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The Project For Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City (Pputmp)

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December 2014






December 2014


The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

Page No.
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................1
1.1 Project Background ................................................................................................1
1.2 Project Objectives ..................................................................................................1
1.3 Project Area ............................................................................................................1
1.4 Project Framework .................................................................................................1


AND URBAN TRANSPORTATION ....................................................................3
2.1 Road Transport .......................................................................................................3
2.2 Road Development .................................................................................................3
2.3 Mobility and Transportation Poor ..........................................................................4
2.4 Public Transport .....................................................................................................4
2.5 Rapid Motorization ................................................................................................5
2.6 Traffic Management Measures ...............................................................................5
2.7 freight Transport .....................................................................................................7
2.8 Urban Environment ................................................................................................7
2.9 Urban Transport-related Institutions ......................................................................8

CHAPTER 3 SOCIO-ECONOMIC FRAMEWORK ................................................................ 10

3.1 Economic Framework .......................................................................................... 10
3.2 Population ............................................................................................................ 10
3.3 Employment ........................................................................................................ 11
3.4 School Enrolment ................................................................................................ 11

CHAPTER 4 URBAN VISION AND URBAN STRUCTURE ................................................ 12

4.1 Urbanization and Land Use .................................................................................. 12
4.2 Review of Previous Urban Plans .......................................................................... 12
4.3 Future Urban Structure ......................................................................................... 13

CHAPTER 5 TRAFFIC DEMAND FORECAST ..................................................................... 18

5.1 Traffic Demand Forecast ...................................................................................... 18
5.2 Freight Traffic Demand Forecast ......................................................................... 23


6.1 Goal, Mission and Target of the Master Plan ....................................................... 25
6.2 Development of the Master Plan Strategy ............................................................ 26
6.3 Master Plan Formulation ...................................................................................... 27
The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

6.4 Planning Concept ................................................................................................. 28

6.5 Contents of the Urban Transport System ............................................................. 28
6.6 Urban Transport System Alternative .................................................................... 32
6.7 Evaluation of Alternatives .................................................................................... 33
6.8 Proposed Concept of the 2035 Urban Transport Master Plan .............................. 34
6.9 Master Plan Components by Sector ..................................................................... 35
6.10 Roadmap ............................................................................................................ 36

CHAPTER 7 SECTOR PLAN ................................................................................................... 38

7.1 Public Transport System....................................................................................... 38
7.2 Road Network ...................................................................................................... 48
7.3 Traffic Management ............................................................................................. 55
7.4 Commodity Flow ................................................................................................. 70
7.5 Environmental and Social Considerations ........................................................... 72
7.6 Master Plan Long-List.......................................................................................... 75


8.1 Proposed Organizations........................................................................................ 83
8.2 Analysis on Financial Capacity ............................................................................ 85

CHAPTER 9 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN ............................................................................... 87

9.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 87
9.2 Project Cost and Basic Considerations................................................................. 87
9.3 Implementation Schedule ..................................................................................... 88
9.4 Overall Implementation Plan ............................................................................... 88
9.5 Selection of Priority Programs ............................................................................. 89

CHAPTER 10 ACTION PLAN ................................................................................................... 93

10.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 93
10.2 Action Plan 1 ...................................................................................................... 93
10.3 Action Plan 2 ...................................................................................................... 94


FOR EAST-WEST CORRIDOR ......................................................................... 95
11.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 95
11.2 Analysis and Screening on Target Public Transport Corridor ............................ 95

CHAPTER 12 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ................................................... 99

12.1 Conclusion.......................................................................................................... 99
12.2 Recommendation................................................................................................ 100

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

APPENDIX ............................................................................................................................. A-1


AC Advisory Committee
ADB Asian Development Bank
AGT Automated Guideway Transit
ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations
ATC Area Traffic Control
BAU Bureau of Urban Affairs
BOT Build-Operate-Transfer
BRT Bus Rapid Transit
BTS Bus Transit System
CBD Central Business District
CCTV Closed Circuit Television
CDP Corporate Development Partners
CINTRI Canadian and Cambodian Joint Venture
CO Carbon Monoxide
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
CP Counterpart
DCC Department of Climate Change, Ministry of Environment
DLMUPCC Department of Land Management, Urban Planning, Construction and Cadastral
DLT Department of Land Transport
DOE Department of Environment
DOEPP Department of Environment, Phnom Penh Capital City
DPWT Department of Public Works and Transport
DWT Deadweight Tonnage
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EIRR Economic Internal Rate of Return
EXIM Export-Import
F/O Flyover
F/S Feasibility Study
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GHG Greenhouse Gas
GIS Geographic Information System
GNP Gross National Product
GPS Global Positioning System

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

GRDP Gross Regional Domestic Product

H/H Household
HIS Home Interview Survey
HIV/AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
ICD Inland Container Depot
IMF International Monetary Fund
IP Internet Protocol
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IRR Inner Ring Road
IT Information Technology
JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency
JICA 2001MP Urban Transport Master Plan in 2001
LIM Linear Induction Metro
LRT Light Rail Transit
M/B Motorbike
MEF Ministry of Economics and Finance
MLMUPC Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning & Construction
MOE Ministry of Environment
MOEYS Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
MOP Ministry of Planning
MP Master Plan
MPP Municipality of Phnom Penh
MPWT Ministry of Public Works and Transport
MRD Ministry of Rural Development
NGO Non-Government Organization
NiDA National Information Communications Technology Development Authority
NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide
NOx Nitrogen Oxide
NPV Net Present Value
NR National Road
NRSC National Road Safety Committee
NSDP National Strategic Development Plan
OD Origin-Destination
PCD Pollution Control Department
PCU Passenger Car Unit
PDR People’s Democratic Republic
PIDP Phnom Penh International Dry Port
PM Particulate Matter
PMU Project Management Unit
PPAP Phnom Penh Autonomous Port
PPCC Phnom Penh Capital City
PPCH Phnom Penh City Hall

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

PPHPD Passengers Per Hour Per Direction

PPIA Phnom Penh International Airport
PPP Public Private Partnership
PPSEZ Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone
PPUTMP Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
PPWSA Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority
PT Person Trip
PT-1 Public Transport Project No.1
PTMA Public Transport Management Authority
PPUTA Phnom Penh Urban Transport Authority
R/D Record of Discussion
RGC Royal Government of Cambodia
RT Rail Transit
R/T Rapid Transit
RR-II Middle Ring Road
RR-III Outer Ring Road
RR-IV Outer-outer Ring Road
SC Steering Committee
SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment
SEZ Special Economic Zone
SO2 Sulphur Dioxide
TAZs Traffic Analysis Zones
TC Technical Committee
TDM Traffic Demand Management
TEU Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit
THC Total Hydrocarbon Compound
TOD Transit Oriented Development
TRR TOLL Royal Railway
VAT Value Added Tax
V/C Volume over Capacity
VMS Variable Message Sign
W/T Water Transport
2020MP Phnom Penh Urban Planning Master Plan 2020

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

List of Figure
Page No.
Figure 1.3-1 Project Area ...........................................................................................................2
Figure 1.4-1 Framework of the Project ......................................................................................2
Figure 2.1-1 Change in Travel Speed between 2001 & 2012 .....................................................3
Figure 2.1-2 Current Traffic Conditions in the City Centre .......................................................3
Figure 2.4-1 Share of Phnom Penh International Airport Access Modes ...................................4
Figure 2.6-1 Location of Problematic Intersections in Phnom Penh ..........................................5
Figure 2.6-2 Sidewalk Parking ...................................................................................................6
Figure 2.6-3 Poor Pedestrian Walking Environment ..................................................................7
Figure 2.7-1 Badly Damaged Trucking Route (Veng Sreng Road) ............................................8
Figure 3.2-1 Population Forecast in This Project in Relation to National Census and
Other Studies..........................................................................................................10
Figure 4.1-1 Current Urbanization Directions .......................................................................... 12
Figure 4.2-1 Current Urbanized Area and Urban Area in 2020 MP ......................................... 13
Figure 4.3-1 Phnom Penh Capital City in 2035........................................................................ 14
Figure 4.3-2 Urban Structure in 2020 ....................................................................................... 16
Figure 4.3-3 Urban Structure in 2035 ....................................................................................... 17
Figure 5.1-1 Travel Demand Forecasting Procedure ................................................................ 18
Figure 5.1-2 Change in Vehicle Ownership in the Future ........................................................ 19
Figure 5.1-3 Increase of Trip Production and Attraction .......................................................... 20
Figure 5.1-4 Growth of Trip Distribution ................................................................................. 20
Figure 5.1-5 Modal Share by TAZ in the Future ...................................................................... 21
Figure 5.1-6 Traffic Assigned on Network ............................................................................... 23
Figure 6.1-1 Change of Urban Transport System between 2013 and 2035 .............................. 26
Figure 6.4-1 How to Support the 2035 Urban Structure........................................................... 28
Figure 6.5-1 Outline of the 2035 Road Network and Road Development Plan ....................... 29
Figure 6.5-2 Selected Public Transport Corridors .................................................................... 30
Figure 6.5-3 Concept of TDM .................................................................................................. 32
Figure 6.6-1 Outline of Proposed Urban Transport System Alternatives ................................. 32
Figure 6.8-1 Conceptual Picture of the Proposed 2035 Urban Transport Master Plan............. 35
Figure 6.10-1 Roadmap for Urban Transport Master Plan in PPCC .......................................... 37
Figure 7.1-1 Concept of Public Transport Development with Change of Trip Modal Share ... 38
Figure 7.1-2 Staging Bus Route Network for Short to Medium Term ..................................... 39
Figure 7.1-3 Concept of Bus Route Reorganization in Mid- and Long Term .......................... 40
Figure 7.1-4 Outline of Potential Public Transport Demand Estimation.................................. 42
Figure 7.1-5 Staging for Public Transport Network Development ........................................... 45

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

Figure 7.1-6 Soi-bike in front of BTS Station in Bangkok ....................................................... 46

Figure 7.1-7 Conceptual Design of 3 Mode Interchange Areas .............................................. 48
Figure 7.2-1 Transport Corridors to Promote Balanced .......................................................... 50
Figure 7.2-2 Road Projects Under Construction or in Committed Stage ................................ 51
Figure 7.2-3 Proposed Road Development Plan in the Central Area ...................................... 52
Figure 7.2-4 Proposed Road Network in the Suburban Area ................................................... 54
Figure 7.3-1 Conceptual Picture of Comprehensive Traffic Management System .................. 55
Figure 7.3-2 Location of Major Problematic Intersections ...................................................... 56
Figure 7.3-3 Improved Signal Control Plan at Chamkar Morn Intersection ............................ 56
Figure 7.3-4 Proposed Improvement Measure at Chrouy Changvar Roundabout
(Underground Passageway) ................................................................................. 57
Figure 7.3-5 Basic Concept and Configuration of ATC System............................................... 58
Figure 7.3-6 Target Signalized Intersections for the proposed ATC System ............................ 58
Figure 7.3-7 Target Signalized Intersections for the installation of CCTV Cameras ............... 58
Figure 7.3-8 Intersection Improvement Measures .................................................................... 59
Figure 7.3-9 Proposed One-Way Traffic System for Phnom Penh City Centre ...................... 61
Figure 7.3-10 Current Conditions of Pedestrian Network ......................................................... 64
Figure 7.3-11 Functions for Sidewalk by Section ..................................................................... 65
Figure 7.3-12 Proposed Pedestrian Circumstance Improvement Plan along Street 240 ........... 66
Figure 7.3-13 Image Showing Target of TDM .......................................................................... 68
Figure 7.5-1 Major Mitigation Measures of CO2 Emission .................................................... 73
Figure 7.6-1 Location of Public Transport Projects in the Long-list ....................................... 76
Figure 7.6-2 Proposed Road Projects in the Central Area ....................................................... 78
Figure 7.6-3 Proposed Road Projects in the Suburban Area ................................................... 79
Figure 7.6-4 Location Map of Proposed Grade Separated Intersections ................................. 80
Figure 7.6-5 Location of Traffic Management Projects .......................................................... 82
Figure 10.2-1 Short- and Medium-term Schedule of the Action Plan 1 ..................................... 93
Figure 10.3-1 Short- and Medium-term Schedule of the Action Plan 2 ..................................... 94
Figure 11.2-1 Corridor Characteristics .......................................................................................96
Figure 11.2-2 Route Alternatives for East-West and Southwest Transport Corridors ................ 96
Figure 11.2-3 Route Characteristics by Alternative ................................................................... 98
Figure 12.2-1 Recommended Responsibilities and Process of Merger between PTMA and
PPUTA ................................................................................................................. 102

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

List of Tables
Page No.
Table 1.3-1 Population Trend ..................................................................................................2
Table 3.1-1 Forecast of Economic Framework ....................................................................... 10
Table 3.3-1 Employment Framework by Industry in 2012 to 2035 ........................................ 11
Table 3.4-1 Student Framework .............................................................................................. 11
Table 3.4-2 Socio Framework for the Project ......................................................................... 11
Table 5.1-1 Estimated Number of Trips Generated by Residents in 2035 ............................. 19
Table 5.1-2 Change of Modal Share ...................................................................................... 21
Table 5.1-3 Performance Indicators by Assignment Case ..................................................... 22
Table 6.5-1 What Kind of Public Transport System should be Introduced............................. 31
Table 6.7-1 Summary of Evaluation ....................................................................................... 33
Table 6.7-2 Overall Evaluation ...............................................................................................34
Table 6.9-1 Master Plan Components by Sector ..................................................................... 36
Table 7.1-1 Population Covered by Bus Services ................................................................... 39
Table 7.1-2 Classification of Urban Transport System ........................................................... 40
Table 7.1-3 Latest Urban Transport Indicators in Selected Region in Japan .......................... 41
Table 7.1-4 Estimation Result of Potential Mass Transit Demand in 2035 ............................ 42
Table 7.1-5 System Selection based on Expected Demand Level ......................................... 43
Table 7.1-6 Comparison of Required Travel Time by Transport Mode and Trip Length ...... 43
Table 7.1-7 System Adaptability for Right-of-Way ............................................................... 44
Table 7.2-1 Comparison of Traffic Demand and Traffic Capacity.......................................... 50
Table 7.3-1 System Implementation Schedule ........................................................................ 59
Table 7.3-2 Forecasted Motorcycle Parking Demand after Accounting for On-street
Parking Provision................................................................................................. 62
Table 7.3-3 Forecasted Passenger Car Parking Demand after Accounting for On-street
Parking Provision................................................................................................. 62
Table 7.3-4 Applicable TDM Measures for Phnom Penh ....................................................... 69
Table 7.6-1 Outline of the Public Transport Projects in the Long-list .................................... 75
Table 7.6-2 List of Road Project Packages ............................................................................ 77
Table 7.6-3 Traffic Management Projects in the Long-list .................................................... 81
Table 8.1-1 Outline of PPUTA (Tentative).............................................................................. 84
Table 8.2-1 Total cost in a short and medium term (2014-2020), Annual average cost,
and Estimated annual budget by organization ..................................................... 86
Table 9.4-1 Overall Implementation Plan ............................................................................... 89
Table 9.5-1 Selection of Priority Programs ............................................................................. 92
Table 11.2-1 Comparison of Evaluation for Route Alternatives ............................................... 97

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

1.1 Project Background
Phnom Penh, Cambodia’s capital city, has a population of about 1.85 million (as of 2012) and a land area of
678 km². Traffic conditions and traffic accidents in Phnom Penh have been worsening in recent years due to
the rapid increase of vehicles mainly spurred by the country’s vital economic growth. In order to address the
serious traffic situation, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) conducted “The Urban
Transport Master Plan in the Phnom Penh Metropolitan Area” (JICA 2001MP) with the target year of 2015.
This was followed by “The Project for Traffic Improvement in Phnom Penh City” (March 2007-2010), in
which JICA sought to promote the transfer of technologies for intersection improvement, traffic signal
installation, and traffic safety to project counterpart in Phnom Penh. It is worth mentioning that road
construction was completed earlier than planned in the JICA 2001MP.
Traffic congestions and traffic accidents, however, continued to increase due to the rapid increase of
vehicular traffic and the lack of public transport, which did not materialized even though it was proposed by
JICA 2001MP. A request was therefore made by the Cambodian Government to the Japanese Government
for the conduct of the project to revise the JICA 2001MP and develop a comprehensive urban transport plan
including action plans for solving transport problems. Thus, in October 2011, the detailed design study
team for the “Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City (PPTUMP)”
was dispatched to Phnom Penh by JICA.
In consideration of the above projects that have already been conducted, PPUTMP’s detailed design study
team discussed the formulation of the urban transport master plan and related technology transfer with the
counterpart team. Based on the items contained in the Record of Discussion (R/D) signed by both sides,
PPUTMP was implemented from March 2012 to December 2014.

1.2 Project Objectives

The objectives of the Project were as follows: 1) to formulate a comprehensive urban transport plan
targeting 2035; 2) to formulate the implementation plan of priority projects; and 3) to promote the transfer
of technology to Cambodian counterparts through the Project in line with the R/D.

1.3 Project Area

The Project covered the whole administrative area of Phnom Penh Capital City, which encompasses 678
km² (refer to Table 1.3-1 and Figure 1.3-1).

1.4 Project Framework

The overall framework and composition of the Project is shown in Figure 1.4-1. It is basically divided
into three phases in keeping with the submission of the Progress Report and Interim Report. Back-casting
approach, stakeholder’s participation and technology transfer to counterparts were also considered in the
basic direction for the urban transport master planning.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

Table 1.3-1 Population Trend

Name of Khan 1998 2008 2012

01 Cha mka r Mon 187,082 182,004 184,200
02 DounPe nh 131,913 126,550 119,500
03 Pra mpi r Mea kka kra 96,192 91,895 93,300
04 Tuol Kouk 154,968 171,200 186,100
01-04 Sub-total 570,155 571,649 583,100
05 Da ngka o 48,921 73,287 96,100
06 PoSe nChey 73,414 159,455 234,900
07 Me a n Che y 97,190 194,636 282,700
08 Chhba r Ampov 108,796 133,165 160,500
09 Rue s s ei Ka e v 76,473 115,740 152,600
10 Chrouy Cha ngva r 53,231 68,708 84,000
11 Sen Sok 70,676 137,772 198,600
12 Pre a ek Phnov 34,574 47,313 59,700
05-12 Sub-total 563,275 930,076 1,269,100
Population 1,133,430 1,501,725 1,852,200
Area (KM2) 678 Source: Phnom Penh Capital City and PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 1.3-1 Project Area

Preparatory Work Stake- Tech- Inception

holder's nology Report and
Phase 1 Data Collection and Analysis of Partici- Transfer SC/TC
(March - Socio-economic Indicators and pation Meetings
October Preparation, Conduct and Land Use, etc.
2012) Analysis of Traffic Survey
Identified Problems and Issues of C/P and
Urban and Transport Aspects JICA team Progress
Report and
Technical- SC/TC
Socio-economic 1st
related Meetings
Transport Demand Forecast Framework and the Technical
Review of Land Use Plan Stake-
Development of the Strategy for Future Urban Vision
Urban Transport Plan and Urban Structure Workshop
Phase 2
Stake- for Stake-
(October Basic Directions of the Comprehensive 1st Public
holders holders
2012 - July Urban Transport Master Plan Experiment
Formulation of Comprehensive Urban Transport Master Plan

Sector Plan and Consideration of

Selection of Priority Projects SEA 2nd Interim Report
related Technical and SC/TC
Formulation of Implementation Plan and 2nd Public Stake- Workshop Meetings
Phase 3
(August Short- and Medium-term Action Plan Experiment holders
2013 -
Conduct of Pre-FS 3rd Draft Final
December Seminar
Technical Report and
2014) for Citizens
Workshop SC/TC
Conclusions and Recommendations Meetings
Note: SC: Steering Committee and TC: Technical Committee C/P: Counterpart
Source: PPUTMP Project Team
Figure 1.4-1 Framework of the Project

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)


Based on the Person Trip (PT) Survey and other data gathering activities and interviews on transportation
conducted by urban transport-related agencies, the major urban and urban transportation problems and
issues can be listed as shown below:

2.1 Road Transport

Traffic conditions on roads in the city centre deteriorate very rapidly such that, roads face serious space
constraint while traffic demand increases exponentially.
p /
30 28.2

25 22.7
Unit: km/hour

20 18.1
15.6 15.6
15 13.3
12.4 11.6


N-bound S-bound NE-bound NS-bound E-bound W-bound
Monivong Charles de Gaulle/ Confederation de la
Monireth Russie Source: PPUTMP Project Team
2001 2012

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

survey results survey results Figure 2.1-2 Current Traffic Conditions
Figure 2.1-1 Change in Travel Speed in the City Center
between 2001 & 2012
2.2 Road Development
The continuity of several primary and secondary roads in the city is disrupted due mainly to geographical
reasons such as presence of rivers and built-up areas (for example: no connectivity between St.360 and
St.356, and St.608 and St.273).
Road density in the suburban areas is low (City centre: 12.2 km/sq. km and suburban area: 1.6 km/sq. km).
Most of the existing secondary roads in these areas are not paved, making travels on such roads very
difficult during the rainy season. Furthermore, widths of these roads are too narrow for the safe passage of
two opposing vehicles.
Several major roads in the city have even ‘zigzag’ or ‘L-shape’ alignments, making them unsafe and
incapable of supporting smooth traffic flows. Before the suburban areas are fully developed, it is very
necessary to improve the alignment of these roads as well as identifying and developing alternative routes
(for example, collector roads such as Krang Thnong Road and Kouk Roka Road in the north western
segment between Hanoi Road and the ORR).
Many residential development projects are underway in the suburban areas. However, the capacity of
trunk roads to accommodate the traffic to/from the access roads of these new development areas has not
been considered. Thus, new traffic bottlenecks on those roads are likely to occur in the near future
because of the rapid increase of vehicular traffic.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

2.3 Mobility and Transportation Poor

Following the public experiment of the city bus in 2014 by JICA, PPCH and DPWT have taken over the
management of city buses with 3 routes currently being operated. However, private passenger cars,
motorcycles or para-transit modes such as Motodop are still main players as travel modes due to the
limited bus route network and bus fleet. Hence the mobility of citizens is still low.
In the case of motorcycle users, many of them have to travel more than 20 km each trip. From the
viewpoints of safety and comfort, this travel distance by motorbikes is below the standard of accessibility
of a suitable transport.
From the results of the PT Survey conducted in Phnom Penh, the poor mobility of many citizens due to
lack of convenient and comfortable public transport services was noted. Especially, this can be observed
from the difference of trip rate between male (2.8) and female (2.3), and the age groups of 10 – 54 years
old (2.7) and more than 55 years old (1.5).
Thus introducing a convenient and comfortable public transport mode including improving bus system
becomes essential to those who do not have any means of transport, and even to those who may own a
vehicle but not have driving license.

2.4 Public Transport

Even with the city bus system operating in 3 routes in PPCC, and except for the availability of para-transit
such as Motodop and Motorumok Modern (tuk-tuk), there is no convenient and comfortable public
transport mode in the city. The inter-city buses and their terminals are all located in the city centre. These
buses are forced to travel on the narrow and congested city centre streets. In addition, their depots are
often too small and there is no space for any expansion. It is therefore necessary to plan for a national
road network system that links all the gateways to all the cities. To this end, there is a need to relocate
such bus terminals to the suburban areas.
There are several ferry transport services in the city. However, access to the passenger jetties is chiefly by
motorcycles, which is rather inefficient. An efficient, reliable and comfortable mode of transfer is very
necessary. For this reason, public transport system should provide direct linkages to these ferry jetties.
Phnom Penh International Airport is the main gateway to Cambodia. Currently, access to the airport is via
the relatively low capacity travel
Modal Split of Arrival Passengers Modal Split of Departure Passengers
modes of passenger cars, taxis and
para-transits. In view of the future M-Large Bus
M-Large Bus tuk-tuk 4%
growth of passengers (especially 9% 10%
Mini-bus tuk-tuk
Mini-bus 23%
from the rapid increases in group 8%

tours), it is very necessary to begin

preparing a public transport system 26%

that can provide efficient access to

Sedan,wagon,van 32%
the airport with large travel 42%

Source: PPUTMP Project Team
Figure 2.4-1 Share of Phnom Penh International Airport
Access Modes

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

From year 2009, the railway operation in Cambodia has been undertaken and managed by the Toll Royal
Railway (TRR), instead of Royal Railway of Cambodia (RRC) as a state enterprise.
The government of Cambodia has outsourced the railway operation under a 30-year exclusive concession
for Toll (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. to operate the Cambodian railway network.
Its railway operation is envisaged for 2 main corridors, i.e., the south rail section which connects Phnom
Penh (Samrong Station, 9km westward from the Central Station) and Sihanoukville with railway length of
284 km and the north rail section which connects Phnom Penh to Sisophon and then to Poipet (length of
386 km). A part of the north section from Sisophon to Poipet is not currently existing. Currently, only
south railway section is operating as an inter-city freight transport.

2.5 Rapid Motorization

The number of registered light and heavy vehicles in PPCC has rapidly increased, from 4 thousand in
1990 to 268 thousand in 2012. And during the same period, the number of motorcycles has increased
from 44 thousand to 951 thousand. The number of registered vehicles including motorcycles from 2001 to
2012 increased 3.46 times.
However, this number is an accumulation from 1990 and does not take into account the scrapped cars.

2.6 Traffic Management Measures

2.6.1 Major Problematic Intersections
The road network pattern in the city center is a combination of radial/ring pattern for trunk roads and grid
pattern for secondary/local roads. Basically, many form a 4-leg intersection in the city center. There are,
however, several intersections with more than four legs that were developed as roundabout during French
colonial period and these intersections can be observed mainly these intersections are the ones that are
mainly problematic. The 4-leg intersections, on the other hand, suffer from inadequate traffic signal
phasing pattern. These intersections are shown in Figure 2.6-1
and describe below.
The traffic control signal display at Chamkar Mom intersection is
(3) Chrouy
Changvar not capable of responding to the current traffic situations. At the
same time, at Neang Kong Hing intersection, the signal display is
complicated and difficult to understand. Congestion on St.182E
is relatively outstanding.
(2) Neang
Kong Hing Traffic volume at Chrouy Changvar Roundabout is heavy.
Considering the expected future population and resulting
(1) Chamkar Mon
increase in traffic demand, as well as the expansion of Japanese
Bridge to 4 lanes which will inevitably attract more traffic, the
Source: PPUTMP Project Team
loading at this roundabout will reach a high level in the near
Figure 2.6-1 Location of
Problematic Intersections in future.
Phnom Penh
The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

2.6.2 Traffic Signal System

There are 69 signalized intersections in PPCC. Most of the existing signal are fixed time signal applying a
single timing parameter set regardless of traffic condition, time of day, and day of the week. Therefore,
traffic signals cannot maximize capacity of intersections, and most of intersections.
All signals in the city are isolated signals operating independently without coordination with neighboring
signals. In the urban area where intersections are closely located and traffic volume is relatively high, this
type of signal operation becomes inefficient.
A lack of understanding of this basic information indicates that management of traffic signal operation
and maintenance is very poor and upgrading is needed.

2.6.3 Inefficient Road Usage Situations

Traffic congestions and the non-friendly pedestrian environment in the city are partly due to the
indiscriminate parking of cars and motorcycles at road
shoulders and within intersections as well as multi-layer
parking in front of famous restaurants and hotels and
Such haphazard ways of vehicle parking on the roadways
and sidewalks are an eyesore to the urban landscape and
detracts from the image of Phnom Penh as the capital city
of Cambodia.
Source: PPUTMP Project Team
In recent years, car and motorcycle ownership rates have
Figure 2.6-2 Sidewalk Parking increased rather rapidly. This has put greater pressure on
the present road network causing it to become more
congested and insufficient.
Sidewalks have become parking spaces; thus most pedestrians walk on the roadways putting their lives in
danger. It is fair to say that there is no safe and conducive walking space or environment for pedestrians
or tourists to move about safely and enjoy the cityscape. This is going to become one of the serious urban
transport problems in the near future.
2.6.4 Neglect of Traffic Rules and Regulations by Drivers
The following are common offenses seen almost daily on the streets of Phnom Penh. Such behaviors have
seriously affected the smooth flow of traffic and safety on the roads.
Along single carriageway roads, drivers would dangerously cross over the central line and travel against
the opposing traffic on the other side of the road.
At intersections, motorcycles would stop in front of the stopping lines, occupying the entire pedestrian
crossing spaces. At intersections where there are no medians, left turning motorcycles would cross over
the central line and stop on the other side of the road. Where there are medians, motorcycles would
intrude into the opposing direction and then forcefully make left turns by passing the other traffic in the
intersection. This forces the opposing through-traffic stream to stop inside the intersection creating a huge
traffic jam. During congested situations, motorcycles stopping in front of the through-traffic lanes would
also make sharp left turns, creating very dangerous situations for other road users.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

Other offenses include driving in the opposing direction on one-way streets, illegal parking (on roadways,
sidewalks), driving without helmets and carrying more than the legal number of passengers allowed by
2.6.5 Severe Shortage of Parking Spaces
In the Central Business District (CBD), there is currently a shortage of 12,000 parking spaces for
motorcycles and another 6,000 spaces for cars. As vehicle numbers increase rapidly, these shortages will
become even more severe in the near future.
2.6.6 Poor Pedestrian Walking Environment
In sections of the city developed under the French colonial government,
many areas have relatively wider sidewalks. However, such sidewalks
are often taken over by illegally parked vehicles or cafes as their
outdoor terraces, or for the display of merchandise by shops or as
planter areas by residents. Pedestrians are thus forced to risk their lives
walking on the roadways. As a result, for the tourists who move about
mostly on foot in the city centre, the cityscape becomes less attractive. Source: PPUTMP Project Team
They also encounter walking difficulties on sidewalks that have very Figure 2.6-3 Poor Pedestrian
uneven surfaces. Walking Environment

2.6.7 Increase in Traffic Accidents

The rapid increases in car and motorcycle ownerships have brought about more congestions as well as
traffic accidents. In Cambodia, number of fatalities by traffic accident in 2009 and in 2013 is 1,717 and
1894, respectively (Ministry of Interior (MOI)).
In the city of Phnom Penh, many accidents are found to have been caused by human error or unsafe
behaviour such as drunk driving and speeding.
It is necessary to implement various measures in a collective manner, such as driver education and
strengthening traffic law enforcement. Training of enforcement officers is also one of the measures that
must be taken into consideration.

2.7 Freight Transport

The current freight transport problems in Phnom Penh are as follows:

The road surface along the trucking routes is badly damaged because of poor maintenance and
management. As a result, trucks travel at low speed and safety level is not satisfactory.
Freight transport facilities are located in the heavily built-up areas of the city. Freight trucks have to mix
with the general urban traffic. As a result, its service and safety level are adversely affected.
There are still some roads with narrow widths among the freight transport routes. Large and heavy trucks
are thus forced to travel at very low speed.
There is also no sufficient space for loading and unloading of freights by the trucks. Trucks are forced to
do so by the roadsides, causing severe interference to the traffic flows and creating hazardous situations
for other road users.
From the viewpoints of the present region-wide freight transport nodes and future planning, the issues

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

facing freight transport and its terminal facilities are as follows:

- Veng Sreng Road is the only connecting road between NR 4 (Sihanoukville and Phnom Penh Special
Economic Zone (PPSEZ)) and NR1 (New
Phnom Penh Port). There is no alternative

- Urban development is rather intensive along

Veng Sreng Road; hence, traffic conflict
between heavy trucks and general daily traffic
- Region-wide freight traffic routes such as NR2,
NR3, RR-II and Veng Sreng Road are basically Source: PPUTMP Project Team
two-lane roads. These are too narrow for Figure 2.7-1 Badly Damaged
serving the region-wide freight transport traffic Trucking Route (Veng Sreng Road)
which often involves heavy and huge trucks.

2.8 Urban Environment

2.8.1 Natural Environment

The rapid urbanization of suburban areas has caused a rapid decline of green areas. Meanwhile, in the
city centre, nature parks and green lungs are also decreasing, while emission of greenhouse gases such as
the exhaust gases from vehicles is on the increase.

2.8.2 Social Environment

Traffic volumes in the city are increasing year after year causing a serious deterioration of the air quality
and elevated levels of vibration in the urban areas.
There are still many factories located within the urban areas, and exhaust and other particulates emitted
by vehicles coming in and out of these factories are also a major concern.
There are areas in the suburbs still without water supply simply because there are no roads leading to
these areas.
Waste water and sewerage from the city are discharged into the Tra Bek Lake in the southern part of the
city, then, discharge into the Tonle Sap River. However, this lake is basically serving as a ‘flood control
during rainy seasons’.

2.9 Urban Transport-related Institutions

Phnom Penh City Hall (PPCH) is responsible for all matters related to urban transport in the city and the
introduction of public transport system. Considering these important roles, it is necessary to overcome its
existing organizational problems or weaknesses.
The fundamental problems are as follows:

1) There is a lack of consensus among the related departments and agencies as to the measures and
strategies to use in tackling urban transport issues;

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

2) A central command organization for the intensive management of urban transport problems is not
clearly defined;
3) Policies to tackle traffic congestion problems are weak and hence not implemented; and
4) There is insufficient dialogue with urban transport operators and enterprises.
A Public Transportation Management Agency (PTMA) has just been set up in collaboration between
PPCH and DPWT for the purpose of management and operation of city bus system. This agency has yet
to acquire sufficient know-how and experience in managing the urban transport issues.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

3.1 Economic Framework
Since there is no available data on the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) of Phnom Penh City area,
the Project has to set an economic growth rate for the city based on the Cambodian National Economic
Growth Trend.
By referring to the Rectangular Strategy, the National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP) updated
2009-2013 as well as the IMF Country Reports, the Cambodian National Economic growth rate for the
planning target years after 2012 is set at 7.5% per annum.
This rate is in line with the economic growth rates as forecasted by the Cambodian Government and the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) wherein the country is expected to grow at 6 to 7% per annum in the
short and medium terms and 7% in the long terms.
Table 3.1-1 Forecast of Economic Framework
2008 2012 2016 2020 2035
Real GDP Growth Rate (%) 6.7% 6.5% 7.5% 7.5% 7.5%
Source: PPUTMP Project Team

3.2 Population
The future population of Phnom Penh for 2016, 2020 and 2035 are forecasted in this study based on the
population forecasts by the Ministry of Planning (MOP) in January 2011. However, the population
forecasted by the Ministry of Planning was only confined to the old city area. In this study, the 2008
population census is also used to correct this shortcoming for estimating the future population of the city
inclusive of the new city areas.
The population of Phnom Penh City at 2012 which is the base year in this study, is set at 1.85 million. The
population for the medium-term target year of 2020 is forecasted at 2.41 million and for the final target year
of 2035, 2.87 million.

Population (‘000) 2,868

2012 PPUTMP (new area)
2020MP Projection (2020, old area)
2,406 MOP Projection (2008-2030, old area)
JICA 2001MP Projection (00, 05, 10, 15, old area)
2,147 General Population Census (98, 08, old area)

Base Year Population of PPCC (unit: 1000)
: 2012 = 1,852
: 2016 = 2,147
: 2020 = 2,406
: 2035 = 2,868

Note: JICA 2001MP=Urban Transport

Year Master Plan in 2001
PPCC=Phnom Penh Capital City
Source: PPUTMP Project Team
Figure 3.2-1 Population Forecast in This Project in Relation to National Census and Other Studies

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

3.3 Employment
The total employment in Phnom Penh city by industry by zone is forecasted based on the employment
numbers by industry in the Cambodian National Census of 1998 and 2008, as well as the forecasted
population by zone.
In the short-term target of 2016, the total employment in Phnom Penh is forecasted to be 1.05 million
persons. This is expected to increase to 1.17 million in 2020 in the medium term and to 1.40 million in 2035
in the long term (final target year).
By industry, the primary industry is expected to employ 60,000 persons in 2016 in the short term, 55,000 in
2020 in the medium term and 40,000 in 2035 in the long term.
Employment in the secondary industry however is expected to employ 360,000 persons in 2016 in the short
term, 400,000 in 2020 in the medium term and 490,000 in 2035 in the long term.
Finally, the tertiary industry is expected to employ 630,000 persons in 2016 in the short term, 715,000 in
2020 in the medium term and 870,000 in 2035 in the long term.
Table 3.3-1 Employment Framework by Industry in 2012 to 2035 (unit: in 1,000 person)

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

3.4 School Enrolment
The future student population aged 6 to 17 by zone is forecasted based on the total population by zone
estimated earlier. This age group corresponds to students in the elementary, middle and high schools. In
addition, the school-going rates among students in this age group are set based on information obtained
from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MOEYS) in its Education Strategic Plan 2009-2013.
Using the above information, the student populations by zone and planning year are forecasted.
In the short term, student numbers are expected to grow to 252,000 persons by 2016, 369,000 persons by
2020 in the medium term and 436,000 persons by 2035 in the final target year.
Table 3.4-1 Student Framework (unit: person)

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

A summary of the above two forecasted framework indicators by the planning years shown in the table
Table 3.4-2 Socio-economic Framework for the Project (unit: 1,000 person)
2008 2012 2016 2020 2035
Population 1,502 1,852 2,147 2,406 2,868
Employment 733 900 1,050 1,170 1,400
Primary 70 65 60 55 40
Secondary 240 300 360 400 490
Tertiary 423 535 630 715 870
Students - 189 252 369 436
Source: PPUTMP Project Team

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)


4.1 Urbanization and Land Use
The current urban expansion of Phnom Penh Capital City (PPCC) is conceptually indicated in Figure 4.1-1.
As shown in the figure, the urban area of Phnom Penh expands to the west, north and south directions along
the NR No.4, No.5 and No.1, respectively. The radius of urban area in the west direction reaches around 10
km, in the south direction, around 5 km and in the north direction, around 2 km.

Source: PPUMTP Project Team

Figure 4.1-1 Current Urbanization Directions
Urban central functions including administration, banking, business and commerce are concentrated in the
areas in Sangkat of 7 Makara, Daun Penh along Monivong Road, which is a highly dense area. The
surrounding area of the central area up to the inner ring road (IRR) has mid-level population density and is
used as residential area. In the area between IRR and the middle ring road (RR-II), urban areas are formed
along the major arterial roads with shop-houses, but there are still much vacant lands behind, so that the
population density is still low as a whole. The suburban area, located in the outskirts of RR-II, is not so
much urbanized, but there are many factories located in the west direction.
The current urban expansion could be understood by dividing the movement into two: One is urban
expansion along the major roads wherein the urbanized area expands to the west, north and south directions
along the national road No.4, No.5 and No.1, respectively. The other is expansion of built-up areas wherein
existing urbanized areas expand to the areas behind, in particular the area in the west direction.

4.2 Review of Previous Urban Plans

There is an urban master plan for PPCC; namely, “White Book on Development and Planning of PPCC”
(hereinafter referred to as “2020MP”) prepared by ae French consultant team under French assistance,
which was completed in 2009. The plan delineates land use and urban facilities that sets 2020 as the target
year. As the 2020 framework of urban planning, the plan applies 1.98 million persons as population and

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

designates approximately 220 ha of urban areas. The PPUTMP Project Team assessed 2020MP from the
viewpoint of current urbanization process, current population growth, private sector development and road
network as follows:
 Currently urbanizing area is in the area designated as urban area of 2020MP (refer to Figure 4.2-1).
 The designated urban area in the 2020MP is relatively wide considering the planned future
population framework of 2.4 million persons.
 Current road system is planned to conform to a radial and circular pattern, requiring some transport
network proposed in the master plan to be up-dated.
 Several large-scale private urban development projects are on-going or planned outside of the urban
area designated in the master plan (gray colored are in Figure 4.2-1).
Since the 2020MP is authorized by PPCC and is now under authorization process in the national level, it is
reasonable to follow the current master plan with minimum modification taking into consideration the
above assessment.

Note: The area with gray color shows urban area in the master plan, while the area with
red color shows current urbanized area.
Source: PPUTMP Project Team
Figure 4.2-1 Current Urbanized Area and Urban Area in 2020 MP

4.3 Future Urban Structure

4.3.1 Urban Vision
PPCC is required to keep the position as a driving force in Cambodia’s economic development by utilizing
its strategic location relative to three cross points, namely, 1) historical river cross point (Mekong/Tonle
Sap/Tonle Basac), 2) Asian Highway cross point (Indochina Southern Corridor/Central Corridor/Growth
Corridor) and 3) regional industrial cross point (Sihanouk Ville Port/New Phnom Penh Port/Kampong
Chhunang New Airport/Agro-industrial Zone in the Mekong River East Bank), to accumulate more
economic activities. On the other hand, PPCC is the largest city in Cambodia with a 1.85 million population.
Urbanization is rapidly proceeding; its urban area is expanding; high-rise buildings are constructed in
downtown area; and traffic congestion often observed due to increase of cars and motorcycles, with severity

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

depending upon population increase and economic growth. These problems would be more serious with
more economic activities and population increase, making it increasingly necessary for PPCC to take steps
to solve/mitigate such urban problems.
The above understanding is shared by many stakeholders. At a workshop, they pointed out the necessity of
improving the physical functions of PPCC, to be a more sophisticated city with high mobility and IT and to
lead Cambodia to be a more modern society. Environmental friendliness is also an aspect given great
attention by the stakeholders. The PPUTMP Project Team listened closely to the opinions of the
stakeholders and finally drew up the following vision statement that best reflects their sentiments:

Phnom Penh – Smart, Mid -Mekong C apital City - is the Economic Hub and
Center of Population in Cambodia, People Friendly and Environment Friendly
This urban vision of PPCC implies the following basic framework of future urban development as well as
urban structure:

Vital Urban Activities Created by Young Population

High Mobility and Convenience Transportation
Proximity of Living and Working Place: New Urban Living and Flexible Working Style
Rich and Comfortable Urban Environment and Eco-friendly Suburban Environment


Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 4.3-1 Phnom Penh Capital City in 2035

4.3.2 Preconditions
The following five points should be taken into account for examining the future urban structure of PPCC:
1. The population of PPCC will increase to 2.4 million in 2020 and 2.8 million in 2035. Total
employment will increase to 1.2 million persons in 2020 and to 1.4 million in 2035 in accordance
with the population increase. (Population in 2008 is 1.5 million persons and the total employment
is 0.7 million persons.)
2. To accommodate future population, PPCC will have to develop 5,540 ha of land between the years

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

2020 and 2012, and 4,620 ha of land between the years 2020 to 2035.
3. It is necessary to take into account the current 8 major urban development projects being in
implemented by the private sector.
4. It is necessary to ensure that overall consistency with 2020MP, which is under authorization
process, is preserved.
5. There should be conformity with large transport projects such as Sihanouk Ville Port, the new
Phnom Penh Port and the planned new international airport.
4.3.3 Urban Structure in 2020
(1) Urban Area
Since the PPUTMP Project Team confirmed that the current urbanization basically meets the land use
plan in the 2020MP, the Team has adopted the concept of land use plan in the 2020MP, considering a new
population framework.
Urban expansion continues following the direction of current urbanization, which is along major roads,
the expansion of built-up areas to the areas behind from road side, and large-scale private urban
development (residential complex development) projects.
(2) Land Use and Density
Illustrated in Figure 4.3-2, land use and density can be described as follows.
Inside of IRR: high and mid-density mixed land use
Outside of IRR: mid-density at private development areas and the area along NR4, the other area low
Industrial areas along Veng Sreng Road, NR4 and RR-III
Other: Green and farm land, water body, vacant land etc.
(3) Urban Centers
In Figure 4.3-2, urban centers composed of follows.
Urban Center (Boueng Kok, Monivong, Diamond City)
Eight (8) Sub-centers (Chbar Ampov, Kandal, Grand Phnom Penh, Camko City)
Production Center (Chaom Chau, RR-III)
(4) Transport Network
Major transport Node: Phnom Penh International Airport
Phnom Penh Port,
New Phnom Penh Port
Major transport Corridor: North-South Transport Corridor including 3 sub-corridors supports the urban
institutional, business and commercial activities
East-West Transport Corridor including 3 sub-corridors supports the urban
industrial and commodity activities
Ring Transport Corridor (Grand Phnom Penh - Stueng Mean Chey) supports
the urban connectivity
Regional Corridor: Growth Corridor and Indochina Central Corridor: Sihanoukville - NR4 -

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

Indochina Southern Corridor: NR1 - PPCC - NR5
Mode Interchange Area: Both ends and intersection of major transport corridors

The planned urbanized area in 2020MP is

relatively wider because of the adoption of
lower population densities. The planned future
urbanized area in this project aims at a compact
development considering the current
urbanization and population density
configuration. Therefore, urbanization to the
southern area in the urban structure is
suppressed unlike that in the 2020MP. The
abovementioned urban structure is conceptually
illustrated in Figure 4.3-2.
Source: PPUTMP Project Team
4.3.4 Urban Structure in 2035 Figure 4.3-2 Urban Structure in 2020
Future urban structure in 2035 shall mainly depend upon how to foresee continuity of current trend of
urban expansion along the roads, the progress of large-scale private urban development projects and the
degree of involvement of PPCC administration to control/manage urban development. Based on this
consideration, the PPUTMP Project Team delineates three typical future land use prospects as follows:
Alternative 1: Trend-based case (current trend of urban expansion shall be continued)
Alternative 2: Private-oriented case (large-scale private urban development projects proceed and lead to
new urbanizing areas)
Alternative 3: Public-private collaboration case (public sector leads urban development with private
The PPUTMP Project Team drew up 6 criteria to assess the alternatives, namely: (1) impacts to
environment, (2) impacts to traffic and transport, (3) cost, (4) roles of public sector, (5) project risk, and
(6) impacts to housing supply for middle and lower income families in suburban areas. As a result,
alternative 3 is selected as most preferable future urban structure to be realized.
The following describes the urban structure in 2035.
(1) Urban Area (Approximately 210 Km²)
The public sector shall lead urban development by providing the infrastructure and utilities at
northwestern area of PPCC. Major directions of urban expansion from 2020 to 2035 are as follows:
 Large public investment will be made for constructing transport network and utilities at the
north-east area to guide private investment of housing and real estate development. This area will
form new urbanized areas;
 Urban area in 2020 continues to expand mainly to the west (NR4) direction;
 Urban area in 2020 expands built-up areas to the areas behind from road side; and
 Logistics and industrial complex will be formulated by government initiatives where existing
factories and warehouses in downtown area shall be relocated to. The area is around the

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

intersection of RR-III and railway southern line.

(2) Land Use and Density
Inside of IRR: high and mid-density mixed land use
Outside of IRR: mid-density at private development areas and the area along NR4, the other area, low
Industrial areas along Veng Sreng Road, NR4 and RR-III
Industrial areas at RR-II/NR1 and at RR-III/NR6
Other mainly outside of RR-III: Green and farm land, water body, vacant land etc.
(3) Urban Centers
Urban Center (Boueng Kok, Monivong, Diamond City)
Nine (9) Sub-centers (Chbar Ampov, Chak Angrae Kraom, Kandal, Stueng Mean Chey, Cheung Aek,
Phleung Chheh Roteh, Krang Thnong, Grand Phnom Penh, Camko City)
Production Center (Chaom Chau, RR-III)
Two (2) Production Sub-centers (Preaek Aeng, Bak Kaeng)
(4) Transport Network
Major Transport Nodes: Phnom Penh Port, New Phnom Penh Port, International Airport (Planned New
International Airport located at Kampong Chhunang)
Major Corridors: ■North-South Transport Corridor including 5 sub-corridors supports the urban
institutional, business and commercial activities
■East-West Transport Corridor including 3 sub-corridors supports the urban
industrial and commodity activities
■New Urban Sub-center Transport Corridor (Urban Center - Krang Thnong)
supports the urban activities in the new urban sub-center
■Ring Transport Corridor (Grand Phnom Penh - Stueng Mean Chey) supports the
urban connectivity
Regional Corridors: ■Growth Corridor and Indochina Central Corridor: Sihanoukville - NR4 - PPCC -
■Indochina Southern Corridor: NR1 - PPCC – NR6
Mode Interchange: Both ends and intersection of major transport corridors

(Private- Oriented)

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 4.3-3 Urban

Structure in 2035

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)


5.1 Traffic Demand Forecast
5.1.1 Forecasting Approach
For the travel demand forecasting, the traditional four-step methodology consisting of 1) trip production
and attraction estimation, 2) trip distribution estimation, 3) modal share estimation, and 4) traffic
assignment is basically applied. Furthermore, model development policies are established, considering the
following issues found in present situation analysis:
 Transportation characteristics are distinct by individual attribute. Specially, travel mode depends on
whether a household owns a passenger-car or not. Therefore, forecasting models should be
developed by vehicle ownership level.
 There is no urban public transport system in this city so that modal choice depends not on
destination of travel but on vehicle ownership. Therefore, a trip-end model that decides mode
choice when leaving home is employed.
First, the future population established by the previous chapter is distributed into four groups of vehicle
ownership, namely, no vehicles owned, owning one motorbike, owning two or more motorbikes, and
car-owning, with a model forecasting. This will be carried out by inputting household income in the
future into models that are developed through analysis of the relationship between vehicle ownership rate
and household income. Next, trip productions and attractions will be estimated by traffic analysis zone
(TAZ) and the four groups with the distributed population; and then trip distribution will be forecasted to
make an origin-destination (OD) table by trip purpose. Finally, the OD table by trip purpose and vehicle
ownership group will be distributed into trips by mode: walking, motorbike, passenger car, and
para-transit. The OD tables by mode will be distributed on a transport network so that future transport
demand on the network can be achieved.
Growth of GDP Vehicle Ownership Vehicle Ownership
and H/H Income Model by Zone

Socio-economic Trip Generation Trip Generation by

Framework Model Vehicle Ownership

Trip Production and Trip Production/

Attraction Model Attraction by Zone

OD Table by
Trip Distribution
Network Data Vehicle
Source: PPUTMP Project Team Ownership

Figure 5.1-1 Travel Modal Share

OD Table by

Demand Forecasting
Procedure Assignment
Traffic on Network

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

5.1.2 Vehicle Ownership

The results of the estimation of vehicle ownership by using the developed models are shown in Figure
5.1-2 and summarized as follows:
The number of car-owning households in 2012 was 69.3 thousand, or a percentage share of 18.4%. In
2035, it is estimated that this number will grow to 259 thousand, or 44.5%, which is an increase of 3.7
times. On the other hand, non-vehicle-owning households will drop to about 2%, which means almost all
households will own a motorbike and/or a passenger car in the future.

Note: H/H: Household and M/B Motorbike

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 5.1-2 Change in Vehicle Ownership in the Future

5.1.3 Future Travel Demand
(1) Number of Trip Generation
The future trip generation, defined as total number of trips produced in the Project area, can be estimated
by vehicle ownership and travel purpose by multiplying the population with the trip rate as shown in
Table 5.1-1. In total, the number of trips generated is estimated at 6,971.7 thousand trips corresponding to
the population of 2,867.6 thousand in 2035. The increase in trips from 2012 to 2035 is about 2,677
thousand, which is 1.6 times that in 2012.

Table 5.1-1 Estimated Number of Trips Generated by Residents in 2035

Population Number of Trips by Purpose (1,000 trips)
Vehicle Ownership
(1,000) To Home To Work To School Business Private Total

Non-Owning H/H 75.3 80.4 33.3 20.1 11.8 16.6 162.2

1 M/C Owning H/H 452.1 485.2 183.2 142.8 57.7 116.3 985.2

2 M/C Owning H/H 1,063.2 1,207.8 488.9 356.9 125.2 279.1 2,457.8

Car-Owning H/H 1,277.1 1,649.9 711.3 500.6 132.8 371.9 3,366.5

Total 2,867.6 3,423.3 1,416.6 1,020.4 327.4 783.9 6,971.7

Note: H/H: Household and M/B: Motorbike

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

(2) Trip Production and Attraction

The following figures show the estimated trip productions and attractions by purpose (excluding “to
home”), summarized in the 17 integrated zones.
A large number of trip productions can be seen in the following zones in 2035: Doun Penh and Prampir
Meakkara (Integrated Zone=1), Chamkar Mon (2), Boeng Tumpun and Chak Angrae (5), Stueng Mean
Chey (6), and Posen Chey (15). It is clear by looking at the difference between the present and future that
neighboring zones of the central area, such as Boeng Tumpun and Chak Angrae (5), Stueng Mean Chey
(6), and Sen Sok (8), have a big increase of trip productions.
On the contrary, the zones attracting a large number of trips in 2035 are concentrated in the central area of
four districts, namely, Chamkar Mon, Doun Penh, Prampir Meakkara, and Toul Kouk. These districts’ trip
attractions originate from the zones with large productions of the neighboring zones. The increase in trip
attractions from 2012 at these four districts can be estimated at more than 600 thousand trips (excluding
“to home” trips).
Production by Purpose Attraction by Purpose
Production by Purpose
2012 Attraction by Purpose

Production Attraction
300,000 300,000
2012 150,000 2012 150,000
30,000 30,000
300,000 300,000
300,000 300,000
30,000 30,000
13 12 13 12
Work Work
2035 School
Business 2035
Private Private
11 300,000 11 300,000
150,000 150,000
14 8 9 14 8 9 30,000
10 Work 10
School Work
3 1 Business 3 1 School
7 Private 7 Business
2 2
6 6

15 5 4 15 5 4

16 16

17 17

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 5.1-3 Increase of Trip Production and Attraction
(3) Trip Distribution
Trip distribution increases between all of the zones in the Project area, especially the western zones such
as Stueng Mean Chey (Integrated zone=6), Tuek Thla (7), Dang Kao (15), to/from the four districts in the
central area; and the southern zones such as Boeng Tumpun (5) to/from the central area are expected to
have a high volume of transport demand in 2035, while trip distribution was concentrated only in the
central area and its neighboring zones in 2012.

2012 2035
Desired Lines in 2012 Desired Lines in 2035

Desired Lines in 2012

40,000 - 60,000 Desired Lines
80,000 - in 2035
20,000 - 40,000 60,000 - 80,000
10,000 - 20,000 40,000 - 60,000
0 - 10,000 80,000
20,000 - 40,000-
40,000 - 60,000
all others 10,000 - 20,000
60,000 - 80,000
0 - 10,000

20,000 - 40,000 all others

40,000 - 60,000
13 12
10,000 - 20,000 13 12 20,000 - 40,000
10,000 - 20,000
0 - 10,000 0 - 10,000
11 all others 11 all others

14 8 9 14 8 9

10 10

3 1 3 1

7 7

2 2
6 6

15 5 4 15 5 4

16 16

17 17

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 5.1-4 Growth of Trip Distribution

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

(4) Modal Share

When public transport service is not existing in the city, Mode choice by trip makers any depend upon the
vehicle ownership of the household they belong to. Therefore the results of forecasting show a case based
on an assumption that no comprehensive public transport is introduced and socio-economic frame is
The following table shows a comparison of modal shares of four representative modes between 2012 and
2035. In 2035, the number of trips by passenger car is estimated at 1,198.6 thousand, which is 17.2% of
the total trips. The increase of passenger car trips from 2012 exceeds 780 thousand trips. The modal share
of motorbikes indicates 55.0% in 2035, while it is 52.4% in 2012. In the case of motorbike trips, the share
does not show a large increase but the increase of trips is considerable with 1,610 thousand trips, and this
may be a heavy burden to traffic on the road network in the future.
Table 5.1-2 Change of Modal Share
2012 2035
Travel Mode Trips Trips
Share (%) Share (%)
(1,000) (1,000)
Walk 1,031.2 24.3 1,146.5 16.4
Motorbike 2,223.5 52.4 3,834.0 55.0
Car 421.6 9.9 1,198.6 17.2
Paratransit 570.5 13.4 792.6 11.4
Total 4,246.8 100.0 6,971.7 100.0
Source: PPUTMP Project Team
A large number of trips by passenger car generates from neighboring zones of the central area such as
Stueng Mean Chey, whose total trips are very large because of the population and the size of the zones. In
the central area, Boeng Keng Kang (TAZ=6), Umnob Tuek (10), and Veal Vong (33) have huge
production of trips by passenger car.

The zones along major roads, namely, Tonle Basak (3), Boeng Keng Kang (4, 6), and Boeng Trabaek (13)
along Monivong street, Tumnob Tuek (10) along Monireth Boulevard, and Mittakpheap (32) and Tuek
L’ak (38) along Russian Blvd. have large concentrations of passenger car trips in the future. And it is
obvious that the trips by para-transit concentrate in zones such as Phasar Kandal (19), Ou Ruessei (27),
and Phsar Daeum (43) where major markets exist.
Production by Mode
Production by Mode
Attraction by Mode
Attraction by Mode

2035 25,000 50,000

5,000 25,000
Motorbike 50,000
5,000 5,000
Walk Walk
Motorbike Motorbike
Car Car
Paratransit Paratransit

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 5.1-5 Modal Share by TAZ in the Future

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

5.1.4 Traffic Estimation on Network

Traffic volume can be estimated by assigning transport demand (OD tables) on a transport network. There
are several cases of traffic assignment according to the application of several transport networks. In this
section, the following will be analysed :
 Present Case: The present OD table will be distributed on the present network.
 “Do Nothing” Case: The future transport demand will be distributed on the present network.
 Road Improvement Case: The future transport demand will be distributed on a network with some roads
in proved.
The volume capacity ratio of the urban area indicates 0.874 in 2012, which means transport demand is
reaching capacity, while that of the suburban area is 0.437, which means there is a surplus in capacity.
However, the volume capacity ratio in the “Do Nothing” case becomes 1.778 in the urban area and 0.766
in the suburban area. The urban area’s congestion in this case is extremely high and actually
unmanageable, and therefore, some improvement is indispensable.
With comparing the V/C values of “Do Nothing” case and road improvement case, there is sufficient
improvement in congestion. However, the volume capacity ratio in the urban area still remains over 1.2
and this suggests measures more than road improvement such as an introduction of public transport
system are necessary in 2035 even for the road improvement case.

Table 5.1-3 Performance Indicators by Assignment Case

Volume Capacity Ratio Average Travel Speed
Urban Suburban Total Urban Suburban Total
Present Case 0.874 0.437 0.515 21.9 37.8 31.0
Do Nothing 1.778 0.766 0.947 13.3 26.3 19.8
Road Improvement 1.251 0.301 0.383 18.3 39.2 29.6
Note: Urban means inside IRR and suburban means outside.
Source: PPUTMP Project Team

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

Present Case

Do Nothing Case

Traffic Volume (pcu)

60,000 -
50,000 - 60,000
40,000 - 50,000
30,000 - 40,000
20,000 - 30,000
10,000 - 20,000
0 - 10,000

Volume Capacity Ratio

1 .2 -
0 .8 - 1 .2
- 0.8

Road Improvement Case

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 5.1-6 Traffic Assigned on Network

5.2 Freight Traffic Demand Forecast

Future truck traffic volume for cargo transport in the Project area is forecasted by following steps in order
to evaluate urban cargo transport and facility policy and plan.
5.2.1 Estimation of Current Truck OD and Demand Forecast Model Building
 Based on the interview survey at cargo facility and with truck drivers, a truck trip generation model,
where the explanatory variables include number of secondary workers by traffic analysis zone, is

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

developed. A truck trip distribution model is also developed to estimate the number of truck trips
between origin and destination zones, where the explanatory variables include zonal truck trip
generation. Average daily truck operation rate and average daily truck trip rate are also calculated by
the result of survey.
 A control total of truck trips relevant to the Project area is estimated by multiplying estimated number
of registered trucks with average daily operation rate and trip rate.
 External OD of truck trip including through truck across the Project area is estimated by cordon line
 A control total of internal truck trips within the Project area is the difference between control total
relevant to Project area and external OD of truck. Estimated internal truck trip OD matrices are
adjusted by control total of internal truck trip within the Project area.
 Current truck OD is estimated by merging external truck OD including through truck trip and internal
truck OD within the Project area.
 Estimated current truck OD is assigned on the road network and adjusted by truck volume of screen
line survey.
5.2.2 Future Truck OD Forecasting
Future truck OD relevant to the Project area is forecasted by the following steps.
 Growth rate of future cargo flow volume between the Project area and external zone is estimated by
forecasted annual growth rate of export and import of Cambodia by type of commodity and partner
region in 2035. Future cargo flow between the Project area and external zone is calculated by growth
rate and current external OD based on the cordon line survey.
 Considering improvement of railway service in future, such as Northern line and Southern line, future
cargo volume transported by railway in 2035 is estimated by expected capacity of cargo railway and
type of commodity transferred from truck to railway. External cargo OD transferred from truck to
railway is divided into two trips, namely, external cargo OD by railway between origin/destination in
external zone and railway station in the Project area, and internal cargo OD by truck between railway
station and final destination or origin.
 Future cargo OD at Phnom Penh Port is estimated by growth rate of external zone. With regards to
cargo transferred from existing Phnom Penh Port to new port, origin or destination zone is changed
from existing Phnom Penh Port to new port in external of the Project area. Future cargo at new port is
defined by the capacity of the port which is distributed to the special economic zone (SEZ) in the
Project area and to neighbouring areas in proportion to truck generation based on the area of SEZ.
Some commodities such as agricultural products from upstream of Mekong River to Phnom Penh
Capital City (PPCC) are expected to transfer from truck to river transport; thus, agricultural products
from external zone along Mekong River to PPCC are transferred from truck to river port.
Truck OD in 2012 and 2035 is forecasted by three types of truck, namely, Light truck such as pick up and
with a capacity less than 2 tons, Medium such as 2-axle trucks with capacity of more than 2 tons and
Heavy such as those with more than 3 axles.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)


6.1 Goal, Mission and Target of the Master Plan
6.1.1 Goal and Mission
The introduction of public transport in Phnom Penh Capital City (PPCC) which was proposed by the Urban
Transport Master Plan in 2001 (JICA 2001MP) has not materialized to date. On the other hand, the city has
been developed by supporting a road-oriented transport system.
However, the volume-capacity rate in the City Centre is still more than 1.00 (1.25) by traffic demand
assignment on the 2035 road network, as described in Chapter 5, and the new road development in the city
centre is very limited, due to land constrain, especially major trunk roads located in the dense city area. It is
obvious that serious traffic congestions exist because of the continuous population influx, and the
uncontrolled motorcycle and car increases together with limited road space. To solve these serious traffic
conditions fundamentally, it is necessary to change the road-oriented urban transport system and make more
effective use of the limited urban road space.
On the other hand, the following problems and issues are also pointed out considering the traffic behaviour
of Phnom Penh’s citizens:
- The choice of modes for Phnom Penh citizens is very limited. Many of them use a motorcycle even for
trips of more than 20 km.
- Trip rates between male/female and age group have a big difference. Females and aged people have
lower trip rates. This means that many transportation poor have no chance to make trips because there is
no available mode of transport that is safe, affordable and comfort.
To cope with these, it is necessary to provide the suitable mode of transport considering the safety,
affordability and comfortableness of daily trips.
In terms of future vision and urban structure in Phnom Penh City, following are the key requests in
regards to the urban transport:
- To maintain the vitality of Phnom Penh as the Capital City, means that many people coming to the city
can expect smooth traffic to provide an efficient road-use mode of transport
- To create a people- and environment-friendly city to create a more comfortable urban space for the
people and increase energy efficiency for use of transport mode
Considering the above, the following have been crafted for Phnom Penh’s urban transport master plan in
 The Goal of the Urban Transport Master Plan: Maintain the people- and environment-friendly urban
conditions while vitalizing economic activities in Phnom Penh City.
 The Mission of the Urban Transport Master Plan, which is two-fold: 1) to shift from a private-oriented
urban transport system to a well-balanced system of public and private transport with a combination of
road, public transport and traffic management for improving the mobility of citizens and 2) to guide
urban development direction of Phnom Penh City.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 6.1-1 Change of Urban Transport System between 2013 and 2035

6.1.2 Target
The following four target indicators are set for the evaluation of the urban transport master plan. It is
necessary to achieve the targets to materialize a people and environmentally friendly capital city. And
these indicators are one of the most important evaluation factors to assess the master plan alternatives as
described in Section 6.6.
Target indicator 1: To develop the urban transport system with more than 30% of total trip makers using
public transport in 2035. Verification of target public transport modal share refers to Appendix 4.
Target indicator 2: To develop the urban transport system with less than 1.0 of volume-to-capacity ratio in
the city centre.
Target indicator 3: To maintain the travel speed in the city centre at a level higher than 20 km/hour.
Target indicator 4: The urban transport system with 10% reduction of volume of air pollutants from
vehicles in the “Do-Nothing” case will be developed for the materialization of a sustainable
environmentally friendly city.

6.2 Development of the Master Plan Strategy

Considering the current urban transport problems/issues, future urban structure and traffic demand
forecast, the following five strategies are set for the materialization of the mission of the master plan.
Strategy 1: Formulation of people and environmentally friendly urban transport system with high
mobility for the citizens
To achieve this, it is necessary to introduce public transport that is clean, safe, punctual, affordable and
operated throughout the day, and performs a seamless transfer between modes.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

Strategy 2: Formulation of physical framework of the city and creation of smooth connection
between major cities in the Mekong Sub-region

The development of road system is 1) to formulate the urban framework, 2) to provide the road network
with an appropriate distance to the spread of the urbanized area, 3) to develop smooth flow in the Mekong
Sub-region and 4) to preserve the urban environment through the formulation of physical framework.

Strategy 3: Maximum use of existing transport spaces including underground and elevated spaces
in the city centre
To achieve this, the release of sidewalk to pedestrians, the effective use of local roads for people walking,
parking and vehicular traffic, the reuse of railway for urban transport and the effective use of water
transport (ferry) are to be considered. It is necessary to consider the use of new urban spaces such as
underground and elevated space.

Strategy 4: Efficient traffic flow for commodity

The development of commodity flow planning is to support not only the urban vitality but also a
comfortable and safe urban life.

Strategy 5: Environmental/social considerations and establishing appropriate transport-related

organizations for implementation of the master plan

The key of sustainability of the Master Plan is the comprehensive environmental considerations. The keys
of materialization and sustainability of the Master Plan are the establishment of an appropriate urban
transport-related organization, considering financial mechanism including private participation and the
participation of many stakeholders.

6.3 Master Plan Formulation

Based on above sections 6.1 (Goal, Mission and Targets) and 6.2 (Strategy), the urban transport master
plan is formulated step by step as shown below.

a) Planning concept (relationship between urban transport system and urban structure): Section 6.4;
b) Contents of the urban transport system (master plan’s main components): Section 6.5;
c) Proposed urban transport system alternatives: Section 6.6;
d) Evaluation of alternatives: Section6.7;
e) Recommended conceptual picture of the master plan: Section 6.8;
f) Master plan components by sector: Section 6.9; and
g) Roadmap to the master plan materialization: Section 6.10.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

6.4 Planning Concept

6.4.1 Relationship between Urban Transport System and Urban Structure
The urban transport system, which contains the main components of the master plan, plays an important
role as basic framework to support the future urban structure. This concept of physical structure, shown in

Figure 6.4-1, mainly consists of 4 levels; namely, urban structure level plus 3 main components of the

Master Plan (road network level, public transport level and traffic management which is supporting
measures to maximize the road and public transport are difficult to present as an overall physical plan).

Public Transport Level

Trunk Public Transport System

connects between sub-centers and

major radial transport corridors

(Selection from several candidates)

Feeder Bus

Road Network Level

・Physical Framework of Urban Transport system
such as Completion of Radial-Ring Trunk Road

Network Pattern and Development of an

Adequate Road System to Newly Developed

Suburban Areas

Urban Structure Level

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 6.4-1 How to Support the 2035 Urban Structure

6.5 Contents of the Urban Transport System

6.5.1 Road

The future road system in PPCC, which is the basic framework of the master plan, forms the city’s

backbone and provides support for the smooth person trips and commodity flow in the Mekong

Outline of the 2035 road network and its road development plan are illustrated in Figure 6.5-1.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

Radial and Ring Trunk

Road Network System
(6 Radial and 4 Ring Trunk Roads)

Road Development
(Strengthen east-west
(northern and southern
east-west trunk roads)
and north-south (Hanoi
and Hun Sen Blvd.)

Figure 6.5-1 Outline

of the 2035 Road
Network and Road
Development Plan
Source: PPUTMP Project Team

6.5.2 Public Transport

(1) Why the Need for Public Transport?
Study and analysis performed by the Project pointed out the following facts that clearly show the need for
public transport in PPCC:
a) Limited road space in the city center and slow road development speed in the suburban area
It is impossible to cope with the increased traffic by focusing solely on the road system
especially in the dense city centre where there is no room to develop new roads.
Without public transport in PPCC, it would be impossible to cope with the increase in traffic.
b) Low mobility and many transportation poor
The mobility of many citizens is low because their trip mode choice is limited to private mode
such as cars and motorcycles.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

c) Inefficient use of para-transit modes

Needless to say, there is a limited public transport available in PPCC with only the 3-route bus
system and the widely popular para-transit modes such as Motodop, Motorumok Modern
(tuk-tuk). The latter, however, can be efficiently used in the role of feeder for the trunk public
transport system.
d) Lagging behind in public transport system to be a major Asian city contender
A comparison was made of six cities (Phnom Penh, Hanoi, Kuala Lumpur, Lyon, Hiroshima and
Curitiba) with almost the same area and population size as PPCC. All sample cities, except for
PPCC (because it is just starting the 3-route bus operation), have a public transport system. In
fact, many of them have several alternative systems. It can be said that a public transport system
especially the well-networked bus system is the minimum requirement for dense city centres.
(2) Where to Plan the Public Transport?

Based on the corridor analysis graphical presentation of the trunk public transport corridors and their

respective characteristics is made as shown in Figure 6.5-2.

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 6.5-2 Selected Public Transport Corridors
(3) What Kind of Public Transport System Should be Introduced?

Based on the previous several proposals and such conditions as future vehicular traffic demand and low

skyline of the city centre, public transport candidates are proposed, and these are shown in table 6.5-1.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

Table 6.5-1 What Kind of Public Transport System should be Introduced?

Type of Public Transport Right of Way Remarks

Public Transport (PT) Surface streets with mixed Proposed by JICA 2001 MP
Candidate 1: Bus-Oriented traffic

PT Candidate 2: BRT or Longitudinally separated Proposed by French

Tram but with at-grade crossing SYSTRA Team

PT Candidate 3: Elevated Fully controlled right of Proposed by METI Project

Rail Transit way without at-grade Team in 2009
PT Candidate 4: Partially Proposed by PPUTMP
Underground Elevated project Team
Rail Transit
Note: ‘Right of Way’ is modified from Vukan R. Vuchic’s ‘Urban Transit: Operations,
Planning and Economics’.
‘METI’ is the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in Japan.
Source: PPUTMP Project Team

6.5.3 Traffic Management Measures

It is necessary to develop traffic management measures that will enable the road and public transport to
work effectively. Especially, it is important to develop mode interchange areas as convenient transfer
points with such facilities as bus stops and rail stations, providing connection between modes, and a
well-designed pedestrian environment. Various traffic management measures to the road and public
transport system are as follows:
a) Various measures for increasing the attractiveness and comfort of the public transport system
b) Various traffic management measures such as intersection improvement, traffic signal upgrading
and introduction of one-way system
c) Parking policies and measures such as increasing parking fee and effectively use for parking
space on local roads
d) Pedestrian environment development
e) Introduction of traffic demand management including mobility management which is a concept
to promote sustainable transport and manage the demand for car use by changing travelers’
attitudes and behavior.
Traffic demand management (TDM) is one of the many traffic countermeasures used to influence and
change the travel needs of people with the eventual aims of reducing traffic congestions, improving traffic
safety, saving fuel consumption and hence, reducing vehicle exhaust gases.
Basically, it is an approach that attempts to control the supply side of the transportation economics. This
is done by controlling the supply of road and parking spaces in restraining use of the less efficient private
transport modes, while promoting more efficient modes like mass railway transit system in meeting the
increases in travel demand. In this manner, it tries to strike a balance between the demand and supply
within the environmental limitations such as urban land and financial constraints (see Figure 6.5-3).

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

A: Demand and T: Supply
Traffic Demand
A2 T2 Time

Proposed Approach
T0 Environmental

Do Nothing Traffic Demand

Population A1 T1
Traffic Demand Time
Conventional Approach
Source: PPUTMP Project Team
Figure 6.5-3 Concept of TDM
6.6 Urban Transport System Alternative
It is difficult to maintain appropriate urban transport conditions with only road development. What is
needed is the combination of road, public transport and traffic management as an urban transport system
to achieve the mission of this master plan.
Therefore, the following five alternatives are presented based on the study of the components of the urban
transport system described in Section 6.5:
Alternative 1: Bus-oriented + Road Network Improvement + Traffic Management Measures
Alternative 2: Tram or BRT (Road-based segregated system) + Road Network Improvement + Traffic
Management Measures
Alternative 3: Combination of Tram/BRT and Elevated Transit + Road Network Improvement + Traffic
Management Measures
Alternative 4: Elevated Rail Transit (LRT or Monorail) + Road Network Improvement + Traffic
Management Measures
Alternative 5: Partially Underground Elevated Rail Transit (LRT) + Road Network Improvement + Traffic
Management Measures

: At-grade
PLAN : Elevated
: Underground

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 6.6-1 Outline of Proposed Urban Transport System Alternatives

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

6.7 Evaluation of Alternatives

6.7.1 Evaluation of Alternatives by Four Aspects
The criteria adopted for evaluating the urban transport system alternatives are categorized into four
aspects; namely, urban transport, urban planning, environment and economy.
Table 6.7-1 below shows a summary of the evaluation.

Table 6.7-1 Summary of Evaluation

Alternative Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 Alternative 4 Alternative 5

BRT or Tram + Partially

Bus-Oriented BRT or Tram Elevated Transit Underground
+ 2035 Road + 2035 Road Elevated Transit + 2035 Road Elevated Transit
+ 2035 Road
Network Network Network Network + 2035 Road
+Supporting +Supporting +Supporting Network
Measures Measures +Supporting Measures +Supporting
Evaluation Factor Measures
Urban Transport Aspects

Traffic Congestion Rate

and Travel Speed in the
city centre /Decrease of   
Vehicle-km and
Degree of Mobility    
Consideration for
Transportation Poor 
   
Urban Planning

Harmony with Urban

Scenery   

Contribution to the Urban

Vitality/ Impact to the    
  
Decrease of Air Pollutants


and GHG Emission


Decrease of Traffic
Accidents 
Social Environmental
Consideration  

Investment Cost/
Cost-Benefit Ratio 

 
Evaluation  
Source: PPUTMP Project Team

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

6.7.2 Overall Evaluation

Based on the evaluation of the 4 aspects, the 2 highest scoring alternatives are examined for the
overall evaluation.

Table 6.7-2 Overall Evaluation

Tram + Elevated Rail Transit Partially Underground Elevated Rail Transit

Lowest negative impact in terms of urban
Urban Transport
High mobility and easy to adopt the staging transport performance such as
volume-capacity ratio and vehicle-km

Match to the Urban Scenery and has great

Less impact as the urban vitality tool
impact to the tourism
Urban Planning
Trigger of urban vitality with the
Aspects Trigger of urban vitality with the
development of human and environmentally
development of human and environmentally
friendly transit mall along Monivong.
friendly Monivong. (Pedestrian + Bus)
(Pedestrian + Tram + Bus)

Relatively environmentally friendly urban Most environmentally friendly urban
transport system transport system among 5 Alternatives

Economic Reasonable investment cost and adequate High investment cost and low but feasible
Aspects cost-benefit ratio cost-benefit ratio

Public transport becomes symbol of PPCC Possible to share with private car traffic
Other Aspects
Necessary to share public transport oriented Possible to share public transport oriented
consciousness in the early stage consciousness step by step

Project Team proposes the Alternative 5 (Partially Underground Elevated Rail

Transit + Road Network + Traffic Management Measures)

Conclusion Reasons: Environmentally friendly system, has great potential of triggering the City’s
vitality and making Phnom Penh more appealing as an environmentally friendly
compact city to the world. And, it is possible to share public transport oriented
consciousness step by step.
Source: PPUTMP Project Team

6.8 Proposed Concept of the 2035 Urban Transport Master Plan

It is necessary “to shift from a private-oriented urban transport system to a well-balanced system of public
and private transport with a combination of road, public transport and traffic management”, which is part
of mission of the master plan, for sustaining the urban vitality and minimizing the urban transport demand
of the estimated 3million people in PPCC in 2035.
In order to realize this mission, there should be balanced planning of the components of the master plan,
between infrastructure development and transport demand management, considering the urban

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

environment. This master plan should well-consider the above planning concept and the urban transport
system (main three components) of the master plan, is briefly explained below and illustrated in Figure

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 6.8-1 Conceptual Picture of the Proposed 2035 Urban Transport Master Plan

6.9 Master Plan Components by Sector

The ultimate goal of this master plan is “to sustain Phnom Penh’s vitality and have a well-maintained
urban transport environment using the limited transport facilities effectively”. Therefore, the planning
policy of the sector plan is to prioritize infrastructure development (hardware: increase in transport
capacity) within the capability of the city’s urban environment and financial state and with the
well-balanced use of traffic demand management (software: decrease in traffic demand).
An outline of the sector plan is shown in Table 6.9-1.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

Table 6.9-1 Master Plan Components by Sector

Goal and Target Strategy Sector/Component
Introduction of trunk public transportation
GOAL and MISSION Strategy 1: Formulation of urban system with related countermeasures such as
-To Achieve the Goal Public mode interchange area development
transport system with high
(2035 Urban Vision and Transport
mobility and serves the needs of Countermeasures for para-transit
Urban Structure), the System
the transportation poor Effective use of existing public transport such
Mission of the Urban as railway and water transport
Transport Master Plan Effective use of road space in the city center
Strategy 2: Formulation of
is Improving the such as flyover constructions
physical framework of urban
Mobility and Emerging
transport system and creation of Completion of radial-ring pattern trunk road
the Urban Development Road System
smooth connection between network
Potential in Phnom
major cities in the Mekong Construction of new roads in the newly
Penh City-
Sub-region developed suburban area
Target 1: Introduction of traffic management scheme for
Share of Public effective use of road space in the city center
Transport in 2035 is such as one-way system
Strategy 3: Maximum use of Parking measures
more than 30%.
existing transport spaces Traffic
Development of comfortable pedestrian
including underground and Management
Target 2: environment
elevated spaces in the city center
Volume-capacity Ratio Driver's education and traffic enforcement
in the city center is less Traffic Demand Management (TDM)
than 1.0. including mobility management
Allocation of commodity flow facilities
Target 3: Strategy 4: Efficient traffic flow Commodity Formulation of commodity flow network
Travel speed in the city for commodity Flow Roadside loading/unloading of commodities in
center at a level higher
collaboration with traffic management
than the 20km/hour.
Prevention of deterioration in air quality/noise
Target 4: and mitigation of CO2 emissions
Improvement of urban parks/greenery and
Decrease of Greenhouse Strategy 5: Environmental/
Environ- keeping diversity of the ecosystem in the
Gas Emission of 10% social considerations and
compared with mental and suburban area
establishing appropriate urban
Do-Nothing Case. Social The keys of materialization and sustainability
transport-related organizations
Consideration of the Master Plan are the establishment of an
are the fundamental concept of
s and others appropriate urban transport-related
the master plan
organization, considering financial mechanism
including private participation and the
participation of many stakeholders.
Source: PPUTMP Project Team

6.10 Roadmap
The roadmap in this project shows the process of how to materialize the 2035 master plan considering the
coordination between master plan sectors. Actually, the Project has three terms, namely, short-term (year
2016), medium-term (year 2020) and long-term (year 2035).
The short-term and long-term actions are clear, i.e., the short-term activities are the immediate actions to
cope with the current problems/issues using and low cost countermeasures such as traffic management
measures, while the long-term activities are definitely for the materialization of the goal of the master
Therefore, the importance of the roadmap in this project is to clearly define the medium-term actions in
relation to the short-term and long-term actions to materialize the goal of the master plan without any
Main points of the medium-term roadmap are as follows;

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

(1) In terms of public transport, how to ensure the transition from bus to rail transit as seamless as
(2) How to complete the radial-ring road network pattern before the medium-term (year 2020).
(3) How to effectively implement the traffic management measures to cope with the urgent urban
transport problems/issues.
(4) How to adopt the urban transport-related organizations in line with the development of the trunk
public transport system.
Based on the above discussion, the master plan roadmap is illustrated in Figure 6.10-1.
Short-term Plan Medium-term Plan Long-trem Plan

To Achieve the Goal (2035 Urban Vision and Urban

GOAL and Structure), the Mission of the Urban Transport Master Plan is Share of PT: Share of PT: Share of PT:
MISSION Improving the Mobility and Emerging the Urban 5% 10% 30%
Development Potential in Phnom Penh City

Population: 2.15 million Population: 2.49 million Population: 2.64 million Population: 2.77 Million Population: 2.87 million
Socio-economic Indicators GDP per Capita: 1,345USD GDP per Capita: 1,892USD GDP per Capita: 2,899USD GDP per Capita: 4,503USD GDP per Capita: 7,053USD
(2016) (2020) (2025) (2030) (2035)

・Redevelopment projects in ・Redevelopment projects in

・Redevelopment projects in
・Redevelopment projects in ・Redevelopment projects in urban center urban center
urban center
urban center urban center ・Public transport terminal and ・Public transport terminal and
・Public transport terminal and
・Large scale urban ・Large scale urban vicinity development vicinity development
vicinity development
Urban development development projects in development projects in ・Urban development under ・Urban development under
・Urban expansion at west and
D evelo pm en t Scenario

northern and southern areas northern and southern areas public initiatives at northeast public initiatives at northeast
south direction
・Urban expansion in west, ・Urban expansion in west, area area
・Relocation of factories and
north and south direction north and south direction ・Relocation of factories, etc. in ・Relocation of factories, etc. in
warehouses in urbanized areas
urbanized areas urbanized areas

・Smooth and efficient traffic ・Development of ring &

・Development of ring & radial
flow by traffic signal radial trunk road system ・Support of redevelopment in ・Support of redevelopment in
trunk road system
upgrading, one-way system, ・Improvement of comfortable urban center with mode urban center with mode
・Improvement of the mobility
parking measures, etc. pedestrian spaces interchange area and interchange area and
of citizens by the rail transit
・Improvement of the mobility ・Improvement of the mobility development of new urbanized development of new urbanized
Basic concept of urban transport development ・Support and Guide of urban
of citizens by the bus system of citizens by the bus system area in suburban areas under area in suburban areas under
development in suburban areas
・Support and Guide of urban ・Support and Guide of urban TOD concept TOD concept
by road and public transport
development in suburban development in suburban ・Improvement of the mobility ・Improvement of the mobility
・Support of relocation of
areas by road and public areas by road and public of citizens by the rail transit of citizens by the rail Transit
factories and logistics facilities
transport transport

Public Transport System (Strategy 1): Formulation of urban transport system with high mobility and serves the needs of the transportation poor

Bus Bus Operation with Priority Measures Restructuring of the Bus System including Rail Transit's Feeder
Introduction of trunk public transportation
● system with related countermeasures such as Rail Transit Rail Transit
mode interchange area development
Mode Interchange Area Bus Stops, Bus Terminal with Commercial Complex and Tram and LRT Station

● Countermeasures for para-transit Control of para-transit

Effective use of existing public transport such as railway and water
● Improvement of R/W & W/T

Road System (Strategy 2): Formulation of physical framework of urban transport system
Effective use of road space in the city centre such as flyover
● T/MRT整備 F/O Construction (Mainly in the City Center) F/O Construction (Mainly in the Suburban Area)
● Completion of radial-ring pattern trunk road network Completion of MRR and ORR Completion of radial-ring pattern trunk road network

● Construction of new roads in the newly developed suburban area Expansion of Road Network to New PP Area

Traffic Management (Strategy 3): Development of urban transport environment that maximizes the use of historically developed existing transport spaces and develops new spaces (elevated and underground)
Introduction of traffic management scheme for effective use of road space Traffic Signal Upgrading, One-way System & Driver's Education

in the city centre such as one-way system
● Parking Measuress Parking Regulation and Off-road Parking Development

● Development of comfortable pedestrian environment Development of Pedestrian

● Driver's education and traffic enforcement Education and Enforcement

● Traffic Demand Management (TDM) including mobility management Traffic Demand management

Commodity Flow (Strategy 4): Formulation of urban transport system considering not only person trips but also commodity flow

● Allocation of Commodity Flow Facilities Allocation of CF Facilities

● Formulation of Commodity Flow Network Commodity Flow Network

Roadside loading/unloading of commodities in collaboration with traffic
● Roadside Loading/Unloading facilities
Environmental and Social Considerations, Urban transport-related organization and SEA (Strategy 5): Environmental and social considerations are the fundamental concept to develop the master plan and establish appropriate
urban transport-related organizations, considering financial sources
● Prevention of deterioration in air quality/noise and mitigation of CO2 Environmrntal and Social Considerations
emissions, etc.
● Establishment of an appropriate urban transport-related organization PTMD Phnom Penh Urban Transport Authority (PPUTA)

Note: R/T= Rail Transit, R/W= Railway, W/T= Water Transport, CBD= Central Business District, F/O= Flyover
MRR= Middle Ring Road, ORR= Outer Ring Road, PTMD= Public Transport Management Division
PPUTA= Phnom Penh Urban Transport Authority
Source: PPUTMP Project Team
Figure 6.10-1 Roadmap for Urban Transport Master Plan in PPCC
The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

7.1 Public Transport System
7.1.1 Planning Approach
The mission of the Urban Transport Master Plan is 1) to shift from a private-oriented urban transport
system to a well-balanced system of public and private transport and a combination of road, public
transport and traffic management for improving the mobility of citizens and 2) to materialize the urban
potential of Phnom Penh City. In general, the urban transport policy aims at securing people’s mobility
and rationalizing urban transport systems. Securing people’s mobility is to be done by providing both
accessibility and mobility to urban facilities necessary for daily life. This mobility should be guaranteed
as much as possible for all people. The trip area of people becomes much wider than before, when
transport means was limited only to walking, through the emergence of motor vehicles such as
motorcycles and cars. However, cars might not be available for all the people, and occasionally, even car
drivers are unable to use their own cars due to specific reasons. This is the first reason why public
transport is needed.
From the viewpoint of rationalization of urban transport systems, cars are a system which broadly
occupies urban roads that are most precious urban space, emits exhaust gas and noise to surrounding area
and mostly is not energy-efficient.
Above all, cars might be an important transport means in the urban area, but its performance is very
limited under a highly dense urban environment. For Phnom Penh Capital City (PPCC), which is a
medium-sized city with its historically developed structure, it is necessary to decrease car trip demand
coming into its center due to the low road capacity and difficulty to eliminate spatial constraint in center
district. Having to coping with modal shift and encourage mode change from car trips, it then becomes
necessary for Phnom Penh to introduce public transport system as a collective transport means.
Focal Points of Public Transport Plan are as follows:
1) Focus on Multi-modal Transport Aspect in Urban Mobility
2) Introduction of Trunk Public Transportation System
3) Broad Integration of Public Transport Means and Related Countermeasures
4) Integration with Land-use Plan
5) Close Linkage with Tourism Development
7.1.2 Basic Policy of Public Transport System Development
Based on the following public transport development concept, short to medium-term plans for bus
network development plan are discussed; then mass transit transport plan is discussed as a long-term plan.

Figure 7.1-1 Concept of

Public Transport
Development with
Change of Trip Modal
Share t Development with 7.1.3 Bus Transport Plan
Source: PPUTMP Project Team
(1) Basic Considerations for the Bus
For short & medium term,
Bus Transport Plan

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

7.1.3 Bus Transport Plan

(1) Basic Considerations
Bus system is the trunk public transport system for the short- to medium-term planning period in Phnom
Penh City. Basic considerations of the bus transport plan in short- to medium-term are as follows:
1) Starting point of the bus transport plan is the 2nd public experiment (city bus operation) which is one
route along Monivong Blvd. with 7.2 km and number of daily passengers is about 1,550;
2) Based on the planning and facility criteria such as population/location of facilities and minimum road
width of bus route (8 m)/interval of bus stops;
3) Major transport corridors, future population and urban structure in 2020; and
4) Staging, basically, for short-term, covering the north-south and east-west transport corridors and
medium-term, covering the urbanized area in 2020
(2) Medium-term Bus Network Proposal
The proposed medium-term bus network is composed of 3 types of bus route groups, namely, 1) routes
covering the north-south corridor, 2) routes covering the east-west corridor, and ring routes covering city
center and its peripheral area in 2020. Total number of routes is 10 and population along the bus routes
(300 m from the bus route) is 770 thousand (42% of total population in 2012).

Table 7.1-1 Population Covered by Bus Services

Khan Total Population Average
Population by bus bus service Bus Route in 2020
(2012) services coverage

Chamkar Mon 184,200 151,572 0.82

Doun Penh 212,800 188,280 0.88
Toul Kouk 186,100 122,210 0.66 Bus Coverage Area by walk
(300m from the bus route)
Dangkao 96,100 4,137 0.04
Por Senchey 269,200 37,214 0.14
Meanchey 443,200 133,673 0.30
Russey Keo 250,500 77,488 0.31
Saensokh 210,100 54,997 0.26
TOTAL 1,852,200 769,571 0.42
Source: PPUTMP Project Team
(3) Bus Network Development Staging
Bus network development staging from 2014 to 2020 is performed according to the steps shown below.

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 7.1-2 Staging of Bus Route Network for Short to Medium Term

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

(4) Medium- to long-term bus network after introduction of rail transit system
[Before introduction of rail transit system]

[After introduction of rail transit system]

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 7.1-3 Concept of Bus Route Reorganization in Medium- and Long-Term

7.1.4 Introduction of Trunk Public Transportation System

(1) Candidate of Trunk Public Transportation System
Classification of Mass Transit System
Regarding land transport systems available for urban transport, Table 7.1-2 below provides a practical
classification, focusing on the physical/technical aspects.

Table 7.1-2 Classification of Urban Public Transport System


The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

Among the trunk public transport systems, actual transport situation in Japan is selected and summarized
in Table 7.1-3.

Table 7.1-3 Latest Urban Transport Indicators in Selected Region in Japan

<Specifications of each model>

Car Formal passengers
Rolling stocks Type Width (m) Height (m)
length(m) capacity
L-mono (Large size monorail) 15.50 3.00 3.74 100
M-mono (Medium size monorail) 14.70 2.98 3.74 82
AGT (Automated Guide-way Transit) 9.00 2.50 3.30 75
LIM (Linear Induction Metro) 16.50 2.50 3.15 100
Metro 20.00 2.85 4.14 150
Note: Train Composition shows number of coaches and rolling stocks type.
Source: Railway Statistics Yearbook (2011)

(2) Estimation of Public Transport Demand Potential in Phnom Penh

As for the system selection of mass transit system, the most important factor is future transport demand.
In this regard, potential public transportation demand level should be clarified so as to determine the
required transport capacity in general. Using the future Origin-Destination (OD) trip matrix in 2035,
which is tabulated by existing transport mode, trip aggregation is carried out based on the following
a) Passenger trip catchment areas for mass transit is assumed to be within the radius of 500 m and
passenger trip catchment areas for feeder bus is assumed to be a belt area of 300m wide.
b) Potential public transport demand is calculated assuming following diversion rate by trip mode:

Potential public transport volume = walk trip x 0% + motorcycle trip x 30% +

Car trip x 30% + Para-transit trip x 100%

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

c) In order to estimate demand flow by direction, the afore-mentioned transport corridors are divided into
route segments as shown in Figure7.1-4, and potential public transport demand is aggregated by route
segments assuming stations of mass transit route and feeder transport routes.
d) Each route segment is defined as follows:
 Segment 1: from Grand Phnom Penh International City (GPPIC) to Phsar Thmei
 Segment 2: from Chaom Chau roundabout to Phsar Thmei along Russian Blvd.
 Segment 3: from. Chaom Chau roundabout to Phsar Thmei along Monireth Blvd.
 Segment 4: from Takmao to Phsar Thmei

Tuoi Sangkae/GPPIC


Phsar Thmoi

Cham Chao
3 4


Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 7.1-4 Outline of Potential Public Transport Demand Estimation

Table 7.1-4 Estimation Result of Potential Mass Transit Demand in 2035

Minimum estimation Maximum estimation
scenario *1 scenario *2
Route Average Average
length(km) Daily Volume
passengers passengers
per route per route
volume volume
km km
1 7.6 28,000 3,000 46,000 6,000
2 11.2 55,000 5,000
3,000 62,000 7,000
3 10.5 55,000 5,000 95,000 9,000
4 10.0 55,000 6,000 93,000 9,000
Total 39.3 193,000 5,000 316,000 8,000
Source: PPUTMP Project Team
*1: Only counting passengers within 500m catchments area
*2 Includes passengers using feeder transport means.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

From the result above, the necessity of mass transit introduction is seen as following order.
 F i r s t p r i o r i t y l i n e: Segment 2/Segment 4 with demand level of 5,000-9,000 passengers /day/km
 S e c o n d p r i o r i t y l i n e: Segment 1/Segment 3 with demand level of 3,000-9,000 passengers /day/km

(3) System Selection of Trunk Public Transport in 2035

1) Adaptable Transport System by Demand Level
An adaptable transport system is selected, comparing with actual transport result (refer to Table 7.1-5). As
shown below, systems except for Metro and Tram are considered to be adaptable for each route segment.
Table 7.1-5 System Selection based on Expected Demand Level
Actual transport performance in
System type Japan Adaptability
(passengers /day /km)
Primary capacity is too large for
Metro 20,000 to 40,000 ▲
expected demand level
Linear Metro 7,000 to 19,000 Match to expected demand level ○
Monorail 2,000 to 7,000 Match to expected demand level ○
AGT 2,000 to 6,000 Match to expected demand level ○
Demand level might be within
Tram around 5,000 ○
affordable range
LRT Same as AGT, Monorail Match to expected demand level ○
Source: PPUTMP Project Team

2) Choice of Right-of-Way
In order to successfully introduce mass transit system, it is essential to divert trips from private transport
users (car, motorbike) to public transport system. This may be done by keeping the competitiveness of
mass transit system with conventional road transport mode. Competitiveness of transport system can be
measured by several evaluation factors, i.e. required time, cost, comfort and convenience. Among them
the most notable factor is considered to be time. Since public transport requires various transitions such as
access/egress, mode change and transit waiting extra time is added to one’s trip. Depending on trip
condition, trip diversion cannot be expected. To clarify this situation, a simple model comparison is
examined as follows:

Table 7.1-6 Comparison of Required Travel Time by Transport Mode and Trip Length
reuired time (min.)
Trip Speed
System carriageway (R/W)
length (km/h) In vehicle Egress
Access/ Transfer waiting
time time time time
Car Road 15 20.0 0 0 0 20.0
5km Exclusive at grade 25 12.0 5 8 3 28.0
RT Exclusive grade separation 30 10.0 5 8 3 26.0
Car Road 15 40.0 0 0 0 40.0
10km TRAM Exclusive at grade 25 24.0 5 8 3 40.0
RT Exclusive grade separation 30 20.0 5 8 3 36.0
Car Road 15 60.0 0 0 0 60.0
15km Exclusive at grade 25 36.0 5 8 3 52.0
RT Exclusive grade separation 30 30.0 5 8 3 46.0
Rating Good Fair Bad Source: PPUTMP Project Team
Speed :average speed (car) commercial speed (TRAM)
Transfer time: from feeder bus stop to TRAM station

Note: RT (Rapid Transit) includes Metro, Monorail, AGT

and LRT(Light Rail Transit)

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

 A suggested by the table, applicable main line system requires exclusive grade separation in
Right-of-Way category to secure better transport service quality, comparing with private car mode. In
this regard, Tram and BRT are not recommended.
 On the contrary, selection of Right-of-Way type affects significantly the system introduction in terms
of physical aspect and implementation cost.
 Table 7.1-7 shows the adaptability of each transit system from viewpoints of Right-of-Way

Table 7.1-7 System Adaptability for Right-of-Way

R/W typeType
Right-of-Way On Surface Elevated viaduct Underground tunnel
Spatial Basically, R/W is Partial road capacity is No interference with

requirement secured in mixed lost due to the space surface traffic.

R/W feature

traffic. Only LRT can for construction of

accept. viaduct column.

Infra cost Requires small extra Requires significant Requires huge infra
cost for track infra cost for viaduct cost for tunnel
furnishing structures. structures
Metro ▲ ◎ ◎
Linear Metro ▲ ◎ ◎

Monorail ▲ ◎ △
AGT ▲ ◎ ○
LRT ○*1 ◎ ◎
Note: Symbol: ◎=Desirable, ○=Applicable, △=Not desirable, ▲=Impossible
*1: In case of transit mall
Source: PPUTMP Project Team

 It is considered that Right-of-Way for mass rapid transit system should be secured by grade
separation type (elevated/underground) because it enables to maintain high competitiveness of mass
transit against private traffic mode such as car, except for special cases such as “Transit mall
scheme”. Underground Right-of-Way is most desirable from viewpoints of possibility for coexisting
with surface traffic; however, its huge infrastructure cost may not overcome hesitations for its
 In this project, it is assumed that elevated type is selected as basic Right-of-Way in urbanized area
and underground Right-of-Way is exceptionally applied in designated districts (Monivong and
Russian Blvd., etc.) where renowned cityscape should be maintained.
3) System Selection and Route Formation for Trunk Public Transport
From viewpoints of transit operation, a transit route passing through urban central station is better than a
transit route terminating at urban central station because of fewer off-duty trains during peak hour period.
Therefore, the transit route should be made by combining several route segments. Regarding demand
level by each segment, segment 3 and segment 4 show higher demand while segment 1 and segment 2
show lower demand. In this connection, combining segments 3 or 4 a main section and maintaining the
rest as dependent sections are considered to be effective.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

Based on the above and the required Right-of-Way, the trunk public transport system in 2035 is proposed
as follows:
 Line1: Connecting segment 2 and segment 4, the first section is from Phsar Thmei to Chaom Chau
roundabout along Russian Blvd. Second section is located between Takmao to Phsar Thmei (CBD
station) of which Right-of-Way might be partially underground. Eligible mode for this line are AGT,
LRT and Linear Metro. As its Right-of-Way, an underground structure is adopted for the area within
Inner Ring Road (IRR) while an elevated structure is used for the section other than the above.
 Line2: Connecting segment 1 and segment 3, the line runs from GPPI to CBD station (Phsar Thmei)
and stretches along Monireth Blvd. to Chaom Chau roundabout via the south of airport (Veng Sreng
Road). Eligible modes for the line are AGT, LRT and Linear Metro. The line crosses with line 1 at
CBD station.
4) Stage Development Plan for Trunk Public Transport System
The implementation of mass transit system project requires a considerable period for its planning, for
conduct of feasibility study and for construction. In addition, considering the project scale with total route
length of 39 km, budget constraints might become serious issues. Therefore, development of trunk public
transport system should be done by stages, considering transport demand growth and investment balance.
 From the viewpoint of demand intensity, most critical is segment 4. In this segment, even the current
public transport demand potential seems to exceed bus transport capacity; thus, mass transit
introduction is desirable. However, since currently no formal public transport system exists, bus
transport system development is necessary as a practical solution. A city-wide bus network is to be
completed up to 2020 (mid-term).
 After that, in the long-term, around 2025, the mass transit introduction for segment 2 or 3 is to be
implemented. In accordance with mass transit introduction, the bus route network should be
reorganized to support feeder transport network of mass transit route.
 During 2025 to 2035, the other 3 segments will be implemented and the whole trunk public transport
network will be completed.
Long-term (2025)
Segment 32

Short-term (2016) Medium-term (2020) Long-term (2035)

Segment 43

Bus (4 routes) Bus (10 routes)+ Bus+Commuter Train+

Commuter Train Rail Transit (All segments)

Bus+Commuter Train+
Rail Transit (Phase 1)
Note: Segment 2 and 4 in this Figure refer to Figure 7.1-4.
Source: PPUTMP Project Team
Figure 7.1-5 Staging for Public Transport Network Development

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

7.1.5 Countermeasures for Para-Transit

It is recognized that the public transport system consists of
not only a main transport line (generally mass transit system)
but also a supplementary transport system which collects and
distributes transport demand from/to individual traffic zones.
Even if there were a mass transit system in Phnom Penh, it
would not be able to serve the entire public transport need of
the city without a feeder transport system. In this regard,
para-transit system like motodop can be adopted as a feeder Source: PPUTMP Project Team
Figure 7.1-6 Soi-bike in front of BTS
transport for main public transport under certain regulation
Station in Bangkok
/license scheme on service area/business rule. In fact, such a concept is realized in urban public sector,
e.g., the Soi Bike (bike-taxi system in Bangkok), which is applied for access/egress transport between trip
origin points and urban railway (BTS) stations and operated under an official transport scheme.
A current commuting means for suburban factory employees is small-sized trucks without such parts as
seats and a roof. So, it is urgent to improve this situation in terms of passenger safety and comfort. In this
regard, a para-transit system which is operated in suburban area of Thailand and is equipped with benches
and roof top evolved from small trucks, so called “Songthaew”, which seems to fit as a model for its

7.1.6 Effective Use of Existing Public Transport Such as Railway and Water Transport
In terms of transport facilities, there are railway and water transport facilities existing in Phnom Penh.
However, as a part of urban transport system, these modes are hardly recognized as such by the people.
Concerning railway, it is in the midst of being restored as freight railway by concession scheme. However,
it is proposed to introduce commuter rail services using existing rail tracks because new station
development is planned in the Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone (PPSEZ) in which employment for
20 thousand people is to be generated in the future after the completion of the current rehabilitation
project by ADB for southern railway section. In addition, Central railway station is recognized as an
important historical heritage of Phnom Penh and has symbolic value as gateway of Phnom Penh. As
described in the preceding section, the crossing point of Monivong and Russian Blvd. will become a hub
of trunk public transport network. This situation can be an opportunity to activate existing railway
facilities. If long distance passenger service could resume from Central station, it can provide a new
perspective of comprehensive mode interchange area development integrating inter-city transport node
with urban transport node.
River utilization as urban transport might be considered by peculiar location factor of Phnom Penh, i.e.,
historically Phnom Penh City has been developed in close relation with Mekong, Tonle Sap and Tonle
Basac Rivers. Although water transport is restricted to operate only along rivers, it requires a relatively
small infrastructure cost for network expansion and is environmentally friendly. Comparing to other

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

modes, this feature is considered to be an advantage in connecting with surrounding areas of Phnom Penh,
taking into account that there are few cross-river points by bridge in Mekong River basin.
7.1.7 Mode Interchange Area Development
(1) Basic Planning Direction
A mode interchange area is a transfer point between several modes of transport. The transfer is the most
serious weak point of public transport systems. Therefore, the key to the success of a public transport
system is how to develop a convenient mode interchange area. Urban development with facilities
allowing transfers within modes such as a rail transit station and rail transit/bus terminal, especially in the
suburban area, can pave the way to a new type of urban development concept in Phnom Penh such as a
transit-oriented development (TOD).
Based on the above discussion and the proposed public transport system in this master plan such as rail
transit, commuter train, BRT and bus, the planning of a mode interchange area is discussed below.
(2) Functions and Facilities of Mode Interchange Area
Functions and facilities for a well-functioning mode interchange area are as follows:

■ Efficient and convenient space for mode of transport using the mode interchange area
A well-developed motorcycle and car parking, and taxi and para-transit pools should be provided to cope with

the passenger demand. These include park-and-ride parking, cycle-and-ride parking, taxi and para-transit pools.

■ Smooth transfer
This means short transfer distance, providing the most intelligible route and well-connecting the transfer

between transport modes. Aids to smooth transfer are sidewalks, barrier free if necessary, and elevators/escalators

where necessary.

■ Comfortable clean and safe waiting spaces and other amenities

It is necessary to develop waiting spaces that are comfortable and can protect against sun and rain and are

well-lighted to make waiting passengers feel safe especially at night. In addition, it is important to provide

understandable information for all modes of transport using the mode interchange area. Other passenger amenities

include sheds, street furniture, information board for public transport network, bus location system and toilets.

▲ Regional/district center
There are spaces and facilities that can be developed where people can gather, do business or just spend time and

where extensive information about regional/district daily life and transport is made available. These are public

facilities such as Khan’s branch office and commercial/business facilities.

Note: ■ means necessary for all mode interchange areas; ▲ means consider to develop if necessary.
Based on the above directions, the interchange types for the public transport modes planning in the future Phnom

Penh may be categorized into 10. Among these types, three are typical ones with proposed locations, and their

conceptual designs, mainly showing the flow pattern of primary modes of transport including pedestrian flow, are

shown in Figure 7.1-6. Obviously, the development of an efficient and comfortable mode interchange area will

persuade people to shift from private mode to public transport, thus reducing road traffic.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

Rail Transit Terminal Central Railway Station Plaza

Commuter Rail
Central Railway Station Plaza
Station with TOD

Rail Transit Terminal

Commuter Rail Station with TOD Location Map

Source: PPUTMP Project Team
Figure7.1-7 Conceptual Design of 3 Mode Interchange Areas

7.2 Road Network

7.2.1 Planning Approach
(1) Basic Standpoint of PPUTMP Team on Road Network Planning
a. The road network plan is developed with the following objectives:
-To cope with the traffic congestion problems in the future;
-To support the public transport development by providing adequate space for operating bus or mass
transit services;
-To develop trunk road framework in accordance with the future urban structure; and
-To improve the people’s mobility in the suburban area by increasing the road density.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

b. This is a master plan study; therefore the network to be proposed will only comprise arterial and collector
c. Generally the future road network for 2035 in the Project area will be formulated based on the road
network plan in 2020 MP, which has already been approved by the City Council.
d. Since the 2020 MP was developed before the expansion of the city boundary, several roads in the
suburban area should be added in order to support the new urban development.
e. Special attention will be paid to the large scale-development projects of housing and transport and
industrial facilities such as new port, new airport, new logistic center, PPSEZ, and the number of urban
development projects in Phnom Penh.
f. It will be also taken into account to minimize the relocation of private houses caused by new road
construction or bottleneck intersections newly created by road development.
(2) Road Network Pattern
The present road network pattern in the Project area shows a radial/ring road pattern by and large, while the
network in the district level shows a grid pattern.
Accordingly, the future network plan will be developed in accordance with these patterns.

(3) Design Standard of Roads and Bridges

Most of the existing roads in Phnom Penh are not corresponding to the Design Standard on roads and
bridges in Cambodia, since the Design Standard was set forth after the central area had been built up.
The newly proposed roads in this project are planned in accordance with the Design Standard as much as
possible, taking into account the relevancy of its application. For the typical cross section, the widths for
vehicle carriageways as well as side walk will be taken in accordance with the Design Standard.

(4) Road Density

The road density in the central area inside the IRR is sufficiently high when compared to the other cities in
neighboring countries like Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Hong Kong, Bangkok and Hanoi etc., while that in
the sub-urban area is still low (city centre: 12.2 km/sq. km and suburban area: 1.6 km/sq. km).
The future population will mainly grow in the suburban area toward 2035, where more road developments
will be required for enhancing mobility and sustaining the suburban life.
The future road network for 2035 will be planned by setting the road density target roughly estimated by
using the relationship with the future population density.
7.2.2 Traffic Demand and Capacity
Table 7.2-1 shows the V/C ratios in the cases that the traffic demand in 2012 and that in 2035 are assigned to
the existing trunk road network.
a. The traffic demand is already exceeding the traffic capacity at the corridors, S1 (Monivong &
Norodom), M1 (Monireth) and R2 (Monivong Bridge).
b. In 2035, the traffic demand is predicted to exceed the capacity at almost all the corridors.
c. Particularly the V/C ratio is high at M1 (Monireth), R1 (Chrouy Changva Bridge), S1 (Monivong &
Norodom), R2 (Monivong Bridge), S2 (NR2) and W1 (Russian Blvd. & Kampuchia Krom).
Accordingly, the traffic capacities for these corridors should be increased.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

Table 7.2-1 Comparison of Traffic Demand and Traffic Capacity

Present Network Do Nothing Case
Corridor Capacity Traffic Volume in Capacity Traffic Volume in
v/c Ratio v/c Ratio
(pcu/day) 2012 (pcu/day) (pcu/day) 2035 (pcu/day)
N1 119,700 103,403 0.86 119,700 207,344 1.73
N2 58,600 19,035 0.32 58,600 42,214 0.72
N3 42,400 17,965 0.42 42,400 39,588 0.93
N4 34,200 21,962 0.64 34,200 40,005 1.17
W1 91,800 84,292 0.92 91,800 166,453 1.81
W2 150,100 66,259 0.44 150,100 166,927 1.11
W3 95,400 60,539 0.63 95,400 117,982 1.24
W4 53,000 32,895 0.62 53,000 58,859 1.11
S1 103,300 108,040 1.05 103,300 227,553 2.20
S2 73,200 55,883 0.76 73,200 145,143 1.98
S3 49,800 26,762 0.54 49,800 67,504 1.36
M1 53,800 57,712 1.07 53,800 141,838 2.64
M2 58,500 43,845 0.75 58,500 75,318 1.29
R1 34,400 32,342 0.94 34,400 85,117 2.47
R2 70,300 74,952 1.07 70,300 149,487 2.13
Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 7.2-1 Transport

Corridors to Promote

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

7.2.3 Road Projects Under Construction or in Committed Stage

The following projects are currently under construction (as of October 2014), or committed according to the
Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT) and DPWT.
1. 2nd Chrouy Changvar Bridge (completed by DPWT)
2. East River Bank Road (Chrouy Changvar District)(completed by DPWT)
3. Stueng Mean Chey Flyover (completed by DPWT)
4. Toul Kork Flyover (on-going by DPWT)
5. Takhmau – Preak Samroang Bridge and the Connection Road to NR1 (on-going by DPWT)
6. Middle Ring Road Project (NR1 – NR2) (on-going by DPWT)
7. NR6 (on-going by MPWT)
8. Hanoi Road (on-going by DPWT)
9. Veng Sreng Road (on-going by DPWT)
10. Hun Sen Road (on-going by DPWT)
11. Outer Ring Road (on-going by DPWT)
12. Rehabilitation and Widening of NR42 (planned by DPWT)
13. NR5 (on-going by MPWT)
14. Camko City Road / Grand Phnom Penh Road (on-going by DPWT)
15. PPSEZ Road (completed by private sector)

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure7.2-2 Road Projects Under Construction or in Committed Stage
The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

7.2.4 Preparation of Road Network Proposed for 2035

Completion of the proposed trunk road network is the fundamental framework of the urban transport
system and actual construction takes time. And most important factor to materialize the trunk road system
is to secure the right-of –way of the road.
(1) Inter-regional Road
As an inter-regional road related to Phnom Penh, one-digit national roads such as NR1, NR2, NR3, NR4,
NR5 and NR6 have the most important role in the future. The improvement or widening plans of these
national roads are shown either in the ”Follow-up Study on Road Network Development Master Plan (JICA,
March 2009) or ”Data Collection Survey on Trunk Road Network Planning for Strengthening of
Connectivity through the Southern Economic Corridor” (JICA, March 2013).
According to these reports, all of them except NR3 have already been developed or are to be developed by
2020 as a 4-lane road at least in the suburban area of Phnom Penh. NR2 up to Ta Khmau and NR4 for 20 km
section are already 4 lanes, while widening works of NR5 and NR6 are undertaken at present.
(2) Road Network Development in Phnom Penh
Based on the road development policy, the road network for 2035 was prepared from the following
- To complete the ring and radial road network pattern
- To strengthen the East – West transport corridor where the rapid urbanization is currently proceeding
- To support the new sub-centers particularly located at North and South of the Central area as identified
in the urban structure in 2035
- To mitigate the traffic congestions at present as well as that anticipated in the future
- To support the development of public transport including bus services covering all the Project area

a) Road Network in the Central Area

As the Central Area is mostly built up already and
has sufficiently high road density, there is no new
road development plan except for the urban
development areas such as Boeng Kok.
As for some existing roads, widening is proposed in
this project: The Inner Ring Road (IRR) will be
widened from 2 to 4 lanes in the northern half and a
part of south section. In addition, the widening of the
section from Russian Blvd. and Toul Kork and the
widening of Monireth to 6 lanes within the ROW are
The missing links for the section between St.608 –
St.610 and between St.430 and St.261 are also
proposed to be constructed.
Figure 7.2-3 Proposed Road
Development Plan in the Central Area 52 Source: PPUTMP Project Team
The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

b) Road Network Development in the Sub-urban Area

1. Ring Roads
In addition to the Inner Ring Road (RR-l), three more ring roads will be developed; namely, the Middle
Ring Road (RR-II), the Outer Ring Road (RR-III) and the Outer-most Ring Road (RR-IV).
Middle Ring Road (RR-II)
The Middle Ring Road (RR-II) has been proposed by China, and currently, the Preak Samroan Bridge is
under construction.
The plan intends to construct a new road from NR1 to Chaom Chao Road via above mentioned bridge and
widen Hanoi Road and extend up to NR5 (the section from NR2 to NR5 is planned to be a 4-lane road.).
In this project, RR-II is proposed to be further extended to NR6 crossing the Tonle River as a 2-lane road
(13.5m in width).
Outer Ring Road (RR-III)
The Outer Ring Road (RR-III) is proposed to start from NR1 near the New Phnom Penh Port, crossing with
NR2 at about 3 km east of Cheng Aek Road, be aligned toward Northwest until NR3 at about 3 km from the
junction point of NR3/NR4, and connect to Kob Srob Road, then to NR5 and NR6. This ring road is the one
originally proposed by Korea, but the road alignment has been modified by slightly shifting to the north at
the section between NR2 and NR3 in order to avoid the precious agricultural area. The carriageway width is
planned to be 22 m for the section from NR21 to NR5, while the other sections are assumed to be 13.5 m in
width. It will be operated and maintained under a build-operate-transfer (BOT) scheme after its completion.
Outer-most Ring Road (RR-IV)
RR-IV is the outermost ring road aligned at about 4 km to 10 km outside of RR-III. It is planned to be
developed from NR1 at about 4 km south of New Phnom Penh Port to NR2 at around Preak Slaeng district
and NR3 at around Trapeang Veaeng district; then it is aligned northward, and slightly eastside of NR42 in
parallel and turns eastward near the north-west city boundary and reaches at NR5 and NR6 at several
kilometers outside of RR-III. Accordingly, RR-VI is defined as a city boundary ring road and is expected to
be used as a bypass road of the urbanized area. At the same time, it is expected to be a supporting road for
the development of the surrounding area.
RR-IV is proposed as an ordinary arterial road with 10.5 m carriageway at the beginning; however, it will be
converted to an expressway when the expressway network at national level is developed.
2. Radial Roads
As for the radial roads, the national roads NR1, NR2, NR3, NR4, NR5 and NR6 will be widened, as stated
above to play important roles as suburban arterial roads in the future.
In order to enhance the East-West axis, the carriageways of Russian Blvd. and Veng Sreng Road will be
widened within the Right-of-Way to cope with the traffic growth and function as a main public transport
corridor in the future.
In addition, two new East-West arterials roads are proposed; one is located at the North of Russian Blvd,
starting from RR-1 at Toul Kok to RR-IV via Hanoi Road and RR-III. The other is planned at the south side
of Veng Sreng Road and NR4 starting from NR1 to RR-IV, linking with vertical main roads like NR2,
Cheng Aek Road, RR-II, RR-III, etc.
With regard to North-South direction, Hanoi Road and Hun Sen Blvd. will function as the arterial roads.
Hanoi Road will be widened to 4 lanes with a bike lane road. Hun Sen Road will be developed from the

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

southern end of Monivong Blvd to RR-III to function as a main corridor to/from AZ Green City.
3. Other Roads
The main road developments are intended to support the urban development projects mainly located at the
suburban area.
In addition to several large-scale projects, a number of urban development projects are undertaken at
present. As they will be new main traffic generation points, the road network developments in the
following areas are proposed to cope with the future traffic demand and to support the urban development.
 Mean Chhey District including Chabar Ampov area (the area surrounded by NR1、RR-II and Tonle
Basak River)
 Green City area
 Southern area of Chaom Chau
 Samraong Kraom Sub-Center area (Logistic Center)
 Krang Thnong urban development area
 Camko & Grand Phnom Penh area
 Chrouy Changvar area (including Garden City Preaek Phnov)

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure7.2-4 Proposed Road Network in the Suburban Area

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

7.3 Traffic Management

7.3.1 Overall Plan
A comprehensive traffic management is planned to maximize use of limited urban road space, to prepare a
comfortable pedestrian space and to increase the convenience of the public transport.
With a comprehensive traffic management system combining several traffic management schemes, safe,
comfortable and smooth transportation system is expected to be materialized in the dense city center.
In other words, implementation by mutual linkage of the following measures, which are triggered by
traffic signal system upgrading (refer to Section 7.3.2), can establish a safe and smooth transportation
system in Phnom Penh:
(1) Improving problematic intersections together with traffic signal system upgrading (refer to Section
(2) Securing traffic safety and ensuring smooth traffic flow along one-way roads together with traffic
signal system upgrading (refer to Section 7.3.2);
(3) Developing on-street parking along local roads together with the introduction of the one-way system
(refer to Section7.3.2 and 7.3.3);
(4) Developing on-sidewalk parking space using a part of sidewalk space along the trunk roads (refer to
Section 7.3.3);
(5) Looking into the possibility of improving the sidewalk by public side triggered by the traffic signal
system upgrading (Control private use of the sidewalk space and restore the original function of the
sidewalk) (refer to Section 7.3.4);
(6) Safely continue the pedestrian network by installing pedestrian traffic signals and pedestrian crossing
marking (refer to Section 7.3.4); and
(7) Strengthening of the traffic safety education and traffic enforcement, which are essential for the
efficient functioning of above measures (refer to Section 7.3.5).
A conceptual picture of the comprehensive traffic management scheme is provided in Figure 7.3-1. It
shows that improvement in the traffic condition in the dense city center is materialized by all of the above
measures when they come together much like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, but unlike the pieces of a puzzle,
each one individually works.

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure7.3-1 Conceptual Picture of Comprehensive Traffic Management System
The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

7.3.2 Road Traffic Improvement Plan c) Chrouy Changvar Roundabout

Issues: This roundabout has 7 legs with large
(1) Major Problematic Intersections traffic volume and traffic flow from south to west
cross many legs
Many problematic major intersections in the city have
been improved under the “Phnom Penh City Urban
Transport Improvement Project” and other projects.
However, the following 3 major intersections are
representative of intersections that still face major
traffic issues.

b) Neang Kong Hing Intersection

Issues: 5 legs intersection and it is difficult to know
the phasing pattern

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 7.3-2 Location of the Major Problem a) Chamkar Morn Intersection
Issues: Unbalanced left-turn traffic volume along
Intersections Norodom

1) Chamkar Morn Intersection

This is a signalized cross intersection with a 4-phase signal control plan. In spite of its signalization,
traffic police is needed to direct traffic during the morning peak hours to avoid serious congestion from
occurring. The existing signal control plan is thus given a thorough review to replicate the situations as if
they are under the guidance of the traffic police. Results of the review concluded that a 5-phase control
plan is necessary. With such an improvement, the need for a traffic police to be on site has become
Phase1 Phase2 Phase3 Phase4 Phase5

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 7.3-3 Improved Signal Control Plan at Chamkar Morn Intersection

2) Neang Kong Hing Intersection

This 5-legged cross intersection is under an existing and fairly efficient 4-phase signal control pattern.
However, to further simplify the traffic movements within this intersection, traffic control measures may
be applied to the relatively small traffic volume entering Charles de Gaulle Blvd. This will then enable
some changes to the traffic lane operations. Traffic congestion at this intersection can then be largely
abated to an acceptable level. However, looking at the conditions of building around this intersection,
there is no space for any road width widening and any improvement measures have to be carried out
within the existing road space.
It is concluded that major changes to the existing configuration and operation of this intersection will be
difficult. The applicable solution is to implement certain traffic control measures to some entry points of
the intersection. This would help to mitigate and reduce the level of traffic congestion.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

3) Chrouy Changvar Intersection

To resolve the problems brought on by multiple merging points and longer travel distance on the IRR and
the need for a smoother traffic flow, the underground passageway proposal was considered to be a
superior alternative. With this proposal, the merging of IRR traffic with local traffic can be avoided.
Hence, many potential traffic conflicts can also be avoided by the weaving traffic within the roundabout.
The function of IRR can be significantly strengthened. Finally, since IRR traffic is segregated from the
local traffic, the proposed underground passageway can also contribute to a safer and smoother traffic




Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 7.3-4 Proposed Improvement Measure at Chrouy Changvar Roundabout

(Underground Passageway)

(2) Signal Control Improvement Plan (Traffic Signal Control System)

1) Necessity
Currently there are more than 60 intersections in Phnom Penh City that are installed with traffic control
signals. However, most of them are isolated signal controls operating with fixed timing plans regardless
of the traffic demand conditions, making them rather inefficient in controlling the traffic.
To cope with the worsening traffic conditions brought about by future traffic demand increases, more
efficient traffic signal system is required. Because of the limited capability of the existing equipment,
upgrading them so as to incorporate more advanced functions is not possible and thus a new set of signal
control system must be introduced.
Area Traffic Control (ATC) system is a system where the signal controls are all done by using a computer
system. All the traffic signals at intersections are directly and centrally controlled by a computer system
located in a traffic control centre. Signal timings at all signalized intersections are optimized to handle the
prevailing traffic demands which are constantly measured by the vehicle detectors placed at strategic
locations within the road network. The traffic conditions in Phnom Penh have reached a level that calls
for the introduction of an ATC system to effectively manage the overall city-wide traffic demand on its
road network.
2) System Composition
An ATC system basically comprise a signal control computer system installed in a traffic control center,
signal and signal control equipment at each of the intersections, vehicle detectors that measure the
prevailing traffic conditions and lastly, the various cables that link up all these equipment and

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

Traffic Control Centre



Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 7.3-5 Basic Concept and Configuration of ATC System

3) Expected Benefits of Introducing an ATC System
The following are some of the expected positive effects of introducing an ATC System:
 Efficiency in traffic operation (reduction of stopping, delays and increase in overall travel speed)
 Improved traffic safety (reduction of traffic accidents)
 Reduced fuel consumption and hence reduced CO2 and emissions of other pollutants
4) Selected Intersections for the Proposed ATC System
Presently, there are a total of 69 signalized intersections in Phnom Penh. Out of these, 61 locations and
another 31 new intersections that require installation of new signal control equipment will be incorporated
into the target control area of the proposed ATC System.
5) Traffic Surveillance (CCTV) Camera System
As part of the ATC system, a Traffic Surveillance System using 26 CCTV cameras is also proposed.
Locations of these CCTV cameras within the traffic control area are shown in the figure below.

Source: PPUTMP Project Team Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 7.3-6 Target Signalized Intersections Figure 7.3-7 Target Signalized Intersections
for the Proposed ATC System for the Installation of CCTV Cameras

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

6) Organization Setup
The ATC system requires competent staff with specialized knowledge for its introduction, operation and
maintenance. The work demand skills and know-how that are much higher than those required for
managing the existing signal control equipment. The current management and operational capability of
the Public Lighting Division of DPWT will not be sufficient to operate and manage the proposed ATC
system. Capacity building is thus required for this agency.
7) Plan for the Introduction of the ATC System
Plan and time schedule for the introduction of the proposed ATC system is shown in the figure below.

Table 7.3-1 System Implementation Schedule

2014 2015 2016 2017

Traffic survey and system

Tender document
Tendering and contractor
Manufacturing, database
development, factory test
System construction,
testing and commissioning
System training
Source: PPUTMP Project Team

(3) Intersection Improvements

Intersection is a location where traffic streams intersect each other and the service level of a road is often
dictated by the traffic processing at the intersection. Furthermore, such traffic processing performance at
intersection in turns also affects largely the operational efficiency of the signal control equipment. The
followings are some of the traffic operational improvement measures applicable to intersections:

Corner radius
Note: Shaded works in the Figure Traffic sign

are expected in the grant aid project.

Pedestrian barrier
Pavement markings

Provision of left turn lane Corner island Extension/truncation

construction / of median island
Source: PPUTMP Project Team removal

Figure 7.3-8 Intersection Sidewalk improvement

Improvement Measures

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

(4) One-way Traffic System

1) Planning Direction
The city of Phnom Penh is facing a worsening traffic congestion problem that is chiefly due to the steady
increase of vehicle usage and reduced road capacity brought about by widespread roadside parking. In
addition, illegal and indiscriminate parking of vehicles on pedestrian sidewalks and roadways have
threatened the safety of pedestrians. Solutions to all these urban transport problems are therefore urgently
needed. New transport facilities development is facing space constraint in the city center, hence, more
efficient utilization of the existing road space is the key to solve these various problems. Along narrow
streets, curbside parking has resulted in difficulty for opposing traffic streams to pass through, thus
creating serious traffic congestions. To overcome this problem, one of the solutions is to convert such
narrow streets into one-way traffic streets. This measure can help in more efficient usage of the limited
road space by increasing its operational capacity for a smoother traffic flow while reducing traffic
For this reason, in the 1st Public Experiment conducted under this Project, a one-way traffic system and
parking countermeasures to free up pedestrian walking space for tourists and pedestrians were
implemented in a section of the Tourist Area. With good results from such experiment, the introduction of
the one-way traffic operation system to the entire city center focusing on the highly trafficked Tourist
Area is being examined.
2) Basic Concept on the Introduction of One-Way Traffic System
Basic Functions of a One-Way Traffic System
The following are the basic functions of a one-way traffic system for the city center:
 One-way traffic system capable of increasing the traffic processing capacity of narrow and congested
streets; and
 One-way traffic system capable of enhancing or complementing the operation and functions of a
future urban public (bus) transport system.
In principle, one-way traffic system will not be introduced to the major arterial roads in the city. In the
case of districts, the following conditions for one-way measures are proposed:
 All the existing one-way traffic streets are to be retained as they are;
 The existing routes are basically extended or expanded to those routes or areas included in the Public
Experiment Study Area;
 Streets that are close-by, parallel and of similar class and length can be paired up;
 Any extension of route should not be too short and in principle should function as the connecting
road between arterial street;
 Each pair of one-way streets must be basically within 300 m of each other;
 Routes are selected only if they do not cause exceptionally long detours;
 Routes that may cause further complication to the travel pattern will not be selected; and
 Narrow streets or road sections which attract large traffic volumes of people and vehicles such as
roadside wet market should not be considered.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

3) Proposed One-Way Traffic System

By referring to the above basic concept and functions, a one-way traffic system is proposed for the city
center of Phnom Penh.

Proposed One-way Road

Existing One-way Road

Local Roads

Current Condition

Illegal Illegal Illegal

On-sidewalk On-street On-sidewalk
Parking Parking Parking


Parking/ Oneway Parking/

Stopping Space System Stopping Space

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 7.3-9 Proposed One-Way Traffic System for Phnom Penh City Center

7.3.3 Parking Measures

Examining the current parking supply balance, there is an overall shortage of about11,600
(11,620=15,560-3,940 , refer to (A) and (G) in Table 7.3-2) lots for motorcycle parking and another about
5,800 (5,843=8,408-2,565, refer to (A) and (G) in Table 7.3-3) lots for passenger cars within the city
center. Using the current parking demand as a base, the demand for parking for the future planning years
in 2016, 2020 and 2035 are forecasted. Future parking countermeasures are proposed to mitigate the
increases in demand taking into consideration the features of urban transport in Phnom Penh.
(1) Supply unable to Meet Future Demand for Parking
The future parking demand is basically forecasted using results of the person trip survey correlating to the
zonal parking survey data. Using the existing trip attractions by zone (in PCU) in 2012 and the future trip
attractions in PCU by 2035, parking demand is forecasted, while those for 2016 and 2020 are interpolated
from the 2035 forecast. The parking facility shortages are then calculated by deducting from these
forecasted demands, trips that are expected to be transferred to the public transport and the possible
supply of on-street and off-street parking spaces. As a result of this forecast and computation, it is found
that a shortage of about 2,500 (refer to (J-K) in 2035 in Table 7.3-2) lots for motorcycle parking and

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

another about 980 (refer to (J-K) in 2035 in Table 7.3-3) lots for passenger cars are expected in 2035.
(2) Countermeasures
1) Concept
Parking demands for both passenger cars and motorcycles are expected to increase very significantly in
the future, especially with the rapid increase in the number of passenger cars in Phnom Penh. With the
existing system and parking facilities supply rate, illegal parking problems in the city will deteriorate
further, resulting in a very chaotic and unmanageable situation.
As Phnom Penh is a developing city, activities within the city center must be given priority. Hence
parking demand in the city center has to be accommodated as much as possible. However, land use in the
city center is seriously constrained. For this reason, comprehensive parking countermeasures that include
soft measures like a parking restraint policy must be applied.
In addition, in the proposed Urban Transport Master Plan for Phnom Penh, public transport system is
expected to become the main backbone of the future urban transport system of the city with a significant
overall travel mode share in the future. Hence, mode transfer to public transport from the private modes
must also be carefully considered when planning the hard measures for parking such as development of
future on-street and off-street parking facilities.

Table 7.3-2 Forecasted Motorcycle Parking Demand after Accounting for On-street
Parking Provision
Current parking demand Future parking demand Conversion of public transport
Public transport Public transport Parking demand after PT
Current parking demand Growth rate of attracted car Future parking demand
conversion rate conversion amount conversion subtraction
Item (A) OD from PT survey(B)
(D) (E=C×D) (F=C-E)
Street Parking Total 2016 2020 2035 2016 2020 2035 2016 2020 2035 2016 2020 2035 2016 2020 2035
Total 15,560 486 16,046 1.07 1.14 1.39 17,251 18,456 22,974 Setting by zone 863 1,846 6,892 16,388 16,610 16,082
Off-street parking spaces associated with
Current Off-street parking spaces Street space
Current After Current parking Off-street parking spaces Final excess or deficiency
After redevelopment
parking space subtraction associated with the Street space(K) amount after street space
subtraction(J=H-I) subtraction(J-K)
spaces( (H=F-G) redevelopment(I)
G) 2016 2020 2035 2016 2020 2035 2016 2020 2035 2016 2020 2035 2016 2020 2035
3,940 12,448 12,670 12,142 337 787 2,473 12,111 11,883 9,669 7,190 7,190 7,190 4,921 4,693 2,479

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Table 7.3-3 Forecasted Passenger Car Parking Demand after Accounting for On-street
Parking Provision
Current parking demand Future parking demand Conversion of public transport
Public transport Public transport Parking demand after PT
Current parking demand Growth rate of attracted car Future parking demand
conversion rate conversion amount conversion subtraction
Item (A) OD from PT survey(B) (C=A×B)
(D) (E=C×D) (F=C-E)
Street Parking Total 2016 2020 2035 2016 2020 2035 2016 2020 2035 2016 2020 2035 2016 2020 2035
Total 8,408 109 8,517 1.26 1.51 2.47 10,856 13,196 21,969 Setting by zone 543 1,320 6,591 10,314 11,876 15,378
Off-street parking spaces associated with
Current Off-street parking spaces Street space
Current After Current parking Off-street parking spaces Final excess or deficiency
After redevelopment
parking space subtraction associated with the Street space(K) amount after street space
subtraction(J=H-I) subtraction(J-K)
spaces( (H=F-G) redevelopment(I)
G) 2016 2020 2035 2016 2020 2035 2016 2020 2035 2016 2020 2035 2016 2020 2035
2,565 7,749 9,311 12,813 1,175 2,741 8,613 6,574 6,571 4,200 3,219 3,219 3,219 3,355 3,352 981

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

2) Soft Measures
With effects of mode transfer and the physical measures, future increased parking demand can almost be
overcome and a good pedestrian walking environment and a better city landscape can be achieved. This is
only possible if we assumed that car and motorcycle drivers are willing to park their vehicles in these
parking facilities. For this reason, it is very essential that efficient use of all the parking facilities and
enforcement on illegal parking are also implemented.
7.3.4 Development of Comfortable Pedestrian Environment
The city center has a legacy from the French colonial era that influenced the formation of recent street
scenes. Wide sidewalks of up to 5.0 m are found on one side along major roads. Even on local roads,
sidewalks of 2.0 to 3.0 m are commonly found on one side of these roads. However, most of these wide
sidewalks have lost their public spaces status. To ensure a comfortable and conducive walking
environment in the city, it is now necessary to reclaim these public sidewalk spaces.
The following are the development policy in order to achieve a good pedestrian environment in the
Master Plan.
(1) Development Policy
1) Reclaim the Continuous Public Walking Space for Pedestrians to Move about
Comfortably and Safely
In the public experiment, a pedestrian survey was conducted targeting four experimental routes. Results
of the pedestrian volume survey indicated that by ensuring the continuity in the sidewalk spaces,
pedestrian sidewalks usage has increased from 37.6% to 59.9%. This result has firmly verified the
positive effect of having continuous sidewalks in improving the walking environment in the city.
2) Formation of a Pedestrian Network in Promoting Tourism
Presently, many foreign tourists visiting Phnom Penh choose to move about on foot for visiting tourist
sites within the city center. However, their movement is often impeded by the lack of a continuous
pedestrian network. To promote tourism in the city center, therefore, it is necessary to develop a network
of comfortable and continuous sidewalks that link up all the tourist spots so that foreign tourists can move
about and visit them safely and comfortably.
(2) Current Problems/Issues
1) Pedestrian Environment Condition
Based on the survey of the study areas involved, there are several specific problems identified which
cause the accessibility and mobility of pedestrians to be slow and dangerous such as illegally parked
vehicles on sidewalk, no proper pedestrian signage and lack of traffic safety facilities and regulations.
However, these problems are not permanent obstructions that cannot be removed. The present physical
condition of the proposed pedestrian network walkways in general is fair with an average width of 5 m,
except in the Toul Sleng area where practically all pedestrian walkways are usurped by lot owners. The
figure below shows the current condition and problems of the pedestrian network covered.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 7.3-10 Current Conditions of the Pedestrian Network

(3) How to Materialize the Development Policies

1) Considering the Functions of Sidewalks
Sidewalks in the city center have various kinds of functions. They serve as spaces for not only walking
but also for resting especially those found in the tourist area; for transiting purpose along bus/transit
routes; for ensuring safety (basically all sections of the sidewalk); for landscaping purpose such as
planting trees; for providing benches; and parking in the case of wide sidewalks usually found in the
business/commercial area (see Figure 7.3-11).
Considering the land use, number of pedestrians, potential accident risks and location of tourist
spots/urban facilities along the sidewalk, it is important to provide the necessary functions to increase the
charm of the sidewalk environment.
2) Considering Networking
To connect tourist spots or urban facilities without interrupting the route is one of the most important
factors for the development of a comfortable and charming pedestrian environment.
3) Maximize use of the Project for Development of Traffic Management System
Installation of traffic lights at intersections, pedestrian signals and pedestrian crossing markings also
improve the continuation of the pedestrian space.
4) Reflect the Voices of Citizens and Tourists through Public Experiment
Based on the above discussion, Figure 7.3-11 shows a clear image of the Proposed Pedestrian Road
Network linking major tourist spots in Phnom Penh.
The proposed pedestrian road network is based on the functions or usage of the walkway. Figure 7.3-11
also explains the walkway functions that are present in each study area involved. These functions are a
vital component for the consideration of the study area involved.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 7.3-11 Functions for Sidewalk by Section

(4) Pilot Sidewalk Section for the Medium-term Plan

The proposed pilot sidewalk section for the medium-term plan for Phnom Penh City is Street 240
between Norodom Blvd. and Sisowath Blvd. based on the following reasons:
1. This section is a popular tourist spot/street/area. There are many nice restaurants and souvenir shops.
The sidewalk is relatively wide with trees line the street.
2. There is a need to strengthen the east-west pedestrian network to be able to catch up with the
north-south network.
3. New traffic signals are installed at three intersections along Street 240, and this improvement secures
the pedestrian network continuation and safety.
Proposed actions for better pedestrian circumstances and increase of tourists along Street 240 are as
1. Organize a Street 240 committee, with members from among its citizens and owners of shops along the
2. Discuss the merits and demerits of Street 240 to tourists, residents and shop owners;
3. Prepare a street problems/issues map including points described in (2) and develop the
4. Carry out street improvement based on the above countermeasures together with PPCH and DPWT;
5. Conduct citizens’ seminar and disseminate information about activities in the area throughout the city.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 7.3-12 Proposed Pedestrian Circumstance Improvement Plan along Street 240

7.3.5 Drivers’ Education and Enforcement

Traffic accidents are often caused by a complex combination of reasons such as poor road environment,
inclement weather conditions, abnormal driving behavior or poor vehicle conditions. The topography of
Phnom Penh City is relatively flat with no steep slopes or sudden curves. None of the city roads has
dangerous alignment which may adversely affect the level of traffic safety. On the other hand, the
population of Phnom Penh is expected to increase significantly which will produce many more new
drivers in the near future. Once the new and less experienced drivers in the city become the majority
drivers, it would indirectly increase the risk of traffic accidents. In many developing countries, new
drivers are often given a license to drive without sufficient training on their driving skills and knowledge
of traffic safety. Furthermore, traffic accidents in these countries are commonly due to such causes as
driving without a license, speeding and drunk driving.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

With such background, it is thus necessary to implement a combination of measures that include the
installation of traffic safety amenities such as road medians and guardrails, increasing the level of
awareness on traffic safety and driver education for a complete understanding of the various traffic
regulations and rules; and finally to diligently monitor the implementation of the above measures with
proper guidance and support. Enforcement to remove or correct undesirable behavior is equally important
whenever actual problematic situations are timely reviewed in order to propose the most suitable
countermeasures to overcome them.
(1) Driver Education
Traffic safety is basically aimed at ensuring smooth traffic operation, but in developing countries, it also
encompasses the important issue of educating drivers on safety. It is very necessary to implement a
comprehensive system of traffic education which includes the mandatory education to the young people
before they are eligible to apply for a driver’s license.
 Beginning with mandatory education on traffic safety to children (school-going age groups), with
repeats if necessary to ensure full completion and full coverage.
 Adult education on traffic safety (license holders) focusing on education during renewal of licenses.
Such education shall focus on contents with careful consideration to the score cards records obtained
during license application.
 Contents should not be limited to imparting knowledge on traffic safety only, but more importantly, it
should also focus on the penalties imposed when an accident occurs and to emphasize the fact that
accident not only affect the victim but also the perpetrator.
(2) Traffic Enforcement
Enforcement is but the other necessary half to driver education in ensuring the observance of traffic
regulations by road users. Generally, just with the presence of traffic police, observance of traffic rules
and regulations can be expected from the drivers. In the city of Phnom Penh, however, the presence of
traffic police patrolling the city streets is generally considered not conspicuous. In other words, as long as
the issues of lack of effective law enforcement and the relatively light penalties meted out to offenders are
not overcome, the beneficial effects from traffic enforcement in improving traffic safety level cannot be
expected. Furthermore, in relation to traffic enforcement, it is also very necessary to carry out capacity
building in nurturing appropriate manpower specializing in traffic enforcement, providing the necessary
equipment and facilities, and finally technology transfer on such training and manpower development. In
summary, the following are proposed to ensure the observance of traffic rules and regulations:
 Conduct timely and periodic enforcement exercises

 Strengthen the system of penalties

 Nurturing of traffic police officers

 Furnish the police force with the latest enforcement equipment

 Transfer suitable enforcement technology and know-how

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

7.3.6 Traffic Demand Management (TDM)

(1) Concept in Traffic Demand Management
TDM refers to programs or strategies that could change or reduce the travel demand so that there is less
congestion on the streets. With less congestion, traffic safety improves, less fuel is consumed and
vehicular emissions are reduced.
This traffic measures works in such way as to influence travelers to patronize transportation systems like
and parking spaces.
(2) Target of TDM
The City Centre will continue to face an ever
increasing influx of urban population in the future. The
population of PPCC is projected to increase from 1.85
million in 2012 to about 2.87 million by 2035.
Notwithstanding this rapid increase, PPCC is expected
to provide lively urban spaces in support of its various
social and economic activities.
The challenge is how to meet such increases in
motorization while working with a very limited urban
land area within this city center for more road network
development. With the current transportation system in
this city center, the increases in travel demand will
generate tremendous pressure on the transport facilities
thus aggravating further the present urban transport
problems. The restraint on use of private motor
vehicles and motorcycles thus becomes necessary.
Hence, the ‘target’ of traffic demand management for Source: PPUTMP Project Team
the city center is to restraint the influx of vehicular traffic
Figure 7.3-13 Image Showing Target of TDM
into the city center.
(3) Applicable TDM Measures for Phnom Penh
TDM measures should not be implemented individually but rather as a collection or a package of
simultaneous measures, in order to achieve the desired overall benefits and maintain the sustainability of
such measures. Therefore, TDM measures in this project are proposed as a package with soft and hard
measures or plans from each of the related sectors. The following table presents the relationships between
the soft TDM measure types and the related hard sector plans or measures.
Phnom Penh needs TDM measures that promote ‘Effective Travel Modes Transfer’; hence, measures
involving the introduction of public transport modes are most suitable. The following is basically required
for the introduction of a public transport mode:
 Measures in promoting the transfer from passenger cars and motorcycles to public transport
modes; and
 Measures in upgrading the convenience and connectivity of public transport systems and the
promotion of their usage.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

From various actual TDM application examples in other cities, measures that are deemed suitable for
implementation in Phnom Penh are given in the table below. These are proposed with careful
consideration of Cambodia’s national characteristics, its level of understanding on TDM and the unique
urban transport features of the city.

Table 7.3-4 Applicable TDM Measures for Phnom Penh

Applicable TDM
measures taken from
Sector Outline of proposed measures
the Implementing
Install parking facilities at bus stops at the outskirts of the City Center
Public for mode transfer. This is to promote and enable the direct transfer
Transport Park & (Bus) Ride
System from passenger cars and motorcycles to the more efficient public
transport modes of travel.
On the arterials roads in the city center district where road width is
sufficient to provide 3 lanes in each direction, one of these lanes can be
Bus Lane designated as bus exclusive or priority lane, either for specific time
periods or for the entire day. Such a measure is to upgrade the
punctuality and reliability of the bus transport system.
Traffic By giving signal priority for buses to pass through the signalized
Signal intersections along the major arterials in the city center area, it is
System Bus priority signal
control system possible to maintain the travel speeds of buses and hence improve the
punctuality of the bus service. This is to promote the usage of bus
Provide information such as road congestion or bus operation
Road traffic situations at bus stops or over the internet to the public. This measure
dissemination system can improve the convenience of traveler to the city center as well as
promote the use of bus transport.
Strict enforcement of on-street parking along the bus routes on the
major arterials roads in the city center by the use of road surface
Parking On-street parking
measures control markings and warning signs. This measure can also indirectly
support the improvement on the reliability and punctuality of the
public transport and hence encourage its usage.
Allow the co-existence of public transport and pedestrian walking
Improvement space within the central commercial district in the city center. As a
of pedestrian Installation of Transit
walking Mall supplementary measure, upgrade the bus stops and ensure the
environment continuity of pedestrian network. Such measures would improve the
convenience of public transport and hence encourage its usage.
TDM requires the pre-requisite that road users have a high level of
understanding on the traffic rules and regulations, good etiquette and
education Mobility management self-restraint, good thinking before taking mobility actions.
Therefore, the upgrading of traffic education in Phnom Penh is very
Commodity Strict enforcement on curbside commodity loading / parking along bus
Improvement Installation of routes on the major arterials in the city center by the use of effective
Commodity Loading road surface markings or warning signs. This is to support the
and Parking Bays punctuality and reliability of public transport and hence encourage its
Source: PPUTMP Project Team
The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

7.4 Commodity Flow

7.4.1 Planning Strategy
Future plan for cargo transport in the Project area is considered by three levels: i) inter-regional freight
transport system, ii) urban logistics system and iii) cargo handling facility at final destination in the city.
(1) Inter-Regional Freight Transport System
Inter-regional freight transport system consists of large-scale cargo facilities such as port, airport, cargo
terminal of railway station, SEZ and industrial area, and transport network connecting those facilities.
Inter-regional freight transport is long distance trip, and theoretically, facilities for inter-regional freight
transport should be located outside the urban area for environmental reasons. Inter-regional freight
transport route considered as the industrial road should be separated from community road as much as
possible and should be constructed or improved according to design standards for heavy truck traffic. To
maintain a comfortable living environment in the urban area, there should be restrictions in the area and
hours of through-traffic of heavy trucks in accordance with the development and expansion of the
urbanized area.
(2) Urban Logistics System
An urban logistics system such as logistics center or distribution centers is established for i) the reduction
of lead time, i.e., time from order of goods to delivery of goods by placing deposit of goods near
destination of delivery, and ii) reduction of freight transport cost by improvement of efficiency of truck
transport such as consolidation of goods. Small-scale warehouses and wholesale businesses in the city
center should be integrated into urban logistics centers on the edge of urban areas in order to reduce truck
trip generation in the city center and reduce inharmonious facility with existing and future land use.
Urban logistics centers generate considerable truck traffic; therefore, it should be located along highways
or arterial roads with sufficient road width and number of lanes. Furthermore, an urban logistics center
should be located keeping relevant law and regulation such as land use control. The urban logistics center
is expected to provide service of secured cargo deposit and shipment of required volume of cargo at
required time. Therefore, the urban logistics center should consist of proper area for deposit of cargo,
assorting of cargo, truck berth and loading space etc.
(3) Cargo Handling Facility and Management in the Street
Cargo is eventually picked up or delivered by truck at residence/shop/office along the street in the
urbanized area. Therefore, on-street/off-street parking lot for loading/unloading goods close to final
destination is required to avoid traffic congestion caused by trucks. If preparing a parking lot for
loading/unloading is difficult, other measures such as time-sharing with other vehicles should be
7.4.2 Sector Plan of Freight Transport
(1) Inter-Regional and Urban Logistics Plan
 Inter-regional freight transport facilities in the Project area consists of existing and new Phnom Penh
Port, international airport, planned railway freight terminal, Phnom Penh SEZ and other existing and
planned industrial areas. With the proposed industrial center and sub-centers, and from the urban
structure viewpoint, a function of logistics facility is expected to be included to handle, for example,
transshipment of large volumes of cargo from/to external of Phnom Penh and small volumes of cargo

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

from/to Phnom Penh City.

 According to Phnom Penh Autonomous Port (PPAP), the existing Phnom Penh Port will still function
as a cargo port. From the viewpoint of urban transport and environment, however, a cargo port which
generates considerable heavy truck traffic in the city center is unsuitable. Therefore, it is proposed to
redevelop the existing Phnom Penh Port mainly as a passenger port with plenty of tourist attractions
and to transfer almost all function of the existing Phnom Penh Port as a cargo port to the new port.
 National Road No. 1, No. 6 and Ring Road III will serve as inter-regional freight transport route
which connect major logistics facilities, and these roads are expected to be improved as an
appropriate truck transport route, for example, as roads with two lanes per direction or roads with
adequate shoulder.
 Law and regulation on land use control along truck transport routes should be enforced to avoid the
mixing of truck traffic with other daily traffic.
 Truck restriction area is expected to be expanded in the future in accordance with the expansion of
the urbanized area in the future. For example, the restriction area is expanded to within Ring Road III
during 5:00 – 21:00 on weekdays same as existing condition.
 Establishment or strengthening of existing organization for road maintenance is expected to maintain
good road condition for truck transport routes.
(2) Urban Logistics System
An urban logistics system such as an urban distribution center is expected to be located along arterial
roads on the outer edge of urbanized areas to accept and store large volumes of cargo carried by heavy
trucks, and send out small volumes of cargo by light trucks. The urban logistics center for the Project area,
therefore, is expected to be set up with such types of facility as that facility located inside of
existing/future industrial centers/sub-centers or a redeveloped existing market in the city.
(3) Cargo Handling Facility and Management in the Street
A guide for preparing an appropriate parking lot/space for loading/unloading in the city center is provided
 On the street which has enough shoulder to park a vehicle, parking lot/space for loading/unloading
truck should be reserved by marking the road surface or by putting a road cone.
 On the street which has insufficient shoulder to park a vehicle, parking lot/space on the sidewalk or
parking bay by cutting a part of sidewalk should be reserved with sufficient consideration taken for
 On the street with insufficient shoulder and sidewalk, soft measures should be considered such as i)
enforcement of on-street parking regulation in off-peak excluding loading/unloading trucks, ii)
parking time sharing with trucks and other vehicles, iii) cooperated parking space for
loading/unloading by utilization of existing off-street parking or petrol station.
 Concerning off-street parking, i) institutionalization of mandatory attached parking facilities for

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

large-scale facilities and development, and ii) prohibition of use of existing off-street parking for
other purposes such as street vendors are expected.

In the case of Japan, the required parking lot width of parking lot is more than 3 meters. In the Phnom
Penh city center, based on the road inventory survey, several streets such as Monireth and Monivong Blvd.
have shoulders widths of 3 m or more, and many streets have sidewalks with widths of 3 m or more.
Based on the parking interview survey, 75% of truck drivers park within 50 m to final destination and
83% of truck drivers park within 100 m.
 In the center of Daun Penh, it is possible to reserve parking space on the sidewalk for
loading/unloading trucks when other on-street parking vehicles and goods removed from the street
because of its high-density has a stretch of sidewalk with a width of 3 m or more. However, the
sidewalk space reserved for pedestrians must be more than 2 m.
 In other areas such as Makara, Toul Kork and Chamkar Mom, there are only few sidewalks with
width of more than 3 m; therefore, soft measures such as reservation of parking space on the
sidewalk and hard measures such as improvement of shoulder, sidewalk and off-street parking should
be considered.

7.5 Environmental and Social Considerations

7.5.1 Sector Plan
From environmental and social viewpoints, existing issues need to be addressed in order to implement the
goal of this master plan. In a series of stakeholder meetings, the expected future urban environment in the
Project area was discussed, and the following three visions were crafted:
 Rich and comfortable urban environment with parks and street trees along sidewalks is provided in the
city center.
 In the suburban area, agricultural land is appropriately managed and cultivated even though its total area
has decreased a little. This supports a part of the city’s economic production and maintains the urban
 A variety of ecosystems is brought up based on the agricultural land, remaining ponds/lakes and natural
In order to achieve the three visions, the following practical measures are proposed:
 To prevent deterioration of air quality and noise
 To mitigate CO2 emissions
City centre:
 To secure urban parks and greens
 To improve the environment of public transport facilities including sidewalks
Suburban area and outskirts of the city:
 To preserve agricultural land by well-planned suburban developments
 To protect green area including lakes and wetland for keeping the diversity of the ecosystem
(1) To Prevent Deterioration of Air Quality and Noise
Taking into account the number of vehicles in the future, it is expected that air quality and noise will
deteriorate further particularly in high-density and congested areas as vehicles continue to increase. In
addition to introduction of public transport, TDM and vehicle inspection system, the following measures
are also important in relation to the environment.
Monitoring of air quality and its data can contribute to understand the existing condition compared to the
standard and serve as reliable information for traffic control. In addition to the monitoring by the Ministry

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

of Environment (MOE) at three locations in Phnom Penh, more number of monitoring points is necessary in
order to comprehend air quality appropriately. It is therefore proposed to set air pollution monitoring
stations in areas likely to be affected by air pollution and accumulate data. To do so, the installation of such
necessary equipment and the establishment of a new organization responsible for the monitoring under the
Department of Environment, Phnom Penh Capital City (DEPP) need to be considered.
(2) To Mitigate CO2 Emissions
In order to mitigate CO2 emissions from vehicle operation, the measures can be categorized into three: 1)
reduction of vehicle emission, 2) decreasing traffic volume, and 3) measures for CO2 absorption. The
categories are illustrated with details in the following figure.

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 7.5-1 Major Mitigation Measures of CO2 Emission

(3) To Secure Urban Parks and Greens

In the central area of Phnom Penh, the urban parks and green area tend to decrease in accordance with the
progress of urban development. Urban parks not only provide recreation space, they can also be used as
evacuation places in case of disasters. They also help to mitigate heat island effect, to absorb CO2, to
promote biodiversity and to reduce storm-water runoff. Therefore, urban parks need to be distributed
appropriately depending upon the population and density.
In terms of size of urban parks, 20 sqm/person is recently respected as the standard in the major cities.
Existing conditions in the central area of Phnom Penh would benefit from more parks and green spaces
development. However, there is limited vacant space based on existing land use, although such open spaces
seem to have a potential to be urban parks. Further urban development and redevelopment are strongly
recommended to include formulation of parks and green area.
(4) To Improve Environment of Public Transport Facilities Including Sidewalks
In order to enhance utilization of public transportation, user-friendly access to the facilities including
stations and sidewalks needs to be improved especially for vulnerable groups such as children, the elderly
and expectant mothers. Many sidewalks in Phnom Penh are large in width. However, they are used for
parking of cars and motorcycles. Moreover, some sidewalks which are bumpy and rather high are not
user-friendly at all. Accordingly, control of inappropriate parking and redesign of sidewalk are vital.
Another issue is related to garbage. Litters have been observed in some areas due to lack of service for

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

garbage collection. A reduced service is likely to be caused by insufficient fee collection in the area of
low-income households. There is a need for a review of welfare services in Phnom Penh for such areas to
receive subsidized services. Additionally, planting roadside trees is recommended in order to provide better
landscape and shade from sunlight for pedestrians.
(5) To Preserve Agricultural Land by Well-planned Suburban Developments
With a view to preserve existing agricultural land and green area, well-planned development plans and
appropriate control are important. Urban sprawl has started in the suburban area and outskirts of the city in
accordance with urbanization. Further urban development is expected brought about by pressure from
urban population growth in the future. Since the land use plan does not cover the entire municipal
boundaries including new municipality area, a review of the plan needs to be done immediately. The land
use is recommended to provide contrasts of development and preserved area in order to prevent urban
sprawl. This idea induces the formulation of population agglomerations in the suburban area. Moreover, it
facilitates the improvement of urban infrastructure and the provision of services such as water supply,
sewage and waste solid management.
(6) To Protect Green Area Including Lakes and Wetland for Keeping Diversity of the
In the outskirts of Phnom Penh Capital City (PPCC), along the IRR, there are still many green area
including cultivation area, lakes and wetland. In order to protect the ecosystem and biodiversity in these
areas, an appropriate development plan and control system are vital as well as suburban areas. On the other
hand, open dumping sites and wastewater treatments by means of lagoon system. Considering the increase
of urban population in the future, there is concern that the capacity of such dumping sites and wastewater
treatment system is inadequate to meet the demand. With regard to solid waste management, advocating the
“3Rs”; namely, reduce, reuse and recycling and efforts to decrease garbage by DEPP need to continue into
the future. It is recommended that the plan of final disposal site be reviewed from time to time taking into
account its impacts on the environment.
7.5.2 Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
SEA is one of the most appropriate tools for decision-making on plans, programs and projects since it
enables to ensure that potential environment impacts are identified and communicated to the
decision-makings in the early stage. Additionally, in the decision-making process, information on the plan,
programme and project is shared and discussed among the stakeholders in order to reflect their opinions
into the decision-making. Based upon such information disclosure process, it enables to achieve consensus
from the stakeholders. Thus SEA is considered as one of efficient systems for sustainable development.
Taking into account the type of project of PPUTMP and the area it covers, the Project team conducted series
of SEA-related activities corresponding with the work flow of the project as listed below.
a) Identified Problems and Issues of Urban, Transport and Environmental Aspects
b) Basic Direction of Comprehensive Urban Transport Master Plan
c) Stakeholder Meetings
d) Formulation of Implementation Plan and Short- and Medium-Term Action Plans
e) Pre-Feasibility Study (F/S)
f) Seminar
g) Rolling Plan by Stakeholders (after the project)
(2) Stakeholders
Involvement of not only counterparts and implementation bodies but also stakeholders is one of the unique

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

processes in SEA. To sit at the same table with a wide range of organizations could contribute to make
nonbiased discussions and to share information about future plans. The stakeholders of this project were
determined by the stakeholder analyses, and they were selected from various organizations such as
commercial organizations, Sangkat representatives, transport-related organizations and others.
7.6 Master Plan Long-List
7.6.1 Public Transport
The outline and location of the public transport projects are shown in Table 7.6-1 and Figure 7.6-1,

Table 7.6-1 Outline of the Public Transport Projects in the Long-list

Code Project Name Project Outline Quantity Remarks

Rail Transit (Elevated and
partially underground)
PT - 1 Rail Transit (Phase 1) Chaom Chau - Central Total length=14.0km Long-term
Market (CM) (via Russia or
Monireth/Veng Sreng)
Rail Transit (Elevated and
partially underground)
PT - 2 Rail Transit (Phase 2) Chaom Chau – CM (via Total length=30.8 km Long-term
Russia or Monireth), GPIC
to CM and Takmau to CM
Intermediate rail transit
PT – 3 Rail Transit Station station No. of stations=43 Long-term
Rail tranit station directly
PT – 4 Rail Transit Airport Station connects the airport No. of stations=1 Long-term

PT – 5 Rail Transit Depot Stored and maintained of No. of depots=2 Long-term

rail transit
Short to Long-
PT - 6 Bus Route Covered entire PPCC Total length=426 km term (Medium-
term: 148 km)
PT - 7 Bus depot Stored and maintained of No. of depot=2 Short- to
buses Medium-term
Multi-modal Interchange Terminal complex (Rail
PT - 8 transit + City bus + No. of terminals=4 Long-term
Complex Intercity bus)
PT - 9 Bus Terminal (Type 1) City bus + Intercity bus No. of terminals=3 Short- to
PT - 10 Bus Terminal (Type 2) City bus terminal No. of terminals=7 Short- to
No. of bus stops Short to Long-term
PT - 11 Bus stop Bus stop interval, cc: 300m (Phase 1) =389 Phase 1 (Total:
and suburban: 500 m No. of bus stops =924 389, cc: 234 and
( cc: 180 and 744) 155)
Bus Rapid Transit System
PT - 12 BRT (Bus route with more than 6 Medium- to
lanes road)
Bus priority/exclusive lane
PT - 13 Bus priority measures (Bus route with more than 4 Short- to
lanes road)
Bus operation information
is provided via mobile Medium- to
PT – 14 Bus location system phones and displays at bus
stops including e-mail when Long-term
a bus is approaching.
Restructuring of the Short- to
PT – 15 para-transit operation (1) Zone system for Motodop Medium-term
Restructuring of the Exclusive route system for Short- to
PT – 16 para-transit operation (2) Motorumok-modern (tuk-tuk) Medium-term

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

Restructuring of the Short- to

PT – 17 para-transit operation (3) Zone system for Cyclo Medium-term
Restructuring of the Improvement of commuter
PT – 18 para-transit operation (4) trucks in the suburban area Short-term

Introduction of commuter Using existing rail system Total length=19.3 km

PT – 19 between Central station and Medium-term
rail system PPSEZ station
PT – 20 Commuter Rail Station Intermediate stations No. of stations=9 Medium-term
Improvement of transfer
Improvement of water
PT - 21 transport facilities between water No. of jetties=11 Medium-term
transport and bus
Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 7.6-1 Location of Public Transport Projects in the Long-list

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

7.6.2 Road
The road projects proposed in the Master Plan are identified and coded and listed as shown in Table 7.6-2

Table 7.6-2 List of Road Project Packages

Total Length
Code Project Name Project Components
Widening and Sidewalk of Arterials in Central Area(IRR, Monireth,
RP-1 A1,A2,A3,A4,A5 10.1
Toul Kok)
RP-2 Boeng Kok Road A6, C52 6.5
RP-3 Missing Links in Central Area C50, C51 1.3
RP-4 Widening of NR1, Chabar Ampov - New PP Port A25,A26 25.3
RP-5 New E-W Arterial Road (NR1 - Cheng Aek Road) A7,A8 11.5
RP-6 New E-W Arterial Road (Cheng Aek - RR-IV) A9, A33 16.1
RR-7 New and Widening of RR-II (NR2 - NR5) A12,A13,A14 20.4
RR-8 Extension of RR-II (NR5-NR6) A15 2.9
RP-9 RR-III (NR1 - Junction with NR21) A16 18.5
RP-10 RR-III(NR21 - NR4) A17,A18 24.5
RR-11 Widening of RR-III(NR4 - 4km section) A19 4.1
RR-12 Widening of RR-III(4km from NR4 - Preak Pnob Bridge) A20 10.7
RP-13 RR-IV (NR1 - NR6) A21,A22,A23,A24 80.8
RP-14 Widening of NR2 (Junction with NR21 - RR-III) A27, A31 12.1
RP-15 Widening of NR3 (Junction with RR-III - RR-IV) A32 9.2
RP-16 Widening of Chaom Chao Road A30 8.4
RP-17 Widening of Russia/NR4 (IRR - RR-IV) A34, A35 15.2
RP-18 New E-W Arterial in Sen Sok(Toul Kok - RR-IV) A36, A37 15.9
RP-19 Widening of Hanoi Road (RR-II - RR-III) A38 4.9
RP-20 Widening of NR5 (Chruoy Changvar Bridge - RR-IV) A39, A40 15.0
RP-21 Chban Ampov area Development Road package C2, C6, C7, C9 18.9
RP-22 Mean Chey District Urban Development road package C3, C4, C5 27.0
RP-23 Mean Chey - Diamond Island Connection Rd package C1, C8 5.8
RP-24 AZ Green City Development Road package A28,C10, C11, C12 34.2
RP-25 Chaom Chao South Area Development road package A29,C15, C16, C17, C18 25.7
RP-26 Russia - Chaom Chao Connection & Boeng Tumpun Access C13, C14, C19 8.5
RP-27 Samraon Kraom Sub-center Development Road package C20, C21, C39 15.3
RP-28 Western Peripheral area development roads bw RR-III and RR-IV C45, C47, C49, C46 31.2
RP-29 Phnom Penh Thmei district Development package(West of Hanoi) C40, C37, C41 22.5
RP-30 Krang Thnong New Sub-center package C42, C43, C44, C38 20.8
RP-31 Camko/Grand Phnom Penh Development package C22, C35, C36 9.8
RP-32 Ruessei Keo, Kilolekh6 area Development roads C23, C24 9.3
RP-33 Soka, Chruoy Changvar Development roads C26, C27, C25 9.6
RP-34 Garden City Preak Pnob Development roads C28, C29, C30, C31, C32, C33 37.5
Flyover or Underpass Project in the Central Area(Monivong North,
RP-35 1.1
Toul Kok, Monivong South)
Flyover or Underpass Project (Monivong North, Toul Kok, Monivong
RP-36 South, Hanoi/Russia, Hanoi/Chaom Chao, Cheng Aek/Tumnop Thmei, 9.3
ICs or Flyovers along RR-III and RR-IV)

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 7.6-2 Proposed Road Projects in the Central Area

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)
Figure 7.6-3 Proposed Road Projects in the Suburban Area
Source: PPUTMP Project Team
The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 7.6-4 Location Map of Proposed Grade Separated Intersections

7.6.3 Traffic Management

The outline and location of the traffic management projects are shown in Table 12-3 and Figure 12-4,

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

Table 7.6-3 Traffic Management Projects in the Long-list

Code Project Name Project Outline Quantity Remarks

Chamkar Morn Smooth traffic flow in the
TM-1 Signal phasing adjustment One intersection Short-term
Intersection intersection
Revision of traffic
Neang Kong Hing Smooth traffic flow in the One intersection
TM-2 regulation Short-term
Intersection intersection
Signal phasing adjustment One intersection
Chrouy Changvar Tunnel: 70 m
TM-3 Smooth traffic flow along IRR Underpass Short-term
Intersection Approach: 200 m
Short- to
TM-4 One-way system Introduction of one-way system Length: 10.9 km
M/C: 2,500
Off-road parking
Car: 8,600
M/C: 7,200 Short- to
TM-5 Parking measures Provision of parking space On-road parking
Car: 3,200 Long-term
Parking information
Dissemination to citizens
along the roads
Development of Vitalization of tourism and city's
comfortable activities through the Guide to clear the Short- to
pedestrian development of comfortable sidewalks of illegal Medium-term
environment pedestrian environment parking, etc.
Development of the
sidewalk widening
Development of pedestrian and public transport oriented urban
TM-7 Transit mall space to vitalize the city center and to minimize traffic Length: 1 km Medium-term
Synchronized traffic signal 3 intersections along
control Monivong
Initial system covers 100
Area traffic control system
Intelligent traffic signal
Initial system covers 26

intersections (cameras).
City center traffic
Traffic surveillance system
signal The system will be
TM- Effective road space use in the Short- to
improvement installed at TCC together
8 city center Medium-term
project for 100 with area traffic control
intersections center.
Traffic monitoring system
using probe vehicles
Traffic information system
Initial system covers 8
City Center

(Variable message sign VMSs (locations).

Transit signal priority
Improvement of traffic and
TM- Transfer to bus from cars Medium- to
Park and bus ride environmental conditions in the Suburban bus terminals
9 in the suburban area Long-term
city center
The mobility management (MM) comprises "soft" measures,
which enhance the effectiveness of "hard" measures of traffic
TM- Mobility planning. The MM tools do not necessarily require large Medium- to
10 management investments measured against their high potential to change Long-term
mobility behavior. The objective of MM is to reduce single-car
Driver's education Short-,
TM- Dissemination of traffic regulation and rules to the citizens for
and traffic Medium- to
11 safe, smooth and comfortable urban transport system
enforcement Long-term
Preparation of
parking space for Short-,
TM- Use of part of car parking space along the trunk roads for truck
loading/unloading Medium- to
12 loading/unloading for trucks during the off-peak period
trucks in the city Long-term
Source: PPUTMP Project Team

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 7.6-5 Location of Traffic Management Projects

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)


8.1 Proposed Organizations
8.1.1 Reorganization of DPWT
The Department of Public Works and Transport (DPWT) underwent reorganization last September 2013.
The Public Transport Management Division (PTMD) is in charge of the part of existing Transport Office.
PPCH announced the setup of new organization an opportunity afforded by starting the city bus operation.
After the public experiment on city bus operation, PPCH and DPWT again reorganized the PTMD into the
Public Transport Management Authority (PTMA). This new organization is dedicated to overseeing the
city bus operation. PTMA is an independent body which is directly under the PPCH Governor and operates
with collaboration between PPCH (administration/management) and DPWT (operation/maintenance).
8.1.2 Establishment of Phnom Penh Urban Transport Authority (PPUTA)
(1) Transition to PPUTA
It is essential that an independent organization for public transport be established to enhance the smooth
flow of traffic with sustainable and constructive growth in MPP. The PPUTMP project team has proposed to
set up the Phnom Penh Urban Transport Authority (PPUTA) as response to the issue relative to the urban
transport system under national level organization, especially the management/operation of the newly
proposed rail transit.
The responsibility of the new organization to be established is development planning and transport
implementation of transport related activities the area of PPCC, much like a role and responsibility of the
existing PTMD. PPUTA shall duly conjecture the scale of urban transport issues utilizing management
indicators based on the discussion on expected characteristics of public transport.
Prior the creation of the PPUTA, the PPUTMP project team suggested setting up a transitional advisory
committee to coordinate the urban transport projects. This committee shall prefigure the future framework
for the transport sector in PPCC and more clearly define the role and responsibility of PPUTA.
(2) Proposed (PPUTA) Structure
The proposed structure for PPUTA prepared by the PPUTMP project is shown in Table 8.1-1. However, it is
important to discuss with stakeholders the role and responsibility of PPUTA

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

Table 8.1-1 Outline of PPUTA (Tentative)

Item Content
Status Autonomous state corporation
1. Towards comfortable city street environment
 Preparation of public transport policy
 Establishment of practical guideline for public transport
 Management of traffic mode
2. Solution of traffic congestion
 Tackling of parking issues
 Control of Tuk Tuk routes
 Management of application for new public transport system
3. Maintenance of city assets
 Clearance of walkway
 Inventory of parking lot
 Evaluation of private operator
1. Monitoring the Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan (JICA MP)
2. Coordinate the different stakeholders (interministerial)
3. Coordinate transport projects
4. Design the mobility policy framework
Role and 5. Better apprehend urban growth, mobility and transport means
Responsibility 6. Design the transport planning documents
7. Draw up the transport contracts for pay lot parking, traffic signal, traffic
control system, bus stations, ferry station and logistic infrastructure
8. Draw up the tariff policy and the subsidies level for pay lot parking price,
transport ticket price and reduction policy
1. Transport Planning
Need of
2. Parking Management
3. Traffic Management
4. Public Transport Design and Management
1. Sub-Decree creating for PPUTA and appointment of member of Board
Process to 2. Budgets allocation
Creation 3. Capacity of human resource
4. Technical assistance from Donors
1. Administrative division:
Policy, guideline, personnel, financial, planning and public relation
2. Facility division:
Maintenance of fleet or track, signal, structure, station and rail
3. Transportation division:
Bus or train service, station control, safety management
1. Clarification of operation policy
 Shared awareness of operation policy among Authority members
2. Clarification of role and responsibility
 Achievement of task for each division/staff
3. Draw up business plan
 Analysis of current traffic issues
Consideration  Identification the needs of public opinion
of Operation  Setup the goal of PPUTA
Process  Planning the concrete projects such as public transport routes
 Collaboration with private sector
 Management of public transport
 Enhancement of publicity
4. Establishment of monitoring and evaluation system
 Evaluation of each project
 Monitoring of area public transport
Source: PPUTMP Project Team

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

8.1.3 Capacity Development

The Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT) has been conducting training courses every year
since 2005 which DPWT personnel attend. The Project has obtained the booklet on this training, and the
essential part translated into English and analyzed the training courses. Although there are several sessions
in this training course where engineering subjects are covered, these sessions are considered to cover
general topics of each field and not designed to teach practical skill or knowledge of engineering, judging
from the time spent on each subject. Therefore, the main objective of this training seems to be strengthening
of the general knowledge, as government officials, of middle to upper level managers of MPWT and
provincial DPWT offices, and not to strengthen any particular fields.
The majority of the participants are senior to middle class managers of MPWT and senior managers of
provincial DPWT offices. It is noted that the largest portion of the participants in the first year 2005-06 was
senior-level managers such as Deputy Directors of MPWT proper and Directors of provincial DPWT
offices, and then has been shifting to middle-level managers. This shift is well understandable if the fact
that the number of senior-level managers is rather limited and is considered. If this training course is
delivered every year in a sustainable manner, it is expected that junior-level managers will participate in a
few years and even engineer-level staff will start to participate within 10 years.
Thus, the delivery of training is considered too slow to manage the current traffic flow under the current
vital environment in PPCC and thus the particular fields of training courses should be established by DPWT
as soon as possible.
8.2 Analysis on Financial Capacity
8.2.1 Current Public Finance
(1) Current Situation of Fixed Capital Formation of Cambodia
The ratio of Cambodia’s gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the
past decade (2002~2011) was 18.4%, which is lower by 3.7% of the 22.1% average posted by the
Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN). The GFCF-to-GDP ratio of Cambodia was also lower
by around 10% in comparison with other ASEAN countries that have the same GDP growth rate.
(2) Capital Expenditure of Central Government
According to the expenditure situation of fixed capital of the Cambodian government, of its total
expenditure of 2,598 million USD in 2011, 1,171 million USD (45%) was capital expenditure. In this
capital expenditure, 840 million USD (72%) was financed by funds from abroad.
(3) Budget of Related Organization and Financing Source for the Master Plan
1) Main entities of the infrastructure development in the Phnom Penh and the Budget
The infrastructure development in Phnom Penh seems to be almost performed by MPWT, DPWT and
PPCH, which is described below.
capital expenditure for 2013 was allotted 603 million USD with an expectation of average expenditure of
606 million USD for 3 years. This represents 37% of total public investment.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

ii) DPWT
Although the capital expenditure of DPWT significantly differs each year, it remains at around 2 million
USD in the last 3 years.
ii) PPCC
The capital expenditure for road, park, sewage, etc. in Phnom Penh increases by 1.6 times from 23
million USD in 2007 to 37 million USD in 2011.
2) Financing Source for the Master Plan
PPUTMP requires a construction cost of 232 million USD for the short term 2014-2016 (about 77 million
USD in a single year), 926 million USD for the medium term 2017-2020 (about 232 million USD for the
in single year) and 3,276 million USD for the long term 2021-2035 (about 218 million USD in a single
The following table shows total cost in the short- and medium-term, annual average cost and estimated
annual budget by organization. Regarding the funding for the short- and medium-term, it would have to
be raised as soon as possible.
DPWT and PPCH are estimated to have a 40 million USD infrastructure budget annually in total;
however, to execute the projects listed in PPUTMP, DPWT and PPCH will need a yearly budget
estimated at 63 million USD. Thus, for the implementation of the PPUTMP, DPWT and PPCH will have
to find ways to increase this budget 1.6 times more than the present budget, promoting public-private
partnership (PPP), securing an original tax source and receiving a financial support from central
government are needed.
MPWT is estimated to have an annual budget of about 400-500 million USD for infrastructure; however,
to execute the projects listed in PPUTMP, MPWT is estimated to need an additional 100 million USD
annually. Thus on the side of MPWT, it will have to raise this additional fund, promoting PPP, using a soft
loan and so on are needed.

Table 8.2-1 Total Cost in a Short and Medium Term (2014-2020), Annual Average Cost,
and Estimated Annual Budget by Organization (million USD)

Total cost in Annual average

Organization 2014-2020 cost Estimated annual budget
(X) (Y=X/7)
DPWT(*1) 438 63
DPWT 346 49 About 40
PPP 91 13
MPWT 720 103
MPWT 607 87 About 400~500
PPP 113 16
Total 1,158 165
Source: PPUTMP Project Team

*1:The estimated budget for DPWT includes the infrastructure budget of PPCH.

*2:Estimated annual budget of MPWT is calculated at 40% of capital expenditure of central government.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

9.1 Introduction
To materialize the implementation plan of the 2035 Urban Transport Master Plan, the preconditions
that include time schedule, project implementation capacity and financial considerations are set up.
9.1.1 Time Frame
The planning period (2014 ~ 2035) is divided in three stages as follows:
· Short-term Planning Period: 2014 ~ 2016
· Medium-term Planning Period: 2017 ~ 2020
· Long-term Planning Period: 2021 ~ 2035
9.1.2 Project Implementation Body and Personnel
The Phnom Penh City Hall (PPCH), the Department of Public Works and Transport (DPWT), the
Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT) and the Private Sector are the infrastructure body and
personnel currently working toward the implementation of PPUTMP, but mainly with regards to road
project implementation. However, this master plan includes not only road projects but also public
transport to be newly introduced and traffic management projects. Therefore, human resources of the
public sector (PPCH, DPWT and MPWT) should have the administrative and technical capacities for the
implementation of PPUTMP projects, with support provided by professional engineers, in accordance
with the proposed implementation schedule.
9.1.3 Expected Budget for Phnom Penh’s Infrastructure
The total project cost of the 2035 Urban Transport Master Plan for the next 22 years is about 4,564
million USD (207 million USD/year). Of this amount, 2,470 million USD (54% of the total), 2,041
million USD (45%) and 53 million USD are earmarked for public transport, road, and traffic management
sector, respectively. This means that more than 50% of the project cost will go to the new type of
infrastructure such as public transport.
On the other hand, previous infrastructure development of the transport sector was only road development,
and the annual average cost was only 75 million USD. This amount covered not only road but also flood
control and other improvements. Considering these circumstances, it is necessary to look into new types
of loan framework and to accelerate the positive participation of the private sector.
9.2 Project Cost and Basic Considerations
9.2.1 Public Transport Project

Unit costs for the public transport sector are assumed considering the results of the Preliminary F/S and

the 2nd public experiment, and current construction data. The public transport program cost in total,

short-term, medium-term and long-term are 2,471 million USD, 3 million USD, 181 million USD and
2,270 million USD, respectively.
Basic considerations for medium-term implementation plan are as follows:

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

(1) Completion of the basic bus network including bus priority measures and a mode interchange area

such as bus stops and terminals;

(2) Restructuring the para-transit system; and

(3) Improvement of existing railway line and water transport.

9.2.2 Road Project

The unit cost of road construction is assumed on the basis of the information from international

contractors and average cost of past construction records from DPWT. The road program cost in total,

short-term, medium-term and long-term are 2,041 million USD, 196 million USD, 507 million USD and

1,338 million USD, respectively. .

Basic considerations for medium-term implementation plan are as follows:

(1) Widening/rehabilitation of arterial roads;

(2) Support of public transport service;

(3) Improvement of bottleneck intersections; and

(4) Supporting urban development in the suburban area.

9.2.3 Traffic Management Project

The unit cost of construction for the traffic management sector are set considering the current

construction data such as sidewalk improvement, result of the public experiments in this project and

Japanese examples. The traffic management program cost in total, short-term, medium-term and

long-term are 53 million USD, 3 million USD, 23 million USD and 27 million USD, respectively. .

Traffic management schemes are mainly for coping with the immediate problem; therefore, all

programs/projects should be completed before the medium-term period except for development of
off-road parking facilities and soft-components such as traffic demand management.

9.3 Implementation Schedule

The implementation schedule of the three sectors is tentatively assumed as shown in Table 9.4-1.

The schedule can be shifted taking into account the surrounding conditions of each program/project, for

example, financial budget, construction pace of related projects, difficulties in land acquisition especially
for road sector and other evaluation factors, etc.

9.4 Overall Implementation Plan

Based on the previous discussions, the overall implementation plan is shown below.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

Table 9.4-1 Overall Implementation Plan

Project Cost
Short Medium Long
Code Package Name Finance Length
(Mil. USD)
2014-2016 2017-2020 2021-2025 2026-2030 2031-2035

PP-1 Rail Transit (Phase 1) Japan Loan 14.0 759.0 189.75 568.5

PP-2 Rail Transit (Phase 2) MPWT,DPWT,PPP 30.8 1670.0 835.0 835.0

PP-3 Bus System (Phase 1) DPWT,PPP 57 2.9 2.9

PP-4 Bus System (Phase 2) DPWT,PPP 91 4.6 4.6

PP-5 Bus System (Phase 3) DPWT,PPP 278 13.9 6.95 6.95

PP-6 Restructuring of the para-transit operation DPWT - Soft Components

PP-7 Commuter Rail System MPWT,PPP 19.3 20 20

PP-8 Improvement of Water Transport DPWT 11 Jetties 1.1 1.1

Public Transport Total 490.1 2,471.4 2.9 215.5 575.5 842.0 835.0

RP-1 Improvement of the City Center Road System DPWT, PPP, MPWT 17.9 62.6 20.8 1688.1 17.0 0.0 0.0

RP-2 Strengthening the Asian Highway (Radial Road System) DPWT, MPWT 55.5 81.3 39.1 42.2 0.0 0.0 0.0

Strengthening the Asian Highway (Ring Road System, RR-II &

RP-3 DPWT, MPWT, Korea/BOT 81.1 381.0 77.1 162.2 141.7 0.0 0.0

RP-4 Strengthening the Asian Highway (Ring Road System, RR-IV) MPWT 80.8 288.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 144.5 144.5

RP-5 Southern Radial Arterial Road System Strengthening MPWT 21.3 55.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.0 21.0

RP-6 Southern Suburban Arterial Road Development DPWT 36.0 161.6 18.8 37.9 25.2 79.7 0.0

RP-7 Northern Suburban Arterial Road Development DPWT 20.8 57.2 50.1 7.1 0.0 0.0 0.0

RP-8 Eastern Suburban Area Road System Improvement DPWT/PPP 51.7 146.2 31.6 31.6 36.9 46.1 0.0

RP-9 Southwestern Suburban Area Road System Improvement PPP, DPWT 68.4 221.8 0.0 92.8 80.1 48.9 0.0

RP-10 Northwestern Suburban Area Road System Improvemen DPWT, DPWT/PPP 77.7 218.2 0.0 47.9 99.9 46.4 24.1

RP-11 Chruoy Changvar Area Road System Improvement PPP, DPWT/PPP 47.1 113.5 0.0 11.7 29.3 36.3 36.3

RP-12 Western Peripheral Area Road System Improvement DPWT/PPP 31.2 57.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 57.4

RP-13 Flyover/Underpass Project DPWT 10.4 196.3 15.4 50.2 43.6 43.6 43.6

Road Total 599.9 2,041.0 252.8 2,171.7 473.7 479.3 326.8

TP-1 One-way System DPWT - 0.3 0.1 0.2

TP-2 Parking Measures DPWT,PPP - 31.2 5.6 8.5 8.5 8.5

TP-3 Development of Comfortable Pedestrian Environment Japan Grant,DPWT - 4.8 4.8

TP-4 Transit Mall DPWT - 0.03 0.03

City Center Traffic Signal Upgrading Project for 100

TP-5 Japan Grant,DPWT,PPP - 15.0 3.0 12.0

TP-6 Park and Bus/Rail Ride DPWT,PPP - 1.4 0.7 0.7

TP-7 Mobility Management DPWT - Soft Components

TP-8 Driver's Education and Traffic Enforcement DPWT,Traffic Plice - Soft Components

Public Transport Total 0.0 52.7 3.1 22.6 9.2 9.2 8.5

Grand Total 1,090.0 4,565.1 258.9 2,409.7 1,058.4 1,330.5 1,170.3

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

9.5 Selection of Priority Programs

9.5.1 Basic Considerations for the Evaluation of Priority Programs
In evaluating priority programs, the basic considerations are as follows:

(1) The high priority programs by sector, the programs which need immediate action (details are in
Chapter 10 as the Action Plan) and the program which is the most important in the Master Plan
(details are in Chapter 11 as the preliminary F/S), are selected through the evaluation of the various
factors affecting the programs by sector, which are discussed in this section.
(2) The evaluation factors are as follows:
1) Is it effective to decrease traffic congestion, which is the fundamental issue for the urban
transport? The evaluation looks at either of the following two viewpoints; namely, 1) to increase
the capacity of the transport facility such as road capacity, or 2) to introduce traffic demand
management such as introduction of public transport.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

2) Does it contribute to the MP’s Goal, which is to support the 2035 urban vision and urban structure,
and Mission, which is to improve the mobility of the citizens and materialize the urban potential?
3) Does it contribute to the formulation of the urban frame, guide a favorable urban development and
support the development of the Mekong Sub-region?
4) In addition, the urgency of the program implementation, its contribution to road safety and urban
environment and its effective use of the existing transport facilities are also evaluated.
(3) Each evaluation item is given points: ‘OO’ for greatly contribute or large positive impact, and ‘O’ for
contribution or positive impact. The evaluation score is obtained by adding up the number of ‘O’s’
9.5.2 Evaluation Results
The evaluation results are tabulated in Table 9.5-1 and explained as follows:
(1) High priority programs by sector
1) Public Transport Sector
The following three programs have the highest priority in the public transport sector and in all M/P
PP-1 and PP-2 (Rail transit implementation, phase 1 and phase 2)
These are large-scale programs to introduce rail transit along the major urban transport corridors
with the cost of 2,430 million USD, and it will take more than 20 years to complete. The programs’
potential will further improve by the introduction of the bus feeder system and the development of
the mode interchange areas.
PP-7 (Development of the commuter train to operate on the existing railway line)
This program is intended to introduce commuter train service on the existing railway line. The
advantages of this program are effective use of the existing transport facilities and its low cost, but
there are also disadvantages such as low density land use and squatter problems along the railway
2) Road Sector
Current development progress of the road sector is high because all of the projects proposed in
the JICA 2001 MP on the road sector have been implemented.
RP-2 (Development of the radial trunk road system, NR No. 1, No. 4, No. 5 and No. 6)
This is part of the development of the radial-ring trunk road system which forms the urban frame
and strengthens the Asian Highway.
RP-3 (Development of the ring trunk road system such as Ring Road II and III)
This is part of the development of the radial-ring trunk road system which forms the urban frame
and strengthens the Asian Highway.

RP-6 (Development of the inner city trunk road system: Southern suburban area)

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

This program aims to guide land use patterns in the southern suburban area where rapid
urbanization is on-going.

RP-7 (Development of the inner city trunk road system: Northern suburban area)
This program aims to guide land use patterns in the northern suburban area where rapid
urbanization is on-going.
3) Traffic Management Sector
From among the programs for the traffic management section, the following three programs have
TP-3 (Improvement of the sidewalk in the city center)
A comfortable sidewalk contributes to the opportunity of re-introducing walking as a mode of
transport to citizens to increase the public transport users and the vitality of tourism in Phnom
TP-5 (100 signalized intersections upgrading)
This program contributes not only to securing smooth traffic flows in the city center but also to
performing more effective traffic improvements together with development of related measures
such as intersection and sidewalk improvements. It is expected that support will be provided by the
Japanese ODA.
TP-7 (Traffic Demand Management)
This program is given the highest priority among the traffic management sector programs. As a
traffic countermeasure, it is used to influence and change the travel needs of people in order to
make efficient use of existing roadway, thereby reducing traffic congestions, improving traffic
safety, saving fuel consumption, and finally, reducing vehicle emissions. However, changing
citizen consciousness toward urban transport is one of the most difficult challenges to improving
the traffic situation in PPCC.
(2) Urgent Programs (to Short- and Medium-term Action Plan)
An evaluation was made of 11 programs for urgent implementation within the short- and
medium-term period. Programs (excluding soft component) with a score of 12 points are PP-3 &
PP-4 (City bus operation program, phases 1 and 2) from public transport sector and TP-5(100
signalized intersections upgrading)from the traffic management sector. These programs need the
implementation of the action plan described in Chapter 10 for them to materialize as soon as
(3) The Highest Priority Program Among MP Programs (to preliminary F/S)
The program that needs more study in the preliminary F/S is PP-12 (Development of the rail transit
system) which has the highest priority among the MP programs.

Table 9.5-1 Selection of Priority Programs
Public Transport
Program Cost Decrease of Traffic Congestion Contribution to the Urban Vitality Contribution to the
Improvement of Effectively Use of Ranking for Short
Increase of Maintain the Smooth Access Strengthening the Contribution to the Emergency to the Contribution to the Overall Ranking for
Code Package Name By Traffic Demand Mobility to PP Create New Urban the Existing Overall Evaluation Ranking by Sector & Medium-term
(Mil. USD) Capacity of the Current Urban between Mekong Urban Axis Road Safety Phnom Penh City Urban Environment Pre F/S
management Citizens Vitality Transport Facility Action Plan
Transport Facility Vitality Subregion's Cities
PP-1 Rail Transit (Phase 1) 759.0 OO OO OO OO OO   OO O OO 15 1 1
Pre F/S
PP-2 Rail Transit (Phase 2) 1670.0 OO OO OO OO OO OO OO 14 2 2
PP-3 Bus System (Phase 1) 2.9 OO OO OO O OO OO O 12 4 1 5 Action Plan for
City Bus

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
PP-4 Bus System (Phase 2) 4.6 OO OO OO O OO OO O 12 4 1 5
PP-5 Bus System (Phase 3) 13.9 OO OO O OO OO O 10 6 12
Restructuring of the para-transit Soft
operation Components O O O O OO O OO O 10 6 12
PP-7 Commuter Rail System 20.0 OO OO O OO OO OO O OO 14 2 2
PP-8 Improvement of Water Transport 1.1 O O O OO O O 7 8 21

Program Cost Decrease of Traffic Congestion Contribution to the Urban Vitality Contribution to the
Improvement of Effectively Use of the Ranking for Short
Increase of Capacity Smooth Access Strengthening the Contribution to the Emergency to the Contribution to the
Code Package Name By Traffic Demand Mobility to PP Maintain the Current Create New Urban Existing Transport Overall Evaulation Ranking by Sector & Medium-term erall Ranking for Pre
(Mil. USD) of the Transport between Mekong Urban Axis Road Safety Phnom Penh City Urban Environment
management Citizens Urban Vitality Vitality Facility Action Plan
Facility Subregion's Cities
Improvement of the City Center Road
4.5 O OO O OO O 7 7 11 21
Strengthening the Urban Framework

Final Report (Summary)

RP-2 and Asian Highway (Radial Road 11.6 OO OO OO OO O O O 11 1 8
Strengthening the Urban Framework
RP-3 and Asian Highway (Ring Road 18.1 OO OO OO OO O O O 11 1 4 8
System, RR-II & RR-III)
Strengthening the Urban Framework
RP-4 and Asian Highway (Ring Road 28.9 OO O OO OO O O 9 5 15

System, RR-IV)
Southern Radial Arterial Road System
5.5 OO O OO O O 7 7 21
Southern Suburban Arterial Road
13.5 OO OO OO OO O O O 11 1 4 8
Northern Suburban Arterial Road
14.3 OO OO OO O OO O 10 4 7 12
Eastern Suburban Area Road System
12.2 O OO O O 5 10 26
Southwestern Suburban Area Road
System Improvement
10.1 O OO O O O 6 9 25
Northwestern Suburban Area Road
System Improvement
5.7 O OO O O 5 10 26
Chruoy Changvar Area Road System
6.7 O OO O O 5 10 26
Western Peripheral Area Road
System Improvement
11.5 O O O O 4 13 29
RP-13 Flyover/Underpass Project 8.5 OO O OO O OO O 9 5 8 15

Traffic Management
Program Cost Decrease of Traffic Congestion Contribution to the Urban Vitality Contribution to the
Improvement of Effectively Use of the Ranking for Short
Increase of Capacity Smooth Access Strengthening the Contribution to the Emergency to the Contribution to the
Code Package Name By Traffic Demand Mobility to PP Maintain the Current Create New Urban Existing Transport Overal Evaluation Ranking by Sector & Medium-term erall Ranking for Pre
(Mil. USD) of the Transport between Mekong Urban Axis Road Safety Phnom Penh City Urban Environment
management Citizens Urban Vitality Vitality Facility Action Plan
Facility Subregion's Cities

TP-1 One-way System 0.3 OO OO OO OO O 9 4 8 15

TP-2 Parking Measures 31.2 OO OO OO OO O 9 4 8 15
Development of Comfortable
Pedestrian Environment
4.8 O OO OO OO OO OO 11 3 4 8
TP-4 Transit Mall 0.03 O OO OO OO OO 9 4 15 Action Plan for
City Center Traffic Signal Upgrading 100 Traffic Signal
Project for 100 Intersections
15.0 OO OO OO OO OO OO 12 2 1 5
TP-6 Park and Bus/Rail Ride 1.4 OO O OO OO O 8 7 20 Upgrading
TP-7 Mobility Management
Components OO OO OO OO OO OO OO 14 1 2
Driver's Education and Traffic Soft
Enforcement Components O OO OO OO 7 8 21
Note OO Has High Impact Program needs Urgent Action (Mainly Short- and Medium-term Project)

O Has Impact Some Project in the Program already Started. Excluding Soft Component

Including Sidewalk Improvement

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)


10.1 Introduction
The action plan in this MP defines the target, actions, period and related agencies of the key programs to
materialize the medium-term plan of the PPUTMP.
Selected action plans in this chapter are Action Plan 1: Introduction of City Bus and Action Plan 2:
Comprehensive Traffic Management Plan in the City Centre (100 signalized intersections upgrading),
which are evaluated as urgent programs in section 9.5.
Coordination between Action Plans 1 and 2 is important to more effectively materialize the urban
transport plan especially in the city centre.
10.2 Action Plan 1: Introduction of City Bus System
To materialize the city bus system as the trunk public transport system in Phnom Penh in medium-term
period, the following measures are implemented.
10.2.1 Short- and Medium-term Schedule
The short- and medium-term schedule for the introduction of city bus system is shown in Figure 10.2-1.

Short-term Planning Period Medium-term Planning Period

Items 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Jan-Mar Apr-Aug Sep-Dec
PPCH 1 Bus
Public Experiment
JICA Route
Private Sector

Public (Management PTMD 1 Bus

& Operation) Private Sector Route
3 Bus
(Management), PTMA 5 Bus Routes 10 Bus Routes
Private (Operation)
Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 10.2-1 Short- and Medium-term Schedule of the Action Plan 1

10.2.2 Implementation Goal for Short- and Medium-term Plan
The implementation goal for the city bus system is as follows:
 Implement 5 bus routes until 2016 (Short-term period)
 Implement 10 bus routes until 2020 (Medium-term period)
10.2.3 Long-term Goal
 The bus system will be restructured to play the role as the feeder system of rail transit along the
urban transport corridors and as the trunk public transport system in the suburban area after the
introduction of the rail transit in the long-term period.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

10.3 Action Plan 2: Comprehensive Traffic Management Plan in

the City Center
The following comprehensive traffic management measures will be implemented for securing the smooth

flow of traffic in the city centre with effective use of the limited urban transport space.
10.3.1 Short- and Medium-term Schedule

The short- and medium-term schedule of Action Plan 2 is shown in Figure 10.3-1.

Implementing Short-term Planning Period Medium-term Planning Period

Items Related Organization
Organization 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Traffic Signal Upgrading JICA & DPWT

Traffic Signal
Intersection Improvement JICA & DPWT
Sidewalk Improvement (Major
Sidewalk Improvement (Secondary Roads) DPWT
Introducing One-way System DPWT
Major Roads DPWT
Parking Measures Secondary Roads DPWT
Off-road Parking, etc. DPWT
NRSC & Traffic
Driver's Education and Traffic Enforcement

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 10.3-1 Short- and Medium-term Schedule of the Action Plan 2

10.3.2 Implementation Goal for Short- and Medium-term Plan

The following is the implementation goal for the short term and medium term
 70% of 100 signalized intersections will be improved until 2016
 100 signalized intersections will be improved until 2017
 Sidewalks will be improved along the trunk roads including near improved intersections be the 100
signalized intersections upgrading project from 2017 to 2018
10.3.3 Long-term Goals
Following are the long-term goals:
 To install new traffic signals as required(considering the change of traffic volume in the city
 To install new traffic signals at intersections of newly developed urban area in the suburban area.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)


11.1 Introduction
The rail transit system along the major transport corridors that connects the city center and the
Northern/Southern and Western suburban areas is selected as the priority project in the Master Plan.
Prior to respective work in the preliminary F/S, identified common items are discussed as shown below.
 Target Public Transport Corridor and Selection of the Route
1) North-south transport corridor along Monivong Blvd., 2) east-west transport corridor along
Russian Blvd. and 3) southwest transport corridor along Charles de Gaulle and Monireth Blvd.
 Physical space adopted for transit system introduction
It is considered that the public space such as existing/planned transport space (road or railway) is
utilized as the space for system introduction.
 Type of Infrastructure
It is assumed that the infrastructure of the public transport system is elevated or underground type
except for at-grade sections where circumstances can allow it.
 Public Transport System
Based on the Master Plan study, which was analyzed in the 2nd phase, medium-capacity rail transit
systems with capacity from 4,000 to 7,000 passengers/hour/direction is selected as the target public
transport system
 Construction and Operation Method
It is selected the construction and operation method considering the economic conditions in
Cambodia and examples in other cities in Southeast Asia.
11.2 Analysis on Target Public Transport Corridor
11.2.1 Target Public Transport Corridor
Based on examination of the three primary public corridors, i.e. 1) South-north corridor, which passes
through Monivong Blvd. and consists of 3 sub-corridors, 2) East-west corridor, which passes through
Russian Blvd., and 3) Southwest Corridor, which passes through Monireth Blvd., corridors including
western area, namely, 2) East-west Corridor and 3) Southwest Corridor have been selected. Several route
alternatives were also prepared and necessary analysis conducted with the outcome shown below:
i. A relatively high passenger demand of around 72,500 to 81,600 trips/day is expected in 2035.
ii. The route connects between urban central district, and western fringe area where urbanization is in
iii. The route connects with several intense traffic generation nodes, i.e. Phnom Penh airport, train depot
and bus terminal facilities (future plan).
iv. A large-scale private development plan for the central district is underway, e.g., Boeng Kak lake
development plan.
v. Various land use patterns are seen along the corridor.
vi. It is possible to serve future transport demand by bus feeder network from south and north sectors
where area development will be expected in the future.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 11.2-1 Corridor Characteristics

11.2.2 Preparation and Evaluation of Route Alternatives

Based on cost, urban environment, passenger demand potential, distribution of densely populated areas,
maximized use of the existing transport facility, 4 alternative routes were prepared as shown in Figure

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 11.2-2 Route Alternatives for East-West and Southwest Transport Corridors

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

The optimum route for preliminary F/S was selected from the above-mentioned 7 alternatives through the
evaluation on the following 9 viewpoints. Each evaluation item was given points: 3 for good, 2 for fair and
1 for worse. However, since cost is the most important item for the route evaluation, the points it received
was multiplied by 2.
i. Cost
ii. Passenger demand in 2035
iii. Existing land use along the route
iv. Accessibility to Pochentong Airport
v. Future Urban Development along the Route
vi. Possibility of Future Expansion of the System
vii. Urban Environment (Issue pertaining to urban scenery)
viii. Issues of VIP traffic
ix. Issues of land acquisition
The result of evaluation is shown in Table 11.2-1.
Alternative 1 received the most points as shown in Table 11.2-1; still, further discussions was necessary
especially on the issue of VIP traffic.

Table 11.2-1 Comparison of Evaluation for Route Alternatives

Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3-1 Alternative 3-2

Russia Blvd. route Railway - Russia route CDG - Monireth - Veng Sreng Blvd. route

Olympic Studiam - Monireth (CDG
Monivong Blvd.- MRD (Russia, Central Market - Depot (CDG,
Central Station - Depot (Railway and Monireth, Elevated)
underground) Monireth, Veng Sreng and Russia,
line and Russian Blvd. Elevated) Monireth - Airport (Monireth,
MRD - Depot (Russia, elevated) Elevated)
Veng Sreng and Russia, Elevated)

Elevated Section 11.8 14.2 12.0 16.3

Length of
elevated and Underground
underground Section
2.2 0.9 0.9 0.9
section (km)
Total 14.0 15.1 12.9 17.2
759 645 586 733
Cost (Million USD)
2 4 6 2

2035 Passenger Demand 81,600 72,500 75,000 79,000

(Passengers/Day) 3 1 1 2

Land use along the route 3 1 3 3

Accessibility to the airport 3 3 1 1

Future development along the route 3 1 3 3

Future Extension 3 1 3 1

Urban environment (urban scenery) 3 3 2 1

Issue to the VIP Traffic 1 3 3 3

Issue of ROW 3 2 1 3

Overall Evaluation 24 19 23 19

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

Based on the overall evaluation of the above 4 alternatives and discussions with relevant agencies, the
following 3 route alternatives were presented for further discussion with stakeholders such as members of
the Technical Committee and those of the Steering Committee.
For the more detailed study conducted for Alternative 1, please refer to Appendix 3.


Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 11.2-3 Route Characteristics by Alternative
The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

12. Conclusion and Recommendation

12.1 Conclusion

■ A Quick Look at the Master Plan (Outline of the Master Plan)

The Urban Transport Master Plan proposed in this project was based on the analysis of current transport
characteristics including person trip survey and the future vision formulated through the discussion with
A two-fold approach to urban transport planning adopted; namely, (1) reorientation of transport mode from
private to public, and (2) introduction of traffic demand management, which is an attempt to balance the
increase in demand and supply within the environmental limitations such as urban land and financial
Considering this approach, the road system, which forms the urban framework, was formulated comprising
a radial-ring trunk road network system, and the road network plan was developed to cope with the urban
development in the suburban area.
Meanwhile, in the city centre, to maximize the limited transport space, comprehensive traffic management
measures were introduced, and these include traffic signal system improvement, one-way system, parking
measures and pedestrian environment improvement.
The above-mentioned plans and development are in support of the public transport system comprising rail
transit and its feeder bus system, which is intended to spur the creation of the new Phnom Penh, offering
convenience to better appreciate the charm of the city. And the restructuring of the existing public transport
systems such as para-transit, railway and water transport, together with the above-mentioned new public
transport system, can trigger a shift in modal choice from private to public transport and create a
comfortable and vital urban environment with high mobility.
The commodity transport system was also developed as it is an important infrastructure supporting the
economic activities and daily life of the citizens in Phnom Penh. Furthermore, an appropriate urban
transport-related organization and financial system was formulated for sustainability.

Twenty-nine (29) programs, integrated from 68 projects, are proposed, and the total project cost is about
4,564 million USD. Of this amount, 2,470 million USD (54% of the total), 2,041 million USD (45%) and
53 million USD are earmarked for public transport, road, and traffic management sector, respectively.
The economic internal rate of return (EIRR) is 18%, and it can be judged that the master plan investment
is feasible to Cambodia based on the 30% of total trips shifting to public transport mainly from such
private modes as cars and motorcycles. This is a big challenge for Phnom Penh, but at the same time, it
promises big gains in the creation of a better Phnom Penh.
On the other hand, previous infrastructure development of the transport sector was only road development,
and the annual average cost was only 75 million USD. This amount covered not only roads but also flood
control and other infrastructure improvements. Considering these circumstances, it is necessary to look
into new types of loan framework and to accelerate the positive participation of the private sector.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

■ Project Recommendation and Other Issus and Actions

Two public experiments were implemented from the two themes of the main urban transport issues, which
are (1) reorientation from private to public transport: introduction of city bus operation, and (2)
maximization of the use of limited urban space: implementation of comprehensive traffic management
plan including one-way system expansion. After the public experiments, things moved quickly and
smoothly with the (1) management of the city bus operation being handed over to PTMA, and (2) the
preparatory survey for the development of traffic management system in Phnom Penh by JICA having
been carried out.

The master plan formulation by back-casting with stakeholder participation was also examined.
Back-casting is a method of setting the future vision with the participation of relevant people considering
various alternatives. Then, that future vision or plan will be implemented through careful thought and
analysis. The development of the 2035 future vision in Phnom Penh is a product of collaborative work of
back-casting and shared vision among the stakeholders.

This master plan project also supports the urban transport-related business opportunities for Cambodian
and Japanese private sector through the meetings with stakeholders and with the Japanese Business
Association of Cambodia (JBAC). City bus operation and the traffic management system project have
already been materialized and the development of a rail transit system is also expected in the near future.

12.2 Recommendation

■ Priority Project Recommendation (Short- and Medium-term Action Plans and pre F/S)
・Action Plans
Two proposed short- and medium-term action plans have already started. However, there are two key
issues need to be addressed in order to attain the 2020 goal and these pertain to bus operation and traffic
With regards to bus operation, there should be capacity development for PTMA staff to ensure the
efficient running of the bus. In addition, a way must be found for the effective participation of the private
sector in the bus operation to cope with the increase in bus routes to 10, covering 148 km, before year
As for traffic management, there should be a comprehensive plan that includes developing on-road
parking measures for local roads and improving the sidewalk circumstances together with upgrading of
100 signalized intersections as soon as possible. One idea is to start with citizens participation one pilot
road, say Street 240, as a model road in Phnom Penh.

・Pre-feasibility Study
A pre-feasibility study (pre-F/S) was conducted for the rail transit, which was proposed as the future trunk
public transport in Phnom Penh and recommended as the highest priority project in the master plan. In the
pre-F/S, the Project team studied the preliminary route alternatives (4 alternatives were proposed and

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

evaluated but the final route has yet to be decided due to the many discussions still to be held among
stakeholders regarding the rail transit system), passenger demand, project cost, economic and financial
analysis and conceptual study of the organization. For the materialization of the rail transit system, it is
necessary to conduct a feasibility study (this is a more detailed study than the pre-F/S) to determine the
final route alignment, produce a detailed passenger demand, making basic design, cost estimation,
economic/financial analysis and decide on the implementing organization as soon as possible after
completion of this master plan. The urgency of this matter is owed to the increasing traffic demand every
day and the implementing period, which is more than 5 years after the feasibility study.

■ Government Approval of the Master Plan

For the materialization of the 2035 Urban Transport MP in the Capital City, the cooperation of not only
PPCH but also MPWT (on the government side) is necessary. Therefore, the official approval of the
government is the precondition for the urban transport master plan’s materialization.
The Urban Master Plan in 2020 for PPCH, which was completed in 2009 funded by the French
government, has been undergoing the process of government approval for almost 5 years now through
consultation with NCLMUP, and its final approval is expected in 2014. Meanwhile, NCLMUP made the
recommendation to proceed with the formulation of the 2035 Urban Master Plan, which entails updating
of the 2020 Urban Master Plan after the government approval of the 2020MP. With this recommendation
from the government, PPCH planned the formulation of an integrated 2035 Urban Master Plan including
the 2035 Urban Transport Master Plan supported by JICA. PPCH will then submit and request for
government approval of Phnom Penh’s 2035 Comprehensive Urban Master Plan.

■ Secure the Right-of-way of the Trunk Road Network

The radial-ring trunk road network forms the physical framework in PPCC. Therefore, it is essential to
secure the right-of-way of trunk roads for the PPUTMP completion as soon as possible, even though it
will take time to proceed with the road improvement/construction.

■ Establishment of Urban Transport-related Organization

City bus operation was introduced and started in 2014, and the PTMA has been created as the
management agency of the city bus operation. However, having a newly created agency is not enough;
PTMA should be given a mandate to implement the traffic management measures such as parking
measures and sidewalk improvement, which are directly related to having a smooth bus operation.
However, PTMA’s management/operation capacity is still poor, and it is necessary to include the
participation of the private sector to cope with the 2020 bus route network plan. The key to sustaining the
bus operation lies in strengthening the bus operation capability of PTMA and the timing of the private
sector participation.
On the other hand, as the first step for the new organizations (PPUTA) to manage the rail transit, it is
advisable that MPWT first this; because, the current railway department will have to be restructured and
its management/operating capabilities strengthened for the new transit system. Besides, a foreign loan can
only be availed of by a government entity. It is also advisable that PTMA and PPUTA be merged as an

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

autonomous urban transport management agency after the transit system starts operating.
The Project team has recommended the following responsibilities and process of merger of PTMA and

Short-term Medium-term Long-term

2014 2016 2020 2025

Under PTMA 1 PTMA 2

(City Bus Management & Operation
PPCH/ (City Bus Management & Autonomous Body
plus Parking Policy & Other Traffic
DPWT Operation) Management Measures)
Coordination (Integration of PPUTA 1 &
(Rail Transit Management &
Starting City Bus Starting Rail Transit
Operation Operation

Note: Public Transport Management Authority (PTMA) and Phnom Penh Urban Transport Authority (PPUTA)

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 12.2-1 Recommended Responsibilities and Process of Merger

between PTMA and PPUTA

■ Necessity of Master Plan Monitoring and Revised Plan Roll-Out by Stakeholder

It is necessary to continue the activity of the stakeholder group that was organized during the master plan
study and request its participation in checking the progress of the master plan implementation in
collaboration with PPCH. At the same time, it is recommended to maximize the use of the stakeholder
group and activities to raise citizen’s awareness of modal use from private to public transport to citizens
using the mobility management scheme.
To flexibly respond to the unstable socio-economic circumstances in Phnom Penh, it is necessary to
conduct a periodic revision to fill the gap between current conditions and plan. Therefore, it is essential
that plans are rolled out every 5 or 10 years and that PDCA (Plan -> Do -> check -> Action->) is
conducted to secure the sustainability of implementation of the urban transport plan.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

Page No.
1. 1St PUBLIC EXPERIMENT ........................................................................................A-1
1.1 Outlines of the Experiment ....................................................................................A-1
1.2 Results of the Experiment ......................................................................................A-2
1.3 Summary ................................................................................................................A-4
1.4 Recommendations ..................................................................................................A-5
2. 2nd PUBLIC EXPERIMENT .......................................................................................A-6
2.1 Public Experiment on Bus Operation .....................................................................A-6
2.2 Results of the Experiment ......................................................................................A-7
2.3 The Future of Public Transport ..............................................................................A-9
3. PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY ......................................................................................A-12
3.1 Demand Forecast of Target Transit System............................................................A-12
3.2 Proposed Rail Transit System ................................................................................A-14
3.3 Most Suitable Railway System Routs and Selection of Depot Location ...............A-17
3.4 System Operation Plan ...........................................................................................A-18
3.5 Preliminary Facility Plan ........................................................................................A-19
3.6 Economic and Financial Analysis ..........................................................................A-22
3.7 Environmental and Social Consideration ...............................................................A-24
BASED ON SP SURVEY ...........................................................................................A-25
4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................A-25
4.2 Overall Work Procedure .........................................................................................A-25
4.3 Survey Method (SP Survey for Current Mode Users and Bus Passenger Interview
Survey) .........................................................................................................................A-26
4.4 Conduct of SP Survey ............................................................................................A-26
4.5 Comparison between Two Survey Results (Interviewee’s Characteristics and
Awareness of Modal Choice) .......................................................................................A-28
4.6 Analysis of SP Survey for Developing the Logit Model ........................................A-30
4.7 Estimation of Public Transport Modal Share in 2035 ............................................A-31

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

List of Figure
Page No.
Figure 1.1-1 First Public Experiment Coverage Area ................................................................A-2
Figure 1.2-1 Comparison of Rates of Defying Vehicles on the One-way Traffic Rule Before
And During the Experiment ...................................................................................A-2
Figure 1.2-2 Increase in Usage of Pedestrian Sidewalks (Total on all Routes) ..........................A-3
Figure 1.2-3 About the Parking Regulation................................................................................A-3
Figure 1.2-4 Impression about the Sidewalk ..............................................................................A-3
Figure 1.2-5 About One-way System .........................................................................................A-4
Figure 1.2-6 Results of Parking Survey (Passenger car and motoreumok modern) ...................A-4
Figure 1.4-1 Road Space Usage .................................................................................................A-5
Figure 2.1-1 Bus Route...............................................................................................................A-6
Figure 2.1-2 Three Target Intersections along Monivong Blvd. ................................................A-6
Figure 2.2-1 Number of Alighting and Boarding Bus Passengers by Bus Shop ........................ A-7
Figure 2.2-2 Travel Time Survey Route and Location of 3 Systematized Traffic Control
Signals Intersections .............................................................................................. A-7
Figure 2.2-3 Distance from Your Place to the Bus Stop ............................................................. A-8
Figure 2.2-4 Acceptable Level of Bus Fare ................................................................................ A-8
Figure 2.2-5 Most Important Feature of Public Transport in Future to Citizens ........................ A-8
Figure 2.2-6 Opinions of Residents if Bus Stops being Installed Near Their Homes ................ A-8
Figure 2.2-7 Front Page News Report on the Phnom Penh Post ................................................ A-9
Figure 2.2-8 Facebook of Public Experiment ............................................................................. A-9
Figure 3.1-1 Flow-chart of Estimating Corridor-Base Passengers ............................................. A-12
Figure 3.1-2 Location of Each Station........................................................................................ A-13
Figure 3.3-1 Outline of Alignment and Route Profile ................................................................ A-17
Figure 3.4-1 Image of Vehicle .................................................................................................... A-18
Figure 3.5-1 Two Box Tunnel..................................................................................................... A-19
Figure 3.5-2 One Box Tunnel ..................................................................................................... A-19
Figure 3.5-3 Elevated Station 1 .................................................................................................. A-20
Figure 3.5-4 Elevated Station 2 .................................................................................................. A-20
Figure 3.5-5 Image of Power Supply Diagram (in Case of 2 Bulk Substations) ........................ A-20
Figure 3.5-6 Image of Contact Line of AGT .............................................................................. A-21
Figure 3.5-7 General Configuration of Automatic Train Protection........................................... A-21
Figure 3.5-8 Schematic Diagram of Signaling System .............................................................. A-22
Figure 3.5-9 General Configuration of Telecommunication System .......................................... A-22
Figure 3.6-1 Result of Sensitivity Analysis of Phnom Penh East-West Line ............................. A-23
Figure 4.4-1 Survey Locations (3 Bus Routes and 4 Mall/Matkets) .......................................... A-27

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

Figure 4.5-1 Awareness Survey of Modal Choice ...................................................................... A-29

Figure 4.7-1 2035 Transport Network in Project Area ............................................................... A-31
Figure 4.7-2 Urban Rail Transit and Bus Coverage Area ........................................................... A-32
Figure 4.7-3 Zoning Map and Current Bus Routes in Phnom Penh ........................................... A-33
Figure 4.7-4 Number of Annual Vehicle * km per Hectars vs Public Transport Market
Share ...................................................................................................................... A-33
Figure 4.7-5 Result of the Sensitivity Analysis .......................................................................... A-35

List of Tables
Page No.
Table 1.1-1 One-way Traffic Experimental Routes and Directional Flow................................ A-1
Table 2.3-1 Estimation of Operation Costs ............................................................................... A-9
Table 2.3-2 Profile of the Bus Users ......................................................................................... A-10
Table 3.1-1 Trip Matrix between Stations in 2035.................................................................... A-13
Table 3.1-2 Sectional Passenger Volume between Stations ...................................................... A-13
Table 3.2-1 Outline and Specifications of Candidate Public Transport System ....................... A-15
Table 3.2-2 Elevation of the Rail Transit System Alternatives ................................................. A-16
Table 3.3-1 Design Standard for AGT Planning ....................................................................... A-17
Table 3.4-1 Main Specifications of AGT .................................................................................. A-18
Table 3.4-2 Train Operation Plan at Peak Hour and Calculation of Required Number of
Train-sets/Vehicles ................................................................................................. A-19
Table 3.6-1 Summary of Economic Analysis............................................................................ A-23
Table 3.6-2 Summary of Financial Analysis ............................................................................. A-23
Table 3.7-1 Summary of Social Impact .................................................................................... A-24
Table 3.7-2 Summary of Natural Environmental Impact .......................................................... A-24
Table 4.5-1 Consciousness Survey Results ............................................................................... A-29
Table 4.6-1 Estimation of Modal Parameters............................................................................ A-30
Table 4.7-1 Criteria of the Shortest Route Research ............................................................... A-31
Table 4.7-2 Summary of RP-Based PT Transferred Trip and Share ......................................... A-34
Table 4.7-3 Comparison of PT Transferred Trip and Share between SP Based and RP
Based...................................................................................................................... A-34
Table 4.7-4 Estimation of the Number of Public Transport Trip and Modal Share in 2035
in Comparison between Before and After Correction............................................ A-34
Table 4.7-5 Conditions and Cases by the Influence Factor for the Sensitivity Analysis .......... A-35

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

1.1 Outlines of the Experiment
1.1.1 Objective of the Experiment
The Phnom Penh Capital City (PPCC) is currently facing a series of urban transport problems. Severe
traffic congestion has resulted in a general decline of travel speeds. Unlawful parking of vehicles on
pedestrian sidewalks has forced the pedestrians to use the roadways instead.
One of the city’s strategies to cope with this problem is to improve the road transport environment by
utilizing the city’s limited road traffic space in a most effective manner while ensuring a pedestrian
friendly urban centre.
Based on such a development direction aimed at overcoming the various existing urban transport
problems, the implementation of many new countermeasures by the city government has become
inevitable. Such future countermeasures would surely include, among others, ‘a traffic management plan
for PPCC that centres on the implementation of a city-wide one-way traffic circulation system’,
‘development of a pedestrian network to further enhance the convenience and usage of the public
transport system’, and ‘a pedestrian network system in response to the increase in tourists in the city’.
Therefore, prior to implementing such countermeasures, it is essential that they are tested for their
possible impacts and effectiveness at specific locations and time periods with the participation of the local
residents. Notwithstanding the fact that these countermeasures are aimed at solving the urban transport
problems of PPCC, the objective of this test or ‘Public Experiment’ is therefore to assist the authorities
and local residents in deciding whether to fully implement such countermeasures.
<Time Period for the First Public Experiment>

27th February 2013 (Wednesday) – 3rd March 2013 (Sunday) for a total of 5 days.
1.1.2 Coverage Area for the Public Experiment
From the perspective on a need to form a tourist pedestrian network, the eastern section of the major
arterial road of Norodom was selected for the experimental implementation of ‘a one way traffic
operation’ (yellow coloured area shown in Figure 1.1-1).
In principle, one-way traffic operation is most suitable for any pair of parallel roads that are close to each
other and which have serious traffic congestions. However, if such pair of roads is too far apart, then the
detour distances become too long. In general, if the separating distance between the roads is about 300
metres, and the directions of travel are not in conflict with any existing one-way circulation system, then
such pairs of roads can be selected for the operation of one-way traffic measure.
As a result of such considerations, the following road sections are selected for the Public Experiment on
one-way traffic operation.
<One-way Traffic Experimental Routes>

Table 1.1-1 One-way Traffic Experimental Routes and Directional Flow

St. No. One way direction Section

St. 130 WEST←EAST Sothearos-Norodom
St. 136 WEST→EAST Norodom-Sothearos
St. 154 WEST←EAST Sothearos-Norodom
St. 178 WEST→EAST Norodom-Sothearos East
Source: PPUTMP Project Team
In addition, for the convenience of tourists who move around on foot, pedestrian sidewalks that link up
the major tourist spots forming a network (as indicated by the green dash lines in the Figure 1.1-1) are

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

first identified. Such a network was then selected with a public announcement specifying that portions of
these sidewalk spaces were to be vacated as pedestrian walking space for the Public Experiment.
The coverage area for the First Public Experiment on Traffic Countermeasures is shown in Figure 1.1-1.

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 1.1-1 First Public Experiment Coverage Area

1.2 Results of the Public Experiment

1.2.1 Results of Vehicular Traffic Volume Survey
(1) Traffic Volume
Compared to Pre-Experiment traffic volumes, traffic 60%
volumes on the Experiment days actually show a slight
decrease in total numbers. However, the Experiment has no
major adverse effects on the traffic conditions. 40%

(2) Vehicles that Defy the One-Way Traffic Rule 30% 24%
18% DUR
In analysing the percentage of vehicles which defy the 20%
one-way traffic rule to the total traffic volumes on both 10%
St.130 and St.136 which are both under the existing
one-way traffic operation system, there was a slight Weekday Holiday
decrease during the Experiment when compared to the Source: PPUTMP Project Team
Pre-Experiment situation. Nevertheless, there was still
20% of defying vehicles on these two routes. Figure 1.2-1 Comparison of
Rates of Defying Vehicles on the
(3) Composition of Defying Vehicles to the One-way Traffic Rule Before
One-way Traffic Rule and During the Experiment
80% of the defying vehicles to the one-way traffic rule are

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

1.2.2 Results of Pedestrian Traffic Volume 800

Pedestrian Traffic
Survey 631 Grand Total
Results of the pedestrian traffic volume surveys on all 600

the experimental 4 routes showed that while 37.6% of 394

400 40.1%
the total pedestrian volume used the sidewalks before
the Experiment, this rate has increased to 59.9%
200 363
during the Experiment. The positive effect on the 237 59.9%
usage of pedestrian sidewalks by the countermeasure 37.6%
Before PE During PE
was thus verified by these results.
Sidewalks Roadway

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

1.2.3 Result of Interview Survey
Figure 1.2-2 Increase in Usage of
(1) Resident & Shop owner Pedestrian Sidewalks (Total on all Routes)
73% of the residents and shop owners answered that parking regulation should be continued.

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 1.2-3 About the Parking Regulation

Many interviewees answered positively such as more smooth walking and increase of safety.

■Secure of walking safely

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 1.2-4 Impression about the Sidewalk

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

More than 70% of drivers felt that the one-way system should be continued.

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 1.2-5 About One-way System

1.2.4 Results of Vehicle Parking Survey

The survey showed that along the 8 metre wide road sections with a single side parking strip, the number
of parked vehicles during peak hour was higher than the actual capacity. This showed that vehicles were
still being parked on both sides of the road sections or on the sidewalks.

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 1.2-6 Results of Parking Survey (Passenger car and motoreumok modern (tuk-tuk))

1.3 Summary
1.3.1 One-way System
Public experiment of one-way system was conducted for the smooth traffic flow in the local roads.
Traffic volume of 1.5times than before was observed along St.154 because of increase of road capacity by
one-way system.
More than 70% of drivers answered that the one-way system should be continued.
On the other hand, 20% of total traffic was opposite direction and 80% of this was motorcycles.
It is necessary to disseminate information about the one-way system to drivers, in cooperation with local
residents and traffic police, for a period of time and in a consistent manner.
The expansion of one-way system to the other local roads in the city centre is necessary.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

1.3.2 Parking Regulation

Measures of on-road parking arrangement were conducted for the purpose of appropriate parking
arrangement and securing the pedestrian space.
Many on-sidewalk parked cars moved to arrange on-road and off-road parking space in collaboration with
roadside residents.
More than 70% of roadside residents answered that it is necessary to continue this parking arrangement.
Sections with demand exceeds capacity sections can be observed especially at narrow sections (w=8m).
It is necessary to develop comprehensive parking measures to cope with the anticipated increase in
parking demand in the future.
1.3.3 Pedestrian Space
Continuous sidewalk network (w=2.0m) can be secured for the creation of safe and comfortable
pedestrian spaces for roadside residents and tourists.
Many interviewees answered that walking on the street has become more safer than before because of the
removal of illegally parked cars and venders.
It is expected that, as an offshoot of this public experiment, the city will realize the need to develop safe
and comfortable pedestrian spaces for foreign tourists and introduce public transport, if the city is to join
the ranks of international tourist destinations.
1.4 Recommendations
Most of road users including roadside residents accept these countermeasures.
How to effectively use local road space is the key to solving traffic problems especially in the busy city
Local road space is required to cater not only to vehicular traffic and pedestrians but also to parking
These measures of public experiment including one-way system, parking and sidewalk arrangement are
effective and acceptable to the public. Therefore, expansion of these measures to other areas based on
carefully conducted surveys is essential for a better urban environment.

Major Roads & Roads along Public Transport Routes Local Roads

Current Condition Current Condition

Illegal Illegal Illegal

Illegal Illegal Illegal Illegal
On-sidewalk On-street On-sidewalk
On-sidewalk On-street On-street On-sidewalk
Parking Parking Parking
Parking Parking Parking Parking

Future Future
Bus Stop

Parking/ Oneway Parking/

Stopping Space System Stopping Space
Stopping Space

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 1.4-1 Road Space Usage

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)


2.1 Public Experiment on Bus Operation
2.1.1 Objective
Traffic congestion in Phnom Penh is deteriorating by the day and a solution is needed to resolve this
serious urban transport problem. The introduction of a public transport mode that is capable of moving a
large volume of travelers at one time is the most promising way to solve this problem.
This Public Experiment is aimed at assessing the possibility of any major impacts on the society when a
new transport measure may be introduced in the near future. Hence this Experiment is carried out to test
out the new transport measures over a specific time and at a location to gauge the actual impacts of these
measures on the public.
The introduction of a new public transport mode to a city is likely to bring about major impacts on the
society. Hence a bus operation experiment is proposed and implemented to enhance the acceptance and
concerns of the general public on a new public transport system. The main objective of this Public
Experiment is therefore to introduce a bus service as the first step in preparing the public of Phnom Penh
in accepting a major transformation of the city’s public transportation system.
2.2.2 Coverage Area for the Public Experiment
(1) Bus operation
The bus route for the Public Experiment shall be the section from in front of the Old Stadium
(Chruoychangvar Roundabout) along Monivong Blvd. and beyond to Chabar Ampov Terminal, a distance
of about 7 km.
(2) Systematized Traffic Signal Control and Bus Priority Signal Control Experiment
The three intersections (Monivong Blvd./Russian Blvd., Monivong Blvd./Kampuchea Krom Blvd. and
Monivong Blvd./Charles de Gaulle Blvd. are targeted for this experiment.
The above three intersections are situated in the city center. There is no significant difference in the high
traffic volume in both directions during both the morning and evening peak hours. Therefore they are
ideal to try out the simultaneous offset system of control.

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure2.1-2 Three Target Intersections along
Source: PPUTMP Project Team
Figure2.1-1 Bus Route Monivong

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

2.2 Results of the Experiment

2.2.1 Bus Usage Situation
Total Number of The total cumulative number of bus passenger over the entire Experiment period
Bus Passenger from 5th February to 4th March was 43,278 persons.

Average Daily The average daily number of bus passenger was 1,546persons/day. Assuming 1
Number of Bus person/vehicle, there was therefore a reduction of daily traffic volume by about
Passenger 1,500 vehicles.

2.2.2 Total Alighting and Boarding Bus Passengers at Bus Stops

High numbers of alighting or boarding passengers were recorded at both ends of the terminal stops. Many
residents from the suburbs used Motordop to get to the terminal stops and then transfer to the bus to get to
their destinations in the city center.

Central Market

Road 294

Law University

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 2.2-1 Number of Alighting and Boarding Bus Passengers by Bus Stop
2.2.3 Travel Time Survey (Effects from systema- tization of traffic control signals at 3
intersections in the city center)
In comparing the travel times before and after the traffic control signals at the 3 intersections were
systematized, there were savings of about 1.3 minutes for southbound traffic and 1.1 minutes for
northbound traffic during the morning peak hours. On the other hand, there were savings of 1.3 minutes
for southbound traffic and 0.6 minutes for north bound traffic in the evening peak hours.

Travel time of 3 signal city centre (Morning) Travel time of 3 signal city centre (Evening)
0:25:55 0:25:55
0:01:19 0:01:04 0:22:33
0:23:02 0:23:02
Shortening Shortening 0:01:18
0:20:10 0:18:47 0:20:10 Shortening 0:00:38
0:17:17 0:17:17 Shortening
0:14:24 0:13:20 0:14:24 0:12:58 0:12:58 0:12:20
0:11:31 0:11:31
0:08:38 0:08:38
0:05:46 0:05:46
Systematization of
0:00:00 0:00:00
3 traffic control
To South To Noth To South To Noth

Before PE During PE Before PE During PE

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 2.2-2 Travel Times Survey Route and Location of 3
Systematized Traffic Control Signals Intersections Survey Route

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

2.2.4 Interview Surveys

(1) Distance from Your Place to the Bus
41.2% stated they lived within ‘0-100m” followed
by 101-200m at 15.7%. There was as many as 30%
who lived more than 401 m away from the nearest
bus stop. From these results, more than half of the
respondents lived up to 200 m away from the bus
stop. This is the distance between bus stops in the
urban areas in this Public Experiment. Hence, a
bus stop interval of 300 m is considered most
appropriate. Suburban users living beyond the
terminals transferred to the bus as its fare is cheaper
than Motordop. This showed that extension of the Source: PPUTMP Project Team
bus route to the suburbs will be effective. Figure 2.2-3 Distance from Your Place to
(2) Acceptable Bus Fare the Bus Stop
A fare of ‘1500 riels’ has the support of most respondents with 73.1%. This was followed by 20.3% who
thought ‘1000 riels’ was more acceptable. The results showed that a bus fare of up to 1500 riels
(equivalent to Japanese Yen 40) was the most acceptable level. This fare level as set in this Public
Experiment was well accepted by the local residents.

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure2.2-4 Acceptable Level of Bus Fare
2.2.5 Most important feature of Public Transport in Future to Citizens
‘Safety’ emerged as the most important feature
given by the respondents (71.2%). This reflected the
desire of the residents to have a safer transport
mode compared to motorbike which is the current
most prevalent mode of transport. This was
followed by ‘cost’ at 13.2%. This reflected the
concern for public transport that is affordable to low
income groups and students.
Figure 2.2-5 Most Important Feature of
Public Transport in Future to Citizens
Source: PPUTMP Project Team
2.2.6 Opinions of Residents if Bus stops are to be
installed near their Homes
62.1% of the residents interviewed felt it would be ‘good’
and another 10.5% felt it would be ‘very good’. Hence more
than 70% of the residents interviewed showed favorable
responses to such a proposal.
Figure2.2-6 Opinions of Residents if Bus Stops
being Installed Near Their Homes
A-8 Source: PPUTMP Project Team
The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

2.2.7 Responses from the Mass Media

◇Responses from Local and International Media
Besides local Phnom Penh newspaper and television channels,
international news media such as New York Times and Australian News
have also reported on the introduction of the new bus system in Phnom
◇Comments from Local Residents
Residents have indicated their approval for the bus service with some
saying ‘my makeup would messed up while riding the motorbike, but
with bus it is alright!’ or ‘I can do some study sitting in the bus’. On the
other hand, some comments about the bus stops being dark and dangerous
at night were noted and efforts to improve them will be taken in future.
Figure 2.2-7 Front Page News Report on
the Phnom Penh Post
Source: PPUTMP Project Team
◇Users’ voices on Facebook
・The bus to be operated should be standard with full facilities
like those in other countries, especially Cambodia’s
neighbors, even though it is a trial run.
・ Busway maintenance should be conducted, and parking
regulations must be strictly enforced by the traffic police
department, because nowadays bus route is interrupted by
illegally parked vehicles causing long waiting time for
• Bus poles are too small and not even reflective, and there are
no waiting sheds for passengers to use during night time.
Thus, passengers do not feel safe while waiting for the bus.

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

2.3 The Future of Public Transport Figure 2.2-8 Facebook of
2.3.1 How to Maintain the City Bus Operation Public Experiment
With the experience gained from the Public Experiment, the following 3 alternative cases of possible
continuation on the operation of the public bus service by the city were set up for a comparative analysis.
Case 1: Bus service to continue with exactly the same conditions as in the Public Experiment
Case 2: Bus coaches to be supplied by the City (bus depreciation cost excluded)
Case 3: Bus coaches to be supplied by the City (bus depreciation cost included)
Table 2.3-1 Estimation of Operation Costs
Passenger Travel cost per Operation Cost Monthly Deficit
Volume person (USD) (USD/Month) (USD)
① ② ③=①/② ⑤=③-④ ⑥=⑤*②
Case 1: Bus service to continue with
the same conditions as in the Public 47,460 43,278 1.10 0.72 31,300
Case 2: Bus coaches to be supplied by
the City (bus depreciation cost 24,550 43,278 0.57 0.19 8,400
Case 3: Bus coaches to be supplied by
the City (bus depreciation cost 33,350 43,278 0.77 0.40 17,200
※Bus Fare/passenger=1,500 Riel=0.375 USD・・・④
Source: PPUTMP Project Team
The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

2.3.2 Profile of the Bus Users

The profile and its change of bus passengers is analyzed based on the various surveys in this experiment

and the comparison between this public experiment and that conducted in 2001.

Table 2.3-2 Profile of the Bus Users

Public Experiment in 2001 Public Experiment in 2014

Workers + Students (University, college and vocational)

Passenger Workers + Students (mainly high school)
44%+ 30%
Characteristics 20%+ 50%
※50% of 20 to 29 age group is students
1 route (Monivong)
2 routes (Monivong and Sihanouk/Norodom) ・Universities, colleges, hospital and business district along Monivong
Bus route
・Many high schools locate along Norodom Blvd. Blvd.
・Many transfer passengers to/from Motodop at terminals.
Operational interval 6 to 10 minutes 10 to 15 minutes
46,380 passengers/month
50,790 passengers/month (Monivong route)
Number of 1,546 passengers/day
1,693 passengers/day (Monivong route)
passengers ・Number of weekend passengers dropped latter half of the
・There were transfer passengers between two routes.
experiment period
Bus fare 800Riel 1500Riel (2014/2001 = 1.9 times)
(Minimum charge of
500Riel 2000Riel (2014/2001 = 4.0 times)
Household income
from Person trip 322USD/month 464USD/month (2014/2001 = 1.4 times)
TV spots (49% out of total)
How people know
TV spots (54% out of total) (It can be observed that bus operation information was shared
about bus service
through Facebook among young workers and students.)
Source: PPUTMP Project Team

2.3.3 How to Cover the Operating Deficit of the Bus Operation

The key to the sustainable bus operation is how to cover the operating deficit of the bus operation. Based
on the data and survey analysis of the experiment and others, the following suggestions are made:

◆ Increasing bus passengers

・ Introduce seasonal tickets to workers and students (many requests from bus users)
・ Expand and increase bus routes
・ Improve transfer system at terminals
・ Make boarding/alighting of passengers smooth and convenient by introducing two-door bus fleet
・ Take measures to ensure that bus services on weekends and holidays match the demand
・ Promote by effective use of TV spots and SMS
◆ Increasing income but without increasing bus fare
・ Accept advertisements on the bus body (rapping bus)
・ Accept advertisements for bus stop poles, bus shelters and bus terminals
・ Work out terminal development rights with bus operator, etc.
◆ Increasing bus fare
・ Bus fare alone cannot cover the bus operational cost; the increase of bus fare is just one of the
measures. However, the increase of bus fare without any service improvement to benefit the bus users
will result in decrease of bus passengers. With bus routes expansion and increase of routes, there will
be an increase in convenience for bus users, which may make them more accepting of a fare increase.
The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

2.3.4 How to Sustainably Continue the City Bus Operation by DPWT Themselves
How to improve the bus operation is an important matter based on the passengers’ voice if DPWT
operates city buses by themselves. Following are the countermeasures of improvement of bus operation
based on the hints from the passengers’ comments during the public experiment.
◆ Introduce bus season tickets
Many passengers request the introduction of season tickets because majority of them are workers and
students who are using the bus every morning and evening going to and from work/school. Generally,
almost all cities in the world offer season tickets to attract more passengers and to improve the
affordability of bus fares.
◆ Introduce the two-door bus
A fleet of one-door buses was used during the public experiment, because only one-door buses are
available in Phnom Penh. But the one-door bus needs more time during loading/unloading of passengers
at bus stops. For the convenience of passengers, it is necessary to introduce the two-door bus, which is
commonly used for the city bus operation in other countries.
◆ Improve the night time safety at bus stops
Many working students are expected to use the bus after school at night, based on the result of the public
experiment. To secure the night time safety at bus stops, the bus stops should be well-lighted.
◆ Improve the safety circumstances during bus operation
Bus operation safety especially during loading/unloading of passengers is the biggest concern of
passengers. Since bus operation safety is one of the most important aspects of city bus operation,
measures should be put in place to ensure safety. This will give a boost to the continuous safety education
of drivers/conductors and the establishment of the bus operation/management system in DPWT.

2.3.5 Current Situation of the City Bus Operation

On the day following the end of the Public Experiment, the City of Phnom Penh commissioned a private
enterprise called Global Company to continue operating the same bus service on the same route with the
same fare for another month, that is, from 5th March to 4th April in 2014.
By June 2014, PPCH has extended the current bus service towards the north and south directions.
In September 2014, the Public Transport Management Authority (PTMA) was established to operate and
manage the city bus in collaboration with PPCH and DPWT. With the establishment pf PTMA, the
number of bus routes has been increased from one (1) to three (3) routes plying not only the north and
south but also the west and east covering major transport corridors in PPCC. Forty-three (43)
second-hand buses from Korea were operated and 6,930 (average of 1 - 15 December 2014) daily
passengers are served. PTMA plans to expand bus service to cover 10 routes with bus fleet of 200 in

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

3.1 Demand Forecast of Target Transit System
(1) General
Demand forecast for preliminary feasibility study was conducted according to the following framework.
 Target year for demand forecast is set at 2035 (long term) and 2020(medium term).
 The input data for demand estimation are based on the future trip OD matrix data and time table
between zones which was estimated in the road traffic simulation analysis.
 The output items consists of peak hour sectional transport volume for operation planning, total number
of passengers per day for revenue estimation and boarding & alighting passengers by station and trip
matrix between stations.
 Taking into consideration of corridor characteristics that there are several traffic nodes existing along
the corridor, passengers related to airport travelers and passengers related to long distance bus are
included in passengers number in addition to ordinary corridor base passengers.
(2) Estimation of Corridor base passengers
 Based on the person trip OD database in 2035
which was estimated in the transport master plan,
corridor base passengers number was estimated
according to the flow-chart shown in Figure 3.1-1.
 Diversion trips to transit system is estimated,
applying logit type diversion curve of which
explanation variables is the time difference of time
required between zones, depending on with/without
 As for the presumption of calculating time required
by transit use, 30km/h is assumed as the
commercial speed of system, and 3 minutes/ 5
minutes are assumed as average waiting time of
transit service and mode change transfer time

Figure 3.1-1 Flow-chart of Estimating

Corridor Base Passengers

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

(3)Estimation of passengers related to airport travelers
Transit system passengers related to international/domestic travelers, departing/arriving at Phnom Penh
airport are estimated.
Future annual base airport travelers in target year was estimated, assuming average growth rate of
travelers, based on the latest trend data on airport travelers in Phnom Penh airport. Annual passengers
number was converted to daily passengers number, taking into account of monthly peak variation during a
year. In addition, accompanying passengers with airport travelers such as well-wishers are also included.
Regarding the modal choice rate of transit system, existing modal choice rate for transport means other
than private transport was applied based on the result of airport passengers interview survey which was
conducted in PPUTMP.
(4)Future Transit Passengers
Table 3.1-1 and 3.1-2 shows daily passengers trip matrix between stations and section passenger volume
between stations (station location is indicated in Figure 3.1-2).
The total number of passengers in 2035 is estimated around 82,000 and maximum section volume in peak
hour /direction is 6,000 PPHPD (as for medium term, 2020, total number of passengers: around 68,000
and peak hour volume: 5,000, respectively.).

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

Table 3.1-1 Trip Matrix between Stations in 2035

unit: pax/day
Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Total
1 0 10,012 3,163 544 552 1,551 175 4 9 5,648 22 452 97 22,228
2 6,333 0 4,911 299 311 814 154 4 16 5,026 7 418 24 18,317
3 3,407 4,886 0 2,199 321 1,012 108 3 2 183 12 395 12 12,540
4 887 448 1,027 0 264 379 15 0 0 23 1 7 1 3,052
5 659 266 428 281 0 276 8 0 0 18 0 0 1 1,937
6 1,671 709 1,206 504 293 0 358 3 1 454 2 16 5 5,221
7 55 41 23 15 0 8 0 413 410 1 0 0 0 967
8 122 83 103 33 7 242 414 0 414 246 6 16 1 1,688
9 10 8 14 1 0 1 410 414 0 13 1 1 0 874
10 5,008 4,207 318 62 6 468 0 241 16 0 415 447 30 11,218
11 31 9 15 3 0 2 0 2 0 404 8 430 36 940
12 343 255 293 18 0 14 0 16 1 442 453 0 275 2,110
13 114 21 23 3 0 6 0 1 0 32 0 335 0 534
Total 18,639 20,945 11,524 3,961 1,755 4,774 1,641 1,101 871 12,489 927 2,519 481 81,626
Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Table 3.1-2 Sectional Passenger Volume between Stations

Unit: pax/day (upper row), pax/hour (lower row)
Stations 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13
→ 22,228 24,200 20,373 18,021 16,877 13,683 13,690 13,948 13,110 2,392 2,391 481
← 18,639 23,239 18,396 16,954 15,627 11,985 12,667 12,337 11,496 2,049 2,035 534
Peak 1 → 5,557 6,050 5,093 4,505 4,219 3,421 3,423 3,487 3,277 598 598 120
hour ← 4,660 5,810 4,599 4,238 3,907 2,996 3,167 3,084 2,874 512 509 133
Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure -3.1-2 Location of Each Station

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

3.2 Proposed Rail Transit System

Based on the passenger demand and urban characteristics in Phnom Penh, rail transit system alternatives
were selected from the medium capacity rail transit system found in many parts of the world. These are
(1) Linear Metro, (2) Monorail, (3) Automatic Guided Transit (AGT), (4) Light Rail Transit (LRT) and (5)
The comparison of main specifications of the above five rail transit system alternatives is shown in Table
To select rail transit system subject to preliminary feasibility study, evaluation was made based on
following criteria. The result is summarized in Table 3.2-2. In this table, a system that satisfies a criterion
has ○ mark; and a system that does not satisfy a criterion has △ mark. The system with the largest number
of ○ mark is the most suitable system to be introduced into Phnom Penh.
i. Passenger Capacity
ii. Contribution to Urban Development
iii. Contribution to Urban Scenery
iv. Future Expansion of the System
v. Impact to Road Traffic
vi. Flexibility of Geometric Design (minimum curvature, maximum longitudinal
slope and tunnel
vii. Operational Reliability (Maintain a stable operation speed)
viii. Countermeasures for Heavy Rain and Emergency
ix. Passenger Comfort (Transfer)
x. Consideration for the Urban Environment (noise, vibration and air pollution)
xi. Preliminary Cost including Infrastructure
xii. Operational Cost (maintenance and reduced labor cost)
xiii. Easiness of Procurement
xiv. Specific Advantage of the Japanese Technology
Through the above evaluations, it is found that AGT is the optimum rail transit system for the East-West
transport corridor. AGT is the most flexible system in terms of geometric design among the alternatives, it
is environmentally friendly and has advantages of Japanese innovative technologies.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)
Table 3.2-1 Outline and Specifications of Candidate Public Transport System

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

Table 3.2-2 Evaluation of the Rail Transit System Alternatives

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

3.3 Most Suitable Railway System Route and Selection of Depot

(1) Basic Idea for Planning Railway System Route and Selection of Depot Location
1)Design Standard
Design standard for AGT is shown on Table 3.3-1 which is the basis of most suitable railway system route
planning and selection of depot location.
Table 3.3-1 Design Standard for AGT Planning
Item Standard Remark
Gauge 1,850 mm
Distance between centre of tracks 4,000 mm
Minimum curve radius, for both main 100 m Unavoidable
line and depot case: 30 m
Maximum gradient 60/1000
Minimum Vertical curve radius 1,000 m
Turnout dimension Attached figures
Maximum operating speed 70 km/h
Operation system UTO (Unattended Train Operation)is able to be applied.
Operation system is decided by responsible proprietor.
Location for Centralized traffic control OCC (Operation Control Centre)
Electric power system Direct current 750V
Electric current collection system Third rail
Source: PPUTMP Project Team

2) Most Suitable Railway System Route Planning

Basic idea for the most suitable railway system planning is as follows.
 To select the location of each station, the intervals between stations shall be well-balanced and
convenient for passengers.
 To decrease the bad influence to the automobile smooth traffic.
 To decrease the purchasing of private estate by making use of public land as road, etc.
 To decrease construction cost and future maintenance and management cost.
 To shorten the length of tunnel section, the cost of which is comparatively larger than viaduct section,
as short as possible.
 To reserve ride quality, and to decrease maintenance cost, too small curvature is to be avoided except
the unavoidable case.
 To decrease the Negative effect on environment.
3) Selection of Depot Location
Basic idea to select suitable depot location is as
 The depot area is to be more than 7or 8 ha for
the stabling of rolling stocks, maintenance
facilities, etc. for the present planning and
future expansion.
 The depot location is to be selected near the
operational line and is to be easy for trains to
enter into and depart from the depot.
 To make the land acquisition as smoothly as
possible, the depot area is to be selected to the
place where it is not being used for some
definite purpose and houses are few.

(2) Railway System Route Planning of Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Each Section Figure 3.3-1 Outline of Alignment and Route Profile
Railway system route planning of each section is being carried out based on the basic idea of the above.
Outline of planned line alignment and longitudinal cross section is shown on Figure 3.3-1.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

3.4 System Operation Plan

(1) Main Specifications of Rolling Stock and System
1) Proposed Introducing System
AGT (Automated Guideway Transit) system is proposed to introduce to Phnom Penh East-West Line. An
example image of AGT train configuration is shown in Figure 3.4-1. The dimensions of one vehicle are
11.2m long (11.8m including coupler), 2.7m wide and 3.7m high. Total train length of 3 cars is 35.3m.

Train 35250
11200 550 11200 550 11200

1850 6700

Source:PPUTMP Project Team based on the example of Singapore

Figure 3.4-1 Image of Vehicle
2) Main Specifications of AGT
Main specifications of this line and AGT are shown in Table 3.4-1. The operation length is 13.7 km, the
number of stations is 13, and the train capacity of a 3-car train is 331 persons.
Concerning train running performance, maximum operation speed is 70 km/h, acceleration and normal
deceleration are both 3.6 km/h/s. The estimated commercial speed is 35 km/h and the required train
running time per one way is planned to be approximately 24 minutes.
Table 3.4– 1 Main Specifications of AGT
Item Content / Value
Route Operation Length 13.7 m
Number of Stations 13 Stations
Alignment Minimum Curve Radius 100 m (30 m)
Criteria *1 Maximum Gradient 60 ‰ (100 ‰)
AGT (Automated Guideway Transit)
Vehicle Type of System
with Rubber Tires
Vehicle Dimension (L×W×H) *2 11,200 mm × 2,690 mm × 3,615 mm
Tare Weight of 1 Vehicle Approximate 18 t
Electric Sysytem DC 750V
Power Collection Method Third Rail System
3 cars/train
Train Configuration
( 4 cars/train possible in Future )
Train Capacity Peak Hour Ride (5persons/m2) 331 persons/train (3 cars/train)
Train Vehicle Max. Operation Speed 70 km/h
Operation Performance 3.6 km/h/s / 3.6 km/h/s
Normal Deceleration
Estimated Commercial Speed 35 km/h
Required Train Running Time per One Way
(Include Dwell Time at Stations)
Approximate 24 min
(Note) *1:Accourding to Japanese railway criteria / ( ) unavoidable case
*2:Value of Singapore Type Vehicle
Source:PPUTMP Project Team

(2) Examination of Train Operation Plan and the Number of Train-sets/Vehicles

The required train operation trips at peak one hour are calculated by dividing the maximum passenger
load at peak one hour (for two cases of 5,000 passengers in 2020 and 6,200 passengers in 2035) by one
train capacity (331 persons of 3-car train). The calculated train operation trips at peak one hour i11 trains
in 2020 (3.8 min. headway) and 19 trains in 2035 (3.2 min. headway) as shown in Table 3.4-2.
The required number of train-sets/vehicles is calculated from the round-trip time at the peak hour. First,
the round-trip time is calculated by doubling the time including one way operation time (24 min) and a
The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

turn back time (set to 5 min). The required number of train-sets is computed of the required number of
train-sets for operation added the number of train-sets for spare (spare rate is set to 10%). The required
number of train-sets/vehicles is 18train-sets/54cars in 2020 and 21train-sets/63cars in 2035 as shown in
Table 3.4-2.

Table 3.4– 2 Train Operation Plan at Peak Hours and

Calculation of Required Number of Train-sets/Vehicles
Item Unit Formula 2020 2035 Remarks
Train Peak Demand per Hour persons/hour・direction a 5,000 6,200 between St2 to St3
Operation Train Capacity persons/train b 331 331 5persons/m2
Plan Required Train Operation Trips trains/hour・direction c=a/b 16 19
Operation Headway min d=60/c 3.75 3.16
Calculation Operation Time min f 24 24 Commercial Speed 35km/h
of Required Turn Back Time min g 5 5
Number Roundtrip Time min h=(f+g)*2 58 58
of Train-sets Required No. of Train-sets for Operation train-sets j=h/d 16 19
/Vehicles No. of Train-sets for Spare train-sets k=j*10% 2 2 Spare Rate 10%
Total No. of Train-sets train-sets m=j+k 18 21
Train Configuration cars/train-set n 3 3
Total No. of Vehicles cars p=m*n 54 63
Source:PPUTMP Project Team

3.5 Preliminary Facility Plan

(1) Civil Work Facility Plan
1) Railway Alignment Outline
The railway line with about 11.4 km in route length consists of about 2.2 km of tunnel section, 11.8 km of
elevated track section, 2 numbers of underground stations and 11 numbers of elevated stations. Refer to
Figure 3.5-1.
2) Standard Structure Plan
Underground Structure
There are two underground (UG) stations, the first one is in the starting station (km 0.0), the second one is
in station (km 0.8).
Starting station (Sta. No.1) is under the Monivong Blvd. as a terminal station located in the center of city
and expected to be used by many railway passengers. Island platform type is proposed in this station
considering the convenience of railway passenger movement. The 9 m width of platform is planned
considering the Up/Down escalators and 3 m staircase. Tunnel Structure will be constructed by open-cut
excavation method from the point of economy as the tunnel length is short and Box-Culvert type structure
is planned for tunnel section. The section access to the Starting Station is planned as two tunnels as the
station has an island platform then the distance between railway lines is wide about 12 m. While, the
section access to the 2nd Station is planned as a single tunnel as these has a siding platform and the
distance between railway lines is narrow about 4m. The tunnel between Station No.11 and No.12 is
planned as a single tunnel as well. Refer to the following drawings;

Source:PPUTMP Project Team Source:PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 3.5-1 Two Box Tunnel Figure 3.5-2 One Box Tunnel
The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

Elevated Structure
There are 11 numbers of elevated stations starting from 3rd station (KM 2.3) to 11th station(KM 10.2)
and 12th station (KM 12.2) to 13th station (KM 13.7).The location of the elevated stations are selected
from the points where they are in better condition on construction and alignment on train operation. The
distance between stations in city area are planned in short (0.7 km-1.5 km) and these in the out of city
area are planned in comparatively long (1.5 km-2.0 km).
The elevated structure between stations consists of super-structure (PC Girder) and sub-structure (pier).
The type of super-structure is planned as PC (Prestressed Concrete) Box Girder considering the economy
and construction-ablity. The type of sub-structure is selected from the points whether there is a space for
construction of pier and foundation of the sub structure in the road median strip, or only available for the
space in the both side of walkway (portal type pier).
Refer to the following drawing.

Source:PPUTMP Project Team Source:PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 3.5-3 Elevated Station 1 Figure 3.5-4 Elevated Station 2

3) Construction Planning
Pre-Construction Schedule
It is estimated to take about 4 years from the government approval of the Railway System Plan(Project)
until the commencement of construction through the process of the Feasibility Study(FS), Detailed
Design(DD) and Tender. as shown in the following period.
1. Feasibility Study(FS):12 months
2. Detailed Design(DD):18 months
3. Tender:12 months
Construction period
The construction of the civil works of the project will be carried out under and upper the main road
connecting the city center and suburban area where there is many road traffic. Therefore, it is supposed
that it takes time in comparison with other normal suburban new line construction due to the requirement
of the special and temporary road relocation, special construction method, limitation of working time,
many preparatory works before construction, etc. It is supposed to complete the elevated and underground
works takes, at least, in about 4 years including the construction works of main structure, architect, track,
signal & communications and test operation.
(2) Electric Power System Plan
1) Substation
Five substations will be constructed to supply train traction power and station/depot utility power at
Station3, 6, 10, 12 and Depot.
This electric power will be received at the bulk AC substations from Electric Power Company via electric
transmission lines with high performance, and feed power to traction substations and station service
substations along the line. The bulk AC substation will be basically installed in the depot. However, one
more bulk substation will be added at any place (near Station6 may be fitted) for a redundancy purpose.
An image of the power supply diagram of this line is shown in Figure 3.5-5.
AC115kV or 66kV AC115kV or 66kV
Figure 3.5–5 Image of Power
AC24kV AC24kV

Supply Diagram(in Case of 2

<SS1> <SS2 <SS3> <SS4> <SS5>
Bulk Substations) >

Source:PPUTMP Project Team


Station 1 Station 10
Station 2 Station 3 Station 4 Station 5 Station 6 Station 7 Station 8 Station 9 Station 11 Station 12 Station 13 DEPOT
Central Market Airport

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

2) Contact Line
The traction voltage of the proposed AGT is DC 750V. The contact lines named “Third Rail” are arranged
along one side of the elevated/underground tracks. There is a positive electrode and a negative electrode.
Third rails are fixed to walls by insulators (Figure 3.5-6).

Figure 3.5-6 Image of Contact Line

of AGT

Source:Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

(3) Signal and Telecommunication Plan
1) Signaling System
As transportation system candidates to proposed in this Pre-feasibility study (Pre-F/S), AGT (Automated
Guideway Transit), LRT (Light Rail Transit) ,linear metro, etc. are mentioned, but in any case, we plan to
propose CBTC (Communication Based Train Control) as an ATP(Automatic Train Protection).
CBTC is not a conventional fixed block system that depends on the track circuit, it can detect the train
position onboard, and transmit it to ground system and following train by radio system. It is a signaling
system to realize a moving block system.
CBTC can minimize the safety distance between trains. In addition, CBTC can respond the increase in the
future traffic without upgrading the signaling system.
 The reason of CBTC adoption is as follows.
By using the radio system, CBTC can be lightly equipped, and can realize a system with high cost
 The global standard has been established by IEEE1474 which achieve high safety.
 Recently CBTC has been adopted in many urban transport systems.
 CBTC can achieve the high-density traffic operation by the moving system.
 The future railway expansion is relatively easy by using the radio system.
General configuration of Automatic Train Protection (ATP) is shown in Figure 3.5-7. .
Schematic diagram of signaling system is shown in Figure 3.5-8.

Source:PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 3.5-7 General Configuration of Automatic Train Protection (ATP)

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

Source:PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 3.5-8 Schematic Diagram of Signaling System
2) Telecommunication System
As transportation system candidates to proposed to this Pre-feasibility study (Pre-F/S), AGT (Automated
Guideway Transit), LRT (Light Rail Transit), linear metro are mentioned, but in any case, general
configuration of Telecommunication system and required telecommunication service is shown in Figure

Source:PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 3.5-9 General Configuration of Telecommunication System

3.6 Economic and Financial Analysis
(1) Economic Analysis
 Overview
The objective of economic analysis is to assess economic effect of East-West Line Project from the point
of national economy, and to clarify economic feasibility of the project.
Benefit =Saving of Vehicle Operation Cost and Travel Time Cost with East-West Line
Cost =Economic Cost which doesn’t contain Physical Contingency, VAT and so on
Indicator =EIRR (Economic Internal Rate of Return) and B/C
 Result
EIRR of the Phnom Penh East-West Line is valued at 21%. Usually EIRR is required to exceed 12%. So
This project is highly necessary and important for the Cambodian and Phnom Penh Economy.
The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

Table 3.6-1 Summary of Economic Analysis

156-237 mUSD

(yearly) B/C=2.9

Source:PPUTMP Project Team

(2) Financial Analysis
 Overview
The objective of financial analysis is to assess a profitability of East-West Line Project. The main
difference from economic analysis is a point to use an operating revenue and financial cost which include
a contingency and VAT.
Revenue =Fare-box Revenue and Other Revenue(= 10% of fare-box revenue)
Cost =Financial Cost which contain Physical Contingency, VAT and so on
Indicator =FIRR(Financial Internal Rate of Return )
 Result
FIRR of the Phnom Penh East-West Line is valued at -0.3%. It means that even though this project is
economically highly valuable, there is not profitability on a business basis.
In this study it is checked what kind of condition is necessary to turn positive. As a result, it is found that
FIRR turns positive in case that other revenue increases by two times (10%→20%), and on top of that
fare-box revenue increases by 10%, FIRR is valued at 1.3%.

Table 3.6-2 Summary of Financial Analysis

Source:PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 3.6-1 Result of Sensitivity Analysis of Phnom Penh East-West Line

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

3.7 Environmental and Social Consideration

(1) Analysis on Social Impact
Result of preliminary assessment of social impact by the project is shown below.
Table 3.7-1 Summary of Social Impact

Source:PPUTMP Project Team

NOTE: “A”: significant, “B”: some, “C”: small, and “- -” no impact

(2) Analysis on Natural Environmental Impact

Result of preliminary assessment of natural environmental impact by the project is shown below.

Table 3.7-2 Summary of Natural Environmental Impact

Source:PPUTMP Project Team

NOTE: “A”: significant, “B”: some, “C”: small, and “- -” no impact

(3) Conclusion
No significant “Negative” impact is observed except for construction phase however, its size is small.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)


4.1 Introduction
(1) Background
One of the planning targets of PPUTMP is the shift from private transport to public transport of
Phnom Penh citizens, and the introduction of public transport in Phnom Penh Capital City is
inevitable as it is the only capital city without public transport excluding para-transit in the Southeast
Asian region. PPUTMP has set the target public transport modal share in 2035 at 30% based on the
traffic congestion rate in the city center and the examples of other cities with public transport.
Phnom Penh citizens realize that the merits and demerits of a public transport system through the
experience of the public experiment of city bus operation. After the public experiment, the number of
bus routes has been increased from 1 to 3 routes plying not only the north and south but also the west
and east covering major transport corridors in PPCC. Forty-three (43) second-hand buses from
Korea were operated and 6,930 (average of 1 - 15 December 2014) daily passengers are served.
It was not expected that the city bus system would become the ordinary mode of transport for
citizens in the city when PPUTMP started.
Considering above conditions, it was proposed that the verification of the target public transport
modal share (30%) which was set during the master plan formulation be made through the conduct
of a survey called Stated Preference (SP) survey.

(2) What is SP Survey?

SP survey is aimed at verification of target public transport modal share based on finding out which
transport service plan will Phnom Penh citizens choose from by comparing between a rail transit
system that is being planned for the western part of the city with several alternative service plans
(variations of time and fares), and current transport modes and bus in operation in the city.
As stated above, the SP Survey focuses on putting forth several rail transit service plans that can be
compared to the current transport modes in operation in the city. The selected survey interviewees
are then asked to select their preferred transport service plan. For this purpose, there are two
methods or approaches in questioning the interviewees in such a survey: (1) in the case where a rail
transit service is provided which is capable of meeting the conditions of their current travel demand
requirements; and (2) in the case where nothing is suggested to the current transport situation and
interviewees are asked to imagine the future transport scenario. The selection of approach to use
for the survey depends largely on the considerations of ease of answering the questions for
interviewees. In the end, the first was used for the survey.

4.2 Overall Work Procedure

The data collected from the SP survey will be used to develop a Logit model in predicting the travel
modes of interviewees based on the rates of selection between their present transport modes and the
proposed rail transit transport mode. The present transport modes to be targeted in the survey are the
passenger car, motorcycle and para-transit. In principle, the transport conditions or requirements
shall include the origin-destination (OD), travel time, travel cost and other special features that are
reflective of these trips.
In addition, a bus passenger interview survey will also be conducted and to know the user’s
characteristics and the consciousness of the modal choice.
In this manner, the Logit model can be calibrated in predicting more accurately the choice of
transport modes among the residents.
Subsequently, the calibrated model is used to predict the future travel demand by mode (car,
motorcycle and para-transit) based on growth trend. At the same time, the model is also used to
predict the share of demand transferred from these travel modes to a future rail transit and bus
service modes when it is introduced. Finally, the travel demand transferred to the new rail transit or

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

bus mode predicted by the model is essential in planning the transit routes as well as the number of
Then, public transport selection rate will be checked as to whether it is over or under 30%.
In the case of “less than 30%”, countermeasures for the improvement of public transport system such
as development of convenient mode interchange areas will be proposed.

4.3 Survey Method (SP Survey for Current Mode Users and Bus
Passenger Interview Survey)
The SP survey shall be conducted at the earlier stated four locations of mall/markets and on the three
bus routes as shown in Figure 4.1-1. Passenger cars, motorcycles and para-transit users traveling in
the city shall be asked regarding their preference of transport service.
Before conducting the SP Survey, information that explains clearly the features of the rail transit
system must be prepared including a video clip. During the interview survey, such information
shall be explained to interviewees first before seeking their answers to the questions in the survey
A sample size of 400 shall be targeted.
The interview survey for bus passengers shall be conducted along the 3 bus service routes and a
sample size of 800 is targeted for this survey.
The SP Survey must be conducted by direct interviews with the car, motorbike, para-transit
(motodop and tuk-tuk). At the same time, the survey should clearly indicate their trip purposes
such as ‘to work’, ‘to school’ or other purposes.
A total target of 400 samples is to be collected for the SP survey for the current mode users. The
samples are to be distributed evenly among the transport modes, that is, 100 samples per mode (car,
motorbike and 2 para-transit modes).
For the interview survey for the bus passengers, it is basically an interview survey to be conducted
with the bus passengers in the bus.
A total target of 800 samples is to be collected in the survey for the bus passenger. This shall be
distributed by the passengers’ previous modes of travel. Hence 100 samples each must be collected
from those whose previous travel mode is car (driver and passenger), motorbike (driver and
passenger) or para-transit (motodop and tuk-tuk). Supplementally, bicycle and cyclo users are also to
be collected 100 samples per mode.

4.4 Conduct of SP Survey

This survey is divided into two: The first is the SP survey to current mode users conducted at 4
locations (mall/markets) as follows: (1) Cham Chao to Pochentong Market, (2) Steung Meanchey
Market, (3) Central Market and (4) Aeon Mall. Respondents’ travel modes are categorized into: (i)
Car (privately owned), (ii) Motorcycle (privately owned) and (iii) Para-transit. Para-transit vehicles
are divided into 2 types which are Tuk-tuk and Motodop. Total number of samples is 400, distributed
as follows: 130 each of car users and motorcycle users, and 70 each of tuk-tuk and motodop users.
The second is an on-board bus interview covering three bus lines, namely, Bus Line No. 1 (A), Bus
line No. 2 (B), and Bus Line No. 3 (C). Respondents’ previous travel modes are targeted for 8
classifications, which are as (1) Car passengers (privately owned), (2) Car drivers (privately owned),
(3) Motorcycle passengers (privately owned), (4) Motorcycle drivers (privately owned), (5) Bicycle,
(6) Motodop (only passengers), (7) Tuk-tuk (only passengers) and (8) Cyclo (only passengers). The
number of samples targeted for each mode is 100 for a total of 800.
The bus interview survey was conducted from November 24, 2014 to December 3, 2014. For the SP
survey for current mode users (mall/markets) and bus passenger interview survey, these were
conducted from November 29, 2014 until December 4, 2014.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

Source:PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 4.4-1 Survey Locations (3 Bus Routes and 4 Mall/Markets)

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

4.5 Comparison between Two Survey Results

(Interviewee’s Characteristics and Awareness of Modal Choice)

(1) Interviewee’s Characteristics

Age of SP survey interviewees is a little younger than bus passengers’ and number of female
interviewees is bigger than male’s.
Average number of family members is 4.8.
Number of motorcycles per family of SP survey and Bus Passenger Interview are 1.97 and 1.43,
respectively. In the case of SP survey result, every 2.4 family members have one motorcycle.
84% of motorcycle users of SP survey interviewees have his/hers own motorcycle.
Even 61% of motorcycle users of SP survey interviewees (currently use) has not motorcycle license.
This is one of the serious issues for the driver’s education.
There is about 0.6 cars per family for both surveys. The highest is the car users (1.15 – 1.33/family).
63% of car users of SP survey interviewees have his/hers own car.
18% of current car users have not car license even when he/she drives.
About 50% of interviewees are students and company staff.
Average monthly income of SP survey interviewees and bus passenger interviewees are USD206 and
USD167, respectively. Those with the highest monthly income are car users (about USD300).

(2) Consciousness to Modal Choice

From the consciousness survey of 15 items such as “short waiting time” for bus users and current
mode users (SP survey), the findings are described below and shown in Figure 4.5-1 and Table 4.5-1.
1) All interviewees of the two surveys are most conscious of “low rate of accidents” (average rate:
1.70), “cheap fare” (1.48), “avoidance of exhaust gas and dust” (1.46) and “assurance of punctuality”
2) Many of current motorcycle and para-transit users are satisfied with their modes.
3) Many of the bus users are conscious of “avoidance of exhaust gas and dust”.
4) A big difference of items of consciousness between bus and current mode users are “current mode
is most satisfactory (-0.65: ‘minus’ means that current mode users are higher than bus users)”, “low
rate of snatching (-0.57)” and “want to try the mode of transport in foreign countries (-0.48)”.

(3) Evaluation of Bus Service by Bus Passenger

For evaluation of bus service of bus passengers who used either a motorcycle, a car or para-transit
(motodop or tuk tuk) previously, para-transit users gave the bus the highest score.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

Current Total Bus Passenger Total

100% 100%
90% 23.3%
18.5% 90% 21.9% 22.9%
27.8% 25.4% 29.0%
31.6% 28.1% 31.3%
35.1% 35.1% 36.6% 37.2%
80% 80% 41.0%
47.1% 47.1% 48.9% 46.6%
51.1% 50.4% 51.1% 23.4%
70% 58.6% 70% 59.3% 61.3%
65.4% 66.9%
73.2% 35.8% 26.2%
60% 33.3%
60% 81.4% 32.6%
32.1% 31.0%
45.4% 37.6% 30.3%
50% 40.9%
50% 24.4%
34.4% 31.3%
34.4% 19.3%
40% 49.6% 40%
18.8% 34.9%
39.6% 30.0% 21.9%
40.9% 38.3%
30% 36.8% 37.8%
30% 25.4% 18.8% 16.5%
26.6% 28.8% 26.7% 24.7%
22.3% 20.3% 20.1% 18.6% 18.1%
20% 18.5%
21.6% 20% 14.0%
20.3% 17.8% 18.0% 13.0%
8.9% 12.2%
13.7% 8.7% 11.7%
10% 11.5% 10% 10.9% 7.4% 21.6% 8.7% 7.4%
8.3% 11.3% 8.3% 12.0% 10.3% 11.3% 10.5% 6.6% 8.7% 7.1%
10.0% 9.0% 7.0% 6.1% 13.0%
5.3% 6.8% 9.0% 6.0% 4.1% 4.3% 3.1% 7.9% 4.3% 8.9% 9.9%
2.8% 2.8% 3.8% 4.1% 3.1% 3.6% 4.8% 6.4%
3.5% 1.8% 1.3% 2.5% 2.3% 1.5% 2.3% 2.0% 2.8% 3.8% 0% 1.3% 1.3% 1.8% 2.5%
0% 0.3% 0.3% 0.5% 1.3% 1.3%
0.0% 0.8% 0.8% 1.0% 1.0% 1.3% 0.0% 0.3%

Short waiting time

Fast travel speed

Assurance of punctuality

Cheap fare

Low rate of traffic accident

Low rate of snatching

Avoidance rain and sunshine

Avoidance exhaust

Environmental consideration

No long walking

Modal choice by other people

Status symbol

Try the transport mode

Try the new mode of transport

Current mode is most satisfactory

Short waiting time

Fast travel speed

Assurance of punctuality

Cheap fare

Low rate of traffic accident

Low rate of snatching

Avoidance rain and sunshine

Avoidance exhaust

Environmental consideration

No long walking

Modal choice by other people

Status symbol

Try the transport mode

Try the new mode of transport

Current mode is most satisfactory

in foreign countries
in foreign countries

gas and dust

gas and dust
















-2 Absolutely not aware -1 Not aware 0 Fair 1 Aware 2 Absolutely aware -2 Absolutely not aware -1 Not aware 0 Fair 1 Aware 2 Absolutely aware

Source:PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 4.5-1 Awareness Survey of Modal Choice

Table 4.5-1 Consciousness Survey Results

Motorcycle Car Para-transit Total
Bus *1 Current *2 B-C Bus Current B-C Bus Current B-C Bus Current B-C

(1) Short waiting time 1.22 1.26 -0.04 1.40 1.34 0.06 1.07 1.44 -0.37 1.35 1.19 0.16

(2) Fast travel speed 0.94 1.36 -0.42 1.20 1.31 -0.11 0.71 1.27 -0.56 1.32 0.89 0.43

(3) Assurance of punctuality 1.47 1.33 0.14 1.67 1.40 0.27 1.24 1.36 -0.12 1.36 1.41 -0.05

(4) Cheap fare 1.49 1.49 0.00 1.36 1.34 0.02 1.48 1.60 -0.12 1.48 1.47 0.01

(5) Low rate of traffic accident 1.73 1.67 0.06 1.82 1.66 0.16 1.76 1.63 0.13 1.75 1.65 0.10

(6) Low rate of snatching 0.65 1.20 -0.55 0.73 1.10 -0.37 0.47 1.17 -0.70 0.59 1.16 -0.57

(7) Avoidance rain and sunshine 1.22 1.33 -0.11 1.09 1.31 -0.22 1.17 1.30 -0.13 1.19 1.31 -0.12

(8) Avoidance exhaust gas and

1.45 1.34 0.11 1.60 1.28 0.32 1.42 1.35 0.07 1.46 1.33 0.13

(9) Environmental consideration 1.11 0.92 0.19 1.07 0.95 0.12 0.88 0.91 -0.03 1.02 0.93 0.09

(10) No long walking 0.50 0.83 -0.33 0.71 0.46 0.25 0.67 0.89 -0.22 0.59 0.73 -0.14

(11) Affected by modal choice of

0.40 0.80 -0.40 0.62 0.69 -0.07 0.44 0.88 -0.44 0.44 0.79 -0.35
other people

(12) Status symbol 0.14 0.36 -0.22 0.16 0.32 -0.16 0.01 0.42 -0.41 0.08 0.37 -0.29

(13) Want to try the mode of

0.32 0.77 -0.45 0.29 0.85 -0.56 0.21 0.64 -0.43 0.27 0.75 -0.48
transport in foreign countries
(14) Want to try the new mode of
0.95 1.03 -0.08 0.96 1.01 -0.05 0.74 1.02 -0.28 0.87 1.02 -0.15
(15) Current mode is most
0.68 1.48 -0.80 0.76 1.16 -0.40 0.79 1.49 -0.70 0.73 1.38 -0.65

Source:PPUTMP Project Team

Note *1: Average score of bus passenger interviewees
*2: Average score of SP survey interviewees
B – C: *1 - *2 : Highest 3 items

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

4.6 Analysis of SP Survey for Developing the Logit Model

(1) Development of SP Data

Based on the current transport modes in Phnom Penh, 3 types of data sets, namely, a) Motorcycle to
Mass Transit, b) Car to Mass Transit and c) Para-transit to Mass Transit, were prepared and analysed.
To minimize the work period of the analysis, only the conditions of level of service of “time” and
“cost” were selected for the explanatory variable, even though it is possible to consider adding the
personal characteristics.

(2) Binary Logit Model

A Binary Logit Model was selected for modelling of modal choice.

(3) Estimation of the Model Parameters

Results of the parameter calculation adopting the “Maximum Likelihood Estimation Model” using
“R”, which is the statistical analysis software.

Table 4.6-1 Estimation of Model Parameters

Source:PPUTMP Project Team

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

4.7 Estimation of Public Transport Modal Share in 2035

4.7.1 Preparatory Work
Conditions of the transport network are stated below and shown in Figure 4.7-1.
1) Road network: 2035 Master plan network
2) Public transport network: Rail transit (UMT) network and bus network as illustrated in Figure

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 4.7-1 2035 Transport Network in Project Area

Trip time and distance between zones are estimated using Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm based on
the 2035 master plan road network and public transport network.
The criteria of the shortest route research are the shortest route of time between zones and
consideration the condition of link evaluation as shown in Table 7.2-1.
The distance and travel time of internal trips within a zone adopt the radius (distance) of a circle
which is the same area with the zone, and is divided by the speed (mass transit: 4 km/h. and MC and
Car: 20 km/h.).

Table 4.7-1 Criteria of the Shortest Route Research

Type of link Length of link Speed Remarks

Road Length of line on GIS Congestion rate which came from
assignment results is substituted for
BPR formula and changing the speed
Mass transit ditto 30 km/h Full network
Mass transit ditto Same as road
(Bus) network
Zone access ditto 4 km/h
Mass transit Measuring the length of 4 km/h
(UMT access) line on GIS from zone
node to the station
Mass transit Same as road network 4km/h. The research between zones is possible
The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

(Dummy link only for the UMT and bus network:

access) therefore, the road network is set as
dummy links and travel speed is
constant (4 km/h.).
Source: PPUTMP Project Team

4.7.2 Results of the Simulation (Base Case)

(1) Estimation result of number of transferred trips by mode adopting Binary Logit model
Number of mass transit (UMT and bus) trips is 1,656,327 trips/day.
Public transport modal share is 28.4% excluding walk.
(2) Estimation result of number of transferred trips by mode considering the mass transit coverage
area (for verification of 1))
For the verification of results by Binary Logit Modal, an estimation is made of the transferred trips
by considering the mass transit coverage areas, namely, UMT coverage area = 500 m from the UMT
route and Bus coverage area = 200 m from bus route. The estimation result of this case is
1,656,241 trips/day. This is almost the same number of trips as calculated by the Binary Logit

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 4.7-2 Urban Rail Transit and Bus Coverage Area

4.7.3 Correction of the Parameters of the Binary Logit Model

There seems to be a selectivity bias in the stated preference (SP) survey results analysis in the case
of users of private mode, such as motorcycles and cars, because of their lack of experience of using
public transport. Therefore, an examination and correction of the parameters of the Binary Logit
Model are performed assuming the previous mode share as the revealed preference (RP) data.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

(1) Bus Route related to Bus Passenger Interview Survey and Related OD
Current bus route-related OD trips between zones were extracted
from existing OD data (2012). Figure 4.7-3 shows current bus
routes and zones in Phnom Penh.

The extracted number of trips by mode is as follows:

MC: 709,840 (67.4%)
CAR: 125,210 (11.9%)
Para-transit: 218,358 (20.3%)

And the zone indicators of the related zones are as follows:

Area (sq. km): 144.35
Population in 2012: 854,100

Figure 4.7-3 Zoning Map and

Current Bus Routes in Phnom
Source: PPUTMP Project Team
(2) Estimation of Bus Passengers in 2012 based on RP
Number of bus passengers in 2012 based on RP were estimated 180,000 based on the following data.

1) Public Transport Market Share vs. Public Transport Supply

Based on Figure 4.7-4, number of annual vehicle x km per hectare in bus influence are in Phnom
Penh is 1,271 and the public transport market share is 15% to 20% (158,000 – 210,000 bus

Source: Mobility in Cities Database, 2005 (Jean Vivier, International Association of Public Transport)
Figure 4.7-4 Number of Annual Vehicle * km per Hectare vs. Public Transport Market

2) Bus Modal Share in Hanoi in 1995

The bus modal share in Hanoi in 1995, which was the year when bus operation in Hanoi started.

(3) Comparison of Number of Public Transport Transferred Trips and Ratio between
SP-based and RP-based
Estimation of bus passengers and transferred share by mode in 2012 based on RP, and comparison
between SP-base and RP-based are shown in Table 4.7-2 and Table 4.7-3, respectively.

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

Table 4.7-2 Summary of RP-Based PT Transferred Trips and Share

Mode Previous Modal Share umber of Bus Passengers Share of Bus

(Bus Passenger by Mode Passengers by Mode
Interview Survey)
MC 53% 95,400 13.44%
=180,000*53% =95,400/709,840
CAR 10% 18,000 14.38%
=180,000*10% =18,000/125,210
Para-transit 37% 66,600 30.50%
=180,000*37% =66,600/218,358
Total 100% 180,000 17.09%
Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Table 4.7-3 Comparison of PT Transferred Trips and Share between SP Based and RP Based

Mode Total Trips Number of Public Transport Transferred Trips

(Transferred Ratio)
SP-based RP-based
(from SP Survey) (from Bus Passenger
Interview Survey)
MC 709,840 282,852 (35.6%) 95,400 (13.44%)
CAR 125,210 55,658 (44.5%) 18,000 (14.38%)
Para-transit 218,358 45,753 (21.8%) 66,600 (30.50%)
Total 1,053,408 356,023 180,000
Source: PPUTMP Project Team

(4) Result of Recalculation of the Public Transport Users’ Trips by the Adoption of
the Transferred Model after the Correction of Parameters
As mentioned earlier, because of the selectivity bias found in the SP survey results, an examination
and correction of the parameters of the Binary Logit Model are done assuming the share by previous
modes as the revealed preference data. However, correction of parameters of Binary Logit Model
does not directly use the RP-based figures because the public transport system in 2035 is not only
bus but rail transit + bus. Therefore, the figure from RP is corrected and shifted to the SP-based
figure side.

Table 4.7-4 Estimation of the Number of Public Transport Trips and Modal Share in 2035 in
Comparison between Before and After Correction

Items Before Correction After Correction

Estimated Number of Public Transport 1,656,327 1,377,821
Trips in 2035
Modal Share of Public Transport 28.4% 23.6%
(excluding walk)
Source: PPUTMP Project Team

The Project for Comprehensive Urban Transport Plan in Phnom Penh Capital City
Final Report (Summary)

(5) Sensitivity Analysis

As discussed in Section 7.2 (3), the factors that affect the public transport share are operational speed
of rail transit, transfer time and public transport fare. Based on this, the sensitivity analysis using the
change of the service level of the public transport is adopted in order to observe the change of the
public transport share using the following 3 cases.

Table 4.7-5 Conditions and Cases by the Influence Factor for the Sensitivity Analysis

Case Operation Speed of the Transfer Time Public Transport Fare

Rail Transit (minutes) (riel)
(km/hour) *
High Case 35.0 +5.0 1,000

Base Case 30.0 +10.0 1,500

Low Case +15.0 2,000

Note: According to the pre-F/S of the trail transit, planning operation speed of rail transit is
30km/hour and it is possible to increase up to 35km/hour.
Source: PPUTMP Project Team

The result of the sensitivity analysis is shown in Figure 4.7-5. It can be said that the target public
transport share in 2035 of 30% can be achieved by the improvement of operational services of the
rail transit, development of convenient mode interchange areas such as stations, terminals and bus
stops and the effort of the public transport fare policy based on the public transport system

Public Transport
Share in 2035




Operation Speed of Rail Transit: 30 km/h
20.67% or 35 km/h
20% Transfer Time: 5 min., 10 min. or 15 min.
Public Transport Cost: 1,000 riel, 1,500
riel or 2,000 riel


Low Case Base Case High Case

30 km/h 30 km/h 35 km/h
15 min. 10 min. 5 min.
2,000 riel 1,500 riel 1,000riel

Source: PPUTMP Project Team

Figure 4.7-5 Result of the Sensitivity Analysis


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