College of Education: Course Syllabus
College of Education: Course Syllabus
College of Education: Course Syllabus
Course Code ENG 311 Course Title Pre-requisite N/A Credit Units 3
Course Description
This course teaches the pre-service English teachers on the skills, principles, and strategies of writing, lay-outing and
publishing a campus paper in traditional and new media formats. Ideas on how to get sources of news and how to be able to
collate information from various sources will also be taught to those taking the course. The pre-service English teachers will
be able to demonstrate content knowledge and application of this allied field while showing skills in the positive use of ICT in
Desktop Publishing and ultimately to teaching and learning of journalism. Lastly, they are prompted to uphold the dignity of
teaching and the journalism field through a caring attitude, social responsibility, respect, and integrity
Universidad De Manila is paragon of learning, research, excellence and empowerment for the
underprivileged youth of Manila.
B. UNIVERSITY Universidad de Manila promotes free and quality tertiary education for the underprivileged youth, relevant curricular
MISSION and research programs and responsive extension services- all these benefitting the City of Manila and the country.
D. COLLEGE OF Center of Excellence in Teacher-Education, research, extension and linkages as well as a leader in fostering
TEACHER competent, conscientious, versatile and holistic teachers able to adapt to fast evolving new realities in the local and
EDUCATION global learning environment.
The College of Education is committed to strive to pursue the highest level of excellence, advance the frontiers
of knowledge using creative and innovative hybrid approaches and engender lifelong learning.
F. COLLEGE OF Excellence
TEACHER Ethics & Dignity
EDUCATION Student Focus
CORE VALUES Research and Extension Oriented
Collaboration and Public Engagement
G. INSTITUTIONAL 1. Professional Competence. Demonstrate understanding and mastery of the fundamental knowledge and skills
GRADUATE required for effective practice in the field of specialization.
STUDIES AND 2. Critical Thinking Problem Solving Skills. Exercise critical and creative thinking in providing solutions to
LEARNING discipline-related problems.
OUTCOMES 3. Productivity. Contribute to city and nation-building and development through application of new technology.
4. Communication Skills. Apply effective communication skills, both orally and in writing.
5. Interpersonal Skills. Work effectively in multi-disciplinary and multicultural teams.
6. Collaboration. Allows team members to solve problems together, thus expediting the process of finishing a task.
7. Research-minded. Display skills to assess and apply its insights effectively and the ability to identify appropriate
sources of evidence and interpret potentially complex and conflicting findings in appropriate specific practice
8. Lifelong learning. Utilize lifelong learning skills in pursuit of personal development and in professional practice
9. Social and Ethical Responsibility. Holds personal values and beliefs as ethical professional consistent with
Filipino family values, industry-desired values and global citizen values.
10. Nationalism. Serves others willingly as a way towards contributing a nation-building and participates in
influencing public policy towards the promotion of just society
H. PROGRAM Use English as a global language in a multilingual context as it applies to the teaching of language and literature.
INTENDED Demonstrate proficiency in oral and written communication.
LEARNING Use technology in facilitating language learning and teaching.
OUTCOMES (PILO) Inspire students and colleagues to lead relevant and transformative changes to improve learning and teaching
language and literature.
Display skills and abilities to be a reflective and research-oriented language and literature teacher
I. COURSE INTENDED At the end of the course, the pre-service teachers should be able to:
LEARNING A. Demonstrate content knowledge and application of the principles, strategies, and language-related skills in
OUTCOMES (CILO) journalistic writing and in teaching this skill to future learners through demo-lecture and workshop;
B. Demonstrate positive skills in the use of ICT in writing, doing a layout, and publishing a campus paper
incorporating the general do’s and don’ts of writing various sections of the paper including desktop
publishing; and
C. Manifest caring attitude, social responsibility, respect, and integrity in pitching a story, writing articles, and
publishing a campus paper
WEEKS 1 to 4 I. Overview of Campus • Survey on media in general Carousel discussion on the Short objective quiz on
Journalism and blended learning videos Introduction of Journalism History and Principles of
At the end of these on Journalism discussion on media in Journalism
weeks, the preservice 1. Introduction to • Writing metalogs/short general and blended Timeline on the History of
teacher (PST) should be Journalism reflections on the overview of learning videos on Journalism (focusing on
able to: 2. Definition Campus Journalism Journalism Completeness of Details,
3. Common Media Forms • Analyzing sample articles Synthesis of Timeline,
a. determine the 4. Overview/Review on based on the principles, Creativity, and Language
significance of journalism Media Literacy characteristics and significant Mechanics)
from its history down to 5. History of Journalism roles of campus journalists in Oral Recitation as formative
its modern cultural in the World press freedom • Writing assessment on
relevance; 6. History of Journalism implications to the teaching of Interviewing Sources,
b. recognize the principles and Campus Journalism Campus Journalism Quoting Sources, and Print
of journalism in sample in the Philippines • Blog making or propaganda Media
articles; 7. Principles of to present issues in Campus Reflection Paper or Metalog
c. create implications to Journalism 8. Features of Journalism with social on the development, role,
the teaching of Campus a Campus Journalist responsibility, respect and and issues in Campus
Journalism to future 9. RA 7079 – Campus integrity Journalism (focusing on
students through the Journalism Act and the Reflection, Organization of
analysis of RA 7079; Press Conference Ideas, Relevance to
d. convey contentions and 10. The Editorial Board Campus Journalism, and
possible solutions to 11. Issues in Campus Language Mechanics)
issues in Campus Journalism Blog or Propaganda to deal
Journalism; and e. with issues in Campus
develop the sense of Journalism to instill social
social responsibility in responsibility, respect, and
responding to events integrity (focusing on
guided with the principles Impact of Blog/Propaganda
of journalism. to Campus Journalism
values, Teamwork, Effort in
the Use of Technology, and
Getting the Message
WEEKS 5 to 6 II. Pre-Writing Practice of story pitching to Lecture discussion on the Oral Recitation as formative
Concerns in Campus Producing a story pitch in various sections of Campus assessment on
At the end of these Journalism video form applying Paper from choosing a topic Interviewing Sources,
weeks, the preservice 1. Sections of a Campus strategies in choosing a up to interviewing and Quoting Sources and Print
teacher (PST) should be Paper 2. Choosing a topic and researching while quoting Media
able to: Topic using ICT tools and with performance of story Process Assessment on
a. describe the various 3. Researching caring attitude and social pitching to Producing a Pitching a Story , News
sections of the Campus 4. Pitching a Story responsibility consideration story pitch in video form Story Pitch in video form
Paper; 5. Interviewing and Consultation and feedback applying strategies in and using ICT tools
b. identify how to choose Quoting Sources with instructor on news choosing a topic and (focusing on Relevance of
a topic for writing and 6. The Print Media: From pitch researching while using ICT Chosen News to Society,
publishing in the Campus Topic to Article tools and with caring Confidence in Presenting
Paper; attitude and social News Pitch, Elements of
c. produce a story pitch – responsibility consideration News Present, Use of
in video – applying Demonstration Simulation Technology, and Language
strategies in choosing a Activity on the process of Mechanics)
topic and researching interviewing and quoting Demonstration Simulation
while using ICT tools; sources using ICT tools of Interviewing and
d. demonstrate how to do (recording, audio-visual Quoting Sources using ICT
interview and quote application software) tools (focusing on
sources for Campus Paper Mini-presscon (news, Appropriateness in
articles through ICT tools; feature, sports, editorial, Interviewing and Quoting
e. trace the print media cartooning, Sources, Use of
process from choosing a photojournalism, Technology, and Language
topic to publishing the copyreading and headline Mechanics)
article; and writing) to identify editorial
f. display a caring attitude board roles and functions
and social responsibility in editor (teacher)
one’s story pitch.
WEEKS 7 TO 8 III. Campus News Write shop activity on Lecture-discussion on Short quiz on the Essentials
Writing campus news writing Campus News Writing and and Types of News Writing
At the end of these 1. Sources and the Plight integrating tact, courtesy, its technicalities Process Assessments on
weeks, the preservice of Campus News truthfulness, and respect Consultation and News Writing articles using
teacher (PST) should 2. Essentials of News Drafting and finalizing feedbacking with instructor ICT Tools
be able to: 3. Elements of News news writing articles and ed-chief/news editor of News Writing Article
a. trace the different 4. Principles of Writing a final news article news article made (focusing on Journalistic
sources and process of Journalism applicable to using ICT tools applying Write shop activity on Writing and Organization,
news topics and events; News the principles, structure, campus news writing Elements of News,
b. discuss the elements of 5. Inverted Pyramid and strategies learned integrating tact, courtesy, Relevance of News to
news and principles of Structure in News Consultation and truthfulness, and respect Society, and Language
journalism which should 6. Types of News feedbacking with instructor Mechanics)
be present in articles; 7. The Lead and ed-chief/news editor of
c. identify the Inverted 8. Sources and Citation news article made
Pyramid as a structure in in News Writing
writing news articles; 9. Writing the Actual
d. recognize the different News Article
types of news according
to area, topic, and
e. recognize the lead, its
function and its types as
an important part of the
news article;
f. write a news article
using ICT tools applying
the principles, structure,
and strategies shared;
g. appreciate tact,
courtesy, truthfulness,
and respect in writing a
campus news article.
WEEKS 9 to 10 IV. Feature and Write shop activity on Lecture-discussion on Table analysis on the
Science Writing Feature and Science Feature and Science Writing Elements, Structure and
At the end of these 1. Elements of Feature Writing with accuracy, and its technicalities Types of Feature and
weeks, the pre-service and Science Writing creativity and integrity in Write shop activity on Science Writing
teacher (PST) should 2. Definitions writing a campus Feature and Science Writing Process Assessment on
be able to: 3. Principles of feature/science article with accuracy, creativity Writing Feature and
Journalism applicable to Drafting and finalizing the and integrity in writing a Science articles using ICT
a. define feature and Feature feature and science writing campus feature/science Tools
science writing; 4. Structure of the article article Interview for Feature
b. discuss the principles of Feature Article Writing a feature and Consultation and Article Checklist to guide
journalism which should 5. Types of Features science writing using ICT feedbacking with instructor writer while doing the
be present in feature 6. Interviewing for tools applying the and ed-chief/feature editor interview
articles; c. recognize the Feature principles, structure, and on feature article made Feature and Science
different types of feature 7. Writing the Actual strategies learned Articles (focusing on
articles; Feature Article Consultation and Journalistic Writing and
d. write a feature/science feedbacking with instructor Organization, Elements of
article using ICT tools and and ed-chief/feature editor Feature and Science
applying the principles, on feature article made Articles, Relevance of
structure, and strategies Articles, and Language
shared; and Mechanics)
e. appreciate accuracy,
creativity and integrity in
writing a campus
feature/science article
d. recognize the news Editorials learned Organization, Elements of
peg, different types of 7. Topic Choice/ News Consultation and Editorial, Relevance of
editorials and the Peg feedbacking with instructor Editorial Issue to Society,
techniques in presenting 8. Writing the Actual and ed-chief/opinion editor and Language Mechanics)
opinions and supporting Editorial Article on editorial article made
e. write an editorial article
using ICT tools and
applying the principles,
structure, and techniques
shared; and
f. appreciate tact,
courtesy, truthfulness,
and integrity in writing a
campus editorial article.
WEEK 13 VI. Sports Writing Write shop activity on Lecture-discussion on Crossword puzzle on the
sports writing incorporating Sports Writing including its Essentials of Sports Writing
At the end of the week, 1. Essentials of Sports tact, creativity, and essentials, jargons and including Sports Jargons
the preservice teacher Writing respect in writing a sports coverage processes Process Assessment on
(PST) should be able 2. Sports News vs. campus sports article Consultation and Sports Writing using ICT
to: Sports Feature Drafting and finalizing feedbacking with instructor Tools •
3. Principles of sports writing articles • and ed-chief/sports editor Checklist on Sports
a. discuss the principles of Journalism applicable to Writing a sports coverage on sports article made Coverage to guide writer
journalism which should Sports Writing article using ICT tools and while watching a sports
be present in sports 4. Jargons in Different applying the principles, event
articles; Sports Events structure, and strategies Sports Writing Article
b. identify the descriptive 5. The Sports Coverage shared learned (focusing on Journalistic
structure in writing sports Consultation and Writing and Organization,
articles; feedbacking with instructor Elements of Sports,
c. recognize the different and ed-chief/sports editor Relevance of Sports News,
types of sports events and on sports article made and Language Mechanics)
their corresponding
d. write a sports coverage
article using ICT tools and
applying the principles,
structure, and strategies
shared; and
e. appreciate tact,
creativity, and respect in
writing a campus sports
WEEK 14 VII. Revising, Editing, Sharing of insights and Sharing of insights and Process Assessment on
Proofreading/ realizations in revising, realizations in revising, Revising, Editing,
At the end of the week, Copyreading, and editing, copyreading and editing, copyreading and Proofreading/Copyreading,
the preservice teacher Publishing publishing articles publishing articles and Publishing using ICT
(PST) should be able 1. Revising and Editing Editing articles using a Critiquing Paper based on Tools
to: Processes in Campus Word Processing the Campus Journalism Critique Paper on the
Journalism 2. The application and other ICT Processes aligned to the Campus Journalism
a. discuss the revising up Copyreader – Duties and tools available principles of accuracy, Processes (focusing on
to the publishing process Characteristics Critiquing Paper based on respect, and integrity in Process Discussion,
in campus print; 3. Copyreading and the Campus Journalism editing campus paper Organization of Ideas,
b. identify the duties and Proofreading Symbols Processes aligned to the articles Relevance of Process to
characteristics of the 4. Proofreading and principles of accuracy, Campus Journalism, and
copyreader and editor; Publishing Processes in respect, and integrity in Language Mechanics
c. use the copyreading Campus Journalism editing campus paper
and proofreading symbols articles
in editing campus articles;
d. edit articles using a
Word Processing
application to display
one’s ICT skills; and
e. display accuracy,
respect, and integrity in
editing campus paper
WEEK 15 VIII. Photojournalism Showing sample photos – Workshop on Short quiz on
At the end of the week, winning shots in previous photojournalism, captioning Photojournalism,
the preservice teacher 1. Qualities of Effective Press Cons and photo editing by the Captioning and Lay outing
(PST) should be able Photos Workshop on staffers-in-charge Process Assessment on
to: 2. The Photo Essay photojournalism, Photo Editing using
3. Techniques in captioning and photo software
a. discuss the qualities of Photojournalism 4. editing by the staffers-in- Photo Essay Presentation
an effective photo for the Captioning 5. Photo charge (focusing on Effective Shots
campus paper; Editing Producing photo essay Taken, Creativity of Theme
b. produce a photo essay (captioning and editing) and Presentation,
applying the principles Photo Editing Activity using Relevance of Theme to
and techniques in taking a software Society, Organization, and
photos, captioning, and Language Mechanics)
photo editing;
c. use a Photo Editing
software to show one’s
ICT skills; and
d. display a caring
attitude and social
responsibility in the
produced photo essay
about a school/
community issue.
10 | P a g e
At the end of the week, by the staffers-in-charge and layouts paper (focusing on
the preservice teacher 1. Qualities of Effective with the use of ICT tools Mini-Workshop on Arguments, Organization of
(PST) should be able Cartoons Publication Utilization cartooning, and lay outing Ideas, and Language
to: 2. Techniques in Editorial Activity for Cartooning and by the staffers-in-charge Mechanics)
Cartooning Lay-outing with the use of ICT tools Output Presentation on
a. discuss the qualities of 3. Qualities of a Good Presentation of Output Publication Utilization original cartoon and layout
an effective cartoon and Layout Activity demonstrating the Activity for Cartooning and made (focusing on
layout for the campus 4. Types of Layouts qualities, techniques and Lay-outing Cartooning Technical
paper; 5. Physical Parts of the qualities of a good lay-out Techniques, Relevance of
produce an editorial Campus Paper Producing sample dummy Issue, Effective Use of
cartoon applying the 6. The Dummy of magazine Symbols, and Organization)
principles and techniques 7. Overview of Desktop Showing rubrics of Desktop Requirements Checklist on
in cartooning; c. Publishing Publishing to guide/remind Dummy of Magazine
differentiate the types of entire staff on their major
layouts to be applied in output
the campus paper; d.
identify the physical parts
of the campus paper; e.
discuss as an editorial
board how the layout of
the campus paper will
look like to tap aesthetic
quality and functionality;
f. use a Publication
Software to show one’s
ICT skills; and g. display a
caring attitude and social
responsibility in the
produced cartoon about a
school/ community issue
WEEK 17 to 18 10. Script Writing and Process meetings for Video watching on sample Scriptwriting and
11 | P a g e
At the end of these Newscasting scriptwriting and broadcasting for TV and Newscasting Performance
weeks, the preservice newscasting Radio Presentation (focusing on
teacher (PST) should 1. TV vs. Radio Practice and performance Process meetings and Original Script Made,
be able to: Broadcasting for newscasting (TV and/or synthesis for magazine Newscasting Elements
2. Principles in Radio) Planning for Magazine Present, Confidence,
a. identify principles in Broadcasting Publishing the Final and Launching Teamwork, and Language
news broadcasting for 3. Scriptwriting Complete Campus Paper Magazine Launching Mechanics) •
television and radio 4. Actual Newscasting Class Evaluation Activity on Magazine Publication
b. discuss the relevance the effectiveness and social (focusing on Details in the
of broadcasting in the responsibility of one’s Sections, Articles, Lay
spreading of accurate campus paper in the school outing, Use of Photos and
information and 11. Desktop Publishing community and the entire Cartoons, and Overall
propagation of responsible (Finalizing the Campus processes as a whole Impact)
journalism in the Paper) Campus Magazine
community and country Launching (focusing on
c. publish the final Attained Rationale,
campus paper complete Teamwork and
with original articles in the Collaboration, and Active
different sections using Participation of
several ICT productivity Stakeholders/Partners)
tools Class Evaluation Tool (Self,
d. evaluate on the Peer, and Instructor) on
effectiveness and social the Campus Paper
responsibility of one’s Publication
campus paper in the
school community
18 wks./54 hrs. (1 week=3 hours for Major Tests)
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Home, since it is a distant-leaning paradigm, using PC, CP, or Tablet with an internet connection, using Moodle as the main LMS, and Google
Meet as well as the Messenger applications, will be utilized as an alternative LMS; thus, it is a virtual class/online class/distance learning.
Original Written Articles, Class Magazine, Newscasting video, quiz, attendance, other written outputs
13 | P a g e
For Each Period (Midterm and Pre-final)
40% Major Test
60% Class Standing – Project, Thought Papers, Quizzes, Reporting, Assignments, Activities, Visual Arts, Debates, Panel Discussion
Books, PC, CP, or Tablet with Internet Connection
Bernardez, E. (2011). A Handbook on campus journalism and the printed media. Malabon City: Jimczyville Publications.
Khan, R. (2017). Campus journalism. Malabon City: Jimczyville Publications.
Malinao, A. (2005). Campus and community journalism handbook : with campus journalism Act of 1991 and its implementing rules and
regulations. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store
Cruz , Ceciliano- J. (2008). Basic Campus Journalism. Rex Bookstore: Manila.
Cruz, Ceciliano- J. (2010). Campus Journalism and School Paper Advising. 2nd edition. Rex Bookstore: Manila.
Khan, R. E. (2010). Campus Journalism. Anvil Publishing: Quezon City.
Sunggay, R. R. (2014). Ink. Paper. Color. Sounds Pixel: A Campus Journalism Book. MP Princess Digital Solutions: General Santos City
Instructor Information
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Master Teacher 2
Jose Abad Santos High School, Manila
English and Foreign Language Japanese
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