Unit 8: New Ways To Learn

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1. Look at the word and the transcription then pronounce the word exactly.
excellent /ˈeksɜlɜnt/
beautiful /ˈbjuːtɜful/
violent /ˈvaiɜlɜnt/
personal /ˈpɜːsnl/
digital /ˈdidʒitl/
2. The stress is on which syllable? Can you realize the rule of stress for these words?

1. Match the word/ phrase with its definition
No. Word Opt Definition
1. discussion a. extremely good Your
2. communication b. light and small enough to be easily carried or moved
1.e 2.i 3.a 4.h 5.b
3. excellent c. a book that contains detailed information about a subject for
6.j 7.cpeople who are studying
8.d that subject9.f 10.g
4. knowledge d. writing with a pen or pencil 2. M
5. portable e. when people talk about something and tell each other their
ideas or opinions
6. download f. to change words into a different language
7. textbook g. the instructions which control what a computer does
handwriting h. understanding of or information about a subject which a
person gets by experience or study
9. translate i. the act of communicating with people
software j. to copy or move programs or information into a computer's
memory, especially from the Internet or a larger computer
phrase with each of the words in 1:
1. discussion: We have a discussion about water pollution
2. communication: Communication is very important
3. excellent: He is a excellentstudent
4. knowledge:
5. portable: A laptop is portable
6. download: I download a file from Internet for studying
7. textbook: I have a textbook
8. handwriting:
9. translate: You must translate this book to English
10. software:
There are many antivirus software
I. Complete the sentences. Put in relative pronouns only if you have to. If the sentence is
correct without relative pronouns, write . Also add commas where necessary.
1. The man whopaid for the meal was a friend of Tom‟s.
2. The meeting which we had to attend went on for three hours.
3. My office, which is on the second floor of the building, is very small.
4. Jane works for a company which makes shoes.
5. The woman whom I was sitting next to talked all the time.
6. This school is only for children whose first language is not English.
7. Laura had a wooden box,which she kept her photos in.
8. I don‟t know the name of the woman to whom I spoke on the phone.
9. Towns which attract tourists are usually crowded in the summer.
10. Somewhere I‟ve got a photo of the mountain where we climbed.
11. The sun, which is one of millions of stars in the universe, provides us with heat and light.
12. I thought I recognized the assistant who served us.
13. Which is the European country whose economy is growing the fastest?
14. John,who speaks French and Italian, works as a tour guide.
15. The detective lost sight of the man whom he was following.
16. She told me her address, which I wrote down on a piece of paper.
17. Sarah, whom you met yesterday, works in advertising.
18. I‟m afraid the numbers which I chose didn‟t win the prize.
19. Electronics is a subject about which I know very little.
20. Mark, whose car had broken down, was in a very bad mood.
II. Use a relative pronoun to combine each pair of the sentences. If the relative pronoun
can be omitted, write it in brackets.
1. Professor Wilson is an excellent lecturer. He teaches Chemistry.
Professor Wilson, who teaches Chemistry, is an excellent lecturer
2. The man is a famous actor. You met him at the party last night.
The man whom you met at the party last night is a famous actor
3. There are some words. They are very difficult to translate.
There are some word which are very difficult to translate
4. The student writes well. I read her composition.
The student whose composition is read by me writes well
5. Jim‟s sister is a famous architect. You met her yesterday.
Jim’s sister, whom you met yesterday, is a famous architect
6. I received two job offers. I accepted neither of them.

7. I was looking for a book this morning. I‟ve found it now.

I’ve found the book which I was looking for this morning
8. Mrs Smith does volunteer work at the hospital. She is a retired teacher.
Mrs Smith, who is a retired teacher, does volunteer work at the hospital
9. I live in a dormitory. Its residents come from many countries.

10. Lake Prespa is a lonely beautiful lake. It‟s on the north Greek border.

Đại Lợi – Hằng Nguyễn Bài tập Tiếng Anh 10 | 81

III. Complete the advertisement. Put in who, whom, whose, which, where or why.
The town of Keswick, (1) which lies at the heart of the Lake District, is the perfect
place for a holiday, and the Derwent Hotel, (2)which overlooks the town, is the perfect place to
stay. Robin and Wendy Jackson, (3)who bought this small hotel three years ago, have already won an
excellent reputation. Robin, (4) ________ cooking is one of the reasons (5)__why______the Derwent is
so popular, was once Young Chef of the Year. The comfort of the guest, (6)whom the owners treat
almost as members of the family, always comes first. Peter Ustinov, (7)who once stayed at
the hotel, described it as “marvellous”. And the Lake District, (8) which has so much wonderful
scenery and (9)where _______the poet Wordsworth lived, will not disappoint you.
IV. Use a relative pronoun or relative adverb to combine each pair of sentences.
1. The student is from China. He sits next to me in the English class.
The student who sits next to me in the English class is form China
2. “The Old Man and the Sea" is an interesting novel. It was written by Ernest Hemingway.
“The Old Man and the Sea” ,which was written by Ernest Hemingway ,is an interesting novel
3. The professor is excellent. I‟m taking his course.
The professor whose course is being taken by me, is excellent
4. Mr. Smith said he was too busy to speak to me. I had come to see him.
Mr. Smith, whom I had come to see, said he was too busy to speak to me
5. The man is my father. I respect this man most.
The man who I respect most is my father
6. Do you know the reason? Marta left for this reason.
Do you know the reason why Marta left for?
7. Tom has three sisters. All of them are married.
Tom has three sisters all of whom are married
8. I recently went back to Paris. It is still as beautiful as a pearl.
I recently went back to Paris which is still as beautiful as a pearl
9. I recently went back to Paris. I was born in Paris nearly 50 years ago.
I recently went back to Paris which I was born in nearly 50 years ago
10. Laura couldn‟t find the box. She kept her photos in that box.
Laura couldn’t find the box which she kept her photo in
V. Combine the sentences by using relative adverbs. (when, where, why)
1. This is the place. The accident occurred there.
This is the place where the accident occurred
2. 7:05 is the time. My plane arrives at that time.
7:05 is the time when my plane arrives
3. I‟ll show you the second-hand bookshop. You can find valuable books in this shop.
I’ll show you the second-hand bookshop where you can find valuable books
4. The reason is to invite you to my party. I‟m phoning you for this reason.
I’m phoning you for the reason why I invite you to my party
5. Mark likes to travel at night. The roads are quiet at that time.
Mark likes to travel at night when the road are quiet
6. The Riverside Restaurant is very beautiful. I once had lunch with Henry in this restaurant.
The Riverside Restaurant, where I once had lunch with Henry, is very beautiful
7. She doesn‟t want to speak to the cause. She divorced her husband for this cause.
She doesn’t want to speak to the cause why she divorced her husband
8. The days were the saddest ones. I lived far from home on those days.
The days when I lived far from home were the saddest ones
9. A cafe is a small restaurant. People can get a light meal there.
A café is a small restaurant where people can get a light meal
10. You didn‟t tell us the reason. We had to cut down our daily expenses for that reason.
You didn’t tell us the reason why we had to cut down our daily expenses for
VI. Change the relative clauses to phrases.
l. Do you know the woman who is coming toward us?
Do you know the woman coming toward us ?
2. The road that joins the two villages is very narrow.
The road joining the two villages is very narrow
3. Most of the goods that are made in this factory are exported.
Most of goods made in this factory are exported
4. My grandmother, who is old and sick, never goes out of the house.
My old and sick grandmother never goes out of the house
5. Kuala Lumpur, which is the capital city of Malaysia, is a major trade center in Southeast
Kuala Lumpur, capital city of Malaysia, is a major trade center in Southeast Asia

6. The woman who lived here before us is a romantic novelist.

The woman living here before us is a romantic novelist
7. The scientists who are researching the causes of cancer are making progress.
The scientists researching the causes of cancer are making progress
8. Our solar system is in a galaxy that is called the Milky Way.
Our solar system is in a galaxy called Milky Way
9. All students who don‟t hand in their papers will fail in the exam.
All students not handing in their papers will fail in the exam
10. Simon Bolivar, who was a great South American general, led the fight for independence
early in the 19th century.
Simon Bolivar, a great South American general, led the fight for independence early in the 19 th century
1. Read the passage and choose the best answer for each question.
The American education system requires that students complete 12 years of primary and
secondary education prior to attending university or college. This may be accomplished either at
public or government-operated schools, or at private schools. These 12 years of schooling or
their equivalent may also be completed outside the USA, thus giving foreign students the
opportunity to pursue the benefits of the American education system and obtain a quality
American education. Perhaps one of the most impressive facts is that a large number of
presidents, prime ministers and leaders from other countries have experienced the American
education system and graduated from a university or school in the USA. In many fields and
industries, the American education system offers the most cutting-edge, sought-after programs at
the world's best schools. That is why graduating from an accredited American school and being
exposed to the rigors of the American education system is an investment in your future.
Whether you want to study at a top USA university, a top USA college, a vocational or high
school, a thorough understanding of how the American education system works is essential.
Without a clear grasp of the American education system, an international student will find it
difficult to make the right academic choices. It is no surprise that the American education system
and the American school system host more international students than any other country in the
Đại Lợi – Hằng Nguyễn Bài tập Tiếng Anh 10 | 83
1. The expression government-operated could best be replaced by .
a. independent b. state c. vocational d. boarding
2. According to the text, students in the USA .
a. are made to take primary and secondary education in the country
b. are not necessarily take primary and secondary education in the country
c. spend less than 12 years for primary and secondary education
d. needn't take primary and secondary education
3. The writer the US education.
a. appreciates b. underestimates c. overstates d. dislikes
4. Which is true?
a. The US education is not good enough for foreign students.
b. Foreign students are not offered opportunities in the US.
c. There are not many foreign students in the US.
d. Many leaders all over the world have studied in the US.
5. What is the writer's advice?
a. International students should not invest their future education in the US.
b. International students should not study at a top USA university, a top USA college, a
vocational or high school.
c. Without a clear grasp of the American education system, an international student can make
the right academic choices
d. International students should have a thorough understanding of how the American education
system works before going there to study.
2. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.
Children in (1) Netherlands must be at least four years old to (2) primary
education. Almost all 4-year-olds (99.3%) in the country indeed attend primary school, (3)
this is not compulsory until children reach the age (4) 5. Primary school is free
of charge. In most schools, children are grouped by (5) in mixed ability classes, with one
teacher for all subjects. Primary school (6) of 8 groups, thus schooling (7) for 8
years. During the first two years, which (8) kindergarten, children receive an
average of 22 hours of (9) , during the last 6 years children receive an average of 25 hours
per week. Schools are open 5 days a week, but children are free on Wednesday afternoon. At
the end of primary school, or in group 8, schools advice on secondary school choice. Most
schools use a national test to support this advice, for instance the “Citotoets”, a test (10)
by the Central Institute for Test development.
1. a. a b. an c. the d. Ø
2. a. afford b. enter c. come d. run
3. a. although b. despite c. in spite d. due to
4. a. of b. on c. in d. for
5. a. old b. elderly c. aging d. age
6. a. includes b. contains c. consists d. composes
7. a. spends b. lasts c. lengthens d. takes
8. a. also called b. is also called c. is called also d. is also calling
10.a. develop b. to develop c. developed d. developing

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