Canon10Rule10.01 - Caspe vs. Mejica

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3E PALE (2020-2021)

CASE TITLE P01 Jose B. Caspe vs. Atty Aquilino A. Mejica CASE NO. AC. No. 10679
DOCTRINE Rule 10.01. – A lawyer shall not do any falsehood, nor consent to the doing of any in
Court; nor shall he mislead, or allow the Court to be misled by any artifice.

FACTS Caspe filed for a disbarment case against Atty Mejica. Caspe alleged that Atty Mejica
disregarded conflict of interest rules. Caspe said that when he filed a complaint for
attempted murder against Antonio Rodrigues Jr., respondent served as Caspe’s
counsel. When Rodriguez, Jr. filed his counter-affidavit, it was Atty Mejica who
counseled and represented him. Mejica allegedly threaten Caspe that he will help file
cases after cases against the complainant until he kneels before him
Also, on December 21,2007, Romulo Gaduena, a brgy tanod, harassed Busa and
Jataas with a gun. Caspe, who was on duty together with P01 Onofre responded. They
recovered a caliber 0.357. However, Gaduena, evaded arrest with the help of the brgy
Agda, who allegedly clobbered Caspe and took his gun. In the interest of peace and
harmony, the chief of police called and requested Caspe desist from filing charges
against barangay captain and tanods. Caspe acceded.
However, Gaduena, with Atty Mejica, filed a complaint for a serious slander by deed
against Caspe, They alleged that Capse kicked, collared and sllaped Gaduena’s face.
This prompted Caspe to disregard the agreement with the Chief of Police against the
tanod. Suspecting that Atty. Mejica encouraged Gaduena to file the case against him,
Caspe filed the cases for damages, and disbarment before IBP.

Atty Mejica failed to appear before hearing Oct 21, 2008, January 13, 2009, Feb 3,
2009. Despite the notice given to him. He allegedly that he did not receive any notice.

IBP render him in default. Violated rule 1.03, 1.04 and 10.01 of CPR. It stated that Atty
Mejica was corruptly motivated in encouraging the filing of suits against Caspe making
good his threat to file case upon case against the latter until he kneel before him.
Penalty 1 year suspension.

Whether or not Atty Mejica violated Rule 10.01 of the CPR

RULING Yes, The IBP CBD concluded that there could be no other reason for respondent to file
the cases against P01 caspe other than to get back to him. The court agree that the
circumstances points to Atty Mejica’s corrupt motive in helping Gaudena in filing cases
against Caspe, in violation of rule 1.03,1.04, and rule 10.01 of the CPR.

First, There was a pending disbarment case against the respondent for alleged conflict
of interest
Second, This prompt atty Mejica to made threat (he will help file cases after cases
against the complainant until he kneels before him), against P01 Caspe by reason of
refusal to withdraw the disbarment.
Third a gap of more than 5 months the dec 21 2007 incident happens and the filing of
the grave slander by deed
Fourth, during the said period, Caspe did not criminal case against Gaduana
Fifth, the existence of a settlement between Caspe and Brgy captain. Tanod but
despite the settlement a case was filed against caspe
Sixtth, Disbarment cases was filed only after the grave slander by deed and multiple
attempted murders were filed against him, with the help of Atty Mejica
Seventh, despite ethical propscriptiion, Atty Mejica served as counsel for the criminal
3E PALE (2020-2021)

complainants against Caspe

Atty. Mejica during the course of these proceedings has missed all four scheduled
hearings supposedly since he was not furnished any copy of the complaint. Records
suggest however that a copy of the complaint was sent to him on August 25, 2008, a
mail which he did not claim. He submitted two manifestations in response to notices he
received. He was thus placed on notice that there was an action against him

It is the Court’s opinion that Atty. Mejica’s attitude toward the proceedings before the
IBP indicates a lack of respect for the IBP’s rules and procedures. In Cabauatan v.
Venida, we stated that in not heeding the IBP’s directives:

x x x Respondent’s refusal to obey the orders of the IBP "is not only irresponsible, but
also constitutes utter disrespect for the judiciary and his fellow lawyers. His conduct is
unbecoming of a lawyer, for lawyers are particularly called upon to obey court orders
and processes and are expected to stand foremost in complying with court directives
being themselves officers of the court." Respondent should be reminded that -

As an officer of the court, [he] is expected to know that a resolution of this Court is not
a mere request but an order which should be complied with promptly and completely.
This is also true of the orders of the IBP as the investigating arm of the Court in
administrative cases against lawyers.

Respondent should strive harder to live up to his duties of observing and maintaining
the respect due to the courts, respect for law and for legal processes, and of upholding
the integrity and dignity of the legal profession in order to perform his responsibilities as
a lawyer effectively.

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