Chemistry Class 11 (Punjab Board)

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Animation 1.1: Spectrometer

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1.1 ATOM

Long time ago, it was thought that matter is made up of simple, indivisible particles. Greek
philosophers thought that, matter could be divided into smaller and smaller particles to reach
a basic unit, which could not be further sub-divided. Democritus (460-370 B.C.) called these
particles atomos, derived from the word “atomos” means indivisible. However, the ideas of Greek
philosophers were not based on experimental evidences.
In the late 17th century, the quantitative study of the composition of pure substances disclosed
that a few elements were the components of many diferent substances. It was also investigated
that how, elements combined to form compounds and how compounds could be broken down
into their constituent elements.
In 1808, an English school teacher, John Dalton, recognized that the law of conservation of matter
and the law of deinite proportions could be explained by the existence of atoms. He developed
an atomic theory; the main postulate of which is that all matter is composed of atoms of diferent
elements, which difer in their properties.
Atom is the smallest particle of an element, which can take part in a chemical reaction. For
example, He and Ne, etc. have atoms, which have independent existence while atoms of hydrogen,
nitrogen and oxygen do not exist independently.

Animation 1.2: Atom

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The modern researches have clearly shown that an atom is further composed of subatomic
particles like electron, proton, neutron, hypron, neutrino, anti-neutrino, etc. More than 100 such
particles are thought to exist in an atom. However, electron, proton and neutron are regarded as
the fundamental particles of atoms.

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A Swedish chemist J. Berzelius- (1779-1848) determined the atomic masses of elements. A number
of his values are close to the modern values of atomic masses. Berzelius also developed the system
of giving element a symbol.

1.1.1 Evidence of Atoms

It is not possible actually to see the atoms but the nearest possibility to its direct evidence is by
using an electron microscope. A clear and accurate image of an object that is smaller than the
wavelength of visible light, cannot be obtained. Thus an ordinary optical microscope can measure
the size of an object upto or above 500 nm (lnm = 10-9m). However, objects of the size of an atom
can be observed in an electron microscope. It uses beams of electrons instead of visible light,
because wavelength of electron is much shorter than that of visible light.

Animation 1.3:Made of Atom

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Fig. (1.1) shows electron microscopic photograph of a piece of

a graphite which has been magniied about 15 millions times.
The bright band in the igure are layers of carbon atoms.
In the 20th century, X-ray work has shown that the diameter of
atoms are of the order 2x10-10 m which is 0.2 nm. Masses of atoms
range from 10-27 to 10-25 kg. They are often expressed in atomic
mass units (amu) when 1 amu is = 1.661 x 10-27 kg. The students
can have an idea about the amazingly small size of an atom from
the fact that a full stop may have two million atoms present in it. Fig (1.1) Electron microscopic
photograph of graphite

1.1.2 Molecule

A molecule is the smallest particle of a pure substance which can exist independently. It may
contain one or more atoms. The number of atoms present in a molecule determines its atomicity.
Thus molecules can be monoatomic, diatomic and triatomic, etc., if they contain one, two and three
atoms respectively. Molecules of elements may contain one, two or more same type of atoms. For
example, He, Cl2, O3, P4, S8. On the other hand, molecules of compounds consist of diferent kind of
atoms. For example, HCl, NH3, H2SO4,C6H12O6.
The sizes of molecules are deinitely bigger than atoms. They depend upon the number of atoms
present in them and their shapes. Some molecules are so big that they are called macromolecules.
Haemoglobin is such a macromolecule found in blood. It helps to carry oxygen from our lungs to
all parts of our body. Each molecule of haemoglobin is made up of nearly 10,000 atoms and it is
68,000 times heavier than a hydrogen atom.

1.1.3 Ion

Ions are those species which carry either positive or negative charge. Whenever an atom of an
element loses one or more electrons, positive ions are formed.

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A suicient amount of energy is to be provided to a neutral atom to ionize it.

A → A + + e-

This A+ is called a cation. A cation may carry +1, +2, +3, etc.charge or charges. The number of charges
present on an ion depends upon the number of electrons lost by the atom. Anyhow, energy is always
required to do so. Hence the formation of the positive ions is an endothermic process. The most
common positive ions are formed by the metal atoms such as Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+ , Al3+, Fe3+, Sn4+, etc.
The chapter on chemical bonding will enable us to understand the feasibilities of their formation.
When a neutral atom picks up one or more electrons, a negative ion is produced, which is called an
B +e − → B-
Energy is usually released when an electron is added to the isolated neutral atom, Therefore, the
formation of an uninegative ion is an exothermic process.The most common negative ions are
F − ,Cl − , Br − , S 2− etc.
The cations and anions possess altogether diferent properties from their corresponding neutral
atoms. There are many examples of negative ions which consist of group of atoms like OH-, CO32-,
SO42-, PO43-, MnO41-, Cr2O72- etc. The positive ions having group of atoms are less common e.g. NH4+
and some carbocations in organic chemistry.

1.1.4 Molecular Ion

When an atom loses or gains an electron, it forms an ion. Similarly, a molecule may also lose or
gain an electron to form a molecular ion, e.g., CH4+, CO+, N2+
Cationic molecular ions are more abundant than anionic ones.
These ions can be generated by passing high energy electron
beam or α-particles or X-rays through a gas. The break down
of molecular ions obtained from the natural products can
give important information about their structure.

Animation 1.4: Molecules

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Relative atomic mass is the mass of an atom of an element as compared to the mass of an
atom of carbon taken as 12.
The unit used to express the relative atomic mass is called atomic mass unit (amu) and it is 1/12
th of the mass of one carbon atom, On carbon -12 scale, the relative atomic mass of 126C is 12.0000
amu and the relative atomic mass of 11 H is 1.008 amu. The masses of the atoms are extremely
small. We-don’t have any balance to weigh such an extremely small mass, that is why we use the
relative atomic mass unit scale.
The relative atomic masses of some elements are given in the following Table (1.1).

Table (1.1) Relative atomic masses of a few elements

Relative Atomic Mass Relative Atomic Mass
Element (amu) Element (amu)

H 1.008 Cl 35.453
O 15.9994 Cu 63.546
Ne 20.1797 U 238.0289

These element have atomic masses in fractions and will be explained in the following article on


In Dalton’s atomic theory, all the atoms of an element were considered alike in all the properties
including their masses. Later on, it was discovered that atoms of the same element can possess
diferent masses but same atomic numbers. Such atoms of an element are called isotopes.
So isotopes are diferent kind of atoms of the same element having same atomic number, but
diferent atomic masses. The isotopes of an element possess same chemical properties and same
position in the periodic table. This phenomenon of isotopy was irst discovered by Soddy. Isotopes
have same number of protons and electrons but they difer in the number of neutrons present in
their nuclei.

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Carbon has three isotopes written as 126 C , 136 C , 146 C and expressed as C-12, C-13 and C-14. Each of these
have 6-protrons and 6 electrons. However, these isotopes have 6, 7 and 8 neutrons respectively.
Similarly, hydrogen has three isotopes 11 H , 21 H , 31 H called protium, deuterium and tritium. Oxygen
has three, nickel has ive, calcium has six, palladium has six, cadmium has nine and tin has eleven

Animation 1.5: Basic Concepts

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1.3.1 Relative Abundance of Isotopes

The isotopes of all the elements have their own natural abundance. The properties of a particular
element, which are mentioned in the literature, mostly correspond to the most abundant isotope
of that element. The relative abundance of the isotopes of elements can be determined by mass

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Table (1.2) shows the natural abundance of some common isotopes.

Table (1.2) Natural abundance of some common isotopes.

Element Isotope Abundance (%) Mass (amu)
Hydrogen 1
H, 2 H 99.985, 0.015 1.007825, 2.01410
Carbon 12
C, 13C 98.893, 1.107 12.0000, 13.00335
Nitrogen 14 99.634, 0.366 14.00307 15.00011
N, 15 N
Oxygen 15.99491, 16.99914, 17.9916
O, 17 O, 18O 99.759, 0.037, 0.204
Sulphur 32
S, 33S, 34S, 36S 95.0, 0.76, 4.22, 0.014 31.97207, 32.97146, 33.96786, 35.96709
Chlorine 36
Cl, 37 Cl 75.53, 24.47 34.96885, 36.96590
Br, 81Br 50.54, 49.49 78.918, 80.916

We know at present above 280 diferent isotopes occur in nature. They include 40 radioactive
isotopes as well. Besides these about 300 unstable radioactive isotopes have been produced
through artiicial disintegration. The distribution of isotopes among the elements is varied and
complex as it is evident from the Table (1.2). The elements like arsenic, luorine, iodine and gold,
etc have only a single isotope. They are called mono-isotopic elements.
In general, the elements of odd atomic number almost never possess more than two stable isotopes.
The elements of even atomic number usually have larger number of isotopes and isotopes whose
mass numbers are multiples of four are particularly abundant. For example, l6O, 24Mg, 28Si, 40Ca and
Fe form nearly 50% of the earth’s crust. Out of 280 isotopes that occur in nature, 154 have even
mass number and even atomic number.

1.3.2 Determination of Relative Atomic Masses of Isotopes by Mass Spectrometry

Mass spectrometer is an instrument which is used to measure the exact masses of diferent
isotopes of an element. In this technique, a substance is irst volatilized and then ionized with the
help of high energy beam of electrons. The gaseous positive ions, thus formed, are separated on
the basis of their mass to charge ratio (m/e) and then recorded in the form of peaks. Actually mass
spectrum is the plot of data in such a way that (m/e) is plotted as abscissa (x-axis) and the relative
number of ions as ordinate (y-axis).

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First of all, Aston’s mass spectrograph was designed to identify the isotopes of an element
on the basis of their atomic masses. There is another instrument called Dempster’s mass
spectrometer. This was designed for the identiication of elements which were available in
solid state.
The substance whose analysis for the separation of isotopes is required, is converted into the
vapour state. The pressure of these vapours is kept very low, that is, 10-6 to 10-7 torr. These
vapours are allowed to enter the ionization chamber where fast moving electrons arc thrown
upon them. The atoms of isotopic element present in the form of vapours, are ionized. These
positively charged ions of isotopes of an element have diferent masses depending upon the
nature of the isotopes present in them.
The positive ion of each isotope has its own (m/e) value. When a potential diference (E) of
500-2000 volts is applied between perforated accelerating plates, then these positive ions are
strongly attracted towards the negative plate. In this way, the ions are accelerated.

These ions are then allowed to pass through a strong magnetic ield of strength (H), which will
separate them on the basis of their (m/e) values. Actually, the magnetic ield makes the ions
to move in a circular path. The ions of deinite m/e value will move in the form of groups one
after the other and fall on the electrometer.

The mathematical relationship for (m/e) is

m/e = H 2 r/2E

Where H is the strength of magnetic ield, E is the strength of electrical ield, r is the radius of
circular path. If E is increased, by keeping H constant then radius will increase and positive ion
of a particular m/e will fall at a diferent place as compared to the irst place. This can also be
done by changing the magnetic ield. Each ion sets up a minute electrical current.
Electrometer is also called an ion collector and develops the electrical current. The strength of
the current thus measured gives the relative abundance of ions of a deinite m/e value.
Similarly, the ions of other isotopes having diferent masses are made to fall on the collector
and the current strength is measured. The current strength in each case gives the relative
abundance of each of the isotopes. The same experiment is performed with C-12 isotope and
the current strength is compared.
This comparison allows us to measure the exact mass number of the isotope Fig. (1.2), shows
the separation of isotopes of Ne. Smaller the (m/e) of an isotope, smaller the radius of curvature
produced by the magnetic ield according to above equation.

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In modern spectrographs, each ion strikes a detector, the ionic current is ampliied and is fed to the
recorder. The recorder makes a graph showing the relative abundance of isotopes plotted against
the mass number.

Fig (1.3) Computer plotted graph

Fig(1.2) Diagram of a simple Mass for the isotopes of neon


The above Fig (1.3) shows a computer plotted graph for the isotopes of neon.
The separation of isotopes can be done by the methods based on their properties. Some important
methods are as gaseous difusion, thermal difusion, distillation, ultracentrifuge, electromagnetic
separation and laser separation.

1.3.3 Average Atomic Masses

Table (1.1) of atomic masses of elements shows many examples of fractional values. Actually
the atomic masses depend upon the number of possible isotopes and their natural abundance.
Following solved example will throw light on this aspect.

Example (1):

A sample of neon is found to consist of 2010 Ne , 1021 Ne and 2210 Ne in the percentages of 90.92%, 0.26%,
8.82% respectively. Calculate the fractional atomic mass of neon.


The overall atomic mass of neon, which is an ordinary isotopic mixture, is the average of the de-
termined atomic masses of individual isotopes. Hence
20x90.92 + 21x0.26 + 22x8.82
Average atomic mass = = 20.18 Answer

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Hence the average atomic mass of neon is 20.18 amu

It is important to realize that no individual neon atom in the sample has a mass of 20.18 amu. For
most laboratory purposes, however, we consider the sample to consist of atoms with this average



Before we go into the details of empirical and molecular formulas of a compound, we should be
interested to know the percentage of each element in the compound. For this purpose all the
elements present in the compound are irst identiied.
This is called qualitative analysis. After that the compound is subjected to quantitative analysis
in which the mass of each element in a sample of the compound is determined. From this we
determine the percentage by mass of each element. The percentage of an element in a compound
is the number of grams of that element present in 100 grams of the compound.

Mass of the element in the compound

Percentage of an element = x 100
mass of the compound

Example (2):

8.657 g of a compound were decomposed into its elements and gave 5.217 g of carbon, 0.962 g of
hydrogen, 2.478 g of oxygen. Calculate the percentage composition of the compound under study.


Applying the formula

x 100 = 60.28 Answer

Mass of carbon 5.217 g
Percentage of carbon = x 100 =
Mass of the compound 8.657 g

x 100 = 11.11 Answer

Mass of hydrogen 0.962 g
Percentage of hydrogen = x 100 =
Mass of the compound 8.657 g

x 100 = 28.62 Answer

Mass of oxygen 2.478 g
Percentage of oxygen = x 100 =
Mass of the compound 8.657 g

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The above results tell us that in one hundred grams of the given compound, there are 60.26 grams
of carbon, 11.11 grams of hydrogen and 28.62 grams of oxygen.
Percentage composition of a compound can also be determined theoretically if we know the formula
mass of the compound. The following equation can be used for this purpose.

Mass of the element in one mole of the compound

Percentage of an element = x 100
Formula mass of the compound

1.4.1 Empirical Formula

It is the simplest formula that gives the small whole number ratio between the atoms of diferent
elements present in a compound. In an empirical formula of a compound, AxBy, there are x atoms
of an element A and y atoms of an element B.
The empirical formula of glucose (C6H12O6) is CH2O and that of benzene (C6H6) is CH.
Empirical formula of a compound can be calculated following the steps mentioned below:
1. Determination of the percentage composition.
2. Finding the number of gram atoms of each element. For this purpose divide the mass of each
element (% of an element) by its atomic mass.
3. Determination of the atomic ratio of each element. To get this, divide the number of moles of
each element (gram atoms) by the smallest number of moles.
4. If the atomic ratio is simple whole number, it gives the empirical formula, otherwise multiply
with a suitable digit to get the whole number atomic ratio.

Example (3):

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) contains 40.92% carbon, 4.58% hydrogen and 54.5% of oxygen by mass.
What is the empirical formula of the ascorbic acid?


From the percentages of these elements, we believe that in 100 grams of ascorbic acid, there are
40.92 grams of carbon, 4.58 grams of hydrogen and 54.5 grams of oxygen.

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Divide these masses of the elements (or percentages) by their atomic masses to get the number of
gram atoms.

1.008 gmol −1
No. of gram atoms of hydrogen = = 4.54 gram atoms

16 gmol −1
No. of gram atoms of oxygen = = 3.406 gram atoms

12.0 gmol−1
No. of gram atoms of carbon = = 3.41 gram atoms

Atomic ratio is obtained by dividing the gram atoms with 3.406, which is the smallest number.

3.41 4.54 3.406

C:H:O = : :
3.406 3.406 3.406

C:H:O = 1 : 1.33 : 1

To convert them into whole numbers, multiply with three

C:H:O = 3(1 : 1.33 : 1) = 3 : 4 : 3 Answer

This whole number ratio gives us the subscripts for the empirical formula of the ascorbic acid

1.4.2 Empirical Formula from Combustion Analysis

Those organic compounds which simply consist of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen can be analyzed
by combustion. The sole products will be CO2 and H2O. These two products of combustion are
separately collected.

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Combustion Analysis

A weighed sample of the organic compound is placed in the combustion tube. This combustion tube
is itted in a furnance. Oxygen is supplied to burn the compound. Hydrogen is converted to H2O
and carbon is converted to CO2. These gases are absorbed in Mg (ClO4)2 and 50% KOH respectively.
(Fig 1.4). The diference in the masses of these absorbers gives us the amounts of H2O and CO2
produced. The amount of oxygen is determined by the method of diference.

Fig(1.4) Combustion analysis

Following formulas are used to get the percentages of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, respectively.

Mass of CO 2 12.00
% of carbon = x x 100
Mass of organic compound 44.00

Mass of H 2 O 2.016
% of hydrogen = x x 100
Mass of organic compound 18

The percentage of oxygen is obtained by the method of diference.

% of oxygen = 100 - (% of carbon + % of hydrogen) .

Example (4):

A sample of liquid consisting of carbon, , hydrogen and oxygen was subjected to combustion
analysis. 0.5439 g of the compound gave 1.039 g of CO2, 0.6369. g of H2O.
Determine the empirical formula of the compound.


Mass of organic Compound = 0.5439 g

Mass of carbon dioxide = 1.039g
Mass of water = 0.6369 g

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Element % No. of Gram Atomic Empirical

atoms Ratio formula

1.039 g 12.00
= 4.34 =2
x x100 52.108 4.34
C 0.543 g 44.00
12 2.17

0.6369 g 2.016
x x100 13.11 13.01
0.5439 g 18 = 13.01 C2 H 6O
H 1.008 2.17

100 − (52.108 + 13.11)

34.77 2.17
= 2.17
=34.77 16.00 2.17

1.4.3 Molecular Formula

That formula of a substance which is based on the actual molecule is called molecular formula. It
gives the total number of atoms of diferent elements present in the molecule of a compound. For
example, molecular formula of benzene is C6H6 while that of glucose is C6H12O6.
The empirical formulas of benzene and glucose are CH and CH2O respectively, so for these
compounds the molecular formulas are the simple multiple of empirical formulas. Hence
Molecular formula = n (Empirical formula)
Where ‘n’ is a simple integer. Those compounds whose empirical and molecular formulae are the
same are numerous. For example, H2O, CO2, NH3 and C12H22O11 have same empirical and molecular
formulas. Their simple multiple ‘n’ is unity. Actually the value of ‘n’ is the ratio of molecular mass
and empirical formula mass of a substance.
Molecular mass
Empirical formula mass

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Example (5):

The combustion analysis of an organic compound shows it to contain 65.44% carbon, 5.50%
hydrogen and 29.06% or oxygen. What is the empirical formula of the compound? If the molecular
mass of this compound is 110.15 g.mol-1. Calculate the molecular formula of the compound.


First of all divide the percentage of each element by its atomic mass to get the number of gram
atoms or moles.
65.44 g of C
No of gram atoms of C = = 5.45 gram atoms of C
12 g / mol

5.50 g of H
No of gram atoms of hydrogen = = 5.46 gram atoms of H
1.008 g / mol

29.06 g of O
No of gram atoms of oxygen = = 1.82 gram atoms of O
16.00 g / mol

Molar ratio:
C : H : O
5.45 : 4.46 : 1.82

Divide the number of gram atoms by the smallest number i.e 1.82

C :H : O

5.45 5.46 1.82

: :
1.82 1.82 1.82

3 : 3 : 1
Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen are present in the given organic compound in the ratio of 3:3:1. So
the empirical formula is C3H3O.

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In order to determine the molecular formula, irst calculate the empirical formula mass.

Empirical formula mass = 12 x 3 + 1.008 x 3 + 16 x 1 = 55.05 g/mol

Molar mass of the compound = 110.15g.mol-1

Molar mass of the compound 110.15

n= = =2
Empirical formula mass 55.05

Molecular formula = n (empirical formula)

= 2 (C3H3O) =C6H6O2 Answer
There are many possible structures for this molecular formula.


We know that atom is an extremely small particle. The mass of an individual atom is extremely
small quantity. It is not possible to weigh individual atoms or even small number of atoms directly.
That is why, we use the atomic mass unit (amu) to express the atomic masses.
For the sake of convenience, the atomic mass may be given in any unit of measurement i.e. grams,
kg, pounds, and so on.
When the substance at our disposal is an element then the atomic mass of that element expressed
in grams is called one gram atom. It is also called one gram mole or simply a mole of that element.
Mass of an element in grams
Number of gram atoms or moles of an element =
Molar mass of an element

For example

1 gram atom of hydrogen = 1.008 g

1 gram atom of carbon = 12.000 g
and 1 gram atom of uranium = 238.0 g
It means that one gram atom of diferent elements have diferent masses in them. One mole of
carbon is 12 g, while 1 mole of magnesium is 24g. It also shows that one atom of magnesium is
twice as heavy as an atom of carbon.
The molecular mass of a substance expressed in grams is called gram molecule or gram mole or
simply the mole of a substance.

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Mass of molecular substance in grams

Number of gram molecules or moles of a molecular substance =
Molar mass of the substance

For example

1 gram molecule of water = 18.0 g

1 gram molecule of H2SO4 = 98.0 g
and 1 gram molecule of sucrose = 342.0 g

It means that one gram molecules of diferent molecular substances have diferent masses.
The formula unit mass of an ionic compound expressed in grams is called gram formula of
the substance. Since ionic compounds do not exist in molecular form therefore the sum of atomic
masses of individual ions gives the formula mass. The gram formula is also referred to as gram
mole or simply a mole.
Mass of the ionic substance in grams
Number of gram formulas or moles of a substance =
Formula mass of the ionic substance
1 gram formula of NaCl = 58.50 g
1 gram formula of Na2CO3 = 106 g
1gram formula of AgNO3 = 170g
one mole of ions.

Mass of the ionic species in grams

Number of gram ions or moles of an species =
Formula mass of the ionic species

For example

1 g ion of OH- = 17g

1 g ion of SO42-=96g
1 g ion of CO32- =60g
So, the atomic mass, molecular mass, formula mass or ionic mass of the substance expressed
in gram is called molar mass of the substance.

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Example (6):

Calculate the gram atoms (moles) in

(a) 0.1 g of sodium.
(b) 0.1 kg of silicon.

Mass of element in gram
(a) No. of gram atoms =
Molar mass

Mass of sodium = 0.1 g

Molar mass = 23 g/mol

23 gmol−1
Number of gram atoms of sodium = = 0.0043 mol

= 4.3 x 10-3 mol Answer

(b) First of all convert the mass of silicon into grams.
Mass of silicon = 0.1 kg = 0.1 x 1000 = 100 g
Molar mass = 28.086 gmol-1

100 g
28.086 gmol−1
Number of gram atoms of silicon = = 3.56 moles Answer

Example (7):

Calculate the mass of 10-3 moles of MgSO4.


MgSO4 is an ionic compound. We will consider its formula mass in place of molecular mass.
Mass of the ionic substance
Number of gram formula or mole of a substance =
Formula mass of the ionic substance

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Formula mass of MgSO4 = 24 + 96 = 120 gmol-1

Number of moles of MgS04 = 10-3moles
Applying the formula

Mass of MgSO4
10-3 =
120 gmol −1

Mass of MgSO4 = 10-3 moles x 120gmol-1

= 120 x 10-3 = 0.12 g Answer

1.5.1 Avogadro's Number

Avogadro's number is the number of atoms, molecules and ions in one gram atom of an element,
one gram molecule of a compound and one gram ion of a substance, respectively.
To understand Avogadro's number let us consider the following quantities of substances.
1.008 g of hydrogen = 1 mole of hydrogen = 6.02 x 1023 atoms of H
23 g of sodium = 1 mole of Na = 6.02 x1O23 atoms of Na
238 g of uranium = 1 mole of U =6.02x1023atomsofU
This number, 6.02 x 1023 is the number of atoms in one mole of the element. It is interesting to know that
than hydrogen. Magnesium atom is twice heavier than carbon; i.e. 10g of Mg and 5 g of C contain the same
number of atoms.
18 g of H2O =1 mole of water =6.02x1023moleculesofwater
180 g of glucose = 1 mole of glucose = 6.02 x 1023 molecules of glucose
342 g of sucrose = 1 mole of sucrose = 6.02 x 1023 molecules of sucrose
Hence, one mole of diferent compounds has diferent masses but has the same number of
When we take into consideration the ions, then

96 g of SO42- = 1 mole of SO42- = 6.02 x 1023 ions of SO42-

62 g of NO3- = 1 mole of NO3- = 6.02 x 1023 ions of NO3-

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From the above discussion, we reach the conclusion that the number 6.02 X 1023 is equal to one
mole of a substance. This number is called Avogadro’s number and it is denoted by NA.
Following relationships between amounts of substances in terms of their masses and the number
of particles present in them, are useful

Mass of the element x NA

1) Number of atoms of an element =
Atomic mass

Mass of the compound x NA

2) Number of molecules of a compound =
Molecular mass
Mass of the ion x NA
3) Number of ions of an ionic species =
Ionic mass

When we have compounds of known mass we can calculate the number of atoms from their
formulas. In 18 g of water there are present 6.02 x 1023 molecules of H2O, 2 x 6.02 x 1023 atoms of
hydrogen and 6.02 x 1023 atoms of oxygen. Similarly, in 98g of H2SO4, it has twice the Avogadro’s
number of hydrogen atoms, four times the Avogadro’s number of oxygen atoms and the Avogadro’s
number of sulphur atoms.
Some substances ionize in suitable solvents to yield cations and anions. The number of such ions,
their masses, number of positive and negative charges can be easily calculated from the known
amount of the substance dissolved. Let us dissolve 9.8 g of H2SO4 in suicient quantity of H2O to
get it completely ionized. It has 0.1 moles of H2SO4. It will yield 0.2 mole or 0.2 x 6.02 x 1023 H+ and
0.1 moles or 0.1 x 6.02 x 1023 SO42- etc. Total positive charges will be 0.2 x 6.02 x 1023 and the total
negative charges will be 0.2 x 6.02 x 1023 (because each SO42-, has two negative charges). The total
mass of H+ is (0.2 x 1.008)g and that of SO42- is (0.1 x 96) g.

Example (8):

How many molecules of water are there in 10.0 g of ice? Also calculate the number of atoms of
hydrogen and oxygen separately, the total number of atoms and the covalent bonds present in the

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Mass of ice (water) = 10.0 g

Molar mass of water =18gmol-1
Mass of water in gram
Molar mass of water in g mol −1
Number of molecules of water = x Avogadro's number

= x 6.02 x 1023
18 g mol-1

Number of molecules of water = 0.55 x 6.02 x 1023 = 3.31 x 1023 Answer

One molecule of water contain hydrogen atoms =2
3.31 x 1023 molecules of water contain hydrogen atoms = 2 x 3.31 x 1023
= 6.68 x 1023 Answer
One molecule of water contains oxygen atom =1
3.31 x 1023 molecules of water contain oxygen atoms = 3.31 x 1023 Answer
One molecule of water contains number of covalent bonds =2
3.31 x 1023 molecules of water contain number of covalent bonds = 2 x 3.31 x 1023
= 6.68 x 1023 Answer
Total number of atoms of hydrogen and oxygen = 6.68 x 1023 + 3.31 x 1023
= 9.99 x 1023 Answer

Example (9):

10.0 g of H3PO4 has been dissolved in excess of water to dissociate it completely into ions.
a) Number of molecules in 10.0 g of H3PO4.
b) Number of positive and negative ions in case of complete dissociation in water.
c) Masses of individual ions.
d) Number of positive and negative charges dispersed in the solution.


(a) Mass of H3PO4 =10 g

Molar mass of H3PO4 =3 + 31 + 64 = 98
No. of molecules of H3P04 = Mass of H PO
= 3 4
x 6.02 x 1023
Molar mass of H 3 PO 4

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98 g mol −1
= x 6.02 x 1023

= 0.102 x 6.02 x 1023

= 0.614 x 1023
= 6.14 x 1022 Answer
(b) H3PO4 dissolves in water and ionizes as follows
H3PO4 ฀ 3H+ +PO43-
According to the balanced chemical equation
H3PO4 : H+
1 : 3
6.14 x 1022
: 3 x 6.14 x 1022
6.14 x 1022 : 1.842 x 1023
Hence, the number of H+ will be 1.842 x 1023
H3PO4 : PO43-
1 : 1
6.14 x 1022 : 6.14 x 1022
Hence, the number of PO43- will be 6.14 x 1022 Answer
(c) In order to calculate the mass of the ions, use the formulas
Total mass of H +
Number of H + = +
x 6.02 x 1023
Ionic mass of H

Total mass of H +
1.842 x 1023 = x 6.02 x 1023
Total mass of H + =
1.842 x 1023 x 1.008
= 0.308 g
6.02 x 1023
Total mass of PO 43-
No. of PO 43- = x 6.02 x 1023 molecules
Ionic mass of PO 43-
Total mass of PO 43-
6.14 x 1022 = x 6.02 x 1023

= 9.689g Answer
6.14 x 1022 x 95
Total mass of PO 43- =
6.02 x 1023

(d) One molecule of H3PO4 gives three positive charges in the solution
6.14 x 1022 molecules of H3PO4 will give =3 x 6.14 x 1022
= 1.842 x 1023 positive charges Answer

Number of positive and negative charges are always equal. So the number of negative charges
dispersed in the solution = 1.842 x 1023

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1.5.2 Molar Volume

One mole of any gas at standard temperature and pressure (STP) occupies a volume of 22.414 dm3.
This volume of 22.414 dm3 is called molar volume and it is true only when the gas is ideal (the idea
of the ideality of the gas is mentioned in chapter three).
With the help of this information, we can convert the mass of a gas at STP into its volume and vice
Hence we can say that
2.016 g of H2 = 1 mole of H2 = 6.02 x 1023 molecules of H2 = 22.414 dm3 of H2 at S.T.P
16g of CH4 = 1 mole of CH4 = 6.02 x 1023 molecules of CH4= 22.414 dm3 of CH4 at S.T.P.
It is very interesting to know from the above data that 22.414 dm3 of each gas has a diferent mass
but the same number of molecules. The reason is that the masses and the sizes of the molecules
don't afect the volumes. Normally, it is known that in the gaseous state the distance between
molecules is 300 times greater than their diameters.

Example (10):

A well known ideal gas is enclosed in a container having volume 500 cm3 at S.T.P. Its mass comes
out to be 0.72g.What is the molar mass of this gas.


We can calculate the number of moles of the ideal gas at S.T.P from the given volume.

22.414 dm3or 22.414 cm3of the ideal gas at S.T.P = 1 mole

1 cm3of the ideal gas at S.T.P = mole
500 cm3of the ideal gas at S.T.P = x 500
= 0.0223 moles
We know that
Mass of the gas
Number of moles of the gas =
Molar of the gas
Mass of the gas
Molar mass of the gas =
Number of moles of the gas

= 32 g mol-1 Answer
0.72 g
Molar mass of the gas =
0.0223 mole

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With the knowledge of atomic mass, molecular mass, the mole, the Avogadro’s number and the
molar volume, we can make use of the chemical equations in a much better way and can get many
useful information from them.
Chemical equations have certain limitations as well. They do not tell about the conditions and the
rate of reaction. Chemical equation can even be written to describe a chemical change that does
not occur. So, when stoichiometeric calculations are performed, we have to assume the following
1. All the reactants are completely converted into the products.
2. No side reaction occurs.
Stoichiometry is a branch of chemistry which tells us the quantitative relationship between
reactants and products in a balanced chemical equation.
While doing calculations, the law of conservation of mass and the law of deinite proportions are
The following type of relationships can be studied with the help of a balanced chemical equation.

1) Mass-mass Relationship

If we are given the mass of one substance, we can calculate the mass of the other substances
involved in the chemical reaction.

2) Mass-mole Relationship or Mole-mass Relationship

If we are given the mass of one substance, we can calculate the moles of other substance and vice-

3) Mass-volume Relationship

If we are given the mass of one substance, we can calculate the volume of the other substances and
vice-versa.Similarly, mole-mole calculations can also be performed.

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Example (11):

Calculate the number of grams of K2SO4 and water produced when 14 g of KOH are reacted with
excess of H2SO4. Also calculate the number of molecules of water produced.


For doing such calculations, irst of all convert the given mass of KOH into moles and then compare
these moles with those of K2SO4 with the help of the balanced chemical equation.
Mass of KOH = 14.0 g
Molar mass of KOH = 39 + 16 + 1 = 56 g/mol
14.0 g
Number of moles of KOH = = 0.25
56 g mol-1

Equation: 2KOH(aq) + H2SO4(aq) K2SO4(aq) + 2H2O(l)

To get the number of moles of K2SO4, compare the moles of KOH with those of K2SO4.
KOH : K 2SO 4
2 : 1
1 :
0.25 : 0.125

So, 0.125 moles of K2SO4 is being produced from 0.25 moles of KOH
Molar mass of K2SO4 = 2 x 39 + 96
= 174 g/mol
Mass of K2SO4 produced = No. of moles x molar mass
= 0.125 moles x 174 g mol-1

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To get the number of moles of H2O, compare the moles of KOH with those of water
KOH : H 2O
2 : 2
1 : 1
0.25 : 0.25

So, the number of moles of water produced is 0.25 from 0.25 moles of KOH
Mass of water produced = 0.25 moles x 18 g mol-1
= 4.50 g
Number of molecules of water = No. of moles x 6.02 x 1023
= 0.25 moles x 6.02 x 1023 molecules per mole
= 1.50 x 1023 molecules Answer
Example (12):

Mg metal reacts with HCl to give hydrogen gas. What is the minimum volume of HCl solution (27%
by weight) required to produce 12.1g of H2. The density of HCl solution is 1.14g/cm3.
Mg (s) + 2HCl (aq) MgCl2(aq) + H2(g)

Mass of H2 produced = 12.1 g

Molar mass of H2 = 2.016 g mol-1

Mass of H2 12.1g
Moles of H2 =
Molar mass of H 2 2.016 g mol-1=6.0 moles

To calculate the number of moles of HCl, compare the moles of H2 with those of HCl
H2 : HCl
1 : 2
6 : 12

So, 12 moles of HCl are being consumed to produce 6 moles of H2.

Mass of HCl =Moles of HCl x Molar mass of HCl
= 12 moles x 36.5 g mol-1
= 438 grams

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We know that HCl solution is 27% by weight, it means that

27 g of HCl are present in HCl solution = 100 g

1 g is present in HCl solution =
438 g are present in HCl solution = x 438 = 1622.2 g
Density of HCl solution = 1.14 g/cm3
Mass of HCl solution
Volume of HCl =
Density of HCl

= 1423 cm3 Answer

1622.2 g
1.14 gcm −3


Having completely understood the theory of stoichiometry of the chemical reactions, we shift
towards the real stoichiometric calculations. Real in the sense that we deal with such calculations
very commonly in chemistry. Often, in experimental work, one or more reactants is/are deliberately
used in excess quantity. The quantity exceeds the amount required by the reaction’s stoichiometry.
This is done, to ensure that all of the other expensive reactant is completely used up in the chemical
reaction. Sometimes, this strategy is employed to make reactions occur faster. For example, we
know that a large quantity of oxygen in a chemical reaction makes things burn more rapidly. In
this way excess of oxygen is left behind at the end of reaction and the other reactant is consumed
earlier. This reactant which is consumed earlier is called a limiting reactant. In this way, the amount
of product that forms is limited by the reactant that is completely used. Once this reactant is
consumed, the reaction stops and no additional product is formed. Hence the limiting reactant
is a reactant that controls the amount of the product formed in a chemical reaction due to
its smaller amount.

The concept of limiting reactant is analogous to the relationship between the number of “kababs”
and the “slices” to prepare “sandwiches”. If we have 30 “kababs” and ive breads “having 58 slices”,
then we can only prepare 29 “sandwiches”. One “kabab” will be extra (excess reactant) and “slices”
will be the limiting reactant. It is a practical problem that we can not purchase exactly sixty “slices”
for 30 “kababs” to prepare 30 “sandwiches”.

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Consider the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen to form water.

2H2(g) + O2(g) 2H2O(l)

When we take 2 moles of hydrogen (4g) and allow it to react with 2 moles of oxygen (64g), then we
will get only 2 moles (36 g) of water. Actually, we will get 2 moles (36g) of water because 2 moles
(4g) of hydrogen react with 1 mole (32 g) of oxygen according to the balanced equation. Since less
hydrogen is present as compared to oxygen, so hydrogen is a limiting reactant. If we would have
reacted 4 moles (8g) of hydrogen with 2 moles (64 g) of oxygen, we would have obtained 4 moles
(72 g) of water.

Identiication of Limiting Reactant

To identify a limiting reactant, the following three steps are performed.

1. Calculate the number of moles from the given amount of reactant.
2. Find out the number of moles of product with the help of a balanced chemical equation.
3. Identify the reactant which produces the least amount of product as limiting reactant.

Following numerical problem will make the idea clear.

Example (13):

NH3 gas can be prepared by heating together two solids NH4Cl and Ca(OH)2. If a mixture containing
100 g of each solid is heated then
(a) Calculate the number of grams of NH3 produced.
(b) Calculate the excess amount of reagent left unreacted.

2NH4Cl (s) + Ca (OH)2 (s) CaCl2(s) + 2NH3 (g) + 2H2O(l)

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(a) Convert the given amounts of both reactants into their number of moles.
Mass of NH 4 Cl = 100g
Molar mass of NH 4 C1 = 53.5g mol-1

= 1.87
100 g
Mass of NH 4 Cl =
53.5g mol-1
Mass of Ca(OH) 2 = 100 g
Molar mass of Ca(OH) 2 = 74 g mol-1

= 1.35
100 g
Moles of Ca(OH) 2 =
74 g mol-1

Compare the number of moles of NH4Cl with those of NH3

NH4Cl : NH3
2 : 2
1 : 1
1.87 : 1.87
Similarly compare the number of moles of Ca(OH)2 with those of NH3.
Ca(OH)2 : NH3
1 : 2
1.35 : 2.70
Since the number of moles of NH3 produced by l00g or 1.87 moles of NH4Cl are less, so NH4Cl is the
limiting reactant. The other reactant, Ca(OH)2 is present in excess. Hence
Mass of NH3 produced = 1.87 moles x 17 g mol-1
= 31.79 g Answer

(b) Amount of the reagent present in excess

Let us calculate the number of moles of Ca(OH)2 which will completely react with 1.87 moles of
NH4Cl with the help of equation. For this purpose, compare NH4Cl and Ca(OH)2

NH4Cl : Ca (OH)2
2 : 1
1 :

1.87 : 0.935

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Hence the number of moles of Ca(OH)2 which completely react with 1.87 moles of NH4Cl is 0.935
No. of moles of Ca(OH)2 taken =1.35
No. of moles of Ca(OH)2 used = 0.935
No. of moles of Ca(OH)2 left behind = 1.35 - 0.935 = 0.415
Mass of Ca(OH)2 left unreacted (excess) = 0.415x74 = 30.71 g Answer
It means that we should have mixed 100 g of NH4Cl with 69.3 g (100 - 30.71) of Ca(OH)2 to get 1.87
moles of NH3.


The amount of the products obtained in a chemical reaction is called the actual yield of that reaction.
The amount of the products calculated from the balanced chemical equation represents the
theoretical yield. The theoretical yield is the maximum amount of the product that can be produced
by a given amount of a reactant, according to balanced chemical equation.
In most chemical reactions the amount of the product obtained is less than the theoretical yield.
There are various reasons for that. A practically inexperienced worker has many shortcomings and
cannot get the expected yield. The processes like iltration, separation by distillation, separation
by a separating funnel, washing, drying and crystallization if not properly carried out, decrease
the actual yield. Some of the reactants might take part in a competing side reaction and reduce
the amount of the desired product. So in most of the reactions the actual yield is less than the
theoretical yield.
A chemist is usually interested in the eiciency of a reaction. The eiciency of a reaction is expressed
by comparing the actual and theoretical yields in the form of percentage (%) yield.

Actual yield
% yield = x 100
Theoretical yield

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Example (14):

When lime stone (CaCO3) is roasted, quicklime (CaO) is produced according to the following equation.
The actual yield of CaO is 2.5 kg, when 4.5 kg of lime stone is roasted. What is the percentage yield
of this reaction.
CaCO3 (s) 
→ CaO(s) + CO2 (s)
Mass of limestone roasted = 4.5 kg = 4500 g
Mass of quick lime produced (actual yield) = 2.5 kg = 2500 g
Molar mass of CaCO3 = 100 g mol-1
Molar mass of CaO = 56 g mol-1
According to the balanced chemical equation
100 g of CaCO3 should give CaO = 56 g
1g of CaCO3 should give CaO = 56 / 100
4500 g of CaCO3 should give CaO = 56 / 100 x 4500
= 2520 g
Theoretical yield of CaO = 2520 g
Actual yield of CaO = 2500 g

Actual yield 2500 g

% yield = x 100 = x 100
Theoretical yield 2520 g
= 99.2 % Answer

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1. Atoms are the building blocks of matter. Atoms can combine to form molecules. Covalent com-
pounds mostly exist in the form of molecules. Atoms and molecules can either gain or lose elec-
trons, forming charged particles called ions. Metals tend to lose electrons, becoming positively
charged ions. Non-metals tend to gain electrons forming negatively charged ions. When X-rays
or α -particles are passed through molecules in a gaseous state, they are converted into molec-
ular ions.
2. The atomic mass of an element is determined with reference to the mass of carbon as a standard
element and is expressed in amu. The fractional atomic masses can be calculated from the
relative abundance of isotopes. The separation and identiication of isotopes can be carried out
by mass spectrograph.
3. The composition of a substance is given by its chemical formula. A molecular substance can be
represented by its empirical or a molecular formula. The empirical and molecular formula are
related through a simple integer.
4. Combustion analysis is one of the techniques to determine the empirical formula and then the
molecular formula of a substance by knowing its molar mass.
5. A mole of any substance is the Avogadro’s number of atoms or molecules or formula units of
that substance.
6. The study of quantitative relationship between the reactants and the products in a balanced
chemical equation is known as stoichiometry. The mole concept can be used to calculate the
relative quantities of reactants and products in a balanced chemical equation.
7. The concept of molar volume of gases helps to relate solids and liquids with gases in a quantitative
8. A limiting reactant is completely consumed in a reaction and controls the quantity of products
9. The theoretical yield of a reaction is the quantity of the products calculated with the help of a
balanced chemical equation. The actual yield of a reaction is always less than the theoretical
yield. The eiciency of a chemical reaction can be checked by calculating its percentage yield.

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Q1 Select the most suitable answer from the given ones in each question.
(i) Isotopes difer in
(a) properties which depend upon mass
(b) arrangement of electrons in orbitals
(c) chemical properties
(d) the extent to which they may be afected in electromagnetic ield.
(ii) Select the most suitable answer from the given ones in each question.
(a) Isotopes with even atomic masses are comparatively abundant.
(b) Isotopes with odd atomic masses are comparatively abundant.
(c) Isotopeswithevenatomicmassesandevenatomicnumbersarecomparativelyabundant.
(d) Isotopeswithevenatomicmassesandoddatomicnumbersarecomparativelyabundant.
(iii) Many elements have fractional atomic masses. This is because
(a) the mass of the atom is itself fractional.
(b) atomic masses are average masses of isobars.
(c) atomic masses are average masses of isotopes.
(d) atomicmassesareaveragemassesofisotopesproportionaltotheirrelativeabundance.
(iv) The mass of one mole of electrons is
(a) 1.008 mg (b) 0.55 mg (c) 0.184 mg (d)1.673mg
(v) 27 g of A1 will react completely with how much mass of O2 to produce Al2O3.
(a) 8 g of oxygen (b) 16 g of oxygen (c) 32 g of oxygen (d) 24 g of oxygen
(vi) The number of moles of CO2 which contain 8.0 g of oxygen.
(a) 0.25 (b) 0.50 (c) 1.0 (d)1.50
(vii) The largest number of molecules are present in
(a) 3.6g of H2O (b) 4.8g of C2H5OH (c) 2.8g of CO (d) 5.4g of N2O5
(viii) One mole of SO2 contains
(a) 6.02x1023 atoms of oxygen (b) 18.1 x 1023 molecules of SO2
(c) 6.02x1023 atoms of sulphur (d) 4 gram atoms of SO2
(ix) The volume occupied by 1.4 g of N2 at S.T.P is
(a) 2.24 dm3 (b) 22.4 dm3 (c) 1.12 dm3 (d) 112 cm3
(x) A limiting reactant is the one which
(a) is taken in lesser quantity in grams as compared to other reactants.
(b) is taken in lesser quantity in volume as compared to the other reactants.
(c) gives the maximum amount of the product which is required.
(d) gives the minimum amount of the product under consideration.

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Q 2. Fill in the blanks

(i) The unit of relative atomic mass is_________________.
(ii) The exact masses of isotopes can be determined by________________ spectrograph.
(iii) The phenomenon of isotopy was irst discovered by .____________________
(iv) Empirical formula can be determined by combustion analysis for those compounds which
have ______ and __________in them.
(v) A limiting reagent is that which controls the quantities of____________
(vi) 1 mole of glucose has_________ atoms of carbon, __________ of oxygen and _______of hydrgen.
(vii) 4g of CH4 at 0°C and 1 atm pressure has _____________molecules of CH4
(viii) Stoichiometric calculations can be performed only when ________________ is obeyed.
Q3. Indicate true or false as the case may be:
(i) Neon has three isotopes and the fourth one with atomic mass 20.18 amu.
(ii) Empirical formula gives the information about the total number of atoms present in
the molecule.
(iii) During combustion analysis Mg(ClO4)2 is employed to absorb water vapours.
(iv) Molecular formula is the integral multiple of empirical formula and the integral
mutiple can never be unity.
(v) The number of atoms in 1.79 g of gold and 0.023 g of sodium are equal.
(vi) The number of electrons in the molecules of CO and N2 are 14 each, so 1 g of each gas
will have same number of electrons.
(vii) Avogadro’s hypothesis is applicable to all types of gases i.e. ideal and non-ideal.
(viii) Actual yield of a chemical reaction may be greater than the theoretical yield.
Q.4 What are ions? Under what conditions are they produced?
Q.5 (a) What are isotopes? How do you deduce the fractional atomic masses of elements
from the relative isotopic abundance? Give two examples in support of your answer.
(b) How does a mass spectrograph show the relative abundance of isotopes of an elment?
(c) What is the justiication of two strong peaks in the mass spectrum for bromine; while
for iodine only one peak at 127 amu is indicated?
Q.6 Silver has atomic number 47 and has 16 known isotopes but two occur naturally i.e. Ag-107
and Ag-109. Given the following mass spectrometric data, calculate the average atomic
mass of silver.

Isotopes Mass (amu) Percentage abundance

Ag 106.90509 51.84
Ag 108.90476 48.16

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Q.7 Boron with atomic number 5 has two naturally occurring isotopes. Calculate the percentage abun
dance of 10B and 11B from the following informations.
Average atomic mass of boron = 10.81 amu
Isotopic mass of 10B = 10.0129 amu
Isotopic mass of B
=11.0093amu (Ans: 20.002%, 79.992)
Q.8 Deine the following terms and give three examples of each.

1. Gram atom 5. Molar volume

2. Gram molecular mass 6. Avogadro’s number
3. Gram formula 7. Stoichiometry
4. Gram ion 8. Percentage yield

Q.9 Justify the following statement!:

1. 23 g of sodium and 238 g of uranium have equal number of atoms in them.
2. Mg atom is twice heavier than that of carbon atom.
3. 180 g of glucose and 342 g of sucrose have the same number of molecules but diferent number of
atoms present in them.
4. 4.9 g of H2SO4 when completely ionized in water, have equal number of positive and negative
charges but the number of positively charged ions are twice the number of negatively charged ions.
5. One mg of K2CrO4 has thrice the number of ions than the number of formula units when ionized in
6. Two grams of H2,16g of CH4 and 44 g of CO2 occupy separately the volumes of 22.414 dm3, although
the sizes and masses of molecules of three gases are very diferent from each other.

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Q.10 Calculate each of the following quantities.

a) Mass in grams of 2.74 moles of KMnO4. • (Ans: 432.92g)
b) Moles of O atoms in 9.00g of Mg (N03)2. • (Ans: 0.36 mole)
c) NumberofOatomsin10.037gofCUSO4.5H2O. • (Ans: 2.18 x 1023 atoms)
d) Massinkilogramsof2.6x1020moleculesofSO2. • (Ans: 2.70x10-5 kg)
e) Moles of Cl atoms in 0.822 g C2H4Cl2. • (Ans: 0.0178 moles)
f) Mass in grams of 5.136 moles of Ag2CO3. • (Ans: 1416.2 g)
g) Mass in grams of 2.78 x 1021 molecules of • (Ans: 0.7158 g)
CrO2Cl2. • (Ans: 0.816 moles, 4.91 x 1023 formula units)
h) Number of moles and formula units in 100g of
KClO3. • (Ans: 4.91 x 1023 K+, 4.91x 1023 CIO3-1, 4.91x 1023
i) Number of K+ ions, CIO-3 ions, Cl atoms, and O Cl-1,1.47x 1024 O atoms)
atoms in (h).

Q.11 Aspartame, the artiicial sweetner, has a molecular formula of C14H18N2O5.

a) What is the mass of one mole of aspartame? (Ans: 294 g mol-1)
b) How many moles are present in 52 g of aspartame? (Ans: 0.177mole)
c) What is the mass in grams of 10.122 moles of aspartame? (Ans: 2975.87
d) How many hydrogen atoms are present in 2.43 g of aspartame?(Ans: 8.96 x 1022 atoms of H)

Q.12 A sample of 0.600 moles of a metal M reacts completely with excess of luorine to form 46.8 g of MF2.
a) How many moles of F are present in the sample of MF2 that forms? (Ans: 1.2 moles)
b) Which element is represented by the symbol M? (Ans:calcium)

Q.13 In each pair, choose the larger of the indicated quantity, or state if the samples are equal.
a) Individual particles: 0.4 mole of oxygen molecules or 0.4 mole of oxygen atoms.
(Ans: both are equal)
b) Mass: 0.4 mole of ozone molecules or 0.4 mole of oxygen atoms. (Ans: ozone)
c) Mass: 0.6 mole of C2H4 or 0.6 mole of I2. (Ans: I2)
d) Individual particles: 4.0 g N2O4 or 3.3 g SO2. (Ans: SO2)
e) Total ions: 2.3 moles of NaCIO3 or 2.0 moles of MgCl2. (Ans: MgCl2)
f) Molecules: 11.0 g H2O or 11.0 g H2O2. (Ans:H2O)
g) Na+ ion: 0.500 moles of NaBr or 0.0145 kg of NaCl. (Ans: NaBr)
h) Mass: 6.02 x 10 atoms of U or 6.02 x 10 atoms of U.
23 235 23 238
(Ans: U238)
Q.14 a) Calculate the percentage of nitrogen in the four important fertilizers i.e.,
(i) NH3 (ii) NH2CONH2(urea) (iii) (NH4)2SO4 (iv) NH4NO3.
(Ans: 82.35%, 46.67%, 21.21%, 35%)
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1.BASIC CONCEPTS eLearn.Punjab

b) Calculate the percentage of nitrogen and phosphorus in each of the following:

(i) NH4H2PO4 (ii) (NH4)2HPO4 (iii) (NH4)3PO4
(Ans: (i)N=12.17%,P=26.96% (ii)N=21.21%,P=23.48% (iii)N=28.18%,P=20.81%)
Q.15 Glucose C6H12 O6 is the most important nutrient in the cell for generating chemical potential
energy. Calculate the mass % of each element in glucose and determine the number of C, H and
O atoms in 10.5 g of the sample.
(Ans: C=40%, H=6.66%, 0 =53.33%, C=2.107x1023, H=4.214x1023, O=2.107x 1023)
Q.16 Ethylene glycol is used as automobile antifreeze. It has 38.7% carbon, 9.7 % hydrogen and
51.6% oxygen. Its molar mass is 62.1 grams mol-1. Determine its empirical formula.?

(Ans: CH3O)
Q.17 Serotenin (Molar mass = 176g mol-1) is a compound that conducts nerve impulses in brain
and muscles. It contains 68.2 % C.6.86 % H, 15.09 % N, and 9.08 % O. What is its molecular formu-
(Ans: C10H12N2O)
Q.18 An unknown metal M reacts with S to form a compound with a formula M2S3. If 3.12 g of M
reacts with exactly 2.88 g of sulphur, what are the names of metal M and the-compowad M2S3?
(Ans: Cr; Cr2S3)
Q.19 The octane present in gasoline burns according to the following equation.
2C8H18 (l) + 25O2 (g) 
→ 16CO2 (g) + 18H2O(l)
a) How many moles of O2 are needed to react fully with 4 moles of octane?
(Ans: 50 moles)
b) How many moles of CO2 can be produced from one mole of octane?
(Ans: 8 moles)
c) How many moles of water are produced by the combustion of 6 moles of octane?
(Ans: 54 moles)
d) If this reaction is to be used to synthesize 8 moles of CO2 how many grams of oxygen are
needed? How many grams of octane will be used?
(Ans: 400 g: 114 g)
Q.20 Calculate the number of grams of Al2S3 which can be prepared by the reaction of 20 g of Al
and 30 g of sulphur. How much the non-limiting reactant is in excess?
(Ans: 46.87g; 3.125g)
Q.21 A mixture of two liquids, hydrazine N2H4 and N2O4 are used in rockets. They produce N2 and
water vpours. How many grams of N2 gas will be formed by reacting 100 g of N2H4 and 200g of
N2O4. (Ans: 131.04g)
2N2H4 + N2O4 
→ 3N2 + 4H2O

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1.BASIC CONCEPTS eLearn.Punjab

Q.22 Silicon carbide (SiC) is an important ceramic material. It is produced by allowing sand (SiO2 )
to react with carbon at high temperature.

SiO2 + 3C 
→ SiC + 2CO
When 100 kg sand is reacted with excess of carbon, 51.4 kg of SiC is produced. What is the
pecentage yield of SiC? (Ans: 77%)

Q.23 a. What is stoichiometry? Give its assumptions? Mention two important laws, which help
to perform the stoichiometric calculations?
b. What is a limiting reactant? How does it control the quantity of the product formed?
Explain with three examples?
Q.24 a. Deine yield. How do we calculate the percentage yield of a chemical reaction?
b. What are the factors which are mostly responsible for the low yield of the products in
chemical reactions?
Q.25 Explain the following with reasons.
i) Law of conservation of mass has to be obeyed during stoichiometric calculations.
ii) Many chemical reactions taking place in our surrounding involve the limiting reactants.
iii) No individual neon atom in the sample of the element has a mass of 20.18 amu.
iv) One mole of H2SO4 should completely react with two moles of NaOH. How does Avoga-
dro’s number help to explain it.
v) One mole of H2O has two moles of bonds, three moles of atoms, ten moles of elec-
trons and twenty eight moles of the total fundamental particles present in it.
vi) N2 and CO have the same number of electrons, protons and neutrons.

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Animation 2.1 :Basic Concepts

Source & Credit: chem.ucsb
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Analytical chemistry is the science of chemical characterization. A complete chemical

characterization of a compound must include both qualitative and quantitative analyses.In qualitative
analysis, the chemist is concerned with the detection or identiication of the elements present in a
compound. Whereas in quantitative analysis, the relative amounts of the elements are determined.
A complete quantitative determination generally consists of four major steps (i) Obtaining a sample
for analysis (ii) Separation of the desired constituent (iii) Measurement, and calculation of results (iv)
Drawing conclusion from the analysis. In this chapter, we will restrict ourselves to only important
techniques of separation. The students will practice these techniques during their laboratory work
whereas their theoretical treatment is given here.


most convenient ways of iltration are either through a ilter paper or through a ilter crucible.

Animation 2.2: Filtration Assembly

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2.1.1 Filtration Through Filter Paper

Filtration by a glass funnel and ilter paper is usually a slow process. As the mixture is poured onto
the ilter paper, the solvent (water) passes through leaving behind the suspended particles on the
ilter paper. Filter papers are available in a variety of porosites (pore sizes) . Which pore size is to be
used, depends upon the size of particles in the precipitate. The ilter paper should be large enough
so that it is one-fourth to one-half full of precipitate at the end of iltration. The funnel should, in
turn, be large enough for its rim to extend 1 to 2 cm above the top circumference of the paper. If
the process of iltration is to run smoothly, the stem of the funnel should remain continuously full
of liquid as long as there is liquid in the conical portion.

Animation 2.3: iltration

Source & Credit:shermanqmatrangas

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The stem of the funnel should be several inches long so that it can extend a few centimeters down
into the receiving beaker, and the tip should touch the side of the beaker. In this way, the iltrate
runs down the side of beaker without splashing. A complete ilter paper assembly is shown in

Folding of Filter Paper

The folding of ilter paper is important and the following points should be kept in mind. The paper
should be folded twice. The irst fold should be along the diameter of the paper.The second fold
should be such that edges do not quite match.
The paper should be opened on the slightly larger section. This provides a cone with three fold
thickness halfway around and one thickness the other halfway
around, and an apex angle very slightly greater than 60 degrees.
The paper may then be inserted into 60 degree funnel, moistened
with water and irmly pressed down. The iltering operation could
be very time consuming if it were not aided by a gentle suction as
liquid passes through the stem. This suction cannot develop unless
the paper its tightly all around its upper circumference.
Fig. (2.1)Filtration assembly
Fluted Filter Paper

The rate of iltration through conical funnel can be considerably increased using a Fluted Filter
Paper. For preparation of such a paper ordinary ilter paper is folded in such a way that a fan like
arrangement with alternate elevations and depressions at various folds is obtained Fig (2.2).

Fig. (2.2) Fluted ilter paper

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2.1.2 Filtration Through Filter Crucibles

Another convenient way to ilter a precipitate is by suction through a crucible. Two types of crucibles
are generally used.

Gooch Crucible

It is made of porcelain having a perforated bottom which is covered with paper pulp or a ilter
paper cut to its size Fig (2.3 a). Quick iltration can be done by placing the Gooch crucible in a
suction iltering apparatus. It is useful for the iltration of precipitates, which need to be ignited at
high temperature. If its perforations are covered with asbestos mat then it may be used to ilter
solutions that react with paper e.g. concentrated HCl and KMnO4 solutions.

Fig. (2.3a) Gooch Crucible Fig. (2.3b) Sintered

with iltering apparatus glass Crucible

Sintered glass crucible

Sintered glass crucible is a glass crucible with a porous glass disc sealed into the bottom. It is very
convenient to use because no preparation is needed as with the Gooch crucible Fig (2.3b)


Crystallization is the removal of a solid from solution by increasing its concentration above the
saturation point in such a manner that the excess solid separates out in the form of crystals.

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The preparation of a chemical compound usually afords a crude product and there is a need to
purify it by crystallization from a suitable solvent. The basic principle of crystallization is the fact
that the solute should be soluble in a suitable solvent at high temperature and the excess amount
of the solute is thrown out as crystals when it is cooled. The process of crystallization involves the
following steps.

Animation 2.4: crystilization

Source & Credit: evilforalltime

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2.2.1 Choice of a Solvent

The solvent is chosen on hit and trial basis and it is necessary to try a number of solvents before
arriving at a conclusion. An ideal solvent should have the following features.
i. It should dissolve a large amount of the substance at its boiling point and only a small amount
at the room temperature.
ii. It should not react chemically with the solute.
iii. It should either not dissolve the impurities or the impurities should not crystallize from it
along with the solute.
iv. On cooling it should deposit well-formed crystals of the pure compound.
v. It should be inexpensive.
vi. It should be safe to use and should be easily removable.
The solvents which are mostly used for crystallization are, water, rectiied spirit (95% ethanol),
absolute ethanol, diethyl ether, acetone, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, acetic acid and petroleum
ether. If none of the solvents is found suitable for crystallization, a combination of two or more
miscible solvents may be employed. If the solvent is inlammable then precaution should be taken
while heating the solution so that it does not catch ire. In such cases, water bath is used for heating

2.2.2 Preparation of the Saturated Solution

After selecting a suitable solvent, the substance is then dissolved in a minimum amount of solvent
and is heated directly or on a water bath with constant stirring. Add more solvent to the boiling
solution if necessary until all the solute has dissolved.

2.2.3 Filtration

The insoluble impurities in the saturated solution are then removed by iltering the hot saturated
s olution, through a normal or a luted ilter paper. This avoids the premature crystallization of the
solute on the ilter paper or in the funnel stem. If necessary hot water funnel should be used for
this purpose.

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2.2.4 Cooling

The hot iltered solution is then cooled at a moderate

rate so that medium sized crystals are formed. Slow
cooling yields bigger crystals which are likely to include
considerable amount of solvent carrying impurities
with it and complicating the drying process.

2.2.5 Collecting the Crystals

When the crystallization is complete, the mixture of

crystals and the mother liquor is iltered through a
Gooch crucible using a vacuum pump. Full suction is
applied in order to drain the mother-liquor from the
crystals as efectively as possible. When the ilter cake Animation 2.5: Cooling
Source & Credit: Pulsecooling
is rigid enough it is pressed irmly with a cork to drain
the left-over liquid. The crystals are then washed with a small portion of cold solvent and the process
is repeated several times. The mother liquor is quite often concentrated by evaporation and cooled
to obtain a fresh crop of crystals. The process of crystallization appears to be very simple yet the
success of operation lies in the amount or the percentage of crystallized product obtained from the
crude substance.

2.2.6 Drying of the Crystallized Substance

Pressing it between several folds of ilter papers and repeating the process several times dries the
crystallized substance. This process has the disadvantage that the crystals are crushed to a ine
powder and sometimes the ibres of ilter paper contaminate the product. Alternatively,the crystals
are dried in an oven provided the substance does not melt or decompose on heating at 100° C.
A safe and reliable method of drying crystals is through a vacuum desiccator. In this process the
crystals are spread over a watch glass and kept in a vacuum desiccator for several hours. The
drying agents used in a desiccator are CaCl2 , silica gel or phosphorus pentaoxide.

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2.2.7 Decolourization of Undesirable Colours

Sometimes during the preparation of a crude substance, the colouring matter or resinous products
afect the appearance of product and it may appear coloured. Such impurities are conveniently
removed by boiling the substance in the solvent with the suicient quantity of inely powdered
animal charcoal and then iltering the hot solution.
The coloured impurities are adsorbed by animal charcoal and the pure decolourized substance
crystallizes out from the iltrate on cooling.


It is a process in which a solid, when heated, vapourizes

directly without passing through the liquid phase and these
vapours can be condensed to form the solid again. It is
frequently used to purify a solid. Examples of such solids are
ammonium chloride, iodine, naphthalene, benzoic acid, etc.
To carry out the process, the substance is taken in a watch-
glass covered with an inverted funnel. The substance is then
heated slowly over a sand-bath and the funnel is cooled with
wet cotton. The pure solid deposits on the inner side of the
funnel Fig (2.4).

Animation 2.6: SUBLIMATION

Source & Credit: support-th

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Solvent extraction is an important technique in chemical analysis. According to this technique a

solute can be separated from a solution by shaking the solution with a solvent in which the solute
is more soluble and the added solvent does not mix with the solution. Usually it is done by placing
the solution and the second liquid into a separating funnel Fig (2.5). The funnel is stoppered and
the two liquids are shaken together.
The most common laboratory example of solvent extraction is ether extraction. This is used to
separate the products of organic synthesis from water. In a typical organic synthesis, the aqueous
solution containing the organic product is shaken up with ether in a separating funnel and allowed
to separate.

Animation 2.7: Solvent extraction

Source & Credit: chem

Fig.(2.5) Separating funnel

The inorganic impurities remain in aqueous phase whereas the organic compound goes to the
ether layer. The ether layer is separated and the organic product is obtained by evaporating the
ether. Repeated extractions using small portions of solvent (ether) are more eicient than using a
single but larger volume of solvent. The technique is particularly useful when the product is volatile
or thermally unstable.
Solvent extraction is an equilibrium process and follows the distribution law or partition
law. This law states that a solute distributes itself between two immiscible liquids in a
constant ratio of concentrations irrespective of the amount of solute added.
The law is based on experimental evidence. Consider, for example, the distribution of iodine
between two immiscible solvents, water in the presence of KI and carbon tetrachloride. Iodine
reacts with iodide ion to produce tri-iodide ion in a reversible reaction.

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The following dynamic equilibrium is established.

I 2 + I - (aq) ฀ I 3- (aq)
soluble in CCl4 soluble in water
At this point the rate at which iodine passes from CCl4 to water equals the rate at which it passes
from water to CCl4.
layer. As a result,the brown colour of the tri-iodide ions fades and the purple colour of free iodine molecules
is given by
K=[l2(CCl4)]/[ I 3(− aq ) ]


Another important application of the distribution phenomenon is chromatography. The word

chromatography originates from the Greek word “Khromatos” meaning colour writing.
Chromatography is a method used primarily for the separation of a sample of mixture. It involves
the distribution of a solute between a stationary phase and a mobile phase. The stationary phase
may be a solid or a liquid supported as a thin ilm on the surface of an inert solid. The mobile phase
lowing over the surface of the stationary phase may be a gas or a liquid.
In chromatography, substances are separated due to their relative ainities for the stationary
and mobile phases. The distribution of the components of a mixture between the two phases is
governed by distribution coeicient K.

Concentration of a component in the moving phase

Concentration of that component in the Stationary phase
The component of a mixture with a small value of K mostly remains in the stationary phase as the
moving phase lows over it. The component with a greater value of K remains largely dissolved in
the mobile phase and passes over the stationary phase quickly.
Chromatography in which the stationary phase is a solid, is classiied as adsorption chromatography.
In this type, a substance leaves the mobile phase to become adsorbed on the surface of the solid
Chromatography in which the stationary phase is a liquid, is called partition chromatography. In this
type, the substances being separated are distributed throughout both the stationary and mobile
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There are various techniques of chromatography. One such technique namely paper
chromatography is discussed below.

Animation 2.8:Chromatography
Source & Credit: Support-th


It is a technique of partition chromatography. Here the stationary phase is a liquid (say H2O) adsorbed
on paper. The adsorbed water behaves as an immiscible liquid towards the mobile phase, which
passes over the paper. The mobile phase is usually an organic liquid.
There are three common ways of carrying out paper chromatography namely (i) ascending (ii)
descending (iii) radial/circular. Only the ascending type will be discussed here. In this technique the
solvent is in a pool at the bottom of a vessel in which the paper is supported and the solvent travels
upwards by capillary action.

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A solvent mixture, specially composed in accordance with the sample to be separated, is poured
into the chromatographic tank Fig (2.6). Cover the tank to homogenise its inner atmosphere. Take
about 20 cm strip of Whatmann's chromatographic paper No.1 and draw on it a thin pencil line
about 2.5 cm from one end. Spot a point, on the pencil line, with the sample mixture solution. To
facilitate identiication of the components of the mixture, spots of the known compounds may also
be placed alongside.


Source & Credit: chem

When the spots have dried, suspend the paper with clips so that the
impregnated end dips into solvent mixture to a depth of 5-6 mm.
Cover the tank. As the solvent front passes the spots, the solutes
begin to move upward. The rate at which they move depends on
their distribution coeicients. When the solvent front has risen to
about 3/4 th of the length of the paper, remove the strip, mark the
Fig. (2.6) Paper chromatography
solvent front with a pencil and allow the strip to dry.

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Once the paper is dried, the pattern on the paper is called a chromatogram. The diferent components
of the mixture, if coloured, can visually be identiied. If colourless, the chromatogram has to be
developed by chemical methods or physical techniques used to identify the spots. Each component
has a speciic retardation factor called Rf value. The Rf value is related to its distribution coeicient
and is given by:

Distance travelled by a component from the original spot

Distance travelled by solvent from the original spot

With reference to Fig 2.7 the chromatogram shows that the sample A contains both components
B and C. The Rf values for B and C are given by:
Rf(B)= x/y

Fig. (2.7) Chromatogram

Uses of Chromatography

The techniques of chromatography are very useful in organic

synthesis for separation, isolation and puriication of the
products. They are equally important in qualitative and
quantitative analyses and for determination of the purity of a

Animation 2.10: Uses of Chromatography

Source & Credit: Dynamicscience

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1. A complete characterization of a compound must include both qualitative and quantitative
2. A complete quantitative analysis of a compound generally involves four major steps.
3. The process of iltration is used to separate insoluble particles from liquids and it can be performed with
several types of ilter media.
4. If the process of iltration with the ilter paper is to run smoothly, the stem of the funnel should remain
continuously full of liquid as long as there is liquid in the conical portion.
5. The iltering operation with the ilter paper could be very time consuming if it were not aided by a gentle
suction as liquid passes through the stem. This suction cannot develop unless the paper its tightly all
around the upper circumference of the funnel.
6. The rate of iltration can be considerably increased using a luted ilter paper.
7. Asolidcompoundispuriiedbycrystallizationfromasuitablesolvent.Asolventforcrystallizationshouldbe
out by the solvent when the solution is cooled. The process of crystallization involves many steps.
8. The process of sublimation involves converting a solid directly into vapours and these vapours are then
condensed to form solid again. It is frequently used to purify a solid.
9. Solvent extraction technique involves the separation of a solute from a solution by shaking it
with an immiscible solvent in which the solute is more soluble. The technique is mostly applied
to separate organic compounds from water.
10. Repeated extractions using small portions of solvent are more eicient than using a single
extraction but large volume of solvent.
11. Solvent extraction is an equilibrium process and it is controlled by distribution law. The
technique is particularly useful when the compound to be separated is volatile or thermally
12. Chromatography is a technique used for separating the components of a mixture. These
components are distributed between a stationary and a mobile phase. The stationary phase
may be a solid or a liquid supported on a solid. It adsorbs the mixture under separation. The
mobile phase may be a liquid or a gas and while passing over the stationary phase, competes
with it for the constituents of the mixture.
13. In paper chromatography, the stationary phase is water adsorbed on paper. The mobile
phase is usually an organic liquid.
14. The techniques of chromatography are very useful in organic synthesis for separation,
isolation and puriication of the products.

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Q.1 Multiple choice questions.
(i) A iltration process could be very time consuming if it were not aided by a gentle suction which is
(a) if the paper covers the funnel upto its circumference.
(b) if the paper has got small sized pores in it.
(c) if the stem of the funnel is large so that it dips into the iltrate.
(d) if the paper its tightly.
(ii) During the process of crystallization, the hot saturated solution:
(a) is cooled very slowly to get large sized crystals.
(b) is cooled at a moderate rate to get medium sized crystals.
(c) is evaporated to get the crystals of the product.
(d) is mixed with an immiscible liquid to get the pure crystals of the product.
(iii) Solvent extraction is an equilibrium process and it is controlled by.
(a) law of mass action. (b) the amount of solvent used.
(c) distribution law. (d) the amount of solute.
(iv) Solvent extraction method is a particularly useful technique for separation when the product to be
separated is:
(a) non-volatile or thermally unstable. (b) volatile or thermally stable.
(c) non-volatile or thermally stable. (d) volatile or thermally unstable.
(v) The comparative rates at which the solutes move in paper chromatography, depend on:
(a) the size of paper (b) R values Of solutes.
(c) temperature of the experiment. (d) size of the chromatographic tank used.

Fill in the blanks.

1. A complete chemical characterization of a compound must include_________.

2. During iltration the tip of the stem of the funnel should touch the side of the beaker to
3. A luted ilter paper is used to_________ the process of iltration.
4. A solvent used for crystallization is required to dissolve of the substance at its boiling point
and_______ at the room temperature.
5. Repeated solvent extractions using small portions of solvent are__________________ than using a
single extraction with larger volume of the solvent.

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Q.3 Tick the correct sentences. If the sentence is incorrect, write the correct statements.
(i) A qualitative analysis involves the identiication of elements present in a compound.
(ii) If the process of iltration is to run smoothly, the stem of the funnel should remain empty.
(iii)If none of the solvents is found suitable for crystallization a combination of two or more
immiscible solvents may be used.
(iv) A solute distributes itself between two immiscible liquids in a constant ratio of concentrations
depending upon the amount of solvent added.
(v) Paper chroma tography is a technique of partition chromatography.

Q.4 Why is there a need to crystallize the crude product?

Q.5 A water insoluble organic compound aspirin is prepared by the reaction of salicylic acid with a mixture
of acetic acid and acetic anhydride. How will you separate the product from the reaction mixture?
Q.6 A solid organic compound is soluble in water as well as in chloroform. During its preparation,
it remains in aqueous layer. Describe a method to obtain from this layer.
Q.7 The following igure shows a developed chromatogram on paper with ive spots.
(i) Unknown mixture X
(ii) Sample A
(iii) Sample B
(iv) Sample C
(v) Sample D
Find out (i) the composition of unknown mixture X
(ii) which sample is impure and what is its composition.
Q.8 In solvent extraction technique, why repeated extraction using small portions of solvent are
more eicient than using a single extraction but larger volume of solvent?
Q.9 Write down the main characteristics of a solvent selected for crystallization of a compound.
Q.10 You have been provided with a mixture containing three inks with diferent colours. Write down the
procedure to separate the mixture with the help of paper chromatography.

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Animation 3.1: Boyle’s Law

Source & credit: wikipedia
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3.GASES eLearn.Punjab


Matter exists in four states i.e., solid, liquid, gas and plasma. The simplest form of matter is the
gaseous state and most of matter around us is in the solid state.
Liquids are less common than solids, gases and plasmas. The reason is that the liquid state of any
substance can exist only within a relatively narrow range of temperature and pressure.
Let us look at the general properties of gases, liquids and solids. Kinetic molecular theory of gases
can help us understand their properties.

Animation 3.2.: States of Matter

Source & Credit: knockhardy

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3.GASES eLearn.Punjab

3.1.1 Properties of Gases

1. Gases don’t have a deinite volume and occupy all the available space. The volume of a gas is the
volume of the container.
2. They don’t have a deinite shape and take the shape of the container just like liquids.
3. Due to low densities of gases, as compared to those of liquids and solids, the gases bubble
through liquids and tend to rise up.
4. Gases can difuse and efuse. This property is negligible in solids but operates in liquids as well.
5. Gases can be compressed by applying a pressure because there are large empty spaces between
their molecules.
6. Gases can expand on heating or by increasing the available volume. Liquids and solids, on the
other hand, do not show an appreciable increase in volume when they are heated.
7. When sudden expansion of gases occurs cooling takes place, it is called Joule Thomson efect.
8. Molecules of gases are in a constant state of random motion They can exert a certain pressure
on the walls of the container and this pressure is due to the number of collisions.
9. The intermolecular forces in gases are very weak.

3.1.2 Properties of Liquids

6. Liquids don’t have a deinite shape but have a deinite volume. Unlike solids they adopt the
shape of the container.
7. Molecules of liquids are in a constant state of motion. The evaporation and difusion of liquid
molecules is due to this motion.
8. The densities of liquids are much greater than those of gases but are close to those of solids.
9. The spaces among the molecules of liquids are negligible just like solids.
10. The intermolecular attractive forces in liquids are intermediate between gases and solids. The
melting and boiling points of gases, liquids and solids depend upon the strength of such forces.
11. Molecules o f liquids possess kinetic energy due to their motion. Liquids can be converted
into solids on cooling i.e., by decreasing their kinetic energy. Molecules of liquids collide among
themselves and exchange energy but those of solids can not do so.

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3.GASES eLearn.Punjab

3.1.3 Properties of Solids

1. The particles present in solid substances are very close to each other and they are tightly packed.
Due to this reason solids are non-compressible and they cannot difuse into each other.
2. There are strong attractive forces in solids which hold the particles together irmly and for this
reason solids have deinite shape and volume.
3. The solid particles possess only vibrational motion.

3.1.4 Units of Pressure:

The pressure of air that can support 760 mmHg column at sea level, is called one atmosphere. It
is the force exerted by 760mm or 76cm long column of mercury on an area of 1cm2 at 0°C.It is the
average pressure of atmosphere at sea level 1mmHg=1torr. The S.I. unit of pressure is expressed
in Nm-2 . One atmospheric pressure i.e 760 torr is equal to 101325 Nm-2 .
1pascal=1 Nm-2 . So, 760 torr = 101325Pa = 101.325 kilopascals (kpa is another unit of pressure)
The unit pounds per square inch (psi) is used most commonly in engineering work, and 1 atm = 760
torr=14.7 pounds inch -2 . The unit millibar is commonly used by meteorologists.


It is a matter of common observation that when external conditions of temperature and pressure
are changed, the volume of a given quantity of all gases is afected. This efect is nearly the same
irrespective of the nature of the gas. So gases show a uniform behaviour towards the external
conditions. The gas laws describe this uniform behaviour of gases. The relationships between
volume of a given amount of gas and the prevailing conditions of temperature and pressure are
called the gas laws. Diferent scientists, like Boyle, Charles, Graham and Dalton have given their
laws relating to the properties of gases.

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3.2.1 Boyle’s Law

In Boyle’s law the pressure and volume are variables while the temperature and quantity of a gas
remains constant. Boyle’s law is stated as follows:-
The volume of a given mass of a gas at constant temperature is inversely proportional to the
pressure applied to the gas.

Animation 3.3: Boyle’s Law

Source & credit: wikipedia

Va1/P (when the temperature and number of moles are constant)
or V=k/p
PV = k (when T and n are constant) (1)
‘k’ is proportionality constant. The value of k is diferent for the diferent amounts of the same gas.
According to the equation (1), Boyle’s law can also be deined as The product of pressure and
volume of a ixed amount of a gas at constant temperature is a constant quantity.

So P1V1 = k and P2V2 = k

Hence P1V1 = P2V2

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P1V1 are the initial values of pressure and volume, while P2V2 are the inal values of pressure and

3.2.2 Experimental Veriication of Boyle’s Law

The following diagram Fig. (3.1) indicates that at constant temperature say at 250C,the volume of a
given quantity of a gas is reduced in proportion to the increase in pressure. Let us take a gas in a
cylinder having a moveable piston.

Fig (3.1) Veriication of Boyle’s Law

The cylinder is also attached with a manometer to read the pressure of the gas directly. Let the
initial volume of gas is 1 dm3 and its pressure is 2 atmospheres when the piston has one weight on
it. When the piston is pressed twice with the help of two equal weights, the pressure becomes four
Similarly, when the piston is loaded with a mass three times greater, then the pressure becomes
six atmospheres. The initial volume of the gas at two atmospheres is 1 dm3 it is reduced to 1/2 dm3
and then 1/3 dm3 with increase of weights, respectively Fig (3.1).

P1V1 = 2 atm x 1 dm3 = 2 dm3 atm = k

P2V 2 = 4 atm x 1/2 dm3 = 2 dm3 atm = k
P 3V 3 = 6 atm x 1/3 dm3 = 2 dm3 atm = k
Hence Boyle’s law is veriied.
The value of k will remain the same for the same quantity of a gas at the same temperature.

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Example 1

A gas having a volume of 10 dm3 is enclosed in a vessel at 00C and the pressure is 2.5 atmospheres.
This gas is allowed to expand until the new pressure is 2 atmospheres. What will be the new volume
of this gas, if the temperature is maintained at 273 K.

Initial volume of gas (V1) = 10 dm3

Initial temperature (T1) = 00C + 273 K = 273 K
Initial pressure (P1) = 2.5 atm
Final pressure (P2) = 2 atm
Final temperature (T2) = 273 K
Final volume (V2) =?

Since the temperature is constant ( T1= T2) Boyle’s law is applicable

P1V1= P2V2 (when T and n are constant)

V2 = P1V1

V2 =2.5 atm x 10 dm3

2 atm

= 12.5 dm3 Answer

3.2.3 Graphical Explanation of Boyle’s Law

Let us take a particular amount of a gas at a constant temperature

say 00C and enclose it in a cylinder having a piston in it. When
the pressure of the gas is varied, its volume changes. Increase
in pressure decreases the volume. If a graph is plotted between
pressure on the x-axis (abscissa) and volume on the y-axis
(ordinate), then a curve is obtained as shown in the Fig (3.2). This
curve is called isotherm ‘iso’ means same, “therm” means heat.
Fig (3.2) Isotherm of a gas at 0 0C.
Now increase the temperature of the gas to 25°C.
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Keep this temperature constant and again vary the pressure and
volume, and plot the isotherm. It goes away from both the axes
Fig (3.3). The reason is that at higher temperature, the volume of
the gas has increased. Similarly, if we increase the temperature
further, make it constant and plot another isotherm, it further
goes away from the axis.

If a graph is plotted between 1/V on x-axis and the pressure P on

the y-axis then a straight line is obtained as shown in the Fig Fig (3.3) Isothermes o f a gas at different
(3.4). This shows that the pressure and inverse of volume are temperatures.

directly proportional to each other. This straight line will meet

at the origin which means that when the pressure is very close to
zero, then the volume is so high that its inverse is very close to

By increasing the temperature of the same gas from T1 to T2 and

keeping it constant, one can vary pressure and volume. The graph
of this data between P and 1/V will give another straight line. This
straight line at T2 will be closer to the pressure-axis Fig (3.4).

Now, plot a graph between pressure on x-axis and the product PV onFig (3.4) A plot between P and 1
Y-axis. A straight line parallel to the pressure axis is obtained Fig(3.5).
This straight line indicates that 'k' is a constant quantity.
At higher constant temperature, the volume increase and value
of product PV should increase due to increase of volume at same
pressure, but PV remains constant at this new temperature and a
straight line parallel to the pressure axis is obtained. This type of
straight line will help us to understand the non-ideal behaviour
of gases. Boyle's law is applicable only to ideal gases.

Fig (3.5) A plot between pressure

and product of P V

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3.2.4 Charle s 's Law

It is a quantitative relationship between

temperature and volume of a gas and was given
by French scientist J.

Charles in 1787. According to this law, the

volume of the given mass of a gas is directly
proportional to the absolute temperature
when the pressure is kept constant.

V a T (when pressure
and number of moles
are constant)
V = kT

If the temperature is changed from T1 to T2 and

volume changes from V1 to V2 , then Animation 3.4: Charle s 's Law
Source & Credit: docsity
V1/T1=k and V2/T2=k
So, V1/T1= V2/T2 ................................. (2)

The ratio of volume to temperature remains constant for same amount of gas at same pressure.

3.2.5 Experimental Veriication of Charles ‘s Law

Let us consider a certain amount of a gas enclosed in a cylinder itted with a movable piston. The
volume of the gas is V1 and its temperature is T1. When the gas in the cylinder is heated both
volume and the temperature of the gas increase.

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The new values of volume and temperature are V2 and

T2 respectively Fig(3.6). Experiment shows that

V1/T1= V2/T2

Hence Charles’s law is veriied.

Example 2

250 cm3 of hydrogen is cooled from 127oC to -27°C by

maintaining the pressure constant Calculate the new Fig (3.6) Veriication of Charles's law
volume of the gas at low temperature.

Pressure has been kept constant so this gas is obeying the Charles’s law.
Initial volume (V1) = 250 cm3 = 0.25 dm3
Initial temperature (T1) = 127 °C + 273 K = 400 K
Final temperature (T2) = -27 °C + 273K - 246 K
Final volume (V2) = ?
According to Charles’s law

V1/T1= V2/T2 (when pressure and number of moles are constant)

V2 = V1x T2

V2 = 0.25 dm3 x 246K = 0.153 dm3 = 153 cm3 Answer

400 K
So by decreasing the temperature the volume of the gas has decreased at constant pressure.

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3.2.6 Derivation of Absolute Zero

In order to derive absolute zero of temperature, consider the following quantitative deinition of
Charles’s law.
At constant pressure, the volume of the given mass of a gas increases or decreases by 1/273 of its
original volume at 0oC for every 1 °C rise or fall in temperature respectively.
In order to understand the above statement, look at the Table (3.1) of temperature volume data of
a hypothetical gas. At 0 oC the volume of the gas taken is 546 cm3 It is twice 273cm3, and is being
supposed for the sake of convenience of understanding. At 273 oC, the volume of the gas has
doubled (1092 cm3) and it should become practically zero at -273oC. The general equation to know
the volumes of the gas at various temperatures is

Vt = Vo(1+ ) ………. (3)
Where Vt = volume of gas at temperature T
Vo = Volume of gas at 0oC
t = Temperature on centigrade or celsius scale

If a gas is warmed by 1oC, it expands by of its original volume at 0oC. Since original volume is
546 cm3 ,so, for 1oC rise in temperature, 2 cm3 increase in volume will take place. 2cm3 is the 1 of
546 cm3. Similarly, for 100 oC rise in temperature, a change of 200 cm3 will take place. The
Table (3.1) shows that the volume does not increase corresponding to increase in temperature on
celsius scale. For example, the increase in temperature from 10 oC to 100 oC, increases the volume
from 566cm3 to 746cm3.
Applying Charles’s law

V1 V2
T1 T2

566 746
10 100
The two sides of equation are not equal. So, Charles’s law is not being obeyed when temperature
is measured on the Celsius scale.
For this reason a new temperature scale has been developed. It starts from 273 °C (more precisely
-273.16 °C) which is called zero Kelvin or zero absolute. Let us now explain how the new temperature
scale has been developed. The best way is to plot a graph between the variables of Charles’s law.

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Table(3.1) volume-Temperature data for a given amount of a gas at constant


Volumes (cm3) CelsiusTemperature (oC) Temperature (K) V

= k = cm3 K-1
1092 273 546 2
846 150 423 2
746 100 373 2
646 50 323 2
566 10 283 2
548 1 274 2
546 0 273 2
544 -1 272 2
526 -10 263 2
400 -73 200 2
346 -100 173 2
146 -200 73 2
0 -273 0

Graphical Explanation

If we plot a graph between temperature on x-axis and

the volume of one mole of an ideal gas on y-axis, we
get a straight line which cuts the temperature axis at
-273.16 °C. This can be possible only if we extrapolate
the graph upto -273.16 oC. This temperature is the
lowest possible temperature, which would have been
achieved if the substance remains in the gaseous
state Fig (3.7). Actually, all the gases are converted
into liquids above this temperature.

Fig (3.7) The graph between volume

and temperature for a gas according
to Table (3.1).

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Charles’s law is obeyed when the temperature is taken on the Kelvin scale. For example, at 283 K
(10 oC) the volume is 566 cm3, while at 373 K (100 oC) the volume is,746cm3 Table (3.1). According to
Charles’s law.

V1 V2
= =K
T1 T2

= = 2= K
566 746
283 373

Greater the mass of gas taken, greater will be the slope of straight line. The reason is that greater
the number of moles greater the volume occupied. All these straight lines when extrapolated meet
at a single point of -273.16 °C ( 0 Kelvin). It is apparent that this temperature of -273.16 °C will be
attained when the volume becomes zero. But for a real gas the zero volume is impossible which
shows that this temperature can not be attained for a real gas. This is how we recognize that
-273.16 °C must represent the coldest temperature.

3.2.7 Scales of Thermometry

There are three scales of thermometery which are used for temperature measurements.

(a) Centigrade Scale: It has a zero mark for the temperature of ice at one atmospheric pressure.
The mark 100°C indicates the temperature of boiling water at 1 atmospheric pressure. The space
between these temperature marks is divided into 100 equal parts and each part is 1°C.

(b) Fahrenheit Scale: The melting point of ice at 1 atmospheric pressure has a mark 32°F and that
of boiling water is 212 oF. The space between these temperature marks is divided into 180 equal
parts and each part is 1 oF.

(c) Absolute or Kelvin Scale: The melting Point of ice at 1 atmospheric pressure is 273K. The water
boils at 373K or more precisely at 373.16K.
Temperature on Kelvin scale = Temperature °C + 273.16
Following relationships help us to understand the interconversion of various scales of temperatures.
K = ° C + 273.16
°C = 5/9[°F-32]
F =9/5(°C)+32

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While describing Boyle’s and Charles’s laws, some of the variables are held constant during the
changes produced in the gases. According to Boyle’s law.

(when ‘n‘ and ‘T’ are held constant)
According to Charles’s law
V ∝ T (when n and P are held constant)
It is a well known fact that volume of the given gas at constant temperature and pressure is directly
proportional to the number of moles (Avogadro’s law).
V ∝ n (when Pand T a re held constant)
If we think for a moment that none of the variables are to be kept constant then all the
above three relationships can be joined together.


V= Constant nT

The constant suggested is R which is called general gas constant.


PV = nRT ............ (4)

The equation (4) is called an ideal gas equation. It is also known as general gas equation. This equation
shows that if we have any quantity of an ideal gas then the product of its pressure and volume is
equal to the product of number of moles, general gas constant and absolute temperature. This
equation is reduced to Boyle’s law, Charles’s law and Avogadro’s law, when appropriate variables
are held constant.
PV = nRT, when T and n are held constant, PV = k (Boyle’s law)
V=R , when P and n are held constant, V = kT (Charles’s law)
V=R , when P and T are held constant V = kn (Avogadro’s law)

For one mole of a gas, the general gas equation is

PV = RT or PV = R

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It means that ratio of PV to T is a constant quantity (molar gas constant)


P1V1 P2 V2
=R =R
T1 T2


P1V1 = P2 V2 ........... (5)

T1 T2

3.3.1 Ideal Gas Constant R

The values and units of R can be calculated by Avogadro's principle very easily. Its value depends
upon the units chosen for pressure, volume and temperature. The volume of one mole of an ideal
gas at STP (one atmospheric pressure and 273.16 K ) is 22.414 dm3.
Putting these values in the general gas equation will give the value of R.


Putting their values, alongwith units

1 atm x 22.414 dm3
1 mole x 273.16 K
R = 0.0821 dm3 atm K-1 mol-1
When the pressure is in atmospheres, volume in dm3, then the value of R, used should be 0.0821
dm3 atm K-1 mol-1
The physical meanings of this value is that, if we have one mole of an ideal gas at 273.16 K and
one atmospheric pressure and its temperature is increased by 1 K, then it will absorb 0.0821 dm3
-atm of energy, dm3 -atm is the unit of energy in this situation. Hence, the value of R is a universal
parameter for all the gases. It tells us that the Avogadro’s number of molecules o f all the ideal
gases have the same demand of energy.

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If the pressure is expressed in mm of mercury or torr and the volume of the gas in cm3 then
values of R are,
R = 0.0821 dm3 atm K-1 mol-1
= 0.0821 x 760 dm3 mm Hg K-1 mol-1
= 62.4 dm3 mm Hg K-1 mol-1 Since, (1 mm o f Hg = 1 to rr)
= 62.4 dm3 torr K-1 mol-1
= 62400 cm3 torr K-1 mol-1 As, (1 dm3 = 1000 cm )
Using SI units of pressure, volume and temperature in the general equation, the value of R is
calculated as follows. The SI units of pressure are Nm-2 and of volume are m3. By using Avogadro’s
1 atm = 760 torr = 101 325 Nm-2
lm3 = 1000 dm3
n = 1 mole
T = 273.16 K
P = 1 atm = 101325 Nm-2
V = 22.414 dm3 = 0.022414 m3
Putting their values, alongwith units.
PV 101325 N m -2 x 0.0224l m3
R= =
nT 1 mol x 273.16 K

R = 8.3143 Nm K-1 mol-1 = 8.3143 J K-1 mol-1 (1 Nm = 1J)

Since 1cal. = 4.18 J

so R= 4.18 = 1.989cal K-1 mol-1

Keep in mind that, wherever the pressure is given in Nm-2 and the volume in m3, then the value of
R used must be 8.3143 JK-1 mol-1.

3.3.2 Density of an ideal Gas

For calculating the density of an ideal gas, we substitute the value of number of moles (n) of the
gas in terms of the mass (m), and the molar mass (M) of the gas.

PV = RT ................. (6)
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Equation (6 ) is an other form of general gas equation that may be employed to calculate the mass
of a gas whose P, T, V and molar mass are known. Rearranging equation (6)

PM = d RT (d= )

d= ....................................... (7)

Hence the density of an ideal gas is directly proportional to its molar mass. Greater the pressure
on the gas, closer will be the molecules and greater the density. Higher temperature makes the
gases to expand, hence density falls with the increase in temperature. With the help of equation
(7), one can calculate the relative molar mass (M ) of an ideal gas if its temperature, pressure and
density are known.

Example 3

A sample of nitrogen gas is enclosed in a vessel of volume 380 cm3 at 120 oC and pressure of 101325
Nm-2 .This gas is transferred to a 10 dm3 lask and cooled to 27oC. Calculate the pressure in Nm-2
exerted by the gas at 27oC.


All the three parameters of this gas have been changed, so we can solve this problem

by using the general gas equation of the form = 2 2
T1 T2

Preferably, convert the volume to dm3 and temperature to Kelvin scale.

Initial volume of the gas (V1) = 380 cm3 = 0.38 dm3
Initial temperature (T1) = 120 °C + 273 K = 393 K
Initial pressure (P1) = 101325 N m-2
Final temperature (T2) = 27oC + 273 K = 300 K
Final volume (V2) = 10 dm3
Final pressure (P2) =?

= 2 2
T1 T2

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P1V1 T
P2 = x 2
T1 V2

101325 Nm −2 × 0.38dm3 × 300 K

p2 =
393K ×10dm3

=2938.4Nm-2 Answer

Example 4

Calculate the density of CH4 (g) at 0 °C and 1 atmospheric pressure. What will happen to the density
if (a)temperature is increased to 27 °C, (b) the pressure is increased to 2 atmospheres at 0 °C.


Temperature of the gas = 0°C + 273 K - 273 K

Pressure of the gas = 1atm
Molecular mass of the gas =16g mol-1
Gas constant (R) = 0.0821 dm3 atm K-1 mol-1
Formula for density of a gas at any temperature and pressure
d =

1 atm x 16 g mol −1
Putting values d =
0.0821 dm3 atm K −1 mol −1 x 273 K

g dm−3
1x 16
Simplifying the units d = =
0.0821 x 273

d = 0.7138 g dm−3 Answer

It means that under the given conditions 1 dm3 of CH4 gas has a mass of 0.7138 g.

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(a) Density at 27 °C

Temperature = 27 + 273 = 300 K

Putting values in the equation of density and simplifying the units.
PM 1 atm x 16 g mol-1
d= = = 0.649 g dm-3
RT 0.0821 dm3 .atm.K -1 .mol-1 x 300 K

So, by increasing the temperature from 0°C to 27°C the density of gas has decreased from 0.7138 g dm-3 to
0.649 g dm-3. The increase of temperature makes the molecules of a gas to move away from each other.

(b ) Density at 2 atmospheric pressure and 0°C

T = 0 + 273 = 273 K
P = 2 atm
Putting values in the equation and simplifying the units.
PM 2 atm x 16 g mol-1
d = = = 1 .427 g dm-3
RT 0.0821 dm3 .atm.K -1 .mol-1 x 273 K

The increase of pressure has increased the density of CH4. The density has almost doubled by doubling the
pressure. The reason is that increase of pressure makes the molecules to come close to each other.

Example 5

Calculate the mass of 1 dm3 of NH3 gas at 30 °C and 1000 mm Hg pressure, considering that NH3 is
behaving ideally.


Pressure of the gas = 1000 mm Hg = = 1.315 atm

Volume of the gas = 1dm3

Temperature of the gas = 30oC + 273 K = 303 K
Molecular mass of the gas = 17 g mol-1

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RT can be used to calculate the mass ( m ) of the gas.

General gas equation PV =
Rearranging m =

Putting values along with units

1.315 atm x 1 dm3 x 17 g mol-1

Mass of NH3 =
0.0821 dm3 atm K -1mol-1x 303 K

Simplifying the units

1.315 x 1 x 17g
Mass of NH3 = = 0.907 g Answer
0.0821 x 303

This is the mass of 1 dm3 of NH3 under the given conditions. In other words, it is the density of NH3, if it is acting
as an ideal gas.


According to this law, “equal volumes of all the ideal gases at the same temperature and
pressure contain equal number of molecules”. This statement is indirectly the same as has been
used for evaluating the general gas constant R i.e., one mole of an ideal gas at 273.16K and one atm
pressure has a volume of 22.414 dm3. Since one mole of a gas has Avogadro’s number of particles,
so 22.414 dm3 of various ideal gases at S T P will have Avogadro’s number of molecules i.e. 6.02 x
1023. 22.414 dm3 of a gas at 273.16 K and one atmospheric pressure has number of molecules =
6.02 x1O23.
In other words, if we have one dm3 of each of H2, He, N2, O2 , and CO in separate vessels at STP,
then the number of molecules in each will be 2.68 x 1022 This is obtained by dividing 6.02x 1023 with
22.414 dm3 .
Similarly, when the temperature or pressure are equally changed for these four gases, then the
new equal volumes i.e. 1dm3 each will have the same number of molecules i.e. 2 . 6 8 x 1022.

No doubt, one dm3 of H2 at STP weighs approximately 0.0899 grams and one dm3 of O2 at STP
weighs 1.4384 g, but their number of molecules are the same. Although, oxygen molecule is 16
times heavier than hydrogen, but this does not disturb the volume occupied, because molecules of
the gases are widely separated from each other at STP One molecule is approximately at a distance
of 300 times its own diameter from its neighbour at room temperature.

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John Dalton studied the mixtures o f gases and gave his law of partial pressures. According to this
law, the total pressure exerted by a mixture of non-reacting gases is equal to the sum of their
individual partial pressures. Let the gases are designated as 1,2,3, and their partial pressures are
p1, p2, p3.The total pressure (P) of the mixture of gases is given by
Pt = p1+ p2 + p3
The partial pressure of a gas in a mixture of gases is the pressure that it would exert on the walls of
the container, if it were present all alone in that same volume under the same temperature.
Let us have four cylinders of same volume, i.e., 10 dm3 each and three gases H2, CH4 and O2 are
separately enclosed in irst three of them at the same temperature. Let their partial pressures be
400 torr, 500 torr and 100 torr respectively.

All these gases are transferred to a fourth cylinder of capacity 10 dm3 at the same temperature.
According to Dalton’s law

Pt = pH2 + pCH4 + pO2 = ( 400 + 500 + 100 ) torr

Pt = 1000 torr

These three non-reacting gases are behaving independently under the normal conditions. The
rapidly moving molecules of each gas in a mixture have equal opportunities to collide with the walls
of the container. Hence, each gas exerts a pressure independent of the pressure of other gases.
The total pressure is the result of total number of collisions per unit area in a given time.
Molecules of each gas move independently, so the general gas equation (PV = nRT ) can be applied
to the individual gases in the gaseous mixture.

pH2 a
pH2 V =nH2 RT pH2 =nH2 nH2
pCH2 a nCH4
pCH 4 V =nCH4RT pCH4 =nCH4
pO2 a
pO2 V =nO2 RT pO2 =nO2 nO2
is a constant factor for each gas.

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All these gases have their own partial pressures. Since volumes and temperatures are the same, so
their number of moles will be diferent and will be directly proportional to their partial pressures.
Adding these three equations

Pt = pH2 + pCH4 + pO2

Pt = (nH2 + nCH4 + nO2 )
Pt = n t where n t = nH2 + nCH4 + nO2
Pt V = n t RT ................ (8)
According to equation (8), the total pressure of the mixture of gases depends upon the total
number of moles of the gases.

3.5.1 Calculation of Partial Pressure of a Gas

The partial pressure of any gas in a mixture of gases can be calculated, provided one knows the
mass of that gas or its number of moles alongwith the total pressure and the total number of moles
present in the mixture.
In order to have a relationship, let us suppose that we have a mixture of gas A and gas B. This
mixture is enclosed in a container having volume (V). The total pressure is one atm.
The number of moles of the gases A and B are nA and nB respectively. If they are maintained at
temperature T, then

Pt V = n t RT ........... (equation for the mixture of gases)

p A V = n ART ........... (equation for gas A )
pBV = nBRT ........... (equation for gas B)

Divide the irst two equations

p A V n ART
Pt V n t RT
pA n
= A . . . . . . . . . . (9)
Pt nt
pA = Pt . . . . . . . . . . (10)
p A = x A Pt (x A is mole fraction of gas A)
pB = x B Pt

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Partial pressure of a gas is the mole fraction of that gas multiplied by the total pressure of the
mixture. Remember that mole fraction of anyone of the gases in the mixture is less than unity.
Moreover, the sum of mole fractions is always equal to unity.

Example 6

There is a mixture of hydrogen, helium and methane occupying a vessel of volume 13 dm3 at 37 °C
and pressure of 1 atmosphere. The masses of H2 and He are 0.8 g and 0.12 g respectively. Calculate
the partial pressures in torr of each gas in the mixture.

Volume of the mixture of gases = 13 dm3

Temperature of the mixture = 37 + 273 =310 K
Pressure of the mixture = 1 atm


PV = nRT
n =
or RT

Putting values along with the units and simplifying

1 atm x 13 dm3
n = = 0.51 moles
0.0821 dm3 atm. K -1 mol-1 x 310 K
So, the total number of moles of H2 , He and CH4 = 0.51 moles

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Mass of H2 = 0.8 g
mass of H2 0.8 g
Number of moles of H2 = = = 0.40
molar mass 2.0 g mol-1
Mass of He = 0.12 g
mass of He 0.12 g
Number of moles of He = = = 0.03
molar mass 4 g mol-1
Number of moles of CH4 = total moles - moles of H2 - moles of He
= 0.51 - 0.396 - 0.03

( )
= 0.084
no of moles of H2 0.40
Mole fraction of H2 X H2 = = = 0.784
total number of moles 0.51
Mole fraction of He ( X He )
no of moles of He 0.03
= = = 0.058

( )
total number of moles 0.51
no of moles of CH4 0.084
Mole fraction of CH4 X CH4 = = = 0.164
total number of moles 0.51

(Being a ratio mole fraction has no units.)

( )
Partial pressure of H2 pH2 = X H2 P
= 0.776 x 1.00 0.776 atm
= 0.776 x760 589.76 torr
Partial pressure of He ( pHe ) = X He P
= 0.058 x 1.00 0.058 atm
= 0.058 x 760
(p )
44.08 torr
Partial pressure of CH 4 = X CH4 P
= 0.164x 1.00

0.164 atm
= 0.164 x 760 124.64 mm of Hg Answer

The sum of individual pressures i.e. 589.76.44.08 and 124.64 is almost 760 mm of Hg, i.e. total
pressure of the mixture.

3.5.2 Applications of Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures

Following are the four important applications of Dalton’s Law of partial pressures.
1. Some gases are collected over water in the laboratory. The gas during collection gathers
water vapours and becomes moist. The pressure exerted by this moist gas is, therefore, the sum of
the partial pressures of the dry gas and that of water vapours.

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The partial pressure exerted by the water vapours is called aqueous tension.

Pmoist = pdry + p w.vap

Pmoist = pdry + aqueous tension
pdry = Pmoist - aqueous tension

While solving the numericals the aqueous tension is subtracted from the total pressure (P moist).
2. Dalton's law inds its applications during the process of respiration. The process of respiration
depends upon the diference in partial pressures. When animals inhale air then oxygen moves into
lungs as the partial pressure of oxygen in the air is 159 torr, while the partial pressure of oxygen
in the lungs 116 torr. CO2 produced during respiration moves out in the opposite direction, as it's
partial pressure is more in the lungs than that in air.
3. At higher altitudes, the pilots feel uncomfortable breathing because the partial pressure of
oxygen in the un-pressurized cabin is low, as compared to 159 torr, where one feels comfortable
4. Deep sea divers take oxygen mixed with an inert gas say He and adjust the partial pressure
of oxygen according to the requirement. Actually, in sea after every 100 feet depth, the diver
experiences approximately 3 atm pressure, so normal air cannot be breathed in depth of sea.
Moreover, the pressure of N2 increases in depth of sea and it difuses in the blood.



According to the kinetic molecular theory of gases, the molecules of the gases move haphazardly.
They collide among themselves, collide with the walls of the vessel and change their directions. In
other words the molecules of gases are scattered after collisions.
This spontaneous intermingling of molecules of
one gas with another at a given temperature and
pressure is called difusion.

Fig (3.8) Diffusion

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The spreading of fragrance of a rose or a scent is due to

difusion. When two gases difuse into each other, they wish to
make their partial pressures same every where. Suppose NO2,
a brown coloured gas and O2, a colourless gas, are separated
from each other by a partition Fig (3.8).When the partition is
removed, both difuse into each other due to collisions and
random motion.
A stage reaches when both gases generate a homogeneous
Fig (3.9) Escape of gas
mixture and partial pressures of both are uniform throughout molecules through a hole is effusion.

the mixture.


The efusion of a gas is it's movement through an extremely small opening into a region of low
pressure. This spreading of molecules is not due to collisions, but due to their tendency to escape
one by one. Actually, the molecules of a gas are habitual in colliding with the walls of the vessel.
When a molecule approaches just in front of the opening it enters the other portion of the vessel.
This type of escape of molecules is called of efusion Fig( 3.9).

3.6.1 Graham 's Law of Diffusion

Thomas Graham (1805 -1869), an English scientist, found that the rate of difusion or efusion
of a gas is inversely proportional to the square root of it's density at constant temperature and

Rate of diffusion ∝ ( at constant temperature and pressure )

Rate of diffusion =

Rate of diffusion x d =k
or Rate x d = k

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The constant k is same for all gases, when they are all studied at the same temperature and pressure.
Let us have two gases 1 and 2, having rates of difusion as r1 and r2 and densities as d1 and d2 respectively.
According to Graham's law

r1 x d1 = k

r2 x d2 = k

Divide the two equations and rearrange

r1 d2
= . . . . . . . . . . (11)
r2 d1
be written as follows.

r1 M2
= . . . . . . . . . (12)
r2 M1
Where M1 and M2 are the molar masses of gases.

Demonstration of Graham‘s Law

This law can also be very easily veriied in the laboratory by noting the rates of difusion of two
gases in a glass tube, when they are allowed to move from opposite ends Fig (3.10). Two cotton
plugs soaked in HCl and NH3 solutions are introduced in the open ends of 100 cm long tube
simultaneously. HCl molecules travel a distance of 40.5 cm while NH3 molecules cover 59.5 cm
in the same duration. They produce dense white fumes of ammonium chloride at the point of
junction. So

59.5 36.5
40.5 17
Fig (3.10) Veriication of Graham's law of diffusion

1.46 = 1.46
Hence the law is veriied.

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Example 7

250 cm3 of the sample of hydrogen efuses four times as rapidly as 250 cm3 of an unknown gas.
Calculate the molar mass of unknown gas.


Let the unknown gas is given the symbol X

Rate of effusion of unknown gas ( rx )

( )
Rate of effusion of hydrogen gas rH2 =4

( ) = 2 g mol −1
Molar mass of unknown gas ( M x )
Molar mass of H2 gas MH2
rH2 Mx
rx M H2

4 Mx
1 2

M x 16
2 1
M x = 16 x 2 = 32 g mol −1 Answer


The behaviour of gases has already been discussed in gas laws. These laws were based on
experimental observations quite independent of nature of a gas. In order to illustrate the
behaviour of gases quantitatively, Bernoulli (1738) put forward kinetic molecular theory of gases.
This theory lead Clausius (1857) to derive the kinetic equation and deduced all the gas laws from
it. The theory was later on elaborated and extended by Maxwell, who gave the law of distribution
of velocities. According to this law,molecules are in the form of groups having deinite velocity
ranges. Boltzmann also Contributed and studied the distribution of energies among the gas
molecules. Among some other names Van der Waal is the prominent scientist in this ield.

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Following are the fundamental postulates of this kinetic theory of gases.

1. Every gas consists of a large number of very small particles called molecules. Gases like He, Ne,
Ar have monoatomic molecules.
2. The molecules of a gas move haphazardly, colliding among themselves and with the walls of the
container and change their directions.
3. The pressure exerted by a gas is due to the collisions of its molecules with the walls of a container.
The collisions among the molecules are perfectly elastic.
4. The molecules of a gas are widely separated from one another and there are suicient empty
spaces among them.
5. The molecules of a gas have no forces of attraction for each other.
6. The actual volume of molecules of a gas is negligible as compared to the volume of the gas.
7. The motion imparted to the molecules by gravity is negligible as compared to the efect of the
continued collisions between them.
8. The average kinetic energy of the gas molecules varies directly as the absolute temperature of
the gas.
Keeping in view the basic assumptions given above, R.J Clausius deduced an expression for the pressure
of an ideal gas. Actually,pressure on the walls of the vessel is due to collisions. Whenever the molecules
move they collide among themselves and with the walls of the container. Due to these collisions,a
force is exerted on the walls of the container. This force when divided by the area of the vessel gives
force per unit area, which is called pressure. In this way, the inal form of kinetic equation is as follows.

PV = mN c 2 . . . . . . . . . (13)


P = pressure
V = volume
m = mass of one molecule of the gas
N = number of molecules of gas in the vessel
c2 = mean square velocity

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The idea of the mean square velocity is important. All the molecules of a gas under
the given conditions don’t have the same velocities. Rather diferent velocities are
distributed among the molecules. To understand it study Maxwell’s law of distribution of
velocities. If there are n1 molecules with velocity c1, n2 molecules with velocity c2, and so on

c12 + c22 + c32 + .......

c2 = ........ (14)
n1 + n2 + n3 + .......

In this reference n1+n2+n3 .......=N

c2 is the average of the squares of all the possible velocities. When we take the square root of this

c2 , then it is called root mean square velocity (Crms). So, (Crms) = c2

The expression for the root mean square velocity deduced from the kinetic equation is written as

Crms = . . . . . . . . . (15)
Where, Crms = root mean square velocity
M = molar mass of the gas
T = temperature
This equation (15) is a quantitative relationship between the absolute temperature and the
velocities of the gas molecules. According to this equation, higher the temperature of a gas, greater
the velocities. Kinetic equation can be used to explain gas laws.

3.7.1 Explanation of Gas Laws from Kinetic Theory of Gases

Kinetic theory of gases gives birth to kinetic equation of gases, which can be employed to justify the
gas laws. In other words, it proves that gas laws get their explanation from kinetic theory of gases

(a) Boyle’s Law

According to one of the postulates of kinetic theory of gases, the kinetic energy is directly proportional
to the absolute temperature of the gas. The kinetic energy of N molecules is mNc2
mNc ∝ T
so 1 2

mNc2 = kT ........... (16)
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Where k is the proportionality constant. According to the kinetic equation of gases

PV= mNc2

Multiplying and dividing by 2 on right hand side

PV =
2 1
( mNc2 ) ......... (17)
3 2

Putting equation (16) into equation (17).

PV= kT ......... (18)

If the temperature (T) is constant then right hand side of equation (18) kT is constant. Let that
constant be k’.
So, PV = k’ (which is Boyle’s law)
Hence at constant temperature and number of moles, the product PV is a constant quantity.

(b) Charles’s law

Consider the equation (18) which has just been derived

PV =
Or 3

2 kT 2k
=( )T
3 P 3P
At constant pressure,

Therefore, 2k
= k" (a new constant)
V = k" T
= k" (which is Charles's law)

(c) Avogadro’s Law

Consider two gases 1 and 2 at the same pressure P and having the same volume V.Their number
of molecules are N1 and N2 , masses of molecules are m1 and m2 and mean square velocities are
c12 and c22 respectively.
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Their kinetic equations can be written as follows:

PV=m1N1 c12 for gas(1)
PV = m2N2 c22 for gas(2)
1 1
Equalizing m1N1 c12 = m2N2 c22
3 3
Hence, m1N1 c12 = m2N2 c22 ......... (19)

When the temperature of both gases is the same, their mean kinetic energies per molecule will also
be same, so
1 1
m1 c12 = m2 c22
2 2
m1 c12 = m2 c22 ......... (20)

Divide equation (19) by (20)

N1 = N2
Hence equal volumes of all the gases at the same temperature and pressure contain equal number
of molecules, which is Avogadro’s law.

(d ) Graham‘s Law of Difusion

PV =
mNc2 .......... (13)
Applying the kinetic equation

PV =
mN A c2

If we take one mole of a gas having Avogadro’s number of molecules (N = NA) then the equation (13)
can be written as:
PV = Mc2 (M = mN A ) ......... (21)

c2 =
or M

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where M is the molecular mass of the gas

Taking square root

c2 =
3P 3P M
c2 = = ( =d)
M/V d V

'V' is the molar volume of gas at given conditions. Since the root mean square velocity of the gas is
proportional to the rate of difusion of the gas.

c2 ∞ r
r ∞

At constant pressure


which is Graham’s law of difusion


According to kinetic molecular theory of gases the molecules of a gas move randomly. They collide
among themselves, with the walls of the vessels and change their directions. The collisions are
elastic and the pressure of the gas is the result of these collisions with the walls of the container.
Let us rewrite the kinetic equation of gases (13) as already mentioned
PV = mNc2 ......... (13)

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Here m is the mass o f one molecule of the gas, N is the number of molecules in the vessel and c2 is
their mean square velocity. The average kinetic energy associated with one molecule o f a gas due
to its translational motion is given by the following equation.

Ek =
mc 2 ......... (22)

Remember that Ek is the average translational kinetic energy of gas molecules.

Equation (13) can be rewritten as:

PV =
2 1
N( mc2 ) .. ....... (23)
3 2

Putting equation (22) into (23)

PV =
So 2
N Ek .......... (24)

Equation (24) gives an important insight into the meaning of temperature. To understand it, consider
one mole of a gas.
So N = NA

PV =
N A Ek .......... (25)
According to the general gas equation for 1 mole of a gas

PV = RT .......... (4)

Comparing equation (4) and (25)

N A Ek = RT ........... (26)
Ek = T ........... (27)

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The equation (27) gives a new deinition of temperature according to which the kelvin temperature
of a gas is directly proportional to the average translational kinetic energy of its molecules. This
suggests that a change in temperature means change in the intensity of molecular motion. When
heat lows from one body to another, the molecules in the hotter body give up some of their kinetic
energy through collisions to molecules in the colder body. This process of low of heat continues
until the average translational kinetic energies of all the molecules become equal. This equalises
the temperature of both bodies.
In gases and liquids, temperature is the measure of average translational kinetic energies of
molecules. In solids, where molecules cannot move freely temperature becomes a measure of
vibrational kinetic energy.
Keeping in view this kinetic interpretation of temperature, w e have a way of looking at absolute
zero of temperature. It is that temperature at which the molecular motions cease. The absolute
zero is unattainable. Anyhow, current attempts have resulted in temperature as low as 10-5K.


3.9.1 General Principle of Liquefaction

The conversion of a gas into a liquid requires high pressure and low temperature. High pressure
brings the molecules of a gas close to each other. Low temperature deprives the molecules from
kinetic energy and attractive forces start dominating.

For every gas there exists a temperature above which the gas cannot be liqueied, no matter how
much pressure is applied. The highest temperature at which a substance can exist as a liquid,
is called its critical temperature (Tc). There is a corresponding pressure which is required to
bring about liquefaction at this critical temperature (Tc). This is called critical pressure (Pc).
The critical temperature and the critical pressure of the substances are very important for the
workers dealing with the gases. These properties provide us the information about the condition
under which gases liquefy. For example, O2 has a critical temperature 154.4 K (-118.75 °C). It must
be cooled below this temperature before it can be liqueied by applying high pressure. Ammonia is
a polar gas. Its critical temperature is 405.6 K (132.44 °C), so it can be liqueied by applying suicient
pressure close to room temperature.

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Table (3.2) shows the critical parameters of some common substances. Non- polar gases of low
polarizability like Ar have a very low critical temperature. The substances like H2O vapours and NH3
gas are among the polar gases and they have better tendencies to be liqueied CO2, can not be
liqueied above 31.1 oC, no matter how much the pressure is applied. Anyhow, if temperature of
CO2 is maintained below 31.1 oC, then lower pressure than critical pressure is required to liquefy
it. The value of the critical temperature of a gas depends upon its size, shape and intermolecular
forces present in it.
When a gas is measured at its critical temperature and critical pressure, then at that stage volume
of 1 mole of gas is called critical volume which is represented by Vc. The critical volume of O2 is
74.42 cm3 mol-1, of CO2 , is 95.65 cm3 mol-1 and that of H2 is 64.51 cm3 mol-1.

Table (3.2) Critical Temperatures and Critical Pressures of Some Substances

Substance Critical Temperature Tc (K) Critical Pressure Pc (atm)

Water vapours, H2O 647.6 (374.44 °C) 217.0
Ammonia, NH3 405.6 (132.44 °C) 111.5
Freon-12 , CCl2F2 384.7 (111.54 °C) 39.6
Carbon dioxide, CO2 304.3 (31.142 °C) 73.0
Oxygen, O2 154.4 (-118.75 °C) 49.7
Argon, Ar 150.9 (-122.26 °C) 48
Nitrogen, N2 126.1 (-147.06 °C) 33.5

3.9.2 Methods of Liquefaction of Gases

There are various methods to liquefy a gas . One of them is Linde’s method. It is based on Joule-
Thomson efect.
Joule Thomson Efect

Low temperature can be achieved by Joule-Thomson efect, according to which when a compressed
gas is allowed to expand into a region of low pressure it gets cooled.
The molecules of the compressed gas are very close to each other and appreciable attractive
forces are present among them. When a gas is allowed to undergo sudden expansion through
the nozzle of a jet, then the molecules move apart. In this way energy is needed to overcome the
intermolecular attractions. This energy is taken from the gas itself, which is cooled.

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Linde’s Method of Liquefaction of Gases

Linde has employed Joule-Thomson efect as the basis for liquefaction. The apparatus designed for
this purpose is shown in the Fig (3.11).
For the liquefaction of air, it is compressed to about 200 atmospheres, and then passed though a
water cooled pipe where the heat of compression is removed. It is then allowed to pass through a
spiral pipe having a jet at the end. When the air comes out of the jet the expansion takes place from
200 atm. to 1 atm. In this way, considerable fall of temperature occurs.

Fig (3.11) Linde's method for

Animation 3.5.: Liquefaction
the liquefaction of air
Source& Credit: wikipedia

This cooled air goes up and cools the incoming compressed air. It returns to the compression
pump. This process is repeated again and again. The liquid air is collected at the bottom of the
expansion chamber. All gases except H2, and He can be liqueied by the above procedure.


Whenever, we discuss gas laws proposed that ideal gases obey them. Particularly an ideal gas
obeys Boyle’s law, Charles’s law and the general gas equation under all conditions of temperature
and pressure. Let us try to understand the behaviour of a few real gases like H2, He, N2 and CO2
at °C.keeping in view the variation of the pressure on the gas and consequently the change in its

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For this purpose, irst of all plot a graph between

pressure on x-axis and the nRT on Y-axis for an ideal
The factor PV is called the compressibility factor. Its
value is unity under all conditions for an ideal gas.
Since the increase of pressure decreases the volume
in such a way that nRT remains constant at a constant
temperature, so a straight line is obtained parallel to
the pressure axis. This is shown in the Figs (3.12 a, b).
All the real gases have been found to show marked Fig (3.12 a) Non-ideal behaviour of gases
at 0 oC
deviations from this behaviour. It is observed that the
graph for helium gas goes along with the expected horizontal dotted line to some extent but goes
above this line at very high pressures.
lt means that at very high pressure the decrease in volume is not according to general gas equation
and the value of PV has increased from the expected values. With this type of behaviour, we
would say that the gas is non-ideal.
In the case of H2 the deviation starts even at low pressure in comparison to He. N2 shows a decrease
in RT value at the beginning and shows marked deviation even at low pressure than H2. CO2 has a
very strange behaviour as it is evident from the graph.
The extent of deviation of these four gases shows that these gases have their own limitations
for obeying general gas equation. It depends upon the nature of the gas that at which value of
pressure, it will start disobeying.
When we study the behaviour of all these four gases at elevated temperature i.e., 100oC then the
graphs come closer to the expected straight line and the deviations are shifted towards higher
pressure. This means that the increase in temperature makes the gases ideal Fig (3.12 b).
This discussion on the basis of experimental observations,
convinces us that
(i) Gases are ideal at low pressure and non-ideal at high
(ii) Gases are ideal at high temperature and non-ideal at
low temperature.

Fig (3.12 b) Non-ideal behaviour

of gases at 100 °C.

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3.10.1 Causes for Deviations from Ideality

It was van der W aals (1873) who attributed the deviation

of real gases from ideal behaviour to two of the eight
postulates of kinetic molecular theory of gases.
These postulates are as under.
(i) There are no forces of attraction among the molecules
of a gas.
(ii) The actual volume of gas molecules is negligible as
compared to the volume of the vessel.
When the pressure on a gas is high and the temperature Fig(3.13.a) A gas at low Kig(3.13.b) A gas at high
pressure w hen actual pressure when actual volume
is low then the attractive forces among the molecules volume is negligible. is not negligible.

become signiicant, so the ideal gas equation PV = nRT

does not hold. Actually, under these conditions, the gas does not remain ideal.The actual volume
of the molecules of a gas is usually very small as compared to the volume of the vessel and hence
it can be neglected. This volume, however, does not remain negligible when the gas is subjected to
high pressure. This can be understood from the following Figs (3.13 a, b).

3.10.2 van der Waals Equation for Real Gases

Keeping in view the above discussion, van der Waals pointed out that both pressure and volume
factors in ideal gas equation needed correction in order to make it applicable to the real gases.

Volume Correction

When a gas is compressed, the molecules are pushed so close together that the repulsive forces
operate between them. When pressure is increased further it is opposed by the molecules
themselves. Actually the molecules have deinite volume, no doubt very small as compared to the
vessel, but it is not negligible. So van der Waals postulated that the actual volume of molecules can
no longer be neglected in a highly compressed gas. If the efective volume of the molecules per
mole of a gas is represented by b, then the volume available to gas molecules is the volume of the
vessel minus the volume of gas molecules.
V free = Vvessel - b ........... (28)

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Vfreeis that volume which is available to gas molecules. The factor b is termed as the excluded volume
which is constant and characteristic of a gas. It’s value depends upon the size of gas molecules.
Table (3.3) shows the b values for some important gases. It is interesting to know that the excluded
volume b is not equal to the actual volume of gas molecules. In fact, it is four times the actual
volume of molecules.
b = 4Vm
WhereVm istheactualvolumeofonemoleofgasmolecules,'b'isefectivevolumeorexcludedvolumeofone
but not in the liquid state.

Pressure Correction

A molecule in the interior of a gas is attracted by other molecules on all sides, so these attractive
forces are cancelled out. However, when a molecule strikes the wall of a container, it experiences
a force of attraction towards the other molecules in the gas. This decreases the force of its impact
on the wall. Consider the molecule "A" which is unable to create pressure on the wall due to the
presence of attractive forces due to 'B' type molecules Fig (3.14). Let the observed pressure on the
wall of the container is P. This pressure is less than the actual pressure Pi, by an amount P', so
P = Pi - P'
Pi is the true kinetic pressure, if the forces of attractions would have been absent. P' is the amount
of pressure lessened due to attractive forces. Ideal pressure Pi is
Pi = P + P’
It is suggested that a part of the pressure P for one mole of a gas used up against intermolecular
attractions should decrease as volume increases. Consequently, the value of P' in terms of a constant
'a' which accounts for the attractive forces and the volume V of vessel can be written as

P' =
How to prove it

P’ is determined by the forces of attraction between molecules of type A, which are striking the wall
of the container and molecules of type B, which are pulling them inward. The net force of attraction
is proportional to the concentrations of A type and B type molecules.
∴ P' ∞ C A . CB

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Let n is the number o f moles o f A and B separately and total volume of both types of molecules is ‘V’ .he n/V is moles dm-3 of
A and B, separately.

n n
P' .



(‘a’ is a constant of proportionality)

If, n = 1 (one mole of gas)
then P' = . . . . . . . (29)
Greater the attractive forces among the gas molecules, smaller the volume of vessel, greater the
value of lessened pressure P’.
This ‘a’ is called co-eicient of attraction or attraction per unit volume. It has a constant value for a
particular real gas. Thus efective kinetic pressure of a gas is given by Pi, which is the pressure if the
gas would have been ideal.
Pi = P + ....... (30)

Fig (3.14) Forces of attraction

and pressure correction

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Once the corrections for pressure and volume are made, the kinetic equation for one mole of a gas can be
constructed by taking pressure as ( P + ) and volume as (V - b) for one mole of a gas.
(P + ) (V - b) = RT ......... (31)
For ‘n’ moles of a gas (P + ) (V - nb) = nRT ......... (32)

This is called van der Waal’s equation, ‘a’ and ‘b’ are called van der Waal’s constants.
Units of ’a‘.
P' =

P'V 2
atm x (dm3 )2
a = atm dm6 mol-2
In S.I. units, pressure is in Nm-2 and volume in m3
or Nm-2 x (m3 )
or a = Nm+4 mol-2

Units o f ‘b’: b’ is excluded or incompressible volume /mol-1 of gas. Hence its units should be dm3
mol-1 or m3 mol-1
The values of ’a’ and ‘b’ can be determined by knowing the values of P, V and T of a gaseous system
under two diferent conditions. Following Table (3.3) gives the values of ‘a’ and ‘b’ for some common

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Table(3.3) van der Waals Constant for Some Common Gases

Gas ‘a’ (atm dm6 mol-2) ‘b’ (dm3 mol-1)

Hydrogen 0.245 0.0266
Oxygen 1.360 0.0318
Nitrogen 1.390 0.0391
Carbon dioxide 3.590 0.0428
Ammonia 4.170 0.0371
Sulphur dioxide 6.170 0.0564
Chlorine 6.493 0.0562

The presence of intermolecular forces in gases like Cl2 and SO2 increases their ‘a’ factor.The least
value of ‘a’ for H2 is due to its small size and non-polar character. The ‘b’ value of H2 is 0.0266 dm3
mol-1. It means that if 2.016g (1mole) of H2 is taken, then it will occupy 0.0266 dm3 or 266cm3 of
volume at closest approach in the gaseous state.

Example 8

One mole of methane gas is maintained at 300 K. Its volume is 250 cm3. Calculate the pressure
exerted by the gas under the following conditions.
(i) when the gas is ideal
(ii) when the gas is non-ideal

a = 2.253 atm dm6 mol-2 , b = 0.0428 dm3 mol-1


(i) When the gas is ideal, general gas equation is applied i.e.,
PV = nRT
V = 250 cm3 = 0.25 dm3 1 dm3 = 1000 cm3

n = 1 mole
T = 300 K
R = 0.0821 dm3 atm K −1 mol −1

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Putting the values alongwith units

1 mol x 0.0821 dm3 atm K −1 mol −1 x 300 K
P =
0.25 dm3
P = 98.5 atm (Answer)

If CH4 gas would have been ideal, under the given conditions, 98.5 atm. pressure would have been
(ii) When the gas is behaving as non-ideal, we should use the van der Waals equation

 n2a 
 P + 2  (V-nb) = n R T
 V 

By rearranging the equation and taking the pressure on L.H.S.

n2a n R T
P+ =
V2 V-nb
n R T n2a
P = -
V-nb V 2

Substituting the following values (ignore the units for sake of simplicity)
n = 1 mol, R = 0.0821 dm3 atm K-1 mol-1,
V = 0.25 dm3, T = 300 K, a = 2.253 dm6 atm mol-2, b = 0.0428 dm3 mol-1

0.25-1 ( 0.0428 ) (0.25) 0.207 0.0625

1 x 0.0821 x 300 1 x 2.253 24.63 2.253
- = -

P = 118.985 - 36.048 = 82.85 atm.

In the non-ideal situation the pressure has lessened upto

98.5 - 82.85 = 15.65 atm. Answer


The diference of these two pressures shows that this gas is non-ideal. Actually CH4 is thought to
be ideal near 1 atm, but around 100 atmospheres, it develops non-ideal attitude. This diference of
ideal and non-ideal pressure goes on decreasing when gas is considered at low pressures.

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What is plasma?

Plasma is often called the “fourth state of matter”, the other three being solid, liquid and g a s. Plasma
was identiied by the English scientist William Crookes in 1879. In addition to being important in
many aspects of our daily life, plasmas are estimated to constitute more than 99 percent of the
visible universe. Although, naturally occurring plasma is rare on earth, there are many man-made
Inventors have used plasma to conduct electricity in neon signs and luorescent bulbs. Scientists
have constructed special chambers to experiment with plasma in laboratories. It occurs only in
lightning discharges and in artiicial devices like luorescent lights, neon signs, etc. It is everywhere
in our space environment.

How is Plasma formed ?

When more heat is supplied, the atoms or molecules may be ionized.

An electron may gain enough energy to escape its atom. This atom loses
one electron and develops a net positive charge. It becomes an ion. In a
suiciently heated gas, ionization happens many times, creating clouds of
free electrons and ions. However, all the atoms are not necessarily ionized,
and some of them may remain completely intact with no net charge. This
ionized gas mixture, consisting of ions, electrons and neutral atoms is called
It means that a plasma is a distinct state of matter containing a signiicant
number of electrically charged particles a number suicient to afect its
electrical properties and behaviour.

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Natural and Artiicial Plasma

Artiicial plasma can be created by ionization of a gas. as in neon signs. Plasma at low temperatures
is hard to maintain because outside a vacuum low temperature plasma reacts rapidly with any
molecule it encounters. This aspect makes this material, both very useful and hard to use. Natural
plasma exists only at very high temperatures, or low temperature vacuums.
Natural plasma on the other hand do not breakdown or react rapidly, but is extremely hot (over
20,000°C minimum). Their energy is so high that they vaporize any material they touch.

Characteristic of Plasma:

1. A plasma must have suicient number of charged particles so as a whole, it exhibits a collective
response to electric and magnetic ields. The motion of the particles in the plasma generate
ields and electric currents from within plasma density. It refers to the density of the charged
particles. This complex set of interactions makes plasma a unique, fascinating, and complex
state of matter.
2. Although plasma includes electrons and ions and conducts electricity, it is macroscopically
neutral. In measurable quantities the number of electrons and ions are equal.

Where is Plasma found ?

Entire universe is almost of plasma. It existed before any other forms of matter came into being.
Plasmas are found in everything from the sun to quarks, the smallest particles in the universe.
As stated earlier plasma is the most abundant form of matter
in the universe. It is the stuf of stars. A majority of the matter
in inner-stellar space is plasma. All the stars that shine are all
plasma. The sun is a 1.5 million kilometer ball of plasma, heated
by nuclear fusion.

Animation 3.6.:Plasma ball

source & Credit: giphy

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One arth it only occurs in a few limited places, like lightning bolts, lames, auroras, and luorescent
lights. When an electric current is passed through neon gas, it produces both plasma and light.

Applications of Plasma:

Plasma has numerous important technological applications. It is present in many devices. It helps
us to understand much of the universe around us. Because plasmas’ are conductive respond
to electric and magnetic ields and can be eicient sources of radiation, so they can be used in
innumerable applications where such control is needed or when special sources of energy or
radiation are required.
1. A luorescent light bulb is not like regular light bulbs. Inside the long tube is a gas. When the light
is turned on, electricity lows through the tube. This electricity acts as that special energy and
charges up the gas. This charging and exciting of the atoms creates a glowing plasma inside the
2. Neon signs are glass tubes illed with gas. When they are
turned on then the electricity lows through the tube. The
electricity charges the gas, possibly neon, and creates a
plasma inside the tube. The plasma glows with a special
colour depending on what kind of gas is inside.
3. They ind applications such as plasma processing of
semiconductors, sterilization of some medical prodjucts,
lamps, lasers, diamond coated ilms, high power microwave
sources and pulsed power switches.
4. They also provide the foundation for important potential
applications such as the generation of electrical energy
from fusion pollution control and removal of hazardous
chemicals. Animation 3.7.:Application of Plasma
Source & Credit: pag
5. Plasma light up our oices and homes, make our computers
and electronic equipment work.
6. They drive lasers and particle accelerators, help to clean up the environment, pasteurize foods
and make tools corrosion-resistant.

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Future Horizons:

Scientists are working on putting plasma to efective use. Plasma would have to be low energy and
should be able to survive without instantly reacting and degenerating. The application of magnetic
ields involves the use of plasma. The magnetic ields create low energy plasma which create
molecules that are in what scientist call a metastable state. The magnetic ields used to create
the low temperature plasma give the plasma molecules, which do not react until they collide with
another molecule with just the right energy. This enables these metastable molecules to survive
long enough to react with a designated molecule. These metastable particles are selective in their
reactivity. It makes them a potentially unique solution to problems like radioactive contamination.
Scientist are currently experimenting with mixtures of gases to work as metastable agents on
plutonium and uranium, and this is just the beginning.

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1. The behaviour of a gas is described through four variables i.e., pressure, volume , temperature
and its number of moles. The relationships between gas variables are known as the simple gas
laws. Boyle’s law relates pressure of a gas with its volume, while Charles’s law relates gas volume
with temperature. Avogadro’s law is concerned with volume and amount of a gas. The important
concept of absolute zero of temperature originates from the simple gas laws.
2. By combining the above mentioned three laws, a more general equation about the behaviour
of gas is obtained i.e., PV = n RT. This equation can be solved for any one of the variables when
values for others are known. This equation can be modiied for the determination of molar
masses and the density of the gas.
3. Dalton’s law of partial pressures can be used to calculate the partial pressures of gases.
4. The processes of difusion and efusion are best understood by Graham’s law of difusion.
5. Kinetic molecular theory of gases provides a theoretical basis for various gas laws. With the help
of this theory a relationship is established between average molecular kinetic energy and kelvin
temperature. The difusion and efusion of the gases can be related to their molar masses
through the kinetic molecular theory of gases.
6. The real gases show ideal behaviour under speciic conditions. They become non-ideal at high
pressure and low temperature. The non-ideal behaviour results chiely from intermolecuiar
attractions and the inite volume occupied by the gas molecules.
7. Gases can be liquiied by applying suicient pressure but temperature should either be critical
one or below it.
8. To calculate the pressure or volume of a real gas under the non-ideal conditions, alternative
kinetic equation has been developed. This is known as the van der Waal’s equation.
9. The plasma, a forth state of matter, consist of neutral particles, positive ions and negative
electrons, 99% of the known universe is in the plasma state.

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Q 1: Select the correct answer out of the following alternative suggestions.
(i) Pressure remaining constant, at which temperature the volume of a gas will become twice of what it is
at 0°C.
a. 546°C b. 200°C c. 546K d. 273K
(ii) Number of molecules in one dm of water is close to

6.02 12.04 18
x 1023 23
a. 22.4 x 10 b. 22.4 c. 22.4 x 10 d. 55.6 x 6.02 x 1023
(iii) Which of the following will have the same number of molecules at STP?
a. 280 cm3 of CO2 and 280 cm3 of N2O
b. 11.2 dm3 of O2 and 32 g of O2
c. 44 g of CO2 and 11.2 dm3 of CO
d. 28 g of N2 and 5.6 dm3 of oxygen
(iv) If absolute temperature of a gas is doubled and the pressure is reduced to one half, the volume of the
gas will
a. remain unchanged b. increase four times
c. reduce to 1/4 d. be doubled
(v) How should the conditions be changed to prevent the volume of a given gas from expanding
when its mass is increased?
a. Temperature is lowered and pressure is increased.
b. Temperature is increased and pressure is lowered.
c. Temperature and pressure both are lowered.
d. Temperature and pressure both are increased.
(vi) The molar volume of CO2 is maximum at
a. S TP b. 127°C and 1 atm c. 0°C and 2 atm d. 273°C and 2 atm
(vii) The order of the rate of difusion of gases NH3, SO2, Cl2, an CO2 is:
a. NH3 > SO2 > Cl2 > CO2 b. NH3 > CO2 > SO2 > Cl2
c. Cl2 > SO2 > CO2 > NH3 d. NH3 > CO2 > Cl2 > SO2
(viii) Equal masses of methane and oxygen are mixed in an empty container at 25°C. The fraction
of total pressure exerted by oxygen is
a. 1/3 b. 8/9 c. 1/9 d. 16/17

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(ix) Gases deviate form ideal behaviour at high pressure. Which of the following is correct for
a. At high pressure, the gas molecules move in one direction only.
b. At high pressure, the collisions between the gas molecules are increased manifold.
c. At high pressure, the volume of the gas becomes insigniicant.
d. At high pressure, the intermolecular attractions become signiicant.
(x) The deviation of a gas from ideal behaviour is maximum at
a. -10°C and 5.0atm b. -10 °C and 2.0 atm
c. 100 °Cand2.0 atm d. 0 °C and 2.0 atm
(xi) A real gas obeying van derW aals equation will resemble ideal gas if
a. both ’a’ and ’b’ are large b. both’a’and’b’are small
c. ‘a’ is small and ’b’ is large d. ‘a’ is large and ’b’ is small

Q2: Fill in the blanks

(i). The product PV has the S.I. unit of _____________
(ii).Eight grams each of O2, and H2, at 27 °C will have total K.E in the ratio of _____________
(iii).Smell of the cooking gas during leakage from a gas cylinder is due to the property
of_____________ of _____________ gases.
(iv).Equal _________ of ideal gases at the same temperature and pressure contain______________
number of molecules.
(v).The temperature above which a substance exists only as a gas is called_____________.
Q3: Label the follow in g sentences as True or False.
(i). Kinetic energy of molecules of a gas is zero at 0oC.
(ii). A gas in a closed container will exert much higher pressure at the bottom due to gravity
than at the top.
(iii). Real gases show ideal gas behaviour at low pressure and high temperature.
(iv). Liquefaction of gases involves decrease in intermolecular spaces.
(v). An ideal gas on expansion will show Joule-Thomson efect.
Q4 . a. What is Boyle’s law of gases? Give its experimental veriication.
b. What are isotherms? What happens to the positions of isotherms when they are plotted at
high temperature for a particular gas.
c. Why do w e get a straight line when pressures exerted on a gas are plotted against inverse
of volumes? This straight line changes its position in the graph by varying the temperature.
Justify it.
d. How will you explain that the value of the constant k in the equation PV = k depends upon
(i) the temperature of a gas (ii) the quantity of a gas

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Q5.a. What is the Charles's law? Which scale of temperature is used to verify that V/T = k
(pressure and number of moles are constant)?
b. A sample of carbon monoxide gas occupies 150.0 mL at 25.0°C. It is then cooled at constant
pressure until it occupies 100.0 mL. What is the new' temperature? (Ans: 198.8K or -74.4 °C )
c. Do you think that the volume of any quantity of a gas becomes zero at - 273.16 °C. Is it not
against the law of conservation of mass? How do you deduce the idea of absolute zero from
this information?
Q6 . a. What is Kelvin scale of temperature? Plot a graph for one mole of an a real gas to prove
that a gas becomes liquid, earlier than -273.16 ’C.
b. Throw some light on the factor 1/273 in Charles's law.
Q7. a. What is the general gas equation? Derive it in various forms.
b. Can we determine the molecular mass of an unknown gas if we know the pressure, temperature
and volume along with the mass of that gas.
c. How do you justify from general gas equation that increase in temperature or decrease of
pressure decreases the density of the gas?
c. Why do we feel comfortable in expressing the densities of gases in the units of g dm-3 rather
than g cm-3, a unit which is used to express the densities of liquids and solids.
Q8 . Derive the units for gas constant R in general gas equation:
a. when the pressure is in atmosphere and volume in dm3.
b. when the pressure is in N m-2 and volume in m3.
c. when energy is expressed in ergs.
Q9. a. What is Avogadro’s law of gases?
b. Do you think that 1 mole of H2 and 1 mole of NH3 at 0 oC and 1 atmpressure will have
Avogadro’s number of particles?
c. Justify that 1 cm3 of H2 and 1 cm3 of CH4 at STP will have same number of molecules, when
one molecule of CH4 is 8 times heavier than that of hydrogen.

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Q10. a. Dalton’s law of partial pressures is only obeyed by those gases which don’t have attractive
forces among their molecules. Explain it.
b. Derive an equation to ind out the partial pressure of a gas knowing the individual moles
of component gases and the total pressure of the mixture.
c. Explain that the process of respiration obeys the Dalton’s law of partial pressures.
d. How do you diferentiate between difusion and efusion? Explain Graham’s law of difusion.
Q11. a. What is critical temperature of a gas? What is its importance for liquefaction of gases?
Discuss Linde's method of liquefaction of gases.
b. What is Joule-Thomson efect? Explain its importance in Linde's method of liquefaction of
Q12. a. What is kinetic molecular theory of gases? Give its postulates.
b. How does kinetic molecular theory of gases explain the following gas laws:
(i) Boyle's law (ii) Charles's law
(iii) Avogadro's law (iv) Graham’s law of difusion
Q13. a. Gases show non-ideal behaviour at low temperature and high pressure. Explain this with
the help of a graph.
b. Do you think that some of the postulates of kinetic molecular theory of gases are faulty?
Point out these postulates.
c. Hydrogen and helium are ideal at room temperature, but SO2 , and Cl2 are nonideal. How
will you explain this?
Q14. a. Derive van der Waal's equation for real gases.
b. What is the physical signiicance of van der Waals'constants, ’a’ and ’b? Give their units.

Q15 Explain the following facts

a. The plot of PV versus P i s a straight line at constant temperature and with a ixed number of
moles of an ideal gas.
b. The straight line in (a) is parallel to pressure-axis and goes away from the pressure axis at
higher pressures for many gases.
c. Pressure of NH3 gas at given conditions (say 20 atm pressure and room temperature) is less
as calculated by van der Waals equation than that calculated by general gas equation.
d. Water vapours do not behave ideally at 273K.
e. SO2 is comparatively non-ideal at 273K but behaves idealy at 327 “C.

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Q16 Helium gas in a 100 cm3 container at a pressure of 500 torr is transferred to a container with
a volume of 250 cm3. What will be the new pressure
a. if no change in temperature occurs (Ans: 2 0 0 torr)
b. if its temperature changes from 20 “C to 15°C? (Ans: 196.56 torr)

a. What are the densities in kg/dm3 of the following gases at STP
(P = 101325 Nm-2, T = 273 K, molecular masses are in kg mol-1
(i) methane, (ii) oxygen, (iii) hydrogen
b. Compare the values of densities in proportion to their mole masses.
c. How do you justify that increase of volume upto 100 dm3 at 27°C of 2 moles
of NH3 will allow the gas behave ideally, as compared to S.T.P conditions.
(Ans: CH4=0.714kgm, O2=1.428kgm-3, H2=0.089kgm-3)

Q18 A sample of krypton with a volume of 6.25 dm3 , a pressure of 765 torr and a temperature of 20 °C
is expanded to a volume of 9.55 dm3 and a pressure of 375 torr. What will be its inal temperature in °C?
(Ans: T = -53.6°c)

Q19 Working at a vacuum line, a chemist isolated a gas in a weighing bulb with a volume of 255
cm3, at a temperature of 25 °C and under a pressure in the bulb of 10.0 torr. The gas weighed 12.1
mg. What is the molecular mass of this gas?
(Ans: 87.93g mol-1)

Q20 What pressure is exerted by a mixture of 2.00g of H2 and 8.00g of N2 at 273K in a 10 dm3 vessel?
(Ans: P = 2.88 atm)

Q21. a. The relative densities of two gases A and B are 1:1.5. Find out the volume of B which
will difuse in the same time in which 150 dm3 of A will difuse?
(Ans: 122.47dm3)
b. Hydrogen (H2) difuses through a porous plate at a rate of 500 cm3 per minute at 0 “C. What
is the rate of difusion of oxygen through the same porous plate at0 oC?
(Ans: 125 cm3)
c. The rate of efusion of an unknown gas A through a pinhole is found to be 0.279 times the
rate of efusion of H2 gas through the same pinhole. Calculate the molecular mass of the
unknown gas at STP. (Ans: = 25.7 gmol-1)

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Q22 Calculate the number of molecules and the number of atoms in the given amounts of each
(a) 20 cm3 of CH4 at 0 °C and pressure of 700 mm of mercury (Ans: 4.936 x1020, 24.7 x 1020
(b) 1 cm3 of NH3 at 100 °C and pressure of 1.5 atm (Ans:2.94x1019,1.177 x 1020)

Q23 Calculate the masses of 1020 molecules of each of H2, O2, and CO, at STP. What will happen to
the masses of these gases, when the temperature of these gases are increased by 100 oC and the
pressure is decreased by 100 torr.
(Ans: 3.3 x 10-4g; 5.31 x 10-3g; 7.30 x 10-3g)

Q24 a. Two moles of NH3 are enclosed in a 5 dm3 lask at 27 oC. Calculate the pressure exerted by
the gas assuming that
(i) it behaves like an ideal gas
(ii) it behaves like a real gas
a=4.17 atm dm6 mol-2
b = 0.0371 dm3 mol-1 (Ans: 9.85 atm)
b. Also calculate the amount of pressure lessened due to forces of attractions at these
conditions of volume and temperature. (Ans: 0.51atm)
c. Do you expect the same decrease in the pressure of two moles of NH3 having a volume of
40 dm3 and at temperature of 27 °C.

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Animation 4.1: Solid, Liquid, Gas

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The existence of matter in our surrounding in the form of gases, liquids and solids is due to
diference of interacting forces among the constituent particles.


To understand the properties of liquids and solids, we need to know the kinds of intermolecular
forces present in them and their relative strength. It is important to realize that the attraction
between the molecules is much weaker than the attraction between atoms within a molecule. In a
molecule of HCl, there is a covalent bond between H and Cl which is due to the mutual sharing of
electrons. Both atoms satisfy their outermost shells and it is their irm need to remain together,
hence this linkage is very strong.
HCl molecules in the neighbourhood attract each other, but the forces of attraction are
weak. These forces are believed to exist between all kinds of atoms and molecules when they are
suiciently close to each other. Such intermolecular forces are called van der Waals forces and they
have nothing to do with the valence electrons.
These intermolecular forces bring the molecules close together and give particular physical
properties to the substances in gaseous, liquid and solid states. Four types of such forces are
mentioned here.
1. Dipole-dipole forces
2. Ion-dipole forces
3. Dipole-induced dipole forces
4. Instantaneous dipole-induced dipole forces or London dispersion forces

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Anim ation 4.2 : Interm olecular forces

Source & Credit: interm olecularforcess

4.1.1 Dipole-dipole Forces

In case of HCl molecule both atoms difer in electronegativity. Chlorine being more
electronegative, develops the partial negative charge and hydrogen develops the partial positive
charge. So, whenever the molecules are close to each other, they tend to line up. The positive end
of one molecule attracts the negative end of the other molecule and these electrostatic forces of
attraction are called dipole-dipole forces. However, thermal energy causes the molecules not to
have a perfect alignment.

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Anyhow, there is a net attraction between the polar molecules. These forces are called as
dipole-dipole forces and they are approximately one percent as efective as a covalent bond.
The strength of these forces depends upon the electronegativity diference between the bonded
atoms and the distance between the molecules. The distances between molecules in the gaseous
phase are greater so these forces are very
weak in this phase. In liquids these forces
are reasonably strong. The examples of
the molecules which show dipole-dipole
attractions are numerous. Two of these
are given below i.e., for HCl and CHCl3
(chloroform) Fig (4.1).
Greater the strength of these dipole-
dipole forces, greater are the values of
Show Fig. (4.1) Dipole - dipole forces present in HC1
thermodynamic parameters like melting molecules and chloroform (CHCl3) molecules.
points, boiling points, heats of vapourization
and heats of sublimation.

4.1.2 Dipole-induced Dipole Forces

Sometimes, we have a mixture of substances containing polar and non-polar molecules. The
positive end of the polar molecule attracts the mobile electrons of the nearby non-polar molecule.
In this way polarity is induced in non-polar molecule, and both molecules become dipoles. These
forces are called dipole-induced dipole forces or as Debye forces. The following igure makes the
idea clear Fig (4.2).

Fig (4.2) Dipole-induced dipole interactions

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4.1.3 Instantaneous Dipole-induced Dipole Forces or London Dispersion Forces

Intermolecular forces among the polar molecules, as discussed in section 4.1.1 are very easy to
understand. But the forces of attraction present among the non-polar molecules like helium,
neon, argon, chlorine and methane need special attention because under normal conditions
such molecules don’t have dipoles. We know that helium gas can be liqueied under appropriate
conditions. In other words forces of attraction operate among the atoms of helium which cause
them to cling together in the liquid state.
A German physicist Fritz London in 1930 ofered a simple explanation for these weak attractive
forces between non-polar molecules.
In helium gas, the electrons of one atom inluence the moving electrons of the other atom.
Electrons repel each other and they tend to stay as far apart -as possible. When the electrons of
one atom come close to the electron of other atom, they are pushed away from each other. In this
way,a temporary dipole is created in the atom as shown in the Fig (4.3). The result is that, at any
moment, the electron density of the atom is no more symmetrical. It has more negative charge on
one side than on the other. At that particular instant, the helium atom becomes a dipole. This is
called instantaneous dipole.

Fig. (4.3) Instantaneous dipole-induced

dipole attractions between helium atoms.

This instantaneous dipole then disturbs the electronic cloud of the other nearby atom. So,a dipole
is induced in the second atom. This is called induced dipole. The momentary force of attraction
created between instantaneous dipole and the induced dipole is called instantaneous dipole-
induced dipole interaction or London force.

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It is a very short-lived attraction because the electrons keep moving. This movement of electrons
cause the dipoles to vanish as quickly as they are formed. Anyhow, a moment later, the dipoles will
appear in diferent orientation and again weak attractions are developed.
London forces are present in all types of molecules whether polar or non-polar, but they are very’
signiicant for non-polar molecules like Cl2, H2 and noble gases (helium, neon,etc.)

Anim ation 4.3 : London Dispersion Forces

Source & Credit: dy nam icscience

4.1.4 Factors Affecting the London Forces

London forces are weaker than dipole- dipole interactions. The strength of these forces depend upor
the size of the electronic cloud of the atom or molecules. When the size of the atom or molecule is
large then the dispersion becomes easy and these forces become more prominent. The elements
of the zero group in the periodic table are all mono-atomic gases. They don’t make covalent bonds
with other atoms because their outermost shells are complete. Their boiling points increase down
the group from helium to radon. Boiling points of noble gases are given in Table (4.1)
The atomic number increases down the group and the outermost electrons move away from the
nuclei. The dispersion of the electronic clouds becomes more and more easy. So the polarizability
of these atoms go on increasing.

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Polarizability is the quantitative Table(4.1) Boiling points of halogens and

measurement of the extent to which noble gases
the electronic cloud can be polarized or
distorted. When we say that a species (atom,
molecule or ion) is polarized, it means
that temporary poles are created. This is
possible if electronic cloud can be disturbed
or distorted. This increased distortion of
electronic cloud creates stronger London
forces and hence the boiling points are
increased down the group.
Similarly, the boiling points of halogens
in group VII-A also increase from luorine to
iodine Table (4.1). All the halogens are non-
polar diatomic molecules, but there is a big
diference in their physical states at room
temperature. Fluorine is a gas and boils at
-188.1 °C, while iodine is a solid at room
temperature which boils at +184.4 °C. The
polarizability of iodine molecule is much
greater than that of luorine.
Another important factor that afects the strength of London forces is the number of atoms
in a non-polar molecule. Greater the number of atoms in a molecule, greater is its polarizability. Let
us discuss the boiling points of saturated hydrocarbons. These hydrocarbons have chain of carbon
atoms linked with hydrogen atoms. Compare the length of the chain for C2H6 and C6H14.
They have the boiling points - 88.6 °C and 68.7 C,respectively. This means that the molecule with
a large chain length experiences stronger attractive forces. The reason is that longer molecules have
more places along its length where they can be attracted to other molecules. It is very interesting to
know that with the increasing molecular mass of these hydrocarbons, they change from gaseous to
liquid and then inally become solids. The Table (4.2) gives the boiling points and the physical states
of some hydrocarbons.

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Table (4.2) Boiling points and physical states of some hydrocarbons

Name B.P Physical state Name B.P Physical state
C (1 atm) at S.T.P 0
C (1 atm) at S.T.P
Mathane -164 Gas Pentane 36.1 Liquid
Ethane -88.6 Gas Hexane 68.7 Liquid
Propane -42.1 Gas Decane 174.1 Liquid
Butane 0.5 Gas Isodecane 327 Solid

4.1.5 Hydrogen Bonding

To understand hydrogen bonding, let us consider the molecule of water. Oxygen is more
electronegative element as compared to hydrogen, so water is a polar molecule. Hence there will
be dipole-dipole interactions between
partial positively charged hydrogen atoms
and partial negatively charged oxygen
atoms. Actually, hydrogen bonding is
something more than simple dipole-
dipole interaction. Firstly, oxygen atom
has two lone pairs. Secondly hydrogen
has suicient partial positive charge. Both
the hydrogen atoms of water molecule
create strong electrical ield due to their
small sizes.
The oxygen atom of the other molecule
links to form a coordinate covalent bond
with hydrogen using one of its lone pairs
of electrons. Fig (4.4).
Thus loose bond formed is deinitely Fig (4.4) Hydrogen bonding in water.

stronger than simple dipole-dipole

interaction. Because of the small size of the hydrogen atom, it can take part in this type of bonding.
This bonding acts as a bridge between two electronegative oxygen atoms. Hence hydrogen bonding
is the electrostatic force of a atraction between a highly electronegative atom and partial positively
charged hydorgen atom.

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The electronegative atoms responsible for creating hydrogen bonding are luorine, oxygen,
nitrogen and rarely chlorine. The strength of hydrogen bond is generally twenty times less than
that of a covalent bond.

Anim ation 4.4 : hy drogen bonding

Source & Credit: stream 1

It is not advisable to limit the hydrogen bonding to the above-m entioned electronegative atoms.
The three chlorine atoms in chloroform are responsible for H- bonding with other molecules.
These atoms deprive the carbon atom
of its electrons and the partial positively
charged hydrogen can form a strong
hydrogen bond with oxygen atom of
acetone Fig (4.5).

Fig (4.5) Hydrogen bonding between

chloroform and acetone

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The hydrogen bonding present in the

molecules of ammonia and those of
hydrolouric acid can be depicted as follows
Fig (4.6).The molecules of HF join with each
other in a zig- zag manner.
The exceptional, low acidic strength of
HF molecule as compared to HCl, HBr and
HI is due to this strong hydrogen bonding,
because the partial positively charged
hydrogen is entrapped between two highly
electronegative atoms.
Fig (4.6) Hydrogen bonding in
NH3 and HF molecules.

4.1.6 Properties and Application of Compounds Containing Hydrogen Bonding

1. Thermodynamic Properties of Covalent Hydrides

Our discussion shows that hydrogen bonding exists in compounds having partial positively charged
hydrogen and highly electronegative atoms bearing partial negative charge. Obviously such
intermolecular attractions will inluence the physical properties like melting and boiling points. Let
us compare the physical properties of hydrides of group IV-A, V-A, VI-A and VII-A. The graphs are
plotted between the period number of the periodic table on x-axis and boiling points in kelvin on
y-axis Fig (4.7).

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Fig (4.7) A Graph between period number and the boiling points of hydrides of IV-A, V-A, VI-A
and VII-A group elements.

A look at the boiling points of hydrides of group IV-A convinces us, that they have low boiling
points as compared to those of group V-A, VI-A, VII-A. The reason is that these elements are
least electronegative. CH4 has the lowest boiling point because it is a very small molecule and its
polarizability is the least.
When we consider the hydrides of group V-A, VI-A, VII-A then NH3, H20 and HF show maximum
boiling points in the respective series. The reason is, the enhancec electronegative character of N,
0 and F. That is why, water is liquid at room temperature, but H2S and H2Se are gases.
It is interesting to know that the boiling point of water seems to be more afected by hydrogen
bonding than that of HF Fluorine is more electronegative than oxygen. So, we should expect
H-bonding in HF to be stronger than that in water and as a result the boiling point of HF should be
higher than that of H20. However, it is lower and the reason is that the luorine atom can make only
one hydrogen bond with electropositive hydrogen of a neighboring molecule. Water can form two
hydrogen bonds per molecule, as it has two hydrogen atoms and two lone pairs on oxygen atom.
Ammonia can form only one hydrogen bond per molecule as it has only one lone pair.

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The boiling point of HBris slightly higher than that of HCl. It means that chlorine is
electronegative enough to form a hydrogen bond. Sometimes it is thought that HCl has a strong
dipole-dipole interaction but in reality, it is a border line case. The hydrides of fourth period GeH4,
AsH3, H2Se, HBr show greater boiling points than those of third period due to greater size and
enhanced poiarizabilities.

2. Solubility of Hydrogen- Bonded Molecules

Water is the best example of H-bonded system. Similarly ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH) also has the
tendency to form hydrogen bonds. So, ethyl alcohol can dissolve in water because both can form
hydrogen bonds with each other. Similarly carboxylic acids are also soluble in water, if their sizes
are small. Hydrocarbons are not soluble in water at all, because they are non-polar compounds
and there are no chances of hydrogen bonding between water and hydrocarbon molecules.

3. Structure of Ice

The molecules of water have tetrahedral structure. Two lone pairs of electrons on oxygen
atom occupy two corners of the tetrahedron. In the liquid state, water molecules are extensively
associated with each other and these associations
break and are reformed because the molecules of
water are mobile. When the temperature of water
is decreased and ice is formed then the molecules
become more regular and this regularity extends
throughout the whole structure. Empty spaces
are created in the structure as shown in the
following Fig (4.8b). That is why when water
freezes it occupies 9% more space and its density
decreases. The result is that ice loats on water.
The structure of ice is just like that of a diamond
because each atom of carbon in diamond is at
the center of tetrahedron just like the oxygen of
water molecule in ice, Fig (4.8 b).
Fig (4.8 a) Structure of liquid water

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The lower density of ice than liquid water at 0

°C causes water in ponds and lakes to freeze from
surface to the downward direction. Water attains
the temperature of 4°C by the fall of temperature
in the surrounding. As the outer atmosphere
becomes further cold, the water at the surface
becomes less dense. This less dense water below
4 °C stays on the top of slightly warm water
underneath. A stage reaches when it freezes. This
layer of ice insulates the water underneath for
further heat loss. Fish and plants survive under
this blanket of ice for months. Fig (4.8 b) Structure of ice
Keeping the whole discussion in view we are
forced to believe that the pattern of life for the plants and animals would have been totally diferent
in the absence of hydrogen bonding in water.

4. Cleansing Action of Soaps and Detergents

Soaps and detergents perform the cleansing action because the polar part of their molecules
are water soluble due to hydrogen-bonding and the non-polar parts remain outside water, because
they are alkyl or benzyl portions and are insoluble in water.

5. Hydrogen Bonding in Biological Compounds and Food Materials

Hydrogen bonding exists in the molecules of living system. Proteins are the important part of living
organisms. Fibres like those found in the hair, silk and muscles consist of long chains of amino
acids. These long chains are coiled about one another into a spiral. This spiral is called a helix. Such
a helix may either be right handed or left handed. In the case of right handed helix the groups like
>N H and > C = 0 are vertically adjacent to one another and they are linked together by hydrogen
bonds. These H-bonds link one spiral to the other. X-ray analysis has shown that on the average
there are 27 amino acid units for each turn of the helix, Fig (4.9 a).
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) has two spiral chains. These are coiled about each other on a
common axis. In this way, they give a double helix. This is 18-20 Å in diameter. They are linked
together by H-bonding between their sub units, Fig (4.9 b).

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Fig (4.9 a) Hydrogen bonding

Fig (4.9 b) Hydrogen bonding in

DNA double helix

The food materials like carbohydrates include glucose, fructose and sucrose. They all have
-OH groups in them which are responsible for hydrogen bonding in them.

6. Hydrogen Bonding in Paints, Dyes and Textile Materials

One of the most important properties of paints and dyes is their adhesive action. This property
is developed due to hydrogen bonding. Similar type of hydrogen bonding makes glue and honey as
sticky substances.
We use cotton, silk or synthetic ibres for clothing. Hydrogen bonding is of vital importance
in these thread making materials. This hydrogen bonding is responsible for their rigidity and the
tensile strength.

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In order to understand evaporation, we have to examine the movement of molecules in liquids.

The molecules of a liquid are not motionless. The energy of molecules is not equally distributed.
The molecules which have low kinetic energy move slowly, while others with high kinetic energy
move faster. If one of the high speed molecules reaches the surface, it may escape the attractions
of its neighbouring molecules and leaves the bulk of the liquid. This spontaneous change of a
liquid into its vapours is called evaporation and it continues at all temperatures.
Evaporation causes cooling. The reason is that when high energy molecules leave the liquid and
low energy molecules are left behind, the temperature of the liquid falls and heat moves from the
surrounding to the liquid and then the temperature of the surrounding also falls.

Anim ation 4.5 : Evaporation

Source & Credit: stem

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There are many factors which control the rate of evaporation of a liquid. Since evaporation occurs
from liquid surface, so if surface area is increased then more molecules are able to escape and
liquid evaporates more quickly. For liquids having same surface area, the rate of evaporation is
controlled by the temperature and the strength of intermolecular forces.
At high temperature, the molecules having greater energy increase and so rate of evaporation
increases. Similarly, if intermolecular forces are weak, the rate of evaporation is faster. For example,
gasoline, whose molecules experience weaker London forces of attraction, evaporate much faster
than water.

4.2.1 Vapour Pressure

When the molecules of a liquid leave the open surface, they are mixed up with air above the
liquid. If the vessel is open these molecules go on leaving the surface. But if we close the system
the molecules of liquid start gathering above the surface. These molecules not only collide with the
walls of the container, but also with the surface of the liquid as well.
There are chances that these molecules are recaptured by the surface of liquid. This process is
called condensation. The two-processes i.e., evaporation and condensation continue till a stage
reaches when the rate of evaporation becomes equal to the rate of condensation. This is called the
state of dynamic equilibrium Fig (4.10). So the vapour pressure of a liquid is a pressure exerted by
the vapours of the liquid in equilibrium with the liquid at a given temperature.

Liquid ฀฀ ฀฀
฀฀ Vapour

Fig (4.10) Evaporation of a liquid and establishment

of dynamic equilibrium between liquid and its vapours.

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The number of molecules leaving the surface is just equal

to the number of molecules coming back into it at a constant
temperature. The molecules which are in the liquid state at any
moment may be in vapour state in the next moment.
The magnitude of vapour pressure does not depend upon the
amount of liquid in the container or the volume of container. It also
does not depend on surface area of a liquid. The larger surface area
Anim ation 4.6 : Vapour Pressure
also presents a larger target for returning the molecules, so the Source & Credit: mecalux
rate of condensation also increases.

Vapour Pressure Increases with Temperature

The values of vapour pressures of various liquids depend fairly upon the nature of
liquids i.e. on the sizes of molecules and intermolecular forces, but the most important parameter
which controls the vapour pressure of a liquid is its temperature. At an elevated temperature, the
kinetic energy of molecules is enhanced and capability to leave the surface increases.
It causes the increase of vapour pressure. Table(4.3) Tablc (4.3) Vapour pressures of water
shows change in vapour pressure of water at diferent (torr) at various temperatures
temperatures. The Table (4.3) shows that increases
of vapour pressure goes on increasing for the same Temperature Vapour
diference of temperature from 0°C to 100°C for water. There is (0C) Pressure
increase of vapour pressure from 4.579 torr to 9.209 torr for change (Torr)
of temperature from 0°C to 10°C. But the increase is from 527.8 torr 0 4.579
to 760 torr when temperature changes from 90°C to 100°C. 10 9.209
The diference in the strength of intermolecular forces in diferent 20 17.54
liquids is directly related to their vapour pressures at a particular 30 31.82
temperature. The stronger the intermolecular forces the lower 37 47.07
the vapour pressure. The following Table (4.4) shows that at 20 °C 40 55.32
isopentane has the highest vapour pressure, while glycerol has the 50 92.51
lowest. 60 149.4
70 233.7
80 355.1
90 527.8
100 760.0

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4.2.2 Measuremerr of Vapour Pressure

There are many methods for the measurement of vapour pressure of a liquid. One of
the important methods is described in the following paragraph.

Table (4.4) Vapour pressure of some

important liquids at 20°C
Name of compound Vapour pressure
at 20 0C (torr)
Isopentane 580
Ethyl ether 442.2
Chloroform 170
CarbonTetrachloride 87
Ethanol 43.9
Mercury 0.012
Glycerol 0.00016

Manometric Method

Manometric method is comparatively an accurate method. The liquid whose vapour pressure is
to be determined is taken in a lask placed in a thermostat, as shown in the Fig(4.11). One end
of the tube from the lask is connected
to a manometer and the other end
is connected to a vacuum pump. The
liquid is frozen with the help of a
freezing mixture and the space above
the liquid is evacuated. In this way, the
air is removed from the surface of the
liquid alongwith the vapours of that
liquid. The frozen liquid is then melted
to release any entrapped air. Liquid is
again frozen and realeased air To is
evacuated. This process is repeated Fig. (4.11) Measurement of vapour pressure of a
in the heights of the columns of-Hg in liquid by manometric method
many times till almost all the air is
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Now the liquid is warmed in the thermostat to that temperature at which its vapour pressure in
the lask is to be determined. Diference in the heights of the columns of-Hg in liquid by manometric
method the two limbs of the manometer determines the vapour pressure of the liquid.
The column of mercury in the manometer facing the vapours of the liquid is depressed. The
other column, which faces the atmospheric pressure, rises. Actually, the pressure on the surface of
the liquid in the lask is equal to the sum of the atmospheric pressure and the vapour pressure of
liquid. For this reason, the column of manometer facing the liquid is more depressed than facing
the atmosphere, and it is given by the following equation.

P = Pa + ∆h
Where P = Vapour pressure of the liquid at one atm pressure.
P= Atmospheric pressure.
∆h = Diference in the heights of the mercury levels in the two limbs
of the manometer, giving us the vapour pressure of liquid.

4.2.3 Boiling Point

When a liquid is heated, the vapour pressure goes on increasing. A stage reaches when
the vapour pressure of the liquid becomes equal to the external atmospheric pressure. This
temperature is called the boiling point of the liquid.
The reason for this is that the bubbles of vapours
which are formed in the interior of the liquid have
greater internal pressure than atmospheric pressure
on the surface of liquid. This thing makes the bubble
to come out of the liquid and burst upon the surface.
Thus a constant stream of bubbles comes out at the
boiling point.
When a liquid is heated, the kinetic energy of
its molecules increases and hence the temperature
also increases. At the boiling point, the kinetic energy
of the molecules becomes maximum and any further
heating at this stage will not increase the temperature.
Anim ation 4.7 : Boiling Point
Source & Credit: chem

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This heat will only be utilized to break the intermolecular forces and convert the liquid into its
vapours. The amount of heat required to vapourize one mole of a liquid at its boiling point is
called its molar heat of vapourization. The molar heat of vapourization of water is 40.6 kjmol-1.
The boiling points of some commonly available liquids at one atmospheric pressure are shown in
the Table (4.5).

Table (4.5) Boiling points of some

common liquids at 760 torr.
Liquid B.P (0C) Liquids B.P (0C)
Acetic Acid 118.50 Carbon tetrachloride 76.50
Acetone 56.00 Ethanol 78.26
Aniline 184.4 Naphthalene 218.00
Benzene 80.15 Phenol 181.80
Carbon disulphide 46.30 Water 100.00

The Fig. (4.12) shows the variation of vapour pressure of water, ethyl alcohol, ethylene glycol
and diethylether with temperature. It shows that the liquids reach upto their boiling points when their
vapour pressures are equal to 760 torr at
sea level. The way these curves start at 0
C is interesting. Water takes start at 4.8
torr while diethyl ether at around 200 torr.
This is due to diference in the strengths
of their intermolecular forces. The curve
for water goes alongwith temperature
axis to a greater extent at the beginning
as compared to ether. It means that water
can hardly overcome its intermolecular
forces at low temperatures. It is clear
from the curves that the vapour pressure
increases very rapidly when the liquids
are closer to their boiling points.

Fig (4.12) Vapour pressures(torr) of four common liquids shown as a

function of temperature(°C).

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4.2.4 Boiling Point and External Pressure

We have already explained that when vapour pressure of a liquid becomes equal to the
external pressure then the liquid boils, so when external pressure is changed, its boiling point
will also be changed. A liquid can be made to boil at any temperature by changing the external
pressure. When the external pressure is high the liquid requires greater amount of heat to equalize
its vapour pressure to external pressure. In this way boiling point is raised. Similarly, at a lower
external pressure a liquid absorbs less amount of heat and it boils at a lower temperature.
For example, water shows B.P of 120 °C at 1489 torr pressure and boils at 25 °C at 23.7 torr.
Water boils at 98 °C at Murree hills due to external pressure of 700 torr while at the top of Mount
Everest water boils at only 69 0C 323 torr.
We can increase the external pressure artiicially on the surface of boiling water by using a
pressure cooker. Pressure cooker is a closed container. The vapours of water formed are not allowed
to escape. In this way, they develop more pressure in the cooker and the boiling temperature
increases. As more heat is absorbed in water, so food is cooked quickly under increased pressure.
Liquids can be made to boil at low temperatures, where they can be distilled easily. This process
is called vacuum distillation. Vacuum distillation has many advantages. It decreases the time for
the distillation process and is economical because less fuel is required. The decomposition of many
compounds can be avoided e.g. glycerin boils at 290 °C at 760 torr pressure but decomposes at this
temperature. Hence, glycerin cannot be distilled at 290 °C. Under vacuum, the boiling temperature
of glycerin decreases to210 0C at 50 torr. It is distilled at this temperature without decomposition
and hence can be puriied easily.

4.2.5 Energetics of Phase Changes

Whenever, matter undergoes a physical change, it is always accompanied by an energy

change. This change in energy is the quantitative measurement of the diference in the strength of
intermolecular forces.
The change in energy is mostly in the form of heat. If a physical or a chemical change
takes place at a constant pressure, then the heat change during this process is also called
enthalpy change. This is denoted by ΔH. These enthalpy changes are usually expressed per mole
of the substances. Three types of enthalpy changes are associated with usual physical changes.

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(i) Molar Heat of Fusion (ΔHf)

It is the amount of heat absorbed by one mole of a solid when it melts into liquid form at its
melting point. The pressure, during the change is kept one atmosphere.

(ii) Molar Heat of Vapourization (ΔHv)

It is the amount of heat absorbed when one mole of a liquid is changed into vapours at its
boiling point. The pressure, during the change is kept one atmosphere.

(iii) Molar Heat of Sublimation (ΔHs)

It is the amount of heat absorbed when one mole of a solid sublimes to give one mole of
vapours at a particular temperature and one atmospheric pressure.
All these enthalpy changes are positive, because they are endothermic processes.

4.2.6 Energy Changes and Intermolecular Attractions

When a solid substance melts then atoms, molecules or ions undergo relatively small changes
in intermolecular distances and the potential energy also undergoes a small change. But when a
liquid evaporates, then larger changes in intermolecular distances and in potential energy takes
place. So ΔH of vapourization of a substance is greater than ΔH of fusion. The values of ΔHs are even
larger than ΔHv because attractive forces in solids are stronger than those in liquids.
The values of ∆Hv and ∆Hs tell us directly the energy needed to separate molecules from each
other. So from these values, we can compare the strengths of intermolecular forces in diferent
From the following Table (4.6), we are convinced that ΔHv for H20, NH3 and S02 are reasonably
high due to polar nature of molecules. ΔHV for iodine is the highest amongst its family members
due to its greater polarizability. Similarly, hexane (C6H14) has the highest ΔHv value amongst the
hydrocarbons due to larger size of its molecules. Actually, the London dispersion forces in I2 and
C6H14 are suiciently strong and these are responsible for such a behaviour.

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Table (4.6) Heats of

of some substances
Substance ΔHv (kJ/mol)
H2O +40.6
NH3 +21.7
HCl +15.6
SO2 +24.3
F2 +5.9
Cl2 +10.00
Br2 +15.00
I2 +22.00
CH4 +8.60
C2H6 +15.1
C3H8 +16.9
C6H14 30.1

4.2.7 Change of State and Dynamic Equilibrium

Whenever, a change of state occurs the system moves towards the condition of dynamic
equilibrium. Dynamic equilibrium is a situation when two opposing changes occur at equal rates.
Being a chemist, we should know that the concept of dynamic equilibrium is the fate or the ultimate
goal of all the reversible chemical reactions and all the physical changes.
At 0°C, solid water (ice) exists in dynamic equilibrium with liquid water.
0o C
ice ฀฀ ฀฀ ฀฀฀฀ water

4.3 Liquid Crystals

Whenever we study the properties of crystalline solids, we come to know that the pure solids
melt sharply. The temperature remains constant at the melting point until all the solid melts.

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In 1888, Frederick Reinitzer, an Austrian botanist discovered a universal property. He was

studying an organic compound cholesteryl benzoate. This compound turns milky liquid at 145°C
and becomes a clear liquid at 179°C. When the substance is cooled, the reverse process occurs.
This turbid liquid phase was called liquid crystal.
Uptil now, it has been reported that, there are many crystalline solids which melt to a turbid
liquid phase, before inally melting to a clear liquid. These turbid liquid phases can low as liquids.
They have the properties like liquids as surface tension, viscosity, etc. But it is very interesting to
know that the molecules of such turbid liquids possess some degree of order as well. It means that
these turbid liquids resemble crystals in certain properties and the most important properties are
optical ones. These turbid liquids are hence called liquid crystals. So, a liquid crystalline state
exists between two temperatures i.e. melting temperature and clearing temperature. A
crystalline solid may be isotropic or anisotropic, but liquid crystals are always anistropic.

Crystal ฀฀ ฀฀
฀฀ Liquidcrystal ฀฀ ฀฀
฀฀ Liquid

From 1888 to until about 30 years ago, liquid crystals were largely a laboratory curiosity. But
now they have found a large number of applications.
Those substances which make the liquid crystals are often composed of long rod like molecules.
In the normal liquid phase, these molecules are oriented in random directions. In liquid crystalline
phase, they develop some ordering of molecules. Depending upon the nature of ordering, liquid
crystals can be divided into nematic, smectic and cholesteric.
The properties of liquid crystals are intermediate between those of crystals and isotropic
liquids. They have the luidity of the liquids and the optical properties of the crystals.

Uses of Liquid Crystals

Due to the remarkable optical and electrical properties, liquid crystals ind many practical
applications. Many organic compounds and biological tissues behave as liquid crystals. The unique
properties of liquid crystals have intrigued the scientists since their discovery, nearly hundred years
ago. Some of their important uses are as follows.
(i) Like solid crystals, liquid crystals can difract light. When one of the wavelengths of white
light is relected, from a liquid crystal it appears coloured. As the temperature changes, the distances
between the layers of the molecules of liquid crystals change. Therefore, the colour of the relected
light changes accordingly. Thus liquid crystals can he used as temperature sensors.

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(ii) Liquid crystals are used to ind the point of potential failure in electrical circuits. Room
thermometers also contain liquid crystals with a suitable temperature range. As the temperature
changes, igures show up in diferent colours.
(iii) Liquid crystalline substances are used to locate the veins, arteries, infections and tumors.
The reason is that these parts of the body are warmer than the surrounding tissues. Specialists can
use the techniques of skin thermography to detect blockages in veins and arteries. When a layer
of liquid crystal is painted on the surface of the breast, a tumor shows up as a hot area which is
coloured blue. This technique has been successful in the early diagnosis of breast cancer.
(iv) Liquid crystals are used in the display of electrical devices such as digital watches, calculators
and laptop computers. These devices operate due to the fact that temperature, pressure and
electro-magnetic ields easily afect the weak bonds, which hold molecules together in liquid
(v) In chromatographic separations, liquid crystals are used as solvents.
(vi) Oscillographic and TV displays also use liquid crystal screens.

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Solids are those substances which are rigid, hard, have deinite shape and deinite
volume. The atoms, ions and molecules that make up a solid are closely packed. They are held
together by strong cohesive forces. The constituent atoms, ions or molecules of solids cannot move
at random. There exists a well ordered arrangement in solids.

4.4.1 Types of Solids

Solids can be classiied on the basis of the regular arrangements of constituent atoms, ions
or molecules. There are two types of solids in this respect.

(i) Crystalline Solids

Those solids in which atoms, ions or molecules are arranged in a deinite three dimensional
pattern are called crystalline solids This recurring regular geometrical pattern of structure extends
three dimensionally.

(ii) Amorphous Solids

All solids are not crystalline .The word amorphous means shapeless. Amorphous substances
are those whose constituent atoms, ions, or molecules do not possess a regular orderly
arrangement. The best examples are glass, plastics, rubber, glue, etc. These substances have solid
state properties and virtually complete maintenance of shape and volume. But they do not have an
ordered crystalline state.
Many crystalline solids can be changed into amorphous solids by melting them and then
cooling the molten mass rapidly. In this way the constituent particles do not ind time to arrange
them selves.

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A long range regularity does not exist in amorphous solids but they can possess small regions
of orderly arrangements. These crystalline parts of otherwise amorphous solids are known as
crystallites. Amorphous solids don’t have sharp melting points that is why particles of glass soften
over a temperature range and can be moulded and blown into various shapes. They do not possess
deinite heats of fusion.

4.4.2 Properties of Crystalline Solids

1. Geometrical Shape

All the crystalline solids have a deinite, distinctive geometrical shape due to deinite and
orderly arrangement of atoms, ions or molecules in three-dimensional space. For a given crystal,
the interfacial angles, at which the surfaces intersect, are always the same no matter in which shape
they are grown. The faces and angles remain characteristic even when the material is ground to a
ine powder.

2. Melting Points

Crystalline solids have sharp melting points and can be identiied from their deinite melting

3. Cleavage Planes

Whenever the crystalline solids are broken they do so along deinite planes. These planes
are called the cleavage planes and they are inclined to one another at a particular angle for a given
crystalline solid. The value of this angle varies from one solid to another solid.

4. Anisotropy

Some of the crystals show variation in physical properties depending upon the
direction. Such properties are called anisotropic properties and the phenomenon is referred
to as anisotropy. The physical properties of crystalline solids like refractive index, coeicient of
thermal expansion, electrical and thermal conductivities are sometimes anisotropic in nature for
some crystals.

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The variation in these properties with direction is due to fact that the orderly arrangement of the
particles in crystalline solids is diferent in diferent directions. For example, electrical conductivity
of graphite is greater in one direction than in another. Actually electrons in graphite are mobile
for electrical conduction parallel to the layers only. Therefore, its conductivity in this direction
is far better than perpendicular to the other direction. Similarly, cleavage itself is an anisotropic

5. Symmetry

The repetition of faces, angles or edges when a crystal is rotated by 360° along its axis is
called symmetry. This an important property of the crystal and there are various types of symmetry
elements found in crystals like, center of symmetry, plane of symmetry and axis of symmetry, etc.

6. Habit of a Crystal

The shape of a crystal in which it usually grows is called habit of a crystal. Crystals are
usually obtained by cooling the saturated solution or by slow cooling of the liquid substance. These
are formed by growing in various directions. If the conditions for growing a crystal are maintained,
then the shape of the crystal always remains the same. If the conditions are changed the shape of
the crystal may change. For example, a cubic crystal of NaCl becomes needle like when 10% urea is
present in its solution as an impurity.

7. Isomorphism

Isomorphism is the phenomenon in which two diferent substances exist in the same
crystalline form. These diferent substances are called isomorphs of each other.
A crystalline form is independent of the chemical nature of the atoms and depends only on
the number of atoms and their way of combinations.
Mostly the ratio of atoms in various compounds are such that isomophism is possible.
Their physical and chemical properties are quite diferent from each other. Anyway, isomorphic
substances crystallize together in all proportions in homogeneous mixtures. Following examples
tell us the nature of the compound, their crystalline forms and the ratio of their atoms.

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Isomorphs Crystalline form Atomic ratio

NaNO3, KNO3 rhombohedral 1:1:3
K2SO4, K2CrO4 orthorhombic 2:1:4
ZnSO4, NiSO4 -do- 1:1:4
NaF, MgO cubic 1:1
Cu, Ag cubic 1:1
Zn, Cd hexagonal 1:1

The structures of the negatively charged ions like NO3-1 and CO32-, are the same. Similarly shapes of
SO42- and CrO42- are also alike. CO32- and NO31- are triangular planar units, while SO42- and CrO42- are
both tetrahedral.

8. Polymorphism

Polymorphism is a phenomenon in which a compound exists in more than one

crystalline forms. That compound which exists in more than one crystalline forms is tailed a
polymorphic, and these forms are called polymorphs, and these forms are called polymorphs
of each other.
Polymorphs have same chemical properties, but they difer in the physical properties. The diference
in physical properties is due to diferent structural arrangement of their particles.
The following compounds are important polymorphs.

Substance crystalline forms

AgNO3 Rhombohedral, Othorhombic
CaCO3 Trigonal and orthorhombic

9. Allotropy

The existence of an element in more than one crystalline forms is known as allotropy
and these forms of the element are called allotropes or allotropic forms. Sulphur, phosphorus,
carbon and tin are some important examples of elements which show allotropy.

Element Crystalline forms

Sulphur, S Rhombic, monoclinic
Carbon, C cubic (diamond), hexagonal (graphite)
Tin, Sn grey tin (cubic), white tin (tetragonal)

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10. Transition Temperature

It is that temperature at which two crystalline forms of the same substance can co-ex-
ist in equilibrium with each other. At this temperature, one crystalline form of a substance
changes to another.
Above and below this temperature, only one form exists. A few examples for those substances
which show allotropy and possess a transition temperature are given below
13.2 C
(i) Grey Tin (cubic) ฀฀ ฀฀ ฀฀ ฀฀฀฀ White tin (Tetragonal)
95.5 C
(ii) Sulphur S8 (rhombic) ฀ Sulphur S8(monoclinic)
฀฀ ฀฀ ฀฀ ฀฀฀
128 C
(iii) KNO3 (orthorhombic) ฀฀ ฀฀ ฀฀ ฀฀฀฀ KNO3(rhombohedral)
32.38o C
(iv) Na2S04-10H20 (hydrated form) ฀฀ ฀฀ ฀฀ ฀฀฀฀ N a2S04(anhydrous from) + 10 H20
(v) Na2CO3- 10 H20 (higher hydrated form) ฀฀ ฀฀ ฀฀ ฀฀฀฀ Na2CO3-7H20(lowerhydratedform)+3H20
32.38 C

It has been noticed that the transition temperature of the allotropic forms of an element is
always less than its melting point.


A crystal is made up of atoms, ions or molecules. In crystalline solids, these atoms, ions or
molecules are located at deinite positions in space.
These positions are represented by points in a crystal.
These points are called as lattice points or lattice sites.
This arrangement of points in a crystal is called crystal
lattice or space lattice.
So a crystal lattice is an array of points representing
atoms, ions or molecules of a crystal, arranged at
diferent sites in three dimensional space. Fig. (4.13)
shows a crystal lattice with a cubic structure.

Fig (4.13) Cubic crystal lattice

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4.5.1 Unit Cell

When we look at the cubic crystal lattice in Fig (4.14), we see that it is actually composed of
many small parts. The smallest part of the crystal lattice has all the characteristic features of
the entire crystal and is called a unit cell.
It means that a unit cell of a crystal lattice is the smallest block or geometrical igure, from which the
entire crystal can be built up by repeating it in three dimensions. It shows the structural properties
of a given crystal. The complete information about the crystalline structure is present within a unit
cell which repeats itself in three dimensions to form a crystal.
If we know the exact arrangement of atoms in a unit cell, we in fact know their arrangement
in the whole crystal.
The quantitative aspects of a crystal lattice are deduced from the size and shape of the unit cell.
There are three unit cell lengths a, b, c and three unit cell angles a , b and γ. These six parameters
are shown in Fig (4.14)
The angle ‘a’ is between the lengths ‘b’ and ‘c’, the angle ‘b’ is between the sides ‘a’ and ‘c’ and
angle’ γ’ is between sides ‘a’ and ‘b’. The unit cell lengths a, b, c, may be assigned along x, y and z
axis, respectivly but angles a , b and γ have to be decided accordingly. The choice of x, y, z may be
along any of the three axis. These six parameters of the unit cell are called unit cell dimensions or
crystallographic elements.
Keeping in view the structure of the unit cell we can understand the crystal system.

Fig (4.14) Six crystallographic elements specify the size and

shape of a unit cell

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Anim ation 4.8: Unit Cell

Source & Credit: Com m ons


A crystal system may be identiied by the dimensions of its unit cell along its three edges or axes, a,
b, c and three angles between the axes a , b , γ.
There are seven crystal systems. These seven crystal
systems are described as follows Fig (4.15).

1. Cubic system

In this system all the three axes are of equal length and
all are at right angles to one another.

Animation 4.9: Classiication of Crystals

Source & Credit: w ikipedia

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2. Tetragonal system

In this system two axes are of equal length and the

third axis is either shorter or larger than the other two. All
angles are 90°.

3. Orthorhombic Or Rhombic System

All the three axes are of unequal length and all are at
right angle to each other.

4. Monoclinic System
All the three axes are of unequal length; two of these
axes are at right angle to each other while the third angle
is greater then 90°.

5. Hexagonal System

In this system two axes are of equal length and are

in one plane making an angle of 120o with each other. The
third axis which is diferent in length than the other two is
at right angle to these two axes.

6. Rhombohedral System Or Trigonal System

All the three axes are of an equal length like cubic

system but the three angles are not equal and lie between Fig (4.15) Seven crystal systems

900 and 120°.

7. Triclinic System

All the three axes and the three angles are unequal and none of the angles is 900.
Table (4.7) shows the unit cell dimensions of the seven crystal systems alongwith their

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Table (4.7) Seven Crystal Systems

Sr. Crystal system Axes Angles Examples

1. cubic a= b= c a= b= γ= 90o
Fe, Cu, Ag, Au, NaCl, NaBr, Dimond

2. Tetragonal a= b ≠ c a= b= γ= 90o
Sn, SnO2, MnO2, NH4Br

3. Orthorhombic a≠b≠c a= b= γ= 90o

Idoine, Rhombic, Sulphur, BaSO4, K2SO4

4. Monoclinic a≠b≠c a= γ= 90o , b ≠ 90o

Sugar, Sulphur, Borax, NaSO.10H2O

5. Hexagonal a= b ≠ c á=â=90o , ã=1200

Graphite, ZnO, CdS, Ice, Zn, Cd

Rhombohedral a= b= c
> a
= =b <γ 90o and 120o
6. Bi, Al2O3, NaNO3, KNO3
or Trignol
7. Triclinic a ≠ b ≠ c a ≠ b ≠ γ ≠ 90o H3BO3, K2Cr2O7, CuSO4.5H2O


In the preceding section, we noted that the crystals are classiied into seven systems depending
upon the dimensions of the unit cells. A unit cell contains a deinite number of atoms, ions, or
molecules. These atoms, ions or molecules are held together by diferent types of cohesive forces.
These forces may be chemical bonds or some type of interactions. There are four types of crystalline
solids depending upon the type of bonds present in them.
(i) Ionic solids
(ii) Covalent solids
(iii) Metallic solids
(iv) Molecular solids

4.7.1 Ionic Solids

Crystalline solids in which the particles forming the crystal are positively and negatively
charged ions are called ionic solids. These ions are held together by strong electrostatic forces of
attraction. These attractive forces are also called ionic bonds. The crystals of NaCl, KBr, etc are ionic

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Properties of Ionic Solids

The cations and anions are arranged in a well deined geometrical pattern, so they are
crystalline solids at room temperature. Under ordinary conditions of temperature and pressure
they never exist in the form of liquids or gases.
Ionic crystals are very stable compounds. Very high energy is required to separate the cations
and anions from each other against the forces of attraction. That is why ionic crystals are very hard,
have low volatility and high melting and boiling points.
Ionic solids do not exist as individual neutral independent molecules. Their cations and anions
attract each other and these forces are non-directional. The close packing of the ions enables
them to occupy minimum space. A crystal lattice is developed when the ions arrange themselves
systematically in an alternate manner.
The structure of the ionic crystals depends upon the radius ratio of cations and anions. For
example.NaCl and CsF have the same geometry because the radius ratio in both the cases is the
In the case of ionic crystals we always talk about the formula mass of these substances and
not the molecular mass, because they do not exist in the form of molecules.

Fig (4.16) Explanation of brittleness of ionic crystals

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Anim ation 4.10 : Ionic Solids

Source & Credit: Grandinetti

Ionic crystals do not conduct electricity in the solid state, because on account of electrostatic force
existing between them the cations and anions remain tightly held together and hence occupy ixed
positions. Ionic crystals conduct electricity when they are in solution or in the molten state. In both
cases ions become free.
Ionic crystals are highly brittle because ionic solids are composed of parallel layers which
contain cations and anions in alternate positions, so that the opposite ions in the various parallel
layers lie over each other.
When an external force is applied, one layer of the ions slides a bit over the other layer along a plane.
In this way the like ions come in front of each other and hence begin to repel. So, the application
of a little external force develops repulsion between two layers causing brittleness Fig (4.16).
Ionic solids are mostly of high density due to close packing of ions. Such compounds having
the ionic crystals give ionic reactions in polar solvents and these are very fast reactions.
The properties like isomorphism and polymorphism are also associated with the ionic crystals.
In order to understand the structure of ionic crystals, let us explain the structure of sodium chloride

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Animation 4.11: classiication of solids

Source & Credit: Askiitians

Structure of Sodium Chloride

The structure of ionic crystals depends upon the structure and the size of their ions. Each ion is
surrounded by a certain number of ions of opposite charge. In the structure of NaCl each Na+ ion is
surrounded by six chloride ions. Fig (4.17) shows how these ions are arranged in the crystal lattice. It is
clear that Na+ has ten electrons while Cl- has total 18 electrons. The size of the Cl- is bigger than that of Na+
The distance between two nearest ions of the same kind i.e., Cl- ions is 5.63 A . So the
distance between two adjacent ions of diferent kind is 5.63/2 = 2.815 A .

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Figs (4.17 a, b) The unit cell of sodium chloride showing that four NaCl formula units are present in a unit cell.

The location of Na+ and Cl- is such that each Na+ is surrounded by six Cl- placed at the corners
of a regular octahedron Fig. (4.17 a). So the coordination number of each Na+ is six. Similarly,
each Cl- is also surrounded by six Na+. Na+ and C1- are not connected to one another by pairs
because all six Cl- ions are at the same distance away from one Na+. It has been observed that
independent molecules of NaCl do exist in the vapour phase. Anyhow, in solid NaCl there
are no independent molecules of NaCl. That is why NaCl is said to have formula unit of NaCl.
While looking at the Fig.(4.17 b), we see that there are eight Cl- at the comers of the cube, and
each is being shared amongst eight cubes. l/8th part of each Cl- ion is considered for this unit cell.
So, one complete Cl- is contributed by eight corners. Similarly,six chloride ions are present at the
face centres and each is being shared between t wo cells. Thus.per unit cell there are 8/8 + 6/2 =
4 Cl- ions. You can justify the presence of 4 Na+ , if you take a unit cell having 8Na+ at eight corners
and 6Na+ at faces. So, there are equal number of Na+ ions, and therefore 4 NaCl units are present
per unit cell. Fig (4.17b)

Lattice Energy

Solids are composed of atoms, ions or molecules. However, many solids of daily importance
are ionic in nature. As mentioned earlier these ions exist in a three dimensional array which is
called as lattice.

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When the oppositely charged ions are brought, close to each other energy is released. So
the lattice energy is the energy released when one mole of the ionic crystal is formed from
the gaseous ions. It is also deined as the energy required to break one mole of solid into
isolated ions in the gas phase. It is expressed in kj mole-1.
Na+ (g) + Cl − (g) → NaCl( s ) ฀ H = −787kJmole−1

Tables (4.8) Lattice energies

of ionic compounds
Ionic Lattice energy
compound (kJ/mol-1)
LiCl -833
NaF -895
NaCl -787
KCl -690
NaBr -728
KBr -665
Nal -690

Table (4.8) shows the lattice energies of many ionic compounds. It is clear from the table that
lattice energy decreases with the increase in the size of the cation keeping the anion same. It also
decreases with the increase in the size of anion. The reason in both cases is the same. With the
increase in the size of either cation or anion, the packing of oppositely charged ions becomes less
and less tight. The calculations related to the measurement of lattice energy will be discussed in
chapter seven.

4.7.2. Covalent Solids

Covalent solids are also called atomic solids, because they are composed of neutral atoms of
the same or of diferent elements. These atoms are held together by covalent bonds.
Covalent solids are of two types.
(i) Whenthecovalentbondsjointoformgiantmoleculeslikediamond,siliconcarbideoraluminiumnitride.
(ii) When atoms join to form the covalent bonds and separate layers are produced like that of
graphite, cadmium iodide and boron nitride.

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Properties of Covalent Crystals

The bonding in covalent crystals extend in three dimensions. They contain a network of atoms.
The valencies of atoms are directed in deinite directions, so the packing of atoms in these crystals
is looser than those of ionic and metallic crystals. Thus covalent crystals have open structure.
These crystals are very hard and considerable amount of energy is required to break them.
They have high melting points and their volatility is very low.
Due to the absence of free electrons and ions they are bad conductors of electricity.
However, graphite has a layered structure and the electrons are available in between the layers.
These electrons are delocalised and conductivity becomes possible. Graphite is not a conductor
perpendicular to the layers.
Mostly covalent crystalline solids are insoluble in polar solvents like water but they are readily
soluble in non-polar solvents like benzene and carbon tetrachloride. The covalent crystals having
giant molecules like diamond and silicon carbide are insoluble in all the solvents. Because of their
big size, they do not interact with the solvent molecules. The chemical reactions of such crystalline
solids are very slow.
Let us try to understand the structure of diamond, which is a well known covalent solid.

Structure of Diamond

Diamond is one of the allotropic modiications of

carbon. It is best understood by taking into consideration
the number of electrons in the outermost shell of carbon,
which are four. The four atomic orbitals (one 2s and three
2p) undergo sp3 hybridization to give four sp3 hybridized
orbitals. They are directed in space along the four corners
of a tetrahedron Fig. (4.18 a).
This is the unit cell of diamond and a large number of
such unit cells undergo sp3-sp3 overlapping to form a huge
structure. Each carbon atom is linked with four other carbon
atoms. The bonds between carbon atoms are covalent
which run through the crystal in three-dimensions. All the
bond angles are 109.5° and the bond lengths are 154 pm.

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The whole lattice is, therefore, continuous and because of the continuity of C-C covalent bonding,
the entire diamond crystal behaves as a huge or giant three-dimensional carbon molecule. This is
also called a macro-molecule.
Fig.(4.18b), The overall structure of diamond looks face centred-cubic Fig. (4.18 c)

Fig(4.18 c) face-centered cubic structure

of diamond

4.7.3. Molecular Solids

Those solid substances in which the particles forming the crystals are polar or non-polar
molecules or atoms, of a substance are called molecular solids. For instance, in solidiied noble
gases, there are non-polar atoms. Two types of of diamond intermolecular forces hold them
(i) Dipole-dipole interactions.
(ii) van der Waals forces.
These intermolecular forces are much weaker than the forces of attraction between the
cations and the anions in ionic crystals, and between the atoms in the covalent crystals.
Ice and sugar are the best examples of crystals having polar molecules whereas iodine, sulphur,
phosphorus and carbon dioxide form the molecular crystals containing nonpolar molecules. Polar
molecular solids have usually higher melting and boiling points as compared to non-polar molecular

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Properties of the Molecular Solids

X-ray analysis has shown the regular arrangements of atoms in constituent molecules of
these solids, and we get the exact positions of all the atoms.
The forces, which hold the molecules together in molecular crystals, are very weak so they
are soft and easily compressible.

They are mostly volatile and have low melting and boiling points. They are bad conductors
of electricity, have low densities and sometimes transparent to light. Polar molecular crystals are
mostly soluble in polar solvents, while non-polar molecular crystals are usually soluble in non-polar
Iodine is one of the best examples of a molecular solid. Let us discuss the structure of iodine

Structure of Solid Iodine

In the solid state the molecules of iodihe align in the form of layer lattice. This is shown in Fig
(4.19). I -I bond distance is 271.5 pm and it is appreciably longer than in gaseous iodine (266.6 pm).
As expected from its structure, iodine is a poor conductor of electricity.

Fig (4.19) Face centered cubic structure of iodine

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4.7.4. Metallic Solids

In order to explain properties of

metallic solids various theories have been
proposed. A few of them are mentioned
The irst theory of metallic bonding is
called electron pool or electron gas theory.
This theory was proposed by Drude and
extended by Loren (1923). According to
this theory, each atom in a metal crystal
loses all of its valence electrons. These
valence electrons form a pool or a gas.
The positively charged metal ions are
believed to be held together by electron
pool or gas. These positively charged ions
occupy deinite positions at measurable Fig (4.20) Positive ions surrounded by mobile electrons
distances from each other in the crystal
lattice. Valence elect rons are not attached to any individual ion or a pair of ions rather belong to
t he crystal as a whole. These electrons are free to move about from one part of the crystal to the
other. The force, which binds a metal cation to a number of electrons within its sphere of- inluence,
is known as metallic bond. The following Fig. (4.20) gives an idea of electron gas model.
L. Pauling has tried to explain the metallic bond according to valence bond theory. According to
this theory, the metallic bond is treated essentially as covalent in character. However, it is assumed
that the covalent bonds are not localized but are highly delocalized in metal structure.
Recently, molecular orbital theory was applied to explain the characteristics of metallic
solids. According to this theory, it is assumed that the electrons in the completely illed orbitals
are essentially localized, while atomic orbitals containing the valence electrons interact or overlap
to form a set of delocalized orbitals. These delocalized orbitals are the molecular orbitals which
extend over the entire crystal lattice. Such a combination of atomic orbitals produce as a large
number of closely spaced states. These states of energy are also known as bands of energy. That is
why it is also called a band theory. The energy gap between two bands determines the properties
of the metallic solids.

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Properties of Metallic crystals

Metals are good conductor of electricity. When electric ield is applied between two ends of
a metal then the mobile electrons begin to move towards the positive pole and the new electrons
from the negative pole take their place Fig. (4.21a) Sometimes, the electrical conductivity of metals
decrease with the increase in temperature. The reason is that with the increase in temperature the
positive metal ions also begin to oscillate and the motion hinders the free movement of mobile
electrons between the positive ions. This hindrance decreases the electrical conductivity.

Fig (4.21a) Explanation of electrical conductivity of a metal

The rmal conductivity is another property associated with metallic solids. When a piece of
metal is heated at one end, the mobile electrons at this end absorb heat energy and move very
rapidly through the metallic lattice towards the cooler end. During the process they collide with
adjacent electrons and transfer their heat energy to them.
Whenever the metals are freshly cut, most of them possess metallic luster which means that
they have a shining surface. When light falls on the metallic surface, the incident light collides with
the mobile electrons and they are excited. These electrons when deexcited give of some energy
in the form of light. This light appears to be relected from the surface of the metal which gives a
shining look.

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Metals are malleable and ductile whenever stress is applied on them. Their layers slip pass
each other. The structure of the metal changes without fracturing as shown in the Fig. (4.21b).

Fig(4.21b) Deformation of metal structures

Structure of Metals

In the previous article of metallic solids, we have

learnt that metal atoms are arranged in deinite pattern.
Free electrons are roaming about in the crystal lattice. So
a metal may be regarded as an assembly of the positively
charged spheres of identical radii which are packed
together to ill the space as completely as possible.
To understand the closed packing of atoms in metal
structures, let us suppose that the metal atoms are like
hard spherical balls. Take twelve spherical balls and pack
in a box as shown in Fig (4.22 a). Fig (4.22 a) Packing of twelve sphere in a box
(two dimensional view)

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The spaces during the packing are larger. When the box
is shaken, the balls will rearrange as shown in Fig (4.22 b).
The arrangement of these balls are now stable and more
closely packed. It is the natural tendency of the balls to
have closely packed arrangement of eleven spheres after
In order to understand,how various unit cells of the
crystal lattice are developed, consider three balls which
join together in one plane. The fourth ball is inserted in
the space created by the other three as a second layer.
Fig (4.22 b)Packing of eleven spheres in a box
In this way tetrahedral structure is obtained Fig (4.22 c). ( two dimentional view)
Actually, the fourth ball of the second layer is placed in
the depression created by the irst three balls. These depressions are also called interstices or
crevices or voids.
Consider the Fig (4.22 d) in which eleven balls of Fig. (4.22 b) are present in the irst layer
(circles with shade). The balls of the second layer (circle without shade) can it into the depressions
or interstices created by the irst layer. When the balls of the second layer are arranged, then all
the depressions of the irst layer are not occupied. There are two types of depressions as ‘a’ and
‘b’. The depressions marked ‘b’ are not occupied by the second layer and one can see the ground
from looking at the top through depressions ‘b’. The new depressions marked ‘a’ are created by the
second layer. Through the depressions ‘a’, we can not see the ground, but balls of the irst layer.
Now arrange the balls of third layer in the depression of second layer. When the balls of the third
layer are placed abov the second layer then there are two possibilities. Third layer balls may be
accommodated in ‘a’- type or ‘b’-type interstices or depressions.

Fig (4.22 c) The formation of a

tetrahedral site, due to four balls
Fig (4.22 d) Close packing of spheres, showing 11
balls in irst layer and 6 balls in second layer.

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(i) Cubic Close Packing

When the atoms of the third layer it into the interstices marked b, then the atoms of the
third layer will not lie directly above those of the atoms of irst layer. This pattern of arrangement
is called ABC ABC-------------- or 123 123-----------------. It is named as face centred cubic arrangement
Fig. (4.23a). The balls of fourth, seventh and tenth layers will be in front of each other.

Fig (4.23 a) Cubic close packing or Fig (4.23 b) Hexagonal close packing (ABAB . . . )
Face centred cubic arrangement (ABCABC . . . )

(ii) Hexagonal Close Packing

When the atoms of the third layer are arranged in such a way that they occupy the depressions
created by the second layer i.e., in the ‘a’ types crevices then these atoms will directly lie above the
atoms of irst layer. This pattern of arrangement is usually written as ABAB ....... or 1212 . This
pattern has been named as hexagonal close packing Fig(4.23b). The balls of third, ifth, seventh
layers will be in front of each other.

Comparison of Properties of Various Types of Crystals

The following table gives a view to the comparison of properties of four types of crystals.

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Table (4.9) Type of Crystalline Solids

Type of Structural Intermolecular Typical Properties Examples
Solid Particles Forces
Metallic cations plus metallic hardness varies from soft to Na; Mg; Al
delicalized bons Very hard; melting points Fe; Zn; Cu;
electrons varied from low to very high; Ag; W
lustrous; ductile; malleable;
very good conductors of heat
and electricity
Ionic cations and electrostatic hard; moderate to very high NaCl;NaNO3,
anions attractions melting points: MgO
of electricity (but good
conductors in the molten
Molecular molecules Landon and/or soft; low melting points: noble-gas
(atoms of dipole-dipole nonconductors of heat and elements;
noble gases) and/or electricity; sublime easily CH4; CO2; P4
hydrogen bonds in many cases S8; I2; H2O
Network atoms covalent bonds very hard; very high melting C(diamonds);
covalent points: nonconductors of SiC; SiO2

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4.8 Determination of Avogadro’s Number (NA)

Avagadro number can be calculated in a number of diferent ways. One of the most accurate
methods for determining this number is based on the study of crystalline solids.
In order to calculate this number, we need to know the volume of one gram-mole of a crystalline solid
and the distance between its atoms or ions in the crystal lattice.
The volume of one gram-mole of a solid can be calculated from its density while the spacing
between its atoms can be measured by X-rays.
The method of determining Avogadro’ s number is explained with a help of following solved exam-
ple which gives a reasonably good value of this number. The crystal of LiF is primitive cubic and can
be used to calculate the Avogadro’s number.


The density of LiF is 2.65 g cm-3. It is made up of cubic array of alternate Li+ and F- ions and the
distance between these ions is 2.01 A (2.01 x 10-8 cm). Calculate the Avogadro’s number.


The formula mass of LiF = 6.939 + 18.9984

= 25.9374 g mol-1
Density of LiF = 2.65 g cm-3

From the density and molar mass, calculate the volume of 1 mole of solid LiF

The volume occupied

25.9374g mol
by one formula unit of LiF =
2.65g cm −3

= .7889cm3 mol-1

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From this volume, we can calculate the edge length of the cube. For this, we suppose that 9.788cm3
of LiF i.e., 1 mole of LiF, is present in the form of a cube. The cube root of this volume will give the
length of one edge of cube.
Edge length of the cube = 3
= .1392cm

The number of ions of both Li+ and F- on one edge length can be calculated by dividing the edge
length by distance between ions. Hence, the number of (Li+and F- ) ions along one edge length

2.01 × 10−8 cm ion −1

= .064x10
1 8
When we take the cubes of these ions we get the total number of ions i.e. Li+ and F- in the cube.

Total number (Li+F-) of ions in the cube = (1.064x108)3

= .204x10
1 24

Since the cube of LiF crystal contains one Avogadro’s number of Li+ and one Avogadro’s
number of F- , so the Avogadro’s number will be
1.204 x108

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1. Among three states of matter i.e. gases, liquids and solids, the intermolecular attractive forces
in the gases are negligible. In liquids intermolecular forces are strong enough to keep the
molecules close together. Anyhow, the molecules in liquids are free to move with respect to
one another. In solids the particles occupy speciic locations in three dimensional arrangement.
Molecules in liquids are free to move with respect to one another. In solids the particles occupy
speciic locations in three dimensional arrangement.
2. There are four types of intermolecular forces i.e. dipole-dipole forces, London dispersion forces,
hydrogen bonding and Ion-dipole forces. The relative strengths of dipole-dipole and dispersion
forces depend upon the polarity, polarisability, size and shape of the molecules. Hydrogen
bonding occurs in compounds containing 0-H,N - H, H - F bonds.
3. The vapour pressure of a liquid measures the tendency of a liquid to evaporate. It is the pressure
exerted by the vapours on the surface of a liquid when the rate of evaporation is equal to the
rate of condensation. A liquid boils when its vapour pressure equals the external pressure.
4. Many crystalline solids melt to give a turbid liquid before melting to give a clear liquid. These
turbid liquids possess some degree of order and are called liquid crystals. Liquid crystals have
the luidity of liquids and the optical properties of solids.
5. In crystalline solids the particles are arranged in a regular and repeating manner. The essential
structural features of a crystalline solid can be represented by its unit cell. The three dimensional
array of points representing atoms, ions or molecules is called crystal lattice. The points in the
crystal lattice represent positions in the structure where they have identical environments.
6. The simplest unit cell is a cubic unit cell. There are seven crystal systems overall.
7. The properties of solids depend on the arrangement of particles and the attractive forces
between them. Ionic solids are hard and brittle and have high melting points. Covalent solids
consist of atoms held together by covalent bonds and these bonds extend throughout the solid.
They are hard and have high melting points. Metallic solids consist of metal cations immersed
in a sea of electrons and give a wide range of properties. Molecular solids consist of atoms or
molecules held together by intermolecular forces.
8. The properties of solids depend on the arrangement of particles and the attractive forces
between them. Ionic solids are hard and brittle and have high melting points. Covalent solids
consist of atoms held together by covalent bonds and these bonds extend throughout the solid.
They are hard and have high melting points. Metallic solids consist of metal cations immersed
in a sea of electrons and give a wide range of properties. Molecular solids consist of atoms or
molecules held together by intermolecular forces.

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Q1. Choose the best answers from the given choices.
(i) London dispersion forces are the only forces present among the
(a) molecules of water in liquid state
(b) atoms of helium in gaseous state at high temperature
(c) molecules of solid iodine.
(d) molecules of hydrogen chloride gas.
(ii) Acetone and chloroform are soluble in each other due to
(a) intermolecular hydrogen bonding (b) ion-dipole interaction
(c) instantaneous dipole (d) all of the above
(iii) NH, shows a maximum boiling point among the hydrides of Vth group elements due to
(a) very small size of nitrogen (b) lone pair of electrons present on nitrogen.
(c) enhanced electronegative character of nitrogen
(d) pyramidal structure of NH3
(iv) When water freezes at 0"C, its density decreases due to
(a) cubic structure of ice (b) empty spaces present in the structure of ice
(c) change of bond lengths (d) change of bond angles
(v) In order to raise the boiling point of water upto 110°C, the external pressure should be
(a) between 760 torr and 1200 torr (b) between 200 torr and 760 torr
(c) 765 torr (d) any value of pressure

Q2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words

(i) The polarizability of noble gases________down the group and results in the increase in
their boiling points.
(ii) ________ is developed in acetone and chloroform when they are mixed together.
(iii) Exceptionally weak_____of HF is due to strong hydrogen bonding present in it.
(iv) The concept of dynamic equilibrium is the ultimate _______of all reversible systems.
(v) ∆Hv of C6H14 should be_____ than that of C2H6.
(vi) During the formation of ice from liquid water there is a______ % increase in volume.
(vii) The rate of increase of vapour pressure of water_______at high temperatures.
(viii) A layer of ice on the surface of water____the water underneath for further heat loss.
(ix) Evaporation is a ________process.
(x) Liquid crystals are used in the display of_________ devices.

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Q3. Indicate true or false as the case may be

(i) Dipole-dipole forces are weaker than dipole-induced dipole forces.
(ii) The ion dipole interactions are responsible for the dissolution of an ionic substance in water.
(iii) The high polarizability of iodine is responsible for its existence in solid form and its diference
from other halogens.
(iv) The strong hydrogen bonding in H2S makes it diferent from water.
(v) Hydrocarbons are soluble in water because they are polar compounds.
(vi) The viscosities of liquids partially depend upon the extent of hydrogen bonding.
(vii) The state of equilibrium between liquid state and vapours is dynamic in nature.
(viii) Heat of vapourization of liquids depend upon the intermolecular forces of attraction present
between their molecules.
(ix) Ice does not show any vapour pressure on its surface at -1oC.
(x) Boiling point of a liquid is independent of external pressure.

Q4 (a) What type of intermolecular forces will dominate in the following liquids.
(i) Ammonia, NH3 (ii) Octane, C8 H18 (iii) Argon, Ar
(iv) Propanone, CH3COCH3 (v) Methanol, CH3OH
(b) Propanone (CH3COCH3), propanol (CH3CH2CH2OH) and butane (CH3CH2CH2CH3) have
very similar relative molecular masses. List them in the expected order of increasing boiling points.
Explain your answer.

Q.5 Explain the following with reasons.

(i) In the hydrogen bonded structure of HF, which is the stronger bond: the shorter covalent
bond or the longer hydrogen bond between diferent molecules.
(ii) In a very cold winter the ish in garden ponds owe their lives to hydrogen bonding?
(iii) Water and ethanol can mix easily and in all proportions.
(iv) The origin of the intermolecular forces in water.

Q6 (a) Briely consider some of the efects on our lives if water has only a very weak hydrogen
bonding present among its molecules.
(b) All gases have a characteristic critical temperature. Above the critical temperature it is
impossible to liquefy a gas. The critical temperatures of carbon dioxide and methane are
31.14 0C and -81.9 0C, respectively. Which gas has the stronger intermolecular forces? Briely
explain your choice?

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Q7 Three liquids have the properties mentioned against their names

Water Propanone Pentane

(i) Molecular Formula H2O C3H6O C5H12
(ii) Relativemolecularmass(a.m.u.) 18 58 72
Enthalpy change of
(iii) 41.1 31.9 27.7
vapourization (kJ mol-1)
(iv) Boiling point (0C) 100 56 36

(a) What type of intermolecular force predominates in each liquid?

(i) water (ii) propanone (iii) pentane
(b) What do you deduce about the relative strength of these forces in the liquids?
Justify your conclusions.
(c) If the liquids are shaken together in pairs,
(i) Which pair would be unlikely to mix?
(ii) Explain this immiscibility in terms of the forces between the molecules.
(iii) Choose one of the pairs that mix and say whether the enthalpy change on mixing
would be positive or negative.

Q8 Describe the various forces responsible for keeping the particles together in the following
elements and compounds and their efects on physical properties making use of the data

Substance Formula Molar Mass (a.m.u.) M.P(°C)

Neon Ne 20 -248
Argon Ar 40 -189
Water H2O 18 0
Sodium luoride NaF 42 993
Diamond C 12 3350

Q9 The boiiing points and molar masses of hydrides of some irst row elements are tabulated

Substance Boiling Point (K) Molar Mass (g mol-1)

CH4 109 16
NH3 240 17
H2O 373 18

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Suggest reasons for the diference in their boiling points in terms of the type of molecules
involved and the nature of the forces present between them.

Q10 Explain the term saturated vapour pressure. Arrange in order of increasing vapour pressure:
ldm3 water, 1 dm3 ethanol, 50 cm3 water, 50 cm3 ethanol and 50 cm3 of ether.

Q11 While a volatile liquid standing in a breaker evaporates, the temperature of the liquid remains
the same as that of its surrounding. If the same liquid is allowed to vapourize into atmosphere
in an insulated vessel, its temperature falls below that of its surrounding. Explain the diference
in behaviour.

Q12 How does hydrogen bonding explain the following indicated properties of the substances?
(i) Structure of DNA (ii) Hydrogen bonding in proteins
(iii) Formation of ice and its lesser density than liquid water
(iv) Solubilities of compounds

Q13 What are liquid crystals? Give their uses in daily life.

Q14 Explain the following with reasons.

(i) Evaporation causes cooling.
(ii) Evaporation takes place at all temperatures.
(iii) Boiling needs a constant supply of heat.
(iv) Earthenware vessels keep water cool.
(v) One feels sense of cooling under the fan after bath.
(vi) Dynamic equilibrium is established during evaporation of a liquid in a closed vessel at
constant temperature.
(vii) The boiling point of water is diferent at Murree hills and at Mount Everest.
(viii) Vacuum distillation can be used to avoid decomposition of a sensitive liquid.
(ix) Heat of sublimation of a substance is greater than its heat of vaporization.
(x) Heat of sublimation of iodine is very high.

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Q1. Multiple choice questions.

(i) Ionic solids are characterized by

(a) low melting points. (b) good conductivity in solid state,
(c) high vapour pressures. (d) solubility in polar solvents.
(ii) Amorphous solids
(a) have sharp melting points.
(b) undergo clean cleavage when cut with knife.
(c) have perfect arrangement of atoms.
(d) can possesses small regions of orderly arrangement of atoms.
(iii) The molecules of CO2 in dry ice form the
(a) ionic crystals (b) covalent crystals
(c) molecular crystals (d) any type of crystal
(iv) Which of the following is a pseudo solid?
(a) CaF2 (b) Glass (c) NaCl (d) All
(v) Diamond is a bad conductor because
(a) it has a tight structure (b) it has a high density
(c) there are no free electron present in the crystal of diamond to conduct electricity
(d) is transparent to light

Q2. Fill in the blanks

(i) In a crystal lattice, the number of nearest neighbours to each atom is called the_______.
(ii) There are__________ Bravis lattices.
(iii) A pseudo solid is regarded as__________liquid.
(iv) Glass may begin to crystallize by a process called__________ .
(v) Crystalline solids which exhibit the same _________ in all directions are called_________.
(vi) The branch of science which deals with the __________________ of crystals is called

Q.3 Indicate True/False as the case mav be

(i) There are ive parameters in unit cell dimensions of a crystal.
(ii) Ionic crystals are very hard, have low volatility and very low melting and boiling points.

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(iii) The value of lattice energy of the ionic substances depends upon the size of ions.
(iv) Molecular orbital theory of solids is also called band theory.
(v) Ionic solid is good conductor of electricity in the molten state.

Q.4 What are solids? Give general properties of solids. How do you diferentiate between crystalline
solids and amorphous solids?

(a) Explain the following properties of crystalline solids. Give three examples in each case.
(i) Anisotropy (v) Polymorphism
(ii) Cleavage (vi) Transition temperature
(iii) Habit of a crystal (vii) Symmetry
(iv) Isomorphism (viii) Growing of a crystal
(b) How polymorphism and allotropy are related to each other? Give examples.

(a) Deine unit cell. What are unit cell dimensions? How the idea of crystal lattice is developed
from the concept of unit cell?
(b) Explain seven crystal systems and draw the shapes of their unit cells.

(a) What are ionic solids? Give their properties. Explain the structure of NaCl. Sketch a model to
justify that unit cell of NaCl has four formula units in it.
(b) What are covalent solids? Give their properties. Explain the structure of diamond.
(c) What are molecular crystals? Give their properties. Justify that molecular crystals are softer
than ionic crystals.
(a)Give diferent theories of a metallic bond. How does electron sea theory justify the electrical
conductivity, thermal conductivity and shining surfaces of metals?
(b) Explain with the help of a diagram
(i) Cubic close packing in the structure of metals.
(ii) Hexagonal close packing in the structure of metals.

Q9 Crystals of salts fracture easily but metals are deformed under stress without fracturing.
Explain the diference.

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Q10 What is the coordination number of an ion? What is the coordination number of the cation in
(a) NaCl structure and (b) CsCl structure? Explain the reason for this diference?

Q11 Give examples of ionic solids, molecular solids and covalent macromolecular solids. What are
the factors which determine whether each of these types of solid will dissolve in water or not?

Q12 Explain the following with reasons:

(i) Sodium is softer than copper, but both are very good electrical conductors.
(ii) Diamond is hard and an electrical insulator.
(iii) Sodium chloride and caesium chloride have diferent structures.
(iv) Iodine dissolves readily in teterachloromethane.
(v) The vapour pressures of solids are far less than those of liquids.
(vi) Amorphous solid like glass is also called super cooled liquid.
(vii) Cleavage of the crystals is itself anisotropic behaviour.
(viii) The crystals showing isomorphism mostly have the same atomic ratios.
(ix) The transition temperature is shown by elements having allotropic forms and by
compounds showing polymorphism.
(x) One of the unit cell angles of hexagonal crystal is 120°.
(xi) The electrical conductivity of the metals decrease by increasing temperature.
(xii) In the closest packing of atoms of metals, only 74% space is occupied.
(xiii) Ionic crystals don’t conduct electricity in the solid state.
(xiv) Ionic crystals are highly brittle.
(xv) The number of positive ions surrounding the negative ion in the ionic crystal lattice
depends upon the sizes of the two ions.

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Animation 5.1: Atomic Structure

Source & Credit: nuceng
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We are familiar with the nature of matter, which is made up of extremely small particles called
atoms. According to Dalton’s theory, atoms were considered to be ultimate particles which could
not be divided any further. Our ideas about structure of atom have undergone radical changes
over the years. A number of subatomic particles have been discovered. The experiments which led
to the discovery of electron, proton and neutron are described below.

Anim ation 5.2: Atom ic nucleus Model

Source & Credit : m y w eb.rollins

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5.1.1Discovery of Electron (Cathode Rays)

A gas discharge tube is itted with two metallic electrodes acting as cathode and anode. The
tube is illed with a gas, air or vapours of a substance at any desired pressure. The electrodes are
connected to a source of high voltage. The exact voltage required depends upon the length of the
tube and the pressure inside the tube. The tube is attached to a vacuum pump by means of a small
side tube so that the conduction of electricity may be studied at any value of low pressure Fig (5.1).

Anim ation 5.3: Cathode Ray s

Source & Credit : w ikipedia

It is observed that current does not low through the gas at ordinary pressure even at high voltage
of 5000 volts. When the pressure inside the tube is reduced and a high voltage of 5000-10000 volts
is applied, then an electric discharge takes place through the gas producing a uniform glow inside
the tube. When the pressure is reduced further to about 0.01 torr, the original glow disappeares.
Some rays are produced which create luorescence on the glass wall opposite to the cathode.
These rays are called cathode rays. The colour of the glow or the luorescence produced on the
walls of the glass tube, depends upon the composition of glass.

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5.1.2 Properties of Cathode Rays

To study the properties of cathoe rays systematic investigations were made by many scientists.
They established the following properties of cathode rays.

Fi g (5.1) Projduct ion of the cath,ode rays

1. Cathode rays are negativelycharged. In 1895, J Perrin showed that when the cathode rays passed
between the poles of the magnet, the path of the negatively charged particles was curved downward
to point 2 by the magnetic ield. Fig (5.2)
In 1897, J. Thomson established their electric charge by the application of electric ield, the cathode
ray particles were delected upwards (towards the positive plate) to point 3. Fig. (5.2)
Thomson found that by carefully controlling the charge on the plates when the plates and the
magnet were both around the tube, he could make the cathode rays strike the tube at point 1
again Fig.(5.2). In other words, he was able to cancel the efect of the magnetic ield by applying an
electric ield that tended to bend the path of the cathode rays in the opposite direction.

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Fig (5.2) Delection of cathode rays

in electric and magnetic ields

2. They produce a greenish luorescence on striking the walls of the glass tube. These rays also
produce luorescence in rare earths and minerals. When placed in the path of these rays, alumina
glows red and tin stone yellow.

Fig (5.3) Cathode rays cast a shadow of an opaque object

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Anim ation 5.4: X-ray Safety tem plate

Source & Credit : adm .uw aterloo

3. Cathode rays cast a shadow when an opaque object is placed in their path. This proves that
they travel q straight line perpendicular to the surface of cathode Fig (5.3).

4. These rays can drive a small paddle wheel placed in their path. This shows that these rays
possess momentum. From this observation, it is inferred that cathode rays are not rays but material
particles having a deinite mass and velocity Fig (5.4).

Fig (5.4) cathode rays derive a sman paddle wheel

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5. Cathode rays can produce X-rays when they strike an anode particularly with large atomic
mass Fig (5.18).
6. Cathode rays can produce heat when they fall on matter e.g. when cathode rays from a
concave cathode are focussed on a platinum foil, it begins to glow.
7. Cathode rays can ionize gases.
8. They can cause a chemical change, because they have a reducing efect.
9. Cathode rays can pass through a thin metal foil like aluminum or gold foil.
10. The e/m value of cathode rays shows that they are simply electrons. J.J. Thomson concluded
from his experiments that cathode rays consist of streams of negatively charged particles. Stoney
named these particles as electrons. Thomson also determined the charge to mass ratio (e/m) of
electrons. He found that the e/m value remained the same no matter which gas was used in the
discharge tube. He concluded that all atoms contained electrons.

5.1.3 Discovery of Proton (Positive Rays)

In 1886, German physicist, E. Goldstein took a discharge tube provided with a cathode having
extremely ine holes in it. When a large potential diference is applied between electrodes, it is
observed that while cathode rays are travelling away from cathode, there are other rays produced
at the same time. These rays after passing through the perforated cathode produce a glow on
the wall opposite to the anode. Since these rays pass through the canals or the holes of cathode,
they are called canal rays. These rays are named as positive rays owing to the fact that they carry
positive charge Fig (5.5).

Fig (5.5) Production of positive rays

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Reason for the Production of Positive Rays

These positive rays are produced, when high speed

cathode rays (electrons) strike the molecules of a gas
enclosed in the discharge tube. They knock out electrons
from the gas molecules and positive ions are produced,
which start moving towards the cathode Fig (5.5).
M+e- → M+ +2e-

5.1.4 Properties of Positive Rays

1. They are delected by an electric as well as a

Anim ation 5.5: Protons
magnetic ield showing, that these are positively charged. Source & Credit : w ikipedia
2. These rays travel in a straight line in a direction
opposite to the cathode rays.
3. They produce lashes on ZnS plate.
4. The e/m value for the positive rays is always smaller than that of electrons and depends
upon the nature of the gas used in the discharge tube. Heavier the gas, smaller the e/m value.
When hydrogen gas is used in the discharge tube, the e/m value is found to be the maximum in
comparison to any other gas because the value of’m’ is the lowest for the positive particle obtained
from the hydrogen gas. Hence the positive particle obtained from hydrogen gas is the lightest
among all the positive particles. This particle is called proton, a name suggested by Rutherford.
The mass of a proton is 1836 times more than that of an electron.

5.1.5 Discovery of Neutron

Proton and electron were discovered in 1886 and their properties were completely determined
till 1895. It is very strange to know that upto 1932 it was thought that an atom was composed of
only electrons and protons. Rutherford predicted in 1920 that some kind of neutral particle having
mass equal to that of proton must be present in an atom, because he noticed that atomic masses
of atoms could not be explained,if it were supposed that atoms had only electrons and protons.
Chadwick discovered neutron in 1932 and was awarded Nobel prize in Physics in 1935.

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A stream of a-particles produced from a polonium source was directed at beryllium ( 94 Be )

target. It was noticed that some penetrating radiation were produced. These radiations were called
neutrons because the charge detector showed them to be neutral Fig (5.6). The nuclear reaction is

2 He + 4 Be →6 C + 0 n
as follows. 4 9 12 1

(a -paricle)

Actually a-particles and the nuclei of Be ate re-arranged and extra neutron is emitted.

Fig (5.6) Bombardment of Be with a- particles and discovery of neutron

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Anim ation 5.6: chad w icks experim ent

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5.1.6 Properties of Neutron

1. Free neutron decays into a proton +1P with the emission of an electron −1
e and a neutrino 00 n.
0 n → +11 P + −10e + 00n
2. Neutrons cannot ionize gases.
3. Neutrons are highly penetrating particles.
4. They can expel high speed protons from parain, water, paper and cellulose.
5. When neutrons travel with an energy 1.2 Mev (Mega electron volt 106), they are called fast
neutrons but with energy below 1ev are called slow neutrons. Slow neutrons are usually more
efective than fast ones for the ission purposes.
6. When neutrons are used as projectiles, they can carry out the nuclear reactions. A fast
neutron ejects an a-particle from the nucleus of nitrogen atom and boron is produced, alongwith
and a-particles.

7 N +10 n →511 B + 24 He

7. When slow moving neutrons hit the Cu metal then γ gamma radiations are emitted. The
radioactive 2966Cu is converted into 3066 Zn
29 Cu + hv (γ − raditions )
Cu +10 n →66

29Cu → 30
Zn + −10e (electron)

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Actually, neutron is captured by the nucleus of 2965Cu and 2966Cu is produced. This radio active 2966Cu
emits an electron (b-particle) and its atomic number increases by one unit. Because of their intense
biological efects they are being used in the treatment of cancer.

5.1.7 Measurement of Value of Electron

In 1897, J.J Thomson devised an instrument to measure the e/m value of electron. The
apparatus consists of a discharge tube shown in Fig. (5.7).
The cathode rays are allowed to pass through electric and magnetic ields. When both the
ields are of then a beam of cathode rays, consisted of electrons, produces bright luminous spot
at P1 on the luorescent screen.

Fig (5.7) Measurement of e/m value of an electron by J.J. Thomson

The north and south poles of magnetic ield are perpendicular to the plane of paper in the diagram.
The electrical ield is in the plane of paper. When only magnetic ield is applied, the cathode rays are
delected in a circular path and fall at the point P3. When only electric ield is applied, the cathode
rays produce a spot at P2. Both electric and magnetic ields are then applied simultaneously and
their strengths adjusted in such a way that cathode rays again hit the point P1.
In this way by comparing the strengths of the two ields one can determine the e/m value of
eIlectrons. It comes out to be 1.7588 x 1011 coulombs kg-1. This means that 1 kg of electrons have
1.7588 x 1011 coulombs of charge.

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5.1.8 Measurement of Charge on Electron - Millikan's Oil Drop Method

In 1909, Millikan determined the charge

on electron by a simple arrangement. The
apparatus consists of a metallic chamber.It
has two parts. The chamber is illed with air,
the pressure of which can be adjusted by a
vacuum pump.
There are two electrodes A and A’ These
electrodes are used- to generate an electrical
ield in the space between the electrodes.
The upper electrode has a hole in it as shown
in Fig (5.8).
A ine spray of oil droplets is created by
Fig (5.8) Millikan's oil drop method for
an atomizer. A few droplets passes through determination of charge of electron

the hole in the top plate and into the region

between the charged plates, where one of them is observed though a microscope. This droplet,
when illuminated perpendicularly to the direction of view, appears in the microscope as bright
speck against a dark background. The droplet falls under the force of gravity without applying the
electric ield. The velocity of the droplet is determined. The velocity of the droplet (V1) depends
upon its weight, mg.

v1a mg .............. (1)

where ’m’ is the mass of the droplet and ‘g’ is the acceleration due to gravity. After that the air
between the electrodes is ionized by X-rays. The droplet under observation takes up an electron
and gets charged. Now, connect A and A’ to a battery which generates an electric ield having a
strength, E. The droplet moves upwards against the action of gravity with a velocity (v2).

v2a Ee − mg .............. (2)

where ‘e’ is the charge on the electron and Ee is the upward driving force on the droplet due to
applied electrical ield of strength E.
Dividing equation (1) by (2)

v1 mg
v 2 Ee-mg .............. (3)

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The values of v1 and v2 are recorded with the help of microscope. The factors like g and E are
also known. Mass of the droplet can be determined by varying the electric ield in such a way that
the droplet is suspended in the chamber. Hence ‘e’ can be calculated.
By changing the strength of electrical ield, Millikan found that the charge on each droplet
was diferent. The smallest charge which he found was 1.59 x 10-19 coulombs, which is very close
to the recent value of 1.6022 x 10-19 coulombs. This smallest charge on any droplet is the charge of
one electron. The other drops having more than one electron on them, have double or triple the
amount of this charge. The charge present on an electron is the smallest charge of electricity that
has been measured so far.

Mass of Electron

The value of charge on electron is 1.602 x 10-19 coulombs, while e/m of electron is 1.7588 x
1011 coulombs kg-1. So,

e 1.6022×10-19coulombs 11
= = 1.7588x10 coulombs kg
m Mass of electrons

Mass of electron= 1.6022×10 coulombs
1.7588×1011coulombs kg -1
Mass of electron= 9.1095x10-31 kg

Properties of Fundamental Particles

The Table (5.1) shows the properties of three fundamental particles electron, proton and neutron
present in an atom.
Table (5.1) Properties of three fundamental particles

Particle Charge Relative Mass Mass

(coul) charge (kg) (amu)

Proton +1.6022 x 10-19 +1 1.6726 x 10-27 1.0073

Neutron 0 0 1.6750 x 10-27 1.0087
Electron -1.6022 x 10-19 -1 9.1095 x 10-31 5.4858x10-4

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5.2 Rutherford's Model of Atom (Discovery of Nucleus)

In 1911, Lord Rutherford performed

a classic experiment. He studied
the scattering of high speed
a-particles. which were emitted
from a radioactive metal (radium or
A beam of a-partides was
directed onto a gold foil of 0.00004
cm thickness as target through a
pin-hole in lead plate, Fig (5.9).
A photographic plate or a

Fig (5.9) Rutherford's experiment for scattering 0f a -partices

screen coated with zinc sulphide
was used as a detector. Whenever,
an a-partide struck the screen, lash
of light was produced at that point. It was observed that most of the particles went through the
foil undelected. Some were delected at fairly large angles and a few were delected backward.
Rutherford proposed that the rebounding particles must have collided with the central heavy
portion of the atom which he called as nucleus.
On the basis of these experimental observations, Rutherford proposed the planetary model
(similar to the solar system) for an atom in which a tiny nucleus is surrounded by an appropriate
number of electrons. Atom as a whole being neutral, therefore, the nucleus must be having the
same number of protons as there are number of electrons surrounding it.
In Rutherford’s model for the structure of an atom, the outer electrons could not be stationary.
If they were, they would gradually be attracted by the nucleus till they ultimately fall into it. Therefore,
to have a stable atomic structure, the electrons were supposed to be moving around the nucleus
in closed orbits. The nuclear atom of Rutherford was a big step ahead towards understanding the
atomic structure, but the behaviour of electrons remained unexplained in the atom.
Rutherford’s planet-like picture was Electron defective and unsatisfactory because the moving
electron must be accelerated towards the nucleus Fig (5.10).

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Therefore, the radius of the orbiting electron should become smaller and smaller and the electron
should fall into the nucleus. Thus, an atomic structure as proposed by Rutherford would collapse.

Fig (5.10) Rotation of electron around the

nucleus and expected spiral path


Max Planck proposed the quantum theory in 1900 to explain the emission and absorption of
radiation. According to his revolutionary’ theory, energy travels in a discontinuous manner and it is
composed of large number of tiny discrete units called quanta. The main points of his theory are:
(i) Energy is not emitted or absorbed continuously. Rather, it is emitted or absorbed in a
discontinuous manner and in the form of wave packets. Each wave packet or quantum is associated
with a deinite amount of energy. In case of light, the quantum of energy is often called photon.
(ii) The amount of energy associated with a quantum of radiation is proportional to the frequency
(v) of the radiation. Frequency is the number of waves passing through a point per second.
E ∝ v
E = hv ............................. (4)

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Where ’h’ is a constant known as Planck’s constant and its value is 6.626x10-34 Js. It is, in fact,
the ratio of energy and the frequency of a photon.
(iii) A body can emit or absorb energy only in terms of quanta.
E = hv

The frequency ‘v ‘ is related to the wavelength of the photon as

Greater the wavelength, smaller the frequency of photon

So, E=hc/l ............................(5)

Wavelength is the distance between the two adjacent crests or troughs and expressed in A ,
nm or pm. (1 A =10 -10’m’, lnm = 10-9m, lpm=10-12m)
Greater the wavelength associated with the photon, smaller is its energy. Wave number (v)
is the number of waves per unit length, and is reciprocal to wavelength.

v= 1/l

1/l in equation (5)

Putting the value

E=hc v ............................(6)

So, the energy of a photon is related to frequency, wavelength and wave number.
Greater the wave number of photons, greater is the energy associated with them. The relationships
of energy, frequency, wavelength, wave number about the photon of light are accepted by scientists
and used by Bohr in his atomic model.


Bohr made an extensive use of the quantum theory of Planck and proposed that the electron,
in the hydrogen atom, can only exist in certain permitted quantized energy levels. The main
postulates of Bohr’s theory are:
(i) Electron revolves in one of the circular orbits outside the nucleus. Each orbit has a ixed
energy and a quantum number is assigned to it.
(ii) Electron present in a particular orbit neither emits nor absorbs energy while moving in the
same ixed orbits. The energy is emitted or absorbed only when an electron jumps from one orbit
to another.

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(iii) When an electron jumps, the energy change AE is given by the Planck’s equation

฀ E =E2-E1 = hv .................. (7)

Where ฀ E is the energy diference of any two orbits with energies E1 and E2 Energy is absorbed
by the electron when it jumps from an inner orbit to an outer orbit and is emitted when the electron
jumps from outer to inner orbit. Electron can revolve only in those orbits having a ixed angular
momentum (mvr). The angular momentum of an orbit depends upon its quantum number and it
is an integral multiple of the factor h/2 π i.e.

mvr= ............................ (8)

Where n = 1,2,3,.............

h 2h 3h
2p , 2p 2p
The permitted values of angular momenta are, therefore, ..............
The electron is bound to remain in one of these orbits and not in between them. So, angular
momentum is quantized.

Derivation of Radius and Energy of Revolving Electron in nth Orbit.

By applying these ideas, Bohr derived the expression for the radius of the nth orbit in hydrogen
For a general atom, consider an electron of charge ‘e’ revolving around the nucleus having
charge Ze+. Z being the proton number
and e+ is the charge on the proton Fig
Let m be the mass of electron, r
the radius of the orbit and v the velocity
of the revolving electron. According to
Coulombs law, the electrostatic force of
attraction between the electron and the
nucleus will be given by the f ollowing
formula .

Fi'g (5.11) .E, lectr.o n rev. olvingv +m an atom with nuclear charge Ze (If Z=l,
then the picture is for H-atom)

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Ze+ .e- Ze2
4π ∈0 r 4π ∈0 r2

∈0 is the vacuum permittivity and its value is 8.84 x 10-12C2J-1m-1. This force of attraction is balanced

mv 2
by the r Therefore, for balanced conditions, we can write

mv 2 Ze2
4p ∈0 r2

mv 2 =
4p ∈0 r2
......................... (9)

Rearranging the equation (9)

4p ∈0 mv 2
.......................... (10)

According to equation (10), the radius of a moving electron is inversely proportional to the square
of its velocity. It conveys the idea, that electron should move faster nearer to the nucleus in an orbit
of smaller radius. It also tells, that if hydrogen atom has many possible orbits, then the promotion
of electron to higher orbits makes it move with less velocity.
The determination of velocity of electron is possible while moving in the orbit. In order
to eliminate the factor of velocity from equation (10), we use Bohr’s postulate (iv). The angular
momentum of the electron is given by.

mvr =

Rearranging the equation of angular momentum

2p mr
Taking square

n 2 h2
4p 2m2r2
v2 = ................... (11)

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Substituting the value of v2 from eq. (11) into eq. (10), we get

Ze2 ×4p 2m2r2

4pe 0mn2h2

Rearranging the above equation, we get

e 0 n 2 h2
p mZe2
.............................. (12)

For hydrogen atom Z = 1, so the equation for radius of H-atom is

e 0 n 2 h2 e 0 h2 2
= =
p me2 p me2
r ( )n ............................ (13)

According to the equation (13), the radius of hydrogen atom is directly proportional to the
square of number of orbit (n). So, higher orbits have more radii and vice versa. The collection of

e 0 h2
p me2
parameters ( ) in equation (13) is a constant factor.

When we put the value of ∈0 , h2 π, m and e2 alongwith the units then the calculations show that it
o o
is equal to 0.529 x I0-10 m or 0.529 A .( 10-10 m = l A )
Hence r=0.529 A (n2) .............................. (14)
By putting the values of na s 1,2.3,4............. the radii of orbits of hydrogen atom are
o o
n=1 r1=0.529 A n=4 r4=8.4 A
o o
n=2 r2=2.11 A n=5 r5=13.22 A
3 n= r 3
=4.75 A
The comparison of radii shows that the distance between orbits of H-atom goes on increasing
as we move from 1st orbit to higher orbits. The orbits are not equally spaced.

r2 -r1 <r3 -r2 <r4 -r3 <..........................

The second orbit is four times away from the nucleus than irst orbit, third orbit is nine times
away and similarly fourth orbit is sixteen times away.

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Energy of Revolving Electron

The total energy of an electron in an orbit is composed of two parts, the kinetic energy which
is equal to 1
mv 2
and the potential energy. The value of potential energy can be calculated as follows.

4pe 0r2
The electrostatic force of attraction between the nucleus and the electron is given by .
If the electron moves through a small distance dr, then the work done for moving electron is given

4pe 0r2
dr because work=(force x distance)

In order to calculate the potential energy of the electron at a distance r from the nucleus, we
calculate the total work done for bringing the electron from ininity to a point at a distance r from
the nucleus. This can be obtained by integrating the above expression between the limits of ininity
and r.

∫∞ 4p ∈0 r2 = 4p ∈0 ∫∞ r2 = 4p ∈0  r ∞= 4p ∈0  r  = − 4p ∈0 r
Ze2  -1  Ze2  -1 
r r r
Ze2dr Ze2 dr Ze2

The work done is the potential energy of electron, so

Epotential = −
4pe 0r
Work done = ............................... (15)

The minus sign indicates that the potential energy of electron decreases, when it is brought from
ininity to a point at a distance ’r’ from the nucleus. At ininity, the electron is not being attracted by
any thing and the potential energy of the system is zero. Whereas at a point nearer the nucleus, it
will be attracted by the nucleus and the potential energy becomes less than zero. The quantity less
than zero is negative. For this reason, the potential energy given by equation (15) is negative.

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The total energy (E) of the electron, is the sum of kinetic and potential charges.
So, =E Ekinetic + Epotential

4pe or
= mv 2 - .............................. (16)

Now, we want to eliminate the factor of velocity from equation (16). So, from equation (9),
substitute the value of mv2 in eq. (16)

mv 2 =
4p ∈0 r
Since ................................... (9)

= −
Ze2 Ze2
8p ∈0 r 4p ∈0 r

E= −
8p ∈0 r
Simplifying it, ...................................... (17)

Now substitute the value of r from eq (12) into eq (17) we get

∈ n 2 h2
Since .............................. (12)

En =
8 ∈20 n2h2
.............................. (18)

Where En is the energy of nth orbit.

For hydrogen atom , the number of protons in nucleus is one, so ( Z = 1).

me4  1 
En = −
8 ∈20 h2  n2 
................................ (19)

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Eq.(19) gives the energy of electron revolving around the nucleus of hydrogen atom.
The factors outside the brackets in equation (19) are all constants. When the values of these
constants are substituted along with their units, then it comes out to be 2.178 x 10 -18 J. The equation
(19) can be written as,

En = -2.178x10-18  2  J
n 
............................. (20)

This equation (20) gives the energy associated with electron in the nth orbit of hydrogen atom. Its
negative value shows that electron is bound by the nucleus i.e. electronis under the force of attraction of the
nucleus. Actually, the electron has been brought from ininity to distance r from the nucleus.
The value of energy obtained for the electron is in joules/atom. If, this quantity is multiplied
by Avogadro’s number and divided by 1000, the value of En will become

6.02 × 1023 × 2.18 × 10−18 1

En = −  n2  kJmol ×
 

En = −
kJmol-1 .................................... (21)

This energy is associated with 1.008g of H-atoms i.e. with Avogadro’s number of atoms of
Substituting, the values of n as 1,2,3,4,5, etc. in equation (21), we get the energy associated
with an electron revolving in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th orbits of H-atom.

E1 = - 2
= -1313.31 kJmol-1

E2 = −
= -328.32 kJmol-1

E3 = −
= -145.92 kJmol-1

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E = −
= -82.08 kJmol-1

E5 = −
= -52.53 kJmol-1

E∞ = −
∞ 2
= 0 kJmol-1 (electron is free from the nucleus)

The values of energy diferences between adjacent orbits can be calculated as follows
E2-E1 = (-328.32)-(-1313.31) = 984.99 kJmol-1
E3-E2 = (-145.92)-(-328.32) = 182.40 kJmol-1
E4-E3 = (-82.08)-(-145.92) = 63.84 kJmol-1
The diferences in the values of
energy go on decreasing from lower
to higher orbits.

E2 -E1 >E3 -E2 >E4 -E3 >..........................

The energy diference between

irst and ininite levels of energy is
calculated as:
E„ - E1 = 0 - (-1313.31) = 1313.31
1313.31 kJmol-1 is the ionization
energy of hydrogen. This value
is the same as determined
Fig (5.12) Energy values associated with an
experimentally. These values show electron in vanous orbits in hydrogen atom
that the energy diferences between
adjacent orbits of Bohr’s model of hydrogen atom go on decreasing sharply.
Keep in mind, that distances between adjacent orbits increase. The Fig (5.12) makes the idea

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When a radiation of light is passed through a prism, the radiation undergoes refraction or
bending. The extent of bending
depends upon the wavelength of
the photons. A radiation of longer
wavelength is bent to a smaller
degree than the radiation of a
shorter wavelength. Ordinary,
white light consists of radiation
of all wavelengths, and so after
passing through the prism, white
light is splitted up into radiations of
diferent wavelengths.
The colours of visible
spectrum are violet, indigo, blue,
green, orange, yellow and red and
their wavelengths range from 400
nm to 750 nm. In addition to the
visible region of the spectrum, there
are seven other regions. Ultraviolet,
X-rays, y-rays and cosmic rays are
Fig (5.13) The visible and other
towards the lower wavelength end regions of spectrum
of the spectrum and they possess
the photons with greater energies. On the other side of the visible region, there lies infrared,
microwave and radio frequency regions. Fig. (5.13) shows the continuity of wavelengths for all
types of regions of spectrum. Hence, a visual display or dispersion of the components of white
light, when it is passed through a prism is called a spectrum.

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Spectrum is of two types.

(i) Continuous spectrum (ii) Line spectrum

5.5.1 Continuous Spectrum

In this type of spectrum, the boundry line between the colours cannot be marked. The colours
difuse into each other. One colour merges into another without any dark space. The best example
of continuous spectrum is rainbow. It is obtained from the light emitted by the sun or incandescent
(electric light) solids. It is the characteristic of matter in bulk.

5.5.2 Atomic or Line Spectrum

When an element or its compound is volatilized on a lame and the light emitted is seen through
a spectrometer, We see distinct lines separated by dark spaces. This type of spectrum is called
line spectrum or atomic spectrum. This is characteristic of an atom. The number of lines and
the distance between them depend upon the element volatilized. For example, line spectrum of
sodium contains two yellow coloured lines separated by a deinite distance. Similarly, the spectrum
of hydrogen consists of a number of lines of diferent colours having diferent distances from
each other. It has also been observed that distances between the lines for the hydrogen spectrum
decrease with the decrease in wavelength and the spectrum becomes continuous after a certain
value of wavelength Fig (5.14).

Fig (5.14) Atomic spectrum of hydrogen

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Atomic spectrum can also be observed when elements in gaseous state are heated at high
temperature or subjected to an electric discharge.
There are two ways in which an atomic spectrum can be viewed.
(i) Atomic emission spectrum
(ii) Atomic absorption spectrum

Fig (5.15) Atomic emission spectrum

5.5.3 Atomic Emission Spectrum

When solids are volatilized or elements in their gaseous states are heated to high temperature or
subjected to an electrical discharge, radiation of certain wavelengths are emitted. The spectrum
of this radiation contained bright lines against a dark background. This is called atomic emission
spectrum. Fig (5.15)

5.5.4 Atomic Absorption Spectrum

When a beam of white light is passed through a gaseous sample of an element, the element
absorbs certain wavelengths while the rest of wavelengths pass through it. The spectrum of this
radiation is called an atomic absorption spectrum. The wavelengths of the radiation that have been
absorbed by the element appear as dark lines and the background is bright, Fig (5.16).
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Fig (5.16) Atomic absorption spectrum

It is interesting to note that the positions or the wavelengths of lines appearing in both
emission and absorption spectra are exactly the same. In emission spectrum, these lines appear
bright because the corresponding wavelengths are being emitted by the element, whereas they
appear dark in absorption spectrum because the wavelengths are being absorbed by the element.

5.5.5 Hydrogen Spectrum

Hydrogen-spectrum is an important example of atomic spectrum. Hydrogen is illed in a

discharge tube at a very low pressure a bluish light is emitted from the discharge tube. This light
when viewed through a spectrometer shows several isolated sharp lines.
These are called spectral lines. The wavelengths of these lines lie in the visible, ultraviolet and
infrared regions. These spectral lines can be classiied into ive groups called spectral series. These
series are named after their discoverers as shown below.
(i) Lyman series (U.V region) (ii) Balmer series (visible region)
(iii) Paschen series (LR region) (iv) Brackett series (I.R region)
(v) Pfund series (I.R region)

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The irst four series were discovered before Bohr’s atomic model (1913). The wave numbers
(m ) of the series of lines in hydrogen spectrum are given in Table (5.2).

It is seen from the Table (5.2) that as we proceed from Lyman series to Pfund series, the wave
numbers (m-1) of spectral lines decrease. The lines of Balmer series have been
given speciic names as H α, H β ........, etc.

Table (5.2)Wave numbers (m-1) of various series of hydrogen spectrum.

Lyman series Balmer series Paschen series Brackett series Pfund series
(U.V. region) (Visible region) (I.R. region) (I.R. region) (I.R. region)

82.20 x 105 5.30 x 105 2.46 x 105 1.34 x 105

15.21 x 105 (H á line)
97.20 x 105 7.80 x 105 3.80 x 105 2.14 x 105
20.60 x 105 (H â line)
102.20 x 105 9.12 x 105 4.61 x 105
23.5 x 105 (H ã line)
105.20 x 105 9.95 x 105
24.35 x 105 (H ä line)
106.20 x 105 25.18 x 105
107.20 x 105

5.5.6 Origin of Hydrogen Spectrum on the Basis of Bohr’s Model

According to Bohr, electron in hydrogen atom may revolve in any orbit depending upon its energy.
When hydrogen gas is heated or subjected to an electric discharge, its electron moves from one
of the lower orbit to higher orbit, absorbing particular wavelength of energy. Subsequently, when
it comes back, the same energy is released. This energy is observed as radiation of particular
wavelengths in the form of bright lines seen in the certain region of the emission spectrum of
hydrogen gas.

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The spectral lines of Lyman series are produced when the electron jumps from n2= 2, 3,4,5, to, n,
= 1 (Lyman did not know this reason). Similarly, spectral lines of Balmer series discovered in 1887
originated when an electron jumps from n2 = 3, 4, 5, 6,................. to n1= 2orbit.
In the same way, Paschen, Brackett and Pfund series of lines are produced as a result of
electronic transitions from higher orbits to 3rd, 4th and 5th orbits, respectively Fig (5.17).

Fig (5.17) Electronic transitions in hydrogen atom and series of spectral lines, justiied by Bohr's model atom

Calculations of Wave Numbers of Photons of Various Spectral Series by Bohr’s Theory

The wavelength ( l ) or wave number ( v ) of a spectral line depends on the quantity of energy
emitted by the electron. Suppose, an electron jumps from n2 to n, and emits a photon of light.
According to Bohr’s equation of energy
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E1 =
8 ∈20 n2 1 h2

E2 =
8 ∈20 n2 2 h2

E1 and E2 are the energies of electrons in n1 and n2 respectively. The energy diference between the

Z2me4  1 1 
two can be calculated as follows: ∆
= =
8 ∈20 h2  n12 n22 
E E2 -E1 - Joules .......................... (22)

For H-atom; Z - 1

= 2.18 x 10-18 J (by putting the values of constants)

8 ∈0 h
and 2 2

1 1
ÄE = 2.18x10-18  2 - 2  Joules ...................................... (23)
 n1 n2 
With the help of equation (23), the energy diference between any two orbits of Hatom can be
calculated where nt is the lower level and n2 is higher level. It is not necessary that n1 and n2 are
adjacent orbits.
Since ÄE = hv

me4  1 1 
hv = 2 2  2 - 2 
8 ∈0 h  n1 n2 

me4  1 1 
v = 2 3  2 - 2  Hz
8 ∈0 h  n1 n2 
............................... (24)

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Frequency (v) has the units of the cycles s-1 or Hz. (1 Hz = 1 cycle s-1)
Equation (24) gives us the frequency of a photon emitted, when electron jumps from higher
orbit to lower orbit in H-atom. The frequency values go on decreasing between adjacent levels.

Calculation of Wave Number

Since v=cv
Putting in equation (24)

Z2me4  1 1 
cv =  - 
8 ∈20 h3  n12 n22 

Z2me4  1 1  -1
8 ∈20 h3c  n12 n22 
- m .............................. (25)

8 ∈20 h3c
The value of the factor in eq. (25) has been calculated to be 1.09678 x 107m-1

This is called Rydberg constant. Putting Z = 1 for hydrogen atom, the equation (25)becomes.

1 1
=v 1.09678 × 107  2 - 2  m-1
 n1 n 2 
.......................... (26)

Equation (26) gives the values of wave number of photons emitted or absorbed when the electron
jumps between n1 and n2 orbits.
Let us calculate, the wave numbers of lines of various series.

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Lyman Series: Fig. (5.17)

Fitrst line n1 = 1(lower orbit), n2 = 2 (higher orbit)

1 1
v= × 107  2 - =
1 2 
1.09678 82.26x105m-1

Second line n1 = 1 n2 = 3

1 1
v= × 107  2 - =
1 3 
1.09678 97.49x105m-1

Limiting line n1 = 1 n2 = ∞

1 1 
v= × 107  2 - =
1 ∞ 
1.09678 109.678x105m-1

Limiting line is developed, when electron jumps from ininte orbit to, n = 1
The values of all these wave numbers lie in the U.Y region of the spectrum. It means that
when electron of H-atom falls from all the possible higher levels to n = 1, then the photons of
radiation emitted lie in the range of U.V region.

Balmer Series: Fig (5.17)

Fitrst line n1 = 2, n2 = 3

1 1
v= × 107  2 - =
2 3 
1.09678 15.234x105m-1

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Second line n1 = 2 n2 = 4

1 1
v= × 107  2 - =
2 4 
1.09678 20.566x105m-1

Third line n1 = 2 n2 = 5

1 1
v= × 107  2 - =
2 5 
1.09678 23.00x105m-1

Limiting line n1 = 2 n2 = ∞

1 1 
v= × 107  2 - = 2
 ∞ 
1.09678 27.421x105m-1

The limiting line of Balmer series lies in U.V region, while other lines fall in visible region.
Similarly, we can calculate the wave numbers for all the lines of Paschen, Brackett and Pfund series.
These three series of lines lie in the infrared region.

5.5.7 Defects of Bohr’s Atomic Model

1. Bohr’s theory can successfully explain the origin of the spectrum of H-atom and ions like
He , Li+2 and Be+3, etc. These are all one electron systems. But this theory is not able to explain the

origin of the spectrum of multi-electrons or poly-electrons system like He, Li and Be, etc.
2. When the spectrum of hydrogen gas is observed by means of a high resolving power
spectrometer, the individual spectral lines are replaced by several very ine lines, i.e. original lines
are seen divided into other lines. The Hα- line in the Balmer series is found to consist of ive -
component lines. This is called ine structure or multiple structure. Actually, the appearance of
several lines in a single line suggests that only one quantum number is not suicient to explain the
origin of various spectral lines.

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3. Bohr suggested circular orbits of electrons around the nucleus of hydrogen atom, but
researches have shown that the motion of electron is not in a single plane, but takes place in three
dimensional space. Actually, the atomic model is not lat.
4. When the excited atoms of hydrogen (which give an emission line spectrum) are placed in a
magnetic ield, its spectral lines are further split up into closely spaced lines. This type of splitting
of spectral lines is called Zeeman efect. So, if the source which is producing the Na - spectrum
is placed in a weak magnetic ield, it causes the splitting of two lines of Na into component lines.
Similarly, when the excited hydrogen atoms are placed in an electrical ield, then similar splitting
of spectral lines takes place which is called “Stark efect”. Bohr’s theory does not explain either
Zeeman or Stark efect.
However, in 1915, Sommorfeld suggested the moving electrons might describe in addition to
the circular orbits elliptic orbits as well wherein the nucleus lies at one of the focii of the ellipse.


X-rays are produced when rapidly moving electrons collide with heavy metal anode in the
discharge tube. Energy is released in the form of electromagnetic waves when the electrons are
suddenly stopped. In the discharge tube, the electrons produced by a heated tungsten ilament are
accelerated by high voltage Fig. (5.18). It gives them suicient energy to bring about the emission
of X-rays on striking the metal target. X-rays are emitted from the target in all directions, but only a
small portion of them is used for useful purposes through the windows. The wavelength of X-rays
produced depends upon the nature of the target metal. Every metal has its own characteristic

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The X-rays are passed through a slit in platinum plate and then emerged through aluminum
window. This is thrown on a crystal of K4[Fe(CN)6], which analyses the X-ray beam. The rays are
difracted from the crystal and are obtained in the form of line spectrum of X-rays. This is allowed
to fall on photographic plate. This line spectrum is the characteristic of target material used. This
characteristic X-rays spectrum has discrete spectral lines. These are grouped into K-series, L-series
and M-series, etc. Each series has various line as K α, K β, L α, L β, M α, M β etc.

Fig (5.18) Production of X-rays

A systematic and comprehensive study of X-rays was undertaken by Moseley in 1913-1914. His
researches covered a range of wavelengths 0.04 - 8 A. He employed thirty eight diferent elements
from aluminium to gold, as target in X-rays tube. Moseley was able to draw the following important
conclusions from a detailed analysis of the spectral lines which he obtained.
(i) The spectral lines could be classiied into two distinct groups. One of shorter wavelengths
are identiied by K-series and the other of comparatively longer wavelengths are identiied by
(ii) If the target element is of higher atomic number the wavelength of X-rays becomes shorter.
(iii) A very simple relationship was found between the frequency (v) of a particular line of X-rays
and the atomic number Z of the element emitting it.
v = a(Z-b) .................. (27)

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Here ‘a’ and ‘b’ are the constants characteristic of the metal under consideration. This linear
equation (27) is known as Moseley’s Law. ‘a” is proportionality constant and ‘b’ is called screening
constant of the metals.
This law states that the frequency of a spectral line in X-ray spectrum varies as the square of
atomic number of an element emitting it. This law convinces us that it is the atomic number and
not the atomic mass of the element which determines its characteristic properties, both physical
and chemical. If value of v for K-series are plotted against Z, then a straight line is obtained.

Importance of Moseley Law

(i) Moseley arranged K and Ar, Ni and Co in a proper way in Mendeleev’s periodic table.
(ii) This law has led to the discovery of many new elements like Tc(43), Pr(59), Rh(45).
(iii) The atomic number of rare earths have been determined by this law.



Planck’s quantum theory of radiation tells us that light shows a dual character. It behaves
both as a material particle and as a wave. This idea was extended to matter particles in 1924 by
Louis de- Broglie. According to de-Broglie, all matter particles in motion have a dual character. It
means that electrons, protons, neutrons, atoms and molecules possess the characteristics of both
the material particle and a wave.
This is called wave-particle duality in matter. de-Broglie derived a mathematical equation which
relates the wavelength ( l ) of the electron to the momentum of electron.

........................ (28)

Here l = de-Broglie’s wavelength,

m = mass of the particle
v = velocity of electron
According to this equation, the wavelength associated with an electron is inversely proportional
to its momentum (mv).

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This equation is derived as follows.

According to Planck’s equation
E = hv ........................
According to Einstein’s mass energy relationship
E = mc 2 ........................ (29)
Where ’m’ is the mass of the material particle which has to convert itself into a photon; ‘and c’
is the velocity of photon. Equating two values of energy;
hv=mc 2


hc h
So, = mc2 or ........................ (30)

According to equation (30), the wavelength of photon is inversely proportional to the momentum of
photon. Considering that nature is symmetrical, we apply this equation (30) to the moving electron
of mass’m’ and velocity V. This idea gives us the de-Broglie’s equation (28)

........................ (28)

According to equation (28), the wavelength of electron is inversely proportional to momentum

of electron. Now, consider an electron which is moving with a velocity of 2.188x106 ms-1 in the irst
orbit of Bohr’s model of hydrogen atom. Then, wavelength associating with it, can be calculated
with the help of equation(28)
h = 6.626x10-34 Js
me = 9.108x10-31 kg

6.626 × 10−34 Js
9.108 × 10−31 kg × 2.188 × 106 ms-1
Since (J = kg m 2 s-2 )

l =0.33x10-9m (10-9m=1mm)
l =0.33 nm
This value of wavelength (l)of electron while moving in the irst orbit of H-atom is comparable
to the wavelength of X-rays and can be measured.

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If we imagine a proton moving in a straight line with the same velocity as mentioned for
electron, it’s wavelength will be 1836 times smaller than that of electron. Similarly, an α-particle
moving with the same velocity should have a wavelength 7344 times smaller as compared to that
of ejectron. Now, consider a stone of mass one gram moving with a velocity of 10 ms-1, then its
wavelength will be:

6.626 × 10−34 Js
l = −3
10 kg × 10ms-1

= 6.626x10-30 m
This wavelength is so small, that it cannot be measured by any conceivable method. It means that
heavy material particles have waves associated with them, but they cannot be captured and we say
that the macroscopic bodies don’t have the waves.

5.7.1 Experimental Veriication of Dual Nature of Matter

In 1927, two American scientists, Davisson and Germer did an experiment to verify the wave
nature of moving electron. Electrons were produced from heated tungsten ilament and accelerated
by applying the potential diference through charged plates. Davisson and Germer proved that the
accelerated electrons undergo difraction, like waves, when they fall on a nickel crystal. In this way,
the wave nature of electron got veriied. Davisson ahd Germer got the nobel prize for inventing
an apparatus to prove the matter waves and de Broglie got the separate nobel prize for giving the
equation of matter wave.


According to Bohr’s theory, an electron is a material particle and its position as well as
momentum can be determined with great accuracy. But with the advent of the concept of wave
nature of electron, it has not been possible for us to measure simultaneously the exact position
and velocity of electron. This was suggested by Heisenberg, in 1927.
Suppose, that Δx is the uncertainty in the measurement of the position and Δp is the uncertainty
in the measurement of momentum of an electron, then

∆x∆p ≥
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This relationship is called uncertainty principle. This equation shows that if Δx is small then Δp
will be large and vice versa. So, if one quantity is measured accurately then the other becomes
less accurate. Hence, certainty in the determination of one quantity introduces uncertainty in the
determination of the other quantity.
The uncertainty principle is applicable only for microscopic particles like electrons, protons
and neutrons, etc. and has no signiicance for large particles, i.e. macroscopic particles.
Compton’s efect can help us understand the uncertainty principle, Suppose, we wish to
determine the position of electron. Visible light cannot help us, because the wavelength of visible
light is millions time large as compared to the diameter of electron. For this purpose, we have to
use X-rays which have very short wavelength as compared to that of visible light. When this photon
of X-rays strikes an electron, the momentum of electron will change. In other words, uncertainty
of momentum will appear due to change of velocity of electron. Smaller the wavelength of X-rays,
greater will be the energy of the photon. Hence, the collision of X-rays with electron will bring about
the greater uncertainty in momentum. So, an efort to determine the exact position of electron has
rendered its momentum uncertain. When we use the photons of longer wavelength to avoid the
change of momentum, the determination of the position of electron becomes impossible.

Concept of Orbital

Following this principle, the Bohr’s picture of an atom does not appear to be satisfactory.
In Bohr’s atom, the electrons are moving with speciic velocities in orbits of speciied radii, and
according to uncertainty principle, both these
quantities cannot be measured experimentally.
A theory involving quantities, which cannot be
measured does not follow the tradition of scientiic
In order to solve this diiculty, Schrodinger,
Heisenberg and Dirac worked out wave theories
of the atom. The best known treatment is that
of Schrodinger. He set up a wave equation
for hydrogen atom. According to Schrodinger,
although the position of an electron cannot be
found exactly, the probability of inding an electron
at a certain position at any time can be found. Fig (5.19) Probable electron density diagram for hydrogen atom.

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The solution of the wave equation gives probability of inding an electron present in a given small
region of space. When the probability of inding the electron at a distance r from the nucleus is
calculated for the hydrogen atom in the ground state, Fig (5.19) is obtained.

The maximum probability of inding the electron is at a distance of 0.053 nm. It is the same radius
as calculated for the Bohr’s irst orbit. There is a possibility that the electron is either closer to the
nucleus or outside the radius of 0.053 nm, where probability of inding electron decreases sharply.

The volume of space in which there is 95% chance of inding an electron is called atomic orbital.
The term orbital should not be confused with the term orbit as used in the Bohr’s theory. The
orbital can be regarded as a spread of charge surrounding the nucleus. This is often called the
“electron cloud”.

5.8.1 Quantum Numbers

Schrodinger wave equation, has been solved for hydrogen a t o m . I t m a y h a v e d i f f e r e n t
solutions. Quantum numbers are the sets of numerical values which give the acceptable solutions
to Schrodinger wave equation for hydrogen atom. An electron in an atom is completely described
by its four quantum numbers. You know that a complete address of a person comprises his name,
city in which he lives, the block, street and the house number. On the similar grounds, quantum
numbers serve as identiicatio numbers or labels, which completely describe an electron. These
quantum numbers specify position of electron in an atom.

There are four quantum numbers which can describe the electron completely.

(1) Principal quantum number (n)

(2) Azimuthal quantum number (  )
(3) Magnetic quantum number (m)
(4) Spin quantum number (s) Let us discuss these quantum numbers one by one.

Principal Quantum Number (n)

The diferent energy levels in Bohr’s atom are represented by ‘n’. This is called principal quantum
number by Schrodinger. Its values are non-zero, positive integers upto ininity.

n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,.........................,
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The value of n represents the shell or energy level in which the electron revolves around the
nucleus. Letter notations K, L, M, N, etc are also used to denote the various shells. For example,
when n =1, it is called K shell, for n = 2, it is L shell and so on. The values of n also determine the
location of electron in an atom, i.e the distance of electron from the nucleus, greater the value of
‘n’ greater will be the distance of electron from the nucleus. It is a quantitative measure of the size
of an electronic shell, ‘n’ also provides us the energy of electron in a shell. Bohr’s results help us to
know the relationships of distance and energy of electron.

Azimuthal Quantum Number (  )

It has already been mentioned in the defects of Bohr’s model that a spectrometer of high
resolving power shows that an individual line in the spectrum is further divided into several very ine
lines. This thing can be explained by saying that each shell is divided into subshells. So, only principal
quantum number (n) is not suicient to explain the line spectrum. There is another subsidiary
quantum number called azimuthal quantum number and is used to represent the subshells. The
values of azimuthal quantum number (  ) are

 =0, 1, 2, 3, .....................................................(n-1)

Its value depends upon n. These values represent diferent subshells, which are designated
by small letters, s, p, d, f. They stand for sharp, principal, difused and fundamental, respectively.
These are the spectral terms used to describe the series of lines observed in the atomic spectrum.
The values of azimuthal quantum number always start from zero.
A subshell may have diferent shapes depending upon the value of (‘  ’). It may be spherical,
dumb-bell, or some other complicated shapes. The value of ‘  ’ is related to the shape of the
subshell as follows:

 =0 s-subshell spherical
 =1 p-subshell dumb-bell
 =2 d-subshell (complicated shape)

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The relationship between principal and azimuthal quantum numbers is as follows.

n=1 K-shell { = 0 {s-subshell should be called as 1s

 = 0 s-subshell
 
 = 1  p-subshell
n=2 L-shell

 = 0 s-subshell
 
n=3 M-shell  = 1  p-subshell
 = 2 d-subshell
  3d

 = 0 s-subshell
 = 1  p-subshell
 
 
 = 2
n=4 N-shell
 = 3 f-subshell

In 1s, 2s, ........, etc, the digit represents the value of principal quantum number.’  ’ values also
enable us to calculate the total number of electrons in a given subshell. The formula for calculating
electrons is 2 (2  + 1).

when  =0 s-subshell total electrons = 2

 =1 p-subshell total electrons = 6
 =2 d-subshell total electrons = 10
 =3 f-subshell total electrons = 14

Magnetic Quantum Number (m)

In the defects of Bohr’s model, it has been mentioned that strong magnetic ield splits the
spectral lines further. In order to explain this splitting, a third quantum number called the magnetic
quantum number (m) has been proposed.
Its values are

m = 0, ± 1, ± 2, ± 3,..........................

The value of’m’ depends upon values of ‘  ’

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when  =0 s-subshell m=0

 =1 p-subshell m=0, ±1(p-subshell has three degenerate orbitals)
 =2 d-subshell m=0,±1, ±2(d-subshell has ive degenerate orbitals)
 =3 f-subshell m=0,±1, ±2, ±3(f-subshell has seven degenerate orbitals)
This above description shows that for a given value of ‘  ’ the total values of’m’ are (2  +1).
Actually, the value of m gives us the information of degeneracy of orbitals in space. It tells
us the number of diferent ways in which a given s, p, d or f-subshell can be arranged along x, y
and z-axes in the presence of a magnetic ield. Thus, diferent values of’m’ for a given value of ‘  ‘,
represent the total number of diferent space orientations for a subshell.
In case of s-subshell  = 0, so, m = 0. It implies that s-subshell of any energy level has only one
space orientation and can be arranged in space only in one way along x, y and z-axes. So s-subshell
is not sub-divided into any other orbital. The shape of’s’ orbital is such that the probability of inding
the electron in all the directions from the nucleus is the same. It is a spherical and symmetrical
orbital. Fig (5.20).
For p-subshell,  = 1 and m = 0, ±1. These values of’m’ imply that p-subshell of any energy
level has three space orientations and can be arranged in space along x, y, and z axes Fig. (5.21).
These three orbitals are perpendicular to each other and named as px, py, and pz. They have egg
shaped lobes which touch each other at the origin. They are disposed symmetrically along one of
the three axes called orbital axis. In the absence of the magnetic ield, all the three p-orbitals have
the same energy and are called degenerate orbitals. Since, they are three in number, so these
orbitals are said to be 3-fold degenerate or triply degenerate.
For d-subshell  = 2 m = 0, ±1, ±2. It implies that it has ive space orientations and are
designated as dxy (m = -2), dyz (m = -1), dzx(m = +1), dx2-y2(m = +2) and dz2(m - 0) Fig. (5.22).
All these ive d-orbitals are not identical in shape. In the absence of a magnetic ield, all ive
d-orbitals have the same energy and they are said to be ive fold degenerate orbitals.
For f-subshell,  = 3 and m = 0, ±1, ±2, ±3. They have complicated shapes.
The whole discussion shows that magnetic quantum number determines the orientation of
orbitals, so it is also called orbital orientation quantum number.

Spin Quantum Number (s)

Alkali metals have one electron in their outermost shell. We can record their emission spectra,
when the outermost electron jumps from an excited state to a ground state. When the spectra are
observed by means of high resolving power spectrometer, each line in the spectrum is found to
consist of pair of lines, this is called doublet line structure. We should keep it in mind, that doublet
line structure is diferent from the ine spectrum of hydrogen (as we have discussed in azimuthal
quantum number).
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It should be made clear that lines of doublet line structure are widely separated from each other,
while those of ine structure are closely spaced together.
In 1925, Goudsmit and Uhlenbech suggested that an electron while moving in an orbital
around the nucleus also rotates or spins about its own axis either in a clockwise or anti-clockwise
direction. This is also called self-rotation. This spinning electron is associated with a magnetic ield
and hence a magnetic moment. Hence, opposite magnetic ields are generated by the clockwise
and anti-clockwise spins of electrons. This spin motion is responsible for doublet line structure in
the spectrum.
The four quantum numbers of all the electrons in the irst four shells are summarized in
Table (5.3). Notice, that each electron has its own set of quantum numbers and this set is diferent
for each electron.

Table (5.3) Quantum Numbers of Elections

Principal Azimuthal Magnetic Spin Number of
Quantum Quantum Quantum Quantum electrons
Number ‘n’ number ‘  ’ number ‘m’ number ‘s’ accommodated

1 K 0 0 +½,-½ 2


+1, 0, −1
2 L 0 +½,-½ 2
s +½,-½ 6 8


+1, 0, −1
0 +½,-½ 2
3 M
+2, +1, 0, −1, −2
s +½,-½ 6 18
1 +½,-½ 10


+1, 0, −1
0 +½,-½ 2

+2, +1, 0, −1, −2

s +½,-½ 6 32
4 N
+3, +2, +1, 0, −1, −2, −3
1 +½,-½ 10
p +½,-½ 14

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5.8.2 Shapes of Orbitals

In section 5.8.1, we were introduced to the four types of orbitals depending upon the values
of azimuthal quantum number. These orbitals are s, p, d and f having azimuthal quantum number
values as  = 0,1, 2,3, respectively. Let us, discuss the shapes of these, orbitals.

Shapes of s-Orbitals

s-orbital has a spherical shape and is usually represented by a circle, which in turn, represents
a cut of sphere, Fig. (5.20). With the increase of value of principal quantum number (n), the size of
s-orbital increases. 2s-orbital is larger in size than ls-orbital. 2s-orbital is also further away form the
nucleus Fig. (5.20). The probability for inding the electron is zero between two orbitals. This place
is called nodal plane or nodal surface.

Fig (5.20) Shapes of s-orbitals with

increasing principal quantum number

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Shapes of p-Orbitals

There are three values of magnetic quantum numbef for p-subshell. So, p-subshell has
three orientations in space i.e. along x, y and z-axes. All the three p-orbitals namely, px, py and pz
have dumb-bell shapes, Fig. (5.21). So, p-orbitals have directional character which determines the
geometry of molecules. All the p-orbitals of all the energy levels have similar shapes, but with the
increase of principal quantum number of the shell their sizes are increased.

Fig (5.20) Shapes of p-orbitals

Shapes of d-Orbitals

For d subshell there are ive values of magnetic quantum number. So, there are ive space
orientations along x, yand z-axes. Fig (5.22). They are designated as dxy, dyz, dxz, d x2 -y2 , dz2 .The lobes
of irst three d-orbitals lie between the axis. The other lie on the axis.
They are not identical in shape. Four d-orbitals out of these ive contain four lobes each, while the
ifth orbital dz2 consists of only two lobes, Fig (5.22). In the absence of magnetic ield, all the ive
d-orbitals are degenerate. The shape of f-orbital is very complicated.

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Fig (5.22) Shapes of d-orbitals


In order to understand the distribution of electrons in an atom, we should know the following facts.
1. An orbital like s, px, py, pz and dxy, etc. can have at the most two electrons.
2. The maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in a shell is given by 2n2 formula
where n is principal quantum number and it cannot have zero value.
Moreover, following rules have been adopted
to distribute the electrons in subshells or orbitals.
1. Aufbau principle
2. Pauii’s exclusion principle
3. Hand’s rule
But, before we use these rules, the subshells should be arranged according to (n +  ) rule,
Table(5.4). This rule says that subshells are arranged in the increasing order of (n +  ) values and if
any two subshells have the same (n +  ) values, then that subshell is placed irst whose n value is
The arrangement of subshells in ascending order of their energy may be as follows: 1s, 2s, 2p,
3s, 3p, 4s, 3d, 4p, 5s, 4d, 5p, 6s, 4f, 5d, 6p, 7s and so no.

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Aufbau Principle Table (5.4) Arrangement of orbitals

according to (n+1) rule

n  n+ 
1s 1 0 1+0=1
The electrons should be illed in energy
2s 2 0 2+0=2
subshells in order of increasing energy values.
2p 2 1 2+1=3
The electrons are irst placed in Is, 2s, 2p and
3s 3 0 3+0=3
soon. 3p 3 1 3+1=4
3d 3 2 3+2=5
Pauli’s Exclusion Principle 4s 4 0 4+0=4
4p 4 1 4+1=5
4d 4 2 4+2=6
4f 4 3 4+3=7
This principle can be stated as follows: 5s 5 0 5+0=5
It is impossible for two electrons residing 5p 5 1 5+1=6
in the same orbital of a poly-electron atom to 5d 5 2 5+2=7
have the same values of four quantum num- 5f 5 3 5+3=8
6s 6 0 6+0=6
bers, or Two electrons in the same orbital
should have opposite spins ( ↓↑ ).
6p 6 1 6+1=7
6d 6 2 6+2=8
6f 6 3 6+3=9
7s 7 0 7+0=7
Hund’s Rules

If, degenerate orbitals are available and more than one electrons are to be placed in them,
they should be placed in separate orbitals with the same spin rather than putting them in the same
orbital with opposite spins.
According to the rule, the two electrons in 2p subshell of carbon will be distributed as follows.
↓↑ ↓↑ ↑ ↓

6 C = 1s 2 s 2p x 2p y 2p z

The three orbitals of 2p subshell are degenerate.

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5.9.1 Electronic Coniguration of Elements

Keeping in view the rules mentioned above, the electronic conigurations of irst thirty six
elements are given in Table (5.5).

Table (5.5) Electron conigurations of elements

Element Atomic Electron Coniguration
number Notation
Hydrogen 1 ↑
Helium 2 1s2
Lithium 3 ↑
1s2 2s
Beryllium 4 1s22s2

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Table (5.5) continued

Element Atomic Electron Coniguration

number Notation
Boron 5 ↑ 0 0
1s2 2s2 2 p x 2 p y 2 pz
Carbon 6 ↑ ↑ 0
1s2 2s2 2 p x 2 p y 2 pz
Nitrogen 7 ↑ ↑ ↑
1s2 2s2 2 p x 2 p y 2 pz
Oxygen 8 ↑ ↑
1s2 2s2 2p2 x 2 p y 2 pz
Fluorine 9 ↑
1s2 2s2 2p2 x 2p2 y 2 pz
Neon 10
1s2 2s2 2p2 x 2p2 y 2p2 z
Sodium 11 ↑
[Ne] 3s
Magnesium 12 ↑↓
[Ne] 3 s
Aluminum 13 ↑ 0 0
[Ne] 3s2 3p x 3p y 3pz
Silicon 14 ↑ ↑ 0
[Ne] 3s2 3p x 3p y 3pz
Phosphorus 15 ↑ ↑ ↑
[Ne] 3s2 3p x 3p y 3pz
Sulphur 16 ↑ ↑
[Ne] 3s2 3p2 x 3p y 3pz
Chlorine 17 ↑
[Ne] 3s2 3p2 x 3p2 y 3pz
Argon 18
[Ne] 3s2 3p2 x 3p2 y 3p2 z
Potassium 19 ↑
[Ar] 4s
Calcium 20
[Ar] 4s2

(continued on next page)

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Element Atomic Electron Coniguration

number Notation
Scandium 21 ↑ 0 0 0 0
[Ar] 4s2 3d xy 3d yz 3d xz 3d x 2 -y2 3d z 2
Titanium 22 ↑ ↑ 0 0 0
[Ar] 4s2 3d xy 3d yz 3d xz 3d x 2 -y2 3d z2
Vanadium 23 ↑ ↑ ↑ 0 0
[Ar] 4s2 3d xy 3d yz 3d xz 3d x 2 -y2 3d z2
Chromium 24 ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
[Ar] 4 s 3d xy 3d yz 3d xz 3d x 2 -y2 3d z2
Manganese 25 ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
[Ar] 4s2 3d 2 xy 3d yz 3d xz 3d x 2 -y2 3d z2
Iron 26 ↑ ↑ ↑
[Ar] 4s2 3d 2 xy 3d 2 yz 3d xz 3d x 2 -y2 3d z2
Cobalt 27 ↑ ↑
[Ar] 4s2 3d xy 3d yz 3d xz 3d x 2 -y2 3d z2
Nickel 28

[Ar] 4s2 3d xy 3d yz 3d xz 3d x 2 -y2 3d z2
Copper 29

[Ar] 4s 3d 2 xy 3d 2 yz 3d 2 xz 3d 2 x 2 -y2 3d 2 z2
Zinc 30
[Ar] 4s2 3d 2 xy 3d 2 yz 3d 2 xz 3d 2 x 2 -y2 3d 2 z2
Gallium 31 ↑ 0 0
[Ne] 4s2 3d10 4 p x 4 p y 4 pz
Germanium 32 ↑ ↑ 0
[Ne] 4s2 3d10 4 p x 4 p y 4 pz
Arsenic 33 ↑ ↑ ↑
[Ne] 4s2 3d10 4 p x 4 p y 4 pz
Selenium 34 ↑ ↑
[Ne] 4s2 3d10 4p2 x 4 p y 4 pz
Bromine 35 ↑
[Ne] 4s2 3d10 4p2 x 4p2 y 4 pz
Krypton 36
[Ne] 4s2 3d10 4p2 x 4p2 y 4p2 z

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1. Matter is made up of extremely small particles called atoms.

2. Cathode rays and positive rays were discovered during discharge tube experiments. The
properties of cathode rays showed them to be negatively charged particles called electrons,
whereas, the positive rays were found to contain positively charged particles called protons.
3. Neutron was discovered through artiicial radioactivity.
4. Electrons, protons and neutrons are regarded as the fundamental particles of an atom.
5. Rutherford discovered the nucleus and successfully explained the presence of moving electrons
around the nucleus.
6. In 1905, Planck put forward his famous Planck’s quantum theory.
7. Neil Bohr explained the structure of hydrogen atom by using Planck’s quantum theory. He also
calculated the radius and energy of electron in the nth shell of hydrogen atom.
8. Bohr’s atomic model successfully explained the origin of line spectrum and the lines present in
the spectrum of hydrogen atom in the visible and invisible regions.
9. X-rays are produced when rapidly moving electrons collide with heavy metal anode in the
discharge tube.
10. Moseley discovered a simple relationship between the frequency of X-rays and the atomic
number of the target element.
11. de-Broglie discovered wave particle duality of material particles. According to him, all material
particles in motion have a dual character. Davisson and Germer experimentally veriied the
wave concept of an electron.
12. Heisenberg pointed out that it is not possible for us, to measure the exact position and the
exact momentum of electron simultaneously.
13. After the failure of Bohr’s atomic model, Schrodinger developed the wave mechanical model
of hydrogen atom. According to him, although the position of an electron cannot be found
exactly, the probability of inding an electron at a certain position at any time can be calculated.
14. An electron in an atom is completely described by its four quantum numbers. Three out of
these four quantum numbers, have been derived from Schrodinger wave equation, when it is
solved for hydrogen atom.

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Q1. Select the most suitable answer for the given one.
(i) The nature of the positive rays depend on
(a) the nature of the electrode (b) the nature of the discharge tube
(c) the nature of the residual gas (d) all of the above
(ii) The velocity of photon is
(a) independent of its wavelength (b) depends on its wavelength
(c) equal to square of its amplitude (d) depends on its source
(iii) The wave number of the light emitted by a certain source is 2 x 106 m-1. The wavelength of this light will
(a) 500 nm (b) 500 m (c) 200nm (d) 5xl07m
(iv) Rutherford’s model of atom failed because
(a) the atom did not have a nucleus and electrons
(b) it did not account for the attraction between protons and neutrons
(c) it did not account for the stability of the atom
(d) there is actually no space between the nucleus and the electrons
(v) Bohr model of atom is contradicted by
(a) Planck’s quantum theory (b) dual nature of matter
(c) Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle (d) all of the above
(vi) Splitting of spectral lines when atoms are subjected to strong electric ield is called,
(a) Zeeman efect (b) Stark efect
(c) Photoelectric efect (d) Compton efect
(vii) In the ground state of an atom, the electron is present
(a) in the nucleus (b) in the second shell
(c) nearest to the nucleus (d) farthest from the nucleus
(viii) Quantum number values for 2p orbitals are
(a) n = 2,  = 1 (b) n = 1,  = 2
(c) n = 1,  = 0 (d) n = 2,  = 0
(ix) Orbitals having same energy are called
(a) hybrid orbitals (b) valence orbitals
(c) degenerate orbitals (d) d-orbitals
(x) When 6d orbital is complete, the entering electron goes into
(a) 7f (b) 7s (c) 7p (d) 7d

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Q2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

(i) b-particles are nothing but ___________ moving with a very high speed.
(ii) The charge on one mole of electrons is___________coulombs.
(iii) The mass of hydrogen atom is_____________ grams.
(iv) The mass of one mole of electrons is_______________ .
(v) Energy is ___________ when electron jumps from higher to a lower orbit.
(vi) The ionization energy of hydrogen atom can be calculated from______model of atom.
(vii) For d-subshell, the azimuthal quantum number has value of ___________.
(viii) The number of electrons in a given subshell is given by formula__________ .
(ix) The electronic coniguration of H+ is___________ .
Q3. Indicate true or false as the case may be.
(i) A neutron is slightly lighter particle than a proton.
(ii) A photon is the massless bundle of energy but has momentum.
(iii) The unit of Rydberg constant is the reciprocal of unit of length.
(iv) The actual isotopic mass is a whole number.
(v) Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle is applicable to macroscopic bodies.
(vi) The nodal plane in an orbital is the plane of zero electron density.
(vii) The number of orbitals present in a sublevel is given by the formula (2  + 1).
(viii) The magnetic quantum number was introduced to explain Zeeman and Stark efect.
(ix) Spin quantum number tells us the direction of spin of electron around the nucleus.
Q 4: Keeping in mind the discharge tube experiment, answer the following questions.
(a) Why is it necessary to decrease the pressure in the discharge tube to get the cathode
(b) Whichever gas is used in the discharge tube, the nature of the cathode rays remains the
same. Why?
(c) Why e/m value of the cathode rays is just equal to that of electron?
(d) How the bending of the cathode rays in the electric and magnetic ields shows that they
are negatively charged?
(e) Why the positive rays are also called canal rays?
(f) The e/m value of positive rays for diferent gases are diferent but those for cathode
rays the e/m values are the same. Justify it.
(g) The e/m value for positive rays obtained from hydrogen gas is 1836 times less than that
of cathode rays. Justify it.
Q5 (a) Explain Millikan’s oil drop experiment to determine the charge of an electron.
(b) What is J.J Thomson’s experiment for determining e/m value of electron?

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(c) Evaluate mass of electron from the above two experiments.

Q6 (a) Discuss Chadwick’s experiment for the discovery of neutron. Compare the properties of electron,
proton and neutron.
(b) Rutherford’s atomic model is based on the scattering of a-particles from a thin gold foil. Discuss
it and explain the conclusions.
Q7. (a) Give the postulates of Bohr’s atomic model. Which postulate tells us that orbits are stationary and
energy is quantized?
(b) Derive the equation for the radius of nth orbit of hydrogen atom using Bohr’s model.
(c) How does the above equation tell you that
(i) radius is directly proportional to the square of the number of orbit.
(ii) radius is inversely proportional to the number of protons in the nucleus.
(d) How do you come to know that the velocities of electrons in higher orbits, are less than those in
lower orbits of hydrogen atom?
(e) Justify that the distance gaps between diferent orbits go on increasing from the lower to the
higher orbits.
Q8 Derive the formula for calculating the energy of an electron in nth orbit using Bohr’s model. Keeping in
view this formula explain the following:
(a) The potential energy of the bounded electron is negative.
(b) Total energy of the bounded electron is also negative.
(c) Energy of an electron is inversely proportional to n2, but energy of higher orbits are
always greater than those of the lower orbits.
(d) The energy diference between adjacent levels goes on decreasing sharply.
Q9. (a) Derive the following equations for hydrogen atom, which are related to the
(i) energy diference between two levels, n1 and n2.
(ii) frequency of photon emitted when an electron jumps from n2to n1.
(iii) wave number of the photon when the electron jumps from n2 to n1.
(b) Justify that Bohr’s equation for the wave number can explain the spectral lines of Lyman, Balmer
and Paschen series.
Q10. (a) What is spectrum. Diferentiate between continuous spectrum and line spectrum.
(b) Compare line emission and line absorption spectra.
(c) What is the origin of line spectrum?
Q11. (a) Hydrogen atom and He+ are mono-electronic system, but the size of He+ is much smaller than H+,
(b) Do you think that the size of Li+2 is even smaller than He+? Justify with calculations.

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Q12. (a) What are X-rays? What is their origin? How was the idea of atomic number derived from
the discovery of X-rays?
(b) How does the Bohr’s model justify the Moseley’s equation?
Q13. Point out the defects of Bohr’s model. How these defects are partially covered by dual nature
of electron and Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle?
Q14. (a) Briely discuss the wave mechanical model of atom. How has it given the idea of orbital.
Compare orbit and orbital.
(b) What are quantum numbers? Discuss their signiicance.
(c) When azimuthal quantum number has a value 3, then there are seven values of magnetic
quantum number. Give reasons.
Q15. (a) Discuss rules for the distribution of electrons in energy subshells and in orbitals.
(b) What is (n +  ) rule. Arrange the orbitals according to this rule. Do you think that this
rule is applicable to degenerate orbitals?
(c) Distribute electrons in orbitals of 57La, 29Cu, 79Au, 24Cr, 531, 86Rn.
Q16 Draw the shapes of s, p and d-orbitals. Justify these by keeping in view the azimuthal and
magnetic quantum numbers.
Q17 A photon of light with energy 10-19 J is emitted by a source of light.
(a) Convert this energy into the wavelength, frequency and wave number of the photon in
terms of meters, hertz and m-1, respectively.
(Ans:1.51xl014s-1; 1.98x10-6m; 5xl05m-1)
(b) Convert this energy of the photon into ergs and calculate the wavelength in cm, frequency
in Hz and wave number in cm-1.
[h = 6.626x 10-34 Js or 6.625x 10-27 ergs, c = 3x108 ms-1 or 3x 10+10 cms-1]
(Ans:1.51xl014s-1; 1.98xl0-4cm; 5xl03cm-1)
Q18 The formula for calculating the energy of an electron in hydrogen atom given by Bohr’s model

En =
8e 02h2n2
Calculate the energy of the electron in irst orbit of hydrogen atom. The values of various
parameters are same as provided in Q19.
Q 19 Bohr’s equation for the radius of nth orbit of electron in hydrogen atom is

∈0 h2n2
rn =
p e2m

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(a) When the electron moves from n = 1 to n = 2, how much does the radius of the orbit
(Ans: 1.587 A )
(b) What is the distance travelled by the electron when it goes from n=2 to n=3 and n=9
[e0 = 8.85x 10-12 c2J-1 m-1 , h = 6.624 x.10-34 js, p = 3.14, m = 9.108x 10-31 kg, e = 1.602 x 10-19c]
while doing calculations take care of units of energy parameter.
[J = kgm2 s-2, c = kg1/2 m3/2 s-1]
o o
(Ans: 2.65 A ; 10.05 A )
Q 20 Answer the following questions, by performing the calculations.
(a) Calculate the energy of irst ive orbits of hydrogen atom and determine the energy
diferences between them.
(b) Justify that energy diference between second and third orbits is approximately ive
times smaller than that between irst and second orbits.
(c) Calculate the energy of electron in He+ in irst ive orbits and justify that the energy
diferences are diferent from those of hydrogen atom.
(d) Do you think that groups of the spectral lines of He+ are at diferent places than those
for hydrogen atom? Give reasons.
Q 21 Calculate the value of principal quantum number if an electron in hydrogen atom revolves in
an orbit of energy- 0.242 xlO-18 J.
Q 22 Bohr’s formula for the energy levels of hydrogen atom for any system say H, He ,Li ,etc. is
+ 2+

En =
-Z2e4 m
8e 0 2 h2n2

 Z2 
En = -K  2 
n 
For hydrogen:Z = 1 and for He+, Z = 2.
(a) Draw an energy level diagram for hydrogen atom and He+ .
(b) Thinking that K = 2.18 x 10-18J, calculate the energy needed to remove the electron from
hydrogen atom and from He+.
(Ans: 2.18 x 10-18J; 8.72x10-18J)

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(c) How do you justify that the energies calculated in (b) are the ionization energies of H and He+?
(d) Use Avogadro’s number to convert ionization energy values in kJmol-1 for H and He+.
(Ans: 1313.3kJmol-1; 5249.4kJmol-1)
(e) The experimental values of ionization energy of H and He+ are 1331 kJ mol-1 and 5250 kJ mol-1,
respectively. How do you compare your values with experimental values?
(Ans: 5249kJ mol-1)
Q 23 Calculate the wave number of the photon when the electron jumps from
(i) n=5 to n = 2. (Ans:2.3x106m-1)
(ii) n = 5 to n=1 (Ans: 1.05 x 107 m-1 )
In which series of spectral lines and spectral regions these photons will appear.
(Ans: (i) Balmer Series (ii) Lyman Series)
Q 24 A photon of a wave number 102.70 x 10 m is emitted when electron jumps from higher to n = 1.
(a) Determine the number of that orbit from where the electron falls.
(Ans: n=4)
(b) Indicate the name of the series to which this photon belongs.
(Ans: Lyman series)
(c) If the electron will fall from higher orbit to n = 2, then calculate the wave number of the photon
emitted. Why this energy diference is so small as compared to that in part (a)?
(Ans: 20.5 x 105m-1)
Q 25. (a) What is de-Broglie’s wavelength of an electron in meters travelling at half a speed of light?
[m = 9.109 x 10-31 kg , c = 3 x 108 ms-1]
(Ans: l=0.048 A )

(b) Convert the mass of electron into grams and velocity of light into cms-1 and then calculate
the wavelength of an electron in cm. (Ans:0.048x10-8 cm)
(c) Convert the wavelength of electron from meters to
(i) nm (ii) A (iii) pm.
(Ans: 0.0048nm; 0.048; 4.85 A pm)

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Animation 6.1: Chemical Bonding

Source & Credit: chemistry.elmhurst
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: Chem ical Bond

pbslearningm edia

A chemical bond is the force, which holds together two or more atoms or ions to form a large
variety of compounds. The forces which are responsible for such bonding and the shapes of the
molecules formed are as a result of chemical combination.
The theory of chemical bonding has been a major problem of modern chemistry. In this chapter,
we shall look into the nature of the chemical bonds formed between the atoms.

Anim ation 6.2: Chem ical Bond

Source & Credit : geo.arizona

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6.1.1 Cause of Chemical Combination

It has been observed that the chemical reactivities of elements, depend upon their characteristic
electronic conigurations. The noble gases with electronic coniguration of valence shell Is2 (He)
or ns2 np6 (Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, etc.) show little tendency to react chemically. There are just only a few
stable compounds, formed by these elements like XeF2, XeF4, XeOF2, XeO3, etc. A noble gas does
not react with another noble gas. Thus, these gases are the most stable of all the elements. Let us,
see why noble gases are most stable. This can be explained on the basis of their special electronic
coniguration. Their outermost s and p orbitals are completely illed.

↿⇂ ↿⇂ ↿⇂ ↿⇂ ↿⇂ ↿⇂ ↿⇂

He = Is Ne = Is 2s
2px 2py 2py 2pz

All other elements, combine with one another, due to an inherent tendency to stabilize themselves.
They get their stabilization by losing, gaining or sharing electrons to attain the nearest noble gas
coniguration. The tendency of atoms to attain a maximum of eight electrons in the valence shell is
known as the ‘octet rule’. A few examples are given in Table (6.1).

In certain cases, both tendencies i.e. to lose or gain electrons have been observed. But the
system will go by the conditions in which the chemical combination takes place. For example, in
the chemical combination between sodium and hydrogen to form NaH, hydrogen atom gains an
electron. In the formation of HF the hydrogen atom donates the major share of its electron to
luorine atom.
Any how, the ‘octet’ rule could not be made universal as the formation of compounds PF5, SF6,
BCl3 are not according to this rule.

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Anim ation 6.3: bonding

Source & Credit : dy nam icscience

Table (6.1) Change in the electronic conigurations of

some elements after losing or gaining electrons

Electronic coniguration Nearest

Element Tendency Befor electron loss or gain After electron loss or gain nobel gas
Li Electron loss 1s2 2s1 1s2 He (2)
Mg Electron loss 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 1s2 2s2 2p6 Ne (10)
F Electron gain 1s2 2s2 2px2 2py2 2pz1 1s2 2s2 2p6 Ne (10)
S Electron gain 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3px2 3py1 3pz1 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 Ar (18)


According to the modern theory of chemical bonding, atoms form bonds as it leads to a
decrease in energy. For example, when two hydrogen atoms approach each other, forces of
attraction and repulsion operate simultaneously.

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The attractive forces tend to bring the two atoms close to each other and the potential energy
of the system is decreased. On the other hand, the repulsive forces tend to push the atoms apart
and potential energy of the system is increased. It has been found that the magnitude of potential
energy for attractive forces is more than for repulsive forces. Therefore, potential energy decreases
as the two hydrogen atoms approach each other Fig(6.1).

Fig: (6.1) Potential energy curve for the formation of H2 molecule.

Eventually, a state corresponding to the distance of 75.4pm is reached, where the attractive
forces dominate the repulsive forces. Here,the potential energy of the system is minimum and
the hydrogen atoms are said to be bonded to form a stable molecule. So,this distance of 75.4 pm
is called bond distance or bond length or compromise distance of two hydrogen atoms. When
the atoms approach the distance of minimum energy, then the system of two hydrogen atoms is
stabilized to maximum extent. The amount of energy evolved is 436.45k.Jmol-1 and is called bond
formation energy. In order to break the bond, the same amount of energy has to be provided.

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Source & Credit : 80 0 m ainstreet

For the case, where repulsive forces are dominant than the attractive forces, the energy of
the system increases and it leads to instability. Consequently, a bond is not formed. In order to
understand bonding, the relative sizes of atoms should be known.



The size of an atom is very important because many physical and chemical properties are
related to it. Atoms are assumed to be spherical. That is why, we report the various types of radii
to guess their sizes For this reason, the sizes of atoms are expressed in terms of atomic radii, ionic
radii and covalent radii, etc,. depending upon the type of the compound used for its measurement.

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The atomic radius means the average distance between the nucleus of the atom and its
outermost electronic shell.
The radius of an atom cannot be determined precisely due to the following reasons.
(i) There is no sharp boundary of an atom. The probability of inding an electron never becomes
exactly zero even at large distances from the nucleus.
(ii) The electronic probability distribution is afected by neighbouring atoms. For this reason,the
size of an atom may change from one compound to another.
Atomic radii can be determined, by measuring the distances between the centres of adjacent
atoms with the help of X-rays or by spectroscopic measurements. Atomic radii of elements of the
periodic table in pm are shown in Table (6.2).

Anim ation 6.5: ATOMIC SIZES

Source & Credit : sustainable-nano

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Variation of Atomic Radii in the Periodic Table

In general, the atomic radii decrease from left to the right in a period and increase from top
to bottom in a group of the periodic table. The decreasing trend in a period is due to the increase
in the nuclear charge. As the nuclear charge increases, the pull on the electrons is increased and
size of an atom decreases. Moreover, the shielding efect remains the same from left to right in a

Anim ation 6.6: Periodic trends

Source & Credit : kaiserscience.w ordpress

The increase in atomic radii in a group is due to increase in the number of shells and the screening
efect. The decrease of atomic radii is very prominent in second period, but less in higher periods.
Moreover, the decrease is small, when we travel from left to right in transition elements Sc(21)
-Zn(30), Y(39) -Cd(48) due to the intervening electrons. The screening efect is also called shielding
efect. This is responsible for the decrease in force of attraction of the nucleus for the electrons
present in the valence shell.

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Table (6.2) Radii of atoms and ions in the periodic table.

6.2.1 Ionic Radii and Covalent Radii

Ionic Radic

The ionic radius of an ion is the radius of the ion while considering it to be spherical in shape.
The ionic radii of some ions in pm are given in Table (6.2). The ionic radius of a cation is smaller than
the atomic radius of the element from which it is derived. The ionic radius of an anion is greater
than the atomic radius of the corresponding atom. The radius of Na atom, for example, reduces
from 186 pm to 95 pm after conversion into Na+ ion. The ionic radius of Cl- ion increases from 99 pm
to 181 pm. The cationic radius decreases with the increase in the efective nuclear charge on the
ion. The decrease in radius is larger for divalent ions (Mg2+) and still larger for trivalent ions (Al3+).
This is due to the reason that with the successive loss of electrons, the nuclear charge attracts the
remaining electrons with a greater force.

The increase in the size of the anion is due to the increase in the electron-elenctron repulsion be-
cause of the increase in the valence shell electrons. Greater the amount of negative charge on an
atom, greater the size of ion.

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The variation of ionic radii in groups and periods have the same trend as for atomic radii. But
keep in mind that ionic radius for metals is for positive ions and for elements of group number VA
to ViiA are for negative ions.
Let us consider, the positive and negative ions, which are held together by electrostatic
forces of attraction in a crystal lattice. Fig. (6.2), r+ and r- are the values of radii of cation and anion,
The interionic distance ‘R’ in a crystal lattice is equal to the sum of the cationic radius r+ and
the anionic radius r.
R = r+ + r-
Pauling was able to determine the distance between K+ and Cl- ions in potassium chloride
crystal and found that it was equal to the sum of the radii of the two ions.
R = 133pm + 181 pm = 314 pm
Thus, the ionic radius appeared to be an additive property. Pauling extended this concept to
other K+ salts and calculated the radii of other ions from the relationship:
r- = R - r+
Similarly, the ionic radii of diferent cations can also be determined.

F. ig (6.2) The relationaship of interionic

distance R and ionic. radii (r+ and r- )
Anim ation 6.7: Ionic Radii and Covalent Radii Ionic Radii
Source & Credit : chem w iki.ucdavis
Covalent Radii

The covalent radius of an element is deined as half of the single bond length between two
similar atoms covalently bonded in a molecule.

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The covalent radius of hydrogen, for example, is 37.7 pm. It is half of the single bond length
(75.4 pm) between the two H atoms in H-H molecule, as shown in Fig (6.3).
The covalent radius of an atom can be used to determine the covalent radius of another atom. For
example, the experimentally determined bond length of C-Cl in CH3CI is 176.7 pm. The covalent
radius of Cl-atom being known as 99.4 pm, that of C-atom can be calculated by subtracting this
value from C-Cl bond length. So, the covalent radius of C-atom = 176.7- 99.4 = 77.3 pm.

Fig (6.3) Covalent radius of H atom, (75.4/2 = 37.7 pm)

Anim ation 6.8: Covalent Radii

Source & Credit : boundless

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The variation of covalent radii in groups and periods is almost the same as of atomic radii.
Since energy changes are involved in the bond formation, so thermodynamic properties of elements
need to be discussed before understanding the chemical bond.


6.3.1 Ionization Energy

The ionization energy of an element is the minimum energy required to remove an electron
from its gaseous atom to form an ion. The process is called ionization, e.g.

Mg → Mg + + e- ∆H=738kJmol-1

Table (6.3) First ionization energies, electron afinities and

electronegativities values of elements

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In the gaseous phase, the atoms and ions are isolated and are free from all external inluences.
Thus, the ionization energy is the qualitative measure of the stability of an isolated atom. The irst
ionization energies of elements are given in Table (6.3).

Anim ation 6.9: Ionization Energy

Source & Credit : kaiserscience.w ordpress

Factors Inluencing the Ionization Energies

It is observed that the ionization energies of atoms depend upon the following factors.
(i) Atomic radius of atom
(ii) Nuclear charge or proton number of the atom
(iii) Shielding efect of inner electrons
(iv) Nature of orbital

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Animation 6.10: Factors Inluencing the Ionization Energies

Source & Credit : kaiserscience.w ordpress

Variation of Ionization Energy in the Periodic Table

In the periodic table, the ionization energies increase from left to right in a period with the
increase in the proton number, until a maximum value is reached at the end of the period. This may
be explained in terms of the periodicity of the electronic coniguration of elements. Each period
begins with an element which has one electron in its valence shell and ends with the completion
of an electronic shell. The increase in the atomic number is associated with the increase in nuclear
charge which leads to a stronger force of attraction between the nucleus and the increasing number
of electrons. The stronger force of attraction, ultimately results in diicult removal of electrons.
In groups, the ionization energy decrease in spite of the increase in proton number or nuclear
charge. This is due to successive addition of electronic shells as a result of which the valence
electrons are placed at a larger distance from the nucleus. As the force of attraction between
the nucleus and the outer electron decreases with the increase in distance, the electron can be
removed more easily or with less energy. Moreover, the force of attraction also decreases due to
increasing shielding efect of the intervening electrons.

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The ionization energies of group III-A and VI-A show abnormal trend. This can be understood
from the distribution of the electrons.

Anim ation 6.11: Variation of Atom ic Radii in the Periodic Table

Source & Credit : dy nam icscience

Higher Ionization Energies

So far, we have explained the irst ionization energy. The energy required to remove an
electron after the removal of irst electron is called second ionization energy.

Mg → Mg ++ + e- ∆H=1450kJmol-1

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Similarly, the energy required to remove third electron after the removal of second one is
called the third ionization energy, and it is 7730kJ for Mg. It means that the ionization energy val-
ues undergo an increase with the increase in the number of electrons to be removed. This is due
to the reason that second electron is removed from a positively charged ion rather than a neutral
atom. The dominant positive charge holds the electrons more tightly and thus further removal of
electrons becomes more diicult.
Ionization energy is an index to the metallic character. The elements having low ionization
energies are metals and those having high ionization energies are non-metals. Those with interme-
diate values are mostly metalloids.
The gaps in the irst, second, third and higher ionization energies help us to guess the valency
of an element. If, there is suicient gap between irst ionization energy and second one, then the
element shows valency of one.

Anim ation 6.12: Higher Ionization Energies

Source & Credit : 80 0 m ainstreet

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6.3.2 Electron Afinity

The electron ainity of an atom is the energy released when an electron adds to an empty
or partially illed orbital of an isolated gaseous atom in its valence energy level to form an anion
having a unit negative charge, e.g.

Cl ( g ) + e- → Cl- ( g ) ∆H=-349kJmol-1

Animation 6.13: Electron Afinity

Source & Credit : hcchrisp.blogspot

Since, energy is released, so electron ainity is given the negative sign. Electron ainity is the
measure of the attraction of the nucleus of an atom for the extra electron. The electron ainities of
elements of the periodic table are given in Table (6.3).

Factors Inluencing the Electron Afinity

The electron ainities, like ionization energies, are inluenced by the factors such as atomic
radius, the nuclear charge and the shielding efect of inner electrons.

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Animation 6.14: Factors Inluencing the Electron Afinity

Source & Credit : northhillsprep

As the force of attraction between the valence electrons and the nucleus decrease with the increase
in the atomic radius, the electron ainities usually decrease.

Variation in the Periodic Table

In a period, the atomic radius decreases due to increase in the nuclear charge. Thus, the
electron ainities of elements increase from left to right in the periodic table. That is why, the alkali
metals have the lowest and the halogens have the highest electron ainities. In groups, on the
other hand, the atomic radii increase with the increase in the proton number due to successive
increase of electronic shells.
This also exerts a shielding efect on the force of attraction between the nucleus and the
valence electrons. Thus, the electron ainities usually decrease from top to bottom.

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Anim ation 6.15: Variation in the Periodic Table

Source & Credit : vocativ

There are, of course, exceptions to this generalization e.g. luorine has electron ainity less
than that of chlorine, Table (6.3). Actually, luorine has very small size and seven electrons in 2s and
2p subshells have thick electronic cloud. This thick cloud repels the incoming electron.
The elements of group IIA, VA and VIII show abnormally low values in every period of the
periodic table. This can be understood from their electronic conigurations.

6.3.3 Electronegativity

For a homonuclear diatomic molecule e.g. H2, the bonding pair of electrons is equally shared
between the atoms. On the other hand, in a bond between dissimilar atoms such as in HF the
electron density of the bonding electrons lies more towards the luorine atom than towards the
hydrogen atom. The tendency of an atom to attract a shared electron pair towards itself is called
its electronegativity.

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It is related to the ionization energy and the electron ainity of the element. Thus, luorine atom
is more electronegative than hydrogen atom. Pauling calculated the electronegativity values of
elements from the diference between the expected bond energies for their normal covalent bond
and the experimentally determined values.

He devised an electronegativity scale on which luorine is given an arbitrary standard value 4.0. It
is the most electronegative element. The electronegativity values of other elements are compared
with luorine, and are given in Table (6.3). Electronegativity has no units.

Anim ation 6.16: Electronegativity

Source & Credit : m akeagif

Variation of Electronegativities in Periodic Table

A comparison of electronegativities shows that the values increase in a period with the
decrease in atomic size. These values decrease in a group as the size of the atoms increase. The
electronegativity diferences of the elements can be related to the properties of bonds such as
dipole moments and bond energies.
The diference in the electronegativity values of the bonded atoms is an index to the polar nature
of the covalent bond. When the diference is zero, the bond between the two atoms is non-polar.
Thus, all the bonds which are formed between similar atoms are nonpolar in character, while those
formed between diferent elements are mostly polar. Elements of widely diferent electronegativities
form ionic bonds.

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A diference of 1.7 units shows roughly equal contributions of ionic and covalent bonds. Some
examples of polar and non-polar bonds are discussed under covalent bond in section 6.4.1.

Having understood the periodic properties of elements, let us discuss types of bonds.

Anim ation 6.17: Variation of Electronegativities in Periodic Table

Source & Credit : kaiserscience.w ordpress


Chemical bonds can be classiied as :

(i) Ionic bond
(ii) Covalent bond
(iii) Coordinate covalent bond
We shall explain these bonds with the help of diferent theories of chemical bonding. First of
all let us discuss the Lewis concept of bond formation.

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Anim ation 6.18: TYPES OF BON DS

Source & Credit : em ploy ees.csbsju


With the help of this concept, we can understand the tendencies of elements to have relation with
each other.

Anim ation 6.19: LEW IS CONCEPT

Source & Credit : nku

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(i) Ionic Bond

According to the Lewis theory, ionic bond is formed by the complete transfer of electron
or electrons from an atom with low ionization energy to another atom with high electron
ainity. In energy terms, the electropositive elements are at a higher energy state than the
electronegative elements. The energy diference will be responsible for the transfer of electrons
from a higher energy state to a lower energy state.
Let us consider, the example of the formation of potassium chloride. The electronic coniguration
of potassium is Is2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s1. It may be represented as K (2,8,8,1). It tends to lose the
outermost electron and to form K+ ion. The energy needed to detach an electron from potassium
atom is equal to its irst ionization energy. So

K(2,8,8,1) → K + (2,8,8) + e − ∆H=419.0kJmol-1

The oppositely charged K+ and Cl- ions are held together by strong electrostatic force of attraction.
K+ and Cl- ions arrange themselves to form a crystal lattice where proportionate number of cations
and anions are packed together. The energy released during the formation of crystal lattice is 690
kJmol-1. It is called lattice energy of KCl.

After the loss of an electron, potassium attains the nearest inert gas coniguration of Ar
(2,8,8). Chlorine atom has the electronic coniguration Is2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5 or Cl (2,8,7). It tends to
gain electron lost from potassium atom to attain the nearest inert gas coniguration of Ar (2,8,8)
releasing 348.6 kJmol-1 energy. This energy corresponds to the electron ainity of chlorine.

 ⋅ + e − → :Cl
:Cl  − : ∆H=-349kJmol-1
 

Similarly, the elements of I-A Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs are good losers of electron. The elements of VII-A, F, Cl,
Br, I are good gainers. So, ionic bonds are there in these atoms. A similar type of bond is expected
between elements of group II-A and VI-A.

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Anim ation 6.20 : Ionic Bond

Source & Credit : gcsechem istry help.tum blr

In most of the cases the formation of dipositive, tripositive and dinegative ions takes place as
Ca (2,8,8,2) Ca2+ (2,8,8)+2e-
Al (2,8,3) Al3+ (2,8)+3e-
O (2,6) + 2e- O2- (2,8)
S (2,8,6) + 2e- S2- (2,8,8)

Calcium oxide contains ions in the ratio of Ca2+ : O2- and its formula is CaO, while in aluminium
oxide, Al3+ and O2- ions are present in the ratio 2 :3. Its formula is Al2 O3. Similarly, CaS and Al2S3, are
also ionic compounds to some extent.
The compounds formed by the cations and anions are called ionic or electrovalent
compounds. There exists a strong electrostatic force of attraction between cations and anions in
these compounds.
Criteria of electronegativity also helps us to understand the nature of bond. So, in order to
decide the % of ionic nature in a compound, it is better to note the diference of electronegativity
between the bonded atoms. If the diference is 1.7 or more than that, then the bond is said to be
ionic. Keeping this aspect in view, NaCl has 72% ionic character. CsF has 92% ionic character and
calculations tell us that there is no bond with 100% ionic character.

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(ii) Covalent Bond (electron pair bond)

According to Lewis and Kossel, a covalent bond is formed by the mutual sharing of electrons
between two atoms. While sharing, each atom completes its valence shell and attains the nearest
inert gas coniguration. A covalent bond may be non-polar or polar in character.

Anim ation 6.21: Covalent Bond (electron pair bond)

Source & Credit : edcoogle

Non-Polar Covalent Bonds

In such bonds, the bonding electron pairs are equally shared. For example, in H2 or Cl2
molecules, the two electrons forming the covalent bond are equally shared by the two identical
atoms having same electronegativities.
Hydrogen Chlorine

H:H or H-H  Clxx

:Cl x
. or Cl----Cl
 xx

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Due to an even distribution of charge, the bonded atoms remain electrically neutral.The other
such molecules are F2, Br2 and I2.Similarly, CCl4 is a non-polar compound. This is due to cancellation
of all the dipoles of this molecules due to its symmetry. Actually, all the C-Cl bonds are polar, but
molecule is non-polar overall.

Anim ation 6.22: Non-Polar Covalent Bonds

Source & Credit : bsc2.ehb-schw eiz2

:Cl: Cl
 :C: 
:Cl Cl: or Cl C Cl
  
 Cl

The molecules like CH4, SiH4, and SiCl4 also follow the same attitude of non-polarity due to
symmetry of structure.

Polar Covalent Bonds

When two diferent atoms are joined by a covalent bond, the electron pair is not equally
shared between the bonded atoms. The bonding pair of electrons will be displaced towards the
more electronegative atom

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This would make one end of the molecule partially positive and the other partially negative as
shown by the following examples.

Hydrogen fluoride Water

Hδ+ Oδ+
 
H×F: or Hδ + x Fδ -   
H×O×H or
  Hδ+

Methyl chloride

or Cδ+
H: C .xCl x x


Methanol is an other best example of a polar covalent molecule, because it contains a polar bond.

 xx  δ-
H Cδ+ O
H: C .xO .xH or 
H H Hδ-

An atom can share more than one electrons to form what is called a double or triple bond. The
examples are O2, N2, CO2, CS2, etc.

N2 is an inert gas having a strong triple bond.


:N:::N: or :N ≡ N:

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The molecule: of 02 makes a double bond.


 
O::O or  
   

Here, carbon dioxide is a non-polar covalent compound, although it is formed from

heteroatoms. The linear structure balances the polar character on both sides of the carbon atom.

Carbon dioxide

 
:O::C::O: or  
 

Here, each bond represents a pair of electrons. Thus, in the formation of a double bond (=),
two shared pairs and in that of a triple bond ( ≡ ), three shared pairs of electrons are involved.
Some of the non-metallic atoms, particularly carbon atoms mutually share their electrons
with each other. This leads to the formation of extended chains which is the basis of the formation
of large sized molecules called macromolecules. Diamond, graphite and SiC are the best examples
of such molecules.
Carbon can make single, double and triple covalent bonds in alkanes, alkenes and alkynes.

Anim ation 6.23: Polar Covalent Bonds

Source & Credit : bsc2.ehb-schw eiz2

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  H H C C H
H :C: C:
 
H H or

Silicon also gives similar type of hydrides, called silanes. The formula of disilane is like that of


H H H Si Si H
 
H :Si: Si: H or
  H H

The compounds of carbon and hydrogen showing double and triple bonds are called alkenes
and alkynes. Let us, take the examples of ethene and ethyne.

Ethan Ethan

H-C ≡ C-H
C: :C
: or H:CC:H or

(iii) Coordinate Covalent Bond

A coordinate covalent bond is formed between two atoms when the shared pair of electrons
is donated by one of the bonded atoms. Let us consider, the example of bond formation between
NH3 and BF3. NH, has three covalent bonds and there is a lone pair of electrons on nitrogen atom.
On the other hand, boron atom in BF3 is deicient in electrons. Actually, the octet of B is not complete
in BF3. Therefore, nitrogen can donate the pair of electrons to the acceptor BF3 and this results in
the formation of a coordinate covalent bond.

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The complex so produced is overall neutral, and charges are indicated on N and B atoms.
In some of the compounds, after the formation of a coordinate covalent bond, the distinction
between covalent bond and coordinate bond vanishes.

Water donates its electron pair to H+ ion to give H30+ ion. All the three bonds between oxygen
and hydrogen have equal status. Every bond is 33% coordinate covalent and 66% covalent.

Similarly, all the alcohols and ethers ofer their lone pairs to H+, just like water to give coordinate
covalent bonds. The ions so produced are called oxonium ions.

Ammonia donates its electron pair to H+ ion to give NH4+ ion. All the four bonds behave alike, in

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All the primary, secondary and tertiary amines like ammonia make such bonds with H+. PH3
combines with H+ to give PH4+ ion called phosphonium ion. Coordinate covalent bonds are present
in HNO3. Many oxyacids of halogens, like (HClO2, HClO3, HClO4) have coordinate covalent bonds
between chlorine and oxygen.


Limitations of Lewis Model

Classical Lewis model does explain, that how atoms are bonded to one another. It also tells, how
the electron pairs are shared between the bonded atoms. But a logical question arises:
Are these explanations just enough to justify the diversiied world of molecules and how do the
electrons avoid each other inspite of their repulsions?
The answer simply lies in the fact, that the Lewis model seems to be an over simpliication.
Shapes of molecules are very important because many physical and chemical properties depend
upon three dimensional arrangement of their atoms.

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Source & Credit : chem .um ass

A true model should be able to justify molecular shapes and geometries of molecules, bond
polarities, bond distances and various energy transitions as evident by spectroscopic techniques.
This model should also make clear the unique behaviouria! features of molecules during chemical
Following are the modern theories, which explain satisfactorily the above requirements for
covalent bond formation, based on wave-mechanical structure of atoms:
1. Valence shell electron pair repulsion theory (VSEPR Theory)
2. Valence bond theory (VBT)
3. Molecular orbital theory (MOT)
In addition to above, crystal ield theory and ligand ield theory explain the formation of
coordination complex compounds formed by transition metals.

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Anim ation 6.25: Lim itations of Lew is Model

Source & Credit : en.w ikipedia


Sidgwick and Powell (1940) pointed out that the shapes of molecules could be interpreted
in terms of electron pairs in the outer orbit of the central atom. Recently, Nylholm and Gillespie
developed VSEPR theory, which explains the shapes of molecules for non- transition elements.

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Basic Assumption

The valence electron pairs (lone pairs and the bond pairs) are arranged around the central
atom to remain at a maximum distance apart to keep repulsions at a minimum.


Source & Credit : barm

Postulates of VSEPR Theory

(i) Both the lone pairs as well as the bond pairs participate in determining the geometry of the
(ii) The electron pairs are arranged around the central polyvalent atom so as to remain at a
maximum distance apart to avoid repulsions.
(iii) The electron pairs of lone pairs occupy more space than the bond pairs.
A bonding electron pair is attracted by both nuclei of atoms while non- bonding by only one nucleus.
Because a lone pair experiences less nuclear attraction, its electronic charge is spread out more in
space than that for bonding pair. As a result, the non- bonding electron pairs exert greater repulsive
forces on bonding electron pairs and thus tend to compress the bond pairs.
The magnitude of repulsions between the electron pairs in a given molecule decreases in the
following order:
Lone pair- lone pair > lone pair -bond pair > bond pair - bond pair
These repulsions are called van der Waals repulsions

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(iv) The two electron pairs of a double bond and three electron pairs of a triple bond, contain
a higher electronic charge density. Therefore, they occupy more space than one electron pair of
a single bond, but behave like a single electron pair in determining the geometry of the molecule.
This is because, they tend to occupy the same region between the two nuclei like a single bond.
In order to illustrate this theory, let us consider, that the central atom is ‘A’ and this atom is
polyvalent. More than one ‘B’ type atoms are linked with ‘A’ to give AB2, AB3, AB4, etc. type molecules.
It depends upon the valency of A, that how many B are attached with that. Following Table (6.4)
gives the shapes of diferent types of molecules.

Table (6.4) Shapes of molecules according to VSPER Theory

Type Electron Pairs Arrangement Molecular Shape Example
Total Bonding Lone of pairs geometry
AB2 2 2 0 Linear Linear B-A-B BeCl2

3 0 Trignol BH3, BF3

Trigonal planar AlCl3
AB3 3 planar

2 1 Bent (or SnCl2,

angular) SO2

4 0 Tetrahedral SiCl4,
CCl4, BF4,
AB4 4 Tetrahedral
3 1 Trignol NH3, NF3,
pyramidal PH3

Bent (or
2 2 angular H2O, H2S

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1 Molecules Containing Two Electron Pairs (AB2 type)

In such, molecules two electrons, pairs around the central

atom are arranged at farther distance apart at an angle of 180°, in
order to minimize repulsions between them. Thus, they form a linear
Beryllium chloride is a typical linear molecule, which contains
two electrons pairs. MgCl2, CaCl2, SrCl2. CdCL2 and HgCl2 are also
linear molecules. The central atoms have two electrons in outer most

2. Molecules Containing Three Electron Pairs — (AB3 type:)

(a) AB3 Type with no Lone Pairs

In such molecules, central atom contains three bonding electron pairs, which are arranged at
maximum distance apart at a mutual angle of 120°, giving a triangular planar geometry. The boron
atom in BH3 is surrounded by three charge clouds, which remain farthest apart in one plane, each
pointing towards the corners of an equilateral triangle. Thus, BH3, molecules has a trigonal planar
geometry, with each H- B-H bond angles of 120°.
We expect similar geometries in hydrides of group III-A (AlH3, GaH3, InH3 and TlH3)and their
halides (BF3, AlCl3 ,etc.)

(b) AB3-Type with One Lone Pair and Two Bond Pairs

In SnCl2, one of the corner of the triangle is occupied by a lone pair, giving rise to a distorted
triangular structure in vapour phase.

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(c) AB3-Type with Multiple Bonds

In SO2, one corner of triangle is occupied by a lone pair and two corners
each by S=O double bond, while in SO3 all three regions, each are occupied by
S = O bonds. This structure of SO3 is perfectly triangular.

(iii) Molecules Containing Four Electron Pairs (AB4- Type:)

(a) AB4 Type with no Lone Pairs

The charge clouds due to four electron pairs avoid their electrostatic
repulsions by drifting apart, so as to maintain a mutual bond angle of 109.5 °.
Such geometry enables to a form a shape of regular tetrahedron.


Each of the four valence electrons of carbon pair up with sole electron of
hydrogen in methane.
6 C = 1s2 , 2s1 , 2px1 , 2py1 , 2py1

The four electron pairs are directed from the center towards the corners
of a regular tetrahedron, with each apex representing a hydrogen nucleus.
The arrangement permits a non-planar arrangement of electron pairs. Each
H-C-H bond is perfectly 109.5 °. On the same grounds, SiH4, GeH4, CCl4 form
similar geometries. This structure has four corners, four faces, six edges and
six bond angles.

(b) AB4 - Type with One Lone Pair and Three Bond Pairs

In such cases, the charge cloud of lone pair electrons (nonbonding

electrons) spreads out more than that of bonding electrons.

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Anim ation 6.27: Molecules Containing Tw o Electron Pairs (AB2 ty pe)

Source & Credit : em ploy ees.csbsju

As a result, some what large lone pair charge cloud tend to compress the bond angles in rest of
the molecules.
Ammonia, NH 3 is a typical example.

7 N = 1s2 , 2s2 , 2p x1 , 2p y1 , 2pz1

The non-bonding electron in 2s orbital takes up more space and exerts a strong repulsive
force on the bonding electron pairs. Consequently, to avoid a larger repulsion, the bonding electron
pairs move closer that reduces the ideal bond angle from 109.50 to 107.5°. This efect compels
ammonia to assume a triangular pyramidal geometry instead of tetrahedral, as in methane.
Similar, afects are evident in the geometries of molecules like PH 3 , AsH
  
3 , SbH 3 and BiH 3 .

Substitution of hydrogen with electronegative atoms like F or Cl further reduces the bond angle.
In NF3, the strong polarity of N-F bond pulls the lone pair of N atom closer to its nucleus, which in
turn exerts a stronger repulsion over bonding electrons. Thus, the angle further shrinks to 102°.
Moreover, the bond pairs N-F bonds are more close to F atoms than N atoms. The increased
distances in these bond pairs makes their repulsions less operative.

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Anim ation 6.28: Molecules Containing Three Electron Pairs — (AB;i ty pe:)
Source & Credit : nano-ou

(c) AB4-Type with Two lone Pairs and Two Bond Pairs:

Presence of two lone pairs, introduces three types of repulsion i.e. lone pair-lone pair, lone
pair-bond pair and bond pair-bond pair repulsion. For example: water (H2O), a triatomic molecule
is expected to be an AB2 type linear molecule like BeCl2 and CO2. But, experimental evidences
conirm a bent or angular geometry. VSEPR theory, successfully justiies the experimental results
by arguing the participation of lone pairs, in addition to bond pairs in determining overall geometry
of water molecule.
8 O = 1s2 , 2s2 , 2p2 x , 2p1y , 2p1z

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Two of the corners of a tetrahedron are occupied by each of the two lone pairs and remaining
by bond pairs. But owing to spatial arrangement of lone pairs and their repulsive action among
themselves and on bond pairs, the bond angle is further reduced to 104.5°. H2S, H2Se, H2Te form
similar geometries.

6.4.4 Valence Bond Theory (VBT)

VSERP theory predicts and explains the shapes of molecules but does not give reasons for
the formation of bonds. VBT is concerned with both the formation of bonds and the shapes of
molecules. This method of describing a covalent bond considers the molecule as a combination
of atoms. According to the quantum mechanical approach, a covalent bond is formed when half-
illed orbitals in the outer or valence shells of two atoms overlap, so that a pair of electrons, one
electron from each atom, occupies the overlapped orbital, As a result of this overlap, the electrons
with opposite spins become paired to stabilized themselves.
Larger the overlap, the stronger is the bond. The essential condition for chemical bonding,
is that the orbitals of atoms participating in bond formation must overlap and the direction of the
bond is determined by the direction of the two overlapping orbitals.
The formation of few molecules as a result of s and s orbital overlap, s and p orbital overlap
and p and p orbital overlap are discussed below.
The formation of a hydrogen molecules according to VB theory is shown in Fig. (6.4). As the
two atoms approach each other, their 1s orbitals overlap, thereby giving the H-H bond.

Fig. (6.4) s and s orbital overlap in H2

The electron density becomes concentrated between the two nuclei. The bond is called a sigma (s)
bond and it is deined as follows:
A single bond is formed when two partially illed atomic orbitals overlap in such a way that
the probability of inding the electron is maximum around the line joining the two nuclei.

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Let’s look at a molecule hydrogen luoride,

HF. The H-F bond is fomed by the pairing of
electrons - one from hydrogen and one from
luorine. According to VB theory, we must
have two half-illed orbitals - one from each
atom that can be joined by overlap.

H = 1s

F = 2 s 2 p x 2 py 2 p z
   

The overlap of orbitals provides

a means for sharing electrons, thereby
allowing each atom to complete its valence
shell. The luorine atom completes its 2p Anim ation 6.29: Valence Bond Theory (VBT)
Source & Credit : chem .um ass
subshell by acquiring a share of an electron
from hydrogen as shown below.

9 F = 2 s 2 p x 2 py 2 p z
   

The requirements for bond formation are met by overlapping the half-illed Is orbital of hydrogen
with the half-illed 2p orbital of luorine. There are then two orbitals plus two electrons whose spins
can adjust so they are paired. The formation of the bond is illustrated in Fig.(6.5)
The bond in the luorine molecule, F2 is formed by the overlap of half-illed 2pz orbital on each
luorine atom,Fig (6.6).

Fig. (6.5) The formation of the hydrogen luoride molecules.

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Fig.(6.6) The formation of the luorine molecule.

Covalent bonds can also form by side-to-side overlap of p orbitals, as shown in Fig.(6.7). The result
is a pi (p) bond, in which the greatest electron density lies above and below the internuclear axis.
  
Consider, the bonding between nitrogen atoms having the electronic coniguration 1s2 2s2 2 p x 2 p y 2 p z
. The three unpaired electrons on each atom are located in perpendicular p orbitals, which are
oriented so that if one end-to-end p orbital overlap occurs (resulting in a sigma bond), the other two
p orbital cannot overlap in the same fashion. Rather, they are aligned parallel to the corresponding
orbital in the other atom Fig(6.8).

Fig. (6.7) The sideway overlap of two atomic Fig. (6.8) The two nitrogen atoms showing
p orbitals to give a n bond. one sigma bond and two n bonds

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Now, let us look at the molecule of H2S. This is a non-linear molecule, and the bond angle
between the two H-S bonds is about 92°.
Each two 3p orbitals of sulphur containing one electron can overlap with the 1s orbitals of
hydrogen atoms.

S = 3 s 3p x 3p y 3p z
   

Thus, the VBT requires the idea of overlap to explain the geometry of the hydrogen sulphide
molecule, Fig. (6.9).

Fig. (6.9) Bonding in H2S showing overlap of orbitals

6.4.5 Atomic Orbital Hybridization and Shapes of Molecules

So far we have regarded overlap taking place between unmodiied atomic orbitals. Formation
of some molecules present problems.

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We face the problem of explaining equivalent tetra-valency of carbon and the bond angles
in H2O and NH3 molecules. In order to explain the formation of bonds and shapes or geometry of
molecules, the idea of hybridization has been introduced.

According to this, atomic orbitals difering slightly in energy intermix to form new orbitals,
which are called hybrid atomic orbitals. They difer from the parent atomic orbitals in shape and
possess speciic geometry.
The atomic orbital hybridization gives a satisfactory explanation for the valency of the elements.
In some cases, the electrons belonging to the ground state are promoted to the excited state as a
result of which there is an increase in the number of unpaired electrons.

These excited orbitals undergo hybridization simultaneously, because promotion of electrons

and hybridization is a simultaneous process. The energy required for the excitation is compensated
by the energy released during hybridization and the process of bond formation with other atoms.
Hybridization leads to entirely new shape and orientation of the valence orbitals of an atom. It
holds signiicant importance in determining the shape and geometry of molecules.

Depending upon the number and nature of the orbitals participating in hybridization, diferent
types of hybridization take place. For example, s and p orbitals of simple atoms are hybridized to
give sp3, sp2 and sp hybridized orbitals.

(i) sp3 Hybridization

In sp3 hybridization, one s and three p atomic orbitals intermix to form four equivalent orbitals
called sp3 hybrid atomic orbitals. Let us discuss the structures of CH4 ,NH3 and H2O by understanding
the sp3 hybridization of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen-atoms.

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Anim ation 6.30 : Atom ic Orbital Hy bridization and Shapes of Molecules

Source & Credit : w eb.clark

Bonding and Structure of Methane, Ammonia and Water

The electronic distribution of carbon atom should be kept in mind to understand intermixing
of orbitals.Electronic coniguration of 6C, its electronic excitation and hybrization is giyen as follows.

C6=(ground state) = 1 s 2 s 2 p x 2 p y 2 pz
    0

C6=(excited state) = 1 s 2 s 2 p x 2 p y 2 pz
    

C6=(hybridized state) = 1 s sp3 sp3 sp3 sp3

    

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The e nergies of hybrid orbitals are lower than unhybridized orbitals. Following diagram Fig.
(6.10) shows,
how outermost four atomic orbitals of carbon mix up to give four hybrid orbitals of equal energy and shape.
hen 90°.
The four new hybrid orbitals of equal energy have a tetrahedral geometry with carbon at
the centre. The four equivalent hybrid orbitals are directed towards the four corners of a regular
tetrahedron. Each sp3 hybrid orbital consists of two lobes, one larger and the other smaller. For the

Fig (6.10) sp3 hybridization of carbon atom

to give four sp3-hybrid orbitals

sake of simplicity, the small lobe is usually not shown while representing sp3 hybrid orbitals.

The hybrid orbitals are oriented in space in

such a manner that the angle between them
is 109.5° as shown in Fig(6.11a,b). Methane
molecule is formed by the overlap of sp3
hybrid orbitals of carbon with 1s orbitals of
four hydrogen atoms separately to form four
sigma bonds. The molecule, thus formed,
possesses a tetrahedral geometry. The four
C-H bonds which result from sp3 -s overlaps
are directed towards the corners of a regular Fig(6.11) Four sp -s overlaps in tetrahedral structure of CH4 molecule.

tetrahedron. There are six bond angles each

109.5°. The tetrahedral structure of CH4 has four faces, four corners and six edges.

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(b) Ammonia

To understand the sp3 hybridization of nitrogen-atom in NH3, we should know electronic

coniguration of 7N.

N (ground state) = 1 s 2 s 2 p x 2 p y 2 pz
    

N (hybridized state) = 1 s sp3 sp3 sp3 sp3

    

One s and three p orbitals of nitrogen atom hybridize to form four sp3 hybrid atomic orbitals.
They are directed towards the four corners of a tetrahedron. One of the hybrid orbitals is completely
illed with electrons and the remaining three orbitals are half illed. The nitrogen atom undergoes
three sp3-s overlaps with three s-orbitals of hydrogen atoms. The three hydrogen atoms are located
at three corners whereas the lone pair of electrons is at the fourth corner of the tetrahedron. The
result is a pyramidal molecule in which the three hydrogen atoms form the base and the lone pair
of electrons the apex Fig(6.12).
The experimentally determined angle in ammonia is 107.5°. The deviation from the tetrahedral
angle (109.5°) is explained on the basis of repulsion between the lone pair and the bond pairs of
electrons. The lone pair is closer to the nucleus of nitrogen, then the bond pair and bond angles are

Fig (6.12) Three sp3- s overlaps in NH3 molecule to form a pyramidal structure.

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(c) Water, H20

To know the structure of water write down the electronic coniguration of 8O:

O (ground state) = 1 s 2 s 2 p x 2 p y 2 pz
    

O (hybridized state) = 1 s
    

sp3 sp3 sp3 sp3

Here, 2s and three 2p orbitals of oxygen hybridize to form four sp3 hybrid orbitals which will
have a tetrahedral arrangement. Two hybrid orbitals are completely illed by the two available
lone pairs of electrons. The remaining two half illed hybrid orbitals undergo sp3-s overlaps with H
atoms to form two sigma bonds. The two H atoms occupy two corners of the tetrahedron and the
remaining two are occupied by two lone pairs of electrons, Fig(6.13).

Fig (6.13) sp3-s overlaps in H20 to form an angular structure

The bond angle in water is 104.5°. The deviation from the tetrahedral angle (109.5°) is explained
on the basis of repulsion between the two lone pairs of electrons, with bond pairs. The lone pairs
are closer to the nucleus of oxygen. They repel bond pairs and the bond angle decreases from
109.5° to 104.5°. So, the molecule of water has bent or angular structure.

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(ii) sp2- Hybridization

In sp2 hybridization, one ‘s’ and two ‘p’ atomic orbitals of an atom intermix three orbitals called
sp2 hybrid orbitals.

Bonding and Structure of Boron Triluoride and Ethene

(a) Boron Triluoride (BF3)

The three half illed sp2 hybrid orbitals are planar and are oriented at an angle of 120°,
Fig(6.14). The sp2 hybridization explains the geometry of planar molecules such as BF3. Electronic
coniguration of 5B is,

B (ground state) = 1s 2 s 2 p x 2 p x 2 pz
   0 0

B (excited state) = 1s 2s 2 p x 2 p y 2 pz
    0

B (hybridized state) = 1s
   

sp2 sp2 sp2

In sp2 hybridization, one s and two p atomic orbitals of an atom intermix to form three orbital
called sp2 hybrid orbitals.

Fig (6.14) Three sp2 hybridized orbitals in one plane and at 120° to each other.

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One of the p orbitals of luorine is half illed i.e. 2pz. This p-orbital of F is in the form of a lobe. BF3
is formed by the overlap of three half illed sp2 hybrid orbitals of boron with lobe shaped p-orbitals
of three luorine atoms Fig.(6.15). The structure is triangular planer.

(b) Ethene (CH2=CH2)

Electronic coniguration of 6C is

C (ground state) = 1 s 2 s 2 p x 2 p y 2 pz
    0

C (excited state) = 1 s 2 s 2 p x 2 p y 2 pz
    

C (hybridized state) = 1 s
    

sp2 sp2 sp2 2 pz

In the formation of ethene molecule, each carbon atom undergoes sp2 hybridization to form
three hybrid orbitals which are co-planar and are oriented at an angle of 120°. Each atom is left
with one half illed p-orbital perpendicular to the planar sp2 hybrid orbitals.

Fig. (6.15) sp2-p overlaps in BF3 to

form triangular planar structure.

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One of the p-orbitals does not take part in hybridization. Each carbon atom undergoes sp2-s overlaps
with two hydrogen atoms and sp2-sp2 overlap between themselves to form sigma bonds. These
overlaps lead to the shapes shown in Fig.(6.16a). The partially illed p-orbitals undergo sidwrays
overlap to form a p−bond.
So, a p-bond is formed by the sideways
overlap of two half illed co-planar p-orbitals
in such a way that the probability of inding
the electron is maximum perpendicular to the
line joining the two nuclei. It should be made
clear that a p-bond is formed between two
atoms only when they are already bonded
with a sigma bond.
The two clouds of the p-bond are
perpendicular to the plane in which ive
p-bonds are lying. Just like s-bond, p -bond can
be represented by a line as in Fig (6.16 b). The
inal shape of C2H4 is shown in Fig. (6.16 c).

two carbon atoms and one p-bond in C2H4.

Fig. (6.16) Formation of one sigma between

(iii) sp-Hybridization

In sp hybridization, one ‘s’ and one ‘p’ orbitals.intermix to form two sp-hybrid orbital called sp
hybrid orbitals.

Bonding and Structure of Beryllium Dichloride and Ethyne

(a) Beryllium Bichloride

Electronic coniguration of 4Be is

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Be (ground state) = 1 s 2 s 2 p x 2 p y 2 pz
  0 0 0

Be (excited state) = 1 s 2 s 2 p x 2 p y 2 pz
   0 0

Be (hybridized state) = 1 s
  


The two sp hybrid orbitals lie in linear way, Fig (6.17). The sp hybridization explains the
geometry of linear molecules such as beryllium chloride, BeCl2. It is formed when two sp hybrid
orbitals of Be atom overlap with the half illed p-orbitals of chlorine atoms. The outermost half
illed 3pz orbital of Cl has lobe shape.

Fig. (6.17) sp-hybridization to form a linear structure

Be atom lies at the center and two Cl atoms on either side so that the Cl-Be-Cl angle is 180°.

(b) Ethyne (CH=CH)

The electronic coniguration of

C (ground state) = 1 s 2 s 2 p x 2 p y 2 pz
    0

C (excited state) = 1 s 2 s 2 p x 2 p y 2 pz
    

C (hybridized state) = 1 s
    

sp sp
2 2
2p y 2p z

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Ethyne is formed as a result

of sp hybridization of carbon atoms
and subsequent formation of s and p
bonds. Each carbon atom undergoes
sp-s overlap with one hydrogen atom
and sp-sp overlap with other carbon
atom. Each carbon atom is left with two
unhybridized p orbitals perpendicular
to the plane of sp hybrid orbitals. The
two half illed p orbitals (on separate
carbon atoms) are parallel to each
other in one plane while the other two
p orbitals are parallel to each other in
another plane. The sideways p overlap
between the p-orbitals in two planes
results in the formation of two p bonds
as shown in Fig.(6.18).
Ethyne molecule contains one
s and two p bonds between the two
carbon atoms and each carbon atom
is bonded with, one H atom through s
Fig. (6.18) Formation of one sigma and two pi-bonds in C2H2 (ethyne)

bond. Actually, four electronic clouds of

two p-bonds intermix and they surround the sigma bond in the shape of a drum.

6.4.6. Molecular Orbital Theory

The molecular orbital approach considers the whole molecule as a single unit. It assumes that
the atomic orbitals of the combining atoms overlap to form new orbitals called molecular orbitals
which are characteristic of the whole molecule. The molecular orbital surrounds two or more nuclei
of the bonded atoms. Two atomic orbitals, after overlapping, form two molecular orbitals which
difer in energy. One of them, having lower energy, is called bonding molecular orbital while the
other having higher energy is called anti-bonding molecular orbital.

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The bonding molecular orbital is symmetrical about the axis joining the nuclei of the bonded
atoms (molecular axis). It is designated as sigma (s) bonding molecular orbital while the antibonding
molecular orbital, is called s*. The process of formation of molecular orbitals from 1s atomic orbitals
of hydrogen is shown in Fig (6.19).
The illing of electrons into the molecular orbitals takes place according to the Aufbau principle,
Pauli’s exclusion principle and Hund’s rule.The two electrons (one from each hydrogen atom), thus
ill the low energy s1s-orbital and have paired spin ( ↿⇂ ), while the high energy s*1s orbital remains

Fig (6.19). Formation of bonding and anti-bonding molecular orbitals for

hydrogen molecule (H2)

Anim ation 6.31: Molecular Orbital Theory

Source & Credit : andrew .cm u

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So far, we have considered s and s orbital overlap for the formation of molecular orbitals
of hydrogen molecule. Other types of overlaps occurring between p and p atomic orbitals to form
molecular orbitals are described below. There are three 2p atomic orbitals directed along the three
perpendicular x, y and z coordinates. For the formation of molecular orbitals from p- orbitals, two
cases arise:

(a) Head on Approach

Here, the p-orbitals of the two atoms approach along the same axis (i.e. px axis) as shown in
Fig. (6.20).
This combination of the atomic orbitals gives rise to s(2px) bonding and s* (2px) antibonding
molecular orbitals. Both are symmetrical about the nuclear axis.

Fig. (6.20) Head on overlap of two p-orbitals

(b) Sideways Approach

When the axes of two p-orbitals (i.e py or pz orbitals) are parallel to each other, they interact
to form molecular orbitals as shown in Fig.(6.21).

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Fig. (6.21) Sideways overlap of two p-orbitals

The bonding molecular orbitals p(2py) or p (2pz) have zero electron density on the nuclear axis
(called the nodal plane). The electron density is uniformly distributed above and below the nodal
On the other hand, anti-bonding molecular orbitals p* (2py) and p* (2pz) have the least electron
density in the p inter-nuclear region. Since the 2py and 2pz atomic orbitals are degenerate (having
the same energy), the p - molecular orbitals i.e. p (2py) and p (2pz) are also degenerate. So,are also
the p*(2py) and p*(2pz) molecular orbitals.
Overall six molecular orbitals (three bonding and three anti-bonding) are formed from two
sets of 2p atomic orbitals. The bond formed as a result of linear overlap is ó bond, while that
formed as a result of sideways overlap is called a p (pi) bond. As there are three bonding molecular
orbitals, the p-orbitals overlap can lead to the formation of at the most three bonds: one sigma and
two p -bonds.

Relative Energies of the Molecular Orbitals

The relative energies of the molecular orbitals formed from 2s and 2p atomic orbitals in the case of
homonuclear di-atomic molecules are shown in Fig. (6.22).
The energies of the molecular orbitals are determined by spectroscopic measurements.
The molecular orbitals of diatomic molecules such as O2, F2 and their positive and negative ions can
be arranged in the following-increasing order of energy (Fig 6.22a).

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(b) Molecular orbital energy diagram.for Li2, Be2, B2 and N2.

s (1s ) <s * (1s ) <s ( 2s ) <s * ( 2s ) <s ( 2px ) <p ( 2py ) =p ( 2pz ) <p * ( 2py ) =p ( 2pz ) <s * ( 2px )

The diatomic molecules, such as N2 and other -lighter molecules like B2, C2 show slightly
diferent energy order. See Fig. (6.22 b):

s 1s<s *1s < s (2s ) < s * (2s ) < p (2pz ) = p (2pz ) < s (2px ) < p * ( 2py ) = p * (2pz ) < s * (2px )


It has been observed that in case of B2, C2 and N2 ,s2px is higher in energy than p2py=p2px.
MOs. This reversal is due to mixing of 2s and 2px atomic orbitals.
Actually, the energy diference of 2s and 2p atomic orbitals is small. There is a possibility of
mixing of these orbitals (i.e. hybridization of A.O.) as a result of which s2s and s*2s MOs do not
retain pure s-character. Similarly, s2px and s*2px MOs do not have pure p-character. All the four
MOs acquire sp-character. Due to this mixing, their energies change’in such a way that MOs s2s and
s*2s become more stable and are lowered in energy MOs as s2px and s*2px become less stable and
are raised in energy. Since, pp-orbitals are not involved in mixing, so energy of p2py=p2pz remains
unchanged.s 2px is raised to such an extend that it becomes higher in energy than p-bondings.

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Anyhow, O2 and F2 do not do so. The re ason is high energy diference of their 2s and 2p
i.e. 1595 and 2078 kJmol-1, for O2 and F2 , respectively. These values are 554kJmol-1 for boron,
846kJmol-1 for carbon, and 1195kJmol-1 for nitrogen. These energy diferences have been calculated
by spectroscopic techniques.

Bond Order

The number of bonds formed between two atoms after the atomic orbitals overlap, is called
the bond order and is taken as half of the diference between the number of bonding electrons and
anti-bonding electrons. The number of bonds formed between H-atoms in hydrogen molecule may
be calculated as follows:
Number of electrons in the bonding orbitals =2
Number of electrons in the anti-bonding orbitals =0

Bond order = =1

It is a common practice that only MOs formed from valence orbital are considered in bond
order calculations.

Molecular Orbital Structures of Some Diatomic Molecules

(i) Helium, He2

The electronic coniguration of He is 1s2. The 1s orbitals of He-atoms combine to form one
bonding s (1s) and one anti-bonding s* (1s) orbitals as shown in Fig (6.23).

Each He-atom contributes two electrons. Two electrons enter bonding molecular orbital s (ls)
and the remaining two go to antibonding s* (Is) molecular orbital.

The bond order for He2 is zero i.e. picture of He2 molecule is not formed.

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Fig Fig. (6.23) Hypothetical orbital

picture of He2 molecule.

(ii) Nitrogen, N2

The molecular orbital structure of N2 molecule is shown in Fig (6.24). Electronic coniguration
of N2 molecule is

s (1s2 ) <s * (1s2 ) < s (2s2 ) < s * ( 2s2 ) < p ( 2p2 y ) = p ( 2p2z ) < s ( 2p2x ) <p * ( 2py ) =p * ( 2pz )< s * ( 2px )

From the electronic coniguration of N2, it is clear that six electrons enter into three outermost
bonding orbitals while no electrons enter into anti-bonding orbitals.

6−0 6
Thus, the bond order in N2 molecule is = =3, which corresponds
2 2

to the triple bond consisting of one sigma and two p bonds. The bond dissociation energy of N2 is
very high, i.e. 941kJmol-1.

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Fig. (6.24) Molecular orbitals picture of N2 molecule.

(iii) Oxygen, 02

The formation of molecular orbitals in oxygen molecule is shown in Fig. (6.25). The electronic
coniguration of O2 is

s (1s ) <s * (1s ) < s (2s ) < s * (2s ) < s ( 2px ) <p ( 2py ) =p ( 2pz ) <p * ( 2py ) =p z* ( 2pz ) < s * 2px
2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1

The bond order in O2, is =2, which corresponds to a double bond.

This is consistent with the large bond energy of 496kJ mol-1 of oxygen molecule. Fig(6.25)
shows that the illing of molecular orbitals leaves two unpaired electrons in each of the p*(2py) and
p*(2pz) orbitals. Thus, the | electronic coniguration of the molecular orbitals accounts admirably
for the paramagnetic properties of oxygen. This is one of the greatest successes of the molecular
orbital theory. Liquid O2 is attracted towards the magnet.

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Anyhow, when two more electrons are given to O2, it becomes O22-. The paragmanetism
vanishes. Similarly, in O22+ the unpaired electrons are removed and paragmagnetic property is no
more there. Bond order of O22- are also diferent from O2 and are one and three, respectively.
Similarly, M.O.T justiies that F2 has bond order of one and Ne does not make a bond with Ne.

Fig. (6.25) Molecular orbitals in 0, molecule.

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6.5.1 Bond Energy (bond enthalpy)

When a bond is formed between two atoms, energy is released. The same amount of energy
is absorbed when the bond is broken to form neutral atoms. So, the bond energy is the average
amount of energy required to break all bonds of a particular type in one mole of the substance. It is
determined experimentally, by measuring the heat involved in a chemical reaction. It is also called
bond enthalpy, as it is a measure of enthalpy change at 298 K. The enthalpy change in splitting a
molecule into its component atoms is called, enthalpy of atomization.
The bond energy is given in kj mol-1 which is the energy required to break an Avogadro’s
number (6.02 x 1023) of bonds. It is also released when an Avogadro’s number of bonds are formed.
Table (6.5).

Anim ation 6.32: Bond Energy (bond enthalpy )

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Table (6.5) Average bond enthalpies of some important bonds (kjmol-1).

Bond Bond Bond Bond
Bond energy Bond energy Bond energy Bond energy
(kJmol-1) (kJmol-1) (kJmol-1) (kJmol-1)
C-C 348 H-H 436 O-O 146 Si-H 323
C=C 614 H-F 567 O=O 495 Si-Si 226
C≡C 839 H-Cl 431 O-H 463 Si-C 301
C-H 413 H-Br 366 O-F 190 Si-O 368
C-N 293 H-I 299 O-Cl 203 F-H 155
C=N 615 N-N 163 O-I 234 Cl-F 253
C≡ N 891 N=N 418 S-S 266 Cl-Cl 242
C-O 358 N≡ N 941 S=S 418 Br-F 237
C=O 799 N-H 391 S=O 523 Br-Cl 218
C≡ O 1072 N-O 201 S-H 339 Br-Br 193
C-F 485 N-F 272 S-F 327 I-Cl 208
C-Cl 328 N-Cl 200 S-Cl 253 I-Br 175
C-Br 276 N-Br 243 S-Br 218 I-I 151
C-I 240
C-S 259

It may be noted that energies of multiple bonds are greater than those of single bonds. But
a double bond is not twice as a strong as a single bond or a triple bond is not thrice as strong as
a single bond. It means that s- bond is stronger than a p-bond. Similarly, a polar covalent bond is
stronger than a non-polar covalent bond.

Anim ation 6.33: BOND EN ERGY, BON D LENGTH

Source & Credit : chem .utah

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6.5.2 Ionic Character and Bond Energy

Bond energy is a measure of the strength of a bond. The strength of a bond depends upon
the following factors.
(i) Electronegativity diference of bonded atoms (ii) Sizes of the atoms (iii)Bond length Let
us consider, irst the part played by electronegativity diference. Look at the bond energies of H-X
type of compounds, where X=F, Cl, Br, I, Table (6.6).This data show that electrons are not equally
shared between the bonded atoms i.e. HX. As halogen atom is more electronegative, the bonded
pair is more attracted towards X atom and thereby polarity develops. This gives rise to additional
attractive force for binding.
From the diference between experimental bond energies and those calculated by assuming
equal sharing, it is possible to estimate relative electronegativities. The comparison of these values
shows that the discrepancy is the greatest for HF and the least for HI, Table (6.9).
Let us calculate, the increase in the strength of H-Cl bond,due to the ionic character present
in it.The H-H bond energy is 436 kJ mol-1

It means 436 kJ of heat is required to break the Avogadro’s number of H2 molecules into individual
atoms. Thus, bond energy per bond is 72.42 x 10-23kJ. This is obtained by dividing 436 by 6.02 x 1023.
As the bonding electron pair is equally shared between the two H atoms, we can assume that each
bonded H-atom contributes half of the bond energy i.e., 36.21x10-23kJ.
Similarly, the bond energy for Cl2 is 240 kJ mol-1. Therefore, each Cl-atom should contribute 19.93
x 10-23 kJ to any bond, where sharing of an
electron pair is equal.

H+H → H2 ∆H=-436kJmol-1

Anim ation 6.34: Ionic Character and Bond Energy

Source & Credit : av8n

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Table (6.6) Comparison of experimental

and theoretical bond energies
Bond Bond energies (kJmol-1)
X=F X=Cl X=Br X=I
X-X 155 242 193 151
H-X 293 336 311 291
H-X 567 431 366 299
diference 274 95 55 8

Let us, now consider, the bond in HCl. This bond is polar, but we consider the electron pair to be
equally shared. On adding up the bond energy contributions of H-atom and Cl-atom, we expect the
bond energy of H-Cl to be 56.14 x 10-23kJ per molecule which is the sum of 36.21xl0-23kJ and 19.93x10-
kJ. For Avogadro’s number of HCl molecules, the calculated bond energy is 337.96 kJmol-1 which
is obtained by multiplying 56.14 x 10 -23 with 6.02 x 10-23 The experimentally found bond energy
for HCl is 431 kJmol-1.The observed bond energy is signiicantly greater than the calculated value
and that means a more stable H-Cl bond. This stability is due to the ionic character present in the
molecule.The decreasing polarity from HF to HI shows a trend toward equal sharing of electrons
which is consistent with decreasing electronegativity from F to I.
The bonds with higher bond energy values have shorter bond lengths. The bond energies of
C to C bonds being in the order C ≡ C >C=C>C-C. Their bond lengths are in the reverse order i.e. C
-C > C=C > C ≡ C.

6.5.3 Bond Length

The distance between the nuclei of two atoms forming a covalent bond is called the bond
length. The bond lengths are experimentally determined by physical techniques. The techniques
may be electron difraction, X-ray difraction or spectral studies.
The covalent bond length between two atoms is often but not always independent of the nature of
the molecules. For instance, in most of the aliphatic hydrocarbons, the C-C bond length is very close
to 154 pm. The C-C bond length is also found to be the same in diamond.
The covalent radii for diferent elements are almost additive in nature. The single bond
covalent radius of carbon is 77 pm which is half of the C-C bond length (154 pm). Similarly, the
covalent radius of Cl is 99 pm i.e. one half of the Cl-Cl bond length (198 pm). So the bond length of
C-Cl bond will be 77 + 99= 176 pm. Some selected bond lengths are given in Table (6.7).

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Table (6.7) Some selected bond lengths alongwith

and hybridization of central atom.
Compound Hybridization Bond Bond length
BF3 sp2 B-F 130
(Boron triluoride)
BCl3 sp2 B-Cl 175
(Boron triluoride)
SiH4 sp3 Si-H 148
SiF4 sp3 Si-F 155
(silicon tetraluoride)
C2H6 sp3 C-C 154
C2H4 sp2 C=C 133
C2H2 sp C≡C 120
(CH3)2 C=O sp2 C=O 122

Anim ation 6.35: Bond Length

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With an increase in electronegativity diference between the bonded atoms, the bond
becomes shortened. For example, Si-F bond length in SiF4 is found to be 154-159 pm, whereas the
addition of their covalent radii (Si=117 pm and F=64 pm) give Si-F bond length to be equal to 181
pm, Table (6.7). The calculated values are almost always higher due to electronegativity diferences.
The ionic character results in shortening of the bond length due to force of attraction between the
polar ends.
Moreover, hybridization scheme involved, also explains the shortening of bonds due to the
predominant participation of s-orbitals. Since, the 2s-orbital of carbon has smaller mean radius
than the 2p-orbitals, it would be expected that greater the s character in the hybrid orbitals used,
the shorter will be the bond distance. Thus, the C-C bond lengths are 154,133 and 120 pm for
ethane, ethene and ethyne, respectively where s orbital contribution increases from sp3 to sp.
Further, p-bonding also reduces the internucleft bond distance.
The bond length increases, as we move from top to bottom in group IV-A of the periodic table.
Thus, Si-Si bond length is more than C-C bond length in group IV-A and P-P bond length is much
more than N-N bond length in group V-A. As the atomic radii increase in a group (N to P or C to Si),
the efect of the efective nuclear charge decreases on electrons. As a result the bond length will
increase. In the periodic table, shortening of bond lengths occurs from left to right in, a period. This
can be attributed to the pull by nuclear charge with the same value of principal quantum number.
Therefore, C-C bond length is greater than N-N bond length.

6.5.4 Dipole Moment

In heteronuclear molecules, e.g. HCl where the bonded atoms are of diferent elements,
the molecule becomes polar due to the electronegativity diference. Partial positive and negative
charges become separated on the bonded atoms. The se paration of these charges on the molecule
is called a dipole and the molecule is said to have a dipole moment.
The dipole moment is a vector quantity, which has a magnitude as well as a direction.
Fig . (6.26) illustrates the dipole and its vecrtor representation. The dipole moment (m) is be de-
ined as the product of the electric charge (q) and the distance between the positive and negative
centres (r):
m = q x r

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Fig. (6.26) Dipole moment and its vector representation

The dipole moments of simple heteronuclear diatomic molecules like HF, HCl, HBr. HI, CO,
NO, etc. are directed from electropositive ends to electronegative ends.
The dipole moments are measured in Debye (D) units. Let us consider a hypothetical molecule
(A*—B-), or a unit negative charge separated from a unit positive charge by distance r = 100 pm (1
Å)The dipole moment of such a molecule can be calculated by multiplying the distance 100pm to
charge of one electron or proton is 1.6 orx10-19C m=(1.6022x10-19C)x(100x10-12m) = 1.6022x10-29 mC

Anim ation6.36: Dipole Mom ent

Source & Credit : chem w iki.ucdavis

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Another unit of dipole moment is Debye. The Table (6.8) Dipole moments of
equivalence of Debye and mC is 1 D = 3.336x10-30mC. So, some substances in Debyes
the dipole moment of the, above system in Debye units is
Compound Dipole moment
1.6022 x 10 mC (D)
= = 4.8 D
3.336x 10 mC H2 0.00
HCl 1.03
The dipole moments of some substances in Debye units are
HBr 0.78
given in Table (6.8). If the molecule is polyatomic and contains two
HI 0.38
or more dipoles, then the net dipole moment is the resultant of the H O 1.85
vector addition of the individual bond moments. Examples of CO2 H S 0.95
and H2O are shown in Fig (6.26). NH3 1.49
SO2 1.61
CO2 0.00
CO 0.12
NO 0.16
H2O2 2.20
CH4 0.00
CH3F 1.81
CH3Cl 1.45
CH3Br 1.85
Fig (6.26) Vector addition of bond moments in
(a) linear C02 molecule and (b) angular H20 molecular CH3l 1.35
C2H5OH 1.69

6.5.5 Dipole Moments and Molecular Structure

Dipole moment provides two types of information about the molecular structure:
(i) Percentage ionic character of a bond
(ii) Angles between the bonds or the geometry of molecules

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Anim ation 6.37: Dipole Mom ents and Molecular Structure

Source & Credit : uni-m arburg

(1) Percentage Ionic Character

From the experimentally determined dipole moments, the percentage ionic character in a
bond can be calculated. For this purpose, we should know the actual dipole moment mobs of the
molecule and actual bond, length. The dipole moment of 100% ionic compound is represented as

%age of ionic character = x100

Example 1:

The observed dipole moment of HF is 1.90 D. Find the percentage ionic character in H-F bond.
The distance between the charges is 0.917 x 10-10 m.
(Unit positive charge= 1.6022 x 10-19 C).


Let us suppose that HF molecules is 100% ionic. It means that H has full positive charge and
F has full negative charge.

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To calculate its dipole moment multiply the bond length with full charge of electron or proton i.e.
1.6022 x 10-19 C. This dipole moment is called
So, mionic =qxr
=1.469x10-29 mC
Scince 1 D =3.336x10-30 mC

= mionic =
So, = 4.4D

The actual dipole moment is given as it is observed.

mobserved=1.90 D

mobserved x 100
%ionic character=

= 43.2% Answer
1.90 Dx 100

Hence, 43% of HF bond is ionic in nature and 57% covalent. The bond is predominantly covalent.

(ii) Bond Angles or the Geometry of Molecules

We can understand this aspect by taking some important examples.

The dipole moment of water is 1.85 D which ruled out its linear structure. The calculations
show that water has an angular structure with a bond angle 104.5° between the two O-H bonds.
A linear H2O molecule (H-O-H) would have zero dipole
Similarly, the triatomic molecules H2S or SO2 etc. are
also bent like H2O.

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CO has a dipole moment while CO2 does not have any. The reason is that CO2 has a linear
structure, where the dipoles being equal and opposite, cancel out each other’s efect. Similarly, CS2
has zero dipole moment.

Symmetrical triangular planar molecules of BF3, AlCl3 and perfectly tetrahedral molecules like
CH4, SiH4, CCl4 also have zero dipole moments. This is all due to the cancellation of individual bond

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The properties of substances are characterized by the types of bonding present in them.
Here, we shall consider the efects of the type of bond on physical and chemical properties of

(1) Solubility

(a ) Solubility of Ionic Compounds

Mostly, ionic compounds are soluble in water but insoluble in non-aqueous solvents. When
a crystal of an ionic substance is placed in water, the polar water molecules detach the cations
and anions from the crystal lattice by their electrostatic attraction. Thus, the ions are freed from
the crystal lattice by hydration. This happens when the hydration energy is greater than the lattice
energy and the ions are freed from their positions in the crystal. Many ionic compounds do not
dissolve in water, as the attraction of water molecules cannot overcome the attraction between
the ions. For the same reason, non-polar solvents like benzene and hexane do not dissolve, ionic

(b) Solubility of Covalent Compounds

In general, covalent compounds dissolve easily in non-polar organic solvent (benzene, ether, etc.)

Here, the attractive forces of solvent molecules are enough for overcoming the intermolecular
forces of attraction. Mostly, covalent compounds are insoluble in water. However, some of them
dissolve in water due to hydrogen bonding.

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Source & Credit : ausetute

(2) Isomerism

(a) Non-Directional Nature of Ionic Bonds

The ionic compounds involve electrostatic lines of forces between oppositely charged ions.
Therefore, such bonds are non-rigid and non-directional. Because of this, ionic compounds do not
exhibit the phenomenon of isomerism.

(b) Directional Nature of Covalent Bonds

Covalent compounds are rigid and directional. This leads to the possibility of a variety of
isomerism. For example, the compounds, C2H6O, shows structural isomerism.

H 
O H H 
 H


Dimethyl ether Ethanol

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(3) Reaction Kinetics:

(a) Speed of Reaction of Ionic Compounds

The ionic compounds exist in the form of ions in an aqueous solution. The chemical reaction
between ions occur rapidly.
For example, addition of silver nitrate solution to sodium chloride solution produces a white
precipitate of silver chloride instantaneously. The reaction is rapid because on mixing the solutions,
no bonds have to be broken, only a new bond is formed. The ionic compounds have already been
broken while forming their aqueous solutions.

(b) Speed of Reactions of Covalent Compounds

Since, there is no strong electrical force to speed up a chemical reaction (like in ionic reaction),
the covalent bonds are generally much slower to react as they involve bond breaking and making
of bonds. The molecules undergo a chemical change as a whole. Covalent bonds react in a variety
of ways and their reactivity depends upon the way a reaction proceeds and the kind of a reaction.

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1. Atoms combine together due to their inherent tendency to attain the nearest noble gas electronic
conigurations and the formation of a chemical bond always results in a decrease of energy.
2. The size of an atom is expressed in terms of atomic radius, ionic radius and covalent radius and
van der Waals radius.
3. It is necessary to understand thermodynamic properties of elements. The minimum amount
of energy required to remove an electron from an atom in gaseous state is called ionization
energy. It depends upon the atomic size, nuclear charge and shielding efect of electrons. The
electron ainity of an atom is the energy given out when an electron is added to a gaseous atom.
The tendency of an atom to attract a shared pair of electrons to itself is called electronegativity.
Fluorine, is the most electronegative atom and it has arbitrarily been given a value of 4.0.
4. The ionic bonds are formed by transfer of electron from one atom to another. Covalent bonds
are formed by mutual sharing of electrons between combining atoms. After the formation of
a coordinate covalent bond, there is no distinction between a covalent bond and a coordinate
covalent bond.
5. A polar covalent bond is formed when atoms having diferent electronegativity values mutually
share their electrons. Due to polarity, bonds become shorter and stronger and dipole moment
may develop.
6. According to valence bond theory, the atomic orbitals overlap to form bonds but the individual
character of the atomic orbitals are retained. The greater the overlap, the stronger will be the
bond formed.
7. The VSEPR theory gives information about the general shapes and bond angles of molecules. It
is based upon repulsion between bonding and lone pairs of electrons, which tend to remain at
maximum distance apart so that interaction between them is minimum. The concept provides
an alternate way to explain various geometrical shapes of molecules.
8. The geometrical shapes and bond angles are better explained by diferent hybridization schemes,
where diferent atomic orbitals are mixed to form hybrid orbitals.
9. According to molecular orbital theory, atomic orbitals overlap to form molecular orbitals, n atomic
orbitals combine to form n molecular orbitals. Half of them are bonding molecular orbitals and
half antibonding molecular orbitals. In this combination, the individual atomic orbital character
is lost in order to form an entirely new orbital that belongs to the whole molecule. The theory
successfully explains bond order and paramagnetic property of O2.
10. The bond energy in deined as the average amount of energy required to break all bonds
of a particular type in one mole of the substance. It is a measure of the strength of the bond.
Stronger the dipole of a bond, greater will be the bond energy.
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11.The distance between the nuclei of two atoms forming a covalent bond is called bond length. In
general, it is the sum of the covaleht radii of the combined atoms.
12. The dipole moment may be deined as the product of electric charge (q) and the distance (r)
between the two oppositely charged centres. It is a vector quantity as it has magnitude and
direction. It plays a major role, in determining the % age ionic character of a covalent bond and
the shapes of molecules. It has magnitude and direction.
13. Properties of substances are characterized by the type of bonds present in them.

Q.1 Select the correct statement
(i) An ionic compound A+B- is most likely to be formed when
(a) the ionization energy of A is high and electron ainity of B is low.
(b) the ionization energy of A is low and electron ainity of B is high.
(c) both the ionization energy of A andelectron ainity of B are high.
(d) both the ionization energy of A and electron ainity of B are low.
(ii) The number of bonds in nitrogen molecule is
(a) one ó and one p
(b) one ó and two p
(c) three sigma only
(d) two ó and one p
(iii) Which of the following statement is not correct regarding bonding molecular
(a) Bonding molecular orbitals possess less energy than atomic orbitals from which
they are formed.
(b) Bonding molecular orbitals have low electron density between the two nuclei.
(c) Every electron in the bonding molecular orbitals contributes to the attraction
between atoms.
(d) Bonding molecular orbitals are formed when the electron waves undergo
constructive interference.
(iv) Which of the following molecules has zero dipole moment?
(a) NH3 (b) CHCl3 (c)H2O (d) BF3
(v) Which of the hydrogen halides has the highest percentage of ionic character?
(a) HCl (b) HBr (c)HF (d)Hl

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(vi) Which of the following species has unpaired electrons in antibonding molecular
(a) 022+ (b) N22- (c) B2 (d) F2
Q.2 Fill in the blanks
(i) The tendency of atoms to attain maximum ________ of electrons in the valence shell is
called completion of octet.
(ii) The geometrical shape of SiCl4 and PCl3 can be explained on the basis of__________and________
(iii) The VSEPR theory stands for__________________ .
(iv) For N2 molecule, the energy of ó (2p)x orbital is________________ than p(2py) orbital.
(v) The paramagnetic property of O2 is well explained on the basis of MO theory in terms
of the presence of_________________ electrons in two MO orbitals.
(vi) The values of dipole moment for CS2 is __________while for SO2 is __________
(vii) The bond order of N2 is________________ while that of Ne2 is _______________ .

Q.3 Classify the statements as true or false. Explain with reasons.

(i) The core of an atom is the atom minus its valence shell.
(ii) The molecules of nitrogen (N ≡ N) and acetylene (HC ≡ CH) are not isoelectronic.
(iii) There are four coordinate covalent bonds in NH4+ ion.
(iv) A ó -bond is stronger than a p-bond and the electrons of s-bond are more difused than
(v) The bond energy of heteroatomic diatomic molecules increases with the decrease in the
electronegativities of the bonded atoms.
(vi) With increase in bond order, bond length decreases and bond strength increases.
(vii) The irst ionization energies of the elements rise steadily with the increasing atomic
number from top to bottom ina group.
(viii) A double bond is stronger than a single bond and a triple bond is weaker than a double bond.
(ix) The bonds formed between the elements having electronegativity diference more than
1.7 are said to be covalent in nature.
(x) The re pulsive force between the two bonding pairs is less than that between the two
lone pairs.
(xi) The number of covalent bonds an atom can form is related to the number of unpaired
electrons it has.
(xii) The rules which govern the illing of electrons into the atomic orbitals also govern illing
of electrons into the molecular orbitals.

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Q.4 What is a chemical bond? Discuss the formation of ionic and covalent bonds. How does the
electronegativity diferences diferentiate between ionic and covalent bond?
(a) Deine ionization energy and electron ainity. How these quantities change in the
periodic table. What factors are responsible for their variation?
(b) Explain, what do you understand by the term electronegativity? Discuss its variations in
the periodic table. How does it afect the bond strengths?

Q.6 Write the Lewis structures for the following compounds:

(i)HCN (ii)CCl4 (iii) CS2 (iv) H3N → AlF3
(v)NH4OH (vii)H2SO4 (vii)H3PO4 (viii) K2Cr2O7
(ix)N2O5 (x) Ag(NH3)2NO3
(a) Explain qualitatively the valence bond theory. How does it difer from molecular
orbital theory?
(b) How the bonding in the following molecules can be explained with respect to
valence bond theory? Cl2, O2, N2, HF, H2S.

Q.8 Explain VSEPR theory. Discuss the structures of CH4, NH3, H2O, BeCl2, BF3,S02, SO3 with reference
to this theory.

Q.9 The molecules NF3 andBF3 all have molecular formulae of the type XF3. But they have diferent
structural formulas. Keeping in view VSEPR theory sketch the shape of eachtnolecule and explain
the origin of difering in shapes.

Q.10 The species NH2-, NH3, NH4+ have bond angles of 105°, 107.5° and109.50 respectively. Justify
these values by drawing their structures.
(a) Explain atomic orbital hybridization with reference to sp3, sp2 and sp modes
of hybridizations for PH3, C2H4 and C2H2. Discuss geometries of CCl4, PCl3, and H2S by
hybridization of central atoms.
(b) The linear geometry of BeCl2 suggests that central Be atom is sp-hybridized. What
type of hybridization a central atom undergoes, when the atoms bonded to it are located
at the corners of (a) an equilateral triangle (b) a regular tetrahedron and (c) triangular

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(a) Give the basis .of the molecular orbital theory and discuss the molecular orbital
conigurations of the following molecules?
(i)He2 (ii)N2 (iii) O2 (iv)O22+ (v)O22-
(b) How does molecular orbital theory explain the paramagnetic character of O2,O22+
and O22- species ?

a) Sketch the molecular orbital pictures of
(i) p(2px) and p*(2px) (ii) O2, O22+ ,O22- (iii) He2 and Ne2
b) Sketch the hybrid orbitals of the species, PCI3, SiCl4 and NH4+

(a) Deine bond energy. Explain the various parameters which determine its strength.
(b) How do you compare the bond strengths of
(i) Polar and non-polar molecules (ii) s-and p-bonds?
(c) Calculate the bond energy of H-Br. The bond energy of H-H is 436 kJmol-1 and that of
Br- Br is 193 kJmol-1.
(Ans : 314.5kJmol-1)

(a) Deine dipole moment. Give its various units. Find relationship between Debye and mc.
How does it help to ind out the shapes of molecules?
(b) The bond length of H-Br is 1.4 x10-10m. Its observed dipole moment is 0.79D. Find the
percentage ionic character of the bond. Unit positive charge = 1.6022 x 10-19C and 1D = 3.336
x 10-30 mc.
(Ans: 11.7%)

Q.16 PF3 is a polar molecule with dipole moment 1.02 D and thus the P-F bond is polar. Si, is in the
proximity of P in the periodic table. It is expected that Si-F bond would also be polar, but SiF4 has
no dipole moment. Explain it?

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Q.17 Which of the following molecules will be polar or non-polar, sketch the structures and justify
your answer.
(i) CCl4 (ii) SO3 (iii)NF3 (iv)SO2

Q.18 Explain the following with reasons:

(i) Bond distance is the compromise distance between two atoms.
(ii) The distinction between a coordinate covalent bond and a covalent bond vanishes after
bond formation in NH4+, H3O+ and CH3NH3+ .
(iii) The bond angles of H2O and NH3 are not 109.5° like that of CH4. Although, O- and
N-atoms are sp3 hybridized.
(vi) p-bonds are more difused than s-bonds.
(v) The abnormality of bond length and bond strength in HI is less prominent than that of
(vi) The dipole moments of CO2, and CS2 are zero, but. that of SO21.61D.
(vii) The melting points, boiling points, heat of vaporizations and heat of sublimations of
electrovalent compounds are higher as compared with those of covalent compounds.

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Animation 7.1: Thermochemistry

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It is matter of common observation that energy in the form of heat, is either evolved or
absorbed as a result of a chemical change. This is due mostly to the breaking of bonds in the
reactants and formation of new bonds in the products. Bond breaking absorbs energy but bond
making releases it. The overall energy change that occurs, results from the diference between
energy supplied for the breaking of reactant bonds and that evolved in the making of product
bonds. The study of heat changes accompanying a chemical reaction is known as thermochemistry.
Substances exist, because they possess energy. Diferent substances have diferent amounts
of energy associated with them. Due to this reason, the total energy of the products is never equal
to that of reactants. Hence, in a chemical change, the energy in the form of heat will either be
evolved or absorbed and this is called heat of reaction.
Generally, in all chemical changes, energy is exchangedwith the surroundings. When it is given out by
the reaction, the change is said to be exothermic when it is absorbed, the reaction is endothermic.
When an exothermic reaction occurs, heat is given out by the system and the temperature of
the system rises above the room temperature. Eventually, the temperature of the system falls to
room temperature again as the heat produced is lost to the surroundings.
When an endothermic reaction occurs, the heat required for the reaction is taken from the
reacting materials (system) and the temperature of the system falls below the initial temperature.
Eventually, the temperature of the system rises to room temperature again as heat is absorbed
from the surroundings.
The energy units in which heat changes, usually expressed in SI system are joule (J) and kilojoule
Some of the examples of exothermic and endothermic reactions are given below.
(i) The combustion of carbon in oxygen is a common reaction.

C(s) +O 2(g) → CO 2(g) ∆H=-393.7kJ mol−1.

The reaction is exothermic and 393.7kJmol ‘ of heat is evolved during the reaction.
(ii) The formation of water from hydrogen and oxygen is an exothermic reaction.

→ H 2 O(l) ∆H=-285.58kJ mol−1.

H 2(g) + O 2(g)

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(iii) In the Haber’s process, the formation of ammonia is also an exothermic reaction.

N 2(g) +3H 2(g) ฀ 2NH 3(g) ∆H=-41.6kJ mol−1.

(iv) The decomposition of water into oxygen and hydrogen is an endothermic reaction.

H 2 O(l) → H 2(g) +1/2 O 2(g) ∆H=+285.58kJ mol−1.

(v) When one mole of nitrogen combines with one mole of oxygen to yield nitrogen oxide (NO),
180.51 kJ of heat is absorbed by the system and the reaction is endothermic.

N 2(g) + O 2(g) → 2NO(g) ∆H=+180.51kJ mol−1.

The subject matter of thermochemistry is based on the irst law of thermodynamics. The
subject has an important practical utility as it gives us information about the energy or heat contents
of compounds, a knowledge of which is necessary for the study of chemical bonding and chemical
equilibrium. The scope of thermochemistry is limited mainly, because only a few of many chemical
reactions are such, whose heats of reaction can be accurately measured.

Anim ation 7.2 : Therm ochem istry

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A process which takes place on its own without any outside assistance and moves from a non-
equilibrium state towards an equilibrium state is termed as spontaneous process or natural process.
It is unidirectional, irreversible and a real process. Some examples of spontaneous processes are
given below.
(i) Water lows from higher level to the lower level. The low cannot be reversed without some
external aid.
(ii) Neutralization of a strong acid with a strong base is a spontaneous acid-base reaction.
NaOH (aq) + HCI(aq) ฀ NaCl(aq) + H 2 O(l)

(iii) When a piece of zinc is added to the copper sulphate solution, blue colour of the solution
disappears due to the spontaneous redox reaction.

CuSO 4(aq) + Zn (s) → ZnSO 4(aq) + Cu (s)

A reaction will also be called a spontaneous process, if it needs energy to start with, but once it
is started, then it proceeds on its own. Burning of coal and hydrocarbon in air are examples of such
spontaneous reactions. A piece of coal does not burn in air on its own rather the reaction is initiated
by a spark and once coal starts burning, then the reaction goes spontaneously to completion.

Non-spontaneous process is the reverse of the spontaneous process. It does not take place
on its own and does not occur in nature. Reversible processes constitute a limiting case between
spontaneous and non-spontaneous processes. Some non-spontaneous processes, can be made
to take place by supplying energy to the system from external source. Some examples of non-
spontaneous processes are given below.
(i) Pumping of water uphill.
(ii) Transfer of heat from cold interior part nof the refrigerator to the hot surroundings.
(iii) When nitrogen reacts with oxygen, nitric oxide is formed. This reaction takes place by the
absorbance of heat. Although, N2 and O2 are present in air, but they do not react chemically at
ordinary conditions.The reaction takes place when the energy is provided by lightning.

N 2(g) + O 2(g) ฀ 2NO(g) (Non-spontaneous reaction)

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Our common experience, shows that spontaneous processes proceed with a decrease in
energy. We might expect, therefore, that a chemical reaction would proceed spontaneously if
the reaction system decreases in energy by transferring heat to its surroundings. In other words,
we might expect all exothermic reactions to be spontaneous. This is usually true, but not always.
There are many endothermic changes that proceed spontaneously although they absorb heat. For

Ammonium chloride dissolves in water and this process is also endothermic.

H 2 O(l) → H 2 O(g) ∆H=44.0kJmol−1

NH 4 Cl(s) ฀ NH 4+ (aq) + Cl (aq) ∆H=15.1kJmol−1

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Thus, energy change alone cannot help us to predict, whether a reaction will occur
spontaneously or not. To predict whether a reaction will occur spontaneously or not it is necessary
to study the free energy of the system. The concept of free energy can help us to understand the
processes in terms of entropy change. Anyhow, its discussion is outside the scope of this book.


These are the terms employed in the study of thermochemistry. To understand the energy
changes in materials, let us deine these terms.
We shall be using them frequently later on. The term system is used for anything (materials)
under test in the laboratory, or under consideration in the classroom for the purpose of argument.
We can say that any portion of the universe which is under study is called a system and the
remaining portion of the universe is known
as its surroundings.
The real or imaginary surface separating
the system from the surroundings is called
the boundary, Fig. (7.1). In an experimental
work, a speciic amount of one or more
substances constitute a system, e.g. one mole
of oxygen conined in a cylinder itted with a
piston is a system. The cylinder, the piston
and all other objects outside the cylinder are
surroundings. Similarly, a cup of water is a
system. The air surrounding it, the table on
which it is lying, etc. are surroundings.
Consider, the reaction between Zn and
CuSO4 solution. This can be called a system
under observation. The lask, the air, etc. are
the surroundings, Fig (7.1).

Fig (7.1) System and surroundings

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The state of a system is the condition of a system. When any process is performed on a
system its state is altered in some ways. Let us consider a beaker containing water. It will be a
system having certain temperature and volume.
This initial condition of the system may be called the initial state. Suppose we heat the beaker.
The system will undergo a change after heating. The inal condition of the system may now be
called the inal state of the system. By comparing both initial and inal states of the system, we can
describe the.change taking place in the system.
Let T1 and T2 denote the temperatures of water before and after heating, respectively. The
change in temperature ∆T , may then be represented as

∆T = Final temperature - Inital temperature

∆T = T2 - T1

A state function is a macroscopic property of a system which has some deinite values for
initial and inal states, and which is independent of the path adopted to bring about a change. By
convention, we use capital letters as symbols for a state function, e.g. pressure (P), temperature (T),
volume (V), internal energy (E) and enthalpy (H), are all state functions.
Let us suppose, that V1 is the initial volume of a gas. A change is brought about in the gas and
its inal volume becomes V2. The change in volume ( ∆V ) of the gas is given by

∆V = V2 - V1


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Now, this change in volume of the gas can be brought about either by changing temperature
or pressure of the gas. Since V is a state function, so ∆V will be independent of the way the volume
of the gas has been changed. It will only depend upon the initial and inal volumes of the gas.


A system containing some quantity of matter has deinite amount of energy present in it.
This energy is the sum of kinetic as well as the potential energies of the particles contained in the
system. The kinetic energy is due to the translational, rotational and vibrational movements of
particles, Fig (7.2). The potential energy accounts for all the types of attractive forces present in the
system. These attractive forces, include all the types of bonds and the van der Waal’s forces present
among the particles.
The total of all the possible kinds of energies of the system is called its internal energy, E. The
change in internal energy of the system ∆E is a state function.
It is not possible, to measure the absolute value of internal energy of a system, but it is often
possible to measure the value of ∆E for a change in the state of the system.

Translational m otion o f He A diatomic molecule A tetra-atomic molecule

gas m olecu les H2 is vibrating say BF3 is rotating on an axis

Fig (7.2) Translational, vibrational and rotational movements of molecules. Diatomic molecules have translational motions as well.
Anyhow triatomic and higher molecules have translational, vibrational and rotational motions.

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There are two fundamental ways of transferring energy to or from a system. These are heat
and work. Heat is not a property of a system. It is therefore not a state function. It is deined as
the quantity of energy that lows across the boundary of a system during a change in its state
due to the diference in temperature between the system and the surroundings. Heat evolved
or absorbed by the system is represented by a symbol q. Work is also a form in which energy is
transfered from one system to another. It is deined as the product of force and distance i.e. W = F
x S. Work is measured in Joules in SI units. There are diferent kinds of work. The type of work we
most commonly encounter in thermochemistry is pressure-volume work. For example, expansion
can occur when a gas is evolved during a chemical reaction Fig (7.3).
In such cases, the work W done by the system is given by
W = -P ∆ V (In pressure volume work, force becomes pressure and distance becomes volume
change where P is the external pressure and ∆V is the change in volume. Work is not a state
function. The sign of W is positive when work is done on the system and it is negative when work is
done by the system.
Similarly the sign of q is positive when heat is absorbed by the system from surroundings,
and it is negative when heat is absorbed by the surroundings from the system.

Fig (7.3) Pressure-volume work during expansion of a gas.

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7.3.1 First Law of Thermodynamics

The irst law of thermodynamics, also called the law of conservation of energy, states that
energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but can be changed from one form to another. In
other words, a system cannot destroy or create energy. However, it can exchange energy with its
surroundings in the form of heat and work. Thus, the energy change is the sum of both heat and
work, so that the total energy of the system and its surroundings remains constant.
Consider, a gas enclosed in a cylinder having a frictionless piston Fig (7.4). When a quantity of
heat ‘q’ is supplied to the system, its internal energy E1 changes to E2 and piston moves upwards.
The change in internal energy ∆E is given by the following equation.

∆E = E 2 -E1 = q+w

∆E = q+w

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Anim ation 7.6: First Law of Therm ody nam ics

Source & Credit : docsity

In this equation ‘q’ represents the amount of heat absorbed by the system and V is the work
done by the system in moving the piston up, Fig (7.4).
If ‘w‘ is pressure-volume work, then the above expression assumes the following form

∆E = q - P∆V ............ (2)

When the piston is kept in its

original position or the volume of the gas
is not allowed to change, then ∆V = 0 and
equation (2) will take the following form.

∆E = q v ............. (3)

This shows that a change in internal

energy of a system, at constant volume
is equal to heat absorbed by the system
Fig (7.4) Expansion of a gas and pressure-volume work.

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Again consider the same process as described above. A quantity of heat q is given to the
system (gas) which is now kept at constant atmospheric pressure.

Anim ation 7.7: ENTHALPY

Source & Credit : phy

A part of this heat is used to increase the internal energy of the gas and the rest is used to
do work on the surroundings. This work is done by the gas, when it expands against a constant
pressure. To take account of increase in internal energy and accompanying work done by the gas,
there is another property of the system called enthalpy or heat content. It is represented by H. In
general, enthalpy is equal to the internal energy, E plus the product of pressure and volume (PV).

H = E + PV

Enthalpy is a state function. It is measured in joules. It is not possible, to measure the enthalpy
of a system in a given state. However, change in enthalpy ( ∆H ) can be measured for a change in the
state of system . A change in enthalpy of a system can be written as:

∆H = ∆E + ∆(PV)

or ∆H = ∆E + V∆P + P∆V

Since, the gas is kept at constant pressure, = 0

Hence ∆H = ∆E + P∆V .......... (4)

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In case of liquids and solids, the changes in state do not cause signiicant volume change i.e.
∆V = 0. For such process, ∆H and ∆E are approximately the same i.e. ∆H ≈ ∆E
According to irst law of thermodynamics:

∆E = q + w

If w is pressure - volume work done by the system, then:

w = - P∆V

So ∆E = q - P∆V

Putting the value of ∆E in equation (4) we get:

∆H = q - P∆V + P∆V
∆H = q

Since the pressure is constant, therefore,

∆H = q p ......... (5)

This shows that change in enthalpy is equal to heat of reaction at constant pressure. The
reactions are carried out at constant pressure more frequently than at constant volume. So, working
with ∆H is more convenient rather than ∆E .

Example 1:

When 2.00 moles of H2 and 1.00 mole of O2 at 100°C and 1 torr pressure react to produce 2.00
moles of gaseous water, 484.5 kJ of energy are evolved. What are the values of (a) ∆H (b) ∆E for the
production of one mole of H2O (g)?


(a) The reaction is occurring at constant pressure.

2H 2(g) + O 2(g) → 2H 2 O(g)

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The enthalpy change for one mole of water vapours is

∆H= =
-242.2kJ mol-1 Answer
2 moles of H 2O

The minus sign shows that the reaction is exothermic for the production of 1 mole of water,
(b) To calculate ∆E from ∆H , we use the equation (4)

∆H = ∆E + P∆V

Let us, irst calculate the value of P∆V using the ideal gas equation

PV = nRT

Or P∆V = ∆nRT

Now, ∆n = No. of moles of the products - No. of moles of the reactants

= 2moles - 3moles = -1mole

R = 8.314JK -1mol-1

T = 373K

P ∆V = ∆nRT ................... (6)

P ∆V = -1 mole x 8.314J mol K −1 x 373K

P∆V = -3100J=-3.10kJ

This is the value for 2 moles of water. For the formation of 1 mole of water,

P ∆V
= =-1.55kJmol-1

On substituting, these values into equation (4).

∆H = ∆E + P∆V

∆E = ∆H - P∆V

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= -242.2-(-1.55) = -242.2+1.55

∆E = -240.6kJ mol-1 Answer

7.4.1 Enthalpy of a Reaction (∆Ho)

In an exothermic reaction, the heat content or enthalpy of the products H2 is less than that of
the reactants H1. Since, the system has lost heat, we can say the enthalpy change for the reaction
∆H is negative, Fig (7.5 a)
In an endothermic reaction, the enthalpy of products H2, is greater than that of the reactants
H1 and the enthalpy change, ∆H is positive. These enthalpy changes are represented in Fig (7.5 b).
The standard enthalpy of a reaction ∆Ho is the enthalpy change which occurs when the certain
number of moles of reactants as indicated by the balanced chemical equation, react together
completely to give the products under standard conditions, i.e 25 °C (298K) and one atmosphere
pressure. All the reactants and products must be in their standard physical states. Its units are kJ
2H 2(g) + O 2(g) → 2 H 2O(  ) ∆H o = -285.8kJmol-1
-285.8 kJmol-1 is standard enthalpy of reaction.

Fig (7.5) Enthalpy changes in thermochemical reactions

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Anim ation 7.8: Enthalpy of a Reaction (DH)

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7.4.2 Enthalpy of Formation (∆H0f)

The standard enthalpy of formation of a compound is the amount of heat absorbed or

evolved when one mole of the compound is formed from its elements. It is denoted by ∆H°f. All
the substances involved are in their standard physical states and the reaction is carried out under
standard conditions i.e. at 25°C (298 K) and one atm. pressure. Its units are kJ mol-1. For example,
the enthalpy of formation, ( ∆H°f) for MgO(s) is - 692 kJ mol-1

→ MgO(s) ∆H o f = -692kJ mol-1

Mg (s) + O 2(g)

Similarly, when carbon reacts with oxygen to form CO2, 393.7 kJ mol-1 of energy is released. It
is ∆H°f, of CO2(g).

C(s) +O 2(g) → CO 2(g) ∆H o f =-393.7kJ mol-1

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Anim ation 7.9: Enthalpy of Form ation (DHf)

Source & Credit : users.hum boldt

7.4.3 Enthalpy of Atomization (∆Hoat)

The standard enthalpy of atomization of an element is deined as the amount of heat absorbed
when one mole of gaseous atoms are formed from the element under standard conditions. It is
denoted by Hoat. For example, the standard enthalpy of atomization of hydrogen is given below.

→ H (g) ∆H o at =218kJ mol-1

H 2(g)

A wide range of experimental techniques, are available for determining enthalpies of

atomization of elements.

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Anim ation 7.10 : Enthalpy of Atom ization (DHat)

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7.4.4 Enthalpy of Neutralization (∆Hon)

The standard enthalpy of neutralization is the amount of heat evolved when one mole of
hydrogen ions [H+] from an acid, react with one mole of hydroxide ions from a base to form one
mole of water. For example, the enthalpy of neutralization of sodium hydroxide by hydrochloric
(OH-) acid is -57.4 kJ mol-1. Note that a strong acid HCl and a strong base, NaOH, ionize completely
in dilute solutions as follows.

HCl(aq) ฀ H + (aq) + Cl- (aq)

NaOH (aq) ฀ Na + (aq) + OH - (aq)

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When these solutions are mixed together during the process of neutralization, the only change
that actually occurs is the formation of water molecules leaving the sodium ions and the chloride
ions as free ions in solution. Thus, the enthalpy of neutralization is merely the heat of formation of
one mole of liquid water from its ionic components,

H + (aq) + Cl- (aq) + Na + (aq) + OH - (aq) ฀ Na + (aq) + Cl(aq) + H 2 O( )

Or H + (aq) + OH - (aq) ฀ H 2 O( ) ∆H o n =-57.4kJ mol-1

Anim ation 7.11: Enthalpy of Neutralization (DHn)

Source & Credit : W iki

Enthalpy of neutralization for any strong acid with a strong base is approximately the same i.e.
-57.4 kJ mole-1.

7.4.5 Enthalpy of Combustion (∆Hoc)

The standard enthalpy of combustion of the substance is the amount of heat evolved when

denoted by ∆Hoc.
one mole of the substance is completely burnt in excess of oxygen under standard conditions. It is

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For example, standard enthalpy of combustion of ethanol ∆H0c is -1368kJ mol-1. The reaction
is represented by the following equation.

C2 H 5OH() + 3O 2(g) → 2CO 2(g) + 3H 2 O( ) ∆H o c =-1368kJ mol−1

Anim ation 7.12: Enthalpy of Com bustion (DHc)

Source & Credit : w ikipedia

7.4.6 Enthalpy of Solution (∆Hosol.)

The standard enthalpy of a solution is the amount of heat absorbed or evolved when one
mole of a substance is dissolved in so much solvent that further dilution results in no detectable
heat change.

For example, enthalpy of solution (∆Hosol.) of ammonium chloride is +16.2 kJmol-1 and that
of sodium carbonate is -25.0 kJmol-1. In the irst case, heat absorbed from the surroundings is
indicated by cooling of the solvent (water), an endothermic process. While in the second case, the
temperature of the solvent rises showing that the process is exothermic.

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Anim ation 7.13: Enthalpy of Solution (DHsol.)

Source & Credit : com m ons.w ikim edia

7.4.7 Measurement of Enthalpy of a Reaction

Exothermic and endothermic reactions can easily be detected by observing the temperature
of the reaction vessel before and after the reaction, as long as the heat of reaction evolved or
absorbed is considerable. More accurate values of ∆H can be determined by using calorimeters as
described below.

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(i) Glass Calorimeter

For most purposes, an ordinary glass calorimeter can be used to determine the value of ∆H.
This usual type of calorimeter, is basically an insulated container with a thermometer and a stirrer,
Fig (7.6).

Reactants in stoichiometric amounts are placed in the calorimeter. When the reaction proceeds,
the heat energy evolved or absorbed will either warm or cool the system. The temperature of the
system is recorded before and after the chemical reaction. Knowing the temperature change the
mass of reactants present and the speciic heat of water, we can calculate the quantity of heat q
evolved or absorbed during the reaction. Thus:

q = m x s x ∆T ................ (7)

Where m = mass of reactants, s = speciic heat of the reaction mixture and ∆T is the change in
temperature. The product of mass and speciic heat of water is called heat capacity of the whole

Fig (7.6) Glass calorimeter to measure enthalpy change of reactions.

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Example 2:

Neutralization of 100 cm3 of 0.5 M NaOH at 250C with 100 cm3 of 0.5 M HCl at 250C raised the
temperature of the reaction mixture to 28.50C. Find the enthalpy of neutralization. Speciic heat of
water = 4.2 J K-1g-1

Anim ation 7.14: Measurem ent of Enthalpy of a Reaction

Source & Credit : 3ddraw


Speciic heat of water, s = 4.2 JK-1g-1

Density of H2O is around 1gcm-3, so 200 cm3 of total solution is approximately = 200g

Hence, total mass of the reaction mixture = 200g

Rise in temperature, ∆T = 28.5-25.0 = 3.50C = 3.5 K

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100cm3 of 0.5 M NaOH = 100cm3 of 0.5 MHCl

0.5 M solution means that 1000 cm3 of solution has 0.5 moles of solute

So 100 cm3 of 0.5 M solutions =0.05 moles of HCl and NaOH, respectively

Amount of total heat evolved, (q) = m x s x ∆T

= 200g x 4.2 Jg-1K-1 x 3.5 K = 2940 J

=2940 J = 2.94 kJ
Since, the reaction is exothermic
So, q =-2.94kJ

When this heat is divided by number of moles, then ∆ Hn0 is for one mole

Enthalpy of neutralization. (∆ Hn0)

= -58.8kJ mol-1 Answer
0.05 mol

(ii) Bomb Calorimeter

A bomb calorimeter is usually used for the accurate determination of the enthalpy of
combustion for food, fuel and other compounds.
A bomb calorimeter is shown in Fig (7.7). It consists of a strong cylindrical steel vessel usually
lined with enamel to prevent corrosion. A known mass (about one gram) of the test substance is
placed in a platinum crucible inside the bomb. The lid is screwed on tightly and oxygen is provided
in through a valve until the pressure inside is about 20 atm. After closing the screw valve, the bomb
calorimeter is then immersed in a known mass of water in a well insulated calorimeter.

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Fig (7.7) Bomb calorimeter

Then, it is allowed to attain a steady temperature. The initial temperature is measured, by using the
thermometer present in the calorimeter. The test substance is then, ignited, electrically by passing
the current through the ignition coil. The temperature of water, which is stirred continuously, is
recorded at 30 sec intervals.
From the increase of temperature ∆T, heat capacity (c) in kJK-1 of bomb calorimeter including
bomb, water etc., we can calculate the enthalpy of combustion.
The heat capacity ’c’ of a body or a system is deined as the quantity of heat required to
change its temperature by 1 kelvin.

q = c x ∆T

Example 3:

10.16g of graphite is burnt in a bomb calorimeter and the temperature rise recorded is 3.87K.
Calculate the enthalpy of combustion of graphite, if the heat capacity of the calorimeter (bomb,
water, etc.) is 86.02 kJ K-1

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Heat capacity of bomb calorimeter =86.02 kJK-1

Rise in temperature of the calorimeter and its contents = 3.87 K

Heat gained by the system (bomb calorimeter and water etc.) q = c x ∆T

= 86.02 kJK -1 x 3.87K

= 332.89 kJ

This heat is evolved by burning 10.16g of graphite = mole of graphite

= 0.843 mole of graphite

Hence enthalpy of combustion of graphite per mole = kJmol-1

= -1

Since heat is evolved during combustion, so the sign of the answer would be negative.
= -395 kJmol-1 Answer


There are many compounds, for which ∆H cannot be measured directly by calorimetric
method. The reason is, that some compounds like tetrachloromethane (CCl4), cannot be prepared
directly by combining carbon and chlorine. Similarly, it does not decompose easily into its constituent
elements. In the same way, boron oxide (B2O3) and aluminium oxide (Al2O3) provide problems for
the measurement of standard enthalpies of their formation. In these cases, it is diicult to burn
these elements completely in oxygen, because a protective layer of oxides covers the surface of
the unreacted element. Similarly, heat of formation of CO cannot be measured directly due to the
formation of CO2 with it.

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As a result, of above mentioned problems, the chemists had to look for methods of obtaining
standard enthalpies of formation indirectly. The energy cycle shows two routes for converting
graphite and oxygen to CO2, whilst the alternative route goes via CO. It would seem reasonable
that the overall enthalpy change for the conversion of graphite to CO is independent of the route
taken, that is,

∆H = ∆H1 +∆H 2 ....................... (8)

If the enthalpy of combustion for graphite to form CO2 and the enthalpy of combustion of CO
to form CO2 are known, we can determine the enthalpy of formation for CO. To clear the idea look
at the following cycle. The oxidation of carbon (graphite) can be written as follows.
C(graphite) + O 2(g) → CO 2(g) ∆H (graphite) =-393.7kJ mol-1

O 2(g) → CO 2(g) ∆H 2 (CO)=-283kJ mol-1

CO(gas) +

C(graphite) + O 2(g) → CO(g) ∆H1 (CO) =


∆H = ∆H1 + ∆H 2
C + O 2 →
Applying equation (8)
CO 2
or ∆H1 = ∆H - ∆H 2

∆H 1 O 2 ∆H 2
1 1
= -393- (-283) O2
2 2

= -110kJ mol-1

So, the enthalpy change for the formation of CO(g) is -110.0 kJmol-1.
The method we have just used in obtaining equation (8), is a speciic example of Hess’s law of
constant heat summation. This law states that
If a chemical change takes place by several diferent routes, the overall energy change is the
same, regardless of the route by which the chemical change occurs, provided the initial and inal
conditions are the same.

Let A can be converted to D directly in a single step and heat evolved is ∆H. If the reaction can
have a route from A → B → C as shown below.

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According to Hess’s law, ∆H = ∆H1 + ∆H 2 + ∆H 3 A →


Mathematically, ∑ ∆H(cycle) = 0 ∆H 1 ∆H 3

B 
∆H 2
Of course, Hess’s law is simply an application of the more
fundamental law of conservation of energy. So, S∆H (cycle) = 0


Source & Credit : jerem y kun

It means that if one goes form A to D directly and comes back to A through B and C then ∆H = 0.
The formation of sodium carbonate, is another example for the veriication of Hess’s law.
The formation of sodium carbonate may be studied as a single step process, or in two steps as via
sodium hydrogen carbonate.

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Single Step Process

2NaOH (aq) + CO 2(g) → Na 2 CO3(aq) + H 2 O(l) ∆H= -89.08 kJ

Two Step Process

NaOH (aq) + CO 2(g) → NaHCO3(aq) ∆H1 = -48.06 kJ

NaHCO3(aq) + NaOH (aq) → Na 2 CO3(aq) +H 2 O( ) ∆H 2 = -41.02 kJ

According to Hess’s law,

∆H = ∆H1 + ∆H 2 ............ (8)

Putting the values of ∆H, ∆H1 , ∆H 2 , in equation (8)

-89.08 =-48.06-41.02
-89.08 =-89.08

This illustrates, how heats of reactions may be added algebraically and this proves Hess’s
law. Hess’s law inds its best applications in Born-Haber cycle.

7.5.1 The Bom-Haber Cycle

This cycle has wide applications. It inds its special applications in Hess’s law. It states that
energy change in a cyclic process is always zero. It enables us, to calculate the lattice energies of
binary ionic compounds such as M+X-.
The lattice energy of an ionic crystal is the enthalpy of formation of one mole of the ionic
compound from gaseous ions under standard conditions.

Thus, the lattice energy of NaCl corresponds to the following process.

Na + (g) + Cl- (g) → Na + Cl- (s) ∆H o Latt = -787 kJ mol-1

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Lattice energies cannot be determined directly but values can be obtained indirectly by means
of an energy cycle. In Fig (7.8), an energy triangle of sodium chloride is shown.

Fig (7.8) Energy triangle for sodium chloride

Since, ∆Hof, the standard enthalpy of formation of sodium chloride, can be measured conveniently
in a calorimeter. ∆H°l, can be obtained if ∆Hx, which is the total energy involved in changing sodium
and chlorine from their normal physical states to gaseous ions, can be calculated.

In Fig (7.9), the previous energy triangle has been extended to show the various stages
involved in inding ∆Hx. The complete energy cycle is called a Born -Haber cycle.

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Fig (7.9) Born-Haber cycle

It is clear from the picture of Born-Haber cycle in Fig (7.9) that

∆H x = ∆H at(Na) + ∆H i(Na) + ∆H at(Cl) + ∆H e(Cl)

The irst two stages in this process involve atomizing and the ionizing of sodium. The heat of
atomization of sodium can be obtained from values of its heat of fusion, heat of vaporization and
speciic heat capacity. The irst ionization energy of sodium can be determined spectroscopically.
Na (s) → Na (g) ∆H at =108kJ mol-1

Na (g) → Na (g) +1e− ∆H i =496kJ mol-1

The third and fourth stages in the expression for ∆Hx above, involve the atomization of
chlorine and the conversion of chlorine atoms to chloride ions, respectively. The later process is, of
course, called the electron ainity of chlorine.
The heat of atomization of chlorine can be obtained from spectroscopic studies:

→ Cl(g) ∆H at =121 kJ mol-1


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whilst, the electron ainity for chlorine can also be found by similar methods.

Cl(g) + e − → Cl− (g) ∆H e = -349 kJ mol-1

Thus ∆H x = (108+496+121-349) = 376 kJ mol-1

The lattice energy for sodium chloride can thus be obtained:

∆H o f = ∆H o  + ∆H x

∆H o  = ∆H o f - ∆H x
Using the values from Fig (7.9)
∆H  = -411-376 = -787 kJ mol -1
The lattice energy, gives us some idea of the force of attraction between Na+ and Cl- ions in
crystalline sodium chloride. Lattice energies are very helpful in discussing the structure, bonding
and properties of ionic compounds.

Anim ation 7.16: The Bom -H aber Cy cle

Source & Credit : clim

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1. Substances exist because they possess energy. Energy can be transformed in form of heat and
the study of heat changes accompanying a chemical reaction is called thermochemistry.
2. Whenever, a reaction happens, then the driving force is the enthalpy change, along with the
entropy change. Both these parameters decide upon spontaneity of reaction.
3. Most of the thermodynamic parameters are state functions.
4. First law of themodynamics is the law of conservation of energy and helps us to understand the
equivalence of heat and work.
5. When heat is supplied to the system at constant pressure, then it is the enthalpy change of the
system. Anyhow, at constant volume, the heat supplied is just equal to internal energy change.
6. There is diference between heat and temperature. The amount of heat evolved or absorbed
can be measured in laboratory by using glass calorimeter or bomb calorimeter. The amount of
heat is calculated from mass of the reactants, speciic heat and change of temperature. Hess’s
law of heat summation is another form of irst law of thermodynamics. It helps us to determine
the enthalpy changes of those chemical reactions, which can not be carried out in laboratory or
heat changes are diicult to measure.
7. According to Born-Haber cycle, another form of Hess’s law, the energy change in a cyclic process
is always equal to zero. With the help of this cycle, we can calculate lattice energy of ionic crystals.

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Q.1 Select the suitable answer from the given choices.
(i) If an endothermic reaction is allowed to take place very rapidly in the air, the temperature of the
surrounding air
(a) remains constant (b) increases
(c) decreases (d) remains unchanged
(ii) In endothermic reactions, the heat content of the
(a) products is more than that of reactants
(b) reactants is more than that of products
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) reactants and products are equal
(iii) Calorie is equivalent to
(a) 0.4184J (b) 41.84J (c) 4.184J (d) 418.4J
(iv) The change in heat energy of a chemical reaction at constant temperature and pressure is
(a) enthalpy change (c) heat of sublimation
(b) bond energy (d) internal energy change
(v) Which of the following statements is contrary to the irst law of thermodynamics?
(a) Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.
(b) One form of energy can be transferred into an equivalent amount of other kinds of energy.
(c) In an adiabatic process, the work done is independent of its path.
(d) Continuous production of mechanical work without supplying an equivalent amount of heat is
(vi) For a given process, the heat changes at constant pressure (qp) and at constant volume (qv)
are related to each other as
(a) q p =q v (b) q p <q v (c) q p >q v (d) q p =q v / 2

(vii) For the reaction: NaOH+HCl → NaCl+H 2O the change in enthalpy is called
(a) heat of reaction (b) heat of formation
(c) heat of neutralization (d) heat of combustion
(viii) The net heat change in a chemical reaction is same,whether it is brought about in two or
more diferent ways in one or several steps. It is known as
(a) Henry’s law (b) Joule’s principle
(c) Hess’s law (d) Law of conservation of energy

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(ix) Enthalpy of neutralization of all the strong acids and strong bases has the same value because
(a) neutralization leads to the formation of salt and water.
(b) strong acids and bases are ionic substances.
(c) acids always give rise to H+ ions and bases always furnish OH- ions.
(d) the net chemical change involve the combination of H+ and OH- ions to form water.
Q.2 Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
(i) The substance undergoing a physical or a chemical change forms a chemical .
(ii) The change in internal energy__________ be measured.
(iii) Solids which have more than one crystalline forms possess_______ values of heats of formation.
(iv) A process is called________ if it takes place on its own without any external assistance.
(v) A________ is a macroscopic property of a system which is__________ of the path adopted to
bring about that change.
Q.3 Indicate the true or false as the case may be.
(i) It is necessary that a spontaneous reaction should be exothermic.
(ii) Amount of heat absorbed at constant volume is internal energy change.
(iii) The work done by the system is given the positive sign.
(iv) Enthalpy is a state function but internal energy is not.
(v) Total heat content of a system is called enthalpy of the system.
Q.4 Deine the following terms and give three examples of each
(i) System (v) Exothermic reaction
(ii) Surroundings (vi) Endothermic reaction
(iii) State function (vii) Internal energy of the system
(iv) Units of energy (viii) Enthalpy of the system

(a) Diferentiate between the following:
(i) Internal energy and enthalpy
(ii) Internal energy change and enthalpy change
(iii) Exothermic and endothermic reactions
(b) Deine the following enthalpies and give two examples of each.
(i) Standard enthalpy of reaction
(ii) Standard enthalpy of combustion
(iii) Standard enthalpy of atomization
(iv) Standard enthalpy of solution

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Q.6 (a) What are spontaneous and non-spontaneous processes. Give examples.
(b) Explain that burning of a candle is a spontaneous process.
(c) Is it true that a non-spontaneous process never happens in the universe? Explain it.

Q.7 (a) What is the irst law of thermodynamics. How does it explain that
(i) q v =∆E (ii) q p =∆H
(b) How will you diferentiate between ∆E and ∆H? Is it true that ∆H and ∆E have the same
values for the reactions taking place in the solution state.

(a) What is the diference between heat and temperature? Write a mathematical relationship
between these two parameters.
(b) How do you measure the heat of combustion of a substance by bomb calorimeter.
Q.9 Deine heat of neutralization. When a dilute solution of a strong acid is neutralized by a dilute
solution of a strong base, the heat of neutralization is found to be nearly the same in all the cases.
How do you account for this?

Q. 10
(a) State the laws of thermochemistry and show how are they based on the irst law of
(b) What is a thermochemical equation. Give three examples. What information do they
(c) Why is it necessary to mention the physical states of reactants and products in a
thermochemical reaction? Apply, Hess’s law to justify your answer.

Q .11
(a) Deine and explain Hess’s law of constant heat summation. Explain it with examples
and give its application.
(b) Hess’s law helps us, to calculate the heats of those reactions, which cannot be normally
carried out in a laboratory. Explain it.

(a) What is lattice energy? How does Born-Haber cycle help to calculate the lattice energy
of NaCl?
(b) Justify that heat of formation of compound is the sum of all the other enthalpies.

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Q. 13 50 cm3 of 1.0 M HCl is mixed with 50 cm3 of 1.00 M NaOH in a glass calorimeter. The
temperature of the resultant mixture increases from 21.0°C to 27.5°C. Assume, that calorimeter
losses of heat are negligible. Calculate the enthalpy change mole-1 for the reactions. The density of
solution to be considered is 1gcm-3 and speciic heat is 4.18Jg-1k-1.
(Ans: -54 kJ mol-1)
Q .14 Hydrazine (N2H4) is a rocket fuel. It burns in O2 give N2 and H2O.

N 2 H 2( ) + O 2(g) → N 2(g) + 2H 2 O(g)

1.00 g of N2H4 is burned in a bomb calorimeter. An increase of temperature 3.510C is recorded. The
speciic heat of calorimeter is 5.5kJK-1g-1. Calculate the quantity of heat evolved. Also, calculate the
heat of combustion of 1 mole of N2H4.
(Ans: -19.3kJ, -618kJmol-1)

Q. 15 Octane (C8H18) is a motor fuel. 1.80 g of a sample of octane is burned in a bomb calorimeter
having heat capacity 11.66 kJK-1. The temperature of the calorimeter increases from 21.360C to
28.780C. Calculate the heat of combustion for 1.8g of octane. Also, calculate the heat for 1 mole of
(Ans: 86.51kJ, -5478.84kJmol-1)

Q.16 By applying, Hess’s law calculate the enthalpy change for the formation of an aqueous
solution of NH4Cl from NH3 gas and HCl gas. The results for the various reactions are as follows.

(ii) NH3(g) + aq → NH3(aq) ∆H=-35.16kJ mol-1

(iii) HCl(g) + aq → HCl(aq) ∆H=-72.41kJ mol-1

NH 3(aq) + HCl(aq) → NH 4 Cl(aq) ∆H=-51.48kJ mol-1
( A n s : -159.08 kJ mol-1)

Q.17 Calculate the heat of formation of ethyl alcohol from the following information
(i) Heat of combustion of ethyl alcohol is -1367 kJ mol-1
(ii) Heat of formation of carbon dioxide is-393.7 kJ mol-1
(iii) Heat of formation of water is -285.8 kJ mol-1
(Ans:-278.4 kcal mol-1)

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Q.18 If the heats of combustion of C2H4, H2 and C2H6 are -337.2, -68.3 and -372.8k calories
respectively, then calculate the heat of the following reaction.
C2 H 4(g) +H 2(g) → C2 H 6(g)

Q.19 Graphite and diamond are two forms of carbon. The enthalpy of combustion of graphite
at 250C is -393.51 kJ mol-1 and that of diamond is -395.41 kJ mol-1. What is the enthalpy change of the
Graphite → Diamond at the same temperature?
(Ans: 1.91 kJmol-1)

Q.20 What is the meaning of the term enthalpy of ionization? If the heat of neutralization of
HCl and NaOH is -57.3 kJ mol-1 and heat of neutralization of CH3COOH with NaOH is -55.2 kJ mol-1,
calculate the enthalpy of ionization of CH3COOH.
(Ans: 2.1 kJmol-1)
(a) Explain what is meant by the following terms.
(i) Atomization energy
(ii) Lattice energy
(b) Draw a complete, fully labeled Born-Haber cycle for the formation of potassium bromide.
(c) Using the information given in the table below, calculate the lattice energy of potassium

∆H/kJ mol-1

K (s) +1/2Br2( ) → K + Br - (s) -392

K (s) → K (g) +90

K (g) → K + (g) +e − +420

1/2Br2( ) → Br(g)

Br(g) +e − → Br − (g)
(Ans: -672 kJ mol-1)

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Animation 8.1: Haber’s Process

Source & Credit: makeagif
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A chemical reaction can take place in both directions, i.e. forward and reverse, but in some
cases the tendency of reverse reaction is very small and is negligible. For example, sodium reacts
with water to form sodium hydroxide and hydrogen gas.

2Na(s)+2H 2O() → 2NaOH(aq)+H 2 (g)

The tendency for hydrogen to react with sodium hydroxide to form sodium and water is
negligible at normal temperature. This is an example of irreversible reaction.
Let us take another example of the reaction between two parts of hydrogen and one part
of oxygen by means of an electric spark at normal temperature and pressure. The reaction occurs
stoichiometrically according to the following chemical equation.

2H 2 (g) + O 2 (g) → 2H 2O()

If hydrogen and oxygen are present in correct proportion, there will be no residual gases i.e.
hydrogen and oxygen. If the product is heated to a temperature of 15000C, a noticeable quantity
of H2O decomposes, producing hydrogen and oxygen. It means that reverse reaction does occur,
but only at higher temperature. It is very likely that the reverse reaction occurs at low temperature,
but it is too small to be noticeable. The reaction between stoichiometric amounts of hydrogen
and oxygen proceeds to completion in the presence of electric spark. Such reactions are called
irreversible reactions and they take place in one direction only.
Now, consider a reaction between nitrogen and hydrogen at 4500C under high pressure in
the presence of iron as a catalyst.
N 2 (g) + 3H 2 (g) ฀฀ ฀฀high
฀ ฀฀ ฀฀฀฀ 2HN 3 (g)

There action mixture, after some time, will contain all the three species i.e. nitrogen, hydrogen
and ammonia. No matter, how long the reaction is allowed to continue, the percentage composition
of species present remains constant. The conditions are favourable for the forward as well as for a
reverse reaction to occur to a measurable extent. This type of reaction is described as a reversible

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8.1.1 State of Chemical Equilibrium

If a reversible reaction is allowed to continue for a considerable long time, without changing
the conditions, there is no further change in composition of the reaction mixture. The reaction is
said to have attained a state of chemical equilibrium. Once this equilibrium has been established,
it will last forever if undisturbed.
To illustrate an example of the attainment of
equilibrium, let us consider a general reaction in
which A reacts with B to produce C and D.

A(g) + B(g) ฀ C(g) + D(g)

Suppose that all the substances are in gaseous state.

Let the initial concentrations of A and B be equal .
As time goes on, concentrations of A and B decrease,
at irst quite rapidly but later slowly. Eventually, the
concentrations of A and B level of and become
constant. Fig (8.1) Reversible reaction and state of equilibrium

The graph is plotted between time and

concentrations for reactants and products, Fig(8.1). The initial concentrations of C and D are zero.
As the time passes the products C and D are formed. Their concentrations increase rapidly at irst
and then level of. At the time of equilibrium concentrations become constant. This is how the
chemical equilibrium is attained and state of equilibrium is reached.
Now, let us consider the example of a reversible reaction between hydrogen gas and iodine
vapours to form hydrogen iodide at 4250 C. At equilibrium three components will be present in
deinite proportions in the reaction m ixture Fig (8.2). The equilibrium is established when the
rising curve of product HI and the falling curve of reactants [H2] and [I2] become parallel to time

425 C
H 2 (g) + l 2 (g) ฀฀ ฀฀ ฀฀ ฀฀
฀฀ 2Hl(g)

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The same equilibrium mixture is obtained irrespective whether the reaction starts by
mixing hyd rogen and iodine or by decomposition of hydrogen iodide. The situation suggests two
possibilities of the state of reaction at equilibrium

Fig (8.2) State of dynamic equilibrium

(i) All reactions cease at equilibrium so that the system becomes stationary.
(ii) The forward and reverse reactions are taking place simultaneously at exactly the same rate.
It is now universally accepted that the later conditions prevail in a reversible reaction at
equilibrium stage of reaction. It is known as the state of dynamic equilibrium.

Anim ation 8.2: Chem ical Equilibrium

Source & Credit : dy nam icscience

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8.1.2 Law of Mass Action

A state of dynamic equilibrium helps to determine the composition of reacting substances

and the products at equilibrium. We use the relationship which was derived by C.M. Guldberg
and R Waage in 1864. It is known as the law of mass action. It states that the rate at which
the reaction proceeds is directly proportional to the product of the active masses of the
The term active mass represents the concentration in mole dm-3 of the reactants and products
for a dilute solution.
Now, consider a general reaction in which A and B are the reactants and C and D are the
products. The reaction is represented by the following chemical equation.

A + B ฀฀ ฀฀kf฀฀฀฀ C + D

The equilibrium concentrations of A, B, C and D are represented in square brackets like [A],
[B], [C] and [D] respectively and they are expressed in moles dm-3. According to the law of mass
action, the rate of the forward reaction, is proportional to the product of molar concentrations of A
and B.
Rate of forward reaction (R f ) ∝ [A][B]

or R f = k f [A] [B]

kf is the proportionality constant and is called rate constant for forward reaction and Rf is the rate
of forward reaction. Similarly, the rate of reverse reaction (Rr) is given by

Rate of reverse reaction (R r ) ∝ [C][D]

R r = k r [C] [D]

Where kr is the proportionality constant and is called the rate constant for backward reaction.
Remember that C and D are the reactants for backward step.

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Anim ation 8.3: Mass Action

Source & Credit : astronom y notes

At equilibrium,

Rf = Rr

or k f [A] [B] = k r [C] [D]

On rearranging, we get

k f [C][D]
k r [A][B]

= Kc

Kc =
The constant Kc is called the equilibrium constant of the reaction. Kc is the ratio of two rate
Conventionally, while writing equilibrium constant, the products are written as numerator and
reactants as denominator.

or K c =
[products] rate constant for forward step
Kc =
[reactants] rate constant for reverse step

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For a more general reaction

aA + bB ฀฀ ฀฀kf฀฀฀฀ cC + dD

Where a, b, c and d are the coeicients of balanced chemical equation. They are number of moles
of A, B, C and D, respectively in the balanced equation.
The equilibrium constant is given by

[C]c [D]d
Kc =
[A]a [B]b

Hence, the coeicients in the equation appear as exponents of the terms of concentrations
in the equilibrium constant expression.

Units of Equilibrium Constants

Equilibrium constant is the ratio of the products of the concentrations of the products to
the product of concentrations of the reactants. If the reaction has equal number of moles on the
reactant and product sides, then equilibrium constant has no units. When the number of moles is
unequal then it has units related to the concentration or pressure. But it is a usual practice that we
don’t write the units with Kp or Kc values.
Following are some important reversible reactions. Their units of Kc are expressed as

(i) CH 3COOH(aq) + C2 H 5OH(aq) ฀ CH 3COOC2 H 5 (aq) + H 2O()

[CH 3COOC2 H 5 ][H 2O] [moles dm-3 ][moles dm-3 ]
Kc no units
[CH 3COOH][C2 H 5OH] [moles dm-3 ][moles dm-3 ]

(ii) N 2 (g) + 3H 2 (g) ฀ 2NH 3 (g)

= =
[NH 3 ]2 [moles dm -3 ]2
Kc moles-2dm +6
[N 2 ][H 2 ]3 [moles dm -3 ][moles dm -3 ]3

In the expression of Kc, we have ignored the physical states for the sake of convenience.

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Example 1:

The following reaction was allowed to reach the state of equilibrium.

2A(aq) + B(aq) ฀ C(aq)

The initial amounts of the reactants present in one dm3 of solution were 0.50 mole of A and 0.60
mole of B. At equilibrium, the amounts were 0.20 moles of A and 0.45 mole of B and 0.15 mole of
C. Calculate the equilibrium constant Kc.


Equation: k
2A(aq) + B(aq) ฀฀ ฀฀kf฀฀฀฀ C(aq)

Kc for the reaction is given by

Kc =
[A]2 [B]

2A(aq) + B(aq) ฀ C(aq)

Initial concentrations 0.50 mol 0.60 mol 0.00 mol

Equilibrium concentrations 0.20 mol 0.45 mol 0.15 mol
Since Kc =
[A]2 [B]

Putting values of concentrations, which are present at equilibrium stage

So, Kc =

K c ==
1 1
8.3 Answer
0.20x0.20x3 0.12

The units have been ignored for the sake of convenience.

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8.1.3 Equilibrium Constant Expressions for Some Important Reactions

i. Formation of Ester from an Organic Acid and Alcohol (aqueous phase reaction)

This is a well known reversible reaction in the solution state.

CH 3COOH(aq) + C3H 2OH(aq) ฀฀ ฀฀ ฀3฀ ฀฀฀
฀ CH 3COOC2 H 5 (aq) + H 2O()
acid alcohol ester water

Let us suppose that ‘a’ moles of CH3COOH and ‘b’ moles of C2H5OH are initially taken in a
vessel in the presence of small amount of a mineral acid as a catalyst.
The progress of the reaction can be studied by inding out the concentrations of acetic acid
after regular intervals.
A very small portion of the reaction mixture is withdrawn and the concentration of acetic acid
is determined by titrating it against a standard solution of sodium hydroxide. The concentration of
acetic acid will decrease until the attainment of state of equilibrium, when it will become constant.
At equilibrium stage, x moles of ester and ‘x’ moles of H2O are produced. The number of moles of
acid and alcohol left behind are ‘a-x’ moles and ‘b-x’ moles respectively. If the volume of reaction
mixture at equilibrium stage is ‘V’ dm3, then

Anim ation 8.4: Equilibrium Constant

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CH 3COOH(aq) + C2 H 5OH(aq) ฀ CH 3COOC2 H 5 (aq) + H 2O()

' a' moles 'b' moles ฀ '0' moles '0' moles t=0sec

(a-x) moles (b-x) moles ฀ 'x' moles 'x' moles t=t eq

When number of moles are divided by total volume of the reaction mixture, we get concentration
of each species at equilibrium stage in moles dm-3.

 a-x  -3  b-x  x x

  moles dm +   moles dm ฀   moles dm +   moles dm
 V   V  V V
-3 -3 -3

Kc =
[CH 3COOC2 H 5 ][H 2O]
[CH 3COOH][C2 H 5OH]
Brackets [ ] denote the concentrations in moles dm-3.
Putting concentrations at equilibrium

Kc = V V
(a-x) (b-x)

Simplifying the right hand side, we get

Kc =

In this expression of Kc, the factor of volume is cancelled out. So, the change of volume
at equilibrium stage does not afect the Kc value or equilibrium position of reaction.

ii. Dissociation of PCl5 (gaseous phase reaction)

The dissociation of PCl5 into PCI3 and Cl2, is a well known homogeneous gaseous phase
reaction. This reaction has unequal number of moles of reactants and products.

PCl5 (g) ฀ PCl3 (g) + Cl 2 (g)

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Let ‘a’ moles of PCl5 present initially are decomposed by ‘x’ moles. So, at equilibrium stage, ‘a-
x’ moles of PCl5 are left behind while ‘x‘ moles of PCI3 and ‘x’ moles of Cl2 are produced. If the volume
of equilibrium mixture is ‘V’ dm3, then
PCl5 (g) ฀ PCl3 (g) + Cl 2 (g)
‘a’moles ‘O’moles ‘O’moles t = 0sec
(a - x) moles ‘x‘ moles ‘x‘ moles t = teq
Dividing the number of moles by total volume of reactants and products at equilibrium.

 a-x  x x

  moles dm ฀   moles dm +   moles dm
 V  V V
-3 -3 -3

[PCl3 ][Cl 2 ]
Since Kc =

Putting the concentrations at equilibrium

Kc = V V

Simplifying the right hand side, we get

Kc =

The inal expression is not independent of the factor of volume. So, the change of volume
at equilibrium stage disturbs the equilibrium position of the reaction. We will discuss this reaction
in Le-Chatelier’s principle with reference to efect of volume change and its efect on change of
equilibrium position.

iii. Decomposition of N2O4 (gaseous phase reaction)

Similarly, for decomposition of N2O4 (g). the expression of Kc involves the factor of volume.
N 2O 4 (g) ฀ 2NO 2 (g)

4x 2
Kc =

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‘a’ is the initial number of moles of N2O4 ‘x’ is number of moles of N2O4 decomposed and ‘V’ is
total volume of N2O4 , and NO2 at equilibrium stage.

iv. Synthesis of NH3 ( gaseous phase reaction)

For the synthesis of ammonia,

N 2 (g) + 3H 2 (g) ฀ 2NH 3 (g)

the expression of Kc is

4x 2 V 2
Kc =

Where ’a’ and ’b’ are the initial number of moles of N2 and H2 and ’x’ is number of moles of N2,
decomposed at equilibrium stage. ‘V’ is the total volume of N2, H2 and NH3 at equilibrium. The inal
expression involves V2 in the numerator:
Hence, it depends upon the coeicients of balanced equation that whether the factor of
volume will appear in numerator or denomenator.

8.1.4 Relationship Between Equilibrium Constants

The expressions of equilibrium constants depend upon the concentration units used. Mostly
the concentrations are expressed in mole dm-3. Let us consider the following reversible reaction.

aA + bB ฀ cC + dD

[C]c [D]d CC c D D d
Kc = or K c =
[A]a [B]b A A a BB b

The square brackets represent the concentration of species in moles dm-3. Anyhow, the capital C
is also used for molar concentrations.

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If the reactants A, B, and the products C, D of the reaction under consideration are ideal
gases, then molar concentration of each gas is proportional to its partial pressure . When the
concentrations are expressed in terms of partial pressures, the expression of Kp is,

pC c p D d
Kp =
pAa pBb

Here PA, PB, PC and PD are partial pressures of A, B, C, D respectively at equilibrium position. As
long as the number of moles of products and reactants, which are in the gaseous state, are equal,
the values of KC and KP remain the same. Otherwise, the following relationship between KP and KC
can be derived by using Dalton’s law of partial pressures.
K p =K c (RT) ∆n

Where ‘∆n’ is the diference between number of moles of the gaseous products and the
number of moles of gaseous reactants.
∆n = no. of moles of products - no. of moles of reactants
‘R’ is the general gas constant and ‘T’ is absolute temperature at which the reaction is being
carried out
Where, ∆n = 0, then all the equilibrium constants have the same values.

Example 2:

N2 (g) and H2 (g) combine to give NH3 (g). The value of Kc in this reaction at 500 °C is 6.0 x 10-2.
Calculate the value of Kp for this reaction.


The reaction for the synthesis of NH3 is

N 2 (g) + 3H 2 (g) ฀ 2NH 3 (g)

This reaction takes place with decrease in the number of moles. The relationship of Kpand Kc is

K p =K c (RT) ∆n

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Now Kp = 6.0 x 10-2

Temperature = 500 + 273=773 K
∆n = no of moles of products - no of moles of reactants
∆n = 2 - 4 = -2
R = 0.0821 dm3 atm K-1 mol-1
Substituting these values in the expression
Kp = 6.0 x 10-2 (773 x 0.0821)-2 = 6.0 x 10-2 (63.5)-2

Kp =
(63.5) 2

K p = 1.5x10-5 Answer

In this case the value of Kp is smaller than Kc . Those reactions, which take place with the
increase in the number of moles mostly have greater Kp than Kc.


The value of equilibrium constant is speciic and remains constant at a particular temperature.
The study of equilibrium constant provides us the following informations:
(i) Direction of reaction (ii) Extent of reaction
(iii) Efect of various factors on equilibrium constant and equilibrium position.

Anim ation 8.5: APPLICATIONS OF

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(i) Direction of Reaction

we know that, Kc = for any reaction.

The direction of a chemical reaction at any particular time can be predicted by means of
[products] / [reactants] ratio, calculated before the reaction attains equilibrium. The value of
[product] / [reactants] ratio leads to one of the following three possibilities.
(a) The ratio is less than Kc. This implies that more of the product is required to attain the equilibrium,
therefore, the reaction will proceed in the forward direction.
(b) The ratio is greater than Kc. It means that the reverse reaction will occur to attain the equilibrium.
(c) When the ratio is equal to Kc, then the reaction is at equilibrium.

Example 3:

Esteriication reaction between ethanol and acetic acid was carried out by mixing deinite
amounts of ethanol and acetic acid alongwith some mineral acid as a catalyst. Samples were drawn
out of the reaction mixturq to check the progress of the esteriication reaction. In one of the samples
drawn after time t, the concentrations of the species were found to be [CH3COOH] = 0.025 mol dm-3,
[C2H5OH]= 0.032 mol dm-3, [CH3COOC2H5] = 0.05 mol dm-3, and [H20] = 0.04 mol dm-3. Find out the
direction of the reaction if Kc for the reaction at 25°C is 4.


Esteriication reaction is represented by the following stoichiometric equation.

CH 3COOH + C2 H 5OH ฀฀ ฀฀ ฀฀
฀฀ CH 3COOC2 H 5 + H 2O

All the substances are present in the same volume of solution, therefore KC is given by

Kc =
[CH 3COOC2 H 5 ][H 2O]
[CH 3COOH][C2 H 5OH]

The various values of concentrations, at time t are substituted to get the ratio
Kc = = 2.50 Answer

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The given value of KC for this reaction is 4 and 2.5 is less than KC. Therefore, the reaction will
proceed in the forward direction to attain the equilibrium.

(ii) Extent of Reaction

(a) If the equilibrium constant is very large, this indicates that the reaction is almost
(b) If the value of Kc is small, it relects that the reaction does not proceed appreciably in
the forward direction.
(c) If the value of Kc is very small, this shows a very little forward reaction.


Equilibrium constant for the decomposition of ozone to oxygen is 1055 at 25°C.

i.e., 2O3 ฀ 3O 2 , K c =1055 at 25oC

It infers that at room temperature 03 is unstable and decomposes very rapidly to 02. This
reaction is almost complete.
On the other hand the value of equilibrium constant for the decomposition of HF at 2000°C is 10-13.

2HF(g) ฀ H 2 (g) + F2 (g) K c =10-13 at 2000oC

It indicates high stability and slow decomposition of HF, even at 2000°C.

(iii) The Effect of Conditions on the Position of Equilibrium

Equilibrium constant and position of equilibrium are two diferent entities. Kc is equilibrium
constant and has constant value at a particular temperature whereas the ratio of products to
reactants in equilibrium mixture is described as the position of equilibrium and it can change if the
external conditions e.g. temperature, pressure and concentrations are altered. If Kc is large the
position of equilibrium lies on the right and if it is small, the position of the equilibrium lies on the
left, for a reversible reaction.

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Chemists are interested in inding the best conditions to obtain maximum yield of the
products in reversible reaction, by favourably shifting the position of equilibrium of a reaction. For
this purpose, we have to discuss an important principle in this respect i.e.Le-Chatelier’s principle.

8.1.6 The Le-Chatelier's Principle

Le-Chatelier studied the efects of concentration, pressure and temperature on equilibria.

This principle states that if a stress is applied to a system at equilibrium, the system
acts in such a way so as to nullify, as far as possible, the efect of that stress.
The system cannot completely cancel the efect of change, but will minimize it. The Le-
Chatelier’s principle has wide range of applications for ascertaining the position and composition
of the physical and chemical equilibria.

Anim ation 8.6: The Le-Chatelier’s Principle

Source & Credit : Anotherequilibrium site

(a) Effect of Change in Concentration

In order to understand the efect of change in concentration on the reversible reaction,

consider the reaction in which BiCl3 reacts with water to give a white insoluble compound BiOCl.

BiCl3 + H 2O ฀ BiOCl + 2HCl

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The equilibrium constant expression for above reaction can be written as

Kc =
[BiCl3 ][H 2O]

Aqueous solution of BiCl3 is cloudy, because of hydrolysis and formation of BiOCl. If a small
amount of HCl is added to this solution, it will disturb the equilibrium and force the system to move
in such a way so that efect of addition of HCl is minimized. The reaction will move in the backward
direction to restore the equilibrium again and a clear solution will be obtained. However, if water
is added to the above solution the system will move in the forward direction and the solution will
again become cloudy. The shifting of reaction to forward and backward direction by disturbing the
concentration is just according to Le-Chatelier’s principle.
So, in general, we conclude that addition of a substance among the reactants, or the removal
of a substance among the products at equilibrium stage disturbs the equilibrium position and
reaction is shifted to forward direction. Similarly, the addition of a substance among the products or
the removal of a substance among the reactants will derive the equilibrium towards the backward
direction. Removing one of the products formed can therefore increase the yield of a reversible
reaction. The value of K however remains constant. This concept is extensively applied in common
ion efect and follows the Le-Chatelier’s principle.

(b) Effect of Change in Pressure or Volume

The change in pressure or volume are important only for the reversible gaseous reactions
where the number of moles of reactants and products are not equal. Le-Chatelier’s principle
plays an important role, to predict the position and direction of the reaction. Take the example of
formation of SO3 gas from SO2 gas and O2 gas.

2SO 2 (g) + O2 (g) ฀ 2SO3 (g)

This gas phase reaction proceeds with the decrease in the number of moles and hence
decreases in volume at equilibrium stage. When the reaction approaches the equilibrium stage,
the volume of the equilibrium mixture is less than the volume of reactants taken initially. If one
decreases the volume further at equilibrium stage, the reaction is disturbed. It will move to the
forward direction to minimize the efect of disturbance. It establishes a new equilibrium position
while Kc remains constant. The reverse happens when the volume is increased or pressure is
decreased at equilibrium stage.

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(c) Quantitative Effect of Volume on Equilibrium Position

The quantitative efect of change of volume or pressure can be inferred from the mathematical
expression of Kc for SO3 (g) synthesis.

2SO 2 (g) + O2 (gas) ฀ 2SO3 (g)

4x V
K =
(a-2x) (b-x)

Where ‘V’ is the volume of reaction mixture at equilibrium stage, ‘a’ and ‘b’ are the number of
moles of SO2 and O2 present initially and Y are the number of moles of oxygen which has reacted
at equilibrium. According to the above equation, when volume is increased, then ‘x’ has to be
decreased to keep Kc constant. The decrease of x means that reaction is pushed to the backward
direction. From the amount of the increase in volume, we can calculate the amount of x which has
to be decreased to keep Kc constant
Similarly,increasing the pressure on the above reaction at equilibrium, will decrease tlie
volume and hence the value of Kc will increase. In order to keep the value of Kc constant, the
reaction will move in the forward direction.
In the same way, we can explain the efect of change of pressure on the equilibrium positions
for the dissociation of PCl5 and N2O4 reactions. These reactions are homogenous gaseous phase
PCI5 dissolves to give PCI3 and Cl2

PCl5 (g) ฀ PCl3 (g) + Cl 2 (g)

Kc for this reaction is as follows:

Kc =

The dissociation of N2O4 gives NO2 gas

N 2O 4 (g) ฀ 2NO2 (g)

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The Kc for this reaction is as follows

4x 2
Kc =

Both these reactions have the factor of volume present in the denominator. The reason is
that numbers of moles of products are greater than those of reactants. So, increase in pressure
will decrease x to keep the value of Kc constant and the reaction will be pushed to the backward
direction. The equilibrium position is disturbed but not the Kc value.
Remember that, those gaseous reactions in which number of moles of reactants and products
are same, are not afected by change in pressure or volume. Same is the case for reactions in which
the participating substances are either liquids or solids.

(d) Effect of Change in Temperature

Most of the reversible chemical reactions are disturbed by change in temperature. If we

consider heat as a component of equilibrium system, a rise in temperature adds heat to the system
and a drop in temperature removes heat from the system. According to Le-Chatelier’s principle,
therefore, a temperature increase favours the endothermic reactions and a temperature decrease
favours the exothermic reactions.
The equilibrium constant changes by the change of temperature, because the equilibrium
position shifts without any substance being added or removed. Consider the following exothermic
reaction in gas phase at equilibrium taking place at a known temperature.

CO(g) + H 2O(g) ฀ CO2 (g) + H 2 (g) ∆H= -41.84 kJ mole-1

At equilibrium stage, if we take out heat and keep the system at this new lower temperature,
the system will readjust itself, so as to compensate the loss of heat energy. Thus, more of CO and
H2O molecules will react to form CO2 and H2 molecules, thereby, liberating heat because reaction
is exothermic in the forward direction. It means by decreasing temperature, we shift the initial
equilibrium position to the right until a new equilibrium position is established. On the contrary,
heating the reaction at equilibrium will shift the reaction to the backward direction because the
backward reaction is endothermic.

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An interesting feature of Le-Chatelier’s principle is the efect of temperature on the solubility.

Consider a salt such as KI. It dissolves in water and absorbs heat.

Kl(s) ฀ Kl(aq) ∆H=21.4kJ mol −1

Let us have a saturated solution of KI in water at a given temperature. It has attained

equilibrium at this temperature. A rise in temperature at equilibrium favours more dissolution of
the salt.
Equilibrium is shifted to the forward direction. On the other hand, cooling will favour
crystallization of salt. Hence the solubility of KI in water must increase with increase in temperature.
For some salts the heat of solution is close to zero (heat is neither evolved or absorbed). The
solubility of these salts in water is not afected by the change in temperature. Formation of aqueous
solution of NaCl is an example of such a salt.
Those substances, whose heats of solutions are negative (exothermic), decrease their
solubilities by increasing temperature, as LiCl and Li2CO3 etc.

(e) Effect of Catalyst on Equilibrium Constant

In most of the reversible reactions the equilibrium is not always reached within a suitable
short time. So, an appropriate catalyst is added. A catalyst does not afect the equilibrium position
of the reaction. It increases the rates of both forward and backward reactions and this reduces the
time to attain the state of equilibrium.
Actually, a catalyst lowers the energy of activation of both forward and reverse steps by giving
new path to the reaction.


Concept of chemical equilibrium is widely applicable for preparation of certain materials on

industrial scale. Let us discuss the manufacture of NH3 and SO3 gases on industrial scale.

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8.2.1 Synthesis of Ammonia by Haber’s Process

The process of ammonia synthesis was developed by German chemist F. Haber and irst used
in 1933. This process provides an excellent setting in which to apply equilibrium principle and see
the compromises needed to make an industrial process economically worth while. The chemical
equation is as follows.

N 2 (g) + 3H 2 (g) ฀ 2NH 3 (g) ∆H=-92.46kJ

When we look at the balanced chemical equation it is inferred, from Le-Chatelier’s principle
that one can have three ways to maximize the yield of ammonia.
(i) By continual withdrawl of ammonia after intervals, the equilibrium will shift to forward
direction in accordance with Le-Chatelier’s principle. To understand it look at the efect of change
of concentration in Le-Chatelier’s principle.
ii) In crease the pressure to decrease the volume of the reaction vessel. Four moles of the
reactants combine to give two moles of the products. High pressure will shift the equilibrium
position to right to give more and more ammonia.
(iii) Decreasing the temperature will shift it to the forward direction according to Le-Chatelier’s
Table (8.2) Effect of temperature on
Kc for ammonia synthesis
T(K) Kc
So high pressure, low temperature and continual removal of ammonia 200 7.7x1015
will give the maximum yield of ammonia. Table (8.2) shows the efect of the 300 2.69x108
rise in temperature on the value of Kc and the Fig. (8.3) shows the optimum 400 3.94x101
conditions to get maximum yield of ammonia. Fig (8.3) shows percent yield 500 1.72x102
of ammonia vs. temperature (0C) at ive diferent operating pressures. 600 4.53x100
At very high pressure and low temperature (top left), the yield of 700 2.96x10-1
NH3 is high but the rate of formation is low. Industrial conditions denoted by 800 3.96x10-2
circle are between 200 and 300 atmospheres at about 4000C.

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Fig (8.3). Graphical representation of temperature and pressure for NH3 synthesis.

No doubt, the yield of NH3 is favoured at low temperature, but the rate of its formation does
not remain favourable. The rate becomes so slow and the process is rendered uneconomical. One
needs a compromise to optimize the yield and the rate. The temperature is raised to a moderate
level and a catalyst is employed to increase the rate. If one wants to achieve the same rate without
a catalyst, then it requires much higher temperature, which lowers the yield. Hence the optimum
conditions are the pressure of 200-300 atm and temperature around 673 K (4000C). The catalyst is
the pieces of iron crystals embedded in a fused mixture of MgO, Al2O3 and SiO2.
The equilibrium mixture has 35% by volume of ammonia. The mixture is cooled by refrigeration
coils until ammonia condenses (B.P = -33.40C) and is removed. Since, boiling points of nitrogen and
hydrogen are very low, they remain in the gaseous state and are recycled by pumps back into the
reaction chamber.
Nearly 13% of all nitrogen ixation on earth is accomplished industrially through Haber’s
process. This process synthesizes approximately 110 million tons of ammonia in the world. About
80% of this is used for the production of fertilizers and some is used in manufacture of explosives
or the production of nylon and other polymers.

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Anim ation 8.7: Haber’s Process

Source & Credit : m akeagif

8.2.2 Preparation of Sulphur Trioxide

In the contact process for manufacture of H2SO4, the conversion of SO2 to SO3 is achieved in
a reversible reaction.
2SO 2 (g) + O2 (g) ฀ 2SO3 (g) ∆H=-194kJ/mol

The temperature and pressure are the most essential factors for controlling the rate of this
reaction. The principles involved here are the same as those discussed previously for Haber’s
process. At low temperature, the equilibrium constant for formation of SO3 is large but equilibrium
is reached very slowly. As the temperature is raised the rate increases but the yield of SO3 drops of
according to Le-Chatelier’s principle. High pressure tends to increase yield of SO3. However, instead
of using high pressure, the concentration of O2 (air) is increased to increase the yield of SO3. Table
(8.3) helps to understand the efect of diferent conditions on the yield of SO3. During the process
pressure is kept at one atmosphere.

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To have the best possible yield of SO3 within a Table (8.3) Efect of temperature reasonable
time, a mixture of SO2 and O2 (air) at 1 atm pressure is passed over a solid catalyst at 6500C.

Table (8.3) Effect of temperature

on the yield of SO3
Temp. Kc Mole%
C of SO3
200 5500 98
300 690 91
400 160 75
500 55 61
600 25 46
700 13 31

The equilibrium mixture is then recycled at lower temperature, 400 to 5000C, to increase the yield
of SO3. The most efective catalysts are V2O5 and inely divided platinum. SO3 is dissolved in H2SO4
to get oleum, which is diluted to get H2SO4.
H2SO4 is the king of chemicals. A country’s industrial progress is measured by the amount of
H2SO4 manufactured each year.

Anim ation 8.8: Preparation of Sulphur Trioxide

Source & Credit : dy nam icscience

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Pure water is a very poor conductor of electricity but its conductance is measurable. Water
undergoes self ionization as follows and the reaction is reversible.

H 2O + H 2O ฀ H 3O + + OH −

or H 2O ฀ H + + OH −

The equilibrium constant for this reaction can be written as follows.

[H + ][OH - ]
Kc = = 1.8 x 10-16 moles dm-3
H 2O

The concentration of H2O i.e.[H2O] in pure water may be calculated to be 1000gdm3 divided
by 18gmol -1 giving 55.5 moles dm-3
Since, water is present in very large excess and very few of its molecules undergo ionization,
so its concentration remains efectively constant. Constant concentration of water is taken on L.H.S.
and multiplied with Kc to get another constant called Kw.

1.8 x 10-16 x 55.5 = 1.01x10-14 =[H + ][OH - ]

This 1.01x10-14 is called Kw of water of 250C

K c [H 2O]=[H + ][OH - ]
Table (8.4) Kw at various
So, K w =[H + ][OH - ] =10-14at 25oC. temperatures.
Temp. Kw
Kw is called ionic product of water or dissociation constant of water. (0C)
The value of Kw increases almost 75 times when temperature is increased ne0 0.11x10-14
from 0°C to 100°C. Anyhow, the increase in K is not regular. The efect of 10 0.30x10-14
temperature on K. is shown in Table (8.4). 25 1.0x10-14
40 3.00x10-14
100 7.5x10-14

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When ever some quantity of acid or base is added in water, then Kw remains the same, but
[H+] and [OH-]are no more equal. Anyhow, in neutral water

[H + ] = [OH - ]

or [H + ][H + ] = 10−14

[H + ]2 = 10−14

[H + ] = 10-7 moles dm-3

and [OH − ] = 10-7 moles dm-3

This means that out of 55.5 moles of pure water in one dm3 of it, only 10-7 moles of it have
dissociated into ions. This shows that water is a very weak electrolyte. At 400C, the [H+] = [OH-] but
the values are more than 10-7 moles dm-3 and pure water is again neutral at 40°C. Similarly, pure
water is neutral at 1000C. [H+] and [OH-] are greater than those at 40°C.

Anim ation 8.9: ION IC PRODUCT OF W ATER

Source & Credit : em ploy ees.csbsju

In case of addition of small amount of an acid

[H + ] > [OH - ]

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While in the case of addition of few drops of a base

[OH − ] > [H + ]

During both of these additions, the value of Kw will remain the same i.e. 10-14 at 250C.

pH and pOH

Actually, in all the aqueous solutions, the concentration of H+ and OH- are too low to
be conveniently expressed and used in calculations. In 1909, Sorenson, a Danish biochemist,
introduced the term pH and pOH. So, the scales of pH and pOH have been developed. pH and pOH
are abbreviations of negative log of hydrogen ion concentration and negative log of hydroxide ion
concentration, respectively.

pH = -log[H + ]
pOH = -log[OH − ]

For neutral water, pH = -log10-7 = 7

pOH = -log10-7 = 7

pH = 7, → solution is neutral
when pH < 7, → solution is acidic
pH > 7, → solution is basic

If we take the negative log of Kw, then it is called pKw.

pK w = -logK w

= -log10−14

pK w = 14log10 Since (log 10=1)

pK w = 14x1 = 14(at 25C)

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The value of pKw is less than 14 at higher tem peratures i.e. at 400Cand 1000C.

The value of pH normally varies between 0 → 14 at 25°C. Solutions of negative pH and having
values more than 14 are also known. Table (8.5) shows the relationship among [H+],[OH-], pH and
pOH of various solutions.

Table (8.5) Relationship of [H30+], [OH-], pH and pOH

[H3O+] pH [OH-] pOH

1x10-14 14.0 1x10 0.0
1x10-13 13.0 1x10-1 1.0
Basic 1x10-12 12.0 1x10-2 2.0
More basic

1x10-11 11.0 1x10-3 3.0

1x10-10 10.0 1x10-4 4.0
1x10-9 9.0 1x10-5 5.0
1x10-8 8.0 1x10-6 6.0
Neutral 1x10-7 7.0 1x10-7 7.0
1x10-6 6.0 1x10-8 8.0
More acidic

1x10-5 5.0 1x10-9 9.0

1x10-4 4.0 1x10-10 10.0
Acidic 1x10-3 3.0 1x10-11 11.0
1x10-2 2.0 1x10-12 12.0
1x10-1 1.0 1x10-13 13.0
1x10-0 0.0 1x10-14 14.0

The pH values of some familiar aqueous solutions are shown inTable (8.6). This table can
help you to understand the acidic or basic nature of commonly used solutions.

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Table (8.6) Approximate pH and pOH of some common materials at 25°C

Material pH pOH Material pH pOH
1.0 M HCl 0.1 13.9 bread 5.5 8.5
0.1 M HCl 1.1 12.9 potatoes 5.8 8.2
0.1 M CH3COOH 2.9 11.10 rainwater 6.2 7.8
gastric juice 2.0 12.00 milk 6.5 7.5
lemons 2.3 11.7 saliva 6.5-6.9 7.5-7.1
vinegar 2.8 11.2 pure water 7.0 7.00
soft drinks 3.0 11.00 eggs 7.8 6.2
apples 3.1 10.9 0.1 M NaHCO3 8.4 5.6
grapefruit 3.1 10.9 seawater 8.5 5.5
oranges 3.5 10.5 milk of magnesia 10.5 3.5
tomatoes 4.2 9.8 0.1 M NH3 11.1 2.9
cherries 3.6 10.4 0.05 M Na2CO3 11.6 2.4
bananas 4.6 9.4 0.1 M NaOH 13.0 1.00


Acids and bases when dissolved in water may or may not be completely dissociated. Many
acids are weak electrolytes and they ionize to an extent which is much less than 100%. The value of
Ka called the dissociation constant of acid, is the quantitative measure of the strength of the acid.
Suppose we have an acid HA dissolved in water, in a reversible manner
HA + H 2O ฀ H 3O + + A -
Kc for the reversible reaction will be written as follows.

[H 3O + ][A - ]
Kc =
[HA][H 2O]

At the equilibrium stage, the concentration of water is almost the same as at the initial stages
because it has been taken in large excess. A reasonable approximation, therefore, is to take the
concentration of water to be efectively constant and take it on the left-hand side with Kc.

[H 3O + ][A - ]
K c [H 2O] =

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Let K c [H 2O] = K a

Ka is another constant

[H 3O + ][A - ]
Hence Ka =


Source & Credit : eechem 3

This equation can be used to calculate Ka for any acid solution if we know the pH or [H+] of
that solution and the initial concentration of acid [HA] dissolved. This can also be used to calculate
the equilibrium concentration of H3O+ and A- produced if we know the initial concentration of acid
HA and its Ka value.

When K a < 10-3 acid is weak

K a = 1 to 10-3 acid is moderately strong

Ka > 1 acid is strong

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The values of Ka for some acids are given in the Table (8.7)

Table (8.7) Dissociation constants of some acids at 250C and their relative strength
Acid Dissociation Ka Relative strength
HCl Very strong
HCl ฀ H + + Cl- very large(10+7 )
HNO3 Very strong
HNO3 ฀ H + + NO3− very large(10+3 )
H2SO4 Very strong
H 2SO 4 ฀ H + + HSO 4 − Large(10+2 )
HSO-4 1.3x10-4 Strong
HSO- 4 ฀ H + + SO 4 2-
HF 6.7x10-5 Weak
HF ฀ H + + F-
CH3COOH 1.85x10-5 Weak
CH 3COOH ฀ H + + CH 3COOH -
H2CO3 4.4x10-7 Weak
H 2CO3 ฀ H + + HCO3-
H2S 1.0x10-7 Weak
H 2S ฀ H + + HS-
NH4+ 5.7x10-10 Weak
NH 4 ฀ H + + NH 3
HCO3- 4.7x10-11 Weak
HCO3- ฀ H + + CO32-
H2O 1.8x10-16 Very weak
H 2O ฀ H + + OH -

Percentage of Ionization of Acids

We can calculate the percentage ionization of weak acid and the formula is as follows:
Amount of acid ionized
%ionization= x 100
Amount of acid initially available

The percentage ionization of weak acids depend upon the extent of dilution of their aqueous
solutions. Table (8.8) shows the change in percentage ionization of acetic acid at diferent
concentrations. Lesser the molarity, diluted the solution, greater the chances for electrolyte to be
dissociated. When 0.1 mole of CH3COOH is dissolved in 1000cm3 of solution, then 1.33 molecules
are dissociated out of 100, and 13.3 out of 1000. When the 0.001 moles are dispersed per dm3 of
solution then 12.6 molecules of CH3COOH get dissociated out of 100. Remember that Ka remains
the same at all dilutions at a constant temperature.

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Table (8.8) Percentage ionization and ionization constants of acetic acid at 250C
Molarity % Ionized [H3O+] [CH3COOH] Ka
0.10000 1.33 0.001330 0.098670 1.79x10-5
0.0500 1.89 0.000945 0.049060 1.82x10-5
0.0100 4.17 0.000417 0.009583 1.81x10-5
0.0050 5.86 0.000293 0.004707 1.81x10-5
0.0010 12.60 0.000126 0.000874 1.72x10-5

Example 4:

What is the percentage ionization of acetic acid in a solution in which 0.1 moles of it has been
dissolved per dm3 of the solution.


฀ ฀ K a = 1.85x10-5
CH 3 -C-O-H ฀ CH 3 -C-O- +H +

Initial conc. 0.10 moles 0 moles 0 moles t = 0 sec.

Change in concentration due to ionization

(0.1=x) moles ฀ xmoles + xmoles t=equilibrium

Concentration at equilibrium

(0.1-x) ≈ 0.10 ฀ xmoles + xmoles t=equilibrium

(0.1 - x) is approximately 0.1, because the value of x is very small as compared to 0.1. The reason
is that CH3COOH is a much weak electrolyte.

[CH 3COO- ][H + ] x.x

Ka = =
[CH 3COOH] 0.1

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Putting the value of Ka

1.85x10-5 =

or x 2 =0.1x1.8x10-5 =1.8x10-6

Taking square root on both sides

x = 0.1 x 1.8 x 10-5 = 1.8x10-6
In other words [H+] = 1.3 x 10-3 mole dm-3 (amount of acid ionized)
concentration of ionized acid
%ionization= x 100
original concentration

%ionization= = 1.3 Answer

Hence, out of 1000 molecules of acetic acid only 13 are dissociated into ions, when 0.1 molar
solution is prepared. In other words when 6 g of CH3COOH i.e 0.1 moles is dissolved in 1000 cm3 of
solution only 13 molecules ionize out of energy 1000 CH3COOH molecules.
This is known as Ostwald’s dilution law, that dilution increases the degree of dissociations.


Unlike, strong bases weak Bronsted bases which are proton acceptors, usually consist of
molecules or ions. They react with water, remove a proton from it, and generate OH- ions. Take the
examples of NH3 and CO32-.

NH 3 (aq) + H 2O() ฀ NH 4 + (aq) + OH - (aq)

CO32- (aq) + H 2O() ฀ HCO31- (aq) + OH - (aq)

NH3 and C032- have acted as bases in above reactions. They have diferent abilities to accept protons
from water molecules. We compare these abilities of bases by knowing the equilibrium constant Kb,
which is called base ionization constant of a base.

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Let the base is represented by B. Then

B(aq) + H 2O() ฀ BH + (aq) + OH - (aq)

[BH + ][OH - ]
Kc =
[B][H 2O]

Since, the concentration of H2O constant, being in large excess

[BH + ][OH - ]
So, K c [H 2O]=

Put K c [H 2O] =K b

[BH + ][OH - ]
Hence Kb =

Kb value of a base is the quantitative measurement of strength of a base Smaller the Kb value,
weaker the base. Table (8.9) gives the Kb values for some bases.

Table (8.9) Kb of some important bases

Base Dissociation Kb Relative
NaOH NaOH ฀ Na + + OH -
Very high Very strong

KOH KOH ฀ K + + OH -
Very high Very strong
High Very strong
Ca(OH) 2 Ca(OH) 2 ฀ Ca 2+ + 2OH
1.81x10-5 Weak
NH 4OH NH 4OH ฀ NH 4 + + OH -
4.38x10-4 Weak
CH 3 NH 2 CH 3 NH 2 + H 2O ฀ CH 3 NH 3+ + OH -
(Mathyl amine)

4.7x10-10 Very weak

C6 H 5 NH 2 C6 H 5 NH 2 + H 2O ฀ C6 H 5 NH 3+ + OH -

pKa and pKb

Table (8.7) and (8.9), we conclude that the values of Ka and Kb for weak acids and bases are
small numbers usually expressed in exponential form. It is convenient to convert them into whole
numbers by taking their negative log. Thus we obtain pKa and pKb values of acids and bases.

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pK a = -logK a

pK b = -logK b

Larger the pKa, weaker is the acid and vice versa. Similarly, larger the pKb, weaker is the base.
If the diference of pKa values of the two acids is one, then acid with smaller pKa is ten times stron-
ger than the other. If the diference is two, then one is hundred times stronger than the other.


According to this concept, acids are those species which donate the proton or have a tenden-
cy to donate and bases are those species which accept the proton or have a tendency to accept the
Whenever, a weak acid or a weak base is dissolved in water, the conjugate acid base pair is
produced. There is a close relationship between Ka of the acid, Kb of the conjugate base and Kw of
water. Let us have an acid HA, and it gives protons to water in a reversible manner. H3O+ gives pro-
ton to A- and is an acid, but A- accepts H+ from H3O+ and act as a conjugate base of HA.

HA + H 2O ฀ H 3O + + A-
acid base conjugate acid conjugate base
of H2O of HA

[H 3O + ][A - ] [H + ][A - ]
Kc = or K a =
[H 2O][HA] [HA]

In case A- is dissolved in water, the equation for hydrolysis of conjugate base A- will be,

A - + H 2O ฀ HA + OH -
base acid acid base
So, its

[HA][OH - ]
Kb =
[A - ]

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Let us multiply two expressions for Ka and Kb

[H + ][A1- ] [OH - ][HA]

K a xK b = x
[HA] [A1- ]

Or K a xK b = [H + ][OH - ]

Or K a xK b = K w

Anim ation 8.11: Low ry Bronsted

Source & Credit : dy nam icscience

This equation is useful in the sense that if we know Ka of the acid, we can calculate Kb for
the conjugate base and vice versa. The value of Kw is a constant at a given temperature. i.e 10-14 at
Let us take the log of above equation

log(K a xK b ) = log(K w )

or logK a + logK b = logK w

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Multiply both sides by ‘-1’

-logK a - logK b = -logK w

Since pK a = -logK a and pK b = - logK b

or pK a + pK b = pK w

Since pKw=14, at 250C hence pKa and pKb of conjugate acid base pair has a very simple rela-
tion with each other.

pK a + pK b = 14 at 25oC

This equation proves the following facts.

(a) Conjugate base of a very weak acid is relatively very strong base.
(b) Conjugate acid of a very strong base is relatively very weak acid.

Ka ∝

We can calculate the pKb of CH3COO-, if we know pKa of CH3COOH. Similarly, if we know pKb of
NH3, we can calculate pKa of NH4+ .


The suppression of ionization of a weak electrolyte by adding a common ion from outside is
called common ion efect.
We are familiar with puriication of sodium chloride by passing hydrogen chloride gas through
saturated brine. Sodium chloride is fully ionized in the solution. Equilibrium constant expression
for this process can be written as follows:

NaCl(s) ฀ Na + (aq) + Cl- (aq)

[Na + ][Cl- ]
Kc =

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HCl also ionizes in solution

HCl ฀ H + (aq) + Cl- (aq)

On passing HCl gas, concentration of Cl- ions is increased, therefore NaCl crystallizes out of
the solution to maintain the constant value of the equilibrium constant.

This type of efect is called the common ion efect. The addition of a common ion to the solution
of a less soluble electrolyte suppresses its ionization and the concentration of unionized species
increases, which may come out as a precipitate.

Na + (aq) + Cl − (aq) ฀ NaCl(s)

Anim ation 8.12: COMMON ION

Source & Credit : boundless

More Examples of Common Ion Effect

(i) The solubility of a less soluble salts KClO3 in water is suppressed by the addition of a more
soluble salt KCl by common ion efect. K+ is a common ion. The ionization of KClO3 is suppressed
and it settles down as precipitate.

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KClO3 (s) ฀ K + (aq) + ClO-3 (aq)

KCl ฀ K + (aq) + Cl- (aq)

(ii) Similarly, the dissociation of a weak acid H2S in water can be suppressed by the addition of
stronger acid HCl. H+ is a common ion. H2S becomes less dissociated in acidic solution. In this way
low concentration of S-2 ion is developed.

H 2S ฀ 2H + (aq) + S2- (aq)

This low concentration of S-2 ions helps to do the precipitation of radicals of second group
basic radicals during salt analysis.

HCl(aq) ฀ H + (aq) + Cl- (aq)

(iii) An addition of NH4Cl in NH4OH solution suppresses the concentration of OH- (aq) due to the
presence of a large excess of NH4+ from NH4Cl. Actually, NH4Cl is a strong electrolyte. The combina-
tion of these two substances is used as a group reagent in third group basic radicals

NH 4Cl(aq) ฀ NH 4 + (aq) + Cl- (aq)

NH 4OH(aq) ฀ NH 4 + (aq) + OH - (aq)

(iv) Common ion efect inds extensive applications in the qualitative analysis and the prepara-
tion of bufers.


Those solutions, which resist the change in their pH when a small amount of an acid or a base
is added to them, are called bufer solutions. They have a speciic constant value of pH and their
pH values do not change on dilution and on keeping for a long time. Bufer solutions are mostly
prepared by mixing two substances.

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(i) By mixing a weak acid and a salt of it with a strong base. Such solutions give acidic bufers
with pH less than 7. Mixture of acetic acid and sodium acetate is one of the best examples of such
a bufer.
(ii) By mixing a weak base and a salt of it with a strong acid. Such solutions will give basic bufers with pH
more than 7. Mixture of NH4OH and NH4Cl is one of the best examples of such a basic bufer.

(a) Why Do We Need Buffer Solution?

It is a common experience that the pH of the human blood is maintained at pH 7.35, if it goes
to 7.00 or 8.00, a person may die.

Anim ation 8.13: BUFFER

Source & Credit : hackaday

Sometimes one wants to study a reaction under conditions that would sufer any associated
change in the pH of the reaction mixture. So, by suitable choice of the solutes, a chemist can ensure
that a solution will not experience more than a very small change in pH, even if a small amount of a
strong acid or a strong base is added. Bufers are important in many areas of chemistry and allied
sciences like molecular biology, microbiology, cell biology, soil sciences, nutrition and the clinical

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Bufer is not a new concept at this stage of our discussion, it is just the application of common
ion efect.

(b) How Do the Buffers Act?

Let us take the example of an acidic bufer consisting of CH3COOH and CH3COONa. Common
ion efect helps us to understand how the bufer will work. CH3COOH, being a weak electrolyte
undergoes very little dissociation. When CH3COONa, which is a strong electrolyte, is added to CH-
COOH solution, then the dissociation of CH3COOH is suppressed, due to common ion efect of

CH 3COOH(aq)+H 2O() ฀ CH 3COO- (aq) + H 3O+ (aq)

CH 3COONa(aq) ฀ CH 3COO- (aq) + Na + (aq)

If one goes on adding CH3COONa in CH3COOH solution, then the added concentrations of
CH3COO- decrease the dissociation of CH3COOH and the pH of solution increases. The table (8.10)
tells us how the pH value of a mixture of two compounds is maintained. Greater the concentration
of acetic acid as compared to CH3COONa, lesser is the pH of solution.

Table (8.10) Effect of addition of acetate ions on the pH of acetic acid solution

[CH3COOH] [CH3COO-] % Dissociation pH

(mole dm-3) (mole dm-3)
0.10 0.00 1.3 2.89
0.10 0.05 0.036 4.44
0.10 0.10 0.018 4.74
0.10 0.15 0.012 4.92

Actually a bufer mentioned above is a large reservoir of CH3COOH and CH3COO- components.
When an acid or H3O+ ions are added to this bufer, they will react with CH3COO- to give back acetic
acid and hence the pH of the solution will almost remain unchanged. The reason is that CH3COOH
being a week acid will prefer to remain undissociated. Similarly, the pufer solution consisting of
NH4Cl and NH4OH, can resist the change of pH and pOH, when acid or base is added from outside.
When a base or OH- ions are added in it, they will react with H3O+ to give back H2O and the pH of the
solution again will remain almost unchanged.

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Calculating the pH of a Buffer

Let us try to learn, how a bufer of deinite pH can be prepared. Consider a weak acid HA and
its salt NaA with a strong base say NaOH. The reversible reactions for dissociation of HA are as fol-

HA ฀ H + + A-

NaA ฀ Na + +A -

The dissociation constant of a weak acid HA is given by:

[H + ][A - ]
Ka =

Rearranging the equation,

K a [HA]
[H + ] =
[A - ]

The concentration of A in the reaction mixture is predominantly being supplied by NaA which
is a stro ger electrolyte than HA, and the ionization of HA is being suppressed by common ion efect
(A- is the common ion in this bufer solution). Taking log of this equation.
K a [HA]
log[H + ] =log
[A - ]

log[H + ] =log(K a ) + log
[A - ]

Multiplying with (-1) on both sides

-log[H + ] =-log(K a ) - log
[A - ]

Since - -log[H + ] =pH and -log(K a ) =pK a

So, pH =pK a - log
[A - ]

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[A-] refers to the concentration of the salt. Actually, maximum possible concentrate of A- is
given by NaA, being a strong electrolyte
pH =pK a - log
Interchanging the numerator and denominator the sign of log changes
or pH =pK a + log

This relationship is called Henderson’s equation. This equation shows that two factors evi-
dently govern the pH of a bufer solution. First is the pKa of the acid used and second is the ratio of
the concentrations of the salt and the acid. The best bufer is prepared by taking equal concentra-
tion of salt and acid.

So, pH is controlled by pKa of the acid. For example, for acetic acid sodium acetate bufer, if

[CH 3COOH] = [CH 3COONa]

then pH =pK a + log

pH =pK a + log(1)

so pH =pK a + 0 = pK a

pH = 4.74.

It means that the pH of this bufer is just equal to the pK of the acid. Similarly for formic acid
sodium formate bufer, if


then pH =pK a + 0 = pK a

so pH = 3.78.

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To prepare a bufer of deinite pH, we need a suitable acid for that purpose. We can also
manage the bufer of our own required pH by suitably selecting the concentration ratio of the salt
and the acid. If [CH3COOH] is 0.1 mole dm and that of [CH3COONa] is 1.0 mole dm-3 then
pH= 4.74 + log

pH= 4.74 + log = 4.74 + log10

Since log10 = 1

pH = 4.74 + 1 = 5.74

pH = 5.74

Similarly, if [CH3COOH] is 1.0 mole dm-3 and [CH3COONa] is 0.1 moles dm-3 , then
pH= 4.74 + log

pH= 4.74 + log =4.74+log10-1

pH = 4.74 - 1 = 3.74

or pH = 3.74

Anyhow, the above mentioned combination can be used to prepare bufers from 3.74 to
5.74. The bufer beyond this range will not be good bufers and will have small bufer capacities.
Just like acidic bufers, the basic bufer have their own Henderson equation. For this purpose,
let us use the mixture of NH4OH and NH4Cl. NH4OH is a solution of NH3 in water and it can be rep-
resented as follows:

NA 3 (aq) + H 2O() ฀ NH 4 + (aq) + OH - (aq)

[NH 4 + ][OH -1 ]
Kb =
[NH 3 ]

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Taking the log, multiplying with negative sign and rearranging, we get
pOH = pK b + log

Using this relationship, we can prepare a basic bufer of the required pOH or pH by suitably
selecting a base and adj usting the ratio of [salt] / [base].

Example :

Calculate the pH of a bufer solution in which 0.11 molar CH3COONa and 0.09 molar acetic
acid solutions are present. Ka for CH3COOH is 1.85 x 10-5


0.11M CH3COONa solution means that 0.11 moles are dissolved in 1 dm3 of solution.

[CH 3COONa] =0.11M

[CH 3COOH] =0.09M

K a of CH 3COOH =1.85x10-5

pK = -log(1.8x10-5 ) = 4.74

pH = pK a + log

pH = pK a + log

pH = 4.74 + 0.087 = 4.83 Answer

Since, the concentration of CH3COONa is more than that of CH3COOH, so pH of bufer is

greater than 4.74. In other words, the solution has developed the properties of a base, because
CH3COONa has Na+ ion which is from a strong base.

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8.8.1 Buffer Capacity

The bufer capacity of a solution is the capability of a bufer to resist the change of pH. It can
be measured quantitatively that how much extra acid or base, the solution can absorb before the
bufer is essentially destroyed. Bufer capacity of a bufer solution is determined by the sizes of
actual molarities of its components. So,a chemist must decide before making the bufer solution,
what outer limits of change in its pH can be tolerated.

Let us do some calculations to check the efectiveness of a bufer system. Consider, that we
have a bufer having 0.11 molar CH3COONa and 0.09 molar acetic acid. Its pH will be 4.83. Let us
add 0.01 moles of NaOH in one dm3 of the bufer solution (remember that addition of 0.01 moles
NaOH per dm3 of solution will change the pH from 7.00 to 12.00 in pure water).

Since NaOH is a strong base and it is 100% dissociated, it generates 0.01 moles OH-. Out of
0.09 mole of CH3COOH, 0.01 mole will react with OH- and 0.08 moles of CH3COOH is left behind
in one dm3 of solution. This neutralization of course makes the identical change in the amount of
CH3COONa and its concentration will increase from 0.11 mole to 0.12 mole.
Henderson equation is, pH = pK a + log

Putting the new concentrations of salt and acid after addition of NaOH.
pH = 4.74+ log
pH = 4.74+ log(1.5)

pH = 4.74+ 0.176

pH = 4.92 Answer

It means that there is a very small change in pH from 4.83 to 4.92, that is only a diference of
0.1. So we reach the conclusion that a bufer does not hold the pH exactly constant. But it does a
very good job in limiting the change in pH to a very small amount.

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When a soluble ionic compound is dissolved in water, like NaCl, it dissociates completely
into ions. But for slightly soluble salts the dissociation is not complete at equilibrium stage. For
example, when PbCl2 is shaken with water the solution contains Pb2+, Cl- and undissociated PbCl2. It
means that equilibrium exists between solid solute, PbCl2 and the dissolved ions, Pb2+ and Cl-.

Anim ation 8.14: SOLUBILITY

Source & Credit : iupac

PbCl 2 (s) ฀ PbCl 2 (aq) ฀ Pb 2+ (aq) + 2Cl - (aq)

[Pb2+ (aq) ][Cl-(aq) ]2

According to law of mass action K c =
[PbCl 2 ]

Lead sulphate is a well known sparingly soluble compound and it dissociates to a very small
extent like PbCl2.

PbSO 4 (s) ฀ PbSO 4 (aq) ฀ Pb2+ (aq) + SO 4 2- (aq)

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Law of mass action applied to the dissociation of PbSO4 gives equilibrium constant Kc

[Pb2+ ][SO 4 2− ]
Kc =
[PbSO 4 ]

Being a sparingly soluble salt the concentration of lead sulphate (PbSO4) almost remains
constant. Bring [PbSO4] on L.H.S. with Kc

K c [PbSO 4 ] = [Pb2+ ][SO 4 2- ]

if K c [PbSO 4 ] = K sp

then K sp =[Pb2+ (aq)][SO 4 2- (aq)]= 1.6x10-8 at 25oC

Ksp is called the solubility product of PbSO4. It is the product of molar solubilities of two ions
at equilibrium stage.

Similarly,for PbCl 2 K sp =[Pb2+ (aq)][Cl- (aq)]2

Ksp is usually a very small quantity at room temperature. The value of Ksp is temperature
dependent. For a general, sparingly soluble substance, AxBy.

A x By ฀ xA +y +yB-x

K sp =[A +y ]x +[B-x ]y

So, the solubility product is the product of the concentrations of ions raised to an exponent
equal to the co-eicient of the balanced equation. The value of Ksp is a measure of how far to the
right dissolution proceeds at equilibrium i.e. saturation. The following Table (8.10) shows us the Ksp
values of slightly soluble ionic compounds.
Smaller the value of Ksp, lesser the capability to be dissociated.

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Table (8.10) Ksp values for some ionic compounds

(compounds are arranged alphabetically).

Salt Ion Product Ksp Salt Ion Product Ksp

AgBr [Ag + ][Br − ] 5.0x10-13 CuS [Cu 2+ ][S2− ] 8x10-34

Ag 2CO3 [Ag + ]2 [CO32− ] 8.1x10-12 FeS [Fe 2+ ][S2− ] 6.3x10-18

AgCl [Ag + ][Cl − ] 1.8x10-10 Fe 2S3 [Fe3+ ][S2− ]3 1.4x10-85

Agl [Ag + ][I − ] 8.3x10-17 Fe(OH)3 [Fe3+ ][OH − ]3 1.6x10-39

Ag 2S [Ag + ]2 [S2− ] 8x10-48 HgS [Hg 2+ ][S2− ] 2x10-50

Al(OH)3 [Al3+ ][OH − ]3 3x10-34 MgCO3 [Mg 2+ ][CO32− ] 3.5x10-8

BaCO3 [Ba 2+ ][CO32− ] 2x10-9 Mg(OH) 2 [Mg 2+ ][OH − ]2 6.3x10-10

BaSO 4 [Ba 2+ ][SO4 2− ] 1.1x10-10 MnS [Mn 2+ ][S2− ] 3x10-11

CdS [Cd 2+ ][S2− ] 8.0x10-27 PbCl 2 [Pb2+ ][Cl − ]2 1.6x10-5

CaCO3 [Ca 2+ ][CO32− ] 3.3x10-9 PbCrO 4 [Pb2+ ][CrO 4 2− ] 2.3x10-13

CaF2 [Ca 2+ ][F− ]2 3.2x10-11 PbSO 4 [Pb2+ ][SO 4 2− ] 1.6x10-8

Ca(OH) 2 [Ca 2+ ][OH − ]2 6.5x10-6 PbS [Pb2+ ][S2− ] 8.0x10-28

8.9.1 Applications of solubility product

(a) Determination of Ksp, from solubility

From the solubility of the compounds, we can calculate Ksp of the salt. The solubility for most of
the compounds are given in terms of the grams of the solute per 100 g of water. Since the quantity
of solute is very very small, so 100 g of water solution is considered to be 100 ml of solution. The
reason is that the density of water is very close to unity. Hence, we get the concentration in moles
dm-3. The number of moles of solute dm-3 of the solution is calculated by dividing the mass of solute
by its molar mass. Then by using the balanced equation, we ind the molarity of each ion and then
ind Ksp.

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Example 6 :

The solubility of PbF2 at 250C is 0.64 gdm-3. Calculate Ksp of PbF2.


First of all convert the concentration from g dm 1 to moles dm 3;

Mass of PbF2 dessolved dm-3 = 0.64g

Molecular mass of PbF2 = 245.2g mol-1

Number of moles of PbF2 = =2.6x10-3

The balanced equation for dissociation of PbF2 is,

PbF2 (s) ฀ Pb2+ (aq) + 2F1- (aq)

2.6x10-3M 0 + 0 t = 0 sec

"zero" moles 2.6x10-3moles + 2x2.6x10-3moles t=equilibrium

The expression of Ksp is

K sp = [Pb2+ ][F- ]2

Putting values of concentration

K sp = 2.6x10-3x(2x2.6x10-3 ) 2 = 7.0x10-8 Answer

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(b) Determination of Solubility from Ksp

For this purpose we need the formula of the compound and Ksp value. Then the unknown
molar solubility S is calculated and the concentration of the ions are determined. Table (8 .11 ) shows
the relationship between the Ksp values and the solubility of some sparingly soluble compounds.

Table (8.11) Relationship between Ksp and the

solubility of some compounds.
Formula No. of Ksp Solubility
ions gdm-3

MgCO3 2 1/1 3.61x10-8 1.9x10-4

PbSO 4 2 1/1 1.69x10-8 1.3x10-4

BaCrO 4 2 1/1 1.96x10-10 1.4x10-5

Ca(OH) 2 3 1/ 2 6.5x10-6 1.175x10-2

BaF2 3 1/ 2 1.35x10-5 7.2x10-3

CaF2 3 1/ 2 3.2x10-11 2.0x10-4

Ag 2CrO 4 3 2 /1 2.6x10-12 8.7x10-5

Example 7 :

Ca(OH)2 is a sparingly soluble compound. Its solubility product is 6.5x10-6 Calculate the
solubility of Ca(OH)2.


Let the solubility is represented by S in terms of moles dm-3.

The balanced equation is

Ca(OH) 2 ฀ Ca 2+ (aq) + 2OH - (aq)

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Ca(OH) 2 ฀ 0 + 0 Initial stage

Ca(OH) 2 ฀ S + 2S Equilibrium stage

The K sp =6.5x10-6

The concentration of OH- is double than the concentration of Ca2+, so

K sp = [Ca 2+ ][OH - ]2 = S x (2S) 2

4S3 = 6.5 x 10-6

 6.5x10-6 
S=  

 
So, = (1.625x10-6 )1/3

S= (1.625)1/3 x10-2

S= 1.175 x10-2

Hence, at equilibrium stage 1.175 x 10-2 moles dm-3 of Ca2+ and 2x1.175 x 10-2 = 2.75 x 10-2 moles
dm-3 OH- are present in the solution. In this way, we have calculated the individual concentrations
of Ca2+ and OH- ion from the solubility product of Ca(OH)2.

Effect of Common Ion on Solubility

The presence of a common ion decreases the solubility of a slightly soluble ionic compound.
In order to explain it, consider a saturated solution of PbCrO4, which is a sparingly soluble ionic salt.

PbCrO 4 (aq) ฀ Pb2+ (aq) + CrO 4 2- (aq)

Now add Na2CrO4 which is a soluble salt. CrO42- is the common ion. It combines with Pb2+ to
form more insoluble PbCrO4. So equilibrium is shifted to the left to keep Ksp constant.

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1. There versible chemical reactions can achieve a state in which the forward and the reverse
processes are occurring at the same rate. This state is called state of chemical equilibrium. The
concentrations of reactants and products are called equilibrium concentrations and the mixture
is called equilibrium mixture.
2. Law of mass action provides the relationship among the concentrations of reactants and products
of a system at equilibrium stage.The ratio of concentrations of the products to the concentrations
of reactants is called equilibrium constant. The equilibrium constants are expressed as Kc, Kp, Kn
and Kx.
3. The value of equilibrium constant can predict the direction and extent of a chemical reaction.
4. The efect of change of concentration, temperature, pressure or catalyst in a reaction can
be s adied witii the help of Le-Chatelier’s principle. Increasing concentrations of reactants or
decreasing concentrations of products or heating of the endothermic reactions shifts the reaction
to the forward direction. The change of temperature disturbs the equilibrium position and the
equilibrium constant of reaction. A catalyst decreases the time to reach the equilibrium and
does not alter the equilibrium position and equilibrium constant under the given conditions.
5. Water is a very weak electrolyte and ionizes to a slight degree. The extent of this a autoionization
is expressed by ionic product of water called Kw, having a value 10-14 at 250C. The addition of an
acid or a base changes the [H+] and [OH-], but the ionic product remains the same at 250C.
6. The concentration of H+ is expressed in terms of pH and that of [OH-] in terms of pOH. Neutral
water has a pH = 7 and pOH= 7.The value of pKw is 14 at 250C.
7. According to Lowry-Bronsted concept of an acid and a base the conjugate base of a strong
acid is always weak. So pKa + pKb = pKw Where pKa and pKb are the parameters to measure the
strengths of acids and bases.
8. Those solutions which resist the change of pH are called bufer solutions. Bufer solutions of
pH below 7 are prepared by mixing a weak acid and salt of it with a strong base while basic
bufers can be prepared by combining a weak base and salt of it with a strong acid. Hendersen’s
equation guides us quantitatively to have the bufer solutions of good bufer capacity and to
select the pair of compounds for this purpose.
9. The solubility of sparingly soluble substances are calculated from the solubility product data. This
data provides us the information about the selective precipitation and fractional precipitation.
10. Common ion efect operates best in bufer solutions, and puriication of certain substances. It
is one of the best applications of Le-Chatelier’s principle.

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Q1. Multiple choice questions
i) For which system does the equilibrium constant, Kc has units of (concentration)’?
(a) N 2 +3H 2 ฀ 2NH 3
(b) H 2 +I 2 ฀ 2HI
(c) 2NO 2 ฀ N 2O 4
(d) 2HF ฀ H 2 +F2

ii) Which statement about the following equilibrium is correct

2SO 2 (g) + O2 (g) ฀ 2SO3 (g) ÄH= -188.3kJ mol -1

(a) The value of Kp falls with a rise in temperature

(b) The value of Kp falls with increasing pressure
(c) Adding V2O5 catalyst increase the equilibrium yield of sulphur trioxide
(d) The value of Kp is equal to Kc.
iii) The pH of 10-3 mol dm-3 of an aqueous solution of H2SO4 is
(a) 3.0 (b) 2.7 (c) 2.0 (d) 1.5
iv) The solubility product of AgCl is 2.0 x 10-10 mol2 dm-6. The maximum concentration of Ag+ ions
in the solution is
(a) 2.0 x 10-10 mol dm-3 (b) 1.41 x 10-5 mol dm-3
(c) 1.0 x 10-10 mol dm-3 (d) 4.0 x 10-20 mol dm-3
v) An excess of aqueous silver nitrate is added to aqueous barium chloride and precipitate is
removed by iltration. What are the main ions in the iltrate?
(a) Ag+ and NO3- only (b) Ag+ and Ba2+ and NO3-
(c) Ba2+ and NO3- only (d) Ba2+ and NO3- and Cl-

Q2. Fill in the blanks

i) Law of mass action states that th e__________ at which a reaction proceeds, is directly proportional
to the product of the active masses of the __________.
ii) In an exothermic reversible reaction,_______ temperature will shift the equilibrium towards the
forward direction.
iii) The equilibrium constant for the reaction 2O3 ฀ 3O2 is 1055 at 250C, it tells that ozone is__________
at room temperature.

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iv) In a gas phase reaction, if the number of moles of reactants are equal to the number of moles
of the products, Kc of the reaction is__________ to the Kp.
v) Bufer solution is prepared by mixing together a weak base and its salt with or a weak acid and
its salt with__________.

Q3. Label the sentences as True or False.

i) When a reversible reaction attains equilibrium both reactants and products are present in a
reaction mixture.
ii) The Kc of the reaction

A +B฀ C+D

is given by
Kc =

therefore it is assumed that

= [B]
[A] = [C]
= [D]

iii) A catalyst is a substance which increases the speed of the reaction and consequently increases
the yield of the product.
iv) Ionic product Kw of pure water at 250C is 10-14 mol2 dm-6 and is represented by an expression Kw
= [H+][OH-] = 10-14 mol2 dm-6
v) AgCl is a sparingly soluble ionic solid in water. Its solution produces excess of Ag+ and Cl- ions.
Q4 (a) Explain the term s” reversible reaction” and “state of equilibrium”.
(b) Deine and explain the Law of mass action and derive the expression for the equilibrium
(c) Write equilibrium constant expression for the following reactions
(i) Sn +2 (aq)+2Fe3+ (aq) ฀ Sn 4+ (aq)+2Fe 2+ (aq)
(ii) Ag + (aq)+Fe 2+ (aq) ฀ Fe3+ (aq)+Ag(s)
(iii) N 2 (g)+O2 (g) ฀ 2NO(g)
(iv) 4NH 3 (g)+5O2 (g) ฀ 4NO(g)+6H 2O(g)
(v) PCl5 (g) ฀ PCl3 (g)+Cl 2 (g)

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Q5 (a) Reversible reactions attain the position of equilibrium which is dynamic in nature and not
static. Explain it.
(b) Why do the rates of forward reactions slow down when a reversible reaction approaches the
equilibrium stage?

Q6 When a graph is plotted between time on x-axis and the concentrations of reactants and
products on y-axis for a reversible reaction, the curves become parallel to time axis at a certain
(a) At what stage the curves become parallel ?
(b) Before the curves become parallel, the steapness of curves falls! Give reasons.
(c) The rate of decrease of concentrations of any of the reactants and rate of increase of
concentrations of any of the products may or may not be equal, for various types of reactions,
before the equilibrium time. Explain it.
Q7 (a) Write down the relationship of diferent types of equilibrium constants i.e. Kc and Kp for the
following general reaction.

aA + bB ฀ cC + dD

(b) Decide the comparative magnitudes of Kc and Kp for the following reversible reactions.
i) Ammonia synthesis ii) Dissociation of PCl5
Q8 (a) Write down Kc for the following reversible reactions. Suppose that the volume of reaction
mixture in all the cases is ‘V’ dm3 at equilibrium stage.

i) CH 3COOH + CH 3CH 2OH ฀ CH 3COOC2 H 5 + H 2O

ii) H 2 + I 2 ฀ 2HI
iii) 2HI ฀ H 2 + I 2
iv) PCl5 ฀ PCl3 + Cl 2
v) N 2 + 3H 2 ฀ 2NH 3

(b) How do you explain that some of the reactions mentioned above are afected by change of
volume at equilibrium stage.
Q9 Explain the following two applications of equilibrium constant. Give examples
i) Direction of reaction ii) Extent of reaction

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Q10 Explain the following with reasons.

(a) The change of volume disturbs the equilibrium position for some of the gaseous phase
reactions but not the equilibrium constant.
(b) The change of temperature disturbs both the equilibrium position and the equilibrium
constant of a reaction.
(c) The solubility of glucose in water is increased by increasing the temperature.

Q11 (a) What is an ionic product of water? How does this value vary with the change in temperature?
Is it true that its value increase 75 times when the temperature of water is increased form 00C
to 100 0C.
(b) What is the justiication for the increase of ionic product with temperature?
(c) How would you prove that at 250C, 1dm3 of water contains 10-7 moles of H3O+ and10-7 moles
of OH

Q12 (a)Deine pH and pOH. How are they related with pKw.
(b) What happens to the acidic and basic properties of aqueous solutions when pH varies
from zero to 14?
(c) Is it true that the sum of pKa and pKb is always equal to 14 at all temperatures for any acid?
If not why?

Q13 (a) What is Lowry Bronsted idea of acids and bases? Explain conjugate acid and bases.
(b) Acetic acid dissolves in water and gives proton to water, but when dissolved in H2SO4, it
accepts protons. Discuss the role of acetic acid in both cases.

Q14 In the equilibrium

PCl5 (g) ฀ PCl3 (g) + Cl 2 (g) ∆H=+90kJ mol-1

What is the efect on

(a) the position of equilibrium (b) equilibrium constant? if
i) temperature is increased ii) volume of the container is decreased
iii) catalyst is added iv) chlorine is added
Explain your answer.

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Q15. Synthesis of ammonia by Haber’s process is an exothermic reaction.

N 2 (g) + 3H 2 (g) ฀ 2NH 3 (g) ÄH= -92.46 kJ

(a) What should be the possible efect of change of temperature at equilibrium stage?
(b) How does the change of pressure or volume shifts the equilibrium position of this reaction ?
(c) What is the role of the catalyst in this reaction?
(d) What happens to equilibrium position of this reaction if NH3 is removed from the reaction
vessel from time to time?

Q16 Sulphuric acid is the king of chemicals. It is produced by the burning of SO2 to SO3 through an
exothermic reversible process.
(a) Write the balanced reversible reaction.
(b) What is the efect of pressure change on this reaction?
(c) Reaction is exothermic but still the temperature of 400-5000C is required to increase
the yield of SO3. Give reasons.

Q17 (a) What are bufer solutions? Why do we need them in daily life?
(b) How does the mixture of sodium acetate and acetic acid give us the acidic bufer?
(c) Explain that a mixture of NH4OH and NH4Cl gives us the basic bufer.
(d) How do you justify that the greater quantity of CH3COONa in acetic acid decreases the
dissociating power of acetic acid and so the pH increases.
(e) Explain the term bufer capacity.

Q18 (a) What is the solubility product? Derive the solubility product expression for sparingly
soluble compounds, AgCl, Ag2CrO4 and PbCl2.
(b) How do you determine the solubility product of a substance when its solubility is provided
in grams/100 g of water?
(c) How do you calculate the solubility of a substance from the value of solubility product?

Q19 Kc value for the following reaction is 0.016 at 5200C

2HI(g) ฀ H 2 (g) + I 2 (g)

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Equilibrium mixture contains [HI] = 0.08 M, [H2] = 0.01M, [I2] = 0.01M. To this mixture more HI is
added so that its new concentration is 0.096M. What will be the concentration of [HI], [H2] and [I2]
when equilibrium is re-established.
(Ans: 0.0926 mole, 0.01168 mole, 0.01168 mole)

Q20 The equilibrium constant for the reaction between acetic acid and ethyl alcohol is 4.0. A
mixture of 3moles of acetic acid and one mole of C2H5OH is allowed to come to equilibrium.
Calculate the amount of ethyl acetate at equilibrium stage in number of moles and grams. Also
calculate the masses of reactants left behind.
(Ans: 79.5g,126g,4.6g)
Q21 Study the equilibrium
H 2O(g)+CO(g) ฀ H 2 (g)+CO2 (g)
(a) Write an expression of Kp
(b) When 1.00 mole of steam and 1.00 mole of carbon monoxide are allowed to reach equilibrium,
33.3 % of the equilibrium mixture is hydrogen. Calculate the value of Kp. State the units of Kp.
( Ans: 4, K, has no unit)
Q22 Calculate the pH of
(a) 10-4 mole dm-3 of HCl (Ans: 4)
(b) 10-4 mole dm-3 of Ba(OH)2 (Ans: 10.3)
(c) 1.0 mole dm of H2X, which is only 50% dissociated.
(Ans: zero)
(d) 1.0 mole dm-3 of NH4OH which is 1% dissociated. (Ans: 12)

(a) Benzoic acid, C6H5COOH, is a weak mono-basic acid (Ka= 6.4 x 10-5 mol dm-3). What is the pH
of a solution containing 7.2 g of sodium benzoate in one dm3 of 0.02 mole dm-3 benzoic acid.
(Ans: 4.59)
(b) A bufer solution has been prepared by mixing 0.2 M CH3COONa and 0.5 M CH3COOH in 1
dm3 of solution. Calculate the pH of solution. pKa of acid = 4.74 at 250C. How the values of pH
will change by adding 0.1 mole of NaOH and 0.1 mole of HCl separately.
(Ans: 4.34, 4.62, 3.96)
Q24 The solubility of CaF, in water at 25°C is found to be 2.05 x 10 1 mol dm f. What is the value of
Ksp at this temperature.
(Ans: 3.446 x 10-11)
Q25 The solubility product of Ag2CrO4 is 2.6 x 10-2 at 250C. Calculate the solubility of the compound.
(Ans: 0.1866 mol dm-3)

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Animation 9.1: RAOULT’S LAW

Source & Credit: rasirc
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9.SOLUTIONS eLearn.Punjab


Every sample of matter with uniform properties and a ixed composition is called a phase.
For example, water at room temperature and normal pressure exists as a single liquid phase, that
is, all the properties of water are uniform throughout this liquid phase. If a small amount of sugar
is added to this sample of water, the sugar dissolves but the sample remains as a single liquid pha.
se. However, the properties and composition of this new liquid phase, now the sugar solution, are
diferent from those of pure water. As this solution of sugar in water is containing two substances
(binary solution), so it is a mixture and since its properties are uniform, therefore, it is homogeneous
in character.
A solution, on average, is a homogeneous mixture of two or more kinds of diferent molecular
or ionic substances. The substance which is present in large quantity is called a solvent and the
other component in small quantity is called a solute.


Source & Credit: em ploy ees.csbsju

For a given solution, the amount of solute dissolved in a unit volume of solution (or a unit
amount of solvent) is termed as the concentrat ion of the solution. Solutions containing relatively
lower concentrations of solute are called dilute solutions, whereas those containing relatively higher
concentrations of solutes are called concentrated solutions.

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There are various types of concentration units of solutions. They are discussed as follows.

9.1.1 Percentage composition

The amounts of solute and solvent can be expressed in percentage composition by four
diferent ways.
a. Percentage weight/weight
b. Percentage weight/volume
c. Percentage volume/weight
d. Percentage volume/volume


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Anim ation 9.4: Percentage com position

Source & Credit: dy nam icscience

(a ) Percentage weight / weight

It is the weight of a solute dissolved per 100 parts by weight of solution. 5% w/w sugar solution
will contain 5 g of sugar dissolved in 100 g of solution in water. This solution contains 95 g of water.
Mass of solute
% by weight = x100
Mass of solution

Example (1):

Calculate the percentage by weight of NaCl, if 2.0g of NaCl is dissolved in 20 g of water.

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Weight of NaCl = 2.0g

Weight of sovent = 20.0g

Weight of solution = 20+2 = 22g

% of NaCl by weight = x100 = 9.09% Answer

(b ) Percentage Weight/Volume

It is the weight of a solute dissolved per 100 parts by volume of solution. 10 g of glucose
dissolved in 100 cm3 of solution is 10% w/v solution of glucose. The quantity of the solvent is not
exactly known. In such solutions, the total volume of the solution is under consideration.

(c) Percentage Volume /Weight

It is the number of cm3 of a solute dissolved per 100 g of the solution. If we dissolve 10 cm3 of
alcohol in water and the total weight of the solution is 100 g, then it is 10% v/w solution of alcohol
in water. In such type of solutions, we don’t know the total volume of the solution.

(d) Percentage Volume / Volume

It is the volume of a solute dissolved per 100 cm3 of the solution. This unit of concentration
is best applicable to the solutions of liquids in liquids. A 12 % alcohol beverage is 12 cm3 of alcohol
per 100 cm3 of solution. In such solutions, the total volume of the solution may not be necessarily
equal to the sum of volumes of solute and the solvent.

9.1.2 Molarity (M)

Molarity is the number of moles of solute dissolved per dm3 of the solution. To prepare one
molar solution of glucose in water, we take 180 g of glucose and add suicient water to make the
total volume 1 dm3 (llitre) in a measuring lask.

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In case of one molar solution of sucrose,

342 g of sucrose are dissolved in water to make
it 1 dm3. Since the volume of 342 g of sucrose is
greater than 180 g of glucose so the volume of
water in 1 molar sucrose solution is less than that
of 1 molar glucose solution. Anyhow, to calculate
Anim ation 9.5: Molarity (sy m bol, M )
the volume of the solvent, we need to know the Source & Credit: chem buddy
density of the solute. Following formula is used to
prepare the solution of any molarity.
Mass of solute 1
Molarity(M) = x
Molar mass of solute Volume of soultion (dm3 )

Number of moles of solute

or Molarity(M) =
Volume of soultion (dm3 )

Examples (2):

Calculate the molarity of a solution containing 20.7 g of K2CO3 dissolved in 500 cm3 of the
given solution.


Mass of K 2CO3 =20.7g

Molar mass of K 2CO3 =138gmol −1

volume of solution = 500cm3 = 0.5dm3

Mass of solute 1
Formula: Molarity = x
Molar mass of solute Volume of soultion in dm3

20.7g 1
Molarity= x =0.3mol dm-3 = 0.3mol dm-3 Answer
138gmol 0.5dm3

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9.1.3 Molality (m)

Molality is the number of moles of solute in 1000 g (1 kg) of the solvent. In order to prepare
molal solutions, we don’t have to take any lask. 180 g of glucose when dissolved in 1000 g of water
gives one molal solution of glucose. The total mass of the solution is 1180 g. We don’t know the
volume of the solution. In order to know the volume we need the density of the solution. For one
molal sucrose solution, 342 g of sucrose are dissolved in 1000 g of H2O.

So,one molal solution of diferent solutes in water have their own masses and volumes.
In order to get the molality of any solution, we use the following equation.
Mass of solute 1
Molality(m) = x
Molar mass of solute Mass of solvent in kg

Number of moles of solute

or Molality(m) =
Mass of solvent in kg

Example (3):

What is the molality of a solution prepared by dissolving 5g of toluene (C7H8) in 250g of



Mass of toluene = 5g

Mass of benzene = 250g = 0.25kg

Molar mass of toluene = 12x7+1x8=92

Formula used

Mass of solute 1
Molality(m) = x
Molar mass of solute Mass of solvent in kg

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5g 1
Molality(m) = -1
92g mol 0.250 kg

= mol kg -1 = 0.217mol kg -1 Answer

The molality of a solution is indirect expression of the ratio of the moles of the solute to
the moles of the solvent. The molal aqueous solution of a solute say glucose or NaOH is dilute in
comparison to its molar solution. The reason is that in molal solution the quantity of the solvent is
comparatively greater.
The value of concentration given in the units of molality does not change with temperature
but that of molarity does. The reason is that the volume of liquids are afected by the variation in

9.1.4. Mole Fraction (x)

This unit of concentration may be for any type, of solution i.e. gas in gas, liquid in liquid or
solid in liquid, etc. This unit is also applicable to a solution having more than two components.
The mole fraction of any component in a mixture is the ratio of the number of moles of it to
the total number of moles of all the components present.
Let there be three components A, B, C making a solution. The number of moles are na, nb, nc
respectively. If the mole fraction of A, B and C are denoted by xa, xb, xc respectively, Then,

XA =
n A + n B + nC

XB =
n A + n B + nC

XC =
n A + n B + nC

The sum of the mole fractions of all the components of a solution must be equal to one. There
are no formal units of mole fraction. Anyhow, we sometimes multiply mole fraction by 100 to get
mole percent.

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Example (4):

Calculate the mole fraction and mole percent of each component in a solution having 92 g of
ethyl alcohol, 96 g of methyl alcohol and 90 g of water.


First of all get the number of moles of each component.

Mass in grams of the substance

Number of moles of the substance =
Molecular mass in grams

Molar mass of ethyl alchohol (C2 H 5OH) = 46 gmol-1

Number of moles of ethyl alchohol = = 2 mol
46 gmol-1

Molar mass of methyl alchohol (CH 3OH) = 32 gmol-1

Number of moles of methyl alchohol = = 3 mol
32 gmol-1
Anim ation 9.6: Mole Fraction (sy m bol,
Molar mass of water(H 2O) = 18 gmol-1 x)
Source & Credit: im n
Number of moles of water = = 5 mol
18 gmol-1

The mole fraction of any components is ratio of its moles to total number of moles.

2 2
X ethyl alcohol = = = 0.2 Answer
2+3+5 10

3 2
X methyl alcohol = = = 0.3 Answer
2+3+5 10

5 5
X H 2O = = = 0.5 Answer
2+3+5 10

Now, multiply the mole fractions with 100, to get mole percent.

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Moles % of ethyl alcohol = 0.2x100 = 20 Answer

Moles % of methyl alcohol = 0.3x100 = 30 Answer

Moles % of H 2O = 0.5x100 = 50 Answer

In the case of mixture of gases, one can determine the mole fraction from the partial pressure
data of the mixture. Hence

pA pB pC
XA = ,X B = ,X C =
p A +p B +pC p A +p B +pC p A +p B +pC

Where pa, pb, pc are the partial pressures of various gases in the mixture.
Generally, we can say that
Partial pressure of that gas
Mole fraction of any gas=
Total pressure of the mixture of gases

9.1.5. Parts Per Million (ppm)

It is deined as the number of parts (by weight or volume) of a solute per million parts (by
weight or volume) of the solution.
This unit is used for very low concentrations of solutions, e.g. to express the impurities of
substances in water.

Mass of solute
Parts per million (ppm) = x 106
Mass of solution

Example (5):

Sea water has 5.65 x 10-3 g of dissolved oxygen in one kg of water. Calculate the concentration
of oxygen in sea water in parts per million

ppm of oxygen in sea water = x 106 = 5.65 ppm Answer

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Anim ation 9.7: Parts Per Million (sy m bol, p p m )

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9.1.6 Interconversion of Various Concentration Units of Solutions

Sometimes, we get prepared solutions from the chemical supply houses. For example,
we are working with a solution whose molarity is given by the supplier, but we need to know its
molality or w/w percentage. For such purpose, we need to convert one unit of concentration into
other. These conversions are usually done if we know the formula masses and the densities of the
solutes or solutions. Following table shows the ive important chemicals whose w/w%, molarities
and densities are given.

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One should be able to interconvert these concentration Name % Molarity Density

units into each other and moreover to molalities and mole of Acid (w/w) (M dm-3) (gcm-3)
fractions for laboratory work Let us do some calculations in H2SO4 98% 18 1.84
this respect. H3PO4 85.5% 4.8 1.70
HNO3 70.4% 15.9 1.42
Example (6): HCl 37.2% 12.1 1.19
CH3COOH 99.8% 17.4 1.05
Calculate the molality of 8% w/w NaCl solution.

Anim ation 9.8: Interconversion of Various Concentration Units of Solutions

Source & Credit: m echanicaldesignforum

It means that 0.1367 moles of NaCl is dissolved in 0.092 kg of water.

Number of moles of solute 0.1367 moles
Molality(m)= =
Mass of solvent in kg 0.092 kg

= 1.487 m Answer

The given solution is 1.487 molal.

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Example (7):

Hydrochloric acid available in the laboratory is 36% (w/w). The density of HCl solution is 1.19
g cm-3. Determine the molarity of HCl solution.


36% (w/w) HCl solution means that 36g of HCI dissolved in 100g of solution.

Mass of HCl =36g

Mass of solution =100g

In case of molarity, the inal volume of solution is 1000 cm3. Convert this volume into mass,
by using density of 1.19 gcm-3.

Mass of 1000cm3 of HCl solution =1000x1.19 =1190g

Since, (Mass=volume x density)

100g of solution has HCl =36g

so, mass of HCl in 1190g of solution = =428.4g
Molar mass of HCl =36.5g mol-1

Number of moles of HCl, in 428.4g of HCl = =11.73

So, 1000 cm3 solution of HCl has 11.73 moles of HCl

Hence, molarity of HCl =11.73mol dm-3 Answer

Example (8):

9.2 molar HClO4 is available in the market. The density of this solution is 1.54gcm3. What is the
percentage by weight of HClO4.

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Molarity of HClO4 = 9.2g moles dm-3

Density of solution = 1.54 gcm-3

Let us calculate the mass of solution which is 1dm3 in volume and has 9.2moles of HClO4 in it.

Since, Mass = volume x density

Mass of 1000cm3 solution =1000cm3x1.54gcm-3 =1540g

Molar mass of HCIO4 =100.5gm mol-1

9.2 moles of HCIO4 , can be converted to its mass

Mass of HCIO4 =100.5g mol-1 x 9.2mol = 924.6 g

Mass of H20 = mass of solution - mass of HCIO4 = 1540-924.6 = 615.4 g

mass of HClO 4 924.6
% of HCIO4 by weight = x100= x100 =60.04
mass of solution 1540g

% of H2O by weight = 100-mass of HClO4 =100-60.04= 39.96 Answer


Most commonly, we come across solutions, where solute is a solid and the solvent is a liquid.
As a matter of fact, all the three states of matter i.e. solid, liquid or gas can act as solute or solvent.
Examples for nine possible types of solution are given in Table (9.2).

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Table (9.2) Common types and examples of solutions

State of Solute State of Solvent Example
Gas Gas Air
Gas Liquid O2 in water, CO2 in water.
Gas Solid H2 adsorbed by palladium
Liquid Gas Mist, fog, clouds, liquid air pollutants.
Liquid Liquid Alcohol in water, milk, benzene in toluene.
Liquid Solid Mercury in silver, butter, cheese.
Solid Liquid Sugar in water, jellies, paints.
Solid Gas Dust particles in smoke.
Solid Solid Metal alloys pearls, opals, carbon in iron (steel).

Anim ation 9.9:TYPES OF SOLUTION S

Source & Credit: blobs

9.2.1 Solutions of Solids in Liquids

When a solid comes in contact with a suitable liquid, it dissolves forming a solution i.e. a
homogeneous mixture. This process of dissolution can be explained in terms of attraction between
the particles of a solute and that of a solvent. The molecules or ions in solids are arranged in such
a regular pattern that the inter-molecular or inter-ionic forces are at a maximum.

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The process of dissolution is to overcome these forces of attraction holding together the solute
molecules or ions in the crystal lattice, by the solute-solvent forces. In molecular crystals, the inter-
molecular forces of attraction are either dipole-dipole or London dispersion type. These forces
are relatively weak and can easily be overcome. Hence, non-polar or less polar molecular crystals
usually dissolve in non-polar solvents like benzene.
In the crystal lattice, the inter-molecular or inter-ionic forces of attraction between highly polar
molecules or ions are quite strong, hence the polar solids fail to dissolve in nonpolar solvents. These
strong electrostatic forces cannot be overcome or shattered by the weak solute-solvent attractions.
Take the case of cane sugar. Due to hydrogen bonding, it has tightly bound molecules, so it will not
be dissolved by solvents like kerosene oil, petrol, benzene, etc. It will be dissolved readily in water,
because water attracts sugar molecules almost in the same way as the sugar molecules attract one
The inter-ionic forces of attraction are very strong in ionic solids so, equally strong polar
solvents are needed to dissolve them. Such solids cannot be dissolved by moderately polar solvents
e.g. acetone. A moderately polar solvent, fails to dissolve sodium chloride, which is an ionic solid.
Thus the solubility principle is that “ like dissolves like’ .

Anim ation 9.10 : Solutions of Solids in Liquids

Source & Credit: em ploy ees.csbsju

9.2.2 Solutions of Liquids in Liquids

The solutions of liquids in liquids may be divided into three classes.

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Anim ation 9.11: Solutions of Liquids in Liquids

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(i) Completely Miscible Liquids

Liquids like alcohol and water or alcohol and ether mix in all proportions. However, the
properties of such solutions are not strictly additive. Generally, the volume decreases on mixing
but in some cases it increases. Heat may be evolved or absorbed during the formation of such
solutions. These types of solutions can usually be separated by fractional distillation.

(ii) Partially Miscible Liquids

A large number of liquids are known which dissolve into one another up to a limited extent.
For example, ether C2 H 5 − O − C2 H 5 dissolves water to the extent of about 1.2 % and water dissolves
ether up to the extent of about 6.5%.
As the mutual solubilities are limited, the liquids are only partially miscible. On shaking equal
volumes of water and ether, two layers are formed. Each liquid layer is a saturated solution of the
other liquid. Such solutions are called conjugate solutions. The mutual solubility of these conjugate
solutions is afected by temperature changes. Typical examples of such systems are:
a. Phenol-water system
b. Triethylamine-water system
c. Nicotine-water system

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Phenol-Water System (H2O + C6H5OH )

The example of phenol in water is interesting. If equal volumes of water and phenol are
mixed together, they show partial miscibility. It has been observed that around room temperature,
phenol will dissolve in a lot of water giving us the upper layer and water will dissolve in a lot of
phenol giving us the lower layer.
At 250C the upper layer is 5% solution of phenol in water and the lower layer is 30% water in
phenol. These two solutions are conjugate solutions to each other. The lower layer has a greater
density due to greater percentage of phenol. Water acts as a solute in the lower layer while phenol
is a solute in the upper layer. When the temperature of water-phenol system is increased, the
compositions of both layers change. Water starts travelling from upper to the lower layer and
phenol travels from lower to the upper layer.
When the temperature of this system approaches 65.90C, a homogeneous mixture of two
components is obtained. This homogeneous mixture contains 34% phenol and 66% water. The
temperature of 65.90C at which two conjugate solutions merge into one another, is called critical
solution temperature or upper consulate temperature. Some other partially miscible pairs of liquids
have their own consulate temperatures with deinite compositions.
For example, water-aniline system has a single layer at 167.00 C with 15% water. Methanol-
cyclohexane system has consulate temperature of 49.10 C with 29% methanol.

(iii) Liquids Practically Immiscible

Those liquids which do not dissolve into each other in any proportion are immiscible.
Examples: (i) Water and benzene (H20 + C6H6)
(ii) Water and carbon disulphide (H2O + CS2)


When two or more than two liquid substances are mixed, the solutions may be ideal or non-ideal.
To distinguish between such solutions we look at the following aspects:-

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i. If the for ces of interactions between the molecules of diferent components are same as
when they were in the pure state, they are ideal solutions, otherwise non-ideal.
ii. If the volume of solution is not equal to the sum of the individual volumes of the components,
the solution is non-ideal.
iii. Ideal solutions have zero enthalpy change as their heat of solution.
iv. If the solutions obey Raoult’s law, then they are ideal. This is one of the best criterion for
checking the ideality of a solution

Let us irst study, the Raoults’s law and then try to understand ideality of solutions, the
process of fractional distillation and the formation of azeotropes.

Anim ation 9.12: Ideal and Non-Ideal Solutions

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Raoult’s law can be deined in these ways:

The vapour pressure ol a solvent above a solution is equal to the product of the vapour
pressure of pure solvent and the mole fraction of solvent in solution.
Mathematically, it can be written in equation form as follows:

p = p o x1 ............... (1)

Where p is the vapour pressure of solvent in the solution, p° is the vapour pressure of pure solvent
and x1 is the mole fraction of solvent.
We also known that

X1 + X 2 = 1 (x2 is the mole fraction of solute)

or X1 = 1 - X 2

Putting the value of x1 in equation (1)

p = po (1 - X 2 )

or p = po - po X 2

or po -p = po X 2

or ∆p = p o X 2 .................(2)

Equation (2) gives another deinition of Raoult’s law. “The lowering of vapour pressure is
directly proportional to the mole of fraction of solute.” Now rearrange equation (2) to get equation

=X 2 ................ (3)

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Anim ation 9.13: RAOULT’S LAW

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∆p/p° is called relative lowering of vapour pressure and it is more important than actual
lowering of vapour pressure (∆p). The equation (3) gives us another deinition of Raoult’s law. “The
relative lowering of vapour pressure is equal to the mole fraction of solute”.
The relative lowering of vapour pressure:
(i) is independent of the temperature
(ii) depends upon the concentration of solute.
(iii) is constant when equimolecular proportions of diferent solutes are dissolved in the
same mass of same solvent.

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Example (9):

The vapour pressure of water at 30° C is 28.4 torr. Calculate the vapour pressure of a solution
containing 70g of cane sugar (C12H22O11) in 1000g of water at the same temperature. Also calculate
the lowering of vapour pressure.


Mass of cane sugar dissolved =70g

Molar mass of cane sugar = 342 g mole-1

Number of moles of a compound =
molar mass

Number of moles of sugar, C12H22O11 (n2) = =0.20

Mass of H2O in solution =1000g

Number of moles of water, H20 (n1) = =55.49

Total number of moles = 0.20 + 55.49= 55.69

= = 0.0036
n2 0.2
Mole fraction of sugar, C12H22O11(x2) =
n1 +n 2 55.69

= = 0.9964
n1 55.49
Mole fraction of water, H2O (x1) =
n1 +n 2 55.69

Vapour pressure of pure water =28.4 torr

Applying the formula for vapour pressure of solution
p = po X1 = (28.4)(0.9964) =28.29 torr

So, vapour pressure of solution = 28.29 torr Answer

Lowering of vapour pressure, ∆p = 28.4 - 28.29 = 0.11 torr Answer

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9.3.2 Raoult’s Law (when both components are volatile)

Raoult’s law can be applied to understand the relationship between mole fractions of two
volatile components and their vapour pressures before making the solution and after making the
solution. Consider two liquids ‘A’ and ‘B’ with vapour pressures p°A and p°B in the pure state at a
given temperature. After making the solution, the vapour pressures of both liquids are changed.
Let the vapour pressures of these liquids in solution state be pA and pB with their mole fractions xA
and xB respectively.
Applying Raoult’s law to both components

p A =po A x A

p B =po Bx B

Pt =p A +p B =po A x A +po Bx B where Pt is total vapour pressure)

since x A +x B =1

x B =1-x A

Pt = poA x A + poB (1 - x A )

Pt = poA x A + poB - poBx A

Pt = (poA - poB )x A + poB ............ (4)

The component A is low boiling liquid and B is high boiling liquid. The vapour pressure of A
is more than B at a given temperature.
Equation (4) is a equation of straight line If a graph is plotted between xBor mole % of B on
x-axis and Pt on y-axis, a straight line will be obtained Fig (9.1).
Only those pairs of liquids give straight lines which form ideal solutions. So, Raoult’s law is
one of the best criterion to judge whether a solution is ideal or not.

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All the possible solutions of two components A and B have their vapour pressures on the straight
line connecting p°A with p°B. All such solutions will be ideal. Each point on this straight line represents
the vapour pressure of a solution, at a given temperature, with the corresponding contribution of
both the components A and B. The two dotted lines represent the partial pressures of the individual
components of solution. They show the increase of vapour pressure of a component with increase
in its mole fraction in solution.

Fig. (9.1) Graph between composition

and vapour pressure

In order to explain it, consider a point G on the straight line. This point represents the vapour
pressure of solution with 30% moles contribution of the component B and 70% of component A.
Since, A is more volatile component, so its contribution towards the vapour pressure of
solution is represented by pA.
The contribution of the less volatile component B is represented by pB. Similarly, we can
calculate the relative contributions of A and B towards the total vapour pressure of solution by
taking other points along the line joining poA to poB.
The total vapour pressure of the solution (Pt) corresponding to the point G will be equal to the
sum of the vapour pressures of the individual components (pA + pB) as shown in the Fig. (9.1).

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Binary mixtures of miscible liquids may be classiied as (i) ideal (ii) non-ideal or real solutions.
The vapour pressures of solutions provides a simple picture about their behaviour. Let us
discuss the vapour pressures of ideal and real solutions one by one.


Source & Credit: chem .purdue

(i) Ideal solutions

An ideal solution is that which obeys Raoult’s law. Some typical ideal solution forming liquid
pairs are: benzene-toluene, benzene-ether, chlorobenzene-bromobenzene, ethyl iodide-ethyl
bromide, etc.

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Fractional Distillation of Ideal Mixture of Two Liquids

Let us have two liquids A and B which form a completely miscible solution. A is a more volatile
component so its boiling point is less than B. If we have various solutions of these two components
and a graph is plotted between compositions on x-axis and temperature on y-axis, then two curves
are obtained as shown in the Fig. (9.2).

Fig (9.2) Composition - temperature curve of an ideal solution.

The upper curve represents the composition of the vapours of diferent solutions while the
lower curve represents the composition of the liquid mixtures. The reason is that at any temperature
the composition of vapou rs is d ife r e n t from the composition of liquid mixture.
Consider the temperature, corresponding to the point G. It is the boiling point of solution
corresponding to composition I. It meets liquid curve at point H and the vapour curve at the point
C. The composition of liquid mixture corresponding to the point H is shown by the point I. At point I
the mixture has greater percentage of B and less percentage of A. While at the same temperature the
vapours of the mixture have the composition K. At the point K, the percentage of A is comparatively
greater than B when we compare it with composition of liquid mixture corresponding to point I.
Because A is a low boiling liquid, it is present in the vapour state in greater percentage than at point

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If the temperature of the mixture is maintained corresponding to point G, the distillate will
have greater percentage of A and the residue will have greater percentage of B. The reason is that
the fraction going to distillate is that which is in vapour state and it has greater % of A. The distillate
of composition K is again subjected to distillation. Its boiling point is X, and at this temperature the
distillate of composition Z is obtained. This distillate of composition Z is further distilled. In this way,
the distillate becomes more and more rich in A and residue is more and more rich in B. So, process
of distillation is repeated again and again to get the pure component A. Thus we can completely
separate the components by fractional distillation. Such liquid mixtures, which distil with a change
in composition, are called zeotropic mixtures. For example, methyl alcohol-water solution can be
separated into pure components by distillation.

ii. Non-Ideal Solutions (azeotropic mixtures)

Many solutions do not behave ideally. They show deviations from Raoult’s Law due to
diferences in their molecular structures i.e. size, shape and intermolecular forces. Formation of
such solutions is accompanied by changes in volume and enthalpy. The vapour pressure deviations
may be positive or negative in such solutions.
Azeotropic mixtures are those which boil at constant temperature and distil over without
change in composition at any temperature like a pure chemical compound. Such mixtures can not
be regarded as chemical compounds as changing the total pressure alongwith the boiling point
changes their composition. Whereas, for a chemical compound, the composition remains constant
over a range of temperature and pressure.

The deviations of solutions are of two types:

(a) Positive deviations
(b) Negative deviations

(a) Positive Deviations

If a graph is plotted between composition and vapour pressure of a solution which shows
positive deviation from Raoult’s law, the total vapour pressure curve rises to a maximum. The vapour
pressure of some of solutions are above the vapour pressure of either of the pure components.

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Let us consider the mixture of A and B components at point C in Fig (9.3 ). At the point C Fig
(9.3 ), the mixture has the highest vapour pressure and, therefore, the lowest, boiling point.
On distilling this type of solution, the irst fraction will be a constant boiling point mixture
i.e. azeotropic mixture having a ixed composition corresponding to the maximum point. For this
type of solution, it is not possible to bring about complete separation of components by fractional
distillation. Ethanol-water mixture is an example of this type. It boils at 78.1°C with 4.5% water and
95.5 % alcohol. 78.1oC is lower than the boiling point of ethanol (78.5°C) and water (100°C).

Fig (9.3 ) Non-ideal solutions and azeotropic mixtures for positive deviation

(b) Negative Deviations

For this type of solution, the vapour pressure curve shows a minimum. Let us consider a point
E in Fig (9.3). Here, the more volatile component A is in excess. On distilling this solution, the vapours
will contain more of A and the remaining mixture becomes richer in less volatile component B’.
Finally, we reach the point D where vapour pressure is minimum and the boiling point is maximum.
At this point, the mixture will distill over unchanged in composition.
Therefore, it is not possible to separate this type of solution completely into its components.
We can give the example of hydrochloric acid solution in water for this type of solutions. HCl forms
an azeotropic mixture with water, boiling at 110oC and containing 20.24% of the acid.
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Whenever a solid solute is put in a liquid solvent then the molecules or ions break away
from the surface of the solid and pass into the solvent. These particles of solid are free to difuse
throughout the solvent to give a uniform solution. The solute and solvent molecules are constantly
moving about in the solution phase because of kinetic energy possessed by them. In this way some
of the particles of the solute may come back towards the solid due to collisions. These molecules
or ions are entangled in its crystal lattice and get deposited on it. This is called re-crystallization
or precipitation.If excess of solid is present in the solution then the rate of dissolution and rate of
crystallization become equal. This is a state of dynamic equilibrium.
The concentration of the solute at equilibrium with the solution is constant for a particular
solvent and at a ixed temperature. The solution thus obtained is called saturated solution of the
solid substance and the concentration of this solution is termed as its solubility.
So the solubility is deined as the concentration
of the solute in the solution when it is in
equilibrium with the solid substance at a
particular temperature.
Solubility is expressed in terms of number
of grams of solute in 1000g of solvent. At a
particular temperature, saturated solution of
NaCl in water at 0°C contains 37.5g of NaCl in
lOOg of water. Similarly the solubility of CuSO4
in water at 0°C is 14.3g/100g, while at 100°C it
is 75.4g/100g.
To determine the solubility of substance,
a saturated solution of a solid is prepared at
a constant temperature. Then this solution
is iltered. A known volume of this solution is
evaporated in a china dish and from the mass
of the residue, the solubility can be calculated. Source & Credit: dy nam icscience

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Solubility Curves

Temperature has a marked efect on the solubility of many substances. A graical representation
between temperature and solubility of solution is called solubility curves.There are two types of
solubility curves.
(a) Continuous solubility curves
(b) Discontinuous solubility curves

(a) Continuous Solubility Curves

Continuous solubility curves don’t show sharp breaks anywhere. According to Fig.(9.4). KCIO3,
K2Cr2O7, Pb(NO3)2 and CaCI2 are showing continuous solubility curves. The solubility curves of KCl,
NaCl and NaNO3 give the straight lines. NaCl shows a very small change of solubility from 0°C to
100°C increase of temperature.
Ce2(SO4)3 shows the exceptional behaviour whose solubility decreases with the increase in
temperature and becomes constant from 40°C onwards. Anyhow, it shows continuous solubility

Fig (9.4) Continuous solubility curves

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(b) Discontinuous Solubility Curves

Sometimes, the solubility

curves show sudden changes of
solubilities and these curves are
called discontinuous solubility
curves. The best examples in
this reference are Na2SO4.10 H20,
CaCl2.6 H2O. Actually, these curves
are combination of two or more
solubility curves. At the break
a new solid phase appears and
another solubility curve of that new
phase begins. It is the number of
molecules of water crystallization
which changes and hence solubility
changes, Fig (9.5). Fig (9.5) Discontinuous solubility curves

9.5.1 Fractional Crystallisation

The curves in Fig (9.4) show that the variation in solubility with temperature is diferent for
diferent substances. For example, the change in solubility in case of KNO3 is very rapid with changing
temperature, while such a change is more gradual in other cases like KBr, KCl, alanine, etc.
These diferences in the behaviour of compounds provide the basis for fractional crystallisation,
which is a technique for the separation of impurities from the chemical products.
By using the method, the impure solute is dissolved in a hot solvent in which the desired solute
is less soluble than impurities. As the hot solution is cooled, the desired solute being comparatively
less soluble, separates out irst from the mixture, leaving impurities behind. In this way, pure desired
product crystallizes out from the solution.

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Anim ation 9.16: Fractional Cry stallisation

Source & Credit: m ind42


The colligative properties are the properties of solution that depend on the number of solute
and solvent molecules or ions. Following are colligative properties of dilute solution.
(i) Lowering of vapour pressure
(ii) Elevation of boiling point
(iii) Depression of freezing point
(iv) Osmotic pressure

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The practical applications of colligative properties are numerous. The study of colligative
properties has provided us with methods of molecular mass determination and has also contributed
to the development of solution theory.


Source & Credit: w eb.m st

9.6.1 Why Some of the Properties are Called Colligative

The reason for these properties to be called colligative can be explained by considering three
solutions. Let us take 6 g of urea, 18 g of glucose and 34.2 g of sucrose and dissolve them separately
in 1 kg of H20.

Anim ation 9.18: W hy Som e of the Properties are

Called Colligative
Source & Credit: w eb.m st

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This will produce 0.1 molal solution of each substance. Pure H2O has certain value of vapour
pressure at a given temperature. In these three solutions, the vapour pressures will be lowered.
The reason is that the molecules of a solute present upon the surface of a solution decrease the
evaporating capability. Apparently, it seems that sucrose solution should show the maximum
lowering of vapour pressure while urea should have the minimum lowering of vapour pressure.
The reality is that the lowering of vapour pressure in all these solutions will be same at a given
temperature. Actually, the number of particles of the solute in all the solutions are equal. We have
added 1/10th of Avogadro’s number of particles (6.02 x 1022). The lowering of vapour pressure
depends upon the number of solute particles and not upon their molar mass and structures. Well,
it should be kept in mind that these three solutes are non-volatile and non-electrolyte.
The boiling points of these solutions are higher than that of pure solvent. It is observed that
the boiling point elevation of these three solutions is 0.052 oC. Similarly, freezing points will be
depressed for these solutions and the value of depression in these three cases is 0.186°C. The
reason again is that the elevation of boiling point and the depression of freezing point depend
upon number of particles of solute.
Now, let us deduce the values of elevation of the boiling point and the depression of the
freezing point of water for 1 molal solutions. For that purpose, try to dissolve 60 g of urea. 180
g of glucose and 342 g of sugar separately in 1 kg of water. If, it is possible then the elevation of
boiling point and depression of freezing point of water will be 0.52 oC and 1.86 oC, respectively. All
the three solutions will boil at 100.52 °C and freeze at -1.86 oC. These values of elevation of boiling
point and depression of freezing point are called molal boiling point constants and molal freezing
point constants of H2O denoted by Kb and Kf respectively.
These are also named as ebullioscopic and cryoscopic constants, respectively. These constants
depend upon the nature of solvent and not upon the nature of solute. Following Table (9.3) give the
values of Kb and Kf for some common solvents.

Table (9.3) Kb and Kf values for some solvents

Solvent B.P.(0C) Kb(0C/m) F.P.(0C) Kf(0C/m)
H2O 100 0.52 0 1.86
Ether 34.4 2.16 -116.3 1.79
Aceticacid 118 3.07 17 3.90
Ethanol 79 1.75 -114.5 1.99
Benzene 80 2.70 5.5 5.10

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To observe the colligative properties, following condition should be fulilled by the solutions.
(i) Solution should be dilute
(ii) Solute should be non-volatile
(iii) Solute should be non-electrolyte.
Now, let us discuss these colligative properties one by one. (We will not discuss osmotic
pressure over here).

9.6.2 Lowering of Vapour Pressure

The particles can escape from all over the surface of a pure solvent Fig. (9.6a). When the
solvent is containing dissolved non-volatile non-electrolyte solute particles, the escaping tendency
of solvent particles from the surface of the solution decreases and its vapour pressure is lowered
Fig (9.6 b)

Fig (9.6) Lowering of vapour pressure

A quantitative relationship between the change of vapour pressure of a solvent due to addition
of non-volatile and non-electrolyte solute and the mole fraction of solute has been given by Raoult.
According to equation (3), Raoult says that relative lowering of vapour pressure isequal to the
mole fraction of solute.
=x 2

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If n2 and n1 are the number of moles of a solute and solvent respectively, then

x2 =
n1 +n 2

∆p n
So, o
= 2
p n1 +n 2

For a dilute solution, n2 can be ignored in denominator

∆p n 2
Hence, =
p o n1
The number of moles of solute and solvent are obtained by dividing their masses in grams
with their respective relative molecular masses. If W1 and W2 are the masses of solvent and solute
while M1 and M2 are their relative molecular masses receptively, then

W1 W2
n1 = and n2 =
M1 M2

∆p M 2
po W1

∆p W2 M1
= x ............ (5)
po M 2 W1

po W2 M1
M2 = x ............. (6)
฀p W1

The molecular mass (M2) of a non-volatile solute

can be calculated from the equation (6). Anim ation 9.19: Low ering of Vapour Pressure
Source & Credit: thunderscientiic

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Example 10:

Pure benzene has a vapour pressure of 122.0 torr at 32°C. When 20g of a non- volatile solute
were dissolved in 300g of benzene, a vapour pressure of 120 torr was observed. Calculate the
molecular mass of the solute. The molecular mass of benzene being 78.1.


Let the molecular mass of the solute be = M2

Mass of solute dissolved (W2) = 20 g

Vapour pressure of pure solvent (p°) = 122.0 torr

Vapour pressure of solution (p) = 120.0 torr

Lowering of vapour pressure (∆p) = 122.0 - 120.0 = 2.0 torr

Mass of solvent (W1) = 300 g

Molar mass of solvent (M1) = 78.1

∆p W2 M1
Formula applied = x
po M 2 W1

po W2 M1
M2 = x

Putting the values

122.0 20x78.1
M2 = x = 317.6 g mol-1 Answer
2.0 300

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9.6.3 Elevation of Boiling Point

The presence of a non-volatile non-electrolyte solute in the solution decreases the vapour
pressure of the solvent. Greater, the concentration of solute, greater will be the lowering of vapour
pressure. Therefore, the temperature at which a solvent in the solution state boils is increased.
In order to understand it, determine the vapour pressures of a solvent at various temperatures.
Plot a graph between temperatures on x-axis and vapour pressures on y-axis. A rising curve is
obtained with the increase of temperature. The slope of the curve at high temperature is greater,
which shows that at high temperature the vapour pressure increases more rapidly. Temperature
T1 on the curve AB which is for the pure
solvent, corresponds to the boiling point
of the solvent. The solvent boils when its
vapour pressure becomes equal to the
external pressure represented by p°.
When the solute is added in the
solvent and vapour pressures are
plotted vs temperatures, then a curve
CD is obtained. This curve is lower than
the curve AB because vapour pressures
of solution are less than those of pure
solvent. Solution will boil at higher
temperature T2 to equalize its pressure
to p°. The diference of two boiling
points gives the elevation of the boiling
point ∆Tb.
The higher the concentration of Fig (9.7) Elevation of boiling temperature curve
solute, the greater will be the lowering
in vapour pressure of solution and hence higher will be its boiling point. So, elevation of boiling
point ∆Tb is directly proportional to the molality of solution.

∆Tb = K b m ................ (8)

Where Kb is called the ebullioscopic constant or molal boiling point constant.

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According to equation (8), molality of any solute determines the elevation of boiling point of
a solvent. You may dissolve 6 g of urea in 500 g of H2O or 18 g of glucose in 500 g of H2O both give
0.2 molal solution and both have same elevation of boiling points i.e. 0.1 °C, which is l/5th of 0.52°C.
We say that ∆Tb (not T) is a colligative property. We know that
Mass of solute 1
Molality(m) = x
Molar mass of solute Mass of solvent in kg

W2 1 1000 W2
or m= = .......... (9)
M2 W1 /1000 M 2 W1

Anim ation 9.20 : Elevation of Boiling Point

Source & Credit: gif2ly

Putting the value of m from equation (9) into equation (8 )

∆Tb = K b
1000 W2
......... (10)
M 2 W1

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Rearranging equation (10)

K b W2
∆Tb W1
Molecular mass (M2) = x x 1000 ............ (11)

Equation (11) can be used to determine the molar mass of a non-volatile and nonelectrolyte
solute in a volatile solvent.

9.6.4 Measurement of Boiling Point Elevation: Landsberger’S Method

This is one of the best methods for the measurement of boiling point elevation of a solution.
The apparatus consists of four major parts.
(a) An inner tube with a hole in its side. This tube is graduated.
(b) A boiling lask which sends the solvent vapours into the graduated tube through a
(c) An outer tube, which receives hot solvent
vapours coming from the side hole of the
inner tube.
(d) A thermometer which can read up to
The solvent is placed in the inner tube.
Some solvent is also taken in a separate
lask and its vapours are sent into this tube.
These vapours cause the solvent in the tube
to boil by its latent heat of condensation. This
temperature is noted which is the boiling
point of the pure solvent.
The supply of the vapours is temporarily
cut of and a weighed pellet of the solute is
dropped in the inner tube. The vapours of the
solvent are again passed through it until the
solution is boiled. This temperature is again Fig (9.8) Landsberger method for measurement of elevation
noted. Fig (9.8). of boiling point

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Now, the supply of the solvent vapours is cut of. The thermometer and the rosehead are
removed and the volume of the solution is measured. The diference of the two boiling points gives
the value of ∆Tb. The following formula is used to calculate the molecular mass of solute.

K b 1000 W2
M2 = ............ (11)

Example 11:

The boiling point of water is 99.725 °C. To a sample of 600g of water are added 24.0 g of a
solute having molecular mass of 58 g mol-1, to form a solution. Calculate the boiling point of the


Boiling point of pure H2O =99.725oC

Mass of solvent (H2O) W1 =600 g

Mass of solute (W2) =24.00 g

Molar mass of solute (M2) =58 g mol-1

The molal boiling point constant of H2O (Kb) =0.52oC


∆Tb = K b x
1000 W2
W1 x M 2

0.52 x 1000 x 24.00

= = 0.358oC
600 x 58

Boiling point of solution = boilingpoint of pure solvent + elevation of boiling point

=99.725 + 0.358 = 100.083oC Answer

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9.6.5 Depression of the Freezing Point of a Solvent by a Solute

The freezing point of a substance is the temperature at which the solid and liquid phases of
the substance co-exist. Freezing point is also deined as that temperature at which its solid and
liquid phases have the same vapour pressures. When a non-volatile solute is added to a solvent,
its vapour pressure is decreased. At the freezing point, there are two things in the vessel i.e. liquid
solution and the solid solvent. The solution will freeze at that temperature at which the vapour
pressures of both liquid solution and solid solvent are same. It means that a solution should freeze
at lower temperature than pure solvent.
In order to understand it, plot a graph between vapour pressure temperature for pure sol-
vent and that of solution. The curve ABC is for the pure solvent. The solvent freezes at temperature
T1 corresponding to the point B when the vapour pressure of freezing solvent is p°. The portion of
the curve BC is for the solid solvent. This portion has a greater slop, showing that the change of
vapour pressure with the change of temperature is more rapid Fig (9.9).

Fig (9.9) Depression of freezing point curve

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The curve DEC for the solution will meet the curve BC at the point E. This is the freezing point
of solution T2, and corresponds to the vapour pressure p which is lower than p°. The reason is that
vapour pressure of solution is less than the pure solvent.

Anim ation 9.21: Depression of the Freezing Point of a Solvent by a Solute

Source & Credit: cod

Depression of freezing point = freezing point of pure solvent - freezing point of solution.

So, ∆Tf =T1 -T2

This depression in freezing point ∆Tf is related to the molality (m) of the solution. The rela-
tionship is similar to that of elevation of the boiling point.

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∆Tf ∝ m

∆Tf =K f m ............. (12)

Kf is called the molal freezing point constant or the cryoscopic constant and m is the molality
of the solution. To get the inal expression, let us put the following expression (9) of molality into
the equation (12) i.e.

1000 W2
m= ......... (9)
M 2 xW1

∆Tf =K f
1000 W2
We get .................. (13)
M 2 xW1

Where W2= mass of solute and M2= molar mass of the solute, W1= mass of solvent in kg Re-
arranging equation (13)

K f 1000 W2
Molar mass of solute (M 2 )= ......... (14)

9.6.6 Measurement of Freezing Point Depression Beckmann’s Freezing Point


There are many methods but Beckmann’s method is easy to perform The apparatus consists
of three major parts. Fig.(9.10).
a. A freezing tube with a side arm. It contains solvent or solution and is itted with a stirrer and
a Beckmann’s thermometer.
b. An outer larger tube into which the freezing tube is adjusted. The air jacket in between these
tubes help to achieve a slower and more uniform rate of cooling.
c. A large jar containing a freezing mixture. Around 20 to 25g of the solvent is taken in the freez-
ing tube. The bulb of the thermometer, is immersed in the solvent. First of all, approximate freezing
point of the solvent is measured by directly cooling the freezing point tube in the freezing mixture.

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The freezing tube is then put in the air jacket and cooled slowly. In this way, accurate freezing
point of the solvent is determined. Now, the solvent is re-melted by removing the tube from the
bath and weighed amount of 0.2 to 0.3 g of the solute is introduced in the side tube.
The freezing point of the solution is determined while stirring the solution. The diference
of the two freezing points gives the value of ∆Tf and the following formula is used to calculate the
molar mass of solute.

K f 1000 W2
M2 = ......... (14)

Fig (9.10) Beckmann's freezing point apparatus

Example 12:

The freezing point of pure camphor is 178.4°C. Find the freezing point of a solution containing
2.0 g of a non-volatile compound, having molecular mass 140, in 40g of camphor. The molal freezing
point constant of camphor is 37.7 °C kg mol-1.

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Freezing point of camphor = 178.4 °C

Mass of solute (W2) =2.00g
Mass of solvent (W1) = 40 g
Molar mass of solute (M2) = 140
Molal freezing point constant of solvent = 37.7° C kg mol-1.
Freezing point of solution =?
Applying the equation

∆Tf =K f
1000 W2
W1 x M 2

We have to calculate, the freezing point of solution, so irst we get the depression in freezig
point ∆Tf then subtract it from freezing point of pure solvent.

∆Tf =
37.7 x 1000 x 2
40 x 140

Freezing point of solution =178.4 - 13.4 = 164.94oC Answer

9.6.7 Applications of Boiling Point Elevation and Freezing Point Depression


Apart from the molecular mass determination, the presence of a solute increases the liquid
range of the solution both by raising the boiling point and lowering the freezing point. The most
important application of this phenomenon is the use of an antifreeze in the radiator of an’automo-
bile. The solute is ethylene glycol, which is not only completely miscible with water but has a very
low vapour pressure and non-volatile in character. When mixed with water, it lowers the freezing
point as well as raises the boiling point.
During winter it protects a car by preventing the liquid in the radiator from freezing, as wa-
ter alone, if it were used instead. In hot summer, the antifreeze solution also protects the radiator
from boiling over.

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Another, common application is the use of NaCl or KNO3 to lower the melting point of ice.
One can prepare a freezing mixture for use in an ice cream machine.

Anim ation 9.22: Applications of Boiling Point Elevation and Freezing Point Depression
Phenom ena
Source & Credit: lifesty le


In a solution, the distances between solute and solvent molecules or ions increase somewhat
as compared with their pure states. This increase in the distance of solvent molecules requires
energy to overcome the cohesive intermolecular forces. Hence, it is an endothermic process. Sim-
ilarly, the separation of solute molecules also needs energy so it is also an endothermic process.
The intermixing of solute with solvent molecules is to establish new intermolecular forces between
unlike molecules. It releases energy and thus is an exothermic phenomenon. The strengths of the
two type of forces will decide whether the process of dissolution will be endothermic or exother-

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Thus, the process of dissolution occurs with either an absorption or release of energy. This is
due to breakage and re-establishment of intermolecular forces of attraction between solute and
solvent molecules.
When potassium nitrate is dissolved in water, the temperature of the solution decreases. It
shows it to be an endothermic process. The solution of lithium chloride in water produces heat,
showing that the process of dissolution is exothermic. The quantity of heat energy, that is absorbed
or released when a substance forms solution, is termed as heat of solution.
So, the enthalpy or heat of solution of a substance is deined as the heat change when one
mole of the substance is dissolved in a speciied number of moles of solvent at a given tempera-
ture. It is given the symbol ∆H solu . The ∆H solu gives the diference between the energy possessed by
the solution after its formation and the original energy of the components before their mixing i.e.

∆H solu =H solution -H components

Here, ∆H solu is the energy content of solution after its formation, while H components represents the
energy contents of components before their mixing. However, both these factors can not actually
be measured, only their diference i.e. the change ∆H solu is practically measurable. If the value of
∆H solu is negative, it would mean that the solution is having less energy than the components from
which it was made, hence the dissolution process is an exothermic one. On the other hand, an
endothermic process would have a positive ∆H solu value. In Table (9.4) are given values of heats of
solution of diferent ionic solids in water at ininite dilution.

Table (9.4) Heats of solution

of some ionic solids
Sub- Heats of
stance solution (kJ mol-
NaCl 4.98
NH4NO3 26.0
KCl 17.8
KI 21.4
NH4Cl 16.2
LiCl -35.0
Li2CO3 -12.8

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The magnitude of heat of solution gives information regarding the strength of intermolecular
forces of attraction between components which mix to form a solution.
When one mole of sodium chloride (58.5g) is dissolved in 10 moles of water (180g), then 2.008
kJ of energy is absorbed.

NaCl+10H 2O → NaCl (10H 2O) ∆H=+2.008kJ.


Source & Credit: ntu

9.7.1 Hydration Energy of Ions

When an ionic compound, say potassium iodide is dissolved in water, the irst step, is the
separation of K+ and I ions from solid. In the second step, these separated ions are surrounded by
solvent molecules. The irst step breaks the lattice to separate the ions.

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Since, energy is required to accomplish this step, so this step is endothermic. The amount of en-
ergy needed to separate a crystalline compound into isolated ions (or atoms) is known as lattice
energy. The lattice energy of ionic solids is always higher than molecular solids.

Table (9.5) Hydration energies

of common ions
Ion ∆H0
(ion mole-1)
H+ -1075
Li+ -499
Na+ -390
Ag+ -464
K+ -305
Mg2+ -1891
Cu2+ -1562
NH4+ -281
F- -457
Cl- -384
Br- -351
OH- -460

In the second step, the ions are brought into water and get hydrated (solvated) Fig (9.11). A
hydrated ion is attracted by the solvent dipoles and energy is released, so this step is exothermic.
The energy given out by this step is known as the hydration energy (or solvation energy).

K + + I - + xH 2O → K + (aq) + I - (aq)

The inal equation will be as follows:

Kl(s) + xH 2O → K + (aq) + I - (aq)

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Fig (9.11) Interaction between water molecules and cations and anions provide the energy- necessary
to overcome both the intermolecular forces between water molecules and the ionic bond in a potassium

The values of hydration energies of individual ions, i.e. cations and anions are given in Table
(9.5). It is interesting to compare these values with the ionic radii of the ions. Greater the size of
monovalent cation, lesser is the heat of hydration. Divalent and trivalent cations have higher values
due to high charge densities. Anions also show a deinite trend of heat of hydration, depending
upon their sizes.
On diluting a concentrated solution, there is a further heat change. This heat change de-
pends on the amount of water used for dilution. The heat of dilution gradually decreases, so that
eventually increasing the dilution produces no further heat change. This occurs when there are
800-1000 moles of water to one mole of solute. This stage is called ininite dilution and the heat of
solution is expressed as:

NaCl(s) + H 2O → NaCl(aq) ฀ Na + (aq) + Cl − (aq) ∆H soln = + 4.98kJ mol-1

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Anim ation 9.24: Hy dration Energy of Ions

Source & Credit: arizona


9.8.1 Hydration

When ionic compounds are dissolved in water, they are dissociated into ions. Negative ions are
surrounded by water molecules. The partial positively charged hydrogen atoms of water surround
and attract the anions with electrostatic forces of attraction. Similarly positive ions of solute create
attractions with partial negative oxygen atoms of water molecules. In this way, all the ions in the
aqueous solution are hydrated.
The process in which water molecules surround and interact with solute ions or molecules is
called hydration.

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Source & Credit: i-biology .net

The ions, which are surrounded by water molecules, are called hydrated ions. The number of
water molecules, which surround a given ion depends upon the size of the ions and the magnitude
of its charge (charge/area). If the size of the ion is small and is highly charged positive ion, it has
high charge density. Hence, greater number of water molecules will surround it.

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Anim ation 9.26: Hy dration

Source & Credit: rebloggy

Negatively charged ions have low charge density, and have smaller number of water molecules
surrounding them. Hence, the ion with high charge density has a greater ability to attract polar
water molecules than ions with smaller charge density.

9.8.2 Hydrates

The crystalline substances, which contain chemically combined water in deinite proportions is
called a hydrate. Hydrates are mostly, produced when aque-
ous solution of soluble salt is evaporated. The formation of
hydrates is not limited to salts but is common with acids,
bases and elements. The water molecules are attached with
cations in the hydrates. Anyhow, in CuSO4 .5H20, four water
molecules, are attached with Cu2+ and one with SO42-. The
reason is that Cu2+ has a greater charge density. The size of
Cu2+ is much smaller than SO42-, which has same amount of
Anim ation 9.27: Hy drates
Source & Credit: w ikipedia

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Water of Crystallization

Those water molecules, which combine with substances as they are crystallized from aqueous
solutions, are called water of crystallization or water of hydration. Some familiar examples are as
follows: (COOH) 2 .2H 2O (oxalic acid), BaCl 2 .2H 2O , Na 2CO3.10H 2O , MgCl 2 .6H 2O , Na 2 B4O7 .10H 2O (borax),
CaSO 4 .2H 2O (gypsum), MgSO 4 .7H 2O (epsom salt) and AlCl3.6H 2O .

9.8.3 Hydrolysis

When NaCl is dissolved in water, the resulting solution is neutral i.e. the concentration of
each of H+ and OH- ions are equal to 10-7 M, as in pure water. But this balance between H+ and OH-
ions can be disturbed with resulting change in the pH of solution when other salts are dissolved in
It is commonly, observed that diferent salts, upon dissolving in water, do not always form
neutral solutions. For example, NH 4Cl , AlCl3 , CuSO4 give acidic solutions in water. On the other hand,
Na 2CO3 and CH 3COONa form basic solutions in water. These interactions between salts and water are
called hydrolytic reactions and the phenomenon is known as hydrolysis.It involves the reactions
of the ions of diferent salts to give acidic or basic solutions. It is the decomposition of compounds
with water, in which water itself is decomposed.
The hydrolysis of the salts mentioned above are shown as follows:

NH 4Cl + H 2O ฀ NH 4OH + H + + Cl-

AlCl3 + 3H 2O ฀ Al(OH)3 + 3H + + 3Cl-

CuSO 4 + 2H 2O ฀ Cu(OH) 2 + 2H + + SO 4 2-

These hydrolytic reactions, produce weak bases Al(OH)3 , NH 4OH and Cu(OH)2 . But, Cl- and SO42-
are weak conjugate bases of HCl and H2SO4. They are not hydrolysed in water. H+ ions remain free
in solution and so their solution are acidic in character.
The Ka values of HCl and H2SO4 are very high as compared to Kb values of Al(OH)3 , NH 4OH and
Cu(OH) 2 . For CH 3COONa the reaction with water is

CH 3COONa + H 2O ฀ CH 3COOH + Na + + OH -

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Anim ation 9.28: Hy droly sis

Source & Credit: i-biology .net

The acetate ion is hydrolyzed in water to give CH3COOH and OH- becomes free. Na + is not
The result is that the solution becomes basic in nature. .Similarly, Na 3PO4 , Na 3AsO4 etc give basic
solutions in water due to the formation of a Na+ ,OH- and weak acids Na 3PO4 and H 3AsO4 , which are
least dissociated. The dissolution of KCl, Na2SO4, KBr, etc in water give neutral solutions. Because
these salts are not hydrolysed in water. Their positive ions K+, Na+ are not hydrolysed by water.
Similarly, their negative ions Cl-, Br-, SO42- are also not hydrolysed. It means that the salts of strong
bases and strong acids are not hydrolysed by water.
Anyhow, the salts derived from weak acids and weak bases may not give neutral solutions. It
depends upon the pKa and pKb values of acid and base produced.

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1. A solution, on average, is a homogeneous mixture of two or more kinds of diferent molecular or

ionic substances. The substance, which is present in a large quantity is called a solvent and the
other in small quantity is, called a solute.
2. Solutions containing relatively lower concentrations of solute are called dilute solutions, where-
as those containing relatively higher concentrations of solutes are called concentrated solutions.
Solubility is the concentration of a solute in a solution, when the solution is at equilibrium with
the solute at a particular temperature.
3. The concentration of a solution may be expressed in a number of ways. i) percentage composi-
tion, ii) molarity, iii) molality, iv) mole fraction, v) parts per million.
4. Solutions may be ideal or non-ideal. Those solutions, which obey Raoult’s law are ideal solutions.
Raoult’s law tells us that the lowering of vapour pressure of a solvent by a solute, at a constant
temperature, is directly proportional to the concentration of solute.
5. Many solutions do not behave ideally, as they show deviations from Raoult’s law. A solution may
show positive or negative deviation from Raoult’s law. Such liquid mixtures, which distill without
change in composition, are called azeotropic mixtures.
6. Colligative properties of a solution are those properties, which depend on the number of solute
and solvent molecules or ions and are independent of the nature of solute. Lowering of vapour
pressure, elevation of boiling point and depression of freezing point and osmotic pressure are
the important colligative properties of solutions.
7. Elevation of boiling point of a solvent in one molal solution is called molal boiling point constant
or ebullioscopic constant. Depression of freezing point of a solvent in one molal solution is
called molal freezing point constant or cryoscopic constant.
8. The enthalpy or heat of solution of a substance is the heat change when one mole of the sub-
stance is dissolved in a speciied number of moles of solvent at a given temperature.
9. The process in which water molecules surround and interact with solute ions or molecules is
called hydration. The crystalline substances, which contain molecules of water in their crystal
lattices, are called hydrates. They are mostly produced, when aqueous solutions of soluble alts
are evaporated.
10. Salts of weak acids with strong bases react with water to produce basic solutions, whereas salts
of weak bases with strong acids react to give acidic solutions. Such reactions are called hydro-
lytic reactions, and the salts are said to be hydrolysed. Salts of strong acids and strong bases do
not hydrolyse and give neutral solution.

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Q 1. Choose the correct answer for the given ones.

i) Molarity of pure water is
(a) 1 (b) 18 (c) 55.5 (d) 6
ii) 18 g glucose is dissolved in 90 g of water. The relative lowering of vapour pressure is equal to
(a) 1/5 (b) 5.1 (c) 1/51 (d) 6
iii) A solution of glucose is 10% w/v. The volume in which 1 g mole of it is dissolved will be
(a) 1dm3 (b) 1.8dm3 (c) 200cm3 (d) 900cm3
iv) An aqueous solution of ethanol in water may have vapour pressure
(a) equal to that of water (b) equal to that of ethanol
(c) more than that of water (d) less than that of water
v) An azeotropic mixture of two liquids boils at a lower temperature than either of them when:
(a) it is saturated
(b) it shows positive deviation from Raoult’s law
(c) it shows negative deviation from Raoult’s law
(d) it is metastabl
(vi) In azeotropic mixture showing positive deviation from Raoult’s law, the volume of the mixture
(a) slightly more than the total volume of the components
(b) slightly less than the total volume of the components
(c) equal to the total volume of the components
(d) none of these
(vii) Which of the following solutions has the highest boiling’point?
(a) 5.85 % solution of sodium chloride (b) 18.0 % solution of glucose
(c) 6.0 % solution of urea (d) All have the same boiling point
(viii) Two solutions of NaCl and KCl are prepared separately by dissolving same amount of the sol-
ute in water. Which of the following statements is true for these solutions?
(a) KCl solution will have higher boiling point than NaCl solution
(b) Both the solutions have diferent boiling points
(c) KCl and NaCl solutions possess same vapour pressure
(d) KCl solution possesses lower freezing point than NaCl solution

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(ix) The molal boiling point constant is the ratio of the elevation in boiling point to
(a) molarity (b) molality
(c) mole fraction of solvent (d) mole fraction of solute
(x) Colligative properties are the properties of
(a) dilute solutions which behave as nearly ideal solutions
(b) concentrated solutions which behave as nearly non-ideal solutions
(c) both (i) and (ii)
d) neither (i) nor (ii)

Q 2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words

(i) Number of molecules of sugar in 1 dm3 of 1M sugar solution is______ .
(ii) 100g of a 10% aqueous solution of NaOH contains 10g of NaOH in______ g of water.
(iii) When an azeotropic mixture is distilled, its ______ remains constant.
(iv) The molal freezing point constant is also known as____________ constant.
(v) The boiling point of an azeotropic solution of two liquids is lower than either of them because
the solution shows___________ from Raoult’s law.
(vi) Among equimolal aqueous solutions of NaCl, BaCl2 and FeCl3, the maximum depression in
freezing point is shown by____________solution.
(vii) A solution of ethanol in water shows_________ deviations and gives azeotropic solution with________
boiling point than other components.
(viii) Colligative properties are used to calculate____________ of a compound.
(ix) The hydration energy of Br- ion is__________ than that of F- ion.
(x) The acqueous solution of NH4Cl is______ while that of Na2SO4 is_____.

Q 3. Indicate True or False from the given statements

(i) At a deinite temperature the amount of a solute in a given saturated solution is ixed.
(ii) Polar solvents readily dissolve non-polar covalent compounds.
(iii) The solubility of a substance decreases with increase in temperature, if the heat of a solution
is negative.
(iv) The rate of evaporation of a liquid is inversely proportional to the intermolecular forces of at-
(v) The molecular mass of an electrolyte determined by lowering of vapour pressure is less than
the theoretical molecular mass.
(vi) Boiling point elevation is directly proportional to the molality of the solution and inversely pro-
portional to boiling point of solvent.

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(vii) All solutions containing 1g of non-volatile non-electrolyte solutes in some solvent will have
the same freezing point.
(viii) The freezing point of a 0.05 molal solution of a non-volatile non-electrolyte in water is -0.93 0C.
(ix) Hydration and hydrolysis are diferent process for Na2SO4.
(x) The hydration energy of an ion only depends upon its charge.

Q4. Deine and explain the followings with one example in each case.
(a) A homogeneous phase (f) Zeotropic solutions
(b) A concentrated solution (g) Heat of hydration
(c) A solution of solid in a solid (h) Water of crystallization
(d) A consulate temperature (i) Azeotropic solution
(e) A non-ideal solution (j) Conjugate solution

Q5. (a) What are the concentration units of solutions. Compare molar and molal solutions
(b) One has one molal solution of NaCl and one molal solution of glucose.
(i) Which solution has greater number of particles of solute?
(ii) Which solution has greater amount of the solvent?
(iii) How do we convert these concentrations into weight by weight percentage?

Q6. Explain the following with reasons

(i) The concentration in terms of molality is independent of temperature but molarity depends
upon temperature.
(ii) The sum of mole fractions of all the components is always equal to unity for any solution.
iii) 100 g of 98 % H2SO4 has a volume of 54.34 cm3 of H2SO4 .(Density = 1.84 g cm-3)
iv) Relative lowering of vapour pressure is independent of the temperature.
v) Colligative properties are obeyed when the solute is non-electrolyte, and also when the solu-
tions are dilute.
vi) The total volume of the solution by mixing 100 cm3 of water with 100 cm’3of alcohol may not be
equal to 200 cm3. Justify it.
vii) One molal solution of urea, in water is dilute as compared to one molar solution of urea, but
the number of particles of the solute is same. Justify it.
viii) Non-ideal solutions do not obey the Raoult’s law.

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Q7. What are non ideal solutions? Discuss their types and give three example of each.

Q8.(a) Explain fractional distillation. Justify the two curves when composition is plotted against
boiling point of solutions.
(b) The solutions showing positive and negative deviations cannot be fractionally distilled at their
speciic compositions. Explain it.

Q9(a) What are azeotropic mixtures? Explain them with the help of graphs?
(b) Explain the efect of temperature on phenol-water system.

Q10.(a) What are colligative properties? Why are they called so?
(b) What is the physical signiicance of Kb and Kf values of solvents?

Q 11. How do you explain that the lowering of vapour pressure is a colligative property? How do we
measure the molar mass of a non volatile, non- electrolyte solute in a volatile solvent?

Q12. How do you justify that

(a) boiling points of the solvents increase due to the presence of solutes.
(b) freezing points are depressed due to the presence of solutes.
(c) the boiling point of one molal urea solution is 100.52 °C but the boiling point of two molal
urea solution is less than 101.040C.
(d) Beckmann’s thermometer is used to note the depression in freezing point.
(e) in summer the antifreeze solutions protect the liquid of the radiator from boiling over.
(f) NaCl and KNO3 are used to lower the melting point of ice.

Q13. What is Raoult’s law. Give its three statements. How this law can help us to understand the
ideality of a solution.

Q 14. Give graphical explanation for elevation of boiling point of a solution. Describe one method
to determine the boiling point elevation of a solution.

Q 15. Freezing points of solutions are depressed when non-volatile solutes are present in volatile
solvents. Justify it. Plot a graph to elaborate your answer. Also, give one method to record the
depression of freezing point of a solution.

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Q16. Discuss the energetics of solution. Justify the heats of solutions as exothermic and endother-
mic properties.
Q17.(a) Calculate the molarity of glucose solution when 9 g of it are dissolved in 250 cm3 of solution.
(Ans: 0.2 mol dm-3)
(b) Calculate the mass of urea in 100 g of H2O in 0.3 molal solution.
(Ans: 1.8g)
(c) Calculate the concentration of a solution in terms of molality, which is obtained by mixing 250 g
of 20% solution of NaCl with 200 g of 40 % solution of NaCl.
(Ans: 6.94m)
Q18.(a) An aqueous solution of sucrose has been labeled as 1 molal. Find the mole fraction of the
solute and the solvent.
(Ans: 0.0176, 0.9823)
(b) You are provided with 80% H2SO4 w/w having density 1.8 g cm . How much volume of this H2SO4

sample is required to obtain one dm3 o f 20% w/w H2SO4, which has a density o f 1.25 g cm-3.
(Ans: 173.5cm1)
Q19. 250 cm3 of 0.2 molar K2SO4 solution is mixed with 250 cm3 of 0.2 molar KCl solution. Calculate
the molar concentration of K+ ions in the solution.
(Ans: 0.3 molar)
Q 20. 5g of NaCl are dissolved in 1000 g of water. The density of resulting solution is 0.997 g/cm3.
Calculate molality, molarity and mole fraction of this solution. Assume that the vol ume of the
solution is equal to that of solvent.
(Ans: M = 0.08542, m = 0.0854, Mole fraction of NaCl= 0.00154, Mole fraction of H2O =0.9984.)
Q 21. 4.675g of a compound with empirical formula C3H3O were dissolved in 212.5 g of pure ben-
zene. The freezing point of solution, was found 1.020C less than that of pure benzene. The molal
freezing point constant of benzene is 5.10C. Calculate (i) the relative molar mass and (ii) the mo-
lecular formula of the compound.
(Ans:110gmol-1, C6H6O2)
Q 22. The boiling point of a solution containing 0.2 g of a substance A in 20.0 g of ether (molar mass
= 74) is 0.17 K higher than that of pure ether. Calculate the molar mass of A. Molal boiling point
constant of ether is 2.16 K.
(Ans: 127gmol-1)
Q 23. 3 g of a non-volatile, non-electrolyte solute ‘X’ are dissolved in 50 g of ether (molar mass = 74)
at 293 K. The vapour pressure of ether falls from 442 torr to 426 torr under these conditions.
Calculate the molar mass of solute ‘X’.
(Ans: 122.6 g mol-1)

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Source & Credit: dynamicscience
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Electrochemistry is concerned with the conversion of electrical energy into chemical energy
in electrolytic cells as well as the conversion of chemical energy into electrical energy in galvanic or
voltaic cells.
In an electrolytic cell, a process called electrolysis takes place. In this process electricity is
passed through a solution or the fused state of electrolyte. The electricity provides suicient energy
to cause an otherwise non-spontaneous oxidation-reduction reaction to take place. A galvanic
cell, on the other hand, provides a source of electricity. This source of electricity results from a
spontaneous oxidation-reduction reaction taking place in the solution.
First of all, we should learn, the theoretical background of oxidation and reduction reaction
and try to understand the balancing of equation.

Anim ation 10 .2: ELECTROCHEMISTRY

Source & Credit : spiritsd

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10.1.1 Oxidation Number or State

It is the apparent charge on an atom of an element in a molecule or an ion. It may be positive

or negative or zero.

Rules for Assigning Oxidation Number

(i) The oxidation number of all elements in the free state is zero. This is often shown as a zero
o o o
written on the symbol. For example, H 2 , Na , Mg .
(ii) The oxidation number of an ion, consisting of a single element, is the same as the charge on the
ion. For example, the oxidation number of K+, Ca2+, Al3+ , Br- , S2- are + 1, +2, +3, -1, -2, respectively.
(iii) The oxidation number of hydrogen in all its compounds except metal hydrides is +1. In metal
hydrides it is -1. (Na+H- , Mg2+ H2(-1)2)
(iv) The oxidation number of oxygen in all its compounds except in peroxides, OF2 and in super
oxides is -2. It is -1 in peroxides +2 in OF2 and -1/2 in super oxides.
(v) In neutral molecules, the algebraic sum of the oxidation numbers of all the elements is zero.
(vi) In ions, the algebraic sum of oxidation number equals the charge on the ion.
(vii) In any substance the more electronegative atom has the negative oxidation number.

Anim ation 10 .3: Oxidation Num ber

Source & Credit : alonsoform ula

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10.1.2 To Find Oxidation Number of an Element in a Compound or a Radical

The oxidation number or state of any atom of an element present in a compound or a radical
can be determined by making use of the above said rules.

Example 1:

Calculate the oxidation number (O.N) of manganese in KMnO4 .


(Oxidation number of K) + (oxidation number of Mn )+4 (oxidation number of O) = 0

Where oxidation number of K = +1
oxidation number of O = -2
Let oxidation number of Mn =x

Putting these values in the above equation.

(+1) + x + 4(-2) =0
or x = +7

Thus the oxidation state of Mn in KMnO4 is + 7.

Example 2:

Calculate the oxidation number (O.N) of sulphur in SO4 2- .

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[oxidation number of S] + 4[oxidation number of O ] = -2

x + 4 (-2 ) = -2
x = +6
Thus the oxidation number of sulphur in SO4 2- is + 6 .

10.1.3 Balancing of Redox Equations by Oxidation Number Method

Carry out the following steps for balancing of redox equations by oxidation number method.
(i) Write down the skeleton equation of the redox reaction under consideration.
(ii) Identify the elements, which undergo a change in their oxidation number during the reaction.
(iii) Record the oxidation number above the symbols of the element, which have undergone a
change in the oxidation number.
(iv) Indicate the change in oxidation number by arrows joining the atoms on both sides of the
equation. It shows number of electrons gained or lost.
(v) Equate the increase or decrease in the oxidation number, i.e. electrons gained or lost by
multiplying with a suitable digit.
(vi) Balance the rest of the equation by inspection method.

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Anim ation 10 .4: Redox reation

Source & Credit : dy nam icscience

Example 3:

Balance the following equation by oxidation number method.

K 2Cr2O7 + HCl → KCl + CrCl3 + Cl 2 + H 2O


Let us balance the equation stepwise:

1. Write the equation with the oxidation number of each element

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K 2 Cr2 O7 + H Cl → K Cl + Cr Cl3 + Cl 2 o + H 2 O
(+1)2 (+6)2 (-2)7 +1 -1 +1 -1 +3 (-1)3 (+1)2 -2

2 . Identify, those elements whose oxidation numbers have changed. Equation shows that Cr goes
from + 6 to +3 and it is reduced. Cl goes from -1 to zero and is oxidized. Moreover, the oxidation
number of chlorine remains the same, i.e from -1 to -1 when KCl and CrCl3 are produced. So,
we should write HCl, twice on the left hand side. One of HCI on left side shows those Cl atoms
which do not change their oxidation numbers Other HCI shows those Cl atoms which undergo a
change in their oxidation numbers.


-1 +6 -1 -1 +3 -1 o
H Cl + K 2 Cr2 O7 + H Cl K Cl + Cr Cl3 + Cl 2 + H 2O

(does not change oxidation number)

3. Draw the arrows between the same elements whose oxidation numbers have changed. Also,
point out the change in oxidation number. Cr has changed its oxidation number from + 6 to +
3 and chlorine has changed from -1 to zero . It means 6 electrons have been gained by two Cr
atoms and 1 electron has been lost by 1 chlorine atom.

(1e-) oxidation

+6 -1 o
HCl + K 2 Cr2 O7 + H Cl KCl + CrCl3 + Cl 2 + H 2O

2(+3e-)= +6e-reduction

4. In order to balance the number of electrons lost and gained multiply HCl with six. In this way,
the 6 electrons lost by 6 Cl- will be gained by 2Cr+6 to give 2Cr+3. But do not multiply other HCl
molecules with anything at this moment.

HCl + K 2Cr2O7 + 6HCl → KCl + CrCl3 + Cl 2 + H 2O

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5. Let us, balance Cr atoms by multiplying CrCl3 by 2 . Balance Cl2 on right hand side, whose
oxidation number has changed by multiplying it with 3. In this way, the atoms which have been
oxidized and reduced get balanced.

HCl + K 2Cr2O7 + 6HCl → KCl + 2CrCl3 + 3Cl 2 + H 2O

6 . To balance K atoms, multiply KCl by 2.

HCl + K 2Cr2O7 + 6HCl → 2KCl + 2CrCl3 + 3Cl 2 + H 2O

7. Now balance those atoms of chlorine which have not been oxidized or reduced. There are 8 such
chlorine atoms on the right hand side with KC1 and 2CrCl3. So multiply HCl with eight. This HCl
has produced KCl and CrCl3 .
8HCl + K 2Cr2O7 + 6HCl → 2KCl + 2CrCl3 + 3Cl 2 + H 2O

8 . Balance the rest of the equation by inspection method. To balance O atoms multiply H2O with 7.

8HCl + K 2Cr2O7 + 6HCl → 2KCl + 2CrCl3 + 3Cl 2 + 7H 2O

K 2Cr2O7 + 14HCl → 2KCl + 2CrCl3 + 3Cl 2 + 7H 2O

This is the inal balanced equation.

10.1.4 Balancing of Redox Equations by Ion-Electron Method

The balancing of redox equations by the loss and gain of electrons, usually involves quite
a few ions, which do not undergo change in valence and which are not really necessary for the
process of balancing. The ion-electron method eliminates all the unnecessary ions and retains only
those, which are essential. Following, are the general rules for balancing the redox equations by
ion-electron method.

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1. Write a skeleton equation that shows only those substances that are actually involved in the
2. Split the equation into two half reactions, one showing oxidation half reaction and the other
reduction half reaction.
3. The element should not be written as a free atom or ion unless it really exists as such. It should
be written as a real molecular or ionic species.
4. Balance each partial equation as to the number of atoms of each element. In neutral or acidic
solution, H2O or H+ ions may be added for balancing oxygen and hydrogen atoms. Oxygen atoms
are balanced irst. If the solution is alkaline, OH- may be used for each excess oxygen on one side
of the equation.
5. Balance each half reaction as to the number of charges by adding electrons to either the left or
the right side of the equation.
6. Multiply each half reaction by a number chosen so that the total number of electrons lost by the
reducing agent equals the number of electrons gained by the oxidizing agent
7. Add the two half reactions. Count the number of atoms of each element on each side of the
equation and also check the net charge on each side, which should be equal on both sides.

Balancing of redox equations by ion-electron method, making use of the above rules. There
are two types of such reactions Le. in acidic medium and basic medium. Now, let us discuss one
example of each.

Example 4: (acidic medium)

Balance the equation for the reaction of HCl with KMnO4 where Cl- is oxidized to Cl2 and MnO4-
is reduced to Mn2+. The skeleton equation which does not contain either H+ or H2O, is

Solution Cl- +MnO 4 - → Cl 2 +Mn 2+

It is clear that Cl- is oxidized to Cl2 and MnO1-4 reduces to Mn2+

Splitting the equation into half-reactions,
Oxidation half reaction

Cl- → Cl 2
Reduction half reaction
MnO4 - → Mn 2+

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Balancing atoms on both sides of oxidation half reaction.

2Cl- → Cl 2 ............. (1)

Now, balance the reduction half reaction. To balance O-atoms, add 4H2O on R.H.S. and to
balance H-atoms add 8H+ on L.H.S. The reason is that medium is acidic.
8H + +MnO 4 - → Mn 2+ +4H 2O ............. (2)

Balancing the charges by adding electrons in equation (1) and (2), we get (3) and (4).

2Cl- → Cl 2 + 2e- .............. (3)

8H + + MnO 4 - + 5e- → Mn 2+ + 4H 2O ......... (4)

For making the number of electrons lost in irst equation equal to the number of electron
gained in the second equation, multiply the irst equation by 5 and second by 2. After adding both
equations and cancelling the common species on both sides, balanced equation is obtained.

[2Cl- → Cl 2 +2e- ]x5

[5e- + 8H + + MnO 4 - → Mn 2+ + 4H 2O]x2
10Cl- + 16H + + 2MnO 4 - → 5Cl 2 + 2Mn 2+ + 8H 2O

Example 5: (basic medium)

Balance the following equation in basic aqueous solution by ion-electron method.

MnO1- 4 (aq)+C2O 4 2- (aq)+H 2O → MnO 2 (s)+CO 2 (g)+OH - (aq)


The following steps are involved in balancing of equation in basic aqueous solution by ion-
electron method.

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(i) Identify those elements, which undergo change in oxidation number by writing number
above each element.
+7 − 8 ( +3)2 − 8 + 2 − 2 + 4 − 4 + 4 − 4 − 2 + (1)

(MnO 4 )1- +(C2O 4 ) 2- H 2O → MnO 2 + CO 2 + (OH)1-

The elements undergoing a change in oxidation number are Mn and C.

(ii) Split the reaction into two half reactions, the oxidation and reduction half reactions.

C2O4 2- → CO2
(oxidation half reaction)

MnO4-1 → MnO2 (reduction half reaction)

The elements undergoing a change in oxidation number are Mn and C.

(ii) Split the reaction into two half reactions, the oxidation and reduction half reactions.

C2O4 2- → CO2 (oxidation half reaction)

MnO4-1 → MnO2 (reduction half reaction)

Balancing of Oxidation Half Reaction:

C2O4-2 → CO2

Balancing the C atoms in both sides of the half reaction.

C2O4-2 → 2CO2

Balancing the charges on both sides of the half reaction by adding the appropriate number of
electrons to the more position side.

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C2O 4 -2 → 2CO 2 + 2e- ....... (1)

The oxidation half reaction is balanced.

Balancing of Reduction Half Reaction:

MnO4- → MnO2

Balance in O-atoms by adding OH- ions on the side needing the oxygen. Add two OH- ions for
each oxygen atom needed. So, we have to add 4OH- on R.H.S:

MnO4 - → MnO2 + 4OH -

Balance the hydrogen, by adding H2O on the other side of the half reaction. Add one H2O for
each two OH- ion. In this way, oxygen and hydrogen atoms are balanced.

2H 2O + MnO 4 - → MnO 2 + 4OH -

Balance the charges by adding three electrons to L.H.S. of equation

3e- + 2H 2O + MnO 4 - → MnO 2 + 4OH - ....... (2)

The reduction half reaction is balanced.

(iii) Multiply each half reaction by an appropriate number, so that the number of electrons on
both the half reactions becomes equal. For this purpose, multiply the oxidation half reaction by 3
and the reduction half reaction by 2.
3C2O 4 -2 → 6CO 2 + 6e- ........ (3)

2 x [3e- + 2H 2O + MnO 4 - → MnO 2 + 4OH - ]

6e- + 4H 2O + 2MnO 4 - → 2MnO 2 + 8OH - ........ (4)

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(iv) Add the two half-reactions to get the net ionic equation and cancel out anything appearing on
both sides of the equation. For this purpose, add equation and equation (4).

3C2O 4 -2 → 6CO 2 + 6e-

6e- + 4H 2O + 2MnO 4 - → 2MnO 2 + 8OH -
3C2O4 2- + 4H 2O + 2MnO4 - → 6CO2 + 2MnO 2 + 8OH -

Hence, the balance ionic equation is

2MnO 4 -(aq) + 3C2O 4 2- + 4H 2O → 2MnO 2(s) + 6CO 2(g) + 8OH -(aq)


We know, that most metals are conductors of electricity because of the relatively free
movement of their electrons throughout the metallic lattice. This electronic conduction is simply
called metallic conduction.
Electrolytes in the form of solution or in the fused state have the ability to conduct electricity.
In this case, the current is not carried by free electrons through the solution or through the fused
electrolyte. Here, the current is carried by ions having positive and negative charges. These ions
are produced in the solution or in fused state due to ionization of the electrolyte. Ionization is the
process in which ionic compounds when fused or dissolved in water split up into charged particles
called ions.
฀฀ ฀฀ ฀฀ ฀฀฀฀ Pb
PbBr2 (s) (aq) + Br - (aq)

H 2O
฀฀ ฀฀ ฀฀ ฀฀ Na
NaCl (s) (aq) + Cl- (aq)

Two electrodes are dipped in the solution of an electrolyte and electrolysis takes place. This
forms an electrolytic cell An electrolytic cell is an electrochemical cell in which electric current is used
to drive a non-spomaneous reaction. When a non-spontaneous reaction takes place at the expense
of electrical energy, the process is called electrolysis. During this non-spontaneous reaction, the
substances are deposited at respective electrodes and electrolyte is decomposed. Examples of
electrolytic cells are Down’s cell and Nelson’s cell, etc.

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10.2.1 Electrochemical Cells


Source & Credit : dy nam icscience

10.2.2 Electrolytic Cells.

Look at the arrangement as shown in Fig. (10.1). It represents, an electrolytic cell, The electrolyte
consists of positive and negative ions which are free to move in the solution. When a direct current
(D.C) source is connected to the electrodes of the cell, each electrode acquires an electric charge.
Thus, on applying electric potential, the positive ions migrate towards the negative electrode,
called cathode and the negative ions move towards the positive electrode, called the anode.

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Ftg (10.1) The migration of ions in electrolytic cell

This movement of ionic charges through the liquid brought by the application of electricity is
called electrolytic conduction and the apparatus used is known as electrolytic cell.
When electrolytic conduction occurs, electrochemical reactions takes place. The ions in the liquid
come in contact with the electrodes. At the anode the negative ions give up electrons and are,
therefore, oxidized. At the cathode the positive ions pick up electrons and are reduced. Thus during
electrolytic conduction, oxidation takes place at the anode and the reduction takes place at the
cathode. The liquid will continue to conduct electricity only as long as oxidation-reduction reactions,
occurring at the electrodes, continue.
The electrochemical reactions that occur at the electrodes during the electrolytic conduction
constitute the phenomenon of electrolysis.
Table (10.1a) Products of electrolysis
(using inert electrodes of platinum or graphite)

When a molten salt is electrolyzed , Electrolyte Cathode Anode

the products a re predictable. When an aqueous PbBr2(molten) Pb(s) Br2 (g)
solution of a salt is electrolyzed, hydrogen and oxygen NaCl(molten) Na(s) Cl 2 (g)
appear at the cathode and anode, respectively in NaCl(aq) H 2 (g) Cl 2 (g)
certain cases. The products formed from a few CuCl 2 (aq) Cu(s) Cl 2 (g)
electrolytes are shown in Table (10. 1). CuSO 4 (aq) O 2 (g)
KNO3 (aq) H 2 (g)
O 2 (g)
NaOH(aq) H 2 (g)
O 2 (g)
H 2SO 4 (aq) H 2 (g)
O 2 (g)

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Table (10.1b) Products of electrolysis

(when electrodes take part in the reaction)

Electrolyte Copper cathode Copper anode

CuSO4(aq) Cu deposits Cu (s) dissolves to form CU2- ions
Electrolyte Silver cathode Silver anode
AgNO3(aq) and HNO3(aq) Ag deposits Ag (s) dissolves to form Ag+ ions

Anim ation 10 .6: Electroly tic Cells

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10.2.3 Explanation of Electrolysis

(a) Fused Salts

When a fused salt is electrolyzed, the metal ions called cations arrive at the cathode which
being negatively, charged supply electrons to them and thus discharge the cations. The anions
move towards the anode, give up their electrons and are thus discharged. In the case of fused lead
chloride, the equations for electrode processes are given as under.

At anode: Pb ( ) + 2e → Pb(s) (oxidation)

2+ -

At cathode: 2Cl ( ) → Cl 2(g) +2e- (reduction)

So, oxidation happens at anode and reduction at the cathode.

Similarly, for fused NaCl and fused PbBr2 the electrolytes are decomposed during electrolysis.
Fused Pb and Na are deposited at cathode and Cl2(g) and Br2 at anode.
Electrons low through the external circuit from anode to cathode. The electric current is
conducted through the cell by the ions and through the external circuit by the electrons.

(b) Aqueous Solutions of Salts

The electrolysis of aqueous solutions is somewhat more complex. Its reason is the ability
of water, to be oxidized as well as reduced. Hence, the products of electrolysis are not precisely
predictable. Some, metal cations are not discharged from their aqueous solutions. While,
electrolyzing aqueous sodium nitrate (NaNO3) solution, sodium ions present are not discharged at
the cathode. A small concentration of hydronium and hydroxyl ions arises from the dissociation of
NaNO3 → Na + +NO3-

2H 2O( ) → H 3O + (aq) + OH -(aq)

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Anim ation 10 .7: Electroly sis

Source & Credit : revolvy

Hydronium ions accept electrons from the cathode to form hydrogen atoms:

At cathode: H 3O+ (aq) + e- → H (g) + H 2O( ) (reduction)

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Subsequently, hydrogen atoms combine rapidly to form hydrogen molecules at the cathode.

H (g) + H (g) → H 2(g)

So, H2 gas evolves at the cathode.

The concentration of hydronium ions is only 10-7 moles dm-3 in pure water. When these are
discharged then more are formed by further dissociation of water molecules. This gives a continuous
supply of such ions to be discharged. Sodium ions remain in solution, while hydrogen is evolved
at the cathode. Thus, the reduction of the solute cations depends on the relative ease of the two
competing reactions.
At the anode, both nitrate and hydroxide ions are present. Hydroxide ions are easier to
discharge than nitrate ions. Nitrate ions remain in solution while the electrode reaction is:

At anode: OH − (aq) → OH (aq) + e- (oxidation)

The OH groups combine to give O2 gas as follows.

4OH → O 2(g) + 2H 2O( ) (anode)

So, O2 gas evolves at the anode.

But, remember that the expected order of the discharge of ions may also depend upon their

10.2.4 Electrolytic Processes of Industrial Importance

Various types of electrolytic cels are employed on industrial scale. Some of the important
ones are given here.
(i) Extraction of sodium by the electrolysis of fused sodium chloride is carried out in Down’s cell.
In this case, molten sodium chloride is electrolyzed between iron cathode and graphite anode. The
cell is planted to get sodium metal commercially chlorine is obtained as a by product.

NaCl(s) → Na + ( ) + Cl-( )

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At anode
2Cl-( ) → 2Cl(g) + 2e- (oxidation)

Cl(g) + Cl(g) → Cl 2(g)

At cathode
2Na + ( ) + 2e- → 2Na (s) (reduction)

By adding the two reactions at anode and cathode, the overall reaction is

2Na + ( ) + 2Cl-( ) → 2Na (s) + Cl(g)

(ii) Caustic soda is obtained on industrial scale by the electrolysis of concentrated aqueous
solution of sodium chloride using titanium anode and mercury or steel cathode This electrolysis is
carried out in Nelson cell and Castner- Kellner cell or Hg- cell.

NaCl(s) ฀ Na (aq) + + Cl-(aq)

At anode 2Cl-(g) → Cl 2(g) + 2e- (oxidation)

At cathode 2H 2O( ) + 2e- → H 2(g) + 2OH -(aq) (reduction)

By combining, the electrode reactions and including Na+ ions, the overall reaction is

2Na + (aq) + 2Cl-(aq) + 2H 2O(l) → Cl 2(g) + H 2(g) + 2Na + (aq) + 2OH -(aq)

Here, chlorine and hydrogen are obtained as by products, and Na+ is not discharged at
(iii) Magnesium and calcium metals are extracted by the electrolysis of their fused chlorides. Mg
and Ca are collected at cathodes while Cl2 at anodes
(iv) Aluminium is extracted by electrolyzing fused bauxite, Al2O32H2O in the presence of fused
cryolite, Na3AlF6. This process is called Hall-Beroult process.
(v) Anodized aluminium is prepared by making it an anode in an electrolytic cell containing sulphuric
acid or chromic acid, which coats a thin layer of oxide on- it. The aluminium oxide layer resists
attack for corrosive agents. The freshly anodized aluminium is hydrated and can absorb dyes.

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Anim ation 10 .8: Application of Electroly sis

Source & Credit : electrical4u

(vi) Electrolyticcell can also be used for the puriication of copper. Impure copper is made the
anode and a thin sheet of pure copper is made the cathode. Copper sulphate solution is used as
an electrolyte. The atoms of Cu from impure Cu- anode are converted to Cu2+ions and migrate
to cathode which is made up of pure Cu. In this way Cu anode is puriied. Impurities are left at
(vii) Copper, silver, nickel and chromium plating is done by various types of electrolytic cells. One
metal is deposited at the surface of another metal.

10.2.5 Voltaic or Galvanic Cell

A voltaic or a galvanic cell consists of two half-cells that are electrically connected. Each half
cell is a portion of the total cell in which a half reaction takes place. Fig. (10.2) shows such a galvanic
cell. The left half cell consists of a strip of zinc metal dipped in 1.0 M solution of zinc sulphate giving
the following equilibrium:
Zn (s) → Zn 2+ (aq) +2e-

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The right half-cell is a copper metal strip that dips into 1.0 M copper sulphate solution and the
equilibrium here is represented as follows:

Cu(s) → Cu 2+ +2e-

These half-cells in Fig (10.2) are connected electrically by a salt bridge. If the solutions were to mix,
direct chemical reactions would take place, destroying the half-cells. The salt bridge contains an
aqueous solution of potassium chloride in a gel. Zinc tends to lose electrons more readily than

Fig (10.2) A Galvanic cell consisting of Zn and Cu electrodes at 25°C and

unit concentration of electrolytic solutions.

Zn electrode takes on a negative charge relative to the copper electrode. If the external circuit
is closed by connecting the two electrodes as shown in the igure, electrons low from the zinc
through the external circuit to copper electrode. The following half-cell reactions occur at two
electrodes and cell potential at standard conditions is 1.1volts . It is denoted by E°.

At anode Zn (s) → Zn 2+ (aq) +2e- (oxidation)

At cathode Cu 2+ (aq) +2e- → Cu (s) (reduction)

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The overall voltaic cell reaction is the sum of these two half cell reactions.

Zn (s) + Cu 2+ (aq) → Zn 2+ (aq) + Cu (s) E o =1.1V

This voltaic cell can be represented as follows;

Zn (s) /Zn 2+ (aq)1M ฀ Cu 2+ (aq) +1M/Cu (s) E o =1.1V

Note that reduction occurs at the copper electrode and oxidation occurs at the zinc electrode.
Sign ฀ shows the presence of salt bridge.

Anim ation 10 .9: Galvanic Cell

Source & Credit : dy nam icscience

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Function of Salt Bridge

Let us, examine the purpose of the salt bridge. Since, zinc ions are produced as electrons
leave the anode, we have a process which tends to produce a net positive charge in the left beaker.
Actually, the concentration of Zn2+ ions increase in the left compartment. Similarly, the arrival of the
electrons at the copper cathode and their reaction with copper ions tend to produce a net negative
charge in the right beaker.
The purpose of the salt bridge is to prevent any net charge accumulation in either beaker
by allowing negative ions to leave the right beaker, difuse through the bridge and enter the left
beaker. If this difusional exchange of ions does not occur, the net charge accumulating in the
beakers would immediately stop the low of electrons through the external circuit and the oxidation-
reduction reaction would stop.
Many other oxidation - reduction reactions can be carried out successfully in galvanic cells
using diferent electrodes. It is natural to think of these cell processes as separated into two half-
reactions which occur at the two electrodes. In a voltaic cell the electric current in the external
circuit can be used to light a bulb, drive a motor and so on.

Voltaic Cell is Reversible Cell

On the other hand, if the external circuit is replaced by a source of electricity that opposes
the voltaic cell, the electrode reactions can be reversed. Now, the external source pushes the
electrons in the opposite direction and supplies energy or work to the cell so that the reverse non-
spontaneous reaction occurs. Such, a cell is called a reversible cell.

For the zinc-copper cell, the half cell reactions are reversed to give.

Zn 2+ (aq) +2e- → Zn (s) (reduction)

Cu (s) → Cu 2+ +2e- (oxidation)

and the overall reaction being reversed, becomes

Zn 2+ (aq) + Cu (s) → Zn (s) + Cu 2+ (aq)

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Oxidation occurs at the copper electrode and reduction takes place at the zinc electrode
and the cell operates as an electrolytic cell in which energy from an external source drives a non-
spontaneous reaction.
When a cell operates as a voltaic the electrode at which reduction occurs is called the cathode
while the electrode at which oxidation takes place is called the anode. Hence in voltaic cell, Zn acts
as an anode and Cu acts as a cathode.


When a metal strip is placed in a solution of its own ions, there are two tendencies. The metal
atoms may dissolve as positive ions. In this way, the electrons are deposited on the metal electrode.
On the other hand, the metal ions present in solution may take up electrons from the metal and get
discharged as atoms.
It imparts a positive charge to the metal. In either case, a potential diference is set up between
the metal and the solution, which is called single electrode potential.
The potential set up when an electrode is in contact with one molar solution of its own ions
at 298 K is known as standard electrode potential or standard reduction potential of the element.
It is represented as E°.
Standard electrode potential of hydrogen has arbitrarily been chosen as zero, while the
standard electrode potentials of other elements can be found by comparing them with standard
hydrogen electrode potential. The electrode potential, set up when a metal piece is placed in a
solution containing its own ions, can be explained in terms of equilibrium between the atoms of
the metal and its ions in solution. It is believed that when a metal is placed in a solution, some of its
atoms tend to give electrons to the piece of metal and pass into the solution as positively charged
At the same time the metallic ions already present in solution tend to take up electrons from
the piece of metal and deposit themselves as neutral atoms. Whichever tendency is greater in a
given case determines w hether the metal becomes negatively or positively charged, compared
with the solution. When equilibrium is eventually attained, the two opposing processes continue at
the same rate and there is no further change in the potential diference.

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A rod of zinc , for example, will bear an accumulation of negative charges. This is due to the net
ionization of some of its atoms. The negative charge on the Zn-rod will attract an atmosphere
of positively charged zinc ions around the rod to form an electrical double layer as shown in Fig.
(10.3). The equilibrium can, therefore, be represented as:

Zn (s) ฀ Zn 2+ (aq) +2e-

Fig. (10.3) Equilibrium between zinc and its ions in solution

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Anim ation 10 .10 : ELECTRODE

Source & Credit : senovasy stem s

10.3.1 Standard Hydrogen Electrode (SHE)

A standard hydrogen electrode which is used as a standard is shown in Fig. (10.4). It consists
of a piece of platinum foil, which is coated electrolytically with inely divided platinum black, to give
it a large surface area and suspended in one molar solution of HCl.

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Pure hydrogen gas at one atmosphere pressure is continuously bubbled into 1M HCl solution. The
platinum acts as an electrical conductor and also facilitates the attainment of equilibrium between
the gas and its ions in solution. The potential of this electrode is arbitrarily taken as zero.

Fig. (10.4) Standard hydrogen electrode (S.H.E)

10.3.2 Measurement of Electrode Potential

In any measurement of electrode potential, the concerned electrode is joined electrolytically

with the standard hydrogen electrode (SHE) and a galvanic cell is established. The two solutions are
separated by a porous partition or a salt bridge containing a concentrated solution of potassium
chloride. The salt bridge is used to provide a highly conducting path between the two electrolytic
solutions. The potential diference is measured by a voltmeter which gives the potential of the
electrode, as the potential of SHE is zero. An oxidation or reduction may take place at SHE depending
upon the nature of the electrode which is coupled with it.

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To measure the electrode potential of zinc, a galvanic cell is established between zinc electrode
dipped in 1 M solution of its ions and standard hydrogen electrode at 25 °C as shown in Fig (10.5).
Under the standard conditions, the voltmeter reads 0.76 volts and the delection is in such a
direction as to indicate that zinc has a greater tendency to give of electrons than hydrogen has. In
other words, the half reaction Zn (s) → Zn 2+ +2e- has greater tendency to occur than H 2(g) → 2H + + 2e-
by 0.76 volts. The standard electrode potential of zinc is, therefore, 0.76 volts. It is called oxidation
potential of Zn and is given the positive sign.

Fig (10.5) Electrode potential of zinc.

The reduction potential Zn-electrode is -0.76 volt. The electrode reactions will be shown as follows.

At anode Zn (s) → Zn 2+ (aq) + 2e- (oxidation)

At cathode 2H + (aq) + 2e- → H 2(g) (reduction)

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The electrode potential of copper can

also be measured using the same type
of galvanic cell in which copper is an
electrode dipped in 1 M solution of its ions
and connected with .SHE Fig (10.6). Under
standard conditions, the voltmeter reads
0.34 volts and the delection is in such a
direction, as to indicate that hydrogen has a
greater tendency to give of electrons than
copper has.
In other words, the half reaction
H 2(g) → 2H + + 2e- has a greater tendency to
occur than Cu (s) → Cu 2+ +2e- by 0.34 volt. So
the standard electrode potential of Cu is
0.34 volts. It is called reduction potential
Fig (10.6) Electrode potential of copper
of Cu. When the sign is reversed, then the
-0.34 V is called oxidation potential of Cu electrode. The reactions taking place at two electrodes
will be shown as follows.

At anode H 2(g) → 2H + + 2e-

At cathode Cu 2+ +2e- → Cu (s)

Anim ation 10 .11: Electric potential

Source & Credit : w ikipedia

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When elements are arranged in the order of their standard, electrode potentials on the
hydrogen scale, the resulting list is known as electrochemical series.
Such a series of elements is shown in Table (10.2). The electrode potentials have been given
in the reduction mode as recommended by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemists
(IUPAC). In some textbooks, half reactions are written in the oxidation mode and the corresponding
potentials are oxidation potentials. The magnitude of the potential is not afected by the change
in mode but the signs are reversed. Therefore, before using standard electrode potential data,
it is necessary to ascertain which mode is being used. An important point to remember in using
reduction potential values is that they relate only to standard conditions i.e. 1 M solution of ions,
25°C and one atmospheric pressure. Changes in temperature, concentration and pressure will
afect the values of reduction potential.

Anim ation 10 .12: ELECTROCHEMICAL

Source & Credit : skleac

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Table (10.2) Standard reduction potentials (E°) of substances at 298 K

Element Electrode Standard Reduction Potential (E0)
Li Li + +e- → Li -3.045
K K + +e- → K -2.925

Ca Ca 2+ +2e- → Ca -2.87
Na Na + +e- → Na -2.714

Mg Mg 2+ +2e- → Mg -2.37

Al Al3+ +3e- → Al -1.66

Zn Zn 2+ +2e- → Zn -0.76
Increasing strength as an oxidizing agent

Increasing strength as a reducing agent

Cr 3+ +3e- → Cr
Increasing reduction potentials

Decreasing reduction potentials

Cr -0.74
Fe Fe 2+ +2e- → Fe -0.44

Cd Cd 2+ +2e- → Cd -0.403

Ni Ni 2+ +2e- → Ni -0.25

Sn Sn 2+ +2e- → Sn -0.14

Pb Pb2+ +2e- → Pb -0.126

H2 2H + +2e- → H 2 (Reference Electrode) 0.000

Cu Cu 2+ +2e- → Cu +0.34

Cu Cu + +e- → Cu +0.521

I2 I 2 +2e- → 2I - +0.535

Fe Fe3+ +3e- → Fe +0.771

Ag Ag + +e- → Ag +0.7994

Hg Hg 2+ +2e- → Hg +0.885

Br2 Br2 +2e- → 2Br - +1.08

Cl 2 Cl 2 +2e- → 2Cl- +1.360

Au Au 3+ +3e- → Au +1.50

F2 F2 +2e- → 2F- +2.87

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10.4.1 Applications of Electrochemical Series

(i) Prediction of the feasibility of a Chemical Reaction

When we look at the electrochemical series, it is easy to predict whether a particular reaction
will take place or not. For example, Cu2+ (aq) can oxidize solid zinc but Zn2+ (aq) cannot oxidize solid
copper. Standard reduction potential values of copper and zinc can explain this

Cu 2+ (aq) + 2e- → Cu (s) E o =+0.34volt

Zn 2+ (aq) + 2e- → Zn (s) E o = -0.76 volts

Since zinc is being oxidized so the reverse reaction will be considered.

Zn (s) → Zn 2+ (aq) + 2e- E o = -0.76 volts (oxidation)

The overall reaction will thus be

Cu 2+ (aq) + Zn (s) → Cu (s) + Zn 2+ (aq) E o cell = 1.10 volts

The overall positive value for the reaction potential suggests that the process is energetically
feasible. If the sum of E° values of the two half cell reactions is negative, then the reaction will not
be feasible.

(ii) Calculation of the Voltage or Electromotive Force (emf) of Cells:

In a galvanic cell, the electrode occupying a higher position in the electrochemical series, will
act as anode and oxidation takes place on it. Similarly, the electrode occupying the lower position
in the series will act as a cathode and reduction will take place on it. Let us ind out a cell potential
or the emf of the cell already discussed as above. The half cell reactions are:

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Zn (s) → Zn 2+ (aq) + 2e- (oxidation half reaction)

Cu 2+ (aq) + 2e- → Cu (s) (reduction half reaction)

Cu 2+ (aq) + Zn (s) → Cu (s) + Zn 2+ (aq) (complete cell reaction)

The oxidation potential of Zn is positive. The reduction potential of Cu2+ is also positive. The cell
voltage or emf of the cell is given by

E o cell = E o oxi + E o red

E o cell = 0.76 + 0.34 = 1.10 volts

The cell voltage or emf measures the force with which electrons move in the external circuit
and therefore measures the tendency of the cell reaction to takes place. Galvanic cells, thus, give
quantitative measure of the relative tendency of the various reactions to occur.

(iii) Comparison of Relative Tendency of Metals and Nonmetals to Get Oxidized or


The value of the reduction potential of a metal or a nonmetal tells us the tendency to lose
electrons and act as a reducing agent. It also gives the information about the tendency of a species
to gain electrons and act as an oxidizing agent. Greater the value of standard reduction potential of
a given species, greater is its tendency to accept electrons to undergo reduction and hence to act
as an oxidizing agent. For example, ions like Au3+, Pt2+, Hg2+, Ag+, Cu2+ and the nonmetals elements
like F2, Cl2, Br2 and I2 which lie below the SHE, have a strong tendency to gain electrons and undergo
The series tell us that strong oxidizing agents like F2, Cl2, Br2, etc. have a large positive value
of standard reduction potentials, while strong reducing agents have large negative values like Li, K,
Ca, Na,etc. which lie above SHE.

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(iv) Relative Chemical Reactivity of Metals

Greater the value of standard reduction potential of a metal, smaller is its tendency to lose
electrons to change into a positive ion and hence lower will be its reactivity. For example, metals like
Li, Na, K and Rb are highly reactive. Coinage metals, Cu, Ag, and Au are the least reactive because
they have positive reduction potentials.
Similarly, metals like Pb, Sn, Ni, Co and Cd which are very close to SHE react very slowly with
steam to liberate hydrogen gas, while the metals like Fe, Cr, Zn, Mn, Al and Mg which have more
negative reduction potentials react with steam to produce the metallic oxides and hydrogen gas.

(v) Reaction of Matels with Dilute Acids

Greater the value of standard reduction potential of a metal, lesser is its tendency to lose
electrons to form metal ions and so weaker is its tendency to displace H+ ions from acids as H2 gas.
For example, metals like Au, Pt, Ag and Cu which have suiciently high positive values of reduction
potentials, do not liberate hydrogen gas from acids. While, metals like Zn, Mg and Ca which are
close to the top of the series and have very low reduction potentials, liberate hydrogen gas, when
they react with acids.

(vi) Displacement of One Metal by Another from its Solution

One metal will displace another metal from the aqueous solution of its salt if it lies above in
the electrochemical series. For example, Fe can displace Cu from CuSO4, Zn does not displace Mg
from solution of MgSO4.

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Those cells which cannot be recharged are called primary cells. Examples are dry cell, alkaline
battery, mercury and silver battery. Those ones which can be recharged are called secondary cells.

Examples are lead-acid battery, Ni-Cd-battery and fuel cells. A few examples of some modern bat-
teries and fuel cell are described in this section.

Anim ation 10 .13: MODERN BATTERIES

Source & Credit : technology student

10.5.1 Lead Accumulator or Lead-Acid Battery (Rechargeable)

It is commonly used as a car battery. It is secondary or a storage cell. Passing a direct current
through it must charge it. The charged cell can then produce electric current when required. The
cathode of a fully charged lead accumulator is lead oxide, PbO2 and its anode is metallic lead. The
electrolyte is 30% sulphuric acid solution (density 1.25 g cm-3). When the two electrodes are con-
nected through an external circuit, it produces electricity by discharge Fig (10.7). A single cell pro-
vides around 2 volts. For 12 volts, 6 cells are connected in series.

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Fig (10.7) Lead accumulator

Anim ation 10 .14: Hy draulic Accum ulators

Source & Credit : hy draulic

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At the anode the lead atoms release two electrons each to be oxidized to Pb2+ ions, which
combine with SO42- ions present in the electrolyte and get deposited on the anode as PbSO4.

At the cathode

PbO 2(s) + 4H + (aq) + SO 4 2-(aq) + 2e → PbSO 4(s) + 2H 2O( ) (reduction)

At the anode

Pb(s) + SO 4 2-(aq) → PbSO 4(s) + 2e − (oxidation)

The electrons released pass round an external circuit as an electric current to be used for
starting the engine of a vehicle, for lighting up of car lights and so on.
At the cathode the electrons from the anode are accepted by PbO2 and hydrogen ions from
the electrolyte then undergo a redox reaction to produce lead ions and water as follows:
The Pb2 ions then combine with the SO42 ions and they both deposit at the cathode as PbSO4.
When both electrodes are completely covered with PbSO4 deposits, the cell will cease to discharge
any more current until it is recharged. The overall reaction is

Pb(s) + PbO 2(s) + 4H + (aq) + 2SO 4 2-(aq) → 2PbSO 4(s) + 2H 2O( )

A typical 12-V car battery has six cells connected in series. Each delivers 2V Each cell contains two
lead grids packed with the electrode materials. The anode is spongy lead , and cathode is powered
PbO4. The grid is immersed in an electrolytic solution of ≈ 3.2M H2SO4 (30%). Fibre glass sheets
between the grids prevent shorting by accidental physic al contact. When the cell is discharged, it
generates electrical energy as a voltaic cell.


During the process of recharging, the anode and the cathode of the external electrical source
are connected to the anode and the cathode of the cell respectively. The redox reactions at the
respective electrodes are then reversed. These reactions are summarized as follows:

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At anode PbSO 4(s) + 2e → Pb(s) + SO 4 2-(aq) (reduction)

At cathode PbSO 4(s) + 2H 2O → PbO 2(s) + 4H + (aq) + SO 4 2-(aq) 2e- (oxidation)

The overall reaction is

2PbSO 4(s) + 2H 2O → Pb(s) + PbO 2(s) + 4H + (aq) + SO 4 2-(aq)

During the process of discharging, the concentration of the acid falls decreasing its density to 1.15g
cm3. After recharging, the acid is concentrated again bringing its density to its initial value of 1.25g
cm3. At the same time the voltage of the battery, which has dropped during discharging, return to
around 12 volts.

10.5.2 Alkaline Battery (non-rechargeable)

It is a dry alkaline cell, which uses zinc and manganese dioxide as reactants. Zinc rod serves
as the anode and manganese dioxide functions as the cathode. The electrolyte, however, contains
potassium hydroxide and is therefore basic (alkaline).

The battery is enclosed in a steel container. The zinc anode is also slightly porous giving it a larger
efective area. This allows the cell to deliver more current than the common dry cell. It has also
longer life. The reactions in the alkaline battery.are shown as follows:

Zn (s) + 2OH -(aq) → Zn(OH) 2(s) + 2e- (anode)

2MnO 2(s) + H 2O( ) + 2e- → Mn 2O3(s) + 2OH -(aq) (cathode)

The overall reaction is

Zn (s) + 2MnO 2(s) + H 2O(l) → Zn(OH)(s) + Mn 2O3(s)

The voltage of the cell is 1.5 V

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Anim ation 10 .15: Alkaline Battery

Source & Credit : adafruit

10.5.3 Silver Oxide Battery

These tiny and rather expensive batteries Fig. 10.8 have become popular as power sources
in electronic watches, auto exposure cameras and electronic calculators. The cathode is of silver
oxide, Ag,0, and the anode is of zinc metal. The following reactions occur in a basic electrolyte.

At the anode

Zn (s) + 2OH -(aq) → Zn(OH) 2(s) + 2e- (oxidation)

At the cathode

Ag 2O(s) + H 2O( ) + 2e- → 2Ag (s) + 2OH -(aq) (reduction).

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The overall reaction is

Zn (s) + Ag 2O(s) + H 2O(l) → Zn(OH) 2 + 2Ag (s)

The voltage of silver oxide battery is about 1.5 V

Fig (10.8) A silver oxide battery

10.5.4 Nickel Cadmium Cell (Rechargeable)

A strong cell that has acquired wide spread use in recent years is the NICAD or nickel cadmium
battery. It is a rechargeable cell. The anode is composed of cadmium, which undergoes oxidation in
an alkaline electrolyte.
At the anode

Cd (s) + 2OH -(aq) → Cd(OH) 2(s) + 2e- (oxidation)

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The cathode is composed of NiO2 which undergoes reduction.

At the cathode

NiO 2 + 2H 2O( ) + 2e- → Ni(OH) 2(s) + 2OH -(aq) (reduction)

The net cell reaction during the discharge is :

Cd (s) + NiO 2(s) + 2H 2O( ) → Cd(OH) 2(s) + Ni(OH) 2(s)

Just like lead storage cell, the solid reaction products adhere to the electrodes. For this reason,
the reaction is easily reversed during recharging. Because no gases are produced during either
charging or discharging, the battery can be sealed. It is used in battery operated tools and portable
computers. It also inds its application in cordless razors, photolash units. It is light weight. Voltage
of the cell is 1.4 V.

10.5.5 Fuel Cells (rechargeable)

Fuel cells are other means by which chemical energy may be converted into electrical energy.
When gaseous fuels, such as hydrogen and oxygen are allowed to undergo a reaction, electrical
energy can be obtained.
This cell inds importance in space vehicles. The cell is illustrated in Fig. (10.10). The electrodes
are hollow tubes made of porous compressed carbon impregnated with platinum, which acts as
a catalyst. The electrolyte is KOH. At the electrodes, hydrogen is oxidized to water and oxygen is
reduced to hydroxide ions.

[H 2(g) + 2OH -(aq) → 2H 2O( ) + 2e- ] x 2 (anode)

O 2(g) + 2H 2O( ) + 4e- → 4OH -(aq) (cathode)

2H 2(g) + O 2(g) → 2H 2O( ) (overall reaction)

Such a cell runs continuously as long as reactants are supplied.

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Fig (10.10) Hydrogen - Oxygen Fuel cell

Anim ation 10 .16: Fuel Cells

Source & Credit : solaren

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This fuel cell is operated at a high temperature so that the water formed as a product of
the cell reaction evaporates and may be condensed and used as drinking water for an astronaut.
A number of these cells are usually connected together so that several kilowatts of power can be

The fuel cell produce electricity and pure water during space lights. Fuel cell are light, portable
and sources of electricity. Many fuel cells do not produce pollutants. Some other cell reactions in
fuel cell are :

(i) 2NH 3 + 3/2 O 2 → N 2 + 3H 2O( )

(ii) N 4 H 4 + O 2 → N 2 + 2H 2O( )

(iii) CH 4 + 2O 2 → CO 2 + 2H 2O( )

Fuel cells are very eicient. They convert about 75% of fuels bond energy into electricity.

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1. Electrochemistry is the branch of science which deals with the conversion of electrical energy to
chemical energy and vice versa.
2. Electrolytic conduction is carried out by the ions produced when an ionic compound is in fused
state or dissolved in water. Electrolysis is the process in which a chemical reaction takes place at
the expense of electrical energy. Electrolysis is used for the extraction of elements and for the
commercial preparation of several compounds. It is also used for electroplating.
3. A Galvanic or a voltaic cell produces electrical energy at the expense of chemical energy. Electrode
potential is developed when a metal is dipped into a solution of its own ions.
4. The potential of standard hydrogen electrode is arbitrarily ixed as 0.00 volts. Electrode potential
of an element is measured when it is coupled with standard hydrogen electrode. When elements
are arranged in order of their standard electrode potentials on the hydrogen scale, the resulting
list is known as electrochemical series. Electrochemical series is used to predict the feasibility of
a redox chemical reaction.
5. Modern batteries and fuel cell include lead accumulator, alkaline battery, silver oxide battery,
nickel cadmium cell and hydrogen oxygen fuel cell.
6. The oxidation number is the apparent charge which an atom has in a molecule. Redox chemical
equations can be balanced using oxidation number method and ion electron method.

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Q.1 Multiple choice questions. For each question there are four possible answers a, b, c and d.
Choose the one you consider correct.
(i) The cathodic reaction in the electrolysis of dil. H2SO4 with Pt electrodes is:-
(a) Reduction (b) Oxidation
(c) Both oxidation and reduction (d) Neither oxidation or reduction
(ii) Which of the following statements is not correct about galvanic cell?
(a) Anode is negatively charged (b) Reduction occurs at anode
(c) Cathode is positively charged (d) Reduction occurs at cathode
(iii) Stronger the oxidizing agent, greater is the:
(a) oxidation potential (b) reduction potential
(c) redox potential (d) E.M.F of cell
(iv) If the salt bridge is not used between two half cells, then the voltage.
(a) Decrease rapidly (b) Decrease slowly
(c) Does not change (d) Drops to zero
(v) If a strip of Cu metal is placed in a solution of FeSO4:
(a) Cu will be deposited (b) Fe is precipitated out
(c) Cu and Fe both dissolve (d) No reaction take place

Q.2 Fill in the blank.

(i) The oxidation number of O-atom is ___________ in OF2 and is ___________ in H2O2.
(ii) Conductivity of metallic conductors is due to the low of ________while that of electrolytes
is due to low of_________ .
(iii) Reaction taking place at the ________is termed as oxidation and at the _________ is called
as reduction.
(iv) _________ is set up when a metal is dipped in its own ions.
(v) Cu metal__________ the Cu-cathode when electrolysis is performed for CuSO4 solution
with Cu- cathodes.
(vi) The reduction potential of Zn is __________ volts and its oxidation potential is __________
(vii) In a fuel cell,___________react together in the presence of______ .

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Q.3 Mark the following statements true or false.

(i) In electrolytic conduction, electrons low through the electrolyte.
(ii) In the process of electrolysis, the electrons in the external circuit low from cathode to
(iii) Sugar is a non-electrolyte in solid form and when dissolved in water will allow the passage of an
electric current.
(iv) A metal will only allow the passage of an electric current when it is in cold state.
(v) The electrolytic products of aqueous copper (II) chloride solution are copper and chlorine.
(vi) Zinc can displace iron form its solution.
(vii) S.H.E. acts as cathode when connected with Cu-electrode.
(viii) A voltaic cell produces electrical energy at the expense of chemical energy.
(ix) Lead storage battery is not a reversible cell.
(x) Cr changes its oxidation number when K2Cr2O7 reacts with HCl.

Q.4 (a) Explain the term oxidation number with examples.

(b) Describe the rules used for the calculation of oxidation number of an element in molecules and
ions giving examples.
(c) Calculate the oxidation number of chromium in the following compounds.
(i) CrCl3 (ii) Cr2 (SO4 )3 (iii) K 2CrO4 (iv) K 2Cr2O7
(v) CrO3 (vi) Cr2O3 (vii) Cr2O7 2-
(Ans: (i)+3,(ii)+3,(iii)+6,(iv)+6,(v) + 6(vi)+3)

(d) Calculate the oxidation numbers of the elements underlined in the following compounds.
(i) Ca(Cl O3 )2 (ii) Na 2CO3 (iii) Na 2 PO4 (iv) HNO3
(v) Cr2 (SO4 )3 (vi) HPO3 (vii) K 2 MnO4

(Ans : (i) +5, (ii) +4, (iii) +5, (iv) +5, (v) +6 , (vi)+5 (vii) + 6)

Q.5 (a) Describe the general rules for balancing a redox equation by oxidation number method.
(b) Balance the following equations by oxidation number method
(i) Cu + HNO3 → Cu(NO3 ) 2 + NO 2 + H 2O
(ii) Zn + HNO3 → Zn(NO3 ) 2 + NO + H 2O
(iii) Br2 + NaOH → NaBr + NaBrO3 + H 2O
(iv) MnO 2 + HCl → MnCl 2 + H 2O + Cl 2

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(v) FeSO 4 + K 2Cr2O7 + H 2SO 4 → Fe 2 (SO 4 )3 + Cr2 (SO 4 )3 + K 2SO 4 + H 2O

(vi) HNO3 + HI → NO + H 2O + I 2
(vii) Cu + H 2SO 4 → CuSO 4 + SO 2 + H 2O
(viii) HI + H 2SO 4 → I 2 + SO 2 + H 2O
(ix) NaCl + H 2SO 4 + MnO 2 → Na 2SO 4 + MnSO 4 + H 2O + Cl 2

Q.6 (a) Describe the general rules for balancing a redox equation by ion-electron method.
(b) Balance the following ionic equations by ion-electron method.
(i) Fe3+ + Sn 2+ → Fe 2+ + Sn 4+
(ii) MnO 41-(aq) + C2O 4 2-(aq) → Mn 2+ (aq) + CO 2(g)
(iii) Cr2O7 2- + Cl- → 2Cr 3+ + 3Cl 2
(iv) Cu + NO31- → Cu 2+ + 2NO 2
(v) Cr2O7 2- + Fe 2+ → Cr 3+ + Fe3+ (acidic media)
(vi) 2-
S2O3 + OCl 1-
→ Cl + S4O6
- 2-
(acidic media)
(vii) IO31- + AsO33- → I - + AsO 4 3- (acidic media)
(viii) Cr 3+ + BiO31- → Cr2O7 2- + 3Bi3+ (acidic media)
(ix) H 3AsO3 + Cr2O7 2- → 3H 3AsO 4 + 2Cr 3+ (acidic media)
(x) CN - + MnO 41- → CNO- + MnO 2(s) (basic media)

Q.7 Describe the electrolysis of molten sodium chloride, and a concentrated solution of sodium

Q.8 What is the diference between single electrode potential and standard electrode potential?
How can it be measured? Give its importance.

Q.9 Outline the important applications of electrolysis. Write the electrochemical reactions
involved therein.Discuss the electrolysis of CuSO4 using Cu-electrodes and AgNO3 solution using
Ag electrode.

Q.10 Describe the construction and working of standard hydrogen electrode.

Q.11 Is the reaction Fe3+ + Ag → Fe2+ + Ag + spontaneous? If not, write spontaneous reaction involving
these species.

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Q.12 Explain the diference between

(a) Ionization and electrolysis. (b) Electrolytic cell and voltaic cell
(c) Conduction through metals and molten electrolytes.

Q.13 Describe a galvanic cell explaining the functions of electrodes and the salt bridge.

Q.14 Write comprehensive notes on:

(a) Spontaneity of oxidation reduction reactions.
(b) Electrolytic conduction.
(c) Alkaline, silver oxide and nickel-cadmium batteries, fuel cell.
(d) Lead accumulator, its desirable and undesirable features.

Q.15 Will the reaction be spontaneous for the following set of half reactions.
What will be the value of Ecell ?
(i) Cr 3+ (aq) + 3e- → Cr(s)
(ii) MnO 2(s) + 4H + + 2e- → Mn 2+ (aq) + 2H 2O( )
(Standard reduction potential for reaction
(i) = -0.74V and for the reaction (ii) = + 1.28V).

Q16. Explain the following with reasons.

(a) A porous plate or a salt bridge is not required in lead storage cell.
(b) The standard oxidation potential of Zn is 0.76 V and its reduction potential is -0.76 V
(c) Na and K can displace hydrogen from acids but Pt, Pd and Cu can not.
(d) The equilibrium is set up between metal atoms of electrode and ions of metal in a cell.
(e) A salt bridge maintains the electrical neutrality in the cell.
(f) Lead accumulator is a chargeable battery.
(g) Impure Cu can be puriied by electrolytic process.
(h) SHE acts as anode when connected with Cu electrode but as cathode with Zn electrode.

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Animation 11.1: Spectrometer

Source & Credit: eLearn
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It is a common observation that rates of chemical reactions difer greatly. Many reactions,
in aqueous solutions, are so rapid that they seem to occur instantaneously. For example, a white
precipitate of silver chloride is formed immediately on addition of silver nitrate solution to sodium
chloride solution. Some reactions proceed at a moderate rate e.g. hydrolysis of an ester. Still other
reactions take a much longer time, for example,the rusting of iron, the chemical weathering of
stone work of buildings by acidic gases in the atmosphere and the fermentation of sugars.
The studies concerned with rates of chemical reactions and the factors that afect the rates of
chemical reactions constitute the subject matter of reaction kinetics. These studies also throw light
on the mechanisms of reactions. All reactions occur in single or a series of steps. If a reaction
consists of several steps, one of the steps will be the slowest than all other steps. The slowest step
is called the rate determining step. The other steps will not afect the rate. The rates of reactions
and their control are often important in industry. They might be the deciding factors that determine
whether a certain chemical reaction may be used economically or not. Many factors inluence the
rate of a chemical reaction. It is important to discover the conditions under which the reaction will
proceed most economically.

Anim ation 11.2: Kinetics

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During a chemical reaction, reactants are converted into products. So the concentration of
the products
increases with the corresponding decrease in the concentration of the reactants as they are being

Anim ation 11.3: RATE OF REACTION

Source & Credit : blobs

The situation is explained graphically in Fig.(11.1) for the reactant A which is changing irreversibly
to the product B.
The slope of the graph for the reactant or the product is the steepest at the beginning. This
shows a rapid decrease in the concentration of the reactant and consequently, a rapid increase in
the concentration of the product. As the reaction proceeds, the slope becomes less steep indicating
that the reaction is slowing down with time. It means that the rate of a reaction is changing every
moment. The following curve for reactants should touch the time axis in the long run. This is the
stage of completion of reaction. The rate of a reaction is deined as the change in concentration of
a reactant or a product divided by the tim e taken for the change.

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Fig. (11.1) Change in the concentration of reactants and products with time for the reaction

The rate of reaction has the units of concentration divided by time. Usually the concentration
is expressed in mol dm-3 and the time in second, thus the units for the reaction rate are mol dm-3s-1.
change in concentration of the substance
Rate of reaction =
time taken for the change

For a gas phase reaction, units of pressure are used in place of molar concentrations. It follows
from the above graph that the change in concentration of the reactant A or the product B is much
more at the start of reaction and then it decreases gradually.

So the reaction rate decreases with time. It never remains uniform during diferent time periods. It
decreases continuously till the reaction ceases.

mol dm-3
Rate of reaction = = mol dm-3 s-1

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11.1.1 Instantaneous and Average Rate

The rate at any one instant during the interval is called the instantaneous rate. The rate of
reaction between two speciic time intervals is called the average rate of reaction.
The average rate and instantaneous rate are equal for only one instant in any time interval. At irst,
the instantaneous rate is higher than the average rate. At the end of the interval the instantaneous
rate becomes lower than the average rate. As the time interval becomes smaller, the average rate
becomes closer to the instantaneous rate.
The average rate will be equal to the instantaneous rate when the time interval approaches
zero. Thus the rate of reaction is instantaneous change in the concentration of a reactant or a
product at a given moment of time.
Rate of reaction =

Where dx is a very small change in the concentration of a product in a very small time interval
dt. Hence, dx/dt is also called rate of change of concentration with respect to time.
The rate of a general reaction, A → B , can be expressed in terms of rate of disappearance of
the reactant A or jthe rate of appearance of the product B. Mathematically,

-d[A] d[B]
Rate of reaction = = +
dt dt

Where d[A] and d[B] are the changes in the concentrations of A and B, respectively. The
negative sign in the term indicates a decrease in the concentration of the reactant A. Since the
concentration of product increases with time, the sign in rate expression involving the change of
concentration of product is positive.

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Anim ation 11.4: Average and Instantaneous Rate of Change

Source & Credit : brilliant

11.1.2 Speciic Rate Constant or Velocity Constant

The relationship between the rate of a chemical reaction and the active masses, expressed as
concentrations, of the reacting substances is summarized in the law of mass action. It states that
the rate of reaction is proport ional to the active mass of the reactant or to the product of active
masses if more than one reactants are involved in a chemical reaction.

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For dilute solutions, active mass is considered as equal to concentration. By applying the law of
mass action to a general reaction.

aA + bB → cC + dD

Rate of reaction = k [A]a [B]b

This expression is called rate equation. The brackets [ ] represent the concentrations and the
proportionality constant k is called rate constant or velocity constant for the reaction.

If [A] = 1 mol dm-3 and [B] = 1 mol dm-3

Rate of reaction = k × 1a × 1b = k

Hence the speciic rate constant of a chemical reaction is the rate of reaction when the
concentrations of the reactants are unity. Under the given conditions, k remains constant, but it
changes with temperature.

Anim ation 11.5: Velocity Constant

Source & Credit : w ikia

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11.1.3 Order of Reaction

For a general reaction between A and B where ‘a’ moles of A and ‘b’ moles of B react to form ’c’
moles of C and ’d’ moles of D.

aA + bB → cC + dD

We can write the rate equation as:

R =k [A]a [B]b

The exponent ’a’ or ‘b’ gives the order of reaction with respect to the individual reactant. Thus
the reaction is of order ‘a’ with respect to A and of order b with respect to B. The overall order
of reaction is (a+b). The order of reaction is given by the sum of all the exponents to which the
concentrations in the rate equation are raised. The order of reaction may also be deined as the
number of reacting molecules, whose concentrations alter as a result of the chemical change.
It is important to note that the order of a reaction is an experimentally determined quantity
and can not be inferred simply by looking at the reaction equation. The sum of the exponents in
the rate equation may or may not be the same as in a balanced chemical equation. The chemical
reactions are classiied as zero, irst, second and third order reactions. The order of reaction provides
valuable information about the mechanism of a reaction.

Anim ation 11.6: Rate and Order of Reac-

Source & Credit : science.uw aterloo

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Examples of Reactions Showing Different Orders

1. Decomposition of nitrogen pentoxide involves the following equation.

2N 2O5 (g) → 2N 2O 4 (g) + O2 (g)

The experimentally determined rate equation for this reaction is as follows:

Rate = k[N 2O5 ]

This equation suggests that the reaction is irst order with respect to the concentration of N2O5.
2. Hydrolysis of tertiary butyl bromide

CH 3 CH 3

CH 3 C Br + H 2O → CH 3 C OH + HBr

CH 3 CH 3

The rate equation determined experimentally for this reaction is

Rate = k[(CH 3 )3CBr]

The rate of reaction remains efectively independent of the concentration of water because,
being a solvent, it is present in very large excess. Such type of reactions have been named as
pseudo irst order reactions.
3. Oxidation of nitric oxide with ozone has been shown to be irst order with respect to NO and
irst order with respect to O3. The sum of the individual orders gives the overall order of reaction as
NO(g)+O3 (g) → NO2 (g)+O2 (g)

Rate = k[NO][O3 ]

4. Consider the following reaction

2FeCl3 (aq) + 6KI(aq) → 2FeI 2 (aq) + 6KCI(aq) + I 2

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This reaction involves eight reactant molecules but experimentally it has been found to be a
third order reaction.

Rate = k[FeCl3 ][KI]2

This rate equation suggests that the reaction is, in fact, taking place in more than one steps.
The possible steps of the reaction are shown below.

FeCl3 (aq) + 2KI(aq) 

→ FeI 2 (aq) + 2KCI(aq) + Cl − (aq)

2KI(aq) + 2Cl- (aq) →

2KCl(aq) + I 2 (s)

5. The order of a reaction is usually positive integer or a zero, but it can also be in fraction or can
have a negative value. Consider the formation of carbon tetrachloride from chloroform.

CHCl3 ()+Cl 2 (g) → CCl 4 ()+HCl(g)

Rate = k[CHCl3 ][Cl 2 ]1/2

The sum of exponents will be 1 + 1/2= 1.5, so the order of this reaction is 1.5.
From the above examples, it is clear that order of reaction is not necessarily depending upon
the coeients of balanced equation. The rate equation is an experimental expression. A reaction
is said to be zero order if it is entirely independent of the concentration of reactant molecules.
Photochemical reactions are usually zero order.

11.1.4 Half Life Period

Half life period of a reaction is the time required to convert 50% of the reactants into products.
For example, the half life period for the decomposition of N2O5 at 45°C is 24 minutes.
It means that if we decompose 0.10 mole dm-3 of N2O5 at 45 °C, then after 24 minutes 0.05
mole dm-3 of N2O5 will be left behind. Similarly after 48 minutes 0.025(25%) mole dm-3 of N2O5 will
remain unreacted and after 72 minutes (3 half times) 0.0125 (12.5%) mole dm-3 of N2O5, will remain

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Decomposition of N2O5 is a irst order reaction and the above experiment proves that the
half-life period of this reaction is independent of the initial concentration of N2O5. This is true for all
92 U has a half-life of 7.1x10 or 710 million
irst order reactions. The disintegration of radioactive 235 8

years. If one kilogram sample disintegrates, then 0.5 kg of it is converted to daughter elements in
92 U , 0.25kg disintegrates in the next 710 million years. So, the
710 million years. Out of 0.5 kg of 235
half-life period for the disintegration of a radioactive substance is independent of the amount of
that substance.
What is true for the half-life period of irst order reactions does not remain true for the
reactions having higher orders. In the case of second order reaction, the half-life period is inversely
proportional to the initial concentration of the reactant. For a third order reaction, half life is
inversely proportional to the square of initial concentration of reactants. Briely we can say that

[t1/2 ]1 ∝
1 0.693
, scince[t1/2 ]1 =
a k

[t1/2 ]2 ∝
1 1
, scince[t1/2 ]2 =
a ka

[t1/2 ]3 ∝
1 1.5
, scince[t 1/2 ]3 =
a2 ka 2

Where [t1/2 ]1 , [t1/2 ]2 , and [t1/2 ]3 are the half-life periods for 1st,
2nd and 3rd order reactions respectively and ‘a’ is the initial
concentration of reactants. In general for the reaction of nth

[t1/2 ]n ∝
a n-1

The half-life period of any order reaction is, thus, inversely

proportional to the initial concentration raised to the power Anim ation 11.7: Half Life
one less than the order of that reaction. So, if one knows the Source & Credit : askiitians
initial concentration and half-life period of a reaction, then
order of that reaction can be determined.

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Example 1:

Calculate the half-life period of the following reaction when the initial concentration of HI is
0.05 M.
2HI(g) ฀ H 2 (g) + I 2 (g)

The value of rate constant k = 0.079 dm3 mol-1 s-1 at 508 °C and rate expression is

Rate = k[HI]2


According to the rate expression it is a second order reaction. The half life paired of a second
order reaction is

 
 t 1  = 2-1 =
1 1
 2  2 ka ka

Putting the values of k and a.

 
t 1  = =
1 1 1
 2 2 k x a
= 3 -1 -1 -3
(0.079dm mol s )(0.050moldm ) 0.079 x 0.05

 
 t 1  = 253sec Answer
 2 2

So, in 253 seconds, the half of HI i.e., 0.05/2=0.025 moles is decomposed.

11.1.5 Rate Determining Step

Finding out the rate equation of a reaction experimentally is very useful. Actually it gives us
an opportunity to look into the details of reaction. Rate equation of example (4) in article 11.1.3
showed clearly that the reaction is taking place in more than one steps. There are many such
reactions in chemistry which occur in a series of steps.

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If a reaction occurs in several steps, one of the steps is the slowest. The rate of this step
determines the overall rate of reaction. This slowest step is called the rate determining or rate
limiting step. The total number of molecules of reacting species taking part in the rate determining
step appear in the rate equation of the reaction.

Let us consider the following reaction

NO 2 (g) + CO(g) → NO(g) + CO2 (g)

The rate equation of the reaction is found to be

Rate = k[NO2 ]2

This equation shows that the rate of reaction is independent of the concentration of carbon
monoxide. In other words the equation tells us that reaction involves more than one steps and
two molecules of NO2 are involved in the rate determining step. The proposed mechanism for this
reaction is as follows.

NO 2 (g) + NO 2 (g) 

→ NO3 (g) + NO(g) (rate determining step)

NO3 (g) + CO(g) →

NO2 (g) + CO2 (g)

The irst step is the rate determining step and

NO3 which does not appear in the inal balanced
equation, is called the reaction intermediate.
The reaction intermediate has a temporary
existence and it is unstable relative to the
reactants and the products. This is a species
with normal bonds and may be stable enough
to be isolated under special conditions. This
reaction is a clear example of the fact that a
balanced chemical equation may not give
any information about the way the reaction
Anim ation 11.8: Rate Determ ining Step
actually takes place. Source & Credit : 80 0 m ainstreet

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Determination of the rate of a chemical reaction involves the measurement of the concentration
of reactants or products at regular time intervals as the reaction progresses. When the reaction
goes on, the concentrations of reactants decrease and those of products increase. The rate of a
reaction, therefore, is expressed in terms of the rates at which the concentrations change.

∆C mol dm-3
Rate of reaction = =

=mol dm-3s-1

Suppose, the concentration of a reactant of any chemical reaction changes by 0.01 mol dm-3
in one second, then rate of reaction is, 0 .01 mole dm-3 s-1.
Rate of a chemical reaction always decreases with the passage of time during the progress of
reaction. To determine the rate of reaction for a
given length of time, a graph is plotted between
time on x-axis and concentration of reactant on
y-axis whereby a curve is obtained.
To illustrate it, let us investigate the
decomposition of HI to H2 and I2 at 508°C.
Table(11.1) tells us that the change in
concentration of HI for irst 50 seconds is 0.0284
mol dm-3 but between 300 to 350 sec, the
decrease is 0.0031 mol dm3. By using the data, a
graph is plotted as shown in Fig (11.2). The graph
is between time on x-axis and concentration of
HI in mol dm-3 on y-axis. Since HI is a reactant,
so it is a falling curve. The steepness of the
concentration-time curve relects the progress
of reaction. Greater the slope of curve near the Fig.(l1.2) T he change in the HI concentration with time for the
start of reaction, greater is the rate of reaction. reaction 2HI(g) ฀ H (g) + I (g) at 508°C.
2 2

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Table (11.1) Change in

concentration of HI with regular
intervals 2HI(g) ฀ H 2 (g) + I 2 (g)
Concentration of Time (s)
HI (mol dm-3)
0.100 0
0.0716 50
0.0558 100
0.0457 150
0.0387 200
0.0336 250
0.0296 300
0.0265 350

In order to measure the rate of reaction, draw a tangent say, at 100 seconds, on the curve and
measure the slope of that tangent. The slope of the tangent is the rate of reaction at that point
i.e., after 100 seconds. A right angled triangle ABC is completed with a tangent as hypotenuse. Fig.
(11.2) shows that in 110 sec, the change in concentration is 0.027 mole dm-3, and hence the
0.027mol dm-3
Slope or rate =
110 sec

=2.5x10-4 mol dm-3s-1

Anim ation 11.9: Chem ical Reaction Rates

Source & Credit : crescentok

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This value of rate means that in a period of one sec in 1 dm3 solution, the concentration of HI
disappears by 2.5 x 10-4 moles, changing into the products.
The right angled triangle ABC can be of any size, but the results for the rate of reaction will be
the same.
If we plot a graph between time on x-axis and concentration of any of the products i.e H2 or I2,
then a rising curve is obtained. The value of the tangent at 100 seconds will give the same value of
rate of reaction as 2.5 x 10-4 mol dm-3S-1.
The change in concentrations of reactants or products can be determined by both physical
and chemical methods depending upon the type of reactants or products involved.

11.2.1 Physical Methods

Some of the methods used for this purpose cure the following: In these methods, a curve has
to be plotted as mentioned in 11.2.0. The nature of the curve may be rising for products and falling
for reactants. Anyhow, the results will be same for the same reaction under the similiar conditions.

Anim ation 11.10 : Electrical Conductivity of m aterials focused on poly m er

Source & Credit : w ikidot

(i) Spectrometry

This method is applicable if a reactant or a product absorbs ultraviolet, visible or infrared

radiation. The rate of reaction can be measured by measuring the amount of radiation absorbed.

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(ii) Electrical Conductivity Method

The rate of a reaction involving ions can be studied by electrical conductivity method. The
conductivity of such a solution depends upon the rate of change of concentration of the reacting
ions or the ions formed during the reaction. The conductivity will be proportional to the rate of
change in the concentration of such ions.

(iii) Dilatometric Method

This method is useful for those reactions, which involve small volume changes in solutions.
The volume change is directly proportional to the extent of reaction.

(iv) Refractrometric Method

This method is applicable to reactions in solutions, where there are changes in refractive
indices of the substances taking part in the chemical reactions.

(v) Optical Rotation Method

In this method, the angle through which plane polarized light is rotated by the reacting mixture
is measured by a polarimeter. The extent of rotation determ ines the concentration of optically
active substance. If any of the species in the reaction mixture is optically active, then this method
can be followed to ind out the rate of reaction.

11.2.2 Chemical Method

This is particularly suitable for reactions in solution. In this method, we do the chemical
analysis of a reactant or a product.
The acid hydrolysis of an ester (ethyl acetate) in the presence of a small amount of an acid is
one of the best examples.

H + (catalyst)
CH 3COOC2 H 5 () + H 2O() ฀฀ ฀฀ ฀฀ ฀฀ ฀฀ ฀฀
฀฀ CH 3COOH() + C2 H 5OH()

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In case of hydrolysis of an ester, the solution of ester in water and the acid acting as a catalyst
are allowed to react. After some time, a sample of reaction mixture is withdrawn by a pipette
and run into about four times its volume of ice cold water. The dilution and chilling stops the
reaction. The acid formed is titrated against a standard alkali, say NaOH, using phenolphthalein as
an indicator.
The analysis is repeated at various time intervals after the start of reaction. This would provide
an information about the change in concentration of acetic acid formed during the reaction at
diferent time intervals. The diferent concentrations of acetic acid are plotted against the time
whereby a rising curve is obtained as shown in Fig (11.3).

Fig. (11.3 ) Measurement of rate of ester hydrolysis

The slope of the curve at any point will give the rate of reaction. Initially, the rate of reaction is high
but it decreases with the passage of time. When the curve becomes horizontal, the rate becomes
If we plot the graph for decreasing concentrations of CH3COOC2H5, then falling curves
are obtained as shown in Fig.(11.2) If we have any laboratory technique to record the changing
concentration of ester or alcohol, we can measure the rate of the reaction. This is a pseudo irst
order reaction. Actually water being in large excess in comparison to ester does not afect the rate
and we think that water is not taking part in the reaction.

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Anim ation 11.11: Chem ical Method

Source & Credit : fg-a


For a chemical reaction to take place, the particles atoms, ions or molecules of reactants must
form a homogeneous mixture and collide with one another. These collisions may be efective or
inefective depending upon the energy of the colliding particles. When these collisions are efective
they give rise to the products otherwise the colliding particles just bounce back. The efective
collisions can take place only when the colliding particles will possess certain amount of energy
and they approach each other with the proper orientation. The idea of proper orientation means
that at the time of collision, the atoms which are required to make new bonds should collide with
each other. The minimum amount of energy, required for an efective collision is called activation
If all the collisions among the reacting species at a given temperature are efective in forming
the products, the reaction is completed in a very short time. Most of the reactions, are, however,
slow showing that all the collisions are not equally efective.

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Let us study a reaction between molecules A2 and B2 to form a new molecule AB. If these
molecules will have energy equal to or more than the activation energy, then upon collisions their
bonds will break and new bonds will be formed. The phenomenon is shown in Fig. (11.4)

Fig. (11.4) Collisions of molecules, formation of activated complex and formation of products

Activated complex is an unstable combination of all the atoms involved in the reaction
for which the energy is maximum. It is a short lived species and decomposes into the products
immediately. It has a transient existence, that is why it is also called a transition state.
When the colliding molecules come close to each other at the time of collision, they slow
down, collide and then ly apart. If the collision is efective then the molecules lying apart are
chemically diferent otherwise the same molecules just bounce back.
When the molecules slow down just before the collision, their kinetic energy decreases and
this results in the corresponding increase in their potential energy. The process can be understood
with the help of a graph between the path of reaction and the potential energy of the reacting
molecules. Fig. (11.5a,b)
The reactants reach the peak of the curve to form the activated complex. Ea is the energy of
activation and it appears as a potential energy hill between the reactants and the products. Only,
the colliding molecules with proper activation energy, will be able to climb up the hill and give the
products. If the combined initial kinetic energy of the reactants is less than Ea, they will be unable
to reach the top of the hill and fall back chemically unchanged.
This potential energy diagram can also be used to study the heat evolved or absorbed during
the reaction. The heat of reaction is equal to the diference in potential energy of the reactants and
the products. For exothermic reactions, the products are at a lower energy level than the reactants
and the decrease in potential energy appears as increase in kinetic energy of the products Fig.
(11.5a). For endothermic reactions, the products are at higher energy level than the reactants and
for such reactions a continuous source of energy is needed to complete the reaction Fig. (11.5b).

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Fig. (11.5) A graph between path of reaction and the potential energy of the reaction

The energy of activation of forward and backward reactions are diferent for all the reactions.
For exothermic reactions the energy of activation of forward reaction is less than that of backward
reaction, while reverse is true for endothermic reactions. Energy of activation of a reaction provides
a valuable information about the way a reaction takes place and thus helps to understand the

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Anim ation 11.12: Activation Energy and Spontaneous reactions

Source & Credit : thom psona


The order of a reaction is the sum of exponents of the concentration terms in the rate
expression of that reaction.

It can be determined by the following methods.

(i) Method of hit and trial
(ii) Graphical method
(iii) Diferential method
(iv) Half life method
(v) Method of large excess
Here we will only discuss half-life method and the method of large excess.

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Anim ation 11.13: Determ ination of Order of a Reaction

Source & Credit : askiitians

11.4.1 Half Life Method

As mentioned earlier, half life of a reaction is inversely proportional to the initial concentration
of reactants raised to the power one less than the order of reaction.

(t1/2 ) n ∝
a n-1

Let us perform a reaction twice by taking two diferent initial concentrations ‘a1’ and ‘a2’ and
their half-life periods are found to be t1 and t2 respectively.

t1 ∝ t2 ∝
1 1
a1 a 2 n-1

t1  a 2 

t 2  a1 
Dividing the two relations: =

a 
=(n-1)log  2 
Taking log on both sides:
 a1 

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Anim ation 11.14: Half Life

Source & Credit : w ikipedia

t 
log  1 
n− 1 =  2 
a 
log  2 
 a1 

t 
log  1 
n= 1 +  t2 
a 
log  2 
 a1 

So, if we know the two initial concentrations and two half life values we can calculate the order of
reaction (n).

Example 2:

In the thermal decomposition of N2O at 760 °C, the time required to decompose half of
the reactant was 255 seconds at the initial pressure of 290 mm Hg and 212 seconds at the initial
pressure of 360 mmHg. Find the order of this reaction.

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The initial pressures of N2O(g) are the initial concentrations.

Data a1 = 290mm Hg t1 = 255 seconds

a 2 = 360mm Hg t 2 = 212 seconds

Formula used

t 
log  1 
n= 1 +  t2 
a 
log  2 
 a1 

Putting the values in the above equation

 255 
log 
n= 1 +  212 
 360 
log 
 290 

n = 1+

n = 1 + 0.85 = 1.85 ≈ 2

1.85 is close to 2, hence the reaction is of second order.

11.4.2 Method of Large Excess

In this method, one of the reactants is taken in a very small amount as compared to the rest
of the reactants. The active masses of the substances in large excess remain constant throughout.
That substance taken in small amount controls the rate and the order is noted with respect to that.
The reason is that a small change in concentration of a substance taken in very small amount
afects the value of rate more appreciably. The hydrolysis of ethyl acetate as mentioned earlier
shows that water being in large excess does not determine the order.

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In this way, the reaction is repeated by taking rest of the substances in small amounts one by
one and overall order is calculated. The method will be further elaborated in article 11.5.2.


All those factors which change the number of efective collisions per second, afect the rate
of a chemical reaction. Some of the important factors are as follows.

Anim ation 11.15: FACTORS AFFECTIN G

Source & Credit : askiitians

11.5.1 Nature of Reactants

The rate of reaction depends upon the nature of reacting substances. The chemical reactivity
of the substances is controlled by the electronic arrangements in their outermost orbitals. The
elements of I-A group have one ejectron in their outermost s-orbital. They react with water more
swiftly than those of II-A group elements having two electrons in their outermost s-orbital. Similarly,
the neutralization and double decomposition reactions are very fast as compared to those reactions
in which bonds are rearranged. Oxidation-reduction reactions involve the transfer of electrons and
are slower than ionic reactions.

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11.5.2 Concentration of Reactants

The reactions are due to collisions of reactant molecules. The frequency with which the
molecules collide depends upon their concentrations. The more crowded the molecules are, the
more likely they are to collide and react with one another. Thus, an increase in the concentrations
of the reactants will result in the corresponding increase in the reaction rate, while a decrease in
the concentrations will have a reverse efect. For example, combustion that occurs slowly in air (21
% oxygen) will occur more rapidly in pure oxygen.
Similarly, limestone reacts with diferent concentrations of hydrochloric acid at diferent rates.
In the case of a gaseous reactant, its concentration can be increased by increasing its pressure.
Therefore, a mixture of H2 and Cl2 will react twice as fast if the partial pressure of H2 or Cl2 is
increased from 0.5 to 1.0 atmosphere in the presence of excess of the other component.
The efect of change in concentration on the rate of a chemical reaction can be nicely
understood from the following gaseous reaction.

2NO(g) + 2H 2 (g) → 2H 2O(g) + N 2 (g)

Anim ation 11.16: Reactants

Source & Credit : giphy

In this reaction, four moles of the reactants form three moles of the products, so the pressure
drop takes place during the progress of reaction. The rates of reaction between NO and H2 at
800°C are studied by noting the change in pressure. The following Table (11.2 ) has been obtained
experimentally for the above reaction.

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Table (11.2) Effect of change in

concentrations of reactants on
the rate of reaction
[NO] in [H2] in Initial rate
(mol dm-3) (mol dm-3) (atm min-1)
0.006 0.001 0.025
0.006 0.002 0.050
0.006 0.003 0.075
0.001 0.009 0.0063
0.002 0.009 0.025
0.003 0.009 0.056

Table (11.2)shows the results of six experiments. In the irst three experiments the concentration
of H2 is increased by keeping the concentration of NO constant. By doubling the concentration of
H2, the rate is doubled and by tripling the concentration of H2, the rate is tripled. So, the rate of
reaction is directly proportional to the irst power of concentration of H2.

Rate ∝ [H 2 ]

In the next three experiments, the concentration of H2 is kept constant. By doubling the concentration
of NO, the rate increases four times and by tripling the concentration of NO the rate is increased
nine times. So, the rate is proportional to the square of concentration of NO.

Rate ∝ [NO]2

The overall rate equation of reaction is,

Rate ∝ [H 2 ][NO]2

or Rate = k[H 2 ]1[NO]2

Hence, the reaction is a third order one. This inal equation is the rate law for this reaction.
It should be kept in mind that rate law cannot be predicted from the balanced chemical equation.
This set of experiments helps us to determine the order of reaction as well.

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The possible mechanism consisting of two steps for the reaction is as follows:
(i) 2NO(g) + H 2 (g) 
→ N 2 (g) + H 2O2 (g) (rate determining)

(ii) H 2O 2 (g) + H 2 (g) →

2H 2O(g)

The step (i) is slow and rate determining.

Anim ation 11.17: Concentration of Reactants

Source & Credit : socratic

11.5.3 Surface Area

The increased surface area of reactants, increases the possibilities of atoms and molecules of
reactants to come in contact with each other and the rates enhance. For example, AI foil reacts with
NaOH moderately when warmed, but powdered AI reacts rapidly with cold NaOH and H2 is evolved
with frothing.
2AI + 2NaOH + 6H 2O → 2NaAI(OH) 4 + 3H 2

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Similarly, CaCO3 in the powder form reacts with dilute H2SO4 more eiciently than its big

Anim ation 11.18: Surface Area

Source & Credit : darelhardy

11.5.4 Light

Light consists of photons having deinite

amount of energies depending upon
their frequencies. When the reactants
are irradiated, this energy becomes
available to them and rates of reactions
are enhanced. The reaction of CH4 and
Cl2 requires light. The reaction between
H2 and Cl2 at ordinary pressure is
negligible in darkness, slow in daylight,
but explosive in sunlight. Similarly, light
is vital in photosynthesis, and the rate is
inluenced by light.
Anim ation 11.19: Light
Source & Credit : w ikipedia

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11.5.5 Effect of Temperature on Rate of Reaction

The collision theory of reaction rates convinces us that the rate of a reaction is proportional to
the number of collisions among the reactant molecules. Anything, that can increase the frequency
of collisions should increase the rate. We also know, that every collision does not lead to a reaction.
For a collision, to be efective the molecules must possess the activation energy and they must also
be properly oriented. For nearly all chemical reactions, the activation energy is quite large and at
ordinary temperature very few molecules are moving fast enough to have this minimum energy.
All the molecules of a reactant do not possess the same energy at a particular temperature.
Most of the molecules will possess average energy. A fraction of total molecules will have energy
more than the average energy. This fraction of molecules is indicated as shaded area in Fig.(11.6).
As the temperature increases, the number of molecules in this fraction also increases. There
happens a wider distribution of velocities. The curve at higher temperature T2 has lattened. It shows
that molecules having higher
energies have increased and
those with less energies have
deceased. So, the number of
efective collisions increases
and hence the rate increases.
When the temperature of the
reacting gases is raised by
10K, the fraction of molecule
with energy more than Ea
roughly doubles and so the
reaction rate also doubles.
Arrheinus has studied the
quantitative relationship
between temperature, energy
of activation and rate constant
of a reaction. Fig. (11.6) Kinetic energy distributions for a reaction mixture at two different
temperatures. The size of the shaded areas under the curves are proportional
to the total fraction of the molecules that possess the minimum activation energy.

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Anim ation 11.20 : Effect of Tem perature on Rate of Reaction

Source & Credit : dy nam icscience

11.5.6 Arrhenius Equation

Arrhenius equation explains the efect of temperature on the rate constant of a reaction. The
rate constant ‘k’ for many simple reactions is found to vary with temperature.
According to Arrhenius:

k=Ae-Ea/RT ........ (1)

So, ‘k’ is exponentially related to activation energy (Ea) and temperature (T). R is general gas
constant and e is the base of natural logarithm. The equation shows that the increase in temperature,
increases the rate constant and the reactions of high activation energy have low ’k’ values.

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The factor ‘A’ is called Arrhenius constant and it depends upon the collision frequency of the reacting
substances. This equation helps us to determine the energy of activation of the reaction as well.
For this purpose, we take natural log of Arrhenius equation, which is expressed as n . The base of
natural log is e and its value is 2.718281.
Now, take natural log on both sides

nk = n(Ae-Ea/RT )

or nk = nA + ne-Ea/RT

or nk = nA + ne

Since ne = 1 (log of a quantity with same base is unity)

-E a
Therefore nk = + nA ........... (2)

The equation (1) is the equation of straight line, and from the slope of straight line Ea can be
calculated. In order to convert this natural log into common log of base 10, we multiply the n term
with 2.303.
-E a
2.303 log k = + 2.303 log A (The base of common log is 10)

Dividing the whole equation by 2.303

-E a
log k = + log A ........... (3)

This equation (3) is again the equation of straight line resembling.

y = -mx + c
Where ‘m’ is slope of straight line and ‘c’ is the intercept of straight line. Temperature is inde-
pendent variable in this equation while rate constant k is dependent variable. The other factors like
Ea, R and A are constants for a given reaction.

When a graph is plotted between T on x-axis and log k on y-axis, a straight line is obtained
with a negative slope. Actually, E a has negative sign so the straight line has two ends in second and
fourth quadrants, Fig. (11.7).

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Fig. (11.7) Arrhenuis plot to calculate the energy of activation

The slope of the straight line is measured by taking the tangent of that angle θ which
this straight line makes with the x-axis. To measure the slope, draw a line parallel to
-E a
x-axis and measure angle θ . Take tan θ which is slope. This slope is equal to

-E a
Slop =
2.303 R

Therefore E a = -Slop x 2.303 R ..........(4)

The straight lines of diferent reactions will have diferent slopes and diferent ‘Ea’ values. The
units of slope are in kelvins (K).
J mol-1
Since Slop = =K
2.303 JK -1mol-1

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Anim ation 11.21: Arrhenius Equation

Source & Credit : w ps

Example 3:

A plot of Arrhenius equation Fig (11.8 ) for

the thermal decompositions of N2O5 is shown
in the following igure. The slope is found to be
-5400 K. Calculate the energy of activation of
this reaction.


(i) The reaction is

N 2O5 ฀ 2NO 2 + 1/2O 2

Fig. (11.8) Arrhenius plot for decomposition of N2O5

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Slope of the straight line = -5400 K

Equation used, Ea = -slope x 2.303 R
R = 8.3143JK-1mol-1
Putting the values,
Ea =-(-5400K)x 2.303 x 8.3143JK-1mol-1
Ea= +103410 J mol-1
Ea = 103.410 kJ mol-1
Hence, the decomposition of N2O needs 103.4kJmol-1 energy more than the average energy
to cross the energy barrier Fig.(11.9)

Fig. (11.9) Potential energy diagram of N2O5 decomposition


A catalyst is deined as a substance which alters the rate of a chemical reaction, but remains
chemically unchanged at the end of the reaction. A catalyst is often present in a very small proportion.
For example, the reaction between H2 and O2 to form water is very slow at ordinary temperature,
but proceeds more rapidly in the presence of platinum. Platinum acts as a catalyst. Similarly, KClO3
decomposes much more rapidly in the presence of a small
amount of MnO2. HCl is oxidised to Cl2 in the presence of CuCl2.

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4HCl+O2 
→ 2H 2O+2Cl 2

The process, which takes place in the presence of a catalyst, is called catalysis. A catalyst
provides a new reaction path with a low activation energy barrier, Fig.(11.10). A greater number of
molecules are now able to get over the new energy barrier and reaction rate increases.

Fig. (11.10) Catalyzed and uncatalyzed reactions.

Anim ation 11.22: CATALYSIS

Source & Credit : ich

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Types of Catalysis

(a) Homogeneous Catalysis

(b) Heterogeneous Catalysis

(a) Homogeneous Catalysis

In this process, the catalyst and the reactants are in the same phase and the reacting system
is homogeneous throughout. The catalyst is distributed uniformly throughout the system. For
(i). The formation of SO3 (g) from SO2 (g) and O2 (g) in the lead chamber process for the manufacture
of sulphuric acid, needs NO (g) as a catalyst. Both the reactants and the catalyst are gases.

2SO 2 (g) + O2 (g) ฀฀ ฀฀ ฀฀ ฀฀
฀฀ 2SO3 (g)

(ii). Esters are hydrolysed in the presence of H2SO4. Both the reactants and the catalyst are in the
solution state.

CH 3COOC2 H 5 (aq) + H 2O() ฀฀ ฀฀H฀฀3SO฀฀
฀4 ฀ CH 3COOH(aq) + C2 H 5OH(aq)

(b) Heterogeneous Catalysis

In such systems, the catalyst and the reactants are in diferent phases. Mostly, the catalysts
are in the solid phase, while the reactants are in the gaseous or liquid phasse. For example:
(i). Oxidation of ammonia to NO in the presence of platinum gauze helps us to manufacture

4NH 3 (g) + 5O 2 (g) ฀฀ ฀฀ ฀฀ ฀฀ 4NO(g) + 6H 2O(g)

(ii) Hydrogenation of unsaturated organic compounds are catalysed by inely divided Ni, Pd or Pt.

CH 2 = CH 2 (g) + H 2 (g) ฀฀ ฀฀ ฀฀ ฀฀฀ CH 3 - CH 3 (g)

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11.6.1 Characteristics of a Catalyst

There are many types of catalysts with varying chemical compositions, but the following
features are common to most of them.
1. A catalyst remains unchanged in mass and chemical composition at the end of reaction. It may
not remain in the same physical state. MnO2 is added as a catalyst for the decomposition of
KClO3 in the form of granules. It is converted to ine powder at the end of reaction. It has been
found in many cases that the shining surfaces of the solid catalyst become dull.
2. Sometimes, we need a trace of a metal catalyst to afect very large amount of reactants. For
example, 1 mg of ine platinum powder can convert 2.5 dm3 of H2 and 1.25 dm3 of O2 to water.
Dry HCl and NH3 don’t combine, but in the presence of trace of moisture, they give dense white
fumes of NH4Cl. Thousands of dm3 of H2O2, can be decomposed in the presence of 1 g of colloidal
3. A catalyst is more afective, when it is present in a inely divided form. For example, a lump of
platinum will have much less catalytic activity than colloidal platinum. In the hydrogenation of
vegetable oils inely divided nickel is used.
4. A catalyst cannot afect the equilibrium constant of a reaction but it helps the equilibrium to be
established earlier. The rates of forward and backward steps are increased equally.
5. A catalyst cannot start a reaction, which is not thermodynamically feasible. It is now considered
that a catalyst can initiate a reaction. The mechanism of a catalysed reaction is diferent from
that of an uncatalysed reaction.

For example:

(i) The presence of CO as an impurity with hydrogen decreases the catalytic activity of catalyst in
the Haber’s process for the manufacture of NH3.
(ii) The manufacture of H2SO4 in the contact process needs platinum as a catalyst. The traces of
arsenic present as impurities in the reacting gases makes platinum inefective. That’s why arsenic
puriier is employed in the contact process.

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11.6.2 Activation of Catalyst

Such a substance which promotes the activity of a catalyst is called a promotor or activator. It
is also called “catalyst for a catalyst”. For example :
(i) Hydrogenation of vegetable oils is accelerated by nickel. The catalytic activity of nickel can be
increased by using copper and tellurium.

Anim ation 11.23: Characteristics of a Cataly st

Source & Credit : logilent

(ii) In Haber’s process for the manufacture of ammonia, iron is used as a catalyst. If small amounts
of some high melting oxides like aluminum oxide, chromium oxide or rare earth oxides are added,
they increase the eiciency of iron.

Negative Catalysis

When the rate of reaction is retarded by adding a substance, then it is said to be a negative
catalyst or inhibitor. For example, tetraethyl lead is added to petrol, because it saves the petrol
from pre-ignition.

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In some of the reactions, a product formed acts as a catalyst. This phenomenon is called auto-
catalysis. For example:
(i) When copper is allowed to react with nitric acid, the reaction is slow in the beginning. It gains the
speed gradually and inally becomes very fast. This is due to the formation of nitrous acid during
the reaction, which accelerates the process.
(ii) The reaction of oxalic acid with acidiied KMnO4 is slow at the beginning, but after sometimes,
MnSO4 produced in the reaction makes it faster.

2KMnO 4 + 3H 2SO 4 + 5(COOH) 2  → K 2SO 4 + 2MnSO 4 + 10CO 2 + 8H 2O


Anim ation 11.24: Activation of Cataly st

Source & Credit : dy nam icscience

11.6.3. Enzyme catalysis

Enzymes are the complex protein molecules and catalyze the organic reactions in the living
cells. Many enzymes have been identiied and obtained in the pure crystalline state. However, the
irst enzyme was prepared in the laboratory in 1969. For example:

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(i) Urea undergoes hydrolysis into NH3 and CO2 in the presence of enzyme urease present in


H2N C NH 2 +H 2O 
→ 2NH 3 +CO 2

(ii) Concentrated sugar solution undergoes hydrolysis into glucose and fructose by an enzyme
called invertase, present in the yeast.

C12 H 22O11 + H 2O →

C6 H12O6 + C6 H12O6

(iii) Glucose is converted into ethanol by the enzyme zymase present in the yeast.

C6 H12O6 
→ 2C2 H 5OH + 2CO 2

Enzymes have active centres on their surfaces. The molecules of a substrate it into-their
cavities just as a key its into a lock Fig. (11.11). The substrate molecules enter the cavities, form the
complex, reactants and the products get out of the cavity immediately. Michaulis and Menter(1913)
proposed the following mechanism for enzyme catalysis

E + S ฀ ES → P + E

E = enzyme, S = substrate (reactant)
ES = activated complex, P = product

Fig. (11.11) Lock and key model of enzyme catalysis

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Anim ation 11.25: Enzy m e cataly sis

Source & Credit : kth

11.6.4 Characteristics of Enzyme Catalysis

The role of enzyme as catalysts is like inorganic heterogeneous catalysts. They are unique in
their eiciency and have a high degree of speciicity. For example:
(i) Enzymes are the most eicient catalysts known and they lower the energy of activation of a
(ii) Enzymes catalysis is highly speciic, for example, urease catalyses the hydrolysis of urea only
and it cannot hydrolyse any other amide even methyl urea.

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(iii) Enzyme catalytic reactions have the maximum rates at an optimum temperature.
(iv) The pH of the system also controls the rates of the enzyme catalysed reaction and the rate
passes through a maximum at a particular pH, known as an optimum pH. The activity of enzyme
catalyst is inhibited by a poison.
(v) The catalytic activity of enzymes is greatly enhanced by the presence of a co-enzyme or activator.

Anim ation 11.26: Characteristic of Enzy m e

Source & Credit : tdm u

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1. The studies concerned with rates of chemical reactions and factors that afect the rates of chemical
reactions and the mechanism of reactions constitute the subject matter of reaction kinetics.
2. The rate of a reaction is the change in the concentration of a reactant or a product divided
by the time taken for the reaction. The rate of reaction between two speciic time intervals
is called the average rate of reaction. While the rate at any one instant during the interval is
called the instantaneous rate. Rate constant of a chemical reaction is rate of reaction when the
concentrations of reactants are unity.
3. Order of reaction is the sum of exponents of the concentation terms in the rate expression
of a chemical reaction.The exponents in the expression may or may not be diferent from
the coeicients of the chemical equation. Order of a reaction may be zero, whole number or
4. Half life period of a reaction is the time required to convert 50% of the reactants into products.
Half-life period of any reaction is inversely proportional to the initial concentration raised to the
power one less than the order of that reaction.
5. The step which limits how fast the overall reaction can proceed, is known as the rate determining
6. Determination of the rate of a chemical reaction involves the measurement of the concentration
of reactants or products at regular time intervals during the progress of reaction. The change
in concentration of reactants and products can be determined by both physical and chemical
7. The efective collisions between the colliding species will take place only when the reactant
molecules possess minimum amount of energy, which is called the energy of activation. Moreover,
proper orientation is also necessary.
8 . All those factors, which change the number of efective collisions per second, afect the rate of
chemical reaction. Some of the important factors are, nature and concentration of reactants,
surface area, light, and temperature and catalyst.
9. A catalyst is a substance, which alters the rate of a chemical reaction, but itself remains chemically
unchanged at the end of reaction. The process when the catalyst and the reactants are in the
same phase is said to be a homogenous catalysis. In case of heterogeneous catalysis, the catalyst
and the reactants are in diferent phases. A substance, which promotes the activity of a catalyst,
is called promoter or activator. In certain reactions, a product formed acts as a catalyst, the
phenomenon is called auto-catalysis.
10. Enzymes are the complex protein molecules, which catalyze the reactions in the living cells.

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Q.1 Multiple choice questions.

(i) In zero order reaction, the rate is independent of

a) temperature of reaction. (b) concentration of reactants,
c) concentration of products (d) none of these
(ii) If the rate equation of a reaction 2A + B → products is, rate =k[A]2 [B], and A is present in large
excess, then order of reaction is
a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) none of these
(iii) The rate of reaction
a) increases as the reaction proceeds.
b) decreases as the reaction proceeds.
c) remains the same as the reaction proceeds.
d) may decrease or increase as the reaction proceeds.
(iv) With increase of 10°C temperature the rate of reaction doubles. This increase in ate of reaction
is due to:
a) decrease in activation energy of reaction.
b) decrease in the number of collisions between reactant molecules.
c) increase in activation energy of reactants.
d) increase in number of efective collisions.
(v) The unit of the rate constant is the same as that of the rate of reaction in
(a) irst order reaction. (b) second order reaction.
(c) zero order reaction. (d) third order reaction.

Q.2 Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

(i) The rate of an endothermic reaction_______ with the increase in temperature.

(ii) All radioactive disintegration nuclear reactions are of________ order
(iii) For a fast reaction the rate constant is relatively and half - life is ______ .
(iv) The second order reaction becomes______ if one of the reactants is in large excess.
(v) Arrhenius equation can be used to ind out________of a reaction.

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Q.3 Indicate true or false as the case may be.

(i) The half life of a irst order reaction increases with temperature.
(ii) The reactions having zero activation energies are instantaneous.
(iii) A catalyst makes a reaction more exothermic.
(iv) There is diference between rate law and the law of mass action.
(v) The order of reaction is strictly determined by the stoichiometry of the bdanced equation.

Q4. What is chemical kinetics? How do you compare chemical kinetics with clemical equilibrium
and thermodynamics.

Q5. The rate of a chemical reaction with respect to products is written with positive sign, but with
respect to reactants is written with a negative sign. Explain it with reference to the following
hypothetical reaction.

aA + bB → cC + dD

Q6 . What are instantaneous and average rates? Is it true that the instantaneousrate of a reaction at
the beginning of the reaction is greater than average rate and beomes far less than the average
rate near the completion of reaction?

Q7. Diferentiate between

(i) Rate and rate constant of a reaction

(ii ) Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalyses
(iii) Fast step and the rate determining step
(iv) Enthalpy change of reaction and energy of activation of reaction

Q8. Justify the following statements

(i) Rate of chemical reaction is an ever changing parameter uner the given conditions.
(ii) The reaction rate decreases every moment but rate constant ‘k’ of the reation is a constant
quantity, under the given conditions.
(iii) 50% of a hypothetical irst order reaction completes in one hour. The renaming 50% needs
more than one hour to complete.
(v) The radioactive decay is always a irst order reaction.

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(iv) The unit of rate constant of a second order reaction is dm3 mol-1s-1, but the uit of rate of reaction
is mol dm-3s-1S.
(vi) The sum of the coeicients of a balanced chemical equation is not neessarily important to give
the order of a reaction.
(vii ) The order of a reaction is obtained from the rate expression of a reaction anthe rate expression
is obtained from the experiment.

Q9. Explain that half life method for measurement of the order of a reaction can help us to measure
the order of even those reactions which have a fractional order.

Q10. A curve is obtained when a graph is plotted between time on x-axis and concentration on
y-axis. The measurement of the slopes of various points give us the instantaneous rates of
reaction. Explain with suitable examples.

Q11. The rate determining step of a reaction is found out from the mechanism of that reaction.
Explain it with few examples.

Q12. Discuss the factors which inluence the rates of chemical reactions.

Q.13. Explain the following facts about the reaction.

2NO(g) + 2H 2 (g) → 2H 2O(g) + N 2 (g)

(i) The changing concentrations of reactants, change the rates of this reaction.
(ii) Individual orders with respect to NO and H2 can be measured.
(iii) The overall order can be evaluated by keeping the concentration of one of the substances

Q14. The collision frequency and the orientation of molecules are necessary conditions for
determining the proper rate of reaction. Justify the statement.

Q.15. How does Arrhenius equation help us to calculate the energy of activation of a reaction?

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Q16. Deine the following terms and give examples

(i) Homogeneous catalysis (ii) Heterogeneous catalysis
(iii) Activation of a catalyst (iv) Auto-catalysis
(v) Catalytic poisoning (vi) Enzyme catalysis

Q17. Briely describe the following with examples

(i) Change of physical state of a catalyst at the end of reaction.
(ii) A very small amount of a catalyst may prove suicient to carry out a reaction.
(iii) A inely divided catalyst may prove more efective.
(iv) Equilibrium constant of a reversible reaction is not changed in the presence of a catalyst.
(v) A catalyst is speciic in its action.

Q18. What are enzymes? Give examples in which they act as catalyst. Mention the characteristics
of enzyme catalysis.

Q19. In the reaction of NO and H2, it was observed that equimolecular mixture of gases at 340.5
mm Hg pressure was half changed in 102 seconds. In another experiment with an initial pressure
of 288 mm of Hg, the reaction was half completed in 140 seconds. Calculate the order of reaction.
Q20. A study of chemical kinetics of a reaction
[A] [B] Rate
A + B → Products 1.00 0.15 4.2 x 10-6
2.00 0.15 8.4 x 10-6
gave the following data at 25 °C. Calculate the rate law. 1.00 0.2 5.6 x 10-6

(Ans: second order)

Q21. Some reactions taking place around room temperature have activation energies around 50kJ

(i) What is the value of the factor e RT

at 25oC ?

(Ans: 1.72x10-9)

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(ii) Calculate this factor at 35 °C anat 45 0C and note1 the increase in this factor for every 10 0C
rise in temperature.

(iii) Prove that for every 10°C rise in of temperature, the factor doubles and so rate constant also

Q22. H2 and I2 react to produce HI. Following data for rate constant at Temp. Rate constant
various temperatures (K) have been collected. (K) (cm3 mol-1 s-1) (K)
500 6.814 x 10-4
(i) Plot a graph between on x-axis and log k on the y-axis. 550 2.64 x 10-2
600 0.56 x 100
(ii) Measure the slope of this straight line and calculate the energy for 650 7.31 x 100
activation of this reaction. 700 66.67 x 100

(Ans: 8326.32,160.6kJmol-1)

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Animation: Appendix
Source & Credit: olivergoodwin
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Appendix eLearn.Punjab

Table A.1 The SI System

Physical Name Symbol Physical Name Symbol
Quantity in Units Quantity in Units
Length meter m Volume cubic meter m3
Mass kilogram kg Length angstrom o
A (0.1nm)
Time second s Pressure atmosphere atm(101.325kPa)
Temperature Kelvin K torr mmHg(133.32Pa)
Electrical current ampere A Energy calorie cal(4.184J)
Luminous intensity candela cd electron volt
Amount of substance mole mol Temperature degree celsius o
C (K-273.15)
Concentration molarity M(mol/L or
mol/dm3 )

Table A.2 Common Derived Units in SI

Physical Name Symbol
Quantity in Unit
Energy joul
J(kg-m 2 /s2 )
Frequency hertz Hz(cycles/s)
Force newton
N(kg-m/s2 )
Pressure pascal
Pa (N/M 2 )
Power watt W(j/s)
Electrical charge coulomb C(amp-s)
Electrical potential volt V(j/c)
Electrical resistance ohm Ù(v/amp)
Electrical conductance siemens S(amp/V)
Electrical capacitance farad F(C/V)

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Appendix eLearn.Punjab

TableA.3 Fraction and Multiplies for Use in SI

Fraction and Multiplies for Use in SI
exa, E 1018 deci, d 10-1
peta, P 1015 centi, c 10-2
tera, T 1012 milli, m 10-3
giga, G 109 micro, m 10-6
mega, M 106 nano, n 10-9
kilo, k 103 pico, p 10-12
hecto, h 102 femto, f 10-15
deca, da 101 atto, a 10-18

Table A.4 Values of Selected Fundamental Constants

Speed of light in vacuum (c) c = 2.99792458x108m/s
Charge on an electron (qe)
q e = 1.6021892x10-19C
Rest mass of electron (me)
me = 19.109534x10-28g
me = 5.4858026x10-4amu
Rest mass of proton (mp)
m p = 1.6726485x10-24g
m p = 1.00727647amu
Rest mass of neutron (mn)
m n = 1.6749543x10-24g
m n = 1.00865012amu
Faraday’s constant (F) F = 96484.56 C/mol
Planck’s constant (h) h = 6.626176x10-34J-s
Ideal gas constant (R) R = 0.0820568 L-atm/mol-K
R = 8.31441 J/mol-K
Atomic mass unit (amu)
1 amu = 1.6605655x10-24g
Boltzmann’s constant (k) k = 1.380662x10−23 J/K
Aogadro’s constant (NA)
N a = 6.022045x1023mol-1
Rydberg constant (RH)
R H = 1.09737318x107 m-1
= 1.09737318x10-2 nm-1
Molar Volume of a gas at s.t.p
Vm = 2.24x10-2 m3mol-1
Heat capacity of water C = 75.276J/mol-K

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Appendix eLearn.Punjab

Table A.5 Selected Conversion Factors

1 J = 0.2390 cal = 107erg
1 cal = 4.184 J

lev/atom = 1.6021892x10-19J/atom = 96.484 kJ/mol

Temperature K = C + 273.15
C = 5/9 (F-32)
F = 9/5 (C) + 32
Pressure 1am = 760 mmHg = 760 torr = 101.325kPa
Mass 1kg = 2.2046 lb
1lb = 453.59 g = 0.45359 kg
1oz = 0.06250 lb = 28.350 g

1ton = 2000 lb = 907.185 kg

1tonne (metric) = 1000 kg = 2204.62 lb

Volume 1 mL = 0.001 L = 1 cm3

1 oz (fluid) = 0.031250 qt = 0.029573 L

1 qt = 0.946326 L

1 gal = 0.946 L
Length 1 mile = 1.60934 km
1 in. = 2.45 cm
10mm = 1 cm
1000mm = 1 m
1000m = 1 km
1m = 39.370 in.
A = 10-10 m = 10-8 cm

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Appendix eLearn.Punjab

Table A.6 Solubility Table

F- Cl- Br- I- O2- S2- OH- NO3- CO32- SO42- CH3COO-
S S S S S s S S s S S
Na +
S S S S - S S S S S S
NH 4 +
S I I I I I - S I I I
Ag +
I S S S I d I S I S S
I S S S I d I S I I S
Ca 2+
I S S S s d s S I I S
Ba 2+
s S S S I I I S s S S
Fe 2+
I S S - I I I S I S I
s S S S I I I S I S S
NI 2+
s S S - I I I S I S S
Cu 2+
s S S S I I I S I S S
Zn 2+
d S I I I I I S I d S
Hg 2+
s S S S I I I S I S S
Cd 3+
S S S s I I I S I S S
Sn 2+
s S S S I I I S I S S
Mn 2+
I S S S I d I S - S
Al 3+

Key : S = Soluble in water I = Insoluble in water (less than 1g/l00g H2O)

s = Slightly soluble in water d = Decompose in water

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Animation: Glosssary
Source & Credit: speedyromeo
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Glossary eLearn.Punjab

Absolute zero: The temperature of -273.16 °C at which the volume of a gas

theoretically becomes zero is called absolute zero. It is taken as
Zero on the kelvin scale of temperature.
Actual yield: Actual yield is the amount of the product actually obtained in a
chemical reaction.
Amorphous solids: Those solids in which the structural units i.e. atoms, ions
or molecules are ixed in their positions but are not regularly
Anisotropy: It is the variation of a certain physical property with direction.

Atomic absorption When a beam of white light is passed through the vapours or a
spectrum: gas, the element absorbs certain wavelengths, while rest of the
wavelengths are passed through it. The spectrum of this radiation
is called atomic absorption spectrum. The missing wavelengths
appear as dark lines in the spectrum.
Atomic emission spectrum: It is the spectrum formed by the elements or their compounds
when they are heated in a lame. The spectrum consists of a
series of bright lines with a dark background.
Atomic radius: If an atom is assumed to be spherical then the atomic size means
the average distance between the nucleus of the atom and its
outermost shell. This distance is called atomic radius and it can
not be measured precisely.
Auf-bau principle: The electrons should be illed in energy sub-levels in order of
increasing energy values. The electrons are irst placed in Is, then
2s, then 2p and so on.
Average Rate of Reaction: The rate of reaction between two speciic time intervals is called
average rate of reaction.
Avogadro’s law: Equal volumes of all ideal gases at same temperature and
pressure contain equal number of molecules.
Avogadro’s number: Avogadro’s number is the number of atoms, molecules or ions
in one gram atom of an element, one gram mole of a compound
or one gram ion of an ionic substance.
Azimuthal quantum The quantum number that deines the shape of the orbital of an
number: electron.

Balmer series: A series of lines present in the visible region of hydrogen spectrum
formed when an electron jumps from higher orbits to the 2nd

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Glossary eLearn.Punjab

Boiling point: The temperature at which the vapour pressure of a liquid

becomes equal to the external pressure, is called boiling point
of the liquid.
Bond energy: The average amount of energy required to break all bonds of a
particular type in one mole of the substance.
Bond order: Half of the diference between the number of bonding electrons
and anti-bonding electrons.
Boyle’s law (1662): The volume of the given mass of a gas is inversely proportional to
the pressure of that gas when the temperature is kept constant.
Brackett series: A series of lines in the infra red region of hydrogen spectrum
formed when the electron jumps from higher orbits to the fourth
Catalyst: The substance which alters the rate of a chemical reaction but
remains chemically unchanged at the end of reaction.
Cathode rays: Negatively charged rays which originate from the cathode when
electricity is passed through a gas at very low pressure.
Charles’s law (1787): The volume of a given mass of a gas is directly proportional to
absolute temperature when the pressure is kept constant.
Chromatography: It is a method used for the separation of components of a mixture.

Colligative properties: These are the properties of solutions that depend only on the
number of solute and solvent molecules or ions.
Common ion effect: The decrease in the solubility of an electrolyte in a solution in the
presence of a common ion is called common ion efect.
Conjugate acid of a base: The positively charged ion produced by the acceptance of a
proton by a base is the conjugate acid of the base.
Conjugate base of the acid: The negatively charged ions or a neutral species produced by
the release of proton is the conjugate base of the compound
releasing the proton.
Covalent crystals: Those crystals in which the non-metallic atoms are held together
in a network of single covalent bonds.
Covalent radius: It is half the length of a covalent bond between tw’o atoms.

Critical temperature: That temperature of a gaseous substance above which it cannot

be converted into the liquid state no matter how much the
pressure is applied on it.
Crystal lattice or space A particular three dimensional arrangement of particles i.e.
lattice: atoms, ions or molecules in a crystal is. called a crystal lattice or
space lattice.

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Glossary eLearn.Punjab

Crystal: A three dimensional shape bounded by plane surfaces which

intersect at deinite angles with each other.
Crystallization: A process in which a crude product is puriied and obtained in
the form of crystals.
Dalton’s law of partial Total pressure of a mixture of gases is equal to the sum of the
pressures: partial pressures of all the gases in the mixture.

Diffusion of gases: The spontaneous mixing of the molecules of diferent gases by

random motion and collisions to form homogeneous mixture
is called gaseous difusion.
Dipole moment: It is a product of charge and the distance between the positive
and negative centers present in a compound.
Dipole: Partial separation of charges on a bond between two atoms.

Dipole-Dipole forces: The attractive forces between the positive end of one molecule
and the negative end of the another polar molecule are called
dipole-dipole forces.
Discharge tube: A glass tube containing a gas at low pressure and is provided
with electrodes for the passage of electricity through the gas.
Effusion of gases: With the passage of the gas molecules one by one without
collisions through a pin hole in their container into an evacuated
space is called efusion.
Electrochemical Cell: It is a system consisting of electrodes that dip into an electrolyte
and in which a chemical reaction either uses or generates
electric current.
Electrode potential: It is the tendency of a metal to form its ions or to get deposited
on the metal when a metal is dipped into the solution of its
own ions.
Electrolysis: It is the decomposition of ionic compounds by the passage of
electric current.
Electrolytic conduction: It is the passage of electric current through electrolytes present
in the fused state or in the solution form.
Electron afinity: Attraction of nucleus of an atom for an extra electron.

Electronegativity: Tendency of a bonded atom to attract the shared electron pair

towards itself.
Empirical formula: That formula of a compound which is based on the formula
unit and gives the simple whole number ratio of the atoms in
the molecule is called empirical formula.

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Glossary eLearn.Punjab

Endothermic reactions: The chemical reactions, which are accompanied by

absorption of heat, are called endothermic reactions.
Enthalpy or heat of solution: It is deined as the heat change when one mole of a substance
is dissolved in a speciied number of moles of solvent at a
given temperature.
Enthalpy: The total heat content of a system is termed as enthalpy of
a system.
Equilibrium constant: Equilibrium constant is the ratio of forward rate constant and
backward rate constant for a reaction at given condition.
Evaporation: The spontaneous change of a liquid into its vapours at the
surface of liquid at a given temperature is called evaporation.
Exothermic reaction: The chemical reactions, which are accompanied by the
evolution of heat, are called exothermic reactions.
First law of thermodynamics: It states that energy can neither be created nor be destroyed
but can be changed from one form to another.
Graham ‘s law of diffusion: The rate of difusion of a gas is inversely proportional to the
square root of the density of the gas or the molar mass of
gas under the given conditions of temperature and pressure.
Half-life period: Half-life period of a reaction is the time required to convert
50% of the reactants into products.
Heisenberg’s uncertainty It is not possible to measure simultaneously the exact
principle: position and momentum of an electron in an atom.

Hess’s law of constant heat If a chemical change takes place by several diferent routes,
summation: the overall energy change is the same, regardless of the
route by which the chemical change occurs, provided the
initial and inal conditions are the same.
Hund’s rule: If degenerate orbitals are available and more than one
electrons are to be placed in them, they should be placed
in separate orbitals with the same spin rather than putting
them in the same orbital with opposite spins.
Hybridization: Mixing of orbitals to form new orbitals with speciic
Hydration: The process in which water molecules surround and interact
with solute molecules or ions is called hydration.

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Hydrogen bonding: Hydrogen bondingis the electrostatic force of attraction

between hydrogen atom (bonded to a small highly
electronegative atom) and the electronegative atom of
another molecule.
Ideal gas: A gas which obeys the gas laws at all temperatures and
Ideal solutions: Those solutions which obey Raoult’s law.

Instantaneous Rate of Reaction: The rate of reaction at any one instant during the interval.
Intermolecular forces: The attractive forces which exist between individual particles
i.e. atoms, ions and molecules.
Ion dipole interactions: The electrostatic forces of attraction between an ion (positive
or negative) and the polar molecules of the solvent.

Ionic crystals: Those crystals in which the oppositely charged ions are held
together by an ionic bond.
Ionic radius: It is the radius of an ion considered spherical in shape.

Ionization Energy: It is the minimum amount of energy required to remove the

most loosely bound electron from an isolated gaseous atom.
Irreversible reaction: An irreversible reaction is that in which products of the
reaction do not react to form the original reactants under
the same set of conditions.
Kinetic molecular theory of A model of gases which explains the physical behaviour of
gases: gases.

Law of mass action: The rate at which a substance reacts is proportional to its
active mass and the rate of a chemical reaction is proportional
to the product of the active masses of the reacting substances.
Le-Chatelier’s principle: If a system at equilibrium is disturbed, it behaves in such a
way as to nullify the efect of that disturbance.
Limiting reactant: Limiting reactant is that reactant which is present in lesser
amount and controls the amount of the products in a
chemical reaction.

Liquid crystal: That crystalline state of a substance which exists between two
temperatures i.e. the melting temperature and the clearing

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London dispersion forces:The attractive forces between the temporary dipole in one
molecule and temporary induced dipole in an adjacent molecule
are called London dispersion forces, adjacent molecule are
called London dispersion forces.
Lowry-Bronsted Concepts Acids are those species which give proton or have a tendency
of acids and bases: to give proton. Bases are those species which accept proton or
have a tendency to accept proton.
Lyman series: A series of lines in the ultraviolet region of hydrogen spectrum
which are obtained when electron jumps from higher orbits to
the irst orbit of hydrogen atom.
Magnetic quantum number: The quantum number that deines the orientation of an orbital
in a magnetic ield.
Mass spectrometer: It is the instrument employed to separate positively charged
particles on the basis of their m/e values and get the record on
the photographic plate or electrometer.
Metallic crystals: Those crystals in which the metal atoms are held together by
metallic bonds.

Molality (m): It is the number of moles of the solute dissolved in 1000 grams
(1 kg) of the solvent.
Molar volume: The volume occupied by one mole of an ideal gas at standard
temperature and pressure - 22.414 dm3 is called the molar
Molarity (M): It is the number of moles of the solute dissolved per dm3 of the
Mole fraction: Mole fraction of any component in a mixture is the ratio of the
number of moles of it to the total number of moles of all the
components present in the solution.
Mole: A quantity which contains Avogadro’s number of units i.e. atoms,
molecules, ions or whatever under consideration is called a
Molecular crystals: Those crystals in which the molecules are held together by van
der Waal’s forces.

Molecular formula: A chemical formula which gives the total number of atoms
present in a molecule of a substance.

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Molecular ions: Those ions which are produced by the removal of one or more
electron or electrons from the molecule of a substance are called
molecular ions. They are mostly positive and rarely negative.
Non-ideal solution: Those solutions which do not obey Raoult’s law.

Non-spontaneous It is the reverse of the spontaneous process. It does not take place
Process: on its own and does not occur in nature.

Orbit: An orbit is a deinite path at a deinite distance from the nucleus in

which the electron revolves around the nucleus; actually an orbit
indicates an exact position or location of an electron in an atom.
Orbital: A region around the nucleus where the probability of inding the
electron is maximum, s, p, d and f are diferent types of orbitals
which exist in an atom.
Order of Reaction: It is the sum of the exponents of the concentration terms in the
rate expression of a chemical reaction.
Oxidation Number: It is the apparent charge on an atom of an element in a compound
or a radical.
Paper Chromatography: It is a technique of partition chromatography in which the stationary
phase is water adsorbed on paper and mobile phase is usually an
organic liquid.
Partial pressure: The pressure exerted by an individual gas in a gaseous mixture is
called the partial pressure of that gas.
Parts per million: It is deined as the number of the parts (by weight or volume) of a
solute per million parts (by weight or volume) of the solution.

Paschen series: A series of lines in the infra red region of hydrogen spectrum which
results from the transitions of electron from higher orbits to the
third orbit.
Pauli’s exclusion According to this principle, it is impossible for two electrons residing
principle: in the same orbital of a poly electron atom, to have the same values
of four quantum numbers. Thus two electrons in the same orbital
should have opposite spins.
Percentage yield:
Actual yield
%yield= x100
Theoretical yield

Pfund series: A series of lines in the infra red region of hydrogen spectrum which
results from the transition of electron from higher orbits to the
ifth orbit.

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pH of the solution: The negative log of [H+] is called pH of the solution.

Phase: Every sample of matter with uniform properties and a ixed

composition is called a phase.
pi (p) bond A bond formed by the parallel overlap of the two planar p-orbitals
present on the adjacent atoms which are already bonded with a ct
pKw: It is the negative log of dissociation constant of water.

pOH of the solution: The negative log of [OH-] is called pOH of the solution.

Polarizability: Polarizability is the quantitative measurement of the extent to

which the electronic cloud can be polarized.
Positive rays or canal Rays travelling in a direction opposite to the cathode rays in a
rays: discharge tube. They consist of positively charged ions formed by
the ionization of gas molecules with the passage of cathode rays.
Principal quantum The quantum number that deines the shell of an electron in an
number: atom. Its symbol is n.

Quantum Numbers: These are the sets of numerical values which give the acceptable
Raoult’s law: The lowering of the vapour pressure of a solvent by a solute, at a
given temperature, is directly proportional to the mole fraction of
Rate Constant: Itistherateofreactionwhentheconcentrationsofthereactantsareunity.

Rate of Reaction: It is deined as the change in concentration of a reactant or a product

divided by the time taken for the change.
Real gas: A gas which does not obey the gas laws at all temperatures and
Redox Reaction: A chemical reaction in which oxidation and reduction take place.

Relative abundance of The percentage of isotope of an element in comparison to other

isotope: isotopes of the same element is called relative abundance of
Relative atomic mass: Relative atomic mass of an atom of an element is the mass as
compared with the mass of one atom of carbon taken as twelve. It
is expressed in a.m.u.

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Retardation Factor (Rf): A component of a mixture may be identiied by a speciic

retardation factor called R, value. It is related to the partition
coeicient by the following relationship,
Distance travelled by a component from the original spot
Rf =
Distance travelled by a solvent from the original spot

Reversible reaction: A reversible reaction is that one in which products of a reaction

can react to form the original reactants.
Sigma (s)-bond: A bond formed by the linear overlap of atomic orbitals.

Solubility: It is the number of grams of a solute that can be dissolved in

100 grams of the solvent to prepare a saturated solution at a
particular temperature.
Solvent Extraction: It is a technique in which a solute can be separated from a
solution by shaking the solution with a solvent in which the
solute is more soluble and the added solvent does not mix
with the solution.
Spectrum: A band of seven colours formed by the dispersion of the
components of white light, when it is passed through a prism.
Spontaneous Process: Process, which takes place on its own without any outside
assistance and moves from a non-equilibrium state towards
an equilibrium state, is termed as spontaneous process.
Standard Electrode Potential: When a metal is dipped into the solution of its own ions
having concentration 1.0 mol per dm3 or a gas is passed at a
pressure of one atmosphere through a solution of 1.00 mol
per dm3 strength of its ions having an inert electrode, the
potential developed is called standard electrode potential. The
temperature of the system is maintained at 250 C.
Standard Enthalpy of It is the change of enthalpy when one mole of gaseous atoms
Atomization: is formed form the element under standard conditions.

Standard Enthalpy of It is the amount of heat produced when one mole of the
Combustion: substance is completely burnt in excess of oxygen under
standard conditions.
Standard Enthalpy of It is the change of enthalpy when one mole of a compound is
Formation: formed from its elements under standard conditions.

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Standard Enthalpy of It is the amount of heat evolved when one mole of hydrogen ions H+
Neutralization: from an acid react with one mole of hydroxide ion OH- from an alkali
under standard conditions.
Standard temperature The standard temperature is 0 C (273 K) and the standard pressure is

and pressure: 1 atm or 760 mm of Hg or 760 torr or 101325 Nm-2.

State Function: It is a macroscopic property of a system which has some deinite

value for each state and which is independent of path in which the
state is reached.
Stoichiometry: Stoichiometry is the branch of chemistry which deals with the
quantitative relationship between reactants and products in a
balanced chemical equation.
Sublimation: It is a process in which a solid, when heated, vapourizes directly without
passing through the liquid state.
Surroundings: The remaining portions around a system are called surroundings.

System: Anything (materials) under test or under consideration, is termed as

a system.
Theoretical yield: The oretical yield is the amount of the products calculated from the
balanced chemical equation.
Thermochemistry: The study of heat changes during a chemical reaction is known as
Unit cell: The smallest unit of the volume of a crystal which when repeated in
three dimensions can generate the structure of the entire crystal.
Vacuum distillation: The process of heating a liquid under reduced pressure to change it
into vapours at a lower temperature and then condensing the vapours
to a liquid.
van der Waal’s It is an equation of state of gases that modiies the ideal gas equation
equation: to represent more accurately the behaviour of real gases.

Vapour pressure: The pressure exerted by the vapours of a liquid in equilibrium with
the liquid at a given temperature.
Water of Those water molecules, which have combined with some compounds
crystallization: as they are crystallized from aqueous solutions is called water of
crystallization or water of hydration.


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