Total Quality Management (TQM) Implementation: Toyota Report

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Total Quality Management (TQM)

Implementation: Toyota Report

The Toyota Corporation case study report is based on the implementation of total quality management (TQM)
meant to improve the overall performance and operations of this automobile company. TQM involves the
application of quality management standards to all elements of the business.

It requires that the quality management standards be applied in all branches and at all levels in the organization.
Characteristic of Toyota Corporation going through the total quality process is an unambiguous and clear.

Toyota has limited interdepartmental barriers, excellent customer and supplier relation, spares time to be spent
on training and the recognition that quality is realized through offering excellent products as well as quality of the
entire firm, including personnel, finance, sales, and other functions.

The top management at Toyota Corporation has the responsibility for quality rather than the employees and it is
their role to provide commitment, support, and leadership to the human and technical processes (Kanji & Asher,

Whereas the TQM initiative is to succeed, the management has to foster the participation of Toyota Corporation
workers in quality improvement and create quality culture by altering attitudes and perceptions towards quality.

This research report assesses the implementation of TQM, how Toyota manages quality in all organization
management systems while focusing on manufacturing quality. The report evaluates the organization
management elements required when implementing TQM, identifies, and investigates the challenges facing
Quality Managers or Executives in implementing Quality Management Systems.

The implementation of TQM by Toyota

 The company extended the management responsibility past the instantaneous services and products
 Toyota examined how consumers applied the products generated and this enabled the company to
develop and the improve its commodities
 Toyota focused on the insubstantial impacts on the procedures as well as how such effects could be
minimized through optimization
 Toyota focused on the kaizen (incessant processes development) in order to ensure that all procedures
are measurable, repeatable, and visible.

Quality management in all organization management system

The commitment from business executives is one of the key TQM implementation principles that make an
organization successful. In fact, the organization commitment present in the senior organizational staff range
from top to lower administration. These occur through self-driven motives, motivation and employee
empowerment. Total Quality Management becomes achievable at Toyota through setting up the mission and
vision statements, objectives, and organizational goals.
The uninterrupted tests help the Toyota workforce engaging in the assembly course to scrutinize the value of
apparatus, implements, and resources utilized in fabrication. The checks help in the scrutiny of the previously
performed tasks by other workers. However, the corporation own test enables the workers to revise their
personal advance in the assembly course.

The Toyota process owners set up the mistake-proofing (Poka-yoke) procedures and devices to capture the
awareness of management and involuntarily correct and surface the augmenting problems. This is essential for
the critical production circumstances and steps that prove impractical and tricky for the Toyota employees to

Nevertheless, the policy deployment system decentralizes the process of decision making at Toyota. This context
of implementing Total Quality Management originates from Hoshin kanri’s management by objective (MBO).

The aspect becomes more advantageous to Toyota when dealing with quality management. The system initially
puts into practice the coordinated approach and provides a clear structure for the suppliers, producers, and
consumers through inter-organizational cost administration. Moreover, the Toyota executives are capable of
solving the concurrent delivery, cost, and quality bottlenecks, thus replace and increase the relatively slow
accounting management mechanisms.

Focusing on manufacturing quality

Customer focus that leads to the desired customer satisfaction at Toyota Company is one of the major success
factors in TQM implementation. For every business to grow, it should have understanding, reliable, and
trustworthy customers. The principle of customer satisfaction and focus has been the most presently well-
thought-out aspect in Toyota manufacturing quality.

The TQM may characteristically involve total business focus towards meeting and exceeding customer’s
expectations and requirements through considering their personal interests. The mission of improving and
achieving customer satisfaction ought to stream from customer focus.

Thus, when focusing on the manufacturing quality, this aspect enhances TQM implementation. The first priorities
at Toyota are the community satisfaction, employees, owners, consumers, and mission. The diverse consumer-
related features from liberty. The concern to care is eminent in Toyota Corporation during manufacturing.

Toyota has three basic perspectives of TQM that are customer-oriented. These are based on its manufacturing
process traced back to the 1950s. The strategies towards achieving quality manufacturing, planning, and having
the culture towards quality accomplishment are paramount for TQM implementation to remain successful. To
enhance and maintain quality through strategic planning schemes, all the managers and employers must remain
effectively driven.

This involves training workers on principles concerning quality culture and achievement. The scheduling and
planning are analytical applications at Toyota Company that purposes in assessing customer demand, material
availability, and plant capacity during manufacturing.

The Toyota Corporation has considerable approaches that rank it among the successful and renowned
implementers of TQM. From the inherent and designed structure of Toyota, it becomes feasible to comprehend
why quality manufacturing is gradually becoming effective. The inspection department is responsible for taking
corrective measures, salvaging, and sorting in the desired manufactured product or service quality.

The Toyota Corporation also has a quality control system that is involved in determining quality policies, review
statistics, and establish quality manual or presentation data. Furthermore, quality assurance is one of the integral
principles in quality implementation that is practically present at Toyota. The quality assurer and quality
inspectors all through the Toyota Company structure also manage research and development concerning quality
of manufactured products and services.

The TQM Implementation challenges

The Executives and Quality Managers face some challenges while implementing Quality Management Systems
in organizations. In fact, with lack of the implementation resources such as monetary and human resources in
any organization, the implementation of TQM cannot be successful. Towards the implementation of programs
and projects in organizations, the financial and human resources have become the pillar stones.

The approach of TQM impels the marketplace competence from all kinds’ organizational proceeds to ensure
profitability and productivity. To meet the desired results in TQM implementation, an organization ought to
consider the availability of human and financial resources that are very important for the provision of appropriate
milieu for accomplishing organizational objectives.

In the case of Toyota that originated and perfected the philosophy of TQM, the Executives and Quality Managers
meet some intertwined problems during TQM implementation. The flaw in the new product development is
increasingly becoming complicated for the managers to break and accelerate, thus reliability problem. Besides,
secretive culture and dysfunctional organizational structure cause barrier in communication between the top
management thus, in turn, augmenting public outrage.

The top executives may fail to provide and scale-up adequate training to the suppliers and new workforces. As a
result, cracks are created in the rigorous TPS system. In addition, lack of leadership at the top management
might cause challenges in the implementation of TQM. Therefore, in designing the organizational structures and
systems that impact quality, the senior executives and managers must be responsible as elaborated in the
figure2 below.

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