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Issue 2/ 2020

Pipeline Technology Journal



www.pipeline-journal.net ISSN 2196-4300

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Dear colleagues,

Today you receive the 2nd edition of ptj, with which we publish the
presentations of the “Pipeline Technology Conference”, ptc, which was
cancelled due to the corona epedemia. The third special issue with the
remaining 20 papers will be published soon.

The online ptc 2020 as a replacement has brought a surprisingly positive

response. The repayment of the remaining participant payments was
completed with a great deal of understanding and consideration from Dr. Klaus Ritter
sponsors, exhibitors and participants.
Editor in Chief
One could say that with the help of the ptc family we have survived this
great crisis without any major losses in terms of costs and performance.
We would like to thank all those who have contributed to this.

Nevertheless, none of us can carry on as before, because the corona crisis has shown the
whole world that in globalisation it is no longer only safety, reliability and profitability that
count. Environmental protection, social equilibrium and health protection are also clearly
important. Specialist conferences with large international participation are affected to a
considerable extent.

On the other hand, however, the international exchange of experience is so important,

especially in the pipeline sector, which is why in future - where it is possible and appropriate
- much more exchange will probably take place digitally using the Internet. Dennis Fandrich
Director Conferences
At EITEP, a team led by Dennis Fandrich, Director Conferences and Marian Ritter,
Director Exhibitions, is currently developing an online conference format which, like a
presence conference, will allow all participants to exchange experiences and compare
the services and products presented.

The first “Virtual Pipeline Summit”, VPS which deals with the complex “Digital Transformation
in the Pipeline Industry”, will be offered on 30. 6. 2020.

Shortly after its publication, well over 450 participants from more than 60 countries had
already registered. As with ptc, 28% of them are from operators.

It is hoped that this format will meet the expectations of the ptc family.
Marian Ritter
Other topics, services and technologies will be covered in further VPS events. Director Exhibitions

Of course, the 16th ptc, which brings together the entire spectrum of the pipeline industry,
will again be held in Berlin from 15 to 18 March 2021.

Sincerely yours

Dr. Klaus Ritter, President, EITEP Institute




Cost-effective Ultrasonic Inspection of Enhancing Energy Efficiency and Reducing

Large Diameter Pipelines: Greenhouse Gas Emissions through
Technology Update Innovation and Renewables Integration
Ries Augustijn - Intero Integrity Services 8 E. Nasini, M. Santini, M. Baldini, S. Amidei, M. Vaccaro -
Baker Hughes 40
North Sea Wintershall DEA Case Study
Christoph Seeber; Holger Hintelmann -
Real-time remote monitoring and risk
NDT Global GmbH & Co. KG; Wintershall DEA AG 18 management of oil & gas facilities subjected
Quantitative Pipeline Risk Assessment to natural hazards
(QPiRATM) Fire and Dispersion Analysis P. Psarropoulos, E. Kapogianni; Y.Tsompanakis -
of a Subsea Gas Pipeline Leak Using National Technical University of Athens;
Empirical Consequence Modelling Technical University of Crete 50
M Nazmi B M Ali Napiah, Shaikh Abdullah B Shaikh
GRP Piping Failures
Othman, Aishah Mastura Supian -
Ali Assi - Amiantit Qatar Pipes 58
PETRONAS, Malaysia 28

OMEGA Fiber Optic Monitoring System: Prediction of Leak Mass Rate in

New Features for Technological Security of High-Pressure Gas Pipeline
Transneft Pipelines F. Yuan, R. Chen, B. C. Khoo; Y. Zeng; R. Luo -
Dr.Aleksey I.Turbin - OMEGA 36 National University of Singapore; National Metrology
Centre, Singaproe; Xylem Inc 72

THANKS TO THE Company Directory

Page 82

ptc Review 78 Event Calendar 87

 Pipeline Technology Journal - ptj

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 Pipeline.Technology.Confer-

ptj Editorial Board

Dr. Michael Beller, Director Global
Market Strategy, Rosen Europe

Max Wedekind, Managing Director, Asle Venas, Senior Principle Pipeline
DENSO Specialist, DNV GL

Andreas Antoniou, Senior Research

Steffen Paeper, Senior Offshore
Commissioning Engineer, South Stream
National Technical University of Athens

Mark Iden, Chief Executive Officer, Tobias Walk, Managing Director, ILF
SkyData Air & Space

Mahmoud Abdel Hakim, Pipeline

Belkacem Bechka, Freelance Pipeline
Engineering Team Leader, ADNOC

President: Dr. Klaus Ritter

Register Court: Amtsgericht Hannover
Company Registration Number: HRB 56648

e Journal Value Added Tax Identification Number: DE 182833034

Editor in Chief
Dr. Klaus Ritter

Pipeline Technology Journal

E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: +49 (0)511 90992-10

Editorial Board
ptj Editorial Board
Pipeline Technology Journal
Editorial Management
Dennis Fandrich
[email protected]
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: +49 (0)511 90992-22
Euro Institute for Information and Technology Transfer GmbH
Marian Ritter
Marie-Jahn-Straße 20
E-Mail: [email protected]
30177 Hannover, Germany
Tel: +49 (0)511 90992-15
Tel: +49 (0)511 90992-10
Fax: +49 (0)511 90992-69
URL: www.eitep.de
Rana Alnasir-Boulos
E-Mail: [email protected]
Terms of publication: Four times a year
Tel: +49 (0)511 90992-19

Used Copyright Material: Design & Layout

P. 1, 78 - 81 ©Philip Wilson Constantin Schreiber: [email protected]
P. 6 - 7 ©Armin Küpper
Editorial Staff
Mark Iden: [email protected]

It takes a certain genius to use an object for a completely different pur-

pose than the one for which it was originally intended. And so it is with
Armin Küpper from the small German town of Liedberg in North Rhine

Küpper is a musician. Plays the saxaphone. But he has discovered

a unique way to enhance the human sound of his instrument: Küp-
per plays next to large gas pipes allowing the sound of the sax to be
hauntingly amplified by the natural echo the pipe produces. This is the
advantage of living in a town like Liedberg, he says, where there are an
abundance of pipes positioned along the pipeline right-of-way waiting
to be laid. “Sometimes I just can’t stop playing. The nice thing is, when
it gets cool in the evening, I sit down in the pipe still warm from the
sun’s rays during the day and enjoy the sunset playing the saxophone.”

Cost-effective Ultrasonic Inspection of
Large Diameter Pipelines: Technology Update

Ries Augustijn > Intero Integrity Services

To be successful in the ILI business, organization require the right mix of technological capabilities, operational
agility and quality standards. The business is fairly competitive, and often technological capabilities are pivotal in
the customer proposition of the company. However, the best technologies are not solely required for successful ILI
companies. Robustness of the system, operability by the ILI inspector, fitness of the product with commercial route
to the market all contribute to a rapid return on investment.

Within Intero Integrity we have a diverse innovation portfolio, focused at unpiggable pipelines and robotic tank
inspections. Providing a robust, versatile, high-resolution and cost-effective method to inspect large diameter
pipelines was recognized as a challenge and opportunity. For that, Intero has developed a Large Diameter Ultra-
sonic Inspection tool capable of inspecting pipelines of 20 inch to 64 inch with high resolution. The tool is always
bi-directional and capable of mitigating 1.5D bends. Gathered data can be reviewed real-time during the inspection.
The operating envelope of the tool is such that it can cope with various products in the pipeline, varying from (high
salinity) water, crude oil and a multitude of refined products. Despite the fact that product properties (e.g. speed of
sound, attenuation, temperature, etc) vary, the tool is designed such that this is not a limiting factor for the oper-
ating envelope. The application of advanced ultrasonic beam forming methodologies and signal generation and
-processing ensure that the system is versatile and robust for these types of real-life operating conditions. This
presentation will provide an overview of the utilization of these technologies, the validation program that has been
used to demonstrate tool specifications and the experiences gained at successful projects.



Pipeline infrastructures play an important role in our to- pipelines. In the range of services provided, the inspection
day’s society. Economically and politically, the dependency of large pipelines presents several technical and operation-
of our community strongly depends on pipeline networks. al challenges.
Operating pipelines introduce risks to health, safety, envi-
ronment and economics. Hence, managing these risks is To enable inspection of these pipelines, clients frequently
essential. require the inspection to be conducted without exposing
their pipelines to a different product. This presents several
Managing these risks comprises various activities, of challenges as these large pipelines may contain multiple
which inspection and Non-Destructive-Testing (NDT) is a liquid products at different temperatures, and frequently
significant part. Intero Integrity (formerly A.Hak Industrial their acoustic properties cannot be characterized prior to
Services) is an inspection and industrial services specialist, inspection.
combining innovative technologies, critical insights, state-
of-the-art equipment and advanced data management with Characterizing the acoustic properties beforehand is typi-
a streamlined project approach. cally only possible for some pure refined products, while in
other, e.g. crude oils, it is not possible because of the wide
A wide range of inspection tools is available in the market, variation produced from different oilfields or various blends
deploying various technologies, in different ways. Among available and furthermore their properties can vary signifi-
others the deployment of “Intelligent Pigs”, allow to use cantly due to the temperature of the inspection medium.
advanced electronics and sensorics to assess the pipe-
line integrity, Various NDT methods & techniques can be
utilized, among others Ultrasonic Testing. OBJECTIVE

The cost-effective ultrasonic inspection of large diameter The main objective was to develop a flexible, safe and
pipelines has been a challenge for decades in our industry. cost-effective system based on Ultrasonic Testing, that
Intero Integrity has been working on an improved inspec- could work in various inspection media (products) and
tion system for this case. increase the sensitivity and resolution of existing tools and
be capable of inspecting pipelines ranging from 20 inches
PROBLEM STATEMENT AND SYS- up to 64 inches with a formfactor of a typical bidi cleaning

This inspection system relates to thickness measurement
Intero operates inspection tools based on Ultrasonic through the Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT); en-
Testing (UT) to determine the remaining wall thickness of abling corrosion mapping of pipelines.

Figure 1: LDUT Piglet®



The concept is based on the standard Intero Piglet® MODELLING

system, deploying an autonomous pigging system, with
an optional optical fiber tether to allow for real-time data Simulations in CIVA software were performed to provide
review during the inspection. However, it is improved with constructive delay laws and beam computations to enable
an annular ultrasonic Phased Array transducer enclosed to cope with the multiple materials and the complex geom-
in a spherical housing. The rotatable mirror arrangement etry of the prototype concept.
based on the Internal Rotating Mirror Principle (IRIS) allows
the pipe to be investigated 360° degrees with an adjust- Beam computations were performed for different media
able measuring grid. and pipelines diameters and
the correspondent beam profile was assessed in pre-de-
Some of the benefits of Phased Array technology over fined computational areas.
conventional UT derive from the ability control beam shape (Figure 2)
on transmission and increase the sensitivity on reception.
Annular array transducers have unique characteristics
which make them superior for this application as they can
focus at a predetermined distance producing a symmetric
and circular beam profile.

Crude oils however are typically attenuative media which

exhibit a natural high frequency filtering effect. Conven-
tionally, overcoming the frequency dependent attenuation
effects was done by outputting more energy, lowering the
inspection frequency and transmitting a longer pulse at the
cost of lowering the axial resolution.

Traditional single-pulse excitation can be replaced by long

coded pulse excitation, which can extend the pulse dura-
tion instead of increasing the signal pulse amplitude. In
this way, the average transmitting energy can be increased,
overcoming severe attenuation by the inspection medium.

The application of frequency modulation signals, also

known as “chirps”, consist of transmitting a wide band
frequency modulated signal that is cross-correlated with a
reference in order to be able to resolve in time the returned
echoes. The correlation process restores axial resolution
and increasing SNR.

The “chirp” signals are also less susceptible to the influ-

ences of coatings, contaminants, debris or impurities in the

The signals applied are dependent on the application and

the transducer used. In some applications the broadband
electrical signal applied to the transducer includes energy
up to 10MHz, for other applications, the energy may be
restricted to 3.5MHz or less.


Figure 2: Example of computational areas (IW plane)

The Pipeline Operators Forum (POF) 2016 and the API1163

standard provide guidelines for defining the basis of per- In the images on the right (Figure 3) we can visualize the
formance specification of ILI systems. The performance radiated ultrasonic field by the developed tool in a low
specification was made by modelling and pull through velocity medium, i.e. Naphtha @ 1130 [m/s].
tests. Statistical analysis of the data was done with STA-
TUS 5 Eclipse Scientific software.


Figure 3: Ultrasonic Field (L-Wave); (A) - Null delay (unfocused); (B) - 100 [mm] focal point; (C) - 200 [mm] focal point;
(D) - 300 [mm] focal point; (E) - 411 [mm] focal point (BW) 30 inches.

Figure 4: Computational plane placed on the BW of a 28 inches pipe (Beam profile @ -6dB), in this example the focal point is placed on the back-wall (I); +100mm
from the back-wall (H); +200mm from the back-wall (G); and +300mm from the back-wall (F).


This beam energy mapping shows the zones of maximum

energy of the beam within the defined computational area
(Naphtha @ 1130 [m/s]) .

The developed system can extend the operating envelope

to lower velocity media. Therefore, the diameter of the
UT beam at pipe surface can be established according to
the inspection requirements, figure 4 shows an example
through a computation plane placed on the back-wall of a
28in pipeline, with Light Crude Oil @1350m/s.


In March of 2018, pull through tests were performed in

order to establish the performance specification on a 28
inches carbon-steel test pipe spool with artificial manufac-
tured Pinhole and Pitting type of defects, having medium
density crude oil, API gravity 26, as a inspection medium.
Metal losses are represented by two types of geometries:
Flat Bottomed Holes (FBH) and Hemispherical Bottomed
Holes (HBH) (Table 1).

The figure 5, shows the test setup for the pull-through

tests. 12 runs were performed at an inspection speed of Figure 5: Pull-through test setup
100 [m/h]; 470 measurements per revolution enabling a

Table 1: 28 inches Test Pipe Overview



Figure 6: Data Acquisition C-scans

measuring grid of approximately 4.6 x 4.2 [mm], circumfer-

ential and axial, respectively.

Sizing of the detected flaws was performed by Data Ana-

lysts. Figure 6 on the right shows the C-scan images of one
of the pull-through runs performed.


The Probability Of Detection, POD, is the probability that a

feature with size a will be detected by the ILI tool. Accord-
ing to the POF “Specifications and requirements for in-line
inspection of pipelines” version 2016, two features can be

• A 90/50 (a90) is the feature size at which the average

POD is 90%;
• A 90/95 (a90/95 is the feature size at which the lower
Figure 7: POD Curve for HBH’s
95% confidence limit of the POD is 90%).

Table 2: POD (a90 and a90/95)

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Figure 8: Sizing accuracies for FBH (left) and HBH (right)



All Metal losses, represented by FBH’s, were detected in A total of 226 anomalies were reported, of which 216 were
all the runs. These are not taken into account in the below classified as lamination. The remaining 10 anomalies are
graph. The two smallest Hemispherical Bottom Holes were related to metal loss. All metal loss anomalies have been
not detected both internal and external, (Figure 7). further analyzed, calculating Psafe and ERF (Emergency
Repair Factor), based on ASME B31G.
The results (POD and sizing accuracy) from the validation
The sizing accuracy results are depicted in Figure 8. piece inspection, reflect the tool performance characteris-
tics as described before in System Description
Regarding metal losses, for FBH, the tool has a depth
sizing accuracy of ±0.1[mm], length sizing accuracy of BENEFITS OF THE LARGE
±7.3 [mm] and height of ±12.2 [mm] with a 95% confidence DIAMETER PHASED ARRAY TOOL
level. For HBH, is has a depth sizing accuracy of ±0.2[mm],
length sizing accuracy of ±5.4 [mm] and height of ±10.8 In previous inspections, labor intensive preparations were
[mm] with a 95% confidence level. required to tune the system to the specific product prop-
erties, which were not always known beforehand. This
resulted in significant project complexity and cost, related
to cleaning, drying, water supply, water treatment, etcetera.
Due to the improved and flexible acoustic design of the
Phased Array tool, this is not required anymore, because
the acoustic properties of the tool can be calibrated and
tuned to the specifics of the product in the pipe on-site.

Safety, flexibility and reduced operational risk

Table 3: Sizing accuracy for all (FBH and HBH) defects at 95% confidence level • For any pipeline of 20” ID and up, the system can be
integrated in a single bidi body, similar to a cleaning
• The system can be deployed as a bi-directional tool: a
CASE STUDY single access point can be used for deployment and
The tool developed has been deployed over several proj- • The small sensor head makes it possible to cope with
ects. One of these projects was for a European pipeline tight bends, tees, reductions, etcetera.
owner. • Simple, small pig launcher suffice.
• Phased Array technology increases flexibility to mul-
PIPELINE CHARACTERISTICS titude of products and product types (heavy and light
crude, diesel, naphtha, etc.)
The pipeline had the following characteristics: • Optional availability of optical fiber for data commu-
nication during the inspection run: the data can be re-
• Diameter: 28”; viewed for position information and quality assurance:
• Nominal wall thickness: 7.9; 9.5 and 12.7 mm; inspection parameters can be fine-tuned.
• Length: 110 meter;
• Operational product: Crude oil; Time efficiency
• Inspection medium: Crude oil.
• Inspection in product is a significant time-saver for the
As a part of the Pig launcher, a validation spool is installed. out-of-service period of the pipeline.
The spool contains artificial metal-loss defects, with known • The tethered data collection allows for instant feed-
dimensions. This allows additional performance, verifica- back on the inspection quality, which allows for swift
tion of system performance prior to the inspection, and to insight in the success of an inspection run.
compare the tool performance historic results.
Cost effectiveness
• Intero LDUT makes it economically feasible to even
The inspection of the pipeline, covering a total length of 112 pig short and difficult to pig pipelines
meters, was completed successfully in approximately 1.4 • Due to the capabilities of the tool to inspect in product,
hours. The average velocity during inspection was 96 m/h. cost are reduced significantly.


Environmental The probability of detection and sizing accuracy has been

validated, both by simulations and pull-tests. This has been
• No water usage, less cleaning, waste water (treatment), confirmed on a real-life project.
All metal losses, represented by FBH’s, were detected in all
Quality the runs. The a90/95 is established at 10.5mm for Hemi-
spherical Bottom Holes.
• Despite the fact that the inspection was executed in
crude oil, the inspection performance on the validation References
spools was improved, compared to historic verification
Specifications and requirements for in-line inspection of pipelines - Version 2016
runs with a conventional tool in water. API Standard 1163, In-line Inspection Systems Qualification, Second edition, April 2013

Manual for Determining the Remaining Strength of Corroded Pipelines, B31G - 2012
CONCLUSIONS Phased Array Ultrasonic Technology, 2th Edition, 2013, Eclipse Scientific,

A Large Diameter inspection tool has been developed

based on the internal rotating mirror principle that allows Authors
the pipe to be investigated 360° degrees enabling to es-
tablish both the measuring grid and beam profile according Ries Augustijn
to the inspection requirements.
Intero Integrity Services
The tool brings many benefits, robustness, flexibility Manager Technology Center
(short-radius bends, offtakes) and versatility (product inde-
pendency: any fluid). A tool with bi-directional capabilities
in a cleaning-pig formfactor which can be deployed in a com
cost-effective manner for short and difficult to pig pipe-

Digital Transformation
in the Pipeline Industry
30 June 2020, Online

Knowledge Transfer


Competitive Technology Showcase

vps-ptj.indd 1 15.06.2020 10:58:10
North Sea Wintershall Dea Case Study

Christoph Seeber; Holger Hintelmann > NDT Global GmbH & Co. KG; Wintershall Dea AG

Mittelplate is the largest oil field in Germany, located in the environmentally sensitive Wadden Sea of the German
State Schleswig-Holstein. An artificial Drilling and Production Island, named “Mittelplate A” (MPA), was build early
1980`s on a tidal shoal and is operated by Wintershall Dea.

In 2005, a 10 km, 10” stainless steel (1.4462 Duplex) pipeline was built in order to transport 2,500 tons of crude oil
per day to onshore facilities. A second 10 km, 6” stainless steel pipeline (in parallel) is in place, returning the sepa-
rated reservoir water to MPA in order to maintain the reservoir pressure. The pipeline made the transportation of oil
via barge, which was dependent on tide and weather redundant. Both pipelines underpass the Wadden Sea, a highly
vulnerable ecosystem, that has been placed on the UNESCO World Heritage list, over a distance of 7,2 km with a
burial depth of 5 m to 25 m.

In 2006, DEA and the NDT Global began conducting continuous monitoring of these pipelines. Ultrasonic inline
inspections wall thickness robots are used to detect and size metal loss and mid-wall features in both pipelines. In
addition, ultrasonic crack detection robots are used in the crude oil pipeline to detect and size axial flaws. Inspec-
tions take place in 5 years intervals for the crude oil pipeline and 3 years intervals for the reservoir water pipeline.
Regular inspections as mentioned above show a high degree of reproducibility over the years and hence facilitates
comparison of the respective results. By this the operator is able to differentiate between manufacturing-related
(non-hazardous) anomalies and potential hazardous material alterations.

The results of those measurements, where no significant wear was detected, strengthen the confidence in the reli-
ability of the used technology.





The offshore installed artificial Drilling and Production

Island Mittelplate (MPA) started production from five wells
in 1987 producing the near centre vicinity of the field. The
fluids were treated on MPA and then shipped of via barges
to shore.

To develop further areas the field, an advanced Field Dev.

Concept was conducted. Besides the offshore operations
from MPA, new production perspectives have been opened
up by high-tech drilling technologies making it possible to
reach the eastern section from shore by 2000.

With these extended reach wells and a new build Onshore

Treatment Plant located at Dieksand it was now possible to
commercially produce this oil stream onshore.
However, the relation between annual production and
estimated reserves end up with a field life of more than 50
years, mainly due to the bottleneck of oil export from MPA
to shore by barges. This bottleneck was mainly caused
by the fact that the loading operation at MPA was limited
by the available high tight time. Hence, the pipelines from Figure 1: Overview of the geology and the development concept of the field
MPA to Dieksand Facilities were build.
Furthermore a new drilling rig, a Multiphase boosting sys- ESCO WORLD HERITAGE
tem on MPA and the corresponding increase of the Diek-
sand capacities were established, which made it possible When hydrocarbons are produced in environmentally
to increase the production from MPA wells from 0,8 Mio sensitive areas such as the tidewaters of the eastern North
t/a to 1,6 Mio t/a. Sea, a variety of additional challenges arise.
MPA is located within these tidelands, that have been

Figure 2: Overview of the pipeline routing



Figure 3: Overview of the Pipeline Laying Concept

assigned as a National Park just after construction of MPA the pontoons platforms at the corresponding construction
end of 1985. These National Parks stretching from Den- pit by means of winches.
mark in the north to the Dutch waters in the south-west.
Hence all activities must meet National Park Law, and 1.3.2 PIPELINE BASE DESIGN AND OP-
State and Federal Nature Protection Acts. ERATIONS CONSIDERATIONS

We have been producing oil trouble-free for more than 30 For several reasons, the overall plant capacity on MPA
years, which is a good example of the proven expertise of cannot be substantially expanded. Therefore the existing
Wintershall Dea. facilities are being used to separate water from the oil
and the pre-treated wet oil is then being transported to
1.3 PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION the Dieksand Facilities via the oil pipeline, where the oil is
further processed to meet the required specifications.

1.3.1 INTRODUCTION / OVERVIEW The oil pipeline was thus designed for multiphase flow
of 4900 t oil/d with additional up to 20% water and up to
In order to minimise the effects to the tidal shoals, the tem- 60,000 m³ natural gas/d. For the detailed design engi-
perature influence caused by the warm media transported neering, simulations using the multiphase flow program
in the pipelines should be kept as low as possible. Further- “OLGA 2000” were carried out at the Institute of Process
more, a safe crossing, especially beneath the tidal creeks, Engineering of the University of Hanover.
needed to be ensured. As such, the pipeline was laid at a
depth of approx. 20 m using HDD drilling. The reservoir water separated in Dieksand is returned to
MPA via a water pipeline and injected into the reservoir.
For this, 6 pipeline segments (spools) were prefabricated
onshore and connected to each other by welding in 6 con- 1.3.3 PIPELINES MATERIAL SELEC-
struction pits at a depth of approx. 5 m. TION AND WELDING PROCESS

On each pit, made of sheet pile, a combination of 2 pon- Considering its location, where conventional maintenance
toons was arranged on either side. The two pontoons were is hardly possible, considerable efforts have been under-
connected by a platform supporting a HDD drilling device. taken to assure proper design, material selection, prefab-
From each platform 2 horizontal boreholes were drilled, rication and welding connection of the prefabricated pipe
into which the oil pipeline and the reservoir water pipeline sections as well as enhanced operational control.
were pulled.
Due to the intended wet oil transport (max. 60 °C and max.
The majority of the pipe, approx. 1.4 km sections, were 100 bar) with a CO2 content of the associated gas of up
pre-fabricated on land and laid out on the prefabrication to 2 mol% and the high total salt content of the associated
site. For the transport of the pipe sections to the construc- water of 230 g/l it was necessary to manufacture the pipe-
tion pits, a transport route was constructed in the mudflats line from stainless steel.
roller conveyors. The pipe sections were then pulled onto


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In view of the long-term resistance required above and 2.0 IN-LINE INSPECTION TECH-
based on good practical experience with duplex steel (22 NOLOGY AND ROBOTS
% chromium and other transition metals) in German and
international oilfield applications, this extremely corro-
sion-resistant material was selected.Although Duplex is 2.1 ULTRASONIC WALL THICKNESS INSPECTION
highly resistant towards CO2, in the presence of hydrogen
sulphide pitting corrosion can occur, which can possibly Objective of ultrasonic wall thickness measurement in
initiate sulphide stress corrosion cracking. Therefore, the pipelines is the detection of metal loss such as corrosion
hydrogen sulphide content of Mittelplate oil gas is periodi- anomalies in order to prevent leakages with possibly cata-
cally examined to avoid critical H2S ranges. strophic consequences. The measuring principle is based
on perpendicular incidence of ultrasound into the pipe wall.
The individual 18m pipe spools were connected at the pre- The ultrasonic pulse is reflected from the back wall and
fabrication site using arc welding, whereby each weld seam travels several times back and forth, until the signal energy
was NDT inspected by means of radiography. Additionally is dissipated. The received signal is a sequence of rear
a camera inspection from the inside took place to ensure wall echoes. The time between entry echo and first rear
that there were no temper colors visible. The connection of wall echo or between two rear wall echoes is measured. In
the prefabricated pipeline sections in the area of the HDD addition, the distance between probe and pipe wall is mea-
construction pits was carried out using short bends and sured (stand-off). Due to the known sound velocity in the
the extremely corrosion-resistant Hastelloy steel. medium, the stand-off can be directly calculated from the
time-of-flight of the entry echo. The stand-off information
1.4 PIPELINE SAFETY SYSTEMS allows a distinction between internal and external metal
loss, since the stand-off signal changes only if an internal
Although highly unlikely, an optical fiber cable, using metal loss is present. With internal metal loss, the stand-
temperature measurement method, laid in parallel to the off information behaves reciprocally to the wall thickness
pipelines is being used to detect any leaks. information. Apart from internal and external metal loss,
this method allows to detect other types of anomalies such
Cathodic corrosion protection was installed as well to pro- as laminations, inclusions and deposit or surface inhomo-
tect the pipeline from external corrosion in case of damage geneities, since the ultrasonic signal is also reflected from
to the outer coating. However, since both pipelines can various inhomogeneities at or within the pipe wall.
be cathodically polarized without any problems, it can be
assumed that the pipelines have not been damaged during The robots used include LineExplorer UM, UMh, UMp and
transport or installation. Evo 1.0 UMp robots which basically function in the same
way but provide increasing circumferential and axial reso-
As mentioned in the above, the pipeline material was se- lutions over the evaluation period. All of them have a depth
lected in such a way that internal corrosion can practically sizing accuracy of ± 0.4 mm. The schedule of ultrasonic
be excluded. All welding seams were tested and integrity of wall thickness inspections is shown in Table 1
the outer coating after pulling in was confirmed.

However, in order to ensure the greatest possible safety of

the pipeline, an additional program for intelligent pigging
of both pipelines is being conducted.

Table 1: Ultrasonic wall thickness inspections, 10” crude oil pipeline



2.2 ULTRASONIC CRACK INSPECTION All of the reported anomalies were identified either as
grindings or as irregularities from the mill process (manu-
Objective of the ultrasonic crack inspection in pipelines facturing-related metal loss). This was standing to reason
is the detection of crack-like anomalies in order to avoid as the presence of corrosion was unlikely at that early
pipeline failures caused by cracks. stage and due to the pipe material used. The anomalies
were located at girth welds which is a typical location for
The principle of the ultrasonic crack inspection is based manufacturing-related metal loss, and the random cir-
on the 45° angle beam technique using transverse waves. cumferential distribution of metal loss anomalies is an
Due to the so-called corner reflection, even minor cracks additional hint for manufacturing-related origin, whereas
from approx. 1 mm onwards give quite strong reflections. corrosion typically (but not necessarily) concentrates at
The pulse echo technique is applied, i.e. the same probe a certain circumferential position, mostly at the bottom
serves both as transmitter and as receiver; then the signals of the pipeline. The majority of the anomalies detected in
undergo further processing. the 10” crude oil pipeline was actually below the reporting
threshold of 1.0 mm.
The following figure shows the measuring principle and a
schematic representation of the measuring signal (A-scan). The deepest metal loss anomaly had a depth of 2.2 mm (20
The position of the anomaly (external, internal) can reliably %) and a remaining wall thickness of 8.6 mm. The anom-
be determined from the distance between the entry echo aly is located at the Mittelplate launcher site, whereas
and the anomaly echo. the major part of the anomalies was detected within the
onshore part of the pipeline between km 9 and the Diek-
For inline inspection, the coupling of the ultrasonic pulses sand receiver site. An increase of reported anomalies can
into the pipe wall is achieved through the pipeline medi- be observed from 2006 to 2019 (Figure 4). Nevertheless, a
um. Due to the different sound velocities in the coupling major increase of metal loss depths cannot be identified.
medium and in steel, an angle of incidence of approx. 17°
is required in order to obtain a refraction angle of approx. For the main part, anomalies close or even below reporting
45° in the pipe wall. Crack-like anomalies will be recorded threshold were added. On the other hand some indications
if their amplitude exceeds a pre-defined threshold and if close to the receiver site were dismissed. e.g. if identified
the anomaly is present over a pre-defined minimum length as parts of wall thickness variations. The ones classified
(typically 30 mm). with ambiguous location in wall initially could be iden-
tified as either internal or external during the following
The robots used include LineExplorer UC and Evo 1.0 UC inspections. Better data resolution led both to more exact
robots. The major technological improvements are switch determination of location in wall and detection of addi-
from use of depth classes to absolute depth sizing within tional anomalies. After the last inspection carried out in
LineExplorer UC and improved signal processing for higher 2019, a total of 35 anomalies was reported of which 9 were
inspection velocities with Evo 1.0 UC. The schedule of ultra- classified as external and 26 were classified as internal.
sonic crack inspections is shown in Table 2. The anomaly with the greatest depth measured in 2019 is
the same as the one with the greatest depth measured in
3 IN-LINE INSPECTION RESULTS the initial inspection with the difference that the measured
depth in 2019 is 1.9 mm and therefore lower than in 2006
(2.2 mm). This difference is well within the depth sizing
3.1 ULTRASONIC WALL THICKNESS INSPECTION tolerance of 0.4 mm that has to be taken into account for
each measurement.

The first inspection in the 10” crude oil pipeline in 2006
from the Mittelplate launcher site to the Dieksand receiv- In the 6” reservoir water pipeline, the number of detected
er site revealed 15 metal loss anomalies, of which 2 were metal loss anomalies in the first inspection in 2007 was
classified as internal and 13 were classified with ambiguous 160 (140 external, 14 internal, 6 with ambiguous location in
location in wall. For the ones classified with ambiguous wall). Only 5 metal loss anomalies were clearly identified as
location in wall, the radial position could not be clearly grindings, further classification of the remaining metal loss
determined initially. All of those anomalies were located at anomalies was left open with a remark in the inspection
welds which caused sensor carrier lift-off so that it could report that they are most likely manufacturing-related.
not be clearly determined whether the stand-off indication
is a result from sensor carrier lift-off or from internal metal The greatest measured depth was 2.6 mm / 19 % (remain-
loss. ing wall thickness 13.4 mm) for an internal metal loss


Table 2: Ultrasonic crack inspections, 6” reservoir water pipeline

Figure 4: Circumferential distribution of metal loss, 10” crude oil pipeline, 2006 (left) and 2019 (right)

Figure 5: Circumferential distribution of metal loss, 6” reservoir water pipeline, 2007 (left) and 2019 (right)

anomaly. In the 6” reservoir water pipeline, the majority Nevertheless, as observed in the 10” crude oil pipeline,
of the reported anomalies had depths between 1.0 and < there is no increase in overall depth. In the majority, shal-
2.0 mm. Also here, the circumferential distribution of the low anomalies were added over the years, many of them
metal loss anomalies does not show a concentration of at below reporting threshold. The deepest anomaly identified
a particular circumferential position which also indicates in 2007 was sized with the same depth of 2.6 mm in the
that corrosion as origin of those metal loss anomalies is 2019 inspection. The deepest anomaly reported in 2019
unlikely. (2.8 mm) shows a an increase in depth versus 2007 by 0.4
mm which is within sizing tolerance and does not indicate
The inspection results over the observed period show growth.
a noticeable increase of reported anomalies (Figure 5).


3.2 ULTRASONIC CRACK INSPECTION RESULTS growth, the depth difference of corresponding metal loss
anomalies is analyzed. Based on the depth sizing accu-
Ultrasonic crack inspections were solely carried out in the racy of ±0.4 mm (90 % confidence level), the comparison
10” crude oil pipeline. The first inspection in 2006 revealed tolerance for the depth difference of a single anomaly is
4 crack-like, 139 notch-like and 5 inclusion-like anomalies. ±0.6 mm. This means that the measured depth difference
The crack-like anomalies were considered to be most likely is expected to be within ±0.6 mm with a probability of 90
manufacturing-related anomalies such as mill anomalies. %, provided that the anomaly did not grow between the
All of the crack-like anomalies were classified with depth compared inspections. Considering a total of N anomalies,
< 1.0 mm. In 2009, 5 crack-like anomalies and 206 notch- the comparison tolerance for the average depth difference
like anomalies were detected. Except of one of the 5 crack- of N features is ±0.6 mm / √N.
like anomalies, 4 were reported in 2006. The one which
was not reported in 2006 could be identified subsequently manufacturing-related are considered to be static anoma-
in the inspection data whereas the length and the ampli- lies where corrosion growth is not expected. Those anom-
tudes were below reporting threshold. Of the 206 notch- alies are compared separately in order to verify reproduc-
like anomalies, 201 were classified with depth < 1.0 mm and ibility and accuracy of the depth-/ remaining wall thickness
5 with depths between 1.0 and 2.0 mm. measurement of the robots used, and to confirm the
manufacturing-related origin of the anomalies.
The UC inspection run in 2014 was the first UC run in this
pipeline with absolute depth measurement. The previous Comparison of ultrasonic crack inspections is carried out
inspection runs only allowed for classification of axial similar to comparison of wall thickness inspection run
anomalies into depth classes. Furthermore, a more detailed comparison in terms of feature and signal identification
classification was applied. In 2014, only one anomaly was and correlation between two runs. Compared to the ap-
classified as crack-like. Moreover, 15 anomalies were clas- proach used in comparison of metal loss anomalies which
sified as mill anomalies, 23 as notch-like, and 10 as weld is more quantitative and statistical has its focus on the en-
anomalies. For all reported anomalies, depths below 1.0 tity of observed features, the comparison of axial anoma-
mm were reported. The remaining crack-like anomaly was lies rather uses a qualitative and anomaly-based approach.
considered to be a manufacturing-related weld anoma-
ly.15 anomalies clearly identified as weld anomalies were 4.2 WALL THICKNESS RUN COMPARISON IN
considered to be inhomogeneities of long seam welds 10” CRUDE OIL PIPELINE, MITTELPLATE - DIEK-
such as edges from misalignments which were not grind- SAND THE FIRST WALL THICKNESS RUN
ed. The run comparison carried out between the 2019 and
the 2014 surveys revealed a further decrease of reported The first wall thickness run comparison carried out on the
anomalies from 49 to 28. 24 of these anomalies could be 10” crude oil pipeline on the runs from 2006 and 2009
related to anomalies reported in 2014. 4 newly reported identified 14 of 40 metal loss anomalies reported in 2009
weld anomalies reported in 2019 could be identified in the which had corresponding features in the 2006 inspection.
2014 inspection data subsequently, so that a new forma- This means that there were 26 newly reported anomalies
tion of these anomalies could be excluded. There were 25 without corresponding reported anomalies in 2006. The
anomalies from the 2014 survey which were not reported in subsequent analysis of the corresponding locations in the
2019. For all of those, the reported depth ranged below 0.6 inspection data from 2006 revealed that those anomalies
mm which is below feature specification and was therefore only appeared as minor irrelevant indications in the first
omitted. 22 of those anomalies show according indica- inspections. The sensors used in 2009 delivered a better
tions in the 2014 inspection data which were identified data visualization at such locations which allowed iden-
as surface- and weld inhomogeneities and therefore not tification and sizing of these metal loss. Therefore, the
reported. 3 anomalies classified as notch-like with depth increased number of metal loss anomalies does not nec-
of 0.2 mm in 2014 were classified as irrelevant during the essarily mean new emergence of metal loss. From the 14
analysis of the 2019 inspection data. anomalies that could be correlated, the depth differences
range between -0.3 mm and +0.2 mm, the mean difference
4. COMPARISON OF WALL THICK- is 0.0 mm. Therefore, corrosion growth is not indicated.
In the comparison between 2009 and 2014, all of the 34
metal loss anomalies reported in 2014 had corresponding
4.1 OBJECTIVE AND METHOD reported anomalies in 2009. The depth differences range
between -0.7 and +0.4 mm, the mean value is -0.07 mm.
Wall thickness inspection run comparisons are carried
out in order to identify and quantify growth of metal loss Between 2014 and 2019, 34 of 35 metal loss anomalies
anomalies. To assess the likelihood of potential corrosion reported in 2019 could be related to anomalies reported


in 2014. One metal loss anomaly could be identified and metal loss, the run comparisons revealed that statistically
sized subsequently in the 2014 inspection data. The differ- relevant growth cannot be attested. Initial classification
ences of the remaining wall thickness range between -0.5 as manufacturing-related or at least the initial assumption
and +0.4 mm, the mean difference is -0.083 mm which is that metal loss anomalies are of manufacturing-related
within the comparison tolerance of 0.096 mm. origin have been confirmed repeatedly during this long
observation without proven growth. The history of ultrason-
5. WALL THICKNESS RUN COMPARI- ic crack inspections shows a larger variety of classified and
SON IN 6” RESERVOIR WATER PIPE- reported anomalies, whereas a serious threat was never
LINE, DIEKSAND - MITTELPLATE identified. The results over the entire observation period
vividly reflect the increase of technological capabilities in
The run comparison between 2007 and 2010 revealed an terms of sizing from the use of depth classes up to applica-
increase of reported metal loss. There were 45 features tion of absolute depth sizing, where the results of absolute
that had no corresponding reported anomaly in 2007. depth sizing confirm the previous depth classes of report-
The depth of 29 of these features was actually below the ed anomalies. The classification of anomalies over the
reporting criteria. 44 of these newly reported features were observation period shows a trend towards non-hazardous
classified as manufacturing-related. All locations of newly anomaly types and less reported anomalies. This is most
reported anomalies within reporting criteria were checked certainly a consequence of technological improvement in
in the 2007 data where corresponding indications could be terms of resolution and sizing capabilities, increasing anal-
identified for each call. ysis experience, and possibly a more conservative classifi-
cation during the initial inspection that could gradually be
For the 23 metal loss anomalies that were not classified amended from survey to survey.
as manufacturing-related, a corrosion growth analysis was
carried out. The mean change of remaining wall thickness Overall, it’s well proven that there is no degradation of
was -0.04 mm which is within the comparison tolerance the condition of the pipelines over the entire period of
of 0.125 mm. A statistically relevant indication of corrosion operation since being in service. Due to the extraordinary
growth is therefore not present and the observed anoma- situation that all ILI surveys have been carried out by the
lies can therefore be considered manufacturing-related. same contractor with consistent robot technology apart
from gradual development, a high degree of comparability
A further significant increase of 184 reported metal loss of the results is given, underpinning the reliability of the
anomalies was observed in the comparison between single inspection results.
2010 and 2013. 182 of these anomalies were classified as
manufacturing-related, 115 had a measured depth ≤ 1.0 mm.
84 of the newly reported anomalies had corresponding
indications in the 2010 inspection run. The depth differ- Authors
ences between newly reported features and corresponding
indications in the 2010 run are within the measurement Christoph Seeber
accuracy of ± 0.4 mm. Also here, corrosion growth could be NDT Global GmbH & Co. KG
excluded in all probability.
Project Leader UM
In the comparisons between 2013/2016 and 2016/2019, christoph.seeber@ndt-global.
just a minor increase of reported anomalies was recog-
nized. Likewise, no statistically significant indication of com
corrosion growth could be proven for these run compari-

Holger Hintelmann
It is undisputable that the drilling platform Mittelplate and Wintershall Dea AG
the pipeline assets being located in the tidal flats of the
General Manager Upstream
Wadden Sea require maximum possible efforts in safe
construction and operation in order to minimize any impact Facilities
on this valuable and vulnerable environment.
The ILI surveys carried out in both pipelines showed that wintershalldea.com
there is no hazard emanating from corrosion or axial
anomalies that could form leakages. With respect of
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Quantitative Pipeline Risk Assessment (QPiRATM) Fire
and Dispersion Analysis of a Subsea Gas Pipeline Leak
Using Empirical Consequence Modelling

M Nazmi B M Ali Napiah, Shaikh Abdullah B Shaikh Othman, Aishah Mastura Supian > PETRONAS, Malaysia

A subsea pipeline transporting gas in Malaysia has a small leak at its subsea flange at 70m water depth, located
140m away from the processing platform. The flange has undergone three rectification works; however, the repair
works were unsuccessful to achieve zero leak. A Quantitative Pipeline Risk Assessment (QPiRATM) fire and disper-
sion analysis has been conducted to analyze the potential hazards from the leak to assets and environment and the
consequence of the release to human safety. The result from this study can be used by the operator to manage risk
by introducing a modification to the operation procedure or applying a mitigation measure, if required.

A process hazard analysis software, PHAST 6.7 has been utilized to perform fire and dispersion study for the iden-
tified leak flow. This paper will present the method of conducting the study by establishing the leak size from the
given flow rate, calculating the subsea and sea surface release rates, and performing sensitivity analyses for different
leak cases should the leak flow rate increases over the operation time. The concentration of the gas release from the
current leak size to the environment is calculated for the potential of fire and explosion and its possibility of human
fatality within the heat radiation zone.



1.1 SUMMARY For data gathering, a study to quantify the leak rate and
volume was conducted by measuring the bubbles leakage
An 18inch subsea pipeline transporting gas in Malaysia has from the flange. ROV inspection recorded the bubbles
a small leak at its subsea tiein flange at 70m water depth, formation, where the diameter and no of bubbles were
located 140m from the processing platform. The leak loca- measured to generate the total product loss per day. The
tion was rectified previously by installing the encapsulated meteorological data for the environment at the platform
clamp to contain the leak. was also gathered to establish the wind condition for the
dispersion analysis.
An 18inch subsea pipeline transporting gas in Malaysia has
a small leak at its subsea tiein flange at 70m water depth, 2.1 DATA GATHERING
located 140m from the processing platform. The leak loca-
tion was rectified previously by installing the encapsulated Details of the pipeline data are:
clamp to contain the leak.

The amount of gas leak in terms of production loss was

studied and a Quantitative Pipeline Risk Assessment
(QPiRATM) fire and dispersion analysis has been conduct-
ed to analyze the potential hazards from the pipeline leak
in terms of fire and dispersion. The result of the study is
used to establish the risk level to continue operating the
pipeline and to manage the risk by introducing a modifi-
cation to the operation procedure or applying a mitigation
measure, if required.



PETRONAS has adopted the DNV Consequence Modelling 2.1.1 FLUID COMPOSITIONAL DATA
software to conduct the leak and fire dispersion study for
this case. The overall study approach is represented in The fluid composition is obtained and the gas comprises
Figure 1. of 90% methane and 6% ethane. This data is used as input
into PHAST 6.7 to calculate for the Lower Flammability
Limit (LFL) and Upper Flammability Limit (UFL) of the


The meteorological for environmental condition was ex-

tracted for the analysis:

Table 2: Environmental Data

The above mentioned wind condition have been selected

Figure 1: Methodology Flow Chart
based on the wind rose data and the suggested Pasquill


Table 3: Meteorological Conditions Defining Pasquill Stability Classes

Table 4: Stability Classes Description

Table 5: Flange Leak Data



Stability Class given in the PTS 16.71.05 Physical Effects PHAST is DNV GL’s propriety software for consequence
Modelling. These are shown in tables 3 and 4 on the left. modelling which has been used by the oil and gas industry
for more than 20 years. The PHAST package simulates
2.1.3 FLANGE LEAK DATA the release of material from its process conditions in a
vessel or pipe, through all the stages in this dispersion to a
The gas leak from the flange were studied and analyzed concentration.
from ROV inspection video frame by frame.
Once the leak rate from the flange was quantified, the
pipeline was modelled in PHAST 6.7 to simulate the cor-
responding leak size that would generate the leak rate of
0.000112kg/s at current operating condition of 100bar and
28°C. Using the subsea leak size obtained from this model,
the release rate on the sea surface will be calculated using
formula from Ref 4 Scandpower – Handbook for Fire Calcu-
lations and Fire Risk Assessment in the Process Industry:

The maximum bubble diameter of leakage was calculated

for the image frames and taken as a conservative value. Where
The total volume of gas leaked per year (mmscf/yr) is Mog = initial gas leak rate (kg/s)
quantified as 0.115 mmscf/yr. A = release area (m2)
Cd = coefficient of discharge
γ = cp/cv, gas specific heat ratio
cp = specific heat of vapor, constant pressure (J/kg°C)
cv = specific heat of vapour, constant volume (J/kg°C)
p2 = pressure inside containment (N/m2)
T = temperature in containment (K)
R = gas constant = 8,314 (kgm2/Kmols2)
M = molecular weight (kg/mol)

The pool diameter was then calculated using formula from

Ref 3 UK HSE Dispersion of Subsea Releases – Review of
Prediction Methodologies.

The sea surface release rate and pool diameter were then
used as input in PHAST 6.7 to determine the release gas
concentration on the sea surface and the resulting flam-
mable gas dispersion. This was carried out using the “User
Defined Model” within PHAST 6.7.

According to Chemical Process Quantitative Risk Assess-

ment (CPQRA) Guideline by Center of Chemical Process
Figure 2: Release of bubbles from the encapsulated clamp Safety (CCPS), the basis of specification of 50% LFL is
to allow for variations in instantaneous cloud concentra-
The flange leak data was quantified and calculated as per tions. The energy available in flammable cloud is based
Table 5 on the left. on the average concentration, so the average value is the
appropriate criterion for the estimation of the vapor cloud
2.2 FIRE AND DISPERSION MODELLING STUDIES explosion impact. Although conservative, for an instanta-
neous release, a large fraction of the total amount can be
The dispersion modelling was performed using the DNV in the explosive region, irrespective of source strength and
GL consequence modelling software package PHAST 6.7. meteorological conditions.


Figure 3: PETRONAS Risk Acceptance Framework

2.3 RISK ASSESSMENT comply with PETRONAS Risk Acceptance Framework

where the maximum tolerable limit of the ALARP region is
For this assessment, PETRONAS Risk Acceptance Frame- 1E-03 per year to workers including contractors.
work has been adopted. The risk level shall be represented The Individual Risk Per Annum (IRPA) is calculated using
as the Individual Risk per Annum (IRPA) and this shall the formula:


Table 6: Gas Dispersion Result


Based on the consequence results from PHAST 6.7, the

current subsea flange leak at 100bar operating pressure
with the release rate of 0.000112kg/s is not anticipated
to result in any flammable hazards due to very low center-
line flammable concentration. The centerline flammable
concentration is below 1000ppm, which is only 2.4% when
compared to the LFL concentration of 42083ppm. No
dispersion can be seen from PHAST 6.7, and this could be
attributed to the small release rate and high water depth of
73m at the leaked flange.

Since there is no flammable hazards to give rise to LFL

plume and subsequent fire/ explosion, no casualty risk
hence is expected.

Several sensitivities studies were conducted by varying the

leak size and release rate to determine the limit when the
Figure 4: Gas Dispersion
concentration will reach 0.5LFL at the centerline.

Table 7: Leak sizes and release rates



From the case studies conducted, it was concluded that: M Nazmi B M Ali Napiah

• Using software PHAST 6.7, the amount of gas release PETRONAS, Malaysia
(1.12E-4kg/s) from leaked flange has a very low flam- Custodian (Pipeline Integrity)/
mable concentration (<1000ppm). This is very much
below the Lower Flammable Limit (LFL) thus not antic- Group Technical Authority
ipated to produce fire given a source of ignition. There [email protected]
is no consequence to cause fatality for this leak rate
as there is no fire due to very low concentration.
• The total risk for the leaked flanged with leak rate of
1.12E-4kg/s is perceived to be within the ALARP region,
hence no immediate intervention is required on the Shaikh Abdullah B Shaikh
flange. Othman
• Based on the study, the subsea release rate of
8.96kg/s equivalent to 25mm of leak/hole size would PETRONAS, Malaysia
yield 0.5LFL concentration at the centerline on the Principal Engineer
sea surface level. Flammable plume in this case could
possibly be ignited resulting in fire. [email protected]


1. PTS 16.71.04 Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA), 2014, PETRONAS Technical Standard Aishah Mastura Supian,
2. PTS 16.71.05 Physical Effects Modelling, 2014, PETRONAS Technical Standard (PTS)
3. Dispersion of Subsea Release – Review of Prediction Methodologies, 1995, UK HSE Offshore
Technical Report PETRONAS, Malaysia
4. Handbook for Fire Calculations and Fire Risk Assessment in the Process Industry, Scandpower

Risk Management AS
[5] OGP Risk Assessment Data Directory, March 2010 Pipeline Engineer
[email protected].


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OMEGA Fiber Optic Monitoring System: New Features for
Technological Security of Transneft Pipelines

Dr.Aleksey I.Turbin > OMEGA

Since 2009 the OMEGA Company develops and produces multifunctional monitoring systems for extended facili-
ties indicating in online mode oil, oil products and gas leaks as far as third party activity in the protected zone using
a fiberoptic cable (FOC) as sensing element. Implementing distributed acoustic and temperature sensors the Leak
Detection and Activity Control System (OMEGA LDACS) provides precise detection of location and nature of vibra-
tions and change of temperature characteristics on and around extended facilities. The leaks are detected through
analysis of fluctuations both in the temperature and vibroacoustic field.

Having equipped more than 6000 km of pipelines with OMEGA LDACS in Russia and abroad the Company is in
permanent search of ways of improvement of the FOC monitoring technologies. The newest LDACS feature is the
implication of the artificial neural network for more precise identification of potentially dangerous events registered
by the system. Another option in the equipment of LDACS with additional pressure and displacement sensors.


Figure 1: The OMEGA System Design

The main feature to be developed in coming years in the gauge pressure, linear-and-angular movements and the
implementation in OMEGA LDACS of artificial neural rate of speeding up. The use of high-stable materials and
networks for better recognition of events registered by the application of cutting-edge technologies make it possible
system. to produce ultra-high accuracy sensors. These are main
directions of product development for OMEGA scientists –
Having been founded in 2009 the OMEGA Company keeping an eye on other implication fields besides oil and
celebrated its first anniversary last year being one of the gas transportation.
European leaders in total monitoring system equipment
length which reached 6000 km last year. With high sensitivity rate the OMEGA LDACS can be ap-
plied for detection of pipeline ruptures or small leakages
The fifth version of the OMEGA LDACS based on tem- amounting to hundreds of liters per 5 minutes. The fluid
perature and acoustic field monitoring and implemented flowing under high pressure generates the acoustic wave
now on TRANSNEFT pipelines provides high-precision detected by optic cable.
detection of location and nature of acoustic vibrations and
temperature characteristics of pipelines. With false alarms being the main universally recognized
disadvantage of FO technologies the implementation of
The extended object is monitored through the whole length the mentioned version 5 of OMEGA LDACS on one of the
of optic fiber used for the System`s sensor and not requir- 200 km pipelines in middle Russia allowed the reduce the
ing electric power along the line in real time mode. false alarms rate by 6 times bringing it to the acceptable
2-5% level.
In comparison to similar systems the OMEGA LDACS
shows high accuracy (≤3m) both event detection on ex- The general ideology of the system of event recognition
tended object. The main achievement of the OMEGA scien- based on artificial intelligence is the creation of patterns
tific team is the implementation of artificial neural network describing the reaction of both DAS and DTS sensors to
for more precise recognition of the potentially dangerous leaks and other events. The absence of some acoustic and
event. temperature parameters which the system needed some
years ago for a concrete event alarm is replenished by the
The range of parameters that can be measured by fiber “experience” of OMEGA LDACS – which is in fact the cen-
optic sensors is quite extensive. These are the tempera- terpiece of the artificial intelligence.
ture and temperature change dynamics, absolute and In general, the OMEGA LDACS is build around two crucial


In general, the OMEGA LDACS is build around two crucial GA LM to record hundreds of events simultaneously.
sensors developed and patented by our scientific groups.
Another direction of OMEGA Company research and
The OMEGA DTS based on the of Raman light scattering
analyzes changes in the temperature field and detects in
real-time mode leaks of gas, oil and other liquids in single-
and multiphase pipelines.

Table 2: OMEGA DAS parameters

development is the elaboration of compact and cheaper

solutions demanded for other branches besides oil and
Table 1: OMEGA DTS parameters gas transportation. An important step on this way is done
this year– in Riga, Latvia, we begin tests of our Heating
The OMEGA DAS architecture is based on the use of fiber Systems Monitoring system based on same principles as
optic cable as a set of virtual microphones and as a means our LDACS. It seems to be a promising business sector for
of information transmitting. DAS uses coherent optical OMEGA Company – the implementation of pour achieve-
reflectometry (COTDR) to analyze backscattered light to ments in this branch can help avoid hot water transporta-
record vibrations in several virtual channels, the number of tion cuts and both economic and environmental damage.
them can reach tens of thousands. This enables the OME-

Figure 2: Reflectograms of several impacts registered before recognition



Figure 3: The OMEGA Pig Detection Function

Using competences accumulated by our divisions we offer

our services in IT-research & development in oil and gas
sector, first of with implementation of artificial neural net-
works. Our scope comprises Fiber Optic lines design and
construction as far as technical and financial consulting in
facilities construction in energy and fuel production and

The latest development is the requisition of the partnership

Table 3: OMEGA LDACS technical parameters
status of Russian divisions of such companies as HUAWEI
A permanent focus on market requirements will hopefully and LENOVO – we see this as a kind of recognition of the
help the OMEGA Company to diversify its production. level achieved by OMEGA Company engineers.

OMEGA LDACS main equipped facilities (state – April

• “Baltic Pipeline System (BPS-2)”, equipped length -
1000 kilometers“
Dr.Aleksey I.Turbin
• “East Siberia – Pacific Ocean“ Pipeline System”, “Skov-
orodino – Koz’mino” sector, equipped length - 2500 OMEGA
Company Advisor to Director
• “Pur-Pe – Samotlor” Pipeline System, equipped length
- 429 kilometers General
• Adamtash- Dzharkuduk and Dzharkuduk - Shurtan-
[email protected]
neftegaz Commodity Park condensate pipeline (LU-
KOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company) – 150 km.

With the international market of FO monitoring systems

satiated in recent years by both internationally recognized
and national producers the OMEGA Company concen-
trates its efforts of a broader range of business directions
contiguous to what we have done in last ten years.
Enhancing Energy Efficiency and Reducing Greenhouse Gas
Emissions through Innovation and Renewables Integration

Ernesto Nasini, Marco Santini, Marco Baldini, Simone Amidei, Maurizio Vaccaro > Baker Hughes

Consequences of global warming on Earth’s climate are one of the greatest challenges worldwide faced, particu-
larly by industry players. To effectively reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions, it is necessary to increase
efficiency and exploit renewable energy sources.

Baker Hughes (BH) developed technologies to reduce CO2 emissions and benefit from integration with renewables,
such as pipeline compression stations and LNG plants, leading up to 55,000 tons/year of CO2 emission savings
and up to 20,000 tons/year of fuel gas savings for a PGT25 turbo-compressor train.

Paper introduces an innovative technology to convert heat into electricity: the system, a Brayton closed-cycle, is
suitable for low power applications ranging between 0.5MWe and 1.0MWe.

This patent-pending technology uses CO2 as working fluid and is based on a reciprocating expander-compressor
becoming a competitive alternative, in terms of safety and total cost of ownership, to other WHR solutions. As addi-
tional benefit, typical application for this small system is for remote areas where electricity grid is either not present
or unreliable.

Besides power generation, waste heat can be utilized for refrigeration, down -5°C ÷ - 18°C, using hydrocarbons or
CO2 as working fluid. This cold duty can chill process gas saving compression energy or can be used for different
chilling purposes. This patent-pending system is composed by an Organic Rankine Cycle combined with a refrig-
eration cycle utilizing the same working fluid, both services being directly coupled in simplified architecture fully
sealed with magnetic bearings.

Additionally, BH patented Hybrid Gas Turbine solution to integrate mechanical drive gas turbines with variable
frequency drive electrical machine. A dedicated software optimizes customer needs to minimize CO2 emissions,
fuel savings and energy storage, considering the availability of electric energy also from renewable sources. This
configuration allows to stabilize the exhaust thermal load for the WHR system independently from the compressor
process conditions.



There are several solutions to reduce emissions of green- the crankshaft vs. 10000rpm and above for rotors) that al-
house gases in the pipeline environment: renewables, effi- lows easier coupling (i.e. without gearbox) with generators
ciency & innovative technologies, including energy storage, (or mechanically driven equipment, if required) and a more
developed by BH, can be viably and affordably applied to effective containment of the leakages, since they are fully
operator plants. recovered avoiding the necessity of continuous refilling.

In the following paragraphs three different solutions are From mechanical point of view, the specific design of the
presented, to address different needs. components, such as a proper arrangement of cylinders of
the reciprocating expander/compressor group, the selec-
2. CO2 BRAYTON ENGINE tion of suitable piston sealings and materials, the adoption
of fully actuated valves, is expected to positively influence
the polytropic efficiency.
Therefore, considering its thermodynamic efficiency, the
BH is very deeply experienced with CO2 compression up to Brayton regenerative cycle reaches an overall efficiency
supercritical state, as referenced by more than 100 com- (electrical or mechanical power output to thermal pow-
pressors delivered since 1959 with a capacity up to 19000 er input ratio) higher than 20% (considering air at 35°C
Nm3/h and a discharge pressure up to 324bara. as cooling medium (severe condition) and exhaust gas
temperature ≥ 450°C) slowly decreasing as the available
As a consequence of this expertise, BH developed a pat- exhaust gas temperature decreases, at same temperature
ent-pending system for waste heat conversion into electric approach on the hot section of the WHRU (see Figure 2).
power that exploits supercritical CO2 circulating in closed
loop in a Brayton cycle through a reciprocating expander/
compressor group, connected with the electrical generator
by a common crankshaft, and relevant coolers, other than
auxiliaries, according to the scheme shown in Figure 1:

Figure 2: CO2 Bryton Engine efficiency vs. Exh. T (with cooling air @ 35°C).


CO2 exiting from reciprocating expander, although cooled

in the regenerator to recover enthalpy by heating com-
pressed CO2, so increasing the cycle efficiency, before
entering the final cooler and close the loop is still warm
enough to heat a secondary fluid, that can work in a bot-
Figure 1: CO2 Brayton Engine tom cycle to produce additional power.

The advantages of use reciprocating machines are linked BH developed a further patent-pending system for waste
to their robustness, reliability, wide rangeability with low ef- heat conversion into electric power that combines the
ficiency decrease at partial loads, affordable price, reduced CO2 Brayton cycle shown in the previous paragraph with
start-up time, low expertise required for maintenance. Fur- a bottom Rankine cycle with an organic or a refrigerant
thermore, considering the high power density related to the fluid, with reciprocating expander group, and eventually
supercritical CO2 power plants, for the size of 0.5÷1MWe the pump, connected with the electrical generator and with
the main advantage of reciprocating machines against CO2 reciprocating expander/compressor group by a com-
solutions with rotating ones is due to the much lower mon crankshaft, according to the scheme shown in Figure
speed (one order of magnitude less, i.e. up to 1000rpm for 3. Once more, the low crankshaft speed of reciprocating


Figure 3: CO2 Brayton cycle combined with a bottom Rankine cycle

system allows the direct coupling of CO2 expander/com- 3. ORCHILLER

pressor and bottom cycle expander, as well as acting on
cylinders displacement it is possible to elaborate the dif-
ferent volumetric flowrates. To perform the same scenario 3.1 CYCLE FEATURES AND TECHNOLOGY
with rotating machines, it would be necessary an integrally
gear machine, significantly decreasing the performances The waste heat conversion into electricity is not always the
and increasing its complexity. most viable option (depending on the specific context) for
the pipeline operators, so that the direct conversion into
In the same hypotheses of simple CO2 Brayton cycle, over- another useful effect (refrigeration) could be a better value.
all efficiency reaches values around 25%.
The ORChiller is a patent-pending system by BH for the
2.3 POTENTIAL APPLICATIONS FOR PIPELINE waste heat conversion into cold energy refrigeration duty,
by means of a combination of an Organic Rankine Cycle
Wherever a primary heat source is available, CO2 Brayton (ORC) with a mechanical compression refrigeration cycle. It
Engine contributes to electric and/or mechanical power allows to produce chilling service without power generation
production with a significant avoidance of fuel consump- equipment, by direct mechanical drive of the compression
tion and greenhouse gas emissions. unit, using the same working fluid both for the ORC and
for the refrigeration cycle (Figure 4). The two cycles have
Even where the electric grid is fully available, CO2 Brayton in common the condenser (that can be air or water cooled).
Engine allows to reduce OPEX (electricity cost) and reduce This cycle can also be arranged with double stage com-
compressor station CO2 emissions. pression-expansion, improving so efficiency and reaching
lower temperature service.
CO2 Brayton Engine doesn’t need water, thermal oil or oth-
er utilities, is EHS safe, viable for unmanned operation and If compared to the well-known heat-to-cold application,
it requires minor civil works for a plug and play installation. the lithium bromide cooling cycle, the ORChiller can adjust


are adjustable on the specific application, in a fit-forpur-

pose way of design.

An intermediate fluid to carry the waste heat must be used,

such as thermal oil, as the propane cannot be directly heat-
ed through a WHRU by means of direct heating. But in case
a non-flammable working fluid like carbon dioxide is used
as working fluid, this thermal oil loop can be avoided. OR-
Chiller has also been studied to be used with CO2, adding
also the advantage of reaching lower chilling temperatures
(i.e. -18 °C), in case water is available for the condenser
cooling, to enhance compactness.
Figure 4: Conceptual ORChiller purpose scheme (GT exhaust application)

the chilling service temperature in a wider range, from 5 °C From a turbomachinery point of view, a huge advantage
down to -18 °C (in case of propane as working fluid, single is that the expandercompressor is hermetic type. High
stage machinery). reliability service is improved as the hermetic machinery
does not use any gas seals system, or lube oil, or gearbox.
The cycle configuration is presented in Figure 5. The Magnetic bearings are suggested, so enhancing reliability
working fluid proposed is propane, which is pumped and and keeping the system fully sealed.
then heated through the exhaust gas waste heat (i.e. from
a GT), then it expands producing the necessary mechanical Moreover, the air cooler condenser fan motors and circu-
power to drive the compressor, which is part of the refriger- lation pumps motors can be run in Low Voltage, so that
ation cycle. Both cycles use the same fluid, and this is one no electric conversion or Medium Voltage switchgear is
of the main advantages of the ORChiller. The working fluid needed, resulting in easy integration with existing electric
streams after expansion, and after compression, are sent infrastructure.
to the condenser, and the two cycles can start again. The
expander-compressor machinery is intended to be integral- The WHRU, when installed on Gas Turbine exhaust, shall
ly connected on the same shaft, by enhancing the ease of be properly selected to minimize backpressure and foot-
the system. Operability and chilling service temperature print.

Figure 5: ORChiller configuration with intermediate heat transfer fluid (HTF)



3.2 MAIN ADDRESSED USES AND TECHNOLOGY VALUE Main benefits of this hybrid configuration (which is con-
ceptual only) would be a high level of process integration
The ORChiller can be applied to enhance the efficiency and (piping and equipment reduction) and the supplement of
reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emission to different power generation.
industrial and compression plants. The optimal size has
been addressed to a 25 MW gas compressor, driven typi-
cally by a PGT25/FR5 or similar.

In compression systems operating on gas compositions

with low dew point, the suction temperature of the com-
pressor can be reduced with the ORChiller, resulting in
reduction of the required power, enhancing the overall
compression efficiency. As an alternative, the capacity of
the compression station can be increased with the same
fuel consumption. Gas turbines (GT) chilling can be includ-
ed also, increasing the available power in the hot days.


Figure 6: Integrated Turboexpander-Compressor with high speed
generator (option for ORChiller base configuration)
In case of pipeline application, the ORChiller is estimated
to be able to increase efficiency of a significant amount by 4. HYBRID GAS TURBINE
cooling the inlet process gas and consequently reducing
the emissions, when allowed by gas dew point specifica-
tion, as illustrated in the previous paragraph. 4.1 OVERVIEW

From an operability perspective, the design point can be The synergy between mechanical drive gas turbines (GT)
oriented between two scenarios: in one case the ORChiller with an electric motor has successfully carried out more
is designed to keep the pipeline compressor in its oper- than 30 years ago mainly in LNG market. The BH Gas Tur-
ating envelope, otherwise a re-bundle of the compression bine hybridization concept here described allows to have
train has to be considered, in order to match with the new helper and generator modes on the same shaft, giving to
rated condition. Moreover, in case of ORChiller outage, the the operator a full flexibility to manage the plant and the
pipeline compression train would be not impacted. resources, developing a turboelectric-compressor train.

Currently heat conversion for refrigeration is done by the As highlighted in the World Energy Outlook 2019 by
well-known lithium bromide absorption units. Differently International Energy Agency, natural gas is accounting
from lithium bromide technology, the ORChiller can vary today for 23% of global primary energy demand and nearly
the chilling operative temperature, by reaching down to -25 a quarter of electricity generation. To tackle the energy
°C, enhancing the flexibility and taking more advantage challenges, it is important to develop smart and integrated
from the heat networks which function as components of a holistic ener-
gy system, including gas, electricity, heat and information
3.4 HYBRID SOLUTION: INTEGRATED HIGH- technologies (See Figure 7). With the adoption of hybrid GT
SPEED GENERATOR OVERVIEW configuration electricity networks can be actively sustained
leveraging on pipeline compressor stations generating
When a small amount of electricity is needed (e.g. self-con- additional revenues and providing a positive impact on
sumption of the pipeline compression station), a develop- greenhouse gas emissions.
ment of the system described above can be also consid-
ered; in case of electrical peak load, the balancing between Furthermore, a strategic partnership can be established
cooling duty and electric production can be directly man- with an electric distributor, to properly compensate his load
aged by the control system. demand, stabilizing the network by importing and export-
ing energy.
If a proper residual amount of flue gas enthalpy is avail-
able, a hybrid integrated solution machine can be de- From a strategic gas delivery perspective, the hybrid gas
veloped, by coupling the turboexpander to a permanent turbine configuration allows to use two different primary
magnet generator with magnetic bearings, without seals energy sources to guarantee availability also in case of any
system issues and using the same process gas to cool the electrical grid issue. This feature is not achievable in case
airgap. of pure electric compression units.
We’re committed
to your productivity
and protection.

You need proven, leading technologies and services to

boost the safety, reliability, and efficiency of your pipeline
assets. We have them, plus the ability to reduce your
carbon footprint.

Contact the Baker Hughes team to learn more about

our advanced data and analysis capabilities, ICL zero-
emission compressors, and NovaLT™ gas turbines with
best‑in‑class efficiency.

Copyright 2020 Baker Hughes Company. All rights reserved.


Figure 7: Hybrid GT

4.2 HYBRID GT CONFIGURATIONS following equation: P=c*n where P=power; c=torque and n=

4.2.1 LP SHAFT HYBRID (PATENT EP3004601 B1) The power of electrical machine will be managed by torque.
It will be positive or negative in case the electrical machine
The main Hybrid GT schematic is composed by an elec- works as motor or generator.
trical machine coupled on gas turbine low pressure shaft
with a self-synchronizing clutch between GT and load A self-synchronizing clutch allows the engagement and
compressor (See Figure 8). disengagement of the gas turbine automatically, based on
the speed difference. Such device is largely used in power
This scheme is applicable to all mechanical drive gas tur- plant combined cycle, connecting the gas turbine with the
bines (heavy duty and aeroderivative type). Electrical Ma- steam turbine. The application varies from a range of pow-
chine (EM) is connected directly on the compressor shaft er from few MW up to 300 MW and a range of speed from
using a high-speed motor-generator avoiding the use of a 1000 to 12000 rpm.
gear box. EM power range could be selected up to 20 MW.
Hybrid GT concept is applicable to new units or as upgrade
A VFD (Variable Frequency Drive) system and the input on existing turbocompressor units. Of course, to revamp an
transformer are used to adjust the electrical network to the existing unit, the compressor has to be modified to imple-
motor and compressor needs. It is able to connect with the ment the mechanical shaft connection with the electric
network frequency with the EM, spinning it at the desired motor. The upgrade of compressor shaft allows to adopt
operating compressor point. This flexibility allows control the latest stage technology on centrifugal compressor
the train in speed or in torque mode in order to match the further increasing the overall efficiency.

Figure 8: Main Hybrid GT schematic



Proposed configuration can work as helper, generator or 4.3 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT

full electric modes:
Renewable generation is variable, highly dependent on
GENERATOR MODE - Whenever the gas turbine delivered weather and time of day, and cannot always be turned on
power is greater than the power required by the centrifugal at will. The increasing penetration of intermittent genera-
compressor, this is converted into electrical power avail- tion raises the challenge of how to maintain the balance of
able, without any interference with the process. supply and demand at all times. The hybrid GT configura-
tions give to the operators the possibility to reach a wide
HELPER MODE - The EM can be energized converting elec- range of benefits especially in case of pipeline application.
tricity into mechanical power either to increase the power
of GT at full load when it is not enough for the compressor In case of green electricity availability or at low cost with
or to share the absorbed power between GT and EM, so the electrical machine working as motor, the abatement of
unloading the GT. the fuel leads to a CO2 footprint reduction and economic
FULL ELECTRIC MODE - VFD Electric Motor can be dimen-
sioned to deliver the power required by the compressor, On the other side in case of electricity high cost the elec-
allowing to work in Full Electric Mode, producing without trical machine can work in generator mode producing elec-
emissions (Zero Emissions Configuration). This mode is trical power for additional revenues or cover compressor
particularly helpful in case of electricity cheaper cost or stations power consumptions. So, it’s possible to reduce
excess of it (i.e. renewable sources). OPEX putting in shutdown the external electric station
generator, reducing emissions too.
4.2.2 HP SHAFT HYBRID (PATENT WO2014102127 A1)
In addition, this configuration allows to stabilize the
For two shafts gas turbines (heavy duty and NovaLT mod- exhaust thermal load, boosting the WHR system inde-
els) another simpler schematic is available where electrical pendently from the compressor process conditions.
machine is coupled directly on high pressure gas turbine
shaft. The EM power range depends on the GT model: for a Generator mode helps also gas turbine efficiency and NOx
Frame 5 up to 3 MW. optimization in conjunction with the DLN/DLE technolo-
This system can operate as Starter and Helper or as Starter
and Generator modes and it has the advantage of reduces The full electric mode allows energy storage function by
the impact on brownfield applications (See Figure 9). pressure gas accumulation scenario. In fact, the compres-
sor driven by the electric motor will deliver flow and pres-
STARTER MODE - During the starting sequence the VFD sure to the pipeline that acts as energy tank storage.
modulates the speed/torque to perfectly match the opti- Since there are many variables connected each other, for
mum firing conditions and acceleration ramp. At the end an operator is quite impossible to evaluate how to proper
of the startup sequence the electrical machine can run in balance the GT fuel and Power controller. For this rea-
de-energized mode without any limitations or switching in son, BH is developing a specific software that manages a
the other operating modes. tailored dynamic trade off based on real time site process
data and economics (See Figure 10).

Figure 9: Starter and Helper or as Starter and Generator modes



Figure 10: A BH development - Software that manages a tailored dynamic trade off based on real time site process data and economics.

The three technologies, above described, are viable solu-
Ernesto Nasini
tions to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases in the
pipeline environment and allow to strongly integrate the Baker Hughes
compressor station with electrical grid.
Lead Mechanical Engineer
The importance of these technologies, among which is ernesto.nasini@bakerhughes.
under development in BH, is the message of how BH is
intercepting the new market trend of renewable integration
in the actual pipeline operator’s perspectives, matching the
process needs with opex and emissions optimization.

Marco Santini Marco Baldini

Baker Hughes Baker Hughes
Clean technology Product Leader Gas Turbine Consultative Service
[email protected] Manager
[email protected]

Simone Amidei Maurizio Vaccaro

Baker Hughes Baker Hughes
Energy Transition Technology Technology Innovation Engineer
Leader maurizio.vaccaro@bakerhughes.
simone.amidei@bakerhughes. com
Real-time remote monitoring and risk management
of oil & gas facilities subjected to natural hazards

Prodromos N. Psarropoulos, Elena Kapogianni; Yiannis Tsompanakis >

National Technical University of Athens; Technical University of Crete

The term “natural hazard” is used to describe any natural phenomenon that might have a negative effect on humans
and/or the environment. The natural hazards can be classified into two broad categories: geological and meteorolog-
ical (e.g. landslides, volcanic eruptions, heavy storms, floods, droughts and high ambient temperatures). Furthermore,
it has to be emphasized that in certain geographical regions, such as the wider region of the Mediterranean, are char-
acterized by moderate or high seismicity, leading thus to various earthquake-related geological hazards, such as soil
liquefaction phenomena, rupture of active seismic faults at the ground surface, and earthquake-triggered landslides.

The risk of oil & gas facilities (such as oil or gas pipelines, refineries, terminals, etc.) due to natural hazards is ex-
tremely high since a serious damage and especially a total failure of a structural or a non-structural component of a
facility may lead to a “natech” (i.e. a combination of a natural and a technological disaster).

The evaluation of the risk of an industrial facility requires the quantitative assessment of all hazards along with the
realistic evaluation of the vulnerability of the structural and the non-structural components. Therefore, the cost-effi-
cient assessment and management of the risk of an oil & gas facility is a demanding task that requires a multi-dis-
ciplinary approach. In many cases of oil & gas facilities, the safety requirements are covered by the application of
the valid norms and standards during the design phase. Therefore, the accurate application of the design during the
construction phase is expected to guarantee an absolutely safe facility. Nevertheless, there are various direct and
indirect reasons why the safety (and the serviceability) of an oil & gas facility may be inadequate. The current study
tries to describe these reasons and to demonstrate how real-time remote monitoring can significantly contribute to
risk reduction.



The term “natural hazard” is used to describe any natural Since some of the industrial facilities are related to the oil
phenomenon that might have a negative effect on humans & gas industry (i.e. oil refineries, oil or gas terminals, etc.),
and/or the environment. The natural hazards can be classi- they comprise fundamental elements of the national and/
fied into two broad categories: geological and meteorologi- or the international energy sector. Their overall risk due to
cal (e.g. landslides, volcanic eruptions, heavy storms, floods, natural hazards is extremely high since a serious damage
droughts and high ambient temperatures). and especially a total failure of a structural or a non-struc-
tural components of an industrial facility may lead to a
Furthermore, it has to be emphasized that in certain geo- “natech” (i.e. a combination of a natural and a technologi-
graphical regions, such as the wider region of the Mediter- cal disaster) leading to injuries, deaths, economic loss, and
ranean, are characterized by moderate or high seismicity, environmental damages.
leading thus to various earthquake-related geological
hazards, such as soil liquefaction phenomena, rupture
of active seismic faults at the ground surface, and earth-
quake-triggered landslides. It is evident that the integrity
of any engineering structure may be threatened by one or
more natural hazards.

The structural risk of any structure, including the industrial

facilities, is directly related not only to the aforementioned
hazards, but also to the vulnerability of the structure which
depends on the design, the construction and the oper-
ational conditions during its lifetime. Depending on the
circumstances, the overall risk of any engineering structure
is a function of the structural risk and the anticipated cor-
responding loss in terms of human lives and/or socio-eco-
nomic cost(s) (see Figure 1).

The industrial facilities usually include various sensitive

engineering structures, such as tanks, pipelines, jetties,
Figure 1: The relationship between structural risk, hazard, vulnerability, and
buildings, etc., that are potentially threatened by a range loss.
of natural hazards, geological and/or meteorological (see
Figure 2).

(a) (b)

Figure 2: Examples of damages and failures of industrial facilities in the past due to natural hazards: (a) damage of a fluid tank in USA due to a tornado in 2019, and
(b) natural gas storage tanks alight at the Cosmo oil refinery in Japan in 2011


Table 1: Various geohazards and their potential consequences to pipelines (after ISSMGE/TC1)

The evaluation of the structural risk of an industrial facility In many cases of oil & gas facilities, the safety require-
requires the quantitative assessment of all hazards along ments are covered by the application of the valid norms
with the realistic evaluation of the vulnerability of the and standards during the design phase. Therefore, the
structural and the non-structural components. Therefore, accurate application of the design during the construction
the cost-efficient assessment and management of the phase is expected to guarantee an absolutely safe indus-
structural risk of an industrial facility is a demanding task trial facility. Nevertheless, there are various direct and
that requires a multi-disciplinary approach. indirect reasons why the safety (and the serviceability) of
an industrial facility may be inadequate.

Table 2: Various meteorological (i.e. climate) natural hazards



2. GEOLOGICAL & METEOROLOG- side picture shows the high mountains of central
ICAL NATURAL HAZARDS Albania where the new high-pressure gas pipeline TAP
(Trans Adriatic Pipeline) is currently being constructed.
As aforementioned, there exist a variety of geohazards Note that the low accessibility is attributed not only
threatening the integrity of an oil & gas facility. Indicative- to the high altitude of these mountains, but to the
ly, Table 1, adopted from the Geotechnical & Geophysical existence of snow during at least four months of each
Investigations for Offshore and Nearshore Developments year. The right-hand side picture shows the seabed of
report by ISSMGE/TC1, presents the main geohazards and the Mediterranean Sea where it is evident that the wa-
their potential consequences to pipelines. ter depth in some areas is of the order of kilometers,
making thus the accessibility (and any potential repair)
On the other hand, various meteorological (i.e. climate) nat- extremely difficult.
ural hazards may substantially distress an oil & gas facility,
especially during the last decades that the climate change e) As modern seismic design allows certain damage
is taking place. Therefore, the operators should design and levels, a relatively small aftershock may cause the
implement appropriate adaptation and defence measures collapse of a damaged structure if the structural dam-
as proposed in the COM (2013) 216 - An EU Strategy on ages of the mainshock have not been identified and
adaptation to climate change, and more specifically in the repaired quickly. Figure 5 shows three damaged oil
SWD (2013) 137 - Adapting infrastructure to climate change tanks just after the 1999 Kocaeli earthquake in Turkey.
and the EU Non-paper Guidelines for Project Managers: Note that, although the tanks are identical in shape
Making vulnerable investments climate resilient (see Table and dimensions, they have the same foundation condi-
2). tions and they were excited by the same strong ground
motion, they behaved differently due to their different
3. REAL-TIME REMOTE MONITORING mass (i.e. liquid content). The right oil tank that has
survived the main shock could have collapsed during a
As aforementioned, the real-time remote monitoring is di- strong aftershock.
rectly or indirectly related to the risk of a facility. There are
at least six (6) reasons why this happens: f) Finally, an early-response system (such as a smart
block valve that connects two or more components of
a) Human errors and/or negligence during the design, a facility) may decrease the loss of new or old facilities,
construction and/or operation phase cannot be and therefore the total risk. Figure 6 shows the main
excluded. Additionally, all national and international oil tank farm of Cyprus where tanks and pipelines are
standards and norms are not perfect and they are get- connected with a marine jetty. It is evident that the
ting improved every 10 to 20 years, a time period which application of an early-response system could sepa-
is shorter than the usual lifetime of an oil & gas facility. rate the various components of the facility in case of
an emergency.
b) All input data of the design have a certain degree of
uncertainty, especially when geodata are concerned. In In order the operators to have a remote and complete
parallel, climate change makes this uncertainty even real-time view of the potential natural hazards and their
higher. For example the heavy rainfalls increase the potential consequences to the oil & gas facilities under ex-
risk of landsliding not only under static conditions, but amination, especially in areas characterized by seismicity,
under seismic conditions as well. Figure 3 shows two there is need for the installation of the following:
examples of earthquake-triggered landslides in areas
where the groundwater table was relatively high (due a) Accelerometers
to the local geological and meteorological conditions). b) Inclinometers, topographical instrumentation, and/or
The first example is a huge mudslide that took place satellites
during the 2001 El Salvador earthquake, while the sec- c) Strain gauges and/or fibre optics
ond example is the destructive Nikawa landslide that
occurred during the 1995 Kobe earthquake in Japan. and the development of early-warning systems, and/or
early-response systems.
c) Seismic design relies on seismological studies which
are based on probabilities and statistical interpretation The accelerometers are required for the recording of the
of data. triggering (i.e. the seismic motion at the ground base and
at the ground surface).
d) Some projects are located in remote isolated areas
with limited accessibility. Figure 4 shows two exam- The inclinometers, topographical instrumentation, or
ples of areas with limited accessibility. The left-hand satellites can be used to measure the permanent ground


(a) (b)

Figure 3: Earthquake-triggered landslides during:

(a) the 2001 El Salvador earthquake and (b) the 1995 Kobe earthquake in Japan. Both of them are somehow related to the groundwater table conditions.


Figure 4: (a) The high mountains of central Albania that TAP pipeline is crossing, and (b) the seabed of the Mediterranean Sea. In the first case the accessibility of a
facility or a pipeline is rather limited, while in the second case the accessibility in deep waters is almost impossible.

Figure 5: Damaged oil tanks during the 1999 Kocaeli earthquake in Turkey Figure 6: Oil tanks and pipelines connected with a marine jetty in Cyprus


displacements due to slope instabilities, soil liquefaction

phenomena, and/or fault ruptures at the ground surface. a) can substantially contribute to the reduction of the
risk of various oil & gas facilities, either onshore or
Additionally, an early-warning and an early-response sys- offshore.
tem connected with strain gauges, fibre optics, etc. is re- b) may be very effective in the case of long lifelines (i.e.
quired to measure the structural distress (e.g. strain levels). pipelines and cables) that are crossing extensive and
remote areas characterized by potential geohazards
Finally, combined monitoring of oil & gas facilities, and and various meteorological conditions.
especially of critical infrastructures, is required in order to c) are very promising as new technologies (on sensors,
achieve in parallel safety, security and cyber-security. Note telecommunications, and automations) are leading
that an onshore, near-shore or offshore critical infrastruc- to a decrease of their cost and an increase of their
ture may be very vulnerable to a terrorist attack (physical reliability.
and/or cyber) just after a serious damage that has been
caused by a natural phenomenon (e.g. earthquake, tsuna- References
mi, storm, etc.).
Geotechnical & Geophysical Investigations for Offshore and Nearshore Developments, Technical
4. CONCLUSIONS Committee (TC) 1, International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE),
September 2005.
Chiocci F., Cattaneo A., Urgeles R., Seafloor mapping for geohazard assessment: state of the art, Marine
Geophysical Research, Springer 32:1–11, 2011.
The current paper refers to remote real-time monitoring Dean, R., Offshore geotechnical engineering: Principles and practice, London: Thomas Telfold Limited,
and early-response systems that should be applied on oil & Godey S., Bossu R., Guilbert J., Improving the Mediterranean seismicity picture thanks to international
collaborations, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 63, 3-11, 2013.
gas facilities that are subjected to geological and/or mete- O’Rourke M.J., Liu X., Seismic design of buried and offshore pipelines, Monograph Series, Multidiscipli-
nary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research, (MCEER), 2012,
orological natural hazards. As it was described, there exist Randolph M., Gourvenec S., Offshore Geotechnical Engineering, CRC Press, 2011.

various benefits since they:

Prodromos N. Psarropoulos Yiannis Tsompanakis
National Technical University of Technical University of Crete
email: [email protected]

Elena Kapogianni
National Technical University of

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a deeper insight
GRP Piping Failures

Ali Assi > Amiantit Qatar Pipes

Glass-fibre Reinforced Plastic pipe (GRP) systems, also known as FRP pipe systems, have been successful in the
world’s markets for more than 50 years. During this time, they have developed into a modern pipe material that is
predominantly convincing thanks to its lightweight, corrosion resistance, a smooth inner surface, and easy installa-

Continuously wound GRP pipes are also popular in AP and the Middle East where they have provided well-accept-
ed concepts to many industries and in many applications for many years. GRP pipes also had a proven design life
known in some case histories for a design life of more than 33 years.

All piping, in general, has a certain requirement related to design and installation. GRP piping as a semi-rigid materi-
al shares over 80% of these requirements, in this paper we will highlight the remaining specific requirements related
to system design, materials qualification, and site installation.

Although we will try to present several modes of failure of GRP piping as real cases in terms of catastrophic failure,
weeping De-lamination, cracking. we will share several root causes reports identifying what went wrong in terms of
installation, design, operation, and testing. The analysis will not consider visual criteria only, but also some engineer-
ing tools and NDT methods/techniques to identify the defect, type, size, location trying to propose the best solution
to avoid reoccurrence.



Piping is the most common component in a construction • Adapting to special design conditions like road
site which is used to transport fluids. Since several de- crossing, shallow depths, high wheel load, water table,
cades the importance of this component became crucial settlement. [2]
and for that several standards from ASME, ASTM, ISO, API,
BS, DIN, and others, have been published to cover the re- GRP pipes dominate the best choice material for above
quirement of piping including raw materials, design condi- service and here is the proof:
tions, system design, grades, rating, fittings, joints, flanges,
accessories, testing, inspection, installation, commission- 1. Design proof: GRP pipes design has been done con-
ing, operation, maintenance, and rehabilitation. Standards sidering long term behavior as per ASTM D 3681 where
could be a design code which is having several categories pipes are over deflected along with Sulfuric acid solu-
(design conditions, pressure design, flexibility and stress tion which is a case simulating a gravity sewer, Amiblu
intensification, material, standards, fabrication and assem- R & D facility has performed a type test results up to
bly, inspection and testing) like ASME B 31.1, B31.2, B31.3, 30 years as stated by Mr. Hogni in his interview. Refer
ISO 14692, or it could be a piping specification document to figures 1 and 2.
like ASTM D 3517, BS 5911. Other standards could be an
auxiliary document related to testing, inspection, installa-
tion or other. [1]

GRP Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyester material as one of

piping materials and due to its versatility it is used in sev-
eral applications and services like gravity, high pressure,
low pressure, seawater, potable water, irrigation, industrial
waste, cooling water, wastewater, circulating water, sewer,
firewater, above ground, underground, on ground, subsea,
ducting and more applications.

In this paper, we will highlight the shared requirement of

Figure 1: Strain Corrosion Test Amiblu Center [3]
GRP piping with other materials, and then we will demon-
strate the special requirements of GRP piping which make
it unique from other materials. We will explain several
failure modes for GRP piping some case histories including
root cause analysis of several failures.




In gravity application, the client needs to construct pipe

which can handle at least the below requirement:

• Availability of piping material with all components and

Figure 2: Test data for Hobas and Flowtite Pipes for 40 years, results extrapo-
accessories. lated to 150 years. [3]
• Long design life, (50 – 100 years) with lower mainte-
nance cost 2. Flexibility vs Rigidity: GRP considered unique ma-
• Minimum leakage and infiltration incidents which are terial between flexible (PVC, PE) and Rigid (RC, VC).
and environmental impact also. Rigid pipes fail by cracking mode under ring bending
• Good corrosion resistance internal and external includ- loading, unlike flexible pipes that are deforming in a
ing biological and gaseous medium. deflected mode. Dieter Scharwächter consulting ex-
• Smooth vs rough surface, which will have an impact on plained the difference between flexible pipe and rigid
pipe sizing for gravity flow. pipe in buried condition, rigid pipe is more rigid than
• High abrasion resistance to water jet cleaning the soil and it bears the burden of external loading due
• External load resistance at short term and long term to soil movement, water table fluctuation, settlement


along with dead and live loads and cracks developed • Good corrosion resistance especially for external (soil,
with time, while the flexible pipe react in a heavy defor- groundwater).
mation mode but with a minimum number of crack- • Resistance to soil traffic combined with internal pres-
ing. in GRP take advantage of failure mode and it has sure.
somehow higher stiffness and strength than traditional • Resistance to soil traffic combined with a vacuum.
plastics (PVC, PE) refer to figure 3. [4] • Adapting to special design conditions, road crossing,
connection to chambers.
• Thrust blocks for fittings.

In addition to the advantages in paragraph 3.1 (1 and 2),

GRP pipes are considered as a well-accepted choice for
above service especially for seawater, irrigation, treated
sewer due to:

1. 1. GRP Pipes as semi-rigid materials are designed

based on long term hydrostatic design basis as per
ASTM D 2992 where minimum 18 samples are pressur-
ized to high pressure to induce a failure under creep
loading, the period for this test will reach to 14 months,
and data will be used to pressure class demonstration.
Unlike metallic piping which is designed based on cor-
rosion rate, where metallic piping will experience pipe
wall thinning risk of piping system failure is increasing
Figure 3: Rigid and Flexible Pipe Loading with the surrounding soil
with time.
Pressure class of GRP pipes is selected to meet min-
3. Abrasion resistance: GRP pipes with special liner imum working pressure and temperature and with a
consideration has been improved to meet high-pres- factor of safety between 1.5 to 2 depends on different
sure water jet cleaning standard up to 120 bar nozzle standards, and the value is calculated from the extrap-
pressure and at an angle less than 30 Degrees refer to olated value (50 years or more). HDB / Stress t Pres-
figure 4. sure Class >= 1.8 (As per AWWA M45) refer to figure 5.

Figure 4: GRP layers with a special barrier liner for high water jet resistance,
Fowtite product guide sewer pipes.
Figure 5: Typical regression line (HDB Test results as per ASTM D 2992).[5]
SYSTEM (SEWER, IRRIGATION, WATER, SEAWATER) Unlike steel piping where pipe wall design will be
relying on corrosion rate MPY (millimeter per year) to
In pressure application underground pipes, the client will determine the design life. Steel pipe as a conductive
need to demonstrate the below requirement: medium along with high conductive soil (resistivity
less than 5000 Ohm-cm) will not survive without ca-
• Availability of piping material rated pressure thodic protection. Refer to table 1 where typical aging
• Long term design life (50 – 60 years) at lower mainte- rates vs soil resistivity.
nance cost. The risk of catastrophic failure is increasing with time
• Low friction and lower pumping cost. for metallic piping due to wall thinning and weakening
• Eliminate failures or leakage to avoid major shut- which could occur at the sudden change in pressure,
downs. or surge incident during pump start-up or valve open-




For this application for pressure below 50 bar, the client

will request to ensure:

• Piping availability at required pressure and tempera-

• Design life (20 – 50 years)
• UV resistance
Table 1: Typical soil resistivity vs corrosion rates for steel pipes.
• Eliminate failures to avoid major shutdowns.
• Good corrosion resistance and additional corrosion
protection may be required
• Good vacuum resistance
• Resistance to water hammering and dynamic load
• Vibration if any
• Minimum sagging at desired spans
• Resistance to fatigue
• System design is required to combine several loading
conditions by using computer software like Caesar II.
• Chemical resistance chart if any
• High-temperature resistance chart if any
• Resistance to soil load, traffic, settlement in case of
underground installation.

Piping for this category is widely used in oil and gas, power
Figure 6: External corrosion in DI Pipes, High plants, desalination plants, sewage treatment plants, and
other industrial sectors. Major clients recommend the use
ing/closing refer to table 2. of GRP in this service considering the below criteria:
The risk of catastrophic failure is increasing with time
for metallic piping due to wall thinning and weakening 1. Stability in UV: GRP which is manufactured using
which could occur at the sudden change in pressure, thermosetting is more stable in hot weather and UV
or surge incident during pump start-up or valve open- radiation, old samples exposed to UV have shown
ing/closing refer to table 2. a change in color only and minor degradation. In all
cases for an aboveground application, it is required to
2. Flowtite Norway has a case study proofing the design use an additional UV inhibitor to ensure the maximum
life of the GRP pipe is more than 30 years refer to stability of the piping. Also, it is well known that GRP
figure 7. In the power plant north of Lillehammer and surface radiation temperature in hot weather in the
due to planned shutdown, Flowtite has taken out the GCC region will be within 10 °C than ambient tempera-
sample from pipeline 30 years in operation, the sam- ture due to low thermal conductivity in glass fibers,
ple looks brand new pipe with a smooth surface and unlike metallic piping where external radiation tem-
no signs of aging or visible cracks.[6] perature could reach to 80 °C in the mid-day summer
season. C. Pechyen1, D. Atong2, and D. Aht-Ong have
investigated the effect of UV accelerated exposure
of GRE materials with different additives the results
shows an increase in mechanical properties after short
term exposure to UV and then the results are slightly
degreased after 10 years exposure which is consid-
ered as minor degradation compared to thermoplastic
materials. [7].
2. 2. Smooth interior surface: GRP pipes have a smooth
interior surface and remain smooth with time as we
have seen in the Flowtite case study [6] and Mr. Hog-
ni’s interview [3]. This will have an impact on pumping
Figure 7: Flowtite pipe sample taken out from service after 30 years of opera-
tion. costs if we compare GRP with steel piping.


Concrete shrinks during curing which will create point

loads on GRP pipe and risk of damage under shear, and
concrete structure settlement will expose the pipe into
concentrated bending load and the rocker pipe will be de-
flected to accommodate this slight movement. It is worth to
12345678jhbgfcdxsyrdtfghj know the zone near the structure shall have special backfill
procedure (backfill material with cement stabilizer) to
2.4 HIGH-PRESSURE PIPES AG OR ensure a sufficient compaction level is achieved where me-
UG (GAS, HOT WATER INJECTOR) chanical compaction probably is not feasible in this zone,
this special compacted zone should be installed along the
Pipe at a pressure higher than 50 bar, is very critical and rocker pipe length and should have an angle less than 45
clients require to meet some special criteria as per API 15 ° to provide enough internal friction to avoid slippery of
HR. layers, refer to figure 8.

• The availability of piping with high-pressure joint con-

figuration (threaded joint).
• Design life (20 – 50 years)
• UV resistance
• Fire retardancy may be required
• Conductive pipe most likely is required.
• High-temperature resistance in some applications.
• High gas permeability.
• Resistance to combined loading, thermal, pressure,
bending, vacuum, torque.
• Resistance to fatigue.
• Resistance to surge loads and dynamic loads.
• System design required to combine several loading Figure 8: GRP Pipe connection to a rigid structure, Flowtite Installation Guide.
• Detailed support design and support loads. On the other hand, if the pipe system is self-restrained
using the laminated joint, the means of protection are
Pipes under this category require more research and different. Sometimes construction can be done with hollo
development, and few manufacturers around the globe pipe inside concrete this will provide no direct interaction
have developed this tubing technology and qualified them between pipe and concrete structure.
to cover certain sector in oil and gas, the most advantage
of composite pipes is its inherited corrosion resistance, Other ways are to wrap the pipe with highly flexible wrap-
however, some clients still prefer to go with metallic tubes ping material like sponge rubber, several layers of thin
provided with additional corrosion barriers. Most likely the rubber layers at a certain length outside the concrete wall
composite pipes have limitations in temperature, fatigue to provide room for pipe flexibility during settlement refer
behavior. to figure 9.


GRP Pipes with coupler or spigot/ bell joint configuration

3.1 PIPE ADJACENT TO RIGID STRUCTURE: should have rubber gaskets installed for water tightness,
pipefitter may have the rubber ring slipped away from
Connection of buried pipes or exposed pipes into a rigid groove during pushing. There are few methods to confirm a
structure is very common in a construction site, the rigid correct rubber installation as shown below:
structure could be manhole, chamber, pump house, thrust
block. GRP pipes require certain measures to avoid dam- 1. Insertion of blade piece from coupler edge to ensure
age due to structural settlement. As the structured settle- that rubber placement is even along the coupler perim-
ment is an unavoidable issue. Engineers should deal with eter refer to figure 10.
the problem by providing some means of protection.
GRP pipes in an unrestrained system using double bell 2. Internal joint tester: this is applicable for large diam-
coupling have an advantage of angular deflection allow- eter pipes, and it could a good tool to ensure pipes
ance in the coupling, and by using a short pipe length joints are tested, in some cases the final site hydro test
adjacent to the concrete structure. could be avoided refer to figure 11.


(a) (b)

Figure 9: a – flexible wrapping adjacent to concrete. b – simulation of settlement with rubber wrapping

Figure 10: Blade pushing inspection in GRP coupler Figure 11: Internal Joint Tester (Amiantit Installation Guide)

Figure 12: Spigot / Bell with nipple tester. Figure 13: Layers dripping in laminate:

3. Spigot/ Bell joint test method is done when there are

two rubber rings, where the nozzle can be installed in 1. The laminated joint which required skilled laminators
between the groove and water test can be done at joint to perform it should have inspection points related to
prior final hydro test. Also testing rubber rings is from visual, barcol hardness, and dimensions, however, it is
outside only, but it should be a good indication for the essential to have proper layers dripping (laminate tap-
installer about proper rubber placement refer figure 12. per) to avoid stress concentration laminate ends which
could be peel off during operation especially due to
GRP Pipes with self-restrained joint (laminated or adhesive) thermal and vibration loads refer to figure 13.
required skilled pipefitters to prepare the joint. Normally 2. Pipe ends with misalignment, ovality or different OD
laminated joint higher-skilled requirement than the ad- are very common at the site, the pipe ends will not
hesive joint, on the other hand, the adhesive joint is more be in a perfect position to start the lamination, in this
challenging to inspect the joint after finishing the adhesive, case, special pipe ends preparation should be done,
we highlight here few points could be helpful during site pipe edge grinding, or laminate layers for leveling refer
installation: to figure 14.


or drop during 4 hours or 24 hours of site hydro test,

only a few standards and specification highlighted
this issue. In Qatar Construction Specification, it is
required to run 24 hours site hydro test, during this
time the amount of water to be refilled to the system to
accommodate the drop is measured and confirmed to
meet certain criteria which is a maximum of 0.02 liter
per mm diameter per km length per 24 hours per 1 bar.
Shell DEP and some oil gas specification, required to
have a pressure chart recorded during the test during,
which can explain piping behavior during the test,
Figure 14: Pipe end grinding and additional layers due to misalignment obviously leakage in piping should be a visible leak or
continuous drop of pressure. A pressure chart can be
3. Adhesive joint after finish can have some NDT method investigated along with temperature variation. Refer to
to verify if any lack of adhesive occurred or improper figure 17.
adhesion on the pipe/ coupler surface. By using an
ultrasound device that should be capable to have sig-
nal energy penetrated through the coupler thickness,
in general sensor with 0.5 Mhrz should be capable to
penetrate and defect a reflection in GRP depth up to
40 – 50 mm. which could be enough for the adhesive
coupler. Refer to figure 15.

Figure 16: Vertical loop with nozzle

Figure 15: Ultrasound NDT on adhesive joint


Pipeline ready for site hydro test should have the following
points checked up:

1. Ventilation at highest points, or vertical loops, some-

times these piping areas did not have the nozzles
accommodated in design drawing or Isometric draw-
ing, site team should be aware of it and install it in all
necessary places to ensure air is removed during pipe
filling. Refer to figure 16.
2. In case of any supports, restraints or thrust blocks are
added to the system, this is necessary to be installed
as per design conditions before starting the hydro test.
3. Common problems during the hydro test are pres-
sure drop, in GRP piping as it has more flexibility than
Figure 17: Pressure chart
metallic piping could be exposed to pressure variation
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In this paragraph, we are presenting several real failures GRP flanges are critical parts of the system, they are nec-
that occurred in GRP piping, during which the root cause essary to connect piping into equipment, valves or other.
was conducted to investigate the possible cause and normally GRP flanges are more delicate than other metallic
avoid. flanges and require special attention during design and in-
stallation especially in thickness, type of gasket and tight-
4.1 FLOODED PIPES: ening. It is very common for the installer to have flange
connection cases with misalignment and site personnel
Flooding of pipes is a very common problem especially attend to align the flanges by tightening creating cracks on
in GCC where sudden rain heavy rain could occur at any the neck, these cracks could be major lead to immediate
moment during winter or groundwater return to the trench failure during hydro testing or it could be minor causing a
zone during installation. refer to figure 18. failure on long term operation refer to figure 19.

The contractor always advised applying a min backfilling GRP Flanges are not designed to carry other equipment
layer as soon as the pipe is laid on trench which will help loads like valves, it is most common to have all valves
to maintain the pipe in position during the flood. Refer to supported to avoid transfer loads to flange neck unless
table 4. detailed analysis is performed to ensure flange is capable
to carry the loads, in some cases automated valves are
equipped with motors which will create additional moment
on the flange during operation. Refer to figure 20.

Table 4: Min depth against floatation (AQAP Installation guide)

Figure 18: Flooded pipes cases



Figure 19: Flange Cracks due to misalignment (a- leak during the hydro test, b- flange leak after operation sour line

Figure 20: Flange crack, the valve is not supported

Figure 21: Flange cracks due to rerouting



Stress analysis for all piping is an essential activity, and occurred within 1 m from the wall due to settlement. As this
the purpose for running this works is to ensure piping piping system is self-restrained with a rigid joint, it is rec-
system is provided with adequate support, control the ommended to wrap the pipe with rubber or flexible material
piping movement, ensure no major loads are transferred to protect the pipe from damage. Refer to figure 23.
to equipment, comply with stress allowable with differ-
ent load cases including occasional loads like hydro test,
snow, thermal, wind and seismic. It is very common for that
installer due to some site obstacles he has to reroute the
GRP piping, in some cases, this rerouting will have differ-
ent behavior in the piping and will require to ensure stress
analysis is satisfied or not. Below is one example of flange
cracks where the installer did some rerouting without con-
sulting the stress engineer. Refer to figure 20,21 and 22.


GRP piping going into the rigid structure should be treated

carefully as explained in paragraph 4.1, below an exam-
Figure 23: GRE pipe damage due to settlement
ple of GRE piping for fire water entering a building, failure

Figure 22: Rerouting is done without updating the stress model ( a- case 1, b- case 2)


4.4 FAILURE IN CONNECTIONS: Mechanical coupling most probably used to connect two
different pipes together with same or different outer diame-
GRP pipe coupling or mechanical coupling connection ter, failure on this coupling is possible if it is not suitable to
could be a source of leakage due to wrong gasket place- one of both material, in Figure 30, we investigated several
ment or high angular deflection, water will spray at high co failures in mechanical coupling (step coupling) con-
velocity along with abrasive soil will cause abrasion on necting GRP to DI Piping, all of them has a sign of abrasion
external pipe surface which will lead to pipe wall thinning on pipe spigot nearby the edge of the coupling this is an
and then catastrophic failure at any pressure change, be- indication of gasket leakage occurred during pipe opera-
low photos for GRP coupling used to connect two different tion which was caused by wrong rubber profile along with
GRP pipes (restrained and unrestrained), it is well noted soil settlement. Refer to figure 31 it shows flat rubber profile
that this short piece is pipeline closure which could have used which is not acceptable in GRP piping, the best one
different levels and high angular deflection has occurred used shall be sealing lips (REKA Type). Refer to figure 25
during installation. refer to figure 24. and 26.

Figure 24: GRP Coupling failure (abrasion on pipe surface)

Figure 25: Failure near mechanical coupling



Figure 26: Rubber profile of leaked mechanical coupling


It is well known that GRP piping requires additional specific
[1] P. Ellenberger, Piping and Pipeline Calculations Manual. 2010.
requirement that is sometimes more critical than the stan- [2] Indah Water, “A Guide to Sewer Selection Sewer Selection and Installation,” no. 01, p.
27, 2006.
dard piping requirement. There is poor literature related [3] A. Hogni Johnsson, “Case Study GRP pipes have a lifetime of 150 years . Here ’ s the
proof .,” pp. 1–4.
to GRP piping failures, however, after many decades of [4] D. Scharwächter, “Statements for the comparison of Vitrified Clay and GRP pipes to be
used in municipal sewer pipe lines.,” 2004.
using GRP piping, it is necessary to learn from mistakes [5] J. J. Swihart, Fiberglass Pipe Literature Review. 2016.
[6] Flowtite, “30 year old pipeline in fiberglass appears as brand new.”
and improve the quality integrity if piping system during [7] C. Pechyen, D. Atong, and D. Aht-Ong, “Effect of additives on mechanical properties and
photo-stability of filament-wound glass fiber reinforced epoxy pipes,” Polym. Polym.
design, fabrication, and installation. NDT technique espe- Compos., vol. 19, no. 2–3, pp. 161–170, 2011.

cially the Ultrasound is a method that is well understood

in traditional homogeneous materials, but for composite
pipes, the technique is still in an immature phase and a
lot of research is required to standardize the method and
categorize the defects. UTcomp has developed UltraAnaly- Author
sis method on GRP material to evaluate aging by using an
ultrasound device to study the stiffness reflection of poly- Ali Assi
mer in the laminate and give digital data about the material Amiantit Qatar Pipes
status of aging and quality. [9]
Technical Manager
6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: [email protected]

I would like to acknowledge the top management of

Amiantit Qatar Pipe Co represented by Mr Abdulrarhman
Al Ansari CEO and Mr Hussein Khatoun GM.
Prediction of Leak Mass Rate in High-Pressure Gas Pipeline

Fang Yuan, Runchang Chen, Boo Cheong Khoo; Yan Zeng; Rongmo Luo >
National University of Singapore; National Metrology Centre, Singaproe; Xylem Inc

Gas pipeline leakage poses great threat to the environment pollution and system security. The gas leak mass
rate is a key index in the assessment of risk level during pipeline leakage. In this study, compressed air flow in a
high-pressure pipeline with leakage is considered, and the leak mass rate is investigated experimentally and nu-

Three-dimensional unsteady simulations, with the dynamic mesh technology, were applied to investigate the
transient onset of the pressurized air leakage. The numerical model was validated by the experiments through the
comparison of the leak mass quantity ratio, defined as the ratio of leak mass rate to inlet mass rate. The rise time
of leak mass rate increasing from zero to the peak value was compared at different test conditions. Relations of the
peak leak mass rate to the inflow mass rate, pipe operation pressure and leak diameter were scrutinized by various
numerical cases. Based on the parameterization results, a non-dimensional correlation was proposed to predict the
compressed air leak mass rate through a small leak hole in high-pressure pipeline.



Gas pipeline is an effective and economic channel for compared with the one-dimensional model which neglect-
long-distance and distributed transportation due to the ed the effects of downstream length after the leak.
ease of installation and retrofits. In-pipe pressure sustains
at a high level for long-distance transportation and explo- Although there are some works on the discharge rate
sive natural gas may cause severe accidents when pipe induced by the pipeline leakage, the majority was based
leakage takes place. Thus, it is necessary to evaluate the on one-dimensional model or improved ones, in which the
hazard of high-pressure gas pipeline leakage, in which the adiabatic condition of pipe flow and isentropic condition of
leak mass rate estimation is a hot topic and attracts inter- flow through leak hole were postulated. However, vigor-
ests from researchers. ous turbulence dissipation in the process of leakage flow
violates the assumption of isentropic process, and, the
Several models were proposed for the natural gas release mass continuity in one-dimensional analysis that all the
from the pipe leaks based on internal pipe flow analysis [1- inflow gas is exhausted by the pipe leakage may not be
4]. Based on the classification of subsonic and sonic flow valid for the small leaks. Above all, despite some investiga-
conditions in main pipe and through leak hole, various ex- tions on the leakage of distribution pipeline with relatively
pressions for leak mass rate estimation were derived from low pressure, few have been carried out on the leakage in
the continuity equation and ideal gas law to cater for differ- high-pressure pipe. Thus, a three-dimensional numerical
ent situations [1]. Three kinds of scenarios were discussed model for the leak mass rate in high-pressure gas pipeline
by Montiel, et al [1]: (1) flow in pipe is subsonic and flow is needed, which motivates the present work.
through leak hole is sonic; (2) flow in pipe and through leak
hole are both subsonic; (3) flow in pipe and through leak In this paper, experimental and numerical investigations
hole are both sonic. Small leaks and large ruptures were on the high-pressure compressed air leakage flow were
analysed with hole model and pipe model respectively. conducted to explore the effects of inlet mass rate, pipe-
line operation pressure and leak hole diameter on the
However, the hypothesis of mass balance that the leak leak mass rate given a fixed pipeline diameter. Transient
mass rate is identical to the in-pipe mass flow rate showed process of leakage onset was modelled via dynamic mesh
some limits on the small leak simulation or transient method. Experimentally validated model revealed the
cases. Dong, et al. [2] integrated the real gas equation into unsteady characteristics of flow mass rate through leakage
Montiel’s model to simulate the high-pressure gas leak- hole. A non-dimensional correlation was proposed based
age. In addition, the unsteady scenario of gas leaking at on the simulation results to predict the leak mass rate of
large rupture was investigated by considering the closure small leakage.
of inlet valve upon the detection of leakage. Continuous
pressure drop after the valve closure led to the transition 2. NUMERICAL METHOD AND SIMULATION SETUP
from sonic to subsonic flow through the leak hole and the
relevant governing equations were proposed. Jo & Ahn [3] To investigate the leak mass rate through a high-pressure
carried out an analytical study on the release rate from a pipeline leak hole, three-dimensional, transient, compress-
high-pressure pipeline leakage. ible air leakage flow was simulated by ANSYS FLUENT.

Different from the mass balance assumption in previous To obtain the details of flow patterns with reasonable
research, the mass balance between the pipe flow and computational cost, the large eddy simulation (LES) model
the flow at the hole is described by the effective area ratio was employed in the present study. The filtered governing
which includes the influence of discharge coefficient. equations are expressed as [6]
Flow at the leak point is sonic as the pressure ratio in the
high-pressure pipeline is below the critical value.

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has also been applied

to the studies of pipeline leakage. Ebrahimi-Moghadam, et
al. [5] conducted three-dimensional numerical simulations
on the above-ground and underground pipeline leakage
to introduce a new correlation for gas leak quantity, under
the pipeline pressure of 3-5 bar and leak diameter of
5-80 mm. Two equations were proposed to estimate the
leak volumetric flow rate above-ground and underground
respectively. It was reported that the results obtained via
the proposed correlations improved the accuracy by 20%


The filtered equations are resolved via numerical discret- 3. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP
ization to capture the motion of large eddies while the
residual subscale field is approximated via models. In The present numerical model is validated by experiments
FLUENT, different subscale models are provided to model through the comparison of leak mass rate. The experi-
the residual subgrid field. The wall-modeled large eddy ments were performed on a Lab-scale pipeline system
simulation (WMLES) model, a hybrid RANS-LES method consisting of a pipeline testbed, compressor facilities and
better for high-Reynolds flow at a reasonable computation SCADA system. The compressor can boost the gauge
cost, was used in the present study. pressure of pipeline up to 35 bar and the gas tank helps to
stabilize flow. The photo of the lab system excluding the
The computational domain is a straight pipe with the compressor components is shown in Figure 2.
length l = 5000 mm and diameter D = 50.8 mm (2 inch),
as shown in Figure 1. The geometry is the same as our
labscale setup, which will be illustrated in the next section.
Leak hole in the present numerical model is assumed to
have a circular shape and extrudes from the inner surface
to the outer wall of the pipe with the thickness of 3.1 mm.
Different leak diameters are selected to investigate the
influence of geometric parameters on the leakage flow. A
user-defined fully developed flow condition is incorporated
to the inlet boundary condition. The ‘spectral synthesizer’
turbulent generation method is activated to specify the
inflow turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation rate. Other
boundary conditions are listed in Table 1.

Figure 2: Lab system setup photo and auxiliary devices



In experiments, the leak mass rate was calculated based

on the mass balance method [7]. The conservation of mass
in pipeline system is expressed as:

Figure 1: Pipe geometry where Qleak is the leak mass rate, Qin is the mass rate at
the system inlet, Qout is the mass rate at the system outlet
Time interval is set as 1×10-6 s to satisfy the Courant-Frie- and Qp is the mass packing rate indicating the observable
drichs-Lewy (CFL) criteria and clearly capture the flow rate of mass change in a closed system.
characteristics at the onset of leakage.
The comparison of the leak mass ratio (Qleak/Qin) between
the numerical simulations and experiments is shown in
Table 2. It is found that at lower leak rate caused by the
smaller leak hole sizes of 1.6 mm and 3.2 mm, the predict-
ed results by numerical simulations agree well with the
Table 1: Boundary Settings experimental data, the difference within 10%. In terms of a
larger leak hole of 9.5 mm, higher pressure drop induced
by the larger leak hole leads to greater depressurizing fluid
condition in the laboratory system, and accordingly the
leak rate may be lower than the numerical results with a
steady boundary condition. This could be the main reason
Table 2: Comparison of leak mass ratios between experiments and simula- to cause the deviation between simulation and experimen-
tions tal data.



The peak value of leak mass rate (Qm) is an important

index to assess the level of risk during pipeline leakage.
Based on the previous one-dimensional analysis, four pa-
rameters – pipeline pressure, leak hole diameter, area ratio
of leak hole to the main pipe cross-section and inflow con-
dition – were found to influence the rate of leakage quan-
tity [1-4]. However, the dimensional correlation proposed in
recent CFD studies indicated that the leak mass rate was
impertinent to the flow information at the pipeline inlet [5].
To settle the contradiction, the impact of inflow conditions
characterized by the variation of inlet flow rates is investi-
gated in this study. Four different inlet mass flow rates are Figure 3 Leak mass rate caused by different leak diameters (p0 = 36 bar)
chosen, and the corresponding leak mass rates are shown
in Table 3. It is seen that the maximum and stabilized leak confirmed via the numerical results, as shown in Figure 4. It
rate is irrelevant with the inflow velocity once the other pa- is interesting to observe that all the straight line intersects
rameters (pipeline pressure, leak diameter and area ratio) at the origin, indicating that the ratio of leak mass rate to
are fixed, consistent with the conclusion from the previous the absolute pipe pressure is constant.
CFD work [5]. Indeed, the inflow condition closely associ-
ated with operation pressure was taken as an independent
parameter to include the unsteady variations from inlet in
the one-dimensional analysis when modeling the dynamic
process of valve closing [2, 4].

Table 3 Leak mass rate at different inlet mass flow rate (d = 3.2 mm, p0 = 36

Figure 4: Effect of the pipe pressure on the leak mass rate at different leak hole
Above all, pipeline operation pressure, leak diameter and diameters for a fixed inlet volumetric flow rate of 50.2 m3/h
the ratio of leak size to pipe cross-sectional area are the
factors dominating the dimensional leak mass rate. Peak values of the leak mass rate caused by different leak
diameters are shown in Figure 5. The peak leak mass rate
4.3. EFFECTS OF DIMENSIONAL PARAM- is proportional to the second order of leak diameter when
ETERS ON LEAK MASS RATE the inlet volumetric flow rate is fixed. This result agrees
well with the previous findings in the research on small
Time-marching fluctuations of leak mass rate are shown in leaks [4, 5].
Figure 3. It is found that the leak diameter has significant
impacts on both the peak value of leak mass rate and the
rise time from zero to the maximum value. Larger leak di-
ameter induces higher rate of leak loss and it will also take
longer time to reach the peak value.

The duration from leak onset to the peak time of the leak
mass rate is in the order of microseconds for all the diam-
eters investigated in the present study, showing transient
process of high-pressure pipe leakage. Surge of leak mass
rate generates massive gas emission into the surroundings
and poses hazards to the environmental security.

Moreover, the effects of pipeline operation pressure on Figure 5: Effect of the leak hole diameter on the leak mass rate at different
pipe pressures for a fixed inlet volumetric flow rate of 50.2 m3/h
the leak mass rate are investigated. The linear relation is


4.4. NON-DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS AND CORRELATION is linearly proportional to the pipeline operation pressure
and the second order of the leak hole diameter. Based on
To further explore the dependence of relevant parameters the numerical results, a new non-dimensional correlation
on the leak mass rate, nondimensional analysis is car- inclusive of pressure ratio and diameter ratio is proposed
ried out. The nondimensionalization of the parameters is for the leak mass rate generated by small leaks in pressur-
shown as below. ized air pipeline. The correlation could provide a guidance
to predict the leak mass rate in real industry applications.

where Qin is the inlet mass flow rate, d is the leak hole
diameter, D is the main pipeline diameter, p0 is the pipeline
pressure in absolute value, pref is the reference pressure in
absolute value which is specified as the ambient pressure.

The non-dimensional leak mass ratios at different relative

pipe pressures p are shown in Figure 6. The leak mass
ratio is independent of the non-dimensional pipeline pres-
sure due to linear relationship between dimensional leak
mass rate and absolute operation pressure, as indicated in
Figure 4.

The second power relation of relative leak diameter to the

leak mass ratio is observed in Figure 7, which corresponds Figure 6: Leak mass ratio at different relative pipe pressures
to the results in dimensional analysis.

Based on the method of least-squares regression, a new

non-dimensional correlation is proposed to evaluate the
leak mass ratio of small leaks in high-pressure pipeline

where k = 24.7346.


Prediction of leak mass rate through small leak hole in the

high-pressure compressed air pipeline was carried out by
CFD analysis with the support of experimental validation
on laboratory scale. Three-dimensional simulations were
implemented to explore the effects of geometric and flow
parameters on the leak mass rate. The rise time for leak
Figure 7: Leak mass ratio at different relative leak diameters
mass rate surging from zero to the peak value is in the
order of microseconds in highpressure pipeline leakage.
Larger amount of leakage quantity generated by a larger
leak hole takes longer time to stabilize. In terms of para- [1] Montiel, H., Vılchez, J. A., Casal, J., & Arnaldos, J. (1998). Mathematical modelling of accidental gas
releases. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 59(2-3), 211-233.
metric impacts on the peak value of leak rate, the pipe [2] Yuhua, D., Huilin, G., Jing’en, Z., & Yaorong, F. (2002). Evaluation of gas release rate through holes in
pipelines. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 15(6), 423-428.
inflow rate was proven to have negligible influence on the [3] Jo, Y. D., & Ahn, B. J. (2003). A simple model for the release rate of hazardous gas from a hole on
high-pressure pipelines. Journal of hazardous materials, 97(1-3), 31-46.
leak mass rate as the leakage property is mainly governed [4] Dong, G., Xue, L., Yang, Y., & Yang, J. (2010). Evaluation of hazard range for the natural gas jet relea-
sed from a high-pressure pipeline: A computational parametric study. Journal of Loss prevention in the
by the thermohydraulic conditions near the leak region. Process Industries, 23(4), 522-530.
[5] Ebrahimi-Moghadam, A., Farzaneh-Gord, M., Arabkoohsar, A., & Moghadam, A. J. (2018). CFD analysis
Provided the fully developed flow, which is the typical of natural gas emission from damaged pipelines: Correlation development for leakage estimation.
Journal of cleaner production, 199, 257-271.
pattern in a long-distance transportation pipeline with a [6] Vreman, Bert, Geurts, Bernard and Kuerten, Hans. (1995). Subgrid-modelling in LES of compressible
flow. Applied Scientific Research, 54(3), 191-203.
fixed diameter, the leak mass rate induced by small leak- [7] Henrie, M., Carpenter, P., & Nicholas, R. E. (2016). Pipeline leak detection handbook. Gulf Professional
Publishing. Chapter 3: Mass Balance Leak Detection, 41-55.
age is only influenced by the pipeline operation pressure
and the leak hole diameter. The maximum leak mass rate



Fang Yuan Runchang Chen
National University of Singapore National University of Singapore
PhD student Job Position
[email protected] [email protected]

Boo Cheong Khoo Yan Zeng

National University of Singapore National Metrology Centre,
Professor Singapore
[email protected] Research scientist
[email protected]

Rongmo Luo
Xylem Inc
Research scientist
[email protected]

Integrated solutions
for oil & gas pipelines


Europe’s Leading Pipeline Conference and Exhibition

ptc for the First Time Virtual

“We were convinced that our innovative concept would

• The first ever online ptc 2020 was
be well received by the global pipeline community, but
successfully held from 30 March to 2 the success surprised even us. This shows that crisis
situations not only present challenges, but also lead to
April 2020.
meaningful innovations. We will build on this success and
• The digital version of the renowned work out new offers that take up the advantages of digital
services, such as online ptc 2020”, says Dr. Klaus Ritter,
Pipeline Technology Conference (ptc)
President of the organizing EITEP Institute.
was put in place on short notice by
The three-day-event took place at the same time as the
the organizer EITEP Institute, after
original Pipeline Technology Conference was planned,
the Corona-Pandemic led to a global therefore allowing many of the already registered partici-
pants, sponsors and exhibitors to shift smoothly to the dig-
ital edition. The core feature of the online ptc 2020 were
• Despite the short preparation time, the technical presentations, that were accessible as full
papers or video files as well as the opportunity to connect
the ptc-team managed to provide an
and chat with other participants and exhibitors. The central
alternative version, which attracted more activity feed allowed for the real-time posting of questions
or information, contribution to an overall success of the
than 550 participants and 80 exhibitors,
digital event.
while also enabling more than 100
“We know of course that this kind of online event cannot
technical presentations to be shared with
replace the face-to-face contacts of a real conference
the global pipeline community. with exhibition in Berlin, but we are very grateful that the
whole ptc community made it possible to keep the spirit
• The organizer announced the creation
of the Pipeline Technology Conference alive by attending
of upcoming online events after the an intense exchange of experience between the partici-
pants and by gathering a global audience from all over the
remarkable success of this unique pilot
world, once again solidifying ptc’s standing as the most
project. international pipeline event worldwide”, expresses Dennis


Fandrich, Chairman of the ptc and Director Conferences at the world’s leading pipeline events”, says Dr. Klaus Ritter.
EITEP Institute, his gratitude to the many participants. “We are very grateful for the overall support our community
gave to us in such challenging times. This encourages us
During the first day of online ptc video presentations were to deliver an even greater event experience next year”, he
available to the audience along with the full papers of all added.
presenters, totaling in more than 100 topics that were
presented and discussed during the event. The second day This excitement is shared by many professional pipelin-
was dedicated to networking, enabling all participants to ers from all over the world, like Marcelino Guedes Gomes
connect with each other and have their private chat conver- from Brazil’s Petrobras: “Congrats to the whole ptc family.
sations with their business partners and potential clients. The online ptc 2020 was a mark in the history of pipeline
The last day was under the motto Throwback Thursday. conferences.”
Highlight video presentations from previous ptc-events
were available that day and up for discussion. The outstanding success of the online ptc 2020 has
prompted the organizer to create now offers for the global
A challenging aspect of this innovative project was the pipeline community. “It has become clear to us that online
exhibition-part. The traditional ptc, recognized as Europe’s events have a future in our modern digital world, even
leading pipeline event, is attracting every year more and without the threat of a pandemic and the need for social
more exhibitors, who would like to share their technologies distancing. Formats like our online ptc 2020 have the
and solutions to the global pipeline community in general potential to also address specific topics that are not part
and to the high number of representatives from pipeline of the ptc, or niche topics, that have not found their home
operators in particular. “Exhibitors want to be seen and event yet.”, analyses Rana Alnasir-Boulos, head of EITEP
want to be able to present themselves and their capabili- Institutes Business Development department. “We will
ties to their clients and potential customers. Therefore, we therefore analyze the market needs and come up with
have established a special section within our conference fresh ideas to supplement our Pipeline Technology Confer-
app, giving every exhibitor the opportunity to be seen by ence and Exhibition with additional services”.
the participants and to describe their services. Of course,
this lacks the personal aspect of a trade fair, but it was a All papers and videos from the online ptc 2020 will be
good compromise as company representatives were avail- available for free via the ptc Pipeline Open Knowledge
able for questions and requests from their digital visitors.” Base on the official ptc website shortly.
says Marian Ritter, Director Exhibitions at EITEP Institute.
The 16th Pipeline Technology Conference will take place
An additional service for the presenters and exhibitors of from 15-18 March 2021 at the Estrel Congress Center in
online ptc 2020 is the publication of all the conference Berlin, Germany.
papers in several special issues of the Pipeline Technology
Journal. The digital journal is also capable of including the
video presentations, thus enabling its readers to consume
all relevant information delivered by the online event.

Like the original ptc event in Berlin the online ptc 2020
was preceded by a series of seminars on Monday, this time
held as online seminars. The topics were “Pipeline Defect
Assessments” and “In-Line Inspection of Pipelines and
Difficult to Inspect Pipelines”. Both the lecturers and the
participants appreciated this format, especially in a time
were professional training programs are limited by the
current pandemic.

“Online ptc 2020 was an overall success, but the upcom-

ing Pipeline Technology Conference 2021 of course will
return to the established and accepted physical format
our participants and exhibitors appreciate the most. The
opportunity to engage in intense exchanges of experienc-
es with pipeliners, face-to-face, with people from all over
the world, is what defines our ptc and what makes it one of


Association Coating 2/2

Polyguard Products
IAOT - International Association of Oil Transporters United States
Czech Republic www.polyguard.com
Premier Coatings
DVGW - German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water United Kingdom
Germany www.premiercoatings.com/
RPR Technologies
Automation Norway
Germany Shawcor
www.siemens.com United States
Japan Sulzer Mixpac
www.yokogawa.com Switzerland

Certification TDC International

Bureau Veritas www.tdc-int.com
www.bureauveritas.de TIAL
DNV GL www.tial.ru
www.dnvgl.com TIB Chemicals
TÜV SÜD Indutrie Service www.tib-chemicals.com
Construction 1/2
BIL - Federal German Construction Enquiry
Reinhart Hydrocleaning Portal
Switzerland Germany
www.rhc-sa.ch/rhc/ www.bil-leitungsauskunft.de

Coating 1/2 Germany
Germany IPLOCA - International Pipe Line & Offshore Contractors Association
www.denso.de Switzerland
Kebulin-gesellschaft Kettler
Germany Liderroll
www.kebu.de Brasil


LogIC 3P Services
France Germany
www.logic-sas.com www.3p-services.com

Construction 2/2 Inline Inspection 2/2

MAX STREICHER A.Hak Industrial Services
Germany Netherlands
www.streicher.de/en www.a-hak-is.com

Petro IT Baker Hughes

Ireland United States
www.petroit.com www.bakerhughes.com

VACUWORX Intero Integrity Services

Netherlands Netherlands
www.vacuworx.com www.intero-integrity.com/

Vintri Technologies Kontrolltechnik

Canada Germany
www.vintritech.com www.kontrolltechnik.com

Vlentec KTN AS
Netherlands Norway
www.vlentec.com www.ktn.no

Construction Machinery United Arab Emirates
Netherlands NDT Global
www.maats.com Germany
Worldwide Group
Germany Pipesurvey International
www.worldwidemachinery.com Netherlands
Germany PPSA - Pigging Products and Services Association
www.vietz.de United Kingdom

Engineering Romstar
ILF Consulting Engineers www.romstargroup.com
www.ilf.com Rosen
KÖTTER Consulting Engineers www.rosen-group.com
Inspection 1/2
Inline Inspection 1/2 Ametek – Division Creaform


Applus RTD MSA

Germany Germany
www.applusrtd.com www.MSAsafety.com/detection

Inspection 2/2 Leak Detection 2/2

EMPIT OptaSense
Germany United Kingdom
www.empit.com www.optasense.com

Pergam Suisse
Integrity Management Switzerland
Canada PSI Software
www.metegrity.com Germany
Pipeline Innovations
United Kingdom sebaKMT
www.pipeline-innovations.com Germany

Leak Detection 1/2 SolAres (Solgeo / Aresys)

Asel-Tech www.solaresweb.com
www.asel-tech.com VEGASE
Atmos International www.vegase.fr
United Kingdom
Canada Airborne Technologies
www.direct-c.ca Austria
United States Krohne Messtechnik
www.entegrasolutions.com Germany
Fotech Solutions
www.fotech.com Germany
GOTTSBERG Leak Detection
Germany SolSpec
www.leak-detection.de United States
www.liwacom.de Operators 1/2


Transneft DEHN & SÖHNE

Russia Germany
www.en.transneft.ru/ www.dehn-international.com/en

Operators 2/2 Safety 2/2

France Germany
www.trapil.com/en/ www.hima.de

Qualification & Recruitment Signage

YPPE - Young Pipeline Professionals Europe Franken Plastik
International Germany

Pump and Compressor Stations Surface Preparation

TNO MONTI - Werkzeuge GmbH
The Netherlands Germany
www.pulsim.tno.nl www.monti.de

Repair Trenchless Technologies

United States Germany
www.cittech.com www.bohrtec.com

Clock Spring NRI GSTT - German Society for Trenchless Technology

United States Germany
www.clockspring.com www.gstt.de

RAM-100 Rädlinger Primus Line

United States Germany
www.ram100intl.com www.primusline.com

T.D. Williamson
United States Valves & Fittings
Research & Development www.auma.com

Pipeline Transport Institute (PTI LLC) Further boost your brand awareness
Zwick Armaturen
Russia Germany
www.en.niitn.transneft.ru and list your company within the ptj -
Company Directory
Safety 1/2

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Professionals Europe
Provide support / mentoring
Sponsor a YPPE event yppeurope.org
Don’t just be in
the industry, be a part of it [email protected]

In the next Edition of ptj: August 2020

3rd Special Edition for the ptc

The next issue of Pipeline Technology
Journal (ptj) will be the
3rd Special Edition for the ptc

This issue will again feature papers

from the Pipeline Technology
Conference - ptc.

Pipeline Technology Journal

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Event Calendar

Virtual Pipeline Summit 30 June 2020 online

UESI Pipelines 2020 Conference 9 - 12 August 2020 San Antonio, USA

IPC - International Pipeline Conference 28 September - 2 October 2020 Calgary, Canada

Infrastructure Development in Africa (IDA) 10 - 12 November 2020 Tunis, Tunisia

16th Pipeline Technology Conference 15 - 18 March 2021 Berlin, Germany


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