Targeting Ease of Doing Business in India
Targeting Ease of Doing Business in India
Targeting Ease of Doing Business in India
in India
“The King (i.e., the State) shall promote trade and commerce by setting up
trade routes by land and by water, and establishing market towns and ports” –
Kautilya’s Arthashastra, 4th century B.C.
Parameters 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Ease of starting
169 165 166 173 179 158 155 155 156 137 136
a business
Dealing with
construction 175 177 181 182 182 184 183 185 181 52 27
- - 98 105 111 137 70 26 29 24 22
Registering your
93 94 97 94 92 121 138 138 154 166 154
Getting credit
for your 30 32 40 23 28 36 42 44 29 22 25
minority 41 44 46 49 34 7 8 13 4 7 13
Paying taxes 169 164 147 152 158 156 157 172 119 121 115
Trading across
94 100 109 127 132 126 133 143 146 80 68
182 182 182 184 186 186 178 172 164 163 163
138 134 128 116 121 137 136 136 103 108 52
Overall Rank 133 134 132 132 134 142 130 130 100 77 63
Source: Doing Business database, World Bank.
6.5 In addition, this chapter presents allows a close look at the nuts-and-bolts of
several case studies and surveys that the business environment. Case studies of
were conducted to capture the on-ground merchandise exports found that logistics is
experience of doing business in the country inordinately inefficient in Indian sea-ports.
including the logistics of merchandise exports The process flow for imports, ironically, is
and imports, the number of permissions more efficient than that for exports. Although
needed to set up a restaurant and so on. This one needs to be careful to directly generalise
130 Economic Survey 2019-20 Volume 1
from specific case studies, it is clear that 6.8 Property registration is another
customs clearance, ground handling and interesting example. It takes nine procedures,
loading in sea ports take days for what can at least 49 days, and 7.4-8.1 per cent of the
be done in hours. A case study of electronics property value to register one’s property in
exports and imports through Bengaluru India. Moreover, the number of procedures,
airport illustrates how Indian logistical time and cost have increased over the last
processes can be world class. The main goal 10 years. Meanwhile, New Zealand has only
of the chapter, therefore, is to help the reader two procedures and a minimal cost of 0.1 per
to identify the most crucial issues when cent of the property value.
evaluating Ease of Doing Business (EoDB)
in India beyond the approach taken by the 6.9 In the case of paying taxes, even
World Bank’s surveys. though the number of payments per year
has significantly reduced in India from 59
GLOBAL COMPARISONS to 12 over the last decade, time spent on this
activity has not reduced much. While India
6.6 In this section, India’s performance
takes 250-254 hours per year to pay taxes,
has been compared with its peers (China,
New Zealand spends just 140 hours a year.
Brazil & Indonesia) as well as the best-in-
Interestingly, time spent to pay taxes in New
class economy in EoDB, i.e., New Zealand.
Zealand has doubled from 2009 to 2019.
In the interest of brevity, the comparisons
are limited to how India fared over the 6.10 Enforcing contracts is one parameter
decade from 2009 to 2019 across only those in which India’s performance has been very
parameters of EoDB where India lags, poor over the years. While India takes 1,445
namely- Starting a Business, Registering days to resolve an average dispute, New
Property, Paying Taxes, and Enforcing Zealand takes approximately one-seventh
Contracts. The comparisons demonstrate the of it, i.e., 216 days. The previous Economic
gap that India needs to travel to achieve the Survey1 had argued that the single biggest
best international standards. constraint to ease of doing business in India
6.7 The number of procedures required to is its inability to enforce contracts and resolve
set up a business in India, for example, has disputes. Given the potential economic and
reduced from 13 to 10 over the past ten years social multipliers of a well-functioning legal
(Table 2). Today, it takes an average of 18 system, this may well be the best investment
days to set up a business in India, down from India can make.
30 days in 2009. On the other hand, New 6.11 When compared to the performance
Zealand has a seamless process of business of India’s peer nations, namely China, Brazil,
incorporation which takes place through a and Indonesia, on the same parameters, it can
single window via one agency. It just takes be seen that China fares much better than
half-a-day with a single form and minimal India on virtually all parameters (Table 3).
cost to set up a business in New Zealand.
Although, India has significantly reduced 6.12 The comparisons with other nations
the time and cost of starting a business, a is not so one-sided. An entrepreneur has to
lot more is needs to be done. Some further go through 10 procedures to set up a business
simplification of processes in India has been in India taking 17-18 days to do so. On the
implemented very recently but it is too early other hand, Indonesia and Brazil require one
to gauge its impact. extra process than India to open a business.
See Economic Survey 2018-19 Chapter 5, Volume I.
Targeting Ease of Doing Business in India 131
Table 2: Mapping New Zealand across EODB parameters where India struggles
While Indonesia takes four days less than contract in India, Brazil and Indonesia
India, Brazil takes almost the same time as spend 2.2 and 1.1 years, respectively to do
India to do so. In fact, countries like Pakistan, so. With a rank of 163 out of 190 nations in
Turkey and Sri Lanka (ranked 72, 77, and 85 Enforcing Contracts, only a few countries like
respectively in Starting a Business parameter) Afghanistan, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe
have a less cumbersome process to start a perform worse than India.
business than India.
6.16 A holistic assessment and a sustained
6.13 Similarly, while India has five less effort to ease business regulations and
procedures than Brazil (14) to register one’s provide an environment for businesses to
property, it takes much less time to do so in flourish would be a key structural reform that
Brazil (31 days) than in India (49-68 days). would enable India to grow at a sustained rate
Indonesia, on the other hand, has only six of 8-10 per cent per annum. This requires a
procedures and takes same time as Brazil to nuts-and-bolts approach of feedback loops,
register property. monitoring and continuous adjustment. The
6.14 In case of paying taxes, although next section, surveys some of areas where
Indonesia (26) has more than double the there is scope for significant efficiency gains.
number of payments per year than India DENSITY OF LEGISLATION
(10-12), its citizens spend far less time in
paying them than India. Brazil seems to fare AND STATUTORY
particularly poor in this segment. COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS
6.15 India’s performance in contract
enforcement is poor even when compared 6.17 A major challenge most companies
to India’s peer nations. While it takes face is the complex architecture of
approximately four years to enforce a the Indian governance framework
Table 4: Applicable Rules and Statutory Laws for Manufacturing
No. of No. of
Name of the Act
S. No. Sections Rules, etc. Total
(B) (A+B)
1. Apprentices Act, 1961 37 14 51
2. Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 54 - 54
4. Central Excise Act, 1944 40 90 130
5. Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985 5 - 5
6. Central Sales Tax Act, 1956 26 9 35
7. Companies Act, 2013 470 19 489
8. Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 35 83 118
9. Customs Act, 1962 161 53 214
10. Customs Tariff Act, 1975 13 - 13
11. Depositories Act, 1996 31 - 31
12. Employee Compensation Act, 1923 36 52 88
13. Employee State Insurance Act, 1948 100 211 311
Employment Exchanges (Compulsory Notification of
14. 10 8 18
Vacancies) Act, 1959
Targeting Ease of Doing Business in India 133
including the density of legislation and four licenses, India requires several more
statutory compliance requirements. A list mandatory licenses and approvals (the
containing the names of Acts applicable comparison is in Table 5 and some of Indian
as well as number of Sections / Rules of requirements are listed in Table 6).
such Acts required to be complied with
by manufacturing units is given in Table 6.20 According to the National Restaurants
4. Manufacturing units have to conform Association of India (NRAI), a total of 36
with 6,796 compliance items, which is a approvals are required to open a restaurant in
tedious and time consuming task. It must Bengaluru, Delhi requires 26, and Mumbai
be noted that this is not a comprehensive 22. Moreover, Delhi and Kolkata also require
list and not every rule applies to every a ‘Police Eating House License’. The number
manufacturer. It is just an illustration of of documents needed to obtain this license
the bewilderingly wide range of rules that from Delhi Police is 45 – far more than the
the sector faces. number of documents required for a license
to procure new arms and major fireworks, 19
STARTING A BUSINESS: and 12 respectively (Table 7).
REGULATORY HURDLES IN 6.21 Moreover, in India, only the list of
OPENING A RESTAURANT licenses and permissions can be obtained
from a government portal or information
6.18 The services sector too faces
center. On the other hand, in New Zealand,
many regulatory hurdles even for routine
the website of Auckland Council (operated
businesses. The bars and restaurants sector
by a private third-party agency) has all
is an important source of employment and
detailed guides and stepwise procedures
growth everywhere in the world. It is also
about permissions, fees and timeline to open
a business that, by its nature, faces a high
a restaurant. The website is also equipped
frequency of starting new businesses and
with ready-to-use business plan templates
shutting old ones.
and comprehensive information on different
6.19 A survey showed that the number businesses irrespective of the scale of
of licenses required to open a restaurant in business. The contrast reflects a difference
India are significantly more than elsewhere. in approach – government control versus
While China and Singapore require only curation/ partnership.
Submit online notice of completion up to the plinth Request and receive inspection on the superstructure
level and get inspection done 15.5 1 construction
Submit notice of completion, receive final Receive an audit inspection by the Building
inspection & obtain Fire NOC 2.5 1 Department
Request water and sewer connection approval and Obtain relevant certificates through the One Stop
35 18 Center
Receive joint & final inspection of licensing
1 authorities; Obtain Water & Sewerage connection
No. of Procedures
30 28.2 185.9 190
25.4 Cost (% of warehouse)
25 Time (Days)
15 130
10 106
5 4
0 70
2014 2019
Source: World Bank Doing Business database.
Targeting Ease of Doing Business in India 137
For logistics providers, custodians or terminal operators, custom brokers and warehouse operators
there is only one tier:
AEO LO – Here onsite verification is done in addition to document verification.
Who is entitled for AEO Certification
Anyone involved in the international supply chain that undertakes Customs related activity in India
can apply for AEO status irrespective of size of the business. These may include exporters, importers,
logistic providers (e.g. carriers, airlines, freight forwarders, etc.), custodians or terminal operators,
customs house agents and warehouse owners. Others who may qualify include port operators,
authorized couriers, stevedores. The list is not exhaustive.
Any legal entity that undertakes Customs related work can apply for the AEO Programme if they fulfil
the following conditions:
1. They have handled 25 Import or Export documents in last Financial Year.
2. They have had their business activity for last three Financial Year (can be waived in
deserving cases).
3. The applicant must have been Financially Solvent for the last three financial years.
4. The applicant must not be issued a show cause notice involving ‘fraud, forgery, outright
smuggling, clandestine removal of excisable goods or cases where Service Tax has been
collected from customers but not deposited to the Government during last three financial
An entity can apply for AEO-T1 certification online, by visiting: Table
A lists the number of AEO compliant entities in India.
Table A: AEO Certified Entities in India as on January 17, 2019
AEO Tier Number of AEO status holders
AEO T1 2,842
AEO T2 491
AEO T3 8
AEO LO 745
Total 4,086
Source: Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC).
on space availability at the port. Three days for entry into the ship’. This is partly due to
are then used up in ‘Custom Clearance’, insufficient port infrastructure to handle the
another three days in ‘Stuffing Containers’ inflow of containers, narrow roads and poor
and up to five days are taken up by ‘queue strength bearing capacity of the roads at the port.
Table 11: Tracing an Apparel Export Consignment from Delhi to Maine, United States
Place Action Day No. of Days
Delhi Shipment ready at factory Day 1
Transport of shipment via truck/
Rajasthan Day 1 – 5 5 days
train to JNPT
19 Days in India
Reaches port Day 38
Clears customs (considering all
3 Days in U.S.
Table 12: Tracing a Carpet Export Consignment from Mirzapur to New Jersey
Place Action Day No. of Days
Mirzapur, U.P. Shipment ready at factory Day 1 1 day
Mirzapur to Piyala, Transport of shipment via truck to
Day 1 – 3 2 days
Haryana ICD Piyala
Shipment reaches Piyala Day 3
Custom clearance Day 3/4
13 Days in India
Day 13 – Day
High seas Ship traveling at seas 22/23 days
Reaches port Day 36
II. Case Study of Exporting Carpets 773 kms away. Just two hours are spent in
custom clearances and then it takes only
6.36 A similar exercise was done for
an hour’s time to load the ship. This means
a carpet manufacturer, who is an AEO,
that the consignment spends less than a
exporting products from Mirzapur in Uttar
day from factory to ship. It is possible to
Pradesh to New Jersey in the U.S. (Table 12).
do this because of well-oiled “just-in-time”
6.37 After the shipment leaves the factory processes. The ship then spends 23 days
in Mirzapur, it takes two days to reach the on high seas, reaching Mundra sea port in
Inland Container Depot (ICD) in Piyala, Gujarat on Day 24. The next six days are
Haryana. At the ICD, the consignment is spent at Mundra port, of which, about two
cleared by Customs in a day’s time. In the days are used up waiting outside the port
next three days the consignment is stuffed in for entry, followed by another two days in
containers and sent to Mundra. custom clearance and a queue of 6-7 hours to
exit the port. Lastly, the shipment reaches its
6.38 It takes three to four days to transport
final destination- Beawar, Rajasthan on Day
the shipment via train to Mundra sea port.
31, including the two days of travel time by
Another 6-7 hours are used up in queue to
road. Thus, it takes 8 days in India to undergo
enter the port. The vessel is loaded in the next
two days and the ship departs on day 13. The border compliances and travel time before
ship takes around 23 days to reach New York the consignment reaches the buyer.
sea port on day 36. Here, Customs takes two- 6.42 To summarize, while it takes only
three days to clear the consignment, provided one day in Italy to transport, and complete
all paper work and regulatory requirements border compliance and documentation, India
are met. In the next two days the consignment takes eight days to complete the import
is transported to the warehouse in New Jersey. process (note that the importer for this study
6.39 To sum up, of the 40 days, 13 days was an Authorised Economic Operator).
are spent in India, another 22 days at sea and Nonetheless, it is interesting to note that
4-5 days in the U.S. before the consignment the imports process takes less time than the
reaches the final buyer in New Jersey. exports process.
Although, being an AEO significantly reduces
6.43 The results of the case study approach,
the number of days a shipment takes to depart
by definition, are limited by sample size,
from India (compared to the previous case),
but the above results were cross verified
it still takes an inordinate amount of time
by QCI by interacting with a wide cross
within the country.
section of importers and exporters in order
III. Case Study of Importing Carpets to confirm that the collected data broadly
fits their experience. The following were the
6.40 Another way to understand the outcomes (a) the inordinate delays in loading
process flow of logistics is to look at it in
and customs processes in Indian sea-ports
reverse. This case study tracks the timelines
(b) the processes for imports, ironically, are
involved while importing carpets from Milan,
better than those for exports (c) the large
Italy to a warehouse in Beawar, Rajasthan
variance in process time means that exports
(Table 13).
are forced to account for the uncertainty by
6.41 Once the shipment is ready at the padding extra waiting time. This means that
factory gate in Milan, it takes only 10 it is not good enough to simply improve the
Hours to transport the shipment to Naples, “average” without improving reliability.
Targeting Ease of Doing Business in India 143
6.44 It must be noted that the turnaround the case of sea ports is possible. Although, a
time of ships in India has been on a continuous full case study of Chennai port was not done,
decline, almost halving from 4.67 days in partial data suggests that its processes are
2010-11 to 2.48 days in 2018-192. This shows smoother than those of the ports discussed
that achieving significant efficiency gains in above.
San Marino
Transport of shipment to Naples Day 1 10 Hours
(773 km)
Customs clearance
Day 1 2 Hours
Documentary compliances
Day 1 1 Hour
Departure of ship
23 Days at
High Seas
Shipment reaches Mundra Port at Sea
Day 24
Vessel waiting time outside the port
Day 24-26
before entry
Unloading shipment at port Day 26
Mundra Handling shipment
Sea Port Day 27 6 days
8 days in India
at port
Clearing security
Clearance Day 28
conducted by port
Day 29
Queue with the truck to exit port
(6-7 Hours)
Transport of shipment via truck to
Road Travel Day 29
Beawar Rajasthan
2 days
Shipment reaches factory at Beawar Day 31
Source: QCI Calculations.
See Economic Survey 2019-20 Chapter 9, Volume II.
144 Economic Survey 2019-20 Volume 1
Table 14 (a): Tracing Electronics Export consignment from Bangaluru to Hong Kong (Non AEO)
Bangaluru 3 Hours
Distance – 70Km
7 Hours in Hong
Bangaluru 3 Hours
to Airport
Distance – 70Km
Export Terminal Entry 1 Hour
Hong Kong Reaches Hong Kong Airport
7 Hours in Hong Kong
6.48 Again, the process flow was studied in Airport, Bangaluru. It then takes 14 and
reverse. Tables 15 (a) and (b) compare the time 11 hours respectively for a Non-AEO and
taken in importing electronics from China to AEO consignment to reach the warehouse in
Bangaluru, with and without AEO. After the Bangaluru.
shipment is ready in factory at Shenzhen, it
6.50 The case study suggests the following
takes two days to transport it to Hong Kong
conclusions: (a) the processes in Indian airports
is vastly superior to those at sea ports for both
6.49 At the airport, an hour is spent on imports and exports; (b) AEO did significantly
export declaration, two hours on customs improve the process but it is reasonably smooth
clearance and another four hours in loading even for non-AEO operators importing/
the aircraft at the terminal. After a five hour air exporting electronics (c) Indian processes can
travel, the consignment reaches Kempegowda beat international standards.
146 Economic Survey 2019-20 Volume 1
Table 15 (a): Tracing Electronics Import consignment from China to Bangaluru (Non AEO)
Place Action Time
Shenzhen, China Shipment ready at factory
2 days & 7 Hours in
Table 15 (b): Tracing Electronics Import consignment from China to Bangaluru (AEO)
Place Action Time
Shenzhen, China Shipment ready at factory
5 Hour 2 days & 7 Hours in
India has jumped up 79 positions in World Bank’s Doing Business rankings, improving
from 142 in 2014 to 63 in 2019. However, it continues to trail in parameters such as
Ease of Starting Business (rank 136), Registering Property (rank 154), Paying Taxes
(rank 115), and Enforcing Contracts (rank 163).
Enforcing a contract in India takes on average 1,445 days in India compared to just
216 days in New Zealand, and 496 days in China. Paying taxes takes up more than
250 hours in India compared to 140 hours in New Zealand, 138 in China and 191 in
Indonesia. These parameters provide a measure of the scope for improvement.