Lit 203 Contemp Emergent and Popular Lit

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Outcomes-Based Education (OBE) Course Design/Syllabus in LIT 205 (Contemporary , Popular and Emergent Literature)

Date Revised/Enhanced: August 17, 2020

I. University
Vision: WVSU as the center for educational excellence in the Visayas and the hub for Human Resource Development in the
Asia-Pacific region.

Mission: WVSU is committed to provide holistic education geared towards sustainable growth for national development.

Core Values: Scholarship Harmony Innovation Nurturance Excellence Service (SHINES)

Institutional Outcomes for Instruction:
• is a creative and critical thinker
• is an effective and responsible communicator
• has uncompromising personal and professional ethical standards
• is technologically -skilled
• has teaming and collaborative skills
• is socially responsible and has strong national identity
• is globally employable
• is self-directed, competent, and accountable professionals
• can utilize lifelong learning skills for personal development and excellence in professional practice

II. College/Campus: Himamaylan Campus

III. Program/Degree:

Objectives of the Bachelor in Secondary Education (BSED) Program

 Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the development of adolescent learners.

*This syllabus is the intellectual property of WVSU. It can be used for instruction purposes provided that prior approval is granted by the University.
Likewise, the designer(s) of the syllabus must be properly acknowledged.
 Exhibit comprehensive knowledge of various learning areas in the secondary curriculum.
 Create and utilize materials appropriate to the secondary level to enhance teaching and learning.
 Design and implement assessment tools and procedures to measure secondary learning outcomes.

IV. Program Outcomes: Based on CMO No. 75, s. 2017

Common to all programs in all types of schools

a. Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific fields of practice (PQF Level 6 descriptor)
b. Effectively communicate orally and in writing using English and Filipino
c. Work effectively and collaboratively with a substantial degree of independence in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams
(PQF Level 6 descriptor)
d. Act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibility
e. Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage” (based on RA 7722)

Common to the discipline (Teacher Education)

a. Articulate the rootedness of education in philosophical, socio-cultural, historical, psychological, and political contexts
b. Demonstrate mastery of subject matter/discipline
c. Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies and delivery modes appropriate to specific learners and their
d. Develop innovative curricula, instructional plans, teaching approaches, and resources for diverse learners
e. Apply skills in the development and utilization of ICT to promote quality, relevant, and sustainable educational practices
f. Demonstrate a variety of thinking skills in planning, monitoring, assessing, and reporting learning processes and outcomes.
g. Practice professional and ethical teaching standards sensitive to the local, national, and global realities
h. Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth through varied experiential and field-based opportunities

Specific to the Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English

a. Possess broad knowledge of language and literature for effective learning.

*This syllabus is the intellectual property of WVSU. It can be used for instruction purposes provided that prior approval is granted by the University.
Likewise, the designer(s) of the syllabus must be properly acknowledged.
b. Use English as a global language in a multilingual context as it applies to the teaching of language and literature.
c. Acquire extensive reading background in language, literature, and allied fields.
d. Demonstrate proficiency in oral and written communication.
e. Shows competence in employing innovative language and literature teaching approaches, methodologies, and strategies.
f. Use technology in facilitating language learning and teaching.
g. Inspire students and colleagues to lead relevant and transformative changes to improve learning and teaching language and
h. Display skills and abilities to be a reflective and research-oriented language and literature teacher.

V. Course No. and Title: LIT 203 (Contemporary, Popular and Emergent Literature)

VI. School Year/Semester Offered: 1st semester, 2019-2020

VII. Course Description:

This course is an examination of contemporary, popular and emergent literature in a variety of genres which are the following:
Poetry, Drama/Play, Prose Fiction (short stories, novel, fan fiction and comics/graphic novels), and Non-Fiction Prose (Essay and Creative
Nonfiction). Students will read, discuss, and write works by Western, Latin American, African, and Filipino authors who have significantly
influenced contemporary, popular and emergent literature. Students are expected to define the genres relative to the course as well as learn
key terms, and analyze formal features/developments and a historical context to inform their understanding of these literary works.
Required readings in this course are in accordance with the rough definition of the contemporary era as post World War 2. Popular writings
are these that are designed for entertainment, intended for the masses, and does not have the aesthetics and subtlety found in high
literature. On the other hand, emergent literatures are works that depart from the postmodern era and belongs to the category of “new”
which includes the graphic novel.

VIII. Course Credit/Unit: 3 units

*This syllabus is the intellectual property of WVSU. It can be used for instruction purposes provided that prior approval is granted by the University.
Likewise, the designer(s) of the syllabus must be properly acknowledged.
IX. Course Outcomes:
At the end of the semester, the students must have:
1. acquired a broad knowledge and deep understanding of human nature, specifically that of the modern world;
2. developed the appreciation for the beautiful, sublime and timeless literary pieces;
3. drawn some logical conclusions about life and people as gleaned from their readings of the different contemporary
literary pieces;
4. imbibed desirable values from the study of different contemporary selections which will eventually guide them in life and
5. discussed intelligently, in speaking and writing, the theme of each literally selection through which the author has
expressed his or her perceptions, values, and individuality; and
6. memorized some meaningful lines from the selections discussed and use these in various communication activities.

X. Course Design Matrix


At the end of the unit, Unit 0: Vision, Mission,

the students must Core Values, and
have: Outcomes
1. identified, Written exam Video IDs 3 hr
explained, and 1. The University’s Vision, Lecture/discussion s.
internalized the Mission, Core Values, and 2013 University Code (reflection/essay) Activity
vision, mission, core Outcomes Sheets
values of the 2011 WVSU Student Handbook Etc.
University; the 2. The College of
institutional, college, Education Outcomes Bulletin of Information etc.
degree and course
outcomes 3. The BSED Degree

*This syllabus is the intellectual property of WVSU. It can be used for instruction purposes provided that prior approval is granted by the University.
Likewise, the designer(s) of the syllabus must be properly acknowledged.
4. The Course/ Subject

At the end of the unit, MIDTERM

the students must
have: I.POETRY
Tan, A.B. (1991). Introduction to Lecture/Discussion
1.differentiated the A. Genres of Poems Literature
modern and post- (Modern and Post-Modern Concept Mapping
modern poetry Poetry) Deriada, L. P. (2008). Little Oral recitation Laptop
compared to other B. Free Form Poetry and Workshops, Little Critiques Individual/Pair/ Group
genres of poetry; its Characteristics Discussion Short Quiz LCD 12 hours
C. The Songs/Poems Projector
2. explained the Individual/Group Rubrics for
characteristics of free- CONTEMPORARY Critiquing presentation Multimedia
form poetry;
1. “To Dream the Group Presentation Poetry writing Books
3. evaluated each Impossible Dream” with rubrics
poem based on the from Man of La Individual/Group Video
characteristics of free Mancha (1965) Activity Essay snippets
form poetry: 2. “I Vialled the Deriada, L.P. (2018, September 22).
Universe” by I vialed the universe. handouts
4. given an LeoncioDeriada Retrieved from
interpretation of the
poem be it a dance, 3. “In Time Passing” /i-vialed-the-universe/
song, an essay, a by Elsa Coscolluela
story, or any other Coscolluela, E. (1998). Katipunera
form, as long as it is 4. Poems by Pablo and other poems. Pasig
*This syllabus is the intellectual property of WVSU. It can be used for instruction purposes provided that prior approval is granted by the University.
Likewise, the designer(s) of the syllabus must be properly acknowledged.
original; Neruda City: Anvil Publishing
a.) Poem XV: I
5. memorized famous Like For You to Be Neruda, P. (2011). Classic poetry
lines or passages and Still series (Pablo Neruda
use them in speaking b.) Poem XX: poems). Retrieved from
and writing activities Tonight I Can
Write the Saddest ?
Lines sa=t&source=web&rct=j&u
c.) If you Forget
Me pablo_neruda_2011_3.pdf&
d.) Your Laughter hVW_GEKHfXFCZ4QFjAAeg

Neruda, P. (2017 May 6). 10 most

famous poems by Pablo
Neruda. Retrieved from
POPULAR neruda-famous-poems

Poems by
1. Lang Leav
Leav, L. (2013). Love &
misadventure. London:
2. Maya Angelou Andrews McMeel Publishing,
3. Kristine Buenavista
Angelu, M. (1994). The complete
collected poems of Maya
Angelu. New York City, NY:

*This syllabus is the intellectual property of WVSU. It can be used for instruction purposes provided that prior approval is granted by the University.
Likewise, the designer(s) of the syllabus must be properly acknowledged.
Random House, Inc.,
1. “Paper Dolls” by
Sierra de Mulder /5-spoken-word-poets-

2. “To This Day” by

Shane Koyczan

3. Any appropriate
spoken word
poems from this

At the end of the unit,

the students must
have: II. Essay and Creative
A. Types of Essay Ramos, M.D. &Valeros, F.B. (1990).
*This syllabus is the intellectual property of WVSU. It can be used for instruction purposes provided that prior approval is granted by the University.
Likewise, the designer(s) of the syllabus must be properly acknowledged.
1. explained the B. Elements of Essay Reading and Writing the Essay Brainstorming Written Quizzes LCD
characteristics of the C. Guide Questions Projector
formal and informal for Reading the Individual/Group Illustrating ideas
essays; Essay Critiquing Powerpoint 12 hours
D. The Essays Digital Poster presentatio
2. named famous Panel Discussion Making n
essayists and creative
nonfiction writers in Hotseating Essay writing handouts
the contemporary, CONTEMPORARY
popular and emergent Question and Answer Reaction Paper copies of
period; Creative NonFiction: the essays
Capote, T. (1992). In cold blood. Group presentation Expository texts
3. evaluated each “In Cold Blood” by Truman New York City, NY: Random House, analyses pictures
essay based on these Capote; Inc., Analyzing narrative and
elements: controlling expository texts
idea or issue “The House on Zapote Joaquin, Nick (2017 September 12).
introduced, the Street” by Nick Joaquin; The house on Zapote street.
relevance of this idea Retrieved from
to the readers, the “The Boy Who Wanted to
point-of-view of the Become Society” by Nick -house-on-zapote-
writer and the writer’s Joaquin street_59b7f35b08bbc5f83d
style of presentation ffde8e_pdf?queue_id=-
of ideas; and 1&x=1563112001&z=MTEw
4. memorized some Essay:
meaningful lines from 1. “Self-Reliance” by Emerson, R. W. (1996-2019). Self-
the essay. Ralph Waldo reliance. Retrieved from
CREATIVE /texts/essays-first-series/sel
NONFICTION f-reliance/

1. explained the Croghan, V. (1996). The

characteristics of development of philippine literature
*This syllabus is the intellectual property of WVSU. It can be used for instruction purposes provided that prior approval is granted by the University.
Likewise, the designer(s) of the syllabus must be properly acknowledged.
creative nonfiction in english (Since 1900).Phoenix
2. named famous 2. “Kalesa” by Rey Publishing House, Quezon City.
essayists and creative Hulog
nonfiction writers in
the contemporary,
popular and emergent
period; Didion, J. (1968). Slouching
towards Bethlehem. USA:
3. evaluated each POPULAR Farrar, Straus and Giroux
essay based on these 1. “Goodbye to All
elements: controlling That” by Joan
idea or issue Didion
introduced, the Aquino, B. Jr. (2014 April 18). The
relevance of this idea Filipino is worth dying for
to the readers, the 2. “The Filipino is [Web blog post]. Retrieved
point-of-view of the Worth Dying For” July 14, 2018,
writer and the writer’s by Ninoy Aquino fromhttp://kathangpinoy.blo
style of presentation
of ideas; and filipino-is-worth-dying-for-
4. memorized some
meaningful lines from Nakpil, C. G. (2012 March 5). Where
the essay. 3. “Where is the is the patis [Web blog
Patis?” by Carmen post]. Retrieved July 14,
Guerrero Nakpil 2018,
English Comics by
Filipinos: “Trese” series by
Budjette Tan and
artist Kajo Baldisimo
*This syllabus is the intellectual property of WVSU. It can be used for instruction purposes provided that prior approval is granted by the University.
Likewise, the designer(s) of the syllabus must be properly acknowledged.
Western Comics:
“Spiderman” by Marvel



1. “Here’s a Lesson in
Creative Writing”
by Kurt Vonnegut
Vonnegut, K. (2005). A man
without country. New York, NY:
2. “The Invisible Seven Stories Press
Made Visible” by
David Rakoff

Rakoff, D. (2012 May 18). Invisible

3. “The Will of the Made Visible. Retrieved
River” by Alfredo from
Gonzales Jr. https://www.thisamericanlif

Gonzales, A. Jr. (2010, October 7).

4. “World The will of the river [Web
Domination” by blog post]. Retrieved July
Jessica Zafra 14, 2019, from

*This syllabus is the intellectual property of WVSU. It can be used for instruction purposes provided that prior approval is granted by the University.
Likewise, the designer(s) of the syllabus must be properly acknowledged.

Zafra, J. (2007). World domination

[Web blog post]. Retrieved
English Comics by July 14, 2018,
Filipinos: Little Things PH fromhttps://www.jessicarule
At the end of the FINALS
unit, the students
must have: III. DRAMA
A. Meaning and Nature of brainstorming Written Quizzes Laptop 12 hours
1. defined drama and Drama
its types; B. Elements of Drama Small group discussion Drama analysis LCD
C. Types of Drama projectpr
2. identified the Pair work Essay on themes
characteristics of Contemporary of the drama Handouts
drama; Joaquin, N. (1996). A portrait of the Group Critiquing
“A Portrait of the Artist artist as Filipino: an elegy in Individual/group Copy of the
3. enumerated the as Filipino” by Nick three scenes. Manila: A.S. presentation drama
famous works of Joaquin Florentino Lecture/Discussion using a rubric
drama; Online
4. analyzed and
evaluated eachdrama
based on its defining Writing Tasks
characteristics Popular
*This syllabus is the intellectual property of WVSU. It can be used for instruction purposes provided that prior approval is granted by the University.
Likewise, the designer(s) of the syllabus must be properly acknowledged.
5. discussed the Any of the appropriate Written Quizzes
relevance of the short plays from American Dramatization/Role
theme of each Literature in “ Design for Play/Simulation
selection to real-life Drama” by Helaine Critique Paper
people and situations; Michaels Klein

6. performed pivotal
scenes as a group in EMERGENT
the selected dramas;
Nery, P.S. (2006, August 5). Tic-
7. memorized some “Tic-Tac-Toe” by Peter tac-toe. Retrieved from
famous lines, and Solis Nery
8.written an essay
responding to key
concepts in the

At the end of the

unit, the students
must have: IV. PROSE FICTION
1. defined prose A. Meaning and Nature of
fiction, its elements Prose Fiction Individual/Group
and its types ; Critiquing
B. Elements of Prose
2. identified the Fiction Panel Discussion
characteristics and
elements of a short C. Types of Prose Fiction Hotseating
story; (short story and novel)
Question and Answer Quiz 15 hours
*This syllabus is the intellectual property of WVSU. It can be used for instruction purposes provided that prior approval is granted by the University.
Likewise, the designer(s) of the syllabus must be properly acknowledged.
3. identified the CONTEMPORARY
characteristics and Short stories: Group presentation Essay
elements of a novel; 1. “Road to Mawab Laptop
and other Stories” Literary Circle Critique Paper
4. analyzed and by LeoncioDeriada Technique LCD
evaluated each short Projector
story based on its 2. “Handsomest
elements and types. Drowned Man in Copies of
the World” by the
Gabriel Garcia
Marquez Handouts

Novel: America is in Rubrics

the Heart by Carlos Marquez, G. G. (2012 July 19).
Bulosan (1946) Handsomest Drowned Man
in The World. Retrieved
Short Stories
1. “The Devil in the
Details” by Carlos

2. “Girls at War and

Other Stories” by
Chinua Achebe Cortes, C. (2002). The Devil in the
Novel: Details. Retrieved from
“Crazy Rich Asians by pss/stories/details.htm
Kevin Kwan”

*This syllabus is the intellectual property of WVSU. It can be used for instruction purposes provided that prior approval is granted by the University.
Likewise, the designer(s) of the syllabus must be properly acknowledged.
Harry Potter and the
Methods of Rationality

“The Giver” by Lois Lowry

*This syllabus is the intellectual property of WVSU. It can be used for instruction purposes provided that prior approval is granted by the University.
Likewise, the designer(s) of the syllabus must be properly acknowledged.
XI. Criteria for Grading: Criteria in the New Normal:

Creative/Performance Outputs - 30% Activities in the Course Guides------- 60%

Quizzes/Long Test - 20% Output/Project-------------------------- 40%
Attendance - 10%
Finals/Midterm - 40%
Total 100%
Midterm (1/3) + Finals (2/3) = Final Grade

Prepared by:


Instructor 1
Recommending Approval:


Head, English Department Director, School of Education and
Dean of Instruction

*This syllabus is the intellectual property of WVSU. It can be used for instruction purposes provided that prior approval is granted by the University.
Likewise, the designer(s) of the syllabus must be properly acknowledged.
*This syllabus is developmental in design and may be enhanced and improved by the course facilitator.

*This syllabus is the intellectual property of WVSU. It can be used for instruction purposes provided that prior approval is granted by the University.
Likewise, the designer(s) of the syllabus must be properly acknowledged.

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