Career Pathways Survey

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In order to choose a career that will give you

R Repair household appliances

personal satisfaction, you must spend some time
R Raise fish in a fish hatchery
thinking about what really interests you. This
activity helps you match your interests to different I Conduct chemical experiments
types of careers. I Study the movement of planets
A Compose or arrange music
There are 5 boxes, in each box circle 6 activities A Draw pictures
that you would rather do. You should have 30 S Give career guidance to people
circles total. Count the number of times you circled S Perform rehabilitation therapy
each letter and record each number in the chart E Start your own business
E Operate a beauty salon/barber shop
R____I____A____S____E____C____ C Install software across computers on a large network
C Operate a calculator

R Assemble electronic parts R Test the quality of parts before shipment

Drive a truck to deliver packages to offices
R and homes R Repair and install locks
I Examine blood samples using a microscope I Develop a way to better predict the weather
I Investigate the cause of a fire I Work in a biology lab
A Create special effects for movies A Write scripts for movies or television shows
A Paint sets for plays A Perform jazz or tap dance
Do volunteer work at a non-profit
S organization S Teach sign language to people with hearing disabilities
S Teach children how to play sports S Help conduct a group therapy session
E Represent a client in a lawsuit E Manage a department within a large company
E Negotiate business contracts E Market a new line of clothing
C Keep shipping and receiving records C Inventory supplies using a hand-held computer
C Calculate the wages of employees C Record rent payments

R Build kitchen cabinets R Set up and operate machines to make products

R Lay brick or tile R Put out forest fires
I Develop a new medicine I Invent a replacement for sugar
I Study ways to reduce water pollution I Do laboratory tests to identify diseases
A Write books or plays A Sing in a band
A Play a musical instrument A Edit movies
S Teach an individual an exercise routine S Take care of children at a day-care center
S Teach a high-school class S Help people with personal or emotional problems
E Buy and sell stocks and bonds E Sell merchandise at a department store
E Manage a retail store E Manage a clothing store
C Keep inventory records C Develop a spreadsheet using computer software
C Proofread records or forms C Stamp, sort, and distribute mail for an organization
1. Read the descriptions of the 2 work personalities where you scored highest.
2. Underline what is true about you.
3. Circle at least one of the occupations that you could see yourself doing.
4. Find someone else in the group who according to the paper that would work well with you.

The Six Personality Types

R = Realistic (Doer) Realistic and mechanically inclined able to get things done, with speed, precision, and accuracy.
Likes working with their hands by making and fixing things, assembling or operating equipment. They value
practical things, outdoors, tools and machines. Valuing you can see and touch.
 Likes working: Alone or with other realistic people Compatible with: Investigative or Conventional
 Occupations with a realistic environment: Carpenter, Electrician, Pilot, Engineer, Mechanic,

I = Investigative (Thinker) Strategic, investigative thinker able to convert ideas into strategic implementations.
 This group loves to study and solve problems. They are not skilled negotiators but prefer working with
others who are grounded. They see themselves as analytical, precise, and like to be acknowledged.
 Likes working: Alone or with other investigative individuals Compatible with: Realistic or Artistic
 Occupations: Biologist, Mathematician, Computer Programmer, Surveyor, Pharmacist

A = Artistic (Creator) • Innovative thinker able to find new solutions to difficult problems.
 This group values others who are expressive and independent. They naturally admire the creative arts
including writing and music. They prefer to avoid highly ordered or repetitive activities. They enjoy
working in groups but only if the group is expressive, free, and are encouraged to share their ideas.
 Likes working: Creative groups and unorganized teams Compatible with: Investigative and Social
 Occupations: Graphic Designer, Musician, Book Editor, Art Teacher, Actor

S = Social (Helper) Strong relational builder able to make connections and develop groups together around a
common goal.
 They value providing services for others, and enjoy working closely with people. Ideal working
conditions are with other people who are trustworthy and helpful, and show appreciation.
 Likes working: Groups and feeling needed. Compatible with: Artistic and Enterprising
 Occupations: Counselor, Librarian, Social Worker, Physical Therapist, Nurse

E = Enterprising (Persuader) Natural persuader and influencer able to take charge, lead through clear
communication, and woo.
 Most likely to lead and persuade, this group was born to sell and tend to value business or politics. They
see themselves as being social and ambitious, and can direct groups towards a mission.. They are careful
to avoid people who are too scientific and analytical, but are definitely drawn to working in groups.
 Likes working: Groups and being a leadership Compatible with: Social and Conventional
 Occupations: Sales Manager, Real Estate Agent, School Principal, Attorney, Hotel Manager

C = Conventional (Organizer) Innovative thinker able to find new solutions to difficult problems.
 They still like people, but enjoy working with numbers, records or machines. They enjoy repetitive tasks
done in an orderly fashion and like to avoid ambiguous activities. They are organized, good at following
directions, value success in business, and enjoy working when groups are organized and responsible.
 Likes working: Groups with defined duties equally. Compatible with: Enterprising or Realistic
 Occupations: Bookkeeper, Secretary, Bank Teller, Mail Carrier, HR Consultant

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