5 44.0 95.1 96.6 44.5
2027 0.0 (1.3) (1.3) 47.3 47.4 9.2 1.2 103.8 105.1 44.4 105.1 106.3 44.9
2028 0.0 (1.1) (1.1) 49.5 49.3 9.5 1.3 108.2 109.3 42.4 109.5 110.6 42.9
2029 0.0 (1.0) (1.0) 51.7 51.2 9.7 1.4 112.6 113.6 40.4 114.0 115.0 40.9
2030 49.0 (1.0) 48.0 54.0 53.2 9.9 1.5 117.1 69.1 22.5 118.6 70.6 23.0
2031 (5.1) (0.7) (5.8) 55.2 55.2 9.1 1.6 119.4 125.2 37.5 121.0 126.8 37.9
2032 (2.8) (0.1) (2.9) 59.4 57.5 10.5 1.7 127.4 130.3 35.8 129.2 132.1 36.3
2033 0.0 (0.2) (0.2) 60.8 59.8 10.4 1.8 131.0 131.2 33.0 132.8 133.1 33.5
2034 (9.0) (0.1) (9.1) 63.7 62.0 10.7 1.9 136.4 145.5 33.6 138.4 147.5 34.1
2035 (0.6) 0.2 (0.3) 63.8 64.3 10.3 2.0 138.4 138.8 29.4 140.5 140.8 29.8
2036 10.3 0.5 10.7 64.0 66.3 8.9 2.1 139.3 128.6 25.0 141.4 130.6 25.4
2037 (5.1) 0.4 (4.6) 69.5 69.4 10.5 2.3 149.4 154.0 27.5 151.7 156.3 27.9
2038 (56.1) 0.6 (55.5) 72.4 72.9 10.6 2.5 155.9 211.4 34.6 158.4 213.9 35.0
TOTAL 248.6 (19.9) 228.7 1,052.8 997.3 207.2 28.9 2,257.2 2,028.5 606.9 2,286.1 2,057.4 617.1
( ) = Negative CO2 = Carbon Dioxide NMT = Non Motorized Traffic NPV (SLR. Mn.) 606.9 NPV (SLR. Mn.) 617.1
VOC = Vehicle Operating Costs VOTT = Value of Travel Time EIRR 29.4% EIRR 29.6%
Trincomalee District - All Feasible Roads (All Costs & Benefits are in SLR Mn.)
Without CO2 Savings With CO2 Savings
Capital Recurrent VOC VOTT NMT CO2
Year Costs Total Net Discounted Total Net Discounted
Costs Costs Savings Savings Benefits Savings
Benefits Benefits Benefits (9%) Benefits Benefits Benefits (9%)
2017 1,696.4 (6.1) 1,690.3 (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (1,690.4) (1,690.4) (0.0) (1,690.4) (1,690.4)
2018 2,544.6 (10.2) 2,534.4 24.0 0.4 17.4 0.7 41.8 (2,492.6) (2,286.8) 42.5 (2,491.9) (2,286.2)
2019 (11.4) (5.3) (16.8) 310.0 195.7 98.9 9.9 604.6 621.4 523.0 614.5 631.3 531.3
2020 (34.2) (2.6) (36.8) 358.8 215.9 102.0 4.3 676.6 713.5 550.9 680.9 717.8 554.2
2021 0.0 (6.5) (6.5) 299.6 227.2 65.0 2.7 591.9 598.4 423.9 594.6 601.1 425.8
2022 (2.8) (4.2) (7.0) 364.3 241.0 91.4 4.2 696.6 703.6 457.3 700.9 707.9 460.1
2023 0.0 (6.7) (6.7) 401.5 255.5 103.1 5.1 760.1 766.8 457.2 765.2 771.9 460.3
2024 (75.7) (9.2) (84.9) 438.0 270.6 111.7 5.7 820.3 905.2 495.2 826.0 910.9 498.3
2025 (28.9) (3.7) (32.5) 376.9 283.0 92.8 5.0 752.7 785.2 394.1 757.6 790.2 396.6
2026 (16.8) 0.4 (16.4) 336.5 296.8 59.1 3.0 692.3 708.8 326.3 695.3 711.7 327.7
2027 0.0 (3.5) (3.5) 383.9 312.8 82.1 4.2 778.8 782.3 330.4 783.0 786.5 332.2
2028 0.0 (0.8) (0.8) 409.8 322.9 91.2 4.7 823.9 824.7 319.6 828.5 829.4 321.4
2029 0.0 (2.5) (2.5) 429.6 332.8 95.7 4.7 858.1 860.6 306.0 862.8 865.3 307.6
2030 668.0 (8.2) 659.9 446.9 342.4 97.5 4.4 886.8 227.0 74.0 891.2 231.3 75.5
2031 (11.4) (0.9) (12.4) 422.4 350.0 71.1 2.2 843.5 855.9 256.1 845.7 858.0 256.8
2032 (19.6) 3.4 (16.2) 483.6 358.7 96.6 2.8 938.9 955.1 262.2 941.7 957.9 263.0
2033 0.0 (1.5) (1.5) 491.3 367.1 102.3 2.0 960.7 962.2 242.4 962.7 964.2 242.9
2034 (98.6) 3.5 (95.1) 520.7 381.4 106.7 3.5 1,008.7 1,103.9 255.1 1,012.2 1,107.4 255.9
2035 (17.4) (0.8) (18.2) 516.4 397.1 103.8 4.9 1,017.3 1,035.5 219.5 1,022.2 1,040.4 220.6
2036 22.9 0.1 23.0 478.8 412.7 72.3 4.3 963.8 940.8 183.0 968.1 945.2 183.8
2037 (11.4) 1.8 (9.6) 564.7 433.7 100.3 9.6 1,098.8 1,108.4 197.8 1,108.4 1,118.0 199.5
2038 (865.0) 4.8 (860.2) 597.7 456.1 106.3 13.3 1,160.1 2,020.3 330.7 1,173.4 2,033.6 332.9
TOTAL 3,738.6 (58.7) 3,679.9 8,655.3 6,453.6 1,867.3 101.3 16,976.2 13,296.3 2,627.5 17,077.5 13,397.6 2,669.7
( ) = Negative CO2 = Carbon Dioxide NMT = Non Motorized Traffic NPV (SLR. Mn.) 2,627.5 NPV (SLR. Mn.) 2,669.7
VOC = Vehicle Operating Costs VOTT = Value of Travel Time EIRR 15.9% EIRR 16.0%
Eastern Province - All National Roads (Feasible for Implementation) (All Costs & Benefits are in SLR Mn.)
Without CO2 Savings With CO2 Savings
Capital Recurrent VOC VOTT NMT CO2
Year Costs Total Net Discounted Total Net Discounted
Costs Costs Savings Savings Benefits Savings
Benefits Benefits Benefits (9%) Benefits Benefits Benefits (9%)
2017 2,019.0 (4.7) 2,014.3 (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) (2,014.3) (2,014.3) (0.0) (2,014.3) (2,014.3)
2018 3,028.5 (9.0) 3,019.6 22.4 0.2 0.8 0.3 23.4 (2,996.2) (2,748.8) 23.7 (2,995.9) (2,748.5)
2019 0.0 (5.6) (5.6) 428.1 496.3 10.0 4.0 934.3 940.0 791.1 938.4 944.0 794.5
2020 (0.8) (8.2) (9.0) 519.2 549.2 10.9 (6.3) 1,079.3 1,088.3 840.4 1,073.0 1,082.0 835.5
2021 0.0 (8.2) (8.2) 608.8 580.2 11.9 (6.2) 1,201.0 1,209.1 856.6 1,194.8 1,203.0 852.2
2022 0.0 (8.9) (8.9) 733.5 614.3 14.4 (5.4) 1,362.2 1,371.2 891.2 1,356.8 1,365.7 887.6
2023 0.0 (10.4) (10.4) 885.4 652.8 17.5 (4.4) 1,555.7 1,566.1 933.8 1,551.3 1,561.7 931.2
2024 (174.3) (1.7) (176.0) 1,058.3 699.2 21.1 (3.0) 1,778.6 1,954.6 1,069.2 1,775.6 1,951.7 1,067.6
2025 (0.8) (11.5) (12.3) 457.7 721.0 6.0 (10.7) 1,184.7 1,197.0 600.7 1,174.0 1,186.3 595.4
2026 0.0 (14.8) (14.8) 495.0 761.2 5.9 (11.4) 1,262.2 1,276.9 587.9 1,250.8 1,265.6 582.7
2027 0.0 (16.2) (16.2) 544.2 804.3 6.7 (11.7) 1,355.2 1,371.4 579.3 1,343.5 1,359.7 574.4
2028 0.0 (16.4) (16.4) 585.2 832.7 7.1 (12.0) 1,424.9 1,441.3 558.6 1,413.0 1,429.3 553.9
2029 0.0 (17.7) (17.7) 630.2 862.0 7.6 (12.2) 1,499.8 1,517.5 539.5 1,487.6 1,505.3 535.2
2030 1,009.1 (28.5) 980.6 681.1 892.5 8.0 (12.5) 1,581.6 601.0 196.0 1,569.1 588.5 192.0
2031 0.0 (19.2) (19.2) 794.8 924.0 10.0 (10.7) 1,728.8 1,748.0 523.1 1,718.1 1,737.3 519.9
2032 0.0 (23.5) (23.5) 874.9 956.8 11.1 (10.5) 1,842.8 1,866.3 512.4 1,832.3 1,855.9 509.5
2033 0.0 (23.3) (23.3) 959.4 990.6 11.9 (10.3) 1,961.9 1,985.2 500.0 1,951.6 1,974.9 497.4
2034 (495.1) 8.7 (486.4) 1,051.9 1,025.9 12.7 (10.0) 2,090.5 2,577.0 595.5 2,080.5 2,567.0 593.2
2035 (0.8) (26.3) (27.1) 669.4 1,059.3 6.9 (16.2) 1,735.5 1,762.6 373.7 1,719.4 1,746.5 370.2
2036 320.8 (29.8) 291.0 716.8 1,095.9 6.9 (16.9) 1,819.6 1,528.5 297.3 1,802.7 1,511.6 294.0
2037 0.0 (27.3) (27.3) 784.1 1,134.5 7.9 (16.4) 1,926.5 1,953.8 348.6 1,910.0 1,937.3 345.7
2038 (1,009.5) (30.1) (1,039.6) 848.5 1,173.9 8.4 (16.6) 2,030.8 3,070.4 502.6 2,014.3 3,053.9 499.9
TOTAL 4,695.9 (332.5) 4,363.4 14,348.8 16,826.8 203.7 (198.9) 31,379.3 27,015.9 7,334.5 31,180.5 26,817.1 7,269.3
( ) = Negative CO2 = Carbon Dioxide NMT = Non Motorized Traffic NPV (SLR. Mn.) 7,334.5 NPV (SLR. Mn.) 7,269.3
VOC = Vehicle Operating Costs VOTT = Value of Travel Time EIRR 23.3% EIRR 23.2%
Eastern Province - All Provincial Roads (Feasible for Implementation) (All Costs & Benefits are in SLR Mn.)
Without CO2 Savings With CO2 Savings
Capital Recurrent VOC VOTT NMT CO2
Year Costs Total Net Discounted Total Net Discounted
Costs Costs Savings Savings Benefits Savings
Benefits Benefits Benefits (9%) Benefits Benefits Benefits (9%)
2017 2,610.7 (9.1) 2,601.6 (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (2,601.6) (2,601.6) (0.0) (2,601.6) (2,601.6)
2018 3,916.1 (17.5) 3,898.5 25.2 0.4 9.8 0.6 35.3 (3,863.2) (3,544.2) 36.0 (3,862.6) (3,543.6)
2019 (6.4) (8.7) (15.1) 417.6 333.9 69.5 9.6 821.1 836.1 703.7 830.7 845.7 711.8
2020 (43.6) (7.1) (50.6) 504.8 372.6 74.5 (1.4) 951.8 1,002.5 774.1 950.4 1,001.1 773.0
2021 0.0 (10.7) (10.7) 451.8 391.7 54.7 (3.2) 898.2 908.9 643.9 895.0 905.7 641.6
2022 0.0 (8.7) (8.7) 532.1 415.1 70.9 (2.1) 1,018.1 1,026.8 667.3 1,016.0 1,024.7 666.0
2023 0.0 (11.0) (11.0) 601.3 440.6 83.1 (1.5) 1,125.1 1,136.0 677.4 1,123.6 1,134.5 676.5
2024 (420.5) (21.4) (441.9) 666.7 467.4 92.6 (1.1) 1,226.7 1,668.6 912.8 1,225.6 1,667.5 912.2
2025 (20.9) (8.3) (29.2) 457.2 484.3 52.4 (4.8) 993.9 1,023.2 513.5 989.2 1,018.4 511.1
2026 (29.0) (7.4) (36.4) 438.1 507.6 37.1 (7.2) 982.9 1,019.3 469.3 975.6 1,012.0 466.0
2027 0.0 (11.1) (11.1) 472.7 533.4 46.3 (7.5) 1,052.4 1,063.5 449.3 1,044.9 1,056.1 446.1
2028 0.0 (9.6) (9.6) 501.5 551.1 51.2 (7.6) 1,103.8 1,113.4 431.5 1,096.2 1,105.8 428.5
2029 0.0 (11.9) (11.9) 526.7 569.1 53.9 (7.9) 1,149.6 1,161.5 413.0 1,141.7 1,153.6 410.1
2030 1,389.1 (25.5) 1,363.5 550.9 587.1 55.5 (8.6) 1,193.5 (170.0) (55.5) 1,184.9 (178.6) (58.3)
2031 (6.4) (12.0) (18.4) 558.5 603.7 48.1 (10.0) 1,210.3 1,228.7 367.7 1,200.3 1,218.6 364.7
2032 (29.0) (8.5) (37.4) 619.9 622.0 60.3 (9.9) 1,302.2 1,339.6 367.8 1,292.3 1,329.8 365.1
2033 0.0 (16.0) (16.0) 628.6 639.6 62.1 (11.2) 1,330.3 1,346.3 339.1 1,319.1 1,335.1 336.3
2034 (455.7) 5.4 (450.4) 668.0 662.3 65.2 (10.4) 1,395.5 1,845.9 426.5 1,385.1 1,835.5 424.1
2035 (14.6) (17.7) (32.3) 627.9 686.7 57.8 (10.5) 1,372.4 1,404.6 297.8 1,361.9 1,394.1 295.5
2036 35.3 (17.7) 17.6 613.3 711.1 44.1 (11.3) 1,368.5 1,350.9 262.7 1,357.2 1,339.6 260.5
2037 (6.4) (15.7) (22.0) 693.9 740.2 58.2 (7.3) 1,492.3 1,514.3 270.2 1,484.9 1,507.0 268.9
2038 (1,334.3) (13.1) (1,347.5) 733.1 770.1 61.1 (4.7) 1,564.3 2,911.8 476.6 1,559.6 2,907.1 475.9
TOTAL 5,584.4 (263.4) 5,321.0 11,289.9 11,090.0 1,208.3 (118.1) 23,588.2 18,267.1 3,262.9 23,470.1 18,149.1 3,230.4
( ) = Negative CO2 = Carbon Dioxide NMT = Non Motorized Traffic NPV (SLR. Mn.) 3,262.9 NPV (SLR. Mn.) 3,230.4
VOC = Vehicle Operating Costs VOTT = Value of Travel Time EIRR 14.8% EIRR 14.7%
Eastern Province - All Local Roads (Feasible for Implementation) (All Costs & Benefits are in SLR Mn.)
Without CO2 Savings With CO2 Savings
Capital Recurrent VOC VOTT NMT CO2
Year Costs Total Net Discounted Total Net Discounted
Costs Costs Savings Savings Benefits Savings
Benefits Benefits Benefits (9%) Benefits Benefits Benefits (9%)
2017 3,318.0 (9.5) 3,308.6 (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.1) (3,308.6) (3,308.6) (0.1) (3,308.6) (3,308.6)
2018 4,977.1 (12.7) 4,964.4 35.8 0.4 40.1 1.3 76.3 (4,888.1) (4,484.5) 77.6 (4,886.8) (4,483.3)
2019 0.0 (4.9) (4.9) 454.0 316.1 199.1 19.0 969.2 974.2 819.9 988.2 993.1 835.9
2020 (47.6) (7.3) (54.8) 514.9 352.3 202.6 12.8 1,069.8 1,124.6 868.4 1,082.6 1,137.4 878.3
2021 0.0 (6.7) (6.7) 456.4 372.0 122.6 10.5 951.0 957.7 678.5 961.5 968.2 685.9
2022 0.0 (2.3) (2.3) 559.5 394.8 180.7 13.9 1,135.0 1,137.3 739.2 1,148.9 1,151.1 748.2
2023 0.0 (6.7) (6.7) 622.1 419.0 210.1 16.0 1,251.2 1,257.9 750.0 1,267.2 1,273.9 759.6
2024 (193.3) (13.9) (207.2) 670.6 443.8 225.5 17.6 1,339.9 1,547.1 846.3 1,357.6 1,564.7 855.9
2025 (47.6) (2.3) (49.9) 620.4 467.2 203.5 17.7 1,291.1 1,341.0 673.0 1,308.9 1,358.8 681.9
2026 0.0 (5.5) (5.5) 547.4 493.1 121.3 14.7 1,161.9 1,167.4 537.5 1,176.6 1,182.1 544.3
2027 0.0 (3.9) (3.9) 663.0 522.6 182.5 19.3 1,368.1 1,372.0 579.5 1,387.4 1,391.3 587.7
2028 0.0 (1.1) (1.1) 707.6 541.5 204.4 21.3 1,453.5 1,454.6 563.7 1,474.8 1,475.9 572.0
2029 0.0 (3.1) (3.1) 739.4 560.8 214.2 22.9 1,514.4 1,517.5 539.5 1,537.3 1,540.4 547.7
2030 1,389.8 (5.4) 1,384.5 765.5 580.7 217.2 24.1 1,563.4 179.0 58.4 1,587.6 203.1 66.3
2031 0.0 (1.1) (1.1) 688.2 599.8 141.7 21.0 1,429.7 1,430.8 428.2 1,450.7 1,451.8 434.5
2032 0.0 1.0 1.0 809.7 622.2 206.3 26.4 1,638.2 1,637.2 449.5 1,664.6 1,663.6 456.7
2033 0.0 (2.4) (2.4) 860.8 644.6 226.3 28.9 1,731.7 1,734.0 436.7 1,760.6 1,763.0 444.0
2034 (193.3) 10.0 (183.3) 900.9 667.6 235.6 30.9 1,804.1 1,987.4 459.2 1,835.0 2,018.3 466.4
2035 (47.6) (0.5) (48.1) 905.4 691.3 232.6 32.1 1,829.3 1,877.4 398.0 1,861.4 1,909.5 404.8
2036 0.0 3.2 3.2 813.3 714.0 151.0 27.7 1,678.3 1,675.1 325.8 1,706.0 1,702.8 331.2
2037 0.0 4.8 4.8 947.4 740.7 218.0 34.6 1,906.2 1,901.4 339.3 1,940.7 1,935.9 345.4
2038 (1,659.0) 4.6 (1,654.4) 999.7 767.3 235.3 37.5 2,002.3 3,656.7 598.6 2,039.8 3,694.2 604.7
TOTAL 7,496.7 (65.7) 7,431.1 14,282.0 10,912.1 3,970.6 450.3 29,164.6 21,733.6 3,296.2 29,614.9 22,183.9 3,459.4
( ) = Negative CO2 = Carbon Dioxide NMT = Non Motorized Traffic NPV (SLR. Mn.) 3,296.2 NPV (SLR. Mn.) 3,459.4
VOC = Vehicle Operating Costs VOTT = Value of Travel Time EIRR 13.5% EIRR 13.7%
Eastern Province - All Urban Roads (Feasible for Implementation) (All Costs & Benefits are in SLR Mn.)
Without CO2 Savings With CO2 Savings
Capital Recurrent VOC VOTT NMT CO2
Year Costs Total Net Discounted Total Net Discounted
Costs Costs Savings Savings Benefits Savings
Benefits Benefits Benefits (9%) Benefits Benefits Benefits (9%)
2017 561.2 (2.6) 558.6 (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) (558.6) (558.6) (0.0) (558.6) (558.6)
2018 841.8 (6.0) 835.8 4.4 0.1 4.2 0.1 8.8 (827.1) (758.8) 8.9 (827.0) (758.7)
2019 (5.1) (3.1) (8.2) 104.6 86.7 32.0 3.2 223.4 231.5 194.9 226.6 234.7 197.6
2020 (9.6) (4.8) (14.3) 121.6 95.7 33.5 1.6 250.8 265.1 204.7 252.4 266.7 206.0
2021 0.0 (4.1) (4.1) 120.3 101.8 26.6 1.5 248.7 252.7 179.0 250.1 254.2 180.1
2022 (2.8) (3.8) (6.6) 140.9 108.8 35.1 1.9 284.9 291.5 189.5 286.8 293.4 190.7
2023 0.0 (4.5) (4.5) 152.0 116.5 37.6 2.2 306.1 310.6 185.2 308.3 312.7 186.5
2024 (43.2) (7.9) (51.1) 168.3 125.1 41.2 2.5 334.6 385.7 211.0 337.1 388.3 212.4
2025 (7.9) (3.7) (11.6) 128.8 132.5 26.9 2.2 288.2 299.8 150.5 290.4 302.0 151.6
2026 (6.8) (3.8) (10.5) 129.6 141.5 20.2 2.1 291.3 301.8 139.0 293.5 304.0 140.0
2027 0.0 (3.5) (3.5) 143.7 150.5 25.9 2.6 320.1 323.6 136.7 322.7 326.2 137.8
2028 0.0 (2.9) (2.9) 150.3 155.9 27.4 2.8 333.6 336.6 130.4 336.4 339.3 131.5
2029 0.0 (3.2) (3.2) 157.1 162.1 28.3 3.0 347.5 350.8 124.7 350.5 353.7 125.8
2030 209.7 (3.4) 206.2 164.5 169.2 28.7 3.2 362.5 156.3 51.0 365.8 159.5 52.0
2031 (5.1) (2.7) (7.8) 168.5 176.5 24.3 3.4 369.3 377.1 112.9 372.7 380.5 113.9
2032 (9.5) (2.6) (12.2) 184.8 185.6 30.2 4.1 400.6 412.8 113.3 404.7 416.9 114.4
2033 0.0 (2.7) (2.7) 194.0 195.9 31.0 4.5 420.9 423.6 106.7 425.4 428.1 107.8
2034 (53.5) (0.5) (54.0) 206.7 207.0 31.9 5.1 445.6 499.6 115.4 450.6 504.6 116.6
2035 (2.8) (2.3) (5.1) 207.8 219.1 30.2 5.4 457.1 462.2 98.0 462.5 467.7 99.1
2036 10.3 (2.2) 8.0 212.2 231.9 24.2 5.7 468.3 460.3 89.5 474.0 466.0 90.6
2037 (5.1) (2.1) (7.2) 230.5 242.6 30.2 6.5 503.3 510.5 91.1 509.8 517.0 92.2
2038 (287.4) (2.5) (289.9) 241.5 253.3 31.2 7.1 526.1 816.0 133.6 533.1 823.0 134.7
TOTAL 1,184.3 (75.1) 1,109.2 3,332.3 3,258.4 600.9 70.6 7,191.6 6,082.4 1,439.6 7,262.3 6,153.0 1,464.0
( ) = Negative CO2 = Carbon Dioxide NMT = Non Motorized Traffic NPV (SLR. Mn.) 1,439.6 NPV (SLR. Mn.) 1,464.0
VOC = Vehicle Operating Costs VOTT = Value of Travel Time EIRR 19.4% EIRR 19.6%
Eastern Province - Total Investment for All Feasible Roads (All Costs & Benefits are in SLR Mn.)
Without CO2 Savings With CO2 Savings
Capital Recurrent VOC VOTT NMT CO2
Year Costs Total Net Discounted Total Net Discounted
Costs Costs Savings Savings Benefits Savings
Benefits Benefits Benefits (9%) Benefits Benefits Benefits (9%)
2017 8,509.0 (26.0) 8,483.0 (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.1) (8,483.1) (8,483.1) (0.1) (8,483.1) (8,483.1)
2018 12,763.5 (45.2) 12,718.3 87.8 1.1 55.0 2.3 143.8 (12,574.5) (11,536.2) 146.1 (12,572.2) (11,534.1)
2019 (11.4) (22.3) (33.8) 1,404.3 1,233.1 310.6 35.8 2,948.0 2,981.8 2,509.7 2,983.8 3,017.6 2,539.8
2020 (101.5) (27.3) (128.8) 1,660.4 1,369.9 321.4 6.6 3,351.8 3,480.6 2,687.6 3,358.4 3,487.2 2,692.8
2021 0.0 (29.7) (29.7) 1,637.3 1,445.8 215.7 2.6 3,298.8 3,328.5 2,358.0 3,301.5 3,331.1 2,359.8
2022 (2.8) (23.8) (26.5) 1,966.0 1,533.0 301.2 8.2 3,800.2 3,826.8 2,487.1 3,808.4 3,835.0 2,492.5
2023 0.0 (32.6) (32.6) 2,260.8 1,628.9 348.3 12.3 4,238.0 4,270.6 2,546.4 4,250.3 4,282.9 2,553.8
2024 (831.3) (44.9) (876.2) 2,564.0 1,735.5 380.4 16.1 4,679.9 5,556.0 3,039.3 4,695.9 5,572.1 3,048.1
2025 (77.3) (25.8) (103.0) 1,664.0 1,805.0 289.0 4.4 3,758.0 3,861.0 1,937.7 3,762.4 3,865.5 1,939.9
2026 (35.7) (31.5) (67.2) 1,610.1 1,903.5 184.6 (1.7) 3,698.2 3,765.4 1,733.7 3,696.5 3,763.7 1,732.9
2027 0.0 (34.8) (34.8) 1,823.7 2,010.7 261.3 2.8 4,095.7 4,130.5 1,744.8 4,098.5 4,133.3 1,745.9
2028 0.0 (30.0) (30.0) 1,944.6 2,081.1 290.1 4.6 4,315.8 4,345.8 1,684.2 4,320.4 4,350.4 1,685.9
2029 0.0 (36.0) (36.0) 2,053.4 2,154.1 303.9 5.7 4,511.3 4,547.3 1,616.7 4,517.0 4,553.0 1,618.8
2030 3,997.6 (62.8) 3,934.8 2,162.0 2,229.5 309.4 6.4 4,701.0 766.2 249.9 4,707.4 772.5 252.0
2031 (11.4) (35.1) (46.5) 2,210.0 2,304.1 224.1 3.7 4,738.1 4,784.7 1,431.8 4,741.8 4,788.3 1,432.9
2032 (38.5) (33.6) (72.1) 2,489.3 2,386.6 307.9 10.2 5,183.8 5,255.9 1,442.9 5,194.0 5,266.1 1,445.7
2033 0.0 (44.3) (44.3) 2,642.9 2,470.7 331.2 11.9 5,444.8 5,489.0 1,382.5 5,456.7 5,501.0 1,385.5
2034 (1,197.7) 23.6 (1,174.1) 2,827.5 2,562.9 345.3 15.6 5,735.8 6,909.9 1,596.7 5,751.3 6,925.4 1,600.3
2035 (65.8) (46.8) (112.6) 2,410.6 2,656.4 327.4 10.9 5,394.3 5,506.9 1,167.4 5,405.2 5,517.8 1,169.7
2036 366.3 (46.5) 319.8 2,355.7 2,752.9 226.2 5.2 5,334.7 5,014.9 975.3 5,340.0 5,020.1 976.4
2037 (11.4) (40.3) (51.7) 2,655.9 2,858.0 314.3 17.3 5,828.2 5,879.9 1,049.2 5,845.5 5,897.2 1,052.2
2038 (4,290.2) (41.1) (4,331.4) 2,822.8 2,964.6 336.1 23.3 6,123.5 10,454.9 1,711.4 6,146.8 10,478.1 1,715.3
TOTAL 18,961.3 (736.6) 18,224.7 43,253.0 42,087.4 5,983.4 204.0 91,323.8 73,099.0 15,333.2 91,527.8 73,303.0 15,423.1
( ) = Negative CO2 = Carbon Dioxide NMT = Non Motorized Traffic NPV (SLR. Mn.) 15,333.2 NPV (SLR. Mn.) 15,423.1
VOC = Vehicle Operating Costs VOTT = Value of Travel Time EIRR 16.8% EIRR 16.9%

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