BIM HDB Singapore
BIM HDB Singapore
BIM HDB Singapore
Innovative and integrated developments designed to maximise land use and connectivity in the land scarce Singapore is
becoming commonplace. On the other hand, the construction industry is experiencing labour shortage as Singapore has
tightened its workforce policy on foreign labour due to concerns of overcrowding. This gives impetus to improving the
productivity of the Singapore construction industry through the innovative technology of Building Information Modelling
(BIM). This paper discusses the current landscape of the land surveying industry in terms of 3D BIM implementation in
Singapore. While there are challenges of BIM implementation to the practice of land surveying, there are also opportunities
in BIM for land surveyors.
To address this challenge, the Singapore Institute of BIM Architectural models have been defined in varying level
Surveyors (SISV), representing the registered land of details or complexity for different stage of the design and
surveyors in Singapore, is collaborating with BCA and different purposes. When working with clients, it is useful
Singapore Land Authority (SLA) on a pilot project on BIM to have a general understanding of the various BIM models
for land surveyors. The BCA BIM Steering Committee (BCA and processes as well as how geospatial data interacts with
BIMSC) was formed to lead the development of BIM these BIM models. Just as 3D geospatial data can be
standards and supporting resources to facilitate the confusing with its array of data source, contents, standards
collaborative use and implementation of BIM in Singapore. and platforms, the same appears to apply to BIM. Clients
It comprises various interest groups and disciplines, may project their perspective of a visually impressive but
including government agencies and professional bodies. much less accurate 3D data model and expect highly visual,
Recent representation of land surveyors from SLA and SISV detailed and accurate survey data.
in this committee is a platform to ensure the industry
participation and contributions by land surveyors to the Laser scanning survey techniques promise efficient and
construction industry. accurate data collection. Point clouds are very useful as a
backdrop and visualization aid in BIM for designing
purposes. However, with current technology, the
2.2 Interoperability of BIM with CAD and GIS remarkable amount of work involved in modelling from
point clouds serves as a reality check in deploying laser
BIM is essentially a 3D model based technology for design scanning to obtain the equivalent of a 3D topographical
and construction of buildings, though increasingly being survey.
adopted for infrastructure. Unlike BIM, CAD and GIS are
more mature and established technologies where The primary requirement by the clients is to provide land
interoperability, data structure and design are less of an survey deliverables that satisfy the existing statutory
issue as are computing power, space and workarounds due requirements and submissions. Arising from the BIM
to file size consideration. implementation, the clients now may impose additional
requirements to the same survey deliverable. Land
surveyors will need to manage unrealistic expectations by
defining and clarifying the various BIM survey deliverables
BIM to their stakeholders.
2.3 Balancing Expectations between Land Surveyors For developments which integrates existing buildings and
and Stakeholders developments on existing buildings, it is critical that the
measured building is surveyed in BIM or BIM compatible
3D geospatial data and models can be infinitely detailed, format and accurate as-built survey data are available. For
accurate and precise. Yet, we need to consider the cost design of more complex development, more details and 3D
effectiveness of the BIM survey deliverable from the fitness visualisation of the site may be required.
of use perspective. For instance, the accuracy of a BIM site
model for design purpose may not be as stringent of that Land surveyors may need to evaluate the combination of
required in a topographical survey. Along the same line of more than one survey technique to measure the data and
reasoning, it would be thoroughly wasteful to provide too provide them in a format that best suit the requirements of
much detail for structures within a development site which the project after advising the client accordingly. These are
will be demolished before construction. new significant land survey deliverables for BIM that land
surveyors can offer their expertise and services.
While surveyors have been collecting 3D coordinates for a
long time, it is time for us to collect and present them more
quickly and efficiently. It may also be time for us to present
the accurate 3D survey data as accurate 3D models to a BIM-
centric process as the land development industry embrace