B Series Propeller
B Series Propeller
B Series Propeller
Table 6.4 Extent of the Wageningen B-screw series (taken from Reference 6)
2 0.30
3 0.35 0.50 0.65 0.80
4 0.40 0.55 0.70 0.85 1.00
5 0.45 0.60 0.75 1.05
6 0.50 0.65 0.80
7 0.55 0.70 0.85
6.5.1 Wageningen B-screw series To extend this work further so that propeller charac-
teristics can be predicted for other Reynolds numbers
This is perhaps the most extensive and widely used pro-
within the range 2 × 106 to 2 × 109 a set of corrections
peller series. The series was originally presented in a
of the following form was derived:
set of papers presented by Troost (References 3 to 5)
in the late 1940s and, amongst many practitioners, is KT (Rn = 2 × 106 )
KT (Rn ) KT (Rn )
still referred to as the ‘Troost series’. Over the years = +
KQ (Rn ) KQ (Rn = 2 × 106 ) KQ (Rn )
the model series has been added to so as to provide a
comprehensive fixed pitch, non-ducted propeller series. (6.18)
From analysis of the early results it was appreciated
that a certain unfairness between the various design dia- where
grams existed and this was considered to result from the KT = 0.000353485
scale effects resulting from the different model tests. − 0.00333758 (AE /AO ) J 2
This led to a complete re-appraisal of the series in − 0.00478125 (AE /AO )(P/D) J
which the differences in test procedures were taken into + 0.000257792(log Rn − 0.301)2 · (AE /AO ) J 2
account and the results of this work were presented by + 0.0000643192(log Rn − 0.301)(P/D)6 J 2
van Lammeren et al. (Reference 6). − 0.0000110636(log Rn − 0.301)2 (P/D)6 J 2
The extent of the series in terms of a blade number − 0.0000276305(log Rn − 0.301)2 Z(AE /AO ) J 2
versus blade area ratio matrix is shown in Table 6.4 from + 0.0000954(log Rn − 0.301)Z(AE /AO )(P/D) J
which it may be seen that the series numbers some 20 + 0.0000032049(log Rn − 0.301)Z 2 (AE /AO )
blade area–blade number configurations. The geometry × (P/D)3 J
of the series is shown in Table 6.5, from which it can
be seen that a reasonably consistent geometry is main- KQ = −0.000591412
tained between the members of the series with only a few + 0.00696898(P/D)
anomalies; notably the non-constant nature of the face − 0.0000666654Z(P/D)6
pitch near the root of the four-blade series and the blade + 0.0160818(AE /AO )2
outline of the three-bladed propellers. For completeness − 0.000938091(log Rn − 0.301)(P/D)
purposes Figure 6.11 shows the geometric outline of the − 0.00059593(log Rn − 0.301)(P/D)2
B5 propeller set. Note that the propellers of this series
+ 0.0000782099(log Rn − 0.301)2 (P/D)2
are generally referred to by the notation BZ · y, where
B denotes the ‘B’-series, Z is the blade number and y + 0.0000052199(log Rn − 0.301)Z(AE /AO ) J 2
is the blade expanded area. The face pitch ratio for the − 0.00000088528(log Rn − 0.301)2 Z(AE /AO )
series is in the range 0.6 to 1.4. × (P/D)J
The results of the fairing exercise reported by Ooster- + 0.0000230171(log Rn − 0.301)Z(P/D)6
veld paved the way for detailed regression studies on the − 0.00000184341(log Rn − 0.301)2 Z(P/D)6
performance characteristics given by this model series. − 0.00400252(log Rn − 0.301)(AE /AO )2
Oosterveld and van Oossanen (Reference 7) reported + 0.000220915(log Rn − 0.301)2 (AE /AO )2
the findings of this work in which the open water char-
acteristics of the series are represented at a Reynolds The Wageningen series is a general purpose, fixed pitch,
number 2 × 106 by an equation of the following form: non-ducted propeller series which is used extensively
for design and analysis purposes. A variant of the series,
⎫ designated the BB-series, was introduced, since it was
Cn (J )Sn (P/D)tn (AE /AO )un (Z)vn ⎪
KQ = ⎪
⎬ felt that the B-series had tip chord lengths that were not
n=1 (6.17) entirely representative of modern practice. Accordingly
KT =
Cn (J )Sn (P/D)tn (AE /AO )un (Z)vn ⎪
⎪ the BB-series had a re-defined blade outline with wider
tips than the parent form. However, the BB-series, of
which only a few members exist, has not been widely
where the coefficients are reproduced in Table 6.6. used.
104 Marine propellers and propulsion
Table 6.5 Geometry of the Wageningen B-screw series (taken from Reference 7)
r/R P − 1.0 −0.95 −0.9 −0.8 −0.7 −0.6 −0.5 −0.4 −0.2 0
0.7–1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.5 0.0522 0.0420 0.0330 0.0190 0.0100 0.0040 0.0012 0 0 0
0.4 0.1467 0.1200 0.0972 0.0630 0.0395 0.0214 0.0116 0.0044 0 0
0.3 0.2306 0.2040 0.1790 0.1333 0.0943 0.0623 0.0376 0.0202 0.0033 0
0.25 0.2598 0.2372 0.2115 0.1651 0.1246 0.0899 0.0579 0.0350 0.0084 0
0.2 0.2826 0.2630 0.2400 0.1967 0.1570 0.1207 0.0880 0.0592 0.0172 0
0.15 0.3000 0.2824 0.2650 0.2300 0.1950 0.1610 0.1280 0.0955 0.0365 0
r/R P +1.0 +0.95 +0.9 +0.85 +0.8 +0.7 +0.6 +0.5 +0.4 +0.2 0
0.7–1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.6 0.0382 0.0169 0.0067 0.0022 0.0006 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.5 0.1278 0.0778 0.0500 0.0328 0.0211 0.0085 0.0034 0.0008 0 0 0
0.4 0.2181 0.1467 0.1088 0.0833 0.0637 0.0357 0.0189 0.0090 0.0033 0 0
0.3 0.2923 0.2186 0.1760 0.1445 0.1191 0.0790 0.0503 0.0300 0.0148 0.0027 0
0.25 0.3256 0.2513 0.2068 0.1747 0.1465 0.1008 0.0669 0.0417 0.0224 0.0031 0
0.2 0.3560 0.2821 0.2353 0.2000 0.1685 0.1180 0.0804 0.0520 0.0304 0.0049 0
0.15 0.3860 0.3150 0.2642 0.2230 0.1870 0.1320 0.0920 0.0615 0.0384 0.0096 0
Propeller performance characteristics 105
r/R P −1.0 −0.95 −0.9 −0.8 −0.7 −0.6 −0.5 −0.4 −0.2 0
r/R P +1.0 +0.95 +0.9 +0.85 +0.8 +0.7 +0.6 +0.5 +0.4 +0.2 0
0.9–1.0 0 0.0975 0.1900 0.2775 0.3600 0.51 0.6400 0.75 0.8400 0.9600 1
0.85 0 0.1000 0.1950 0.2830 0.3660 0.5160 0.6455 0.7550 0.8450 0.9615 1
0.8 0 0.1050 0.2028 0.2925 0.3765 0.5265 0.6545 0.7635 0.8520 0.9635 1
0.7 0 0.1240 0.2337 0.3300 0.4140 0.5615 0.6840 0.7850 0.8660 0.9675 1
0.6 0 0.1485 0.2720 0.3775 0.4620 0.6060 0.7200 0.8090 0.8790 0.9690 1
0.5 0 0.1750 0.3056 0.4135 0.5039 0.6430 0.7478 0.8275 0.8880 0.9710 1
0.4 0 0.1935 0.3235 0.4335 0.5220 0.6590 0.7593 0.8345 0.8933 0.9725 1
0.3 0 0.1890 0.3197 0.4265 0.5130 0.6505 0.7520 0.8315 0.8020 0.9750 1
0.25 0 0.1758 0.3042 0.4108 0.4982 0.6359 0.7415 0.8259 0.8899 0.9751 1
0.2 0 0.1560 0.2840 0.3905 0.4777 0.6190 0.7277 0.8170 0.8875 0.9750 1
0.15 0 0.1300 0.2600 0.3665 0.4520 0.5995 0.7105 0.8055 0.8825 0.9760 1
Figure 6.11 General plan of B5-screw series (Reporduced with permission from Reference 6)
Table 6.6 Coefficients for the KT and KQ polynomials representing the Wageningen B-screen series for a Reynolds
number of 2 × 106 (taken from Reference 7)
n Cs,t,u,v s (J ) t (P/D) u (AE /AO ) v (Z) n Cs,t,u,v s (J ) t (P/D) u (AE /AO ) v (Z)
1 +0.00880496 0 0 0 0 1 +0.00379368 0 0 0 0
2 −0.204554 1 0 0 0 2 +0.00886523 2 0 0 0
3 +0.166351 0 1 0 0 3 −0.032241 1 1 0 0
4 +0.158114 0 2 0 0 4 +0.00344778 0 2 0 0
5 −0.147581 2 0 1 0 5 −0.0408811 0 1 1 0
6 −0.481497 1 1 1 0 6 −0.108009 1 1 1 0
7 +0.415437 0 2 1 0 7 −0.0885381 2 1 1 0
8 +0.0144043 0 0 0 1 8 +0.188561 0 2 1 0
9 −0.0530054 2 0 0 1 9 −0.00370871 1 0 0 1
10 +0.0143481 0 1 0 1 10 +0.00513696 0 1 0 1
11 +0.0606826 1 1 0 1 11 +0.0209449 1 1 0 1
12 −0.0125894 0 0 1 1 12 +0.00474319 2 1 0 1
13 +0.0109689 1 0 1 1 13 −0.00723408 2 0 1 1
14 −0.133698 0 3 0 0 14 +0.00438388 1 1 1 1
15 +0.00638407 0 6 0 0 15 −0.0269403 0 2 1 1
16 −0.00132718 2 6 0 0 16 +0.0558082 3 0 1 0
17 +0.168496 3 0 1 0 17 +0.0161886 0 3 1 0
18 −0.0507214 0 0 2 0 18 +0.00318086 1 3 1 0
19 +0.0854559 2 0 2 0 19 +0.015896 0 0 2 0
20 −0.0504475 3 0 2 0 20 +0.0471729 1 0 2 0
21 +0.010465 1 6 2 0 21 +0.0196283 3 0 2 0
22 −0.00648272 2 6 2 0 22 −0.0502782 0 1 2 0
23 −0.00841728 0 3 0 1 23 −0.030055 3 1 2 0
24 +0.0168424 1 3 0 1 24 +0.0417122 2 2 2 0
25 −0.00102296 3 3 0 1 25 −0.0397722 0 3 2 0
26 −0.0317791 0 3 1 1 26 −0.00350024 0 6 2 0
27 +0.018604 1 0 2 1 27 −0.0106854 3 0 0 1
28 −0.00410798 0 2 2 1 28 +0.00110903 3 3 0 1
29 −0.000606848 0 0 0 2 29 −0.000313912 0 6 0 1
30 −0.0049819 1 0 0 2 30 +0.0035985 3 0 1 1
31 +0.0025983 2 0 0 2 31 −0.00142121 0 6 1 1
32 −0.000560528 3 0 0 2 32 −0.00383637 1 0 2 1
33 −0.00163652 1 2 0 2 33 +0.0126803 0 2 2 1
34 −0.000328787 1 6 0 2 34 −0.00318278 2 3 2 1
35 +0.000116502 2 6 0 2 35 +0.00334268 0 6 2 1
36 +0.000690904 0 0 1 2 36 −0.00183491 1 1 0 2
37 +0.00421749 0 3 1 2 37 +0.000112451 3 2 0 2
38 +0.0000565229 3 6 1 2 38 −0.0000297228 3 6 0 2
39 −0.00146564 0 3 2 2 39 +0.000269551 1 0 1 2
40 +0.00083265 2 0 1 2
41 +0.00155334 0 2 1 2
42 +0.000302683 0 6 1 2
43 −0.0001843 0 0 2 2
44 −0.000425399 0 3 2 2
45 +0.0000869243 3 3 2 2
46 −0.0004659 0 6 2 2
47 +0.0000554194 1 6 2 2
The propeller series represents a valuable data set, coefficients of the form of equation (6.17) to represent
despite the somewhat dated propeller geometry, for the Gawn series. The coefficients for this series are given
undertaking preliminary design studies for warships in Table 6.9 and it is suggested that the range of applic-
and other high-performance craft due to the wide range ability of the regression study should be for pitch ratio
of P/D and AE /AO values covered. Blount and Hubble values from 0.8 to 1.4, although the study was based
(Reference 10) in considering methods for the sizing on the wider range of 0.6 to 1.6. Inevitably, however,
of small craft propellers developed a set of regression some regression formulations of model test data tend to