PTJ 2-2022

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Pipeline Technology Journal

& Hydrogen

What’s your purpose?

Reusing gas infrastructure
for Hydrogen transportation
and storage!

Energy Transition And The

Impact On Pipeline

Methane Emissions
Reduction System in
Pipeline Compressor Sta-
HUGHES Experience

Considering leak
detection systems for car-
bon capture and storage
(CCS) e-ISSN 2196‑4300 / p-ISSN 2751-1189

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Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022

PTJ – Your Quality Pipeline Journal

elcome to this latest edition of the Pipeline Technology
Journal with a special focus on topics around decar-
bonization and hydrogen!

But before we dive into the interesting and important articles of

this issue, let me spend a little time on the Journal itself.

It is a privilege and honour to have the opportunity to address you as

the Chairman of the Editorial Board. Our team, made up of the members
Dr. Michael Beller
of the board, is excited to be involved with the Pipeline Technology Journal Chairman of the Editorial Board
which is now in its 9th year of publication and reaching 20,000 readers around
the globe.

The e-journal and the printed version are published quarterly, and each issue
has a special focus regarding the topics and content of the articles included.
Whilst our sister publication, the ptj-Newsletter covers news and up-to-date
information, the Journal provides in-depth technical articles. On the one
hand, the Journal makes use of the high-quality papers presented at the an-
nual Pipeline Technology Conference, but on the other hand it is also open
for contributions entered directly. To ensure the quality the publisher and the
editorial board are aiming for, articles are reviewed.

Our vision and aim are to compile a pipeline technical journal for our reader-
ship which is of interest for you and adds value by enabling the dissemination
of information. In order to achieve our goals, we would also like to reach out
to you and ask for your feedback. Are we covering all the right topics around
pipelines you are interested in? Is something missing? Please let us know!
Your feedback and input is highly appreciated and will help us to continu-
ously improve our effort. Thank You!

But now on to this issue. Climate Change is one of the major concerns of our
time. In order to protect Earth, the planet we all live on, emissions must be
reduced. Decarbonization and the use of future fuels is therefore of para-
mount importance. Unfortunately, recent events have also re-emphasized
the importance of security of supply.

This issue of the Journal includes a number of highly interesting papers address-
ing a wide range of topics related to decarbonization and the transportation of
future fuels.

The papers provide insight into a very broad scope of themes regarding the
pressurized pipe itself and essential components such as valves.

Yours sincerely,
Dr. Michael Beller, Chairman of the Editorial Board
Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022

This Issue’s


10 What’s your purpose?

Reusing gas infrastructure for
Hydrogen transportation and
W. Meester

16 Enhancing the Availability of

Oil Network using Focused
Reliability Assessment of
Critical Valves
Dr. K.A. Al-Jabr, Dr. Q. Ahmed,
Z.A. Al-subai, Dr. D.M. Al-Anazi

26 Energy Transition And

The Impact On Pipeline
N.Gallon, M. Humbert, M. Tewes

 Pipeline Technology Journal - ptj

 @pipelinejournal

 # #pipelinejournal
Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022

34 Applications of Vibroacoustic
Technology to support pipeline
assets re-use, integrity
management and energy
transition projects
M. Marino, S. Del Giudice, F. Chiappa,
G Giunta

42 Methane Emissions Reduction

System in Pipeline
Compressor Stations: ENAGAS
& BAKER HUGHES Experience
S. Cipriani, A. Intieri, T. Meixus Fernandez,
L.M. Sanchez

50 Considering leak detection

systems for carbon capture
and storage (CCS)
D. Short

Company Directory
Page 56
6 Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022

Pipeline Technology Journal

Dr. Michael Beller

Director, Global Market Strategy
ROSEN Europe


Dr. Andreas Antoniou Asle Venas Belkacem Bechka Dr. Khalid A. Al-Jabr
Senior Research Associate Senior Principle Consultant (PIMS) Reliability Engineering
National Technical Pipeline Specialist SONATRACH Specialist
University of Athens DNV Saudi Aramco

Mahmoud Abdel Hakim Mark Iden Max Wedekind Steffen Paeper

Head of Discipline Chief Executive Officer Managing Director Freelance Pipeline
Pipeline Engineering SkyData Air & Space DENSO Consultant
Pipeline Technology Journal
ADNOC Group Managing Directors Editorial Management

[email protected] Dennis Fandrich & Marian Ritter Marian Ritter
E-Mail: [email protected]
Publisher Register Court: Amtsgericht Hannover
Tel: +49 511 90992-15
Euro Institute for Information Company Registration Number: HRB 56648
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and Technology Transfer GmbH Value Added Tax Identification Number
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Tel: +49 511 90992-20
30177 Hannover, Germany
Editor in Chief
Tel: +49 511 90992-10 Advertising
Dennis Fandrich
URL: Rana Alnasir-Boulos
E-Mail: [email protected]
E-Mail: [email protected]
ISSN Tel: +49 511 90992-22
Tel: +49 511 90992-19
e-ISSN: 2196-4300
Editorial Board
p-ISSN: 2751-1189 Editorial Staff
ptj Editorial Board
Mark Iden: [email protected]
Used Copyright Material
P. 1 © Marketing Department, MAX
Terms of publication Daniel Onyango
Four times a year

P 5 & P 8 © Sabri Hasso/EITEP

Always a leading innovator, we supply customers with cutting-edge
diagnostic and system integrity solutions. This, bound with our focus
on flexibility, reliability, cost and quality, leads to offerings beyond
your expectations.
Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022 9

International pipeline community

met in Berlin for ptc 2022

Designed as a hybrid event, the 17th Pipeline Technology Conference

and its exhibition attracted 659 participants from 49 different coun-
tries, including delegates from 62 pipeline operators and 53 exhibiting

After two years of ptc Remote, hundreds of industry professionals – rep-

resentatives of operators, technology and service providers, researchers,
public services – were finally able to meet again directly in Berlin. They
demonstrated from 7-10 March 2022 latest achievements, developments,
and offerings in the industry, thereby consolidating the status of the ptc
as one of the most prestigious international meeting places for exchange
in the pipeline industry.

Reacting to Russia’s attacks on Ukraine, the keynote speech given by

Bengt Bergt, member of the Committee for Climate Protection and
Energy of the German Bundestag, was dedicated to the topic “Security of
Energy Supply in Times of Crisis: Short-Term Measures and Long-Term
Implications” and gave insights into the current plans in German en-
ergy policy.

The program of the 17th Pipeline Technology Conference was enriched

with its panel discussions which covered current challenges of the in-
dustry: cyber security, decarbonization, the issues of public perception
and the shortage of skilled workers. Another important panel discus-
sion covered the consumer point of view, where specialists from thys-
senkrupp, Evonik, Nikola and en2x discussed future perspectives for
pipeline-based infrastructures. However, the core of the conference was
again the technical sessions with more than 100 different presentations.

Accompanying the conference, as always, was the ptc Exhibition with 53

exhibitors presenting their latest products and developments and invit-
ing people to talk to them. The exhibition hall was the central meeting
point for all participants with plenty of opportunities to talk, get to know
each other and exchange ideas.

The 18th Pipeline Technology Conference and Exhibition will be held in

Berlin from May 8-11, 2023.

More news from the ptj newsletter:
10 Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022

What’s your purpose?

Reusing gas infrastructure for Hydrogen
transportation and storage!
W. Meester > Intero Integrity

Existing gas infrastructure plays an essential and important role in
today’s energy transition for the transport and storage of Hydrogen.
Studies show, natural gas infrastructure can be economically utilized
for the transport and cavern storage of Hydrogen in future decarbon-
ized energy systems. Repurposing existing pipelines and underground
storage infrastructure is very cost-efficient and can keep future energy
prices low and affordable.

Intero Integrity, as a global service provider, help infrastructure owners

overcome the challenges they face with their infrastructure transforma-
tion journey. We have developed and utilized innovative mechanical and
chemical cleaning technologies to improve the cleaning operations of oil
and gas pipelines and accompanying process systems for reuse purposes.

Pipelines by definition are all unique. Therefore, we deliver customized

solutions gained through deeper insights. In close consultation with the
Client a cleaning program will be engineered in the most cost effective
way and tailored to their current needs.

Our new products are highly concentrated blends of biodegradable

surfactants and synthetic solvents capable of wetting and removing
the most tenacious deposits encountered in oil and gas pipelines. The
majority of the products used by Intero are environmentally friendly
and biodegradable, this will minimize the cost for waste disposal. For
our Clients these products provide a cost effective and easy-to-use ap-
proach to pipeline and system cleaning.

Our extensive service portfolio enables us to bundle our services into a

unique single-contractor turnkey solution contributing to efficient and
safe project execution. Intero Integrity is able to support asset owners
build a strategic future-ready infrastructure based on their priorities and
Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022 11

Figure 1: Turnkey solution for pigging the non-piggable

1. Introduction With the expected type of pollution, flow rate and

history and the size and length of the pipeline the
There are many different reasons for cleaning pipe- amount of pollution can be estimated. The total
lines for example for maintenance projects, produc- amount of pollution determines the sequence of
tion increase, abandonment, repurposing and for cleaning pigs and the number of cleaning runs. In
internal inspections. The most known cleaning meth- case of high amounts of pollution precautions can be
ods used in the pipeline industry are: high pressure taken beforehand to overcome any delays and prob-
jetting, air blowing, flushing, sand jetting, chemical lems during the cleaning operation.
solvents and pigging. Determination of the optimal
cleaning procedure depends on the product, type and 2. The Cleaning Process
amount of pollution and many more factors.
The cleaning process assures the removal of contami-
The pipeline history will give important information nants such as dirt, water, filings, weld spatter or other
on the type and amount of pollution. It is of great foreign material from the interior of the pipeline sys-
importance to know if any previous cleaning or in- tem. This level of cleanliness is often referred to as
spection programs have been performed in the past ‘commercially clean’. Contractual requirements or cli-
and which type of cleaning pigs have been used. Past ent specifications may require a more stringent clean-
cleaning runs, year of construction, information from ing process.
pipeline operators, product samples can help to deter-
mine the cleanliness status of a pipeline. Important is With the available information received from the cli-
also if recent modifications have been made on the ent the cleaning program will be determined in the
pipeline. Modifications made on pipelines could in- most cost effective way. If a more detailed proposal and
dicate areas which are replaced by new pipe or supply a higher quality cleaning standard is needed the pro-
information on the internal conditions of the pipe- gram can be evaluated and adjusted in close consulta-
line. Most of the information is often difficult to find tion with the end client (TSO).
as pipeline owners often have not stored the informa-
tion as they do not see its relevance. In addition to the standard cleaning methods, Intero
Integrity Services offers a broad range of chemical
12 Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022

Figure 2: Intero Chemical Cleaning Unit

cleaning services for the pipeline and process systems. The basic procedure for the cleaning of the pipelines is
Chemical cleaning is typically used to remove depos- to run a number medium density brush pigs followed
its like scale, corrosion, waxes, paraffin and asphaltene by pumping a pig-train with batches of detergent at
sediments in pipelines. The use of solvents and/or sur- pre-calculated concentrations and speed. BiDi brush
factant based cleaning chemicals are more effective and magnet pigs should be incorporated in the batches
than mechanical cleaning using only cleaning pigs. and propelled with Gaseous Nitrogen to minimise the
Chemical cleaning is widely used for commissioning volume of chemical waste. The batches should be fol-
, de-commissioning and repurposing of pipelines and lowed by a water flush separated by BiDi pigs after
process plants, to increase productivity (throughput) which the drying can commence.
and efficiency, to improve inspection results and to
maintain the quality of the product. In drying with Nitrogen, soft foam pigs pushed by
Nitrogen are used to absorb any free water remaining
Chemical cleaning in conjunction with the mechanical in the pipeline after the water flush batch. Dew-point
action of pigging, greatly increases the effectiveness reading will need to be made to determine when the
of the cleaning operation. Although not suitable for line has been dried to the specified dew point. It will
every problem, we have found that ‘combined’ chemi- be necessary to give special consideration to laterals,
cal and pig cleaning operations for pipeline operators by-passes, and valve body cavities as any free water
can solve many problems which mechanical pigging trapped here could affect the final dew point readings.
on its own could not.
During the cleaning program the used cleaning pigs
In order to find out which cleaning method will have and the amount of pollution removed by the cleaning
the best results debris samples of the various pipeline pigs will be examined. According to the results of these
sections are analyzed and the type of pollution deter- examinations the cleaning program can be altered by
mined. On the basis of these analysis results it was con- changing the type of cleaning pigs and or by changing
firmed that mechanical cleaning using brush/magnet the cleaning pigging sequence. The type of chemical(s),
pigs in combination with cleaning chemicals is the the strength, contact time and overall procedure will
most effective method for the application to the re- be determined by the particular circumstances and
ferred pipeline sections. will differ from one situation and/or pipeline section
to the next.
Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022 13

Intero Integrity Services is utilizing new chemical After the pipeline is free from water, a soft foam pig
cleaning technologies to improve the cleaning opera- train will be transferred through the pipeline to ab-
tions of oil and gas pipelines and process systems. The sorb any free water remaining in the pipeline after
new products are highly concentrated blends of bio- the water flush batch. Dew-point readings will need
degradable surfactants and synthetic solvents capable to be made to determine when the line has been dried
of wetting and removing the most tenacious deposits to the specified dew point. It will be necessary to give
encountered in oil and gas pipelines. The majority of special consideration to laterals, by-passes, and valve
the products used by Intero Integrity Services are envi- body cavities as any free water trapped here could af-
ronmentally friendly and biodegradable,
equipmentthis will
and min- fect the final
the Nitrogen dew point
spread. Asreadings. Finally
an optional the residual
service Intero is able
imize the cost for waste temporary pig gaseous
launcher(s)/receiver(s) if needed. to create
Nitrogen will remain in the pipeline
an Oxygen free atmosphere to avoid oxidation.
3. The Scope Of Work
Overview pig types:
A typical pipeline cleaning scope of work can be sum-
marized as follows:

• Project management and engineering

• Providing all relevant project documentation
• Participation in HAZID/HAZOP for all activities
• Supply and installation of all required equipment
and materials Figure 3: Overview of pig types
• Cleaning of the pipeline sections
Step 1: Mechanical cleaning to remove loose particles (sand, stones and
• Drying the pipeline sections with gaseous Nitrogen
corrosion) Before the cleaning operation can start Intero Integrity
• Preparation of close out documentation (daily logs, Services will install the required temporary equipment.
final report) During the site visit the route of the hoses/piping is
discussed and agreed. Intero will install and connect
To clean and dry the pipelines, the first step will be me- the temporary storage tanks, water manifold, water
chanical cleaning with brush pigs and a BiDi magnet. and chemical pumping equipment and the Nitrogen
The mechanical cleaning will remove loose organic spread. As an optional service Intero is able to supply
contamination. temporary pig launcher(s)/receiver(s) if needed.
After arrival of the first cleaning run, analyse the amount of debris inside
After all the loose organic materials and Step
are removed storage tank.
2 Step If due tocleaning
1: Mechanical the amount of debris
to remove an additional
loose particles
should commence. This step is preparing run
and is required
running repeat
like sand, Step
stones and 1 until the
corrosion result
(Figure 4). of the cleaning is
the chemical cleaning train. The purpose of this run
is to remove grease, oil, organicStep
2: Chemical and cleaning
After arrival of the first
to remove oil, cleaning run, organic
grease and analyse thecontaminatio
to prepare the inner pipeline for Step 4. The complete amount of debris inside the receiver and storage tank.
chemical cleaning train will be received in buffer con- If due to the amount of debris an additional clean-
tainers at the receiver side. The cleaning train will be ing run is required repeat Step 1 until the result of the
propelled by gaseous Nitrogen. cleaning is satisfied.

The batch of Step 3 contains flushing water to remove Step 2: Chemical cleaning to remove oil, grease and or-
the residual chemicals. All the flushing water will be ganic contamination (Figure 5).
collected in the buffer containers. These water batches
will also be propelled with gaseous Nitrogen. Step 4 Step 3: Flushing with clean water until pH neutral
is to prepare and run the pickling (removing grease) (Figrue 6).
train. The water with chemicals will be transferred
through the pipeline by sending a BiDi pig train pro- Step 4: Pickling and conservation to protect the pipe-
pelled by gaseous nitrogen. line for future use (Figure 7).

Page 7 of 9
Step 1: Mechanical cleaning to remove loose particles (sand, stones and
14 Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022
Step 1: Mechanical cleaning to remove loose particles (sand, stones and

After arrival of the first cleaning run, analyse the amount of debris inside the
receiver and storage tank. If due to the amount of debris an additional
cleaning run is required repeat Step 1 until the result of the cleaning is
After arrival of the first cleaning run, analyse the amount of debris inside the
Figure 4: Mechanical cleaning to remove loose particles
Step 2: and storage
Chemical tank. If
cleaning todue to the
remove oil,amount
grease of
anddebris an additional
organic contamination
cleaning run is required repeat Step 1 until the result of the cleaning is
Step 2: Chemical cleaning to remove oil, grease and organic contamination
Step 3:
Step 3: Flushing
Flushing with
with clean
clean water
water until
until pH
pH neutral

Figure 5: Chemical cleaning to remove oil, grease and organic contamination

Step 3: Flushing
Step 3: Flushing with
with clean

Step 4: Pickling and conservation to protect the pipeline for future use.
Step 4: Pickling and conservation to protect the pipeline for future use.
Page 7 of 9

Figure 6: Flushing with clean water until pH neutral

Step 4: Pickling
Pickling and
and conservation
future use.
Page 7 of 9

After Step 4 is performed the cleaning steps are completed and the pipeline
After Step 4 is performed the cleaning steps are completed and the pipeline
displacement will commence. To clear the pipeline from ‘free’ water a BiDi
displacement will commence. To clear the pipeline from ‘free’ water a BiDi
train will be launched.
Figure 7: Pickling will be launched.
and conservation to protect the pipeline for future use
Step 5: Displacement of the pipeline
After 5:
After Step
4 isis performed
performed of the thepipeline
the cleaning
completedand the
and pipeline
the pipeline
displacement will commence. To clear the
displacement will commence. To clear the pipeline from ‘free’ water pipeline from ‘free’ water a BiDi
a BiDi
train will be launched.
train will be launched.
Step 5: Displacement of the pipeline
Step 5: Displacement of the pipeline

Step 6:
Figure 8: Displacement of theDrying
pipeline of the pipeline
Step 6: Drying of the pipeline

Step 6: Drying of the pipeline

Step 6: Drying of the pipeline

Figure 9: Drying of the pipeline

Page 8 of 9
Page 8 of 9
Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022 15

After Step 4 is performed the cleaning steps are com-

pleted and the pipeline displacement will commence. Author
To clear the pipeline from ‘free’ water a BiDi train will
be launched.

Step 5: Displacement of the pipeline (Figure 8).

Step 6: Drying of the pipeline (Figure 9).

4. Preserving

After the pipeline is dry and the dew point is accepted

by the client, the pipeline will be free from oxygen and
left at 1 – 2 bar(g) Nitrogen pressure. The inert atmos- Winifred Meester
phere will prevent corrosion and prevents oxidation Intero Integrity
Business Director Industrial and Inspection Services
inside the pipeline.
[email protected]



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16 Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022

Enhancing the Availability of Oil Network

using Focused Reliability Assessment of
Critical Valves
Dr. K.A. Al-Jabr, Dr. Q. Ahmed, Z.A. Al-subai, Dr. D.M. Al-Anazi > Saudi Aramco

The Reliability Focused Analysis Technique is a method of analy-
sis that can be used to evaluate reliability for a specific system, and
addresses availability and maintainability related issues. This ap-
proach is based on holistic reliability and evaluation and analysis of
maintenance data, which involves reviewing maintenance strate-
gies, system capacity to identify operational and maintenance gaps,
and recommending and resolving chronic and critical issues.

A case study was conducted by using this technique to improve re-

liability and availability of critical valves in the Saudi Aramco Oil
and Gas Supply Network. These valves are classified based on their
criticality and failure consequences. A comprehensive reliability
assessment was conducted for the top critical valves in the pipe-
line network. It addressed the chronic problems by validating the
equipment criticality categorization, reviewing their maintenance
strategies, analyzing valve data and failures modes, and identifying
bad actor items and common failures. The reliability and mainte-
nance data were benchmarked with other industry databases such

The implementation for the addressed recommendations of the

Valve Reliability Assessment has improved the reliability for top
critical valves by 10% and reduced their emergency maintenance
cost by 43%. The study supported concerned organizations with de-
veloping the pipeline valves Reliability & Maintenance Databank,
and selecting the appropriate valve types during the design stage.
Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022 17

1. Introduction other industry database such as Offshore & Onshore

Reliability Data Handbook (OREDA). As a result of im-
Saudi Aramco has the largest cross-country pipeline plementing the outcome recommendations, the reli-
network for transporting the Kingdom’s hydrocarbons ability of the critical valves subject to this study has
with the highest standards of safety, reliability, effi- improved by 8-10% and reduced emergency mainte-
ciency and environmental responsibility by applying nance cost by 43% (from 70% to 40% of the total main-
innovative methods and state-of-the-art technologies. tenance work orders).
Saudi Aramco runs the huge network of pipelines and
valves with different sizes, applications and designs. Reviewing reliability elements is a critical element of
any reliability study. It measures the impact of each
component, which is a part of the overall system relia-
bility. In this study, valves are one of the main compo-
nents in the pipeline network and play a critical role
in this system. Failure of a valve in a hydrocarbon net-
work may cause a reduction in availability and reliabil-
ity downstream of the failure location, and may create
major incidents in the form of hydrocarbon releases,
fire and/or explosions. Therefore, addressing the reli-
Figure 1: Saudi Aramco Pipelines ability of valves is very important and a useful tool for
improving the reliability of hydrocarbon pipeline net-
In general, all pipeline valves at Saudi Aramco are gov- works. A criticality assessment was carried out to iden-
erned either by API 6D or other standards and specifi- tify the criticality of the valves for further study.
cations recommended by ASME B31.4 and ASME B31.8
codes, including ball, gate, plug and other types of The remainder of the paper is structured as follows:
valves. The most common types of valves found in the Section 2 covers the assessment strategy to sug-
Saudi Aramco pipeline network are ball, gate and plug. gest how to utilize the available data. This section in-
cludes an equipment criticality assessment and use of
This paper covers technical issues for more than 6,500 equipment master data. Section 3 covers the reliabil-
valves and scraper doors representing 51% of the de- ity analysis based on the different criteria to cover all
partment total assets subject to this study. These items the critical assets. Section 4 explores the results and
of equipment are considered some of the major com- recommendations based on the analysis performed.
ponents of any pipeline network and are essential as- Finally, conclusions are discussed in Section 5 of the
sets needed to safely operate and maintain the pipeline paper.
network. As a focus review, a comprehensive reliability
assessment was conducted for the top critical valves in 2. Assessment Strategy:
the pipeline network.
2.1 Equipment Criticality Assessment
This review was conducted by using the Reliability The equipment criticality assessment process consti-
Focused Analysis Technique, which is an analysis tutes the indicator that allows evaluating asset relia-
that can evaluate reliability and availability for a spe- bility impact and consequences on the overall busi-
cific system and addresses operational and mainte- ness performance. A team used the four criticality
nance related issues to improve reliability and avail- criteria (failures, importance, reliability and utiliza-
ability for critical valves in the Saudi Aramco Oil and tion), which are defined in the Saudi Aramco Asset
Gas Supply Network. The review addressed chronic Criticality Assessment Best Practice. The Equipment
problems by validating the equipment criticality cat- Criticality Assessment (ECA) for all pipeline valves was
egorization, reviewing their maintenance strategies, conducted and classified the pipeline valves into three
analyzing valve data and failures modes, and identi- categories as described in Table 1. As a result of this as-
fying bad actor items and common failures. The relia- sessment, it was recommended to consider the top two
bility and maintenance data were benchmarked with types of the critical valves as Class A in this study. They
utilization), Through
technicians. which are defined
these in the recent
workshops, Saudi failures
Aramcowas Asset Criticality
discussed withAssessment
reference toBest
the critical valve databank, with major challenges associated
Practice. The Equipment Criticality Assessment (ECA) for all pipeline valves with operating and was
18 maintaining
Pipeline Technologypipeline
and -valves.
Journal 2/2022the pipeline valves into three categories as described in
The following table (Table 2) categorizes the valves based on allocated areas and recent
valve criticality assessments.Table It describes the distribution
1: Equipment for the critical valves in a facility
by ABC Criticality
based on the maintenance unit area. Indeed, the highest number of critical valves is
Category Meaning Definition
located in Area 2 by 26%, followed by Area 6 (22%), then Areas 1 and 3 (19%). Area 4
A Critical A failure would lead to immediate safety or production loss
has around 10% of the top critical valves while Area 5 has the lowest number of critical
B Important A failure might lead to immediate safety or production loss
valves (5%). Around 19% of critical valves are trap isolation valves (112 valves) in Area
C Normal A failure would have no impact on safety or production
2. Then isolation valves in Areas 1 and 4 (around 14% for each).
Table 1: Superiority of coextruded Tapes
Table 2: Critical Valves Distribution Based on Area

Area # Class 1 Isolation Total

Area 1 28 5% 84 14% 112 19%
Area 2 38 6% 112 19% 150 26%
Saudi Aramco:Area
3 General 27
Use 5% 29 5% 56 10%
Area 4 30 5% 84 14% 114 19%
Area 5 2 0% 25 4% 27 5%
Area 6 63 11% 65 11% 128 22%

Table 2: Critical Valves Distribution Based on Area

For 9.0the
represent % of thesame valves,
total valves, another
namely, classification
Class I and valves was used 1toand
in Areas determine
4 (aroundthe
for each). For the
trapofisolationthe valves,
valves. Based onwhich arethere
the data, oil, gas
are and
188 product, as described
same valves, in Figure 2. Itwas
another classification shows
used to deter-
(2.9% of60% of critical
total and 32% of valves are Class
top critical) usedIfor gasand
calves services,
mine38% for oil services
the services andwhich
of the valves, 1% for arethe
oil, gas and
trap isolation valves (6.1% of total and 68% of top product, as
while 1% of the critical valves weren’t classified in SAP. described in Figure 2. It shows that 60% of
critical) out of 6500 valves are under consideration in critical valves are used for gas services, 38% for oil ser-
the study. vices and 1% for the products while 1% of the critical
valves weren’t classified in SAP.
2.2 2.2 Reviewing Valves Operational
& Maintenance Master Data There are four types of actuator used to operate valves:
Saudi Aramco:
The dataCompany
in thisUse
study were provided by the Gas operated valves (GOVs), motor operated valves
specific facility after they were extracted from main- (MOVs), hydraulic operated valves (HOVs), and solar
tenance work orders in the SAP system. Also, more operated valves (SOVs). The type of actuators for the
data were collected during multiple workshops with critical valves are shown in Figure 3. As can be seen,
subject matter experts of pipeline management mem- most of them are MOVs (47%) while there are 171 valve
bers, engineers, operators, valve technicians, instru- actuators (29%) unclassified in SAP. GOVs are repre-
ment technicians and electrical technicians. Through seted by 14% the top critical valves, and followed by
these workshops, recent failures was discussed with SOVs (7%) and HOVs (2%).
reference to the critical valve databank, with major
challenges associated with operating and maintain- To adress valve maintenance strategies, there are four
ing pipeline valves. major avenues that can be explored and applied to ar-
rive at a suitable maintenance strategy for equipment
The following table (Table 2) categorizes the valves and components. They can be summarized as follows:
based on allocated areas and recent valve criticality as- Unplanned Strategy: (Reactive Maintenance) and
sessments. It describes the distribution for the critical Planned Strategy: (Preventive Maintenance, Predictive
valves in a facility based on the maintenance unit area. Maintenance & Proactive Maintenance).
Indeed, the highest number of critical valves is located
in Area 2 by 26%, followed by Area 6 (22%), then Areas At Saudi Aramco, we are measuring the overall con-
1 and 3 (19%). Area 4 has around 10% of the top criti- cept of the right mix, which is to minimize reactive
cal valves while Area 5 has the lowest number of criti- (fix on failure) to be less than 15% of the total ef-
cal valves (5%). Around 19% of critical valves are trap fort, and use the majority of time (in excess of 65%)
isolation valves (112 valves) in Area 2. Then isolation on condition based activities where the health of
Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022 19

Figure 2 : Critical Valves Distribution Based on Services

equipment is monitored and problems are caught 3. Discussion and Analysis:

and fixed early on – thereby avoiding catastrophic
failure and impacts on production or safety. The Dependability, or reliability, describes the ability of a
time-based preventive maintenance is recognized system or component to function under stated condi-
for its importance but should not consume more tions for a specified period of time. Reliability is closely
than 20% of the overall maintenance effort. Figure related to availability, which is typically described as
4 illustrates the top critical valves, which are covered the ability of a component or system to function at a
by the Preventative Maintenance (PM) Program. It specified moment or interval of time. In general, re-
shows that 75% of the critical valves are under the liability is theoretically defined as the probability of
Preventative Maintenance Program while the re- success or availability. In summary, reliability engi-
maining 25% are working without any preventative neering deals with the estimation, prevention and
maintenance tasks as per the recent valve critical- management of high levels of "lifetime" engineering
ity assessment. This data also shows that all critical uncertainty and risks of failure. This section discusses
valves, which are without the PM program, are trap reliability analysis for valves based on the available
isolation valves. maintenance data in SAP. Indeed, several elements

Figure 3: Critical Valves Distribution Based on Operating Modes

20 Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022

Figure 4: Critical Valves PM Coverage

over time have been developed to determine reliability, (the total is 114 failures were occurred for the top crit-
but we will discuss the major ones such as: Mean time ical valves).
between failure (MTBF), mean time to repair (MTTR),
failure rate (FR), failure mode (FM), bad actor item and 3.1 Reliability Analysis for Class I Valves:
some analyses for the provided failure data. The col- The data was analyzed and utilized to estimate and pre-
lected data was filtered for Department A to be utilized dict reliability key performance indicators (KPIs) for
for their different purposes such as investigation, sup- Class I critical valves as shown in the following figures
port projects and other applications, and it can support in this section. Figure 5 represents the distribution for
central engineering to create databank for pipeline de- the failed Class I critical valves based on their service.
partments. As a summary of the data, there were 28 It shows that 21% of the Class I valves that failed are
failures reported as M2 Notifications for Class I Valves in the crude oil service while 12% and 12.5% of them
and 96 failures for trap isolation valves in year 2017 failed in the gas and product services, respectively. It

Figure 5: Failed Class I Valves Distribution based on Service

Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022 21

Figure 6: Failed Class-I Valves Distribution based on Area

Figure 7: Failed Class-I Valves Distribution based on Valve Actuator

means that the critical valves in crude oil services need close to the average of Class I valves failures. It was
more attention than other services. also observed that Area 1 historically shows a very low
frequency of failures based on the analyzed data. Also,
The distribution for failed Class I valves based on valve Area 6 is doing very well but with a small number of
area is described in Figure 6. It shows that Area 4 has samples from just two valves. Figure 7 is representing
the top failures of Class I Valves with 33% (9 valves) distribution for the failed Class I valves based on the
followed by Area 3 with 20%. Both Areas 2 and 5 are valve actuator. It shows that the SOVs have the highest
maintenance costs will be reduced. Thus, the modified PM should be utilized for those
valves to switch from reactive to proactive modes and their spare parts should be
22 Pipeline Technology
available Journal -its
to reduce 2/2022
MTTR and enhance their reliability.

Table 3: Bad Actor List for Class I Valves

Area Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Area 5 Area 6 Total

Total number 63 38 30 27 28 2 188
Failures (#) 4 5 6 9 4 0 28
% 6.25 13.16 20.00 33.33 14.29 0.00 14.81
MOV (#) 3 2 3 0 1 0 9.00
% 75.00 40.00 50.00 0.00 25.00 0.00 32.14
SOV (#) 0 0 0 8 0 0 8.00
% 0.00 0.00 0.00 88.89 0.00 0.00 28.57
GOV (#) 0 2 3 0 3 0 8.00
% 0.00 40.00 50.00 0.00 75.00 0.00 28.57
HOV (#) 1 1 0 1 0 0 3.00
% 25.00 20.00 0.00 11.11 0.00 0.00 10.71
Unclassified (#) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Table 3: Bad Actor List for Class I Valves

3.3 Bad
percentage of Actor
failuresItems for Trap
at around 40%, Isolation
followed byCritical
in AreaValves (80/20
4. Thus, we canRule):
say that SOVs are bad actor
HOVs with 33%. It is an unacceptable ratio compared items for Area 4 (refer to Table 3). If the reliability ef-
using which
the have
same just 9.3% of failures.
previous analysis, belowthe forts
It is with trap will be invested
isolation valveinfiltered
this item, the number
database of fail-
), we can conclude that Area 2 has 112 critical ures willisolation
trap be minimized
26 valves costs will be
reduced. Thus, the modified PM should be utilized for
As a drill down, we found 71% of these valves (19 valves out of 26 failed valves in Area
3.2 Bad Actor Items for Class I those valves to switch from reactive to proactive modes
2), which are operated by MOVs, failed. Also, and
Critical Valves (80/20 Rule):
the their
valves in Area 2 are representing
parts should be available to reduce its
35% of all figures
previous MOVs.(5-7), we can conclude that MTTR and enhance their reliability.
this analysis can provide a clear picture for reliability Pipeline Technology Conference 2022, Berlin
The failures
engineers to conductof the
MOVs in both
root cause Areafor
analysis 1,com-
3, and3.35Bad
represent 48%
Actor Items of the
for Trap failed MOVs in
mon failures
Department in each area. For
A. Thus,modes, example,
we can by Area
sayutilizing 4
that MOVs has Critical Valves
in Area 2PM (80/20 Rule):
are procedures
bad actor items. The MOVs in
reactive to proactive the modified and keeping spare
eight (8) critical Class
Areasin1,all3 areas I valves,
and 5for which
willMOV failed
be come in 2017,
aswill rep-
a second By using the same previous analysis, with the trap iso-
parts valves, reduce bad actor items.
maintenance costsThirdly, switching from
and emergency
resenting 29% of all failed Class-I valves in Department lation valve filtered database (Table 4), we can con-
A. orders,
All of themenhancing
were operated pipeline reliability
by SOVs. This means and availability.
that clude that Area 2 has 112 critical trap isolation valves
100% of the failures for SOVs were due to the valves and 26 valves failed. As a drill down, we found 71% of
Table 4: Bad Actor List for Trap Isolation Valves
Saudi Aramco: Company General Use
Area Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Area 5 Area 6 Total
Total number 65 112 84 29 84 25 399
Failures (#) 16 26 15 12 18 8 96
% 24.62 23.21 17.86 41.38 21.43 32.00 24.06
MOV (#) 9 19 8 3 9 6 54
% 56.25 73.08 53.33 25.00 50.00 75.00 30.51
SOV (#) 2 2 1 5 1 0 11
% 12.50 7.69 6.67 41.67 5.56 0.00 45.83
GOV (#) 0 0 2 2 3 0 7
% 0.00 0.00 13.33 16.67 16.67 0.00 29.17
HOV (#) 0 0 1 0 0 1 2
% 0.00 0.00 6.67 0.00 0.00 12.50 66.67
Unclassified (#) 5 5 3 2 5 1 21
% 31.25 19.23 20.00 16.67 27.78 12.50 21.88

Table 4: Bad Actor List for Trap Isolation Valves

4. Results and Recommendations:

The calculations will be discussed to estimate the reliability KPIs for the top critical valves
Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022 23

these valves (19 valves out of 26 failed valves in Area Based on the collected data for maintenance history
2), which are operated by MOVs, failed. Also, the failed and interview validation workshops, the MTTR =10
valves in Area 2 are representing by 35% of all MOVs. days was used (15 days were considered in OREDA for
all valves) for all failure modes including spare part de-
The failures of MOVs in both Area 1, 3, and 5 represent livery and 1-2 days for PM activities. The reported data
48% of the failed MOVs in Department A. Thus, we can considered 28 failures for 188 Class I valves and 96 fail-
say that MOVs in Area 2 are bad actor items. The MOVs ures for 399 trap isolation valves. Based on the above
in Areas 1, 3 and 5 will be come as a second bad actor valves, the reliability values for Class I valves were es-
items. Thirdly, switching from reactive to proactive timated to be 0.86 and 0.78 for trap isolation valves.
modes, by utilizing the modified PM procedures and These values are unacceptable if they are benchmarked
keeping spare parts in all areas for MOV valves, will re- with an international database as described in Table
duce maintenance costs and emergency work orders, 5. For example, based on OREDA the average of reli-
enhancing pipeline reliability and availability. ability value for valves is estimated to be around 0.86
while the Weibull distribution parameter database es-
4. Results and Recommendations: timated the reliability average for valves at 0.89. This
means Class I Valves in Department A for year 2017
Pipeline Technology Conference 2022, Berlin
The calculations will be discussed to estimate the re- equaled the average in terms of reliability. The relia-
liability KPIs for the top critical valves (Class I and bility value for trap Isolation valves is unacceptable,
trap isolation valves). Benchmarking with an in- which is below the average. In general, the reliability
failure modes including spare part delivery and 1-2 days for PM activities. The reported
ternational database such as OREDA (Offshore and value for both kinds of critical valves in Department
considered 28Data,
Reliability failures for 188
6th Edition, 4.4) Class
and theI valves
A is 0.81.and
There96is afailures forimprove
big area to 399 trap
valve isolation
Weibull Database (Machinery Failure Analysis and mance to reduce maintenance cost, enhance availabil-
Troubleshooting, 2nd Edition) will be covered. ity and reduce failure problems.

Based on the above

The reliability valves,
value can the reliability
be calculated values
as following for Class I valves were estimated to be
4.1 Recommendations
and 0.78 for trap isolation valves. These Based onvalues are the
the analysis, unacceptable if they are
following are the recommen-
benchmarked with an international database as dations for enhancing
described the availability
in Table of the valves:based
5. For example,
on OREDA the average of reliability value for •valves is estimated to be around 0.86 while
Eliminate bad actor items by conducting a full RCA
the Weibull distribution parameter database estimated for each kindtheofreliability
failure mode average
based on for valves at
its probabil-
0.89. This means Class I Valves in DepartmentityAandfor year 2017 equaled the average in
• Keep the critical spare parts available in a closest fa-
terms of reliability. The reliability value for trap Isolation valves is unacceptable, which is
cility store to reduce their MTTR.
below the average. In general, the reliability• Add value for both
all critical valves kinds
to the PMofProgram.
critical valves in
Department A is 0.81. There is a big area• to improve
Report any newvalve
findings performance to reduce
during PM as a different
maintenance cost, enhance availability and reduce failure problems. notification to enhance data logging
and support future reliability analysis for critical
Table 5: Summary of benchmarking between reliability values for valves
Reference Reliability Value Average
Saudi Aramco/Department A (Class I Valves) 0.8604
Saudi Aramco/ Department A (Trap Isolation Valves) 0.7838
Saudi Aramco/ Department A (Top Critical Valves) 0.8076

OREDA (Valves) 0.8555

Weibull Database (Valves) 0.8876

Table 5: Summary of benchmarking between reliability values for valves

4.1 Recommendations

Based on the analysis, the following are the recommendations for enhancing the
availability of the valves:
24 Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022

• Adapt new predicative maintenance strategies to The reliability value for trap isolation valves will be
predict failures and troubleshoot valve problems. changed from 78% to 88% if the facility can resolve
• Conduct a campaign to resolve all passing valves the issues for MOV trap isolation valves in Areas 1-3
issues. and 5. This means that it will improve the total reli-
ability for critical valves from 81% to 89%. The cost
5. Conclusions: avoidance for critical valve M2 maintenance notifica-
tions can be reduced from 70% in year 2017 to 40% for
By using the 80/20 rule, the reliability value for the valves (around 71/124=0.43% down) if the bad actor
highlighted bad actors for Class I and trap isolation items can be managed and eliminated. In conclusion,
critical valves for critical valves were managed and a focused reliability assessment provides an opportu-
enhanced. For example, facilities can eliminate SOV nity to perform structured assessment using the main-
Class I valves in Area 4 (eight failures) by avoiding tenance data and its proper analysis. This methodol-
their root causes, and the reliability value for Class I ogy can be applied to a wide range of reliability issues
will be changed from 86% to 90%. Also, it will reduce to address them efficiently with an optimized use of
the cost for unnecessary emergency maintenance. resources.


Dr. Khalid A. Al-Jabr Dr. Qadeer Ahmed Zaid A. Al-Subai

Saudi Aramco Saudi Aramco Saudi Aramco
Reliability Engineering Specialist Reliability Engineering Specialist Reliability Engineer
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Dr. Dahham M. Al-Anazi

Saudi Aramco
Reliability Engineering Consultant
[email protected]

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26 Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022

Energy Transition And The Impact On

Pipeline Integrity
N.Gallon, m. Humbert, m. Tewes > Rosen Group

The climate emergency and energy security are some of the biggest
challenges humanity must face in the 21st century. The advancing
global energy transition faces many challenges when it comes to en-
suring a sustainable, reliable and affordable energy supply. The en-
ergy industry is currently going through its biggest change in living
memory, despite this gas and its valuable infrastructure continue to
play a major role in the future. Scaling up the transportation of renew-
able and low-carbon gases in our global pipeline network is essential
to deliver a reliable and affordable transition to climate neutrality.

This paper will illustrate the important role of pipelines in an inte-

grated future energy system, and explore the implications of pipe-
line transportation of renewable and low-carbon fuels and their asso-
ciated products. In particular, the implications for pipeline integrity
and inspection will be investigated.
Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022 27

1. Introduction as demonstrated by the long, proud and overwhelm-

ingly safe history of the existing pipeline network, but
Achieving the ambitious goals of energy security and it is worth revisiting in the context of future fuels. In
EU climate policy will require significant investments essence the key points of interest for any pipeline in-
in energy efficiency, renewables, new low-carbon tech- tegrity management system are:
nologies and grid infrastructure. It will also necessitate
the close integration of the electricity and gas sectors • Pipeline condition - What are the time-depend-
and their respective infrastructures. A decarbonized ent threats? Which type of defects should I tackle?
Europe will be based on an interplay between renew- Where? How severe?
able electricity and renewable and low-carbon gases • Integrity Remaining Life- How safe is my pipeline
in an integrated energy system to transport, store and operations? How long?
supply all sectors with green energy to deliver a reli- • Consequences- What are the consequences of loss of
able and affordable transition to climate neutrality. A containment?
number of studies have shown that the existing gas in- • Management - Can I safely manage pipeline
frastructure and knowledge can support the transition operations?
to net-zero in the most efficient manner. As the energy
transition advances, the valuable pipeline system will The introduction of different fluids into pipelines will
provide efficient transportation and storage capacity not change how Integrity Management (IM) should be
for renewable energy in the form of molecular energy tackled, but it will introduce its own specificities and
carriers, making the energy system more flexible and challenges. It is therefore necessary to consider each
resilient [3]. fluid in turn, identify the relevant threats and outline
how these threats can be monitored, inspected and
Low-carbon gases and their associated products can managed. The management of these threats is best un-
reliably and efficiently be transported, stored and dis- derstood in the context of an integrity framework, and
tributed in our global existing and new build pipeline example of which is shown in Figure 1, the concept of
network. Pipelines will also be used in assisting car- which is further outlined in [4].
bon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) projects
by transporting carbon dioxide safely from emission 3. General Threats (non-specific to service)
locations to permanent storage or end use locations.
For this reason, pipelines continue to be important For any pipeline, the likelihood of internal-time de-
and will play a critical role in an integrated future en- pendent threats are generally directly related to, and
ergy system. The transportation of these fuels through result from, the fluid being transported. However, cer-
pipelines will require general as well as specific integ- tain threats and defects could arise irrespective of the
rity threats and damage mechanisms to be considered nature of the transported fluid.
to ensure a safe and efficient operation. These chal-
lenges can only be managed with a comprehensive in- The transported fluid will have only a peripheral im-
tegrity management system. Only then can effective pact on the occurrence of external threats, particu-
inline inspection technologies be specified to target larly in the case of external corrosion, 3rd-party dam-
the specific threats and damage mechanisms accu- ages, and geohazards. This also (generally ) applies to
rately. This article investigates the implications of fu- the occurrence of external Environmentally-Assisted
ture fuels and their associated products on the integ- Cracking (EAC) (i.e. external Stress-Corrosion-
rity of pipelines and inline inspection solutions. Cracking, Hydrogen-Induced Stress Cracking
(Cathodic Protection-related)). Equally, certain flaws
2. INTEGRITY THREATS could be directly introduced during manufacturing
and construction regardless of the intended service;
If future fuels (or indeed any fuels) are to be transported and can pose an integrity threat on their own right.
through pipelines, pipeline integrity must be assured These threats need to be inspected for, and managed,
to allow for long-term safe operation. This concept of regardless of the pipeline service.
integrity management is not new to pipeline operators,
28 Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022

Figure 1: Example of a Hydrogen Integrity Management Framework

Table 1 – Main ILI technologies for the management of ‘General’ Integrity threats (irrespective of service)

Threat Feature type ILI technology examples

External corrosion Metal loss RoCorr MFL-A, RoCorr UTWM

Third-Party Damages Dents, gouges RoGeo-XT
GeoHazard Bending strain RoGeo-XYZ
Manufacturing / Construction
Crack like / cracks
(materials & welding)
External EAC
(ext. SCC / HISC)

In addition to these ‘general’ threats, it is known that methane is essentially inert with respect to pipeline
Table 1: Maincarbon
ILI technologies
steels.forInthe management
contrast, of ‘General’
gases such as Integrity threatsor(irrespective
hydrogen CO2 can of service) with the pipeline either by means of
hydrogen embrittlement or corrosion (in the presence of water). It is therefore a truism to say that changing
the service of a pipeline from natural gas to a future fuel will never make anything better from an integrity
In addition point toof
and may well threats, it is known
make things that major
more challenging. effectsofof
The natures hydrogen
these on material
challenges, properties are
and approaches
to manage them, are explored further below.
methane is essentially inert with respect to pipeline to reduce ductility, reduce fracture toughness and in-
carbon steels.
HydrogenIn contrast, gases such as hydrogen or crease fatigue crack growth rate in hydrogen com-
CO2 can interact with the pipeline either by means pared to air. The magnitude of these effects varies
As has
of hydrogen been noted many
embrittlement times, hydrogen
or corrosion (in thepipelines
pres- are not new
widely technology
in the and but
literature gaseous
appearshas to be a clear
been successfully manufactured, transported and stored in carbon steel infrastructure for hundreds of years
ence of water).
[4], [6]. It is therefore a truism to say that agreement that there is a strong microstructural de-
changing the service of a pipeline from natural gas pendency [9]. To help quantify the effects of gaseous
to a future fuel2 will
Table never
- Existing make anything
Hydrogen Pipelines bybetter
Regionfrom hydrogen, ROSEN have developed a dedicated gaseous
an integrity point of view, Region
and may well make thingskm hydrogen test laboratory which miles
will be operational in
more challenging. The natures of these challenges, 2022.
and approaches to manage U.S. them, are explored fur- 2608 1621
ther below. Europe 1598Existing hydrogen pipeline design codes are signif-
Rest of World 337 icantly more restrictive than 209their natural gas equiv-
4. Hydrogen World total 4542alents [12] in two major respects. 2823 Firstly, hydrogen
codes tend to require lower allowable utilisation fac-
Despite this, there are important differences between hydrogen and natural gas pipelines. In summary the
As has been noted
major many
effects times, hydrogen
of hydrogen pipelines
on material areare to
properties tors (theductility,
reduce hoop stress
reduceas a proportion
fracture toughnessofand SMYS) and
increase fatigue crack growth rate in hydrogen compared to air. The magnitude
not new technology and gaseous hydrogen has been secondly hydrogen codes are significantly more re- of these effects varies
widely in the literature but there appears to be a clear agreement that there is a strong microstructural
successfully manufactured,
dependency transported
[9]. To help quantify theand stored
effects in strictive
of gaseous hydrogen,in ROSEN
terms ofhavematerial properties,
developed a dedicatedstrongly en-
carbon steel infrastructure
gaseous hydrogen testfor hundreds
laboratory of will
which years [4], couraging
be operational in 2022. the use of lower grade (=<X52 / L360) steels
[6]. and requiring more extensive testing and more restric-
Existing hydrogen pipeline design codes are significantly more restrictive than their natural gas equivalents
[12] in two major respects. Firstly, hydrogen codes tend tive
to chemical
require lowercompositions. The cumulative
allowable utilisation factors (the effect of
Despite this,
stressare as important
a proportiondifferences
of SMYS) and between these restrictions
secondly hydrogen is that existing
codes are significantly hydrogen
more restrictive in pipelines
terms of material properties, strongly encouraging the use of lower grade (=<X52 / L360) steels and
and natural gas pipelines.
more extensive In summary
testing and generally
the chemical
more restrictive operate at
compositions. lower
The pressures
cumulative effectthan their natural
of these
restrictions is that existing hydrogen pipelines generally operate at lower pressures than their natural gas
equivalents. If existing natural gas pipelines are to be repurposed to hydrogen then it will be necessary to
(at least) maintain their existing operating pressures to maintain energy throughput. This in turn means that
hydrogen specific threats (principally cracking) need to be understood, so a robust understanding of both
existing crack-like defects and material properties in the pipeline is required.
to manage them, are explored further below.

Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022 29
As has been noted many times, hydrogen pipelines are not new technology and gaseous hydrogen has
been successfully manufactured, transported and stored in carbon • DEVELOPMENT
steel infrastructure • TECHNOLOGY
for hundreds of years
[4], [6].

Table 2 - Existing Hydrogen Pipelines by Region

Region km miles

U.S. 2608 1621

Europe 1598 993
Rest of World 337 209
World total 4542 2823

Despite this, there are important differences between hydrogen and natural gas pipelines. In summary the
Table 2: Existing Hydrogen Pipelinesofbyhydrogen
Region on material properties are to reduce ductility, reduce fracture toughness and
Table 3major
– ILI effects
technologies specific to the management of Integrity threats in hydrogen service
increase fatigue crack growth rate in hydrogen compared to air. The magnitude of these effects varies
widely in the literature but there appears to be a clear agreement that there is a strong microstructural
Threat Feature type ILI technology examples
dependency [9]. To help quantify the effects of gaseous hydrogen, ROSEN have developed a dedicated
gaseous hydrogen test laboratory which will be operational in 2022.
Low fracture toughness under RoMat PGS [Note 1]
Material Embrittlement
Existing hydrogen pipeline design codes are significantly more restrictive than their natural gas equivalents
H2 [Note 1]
[12] in two major respects. Firstly, hydrogen codes tend to require lower allowable utilisation factors (the
Hydrogen - Cracking damages Cracks RoCD EMAT-C
hoop stress as a proportion of SMYS) and secondly hydrogen codes are significantly more restrictive in
[Note 2]
terms of material properties, strongly encouraging the use of lower grade (=<X52 / L360) steels and
requiring more extensive testing and moreHard spotschemical
restrictive [Note 3] RoMat effect
compositions. The cumulative DMGof these
Additional is that existing hydrogen pipelines generally operate
Geom. Anomalies at lower pressures than
[Note 3] their natural gas
equivalents. If existing natural gas pipelines are to be repurposed to hydrogen then it will be necessary to
(at least) maintain their existing operating pressuresstrain [Note 3]
to maintain energy throughput. ThisRoGeo-XYZ
in turn means that
Note 1: Defining material
hydrogen specificpopulation profiles will be
threats (principally key to proceed
cracking) need totosampling and fracture
be understood, sotoughness
a robust testing under H2 [6]
understanding of [13]
Note 2: [13]
Refer tocrack-like
existing defects and material properties in the pipeline is required.
Note 3: These features will increase susceptibility to embrittlement and cracking in H2
Table 3 shows the inspection technologies that should be necessary through the conversion process and
Table 3: ILI technologies
futurespecific to the management
operations, of Integrity threats
specific to hydrogen This
hydrogen servicediscussed in detail in [6] [13].
is further

Carbon Dioxide
gas equivalents. If existing natural gas pipelines are to CO2) . This dependence on the presence of free water
be repurposed to hydrogen
The sequestration then itdioxide,
of carbon will be whether
necessary as to
part ofmeans that theseproduction
“blue hydrogen” risks canor beascontrolled operationally,
part of another
(at least)form
of CCUS their existing
project, operating
is likely pressures
to be integral, to in and
at least indeed
the short this
term, tohas
any been
futuredone successfully
decarbonised energyin existing
supply. This sequestration will require pipelines, and for economic reasons it would be very advantageous
maintain energy throughput. This in turn means that CO2 pipelines. It should however be emphasised that
if the carbon dioxide could be transported in its dense phase rather than as a gas.
hydrogen specific threats (principally cracking) need the existing total length of CO2 pipelines is less than
In essence the
to be understood, so principal
a robusttime dependent threats
understanding specific10,000
of both to CO2 km,pipelines are internal
cumulative corrosion (if
operational water is of CO2
present) and potential stress corrosion cracking (SCC) (if water and either CO or H2S are present in addition
existingtocrack-like defects and material properties in pipelines is therefore significantly less than for their
CO2)2. This dependence on the presence of free water means that these risks can be controlled
the pipeline is required.
operationally, and indeed this has been done successfully hydrocarbon
in existing CO equivalents
2 pipelines.and the pipeline
It should howeverindustry
be has
emphasised that the existing total length of CO2 pipelines is less than 10,000 km, cumulative
a long and painful history of operational upsets.operational
experience of CO2 pipelines is therefore significantly less than for their hydrocarbon equivalents and the
Table 3 shows the inspection technologies that should
pipeline industry has a long and painful history of operational upsets.
be necessary through the conversion process and fu- Although not strictly speaking an integrity threat, the
Although not
ture operations, strictly to
specific speaking
hydrogenan integrity threat,
service. Thistheisother aspect
other of CO2of
aspect pipelines that has been
CO2 pipelines thatthe
been the sub-
of intense interest is fracture control, in particular long-running ductile fracture in dense phase pipelines
further discussed in detailthis
[16]. Understanding in [6]
threat again needs an in-depth ject
[13]. of intense
knowledge interest
of material is fracture control, in particu-
lar long-running ductile fracture in dense phase pipe-
5. Carbon TableDioxide
4 shows the inspection technologies that should be linesnecessary through the conversion
[16]. Understanding process
this threat againandneeds an
future operations, specific to CO2 service. This is further discussed in detail in [16].
in-depth knowledge of material properties.
The sequestration of carbon dioxide,
Table 4 –ILI technologies specific towhether as partof Integrity threats in CO2 service
the management
of “blue hydrogen” production or as part of another Table 4 shows the inspection technologies that should
Threat Feature type ILI technology examples
form of CCUS project, is likely to be integral, at least in be necessary through the conversion process and fu-
the short term, to any future decarbonised energy
Ductile Fracture
sup- ture operations, specific
Low Material toughness
to CO2 service. This is further
RoMat-PGS [Note 1]
ply. This sequestration will require pipelines, and for discussed in detail in [16].
economic reasons it would
Internal be very advantageous ifMetal
corrosion the losses RoCorr MFL-A
carbon dioxide could be transported in its dense phase 6. INSPECTION TOOL REQUIREMENTS
rather than as a gas.
Knowing the integrity threats for pipelines related to
There is some evidence to show that SCC can occur in just CO2 and water, however this has only been recorded on
In essence the principal time dependent threats spe-
high strength steels under high-pressure CO2 environments, extreme hydrogen plasticor otherand
stresses future fuels we
long exposure can
times [19]acknowledge
cific to CO2 pipelines are internal corrosion (if water is that different kind of In-line Inspection (ILI) technol-
present) and potential stress corrosion cracking (SCC) ogies can support the integrity management of such
(if water and either CO or H2S are present in addition to pipelines.. In the following section, we will discuss
30 Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022

Table 4 –ILI technologies specific to the management of Integrity threats in CO2 service

Threat Feature type ILI technology examples

Ductile Fracture Low Material toughness RoMat-PGS [Note 1]

Internal corrosion Metal losses RoCorr MFL-A

Cracks RoCD EMAT-C

Hard spots [Note 2] RoMat-DMG
Internal SCC
Geom. Anomalies [Note 2] RoGeo-XT
Bending strain [Note 2] RoGeo-XYZ
Note 1: Defining material population profiles will be key to proceed to sampling and fracture toughness testing [16]
Note 2: These features will increase susceptibility to SCC

Table 4: ILI technologies specific to the management of Integrity threats in CO2 service
challenges for inspections in the before mentioned than for other technologies. In general the more stable
products andKnowing
how inspections can beforrealized.
the integrity threats pipelines related to hydrogen and smooth or otherthe toolfuels
future velocity
we canis, the better the captured
that different kind of In-line Inspection (ILI) technologies can support the integrity management of such
pipelines.. In the following section, we will discuss challenges data quality. To allowinthe
for inspections thepipeline operator to continue
before mentioned
ILI tool components
products and how inspections can be realized. operations with high flow rates during inspection, the
Table 4 –ILI technologies specific to the management of Integrity utilization
threats inofCO permanent
2 service bypass or of smart speed con-
ILI tool components
A main challenge for ILI in
Threat future fuels are the trol
Feature type units (SCU) in e.g. MFL
ILI technology examples and EMAT ILI tools have
properties of such fuels and the impact on ILI tool proven in gas pipelines. The tool
A main challenge for ILI in future fuels are the properties of such fuels and the impact on ILI capabilities
materials, of the SCUs
and the different operational
Ductile Fracture conditions when Lowrunning.
Material toughness RoMat-PGS [Note 1]
materials, and the different operational conditions in future fuels are under review at the moment and re-
when running.Commonly used types of material are described in the following
Internal corrosion sults will
Metal losses be shared RoCorr
figure. in futureMFL-A publications. The control
of a batch operation (necessary for UT inspection in a
Commonly used types of material are described in Cracksgas line), which implies speed control of both sealing
Hard spots [Note 2] RoMat-DMG
Figure 2. Internal SCC and inspection pigs, can therefore be very challenging
Geom. Anomalies [Note 2] RoGeo-XT
Bending strainif[Notenot2]impossible. RoGeo-XYZ
Elastomer parts, like
Note 1:polyurethane (PU)profiles
Defining material population discs and
will be cups,
key to proceed to sampling and fracture toughness testing [16]
Note 2: These features will increase susceptibility to SCC
cable jackets and O-rings are usually more affected by 7. Carbon Dioxide
pipeline fluids than metal parts, particularly during
decompression. Fortunately this is normally only an The particular properties of dense phase CO2 lead to
issue at the completion of the inspection, therefore additional challenges for ILI, mainly for the elastomer
Knowing the integrity threats for pipelines related to hydrogen or other future fuels we can acknowledge
data quality is that
affected,kind ofhowever some(ILI)
In-line Inspection compo-
technologies parts of thethe
can support ILIintegrity
Fortunately ILI in CO2 is not a
of such
nents may needpipelines..
to be In the following section, we will discuss challenges for inspections in the before mentioned
replaced after each run.
products and how inspections can be realized.
Another very new challenge and experience has been gathered
important aspect for the preparation of any ILI in hy- in the last 10 to 20 years. Indeed ROSEN has inspected
drogen and CO2ILI aretoolthecomponents
high flow rates and expected more than 30 CO2 pipelines with a cumulative length
Figure 2 - ROSEN Tool design - commonly used types of material
survey conditions due
A main to the for
challenge fluid’s density.
ILI in future fuels areForthe somepropertiesof of over 2.800
such fuels and km, thusonsolutions
the impact are available to over-
ILI tool materials,
and theparts,
the preferred tool run conditions
polyurethane (PU) discs
velocity whenand running.
is lower cups, cable
comejackets and O-rings are usually more affected
the challenges.
by pipeline fluids than metal parts, particularly during decompression. Fortunately this is normally only an
issue used typesofofthe
at the completion material are described
inspection, in data
therefore the following figure.
quality is not affected, however some components
may need to be replaced after each run.

Figure 2: ROSEN Tool design - commonly used types of material

Figure 2 - ROSEN Tool design - commonly used types of material

Elastomer parts, like polyurethane (PU) discs and cups, cable jackets and O-rings are usually more affected
by pipeline fluids than metal parts, particularly during decompression. Fortunately this is normally only an
issue at the completion of the inspection, therefore data quality is not affected, however some components
may need to be replaced after each run.
Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022 31

CO2 Case Study the standard tool set up, a minimum pressure of 30 bar
is typically requested. However, the operator was only
A 24 inch diameter and 116 km long dense phase CO2 able to provide a pressure of ~20 bar and a flow rate of
pipeline was inspected with a geometry and Magnetic 11 MMscfd. In order to reduce excessive velocity peaks
Flux Leakage (MFL) tool in two separate runs. The pipe- from pressure build-up in installations while still pro-
line was operated at 131 bar, with a launching temper- viding enough seal to propel the tool through the line,
ature of 16° C and a very low flow rate. The inspection various bypass holes and notches were applied. Finally,
duration was about 180 hours. After the runs the tool protective measures for the magnet circuits were
conditions were assessed. The wear of the cups and taken. After the run, when the tool was received, there
discs was in a normal range and were not significantly was no damage, and the cups showed minimal wear.
affected after the relatively long run and long exposure While the tool did experience a few spikes in velocity,
time. A few hours after tool receipt plastic and rubber the data quality was acceptable for evaluation. The op-
parts started to swell and bubbles appeared. This was a erator returned to ROSEN when it was time to re-in-
first indication of the decompression effect and of the spect the line segment. This time the operator was able
performance of different materials. For both runs the to provide a pressure of ~24 bar while maintaining the
data was recorded and collected successfully. Hence, same flow rate. Once again, the cups showed minimal
both runs have been successfully accomplished. wear, and the tool was in good condition after the run.
During the data review, it was noted that the tool still
8. Hydrogen experienced a few velocity spikes, but the increased
pressure allowed for an overall reduced speed result-
Apart from the effects that hydrogen can have on pipe- ing in more stable inspection conditions. The data was
line materials, it can also affect the materials within ILI again at 100% sensor coverage for both the geometry
tools, in particular magnets. To quantify these effects, and MFL portions and the data was collected and re-
ROSEN has conducted Hydrogen exposure tests at 100 corded successfully.
bar, in 100% Hydrogen. The tests have verified that
ROSEN tool components are resistant to Hydrogen. 9. Conclusions
No visual defects were noted after the exposure test
including a high decompression rate of 20 bar per The climate emergency, existing international situa-
minute. The functionality of sensors, cables and con- tion and need for decarbonisation are real. If interna-
nectors remained unaffected. Polyurethane samples tional targets are to be met significant investments in
showed no loss of material properties. O-rings showed energy efficiency, renewables, new low-carbon tech-
no significant changes in dimension and mechanical nologies and grid infrastructure are required. In par-
strength. Applied protective coating on magnets have ticular, the existing pipeline infrastructure has a key
proven successful and the magnets’ properties were role to play in enabling this energy transition. In prac-
not affected. With the opening of ROSEN’s dedicated tice this means that ageing pipelines must be con-
hydrogen test facility, if new materials or components verted to transport fluids very different from those
are developed, or further testing is required, this can they were originally designed for. A comprehensive
be supported in-house. integrity-led approach is required to maintain safety
during this transition. As developed by ROSEN, this
Hydrogen Case Study integrity framework involves a detailed understand-
ing of the different threats inherent in different gases
In 1996 a new 10 inch diameter and 19 km long pipe- together with the use of appropriate inspection tools
line segment was installed for the transportation of to quantify these threats. Existing knowledge and ex-
hydrogen. In 2015 the pipeline operator approached perience in low carbon gases can be applied to enable
ROSEN for a method to safely inspect the line segment the energy transition. Specific questions still remain
using hydrogen as the propellant with a combina- with respect to quantifying the effects of gaseous hy-
tion of geometry and magnetic flux leakage technolo- drogen on specific material properties, but there are
gies. Due to the harsh product, the tool was set up with being addressed through testing programmes in dedi-
non-standard cups, differing in Shore hardness. For cated hydrogen laboratories, including ROSEN’s newly
32 Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022

developed test facility. In terms of ILI specifically, the for each pipeline within the context of an integrity
service life and compatibility of the ILI tool parts framework, however it appears likely that high reso-
strongly depend on the tool run conditions, the lution corrosion services, crack detection services and
chemical composition of the fluid and the exposure material properties services will be required. ILI ven-
time. Tool setups are optimized for typical condi- dors will need to provide these services in the environ-
tions in oil and gas pipelines. Tests have been con- ment of future fuels.The energy transition requires a
ducted with different fluids under the umbrella of combined approach by the entire industry if it is to be
future fuels. Available solutions are suitable to ena- safely managed. ROSEN believe that the use of an in-
ble ILI in H2, CO2, ammonia and other future fuels. tegrity framework approach combined with appropri-
Finally, the proposed inspection technologies for pipe- ate inspection technologies is the best way for the in-
lines transporting future fuels will need to be assessed dustry to address these challenges.

18. DNVGL, DNVGL-RP-F104 Design and Operation of Carbon Dioxide PIpelines.

References 19. A. Cosham and R. Eiber, "Fracture control in CO2 pipelines - the effect of impurities,"
in IPC, 2008.
20. A. Cosham, "Fracture propagation: the what, the why and the how," in 1st International
1. IPCC, "Climate Change 2021 - The Physical Science Basis - Summary for Policymakers," Forum on the Transportation of CO2 by Pipeline, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2010.
2021. [Online]. Available: 21. A. Cosham, "The saturation pressure and design of dense CO2 pipelines," in 3rd
IPCC_AR6_WGI_SPM_final.pdf. [Accessed Feb 2022]. International Forum on the transportation of CO2 pipelines, Newcastle upon Tyne,
2. European Commission, European Green Deal, 2019. 2012.
3. Siemens Energy, Power to X, the crucial business on the way to a carbon-free world, 22. EPA, "EPA 456-R-20-001 An Overview of Renewable Natural Gas from Biogas," July
2021. 2020. [Online]. Available:
4. N. Gallon, L. Guest, A. Horsley, R. van Elteren and R. Palmer-Jones, "Hydrogen Getting ments/lmop_rng_document.pdf. [Accessed January 2022].
Into Focus," in PTC, Berlin, 2020. 23. IGEM, IGEM/TD/17 Steel and PE pipelines for biogas distribution, 2014.
5. Graphs compiled from data presented in: Gas pipeline incidents, 11th report of 24. Argonne National Laboratory, "Renewable Natural Gas Database," 2020. [Online].
the European Gas Pipeline Incident Data Group (1970-2019), Doc No VA 20.0432,, Available:
December 2020. [Accessed January 2022].
6. N. Gallon and R. van Elteren, "Existing Pipeline Materials and the Transition to 25. P. Seevam, J. Race, M. Downie and P. Hopkins, "Transporting the Next Generation of
Hydrogen," in PTC, Berlin, 2021. CO2 for Carbon Capture and Storage: The Impact of Impurities on Supercritical CO2
7. A. Sieverts, "The Absorption of Gases by Metals," Zeitschrift fur Metallkunde, vol. 21, Pipelines," in IPC, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 2008.
pp. 37-46, 1929. 26. A. O'Donoghue, "Inline Inspection Hydrogen Edition, World Pipelines," October
8. N. Gallon, "Hydrogen Pipelines - Design and Material Challenges and Mitigations," 2021. [Online]. Available:
2020. [Online]. Available: lines-october-2021. [Accessed January 2022].
papers/FR-221_2020_Literature_study_hydrogen.pdf. 27. A. Brown, "Electrochemical investigation of SCC of plan carbon steel in carbon dioxide
9. Y. Ogawa, H. Nishida, M. Nakamura, V. Olden, A. Vingradov and H. Matsunaga, "Dual - carbon monoxide - water system," Corrosion, vol. 5, pp. 686-695, 1973.
roles of pearlite microstructure to interfere / facilitate gaseous hydrogen-assisted fa- 28. Hydrogen Europe, "COP26 Special Hydrogen Report," November 2021. [Online].
tigue crack growth in plain carbon steels," International Journal of Fatigue, vol. 154, Available: [Accessed January 2022].
no. 106561, 2022. 29. Fertilizers Europe, "Guidance for inspection of and leak detection in lquid ammonia
10. ASME Code for Presssure Piping, B31.12: Hydrogen Piping and PIpelines, ASME, 2019. pipelines," 2013. [Online]. Available:
11. EIGA, Hydrogen Pipeline Systems, IGS 121/14, Brussels: European Industrial Gases uploads/2019/08/Guidance_for_inspection_of_and_leak_detection_in_liquid_am-
Association, 2014. monia_pipelines_FINAL_01.pdf. [Accessed January 2022].
12. ASME, B31.8: Gas transmission and distribution piping systems, ASME, 2020. 30. AMPP, NACE TR5A192-2021 Guidelines for Maintaining Integrity of Equipment in
13. D. Sandana, N. Gallon, R. Andrews and R. Palmer-Jones, "ID 133 Crack Management of Anhydrous Ammonia Storage and Handling, 2021.
Hydrogen Pipelines," in ICHS, Edinburgh, 2021. 31. Department for Transport, "E10 petrol explained," February 2021. [Online]. Available:
14. D. Sandana, M. Hadden and J. Race, "Trasnport of Gaseous and Dense Carbon Dioxide [Accessed January 2022].
in Pipelines: Is There an Internal Corrosion Risk?," in 3rd Forum on the Transportation 32. BSI, BS EN 228:2012 + A1:2017 Automotive Fuels. Unleaded petrol. Requirements and
of CO2 by PIpeline, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2012. test methods.
15. D. Sandana, "Transport of Gaseous and Dense Carbon Dioxide in Pipelines: Is There an 33. API, API Technical Report 939-D Second Edition, May 2007, Addendum 1, October 2013,
Internal SCC Risk? (No. 51313-02516)," in NACE International / Corrosion, 2013. Stress Corrosion Cracking of Carbon Steel in Fuel-Grade Ethanol: Review, Experience
16. N. Gallon, D. Sandana and P. Robson, "CO2 Pipelines - Back to the Future?," in TFAP, Survey, Field Monitoring and Laboratory Testing, 2013.
Gent, 2022. 34. API, API Bulletin 939-E, Second Edition, August 2013, Identification, Repair, and
17. W. Maxey, "Fracture Initiation, Propagation and Arrest," in 5th Symposium on Line Mitigation of Cracking of Steel Equipment in Fuel Ethanol Service, 2013.
Pipe Research, Houston, TX, USA, 1974.


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34 Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022

Applications of Vibroacoustic Technology

to support pipeline assets re-use,
integrity management and energy
transition projects
M. Marino1, S. Del Giudice1, F. Chiappa1, G Giunta2 > 1. SolAres, 2. Eni s.p.a

Vibroacoustic technology, developed by Eni, is a consolidated approach for pipe-
line monitoring applications. Today, e-vpms® is protecting about 1800 km of pipe-
lines worldwide, with a commitment to constant technological evolution and con-
tinuous improvement. In this framework, the work presents some notable cases
experienced over the monitored network, which led to successful campaigns
saving both costs and time for the pipeline operator, reducing downtime of the

The first case is a real-time application for which vibroacoustic system is ex-
ploited with a novel approach to detect very small defects on an operational pipe-
line. Such defects are considered critical to detect, in real time and in both shut-in
and transfer states by conventional leak detection systems. The capability showed
by e-vpms® allows to lower the threshold of detectability to a level where integ-
rity management aims at detecting damage from corrosion-related phenomena.

The second case presented in this work is focused on a pipeline which was shut-
down during COVID-19 pandemic peak period, which, as other pipelines experi-
enced worldwide, caused volumes reduction in the entire industry. The technol-
ogy proved to efficiently detect very small leakages of product out of the pipeline
which would have been very difficult to detect with other equipment, given its

A third case is entirely focused on the capability to assess the sealing grade of in-
line valves on ageing pipelines. As sealing grade worsens over the years, e-vpms®
can perform fast reliable measurements of the capability of the in-line valves to re-
tain the product. This application can also be used in life-extension applications
or to assess if the pipeline in-line equipment is fit for new roles to be played by the
asset during the current energy transition phase.

All cases demonstrate capability to work in different conditions and for pipelines
re-use, with the outcome of costs and downtime reduction.
Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022 35

1. Introduction modern operative issues for energy transition appli-

cations: Integrity Assessment, Predictive Maintenance
The current installations of the e-vpms® system span and Second Life Asset Reutilization, without need for
the globe covering more than 1,800 km of pipelines in shutting-down the pipeline.
many regions of South America, Nigeria and especially
Italy, where the vibro-acoustic technology protects 2. Basics of e-vpms®
nearly 100% of the whole product pipeline network.
In general, the e-vpms® is composed of a multipoint
The technology is currently used in various scenarios array of vibro-acoustic sensors, placed along a pipeline,
to monitor oil and gas pipelines in real time. The non- telecommunication system for data transferring and
invasiveness, cost-effectiveness, and the ease of instal- a central processing server. In particular, the sensor
lation for retrofitting existing transport lines are the groups are devoted to the sensing of the complete elas-
strengths of the e-vpms®. In fact, with very few sen- tic-dynamic wave field; total/acoustic pressures and vi-
sors, the entire system can protect hundreds of kilome- brations contribute to provide deep information on the
ters, against leaks [1][2][3][4], illegal activities or accidental physical phenomena responsible for the generation of
events [5][6][7], which can undermine the asset integrity. the elastic perturbation [13][14][15][16].

The e-vpms® is also immune to sabotage attempts, be- Acoustic and elastic waves are produced from a local
cause if anything happens, the processing software source whenever something happens and travel in
will reconfigure itself on-the-fly. One of the winning both directions at the speed of waves in the crossed
features is also attributed to the very low FAR (False media. The e-vpms® sensors record such waves and a
Alarm Rate), which, according to the statistics of actual remote-control unit sends continuously data chunks
pipelines secured over the years, is less than one false to the processing server. This central server is respon-
alarm per year per 100 km pipeline. sible for the advanced digital processing chains, such
as non-linear filters, real-time noise estimation, detec-
The vibro-acoustic platform includes many integrity tion, and multi-channel localization (Figure 1).
management technologies for varied applications. By
exploiting the powerful of the vibro-acoustic wave-
field, a full range of capabilities have been added over
the years, such as leak detection, third party interfer-
ence recognition (i.e., digging close to the pipeline, im-
pacts, illegal tapping and so on), real-time PIG tracking,
valve status assessment, failure detection during hy-
draulic tests and earthquake detection [8][9][10][11][12].

The e-vpms® is a real advantage for all pipeline opera-

tors through its scalability and unprecedented adapt- Figure 1: The sketch of the whole e-vpms® hardware. When any kind
ability to any form of operating situation; it is capa- of mechanical perturbation (such as a spillage, an impact, a digging
ble of completely integrating with existing equipment operation) interacts with the pipeline, a propagating vibro-acoustic
wave-field is produced. The anomaly reaches the sensors, which are
and SCADA/DCS control system and operating with al- also responsible of sending data to a central processing unit.
most any pipeline diameter in onshore and offshore
scenarios, any pressure condition, and any kind of The processing system primarily processes pressure
fluid. waves together with micro-vibrations and sound data.
In fact, combined information makes it possible to
This is integrated by the possibility for a client to re- identify and accurately locate an anomalous source of
quest a temporary e-vpms® installation and analysis, noise, carrying information on second order events. To
like one of the three cases reported in the paper. In both detect such weak and informative vibrations, the de-
cases of permanent or fixed installation, the e-vpms® veloped e-vpms® equipment is very sensitive and the
technology is particularly effective in facing the signal processing algorithms are highly advanced.
36 Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022

From the point of view of wave physics, the pipe is a

very effective wave-guide system. The acoustic pres-
sure field can travel for kilometers inside the fluid if
the pressure is at least 1 bar gauge, while vibrations
propagate through the solid shell according to the
elastic-dynamic laws.

These features give to the e-vpms® technology a level

of detection performance, that cannot be reached by a
simple pressure-based system (e.g., well-known NPW
systems – Negative Pressure Wave). Generally, the sen-
sors are typically installed on existing hydraulic der-
ivations, without the need of hot tapping and this
makes the system suitable for retrofitting existing
pipelines (Figure 2). Sensors that are in contact with
the fluid are ATEX certified (Ex i) and can work even
with sour fluids (mixtures with H2S).

The power required by the on-field devices is less than

Figure 2: An existing derivation exploited for installing an e-vpms® sensor block.
20 W and can be supplied by solar panels, fuel cells or
connected directly to the mains. One of the more in- Satellite and consumes less than 20 kbit/s (Figure 3).
teresting aspects of the vibro-acoustic systems is the
capability of running for days on 12 V battery. This fea- 3. Success cases of re-use of pipelines after
ture, very useful in case of pilot projects or demonstra- e-vpms® integrity management
tions, was exploited for the development of a portable
version of the whole system. Three success cases are here presented where the
e-vpms® system was effectively applied and allowed
Data gathered by the digital control units, placed in to support interventions on operative Oil & Gas pipe-
the field, are transmitted in real-time to the central lines of various kinds and functions. After such inter-
processing server. For the sake of completeness, net- vention, the pipeline could return to its previous use
work data transfer exploits any kind of available com- or switch to a new use such as an energy transition
munication channel, such as LAN, wifi, ADSL, UMTS, project.

Figure 3: The acquisition unit and its interfaces. The acquisition unit is synchronized by a GPS device, power supplied by different types
of energy sources and the external communications are performed exploiting any kind of networking system and protocol.
Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022 37

3.1 Case 1: Localization of an existing leak

during pressure test by portable e-vpms® system
The first case presented regards a water injection pipe-
line operating in a small oil field in Northern Italy. The
pipeline operator had realized that there was a leak
out of a buried, 3 km long, pipe segment, because the
pressure was not sustained when the two segregating
valves were shut. Therefore, the operator asked for an
on-demand temporary leak detection e-vpms® service.
The e-vpms® staff provided three e-vpms® temporary
stations and installed them on the available taps (no
hot-taps were needed) over the 3 km leaking segment.
Two at the two ends and one intermediate: measure-
ment Points A, B and C. A sequence of pressure tests
were executed, during which the e-vpms® system re- Figure 4: e-vpms® measurements at Points A, B and C:
corded the pressure measurements at Points A, B and acoustic and total pressure during a pressure test.
C, and sent them to the remote e-vpms® server ( 3.2 Case 2: Detection of micro-vents
in a pipeline before reactivation
Figure 4). A few days later, the e-vpms® specialists de- The peak COVID-19 pandemic period in 2021 decreased
tected and predictively localized, by means of advanced the energy demand and forced many pipelines to re-
processing and correlations techniques, a noise source duce the flow rates or even shut-down. When the re-
compatible with the acoustic emission of a leak, at 230 activation must be planned, the operator is concerned
m from Point A and about 520 m from Point B and in- with the possibility that a flaw might have occurred,
formed the pipeline operator. The pipeline operator not noticed, during the shut-down period and it could
began the excavations starting from the predicted po- provoke unwanted effects at the reactivation.
sition and a leak was finally found at less than 25 m
from the prevision. The area of the leak hole has been The second presented case deals with an oil pipeline
measured as about 25 mm2 (Figure 5). in central Italy, already protected by the e-vpms® sys-
tem which had been shut-down for several months.
Figure 4: e-vpms® measurements at Points A, B and C: Before the reactivation, the pipeline operator asked
acoustic and total pressure during a pressure test. the e-vpms® provider to check the integrity of its old

Figure 5:The flaw detected by the e-vpms® system

38 Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022

The data processing of the local measurements (1-4

points) by e-vpms® stations during the pressure tests
(Figure 6), evidenced a critical pipe segment (Segment
4) where the pressure drop was anomalously higher
(about 10 mbar/h) compared to the other pipe seg-
ments (about 5 mbar/h).

A deeper analysis, by means of tools of e-vpms®

Computational Fluid Dynamics, provided hints sus-
taining the hypothesis of a leak, though very small,
in the suspected critical segment. The e-vpms® staff
therefore delivered its conclusion to the operator
which carefully inspected the pointed segment. The
Figure 6: Pressure time-series of the pipeline segments during pressure test. inspectors indeed found a micro-vent on a pipe der-
Pressure drop at Segment 4 is relevantly higher than the other segments. ivation at the arrival depot, in correspondence of a
hydraulic derivation (Figure 7). The pipeline opera-
The e-vpms® staff supported the operator with plan-
tor had then the micro-vent fixed and asked for a new
ning pressure tests with suitable segregation of the 90
check service to the e-vpms® staff. The pressure meas-
km long pipeline, by means of shut-down valves, and
urements (Figure 8) showed that, the pressure drop at
configured the e-vpms® system in a way suitable for
Segment 4 had decreased to about 4 mbar/h, the same
the requested monitoring. In particular, four e-vpms®
level as the other stations.
stations were installed in four consecutive pipe seg-
ments, segregated one another by closed valves, so that
The-e-vpms® analysis therefore confirmed to the oper-
the pressure measurement of each station was repre-
ator that the pipe was no longer leaking, and the integ-
sentative of the segregated pipe segment, labelled 1 to
rity of the old pipeline was fully restored. The operator
4 in Figure 6.

Figure 7: Micro-vent detected by the e-vpms® system

Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022 39

Figure 8: Pressure time-series of the pipeline segments during pressure Figure 9: Working principle of acoustic reflectometry with e-vpms® system
test. Confirmation that the integrity was restored: the pressure drop
at Segment 4 has decreased to the level of the other segments. Acoustic waves generations (f) were obtained through
spills of product out of the pipeline (Figure 10) and
therefore was satisfied for the whole operation that,
were performed in correspondence of different levels
thanks to the support of e-vpms® system and assess-
of opening (by means of a manual handle) of the ball
ment control, allowed to fix a micro-vent and to be fi-
nally confident that the pipeline was sound, before re-
starting the oil transportation service.
The scheme of the pipeline layout is shown in Figure 10,
with the tested valves (red circles), the spill point and
3.3 Case 3: Monitoring of valve tightness
the e-vpms® stations. The e-vpms® service was deliv-
The degree of tightness of a shut-down valve is an im-
ered without need for additional e-vpms® hardware of
portant parameter to be frequently monitored because,
software components.During the diagnostic tests, the
in case of accident, it might make the difference be-
e-vpms® sensors allowed to measure the occurring
tween a near miss and a severe accident.The ageing of
physical phenomena that are the input for the estima-
the vast old pipeline asset worldwide is likely to pro-
tion of the valve tightness. For testing VLM14 valve, it
duce a decay in the tightness degree of many shut-
was completely closed, while VLM12 and VLM13 were
down valves. Such a decay is not easy to detect.
open to propagate acoustic waves in the line. A quick
(about 5 seconds) spill test was performed at V11 valve.
The e-vpms® technology allows the provision of a ser-
vice able to measure the tightness degree of valves, tak-
Figure 11 shows, on the left, the signal produced by
ing advantage of multiple working principles, namely
the spill when measured at station VLM13 (after prop-
pressure analysis and acoustic reflectometry. The suc-
agation). This is representative of the signal incident
cess case involves an oil pipeline in Northern Italy
to VLM14 valve. On the right, figure shows the signal
which is protected by the e-vpms® system; a set of
as measured at VLM16, after transmission through
shut-down valves (ball valves) were put under test be-
VLM14. The transmitted signal (right) is much lower
cause doubts had arisen about the tightness of some
than the incident (left), but its relative amplitude is
of them. The test procedure consisted in the following
nonetheless one order of magnitude higher than ex-
two operations:
pected for a signal passed through a closed valve. The
static pressure measured at the e-vpms® stations
• pressure test, in such a way to produce a pressure
provided additional information about the interde-
difference across the valve under test.
pendent trend of the pressure in proximity of the
tested valve. The cross-validation of acoustic reflec-
• generation of acoustic sources to trigger acoustic
tometry and pressure analysis (aided by methods of
waves propagating to and scattered by the valve
Computational Fluid Dynamics) allowed to classify the
under test (acoustic reflectometry, Figure 9).
tested valve as non-perfectly-sealing, notwithstand-
ing the operator considered it to be so. Therefore, the
40 Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022

Figure 10: Scheme of the pipeline with the tested valves (red circles) the spill point and the e-vpms®
stations (right). Spill equipment for generation of acoustic waves in the pipeline (left)

e-vpms® technology was used in different operative

scenarios, not for the flagship Leak and TPI Detection
applications, but for responding to assessment issues
in the context of energy transition. The e-vpms® tech-
nology, compared to many competitors, is advanta-
geous because it is non-invasive, cost-effective, and
fully integrable with the existing facilities. Notably, the
e-vpms® can respond to the operative issues even with-
out need for shutting-down the operational service of
the pipeline.In the first success case, e-vpms® as a ser-
vice, was agilely and quickly installed for localizing a
very small leak in an old, buried pipeline. The pipeline
integrity could then be revamped to kept in use.

In the second case, the e-vpms® technology supported

the integrity monitoring of a pipeline to be reactivated
after a shut-down period. The technology provided
fundamental information for identifying a micro-vent
which prevented the integrity of the pipeline. This is
considered as an example of the second-life reutiliza-
tion of an asset. The third case showed a unique ap-
plication of the e-vpms® system which combined dif-
ferent working principles to identify a worn ball valve
which needed maintenance to make the asset fully
compliant with the safety requirements.
Figure 11: Signal produced by the spill measured at
station VLM13(left) and at station VLM16 (right).
This was an example of Predictive Maintenance that
operator benefitted of this valuable assessment and
can be periodically performed on the asset which is
restored the full tightness of the valve. He was there-
endowed with the e-vpms® technology. In conclu-
fore able to restart the operational status by using the
sion, whether a permanent or a fixed installation on
same pipeline with the confidence that the valve per-
the assets, all cases shown the capability of e-vpms®
formances are compliant with the safety requirements.
system to reduce costs and downtime, particularly
when facing the modern operative issues for energy
4. Discussion and conclusions
transition program: Integrity Assessment, Predictive
Maintenance and Second Life Asset Reutilization.
This paper presented three success cases where the
Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022 41

5. Acknowledgements

The authors wish to thank Eni S.p.A., Downstream

Logistics, for the technical support during the field

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tinuous detection of impacts on pipelines for the transportation of fluids, particu-
larly suitable for underwater pipelines, ENI S.p.A, Patent US9267648B2 (2016),
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14. Giunta, G., Bernasconi, G., 2017a, Method and system for continuous remote mon-
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15. Giunta, G., Bernasconi, G., 2017b, Method and system for the remote detection Silvio Del Giudice
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SolAres srl
16. Giunta, G., Bernasconi, G., Del Giudice, S. 2017c, Method and system for the continu- Research Manager
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[email protected]

Fabio Chiappa Giuseppe Giunta

SolAres srl Eni SpA
Production Manager Technical Authority
[email protected] [email protected]
42 Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022


S. Cipriani1, A. Intieri1, T. Meixus Fernandez2, L.M. Sanchez2 > 1. Baker Hughes, 2. Enagás

Methane is the second most abundant anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG)
after carbon dioxide: it is estimated1 that its concentration in the atmosphere
is approximately 2.6x higher than the pre-industrial levels and this contrib-
utes for at least 25% of the global warming.

As methane is the main component of natural gas, a strong reduction of its

emissions in the atmosphere is paramount.

The turbomachinery normally used in the gas industry can release emissions
of natural gas: its recovery represents both a challenge and an opportunity.

Baker Hughes has developed a methane emissions recovery system able to

reduce emissions capturing gas vent flows as primary vents of centrifugal
compressor seals and the compressor loop blowdown vent and reinject it
into a plant live section for its reuse.

As part of Enagás’ Decarbonization Strategy, this system has been success-

fully installed and commissioned in Spain at the Enagás’ Lumbier station
and is capable to save about 3,400 tCO2e per year2.
Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022 43

1. Introduction to limit global warming to 1.5° C, in fact as said a 45%

by 2030 would be needed. In addition, countries sup-
1.1 The Methane Cycle and its porting the GMP also committed to improving inven-
Effects in the Atmosphere tory methodologies to quantify methane emissions,
Methane is one of most abundant GHG. Globally, it is particularly from high emission sources. Currently,
estimated that more than half of total methane emis- GMP is supported by over 110 countries, representing
sions come from human activities1. According to the approximately 50% of global anthropogenic methane
Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC)1, human sec- emissions and over two thirds of global GDP.
tors that mostly generate methane are agriculture
(42%); fossil fuels (36%); waste landfilling (18%) and Since methane is the main component of natural gas
others (4%). and methane emissions occur across the complete gas
value chain, from production to final consumption, Oil
Methane emissions have a direct influence on climate, and Gas sectors have a crucial role to play in reducing
acting either as a GHG and also indirectly, due to the them. Today technology allows to implement mitiga-
formation of ground-level ozone, affecting human tion measures for all the segments of the oil and gas
health, crop yields and the productivity of vegetation. value chains. The gas industry has three incentives to
avoid methane emissions:
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) research1,2, shows that around a quarter of 1. Safety and well-being of personnel and the gen-
the current rise in temperatures is linked to meth- eral public;
ane emissions. Methane has a global warming poten-
tial (GWP) higher than CO2. The GWP of methane is 2. Commercial value, as the additional methane cap-
in the range 84-87 in a 20-year perspective (GWP20) tured in upstream can often be monetised directly,
and 28-36 when considering its impact over a 100-year emission reductions could result in economic sav-
timeframe (GWP100). ings or be carried out at low cost; and

It is estimated that human-caused methane emissions 3. Sustainable development of natural resources.

could be reduced by as much as 45% within this dec-
ade3: this would avert nearly 0.3°C of global warm- In the case mainly of the upstream segment, avoided
ing by 2045, helping to limit global temperature rise methane emissions can bring important economic ben-
to 1.5˚C and putting the planet on track to achieve the efits to Oil and Gas operators: in fact, the International
Paris Agreement (COP 21) targets. Due to its atmos- Energy Agency (IEA)6 estimates6 that “based on aver-
pheric lifetime of around 12 years, methane can also age natural gas prices from 2017-21, almost 45% of cur-
be considered a short-lived climate pollutant. This is rent oil and gas methane emissions could be avoided
why reducing methane is considered to be a fast way to at no net cost by abatement measures which cost less
keep under control the global warming, while in paral- than the market value of the additional gas that is cap-
lel tackling CO2 challenge. tured”. Overall, IEA6 estimates that global oil and gas
related methane emissions “could drive over 70% of
1.2 The Global Methane Pledge (GMP) technically available methane emissions abatement
and main ongoing initiatives options”. Therefore, in the current scenario and with
In September 2021 the 17 Major Economies Forum the available technologies, there are ongoing impor-
(MEF) meeting invited countries from all around the tant efforts to reduce methane emissions, such as:
world to support the Global Methane Pledge (GMP)4,5
subsequently launched at COP 26 held in November • The “Mineral Methane Initiative” strategy adopted
2021 in Glasgow, UK. by CCAC1, a voluntary partnership of governments,
intergovernmental organizations, businesses, sci-
The GMP is a collective goal of reducing human-made entific institutions and civil society organizations
methane emissions by at least 30% from 2020 levels by committed to protecting the climate and improv-
2030. The 30% target itself is considered insufficient ing air quality, set an aspirational goal of:
44 Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022

• 45% emissions reduction in methane emis- gas pipelines, 19 compressor stations, 493 regulation
sions over estimated 2015 levels by 2025, and metering stations, and 3 underground storage fa-
cilities. It also owns 4 LNG regasification plants, and it
• 60-75% reduction by 2030. is the main shareholder of other two.

• The Oil and Gas Methane Partnership (OGMP) is Enagás has announced its commitment to achieving
a multi-stakeholder initiative launched by United carbon neutrality by 2040 through more than 50 en-
Nation Environment Programme (UNEP) and the ergy efficiency projects. In 2013, the company vol-
CCAC to report methane emissions, it consists on untarily started to annually calculate and verify its
a report framework that will improve the accu- Carbon Footprint, which constitutes the base for its
racy and transparency of methane emissions re- decarbonization strategy. Quantification of methane
porting, it includes a quality seal “Gold Standard” emissions is a part of that process, which is subject to
to reward companies for their efforts in methane an independent third-party verification in accordance
quantification. with standard ISO 14064. From 2013 to 2020 Enagás
has managed to reduce its methane footprint by 62%
• The International Methane Emissions Observatory (78% fugitive emissions and 37% venting emissions).
(IMEO) was launched in the COP26, it will initially
focus on methane emissions from the energy sec- The Enagás’ methane emissions strategy is based on
tor and it will bring global reporting to a new level, three pillars:
it will do a global report of methane emissions, ob-
taining information from OGMP 2.0, direct meas- • Implementation of best available techniques
urements from independent studies, data from
satellites and national inventory reports. • R&D efforts and close collaboration with scientists

• In addition, the European Commission adopted • Collaboration with the industry and associations
in October 2020 the strategy to reduce methane to raise awareness and commitment
emissions in the EU. This Strategy announced
binding rules to manage and reduce methane In 2019 Enagás committed to reduce its methane emis-
emissions in the energy sector. In December 2021, sions by 45% in 2025 and 60% in 2030 compared to
the Commission published the proposal for a 2015 in line with the Global Methane Alliance initiative
Regulation to reduce methane emissions in the en- of UNEP. In 2020, the company joined the OGMP2.0
ergy sector, which covers oil and gas exploration (Oil & Gas Methane Partnership) initiative, which is the
and production, gas transmission, distribution, new gold standard reporting framework to improve
storage and LNG terminals as well as active and the accuracy and transparency of methane emissions
abandoned coal mines. The future regulation will reporting in the oil and gas. In 2021 Enagás obtained
set standards for monitoring, reporting and veri- the Gold standard distinction awarded by OGMP 2.0
fication of methane emissions, as well as for miti- and has been recognized for its commitment to reduc-
gation through LDAR campaigns and restrictions ing methane emissions, as well as for its plan to im-
on venting and flaring. For imports, requirements prove the reliability of data on these emissions7.
will be set to increase the transparency of meth-
ane emissions information (database and moni- The company also participates in various projects and
toring tool). partnerships, collaborating in the preparation of re-
search and publications relating to methane emis-
1.3 Enagás’ Decarbonization Strategy sions, among others:
Enagás is the main gas infrastructure company in
Spain and the Technical Manager of the Spanish gas • Enagás is currently coordinating and leading to-
system. The company's activities include the manage- gether with GERG, the GERG Project on Technology
ment, operation and maintenance of gas infrastruc- Benchmark for site level methane emissions
ture. In Spain Enagás has approximately 12,000 km of quantification, an innovation project to improve
Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022 45

methane emissions quantification, assess some the industry has. Future technical developments and
site-level technologies and reconcile its measure- new equipment and machinery can contribute to mit-
ments with bottom-up technologies.8 igate and if possible to eliminate the gas emissions.
This is an important step in order to comply with in-
• Satellites – Collaboration with SATLANTIS to creasing regulatory limits as well as to perform volun-
detect and measure methane emissions from tary actions.
The main sources of natural gas emissions from com-
• Enagás joined some years ago the Methane pressor stations are related to the centrifugal compres-
Guiding Principles. During the last years, Enagás sors and in particular:
has been collaborating in the preparation of case
studies and best practice guidelines on methane • All compressor station blowdowns during emer-
emissions reduction and quantification. gency shutdown,

• Collaboration and production of documents and • Emissions from the sealing system and specifically
technical guides in European associations as GIE, from the Wet Seals or Dry Gas Seals (DGS),
• Vent of the compressor loop during a maintenance
Among the measures aimed at reducing and eliminat- or a prolonged shutdown.
ing methane emissions, the following stand out:
The sealing system (shaft end seal) has the task to con-
• Annual campaigns to detect and repair leaks tain the process gas within the casing minimizing the
(LDAR campaigns) at all the installations. emissions of process gas from the compressor to the at-
mosphere; for this reason the seal system is an integral
• Boil-off gas (BOG) compressors in regasification part of the compressor package and in turn forms part
terminals. of the process system. The seal system is formed by a
sealing device (usually an integral system or cartridge)
• Use of air-operated or electrically operated devices installed inside the compressor and an auxiliary sys-
instead of gas pneumatic devices tem (or support system) that has the task to supply a
properly controlled seal /barrier gas to the sealing de-
• Replacement of electric pumps at all the facilities vice and to provide vent and drainage systems.

• Minimization of vents and flaring Into pipeline station application the vent of DGS sys-
tem is a small but continuous emission of gas at atmos-
This project between Enagás and Baker Hughes is pheric pressure which is released directly in atmos-
key to reduce vents in compressor stations, the main phere causing the emission of a significant amount
source of methane emissions in this type of installa- of gas. It is estimated as 200 tCO2e per year10 for the
tions. The following section of the paper describes the Lumbier compressors station. The compressor loop
Baker Hughes technology developed to capture meth- volume normally consists of the suction and discharge
ane emissions from gas compressor stations and in- process piping up to the respectively isolation valves,
stalled by Enagás in their station located in Lumbier, the anti-surge line, the compressor flow path itself
Spain. and eventually the suction scrubber and/or the cool-
ing equipment.
1.4 Main sources of methane emissions
from Pipeline Compressor Stations Into pipeline compressor station during a shutdown,
The traditional turbomachinery used in the Pipeline due to main maintenance activities or in case of pro-
sector release emission of natural gas. As it has already longed shutdown, the gas entrapped in this volume
been explained, its recovery and valorization repre- is typically released to atmosphere. Being this gas en-
sent one of the many challenges and opportunities trapped at pressure between suction and settle-out
46 Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022

one, thus around 45÷60 bar, the amount of gas re-

leased is typically consistent, bringing to emit many
tens of tons of equivalent CO2 for any blowdown event.
For Lumbier station it can be estimated into a cumula-
tive value of 3200 tCO2e per year11.

In order to capture and valorize the compressor pro-

cess leakages rather then send it in atmosphere Baker
Hughes developed a proprietary solution called
“Methane Emissions reduction and recovery system”,

• to recover by capturing gas vent flows such as pri-

mary vent of centrifugal compressor dry gas seals
and the compressor loop blowdown vent

• to reinject it into a plant live section, as station suc- Figure 1: Lumbier compressor station general overview
tion header, at the required pressure specified by
customers, instead of discharging on atmosphere 1.5 Methane emissions Reduction System
or burning in a flare The recovery solution proposed consists in one recipro-
cating compressor skid (Methane Leakage Reduction
• to reuse part of this gas vent flow for preheating skid) able to recover the primary vent from two centrif-
the gas to fuel the gas turbine ugal compressors (TC1 & TC2) and to evacuate the gas
entrapped inside the compressor loops (within the suc-
This methane emissions reduction system has been tion and discharge isolation valves) following a pres-
successfully installed and commissioned for Enagás, surized shutdown.
at the Lumbier compressor station and will save
about 3,400 tCO2e per year11.Lumbier compressors These two services could be executed with the same
station, own and operated by Enagás, is an important equipment because, from an operational point of view,
infrastructure related with the interconnection be- are completely complementary to each other: the pri-
tween Spain and France gas system throughout West mary vent shall be recovered when the pipeline com-
Pyrenees, which is placed in Navarra region 40 km pressor is pressurized and is in operation, while the gas
far away from the French border. The station consists inside the compressor loops could be recovered when
of two 20 MW compression units supplied by Baker the unit is not in operation. The recovered gas is rein-
Hughes and composed by aeroderivative gas turbine jected into the pipeline suction branch or in another
driven turbo-compressors. live plant section. When the turbo-compressor unit is

Figure 2: Simplified process schematic drawing

Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022 47

Figure 3: Centrifugal compressor loop depressurization curves

running, the DGS primary vent leakage will flow into upstream the compressor within the recovery system
an external accumulation volume (around 20 m3 for skid. Once reached such a pressure the PCV will go in
Lumbier station case) which is directly connected with full open position and the system will run until the
the gas turbine fuel gas pre-heating system. . When lower pressure limit of 1.5 bara will be achieved. One
gas pressure will reach 4.5 bara, the recovery system recovery system is able to depressurize all CC loops
will start-up to reinject the gas into the station suction in the required time (about 8÷9 hours in the Lumbier
heater. Therefore the system has an intermittent oper- case) but not contemporary (only one at a time). In case
ation starting when pressure in accumulator reach 4.5 the recovery system is reinjecting the accumulated gas
bara and stops when pressure arrives at 1.5 bara. inside the vessel to the suction header and a loop de-
pressurization is ongoing, the primary vent recov-
The accumulation volume sizing allows the recovery ery will be interrupted for the time strictly necessary
system to maximize the time between start-ups. In to complete the compressor depressurization. In that
fact, the starting frequency depends on the speed with time, the primary vent will be redirected to the vent
which the primary vent will fill the accumulation vol- stack as per existing arrangement.
ume: therefore, it depends on the consumption flow
of the fuel gas heater, the size of the accumulation vol- During the loop depressurization the injection of an
ume itself and the wear level of the DGS (the vent of external gas flow, for buffering the primary seal to
the DGS increases with increasing wear of the seal) The avoid any chance of DGS contamination, increments
recovery system is able to recirculate the primary vent the emptying time because part of such a flow migrates
of multiple compressors running together (2 for the into the centrifugal compressor and therefore in the
Lumbier case) with guaranteed seal gas leakage flow volume we aiming to empty. In Lumbier experience, in
rate. In case of recovery system malfunction, the pri- order to avoid this adverse condition, a properly tuning
mary vents will be redirected to the vent stack, as per to seal injection system has been done with the results
existing arrangement, in order to avoid spurious trip to reduce the external seal gas flow and don’t exces-
or loss of production. sively penalize the blowdown recovery duration.

When the centrifugal compressor loop shall be depres- 2. RECOVERY SYSTEM COMPRESSION
surized, the reciprocating compressor will start-up. To PACKAGE DESCRIPTION
limit the absorbed power, specially at initial stage of
the depressurization, the suction pressure will be de- The recovery system skid consists into a single open
creased to a certain pressure (e.g 4.5 bara in this in- frame with a vertical reciprocating compressor and
stallation), therefore the skid will be equipped with its auxiliaries, suitable for heavy hydrocarbon duty
a suitable pressure control valve (PCV) to be installed in hazardous area.The reciprocating compressor
48 Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022

technology has been selected thanks to its high pres- • Verifying the correct mixture of air/process gas in
sure ratio and low flow rate that matches perfectly this the outboard seals;
type of duty. The compressor is oil free and is com-
posed by two cranks with double effect pistons work- • Checking the seal gas primary injection system
ing in three stages. equipment suitability;

The first stage is composed by both the effects (crank • Designing the revamped logics and relevant oper-
end and head end) of the first cylinder, while the sec- ation philosophy.
ond and third stages are obtained respectively with the
head end and the crank end effect of the second cylin- The list of changes and solutions are discussed and
der. The interstage and outlet gas is cooled though an agreed with Enagás. In order to minimize the logic
air cooler, fan multi coils type. revamping into distributed control system (DCS) al-
most all the upgrades are implemented within recov-
The selected electric motor is 75 kW, low voltage induc- ery system control panel. The operations philosophy is
tion type linked to the compressor with a belt coupling shared with Enagás for a smooth commissioning with
and equipped with soft starter device. The cylinders a stable and flawless plant operation.
are not lubricated type and they are cooled with water
in closed circuit while the bearings are lubricated with
lube oil. The lube is cooled with water and the cooling
of water itself, which is kept circulating by means of a
dedicated electric pump, is achieved using the same
air cooler used for interstage and delivery gas streams.

The noise pressure is lower than 85db(A) at 1 m dis-

tance. The control panel, which is located close the
compressor station control room, is divided in two sec-
tions but in a single cabinet, one for auxiliary power
supply management, and one for compressor control
& monitoring by means of a PLC (Programmable Logic
Controller). The skid has been assembled and tested in
Italy in a workshop qualified by Baker Hughes.



The recovery system integration with the rest of the

plant equipment is a key aspect of the project, as it
will have interactions with the Centrifugal compres-
Figure 4: Recovery System Skid
sor sealing system, thus with the system assigned to
prevent a loss of containment with a safety and oper-
ational function.

Methane is the second most abundant anthropogenic

A study aimed to verify if existing centrifugal compres-
greenhouse gas (GHG) after carbon dioxide (CO2) and
sor system needs to be modified due to the installation
it represents at least 25 % of global warming. Over 36
of the recovery system is normally performed. In par-
% of anthropogenic methane is emitted by the fossil
ticularly for this installation the following task has
fuel sector, including the gas sector: as methane is the
been performed:
main component of natural gas, a strong reduction of
the emissions in the atmosphere by the gas industry
• Checking existing alarm and shutdown thresholds;
is paramount. Baker Hughes developed a proprietary
Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022 49

methane emissions reduction and recovery system 3,200 tCO2e per year. Which makes 3,400 tCO2e per
able to reduce emissions capturing gas vent flows, year that will be saved from emission thanks to the
reuse part of them for preheating the gas to fuel the Baker Hughes system.
gas turbine and reinject the remaining part into a plant
live section. References
1. Climate and Clear Air Coalition,
Following the Enagás decarbonization strategy, with 2. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), “Climate Change 2021: The
Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment
includes ambitious objectives such as 45 % reduction Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change”, Cambridge University
in the methane emission levels by 2025 and 60% by 3. United Nations Environment Programme and Climate and Clean Air Coalition (2021).
Global Methane Assessment: Benefits and Costs of Mitigating Methane Emissions.
2030 compared to 2015, Baker Hughes system was Nairobi: United Nations Environment Programme.
4. Global Methane Pledge,
implemented in the Enagás Lumbier Plant. In the 5. Florence School of Regulation, The COP26 methane moment,
Lumbier Station the vent for the DGS system is small 6. International Energy Agency (IEA), World Energy Outlook 2021
7. Enagás’ commitment to reducing methane emissions recognised with the OGMP 2.0
but continuous emission of gas of about 200 tCO2e per Gold Standard award | Enagás (
8. 20211013_PressRelease_GERG_Project ENG.pdf (
year, the gas emitted in the compressor station during 9.
a shutdown, due to main maintenance activities or in 10. Or 6 Nm3/h x 1500 hours/year. Figures depend on utilization time of the compressor
and other factors: machine size, seal maintenance status, aging effect, etc.
case of prolonged shutdown has a cumulative value of 11. This is an yearly estimation based on the average historical emission since beginning
of compressor station operation until 2020, as per old compressor loop volumen


Segrio Cipriani Andrea Intieri Tania Meixús Fernández

Baker Hughes Baker Hughes Enagás
Senior Technical Sales Manager Turbomachinery and Process Solutions, Strategy Environmental Policy Regulation Manager
[email protected] and Growth Leader for Offshore [email protected]
[email protected]

L.M. Sanchez
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50 Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022

Considering leak detection systems for

carbon capture and storage (CCS)
D. Short > Atmos International

At COP26 countries were asked to come forward with ambitious 2030
reduction targets that align with meeting net zero emissions by the
middle of the century (UK COP). Governments have also agreed to
keep global warming well below 2C and make efforts to keep it to 1.5C.
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is going to play an important role in
decarbonizing the energy industry and capturing the carbon dioxide
(CO2) in the atmosphere to meet these targets.

Pipelines are crucial to this shift, as the cheapest way of transporting

CO2 in large quantities. This paper looks at some of the key trends in
CCS and why leak detection systems (LDS) are crucial for mitigating
the risks associated with a leak or rupture on a CO2 pipeline.
Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022 51

1. Introduction hydrogen will provide clean fuel to help decarbonize

other local businesses, with the CO2 stored beneath
To help curb climate change, efforts are being ramped the North Sea. The projects include:
up for decarbonization. In 2021, at COP26, countries
were asked to come forward with ambitious 2030 re- • Equinor’s Saltend hydrogen project
duction targets that align with meeting net zero emis-
sions by the middle of the century1. Governments have • BP developing a hydrogen plant as part of the Net
agreed to keep global warming well below 2C and make Zero Teeside network
efforts to keep it to 1.5C. Energy transition plays an im-
portant role in helping to achieve these targets. • HyNet North West leading an industrial decarbon-
ization project
Methods such as carbon capture and storage (CCS)
reduce the carbon emissions from industrial pro- • Philips 66 developing a blue hydrogen project at its
cesses that would otherwise release large amounts Humber refinery4
of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) into the
atmosphere. CCS is an essential way for many global industrial in-
dustries to decarbonize. The cement sector for exam-
There are three core steps2 to CCS: ple emits approximately 4.1 billion tons of CO2 each
year globally4. While iron and steelmaking is another
1. Capture - the CO2 is separated from other gases large contributor, producing 2.6 billion tons of CO2
produced by industrial processes emissions in 20194. Northern Lights in Norway is part
of a full-scale CCS project that aims to capture CO2
2. Transport - transported, often via pipelines or road from one or two industrial capture sources5. Once cap-
transport and ships to a storage site tured, the CO2 is transported by ship and then pipe-
lined to a subsea structure and injected into a geolog-
3. Storage - the CO2 is injected into rock formations ical formation around 2,500 meters below the North
deep underground for permanent storage Sea for storage. Projects like this are becoming increas-
ingly crucial to help decarbonize industries such as
Once the CO2 has been captured, transport by pipe- cement, iron and steel that are responsible for such a
line is the cheapest way of transporting CO2 in large large amount of carbon emissions.
quantities onshore and offshore3. The storage of CO2
involves the injection into rock formation deep under- 3. CCS vs CCU: Driving economic value with
ground, although there are several types that are suit- carbon?
able, deep saline formations and depleted oil and gas
reservoirs have the largest capacity3. Aside from the obvious climate change objectives, the
advancement of the hydrogen economy is a key driver
2. The current state of CCS of CCS projects. Clean hydrogen can be produced in
three ways:
North America is currently leading the number of CCS
projects globally with 36 of the 135 CCS projects, the 1. From fossil fuels with CCS (blue hydrogen)
large increase in facilities has led to project capacity
levels not seen since 20114. Naturally, pipelines are in- 2. From biomass
tegral to the success of these projects, with some ar-
guing natural gas pipelines should be repurposed and 3. From electrolysis powered by renewable energy
others opting to construct purpose-built networks. sources (green hydrogen) or nuclear power4

Blue hydrogen projects require CO2 emissions to be During the production of blue hydrogen, CO2 is gener-
captured and permanently stored underground if fos- ated through the fossil fuels used. Energy companies
sil fuels are used as part of the process. In the UK, the therefore need to capture and store all CO2 that arises
52 Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022

Figure 1: Hydrogen production using CCS

from the hydrogen production, for the energy source 4. The role of pipelines in CCS
to truly be net zero.
The CO2 that is captured from CCS can only be stored
As an initial idea CCS is the key solution to safely en- in sites that meet a specific set of geological character-
sure large quantities of CO2 don’t enter the atmos- istics and standards. Due to this fact, pipelines are an
phere, however more recently the concept of carbon inevitable and vital component of an efficient CCS pro-
capture and utilization (CCU) has been formed. This ject as in some cases, the CO2 may need to travel long
creates a circular economy, where waste is kept to a distances to reach the storage site.
minimum by reusing materials and products for as
long as possible. Global plans to build CCS plants have increased dra-
matically in the past couple of years. 2021 saw a spike
The aviation industry is exploring how sustainable avi- in the number of CCS projects in development, grow-
ation fuel (SAF) can be created using carbon captured ing to a 111 Mtpa capacity, a 48% increase from 20204.
directly from the atmosphere, so that it can be fed into This increase in projects will have a direct correlation
the gas fermentation process to produce low-carbon with the number of pipelines being required to trans-
ethanol6. port CO2 and demonstrates how important CCS is for
the energy sector to work towards the goals set out in
The ethanol is then converted into SAF using Alcohol- COP26. To meet the demand for CCS, it’s highly likely
to-Jet (AtJ) technology. Compared to traditional jet new pipelines will need to be commissioned. If for ex-
fuels, SAF gives a reduction of up to 80% in carbon ample the US is to deliver the net-zero ambitions to
emissions over the lifecycle of the fuel7. CCU initiatives bury or use 1 billion tons of carbon per year by 2050,
like this demonstrate that there are uses for CO2 that it will need 19,000 kilometers of carbon dioxide pipe-
can drive economic value, rather than just being waste. lines8. There are arguments for repurposing existing
natural gas pipelines, however this also comes with
However, how effective CCS and CCU are in terms of safety concerns.
tackling climate change very much depends on the
level of CO2 emitted by the processes associated with Transporting carbon dioxide efficiently through
each activity. pipelines requires a pressure of up to 2,600 pounds
per square inch (psi). This is a much higher pressure
Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022 53

than that required to efficiently transport natural gas,

which operates at about 800 to 1,200 psi8. This would
mean that in redeploying natural gas pipelines for car-
bon dioxide, the operator would either need to pump
at a lower pressure or reinforce the infrastructure so
that it will cope with the increased operating pressure.
Running at a higher pressure than the pipeline’s origi-
nal design increases the risk of leaks and ruptures.

The material for CCS pipelines also needs to be care-

fully considered. CO2 is corrosive if contaminated with
just even a small amount of water, reacting to form car-
Figure 2: CO2 as a supercritical fluid10
bonic acid. This means the pipelines used to transport
CO2 need to be manufactured and maintained to a Key effects of a leak or rupture of a CCS pipeline:
higher standard. It also means monitoring the purity
of the CO2 is crucial. • Groundwater contamination for onshore sections

Arguably making modifications to existing pipeline • Threat to life

networks is much more cost-effective than starting
from scratch. However, some are opting for the latter, • Greenhouse gasses released back into atmosphere
Wolf Midstream for example is building new networks
rather than converting old ones, announcing last year • Impact on the environment
that they will be building a pipeline to move carbon
dioxide from Archer-Daniels-Midland Co’s Iowa eth- • Hazardous to health9
anol plants to a sequestration site about 563 kilome-
ters away9. Whether using existing pipelines that are In 2020, a CO2 pipeline ruptured in Mississippi,
repurposed or specially constructed networks, it’s demonstrating the high consequences associated with
vital to implement a leak detection strategy for CO2 what can happen when large quantities of carbon diox-
pipelines. ide are released close to residential areas.

5. Why pipeline leak detection is crucial for Given the number of projects in development and the
CCS large scale plans for CCS, pipeline leak detection will
play a vital role in detecting and locating leaks in the
Safety is a key concern for CCS pipelines. The CO2 is pipelines as quickly and efficiently as possible.
either handled as a gas, or a supercritical phase fluid
(sCO2) at extremely high pressure. Due to the higher 6. Types of leak detection systems suitable for
pressure involved in transporting the CO2, explosive CO2 pipelines
decompression of a CCS pipeline releases more gas,
much faster than the equivalent explosion in a natu- The scale of CCS needed to meet targets means that in-
ral gas pipeline. vestment in both onshore and offshore CO2 pipelines
is required. Due to the human and environmental im-
The effects of a leak or rupture on a CO2 pipeline can pacts of CO2, it is crucial to have an effective leak detec-
be catastrophic, both to people and the environment. tion system (LDS) to monitor the pipelines. There are a
Although CO2 might seem harmless because it’s some- variety of methods that can be used to work with both
thing people breathe out, in high concentrations it is CO2 as a gas and as a supercritical fluid.
an asphyxiant. A leak or rupture of a CCS project pipe-
line is also counterproductive, releasing the green- Since its release as the first statistical volume bal-
house gas back into the atmosphere. ance system in 1995, Atmos Pipe11 has been at the fore-
front of leak detection technology. Atmos Pipe uses
54 Pipeline Technology Journal - 2/2022

the powerful sequential probability ratio test (SPRT) the 2050 climate targets set out in COP26. However,
method, which is effective for both gas and liquid pipe- gaps in the infrastructure remain and therefore invest-
lines. Using flow and pressure data from control room ment in improving the pipeline networks is likely to
systems like the supervisory control and data acqui- be required. It’s vital that the pipeline infrastructure
sition (SCADA), Atmos Pipe will detect leaks quickly is engineered to the right standard and that the purity
and effectively. of the CO2 is closely monitored to avoid the issues sur-
rounding carbonic acid.
Atmos Pipe can be finely tuned to meet the sensitiv-
ity requirements to detect a CO2 leak on large complex Technologies like Atmos Pipe and Atmos Wave Flow
pipelines. This is important, since many larger scale can help pipeline operators mitigate the risks associ-
CCS projects capture CO2 from industrial sources and ated with CO2 leaks and ruptures, supporting pipeline
transport the liquified substance to an offshore subsea operators by accurately detecting and locating them to
location for permanent storage. When used offshore, ensure that they can be handled as quickly as possible.
Atmos Pipe is configured to take account of both the
hydraulic profile of the pipeline and the seawater out-
side the pipeline.
2. h t t p s : // w w w . n a t i o n a l g r i d . c o m / s t o r i e s / e n e r g y - e x p l a i n e d /
Alternatively, the multi-method Atmos Wave Flow12 what-is-ccs-how-does-it-work
may be used which includes both a volume balance 4.
and a negative pressure wave (NPW) algorithm. The 6.
multi-method model of the LDS helps to reduce uncer- 7.
tainty and improves performance, providing an accu- 8.
rate leak detection and location in a short time. Factors 9.
like this are crucial to consider for CO2 pipelines where 11.
the gas is released into the air extremely quickly due to
the amount of pressure used to transport it in the pipe-
line. In addition, deploying multiple methods of leak
detection helps to increase the confidence of pipeline
operators, who must decide on a suspected leak. Since
CO2 pipelines is still a relatively new area, there’s a gap
in experience for many, making an accurate and relia-
ble LDS extremely important.

7. Conclusion

CCS is becoming an increasingly important step of de-

carbonization for the energy industry. Truck and rail
transportation methods simply aren’t going to handle
the large quantities of CO2 for CCS to make a signifi-
cant impact, so the need for pipelines to support these
Daniel Short
projects is inevitable. Atmos International
Senior VP Commercial
However, it is vital to consider the risks and uncertain- [email protected]
ties CCS carries.

Rolling out CCS projects on a large scale will increase

the need for effective CO2 pipeline leak detection for
the safe operation. The key drivers for CCS include the
development of the hydrogen economy and reaching
Pipeline Technology Journal


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