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The key takeaways are that INFINITY SPORTS AND FITNESS GYM aims to cater fitness services to the community during the pandemic to improve healthy lifestyles and fight the virus. It also aims to provide a relaxing atmosphere for clients of different backgrounds.

The strengths are its results-oriented approach and trained staff. The weaknesses are its high costs and inability to work with high volumes.

The opportunities identified are participation in a growing market and leveraging future analysis. The threats include economic downturns, competition and changing social responsibilities.


I. Executive Summary

People amidst the pandemic need to improve their healthy lifestyle which can

be their foundation to fight against the virus. INFINITY SPORTS AND FITNESS

GYM will be placed in residential area that the community are welcome and be

able to cater services to any clients. As a result, INFINITY SPORTS AND

FITNESS GYM is a workout place that any client can gain confidence by building

their wants of their body figure and improve cardiovascular endurance, agility,

and strength conditioning that can help to improve skills in all athletic. In addition

to INFINITY FITNESS GYM, it will provide a relaxing atmosphere for all clients.

(students, professional, athlete and etc.)

In today’s modern world, they are more protocols that can be followed to

avoid local transmission of the virus which it is important to be prioritize for safety

of the clients. In this marketing plan, I will evaluate on how the business

concerned the customers and the purpose of this business. Total budget for the

launch of the product as well as the promotion is approximately P495,500. The

promotion channels I used are social media marketing, mere direct marketing.

II. Situation Analysis

The business model has been well received and marketing is especially

important to maintain growth and market penetration.  In addition to offering

fitness facilities for Seattle corporations, Corporate Fitness' main activity is

the creation and implementation of wellness programs.  The basic market need is

the reduction of corporate costs and the increase in employee efficiency that

can be achieved through long-term wellness programs. The marketing

environment for INFINITY SPORTS AND FITNESS GYM represents

overwhelming opportunities. It also contains some challenges that the firm

believes it can meet successfully.


 Results-orientated approach to attracting and maintaining customers.

 A well-researched, detailed health wellness program that is long-term

in focus.

 Intensively trained staff.


 High costs associated with customized, personal service.

 The inability to work on a high volume business model.

 The costs of attracting a large corporate client.


 Participation within a growing market.

 The large increase in clients that follows with the acceptance of CF's

program by a single company.

 The ability to leverage future quantitative analysis that supports the

contention that long-term wellness programs have a significant, positive

impact on a company's bottom line.


 Lack of immunity to an economic downturn.

 Potential competition from larger, well established competitors.

 A change in society where the individual begins to take far more

responsibility for his/her health maintenance.

A. PEST Analysis

PEST analysis is a strategic tool to analyze the macro environment of the

organization. PEST stands for - Political, Economic, Social and Technological

that impact the macro environment of INFINITY SPRORTS AND FITNESS


Changes in the macro-environment factors can have a direct impact on

not only the INFINITY SPRORTS AND FITNESS GYM but also can impact

other clients in the Sporting Activities. The macro-environment factors can

impact the Porter Five Forces that shape strategy and competitive landscape.

They can impact individual firm’s competitive advantage or overall profitability

levels of the Services industry.

 Political factors play a significant role in determining the factors that can

impact INFINITY SPRORTS AND FITNESS GYM long term profitability in a

certain country or market. INFINITY SPRORTS AND FITNESS GYM is

operating in Sporting Activities in more than dozen countries and expose itself

to different types of political environment and political system risks. The

achieve success in such a dynamic Sporting Activities industry across various

countries is to diversify the systematic risks of political environment. It can

closely analyze the following factors before entering or investing in a certain


 Political stability and importance of Sporting Activities sector in the

country's economy.

 Favored trading partners

 Anti-trust laws related to Sporting Activities

 Pricing regulations – Are there any pricing regulatory mechanism for


 Taxation - tax rates and incentives

 Economic - Planet Fitness, Inc. can use country’s economic

factor such as growth rate, inflation & industry’s economic

indicators such as Sporting Activities industry growth rate, consumer

spending etc to forecast the growth trajectory of not only

--sectoryname-- sector but also that of the organization. Skill level of

workforce in Sporting Activities industry.

 Education level in the economy

 Labor costs and productivity in the economy

 Business cycle stage (e.g. prosperity, recession, recovery)

 Economic growth rate

 Discretionary income

 Unemployment rate

 Inflation rate

 Interest rates

 Sociocultural

Society’s culture and way of doing things impact the culture of an

organization in an environment. Shared beliefs and attitudes of the population

play a great role in how marketers at INFINITY SPRORTS AND FITNESS

GYM will understand the customers of a given market and how they design the

marketing message for Sporting Activities industry consumers. Social

factors that leadership of INFINITY SPRORTS AND FITNESS GYM should

analyze for PEST analysis are -

 Demographics and skill level of the population

 Class structure, hierarchy and power structure in the society.

 Education level as well as education standard in the Planet

Fitness, Inc. ’s industry

 Culture (gender roles, social conventions etc.)

 Entrepreneurial spirit and broader nature of the society. Some

societies encourage entrepreneurship while some don’t.

 Attitudes (health, environmental consciousness, etc.)

 Technological

A firm should not only do technological analysis of the industry but

also the speed at which technology disrupts that industry. Slow

speed will give more time while fast speed of technological disruption may

give a firm little time to cope and be profitable. Technology analysis

involves understanding the following impacts -

 Recent technological developments by Planet Fitness, Inc.


 Technology's impact on product offering

 Impact on cost structure in Sporting Activities industry

 Impact on value chain structure in Services sector

 Rate of technological diffusion

B. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

C. Competitors

At fitness gym, It is common to the people here in Calbayog City to have

this kind of business offered by the people and we believe that it is more relief to

live when we are physically fit and healthy. Living in healthy life in the way to

have a long life living on this earth. Though my business has competitors, I

should say that in case of environment and service offered my business is more

unique that others gym you will know.

Direct Competitors: Jusayan Fitness, NWSSU GYM, and Big Gym

Indirect Competitors: Joggers Zumba fitness program

III. Objectives

 To help people who are have less confidence about their body figure

 To improve skill all athletes in Calbayog City National High school

 To penetrate in the market against the big existing competitors (Jusayan

Fitness, Oquendo Gym, Big gym, NWSSU gym)

 To live in healthy life style

IV. Product Strategy

Fitness gym is the place provided for those people who are concerned

about their body figure and have time to exercise. It is open 24/7 just

for those people who have work in the morning and evening.

 Brand Name and Description


those athletes, students, or even professionals that are concern their

healthy living. It is the place to improve your different skills like speed,

agility, strength conditioning and cardiovascular endurance.

 Market-based Mission Statement

While you provide clients with workout goals, health and fitness

objectives, me as CEO-owner also need to provide stakeholders with the right

motivation to strive for excellence. Whether it’s on the treadmill or on aerobics,

make hours on the gym fun, safe, and educational for clients, yet profitable to

investors. My mission is to provide an Entertaining, Educational, Friendly and

Inviting, Functional and Innovative experience of uncompromising quality that

meets the health and fitness needs of the entire family.

 Product Positioning/ Unique Selling Propositions (USP)

My INFINITY SPRORTS AND FITNESS GYM is not only a place where

you were workout on but the place where you can meet people with good

personality. It is the place were friendship are also defined. I provide a people

who works my gym as a gym instructor to help for those who had nothing

knowledge or skill about exercise and lifting in this thing is just a little bit

uniqueness to my competitors (Jusayan Fitness, Big gym, NWSSU gym). My

service is prioritizing my clients or customer.

 Target Market

Target Market Definition

A target market is a specific group of people that you want to reach

through your marketing campaign. These people are more likely to visit your

online shop and make a purchase that any other random group of people. They

have certain characteristics in common, such as their demographics or

psychological and behavioral patterns.

 Age – What is the general age range of your current customers?

(16-50 yrs old)

 Gender – Are your current customers mostly male or female?

All gender and identity are welcome to enter my INFINITY SPORTS AND

FITNESS GYM . Gender is not a barrier to entering the gym and all genders

need to be respected inside the gym

 Location – Where do your business service located?

The target location I want to stablish my business are in the

residential area and class b commercial area for easy access by


Target Marketing Strategy

Micromarketing strategy involves developing products, services and

marketing programs best match with individuals and locations. Small business

owners can use micromarketing strategy to target customers at personal level.

micromarketing includes local marketing and individuals marketing.

V. Pricing Strategy

I offer my service price of P75 in the INFINITY SPRORTS AND FITNESS

GYM though it is less expensive than others competitor but my service offered all

in P75 with free water and air condition area.

VI. Distribution Strategy

In distribution strategy, distributors would offer services directly to

customers through their channel. We will start a Fitness Gym and offer services

in Calbayog City, Samar. Clients will be the users of the services and will also be

eligible to provide reviews, which is critical in assisting the business to improve

its quality when appropriate. On average, we will service 20-25 customers per

day, half of the total capacity of the gym in compliant to the mandated protocols

of the IATF. As the number of customer’s increase, the need for additional

equipments or lounges will continue to be evaluated. And with each additional

services, aid will be restructured to maintain maximum efficiency.

VII. Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy

Facebook is the most popular social network in Philippines and the trend

is upwards. Therefore, they should put more effort into advertising, using social

media platforms. It is an effective way to target information about the campaign

and enter a two-way dialogue with potential customers to spread messages and

build relationships. The INFINITY SPRORTS AND FITNESS GYM could

advertise through targeted profiling since they are already keeping up information

on their Facebook page regularly.

An additional advertising tool could be a blog. This type of marketing

technique is becoming more and more important for business. The blog may not

have any particular content about the fitness center but it can still pull in the

targeted audience through helpful tutorials, clips or content about fitness and

health as well as creating a good work-life balance. This could help more people

to be exposed to the brand and indirectly learn more about the actual gym

 Advertising

Advertising Services means services rendered by an advertising agency

when designing and/or implementing an advertising campaign to promote a

product, service, idea, concept, issue, or the image of a person.

 Public Relations

 Reputation management.

 Crisis management.

 Media relations.

 Social media.

 Speech writing.

 Press releases.

 Event planning.

 Outreach.

 Consumer Sales Promotions

During the grand opening and first day operation of our business, we will give

the 1st 10 customers some freebies (towel, tumbler, free loyalty card, etc.)

 Digital Marketing

Digital marketing services are professional services that help market or

advertise your business online, like through search, social media, and paid

channels. They focus solely on digital channels versus

traditional marketing channels like print or television.

VIII. Proposed Budget

Item Unit Cost Total Cost


Tarpaulin ad production 10,000 10,000

Public Relation

Media Launch P51,000

 Venue: 20,000
 Catering Food: P250 x 100 pax P6,000
 Press kit: P300 x 20 pax

Sales Promotion P4,500

 Coupon printing: 1000 x P1.50 P1,500

 Coupon design: P3,000

Contingency P30,000 P30,000

Business Capital P400,000

 Contruction P300,000

 Business Expenses (Gym Eqiupment) P100,000

Total Cost P495,500


Oppertshäuser,W. (2018). 6.1 Communication Techniques,

 Cardenal, M . (2018) Unique selling proposition in the fitness industry,

Fern Fort University, (2015) PESTEL & Environment Analysis,


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