2022 Grand Forks Detailed Budget Binder

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__________________________________________________TABLE OF CONTENTS


Table of Contents…………………………………………………………………………… i

Budget Summary

Comparative Mill Rate……………………………………………………………………… 1

Budget Comparison by Fund Type/Category…………….…………………………………. 2
Projected Changes in Cash Balances……….………………………………………………. 10

_________________________________________________________________________General Fund

General Fund Summary

General Fund Summary by Level..………………………………………………………... 12

General Fund 6-year Projection….………………………………………………………… 13


1100 000 Revenue………..………………………………………………………… 14


1100 005 Assessor……….………………………………………………………… 23

1100 010 City Attorney……….…………………………………………………… 26
1100 015 Finance & Administrative Services……….…………………………….. 27
1100 018 Planning & Zoning……………………………………………………… 30
1100 025 City Hall……….………………………………………………………… 32
1100 030 Information Technology……….………………………………………... 35
1100 033 Emergency Management………………………………………………… 37
1100 035 Engineering……………………………………………………………… 38
1100 036 Inspections………………………………………………………………. 46
1100 040 Fire………………………………………………………………………. 53
1100 045 Health……………………………………………………………………. 62
4510 Nursing Fees…………………………………………………… 66
4560 Environmental Health……………………………………………… 68
4570 Local Health Services…………………………………………. . 69
4580 Wellness Program……………………………………………… 72
1100 050 Mayor & Council………………………………………………………… 74
0051 City Administrator………..……………………………………. 79
0052 Public Information Center……………………………………… 83
1100 055 Miscellaneous……………………………………………………………. 85
060 Municipal Court…………………………………………………………. 88
065 Human Resources……………………………………………………….. 93
1100 070 Police…………………………………………………………………….. 96
PD40 Police Building…………………………………………………. 106
PD60 PD Annex Bldg & Impound Lot……………………………… . 109
1100 075 Streets…………………………………………………………………….. 110
1100 090 Public Safety Training Center…………………………………………… 115
1100 095 PSAP Allocation…………………………………………………………. 117

__________________________________________________TABLE OF CONTENTS
_________________________________________________________________Special Revenue Funds

2101 General Fund Stabilization & Loan Fund…………………………………. 118

2104 PSAP Communication Center……………………………………………… 120
2105 E-911 System………………………………………………………………. 126
2106 Emergency Levy…………………………………………………………… 133
2109 Municipal Band…………………………………………………………….. 135
2121 Public Building Fund………………………………………………………. 137
2124 Library……………………………………………………………………… 140
2127 Library Capital Maintenance………………………………………………. 145
2139 Special Grants………………………………………………………………. 147
2140 Fire Grants………………………………………………………………….. 151
2145 City Special Assessments…………………………………………………… 153
2146 Health Grants……………………………………………………………….. 155
2151 Insurance Reserve…………………………………………………………... 196
2154 General Sick Leave…………………………………………………………. 198
2157 Noxious Weed Control……………………………………………………… 200
2163 Economic Development……………………………………………………. 202
2170 Police Grants………………………………………………………………… 208
2171 Asset Forfeiture……………………………………………………………… 214
2175 Water/Street Sales Tax……………………………………………………… 216
2184 Animal Control……………………………………………………………… 218
2187 Convention & Visitors Bureau……………………………………………… 220
2190 American Rescue Plan Grant……………………………………………….. 222
2193 Covid Relief Fund Grant…………………………………………………… 224
2199 Community Development…………………………………………………… 226

_____________________________________________________________________Debt Service Funds

Debt Service Payments Schedule ………………………..………………………………….. 236

_____________________________________________________________________ Capital Project Funds

4108 Bikeway Capital Projects………………………………………………………... 238

4122 Underpass/Bridge Construction…………………………………………………. 240
4126 PWF Remodel…………………………………………………………………… 242
4154 Flood Protection Capital Mtce…………………………………………………… 244
4201 Waterworks Capital Projects…………………………………………………….. 246
4202 Wastewater Capital Projects…………………………………………………….. 248
4204 Sanitation Capital Projects……………………………………………………..... 250
4205 WTP Capital Project Fund………………………………………………………. 252
4206 WW Treatment Plant Capital Project Fund………………………………………...254
4702 WW BND Capital Project Fund………………………………………………… 256
4703 WW 2nd BND Capital Project Fund…………………………………………….. 258
4800 Capital Replacement Fund………………………………………………………. 260
4815 Street/Infrastructure……………………………………………………………… 264
4891 Sidewalk Repair………………………………………………………………….. 268
4921 2021 Special Assessment Projects……………………………………………….. 270
4922 2022 Special Assessment Projects……………………………………………….. 272
4999 Nuisance Abatements…….………………………………………………………. 274

__________________________________________________TABLE OF CONTENTS
______________________________________________________________________Enterprise Funds

2021 Estimated Utility Bill…………………………………………………………………… 276

5100 Sanitation…………..………………………………………………………… 277

5200 Wastewater…………………………………………………………………… 300
5300 Waterworks…………………………………………………………………… 337
5400 Stormwater……………………………………………………………………. 359
5500 Public Transit….……………………………………………………………… 382
5600 Dial-A-Ride…………………………………………………………………… 391
5700 Alerus Center…………………………………………………………………… 398
5800 Mosquito……………………………………………………………………… 406
5996 Job Development Authority…………………………………………………. 413
5997 Municipal Parking System…………………………………………………… 425

____________________________________________Internal Service Funds & Trust & Agency Funds

6101 Computer Service Fund……………………………………………………….. 430

6102 Central Garage………………………………………………………………… 433
6103 Central Purchasing……………………………………………………………. 440
6104 Public Works Facility…………………………………………………………. 442


CIP – Six Year Summary Listing by Project Type – Utility Infrastructure……………...…. 448
CIP – Six Year Summary Listing by Project Type – Facility & Buildings ……….…….…. 450
CIP – Six Year Summary Listing by Project Type – Streets & Bikepaths ………………… 452
CIP – Six Year Summary Listing by Project Type – Equipment Replacement…………… . 456
Street/Infrastructure Cash Flow Projection………………………………………………….. 459
Public Building Fund – Multi-Year Plan……….…………………………………………… 461
Flood Protection – Multi-Year Plan………………………………………………………… 462

________________________________________________________________Supplemental Information

Staffing Information ………………………………………..…………………………….. 463

Fees ……………………………………….……………………………………………… 475

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

Budget Summary
Mill Levy Comparison
2021 - 2022

2021 2022 2021 2022

1100 General Fund* 70.32 70.12 (0.20) $ 16,737,079 $ 17,089,506 $ 352,427
2106 Emergency Fund 0.50 0.50 - 119,007 121,859 2,852
2109 Municipal Band* 0.07 0.07 - 16,661 17,060 399
2121 Public Building* 3.85 3.50 (0.35) 916,350 853,013 (63,337)
2124 Library 8.87 8.80 (0.07) 2,111,176 2,144,718 33,542
2145 City Special Assessments 2.23 2.03 (0.20) 530,769 494,748 (36,021)
2151 Insurance Reserve Fund* 1.78 1.75 (0.03) 423,663 426,507 2,844
2157 Noxious Weed* 0.02 0.02 - 4,760 4,874 114
Airport 4.08 4.05 (0.03) 971,093 987,058 15,965
5500 Public Transportation 4.65 4.65 - 1,106,761 1,133,289 26,528
5600 Dial-A-Ride* 1.00 1.00 - 238,013 243,718 5,705
2184 Animal Control 0.50 0.50 - 119,007 121,859 2,852
3120 Dike Construction - - - - - -
Total Mill Levy 97.87 96.99 (0.88) $ 23,294,339 $ 23,638,209 $ 343,870
* These will be consolidated into general fund for purposes of levy shown by county certification
Note: 2021 Actual Rate - 1 Mill = $238,013
2022 Estimated Rate - 1 Mill = $243,718
0.94% increase due to revaluation ; 1.51% increase coming from changes excluding revaluation

City of Grand Forks
2022 Budget
Budget Summary
2021-2022 Budget Comparison
Salaries Fringe Benefits Main
% %
2021 2022 Increase 2021 2022 Increase
Budget Budget (Decrease) Budget Budget (Decrease)
Assessor $ 513,943 $ 528,183 2.77% $ 228,785 $ 222,013 -2.96%
Attorney - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Finance & Administrative Services 1,003,182 1,064,282 6.09% 372,600 438,982 17.82%
Planning & Zoning 291,800 251,283 -13.89% 95,339 88,322 -7.36%
City Hall 121,813 128,465 5.46% 51,198 73,178 42.93%
Information Technology 742,816 737,647 -0.70% 327,234 312,343 -4.55%
Inspections 888,482 995,879 12.09% 352,525 351,852 -0.19%
Mayor & Council 149,229 156,802 5.07% 14,405 59,641 314.03%
City Administrator 186,433 387,908 108.07% 75,722 164,298 116.98%
Public Information Center 187,010 - -100.00% 79,195 - -100.00%
Miscellaneous 8,750 852,130 9638.63% (17,496) (54,496) 211.48%
Human Resources 470,894 474,626 0.79% 197,440 200,182 1.39%
Health 982,701 983,117 0.04% 423,025 416,095 -1.64%
4510 Nursing Fees 132,752 207,568 56.36% 36,452 63,664 74.65%
4560 Environmental Health Fees - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
4570 Local Health Svcs 160,851 160,851 0.00% 48,673 48,673 0.00%
4580 Wellness Program 21,772 22,300 2.43% 4,546 4,485 -1.34%
Fire 5,730,064 5,760,134 0.52% 2,498,319 2,578,835 3.22%
Municipal Court 238,047 251,798 5.78% 100,696 107,374 6.63%
Police 7,457,655 7,528,590 0.95% 3,029,878 3,108,666 2.60%
PD40 Police Building 103,426 103,423 0.00% 55,891 56,929 1.86%
PD60 Training & Evidence Facility - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Emergency Program Management - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Public Safety Training Center - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
PSAP Allotment - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Engineering 1,701,858 1,980,459 16.37% 630,832 708,248 12.27%
Street 1,970,624 2,078,466 5.47% 955,580 993,426 3.96%
Total General Fund 23,064,102 24,653,911 6.89% 9,560,839 9,942,710 3.99%
General Fund Stabilization & Loan Fund - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Public Building - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
City Special Assessments - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Insurance Reserve - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
General Sick Leave 150,000 150,000 0.00% 11,475 11,475 0.00%
American Rescue Plan Grant - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
COVID Relief Funds Grant - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Community Development 96,382 42,881 -55.51% 58,175 40,783 -29.90%
Health Grants 1,009,890 1,265,811 25.34% 285,713 403,822 41.34%
Noxious Weed - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
PSAP Communication Center 1,320,419 1,308,916 -0.87% 449,034 454,581 1.24%
E-911 System 100,000 75,005 -25.00% - 19,649 100.00%
Emergency Levy - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Police Grants - 62,170 100.00% - 17,176 100.00%
Economic Development 55,715 55,715 0.00% 4,285 4,285 0.00%
Municipal Band - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Public Library 1,526,000 1,548,000 1.44% 525,989 588,700 11.92%
Library Capital Maintenance - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Special Grants 23,260 21,100 -9.29% 2,335 2,335 0.00%
Convention & Visitors B. (2187 - Formerly 7201) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Animal Control (2184 - Formerly 7202) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Street/Water Sales Tax - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Total Special Revenue Funds 4,281,666 4,529,598 5.79% 1,337,006 1,542,806 15.39%

City of Grand Forks
2022 Budget
Budget Summary
2021-2022 Budget Comparison
Salaries Fringe Benefits Main
% %
2021 2022 Increase 2021 2022 Increase
Budget Budget (Decrease) Budget Budget (Decrease)

Santitation Utility 2,161,880 2,281,208 5.52% 1,065,728 1,055,983 -0.91%
Wastewater Utility 1,297,317 1,457,045 12.31% 537,570 570,063 6.04%
Waterworks Utility 1,735,574 1,792,730 3.29% 1,008,940 943,691 -6.47%
Stormwater Utility 419,984 421,049 0.25% 140,482 134,493 -4.26%
Public Transportation 1,480,894 1,514,369 2.26% 555,249 621,683 11.96%
Dial-A-Ride 861,569 850,497 -1.29% 263,634 279,859 6.15%
Alerus 3,587,661 3,676,670 2.48% 25,000 20,000 -20.00%
Mosquito 307,153 312,915 1.88% 65,417 66,556 1.74%
Job Development Authority 494,518 495,937 0.29% 135,280 128,823 -4.77%
Municipal Parking 70,405 75,090 6.65% 22,732 25,341 11.48%
Total Enterprise Funds 12,416,955 12,877,510 3.71% 3,820,032 3,846,492 0.69%
Computer Service Fund (6101) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Central Garage (6102) 453,003 466,914 3.07% 206,814 212,715 2.85%
Central Purchasing (6103) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Public Works Facility (6104) 86,365 86,977 0.71% 28,199 28,660 1.63%
Total Internal Service Funds 539,368 553,891 2.69% 235,013 241,375 2.71%

Total Operating Budget 40,302,091 42,614,910 5.74% 14,952,890 15,573,383 4.15%

Waterworks Capital Projects (4201) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Wastewater Capital Projects (4202) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Sanitation Capital Projects (4204) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
WTP Capital Project Fund (4205) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
WWTP Capital Project Fund (4206) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
PWF Remodel (4126) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Flood Protection Captial Maintenance (4154) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Bridge Repair/Rehab (4122) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
WW BND Capital Projcet Fund (4702) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
WW 2nd BND Capital Project Fund (4703) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
2016 BND SA Projects (4716) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Capital Replacement Fund (4800) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Sidewalk Repair (4891) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
2021 Special Assessment Project (4921) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
2022 Special Assessment Project (4922) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Nuisance Abatement (4999) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Street/Infrastructure Fund (4815) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Total Capital Projects Funds - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
3122 GO Bonds - 2016C Refunding Bond - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
3120 GO Bonds - 2008B Dike Refunding Bonds - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
3121 GO Bonds - 2011E Dike Bonds - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Debt Service Refundings - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
3805 Sales Tax Res Rev Bond - 2011A - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
3806 Sales Tax Res Rev Bond - 2011F - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
3998 Sidewalk Warrants - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Total Debt Service Funds - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
GRAND TOTALS $ 40,302,091 $ 42,614,910 5.74% $ 14,952,890 $ 15,573,383 4.15%

City of Grand Forks
2022 Budget
Budget Summary
2021-2022 Budget Comparison
Maintenance & Operations Capital Outlay Deb
% %
2021 2022 Increase 2021 2022 Increase
Budget Budget (Decrease) Budget Budget (Decrease)
Assessor $ 51,038 $ 41,488 -18.71% $ - $ - 0.00%
Attorney 257,850 314,350 21.91% - - 0.00%
Finance & Administrative Services 76,540 63,230 -17.39% - - 0.00%
Planning & Zoning 15,587 26,697 71.28% - - 0.00%
City Hall 193,236 191,446 -0.93% - - 0.00%
Information Technology 72,890 113,471 55.67% - - 0.00%
Inspections 84,760 87,946 3.76% - - 0.00%
Mayor & Council 101,924 107,764 5.73% - - 0.00%
City Administrator 12,465 42,716 242.69% - - 0.00%
Public Information Center 33,825 - -100.00% - - 0.00%
Miscellaneous 1,743,346 1,747,231 0.22% - - 0.00%
Human Resources 127,298 137,023 7.64% 0.00%
Health 161,974 167,174 3.21% - - 0.00%
4510 Nursing Fees 65,244 59,736 -8.44% - - 0.00%
4560 Environmental Health Fees 2,000 - -100.00% - 4,800 0.00%
4570 Local Health Svcs 23,971 22,471 -6.26% - - 0.00%
4580 Wellness Program 6,682 6,215 -6.99% - - 0.00%
Fire 480,602 560,671 16.66% - - 0.00%
Municipal Court 448,141 427,696 -4.56% - - 0.00%
Police 1,034,726 1,078,138 4.20% - - 0.00%
PD40 Police Building 176,823 179,919 1.75% - - 0.00%
PD60 Training & Evidence Facility 24,050 24,050 0.00% - - 0.00%
Emergency Program Management 95,888 95,888 0.00% - - 0.00%
Public Safety Training Center 67,985 67,155 -1.22% - - 0.00%
PSAP Allotment - - - - 0.00%
Engineering 172,700 180,518 4.53% - - 0.00%
Street 1,395,090 1,495,786 7.22% - - 0.00%
Total General Fund 6,926,635 7,238,779 4.51% - 4,800 100.00%
General Fund Stabilization & Loan Fund - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Public Building 198,981 273,978 37.69% 396,000 725,000 83.08%
City Special Assessments 612,851 533,228 -12.99% - - 0.00%
Insurance Reserve 425,904 425,650 -0.06% - - 0.00%
General Sick Leave - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
American Rescue Plan Grant - - 0.00% - 2,150,000 100.00%
COVID Relief Funds Grant - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Community Development 2,631,090 1,912,453 -27.31% - - 0.00%
Health Grants 360,497 339,329 -5.87% 1,000 1,996 99.60%
Noxious Weed 5,625 5,625 0.00% - - 0.00%
PSAP Communication Center 21,999 19,839 -9.82% 5,600 5,600 0.00%
E-911 System 849,886 948,389 11.59% 120,000 125,000 4.17%
Emergency Levy 23,798 30,000 26.06% - - 0.00%
Police Grants 168,940 171,494 1.51% - - 0.00%
Economic Development 1,245,605 1,154,518 -7.31% - - 0.00%
Municipal Band 16,431 17,900 8.94% - - 0.00%
Public Library 681,688 641,581 -5.88% 268,000 291,000 8.58%
Library Capital Maintenance 10,000 10,000 0.00% 40,000 40,000 0.00%
Special Grants 36,719 36,655 -0.17% 500 500 0.00%
Convention & Visitors B. (2187 - Formerly 7201) 697,500 930,000 33.33% - - 0.00%
Animal Control (2184 - Formerly 7202) 173,844 177,831 2.29% - - 0.00%
Street/Water Sales Tax - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Total Special Revenue Funds 8,161,358 7,628,470 -6.53% 831,100 3,339,096 301.77%

City of Grand Forks
2022 Budget
Budget Summary
2021-2022 Budget Comparison
Maintenance & Operations Capital Outlay Deb
% %
2021 2022 Increase 2021 2022 Increase
Budget Budget (Decrease) Budget Budget (Decrease)

Santitation Utility 4,783,551 4,830,553 0.98% 1,511,000 1,261,000 -16.55%
Wastewater Utility 4,490,079 5,148,492 14.66% 2,464,948 6,409,748 160.04%
Waterworks Utility 6,165,176 6,683,857 8.41% 1,631,579 2,019,871 23.80%
Stormwater Utility 1,954,636 2,183,426 11.70% 559,700 1,433,231 156.07%
Public Transportation 1,066,955 1,111,272 4.15% 1,121,010 764,000 -31.85%
Dial-A-Ride 246,400 231,485 -6.05% - 94,000 100.00%
Alerus 7,295,062 8,020,283 9.94% 3,630,172 5,960,410 64.19%
Mosquito 574,220 569,642 -0.80% 25,000 80,000 220.00%
Job Development Authority 1,422,580 2,047,443 43.92% 670,380 3,800,000 466.84%
Municipal Parking 235,563 209,238 -11.18% - 160,000 100.00%
Total Enterprise Funds 28,234,222 31,035,691 9.92% 11,613,789 21,982,260 89.28%
Computer Service Fund (6101) 528,090 768,750 45.57% 100,000 121,086 21.09%
Central Garage (6102) 774,681 835,343 7.83% 55,000 55,000 0.00%
Central Purchasing (6103) 4,000 - -100.00% - - 0.00%
Public Works Facility (6104) 320,875 317,965 -0.91% 108,500 113,500 4.61%
Total Internal Service Funds 1,627,646 1,922,058 18.09% 263,500 289,586 9.90%

Total Operating Budget 44,949,861 47,824,998 6.40% 12,708,389 25,615,742 101.57%

Waterworks Capital Projects (4201) - - 0.00% - 5,000,000 100.00%
Wastewater Capital Projects (4202) - - 0.00% 3,000,000 4,000,000 33.33%
Sanitation Capital Projects (4204) - - 0.00% - 6,405,700 100.00%
WTP Capital Project Fund (4205) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
WWTP Capital Project Fund (4206) - - 0.00% 1,400,000 7,300,000 421.43%
PWF Remodel (4126) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Flood Protection Captial Maintenance (4154) - - 0.00% 1,350,000 1,470,000 8.89%
Bridge Repair/Rehab (4122) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
WW BND Capital Projcet Fund (4702) - - 0.00% 1,600,000 - -100.00%
WW 2nd BND Capital Project Fund (4703) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
2016 BND SA Projects (4716) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Capital Replacement Fund (4800) 349,251 405,531 16.11% 100,000 496,340 396.34%
Sidewalk Repair (4891) - - 0.00% 50,000 50,000 0.00%
2021 Special Assessment Project (4921) - - 0.00% 6,000,000 - -100.00%
2022 Special Assessment Project (4922) - - 0.00% - 8,500,000 100.00%
Nuisance Abatement (4999) 15,500 15,500 0.00% - - 0.00%
Street/Infrastructure Fund (4815) 672,004 761,727 13.35% 12,248,000 8,731,750 -28.71%
Total Capital Projects Funds 1,036,755 1,182,758 14.08% 25,748,000 41,953,790 62.94%
3122 GO Bonds - 2016C Refunding Bond - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
3120 GO Bonds - 2008B Dike Refunding Bonds - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
3121 GO Bonds - 2011E Dike Bonds - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Debt Service Refundings - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
3805 Sales Tax Res Rev Bond - 2011A - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
3806 Sales Tax Res Rev Bond - 2011F - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
3998 Sidewalk Warrants - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Total Debt Service Funds - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
GRAND TOTALS $ 45,986,616 $ 49,007,756 6.57% $ 38,456,389 $ 67,569,532 75.70%

City of Grand Forks
2022 Budget
Budget Summary
2021-2022 Budget Comparison
Debt Service Operating Transfers
% %
2021 2022 Increase 2021 2022 Increase
Budget Budget (Decrease) Budget Budget (Decrease)
Assessor $ - $ - 0.00% $ - $ - 0.00%
Attorney - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Finance & Administrative Services - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Planning & Zoning - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
City Hall - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Information Technology - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Inspections - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Mayor & Council - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
City Administrator - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Public Information Center - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Miscellaneous - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Human Resources - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Health - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
4510 Nursing Fees - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
4560 Environmental Health Fees - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
4570 Local Health Svcs - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
4580 Wellness Program - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Fire - - 0.00% - 150,000 100.00%
Municipal Court - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Police - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
PD40 Police Building - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
PD60 Training & Evidence Facility - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Emergency Program Management - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Public Safety Training Center - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
PSAP Allotment - - 0.00% 851,036 853,703 0.31%
Engineering - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Street - - 0.00% 284,199 340,479 19.80%
Total General Fund - - 0.00% 1,135,235 1,344,182 18.41%
General Fund Stabilization & Loan Fund - - 0.00% 648,587 293,803 -54.70%
Public Building - - 0.00% 360,700 359,700 -0.28%
City Special Assessments - - 0.00% 25,000 25,000 0.00%
Insurance Reserve - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
General Sick Leave - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
American Rescue Plan Grant - - 0.00% - 8,279,782 100.00%
COVID Relief Funds Grant - - 0.00% - 1,932,705 100.00%
Community Development - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Health Grants - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Noxious Weed - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
PSAP Communication Center - - 0.00% 0.00%
E-911 System 2,370 1,227 -48.23% 341,721 396,090 15.91%
Emergency Levy - - 0.00% 119,686 95,888 -19.88%
Police Grants - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Economic Development - - 0.00% 457,671 802,793 75.41%
Municipal Band - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Public Library - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Library Capital Maintenance - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Special Grants - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Convention & Visitors B. (2187 - Formerly 7201) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Animal Control (2184 - Formerly 7202) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Street/Water Sales Tax - - 0.00% 4,449,466 5,595,899 25.77%
Total Special Revenue Funds 2,370 1,227 -48.23% 6,402,831 17,781,660 177.72%

City of Grand Forks
2022 Budget
Budget Summary
2021-2022 Budget Comparison
Debt Service Operating Transfers
% %
2021 2022 Increase 2021 2022 Increase
Budget Budget (Decrease) Budget Budget (Decrease)

Santitation Utility 1,449,753 1,604,753 10.69% 15,000 15,000 0.00%
Wastewater Utility 3,048,217 1,772,658 -41.85% 32,329 276,598 755.57%
Waterworks Utility 3,186,975 3,190,875 0.12% 80,000 230,000 187.50%
Stormwater Utility - - 0.00% - 803,000 100.00%
Public Transportation - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Dial-A-Ride - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Alerus 4,023,100 4,020,850 -0.06% - - 0.00%
Mosquito 96,600 94,900 -1.76% - - 0.00%
Job Development Authority - - 0.00% 3,563,697 - -100.00%
Municipal Parking - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Total Enterprise Funds 11,804,645 10,684,036 -9.49% 3,691,026 - 1,324,598 -64.11%
Computer Service Fund (6101) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Central Garage (6102) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Central Purchasing (6103) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Public Works Facility (6104) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Total Internal Service Funds - - 0.00% - - - 0.00%

Total Operating Budget 11,807,015 10,685,263 -9.50% 11,229,092 20,450,440 82.12%

Waterworks Capital Projects (4201) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Wastewater Capital Projects (4202) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Sanitation Capital Projects (4204) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
WTP Capital Project Fund (4205) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
WWTP Capital Project Fund (4206) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
PWF Remodel (4126) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Flood Protection Captial Maintenance (4154) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Bridge Repair/Rehab (4122) - - 0.00% - 400,000 100.00%
WW BND Capital Projcet Fund (4702) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
WW 2nd BND Capital Project Fund (4703) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
2016 BND SA Projects (4716) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Capital Replacement Fund (4800) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Sidewalk Repair (4891) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
2021 Special Assessment Project (4921) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
2022 Special Assessment Project (4922) - - 0.00% - - 0.00%
Nuisance Abatement (4999) - - 0.00% 25,000 25,000 0.00%
Street/Infrastructure Fund (4815) - - 0.00% 2,908,430 1,742,293 -40.10%
Total Capital Projects Funds - - 0.00% 2,933,430 2,167,293 -26.12%
3122 GO Bonds - 2016C Refunding Bond 360,700 359,700 -0.28% - - 0.00%
3120 GO Bonds - 2008B Dike Refunding Bonds - - 0.00% 260,850 - -100.00%
3121 GO Bonds - 2011E Dike Bonds 260,850 258,500 -0.90% - - 0.00%
Debt Service Refundings 9,270,830 7,388,603 -20.30% 1,414,524 603,872 -57.31%
3805 Sales Tax Res Rev Bond - 2011A 443,900 - -100.00% - - 0.00%
3806 Sales Tax Res Rev Bond - 2011F 730,750 - -100.00% - - 0.00%
3998 Sidewalk Warrants - - 0.00% 25,000 25,000 0.00%
Total Debt Service Funds 11,067,030 8,006,803 -27.65% 1,700,374 628,872 -63.02%
GRAND TOTALS $ 22,874,045 $ 18,692,066 -18.28% $ 15,862,896 $ 23,246,605 46.55%

City of Grand Forks
2022 Budget
Budget Summary
2021-2022 Budget Comparison
Grand Total
2021 2022 Increase
Budget Budget (Decrease)
Assessor $ 793,766 $ 791,684 -0.26%
Attorney 257,850 314,350 21.91%
Finance & Administrative Services 1,452,322 1,566,494 7.86%
Planning & Zoning 402,726 366,302 -9.04%
City Hall 366,247 393,089 7.33%
Information Technology 1,142,940 1,163,461 1.80%
Inspections 1,325,767 1,435,677 8.29%
Mayor & Council 265,558 324,207 22.09%
City Administrator 274,620 594,922 116.63%
Public Information Center 300,030 - -100.00%
Miscellaneous 1,734,600 2,544,865 46.71%
Human Resources 795,632 811,831 2.04%
Health 1,567,700 1,566,386 -0.08%
4510 Nursing Fees 234,448 330,968 41.17%
4560 Environmental Health Fees 2,000 4,800 140.00%
4570 Local Health Svcs 233,495 231,995 -0.64%
4580 Wellness Program 33,000 33,000 0.00%
Fire 8,708,985 9,049,640 3.91%
Municipal Court 786,884 786,868 0.00%
Police 11,522,259 11,715,394 1.68%
PD40 Police Building 336,140 340,271 1.23%
PD60 Training & Evidence Facility 24,050 24,050 0.00%
Emergency Program Management 95,888 95,888 0.00%
Public Safety Training Center 67,985 67,155 -1.22%
PSAP Allotment 851,036 853,703 0.31%
Engineering 2,505,390 2,869,225 14.52%
Street 4,605,493 4,908,157 6.57%
Total General Fund 40,686,811 43,184,382 6.14%
General Fund Stabilization & Loan Fund 648,587 293,803 -54.70%
Public Building 955,681 1,358,678 42.17%
City Special Assessments 637,851 558,228 -12.48%
Insurance Reserve 425,904 425,650 -0.06%
General Sick Leave 161,475 161,475 0.00%
American Rescue Plan Grant - 10,429,782 100.00%
COVID Relief Funds Grant - 1,932,705 100.00%
Community Development 2,785,647 1,996,117 -28.34%
Health Grants 1,657,100 2,010,958 21.35%
Noxious Weed 5,625 5,625 0.00%
PSAP Communication Center 1,797,052 1,788,936 -0.45%
E-911 System 1,413,977 1,565,360 10.71%
Emergency Levy 143,484 125,888 -12.26%
Police Grants 168,940 250,840 48.48%
Economic Development 1,763,276 2,017,311 14.41%
Municipal Band 16,431 17,900 8.94%
Public Library 3,001,677 3,069,281 2.25%
Library Capital Maintenance 50,000 50,000 0.00%
Special Grants 62,814 60,590 -3.54%
Convention & Visitors B. (2187 - Formerly 7201) 697,500 930,000 33.33%
Animal Control (2184 - Formerly 7202) 173,844 177,831 2.29%
Street/Water Sales Tax 4,449,466 5,595,899 25.77%
Total Special Revenue Funds 21,016,331 34,822,857 65.69%

City of Grand Forks
2022 Budget
Budget Summary
2021-2022 Budget Comparison
Grand Total
2021 2022 Increase
Budget Budget (Decrease)

Santitation Utility 10,986,912 11,048,497 0.56%
Wastewater Utility 11,870,460 15,634,604 31.71%
Waterworks Utility 13,808,244 14,861,024 7.62%
Stormwater Utility 3,074,802 4,975,199 61.81%
Public Transportation 4,224,108 4,011,324 -5.04%
Dial-A-Ride 1,371,603 1,455,841 6.14%
Alerus 18,560,995 21,698,213 16.90%
Mosquito 1,068,390 1,124,013 5.21%
Job Development Authority 6,286,455 6,472,203 2.95%
Municipal Parking 328,700 469,669 42.89%
Total Enterprise Funds 71,580,669 81,750,587 14.21%
Computer Service Fund (6101) 628,090 889,836 41.67%
Central Garage (6102) 1,489,498 1,569,972 5.40%
Central Purchasing (6103) 4,000 - -100.00%
Public Works Facility (6104) 543,939 547,102 0.58%
Total Internal Service Funds 2,665,527 3,006,910 12.81%

Total Operating Budget 135,949,338 162,764,736 19.72%

Waterworks Capital Projects (4201) - 5,000,000 100.00%
Wastewater Capital Projects (4202) 3,000,000 4,000,000 33.33%
Sanitation Capital Projects (4204) - 6,405,700 100.00%
WTP Capital Project Fund (4205) - - 0.00%
WWTP Capital Project Fund (4206) 1,400,000 7,300,000 421.43%
PWF Remodel (4126) - - 0.00%
Flood Protection Captial Maintenance (4154) 1,350,000 1,470,000 8.89%
Bridge Repair/Rehab (4122) - 400,000 100.00%
WW BND Capital Projcet Fund (4702) 1,600,000 - -100.00%
WW 2nd BND Capital Project Fund (4703) - - 0.00%
2016 BND SA Projects (4716) - - 0.00%
Capital Replacement Fund (4800) 449,251 901,871 100.75%
Sidewalk Repair (4891) 50,000 50,000 0.00%
2021 Special Assessment Project (4921) 6,000,000 - -100.00%
2022 Special Assessment Project (4922) - 8,500,000
Nuisance Abatement (4999) 40,500 40,500 0.00%
Street/Infrastructure Fund (4815) 15,828,434 11,235,770 -29.02%
Total Capital Projects Funds 29,718,185 45,303,841 52.44%
3122 GO Bonds - 2016C Refunding Bond 360,700 359,700 -0.28%
3120 GO Bonds - 2008B Dike Refunding Bonds 260,850 - -100.00%
3121 GO Bonds - 2011E Dike Bonds 260,850 258,500 -0.90%
Debt Service Refundings 10,685,354 7,992,475 -25.20%
3805 Sales Tax Res Rev Bond - 2011A 443,900 - -100.00%
3806 Sales Tax Res Rev Bond - 2011F 730,750 - -100.00%
3998 Sidewalk Warrants 25,000 25,000 0.00%
Total Debt Service Funds 12,767,404 8,635,675 -32.36%
GRAND TOTALS $ 178,434,927 $ 216,704,252 21.45%

City of Grand Forks
2022 Budget

Budget Summary (Continued)

Projected Changes in Fund Balance

Projected Total Ending
Budgeted Beginning Fund Available Fund Balance
Revenue Balance 1/1/2022 Funds Expenditures 1/1/2023

1100 General Fund $ 42,827,182 $ 10,500,000 $ 53,484,382 $ 43,184,382 $ 10,300,000

Use of Fire Station Reserve 150,000
Use of Department Carryover 7,200


General Government
2101 General Fund Stabilization & Loan Fund 20,246 2,024,662 2,044,908 293,803 1,751,105
2121 Public Buildings 823,341 830,247 1,653,588 1,358,678 294,910
2145 City Special Assessments 505,366 711,954 1,217,320 558,228 659,092
2151 Insurance Reserve 428,647 100,000 528,647 425,650 102,997
2154 General Sick Leave 3,395 339,593 342,988 161,475 181,513
2199 Community Development 1,014,743 2,734,330 3,749,073 1,996,117 1,752,956
Health and Welfare
2146 Health Grants 1,913,020 97,938 2,010,958 2,010,958 -
2157 Noxious Weed Control 5,056 18,187 23,243 5,625 17,618
Public Safety
2104 PSAP Communication Center 1,925,891 375,746 2,301,637 1,788,936 512,701
2105 E-911 System 1,469,984 1,132,511 2,602,495 1,565,360 1,037,135
2106 Emergency Levy 124,949 229,069 354,018 125,888 228,130
2170 Police Grants 250,840 - 250,840 250,840 -
Economic Development
2163 Economic Development 4,632,285 5,183,866 9,816,151 2,017,311 7,798,840
Culture and Recreation
2109 Municipal Band 17,245 2,912 20,157 17,900 2,257
2124 Public Library 3,069,281 700,000 3,769,281 3,069,281 700,000
2127 Public Library Capital Maint. 15,000 1,400,000 1,415,000 50,000 1,365,000
2139 Special Grants 60,590 - 60,590 60,590 -
Trust & Agency
2187 Convention & Visitors B. 930,000 - 930,000 930,000 -
2184 Animal Control 177,831 - 177,831 177,831 -
2190 American Rescue Plan Grant 5,719,649 4,830,447 10,550,096 10,429,782 120,314
2193 COVID Relief Funds Grant - 1,932,705 1,932,705 1,932,705 -
Infrastructure Capital Fund
2175 Water/Street Sales Tax 5,607,899 1,180,000 6,787,899 5,595,899 1,192,000
2178 Prairie Dog Infrastructure Fund - - - - -
Total Special Revenue Funds 28,715,258 23,824,167 52,539,425 34,822,857 17,716,568

5100 Sanitation 11,060,949 3,500,000 14,560,949 11,048,497 3,512,452
5200 Wastewater 15,644,679 4,000,000 19,644,679 15,634,604 4,010,075
5300 Waterworks 14,940,010 3,000,000 17,940,010 14,861,024 3,078,986
5400 Stormwater 4,557,704 2,467,600 7,025,304 4,975,199 2,050,105
5500 Public Transportation 4,012,067 1,474,762 5,486,829 4,011,324 1,475,505
5600 Dial-A-Ride 1,580,694 210,183 1,790,877 1,455,841 335,036
5700 Alerus Center 20,175,489 3,357,885 23,533,374 21,698,213 1,835,161
5800 Mosquito Control 1,125,000 350,000 1,475,000 1,124,013 350,987
5996 Job Development Authority 3,237,030 15,186,739 18,423,769 6,472,203 11,951,566
5997 Parking Lots 289,140 306,293 595,433 469,669 125,764
Total Enterprise Funds 76,622,762 33,853,462 110,476,224 81,750,587 28,725,637


6101 Computer Service Fund 764,836 125,000 889,836 889,836 -
6102 Central Garage 1,580,000 - 1,580,000 1,569,972 10,028
6104 Public Works Facility 552,939 350,000 902,939 547,102 355,837
Total Internal Service 2,897,775 475,000 3,372,775 3,006,910 365,865

Total Operating Budget 151,062,977 68,652,629 219,872,806 162,764,736 57,108,070

City of Grand Forks
2022 Budget

Budget Summary (Continued)

Projected Changes in Fund Balance

Projected Total Ending
Budgeted Beginning Fund Available Fund Balance
Revenue Balance 1/1/2022 Funds Expenditures 1/1/2023


Permanent Flood Protection - Public Works
4122 Bridge Repair/Rehab 123,050 2,304,999 2,428,049 400,000 2,028,049
4126 PWF Remodel 2,000 200,000 202,000 - 202,000
4154 Flood Protection Capital Mtce 1,920,881 3,790,347 5,711,228 1,470,000 4,241,228
4201 Waterworks Capital Proj 5,000,000 - 5,000,000 5,000,000 -
4202 Wastewater Capital Proj 4,000,000 - 4,000,000 4,000,000 -
4204 Sanitation Capital Proj 6,405,700 - 6,405,700 6,405,700 -
4205 WTP Capital Project Fund - - - - -
4206 WWTP Capital Project Fund 7,300,000 - 7,300,000 7,300,000 -
4702 WW BND Capital Proj - - - - -
4800 Capital Replacement Fund 920,531 2,840 923,371 901,871 21,500
4815 Street/Infrastructure Fund 10,442,200 10,314,962 20,757,162 11,235,770 9,521,392
4891 Sidewalk Repair 50,000 - 50,000 50,000 -
4921 - 2021 Special Assessment Projects - - - - -
4922 - 2022 Special Assessment Projects 8,500,000 - 8,500,000 8,500,000 -
4999 Nuisance Abatements 7,647 67,227 74,874 40,500 34,374
Total Capital Projects 44,672,009 16,680,375 61,352,384 45,303,841 16,048,543


Public Safety
3122 2016C GO Refunding Bonds 359,700 - 359,700 359,700 -
Permanent Flood Protection - Public Works
3121 2011E GO Dike Refunding Bond 3,916 391,637 395,553 258,500 137,053
Total General Obligation 363,616 391,637 755,253 618,200 137,053

Tax Increment
Economic Development
3204 1986A Tax Incr. - Norby's 95,960 (95,960) - - -
Total Tax Increment 95,960 (95,960) - - -

Special Assessment Bonds

3400 Debt Service - Refundings 7,249,783 13,871,984 21,121,767 7,992,475 13,129,292

Revenue Bonds
Economic Development
3998 Sidewalk Warrants 303 30,305 30,608 25,000 5,608
Total Revenue Bonds 303 30,305 30,608 25,000 5,608

Total Debt Service 7,709,662 14,197,966 21,907,628 8,635,675 13,271,953

GRAND TOTAL $ 203,444,648 $ 99,530,970 $ 303,132,818 $ 216,704,252 $ 86,428,566

City of Grand Forks
2022 Budget
General Fund Summary
As of 7/9/2021 BUDGET BUDGET Change
Revenue $ 40,270,200 $ 42,629,339 $ 2,359,139
Use of Loan/Stabilization Cash - $ 197,843 197,843
Use of General Fund Cash 200,000 207,200 7,200
Use of Fire station reserve 216,611 150,000 (66,611)
Expense (40,686,811) (43,184,382) (2,497,571)
Net $ - $ - $ -
RE Tax - for GF operations (1) $ 16,510,183 $ 16,858,602 $ 348,419
Apply discount for RE Tax (250,000) (350,000) $ (100,000)
Airport RE Tax 970,665 987,058 $ 16,393
Pmt In Lieu-Utilities 825,972 976,047 $ 150,075
Sales Tax 4,235,413 5,326,694 $ 1,091,281
Fire Prevention Tax 20,000 20,000 $ -
License & Permit Fees 1,516,185 1,894,420 $ 378,235
State Aid 2,613,469 3,215,000 $ 601,531
Other Intergovernmental 1,110,976 1,143,235 $ 32,259
Charges for Services 6,953,105 7,479,567 $ 526,462
Fines & Forfeitures 753,000 690,000 $ (63,000)
Franchise Fees 2,375,000 2,560,000 $ 185,000
Interest & Other misc 202,880 177,880 $ (25,000)
Operating Transfers In 2,433,352 1,650,836 $ (782,516)
Annual revenue stream 40,270,200 42,629,339 2,359,139
Use of Loan/Stabilization Cash - 197,843 197,843
Use of Fire Reserve Cash 216,611 150,000 (66,611)
Use of General Fund Cash 200,000 207,200 7,200
Total Revenue 40,686,811 43,184,382 2,497,571


Personnel Services 23,064,102 24,653,911 1,589,809
Benefits 9,560,839 9,942,710 381,871
Materials & Supplies 1,149,170 1,177,363 28,193
Utilities 868,806 869,406 600
Contract Services 1,306,894 1,372,827 65,933
Mtce Structures 344,326 349,751 5,425
Mtce Equip 1,022,925 1,086,504 63,579
Other Operations 2,234,514 2,382,928 148,414
PSAP Allotment 851,036 853,703 2,667
Capital & Capital Leases 284,199 345,279 61,080
Capital Replacement Reserve - 150,000 150,000
Total Expense $ 40,686,811 $ 43,184,382 $ 2,497,571
Net Change - revenue over/(under) expense $ - $ - $ -

(1) Based on reduction of mills (0.20 mill reduction General Fund; 0.88 mill reduction in total)

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget
General Fund Projection

GENERAL FUND 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

Total Revenue 42,827,182 43,780,665 44,805,556 46,122,537 47,642,368 49,138,250
Use of Department Cash Carryover 7,200 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
Use of Fire Station Reserve Cash 150,000 200,000 200,000 241,146 - -
Total Sources of Funds 42,984,382 44,080,665 45,105,556 46,463,683 47,742,368 49,238,250
Total Expenditures 43,184,382 44,159,206 45,290,088 46,511,800 47,821,895 49,273,880
Annual Revenue over/(under) expenditures (200,000) (78,541) (184,532) (48,117) (79,527) (35,630)
Cash Balance - Beginning $ 10,500,000 $ 10,300,000 $ 10,221,459 $ 10,036,927 $ 9,988,810 $ 9,909,283
Cash Balance - Ending $ 10,300,000 $ 10,221,459 $ 10,036,927 $ 9,988,810 $ 9,909,283 $ 9,873,653
24% 23% 23% 22% 21% 20%
Mill decrease 2022 0.88 mills; 0.50 of these from General Fund
Hold mills steady 2023 thru 2027 in total City funds
Property Tax budgeted w/growth as projected in budget model (ranging from 1.52 to 3.54%)
Hold Sales Tax & State Aid Budget at 2020 actual; 2% growth thereafter
2% increase per year in salaries

General Fund - Revenues

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 1100 - General Fund

Real Estate Taxes
1100.000 301.0010 Current Real Estate Taxes 15,271,690.00 14,518,649.09 15,786,981.00 15,224,334.34 16,510,183.00 16,858,602.00

1100.000 301.0011 Discount 5% on RE Taxes .00 .00 (100,000.00) .00 (250,000.00) (350,000.00)

1100.000 301.0015 Curr. RE - Airport Levy 924,254.00 .00 937,682.00 .00 970,665.00 987,058.00

1100.000 301.0020 Penalty-Delinq Re Taxes .00 61,611.09 .00 85,272.40 .00 .00

1100.000 301.0100 Payment in Lieu of Taxes 779,131.00 779,131.00 818,932.00 818,896.00 825,972.00 976,047.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Sanitation 1.0000 68,433.00 68,433.00

Mayor's Budget Wastewater 1.0000 462,944.00 462,944.00

Mayor's Budget Stormwater 1.0000 38,172.00 38,172.00

Mayor's Budget Water 1.0000 360,128.00 360,128.00

Mayor's Budget Public Transit 1.0000 46,370.00 46,370.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $976,047.00

Real Estate Taxes Totals $16,975,075.00 $15,359,391.18 $17,443,595.00 $16,128,502.74 $18,056,820.00 $18,471,707.00

General Sales Tax

1100.000 302.0010 City Sales Tax 4,779,967.00 5,123,272.99 4,973,100.00 5,326,693.96 4,235,413.00 5,326,694.00

General Sales Tax Totals $4,779,967.00 $5,123,272.99 $4,973,100.00 $5,326,693.96 $4,235,413.00 $5,326,694.00

Other Taxes
1100.000 305.0010 Fire Prevention Tax 20,000.00 23,868.27 20,000.00 22,893.04 20,000.00 20,000.00

Other Taxes Totals $20,000.00 $23,868.27 $20,000.00 $22,893.04 $20,000.00 $20,000.00

Licenses And Permits

1100.000 311.0010 Alcoholic Beverage License 350,000.00 321,396.64 91,995.00 86,784.57 257,000.00 300,000.00

1100.000 311.0040 Bakery License 2,000.00 1,820.00 2,000.00 780.00 2,000.00 2,000.00

1100.000 311.0060 Butcher Shop License 2,000.00 2,095.00 1,700.00 1,250.00 1,700.00 1,700.00

1100.000 311.0070 Carnival-Circus License 1,675.00 1,675.00 1,675.00 .00 1,675.00 1,675.00

1100.000 311.0080 Cat License 1,500.00 2,118.00 2,200.00 1,857.00 2,200.00 2,000.00

1100.000 311.0090 Taxi / Limo Driver License 2,000.00 815.00 2,000.00 400.00 1,000.00 500.00

1100.000 311.0110 Dog License 5,800.00 7,244.00 6,500.00 5,460.00 6,500.00 6,000.00

General Fund - Revenues

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
1100.000 311.0120 Electrical Contractor License 16,000.00 15,640.00 18,500.00 19,210.00 12,500.00 17,306.00


Level Comment
Department Requested 5 YEAR AVG

1100.000 311.0160 Games/Chance Site Authorization 4,700.00 4,950.00 4,700.00 4,165.00 4,700.00 4,700.00

1100.000 311.0170 Games/Chance % Of Gross .00 (15.00) .00 .00 .00 .00

1100.000 311.0175 General Contractor License 25,000.00 23,880.00 25,000.00 27,420.00 19,000.00 25,272.00


Level Comment
Department Requested 5 YEAR AVG

1100.000 311.0180 Grocery Store License 9,000.00 10,170.00 8,500.00 3,860.00 8,500.00 8,500.00

1100.000 311.0210 Housemover License 340.00 170.00 170.00 170.00 170.00 238.00

1100.000 311.0220 Merchant-Transient 450.00 .00 450.00 .00 450.00 450.00

1100.000 311.0230 Mech Installer-Journeyman 10,500.00 10,010.00 10,500.00 12,540.00 10,000.00 10,956.00


Level Comment
Department Requested 5 YEAR AVE

1100.000 311.0240 Mech Installer-Master 14,500.00 14,620.00 17,200.00 19,040.00 14,000.00 16,354.00


Level Comment
Department Requested 5 YEAR AVE

1100.000 311.0250 Mobile Ice Cream Vendor 3,500.00 3,643.75 3,500.00 2,825.00 3,500.00 3,500.00

1100.000 311.0260 Motel License 3,500.00 2,530.00 3,500.00 2,530.00 2,500.00 2,500.00

1100.000 311.0270 Pawnbroker License 500.00 675.00 500.00 225.00 500.00 500.00

1100.000 311.0300 Plumber-Master License 8,800.00 9,075.00 12,000.00 10,030.00 9,000.00 9,668.00


Level Comment
Department Requested 5 YEAR AVG

1100.000 311.0315 Rental Program License 35,000.00 51,815.00 35,000.00 49,200.00 35,000.00 40,830.00


General Fund - Revenues

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Level Comment
Department Requested 5 YEAR AVG

1100.000 311.0320 Restaurant License 55,000.00 73,075.00 14,770.00 14,081.00 58,500.00 70,000.00

1100.000 311.0345 Sexually Oriented Business License 500.00 925.00 500.00 225.00 500.00 500.00

1100.000 311.0350 Sidewalk Builder License 450.00 450.00 450.00 600.00 450.00 480.00


Level Comment
Department Requested 5 YEAR AVG

1100.000 311.0360 Sign Hanger License 2,000.00 1,610.00 2,000.00 1,610.00 1,500.00 1,823.00


Level Comment
Department Requested 5 YEAR AVG

1100.000 311.0365 Smoke Free Workplace Variance Application .00 .00 .00 100.00 .00 .00
1100.000 311.0370 Swimming Pool License 9,000.00 9,675.00 9,000.00 7,650.00 7,500.00 7,500.00

1100.000 311.0380 Taxicab License 1,000.00 210.00 1,000.00 140.00 210.00 210.00

1100.000 311.0385 Towing Business License 100.00 70.00 100.00 70.00 100.00 100.00

1100.000 311.0386 Towing Driver's License 500.00 105.00 500.00 455.00 105.00 105.00

1100.000 311.0395 Tobacco-Retail License 5,200.00 5,525.00 6,000.00 1,275.00 5,525.00 5,525.00

1100.000 311.0440 Body Art License 1,500.00 3,350.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 3,000.00

1100.000 311.0460 Excavators License 3,600.00 3,910.00 3,000.00 4,140.00 3,000.00 3,381.00


Level Comment
Department Requested 5 YEAR AVG

1100.000 312.0010 Building Permits 800,000.00 1,064,678.50 900,000.00 1,292,732.00 750,000.00 962,366.00


Level Comment
Department Requested Based on 5 year average

1100.000 312.0020 Driveway-Curbcut Permit 3,000.00 5,540.00 6,000.00 6,230.00 4,000.00 4,956.00


Level Comment

General Fund - Revenues

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Department Requested 5 YEAR AVG

1100.000 312.0025 Stormwater Pollution Perm 6,200.00 8,874.88 6,200.00 8,052.52 6,500.00 8,565.00


Level Comment
Department Requested 5 YEAR AVG

1100.000 312.0030 Electric Permit 170,000.00 123,967.03 170,000.00 179,044.87 123,000.00 159,292.00


Level Comment
Department Requested 5 YEAR AVG

1100.000 312.0040 Heating Permit 65,000.00 64,073.50 80,000.00 90,830.50 55,000.00 73,844.00


Level Comment
Department Requested 5 YEAR AVG

1100.000 312.0050 Plumbing Permit 50,000.00 27,972.00 50,000.00 61,677.00 31,000.00 44,118.00


Level Comment
Department Requested 5 YEAR AVG

1100.000 312.0060 Sidewalk Permit 3,600.00 5,340.00 6,000.00 6,470.00 3,900.00 5,163.00


Level Comment
Department Requested 5 YEAR AVG

1100.000 312.0070 Sign Permit 22,000.00 16,107.00 20,000.00 27,090.00 13,000.00 19,421.00


Level Comment
Department Requested 5 YEAR AVG

1100.000 312.0080 Fire Permit 42,000.00 44,175.00 42,000.00 41,325.00 35,000.00 40,000.00

1100.000 312.0140 Bldg Demolition Permit .00 1,920.00 .00 1,480.00 .00 .00

1100.000 312.0150 Excavating Permit 25,000.00 29,625.00 30,000.00 30,200.00 24,000.00 29,422.00


Level Comment

General Fund - Revenues

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Department Requested 5 YEAR AVG

Licenses And Permits Totals $1,762,415.00 $1,975,505.30 $1,596,610.00 $2,025,224.46 $1,516,185.00 $1,894,420.00

1100.000 321.0020 FEMA 1,026.00 1,026.51 45,197.00 54,560.60 .00 .00

1100.000 321.0080 UAS - Operation Stonegarden Grant .00 .00 11,522.00 11,522.23 .00 .00

1100.000 322.0005 ND Coronavirus Relief Funds .00 .00 7,141,838.00 7,240,012.17 .00 .00

1100.000 322.0006 CARES Unemployment .00 .00 .00 4,876.38 .00 .00

1100.000 322.0030 Health-Local Hlth Svc.Grn 242,495.00 241,759.00 242,495.00 241,024.00 242,495.00 241,023.00

1100.000 322.0040 Health-Supplement Grant .00 .00 2,000.00 .00 .00 .00

1100.000 322.0080 Communicable Disease Grnt 4,000.00 3,435.00 4,000.00 3,562.00 2,100.00 2,100.00

1100.000 322.0082 Health - TB Control Grant 9,000.00 8,925.82 7,000.00 13,604.99 6,300.00 8,900.00

1100.000 322.0086 Gaming Enforcem't Grant 19,000.00 42,817.00 19,000.00 17,990.00 19,000.00 19,000.00

1100.000 322.0167 SIRN State Grant .00 .00 399,000.00 .00 .00 .00

1100.000 324.0010 Cigarette Tax 120,000.00 139,117.42 120,000.00 139,180.11 135,000.00 135,000.00

1100.000 324.0060 Insurance Refund-Fire 149,000.00 185,230.03 192,500.00 189,444.05 192,500.00 208,000.00

1100.000 324.0080 Senior Citizens Tax 125,000.00 148,896.89 140,000.00 146,882.04 117,795.00 116,006.00

1100.000 324.0081 Disabled Veteran Credit 80,000.00 102,359.54 80,000.00 109,192.84 106,471.00 114,898.00

1100.000 324.0091 State Aid 3,100,000.00 3,743,718.01 3,650,000.00 3,215,584.04 2,613,469.00 3,215,000.00

1100.000 324.0095 Communication In-Lieu Tax 75,000.00 77,380.49 75,000.00 78,811.17 75,000.00 75,000.00

1100.000 325.0030 Mobile Home Tax 45,000.00 46,066.00 50,000.00 57,509.57 46,000.00 50,000.00

1100.000 327.0000 Private Grants .00 .00 5,000.00 5,000.00 .00 .00

1100.000 327.0100 Match-COPS Grant 158,505.00 158,506.35 158,872.00 158,871.99 168,315.00 173,308.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget School Resource Officers - share cost city/school - currently 1.0000 173,308.00 173,308.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $173,308.00

Intergovernmental Totals $4,128,026.00 $4,899,238.06 $12,343,424.00 $11,687,628.18 $3,724,445.00 $4,358,235.00

Charges For Services

1100.000 311.0321 Food license late fee .00 105.90 .00 415.95 .00 .00

1100.000 330.0010 Admin Fees - Projects 525,000.00 1,114,934.82 521,550.00 1,120,423.40 450,000.00 450,000.00

1100.000 330.0020 Admin Fees - Other Depts 760,694.00 760,693.99 760,694.00 760,694.04 764,583.00 765,032.00

General Fund - Revenues

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
1100.000 330.0025 Admin Fees - Wage Reimbmt 3,728,890.00 3,733,560.00 3,852,891.00 3,842,892.00 4,362,335.00 4,797,512.00

1100.000 330.0030 Admin Fees - Conv&Vis Bur 7,500.00 9,657.09 9,000.00 9,822.64 6,750.00 6,750.00

1100.000 331.0010 Concessions .00 100.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

1100.000 332.0020 Engineering Fees-Projects 535,000.00 859,226.12 500,000.00 553,556.80 450,000.00 450,000.00

1100.000 332.0021 Eng Fees-Developer Proj 10,000.00 31,961.39 10,000.00 48,521.66 25,000.00 25,000.00

1100.000 332.0035 Zoning Letter Application 500.00 .00 500.00 .00 .00 .00

1100.000 332.0040 Other - N.O.C. 7,740.00 9,845.21 7,740.00 9,155.00 10,000.00 10,000.00

1100.000 333.0010 Animal Impound 6,000.00 6,160.00 6,000.00 4,805.00 6,000.00 6,000.00

1100.000 333.0030 Pictures .00 .00 .00 30.00 .00 .00

1100.000 333.0040 Auction Sales 20,000.00 34,231.70 20,448.00 33,869.47 20,000.00 20,000.00

1100.000 333.0060 Special Police Services 1,603.00 27,301.27 170.00 12,144.92 .00 .00

1100.000 333.0080 Wrecker Fees 25,000.00 20,261.25 25,000.00 11,938.50 20,000.00 20,000.00

1100.000 333.0090 Tactical Team Reimbursmnt 8,338.00 12,507.70 18,341.00 21,508.26 .00 .00

1100.000 333.0094 ICAC Reimbursement 309.00 409.72 .00 .00 .00 .00

1100.000 333.0095 ICE Reimb-PD(Immigration) 2,517.00 4,766.99 2,775.00 6,230.07 .00 .00

1100.000 333.0200 Other, NOC Police 30,395.00 30,469.13 50,332.00 48,567.70 2,000.00 2,000.00

1100.000 334.0010 Wellness Program 1,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 1,000.00

1100.000 334.0095 Food Svc Mgr Cert. Class 1,220.00 3,355.62 2,000.00 3,859.23 2,000.00 2,000.00

1100.000 335.0005 State Viral HepatitisProg 1,000.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

1100.000 335.0010 Immunizations 95,000.00 80,972.97 80,000.00 37,329.85 64,500.00 64,000.00

1100.000 335.0030 Donations 100.00 100.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 .00 .00

1100.000 335.0045 Child Safety Seats 500.00 160.00 100.00 5.00 150.00 150.00

1100.000 335.0050 Nursing Screening 20,000.00 15,090.01 18,016.00 5,864.97 10,570.00 7,000.00

1100.000 335.0070 Correctional Center Fee 210,949.00 212,435.31 210,000.00 231,205.18 150,000.00 247,818.00

1100.000 335.0075 Juvenile Detention Center Fee 2,000.00 729.43 1,500.00 2,098.20 828.00 1,000.00

1100.000 335.0080 Veteran's Home Nursing 6,000.00 .00 1,000.00 .00 .00 .00

1100.000 339.0025 Financial Svc.Fee-Library 1,905.00 2,200.00 1,905.00 1,905.00 2,200.00 2,200.00

1100.000 339.0030 Outside Fire Protection 2,900.00 (1,548.18) .00 .00 .00 .00

1100.000 339.0035 Special Fire Services .00 .00 131,144.00 131,142.27 .00 .00

1100.000 339.0050 County Health Fee 521,312.00 508,312.00 556,586.00 541,085.00 572,189.00 571,105.00

General Fund - Revenues

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
1100.000 339.0051 County Wellness Program 13,000.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 13,000.00 13,000.00

1100.000 339.0110 Land Development Code Fee 20,000.00 20,180.00 20,000.00 17,855.00 20,000.00 18,000.00

1100.000 339.0115 Outdoor Seating Fee .00 275.00 .00 25.00 .00 .00

Charges For Services Totals $6,566,372.00 $7,511,954.44 $6,822,692.00 $7,470,950.11 $6,953,105.00 $7,479,567.00

Special Assessments
1100.000 350.0010 Current Sp Assessments 3,900.00 3,782.67 .00 98,319.46 .00 .00

1100.000 350.0030 Deferred Sp Assessments .00 1,803.03 .00 6,129.12 .00 .00

1100.000 350.0050 Interest Sp Assessments 1,622.00 1,645.89 .00 27,718.96 .00 .00

1100.000 350.0060 Sp Assess Paid In Advance .00 .00 .00 149.40 .00 .00

1100.000 350.0070 Penalty & Int On Delnq Sp 50,000.00 55,072.98 .00 109,392.56 .00 .00

Special Assessments Totals $55,522.00 $62,304.57 $0.00 $241,709.50 $0.00 $0.00

Fines And Forfeitures

1100.000 355.0010 Court Levied Fines 550,000.00 504,810.32 550,000.00 470,315.90 528,000.00 528,000.00

1100.000 355.0015 Marcy's Law Fees .00 .00 375.00 .00 .00 .00

1100.000 355.0030 Parking Fines 250,000.00 208,167.00 250,000.00 134,835.00 210,000.00 150,000.00

1100.000 355.0035 Parking Fines - Handicap .00 1,350.00 .00 350.00 .00 .00

1100.000 355.0037 Parking Fines - Refunds .00 .00 .00 5.00 .00 .00

1100.000 355.0040 County Court Fines 1,000.00 402.30 1,000.00 859.80 1,000.00 1,000.00

1100.000 355.0045 Reimbursement-Attorney Fe 10,000.00 12,003.68 10,000.00 8,466.50 12,000.00 10,000.00

1100.000 355.0050 Other N.O.C. 2,000.00 2,800.00 2,000.00 660.00 2,000.00 1,000.00

Fines And Forfeitures Totals $813,000.00 $729,533.30 $813,375.00 $615,492.20 $753,000.00 $690,000.00

1100.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments 174,500.00 258,420.23 150,000.00 152,012.06 125,000.00 100,000.00

Interest Totals $174,500.00 $258,420.23 $150,000.00 $152,012.06 $125,000.00 $100,000.00

1100.000 357.0010 CATV Franchise Fee 920,000.00 832,695.73 895,000.00 767,363.91 785,000.00 710,000.00

1100.000 357.0020 Nodak Franchise Fee 365,000.00 393,654.18 390,000.00 390,338.08 390,000.00 650,000.00

1100.000 357.0030 Xcel Franchise Fee 1,200,000.00 1,218,553.77 1,250,000.00 1,202,980.75 1,200,000.00 1,200,000.00

1100.000 357.0044 Credit Card Rebate Program 40,000.00 38,347.52 25,000.00 44,508.43 25,000.00 25,000.00

1100.000 357.0047 HR-Application/Test Fee .00 1,920.00 .00 435.00 .00 .00

General Fund - Revenues

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
1100.000 357.0080 Photo Copies 10,000.00 12,513.18 10,000.00 7,531.25 10,000.00 10,000.00

1100.000 357.0083 UND Internship Program Reimbursement 35,000.00 34,630.50 34,227.00 34,227.19 .00 .00

1100.000 357.0086 Rent-DES 2007SHSP/LETPP .00 3,000.00 .00 3,000.00 .00 .00

1100.000 357.0088 Rent-MPO 2,836.00 .00 2,880.00 5,804.84 2,880.00 2,880.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget $720 per Quarter 4.0000 720.00 2,880.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $2,880.00

1100.000 357.0106 Contrib-NationalNightOut 1,000.00 1,000.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

1100.000 357.0173 Donations-PD 6,000.00 5,500.00 1,858.00 1,858.00 .00 .00

1100.000 357.0200 Other N.O.C. 2,342.00 (4,123.42) 639.00 3,157.97 .00 .00

1100.000 357.0201 Reimbursement for Labor/OT .00 1,047.56 .00 .00 .00 .00

1100.000 357.0205 Credit Card Fees-Passthru .00 .00 .00 .90 .00 .00

1100.000 357.0235 PD Sponsored Seminar Fee 2,080.00 2,080.00 225.00 225.00 .00 .00

1100.000 357.0236 PD-DL Peace Offc Training 15,150.00 15,150.00 15,150.00 15,150.00 12,000.00 12,000.00

1100.000 361.0092 Lease-Cell Tower Space 12,000.00 11,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00

Miscellaneous Totals $2,611,408.00 $2,566,969.02 $2,636,979.00 $2,488,581.32 $2,436,880.00 $2,621,880.00

Other Financing Sources

1100.000 361.0050 Damages-Traffic Signs .00 911.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

1100.000 361.0090 Sale Of Property .00 18,353.00 41,085.00 41,595.50 .00 .00

1100.000 361.0100 Other N.O.C. .00 22,932.56 .00 2,147.77 .00 .00

Other Financing Sources Totals $0.00 $42,196.56 $41,085.00 $43,743.27 $0.00 $0.00

Operating Revenues
1100.000 337.0120 Council Mtg Sponsorships 10,000.00 3,550.00 5,000.00 3,705.00 4,000.00 4,000.00

1100.000 337.0125 Advertising 18,000.00 11,258.00 15,000.00 8,532.00 12,000.00 12,000.00

1100.000 338.0065 Reimb. Tapping Charges .00 5,918.50 .00 9,994.00 .00 .00

1100.000 338.0195 Snow Removal Fee .00 1,697.00 .00 4,835.00 .00 .00

Operating Revenues Totals $28,000.00 $22,423.50 $20,000.00 $27,066.00 $16,000.00 $16,000.00

Operating Transfers In
1100.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In 2,386,357.00 1,866,988.76 2,012,831.00 2,012,831.38 2,433,352.00 1,848,679.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

General Fund - Revenues

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget Transfer from E911 2105 for IT Services 1.0000 20,000.00 20,000.00

Mayor's Budget Transfer from - 4815 for Street Operations 1.0000 1,300,000.00 1,300,000.00

Mayor's Budget Transfer from 4999 1.0000 25,000.00 25,000.00

Mayor's Budget Transfer from 3998 1.0000 25,000.00 25,000.00

Mayor's Budget Transfer In from 2175 - Street Mtce Materials 1.0000 184,948.00 184,948.00

Mayor's Budget Transfer from 2106 - Emergency Mgmt 1.0000 95,888.00 95,888.00

Mayor's Budget Transfer from 2101 - Loan & Stabilization 1.0000 197,843.00 197,843.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,848,679.00

Operating Transfers In Totals $2,386,357.00 $1,866,988.76 $2,012,831.00 $2,012,831.38 $2,433,352.00 $1,848,679.00

Extraordinary Revenue
1100.000 374.0000 Unrealized Gain on Invest .00 112,804.18 .00 91,561.46 .00 .00

Extraordinary Revenue Totals $0.00 $112,804.18 $0.00 $91,561.46 $0.00 $0.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
1100.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget 8,973,504.00 .00 8,950,152.00 .00 8,400,000.00 10,500,000.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Use of GF Cash to Achieve 80% of Market (Salary Plan) 1.0000 129,000.00 129,000.00

Mayor's Budget General Fund Unassigned Beginning Cash Balance 1.0000 10,371,000.00 10,371,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $10,500,000.00

1100.000 390.0050 Use of Reserve Cash 365,000.00 .00 365,000.00 .00 216,611.00 150,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Use of Fire Reserve for Capital 1.0000 150,000.00 150,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $150,000.00

1100.000 390.0060 Use of DepartmntCarryover 170,187.00 .00 142,300.00 .00 200,000.00 7,200.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Use of Department Carryover - Assessing - Vanguard 1.0000 7,200.00 7,200.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $7,200.00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $9,508,691.00 $0.00 $9,457,452.00 $0.00 $8,816,611.00 $10,657,200.00

REVENUE TOTALS $49,809,333.00 $40,554,870.36 $58,331,143.00 $48,334,889.68 $49,086,811.00 $53,484,382.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 1100 - General Fund


Department 005 - Assessor

Personnel Services
1100.005 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 485,084.00 480,679.37 510,824.00 494,257.56 510,443.00 524,683.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - City Assessor - Range 74 1.0000 119,028.00 119,028.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Deputy City Assessor - Range 64 1.0000 86,735.00 86,735.00

Mayor's Budget 4 - Real Estate Appraiser, Sr - Range 57 1.0000 262,703.00 262,703.00

Mayor's Budget 1 -Assessing Specialist - Range 34 1.0000 41,953.00 41,953.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - GIS Analyst - Range 52 (25%) 1.0000 14,264.00 14,264.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $524,683.00

1100.005 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 2,072.00 2,071.26 3,174.00 3,173.24 3,500.00 3,500.00

Personnel Services Totals $487,156.00 $482,750.63 $513,998.00 $497,430.80 $513,943.00 $528,183.00

Fringe Benefits
1100.005 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 30,256.00 28,531.91 31,857.00 29,206.92 31,864.00 32,747.00

1100.005 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 7,076.00 6,672.78 7,450.00 6,830.65 7,452.00 7,659.00

1100.005 402.0005 Post Employment Health 3,633.00 3,649.81 3,589.00 3,465.00 3,465.00 3,589.00

1100.005 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 59,148.00 59,147.72 63,568.00 63,567.96 83,272.00 73,051.00

1100.005 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 386.00 387.55 381.00 320.88 371.00 392.00

1100.005 402.0030 Disability Insurance 1,556.00 1,586.54 1,640.00 1,530.45 1,661.00 1,627.00

1100.005 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 78,635.00 78,635.00 70,185.00 70,185.00 55,994.00 55,994.00

1100.005 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 40,114.00 39,704.18 40,826.00 40,825.45 42,186.00 43,339.00

1100.005 402.0053 Vehicle Flat Rate 3,600.00 3,600.00 3,600.00 1,280.00 1,440.00 1,440.00

1100.005 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 2,400.00 2,160.00 2,400.00 1,460.00 1,080.00 2,175.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $226,804.00 $224,075.49 $225,496.00 $218,672.31 $228,785.00 $222,013.00

Material And Supplies

1100.005 410.0010 Books & Subscriptions 23,450.00 20,859.88 22,819.00 22,819.00 19,350.00 19,350.00

Budget Transactions


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Vanguard Website (Use of Carry Over) 1.0000 4,400.00 4,400.00

Mayor's Budget Vanguard Annual User Fees (ALL) 1.0000 12,150.00 12,150.00

Mayor's Budget Vanguard Archive (Use of Carry Over) 1.0000 2,800.00 2,800.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $19,350.00

1100.005 410.0020 Office Supplies 3,000.00 2,432.53 3,586.00 1,691.95 2,500.00 2,500.00

1100.005 410.0090 Surveying Supplies 200.00 43.19 200.00 .00 200.00 200.00

Material And Supplies Totals $26,650.00 $23,335.60 $26,605.00 $24,510.95 $22,050.00 $22,050.00

Contractual Services
1100.005 430.0030 Lease & Rental 275.00 .00 275.00 .00 275.00 275.00

1100.005 430.0110 Printing 200.00 .00 200.00 .00 200.00 200.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Hang Tags 1.0000 200.00 200.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $200.00

1100.005 430.0170 Maintenance Agreements 800.00 163.66 800.00 182.54 800.00 800.00

Contractual Services Totals $1,275.00 $163.66 $1,275.00 $182.54 $1,275.00 $1,275.00

Maintenance Equipment
1100.005 450.0070 Mtce Office Equipment 275.00 .00 275.00 .00 275.00 275.00

1100.005 450.0610 IS-Capital Replacement Ex 2,750.00 2,750.00 2,750.00 2,750.00 2,750.00 .00

1100.005 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 1,600.00 1,600.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 .00

1100.005 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 2,400.00 2,400.00 2,560.00 2,560.00 2,560.00 .00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $7,025.00 $6,750.00 $7,985.00 $7,710.00 $7,985.00 $275.00

Other Operating Expenses

1100.005 460.0015 Cell Phone Charges .00 .00 55.00 55.00 .00 .00

1100.005 460.0016 Data Fees 2,400.00 2,400.60 700.00 699.85 2,400.00 960.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 5 data users (mifi) 2.0000 480.00 960.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $960.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
1100.005 460.0020 Telephone 796.00 796.49 993.00 993.24 900.00 1,000.00

1100.005 460.0040 Postage 2,000.00 2,142.07 2,166.00 2,442.38 2,000.00 2,500.00

1100.005 460.0050 Education & Training 14,000.00 13,586.81 10,000.00 8,701.20 5,000.00 5,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Land Records Technician Cont ED (1/3) 1.0000 1,000.00 1,000.00

Mayor's Budget Budget Reductions 1.0000 (5,000.00) (5,000.00)

Mayor's Budget Vanguard training hours 10.0000 125.00 1,250.00

Mayor's Budget ND Tax Dept Training 1.0000 2,750.00 2,750.00

Mayor's Budget NCRAAO 1.0000 1,700.00 1,700.00

Mayor's Budget NDAAO annual Conference & State BOE 1.0000 1,500.00 1,500.00

Mayor's Budget Vanguard User group 6.0000 300.00 1,800.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $5,000.00

1100.005 460.0060 Travel 8,000.00 4,696.98 8,365.00 2,345.31 6,000.00 5,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget In city travel - appraisers-assessor 1.0000 5,000.00 5,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $5,000.00

1100.005 460.0090 Dues 3,678.00 3,770.47 3,678.00 2,907.75 3,428.00 3,428.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget MLS User Fee 5.0000 100.00 500.00

Mayor's Budget State Assessor Association 6.0000 30.00 180.00

Mayor's Budget IAAO 1.0000 250.00 250.00

Mayor's Budget CoStar 1.0000 2,388.00 2,388.00

Mayor's Budget Realty Rates 1.0000 110.00 110.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $3,428.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $30,874.00 $27,393.42 $25,957.00 $18,144.73 $19,728.00 $17,888.00

Department 005 - Assessor Totals $779,784.00 $764,468.80 $801,316.00 $766,651.33 $793,766.00 $791,684.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 1100 - General Fund


Department 010 - Attorney

Material And Supplies
1100.010 410.0010 Books & Subscriptions 22,094.00 22,093.80 15,231.00 15,230.63 8,000.00 .00

1100.010 410.0020 Office Supplies 517.00 516.71 655.00 654.61 500.00 .00

Material And Supplies Totals $22,611.00 $22,610.51 $15,886.00 $15,885.24 $8,500.00 $0.00

Contractual Services
1100.010 430.0015 Contracted PersonnelSvcs. 233,462.00 239,325.24 282,544.00 282,543.61 195,000.00 230,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget City Attorney 1.0000 90,000.00 90,000.00

Mayor's Budget Prosecutor 1.0000 140,000.00 140,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $230,000.00

1100.010 430.0150 Consultants 10,631.00 10,630.87 .00 .00 .00 .00

1100.010 430.0170 Maintenance Agreements 300.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Contractual Services Totals $244,393.00 $249,956.11 $282,544.00 $282,543.61 $195,000.00 $230,000.00

Other Operating Expenses

1100.010 460.0020 Telephone 309.00 308.95 451.00 451.44 .00 .00

1100.010 460.0050 Education & Training .00 .00 .00 .00 500.00 500.00

1100.010 460.0060 Travel 5,987.00 5,986.56 350.00 350.00 3,000.00 3,000.00

1100.010 460.0090 Dues 695.00 695.00 695.00 695.00 850.00 850.00

1100.010 460.0170 Attorney Fees 38,895.00 38,894.41 132,799.00 132,799.00 50,000.00 80,000.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $45,886.00 $45,884.92 $134,295.00 $134,295.44 $54,350.00 $84,350.00

Capital Outlay
1100.010 700.0040 Furniture & Fixtures 2,524.00 2,523.99 .00 .00 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $2,524.00 $2,523.99 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Department 010 - Attorney Totals $315,414.00 $320,975.53 $432,725.00 $432,724.29 $257,850.00 $314,350.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 1100 - General Fund


Department 015 - Finance & Admin. Services

Personnel Services
1100.015 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 933,164.00 932,892.21 984,081.00 960,854.34 985,882.00 1,040,482.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Administrative Specialist - Range 34 1.0000 39,187.00 39,187.00

Mayor's Budget 3 - Accounting Technician - Range 40 1.0000 131,893.00 131,893.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Administrative Specialist, Senior- Range 41 1.0000 45,406.00 45,406.00

Mayor's Budget 3 - Accounting Specialist - Range 46 1.0000 172,309.00 172,309.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - City Clerk - Range 50 1.0000 64,668.00 64,668.00

Mayor's Budget 3 - Accountant - Range 52 1.0000 169,541.00 169,541.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Budget Officer - Range 60 1.0000 82,076.00 82,076.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Special Assessment Coordinator - Range 62 1.0000 89,482.00 89,482.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Assistant Finance Director - Range 70 1.0000 110,033.00 110,033.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Finance Director - Range 80 1.0000 135,887.00 135,887.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,040,482.00

1100.015 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 74,500.00 74,420.40 19,900.00 19,741.28 1,800.00 1,800.00

1100.015 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 30,603.00 30,602.25 9,558.00 9,542.43 7,500.00 10,000.00

1100.015 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 24,699.00 24,698.26 13,933.00 13,932.05 8,000.00 12,000.00

Personnel Services Totals $1,062,966.00 $1,062,613.12 $1,027,472.00 $1,004,070.10 $1,003,182.00 $1,064,282.00

Fringe Benefits
1100.015 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 62,950.00 62,879.55 63,183.00 58,771.64 62,197.00 65,986.00

1100.015 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 14,754.00 14,705.71 14,777.00 13,744.98 14,546.00 15,432.00

1100.015 402.0005 Post Employment Health 6,930.00 6,641.26 7,425.00 6,971.25 7,425.00 7,920.00

1100.015 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 101,873.00 106,919.58 118,372.00 118,371.45 124,083.00 178,986.00

1100.015 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 736.00 770.88 788.00 662.74 795.00 864.00

1100.015 402.0030 Disability Insurance 2,893.00 2,924.08 3,018.00 2,887.47 3,204.00 3,048.00

1100.015 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 120,032.00 120,032.00 101,189.00 101,189.00 92,025.00 92,025.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
1100.015 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 61,382.00 61,347.05 65,447.00 65,446.60 67,425.00 73,821.00

1100.015 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,800.00 500.00 900.00 900.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $372,750.00 $377,420.11 $375,999.00 $368,545.13 $372,600.00 $438,982.00

Material And Supplies

1100.015 410.0010 Books & Subscriptions 930.00 995.28 1,000.00 355.36 1,000.00 500.00

1100.015 410.0020 Office Supplies 17,200.00 17,528.39 15,458.00 15,186.66 14,000.00 15,000.00

Material And Supplies Totals $18,130.00 $18,523.67 $16,458.00 $15,542.02 $15,000.00 $15,500.00

Contractual Services
1100.015 430.0015 Contracted PersonnelSvcs. 2,899.00 2,936.81 1,000.00 150.91 1,000.00 250.00

1100.015 430.0030 Lease & Rental .00 .00 2,500.00 .00 2,500.00 .00

1100.015 430.0090 Advertising 4,995.00 4,994.71 4,000.00 3,451.72 4,000.00 4,000.00

1100.015 430.0110 Printing 8,914.00 8,251.22 9,900.00 9,365.96 9,900.00 9,500.00

1100.015 430.0170 Maintenance Agreements 4,527.00 4,470.12 4,818.00 4,817.85 3,800.00 5,000.00

Contractual Services Totals $21,335.00 $20,652.86 $22,218.00 $17,786.44 $21,200.00 $18,750.00

Maintenance Equipment
1100.015 450.0070 Mtce Office Equipment 155.00 154.37 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 250.00

1100.015 450.0610 IS-Capital Replacement Ex 4,850.00 4,850.00 4,850.00 4,850.00 5,100.00 .00

1100.015 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 3,200.00 3,200.00 4,800.00 4,800.00 4,800.00 .00

1100.015 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 4,800.00 4,800.00 5,120.00 5,120.00 5,120.00 .00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $13,005.00 $13,004.37 $15,770.00 $14,770.00 $16,020.00 $250.00

Other Operating Expenses

1100.015 460.0020 Telephone 1,545.00 1,544.68 1,875.00 1,874.99 1,800.00 2,000.00

1100.015 460.0040 Postage 10,660.00 8,403.61 8,500.00 7,677.66 8,500.00 8,500.00

1100.015 460.0050 Education & Training 26,246.00 25,271.18 16,216.00 2,615.55 9,300.00 13,950.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Other Staff Training 1.0000 2,000.00 2,000.00

Mayor's Budget GFOA Conference 3.0000 2,250.00 6,750.00

Mayor's Budget New World System Executive Conference 3.0000 2,250.00 6,750.00

Mayor's Budget Accountant Training 1.0000 2,000.00 2,000.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget Budget Officer Training 1.0000 2,000.00 2,000.00

Mayor's Budget SA Co-ordinator Training 1.0000 2,000.00 2,000.00

Mayor's Budget Deputy City Auditor Training 1.0000 2,000.00 2,000.00

Mayor's Budget Budget Reduction 1.0000 (9,550.00) (9,550.00)

Mayor's Budget Totals $13,950.00

1100.015 460.0060 Travel 2,716.00 1,943.05 1,566.00 1,611.33 750.00 1,125.00

1100.015 460.0090 Dues 2,345.00 2,345.00 2,570.00 1,910.00 2,570.00 2,455.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget AICPA 3.0000 285.00 855.00

Mayor's Budget ND Society of CPAs 3.0000 150.00 450.00

Mayor's Budget GFOA 1.0000 595.00 595.00

Mayor's Budget ND Finance Officers 2.0000 30.00 60.00

Mayor's Budget GFOA - Minnesota 2.0000 70.00 140.00

Mayor's Budget ND State Board of Accountancy 3.0000 85.00 255.00

Mayor's Budget Other Staff Dues - Notary, etc. 1.0000 100.00 100.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $2,455.00

1100.015 460.0190 Filing Fees 870.00 870.00 700.00 482.00 700.00 700.00

1100.015 470.0044 Credit Card Fees 200.00 122.49 700.00 .00 700.00 .00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $44,582.00 $40,500.01 $32,127.00 $16,171.53 $24,320.00 $28,730.00

Capital Outlay
1100.015 700.0005 Non Capitalized Assets .00 .00 1,000.00 27.99 .00 .00

1100.015 700.0030 Communication & Elec 1,227.00 1,226.90 .00 .00 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $1,227.00 $1,226.90 $1,000.00 $27.99 $0.00 $0.00

Department 015 - Finance & Admin. Services Totals $1,533,995.00 $1,533,941.04 $1,491,044.00 $1,436,913.21 $1,452,322.00 $1,566,494.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget


Department 018 - Planning & Zoning

Personnel Services
1100.018 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 155,614.00 155,706.85 178,423.00 177,925.57 168,579.00 170,237.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Administrative Specialist, Sr 35% - Range 41 1.0000 19,627.00 19,627.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Deputy City Planner 70% - Range 64 1.0000 53,842.00 53,842.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Planner, Senior - Range 58 1.0000 66,768.00 66,768.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Planner - Range 51 1.0000 30,000.00 30,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $170,237.00

1100.018 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary .00 .00 24,222.00 24,221.11 .00 .00

1100.018 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime .00 34.21 .00 245.81 .00 .00

1100.018 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 276.00 275.71 803.00 807.81 .00 .00

1100.018 400.0080 Wages & Sal-Non-Class 123,100.00 120,085.00 104,828.00 104,827.84 123,221.00 81,046.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - City Planner 70% - Range 74 1.0000 81,046.00 81,046.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $81,046.00

Personnel Services Totals $278,990.00 $276,101.77 $308,276.00 $308,028.14 $291,800.00 $251,283.00

Fringe Benefits
1100.018 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 17,280.00 17,385.67 17,989.00 17,988.34 18,092.00 15,580.00

1100.018 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 4,042.00 4,079.58 4,503.00 4,502.64 4,231.00 3,644.00

1100.018 401.0020 Unemployment Compensation 1,683.00 .00 1,683.00 .00 1,683.00 .00

1100.018 402.0005 Post Employment Health 1,378.00 1,495.31 1,213.00 1,577.92 1,163.00 1,634.00

1100.018 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 20,883.00 22,361.71 27,023.00 27,022.08 29,243.00 30,731.00

1100.018 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 129.00 169.46 129.00 152.84 125.00 178.00

1100.018 402.0030 Disability Insurance 890.00 878.28 920.00 867.47 952.00 686.00

1100.018 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 20,667.00 20,667.00 18,223.00 18,223.00 13,703.00 13,703.00

1100.018 402.0042 Contract Emp-Def. Comp. 12,104.00 12,008.50 12,310.00 12,222.08 12,222.00 1,410.00

1100.018 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 13,055.00 12,840.68 13,261.00 13,260.24 13,925.00 20,756.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $92,111.00 $91,886.19 $97,254.00 $95,816.61 $95,339.00 $88,322.00

Material And Supplies


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
1100.018 410.0010 Books & Subscriptions .00 .00 500.00 36.00 500.00 500.00

1100.018 410.0020 Office Supplies 3,139.00 3,035.55 2,297.00 1,871.30 2,039.00 2,039.00

1100.018 410.0265 Minor Pc Software 400.00 396.00 200.00 .00 200.00 200.00

Material And Supplies Totals $3,539.00 $3,431.55 $2,997.00 $1,907.30 $2,739.00 $2,739.00

Contractual Services
1100.018 430.0015 Contracted PersonnelSvcs. .00 .00 10,075.00 10,075.00 .00 5,000.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Scanning/Digitizing Files 1.0000 5,000.00 5,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $5,000.00

1100.018 430.0030 Lease & Rental .00 .00 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 1,000.00

1100.018 430.0090 Advertising 802.00 801.22 2,058.00 1,314.38 1,058.00 1,058.00

1100.018 430.0095 Promotions .00 .00 5,000.00 5,000.00 .00 .00

1100.018 430.0110 Printing 220.00 219.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Contractual Services Totals $1,022.00 $1,020.22 $18,133.00 $16,389.38 $2,058.00 $7,058.00

Maintenance Equipment
1100.018 450.0610 IS-Capital Replacement Ex 1,350.00 1,350.00 1,350.00 1,350.00 1,350.00 .00

1100.018 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 800.00 800.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 .00

1100.018 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,280.00 1,280.00 1,280.00 .00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $3,350.00 $3,350.00 $3,830.00 $3,830.00 $3,830.00 $0.00

Other Operating Expenses
1100.018 430.0172 Land Use Plan .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 10,000.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Remaining Costs Not Incurred in 2021 1.0000 10,000.00 10,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $10,000.00

1100.018 460.0015 Cell Phone Charges 660.00 660.00 660.00 660.00 660.00 .00

1100.018 460.0020 Telephone 540.00 540.40 1,259.00 1,259.08 800.00 1,400.00

1100.018 460.0040 Postage 959.00 967.10 1,200.00 774.24 1,200.00 1,200.00

1100.018 460.0050 Education & Training 1,916.00 1,915.66 3,000.00 135.77 1,500.00 1,500.00

1100.018 460.0060 Travel 7,576.00 7,576.05 4,000.00 266.01 2,000.00 2,000.00

1100.018 460.0090 Dues 1,434.00 1,434.00 800.00 804.00 800.00 800.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $13,085.00 $13,093.21 $10,919.00 $3,899.10 $6,960.00 $16,900.00
Department 018 - Planning & Zoning Totals $392,097.00 $388,882.94 $441,409.00 $429,870.53 $402,726.00 $366,302.00

City Hall

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 1100 - General Fund


Department 025 - City Hall

Personnel Services
1100.025 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 84,483.00 85,090.65 89,785.00 89,784.47 90,400.00 94,831.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Building Maintenance, Lead - Range 41 1.0000 45,738.00 45,738.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Building Maintenance Worker - Range 38 1.0000 42,000.00 42,000.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Construction Compliance Officer 10% - Range 54 1.0000 7,093.00 7,093.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $94,831.00

1100.025 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 28,244.00 23,192.46 27,188.00 20,535.35 26,908.00 33,634.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Custodian - Range 30 1.0000 33,634.00 33,634.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $33,634.00

1100.025 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 144.00 .00 500.00 260.63 .00 .00

1100.025 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave .00 .00 4,337.00 4,336.48 4,505.00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $112,871.00 $108,283.11 $121,810.00 $114,916.93 $121,813.00 $128,465.00

Fringe Benefits
1100.025 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 7,377.00 6,219.42 7,333.00 6,619.57 7,552.00 7,965.00

1100.025 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 1,725.00 1,454.56 1,715.00 1,548.13 1,766.00 1,863.00

1100.025 402.0005 Post Employment Health 1,271.00 1,386.00 1,304.00 1,303.50 1,386.00 1,535.00

1100.025 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 17,356.00 17,356.14 19,166.00 19,165.66 19,451.00 39,700.00

1100.025 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 135.00 147.12 121.00 120.76 148.00 167.00

1100.025 402.0030 Disability Insurance 317.00 345.48 332.00 332.00 292.00 424.00

1100.025 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 15,893.00 15,893.00 14,226.00 14,226.00 10,913.00 10,913.00

1100.025 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 8,243.00 8,944.03 8,912.00 8,911.64 9,690.00 10,611.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $52,317.00 $51,745.75 $53,109.00 $52,227.26 $51,198.00 $73,178.00

Material And Supplies

City Hall

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
1100.025 410.0020 Office Supplies 100.00 107.16 100.00 115.31 100.00 100.00

1100.025 410.0040 Janitorial Supplies 8,293.00 8,505.29 10,417.00 10,369.73 5,900.00 5,900.00

1100.025 410.0080 Food Supplies 300.00 .00 .00 .00 300.00 300.00

1100.025 410.0100 Clothing 200.00 .00 200.00 161.49 200.00 200.00

1100.025 410.0170 Minor Tools & Equipment 500.00 181.87 .00 .00 500.00 500.00

Material And Supplies Totals $9,393.00 $8,794.32 $10,717.00 $10,646.53 $7,000.00 $7,000.00

1100.025 420.0010 Electricity 78,727.00 68,644.59 77,489.00 48,125.56 88,000.00 88,000.00

1100.025 420.0020 Building Heat 40,000.00 28,593.55 31,355.00 19,130.75 40,000.00 40,000.00

1100.025 420.0030 Water, Sewer & Refuse 15,273.00 15,272.90 11,650.00 11,645.06 6,750.00 6,750.00

Utilities Totals $134,000.00 $112,511.04 $120,494.00 $78,901.37 $134,750.00 $134,750.00

Contractual Services
1100.025 430.0170 Maintenance Agreements 505.00 504.70 7,467.00 7,466.15 14,846.00 14,846.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Simplex 1.0000 2,146.00 2,146.00

Mayor's Budget Electro Watchman 1.0000 526.00 526.00

Mayor's Budget Johnson Controls 1.0000 6,200.00 6,200.00

Mayor's Budget Otis Elevator 1.0000 5,669.00 5,669.00

Mayor's Budget Dakota Fire Protection 1.0000 305.00 305.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $14,846.00

Contractual Services Totals $505.00 $504.70 $7,467.00 $7,466.15 $14,846.00 $14,846.00

Maintenance Structures
1100.025 440.0010 Mtce Buildings & Grounds 39,656.00 39,654.99 35,824.00 35,823.93 18,500.00 18,500.00

1100.025 440.0015 Mtce-Snow Removal 6,292.00 .00 16,521.00 16,520.51 8,000.00 8,000.00

Maintenance Structures Totals $45,948.00 $39,654.99 $52,345.00 $52,344.44 $26,500.00 $26,500.00

Maintenance Equipment
1100.025 450.0010 Mtce Air Cond. & Heating .00 .00 .00 .00 7,500.00 7,500.00

1100.025 450.0610 IS-Capital Replacement Ex 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 .00

1100.025 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 400.00 400.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 .00

City Hall

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
1100.025 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 600.00 600.00 640.00 640.00 640.00 .00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $1,600.00 $1,600.00 $1,840.00 $1,840.00 $9,340.00 $7,500.00

Other Operating Expenses

1100.025 460.0015 Cell Phone Charges 184.00 184.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

1100.025 460.0020 Telephone 618.00 617.88 819.00 819.22 800.00 850.00

1100.025 460.0060 Travel 240.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

1100.025 460.0110 Fire & Tornado Insurance .00 3,251.56 .00 .00 .00 .00

1100.025 460.0115 Flood Insurance .00 2,468.34 .00 .00 .00 .00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $1,042.00 $6,521.78 $819.00 $819.22 $800.00 $850.00

Department 025 - City Hall Totals $357,676.00 $329,615.69 $368,601.00 $319,161.90 $366,247.00 $393,089.00

Information Technology

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 1100 - General Fund


Department 030 - Information Technology

Personnel Services
1100.030 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 701,271.00 700,194.09 736,130.00 736,129.63 738,416.00 733,247.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Assistant Information Technology Director- Range 65 1.0000 97,282.00 97,282.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Information Technology Director - Range 75 1.0000 119,372.00 119,372.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Development Analyst - Range 52 1.0000 59,738.00 59,738.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Network Specialist - Range 59 1.0000 78,098.00 78,098.00

Mayor's Budget 2 - Systems Specialists - Range 49 1.0000 113,692.00 113,692.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Systems Technician - Range 44 1.0000 50,502.00 50,502.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Development Administrator - Range 59 1.0000 83,097.00 83,097.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - GIS Analyst - Range 52 - 75% FTE 1.0000 57,054.00 57,054.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Systems Administrator - Range 59 1.0000 74,412.00 74,412.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $733,247.00

1100.030 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 6,720.00 .00 19,992.00 19,992.00 .00 .00

1100.030 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 400.00 413.45 400.00 352.31 400.00 400.00

1100.030 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 5,594.00 5,593.14 4,956.00 4,955.96 4,000.00 4,000.00

Personnel Services Totals $713,985.00 $706,200.68 $761,478.00 $761,429.90 $742,816.00 $737,647.00

Fringe Benefits
1100.030 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 44,147.00 41,507.03 45,147.00 44,601.75 46,055.00 45,734.00

1100.030 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 10,324.00 9,707.30 10,558.00 10,431.08 10,771.00 10,696.00

1100.030 402.0005 Post Employment Health 4,782.00 4,765.19 4,992.00 4,991.25 4,950.00 4,826.00

1100.030 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 93,817.00 93,816.38 106,780.00 106,779.78 114,038.00 102,057.00

1100.030 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 508.00 505.97 512.00 481.32 530.00 527.00

1100.030 402.0030 Disability Insurance 2,218.00 2,305.02 2,355.00 2,271.69 2,437.00 2,420.00

1100.030 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 76,317.00 76,317.00 69,279.00 69,279.00 101,594.00 101,594.00

1100.030 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 44,022.00 43,318.16 47,722.00 47,721.36 46,259.00 44,489.00

Information Technology

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
1100.030 402.0053 Vehicle Flat Rate 240.00 240.00 240.00 100.00 .00 .00

1100.030 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 700.00 600.00 .00

Fringe Benefits Totals $278,175.00 $274,282.05 $289,385.00 $287,357.23 $327,234.00 $312,343.00

Material And Supplies

1100.030 410.0010 Books & Subscriptions 200.00 .00 200.00 .00 200.00 200.00

1100.030 410.0020 Office Supplies 2,200.00 1,282.35 36,739.00 1,737.34 1,500.00 1,500.00

1100.030 410.0200 Gasoline 350.00 144.30 350.00 71.02 350.00 350.00

1100.030 410.0265 Minor Pc Software 195.00 194.97 .00 .00 .00 .00

Material And Supplies Totals $2,945.00 $1,621.62 $37,289.00 $1,808.36 $2,050.00 $2,050.00

Maintenance Equipment
1100.030 450.0160 Mtce Vehicles/Motor Eq. 400.00 36.90 400.00 .00 400.00 400.00

1100.030 450.0610 IS-Capital Replacement Ex 32,200.00 32,200.00 41,800.00 41,800.00 48,500.00 .00

1100.030 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 2,200.00 2,200.00 3,300.00 3,300.00 3,900.00 .00

1100.030 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 3,300.00 3,300.00 3,520.00 3,520.00 4,160.00 .00

1100.030 450.0640 IT Services .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 90,991.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $38,100.00 $37,736.90 $49,020.00 $48,620.00 $56,960.00 $91,391.00

Other Operating Expenses

1100.030 460.0016 Data Fees 481.00 480.12 481.00 480.12 600.00 600.00

1100.030 460.0020 Telephone 927.00 926.83 1,180.00 1,179.56 1,050.00 1,200.00

1100.030 460.0040 Postage 6.00 7.10 16.00 15.64 .00 .00

1100.030 460.0050 Education & Training 22,800.00 22,721.29 22,000.00 1,194.35 12,000.00 18,000.00

1100.030 460.0060 Travel 199.00 97.01 384.00 347.61 200.00 200.00

1100.030 460.0090 Dues 30.00 15.00 30.00 .00 30.00 30.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $24,443.00 $24,247.35 $24,091.00 $3,217.28 $13,880.00 $20,030.00

Department 030 - Information Technology Totals $1,057,648.00 $1,044,088.60 $1,161,263.00 $1,102,432.77 $1,142,940.00 $1,163,461.00

Emergency Program
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 1100 - General Fund


Department 033 - Emergency Program Mgmt

Other Operating Expenses
1100.033 470.0040 Contingency 56,782.00 56,781.46 127,246.00 127,245.57 95,888.00 95,888.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Requested Budget 1.0000 95,888.00 95,888.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $95,888.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $56,782.00 $56,781.46 $127,246.00 $127,245.57 $95,888.00 $95,888.00

Department 033 - Emergency Program Mgmt Totals $56,782.00 $56,781.46 $127,246.00 $127,245.57 $95,888.00 $95,888.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 1100 - General Fund


Department 035 - Engineering

Personnel Services
1100.035 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 1,321,262.00 1,284,442.21 1,415,506.00 1,375,581.99 1,489,331.00 1,652,145.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 2 - Civil Engineer, Principal - Range 64 1.0000 176,894.00 176,894.00

Mayor's Budget 3 - Asst City Engineer - Range 69 1.0000 319,738.00 319,738.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Electrical Technician - Range 46 1.0000 55,119.00 55,119.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Master Electrician - Range 59 1.0000 81,662.00 81,662.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Electrician - Range 52 1.0000 64,147.00 64,147.00

Mayor's Budget 2 - Civil Engineering Technician-Range 46 1.0000 96,762.00 96,762.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Engineering/GIS Specialist - Range 52 1.0000 59,821.00 59,821.00

Mayor's Budget 3 - Civil Engineer, Senior - Range 61 1.0000 219,669.00 219,669.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Promotion to Electrician 1.0000 3,000.00 3,000.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Promotion to Master Electrician 1.0000 3,500.00 3,500.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Electrical Division Manager - Range 62 1.0000 87,610.00 87,610.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Administrative Services Coordinator - Range 46 1.0000 62,430.00 62,430.00

Mayor's Budget 5 - Civil Engineer - Range 56 1.0000 334,558.00 334,558.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Right-of-Way Officer/Development Officer- Range 61 1.0000 87,235.00 87,235.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,652,145.00

1100.035 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 57,645.00 57,641.96 134,100.00 132,019.39 54,100.00 169,888.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Pole Painter (Seasonal) 1.0000 10,300.00 10,300.00

Mayor's Budget Survey Technician (Seasonal) 1.0000 11,330.00 11,330.00

Mayor's Budget Office Specialist (1/2 time) 1.0000 17,613.00 17,613.00

Mayor's Budget Sidewalk Inspector (Seasonal) 1.0000 16,480.00 16,480.00

Mayor's Budget ROW Officer (1/2 time) 1.0000 41,490.00 41,490.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget 1 - Civil Engineer Senior 1.0000 72,675.00 72,675.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $169,888.00

1100.035 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 5,600.00 4,364.02 5,856.00 3,063.33 6,000.00 6,000.00

1100.035 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 26,259.00 26,255.72 35,341.00 35,340.68 15,000.00 15,000.00

1100.035 400.0080 Wages & Sal-Non-Class 136,291.00 136,290.16 137,447.00 115,176.04 137,427.00 137,426.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - City Engineer - Range 79 1.0000 137,426.00 137,426.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $137,426.00

Personnel Services Totals $1,547,057.00 $1,508,994.07 $1,728,250.00 $1,661,181.43 $1,701,858.00 $1,980,459.00

Fringe Benefits
1100.035 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 91,519.00 90,085.73 105,635.00 99,100.51 105,515.00 122,788.00

1100.035 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 21,445.00 21,111.11 24,705.00 23,192.49 24,677.00 28,717.00

1100.035 402.0005 Post Employment Health 10,890.00 8,413.32 10,643.00 8,552.36 10,643.00 12,870.00

1100.035 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 145,042.00 145,041.50 158,737.00 158,736.68 160,995.00 192,133.00

1100.035 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 1,156.00 958.26 1,161.00 895.14 1,161.00 1,296.00

1100.035 402.0030 Disability Insurance 5,245.00 4,279.66 5,307.00 4,171.53 5,365.00 5,906.00

1100.035 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 213,498.00 213,498.00 198,316.00 198,316.00 225,225.00 225,225.00

1100.035 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 74,968.00 74,197.76 86,774.00 86,773.23 95,631.00 117,213.00

1100.035 402.0053 Vehicle Flat Rate 1,080.00 1,080.00 1,080.00 400.00 .00 .00

1100.035 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 3,240.00 3,090.00 3,240.00 1,990.00 1,620.00 2,100.00

1100.035 402.0056 Moving Expense 5,000.00 5,000.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Fringe Benefits Totals $573,083.00 $566,755.34 $595,598.00 $582,127.94 $630,832.00 $708,248.00

Material And Supplies

1100.035 410.0010 Books & Subscriptions 200.00 73.00 1,270.00 1,267.00 500.00 500.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Misc. Magazines/Books 1.0000 100.00 100.00

Mayor's Budget Midland Atlas 1.0000 85.00 85.00

Mayor's Budget Osha Manual 1.0000 365.00 365.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget NEC Code Books 1.0000 250.00 250.00

Mayor's Budget City Directory (shared w/Planning) 1.0000 200.00 200.00

Mayor's Budget Budget Reductions 1.0000 (500.00) (500.00)

Mayor's Budget Totals $500.00

1100.035 410.0020 Office Supplies 6,000.00 4,947.19 7,829.00 6,004.62 5,000.00 5,500.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Misc Office Supplies 1.0000 2,700.00 2,700.00

Mayor's Budget Misc. Business Cards 1.0000 300.00 300.00

Mayor's Budget Envelopes 1.0000 700.00 700.00

Mayor's Budget Batteries 1.0000 350.00 350.00

Mayor's Budget Electrician's Printer Toner 1.0000 500.00 500.00

Mayor's Budget Labelmaker Tapes 1.0000 450.00 450.00

Mayor's Budget office supplies/equipment for new employees 2.0000 500.00 1,000.00

Mayor's Budget Budget Reductions 1.0000 (500.00) (500.00)

Mayor's Budget Totals $5,500.00

1100.035 410.0090 Surveying Supplies 3,200.00 3,172.25 3,200.00 3,104.93 3,200.00 4,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Hubs & Lath 1.0000 2,800.00 2,800.00

Mayor's Budget Robotic Total Station Maintenance 1.0000 500.00 500.00

Mayor's Budget 25' Fiberglass Rod 1.0000 200.00 200.00

Mayor's Budget Flagging Paint, Markers, etc. 1.0000 250.00 250.00

Mayor's Budget GPS Cables 1.0000 250.00 250.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $4,000.00

1100.035 410.0100 Clothing 6,675.00 6,279.50 4,859.00 4,276.13 3,675.00 3,675.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Safety Vests, hard hats (insp/engrs) 1.0000 575.00 575.00

Mayor's Budget Inspectors Safety Gear 1.0000 600.00 600.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget Electricians Safety/Flash Gear 1.0000 2,000.00 2,000.00

Mayor's Budget Electricians Safety Boots, jackets, etc. 1.0000 500.00 500.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $3,675.00

1100.035 410.0170 Minor Tools & Equipment 5,800.00 4,645.46 5,800.00 4,013.80 3,300.00 3,300.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Equipment/Tools (Engineers) 1.0000 600.00 600.00

Mayor's Budget Toolboxes for vehicles 1.0000 500.00 500.00

Mayor's Budget Electrician Tools 1.0000 2,200.00 2,200.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $3,300.00

1100.035 410.0180 Printing Paper 3,515.00 3,510.68 1,500.00 1,023.99 2,500.00 1,500.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Mylar & other misc. paper 1.0000 400.00 400.00

Mayor's Budget Misc. Colored Paper 1.0000 100.00 100.00

Mayor's Budget Paper for Kyocera 1.0000 1,000.00 1,000.00

Mayor's Budget Misc Printing 1.0000 1,000.00 1,000.00

Mayor's Budget Budget Reductions 1.0000 (1,000.00) (1,000.00)

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,500.00

1100.035 410.0190 Diesel Fuel 1,000.00 760.56 2,000.00 551.70 1,000.00 1,000.00

1100.035 410.0200 Gasoline 17,800.00 17,908.01 15,000.00 11,982.94 17,000.00 17,000.00

1100.035 410.0210 Oil, Anti-Freeze, Etc. 100.00 .00 100.00 .00 100.00 100.00

1100.035 410.0265 Minor Pc Software 10,100.00 10,025.83 11,000.00 8,215.30 10,000.00 6,458.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Misc. Software 1.0000 900.00 900.00

Mayor's Budget Project Management Software 1.0000 5,500.00 5,500.00

Mayor's Budget Monitors 1.0000 1,600.00 1,600.00

Mayor's Budget Bluebeam Software Updates 1.0000 2,000.00 2,000.00

Mayor's Budget Budget Reductions 1.0000 (3,542.00) (3,542.00)


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget Totals $6,458.00

Material And Supplies Totals $54,390.00 $51,322.48 $52,558.00 $40,440.41 $46,275.00 $43,033.00

Contractual Services
1100.035 430.0029 PWF Lease 23,522.00 23,522.00 25,890.00 25,890.00 25,890.00 26,310.00

1100.035 430.0030 Lease & Rental 100.00 .00 .00 .00 1,200.00 200.00

1100.035 430.0090 Advertising 1,700.00 1,686.34 1,000.00 703.46 1,000.00 1,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Misc. Ads 1.0000 300.00 300.00

Mayor's Budget Employment Advertising 1.0000 700.00 700.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,000.00

1100.035 430.0150 Consultants .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 5,000.00

1100.035 430.0170 Maintenance Agreements 14,600.00 14,138.11 12,100.00 11,248.74 12,700.00 13,700.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Copy Machine 1.0000 2,500.00 2,500.00

Mayor's Budget Desktop Scanner Mtce Agreement 1.0000 200.00 200.00

Mayor's Budget Mtce of City Siren System 1.0000 11,000.00 11,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $13,700.00

1100.035 430.0300 One Call System 9,000.00 8,498.00 11,700.00 10,492.40 8,400.00 11,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Spray Paint/Locating Supplies 1.0000 1,000.00 1,000.00

Mayor's Budget One Call System Fees 1.0000 10,000.00 10,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $11,000.00

Contractual Services Totals $48,922.00 $47,844.45 $50,690.00 $48,334.60 $49,190.00 $57,210.00

Maintenance Structures
1100.035 440.0010 Mtce Buildings & Grounds 150.00 150.00 65.00 .00 65.00 65.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget Strip/Wax Electricians Area 1.0000 65.00 65.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $65.00

Maintenance Structures Totals $150.00 $150.00 $65.00 $0.00 $65.00 $65.00

Maintenance Equipment
1100.035 450.0030 Mtce Communication & Elec 520.00 230.22 520.00 95.00 520.00 .00

1100.035 450.0110 Mtce Pedestrian Signals 7,400.00 7,397.27 .00 .00 .00 .00

1100.035 450.0120 Mtce Street Lights 23,000.00 21,588.82 .00 .00 .00 .00

1100.035 450.0140 Mtce Traffic Signals 20,000.00 19,422.63 .00 .00 .00 .00

1100.035 450.0160 Mtce Vehicles/Motor Eq. 13,660.00 13,313.42 11,960.00 5,817.78 11,960.00 9,960.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Boom Truck Testing 2.0000 597.00 1,194.00

Mayor's Budget Oil Changes (3 TimesX$37) 14.0000 111.00 1,554.00

Mayor's Budget Misc wiper blades, oil filters, etc. 14.0000 150.00 2,100.00

Mayor's Budget Misc. Repairs 14.0000 443.00 6,202.00

Mayor's Budget Car Washes 14.0000 65.00 910.00

Mayor's Budget Budget Reductions 1.0000 (2,000.00) (2,000.00)

Mayor's Budget Totals $9,960.00

1100.035 450.0610 IS-Capital Replacement Ex 14,800.00 14,800.00 14,800.00 14,800.00 15,450.00 .00

1100.035 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 5,400.00 5,400.00 8,100.00 8,100.00 8,100.00 .00

1100.035 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 8,100.00 8,100.00 8,640.00 8,640.00 8,640.00 .00

1100.035 450.0640 IT Services .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 30,200.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $92,880.00 $90,252.36 $44,020.00 $37,452.78 $44,670.00 $40,160.00

Other Operating Expenses

1100.035 460.0015 Cell Phone Charges 9,362.00 8,404.15 8,812.00 8,812.02 8,800.00 9,200.00

1100.035 460.0016 Data Fees 3,426.00 3,425.14 3,831.00 3,830.72 6,500.00 6,500.00

1100.035 460.0020 Telephone 1,775.00 1,775.16 2,102.00 2,102.15 2,000.00 2,200.00

1100.035 460.0040 Postage 1,100.00 976.62 1,700.00 423.47 1,200.00 1,200.00

1100.035 460.0050 Education & Training 12,220.00 12,215.33 18,100.00 6,782.42 6,100.00 9,150.00

Budget Transactions


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Electricians NEC Code Class 6.0000 65.00 390.00

Mayor's Budget APWA State Conference 1.0000 400.00 400.00

Mayor's Budget Midwest University 1.0000 1,000.00 1,000.00

Mayor's Budget Electricians IMSA Signal Classes 2.0000 750.00 1,500.00

Mayor's Budget Electricians Trade Show 2.0000 100.00 200.00

Mayor's Budget Tuition Reimbursement 1.0000 1,000.00 1,000.00

Mayor's Budget Surveyor/ROW Officer Conferences 2.0000 400.00 800.00

Mayor's Budget Civil Design 2.0000 600.00 1,200.00

Mayor's Budget Stormwater Training 1.0000 910.00 910.00

Mayor's Budget Electricians IAEI Conf 1.0000 100.00 100.00

Mayor's Budget Budget Reductions 1.0000 (2,950.00) (2,950.00)

Mayor's Budget Misc Conferences/Seminar 1.0000 1,500.00 1,500.00

Mayor's Budget Concrete/Asphalt Certification 1.0000 1,000.00 1,000.00

Mayor's Budget NDWPCC 2.0000 200.00 400.00

Mayor's Budget Electricians Automation Fair 1.0000 1,700.00 1,700.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $9,150.00

1100.035 460.0060 Travel 9,780.00 9,735.85 14,647.00 4,945.64 5,800.00 8,700.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Surveyor/ROW Conferences 1.0000 800.00 800.00

Mayor's Budget NDWPCC 2.0000 200.00 400.00

Mayor's Budget Electricians Training 1.0000 4,500.00 4,500.00

Mayor's Budget Misc Conferences 1.0000 500.00 500.00

Mayor's Budget Stormwater Training 1.0000 500.00 500.00

Mayor's Budget Budget Reductions 1.0000 (2,100.00) (2,100.00)

Mayor's Budget Midwest University 1.0000 1,600.00 1,600.00

Mayor's Budget Civil Design 2.0000 750.00 1,500.00

Mayor's Budget APWA Conf 1.0000 500.00 500.00

Mayor's Budget Misc Trips to Bismarck 1.0000 500.00 500.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget Totals $8,700.00

1100.035 460.0080 Freight 100.00 100.00 100.00 77.55 100.00 100.00

1100.035 460.0090 Dues 1,800.00 1,691.00 3,000.00 1,935.00 2,000.00 3,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Electricians Licensing 1.0000 200.00 200.00

Mayor's Budget Engineers Licensing 6.0000 210.00 1,260.00

Mayor's Budget ITE-Traffic Engineer 1.0000 280.00 280.00

Mayor's Budget IAEI 1.0000 105.00 105.00

Mayor's Budget Electricians IMSA 6.0000 85.00 510.00

Mayor's Budget Apco 1.0000 200.00 200.00

Mayor's Budget Water Environmental Federation 1.0000 120.00 120.00

Mayor's Budget AWWA 1.0000 175.00 175.00

Mayor's Budget APWA 1.0000 150.00 150.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $3,000.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $39,563.00 $38,323.25 $52,292.00 $28,908.97 $32,500.00 $40,050.00

Capital Outlay
1100.035 700.0030 Communication & Elec .00 .00 1,700.00 1,279.92 .00 .00

1100.035 700.0040 Furniture & Fixtures 4,800.00 4,748.80 .00 .00 .00 .00

1100.035 700.0050 Gen Equipment N.O.C. 10,000.00 9,739.61 9,153.00 9,152.62 .00 .00

1100.035 700.0070 Office Equipment .00 .00 8,000.00 8,000.00 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $14,800.00 $14,488.41 $18,853.00 $18,432.54 $0.00 $0.00

Department 035 - Engineering Totals $2,370,845.00 $2,318,130.36 $2,542,326.00 $2,416,878.67 $2,505,390.00 $2,869,225.00

Inspections (Historic Information -
Department Moved)
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 1100 - General Fund


Department 035 - Engineering

Sub Department 0036 - Inspections

Personnel Services
1100.035.0036 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 796,836.00 796,391.85 849,776.00 849,775.03 875,482.00 .00

1100.035.0036 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 3,194.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

1100.035.0036 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 15,600.00 15,420.67 4,489.00 4,488.46 6,000.00 .00

1100.035.0036 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 7,072.00 7,071.72 2,323.00 2,322.70 7,000.00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $822,702.00 $818,884.24 $856,588.00 $856,586.19 $888,482.00 $0.00

Fringe Benefits
1100.035.0036 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 51,189.00 48,074.39 53,132.00 50,238.58 55,086.00 .00

1100.035.0036 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 11,972.00 11,243.23 12,426.00 11,749.36 12,883.00 .00

1100.035.0036 402.0005 Post Employment Health 5,940.00 5,310.29 5,940.00 5,857.50 5,940.00 .00

1100.035.0036 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 115,112.00 115,111.90 118,619.00 118,618.86 133,109.00 .00

1100.035.0036 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 631.00 625.18 631.00 542.44 636.00 .00

1100.035.0036 402.0030 Disability Insurance 2,586.00 2,440.36 2,622.00 2,621.77 2,889.00 .00

1100.035.0036 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 83,993.00 83,993.00 79,568.00 79,568.00 78,122.00 .00

1100.035.0036 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 58,299.00 56,473.15 61,395.00 61,394.55 63,560.00 .00

1100.035.0036 402.0053 Vehicle Flat Rate 618.00 240.00 618.00 100.00 .00 .00

1100.035.0036 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 600.00 600.00 600.00 250.00 300.00 .00

Fringe Benefits Totals $330,940.00 $324,111.50 $335,551.00 $330,941.06 $352,525.00 $0.00

Material And Supplies

1100.035.0036 410.0010 Books & Subscriptions 5,523.00 5,522.75 9,400.00 3,650.09 5,500.00 .00

1100.035.0036 410.0020 Office Supplies 5,900.00 5,935.18 7,143.00 6,618.18 5,400.00 .00

1100.035.0036 410.0090 Surveying Supplies 264.00 263.48 .00 .00 .00 .00

1100.035.0036 410.0100 Clothing 2,710.00 2,639.27 1,000.00 233.72 1,000.00 .00

1100.035.0036 410.0170 Minor Tools & Equipment 140.00 122.89 500.00 76.58 500.00 .00

1100.035.0036 410.0190 Diesel Fuel 1,842.00 1,841.84 .00 .00 2,000.00 .00

1100.035.0036 410.0200 Gasoline 10,658.00 9,920.30 12,500.00 8,166.19 11,000.00 .00

Inspections (Historic Information -
Department Moved)
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Material And Supplies Totals $27,037.00 $26,245.71 $30,543.00 $18,744.76 $25,400.00 $0.00

Contractual Services
1100.035.0036 430.0015 Contracted PersonnelSvcs. 10,367.00 10,365.41 9,000.00 5,061.35 12,000.00 .00

1100.035.0036 430.0090 Advertising 640.00 546.00 1,500.00 1,471.20 1,200.00 .00

1100.035.0036 430.0110 Printing 20.00 .00 3,300.00 2,170.00 300.00 .00

1100.035.0036 430.0170 Maintenance Agreements 650.00 590.01 1,000.00 755.10 1,000.00 .00

Contractual Services Totals $11,677.00 $11,501.42 $14,800.00 $9,457.65 $14,500.00 $0.00

Maintenance Equipment
1100.035.0036 450.0160 Mtce Vehicles/Motor Eq. 3,455.00 3,449.09 5,000.00 4,485.73 5,000.00 .00

1100.035.0036 450.0170 Repair Damaged Vehicles 100.00 90.00 1,000.00 100.00 1,000.00 .00

1100.035.0036 450.0610 IS-Capital Replacement Ex 4,350.00 4,350.00 4,350.00 4,350.00 4,350.00 .00

1100.035.0036 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 2,600.00 2,600.00 3,900.00 3,900.00 3,900.00 .00

1100.035.0036 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 3,900.00 3,900.00 4,160.00 4,160.00 4,160.00 .00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $14,405.00 $14,389.09 $18,410.00 $16,995.73 $18,410.00 $0.00

Other Operating Expenses

1100.035.0036 460.0015 Cell Phone Charges 5,795.00 5,794.30 5,777.00 5,776.01 7,700.00 .00

1100.035.0036 460.0016 Data Fees 2,960.00 2,959.98 2,400.00 2,400.48 3,800.00 .00

1100.035.0036 460.0020 Telephone 1,331.00 1,330.78 1,375.00 1,374.99 1,500.00 .00

1100.035.0036 460.0040 Postage 4,246.00 4,244.92 5,000.00 4,316.35 5,000.00 .00

1100.035.0036 460.0050 Education & Training 7,885.00 7,882.78 3,850.00 2,456.56 2,550.00 .00

1100.035.0036 460.0060 Travel 9,713.00 9,711.04 8,200.00 4,849.91 4,500.00 .00

1100.035.0036 460.0090 Dues 2,080.00 2,079.00 1,250.00 965.00 1,250.00 .00

1100.035.0036 470.0044 Credit Card Fees 150.00 10.33 150.00 (1,756.40) 150.00 .00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $34,160.00 $34,013.13 $28,002.00 $20,382.90 $26,450.00 $0.00

Sub Department 0036 - Inspections Totals $1,240,921.00 $1,229,145.09 $1,283,894.00 $1,253,108.29 $1,325,767.00 $0.00

Department 035 - Engineering Totals $3,611,766.00 $3,547,275.45 $3,826,220.00 $3,669,986.96 $3,831,157.00 $2,869,225.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 1100 - General Fund


Department 036 - Inspections

Personnel Services
1100.036 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 858,725.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Building and Zoning Administrator - Range 69 1.0000 106,996.00 106,996.00

Mayor's Budget 2 - Building Inspector, Senior - Range 59 1.0000 144,434.00 144,434.00

Mayor's Budget 5 - Building Trades Inspector - Range 59 1.0000 400,738.00 400,738.00

Mayor's Budget 2 - Building Inspector - Range 49 1.0000 110,947.00 110,947.00

Mayor's Budget 2 - Permit Technician - Range 40 1.0000 87,610.00 87,610.00

Mayor's Budget Promotion to Building Inspector Supervisor 1.0000 8,000.00 8,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $858,725.00

1100.036 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 12,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Part-time administrative staff 1.0000 12,000.00 12,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $12,000.00

1100.036 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 6,000.00

1100.036 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 7,000.00

1100.036 400.0080 Wages & Sal-Non-Class .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 112,154.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Building Inspections Director - Range 74 1.0000 112,154.00 112,154.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $112,154.00

Personnel Services Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $995,879.00

Fringe Benefits
1100.036 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 61,744.00

1100.036 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 14,440.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
1100.036 402.0005 Post Employment Health .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 5,940.00

1100.036 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 123,780.00

1100.036 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 648.00

1100.036 402.0030 Disability Insurance .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 2,834.00

1100.036 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 78,122.00

1100.036 402.0042 Contract Emp-Def. Comp. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1,951.00

1100.036 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 62,093.00

1100.036 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 300.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $351,852.00

Material And Supplies

1100.036 410.0010 Books & Subscriptions .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 14,430.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Electrical Reference Guides 2.0000 65.00 130.00

Mayor's Budget Plumbing Reference Guides 2.0000 65.00 130.00

Mayor's Budget Significant Change Code Books 10.0000 40.00 400.00

Mayor's Budget Misc. 1.0000 1,500.00 1,500.00

Mayor's Budget National Electrical Code 8.0000 80.00 640.00

Mayor's Budget Mechanical Reference Guides 2.0000 70.00 140.00

Mayor's Budget Fuel Gas Code 10.0000 85.00 850.00

Mayor's Budget ND Water and Sewer Codes 2.0000 100.00 200.00

Mayor's Budget International Plumbing Code Study Guides 2.0000 70.00 140.00

Mayor's Budget Newly Adopted Code Sets ( 2021) 2.0000 2,500.00 5,000.00

Mayor's Budget Building Reference Guides 4.0000 50.00 200.00

Mayor's Budget Energy Code Books 6.0000 50.00 300.00

Mayor's Budget International Building Code 15.0000 120.00 1,800.00

Mayor's Budget International Residential Code 15.0000 120.00 1,800.00

Mayor's Budget International Mechanical Code 10.0000 80.00 800.00

Mayor's Budget International Plumbing Code 5.0000 80.00 400.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $14,430.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
1100.036 410.0020 Office Supplies .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 7,500.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Envelopes 1.0000 1,000.00 1,000.00

Mayor's Budget Property File Labels 1.0000 250.00 250.00

Mayor's Budget 8.5X11 White Paper 1.0000 1,500.00 1,500.00

Mayor's Budget 8.5X11 Colored Paper 1.0000 600.00 600.00

Mayor's Budget Legal Paper 1.0000 300.00 300.00

Mayor's Budget Toner 1.0000 1,000.00 1,000.00

Mayor's Budget Building Permit Cards 1.0000 700.00 700.00

Mayor's Budget Inspection Hang Tags 1.0000 300.00 300.00

Mayor's Budget Folders and Binders 1.0000 600.00 600.00

Mayor's Budget Camera Printing Supplies 1.0000 600.00 600.00

Mayor's Budget 11X17 Paper 1.0000 300.00 300.00

Mayor's Budget Miscellaneous1 Office Supplies - Pens- Notepads etc 1.0000 350.00 350.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $7,500.00

1100.036 410.0090 Surveying Supplies .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 300.00

1100.036 410.0100 Clothing .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 2,500.00

1100.036 410.0170 Minor Tools & Equipment .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1,500.00

1100.036 410.0190 Diesel Fuel .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 2,000.00

1100.036 410.0200 Gasoline .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 11,000.00

1100.036 410.0265 Minor Pc Software .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 2,159.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Bluebeam x 4 4.0000 439.75 1,759.00

Mayor's Budget Adobe Pro 2.0000 200.00 400.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $2,159.00

Material And Supplies Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $41,389.00

Contractual Services
1100.036 430.0015 Contracted PersonnelSvcs. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 8,000.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
1100.036 430.0090 Advertising .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1,200.00

1100.036 430.0110 Printing .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1,500.00

1100.036 430.0170 Maintenance Agreements .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1,000.00

Contractual Services Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11,700.00

Maintenance Equipment
1100.036 450.0160 Mtce Vehicles/Motor Eq. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 5,232.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 11 Vehicles -Washes 11.0000 32.00 352.00

Mayor's Budget Service to Vehicles 11.0000 70.00 770.00

Mayor's Budget Tune-Ups 11.0000 70.00 770.00

Mayor's Budget Semi Major Repairs 4.0000 435.00 1,740.00

Mayor's Budget Tires 20.0000 80.00 1,600.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $5,232.00

1100.036 450.0170 Repair Damaged Vehicles .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1,000.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6,232.00

Other Operating Expenses

1100.036 460.0015 Cell Phone Charges .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 7,700.00

1100.036 460.0016 Data Fees .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 3,000.00

1100.036 460.0020 Telephone .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1,500.00

1100.036 460.0040 Postage .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 5,000.00

1100.036 460.0050 Education & Training .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 4,125.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Micellanious Training 1.0000 2,500.00 2,500.00

Mayor's Budget International Conference of Building Officials 1.0000 1,000.00 1,000.00

Mayor's Budget Plumbing Seminars 1.0000 500.00 500.00

Mayor's Budget Electrical Seminars 1.0000 500.00 500.00

Mayor's Budget Mechanical Seminars 1.0000 500.00 500.00

Mayor's Budget ND Building Officals Associatieon 1.0000 450.00 450.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget Budget Reductions 1.0000 (1,325.00) (1,325.00)

Mayor's Budget Totals $4,125.00

1100.036 460.0060 Travel .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 5,150.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget International Conference of Building Officials 1.0000 1,500.00 1,500.00

Mayor's Budget Plumbing Seminars 1.0000 800.00 800.00

Mayor's Budget Electrical Seminars 1.0000 800.00 800.00

Mayor's Budget Mechanical Seminars 1.0000 600.00 600.00

Mayor's Budget Flood Seminars 1.0000 250.00 250.00

Mayor's Budget Flat Mileage 12.0000 100.00 1,200.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $5,150.00

1100.036 460.0090 Dues .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 2,000.00

1100.036 470.0044 Credit Card Fees .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 150.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $28,625.00

Department 036 - Inspections Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,435,677.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 1100 - General Fund


Department 040 - Fire

Personnel Services
1100.040 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 5,207,620.00 5,145,667.85 5,342,184.00 5,331,409.81 5,389,064.00 5,414,134.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Administrative Specialist - Range 34 1.0000 45,266.00 45,266.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Administrative Specialist Sr - Range 41 1.0000 50,106.00 50,106.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Fleet Maintenance Mechanic, Lead - Range 48 1.0000 64,647.00 64,647.00

Mayor's Budget 15 - Firefighter - Range 49 1.0000 853,445.00 853,445.00

Mayor's Budget 21 - Firefighter, Sr - Range 52 1.0000 1,290,223.00 1,290,223.00

Mayor's Budget 15 - Fire Apparatus Specialist - Range 54 1.0000 1,025,314.00 1,025,314.00

Mayor's Budget 2 - Deputy Fire Marshal - Range 59 1.0000 156,267.00 156,267.00

Mayor's Budget 16 - Fire Captain - Range 59 1.0000 1,223,995.00 1,223,995.00

Mayor's Budget 3 - Battalion Chief - Range 66 1.0000 277,367.00 277,367.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Fire Chief - Range 79 1.0000 130,146.00 130,146.00

Mayor's Budget 2 - Deputy Fire Chief - Range 69 1.0000 211,808.00 211,808.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Fire Marshal - Range 66 1.0000 85,550.00 85,550.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $5,414,134.00

1100.040 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 2,890.00 3,340.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

1100.040 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 63,000.00 64,975.12 179,331.00 171,465.58 50,000.00 50,000.00

1100.040 400.0040 Wages & Salary-Holiday 210,000.00 206,923.20 218,022.00 214,010.40 210,000.00 215,000.00

1100.040 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 121,083.00 121,016.83 46,674.00 46,673.19 81,000.00 81,000.00

Personnel Services Totals $5,604,593.00 $5,541,923.00 $5,786,211.00 $5,763,558.98 $5,730,064.00 $5,760,134.00

Fringe Benefits
1100.040 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 350,040.00 323,299.06 355,777.00 334,913.21 355,264.00 357,128.00

1100.040 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 81,865.00 75,610.22 83,206.00 78,326.55 83,086.00 83,522.00

1100.040 402.0005 Post Employment Health 38,610.00 37,248.75 39,105.00 37,290.00 39,105.00 39,105.00

1100.040 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 726,048.00 759,753.80 818,270.00 818,269.86 852,810.00 929,012.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
1100.040 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 4,100.00 4,033.98 4,152.00 3,583.16 4,187.00 4,266.00

1100.040 402.0030 Disability Insurance 16,877.00 16,586.94 17,219.00 15,995.67 17,784.00 17,841.00

1100.040 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 689,451.00 689,451.00 625,097.00 625,097.00 624,614.00 624,614.00

1100.040 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 362,820.00 362,815.95 390,928.00 390,927.62 519,369.00 520,767.00

1100.040 402.0053 Vehicle Flat Rate 480.00 240.00 240.00 240.00 .00 480.00

1100.040 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 3,600.00 3,800.00 3,600.00 3,050.00 2,100.00 2,100.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $2,273,891.00 $2,272,839.70 $2,337,594.00 $2,307,693.07 $2,498,319.00 $2,578,835.00

Material And Supplies

1100.040 410.0010 Books & Subscriptions 2,244.00 2,243.04 1,401.00 1,013.97 1,100.00 1,140.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Publications & Reference Material 1.0000 1,140.00 1,140.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,140.00

1100.040 410.0020 Office Supplies 1,300.00 890.04 8,595.00 832.91 1,000.00 1,300.00

1100.040 410.0030 Linens 600.00 315.64 530.00 527.49 300.00 1,250.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Includes linens for new hires and station stock 1.0000 2,500.00 2,500.00

Mayor's Budget Budget Reductions 1.0000 (1,250.00) (1,250.00)

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,250.00

1100.040 410.0040 Janitorial Supplies 8,000.00 7,984.67 9,450.00 9,401.37 8,000.00 9,400.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Cleaning Supplies, Paper Products, Trash Bags 1.0000 9,400.00 9,400.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $9,400.00

1100.040 410.0050 Mechanical & Welding 4,420.00 4,459.89 3,000.00 2,827.87 3,000.00 3,100.00

1100.040 410.0065 Safety & Medical Supplies 3,870.00 3,610.72 14,828.00 14,827.04 5,980.00 6,860.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget EMS Safety equipment 1.0000 4,200.00 4,200.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget AED supplies 1.0000 950.00 950.00

Mayor's Budget Equipment Bags 1.0000 400.00 400.00

Mayor's Budget Measuring Equipment 1.0000 1,310.00 1,310.00

Mayor's Budget Medical equipment 1.0000 27,068.00 27,068.00

Mayor's Budget Budget Reduction - Med Equip - Include if Grant Approved 1.0000 (27,068.00) (27,068.00)

Mayor's Budget Totals $6,860.00

1100.040 410.0080 Food Supplies 600.00 401.77 600.00 32.54 400.00 500.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Emergency Scene and Public Events 1.0000 500.00 500.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $500.00

1100.040 410.0100 Clothing 67,625.00 62,181.63 38,672.00 36,986.80 87,250.00 95,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Station Uniforms (Suppression Personnel) 73.0000 500.00 36,500.00

Mayor's Budget Station Uniforms (Initial Issue) 3.0000 1,080.00 3,240.00

Mayor's Budget Clothing ( Non-Suppression Personnel) 2.0000 350.00 700.00

Mayor's Budget PPE Structure firefighting and ballistic 1.0000 58,600.00 58,600.00

Mayor's Budget Turnout gear bags 1.0000 4,500.00 4,500.00

Mayor's Budget Budget Reductions 1.0000 (8,540.00) (8,540.00)

Mayor's Budget Totals $95,000.00

1100.040 410.0170 Minor Tools & Equipment 2,500.00 2,420.17 2,250.00 1,783.23 2,500.00 3,000.00

1100.040 410.0171 Fire Suppression Tools & Equipment 5,875.00 5,839.49 12,000.00 11,840.97 10,000.00 15,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Fire Extinguisher service 1.0000 1,000.00 1,000.00

Mayor's Budget Fire Equipment repair/replacement 1.0000 11,500.00 11,500.00

Mayor's Budget Fire hose repair/replacement 1.0000 7,500.00 7,500.00

Mayor's Budget Salvage Overhaul supplies 1.0000 1,500.00 1,500.00

Mayor's Budget Budget Reductions 1.0000 (6,500.00) (6,500.00)


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget Totals $15,000.00

1100.040 410.0172 Suppression Agents 600.00 298.70 1,896.00 1,895.50 2,000.00 3,500.00

1100.040 410.0190 Diesel Fuel 45,000.00 33,822.84 45,000.00 21,660.59 40,000.00 40,000.00

1100.040 410.0200 Gasoline 12,000.00 10,254.52 12,000.00 7,838.94 13,000.00 13,000.00

1100.040 410.0210 Oil, Anti-Freeze, Etc. 2,386.00 2,219.40 5,225.00 1,923.35 5,775.00 6,250.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Vehicle fluids 1.0000 6,250.00 6,250.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $6,250.00

1100.040 410.0265 Minor Pc Software .00 .00 1,200.00 .00 .00 1,300.00

Material And Supplies Totals $157,020.00 $136,942.52 $156,647.00 $113,392.57 $180,305.00 $200,600.00

1100.040 420.0010 Electricity 32,900.00 29,101.38 35,000.00 29,637.51 35,000.00 35,000.00

1100.040 420.0020 Building Heat 16,835.00 13,376.32 17,500.00 10,807.49 17,500.00 17,500.00

1100.040 420.0030 Water, Sewer & Refuse 16,100.00 15,050.92 15,500.00 14,968.57 15,500.00 15,500.00

Utilities Totals $65,835.00 $57,528.62 $68,000.00 $55,413.57 $68,000.00 $68,000.00

Contractual Services
1100.040 430.0015 Contracted PersonnelSvcs. .00 .00 552.00 552.00 .00 .00

1100.040 430.0016 Recruitment Expense .00 .00 700.00 .00 700.00 500.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Personnel Recruitment 1.0000 2,000.00 2,000.00

Mayor's Budget Budget Reductions 1.0000 (1,500.00) (1,500.00)

Mayor's Budget Totals $500.00

1100.040 430.0090 Advertising 590.00 472.10 400.00 56.88 400.00 600.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Advertising for Bid Specs, etc. 1.0000 600.00 600.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $600.00

1100.040 430.0091 Community Risk Reduction 2,510.00 2,510.04 2,650.00 1,526.63 2,850.00 2,850.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Public Education and Fire Prevention 1.0000 2,850.00 2,850.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $2,850.00

1100.040 430.0100 Cleaning & Laundry Svcs 1,000.00 289.76 3,580.00 3,580.00 1,000.00 1,300.00

1100.040 430.0110 Printing 1,000.00 972.09 1,750.00 1,371.02 1,750.00 2,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Copy Paper, Envelopes, Toner & Printer Cartridges 1.0000 2,000.00 2,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $2,000.00

1100.040 430.0170 Maintenance Agreements 19,967.00 18,787.55 20,420.00 15,984.64 21,358.00 19,520.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Copy Machines 1.0000 600.00 600.00

Mayor's Budget Fitness Doc 1.0000 650.00 650.00

Mayor's Budget Accuglobe (AVL License) 1.0000 3,720.00 3,720.00

Mayor's Budget Intellitech- Sentinel 1.0000 3,100.00 3,100.00

Mayor's Budget StatsFD 1.0000 850.00 850.00

Mayor's Budget Emergency Reporting 1.0000 3,000.00 3,000.00

Mayor's Budget Rover 1.0000 1,000.00 1,000.00

Mayor's Budget Verizon Connect 1.0000 6,600.00 6,600.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $19,520.00

Contractual Services Totals $25,067.00 $23,031.54 $30,052.00 $23,071.17 $28,058.00 $26,770.00

Maintenance Structures
1100.040 440.0010 Mtce Buildings & Grounds 20,525.00 20,002.61 16,650.00 16,627.35 16,975.00 20,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Fire Alarm & Sprinkler System Testing 1.0000 1,600.00 1,600.00

Mayor's Budget Building Repairs 1.0000 18,400.00 18,400.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $20,000.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Maintenance Structures Totals $20,525.00 $20,002.61 $16,650.00 $16,627.35 $16,975.00 $20,000.00

Maintenance Equipment
1100.040 450.0010 Mtce Air Cond. & Heating 6,400.00 5,755.25 7,000.00 6,969.60 7,000.00 7,500.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget HVAC repairs & service (all Stations minus PSC) 1.0000 7,500.00 7,500.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $7,500.00

1100.040 450.0030 Mtce Communication & Elec 6,200.00 4,935.39 2,028.00 2,028.00 3,040.00 1,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Radio repair/misc 1.0000 1,000.00 1,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,000.00

1100.040 450.0050 Mtce Gen Equipt N.O.C. 4,200.00 4,144.75 2,000.00 1,614.09 2,075.00 2,450.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Misc Equipment repair (ie: compressors, appliance, etc) 1.0000 2,450.00 2,450.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $2,450.00

1100.040 450.0100 Mtce Instruments/Aparatus 5,700.00 3,091.93 7,401.00 5,007.59 12,600.00 14,500.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget SCBA-Yearly Calibration, Air Quality, Freight & Insurance 1.0000 2,000.00 2,000.00

Mayor's Budget SCBA & Gas detection sensors/parts/repair 1.0000 8,000.00 8,000.00

Mayor's Budget SCBA Hydro testing 1.0000 4,500.00 4,500.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $14,500.00

1100.040 450.0160 Mtce Vehicles/Motor Eq. 63,000.00 35,797.66 73,309.00 44,178.54 73,000.00 80,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Repairs to fire department fleet 1.0000 80,000.00 80,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $80,000.00

1100.040 450.0610 IS-Capital Replacement Ex 19,700.00 19,700.00 23,562.00 23,562.00 19,800.00 .00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
1100.040 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 7,400.00 7,400.00 11,100.00 11,100.00 11,100.00 .00

1100.040 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 11,100.00 11,100.00 11,840.00 11,840.00 11,840.00 .00

1100.040 450.0640 IT Services .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 83,711.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $123,700.00 $91,924.98 $138,240.00 $106,299.82 $140,455.00 $189,161.00

Other Operating Expenses

1100.040 460.0015 Cell Phone Charges 4,802.00 4,802.00 5,013.00 5,013.00 7,160.00 7,000.00

1100.040 460.0016 Data Fees 8,286.00 8,285.60 7,772.00 7,772.26 7,000.00 7,500.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Verizon Air Cards 15.0000 500.00 7,500.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $7,500.00

1100.040 460.0020 Telephone 7,739.00 7,739.46 6,867.00 6,866.72 8,400.00 8,400.00

1100.040 460.0022 Communications-Other 4,413.00 4,412.60 5,264.00 5,263.75 2,000.00 2,100.00

1100.040 460.0040 Postage 1,000.00 628.85 1,000.00 922.46 1,000.00 1,100.00

1100.040 460.0050 Education & Training 23,075.00 21,584.56 17,287.00 12,414.14 12,625.00 19,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Training Materials and Books 1.0000 1,000.00 1,000.00

Mayor's Budget Moodle- Cloud-based learning 1.0000 200.00 200.00

Mayor's Budget American Heart Association Training Center Fee 1.0000 200.00 200.00

Mayor's Budget Budget Reductions 1.0000 (12,000.00) (12,000.00)

Mayor's Budget Assessment Centers & Testing 1.0000 500.00 500.00

Mayor's Budget CPR (75 cards) and EMT Recertifications (35) 1.0000 1,000.00 1,000.00

Mayor's Budget Leadership Training 1.0000 1,200.00 1,200.00

Mayor's Budget Instructor Development/Certification 1.0000 3,000.00 3,000.00

Mayor's Budget Fire Prevention Training (ICC, IAAI, ICBO Conferences) 1.0000 4,500.00 4,500.00

Mayor's Budget Special Operations Training 1.0000 5,000.00 5,000.00

Mayor's Budget Nat'l Conference Fees (Chief Officers) 1.0000 2,000.00 2,000.00

Mayor's Budget Tuition Reimbursement 1.0000 3,200.00 3,200.00

Mayor's Budget Training Props & Expendables (foam, lumber, etc.) 1.0000 5,700.00 5,700.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget State Fire School 4.0000 125.00 500.00

Mayor's Budget National Fire Academy 8.0000 375.00 3,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $19,000.00

1100.040 460.0060 Travel 5,535.00 3,761.39 6,921.00 3,658.77 3,500.00 5,200.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Conferences & State Meetings (Fire Chief/Chief Officers) 1.0000 3,500.00 3,500.00

Mayor's Budget Regional/National Training Events (Supression Personnel) 1.0000 3,500.00 3,500.00

Mayor's Budget Budget Reductions 1.0000 (1,800.00) (1,800.00)

Mayor's Budget Totals $5,200.00

1100.040 460.0080 Freight 400.00 314.29 400.00 386.37 400.00 550.00

1100.040 460.0085 Boiler Inspection 200.00 .00 200.00 110.00 330.00 330.00

1100.040 460.0090 Dues 4,475.00 4,475.00 5,349.00 3,286.00 4,394.00 4,960.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget ND Firefighters Museum 1.0000 125.00 125.00

Mayor's Budget Sam's 1.0000 125.00 125.00

Mayor's Budget ND Fire Chiefs Association 1.0000 100.00 100.00

Mayor's Budget ND Fire Prevention Association 1.0000 75.00 75.00

Mayor's Budget ND Chapter IAAI (State and National) 3.0000 190.00 570.00

Mayor's Budget ND Firefighters Association (NDFA) 1.0000 100.00 100.00

Mayor's Budget ND Building Officials Association (NDBOA) 1.0000 200.00 200.00

Mayor's Budget ICC (Fire Marshals) 3.0000 250.00 750.00

Mayor's Budget International Association of Fire Chiefs (3 Chief Officers) 1.0000 680.00 680.00

Mayor's Budget National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA)-fire codes 1.0000 2,000.00 2,000.00

Mayor's Budget Amazon Prime Membership- annual 1.0000 180.00 180.00

Mayor's Budget Harbor Freight Inside Track 1.0000 55.00 55.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $4,960.00

1100.040 460.0110 Fire & Tornado Insurance .00 1,982.89 .00 .00 .00 .00

1100.040 460.0115 Flood Insurance .00 2,279.79 .00 .00 .00 .00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
1100.040 460.0120 Fleet & Gen.Liab.Insuranc 1,165.00 .00 500.00 .00 .00 .00

1100.040 470.0040 Contingency 1,181.00 1,081.65 1,477.00 1,476.97 .00 .00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $62,271.00 $61,348.08 $58,050.00 $47,170.44 $46,809.00 $56,140.00

Operating Transfers Out

1100.040 900.0030 Capital Replacement Trans 57,262.00 57,262.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 .00 150,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Transfer to 4800 - Fire Replacement 1.0000 150,000.00 150,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $150,000.00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $57,262.00 $57,262.00 $75,000.00 $75,000.00 $0.00 $150,000.00

Capital Outlay
1100.040 700.0005 Non Capitalized Assets 6,857.00 6,856.02 .00 .00 .00 .00

1100.040 700.0030 Communication & Elec 480.00 478.04 .00 .00 .00 .00

1100.040 700.0040 Furniture & Fixtures 1,850.00 1,846.68 3,000.00 2,915.87 .00 .00

1100.040 700.0050 Gen Equipment N.O.C. 111,382.00 111,381.65 79,913.00 8,813.99 .00 .00

1100.040 700.0055 Personal Protective Equipment .00 .00 126,435.00 99,310.37 .00 .00

1100.040 700.0120 Trucks & Mounted Equipmt 2,200.00 2,191.80 .00 .00 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $122,769.00 $122,754.19 $209,348.00 $111,040.23 $0.00 $0.00

Department 040 - Fire Totals $8,512,933.00 $8,385,557.24 $8,875,792.00 $8,619,267.20 $8,708,985.00 $9,049,640.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 1100 - General Fund


Department 045 - Health

Personnel Services
1100.045 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 958,332.00 953,342.55 987,458.00 964,379.35 967,526.00 967,942.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Environmental Health Manager - Range 62 1.0000 88,727.00 88,727.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Public Health Director - Range 76 1.0000 123,720.00 123,720.00

Mayor's Budget 2 - Environmental Health Specialist - Range 47 1.0000 107,016.00 107,016.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Environmental Health Specialist, Sr. (60%) - Range 52 1.0000 35,206.00 35,206.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Administrative Specialist - Range 34 1.0000 49,526.00 49,526.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - PH Administrative Coordinator - Range 44 1.0000 58,338.00 58,338.00

Mayor's Budget 2 - Public Health Nurse - Range 52 1.0000 121,638.00 121,638.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Environmental Health Specialist, Sr - Range 52 1.0000 62,858.00 62,858.00

Mayor's Budget 3 - Public Health Team Leader - Range 56 1.0000 231,405.00 231,405.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Nursing & Nutrition Manager - Range 62 1.0000 89,508.00 89,508.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $967,942.00

1100.045 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 975.00 517.25 8,077.00 800.00 975.00 975.00

1100.045 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 30,642.00 30,641.45 14,200.00 7,952.15 14,200.00 14,200.00

Personnel Services Totals $989,949.00 $984,501.25 $1,009,735.00 $973,131.50 $982,701.00 $983,117.00

Fringe Benefits
1100.045 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 57,446.00 57,429.04 61,901.00 62,635.86 60,927.00 60,953.00

1100.045 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 13,470.00 13,430.98 14,477.00 14,648.70 14,249.00 14,255.00

1100.045 402.0005 Post Employment Health 6,732.00 6,237.00 6,732.00 6,608.25 6,732.00 6,732.00

1100.045 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 131,221.00 131,220.68 139,635.00 136,628.73 148,618.00 140,086.00

1100.045 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 715.00 701.70 715.00 623.41 742.00 734.00

1100.045 402.0030 Disability Insurance 3,097.00 2,918.45 3,233.00 2,921.13 3,193.00 3,193.00

1100.045 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 166,633.00 166,629.00 155,005.00 155,005.00 127,093.00 127,093.00

1100.045 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 53,011.00 53,011.02 54,472.00 57,799.70 58,471.00 58,249.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
1100.045 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 5,470.00 5,470.00 4,800.00 5,160.00 3,000.00 4,800.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $437,795.00 $437,047.87 $440,970.00 $442,030.78 $423,025.00 $416,095.00

Material And Supplies

1100.045 410.0010 Books & Subscriptions 160.00 159.59 500.00 481.30 500.00 500.00

1100.045 410.0020 Office Supplies 7,400.00 7,150.71 7,867.00 3,535.56 7,500.00 7,000.00

1100.045 410.0060 Medical & Laboratory 2,120.00 2,092.70 2,300.00 1,358.39 2,300.00 2,300.00

1100.045 410.0100 Clothing 200.00 199.92 50.00 49.98 .00 100.00

1100.045 410.0200 Gasoline 3,800.00 3,773.79 3,100.00 1,528.21 2,790.00 2,790.00

1100.045 410.0220 Educational Supplies 1,032.00 1,031.73 1,134.00 273.54 900.00 900.00

1100.045 410.0265 Minor Pc Software .00 .00 1,000.00 1,000.00 400.00 1,000.00

Material And Supplies Totals $14,712.00 $14,408.44 $15,951.00 $8,226.98 $14,390.00 $14,590.00

Contractual Services
1100.045 430.0015 Contracted PersonnelSvcs. 19,803.00 19,822.49 21,634.00 21,633.18 19,012.00 20,480.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Health Officer $1,265/mo (Co reimburses @ 50% - $7590) 12.0000 1,265.00 15,180.00

Mayor's Budget Interpreter Services 1.0000 300.00 300.00

Mayor's Budget Software Vendor 1.0000 5,000.00 5,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $20,480.00

1100.045 430.0030 Lease & Rental 524.00 523.92 600.00 523.92 600.00 600.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Postage Meter Rental 1.0000 600.00 600.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $600.00

1100.045 430.0090 Advertising .00 .00 300.00 .00 300.00 300.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Ads to fill positions - turnover or retirement 1.0000 300.00 300.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $300.00

1100.045 430.0100 Cleaning & Laundry Svcs 100.00 51.17 100.00 .00 100.00 300.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
1100.045 430.0170 Maintenance Agreements 1,860.00 1,538.55 2,400.00 2,014.35 2,400.00 2,400.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Copier Maintenance $200/mo x 12 months 1.0000 2,400.00 2,400.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $2,400.00

Contractual Services Totals $22,287.00 $21,936.13 $25,034.00 $24,171.45 $22,412.00 $24,080.00

Maintenance Structures
1100.045 440.0060 Mtce Parking Facilities 2,940.00 2,940.00 4,113.00 2,695.00 4,200.00 4,200.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Parking spots (100% County reimbursed) $35/mo x 12 10.0000 420.00 4,200.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $4,200.00

Maintenance Structures Totals $2,940.00 $2,940.00 $4,113.00 $2,695.00 $4,200.00 $4,200.00

Maintenance Equipment
1100.045 450.0030 Mtce Communication & Elec 1,090.00 1,073.29 1,107.00 1,106.08 .00 .00

1100.045 450.0050 Mtce Gen Equipt N.O.C. 374.00 373.26 250.00 .00 250.00 250.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Calibration of instruments and repairs 1.0000 250.00 250.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $250.00

1100.045 450.0160 Mtce Vehicles/Motor Eq. 3,321.00 3,604.29 3,500.00 1,538.60 3,500.00 3,500.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Co. Reimburses $3,500 @ 40% = $1400+ $2100 City Share 1.0000 3,500.00 3,500.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $3,500.00

1100.045 450.0610 IS-Capital Replacement Ex 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 .00

1100.045 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 3,600.00 3,600.00 5,400.00 5,400.00 5,400.00 .00

1100.045 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 5,400.00 5,400.00 5,760.00 5,760.00 5,760.00 .00

1100.045 450.0640 IT Services .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 18,117.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $19,785.00 $20,050.84 $22,017.00 $19,804.68 $20,910.00 $21,867.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Other Operating Expenses
1100.045 460.0015 Cell Phone Charges 867.00 867.00 606.00 551.00 1,212.00 1,212.00

1100.045 460.0016 Data Fees 2,129.00 2,128.11 1,764.00 1,764.00 2,160.00 2,160.00

1100.045 460.0020 Telephone 333.00 332.65 600.00 245.93 600.00 400.00

1100.045 460.0040 Postage 544.00 537.63 700.00 687.14 500.00 700.00

1100.045 460.0050 Education & Training 8,500.00 8,444.57 7,822.00 1,171.45 7,600.00 7,200.00

1100.045 460.0060 Travel 2,042.00 2,139.09 1,800.00 686.46 1,440.00 1,200.00

1100.045 460.0090 Dues 1,030.00 1,030.00 1,240.00 1,240.00 800.00 1,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget APHA Dues 1.0000 300.00 300.00

Mayor's Budget NDPHA Dues for Board of Health 1.0000 350.00 350.00

Mayor's Budget APHN Dues 1.0000 120.00 120.00

Mayor's Budget Misc. Dues (NALBOH & NDEHA) 1.0000 230.00 230.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,000.00

1100.045 460.0110 Fire & Tornado Insurance .00 172.90 .00 .00 .00 .00

1100.045 470.0010 Contributions 78,000.00 78,000.00 81,690.00 81,690.00 85,500.00 88,065.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Social detox opertations - City portion 1.0000 88,065.00 88,065.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $88,065.00

1100.045 470.0040 Contingency .00 .00 1,064.00 .00 .00 .00

1100.045 470.0044 Credit Card Fees 450.00 502.33 250.00 191.50 250.00 500.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $93,895.00 $94,154.28 $97,536.00 $88,227.48 $100,062.00 $102,437.00

Capital Outlay
1100.045 700.0040 Furniture & Fixtures 753.00 753.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

1100.045 700.0100 Cars & Light Duty Trucks .00 .00 8,200.00 .00 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $753.00 $753.00 $8,200.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Department 045 - Health Totals $1,582,116.00 $1,575,791.81 $1,623,556.00 $1,558,287.87 $1,567,700.00 $1,566,386.00

Health - Nursing Fees

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 1100 - General Fund


Department 045 - Health

Sub Department 4510 - Nursing Fees

Personnel Services
1100.045.4510 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 173,854.00 151,523.29 163,345.00 151,859.72 131,352.00 191,568.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 PHN 1 FTE - Range 52 1.0000 72,051.00 72,051.00

Mayor's Budget 1 PHN 1 FTE - Range 52 1.0000 61,360.00 61,360.00

Mayor's Budget 1 PHN 1 FTE - Range 52 1.0000 58,157.00 58,157.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $191,568.00

1100.045.4510 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 24,585.00 21,034.40 1,405.00 964.22 .00 .00

1100.045.4510 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 16,450.00 16,812.77 69,000.00 63,291.57 1,000.00 16,000.00

1100.045.4510 400.0040 Wages & Salary-Holiday 500.00 401.79 .00 .00 400.00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $215,389.00 $189,772.25 $233,750.00 $216,115.51 $132,752.00 $207,568.00

Fringe Benefits
1100.045.4510 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 13,376.00 11,357.35 13,472.00 13,104.35 8,144.00 11,877.00

1100.045.4510 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 3,129.00 2,656.13 3,147.00 3,064.74 1,905.00 2,778.00

1100.045.4510 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 528.00 528.00 1,078.00 1,072.28 372.00 588.00

1100.045.4510 402.0005 Post Employment Health 1,337.00 1,190.41 1,262.00 1,210.05 990.00 1,485.00

1100.045.4510 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 17,476.00 15,321.93 20,321.00 14,236.17 12,000.00 28,751.00

1100.045.4510 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 146.00 126.40 138.00 112.06 108.00 162.00

1100.045.4510 402.0030 Disability Insurance 688.00 508.30 559.00 492.58 433.00 632.00

1100.045.4510 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 2,500.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

1100.045.4510 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 14,963.00 12,515.91 14,005.00 12,586.41 11,000.00 16,491.00

1100.045.4510 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 1,620.00 1,200.00 1,450.00 1,450.00 1,500.00 900.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $55,763.00 $45,404.43 $55,432.00 $47,328.64 $36,452.00 $63,664.00

Material And Supplies

1100.045.4510 410.0060 Medical & Laboratory 69,695.00 61,136.81 54,000.00 32,022.21 61,000.00 54,000.00

Health - Nursing Fees

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
1100.045.4510 410.0220 Educational Supplies 100.00 .00 100.00 .00 .00 .00

Material And Supplies Totals $69,795.00 $61,136.81 $54,100.00 $32,022.21 $61,000.00 $54,000.00

Contractual Services
1100.045.4510 430.0015 Contracted PersonnelSvcs. 400.00 .00 620.00 562.44 200.00 600.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Interpreters 1.0000 600.00 600.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $600.00

1100.045.4510 430.0090 Advertising 300.00 136.71 300.00 .00 300.00 300.00

Contractual Services Totals $700.00 $136.71 $920.00 $562.44 $500.00 $900.00

Maintenance Equipment
1100.045.4510 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 400.00 400.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 .00

1100.045.4510 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 600.00 600.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 300.00 .00

1100.045.4510 450.0640 IT Services .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1,284.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,400.00 $1,400.00 $500.00 $1,284.00

Other Operating Expenses

1100.045.4510 460.0015 Cell Phone Charges 750.00 644.00 610.00 552.00 644.00 552.00

1100.045.4510 460.0016 Data Fees 3,240.00 1,283.88 1,950.00 1,786.68 1,200.00 1,800.00

1100.045.4510 460.0020 Telephone 100.00 90.88 100.00 21.22 100.00 100.00

1100.045.4510 460.0050 Education & Training 1,000.00 594.54 1,000.00 247.00 600.00 600.00

1100.045.4510 460.0060 Travel 762.00 698.90 500.00 118.46 700.00 500.00

1100.045.4510 470.0044 Credit Card Fees .00 .00 100.00 48.42 .00 .00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $5,852.00 $3,312.20 $4,260.00 $2,773.78 $3,244.00 $3,552.00

Sub Department 4510 - Nursing Fees Totals $348,499.00 $300,762.40 $349,862.00 $300,202.58 $234,448.00 $330,968.00

Health - Environmental Health
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 1100 - General Fund


Department 045 - Health

Sub Department 4560 - Environmental Health Fees

Personnel Services
1100.045.4560 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 4,200.00 2,887.88 .00 .00 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $4,200.00 $2,887.88 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fringe Benefits
1100.045.4560 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 261.00 179.06 .00 .00 .00 .00

1100.045.4560 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 61.00 41.88 .00 .00 .00 .00

Fringe Benefits Totals $322.00 $220.94 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Material And Supplies

1100.045.4560 410.0020 Office Supplies 50.00 29.93 .00 .00 .00 .00

Material And Supplies Totals $50.00 $29.93 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Other Operating Expenses

1100.045.4560 460.0050 Education & Training 617.00 .00 1,750.00 .00 1,750.00 .00

1100.045.4560 460.0060 Travel 250.00 135.62 250.00 12.08 250.00 .00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $867.00 $135.62 $2,000.00 $12.08 $2,000.00 $0.00

Non-Current Outlay
1100.045.4560 996.0000 Non-Current Outlays .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 4,800.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Reserve for Future Vehicle Purchase 1.0000 4,800.00 4,800.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $4,800.00

Non-Current Outlay Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,800.00

Sub Department 4560 - Environmental Health Fees Totals $5,439.00 $3,274.37 $2,000.00 $12.08 $2,000.00 $4,800.00

Health - Local Health Services

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 1100 - General Fund


Department 045 - Health

Sub Department 4570 - Local Health Services

Personnel Services
1100.045.4570 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 147,603.00 138,031.04 133,447.00 108,145.40 160,851.00 160,851.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 3 Admin. Specialists - .5 FTE, .6 FTE & .45 FTE - Range 34 1.0000 66,633.00 66,633.00

Mayor's Budget 1 Environmental Health Specialist Sr. .4 FTE - Range 51 1.0000 23,880.00 23,880.00

Mayor's Budget 1 PHN - Range 52 1.0000 70,338.00 70,338.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $160,851.00

1100.045.4570 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 17.00 16.39 4,395.00 4,119.16 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $147,620.00 $138,047.43 $137,842.00 $112,264.56 $160,851.00 $160,851.00

Fringe Benefits
1100.045.4570 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 9,152.00 7,873.62 9,694.00 6,443.50 9,978.00 9,978.00

1100.045.4570 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 2,143.00 1,841.48 2,266.00 1,506.96 2,333.00 2,333.00

1100.045.4570 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 658.00 657.01 564.00 340.38 597.00 597.00

1100.045.4570 402.0005 Post Employment Health 1,409.00 1,423.08 1,462.00 1,091.19 1,462.00 1,462.00

1100.045.4570 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 15,996.00 15,404.42 19,968.00 12,210.70 20,653.00 20,653.00

1100.045.4570 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 151.00 151.11 158.00 101.06 158.00 158.00

1100.045.4570 402.0030 Disability Insurance 549.00 453.82 516.00 346.90 531.00 531.00

1100.045.4570 402.0042 Contract Emp-Def. Comp. 655.00 644.04 440.00 426.48 709.00 709.00

1100.045.4570 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 12,194.00 10,071.15 12,914.00 8,052.34 11,832.00 11,832.00

1100.045.4570 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 360.00 360.00 420.00 420.00 420.00 420.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget PHN 25% of $50/mo x 12 months 12.0000 15.00 180.00

Mayor's Budget Env. Health Specialist 40% of $50/mo x 12 months 12.0000 20.00 240.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $420.00

Health - Local Health Services

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Fringe Benefits Totals $43,267.00 $38,879.73 $48,402.00 $30,939.51 $48,673.00 $48,673.00

Material And Supplies

1100.045.4570 410.0010 Books & Subscriptions .00 189.28 250.00 .00 300.00 300.00

1100.045.4570 410.0020 Office Supplies 4,500.00 3,941.28 520.00 557.57 250.00 250.00

1100.045.4570 410.0060 Medical & Laboratory 2,200.00 2,138.71 700.00 260.00 1,450.00 1,450.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Regional Environmental 1.0000 700.00 700.00

Mayor's Budget Environmental 1.0000 750.00 750.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,450.00

1100.045.4570 410.0100 Clothing 50.00 49.98 250.00 .00 .00 .00

1100.045.4570 410.0170 Minor Tools & Equipment 150.00 287.01 1,250.00 1,036.54 500.00 500.00

1100.045.4570 410.0200 Gasoline 1,150.00 815.41 1,500.00 389.14 1,000.00 1,000.00

1100.045.4570 410.0220 Educational Supplies 1,040.00 872.08 500.00 .00 .00 .00

Material And Supplies Totals $9,090.00 $8,293.75 $4,970.00 $2,243.25 $3,500.00 $3,500.00

Contractual Services
1100.045.4570 430.0015 Contracted PersonnelSvcs. 18,960.00 18,840.14 10,500.00 10,095.36 11,000.00 11,000.00

1100.045.4570 430.0090 Advertising .00 .00 900.00 860.52 .00 .00

1100.045.4570 430.0179 Accreditation Fees 12,600.00 12,600.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Contractual Services Totals $31,560.00 $31,440.14 $11,400.00 $10,955.88 $11,000.00 $11,000.00

Maintenance Equipment
1100.045.4570 450.0050 Mtce Gen Equipt N.O.C. 1,350.00 1,349.06 500.00 338.00 1,500.00 1,500.00

1100.045.4570 450.0160 Mtce Vehicles/Motor Eq. 2,000.00 1,528.87 250.00 147.66 1,000.00 1,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Regional Environmental 1.0000 1,000.00 1,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,000.00

1100.045.4570 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 800.00 800.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 600.00 .00

1100.045.4570 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,280.00 1,280.00 900.00 .00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $5,350.00 $4,877.93 $3,830.00 $3,565.66 $4,000.00 $2,500.00

Health - Local Health Services

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Other Operating Expenses
1100.045.4570 460.0016 Data Fees 1,731.00 1,381.32 1,561.00 1,440.36 481.00 481.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Nursing iPad 1.0000 481.00 481.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $481.00

1100.045.4570 460.0020 Telephone 40.00 12.72 20.00 15.16 .00 .00

1100.045.4570 460.0040 Postage 1,133.00 1,041.52 1,033.00 1,032.10 280.00 280.00

1100.045.4570 460.0050 Education & Training 10,752.00 10,390.11 7,400.00 1,000.76 4,250.00 4,250.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Environmental 1.0000 3,250.00 3,250.00

Mayor's Budget Regional Environmental 1.0000 1,000.00 1,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $4,250.00

1100.045.4570 460.0060 Travel 600.00 463.84 1,294.00 1,067.49 250.00 250.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Regional Environmental 1.0000 250.00 250.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $250.00

1100.045.4570 460.0090 Dues 3,834.00 3,834.00 3,734.00 3,734.00 210.00 210.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Environmental 1.0000 210.00 210.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $210.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $18,090.00 $17,123.51 $15,042.00 $8,289.87 $5,471.00 $5,471.00

Capital Outlay
1100.045.4570 700.0030 Communication & Elec .00 .00 1,500.00 1,182.43 .00 .00

1100.045.4570 700.0100 Cars & Light Duty Trucks 18,626.00 18,626.00 28,509.00 19,508.87 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $18,626.00 $18,626.00 $30,009.00 $20,691.30 $0.00 $0.00

Sub Department 4570 - Local Health Services Totals $273,603.00 $257,288.49 $251,495.00 $188,950.03 $233,495.00 $231,995.00

Health - Wellness Program

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 1100 - General Fund


Department 045 - Health

Sub Department 4580 - Wellness Program

Personnel Services
1100.045.4580 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 23,625.00 23,612.00 24,648.00 24,165.62 21,772.00 22,300.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 Dietian .3 FTE - Range 51 1.0000 22,300.00 22,300.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $22,300.00

1100.045.4580 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 162.00 162.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $23,787.00 $23,774.00 $24,648.00 $24,165.62 $21,772.00 $22,300.00

Fringe Benefits
1100.045.4580 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 1,498.00 1,478.97 1,445.00 1,421.52 1,350.00 1,385.00

1100.045.4580 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 345.00 336.34 338.00 332.46 316.00 330.00

1100.045.4580 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 110.00 110.00 .00 .00 110.00 110.00

1100.045.4580 402.0005 Post Employment Health 286.00 281.83 270.00 251.64 250.00 250.00

1100.045.4580 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 1,092.00 1,095.72 1,470.00 1,459.11 .00 .00

1100.045.4580 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 32.00 29.94 27.00 23.34 30.00 30.00

1100.045.4580 402.0030 Disability Insurance 78.00 75.72 113.00 99.78 90.00 80.00

1100.045.4580 402.0042 Contract Emp-Def. Comp. 166.00 154.37 160.00 155.82 .00 .00

1100.045.4580 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 1,695.00 1,684.01 1,812.00 1,674.22 1,800.00 2,000.00

1100.045.4580 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 500.00 500.00 575.00 575.00 600.00 300.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $5,802.00 $5,746.90 $6,210.00 $5,992.89 $4,546.00 $4,485.00

Material And Supplies

1100.045.4580 410.0220 Educational Supplies 2,662.00 2,093.60 705.00 164.99 1,000.00 1,000.00

1100.045.4580 410.0265 Minor Pc Software .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 228.00

Material And Supplies Totals $2,662.00 $2,093.60 $705.00 $164.99 $1,000.00 $1,228.00

Contractual Services

1100.045.4580 430.0015 Contracted PersonnelSvcs. 1,425.00 1,425.00 620.00 .00 4,900.00 4,205.00

Health - Wellness Program

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Contractual Services Totals $1,425.00 $1,425.00 $620.00 $0.00 $4,900.00 $4,205.00

Other Operating Expenses

1100.045.4580 460.0016 Data Fees 122.00 80.02 482.00 480.12 482.00 482.00

1100.045.4580 460.0050 Education & Training 202.00 201.26 300.00 234.75 300.00 300.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $324.00 $281.28 $782.00 $714.87 $782.00 $782.00

Sub Department 4580 - Wellness Program Totals $34,000.00 $33,320.78 $32,965.00 $31,038.37 $33,000.00 $33,000.00

Department 045 - Health Totals $2,243,657.00 $2,170,437.85 $2,259,878.00 $2,078,490.93 $2,070,643.00 $2,167,149.00

Mayor & City Council

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 1100 - General Fund


Department 050 - Mayor And Council

Personnel Services
1100.050 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 140,729.00 140,266.16 213,171.00 213,170.72 149,229.00 156,802.00

Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget 7 - Council Members 7.0000 16,986.00 118,902.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Mayor 1.0000 37,900.00 37,900.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $156,802.00

1100.050 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 1,600.00 1,620.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

1100.050 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 2,348.00 2,347.17 29,735.00 29,734.40 .00 .00

1100.050 400.0080 Wages & Sal-Non-Class 106,259.00 105,025.90 81,816.00 81,815.44 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $250,936.00 $249,259.23 $324,722.00 $324,720.56 $149,229.00 $156,802.00

Fringe Benefits
1100.050 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 15,510.00 15,530.82 17,467.00 17,466.27 9,686.00 9,877.00

1100.050 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 3,627.00 3,632.23 4,726.00 4,725.84 2,265.00 2,310.00

1100.050 402.0005 Post Employment Health 495.00 495.00 495.00 288.75 .00 .00

1100.050 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 17,870.00 17,869.70 19,206.00 19,205.10 .00 45,000.00

1100.050 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 53.00 52.56 53.00 26.74 .00 .00

1100.050 402.0030 Disability Insurance 346.00 349.08 352.00 191.52 .00 .00

1100.050 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 3,951.00 3,951.00 3,459.00 3,459.00 2,454.00 2,454.00

1100.050 402.0042 Contract Emp-Def. Comp. 1,822.00 1,840.80 1,858.00 1,842.88 .00 .00

1100.050 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 8,935.00 8,738.08 8,749.00 8,748.48 .00 .00

1100.050 402.0053 Vehicle Flat Rate 550.00 600.00 120.00 120.00 .00 .00

1100.050 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 600.00 600.00 600.00 250.00 .00 .00

Fringe Benefits Totals $53,759.00 $53,659.27 $57,085.00 $56,324.58 $14,405.00 $59,641.00

Material And Supplies

1100.050 410.0010 Books & Subscriptions 37.00 .00 200.00 100.00 .00 .00

1100.050 410.0020 Office Supplies 1,276.00 1,417.69 3,703.00 3,702.08 2,400.00 2,400.00

Budget Transactions

Mayor & City Council

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Monthly Supplies 12.0000 200.00 2,400.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $2,400.00

1100.050 410.0065 Safety & Medical Supplies .00 .00 380.00 .00 .00 .00

1100.050 410.0080 Food Supplies 2,240.00 2,135.55 963.00 257.76 1,440.00 1,440.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Monthly Food costs - various meetings 12.0000 120.00 1,440.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,440.00

1100.050 410.0265 Minor Pc Software 204.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Material And Supplies Totals $3,757.00 $3,553.24 $5,246.00 $4,059.84 $3,840.00 $3,840.00

Contractual Services
1100.050 430.0015 Contracted PersonnelSvcs. .00 .00 170.00 170.00 .00 12,900.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget State of the City - HB Sound & Light 1.0000 10,000.00 10,000.00

Mayor's Budget State of the City - Alerus Center 1.0000 1,300.00 1,300.00

Mayor's Budget GFTV2 Maintenance Calls 1.0000 500.00 500.00

Mayor's Budget State of the City - Photography 2.0000 175.00 350.00

Mayor's Budget State of the City - Chamber Sponsorship 1.0000 750.00 750.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $12,900.00

1100.050 430.0030 Lease & Rental 51.00 .00 100.00 .00 .00 .00

1100.050 430.0090 Advertising 18,485.00 12,272.79 20,000.00 18,141.42 14,980.00 7,600.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Council Meeting Agendas and notices 12.0000 450.00 5,400.00

Mayor's Budget Brand Promotion & Relationship Promotion 1.0000 2,000.00 2,000.00

Mayor's Budget State of the City- Related 5.0000 40.00 200.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $7,600.00

1100.050 430.0095 Promotions .00 .00 992.00 991.04 700.00 700.00

Mayor & City Council

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget City Council Promotions 1.0000 700.00 700.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $700.00

1100.050 430.0110 Printing 749.00 740.63 .00 .00 .00 .00

Contractual Services Totals $19,285.00 $13,013.42 $21,262.00 $19,302.46 $15,680.00 $21,200.00

Maintenance Equipment
1100.050 450.0610 IS-Capital Replacement Ex 950.00 950.00 950.00 950.00 950.00 .00

1100.050 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 600.00 600.00 900.00 900.00 900.00 .00

1100.050 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 900.00 900.00 960.00 960.00 960.00 .00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $2,450.00 $2,450.00 $2,810.00 $2,810.00 $2,810.00 $0.00

Other Operating Expenses

1100.050 460.0015 Cell Phone Charges 1,106.00 1,106.40 1,149.00 1,149.22 1,200.00 1,200.00

1100.050 460.0016 Data Fees 120.00 120.00 70.00 70.00 120.00 .00

1100.050 460.0020 Telephone 386.00 386.43 368.00 367.64 500.00 500.00

1100.050 460.0040 Postage 114.00 206.45 500.00 246.96 500.00 500.00

1100.050 460.0045 Mailing Services .00 .00 500.00 .00 .00 .00

1100.050 460.0050 Education & Training 6,395.00 6,394.98 7,077.00 7,077.00 2,800.00 4,200.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Training/Conference Registrations (Mayor, Council, staff) 5.0000 1,000.00 5,000.00

Mayor's Budget Budget Reductions 1.0000 (800.00) (800.00)

Mayor's Budget Totals $4,200.00

1100.050 460.0059 Legislative Expense 3,853.00 3,937.20 3,331.00 2,337.91 5,750.00 3,500.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Legislative Expenses - Cong. Visits & Conf. 5.0000 700.00 3,500.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $3,500.00

1100.050 460.0060 Travel 34,504.00 35,627.64 14,200.00 10,414.97 9,200.00 13,800.00

Budget Transactions

Mayor & City Council

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Budget Reductions 1.0000 (1,200.00) (1,200.00)

Mayor's Budget Mayor, Council & Staff - National Air Travel 1.0000 8,000.00 8,000.00

Mayor's Budget Mayor, Council & Staff - Hotel 1.0000 4,000.00 4,000.00

Mayor's Budget Mayor, Council & Staff - Mileage 1.0000 3,000.00 3,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $13,800.00

1100.050 460.0090 Dues 13,197.00 12,120.01 33,674.00 33,408.00 37,674.00 37,674.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Forx Builders 1.0000 350.00 350.00

Mayor's Budget The Chamber 1.0000 1,200.00 1,200.00

Mayor's Budget ND Water Coalition 1.0000 1,000.00 1,000.00

Mayor's Budget National League of Cities 1.0000 4,500.00 4,500.00

Mayor's Budget International Town & Gown Assn. ITGA 1.0000 400.00 400.00

Mayor's Budget ND League of Cities 1.0000 24,399.00 24,399.00

Mayor's Budget US Conference of Mayors 1.0000 5,300.00 5,300.00

Mayor's Budget Military Affairs 1.0000 250.00 250.00

Mayor's Budget CVB 1.0000 275.00 275.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $37,674.00

1100.050 470.0010 Contributions 8,742.00 8,741.55 5,150.00 3,350.30 6,650.00 6,150.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget UND Big Event 1.0000 500.00 500.00

Mayor's Budget Welcome Back UND 1.0000 3,000.00 3,000.00

Mayor's Budget Chamber Annual Dinner 1.0000 700.00 700.00

Mayor's Budget Promo 1.0000 1,950.00 1,950.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $6,150.00

1100.050 470.0012 Mayors Comm-EmployDisable .00 (1,350.00) .00 (350.00) .00 .00

1100.050 470.0013 Mayors Cabinet-YoungPeopl .00 (290.00) .00 (110.00) .00 .00

1100.050 470.0014 Sister City 692.00 691.96 .00 .00 .00 .00

Mayor & City Council

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
1100.050 470.0017 Mayors Cabinet-YouthComms 10,410.00 10,410.43 11,200.00 9,495.52 11,200.00 11,200.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Youth Commission Facilitator 1.0000 7,500.00 7,500.00

Mayor's Budget Meeting Supplies 9.0000 250.00 2,250.00

Mayor's Budget Registration Fees - SOTC, State, etc. 15.0000 30.00 450.00

Mayor's Budget Strategic Initiatives - Youth Commission Priorities 1.0000 1,000.00 1,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $11,200.00

1100.050 470.0019 Special Events 1,536.00 1,535.97 .00 .00 .00 .00

1100.050 470.0028 Strategic Initiatives 8,000.00 8,000.11 25,653.00 13,445.72 4,000.00 4,000.00

1100.050 470.0040 Contingency 483.00 483.02 3,673.00 425.50 .00 .00

1100.050 470.0065 CRF Allocation .00 .00 2,297,146.00 729,518.00 .00 .00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $89,538.00 $88,122.15 $2,403,691.00 $810,846.74 $79,594.00 $82,724.00

Capital Outlay
1100.050 700.0005 Non Capitalized Assets 2,200.00 2,200.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $2,200.00 $2,200.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Department 050 - Mayor And Council Totals $421,925.00 $412,257.31 $2,814,816.00 $1,218,064.18 $265,558.00 $324,207.00

City Administrator

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 1100 - General Fund


Department 050 - Mayor And Council

Sub Department 0051 - City Administrator

Personnel Services
1100.050.0051 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 13,562.00 13,561.18 .00 27,724.65 .00 186,847.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Public Information Officer - Range 51 1.0000 63,877.00 63,877.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Public Affairs Manager - Range 51 1.0000 59,092.80 59,092.80

Mayor's Budget 1 - Community Events Manager - Range 51 1.0000 63,877.00 63,877.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $186,846.80

1100.050.0051 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 73,047.00 72,866.59 20,000.00 61,448.98 .00 29,255.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Assistant to the City Administrator - 50% 1.0000 29,255.00 29,255.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $29,255.00

1100.050.0051 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime .00 13.18 1,858.00 37.11 .00 .00

1100.050.0051 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 4,383.00 4,382.88 3,394.00 3,393.63 4,200.00 4,200.00

1100.050.0051 400.0080 Wages & Sal-Non-Class 163,970.00 163,373.10 178,028.00 148,024.80 182,233.00 167,606.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - City Administrator - Range 85 1.0000 167,606.00 167,606.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $167,606.00

Personnel Services Totals $254,962.00 $254,196.93 $203,280.00 $240,629.17 $186,433.00 $387,908.00

Fringe Benefits
1100.050.0051 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 15,983.00 13,466.23 12,724.00 12,916.31 11,559.00 24,671.00

1100.050.0051 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 3,738.00 3,713.32 2,976.00 3,498.65 2,703.00 5,770.00

1100.050.0051 402.0005 Post Employment Health 1,287.00 1,113.75 619.00 1,188.00 619.00 2,228.00

1100.050.0051 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 17,870.00 17,869.70 19,206.00 19,205.10 20,511.00 73,429.00

City Administrator

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
1100.050.0051 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 137.00 158.79 66.00 117.66 66.00 243.00

1100.050.0051 402.0030 Disability Insurance 808.00 667.26 676.00 743.09 597.00 610.00

1100.050.0051 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 36,575.00 36,575.00 30,795.00 30,795.00 21,398.00 21,398.00

1100.050.0051 402.0042 Contract Emp-Def. Comp. 3,871.00 3,393.08 2,908.00 2,899.00 2,916.00 2,916.00

1100.050.0051 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 18,526.00 18,770.38 19,502.00 19,502.00 15,053.00 31,833.00

1100.050.0051 402.0053 Vehicle Flat Rate 500.00 550.00 200.00 200.00 .00 .00

1100.050.0051 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 600.00 550.00 600.00 250.00 300.00 1,200.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $99,895.00 $96,827.51 $90,272.00 $91,314.81 $75,722.00 $164,298.00

Material And Supplies

1100.050.0051 410.0010 Books & Subscriptions 200.00 46.00 .00 .00 200.00 8,931.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Misc 1.0000 200.00 200.00

Mayor's Budget Flicker 1.0000 10.00 10.00

Mayor's Budget Survey Monkey 1.0000 384.00 384.00

Mayor's Budget GF Herald 1.0000 120.00 120.00

Mayor's Budget Tableau - Data/Info Visualization/Presentation 1.0000 500.00 500.00

Mayor's Budget Hightail 1.0000 50.00 50.00

Mayor's Budget Adobe Creative Cloud - Content Creation 2.0000 960.00 1,920.00

Mayor's Budget Sprout Social Media Mgmt 3.0000 1,788.00 5,364.00

Mayor's Budget Animoto 1.0000 264.00 264.00

Mayor's Budget Canva 1.0000 119.00 119.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $8,931.00

1100.050.0051 410.0020 Office Supplies 2,073.00 2,171.03 2,411.00 2,410.74 2,400.00 4,200.00

1100.050.0051 410.0080 Food Supplies 416.00 415.70 400.00 168.50 400.00 400.00

1100.050.0051 410.0150 Photographic Supplies .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 420.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget City-Wide Drone Footage Portal 12.0000 35.00 420.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $420.00

City Administrator

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
1100.050.0051 410.0265 Minor Pc Software .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 300.00

Material And Supplies Totals $2,689.00 $2,632.73 $2,811.00 $2,579.24 $3,000.00 $14,251.00

Contractual Services
1100.050.0051 430.0015 Contracted PersonnelSvcs. .00 .00 94.00 .00 100.00 .00

1100.050.0051 430.0030 Lease & Rental .00 .00 .00 .00 125.00 .00

1100.050.0051 430.0090 Advertising .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 800.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget General Advertising & Promotion; Including Social Media 1.0000 800.00 800.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $800.00

1100.050.0051 430.0110 Printing .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 10,700.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Calendar Printing 1.0000 10,000.00 10,000.00

Mayor's Budget Misc Printing 1.0000 700.00 700.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $10,700.00

Contractual Services Totals $0.00 $0.00 $94.00 $0.00 $225.00 $11,500.00

Maintenance Equipment
1100.050.0051 450.0160 Mtce Vehicles/Motor Eq. 36.00 35.62 37.00 36.42 .00 .00

1100.050.0051 450.0610 IS-Capital Replacement Ex 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 .00

1100.050.0051 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 400.00 400.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 .00

1100.050.0051 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 600.00 600.00 640.00 640.00 640.00 .00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $1,636.00 $1,635.62 $1,877.00 $1,876.42 $1,840.00 $0.00

Other Operating Expenses

1100.050.0051 460.0020 Telephone 232.00 231.47 610.00 609.85 300.00 2,300.00

1100.050.0051 460.0040 Postage 100.00 4.87 100.00 .72 100.00 500.00

1100.050.0051 460.0050 Education & Training 7,226.00 7,225.37 3,283.00 3,283.00 3,000.00 5,500.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Misc Training 1.0000 3,000.00 3,000.00

City Administrator

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget Registration for Gov Social Media Conference 2.0000 200.00 400.00

Mayor's Budget Registration for 3CMA National Conference 3.0000 600.00 1,800.00

Mayor's Budget Registration for Continuing Education 3.0000 200.00 600.00

Mayor's Budget Registration for Software Training 2.0000 100.00 200.00

Mayor's Budget Budget Reductions 1.0000 (500.00) (500.00)

Mayor's Budget Totals $5,500.00

1100.050.0051 460.0060 Travel 6,500.00 6,294.03 4,316.00 1,227.55 3,500.00 7,120.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Misc Travel 1.0000 3,500.00 3,500.00

Mayor's Budget Airfare to Conferences 5.0000 500.00 2,500.00

Mayor's Budget Mileage to Conferences 1.0000 350.00 350.00

Mayor's Budget Per Diem Allowances for Conferences and Travel 14.0000 60.00 840.00

Mayor's Budget Hotel for Conferences and Travel 12.0000 140.00 1,680.00

Mayor's Budget Budget Reductions 1.0000 (1,750.00) (1,750.00)

Mayor's Budget Totals $7,120.00

1100.050.0051 460.0090 Dues 500.00 120.00 1,000.00 130.00 500.00 1,545.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Misc Dues 1.0000 500.00 500.00

Mayor's Budget Dues Payable to 3CMA Communications Org. 1.0000 845.00 845.00

Mayor's Budget Dues Payable to Gov Social Media Association 2.0000 100.00 200.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,545.00

1100.050.0051 470.0028 Strategic Initiatives .00 .00 1,984.00 1,983.99 .00 .00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $14,558.00 $13,875.74 $11,293.00 $7,235.11 $7,400.00 $16,965.00

Sub Department 0051 - City Administrator Totals $373,740.00 $369,168.53 $309,627.00 $343,634.75 $274,620.00 $594,922.00

Public Information (Historic
Information - Department Merged
with City Admin)
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 1100 - General Fund


Department 050 - Mayor And Council

Sub Department 0052 - Information Center

Personnel Services
1100.050.0052 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 167,092.00 166,137.41 173,805.00 177,187.15 187,010.00 .00

1100.050.0052 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime .00 .00 15,603.00 6,767.94 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $167,092.00 $166,137.41 $189,408.00 $183,955.09 $187,010.00 $0.00

Fringe Benefits
1100.050.0052 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 10,360.00 9,052.69 10,776.00 10,163.14 11,657.00 .00

1100.050.0052 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 2,423.00 2,117.16 2,520.00 2,376.85 2,726.00 .00

1100.050.0052 402.0005 Post Employment Health 1,485.00 1,320.00 1,485.00 1,480.17 1,485.00 .00

1100.050.0052 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 40,208.00 40,207.02 42,797.00 42,796.65 46,149.00 .00

1100.050.0052 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 158.00 157.68 158.00 137.07 159.00 .00

1100.050.0052 402.0030 Disability Insurance 543.00 493.36 544.00 542.21 589.00 .00

1100.050.0052 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 14,448.00 13,722.94 14,636.00 14,635.70 15,530.00 .00

1100.050.0052 402.0053 Vehicle Flat Rate 240.00 .00 240.00 .00 .00 .00

1100.050.0052 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,710.00 900.00 .00

Fringe Benefits Totals $71,665.00 $68,870.85 $74,956.00 $73,841.79 $79,195.00 $0.00

Material And Supplies

1100.050.0052 410.0010 Books & Subscriptions 4,255.00 4,254.74 7,400.00 6,184.12 6,880.00 .00

1100.050.0052 410.0020 Office Supplies 4,046.00 3,200.91 5,477.00 1,855.91 1,800.00 .00

1100.050.0052 410.0150 Photographic Supplies 276.00 276.15 .00 .00 .00 .00

1100.050.0052 410.0265 Minor Pc Software 7,972.00 7,971.57 4,051.00 4,050.86 .00 .00

Material And Supplies Totals $16,549.00 $15,703.37 $16,928.00 $12,090.89 $8,680.00 $0.00

Contractual Services
1100.050.0052 430.0015 Contracted PersonnelSvcs. 7,039.00 7,038.68 5,000.00 4,500.00 5,000.00 .00

1100.050.0052 430.0030 Lease & Rental .00 .00 500.00 .00 .00 .00

1100.050.0052 430.0090 Advertising 311.00 176.24 800.00 35.00 800.00 .00

1100.050.0052 430.0095 Promotions .00 .00 500.00 148.92 .00 .00

Public Information (Historic
Information - Department Merged
with City Admin)
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
1100.050.0052 430.0110 Printing 7,954.00 7,953.49 10,000.00 .00 10,000.00 .00

Contractual Services Totals $15,304.00 $15,168.41 $16,800.00 $4,683.92 $15,800.00 $0.00

Maintenance Equipment
1100.050.0052 450.0610 IS-Capital Replacement Ex 1,050.00 1,050.00 1,050.00 1,050.00 1,050.00 .00

1100.050.0052 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 600.00 600.00 900.00 900.00 900.00 .00

1100.050.0052 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 900.00 900.00 960.00 960.00 960.00 .00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $2,550.00 $2,550.00 $2,910.00 $2,910.00 $2,910.00 $0.00

Other Operating Expenses

1100.050.0052 460.0020 Telephone 618.00 617.88 1,267.00 1,267.23 620.00 .00

1100.050.0052 460.0040 Postage 201.00 201.42 400.00 251.69 400.00 .00

1100.050.0052 460.0050 Education & Training 3,341.00 3,341.19 1,593.00 954.00 1,500.00 .00

1100.050.0052 460.0060 Travel 4,090.00 4,090.40 .00 .00 2,870.00 .00

1100.050.0052 460.0090 Dues 1,875.00 1,875.00 1,045.00 185.00 1,045.00 .00

1100.050.0052 470.0040 Contingency .00 .00 3,306.00 3,845.37 .00 .00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $10,125.00 $10,125.89 $7,611.00 $6,503.29 $6,435.00 $0.00

Capital Outlay
1100.050.0052 700.0030 Communication & Elec 55,152.00 55,152.33 16,000.00 .00 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $55,152.00 $55,152.33 $16,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Sub Department 0052 - Information Center Totals $338,437.00 $333,708.26 $324,613.00 $283,984.98 $300,030.00 $0.00

Department 050 - Mayor And Council Totals $1,134,102.00 $1,115,134.10 $3,449,056.00 $1,845,683.91 $840,208.00 $919,129.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 1100 - General Fund


Department 055 - Miscellaneous

Personnel Services
1100.055 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent (19,770.00) 230.00 (125,000.00) .00 .00 843,380.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Salary Market/PFP based on 3.06% 1.0000 682,774.00 682,774.00

Mayor's Budget Budget dollars to help offset salaries below 80% 1.0000 129,000.00 129,000.00

Mayor's Budget Benefits related to increased pay 1.0000 131,606.00 131,606.00

Mayor's Budget Wage slippage 1.0000 (100,000.00) (100,000.00)

Mayor's Budget Totals $843,380.00

1100.055 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 68,084.00 66,685.62 83,252.00 83,251.35 8,750.00 8,750.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Internship Program 1.0000 8,750.00 8,750.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $8,750.00

1100.055 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime .00 .00 1,061.00 1,060.88 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $48,314.00 $66,915.62 ($40,687.00) $84,312.23 $8,750.00 $852,130.00

Fringe Benefits
1100.055 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 4,150.00 4,148.78 5,225.00 5,224.15 .00 .00

1100.055 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 971.00 970.30 1,222.00 1,221.77 .00 .00

1100.055 401.0020 Unemployment Compensation 504.00 .00 1,194.00 1,193.58 504.00 504.00

1100.055 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 230,000.00 185,701.41 153,895.00 118,877.25 180,000.00 130,000.00


Level Comment
Department Requested Based on 5 year average

1100.055 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance .00 .00 155.00 154.66 .00 .00

1100.055 402.0025 Life Insurance-Retirees 55,750.00 55,716.29 62,000.00 67,352.68 52,000.00 65,000.00

1100.055 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 1,639.00 (1,639.70) 639.00 (638.12) (250,000.00) (250,000.00)


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
1100.055 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS .00 .00 71.00 70.13 .00 .00

Fringe Benefits Totals $293,014.00 $244,897.08 $224,401.00 $193,456.10 ($17,496.00) ($54,496.00)

1100.055 420.0010 Electricity 490,292.00 438,216.64 502,951.00 491,064.62 502,951.00 502,951.00

Utilities Totals $490,292.00 $438,216.64 $502,951.00 $491,064.62 $502,951.00 $502,951.00

Contractual Services
1100.055 430.0010 Auditing 20,000.00 19,470.00 20,000.00 19,983.50 20,000.00 20,000.00

1100.055 430.0030 Lease & Rental .00 .00 3,000.00 .00 3,000.00 .00

1100.055 430.0110 Printing 12,101.00 12,100.78 5,578.00 5,577.15 5,000.00 5,000.00

Contractual Services Totals $32,101.00 $31,570.78 $28,578.00 $25,560.65 $28,000.00 $25,000.00

Maintenance Equipment
1100.055 450.0120 Mtce Street Lights 12,240.00 11,557.65 .00 .00 .00 .00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $12,240.00 $11,557.65 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Other Operating Expenses

1100.055 460.0090 Dues 2,000.00 1,915.90 2,342.00 2,341.60 2,000.00 2,000.00

1100.055 460.0110 Fire & Tornado Insurance .00 4,924.78 .00 .00 .00 .00

1100.055 460.0115 Flood Insurance 741.00 1,316.68 .00 .00 .00 .00

1100.055 470.0010 Contributions 75,035.00 74,636.71 76,905.00 74,514.95 72,260.00 74,222.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Animal Control 1.0000 55,172.00 55,172.00

Mayor's Budget Historical Preservation 1.0000 19,050.00 19,050.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $74,222.00

1100.055 470.0040 Contingency 150,999.00 130,270.36 122,339.00 143,252.13 162,170.00 145,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget General Fund Contingency 1.0000 145,000.00 145,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $145,000.00

1100.055 470.0042 Bank Fees 100.00 28.00 5,000.00 47.50 1,300.00 1,000.00

1100.055 470.0043 Return items Wells Fargo 204.00 772.29 43.00 4,400.31 .00 .00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
1100.055 470.0044 Credit Card Fees 5,890.00 3,092.84 10,624.00 12,286.10 4,000.00 10,000.00

1100.055 470.0090 Transfer To Agency 924,254.00 .00 937,682.00 .00 970,665.00 987,058.00

1100.055 470.0110 Elections .00 .00 8,000.00 8,000.00 .00 .00

1100.055 470.0120 Bad Debt Expense .00 .00 148.00 148.00 .00 .00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $1,159,223.00 $216,957.56 $1,163,083.00 $244,990.59 $1,212,395.00 $1,219,280.00

Operating Transfers Out

1100.055 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out 416,801.00 419,301.00 2,696,642.00 3,012,294.78 .00 .00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $416,801.00 $419,301.00 $2,696,642.00 $3,012,294.78 $0.00 $0.00

Capital Outlay
1100.055 700.0005 Non Capitalized Assets .00 .00 398.00 397.64 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $0.00 $0.00 $398.00 $397.64 $0.00 $0.00

Department 055 - Miscellaneous Totals $2,451,985.00 $1,429,416.33 $4,575,366.00 $4,052,076.61 $1,734,600.00 $2,544,865.00

Municipal Court

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 1100 - General Fund


Department 060 - Municipal Court

Personnel Services
1100.060 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 207,811.00 207,434.77 237,537.00 217,118.23 223,897.00 237,648.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 2 - Deputy Clerk of Court - Range 40 1.0000 89,170.00 89,170.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Clerk of Court - Range 50 1.0000 61,049.00 61,049.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Municipal Judge 1.0000 75,929.00 75,929.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Deputy Clerk of Court - 25% 1.0000 11,500.00 11,500.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $237,648.00

1100.060 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 6,041.00 5,250.00 11,760.00 3,947.60 14,150.00 14,150.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Alternate Judge 1.0000 12,000.00 12,000.00

Mayor's Budget Part time help 1.0000 2,150.00 2,150.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $14,150.00

1100.060 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 5,719.00 5,939.12 .00 433.06 .00 .00

1100.060 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 1,409.00 1,408.75 .00 .00 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $220,980.00 $220,032.64 $249,297.00 $221,498.89 $238,047.00 $251,798.00

Fringe Benefits
1100.060 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 13,334.00 12,699.09 15,457.00 12,570.01 14,759.00 15,611.00

1100.060 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 3,119.00 2,969.94 3,615.00 2,939.76 3,452.00 3,651.00

1100.060 402.0005 Post Employment Health 1,485.00 1,124.70 1,485.00 1,485.00 1,485.00 1,485.00

1100.060 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 32,884.00 32,883.78 34,500.00 34,499.17 37,123.00 41,889.00

1100.060 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 158.00 154.46 158.00 137.52 159.00 172.00

1100.060 402.0030 Disability Insurance 431.00 361.20 499.00 456.36 486.00 496.00

1100.060 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 31,622.00 31,622.00 31,105.00 31,105.00 35,784.00 35,784.00

1100.060 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 6,584.00 6,655.55 7,237.00 7,236.68 7,448.00 8,286.00

Municipal Court

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Fringe Benefits Totals $89,617.00 $88,470.72 $94,056.00 $90,429.50 $100,696.00 $107,374.00

Material And Supplies

1100.060 410.0010 Books & Subscriptions 560.00 558.22 550.00 407.81 600.00 600.00

1100.060 410.0020 Office Supplies 3,640.00 2,637.22 4,959.00 3,243.88 3,650.00 3,650.00

1100.060 410.0040 Janitorial Supplies 150.00 119.24 930.00 650.44 150.00 150.00

1100.060 410.0100 Clothing .00 13.00 .00 .00 .00 325.00

Material And Supplies Totals $4,350.00 $3,327.68 $6,439.00 $4,302.13 $4,400.00 $4,725.00

1100.060 420.0035 MCourt Utilities 8,455.00 8,059.04 8,455.00 6,889.72 8,455.00 8,455.00

Utilities Totals $8,455.00 $8,059.04 $8,455.00 $6,889.72 $8,455.00 $8,455.00

Contractual Services
1100.060 430.0015 Contracted PersonnelSvcs. 51,830.00 44,679.40 51,380.00 44,045.79 56,590.00 62,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Security Guard 1.0000 57,890.00 57,890.00

Mayor's Budget Custodial 1.0000 3,120.00 3,120.00

Mayor's Budget DocuShred 6.0000 40.00 240.00

Mayor's Budget Interpretor Services 1.0000 750.00 750.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $62,000.00

1100.060 430.0100 Cleaning & Laundry Svcs 50.00 8.00 50.00 .00 50.00 50.00

1100.060 430.0120 Prisoner Board 340,000.00 216,068.82 340,000.00 134,380.66 300,000.00 275,000.00

1100.060 430.0160 Medical Exams 1,200.00 468.00 1,200.00 780.00 1,200.00 1,200.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Alcohol drawings for DUI 1.0000 1,200.00 1,200.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,200.00

1100.060 430.0170 Maintenance Agreements 600.00 296.96 600.00 186.33 600.00 600.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Base Charge new copier 1.0000 600.00 600.00

Municipal Court

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget Totals $600.00

1100.060 430.0175 Mtce.Costs-Computer Equip .00 .00 .00 .00 5,866.00 5,866.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget SAVIN Software (Marsy's Law) 1.0000 5,866.00 5,866.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $5,866.00

Contractual Services Totals $393,680.00 $261,521.18 $393,230.00 $179,392.78 $364,306.00 $344,716.00

Maintenance Structures
1100.060 440.0010 Mtce Buildings & Grounds 750.00 25.54 750.00 .00 750.00 750.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget carpet cleaning & chairs cleaned 1.0000 700.00 700.00

Mayor's Budget lights bulbs, ballasts, plumbing supplies etc. 1.0000 50.00 50.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $750.00

Maintenance Structures Totals $750.00 $25.54 $750.00 $0.00 $750.00 $750.00

Maintenance Equipment
1100.060 450.0050 Mtce Gen Equipt N.O.C. 245.00 118.03 245.00 .00 245.00 245.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget maitenance of AED machine 1.0000 245.00 245.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $245.00

1100.060 450.0070 Mtce Office Equipment 1,000.00 185.26 1,000.00 73.50 1,000.00 1,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget maintenance of equipment, etc 1.0000 250.00 250.00

Mayor's Budget on-site support agreements for 3 scanners 1.0000 750.00 750.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,000.00

1100.060 450.0610 IS-Capital Replacement Ex 2,700.00 2,700.00 2,700.00 2,700.00 2,700.00 .00

1100.060 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 1,800.00 1,800.00 2,700.00 2,700.00 2,700.00 .00

1100.060 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 2,700.00 2,700.00 2,880.00 2,880.00 2,880.00 .00

Municipal Court

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
1100.060 450.0640 IT Services .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 6,850.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $8,445.00 $7,503.29 $9,525.00 $8,353.50 $9,525.00 $8,095.00

Other Operating Expenses

1100.060 460.0020 Telephone 1,334.00 1,333.71 900.00 934.10 900.00 900.00

1100.060 460.0040 Postage 2,400.00 2,338.86 2,400.00 2,586.97 2,450.00 2,450.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget mailing & box rental 1.0000 2,450.00 2,450.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $2,450.00

1100.060 460.0050 Education & Training 725.00 .00 1,400.00 .00 700.00 700.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Conference for Judge & Alternate Judge(s) 1.0000 1,300.00 1,300.00

Mayor's Budget Continuing ed - Clerk of Court 1.0000 100.00 100.00

Mayor's Budget Budget Reductions 1.0000 (700.00) (700.00)

Mayor's Budget Totals $700.00

1100.060 460.0060 Travel 1,600.00 629.90 1,600.00 .00 800.00 800.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Clerks conference 1.0000 550.00 550.00

Mayor's Budget Judges conference 1.0000 525.00 525.00

Mayor's Budget Alternate judge(s) 1.0000 525.00 525.00

Mayor's Budget Budget Reductions 1.0000 (800.00) (800.00)

Mayor's Budget Totals $800.00

1100.060 460.0090 Dues 355.00 373.94 355.00 298.94 355.00 355.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Clerk of Court 1.0000 100.00 100.00

Mayor's Budget American Judges Association 1.0000 155.00 155.00

Mayor's Budget ND Municipal Judges (Judge & Alternate Judge(s) 1.0000 100.00 100.00

Municipal Court

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget Totals $355.00

1100.060 460.0110 Fire & Tornado Insurance .00 29.52 .00 .00 .00 .00

1100.060 460.0170 Attorney Fees 55,000.00 28,591.01 55,000.00 40,268.90 55,000.00 55,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Court appointed attorneys 1.0000 55,000.00 55,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $55,000.00

1100.060 460.0180 Court Costs 1,035.00 1,033.04 500.00 259.49 500.00 750.00

1100.060 470.0044 Credit Card Fees .00 7,987.81 .00 2,617.37 .00 .00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $62,449.00 $42,317.79 $62,155.00 $46,965.77 $60,705.00 $60,955.00

Capital Outlay
1100.060 700.0030 Communication & Elec 5,331.00 3,775.00 11,732.00 .00 .00 .00

1100.060 700.0040 Furniture & Fixtures 2,125.00 225.50 1,036.00 3,500.77 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $7,456.00 $4,000.50 $12,768.00 $3,500.77 $0.00 $0.00

Department 060 - Municipal Court Totals $796,182.00 $635,258.38 $836,675.00 $561,333.06 $786,884.00 $786,868.00

Human Resources

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 1100 - General Fund


Department 065 - Human Resources

Personnel Services
1100.065 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 557,046.00 548,292.24 473,435.00 435,100.03 465,094.00 400,108.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Human Resource Director - Range 76 1.0000 114,087.00 114,087.00

Mayor's Budget 2 - Human Resource Manager - Range 63 1.0000 171,974.00 171,974.00

Mayor's Budget 2 - Human Resource Specialist - Range 46 1.0000 114,047.00 114,047.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $400,108.00

1100.065 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 3,000.00 1,520.00 13,235.00 1,140.00 4,000.00 70,518.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 5 - Civil Service 1.0000 4,000.00 4,000.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Safety Coordinator - Range 52 1.0000 66,518.00 66,518.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $70,518.00

1100.065 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 500.00 .00 500.00 .00 .00 .00

1100.065 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 34,022.00 34,021.44 7,789.00 7,748.85 1,800.00 4,000.00

Personnel Services Totals $594,568.00 $583,833.68 $494,959.00 $443,988.88 $470,894.00 $474,626.00

Fringe Benefits
1100.065 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 36,924.00 33,779.06 30,438.00 25,982.93 29,195.00 29,427.00

1100.065 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 8,635.00 7,972.16 7,119.00 6,076.63 6,828.00 6,882.00

1100.065 402.0005 Post Employment Health 3,465.00 3,300.00 2,970.00 2,722.50 2,970.00 2,970.00

1100.065 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 53,512.00 53,511.74 40,751.00 40,750.38 52,506.00 55,206.00

1100.065 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 368.00 346.02 315.00 255.94 318.00 324.00

1100.065 402.0030 Disability Insurance 1,771.00 1,713.44 1,543.00 1,324.78 1,535.00 1,240.00

1100.065 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 69,758.00 69,758.00 66,381.00 66,381.00 70,924.00 70,924.00

1100.065 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 30,777.00 31,277.90 30,085.00 30,084.47 33,164.00 33,209.00

1100.065 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate .00 250.00 2,400.00 800.00 .00 .00

Human Resources

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Fringe Benefits Totals $205,210.00 $201,908.32 $182,002.00 $174,378.63 $197,440.00 $200,182.00

Material And Supplies

1100.065 410.0010 Books & Subscriptions 317.00 267.00 750.00 1,124.26 .00 4,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget ERI Data - Salary Plan 1.0000 3,600.00 3,600.00

Mayor's Budget GF Herald Subscription and workforce publications 1.0000 400.00 400.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $4,000.00

1100.065 410.0020 Office Supplies 5,020.00 4,267.96 2,941.00 2,671.30 5,000.00 5,000.00

1100.065 410.0145 Testing Supplies 1,925.00 1,924.36 1,500.00 444.41 1,500.00 1,500.00

1100.065 410.0221 Safety Education Supplies 1,008.00 1,008.00 (4,000.00) (18,580.75) 1,000.00 1,500.00

1100.065 410.0265 Minor Pc Software 57.00 .00 828.00 .00 828.00 828.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Adobe Pro License 3.0000 276.00 828.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $828.00

Material And Supplies Totals $8,327.00 $7,467.32 $2,019.00 ($14,340.78) $8,328.00 $12,828.00

Contractual Services
1100.065 430.0016 Recruitment Expense 15,628.00 15,627.67 10,000.00 6,861.69 10,000.00 12,000.00

1100.065 430.0090 Advertising 22,770.00 24,168.52 25,000.00 16,553.00 25,000.00 25,000.00

1100.065 430.0160 Medical Exams 58,505.00 65,632.99 53,500.00 35,657.19 60,000.00 65,000.00

1100.065 430.0170 Maintenance Agreements 1,231.00 837.63 1,231.00 847.80 1,231.00 1,231.00

Contractual Services Totals $98,134.00 $106,266.81 $89,731.00 $59,919.68 $96,231.00 $103,231.00

Maintenance Equipment
1100.065 450.0610 IS-Capital Replacement Ex 2,400.00 2,400.00 2,600.00 2,600.00 2,350.00 .00

1100.065 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 1,600.00 1,600.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 2,100.00 .00

1100.065 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 2,400.00 2,400.00 2,560.00 2,560.00 2,240.00 .00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $6,400.00 $6,400.00 $7,560.00 $7,560.00 $6,690.00 $0.00

Other Operating Expenses

1100.065 460.0015 Cell Phone Charges 550.00 550.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Human Resources

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
1100.065 460.0020 Telephone 696.00 695.35 1,014.00 1,013.77 900.00 1,200.00

1100.065 460.0040 Postage 1,300.00 1,113.54 1,300.00 1,092.66 1,300.00 1,100.00

1100.065 460.0050 Education & Training 13,039.00 13,038.83 11,000.00 9,727.50 5,500.00 8,250.00

1100.065 460.0060 Travel 9,392.00 9,391.26 9,000.00 467.40 4,500.00 6,750.00

1100.065 460.0090 Dues 2,709.00 2,708.00 3,849.00 1,208.00 3,849.00 3,664.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget American Payroll Association (APA) 1.0000 219.00 219.00

Mayor's Budget International Public Management Association (IPMA) 1.0000 800.00 800.00

Mayor's Budget Northeastern Dakota Area HR Assoc (NDAHRA) 6.0000 50.00 300.00

Mayor's Budget Northern Occupational Safety & Health Assoc (NOSHA) 1.0000 150.00 150.00

Mayor's Budget National Public Employer Labor Relations (NPELRA) 2.0000 190.00 380.00

Mayor's Budget Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) 5.0000 185.00 925.00

Mayor's Budget Notary Bonds 3.0000 180.00 540.00

Mayor's Budget Sams 1.0000 50.00 50.00

Mayor's Budget Recertification - SPHR/PHR 1.0000 150.00 150.00

Mayor's Budget IPMA/HR - CP - Recertification 1.0000 150.00 150.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $3,664.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $27,686.00 $27,496.98 $26,163.00 $13,509.33 $16,049.00 $20,964.00

Capital Outlay
1100.065 700.0040 Furniture & Fixtures .00 .00 8,259.00 8,258.21 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $0.00 $0.00 $8,259.00 $8,258.21 $0.00 $0.00

Department 065 - Human Resources Totals $940,325.00 $933,373.11 $810,693.00 $693,273.95 $795,632.00 $811,831.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 1100 - General Fund


Department 070 - Police

Personnel Services
1100.070 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 6,427,113.00 6,412,112.22 6,990,577.00 6,958,055.32 7,053,115.00 7,099,050.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 6 - Police Records Specialist - Range 39 1.0000 287,666.00 287,666.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Administrative Specialist, Sr- Range 41 1.0000 49,457.00 49,457.00

Mayor's Budget 4 - Community Service Officer - Range 41 1.0000 195,864.00 195,864.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Evidence and Property Coordinator - Range 42 1.0000 50,626.00 50,626.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Police Chief - Range 79 1.0000 130,479.00 130,479.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Police Records Supervisor - Range 53 1.0000 75,338.00 75,338.00

Mayor's Budget 7 - Promotion to Corporal 1.0000 17,500.00 17,500.00

Mayor's Budget 1- Crime Analyst - Range 51 1.0000 65,000.00 65,000.00

Mayor's Budget 23 - Police Officer - Range 49 1.0000 1,318,148.00 1,318,148.00

Mayor's Budget 47 - Corporal - Range 54 1.0000 3,088,006.00 3,088,006.00

Mayor's Budget 13 - Police Sergeants - Range 59 1.0000 1,049,458.00 1,049,458.00

Mayor's Budget 6 - Police Lieutenant - Range 63 1.0000 551,630.00 551,630.00

Mayor's Budget 2 - Deputy Police Chief - Range 69 1.0000 219,878.00 219,878.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $7,099,050.00

1100.070 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 33,192.00 33,191.74 26,880.00 16,970.72 26,880.00 26,880.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Contract Property and Evidence Technicians (960 hours) 1.0000 13,440.00 13,440.00

Mayor's Budget Contract CALEA Administrative Support (960 hours) 1.0000 13,440.00 13,440.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $26,880.00

1100.070 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 255,042.00 255,173.86 173,261.00 173,260.31 125,000.00 150,000.00

1100.070 400.0040 Wages & Salary-Holiday 161,660.00 158,170.28 167,660.00 163,641.04 167,660.00 167,660.00

1100.070 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 62,816.00 62,815.61 41,147.00 41,146.81 85,000.00 85,000.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Personnel Services Totals $6,939,823.00 $6,921,463.71 $7,399,525.00 $7,353,074.20 $7,457,655.00 $7,528,590.00

Fringe Benefits
1100.070 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 413,617.00 406,547.80 462,071.00 430,042.12 462,375.00 466,773.00

1100.070 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 96,041.00 95,079.76 108,065.00 100,574.34 108,136.00 109,165.00

1100.070 402.0005 Post Employment Health 49,005.00 47,283.20 51,975.00 50,208.53 51,975.00 52,470.00

1100.070 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 882,574.00 882,666.81 970,249.00 970,248.30 1,021,391.00 1,092,896.00

1100.070 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 5,203.00 5,162.97 5,519.00 4,764.20 5,565.00 5,724.00

1100.070 402.0030 Disability Insurance 20,877.00 20,666.30 22,382.00 21,034.59 23,275.00 22,007.00

1100.070 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 818,568.00 818,567.48 746,974.00 746,974.00 713,552.00 713,552.00

1100.070 402.0042 Contract Emp-Def. Comp. .00 2,733.12 2,835.00 2,834.27 .00 .00

1100.070 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 433,855.00 433,330.74 481,528.00 481,527.18 642,889.00 645,179.00

1100.070 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 1,320.00 1,440.00 2,040.00 1,090.00 720.00 900.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $2,721,060.00 $2,713,478.18 $2,853,638.00 $2,809,297.53 $3,029,878.00 $3,108,666.00

Material And Supplies

1100.070 410.0010 Books & Subscriptions 9,473.00 9,469.60 8,573.00 8,272.76 9,768.00 10,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget GF Herald 1.0000 275.00 275.00

Mayor's Budget Misc Publications & Reference Materials 1.0000 425.00 425.00

Mayor's Budget Callyo 1.0000 1,500.00 1,500.00

Mayor's Budget Budget Reductions 1.0000 (1,796.00) (1,796.00)

Mayor's Budget Code Books/Updates 1.0000 600.00 600.00

Mayor's Budget TransUnion 12.0000 169.00 2,028.00

Mayor's Budget Digital Matrix Systems 12.0000 100.00 1,200.00

Mayor's Budget LEADSonline 1.0000 3,468.00 3,468.00

Mayor's Budget Advantage Credit Bureau 1.0000 500.00 500.00

Mayor's Budget Criteria 1.0000 1,800.00 1,800.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $10,000.00

1100.070 410.0020 Office Supplies 9,280.00 8,412.26 10,734.00 8,124.22 10,000.00 9,000.00

1100.070 410.0060 Medical & Laboratory 8,900.00 8,891.70 8,500.00 8,405.31 8,500.00 8,500.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Crime Scene Supplies 1.0000 4,000.00 4,000.00

Mayor's Budget Property & Evidence Supplies 1.0000 4,000.00 4,000.00

Mayor's Budget First Aid Kits & Supplies 1.0000 1,500.00 1,500.00

Mayor's Budget Budget Reductions 1.0000 (1,000.00) (1,000.00)

Mayor's Budget Totals $8,500.00

1100.070 410.0080 Food Supplies 1,560.00 1,454.82 935.00 827.83 700.00 1,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Police Department Ceremonies 1.0000 300.00 300.00

Mayor's Budget PD Hosted Training 1.0000 200.00 200.00

Mayor's Budget Community Engagement 1.0000 500.00 500.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,000.00

1100.070 410.0100 Clothing 29,300.00 29,260.30 22,410.00 18,121.58 30,000.00 25,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Uniforms & Patches for sworn personnel 1.0000 30,000.00 30,000.00

Mayor's Budget Budget Reductions 1.0000 (5,000.00) (5,000.00)

Mayor's Budget Totals $25,000.00

1100.070 410.0150 Photographic Supplies 350.00 182.45 2,250.00 2,176.53 750.00 750.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Crime Scene Photography Supplies 1.0000 625.00 625.00

Mayor's Budget Photo Paper and Ink 1.0000 375.00 375.00

Mayor's Budget Budget Reductions 1.0000 (250.00) (250.00)

Mayor's Budget Totals $750.00

1100.070 410.0160 Ammunition 37,118.00 36,969.60 45,972.00 44,080.06 40,000.00 43,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget Duty, qualifications & practice ammunition 1.0000 30,500.00 30,500.00

Mayor's Budget Taser munitions 1.0000 4,500.00 4,500.00

Mayor's Budget Chemical munitions 1.0000 7,500.00 7,500.00

Mayor's Budget Targets 1.0000 1,500.00 1,500.00

Mayor's Budget Budget Reductions 1.0000 (1,000.00) (1,000.00)

Mayor's Budget Totals $43,000.00

1100.070 410.0170 Minor Tools & Equipment 36,921.00 36,769.03 37,327.00 34,165.32 30,000.00 30,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Misc. Dept equipment 1.0000 8,000.00 8,000.00

Mayor's Budget Budget Reductions 1.0000 (5,000.00) (5,000.00)

Mayor's Budget Polygraph supplies 1.0000 800.00 800.00

Mayor's Budget Special Teams supplies 1.0000 2,000.00 2,000.00

Mayor's Budget K-9 supplies 3.0000 900.00 2,700.00

Mayor's Budget Batteries 1.0000 6,200.00 6,200.00

Mayor's Budget Equip officer with badges, leather, equipment 1.0000 12,800.00 12,800.00

Mayor's Budget Animal Control supplies 1.0000 2,500.00 2,500.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $30,000.00

1100.070 410.0190 Diesel Fuel 1,600.00 1,634.42 1,200.00 800.43 1,500.00 1,500.00

1100.070 410.0200 Gasoline 149,600.00 131,792.36 150,000.00 90,790.47 150,000.00 150,000.00

1100.070 410.0265 Minor Pc Software 5,000.00 764.09 10,240.00 10,240.00 5,000.00 8,000.00

Material And Supplies Totals $289,102.00 $265,600.63 $298,141.00 $226,004.51 $286,218.00 $286,750.00

Contractual Services
1100.070 430.0030 Lease & Rental 4,552.00 1,980.00 10,168.00 2,580.00 13,052.00 7,052.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget AT&T Mobility 12.0000 201.00 2,412.00

Mayor's Budget Alerus Financial Lock Box 1.0000 40.00 40.00

Mayor's Budget NLETS 4.0000 1,150.00 4,600.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $7,052.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
1100.070 430.0070 Wrecker Services 35,000.00 32,553.00 29,400.00 18,383.00 30,000.00 25,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Increased wrecker fees 1.0000 30,000.00 30,000.00

Mayor's Budget Budget Reductions 1.0000 (5,000.00) (5,000.00)

Mayor's Budget Totals $25,000.00

1100.070 430.0090 Advertising 2,148.00 2,147.46 2,906.00 1,349.38 2,000.00 2,500.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Recruiting 1.0000 1,700.00 1,700.00

Mayor's Budget Bids 1.0000 600.00 600.00

Mayor's Budget Crime Prevention 1.0000 200.00 200.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $2,500.00

1100.070 430.0110 Printing 6,682.00 6,658.68 4,215.00 3,416.51 7,000.00 6,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Printing and Paper 1.0000 7,000.00 7,000.00

Mayor's Budget Budget Reductions 1.0000 (1,000.00) (1,000.00)

Mayor's Budget Totals $6,000.00

1100.070 430.0147 IMPACT Academy 2,830.00 2,777.75 1,593.00 .00 .00 .00

1100.070 430.0148 K9 Program 18,500.00 8,795.00 8,920.00 8,919.62 .00 .00

1100.070 430.0150 Consultants 750.00 735.31 3,700.00 3,450.19 900.00 1,600.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Telelanguage Interpreter Services 1.0000 1,500.00 1,500.00

Mayor's Budget Preservation Requests 1.0000 100.00 100.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,600.00

1100.070 430.0156 The Middle Program (formerly GREAT) 500.00 .00 500.00 .00 500.00 500.00

1100.070 430.0157 Winning Decisions (formerly Counteract) 500.00 400.00 3,134.00 3,134.00 500.00 500.00

1100.070 430.0159 Grand Cities Community Celebration 3,500.00 2,139.35 2,500.00 (30.01) 2,500.00 2,500.00
(formerly National NightOut)


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
1100.070 430.0160 Medical Exams 6,030.00 6,030.84 9,970.00 9,974.36 28,300.00 28,300.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Emplolyee Exams/Shots 1.0000 1,000.00 1,000.00

Mayor's Budget Bomb Squad Exams 1.0000 1,000.00 1,000.00

Mayor's Budget Police K-9 Exams/Medications/Shots 1.0000 2,500.00 2,500.00

Mayor's Budget Alcohol Blood Draws 1.0000 300.00 300.00

Mayor's Budget Psychological Assessments 1.0000 3,500.00 3,500.00

Mayor's Budget Mental Health 1.0000 20,000.00 20,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $28,300.00

1100.070 430.0170 Maintenance Agreements 29,552.00 29,003.15 39,184.00 39,617.94 36,453.00 55,189.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Porter Lee 1.0000 2,850.00 2,850.00

Mayor's Budget Microsurvey 1.0000 800.00 800.00

Mayor's Budget Alert 1.0000 6,113.00 6,113.00

Mayor's Budget Grand Forks Fire Equipment 1.0000 750.00 750.00

Mayor's Budget Kustom Signals 1.0000 2,250.00 2,250.00

Mayor's Budget Linear (DIMS) 1.0000 9,950.00 9,950.00

Mayor's Budget Passport 1.0000 3,728.00 3,728.00

Mayor's Budget PowerDMS 1.0000 11,360.00 11,360.00

Mayor's Budget Liberty 1.0000 3,000.00 3,000.00

Mayor's Budget Guardian Tracking 1.0000 3,888.00 3,888.00

Mayor's Budget PCS Mobile (2 year contract - 2022) 1.0000 3,500.00 3,500.00

Mayor's Budget Morphotrak 1.0000 7,000.00 7,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $55,189.00

1100.070 430.0171 CALEA 6,699.00 6,676.20 9,201.00 4,795.00 12,701.00 5,203.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Annual Continuation Fee 1.0000 5,000.00 5,000.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget PAC Dues/ RMAN 1.0000 200.00 200.00

Mayor's Budget Mock On-site Assessment (4 year cycles - 2024) 1.0000 1.00 1.00

Mayor's Budget Conference (2 year cycles - 2023) 1.0000 1.00 1.00

Mayor's Budget On-site Assessments (4 yr cycles - 2025) 1.0000 1.00 1.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $5,203.00

1100.070 430.0174 SET Reimbursement 729.00 569.33 .00 .00 .00 .00

Contractual Services Totals $117,972.00 $100,466.07 $125,391.00 $95,589.99 $133,906.00 $134,344.00

Maintenance Equipment
1100.070 450.0030 Mtce Communication & Elec 40,000.00 23,684.62 40,000.00 22,557.29 40,000.00 40,000.00

1100.070 450.0040 Mtce Furniture & Fixtures .00 .00 300.00 .00 300.00 300.00

1100.070 450.0050 Mtce Gen Equipt N.O.C. .00 .00 1,000.00 .00 500.00 500.00

1100.070 450.0070 Mtce Office Equipment 500.00 .00 500.00 419.98 500.00 500.00

1100.070 450.0160 Mtce Vehicles/Motor Eq. 80,456.00 74,945.41 85,304.00 83,113.52 75,000.00 80,000.00

1100.070 450.0610 IS-Capital Replacement Ex 50,200.00 50,200.00 50,200.00 50,200.00 52,100.00 .00

1100.070 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 17,200.00 17,200.00 25,800.00 25,800.00 27,000.00 .00

1100.070 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 18,300.00 18,300.00 24,520.00 24,520.00 26,440.00 .00

1100.070 450.0640 IT Services .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 103,942.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $206,656.00 $184,330.03 $227,624.00 $206,610.79 $221,840.00 $225,242.00

Other Operating Expenses

1100.070 460.0015 Cell Phone Charges 42,847.00 42,846.10 44,384.00 44,384.00 48,000.00 54,000.00

1100.070 460.0016 Data Fees 17,879.00 16,878.99 22,382.00 18,957.09 20,000.00 22,500.00

1100.070 460.0020 Telephone 9,652.00 9,651.48 10,648.00 10,612.63 11,500.00 12,000.00

1100.070 460.0021 ICAC Computer Service 900.00 825.00 900.00 900.00 900.00 900.00

1100.070 460.0022 Communications-Other 2,530.00 2,031.90 5,780.00 4,837.58 2,780.00 2,780.00

1100.070 460.0040 Postage 9,500.00 9,178.84 7,300.00 7,018.18 10,000.00 11,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Mailing/Shipping Fees 1.0000 10,644.00 10,644.00

Mayor's Budget PO Box Fee 1.0000 356.00 356.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $11,000.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
1100.070 460.0050 Education & Training 40,330.00 30,531.06 45,812.00 28,664.34 25,000.00 37,500.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget ND POST Approved Training Courses & Conferences (As Offered) 1.0000 26,000.00 26,000.00

Mayor's Budget FBI National Academy 1.0000 1,500.00 1,500.00

Mayor's Budget Budget Reductions 1.0000 (7,500.00) (7,500.00)

Mayor's Budget Command LEO Academy 1.0000 500.00 500.00

Mayor's Budget FBINA Retrainer 1.0000 1,000.00 1,000.00

Mayor's Budget IACP Supervisor/ Leadership Development 1.0000 500.00 500.00

Mayor's Budget Police Fleet Expo - Fleet Management 1.0000 500.00 500.00

Mayor's Budget Tuition Reimbursement 1.0000 10,000.00 10,000.00

Mayor's Budget Mental Health 1.0000 5,000.00 5,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $37,500.00

1100.070 460.0054 DL Peace Officer Training 15,150.00 11,780.91 15,150.00 12,777.93 12,000.00 15,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Instructor Fees & Misc. Education Expenses 1.0000 15,000.00 15,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $15,000.00

1100.070 460.0060 Travel 36,251.00 34,079.80 35,000.00 11,106.82 20,000.00 30,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget ALERT Conference (Supports GFPD RMS, PSAP CAD, and IT) 1.0000 1,500.00 1,500.00

Mayor's Budget Evidence Management Sys Users Group Conference 1.0000 500.00 500.00

Mayor's Budget Inter. Assoc. Bomb Technicians Conference 1.0000 1,000.00 1,000.00

Mayor's Budget Nat Tactical Officers Assoc Conference 1.0000 1,000.00 1,000.00

Mayor's Budget International Assoc of Identification Conference (Forensic-Crim 1.0000 1,000.00 1,000.00

Mayor's Budget American Association of Police Polygraph Seminar 1.0000 1,000.00 1,000.00

Mayor's Budget ND and Regional Police Operations Related Meetings 1.0000 2,000.00 2,000.00

Mayor's Budget Travel in Support of Active Criminal Investigations 1.0000 2,000.00 2,000.00

Mayor's Budget Police Fleet Expo - Fleet Management 1.0000 1,000.00 1,000.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget ND POST Approved Training Courses and Conferences (As Offered) 1.0000 24,000.00 24,000.00

Mayor's Budget Budget Reductions 1.0000 (5,000.00) (5,000.00)

Mayor's Budget Totals $30,000.00

1100.070 460.0090 Dues 5,631.00 5,338.00 5,795.00 5,754.71 5,582.00 5,932.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget ND Chief's of Police 1.0000 300.00 300.00

Mayor's Budget MN Chief's of Police 1.0000 145.00 145.00

Mayor's Budget Northern Lights Council (Explorers) 1.0000 190.00 190.00

Mayor's Budget LEEDA 1.0000 50.00 50.00

Mayor's Budget NTOA 1.0000 190.00 190.00

Mayor's Budget NAPWDA 3.0000 45.00 135.00

Mayor's Budget American Polygraph Assoc 3.0000 150.00 450.00

Mayor's Budget USPCA 3.0000 50.00 150.00

Mayor's Budget IACP 3.0000 190.00 570.00

Mayor's Budget IABTI 1.0000 50.00 50.00

Mayor's Budget Ntl Internal Affairs Investigators Assoc 1.0000 50.00 50.00

Mayor's Budget FBINA 4.0000 105.00 420.00

Mayor's Budget Mid-States Organized Crime Information Center 1.0000 250.00 250.00

Mayor's Budget Peace Officers Licenses A-G & New Emp Lic 35.0000 45.00 1,575.00

Mayor's Budget Notary Bonds/Licenses 7.0000 86.00 602.00

Mayor's Budget AHA 1.0000 575.00 575.00

Mayor's Budget SAM'S CLUB 4.0000 45.00 180.00

Mayor's Budget ILEETA 1.0000 50.00 50.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $5,932.00

1100.070 460.0110 Fire & Tornado Insurance .00 3,403.66 .00 .00 .00 .00

1100.070 460.0115 Flood Insurance .00 1,067.26 .00 .00 .00 .00

1100.070 470.0010 Contributions 200,000.00 200,000.00 210,000.00 210,000.00 210,000.00 215,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget To CVIC 1.0000 215,000.00 215,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $215,000.00

1100.070 470.0020 Refunds 50.00 .00 50.00 .00 50.00 50.00

1100.070 470.0040 Contingency .00 .00 100,000.00 .00 .00 .00

1100.070 470.0041 Cash Over and Short .00 (22.00) .00 40.00 .00 .00

1100.070 470.0044 Credit Card Fees .00 (1,952.42) .00 (1,594.20) .00 .00

1100.070 470.0045 City Match-Crime Prev.Grn 228,074.00 220,463.65 26,950.00 13,937.82 26,950.00 25,140.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Narcotics Task Force Grant 1.0000 9,390.00 9,390.00

Mayor's Budget BVP Grant 1.0000 13,750.00 13,750.00

Mayor's Budget Work Study 1.0000 2,000.00 2,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $25,140.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $608,794.00 $586,102.23 $530,151.00 $367,396.90 $392,762.00 $431,802.00

Operating Transfers Out

1100.070 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out 2,167.00 2,167.00 9,257.00 9,257.00 .00 .00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $2,167.00 $2,167.00 $9,257.00 $9,257.00 $0.00 $0.00

Capital Outlay
1100.070 700.0005 Non Capitalized Assets 14,099.00 14,098.98 8,577.00 4,764.97 .00 .00

1100.070 700.0030 Communication & Elec 7,134.00 7,133.95 852,244.00 874,243.86 .00 .00

1100.070 700.0050 Gen Equipment N.O.C. 31,752.00 11,982.59 262,122.00 241,362.02 .00 .00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Equipment 1.0000 10,000.00 10,000.00

Mayor's Budget Budget Reductions 1.0000 (10,000.00) (10,000.00)

Mayor's Budget Totals $0.00

1100.070 700.0100 Cars & Light Duty Trucks 218,011.00 42,024.20 290,521.00 230,566.40 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $270,996.00 $75,239.72 $1,413,464.00 $1,350,937.25 $0.00 $0.00

Department 070 - Police Totals $11,156,570.00 $10,848,847.57 $12,857,191.00 $12,418,168.17 $11,522,259.00 $11,715,394.00

Police Building

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 1100 - General Fund


Department 070 - Police

Sub Department PD40 - Police Building

Personnel Services
1100.070.PD40 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 94,734.00 94,722.00 98,427.00 98,425.60 100,426.00 100,423.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Building Maintenance Worker - Range 37 1.0000 45,115.00 45,115.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Building Maintenance, Lead - Range 41 1.0000 55,308.00 55,308.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $100,423.00

1100.070.PD40 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 2,000.00 1,115.84 2,000.00 682.44 1,000.00 1,000.00

1100.070.PD40 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 1,196.00 1,195.97 1,143.00 1,142.53 2,000.00 2,000.00

Personnel Services Totals $97,930.00 $97,033.81 $101,570.00 $100,250.57 $103,426.00 $103,423.00

Fringe Benefits
1100.070.PD40 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 6,026.00 5,594.85 6,350.00 5,778.44 6,412.00 6,412.00

1100.070.PD40 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 1,409.00 1,308.47 1,486.00 1,351.42 1,500.00 1,500.00

1100.070.PD40 402.0005 Post Employment Health 990.00 990.00 990.00 992.45 990.00 990.00

1100.070.PD40 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 18,941.00 18,940.70 20,371.00 20,370.85 21,740.00 22,858.00

1100.070.PD40 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 105.00 105.12 105.00 91.91 106.00 108.00

1100.070.PD40 402.0030 Disability Insurance 304.00 312.36 313.00 306.20 331.00 331.00

1100.070.PD40 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 25,317.00 25,316.52 23,102.00 23,102.00 20,703.00 20,703.00

1100.070.PD40 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 3,480.00 3,509.86 3,644.00 3,643.90 3,809.00 3,727.00

1100.070.PD40 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 300.00 300.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $57,172.00 $56,677.88 $56,961.00 $56,237.17 $55,891.00 $56,929.00

Material And Supplies

1100.070.PD40 410.0040 Janitorial Supplies 3,898.00 2,868.05 5,000.00 3,720.96 4,000.00 4,000.00

1100.070.PD40 410.0100 Clothing 600.00 451.64 600.00 496.31 600.00 600.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Police Building

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget Clothing Allowance 2.0000 300.00 600.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $600.00

1100.070.PD40 410.0170 Minor Tools & Equipment 1,250.00 1,188.32 1,000.00 605.16 1,000.00 1,000.00

Material And Supplies Totals $5,748.00 $4,508.01 $6,600.00 $4,822.43 $5,600.00 $5,600.00

1100.070.PD40 420.0010 Electricity 65,000.00 48,112.83 65,000.00 54,985.33 65,000.00 65,000.00

1100.070.PD40 420.0020 Building Heat 30,000.00 18,983.06 30,000.00 17,615.26 30,000.00 30,000.00

1100.070.PD40 420.0030 Water, Sewer & Refuse 7,000.00 6,561.69 7,000.00 6,396.31 7,000.00 7,000.00

Utilities Totals $102,000.00 $73,657.58 $102,000.00 $78,996.90 $102,000.00 $102,000.00

Contractual Services
1100.070.PD40 430.0100 Cleaning & Laundry Svcs 1,500.00 1,116.07 1,500.00 564.28 1,500.00 1,500.00

1100.070.PD40 430.0170 Maintenance Agreements 15,275.00 15,175.32 18,175.00 18,180.44 15,865.00 18,961.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Otis Elevator 1.0000 2,200.00 2,200.00

Mayor's Budget Johnson Controls 1.0000 9,000.00 9,000.00

Mayor's Budget GF Fire Equipment 1.0000 210.00 210.00

Mayor's Budget Protection Systems 1.0000 715.00 715.00

Mayor's Budget Absolute Refrigeration 1.0000 5,336.00 5,336.00

Mayor's Budget Butler Machinery 1.0000 1,500.00 1,500.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $18,961.00

Contractual Services Totals $16,775.00 $16,291.39 $19,675.00 $18,744.72 $17,365.00 $20,461.00

Maintenance Structures
1100.070.PD40 440.0010 Mtce Buildings & Grounds 32,977.00 32,976.60 34,679.00 33,698.90 41,638.00 41,638.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Misc Mtcs Buildings and Grounds 1.0000 35,679.00 35,679.00

Mayor's Budget Indoor Range Cleaning and Mtce 1.0000 5,959.00 5,959.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $41,638.00

Maintenance Structures Totals $32,977.00 $32,976.60 $34,679.00 $33,698.90 $41,638.00 $41,638.00

Police Building

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Maintenance Equipment
1100.070.PD40 450.0010 Mtce Air Cond. & Heating 8,204.00 8,203.74 5,000.00 3,975.49 8,000.00 8,000.00

1100.070.PD40 450.0050 Mtce Gen Equipt N.O.C. 4,250.00 4,250.00 2,000.00 1,577.13 2,000.00 2,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget General Equipment Maintenance 1.0000 2,000.00 2,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $2,000.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $12,454.00 $12,453.74 $7,000.00 $5,552.62 $10,000.00 $10,000.00

Other Operating Expenses

1100.070.PD40 460.0085 Boiler Inspection 180.00 .00 220.00 .00 220.00 220.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $180.00 $0.00 $220.00 $0.00 $220.00 $220.00

Sub Department PD40 - Police Building Totals $325,236.00 $293,599.01 $328,705.00 $298,303.31 $336,140.00 $340,271.00

Police - Annex Building &
Impound Lot
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 1100 - General Fund


Department 070 - Police

Sub Department PD60 - PD Annex Bldg/Impound Lot

Material And Supplies
1100.070.PD60 410.0040 Janitorial Supplies 72.00 29.99 250.00 24.98 250.00 250.00

1100.070.PD60 410.0170 Minor Tools & Equipment 918.00 917.79 500.00 423.00 500.00 500.00

Material And Supplies Totals $990.00 $947.78 $750.00 $447.98 $750.00 $750.00

1100.070.PD60 420.0010 Electricity 5,750.00 4,062.31 5,750.00 4,547.65 5,750.00 5,750.00

1100.070.PD60 420.0020 Building Heat 5,000.00 3,114.85 5,000.00 2,747.97 5,000.00 5,000.00

1100.070.PD60 420.0030 Water, Sewer & Refuse 2,400.00 2,196.81 2,400.00 2,164.23 2,400.00 2,400.00

Utilities Totals $13,150.00 $9,373.97 $13,150.00 $9,459.85 $13,150.00 $13,150.00

Maintenance Structures
1100.070.PD60 440.0010 Mtce Buildings & Grounds 6,760.00 5,237.08 8,600.00 7,783.99 10,150.00 10,150.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Mtce Building & Grounds 1.0000 5,000.00 5,000.00

Mayor's Budget Outdoor Range Cleaning & Mtce 1.0000 5,150.00 5,150.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $10,150.00

Maintenance Structures Totals $6,760.00 $5,237.08 $8,600.00 $7,783.99 $10,150.00 $10,150.00

Sub Department PD60 - PD Annex Bldg/Impound Lot $20,900.00 $15,558.83 $22,500.00 $17,691.82 $24,050.00 $24,050.00
Totals $11,502,706.00 $11,158,005.41 $13,208,396.00 $12,734,163.30 $11,882,449.00 $12,079,715.00
Department 070 - Police Totals


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 1100 - General Fund


Department 075 - Street

Personnel Services
1100.075 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 1,818,847.00 1,772,513.74 1,943,414.00 1,848,092.84 1,863,624.00 1,971,466.00

Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget 1 - Administrative Specialist, Sr - Range 41 (7%) 1.0000 3,334.00 3,334.00

Mayor's Budget 5 - Equipment Operator - Range 39 1.0000 205,317.00 205,317.00

Mayor's Budget 2 - Signs and Marking Specialist - Range 44 1.0000 113,579.00 113,579.00

Mayor's Budget 5 - Equipment Operator, Lead - Range 53 1.0000 319,842.00 319,842.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - PW Supervisor, Street Maintenance - Range 56 1.0000 79,478.00 79,478.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Parking Compliance Attendant - Range 39 1.0000 46,228.00 46,228.00

Mayor's Budget Promotion to Administrative Specialist, Senior 1.0000 200.00 200.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Public Works Operations Director - Range 75 (30%) 1.0000 34,751.00 34,751.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - PW Facilities and Operations Coordinator - Range 44 (30%) 1.0000 16,239.00 16,239.00

Mayor's Budget 18 - Heavy Equipment Operator - Range 44 1.0000 907,234.00 907,234.00

Mayor's Budget 4 - Equipment Operator, Senior - Range 48 1.0000 236,678.00 236,678.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Administrative Specialist - Range 36 (7%) 1.0000 2,586.00 2,586.00

Mayor's Budget Promotion to Lead Operator 1.0000 6,000.00 6,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,971,466.00

1100.075 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 17,000.00 14,990.80 20,000.00 1,564.00 20,000.00 20,000.00

Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Part-time Seasonal - Mowing, Painting 1.0000 20,000.00 20,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $20,000.00

1100.075 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 123,954.00 132,581.55 81,777.00 81,776.25 60,000.00 60,000.00

1100.075 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 55,983.00 55,980.44 22,573.00 22,572.90 27,000.00 27,000.00

1100.075 400.0080 Wages & Sal-Non-Class .00 .00 50.00 49.96 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $2,015,784.00 $1,976,066.53 $2,067,814.00 $1,954,055.95 $1,970,624.00 $2,078,466.00

Fringe Benefits


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
1100.075 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 121,891.00 115,723.46 128,118.00 114,094.90 122,179.00 128,865.00

1100.075 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 28,506.00 27,064.36 29,964.00 26,683.66 28,574.00 30,138.00

1100.075 402.0005 Post Employment Health 17,280.00 15,438.69 18,107.00 16,430.20 18,186.00 18,186.00

1100.075 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 282,023.00 282,022.41 292,498.00 292,497.84 318,445.00 342,190.00

1100.075 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 1,927.00 1,802.00 1,924.00 1,618.52 1,947.00 1,984.00

1100.075 402.0030 Disability Insurance 5,938.00 5,339.79 6,162.00 5,399.10 6,150.00 6,506.00

1100.075 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 289,625.00 289,625.00 244,799.00 244,799.00 312,878.00 312,878.00

1100.075 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 117,038.00 117,759.43 135,475.00 135,474.99 144,221.00 148,679.00

1100.075 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 3,880.00 3,895.00 4,116.00 4,115.50 3,000.00 4,000.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $868,108.00 $858,670.14 $861,163.00 $841,113.71 $955,580.00 $993,426.00

Material And Supplies

1100.075 410.0020 Office Supplies 1,285.00 1,285.60 1,000.00 306.87 1,000.00 1,000.00

1100.075 410.0040 Janitorial Supplies .00 (75.68) .00 .00 .00 .00

1100.075 410.0065 Safety & Medical Supplies 16,362.00 16,361.73 32,565.00 27,617.99 18,500.00 20,165.00

Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget PPE-Boots,Gloves, Ear Protection, Reflective Gear,Safety Glasses 37.0000 500.00 18,500.00

Mayor's Budget Audiology Base Line Testing 37.0000 45.00 1,665.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $20,165.00

1100.075 410.0100 Clothing 5,250.00 4,217.34 5,400.00 3,959.44 5,550.00 5,550.00

Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Clothing Allowance 37.0000 150.00 5,550.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $5,550.00

1100.075 410.0120 Blades & Cutting Edges 41,500.00 41,117.09 41,785.00 41,784.81 28,500.00 28,500.00

1100.075 410.0130 Brooms-Street Sweeper 18,546.00 18,546.30 22,659.00 22,658.04 22,575.00 22,575.00

1100.075 410.0140 Salt & Sand-Ice Control 233,470.00 233,469.89 186,627.00 186,626.66 115,000.00 115,000.00

1100.075 410.0170 Minor Tools & Equipment 6,658.00 6,801.37 2,786.00 (1,385.94) 4,000.00 4,000.00

1100.075 410.0190 Diesel Fuel 190,000.00 215,658.24 200,000.00 135,954.28 202,200.00 202,200.00

1100.075 410.0200 Gasoline 40,000.00 34,076.92 40,000.00 15,783.04 40,000.00 40,000.00

Material And Supplies Totals $553,071.00 $571,458.80 $532,822.00 $433,305.19 $437,325.00 $438,990.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
1100.075 420.0010 Electricity 1,000.00 689.87 531.00 530.47 .00 600.00

Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Snow Storage Site Lighting 1.0000 600.00 600.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $600.00

Utilities Totals $1,000.00 $689.87 $531.00 $530.47 $0.00 $600.00

Contractual Services
1100.075 430.0029 PWF Lease 142,018.00 142,018.00 156,317.00 156,317.00 156,317.00 158,856.00

Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget PWF Rent 28.86% share 1.0000 158,856.00 158,856.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $158,856.00

1100.075 430.0030 Lease & Rental 312,706.00 312,705.39 250,000.00 257,659.79 100,000.00 159,000.00

Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Snow Seasonal Rentals - Wheel Loaders 6255, 6283 2.0000 12,000.00 24,000.00

Mayor's Budget Snow Season Rentals - Mtr Graders 6314, 6324, 6331, 6365, 6373 5.0000 27,000.00 135,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $159,000.00

1100.075 430.0090 Advertising 235.00 234.90 250.00 235.42 200.00 200.00

1100.075 430.0110 Printing 1,060.00 1,059.93 .00 .00 .00 .00

1100.075 430.0170 Maintenance Agreements .00 .00 1,755.00 1,754.60 11,900.00 4,500.00

Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Plotter/Cutter Annual License Agreement 1.0000 2,000.00 2,000.00

Mayor's Budget Weather Forecasting, Pavement Application On-line Agreement 1.0000 2,500.00 2,500.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $4,500.00

Contractual Services Totals $456,019.00 $456,018.22 $408,322.00 $415,966.81 $268,417.00 $322,556.00

Maintenance Structures
1100.075 440.0010 Mtce Buildings & Grounds 2,500.00 1,871.28 25,881.00 25,716.03 2,500.00 2,500.00

1100.075 440.0100 Mtce Streets,Alleys,Svcrd 275,828.00 258,349.93 211,948.00 192,361.80 231,948.00 231,948.00

Budget Transactions


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Street Mnce, Repair, Painting Materials 1.0000 145,000.00 145,000.00

Mayor's Budget Sales Tax Allocation - Add'l Pothole Patching Materials 1.0000 86,948.00 86,948.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $231,948.00

Maintenance Structures Totals $278,328.00 $260,221.21 $237,829.00 $218,077.83 $234,448.00 $234,448.00

Maintenance Equipment
1100.075 450.0150 Mtce Traffic Signs 21,120.00 26,403.76 18,209.00 18,208.16 30,000.00 30,000.00

1100.075 450.0160 Mtce Vehicles/Motor Eq. 488,295.00 569,212.55 621,221.00 667,017.99 400,000.00 400,000.00

1100.075 450.0610 IS-Capital Replacement Ex 1,550.00 1,550.00 1,550.00 1,550.00 1,550.00 .00

1100.075 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 .00

1100.075 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 1,500.00 1,500.00 4,850.00 4,850.00 1,600.00 .00

1100.075 450.0640 IT Services .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 46,327.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $513,465.00 $599,666.31 $647,330.00 $693,126.15 $434,650.00 $476,327.00

Other Operating Expenses

1100.075 460.0015 Cell Phone Charges 1,017.00 1,016.88 660.00 660.00 1,100.00 1,100.00

1100.075 460.0016 Data Fees 12,263.00 12,262.69 11,666.00 11,665.78 13,320.00 13,320.00

Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget iPads 3.0000 480.00 1,440.00

Mayor's Budget Automated Vehicle Locator Svc (AVL's) $18/mo/unit 55.0000 216.00 11,880.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $13,320.00

1100.075 460.0040 Postage 100.00 60.14 373.00 378.61 100.00 100.00

1100.075 460.0050 Education & Training 1,310.00 1,310.00 .00 .00 1,230.00 1,845.00

Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget ATSSA Training 4.0000 125.00 500.00

Mayor's Budget NDWPCConference 2.0000 190.00 380.00

Mayor's Budget APWA North American Snow Conference 1.0000 550.00 550.00

Mayor's Budget APWA Public Works Congress 1.0000 800.00 800.00

Mayor's Budget Budget Reductions 1.0000 (385.00) (385.00)

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,845.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
1100.075 460.0060 Travel 3,900.00 3,816.83 .00 .00 4,000.00 6,000.00

Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget APWA North American Snow Conference 1.0000 3,000.00 3,000.00

Mayor's Budget NDWPCConference 2.0000 600.00 1,200.00

Mayor's Budget APWA Public Works Congress 1.0000 3,000.00 3,000.00

Mayor's Budget ATSSA Training 4.0000 200.00 800.00

Mayor's Budget Budget Reductions 1.0000 (2,000.00) (2,000.00)

Mayor's Budget Totals $6,000.00

1100.075 460.0090 Dues 355.00 355.00 850.00 350.00 500.00 500.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $18,945.00 $18,821.54 $13,549.00 $13,054.39 $20,250.00 $22,865.00

Operating Transfers Out

1100.075 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out 89,199.00 89,199.00 89,199.00 174,669.00 .00 .00

1100.075 900.0020 Capital Lease Transfers Out .00 .00 200,000.00 .00 284,199.00 340,479.00

Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Capital Lease-Payloader 950M #6241 Pymt 5/5 Trs to 4800 1.0000 28,899.00 28,899.00

Mayor's Budget Capital Lease-Motor Grader 140M3 #6352 Yr 6/6 Trs to 4800 1.0000 88,506.00 88,506.00

Mayor's Budget Capital Lease-Motor Grader 140M3 #6342 Yr 6/6 Trs to 4800 1.0000 84,019.00 84,019.00

Mayor's Budget Capital Lease-Tandem Trucks #6570/#6571 Trs to 4800 2.0000 42,610.00 85,220.00

Mayor's Budget Capital Lease-Payloader #6231 Pymt 2/5 Trs to 4800 1.0000 11,274.00 11,274.00

Mayor's Budget Capital Lease - International Cab & Chassis #6591/#6592 1.0000 42,561.00 42,561.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $340,479.00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $89,199.00 $89,199.00 $289,199.00 $174,669.00 $284,199.00 $340,479.00

Capital Outlay
1100.075 700.0030 Communication & Elec 742.00 .00 1,800.00 .00 .00 .00

1100.075 700.0050 Gen Equipment N.O.C. 77,988.00 77,987.80 33,871.00 .00 .00 .00

1100.075 700.0120 Trucks & Mounted Equipmt 581,872.00 581,872.00 74,000.00 .00 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $660,602.00 $659,859.80 $109,671.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Department 075 - Street Totals $5,454,521.00 $5,490,671.42 $5,168,230.00 $4,743,899.50 $4,605,493.00 $4,908,157.00

Public Safety Training Center

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 1100 - General Fund


Department 090 - Pub Safety Training Centr

Material And Supplies
1100.090 410.0020 Office Supplies 450.00 331.71 450.00 296.39 320.00 350.00

1100.090 410.0040 Janitorial Supplies 600.00 536.49 600.00 252.53 600.00 600.00

1100.090 410.0080 Food Supplies 400.00 322.44 400.00 145.28 300.00 300.00

1100.090 410.0170 Minor Tools & Equipment 400.00 414.76 400.00 334.31 300.00 400.00

1100.090 410.0180 Printing Paper 300.00 277.77 300.00 277.52 300.00 300.00

Material And Supplies Totals $2,150.00 $1,883.17 $2,150.00 $1,306.03 $1,820.00 $1,950.00

1100.090 420.0010 Electricity 17,500.00 17,045.97 17,500.00 15,826.44 17,500.00 17,500.00

1100.090 420.0020 Building Heat 8,275.00 5,929.31 8,500.00 4,886.37 8,500.00 8,500.00

1100.090 420.0030 Water, Sewer & Refuse 13,225.00 13,224.05 13,500.00 13,495.36 13,500.00 13,500.00

Utilities Totals $39,000.00 $36,199.33 $39,500.00 $34,208.17 $39,500.00 $39,500.00

Contractual Services
1100.090 430.0170 Maintenance Agreements 1,632.00 1,591.27 2,025.00 1,610.31 2,025.00 2,025.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Copy Machine 1.0000 475.00 475.00

Mayor's Budget Fire Sprinkler System Annual Testing 1.0000 600.00 600.00

Mayor's Budget Fire Alarm System Annual Testing 1.0000 450.00 450.00

Mayor's Budget Annual Fire Alarm Monitoring 1.0000 500.00 500.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $2,025.00

Contractual Services Totals $1,632.00 $1,591.27 $2,025.00 $1,610.31 $2,025.00 $2,025.00

Maintenance Structures
1100.090 440.0010 Mtce Buildings & Grounds 8,788.00 8,352.41 4,832.00 3,787.73 9,600.00 12,000.00

Maintenance Structures Totals $8,788.00 $8,352.41 $4,832.00 $3,787.73 $9,600.00 $12,000.00

Maintenance Equipment
1100.090 450.0010 Mtce Air Cond. & Heating 3,158.00 2,324.05 4,248.00 2,919.25 5,000.00 5,000.00

Public Safety Training Center

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Annual Service (general fund portion-75% of total) 1.0000 1,800.00 1,800.00

Mayor's Budget General/Miscellaneous repairs 1.0000 3,200.00 3,200.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $5,000.00

1100.090 450.0030 Mtce Communication & Elec 1,000.00 13.47 1,000.00 116.00 900.00 900.00

1100.090 450.0610 IS-Capital Replacement Ex 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 .00

1100.090 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 800.00 800.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 .00

1100.090 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,280.00 1,280.00 1,280.00 .00

1100.090 450.0640 IT Services .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 320.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $7,358.00 $5,537.52 $8,928.00 $6,715.25 $9,580.00 $6,220.00

Other Operating Expenses

1100.090 460.0020 Telephone 2,897.00 2,896.36 2,407.00 2,406.53 3,100.00 3,100.00

1100.090 460.0022 Communications-Other 2,035.00 1,905.55 1,460.00 1,460.00 2,000.00 2,000.00

1100.090 460.0085 Boiler Inspection 80.00 .00 80.00 .00 110.00 110.00

1100.090 460.0110 Fire & Tornado Insurance .00 963.26 .00 .00 .00 .00

1100.090 460.0115 Flood Insurance .00 692.70 .00 .00 .00 .00

1100.090 460.0120 Fleet & Gen.Liab.Insuranc .00 .00 250.00 .00 250.00 250.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $5,012.00 $6,457.87 $4,197.00 $3,866.53 $5,460.00 $5,460.00

Capital Outlay
1100.090 700.0040 Furniture & Fixtures 500.00 .00 492.00 491.20 .00 .00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Replace classroom tables 40.0000 500.00 20,000.00

Mayor's Budget Budget Reductions 1.0000 (20,000.00) (20,000.00)

Mayor's Budget Totals $0.00

1100.090 700.0050 Gen Equipment N.O.C. 1,212.00 1,212.00 7,102.00 7,101.82 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $1,712.00 $1,212.00 $7,594.00 $7,593.02 $0.00 $0.00

Department 090 - Pub Safety Training Centr Totals $65,652.00 $61,233.57 $69,226.00 $59,087.04 $67,985.00 $67,155.00

PSAP Allotment

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 1100 - General Fund


Department 095 - PSAP Allotment

Operating Transfers Out
1100.095 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out 941,423.00 941,423.00 896,145.00 896,145.00 851,036.00 853,703.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 59.56% of PSAP Budget - To 2104 1.0000 853,703.00 853,703.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $853,703.00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $941,423.00 $941,423.00 $896,145.00 $896,145.00 $851,036.00 $853,703.00

Department 095 - PSAP Allotment Totals $941,423.00 $941,423.00 $896,145.00 $896,145.00 $851,036.00 $853,703.00

General Fund Loan &
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2101 - GF Loan & Stabilization


Department 000 - Revenues

2101.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments 13,117.00 30,160.61 9,163.00 16,412.24 12,686.00 20,246.00

Interest Totals $13,117.00 $30,160.61 $9,163.00 $16,412.24 $12,686.00 $20,246.00

Operating Transfers In
2101.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In .00 .00 350,000.00 365,652.78 1,144,088.00 .00

Operating Transfers In Totals $0.00 $0.00 $350,000.00 $365,652.78 $1,144,088.00 $0.00

Extraordinary Revenue
2101.000 374.0000 Unrealized Gain on Invest .00 19,382.16 .00 11,526.15 .00 .00

Extraordinary Revenue Totals $0.00 $19,382.16 $0.00 $11,526.15 $0.00 $0.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
2101.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget 1,313,629.00 .00 1,041,494.00 .00 1,268,695.00 2,024,662.00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $1,313,629.00 $0.00 $1,041,494.00 $0.00 $1,268,695.00 $2,024,662.00

REVENUE TOTALS $1,326,746.00 $49,542.77 $1,400,657.00 $393,591.17 $2,425,469.00 $2,044,908.00

General Fund Loan &
2019 Amended 2020 Amended 2021 Adopted
G/L Account Account Description Budget 2019 Actual Amount Budget 2020 Actual Amount Budget 2022 Mayor's Budget

Fund 2101 - GF Loan & Stabilization


Department 100 - Expenditures

Other Operating Expenses
2101.100 470.0040 Contingency 1,875.00 1,875.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $1,875.00 $1,875.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Operating Transfers Out

2101.100 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out 699,054.00 185,000.00 311,184.00 311,184.00 648,587.00 293,803.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Transfer Out to 3204 - 1986 Tax Increment Bond 1.0000 95,960.00 95,960.00

Mayor's Budget Transfer Out to 1100 - General Fund 1.0000 197,843.00 197,843.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $293,803.00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $699,054.00 $185,000.00 $311,184.00 $311,184.00 $648,587.00 $293,803.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $700,929.00 $186,875.00 $311,184.00 $311,184.00 $648,587.00 $293,803.00

Fund 2101 - GF Loan & Stabilization Totals

REVENUE TOTALS $1,326,746.00 $49,542.77 $1,400,657.00 $393,591.17 $2,425,469.00 $2,044,908.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $700,929.00 $186,875.00 $311,184.00 $311,184.00 $648,587.00 $293,803.00

Fund 2101 - GF Loan & Stabilization Totals $625,817.00 ($137,332.23) $1,089,473.00 $82,407.17 $1,776,882.00 $1,751,105.00

Public Safety Answering Point
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2104 - Psap Communication Center


Department 000 - Revenues

Licenses And Permits
2104.000 311.0140 Emergency Alarm User License 26,500.00 40,383.00 26,500.00 21,481.74 26,500.00 26,500.00

Licenses And Permits Totals $26,500.00 $40,383.00 $26,500.00 $21,481.74 $26,500.00 $26,500.00

2104.000 321.0020 FEMA .00 .00 7,478.00 7,478.85 .00 .00

Intergovernmental Totals $0.00 $0.00 $7,478.00 $7,478.85 $0.00 $0.00

Charges For Services

2104.000 333.0105 Comm.Cntr.Fee-Cnty 256,190.00 256,190.00 267,620.00 267,620.00 271,500.00 289,161.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget County Fee for 2022 - 20.179% 1.0000 289,161.00 289,161.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $289,161.00

2104.000 333.0110 Comm. Center Fee 12,000.00 12,000.00 112,360.00 112,360.00 112,360.00 112,360.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Dispatch fee for Thompson 1.0000 4,120.00 4,120.00

Mayor's Budget Dispatch fee for Emerado 1.0000 4,120.00 4,120.00

Mayor's Budget Dispatch fee for Northwood 1.0000 4,120.00 4,120.00

Mayor's Budget Dispatch fee for Altru 1.0000 100,000.00 100,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $112,360.00

2104.000 333.0115 Comm.Cntr.Fee-Und 138,343.00 138,343.00 135,934.00 135,935.00 135,290.00 128,070.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget UND Fee for 2022 - 8.94% 1.0000 128,070.00 128,070.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $128,070.00

Charges For Services Totals $406,533.00 $406,533.00 $515,914.00 $515,915.00 $519,150.00 $529,591.00


Public Safety Answering Point
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
2104.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments 4,387.00 6,535.49 3,543.00 4,055.38 3,919.00 3,757.00

Interest Totals $4,387.00 $6,535.49 $3,543.00 $4,055.38 $3,919.00 $3,757.00

2104.000 357.0200 Other N.O.C. .00 34.65 .00 .00 .00 175,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Additional 911 fee fund transfer in from 2105 1.0000 175,000.00 175,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $175,000.00

Miscellaneous Totals $0.00 $34.65 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $175,000.00

Operating Transfers In
2104.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In 1,112,468.00 1,112,468.00 1,150,126.00 1,150,126.00 1,140,157.00 1,191,043.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget City Fee (59.56%) for 2022 - Transfer from 1100.095 1.0000 853,703.00 853,703.00

Mayor's Budget 911 Fee (11.33%) for 2022 -Transfer from 2105 1.0000 337,340.00 337,340.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,191,043.00

Operating Transfers In Totals $1,112,468.00 $1,112,468.00 $1,150,126.00 $1,150,126.00 $1,140,157.00 $1,191,043.00

Extraordinary Revenue
2104.000 374.0000 Unrealized Gain on Invest .00 5,905.99 .00 .00 .00 .00

Extraordinary Revenue Totals $0.00 $5,905.99 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
2104.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget 368,803.00 .00 354,282.00 .00 391,859.00 375,746.00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $368,803.00 $0.00 $354,282.00 $0.00 $391,859.00 $375,746.00

REVENUE TOTALS $1,918,691.00 $1,571,860.13 $2,057,843.00 $1,699,056.97 $2,081,585.00 $2,301,637.00

Public Safety Answering Point
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2104 - Psap Communication Center


Department 100 - Expenditures

Personnel Services
2104.100 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 930,265.00 928,553.45 993,468.00 968,393.54 1,052,429.00 1,040,928.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Administrative Specialist, Sr. - Range 41 1.0000 58,178.00 58,178.00

Mayor's Budget 13 - 911 Dispatcher - Range 42 1.0000 600,789.00 600,789.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - 911 Training Specialist - Range 46 1.0000 60,268.00 60,268.00

Mayor's Budget 4 - 911 Team Leader - Range 46 1.0000 239,902.00 239,902.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - 911 Center Manager - Range 60 1.0000 81,791.00 81,791.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,040,928.00

2104.100 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 70,000.00 64,065.54 87,000.00 83,416.59 50,000.00 50,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Seasonal employees 1.0000 50,000.00 50,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $50,000.00

2104.100 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 55,000.00 52,791.21 75,441.00 55,084.15 50,000.00 50,000.00

2104.100 400.0040 Wages & Salary-Holiday 43,000.00 40,909.72 43,000.00 42,598.03 43,000.00 43,000.00

2104.100 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 230.00 .00 2,068.00 2,067.81 230.00 230.00

2104.100 400.0080 Wages & Sal-Non-Class 124,370.00 123,593.60 127,957.00 123,760.00 124,760.00 124,758.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - 911 Center Director - Range 74 1.0000 124,758.00 124,758.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $124,758.00

Personnel Services Totals $1,222,865.00 $1,209,913.52 $1,328,934.00 $1,275,320.12 $1,320,419.00 $1,308,916.00

Fringe Benefits
2104.100 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 74,578.00 70,812.39 77,756.00 74,718.41 80,564.00 81,153.00

2104.100 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 17,442.00 16,561.00 19,003.00 17,474.43 18,842.00 18,979.00

Public Safety Answering Point
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
2104.100 401.0020 Unemployment Compensation 2,575.00 .00 2,575.00 .00 2,575.00 2,575.00

2104.100 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 2,500.00 1,657.43 2,500.00 581.47 2,500.00 2,500.00

2104.100 402.0005 Post Employment Health 9,900.00 9,033.75 10,645.00 9,157.50 10,395.00 10,395.00

2104.100 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 169,229.00 165,804.18 180,188.00 179,611.66 194,430.00 204,429.00

2104.100 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 1,051.00 1,024.92 1,130.00 912.98 1,113.00 1,134.00

2104.100 402.0030 Disability Insurance 3,585.00 3,346.27 3,837.00 3,235.14 3,881.00 3,614.00

2104.100 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 35,053.00 29,613.00 35,053.00 27,392.00 35,053.00 35,053.00

2104.100 402.0042 Contract Emp-Def. Comp. 2,164.00 2,150.46 2,243.00 2,153.32 2,153.00 2,188.00

2104.100 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 88,902.00 88,387.76 97,492.00 91,633.45 96,328.00 92,561.00

2104.100 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 500.00 1,200.00 .00

Fringe Benefits Totals $408,179.00 $389,591.16 $433,622.00 $407,370.36 $449,034.00 $454,581.00

Material And Supplies

2104.100 410.0010 Books & Subscriptions 600.00 381.54 600.00 272.21 500.00 500.00

2104.100 410.0020 Office Supplies 2,000.00 1,360.86 2,000.00 1,577.07 2,000.00 2,000.00

2104.100 410.0040 Janitorial Supplies 5,000.00 4,800.65 6,200.00 6,000.28 5,000.00 6,000.00

2104.100 410.0100 Clothing 2,300.00 1,887.96 2,300.00 2,183.96 2,300.00 2,300.00

2104.100 410.0170 Minor Tools & Equipment 300.00 32.75 300.00 .00 300.00 300.00

Material And Supplies Totals $10,200.00 $8,463.76 $11,400.00 $10,033.52 $10,100.00 $11,100.00

Contractual Services
2104.100 430.0090 Advertising 100.00 92.98 1,000.00 474.00 500.00 600.00

2104.100 430.0110 Printing 600.00 244.00 1,500.00 749.80 1,000.00 1,000.00

2104.100 430.0150 Consultants .00 230.45 500.00 .00 500.00 400.00

Contractual Services Totals $700.00 $567.43 $3,000.00 $1,223.80 $2,000.00 $2,000.00

Maintenance Structures
2104.100 440.0010 Mtce Buildings & Grounds 4,500.00 4,379.05 .00 .00 4,500.00 2,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Minor Building Issues/Repairs 1.0000 2,000.00 2,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $2,000.00

Maintenance Structures Totals $4,500.00 $4,379.05 $0.00 $0.00 $4,500.00 $2,000.00

Public Safety Answering Point
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Maintenance Equipment
2104.100 450.0040 Mtce Furniture & Fixtures .00 .00 500.00 .00 500.00 500.00

2104.100 450.0050 Mtce Gen Equipt N.O.C. 500.00 .00 500.00 .00 500.00 500.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $500.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00

Other Operating Expenses

2104.100 460.0040 Postage 2,000.00 1,594.84 1,750.00 1,002.53 1,800.00 1,100.00

2104.100 460.0050 Education & Training .00 .00 500.00 74.00 500.00 500.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Various Admin Training, Software Training, Eventide Training 1.0000 500.00 500.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $500.00

2104.100 460.0060 Travel 200.00 64.00 200.00 .00 300.00 200.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Travel expenses for Training-Mileage,Lodging, Meals,etc 1.0000 200.00 200.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $200.00

2104.100 460.0090 Dues 1,714.00 1,348.00 1,699.00 1,557.00 1,699.00 1,839.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget APCO Dues - Director, Shannon 2.0000 97.00 194.00

Mayor's Budget ND 911 Assoc. Dues - Becky, Shannon 2.0000 30.00 60.00

Mayor's Budget NENA Dues - Becky 1.0000 150.00 150.00

Mayor's Budget ND Emergency Management Assoc. Dues-Becky 1.0000 35.00 35.00

Mayor's Budget APCO Dues- 20 Dispatchers (for 2022) 20.0000 70.00 1,400.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,839.00

2104.100 460.0120 Fleet & Gen.Liab.Insuranc 100.00 56.41 100.00 61.87 100.00 100.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $4,014.00 $3,063.25 $4,249.00 $2,695.40 $4,399.00 $3,739.00

Operating Transfers Out

2104.100 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out .00 2,500.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $0.00 $2,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Public Safety Answering Point
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Capital Outlay
2104.100 700.0005 Non Capitalized Assets 500.00 79.99 690.00 690.00 500.00 500.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Minor Purchases 1.0000 500.00 500.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $500.00

2104.100 700.0040 Furniture & Fixtures 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 .00 1,700.00 1,700.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Kitchen & Workroom Improvements 1.0000 1,700.00 1,700.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,700.00

2104.100 700.0050 Gen Equipment N.O.C. 500.00 .00 500.00 .00 1,700.00 1,700.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Appliances, Various Equipment, etc. 1.0000 1,700.00 1,700.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,700.00

2104.100 700.0070 Office Equipment 500.00 .00 500.00 .00 1,700.00 1,700.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Admin Offices - Equipment needs, Adjustable Standing Desks 1.0000 1,700.00 1,700.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,700.00

Capital Outlay Totals $2,500.00 $79.99 $2,690.00 $690.00 $5,600.00 $5,600.00

Extraordinary Expense
2104.100 994.0000 Unrealized Loss on Invest .00 .00 .00 (1,978.05) .00 .00

Extraordinary Expense Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($1,978.05) $0.00 $0.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $1,653,458.00 $1,618,558.16 $1,784,895.00 $1,695,355.15 $1,797,052.00 $1,788,936.00

Fund 2104 - Psap Communication Center Totals $265,233.00 ($46,698.03) $272,948.00 $3,701.82 $284,533.00 $512,701.00

E-911 System

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2105 - E-911 System

Other Taxes
2105.000 305.0020 Excise Tax E-911 City 1,398,475.00 1,458,072.90 1,381,249.00 1,457,658.96 1,312,187.00 1,457,659.00

Other Taxes Totals $1,398,475.00 $1,458,072.90 $1,381,249.00 $1,457,658.96 $1,312,187.00 $1,457,659.00

2105.000 321.0020 FEMA .00 .00 253.00 253.41 .00 .00

2105.000 327.0254 Enbridge Grant 1,000.00 .00 7,500.00 7,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00

Intergovernmental Totals $1,000.00 $0.00 $7,753.00 $7,753.41 $1,000.00 $1,000.00

2105.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments 1,310.00 25,167.99 4,423.00 17,264.42 13,466.00 11,325.00

Interest Totals $1,310.00 $25,167.99 $4,423.00 $17,264.42 $13,466.00 $11,325.00

2105.000 357.0200 Other N.O.C. .00 238.30 .00 51.85 .00 .00

Miscellaneous Totals $0.00 $238.30 $0.00 $51.85 $0.00 $0.00

Operating Transfers In
2105.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In .00 .00 15,156.00 15,156.00 .00 .00

Operating Transfers In Totals $0.00 $0.00 $15,156.00 $15,156.00 $0.00 $0.00

Extraordinary Revenue
2105.000 374.0000 Unrealized Gain on Invest .00 16,205.27 .00 10,975.96 .00 .00

Extraordinary Revenue Totals $0.00 $16,205.27 $0.00 $10,975.96 $0.00 $0.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
2105.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget 106,773.00 .00 898,654.00 .00 1,346,597.00 1,132,511.00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $106,773.00 $0.00 $898,654.00 $0.00 $1,346,597.00 $1,132,511.00

REVENUE TOTALS $1,507,558.00 $1,499,684.46 $2,307,235.00 $1,508,860.60 $2,673,250.00 $2,602,495.00

E-911 System

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2105 - E-911 System


Department 100 - Expenditures

Personnel Services
2105.100 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent .00 .00 20,194.00 20,193.60 100,000.00 75,005.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Regional Radio Coordinator - Contract position 1.0000 75,004.80 75,004.80

Mayor's Budget Totals $75,004.80

Personnel Services Totals $0.00 $0.00 $20,194.00 $20,193.60 $100,000.00 $75,005.00

Fringe Benefits
2105.100 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer .00 .00 1,174.00 1,173.99 .00 4,650.00

2105.100 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer .00 .00 275.00 274.56 .00 1,088.00

2105.100 401.0030 Worker's Compensation .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 250.00

2105.100 402.0005 Post Employment Health .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 495.00

2105.100 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance .00 .00 1,992.00 1,991.56 .00 6,684.00

2105.100 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee .00 .00 12.00 11.46 .00 54.00

2105.100 402.0030 Disability Insurance .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 233.00

2105.100 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS .00 .00 1,668.00 1,667.96 .00 6,195.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $0.00 $0.00 $5,121.00 $5,119.53 $0.00 $19,649.00

Material And Supplies

2105.100 410.0020 Office Supplies 500.00 473.57 950.00 906.77 650.00 1,000.00

2105.100 410.0265 Minor Pc Software 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 1,000.00

Material And Supplies Totals $1,500.00 $473.57 $1,950.00 $906.77 $1,650.00 $2,000.00

2105.100 420.0010 Electricity 25,000.00 19,866.67 25,000.00 22,026.18 25,000.00 25,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Electrical Costs of PSAP Addition 1.0000 22,000.00 22,000.00

Mayor's Budget Larimore Communication Bldg Electric Expenses 1.0000 3,000.00 3,000.00

E-911 System

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget Totals $25,000.00

Utilities Totals $25,000.00 $19,866.67 $25,000.00 $22,026.18 $25,000.00 $25,000.00

Contractual Services
2105.100 430.0030 Lease & Rental 98,950.00 81,172.25 106,000.00 82,098.21 99,995.00 95,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget SBA Tower 1.0000 23,770.00 23,770.00

Mayor's Budget Stone's Tower 1.0000 8,340.00 8,340.00

Mayor's Budget Global Towers 1.0000 7,699.00 7,699.00

Mayor's Budget Ralph Engelstad 1.0000 2,079.00 2,079.00

Mayor's Budget ND State Radio Communications (Teletype Leases 7 in 2022) 7.0000 3,756.00 26,292.00

Mayor's Budget Other- Additional Misc Lease or Increases 1.0000 1,081.00 1,081.00

Mayor's Budget Agri Valley Cenex Store (Propane Tank Lease-EGF Tower 1.0000 65.00 65.00

Mayor's Budget Onsolve-Code Red Emergency Notification System 1.0000 20,000.00 20,000.00

Mayor's Budget Penguin Management (E-Dispatch Services) 1.0000 5,136.00 5,136.00

Mayor's Budget When I Work (Dispatch Scheduling Plan) 1.0000 538.00 538.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $95,000.00

2105.100 430.0031 License Fees 3,610.00 2,915.00 49,610.00 6,053.00 3,610.00 10,340.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget ND St Radio (LETS License Fees- 7 Terminals for 2022) 7.0000 185.00 1,295.00

Mayor's Budget Stones - Radio License Renewal Fees 3.0000 100.00 300.00

Mayor's Budget Biddle Consulting Group (Software License-Dispatcher Hiring/Test 1.0000 4,495.00 4,495.00

Mayor's Budget Eventide Recorder-Block of 8 Licenses 1.0000 4,250.00 4,250.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $10,340.00

2105.100 430.0150 Consultants 1,500.00 .00 1,500.00 879.30 1,500.00 1,500.00

2105.100 430.0170 Maintenance Agreements 221,930.00 221,471.75 196,920.00 108,550.24 138,900.00 152,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Stone's Equipment Maintenance Contract 1.0000 10,860.00 10,860.00

E-911 System

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget Intellicom (APCO Card Maintenance) 1.0000 6,000.00 6,000.00

Mayor's Budget Johnson Controls -HVAC Monitoring 1.0000 5,998.00 5,998.00

Mayor's Budget Eaton Corporation - UPS Maintenance Agreement 1.0000 6,922.00 6,922.00

Mayor's Budget Other misc.increases or additional contracts 1.0000 958.00 958.00

Mayor's Budget Liberty-Kyocera Printer/Copy Machine Maintenance 1.0000 400.00 400.00

Mayor's Budget Intellitech (formerly Alert) CAD Maintenance Agreement 1.0000 25,000.00 25,000.00

Mayor's Budget Digital Data - Accuglobe Data Maintenance Contract 1.0000 6,000.00 6,000.00

Mayor's Budget Dakota Fire Protection-Sprinkler System 1.0000 400.00 400.00

Mayor's Budget Nardini Fire-Novec System/Fire Ext Inspections 1.0000 1,500.00 1,500.00

Mayor's Budget Loffler - Maintenance Agreement for 4 Printers 1.0000 3,000.00 3,000.00

Mayor's Budget CenturyLink -Controller (Viper) Maintenance 1.0000 42,539.00 42,539.00

Mayor's Budget Motorola SIRN (Maintenance for Consoles) 1.0000 21,901.00 21,901.00

Mayor's Budget Moetivations, Inc. 1.0000 20,522.00 20,522.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $152,000.00

Contractual Services Totals $325,990.00 $305,559.00 $354,030.00 $197,580.75 $244,005.00 $258,840.00

Maintenance Structures
2105.100 440.0010 Mtce Buildings & Grounds 5,000.00 1,102.90 5,000.00 2,316.10 5,000.00 5,000.00

Maintenance Structures Totals $5,000.00 $1,102.90 $5,000.00 $2,316.10 $5,000.00 $5,000.00

Maintenance Equipment
2105.100 450.0030 Mtce Communication & Elec 38,000.00 37,530.91 93,960.00 77,114.15 100,000.00 120,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Various Critical Equipment Replacement-UPS Battery String 1.0000 120,000.00 120,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $120,000.00

2105.100 450.0050 Mtce Gen Equipt N.O.C. 4,000.00 2,257.21 16,243.00 16,242.40 10,000.00 10,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Dispatch Equipment, Air Handler System,etc. 1.0000 10,000.00 10,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $10,000.00

2105.100 450.0610 IS-Capital Replacement Ex 3,100.00 3,100.00 3,100.00 3,100.00 3,100.00 .00

E-911 System

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
2105.100 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 2,000.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 .00

2105.100 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,200.00 3,200.00 3,200.00 .00

2105.100 450.0640 IT Services .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 26,356.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $50,100.00 $47,888.12 $119,503.00 $102,656.55 $119,300.00 $156,356.00

Other Operating Expenses

2105.100 460.0015 Cell Phone Charges 495.00 440.00 1,700.00 1,472.98 500.00 2,640.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget First Net Phones (4) Becky, Shannon, Grant, Dispatch Supervisor 4.0000 660.00 2,640.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $2,640.00

2105.100 460.0016 Data Fees .00 .00 60.00 40.00 .00 480.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Hotspot Data Plans-FirstNet Phones 4.0000 120.00 480.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $480.00

2105.100 460.0020 Telephone 12,050.00 11,904.97 23,500.00 22,125.09 25,000.00 25,000.00

2105.100 460.0035 10% Cell Charge-NDACo .00 .00 69,062.00 .00 65,609.00 72,883.00

2105.100 460.0036 10% City Charge-NDACo 69,924.00 54,482.52 .00 .00 .00 .00

2105.100 460.0038 SIRN fee 349,619.00 352,591.61 354,798.00 418,599.39 328,047.00 364,415.00

2105.100 460.0050 Education & Training 18,500.00 18,476.00 15,000.00 13,468.18 20,000.00 20,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget EMD & APCO Certifications, Refreshers, New Hires, Moetivations 1.0000 20,000.00 20,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $20,000.00

2105.100 460.0060 Travel 15,000.00 3,750.53 2,514.00 1,971.93 10,000.00 10,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Training Travel - CAD, 911 Assoc Meetings, Conferences etc. 1.0000 10,000.00 10,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $10,000.00

2105.100 460.0110 Fire & Tornado Insurance 656.00 462.05 675.00 465.36 675.00 675.00

E-911 System

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
2105.100 460.0120 Fleet & Gen.Liab.Insuranc 100.00 .00 100.00 .00 100.00 100.00

2105.100 470.0040 Contingency 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 5,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 911 Technology Issues 1.0000 5,000.00 5,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $5,000.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $471,344.00 $442,107.68 $472,409.00 $458,142.93 $454,931.00 $501,193.00

Operating Transfers Out

2105.100 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out 226,459.00 186,045.00 289,508.00 253,018.00 341,721.00 396,090.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Repay Water Prin (7yrs-84 mnthly pmts)PSAP Expansion(625,000@3%) 1.0000 38,750.00 38,750.00

Mayor's Budget To 2104 (11.33%) 911 Share 1.0000 337,340.00 337,340.00

Mayor's Budget To General Fund 1100 for IT Services(PC Analyst) 1.0000 20,000.00 20,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $396,090.00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $226,459.00 $186,045.00 $289,508.00 $253,018.00 $341,721.00 $396,090.00

Capital Outlay
2105.100 650.0010 Work In Progress 150,373.00 147,455.96 .00 .00 .00 .00

2105.100 700.0005 Non Capitalized Assets 6,850.00 6,787.01 9,850.00 9,849.70 5,000.00 10,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Minor Purchases for Dispatch including Headsets, Bases, etc. 1.0000 10,000.00 10,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $10,000.00

2105.100 700.0030 Communication & Elec 213,683.00 175,263.20 531,000.00 492,411.39 100,000.00 100,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Tower & Infastructure Mtce & Repairs, SIRN Project 1.0000 100,000.00 100,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $100,000.00

2105.100 700.0040 Furniture & Fixtures .00 .00 150.00 .00 5,000.00 5,000.00

Budget Transactions

E-911 System

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Dispatch Chairs, etc. 1.0000 5,000.00 5,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $5,000.00

2105.100 700.0050 Gen Equipment N.O.C. 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 5,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Mechanical Room/Other Building Expenses 1.0000 5,000.00 5,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $5,000.00

2105.100 700.0070 Office Equipment 3,500.00 .00 5,000.00 1,156.69 5,000.00 5,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Charis, Printers, Computers/Monitors, Shredder 1.0000 5,000.00 5,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $5,000.00

Capital Outlay Totals $379,406.00 $329,506.17 $551,000.00 $503,417.78 $120,000.00 $125,000.00

Debt Service Interest

2105.100 800.0020 Interest Expense 4,558.00 4,557.49 3,481.00 3,480.35 2,370.00 1,227.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Interest Due on Loan to Water Fund 1.0000 1,227.00 1,227.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,227.00

Debt Service Interest Totals $4,558.00 $4,557.49 $3,481.00 $3,480.35 $2,370.00 $1,227.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $1,489,357.00 $1,337,106.60 $1,847,196.00 $1,568,858.54 $1,413,977.00 $1,565,360.00

Fund 2105 - E-911 System Totals $18,201.00 $162,577.86 $460,039.00 ($59,997.94) $1,259,273.00 $1,037,135.00

Emergency Levy

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2106 - Emergency Levy


Department 000 - Revenues

Real Estate Taxes
2106.000 301.0010 Current Real Estate Taxes 112,990.00 107,397.74 114,631.00 110,744.33 117,350.00 120,213.00

Real Estate Taxes Totals $112,990.00 $107,397.74 $114,631.00 $110,744.33 $117,350.00 $120,213.00

2106.000 321.0020 FEMA 61,406.00 78,696.49 111,727.00 156,228.04 .00 .00

2106.000 321.0021 FEMA-97 Flood .00 .00 .00 55,531.90 .00 .00

2106.000 324.0080 Senior Citizens Tax 900.00 1,102.97 900.00 1,069.63 842.00 827.00

2106.000 324.0081 Disabled Veteran Credit 500.00 757.38 500.00 794.53 761.00 819.00

2106.000 324.0082 Electric Tax 100.00 .00 100.00 .00 100.00 .00

2106.000 324.0095 Communication In-Lieu Tax 500.00 572.31 500.00 573.15 500.00 500.00

2106.000 325.0030 Mobile Home Tax 300.00 308.57 300.00 372.96 300.00 300.00

Intergovernmental Totals $63,706.00 $81,437.72 $114,027.00 $214,570.21 $2,503.00 $2,446.00

2106.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments 4,922.00 10,379.84 5,525.00 2,065.47 1,683.00 2,290.00

Interest Totals $4,922.00 $10,379.84 $5,525.00 $2,065.47 $1,683.00 $2,290.00

Extraordinary Revenue
2106.000 374.0000 Unrealized Gain on Invest .00 4,614.12 .00 1,568.36 .00 .00

Extraordinary Revenue Totals $0.00 $4,614.12 $0.00 $1,568.36 $0.00 $0.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
2106.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget 891,170.00 .00 760,530.00 .00 168,351.00 229,069.00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $891,170.00 $0.00 $760,530.00 $0.00 $168,351.00 $229,069.00

REVENUE TOTALS $1,072,788.00 $203,829.42 $994,713.00 $328,948.37 $289,887.00 $354,018.00

Emergency Levy

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2106 - Emergency Levy


Department 100 - Expenditures

Maintenance Structures
2106.100 440.0015 Mtce-Snow Removal 18,384.00 18,384.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Maintenance Structures Totals $18,384.00 $18,384.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Other Operating Expenses

2106.100 470.0040 Contingency 94,949.00 67,786.30 30,196.00 30,195.62 23,798.00 30,000.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $94,949.00 $67,786.30 $30,196.00 $30,195.62 $23,798.00 $30,000.00

Operating Transfers Out

2106.100 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out 455,495.00 455,495.00 303,888.00 303,888.00 119,686.00 95,888.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Transfer to General Fund 1.0000 95,888.00 95,888.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $95,888.00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $455,495.00 $455,495.00 $303,888.00 $303,888.00 $119,686.00 $95,888.00

Capital Outlay
2106.100 650.0010 Work In Progress 10,075.00 22,469.68 105,329.00 105,328.92 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $10,075.00 $22,469.68 $105,329.00 $105,328.92 $0.00 $0.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $578,903.00 $564,134.98 $439,413.00 $439,412.54 $143,484.00 $125,888.00

Fund 2106 - Emergency Levy Totals $493,885.00 ($360,305.56) $555,300.00 ($110,464.17) $146,403.00 $228,130.00

Municipal Band

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2109 - Municipal Band


Department 000 - Revenues

Real Estate Taxes
2109.000 301.0010 Current Real Estate Taxes 15,819.00 14,305.00 16,048.00 15,052.76 16,430.00 16,830.00

Real Estate Taxes Totals $15,819.00 $14,305.00 $16,048.00 $15,052.76 $16,430.00 $16,830.00

2109.000 324.0080 Senior Citizens Tax 50.00 146.36 50.00 145.11 117.00 116.00

2109.000 324.0081 Disabled Veteran Credit 80.00 100.62 80.00 107.87 106.00 115.00

2109.000 324.0082 Electric Tax 20.00 .00 20.00 .00 20.00 .00

2109.000 324.0095 Communication In-Lieu Tax 110.00 75.78 110.00 77.86 110.00 110.00

2109.000 325.0030 Mobile Home Tax 45.00 1.21 45.00 1.47 45.00 45.00

Intergovernmental Totals $305.00 $323.97 $305.00 $332.31 $398.00 $386.00

2109.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments 40.00 81.49 14.00 71.66 20.00 29.00

Interest Totals $40.00 $81.49 $14.00 $71.66 $20.00 $29.00

Extraordinary Revenue
2109.000 374.0000 Unrealized Gain on Invest .00 37.75 .00 16.37 .00 .00

Extraordinary Revenue Totals $0.00 $37.75 $0.00 $16.37 $0.00 $0.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
2109.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget 4,000.00 .00 1,395.00 .00 2,032.00 2,912.00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $4,000.00 $0.00 $1,395.00 $0.00 $2,032.00 $2,912.00

REVENUE TOTALS $20,164.00 $14,748.21 $17,762.00 $15,473.10 $18,880.00 $20,157.00

Municipal Band

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2109 - Municipal Band


Department 100 - Expenditures

Other Operating Expenses
2109.100 460.0120 Fleet & Gen.Liab.Insuranc 200.00 194.12 396.00 396.00 200.00 400.00

2109.100 470.0010 Contributions 18,792.00 17,000.00 15,652.00 14,230.23 16,231.00 17,500.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $18,992.00 $17,194.12 $16,048.00 $14,626.23 $16,431.00 $17,900.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $18,992.00 $17,194.12 $16,048.00 $14,626.23 $16,431.00 $17,900.00

Fund 2109 - Municipal Band Totals $1,172.00 ($2,445.91) $1,714.00 $846.87 $2,449.00 $2,257.00

Public Building Fund

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2121 - Public Building Fund


Department 000 - Revenues

Real Estate Taxes
2121.000 301.0010 Current Real Estate Taxes 757,030.00 720,186.66 882,659.00 849,124.64 903,671.00 841,488.00

2121.000 301.0011 Discount 5% on RE Taxes (37,851.00) .00 (44,132.00) .00 (45,184.00) (42,074.00)

Real Estate Taxes Totals $719,179.00 $720,186.66 $838,527.00 $849,124.64 $858,487.00 $799,414.00

2121.000 322.0153 ND Dept of Commerce .00 3,088.73 .00 .00 .00 .00

2121.000 324.0080 Senior Citizens Tax 2,750.00 7,383.05 2,750.00 8,206.69 6,447.00 5,790.00

2121.000 324.0081 Disabled Veteran Credit 2,900.00 5,075.50 2,900.00 6,100.89 5,828.00 5,735.00

2121.000 324.0095 Communication In-Lieu Tax 3,776.00 3,836.51 3,776.00 4,403.39 3,776.00 4,000.00

2121.000 325.0030 Mobile Home Tax 1,800.00 60.85 1,800.00 82.95 100.00 100.00

Intergovernmental Totals $11,226.00 $19,444.64 $11,226.00 $18,793.92 $16,151.00 $15,625.00

2121.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments 4,514.00 19,757.07 5,491.00 15,795.76 10,301.00 8,302.00

Interest Totals $4,514.00 $19,757.07 $5,491.00 $15,795.76 $10,301.00 $8,302.00

Operating Revenues
2121.000 338.0175 Sale Of Scrap .00 161.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Operating Revenues Totals $0.00 $161.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Operating Transfers In
2121.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In .00 .00 24,222.00 24,222.00 .00 .00

Operating Transfers In Totals $0.00 $0.00 $24,222.00 $24,222.00 $0.00 $0.00

Extraordinary Revenue
2121.000 374.0000 Unrealized Gain on Invest .00 8,317.84 .00 6,739.83 .00 .00

Extraordinary Revenue Totals $0.00 $8,317.84 $0.00 $6,739.83 $0.00 $0.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
2121.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget 481,260.00 .00 549,099.00 .00 930,105.00 830,247.00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $481,260.00 $0.00 $549,099.00 $0.00 $930,105.00 $830,247.00

REVENUE TOTALS $1,216,179.00 $767,867.21 $1,428,565.00 $914,676.15 $1,815,044.00 $1,653,588.00

Public Building Fund

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2121 - Public Building Fund


Department 100 - Expenditures

Personnel Services
2121.100 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent .00 .00 375.00 .00 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $0.00 $0.00 $375.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Contractual Services
2121.100 430.0014 GF Services Reimbursement 56,642.00 56,642.00 60,731.00 60,731.04 123,710.00 196,449.00

2121.100 430.0150 Consultants 6,038.00 6,037.50 .00 375.00 .00 .00

Contractual Services Totals $62,680.00 $62,679.50 $60,731.00 $61,106.04 $123,710.00 $196,449.00

Maintenance Structures
2121.100 440.0010 Mtce Buildings & Grounds .00 .00 49,795.00 25,572.45 .00 .00

Maintenance Structures Totals $0.00 $0.00 $49,795.00 $25,572.45 $0.00 $0.00

Other Operating Expenses

2121.100 460.0010 Interdepartmental Reimbur 10,556.00 10,556.00 10,556.00 10,556.04 10,556.00 10,873.00

2121.100 460.0110 Fire & Tornado Insurance 33,246.00 18,114.92 36,509.00 35,203.37 33,949.00 34,967.00

2121.100 460.0115 Flood Insurance 20,888.00 14,404.29 29,845.00 22,104.59 30,766.00 31,689.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $64,690.00 $43,075.21 $76,910.00 $67,864.00 $75,271.00 $77,529.00

Operating Transfers Out

2121.100 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out 357,300.00 357,300.00 361,600.00 361,600.00 360,700.00 359,700.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Trasnfer to 3122 - 2016C GO Public Building Bond 1.0000 359,700.00 359,700.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $359,700.00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $357,300.00 $357,300.00 $361,600.00 $361,600.00 $360,700.00 $359,700.00

Capital Outlay
2121.100 650.0010 Work In Progress 225,002.00 225,001.53 96,000.00 96.00 96,000.00 190,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Exhaust System - North Fire Station (#2) 1.0000 45,000.00 45,000.00

Public Building Fund

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget Investigations - Department Update - Police Station 1.0000 125,000.00 125,000.00

Mayor's Budget Improvements - Firing Range 1.0000 20,000.00 20,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $190,000.00

2121.100 700.0010 Air Cond & Heating .00 .00 115,528.00 .00 145,000.00 495,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget HVAC - City Hall 1.0000 470,000.00 470,000.00

Mayor's Budget Boiler Replacement - North Fire Station (#2) 1.0000 25,000.00 25,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $495,000.00

2121.100 700.0030 Communication & Elec 5,813.00 5,812.07 .00 .00 .00 .00

2121.100 700.0040 Furniture & Fixtures .00 .00 58,000.00 36,824.76 40,000.00 40,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Lighting - PSTC (Pending Grant Funding) 1.0000 40,000.00 40,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $40,000.00

2121.100 700.0050 Gen Equipment N.O.C. .00 .00 115,000.00 650.00 115,000.00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $230,815.00 $230,813.60 $384,528.00 $37,570.76 $396,000.00 $725,000.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $715,485.00 $693,868.31 $933,939.00 $553,713.25 $955,681.00 $1,358,678.00

Fund 2121 - Public Building Fund Totals $500,694.00 $73,998.90 $494,626.00 $360,962.90 $859,363.00 $294,910.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2124 - Library


Department 000 - Revenues

Real Estate Taxes
2124.000 301.0010 Current Real Estate Taxes 2,047,370.00 1,946,075.00 2,077,114.00 2,004,341.50 2,077,114.00 2,144,718.00

Real Estate Taxes Totals $2,047,370.00 $1,946,075.00 $2,077,114.00 $2,004,341.50 $2,077,114.00 $2,144,718.00

2124.000 321.0020 FEMA .00 .00 2,175.00 2,175.01 .00 .00

2124.000 324.0071 State Aid in Lieu of PPTR 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00

2124.000 324.0080 Senior Citizens Tax 15,000.00 19,986.16 15,000.00 19,360.50 15,000.00 19,000.00

2124.000 324.0081 Disabled Veteran Credit 10,000.00 13,723.64 10,000.00 14,382.13 10,000.00 13,000.00

2124.000 324.0095 Communication In-Lieu Tax 10,000.00 10,369.43 10,000.00 10,373.94 10,000.00 10,000.00

2124.000 324.0100 Library State Aid 70,000.00 77,031.63 70,000.00 84,258.49 70,000.00 77,000.00

2124.000 325.0030 Mobile Home Tax 5,000.00 5,579.36 5,000.00 6,759.39 5,000.00 5,000.00

2124.000 325.0040 Library County Aid 724,496.00 759,477.67 735,363.00 820,666.54 735,363.00 735,363.00

2124.000 327.0130 Library Private Grants .00 5,000.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Intergovernmental Totals $874,496.00 $931,167.89 $887,538.00 $997,976.00 $885,363.00 $899,363.00

Charges For Services

2124.000 336.0010 Library Services 6,500.00 6,694.21 6,500.00 1,539.70 6,500.00 2,000.00

2124.000 336.0030 Library Sales 200.00 167.03 200.00 8.50 200.00 200.00

2124.000 336.0040 Library Fees 5,000.00 10,401.60 5,000.00 2,248.95 5,000.00 2,500.00

2124.000 336.0050 Rental Of Equipment 12,000.00 13,978.33 12,000.00 2,697.25 12,000.00 5,000.00

Charges For Services Totals $23,700.00 $31,241.17 $23,700.00 $6,494.40 $23,700.00 $9,700.00

2124.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments 15,000.00 36,092.39 15,000.00 27,502.53 15,000.00 15,000.00

Interest Totals $15,000.00 $36,092.39 $15,000.00 $27,502.53 $15,000.00 $15,000.00

2124.000 357.0130 Donations Library 2,877.00 3,889.99 500.00 3,011.11 500.00 500.00

2124.000 357.0200 Other N.O.C. .00 79.06 .00 .00 .00 .00

Miscellaneous Totals $2,877.00 $3,969.05 $500.00 $3,011.11 $500.00 $500.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Operating Transfers In
2124.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In .00 .00 22,677.00 22,677.00 .00 .00

Operating Transfers In Totals $0.00 $0.00 $22,677.00 $22,677.00 $0.00 $0.00

Extraordinary Revenue
2124.000 374.0000 Unrealized Gain on Invest .00 15,674.53 .00 12,132.26 .00 .00

Extraordinary Revenue Totals $0.00 $15,674.53 $0.00 $12,132.26 $0.00 $0.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
2124.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget 1,050,000.00 .00 900,000.00 .00 700,000.00 700,000.00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $1,050,000.00 $0.00 $900,000.00 $0.00 $700,000.00 $700,000.00

REVENUE TOTALS $4,013,443.00 $2,964,220.03 $3,926,529.00 $3,074,134.80 $3,701,677.00 $3,769,281.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2124 - Library


Department 100 - Expenditures

Personnel Services
2124.100 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 1,190,587.00 1,126,224.37 1,250,000.00 1,191,136.71 1,303,000.00 1,303,000.00

2124.100 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 232,659.00 130,230.33 195,785.00 122,188.60 200,000.00 200,000.00

2124.100 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 6,000.00 3,675.52 1,000.00 93.49 1,000.00 1,000.00

2124.100 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 25,000.00 16,856.17 25,000.00 3,149.36 22,000.00 44,000.00

Personnel Services Totals $1,454,246.00 $1,276,986.39 $1,471,785.00 $1,316,568.16 $1,526,000.00 $1,548,000.00

Fringe Benefits
2124.100 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 90,933.00 76,585.00 90,000.00 77,760.45 84,500.00 84,500.00

2124.100 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 21,267.00 17,911.00 22,000.00 18,185.93 22,000.00 22,000.00

2124.100 401.0020 Unemployment Compensation 613.00 613.23 200.00 125.88 200.00 200.00

2124.100 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 5,000.00 2,366.62 5,000.00 1,288.36 5,000.00 3,500.00

2124.100 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 199,648.00 172,773.40 228,289.00 226,184.34 219,289.00 235,000.00

2124.100 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 3,800.00 3,035.95 3,800.00 3,755.02 3,500.00 4,000.00

2124.100 402.0030 Disability Insurance 5,400.00 4,885.73 5,500.00 4,982.37 5,500.00 5,500.00

2124.100 402.0035 Dental Insurance 4,200.00 3,911.06 4,500.00 4,512.38 4,000.00 5,000.00

2124.100 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 160,000.00 145,431.00 138,915.00 138,915.00 100,000.00 145,000.00

2124.100 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 81,000.00 72,551.30 82,000.00 79,684.43 82,000.00 84,000.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $571,861.00 $500,064.29 $580,204.00 $555,394.16 $525,989.00 $588,700.00

Material And Supplies
2124.100 410.0020 Office Supplies 12,000.00 11,204.51 28,677.00 2,285.58 6,000.00 6,000.00

2124.100 410.0040 Janitorial Supplies 12,000.00 10,455.97 22,500.00 21,275.16 15,000.00 15,000.00

2124.100 410.0150 Photographic Supplies 1,000.00 553.76 4,000.00 3,076.13 4,000.00 4,000.00

2124.100 410.0170 Minor Tools & Equipment 200.00 27.96 200.00 .00 200.00 .00

2124.100 410.0230 Audio Visual Supplies 1,009.00 803.06 1,000.00 42.32 1,000.00 .00

2124.100 410.0240 Display & Decorating 2,000.00 909.00 2,000.00 74.97 1,000.00 1,000.00

2124.100 410.0250 Processing Supplies 6,253.00 5,029.04 7,000.00 3,748.75 6,000.00 7,000.00

2124.100 410.0260 Computer Supplies 30,000.00 28,143.43 40,000.00 26,636.89 40,000.00 40,000.00

2124.100 410.0265 Minor Pc Software 6,742.00 6,273.76 6,742.00 4,059.81 12,000.00 12,000.00
2124.100 415.0040 Maintenance Parts 200.00 142.75 200.00 .00 200.00 200.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Material And Supplies Totals $71,404.00 $63,543.24 $112,319.00 $61,199.61 $85,400.00 $85,200.00
2124.100 420.0010 Electricity 53,000.00 50,041.50 60,000.00 41,934.87 60,000.00 50,000.00

2124.100 420.0020 Building Heat 7,000.00 5,806.34 15,000.00 8,545.67 15,000.00 10,000.00

2124.100 420.0030 Water, Sewer & Refuse 6,500.00 5,920.92 6,500.00 4,594.64 6,500.00 6,500.00

Utilities Totals $66,500.00 $61,768.76 $81,500.00 $55,075.18 $81,500.00 $66,500.00

Contractual Services
2124.100 430.0010 Auditing 2,200.00 2,200.00 2,200.00 1,905.00 2,200.00 2,200.00

2124.100 430.0015 Contracted PersonnelSvcs. 4,800.00 4,790.62 4,500.00 2,129.47 4,800.00 4,800.00

2124.100 430.0022 E-Resources 73,000.00 71,844.62 80,600.00 80,560.92 69,000.00 89,000.00

2124.100 430.0030 Lease & Rental 11,300.00 11,231.43 41,672.00 10,579.15 50,072.00 15,000.00

2124.100 430.0080 Processing Contract 52,000.00 50,353.40 60,000.00 47,477.76 55,000.00 55,000.00

2124.100 430.0090 Advertising 45,500.00 34,625.93 24,000.00 12,486.38 30,000.00 30,000.00

2124.100 430.0100 Cleaning & Laundry Svcs 4,500.00 682.92 7,200.00 351.10 3,200.00 1,000.00

2124.100 430.0150 Consultants 10,000.00 450.00 10,000.00 152.71 10,000.00 10,000.00

2124.100 430.0160 Medical Exams 900.00 900.00 900.00 900.00 900.00 1,500.00

2124.100 430.0170 Maintenance Agreements 6,758.00 6,685.08 7,258.00 6,073.92 4,000.00 7,500.00

2124.100 430.0199 Programming-Library 22,277.00 17,206.51 15,000.00 7,628.39 15,000.00 17,000.00

Contractual Services Totals $233,235.00 $200,970.51 $253,330.00 $170,244.80 $244,172.00 $233,000.00

Maintenance Structures
2124.100 440.0010 Mtce Buildings & Grounds 60,000.00 58,233.62 75,100.00 75,084.32 61,000.00 61,000.00

Maintenance Structures Totals $60,000.00 $58,233.62 $75,100.00 $75,084.32 $61,000.00 $61,000.00

Maintenance Equipment
2124.100 450.0010 Mtce Air Cond. & Heating 2,108.00 2,108.16 3,000.00 181.32 3,000.00 3,000.00

2124.100 450.0030 Mtce Communication & Elec 9,000.00 8,902.98 10,000.00 7,801.29 10,000.00 10,000.00

2124.100 450.0040 Mtce Furniture & Fixtures 500.00 253.47 500.00 .00 500.00 500.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $11,608.00 $11,264.61 $13,500.00 $7,982.61 $13,500.00 $13,500.00

Other Operating Expenses
2124.100 460.0020 Telephone 9,700.00 9,695.82 11,500.00 11,287.45 12,000.00 12,000.00

2124.100 460.0040 Postage 12,000.00 9,161.21 10,000.00 493.97 12,000.00 12,000.00

2124.100 460.0050 Education & Training 13,400.00 13,375.80 12,000.00 7,705.86 12,000.00 14,000.00

2124.100 460.0060 Travel 27,200.00 27,157.92 24,000.00 16,756.53 24,000.00 25,000.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
2124.100 460.0080 Freight 1,000.00 422.13 1,000.00 764.79 1,000.00 1,000.00

2124.100 460.0090 Dues 3,000.00 2,744.50 3,000.00 2,976.90 3,000.00 3,000.00

2124.100 460.0110 Fire & Tornado Insurance 3,000.00 3,000.33 2,968.00 2,968.00 3,000.00 3,000.00

2124.100 460.0120 Fleet & Gen.Liab.Insuranc 1,967.00 791.00 1,532.00 789.00 2,000.00 1,000.00

2124.100 460.0170 Attorney Fees 2,000.00 .00 4,774.00 4,774.00 2,000.00 2,000.00

2124.100 460.0250 Special Assessment Prin. 2,500.00 2,418.00 2,500.00 .00 3,000.00 3,000.00

2124.100 460.0260 Special Assessment Int. 1,200.00 797.57 1,200.00 .00 1,200.00 1,200.00

2124.100 460.0300 Grant Operating Expense 10,000.00 6,823.63 .00 (1,735.71) .00 .00

2124.100 470.0038 Web payment fees 150.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

2124.100 470.0040 Contingency 160,237.00 4,505.27 95,817.00 13,339.58 119,916.00 104,181.00

2124.100 470.0041 Cash Over and Short .00 (185.61) .00 12.61 .00 .00

2124.100 470.0044 Credit Card Fees 1,000.00 877.64 1,000.00 289.44 1,000.00 1,000.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $248,354.00 $81,585.21 $171,291.00 $60,422.42 $196,116.00 $182,381.00
Operating Transfers Out
2124.100 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out 350,000.00 350,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 .00 .00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $350,000.00 $350,000.00 $200,000.00 $200,000.00 $0.00 $0.00
Capital Outlay
2124.100 700.0010 Air Cond & Heating 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 1,000.00

2124.100 700.0030 Communication & Elec 5,000.00 871.96 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 35,000.00

2124.100 700.0040 Furniture & Fixtures 9,310.00 3,164.01 39,500.00 39,414.55 20,000.00 20,000.00

2124.100 700.0050 Gen Equipment N.O.C. 3,000.00 .00 3,000.00 .00 3,000.00 1,000.00

2124.100 700.0070 Office Equipment 925.00 371.94 .00 .00 10,000.00 5,000.00

2124.100 700.0300 Capital Grant Expense .00 94.85 .00 .00 .00 .00

2124.100 750.0010 Books-Adult 113,000.00 96,129.07 108,500.00 69,141.16 118,000.00 118,000.00

2124.100 750.0020 Books-Children 42,000.00 32,448.69 37,000.00 19,186.44 42,000.00 42,000.00

2124.100 750.0030 Audio-Visual Adult 27,000.00 18,407.59 28,500.00 12,388.74 24,000.00 24,000.00

2124.100 750.0040 Audio-Visual Children 10,000.00 8,252.11 10,000.00 3,620.89 10,000.00 10,000.00

2124.100 750.0050 Reference 15,000.00 12,969.09 15,000.00 9,870.85 20,000.00 20,000.00

2124.100 750.0060 Periodicals 20,000.00 12,422.80 20,000.00 12,971.13 15,000.00 15,000.00

Capital Outlay Totals $246,235.00 $185,132.11 $267,500.00 $166,593.76 $268,000.00 $291,000.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $3,313,443.00 $2,789,548.74 $3,226,529.00 $2,668,565.02 $3,001,677.00 $3,069,281.00
Fund 2124 - Library Totals $700,000.00 $174,671.29 $700,000.00 $405,569.78 $700,000.00 $700,000.00

Library Capital Maintenance

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2127 - Library Capital Mtce


Department 000 - Revenues

2127.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments 3,500.00 24,013.73 15,000.00 13,446.64 15,000.00 15,000.00

Interest Totals $3,500.00 $24,013.73 $15,000.00 $13,446.64 $15,000.00 $15,000.00

2127.000 357.0130 Donations Library .00 13,568.80 .00 .00 .00 .00

Miscellaneous Totals $0.00 $13,568.80 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Operating Transfers In
2127.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In 350,000.00 350,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 .00 .00

Operating Transfers In Totals $350,000.00 $350,000.00 $200,000.00 $200,000.00 $0.00 $0.00

Extraordinary Revenue
2127.000 374.0000 Unrealized Gain on Invest .00 7,371.30 .00 3,272.60 .00 .00

Extraordinary Revenue Totals $0.00 $7,371.30 $0.00 $3,272.60 $0.00 $0.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
2127.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget 1,594,179.00 .00 1,363,829.00 .00 750,000.00 1,400,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Joe Neel Bequest 1.0000 710,850.00 710,850.00

Mayor's Budget Cash Carry Over 1.0000 689,150.00 689,150.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,400,000.00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $1,594,179.00 $0.00 $1,363,829.00 $0.00 $750,000.00 $1,400,000.00

REVENUE TOTALS $1,947,679.00 $394,953.83 $1,578,829.00 $216,719.24 $765,000.00 $1,415,000.00

Library Capital Maintenance

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2127 - Library Capital Mtce


Department 100 - Expenditures

Other Operating Expenses
2127.100 470.0040 Contingency 77,138.00 .00 61,320.00 4,177.25 10,000.00 10,000.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $77,138.00 $0.00 $61,320.00 $4,177.25 $10,000.00 $10,000.00

Capital Outlay
2127.100 650.0010 Work In Progress 450,000.00 103,230.77 800,000.00 790,399.40 10,000.00 10,000.00

2127.100 700.0030 Communication & Elec 20,000.00 .00 10,000.00 .00 10,000.00 10,000.00

2127.100 700.0040 Furniture & Fixtures 20,000.00 .00 20,000.00 .00 20,000.00 20,000.00

Capital Outlay Totals $490,000.00 $103,230.77 $830,000.00 $790,399.40 $40,000.00 $40,000.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $567,138.00 $103,230.77 $891,320.00 $794,576.65 $50,000.00 $50,000.00

Fund 2127 - Library Capital Mtce Totals $1,380,541.00 $291,723.06 $687,509.00 ($577,857.41) $715,000.00 $1,365,000.00

Special Grants

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2139 - Special Grant


Department 000 - Revenues

2139.000 322.0091 Human Trafficking Grant #HT21004 4,498.00 5,946.68 8,997.00 11,824.03 11,247.00 .00

2139.000 322.0145 Anti-Drug Abuse Grant 25,000.00 7,800.00 20,060.00 9,857.25 9,857.00 9,500.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Light of Hope Grant 1.0000 9,500.00 9,500.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $9,500.00

2139.000 322.0155 Historic Preservation Grt 29,127.00 28,599.69 35,060.00 30,170.13 23,540.00 32,040.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget State Historical Society of ND 1.0000 32,040.00 32,040.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $32,040.00

Intergovernmental Totals $58,625.00 $42,346.37 $64,117.00 $51,851.41 $44,644.00 $41,540.00

2139.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments .00 (202.07) .00 (88.32) .00 .00

Interest Totals $0.00 ($202.07) $0.00 ($88.32) $0.00 $0.00

2139.000 357.0105 Donations Historic Presv 22,520.00 18,000.00 25,815.00 22,858.00 18,170.00 19,050.00

Miscellaneous Totals $22,520.00 $18,000.00 $25,815.00 $22,858.00 $18,170.00 $19,050.00

REVENUE TOTALS $81,145.00 $60,144.30 $89,932.00 $74,621.09 $62,814.00 $60,590.00

Special Grants

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2139 - Special Grant


Department 100 - Expenditures

Other Operating Expenses
2139.100 470.0040 Contingency 29,498.00 13,746.68 29,057.00 21,681.28 21,104.00 9,500.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Light of Hope Grant (Byrne JAG) 1.0000 9,500.00 9,500.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $9,500.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $29,498.00 $13,746.68 $29,057.00 $21,681.28 $21,104.00 $9,500.00

Department 100 - Expenditures Totals $29,498.00 $13,746.68 $29,057.00 $21,681.28 $21,104.00 $9,500.00

Historic Preservation

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2139 - Special Grant


Department 105 - Historic Preservation Prg

Personnel Services
2139.105 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 25,000.00 24,280.00 31,332.00 30,680.00 23,260.00 21,100.00

Personnel Services Totals $25,000.00 $24,280.00 $31,332.00 $30,680.00 $23,260.00 $21,100.00

Fringe Benefits
2139.105 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 1,910.00 1,505.36 1,903.00 1,902.16 1,700.00 1,700.00

2139.105 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 400.00 352.07 445.00 444.86 400.00 400.00

2139.105 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 235.00 82.14 235.00 29.33 235.00 235.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $2,545.00 $1,939.57 $2,583.00 $2,376.35 $2,335.00 $2,335.00

Material And Supplies

2139.105 410.0010 Books & Subscriptions 150.00 .00 494.00 493.53 640.00 400.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Walking Tour App License Fee 1.0000 400.00 400.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $400.00

2139.105 410.0020 Office Supplies 1,000.00 1,006.39 850.00 859.29 850.00 600.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Office Supplies 1.0000 600.00 600.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $600.00

2139.105 410.0150 Photographic Supplies 500.00 483.97 215.00 .00 200.00 200.00

2139.105 410.0265 Minor Pc Software 250.00 .00 75.00 .00 75.00 .00

Material And Supplies Totals $1,900.00 $1,490.36 $1,634.00 $1,352.82 $1,765.00 $1,200.00

Contractual Services
2139.105 430.0090 Advertising 186.00 39.90 61.00 60.83 .00 60.00

2139.105 430.0150 Consultants 19,100.00 18,300.00 17,200.00 14,024.90 12,650.00 22,950.00

2139.105 430.0178 Downtown Telepone App .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 500.00

Contractual Services Totals $19,286.00 $18,339.90 $17,261.00 $14,085.73 $12,650.00 $23,510.00

Historic Preservation

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Maintenance Equipment
2139.105 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 200.00 200.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 .00

2139.105 450.0640 IT Services .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 75.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $200.00 $200.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $75.00

Other Operating Expenses

2139.105 460.0020 Telephone 170.00 51.49 170.00 .00 170.00 100.00

2139.105 460.0040 Postage 250.00 16.28 325.00 137.98 240.00 280.00

2139.105 460.0050 Education & Training .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1,500.00

2139.105 460.0060 Travel 68.00 68.00 325.00 .00 .00 .00

2139.105 460.0090 Dues 485.00 150.00 485.00 224.95 490.00 490.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget National Trust for Historic Preservation 1.0000 120.00 120.00

Mayor's Budget National Aliance of Preservation Commissions 1.0000 130.00 130.00

Mayor's Budget Web Site Fee 1.0000 240.00 240.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $490.00

2139.105 470.0040 Contingency 1,000.00 .00 760.00 759.98 .00 .00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $1,973.00 $285.77 $2,065.00 $1,122.91 $900.00 $2,370.00

Capital Outlay
2139.105 700.0005 Non Capitalized Assets .00 .00 3,000.00 1,972.00 .00 .00

2139.105 700.0070 Office Equipment 743.00 .00 2,700.00 109.99 500.00 500.00

Capital Outlay Totals $743.00 $0.00 $5,700.00 $2,081.99 $500.00 $500.00

Department 105 - Historic Preservation Prg Totals $51,647.00 $46,535.60 $60,875.00 $51,999.80 $41,710.00 $51,090.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $81,145.00 $60,282.28 $89,932.00 $73,681.08 $62,814.00 $60,590.00

Fund 2139 - Special Grant Totals $0.00 ($137.98) $0.00 $940.01 $0.00 $0.00

Fire Department Grants

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2140 - Fire Department Grants


Department 000 - Revenues

2140.000 321.0136 Grant A1220-001-2017-R (Capital) 93,679.00 71,006.69 .00 .00 .00 .00

2140.000 321.0137 FY18 State Homeland Security Grant #EMW- 96,194.00 114,616.99 52,600.00 .00 .00 .00
2140.000 321.0138 EMW-2019-SS-000033-S01/Grant #14 .00 3,526.23 .00 51,643.36 .00 .00

Intergovernmental Totals $189,873.00 $189,149.91 $52,600.00 $51,643.36 $0.00 $0.00

REVENUE TOTALS $189,873.00 $189,149.91 $52,600.00 $51,643.36 $0.00 $0.00

Fire Grants - Department of
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2140 - Fire Department Grants


Department 400 - Federal Grants

Sub Department 4010 - Dept of Justice

Personnel Services
2140.400.4010 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 12,685.00 12,684.85 1,484.00 1,483.02 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $12,685.00 $12,684.85 $1,484.00 $1,483.02 $0.00 $0.00

Fringe Benefits
2140.400.4010 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 758.00 757.22 90.00 89.86 .00 .00

2140.400.4010 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 178.00 177.12 26.00 21.01 .00 .00

Fringe Benefits Totals $936.00 $934.34 $116.00 $110.87 $0.00 $0.00

Material And Supplies

2140.400.4010 410.0171 Fire Suppression Tools & Equipment 165,715.00 164,979.38 44,515.00 43,564.47 .00 .00

Material And Supplies Totals $165,715.00 $164,979.38 $44,515.00 $43,564.47 $0.00 $0.00

Other Operating Expenses

2140.400.4010 460.0050 Education & Training 10,537.00 10,536.74 6,485.00 6,485.00 .00 .00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $10,537.00 $10,536.74 $6,485.00 $6,485.00 $0.00 $0.00

Sub Department 4010 - Dept of Justice Totals $189,873.00 $189,135.31 $52,600.00 $51,643.36 $0.00 $0.00

Department 400 - Federal Grants Totals $189,873.00 $189,135.31 $52,600.00 $51,643.36 $0.00 $0.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $189,873.00 $189,135.31 $52,600.00 $51,643.36 $0.00 $0.00

Fund 2140 - Fire Department Grants Totals $0.00 $14.60 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

City Special Assessments

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2145 - City Special Assessments


Department 000 - Revenues

Real Estate Taxes
2145.000 301.0010 Current Real Estate Taxes 503,933.00 479,294.86 511,254.00 494,015.42 523,425.00 488,063.00

Real Estate Taxes Totals $503,933.00 $479,294.86 $511,254.00 $494,015.42 $523,425.00 $488,063.00

2145.000 324.0080 Senior Citizens Tax 2,000.00 4,942.33 2,000.00 4,773.39 3,734.00 3,358.00

2145.000 324.0081 Disabled Veteran Credit 2,000.00 3,382.00 2,000.00 3,544.57 3,375.00 3,326.00

2145.000 324.0082 Electric Tax 500.00 .00 500.00 .00 500.00 .00

2145.000 324.0095 Communication In-Lieu Tax 2,500.00 2,552.77 2,500.00 2,556.23 2,500.00 2,500.00

2145.000 325.0030 Mobile Home Tax 1,000.00 1,379.70 1,000.00 1,666.91 1,000.00 1,000.00

Intergovernmental Totals $8,000.00 $12,256.80 $8,000.00 $12,541.10 $11,109.00 $10,184.00

2145.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments 5,602.00 12,623.51 5,813.00 9,045.43 6,511.00 7,119.00

Interest Totals $5,602.00 $12,623.51 $5,813.00 $9,045.43 $6,511.00 $7,119.00

Operating Revenues
2145.000 338.0062 Tapping - Paving .00 .00 .00 8,533.00 .00 .00

Operating Revenues Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8,533.00 $0.00 $0.00

Operating Transfers In
2145.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In .00 .00 .00 50,000.00 .00 .00

Operating Transfers In Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 $0.00 $0.00

Extraordinary Revenue
2145.000 374.0000 Unrealized Gain on Invest .00 8,606.48 .00 5,707.42 .00 .00

Extraordinary Revenue Totals $0.00 $8,606.48 $0.00 $5,707.42 $0.00 $0.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
2145.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget 560,266.00 .00 581,289.00 .00 651,105.00 711,954.00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $560,266.00 $0.00 $581,289.00 $0.00 $651,105.00 $711,954.00

REVENUE TOTALS $1,077,801.00 $512,781.65 $1,106,356.00 $579,842.37 $1,192,150.00 $1,217,320.00

City Special Assessments

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2145 - City Special Assessments


Department 100 - Expenditures

Contractual Services
2145.100 430.0014 GF Services Reimbursement 12,437.00 12,437.00 13,445.00 13,445.04 68,944.00 72,360.00

Contractual Services Totals $12,437.00 $12,437.00 $13,445.00 $13,445.04 $68,944.00 $72,360.00

Other Operating Expenses

2145.100 460.0010 Interdepartmental Reimbur 841.00 841.00 841.00 840.96 868.00 868.00

2145.100 460.0240 Real Estate Tax .00 99.38 106.00 105.35 .00 .00

2145.100 460.0250 Special Assessment Prin. 105,000.00 96,079.90 104,894.00 89,165.08 105,000.00 100,000.00

2145.100 460.0260 Special Assessment Int. 50,000.00 32,565.94 50,000.00 28,610.33 50,000.00 25,000.00

2145.100 460.0280 Tapping Fee/Future SA Pmt 388,000.00 272,760.81 388,039.00 315,012.71 388,039.00 335,000.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $543,841.00 $402,347.03 $543,880.00 $433,734.43 $543,907.00 $460,868.00

Operating Transfers Out

2145.100 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Transfer to 4922 - Sidewalks 1.0000 25,000.00 25,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $25,000.00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $581,278.00 $439,784.03 $582,325.00 $472,179.47 $637,851.00 $558,228.00

Fund 2145 - City Special Assessments Totals $496,523.00 $72,997.62 $524,031.00 $107,662.90 $554,299.00 $659,092.00

Health Grants

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2146 - Health Grants


Department 000 - Revenues

2146.000 321.0002 CARES Act .00 .00 2,056,675.00 2,025,645.30 .00 244,328.00

2146.000 321.0020 FEMA .00 .00 43,470.00 43,470.71 .00 .00

2146.000 321.0040 Early Prevention Screenng 84,000.00 53,008.82 67,229.00 13,193.52 57,178.00 61,239.00

2146.000 321.0041 Bio-Terrorism Grant 215,660.00 180,888.70 226,116.00 168,503.52 226,117.00 226,117.00

2146.000 321.0076 Tobacco Youth Compliance Checks .00 8,820.00 .00 3,465.00 .00 .00

2146.000 321.0077 Pediatric Influenza Rate .00 .00 .00 9,258.64 .00 .00

2146.000 321.0465 Strategic Prevention Framework-State 37,945.00 25,289.00 20,347.00 20,346.88 27,000.00 .00
Incentive Grant
2146.000 321.0491 Refugee Health Services Grant #2015-1 15,000.00 3,641.22 8,248.00 .00 .00 .00

2146.000 321.0492 Refugee Interpreter Services Grant #2016- 1,800.00 382.82 1,800.00 .00 .00 .00
2146.000 321.0500 ND Chronic Disease Sub Contract Program 32,800.00 30,871.53 30,834.00 11,990.13 12,000.00 10,000.00
(Grant #G13.1040)
2146.000 322.0004 ND Coronavirus Relief Funds - GF County .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 44,600.00

2146.000 322.0008 Epidemiology & Lab Capacity Grant .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 130,056.00

2146.000 322.0015 Women’s Way CRC Initiative .00 .00 10,000.00 9,800.00 9,972.00 9,972.00

2146.000 322.0020 Health-Maternal/Child Car 80,000.00 57,565.31 61,843.00 61,295.05 57,223.00 20,000.00

2146.000 322.0026 Opioid Grant Revenue 180,000.00 189,831.38 248,154.00 270,323.60 308,510.00 307,020.00

2146.000 322.0029 Breast & Cervical Cancer Outreach & 10,579.00 10,577.85 7,000.00 7,000.00 .00 .00
Promotion Grant
2146.000 322.0034 Women’s Way Community 7,182.00 6,931.89 20,901.00 19,749.36 24,993.00 24,993.00

2146.000 322.0035 Community Health Grant 242,136.00 240,120.13 234,826.00 187,903.55 233,754.00 207,021.00

2146.000 322.0077 Women's Way Grant 127,509.00 133,550.85 155,860.00 105,434.69 144,058.00 143,438.00

2146.000 322.0079 Ryan White Care Grant 70,000.00 50,348.62 66,000.00 30,876.03 66,000.00 70,129.00

2146.000 322.0081 Immunization Init. Grant 33,000.00 29,501.28 33,000.00 28,168.56 33,000.00 30,000.00

2146.000 322.0089 Syringe Services Program Revenue 30,666.00 30,666.05 100,000.00 .00 .00 .00

2146.000 322.0156 State-NEHSC-Detox 83,048.00 82,250.00 95,000.00 63,556.78 83,500.00 83,500.00

2146.000 322.0157 State-MFP-Detox 40,668.00 40,668.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

2146.000 357.0219 ND Legislature- Northeast Public Health .00 5,597.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 .00 .00

Health Grants

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Intergovernmental Totals $1,291,993.00 $1,180,510.45 $3,488,553.00 $3,081,231.32 $1,283,305.00 $1,612,413.00

Charges For Services

2146.000 334.0011 GF County-Detox 78,000.00 78,000.00 79,560.00 79,560.00 81,550.00 81,550.00

2146.000 334.0012 Altru-Detox 78,000.00 78,000.00 81,690.00 47,371.29 83,500.00 83,500.00

2146.000 334.0014 City Share-Detox 78,000.00 78,000.00 81,690.00 81,690.00 85,500.00 88,065.00

2146.000 334.0016 Medicaid - Detox .00 .00 .00 .00 60,000.00 25,000.00

2146.000 335.0095 Immunization Coalition Rv 7,000.00 .00 6,750.00 .00 6,750.00 7,322.00

2146.000 335.0160 Women's Way Donations 3,194.00 881.59 3,194.00 180.50 5,170.00 5,170.00

Charges For Services Totals $244,194.00 $234,881.59 $252,884.00 $208,801.79 $322,470.00 $290,607.00

2146.000 357.0090 Rental Income 5,658.00 5,658.00 5,658.00 5,658.00 5,658.00 .00

Miscellaneous Totals $5,658.00 $5,658.00 $5,658.00 $5,658.00 $5,658.00 $0.00

Other Financing Sources

2146.000 335.0115 Syringe Services (Private Funds) 5,000.00 19,850.00 15,000.00 10.00 10,000.00 10,000.00

Other Financing Sources Totals $5,000.00 $19,850.00 $15,000.00 $10.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00

Operating Transfers In
2146.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In .00 .00 1,082,660.00 1,082,660.00 .00 .00

Operating Transfers In Totals $0.00 $0.00 $1,082,660.00 $1,082,660.00 $0.00 $0.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
2146.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget 58,430.00 .00 121,697.00 .00 35,667.00 97,938.00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $58,430.00 $0.00 $121,697.00 $0.00 $35,667.00 $97,938.00

REVENUE TOTALS $1,605,275.00 $1,440,900.04 $4,966,452.00 $4,378,361.11 $1,657,100.00 $2,010,958.00

Health Grants

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2146 - Health Grants


Department 100 - Expenditures

Operating Transfers Out
2146.100 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out 4,219.00 .00 34,258.00 .00 .00 .00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $4,219.00 $0.00 $34,258.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Department 100 - Expenditures Totals $4,219.00 $0.00 $34,258.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Health Grants - Women's Way

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2146 - Health Grants


Department 100 - Expenditures

Sub Department 4536 - Women's Way Resource Fund

Material And Supplies
2146.100.4536 410.0060 Medical & Laboratory 3,194.00 296.65 3,194.00 116.00 5,170.00 5,170.00

Material And Supplies Totals $3,194.00 $296.65 $3,194.00 $116.00 $5,170.00 $5,170.00

Department 100 - Expenditures Totals $7,413.00 $296.65 $37,452.00 $116.00 $5,170.00 $5,170.00

Health Grants - Nursing Fees

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2146 - Health Grants


Department 400 - Federal Grants

Sub Department 4510 - Nursing Fees

Personnel Services
2146.400.4510 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent .00 .00 .00 448.55 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $448.55 $0.00 $0.00

Fringe Benefits
2146.400.4510 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer .00 .00 .00 27.31 .00 .00

2146.400.4510 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer .00 .00 .00 6.39 .00 .00

2146.400.4510 402.0005 Post Employment Health .00 .00 .00 2.58 .00 .00

2146.400.4510 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee .00 .00 .00 .24 .00 .00

2146.400.4510 402.0030 Disability Insurance .00 .00 .00 1.16 .00 .00

2146.400.4510 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS .00 .00 .00 37.05 .00 .00

Fringe Benefits Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $74.73 $0.00 $0.00

Operating Transfers Out

2146.400.4510 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out .00 (568.66) .00 .00 .00 .00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $0.00 ($568.66) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Sub Department 4510 - Nursing Fees Totals $0.00 ($568.66) $0.00 $523.28 $0.00 $0.00

Health Grants - Immunization

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2146 - Health Grants


Department 400 - Federal Grants

Sub Department 4511 - Immunization Grant

Personnel Services
2146.400.4511 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 23,588.00 22,357.09 19,825.00 19,085.90 21,852.00 19,708.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 PH Nurse .3 FTE - Range 51 1.0000 19,708.00 19,708.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $19,708.00

2146.400.4511 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime .00 .00 43.00 42.02 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $23,588.00 $22,357.09 $19,868.00 $19,127.92 $21,852.00 $19,708.00

Fringe Benefits
2146.400.4511 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 1,463.00 1,326.11 1,331.00 1,144.31 1,355.00 1,222.00

2146.400.4511 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 343.00 310.15 311.00 267.63 317.00 286.00

2146.400.4511 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 194.00 193.22 114.00 114.00 116.00 91.00

2146.400.4511 402.0005 Post Employment Health 102.00 100.69 149.00 144.99 149.00 149.00

2146.400.4511 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 1,325.00 1,251.49 4,314.00 1,523.42 4,615.00 2,954.00

2146.400.4511 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 17.00 15.92 16.00 15.72 16.00 16.00

2146.400.4511 402.0030 Disability Insurance 90.00 46.87 71.00 54.36 72.00 65.00

2146.400.4511 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 1,949.00 1,846.65 1,773.00 1,576.49 1,805.00 1,726.00

2146.400.4511 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 148.00 .00 180.00 30.00 .00 .00

Fringe Benefits Totals $5,631.00 $5,091.10 $8,259.00 $4,870.92 $8,445.00 $6,509.00

Material And Supplies

2146.400.4511 410.0020 Office Supplies 194.00 193.84 .00 .00 .00 .00

2146.400.4511 410.0060 Medical & Laboratory .00 .00 317.00 316.10 .00 .00

2146.400.4511 410.0220 Educational Supplies 280.00 280.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Material And Supplies Totals $474.00 $473.84 $317.00 $316.10 $0.00 $0.00

Contractual Services
2146.400.4511 430.0015 Contracted PersonnelSvcs. 3,008.00 3,007.97 2,000.00 2,000.00 .00 2,000.00

Health Grants - Immunization

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Contractual Services Totals $3,008.00 $3,007.97 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 $2,000.00

Maintenance Equipment
2146.400.4511 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges .00 .00 400.00 300.00 600.00 .00

2146.400.4511 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software .00 .00 600.00 320.00 640.00 .00

2146.400.4511 450.0640 IT Services .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 774.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 $620.00 $1,240.00 $774.00

Other Operating Expenses

2146.400.4511 460.0015 Cell Phone Charges 213.00 149.02 775.00 733.12 800.00 400.00

2146.400.4511 460.0016 Data Fees 50.00 49.06 .00 .00 .00 .00

2146.400.4511 460.0040 Postage 36.00 36.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

2146.400.4511 460.0050 Education & Training .00 .00 781.00 .00 663.00 609.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $299.00 $234.08 $1,556.00 $733.12 $1,463.00 $1,009.00

Operating Transfers Out

2146.400.4511 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out .00 (206.31) .00 .00 .00 .00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $0.00 ($206.31) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Sub Department 4511 - Immunization Grant Totals $33,000.00 $30,957.77 $33,000.00 $27,668.06 $33,000.00 $30,000.00

Health Grants - Ryan White

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2146 - Health Grants


Department 400 - Federal Grants

Sub Department 4513 - Ryan White Grant

Personnel Services
2146.400.4513 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 15,632.00 15,631.11 23,956.00 23,486.78 22,103.00 24,912.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 PHN .3 FTE Range 51 1.0000 24,912.00 24,912.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $24,912.00

Personnel Services Totals $15,632.00 $15,631.11 $23,956.00 $23,486.78 $22,103.00 $24,912.00

Fringe Benefits
2146.400.4513 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 949.00 949.53 1,370.00 1,321.66 1,370.00 1,545.00

2146.400.4513 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 223.00 222.11 320.00 309.10 320.00 361.00

2146.400.4513 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 68.00 68.00 117.00 117.00 117.00 115.00

2146.400.4513 402.0005 Post Employment Health 130.00 129.18 174.00 169.23 149.00 173.00

2146.400.4513 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance .00 .00 4,000.00 3,328.91 .00 5,661.00

2146.400.4513 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 16.00 13.72 16.00 15.68 16.00 19.00

2146.400.4513 402.0030 Disability Insurance 54.00 52.76 78.00 75.53 73.00 82.00

2146.400.4513 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 1,236.00 1,291.13 2,026.00 1,940.02 1,826.00 2,182.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $2,676.00 $2,726.43 $8,101.00 $7,277.13 $3,871.00 $10,138.00

Material And Supplies

2146.400.4513 410.0020 Office Supplies 21.00 .00 21.00 .00 21.00 30.00

Material And Supplies Totals $21.00 $0.00 $21.00 $0.00 $21.00 $30.00

Contractual Services
2146.400.4513 430.0015 Contracted PersonnelSvcs. 1,500.00 1,225.00 1,500.00 .00 1,500.00 1,000.00

2146.400.4513 430.0165 Ryan White Care Services 48,852.00 36,491.20 31,930.00 (317.05) 37,220.00 32,000.00

Contractual Services Totals $50,352.00 $37,716.20 $33,430.00 ($317.05) $38,720.00 $33,000.00

Maintenance Equipment
2146.400.4513 450.0640 IT Services .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 744.00

Health Grants - Ryan White

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Maintenance Equipment Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $744.00

Other Operating Expenses

2146.400.4513 460.0016 Data Fees 525.00 480.12 535.00 480.12 485.00 485.00

2146.400.4513 460.0040 Postage .00 .00 10.00 7.85 .00 20.00

2146.400.4513 460.0050 Education & Training 794.00 .00 800.00 32.31 800.00 800.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $1,319.00 $480.12 $1,345.00 $520.28 $1,285.00 $1,305.00

Sub Department 4513 - Ryan White Grant Totals $70,000.00 $56,553.86 $66,853.00 $30,967.14 $66,000.00 $70,129.00

Health Grants - Early
Prevention Screening
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2146 - Health Grants


Department 400 - Federal Grants

Sub Department 4520 - Early Prevent'n Screening

Personnel Services
2146.400.4520 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 58,468.00 35,262.10 43,541.00 8,854.82 36,608.00 37,118.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 PHN .5 FTE - Range 51 1.0000 37,118.00 37,118.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $37,118.00

2146.400.4520 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime .00 .00 155.00 153.78 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $58,468.00 $35,262.10 $43,696.00 $9,008.60 $36,608.00 $37,118.00

Fringe Benefits
2146.400.4520 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 3,625.00 1,780.38 2,660.00 479.01 2,270.00 2,301.00

2146.400.4520 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 848.00 416.36 622.00 112.00 531.00 538.00

2146.400.4520 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 200.00 200.00 186.00 186.00 186.00 171.00

2146.400.4520 402.0005 Post Employment Health 470.00 308.39 297.00 69.16 248.00 248.00

2146.400.4520 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 9,717.00 6,795.29 8,627.00 1,862.84 7,692.00 8,087.00

2146.400.4520 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 51.00 32.77 32.00 6.40 27.00 27.00

2146.400.4520 402.0030 Disability Insurance 222.00 124.45 142.00 30.76 121.00 122.00

2146.400.4520 402.0042 Contract Emp-Def. Comp. 50.00 44.57 .00 .00 .00 .00

2146.400.4520 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 4,739.00 2,820.60 3,544.00 731.39 3,024.00 3,252.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $19,922.00 $12,522.81 $16,110.00 $3,477.56 $14,099.00 $14,746.00

Material And Supplies

2146.400.4520 410.0020 Office Supplies 300.00 83.55 150.00 .00 150.00 250.00

2146.400.4520 410.0060 Medical & Laboratory 500.00 349.17 500.00 .00 500.00 1,500.00

2146.400.4520 410.0200 Gasoline 50.00 .00 50.00 .00 50.00 300.00

2146.400.4520 410.0265 Minor Pc Software .00 .00 750.00 .00 750.00 1,000.00

Material And Supplies Totals $850.00 $432.72 $1,450.00 $0.00 $1,450.00 $3,050.00

Contractual Services

Health Grants - Early
Prevention Screening
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
2146.400.4520 430.0015 Contracted PersonnelSvcs. 1,000.00 875.00 1,500.00 514.19 1,000.00 1,000.00

Contractual Services Totals $1,000.00 $875.00 $1,500.00 $514.19 $1,000.00 $1,000.00

Maintenance Equipment
2146.400.4520 450.0050 Mtce Gen Equipt N.O.C. 200.00 .00 200.00 .00 .00 .00

2146.400.4520 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 400.00 400.00 600.00 600.00 640.00 .00

2146.400.4520 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 600.00 600.00 640.00 640.00 600.00 .00

2146.400.4520 450.0640 IT Services .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1,548.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $1,200.00 $1,000.00 $1,440.00 $1,240.00 $1,240.00 $1,548.00

Other Operating Expenses

2146.400.4520 460.0016 Data Fees 530.00 480.12 521.00 480.12 481.00 481.00

2146.400.4520 460.0020 Telephone 50.00 6.80 50.00 3.86 50.00 50.00

2146.400.4520 460.0040 Postage .00 .00 250.00 .00 250.00 250.00

2146.400.4520 460.0050 Education & Training 680.00 55.00 680.00 .00 500.00 500.00

2146.400.4520 460.0060 Travel 600.00 84.56 600.00 .00 500.00 500.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $1,860.00 $626.48 $2,101.00 $483.98 $1,781.00 $1,781.00

Capital Outlay
2146.400.4520 700.0030 Communication & Elec 700.00 .00 2,000.00 .00 1,000.00 1,996.00

Capital Outlay Totals $700.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 $1,996.00

Sub Department 4520 - Early Prevent'n Screening Totals $84,000.00 $50,719.11 $68,297.00 $14,724.33 $57,178.00 $61,239.00

Health Grants - Coronavirus
Response (CARES)
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2146 - Health Grants


Department 400 - Federal Grants

Sub Department 4522 - Coronavirus Response (ND CARES)

Personnel Services
2146.400.4522 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent .00 .00 180,891.00 176,768.22 .00 .00

2146.400.4522 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary .00 .00 248,589.00 236,940.98 .00 160,000.00

2146.400.4522 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime .00 .00 277,960.00 218,999.44 .00 20,000.00

Personnel Services Totals $0.00 $0.00 $707,440.00 $632,708.64 $0.00 $180,000.00

Fringe Benefits
2146.400.4522 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer .00 .00 47,740.00 31,483.17 .00 11,160.00

2146.400.4522 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer .00 .00 11,165.00 7,363.03 .00 2,610.00

2146.400.4522 401.0030 Worker's Compensation .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 528.00

2146.400.4522 402.0005 Post Employment Health .00 .00 2,500.00 1,792.74 .00 2,970.00

2146.400.4522 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance .00 .00 49,000.00 46,394.51 .00 16,238.00

2146.400.4522 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee .00 .00 335.00 334.93 .00 167.00

2146.400.4522 402.0030 Disability Insurance .00 .00 840.00 681.91 .00 340.00

2146.400.4522 402.0042 Contract Emp-Def. Comp. .00 .00 350.00 291.42 .00 350.00

2146.400.4522 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS .00 .00 39,160.00 31,740.90 .00 13,216.00

2146.400.4522 402.0053 Vehicle Flat Rate .00 .00 40.00 40.00 .00 .00

2146.400.4522 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate .00 .00 1,500.00 1,500.00 .00 750.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $0.00 $0.00 $152,630.00 $121,622.61 $0.00 $48,329.00

Material And Supplies

2146.400.4522 410.0020 Office Supplies .00 .00 14,738.00 14,782.58 .00 1,000.00

2146.400.4522 410.0060 Medical & Laboratory .00 .00 28,230.00 11,710.52 .00 5,799.00

2146.400.4522 410.0200 Gasoline .00 .00 150.00 59.59 .00 150.00

2146.400.4522 410.0220 Educational Supplies .00 .00 2,000.00 1,331.86 .00 750.00

2146.400.4522 410.0265 Minor Pc Software .00 .00 7,600.00 1,739.36 .00 1,800.00

Material And Supplies Totals $0.00 $0.00 $52,718.00 $29,623.91 $0.00 $9,499.00

Contractual Services

Health Grants - Coronavirus
Response (CARES)
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
2146.400.4522 430.0015 Contracted PersonnelSvcs. .00 .00 1,008,730.00 1,008,128.81 .00 .00

2146.400.4522 430.0030 Lease & Rental .00 .00 6,000.00 1,950.00 .00 .00

2146.400.4522 430.0090 Advertising .00 .00 7,500.00 6,924.67 .00 2,000.00

2146.400.4522 430.0100 Cleaning & Laundry Svcs .00 .00 200.00 81.40 .00 100.00

Contractual Services Totals $0.00 $0.00 $1,022,430.00 $1,017,084.88 $0.00 $2,100.00

Maintenance Equipment
2146.400.4522 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges .00 .00 300.00 300.00 .00 .00

2146.400.4522 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software .00 .00 320.00 320.00 .00 .00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $0.00 $0.00 $620.00 $620.00 $0.00 $0.00

Other Operating Expenses

2146.400.4522 460.0015 Cell Phone Charges .00 .00 1,661.00 942.78 .00 1,200.00

2146.400.4522 460.0016 Data Fees .00 .00 2,850.00 1,865.40 .00 1,800.00

2146.400.4522 460.0050 Education & Training .00 .00 500.00 422.19 .00 500.00

2146.400.4522 460.0060 Travel .00 .00 1,500.00 1,361.84 .00 900.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $0.00 $0.00 $6,511.00 $4,592.21 $0.00 $4,400.00

Operating Transfers Out

2146.400.4522 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out .00 .00 34,259.00 34,258.38 .00 .00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $0.00 $0.00 $34,259.00 $34,258.38 $0.00 $0.00

Capital Outlay
2146.400.4522 700.0030 Communication & Elec .00 .00 45,786.00 44,565.40 .00 .00

2146.400.4522 700.0050 Gen Equipment N.O.C. .00 .00 7,500.00 .00 .00 .00

2146.400.4522 700.0100 Cars & Light Duty Trucks .00 .00 58,665.00 58,665.00 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $0.00 $0.00 $111,951.00 $103,230.40 $0.00 $0.00

Sub Department 4522 - Coronavirus Response (ND $0.00 $0.00 $2,088,559.00 $1,943,741.03 $0.00 $244,328.00
CARES) Totals

Health Grants - CRF

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2146 - Health Grants


Department 400 - Federal Grants

Sub Department 4523 - GF City CRF Funds

Personnel Services
2146.400.4523 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent .00 .00 965,200.00 .00 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $0.00 $0.00 $965,200.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Capital Outlay
2146.400.4523 700.0030 Communication & Elec .00 .00 102,970.00 .00 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $0.00 $0.00 $102,970.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Sub Department 4523 - GF City CRF Funds Totals $0.00 $0.00 $1,068,170.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Health Grants - Epidemiology

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2146 - Health Grants


Department 400 - Federal Grants

Sub Department 4524 - NDDOH-Epidemiology & Lab Capacit

Personnel Services
2146.400.4524 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 94,000.00

Personnel Services Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $94,000.00

Fringe Benefits
2146.400.4524 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 5,828.00

2146.400.4524 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1,363.00

2146.400.4524 401.0030 Worker's Compensation .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 348.00

2146.400.4524 402.0005 Post Employment Health .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 990.00

2146.400.4524 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 16,164.00

2146.400.4524 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 108.00

2146.400.4524 402.0030 Disability Insurance .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 313.00

2146.400.4524 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 8,234.00

2146.400.4524 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 600.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $33,948.00

Material And Supplies

2146.400.4524 410.0060 Medical & Laboratory .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 548.00

Material And Supplies Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $548.00

Other Operating Expenses

2146.400.4524 460.0016 Data Fees .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 960.00

2146.400.4524 460.0050 Education & Training .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 400.00

2146.400.4524 460.0060 Travel .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 200.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,560.00

Sub Department 4524 - NDDOH-Epidemiology & Lab $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $130,056.00
Capacit Totals

Health Grants - County CRF
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2146 - Health Grants


Department 400 - Federal Grants

Sub Department 4526 - GF County CRF Funds - Schools

Personnel Services
2146.400.4526 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 28,600.00

Personnel Services Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $28,600.00

Fringe Benefits
2146.400.4526 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1,774.00

2146.400.4526 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 415.00

2146.400.4526 402.0005 Post Employment Health .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 250.00

2146.400.4526 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 8,400.00

2146.400.4526 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 27.00

2146.400.4526 402.0030 Disability Insurance .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 70.00

2146.400.4526 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 2,036.00

2146.400.4526 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 150.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $13,122.00

Material And Supplies

2146.400.4526 410.0060 Medical & Laboratory .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 848.00

2146.400.4526 410.0200 Gasoline .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 720.00

Material And Supplies Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,568.00

Maintenance Equipment
2146.400.4526 450.0640 IT Services .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 320.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $320.00

Other Operating Expenses

2146.400.4526 460.0016 Data Fees .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 120.00

2146.400.4526 460.0050 Education & Training .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 750.00

2146.400.4526 460.0060 Travel .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 120.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $990.00

Sub Department 4526 - GF County CRF Funds - Schools $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $44,600.00

Health Grants - Maternal Child
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2146 - Health Grants


Department 400 - Federal Grants

Sub Department 4530 - Maternal Child Health

Personnel Services
2146.400.4530 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 63,289.00 46,267.07 51,091.00 50,867.28 47,771.00 14,945.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 PH Dietitian .1 FTE - Range 51 1.0000 7,519.00 7,519.00

Mayor's Budget 1 PHN .1 FTE - Range 51 1.0000 7,426.00 7,426.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $14,945.00

Personnel Services Totals $63,289.00 $46,267.07 $51,091.00 $50,867.28 $47,771.00 $14,945.00

Fringe Benefits
2146.400.4530 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 3,924.00 2,794.24 3,157.00 3,094.56 2,961.00 926.00

2146.400.4530 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 918.00 659.14 761.00 723.75 693.00 217.00

2146.400.4530 401.0020 Unemployment Compensation 25.00 24.37 .00 .00 .00 .00

2146.400.4530 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 274.00 274.00 246.00 246.00 236.00 69.00

2146.400.4530 402.0005 Post Employment Health 445.00 473.53 597.00 534.92 322.00 100.00

2146.400.4530 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 49.00 50.29 63.00 49.53 35.00 10.00

2146.400.4530 402.0030 Disability Insurance 241.00 170.11 236.00 202.37 158.00 50.00

2146.400.4530 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 5,228.00 3,880.75 4,266.00 4,201.54 3,946.00 1,310.00

2146.400.4530 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate .00 .00 25.00 25.00 .00 .00

Fringe Benefits Totals $11,104.00 $8,326.43 $9,351.00 $9,077.67 $8,351.00 $2,682.00

Material And Supplies

2146.400.4530 410.0170 Minor Tools & Equipment 1,106.00 1,105.75 .00 .00 .00 .00

2146.400.4530 410.0220 Educational Supplies 1,336.00 1,119.93 .00 .00 .00 .00

Material And Supplies Totals $2,442.00 $2,225.68 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Maintenance Equipment
2146.400.4530 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 200.00 200.00 300.00 300.00 320.00 .00

2146.400.4530 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 300.00 300.00 320.00 320.00 300.00 .00

Health Grants - Maternal Child
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
2146.400.4530 450.0640 IT Services .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 774.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $500.00 $500.00 $620.00 $620.00 $620.00 $774.00

Other Operating Expenses

2146.400.4530 460.0016 Data Fees 565.00 520.13 521.00 480.12 481.00 .00

2146.400.4530 460.0040 Postage 100.00 .00 100.00 90.00 .00 .00

2146.400.4530 460.0050 Education & Training 2,000.00 .00 160.00 160.00 .00 1,000.00

2146.400.4530 460.0060 Travel .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 599.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $2,665.00 $520.13 $781.00 $730.12 $481.00 $1,599.00

Sub Department 4530 - Maternal Child Health Totals $80,000.00 $57,839.31 $61,843.00 $61,295.07 $57,223.00 $20,000.00

Health Grants - Breast/Cervical
Cancer Outreach
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2146 - Health Grants


Department 400 - Federal Grants

Sub Department 4534 - Breast/Cervical Cancer Outreach

Personnel Services
2146.400.4534 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 3,448.00 3,447.45 4,754.00 1,910.46 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $3,448.00 $3,447.45 $4,754.00 $1,910.46 $0.00 $0.00

Fringe Benefits
2146.400.4534 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 200.00 199.22 285.00 86.84 .00 .00

2146.400.4534 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 47.00 46.59 67.00 20.31 .00 .00

2146.400.4534 402.0005 Post Employment Health .00 .00 372.00 24.65 .00 .00

2146.400.4534 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 546.00 545.48 551.00 550.75 .00 .00

2146.400.4534 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee .00 .00 3.00 2.29 .00 .00

2146.400.4534 402.0030 Disability Insurance .00 .00 15.00 5.90 .00 .00

2146.400.4534 402.0042 Contract Emp-Def. Comp. .00 .00 37.00 36.39 .00 .00

2146.400.4534 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 307.00 306.33 372.00 82.65 .00 .00

Fringe Benefits Totals $1,100.00 $1,097.62 $1,702.00 $809.78 $0.00 $0.00

Material And Supplies

2146.400.4534 410.0020 Office Supplies 326.00 326.00 389.00 .00 .00 .00

2146.400.4534 410.0060 Medical & Laboratory 4,500.00 4,500.00 50.00 50.00 .00 .00

Material And Supplies Totals $4,826.00 $4,826.00 $439.00 $50.00 $0.00 $0.00

Other Operating Expenses

2146.400.4534 460.0040 Postage 800.00 800.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

2146.400.4534 460.0060 Travel 405.00 405.00 105.00 104.42 .00 .00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $1,205.00 $1,205.00 $105.00 $104.42 $0.00 $0.00

Sub Department 4534 - Breast/Cervical Cancer Outreach $10,579.00 $10,576.07 $7,000.00 $2,874.66 $0.00 $0.00

Health Grants - Women's Way

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2146 - Health Grants


Department 400 - Federal Grants

Sub Department 4535 - Women's Way

Personnel Services
2146.400.4535 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 89,567.00 89,575.27 111,189.00 51,781.32 99,143.00 99,143.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 PH Team Leader 1 FTE - Range 55 1.0000 79,456.00 79,456.00

Mayor's Budget 1 Admin Specialist .3125 FTE - Range 34 1.0000 19,687.00 19,687.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $99,143.00

2146.400.4535 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime .00 .00 5,359.00 5,358.62 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $89,567.00 $89,575.27 $116,548.00 $57,139.94 $99,143.00 $99,143.00

Fringe Benefits
2146.400.4535 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 4,693.00 4,709.02 6,899.00 3,473.80 6,147.00 6,147.00

2146.400.4535 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 1,339.00 1,101.38 1,813.00 812.40 1,437.00 1,437.00

2146.400.4535 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 235.00 235.00 333.00 333.00 235.00 235.00

2146.400.4535 402.0005 Post Employment Health 669.00 697.67 793.00 464.93 743.00 743.00

2146.400.4535 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 16,779.00 16,869.03 20,898.00 12,903.74 23,075.00 23,075.00

2146.400.4535 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 75.00 74.10 87.00 43.03 81.00 81.00

2146.400.4535 402.0030 Disability Insurance 351.00 306.78 366.00 193.57 327.00 327.00

2146.400.4535 402.0042 Contract Emp-Def. Comp. 379.00 377.94 335.00 299.72 380.00 380.00

2146.400.4535 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 6,603.00 6,596.77 9,190.00 4,451.52 8,189.00 8,189.00

2146.400.4535 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 650.00 650.00 750.00 750.00 650.00 650.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $31,773.00 $31,617.69 $41,464.00 $23,725.71 $41,264.00 $41,264.00

Material And Supplies

2146.400.4535 410.0020 Office Supplies 249.00 248.18 317.00 316.93 250.00 250.00

Material And Supplies Totals $249.00 $248.18 $317.00 $316.93 $250.00 $250.00

Contractual Services
2146.400.4535 430.0015 Contracted PersonnelSvcs. 44.00 43.86 .00 .00 .00 .00

Health Grants - Women's Way

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Contractual Services Totals $44.00 $43.86 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Maintenance Equipment
2146.400.4535 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 200.00 200.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 .00

2146.400.4535 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 300.00 300.00 320.00 320.00 320.00 .00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $500.00 $500.00 $620.00 $620.00 $620.00 $0.00

Other Operating Expenses

2146.400.4535 460.0016 Data Fees 521.00 480.12 481.00 480.12 481.00 481.00

2146.400.4535 460.0020 Telephone 100.00 87.13 100.00 33.76 100.00 100.00

2146.400.4535 460.0040 Postage 200.00 200.00 552.00 551.67 200.00 200.00

2146.400.4535 460.0050 Education & Training 882.00 690.00 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 1,000.00

2146.400.4535 460.0060 Travel 3,673.00 3,672.16 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 1,000.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $5,376.00 $5,129.41 $3,133.00 $1,065.55 $2,781.00 $2,781.00

Sub Department 4535 - Women's Way Totals $127,509.00 $127,114.41 $162,082.00 $82,868.13 $144,058.00 $143,438.00

Health Grants - Women's Way
Community Linkages
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2146 - Health Grants


Department 400 - Federal Grants

Sub Department 4537 - Women’s Way Community Linkages
Personnel Services
2146.400.4537 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 5,617.00 5,396.40 15,515.00 15,514.47 15,002.00 15,002.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 PHN .25 FTE - Range 51 1.0000 15,002.00 15,002.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $15,002.00

2146.400.4537 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime .00 .00 814.00 813.61 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $5,617.00 $5,396.40 $16,329.00 $16,328.08 $15,002.00 $15,002.00

Fringe Benefits
2146.400.4537 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 329.00 317.28 921.00 921.19 930.00 930.00

2146.400.4537 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 77.00 74.19 216.00 215.46 218.00 218.00

2146.400.4537 401.0030 Worker's Compensation .00 .00 .00 .00 80.00 80.00

2146.400.4537 402.0005 Post Employment Health .00 .00 80.00 79.32 124.00 124.00

2146.400.4537 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 688.00 692.95 2,041.00 2,040.01 3,846.00 3,846.00

2146.400.4537 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 6.00 5.28 10.00 9.60 14.00 14.00

2146.400.4537 402.0030 Disability Insurance .00 .00 35.00 34.81 50.00 50.00

2146.400.4537 402.0042 Contract Emp-Def. Comp. .00 .00 27.00 26.83 .00 .00

2146.400.4537 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 465.00 445.79 1,227.00 1,226.10 1,239.00 1,239.00

2146.400.4537 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate .00 .00 15.00 30.00 .00 .00

Fringe Benefits Totals $1,565.00 $1,535.49 $4,572.00 $4,583.32 $6,501.00 $6,501.00

Material And Supplies
2146.400.4537 410.0020 Office Supplies .00 .00 .00 .00 490.00 490.00

Material And Supplies Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $490.00 $490.00
Contractual Services
2146.400.4537 430.0090 Advertising .00 .00 .00 .00 2,000.00 2,000.00

Contractual Services Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00

Other Operating Expenses
2146.400.4537 460.0040 Postage .00 .00 .00 .00 500.00 500.00

2146.400.4537 460.0060 Travel .00 .00 .00 .00 500.00 500.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00
Sub Department 4537 - Women’s Way Community $7,182.00 $6,931.89 $20,901.00 $20,911.40 $24,993.00 $24,993.00

Health Grants - State Health
Dept. Epid-Support
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2146 - Health Grants


Department 400 - Federal Grants

Sub Department 4555 - St Htlh Dept-Epid Support

Personnel Services
2146.400.4555 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 4,218.00 4,217.21 4,344.00 3,793.38 4,344.00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $4,218.00 $4,217.21 $4,344.00 $3,793.38 $4,344.00 $0.00

Fringe Benefits
2146.400.4555 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 261.00 260.39 270.00 234.21 264.00 .00

2146.400.4555 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 61.00 60.86 63.00 54.74 62.00 .00

2146.400.4555 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 11.00 11.00 11.00 .00 11.00 .00

2146.400.4555 402.0005 Post Employment Health 50.00 49.46 50.00 43.80 50.00 .00

2146.400.4555 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 6.00 5.28 6.00 4.04 5.00 .00

2146.400.4555 402.0030 Disability Insurance 16.00 13.92 15.00 11.57 14.00 .00

2146.400.4555 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 353.00 348.40 359.00 313.32 352.00 .00

Fringe Benefits Totals $758.00 $749.31 $774.00 $661.68 $758.00 $0.00

Material And Supplies

2146.400.4555 410.0020 Office Supplies 98.00 97.04 240.00 .00 256.00 .00

Material And Supplies Totals $98.00 $97.04 $240.00 $0.00 $256.00 $0.00

Maintenance Equipment
2146.400.4555 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 200.00 200.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 .00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $200.00 $200.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $0.00

Capital Outlay
2146.400.4555 700.0070 Office Equipment 1,821.00 1,821.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $1,821.00 $1,821.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Sub Department 4555 - St Htlh Dept-Epid Support Totals $7,095.00 $7,084.56 $5,658.00 $4,755.06 $5,658.00 $0.00

Health Grants - Strategic
Prevention Framework
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2146 - Health Grants


Department 400 - Federal Grants

Sub Department 4561 - Strategic Prevention Framework -

Contractual Services
2146.400.4561 430.0015 Contracted PersonnelSvcs. 37,945.00 31,650.00 20,347.00 20,346.88 27,000.00 .00

Contractual Services Totals $37,945.00 $31,650.00 $20,347.00 $20,346.88 $27,000.00 $0.00

Sub Department 4561 - Strategic Prevention Framework - $37,945.00 $31,650.00 $20,347.00 $20,346.88 $27,000.00 $0.00

Health Grants - Tobacco Youth
Compliance Check
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2146 - Health Grants


Department 400 - Federal Grants

Sub Department 4564 - Tobacco Youth Compliance Checks

Contractual Services
2146.400.4564 430.0015 Contracted PersonnelSvcs. .00 8,820.00 .00 3,465.00 .00 .00

Contractual Services Totals $0.00 $8,820.00 $0.00 $3,465.00 $0.00 $0.00

Sub Department 4564 - Tobacco Youth Compliance $0.00 $8,820.00 $0.00 $3,465.00 $0.00 $0.00
Checks Totals

Health Grants - PHEP

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2146 - Health Grants


Department 400 - Federal Grants

Sub Department 4585 - PHEP

Personnel Services
2146.400.4585 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 120,300.00 117,498.45 125,884.00 99,626.08 150,629.00 132,540.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 Emergency Preparedness Coordinator 1.0 FTE - Range 56 1.0000 71,200.00 71,200.00

Mayor's Budget 1 Emergency Preparedness Specialist 1.0 FTE - Range 52 1.0000 61,340.00 61,340.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $132,540.00

2146.400.4585 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 500.00 457.68 20,000.00 18,570.25 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $120,800.00 $117,956.13 $145,884.00 $118,196.33 $150,629.00 $132,540.00

Fringe Benefits
2146.400.4585 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 8,060.00 6,929.55 8,300.00 7,116.45 9,339.00 8,218.00

2146.400.4585 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 1,885.00 1,620.66 1,941.00 1,664.39 2,184.00 1,922.00

2146.400.4585 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 518.00 518.00 314.00 291.04 314.00 273.00

2146.400.4585 402.0005 Post Employment Health 1,139.00 849.79 1,139.00 789.95 1,139.00 996.00

2146.400.4585 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 13,882.00 13,402.34 18,760.00 10,804.26 15,455.00 32,348.00

2146.400.4585 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 121.00 107.70 121.00 80.81 121.00 105.00

2146.400.4585 402.0030 Disability Insurance 429.00 317.07 442.00 283.76 497.00 411.00

2146.400.4585 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 10,738.00 9,627.73 11,059.00 8,229.13 12,442.00 11,611.00

2146.400.4585 402.0053 Vehicle Flat Rate .00 .00 440.00 440.00 .00 .00

2146.400.4585 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 1,200.00 1,050.00 1,200.00 1,100.00 1,200.00 600.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $37,972.00 $34,422.84 $43,716.00 $30,799.79 $42,691.00 $56,484.00

Material And Supplies

2146.400.4585 410.0010 Books & Subscriptions 200.00 .00 200.00 .00 .00 .00

2146.400.4585 410.0020 Office Supplies 2,400.00 2,363.50 4,500.00 3,439.07 1,500.00 1,500.00

2146.400.4585 410.0060 Medical & Laboratory .00 .00 1,000.00 253.71 .00 .00

2146.400.4585 410.0170 Minor Tools & Equipment 24,928.00 .00 10,146.00 .00 15,100.00 17,442.00

Health Grants - PHEP

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
2146.400.4585 410.0200 Gasoline 1,000.00 .00 500.00 .00 .00 .00

2146.400.4585 410.0265 Minor Pc Software 900.00 .00 1,000.00 .00 .00 .00

Material And Supplies Totals $29,428.00 $2,363.50 $17,346.00 $3,692.78 $16,600.00 $18,942.00

Maintenance Equipment
2146.400.4585 450.0160 Mtce Vehicles/Motor Eq. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 225.00

2146.400.4585 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 600.00 600.00 900.00 900.00 600.00 .00

2146.400.4585 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 910.00 900.00 960.00 960.00 810.00 .00

2146.400.4585 450.0640 IT Services .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1,548.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $1,510.00 $1,500.00 $1,860.00 $1,860.00 $1,410.00 $1,773.00

Other Operating Expenses

2146.400.4585 460.0020 Telephone 100.00 7.92 100.00 14.18 120.00 120.00

2146.400.4585 460.0040 Postage 50.00 25.55 100.00 20.48 100.00 .00

2146.400.4585 460.0050 Education & Training 10,000.00 6,214.92 10,610.00 4,164.14 12,567.00 12,565.00

2146.400.4585 460.0060 Travel 1,100.00 1,028.61 3,000.00 1,321.14 2,000.00 3,693.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $11,250.00 $7,277.00 $13,810.00 $5,519.94 $14,787.00 $16,378.00

Capital Outlay
2146.400.4585 700.0005 Non Capitalized Assets 5,000.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

2146.400.4585 700.0030 Communication & Elec .00 .00 2,000.00 .00 .00 .00

2146.400.4585 700.0050 Gen Equipment N.O.C. 7,100.00 7,100.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

2146.400.4585 700.0070 Office Equipment 2,600.00 .00 1,500.00 .00 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $14,700.00 $7,100.00 $3,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Sub Department 4585 - PHEP Totals $215,660.00 $170,619.47 $226,116.00 $160,068.84 $226,117.00 $226,117.00

Health Grants - ND Chronic
Disease Program
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2146 - Health Grants


Department 400 - Federal Grants

Sub Department 4588 - ND Chronic Disease Program

Personnel Services
2146.400.4588 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 15,104.00 15,054.51 19,023.00 4,702.75 7,407.00 7,519.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Public Health Dietitian .1 FTE Range 51 1.0000 7,519.00 7,519.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $7,519.00

2146.400.4588 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 9,000.00 8,815.50 4,200.00 4,171.50 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $24,104.00 $23,870.01 $23,223.00 $8,874.25 $7,407.00 $7,519.00

Fringe Benefits
2146.400.4588 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 1,471.00 1,455.86 1,529.00 542.52 459.00 466.00

2146.400.4588 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 354.00 340.51 358.00 126.85 107.00 109.00

2146.400.4588 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 67.00 67.00 101.00 .00 30.00 35.00

2146.400.4588 402.0005 Post Employment Health 199.00 187.02 50.00 44.18 50.00 50.00

2146.400.4588 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 563.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

2146.400.4588 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 26.00 19.86 5.00 4.11 5.00 5.00

2146.400.4588 402.0030 Disability Insurance 63.00 53.71 24.00 19.88 24.00 25.00

2146.400.4588 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 1,261.00 1,253.61 604.00 388.39 612.00 659.00

2146.400.4588 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 100.00 100.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Fringe Benefits Totals $4,104.00 $3,477.57 $2,671.00 $1,125.93 $1,287.00 $1,349.00

Material And Supplies

2146.400.4588 410.0220 Educational Supplies 1,000.00 489.64 2,500.00 219.80 1,500.00 .00

Material And Supplies Totals $1,000.00 $489.64 $2,500.00 $219.80 $1,500.00 $0.00

Contractual Services
2146.400.4588 430.0015 Contracted PersonnelSvcs. 1,400.00 1,383.50 1,000.00 350.00 1,186.00 1,000.00

Contractual Services Totals $1,400.00 $1,383.50 $1,000.00 $350.00 $1,186.00 $1,000.00

Maintenance Equipment

Health Grants - ND Chronic
Disease Program
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
2146.400.4588 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 200.00 .00 .00 .00 320.00 .00

2146.400.4588 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 300.00 .00 .00 .00 300.00 .00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $620.00 $0.00

Other Operating Expenses

2146.400.4588 460.0050 Education & Training 1,692.00 1,652.45 25.00 22.59 .00 132.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $1,692.00 $1,652.45 $25.00 $22.59 $0.00 $132.00

Capital Outlay
2146.400.4588 700.0030 Communication & Elec .00 .00 1,415.00 1,414.95 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $0.00 $0.00 $1,415.00 $1,414.95 $0.00 $0.00

Sub Department 4588 - ND Chronic Disease Program $32,800.00 $30,873.17 $30,834.00 $12,007.52 $12,000.00 $10,000.00

Health Grants - Tobacco
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2146 - Health Grants


Department 401 - State Grants

Sub Department 4545 - Tobacco Program

Personnel Services
2146.401.4545 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 159,388.00 158,133.64 151,328.00 120,641.33 152,909.00 149,802.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 PHN .7 FTE - Grade 51 1.0000 44,292.00 44,292.00

Mayor's Budget 1 PHN .75 FTE - Grade 51 1.0000 54,375.00 54,375.00

Mayor's Budget 1 PHN .7 FTE - Grade 51 1.0000 51,135.00 51,135.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $149,802.00

2146.401.4545 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime .00 .00 77.00 76.78 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $159,388.00 $158,133.64 $151,405.00 $120,718.11 $152,909.00 $149,802.00

Fringe Benefits
2146.401.4545 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 8,822.00 8,568.16 9,562.00 6,625.36 9,483.00 9,290.00

2146.401.4545 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 2,074.00 2,003.74 2,224.00 1,549.45 2,221.00 2,175.00

2146.401.4545 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 413.00 413.00 429.00 .00 420.00 375.00

2146.401.4545 402.0005 Post Employment Health 1,349.00 1,332.92 1,138.00 835.89 1,115.00 1,066.00

2146.401.4545 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 21,217.00 21,150.83 21,480.00 17,062.61 23,383.00 23,776.00

2146.401.4545 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 147.00 141.47 126.00 77.43 119.00 114.00

2146.401.4545 402.0030 Disability Insurance 581.00 549.23 589.00 344.83 585.00 571.00

2146.401.4545 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 13,103.00 13,061.64 12,738.00 9,964.91 12,634.00 12,376.00

2146.401.4545 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 1,640.00 1,620.00 1,800.00 1,620.00 1,800.00 810.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $49,346.00 $48,840.99 $50,086.00 $38,080.48 $51,760.00 $50,553.00

Material And Supplies

2146.401.4545 410.0020 Office Supplies 1,780.00 1,775.49 90.00 83.60 138.00 416.00

Material And Supplies Totals $1,780.00 $1,775.49 $90.00 $83.60 $138.00 $416.00

Contractual Services
2146.401.4545 430.0015 Contracted PersonnelSvcs. 23,646.00 23,646.00 23,747.00 23,646.00 23,646.00 1,000.00

Health Grants - Tobacco
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
2146.401.4545 430.0090 Advertising .00 .00 2,075.00 2,075.00 .00 1,000.00

Contractual Services Totals $23,646.00 $23,646.00 $25,822.00 $25,721.00 $23,646.00 $2,000.00

Maintenance Equipment
2146.401.4545 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 600.00 600.00 900.00 900.00 900.00 .00

2146.401.4545 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 900.00 900.00 960.00 960.00 960.00 .00

2146.401.4545 450.0640 IT Services .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1,548.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,860.00 $1,860.00 $1,860.00 $1,548.00

Other Operating Expenses

2146.401.4545 460.0016 Data Fees 1,691.00 1,440.36 1,691.00 1,440.36 1,441.00 1,441.00

2146.401.4545 460.0050 Education & Training 4,785.00 4,783.65 3,872.00 .00 2,000.00 1,261.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $6,476.00 $6,224.01 $5,563.00 $1,440.36 $3,441.00 $2,702.00

Sub Department 4545 - Tobacco Program Totals $242,136.00 $240,120.13 $234,826.00 $187,903.55 $233,754.00 $207,021.00

Health Grants - Women's Way
CRC Initiative
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2146 - Health Grants


Department 401 - State Grants

Sub Department 4546 - Women’s Way CRC Initiative

Personnel Services
2146.401.4546 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent .00 .00 9,606.00 9,605.42 7,174.00 7,174.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 PHN .1 FTE - Range 51 1.0000 7,174.00 7,174.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $7,174.00

Personnel Services Totals $0.00 $0.00 $9,606.00 $9,605.42 $7,174.00 $7,174.00

Fringe Benefits
2146.401.4546 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer .00 .00 .00 .00 445.00 445.00

2146.401.4546 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer .00 .00 .00 .00 104.00 104.00

2146.401.4546 401.0030 Worker's Compensation .00 .00 .00 .00 38.00 38.00

2146.401.4546 402.0005 Post Employment Health .00 .00 .00 .00 50.00 50.00

2146.401.4546 402.0015 Health Insurance BC/BS .00 .00 .00 .00 1,539.00 1,539.00

2146.401.4546 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee .00 .00 .00 .00 5.00 5.00

2146.401.4546 402.0030 Disability Insurance .00 .00 .00 .00 24.00 24.00

2146.401.4546 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS .00 .00 .00 .00 593.00 593.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,798.00 $2,798.00

Material And Supplies

2146.401.4546 410.0020 Office Supplies .00 .00 194.00 194.58 .00 .00

Material And Supplies Totals $0.00 $0.00 $194.00 $194.58 $0.00 $0.00

Other Operating Expenses

2146.401.4546 460.0040 Postage .00 .00 200.00 .00 .00 .00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $0.00 $0.00 $200.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Sub Department 4546 - Women’s Way CRC Initiative $0.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 $9,800.00 $9,972.00 $9,972.00

Health Grants - State Opiod
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2146 - Health Grants


Department 401 - State Grants

Sub Department 4559 - Opiod Grant Expenditures

Personnel Services
2146.401.4559 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 5,540.00 7,306.10 32,933.00 11,259.46 .00 .00

2146.401.4559 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 43,510.00 39,979.94 56,525.00 59,310.69 104,500.00 104,500.00

2146.401.4559 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime .00 .00 5,000.00 4,380.71 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $49,050.00 $47,286.04 $94,458.00 $74,950.86 $104,500.00 $104,500.00

Fringe Benefits
2146.401.4559 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 3,063.00 2,823.13 5,195.00 4,578.47 6,500.00 6,500.00

2146.401.4559 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 725.00 660.24 1,748.00 1,070.75 1,600.00 1,600.00

2146.401.4559 401.0030 Worker's Compensation .00 .00 186.00 .00 410.00 410.00

2146.401.4559 402.0005 Post Employment Health 503.00 350.62 595.00 340.63 950.00 950.00

2146.401.4559 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 5,900.00 4,923.84 7,025.00 4,576.54 15,700.00 15,700.00

2146.401.4559 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 56.00 42.48 103.00 51.44 110.00 110.00

2146.401.4559 402.0030 Disability Insurance 163.00 120.80 171.00 127.27 350.00 350.00

2146.401.4559 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 3,550.00 3,762.18 7,260.00 5,253.36 8,700.00 8,700.00

2146.401.4559 402.0053 Vehicle Flat Rate 200.00 180.00 240.00 240.00 .00 .00

2146.401.4559 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 1,700.00 1,700.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $14,760.00 $13,463.29 $23,123.00 $16,838.46 $36,020.00 $36,020.00

Material And Supplies

2146.401.4559 410.0020 Office Supplies 1,500.00 634.45 400.00 343.85 2,000.00 2,000.00

2146.401.4559 410.0060 Medical & Laboratory 8,258.00 3,370.69 19,284.00 17,179.53 8,000.00 8,000.00

2146.401.4559 410.0220 Educational Supplies 1,500.00 1,372.09 750.00 .00 2,000.00 2,000.00

Material And Supplies Totals $11,258.00 $5,377.23 $20,434.00 $17,523.38 $12,000.00 $12,000.00

Contractual Services
2146.401.4559 430.0015 Contracted PersonnelSvcs. 91,265.00 91,264.70 122,750.00 113,580.00 150,000.00 150,000.00

Contractual Services Totals $91,265.00 $91,264.70 $122,750.00 $113,580.00 $150,000.00 $150,000.00

Maintenance Equipment

Health Grants - State Opiod
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
2146.401.4559 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 200.00 200.00 300.00 300.00 720.00 .00

2146.401.4559 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 300.00 300.00 320.00 320.00 770.00 .00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $500.00 $500.00 $620.00 $620.00 $1,490.00 $0.00

Other Operating Expenses

2146.401.4559 460.0040 Postage 50.00 29.71 .00 .00 .00 .00

2146.401.4559 460.0050 Education & Training 8,272.00 8,965.66 2,000.00 632.55 4,500.00 4,500.00

2146.401.4559 460.0055 Sponsored Seminars 2,750.00 1,970.69 2,500.00 2,104.81 .00 .00

2146.401.4559 460.0060 Travel 700.00 28.94 202.00 .00 .00 .00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $11,772.00 $10,995.00 $4,702.00 $2,737.36 $4,500.00 $4,500.00

Capital Outlay
2146.401.4559 700.0050 Gen Equipment N.O.C. 1,395.00 1,395.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $1,395.00 $1,395.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Sub Department 4559 - Opiod Grant Expenditures Totals $180,000.00 $170,281.26 $266,087.00 $226,250.06 $308,510.00 $307,020.00

Health Grants - Syringe
Services Program
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2146 - Health Grants


Department 401 - State Grants

Sub Department 4563 - Syringe Services Program

Personnel Services
2146.401.4563 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 3,048.00 3,047.23 .00 .00 .00 .00

2146.401.4563 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 15,544.00 15,543.33 39,265.00 .00 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $18,592.00 $18,590.56 $39,265.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fringe Benefits
2146.401.4563 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 1,077.00 1,076.78 2,435.00 2.48 .00 .00

2146.401.4563 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 252.00 251.85 570.00 .58 .00 .00

2146.401.4563 401.0030 Worker's Compensation .00 .00 159.00 .00 .00 .00

2146.401.4563 402.0005 Post Employment Health 162.00 161.56 495.00 .00 .00 .00

2146.401.4563 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 2,001.00 2,000.87 5,746.00 .00 .00 .00

2146.401.4563 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 19.00 18.90 54.00 .00 .00 .00

2146.401.4563 402.0030 Disability Insurance 56.00 55.41 130.00 .00 .00 .00

2146.401.4563 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 1,285.00 1,284.69 3,245.00 .00 .00 .00

2146.401.4563 402.0053 Vehicle Flat Rate .00 .00 60.00 .00 .00 .00

2146.401.4563 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate .00 .00 150.00 40.00 .00 .00

Fringe Benefits Totals $4,852.00 $4,850.06 $13,044.00 $43.06 $0.00 $0.00

Material And Supplies

2146.401.4563 410.0020 Office Supplies 1,230.00 1,139.34 525.00 .00 .00 .00

2146.401.4563 410.0060 Medical & Laboratory 2,174.00 2,173.81 43,166.00 .00 .00 .00

2146.401.4563 410.0220 Educational Supplies 1,307.00 1,306.84 600.00 .00 .00 .00

Material And Supplies Totals $4,711.00 $4,619.99 $44,291.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Maintenance Equipment
2146.401.4563 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges .00 .00 200.00 .00 .00 .00

2146.401.4563 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software .00 .00 200.00 .00 .00 .00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $0.00 $0.00 $400.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Other Operating Expenses

Health Grants - Syringe
Services Program
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
2146.401.4563 460.0050 Education & Training 2,091.00 2,090.29 3,000.00 .00 .00 .00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $2,091.00 $2,090.29 $3,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Capital Outlay
2146.401.4563 700.0030 Communication & Elec 420.00 419.96 .00 .00 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $420.00 $419.96 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Sub Department 4563 - Syringe Services Program Totals $30,666.00 $30,570.86 $100,000.00 $43.06 $0.00 $0.00

Health Grants - Social Detox

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2146 - Health Grants


Department 401 - State Grants

Sub Department 4571 - Social Detox

Personnel Services
2146.401.4571 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 4,500.00 3,557.19 51,000.00 44,928.85 .00 60,057.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Project Coordinator - 1 FTE 1.0000 60,057.00 60,057.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $60,057.00

2146.401.4571 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 300,954.00 261,624.81 258,864.00 170,318.92 332,448.00 282,291.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Detox Advocate x 3.8 FTE 1.0000 128,787.00 128,787.00

Mayor's Budget Detox Advocate x 4.5 FTE 1.0000 153,504.00 153,504.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $282,291.00

2146.401.4571 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 12,000.00 8,336.05 8,000.00 5,177.98 8,000.00 8,500.00

Personnel Services Totals $317,454.00 $273,518.05 $317,864.00 $220,425.75 $340,448.00 $350,848.00

Fringe Benefits
2146.401.4571 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 19,872.00 16,270.42 20,578.00 12,900.89 21,107.00 21,752.00

2146.401.4571 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 4,647.00 3,805.23 4,812.00 3,017.09 4,936.00 5,087.00

2146.401.4571 401.0020 Unemployment Compensation 600.00 .00 5,000.00 4,112.87 .00 2,000.00

2146.401.4571 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 485.00 485.00 400.00 .00 450.00 485.00

2146.401.4571 402.0005 Post Employment Health 1,420.00 1,320.00 1,930.00 1,620.24 1,980.00 1,700.00

2146.401.4571 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 28,128.00 26,617.40 32,200.00 31,403.88 26,820.00 33,200.00

2146.401.4571 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 206.00 192.72 210.00 182.01 230.00 220.00

2146.401.4571 402.0030 Disability Insurance 467.00 302.71 390.00 379.01 300.00 380.00

2146.401.4571 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 11,698.00 10,877.52 12,391.00 11,521.80 11,445.00 13,955.00

2146.401.4571 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 600.00 600.00 900.00 800.00 600.00 600.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $68,123.00 $60,471.00 $78,811.00 $65,937.79 $67,868.00 $79,379.00

Health Grants - Social Detox

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Material And Supplies
2146.401.4571 410.0020 Office Supplies 1,800.00 778.32 1,600.00 1,323.87 1,000.00 1,300.00

2146.401.4571 410.0060 Medical & Laboratory 4,800.00 3,636.81 5,000.00 2,700.23 5,000.00 4,000.00

2146.401.4571 410.0100 Clothing 514.00 513.80 500.00 .00 300.00 300.00

Material And Supplies Totals $7,114.00 $4,928.93 $7,100.00 $4,024.10 $6,300.00 $5,600.00

2146.401.4571 420.0010 Electricity 4,340.00 3,309.46 3,354.00 3,353.16 3,000.00 3,600.00

2146.401.4571 420.0030 Water, Sewer & Refuse 950.00 903.86 1,008.00 1,006.53 1,200.00 1,200.00

Utilities Totals $5,290.00 $4,213.32 $4,362.00 $4,359.69 $4,200.00 $4,800.00

Contractual Services
2146.401.4571 430.0015 Contracted PersonnelSvcs. 5,106.00 2,271.45 6,678.00 6,677.52 3,600.00 5,200.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Pest Control/Snow Removal/Repairs 1.0000 1,200.00 1,200.00

Mayor's Budget Software Vendor 1.0000 4,000.00 4,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $5,200.00

2146.401.4571 430.0030 Lease & Rental 1.00 1.00 1.00 .00 1.00 1.00

2146.401.4571 430.0090 Advertising 600.00 144.00 300.00 .00 300.00 500.00

2146.401.4571 430.0100 Cleaning & Laundry Svcs 1,060.00 970.90 830.00 285.50 1,100.00 900.00

2146.401.4571 430.0160 Medical Exams 400.00 .00 400.00 .00 600.00 .00

Contractual Services Totals $7,167.00 $3,387.35 $8,209.00 $6,963.02 $5,601.00 $6,601.00

Maintenance Structures
2146.401.4571 440.0010 Mtce Buildings & Grounds 1,000.00 420.00 200.00 .00 800.00 900.00

Maintenance Structures Totals $1,000.00 $420.00 $200.00 $0.00 $800.00 $900.00

Maintenance Equipment
2146.401.4571 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 200.00 200.00 300.00 300.00 600.00 .00

2146.401.4571 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 300.00 300.00 320.00 320.00 740.00 .00

2146.401.4571 450.0640 IT Services .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 8,383.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $500.00 $500.00 $620.00 $620.00 $1,340.00 $8,383.00

Other Operating Expenses

Health Grants - Social Detox

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
2146.401.4571 460.0016 Data Fees 1,042.00 960.24 1,042.00 960.24 960.00 1,042.00

2146.401.4571 460.0020 Telephone 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00

2146.401.4571 460.0050 Education & Training 600.00 536.48 2,500.00 .00 800.00 600.00

2146.401.4571 460.0060 Travel 1,000.00 292.53 1,000.00 .00 200.00 200.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $3,842.00 $2,989.25 $5,742.00 $2,160.24 $3,160.00 $3,042.00

Sub Department 4571 - Social Detox Totals $410,490.00 $350,427.90 $422,908.00 $304,490.59 $429,717.00 $459,553.00

Department 401 - State Grants Totals $863,292.00 $791,400.15 $1,033,821.00 $728,487.26 $981,953.00 $983,566.00

Health Grants - Immunization
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2146 - Health Grants


Department 402 - Private Grants

Sub Department 4515 - Immunization Coalition

Material And Supplies
2146.402.4515 410.0020 Office Supplies 250.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

2146.402.4515 410.0220 Educational Supplies 2,000.00 303.27 1,500.00 .00 1,500.00 1,690.00

Material And Supplies Totals $2,250.00 $303.27 $1,500.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 $1,690.00

Contractual Services
2146.402.4515 430.0090 Advertising 1,200.00 74.73 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 1,190.00

Contractual Services Totals $1,200.00 $74.73 $1,000.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 $1,190.00

Other Operating Expenses

2146.402.4515 460.0040 Postage 250.00 .00 250.00 .00 .00 .00

2146.402.4515 460.0050 Education & Training 3,300.00 .00 4,000.00 .00 4,250.00 4,442.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $3,550.00 $0.00 $4,250.00 $0.00 $4,250.00 $4,442.00

Sub Department 4515 - Immunization Coalition Totals $7,000.00 $378.00 $6,750.00 $0.00 $6,750.00 $7,322.00

Health Grants - Syringe Grant

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2146 - Health Grants


Department 402 - Private Grants

Sub Department 4567 - Syringe Grant (Private Funds)

Material And Supplies
2146.402.4567 410.0060 Medical & Laboratory 5,000.00 2,378.07 17,471.00 17,471.00 10,000.00 10,000.00

Material And Supplies Totals $5,000.00 $2,378.07 $17,471.00 $17,471.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00

Sub Department 4567 - Syringe Grant (Private Funds) $5,000.00 $2,378.07 $17,471.00 $17,471.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00
Totals $12,000.00 $2,756.07 $25,471.00 $18,363.40 $16,750.00 $17,322.00
Department 402 - Private Grants Totals
EXPENSE TOTALS $1,605,275.00 $1,388,458.60 $4,966,452.00 $3,142,459.70 $1,657,100.00 $2,010,958.00

Fund 2146 - Health Grants Totals $0.00 $52,441.44 $0.00 $1,235,901.41 $0.00 $0.00

Insurance Reserve

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2151 - Insurance Reserve


Department 000 - Revenues

Real Estate Taxes
2151.000 301.0010 Current Real Estate Taxes 404,502.00 385,161.38 410,379.00 396,088.76 420,148.00 420,744.00

Real Estate Taxes Totals $404,502.00 $385,161.38 $410,379.00 $396,088.76 $420,148.00 $420,744.00

2151.000 324.0080 Senior Citizens Tax 2,500.00 3,951.72 2,500.00 3,821.19 2,998.00 2,895.00

2151.000 324.0081 Disabled Veteran Credit 1,400.00 2,716.62 1,400.00 2,840.70 2,709.00 2,868.00

2151.000 324.0082 Electric Tax 300.00 .00 300.00 .00 300.00 .00

2151.000 324.0095 Communication In-Lieu Tax 1,400.00 2,053.98 1,400.00 2,050.30 1,400.00 2,000.00

2151.000 325.0030 Mobile Home Tax 145.00 32.57 145.00 38.63 145.00 40.00

Intergovernmental Totals $5,745.00 $8,754.89 $5,745.00 $8,750.82 $7,552.00 $7,803.00

2151.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments .00 (795.70) .00 (111.87) .00 100.00

Interest Totals $0.00 ($795.70) $0.00 ($111.87) $0.00 $100.00

Operating Transfers In
2151.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In .00 .00 6,462.00 6,462.00 .00 .00

Operating Transfers In Totals $0.00 $0.00 $6,462.00 $6,462.00 $0.00 $0.00

Extraordinary Revenue
2151.000 374.0000 Unrealized Gain on Invest .00 131.58 .00 419.31 .00 .00

Extraordinary Revenue Totals $0.00 $131.58 $0.00 $419.31 $0.00 $0.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
2151.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 100,000.00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $100,000.00

REVENUE TOTALS $410,247.00 $393,252.15 $422,586.00 $411,609.02 $427,700.00 $528,647.00

Insurance Reserve

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2151 - Insurance Reserve


Department 100 - Expenditures

Other Operating Expenses
2151.100 460.0105 Vehicle Registration 600.00 438.50 650.00 450.50 650.00 650.00

2151.100 460.0120 Fleet & Gen.Liab.Insuranc 409,647.00 399,711.61 421,936.00 314,292.74 425,254.00 425,000.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $410,247.00 $400,150.11 $422,586.00 $314,743.24 $425,904.00 $425,650.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $410,247.00 $400,150.11 $422,586.00 $314,743.24 $425,904.00 $425,650.00

Fund 2151 - Insurance Reserve Totals $0.00 ($6,897.96) $0.00 $96,865.78 $1,796.00 $102,997.00

General Sick Leave

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2154 - General Sick Leave


Department 000 - Revenues

2154.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments 3,045.00 9,080.75 3,056.00 6,210.58 3,331.00 3,395.00

Interest Totals $3,045.00 $9,080.75 $3,056.00 $6,210.58 $3,331.00 $3,395.00

Operating Transfers In
2154.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In .00 .00 50,000.00 .00 .00 .00

Operating Transfers In Totals $0.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Extraordinary Revenue
2154.000 374.0000 Unrealized Gain on Invest .00 6,193.67 .00 3,848.52 .00 .00

Extraordinary Revenue Totals $0.00 $6,193.67 $0.00 $3,848.52 $0.00 $0.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
2154.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget 304,540.00 .00 355,605.00 .00 333,108.00 339,593.00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $304,540.00 $0.00 $355,605.00 $0.00 $333,108.00 $339,593.00

REVENUE TOTALS $307,585.00 $15,274.42 $408,661.00 $10,059.10 $336,439.00 $342,988.00

General Sick Leave

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2154 - General Sick Leave


Department 100 - Expenditures

Personnel Services
2154.100 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 150,000.00 .00 150,000.00 .00 150,000.00 150,000.00

Personnel Services Totals $150,000.00 $0.00 $150,000.00 $0.00 $150,000.00 $150,000.00

Fringe Benefits
2154.100 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 6,750.00 .00 6,750.00 .00 6,750.00 6,750.00

2154.100 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 4,725.00 .00 4,725.00 .00 4,725.00 4,725.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $11,475.00 $0.00 $11,475.00 $0.00 $11,475.00 $11,475.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $161,475.00 $0.00 $161,475.00 $0.00 $161,475.00 $161,475.00

Fund 2154 - General Sick Leave Totals $146,110.00 $15,274.42 $247,186.00 $10,059.10 $174,964.00 $181,513.00

Noxious Weed Control

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2157 - Noxious Weed Control


Department 000 - Revenues

Real Estate Taxes
2157.000 301.0010 Current Real Estate Taxes 4,520.00 4,754.02 4,585.00 5,003.54 4,694.00 4,809.00

Real Estate Taxes Totals $4,520.00 $4,754.02 $4,585.00 $5,003.54 $4,694.00 $4,809.00

2157.000 322.0158 ND Dept of Agriculture Grant .00 .00 .00 2,000.00 .00 .00

2157.000 324.0080 Senior Citizens Tax .00 48.79 .00 48.37 33.00 33.00

2157.000 324.0081 Disabled Veteran Credit .00 33.54 .00 35.95 30.00 33.00

2157.000 324.0095 Communication In-Lieu Tax .00 24.88 .00 25.95 .00 .00

2157.000 325.0030 Mobile Home Tax .00 .40 .00 .49 .00 .00

Intergovernmental Totals $0.00 $107.61 $0.00 $2,110.76 $63.00 $66.00

2157.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments 129.00 369.12 118.00 267.20 158.00 181.00

Interest Totals $129.00 $369.12 $118.00 $267.20 $158.00 $181.00

Extraordinary Revenue
2157.000 374.0000 Unrealized Gain on Invest .00 209.40 .00 138.80 .00 .00

Extraordinary Revenue Totals $0.00 $209.40 $0.00 $138.80 $0.00 $0.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
2157.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget 12,888.00 .00 11,781.00 .00 15,872.00 18,187.00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $12,888.00 $0.00 $11,781.00 $0.00 $15,872.00 $18,187.00

REVENUE TOTALS $17,537.00 $5,440.15 $16,484.00 $7,520.30 $20,787.00 $23,243.00

Noxious Weed Control

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2157 - Noxious Weed Control


Department 100 - Expenditures

Contractual Services
2157.100 430.0015 Contracted PersonnelSvcs. 5,000.00 4,282.02 5,000.00 4,987.88 5,000.00 5,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget County Weed Board city spraying 1.0000 5,000.00 5,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $5,000.00

2157.100 430.0090 Advertising 75.00 .00 75.00 .00 75.00 75.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Mowing Requirements Ad 4.0000 18.75 75.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $75.00

Contractual Services Totals $5,075.00 $4,282.02 $5,075.00 $4,987.88 $5,075.00 $5,075.00

Other Operating Expenses

2157.100 460.0050 Education & Training 275.00 .00 275.00 .00 275.00 275.00

2157.100 460.0090 Dues 275.00 275.00 275.00 275.00 275.00 275.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget ND Weed Control Association yearly membership 1.0000 275.00 275.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $275.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $550.00 $275.00 $550.00 $275.00 $550.00 $550.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $5,625.00 $4,557.02 $5,625.00 $5,262.88 $5,625.00 $5,625.00

Fund 2157 - Noxious Weed Control Totals $11,912.00 $883.13 $10,859.00 $2,257.42 $15,162.00 $17,618.00

SCHEDULE A Current Sales Tax Allocation DRAFT


Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected

2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

Amount available from current year sales tax revenue (1) $ 1,913,472 $ 1,953,054 $ 1,992,115 $ 2,031,957 $ 2,072,596 $ 2,114,048
Special Police Services Fees 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
CVB Loan Payback 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 - -
Transfer from CRF Reserve 1,567,705 - - - - -
Transfer from 5200 & 5400 for Project Reimbursement 1,047,269 244,269 244,269 244,269 244,269 244,269
Interest earnings 63,839 77,988 80,431 82,874 85,316 87,759
Estimated Yearly Revenue $ 4,632,285 $ 2,315,311 $ 2,356,815 $ 2,399,100 $ 2,412,182 $ 2,456,076

Estimated cash balance at beginning of Year $ 5,183,866 $ 7,798,840 $ 8,043,109 $ 8,287,378 $ 8,531,647 $ 8,775,916
Available for expenditures $ 9,816,151 $ 10,114,152 $ 10,399,924 $ 10,686,478 $ 10,943,829 $ 11,231,993

JDA Operating Transfer for BRIC (2) $ 30,150 $ 31,055 $ 31,986 $ 32,946 $ 33,934 $ 34,952
Parking Operating Transfer 50,000 - - - - -
Air Base Enhancement 185,000 188,700 192,474 196,323 200,250 204,255
GFEDC 316,965 323,304 329,770 336,366 343,093 349,955
Special Services - For events Reallocated to wages for overtime($50,000 net of revenue) 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000
Special Events(3) 130,851 133,468 136,137 138,860 141,637 144,470
Arts(4) 130,851 133,468 136,137 138,860 141,637 144,470
Human Needs (5) - 133,468 136,137 138,860 141,637 144,470
Beautification 130,851 133,468 136,137 138,860 141,637 144,470
Safe Kids 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 - -
Rendezvous Region Tourism 10,000 - - - - -
Contingency - Strategic Initiatives 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT EXPENDITURE SUBTOTAL $ 1,169,668 $ 1,261,931 $ 1,283,780 $ 1,306,075 $ 1,303,826 $ 1,327,042


Transfer to 5996 444,610 366,150 388,508 411,201 429,235 452,617
BND Payments for SIG Infrastructure projects (6) 278,033 319,424 318,183 316,941 315,700 314,459
Special Assessments - Opportunity Park & Oscarville Stormwater Ponds 75,000 73,537 72,075 70,613 69,151 67,689
Contingency/Infrastructure 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000
TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 2,017,311 $ 2,071,042 $ 2,112,546 $ 2,154,831 $ 2,167,913 $ 2,211,807

REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES ANNUALLY $ 2,614,974 $ 244,269 $ 244,269 $ 244,269 $ 244,269 $ 244,269

CASH RESTRICTED FOR OTHER USES $ 944,616 $ 944,616 $ 944,616 $ 944,616 $ 944,616 $ 944,616
RESERVE FOR STRATEGIC INITIATIVES, WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT & QUALITY OF LIFE $ 2,614,974 $ 2,859,243 $ 3,103,512 $ 3,347,781 $ 3,592,050 $ 3,836,319
RESERVE FOR BEAUTIFICATION (INCLUDES PUBLIC ART INITIATIVE) 196,051 329,519 465,656 604,516 746,153 890,624
ESTIMATED CASH AVAILABLE FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT $ 4,043,200 $ 3,909,732 $ 3,773,595 $ 3,634,735 $ 3,493,097 $ 3,348,627

RUNNING TOTAL CASH BALANCE $ 7,798,840 $ 8,043,109 $ 8,287,378 $ 8,531,647 $ 8,775,916 $ 9,020,185

(1) Assuming projected sales tax revenue as follows: 2022 at 100% of 2019 actual.; then a 2% annual increase starting in 2023.
(2) 25% share of BRIC
(3) To be administered by the CVB
(4) To be administered by the Community Foundation
(5) Human Needs projects being funded out of 2199 in 2020 with additional $268,000 from CDBG's CARES Act. Funded in 2022 with CDBG's portion from the sale of the Corporate Centers.

(6) Annual payment BND financing 2%; 20 & 30 year; also amortized SA pmts Oscarville, Opportunity Park, & Steffes areas - payments updated 4-12-21 for additional impact of Oscarville
Economic Development

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2163 - Economic Development


Department 000 - Revenues

General Sales Tax
2163.000 302.0010 City Sales Tax 1,979,584.00 2,121,759.51 1,786,451.00 1,913,472.56 1,527,458.00 1,913,472.00

General Sales Tax Totals $1,979,584.00 $2,121,759.51 $1,786,451.00 $1,913,472.56 $1,527,458.00 $1,913,472.00

Charges For Services

2163.000 333.0060 Special Police Services 20,000.00 27,943.10 20,000.00 12,880.19 10,000.00 10,000.00

2163.000 339.0113 TIF Applicatin Fee .00 .00 10,000.00 10,000.00 .00 .00

Charges For Services Totals $20,000.00 $27,943.10 $30,000.00 $22,880.19 $10,000.00 $10,000.00

2163.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments 44,576.00 87,903.60 66,613.00 71,118.58 35,267.00 63,839.00

Interest Totals $44,576.00 $87,903.60 $66,613.00 $71,118.58 $35,267.00 $63,839.00

Other Financing Sources

2163.000 363.0050 Proceeds-Notes .00 .00 .00 .00 30,000.00 30,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget CVB Loan Payback 1.0000 30,000.00 30,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $30,000.00

Other Financing Sources Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $30,000.00 $30,000.00

Operating Transfers In
2163.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In 990,862.00 693,838.27 359,141.00 700,003.00 .00 2,614,974.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Trs #5400-Reimb Portion of Forcemain Proj-11th Ave S 1.0000 700,000.00 700,000.00

Mayor's Budget Trs-#5400-Reimb Portion of ND Mill RR Track Expansion Proj 1.0000 103,000.00 103,000.00

Mayor's Budget Trs #5200-Reimb Portion of SIG Projects (2022 Yr 1 of 6) 1.0000 244,269.00 244,269.00

Mayor's Budget Transfer from 2193 - CRF Reserve 1.0000 1,567,705.00 1,567,705.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $2,614,974.00

Operating Transfers In Totals $990,862.00 $693,838.27 $359,141.00 $700,003.00 $0.00 $2,614,974.00

Economic Development

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Extraordinary Revenue
2163.000 374.0000 Unrealized Gain on Invest .00 49,684.99 .00 32,295.47 .00 .00

Extraordinary Revenue Totals $0.00 $49,684.99 $0.00 $32,295.47 $0.00 $0.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
2163.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget 2,339,400.00 .00 5,241,141.00 .00 3,526,712.00 5,183,866.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Estimated balance in Public Art Cash 1.0000 65,166.00 65,166.00

Mayor's Budget Estimated cash balance available for deals/initiatives 1.0000 5,118,700.00 5,118,700.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $5,183,866.00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $2,339,400.00 $0.00 $5,241,141.00 $0.00 $3,526,712.00 $5,183,866.00

REVENUE TOTALS $5,374,422.00 $2,981,129.47 $7,483,346.00 $2,739,769.80 $5,129,437.00 $9,816,151.00

Economic Development

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2163 - Economic Development


Department 100 - Expenditures

Personnel Services
2163.100 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 65,000.00 55,742.64 65,000.00 12,989.04 55,715.00 55,715.00

Personnel Services Totals $65,000.00 $55,742.64 $65,000.00 $12,989.04 $55,715.00 $55,715.00

Fringe Benefits
2163.100 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 4,050.00 3,323.00 4,050.00 764.12 3,471.00 3,471.00

2163.100 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 950.00 777.07 950.00 178.71 814.00 814.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $5,000.00 $4,100.07 $5,000.00 $942.83 $4,285.00 $4,285.00

Contractual Services
2163.100 430.0015 Contracted PersonnelSvcs. 83,855.00 94,748.44 2,450.00 2,450.00 .00 .00

2163.100 430.0030 Lease & Rental 300.00 300.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

2163.100 430.0090 Advertising 90.00 42.66 .00 .00 .00 .00

2163.100 430.0150 Consultants 11,350.00 11,346.12 65,737.00 61,989.69 .00 .00

Contractual Services Totals $95,595.00 $106,437.22 $68,187.00 $64,439.69 $0.00 $0.00

Maintenance Structures
2163.100 440.0010 Mtce Buildings & Grounds 25,010.00 19,184.45 15,000.00 9,100.00 .00 .00

Maintenance Structures Totals $25,010.00 $19,184.45 $15,000.00 $9,100.00 $0.00 $0.00

Other Operating Expenses

2163.100 460.0040 Postage 6.00 5.72 10.00 5.72 .00 .00

2163.100 460.0160 Grant/Loan Expense 5,900.00 8,262.86 3,500.00 2,928.00 .00 .00

2163.100 460.0170 Attorney Fees .00 .00 .00 1,400.00 .00 .00

2163.100 460.0250 Special Assessment Prin. .00 .00 31,610.00 .00 .00 75,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Opportunity Park 1.0000 37,134.27 37,134.27

Mayor's Budget Oscarville Stormwater Ponds 1.0000 37,865.33 37,865.33

Mayor's Budget Totals $74,999.60

2163.100 470.0010 Contributions 695,715.00 751,253.85 747,290.00 648,899.38 895,605.00 929,518.00

Economic Development

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Beautification 1.0000 130,851.00 130,851.00

Mayor's Budget GF Economic Development Corporation 1.0000 316,965.00 316,965.00

Mayor's Budget Air Base Retention 1.0000 185,000.00 185,000.00

Mayor's Budget Special Events (CK to GF Convention & Visitors Bureau) 1.0000 130,851.00 130,851.00

Mayor's Budget Arts Regranting (CK to Community Foundation of GF/EGF) 1.0000 130,851.00 130,851.00

Mayor's Budget Safe Kids 1.0000 25,000.00 25,000.00

Mayor's Budget Rendezvous Region Tourism 1.0000 10,000.00 10,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $929,518.00

2163.100 470.0019 Special Events .00 .00 5.00 2.50 .00 .00

2163.100 470.0021 Beautification 6,125.00 6,125.00 34,641.00 34,641.00 .00 .00

2163.100 470.0040 Contingency 89,918.00 71,973.06 1,010,736.00 993,431.65 350,000.00 150,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Infrastructure 1.0000 50,000.00 50,000.00

Mayor's Budget Strategic Initiatives 1.0000 100,000.00 100,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $150,000.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $797,664.00 $837,620.49 $1,827,792.00 $1,681,308.25 $1,245,605.00 $1,154,518.00

Operating Transfers Out

2163.100 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out 1,798,990.00 1,798,982.81 978,919.00 100,000.00 457,671.00 802,793.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget To 5200 - Share of 3rd BND Loan Reserve - 4/5th 1.0000 31,020.00 31,020.00

Mayor's Budget To 5200 - Share of 3rd BND Loan P&I 1.0000 247,013.00 247,013.00

Mayor's Budget To 5996 BRIC Coord (25%) 1.0000 30,150.00 30,150.00

Mayor's Budget Transfer to 5996 1.0000 444,610.00 444,610.00

Mayor's Budget Transfer to 5997 1.0000 50,000.00 50,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $802,793.00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $1,798,990.00 $1,798,982.81 $978,919.00 $100,000.00 $457,671.00 $802,793.00

Economic Development

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Capital Outlay
2163.100 650.0010 Work In Progress 84,692.00 64,267.05 25,000.00 22,121.40 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $84,692.00 $64,267.05 $25,000.00 $22,121.40 $0.00 $0.00

Non-Current Outlay
2163.100 996.0000 Non-Current Outlays 688,720.00 .00 388,117.00 .00 .00 .00

Non-Current Outlay Totals $688,720.00 $0.00 $388,117.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

REVENUE GRAND TOTALS $5,374,422.00 $2,981,129.47 $7,483,346.00 $2,739,769.80 $5,129,437.00 $9,816,151.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $3,560,671.00 $2,886,334.73 $3,373,015.00 $1,890,901.21 $1,763,276.00 $2,017,311.00

Fund 2163 - Economic Development Totals $1,813,751.00 $94,794.74 $4,110,331.00 $848,868.59 $3,366,161.00 $7,798,840.00

Police Department Grants

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2170 - Police Grants


Department 000 - Revenues

2170.000 321.0003 HIDTA Hi Intensity DrugGt 118,859.00 116,617.34 132,166.00 132,766.65 .00 .00

2170.000 321.0005 COPS Grant 68,868.00 149,142.54 .00 .00 .00 .00

2170.000 321.0009 STOP Program-PD Grant 29,440.00 13,911.18 29,440.00 19,304.81 29,440.00 29,440.00

2170.000 321.0018 BVP Grant - BJA 12,759.00 9,207.39 13,750.00 3,268.27 13,750.00 13,750.00

2170.000 321.0235 Op Grt-FY17 A0574-001-2017-R 21,200.00 21,200.83 .00 .00 .00 .00

2170.000 321.0236 PD grant FY18 State Homeland Security 91,738.00 91,764.32 .00 .00 .00 .00
Grant #EMW-2018-SS-00008 #
2170.000 321.0237 PD Grant-EMW-2019-SS-000033-S01 .00 .00 130,072.00 130,071.54 .00 .00

2170.000 321.0277 Byrne JAG 2016-DJ-BX-0360 16,836.00 16,836.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

2170.000 321.0278 Bryne JAG 2017-DJ-BX-0034 19,263.00 19,262.95 24,991.00 24,991.05 .00 .00

2170.000 321.0279 Ed Byrne Technology Equipment 5,612.00 5,612.00 .00 .00 .00 .00
Enhancement Grant
2170.000 321.0310 Cornonavirus Emergency Supplemental .00 .00 11,007.00 11,007.23 .00 .00
Funding Program
2170.000 322.0140 RAID Program Grant 6,415.00 5,302.52 8,093.00 8,334.54 .00 .00

2170.000 322.0145 Anti-Drug Abuse Grant 72,800.00 35,502.04 129,329.00 130,517.66 72,800.00 61,035.00

2170.000 322.0166 Occupant Protection Blitz 12,869.00 12,391.22 12,007.00 12,006.69 .00 .00

2170.000 322.0173 St Hwy Ptrl-UnderageDrnEn 6,729.00 6,728.94 4,194.00 4,194.01 .00 .00

2170.000 322.0177 NDDOT - Distracted Driving Campaign Grant 5,888.00 5,888.09 5,805.00 5,804.74 .00 .00
2170.000 326.0025 GF County's Share 5,600.00 2,890.00 5,600.00 .00 5,600.00 4,695.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Narcotics Task Force grant 1.0000 4,695.00 4,695.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $4,695.00

2170.000 326.0035 City's Share 226,053.00 219,784.00 24,950.00 13,750.00 24,950.00 23,140.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Narcotics Tast Force Grant 2.0000 4,695.00 9,390.00

Police Department Grants

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget BVP Grant 1.0000 13,750.00 13,750.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $23,140.00

2170.000 326.0045 Other Counties Share 22,400.00 11,560.00 22,400.00 .00 22,400.00 18,780.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Walsh County SO 1.0000 4,695.00 4,695.00

Mayor's Budget Pembina County SO 1.0000 4,695.00 4,695.00

Mayor's Budget Grafton PD 1.0000 4,695.00 4,695.00

Mayor's Budget UND PD 1.0000 4,695.00 4,695.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $18,780.00

Intergovernmental Totals $743,329.00 $743,601.36 $553,804.00 $496,017.19 $168,940.00 $150,840.00

Operating Transfers In
2170.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In .00 .00 5,834.00 5,834.00 .00 100,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Transfer In from 2190 - American Rescue Plan 1.0000 100,000.00 100,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $100,000.00

Operating Transfers In Totals $0.00 $0.00 $5,834.00 $5,834.00 $0.00 $100,000.00

REVENUE TOTALS $743,329.00 $743,601.36 $559,638.00 $501,851.19 $168,940.00 $250,840.00

Police Department Grants
Domestic Violence
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2170 - Police Grants


Department 700 - Dept of Justice Grants

Sub Department 7001 - Domestic Violence Grant

Other Operating Expenses
2170.700.7001 470.0040 Contingency 29,440.00 13,911.18 29,440.00 19,304.81 29,440.00 29,440.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget CVIC Law Enforcement Advocate 1.0000 29,440.00 29,440.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $29,440.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $29,440.00 $13,911.18 $29,440.00 $19,304.81 $29,440.00 $29,440.00

Sub Department 7001 - Domestic Violence Grant Totals $29,440.00 $13,911.18 $29,440.00 $19,304.81 $29,440.00 $29,440.00

Police Department Grants -
Bullet Proof Vests
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2170 - Police Grants


Department 700 - Dept of Justice Grants

Sub Department 7103 - BATF-Bullet Proof Vests

Material And Supplies
2170.700.7103 410.0100 Clothing 21,009.00 21,007.98 27,500.00 22,584.92 27,500.00 27,500.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget New and Replacement Vests 1.0000 27,500.00 27,500.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $27,500.00

Material And Supplies Totals $21,009.00 $21,007.98 $27,500.00 $22,584.92 $27,500.00 $27,500.00

Sub Department 7103 - BATF-Bullet Proof Vests Totals $21,009.00 $21,007.98 $27,500.00 $22,584.92 $27,500.00 $27,500.00

Police Department Grants
Narcotics Task Force
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2170 - Police Grants


Department 701 - Ed Byrne Grants

Sub Department 7115 - Narcotics Task Force Grnt

Material And Supplies
2170.701.7115 410.0020 Office Supplies 12,000.00 589.85 7,000.00 5,343.16 12,000.00 5,000.00

2170.701.7115 410.0170 Minor Tools & Equipment 12,000.00 1,203.15 22,000.00 21,674.58 12,000.00 24,900.00

Material And Supplies Totals $24,000.00 $1,793.00 $29,000.00 $27,017.74 $24,000.00 $29,900.00

Contractual Services
2170.701.7115 430.0030 Lease & Rental 60,000.00 35,400.00 60,000.00 35,400.00 60,000.00 40,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Vehicle Leases 1.0000 40,000.00 40,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $40,000.00

Contractual Services Totals $60,000.00 $35,400.00 $60,000.00 $35,400.00 $60,000.00 $40,000.00

Other Operating Expenses

2170.701.7115 460.0015 Cell Phone Charges 16,776.00 14,819.52 16,600.00 10,221.08 17,000.00 16,000.00

2170.701.7115 460.0020 Telephone 1,224.00 1,223.91 1,400.00 1,349.54 1,000.00 2,000.00

2170.701.7115 460.0060 Travel 10,000.00 1,382.10 5,000.00 .00 10,000.00 6,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Travel, Per Diem for Training & Investigations 1.0000 2,000.00 2,000.00

Mayor's Budget Training for Narcotics Task Force Agents 1.0000 4,000.00 4,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $6,000.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $28,000.00 $17,425.53 $23,000.00 $11,570.62 $28,000.00 $24,000.00

Capital Outlay
2170.701.7115 700.0030 Communication & Elec .00 .00 56,529.00 56,529.30 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $0.00 $0.00 $56,529.00 $56,529.30 $0.00 $0.00

Sub Department 7115 - Narcotics Task Force Grnt Totals $112,000.00 $54,618.53 $168,529.00 $130,517.66 $112,000.00 $93,900.00

Police Department Grants -
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2170 - Police Grants


Department 703 - Mental Health Matters

Sub Department 7106 - MHM - CARES Funding

Personnel Services
2170.703.7106 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 62,170.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Community Mental Health Coordinator 1.0000 60,320.00 60,320.00

Mayor's Budget Salary Plan Increase - 3.06% 1.0000 1,850.00 1,850.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $62,170.00

Personnel Services Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $62,170.00

Fringe Benefits
2170.703.7106 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 3,855.00

2170.703.7106 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 901.00

2170.703.7106 402.0005 Post Employment Health .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 495.00

2170.703.7106 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 6,684.00

2170.703.7106 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 54.00

2170.703.7106 402.0030 Disability Insurance .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 205.00

2170.703.7106 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 4,982.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $17,176.00

Other Operating Expenses

2170.703.7106 460.0050 Education & Training .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 20,654.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $20,654.00

Department 703 - Mental Health Matters Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $100,000.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $743,329.00 $663,246.70 $559,638.00 $506,480.93 $168,940.00 $250,840.00

Fund 2170 - Police Grants Totals $0.00 $80,354.66 $0.00 ($4,629.74) $0.00 $0.00

Asset Forfeiture

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2171 - Asset Forfeiture Fund


Department 000 - Revenues

Fines And Forfeitures
2171.000 355.0025 Asset Forfeiture 16,704.00 17,889.00 19,913.00 19,913.61 .00 .00

Fines And Forfeitures Totals $16,704.00 $17,889.00 $19,913.00 $19,913.61 $0.00 $0.00

2171.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments .00 555.59 .00 519.41 .00 .00

Interest Totals $0.00 $555.59 $0.00 $519.41 $0.00 $0.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
2171.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget 2,775.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $2,775.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

REVENUE TOTALS $19,479.00 $18,444.59 $19,913.00 $20,433.02 $0.00 $0.00

Asset Forfeiture

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2171 - Asset Forfeiture Fund


Department 100 - Expenditures

Material And Supplies
2171.100 410.0170 Minor Tools & Equipment 3,936.00 3,935.71 15,902.00 159.97 .00 .00

Material And Supplies Totals $3,936.00 $3,935.71 $15,902.00 $159.97 $0.00 $0.00

Other Operating Expenses

2171.100 470.0095 Cnty Share-Asset Forfeit .00 .00 4,011.00 4,010.72 .00 .00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $0.00 $0.00 $4,011.00 $4,010.72 $0.00 $0.00

Capital Outlay
2171.100 700.0005 Non Capitalized Assets 15,543.00 15,542.83 .00 .00 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $15,543.00 $15,542.83 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $19,479.00 $19,478.54 $19,913.00 $4,170.69 $0.00 $0.00

Water & Street Sales Tax

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2175 - Water/Street Sales Tax Fund


Department 000 - Revenues

General Sales Tax
2175.000 302.0010 City Sales Tax 4,825,000.00 5,599,659.90 4,825,000.00 5,595,898.97 4,449,466.00 5,595,899.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Assumes equal to 2020 Actual 1.0000 5,595,899.00 5,595,899.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $5,595,899.00

General Sales Tax Totals $4,825,000.00 $5,599,659.90 $4,825,000.00 $5,595,898.97 $4,449,466.00 $5,595,899.00

2175.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments .00 21,959.04 .00 13,541.32 15,000.00 12,000.00

Interest Totals $0.00 $21,959.04 $0.00 $13,541.32 $15,000.00 $12,000.00

Extraordinary Revenue
2175.000 374.0000 Unrealized Gain on Invest .00 1,407.54 .00 5,437.96 .00 .00

Extraordinary Revenue Totals $0.00 $1,407.54 $0.00 $5,437.96 $0.00 $0.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
2175.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget .00 .00 .00 .00 700,000.00 1,180,000.00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $700,000.00 $1,180,000.00

REVENUE TOTALS $4,825,000.00 $5,623,026.48 $4,825,000.00 $5,614,878.25 $5,164,466.00 $6,787,899.00

Water & Street Sales Tax

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2175 - Water/Street Sales Tax Fund


Department 100 - Expenditures

Operating Transfers Out
2175.100 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out 4,777,000.00 4,777,000.00 4,711,948.00 4,712,775.00 4,384,414.00 5,530,847.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Trs to Fund 1100.075-Street Mtce Materials 1.0000 184,948.00 184,948.00

Mayor's Budget Trs to Fund 4815-Street/Infrastructure Fund 1.0000 3,207,539.00 3,207,539.00

Mayor's Budget Trs to Fund 5300-Water Utility 1.0000 2,138,360.00 2,138,360.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $5,530,847.00

2175.100 900.0020 Capital Lease Transfers Out .00 .00 65,052.00 64,225.00 65,052.00 65,052.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Trs to Fund 4800-#6440 Single Op Unit-Streets 5 of 5 pmts 1.0000 47,471.00 47,471.00

Mayor's Budget Trs to Fund 4800-#6506 TrailerMountedUnit-Streets-Yr 5 of 5 1.0000 17,581.00 17,581.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $65,052.00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $4,777,000.00 $4,777,000.00 $4,777,000.00 $4,777,000.00 $4,449,466.00 $5,595,899.00

Capital Outlay
2175.100 700.0120 Trucks & Mounted Equipmt 105,580.00 57,580.00 48,000.00 .00 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $105,580.00 $57,580.00 $48,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $4,882,580.00 $4,834,580.00 $4,825,000.00 $4,777,000.00 $4,449,466.00 $5,595,899.00

Fund 2175 - Water/Street Sales Tax Fund Totals ($57,580.00) $788,446.48 $0.00 $837,878.25 $715,000.00 $1,192,000.00

Animal Control

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2184 - Animal Control Fund


Department 000 - Revenues

Real Estate Taxes
2184.000 301.0010 Current Real Estate Taxes .00 .00 114,631.00 110,746.93 117,360.00 120,213.00

Real Estate Taxes Totals $0.00 $0.00 $114,631.00 $110,746.93 $117,360.00 $120,213.00

2184.000 324.0080 Senior Citizens Tax .00 .00 300.00 1,069.68 837.00 827.00

2184.000 324.0081 Disabled Veteran Credit .00 .00 300.00 794.53 757.00 819.00

2184.000 324.0082 Electric Tax .00 .00 100.00 .00 100.00 .00

2184.000 324.0095 Communication In-Lieu Tax .00 .00 500.00 573.15 500.00 550.00

2184.000 325.0030 Mobile Home Tax .00 .00 200.00 373.16 200.00 250.00

Intergovernmental Totals $0.00 $0.00 $1,400.00 $2,810.52 $2,394.00 $2,446.00

2184.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments .00 .00 .00 535.98 .00 .00

Interest Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $535.98 $0.00 $0.00

2184.000 357.0175 Contributions-Misc. .00 .00 54,090.00 54,090.00 54,090.00 55,172.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Transfer from General Fund 1.0000 55,172.00 55,172.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $55,172.00

Miscellaneous Totals $0.00 $0.00 $54,090.00 $54,090.00 $54,090.00 $55,172.00

Extraordinary Revenue
2184.000 374.0000 Unrealized Gain on Invest .00 .00 .00 18.36 .00 .00

Extraordinary Revenue Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $18.36 $0.00 $0.00

REVENUE TOTALS $0.00 $0.00 $170,121.00 $168,201.79 $173,844.00 $177,831.00

Animal Control

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2184 - Animal Control Fund


Department 100 - Expenditures

Other Operating Expenses
2184.100 470.0010 Contributions .00 .00 168,000.00 164,500.00 173,844.00 177,831.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $0.00 $0.00 $168,000.00 $164,500.00 $173,844.00 $177,831.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $0.00 $0.00 $168,000.00 $164,500.00 $173,844.00 $177,831.00

Fund 2184 - Animal Control Fund Totals $0.00 $0.00 $2,121.00 $3,701.79 $0.00 $0.00

Convention & Visitors Bureau

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2187 - Convention & Visitors Bureau


Department 000 - Revenues

Selective Sales Tax
2187.000 303.0010 Motel And Room Tax .00 .00 900,000.00 529,768.06 675,000.00 900,000.00

2187.000 303.0015 Car Rental Tax-Airport .00 .00 30,000.00 19,647.07 22,500.00 30,000.00

Selective Sales Tax Totals $0.00 $0.00 $930,000.00 $549,415.13 $697,500.00 $930,000.00

2187.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments .00 .00 .00 1,001.87 .00 .00

Interest Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,001.87 $0.00 $0.00

Extraordinary Revenue
2187.000 374.0000 Unrealized Gain on Invest .00 .00 .00 468.73 .00 .00

Extraordinary Revenue Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $468.73 $0.00 $0.00

REVENUE TOTALS $0.00 $0.00 $930,000.00 $550,885.73 $697,500.00 $930,000.00

Convention & Visitors Bureau

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2187 - Convention & Visitors Bureau


Department 100 - Expenditures

Contractual Services
2187.100 430.0020 Collection Fees .00 .00 9,000.00 9,822.64 6,750.00 9,000.00

Contractual Services Totals $0.00 $0.00 $9,000.00 $9,822.64 $6,750.00 $9,000.00

Other Operating Expenses

2187.100 470.0090 Transfer To Agency .00 .00 891,000.00 569,945.40 668,250.00 891,000.00

2187.100 470.0091 Trs Rental Car Tax to CVB .00 .00 30,000.00 19,647.07 22,500.00 30,000.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $0.00 $0.00 $921,000.00 $589,592.47 $690,750.00 $921,000.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $0.00 $0.00 $930,000.00 $599,415.11 $697,500.00 $930,000.00

Fund 2187 - Convention & Visitors Bureau Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($48,529.38) $0.00 $0.00

American Rescue Plan Grant

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2190 - American Rescue Plan Grant Fund


Department 000 - Revenues

2190.000 321.0001 American Rescue Plan Grant .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 5,719,649.00

Intergovernmental Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,719,649.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
2190.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 4,830,447.00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,830,447.00

REVENUE TOTALS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10,550,096.00

American Rescue Plan Grant

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2190 - American Rescue Plan Grant Fund


Department 100 - Expenditures

Operating Transfers Out
2190.100 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 8,279,782.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Transfer to 2170 - Mental Health Matters 1.0000 100,000.00 100,000.00

Mayor's Budget Trs to 4206-WWTP Improvements 1.0000 3,416,500.00 3,416,500.00

Mayor's Budget Trs to 5200-Wastewater Projects 1.0000 3,416,500.00 3,416,500.00

Mayor's Budget Transfer to 5400 - Stormwater Projects 1.0000 803,000.00 803,000.00

Mayor's Budget Transfer to 4815 - Road Infrastructure 1.0000 543,782.00 543,782.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $8,279,782.00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8,279,782.00

Capital Outlay
2190.100 650.0010 Work In Progress .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 2,150,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget City Hall Security Upgrades 1.0000 150,000.00 150,000.00

Mayor's Budget Building Ventilation Upgrades 1.0000 700,000.00 700,000.00

Mayor's Budget Dark Fiber Installation 1.0000 1,300,000.00 1,300,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $2,150,000.00

Capital Outlay Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,150,000.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10,429,782.00

Fund 2190 - American Rescue Plan Grant Fund Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $120,314.00

COVID Relief Grant Fund

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2193 - Covid Relief Grant Fund


Department 000 - Revenues

Cash Carryover-Budget
2193.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1,932,705.00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,932,705.00

REVENUE TOTALS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,932,705.00

COVID Relief Grant Fund

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2193 - Covid Relief Grant Fund


Department 100 - Expenditures

Operating Transfers Out
2193.100 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1,932,705.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Transfer to 4800.005.0079 - PD Capital Reserve 1.0000 365,000.00 365,000.00

Mayor's Budget Transfer to 2163-Strategic Initiatives/Workforce/Quality of Life 1.0000 1,567,705.00 1,567,705.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,932,705.00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,932,705.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,932,705.00

Fund 2193 - CARES Grant Fund Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Updated: 6/22/21 100 104 106 106 116 121 125
Totals Expenditures CDBG Admin CDBG Projects HomeCents Maintenance Home Admin Home Projects
Estimated Cash Balance as of 1/1/22 $2,734,330 $0 $ 10,091 $ 1,734,239 $ 350,000 $ 250,000 $ - $ 390,000
HUD Grants 566,450 - 113,290 453,160 - - - -
Interest Income 3,000 - 1,500 1,500 - - - -
Miscellaneous Income 153,000 - - - 150,000 3,000 - -
Operating Transfers In
Trs from 5996-Corp Ctr Sale (CDBG portion 36.42%) - - - - - - - -
Trs from 4815-Civic Properties Management * 292,293 - - - - 292,293 - -

Total Revenue 1,014,743 - 114,790 454,660 150,000 295,293 - -

Salaries and Fringes 83,664 - 83,664 - - - - -
Maintenance/Operations 309,293 - 13,000 1,000 - 295,293 - -
Grant Projects 1,603,160 - - 1,453,160 150,000 - - -

Total Expenses 1,996,117 - 96,664 1,454,160 150,000 295,293 - -

Revenues less Expenses (981,374) - 18,126 (999,500) - - - -

Estimated Unreserved Cash Balance 12/31/22 $ 1,752,956 $ - $ 28,217 $ 734,739 $ 350,000 $ 250,000 $ - $ 390,000

* Civic Properties include Town Square, Arbor Lot, Centennial Park, Loon Park and Pillsbury Park
** Assumes Corporate Center I & II Sale Late in 2021
*** Grant projects expense assumes 2/3 of approved projects in the program year will be drawn

Community Development

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2199 - Community Development


Department 000 - Revenues

2199.000 321.0086 CD Block Grant 411,752.00 172,828.91 430,422.00 331,302.67 455,668.00 566,450.00

2199.000 322.0194 Federal Home Program Grant Revenue 350,000.00 48,500.00 .00 13,379.85 .00 .00

Intergovernmental Totals $761,752.00 $221,328.91 $430,422.00 $344,682.52 $455,668.00 $566,450.00

2199.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments 16,000.00 14,304.74 16,000.00 9,703.76 6,250.00 3,000.00

Interest Totals $16,000.00 $14,304.74 $16,000.00 $9,703.76 $6,250.00 $3,000.00

2199.000 357.0091 Town Square Revenue 3,000.00 340.00 5,000.00 557.50 5,000.00 3,000.00

2199.000 357.0231 Program Income-Supl.CDBG 50,000.00 154,493.32 .00 44,314.06 .00 .00

2199.000 357.0232 Program Income-HOME 16,655.00 (26,468.43) 12,000.00 22,321.68 .00 .00

2199.000 357.0233 CDBG Revolving Loan Funds 175,000.00 .00 100,000.00 .00 150,000.00 150,000.00

Miscellaneous Totals $244,655.00 $128,364.89 $117,000.00 $67,193.24 $155,000.00 $153,000.00

Operating Transfers In
2199.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In 479,033.00 503,611.22 4,042,730.00 479,033.00 3,847,577.00 292,293.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget From 4815-Civic Properties Management 1.0000 292,293.00 292,293.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $292,293.00

Operating Transfers In Totals $479,033.00 $503,611.22 $4,042,730.00 $479,033.00 $3,847,577.00 $292,293.00

2199.000 374.0000 Unrealized Gain on Invest .00 4,068.55 .00 3,824.22 .00 .00

Extraordinary Revenue Totals $0.00 $4,068.55 $0.00 $3,824.22 $0.00 $0.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
2199.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget 200,000.00 .00 200,000.00 .00 .00 $2,734,330.00

2199.000 390.0050 Use of Reserve Cash 650,000.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $850,000.00 $0.00 $200,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

REVENUE TOTALS $2,351,440.00 $871,678.31 $4,806,152.00 $904,436.74 $4,464,495.00 $3,749,073.00

Community Development

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2199 - Community Development


Department 100 - Expenditures

Material And Supplies
2199.100 410.0020 Office Supplies 90.00 88.83 .00 .00 .00 .00

Material And Supplies Totals $90.00 $88.83 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Other Operating Expenses

2199.100 460.0050 Education & Training 1,060.00 1,059.79 .00 .00 .00 .00

2199.100 460.0250 Special Assessment Prin. 211.00 177.94 100.00 90.25 .00 .00

2199.100 460.0260 Special Assessment Int. 33.00 32.67 20.00 14.53 .00 .00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $1,304.00 $1,270.40 $120.00 $104.78 $0.00 $0.00

Department 100 - Expenditures Totals $1,394.00 $1,359.23 $120.00 $104.78 $0.00 $0.00

Community Development -
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2199 - Community Development


Department 104 - CDBG Administration

Personnel Services
2199.104 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 63,492.00 63,491.28 86,576.00 79,064.14 77,070.00 42,761.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Construction Compliance Officer 10% - Range 54 1.0000 7,093.00 7,093.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Planner 50% - Range 54 1.0000 27,841.00 27,841.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Administrative Specialist, Senior 5% - Range 41 1.0000 2,453.00 2,453.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Grant Accountant 5% - Range 60 1.0000 4,104.00 4,104.00

Mayor's Budget Salary Plan Increase - 3.06% 1.0000 1,270.00 1,270.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $42,761.00

2199.104 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 120.00 4.89 120.00 35.12 120.00 120.00

2199.104 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 5.00 2.70 .00 .00 8,000.00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $63,617.00 $63,498.87 $86,696.00 $79,099.26 $85,190.00 $42,881.00

Fringe Benefits
2199.104 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 5,154.00 3,696.12 5,974.00 4,620.06 8,282.00 2,659.00

2199.104 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 1,205.00 864.41 1,397.00 1,080.53 1,235.00 622.00

2199.104 401.0020 Unemployment Compensation 312.00 .00 312.00 .00 312.00 312.00

2199.104 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 1,000.00 .00 1,095.00 .00 1,095.00 1,095.00

2199.104 402.0005 Post Employment Health 520.00 437.09 594.00 525.25 520.00 594.00

2199.104 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 14,211.00 11,500.39 15,989.00 12,967.28 14,798.00 5,628.00

2199.104 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 55.00 48.15 63.00 49.57 56.00 65.00

2199.104 402.0030 Disability Insurance 248.00 210.48 291.00 240.83 254.00 141.00

2199.104 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 25,090.00 22,428.48 26,135.00 22,917.00 26,135.00 26,135.00

2199.104 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 1,180.00 564.27 1,291.00 780.75 1,198.00 3,532.00

2199.104 402.0053 Vehicle Flat Rate 420.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

2199.104 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 2.00 1.25 .00 .00 .00 .00

Fringe Benefits Totals $49,397.00 $39,750.64 $53,141.00 $43,181.27 $53,885.00 $40,783.00

Community Development -
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Material And Supplies
2199.104 410.0020 Office Supplies 700.00 512.97 900.00 889.48 700.00 850.00

2199.104 410.0265 Minor Pc Software .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 10,000.00

Material And Supplies Totals $700.00 $512.97 $900.00 $889.48 $700.00 $10,850.00

Contractual Services
2199.104 430.0010 Auditing 1,000.00 700.00 1,000.00 861.52 1,000.00 1,000.00

2199.104 430.0090 Advertising 400.00 176.80 950.00 895.17 500.00 500.00

2199.104 430.0150 Consultants 31,425.00 31,396.64 14,750.00 14,554.31 250.00 250.00

Contractual Services Totals $32,825.00 $32,273.44 $16,700.00 $16,311.00 $1,750.00 $1,750.00

Other Operating Expenses

2199.104 460.0040 Postage 400.00 296.38 200.00 265.08 200.00 200.00

2199.104 460.0050 Education & Training .00 .00 950.00 950.00 .00 .00

2199.104 460.0090 Dues 150.00 150.00 200.00 100.00 .00 .00

2199.104 460.0170 Attorney Fees 580.00 616.00 200.00 .00 200.00 200.00

2199.104 460.0190 Filing Fees 64.00 .00 250.00 220.00 .00 .00

2199.104 470.0010 Contributions 1,000.00 1,000.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $2,194.00 $2,062.38 $1,800.00 $1,535.08 $400.00 $400.00

Department 104 - CDBG Administration Totals $148,733.00 $138,098.30 $159,237.00 $141,016.09 $141,925.00 $96,664.00

Community Development -
CDBG Projects
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2199 - Community Development


Department 106 - CDBG Projects

Personnel Services
2199.106 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 245.00 244.37 .00 .00 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $245.00 $244.37 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fringe Benefits
2199.106 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 15.00 14.15 .00 .00 .00 .00

2199.106 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 4.00 3.31 .00 .00 .00 .00

2199.106 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 49.00 48.54 .00 .00 .00 .00

Fringe Benefits Totals $68.00 $66.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Contractual Services
2199.106 430.0090 Advertising 150.00 .00 150.00 .00 150.00 150.00

2199.106 430.0150 Consultants 81,402.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Contractual Services Totals $81,552.00 $0.00 $150.00 $0.00 $150.00 $150.00

Other Operating Expenses

2199.106 460.0160 Grant/Loan Expense 527,707.00 148,878.91 483,538.00 323,203.24 2,338,610.00 1,603,160.00

2199.106 460.0170 Attorney Fees 1,600.00 1,224.00 500.00 .00 500.00 650.00

2199.106 460.0190 Filing Fees 230.00 40.00 200.00 .00 200.00 200.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $529,537.00 $150,142.91 $484,238.00 $323,203.24 $2,339,310.00 $1,604,010.00

Department 106 - CDBG Projects Totals $611,402.00 $150,453.28 $484,388.00 $323,203.24 $2,339,460.00 $1,604,160.00

Community Development -
Misc Projects
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2199 - Community Development


Department 116 - Miscellaneous Projects

Personnel Services
2199.116 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 228.00 227.27 .00 .00 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $228.00 $227.27 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fringe Benefits
2199.116 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 14.00 13.16 .00 .00 .00 .00

2199.116 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 4.00 3.08 .00 .00 .00 .00

2199.116 402.0005 Post Employment Health 4.00 3.10 .00 .00 .00 .00

2199.116 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 46.00 45.14 .00 .00 .00 .00

2199.116 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 1.00 .33 .00 .00 .00 .00

2199.116 402.0030 Disability Insurance 2.00 1.51 .00 .00 .00 .00

Fringe Benefits Totals $71.00 $66.32 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Material And Supplies

2199.116 410.0020 Office Supplies 300.00 .00 300.00 65.67 300.00 300.00

Material And Supplies Totals $300.00 $0.00 $300.00 $65.67 $300.00 $300.00

2199.116 420.0010 Electricity 8,000.00 6,342.66 8,000.00 4,751.90 8,000.00 8,000.00

2199.116 420.0020 Building Heat 788.00 787.95 600.00 629.43 500.00 500.00

2199.116 420.0030 Water, Sewer & Refuse 3,000.00 230.46 3,000.00 235.16 3,000.00 3,000.00

Utilities Totals $11,788.00 $7,361.07 $11,600.00 $5,616.49 $11,500.00 $11,500.00

Contractual Services
2199.116 430.0090 Advertising 100.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Contractual Services Totals $100.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Maintenance Structures
2199.116 440.0010 Mtce Buildings & Grounds 140,000.00 68,106.00 140,000.00 132,968.27 142,475.00 148,988.00

2199.116 440.0015 Mtce-Snow Removal 25,000.00 9,397.65 25,000.00 13,057.84 25,000.00 25,000.00

2199.116 440.0045 Mtce-Mowing 100,000.00 41,850.00 100,000.00 77,369.87 100,000.00 100,000.00

Maintenance Structures Totals $265,000.00 $119,353.65 $265,000.00 $223,395.98 $267,475.00 $273,988.00

Community Development -
Misc Projects
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Maintenance Equipment
2199.116 450.0160 Mtce Vehicles/Motor Eq. 500.00 .00 500.00 648.21 500.00 500.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $500.00 $0.00 $500.00 $648.21 $500.00 $500.00

Other Operating Expenses

2199.116 460.0110 Fire & Tornado Insurance 628.00 627.66 627.00 622.86 500.00 500.00

2199.116 460.0120 Fleet & Gen.Liab.Insuranc 100.00 63.92 100.00 72.54 100.00 100.00

2199.116 460.0160 Grant/Loan Expense .00 .00 55.00 52.50 .00 .00

2199.116 460.0170 Attorney Fees 1,750.00 .00 1,750.00 .00 1,750.00 1,750.00

2199.116 460.0190 Filing Fees .00 .00 .00 30.00 .00 .00

2199.116 460.0250 Special Assessment Prin. 525.00 .00 250.00 .00 250.00 250.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Downtown Pocket Parks 1.0000 250.00 250.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $250.00

2199.116 460.0260 Special Assessment Int. 150.00 .00 50.00 .00 50.00 50.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Downtown Pocket Parks 1.0000 50.00 50.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $50.00

2199.116 470.0010 Contributions 6,355.00 .00 6,355.00 .00 6,355.00 6,355.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $9,508.00 $691.58 $9,187.00 $777.90 $9,005.00 $9,005.00

Operating Transfers Out

2199.116 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out 693,839.00 693,838.27 .00 .00 .00 .00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $693,839.00 $693,838.27 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Department 116 - Miscellaneous Projects Totals $981,334.00 $821,538.16 $286,587.00 $230,504.25 $288,780.00 $295,293.00

Community Development -
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2199 - Community Development


Department 121 - Home Administration

Personnel Services
2199.121 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 36,532.00 36,531.51 7,000.00 7,060.15 11,192.00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $36,532.00 $36,531.51 $7,000.00 $7,060.15 $11,192.00 $0.00

Fringe Benefits
2199.121 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 2,197.00 2,196.52 400.00 424.34 694.00 .00

2199.121 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 514.00 513.68 100.00 99.23 162.00 .00

2199.121 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 95.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

2199.121 402.0005 Post Employment Health 239.00 238.95 75.00 61.28 74.00 .00

2199.121 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 2,870.00 2,870.40 550.00 583.29 2,307.00 .00

2199.121 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 26.00 25.34 10.00 5.68 .00 .00

2199.121 402.0030 Disability Insurance 112.00 111.06 30.00 28.64 8.00 .00

2199.121 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 1,045.00 934.52 1,200.00 954.00 1,045.00 .00

2199.121 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 1,737.00 1,736.27 300.00 252.72 .00 .00

Fringe Benefits Totals $8,835.00 $8,626.74 $2,665.00 $2,409.18 $4,290.00 $0.00

Material And Supplies

2199.121 410.0020 Office Supplies 800.00 16.27 50.00 74.50 .00 .00

Material And Supplies Totals $800.00 $16.27 $50.00 $74.50 $0.00 $0.00

Contractual Services
2199.121 430.0090 Advertising 800.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Contractual Services Totals $800.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Other Operating Expenses

2199.121 460.0190 Filing Fees 40.00 40.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $40.00 $40.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Department 121 - Home Administration Totals $47,007.00 $45,214.52 $9,715.00 $9,543.83 $15,482.00 $0.00

Community Development -
HOME Projects
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 2199 - Community Development


Department 125 - Home Projects

Other Operating Expenses
2199.125 460.0160 Grant/Loan Expense 350,000.00 33,500.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $350,000.00 $33,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Department 125 - Home Projects Totals $350,000.00 $33,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

REVENUE GRAND TOTALS $2,351,440.00 $871,678.31 $4,806,152.00 $904,436.74 $4,464,495.00 $3,749,073.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $2,139,870.00 $1,190,163.49 $940,047.00 $704,372.19 $2,785,647.00 $1,996,117.00

Fund 2199 - Community Development Totals $211,570.00 ($318,485.18) $3,866,105.00 $200,064.55 $1,678,848.00 $1,752,956.00

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

Debt Service Funds (continued)

2022 Debt Schedule Fiscal & Consultant
Principal Pmt Interest Pmt Charges Operating
Due Due Due Transfers Out Total Payment

General Obligation Bonds:

2008"B" GO Dike Refunding Bond $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

2011 "E" GO Dike Bonds 250,000 7,500 1,000 - 258,500
2016C GO Refunding Bonds 305,000 53,700 1,000 - 359,700

Total General Obligation Bonds $555,000 $61,200 $2,000 $0 $618,200

Revenue Bonds:

Sidewalk Warrants - - - 25,000 $25,000

2001 "D" SRL Wastewater Treatment Plant-Phase II - - - - -
2002 "C" SRL Wastewater Treatment Plant-Phase III - - - - -
2005 "E" SRL BioSolids 260,000 27,125 4,775 - 291,900
2009B Wastewater Reserve Revenue Bond 120,000 45,200 1,000 - 166,200
2011D Sewer Reserve Revenue Bond 125,000 49,788 1,000 - 175,788
2011 "A" SalesTax Reserve Revenue Bond - Dike - - - - -
2011 "F" SalesTax Reserve Revenue Bond - Dike - - - - -
2012 "B" Water Reserve Revenue Bond 185,000 57,475 1,000 - 243,475
2015 "A" Sanitation Revenue Bond 260,000 189,638 1,000 - 450,638
2015 "C" Sewer Reserve Revenue Bond 115,000 59,674 1,000 - 175,674
2015 "D" Sales Tax Revenue Refunding Bond 2,775,000 1,244,850 1,000 - 4,020,850
2016 "B" Sanitation Reserve Revenue Bond - - - - -
2016 1st Bank of ND Loan - Wastewater 74,262 45,184 - - 119,445
2016 2nd Bank of ND Loan - Wastewater 191,363 122,588 - - 313,951
2016 "D" Mosquito Control Reserve Revenue Bond 85,000 8,900 1,000 - 94,900
2017 SRF Loan WTP 1,660,000 965,550 321,850 - 2,947,400
2018A SRF WWTP Disinfection 235,000 124,875 41,625 - 401,500
2019C Sanitation Reserve Revenue Bond/Interest 140,000 112,115 1,000 - 253,115
2019A SRF WWTP Improvements 30,000 17,400 5,800 - 53,200
2022 San Reserve Refunding Bond Cell C Construction 750,000 150,000 1,000 - 901,000
2022 SRF Loan - WWTP Improvements $ - $ 75,000 $ - $ - $ 75,000

Total Revenue Bonds $ 7,005,625 $ 3,295,360 $ 383,050 $ 25,000 $10,709,035

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

Debt Service Funds (continued)

2022 Debt Schedule

Fiscal & Consultant

Principal Pmt Interest Pmt Charges Operating
Due Due Due Transfers Out Total Payment
Refunding Improvement Bonds:

2006C Refunding Improvement Bond 120,000 4,950 1,000 - 125,950

2007D Refunding Improvement Bond 325,000 32,302 1,000 24,736 383,038
2008D Refunding Improvement Bond - - - - -
2009E Refunding Improvement Bond 100,000 35,650 1,000 - 136,650
2009C Refunding Improvement Refunding Bond - - - 579,136 579,136
2010C Refunding Improvement Bond - - - - -
2002A SRL Water Reclamation Phase I - - - - -
2002B SRL Water Reclamation Phase II - - - - -
2010B Refunding improvement Dike Bond - - - - -
2011B Refunding Improvement Bond-Dike 135,000 7,643 1,000 - 143,643
2011C Refunding Improvement Bond 305,000 83,556 1,000 - 389,556
2012A Refunding Improvement Refunding Bond 255,000 49,643 1,000 - 305,643
2013A Refunding Improvement Bond 505,000 175,112 1,000 - 681,112
2014A Refunding Improvement Bond 565,000 223,936 1,000 - 789,936
2015B Refunding Improvement Bond 415,000 142,100 1,000 - 558,100
2016A Refunding Improvement Bond 310,000 119,702 1,000 - 430,702
2016 Bank of ND - SA Loan 135,338 86,698 - - 222,036
2017B Refunding Improvement Bond 450,000 345,862 1,000 - 796,862
2018B Refunding Improvement Bond - 537,200 1,000 - 538,200
2019B Refunding Improvements Bond 575,000 763,793 1,000 - 1,339,793
2020A Refunding Improvements Bond 175,000 141,518 1,000 - 317,518
2020B Refunding Improvements Refunding Bond $ 205,000 $ 48,600 $ 1,000 $ - $ 254,600

Total Refunding Improvement Bonds 4,575,338 2,798,265 15,000 603,872 7,992,475

Total Liability $ 12,135,963 $6,154,825 $400,050 $628,872 $19,319,710

Bikeway Capital Projects

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 4108 - Bikeway Capital Projects


Department 000 - Revenues

4108.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments .00 8,642.03 .00 3,030.36 .00 .00

Interest Totals $0.00 $8,642.03 $0.00 $3,030.36 $0.00 $0.00

Extraordinary Revenue
4108.000 374.0000 Unrealized Gain on Invest .00 5,096.86 .00 1,643.71 .00 .00

Extraordinary Revenue Totals $0.00 $5,096.86 $0.00 $1,643.71 $0.00 $0.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
4108.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget 290,000.00 .00 25,000.00 .00 .00 .00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $290,000.00 $0.00 $25,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

REVENUE TOTALS $290,000.00 $13,738.89 $25,000.00 $4,674.07 $0.00 $0.00

Bikeway Capital Projects

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 4108 - Bikeway Capital Projects


Department 100 - Expenditures

Operating Transfers Out
4108.100 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out 170,000.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $170,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Capital Outlay
4108.100 650.0010 Work In Progress 295,383.00 288,342.49 25,000.00 128,436.39 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $295,383.00 $288,342.49 $25,000.00 $128,436.39 $0.00 $0.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $465,383.00 $288,342.49 $25,000.00 $128,436.39 $0.00 $0.00

Fund 4108 - Bikeway Capital Projects Totals ($175,383.00) ($274,603.60) $0.00 ($123,762.32) $0.00 $0.00

Underpass and Bridge
Construction Reserve
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 4122 - Underpass/Bridges Constr


Department 000 - Revenues

4122.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments 20,538.00 40,129.34 21,862.00 27,442.75 21,862.00 23,050.00

Interest Totals $20,538.00 $40,129.34 $21,862.00 $27,442.75 $21,862.00 $23,050.00

Operating Transfers In
4122.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Transfer from 4815 1.0000 100,000.00 100,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $100,000.00

Operating Transfers In Totals $100,000.00 $100,000.00 $100,000.00 $100,000.00 $100,000.00 $100,000.00

Extraordinary Revenue
4122.000 374.0000 Unrealized Gain on Invest .00 27,162.08 .00 17,074.26 .00 .00

Extraordinary Revenue Totals $0.00 $27,162.08 $0.00 $17,074.26 $0.00 $0.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
4122.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget 2,053,785.00 .00 2,186,250.00 .00 2,186,250.00 2,304,999.00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $2,053,785.00 $0.00 $2,186,250.00 $0.00 $2,186,250.00 $2,304,999.00

REVENUE TOTALS $2,174,323.00 $167,291.42 $2,308,112.00 $144,517.01 $2,308,112.00 $2,428,049.00

Underpass and Bridge
Construction Reserve
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 4122 - Underpass/Bridges Constr


Department 100 - Expenditures

Operating Transfers Out
4122.100 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out 150,000.00 .00 150,000.00 150,000.00 .00 400,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Transfer to 4815 - N. Washington Reconstruction/Underpass 1.0000 400,000.00 400,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $400,000.00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $150,000.00 $0.00 $150,000.00 $150,000.00 $0.00 $400,000.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $150,000.00 $0.00 $150,000.00 $150,000.00 $0.00 $400,000.00

Fund 4122 - Underpass/Bridges Constr Totals $2,024,323.00 $167,291.42 $2,158,112.00 ($5,482.99) $2,308,112.00 $2,028,049.00

Public Works Facility Remodel

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 4126 - PWF Remodel


Department 000 - Revenues

4126.000 322.0197 State Energy Conservation Grant .00 .00 .00 26,264.00 .00 .00

Intergovernmental Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $26,264.00 $0.00 $0.00

4126.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments 1,555.00 3,310.55 2,329.00 2,768.02 2,329.00 2,000.00

Interest Totals $1,555.00 $3,310.55 $2,329.00 $2,768.02 $2,329.00 $2,000.00

Operating Transfers In
4126.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In 100,000.00 100,000.00 143,000.00 143,000.00 .00 .00

Operating Transfers In Totals $100,000.00 $100,000.00 $143,000.00 $143,000.00 $0.00 $0.00

Extraordinary Revenue
4126.000 374.0000 Unrealized Gain on Invest .00 3,100.49 .00 1,631.34 .00 .00

Extraordinary Revenue Totals $0.00 $3,100.49 $0.00 $1,631.34 $0.00 $0.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
4126.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget 155,508.00 .00 232,945.00 .00 232,945.00 200,000.00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $155,508.00 $0.00 $232,945.00 $0.00 $232,945.00 $200,000.00

REVENUE TOTALS $257,063.00 $106,411.04 $378,274.00 $173,663.36 $235,274.00 $202,000.00

Public Works Facility Remodel

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 4126 - PWF Remodel


Department 100 - Expenditures

Capital Outlay
4126.100 650.0010 Work In Progress 223,381.00 24,550.22 163,500.00 68,190.80 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $223,381.00 $24,550.22 $163,500.00 $68,190.80 $0.00 $0.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $223,381.00 $24,550.22 $163,500.00 $68,190.80 $0.00 $0.00

Fund 4126 - PWF Remodel Totals $33,682.00 $81,860.82 $214,774.00 $105,472.56 $235,274.00 $202,000.00

Flood Protection Capital
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 4154 - Flood Protection Capital Mtce


Department 000 - Revenues

General Sales Tax
4154.000 302.0050 City Use Tax-1% .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 919,218.00

General Sales Tax Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $919,218.00

Special Assessments
4154.000 350.0010 Current Sp Assessments 139,200.00 143,793.19 152,351.00 169,289.60 169,128.00 765,585.00

4154.000 350.0030 Deferred Sp Assessments .00 44,247.18 .00 220,122.89 .00 .00

4154.000 350.0050 Interest Sp Assessments 101,092.00 114,060.82 106,218.00 131,526.44 114,401.00 198,175.00

4154.000 350.0060 Sp Assess Paid In Advance .00 2,976.12 .00 74,248.17 .00 .00

4154.000 350.0061 Deferred SA Paid in Advance .00 2,076.14 .00 2,166.69 .00 .00

Special Assessments Totals $240,292.00 $307,153.45 $258,569.00 $597,353.79 $283,529.00 $963,760.00

4154.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments 27,012.00 58,259.12 27,391.00 39,819.45 25,829.00 37,903.00

Interest Totals $27,012.00 $58,259.12 $27,391.00 $39,819.45 $25,829.00 $37,903.00

Operating Transfers In
4154.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In .00 .00 .00 50,000.00 .00 .00

Operating Transfers In Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 $0.00 $0.00

Extraordinary Revenue
4154.000 374.0000 Unrealized Gain on Invest .00 39,318.48 .00 23,476.50 .00 .00

Extraordinary Revenue Totals $0.00 $39,318.48 $0.00 $23,476.50 $0.00 $0.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
4154.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget 2,701,154.00 .00 2,776,040.00 .00 2,582,920.00 3,790,347.00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $2,701,154.00 $0.00 $2,776,040.00 $0.00 $2,582,920.00 $3,790,347.00

REVENUE TOTALS $2,968,458.00 $404,731.05 $3,062,000.00 $710,649.74 $2,892,278.00 $5,711,228.00

Flood Protection Capital
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 4154 - Flood Protection Capital Mtce


Department 100 - Expenditures

Contractual Services
4154.100 430.0090 Advertising .00 3,378.03 .00 1,638.52 .00 .00

4154.100 430.0150 Consultants .00 .00 .00 74,040.50 .00 .00

Contractual Services Totals $0.00 $3,378.03 $0.00 $75,679.02 $0.00 $0.00

Other Operating Expenses

4154.100 460.0040 Postage .00 40.90 .00 38.90 .00 .00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $0.00 $40.90 $0.00 $38.90 $0.00 $0.00

Capital Outlay
4154.100 650.0010 Work In Progress 1,683,720.00 726,507.31 858,072.00 333,446.53 1,350,000.00 1,470,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget English Coulee Diversion Erosion Repair 1.0000 150,000.00 150,000.00

Mayor's Budget English Coulee Diversion Silt Removal 1.0000 150,000.00 150,000.00

Mayor's Budget Floodwall Restain/Recaulk/Spall Repair 1.0000 120,000.00 120,000.00

Mayor's Budget Flood Study & Recertification 1.0000 150,000.00 150,000.00

Mayor's Budget Greenway Trail Overlay 1.0000 100,000.00 100,000.00

Mayor's Budget Pump Station Control/Drive Replacement 1.0000 600,000.00 600,000.00

Mayor's Budget Flood Station Rehabilitation 1.0000 150,000.00 150,000.00

Mayor's Budget Misc. Riprap Replacement 1.0000 50,000.00 50,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,470,000.00

Capital Outlay Totals $1,683,720.00 $726,507.31 $858,072.00 $333,446.53 $1,350,000.00 $1,470,000.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $1,683,720.00 $729,926.24 $858,072.00 $409,164.45 $1,350,000.00 $1,470,000.00

Fund 4154 - Flood Protection Capital Mtce Totals $1,284,738.00 ($325,195.19) $2,203,928.00 $301,485.29 $1,542,278.00 $4,241,228.00

Waterworks Capital Projects

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 4201 - Waterworks Capital Proj.


Department 000 - Revenues

Other Financing Sources
4201.000 363.0020 Proceeds-Revenue Bonds .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 5,000,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget SRF Loan for WTP Decommissioning 1.0000 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $5,000,000.00

Other Financing Sources Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,000,000.00

REVENUE TOTALS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,000,000.00

Waterworks Capital Projects

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 4201 - Waterworks Capital Proj.


Department 100 - Expenditures

Capital Outlay
4201.100 650.0010 Work In Progress .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 5,000,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget WTP Decommissioning 1.0000 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $5,000,000.00

Capital Outlay Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,000,000.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,000,000.00

Fund 4201 - Waterworks Capital Proj. Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Wastewater Capital Projects

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 4202 - Wastewater Capital Proj.


Department 000 - Revenues

Other Financing Sources
4202.000 363.0020 Proceeds-Revenue Bonds .00 .00 .00 .00 3,000,000.00 4,000,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget SRF Loan for New LS #48 1.0000 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $4,000,000.00

Other Financing Sources Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,000,000.00 $4,000,000.00

Operating Transfers In
4202.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In .00 89,785.36 .00 1,138,700.00 .00 .00

Operating Transfers In Totals $0.00 $89,785.36 $0.00 $1,138,700.00 $0.00 $0.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
4202.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget .00 .00 400,000.00 .00 .00 .00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $0.00 $0.00 $400,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

REVENUE TOTALS $0.00 $89,785.36 $400,000.00 $1,138,700.00 $3,000,000.00 $4,000,000.00

Wastewater Capital Projects

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 4202 - Wastewater Capital Proj.


Department 100 - Expenditures

Capital Outlay
4202.100 650.0010 Work In Progress .00 407,529.74 400,000.00 821,751.15 3,000,000.00 4,000,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget New LS #48 1.0000 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $4,000,000.00

Capital Outlay Totals $0.00 $407,529.74 $400,000.00 $821,751.15 $3,000,000.00 $4,000,000.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $0.00 $407,529.74 $400,000.00 $821,751.15 $3,000,000.00 $4,000,000.00

Fund 4202 - Wastewater Capital Proj. Totals $0.00 ($317,744.38) $0.00 $316,948.85 $0.00 $0.00

Sanitation Capital Projects

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 4204 - Sanitation Cap't Projects


Department 000 - Revenues

4204.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments .00 8,587.25 .00 31,060.99 .00 .00

Interest Totals $0.00 $8,587.25 $0.00 $31,060.99 $0.00 $0.00

Other Financing Sources

4204.000 363.0020 Proceeds-Revenue Bonds 1,500,000.00 .00 1,500,000.00 .00 .00 6,405,700.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 2022 Bond for Cell C Construction 1.0000 6,405,700.00 6,405,700.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $6,405,700.00

Other Financing Sources Totals $1,500,000.00 $0.00 $1,500,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6,405,700.00

Operating Transfers In
4204.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In .00 3,529,840.35 .00 .00 .00 .00

Operating Transfers In Totals $0.00 $3,529,840.35 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Extraordinary Revenue
4204.000 374.0000 Unrealized Gain on Invest .00 .00 .00 12,865.33 .00 .00

Extraordinary Revenue Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12,865.33 $0.00 $0.00

REVENUE TOTALS $1,500,000.00 $3,538,427.60 $1,500,000.00 $43,926.32 $0.00 $6,405,700.00

Sanitation Capital Projects

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 4204 - Sanitation Cap't Projects


Department 100 - Expenditures

Capital Outlay
4204.100 650.0010 Work In Progress 1,500,000.00 670,541.00 1,500,000.00 3,657,543.43 .00 6,405,700.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Cell C Construction 1.0000 6,405,700.00 6,405,700.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $6,405,700.00

Capital Outlay Totals $1,500,000.00 $670,541.00 $1,500,000.00 $3,657,543.43 $0.00 $6,405,700.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $1,500,000.00 $670,541.00 $1,500,000.00 $3,657,543.43 $0.00 $6,405,700.00

Fund 4204 - Sanitation Cap't Projects Totals $0.00 $2,867,886.60 $0.00 ($3,613,617.11) $0.00 $0.00

Water Treatment Plant Capital
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 4205 - WTP Capital Project Fund


Department 000 - Revenues

4205.000 322.0130 Water Commission Grant 17,400,000.00 .00 3,500,000.00 .00 .00 .00

Intergovernmental Totals $17,400,000.00 $0.00 $3,500,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Other Financing Sources

4205.000 363.0020 Proceeds-Revenue Bonds 17,400,000.00 .00 3,500,000.00 .00 .00 .00

Other Financing Sources Totals $17,400,000.00 $0.00 $3,500,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Operating Transfers In
4205.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In .00 41,319,208.45 .00 19,392,752.09 .00 .00

Operating Transfers In Totals $0.00 $41,319,208.45 $0.00 $19,392,752.09 $0.00 $0.00

REVENUE TOTALS $34,800,000.00 $41,319,208.45 $7,000,000.00 $19,392,752.09 $0.00 $0.00

Water Treatment Plant Capital
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 4205 - WTP Capital Project Fund


Department 100 - Expenditures

Capital Outlay
4205.100 650.0010 Work In Progress 34,800,000.00 41,664,344.87 7,000,000.00 13,524,997.54 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $34,800,000.00 $41,664,344.87 $7,000,000.00 $13,524,997.54 $0.00 $0.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $34,800,000.00 $41,664,344.87 $7,000,000.00 $13,524,997.54 $0.00 $0.00

Fund 4205 - WTP Capital Project Fund Totals $0.00 ($345,136.42) $0.00 $5,867,754.55 $0.00 $0.00

Wastewater Treatment Plant
Capital Project
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 4206 - WWTP Capital Project Fund


Department 000 - Revenues

Other Financing Sources
4206.000 363.0020 Proceeds-Revenue Bonds .00 .00 1,400,000.00 .00 1,400,000.00 3,883,500.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget SRF Loan 1.0000 3,883,500.00 3,883,500.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $3,883,500.00

Other Financing Sources Totals $0.00 $0.00 $1,400,000.00 $0.00 $1,400,000.00 $3,883,500.00

Operating Transfers In
4206.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In .00 4,391,181.97 308,892.00 636,660.28 .00 3,416,500.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Trs in from ARPA Fund #2190-ARPA grant proceeds 1.0000 3,416,500.00 3,416,500.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $3,416,500.00

Operating Transfers In Totals $0.00 $4,391,181.97 $308,892.00 $636,660.28 $0.00 $3,416,500.00

REVENUE TOTALS $0.00 $4,391,181.97 $1,708,892.00 $636,660.28 $1,400,000.00 $7,300,000.00

Wastewater Treatment Plant
Capital Project
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 4206 - WWTP Capital Project Fund


Department 100 - Expenditures

Capital Outlay
4206.100 650.0010 Work In Progress .00 3,224,284.49 1,708,892.00 95,524.85 1,400,000.00 7,300,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget WWTP Improvements Phase 1A 1.0000 7,300,000.00 7,300,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $7,300,000.00

Capital Outlay Totals $0.00 $3,224,284.49 $1,708,892.00 $95,524.85 $1,400,000.00 $7,300,000.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $0.00 $3,224,284.49 $1,708,892.00 $95,524.85 $1,400,000.00 $7,300,000.00

Fund 4206 - WWTP Capital Project Fund Totals $0.00 $1,166,897.48 $0.00 $541,135.43 $0.00 $0.00

Wastewater BND Capital
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 4702 - WW BND Capital Project Fund


Department 000 - Revenues

4702.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments .00 (1,915.14) .00 (921.07) .00 .00

Interest Totals $0.00 ($1,915.14) $0.00 ($921.07) $0.00 $0.00

Other Financing Sources

4702.000 363.0020 Proceeds-Revenue Bonds .00 .00 .00 .00 1,600,000.00 .00

4702.000 363.0036 Proceeds of BND Loan 1,200,000.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Other Financing Sources Totals $1,200,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,600,000.00 $0.00

Operating Transfers In
4702.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In .00 .00 .00 104,531.69 .00 .00

Operating Transfers In Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $104,531.69 $0.00 $0.00

REVENUE TOTALS $1,200,000.00 ($1,915.14) $0.00 $103,610.62 $1,600,000.00 $0.00

Wastewater BND Capital
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 4702 - WW BND Capital Project Fund


Department 100 - Expenditures

Capital Outlay
4702.100 650.0010 Work In Progress 1,200,000.00 .00 .00 .00 1,600,000.00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $1,200,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,600,000.00 $0.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $1,200,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,600,000.00 $0.00

Fund 4702 - WW BND Capital Project Fund Totals $0.00 ($1,915.14) $0.00 $103,610.62 $0.00 $0.00

Wastewater 2nd BND Capital
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 4703 - WW 2nd BND Capital Project Fund


Department 000 - Revenues

4703.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments .00 (19,041.24) .00 (5,634.20) .00 .00

Interest Totals $0.00 ($19,041.24) $0.00 ($5,634.20) $0.00 $0.00

Operating Transfers In
4703.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In .00 .00 .00 1,241,024.67 .00 .00

Operating Transfers In Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,241,024.67 $0.00 $0.00

REVENUE TOTALS $0.00 ($19,041.24) $0.00 $1,235,390.47 $0.00 $0.00

Wastewater 2nd BND Capital
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 4703 - WW 2nd BND Capital Project Fund


Department 100 - Expenditures

Capital Outlay
4703.100 650.0010 Work In Progress .00 43,410.18 .00 847.50 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $0.00 $43,410.18 $0.00 $847.50 $0.00 $0.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $0.00 $43,410.18 $0.00 $847.50 $0.00 $0.00

Fund 4703 - WW 2nd BND Capital Project Fund Totals $0.00 ($62,451.42) $0.00 $1,234,542.97 $0.00 $0.00

Capital Replacement Fund

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 4800 - Capital Replacement Fund


Department 000 - Revenues

4800.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments .00 36,666.97 .00 25,644.13 .00 .00

Interest Totals $0.00 $36,666.97 $0.00 $25,644.13 $0.00 $0.00

Other Financing Sources

4800.000 361.0089 Gain on Sale of Capital Assets .00 .00 .00 6,000.00 .00 .00

4800.000 363.0005 Proceeds - Capital Lease .00 .00 .00 407,578.00 .00 .00

Other Financing Sources Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $413,578.00 $0.00 $0.00

Operating Transfers In
4800.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In 211,513.00 211,513.00 1,269,851.00 1,155,321.00 349,251.00 920,531.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Trs from Streets - #6241 Capital Lease Wheel Loader Pmt 1.0000 28,899.00 28,899.00

Mayor's Budget Trs from Streets - #6342 Capital Lease Motor Grader 1.0000 84,019.00 84,019.00

Mayor's Budget Trs from Streets - #6352 Capital Lease Motor Grader 1.0000 88,506.00 88,506.00

Mayor's Budget Trs from Fund 2175-#6506 Capital Lease Trailer Mounted Unit 1.0000 17,581.00 17,581.00

Mayor's Budget Transfer from Fund 2175 - Capital Lease Single Op Unit 1.0000 47,471.00 47,471.00

Mayor's Budget Trs from Streets - #6570 & 6571 - Leases 1.0000 85,220.00 85,220.00

Mayor's Budget Fire - Use of Fire Reserve 1.0000 150,000.00 150,000.00

Mayor's Budget Police - Use of CARES Funding 1.0000 365,000.00 365,000.00

Mayor's Budget Trs from Streets - #6231 Capital Lease Payloader 1.0000 11,274.00 11,274.00

Mayor's Budget Trs from Streets - #6591 & #6952 1.0000 42,561.00 42,561.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $920,531.00

Operating Transfers In Totals $211,513.00 $211,513.00 $1,269,851.00 $1,155,321.00 $349,251.00 $920,531.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
4800.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget 507,600.00 .00 507,600.00 .00 .00 .00

4800.000 390.0050 Use of Reserve Cash 56,738.00 .00 89,575.00 .00 100,000.00 2,840.00

Budget Transactions

Capital Replacement Fund

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Police - Use of Reserves 1.0000 2,840.00 2,840.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $2,840.00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $564,338.00 $0.00 $597,175.00 $0.00 $100,000.00 $2,840.00

REVENUE TOTALS $775,851.00 $248,179.97 $1,867,026.00 $1,594,543.13 $449,251.00 $923,371.00

Capital Replacement Fund

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 4800 - Capital Replacement Fund


Department 100 - Expenditures

Contractual Services
4800.100 430.0030 Lease & Rental 154,251.00 152,774.00 354,251.00 238,244.00 349,251.00 405,531.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Street Dept - Motor Grader #6342 6 of 6 Pmts 1.0000 84,019.00 84,019.00

Mayor's Budget Street Dept - Motor Grader #6352 6 of 6 Pmts 1.0000 88,506.00 88,506.00

Mayor's Budget Fund 2175-Trailer Mounted Unit #6506 for Streets 5 of 5 Pmts 1.0000 17,581.00 17,581.00

Mayor's Budget Fund 2175-Single Operator Unit for Streets 5 of 5 Pmts 1.0000 47,471.00 47,471.00

Mayor's Budget Street Dept - Tandem Trucks - #6570 & 6571 1.0000 85,220.00 85,220.00

Mayor's Budget Street Dept - WheelLoader 6241 - 5 of 5 Pmts 1.0000 28,899.00 28,899.00

Mayor's Budget Street Dept - Payloader - #6231 2 of 5 Pmts 1.0000 11,274.00 11,274.00

Mayor's Budget Street Dept - International Cab & Chassis - #6591 & 6952 1.0000 42,561.00 42,561.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $405,531.00

Contractual Services Totals $154,251.00 $152,774.00 $354,251.00 $238,244.00 $349,251.00 $405,531.00

Capital Outlay
4800.100 700.0050 Gen Equipment N.O.C. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 141,840.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget In Car Video & MDC 1.0000 66,780.00 66,780.00

Mayor's Budget Police Changeover Costs 1.0000 75,060.00 75,060.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $141,840.00

4800.100 700.0100 Cars & Light Duty Trucks 51,000.00 43,022.61 49,000.00 .00 .00 226,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Police Vehicles (1/3rd of Fleet + Unmarked) 1.0000 226,000.00 226,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $226,000.00

4800.100 700.0120 Trucks & Mounted Equipmt 570,600.00 8,059.94 548,175.00 947,965.07 100,000.00 128,500.00

Capital Replacement Fund

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Engineering - Vehicle #72 Replacement 1.0000 23,500.00 23,500.00

Mayor's Budget Fire - Equipment for Aerial 1.0000 80,000.00 80,000.00

Mayor's Budget Inspections - Vehicle #75 Replacement 1.0000 25,000.00 25,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $128,500.00

Capital Outlay Totals $621,600.00 $51,082.55 $597,175.00 $947,965.07 $100,000.00 $496,340.00

Non-Current Outlay
4800.100 996.0000 Non-Current Outlays .00 .00 840,600.00 .00 .00 .00

Non-Current Outlay Totals $0.00 $0.00 $840,600.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $775,851.00 $203,856.55 $1,792,026.00 $1,186,209.07 $449,251.00 $901,871.00

Fund 4800 - Capital Replacement Fund Totals $0.00 $44,323.42 $75,000.00 $408,334.06 $0.00 $21,500.00

Street & Infrastructure

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 4815 - Street/Infrastructure Fund


Department 000 - Revenues

General Sales Tax
4815.000 302.0010 City Sales Tax 2,896,954.00 3,105,013.95 2,896,954.00 3,102,928.48 2,467,231.00 3,102,929.00

4815.000 302.0050 City Use Tax-1% 859,575.00 919,836.12 859,575.00 919,218.32 735,869.00 .00

General Sales Tax Totals $3,756,529.00 $4,024,850.07 $3,756,529.00 $4,022,146.80 $3,203,100.00 $3,102,929.00

4815.000 324.0050 Highway Users Tax 3,300,000.00 3,421,032.85 3,390,000.00 3,084,801.40 2,907,878.00 3,084,801.00

4815.000 326.0030 UND Project Reimbursement .00 46,973.88 .00 .00 .00 .00

Intergovernmental Totals $3,300,000.00 $3,468,006.73 $3,390,000.00 $3,084,801.40 $2,907,878.00 $3,084,801.00

4815.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments 117,294.00 293,150.09 130,011.00 172,955.64 85,799.00 103,149.00

Interest Totals $117,294.00 $293,150.09 $130,011.00 $172,955.64 $85,799.00 $103,149.00

4815.000 357.0092 Contributions .00 .00 3,000.00 3,000.00 .00 .00

Miscellaneous Totals $0.00 $0.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $0.00 $0.00

Operating Revenues
4815.000 338.0060 Tapping Mains-Other Svcs .00 1,397.03 .00 1,372.24 .00 .00

Operating Revenues Totals $0.00 $1,397.03 $0.00 $1,372.24 $0.00 $0.00

Operating Transfers In
4815.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In 3,919,700.00 2,761,014.05 3,628,800.00 2,900,000.00 2,469,680.00 4,151,321.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Transfer In from 2175 - Water/Street Sales Tax 1.0000 3,207,539.00 3,207,539.00

Mayor's Budget Transfer in From 4122 - Bridge Reserve - N. Wash Underpass 1.0000 400,000.00 400,000.00

Mayor's Budget Transfer from 2190 - CRF Funds for Roads 1.0000 543,782.00 543,782.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $4,151,321.00

Operating Transfers In Totals $3,919,700.00 $2,761,014.05 $3,628,800.00 $2,900,000.00 $2,469,680.00 $4,151,321.00

Extraordinary Revenue

Street & Infrastructure

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
4815.000 374.0000 Unrealized Gain on Invest .00 187,112.66 .00 100,458.36 .00 .00

Extraordinary Revenue Totals $0.00 $187,112.66 $0.00 $100,458.36 $0.00 $0.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
4815.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget 14,859,402.00 .00 14,892,492.00 .00 8,579,923.00 10,314,962.00

4815.000 390.0050 Use of Reserve Cash .00 .00 .00 .00 1,174,650.00 0.00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $14,859,402.00 $0.00 $14,892,492.00 $0.00 $9,754,573.00 $10,314,962.00

REVENUE TOTALS $25,952,925.00 $10,735,530.63 $25,800,832.00 $10,284,734.44 $18,421,030.00 $20,757,162.00

Street & Infrastructure

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 4815 - Street/Infrastructure Fund


Department 100 - Expenditures

Contractual Services
4815.100 430.0014 GF Services Reimbursement 395,464.00 395,464.00 423,820.00 423,819.96 428,826.00 468,549.00

4815.100 430.0150 Consultants 230,000.00 74,044.13 .00 150,571.00 .00 50,000.00

Contractual Services Totals $625,464.00 $469,508.13 $423,820.00 $574,390.96 $428,826.00 $518,549.00

Other Operating Expenses

4815.100 460.0010 Interdepartmental Reimbur 68,178.00 68,178.00 68,178.00 68,178.00 68,178.00 68,178.00

4815.100 460.0040 Postage .00 .00 .00 48.85 .00 .00

4815.100 470.0030 Matching/Federal Grant 91,159.00 66,856.50 75,000.00 45,106.83 75,000.00 75,000.00

4815.100 470.0040 Contingency 100,000.00 12,000.00 100,000.00 17,772.00 100,000.00 100,000.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $259,337.00 $147,034.50 $243,178.00 $131,105.68 $243,178.00 $243,178.00

Operating Transfers Out

4815.100 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out 2,823,815.00 7,971,896.21 6,418,377.00 6,361,815.17 2,908,430.00 1,742,293.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Transfer to Bridge Cap Proj Fund - 4122 1.0000 100,000.00 100,000.00

Mayor's Budget To 2199 - Civic Properties Management 1.0000 292,293.00 292,293.00

Mayor's Budget To 4891 - ADA Sidewalk Approaches 1.0000 50,000.00 50,000.00

Mayor's Budget To General Fund - For Street Operations 1.0000 1,300,000.00 1,300,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,742,293.00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $2,823,815.00 $7,971,896.21 $6,418,377.00 $6,361,815.17 $2,908,430.00 $1,742,293.00

Capital Outlay
4815.100 600.0010 Land Acquisition .00 .00 .00 69,393.14 .00 .00

4815.100 650.0010 Work In Progress 12,937,678.00 4,939,989.83 8,616,150.00 5,353,147.96 12,222,000.00 8,705,750.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Alerus Parking Lot Rehabilitation 1.0000 150,000.00 150,000.00

Mayor's Budget LED Replacement Program 1.0000 60,000.00 60,000.00

Mayor's Budget Quiet Zone Redundancy 1.0000 50,000.00 50,000.00

Mayor's Budget Bikepath Maintenance 1.0000 50,000.00 50,000.00

Street & Infrastructure

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget N Wash Reconstruct (Underpass-Use of Bridge Reserve) 1.0000 400,000.00 400,000.00

Mayor's Budget Demers Ave Overpass Rehab 1.0000 200,000.00 200,000.00

Mayor's Budget N 4th St (Demers Ave to 1st Ave N) 1.0000 800,000.00 800,000.00

Mayor's Budget Mill Rd Mill & Overlay COVID Funding 1.0000 215,350.00 215,350.00

Mayor's Budget N 5th St (Gateway Dr to Demers Ave) Chip Seal 1.0000 10,000.00 10,000.00

Mayor's Budget Belmont Rd (47th Ave S to Rivers Edge Dr) 1.0000 1,144,000.00 1,144,000.00

Mayor's Budget S 20th St (20th Ave S to 24th Ave S 1.0000 910,400.00 910,400.00

Mayor's Budget Downtown Alley Reconstruct 1.0000 200,000.00 200,000.00

Mayor's Budget Maintenance of Street Lights 1.0000 120,000.00 120,000.00

Mayor's Budget Minor Intersection Improvement 1.0000 94,000.00 94,000.00

Mayor's Budget Pavement Management 1.0000 10,000.00 10,000.00

Mayor's Budget N Wash Reconstruct (5th Ave S to 1st Ave N- Inc. Underpass) 1.0000 900,000.00 900,000.00

Mayor's Budget Traffic Signal & School Beacon Interconnect 1.0000 50,000.00 50,000.00

Mayor's Budget S 20th St. (62nd Ave S to 66th Ave S) 1.0000 672,000.00 672,000.00

Mayor's Budget Traffic Signal Mtce 1.0000 180,000.00 180,000.00

Mayor's Budget Minor Street Repair 1.0000 330,000.00 330,000.00

Mayor's Budget Street Mtce Program (3% Increase per Year) 1.0000 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00

Mayor's Budget Intelligent Transportation System 1.0000 90,000.00 90,000.00

Mayor's Budget Diamond Grade Reflectivity of Signs 1.0000 20,000.00 20,000.00

Mayor's Budget Industrial Park Rehabilitation 1.0000 50,000.00 50,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $8,705,750.00

4815.100 700.0050 Gen Equipment N.O.C. 26,000.00 24,025.50 26,000.00 25,405.60 26,000.00 26,000.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget UPS Replacement Batteries 1.0000 6,000.00 6,000.00

Mayor's Budget Centracts Traffic Signal Software Upd/License Renewal 1.0000 20,000.00 20,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $26,000.00

Capital Outlay Totals $12,963,678.00 $4,964,015.33 $8,642,150.00 $5,447,946.70 $12,248,000.00 $8,731,750.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $16,672,294.00 $13,552,454.17 $15,727,525.00 $12,515,258.51 $15,828,434.00 $11,235,770.00

Fund 4815 - Street/Infrastructure Fund Totals $9,280,631.00 ($2,816,923.54) $10,073,307.00 ($2,230,524.07) $2,592,596.00 $9,521,392.00

Sidewalk Repair

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 4891 - Sidewalk Repair


Department 000 - Revenues

4891.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments .00 1,009.05 .00 971.26 .00 .00

Interest Totals $0.00 $1,009.05 $0.00 $971.26 $0.00 $0.00

Operating Transfers In
4891.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In 50,000.00 25,000.00 50,000.00 25,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Transfer from 4815 1.0000 50,000.00 50,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $50,000.00

Operating Transfers In Totals $50,000.00 $25,000.00 $50,000.00 $25,000.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00

Extraordinary Revenue
4891.000 374.0000 Unrealized Gain on Invest .00 639.25 .00 525.82 .00 .00

Extraordinary Revenue Totals $0.00 $639.25 $0.00 $525.82 $0.00 $0.00

REVENUE TOTALS $50,000.00 $26,648.30 $50,000.00 $26,497.08 $50,000.00 $50,000.00

Sidewalk Repair

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 4891 - Sidewalk Repair


Department 100 - Expenditures

Capital Outlay
4891.100 650.0010 Work In Progress 50,000.00 .00 49,000.00 18,062.90 50,000.00 50,000.00

Capital Outlay Totals $50,000.00 $0.00 $49,000.00 $18,062.90 $50,000.00 $50,000.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $50,000.00 $0.00 $49,000.00 $18,062.90 $50,000.00 $50,000.00

Fund 4891 - Sidewalk Repair Totals $0.00 $26,648.30 $1,000.00 $8,434.18 $0.00 $0.00

2021 Special Assessment
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 4921 - 2021 Sp Assessment Projects


Department 000 - Revenues

4921.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments .00 .00 .00 (.05) .00 .00

Interest Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($0.05) $0.00 $0.00

Other Financing Sources

4921.000 363.0030 Proceeds-Refunding Bonds .00 .00 .00 .00 5,895,000.00 .00

Other Financing Sources Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,895,000.00 $0.00

Operating Transfers In
4921.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In .00 .00 .00 .00 105,000.00 .00

Operating Transfers In Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $105,000.00 $0.00

REVENUE TOTALS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($0.05) $6,000,000.00 $0.00

2021 Special Assessment
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 4921 - 2021 Sp Assessment Projects


Department 100 - Expenditures

Capital Outlay
4921.100 650.0010 Work In Progress .00 .00 .00 73,101.15 6,000,000.00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $73,101.15 $6,000,000.00 $0.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $73,101.15 $6,000,000.00 $0.00

Fund 4921 - 2021 Sp Assessment Projects Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($73,101.20) $0.00 $0.00

2022 Special Assessment
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 4922 - 2022 Sp Assessment Projects


Department 000 - Revenues

Other Financing Sources
4922.000 363.0030 Proceeds-Refunding Bonds .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 8,245,000.00

Other Financing Sources Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8,245,000.00

Operating Transfers In
4922.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 255,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Transfer from 2145 - Sidewalks 1.0000 25,000.00 25,000.00

Mayor's Budget Transfer In from 5300 - Water Main Upsizing (Various) 1.0000 80,000.00 80,000.00

Mayor's Budget Transfer from 5300 - Water Main Upsizing N 39th St. 1.0000 150,000.00 150,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $255,000.00

Operating Transfers In Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $255,000.00

REVENUE TOTALS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8,500,000.00

2022 Special Assessment
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 4922 - 2022 Sp Assessment Projects


Department 100 - Expenditures

Capital Outlay
4922.100 650.0010 Work In Progress .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 8,500,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Various Special Assessment Projects (Including Sidewalks) 1.0000 8,500,000.00 8,500,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $8,500,000.00

Capital Outlay Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8,500,000.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8,500,000.00

Fund 4922 - 2022 Sp Assessment Projects Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Nuisance Abatements

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 4999 - Nuisance Abatements


Department 000 - Revenues

Special Assessments
4999.000 350.0010 Current Sp Assessments 26,000.00 24,457.70 6,559.00 24,367.85 1,882.00 1,882.00

4999.000 350.0050 Interest Sp Assessments 700.00 460.45 308.00 332.37 150.00 93.00

4999.000 350.0060 Sp Assess Paid In Advance 7,000.00 12,279.30 7,000.00 4,420.00 7,000.00 5,000.00

Special Assessments Totals $33,700.00 $37,197.45 $13,867.00 $29,120.22 $9,032.00 $6,975.00

4999.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments 1,198.00 2,928.01 1,416.00 1,474.73 1,265.00 672.00

Interest Totals $1,198.00 $2,928.01 $1,416.00 $1,474.73 $1,265.00 $672.00

Operating Revenues
4999.000 338.0220 Other Services & Charges .00 .00 .00 520.00 .00 .00

Operating Revenues Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $520.00 $0.00 $0.00

Extraordinary Revenue
4999.000 374.0000 Unrealized Gain on Invest .00 1,904.73 .00 969.60 .00 .00

Extraordinary Revenue Totals $0.00 $1,904.73 $0.00 $969.60 $0.00 $0.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
4999.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget 119,817.00 .00 191,680.00 .00 126,524.00 67,227.00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $119,817.00 $0.00 $191,680.00 $0.00 $126,524.00 $67,227.00

REVENUE TOTALS $154,715.00 $42,030.19 $206,963.00 $32,084.55 $136,821.00 $74,874.00

Nuisance Abatements

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 4999 - Nuisance Abatements


Department 100 - Expenditures

Contractual Services
4999.100 430.0040 Nuisance Abatement 15,000.00 10,252.86 15,000.00 9,926.26 15,000.00 15,000.00

4999.100 430.0090 Advertising 850.00 754.21 350.00 480.00 350.00 350.00

Contractual Services Totals $15,850.00 $11,007.07 $15,350.00 $10,406.26 $15,350.00 $15,350.00

Other Operating Expenses

4999.100 460.0040 Postage 150.00 158.85 150.00 18.65 150.00 150.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $150.00 $158.85 $150.00 $18.65 $150.00 $150.00

Operating Transfers Out

4999.100 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out 25,000.00 25,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Transfer Cash to General Fund 1.0000 25,000.00 25,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $25,000.00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $75,000.00 $75,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $41,000.00 $36,165.92 $90,500.00 $85,424.91 $40,500.00 $40,500.00

Fund 4999 - Nuisance Abatements Totals $113,715.00 $5,864.27 $116,463.00 ($53,340.36) $96,321.00 $34,374.00

2022 Estimated Utility Rate Structure:

Average Monthly Single Family Residential Utility Bill :

(Using 6,000 gallons per month)

Budget % of 2022 Estimated

2021 Bill 2022 Bill Est. Increase Increase

5/8" meter-minimum charge $8.73 $8.73 0.0% $0.00

Estimated Water Usage $27.06 $27.06 0.0% $0.00
Refuse $18.89 $18.89 0.0% $0.00
Wastewater-minimum chrge $14.39 $14.68 2.0% $0.29
Wastewater $20.07 $20.47 2.0% $0.40
Mosquito $3.00 $3.00 0.0% $0.00
Stormwater $3.18 $3.31 4.0% $0.13
Flood Protection/Greenway Mtce $1.49 $1.52 2.0% $0.03

Total $96.81 $97.66 0.87% $0.85

2022 SANITATION BUDGET Revised 6/23/21

Estimated Cash Balance as of 1/1/22 $ 3,500,000

User Utility Billing 7,474,000 * 1%=

Landfill Revenue 2,878,500 ** 74,740
Interest Income 100,000 28,785
Other Operating Revenue
Special Refuse Pickup 550,000 Target Cash
Rental Income 19,620 25% of Op Exp:
Other Income 6,500 $ 8,167,744
Total Other Operating Revenue 576,120 25%
Operating Trs In 32,329 $ 2,041,936
2015A San Res Revenue Refunding Bond 7.19% 32,329

Total Revenue $ 11,060,949

Salaries and Fringes $ 3,337,191
Maintenance/Operations 4,830,553
Debt Service Expense 704,753
New Debt Service - Cell C 900,000
Operating Transfers Out 15,000
Central Garage-Fleet Asset Mgmt-Warranty/PM/Bid Specs 15,000
CIP/*Non-Recurring Capital Expenses 1,261,000
5110: Branch/Tree Debris Chipping 80,000
5110: Landfill Operations Equipment 100,000
5110: Landfill Renewal and Rehab 100,000
5110: Other Capital 1,000
5120: Scale Building Upgrade-Furniture and Fixtures 15,000
5130: Yard Waste Drop Site Expansion/Improvements 80,000
5130: Replace Res Refuse Containers - 60, 90, and 300 gal 150,000
5130: Replace Front Load Roll Off Containers 100,000
5130: Fleet Vehicle Replacement 25,000
5130: 2-Refuse Collection Trucks-Replacement 600,000
5130: Other Capital 10,000

Total Expenses $ 11,048,497

Revenues less Expenses $ 12,452
Estimated Unreserved Cash Balance 12/31/22 $ 3,512,452
*This reflects a 0.0% increase overall in User Utility fees: 0% increase in Single Family Residential Rates,
0% decrease in Multi-Family/Commercial Rates.
**This reflects a 0.0% rate increase in MSW Landfill Tipping Fee, 0.0% increase in Inert Waste and Special Waste Tipping Fees.

Estimated Cash Reserved for Construction/Closure 12/31/22: $ 3,720,248

Reserved for Future Landfill/Baling Costs (2,043,213)
Reserved for Landfill Closure/Post Closure Costs (1,677,035)
Undesignated $ -


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5100 - Sanitation


Department 000 - Revenues

5100.000 321.0020 FEMA .00 .00 1,024.00 1,024.82 .00 .00

5100.000 321.0021 FEMA-97 Flood .00 .00 .00 22,851.19 .00 .00

Intergovernmental Totals $0.00 $0.00 $1,024.00 $23,876.01 $0.00 $0.00

5100.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments 84,000.00 156,165.31 115,000.00 105,872.65 95,000.00 100,000.00

Interest Totals $84,000.00 $156,165.31 $115,000.00 $105,872.65 $95,000.00 $100,000.00

5100.000 357.0090 Rental Income 19,620.00 19,620.00 19,620.00 19,620.00 19,620.00 19,620.00

Miscellaneous Totals $19,620.00 $19,620.00 $19,620.00 $19,620.00 $19,620.00 $19,620.00

Other Financing Sources

5100.000 361.0089 Gain on Sale of Capital Assets .00 19,249.66 .00 6,000.00 .00 .00

5100.000 361.0090 Sale Of Property .00 1,852.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Other Financing Sources Totals $0.00 $21,101.66 $0.00 $6,000.00 $0.00 $0.00

Operating Revenues
5100.000 338.0010 User Utility Billing 7,400,000.00 7,352,570.04 7,474,000.00 7,268,644.78 7,474,000.00 7,474,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Assumes 0% rate increase 1.0000 7,474,000.00 7,474,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $7,474,000.00

5100.000 338.0160 Landfill Charges 2,850,000.00 2,786,773.97 2,878,500.00 2,374,896.10 2,878,500.00 2,878,500.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Assumes 0% rate increase 1.0000 2,878,500.00 2,878,500.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $2,878,500.00

5100.000 338.0175 Sale Of Scrap 6,000.00 5,683.10 6,000.00 5,433.21 6,000.00 6,000.00

5100.000 338.0180 Special Refuse Collection 500,000.00 496,005.66 500,000.00 554,161.42 500,000.00 550,000.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5100.000 338.0230 Other N.O.C 500.00 485.49 500.00 454.82 500.00 500.00

Operating Revenues Totals $10,756,500.00 $10,641,518.26 $10,859,000.00 $10,203,590.33 $10,859,000.00 $10,909,000.00

Operating Transfers In
5100.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In 44,786.00 44,616.80 35,890.00 35,815.92 32,329.00 32,329.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Trs in for 5200 share of 2015A San Res Revenue Ref Bond-7.19% 1.0000 32,329.00 32,329.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $32,329.00

Operating Transfers In Totals $44,786.00 $44,616.80 $35,890.00 $35,815.92 $32,329.00 $32,329.00

Extraordinary Revenue
5100.000 374.0000 Unrealized Gain on Invest .00 51,109.80 .00 31,917.09 .00 .00

Extraordinary Revenue Totals $0.00 $51,109.80 $0.00 $31,917.09 $0.00 $0.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
5100.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget 3,444,765.00 .00 4,054,942.00 .00 3,200,000.00 3,500,000.00

5100.000 390.0050 Use of Reserve Cash .00 .00 200,000.00 .00 .00 .00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $3,444,765.00 $0.00 $4,254,942.00 $0.00 $3,200,000.00 $3,500,000.00

REVENUE TOTALS $14,349,671.00 $10,934,131.83 $15,285,476.00 $10,426,692.00 $14,205,949.00 $14,560,949.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5100 - Sanitation


Department 100 - Expenditures

Sub Department 1 - Administrative & General

Personnel Services
5100.100.1 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 143,129.00 137,344.83 131,615.00 132,409.25 129,953.00 133,926.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Public Works Operations Director 50% - Range 75 1.0000 57,918.00 57,918.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Administrative Specialist, Senior 30% - Range 41 1.0000 14,290.00 14,290.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - GIS Administrator 25% - Range 59 1.0000 17,399.00 17,399.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Public Works Facilities/Admin Position 50% - Range 44 1.0000 29,261.00 29,261.00

Mayor's Budget Salary Plan Increase - 3.06% 1.0000 3,976.00 3,976.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Administrative Specialist 30% - Range 36 1.0000 11,082.00 11,082.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $133,926.00

5100.100.1 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 1,200.00 7,794.80 495.00 495.00 7,500.00 7,500.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Internship Fund 1.0000 7,500.00 7,500.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $7,500.00

5100.100.1 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 850.00 849.63 1,834.00 1,508.89 250.00 250.00

5100.100.1 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 323.00 1,092.42 323.00 1,126.15 323.00 323.00

Personnel Services Totals $145,502.00 $147,081.68 $134,267.00 $135,539.29 $138,026.00 $141,999.00

Fringe Benefits
5100.100.1 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 7,952.00 8,937.60 9,777.00 8,016.14 8,558.00 8,804.00

5100.100.1 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 1,860.00 2,090.49 2,286.00 1,874.98 2,001.00 2,059.00

5100.100.1 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 200.00 200.00 200.00 127.34 200.00 200.00

5100.100.1 402.0005 Post Employment Health 817.00 981.83 1,065.00 866.40 916.00 916.00

5100.100.1 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 19,740.00 14,730.68 18,985.00 12,718.52 13,516.00 14,009.00

5100.100.1 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 87.00 104.18 113.00 86.11 98.00 100.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5100.100.1 402.0025 Life Insurance-Retirees 2,300.00 2,568.70 2,300.00 2,853.08 2,300.00 2,300.00

5100.100.1 402.0030 Disability Insurance 400.00 448.89 494.00 389.39 429.00 442.00

5100.100.1 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 27,558.00 35,393.00 27,558.00 38,292.00 27,558.00 27,558.00

5100.100.1 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 4,175.00 5,962.47 6,291.00 6,008.67 5,991.00 6,278.00

5100.100.1 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 575.00 575.00 480.00 470.00 600.00 600.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $65,664.00 $71,992.84 $69,549.00 $71,702.63 $62,167.00 $63,266.00

Material And Supplies

5100.100.1 410.0010 Books & Subscriptions 367.00 366.24 .00 .00 200.00 200.00

5100.100.1 410.0020 Office Supplies .00 .00 115.00 2,289.36 400.00 400.00

5100.100.1 410.0265 Minor Pc Software .00 .00 .00 .00 2,600.00 2,600.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Pictometry Flight (50% share) 3rd of 6 yr annual shared cost 1.0000 2,600.00 2,600.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $2,600.00

Material And Supplies Totals $367.00 $366.24 $115.00 $2,289.36 $3,200.00 $3,200.00

Contractual Services
5100.100.1 430.0010 Auditing 3,819.00 3,158.00 4,126.00 4,125.17 4,000.00 4,000.00

5100.100.1 430.0014 GF Services Reimbursement 961,047.00 961,047.00 980,317.00 980,316.96 1,016,996.00 1,078,170.00

5100.100.1 430.0090 Advertising .00 .00 .00 .00 100.00 100.00

5100.100.1 430.0110 Printing 2,535.00 2,534.95 2,133.00 2,364.34 .00 .00

5100.100.1 430.0150 Consultants 2,223.00 2,223.73 21,278.00 21,958.06 20,000.00 20,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Cost of Service Annual Update 1.0000 20,000.00 20,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $20,000.00

5100.100.1 430.0170 Maintenance Agreements 8,813.00 8,617.36 2,470.00 2,264.63 7,000.00 7,000.00

Contractual Services Totals $978,437.00 $977,581.04 $1,010,324.00 $1,011,029.16 $1,048,096.00 $1,109,270.00

Maintenance Structures
5100.100.1 440.0100 Mtce Streets,Alleys,Svcrd 44,698.00 44,697.89 39,162.00 39,161.58 50,000.00 50,000.00

Maintenance Structures Totals $44,698.00 $44,697.89 $39,162.00 $39,161.58 $50,000.00 $50,000.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Maintenance Equipment
5100.100.1 450.0160 Mtce Vehicles/Motor Eq. .00 .00 788.00 788.00 .00 .00

5100.100.1 450.0610 IS-Capital Replacement Ex 2,400.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 .00

5100.100.1 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 1,600.00 1,600.00 3,200.00 3,200.00 3,200.00 .00

5100.100.1 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 24,600.00 24,600.00 24,600.00 24,600.00 24,600.00 .00

5100.100.1 450.0640 IT Services .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 62,087.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $28,600.00 $28,600.00 $30,988.00 $30,988.00 $30,200.00 $62,087.00

Other Operating Expenses

5100.100.1 460.0010 Interdepartmental Reimbur 197,021.00 197,021.00 197,021.00 197,021.04 197,021.00 197,021.00

5100.100.1 460.0015 Cell Phone Charges .00 .00 .00 .00 400.00 400.00

5100.100.1 460.0040 Postage 2,039.00 2,391.52 5,000.00 4,301.79 5,000.00 5,000.00

5100.100.1 460.0090 Dues 2,007.00 2,007.00 3,000.00 2,793.00 3,000.00 3,000.00

5100.100.1 460.0105 Vehicle Registration 121.00 134.00 150.00 31.50 150.00 150.00

5100.100.1 460.0110 Fire & Tornado Insurance 525.00 514.41 525.00 524.78 400.00 400.00

5100.100.1 460.0120 Fleet & Gen.Liab.Insuranc 72,888.00 72,887.02 74,557.00 75,025.95 40,000.00 40,000.00

5100.100.1 460.0240 Real Estate Tax 879.00 878.79 928.00 927.31 7,000.00 7,000.00

5100.100.1 460.0245 Paymt In Lieu of Taxes 44,092.00 44,092.00 45,510.00 45,510.00 45,744.00 68,433.00

5100.100.1 460.0250 Special Assessment Prin. 2,674.00 2,673.33 1,700.00 6,746.79 1,700.00 1,700.00

5100.100.1 460.0260 Special Assessment Int. 317.00 316.95 700.00 7,528.30 700.00 700.00

5100.100.1 470.0020 Refunds 4,000.00 4,000.00 1,000.00 939.18 1,000.00 1,000.00

5100.100.1 470.0040 Contingency .00 .00 16,311.00 3,300.00 50,000.00 50,000.00

5100.100.1 470.0120 Bad Debt Expense 11,740.00 16,282.82 14,989.00 10,710.24 .00 .00

5100.100.1 470.0150 Loss on Sale of Fixed Asset .00 .00 .00 112,117.49 .00 .00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $338,303.00 $343,198.84 $361,391.00 $467,477.37 $352,115.00 $374,804.00

5100.100.1 850.0010 Depreciation Expense .00 1,688,002.60 .00 1,665,388.99 .00 .00

Depreciation Totals $0.00 $1,688,002.60 $0.00 $1,665,388.99 $0.00 $0.00

Operating Transfers Out

5100.100.1 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out 108,187.00 3,631,527.35 69,313.00 69,313.00 15,000.00 15,000.00

Budget Transactions


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Transfer to Central Garage-Fleet Asset Mgmt-Warranty/PM/Bid Spec 1.0000 15,000.00 15,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $15,000.00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $108,187.00 $3,631,527.35 $69,313.00 $69,313.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00

Debt Service Principal

5100.100.1 800.0010 Principal Retirement 1,230,000.00 .00 1,265,000.00 .00 1,115,000.00 1,150,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 2015A San Reserve Rev/Refunding Bond (Refi 2009A BABS to 2039) 1.0000 260,000.00 260,000.00

Mayor's Budget 2019C San Reserve Revenue Bond (2020-2040) 1.0000 140,000.00 140,000.00

Mayor's Budget 2022 San Reserve Refunding Bond-Cell C Construction 1.0000 750,000.00 750,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,150,000.00

Debt Service Principal Totals $1,230,000.00 $0.00 $1,265,000.00 $0.00 $1,115,000.00 $1,150,000.00

Debt Service Interest

5100.100.1 800.0020 Interest Expense 377,788.00 241,057.42 331,488.00 313,754.67 331,753.00 451,753.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 2015A San Reserve Rev/Refunding Bond (Refi 2009A BABS to 2039) 1.0000 189,637.50 189,637.50

Mayor's Budget 2022 San Reserve Revenue Bond Cell C Construction (2022 to 2026) 1.0000 150,000.00 150,000.00

Mayor's Budget 2019C San Reserve Revenue Bond Scale/Baling Rehab (2020-2040) 1.0000 112,115.00 112,115.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $451,752.50

5100.100.1 800.0030 Fiscal Charges 3,000.00 6,567.67 3,000.00 3,175.00 3,000.00 3,000.00

5100.100.1 800.0035 Bond Issue Costs .00 82,980.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Debt Service Interest Totals $380,788.00 $330,605.09 $334,488.00 $316,929.67 $334,753.00 $454,753.00

Sub Department 1 - Administrative & General Totals $3,320,546.00 $7,263,653.57 $3,314,597.00 $3,809,819.05 $3,148,557.00 $3,424,379.00

Sanitation - Landfill

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5100 - Sanitation


Department 100 - Expenditures

Sub Department 5110 - Landfill Services

Personnel Services
5100.100.5110 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 225,946.00 215,433.09 230,556.00 253,240.28 272,304.00 561,893.00

Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget 4 - Heavy Equipment Operator - Range 44 1.0000 221,939.00 221,939.00

Mayor's Budget 2 - Equipment Operator, Lead - Range 53 1.0000 123,750.00 123,750.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - PW Supervisor, Landfill/Baling - Range 56 1.0000 74,028.00 74,028.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Network Specialist 10% - Range 49 1.0000 5,701.00 5,701.00

Mayor's Budget 2- Equipment Operator, Senior - Range 49 1.0000 119,792.00 119,792.00

Mayor's Budget Salary Plan Increase - 3.06% 1.0000 16,683.00 16,683.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $561,893.00

5100.100.5110 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary .00 .00 800.00 705.12 .00 43,141.00

5100.100.5110 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 41,500.00 40,036.81 27,000.00 27,112.26 40,000.00 75,000.00

5100.100.5110 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 2,400.00 1,036.28 2,400.00 1,833.18 2,400.00 8,200.00

Personnel Services Totals $269,846.00 $256,506.18 $260,756.00 $282,890.84 $314,704.00 $688,234.00

Fringe Benefits
5100.100.5110 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 18,522.00 15,085.03 19,676.00 16,188.38 20,218.00 42,671.00

5100.100.5110 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 4,332.00 3,528.07 4,602.00 3,786.09 4,729.00 9,979.00
5100.100.5110 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 16,000.00 8,272.89 16,000.00 4,262.70 16,000.00 29,800.00

5100.100.5110 402.0005 Post Employment Health 2,228.00 1,930.57 2,252.00 2,139.64 2,228.00 4,455.00

5100.100.5110 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 50,676.00 44,134.19 49,376.00 51,898.17 52,506.00 84,748.00

5100.100.5110 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 237.00 204.98 239.00 198.52 241.00 490.00

5100.100.5110 402.0030 Disability Insurance 808.00 692.62 870.00 750.87 899.00 1,854.00

5100.100.5110 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 66,846.00 71,908.00 66,846.00 70,179.00 66,846.00 94,620.00

5100.100.5110 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 8,971.00 4,289.32 12,399.00 6,532.33 14,714.00 26,522.00

5100.100.5110 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 540.00 540.00 730.00 810.00 1,080.00 1,680.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $169,160.00 $150,585.67 $172,990.00 $156,745.70 $179,461.00 $296,819.00

Sanitation - Landfill

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Material And Supplies
5100.100.5110 410.0020 Office Supplies 3,390.00 3,389.64 2,447.00 2,521.79 2,000.00 3,000.00

5100.100.5110 410.0040 Janitorial Supplies 3.00 .00 446.00 445.67 300.00 1,050.00

5100.100.5110 410.0050 Mechanical & Welding 297.00 296.82 .00 1,330.00 .00 300.00

5100.100.5110 410.0065 Safety & Medical Supplies 950.00 775.43 2,350.00 681.49 2,350.00 4,635.00

Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Reflective Safety Jackets/Vests 9.0000 150.00 1,350.00

Mayor's Budget Uniform Shirts - Reflective 9.0000 70.00 630.00

Mayor's Budget Safety Boots 9.0000 150.00 1,350.00

Mayor's Budget Personal Protective Equipment 9.0000 100.00 900.00

Mayor's Budget Audiology Testing 9.0000 45.00 405.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $4,635.00

5100.100.5110 410.0100 Clothing 500.00 404.96 500.00 174.11 500.00 1,350.00

Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Clothing Allowance 9.0000 150.00 1,350.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,350.00

5100.100.5110 410.0160 Ammunition 465.00 465.00 1,097.00 1,096.02 500.00 500.00

5100.100.5110 410.0170 Minor Tools & Equipment 3,395.00 3,394.89 2,923.00 3,082.61 2,000.00 4,500.00

5100.100.5110 410.0190 Diesel Fuel 101,500.00 103,077.06 100,000.00 75,532.19 100,000.00 122,000.00

5100.100.5110 410.0200 Gasoline 9,600.00 8,801.60 10,000.00 6,812.61 10,000.00 10,500.00

5100.100.5110 410.0210 Oil, Anti-Freeze, Etc. .00 .00 243.00 242.49 .00 .00

5100.100.5110 410.0265 Minor Pc Software .00 .00 500.00 .00 500.00 1,000.00

Material And Supplies Totals $120,100.00 $120,605.40 $120,506.00 $91,918.98 $118,150.00 $148,835.00

5100.100.5110 420.0010 Electricity 14,500.00 13,601.05 10,500.00 10,491.00 12,000.00 37,000.00

5100.100.5110 420.0020 Building Heat 20,744.00 20,743.55 17,000.00 11,883.98 20,000.00 40,000.00

5100.100.5110 420.0030 Water, Sewer & Refuse .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 8,000.00

5100.100.5110 420.0031 Leachate Treatment 92,467.00 110,960.00 275,931.00 276,103.96 198,388.00 177,237.00

Budget Transactions

Sanitation - Landfill

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Leachate Treatment (WWTP) 1.0000 177,237.00 177,237.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $177,237.00

Utilities Totals $127,711.00 $145,304.60 $303,431.00 $298,478.94 $230,388.00 $262,237.00

Contractual Services
5100.100.5110 430.0010 Auditing .00 .00 .00 .00 200.00 200.00

5100.100.5110 430.0030 Lease & Rental 223,869.00 15,982.85 299,815.00 48,897.16 225,798.00 400,361.00

Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Cap Lease-#3133 LF Refuse Compactor 1 of 5 pymts Trade #3132 1.0000 120,000.00 120,000.00

Mayor's Budget Cap Lease-#3112 LF Refuse Compactor 3 of 5 pymts 1.0000 168,495.00 168,495.00

Mayor's Budget Cap Lease-#3252 LF Wheel Loader 1 of 5 pymts Trade #3251 1.0000 45,000.00 45,000.00

Mayor's Budget Cap Lease-#3272 LF Dozer 1 of 5 pymts Trade #3271 1.0000 55,000.00 55,000.00

Mayor's Budget Cap Lease #3304 Skid Steer Loader 3 of 3 ann pymts Trade#3303 1.0000 11,866.00 11,866.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $400,361.00

5100.100.5110 430.0050 Pest Control Services 11,925.00 11,568.60 20,592.00 11,567.30 12,000.00 12,000.00

5100.100.5110 430.0090 Advertising 399.00 398.70 100.00 22.12 100.00 100.00

5100.100.5110 430.0100 Cleaning & Laundry Svcs 400.00 399.78 237.00 378.99 200.00 6,200.00

5100.100.5110 430.0110 Printing 692.00 691.85 686.00 685.27 200.00 200.00

5100.100.5110 430.0150 Consultants 127,983.00 131,466.17 128,000.00 188,743.30 128,000.00 133,000.00

Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Landfill GW Monitoring 1.0000 58,000.00 58,000.00

Mayor's Budget Landfill Master Planning/Tech Consulting 1.0000 50,000.00 50,000.00

Mayor's Budget MSW Landfill Operations Consulting 1.0000 25,000.00 25,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $133,000.00

5100.100.5110 430.0170 Maintenance Agreements 33,281.00 30,281.28 50,391.00 52,913.70 30,281.00 66,200.00

Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Cap Lease #3133 LF Compactor Mnce Agreement 1.0000 21,000.00 21,000.00

Mayor's Budget Cap Lease #3252 Wheel Loader Mnce Agreement 1.0000 10,000.00 10,000.00

Sanitation - Landfill

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget Landfill Software Support-Pd Quarterly 4.0000 1,000.00 4,000.00

Mayor's Budget Cap Lease #3272 LF Dozer Mnce Agreement 1.0000 10,000.00 10,000.00

Mayor's Budget Cap Lease #3112 LF Compactor Mnce Agreement 1.0000 21,200.00 21,200.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $66,200.00

5100.100.5110 430.0195 Prof.Fee-Flex.Benefit Pln .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 75.00

Contractual Services Totals $398,549.00 $190,789.23 $499,821.00 $303,207.84 $396,779.00 $618,336.00

Maintenance Structures
5100.100.5110 440.0010 Mtce Buildings & Grounds 34,449.00 34,448.23 32,094.00 33,483.30 20,000.00 40,000.00

Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget MSW & Inert LF, Scale Mtce 1.0000 20,000.00 20,000.00

Mayor's Budget Misc Mtce 1.0000 20,000.00 20,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $40,000.00

5100.100.5110 440.0015 Mtce-Snow Removal .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 10,000.00

5100.100.5110 440.0121 Wildlife Mitigation .00 .00 1,720.00 2,816.18 .00 24,000.00

Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget USDA/UAS Services (20% share) 1.0000 24,000.00 24,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $24,000.00

5100.100.5110 455.0010 Lf Closure/Postclosureexp 2,431.00 417,018.93 .00 374,833.54 20,000.00 20,000.00

Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Post-Closure Care - Fences, Gates, Structures 1.0000 20,000.00 20,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $20,000.00

Maintenance Structures Totals $36,880.00 $451,467.16 $33,814.00 $411,133.02 $40,000.00 $94,000.00

Maintenance Equipment
5100.100.5110 450.0010 Mtce Air Cond. & Heating 12,562.00 12,561.03 3,153.00 3,552.36 200.00 4,700.00

5100.100.5110 450.0020 Mtce Installed Mech Equip 1,657.00 1,656.45 877.00 24.65 200.00 200.00

5100.100.5110 450.0080 Mtce Refuse Containers .00 .00 .00 10.00 .00 .00

5100.100.5110 450.0160 Mtce Vehicles/Motor Eq. 230,207.00 253,586.75 290,162.00 263,184.78 105,000.00 165,000.00

5100.100.5110 450.0610 IS-Capital Replacement Ex 650.00 650.00 650.00 650.00 650.00 .00

Sanitation - Landfill

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5100.100.5110 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 400.00 400.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 .00

5100.100.5110 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 2,400.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 .00

5100.100.5110 450.0640 IT Services .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 13,880.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $247,876.00 $271,254.23 $298,042.00 $270,621.79 $109,250.00 $183,780.00

Other Operating Expenses

5100.100.5110 460.0016 Data Fees 1,495.00 1,371.68 3,545.00 3,049.24 3,545.00 3,545.00

Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Asset Tracker 4.0000 204.00 816.00

Mayor's Budget GPS/Diagnostics 12.0000 227.40 2,729.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $3,545.00

5100.100.5110 460.0040 Postage 71.00 70.61 161.00 160.22 100.00 100.00

5100.100.5110 460.0050 Education & Training 1,137.00 1,136.45 660.00 660.00 3,600.00 5,100.00

Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Conferences/Equipment Research/Demonstrations 1.0000 3,000.00 3,000.00

Mayor's Budget ND Dept of Health - Landfill Operator Training 6.0000 100.00 600.00

Mayor's Budget Misc Training 1.0000 1,500.00 1,500.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $5,100.00

5100.100.5110 460.0060 Travel 3,986.00 3,985.22 1,397.00 1,396.14 8,400.00 9,900.00

Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Conferences/Equipment Research, Demonstrations 1.0000 6,000.00 6,000.00

Mayor's Budget ND Dept. of Health - Landfill Operator Training 6.0000 400.00 2,400.00

Mayor's Budget Misc Travel 1.0000 1,500.00 1,500.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $9,900.00

5100.100.5110 460.0090 Dues 1,000.00 1,000.00 .00 .00 1,000.00 1,250.00

5100.100.5110 460.0110 Fire & Tornado Insurance .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 3,000.00

5100.100.5110 460.0120 Fleet & Gen.Liab.Insuranc 9,706.00 9,705.25 10,921.00 10,900.01 6,000.00 7,000.00

5100.100.5110 460.0280 Tapping Fee/Future SA Pmt .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 90,483.00

5100.100.5110 470.0040 Contingency .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 20,000.00

Sanitation - Landfill

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5100.100.5110 470.0044 Credit Card Fees 1,898.00 2,491.68 530.00 533.98 1,800.00 1,800.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $19,293.00 $19,760.89 $17,214.00 $16,699.59 $24,445.00 $142,178.00

Operating Transfers Out

5100.100.5110 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out 10,000.00 10,000.00 16,713.00 16,713.00 .00 .00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $16,713.00 $16,713.00 $0.00 $0.00

Capital Outlay
5100.100.5110 650.0010 Work In Progress 412,723.00 351,868.80 218,465.00 167,381.04 180,000.00 180,000.00

Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Landfill Renewal/Rehab 1.0000 100,000.00 100,000.00

Mayor's Budget Woody Debris Chip/Stockpile for Beneficial Use at Landfill 1.0000 80,000.00 80,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $180,000.00

5100.100.5110 700.0040 Furniture & Fixtures .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 15,000.00

Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Scale Bldg Furniture/Fixtures 1.0000 15,000.00 15,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $15,000.00

5100.100.5110 700.0050 Gen Equipment N.O.C. 4,348.00 4,348.00 36,488.00 42,407.21 .00 .00

5100.100.5110 700.0070 Office Equipment .00 .00 .00 .00 1,000.00 1,000.00

5100.100.5110 700.0120 Trucks & Mounted Equipmt .00 .00 .00 .00 100,000.00 100,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Landfill Operations Equipment 1.0000 100,000.00 100,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $100,000.00

Capital Outlay Totals $417,071.00 $356,216.80 $254,953.00 $209,788.25 $281,000.00 $296,000.00

Non-Current Outlay
5100.100.5110 996.0000 Non-Current Outlays 200,000.00 .00 100,000.00 .00 100,000.00 .00

Non-Current Outlay Totals $200,000.00 $0.00 $100,000.00 $0.00 $100,000.00 $0.00

Sub Department 5110 - Landfill Services Totals $2,016,486.00 $1,972,490.16 $2,078,240.00 $2,058,197.95 $1,794,177.00 $2,730,419.00

Sanitation - Baling

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5100 - Sanitation


Department 100 - Expenditures

Sub Department 5120 - Baling Facility

Personnel Services
5100.100.5120 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 257,946.00 246,286.28 220,369.00 217,799.83 269,453.00 .00

5100.100.5120 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 56,519.00 50,596.92 38,399.00 35,933.68 61,485.00 .00

5100.100.5120 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 52,695.00 50,171.31 17,905.00 16,754.91 35,000.00 .00

5100.100.5120 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 5,800.00 (440.67) 5,800.00 6,926.12 5,800.00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $372,960.00 $346,613.84 $282,473.00 $277,414.54 $371,738.00 $0.00

Fringe Benefits
5100.100.5120 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 21,288.00 20,588.90 22,355.00 16,153.94 23,048.00 .00

5100.100.5120 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 4,979.00 4,815.07 5,228.00 3,777.91 5,390.00 .00

5100.100.5120 401.0020 Unemployment Compensation 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 225.86 1,000.00 .00

5100.100.5120 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 13,800.00 7,333.38 13,800.00 3,847.24 13,800.00 .00

5100.100.5120 402.0005 Post Employment Health 3,218.00 2,683.10 2,970.00 2,162.43 3,218.00 .00

5100.100.5120 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 63,164.00 51,399.37 57,992.00 40,035.11 65,220.00 .00

5100.100.5120 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 342.00 284.90 315.00 200.26 345.00 .00

5100.100.5120 402.0030 Disability Insurance 994.00 894.86 1,049.00 714.53 1,092.00 .00

5100.100.5120 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 27,774.00 19,823.00 27,774.00 18,371.00 27,774.00 .00

5100.100.5120 402.0041 Pension Plan-Def. Contrbn 2,366.00 .00 2,439.00 .00 2,439.00 .00

5100.100.5120 402.0042 Contract Emp-Def. Comp. .00 1,188.20 .00 1,230.09 .00 .00

5100.100.5120 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 8,971.00 13,237.29 12,161.00 13,602.28 14,478.00 .00

5100.100.5120 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 600.00 600.00 1,000.00 975.00 600.00 .00

Fringe Benefits Totals $148,496.00 $122,848.07 $148,083.00 $101,295.65 $158,404.00 $0.00

Material And Supplies

5100.100.5120 410.0020 Office Supplies 500.00 470.56 518.00 517.46 1,000.00 .00

5100.100.5120 410.0040 Janitorial Supplies 2,727.00 2,726.45 468.00 467.84 750.00 .00

5100.100.5120 410.0050 Mechanical & Welding 300.00 233.36 .00 .00 300.00 .00

5100.100.5120 410.0065 Safety & Medical Supplies 1,880.00 1,343.41 769.00 896.47 2,350.00 .00

Sanitation - Baling

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5100.100.5120 410.0100 Clothing 400.00 125.00 500.00 .00 500.00 .00

5100.100.5120 410.0155 Baling Wire/Baling Bags 187,317.00 187,316.80 94,961.00 54,736.00 240,000.00 .00

5100.100.5120 410.0170 Minor Tools & Equipment 2,549.00 2,548.08 228.00 227.34 2,500.00 .00

5100.100.5120 410.0190 Diesel Fuel 40,500.00 40,749.52 22,000.00 20,853.11 22,000.00 .00

5100.100.5120 410.0200 Gasoline 900.00 864.07 729.00 784.07 500.00 .00

5100.100.5120 410.0265 Minor Pc Software .00 .00 500.00 .00 500.00 .00

Material And Supplies Totals $237,073.00 $236,377.25 $120,673.00 $78,482.29 $270,400.00 $0.00

5100.100.5120 420.0010 Electricity 31,400.00 31,643.00 17,698.00 17,913.40 25,000.00 .00

5100.100.5120 420.0020 Building Heat 14,716.00 19,655.09 11,788.00 13,226.03 20,000.00 .00

5100.100.5120 420.0030 Water, Sewer & Refuse 3,484.00 3,426.38 8,000.00 2,730.93 8,000.00 .00

Utilities Totals $49,600.00 $54,724.47 $37,486.00 $33,870.36 $53,000.00 $0.00

Contractual Services
5100.100.5120 430.0015 Contracted PersonnelSvcs. 8,395.00 7,384.57 8,518.00 13,832.93 .00 .00

5100.100.5120 430.0030 Lease & Rental 37,666.00 1,723.25 50,042.00 (36,824.53) 47,666.00 .00

5100.100.5120 430.0090 Advertising .00 .00 10.00 9.48 .00 .00

5100.100.5120 430.0100 Cleaning & Laundry Svcs 8,300.00 8,508.71 3,600.00 3,177.55 6,000.00 .00

5100.100.5120 430.0150 Consultants .00 .00 10,000.00 2,392.50 10,000.00 .00

5100.100.5120 430.0195 Prof.Fee-Flex.Benefit Pln 75.00 .00 75.00 .00 75.00 .00

Contractual Services Totals $54,436.00 $17,616.53 $72,245.00 ($17,412.07) $63,741.00 $0.00

Maintenance Structures
5100.100.5120 440.0010 Mtce Buildings & Grounds 20,000.00 19,196.14 6,451.00 6,288.72 20,000.00 .00

5100.100.5120 440.0015 Mtce-Snow Removal .00 .00 .00 .00 10,000.00 .00

Maintenance Structures Totals $20,000.00 $19,196.14 $6,451.00 $6,288.72 $30,000.00 $0.00

Maintenance Equipment
5100.100.5120 450.0010 Mtce Air Cond. & Heating .00 .00 .00 .00 4,500.00 .00

5100.100.5120 450.0020 Mtce Installed Mech Equip 58,935.00 67,576.77 49,785.00 47,777.76 50,000.00 .00

5100.100.5120 450.0160 Mtce Vehicles/Motor Eq. 99,467.00 115,685.59 74,040.00 75,660.37 60,000.00 .00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $158,402.00 $183,262.36 $123,825.00 $123,438.13 $114,500.00 $0.00

Other Operating Expenses

Sanitation - Baling

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5100.100.5120 460.0016 Data Fees 310.00 309.68 505.00 601.92 .00 .00

5100.100.5120 460.0050 Education & Training .00 .00 1,500.00 .00 1,500.00 .00

5100.100.5120 460.0060 Travel .00 .00 1,500.00 .00 1,500.00 .00

5100.100.5120 460.0090 Dues .00 .00 250.00 .00 250.00 .00

5100.100.5120 460.0110 Fire & Tornado Insurance 3,672.00 3,601.86 3,000.00 3,029.35 3,000.00 .00

5100.100.5120 460.0120 Fleet & Gen.Liab.Insuranc 2,519.00 2,528.26 1,523.00 1,515.06 1,000.00 .00

5100.100.5120 460.0280 Tapping Fee/Future SA Pmt 90,483.00 90,483.02 90,483.00 .00 90,483.00 .00

5100.100.5120 470.0020 Refunds .00 .00 2,121.00 2,120.45 .00 .00

5100.100.5120 470.0040 Contingency .00 .00 .00 .00 20,000.00 .00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $96,984.00 $96,922.82 $100,882.00 $7,266.78 $117,733.00 $0.00

Capital Outlay
5100.100.5120 650.0010 Work In Progress 29,334.00 .00 40.00 .00 .00 .00

5100.100.5120 700.0040 Furniture & Fixtures .00 .00 15,000.00 .00 15,000.00 .00

5100.100.5120 700.0090 Shop Equipment 7,660.00 7,659.98 .00 .00 .00 .00

5100.100.5120 700.0120 Trucks & Mounted Equipmt 40,900.00 40,899.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $77,894.00 $48,558.98 $15,040.00 $0.00 $15,000.00 $0.00

Sub Department 5120 - Baling Facility Totals $1,215,845.00 $1,126,120.46 $907,158.00 $610,644.40 $1,194,516.00 $0.00

Sanitation - Refuse Collection

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5100 - Sanitation


Department 100 - Expenditures

Sub Department 5130 - Refuse Collection

Personnel Services
5100.100.5130 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 1,118,799.00 1,082,453.57 1,215,131.00 1,218,384.08 1,203,412.00 1,316,975.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 11 - Equipment Operators - Range 39 1.0000 498,322.00 498,322.00

Mayor's Budget 7 - Heavy Equipment Operators - Range 44 1.0000 418,918.00 418,918.00

Mayor's Budget 2 - Equipment Operator, Lead - Range 53 1.0000 127,922.00 127,922.00

Mayor's Budget 4 - Equipment Operator, Senior - Range 49 1.0000 232,710.00 232,710.00

Mayor's Budget Salary Plan Percentage Increase - 3.06% 1.0000 39,103.00 39,103.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,316,975.00

5100.100.5130 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 49,400.00 13,021.50 8,200.00 2,886.00 25,000.00 25,000.00

5100.100.5130 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 240,000.00 261,060.82 194,916.00 184,329.09 90,000.00 90,000.00

5100.100.5130 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 19,000.00 24,012.32 19,000.00 (1,107.36) 19,000.00 19,000.00

Personnel Services Totals $1,427,199.00 $1,380,548.21 $1,437,247.00 $1,404,491.81 $1,337,412.00 $1,450,975.00

Fringe Benefits
5100.100.5130 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 78,566.00 80,807.70 79,815.00 80,124.14 84,048.00 90,270.00

5100.100.5130 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 18,374.00 18,898.59 18,666.00 18,738.61 19,656.00 21,112.00

5100.100.5130 401.0020 Unemployment Compensation 3,700.00 446.08 3,700.00 4,646.47 3,700.00 3,700.00

5100.100.5130 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 60,000.00 37,808.41 60,000.00 32,682.69 60,000.00 60,000.00

5100.100.5130 402.0005 Post Employment Health 11,385.00 10,501.87 11,880.00 11,480.18 11,880.00 12,375.00

5100.100.5130 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 246,200.00 233,955.55 251,337.00 238,413.52 244,478.00 292,204.00

5100.100.5130 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 1,209.00 1,236.94 1,263.00 1,166.30 1,272.00 1,350.00

5100.100.5130 402.0030 Disability Insurance 3,692.00 3,275.28 3,746.00 3,516.64 3,971.00 4,346.00

5100.100.5130 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 148,789.00 158,130.00 148,789.00 138,588.00 148,789.00 148,789.00

5100.100.5130 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 62,528.00 71,009.28 73,259.00 87,401.36 85,982.00 59,832.00

5100.100.5130 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 1,450.00 1,450.00 2,280.00 2,215.00 1,920.00 1,920.00

Sanitation - Refuse Collection

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Fringe Benefits Totals $635,893.00 $617,519.70 $654,735.00 $618,972.91 $665,696.00 $695,898.00

Material And Supplies

5100.100.5130 410.0010 Books & Subscriptions .00 .00 .00 .00 200.00 200.00

5100.100.5130 410.0020 Office Supplies 6,757.00 6,828.62 5,655.00 5,826.86 2,000.00 2,000.00

5100.100.5130 410.0040 Janitorial Supplies 439.00 438.23 803.00 1,268.91 .00 .00

5100.100.5130 410.0050 Mechanical & Welding 5,775.00 5,774.38 5,499.00 6,582.34 2,500.00 2,500.00

5100.100.5130 410.0065 Safety & Medical Supplies 10,403.00 10,442.75 15,017.00 12,642.12 10,810.00 11,845.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Reflective Safety Jackets/Vests/Shirts 23.0000 150.00 3,450.00

Mayor's Budget Uniform Shirts - Logo 23.0000 70.00 1,610.00

Mayor's Budget Safety Boots 23.0000 150.00 3,450.00

Mayor's Budget Personal Protective Equipment 23.0000 100.00 2,300.00

Mayor's Budget Audiology Testing 23.0000 45.00 1,035.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $11,845.00

5100.100.5130 410.0100 Clothing 3,657.00 3,656.75 3,780.00 3,890.44 2,300.00 3,450.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Clothing Allowance 23.0000 150.00 3,450.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $3,450.00

5100.100.5130 410.0170 Minor Tools & Equipment 5,296.00 5,389.90 9,278.00 11,261.94 3,000.00 3,000.00

5100.100.5130 410.0190 Diesel Fuel 180,000.00 180,311.01 180,000.00 155,399.30 180,000.00 180,000.00

5100.100.5130 410.0200 Gasoline 10,000.00 10,471.02 10,000.00 8,851.32 10,000.00 10,000.00

5100.100.5130 410.0210 Oil, Anti-Freeze, Etc. .00 .00 .00 665.50 .00 .00

5100.100.5130 410.0265 Minor Pc Software .00 .00 12,614.00 12,613.90 5,000.00 5,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Tablets for 311 Work Orders/GIS/GPS 10.0000 500.00 5,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $5,000.00

Material And Supplies Totals $222,327.00 $223,312.66 $242,646.00 $219,002.63 $215,810.00 $217,995.00

Sanitation - Refuse Collection

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Contractual Services
5100.100.5130 430.0029 PWF Lease 137,688.00 137,688.00 137,688.00 151,551.00 137,688.00 154,015.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget PWF Rent 27.98% share 1.0000 154,015.00 154,015.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $154,015.00

5100.100.5130 430.0030 Lease & Rental 32,574.00 36,823.74 22,000.00 24,811.46 6,000.00 6,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Clean Up Week Equipment Rental 2.0000 3,000.00 6,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $6,000.00

5100.100.5130 430.0090 Advertising 2,991.00 5,700.58 2,500.00 1,490.28 2,500.00 2,500.00

5100.100.5130 430.0100 Cleaning & Laundry Svcs 72.00 72.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

5100.100.5130 430.0110 Printing 1,007.00 1,236.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

5100.100.5130 430.0150 Consultants .00 .00 20,000.00 .00 20,000.00 20,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget COSA/CIP Master Planning 1.0000 20,000.00 20,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $20,000.00

Contractual Services Totals $174,332.00 $181,520.32 $182,188.00 $177,852.74 $166,188.00 $182,515.00

Maintenance Structures
5100.100.5130 440.0010 Mtce Buildings & Grounds 10,485.00 10,544.15 5,764.00 5,764.00 500.00 500.00

Maintenance Structures Totals $10,485.00 $10,544.15 $5,764.00 $5,764.00 $500.00 $500.00

Maintenance Equipment
5100.100.5130 450.0030 Mtce Communication & Elec 4,061.00 4,060.85 2,047.00 2,046.03 150.00 150.00

5100.100.5130 450.0050 Mtce Gen Equipt N.O.C. .00 .00 816.00 815.85 .00 .00

5100.100.5130 450.0080 Mtce Refuse Containers 38,242.00 38,241.01 76,293.00 95,544.46 10,000.00 10,000.00

5100.100.5130 450.0160 Mtce Vehicles/Motor Eq. 615,000.00 505,164.81 600,000.00 589,301.60 450,000.00 450,000.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $657,303.00 $547,466.67 $679,156.00 $687,707.94 $460,150.00 $460,150.00

Other Operating Expenses

Sanitation - Refuse Collection

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5100.100.5130 460.0015 Cell Phone Charges 1,800.00 1,650.12 1,500.00 1,320.00 2,500.00 2,500.00

5100.100.5130 460.0016 Data Fees 9,216.00 8,362.07 10,116.00 9,915.75 10,116.00 16,836.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Asset Tracker 5.0000 204.00 1,020.00

Mayor's Budget GPS/Diagnostics 40.0000 227.40 9,096.00

Mayor's Budget iPads 14.0000 480.00 6,720.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $16,836.00

5100.100.5130 460.0020 Telephone 2,777.00 2,526.16 2,800.00 2,677.33 2,800.00 2,800.00

5100.100.5130 460.0040 Postage 20,195.00 20,129.94 16,105.00 19,256.28 15,000.00 15,000.00

5100.100.5130 460.0050 Education & Training 1,500.00 1,491.00 1,175.00 1,175.00 3,000.00 3,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Conferences/Equipment Research, Demonstrations 1.0000 3,000.00 3,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $3,000.00

5100.100.5130 460.0060 Travel 4,313.00 4,312.17 3,198.00 3,197.51 8,000.00 8,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Conferences/Equipment Research, Demonstrations 1.0000 8,000.00 8,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $8,000.00

5100.100.5130 470.0020 Refunds 701.00 700.06 500.00 99.95 500.00 500.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $40,502.00 $39,171.52 $35,394.00 $37,641.82 $41,916.00 $48,636.00

Operating Transfers Out

5100.100.5130 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out 50,000.00 50,000.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

5100.100.5130 900.0030 Capital Replacement Trans .00 .00 18,750.00 .00 .00 .00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $18,750.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Capital Outlay
5100.100.5130 650.0010 Work In Progress 50,000.00 .00 60,600.00 .00 80,000.00 80,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Sanitation - Refuse Collection

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget Yard Waste Drop Site Expansion/Improvements 1.0000 80,000.00 80,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $80,000.00

5100.100.5130 700.0005 Non Capitalized Assets .00 .00 .00 17,962.34 .00 .00

5100.100.5130 700.0030 Communication & Elec 1,431.00 1,430.23 .00 62.97 .00 .00

5100.100.5130 700.0050 Gen Equipment N.O.C. 8,593.00 8,592.48 .00 .00 .00 .00

5100.100.5130 700.0070 Office Equipment 9,675.00 9,674.65 10,000.00 48.00 10,000.00 10,000.00

5100.100.5130 700.0080 Refuse Containers 53,526.00 61,529.87 110,795.00 129,097.59 150,000.00 150,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Replace Res Refuse Containers- 60, 90, 300 gal 3,000.0000 50.00 150,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $150,000.00

5100.100.5130 700.0081 Commercial Recycling Containers 196,029.00 196,029.00 117,118.00 117,117.00 100,000.00 100,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Replace Refuse Front Load, Roll Off Containers 1.0000 100,000.00 100,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $100,000.00

5100.100.5130 700.0100 Cars & Light Duty Trucks .00 .00 .00 .00 25,000.00 25,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Fleet Vehicle Replacement 1.0000 25,000.00 25,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $25,000.00

5100.100.5130 700.0120 Trucks & Mounted Equipmt 1,373,966.00 232,559.77 952,120.00 816,433.61 750,000.00 600,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Replace Refuse Collection Trucks 2.0000 300,000.00 600,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $600,000.00

Capital Outlay Totals $1,693,220.00 $509,816.00 $1,250,633.00 $1,080,721.51 $1,115,000.00 $965,000.00

Sub Department 5130 - Refuse Collection Totals $4,911,261.00 $3,559,899.23 $4,506,513.00 $4,232,155.36 $4,002,672.00 $4,021,669.00

Sanitation - Recycling

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5100 - Sanitation


Department 100 - Expenditures

Sub Department 5140 - Recycling Program

Personnel Services
5100.100.5140 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 194.00 193.58 .00 .00 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $194.00 $193.58 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fringe Benefits
5100.100.5140 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer .00 11.17 .00 .00 .00 .00

5100.100.5140 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer .00 2.61 .00 .00 .00 .00

5100.100.5140 402.0005 Post Employment Health .00 2.98 .00 .00 .00 .00

5100.100.5140 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance .00 40.01 .00 .00 .00 .00

5100.100.5140 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee .00 .32 .00 .00 .00 .00

5100.100.5140 402.0030 Disability Insurance .00 1.07 .00 .00 .00 .00

Fringe Benefits Totals $0.00 $58.16 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Material And Supplies

5100.100.5140 410.0010 Books & Subscriptions .00 .00 500.00 .00 .00 .00

5100.100.5140 410.0020 Office Supplies .00 .00 171.00 .00 300.00 300.00

5100.100.5140 410.0170 Minor Tools & Equipment 21.00 20.37 329.00 328.02 200.00 200.00

5100.100.5140 410.0200 Gasoline .00 .00 200.00 .00 200.00 200.00

5100.100.5140 410.0220 Educational Supplies .00 .00 500.00 .00 .00 .00

Material And Supplies Totals $21.00 $20.37 $1,700.00 $328.02 $700.00 $700.00

Contractual Services
5100.100.5140 430.0020 Collection Fees 698,593.00 671,046.73 760,082.00 731,097.87 834,690.00 859,730.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget RFP for Recycling Services 2022-26 - 3% increase estimated 1.0000 859,730.00 859,730.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $859,730.00

5100.100.5140 430.0090 Advertising 4,085.00 4,080.00 5,000.00 .00 .00 .00

5100.100.5140 430.0110 Printing .00 .00 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 1,000.00

Sanitation - Recycling

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Share of City Calendar Printing 1.0000 1,000.00 1,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,000.00

Contractual Services Totals $702,678.00 $675,126.73 $766,082.00 $731,097.87 $835,690.00 $860,730.00

Maintenance Structures
5100.100.5140 440.0010 Mtce Buildings & Grounds 2,160.00 2,160.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Maintenance Structures Totals $2,160.00 $2,160.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Maintenance Equipment
5100.100.5140 450.0080 Mtce Refuse Containers 1,237.00 1,315.77 19,925.00 3,643.36 10,000.00 10,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Residential 18 gallon recycling totes - replacement 1.0000 10,000.00 10,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $10,000.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $1,237.00 $1,315.77 $19,925.00 $3,643.36 $10,000.00 $10,000.00

Other Operating Expenses

5100.100.5140 460.0040 Postage 200.00 .00 200.00 .00 200.00 200.00

5100.100.5140 460.0050 Education & Training .00 .00 2,000.00 (975.00) .00 .00

5100.100.5140 460.0060 Travel .00 .00 2,500.00 .00 .00 .00

5100.100.5140 460.0090 Dues 400.00 .00 400.00 .00 400.00 400.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $600.00 $0.00 $5,100.00 ($975.00) $600.00 $600.00

Capital Outlay
5100.100.5140 700.0080 Refuse Containers .00 .00 75.00 74.40 .00 .00

5100.100.5140 700.0081 Commercial Recycling Containers 24,384.00 24,383.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $24,384.00 $24,383.00 $75.00 $74.40 $0.00 $0.00

Sub Department 5140 - Recycling Program Totals $731,274.00 $703,257.61 $792,882.00 $734,168.65 $846,990.00 $872,030.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $12,195,412.00 $14,625,421.03 $11,599,390.00 $11,444,985.41 $10,986,912.00 $11,048,497.00

Fund 5100 - Sanitation Totals $2,154,259.00 ($3,691,289.20) $3,686,086.00 ($1,018,293.41) $3,219,037.00 $3,512,452.00

2022 WASTEWATER BUDGET (5200) Revised as of 6/23/21

Estimated Cash Balance as of 1/1/22 $ 4,000,000

Sewer Connection Fees 100,000 1%=

Special Assessments 500 104,746
Interest Income 80,000
User Utility Billing 10,474,581
BOD/TSS/TKN Surcharges 656,647
Fats, Oil and Grease Fee 17,000
EGF WW Charges 392,367
Intergov't services-WTP/Landfill 189,051 Target Cash
Other Operating Revenue 40,000 25% of op exp
Tapping mains-other services 10,000 7,175,600
Wastewater Sampling test 20,000 25%
Other Income 10,000 $1,793,900
Operating Transfers In 3,694,533
Trs from Economic Dev BND Loan #3 - 44.78% 247,013
Trs in ARPA Funds for Projects 3,416,500
Trs-Econ Dev BND Loan #3-Share of reserve requirement (1/5th)(2022 year 5) 31,020

Total Revenue $ 15,644,679

Salaries and Fringes $ 2,027,108
Maintenance/Operations 5,148,492
Debt Service Expense 1,697,658
New 2022 SRF Loans for Lift Station and WWTP Phase 1 Interest only-partial year 75,000
Operating Transfer Out 276,598
Share of Sanitation Bond-7.19% 2015A 32,329
Reimburse Economic Development for Portion of SIG Projects (2022 Yr 1 of 6) 244,269

Capital Expense 3,315,700

Admin: General Equipment 18,000
Collections: Emergency Repair Sanitary Sewer 76,000
Collections: Other Capital 6,000
Collections: Drive Replacement 130,000
Pumping: LS #27 & #24 Rehab 1,600,000
Forcemain: Rehab 76,000
Forcemain: Almonte Bypass 630,000
Forcemain: Other capital 8,000
Admin: Other Capital 4,000
Admin: Security cameras 33,000
Admin: Share of Electrician Equipment 9,700
Headworks: Other Expense 3,000
Treatment: Other Expense 3,000
Clarification: Installed Mech Systems 4,000
Clarification: Motor Drive Replacement 20,000
Effluent Mgmt: Dredging and redistribution of biosolids 530,000
Effluent Mgmt: South Road Access/Hauled Waste Pad Improvements 110,000
Effluent Mgmt: Cars and Light Duty Trucks 45,000
Lab/IPP: General equipment 7,000
Lab: General Equipment/Office Equipment 3,000

Debt Service Reserve-BND requirement-add 20% per yr for 5 years (2022-year 4) 69,548
Reserve for WWTP Future Projects 2,954,500
Reserve for WW Sewer Cleaner Truck 40,000
Reserve for WWTP Lab Equipment 30,000
Total Expenses $ 15,634,604

Revenues less Expenses $ 10,075

Estimated Unreserved Cash Balance 12/31/22 $ 4,010,075

* This reflects the following rate increases:

Residential 2%
Commercial 3.5%
Heavy Industrial Users 0%
Heavy Industrial Users-BOD/TSS/TKN 3% 3% 5%

Cash-Reserved for Construction Balance 12/31/22 $ 4,178,351

Reserved for Vactor Cleaner $ (437,798)
Reserved for WWTP $ (464,846)
Reserved for Collection/Forcemain Projects $ (2,954,500)

Reserved for Lab $ (154,229)
Undesignated $ 166,978

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5200 - Wastewater


Department 000 - Revenues

Licenses And Permits
5200.000 312.0110 Sewer Con Fee-Cash Paym't 100,000.00 105,317.64 100,000.00 105,832.20 100,000.00 100,000.00

Licenses And Permits Totals $100,000.00 $105,317.64 $100,000.00 $105,832.20 $100,000.00 $100,000.00

5200.000 321.0020 FEMA 4,989.00 4,989.39 .00 66,651.30 .00 .00

Intergovernmental Totals $4,989.00 $4,989.39 $0.00 $66,651.30 $0.00 $0.00

Special Assessments
5200.000 350.0010 Current Sp Assessments 1,711.00 .00 .00 1,660.54 .00 .00

5200.000 350.0050 Interest Sp Assessments 439.00 388.00 500.00 361.56 500.00 500.00

Special Assessments Totals $2,150.00 $388.00 $500.00 $2,022.10 $500.00 $500.00

5200.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments 71,534.00 168,240.47 100,000.00 112,803.02 50,000.00 80,000.00

Interest Totals $71,534.00 $168,240.47 $100,000.00 $112,803.02 $50,000.00 $80,000.00

Other Financing Sources

5200.000 361.0089 Gain on Sale of Capital Assets .00 12,500.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Other Financing Sources Totals $0.00 $12,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Operating Revenues
5200.000 338.0010 User Utility Billing 9,700,000.00 9,744,745.61 9,977,346.00 9,253,030.49 10,217,581.00 10,474,581.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Assumes rate increases of 2% Residential & 3.5% Commercial 1.0000 10,474,581.00 10,474,581.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $10,474,581.00

5200.000 338.0011 Fat Oil & Grease Fee 21,000.00 16,960.72 17,000.00 15,586.81 17,000.00 17,000.00

5200.000 338.0060 Tapping Mains-Other Svcs 25,000.00 1,629.68 10,000.00 36,501.74 5,000.00 10,000.00

5200.000 338.0116 EGF WW Charges 413,466.00 459,803.02 476,573.00 489,905.65 406,705.00 392,367.00

5200.000 338.0120 Wastewater Sampling Test 25,000.00 19,069.69 25,000.00 18,070.50 20,000.00 20,000.00

5200.000 338.0130 BOD Surcharge 10,461.00 57,437.04 250,793.00 935,620.32 374,483.00 260,116.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5200.000 338.0132 TSS Charges 82,950.00 320,395.81 62,242.00 462,117.21 106,530.00 127,413.00

5200.000 338.0134 TKN Charges 205,474.00 224,269.23 215,540.00 183,392.85 327,793.00 269,118.00

5200.000 338.0219 Intergovernmental Services 138,555.00 128,996.00 306,748.00 306,748.04 219,936.00 189,051.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Water Treatment Plant 1.0000 11,814.00 11,814.00

Mayor's Budget Landfill 1.0000 177,237.00 177,237.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $189,051.00

5200.000 338.0230 Other N.O.C 15,000.00 13,042.42 11,221.00 12,354.24 10,000.00 10,000.00

Operating Revenues Totals $10,636,906.00 $10,986,349.22 $11,352,463.00 $11,713,327.85 $11,705,028.00 $11,769,646.00

Operating Transfers In
5200.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In 196,120.00 196,120.00 186,120.00 .00 278,033.00 3,694,533.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Trs in-Econ Development for 2nd BND loan-44.78% 1.0000 247,013.00 247,013.00

Mayor's Budget Trs in-Econ Dev share - 3rd BND Loan Reserve-2022 5th yr of 5 1.0000 31,020.00 31,020.00

Mayor's Budget Trs in ARPA funds #2190 for WWTP projects 1.0000 3,416,500.00 3,416,500.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $3,694,533.00

Operating Transfers In Totals $196,120.00 $196,120.00 $186,120.00 $0.00 $278,033.00 $3,694,533.00

Extraordinary Revenue
5200.000 374.0000 Unrealized Gain on Invest .00 49,153.08 .00 34,009.67 .00 .00

Extraordinary Revenue Totals $0.00 $49,153.08 $0.00 $34,009.67 $0.00 $0.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
5200.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget 4,173,554.00 .00 4,545,918.00 .00 2,900,000.00 4,000,000.00

5200.000 390.0050 Use of Reserve Cash .00 .00 450,000.00 .00 .00 .00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $4,173,554.00 $0.00 $4,995,918.00 $0.00 $2,900,000.00 $4,000,000.00

REVENUE TOTALS $15,185,253.00 $11,523,057.80 $16,735,001.00 $12,034,646.14 $15,033,561.00 $19,644,679.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5200 - Wastewater


Department 100 - Expenditures

Sub Department 1 - Administrative & General

Personnel Services
5200.100.1 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 140,312.00 138,099.84 184,866.00 132,382.31 151,041.00 130,533.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Percentage Increase - 3.06% 1.0000 3,876.00 3,876.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Administrative Specialist, Senior 27% - Range 41 1.0000 12,861.00 12,861.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Assistant Water Works Director 25% - Range 67 1.0000 24,383.00 24,383.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Water Works Director 33% - Range 75 1.0000 38,144.00 38,144.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - GIS Administrator 25% - Range 59 1.0000 17,399.00 17,399.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Development Analyst 40% - Range 52 1.0000 23,896.00 23,896.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Administrative Specialist 27% - Range 36 1.0000 9,974.00 9,974.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $130,533.00

5200.100.1 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary .00 10,765.33 11,700.00 11,688.98 12,000.00 12,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Temporary - Seasonal 1.0000 12,000.00 12,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $12,000.00

5200.100.1 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 1,000.00 96.95 1,350.00 1,289.03 1,000.00 1,000.00

5200.100.1 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 1,700.00 (2,479.36) 1,100.00 2,844.29 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $143,012.00 $146,482.76 $199,016.00 $148,204.61 $164,041.00 $143,533.00

Fringe Benefits
5200.100.1 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 9,505.00 9,162.31 12,268.00 8,695.91 10,171.00 8,899.00

5200.100.1 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 2,223.00 2,142.84 2,869.00 2,033.69 2,379.00 2,081.00

5200.100.1 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 962.00 962.00 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 1,000.00

5200.100.1 402.0005 Post Employment Health 936.00 879.94 1,267.00 757.40 1,401.00 876.00

5200.100.1 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 13,851.00 7,365.21 14,568.00 7,890.28 7,565.00 13,158.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5200.100.1 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 99.00 93.46 140.00 78.37 100.00 131.00

5200.100.1 402.0025 Life Insurance-Retirees 5,037.00 5,025.85 5,837.00 5,025.85 1,837.00 1,837.00

5200.100.1 402.0030 Disability Insurance 463.00 455.73 610.00 388.16 498.00 431.00

5200.100.1 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 36,762.00 36,669.62 34,762.00 34,440.00 32,762.00 32,762.00

5200.100.1 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 9,975.00 10,707.95 14,441.00 11,150.95 12,701.00 14,193.00

5200.100.1 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 500.00 498.00 300.00 248.00 486.00 486.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $80,313.00 $73,962.91 $88,062.00 $70,708.61 $70,900.00 $75,854.00

Material And Supplies

5200.100.1 410.0010 Books & Subscriptions 155.00 155.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

5200.100.1 410.0020 Office Supplies 7,000.00 4,419.64 3,000.00 4,548.89 7,000.00 7,000.00

5200.100.1 410.0040 Janitorial Supplies 200.00 167.63 .00 .00 .00 .00

5200.100.1 410.0060 Medical & Laboratory .00 .00 2,500.00 .00 2,500.00 2,500.00

5200.100.1 410.0065 Safety & Medical Supplies 250.00 250.00 .00 .00 800.00 800.00


Level Comment
Department Requested $600 for Safety Clothing For Electricians

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Safety Clothing for Electricians 1.0000 800.00 800.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $800.00

5200.100.1 410.0100 Clothing 400.00 137.70 400.00 297.98 400.00 600.00


Level Comment
Department Requested Clothing for Electricians

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Cold weather clothing for electricians 1.0000 600.00 600.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $600.00

5200.100.1 410.0170 Minor Tools & Equipment 45.00 44.24 .00 .00 500.00 600.00



2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Level Comment
Department Requested Minor tools & equipment for electricians

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Tools for Electricians 1.0000 600.00 600.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $600.00

5200.100.1 410.0200 Gasoline 1,267.00 189.75 1,828.00 59.07 8,500.00 8,500.00

5200.100.1 410.0265 Minor Pc Software .00 .00 .00 .00 200.00 200.00


Level Comment
Department Requested for electricians

Material And Supplies Totals $9,317.00 $5,363.96 $7,728.00 $4,905.94 $19,900.00 $20,200.00

5200.100.1 420.0030 Water, Sewer & Refuse .00 .00 672.00 671.95 .00 .00

Utilities Totals $0.00 $0.00 $672.00 $671.95 $0.00 $0.00

Contractual Services
5200.100.1 430.0010 Auditing 6,200.00 4,294.00 6,200.00 5,204.21 6,200.00 6,200.00

5200.100.1 430.0014 GF Services Reimbursement 775,009.00 775,009.00 784,551.00 784,541.04 909,875.00 1,006,531.00

5200.100.1 430.0029 PWF Lease 43,865.00 41,483.00 45,660.00 45,660.00 45,660.00 46,402.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget PWF Rent 8.43% share 1.0000 46,402.00 46,402.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $46,402.00

5200.100.1 430.0030 Lease & Rental 1,383.00 1,382.15 800.00 284.85 800.00 800.00

5200.100.1 430.0090 Advertising 1,723.00 3,478.47 2,500.00 32.00 2,500.00 2,500.00

5200.100.1 430.0100 Cleaning & Laundry Svcs 4,410.00 4,522.24 4,000.00 2,758.68 4,000.00 4,000.00

5200.100.1 430.0110 Printing .00 222.02 .00 .00 .00 .00

5200.100.1 430.0150 Consultants 91,150.00 93,466.72 85,000.00 62,757.72 85,000.00 85,000.00

5200.100.1 430.0170 Maintenance Agreements 2,967.00 2,898.32 5,688.00 5,687.03 7,900.00 16,200.00

Budget Transactions


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget SCADA software support Wonderwear 1.0000 5,000.00 5,000.00

Mayor's Budget Hach U.V. probe 1.0000 3,600.00 3,600.00

Mayor's Budget Otis Elevator 1.0000 2,400.00 2,400.00

Mayor's Budget Dakota Fire -Sprinkler 1.0000 1,200.00 1,200.00

Mayor's Budget Johnson Control - alarm syatem 1.0000 2,800.00 2,800.00

Mayor's Budget Young Company-flow meters 1.0000 1,200.00 1,200.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $16,200.00

5200.100.1 430.0175 Mtce.Costs-Computer Equip 2,000.00 716.62 5,635.00 5,635.00 2,000.00 2,000.00

5200.100.1 430.0300 One Call System 4,444.00 4,443.23 5,349.00 5,348.04 4,000.00 4,500.00


Level Comment
Department Requested cost have gone up

Contractual Services Totals $933,151.00 $931,915.77 $945,383.00 $917,908.57 $1,067,935.00 $1,174,133.00

Maintenance Structures
5200.100.1 440.0010 Mtce Buildings & Grounds 2,500.00 2,344.27 2,654.00 2,653.69 2,500.00 2,500.00

Maintenance Structures Totals $2,500.00 $2,344.27 $2,654.00 $2,653.69 $2,500.00 $2,500.00

Maintenance Equipment
5200.100.1 450.0070 Mtce Office Equipment 300.00 .00 300.00 .00 300.00 300.00

5200.100.1 450.0160 Mtce Vehicles/Motor Eq. 1,000.00 52.82 1,000.00 (1,133.36) 1,000.00 1,000.00

5200.100.1 450.0610 IS-Capital Replacement Ex 2,450.00 2,450.00 2,450.00 2,450.00 2,450.00 .00

5200.100.1 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 1,600.00 1,600.00 3,200.00 3,200.00 3,200.00 .00

5200.100.1 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 17,100.00 17,100.00 17,100.00 17,100.00 17,100.00 .00

5200.100.1 450.0640 IT Services .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 46,901.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $22,450.00 $21,202.82 $24,050.00 $21,616.64 $24,050.00 $48,201.00

Other Operating Expenses

5200.100.1 460.0010 Interdepartmental Reimbur 148,586.00 148,586.00 148,596.00 148,586.04 148,586.00 148,586.00

5200.100.1 460.0015 Cell Phone Charges 1,000.00 167.58 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 1,000.00

5200.100.1 460.0040 Postage 22,381.00 22,740.14 22,000.00 23,360.22 22,000.00 22,000.00

5200.100.1 460.0050 Education & Training 3,000.00 955.00 396.00 60.00 3,000.00 3,000.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Level Comment
Department Requested $3000 for electricians

5200.100.1 460.0060 Travel 3,189.00 3,188.23 911.00 910.46 3,000.00 3,000.00

5200.100.1 460.0090 Dues 1,000.00 430.00 1,000.00 545.00 1,000.00 1,000.00

5200.100.1 460.0105 Vehicle Registration 100.00 42.00 100.00 24.50 100.00 100.00

5200.100.1 460.0110 Fire & Tornado Insurance 12,366.00 12,172.35 12,611.00 12,589.36 10,000.00 10,000.00

5200.100.1 460.0115 Flood Insurance 22,871.00 23,456.41 24,479.00 23,268.39 9,685.00 9,685.00

5200.100.1 460.0120 Fleet & Gen.Liab.Insuranc 11,711.00 11,710.24 13,877.00 13,876.71 9,100.00 9,100.00

5200.100.1 460.0240 Real Estate Tax .00 .00 149.00 148.93 .00 .00

5200.100.1 460.0245 Paymt In Lieu of Taxes 437,288.00 437,288.00 466,003.00 466,003.00 471,125.00 462,944.00

5200.100.1 460.0250 Special Assessment Prin. 21,210.00 21,209.05 20,630.00 20,629.11 20,000.00 20,000.00

5200.100.1 460.0260 Special Assessment Int. 6,500.00 6,488.41 5,360.00 5,359.99 3,500.00 3,500.00

5200.100.1 460.0280 Tapping Fee/Future SA Pmt 123,450.00 123,448.64 235,546.00 235,545.92 40,000.00 200,000.00

5200.100.1 470.0040 Contingency 64,885.00 64,884.49 .00 .00 15,000.00 15,000.00

5200.100.1 470.0120 Bad Debt Expense 15,914.00 17,042.46 15,127.00 12,590.63 2,000.00 2,000.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $895,451.00 $893,809.00 $967,785.00 $963,498.26 $759,096.00 $910,915.00

5200.100.1 850.0010 Depreciation Expense .00 3,738,020.63 .00 3,953,678.38 .00 .00

Depreciation Totals $0.00 $3,738,020.63 $0.00 $3,953,678.38 $0.00 $0.00

Operating Transfers Out

5200.100.1 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out 231,350.00 4,824,242.13 453,198.00 3,240,112.82 32,329.00 276,598.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Trs to 2163 Econ Dev-Reimb portion of SIG proj (2022 Yr 1 of 6) 1.0000 244,269.00 244,269.00

Mayor's Budget Trs to 5100 for 7.19% of 2015A Sanitation Bond 1.0000 32,329.00 32,329.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $276,598.00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $231,350.00 $4,824,242.13 $453,198.00 $3,240,112.82 $32,329.00 $276,598.00

Capital Outlay
5200.100.1 700.0030 Communication & Elec .00 .00 12,123.00 12,122.50 3,000.00 3,000.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5200.100.1 700.0050 Gen Equipment N.O.C. 2,929.00 2,928.16 .00 (1,464.08) .00 5,000.00


Level Comment
Department Requested For Electricians (Tow behind lift)

5200.100.1 700.0100 Cars & Light Duty Trucks 20,612.00 19,128.95 .00 .00 .00 10,000.00


Level Comment
Department Requested Electricians Truck

Capital Outlay Totals $23,541.00 $22,057.11 $12,123.00 $10,658.42 $3,000.00 $18,000.00

Debt Service Principal

5200.100.1 800.0010 Principal Retirement 2,399,269.00 .00 2,402,022.00 .00 2,431,198.00 1,150,625.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 2016 1st Bank of ND Loan 1.0000 74,261.70 74,261.70

Mayor's Budget 2016 2nd Bank of ND Loan 1.0000 191,363.00 191,363.00

Mayor's Budget 2018A SRF Loan WWTP Sewer Res Rev Bd-Disinfection 1.0000 235,000.00 235,000.00

Mayor's Budget 2019A SRF Loan WWTP Improvements 1.0000 30,000.00 30,000.00

Mayor's Budget 2005E SRF Loan Biosolids Sewer Res Rev Bond 1.0000 260,000.00 260,000.00

Mayor's Budget 2009B Sewer Res Rev & Refunding Bond 1.0000 120,000.00 120,000.00

Mayor's Budget 2011D Sewer Reserve Revenue Bond 1.0000 125,000.00 125,000.00

Mayor's Budget 2015C Sewer Reserve Revenue Bonds 1.0000 115,000.00 115,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,150,624.70

Debt Service Principal Totals $2,399,269.00 $0.00 $2,402,022.00 $0.00 $2,431,198.00 $1,150,625.00

Debt Service Interest

5200.100.1 800.0020 Interest Expense 659,518.00 567,883.05 608,430.00 632,211.05 553,919.00 566,833.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 2005E SFR Loan Biosolids Sewer Res Rev Bond 2.0000 13,562.50 27,125.00

Mayor's Budget 2009B Sewer Res Revenue & Refunding Bond 2.0000 22,600.00 45,200.00

Mayor's Budget 2011D Sewer Reserve Revenue Bond 2.0000 24,893.75 49,787.50


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget 2015C Sewer Reserve Revenue Bond 2.0000 29,836.88 59,673.76

Mayor's Budget 2016 1st Bank of ND Loan 1.0000 45,183.59 45,183.59

Mayor's Budget 2016 2nd Bank of ND Loan 1.0000 122,587.75 122,587.75

Mayor's Budget 2018A SRF Loan WWTP Sewer Res Rev Bd-Disinfection 2.0000 62,437.50 124,875.00

Mayor's Budget 2019A SRF Loan WWTP Improvements 2.0000 8,700.00 17,400.00

Mayor's Budget New 2022 SRF Loan- WWTP Improvements 1.0000 75,000.00 75,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $566,832.60

5200.100.1 800.0030 Fiscal Charges 70,013.00 55,684.69 62,739.00 62,738.89 63,100.00 55,200.00

5200.100.1 800.0035 Bond Issue Costs .00 15,000.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Debt Service Interest Totals $729,531.00 $638,567.74 $671,169.00 $694,949.94 $617,019.00 $622,033.00

Non-Current Outlay
5200.100.1 996.0000 Non-Current Outlays 177,081.00 .00 69,548.00 .00 69,548.00 3,024,048.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Reserve for future WWTP projects 1.0000 2,954,500.00 2,954,500.00

Mayor's Budget 1/5 th of reserve requirement-1st BND Loan (2022 is year 4) 1.0000 23,548.00 23,548.00

Mayor's Budget 1/5 th of reserve requirement 2nd BND Loan (2022 is year 4) 1.0000 46,000.00 46,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $3,024,048.00

Non-Current Outlay Totals $177,081.00 $0.00 $69,548.00 $0.00 $69,548.00 $3,024,048.00

Sub Department 1 - Administrative & General Totals $5,646,966.00 $11,297,969.10 $5,843,410.00 $10,029,567.83 $5,261,516.00 $7,466,640.00

Wastewater - Collection
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5200 - Wastewater


Department 100 - Expenditures

Sub Department 5210 - Collection System

Personnel Services
5200.100.5210 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 205,547.00 177,571.02 218,599.00 198,880.41 214,920.00 256,661.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 6 - Wastewater/Stormwater Service Worker (40%) - Range 38 1.0000 102,586.00 102,586.00

Mayor's Budget 4 - Wastewater/Stormwater Svc Worker, Lead (40%) - Range 50 1.0000 95,951.00 95,951.00

Mayor's Budget Wastewater Collections Supervisor (40%) - Range 56 1.0000 30,984.00 30,984.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Wastewater/Stormwater Service Worker, Senior (40%) - Range 4 1.0000 19,519.00 19,519.00

Mayor's Budget Salary Plan Percentage Increase - 3.06% 1.0000 7,621.00 7,621.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $256,661.00

5200.100.5210 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 16,275.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

5200.100.5210 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 10,677.00 10,831.21 4,000.00 2,491.36 4,000.00 4,000.00

5200.100.5210 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 25,000.00 9,901.33 11,850.00 2,656.11 25,000.00 25,000.00

Personnel Services Totals $257,499.00 $198,303.56 $234,449.00 $204,027.88 $243,920.00 $285,661.00

Fringe Benefits
5200.100.5210 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 15,646.00 11,934.09 15,351.00 11,550.49 15,123.00 17,711.00

5200.100.5210 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 3,659.00 2,791.13 3,590.00 2,701.44 3,537.00 4,142.00

5200.100.5210 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 8,000.00 6,029.75 8,000.00 5,781.06 8,000.00 8,000.00

5200.100.5210 402.0005 Post Employment Health 1,980.00 1,551.00 2,178.00 1,581.91 2,178.00 2,574.00

5200.100.5210 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 41,609.00 29,940.47 38,265.00 30,389.85 33,716.00 28,981.00

5200.100.5210 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 252.00 166.27 252.00 166.45 233.00 233.00

5200.100.5210 402.0030 Disability Insurance 678.00 569.22 721.00 551.25 709.00 847.00

5200.100.5210 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 26,798.00 26,797.03 25,842.00 25,167.00 23,942.00 23,942.00

5200.100.5210 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 9,688.00 8,991.71 11,639.00 11,638.59 13,116.00 16,498.00

5200.100.5210 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 2,040.00 1,800.00 2,160.00 1,680.00 2,400.00 2,400.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $110,350.00 $90,570.67 $107,998.00 $91,208.04 $102,954.00 $105,328.00

Wastewater - Collection
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Material And Supplies
5200.100.5210 410.0065 Safety & Medical Supplies 4,000.00 3,709.67 4,000.00 3,580.32 4,000.00 4,000.00

5200.100.5210 410.0100 Clothing 800.00 573.27 800.00 778.05 800.00 800.00

5200.100.5210 410.0170 Minor Tools & Equipment 1,233.00 1,232.60 850.00 557.19 850.00 850.00

5200.100.5210 410.0190 Diesel Fuel 7,017.00 7,899.85 6,000.00 5,665.42 6,000.00 6,000.00

5200.100.5210 410.0200 Gasoline 9,000.00 10,293.55 6,649.00 7,231.50 6,000.00 6,000.00

5200.100.5210 410.0210 Oil, Anti-Freeze, Etc. 600.00 245.67 600.00 186.83 600.00 600.00

Material And Supplies Totals $22,650.00 $23,954.61 $18,899.00 $17,999.31 $18,250.00 $18,250.00

Contractual Services
5200.100.5210 430.0090 Advertising 30.00 27.20 .00 .00 .00 .00

Contractual Services Totals $30.00 $27.20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Maintenance Structures
5200.100.5210 440.0070 Mtce Sewermains 21,383.00 21,382.21 15,000.00 8,755.03 15,000.00 15,000.00

Maintenance Structures Totals $21,383.00 $21,382.21 $15,000.00 $8,755.03 $15,000.00 $15,000.00

Maintenance Equipment
5200.100.5210 450.0020 Mtce Installed Mech Equip 2,941.00 2,940.80 .00 .00 .00 .00

5200.100.5210 450.0090 Mtce Shop Equipment 500.00 502.76 500.00 216.94 500.00 500.00

5200.100.5210 450.0160 Mtce Vehicles/Motor Eq. 7,796.00 7,795.01 15,000.00 11,982.39 15,000.00 15,000.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $11,237.00 $11,238.57 $15,500.00 $12,199.33 $15,500.00 $15,500.00

Other Operating Expenses

5200.100.5210 460.0015 Cell Phone Charges .00 .00 800.00 .00 800.00 800.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Technology for field use 1.0000 800.00 800.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $800.00

5200.100.5210 460.0050 Education & Training 423.00 .00 2,117.00 35.00 3,000.00 3,000.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $423.00 $0.00 $2,917.00 $35.00 $3,800.00 $3,800.00

Operating Transfers Out

5200.100.5210 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out .00 .00 15,000.00 17,332.54 .00 .00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $0.00 $0.00 $15,000.00 $17,332.54 $0.00 $0.00

Wastewater - Collection
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Capital Outlay
5200.100.5210 650.0010 Work In Progress 190,000.00 34,677.74 123,608.00 39,078.05 195,700.00 206,000.00


Level Comment
Department Requested $75000 For Emergency Repair Sanitary Sewer
$100000 For Jetting and Televising Easements
Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Emergency Repair Sanitary Sewer 1.0000 76,000.00 76,000.00

Mayor's Budget Drive Replacement 1.0000 130,000.00 130,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $206,000.00

5200.100.5210 700.0050 Gen Equipment N.O.C. 1,753.00 1,752.30 67,113.00 67,112.78 6,000.00 6,000.00

5200.100.5210 700.0120 Trucks & Mounted Equipmt 394,118.00 394,118.00 394,118.00 394,118.00 65,000.00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $585,871.00 $430,548.04 $584,839.00 $500,308.83 $266,700.00 $212,000.00

Non-Current Outlay
5200.100.5210 996.0000 Non-Current Outlays .00 .00 40,000.00 .00 40,000.00 40,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Set aside for WW sewer cleaner truck 1.0000 40,000.00 40,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $40,000.00

Non-Current Outlay Totals $0.00 $0.00 $40,000.00 $0.00 $40,000.00 $40,000.00

Sub Department 5210 - Collection System Totals $1,009,443.00 $776,024.86 $1,034,602.00 $851,865.96 $706,124.00 $695,539.00

Wastewater - Pumping

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5200 - Wastewater


Department 100 - Expenditures

Sub Department 5225 - Pumping

Personnel Services
5200.100.5225 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 237,310.00 210,613.87 252,924.00 258,747.12 288,031.00 332,010.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Salary Plan Percentage Increase - 3.06% 1.0000 9,858.00 9,858.00

Mayor's Budget 4 - Wastewater/Stormwater Service Worker, Lead (40%) - Range 50 1.0000 95,951.00 95,951.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Electronics Technician 50% - Range 50 1.0000 33,813.00 33,813.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Wastewater/Stormwater Svc Worker, Senior (40%) - Range 45 1.0000 19,519.00 19,519.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Wastewater Collections Supervisor (40%) - Range 56 1.0000 30,984.00 30,984.00

Mayor's Budget 6 - Wastewater/Stormwater Service Worker (40%) - Range 40 1.0000 102,586.00 102,586.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Water Compliance Inspector (34%) - Range 52 1.0000 39,299.00 39,299.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $332,010.00

5200.100.5225 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 53,831.00 55,360.36 4,306.00 3,715.41 6,160.00 6,160.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Seasonal Groundskeeper 1.0000 6,160.00 6,160.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $6,160.00

5200.100.5225 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 13,545.00 11,666.22 12,000.00 3,692.62 12,000.00 12,000.00

5200.100.5225 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 25,000.00 8,911.03 25,000.00 3,455.63 25,000.00 25,000.00

Personnel Services Totals $329,686.00 $286,551.48 $294,230.00 $269,610.78 $331,191.00 $375,170.00

Fringe Benefits
5200.100.5225 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 20,233.00 17,372.12 20,121.00 15,286.65 20,534.00 23,261.00

5200.100.5225 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 4,733.00 4,062.93 4,706.00 3,575.30 4,802.00 5,440.00

5200.100.5225 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 5,400.00 .00 5,400.00 .00 5,400.00 5,400.00

5200.100.5225 402.0005 Post Employment Health 2,594.00 2,338.13 2,594.00 2,070.42 2,594.00 2,624.00

5200.100.5225 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 47,853.00 34,478.61 44,207.00 38,028.31 36,895.00 32,323.00

5200.100.5225 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 263.00 258.61 263.00 211.68 239.00 286.00

5200.100.5225 402.0030 Disability Insurance 929.00 830.59 929.00 744.04 239.00 1,029.00

Wastewater - Pumping

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5200.100.5225 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 70,519.00 70,518.50 67,004.00 66,230.00 63,004.00 63,004.00

5200.100.5225 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 15,315.00 16,282.64 16,780.00 16,779.33 17,603.00 21,169.00

5200.100.5225 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 2,110.00 2,250.00 2,640.00 1,680.00 2,640.00 2,640.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $169,949.00 $148,392.13 $164,644.00 $144,605.73 $153,950.00 $157,176.00

Material And Supplies

5200.100.5225 410.0040 Janitorial Supplies 1,200.00 977.38 1,200.00 457.82 1,200.00 1,200.00

5200.100.5225 410.0050 Mechanical & Welding 300.00 78.01 300.00 87.89 300.00 300.00

5200.100.5225 410.0100 Clothing 800.00 293.38 800.00 434.99 800.00 800.00

5200.100.5225 410.0170 Minor Tools & Equipment 1,200.00 1,195.09 1,200.00 367.74 1,200.00 1,200.00

5200.100.5225 410.0190 Diesel Fuel 1,000.00 5.99 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 1,500.00


Department Requested Higher costs to run Generators at Pump Stations

5200.100.5225 410.0200 Gasoline 2,000.00 78.06 2,000.00 .00 2,000.00 2,000.00

5200.100.5225 410.0210 Oil, Anti-Freeze, Etc. 1,500.00 1,174.53 1,500.00 522.28 1,500.00 1,500.00

Material And Supplies Totals $8,000.00 $3,802.44 $8,000.00 $1,870.72 $8,000.00 $8,500.00

5200.100.5225 420.0010 Electricity 265,000.00 290,780.41 300,000.00 293,721.43 300,000.00 300,000.00

5200.100.5225 420.0020 Building Heat .00 .00 60.00 59.40 .00 .00

5200.100.5225 420.0030 Water, Sewer & Refuse 3,500.00 3,347.03 3,500.00 3,571.89 3,500.00 3,500.00

Utilities Totals $268,500.00 $294,127.44 $303,560.00 $297,352.72 $303,500.00 $303,500.00

Contractual Services
5200.100.5225 430.0090 Advertising .00 .00 19.00 18.96 .00 .00

5200.100.5225 430.0100 Cleaning & Laundry Svcs 37.00 36.73 .00 .00 .00 .00

5200.100.5225 430.0170 Maintenance Agreements .00 .00 205.00 .00 5,000.00 5,000.00

Contractual Services Totals $37.00 $36.73 $224.00 $18.96 $5,000.00 $5,000.00

Maintenance Structures
5200.100.5225 440.0010 Mtce Buildings & Grounds 5,707.00 5,706.36 28,000.00 10,259.64 28,000.00 28,000.00

5200.100.5225 440.0045 Mtce-Mowing 11,487.00 11,487.00 14,421.00 12,545.00 25,000.00 25,000.00

5200.100.5225 440.0070 Mtce Sewermains 18.00 17.33 .00 .00 .00 .00

Maintenance Structures Totals $17,212.00 $17,210.69 $42,421.00 $22,804.64 $53,000.00 $53,000.00

Wastewater - Pumping

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Maintenance Equipment
5200.100.5225 450.0020 Mtce Installed Mech Equip 85,255.00 85,254.70 61,636.00 54,097.54 65,000.00 70,000.00


Level Comment
Department Requested Pump Stations aging

5200.100.5225 450.0030 Mtce Communication & Elec 37,900.00 37,977.04 112,143.00 112,142.88 30,000.00 100,000.00


Level Comment
Department Requested $70,000 Drive Replacement

5200.100.5225 450.0090 Mtce Shop Equipment 529.00 528.61 3,000.00 616.66 3,000.00 3,000.00

5200.100.5225 450.0160 Mtce Vehicles/Motor Eq. 5,076.00 5,036.13 6,867.00 6,866.27 6,000.00 6,000.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $128,760.00 $128,796.48 $183,646.00 $173,723.35 $104,000.00 $179,000.00

Other Operating Expenses

5200.100.5225 460.0017 Network Services for Comm System .00 .00 6,500.00 6,249.60 .00 .00

5200.100.5225 460.0050 Education & Training 2,179.00 2,179.00 2,006.00 .00 3,000.00 3,000.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget For Electricians - from 450.0030 1.0000 3,000.00 3,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $3,000.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $2,179.00 $2,179.00 $8,506.00 $6,249.60 $3,000.00 $3,000.00

Operating Transfers Out

5200.100.5225 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out .00 24,551.50 .00 33,657.17 .00 .00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $0.00 $24,551.50 $0.00 $33,657.17 $0.00 $0.00

Capital Outlay
5200.100.5225 650.0010 Work In Progress 834,716.00 652,586.71 364,478.00 359,097.37 750,000.00 1,600,000.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Rehab for LS 27 last rehabbed 1999 and LS 24 last rehabbed 2001 1.0000 1,600,000.00 1,600,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,600,000.00

5200.100.5225 700.0120 Trucks & Mounted Equipmt 24,552.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $859,268.00 $652,586.71 $364,478.00 $359,097.37 $750,000.00 $1,600,000.00

Sub Department 5225 - Pumping Totals $1,783,591.00 $1,558,234.60 $1,369,709.00 $1,308,991.04 $1,711,641.00 $2,684,346.00

Wastewater - Forcemain

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5200 - Wastewater


Department 100 - Expenditures

Sub Department 5235 - Forcemain

Personnel Services
5200.100.5235 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 102,066.00 88,785.77 108,732.00 102,317.40 107,461.00 128,329.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 4 - Wastewater/Stormwater Service Worker, Lead (20%) - Range 50 1.0000 47,975.00 47,975.00

Mayor's Budget 6 - Wastewater/Stormwater Service Worker (20%) - Range 38 1.0000 51,293.00 51,293.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Wastewater Collections Supervisor (20%) - Range 56 1.0000 15,492.00 15,492.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Wastewater/Stormwater Service Worker, Sr. (20%) - Range 45 1.0000 9,759.00 9,759.00

Mayor's Budget Salary Plan Percentage Increase - 3.06% 1.0000 3,810.00 3,810.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $128,329.00

5200.100.5235 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 8,138.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

5200.100.5235 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 5,545.00 4,993.96 4,000.00 1,286.74 4,000.00 4,000.00

5200.100.5235 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 7,612.00 4,950.65 .00 1,366.48 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $123,361.00 $98,730.38 $112,732.00 $104,970.62 $111,461.00 $132,329.00

Fringe Benefits
5200.100.5235 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 7,177.00 5,942.25 6,989.00 5,946.32 6,911.00 8,204.00

5200.100.5235 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 1,678.00 1,389.54 1,635.00 1,390.47 1,616.00 1,919.00

5200.100.5235 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 435.00 .00 435.00 .00 435.00 435.00

5200.100.5235 402.0005 Post Employment Health 990.00 775.50 990.00 806.85 990.00 1,188.00

5200.100.5235 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 13,798.00 14,911.88 16,756.00 15,402.84 15,587.00 13,154.00

5200.100.5235 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 95.00 83.56 105.00 85.62 106.00 130.00

5200.100.5235 402.0030 Disability Insurance 363.00 284.67 359.00 279.98 355.00 398.00

5200.100.5235 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 7,052.00 7,051.85 7,300.00 6,623.00 6,300.00 6,300.00

5200.100.5235 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 4,802.00 4,495.40 6,053.00 6,052.10 6,558.00 8,249.00

5200.100.5235 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 830.00 900.00 1,080.00 840.00 960.00 960.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $37,220.00 $35,834.65 $41,702.00 $37,427.18 $39,818.00 $40,937.00

Wastewater - Forcemain

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Contractual Services
5200.100.5235 430.0150 Consultants .00 2,582.50 950.00 950.00 .00 .00

Contractual Services Totals $0.00 $2,582.50 $950.00 $950.00 $0.00 $0.00

Maintenance Structures
5200.100.5235 440.0070 Mtce Sewermains 13,619.00 13,618.06 9,609.00 6,890.49 10,000.00 28,000.00


Level Comment
Department Requested $18,000 for share of trailer mounted valve operator /with water dept.

Maintenance Structures Totals $13,619.00 $13,618.06 $9,609.00 $6,890.49 $10,000.00 $28,000.00

Capital Outlay
5200.100.5235 650.0010 Work In Progress 2,070,087.00 1,372,392.54 1,260,793.00 712,572.59 1,100,000.00 706,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Almonte Bypass 1.0000 630,000.00 630,000.00

Mayor's Budget Sanitary Sewer Rehab 1.0000 76,000.00 76,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $706,000.00

5200.100.5235 700.0020 Installed Mech Systems 3,989.00 3,104.00 6,050.00 5,096.47 8,000.00 8,000.00

Capital Outlay Totals $2,074,076.00 $1,375,496.54 $1,266,843.00 $717,669.06 $1,108,000.00 $714,000.00

Sub Department 5235 - Forcemain Totals $2,248,276.00 $1,526,262.13 $1,431,836.00 $867,907.35 $1,269,279.00 $915,266.00

Wastewater - Treatment

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5200 - Wastewater


Department 100 - Expenditures

Sub Department 5240 - Wastewater Treatment

Personnel Services
5200.100.5240 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary .00 .00 .00 3,336.00 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,336.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fringe Benefits
5200.100.5240 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer .00 .00 .00 206.82 .00 .00

5200.100.5240 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer .00 .00 .00 48.36 .00 .00

Fringe Benefits Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $255.18 $0.00 $0.00

Material And Supplies

5200.100.5240 410.0010 Books & Subscriptions .00 .00 .00 279.69 .00 .00

5200.100.5240 410.0020 Office Supplies 30.00 28.95 .00 192.50 .00 .00

5200.100.5240 410.0040 Janitorial Supplies 20.00 19.11 .00 113.88 .00 .00

5200.100.5240 410.0060 Medical & Laboratory 2,124.00 2,123.45 .00 (2,877.20) .00 .00

5200.100.5240 410.0100 Clothing 192.00 191.69 .00 308.95 .00 .00

5200.100.5240 410.0170 Minor Tools & Equipment 117.00 25.83 .00 .00 .00 .00

5200.100.5240 410.0190 Diesel Fuel .00 .00 .00 96.12 .00 .00

5200.100.5240 410.0200 Gasoline 157.00 287.32 .00 1,394.29 .00 .00

5200.100.5240 415.0030 Chemicals 240.00 239.33 .00 .00 .00 .00

5200.100.5240 415.0035 Lab Supplies .00 1,320.25 .00 12,164.29 .00 .00

5200.100.5240 415.0040 Maintenance Parts 505.00 552.07 .00 884.08 .00 .00

Material And Supplies Totals $3,385.00 $4,788.00 $0.00 $12,556.60 $0.00 $0.00

5200.100.5240 420.0010 Electricity .00 .00 .00 177.13 .00 .00

5200.100.5240 420.0030 Water, Sewer & Refuse .00 .00 .00 7,374.01 .00 .00

Utilities Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7,551.14 $0.00 $0.00

Contractual Services
5200.100.5240 430.0015 Contracted PersonnelSvcs. .00 .00 .00 4,147.50 .00 .00

Wastewater - Treatment

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5200.100.5240 430.0080 Processing Contract 146.00 145.30 .00 .00 .00 .00

5200.100.5240 430.0150 Consultants .00 .00 .00 199,313.68 .00 .00

Contractual Services Totals $146.00 $145.30 $0.00 $203,461.18 $0.00 $0.00

Maintenance Structures
5200.100.5240 440.0010 Mtce Buildings & Grounds 1,089.00 4,483.44 .00 6,352.60 .00 .00

Maintenance Structures Totals $1,089.00 $4,483.44 $0.00 $6,352.60 $0.00 $0.00

Maintenance Equipment
5200.100.5240 450.0020 Mtce Installed Mech Equip .00 2,667.62 .00 75.64 .00 .00

5200.100.5240 450.0030 Mtce Communication & Elec 275.00 274.50 .00 .00 .00 .00

5200.100.5240 450.0050 Mtce Gen Equipt N.O.C. .00 .00 .00 750.00 .00 .00

5200.100.5240 450.0100 Mtce Instruments/Aparatus .00 .00 .00 98.46 .00 .00

5200.100.5240 450.0115 Mtce Safety Equipment .00 .00 .00 234.20 .00 .00

5200.100.5240 450.0160 Mtce Vehicles/Motor Eq. 100.00 90.35 .00 .00 .00 .00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $375.00 $3,032.47 $0.00 $1,158.30 $0.00 $0.00

Other Operating Expenses

5200.100.5240 460.0050 Education & Training 3,900.00 3,899.41 .00 .00 .00 .00

5200.100.5240 460.0060 Travel 1,730.00 1,729.60 .00 .00 .00 .00

5200.100.5240 460.0080 Freight .00 364.19 .00 302.69 .00 .00

5200.100.5240 460.0090 Dues .00 .00 .00 90.00 .00 .00

5200.100.5240 460.0170 Attorney Fees .00 .00 .00 8,580.00 .00 .00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $5,630.00 $5,993.20 $0.00 $8,972.69 $0.00 $0.00

Capital Outlay
5200.100.5240 700.0100 Cars & Light Duty Trucks 9,465.00 9,465.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $9,465.00 $9,465.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Division 1 - Administrative
Material And Supplies
5200.100.5240.1 410.0010 Books & Subscriptions 800.00 139.99 800.00 .00 800.00 800.00

5200.100.5240.1 410.0020 Office Supplies 2,500.00 1,531.94 2,500.00 377.51 2,500.00 2,500.00

5200.100.5240.1 410.0040 Janitorial Supplies 2,500.00 1,522.40 2,500.00 721.62 2,500.00 2,500.00

5200.100.5240.1 410.0060 Medical & Laboratory 3,278.00 4,077.79 6,725.00 6,722.00 2,000.00 2,000.00

Wastewater - Treatment

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5200.100.5240.1 410.0100 Clothing 1,650.00 1,840.74 1,800.00 1,357.14 1,800.00 1,800.00

5200.100.5240.1 410.0170 Minor Tools & Equipment 1,000.00 438.96 1,500.00 552.13 1,500.00 1,500.00

5200.100.5240.1 410.0200 Gasoline 2,000.00 173.87 2,000.00 .00 2,000.00 2,000.00

5200.100.5240.1 410.0210 Oil, Anti-Freeze, Etc. 500.00 .00 600.00 532.80 500.00 500.00

5200.100.5240.1 410.0265 Minor Pc Software 3,800.00 .00 4,000.00 .00 4,000.00 4,000.00

Material And Supplies Totals $18,028.00 $9,725.69 $22,425.00 $10,263.20 $17,600.00 $17,600.00

Contractual Services
5200.100.5240.1 430.0090 Advertising 709.00 708.63 500.00 45.43 500.00 500.00

5200.100.5240.1 430.0100 Cleaning & Laundry Svcs 7,500.00 3,750.00 7,500.00 3,450.00 7,500.00 7,500.00

5200.100.5240.1 430.0110 Printing 500.00 68.46 500.00 204.35 500.00 500.00

5200.100.5240.1 430.0150 Consultants 100,000.00 11,208.43 100,000.00 90,102.55 35,000.00 35,000.00

5200.100.5240.1 430.0170 Maintenance Agreements 13,668.00 3,445.70 14,268.00 14,199.25 11,868.00 17,668.00

Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Border State Tech Connect Support 1.0000 2,200.00 2,200.00

Mayor's Budget Schindler Plus Elevator Service 1.0000 1,668.00 1,668.00

Mayor's Budget Hawk Probe AVT service contract 1.0000 3,600.00 3,600.00

Mayor's Budget SCADA software support Wonderwear 1.0000 5,000.00 5,000.00

Mayor's Budget Young Company flow meter support 1.0000 1,200.00 1,200.00

Mayor's Budget Dakota Fire sprinklers 1.0000 1,200.00 1,200.00

Mayor's Budget Johnson Control alarm system 1.0000 2,800.00 2,800.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $17,668.00

5200.100.5240.1 430.0175 Mtce.Costs-Computer Equip 4,435.00 4,434.86 4,000.00 .00 4,000.00 4,000.00

5200.100.5240.1 430.0400 Research Project Development .00 .00 .00 3,582.34 10,000.00 42,400.00

Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget UND Wastewater Treatment Research Project 1.0000 10,000.00 10,000.00

Mayor's Budget 3 Internships for Research Project 3.0000 10,800.00 32,400.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $42,400.00

Contractual Services Totals $126,812.00 $23,616.08 $126,768.00 $111,583.92 $69,368.00 $107,568.00

Wastewater - Treatment

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Maintenance Structures
5200.100.5240.1 440.0010 Mtce Buildings & Grounds 1,500.00 1,316.35 1,800.00 1,790.11 1,500.00 1,500.00

5200.100.5240.1 440.0015 Mtce-Snow Removal 6,000.00 2,568.14 6,000.00 140.75 6,000.00 6,000.00

Maintenance Structures Totals $7,500.00 $3,884.49 $7,800.00 $1,930.86 $7,500.00 $7,500.00

Maintenance Equipment
5200.100.5240.1 450.0090 Mtce Shop Equipment 500.00 .00 500.00 229.52 500.00 500.00

5200.100.5240.1 450.0115 Mtce Safety Equipment 700.00 164.78 1,000.00 851.39 1,000.00 1,000.00

5200.100.5240.1 450.0160 Mtce Vehicles/Motor Eq. 2,690.00 2,729.64 2,500.00 814.93 2,500.00 2,500.00

5200.100.5240.1 450.0610 IS-Capital Replacement Ex 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 .00

5200.100.5240.1 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 1,600.00 1,600.00 3,200.00 3,200.00 3,200.00 .00

5200.100.5240.1 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 17,100.00 17,100.00 17,100.00 17,100.00 17,100.00 .00

5200.100.5240.1 450.0640 IT Services .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 23,045.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $25,090.00 $24,094.42 $26,800.00 $24,695.84 $26,800.00 $27,045.00

Other Operating Expenses

5200.100.5240.1 460.0015 Cell Phone Charges 1,680.00 756.12 1,680.00 895.52 1,680.00 1,680.00

5200.100.5240.1 460.0020 Telephone 3,500.00 3,183.42 6,850.00 6,827.17 3,500.00 3,500.00

5200.100.5240.1 460.0040 Postage 400.00 11.26 400.00 14.38 400.00 400.00

5200.100.5240.1 460.0050 Education & Training 7,500.00 2,454.16 9,000.00 68.00 9,000.00 9,000.00

5200.100.5240.1 460.0060 Travel 4,500.00 2,509.58 1,475.00 .00 6,000.00 6,000.00

5200.100.5240.1 460.0080 Freight 1,200.00 580.86 1,200.00 357.17 1,200.00 1,200.00

5200.100.5240.1 460.0090 Dues 500.00 110.00 500.00 115.00 500.00 500.00

5200.100.5240.1 460.0105 Vehicle Registration 100.00 .00 100.00 .00 100.00 100.00

5200.100.5240.1 460.0110 Fire & Tornado Insurance 25,718.00 25,562.77 26,200.00 26,144.69 22,000.00 28,000.00

Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Based on 2017 expenses Finance Dept estimates $22,000 for 2018 1.0000 28,000.00 28,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $28,000.00

5200.100.5240.1 460.0120 Fleet & Gen.Liab.Insuranc 3,500.00 3,014.48 3,500.00 3,375.75 3,500.00 3,500.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $48,598.00 $38,182.65 $50,905.00 $37,797.68 $47,880.00 $53,880.00

Operating Transfers Out

Wastewater - Treatment

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5200.100.5240.1 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out 35,000.00 35,000.00 36,813.00 36,813.00 .00 .00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $35,000.00 $35,000.00 $36,813.00 $36,813.00 $0.00 $0.00

Capital Outlay
5200.100.5240.1 650.0010 Work In Progress .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 33,000.00

Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget security cameras 11.0000 3,000.00 33,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $33,000.00

5200.100.5240.1 700.0030 Communication & Elec .00 .00 3,900.00 3,751.25 9,700.00 9,700.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Share of costs for Electricans - Safety, Minor Tools, 1.0000 9,700.00 9,700.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $9,700.00

5200.100.5240.1 700.0050 Gen Equipment N.O.C. .00 .00 3,200.00 .00 4,000.00 4,000.00

Capital Outlay Totals $0.00 $0.00 $7,100.00 $3,751.25 $13,700.00 $46,700.00

Division 1 - Administrative Totals $261,028.00 $134,503.33 $278,611.00 $226,835.75 $182,848.00 $260,293.00

Division 5241 - Headworks

Personnel Services
5200.100.5240.5241 Wages & Salary-Permanent 64,513.00 59,195.26 67,599.00 69,119.85 60,874.00 71,407.00
Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget 2 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator, Lead (20%) Range 50 1.0000 23,119.00 23,119.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Electrical Technician (10%) Range 46 1.0000 6,048.00 6,048.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Supervisor (20%) - Range 56 1.0000 14,399.00 14,399.00

Mayor's Budget 3 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator (20%) - Range 40 1.0000 25,721.00 25,721.00

Mayor's Budget Salary Plan Percentage Increase 1.0000 2,120.00 2,120.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $71,407.00

5200.100.5240.5241 Wages & Salary-Temporary 14,330.00 16,669.58 36,230.00 36,220.51 2,330.00 2,330.00
Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget 1 - Seasonal Groundskeeper (20%) 1.0000 2,330.00 2,330.00

Wastewater - Treatment

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget Totals $2,330.00

5200.100.5240.5241 Wages & Salary-Overtime 4,680.00 4,846.87 11,000.00 10,229.54 3,000.00 3,000.00
5200.100.5240.5241 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 6,600.00 1,148.94 6,600.00 1,974.12 6,600.00 6,600.00
Personnel Services Totals $90,123.00 $81,860.65 $121,429.00 $117,544.02 $72,804.00 $83,337.00

Fringe Benefits
5200.100.5240.5241 FICA OASDI-Employer 4,739.00 4,915.07 6,788.00 6,767.47 4,514.00 5,167.00
5200.100.5240.5241 FICA Medicare-Employer 1,108.00 1,149.50 1,600.00 1,582.69 1,056.00 1,208.00
5200.100.5240.5241 Unemployment Compensation 500.00 .00 500.00 .00 500.00 500.00
5200.100.5240.5241 Worker's Compensation 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00
5200.100.5240.5241 Post Employment Health 545.00 528.01 945.00 873.93 545.00 644.00
5200.100.5240.5241 NDPERS- Health Insurance 10,931.00 11,573.54 17,885.00 17,872.65 11,137.00 11,148.00
5200.100.5240.5241 Life Insurance-Employee 108.00 75.60 158.00 99.79 58.00 70.00
5200.100.5240.5241 Disability Insurance 213.00 189.47 299.00 274.65 201.00 236.00
5200.100.5240.5241 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 2,982.00 2,795.25 2,982.00 2,490.00 2,982.00 2,982.00
5200.100.5240.5241 Pension-NDPERS 5,355.00 5,983.53 8,793.00 8,751.18 5,028.00 5,898.00
5200.100.5240.5241 Vehicle Flat Rate 100.00 .00 100.00 .00 100.00 100.00
5200.100.5240.5241 Cell Phone Flat Rate 600.00 560.00 555.00 550.00 480.00 480.00
Fringe Benefits Totals $28,181.00 $28,769.97 $41,605.00 $40,262.36 $27,601.00 $29,433.00

Material And Supplies

5200.100.5240.5241 Pest Control Supplies 400.00 392.76 .00 .00 .00 .00
5200.100.5240.5241 Minor Tools & Equipment 863.00 862.16 700.00 460.43 700.00 700.00
5200.100.5240.5241 Oil, Anti-Freeze, Etc. 800.00 47.88 800.00 133.20 800.00 800.00
5200.100.5240.5241 Maintenance Parts 15,000.00 12,654.95 15,000.00 380.48 15,000.00 15,000.00
Material And Supplies Totals $17,063.00 $13,957.75 $16,500.00 $974.11 $16,500.00 $16,500.00

5200.100.5240.5241 Electricity 80,000.00 71,364.84 84,210.00 84,205.52 80,000.00 88,000.00
5200.100.5240.5241 Building Heat 28,000.00 25,904.86 36,000.00 40,389.10 28,000.00 42,000.00
5200.100.5240.5241 Water, Sewer & Refuse 7,500.00 5,751.96 7,500.00 4,898.30 7,500.00 7,500.00
Utilities Totals $115,500.00 $103,021.66 $127,710.00 $129,492.92 $115,500.00 $137,500.00

Maintenance Structures

Wastewater - Treatment

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5200.100.5240.5241 Mtce Buildings & Grounds 23,145.00 23,144.60 23,000.00 6,165.78 23,000.00 23,000.00
Maintenance Structures Totals $23,145.00 $23,144.60 $23,000.00 $6,165.78 $23,000.00 $23,000.00

Maintenance Equipment
5200.100.5240.5241 Mtce Installed Mech Equip 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 391.08 10,000.00 10,000.00
5200.100.5240.5241 Mtce Communication & Elec 5,000.00 3,736.94 5,000.00 1,990.64 5,000.00 5,000.00
5200.100.5240.5241 Mtce Safety Equipment 600.00 980.78 600.00 .00 600.00 600.00
Maintenance Equipment Totals $15,600.00 $14,717.72 $15,600.00 $2,381.72 $15,600.00 $15,600.00

Capital Outlay
5200.100.5240.5241 Installed Mech Systems 40.00 .00 3,000.00 .00 3,000.00 3,000.00
Capital Outlay Totals $40.00 $0.00 $3,000.00 $0.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00

Division 5241 - Headworks Totals $289,652.00 $265,472.35 $348,844.00 $296,820.91 $274,005.00 $308,370.00

Division 5242 - Treatment

Personnel Services
5200.100.5240.5242 Wages & Salary-Permanent 64,513.00 59,195.26 60,450.00 54,750.17 60,874.00 71,407.00
Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget 2 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator, Lead (20%) Range 50 1.0000 23,119.00 23,119.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Electrical Technician (10%) Range 46 1.0000 6,048.00 6,048.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Supervisor (20%) - Range 56 1.0000 14,399.00 14,399.00

Mayor's Budget 3 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator (20%) - Range 40 1.0000 25,721.00 25,721.00

Mayor's Budget Salary Plan Increase - 3.06% 1.0000 2,120.00 2,120.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $71,407.00

5200.100.5240.5242 Wages & Salary-Temporary 2,330.00 61.98 2,330.00 1,013.46 2,330.00 2,330.00
Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget 1 - Seasonal Groundskeeper 20% 1.0000 2,330.00 2,330.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $2,330.00

5200.100.5240.5242 Wages & Salary-Overtime 4,394.00 4,560.82 7,000.00 6,167.86 3,000.00 3,000.00
5200.100.5240.5242 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 6,600.00 1,148.94 1,100.00 1,782.21 .00 .00
Personnel Services Totals $77,837.00 $64,967.00 $70,880.00 $63,713.70 $66,204.00 $76,737.00

Fringe Benefits

Wastewater - Treatment

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5200.100.5240.5242 FICA OASDI-Employer 4,739.00 3,894.82 4,140.00 3,616.16 4,105.00 4,758.00
5200.100.5240.5242 FICA Medicare-Employer 1,108.00 910.90 968.00 845.69 960.00 1,113.00
5200.100.5240.5242 Unemployment Compensation 500.00 .00 500.00 .00 500.00 500.00
5200.100.5240.5242 Worker's Compensation 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00
5200.100.5240.5242 Post Employment Health 545.00 528.01 545.00 461.43 545.00 644.00
5200.100.5240.5242 NDPERS- Health Insurance 10,931.00 9,703.02 10,410.00 10,008.42 11,137.00 11,148.00
5200.100.5240.5242 Life Insurance-Employee 58.00 58.08 58.00 46.31 58.00 70.00
5200.100.5240.5242 Disability Insurance 213.00 189.47 199.00 165.55 201.00 236.00
5200.100.5240.5242 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 2,982.00 2,795.25 2,982.00 2,490.00 2,982.00 2,982.00
5200.100.5240.5242 Pension-NDPERS 4,493.00 4,869.49 4,993.00 4,682.88 5,028.00 5,898.00
5200.100.5240.5242 Cell Phone Flat Rate 510.00 560.00 555.00 550.00 480.00 480.00
Fringe Benefits Totals $27,079.00 $24,509.04 $26,350.00 $23,866.44 $26,996.00 $28,829.00

Material And Supplies

5200.100.5240.5242 Office Supplies .00 .00 50.00 10.40 .00 .00
5200.100.5240.5242 Pest Control Supplies 1,900.00 1,652.14 2,050.00 2,044.90 1,900.00 1,900.00
5200.100.5240.5242 Minor Tools & Equipment 1,500.00 1,590.68 1,500.00 1,301.82 1,500.00 1,500.00
5200.100.5240.5242 Diesel Fuel 2,000.00 .00 2,000.00 838.80 2,000.00 2,000.00
5200.100.5240.5242 Oil, Anti-Freeze, Etc. 2,000.00 520.95 2,050.00 2,040.95 2,000.00 2,000.00
5200.100.5240.5242 Maintenance Parts 25,000.00 15,362.54 44,350.00 44,294.91 25,000.00 25,000.00
Material And Supplies Totals $32,400.00 $19,126.31 $52,000.00 $50,531.78 $32,400.00 $32,400.00

5200.100.5240.5242 Electricity 350,000.00 326,239.24 385,000.00 384,939.52 350,000.00 400,000.00
5200.100.5240.5242 Building Heat 40,000.00 25,904.85 53,800.00 53,603.80 40,000.00 60,000.00
5200.100.5240.5242 Water, Sewer & Refuse 35,000.00 32,818.98 35,000.00 31,200.62 35,000.00 35,000.00
Utilities Totals $425,000.00 $384,963.07 $473,800.00 $469,743.94 $425,000.00 $495,000.00

Contractual Services
5200.100.5240.5242 Maintenance Agreements 27,157.00 27,946.75 30,000.00 21,020.00 30,000.00 30,000.00
Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Turblex Maintenance Agreement 1.0000 30,000.00 30,000.00

Wastewater - Treatment

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget Totals $30,000.00

Contractual Services Totals $27,157.00 $27,946.75 $30,000.00 $21,020.00 $30,000.00 $30,000.00

Maintenance Structures
5200.100.5240.5242 Mtce Buildings & Grounds 20,000.00 17,241.48 10,000.00 7,679.24 20,000.00 20,000.00
Maintenance Structures Totals $20,000.00 $17,241.48 $10,000.00 $7,679.24 $20,000.00 $20,000.00

Maintenance Equipment
5200.100.5240.5242 Mtce Installed Mech Equip 10,000.00 .00 12,700.00 12,660.06 10,000.00 10,000.00
5200.100.5240.5242 Mtce Communication & Elec 4,429.00 2,815.89 18,000.00 16,198.96 8,000.00 8,000.00
5200.100.5240.5242 Mtce Gen Equipt N.O.C. 17,000.00 4,738.82 17,000.00 .00 17,000.00 17,000.00
5200.100.5240.5242 Mtce Shop Equipment 3,000.00 .00 3,000.00 .00 3,000.00 3,000.00
5200.100.5240.5242 Mtce Safety Equipment 1,500.00 .00 1,500.00 180.94 1,500.00 1,500.00
Maintenance Equipment Totals $35,929.00 $7,554.71 $52,200.00 $29,039.96 $39,500.00 $39,500.00

Capital Outlay
5200.100.5240.5242 Work In Progress 120,000.00 23,106.75 596,500.00 128,132.40 144,000.00 .00
5200.100.5240.5242 Installed Mech Systems 3,000.00 .00 3,000.00 .00 3,000.00 3,000.00
Capital Outlay Totals $123,000.00 $23,106.75 $599,500.00 $128,132.40 $147,000.00 $3,000.00

Division 5242 - Treatment Totals $768,402.00 $569,415.11 $1,314,730.00 $793,727.46 $787,100.00 $725,466.00

Division 5243 - Clarification

Personnel Services
5200.100.5240.5243 Wages & Salary-Permanent 96,768.00 88,793.16 90,676.00 82,125.38 91,312.00 107,110.00
Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget 2 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator, Lead (30%) Range 50 1.0000 34,679.00 34,679.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Electrical Technician (15%) Range 46 1.0000 9,071.00 9,071.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Supervisor (30%) - Range 56 1.0000 21,598.00 21,598.00

Mayor's Budget 3 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator (30%) - Range 40 1.0000 38,582.00 38,582.00

Mayor's Budget Salary Plan Percentage Increase - 3.06% 1.0000 3,180.00 3,180.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $107,110.00

5200.100.5240.5243 Wages & Salary-Temporary 3,495.00 61.98 3,495.00 1,520.19 3,495.00 3,495.00
Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Wastewater - Treatment

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget 1 - Seasonal Groundskeeper 30% 1.0000 3,495.00 3,495.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $3,495.00

5200.100.5240.5243 Wages & Salary-Overtime 6,600.00 6,841.39 9,275.00 9,251.73 5,000.00 5,000.00
5200.100.5240.5243 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 9,900.00 1,723.40 5,000.00 2,673.31 .00 .00
Personnel Services Totals $116,763.00 $97,419.93 $108,446.00 $95,570.61 $99,807.00 $115,605.00

Fringe Benefits
5200.100.5240.5243 FICA OASDI-Employer 7,140.00 5,840.37 6,459.00 5,424.25 6,188.00 7,168.00
5200.100.5240.5243 FICA Medicare-Employer 1,670.00 1,365.81 1,510.00 1,268.66 1,447.00 1,676.00
5200.100.5240.5243 Unemployment Compensation 750.00 .00 750.00 .00 750.00 750.00
5200.100.5240.5243 Worker's Compensation 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,255.98 1,500.00 1,500.00
5200.100.5240.5243 Post Employment Health 817.00 792.23 817.00 692.26 817.00 965.00
5200.100.5240.5243 NDPERS- Health Insurance 15,080.00 14,554.29 15,615.00 15,012.31 16,705.00 16,723.00
5200.100.5240.5243 Life Insurance-Employee 16,396.00 86.52 87.00 70.00 87.00 105.00
5200.100.5240.5243 Disability Insurance 319.00 284.17 299.00 248.39 301.00 353.00
5200.100.5240.5243 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 3,936.00 3,689.73 3,936.00 3,286.00 3,936.00 3,936.00
5200.100.5240.5243 Pension-NDPERS 6,740.00 7,304.73 7,490.00 7,024.89 7,542.00 8,847.00
5200.100.5240.5243 Cell Phone Flat Rate 765.00 840.00 825.00 825.00 720.00 720.00
Fringe Benefits Totals $55,113.00 $36,257.85 $39,288.00 $35,107.74 $39,993.00 $42,743.00

Material And Supplies

5200.100.5240.5243 Pest Control Supplies 1,200.00 .00 1,200.00 311.66 1,200.00 1,200.00
5200.100.5240.5243 Minor Tools & Equipment 1,637.00 1,636.73 1,500.00 1,055.41 1,500.00 1,500.00
5200.100.5240.5243 Oil, Anti-Freeze, Etc. 1,500.00 129.92 1,500.00 79.02 1,500.00 1,500.00
5200.100.5240.5243 Chemicals 91,264.00 91,264.00 371,000.00 373,307.25 604,000.00 604,000.00
Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Chemical for UV Disinfection 1.0000 30,000.00 30,000.00

Mayor's Budget Chemical for Clarification Process 1.0000 174,000.00 174,000.00

Mayor's Budget Sodium Hydroxide for Industrial Wastewater Treatment 1.0000 400,000.00 400,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $604,000.00

5200.100.5240.5243 Maintenance Parts 28,456.00 28,455.03 40,850.00 40,846.91 25,000.00 25,000.00


Wastewater - Treatment

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Material And Supplies Totals $124,057.00 $121,485.68 $416,050.00 $415,600.25 $633,200.00 $633,200.00

5200.100.5240.5243 Electricity 150,000.00 112,144.74 147,790.00 132,322.97 180,000.00 180,000.00
Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Electricity for Clarification Process 1.0000 120,000.00 120,000.00

Mayor's Budget Electricity for UV Disinfection Process- - 7 mo operation 1.0000 60,000.00 60,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $180,000.00

5200.100.5240.5243 Building Heat 26,544.00 25,904.89 25,000.00 24,952.82 20,000.00 25,000.00

5200.100.5240.5243 Water, Sewer & Refuse 4,000.00 2,999.03 4,000.00 1,496.26 4,000.00 4,000.00
Utilities Totals $180,544.00 $141,048.66 $176,790.00 $158,772.05 $204,000.00 $209,000.00

Maintenance Structures
5200.100.5240.5243 Mtce Buildings & Grounds 21,500.00 8,919.46 9,500.00 7,349.95 21,500.00 21,500.00
Maintenance Structures Totals $21,500.00 $8,919.46 $9,500.00 $7,349.95 $21,500.00 $21,500.00

Maintenance Equipment
5200.100.5240.5243 Mtce Installed Mech Equip 20,000.00 18,616.45 20,000.00 850.09 20,000.00 20,000.00
5200.100.5240.5243 Mtce Communication & Elec 10,000.00 8,859.76 13,400.00 13,373.20 10,000.00 10,000.00
5200.100.5240.5243 Mtce Gen Equipt N.O.C. 2,099.00 .00 13,500.00 9,091.00 13,500.00 13,500.00
Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Renew/Replace Aurora rotating Assembly LH 1.0000 6,000.00 6,000.00

Mayor's Budget Renew/Replace MBF chain and sprockets 1.0000 7,500.00 7,500.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $13,500.00

5200.100.5240.5243 Mtce Shop Equipment 2,500.00 1,532.22 2,500.00 .00 2,500.00 2,500.00
5200.100.5240.5243 Mtce Safety Equipment 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 1,000.00
Maintenance Equipment Totals $35,599.00 $29,008.43 $50,400.00 $23,314.29 $47,000.00 $47,000.00

Other Operating Expenses

5200.100.5240.5243 Cell Phone Charges 50.00 .00 50.00 .00 50.00 50.00
Other Operating Expenses Totals $50.00 $0.00 $50.00 $0.00 $50.00 $50.00

Capital Outlay
5200.100.5240.5243 Work In Progress .00 .00 58,000.00 53,252.04 .00 .00

Wastewater - Treatment

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5200.100.5240.5243 Installed Mech Systems 560.00 .00 4,000.00 .00 4,000.00 4,000.00
5200.100.5240.5243 Gen Equipment N.O.C. 1,519.00 .00 20,000.00 .00 20,000.00 20,000.00
Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Motor Drive Replacement 1.0000 20,000.00 20,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $20,000.00

Capital Outlay Totals $2,079.00 $0.00 $82,000.00 $53,252.04 $24,000.00 $24,000.00

Division 5243 - Clarification Totals $535,705.00 $434,140.01 $882,524.00 $788,966.93 $1,069,550.00 $1,093,098.00

Division 5244 - Effluent Mgmt

Personnel Services
5200.100.5240.5244 Wages & Salary-Permanent 48,383.00 44,396.53 45,338.00 41,062.75 45,656.00 53,556.00
Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget 3 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator (15%) - Range 40 1.0000 19,291.00 19,291.00

Mayor's Budget 2 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator, Lead (15%) Range 50 1.0000 17,340.00 17,340.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Electrical Technician (7.5%) Range 46 1.0000 4,536.00 4,536.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Supervisor (15%) - Range 56 1.0000 10,799.00 10,799.00

Mayor's Budget Salary Plan Increase - 3.06% 1.0000 1,590.00 1,590.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $53,556.00

5200.100.5240.5244 Wages & Salary-Temporary 2,500.00 61.97 2,500.00 760.09 2,500.00 2,500.00
Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget 1 - Seasonal Groundskeeper 30% 1.0000 2,500.00 2,500.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $2,500.00

5200.100.5240.5244 Wages & Salary-Overtime 3,300.00 3,420.65 4,630.00 4,625.87 2,500.00 2,500.00
5200.100.5240.5244 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 4,950.00 861.70 2,500.00 1,336.66 .00 .00
Personnel Services Totals $59,133.00 $48,740.85 $54,968.00 $47,785.37 $50,656.00 $58,556.00

Fringe Benefits
5200.100.5240.5244 FICA OASDI-Employer 3,617.00 2,921.93 3,276.00 2,712.13 3,141.00 3,630.00
5200.100.5240.5244 FICA Medicare-Employer 846.00 683.37 766.00 634.22 735.00 849.00
5200.100.5240.5244 Unemployment Compensation 375.00 .00 375.00 .00 375.00 375.00

Wastewater - Treatment

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5200.100.5240.5244 Worker's Compensation 750.00 750.00 750.00 .00 750.00 750.00
5200.100.5240.5244 Post Employment Health 408.00 396.10 408.00 346.11 408.00 483.00
5200.100.5240.5244 NDPERS- Health Insurance 8,198.00 7,277.06 7,808.00 7,506.17 8,353.00 8,361.00
5200.100.5240.5244 Life Insurance-Employee 43.00 43.56 43.00 34.79 44.00 53.00
5200.100.5240.5244 Disability Insurance 160.00 142.13 150.00 124.12 151.00 177.00
5200.100.5240.5244 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 2,027.00 1,900.77 2,027.00 1,692.00 2,027.00 2,027.00
5200.100.5240.5244 Pension-NDPERS 3,373.00 3,652.28 3,745.00 3,512.53 3,771.00 4,424.00
5200.100.5240.5244 Cell Phone Flat Rate 550.00 420.00 415.00 412.50 360.00 360.00
Fringe Benefits Totals $20,347.00 $18,187.20 $19,763.00 $16,974.57 $20,115.00 $21,489.00

Material And Supplies

5200.100.5240.5244 Pest Control Supplies 2,000.00 311.66 2,000.00 .00 2,000.00 2,000.00
5200.100.5240.5244 Minor Tools & Equipment 1,334.00 1,333.52 1,200.00 487.18 1,200.00 1,200.00
5200.100.5240.5244 Diesel Fuel 2,000.00 1,311.04 2,000.00 286.85 2,000.00 2,000.00
5200.100.5240.5244 Gasoline 2,000.00 2,135.18 2,000.00 481.21 2,000.00 2,000.00
Material And Supplies Totals $7,334.00 $5,091.40 $7,200.00 $1,255.24 $7,200.00 $7,200.00

5200.100.5240.5244 Electricity 20,000.00 1,746.80 20,000.00 987.29 20,000.00 20,000.00
Utilities Totals $20,000.00 $1,746.80 $20,000.00 $987.29 $20,000.00 $20,000.00

Contractual Services
5200.100.5240.5244 Lease & Rental 1,000.00 165.00 11,000.00 8,195.73 11,000.00 18,000.00
Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Equipment Rental for Lagoon Repair and snow removal 2.0000 9,000.00 18,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $18,000.00

Contractual Services Totals $1,000.00 $165.00 $11,000.00 $8,195.73 $11,000.00 $18,000.00

Maintenance Structures
5200.100.5240.5244 Mtce Buildings & Grounds 22,710.00 22,709.55 17,600.00 15,855.66 15,000.00 15,000.00
5200.100.5240.5244 Mtce Lagoons 84,518.00 74,519.26 109,700.00 14,797.88 150,000.00 100,000.00
Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Lagoon Maintenance/Wildlife Mitigation 1.0000 100,000.00 100,000.00

Wastewater - Treatment

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget Totals $100,000.00

5200.100.5240.5244 Wildlife Mitigation 130,000.00 129,043.42 97,900.00 107,398.50 .00 184,000.00

Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Contract for sUAS 1.0000 60,000.00 60,000.00

Mayor's Budget Contract with USDA 1.0000 124,000.00 124,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $184,000.00

Maintenance Structures Totals $237,228.00 $226,272.23 $225,200.00 $138,052.04 $165,000.00 $299,000.00

Maintenance Equipment
5200.100.5240.5244 Mtce Vehicles/Motor Eq. 3,000.00 1,661.50 3,000.00 1,049.92 3,000.00 3,000.00
Maintenance Equipment Totals $3,000.00 $1,661.50 $3,000.00 $1,049.92 $3,000.00 $3,000.00

Capital Outlay
5200.100.5240.5244 Work In Progress .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 640,000.00
Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Dredging and redistribution of biosolids 1.0000 530,000.00 530,000.00

Mayor's Budget South Road Access/Hauled Waste Pad Improvement 1.0000 110,000.00 110,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $640,000.00

5200.100.5240.5244 Cars & Light Duty Trucks 40,000.00 32,328.24 30,000.00 .00 .00 45,000.00
Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Support of Electrical department truck 10,000.0000 1.00 10,000.00

Mayor's Budget Replace wwt departments suv 35,000.0000 1.00 35,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $45,000.00

Capital Outlay Totals $40,000.00 $32,328.24 $30,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $685,000.00

Division 5244 - Effluent Mgmt Totals $388,042.00 $334,193.22 $371,131.00 $214,300.16 $276,971.00 $1,112,245.00

Division 5246 - Lab

Personnel Services
5200.100.5240.5246 Wages & Salary-Permanent 152,591.00 149,028.40 152,755.00 148,964.60 94,655.00 111,598.00
Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Wastewater - Treatment

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget 2 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator, Lead (15%) Range 50 1.0000 17,340.00 17,340.00

Mayor's Budget 2 - Lab Analyst, Senior Range 50 1.0000 56,319.00 56,319.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Electrical Technician (7.5%) Range 46 1.0000 4,536.00 4,536.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Wastewater Treatment Supervisor 15% - Range 56 1.0000 10,799.00 10,799.00

Mayor's Budget 3 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator (15%) - Range 40 1.0000 19,291.00 19,291.00

Mayor's Budget Salary Plan Increase - 3.06% 1.0000 3,313.00 3,313.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $111,598.00

5200.100.5240.5246 Wages & Salary-Temporary .00 .00 1,000.00 760.09 .00 .00
5200.100.5240.5246 Wages & Salary-Overtime 3,700.00 3,495.73 4,705.00 4,703.78 2,500.00 2,500.00
5200.100.5240.5246 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 4,950.00 (2,274.16) 3,000.00 2,777.72 .00 .00
Personnel Services Totals $161,241.00 $150,249.97 $161,460.00 $157,206.19 $97,155.00 $114,098.00

Fringe Benefits
5200.100.5240.5246 FICA OASDI-Employer 9,923.00 9,337.26 9,812.00 9,300.87 6,024.00 7,074.00
5200.100.5240.5246 FICA Medicare-Employer 2,321.00 2,183.62 2,295.00 2,175.16 1,409.00 1,654.00
5200.100.5240.5246 Unemployment Compensation 375.00 .00 375.00 .00 375.00 375.00
5200.100.5240.5246 Worker's Compensation 1,200.00 1,093.65 750.00 .00 750.00 750.00
5200.100.5240.5246 Post Employment Health 1,398.00 1,385.71 1,398.00 1,335.72 903.00 978.00
5200.100.5240.5246 NDPERS- Health Insurance 22,951.00 18,353.87 19,692.00 13,705.32 12,885.00 11,703.00
5200.100.5240.5246 Life Insurance-Employee 148.00 147.84 148.00 126.92 97.00 107.00
5200.100.5240.5246 Disability Insurance 504.00 485.74 504.00 460.01 312.00 368.00
5200.100.5240.5246 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 10,886.00 9,933.00 8,886.00 8,878.00 5,886.00 5,886.00
5200.100.5240.5246 Pension Plan-Def. Contrbn 2,031.00 .00 2,031.00 .00 .00 .00
5200.100.5240.5246 Contract Emp-Def. Comp. 2,200.00 2,084.16 2,170.00 2,165.80 .00 2,205.00
5200.100.5240.5246 Pension-NDPERS 8,071.00 7,956.60 7,756.00 7,752.34 7,728.00 9,218.00
5200.100.5240.5246 Cell Phone Flat Rate 2,520.00 1,620.00 1,615.00 1,612.50 1,560.00 1,560.00
Fringe Benefits Totals $64,528.00 $54,581.45 $57,432.00 $47,512.64 $37,929.00 $41,878.00

Material And Supplies

5200.100.5240.5246 Medical & Laboratory 800.00 421.70 800.00 .00 800.00 800.00
5200.100.5240.5246 Clothing 400.00 .00 400.00 204.21 400.00 400.00
5200.100.5240.5246 Gasoline 500.00 251.91 500.00 129.36 500.00 500.00

Wastewater - Treatment

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5200.100.5240.5246 Lab Supplies 9,750.00 2,298.08 20,095.00 20,566.68 20,000.00 20,000.00
Material And Supplies Totals $11,450.00 $2,971.69 $21,795.00 $20,900.25 $21,700.00 $21,700.00

Contractual Services
5200.100.5240.5246 Processing Contract 7,000.00 1,223.35 7,000.00 1,872.00 7,000.00 7,000.00
5200.100.5240.5246 Maintenance Agreements 750.00 .00 3,850.00 3,778.56 2,750.00 2,750.00
Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Lims Software Support 1.0000 2,750.00 2,750.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $2,750.00

Contractual Services Totals $7,750.00 $1,223.35 $10,850.00 $5,650.56 $9,750.00 $9,750.00

Maintenance Equipment
5200.100.5240.5246 Mtce Instruments/Aparatus 5,000.00 330.00 5,000.00 1,679.37 5,000.00 5,000.00
5200.100.5240.5246 Mtce Safety Equipment 1,000.00 109.99 1,000.00 119.99 1,000.00 1,000.00
Maintenance Equipment Totals $6,000.00 $439.99 $6,000.00 $1,799.36 $6,000.00 $6,000.00

Capital Outlay
5200.100.5240.5246 Gen Equipment N.O.C. 1,700.00 .00 7,000.00 .00 7,000.00 7,000.00
Budget Transactions
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Influent Sampler 1.0000 7,000.00 7,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $7,000.00

Capital Outlay Totals $1,700.00 $0.00 $7,000.00 $0.00 $7,000.00 $7,000.00

Non-Current Outlay
5200.100.5240.5246 Non-Current Outlays 30,000.00 .00 30,000.00 .00 30,000.00 30,000.00
Non-Current Outlay Totals $30,000.00 $0.00 $30,000.00 $0.00 $30,000.00 $30,000.00

Division 5246 - Lab Totals $282,669.00 $209,466.45 $294,537.00 $233,069.00 $209,534.00 $230,426.00

Sub Department 5240 - Wastewater Treatment Totals $2,545,588.00 $1,975,097.88 $3,490,377.00 $2,797,363.90 $2,800,008.00 $3,729,898.00

Wastewater - Lab

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5200 - Wastewater


Department 100 - Expenditures

Sub Department 5265 - Lab

Personnel Services
5200.100.5265 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 299.00 .00 53,458.00 823.87 57,578.00 45,028.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Assistant Water Works Director 25% - Range 67 1.0000 24,383.00 24,383.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Water Compliance Inspector 33% - Range 52 1.0000 19,899.00 19,899.00

Mayor's Budget Salary Plan Increase 3.06% 1.0000 746.00 746.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $45,028.00

5200.100.5265 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary .00 .00 4,120.00 4,116.08 .00 24,491.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Environmental Technician 50% - Range 41 1.0000 23,764.00 23,764.00

Mayor's Budget Salary Plan Increase - 3.06% 1.0000 727.00 727.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $24,491.00

5200.100.5265 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime .00 .00 2,500.00 .00 2,500.00 2,500.00

5200.100.5265 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave .00 .00 .00 11.00 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $299.00 $0.00 $60,078.00 $4,950.95 $60,078.00 $72,019.00

Fringe Benefits
5200.100.5265 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 3,708.00 .00 3,725.00 299.91 3,725.00 4,465.00

5200.100.5265 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 867.00 .00 871.00 70.17 871.00 1,044.00

5200.100.5265 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 980.00 894.47 980.00 466.54 980.00 980.00

5200.100.5265 402.0005 Post Employment Health 195.00 .00 495.00 .00 495.00 535.00

5200.100.5265 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 44.00 .00 6,244.00 253.16 6,244.00 13,423.00

5200.100.5265 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 53.00 .00 53.00 3.82 53.00 58.00

5200.100.5265 402.0030 Disability Insurance 189.00 .00 190.00 .00 190.00 149.00

5200.100.5265 402.0041 Pension Plan-Def. Contrbn 2,292.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Wastewater - Lab

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5200.100.5265 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS .00 .00 4,756.00 406.52 4,756.00 5,742.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $8,328.00 $894.47 $17,314.00 $1,500.12 $17,314.00 $26,396.00

Material And Supplies

5200.100.5265 410.0010 Books & Subscriptions 350.00 .00 350.00 .00 350.00 350.00

5200.100.5265 410.0020 Office Supplies 500.00 134.37 500.00 220.90 500.00 500.00

5200.100.5265 410.0060 Medical & Laboratory 14,000.00 13,611.73 2,600.00 .00 5,000.00 5,000.00

5200.100.5265 410.0100 Clothing 200.00 .00 200.00 157.21 200.00 200.00

5200.100.5265 410.0170 Minor Tools & Equipment 1,100.00 1,090.36 700.00 133.38 700.00 700.00

5200.100.5265 410.0200 Gasoline 500.00 .00 2,500.00 .00 2,500.00 2,500.00

5200.100.5265 410.0210 Oil, Anti-Freeze, Etc. 100.00 .00 100.00 6.54 100.00 100.00

5200.100.5265 410.0265 Minor Pc Software 2,400.00 2,396.64 2,700.00 2,692.11 400.00 400.00

Material And Supplies Totals $19,150.00 $17,233.10 $9,650.00 $3,210.14 $9,750.00 $9,750.00

Contractual Services
5200.100.5265 430.0015 Contracted PersonnelSvcs. 31,000.00 28,178.10 .00 .00 .00 .00

5200.100.5265 430.0080 Processing Contract 49,900.00 46,740.02 15,000.00 3,246.00 15,000.00 15,000.00

5200.100.5265 430.0100 Cleaning & Laundry Svcs 100.00 .00 100.00 .00 100.00 100.00

5200.100.5265 430.0110 Printing 600.00 559.64 200.00 .00 200.00 200.00

5200.100.5265 430.0170 Maintenance Agreements 4,300.00 4,237.56 1,100.00 .00 1,100.00 1,100.00

Contractual Services Totals $85,900.00 $79,715.32 $16,400.00 $3,246.00 $16,400.00 $16,400.00

Maintenance Structures
5200.100.5265 440.0010 Mtce Buildings & Grounds 100.00 .00 100.00 .00 100.00 100.00

Maintenance Structures Totals $100.00 $0.00 $100.00 $0.00 $100.00 $100.00

Maintenance Equipment
5200.100.5265 450.0070 Mtce Office Equipment 150.00 .00 150.00 .00 150.00 150.00

5200.100.5265 450.0100 Mtce Instruments/Aparatus 500.00 .00 500.00 .00 500.00 500.00

5200.100.5265 450.0160 Mtce Vehicles/Motor Eq. 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 1,000.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $1,650.00 $0.00 $1,650.00 $0.00 $1,650.00 $1,650.00

Other Operating Expenses

5200.100.5265 460.0015 Cell Phone Charges 700.00 276.00 700.00 386.00 700.00 700.00

5200.100.5265 460.0016 Data Fees 500.00 263.30 500.00 480.12 500.00 500.00

Wastewater - Lab

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5200.100.5265 460.0020 Telephone 1,000.00 784.76 1,000.00 482.83 1,000.00 1,000.00

5200.100.5265 460.0040 Postage 100.00 .00 200.00 183.40 100.00 100.00

5200.100.5265 460.0050 Education & Training 2,500.00 2,445.00 1,200.00 979.00 1,200.00 1,200.00

5200.100.5265 460.0060 Travel 600.00 512.15 4,000.00 2,979.26 4,000.00 4,000.00

5200.100.5265 460.0080 Freight .00 .00 3,500.00 .00 3,500.00 3,500.00

5200.100.5265 460.0090 Dues 600.00 155.00 600.00 .00 600.00 600.00

5200.100.5265 470.0040 Contingency 2,000.00 .00 2,000.00 .00 2,000.00 2,000.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $8,000.00 $4,436.21 $13,700.00 $5,490.61 $13,600.00 $13,600.00

Capital Outlay
5200.100.5265 700.0050 Gen Equipment N.O.C. 1,500.00 .00 1,500.00 .00 1,500.00 1,500.00

5200.100.5265 700.0070 Office Equipment 1,500.00 .00 1,500.00 .00 1,500.00 1,500.00

Capital Outlay Totals $3,000.00 $0.00 $3,000.00 $0.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00

Sub Department 5265 - Lab Totals $126,427.00 $102,279.10 $121,892.00 $18,397.82 $121,892.00 $142,915.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $13,360,291.00 $17,235,867.67 $13,291,826.00 $15,874,093.90 $11,870,460.00 $15,634,604.00

2022 WATERWORKS BUDGET (5300) Revised as of 6/28/21

Estimated Cash Balance as of 1/1/22 $3,000,000

Special Assessments -
Interest Income 100,000
User Utility Billing 12,300,000 * 1%=
Other Operating Revenue 123,000
Sale of Meters 50,000
New Account Fees 19,000
Tank Water Sales 3,000
Tapping Mains and Other Services 2,500
EGF Share of Annual RRVWS Project 7,300
Reimbursable Electricity 12,000
Hydrant Hookup 100
Shut Off Collections 5,000 Target Cash
Drinking Water Sample Test 70,000 25% of Op Exp:
Penalty Delinquent Bills 130,000 $ 9,420,278
GFAFB Mtce. Reimbursements 8,000 25%
Lease-Water Tower Space 55,500 $2,355,070
Other Income 500
Total Other Operating Revenue 362,900
Operating Transfers In 2,177,110
PSAP Repayment 38,750
Trs in sales tax revenue from Fund 2175 2,138,360

Total Revenue 14,940,010

Salaries and Fringes $ 2,736,421
Maintenance/Operations 6,683,857
Debt Service Expense Does not include any new debt 3,190,875
Operating Transfers Out 230,000
Trs to 4921 - watermain upsizing-various 80,000
Trs to 4921 - watermain upsizing-N 39th St 150,000

Capital Expense 1,035,200 **

Admin: Electrical Dept 40,000
5340: P Station Fuel Tank Upgrades @7 Million Gal. Reservoir 45,000
5340: VFD Installation @7 Million Gallon Reservoir 60,000
5340: Water Main Replacement 650,000
5340: Trailer Mounted Valve Exerciser 18,000
5340: Water Main Repairs & Service Leak Repairs 30,000
5340: WD Misc. Equipment 20,000
5340: Water Meters and ERTs 140,000
5340: Other Capital 9,700
5355: Other Capital 14,500
5365: Furniture, General Equipment, Office Equip 8,000
Non-Current Outlays - Admin 984,671
PSAP Reimbursement 39,971
Distribution-RRVWS cost share 99,700
WTP Reserve Cash 845,000

Total Expenses 14,861,024

Revenues less Expenses $78,986

Estimated Unreserved Cash Balance 12/31/22 $3,078,986

* Reflects a 0% rate increase for residential, 0% increase in commercial and 0% increase for industrial
Cash Reserved for Construction 12/31/22: $ 5,883,976
Reserved WTP/Decommissioning/RRVWS $ (5,273,930)
Reserved for Water Distribution $ (518,132)

Reserved for Lab capital $ (91,914)
Undesignated $ -

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5300 - Waterworks


Department 000 - Revenues

5300.000 321.0020 FEMA 1,898.00 1,898.31 .00 .00 .00 .00

5300.000 322.0130 Water Commission Grant .00 23,131,613.72 .00 7,774,093.39 .00 .00

5300.000 326.0005 EGF Share of Projects .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 7,300.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget EGF Share of the RRVWS Project 1.0000 7,300.00 7,300.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $7,300.00

Intergovernmental Totals $1,898.00 $23,133,512.03 $0.00 $7,774,093.39 $0.00 $7,300.00

5300.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments 105,000.00 174,146.47 130,000.00 160,995.74 75,000.00 100,000.00

Interest Totals $105,000.00 $174,146.47 $130,000.00 $160,995.74 $75,000.00 $100,000.00

5300.000 357.0200 Other N.O.C. .00 (3,751.74) .00 .00 .00 .00

5300.000 357.0205 Credit Card Fees-Passthru .00 (78.79) .00 (529.60) .00 .00

Miscellaneous Totals $0.00 ($3,830.53) $0.00 ($529.60) $0.00 $0.00

Other Financing Sources

5300.000 338.0019 New Account Fees 17,000.00 18,620.00 12,000.00 18,540.00 18,000.00 19,000.00

5300.000 361.0010 Damages-Buildings .00 .00 .00 876,824.57 .00 .00

5300.000 361.0030 Damages-Hydrants .00 .00 .00 1,781.33 .00 .00

5300.000 361.0089 Gain on Sale of Capital Assets .00 8,400.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

5300.000 361.0090 Sale Of Property .00 643.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

5300.000 361.0091 Lease-Water Tower Space 50,000.00 55,561.65 45,000.00 54,919.38 55,500.00 55,500.00

Other Financing Sources Totals $67,000.00 $83,224.65 $57,000.00 $952,065.28 $73,500.00 $74,500.00

Operating Revenues
5300.000 338.0010 User Utility Billing 12,350,940.00 12,037,631.60 12,595,706.00 11,919,035.48 11,940,202.00 12,300,000.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Assumes a 0% rate increase 1.0000 12,300,000.00 12,300,000.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget Totals $12,300,000.00

5300.000 338.0020 Sale Of Meters 50,000.00 53,580.50 50,000.00 55,938.70 50,000.00 50,000.00

5300.000 338.0040 Tank Water Sales 2,300.00 2,376.75 2,300.00 2,914.50 2,400.00 3,000.00

5300.000 338.0050 Sale Of Resale Stores 11,000.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

5300.000 338.0060 Tapping Mains-Other Svcs 35,000.00 5,236.51 25,000.00 2,120.43 7,500.00 2,500.00

5300.000 338.0070 Reimburseable Electricity 10,000.00 11,721.78 13,000.00 12,277.80 12,000.00 12,000.00

5300.000 338.0080 Car Washes 500.00 60.00 100.00 .00 100.00 100.00

5300.000 338.0090 Shutoff Collections 7,000.00 4,740.00 7,000.00 4,550.00 5,000.00 5,000.00

5300.000 338.0125 Drinkng Water Sample Test 75,000.00 71,426.50 65,000.00 66,888.50 70,000.00 70,000.00

5300.000 338.0200 Collection Of Delnqt Bill .00 .00 20,000.00 .00 .00 .00

5300.000 338.0210 Penalty-Delinqt Bills 112,000.00 129,592.44 60,000.00 56,528.91 110,000.00 130,000.00

5300.000 338.0225 GFAFB Mtce. Reimb. 8,000.00 7,444.25 9,000.00 8,790.73 7,500.00 8,000.00

5300.000 338.0230 Other N.O.C 2,000.00 249.80 500.00 (277.85) 500.00 500.00

Operating Revenues Totals $12,663,740.00 $12,324,060.13 $12,847,606.00 $12,128,767.20 $12,205,202.00 $12,581,100.00

Operating Transfers In
5300.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In 1,926,153.00 1,915,627.67 1,954,735.00 1,927,469.53 1,841,386.00 2,177,110.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Reimbursement from PSAP for Loan (put in 5300.115.0000 1.0000 38,750.00 38,750.00

Mayor's Budget Trs in Sales Tax Rev-Fund 2175 20% decrease from 2019 actual 1.0000 2,138,360.00 2,138,360.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $2,177,110.00

Operating Transfers In Totals $1,926,153.00 $1,915,627.67 $1,954,735.00 $1,927,469.53 $1,841,386.00 $2,177,110.00

Extraordinary Revenue
5300.000 374.0000 Unrealized Gain on Invest .00 35,251.85 .00 29,173.19 .00 .00

Extraordinary Revenue Totals $0.00 $35,251.85 $0.00 $29,173.19 $0.00 $0.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
5300.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget 2,308,000.00 .00 1,183,829.00 .00 4,500,000.00 3,000,000.00

5300.000 390.0050 Use of Reserve Cash .00 .00 93,000.00 .00 .00 .00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $2,308,000.00 $0.00 $1,276,829.00 $0.00 $4,500,000.00 $3,000,000.00

REVENUE TOTALS $17,071,791.00 $37,661,992.27 $16,266,170.00 $22,972,034.73 $18,695,088.00 $17,940,010.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5300 - Waterworks


Department 100 - Expenditures

Sub Department 1 - Administrative & General

Personnel Services
5300.100.1 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 79,620.00 82,623.59 93,869.00 83,933.12 79,535.00 81,967.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Administrative Specialist, Senior (27%) - Range 41 1.0000 12,861.00 12,861.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Water Works Director ( 34%) - Range 75 1.0000 39,299.00 39,299.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - GIS Administrator (25%) - Range 59 1.0000 17,399.00 17,399.00

Mayor's Budget Salary Plan Percentage Increase 3.06% 1.0000 2,434.00 2,434.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Administrative Specialist (27%) - Range 36 1.0000 9,974.00 9,974.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $81,967.00

5300.100.1 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary (37.00) 157.33 .00 .00 6,563.00 6,563.00

5300.100.1 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 37.00 37.00 1,600.00 1,289.03 .00 .00

5300.100.1 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave .00 1,577.26 1,400.00 2,161.76 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $79,620.00 $84,395.18 $96,869.00 $87,383.91 $86,098.00 $88,530.00

Fringe Benefits
5300.100.1 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 5,343.00 4,998.27 6,503.00 5,038.92 5,338.00 5,489.00

5300.100.1 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 1,250.00 1,168.91 1,521.00 1,178.40 1,248.00 1,284.00

5300.100.1 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 158.00 .00 158.00 .00 158.00 158.00

5300.100.1 402.0005 Post Employment Health 559.00 559.38 693.00 514.83 559.00 559.00

5300.100.1 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 10,888.00 6,498.70 7,975.00 7,974.42 7,459.00 8,975.00

5300.100.1 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 59.00 59.40 73.00 52.87 74.00 61.00

5300.100.1 402.0025 Life Insurance-Retirees 1,852.00 4,879.80 1,852.00 1,723.91 1,852.00 1,852.00

5300.100.1 402.0030 Disability Insurance 284.00 272.52 346.00 242.00 332.00 274.00

5300.100.1 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 2,505.00 2,505.00 2,473.00 2,472.00 1,148.00 1,148.00

5300.100.1 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 6,525.00 6,822.26 7,003.00 6,792.55 6,570.00 6,770.00

5300.100.1 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 210.00 204.00 125.00 125.50 .00 .00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Fringe Benefits Totals $29,633.00 $27,968.24 $28,722.00 $26,115.40 $24,738.00 $26,570.00

Material And Supplies

5300.100.1 410.0020 Office Supplies 6,500.00 4,628.06 3,500.00 5,638.93 6,500.00 6,500.00

5300.100.1 410.0100 Clothing 1,400.00 .00 400.00 .00 1,400.00 1,400.00

Material And Supplies Totals $7,900.00 $4,628.06 $3,900.00 $5,638.93 $7,900.00 $7,900.00

Contractual Services
5300.100.1 430.0010 Auditing 7,350.00 7,324.00 5,500.00 5,273.11 6,000.00 6,000.00

5300.100.1 430.0014 GF Services Reimbursement 1,046,975.00 1,046,975.00 1,071,130.00 1,071,129.96 1,139,386.00 1,215,148.00

5300.100.1 430.0090 Advertising 650.00 2,800.63 350.00 191.98 2,000.00 2,000.00

5300.100.1 430.0150 Consultants 70,000.00 79,143.75 81,400.00 93,554.97 170,000.00 170,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Professional Consulting Services 1.0000 70,000.00 70,000.00

Mayor's Budget WTP Demolition 1.0000 100,000.00 100,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $170,000.00

5300.100.1 430.0170 Maintenance Agreements 1,000.00 .00 5,500.00 5,479.05 2,000.00 5,500.00

5300.100.1 430.0175 Mtce.Costs-Computer Equip .00 .00 5,650.00 5,635.00 .00 .00

5300.100.1 430.0300 One Call System 8,000.00 7,939.10 9,320.00 9,313.90 8,500.00 10,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget One Call Account For Water Distribution 1.0000 10,000.00 10,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $10,000.00

Contractual Services Totals $1,133,975.00 $1,144,182.48 $1,178,850.00 $1,190,577.97 $1,327,886.00 $1,408,648.00

Other Operating Expenses

5300.100.1 460.0010 Interdepartmental Reimbur 247,799.00 247,798.99 268,799.00 247,799.04 247,799.00 247,799.00

5300.100.1 460.0040 Postage 32,200.00 28,962.81 29,020.00 29,593.99 37,500.00 37,500.00

5300.100.1 460.0050 Education & Training 2,618.00 2,617.81 660.00 651.45 .00 1,000.00

5300.100.1 460.0105 Vehicle Registration 67.00 67.00 50.00 22.00 50.00 50.00

5300.100.1 460.0110 Fire & Tornado Insurance 37,230.00 37,005.55 88,050.00 65,021.13 30,000.00 30,000.00

5300.100.1 460.0115 Flood Insurance 88,134.00 89,122.23 85,684.00 87,120.58 92,734.00 92,734.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5300.100.1 460.0120 Fleet & Gen.Liab.Insuranc 8,105.00 8,104.06 8,700.00 8,681.48 7,000.00 7,000.00

5300.100.1 460.0170 Attorney Fees 2,974.00 2,974.00 5,300.00 8,564.00 .00 10,000.00

5300.100.1 460.0240 Real Estate Tax 1,000.00 665.59 1,000.00 707.10 1,000.00 1,000.00

5300.100.1 460.0245 Paymt In Lieu of Taxes 244,670.00 244,670.00 252,631.00 252,631.00 254,033.00 360,128.00

5300.100.1 460.0250 Special Assessment Prin. 67,000.00 66,834.49 67,000.00 66,834.68 67,000.00 67,000.00

5300.100.1 460.0260 Special Assessment Int. 38,600.00 38,501.58 52,050.00 52,015.96 40,000.00 55,000.00

5300.100.1 460.0280 Tapping Fee/Future SA Pmt 100,200.00 100,114.48 95,000.00 94,227.07 100,000.00 100,000.00

5300.100.1 470.0020 Refunds 6,000.00 3,647.09 22,000.00 21,938.52 6,000.00 6,000.00

5300.100.1 470.0040 Contingency 2,456.00 2,392.50 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 1,500.00

5300.100.1 470.0044 Credit Card Fees 150,000.00 154,823.82 165,500.00 171,131.61 .00 175,000.00

5300.100.1 470.0046 On-line payment fees 1,500.00 1,060.70 .00 .00 30,000.00 30,000.00

5300.100.1 470.0120 Bad Debt Expense 18,500.00 19,975.60 22,700.00 16,600.51 6,500.00 20,000.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $1,049,053.00 $1,049,338.30 $1,165,644.00 $1,125,040.12 $920,616.00 $1,241,711.00

5300.100.1 850.0010 Depreciation Expense .00 2,722,895.15 .00 2,768,619.07 .00 .00

Depreciation Totals $0.00 $2,722,895.15 $0.00 $2,768,619.07 $0.00 $0.00

Operating Transfers Out

5300.100.1 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out 105,788.00 99,788.00 46,376.00 46,376.00 .00 .00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $105,788.00 $99,788.00 $46,376.00 $46,376.00 $0.00 $0.00

Capital Outlay
5300.100.1 700.0050 Gen Equipment N.O.C. .00 (2,272.77) .00 .00 19,400.00 40,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Water Dist. & WTP Support of Electrical Dept. 2.0000 10,000.00 20,000.00

Mayor's Budget WD & WTP Share of Electrical Dept. Vehicle Replacement 2.0000 10,000.00 20,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $40,000.00

Capital Outlay Totals $0.00 ($2,272.77) $0.00 $0.00 $19,400.00 $40,000.00

Debt Service Principal

5300.100.1 800.0010 Principal Retirement 1,520,000.00 .00 1,435,000.00 .00 1,805,000.00 1,845,000.00

Budget Transactions


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget 2012B Water Reserve Revenue Bond 1.0000 185,000.00 185,000.00

Mayor's Budget 2017 SRF Loan WTP 1.0000 1,660,000.00 1,660,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,845,000.00

Debt Service Principal Totals $1,520,000.00 $0.00 $1,435,000.00 $0.00 $1,805,000.00 $1,845,000.00

Debt Service Interest

5300.100.1 800.0020 Interest Expense 931,375.00 779,718.92 1,043,650.00 978,903.02 1,051,000.00 1,023,025.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 2017 SRF Loan - WTP 2.0000 482,775.00 965,550.00

Mayor's Budget 2012 Water Reserve Revenue Bond 2.0000 28,737.50 57,475.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,023,025.00

5300.100.1 800.0030 Fiscal Charges 273,100.00 187,101.47 320,575.00 289,581.86 330,975.00 322,850.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 2012B 1.0000 1,000.00 1,000.00

Mayor's Budget 2017 SRF Loan WTP 1.0000 321,850.00 321,850.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $322,850.00

Debt Service Interest Totals $1,204,475.00 $966,820.39 $1,364,225.00 $1,268,484.88 $1,381,975.00 $1,345,875.00

Non-Current Outlay
5300.100.1 996.0000 Non-Current Outlays 39,971.00 .00 39,971.00 .00 39,971.00 39,971.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Reimbursement from PSAP 1.0000 39,971.00 39,971.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $39,971.00

Non-Current Outlay Totals $39,971.00 $0.00 $39,971.00 $0.00 $39,971.00 $39,971.00

Sub Department 1 - Administrative & General Totals $5,170,415.00 $6,097,743.03 $5,359,557.00 $6,518,236.28 $5,613,584.00 $6,044,205.00

Water - Transmission &
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5300 - Waterworks


Department 100 - Expenditures

Sub Department 5340 - Transmiss'n & Distribut'n

Personnel Services
5300.100.5340 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 569,275.00 542,772.44 594,495.00 593,995.87 575,601.00 598,562.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Electronics Technician 25% - Range 50 1.0000 16,907.00 16,907.00

Mayor's Budget 4 - Water Service Worker, Lead - Range 50 1.0000 246,642.00 246,642.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Water Distribution Supervisor - Range 56 1.0000 76,045.00 76,045.00

Mayor's Budget 2 - Water Utility Worker - Range 40 1.0000 86,091.00 86,091.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Electrical Technician 25% - Range 46 1.0000 15,119.00 15,119.00

Mayor's Budget 3 - Water Utility Worker, Senior - Range 45 1.0000 149,567.00 149,567.00

Mayor's Budget Salary Plan Percentage Increase - 3.06% 1.0000 8,191.00 8,191.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $598,562.00

5300.100.5340 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 16,480.00 12,382.50 18,480.00 11,462.50 18,480.00 18,480.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 3 - Seasonal Workers 1.0000 18,480.00 18,480.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $18,480.00

5300.100.5340 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 30,263.00 29,679.04 19,750.00 16,263.42 20,000.00 20,000.00

5300.100.5340 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 3,200.00 13,179.80 1,450.00 9,115.51 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $619,218.00 $598,013.78 $634,175.00 $630,837.30 $614,081.00 $637,042.00

Fringe Benefits
5300.100.5340 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 38,392.00 34,668.65 39,319.00 36,179.37 38,073.00 39,497.00

5300.100.5340 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 8,979.00 8,108.02 9,196.00 8,461.39 8,904.00 9,237.00

5300.100.5340 401.0020 Unemployment Compensation 2,000.00 .00 5,000.00 75.41 5,000.00 5,000.00

5300.100.5340 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 13,000.00 7,384.45 13,000.00 3,750.61 13,000.00 13,000.00

5300.100.5340 402.0005 Post Employment Health 5,331.00 4,945.42 5,331.00 4,851.05 8,663.00 5,198.00

Water - Transmission &
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5300.100.5340 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 93,264.00 91,396.39 108,675.00 92,324.68 179,767.00 113,754.00

5300.100.5340 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 566.00 525.22 566.00 472.26 928.00 567.00

5300.100.5340 402.0030 Disability Insurance 1,907.00 1,789.64 1,962.00 1,734.72 1,899.00 1,975.00

5300.100.5340 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 158,111.00 157,544.00 143,111.00 139,942.00 143,111.00 143,111.00

5300.100.5340 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 36,381.00 33,685.11 37,515.00 37,155.56 60,913.00 38,607.00

5300.100.5340 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 5,760.00 5,600.00 6,000.00 5,650.00 6,000.00 6,000.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $363,691.00 $345,646.90 $369,675.00 $330,597.05 $466,258.00 $375,946.00

Material And Supplies

5300.100.5340 410.0010 Books & Subscriptions 300.00 279.60 266.00 257.34 300.00 300.00

5300.100.5340 410.0020 Office Supplies 1,000.00 636.34 4,011.00 4,010.30 1,000.00 2,500.00

5300.100.5340 410.0040 Janitorial Supplies 1,500.00 1,153.76 1,300.00 1,060.79 1,500.00 1,500.00

5300.100.5340 410.0050 Mechanical & Welding 1,000.00 514.85 1,200.00 1,110.61 1,000.00 1,200.00

5300.100.5340 410.0060 Medical & Laboratory 500.00 .00 50.00 29.37 500.00 500.00

5300.100.5340 410.0065 Safety & Medical Supplies 6,500.00 6,111.00 6,500.00 6,322.08 6,500.00 6,500.00

5300.100.5340 410.0100 Clothing 2,500.00 2,046.62 2,200.00 1,978.17 2,200.00 2,200.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Employee Clothing Allowance 11.0000 200.00 2,200.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $2,200.00

5300.100.5340 410.0170 Minor Tools & Equipment 4,500.00 3,582.86 4,500.00 3,411.92 4,500.00 4,500.00

5300.100.5340 410.0190 Diesel Fuel 3,500.00 3,106.44 1,750.00 1,328.73 2,750.00 2,750.00

5300.100.5340 410.0200 Gasoline 17,000.00 16,012.52 11,439.00 10,457.12 18,000.00 18,000.00

5300.100.5340 410.0210 Oil, Anti-Freeze, Etc. 500.00 12.99 534.00 533.46 500.00 500.00

5300.100.5340 410.0265 Minor Pc Software 500.00 .00 500.00 .00 500.00 500.00

5300.100.5340 415.0040 Maintenance Parts 103,800.00 79,103.06 72,000.00 69,668.00 65,000.00 75,000.00

5300.100.5340 415.0050 Other Resale Items 5,000.00 3,214.29 3,600.00 3,564.36 5,000.00 5,000.00

Material And Supplies Totals $148,100.00 $115,774.33 $109,850.00 $103,732.25 $109,250.00 $120,950.00

5300.100.5340 420.0011 Electricity-Clearwell 149,000.00 147,261.83 140,400.00 140,316.68 155,000.00 155,000.00

5300.100.5340 420.0012 Electricity Booster Station 11,000.00 10,017.05 11,500.00 11,452.25 12,000.00 13,000.00

Water - Transmission &
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5300.100.5340 420.0013 Electricity 7 Million Gallon Tank 46,000.00 43,097.31 46,100.00 46,049.56 50,000.00 52,000.00

5300.100.5340 420.0014 Electricity Residual Ponds 5,928.00 5,497.48 7,000.00 6,074.37 6,500.00 7,000.00

5300.100.5340 420.0015 Electricity Water Towers 16,000.00 15,119.57 15,000.00 14,678.36 17,000.00 18,000.00

5300.100.5340 420.0016 Electricity Water Intake 95,600.00 94,168.95 170,200.00 170,121.85 115,000.00 175,000.00


Level Comment
Department Requested Increased pumping distance from Water Intake to new WTP has caused a significant increase in electricity used.

5300.100.5340 420.0017 Electricity EGF Transfer Station 2,000.00 1,439.32 1,620.00 1,614.40 1,700.00 1,800.00

5300.100.5340 420.0020 Building Heat 72.00 71.94 .00 .00 .00 .00

5300.100.5340 420.0021 Heat Clearwell 10,000.00 9,581.18 5,650.00 5,640.88 12,000.00 12,000.00

5300.100.5340 420.0022 Heat Booster Station 2,500.00 1,899.52 2,000.00 1,933.01 2,200.00 2,200.00

5300.100.5340 420.0026 Heat Water Intake 12,400.00 11,689.00 15,230.00 14,993.05 13,000.00 18,000.00

5300.100.5340 420.0030 Water, Sewer & Refuse 2,100.00 2,042.43 2,000.00 1,894.35 2,200.00 2,200.00

Utilities Totals $352,600.00 $341,885.58 $416,700.00 $414,768.76 $386,600.00 $456,200.00

Contractual Services
5300.100.5340 430.0029 PWF Lease 54,792.00 51,817.00 57,035.00 57,035.00 57,035.00 57,961.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget PWF Rent 10.53% share 1.0000 57,961.00 57,961.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $57,961.00

5300.100.5340 430.0090 Advertising 650.00 86.56 1,000.00 174.84 1,000.00 1,000.00

5300.100.5340 430.0100 Cleaning & Laundry Svcs 7,000.00 6,806.99 3,400.00 2,396.00 2,500.00 2,500.00

5300.100.5340 430.0110 Printing 400.00 368.90 300.00 .00 300.00 300.00

5300.100.5340 430.0150 Consultants .00 .00 2,000.00 1,350.62 7,500.00 7,500.00

5300.100.5340 430.0170 Maintenance Agreements 9,000.00 6,774.37 10,000.00 7,404.60 10,000.00 10,000.00

Contractual Services Totals $71,842.00 $65,853.82 $73,735.00 $68,361.06 $78,335.00 $79,261.00

Maintenance Structures
5300.100.5340 440.0011 Mtce Clearwell Bldgs & Grounds 22,800.00 22,754.77 34,900.00 34,396.16 25,000.00 25,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Water - Transmission &
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget Mtce Clearwell Bldgs & Grounds 1.0000 25,000.00 25,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $25,000.00

5300.100.5340 440.0012 Mtce Booster Station Blds & Grounds 7,200.00 4,438.61 7,100.00 7,022.76 10,000.00 10,000.00

5300.100.5340 440.0013 Mtce 7 Million Gallon Blds & Grounds 5,000.00 4,812.02 2,000.00 1,777.53 10,000.00 10,000.00

5300.100.5340 440.0016 Mtce Water Intake Bldgs & Grounds 42,000.00 38,160.69 28,000.00 27,609.92 35,000.00 37,500.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Mtce Water Intake Bldgs & Grounds 1.0000 25,000.00 25,000.00

Mayor's Budget Inspection & Cleaning of Water Intake Structures 2.0000 4,000.00 8,000.00

Mayor's Budget Cathodic Protection System Inspection 1.0000 4,500.00 4,500.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $37,500.00

5300.100.5340 440.0019 Mtce Blds & Grounds NOC 5,000.00 4,045.26 3,000.00 2,807.14 5,000.00 5,000.00

5300.100.5340 440.0030 Mtce Water Storage Fac 6,000.00 5,444.03 17,500.00 17,089.78 10,000.00 11,800.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Water Tower Inspection & Cleaning 2.0000 2,500.00 5,000.00

Mayor's Budget Mtce Water Storage Fac 1.0000 6,800.00 6,800.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $11,800.00

5300.100.5340 440.0100 Mtce Streets,Alleys,Svcrd 7,000.00 5,679.57 900.00 448.40 15,000.00 15,000.00

5300.100.5340 440.0110 Mtce Watermains & Hydrant 17,000.00 14,158.67 102,340.00 102,753.57 25,000.00 30,000.00

5300.100.5340 440.0115 Mtce Residual Storage Ponds 2,500.00 2,174.30 3,100.00 2,593.86 2,500.00 3,000.00

Maintenance Structures Totals $114,500.00 $101,667.92 $198,840.00 $196,499.12 $137,500.00 $147,300.00

Maintenance Equipment
5300.100.5340 450.0020 Mtce Installed Mech Equip .00 .00 125.00 125.00 500.00 500.00

5300.100.5340 450.0030 Mtce Communication & Elec 2,500.00 2,264.50 300.00 .00 3,000.00 3,000.00

5300.100.5340 450.0050 Mtce Gen Equipt N.O.C. 3,000.00 2,983.34 2,000.00 1,312.28 2,000.00 2,000.00

5300.100.5340 450.0060 Mtce Installed Meters 7,100.00 7,043.58 3,375.00 3,312.03 7,000.00 7,000.00

5300.100.5340 450.0065 Repair.Inoper.CB-OwnerExp 6,100.00 6,100.00 10,000.00 9,194.64 10,000.00 10,000.00

5300.100.5340 450.0160 Mtce Vehicles/Motor Eq. 19,800.00 20,176.06 20,000.00 17,040.95 20,000.00 20,000.00

5300.100.5340 450.0610 IS-Capital Replacement Ex 5,050.00 5,050.00 5,050.00 5,050.00 5,050.00 .00

Water - Transmission &
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5300.100.5340 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 3,000.00 3,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,800.00 .00

5300.100.5340 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 25,500.00 25,500.00 25,500.00 25,500.00 25,500.00 .00

5300.100.5340 450.0640 IT Services .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 43,821.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $72,050.00 $72,117.48 $72,350.00 $67,534.90 $79,850.00 $86,321.00

Other Operating Expenses

5300.100.5340 460.0016 Data Fees 5,500.00 4,801.20 5,444.00 4,692.93 5,500.00 5,500.00

5300.100.5340 460.0017 Network Services for Comm System .00 .00 171.00 170.96 .00 .00

5300.100.5340 460.0050 Education & Training 4,100.00 4,060.86 4,885.00 1,565.73 5,000.00 5,000.00

5300.100.5340 460.0060 Travel 9,400.00 9,392.04 1,100.00 1,072.76 6,000.00 6,000.00

5300.100.5340 460.0080 Freight 350.00 280.53 500.00 273.80 500.00 500.00

5300.100.5340 460.0090 Dues 80,995.00 80,995.00 5,900.00 5,882.00 1,000.00 6,500.00

5300.100.5340 460.0240 Real Estate Tax .00 .00 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 1,000.00

5300.100.5340 470.0040 Contingency .00 (3,807.35) 2,000.00 (3,375.01) 15,000.00 15,000.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $100,345.00 $95,722.28 $21,000.00 $10,283.17 $34,000.00 $39,500.00

Operating Transfers Out

5300.100.5340 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out 325,000.00 323,984.30 119,750.00 138,930.76 80,000.00 230,000.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Trs to Fund 4922 for Watermain Upsizing-Various 1.0000 80,000.00 80,000.00

Mayor's Budget trs to fund 4922 for Watermain Upsizing N 39th St. 1.0000 150,000.00 150,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $230,000.00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $325,000.00 $323,984.30 $119,750.00 $138,930.76 $80,000.00 $230,000.00

Capital Outlay
5300.100.5340 650.0010 Work In Progress 948,980.00 962,811.78 953,770.00 733,210.04 30,000.00 785,000.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Water Main Repairs & Service Leak Repairs 1.0000 30,000.00 30,000.00

Mayor's Budget Water Main Replacement 1.0000 650,000.00 650,000.00

Mayor's Budget 7 MG Pump Station Fuel Tank Replacement 1.0000 45,000.00 45,000.00

Mayor's Budget 7 MG Pump Station VFD Installation 1.0000 60,000.00 60,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $785,000.00

5300.100.5340 700.0030 Communication & Elec 100.00 32.16 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 5,000.00

Water - Transmission &
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5300.100.5340 700.0040 Furniture & Fixtures 1,305.00 1,304.65 100.00 .00 1,200.00 1,200.00

5300.100.5340 700.0050 Gen Equipment N.O.C. 9,100.00 9,098.81 20,000.00 7,130.17 20,000.00 20,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget WD Misc. Equipment 1.0000 20,000.00 20,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $20,000.00

5300.100.5340 700.0060 Installed Meters 147,300.00 147,254.00 104,800.00 98,947.80 140,000.00 140,000.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Water Meters and ERT's 1.0000 140,000.00 140,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $140,000.00

5300.100.5340 700.0090 Shop Equipment 2,395.00 1,819.76 3,600.00 3,571.04 2,500.00 3,500.00

5300.100.5340 700.0100 Cars & Light Duty Trucks 22,600.00 22,189.52 .00 .00 .00 .00

5300.100.5340 700.0120 Trucks & Mounted Equipmt .00 .00 98,456.00 98,456.00 .00 18,000.00


Level Comment
Department Requested Valve exerciser will be a 50/50 split between water distribution and waste water collections.

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Trailer Mounted Valve Exerciser. 1.0000 18,000.00 18,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $18,000.00

Capital Outlay Totals $1,131,780.00 $1,144,510.68 $1,185,726.00 $941,315.05 $198,700.00 $972,700.00

Non-Current Outlay
5300.100.5340 996.0000 Non-Current Outlays 62,794.00 .00 50,000.00 .00 251,008.00 99,700.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget RRVWS Cost Share 2022 1.0000 99,700.00 99,700.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $99,700.00

Non-Current Outlay Totals $62,794.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 $0.00 $251,008.00 $99,700.00

Sub Department 5340 - Transmiss'n & Distribut'n Totals $3,361,920.00 $3,205,177.07 $3,251,801.00 $2,902,859.42 $2,435,582.00 $3,244,920.00

Water - Treatment

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5300 - Waterworks


Department 100 - Expenditures

Sub Department 5355 - Water Treatment

Personnel Services
5300.100.5355 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 786,102.00 781,249.07 821,750.00 761,322.29 846,613.00 870,836.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Process Control Operator (100%) - Range 50 1.0000 59,192.00 59,192.00

Mayor's Budget 4 - Water Utility Worker - Range 40 1.0000 174,651.00 174,651.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Electrical Technician 25% - Range 46 1.0000 15,119.00 15,119.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Electronics Technician 25% - Range 50 1.0000 16,906.00 16,906.00

Mayor's Budget 8 - Water Plant Operator, Lead - Range 50 1.0000 476,441.60 476,441.60

Mayor's Budget 1 - Water Plant Supervisor - Range 56 1.0000 77,585.00 77,585.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Network Specialist 44% - Range 49 1.0000 25,085.00 25,085.00

Mayor's Budget Salary Plan Increase - 3.06% 1.0000 25,856.00 25,856.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $870,835.60

5300.100.5355 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 12,000.00 .00 12,000.00 65,974.59 46,589.00 56,316.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Water Utility Worker - Contract 1.0000 43,000.00 43,000.00

Mayor's Budget Seasonal Employees 1.0000 12,000.00 12,000.00

Mayor's Budget Salary Plan Percentage Increase - 3.06% 1.0000 1,316.00 1,316.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $56,316.00

5300.100.5355 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 29,500.00 29,195.03 263,052.00 160,315.63 25,000.00 25,000.00

5300.100.5355 400.0040 Wages & Salary-Holiday 24,187.00 18,228.15 29,687.00 22,190.95 29,687.00 29,687.00

5300.100.5355 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 5,000.00 19,387.65 4,000.00 14,342.93 4,000.00 4,000.00

Personnel Services Totals $856,789.00 $848,059.90 $1,130,489.00 $1,024,146.39 $951,889.00 $985,839.00

Fringe Benefits
5300.100.5355 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 53,121.00 48,361.96 55,331.00 57,733.78 59,017.00 61,122.00

Water - Treatment

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5300.100.5355 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 12,423.00 11,310.42 12,940.00 13,502.22 13,802.00 14,295.00

5300.100.5355 401.0020 Unemployment Compensation 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 1,000.00

5300.100.5355 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 16,000.00 10,140.31 16,000.00 5,373.61 16,000.00 16,000.00

5300.100.5355 402.0005 Post Employment Health 7,054.00 6,873.49 7,549.00 6,612.99 7,890.00 7,890.00

5300.100.5355 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 153,944.00 126,261.35 143,286.00 161,226.30 182,055.00 200,763.00

5300.100.5355 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 749.00 756.12 772.00 657.77 845.00 860.00

5300.100.5355 402.0030 Disability Insurance 2,594.00 2,498.93 2,712.00 2,366.28 2,732.00 2,833.00

5300.100.5355 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 144,224.00 143,265.00 144,224.00 133,169.00 144,224.00 144,224.00

5300.100.5355 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 50,119.00 53,023.21 56,391.00 55,027.16 60,924.00 63,537.00

5300.100.5355 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 2,280.00 2,400.00 3,600.00 2,400.00 3,600.00 3,600.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $443,508.00 $404,890.79 $443,805.00 $438,069.11 $492,089.00 $516,124.00

Material And Supplies

5300.100.5355 410.0010 Books & Subscriptions 500.00 275.08 500.00 227.70 500.00 500.00

5300.100.5355 410.0020 Office Supplies 3,000.00 1,986.20 3,000.00 2,923.86 3,000.00 3,000.00

5300.100.5355 410.0040 Janitorial Supplies 3,800.00 2,855.30 4,500.00 3,239.31 4,500.00 4,500.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Janitoral Supplies for New RWTP 1.0000 4,500.00 4,500.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $4,500.00

5300.100.5355 410.0050 Mechanical & Welding 70.00 67.45 .00 .00 .00 .00

5300.100.5355 410.0060 Medical & Laboratory 13,000.00 13,206.39 14,500.00 7,826.84 14,500.00 14,500.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Added Analytical Equipment Consumables for New RWTP 1.0000 14,500.00 14,500.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $14,500.00

5300.100.5355 410.0065 Safety & Medical Supplies 5,800.00 3,456.00 7,000.00 3,594.12 7,000.00 7,000.00

5300.100.5355 410.0100 Clothing 3,900.00 3,783.38 2,900.00 2,183.30 3,100.00 2,900.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Added Process Control Operator Clothing Allowance 1.0000 2,900.00 2,900.00

Water - Treatment

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget Totals $2,900.00

5300.100.5355 410.0170 Minor Tools & Equipment 1,500.00 1,274.74 3,500.00 2,031.43 1,500.00 1,500.00

5300.100.5355 410.0190 Diesel Fuel 10,000.00 7,079.89 10,000.00 6,913.60 10,000.00 10,000.00

5300.100.5355 410.0200 Gasoline 2,200.00 2,004.88 3,000.00 3,189.24 1,000.00 1,000.00

5300.100.5355 410.0265 Minor Pc Software 206.00 .00 206.00 .00 206.00 206.00

5300.100.5355 415.0030 Chemicals 1,687,961.00 1,314,149.46 1,877,800.00 1,550,807.98 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Increase due to start up of New RWTP 1.0000 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $2,000,000.00

5300.100.5355 415.0040 Maintenance Parts .00 57,312.89 .00 .00 .00 .00

Material And Supplies Totals $1,731,937.00 $1,407,451.66 $1,926,906.00 $1,582,937.38 $2,045,306.00 $2,045,106.00

5300.100.5355 420.0010 Electricity 229,800.00 151,522.76 345,000.00 343,328.63 245,000.00 245,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Increase is due to new RWTP going online 1.0000 245,000.00 245,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $245,000.00

5300.100.5355 420.0020 Building Heat 110,000.00 34,720.95 85,000.00 62,969.14 110,000.00 110,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Increase for new WTP 1.0000 110,000.00 110,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $110,000.00

5300.100.5355 420.0030 Water, Sewer & Refuse 5,000.00 4,958.22 11,000.00 10,406.44 5,000.00 18,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget RWTP-Utilities and Storm Ponds 1.0000 18,000.00 18,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $18,000.00

5300.100.5355 420.0032 WTP Residuals 18,036.00 18,036.00 18,036.00 30,644.08 21,548.00 11,814.00

Utilities Totals $362,836.00 $209,237.93 $459,036.00 $447,348.29 $381,548.00 $384,814.00

Water - Treatment

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Contractual Services
5300.100.5355 430.0015 Contracted PersonnelSvcs. 14,500.00 14,285.14 .00 .00 .00 .00

5300.100.5355 430.0030 Lease & Rental 110.00 .00 110.00 .00 110.00 110.00

5300.100.5355 430.0080 Processing Contract 26,000.00 21,667.59 52,100.00 47,620.40 30,200.00 30,200.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Bromate, Bromide, Silica TTHM and HAA5 regulatory Samples 1.0000 26,000.00 26,000.00

Mayor's Budget Midco Internet Services 1.0000 4,200.00 4,200.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $30,200.00

5300.100.5355 430.0090 Advertising 400.00 357.08 200.00 9.48 200.00 200.00

5300.100.5355 430.0100 Cleaning & Laundry Svcs 12,000.00 8,194.99 2,000.00 570.50 12,000.00 12,000.00

5300.100.5355 430.0110 Printing 1,150.00 1,135.47 1,450.00 1,380.69 150.00 150.00

5300.100.5355 430.0150 Consultants 28,000.00 26,989.32 21,650.00 21,603.75 20,000.00 20,000.00

5300.100.5355 430.0170 Maintenance Agreements 21,500.00 11,038.69 21,500.00 19,359.55 91,000.00 91,000.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Generator Maintenance Agreements WTP, RWTP 1.0000 10,000.00 10,000.00

Mayor's Budget Maintenance Agreements for RWTP 1.0000 10,000.00 10,000.00

Mayor's Budget RWTP Carbon Dioxide System Maintenance Agreements 1.0000 5,000.00 5,000.00

Mayor's Budget RWTP Elevator Maintenance Agreement 1.0000 5,000.00 5,000.00

Mayor's Budget RWTP UF/RO Monitoring Agreement 1.0000 35,000.00 35,000.00

Mayor's Budget RWTP Stratus Server Maintenance Agreement 1.0000 6,000.00 6,000.00

Mayor's Budget RWTP Wonderware SCADA Support Contract 1.0000 20,000.00 20,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $91,000.00

5300.100.5355 430.0400 Research Project Development 45,500.00 45,446.73 .00 48,621.54 .00 .00

Contractual Services Totals $149,160.00 $129,115.01 $99,010.00 $139,165.91 $153,660.00 $153,660.00

Maintenance Structures
5300.100.5355 440.0010 Mtce Buildings & Grounds 10,700.00 10,513.68 10,000.00 5,477.15 15,000.00 15,000.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Maintain RWTP and WTP. ie lawn mowing snow removal 1.0000 15,000.00 15,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $15,000.00

Maintenance Structures Totals $10,700.00 $10,513.68 $10,000.00 $5,477.15 $15,000.00 $15,000.00

Water - Treatment

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Maintenance Equipment
5300.100.5355 450.0020 Mtce Installed Mech Equip 64,480.00 54,983.50 33,350.00 26,498.69 75,000.00 75,000.00

5300.100.5355 450.0030 Mtce Communication & Elec 63,000.00 2,133.27 95,000.00 216.00 150,000.00 150,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Cybersecurity 1.0000 150,000.00 150,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $150,000.00

5300.100.5355 450.0050 Mtce Gen Equipt N.O.C. 20,000.00 7,111.43 15,000.00 11,956.01 20,000.00 20,000.00

5300.100.5355 450.0100 Mtce Instruments/Aparatus 8,000.00 867.08 8,000.00 .00 8,000.00 8,000.00

5300.100.5355 450.0160 Mtce Vehicles/Motor Eq. 2,000.00 .00 2,000.00 104.71 2,000.00 2,000.00

5300.100.5355 450.0610 IS-Capital Replacement Ex 5,150.00 5,150.00 5,150.00 5,150.00 11,850.00 .00

5300.100.5355 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 3,400.00 3,400.00 6,800.00 6,800.00 9,200.00 .00

5300.100.5355 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 27,900.00 27,900.00 27,900.00 27,900.00 35,100.00 .00

5300.100.5355 450.0640 IT Services .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 60,911.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $193,930.00 $101,545.28 $193,200.00 $78,625.41 $311,150.00 $315,911.00

Other Operating Expenses

5300.100.5355 460.0015 Cell Phone Charges 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 1,000.00

5300.100.5355 460.0016 Data Fees 1,050.00 960.24 1,000.00 646.84 1,000.00 1,000.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget New tablets for RWTP 1.0000 1,000.00 1,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,000.00

5300.100.5355 460.0020 Telephone 1,700.00 1,570.00 1,700.00 1,700.96 2,500.00 2,500.00

5300.100.5355 460.0022 Communications-Other .00 .00 358.00 578.00 .00 .00

5300.100.5355 460.0050 Education & Training 9,000.00 8,225.50 9,000.00 894.30 9,000.00 9,000.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Membrane Training 1.0000 9,000.00 9,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $9,000.00

5300.100.5355 460.0060 Travel 21,200.00 18,199.75 1,242.00 1,209.15 15,000.00 15,000.00

5300.100.5355 460.0080 Freight 100.00 .00 100.00 .00 100.00 100.00

5300.100.5355 460.0090 Dues 12,000.00 9,255.00 9,000.00 5,807.08 12,000.00 12,000.00

Water - Treatment

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5300.100.5355 460.0190 Filing Fees 30,000.00 26,117.07 30,000.00 25,540.55 30,000.00 35,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget MInnesota DNR Permit Fees 1.0000 35,000.00 35,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $35,000.00

5300.100.5355 460.0240 Real Estate Tax 150.00 .00 150.00 .00 150.00 150.00

5300.100.5355 470.0040 Contingency 20,000.00 .00 20,000.00 .00 20,000.00 20,000.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $96,200.00 $64,327.56 $73,550.00 $36,376.88 $90,750.00 $95,750.00

Operating Transfers Out

5300.100.5355 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out 14,000.00 41,326,708.45 .00 19,392,752.09 .00 .00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $14,000.00 $41,326,708.45 $0.00 $19,392,752.09 $0.00 $0.00

Capital Outlay
5300.100.5355 650.0010 Work In Progress .00 .00 .00 46,253.81 100,000.00 .00

5300.100.5355 700.0030 Communication & Elec 7,000.00 5,877.00 4,000.00 .00 4,000.00 4,000.00

5300.100.5355 700.0040 Furniture & Fixtures 101,000.00 36,334.07 54,600.00 54,501.11 1,000.00 1,000.00

5300.100.5355 700.0050 Gen Equipment N.O.C. 80,000.00 79,317.63 75,600.00 75,592.90 7,000.00 7,000.00

5300.100.5355 700.0070 Office Equipment 2,500.00 .00 2,500.00 .00 2,500.00 2,500.00

5300.100.5355 700.0100 Cars & Light Duty Trucks 37,000.00 33,508.29 .00 .00 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $227,500.00 $155,036.99 $136,700.00 $176,347.82 $114,500.00 $14,500.00

Non-Current Outlay
5300.100.5355 996.0000 Non-Current Outlays 2,177,500.00 .00 1,739,000.00 .00 1,000,000.00 845,000.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget UF Membranes- Reserve 1.0000 50,000.00 50,000.00

Mayor's Budget RO Membranes- Reserve 1.0000 60,000.00 60,000.00

Mayor's Budget GAC Media- Complete Replacement Reserve 1.0000 107,000.00 107,000.00

Mayor's Budget Set aside for WTP Decommissioning/Projects 1.0000 628,000.00 628,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $845,000.00

Non-Current Outlay Totals $2,177,500.00 $0.00 $1,739,000.00 $0.00 $1,000,000.00 $845,000.00

Sub Department 5355 - Water Treatment Totals $6,264,060.00 $44,656,887.25 $6,211,696.00 $23,321,246.43 $5,555,892.00 $5,371,704.00

Water - Lab

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5300 - Waterworks


Department 100 - Expenditures

Sub Department 5365 - Lab

Personnel Services
5300.100.5365 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 86,387.00 65,569.47 .00 .00 56,142.00 56,828.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 2 - Lab Analyst, Senior 50% - Range 50 1.0000 55,141.00 55,141.00

Mayor's Budget Salary Plan Increase - 3.06% 1.0000 1,687.00 1,687.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $56,828.00

5300.100.5365 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary .00 .00 .00 .00 27,364.00 24,491.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Environmental Technician 50% - Range 41 1.0000 23,764.00 23,764.00

Mayor's Budget Salary Plan Percentage Increase - 3.06% 1.0000 727.00 727.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $24,491.00

5300.100.5365 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 3,000.00 2,934.96 .00 .00 .00 .00

5300.100.5365 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave .00 1,251.70 .00 .00 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $89,387.00 $69,756.13 $0.00 $0.00 $83,506.00 $81,319.00

Fringe Benefits
5300.100.5365 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 5,542.00 4,000.71 5,645.00 .00 5,177.00 5,042.00

5300.100.5365 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 1,296.00 935.65 1,320.00 .00 1,211.00 1,179.00

5300.100.5365 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 2,200.00 .00 2,200.00 .00 .00 .00

5300.100.5365 402.0005 Post Employment Health 619.00 453.75 619.00 .00 743.00 990.00

5300.100.5365 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 13,774.00 12,204.28 17,974.00 .00 10,870.00 6,684.00

5300.100.5365 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 66.00 48.18 66.00 .00 80.00 108.00

5300.100.5365 402.0030 Disability Insurance 288.00 219.89 294.00 .00 276.00 434.00

5300.100.5365 402.0041 Pension Plan-Def. Contrbn .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 4,472.00

5300.100.5365 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 7,218.00 5,310.47 7,356.00 .00 6,898.00 5,542.00

Water - Lab

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5300.100.5365 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 600.00 550.00 1,200.00 .00 600.00 600.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $31,603.00 $23,722.93 $36,674.00 $0.00 $25,855.00 $25,051.00

Material And Supplies

5300.100.5365 410.0010 Books & Subscriptions 200.00 198.00 100.00 .00 100.00 100.00

5300.100.5365 410.0020 Office Supplies 1,500.00 1,301.24 1,900.00 1,831.72 1,500.00 1,500.00

5300.100.5365 410.0060 Medical & Laboratory 37,000.00 33,581.04 48,500.00 48,585.00 37,000.00 37,000.00

5300.100.5365 410.0065 Safety & Medical Supplies 750.00 515.45 1,950.00 1,880.48 750.00 750.00

5300.100.5365 410.0100 Clothing 600.00 584.75 250.00 .00 250.00 250.00

5300.100.5365 410.0200 Gasoline 1,000.00 26.18 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 1,000.00

Material And Supplies Totals $41,050.00 $36,206.66 $53,700.00 $52,297.20 $40,600.00 $40,600.00

Contractual Services
5300.100.5365 430.0080 Processing Contract 10,650.00 8,132.01 3,500.00 5,263.13 15,000.00 15,000.00

5300.100.5365 430.0100 Cleaning & Laundry Svcs 375.00 .00 375.00 .00 375.00 375.00

5300.100.5365 430.0110 Printing 1,258.00 1,104.13 258.00 .00 1,200.00 1,200.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Increase due to Printing cost of new regulatory forms 1.0000 1,200.00 1,200.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,200.00

5300.100.5365 430.0170 Maintenance Agreements 7,000.00 6,796.56 12,400.00 3,778.56 15,000.00 15,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Maintenance Agreement for Toc Analyzer 1.0000 10,000.00 10,000.00

Mayor's Budget Maintenance Agreement for Lims software 1.0000 5,000.00 5,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $15,000.00

Contractual Services Totals $19,283.00 $16,032.70 $16,533.00 $9,041.69 $31,575.00 $31,575.00

Maintenance Equipment
5300.100.5365 450.0100 Mtce Instruments/Aparatus 1,500.00 431.84 1,500.00 .00 1,500.00 1,500.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $1,500.00 $431.84 $1,500.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00

Other Operating Expenses

5300.100.5365 460.0016 Data Fees 800.00 480.12 800.00 480.12 800.00 800.00

Water - Lab

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5300.100.5365 460.0020 Telephone 1,000.00 784.84 1,000.00 482.87 1,000.00 1,000.00

5300.100.5365 460.0040 Postage 3,500.00 3,489.06 3,000.00 3,507.71 3,500.00 3,500.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Increase due to additional clients needing regulatory bottles 1.0000 3,500.00 3,500.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $3,500.00

5300.100.5365 460.0050 Education & Training 1,500.00 1,033.19 1,500.00 1,079.67 1,500.00 1,500.00

5300.100.5365 460.0060 Travel 2,800.00 2,797.54 2,000.00 .00 2,000.00 2,000.00

5300.100.5365 460.0090 Dues 350.00 .00 350.00 .00 350.00 350.00

5300.100.5365 470.0040 Contingency 1,000.00 .00 3,000.00 .00 3,000.00 3,000.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $10,950.00 $8,584.75 $11,650.00 $5,550.37 $12,150.00 $12,150.00

Capital Outlay
5300.100.5365 700.0040 Furniture & Fixtures 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 1,000.00

5300.100.5365 700.0050 Gen Equipment N.O.C. 24,000.00 43,340.04 5,000.00 4,287.00 5,000.00 5,000.00

5300.100.5365 700.0070 Office Equipment 2,000.00 .00 2,000.00 .00 2,000.00 2,000.00

Capital Outlay Totals $27,000.00 $43,340.04 $8,000.00 $4,287.00 $8,000.00 $8,000.00

Non-Current Outlay
5300.100.5365 996.0000 Non-Current Outlays 30,000.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Non-Current Outlay Totals $30,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Sub Department 5365 - Lab Totals $250,773.00 $198,075.05 $128,057.00 $71,176.26 $203,186.00 $200,195.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $15,047,168.00 $54,157,882.40 $14,951,111.00 $32,813,518.39 $13,808,244.00 $14,861,024.00

Fund 5300 - Waterworks Totals

REVENUE TOTALS $17,071,791.00 $37,661,992.27 $16,266,170.00 $22,972,034.73 $18,695,088.00 $17,940,010.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $15,047,168.00 $54,157,882.40 $14,951,111.00 $32,813,518.39 $13,808,244.00 $14,861,024.00

Fund 5300 - Waterworks Totals $2,024,623.00 ($16,495,890.13) $1,315,059.00 ($9,841,483.66) $4,886,844.00 $3,078,986.00

1,5410,5425,5465 5440,5460,5470

Stormwater Flood/Greenway
Estimated Cash Balance as of 1/1/22 $2,047,600

Special Assessments 50,000 $50,000

Tapping Fees 120,000 120,000
Interest Income 35,000 35,000 1%=
User Utility Billing-Stormwater Fees 2,123,627 * 2,123,627 21,236
Flood Protection/Greenway Mtce Fee 844,441 ** $844,441 8,444
Other Operating Revenue 2,500 2,500
Use of Reserves 420,000 420,000 -
Operating Transfers In 1,382,136 1,382,136
Trs in ARPA funds-Pump Station Rehab 600,000
Trs in ARPA funds-Collection System Rehab/Repairs 203,000
Trs in from Fund 3448-closed bond 579,136
Total Revenue 4,977,704 $4,133,263 $844,441

Salaries and Fringes 555,542 281,847 273,695
Maintenance/Operations 2,183,426 1,622,126 561,300 Target Cash
Operating Transfers Out 803,000 803,000 - 2,738,968
Reimburse Economic Development-Forcemain-11th Ave S. 700,000 25%
Reimburse Economic Development-ND Mill RR Track Expansion 103,000 $684,742
Capital Expense 1,343,231
Admin - Other capital 5,000 5,000
Stormwater Collection System Rehab & Emergency Repairs 221,231 221,231
Stormwater Collection City Share of New Storm Ponds 175,000 175,000
Stormwater Collection English Coulee Master Plan Phase II 150,000 150,000
Stormwater Collection-General Equipment 2,000 2,000
Stormwater Collection Replace 3/4 Ton Vehicle 40,000 40,000
Stormwater Storm Stations 1 Pump Station Rehab #197 600,000 600,000
Flood Stations Share of Electricians Vehicle 10,000 10,000
Flood Gates/Dikes/Walls Rehab 103,000 103,000
Flood Gates/Dikes/Walls Rehab-General Equipment 2,000 2,000
Greenway: Capital Projects/Imrpovements 35,000 35,000
Reserve for Vactor Sewer Cleaner Truck 40,000 40,000
Reserve for Future Pond Maintenance 50,000 50,000

Total Expenses 4,975,199 4,000,204 974,995

Revenues less Expenses $2,505 $133,059 ($130,554)

Estimated Unreserved Cash Balance 12/31/22 $2,050,105

* This reflects 4% rate increase in the Stormwater Fee

** This reflects 2% rate increase in the Flood Protection/Greenway Mtce Fee

Cash-Reserved for Construction Balance 12/31/22 $ 916,188.00

Reserve for Vactor Cleaner $ (284,088.00)
Reserve for Flood Stations $ (61,292.00)
Reserve for Gates/Dikes/Walls $ (90,430.00)
Reserve for Pond Mtce $ (386,378.00)
Undesignated $ 94,000.00

Flood Protection Capital Mtce Fund balance 12/31/22 $ 4,241,228.00

g:\excel\cstjern\budget\Stormwater detail


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5400 - Stormwater


Department 000 - Revenues

5400.000 321.0020 FEMA 8,205.00 42,625.79 11,670.00 30,385.99 .00 .00

5400.000 326.0054 Greenway Promotions Revenue 350.00 1,050.00 1,050.00 1,050.00 .00 .00

Intergovernmental Totals $8,555.00 $43,675.79 $12,720.00 $31,435.99 $0.00 $0.00

Special Assessments
5400.000 350.0010 Current Sp Assessments 50,000.00 .00 47,121.00 49,360.77 45,000.00 45,000.00

5400.000 350.0050 Interest Sp Assessments 15,000.00 4,544.12 2,274.00 2,977.65 5,000.00 5,000.00

Special Assessments Totals $65,000.00 $4,544.12 $49,395.00 $52,338.42 $50,000.00 $50,000.00

5400.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments 30,000.00 51,703.51 40,000.00 33,182.49 25,000.00 35,000.00

Interest Totals $30,000.00 $51,703.51 $40,000.00 $33,182.49 $25,000.00 $35,000.00

5400.000 357.0200 Other N.O.C. .00 .00 .00 .00 2,500.00 2,500.00

Miscellaneous Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00

Other Financing Sources

5400.000 361.0089 Gain on Sale of Capital Assets .00 1,801.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Other Financing Sources Totals $0.00 $1,801.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Operating Revenues
5400.000 338.0010 User Utility Billing 1,940,889.00 1,884,385.01 2,016,687.00 1,976,998.28 2,024,116.00 2,123,627.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 4% Stormwater rate increase 1.0000 2,123,627.00 2,123,627.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $2,123,627.00

5400.000 338.0015 Flood Protect/GreenwayMtc 825,869.00 798,338.32 845,629.00 813,681.44 820,650.00 844,441.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 2% Rate Increase Flood Protection/Greenway Maintenance 1.0000 844,441.00 844,441.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget Totals $844,441.00

5400.000 338.0060 Tapping Mains-Other Svcs .00 (28,122.47) .00 .00 .00 .00

5400.000 338.0061 Tapping Mains-SEnd Drain 100,000.00 125,394.53 100,000.00 151,367.41 120,000.00 120,000.00

Operating Revenues Totals $2,866,758.00 $2,779,995.39 $2,962,316.00 $2,942,047.13 $2,964,766.00 $3,088,068.00

Operating Transfers In
5400.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In 2,500.00 135,783.58 6,045.00 6,045.00 .00 1,382,136.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Trs in from Fund #3448-closed bond 1.0000 579,136.00 579,136.00

Mayor's Budget Trs in from Fund #2190-ARPA Funds-Pump Station Rehab 1.0000 600,000.00 600,000.00

Mayor's Budget Trs in from Fund 2190-ARPA Funds-Collection Sys Rehab/Rapairs 1.0000 203,000.00 203,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,382,136.00

Operating Transfers In Totals $2,500.00 $135,783.58 $6,045.00 $6,045.00 $0.00 $1,382,136.00

Extraordinary Revenue
5400.000 374.0000 Unrealized Gain on Invest .00 21,996.95 .00 13,775.78 .00 .00

Extraordinary Revenue Totals $0.00 $21,996.95 $0.00 $13,775.78 $0.00 $0.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
5400.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget 1,209,754.00 .00 1,870,305.00 .00 1,600,000.00 2,047,600.00

5400.000 390.0050 Use of Reserve Cash .00 .00 678,742.00 .00 .00 420,000.00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $1,209,754.00 $0.00 $2,549,047.00 $0.00 $1,600,000.00 $2,467,600.00

REVENUE TOTALS $4,182,567.00 $3,039,500.34 $5,619,523.00 $3,078,824.81 $4,642,266.00 $7,025,304.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5400 - Stormwater


Department 100 - Expenditures

Sub Department 1 - Administrative & General

Personnel Services
5400.100.1 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 89,188.00 89,253.44 135,303.00 117,925.03 131,682.00 125,031.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Administrative Specialist, Sr. 18% - Range 41 1.0000 8,574.00 8,574.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Water Works Director 33% - Range 75 1.0000 38,144.00 38,144.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Assistant Water Works Director 25% - Range 67 1.0000 24,383.00 24,383.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - GIS Administrator 25% - Range 59 1.0000 17,399.00 17,399.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Water Compliance Inspector 33% - Range52 1.0000 19,899.00 19,899.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Network Specialist 11% - Range 49 1.0000 6,271.00 6,271.00

Mayor's Budget Salary Plan Increase - 3.06% 1.0000 3,712.00 3,712.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Administrative Specialist (18%) - Range 36 1.0000 6,649.00 6,649.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $125,031.00

5400.100.1 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 28,047.00 18,973.51 10,100.00 9,340.61 7,500.00 7,500.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Internship Funds 1.0000 7,500.00 7,500.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $7,500.00

5400.100.1 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 20.00 19.30 475.00 429.73 .00 .00

5400.100.1 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 560.00 2,948.59 400.00 2,098.37 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $117,815.00 $111,194.84 $146,278.00 $129,793.74 $139,182.00 $132,531.00

Fringe Benefits
5400.100.1 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 7,676.00 6,727.99 8,854.00 7,417.10 8,629.00 8,217.00

5400.100.1 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 1,795.00 1,573.61 2,071.00 1,734.58 2,018.00 1,922.00

5400.100.1 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 620.00 620.00 620.00 .00 620.00 620.00

5400.100.1 402.0005 Post Employment Health 703.00 689.16 757.00 725.41 891.00 807.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5400.100.1 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 11,023.00 5,205.61 10,604.00 10,382.96 7,604.00 7,018.00

5400.100.1 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 75.00 73.12 80.00 73.35 86.00 78.00

5400.100.1 402.0025 Life Insurance-Retirees 1,250.00 1,225.08 1,700.00 1,225.08 .00 .00

5400.100.1 402.0030 Disability Insurance 385.00 354.76 543.00 357.44 500.00 449.00

5400.100.1 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 5,818.00 5,557.88 5,718.00 5,627.00 4,518.00 4,518.00

5400.100.1 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 8,948.00 8,844.96 10,436.00 10,172.48 10,728.00 10,021.00

5400.100.1 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 350.00 348.00 600.00 158.50 600.00 600.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $38,643.00 $31,220.17 $41,983.00 $37,873.90 $36,194.00 $34,250.00

Material And Supplies

5400.100.1 410.0020 Office Supplies 1,330.00 1,265.56 1,200.00 1,324.12 1,200.00 1,200.00

5400.100.1 410.0060 Medical & Laboratory 25.00 19.98 .00 .00 .00 .00

5400.100.1 410.0100 Clothing 700.00 609.81 1,000.00 495.71 1,000.00 1,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Support For Electrical Division 1.0000 600.00 600.00

Mayor's Budget Stormwater Dept annaul needs 1.0000 400.00 400.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,000.00

5400.100.1 410.0170 Minor Tools & Equipment .00 .00 50.00 45.68 500.00 500.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Support For Electrical Division 1.0000 500.00 500.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $500.00

5400.100.1 410.0265 Minor Pc Software 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 .00 2,200.00 2,200.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Support For Electrical Division 1.0000 200.00 200.00

Mayor's Budget Dept Annual Needs 1.0000 2,000.00 2,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $2,200.00

Material And Supplies Totals $4,055.00 $3,895.35 $4,250.00 $1,865.51 $4,900.00 $4,900.00

Contractual Services


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5400.100.1 430.0010 Auditing 1,500.00 1,052.00 1,500.00 1,283.78 1,500.00 1,500.00

5400.100.1 430.0014 GF Services Reimbursement 213,251.00 213,251.00 220,158.00 220,158.00 322,704.00 399,450.00

5400.100.1 430.0029 PWF Lease 10,927.00 10,334.00 11,374.00 11,374.00 11,374.00 11,559.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget PWF Rent 2.1% share 1.0000 11,559.00 11,559.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $11,559.00

5400.100.1 430.0030 Lease & Rental .00 .00 500.00 427.55 .00 .00

5400.100.1 430.0090 Advertising 400.00 632.40 450.00 447.14 400.00 400.00

5400.100.1 430.0100 Cleaning & Laundry Svcs 2,600.00 2,615.25 1,900.00 1,514.42 1,400.00 1,400.00

5400.100.1 430.0150 Consultants 198,754.00 28,055.03 194,242.00 95,452.92 50,000.00 50,000.00

5400.100.1 430.0170 Maintenance Agreements 3,200.00 2,898.32 3,000.00 2,947.50 7,900.00 7,900.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget GE-iFix 1.0000 2,900.00 2,900.00

Mayor's Budget Support SCADA software Wonderwear 1.0000 5,000.00 5,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $7,900.00

5400.100.1 430.0300 One Call System 4,800.00 4,574.01 5,000.00 4,851.24 3,500.00 3,500.00

Contractual Services Totals $435,432.00 $263,412.01 $438,124.00 $338,456.55 $398,778.00 $475,709.00

Maintenance Equipment
5400.100.1 450.0090 Mtce Shop Equipment 375.00 307.99 500.00 39.96 2,000.00 2,000.00

5400.100.1 450.0610 IS-Capital Replacement Ex 1,900.00 1,900.00 1,900.00 1,900.00 1,900.00 .00

5400.100.1 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 1,200.00 1,200.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 .00

5400.100.1 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 22,200.00 22,200.00 22,200.00 22,200.00 22,200.00 .00

5400.100.1 450.0640 IT Services .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 27,564.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $25,675.00 $25,607.99 $27,000.00 $26,539.96 $28,500.00 $29,564.00

Other Operating Expenses

5400.100.1 460.0010 Interdepartmental Reimbur 50,146.00 50,146.00 50,146.00 50,145.96 50,146.00 50,146.00

5400.100.1 460.0016 Data Fees 200.00 .00 200.00 .00 200.00 200.00

5400.100.1 460.0040 Postage 5,171.00 5,236.69 5,200.00 5,477.03 5,000.00 5,000.00

5400.100.1 460.0050 Education & Training 1,500.00 904.84 1,500.00 780.00 1,500.00 1,500.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5400.100.1 460.0060 Travel 1,500.00 1,467.46 1,500.00 .00 1,500.00 1,500.00

5400.100.1 460.0090 Dues 17,350.00 16,810.00 100.00 10.00 100.00 100.00

5400.100.1 460.0105 Vehicle Registration 425.00 421.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

5400.100.1 460.0110 Fire & Tornado Insurance 18,300.00 17,025.07 18,000.00 17,641.49 14,000.00 14,000.00

5400.100.1 460.0115 Flood Insurance 6,400.00 6,012.07 6,000.00 5,251.58 .00 .00

5400.100.1 460.0120 Fleet & Gen.Liab.Insuranc 4,675.00 4,670.53 5,000.00 4,946.48 4,000.00 4,000.00

5400.100.1 460.0240 Real Estate Tax 1,620.00 1,600.11 75.00 61.94 .00 .00

5400.100.1 460.0245 Paymt In Lieu of Taxes 37,991.00 37,991.00 39,213.00 39,213.00 39,415.00 38,172.00

5400.100.1 460.0250 Special Assessment Prin. 85,213.00 84,346.42 91,822.00 91,660.84 83,849.00 95,534.00

5400.100.1 460.0260 Special Assessment Int. 49,456.00 45,888.64 56,882.00 55,945.12 49,694.00 58,226.00

5400.100.1 460.0280 Tapping Fee/Future SA Pmt 425,117.00 377,038.30 467,553.00 363,161.00 510,904.00 524,225.00

5400.100.1 470.0020 Refunds 500.00 .00 500.00 .00 500.00 500.00

5400.100.1 470.0040 Contingency 16,539.00 .00 .00 .00 30,000.00 30,000.00

5400.100.1 470.0120 Bad Debt Expense 9,000.00 5,885.48 10,100.00 5,575.26 9,000.00 9,000.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $731,103.00 $655,443.61 $753,791.00 $639,869.70 $799,808.00 $832,103.00

5400.100.1 850.0010 Depreciation Expense .00 1,467,900.43 .00 1,559,791.19 .00 .00

Depreciation Totals $0.00 $1,467,900.43 $0.00 $1,559,791.19 $0.00 $0.00

Operating Transfers Out

5400.100.1 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out 44,488.00 37,488.00 57,063.00 38,313.00 .00 803,000.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Trs to Econ Dev #2163-Reimb portion of Forcemain 11th Ave S prj 1.0000 700,000.00 700,000.00

Mayor's Budget Trs -Econ Dev #2163-Reimb portion of ND Mill RR Track Expansion 1.0000 103,000.00 103,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $803,000.00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $44,488.00 $37,488.00 $57,063.00 $38,313.00 $0.00 $803,000.00

Capital Outlay
5400.100.1 700.0030 Communication & Elec 690.00 .00 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 5,000.00

Capital Outlay Totals $690.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00

Sub Department 1 - Administrative & General Totals $1,397,901.00 $2,596,162.40 $1,473,489.00 $2,772,503.55 $1,412,362.00 $2,317,057.00

Stormwater - Collection
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5400 - Stormwater


Department 100 - Expenditures

Sub Department 5410 - Collection System

Personnel Services
5400.100.5410 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 48,926.00 42,692.22 50,304.00 45,199.35 41,956.00 43,236.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Wastewater/Stormwater Service Worker 10% - Range 40 1.0000 4,266.00 4,266.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Wastewater/Stormwater Service Worker, Lead 27% - Range 50 1.0000 17,238.00 17,238.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Stormwater Collections Supervisor 27% - Range 56 1.0000 20,448.00 20,448.00

Mayor's Budget Salary Plan Increase - 3.06% 1.0000 1,284.00 1,284.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $43,236.00

5400.100.5410 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 8,624.00 4,901.00 8,624.00 8,064.00 8,624.00 8,624.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Seasonal Employees - 2 1.0000 8,624.00 8,624.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $8,624.00

5400.100.5410 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 2,687.00 2,533.26 1,200.00 1,188.10 1,000.00 1,000.00

5400.100.5410 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 1,125.00 991.60 275.00 .00 275.00 275.00

Personnel Services Totals $61,362.00 $51,118.08 $60,403.00 $54,451.45 $51,855.00 $53,135.00

Fringe Benefits
5400.100.5410 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 3,705.00 3,067.22 3,733.00 3,262.41 3,215.00 3,294.00

5400.100.5410 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 866.00 717.36 873.00 762.90 752.00 770.00

5400.100.5410 401.0020 Unemployment Compensation 995.00 .00 995.00 .00 995.00 995.00

5400.100.5410 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 1,400.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 1,410.04 1,400.00 1,400.00

5400.100.5410 402.0005 Post Employment Health 401.00 323.06 401.00 312.76 317.00 313.00

5400.100.5410 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 8,152.00 4,938.26 6,212.00 6,091.42 5,870.00 1,805.00

5400.100.5410 402.0015 Health Insurance BC/BS 7,496.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

5400.100.5410 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 43.00 34.23 43.00 33.08 34.00 30.00

Stormwater - Collection
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5400.100.5410 402.0030 Disability Insurance 161.00 136.34 166.00 127.50 130.00 134.00

5400.100.5410 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 7,445.00 7,313.00 7,445.00 7,404.00 5,945.00 5,945.00

5400.100.5410 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 2,458.00 1,819.57 2,550.00 2,066.95 1,799.00 1,882.00

5400.100.5410 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 416.00 391.50 486.00 324.00 486.00 486.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $33,538.00 $20,140.54 $24,304.00 $21,795.06 $20,943.00 $17,054.00

Material And Supplies

5400.100.5410 410.0065 Safety & Medical Supplies 1,720.00 1,715.76 2,645.00 2,556.36 2,000.00 2,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Support For Electrical Division 1.0000 600.00 600.00

Mayor's Budget Stormwater Dept 1.0000 1,400.00 1,400.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $2,000.00

5400.100.5410 410.0190 Diesel Fuel 11,585.00 12,988.84 1,000.00 905.20 3,500.00 3,500.00

5400.100.5410 410.0200 Gasoline 3,700.00 3,915.15 3,400.00 3,565.41 3,000.00 3,000.00

5400.100.5410 410.0210 Oil, Anti-Freeze, Etc. 105.00 10.73 250.00 93.70 250.00 250.00

Material And Supplies Totals $17,110.00 $18,630.48 $7,295.00 $7,120.67 $8,750.00 $8,750.00

5400.100.5410 420.0030 Water, Sewer & Refuse 2,600.00 2,384.69 2,100.00 1,617.21 2,500.00 2,500.00

Utilities Totals $2,600.00 $2,384.69 $2,100.00 $1,617.21 $2,500.00 $2,500.00

Contractual Services
5400.100.5410 430.0030 Lease & Rental 1,605.00 1,559.74 3,000.00 2,783.90 2,000.00 2,000.00

5400.100.5410 430.0050 Pest Control Services 175.00 .00 500.00 295.00 7,000.00 7,000.00

5400.100.5410 430.0150 Consultants 570.00 915.66 40,000.00 36,767.00 .00 .00

Contractual Services Totals $2,350.00 $2,475.40 $43,500.00 $39,845.90 $9,000.00 $9,000.00

Maintenance Structures
5400.100.5410 440.0025 Mtce-Weed Control 450.00 418.98 18,000.00 17,877.70 5,000.00 15,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Ponds & Drainways - add 2 ponds 1.0000 5,000.00 5,000.00

Mayor's Budget Dept Annual Expense 1.0000 10,000.00 10,000.00

Stormwater - Collection
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget Totals $15,000.00

5400.100.5410 440.0035 Mtce-Trees .00 .00 .00 .00 2,000.00 2,000.00

5400.100.5410 440.0045 Mtce-Mowing 46,095.00 46,090.00 57,350.00 57,339.00 50,000.00 60,000.00

5400.100.5410 440.0090 Mtce Storm Sewermains 1,930.00 1,921.37 2,500.00 2,009.53 2,500.00 2,500.00

5400.100.5410 440.0095 Mtce Channel and Dikes 3,494.00 3,150.00 24,000.00 19,222.59 10,000.00 20,000.00

5400.100.5410 440.0116 Mtce of English Coulee 7,705.00 1,510.00 400.00 325.00 .00 25,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Annual Maintenance- Debris Removal, Sediment Removal, etc 1.0000 25,000.00 25,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $25,000.00

5400.100.5410 440.0205 Landscaping 3,905.00 3,905.00 10,950.00 10,945.00 .00 10,000.00

Maintenance Structures Totals $63,579.00 $56,995.35 $113,200.00 $107,718.82 $69,500.00 $134,500.00

Maintenance Equipment
5400.100.5410 450.0020 Mtce Installed Mech Equip 310.00 305.32 .00 .00 .00 .00

5400.100.5410 450.0160 Mtce Vehicles/Motor Eq. 9,000.00 9,134.74 6,700.00 6,402.97 10,000.00 10,000.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $9,310.00 $9,440.06 $6,700.00 $6,402.97 $10,000.00 $10,000.00

Other Operating Expenses

5400.100.5410 460.0050 Education & Training 85.00 83.21 .00 .00 .00 .00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $85.00 $83.21 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Operating Transfers Out

5400.100.5410 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out 198,000.00 197,143.79 61,685.00 81,860.06 .00 .00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $198,000.00 $197,143.79 $61,685.00 $81,860.06 $0.00 $0.00

Capital Outlay
5400.100.5410 600.0010 Land Acquisition .00 .00 4,551.00 4,550.37 .00 .00

5400.100.5410 650.0010 Work In Progress 110,000.00 173,778.55 341,178.00 404,613.62 292,700.00 546,231.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Stormwater Collection System Rehabilitation & Emergency Repairs 1.0000 221,231.00 221,231.00

Mayor's Budget City Cost Share of New Storm ponds 1.0000 175,000.00 175,000.00

Mayor's Budget English Coulee Master Plan Phase II 1.0000 150,000.00 150,000.00

Stormwater - Collection
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget Totals $546,231.00

5400.100.5410 700.0050 Gen Equipment N.O.C. 380.00 139.26 1,300.00 1,222.12 2,000.00 2,000.00

5400.100.5410 700.0100 Cars & Light Duty Trucks 29,675.00 29,672.00 .00 .00 .00 40,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Vehicle Replacement 3/4 Ton 1.0000 40,000.00 40,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $40,000.00

5400.100.5410 700.0120 Trucks & Mounted Equipmt 7,275.00 6,963.98 .00 .00 65,000.00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $147,330.00 $210,553.79 $347,029.00 $410,386.11 $359,700.00 $588,231.00

Non-Current Outlay
5400.100.5410 996.0000 Non-Current Outlays 52,000.00 .00 90,000.00 .00 90,000.00 90,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Set aside for stormwater sewer cleaner truck 1.0000 40,000.00 40,000.00

Mayor's Budget Reserve for future pond maintenance 1.0000 50,000.00 50,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $90,000.00

Non-Current Outlay Totals $52,000.00 $0.00 $90,000.00 $0.00 $90,000.00 $90,000.00

Sub Department 5410 - Collection System Totals $587,264.00 $568,965.39 $756,216.00 $731,198.25 $622,248.00 $913,170.00

Stormwater - Storm Stations

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5400 - Stormwater


Department 100 - Expenditures

Sub Department 5425 - Storm Stations

Personnel Services
5400.100.5425 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 30,806.00 26,880.08 31,672.00 26,613.57 25,437.00 26,213.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Wastewater/Stormwater Service Worker 4% - Range 40 1.0000 1,706.00 1,706.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Wastewater/Stormwater Service Worker, Lead 17% - Range 50 1.0000 10,854.00 10,854.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Stormwater Collections Supervisor 17% - Range 56 1.0000 12,875.00 12,875.00

Mayor's Budget Salary Plan Increase - 3.06% 1.0000 778.00 778.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $26,213.00

5400.100.5425 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 7,500.00 .00 7,500.00 .00 7,500.00 7,500.00

5400.100.5425 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 1,637.00 1,595.01 900.00 721.12 500.00 500.00

5400.100.5425 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 700.00 624.34 .00 .00 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $40,643.00 $29,099.43 $40,072.00 $27,334.69 $33,437.00 $34,213.00

Fringe Benefits
5400.100.5425 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 2,465.00 1,739.90 2,460.00 1,627.18 2,073.00 2,121.00

5400.100.5425 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 577.00 406.88 575.00 380.61 485.00 496.00

5400.100.5425 401.0020 Unemployment Compensation 282.00 .00 282.00 .00 282.00 282.00

5400.100.5425 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 890.00 218.30 890.00 .00 890.00 890.00

5400.100.5425 402.0005 Post Employment Health 252.00 203.31 252.00 186.39 188.00 188.00

5400.100.5425 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 5,133.00 3,109.17 3,955.00 3,698.54 3,696.00 1,136.00

5400.100.5425 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 27.00 21.47 27.00 18.89 20.00 20.00

5400.100.5425 402.0030 Disability Insurance 102.00 85.74 101.00 77.45 78.00 81.00

5400.100.5425 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 5,542.00 4,972.84 5,042.00 5,035.00 4,042.00 4,042.00

5400.100.5425 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 1,191.00 1,145.57 1,280.00 1,148.83 1,052.00 1,102.00

5400.100.5425 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 283.00 246.50 306.00 204.00 306.00 306.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $16,744.00 $12,149.68 $15,170.00 $12,376.89 $13,112.00 $10,664.00

Stormwater - Storm Stations

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Material And Supplies
5400.100.5425 410.0170 Minor Tools & Equipment 750.00 736.19 900.00 (44.93) 700.00 700.00

5400.100.5425 410.0190 Diesel Fuel 600.00 573.60 500.00 .00 2,500.00 2,500.00

5400.100.5425 410.0210 Oil, Anti-Freeze, Etc. 300.00 266.37 350.00 317.57 300.00 300.00

Material And Supplies Totals $1,650.00 $1,576.16 $1,750.00 $272.64 $3,500.00 $3,500.00

5400.100.5425 420.0010 Electricity 64,200.00 63,168.06 60,000.00 59,092.36 70,000.00 70,000.00

5400.100.5425 420.0030 Water, Sewer & Refuse 360.00 344.77 700.00 350.45 300.00 300.00

Utilities Totals $64,560.00 $63,512.83 $60,700.00 $59,442.81 $70,300.00 $70,300.00

Contractual Services
5400.100.5425 430.0150 Consultants .00 5,105.00 45,000.00 865.00 .00 .00

5400.100.5425 430.0170 Maintenance Agreements 2,900.00 2,708.00 1,000.00 780.04 6,000.00 6,000.00

Contractual Services Totals $2,900.00 $7,813.00 $46,000.00 $1,645.04 $6,000.00 $6,000.00

Maintenance Structures
5400.100.5425 440.0010 Mtce Buildings & Grounds 900.00 511.59 1,500.00 1,321.99 3,000.00 3,000.00

5400.100.5425 440.0020 Mtce Pumping Stations 800.00 .00 2,300.00 1,065.84 4,000.00 4,000.00

5400.100.5425 440.0085 Mtce Repair/Replace 3,000.00 2,976.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Maintenance Structures Totals $4,700.00 $3,487.59 $3,800.00 $2,387.83 $7,000.00 $7,000.00

Maintenance Equipment
5400.100.5425 450.0020 Mtce Installed Mech Equip 2,940.00 2,742.63 8,700.00 8,537.22 3,000.00 3,000.00

5400.100.5425 450.0030 Mtce Communication & Elec 45,500.00 45,494.93 17,600.00 17,452.09 20,000.00 20,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Pump Drive Replacement 1.0000 20,000.00 20,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $20,000.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $48,440.00 $48,237.56 $26,300.00 $25,989.31 $23,000.00 $23,000.00

Other Operating Expenses

5400.100.5425 460.0017 Network Services for Comm System .00 .00 2,000.00 1,827.98 .00 .00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $0.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 $1,827.98 $0.00 $0.00

Capital Outlay

Stormwater - Storm Stations

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5400.100.5425 650.0010 Work In Progress 277,096.00 75,942.49 258,486.00 258,221.96 .00 600,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Pump Station Rehab #197 1.0000 600,000.00 600,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $600,000.00

5400.100.5425 700.0120 Trucks & Mounted Equipmt 29,300.00 53,843.00 25,000.00 .00 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $306,396.00 $129,785.49 $283,486.00 $258,221.96 $0.00 $600,000.00

Sub Department 5425 - Storm Stations Totals $486,033.00 $295,661.74 $479,278.00 $389,499.15 $156,349.00 $754,677.00

Stormwater - Flood Stations

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5400 - Stormwater


Department 100 - Expenditures

Sub Department 5440 - Flood Stations

Personnel Services
5400.100.5440 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 48,926.00 42,692.22 50,304.00 45,199.35 41,956.00 43,236.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Wastewater/Stormwater Service Worker 10% - Range 40 1.0000 4,266.00 4,266.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Wasterwater/Stormwater Service Worker, Lead 27% - Range 50 1.0000 17,238.00 17,238.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Stormwater Collections Supervisor 27% - Range 56 1.0000 20,448.00 20,448.00

Mayor's Budget Salary Plan Increase - 3.06% 1.0000 1,284.00 1,284.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $43,236.00

5400.100.5440 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 2,738.00 2,533.26 1,200.00 1,188.10 1,000.00 1,000.00

5400.100.5440 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 1,000.00 991.60 .00 .00 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $52,664.00 $46,217.08 $51,504.00 $46,387.45 $42,956.00 $44,236.00

Fringe Benefits
5400.100.5440 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 3,153.00 2,763.36 3,181.00 2,762.44 2,663.00 2,743.00

5400.100.5440 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 737.00 646.30 744.00 645.97 623.00 641.00

5400.100.5440 401.0020 Unemployment Compensation 83.00 .00 83.00 .00 83.00 83.00

5400.100.5440 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 1,400.00 .00 1,400.00 .00 1,400.00 1,400.00

5400.100.5440 402.0005 Post Employment Health 401.00 323.06 401.00 312.76 317.00 317.00

5400.100.5440 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 8,152.00 4,938.26 6,387.00 6,091.42 5,870.00 6,174.00

5400.100.5440 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 43.00 34.23 43.00 33.08 34.00 34.00

5400.100.5440 402.0030 Disability Insurance 165.00 136.34 169.00 127.50 133.00 137.00

5400.100.5440 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 7,269.00 6,727.96 6,969.00 6,811.00 5,469.00 5,469.00

5400.100.5440 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 2,458.00 1,819.57 2,550.00 2,066.95 1,799.00 1,882.00

5400.100.5440 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 412.00 391.50 486.00 324.00 486.00 486.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $24,273.00 $17,780.58 $22,413.00 $19,175.12 $18,877.00 $19,366.00

Material And Supplies

5400.100.5440 410.0170 Minor Tools & Equipment 100.00 93.94 .00 .00 .00 .00

Stormwater - Flood Stations

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5400.100.5440 410.0190 Diesel Fuel 400.00 366.00 3,000.00 2,096.00 3,000.00 3,000.00

5400.100.5440 410.0200 Gasoline 500.00 47.76 1,200.00 .00 3,500.00 3,500.00

5400.100.5440 410.0210 Oil, Anti-Freeze, Etc. 1,014.00 1,013.56 1,100.00 1,018.27 400.00 400.00

Material And Supplies Totals $2,014.00 $1,521.26 $5,300.00 $3,114.27 $6,900.00 $6,900.00

5400.100.5440 420.0010 Electricity 104,515.00 102,810.81 122,800.00 122,558.14 70,000.00 120,000.00

5400.100.5440 420.0030 Water, Sewer & Refuse 400.00 .00 2,900.00 2,702.36 400.00 3,400.00

Utilities Totals $104,915.00 $102,810.81 $125,700.00 $125,260.50 $70,400.00 $123,400.00

Contractual Services
5400.100.5440 430.0170 Maintenance Agreements 1,500.00 1,310.87 25,000.00 24,738.82 10,000.00 10,000.00

Contractual Services Totals $1,500.00 $1,310.87 $25,000.00 $24,738.82 $10,000.00 $10,000.00

Maintenance Structures
5400.100.5440 440.0010 Mtce Buildings & Grounds 1,100.00 559.79 1,700.00 1,282.40 2,000.00 2,000.00

5400.100.5440 440.0055 Mtce Gates & Structures .00 .00 800.00 .00 2,000.00 2,000.00

Maintenance Structures Totals $1,100.00 $559.79 $2,500.00 $1,282.40 $4,000.00 $4,000.00

Maintenance Equipment
5400.100.5440 450.0020 Mtce Installed Mech Equip 1,400.00 1,372.57 3,800.00 3,701.77 500.00 1,000.00

5400.100.5440 450.0030 Mtce Communication & Elec 1,750.00 2,334.19 1,750.00 821.22 1,750.00 1,750.00

5400.100.5440 450.0160 Mtce Vehicles/Motor Eq. 2,000.00 2,221.77 100.00 87.55 .00 .00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $5,150.00 $5,928.53 $5,650.00 $4,610.54 $2,250.00 $2,750.00

Other Operating Expenses

5400.100.5440 460.0017 Network Services for Comm System .00 .00 .00 1,791.35 .00 .00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,791.35 $0.00 $0.00

Capital Outlay
5400.100.5440 700.0100 Cars & Light Duty Trucks .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 10,000.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget SW Share of Electricians Vehicle 1.0000 10,000.00 10,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $10,000.00

Capital Outlay Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10,000.00

Sub Department 5440 - Flood Stations Totals $191,616.00 $176,128.92 $238,067.00 $226,360.45 $155,383.00 $220,652.00

Stormwater - Flood Gates,
Dikes, Walls
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5400 - Stormwater


Department 100 - Expenditures

Sub Department 5460 - Flood Gates/Dikes/Walls

Personnel Services
5400.100.5460 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 52,550.00 45,854.69 54,029.00 47,952.37 44,748.00 46,113.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Wasterwater/Stormwater Service Worker 10% - Range 40 1.0000 4,266.00 4,266.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Wastewater/Stormwater Service Worker, Lead 29% - Range 50 1.0000 18,515.00 18,515.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Stormwater Collections Supervisor 29% - Range 56 1.0000 21,963.00 21,963.00

Mayor's Budget Salary Plan Increase 1.0000 1,369.00 1,369.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $46,113.00

5400.100.5460 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 2,938.00 2,720.96 2,000.00 1,267.40 2,000.00 2,000.00

5400.100.5460 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 1,500.00 1,065.05 .00 .00 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $56,988.00 $49,640.70 $56,029.00 $49,219.77 $46,748.00 $48,113.00

Fringe Benefits
5400.100.5460 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 3,440.00 2,968.04 3,474.00 2,930.29 2,898.00 2,983.00

5400.100.5460 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 805.00 694.11 812.00 685.37 678.00 698.00

5400.100.5460 401.0020 Unemployment Compensation 133.00 .00 133.00 .00 133.00 133.00

5400.100.5460 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 659.00 .00 659.00 .00 659.00 659.00

5400.100.5460 402.0005 Post Employment Health 431.00 346.82 431.00 332.42 337.00 337.00

5400.100.5460 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 8,756.00 5,304.01 6,793.00 6,498.28 6,305.00 6,629.00

5400.100.5460 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 46.00 37.09 46.00 35.05 36.00 36.00

5400.100.5460 402.0030 Disability Insurance 173.00 146.54 178.00 136.33 139.00 143.00

5400.100.5460 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 5,305.00 4,680.32 5,005.00 4,738.00 3,805.00 3,805.00

5400.100.5460 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 2,640.00 1,954.19 2,739.00 2,170.25 1,906.00 1,995.00

5400.100.5460 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 514.00 420.50 525.00 348.00 525.00 525.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $22,902.00 $16,551.62 $20,795.00 $17,873.99 $17,421.00 $17,943.00

Material And Supplies

Stormwater - Flood Gates,
Dikes, Walls
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5400.100.5460 410.0070 Pest Control Supplies 200.00 .00 400.00 29.99 400.00 400.00

Material And Supplies Totals $200.00 $0.00 $400.00 $29.99 $400.00 $400.00

5400.100.5460 420.0030 Water, Sewer & Refuse 5,000.00 4,379.98 5,000.00 4,661.49 5,000.00 5,000.00

Utilities Totals $5,000.00 $4,379.98 $5,000.00 $4,661.49 $5,000.00 $5,000.00

Maintenance Structures
5400.100.5460 440.0010 Mtce Buildings & Grounds .00 .00 200.00 118.29 .00 .00

5400.100.5460 440.0025 Mtce-Weed Control 400.00 280.00 5,400.00 5,312.36 5,000.00 5,000.00

5400.100.5460 440.0032 Mtce-Gopher Repairs 19,860.00 19,350.00 23,000.00 18,600.00 23,000.00 23,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Gopher Maintenance on Levee 1.0000 13,000.00 13,000.00

Mayor's Budget Gopher Control English Coulee Diversion 1.0000 10,000.00 10,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $23,000.00

5400.100.5460 440.0045 Mtce-Mowing 14,600.00 19,240.00 10,000.00 .00 20,000.00 20,000.00

5400.100.5460 440.0050 Mtce Flood Facilities 9,900.00 9,881.34 .00 .00 7,000.00 7,000.00

5400.100.5460 440.0055 Mtce Gates & Structures 23,500.00 23,496.72 9,300.00 859.08 15,000.00 15,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Recoat Flood Gates with Rust Inhibitator 1.0000 10,000.00 10,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $10,000.00

5400.100.5460 440.0085 Mtce Repair/Replace .00 .00 3,560.00 3,560.00 .00 .00

5400.100.5460 440.0095 Mtce Channel and Dikes 400.00 .00 70,180.00 .00 120,000.00 120,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Clean and regrade south end drainway 1.0000 120,000.00 120,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $120,000.00

5400.100.5460 440.0205 Landscaping 6,340.00 6,331.98 8,260.00 8,253.91 5,000.00 5,000.00

Maintenance Structures Totals $75,000.00 $78,580.04 $129,900.00 $36,703.64 $195,000.00 $195,000.00

Capital Outlay

Stormwater - Flood Gates,
Dikes, Walls
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5400.100.5460 650.0010 Work In Progress 200.00 .00 53,315.00 .00 103,000.00 103,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Flood Gates/Levees/Walls Rehab 1.0000 103,000.00 103,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $103,000.00

5400.100.5460 700.0050 Gen Equipment N.O.C. 2,300.00 2,267.39 2,000.00 854.12 2,000.00 2,000.00

Capital Outlay Totals $2,500.00 $2,267.39 $55,315.00 $854.12 $105,000.00 $105,000.00

Sub Department 5460 - Flood Gates/Dikes/Walls Totals $162,590.00 $151,419.73 $267,439.00 $109,343.00 $369,569.00 $371,456.00

Stormwater - Lab

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5400 - Stormwater


Department 100 - Expenditures

Sub Department 5465 - Lab

Material And Supplies
5400.100.5465 410.0010 Books & Subscriptions 100.00 .00 100.00 .00 100.00 100.00

5400.100.5465 410.0060 Medical & Laboratory 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 1,000.00

Material And Supplies Totals $1,100.00 $0.00 $1,100.00 $0.00 $1,100.00 $1,100.00

Contractual Services
5400.100.5465 430.0110 Printing 200.00 .00 200.00 .00 200.00 200.00

Contractual Services Totals $200.00 $0.00 $200.00 $0.00 $200.00 $200.00

Other Operating Expenses

5400.100.5465 460.0050 Education & Training 2,000.00 339.25 2,000.00 .00 2,000.00 2,000.00

5400.100.5465 460.0060 Travel 2,000.00 .00 2,000.00 .00 2,000.00 2,000.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $4,000.00 $339.25 $4,000.00 $0.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00

Sub Department 5465 - Lab Totals $5,300.00 $339.25 $5,300.00 $0.00 $5,300.00 $5,300.00

Stormwater - Greenway

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5400 - Stormwater


Department 100 - Expenditures

Sub Department 5470 - Greenway Admin/Mtce

Personnel Services
5400.100.5470 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 93,935.00 94,338.77 97,245.00 97,146.52 98,391.00 101,406.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Greenway Specialist - Range 56 1.0000 74,012.00 74,012.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Assistant Water Works Director 25% - Range 67 1.0000 24,383.00 24,383.00

Mayor's Budget Salary Plan Increase - 3.06% 1.0000 3,011.00 3,011.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $101,406.00

5400.100.5470 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 6,160.00 .00 6,160.00 .00 6,160.00 6,160.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Greenway Groundskeeper position 1.0000 6,160.00 6,160.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $6,160.00

5400.100.5470 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 127.00 126.65 .00 .00 .00 .00

5400.100.5470 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 1,255.00 518.88 1,255.00 1,283.37 1,255.00 1,255.00

Personnel Services Totals $101,477.00 $94,984.30 $104,660.00 $98,429.89 $105,806.00 $108,821.00

Fringe Benefits
5400.100.5470 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 6,284.00 5,689.46 6,489.00 5,876.94 6,560.00 6,747.00

5400.100.5470 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 1,470.00 1,330.48 1,518.00 1,374.41 1,534.00 1,578.00

5400.100.5470 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 463.00 .00 590.00 .00 590.00 590.00

5400.100.5470 402.0005 Post Employment Health 619.00 618.72 619.00 618.72 619.00 619.00

5400.100.5470 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 15,096.00 13,402.34 14,379.00 14,403.94 15,383.00 16,174.00

5400.100.5470 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 67.00 65.64 67.00 57.24 67.00 68.00

5400.100.5470 402.0030 Disability Insurance 310.00 311.28 321.00 301.08 305.00 314.00

5400.100.5470 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 7,759.00 7,792.20 8,032.00 8,023.90 8,127.00 8,376.00

5400.100.5470 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 750.00 750.00 750.00 662.50 750.00 750.00

Stormwater - Greenway

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Fringe Benefits Totals $32,818.00 $29,960.12 $32,765.00 $31,318.73 $33,935.00 $35,216.00

Material And Supplies

5400.100.5470 410.0010 Books & Subscriptions 420.00 420.00 1,149.00 1,149.36 500.00 500.00

5400.100.5470 410.0020 Office Supplies 989.00 861.36 193.00 277.51 1,500.00 1,500.00

5400.100.5470 410.0040 Janitorial Supplies .00 .00 .00 .00 50.00 50.00

5400.100.5470 410.0080 Food Supplies .00 .00 .00 .00 50.00 50.00

5400.100.5470 410.0170 Minor Tools & Equipment 7,420.00 7,420.17 4,136.00 4,135.89 3,000.00 3,000.00

5400.100.5470 410.0200 Gasoline 945.00 1,005.51 359.00 471.93 700.00 700.00

Material And Supplies Totals $9,774.00 $9,707.04 $5,837.00 $6,034.69 $5,800.00 $5,800.00

5400.100.5470 420.0010 Electricity 5,815.00 2,518.89 2,900.00 2,900.75 4,000.00 4,000.00

5400.100.5470 420.0020 Building Heat 137.00 136.78 .00 .00 .00 .00

5400.100.5470 420.0030 Water, Sewer & Refuse 7,973.00 6,325.83 6,066.00 6,335.25 7,000.00 7,000.00

Utilities Totals $13,925.00 $8,981.50 $8,966.00 $9,236.00 $11,000.00 $11,000.00

Contractual Services
5400.100.5470 430.0030 Lease & Rental 370.00 370.00 600.00 600.00 1,500.00 1,500.00

5400.100.5470 430.0090 Advertising 1,523.00 1,522.45 1,405.00 1,405.32 2,000.00 2,000.00

5400.100.5470 430.0094 Greenway Promotions 600.00 500.00 1,300.00 .00 250.00 250.00

5400.100.5470 430.0110 Printing 580.00 579.70 722.00 711.49 300.00 300.00

5400.100.5470 430.0150 Consultants .00 .00 3,045.00 3,045.00 2,000.00 2,000.00

Contractual Services Totals $3,073.00 $2,972.15 $7,072.00 $5,761.81 $6,050.00 $6,050.00

Maintenance Structures
5400.100.5470 440.0010 Mtce Buildings & Grounds 1,089.00 1,088.95 (500.00) (500.00) 10,500.00 10,500.00

5400.100.5470 440.0015 Mtce-Snow Removal .00 .00 .00 .00 8,000.00 8,000.00

5400.100.5470 440.0025 Mtce-Weed Control 7,453.00 7,452.50 14,060.00 14,061.00 8,500.00 8,500.00

5400.100.5470 440.0031 Mtce-Hydroseeding .00 .00 .00 .00 1,000.00 1,000.00

5400.100.5470 440.0033 Mtce-Irrigation Lines .00 .00 .00 .00 1,000.00 1,000.00

5400.100.5470 440.0035 Mtce-Trees 32,837.00 32,836.90 21,067.00 21,067.26 5,000.00 5,000.00

5400.100.5470 440.0043 Canoe Dock Mtce 13,299.00 13,300.00 4,946.00 4,946.00 10,000.00 10,000.00

5400.100.5470 440.0044 Mtce-Ski Grooming 20,925.00 20,925.00 15,505.00 15,525.00 3,000.00 3,000.00

Stormwater - Greenway

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5400.100.5470 440.0045 Mtce-Mowing 73,422.00 73,422.38 125,738.00 115,304.00 72,000.00 72,000.00

5400.100.5470 440.0065 Mtce Debris Removal 3,121.00 2,983.61 30,181.00 30,214.05 4,000.00 4,000.00

5400.100.5470 440.0085 Mtce Repair/Replace 1,492.00 1,491.34 1,059.00 1,058.80 3,000.00 3,000.00

5400.100.5470 440.0200 Signage .00 .00 1,914.00 1,978.19 1,500.00 1,500.00

5400.100.5470 440.0205 Landscaping 12,695.00 12,695.00 4,665.00 4,665.00 7,500.00 7,500.00

5400.100.5470 440.0210 PDist-Mtce Riverside Pool 33,250.00 40,332.88 36,716.00 63,098.59 30,000.00 30,000.00

Maintenance Structures Totals $199,583.00 $206,528.56 $255,351.00 $271,417.89 $165,000.00 $165,000.00

Maintenance Equipment
5400.100.5470 450.0160 Mtce Vehicles/Motor Eq. 8,115.00 13,503.84 8,152.00 9,089.73 4,000.00 4,000.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $8,115.00 $13,503.84 $8,152.00 $9,089.73 $4,000.00 $4,000.00

Other Operating Expenses

5400.100.5470 460.0040 Postage 1,000.00 1,499.70 1,254.00 1,254.79 1,000.00 1,000.00

5400.100.5470 460.0050 Education & Training 589.00 589.00 34.00 33.95 1,000.00 1,000.00

5400.100.5470 460.0060 Travel 1,503.00 1,503.43 .00 .00 1,000.00 1,000.00

5400.100.5470 460.0090 Dues 340.00 340.00 305.00 250.00 500.00 500.00

5400.100.5470 460.0110 Fire & Tornado Insurance 903.00 889.26 924.00 923.71 600.00 600.00

5400.100.5470 460.0115 Flood Insurance 8,166.00 8,404.43 8,754.00 8,656.17 7,000.00 7,000.00

5400.100.5470 460.0120 Fleet & Gen.Liab.Insuranc 710.00 709.15 1,107.00 1,106.90 900.00 900.00

5400.100.5470 470.0040 Contingency .00 .00 .00 .00 10,000.00 10,000.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $13,211.00 $13,934.97 $12,378.00 $12,225.52 $22,000.00 $22,000.00

Capital Outlay
5400.100.5470 650.0010 Work In Progress 1,519.00 .00 6,999.00 (2,101.00) .00 35,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Greenway Capital Projects 1.0000 35,000.00 35,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $35,000.00

5400.100.5470 700.0100 Cars & Light Duty Trucks .00 .00 31,000.00 .00 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $1,519.00 $0.00 $37,999.00 ($2,101.00) $0.00 $35,000.00

Sub Department 5470 - Greenway Admin/Mtce Totals $383,495.00 $380,572.48 $473,180.00 $441,413.26 $353,591.00 $392,887.00


Estimated Cash Balance as of 1/1/22 $724,762

Estimated Reserved Cash Balance 12/31/22 $750,000

Tax Revenue $1,117,976
Federal Grants-Operating 799,478
Federal Grants-Capital 411,200
CARES Act 500,000
FTA-EGF Operating Grant 200,000
State Aid 100,000
Other Tax Revenue 24,312
Interest Income 5,000
Operating Revenue 854,000

Total Revenue $4,011,966

Salaries and Fringes 2,135,837
Maintenance/Operations 1,111,487
Reserve for Future Construction/Capital 250,000
Capital Expense (80% Federal Share) Total Project Cost
Bus Shelters 115,000
Dispatching Software 165,000
Data Management System 234,000 514,000

Total Expenses $4,011,324

Revenues less Expenses $642

Estimated Unreserved Cash Balance 12/31/22 $725,404

Estimated Reserved Cash Balance 12/31/22 $1,000,000

Public Transit

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5500 - Public Transit


Department 000 - Revenues

Real Estate Taxes
5500.000 301.0010 Current Real Estate Taxes 1,075,660.00 1,028,900.41 1,091,287.00 1,049,029.34 1,091,394.00 1,117,976.00

Real Estate Taxes Totals $1,075,660.00 $1,028,900.41 $1,091,287.00 $1,049,029.34 $1,091,394.00 $1,117,976.00

5500.000 321.0002 CARES Act .00 .00 950,000.00 884,860.00 745,238.00 500,000.00

5500.000 321.0020 FEMA .00 .00 6,385.00 6,385.44 .00 .00

5500.000 321.0030 Federal Transit Adm.Grant 650,725.00 749,895.00 583,697.00 601,233.00 956,473.00 799,579.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 50% of Fed Admin Grant (5307) 1.0000 787,663.33 787,663.33

Mayor's Budget 1% of Fed Admin Grant Used for Safety/Security Items (5307) 1.0000 11,914.95 11,914.95

Mayor's Budget Totals $799,578.28

5500.000 321.0033 Fed Transit Adm.Grant-Cap 5,473,104.00 3,793,818.00 2,335,355.00 2,702,649.40 296,808.00 411,200.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Bus Shelters 1.0000 92,000.00 92,000.00

Mayor's Budget Data Management Systems 1.0000 187,200.00 187,200.00

Mayor's Budget Upgrade scheduling and dispatching software 1.0000 132,000.00 132,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $411,200.00

5500.000 321.0170 FTA-EGF Operating Grant 206,000.00 .00 277,000.00 .00 277,000.00 200,000.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1/2 EGF FTA Grant 1.0000 200,000.00 200,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $200,000.00

5500.000 322.0116 State Aid 213,903.00 9,500.00 205,000.00 102,651.00 150,000.00 100,000.00

5500.000 324.0080 Senior Citizens Tax 10,000.00 10,500.50 11,000.00 10,163.53 7,815.00 7,693.00

5500.000 324.0081 Disabled Veteran Credit 6,200.00 7,210.21 6,800.00 7,549.26 7,064.00 7,619.00

5500.000 324.0082 Electric Tax 150.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

5500.000 324.0095 Communication In-Lieu Tax 5,500.00 5,448.25 5,500.00 5,444.88 5,500.00 5,500.00

5500.000 325.0030 Mobile Home Tax 3,200.00 2,930.16 3,500.00 3,547.83 3,500.00 3,500.00

Public Transit

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5500.000 326.0056 Local Match - Reimb Rev 156,800.00 .00 345,796.00 345,796.48 .00 .00

Intergovernmental Totals $6,725,582.00 $4,579,302.12 $4,730,033.00 $4,670,280.82 $2,449,398.00 $2,035,091.00

5500.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments 16,000.00 656.18 16,000.00 (16,148.84) 11,700.00 5,000.00

Interest Totals $16,000.00 $656.18 $16,000.00 ($16,148.84) $11,700.00 $5,000.00

Other Financing Sources

5500.000 361.0089 Gain on Sale of Capital Assets .00 12,114.00 .00 3,850.00 .00 .00

5500.000 361.0090 Sale Of Property .00 18,300.00 .00 8,800.00 .00 .00

Other Financing Sources Totals $0.00 $30,414.00 $0.00 $12,650.00 $0.00 $0.00

Operating Revenues
5500.000 337.0005 Advance Ticket Sales 115,000.00 98,195.63 120,000.00 61,555.40 95,000.00 70,000.00

5500.000 337.0010 Cash Sales 80,000.00 54,449.26 65,000.00 45,837.54 45,000.00 45,000.00

5500.000 337.0030 UND Bus Service Fee .00 .00 .00 240,135.00 .00 120,000.00

5500.000 337.0050 DAR Ticket Sales .00 .00 .00 (97.00) .00 .00

5500.000 337.0075 Jefferson-Commission Rev 16,000.00 7,215.93 11,000.00 4,534.06 7,500.00 5,000.00

5500.000 337.0080 EGF Advance Ticket Sales 1,500.00 497.75 1,500.00 209.00 1,000.00 500.00

5500.000 337.0090 EGF Cash Sales 4,500.00 3,568.73 4,700.00 2,250.77 3,500.00 3,000.00

5500.000 337.0100 EGF Bus Fee 417,389.00 596,840.00 330,000.00 535,852.00 550,000.00 550,000.00

5500.000 337.0110 Advertising-Transit 38,000.00 63,514.41 103,000.00 58,263.85 60,000.00 60,000.00

5500.000 337.0140 Other N.O.C. .00 1,425.31 .00 739.08 .00 500.00

Operating Revenues Totals $672,389.00 $825,707.02 $635,200.00 $949,279.70 $762,000.00 $854,000.00

Operating Transfers In
5500.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In .00 .00 2,965.00 2,965.00 .00 .00

Operating Transfers In Totals $0.00 $0.00 $2,965.00 $2,965.00 $0.00 $0.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
5500.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget 1,975,952.00 .00 896,278.00 .00 600,000.00 1,474,762.00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $1,975,952.00 $0.00 $896,278.00 $0.00 $600,000.00 $1,474,762.00

REVENUE TOTALS $10,465,583.00 $6,464,979.73 $7,371,763.00 $6,668,056.02 $4,914,492.00 $5,486,829.00

Public Transit

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5500 - Public Transit


Department 100 - Expenditures

Personnel Services
5500.100 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 958,399.00 954,605.37 1,022,803.00 1,036,144.88 1,081,269.00 1,106,380.00
Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 16 - Bus Operator - Range 35 1.0000 679,378.00 679,378.00

Mayor's Budget 2 - Fleet Maintenance Mechanic - Range 43 1.0000 97,427.00 97,427.00

Mayor's Budget Slary Plan Increase - 3.06% 1.0000 32,850.00 32,850.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Public Transit Division Director (95%) - Range 70 1.0000 90,725.00 90,725.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Transportation Dispatcher- Range 34 1.0000 41,897.00 41,897.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Grant Accountant, Sr. 40% - Range 60 1.0000 32,831.00 32,831.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Transportation Dispatcher (50%) - Range 34 1.0000 20,948.00 20,948.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Transportation Supervisor - Range 53 1.0000 67,642.00 67,642.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Bus Operator, Senior - Range 45 1.0000 42,682.00 42,682.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,106,380.00

5500.100 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 308,550.00 308,548.24 306,334.00 333,745.88 346,125.00 354,489.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Seasonal bus drivers 1.0000 66,500.00 66,500.00

Mayor's Budget Office Specialist 75% - Range 25 1.0000 32,937.00 32,937.00

Mayor's Budget 5 - Bus Operator (Contract) - Range 35 1.0000 200,616.00 200,616.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Fleet Maintenance Mechanic (Contract) - Range 43 1.0000 45,885.00 45,885.00

Mayor's Budget Salary Plan Increase - 3.06% 1.0000 8,551.00 8,551.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $354,489.00

5500.100 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 38,737.00 38,736.84 67,423.00 69,276.81 25,000.00 25,000.00

5500.100 400.0040 Wages & Salary-Holiday .00 .00 .00 .00 14,000.00 14,000.00

5500.100 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 14,500.00 11,320.81 21,600.00 11,816.24 14,500.00 14,500.00

Personnel Services Totals $1,320,186.00 $1,313,211.26 $1,418,160.00 $1,450,983.81 $1,480,894.00 $1,514,369.00

Fringe Benefits

Public Transit

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5500.100 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 81,854.00 75,884.68 86,700.00 84,576.67 91,815.00 93,891.00

5500.100 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 19,143.00 17,747.27 20,277.00 19,780.00 21,473.00 21,958.00

5500.100 401.0020 Unemployment Compensation 5,000.00 181.57 5,850.00 5,803.72 5,000.00 5,000.00

5500.100 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 31,733.00 26,842.86 16,733.00 13,631.73 31,733.00 31,733.00

5500.100 402.0005 Post Employment Health 13,316.00 10,912.72 13,811.00 12,581.76 14,801.00 15,345.00

5500.100 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 230,940.00 178,364.35 192,580.00 210,325.80 213,585.00 265,942.00

5500.100 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 1,414.00 1,364.43 1,466.00 1,340.29 1,585.00 1,674.00

5500.100 402.0025 Life Insurance-Retirees 324.00 .00 324.00 .00 324.00 324.00

5500.100 402.0030 Disability Insurance 4,019.00 3,277.22 4,419.00 3,510.62 4,687.00 4,695.00

5500.100 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 78,182.00 77,988.00 76,182.00 76,021.00 76,182.00 76,182.00

5500.100 402.0041 Pension Plan-Def. Contrbn 1,245.00 .00 1,245.00 .00 1,245.00 1,245.00

5500.100 402.0042 Contract Emp-Def. Comp. 840.00 839.38 800.00 813.35 .00 .00

5500.100 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 78,174.00 76,174.19 84,022.00 85,244.34 90,539.00 101,414.00

5500.100 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 2,600.00 2,535.00 2,400.00 1,932.50 2,280.00 2,280.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $548,784.00 $472,111.67 $506,809.00 $515,561.78 $555,249.00 $621,683.00

Material And Supplies

5500.100 410.0010 Books & Subscriptions 250.00 191.90 250.00 14.99 250.00 250.00

5500.100 410.0020 Office Supplies 3,000.00 1,672.72 4,359.00 1,555.80 3,000.00 2,500.00

5500.100 410.0040 Janitorial Supplies 4,200.00 2,586.54 8,600.00 8,645.14 5,000.00 9,000.00

5500.100 410.0045 Vehicle Cleaning Supplies 5,500.00 2,602.03 7,380.00 1,043.27 7,500.00 2,000.00

5500.100 410.0050 Mechanical & Welding 750.00 98.50 530.00 138.33 200.00 200.00

5500.100 410.0055 Shop Supplies 792.00 791.19 3,280.00 1,733.15 2,000.00 2,000.00

5500.100 410.0065 Safety & Medical Supplies 1,500.00 688.87 1,950.00 2,143.36 1,000.00 1,500.00

5500.100 410.0100 Clothing 5,800.00 5,346.51 5,832.00 2,243.70 6,000.00 6,000.00

5500.100 410.0170 Minor Tools & Equipment 4,800.00 3,367.00 6,950.00 6,695.62 6,500.00 6,500.00

5500.100 410.0190 Diesel Fuel 101,000.00 116,723.39 74,756.00 67,404.27 120,000.00 135,000.00

5500.100 410.0195 Diesel - Non-Revenue 500.00 454.45 500.00 .00 500.00 500.00

5500.100 410.0200 Gasoline 60,000.00 48,121.55 46,121.00 95,169.44 61,000.00 120,000.00

5500.100 410.0205 Gasoline - Non Revenue 5,200.00 2,581.36 6,400.00 .00 3,000.00 3,000.00

5500.100 410.0206 DEF Fluid 1,100.00 1,055.70 2,050.00 2,043.69 1,200.00 2,200.00

Public Transit

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5500.100 410.0210 Oil, Anti-Freeze, Etc. 7,000.00 4,284.87 9,995.00 11,156.67 9,995.00 13,000.00

5500.100 410.0265 Minor Pc Software 11,000.00 3,852.00 1,750.00 1,749.99 1,500.00 1,500.00

5500.100 415.0020 Automotive Parts 32,000.00 11,806.68 55,000.00 13,029.98 30,000.00 30,000.00

5500.100 415.0021 Parts-Small Non-Revenue 5,000.00 3,061.71 6,370.00 3,154.80 5,000.00 5,000.00

Material And Supplies Totals $249,392.00 $209,286.97 $242,073.00 $217,922.20 $263,645.00 $340,150.00

5500.100 420.0010 Electricity 12,415.00 12,414.02 25,000.00 23,656.34 40,000.00 25,000.00

5500.100 420.0020 Building Heat 6,000.00 5,665.67 6,000.00 6,172.81 10,000.00 7,500.00

5500.100 420.0030 Water, Sewer & Refuse 7,000.00 5,904.07 8,583.00 4,606.29 8,000.00 5,000.00

5500.100 420.0045 Propane 14,000.00 8,526.54 .00 .00 .00 .00

Utilities Totals $39,415.00 $32,510.30 $39,583.00 $34,435.44 $58,000.00 $37,500.00

Contractual Services
5500.100 430.0010 Auditing 5,500.00 3,791.00 3,427.00 3,066.36 4,000.00 4,000.00

5500.100 430.0014 GF Services Reimbursement 128,551.00 133,221.00 140,683.00 140,682.96 169,293.00 175,305.00

5500.100 430.0090 Advertising 33,200.00 33,186.20 25,112.00 23,624.86 33,000.00 30,000.00

5500.100 430.0100 Cleaning & Laundry Svcs 13,500.00 6,187.53 10,000.00 6,567.91 10,000.00 8,500.00

5500.100 430.0110 Printing 20,200.00 21,475.85 3,000.00 1,863.16 15,000.00 10,000.00

5500.100 430.0150 Consultants 2,000.00 598.58 1,500.00 .00 1,500.00 1,500.00

5500.100 430.0170 Maintenance Agreements 44,414.00 32,029.24 34,822.00 28,638.16 49,822.00 49,822.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Banker's Equip Service - Glory Coin Sorter 1.0000 660.00 660.00

Mayor's Budget Syn-Tech Systems - Fuel System 1.0000 5,400.00 5,400.00

Mayor's Budget AirGas USA Cylinder Leases 1.0000 82.50 83.00

Mayor's Budget Simplex Grinnell - Fire Alarm Monitoring 1.0000 407.00 407.00

Mayor's Budget Synchromatics-Fixed Route Tech Support for Software 1.0000 23,000.00 23,000.00

Mayor's Budget Simplex Grinnell - Fire Alarm Maintenance 1.0000 1,572.00 1,572.00

Mayor's Budget Stone's Mobile Radio - Dispatch Svc-Fixed Route 1.0000 6,500.00 6,500.00

Mayor's Budget GenFare - Fare Collection System 1.0000 5,000.00 5,000.00

Mayor's Budget New Flyer Connect ($200 per month) 3.0000 2,400.00 7,200.00

Public Transit

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget Totals $49,822.00

5500.100 430.0175 Mtce.Costs-Computer Equip 100.00 .00 1,000.00 21.44 1,000.00 1,000.00

Contractual Services Totals $247,465.00 $230,489.40 $219,544.00 $204,464.85 $283,615.00 $280,127.00

Maintenance Structures
5500.100 440.0010 Mtce Buildings & Grounds 25,600.00 30,594.59 27,871.00 25,653.86 30,000.00 30,000.00

5500.100 440.0015 Mtce-Snow Removal .00 .00 1,000.00 .00 .00 .00

5500.100 440.0040 Mtce Bus Shelters 2,400.00 129.93 6,650.00 6,619.73 1,000.00 7,500.00

5500.100 440.0130 Mtce Lawn Care 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 .00 .00 500.00

5500.100 440.0140 Mtce Janitorial/Cleaning 20,583.00 111.30 3,000.00 2,452.50 1,500.00 35,000.00

Maintenance Structures Totals $49,583.00 $30,835.82 $39,521.00 $34,726.09 $32,500.00 $73,000.00

Maintenance Equipment
5500.100 450.0010 Mtce Air Cond. & Heating 1,200.00 315.00 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 1,000.00

5500.100 450.0030 Mtce Communication & Elec 14,000.00 9,107.22 31,150.00 26,286.73 14,000.00 12,000.00

5500.100 450.0050 Mtce Gen Equipt N.O.C. 150.00 133.93 .00 .00 .00 .00

5500.100 450.0090 Mtce Shop Equipment 6,810.00 6,808.85 1,325.00 1,323.15 2,000.00 2,000.00

5500.100 450.0160 Mtce Vehicles/Motor Eq. 130,850.00 70,952.43 114,280.00 131,814.60 114,280.00 130,000.00

5500.100 450.0164 Vehicle Cleaning .00 .00 42.00 41.93 .00 .00

5500.100 450.0165 Mtce-Tires-Revenue Vehicl 7,200.00 5,522.99 9,200.00 10,518.64 5,000.00 5,000.00

5500.100 450.0166 Mtce-Tires-Non-RevenueVhc 500.00 100.72 1,655.00 34.86 1,500.00 1,500.00

5500.100 450.0610 IS-Capital Replacement Ex 2,400.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 .00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget PCs 8.0000 300.00 2,400.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $2,400.00

5500.100 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 1,600.00 1,600.00 3,200.00 3,200.00 3,200.00 .00

5500.100 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 3,100.00 3,099.99 5,095.00 5,093.71 4,810.00 .00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget General Software 8.0000 320.00 2,560.00

Mayor's Budget Specialty Software 1.0000 2,250.00 2,250.00

Public Transit

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget Totals $4,810.00

5500.100 450.0640 IT Services .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 12,357.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $167,810.00 $100,041.13 $169,347.00 $180,713.62 $148,190.00 $163,857.00

Other Operating Expenses

5500.100 460.0010 Interdepartmental Reimbur 23,668.00 23,668.00 24,260.00 23,667.96 24,000.00 23,668.00

5500.100 460.0015 Cell Phone Charges 1,000.00 46.00 100.00 .00 100.00 100.00

5500.100 460.0016 Data Fees 7,181.00 3,187.33 8,540.00 8,080.04 8,000.00 8,500.00

5500.100 460.0020 Telephone 8,000.00 4,188.84 8,900.00 6,287.93 5,000.00 6,200.00

5500.100 460.0040 Postage 500.00 516.71 755.00 112.25 550.00 550.00

5500.100 460.0041 Drug Testing 3,400.00 3,331.80 3,500.00 3,274.81 3,500.00 3,500.00

5500.100 460.0050 Education & Training 5,155.00 5,154.35 3,700.00 812.00 4,000.00 4,000.00

5500.100 460.0060 Travel 16,145.00 16,144.38 1,105.00 1,089.10 12,000.00 8,000.00

5500.100 460.0061 Reserved Parking Charge 500.00 480.00 960.00 480.00 500.00 500.00

5500.100 460.0080 Freight 500.00 111.69 500.00 188.65 200.00 200.00

5500.100 460.0090 Dues 1,800.00 1,645.00 1,600.00 1,550.00 1,700.00 1,700.00

5500.100 460.0105 Vehicle Registration 300.00 37.00 300.00 73.50 300.00 300.00

5500.100 460.0110 Fire & Tornado Insurance 2,700.00 3,490.38 4,825.00 4,825.07 3,500.00 3,500.00

5500.100 460.0115 Flood Insurance 1,700.00 886.82 1,705.00 1,715.33 1,700.00 1,800.00

5500.100 460.0120 Fleet & Gen.Liab.Insuranc 47,000.00 46,917.21 51,232.00 51,226.99 47,500.00 55,000.00

5500.100 460.0170 Attorney Fees .00 .00 .00 .00 1,000.00 1,000.00

5500.100 460.0245 Paymt In Lieu of Taxes 15,090.00 15,090.00 15,539.00 15,539.00 15,655.00 46,370.00

5500.100 470.0040 Contingency 400.00 (2,104.86) 2,294.00 627.00 150,000.00 50,000.00

5500.100 470.0044 Credit Card Fees 1,500.00 1,738.80 1,605.00 1,181.91 1,800.00 1,750.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $136,539.00 $124,529.45 $131,420.00 $120,731.54 $281,005.00 $216,638.00

5500.100 850.0010 Depreciation Expense .00 516,253.77 .00 634,373.07 .00 .00

Depreciation Totals $0.00 $516,253.77 $0.00 $634,373.07 $0.00 $0.00

Operating Transfers Out

5500.100 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out 12,000.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $12,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Public Transit

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Capital Outlay
5500.100 650.0010 Work In Progress 4,880,621.00 3,801,807.16 1,947,657.00 1,639,842.66 111,010.00 115,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Bus Shelters 1.0000 115,000.00 115,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $115,000.00

5500.100 700.0030 Communication & Elec 561,665.00 557,954.60 627,178.00 318,760.90 41,000.00 399,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Upgrade scheduling and dispatching software 1.0000 165,000.00 165,000.00

Mayor's Budget Data Management System 1.0000 234,000.00 234,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $399,000.00

5500.100 700.0050 Gen Equipment N.O.C. .00 .00 54,315.00 54,307.50 .00 .00

5500.100 700.0090 Shop Equipment 29,460.00 26,370.63 113,765.00 116,106.53 83,000.00 .00

5500.100 700.0100 Cars & Light Duty Trucks .00 .00 .00 .00 136,000.00 .00

5500.100 700.0105 Rolling Stock 1,383,270.00 854,306.08 1,428,598.00 1,428,597.48 .00 .00

5500.100 700.0130 Associated Capital Mtce 15,000.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $6,870,016.00 $5,240,438.47 $4,171,513.00 $3,557,615.07 $371,010.00 $514,000.00

Non-Current Outlay
5500.100 996.0000 Non-Current Outlays .00 .00 .00 .00 750,000.00 250,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Reserve for Construction/Capital 1.0000 250,000.00 250,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $250,000.00

Non-Current Outlay Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $750,000.00 $250,000.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $9,641,190.00 $8,269,708.24 $6,937,970.00 $6,951,527.47 $4,224,108.00 $4,011,324.00

Fund 5500 - Public Transit Totals

REVENUE TOTALS $10,465,583.00 $6,464,979.73 $7,371,763.00 $6,668,056.02 $4,914,492.00 $5,486,829.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $9,641,190.00 $8,269,708.24 $6,937,970.00 $6,951,527.47 $4,224,108.00 $4,011,324.00

Fund 5500 - Public Transit Totals $824,393.00 ($1,804,728.51) $433,793.00 ($283,471.45) $690,384.00 $1,475,505.00


Estimated Cash Balance as of 1/1/22 $210,183

Tax Revenue 240,425
Federal Grants-Operating 393,832
Federal Grants-Capital 79,900
CARES Act 400,000
Mobility Manager Grant 34,544
Federal Grants EGF Operating 200,000
State Aid 100,000
Other Taxes 4,493
Interest Income 2,500
Other Revenue 125,000

Total Revenue $1,580,694

Salaries and Fringes 1,130,356
Maintenance/Operations 231,485
Capital Expense (80% Federal Share)
DAR Vans 94,000

Total Expenses 1,455,841

Revenues less Expenses $124,853

Estimated Unreserved Cash Balance 12/31/22 $335,036


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5600 - Dial-A-Ride


Department 000 - Revenues

Real Estate Taxes
5600.000 301.0010 Current Real Estate Taxes 225,979.00 215,501.10 229,262.00 220,036.88 234,720.00 240,425.00

Real Estate Taxes Totals $225,979.00 $215,501.10 $229,262.00 $220,036.88 $234,720.00 $240,425.00

5600.000 321.0002 CARES Act .00 .00 .00 232,002.00 334,817.00 400,000.00

5600.000 321.0030 Federal Transit Adm.Grant 515,728.00 397,587.00 645,108.00 146,114.00 502,691.00 428,376.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Fed Admin Grant (5307) 1.0000 393,831.67 393,831.67

Mayor's Budget Mobility Mgr Wages/Benefits (5310) 1.0000 34,544.00 34,544.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $428,375.67

5600.000 321.0033 Fed Transit Adm.Grant-Cap 211,200.00 213,224.09 123,200.00 4,710.00 .00 .00

5600.000 321.0038 New Freedom Grant 56,000.00 76,070.00 .00 69,539.00 .00 .00

5600.000 321.0170 FTA-EGF Operating Grant 206,000.00 .00 277,000.00 215,394.00 250,000.00 200,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1/2 EGF FTA Grant 1.0000 200,000.00 200,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $200,000.00

5600.000 321.0171 FTA-EGF Capital Grant .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 79,900.00

5600.000 322.0116 State Aid 256,403.00 259,714.00 .00 113,297.00 55,000.00 100,000.00

5600.000 324.0080 Senior Citizens Tax 2,100.00 2,195.40 2,200.00 2,128.26 1,675.00 1,654.00

5600.000 324.0081 Disabled Veteran Credit 1,275.00 1,509.24 1,500.00 1,582.15 1,514.00 1,639.00

5600.000 324.0082 Electric Tax 28.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

5600.000 324.0095 Communication In-Lieu Tax 1,150.00 1,141.23 1,200.00 1,141.94 1,200.00 1,200.00

5600.000 325.0030 Mobile Home Tax 50.00 18.09 .00 21.51 .00 .00

Intergovernmental Totals $1,249,934.00 $951,459.05 $1,050,208.00 $785,929.86 $1,146,897.00 $1,212,769.00



2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5600.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments 950.00 (2,930.79) .00 (4,868.09) 6,100.00 2,500.00

Interest Totals $950.00 ($2,930.79) $0.00 ($4,868.09) $6,100.00 $2,500.00

Operating Revenues
5600.000 337.0005 Advance Ticket Sales .00 (4,547.00) .00 .00 .00 .00

5600.000 337.0030 UND Bus Service Fee 325.00 75.00 11,500.00 .00 500.00 .00

5600.000 337.0050 DAR Ticket Sales 198,500.00 201,931.90 190,000.00 100,342.75 165,000.00 125,000.00

Operating Revenues Totals $198,825.00 $197,459.90 $201,500.00 $100,342.75 $165,500.00 $125,000.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
5600.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget 80,000.00 .00 10,000.00 .00 10,000.00 210,183.00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $80,000.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 $210,183.00

REVENUE TOTALS $1,755,688.00 $1,361,489.26 $1,490,970.00 $1,101,441.40 $1,563,217.00 $1,790,877.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5600 - Dial-A-Ride


Department 100 - Expenditures

Personnel Services
5600.100 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 178,601.00 179,750.18 204,750.00 207,391.21 219,404.00 102,608.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Public Transit Division Director (5%) - Range 70 1.0000 4,775.00 4,775.00

Mayor's Budget 2 - Transportation Dispatcher - Range 34 1.0000 76,128.00 76,128.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Transportation Dispatcher (50%) - Range 34 1.0000 18,658.00 18,658.00

Mayor's Budget Salary Plan Increase - 3.06% 1.0000 3,047.00 3,047.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $102,608.00

5600.100 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 34,706.00 34,705.92 526,815.00 494,214.11 633,990.00 739,714.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Senior Paratransit Operator - Range 34 1.0000 39,687.00 39,687.00

Mayor's Budget 10 - Paratransit Operators, Non-CDL 1.0000 321,984.00 321,984.00

Mayor's Budget 3 - Paratransit Operators, CDL 1.0000 105,955.00 105,955.00

Mayor's Budget Seasonal Paratransit Drivers - 5 1.0000 65,000.00 65,000.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Paratransit Supervisor 1.0000 58,448.00 58,448.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Mobility Manager 1.0000 51,792.00 51,792.00

Mayor's Budget 2 - Transportation Dispatchers 1.0000 75,277.00 75,277.00

Mayor's Budget Salary Plan Increase - 3.06% 1.0000 21,571.00 21,571.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $739,714.00

5600.100 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 1,009.00 1,008.23 9,800.00 10,136.64 3,800.00 3,800.00

5600.100 400.0040 Wages & Salary-Holiday .00 .00 .00 .00 4,375.00 4,375.00

5600.100 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 115.00 9,815.87 8,000.00 6,524.32 .00 .00

5600.100 400.0080 Wages & Sal-Non-Class .00 .00 400.00 340.61 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $214,431.00 $225,280.20 $749,765.00 $718,606.89 $861,569.00 $850,497.00

Fringe Benefits


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5600.100 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 12,391.00 12,390.84 46,491.00 40,638.07 53,417.00 55,942.00

5600.100 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 2,898.00 2,897.84 10,873.00 9,504.09 12,493.00 13,083.00

5600.100 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 327.00 303.63 327.00 145.66 327.00 327.00

5600.100 402.0005 Post Employment Health 2,500.00 2,499.72 9,182.00 5,351.78 10,172.00 10,172.00

5600.100 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 29,985.00 29,984.62 175,171.00 114,033.49 117,862.00 117,862.00

5600.100 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 266.00 265.44 975.00 840.01 1,089.00 1,089.00

5600.100 402.0030 Disability Insurance 712.00 711.84 2,475.00 1,302.84 2,843.00 2,843.00

5600.100 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 17,244.00 17,243.27 53,134.00 53,209.65 64,731.00 77,841.00

5600.100 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 630.00 630.00 790.00 862.50 700.00 700.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $66,953.00 $66,927.20 $299,418.00 $225,888.09 $263,634.00 $279,859.00

Material And Supplies

5600.100 410.0020 Office Supplies 428.00 427.74 900.00 430.04 600.00 600.00

5600.100 410.0045 Vehicle Cleaning Supplies .00 .00 1,700.00 1,646.00 .00 2,000.00

5600.100 410.0100 Clothing 82.00 81.75 2,500.00 1,028.23 2,000.00 2,000.00

5600.100 410.0200 Gasoline 42,590.00 49,649.35 55,000.00 27,352.88 55,000.00 55,000.00

5600.100 410.0210 Oil, Anti-Freeze, Etc. .00 222.40 1,200.00 1,088.48 1,000.00 1,500.00

5600.100 415.0020 Automotive Parts 690.00 686.90 1,000.00 492.20 1,000.00 1,000.00

Material And Supplies Totals $43,790.00 $51,068.14 $62,300.00 $32,037.83 $59,600.00 $62,100.00

5600.100 420.0010 Electricity .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 10,000.00

5600.100 420.0020 Building Heat .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 3,500.00

5600.100 420.0030 Water, Sewer & Refuse .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1,000.00

Utilities Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $14,500.00

Contractual Services
5600.100 430.0090 Advertising .00 .00 90.00 84.95 .00 .00

5600.100 430.0110 Printing 963.00 963.00 600.00 585.90 600.00 600.00

5600.100 430.0170 Maintenance Agreements 43,645.00 53,537.22 40,159.00 39,213.34 40,000.00 40,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Hansen Software - Software Assurance Coverage 1.0000 504.00 504.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget RouteMatch Software - Tech Support-DAR 1.0000 24,065.00 24,065.00

Mayor's Budget RouteMatch Software - Tech Support-Notification 1.0000 10,276.50 10,277.00

Mayor's Budget RouteMatch Software - Additional Tech Support 1.0000 750.00 750.00

Mayor's Budget RouteMatch Software - Tech Support-Fleet Expansion 1.0000 972.00 972.00

Mayor's Budget RouteMatch Software - Mobile Data Management (MDM) 12.0000 36.00 432.00

Mayor's Budget RouteMatch Software - Cloud Hosting 1.0000 1,200.00 1,200.00

Mayor's Budget Stone's Mobile Radio - Dispatch Service-DAR 1.0000 1,800.00 1,800.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $40,000.00

Contractual Services Totals $44,608.00 $54,500.22 $40,849.00 $39,884.19 $40,600.00 $40,600.00

Maintenance Equipment
5600.100 450.0030 Mtce Communication & Elec 2,152.00 2,151.25 3,000.00 2,927.05 2,500.00 3,000.00

5600.100 450.0160 Mtce Vehicles/Motor Eq. 10,800.00 11,387.75 12,000.00 691.17 12,000.00 10,000.00

5600.100 450.0165 Mtce-Tires-Revenue Vehicl 1,355.00 1,353.17 3,700.00 1,894.63 2,500.00 2,500.00

5600.100 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 2,250.00 2,250.00 2,250.00 2,250.00 2,250.00 .00

5600.100 450.0640 IT Services .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 9,435.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $16,557.00 $17,142.17 $20,950.00 $7,762.85 $19,250.00 $24,935.00

Other Operating Expenses

5600.100 460.0016 Data Fees 22,681.00 22,487.90 29,400.00 25,149.91 25,000.00 30,000.00

5600.100 460.0020 Telephone 3,024.00 3,023.48 4,000.00 2,039.80 3,500.00 3,000.00

5600.100 460.0040 Postage 1,307.00 1,528.82 2,500.00 995.52 1,600.00 1,500.00

5600.100 460.0041 Drug Testing 2,993.00 2,992.70 3,000.00 3,153.79 3,000.00 3,500.00

5600.100 460.0050 Education & Training 32.00 32.00 2,000.00 68.00 500.00 500.00

5600.100 460.0060 Travel 2,082.00 2,081.26 4,000.00 .00 2,500.00 1,500.00

5600.100 460.0105 Vehicle Registration 94.00 94.00 100.00 .00 100.00 100.00

5600.100 460.0120 Fleet & Gen.Liab.Insuranc 14,376.00 14,376.00 21,006.00 21,006.00 15,000.00 23,500.00

5600.100 470.0008 DAR Transit Expense 470,883.00 467,744.10 .00 (23,288.43) .00 .00

5600.100 470.0011 Sr Rider Transit Expense 471,860.00 467,001.10 .00 (22,998.47) .00 .00

5600.100 470.0040 Contingency .00 .00 .00 .00 75,000.00 25,000.00

5600.100 470.0044 Credit Card Fees 446.00 627.35 500.00 480.90 750.00 750.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $989,778.00 $981,988.71 $66,506.00 $6,607.02 $126,950.00 $89,350.00


2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5600.100 850.0010 Depreciation Expense .00 135,333.37 .00 137,832.58 .00 .00

Depreciation Totals $0.00 $135,333.37 $0.00 $137,832.58 $0.00 $0.00

Capital Outlay
5600.100 700.0030 Communication & Elec 3,941.00 3,940.05 8,900.00 8,879.95 .00 .00

5600.100 700.0105 Rolling Stock 264,959.00 264,959.00 111,704.00 .00 .00 94,000.00

Capital Outlay Totals $268,900.00 $268,899.05 $120,604.00 $8,879.95 $0.00 $94,000.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $1,645,017.00 $1,801,139.06 $1,360,392.00 $1,177,499.40 $1,371,603.00 $1,455,841.00

Fund 5600 - Dial-A-Ride Totals

REVENUE TOTALS $1,755,688.00 $1,361,489.26 $1,490,970.00 $1,101,441.40 $1,563,217.00 $1,790,877.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $1,645,017.00 $1,801,139.06 $1,360,392.00 $1,177,499.40 $1,371,603.00 $1,455,841.00

Fund 5600 - Dial-A-Ride Totals $110,671.00 ($439,649.80) $130,578.00 ($76,058.00) $191,614.00 $335,036.00

01/01/11 $ 500,000 $ 500,000
01/01/12 $ 502,479 $ 2,479
01/01/13 $ 1,011,471 $ 508,992
01/01/14 $ 1,522,125 $ 510,654
01/01/15 $ 2,052,445 $ 530,320
01/01/16 $ 2,093,181 $ 40,736
01/01/17 $ 2,638,235 $ 545,053
01/01/18 $ 4,857,320 $ 2,219,085
01/01/19 $ 6,491,293 $ 1,633,973
1/1/2020 $ 8,176,665 $ 1,685,373
1/1/2021 $ 9,896,429 $ 1,719,764
1/1/2022 $ 11,396,429 $ 1,500,000 projected



Sales Tax
then bring
back Debt
current Service
level ; Bond Portfolio Cash
2022 SALES TAX AT 2020 ACTUAL LEVEL; 2% GROWTH THEREAFTER; REDUCE INV Then 2% Investment Investment
RATE TO 1.5% Growth Rate 1.50% Rate 1.00%
Assumptions Used: Total Reserve $33,441,240 SCENARIO:
2% Growth in Sales Tax (Exceptions -listed above) Annual Reserve Interest at Horizon $ 501,619
Build Cash balance to cover majority of annual bond payment; excess thereafter assumed put into reserve for future capital
Remaining cash balance at end of term moved to reserve portfolio sales tax upon debt maturtiy
debt matures 12/15/29
2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029

Beginning Cash Balance $7,268,828 $ 6,271,557 $ 4,833,738 $ 3,296,746 $ 1,913,867 $ 914,332 $ 610,288 $ 1,186,687 $ 1,186,687
Estimated Collections 7,939,932 8,325,851 8,492,368 8,662,215 8,835,460 9,012,169 9,192,412 9,376,261 9,563,786
Transfer in Use of ARPA dollars 196,250
Interest Earned 213,014 233,662 241,784 248,914 257,585 270,090 289,549 317,813 381,643

Total Available Funds $15,618,024 14,831,070 13,567,890 12,207,875 11,006,912 10,196,590 10,092,249 10,880,761 11,132,116

CIP Budget 2,663,256 4,460,410 4,739,900 4,769,760 4,571,250 4,065,390 3,390,000 1,420,000 956,000
CIP - Carryover items from previous years 1,135,097 - - - - - - - -
Reserve Fund Allocation - set aside $ for future capital costs after sales tax sunsets - 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 4,255,308 6,163,146
Special Assessments 26,015 17,071 15,144 8,648 8,480 8,313 1,212 1,166 1,120
Debt Service Pmt. (Matures 2029) 4,022,100 4,019,850 4,016,100 4,015,600 4,012,850 4,012,600 4,014,350 4,017,600 4,011,850
Total Current Expenditures 9,346,468 9,997,331 10,271,144 10,294,008 10,092,580 9,586,303 8,905,562 9,694,074 11,132,116
Ending Cash Balance $ 6,271,557 $ 4,833,738 $ 3,296,746 $ 1,913,867 $ 914,332 $ 610,288 $ 1,186,687 $ 1,186,687 $ -

Revenue over Expenditures Annually $ (1,193,521) $ (1,437,818) $ (1,536,993) $ (1,382,879) $ (999,535) $ (304,044) $ 576,400 $ - $ (1,186,687)

Reserve Fund Balance $ 11,396,429 $ 12,896,429 $ 14,396,429 $ 15,896,429 $ 17,396,429 $ 18,896,429 $ 20,396,429 $ 24,651,737 $ 30,814,883
Reserve Fund Balance + Interest Earnings $11,567,375 $13,263,386 $14,984,837 $16,732,109 $18,505,591 $20,305,675 $22,132,760 $26,783,889 $33,441,240
There will be other minor expenditures on an annual basis, i.e. arbitrage and annual disclosure costs, fiscal fees, etc.
These will be easily covered by the amount in ending cash balance for any given year.

Alerus Center

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5700 - Alerus


Department 000 - Revenues

General Sales Tax
5700.000 302.0030 City Sales Tax-Event Cntr 7,772,764.00 8,331,447.18 7,772,764.00 8,325,851.49 6,218,212.00 8,325,851.00

5700.000 302.0040 City Sales Tax-AlerusMktg 478,428.00 .00 478,428.00 .00 430,585.00 468,150.00

General Sales Tax Totals $8,251,192.00 $8,331,447.18 $8,251,192.00 $8,325,851.49 $6,648,797.00 $8,794,001.00

5700.000 321.0020 FEMA .00 .00 1,690.00 1,690.52 .00 .00

Intergovernmental Totals $0.00 $0.00 $1,690.00 $1,690.52 $0.00 $0.00

Charges For Services

5700.000 331.0100 Alerus Revenue 5,495,632.00 .00 7,604,480.00 .00 10,197,258.00 11,214,586.00

Charges For Services Totals $5,495,632.00 $0.00 $7,604,480.00 $0.00 $10,197,258.00 $11,214,586.00

Special Assessments
5700.000 350.0010 Current Sp Assessments 17,270.00 687.00 17,270.00 10,253.00 .00 17,783.00

5700.000 350.0050 Interest Sp Assessments 12,000.00 12,000.65 10,833.00 10,986.80 12,000.00 8,774.00

Special Assessments Totals $29,270.00 $12,687.65 $28,103.00 $21,239.80 $12,000.00 $26,557.00

5700.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments 53,470.00 176,124.07 47,924.00 108,474.38 143,512.00 140,345.00

5700.000 356.0050 Interest-Alerus Capital Trust Account .00 186,195.75 .00 221,373.52 .00 .00

Interest Totals $53,470.00 $362,319.82 $47,924.00 $329,847.90 $143,512.00 $140,345.00

5700.000 357.0061 Reimb from Alerus Center .00 8,511.90 .00 (3,235.84) .00 .00

Miscellaneous Totals $0.00 $8,511.90 $0.00 ($3,235.84) $0.00 $0.00

Other Financing Sources

5700.000 361.0090 Sale Of Property .00 3,865.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

5700.000 361.0100 Other N.O.C. .00 .00 825,285.00 .00 .00 .00

Other Financing Sources Totals $0.00 $3,865.00 $825,285.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Operating Transfers In
5700.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In .00 .00 215,056.00 215,056.00 .00 .00

Alerus Center

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Operating Transfers In Totals $0.00 $0.00 $215,056.00 $215,056.00 $0.00 $0.00

Extraordinary Revenue
5700.000 374.0000 Unrealized Gain on Invest .00 197,392.37 .00 380,177.93 .00 .00

Extraordinary Revenue Totals $0.00 $197,392.37 $0.00 $380,177.93 $0.00 $0.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
5700.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget 5,347,017.00 .00 4,188,572.00 .00 4,674,448.00 3,357,885.00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $5,347,017.00 $0.00 $4,188,572.00 $0.00 $4,674,448.00 $3,357,885.00

REVENUE TOTALS $19,176,581.00 $8,916,223.92 $21,162,302.00 $9,270,627.80 $21,676,015.00 $23,533,374.00

Alerus Center

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5700 - Alerus


Department 100 - Expenditures

Personnel Services
5700.100 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 2,019,641.00 .00 2,240,571.00 .00 1,991,228.00 2,107,490.00

5700.100 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 107,352.00 .00 1,917,317.00 .00 1,596,433.00 1,569,180.00

Personnel Services Totals $2,126,993.00 $0.00 $4,157,888.00 $0.00 $3,587,661.00 $3,676,670.00

Fringe Benefits
5700.100 401.0020 Unemployment Compensation .00 (268.72) 25,000.00 (743.19) 25,000.00 20,000.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $0.00 ($268.72) $25,000.00 ($743.19) $25,000.00 $20,000.00

Material And Supplies

5700.100 410.0010 Books & Subscriptions .00 .00 .00 .00 7,000.00 .00

5700.100 410.0020 Office Supplies 6,000.00 .00 15,000.00 .00 35,000.00 30,000.00

5700.100 410.0040 Janitorial Supplies 117,500.00 .00 52,000.00 .00 43,900.00 79,400.00

5700.100 410.0080 Food Supplies 1,610,297.00 .00 1,855,949.00 .00 1,402,708.00 1,157,199.00

5700.100 410.0100 Clothing 9,500.00 .00 19,500.00 .00 10,000.00 4,000.00

5700.100 410.0190 Diesel Fuel .00 339.45 .00 138.60 .00 .00

5700.100 410.0200 Gasoline 1,000.00 1,225.37 .00 593.76 .00 .00

Material And Supplies Totals $1,744,297.00 $1,564.82 $1,942,449.00 $732.36 $1,498,608.00 $1,270,599.00

5700.100 420.0010 Electricity 435,000.00 .00 475,000.00 .00 480,000.00 495,000.00

5700.100 420.0030 Water, Sewer & Refuse 2,000.00 .00 .00 1,936.30 .00 .00

Utilities Totals $437,000.00 $0.00 $475,000.00 $1,936.30 $480,000.00 $495,000.00

Contractual Services
5700.100 430.0010 Auditing 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 6,500.00

5700.100 430.0090 Advertising 302,800.00 905.85 88,889.00 95.24 52,011.00 211,311.00

5700.100 430.0110 Printing 6,500.00 .00 6,000.00 .00 8,000.00 5,500.00

5700.100 430.0150 Consultants 11,500.00 .00 11,500.00 .00 45,000.00 5,000.00

5700.100 430.0170 Maintenance Agreements 323,200.00 .00 234,500.00 .00 343,500.00 372,500.00

5700.100 430.0175 Mtce.Costs-Computer Equip 42,700.00 .00 54,350.00 .00 49,500.00 70,000.00

Alerus Center

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5700.100 430.0200 Administration Fee - Prog .00 .00 150,000.00 .00 152,275.00 156,843.00

Contractual Services Totals $691,700.00 $905.85 $550,239.00 $95.24 $655,286.00 $827,654.00

Maintenance Structures
5700.100 440.0010 Mtce Buildings & Grounds 150,000.00 .00 272,000.00 .00 307,000.00 245,000.00

Maintenance Structures Totals $150,000.00 $0.00 $272,000.00 $0.00 $307,000.00 $245,000.00

Maintenance Equipment
5700.100 450.0160 Mtce Vehicles/Motor Eq. 5,500.00 .00 3,500.00 3,259.02 2,000.00 50,000.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $5,500.00 $0.00 $3,500.00 $3,259.02 $2,000.00 $50,000.00

Other Operating Expenses

5700.100 460.0020 Telephone 85,000.00 .00 90,000.00 .00 92,000.00 97,000.00

5700.100 460.0040 Postage 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 5,000.00

5700.100 460.0050 Education & Training .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 12,000.00

5700.100 460.0060 Travel 66,600.00 .00 86,235.00 .00 44,555.00 31,235.00

5700.100 460.0090 Dues 7,000.00 .00 7,500.00 .00 7,000.00 14,000.00

5700.100 460.0120 Fleet & Gen.Liab.Insuranc 192,000.00 .00 150,000.00 17.00 150,000.00 150,000.00

5700.100 460.0240 Real Estate Tax .00 105.98 .00 .00 .00 .00

5700.100 460.0250 Special Assessment Prin. 28,001.00 20,947.33 28,001.00 23,958.79 19,215.00 19,643.00

5700.100 460.0260 Special Assessment Int. 6,381.00 6,603.62 6,381.00 8,148.64 6,800.00 5,324.00

5700.100 470.0040 Contingency 170,355.00 1,120.00 108,499.00 863.00 13,500.00 6,500.00

5700.100 470.0044 Credit Card Fees 49,858.00 .00 69,527.00 .00 58,564.00 61,886.00

5700.100 480.0050 Event Expense .00 .00 .00 .00 3,955,534.00 4,729,442.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $610,195.00 $28,776.93 $551,143.00 $32,987.43 $4,352,168.00 $5,132,030.00

5700.100 850.0010 Depreciation Expense .00 3,309,876.85 .00 3,300,674.24 .00 .00

Depreciation Totals $0.00 $3,309,876.85 $0.00 $3,300,674.24 $0.00 $0.00

Capital Outlay
5700.100 650.0010 Work In Progress 2,458,540.00 2,051,172.89 2,033,167.00 2,090,662.52 1,678,782.00 .00

5700.100 700.0005 Non Capitalized Assets .00 .00 36,746.00 45,380.30 .00 .00

5700.100 700.0010 Air Cond & Heating 1,050,000.00 .00 680,000.00 24,140.00 .00 42,500.00

Budget Transactions

Alerus Center

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget Air Handler/ AC Unit 1.0000 7,500.00 7,500.00

Mayor's Budget Central Plant Concept 1.0000 35,000.00 35,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $42,500.00

5700.100 700.0030 Communication & Elec 550,000.00 25,642.00 25,000.00 10,896.91 744,446.00 .00

5700.100 700.0040 Furniture & Fixtures 15,000.00 368,667.00 12,500.00 66,320.37 .00 3,977,910.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Roof 1.0000 3,280,410.00 3,280,410.00

Mayor's Budget Suite Level Remodel 1.0000 25,000.00 25,000.00

Mayor's Budget Tables (All Types) 1.0000 10,000.00 10,000.00

Mayor's Budget Barstools 1.0000 25,000.00 25,000.00

Mayor's Budget Board Chairs - Meeting Room 1 1.0000 12,500.00 12,500.00

Mayor's Budget Doors and Hardware (Overhead) 1.0000 250,000.00 250,000.00

Mayor's Budget Elevators 1.0000 325,000.00 325,000.00

Mayor's Budget Football Equipment 1.0000 50,000.00 50,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $3,977,910.00

5700.100 700.0050 Gen Equipment N.O.C. 190,300.00 49,229.00 190,276.00 108,269.32 156,944.00 425,000.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Landscaping 1.0000 30,000.00 30,000.00

Mayor's Budget Storage Shed 1.0000 130,000.00 130,000.00

Mayor's Budget Exterior Mtce Equipment 1.0000 65,000.00 65,000.00

Mayor's Budget General Safety Improvements 1.0000 25,000.00 25,000.00

Mayor's Budget Building Rekeying 1.0000 50,000.00 50,000.00

Mayor's Budget Half House Curtain, Portable 1.0000 100,000.00 100,000.00

Mayor's Budget Kitchen Expansion Study 1.0000 25,000.00 25,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $425,000.00

5700.100 700.0070 Office Equipment 10,000.00 14,772.47 .00 12,504.20 .00 15,000.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Personal Computers 1.0000 15,000.00 15,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $15,000.00

Alerus Center

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5700.100 700.0120 Trucks & Mounted Equipmt .00 .00 .00 .00 50,000.00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $4,273,840.00 $2,509,483.36 $2,977,689.00 $2,358,173.62 $2,630,172.00 $4,460,410.00

Debt Service Principal

5700.100 800.0010 Principal Retirement 2,395,000.00 .00 2,520,000.00 .00 2,645,000.00 2,775,000.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 2015D Sales Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds 1.0000 2,775,000.00 2,775,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $2,775,000.00

Debt Service Principal Totals $2,395,000.00 $0.00 $2,520,000.00 $0.00 $2,645,000.00 $2,775,000.00

Debt Service Interest

5700.100 800.0020 Interest Expense 1,622,850.00 1,317,091.94 1,503,100.00 1,197,081.52 1,377,100.00 1,244,850.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 2015D Sales Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds 2.0000 622,425.00 1,244,850.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,244,850.00

5700.100 800.0030 Fiscal Charges 1,500.00 605.88 1,000.00 450.00 1,000.00 1,000.00

Debt Service Interest Totals $1,624,350.00 $1,317,697.82 $1,504,100.00 $1,197,531.52 $1,378,100.00 $1,245,850.00

Non-Current Outlay
5700.100 996.0000 Non-Current Outlays 1,500,000.00 .00 1,500,000.00 .00 1,000,000.00 1,500,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Set aside in Building Capital Trust Account 1.0000 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,500,000.00

Non-Current Outlay Totals $1,500,000.00 $0.00 $1,500,000.00 $0.00 $1,000,000.00 $1,500,000.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $15,558,875.00 $7,168,036.91 $16,479,008.00 $6,894,646.54 $18,560,995.00 $21,698,213.00

Fund 5700 - Alerus Totals

REVENUE TOTALS $19,176,581.00 $8,916,223.92 $21,162,302.00 $9,270,627.80 $21,676,015.00 $23,533,374.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $15,558,875.00 $7,168,036.91 $16,479,008.00 $6,894,646.54 $18,560,995.00 $21,698,213.00

Fund 5700 - Alerus Totals $3,617,706.00 $1,748,187.01 $4,683,294.00 $2,375,981.26 $3,115,020.00 $1,835,161.00


Estimated Cash Balance as of 1/1/22 $350,000

Mosquito Control Fee $1,106,100 *

Interest Income $4,000
Other NOC $14,900

Total Revenue $1,125,000

Salaries and Fringes $379,471
Maintenance/Operations $569,642
Debt Service Expense $94,900
Capital Expense $55,000
Non Current Outlays - Capital Reserve $25,000

Total Expenses $1,124,013

Revenues less Expenses $987

Estimated Unreserved Cash Balance 12/31/22 $350,987

* This reflects 0% rate increase

Cash Reserved for Construction 12/31/22: $ 150,000

Reserved for equipment $ (150,000)
Undesignated $ -

g:\excel\cstjern\budget\Mosquito summary

Mosquito Control

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5800 - Mosquito Control Fund

Charges For Services
5800.000 339.0070 Mosquito Control Fee 1,080,000.00 1,096,441.33 1,092,000.00 1,107,653.17 1,064,700.00 1,106,100.00

Level Comment
Department Requested Annual revenue from monthly fee has been calculated based on $92,175/mo.

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Assumes 0% rate increase and a 2.5% decrease from 2020 budget 1.0000 1,106,100.00 1,106,100.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $1,106,100.00

Charges For Services Totals $1,080,000.00 $1,096,441.33 $1,092,000.00 $1,107,653.17 $1,064,700.00 $1,106,100.00

5800.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments 4,000.00 10,927.54 5,000.00 7,891.66 2,000.00 4,000.00

Level Comment
Department Requested Interest-Investments guesstimated at $4,000.

Interest Totals $4,000.00 $10,927.54 $5,000.00 $7,891.66 $2,000.00 $4,000.00

5800.000 357.0200 Other N.O.C. 4,500.00 .00 4,500.00 .00 4,300.00 14,900.00

Level Comment
Department Requested Chemical rebate from Central Life Sciences estimated to be $14,900.

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Chemical Company Rebate 1.0000 14,900.00 14,900.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $14,900.00

Miscellaneous Totals $4,500.00 $0.00 $4,500.00 $0.00 $4,300.00 $14,900.00

Extraordinary Revenue
5800.000 374.0000 Unrealized Gain on Invest .00 4,742.98 .00 3,221.10 .00 .00

Extraordinary Revenue Totals $0.00 $4,742.98 $0.00 $3,221.10 $0.00 $0.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
5800.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget 200,000.00 .00 365,050.00 .00 300,000.00 350,000.00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $200,000.00 $0.00 $365,050.00 $0.00 $300,000.00 $350,000.00

REVENUE TOTALS $1,288,500.00 $1,112,111.85 $1,466,550.00 $1,118,765.93 $1,371,000.00 $1,475,000.00

Mosquito Control

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5800 - Mosquito Control Fund


Department 100 - Expenditures

Personnel Services
5800.100 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 177,294.00 176,642.79 182,167.00 186,031.83 182,940.00 188,547.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Mosquito Control Supervisor - Range 52 1.0000 67,564.00 67,564.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Mosquito Control Manager - Range 62 1.0000 91,735.00 91,735.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Administrative Specialist .5 FTE Range 34 1.0000 23,650.00 23,650.00

Mayor's Budget Percentage Increase - 3.06% 1.0000 5,598.00 5,598.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $188,547.00

5800.100 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 110,000.00 97,090.95 99,000.00 98,113.12 110,000.00 110,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Approximately 40 seasonal employees 1.0000 110,000.00 110,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $110,000.00

5800.100 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 10,000.00 5,705.75 10,000.00 9,824.30 10,000.00 10,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget OT wages have been necessary to continue seasonal operations. 1.0000 10,000.00 10,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $10,000.00

5800.100 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 3,995.00 3,881.66 3,213.00 3,772.07 4,213.00 4,368.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Manager and Supervisor qualify for sick leave payback 1.0000 4,368.00 4,368.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $4,368.00

Personnel Services Totals $301,289.00 $283,321.15 $294,380.00 $297,741.32 $307,153.00 $312,915.00

Fringe Benefits
5800.100 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 18,661.00 17,360.11 18,996.00 17,768.38 19,043.00 19,401.00

Mosquito Control

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5800.100 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 4,364.00 4,059.98 4,442.00 4,155.54 4,454.00 4,537.00

5800.100 401.0020 Unemployment Compensation 3,500.00 .00 3,500.00 320.96 3,500.00 3,500.00

5800.100 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 4,000.00 3,236.47 4,000.00 1,808.69 4,000.00 4,000.00

5800.100 402.0005 Post Employment Health 1,238.00 1,231.57 1,238.00 1,211.43 1,238.00 1,238.00

5800.100 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 15,610.00 13,870.53 14,855.00 14,638.09 15,892.00 16,709.00

5800.100 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 135.00 130.78 135.00 112.19 135.00 135.00

5800.100 402.0030 Disability Insurance 584.00 581.40 601.00 549.97 604.00 622.00

5800.100 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 14,620.00 14,637.57 15,047.00 14,849.32 15,111.00 15,574.00

5800.100 402.0053 Vehicle Flat Rate 240.00 240.00 240.00 220.00 240.00 240.00

5800.100 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 850.00 1,200.00 600.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $64,152.00 $56,548.41 $64,254.00 $56,484.57 $65,417.00 $66,556.00

Material And Supplies

5800.100 410.0010 Books & Subscriptions 500.00 .00 .00 .00 300.00 300.00

5800.100 410.0020 Office Supplies 1,500.00 1,072.11 900.00 955.87 1,500.00 1,500.00

5800.100 410.0040 Janitorial Supplies 400.00 45.46 400.00 348.42 400.00 400.00

5800.100 410.0060 Medical & Laboratory 4,000.00 2,012.42 4,167.00 4,166.88 3,000.00 3,000.00

5800.100 410.0070 Pest Control Supplies 342,809.00 335,331.86 341,854.00 341,774.62 358,300.00 358,300.00

5800.100 410.0090 Surveying Supplies 500.00 25.00 .00 .00 300.00 300.00

5800.100 410.0100 Clothing 3,794.00 3,793.58 500.00 256.08 2,500.00 2,500.00

5800.100 410.0170 Minor Tools & Equipment 5,500.00 5,266.63 5,500.00 5,384.53 4,000.00 4,000.00

5800.100 410.0190 Diesel Fuel 3,000.00 2,285.81 1,500.00 1,117.89 2,500.00 2,500.00

5800.100 410.0200 Gasoline 7,500.00 7,379.74 6,810.00 6,517.78 7,000.00 8,000.00

5800.100 410.0210 Oil, Anti-Freeze, Etc. 3,000.00 1,949.91 2,200.00 1,786.36 2,500.00 2,500.00

5800.100 410.0220 Educational Supplies 100.00 .00 100.00 .00 100.00 100.00

5800.100 410.0265 Minor Pc Software 300.00 .00 300.00 .00 300.00 700.00

Material And Supplies Totals $372,903.00 $359,162.52 $364,231.00 $362,308.43 $382,700.00 $384,100.00

5800.100 420.0010 Electricity 6,000.00 5,933.64 6,000.00 5,604.10 6,000.00 6,000.00

5800.100 420.0020 Building Heat 2,500.00 1,915.06 2,500.00 1,506.05 5,000.00 5,000.00

5800.100 420.0030 Water, Sewer & Refuse 4,000.00 3,757.84 4,000.00 3,790.65 4,000.00 4,000.00

Mosquito Control

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Utilities Totals $12,500.00 $11,606.54 $12,500.00 $10,900.80 $15,000.00 $15,000.00

Contractual Services
5800.100 430.0010 Auditing 400.00 303.00 400.00 358.21 400.00 400.00

5800.100 430.0014 GF Services Reimbursement 84,971.00 84,971.00 89,774.00 89,774.04 94,982.00 93,334.00

5800.100 430.0015 Contracted PersonnelSvcs. 3,900.00 3,900.00 4,250.00 4,249.31 3,000.00 3,000.00

5800.100 430.0030 Lease & Rental 500.00 170.14 500.00 218.33 500.00 500.00

5800.100 430.0090 Advertising 2,200.00 2,336.22 3,000.00 2,735.46 4,000.00 4,000.00

5800.100 430.0150 Consultants 300.00 276.45 10,308.00 10,353.97 .00 .00

5800.100 430.0170 Maintenance Agreements 1,706.00 1,583.90 3,197.00 3,196.04 600.00 600.00

Contractual Services Totals $93,977.00 $93,540.71 $111,429.00 $110,885.36 $103,482.00 $101,834.00

Maintenance Structures
5800.100 440.0010 Mtce Buildings & Grounds 3,019.00 3,018.29 8,061.00 8,060.96 1,000.00 1,000.00

Maintenance Structures Totals $3,019.00 $3,018.29 $8,061.00 $8,060.96 $1,000.00 $1,000.00

Maintenance Equipment
5800.100 450.0010 Mtce Air Cond. & Heating 1,000.00 468.18 1,207.00 1,206.25 1,000.00 1,000.00

5800.100 450.0030 Mtce Communication & Elec 100.00 .00 100.00 .00 100.00 100.00

5800.100 450.0050 Mtce Gen Equipt N.O.C. 4,000.00 2,113.11 6,500.00 6,496.11 4,000.00 4,000.00

5800.100 450.0160 Mtce Vehicles/Motor Eq. 5,000.00 3,050.51 4,655.00 2,891.08 7,000.00 7,000.00

5800.100 450.0610 IS-Capital Replacement Ex 1,050.00 1,050.00 1,050.00 1,050.00 1,050.00 .00

5800.100 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 600.00 600.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 .00

5800.100 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 5,400.00 5,400.00 5,460.00 5,460.00 5,460.00 .00

5800.100 450.0640 IT Services .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 8,508.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $17,150.00 $12,681.80 $20,172.00 $18,303.44 $19,810.00 $20,608.00

Other Operating Expenses

5800.100 460.0010 Interdepartmental Reimbur 9,983.00 9,983.00 9,983.00 9,983.04 13,425.00 13,609.00

5800.100 460.0016 Data Fees .00 .00 1,818.00 1,765.68 .00 .00

5800.100 460.0020 Telephone 3,000.00 2,772.62 3,000.00 2,435.30 3,000.00 3,000.00

5800.100 460.0040 Postage 3,500.00 2,317.69 3,500.00 2,421.92 3,500.00 3,500.00

5800.100 460.0050 Education & Training 9,000.00 8,228.97 5,000.00 3,359.49 10,000.00 5,000.00

5800.100 460.0060 Travel 1,370.00 1,369.14 1,200.00 946.84 1,200.00 1,200.00

Mosquito Control

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5800.100 460.0085 Boiler Inspection 10.00 .00 10.00 .00 10.00 10.00

5800.100 460.0090 Dues 400.00 349.00 400.00 304.00 400.00 400.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget North Central Mosquito Control Association 1.0000 200.00 200.00

Mayor's Budget American Mosquito Control Association 1.0000 130.00 130.00

Mayor's Budget Society For Vector Ecology 1.0000 70.00 70.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $400.00

5800.100 460.0105 Vehicle Registration 100.00 .00 100.00 29.00 100.00 100.00

5800.100 460.0110 Fire & Tornado Insurance 756.00 742.91 772.00 772.60 700.00 700.00

5800.100 460.0115 Flood Insurance 554.00 507.75 592.00 621.78 .00 .00

5800.100 460.0120 Fleet & Gen.Liab.Insuranc 4,000.00 3,820.97 4,083.00 4,082.09 4,050.00 4,050.00

5800.100 470.0040 Contingency .00 .00 .00 .00 15,743.00 15,431.00

5800.100 470.0120 Bad Debt Expense 1,848.00 2,581.84 3,202.00 1,953.87 100.00 100.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $34,521.00 $32,673.89 $33,660.00 $28,675.61 $52,228.00 $47,100.00

5800.100 850.0010 Depreciation Expense .00 108,014.85 .00 99,491.27 .00 .00

Depreciation Totals $0.00 $108,014.85 $0.00 $99,491.27 $0.00 $0.00

Operating Transfers Out

5800.100 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out .00 .00 5,050.00 5,050.00 .00 .00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $0.00 $0.00 $5,050.00 $5,050.00 $0.00 $0.00

Capital Outlay
5800.100 650.0010 Work In Progress 11,100.00 11,100.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

5800.100 700.0005 Non Capitalized Assets 17,849.00 17,848.80 17,493.00 17,492.73 .00 .00

5800.100 700.0040 Furniture & Fixtures 3,288.00 3,287.41 .00 .00 .00 .00

5800.100 700.0050 Gen Equipment N.O.C. 4,350.00 4,350.00 11,822.00 11,821.25 .00 20,000.00


Level Comment
Department Requested Request approval to purchase a new ULV sprayer. As the size of the City continues to grow, it may be necessary to add another machine to cover the areas of the new
5800.100 700.0070 Office Equipment 26,615.00 .00 81,140.00 81,139.11 .00 .00

Mosquito Control

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5800.100 700.0100 Cars & Light Duty Trucks .00 .00 19,339.00 19,338.64 .00 35,000.00


Level Comment
Department Requested Request replacing 2000 Chevrolet 1/2 ton pickup. This vehicle is reaching the end of it's mechanical well-being and may not be considered reliable enough for daily operations.
Therefore, we request approval to replace this vehicle.
Capital Outlay Totals $63,202.00 $36,586.21 $129,794.00 $129,791.73 $0.00 $55,000.00

Debt Service Principal

5800.100 800.0010 Principal Retirement 85,000.00 .00 85,000.00 .00 85,000.00 85,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 2016D Mosquito Control Reserve Revenue Bond 1.0000 85,000.00 85,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $85,000.00

Debt Service Principal Totals $85,000.00 $0.00 $85,000.00 $0.00 $85,000.00 $85,000.00

Debt Service Interest

5800.100 800.0020 Interest Expense 14,000.00 12,852.75 12,300.00 11,152.75 10,600.00 8,900.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 2016D Mosquito Control Reserve Revenue Bond 2.0000 4,450.00 8,900.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $8,900.00

5800.100 800.0030 Fiscal Charges 1,000.00 605.88 1,000.00 450.00 1,000.00 1,000.00

Debt Service Interest Totals $15,000.00 $13,458.63 $13,300.00 $11,602.75 $11,600.00 $9,900.00

Non-Current Outlay
5800.100 996.0000 Non-Current Outlays 25,000.00 .00 25,000.00 .00 25,000.00 25,000.00

Non-Current Outlay Totals $25,000.00 $0.00 $25,000.00 $0.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $1,087,713.00 $1,010,613.00 $1,166,831.00 $1,139,296.24 $1,068,390.00 $1,124,013.00

Fund 5800 - Mosquito Control Fund Totals

REVENUE TOTALS $1,288,500.00 $1,112,111.85 $1,466,550.00 $1,118,765.93 $1,371,000.00 $1,475,000.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $1,087,713.00 $1,010,613.00 $1,166,831.00 $1,139,296.24 $1,068,390.00 $1,124,013.00

Fund 5800 - Mosquito Control Fund Totals $200,787.00 $101,498.85 $299,719.00 ($20,530.31) $302,610.00 $350,987.00

SCHEDULE B Current Sales Tax Allocation DRAFT


Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected

2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

Rental Income (1) $ 1,035,088 $ 923,280 $ 878,280 $ 863,280 $ 863,280 $ 863,280

Low Risk Loans - Principal & Interest 220,947 505,377 244,615 248,468 94,353 231,317
High Risk Loans - Principal & Interest 42,422 144,658 244,159 1,001,383 20,000 520,000
Transfer from 2163 - personal/operations and economic development 474,760 396,300 418,658 441,351 459,385 482,767
Block V Loan Payback - 54,053 54,053 54,053 54,053 54,053
EDA Grant 1,079,646 - - - - -
Land Sales 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000
Interest earnings 184,166 151,867 149,759 145,467 148,482 145,007
Estimated Yearly Revenue $ 3,237,030 $ 2,375,536 $ 2,189,524 $ 2,954,003 $ 1,839,554 $ 2,496,425

Estimated cash balance at beginning of Year $ 18,416,628 $ 15,186,739 $ 14,975,898 $ 14,546,655 $ 14,848,191 $ 14,500,655

Available for expenditures $ 21,653,658 $ 17,562,275 $ 17,165,422 $ 17,500,658 $ 16,687,745 $ 16,997,079


Wages and Benefits (3% increase/year) $ 624,742 $ 643,484 $ 662,789 $ 682,672 $ 703,153 $ 724,247
Administration 268,620 273,992 279,472 285,062 290,763 296,578
Maintenance and Operations of JDA Buildings (2) 395,495 405,729 413,844 422,121 430,563 439,175
Special Assessments 144,729 129,838 129,329 129,278 129,278 106,258
Technology Accelerator Building Fit-Up (3) 3,000,000 - - - - -
Technology Accelerator Contibution to Program Costs 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
High Risk Loans (LIFT) 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 - -
High Risk Loan Allowance - - - - - 130,000
Contingency - Strategic Initiatives 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
Land Purchase & Development Reserve - Shovel Ready Lots 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000
Capital Reserve 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
Block V Loan 900,000 - - - - -
Nistler College of Business and Public Administration Investment (4) 133,333 133,333 133,333 133,333 133,333 133,333
Total Expenditures $ 6,466,920 $ 2,586,377 $ 2,618,767 $ 2,652,466 $ 2,187,090 $ 2,329,591

REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES ANNUALLY $ (3,229,889) $ (210,841) $ (429,243) $ 301,536 $ (347,537) $ 166,833

CASH RESTRICTED FOR LOANS $ 3,302,837 $ 4,452,873 $ 5,441,647 $ 7,191,498 $ 7,305,851 $ 7,927,169
CASH RESTRICTED FOR OTHER USES 1,241,601 1,541,601 1,841,601 2,141,601 2,441,601 2,741,601
TARGET RESERVE CASH (25% OF EXPENDITURES;$1M MINIMUM) 1,616,730 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000
ESTIMATED CASH AVAILABLE FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT $ 9,025,571 $ 7,981,424 $ 6,263,407 $ 4,515,092 $ 3,753,202 $ 2,998,718

RUNNING TOTAL CASH BALANCE $ 15,186,739 $ 14,975,898 $ 14,546,655 $ 14,848,191 $ 14,500,655 $ 14,667,488

(1) Rental income contains the following assumptions:

Beginning in 2021 the Herald building starts receiving rental; see Herald projection for details
Cirrus is sold in 2020, resulting in no rental revenue for 2021 and beyond
Corporate Centers at 401 & 402 Demers are sold at the end of 2021, resulting in no rental revenue in 2022 and beyond
Rent income is reduced in 2020 by the amount due from retail tenants as difficulty collecting may emerge
(2) Maintenance expenditures contain the following assumptions:
Building sales noted above result in a deduction equal to the building's 2019 maintenance expense, plus inflation, beginning in the year of sale
Herald building purchase increases expenditures starting in 2020; see Herald projection for details

(3) Fit-up costs include community collaboration, boardroom, and miscellaneous improvements. These costs are moving forward upon approval of EDA grant.
(4) 10 year investment at $133,000 per year
Job Development Authority

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5996 - Job Development Authority


Department 000 - Revenues

5996.000 321.0035 EDA Grant (Eco.Dev.Admin) .00 .00 .00 230,595.34 .00 1,079,646.00

5996.000 322.0153 ND Dept of Commerce .00 .00 .00 2,400.00 .00 .00

Intergovernmental Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $232,995.34 $0.00 $1,079,646.00

Charges For Services

5996.000 339.0120 Other N.O.C. .00 9.28 16,638.00 .00 .00 .00

Charges For Services Totals $0.00 $9.28 $16,638.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

5996.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments 100,000.00 166,675.77 100,000.00 110,319.55 88,314.00 184,167.00

5996.000 357.0239 Int.Inc.-Start Up GF-RLF .00 165.20 .00 1,377.60 .00 .00

Interest Totals $100,000.00 $166,840.97 $100,000.00 $111,697.15 $88,314.00 $184,167.00

5996.000 357.0090 Rental Income 2,817,849.00 2,457,441.86 3,092,670.00 2,294,128.99 1,032,788.00 1,035,088.00

5996.000 357.0220 Int.Inc.-Eco.Dev.Rvlg.L.F 26,587.00 21,963.53 25,904.00 1,232.96 30,000.00 750.00

5996.000 357.0222 Int.Inc.-EDA Revlg L.F. 21,956.00 32,997.17 34,339.00 33,488.46 34,339.00 15,050.00

5996.000 357.0225 Principal-Eco.Dev.Revlg L 550,263.00 .00 347,280.00 .00 281,134.00 86,737.00

5996.000 357.0227 Principal-EDA Revlg L.F. 181,971.00 .00 215,419.00 .00 61,041.00 160,832.00

Miscellaneous Totals $3,598,626.00 $2,512,402.56 $3,715,612.00 $2,328,850.41 $1,439,302.00 $1,298,457.00

Other Financing Sources

5996.000 361.0010 Damages-Buildings .00 21,306.72 .00 .00 .00 .00

5996.000 361.0089 Gain on Sale of Capital Assets .00 798,723.28 .00 891,932.73 .00 .00

5996.000 361.0090 Sale Of Property .00 .00 9,785,000.00 .00 11,685,000.00 200,000.00

Other Financing Sources Totals $0.00 $820,030.00 $9,785,000.00 $891,932.73 $11,685,000.00 $200,000.00

Operating Transfers In
5996.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In 270,570.00 .00 64,156.00 157.00 14,507.00 474,760.00

Budget Transactions

Job Development Authority

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount
Mayor's Budget From 2163 - BRIC Personnel 1.0000 30,150.00 30,150.00

Mayor's Budget Transfer from 2163 1.0000 444,610.00 444,610.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $474,760.00

Operating Transfers In Totals $270,570.00 $0.00 $64,156.00 $157.00 $14,507.00 $474,760.00

Extraordinary Revenue
5996.000 374.0000 Unrealized Gain on Invest .00 81,170.18 .00 52,375.19 .00 .00

Extraordinary Revenue Totals $0.00 $81,170.18 $0.00 $52,375.19 $0.00 $0.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
5996.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget 8,518,669.00 .00 5,400,000.00 .00 8,831,422.00 15,186,739.00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $8,518,669.00 $0.00 $5,400,000.00 $0.00 $8,831,422.00 $15,186,739.00

REVENUE TOTALS $12,487,865.00 $3,580,452.99 $19,081,406.00 $3,618,007.82 $22,058,545.00 $18,423,769.00

Job Development Authority

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5996 - Job Development Authority


Department 100 - Expenditures

Personnel Services
5996.100 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 340,921.00 340,920.87 402,845.00 383,023.55 391,141.00 408,151.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Custodian (20%) - Range 25 1.0000 6,727.00 6,727.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Planner, Senior - Range 58 1.0000 66,206.00 66,206.00

Mayor's Budget Salary Plan Increase - 3.06% 1.0000 12,119.00 12,119.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - City Planner 30% - Range 74 1.0000 30,916.00 30,916.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Community Development Director - Range 74 1.0000 110,802.00 110,802.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Deputy City Planner 20% - Range 64 1.0000 15,384.00 15,384.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Construction Compliance Officer 70% - Range 54 1.0000 49,650.00 49,650.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Administrative Specialist, Sr. 40% - Range 41 1.0000 19,627.00 19,627.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Grant Accountant, Sr ( 50%) - Range 60 1.0000 41,038.00 41,038.00

Mayor's Budget 2 - Planner (50%) - Range 51 1.0000 55,682.00 55,682.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $408,151.00

5996.100 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 41,528.00 286.00 81,498.00 4,430.90 103,127.00 30,150.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Assistant to the City Administrator 50% (BRIC) 1.0000 29,255.00 29,255.00

Mayor's Budget Salary Plan Increase - 3.06% 1.0000 895.00 895.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $30,150.00

5996.100 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 1,399.00 1,398.60 285.00 280.93 250.00 250.00

5996.100 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave 25.00 21.64 1,900.00 1,873.17 .00 .00

5996.100 400.0080 Wages & Sal-Non-Class 2,200.00 2,115.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $386,073.00 $344,742.11 $486,528.00 $389,608.55 $494,518.00 $438,551.00

Fringe Benefits
5996.100 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 21,802.00 20,826.65 30,190.00 23,331.61 30,768.00 28,125.00

Job Development Authority

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5996.100 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 5,099.00 4,870.70 7,060.00 5,456.61 7,196.00 6,578.00

5996.100 401.0020 Unemployment Compensation 1,300.00 .00 1,300.00 .00 1,300.00 1,300.00

5996.100 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 750.00 .00 750.00 .00 750.00 750.00

5996.100 402.0005 Post Employment Health 2,317.00 2,051.25 3,416.00 2,325.65 4,257.00 3,242.00

5996.100 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 21,434.00 21,433.33 35,319.00 29,603.18 46,455.00 43,430.00

5996.100 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 246.00 233.58 363.00 223.01 456.00 313.00

5996.100 402.0030 Disability Insurance 1,160.00 1,080.84 1,606.00 1,170.85 1,631.00 1,406.00

5996.100 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 1,081.00 1,054.00 1,081.00 905.00 681.00 681.00

5996.100 402.0041 Pension Plan-Def. Contrbn 1,974.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

5996.100 402.0042 Contract Emp-Def. Comp. 220.00 211.50 .00 .00 .00 .00

5996.100 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 31,281.00 28,163.84 40,200.00 32,003.48 40,826.00 24,987.00

5996.100 402.0053 Vehicle Flat Rate 360.00 .00 360.00 .00 360.00 360.00

5996.100 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 600.00 311.25 600.00 125.00 600.00 600.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $89,624.00 $80,236.94 $122,245.00 $95,144.39 $135,280.00 $111,772.00

Material And Supplies

5996.100 410.0020 Office Supplies 4,460.00 4,412.01 5,157.00 4,938.65 5,000.00 10,000.00

5996.100 410.0265 Minor Pc Software 250.00 .00 250.00 .00 250.00 250.00

Material And Supplies Totals $4,710.00 $4,412.01 $5,407.00 $4,938.65 $5,250.00 $10,250.00

Contractual Services
5996.100 430.0010 Auditing 4,094.00 4,085.00 1,599.00 1,390.75 1,494.00 1,000.00

5996.100 430.0014 GF Services Reimbursement 54,543.00 54,543.00 58,293.00 58,293.00 87,619.00 92,217.00

5996.100 430.0015 Contracted PersonnelSvcs. 50,000.00 16,320.00 35,000.00 1,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00

5996.100 430.0090 Advertising 1,620.00 1,617.84 1,320.00 1,438.80 1,300.00 1,326.00

5996.100 430.0110 Printing 100.00 .00 100.00 .00 100.00 100.00

5996.100 430.0170 Maintenance Agreements 1,200.00 1,116.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Contractual Services Totals $111,557.00 $77,681.84 $96,312.00 $62,122.55 $110,513.00 $114,643.00

Maintenance Structures
5996.100 440.0010 Mtce Buildings & Grounds 3,500.00 557.49 3,500.00 .00 1,500.00 1,500.00

Maintenance Structures Totals $3,500.00 $557.49 $3,500.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00

Maintenance Equipment

Job Development Authority

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5996.100 450.0610 IS-Capital Replacement Ex 1,750.00 1,750.00 1,750.00 1,750.00 1,750.00 .00

5996.100 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 .00

5996.100 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 .00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $4,250.00 $4,250.00 $4,850.00 $4,850.00 $4,850.00 $0.00

Other Operating Expenses

5996.100 460.0010 Interdepartmental Reimbur 3,916.00 3,916.00 3,916.00 3,915.96 4,336.00 4,700.00

5996.100 460.0015 Cell Phone Charges 1,508.00 1,320.00 1,508.00 1,320.00 1,508.00 1,600.00

5996.100 460.0016 Data Fees 480.00 120.00 480.00 120.00 480.00 500.00

5996.100 460.0020 Telephone 250.00 .00 250.00 .00 .00 .00

5996.100 460.0040 Postage 700.00 216.99 800.00 190.30 800.00 850.00

5996.100 460.0050 Education & Training 3,028.00 2,976.32 6,000.00 124.36 6,000.00 6,200.00

5996.100 460.0060 Travel 12,528.00 3,852.97 20,000.00 .00 20,000.00 20,400.00

5996.100 460.0090 Dues 3,780.00 1,885.00 4,000.00 1,885.00 4,000.00 4,100.00

5996.100 460.0120 Fleet & Gen.Liab.Insuranc 447.00 447.00 472.00 472.00 450.00 450.00

5996.100 460.0170 Attorney Fees 19,175.00 27,134.00 25,000.00 30,444.00 25,000.00 25,500.00

5996.100 460.0190 Filing Fees 936.00 420.00 1,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 1,200.00

5996.100 460.0240 Real Estate Tax .00 .00 16,000.00 15,030.99 .00 .00

5996.100 460.0250 Special Assessment Prin. 141,300.00 141,299.54 100,000.00 99,308.37 .00 .00

5996.100 460.0260 Special Assessment Int. 69,147.00 69,146.79 52,000.00 51,812.90 .00 .00

5996.100 470.0010 Contributions 96.00 95.50 .00 .00 .00 .00

5996.100 470.0040 Contingency 25,000.00 .00 35,000.00 .00 20,000.00 .00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $282,291.00 $252,830.11 $266,426.00 $205,123.88 $83,574.00 $65,500.00

Operating Transfers Out

5996.100 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out .00 .00 3,563,697.00 681,724.00 3,563,697.00 .00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $0.00 $0.00 $3,563,697.00 $681,724.00 $3,563,697.00 $0.00

Capital Outlay
5996.100 700.0050 Gen Equipment N.O.C. 22,126.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

5996.100 700.0100 Cars & Light Duty Trucks .00 .00 30,000.00 .00 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $22,126.00 $0.00 $30,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $904,131.00 $764,710.50 $4,578,965.00 $1,443,512.02 $4,399,182.00 $742,216.00

Job Development Authority
Growth Fund
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5996 - Job Development Authority


Department 100 - Expenditures

Sub Department 5910 - GF Growth Fund

Personnel Services
5996.100.5910 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent .00 10,681.64 .00 15,870.81 .00 .00

5996.100.5910 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave .00 17,180.69 .00 7,863.28 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $0.00 $27,862.33 $0.00 $23,734.09 $0.00 $0.00

Material And Supplies

5996.100.5910 410.0020 Office Supplies 4,000.00 1,283.88 4,000.00 2,064.64 4,000.00 4,500.00

5996.100.5910 410.0200 Gasoline 1,000.00 46.54 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 1,000.00

5996.100.5910 410.0210 Oil, Anti-Freeze, Etc. 100.00 .00 100.00 .00 100.00 100.00

Material And Supplies Totals $5,100.00 $1,330.42 $5,100.00 $2,064.64 $5,100.00 $5,600.00

5996.100.5910 420.0010 Electricity 250,000.00 184,414.68 325,000.00 191,173.90 175,000.00 115,000.00

5996.100.5910 420.0020 Building Heat 64,164.00 52,215.86 50,000.00 42,918.03 35,000.00 24,788.00

5996.100.5910 420.0030 Water, Sewer & Refuse 40,000.00 39,429.34 50,000.00 32,702.56 30,000.00 21,366.00

Utilities Totals $354,164.00 $276,059.88 $425,000.00 $266,794.49 $240,000.00 $161,154.00

Contractual Services
5996.100.5910 430.0015 Contracted PersonnelSvcs. 36,320.00 46,289.17 50,000.00 19,406.50 50,000.00 25,000.00

5996.100.5910 430.0050 Pest Control Services 3,500.00 2,320.00 4,000.00 2,100.00 2,500.00 2,500.00

5996.100.5910 430.0090 Advertising 1,100.00 44.92 1,200.00 252.30 500.00 500.00

5996.100.5910 430.0130 Appraisal Services 3,250.00 3,250.00 10,000.00 .00 10,000.00 10,000.00

5996.100.5910 430.0150 Consultants 60,000.00 56,914.82 60,000.00 10,212.94 60,000.00 60,000.00

5996.100.5910 430.0170 Maintenance Agreements 42.00 42.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Contractual Services Totals $104,212.00 $108,860.91 $125,200.00 $31,971.74 $123,000.00 $98,000.00

Maintenance Structures
5996.100.5910 440.0010 Mtce Buildings & Grounds 333,202.00 334,705.59 250,000.00 224,273.39 175,000.00 90,000.00

5996.100.5910 440.0015 Mtce-Snow Removal 5,000.00 996.20 27,000.00 26,236.20 2,500.00 2,500.00

5996.100.5910 440.0045 Mtce-Mowing 7,000.00 525.00 8,000.00 4,546.25 1,500.00 1,500.00

Job Development Authority
Growth Fund
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5996.100.5910 440.0140 Mtce Janitorial/Cleaning 64,186.00 64,185.83 65,000.00 56,749.69 50,000.00 20,000.00

Maintenance Structures Totals $409,388.00 $400,412.62 $350,000.00 $311,805.53 $229,000.00 $114,000.00

Maintenance Equipment
5996.100.5910 450.0160 Mtce Vehicles/Motor Eq. 500.00 373.84 500.00 137.99 500.00 500.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $500.00 $373.84 $500.00 $137.99 $500.00 $500.00

Other Operating Expenses

5996.100.5910 460.0016 Data Fees 2,220.00 1,870.00 3,220.00 9,641.57 2,220.00 19,644.00

5996.100.5910 460.0020 Telephone 4,048.00 4,047.16 4,498.00 4,259.28 3,848.00 1,161.00

5996.100.5910 460.0060 Travel 3,900.00 3,844.37 .00 .00 .00 .00

5996.100.5910 460.0110 Fire & Tornado Insurance 55,328.00 53,014.56 60,000.00 55,107.62 55,000.00 21,000.00

5996.100.5910 460.0115 Flood Insurance 8,000.00 7,692.64 9,000.00 4,408.63 8,000.00 .00

5996.100.5910 460.0120 Fleet & Gen.Liab.Insuranc 6,000.00 4,832.47 6,500.00 4,791.20 5,500.00 1,901.00

5996.100.5910 460.0160 Grant/Loan Expense 302,579.00 .00 307,649.00 .00 100,000.00 900,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Block V Loan 1.0000 900,000.00 900,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $900,000.00

5996.100.5910 460.0170 Attorney Fees 7,500.00 2,963.00 25,000.00 26,134.60 25,000.00 20,500.00

5996.100.5910 460.0190 Filing Fees 500.00 .00 1,100.00 1,100.00 500.00 500.00

5996.100.5910 460.0240 Real Estate Tax 1,000.00 5,070.79 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 7,636.00

5996.100.5910 460.0250 Special Assessment Prin. 177,332.00 177,331.80 138,000.00 84,090.77 99,000.00 94,074.00

5996.100.5910 460.0260 Special Assessment Int. 76,000.00 3,635.71 76,000.00 1,918.23 56,000.00 50,655.00

5996.100.5910 460.0280 Tapping Fee/Future SA Pmt .00 .00 6,620.00 6,619.00 .00 .00

5996.100.5910 470.0010 Contributions 25,000.00 25,000.00 133,334.00 133,333.30 133,000.00 233,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Nistler College of Business and Public Administration 1.0000 133,000.00 133,000.00

Mayor's Budget Technology Accelerator Contribution to Program Cost 1.0000 100,000.00 100,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $233,000.00

Job Development Authority
Growth Fund
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5996.100.5910 470.0040 Contingency 100,000.00 55,066.34 377,000.00 376,622.00 100,000.00 100,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Contingency for Strategic Initiatives 1.0000 100,000.00 100,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $100,000.00

5996.100.5910 470.0120 Bad Debt Expense .00 (9,798.45) .00 168,371.65 .00 .00

5996.100.5910 470.0150 Loss on Sale of Fixed Asset .00 416,155.91 .00 .00 .00 .00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $769,407.00 $750,726.30 $1,152,921.00 $876,397.85 $593,068.00 $1,450,071.00

5996.100.5910 850.0010 Depreciation Expense .00 567,905.99 .00 535,818.89 .00 .00

Depreciation Totals $0.00 $567,905.99 $0.00 $535,818.89 $0.00 $0.00

Interest Expense
5996.100.5910 800.0040 Note Payment 796,065.00 .00 285,932.00 .00 .00 .00

Interest Expense Totals $796,065.00 $0.00 $285,932.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Operating Transfers Out

5996.100.5910 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out 598,755.00 282,471.22 598,755.00 257,893.00 .00 .00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $598,755.00 $282,471.22 $598,755.00 $257,893.00 $0.00 $0.00

Capital Outlay
5996.100.5910 600.0010 Land Acquisition 500,000.00 .00 500,000.00 .00 .00 .00

5996.100.5910 650.0010 Work In Progress 798,000.00 15,039.30 798,000.00 54,127.05 175,000.00 3,000,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Technology Accelerator Building Fit-Up 1.0000 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $3,000,000.00

5996.100.5910 700.0050 Gen Equipment N.O.C. .00 .00 .00 36,737.50 .00 .00

5996.100.5910 700.0200 Capital Buildings 2,818,669.00 2,818,668.22 .00 .00 .00 .00

Capital Outlay Totals $4,116,669.00 $2,833,707.52 $1,298,000.00 $90,864.55 $175,000.00 $3,000,000.00

Debt Service Interest

5996.100.5910 800.0020 Interest Expense 29,920.00 35,288.82 29,920.00 .00 .00 .00

Debt Service Interest Totals $29,920.00 $35,288.82 $29,920.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Job Development Authority
Growth Fund
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Non-Current Outlay
5996.100.5910 996.0000 Non-Current Outlays 203,927.00 .00 241,322.00 .00 495,380.00 800,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Restricted Funds for Loans 1.0000 500,000.00 500,000.00

Mayor's Budget Land Purchase Reserve 1.0000 200,000.00 200,000.00

Mayor's Budget Captial Reserve 1.0000 100,000.00 100,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $800,000.00

Non-Current Outlay Totals $203,927.00 $0.00 $241,322.00 $0.00 $495,380.00 $800,000.00

Sub Department 5910 - GF Growth Fund Totals $7,388,107.00 $5,284,999.85 $4,512,650.00 $2,397,482.77 $1,861,048.00 $5,629,325.00

Job Development
Authority - CDBG
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5996 - Job Development Authority


Department 100 - Expenditures

Sub Department 5920 - CDBG

Other Operating Expenses
5996.100.5920 470.0040 Contingency 3,920.00 1,920.00 3,920.00 1,920.00 3,920.00 3,920.00

5996.100.5920 470.0120 Bad Debt Expense 22,305.00 .00 22,305.00 .00 22,305.00 22,305.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $26,225.00 $1,920.00 $26,225.00 $1,920.00 $26,225.00 $26,225.00

Sub Department 5920 - CDBG Totals $26,225.00 $1,920.00 $26,225.00 $1,920.00 $26,225.00 $26,225.00

Job Development Authority
2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5996 - Job Development Authority


Department 100 - Expenditures

Sub Department 5940 - EDA RLF CARES

Personnel Services
5996.100.5940 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent .00 .00 .00 8,412.81 .00 .00

5996.100.5940 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary .00 .00 .00 11,567.69 .00 57,386.00

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Planner - Range 51 1.0000 55,682.00 55,682.00

Mayor's Budget Salary Plan Increase - 3.06% 1.0000 1,704.00 1,704.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $57,386.00

Personnel Services Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $19,980.50 $0.00 $57,386.00

Fringe Benefits
5996.100.5940 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer .00 .00 .00 1,185.31 .00 3,558.00

5996.100.5940 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer .00 .00 .00 277.21 .00 832.00

5996.100.5940 401.0030 Worker's Compensation .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 500.00

5996.100.5940 402.0005 Post Employment Health .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 495.00

5996.100.5940 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance .00 .00 .00 2,486.64 .00 6,684.00

5996.100.5940 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee .00 .00 .00 15.28 .00 54.00

5996.100.5940 402.0030 Disability Insurance .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 178.00

5996.100.5940 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS .00 .00 .00 1,650.40 .00 4,750.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,614.84 $0.00 $17,051.00

5996.100.5940 470.0120 Bad Debt Expense .00 .00 .00 41,000.00 .00 .00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $41,000.00 $0.00 $0.00

Sub Department 5940 - EDA RLF CARES Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $66,595.34 $0.00 $74,437.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $8,318,463.00 $6,051,630.35 $9,117,840.00 $3,891,036.18 $6,286,455.00 $6,472,203.00

Fund 5996 - Job Development Authority Totals

REVENUE TOTALS $12,487,865.00 $3,580,452.99 $19,081,406.00 $3,618,007.82 $22,058,545.00 $18,423,769.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $8,318,463.00 $6,051,630.35 $9,117,840.00 $3,891,036.18 $6,286,455.00 $6,472,203.00

Fund 5996 - Job Development Authority Totals $4,169,402.00 ($2,471,177.36) $9,963,566.00 ($273,028.36) $15,772,090.00 $11,951,566.00

Estimated Cash Balance as of 1/1/22 $50,924
Estimated Cash Reserve Balance as of 1/1/22 $275,898

Ramp Revenue $227,640
Transfer from 5996 -
Parking Fines 8,000
Transfer from 2163 50,000
Parking Assessments -
Interest Income* 3,500

Total Revenue 289,140

Salaries and Fringes 100,431
Maintenance/Operations 209,238
Ramp Camera Upgrades 160,000
Construction Reserve -

Total Expenses 469,669

Revenues less Expenses (180,529)

Estimated Cash Balance 12/31/22 $27,245

Estimated Cash Reserve Balance as of 12/31/22 $119,048

* Portion of interest income allcoated to construction reserve cash balance

Municipal Parking

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5997 - Municipal Parking System


Department 000 - Revenues

Charges For Services
5997.000 339.0080 Parking Op Assessment .00 .00 39,688.00 .00 .00 .00

5997.000 339.0085 Reserved Parking 172,894.00 210,656.20 200,000.00 158,411.91 251,040.00 227,640.00

Charges For Services Totals $172,894.00 $210,656.20 $239,688.00 $158,411.91 $251,040.00 $227,640.00

Fines And Forfeitures

5997.000 355.0030 Parking Fines 8,200.00 11,760.00 25,000.00 5,360.00 25,000.00 8,000.00

Fines And Forfeitures Totals $8,200.00 $11,760.00 $25,000.00 $5,360.00 $25,000.00 $8,000.00

5997.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments 2,400.00 7,311.73 3,500.00 5,144.77 3,500.00 3,500.00

Interest Totals $2,400.00 $7,311.73 $3,500.00 $5,144.77 $3,500.00 $3,500.00

Operating Transfers In
5997.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In 62,640.00 62,640.00 62,640.00 62,640.00 .00 50,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Transfer from 2163 1.0000 50,000.00 50,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $50,000.00

Operating Transfers In Totals $62,640.00 $62,640.00 $62,640.00 $62,640.00 $0.00 $50,000.00

Extraordinary Revenue
5997.000 374.0000 Unrealized Gain on Invest .00 1,791.24 .00 742.42 .00 .00

Extraordinary Revenue Totals $0.00 $1,791.24 $0.00 $742.42 $0.00 $0.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
5997.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget 150,000.00 .00 130,000.00 .00 130,000.00 146,293.00

5997.000 390.0050 Use of Reserve Cash 27,117.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 160,000.00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $177,117.00 $0.00 $130,000.00 $0.00 $130,000.00 $306,293.00

REVENUE TOTALS $423,251.00 $294,159.17 $460,828.00 $232,299.10 $409,540.00 $595,433.00

Municipal Parking

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 5997 - Municipal Parking System


Department 100 - Expenditures

Personnel Services
5997.100 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 29,423.00 25,118.35 66,130.00 22,653.25 70,405.00 75,090.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Grant Accountant,Sr (5%) - Range 60 1.0000 4,104.00 4,104.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Construction Compliance Officer (10%) - Range 54 1.0000 7,093.00 7,093.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Administrative Specialist, Senior (15%) - Range 41 1.0000 7,360.00 7,360.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Deputy City Planner (10%) - Range 64 1.0000 10,495.00 10,495.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Community Service Officer 1.0000 44,242.00 44,242.00

Mayor's Budget Salary Plan Increase - 3.06% 1.0000 1,796.00 1,796.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $75,090.00

5997.100 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 20.00 19.55 .00 140.46 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $29,443.00 $25,137.90 $66,130.00 $22,793.71 $70,405.00 $75,090.00

Fringe Benefits
5997.100 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 1,894.00 1,484.14 4,100.00 1,289.21 4,365.00 4,656.00

5997.100 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 443.00 347.23 959.00 301.52 1,021.00 1,089.00

5997.100 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 100.00 .00 100.00 .00 100.00 100.00

5997.100 402.0005 Post Employment Health 233.00 130.16 693.00 138.15 693.00 718.00

5997.100 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 3,456.00 3,254.71 9,709.00 3,463.16 10,387.00 12,205.00

5997.100 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 25.00 20.05 74.00 16.54 74.00 78.00

5997.100 402.0030 Disability Insurance 101.00 64.05 218.00 61.01 232.00 248.00

5997.100 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 2,524.00 2,067.86 5,462.00 1,871.19 5,815.00 6,202.00

5997.100 402.0053 Vehicle Flat Rate 45.00 .00 45.00 .00 45.00 45.00

5997.100 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 3.00 2.50 .00 .00 .00 .00

Fringe Benefits Totals $8,824.00 $7,370.70 $21,360.00 $7,140.78 $22,732.00 $25,341.00

Material And Supplies

5997.100 410.0020 Office Supplies 1,500.00 87.40 1,500.00 78.93 1,500.00 1,500.00

Municipal Parking

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
5997.100 410.0200 Gasoline 200.00 .00 200.00 .00 .00 .00

Material And Supplies Totals $1,700.00 $87.40 $1,700.00 $78.93 $1,500.00 $1,500.00

5997.100 420.0010 Electricity 52,000.00 48,714.15 55,000.00 50,921.28 55,000.00 55,000.00

5997.100 420.0020 Building Heat 3,500.00 3,173.35 3,200.00 2,377.87 3,200.00 3,200.00

5997.100 420.0030 Water, Sewer & Refuse 750.00 524.13 750.00 580.87 650.00 650.00

Utilities Totals $56,250.00 $52,411.63 $58,950.00 $53,880.02 $58,850.00 $58,850.00

Contractual Services
5997.100 430.0010 Auditing 448.00 284.00 448.00 345.39 448.00 448.00

5997.100 430.0015 Contracted PersonnelSvcs. 36,000.00 22,545.00 .00 .00 38,325.00 12,000.00

5997.100 430.0050 Pest Control Services 450.00 .00 300.00 .00 300.00 300.00

5997.100 430.0110 Printing 865.00 864.98 500.00 .00 500.00 500.00

5997.100 430.0170 Maintenance Agreements .00 .00 .00 3,881.68 .00 .00

Contractual Services Totals $37,763.00 $23,693.98 $1,248.00 $4,227.07 $39,573.00 $13,248.00

Maintenance Structures
5997.100 440.0010 Mtce Buildings & Grounds 58,550.00 53,542.68 49,000.00 157,844.30 54,000.00 54,000.00

5997.100 440.0015 Mtce-Snow Removal 35,000.00 35,105.73 47,000.00 70,455.43 47,000.00 47,000.00

5997.100 440.0045 Mtce-Mowing 6,610.00 1,800.00 5,000.00 3,825.00 5,000.00 5,000.00

5997.100 440.0140 Mtce Janitorial/Cleaning 23,796.00 18,410.33 18,000.00 17,464.75 18,000.00 18,000.00

Maintenance Structures Totals $123,956.00 $108,858.74 $119,000.00 $249,589.48 $124,000.00 $124,000.00

Other Operating Expenses

5997.100 460.0015 Cell Phone Charges 100.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

5997.100 460.0016 Data Fees 1,284.00 932.17 1,100.00 2,340.00 1,100.00 1,100.00

5997.100 460.0020 Telephone 1,006.00 895.76 950.00 974.41 950.00 950.00

5997.100 460.0040 Postage 500.00 147.62 500.00 66.75 300.00 300.00

5997.100 460.0110 Fire & Tornado Insurance 7,011.00 6,872.76 6,800.00 7,010.10 6,800.00 6,800.00

5997.100 460.0115 Flood Insurance 2,200.00 574.18 .00 .00 500.00 500.00

5997.100 460.0120 Fleet & Gen.Liab.Insuranc 1,218.00 1,236.28 1,150.00 1,380.56 1,150.00 1,150.00

5997.100 460.0250 Special Assessment Prin. 663.00 662.73 660.00 662.78 660.00 660.00

5997.100 460.0260 Special Assessment Int. 220.00 156.79 180.00 151.93 180.00 180.00

Municipal Parking

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Other Operating Expenses Totals $14,202.00 $11,478.29 $11,340.00 $12,586.53 $11,640.00 $11,640.00

5997.100 850.0010 Depreciation Expense .00 109,909.70 .00 103,368.75 .00 .00

Depreciation Totals $0.00 $109,909.70 $0.00 $103,368.75 $0.00 $0.00

Capital Outlay
5997.100 700.0050 Gen Equipment N.O.C. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 160,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Central Ramp Cameras 1.0000 80,000.00 80,000.00

Mayor's Budget Corporate Ramp Cameras 1.0000 80,000.00 80,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $160,000.00

Capital Outlay Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $160,000.00

Non-Current Outlay
5997.100 996.0000 Non-Current Outlays .00 .00 50,000.00 .00 .00 .00

Non-Current Outlay Totals $0.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Department 100 - Expenditures Totals $272,138.00 $338,948.34 $329,728.00 $453,665.27 $328,700.00 $469,669.00

Fund 5997 - Municipal Parking System Totals

REVENUE TOTALS $423,251.00 $294,159.17 $460,828.00 $232,299.10 $409,540.00 $595,433.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $273,251.00 $340,056.78 $329,728.00 $453,665.27 $328,700.00 $469,669.00

Fund 5997 - Municipal Parking System Totals $150,000.00 ($45,897.61) $131,100.00 ($221,366.17) $80,840.00 $125,764.00

Computer Service Fund

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 6101 - Computer Service Fund


Department 000 - Revenues

Charges For Services
6101.000 339.0020 Data Services Fee 800.00 9,200.00 .00 11,460.00 .00 .00

6101.000 340.0010 IS-Capital Replacement 140,100.00 175,950.00 187,500.00 185,750.00 201,800.00 .00

6101.000 340.0020 IS-WAN Fees 73,200.00 69,600.00 121,600.00 112,800.00 120,700.00 .00

6101.000 340.0030 IS-Software Mtce 228,390.00 221,850.00 244,860.00 270,440.00 254,090.00 .00

6101.000 340.0040 IT Services .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 763,336.00

Charges For Services Totals $442,490.00 $476,600.00 $553,960.00 $580,450.00 $576,590.00 $763,336.00

6101.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments 1,500.00 3,483.11 1,500.00 3,748.81 1,500.00 1,500.00

Interest Totals $1,500.00 $3,483.11 $1,500.00 $3,748.81 $1,500.00 $1,500.00

Operating Transfers In
6101.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In 422,468.00 375,468.00 864,314.00 864,314.00 .00 .00

Operating Transfers In Totals $422,468.00 $375,468.00 $864,314.00 $864,314.00 $0.00 $0.00

Extraordinary Revenue
6101.000 374.0000 Unrealized Gain on Invest .00 3,959.03 .00 4,560.53 .00 .00

Extraordinary Revenue Totals $0.00 $3,959.03 $0.00 $4,560.53 $0.00 $0.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
6101.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget 79,455.00 .00 268,000.00 .00 50,000.00 125,000.00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $79,455.00 $0.00 $268,000.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 $125,000.00

REVENUE TOTALS $945,913.00 $859,510.14 $1,687,774.00 $1,453,073.34 $628,090.00 $889,836.00

Computer Service Fund

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 6101 - Computer Service Fund


Department 100 - Expenditures

Material And Supplies
6101.100 410.0020 Office Supplies 2,000.00 244.50 200.00 129.19 2,800.00 2,800.00

6101.100 410.0265 Minor Pc Software 5,000.00 564.19 2,000.00 1,632.69 5,000.00 5,000.00

Material And Supplies Totals $7,000.00 $808.69 $2,200.00 $1,761.88 $7,800.00 $7,800.00

Contractual Services
6101.100 430.0030 Lease & Rental .00 .00 4,222.00 4,222.32 .00 6,950.00

6101.100 430.0150 Consultants 25,000.00 21,830.00 16,530.00 16,530.00 10,000.00 10,000.00

6101.100 430.0170 Maintenance Agreements 305,000.00 295,404.52 340,000.00 338,697.79 320,000.00 500,000.00

6101.100 430.0175 Mtce.Costs-Computer Equip 19,060.00 14,347.93 12,000.00 11,166.57 40,290.00 80,000.00

Contractual Services Totals $349,060.00 $331,582.45 $372,752.00 $370,616.68 $370,290.00 $596,950.00

Maintenance Equipment
6101.100 450.0070 Mtce Office Equipment .00 .00 12,000.00 11,949.00 20,000.00 20,000.00

6101.100 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software .00 .00 30,000.00 30,000.00 .00 .00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $0.00 $0.00 $42,000.00 $41,949.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00

Other Operating Expenses

6101.100 460.0015 Cell Phone Charges 9,028.00 (17,815.26) (733.00) (18,589.56) .00 .00

6101.100 460.0016 Data Fees 600.00 (45.26) 1,200.00 969.09 .00 .00

6101.100 460.0020 Telephone 10,000.00 1,516.44 2,000.00 609.50 20,000.00 20,000.00

6101.100 460.0025 Wide Area Network Charges 52,000.00 42,518.94 55,000.00 106,658.26 100,000.00 124,000.00

6101.100 460.0050 Education & Training 4,500.00 4,423.85 .00 (975.00) 10,000.00 .00

6101.100 470.0150 Loss on Sale of Fixed Asset .00 208.33 .00 153.17 .00 .00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $76,128.00 $30,807.04 $57,467.00 $88,825.46 $130,000.00 $144,000.00

6101.100 850.0010 Depreciation Expense .00 103,395.53 .00 96,588.15 .00 .00

Depreciation Totals $0.00 $103,395.53 $0.00 $96,588.15 $0.00 $0.00

Operating Transfers Out

6101.100 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out 3,273.00 3,273.00 4,124.00 4,124.00 .00 .00

Computer Service Fund

Operating Transfers Out Totals $3,273.00 $3,273.00 $4,124.00 $4,124.00 $0.00 $0.00

Capital Outlay
6101.100 700.0030 Communication & Elec 422,955.00 71,648.94 1,152,908.00 754,632.77 .00 .00

6101.100 700.0070 Office Equipment 87,497.00 84,624.18 56,323.00 55,804.95 100,000.00 121,086.00

Capital Outlay Totals $510,452.00 $156,273.12 $1,209,231.00 $810,437.72 $100,000.00 $121,086.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $945,913.00 $626,139.83 $1,687,774.00 $1,414,302.89 $628,090.00 $889,836.00

Fund 6101 - Computer Service Fund Totals

REVENUE TOTALS $945,913.00 $859,510.14 $1,687,774.00 $1,453,073.34 $628,090.00 $889,836.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $945,913.00 $626,139.83 $1,687,774.00 $1,414,302.89 $628,090.00 $889,836.00

Fund 6101 - Computer Service Fund Totals $0.00 $233,370.31 $0.00 $38,770.45 $0.00 $0.00

2022 CENTRAL GARAGE BUDGET Revised 5/20/21

Estimated Cash Balance as of 1/1/22 $0

Sale-Vehicle Mtce Parts 1,450,000

Sale-Inventory Parts Surcharge 75,000
Sale-Fuel Parts Surcharge 40,000
Operating Transfer In
From Sanitation 5100 - Fleet Asset Mgmt-Warranty/PM/Bid Specs 15,000

Total Revenue $1,580,000

Salaries and Fringes 679,629
Maintenance/Operations 835,343
Capital Expense 55,000
Fleetmate Software/Hardware 20,000
Shop Mechanical/Replacements-Improvements 30,000
Other Capital 5,000
Total Expenses $1,569,972

Revenues less Expenses $10,028

Estimated Unreserved Cash Balance 12/31/22 $10,028

Central Garage

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 6102 - Central Garage


Department 000 - Revenues

6102.000 321.0020 FEMA .00 .00 1,528.00 1,528.86 .00 .00

Intergovernmental Totals $0.00 $0.00 $1,528.00 $1,528.86 $0.00 $0.00

Operating Revenues
6102.000 362.0020 Sale-Vehicle Mtce Parts 1,500,000.00 1,355,256.61 1,534,042.00 1,400,754.29 1,350,000.00 1,450,000.00

6102.000 362.0060 Sale-Inventory Parts Surcharge 50,000.00 57,700.19 50,000.00 74,593.04 60,000.00 75,000.00

6102.000 362.0061 Sale-Fuel Surcharge 72,153.00 34,525.44 60,000.00 34,466.35 45,000.00 40,000.00

Operating Revenues Totals $1,622,153.00 $1,447,482.24 $1,644,042.00 $1,509,813.68 $1,455,000.00 $1,565,000.00

Operating Transfers In
6102.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,859.00 15,859.00 15,000.00 15,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Transfer In from 5100 - Fleet Asset Mgmt-Warranty/PM/Bid Specs 1.0000 15,000.00 15,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $15,000.00

Operating Transfers In Totals $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $15,859.00 $15,859.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00

Department 000 - Revenues Totals $1,637,153.00 $1,462,482.24 $1,661,429.00 $1,527,201.54 $1,470,000.00 $1,580,000.00

REVENUE TOTALS $1,637,153.00 $1,462,482.24 $1,661,429.00 $1,527,201.54 $1,470,000.00 $1,580,000.00

Central Garage

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 6102 - Central Garage


Department 100 - Expenditures

Personnel Services
6102.100 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 367,914.00 360,326.30 400,754.00 390,683.55 394,963.00 408,098.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 2 - Fleet Maintenance Mechanic - Range 43 1.0000 108,083.00 108,083.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Public Works Operations Director - Range 75 (20%) 1.0000 23,167.00 23,167.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - PW Supervisor - Fleet Maintenance - Range 56 1.0000 77,356.00 77,356.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Fleet Maintenance Mechanic, Senior - Range 47 1.0000 56,389.00 56,389.00

Mayor's Budget 2 - Fleet Maintenance Mechanic, Lead - Range 48 1.0000 120,162.00 120,162.00

Mayor's Budget Salary Plan Increase - 3.06% 1.0000 12,117.00 12,117.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Public Works Services Coordinator 20% - Range 44 1.0000 10,824.00 10,824.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $408,098.00

6102.100 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 50,639.00 3,248.00 46,740.00 .00 54,040.00 54,816.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Contract Fleet Maintenance Mechanic 1.0000 53,040.00 53,040.00

Mayor's Budget Salary Plan Increase - 3.06% 1.0000 1,776.00 1,776.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $54,816.00

6102.100 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 9,500.00 9,299.94 5,009.00 5,514.63 4,000.00 4,000.00

6102.100 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave .00 1,058.61 .00 4,011.92 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $428,053.00 $373,932.85 $452,503.00 $400,210.10 $453,003.00 $466,914.00

Fringe Benefits
6102.100 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 26,539.00 21,671.49 28,055.00 22,921.68 28,086.00 29,011.00

6102.100 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 6,207.00 5,068.15 6,561.00 5,360.39 6,569.00 6,785.00

6102.100 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 7,875.00 3,496.95 7,875.00 2,348.58 7,875.00 7,875.00

6102.100 402.0005 Post Employment Health 3,069.00 2,361.84 3,564.00 3,104.25 3,564.00 3,663.00

6102.100 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 58,187.00 55,438.36 78,218.00 57,480.34 79,166.00 76,227.00

Central Garage

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
6102.100 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 326.00 303.46 379.00 287.38 382.00 400.00

6102.100 402.0025 Life Insurance-Retirees 825.00 .00 825.00 .00 825.00 825.00

6102.100 402.0030 Disability Insurance 1,399.00 949.94 1,480.00 1,165.44 1,237.00 1,278.00

6102.100 402.0040 Pension Plan-Def. Benefit 49,792.00 40,616.00 49,792.00 39,049.00 49,792.00 49,792.00

6102.100 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 27,239.00 21,291.79 29,009.00 23,359.13 28,718.00 36,259.00

6102.100 402.0054 Cell Phone Flat Rate 11,876.00 830.00 1,570.00 1,570.00 600.00 600.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $193,334.00 $152,027.98 $207,328.00 $156,646.19 $206,814.00 $212,715.00

Material And Supplies

6102.100 410.0010 Books & Subscriptions 1,776.00 1,775.49 1,070.00 1,069.95 500.00 500.00

6102.100 410.0020 Office Supplies 826.00 825.47 1,909.00 1,908.73 500.00 500.00

6102.100 410.0050 Mechanical & Welding 3,000.00 2,456.80 4,137.00 4,865.74 3,000.00 3,000.00

6102.100 410.0065 Safety & Medical Supplies 2,800.00 382.74 7,123.00 6,458.86 2,800.00 3,115.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Reflective Safety Items 7.0000 150.00 1,050.00

Mayor's Budget Safety Boots 7.0000 150.00 1,050.00

Mayor's Budget Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 7.0000 100.00 700.00

Mayor's Budget Audiology Testing 7.0000 45.00 315.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $3,115.00

6102.100 410.0100 Clothing 700.00 248.74 700.00 690.48 700.00 700.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Work Clothing 7.0000 100.00 700.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $700.00

6102.100 410.0170 Minor Tools & Equipment 5,959.00 5,958.01 5,548.00 6,459.78 5,000.00 5,000.00

6102.100 410.0190 Diesel Fuel 19.00 18.12 .00 11.60 .00 .00

6102.100 410.0200 Gasoline 3,481.00 2,086.22 2,000.00 1,573.14 3,500.00 3,500.00

6102.100 410.0265 Minor Pc Software 718.00 717.98 1,500.00 175.34 1,500.00 1,500.00

6102.100 415.0010 Auto Gas, Oil & Lubes 13,719.00 (8,615.59) 11,000.00 10,309.03 18,000.00 18,000.00

6102.100 415.0020 Automotive Parts .00 .00 3,044.00 43.36 .00 .00

Central Garage

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
6102.100 415.0040 Maintenance Parts 750,000.00 766,174.40 750,000.00 772,646.00 600,000.00 650,000.00

Material And Supplies Totals $782,998.00 $772,028.38 $788,031.00 $806,212.01 $635,500.00 $685,815.00

Contractual Services
6102.100 430.0029 PWF Lease 85,231.00 85,231.00 85,231.00 93,812.00 85,231.00 95,336.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget PWF Rent 17.32% Share 1.0000 95,336.00 95,336.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $95,336.00

6102.100 430.0090 Advertising 100.00 .00 .00 .00 100.00 100.00

6102.100 430.0100 Cleaning & Laundry Svcs 9,510.00 8,126.33 10,150.00 12,732.64 10,150.00 10,150.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Mechanic Workwear - Coveralls, Shirts, Laundering 7.0000 1,450.00 10,150.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $10,150.00

Contractual Services Totals $94,841.00 $93,357.33 $95,381.00 $106,544.64 $95,481.00 $105,586.00

Maintenance Equipment
6102.100 450.0030 Mtce Communication & Elec 825.00 825.00 1,520.00 1,520.00 500.00 500.00

6102.100 450.0050 Mtce Gen Equipt N.O.C. 16,153.00 16,152.79 7,329.00 7,439.88 7,000.00 7,000.00

6102.100 450.0090 Mtce Shop Equipment 27,260.00 27,259.43 3,049.00 3,048.88 9,000.00 9,000.00

6102.100 450.0160 Mtce Vehicles/Motor Eq. 18,540.00 16,216.09 3,242.00 3,805.59 500.00 500.00

6102.100 450.0610 IS-Capital Replacement Ex 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 .00

6102.100 450.0620 IS-WAN Charges 200.00 200.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 .00

6102.100 450.0630 IS-Mtce of Software 2,200.00 2,199.95 6,200.00 6,200.00 6,200.00 .00

6102.100 450.0640 IT Services .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 7,142.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $65,478.00 $63,153.26 $22,040.00 $22,714.35 $23,900.00 $24,142.00

Other Operating Expenses

6102.100 460.0015 Cell Phone Charges 1,360.00 1,311.00 715.00 660.00 1,700.00 1,700.00

6102.100 460.0016 Data Fees 1,112.00 860.58 1,205.00 1,693.50 900.00 900.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Central Garage

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget Vehicle GPS 3.0000 300.00 900.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $900.00

6102.100 460.0040 Postage 187.00 186.65 .00 .00 100.00 100.00

6102.100 460.0050 Education & Training 3,000.00 284.85 2,979.00 .00 3,000.00 3,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Technical Training 1.0000 3,000.00 3,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $3,000.00

6102.100 460.0060 Travel 2,000.00 .00 2,000.00 .00 2,000.00 2,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Techical Training 1.0000 2,000.00 2,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $2,000.00

6102.100 460.0105 Vehicle Registration 100.00 .00 100.00 .00 100.00 100.00

6102.100 460.0120 Fleet & Gen.Liab.Insuranc 2,553.00 2,552.28 2,619.00 2,618.20 2,000.00 2,000.00

6102.100 470.0040 Contingency 30,000.00 317.25 31,528.00 .00 10,000.00 10,000.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $40,312.00 $5,512.61 $41,146.00 $4,971.70 $19,800.00 $19,800.00

6102.100 850.0010 Depreciation Expense .00 30,709.97 .00 30,274.88 .00 .00

Depreciation Totals $0.00 $30,709.97 $0.00 $30,274.88 $0.00 $0.00

Capital Outlay
6102.100 700.0030 Communication & Elec 20,000.00 4,208.98 20,000.00 4,207.54 20,000.00 20,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Fleet Maintenance Software/Station Hardware 1.0000 20,000.00 20,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $20,000.00

6102.100 700.0050 Gen Equipment N.O.C. .00 .00 5,000.00 .00 5,000.00 5,000.00

6102.100 700.0090 Shop Equipment 11,795.00 .00 30,000.00 14,302.22 30,000.00 30,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Central Garage

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget Shop Mechanical Replacement/Improvements 1.0000 30,000.00 30,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $30,000.00

Capital Outlay Totals $31,795.00 $4,208.98 $55,000.00 $18,509.76 $55,000.00 $55,000.00

Department 100 - Expenditures Totals $1,636,811.00 $1,494,931.36 $1,661,429.00 $1,546,083.63 $1,489,498.00 $1,569,972.00

Fund 6102 - Central Garage Totals

REVENUE TOTALS $1,637,153.00 $1,462,482.24 $1,661,429.00 $1,527,201.54 $1,470,000.00 $1,580,000.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $1,636,811.00 $1,494,931.36 $1,661,429.00 $1,546,083.63 $1,489,498.00 $1,569,972.00

Fund 6102 - Central Garage Totals $342.00 ($32,449.12) $0.00 ($18,882.09) ($19,498.00) $10,028.00

Central Purchasing

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 6103 - Central Purchasing


Department 000 - Revenues

Operating Revenues
6103.000 362.0035 Sale-CGF Promo Merchandis 4,000.00 1,872.21 4,000.00 862.97 4,000.00 .00

Operating Revenues Totals $4,000.00 $1,872.21 $4,000.00 $862.97 $4,000.00 $0.00

Operating Transfers In
6103.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In .00 2,500.00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Operating Transfers In Totals $0.00 $2,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Extraordinary Revenue
6103.000 374.0000 Unrealized Gain on Invest .00 16.95 .00 24.60 .00 .00

Extraordinary Revenue Totals $0.00 $16.95 $0.00 $24.60 $0.00 $0.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
6103.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget 2,643.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $2,643.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Department 000 - Revenues Totals $6,643.00 $4,389.16 $4,000.00 $887.57 $4,000.00 $0.00

REVENUE TOTALS $6,643.00 $4,389.16 $4,000.00 $887.57 $4,000.00 $0.00

Central Purchasing

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 6103 - Central Purchasing


Department 100 - Expenditures

Material And Supplies
6103.100 415.0050 Other Resale Items 6,311.00 6,310.60 3,793.00 (335.69) 4,000.00 .00

Material And Supplies Totals $6,311.00 $6,310.60 $3,793.00 ($335.69) $4,000.00 $0.00

Other Operating Expenses

6103.100 470.0039 Reimbursables-City Logo Items .00 (2,115.23) .00 .00 .00 .00

6103.100 470.0044 Credit Card Fees 332.00 396.97 207.00 225.23 .00 .00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $332.00 ($1,718.26) $207.00 $225.23 $0.00 $0.00

Department 100 - Expenditures Totals $6,643.00 $4,592.34 $4,000.00 ($110.46) $4,000.00 $0.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $6,643.00 $4,592.34 $4,000.00 ($110.46) $4,000.00 $0.00

Fund 6103 - Central Purchasing Totals

REVENUE TOTALS $6,643.00 $4,389.16 $4,000.00 $887.57 $4,000.00 $0.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $6,643.00 $4,592.34 $4,000.00 ($110.46) $4,000.00 $0.00

Fund 6103 - Central Purchasing Totals $0.00 ($203.18) $0.00 $998.03 $0.00 $0.00


Estimated Cash Balance as of 1/1/22 $ 350,000

Rental Income 550,439

Interest Income 2,500
Operating Transfer In: -
Total Revenue $ 552,939

Salaries and Fringes $ 115,637
Maintenance/Operations $ 317,965
Operating Transfer Out: -

Capital Expense 33,500

Overhead/Walk in Door Replacements 20,000
Other Capital 13,500

Reserve for future capital projects 80,000

Total Expenses $ 547,102

Revenues less Expenses $ 5,837

Estimated Unreserved Cash Balance 12/31/22 $ 355,837

Public Works Facility

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 6104 - Public Works Facility


Department 000 - Revenues

6104.000 321.0020 FEMA .00 .00 1,105.00 1,105.43 .00 .00

Intergovernmental Totals $0.00 $0.00 $1,105.00 $1,105.43 $0.00 $0.00

6104.000 356.0010 Interest-Investments .00 4,789.94 .00 4,915.64 .00 2,500.00

Interest Totals $0.00 $4,789.94 $0.00 $4,915.64 $0.00 $2,500.00

6104.000 357.0090 Rental Income 492,093.00 492,093.00 541,639.00 541,639.00 541,639.00 550,439.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Engineering 4.78% 1.0000 26,310.00 26,310.00

Mayor's Budget Central Garage 17.32% 1.0000 95,336.00 95,336.00

Mayor's Budget Sanitation 27.98% 1.0000 154,015.00 154,015.00

Mayor's Budget Wastewater 8.43% 1.0000 46,402.00 46,402.00

Mayor's Budget Water 10.53% 1.0000 57,961.00 57,961.00

Mayor's Budget Stormwater 2.1% 1.0000 11,559.00 11,559.00

Mayor's Budget Streets 28.86% 1.0000 158,856.00 158,856.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $550,439.00

Miscellaneous Totals $492,093.00 $492,093.00 $541,639.00 $541,639.00 $541,639.00 $550,439.00

Operating Transfers In
6104.000 370.0010 Operating Transfers In .00 .00 76,220.00 1,220.00 .00 .00

Operating Transfers In Totals $0.00 $0.00 $76,220.00 $1,220.00 $0.00 $0.00

6104.000 374.0000 Unrealized Gain on Invest .00 3,871.69 .00 3,505.28 .00 .00

Extraordinary Revenue Totals $0.00 $3,871.69 $0.00 $3,505.28 $0.00 $0.00

Cash Carryover-Budget
6104.000 390.0010 Cash Carryover-Budget 100,000.00 .00 100,000.00 .00 200,000.00 350,000.00

Cash Carryover-Budget Totals $100,000.00 $0.00 $100,000.00 $0.00 $200,000.00 $350,000.00

Department 000 - Revenues Totals $592,093.00 $500,754.63 $718,964.00 $552,385.35 $741,639.00 $902,939.00

REVENUE TOTALS $592,093.00 $500,754.63 $718,964.00 $552,385.35 $741,639.00 $902,939.00

Public Works Facility

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget

Fund 6104 - Public Works Facility


Department 100 - Expenditures

Personnel Services
6104.100 400.0010 Wages & Salary-Permanent 30,759.00 22,577.93 27,500.00 19,591.81 .00 .00

6104.100 400.0020 Wages & Salary-Temporary 65,299.00 39,327.85 58,867.00 27,099.56 86,365.00 86,977.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget 1 - Custodian - Range 25 1.0000 34,445.00 34,445.00

Mayor's Budget 1 - Building Maintenance, Lead- Range 41 1.0000 49,920.00 49,920.00

Mayor's Budget Salary Plan Increase - 3.06% 1.0000 2,612.00 2,612.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $86,977.00

6104.100 400.0030 Wages & Salary-Overtime 250.00 220.67 137.00 173.88 .00 .00

6104.100 400.0060 Wages & Salary-Sick Leave .00 512.29 .00 1,074.94 .00 .00

Personnel Services Totals $96,308.00 $62,638.74 $86,504.00 $47,940.19 $86,365.00 $86,977.00

Fringe Benefits
6104.100 401.0010 FICA OASDI-Employer 5,971.00 5,166.43 5,363.00 2,680.19 5,355.00 5,455.00

6104.100 401.0015 FICA Medicare-Employer 1,396.00 1,208.26 1,254.00 626.81 1,252.00 1,276.00

6104.100 401.0030 Worker's Compensation 1,155.00 534.23 1,155.00 513.87 1,155.00 1,155.00

6104.100 402.0005 Post Employment Health 891.00 717.75 990.00 600.45 990.00 990.00

6104.100 402.0010 NDPERS- Health Insurance 7,243.00 6,526.87 11,884.00 6,100.73 13,191.00 13,518.00

6104.100 402.0020 Life Insurance-Employee 95.00 76.27 105.00 55.60 106.00 106.00

6104.100 402.0030 Disability Insurance 318.00 203.40 285.00 134.20 285.00 290.00

6104.100 402.0042 Contract Emp-Def. Comp. 1,330.00 1,361.49 1,360.00 1,379.06 1,418.00 1,418.00

6104.100 402.0043 Pension-NDPERS 185.00 486.56 4,227.00 803.38 4,223.00 4,228.00

6104.100 402.0053 Vehicle Flat Rate .00 .00 224.00 .00 224.00 224.00

Fringe Benefits Totals $18,584.00 $16,281.26 $26,847.00 $12,894.29 $28,199.00 $28,660.00

Material And Supplies

6104.100 410.0020 Office Supplies 735.00 949.59 976.00 1,038.84 1,000.00 1,000.00

6104.100 410.0040 Janitorial Supplies 12,337.00 12,285.39 11,151.00 11,228.39 10,000.00 12,000.00

Public Works Facility

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
6104.100 410.0065 Safety & Medical Supplies .00 .00 3,564.00 2,343.37 .00 90.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Audiology Testing 2.0000 45.00 90.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $90.00

6104.100 410.0170 Minor Tools & Equipment .00 .00 1,353.00 1,352.83 .00 2,000.00

Material And Supplies Totals $13,072.00 $13,234.98 $17,044.00 $15,963.43 $11,000.00 $15,090.00

6104.100 420.0010 Electricity 37,742.00 39,868.71 52,547.00 48,360.51 80,000.00 50,000.00

6104.100 420.0020 Building Heat 64,655.00 74,831.07 57,516.00 61,154.39 40,000.00 60,000.00

6104.100 420.0030 Water, Sewer & Refuse 8,244.00 8,243.91 9,300.00 8,486.20 8,000.00 8,000.00

Utilities Totals $110,641.00 $122,943.69 $119,363.00 $118,001.10 $128,000.00 $118,000.00

Contractual Services
6104.100 430.0030 Lease & Rental .00 .00 .00 .00 2,500.00 2,500.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Misc Equipment 1.0000 2,500.00 2,500.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $2,500.00

6104.100 430.0090 Advertising 100.00 30.40 100.00 63.20 100.00 100.00

6104.100 430.0150 Consultants 30,953.00 1,134.05 20,000.00 .00 20,000.00 20,000.00

6104.100 430.0170 Maintenance Agreements 3,366.00 3,559.77 2,666.00 2,260.10 3,500.00 3,500.00

Contractual Services Totals $34,419.00 $4,724.22 $22,766.00 $2,323.30 $26,100.00 $26,100.00

Maintenance Structures
6104.100 440.0010 Mtce Buildings & Grounds 71,838.00 71,543.80 76,660.00 83,691.32 68,000.00 68,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget NIMS/Communication Software 1.0000 8,000.00 8,000.00

Mayor's Budget Building Maintenance 1.0000 60,000.00 60,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $68,000.00

Public Works Facility

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
6104.100 440.0015 Mtce-Snow Removal .00 .00 .00 .00 5,000.00 5,000.00

Maintenance Structures Totals $71,838.00 $71,543.80 $76,660.00 $83,691.32 $73,000.00 $73,000.00

Maintenance Equipment
6104.100 450.0010 Mtce Air Cond. & Heating 6,202.00 6,201.81 20,628.00 28,184.18 10,000.00 10,000.00

6104.100 450.0020 Mtce Installed Mech Equip 15,408.00 15,407.11 1,104.00 1,103.77 10,000.00 10,000.00

6104.100 450.0030 Mtce Communication & Elec 1,979.00 1,978.55 7,980.00 8,379.89 5,000.00 5,000.00

6104.100 450.0160 Mtce Vehicles/Motor Eq. 1,435.00 1,434.64 7,161.00 8,088.09 5,000.00 5,000.00

Maintenance Equipment Totals $25,024.00 $25,022.11 $36,873.00 $45,755.93 $30,000.00 $30,000.00

Other Operating Expenses

6104.100 460.0020 Telephone 10,000.00 9,437.37 15,855.00 15,854.71 10,000.00 15,000.00

6104.100 460.0050 Education & Training 2,000.00 423.00 2,000.00 .00 2,000.00 2,000.00

6104.100 460.0060 Travel 1,042.00 .00 2,000.00 314.64 2,000.00 2,000.00

6104.100 460.0090 Dues 200.00 .00 200.00 .00 200.00 200.00

6104.100 460.0110 Fire & Tornado Insurance 4,978.00 4,868.73 10,252.00 7,807.86 5,000.00 8,000.00

6104.100 460.0115 Flood Insurance 2,215.00 2,215.63 2,365.00 2,302.50 2,575.00 2,575.00

6104.100 460.0120 Fleet & Gen.Liab.Insuranc 807.00 818.86 924.00 914.07 1,000.00 1,000.00

6104.100 470.0040 Contingency .00 .00 4,913.00 .00 30,000.00 25,000.00

Other Operating Expenses Totals $21,242.00 $17,763.59 $38,509.00 $27,193.78 $52,775.00 $55,775.00

6104.100 850.0010 Depreciation Expense .00 321,027.39 .00 322,664.09 .00 .00

Depreciation Totals $0.00 $321,027.39 $0.00 $322,664.09 $0.00 $0.00

Operating Transfers Out

6104.100 900.0010 Operating Transfers Out 50,000.00 50,000.00 98,000.00 98,000.00 .00 .00

Operating Transfers Out Totals $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $98,000.00 $98,000.00 $0.00 $0.00

Capital Outlay
6104.100 650.0010 Work In Progress 2,862.00 2,861.08 32.00 31.60 .00 .00

6104.100 700.0020 Installed Mech Systems .00 .00 20,000.00 .00 20,000.00 20,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Overhead/Walk-In Door Replacements 1.0000 20,000.00 20,000.00

Public Works Facility

2019 Amended 2019 Actual 2020 Amended 2020 Actual 2021 Adopted 2022 Mayor's
G/L Account Account Description Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget Budget
Mayor's Budget Totals $20,000.00

6104.100 700.0030 Communication & Elec 59,548.00 .00 1,366.00 650.33 3,500.00 3,500.00

6104.100 700.0050 Gen Equipment N.O.C. .00 .00 75,000.00 4,690.00 10,000.00 10,000.00

Capital Outlay Totals $62,410.00 $2,861.08 $96,398.00 $5,371.93 $33,500.00 $33,500.00

Non-Current Outlay
6104.100 996.0000 Non-Current Outlays .00 .00 .00 .00 75,000.00 80,000.00

Budget Transactions

Level Transaction Number of Units Cost Per Unit Total Amount

Mayor's Budget Future PWF capital projects 1.0000 80,000.00 80,000.00

Mayor's Budget Totals $80,000.00

Non-Current Outlay Totals $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $75,000.00 $80,000.00

Department 100 - Expenditures Totals $503,538.00 $708,040.86 $618,964.00 $779,799.36 $543,939.00 $547,102.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $503,538.00 $708,040.86 $618,964.00 $779,799.36 $543,939.00 $547,102.00

Fund 6104 - Public Works Facility Totals

REVENUE TOTALS $592,093.00 $500,754.63 $718,964.00 $552,385.35 $741,639.00 $902,939.00

EXPENSE TOTALS $503,538.00 $708,040.86 $618,964.00 $779,799.36 $543,939.00 $547,102.00

Fund 6104 - Public Works Facility Totals $88,555.00 ($207,286.23) $100,000.00 ($227,414.01) $197,700.00 $355,837.00

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

Six Year CIP Summary Listing

By Project Type

Category/Project Estimated
Department Source of Funds 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Total Cost
Utility Infrastructure
Enterprise Fund - Sanitation
Landfill WIP Renewal & Rehabilitation
Sanitation Revenue 100,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,100,000

Landfill Buildings/Facilities Renewal

Sanitation Revenue (Trs to 4204) - 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,250,000

Landfill Cell "C" Constrution

Revenue Bond 6,405,700 - - - - - 6,405,700

Flatbed, Tank Sprayer System

Sanitation Revenue - 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,000,000

Yard Waste Drop Site expansion/update

Sanitation Revenue 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 480,000

Fund Total 6,585,700 730,000 730,000 730,000 730,000 730,000 10,235,700

Enterprise Fund - Wastewater

Wastewater Collection & Southend Development
Sanitary Sewer Emergency Repair
Wastewater Revenue 76,000 79,000 81,000 84,000 86,000 88,000 494,000

Almonte Bypass
Wastewater Revenue 630,000 630,000

Forcemain Rehab/ARV Replacement

Wastewater Revenue - 649,000 668,000 688,000 709,000 7,300,000 10,014,000

Forcemain Reserve
Wastewater Reveue 76,000 78,000 81,000 83,000 86,000 88,000 492,000

N.E. Bypass FM
Revenue Bond - 3,800,000 - 3,800,000

New P.S. - New Development Area

Revenue Bond 4,000,000 - - 4,300,000 8,300,000

Pump Stations Construction & Rehab

Drive Replacement (Emergency Repair)
Wastewater Revenue 130,000 130,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 150,000 830,000

Pump Station R&R

Wastewater Revenue 1,600,000 1,650,000 840,000 870,000 900,000 920,000 6,780,000
Prairie Dog Funds (Contingent on Available Funds) 840,000 870,000 900,000 920,000 3,530,000

Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase 1

Revenue Bond 3,883,500 4,345,500 - - - - 8,229,000
ARPA 3,416,500 2,954,500 - - - - 6,371,000

Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase 2

Revenue Bond - - 11,733,333 11,733,333 11,733,333 - 35,200,000

Special Biosolids O&M

Wastewater Revenue 530,000 530,000 530,000 - - - 1,590,000

Old Raw Water Line - Lincoln to Old WTP

Wastewater Revenue - 500,000 - - - - 500,000

L.S. 5 to LS9
Revenue Bond - 2,500,000 - - - - 2,500,000

LS8 to Old Raw Water Line

Wastewater Revenue - - - 600,000 - - 600,000

Other Forcemain
Praire Dog Funds - - - - 1,500,000 1,500,000 3,000,000

Colombia Rd to LS1
Revenue Bond - - 5,100,000 - - - 5,100,000

Hauled Waste Pad Impr.

Wastewater Revenue 110,000 110,000

Fund Total 14,452,000 17,216,000 20,013,333 19,368,333 16,054,333 10,966,000 98,070,000

Enterprise Fund - Water

Water Distribution - 5340
General Equip.; Electrical tools; PW Shared Equip
Water Revenue 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 240,000
Water Main Replacement
Water Revenue 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 3,900,000

Water Main Repairs

Water Revenue 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 180,000

N 39th Street Watermain Extension

Water Revenue 150,000 - - - - - 150,000
Growth Area - Main Upsizing
Water Revenue 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 480,000
7 MG Pstation Fuel Tank Upgrades
Water Revenue 45,000 - - - - - 45,000
Viking Water Tower Reconditioning

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

Six Year CIP Summary Listing

By Project Type

Category/Project Estimated
Department Source of Funds 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Total Cost
Utility Infrastructure
Water Revenue - - - 700,000 - - 700,000
Water Tower Valve Pit
Water Revenue - - - 63,000 - - 63,000
7MG Clearwell Pump Upgrades
Revenue Bond - - - 530,000 - - 530,000
7MG Clearwell VFD/MCC Upgrades
Revenue Bond - - - 610,000 - - 610,000
Distribution/Collections System Building
TBD - 9,000,000 - 9,000,000

7MG Reservoir VFD/MCC Upgrades

Water Revenue 60,000 - - - - - 60,000
Red river Inlet - Zebra Mussel Attenuation
Water Revenue - 5,000 - 5,000 - - 10,000

Red River Valley Water Supply Project

Water Revenue 99,700 736,100 1,009,800 1,281,800 1,489,200 - 4,616,600

Water Treatment - 5355

Ultrafiltration & Reverse Osmosis Membranes

Water Revenue - 110,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 550,000
Site Work (Decommissioning former WTP)
Revenue Bond (SRF) 5,000,000 5,000,000
Granulated Activation Carbon Media
Water Revenue - 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000

Fund Total 6,154,700 10,751,100 2,019,800 4,199,800 2,499,200 1,010,000 26,634,600

Enterprise Fund - Stormwater

Storm Sewer Repair
Storm Water Revenue 221,231 124,868 128,614 132,472 136,447 140,540 884,172
Storm Water PS Repair/Rehab
Stormwater Revenue 600,000 600,000
Storm Water Bond (Bond 2022-2025) - 631,804 531,353 799,418 506,708 326,193 2,795,476

Stormwater Ponds (Developing Areas)

Stormwater Revenue (City Cost Share) 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 1,050,000
Flood Gates/ Dikes/ Walls Rehab - 5460
Storm Water Revenue 103,000 106,090 106,090 109,273 112,551 115,927 652,931
General Operating Improvements
(Trail Overlay, Disc golf Updates)
Storm Water Revenue 35,000 36,050 37,132 38,245 39,393 40,575 226,395

Pond Matinence Reserve

Stormwater Revenue 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000
English Coulee Master Plan
Stormwater Revenue 150,000 150,000

Vail Circle
Scenario Analysis (Storm Rev) - 7,700,000 - - - - 7,700,000
Fund Total 1,334,231 8,823,812 1,028,189 1,304,408 1,020,099 848,236 14,358,974

Other Projects
Various SA Projects, Sidewalks & Development Areas
Special Assessments 4,393,400 2,742,600 2,699,400 4,141,000 5,449,000 5,166,920 24,592,320

CATEGORY SUBTOTAL 32,920,031 40,263,512 26,490,722 29,743,541 25,752,632 18,721,156 173,891,594

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

Six Year CIP Summary Listing

By Project Type
Category/Project Estimated
Department Source of Funds 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Total Cost
Facilities, Buildings, & Furnishings
General Fund - Public Buildings
Boilers (City Hall)
Public Building Fund - 140,000 - - - - 140,000

Parking Lot Upgrades (City Hall)

Public Building Fund - - - 70,000 - - 70,000

Roof Repairs (City Hall)

Public Building Fund - 100,000 - - - - 100,000

HVAC Work (City Hall)

Public Building Fund 470,000 - - - - - 470,000

Concrete Work (Central Fire Station)

Public Building Fund - - - 40,000 - 58,000 98,000

Office Remodel (50/50 Fire Carryover) (Central Fire)

Public Building Fund - 50,000 - - - - 50,000

Generator Replacement (Central Fire)

Public Building Fund - - - 60,000 - - 60,000

Roof (Central Fire Station)

Public Building Fund - - 160,000 - - - 160,000

Replace Boiler Unit Heaters (North Fire Station)

Public Building Fund 25,000 - - - - 30,000 55,000

Public Building Fund - 20,000 - - - - 20,000

Concrete Parking Lot (North Fire Station)

Public Building Fund - 40,000 - - 32,000 - 72,000

Exhaust System (North Fire Station)

Public Building Fund 45,000 - - - - - 45,000

Lighting (South Fire Station)

Public Building Fund - - - - - 50,000 50,000

Overhead Door Replacement (South Fire Station)

Public Building Fund - 50,000 - - - - 50,000

Roof (South Fire Station)

Public Building Fund - - - - 200,000 - 200,000

Bathroom Remodels (South Fire Station)

Public Building Fund - - - - - 24,000 24,000

Driveway Concrete Parking (South Fire Station)

Public Building Fund - - - - 17,000 - 17,000

Entry Door Replacemnt (Public Training Center)

Public Building Fund - - - - 60,000 60,000 120,000

Lighting Upgrade (Pending Grant Funding) (PSTC)

Public Building Fund 40,000 - - - - - 40,000

HVAC (Public Training Center)

Public Building Fund - - - - - 40,000 40,000

Roof (Police Annex)

Public Building Fund - - 130,000 - - - 130,000

OH Doors (Police Annex)

Public Building Fund - - - - 86,000 - 86,000

Investigations Department Remodel (Police Station/PSAP)

Public Building Fund 125,000 - - - - - 125,000

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

Six Year CIP Summary Listing

By Project Type
Category/Project Estimated
Department Source of Funds 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Total Cost
Facilities, Buildings, & Furnishings
Overhead Door Replacement (Police Station/PSAP)
Public Building Fund - - - 50,000 - - 50,000

HVAC (Police Station/PSAP)

ARPA Funds 700,000 - - - - - 700,000

Dark Fiber
ARPA Funds 1,300,000 - - - - - 1,300,000

City Hall Security Upgrades

ARPA Funds 150,000 - - - - - 150,000

Roof (Police Station/PSAP)

Public Building Fund - - - - - 180,000 180,000

Water Heater Replacement (Police Station/PSAP)

Public Building Fund - - - - - 11,000 11,000

Improvements (Fringe Range Storage Building)

Public Building Fund 20,000 - - 10,000 25,000 - 55,000
Total 2,875,000 400,000 290,000 230,000 420,000 453,000 4,668,000

Capital Project Fund - Flood Protection

Pump Station Control & Drive Replacement
Flood Protection Cap Mtce Revenue 600,000 - - 650,000 - 650,000 1,900,000

English Coulee Diversion Erosion Repair

Flood Protection Cap Mtce Revenue 150,000 - - 250,000 - - 400,000

English Coulee Silt Removal

Flood Protection Cap Mtce Revenue 150,000 - - - - 200,000 350,000

Red River Riprap Replacement

Flood Protection Cap Mtce Revenue - - - - 1,000,000 - 1,000,000

Outfall Pipe Rehab/Riprap

Flood Protection Cap Mtce Revenue - 100,000 - 100,000 - 100,000 300,000

Miscellaneous Riprap Replacement

Flood Protection Cap Mtce Revenue 50,000 - - 100,000 - 150,000

Greenway Trail Overlay

Flood Protection Cap Mtce Revenue 100,000 - 200,000 - 200,000 - 500,000

Flood Study/Recertification
Flood Protection Cap Mtce. Revenue 150,000 30,000 - - - - 180,000

Flood Station Rehabilitation

Flood Protection Cap Mtce. Revenue 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 900,000

Levee/Excavation Settlement Repairs

Flood Protection Cap Mtce. Revenue - 100,000 - - - - 100,000

Stormwater Pond Cleaning/Maintenance

Flood Protection Cap Mtce. Revenue - 70,000 - - - 100,000 170,000

Telementry Upgrade at New WTP

Flood Protection Cap Mtce. Revenue - - - - - 100,000 100,000

Floodwall Restaining/Reculk/Spall Repair

Flood Protection Cap Mtce Revenue 120,000 500,000 500,000 - - - 1,120,000

Total 1,470,000 950,000 850,000 1,250,000 1,350,000 1,300,000 7,170,000

Capital Project Fund - PWF Remodel

East Storage Building
Public Works Facility - 2,000,000 - - - - 2,000,000

Enterprise Fund - Public Transportation

CAT Facility Rehabilitation
Public Transit (5500) - 20% - 700,000 - - - - 700,000
FTA - 80% - 2,800,000 - - - - 2,800,000
Total - 3,500,000 - - - - 3,500,000

Enterprise Fund - Alerus Center Capital Reserve

Reserve for Future Capital Trust
Alerus Debt Service Cash 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 9,000,000

Enterprise Fund - Alerus Center

Alerus Debt Service Cash 325,000 - - - - - 325,000

Basketball Floor
Alerus Debt Service Cash - - - - 112,890 - 112,890

Suite Level Remodel

Alerus Debt Service Cash 25,000 25,000 2,644,760 - - - 2,694,760

Central Plant Concept

Alerus Debt Service Cash 35,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 - - - 4,535,000
- -

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

Six Year CIP Summary Listing

By Project Type
Category/Project Estimated
Department Source of Funds 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Total Cost
Facilities, Buildings, & Furnishings
General Safety Improvements
Alerus Debt Service Cash 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 150,000

Parking Lots
Alerus Debt Service Cash - - - - - - -

Building Roof
Alerus Debt Service Cash 3,280,410 1,494,900 - - - - 4,775,310

Total 3,690,410 4,044,900 4,669,760 25,000 137,890 25,000 12,592,960

Enterprise Fund - Job Development Authority

Noah's Ark - RTU Replacement Program
JDA Revenue - - 100,000 - - - 100,000

375 2nd Ave N - Roof Repairs

JDA Revenue - 50,000 - - - - 50,000

Technology Accelerator Building Fit-Up

JDA Revenue 3,000,000 - - - - - 3,000,000

Capital/Land Reserve
JDA Revenue 300,000 - - - - - 300,000

375 2nd Ave N - Rooftop Unit Replacement

JDA Revenue - 100,000 - - - - 100,000

Total 3,300,000 150,000 100,000 - - - 3,550,000

Enterprise Fund - Municipal Parking

Central & Corporate Center Parking Ramp Reserve for Future
Municipal Parking Revenue - 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000

Use of Reserve for Future

Corporate & Central Ramp Cameras (160,000) - - - - - (160,000)
Wall Spandrel (Concrete Panels) - - (325,000) - - - (325,000)

Current Year Repair/Replacement

Capital Replacement Fund (5997) 160,000 - 325,000 - - - 485,000

Total - 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000

CATEGORY SUBTOTAL $ 12,835,410 $ 12,594,900 $ 7,459,760 $ 3,055,000 $ 3,457,890 $ 3,328,000 $ 42,730,960

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

Six Year CIP Summary Listing
By Project Type
Category/Project Estimated
Source of Funds 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Total Cost
Streets & Bikepaths

Columbia Rd Overpass
Federal Share Urban - - 6,744,000 - - - 6,744,000
City Share (Bridge Reserve) - 500,000 1,700,000 - - - 2,200,000
Total - 500,000 8,444,000 - - - 8,944,000

S 34th St (45th Ave S to 47th Ave S)

Special Assessment (20%) - - - - 126,000 - 126,000
City Share (Street/Infrastructure) (80%) - - - - 504,000 - 504,000
Total - - - - 630,000 - 630,000

S 48th St (32nd Ave S to 36th Ave S)

Special Assessment (20%) - - 145,200 - - - 145,200
City Share (Street/Infrastructure) (80%) - 500,000 580,800 - - - 1,080,800
Total - 500,000 726,000 - - - 1,226,000

S 48th St (36th Ave S to 40th Ave S)

Special Assessment (20%) - - 145,200 - - - 145,200
City Share (Street/Infrastructure) (80%) - - 580,800 - - - 580,800
Total - - 726,000 - - - 726,000

S 48th St (40th Ave S to 47th Ave S)

Special Assessment (20%) - - 375,200 - - - 375,200
City Share (Street/Infrastructure) (80%) - - 1,500,800 - - - 1,500,800
Total - - 1,876,000 - - - 1,876,000

N Washington Reconstruct (5th Ave S to 1st Ave N) - Includes Underpass

Federal Share Regional 9,024,000 - - - - - 9,024,000
State Share 1,063,000 - - - - - 1,063,000
City Share (Bridge reserve fund 4122) 400,000 - - - - - 400,000
City Share (Street/Infrastructure) 900,000 - - - - - 900,000
Total 11,387,000 - - - - - 11,387,000

Cherry St (62nd Ave S to 66th Ave S)

Special Assessment (20%) - 184,800 - - - - 184,800
City Share (Street/Infrastructure) (80%) - 739,200 - - - - 739,200
Total - 924,000 - - - - 924,000

Mill Rd Mill & Overlay COVID Funding

Federal Share COVID 479,650 - - - - - 479,650
City share (Street/Infrastructure) 215,350 - - - - - 215,350
Total 695,000 - - - - - 695,000

S Washington St SED to 55th Ave S)

City Share (Street/Infrastructure) - - - - - 5,250,000 5,250,000
Total - - - - - 5,250,000 5,250,000

Other Projects
Bridge Repair/Rehab(Washington Underpass/Sorlie/Kennedy as determined by priorities set by the NDDOT)(1)
Street/Infrastructure 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000

47th Ave S (Columbia Rd to S 34th St)

Special Assessment - - - - - - -
City Share (Street/Infrastructure) (100%) - 460,000 - - - - 460,000
Total - 460,000 - - - - 460,000

University Ave (N 25th to N Columbia Rd)

Special Assessment (50%) - 420,000 - - - - 420,000
City Share (Street/Infrastructure)(50%) - 1,680,000 - - - - 1,680,000
Total - 2,100,000 - - - - 2,100,000

Columbia Rd (University Ave to 8th Ave N)

Federal Share Urban - - - - 5,170,000 - 5,170,000
City Share (Street/Infrastructure) - - - 840,000 1,300,000 - 2,140,000
Total - - - 840,000 6,470,000 - 7,310,000

S Washington St (Demers to Hammerling) Reconstruct

Federal Share Regional - - - - - - -
State Share - - - - - - -
City Share (Street/Infrastructure) - - - - - 200,000 200,000
Total - - - - - 200,000 200,000

Traffic Signal Maintenance (Regional System)

Federal Share Regional - - 5,334,400 - - - 5,334,400
State Share - - 1,058,700 - - - 1,058,700
City Share (Street/Infrastructure) - - 750,000 - - - 750,000
Total - - 7,143,100 - - - 7,143,100

Point Bridge Rehabilitation

Federal Share Regional - - - - 800,000 - 800,000
Other Share (TBD) - - - - 1,000,000 - 1,000,000
City Share (Street/Infrastructure) - - - - 200,000 - 200,000
Total - - - - 2,000,000 - 2,000,000

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

Six Year CIP Summary Listing
By Project Type
Category/Project Estimated
Source of Funds 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Total Cost
Streets & Bikepaths
I-29 and 47th Ave S Interchange
Federal Share Regional - - - - 40,453,600 - 40,453,600
State Share - - - - 4,056,700 - 4,056,700
City Share (Street/Infrastructure) - - - 1,000,000 5,056,700 - 6,056,700
Total - - - 1,000,000 49,567,000 - 50,567,000

Gateway Dr (Red River to I-29) CPR & Grind

Federal Share Regional - - - 3,557,600 - - 3,557,600
State Share - - - 889,400 - - 889,400
City Share (Street/Infrastructure) - - - - - - -
Total - - - 4,447,000 - - 4,447,000

Belmont Rd (47th Ave S to Rivers Edge)

Special Assessment (20%) 286,000 - - - - - 286,000
City Share Prairie Dog (Street/Infrastructure) (80%) 1,144,000 - - - - - 1,144,000
Total 1,430,000 - - - - - 1,430,000

47th Ave S (I-29 to S 48th St)

Special Assessment (20%) - - - 322,000 - - 322,000
City Share (Street/Infrastructure) (80%) - - - 1,288,000 - - 1,288,000
Total - - - 1,610,000 - - 1,610,000

47th Ave S (S 38th St to I-29)

Special Assessment (20%) - - - 112,000 - - 112,000
City Share (Street/Infrastructure) (80%) - - - 448,000 - - 448,000
Total - - - 560,000 - - 560,000

N 4th St (Demers Ave to 1st Ave N)

Federal Share Urban 1,631,200 - - - - - 1,631,200
City Share (Street/Infrastructure) 800,000 - - - - - 800,000
Total 2,431,200 - - - - - 2,431,200

N 5th St (Gateway Dr to Demers Ave) Chip Seal

Federal Share Regional 80,930 - - - - - 80,930
State Share 9,070 - - - - - 9,070
City Share (Street/Infrastructure) 10,000 - - - - - 10,000
Total 100,000 - - - - - 100,000

6th Ave (55th to 58th)

Special Assessment (20%) - - - - - 218,000 218,000
Economic Development (80%) - - - -
City Share (Street/Infrastructure) (80%) - - - - - 875,200 875,200
Total - - - - - 1,093,200 1,093,200

S 20th St (62nd Ave S to 66th Ave S)

Special Assessment (20%) 168,000 - - - - - 168,000
City Share (Stree/Infrastructure) (80%) 672,000 - - - - - 672,000
Total 840,000 - - - - - 840,000

S 20th St (20th Ave S to 24th Ave S)

Special Assessment (20%) 227,600 - - - - - 227,600
City Share (Stree/Infrastructure) (80%) 910,400 - - - - - 910,400
Total 1,138,000 - - - - - 1,138,000

S 20th St (17th Ave S to 20th Ave S)

Special Assessment (20%) - 227,600 - - - - 227,600
City Share (Stree/Infrastructure) (80%) - 910,400 - - - - 910,400
Total - 1,138,000 - - - - 1,138,000

S. 38th St. (43th-47th Ave S)

Special Assessment (20%) - - - - - 190,080 190,080
City Share (Street/Infrastructure) (80%) - - - - - 760,320 760,320
Total - - - - - 950,400 950,400

Traffic Signal Maintenance (Urban System)

Federal Share Urban - 2,360,000 - - - - 2,360,000
City Share (Street/Infrastructure) - 590,000 - - - - 590,000
Total - 2,950,000 - - - - 2,950,000

42nd St Underpass
State Share (80%) - 38,400,000 - - - - 38,400,000
City Share (Street/Infrastructure) (20%) - 675,500 675,500 675,500 675,500 675,500 3,377,500
Total - 39,075,500 675,500 675,500 675,500 675,500 41,777,500

47th Ave S (S 34th St to S 38th St) Rural

Special Assessment (0%) - - 210,000 - - - 210,000
City Share (Street/Infrastructure) (100%) - - 840,000 - - - 840,000
Total - - 1,050,000 - - - 1,050,000

Demers Ave Overpass Rehab

Federal Share Regional 675,345 - - - - - 675,345
State Share 75,687 - - - - - 75,687
City Share (Street/Infrastructure) 200,000 - - - - - 200,000
Total 951,032 - - - - - 951,032

32nd Ave (I-29 to Washington) CPR & Microseal

Federal Share Regional - - - 2,684,800 - - 2,684,800
State Share - - - 335,600 - - 335,600
City Share (Street/Infrastructure) - - - 350,000 - - 350,000
Total - - - 3,370,400 - - 3,370,400

Industrial Park Rehabilitation

City Share (Street/Infrastructure) 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000
Total 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000

Various Special Assessment Projects and Development Areas

Special Assessment 3,250,000 3,250,000 3,250,000 3,250,000 3,250,000 3,250,000 19,500,000

Future Urban Grant Program Project TBD (2025)

Federal Share Urban - - - 2,000,000 - - 2,000,000
City Share (Street/Infrastructure) - - - 500,000 - - 500,000
Total - - - 2,500,000 - - 2,500,000

Future Regional Road Project TBD (2026) 454

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

Six Year CIP Summary Listing
By Project Type
Category/Project Estimated
Source of Funds 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Total Cost
Streets & Bikepaths
Federal Share Urban - - - - 4,000,000 - 4,000,000
State Share - - - - 500,000 - 500,000
City Share (Street/Infrastructure) - - - - 500,000 - 500,000
Total - - - - 5,000,000 - 5,000,000

Future Urban Grant Program Project TBD (2027)

Federal Share Urban - - - - - 2,000,000 2,000,000
City Share (Street/Infrastructure) - - - - - 500,000 500,000
Total - - - - - 2,500,000 2,500,000

Future Urban Roads Project TBD (2027)

Federal Share Urban - - - - - 1,600,000 1,600,000
City Share (Street/Infrastructure) - - - - - 400,000 400,000
Total - - - - - 2,000,000 2,000,000

Future 2027 Regional Project TBD

Federal Share Regional - - - - - 4,000,000 4,000,000
State Share - - - - - 500,000 500,000
City Share (Street/Infrastructure) - - - - - 500,000 500,000
Total - - - - - 5,000,000 5,000,000

Downtown Alley Reconstruct

City Share (Street/Infrastructure) 200,000 - - - - - 200,000

City Share (Street/Infrastructure) increase 2% annually 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000

LED Street Light Replacement Program

Street/Infrastructure 60,000 - 60,000 - 60,000 - 180,000

Traffic Signal & School Beacon Interconnect

Street/Infrastructure 50,000 - - - - - 50,000

Intelligent Transportation System

Street/Infrastructure 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 540,000

Alerus Center Parking Lot Rehabilitation

Street/Infrastructure 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 900,000

Pavement Management
Street/Infrastructure 10,000 10,000 10,000 175,000 10,000 10,000 225,000

Transportation Studies/Asset Management

Street/Infrastructure - 80,000 - 80,000 - - 160,000

Bikeway Capital & Maintenance

Street/Infrastructure 50,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 550,000

Bikepath (Development)
Federal Share T.E. - - - - - - -
City Share (Bikeway-infrastructure Funds) - - - - - - -
City Share (Street/Infrastructure) - 250,000 - 250,000 - 250,000 750,000
- 250,000 - 250,000 - 250,000 750,000

Street/Infrastructure Fund (ADA Approach walks) 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000
City Special Assessments Fund (Approach walks) 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 150,000
Special Assessment 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 1,050,000
Total 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,500,000

Ongoing Street Maintenance and Repair Projects

Minor Street Repairs
Street/Infrastructure (2% annual increase) 330,000 340,000 350,000 360,000 370,000 377,000 2,127,000

Street Maintenance Program

Street/Infrastructure (2% annual increase) 2,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 3,120,000 3,245,000 3,375,000 16,740,000

Traffic Signal Maintenance/Controllers

Street/Infrastructure 180,000 191,000 194,800 198,700 202,700 206,800 1,174,000
Centracs Traffic Signal Software Renewal
Street/Infrastructure 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 120,000
Arterial Street Lighting Maintenance (Conductors and Fixtures)
Street/Infrastructures - 100,000 - 100,000 - 100,000 300,000

Maintenance of Street Lights

Street/Infrastructure 120,000 132,700 135,400 138,100 140,900 143,800 810,900

Minor Intersection Improvements

Street/Infrastructure 94,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 594,000

Diamond Grade Reflectivity

Street/Infrastructure 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 120,000

Consulting Assistance
Street/Infrastructure 50,000 - 50,000 - 50,000 50,000 200,000

Quiet Zone Redundancy

Street/Infrastructure 50,000 50,000 - - - - 100,000

Category Subtotal $ 26,196,232 $ 55,031,200 $ 28,670,800 $ 23,654,700 $ 72,651,100 $ 26,411,700 $ 232,615,732

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

Six Year CIP Summary Listing
By Project Type

Category/Project Estimated
Department Source of Funds 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Total Cost
Equipment Replacement
General Fund - Engineering Department
Current Year Fleet Vehicle Replacement
Capital Replacement Fund (4800) $ 23,500 $ 26,500 $ 23,000 $ 19,000 $ 173,000 $ 23,000 288,000

Use of Reserve for future replacement of vehicles

Capital Replacement Fund (4800) (23,500) (26,500) (23,000) (19,000) (173,000) (23,000) (288,000)

Reserve for future replacement of vehicles

General Fund - 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 175,000

Total Fleet Vehicle Replacement - 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 175,000

General Fund - Inspections Department

Current Year Fleet Vehicle Replacement
Capital Replacement Fund (4800) $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 150,000

Use of Reserve for future replacement of vehicles

Capital Replacement Fund (4800) (25,000) (25,000) (25,000) (25,000) (25,000) (25,000) (150,000)

Reserve for future replacement of vehicles

General Fund - 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 125,000

Total Fleet Vehicle Replacement - 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 125,000

General Fund - Fire Department

Current Year Fleet Vehicle Replacement
Capital Replacement Fund (4800) 80,000 95,000 622,700 135,000 99,000 646,800 1,678,500

Use of Reserve for future replacement of vehicles

Capital Replacement Fund (4800) (80,000) (95,000) (622,700) (135,000) (99,000) (646,800) (1,678,500)

Reserve for future replacement of vehicles

General Fund 150,000 832,500 200,000 250,000 250,000 300,000 1,982,500

Total Fleet Vehicle Replacement 150,000 832,500 200,000 250,000 250,000 300,000 1,982,500

General Fund - Police Department

Current Year Fleet Vehicle Replacement
Capital Replacement Fund (4800) 367,840 301,060 541,060 311,060 311,060 387,860 2,219,940

Use of Reserve for future replacement of vehicles

Capital Replacement Fund (4800) (367,840) (301,060) (541,060) (311,060) (311,060) (387,860) (2,219,940)

Reserve for future replacement of vehicles

General Fund (2022 CARES - $365k) 365,000 350,000 400,000 400,000 450,000 450,000 2,415,000

Total Fleet Vehicle Replacement 365,000 350,000 400,000 400,000 450,000 450,000 2,415,000

General Fund - Street Department

Current Year Equipment Replacement
General Fund 340,479 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 2,090,479
Capital Replacement Fund(Street/Water Sales Tax) 29,890 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 179,890
Total 370,369 380,000 380,000 380,000 380,000 380,000 2,270,369

Special Revenue Fund - E-911 System

Technical Communication Equipment Upgrades
E-911 (2105) 120,000 200,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 400,000

SIRN (Decommissioning Towers/Equip, Additional Radios)

Prairie Dog - 500,000 - - - - 500,000

Tower and Infrastructure Mtce & Repairs/SIRN

E-911 (2105) 100,000 - - - 95,000 - 195,000

VIPER Phone Refresh - 350,000 - - - - 350,000

Special Revenue Fund - Library

Library Mill Levy (2124) 318,000 327,540 337,366 347,487 357,912 368,649 2,056,954

Enterprise Fund - Sanitation

Replacement Refuse Vehicles
Sanitation Revenue 600,000 625,000 650,000 675,000 700,000 725,000 3,975,000

Landfill Equipment
Sanitation Revenue 100,000 - - - - - 100,000

Refuse and Recycling Containers

Sanitation Revenue 250,000 260,000 270,000 280,000 290,000 300,000 1,650,000

Replace Fleet Vehicle @ Landfill

Sanitation Revenue - 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 75,000

Replace Fleet Vehicle @ Refuse Collection

Sanitation Revenue 25,000 35,000 40,000 45,000 50,000 55,000 250,000

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

Six Year CIP Summary Listing
By Project Type

Category/Project Estimated
Department Source of Funds 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Total Cost
Equipment Replacement
Enterprise Fund - Wastewater
Reserve for Vactor Sewer Cleaner
Wastewater Revenue 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 240,000

Reserve for Future Lab Equipment

Wastewater Revenue 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 180,000

Sewer Camera
Wastewater Revenue 33,000 - - - - - 33,000

Motor Drive Replacement

Wastewater Revenue 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 120,000

Replace Fleet Vehicle

Wastewater Revenue 45,000 - - - - - 45,000

Enterprise Fund - Water Distribution

Annual Water Meter Replacement
Water Revenue 140,000 140,000 140,000 - - - 420,000

Water Meter System Replacement

Revenue Bond - - - 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 5,000,000

Replace Fleet vehicle

Water Revenue - 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 150,000

Enterprise Fund - Water Treatment

Fire & Technilogical Equipment
Water Revenue - - - 75,000 - - 75,000

Replace Fleet vehicle

Water Revenue - - 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 100,000

Enterprise Fund - Stormwater

Reserve for Vactor Sewer Cleaner
Stormwater Revenue 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 240,000

Replace Fleet Vehicle

Stormwater Revenue 40,000 - - - - - 40,000

Enterprise Fund - Public Transit

Fixed Route Vehicles (1)
Public Transit (5500) - 20% - 400,000 248,000 - - - 648,000
FTA - 80% - 1,600,000 992,000 - - - 2,592,000
Total - 2,000,000 1,240,000 - - - 3,240,000

Bus Shelters
Public Transit (5500) - 20% 23,000 - - - - - 23,000
FTA - 80% 92,000 - - - - - 92,000
Total 115,000 - - - - - 115,000

Upgrade Scheduling and Dispatchin Software

Public Transit (5500) - 20% 33,000 - - - - - 33,000
FTA - 80% 132,000 - - - - - 132,000
Total 165,000 - - - - - 165,000

Data Management System

Public Transit (5500) - 20% 46,800 - - - - - 46,800
FTA - 80% 187,200 - - - - - 187,200
Total 234,000 - - - - - 234,000

Safety/Security Items
Public Transit (5500) - 20% - 2,894 2,952 3,011 - - 8,857
FTA - 80% - 11,576 11,807 12,043 - - 35,426
Total - 14,470 14,759 15,054 - - 44,283

Non-Revenue Vehicle Replacement (Fleet Vehicle)

Public Transit (5500) -20% - - 8,000 8,000 - - 16,000
FTA - 80% - - 32,000 32,000 - - 64,000
Total - - 40,000 40,000 - - 80,000

Mobile Video Camera System (5339 Funds)

Public Transit (5500) - 20% - 6,000 - - - - 6,000
FTA - 80% - 24,000 - - - - 24,000
Total - 30,000 - - - - 30,000

Shop Equipment
Public Transit (5500) - 20% - - 3,000 - - - 3,000
FTA - 80% - - 12,000 - - - 12,000
Total - - 15,000 - - - 15,000

Reserve for Capital Construction

Public Transit (5500) 250,000 - - - - - 250,000
Total 250,000 - - - - - 250,000

Enterprise Fund - Dial-A-Ride

Dial-A-Ride/Sr. Ride Vehicles
Dial-A-Ride (5600) - 20% 18,800 - 65,600 32,800 - - 117,200
FTA - 80% 75,200 - 262,400 131,200 - - 468,800
Total 94,000 - 328,000 164,000 - - 586,000

Enterprise Fund - Alerus Center

Personal Computers
Alerus Debt Service Cash 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 90,000

AC Handler/ AC Units
Alerus Debt Service Cash 7,500 - - - - - 7,500

Bathroom Upgrades
Alerus Debt Service Cash - - - - - 3,150,000 3,150,000

Alerus Debt Service Cash - - 50,000 3,500,000 - - 3,550,000

Doors and Hardware

Alerus Debt Service Cash - - 150,000 - - - 150,000

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

Six Year CIP Summary Listing
By Project Type

Category/Project Estimated
Department Source of Funds 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Total Cost
Equipment Replacement

Doors and Hardware (Overhead)

Alerus Debt Service Cash - 250,000 - - - - 250,000

Alerus Debt Service Cash - - - - 30,000 - 30,000

Dance Floor
Alerus Debt Service Cash - - - - 50,000 - 50,000

Football Equipment
Alerus Debt Service Cash 50,000 - - - - - 50,000

Alerus Debt Service Cash - - - - 30,000 - 30,000

Building Networking
Alerus Debt Service Cash - - - - - 150,000 150,000

Tables (All Types)

Alerus Debt Service Cash 10,000 - 10,000 - 10,000 - 30,000

Turf Cover
Alerus Debt Service Cash - - - 800,000 - - 800,000

Building Rekeying
Alerus Debt Service Cash 50,000 - - - - - 50,000

Spotlights -
Alerus Debt Service Cash - - - - 50,000 - 50,000

Video Production Equipment

Alerus Debt Service Cash - - - - 150,000 - 150,000

Wireless Access Points

Alerus Debt Service Cash - 500,000 - - - - 500,000

Half House Curtains - Permanent/Portable

Alerus Debt Service Cash 100,000 - - - - - 100,000

Convention Center Upgrades

Alerus Debt Service Cash - - 25,000 126,250 3,398,500 - 3,549,750

Catering Equipment/Small Wares

Alerus Debt Service Cash - - 50,000 - 50,000 100,000

Kitchen Expansion Study

Alerus Debt Service Cash 25,000 - - - - - 25,000

Alerus Debt Service Cash 30,000 - - - - - 30,000

Waste Receptacles
Alerus Debt Service Cash - - - - 65,000 - 65,000

Board Chairs - Meeting Room 1

Alerus Debt Serice Cash 12,500 - - - - - 12,500

Alerus Debt Serice Cash 25,000 - - - - - 25,000

Carpet Cleaning Machine, Riding Vacuum, Floor Scrubber

Alerus Debt Service Cash - - 15,000 50,000 - 65,000

Exterior Maintainence Equipment

Alerus Debt Service Cash 65,000 - - - - - 65,000

Concessions Equipment
Alerus Debt Service Cash - - - - 15,000 - 15,000

Storage Shed
Alerus Debt Service Cash 130,000 - - - - - 130,000

Doors for Phone Room

Alerus Debt Service Cash - - - - 9,000 - 9,000

VAV for Phone Room

Alerus Debt Service Cash - - - - 25,000 - 25,000

Dryer/Washing Machine
Alerus Debt Service Cash - - - - 60,000 - 60,000

High Pressure Washer

Alerus Debt Service Cash - - - 10,000 - - 10,000

Total -Alerus Center Equipment 520,000 765,000 250,000 4,516,250 3,957,500 3,365,000 13,373,750

Enterprise Fund - Mosquito Control

Reserve for future replacement vehicles/Equip
Todd Hanson Mosquito Revenue (5800) 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 150,000

Replace Pickup
Mosquito Revenue (5800) 35,000 - - - - - 35,000

Kubota Utility Vehicle

Mosquito Revenue (5800) - 20,000 20,000 - - - 40,000

Spray Machine
Mosquito Revenue (5800) 20,000 - 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 100,000

Internal Service Fund - Computer Service

Office Equipment
Intergovernmental 103,000 106,090 109,273 112,551 115,927 119,405 666,246

CATEGORY SUBTOTAL $ 4,347,369 $ 7,185,600 $ 4,754,398 $ 9,625,342 $ 8,976,339 $ 7,398,054 $ 41,523,103

(1) These projects are currently being analyzed as part of a Five-year Transportation & Development Plan (TDP) Update.

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

CIP (Continued)
Street Infrastructure Multi-Year Plan 6/29/2021

2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

Highway Users Tax $ 3,084,801 $ 3,146,497 $ 3,209,427 $ 3,273,616 $ 3,339,088 $ 3,405,870
Sales Tax Revenue 3,102,928 3,164,987 3,228,287 3,292,853 3,358,710 3,425,884
Additional 1/2% Sales Tax - Street Portion 3,207,539 3,271,690 3,337,124 3,403,866 3,471,943 3,541,382
Prairie Dog Funding - - - 2,155,000 2,500,000 5,174,657
Transfer from American Rescue Plan Grant Fund (2190) 543,782 - - - - -
Interest 103,150 95,214 74,348 54,317 48,936 20,309
Estimated Yearly Revenue 10,042,200 9,678,388 9,849,186 12,179,651 12,718,678 15,568,102
Use of Bridge Reserve Cash (1) 400,000 500,000 1,700,000 - - -
Use of Bond Reserve (2) - -
Est Carryover Beginning Yr 10,314,962 9,521,392 7,434,840 5,431,681 4,893,640 2,030,874
Available for Expenditure 20,757,162 19,699,780 18,984,026 17,611,332 17,612,318 17,598,976

Interdepartmental Charges/Federal Match 611,727 630,079 648,981 668,451 688,504 709,159
Street Mtce (General Fund) 1,300,000 1,339,000 1,379,170 1,420,545 1,463,161 1,507,056
Property Management 292,293 301,062 310,094 319,396 328,978 338,848
Set Aside Reserve for Bridge/Underpass Project 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
Debt Service (2021) (2) - -
Sub-total Ongoing Obligations 2,304,020 2,370,141 2,438,245 2,508,392 2,580,644 2,655,063

Bikepath Development - 250,000 - 250,000 - 250,000
N 4th St (Demers Ave to 1st Ave N) 800,000 - - - - -
N Wash Reconst (5th Ave S to 1st Ave N- Inc. Underpass) 900,000 - - - - -
N Washington Reconstruct - (Portion from Bridge Res) (1) 400,000 - - - - -
Mill Rd Mill & Overlay COVID Funding 215,350 - - - - -
N 5th St (Gateway Dr to Demers Ave) Chip Seal 10,000 - - - - -
Demers Ave Overpass Rehab 200,000 - - - -
Traffic Signal Maintenance (Urban System) - 590,000 - - - -
Columbia Rd Overpass (Use of Bridge Reserve Funds) (1) - 500,000 1,700,000 - - -
Traffic Signal Maintenance (Regional System) - 750,000 - - -
32nd Ave (I-29 to Washington) CPR & Microseal - - - 350,000 - -
Future Urban Grant Program Project TBD (2025) - - - 500,000 - -
Columbia Rd (University Ave to 8th Ave N) - - - 840,000 1,300,000 -
Future Regional Road Project (2026) - - - - 500,000 -
Point Bridge Rehabilitation - - - - 200,000 -
S Washington St (Demers to Hammerling) Reconstruct (2028) - - - - - 200,000
Future Urban Roads Project (2027) 400,000
Future Urban Grant Program Project TBD (2027) - - - - - 500,000
Future Regional Project TBD (2027) - - - - - 500,000
Sub-total Projects With Federal Funding 2,525,350 1,340,000 2,450,000 1,940,000 2,000,000 1,850,000

Bikeway Capital & Mtce 50,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
Street Maintenance Program 2,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 3,120,000 3,245,000 3,375,000
S 20th St (20th Ave S to 24th Ave S) 910,400 - - - - -
Downtown Alley Reconstruct 200,000 - - - - -
S 20th St (17th Ave S to 20th Ave S) - 910,400 - - - -
Industrial Park Rehabilitation 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000
Belmont (47th to Rivers Edge) 1,144,000 - - - - -
Street Mtce includes:Traffic signal maint; minor street repair; 800,000 839,700 856,200 872,800 889,600 903,600
mtce lights; minor intersection; diamond grade signs;
ADA; batteries)
LED Street Light Replacement Program 60,000 - 60,000 - 60,000 -
Centracs Traffic Signal Software Renewal 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000
Pavement Management 10,000 10,000 10,000 175,000 10,000 10,000
Arterial Street Lightning Maintenance (Conductors and Fixtures) - 100,000 - 100,000 - 100,000
Traffic Signal and School Beacon Interconnect 50,000 - - - - -
Intelligent Transportation System 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000
Transportation Studies - 80,000 - 80,000 - -
Consulting Assistance 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000
Quiet Zone Redundancy 50,000 50,000 - - - -
Contingency 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
Sub-total Operations and Maintenance 5,584,400 4,350,100 4,336,200 4,707,800 4,614,600 4,798,600

S 20th St (62nd Ave S to 66th Ave S) 672,000 - - - -
47th Ave S (Columbia Rd to S 34th St) Temporary - 460,000 - - - -
Cherry St (62nd Ave S to 66th ave S) - 739,200 - - - -
S 48th St (32nd Ave S to 36th Ave S) - 500,000 580,800 - - -
S 34th St (45th Ave S to 47th Ave S) - - - - 504,000 -
6th Ave (55th to 58th) - - - - - 875,200
S Washington St (SED to 55th Ave S) - - - - - 5,250,000
S 38th St (43rd to 47th Ave S) - - - - 760,320

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

CIP (Continued)
Street Infrastructure Multi-Year Plan 6/29/2021

2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

I-29 Strategic Projects - Potential Bonding -
42nd St Underpass - 675,500 675,500 675,500 675,500 675,500
S 48th St (36th to 40th Ave S) - - 580,800 - - -
S 48th St (40th Ave S to 47th Ave S) - - 1,500,800 - - -
47th Ave S (S 34th St to S 38th St) - - 840,000 - - -
47th Ave S (I-29 to S 48th St) - - - 1,288,000 - -
47th Ave S (S 38th St to I-29) - - - 448,000 - -
I-29 and 47th Ave S Interchange - - - 1,000,000 5,056,700 -
Sub-total Supporting Expanding Development 672,000 2,374,700 4,177,900 3,411,500 6,236,200 7,561,020

University Ave Reconstruct (N Columbia Rd to N 25th St) - 1,680,000 - - - -
Alerus Parking Lot Rehabilitation 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000
Sub-total Additional Projects 150,000 1,830,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000

Summary of Sub-total Priorities

Sub-total of Annual Non-Project Operating Costs Priority A 2,304,020 2,370,141 2,438,245 2,508,392 2,580,644 2,655,063
Sub-total of Projects with Federal Funding 2,525,350 1,340,000 2,450,000 1,940,000 2,000,000 1,850,000
Sub-total of Operations and Maintenance 5,584,400 4,350,100 4,336,200 4,707,800 4,614,600 4,798,600
Sub-total of Expanding Development 672,000 2,374,700 4,177,900 3,411,500 6,236,200 7,561,020
Sub-total of Additional Projects 150,000 1,830,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000
Total Expenditures 11,235,770 12,264,941 13,552,345 12,717,692 15,581,444 17,014,683
Amount Available for Carryover (Cash) $ 9,521,392 $ 7,434,840 $ 5,431,681 $ 4,893,640 $ 2,030,874 $ 584,292
Revenue over/(under) expenditures annually $ (1,193,570) $ (2,586,552) $ (3,703,159) $ (538,041) $ (2,862,766) $ (1,446,581)
(1) Use of Trunk Reserve Cash

(1) Includes use of Bridge Reserve Funds (4122)

(2) Includes use of Bond Reserve for final year's bond payment (matures in 2021);Use Tax can only be used for Flood Protection System, to be budgeted in fund 4151.
(3) Targeted Prairiedog Project

2022 Budget
City of Grand Forks

CIP (Continued)
Public Building Fund - Multi Year Plan
Sources of Funds 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
Real Estate Tax (As projected 1.5% to 3.5%) $ 841,488 $ 855,302 $ 868,229 $ 885,803 $ 912,812 $ 945,313
Discount on Real Estate Tax (42,074) (42,765) (43,411) (44,290) (45,641) (47,266)
Senior Citizens Tax 5,790 5,906 6,024 6,144 6,267 6,393
Disabled Veteran Credit 5,735 5,850 5,967 6,086 6,208 6,332
Communication In-Lieu Tax 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000
Mobile Home Tax 100 100 100 100 100 100
Interest 8,302 2,949 1,305 356 608 284
Estimated Yearly Revenue $ 823,341 $ 831,341 $ 842,213 $ 858,199 $ 884,355 $ 915,156
Estimated Carryover at Beginning of Yr $ 830,247 $ 294,910 $ 130,454 $ 35,603 $ 60,819 $ 28,409
Available for Expenditure $ 1,653,588 $ 1,126,251 $ 972,667 $ 893,802 $ 945,174 $ 943,566
Uses Of Funds
Ongoing Obligations:
Interdepartmental Charges-Wages (1) $ 196,449 $ 202,342 $ 208,413 $ 214,665 $ 221,105 $ 227,738
Interdepartmental Charges-Mtce/Ops(1) 10,873 11,199 11,535 11,881 12,237 12,604
Building Insurance (1) 66,656 68,656 70,716 72,837 75,022 77,273
Debt Service (2016C GO Ref. Bonds)(2) 359,700 353,600 356,400 353,600 245,400 -
Sub-total Ongoing Obligations $ 633,678 $ 635,797 $ 647,063 $ 652,983 $ 553,765 $ 317,616

City Hall
Boilers - 140,000 - - - -
HVAC Work 470,000 - - - - -
Roof - 100,000 - - - -
Parking lots Concrete Work - - - 70,000 - -
Central Fire Station (Station #1)
Office Remodel (50/50 Fire Carryover) - 50,000 - - - -
Concrete Work - - - - - 100,000
Generator Replacement - - - 60,000 - -
Roof - - 160,000 - - -
North Fire Station (Station #2)
Replace Boiler Unit Heaters 25,000 - - - 30,000
Concrete Parking Lot - - - - - 75,000
Kitchen - 20,000 - - - -
Exhaust System 45,000 - - - - -
South Fire Station (Station #3)
Lighting - - - - - 50,000
Roof - - - - 200,000 -
OH Doors - 50,000 - - - -
Bathroom Remodels - - - - 24,000
Driveway Concrete Parking - - - - 17,000 -
Public Safety Training Center (PTSC)
Lighting Upgrade (Pending Grant Funding) 40,000 - - - - -
Entry Door Replacements/OH Doors - - - - 60,000 60,000
HVAC Work - - - - - 40,000
Police Annex Building
Roof - - 130,000 - - -
OH Doors - - - - 86,000 -
Police Station/PSAP
Investigations - Department Update 125,000 - - - - -
Water Heater Replacement - - - - - 11,000
Roof - - - - - 180,000
OH Doors - - - 50,000 - -
Firing Range Storage Building
Improvements 20,000 - - - - 35,000
Total Expenditures $ 1,358,678 $ 995,797 $ 937,063 $ 832,983 $ 916,765 $ 922,619
Amount Available for Carryover $ 294,910 $ 130,454 $ 35,603 $ 60,819 $ 28,409 $ 20,947
(1) Increase 3% Annually
(2) 2016C GO Refunding Bonds Mature in 2026

2022 Budget
City of Grand Forks

CIP (Continued)
Flood Protection - Multi Year

Sources of Funds 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

Special Assessment Collections (1) $ 963,760 $ 929,615 $ 422,007 $ 408,978 $ 395,950 $ 346,832
Use Tax (2) 919,218 937,603 956,355 975,482 994,991 1,014,891
Interest 37,903 42,412 52,009 57,812 59,735 60,742
Estimated Yearly Revenue 1,920,882 1,909,630 1,430,370 1,442,272 1,450,676 1,422,465

Estimated Carryover at Beginning of Year 3,790,347 4,241,228 5,200,858 5,781,229 5,973,501 6,074,177
Available for Expenditure 5,711,228 6,150,858 6,631,229 7,223,501 7,424,177 7,496,642
Use Of Funds
Pump Station Control/Drive Replacement 600,000 - - 650,000 - 650,000
Flood Study/Recertification 150,000 30,000 - - - -
Outfall Pipe Rehab/Riprap 100,000 - 100,000 - 100,000
Floodwall Restain/Recaulk/Spall Repair 120,000 500,000 500,000 - - -
Greenway Trial Overlay 100,000 - 200,000 - 200,000 -
English Coulee Diversion Erosion Repair 150,000 - - 250,000 - -
English Coulee Diversion Silt Removal 150,000 - - - - 200,000
Flood Station Rehabilitation 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000
Levee/Excavation Settlement Repairs - 100,000 - - - -
Stormwater Pond Cleaning/Maintenance - 70,000 - - - 100,000
Telemetry Upgrade - - - - - 100,000
Red River Riprap Replacement - - - - 1,000,000 -
Miscellaneous Riprap Replacement 50,000 - - 100,000 - -
Total Expenditures 1,470,000 950,000 850,000 1,250,000 1,350,000 1,300,000

Amount Available for Carryover $ 4,241,228 $ 5,200,858 $ 5,781,229 $ 5,973,501 $ 6,074,177 $ 6,196,642
Revenue over/(under) expenditures annually $ 450,882 $ 959,630 $ 580,370 $ 192,272 $ 100,676 $ 122,465
(1) Collected from newly annexed property post-2010

(2) Use Tax currently paying Dike Bonds (2011A/2011F) with 2021 maturity. Use Tax will be directed to Fund 4154 upon maturity of Bonds

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

Supplemental (continued)
Staffing Chart - City Staff by Position

General Government
005 Assessing Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated
Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
City Assessor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Deputy City Assessor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Real Estate Appraiser, Senior 2.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
Real Estate Appraiser 3.00 2.00 - - -
Assessing Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
GIS Analyst - 0.34 0.25 - 0.25
Total Classified 8.00 7.34 7.25 7.00 7.25
Total Classified (Grant Funded)**** - - - - -
Total Contract Department Head*** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Project/Grant)** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Seasonal)* - - - - -
Total FTE 8.00 7.34 7.25 7.00 7.25

015 Finance Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated

Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Finance Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Assistant Finance Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Senior Accountant - - - - -
Budget Officer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Grant Accountant, Sr. - - - - -
Special Assessment Coordinator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Accountant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00
City Clerk 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Assistant City Clerk 1.00 - - - -
Accounting Specialist 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 3.00
Accounting Specialist, Senior - - 1.00 1.00 -
Administrative Specialist, Senior - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Accounting Technician 3.00 3.00 2.00 4.00 3.00
Accounting Technician, Senior - - 2.00 - -
Seasonal Utility Billing 0.40 0.40 - - -
Administrative Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Total Classified 14.00 14.00 15.00 15.00 16.00
Total Classified (Grant Funded)**** - - - - -
Total Contract Department Head*** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Project/Grant)** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Seasonal)* 0.40 0.40 - - -
Total FTE 14.40 14.40 15.00 15.00 16.00

018 Planning and Community Development Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated
Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Director*** 0.85 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.70
Deputy Director - Planning 0.50 0.45 0.30 0.30 0.70
Deputy Director - Urban Development - - - - -
Planner, Senior 0.80 1.45 1.70 1.70 1.00
Planner 1.00 - - - 1.00
Administrative Specialist, Senior 0.30 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35
Total Classified 2.60 2.25 2.35 2.35 3.05
Total Classified (Grant Funded)**** - - - - -
Total Contract Department Head*** 0.85 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.70
Total Non-Classified (Project/Grant)** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Seasonal)* - - - - -
Total FTE 3.45 3.25 3.35 3.35 3.75

025 City Hall Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated

Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Building Maintenance, Lead 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Building Maintenance Worker 1.00 1.80 1.00 1.00 1.00
Construction Compliance Officer - - - - 0.10
Custodian - - 0.80 0.80 1.00
Seasonal Maintenance Worker* 0.40 - - - -
Total Classified 2.00 2.80 2.80 2.80 3.10
Total Classified (Grant Funded)**** - - - - -
Total Contract Department Head*** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Project/Grant)** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Seasonal)* 0.40 - - - -
Total FTE 2.40 2.80 2.80 2.80 3.10

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

Supplemental (continued)
Staffing Chart - City Staff by Position

030 Information Technology Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated

Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Information Services Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Assistant Information Services Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Information Technology Manager - - - - -
Development Administrator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Network Administrator - - - 1.00 1.00
GIS Analyst - - 0.75 1.00 0.75
Programmer Analyst, Senior 1.00 1.00 1.00 - -
Systems Administrator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Development Analyst 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Systems Specialist 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
Systems Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Land Records Technician - 0.66 - - -
Total Classified 9.00 9.66 9.75 10.00 9.75
Total Classified (Grant Funded)**** - - - - -
Total Contract Department Head*** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Project/Grant)** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Seasonal)* - - - - -
Total FTE 9.00 9.66 9.75 10.00 9.75

036 Inspections Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated

Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Building & Zoning Administrator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Building Inspector, Senior 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Building Trades Inspector 4.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
Building Inspector, Senior ** - - - - 2.00
Building Trades Inspector ** 1.00 1.00 - - -
Building Inspector 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
Building Inspector Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00
Administrative Specialist, Senior - - - - -
Administrative Specialist** - - - - 0.25
Permit Technician, Sr. 1.00 1.00 1.00 - -
Permit Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00
Electrical Inspector* - - - - -
Total Classified 11.00 11.00 12.00 12.00 12.00
Total Classified (Grant Funded)**** - - - - -
Total Contract Department Head*** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Project/Grant)** 1.00 1.00 - - 2.25
Total Non-Classified (Seasonal)* - - - - -
Total FTE 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 14.25

050 Mayor Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated

Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Mayor***** 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Alderman to the Mayor***** 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00
Community Government Relations Officer*** 1.00 1.00 1.00 - -
Total Classified - - - - -
Total Classified (Grant Funded)**** - - - - -
Total Contract Department Head*** 1.00 1.00 1.00 - -
Total Non-Classified (Project/Grant)** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Seasonal)* - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Elected Official)***** 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00
Total FTE 9.00 9.00 9.00 8.00 8.00

0051 City Administrator Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated

Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Assistant to the City Administrator** 1.00 1.00 0.25 0.25 0.50
City Administrator*** 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Public Information Officer - - - - 1.00
Public Affairs Manager - - - - 1.00
Community Events Manager - - - - 1.00
Administrative Specialist, Sr 0.60 0.60 - - -
Total Classified 1.00 1.00 0.25 0.25 3.00
Total Classified (Grant Funded)**** - - - - -
Total Contract Department Head*** 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Total Non-Classified (Project/Grant)** 0.60 0.60 - - 0.50
Total Non-Classified (Seasonal)* - - - - -
Total FTE 2.60 2.60 1.25 1.25 4.50

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

Supplemental (continued)
Staffing Chart - City Staff by Position

0052 Public Information Center Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated

Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Public Information Officer - - - - -
Communication Specialist Project Grant - - - - -
Communication Specialist 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 -
Total Classified 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 -
Total Classified (Grant Funded)**** - - - - -
Total Contract Department Head*** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Project/Grant)** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Seasonal)* - - - - -
Total FTE 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 -

065 Human Resources Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated

Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Human Resources Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Human Resources Manager 1.00 1.00 - 2.00 2.00
Assistant Human Resource Director - - 1.00 - -
Human Resource Generalist/ Safety Coordinator 3.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 1.00
Human Resources Specialist 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
Human Resource Technician (1) 1.00 1.00 - - -
Total Classified 7.00 7.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
Total Classified (Grant Funded)**** - - - - -
Total Contract Department Head*** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Project/Grant)** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Seasonal)* - - - - -
Total FTE 7.00 7.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
(1) Position classified in 2018

Health and Welfare

045 Health Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated
Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Public Health Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Nursing & Nutrition Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Environmental Health Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Public Health Team Leader 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
Environmental Health Specialist, Senior 1.00 3.60 3.60 1.60 1.60
Environmental Health Specialist 2.60 - - 2.00 2.00
Public Health Nurse 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
Public Health Administrative Coordinator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Administrative Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Office Specialist Senior(1) - - - - -
Total Classified 13.60 13.60 13.60 13.60 13.60
Total Classified (Grant Funded)**** - - - - -
Total Contract Department Head*** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Project/Grant)** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Seasonal)* - - - - -
Total FTE 13.60 13.60 13.60 13.60 13.60

045 4510 Health - Nursing Fees Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated
Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Team Leader 0.70 0.70 - - -
Public Health Nurse 2.00 2.00 2.55 1.00 2.00
Public Health Nurse**** - - - - -
Public Health Nurse* 0.45 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00
Total Classified 2.70 2.70 2.55 1.00 2.00
Total Classified (Grant Funded)**** - - - - -
Total Contract Department Head*** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Project/Grant)** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Seasonal)* 0.45 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00
Total FTE 3.15 3.20 3.05 2.00 3.00

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

Supplemental (continued)
Staffing Chart - City Staff by Position

045 4570 Health - Local Health Services Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated
Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Public Health Nurse 0.65 0.65 0.95 1.00 1.00
Office Specialist - - - - -
Regional Environmental Health Specialist Sr - - - - -
Environmental Health Specialist Sr. 0.65 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40
Administrative Specialist 1.50 1.28 1.28 1.55 1.55
Administrative Specialist* - - - - -
Public Health Nurse* - - - - -
Total Classified 2.80 2.33 2.63 2.95 2.95
Total Classified (Grant Funded)**** - - - - -
Total Contract Department Head*** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Project/Grant)** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Seasonal)* - - - - -
Total FTE 2.80 2.33 2.63 2.95 2.95

045 4580 Health - Wellness Program Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated
Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Public Health Dietitian 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30
Admin Specialist* 0.10 0.10 - - -
Total Classified 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30
Total Classified (Grant Funded)**** - - - - -
Total Contract Department Head*** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Project/Grant)** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Seasonal)* 0.10 0.10 - - -
Total FTE 0.40 0.40 0.30 0.30 0.30

Public Safety
040 Fire Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated
Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Fire Chief 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Deputy Fire Chief - - - 2.00 2.00
Fire Battalion Chief 5.00 5.00 5.00 3.00 3.00
Fire Training Officer - - 1.00 - -
Fire Captain 15.00 15.00 15.00 16.00 16.00
Fire Marshal 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00
Deputy Fire Marshal - - 2.00
Fire Apparatus Specialist 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00
Firefighter, Senior 21.00 21.00 21.00 19.00 21.00
Firefighter (1) 15.00 15.00 15.00 17.00 15.00
Fleet Maintenance Mechanic, Lead 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Administrative Specialist, Senior 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Administrative Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Office Specialist, Senior - - - - -
Total Classified 77.00 78.00 79.00 79.00 79.00
Total Classified (Grant Funded)**** - - - - -
Total Contract Department Head*** 1.00 - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Project/Grant)** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Seasonal)* - - - - -
Total FTE 78.00 78.00 79.00 79.00 79.00
(1) 2016 includes 12 new firefighters as this is first year of operations of SouthEast Fire Station

060 Municipal Court Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated

Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Municipal Judge***** 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Clerk of Court 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Deputy Clerk of Court 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.25
Temporary Judge* 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
Custodian* 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
Office Specialist* 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
Total Classified 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.25
Total Classified (Grant Funded)**** - - - - -
Total Contract Department Head*** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Project/Grant)** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Seasonal)* 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30
Total Non-Classified (Elected Official)***** 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Total FTE 4.30 4.30 4.30 4.30 4.55

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

Supplemental (continued)
Staffing Chart - City Staff by Position

070 Police Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated

Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Police Chief 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Deputy Chief of Police 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
Police Captain - - - - -
Police Lieutenant 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
Police Sergeant 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00
Corporals 43.00 43.00 49.00 56.00 54.00
Police Officer 19.00 21.00 21.00 14.00 16.00
Police Records Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Crime Analyst - - - - 1.00
Evidence & Property Coordinator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Property/Evidence Technician** 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
Administrative Specialist, Senior 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Administrative Services Coordinator - - - - -
CALEA Admin Support** 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
Police Records Specialist 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
Community Service Officer 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
Building Maintenance, Lead 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Building Maintenance Worker 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Building and Grounds Worker - - - - -
Community Service Officer** - - - - -
Total Classified 99.00 101.00 107.00 107.00 108.00
Total Classified (Grant Funded)**** - - - - -
Total Contract Department Head*** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Project/Grant)** 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Total Non-Classified (Seasonal)* - - - - -
Total FTE 100.00 102.00 108.00 108.00 109.00

Highways and Streets

035 Engineering Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated

Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
City Engineer*** 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Assistant City Engineer 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
Civil Engineer, Principal 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 2.00
Civil Engineer, Principal(Traffic Eng) - - - - -
Civil Engineer, Senior - - 2.00 1.00 4.00
Civil Engineer** - - - - -
City Electrician - - - - -
Electrical Division Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Engineering/IT GIS Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Civil Engineer 2.00 2.00 2.00 6.00 5.00
Civil Engineering Specialist 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 -
Master Electrician 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00
Electrician 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Civil Engineering Technician 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00
Electrical Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 -
Admin Services Coordinator - - 1.00 1.00 1.00
Administrative Specialist, Senior 1.00 1.00 - - -
Administrative Specialist 1.00 1.00 - - -
Civil Engineering Technician** - - - - -
Right of way Officer/ Development specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
ROW Officer** - - - - 0.50
Watewater/Stormwater Compliance Inspector** 0.33 0.33 - - -
Survey Technician* 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40
Traffic Signal Painter* 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20
Sidewalk MS4 Inpsector* 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
Office Specialist** - - 0.50 0.50 0.50
Total Classified 20.00 21.00 20.00 20.00 23.00
Total Classified (Grant Funded)**** - - - - -
Total Contract Department Head*** 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Total Non-Classified (Project/Grant)** 0.33 0.33 0.50 0.50 1.00
Total Non-Classified (Seasonal)* 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10
Total FTE 22.43 23.43 22.60 22.60 26.10

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

Supplemental (continued)
Staffing Chart - City Staff by Position

075 Streets Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated

Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Public Works Director*** - - - - -
Public Works Operation Division Director 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30
Street Maintenance Superintendent - - - - -
Street/Facility Maintenance Manager 0.40 0.40 - - -
Street Maintenance Supervisor 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Equipment Operator, Lead 5.00 5.00 3.00 5.00 6.00
Equipment Operator, Senior 22.00 22.00 22.00 2.00 3.00
Equipment Operator, Heavy - - 2.00 19.00 18.00
Equipment Operator 2.00 2.00 5.00 6.00 5.00
Signs & Marking Specialist 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
Administrative Specialist Senior 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.07 0.14
Administrative Specialist - - - 0.07 -
Public Works Facilities/ Operations Coordinator - - - - 0.30
Asset Management Coordinator - - 0.07 0.30 -
Parking Compliance Attendant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Equipment Operator * 0.50 0.50 0.50 - -
Total Classified 34.91 34.91 36.58 36.74 36.74
Total Classified (Grant Funded)**** - - - - -
Total Contract Department Head*** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Project/Grant)** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Seasonal)* 0.50 0.50 0.50 - -
Total FTE 35.41 35.41 37.08 36.74 36.74


General Government

2199 Community Development Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated

Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Finance & Support Services Manager - - - - -
Community Development Manager - - - - -
Deputy Urban Development Director - - - - -
Accountant - - - - -
Construction Compliance Officer(1) 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
Program Compliance Officer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 -
Planner - - - - 0.50
Administrative Specialist, Sr. 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
Office Specialist, Senior - - - - -
Grant Accountant, Sr. 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
Community Betterment Specialist - - - - -
Energy Sustainability Coordinator** - - - - -
Total Classified 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 0.70
Total Classified (Grant Funded)**** - - - - -
Total Contract Department Head*** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Project/Grant)** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Seasonal)* - - - - -
Total FTE 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 0.70

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

Supplemental (continued)
Staffing Chart - City Staff by Position

Health and Welfare

2146 Health Grants Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated
Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Emergency Preparedness Coordinator**** 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
Social Detox Project Coorinator** 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Social Detox Supervisor** - - - - -
Social Detox Advocate** 7.50 8.30 8.40 8.30 8.30
Regional Environmental Health Specialist, Sr**** 0.75 - - - -
Environmental Health Specialist**** - - - - -
Public Health Nurse**** 4.50 4.28 4.45 4.20 3.70
Public Health Dietitian**** 0.30 0.40 0.60 0.30 0.20
Public Health Team Leader**** 1.30 1.30 1.00 1.00 1.00
Communications Specialist**** 0.50 - - - -
Project Coordinator**** 0.30 - - 1.00 -
Administrative Specialist**** 1.00 1.03 0.71 0.71 0.31
Office Specialist Senior**** - - - - -
Total Classified - - - - -
Total Classified (Grant Funded)**** 9.65 9.00 8.76 9.21 7.21
Total Contract Department Head*** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Project/Grant)** 8.50 9.30 9.40 9.30 9.30
Total Non-Classified (Seasonal)* - - - - -
Total FTE 18.15 18.30 18.16 18.51 16.51

Public Safety
2104 PSAP Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated
Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
PSAP Director*** 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
911 Center Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
911 Team Leader 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00
911 Training Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
911 Dispatcher 12.00 13.00 14.00 14.00 13.00
Regional Radio Systems Coordinator** - - 0.50 0.50 0.50
911 Dispatcher Trainee - - - - -
Administrative Specialist, Senior 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Total Classified 18.00 19.00 20.00 20.00 20.00
Total Classified (Grant Funded)**** - - - - -
Total Contract Department Head*** 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Total Non-Classified (Project/Grant)** - - 0.50 0.50 0.50
Total Non-Classified (Seasonal)* - - - - -
Total FTE 19.00 20.00 21.50 21.50 21.50

2170 Police Grants Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated

Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Community Mental Health Coordinator - - - - 1.00
Police Officer****(1) 4.00 4.00 - - -
Total Classified (Grant Funded)**** 4.00 4.00 - - 1.00
(1) Police Officer position moves from police grant fund 2170 to General Fund Police department

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

Supplemental (continued)
Staffing Chart - City Staff by Position

Culture and Recreation

2139 Special Grant Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated
Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Coordinator-Historical Preserv.** 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63
Total Non-Class(Project/Grant Funded)** 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63
Total FTE 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63

5100 Sanitation Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated
Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Public Works Director*** - - - - -
Public Works Asset Manager - - 0.50 0.50 -
Public Works Supervisor - Sanitations Collections 1.00 1.00 - - -
Public Works Operation Division Director 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
Public Works Supervisor - Landfill/Baling 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Administrative Specialist, Senior 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.60 0.30
Administrative Specialist - - - - 0.80
Equipment Operator, Lead 3.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
Equipment Operator, Senior - - 2.00 4.00 6.00
Heavy Equipment Operator 18.00 18.00 12.00 11.00 11.00
Equipment Operator 9.00 10.00 14.00 13.00 11.00
Network Analyst - - 0.05 0.05 0.10
GIS/IT Specialist 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
Baggers** - 2.00 2.00 2.00 -
Equipment Operator* 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 -
Total Classified 33.40 33.40 35.20 34.90 34.95
Total Classified (Grant Funded)**** - - - - -
Total Contract Department Head*** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Project/Grant)** 0.25 2.25 2.00 2.00 -
Total Non-Classified (Seasonal)* 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 -
Total FTE 37.65 39.65 41.20 40.90 34.95

5200 Wastewater Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated

Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Public Works Director*** - - - - -
Water Division Director 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33
Wastewater Treatment Plant Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Wastewater/Stormwater Manager - - - - -
Wastewater Collections Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator, Lead 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator, Senior 1.00 1.00 - 1.00 -
Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 3.00
Electrical Technician 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
Electronics Technician 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
Wastewater/Stormwater Superintendent - - - - -
Environmental Compliance/Greenway Manager - - - - -
Environmental/Greenway Manager - - - - -
Environmental Technician** - - - - 0.50
Assistant Water Works Director 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
Wastewater/Stormwater Service Worker, Lead 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
Wastewater/Stormwater Service Worker, Senior 3.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00
Wastewater/Stormwater Service Worker 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 6.00
Public Works Services Coordinator - - 0.27 - -
Public Works/Sanitation Manager - - - - -
Administrative Specialist Senior 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.54 0.27
Administrative Specialist - - - - 0.27
Industrial Pretreatment Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 -
Development Analyst - - 0.40 0.40 0.40
Laboratory Analyst 1.00 - - - -
Laboratory Analyst Senior 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00
GIS/IT Specialist 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
Public Service Worker* - - - - -
Buildings and Grounds Worker* 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Laboratory Helper* - - - - -
WW/SW Compliance Inspector** 0.34 0.50 0.50 0.34 0.67
WW/SW Services Worker - 1.00 - - -
Total Classified 19.64 19.64 21.56 20.02 22.02
Total Classified (Grant Funded)**** - - - - -
Total Contract Department Head*** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Project/Grant)** 0.59 1.75 0.50 0.34 0.67
Total Non-Classified (Seasonal)* 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50
Total FTE 21.23 22.39 23.06 21.36 24.19

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

Supplemental (continued)
Staffing Chart - City Staff by Position

5300 Waterworks Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated

Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Public Works Director*** - - - - -
Water Works Division Director 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34
Assistant Water Works Director - - - - -
Water Utility Superintendent - - - - -
Water Works Manager - - - - -
Water Distribution Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Water Service Worker, Lead 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 4.00
Water Utility Worker, Senior 4.00 5.00 3.00 4.00 3.00
Water Utility Worker 6.00 5.00 7.00 7.00 6.00
Water Utility Worker** - - - - 1.00
Public Works Service Coordinator 0.27 - -
Administrative Specialist Senior 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.54 0.27
Administrative Specialist - - - - 0.27
Process Control Operator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Electronics Technician 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
Electrical Technician 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
Water Plant Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Water Plant Operator, Lead 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 8.00
Labaratory Analyst, Sr - - - 1.00 1.00
Labaratory Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 -
Network Analyst - - 0.44 0.44 0.44
GIS/IT Specialist 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
Environmental Technician** - - - - 0.50
Public Service Worker* 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45
Total Classified 27.15 27.15 28.11 28.57 28.57
Total Classified (Grant Funded)**** - - - - -
Total Contract Department Head*** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Project/Grant)** 0.25 0.25 - - 0.50
Total Non-Classified (Seasonal)* 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45
Total FTE 27.85 27.85 28.56 29.02 29.52

5400 Stormwater Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated

Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Public Works Director*** - - - - -
Wastewater/Stormwater Superintendent - - - - -
Wastewater/Stormwater Manager - -
Water Works Division Director 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33
Assistant Water Works Director 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
Environmental/Greenway Manager - - - - -
Environmental Manager - - - - -
Public Works Services Coordinator - - 0.27 - -
Public Works/Sanitation Manager - - - - -
Environmental Specialist - - - - -
Greenway Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Greenway/Training Support Specialist - - - - -
Stormwater Collections Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Wastewater/Stormwater Svc Worker, Lead 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Wastewater/Stormwater Svc Worker, Sr - 1.00 1.00 - -
Wastewater/Stormwater Svc Worker 1.00 - - 0.47 0.34
Administrative Specialist Senior 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.36 0.18
Administrative Specialist - - - - 0.18
Network Specialist - - - 0.11 0.11
GIS/IT Specialist** 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
WW/SW Compliance Inspector 0.33 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.33
Public Service Worker* 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
Total Classified 5.43 5.60 5.87 5.27 4.97
Total Classified (Grant Funded)**** - - - - -
Total Contract Department Head*** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Project/Grant)** 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
Total Non-Classified (Seasonal)* 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
Total FTE 6.18 6.35 6.62 6.02 5.72

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

Supplemental (continued)
Staffing Chart - City Staff by Position

5500 Public Transportation Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated

Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Transportation Superintendent - - - - -
Public Transportation Manager - - - - -
Public Transportation Division Director 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95
Transportation Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Fleet Maintenance Mechanic 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
Bus Operator 14.00 17.00 17.00 15.00 16.00
Bus Operator, Sr. - - - 2.00 1.00
Grant Accountant, Sr. 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40
Transportation Dispatcher 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50
Transporation Dispatcher, Sr. - - - - -
Office Specialist Senior - - - - -
Fleet Mtce Technician** - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Office Specialist* 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
Bus Operator** 2.50 4.30 4.30 6.30 6.30
Total Classified 19.85 22.85 22.85 22.85 22.85
Total Classified (Grant Funded)**** - - - - -
Total Contract Department Head*** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Project/Grant)** - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Total Non-Classified (Seasonal)* 3.25 5.05 5.05 7.05 7.05
Total FTE 23.10 28.90 28.90 30.90 30.90

5600 Dial-A-Ride Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated

Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Transportation Superintendent - - - - -
Public Transportation Division Director 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
Public Transportation Manager - - - - -
Office Specialist Senior - - - - -
Mobility Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Transportation Dispatcher 1.50 1.50 2.50 2.50 2.50
Transportation Dispatcher Sr. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 -
Paratransit Supervisor - - - - 1.00
Paratransit Operator Lead** - - 1.00 1.00 1.00
Paratransit Operators** 11.00 11.00 14.00
Transportation Dispatcher** 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
Total Classified 3.55 3.55 4.55 4.55 4.55
Total Classified (Grant Funded)**** - - - - -
Total Contract Department Head*** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Project/Grant)** 1.00 1.00 14.00 14.00 17.00
Total Non-Classified (Seasonal)* - - - - -
Total FTE 4.55 4.55 18.55 18.55 21.55
Mobility Manager and Paratransit Dispatcher made Classified in 2014

5800 Mosquito Control Program* Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated

Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Mosquito Control Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Mosquito Control Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Administrative Specialist 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
Mosquito Control Field Assistants* 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75
Total Classified 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50
Total Classified (Grant Funded)**** - - - - -
Total Contract Department Head*** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Project/Grant)** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Seasonal)* 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75
Total FTE 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

Supplemental (continued)
Staffing Chart - City Staff by Position

5996 Job Development Authority Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated

Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Director, Urban Development*** - - - - -
Director -Community Development *** 0.15 - - - -
Deputy Director - Planning 0.35 0.45 0.65 0.65 0.20
Deputy Director - Community Development 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Community Development Specialist** 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
City Planner - - - - 0.30
Finance & Support Services Manager - - - - -
Accountant - - - - -
Assistant to the City Administrator** - - - - 0.50
Construction Compliance Officer 0.80 0.83 0.80 0.80 0.70
Planner - - - - 2.00
Planner, Senior 0.20 0.55 0.30 1.30 1.00
Administrative Specialist, Sr. 0.35 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40
Accounting Technician - - - - -
Office Specialist, Senior - - - - -
Custodian - - 0.20 0.20 0.20
Grant Accountant, Sr. 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.50 0.50
Office Specialist** - - - - -
Total Classified 3.10 3.68 3.85 4.85 6.30
Total Classified (Grant Funded)**** - - - - -
Total Contract Department Head*** 0.15 - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Project/Grant)** 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50
Total Non-Classified (Seasonal)* - - - - -
Total FTE 4.25 4.68 4.85 5.85 7.80

5997 Parking Lots Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated

Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Grant Accountant, Senior 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.05
Administrative Specialist, Sr. 0.30 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.15
Construction Compliance Officer 0.10 0.07 0.10 0.10 0.10
Community Service Officer - - 1.00 1.00 1.00
Planner - - - - -
Planner Sr. - - - - -
Deputy City Planner 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.10
Total Classified 0.70 0.47 1.40 1.40 1.40
Total Non-Classified (Project/Grant)** - - - - -
Total FTE 0.70 0.47 1.40 1.40 1.40


6102 Central Garage Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated

Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Public Works Operation Division Director 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20
Fleet Maintenance Mechanic, Lead - - - 1.00 1.00
Fleet Maintenance Mechanic Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Fleet Maintenance Mechanic, Senior 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.00
Fleet Maintenance Mechanic 3.00 3.00 4.00 2.00 2.00
Fleet Maintenance Mechanic** - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Public works Service Coordinator - - - 0.20 0.20
Total Classified 6.20 6.20 6.20 6.40 6.40
Total Classified (Grant Funded)**** - - - - -
Total Contract Department Head*** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Project/Grant)** - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Total Non-Classified (Seasonal)* - - - - -
Total FTE 6.20 7.20 7.20 7.40 7.40

6104 Public Works Facility Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated

Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Sustainability - Buildings and Grounds** - - - - -
Facilities Analyst 1.00 - - - -
Building Maintenance, Lead 0.60 0.60 1.00 1.00 1.00
Custodian 1.00 1.16 1.00 1.00 1.00
Total Classified 1.60 0.60 2.00 2.00 2.00
Total NonClassified (Project/Grant)** 1.00 1.16 - - -
Total FTE 2.60 1.76 2.00 2.00 2.00

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

Supplemental (continued)
Staffing Chart - City Staff by Position

Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated Appropriated

Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions
GENERAL FUND 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Total Classified 310.41 314.89 323.06 321.99 328.99
Total Classified (Grant Funded)**** - - - - -
Total Contract Department Head*** 4.85 4.00 4.00 3.00 2.70
Total Non-Classified (Project/Grant)** 2.93 2.93 1.50 1.50 4.75
Total Non-Classified (Seasonal)* 3.25 2.90 2.40 2.40 2.40
Total Non-Classified (Elected Official)***** 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00

Total FTE 330.44 333.72 339.96 337.89 347.84


Total Classified 19.20 20.20 21.20 21.20 20.70
Total Classified (Grant Funded)**** 13.65 13.00 8.76 9.21 8.21
Total Contract Department Head*** 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Total Non-Classified (Project/Grant)** 9.13 9.93 10.53 10.43 10.43
Total Non-Classified (Seasonal)* - - - - -
Total FTE 42.98 44.13 41.49 41.84 40.34

Total Classified 115.32 118.84 125.89 124.91 128.11
Total Classified (Grant Funded)**** - - - - -
Total Contract Department Head*** 0.15 - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Project/Grant)** 3.34 7.50 18.75 18.59 20.92
Total Non-Classified (Seasonal)* 11.95 13.75 13.75 15.75 12.25
Total FTE 130.76 140.09 158.39 159.25 161.28


Total Classified 7.80 6.80 8.20 8.40 8.40
Total Classified (Grant Funded)**** - - - - -
Total Contract Department Head*** - - - - -
Total Non-Classified (Project/Grant)** 1.00 2.16 1.00 1.00 1.00
Total Non-Classified (Seasonal)* - - - - -
Total FTE 8.80 8.96 9.20 9.40 9.40

Total Classified 452.73 460.73 478.35 476.50 486.20

Total Classified (Grant Funded)**** 13.65 13.00 8.76 9.21 8.21
Total Contract Dept. Head*** 6.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 3.70
Total Non-Classified (Project/Grant)** 16.40 22.52 31.78 31.52 37.10
Total Non-Classified (Seasonal)* 15.20 16.65 16.15 18.15 14.65
Total Non-Classified (Elected Officials)***** 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00
Total Authorized Positions 512.98 526.90 549.04 548.38 558.86

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

Supplemental (continued)
List of Fees
License and Permit Type 2021 Fee 2022 Fee

Airport Limousine
Vehicle $ 35.00 $ 35.00
Driver - Application Fee (new applications only) $ 20.00 $ 20.00
Driver - Annual Fee $ 35.00 $ 35.00

Animal Licensing:
Cat / Dog License (unaltered) $ 15.00 $ 15.00
Cat / Dog License (altered) $ 5.00 $ 5.00
Replacement Tag $ 3.00 $ 3.00

Animal Impound Fee $ 35.00 $ 35.00

Animal Kennel Fee (under consideration for deletion) $ 25.00 $ 25.00

Risk Level 1 $ 130.00 $ 130.00
Risk Level 2 $ 250.00 $ 250.00
Risk Level 3 $ 325.00 $ 325.00

Bed & Breakfast $ 95.00 $ 95.00

Bikeshare Issuance Fee $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00

Annual Fee $ 500.00 $ 500.00

Board of Adjustments Fee $ 95.00 $ 95.00

Board of Appeals Fee $ 65.00 $ 65.00

Body Art Factility $ 175.00 $ 175.00

Temporary Facility $ 175.00 $ 175.00
Artist $ 25.00 $ 25.00

Building Contractor $ 60.00 $ 60.00

Building Permit Fees:

Commercial Construction (Based on Valuation):
$1 to $1,000 N/A N/A
$1,001 - $2,000 (for 2019 this category is $1-$2,000) $ 77.00 $ 77.00
Each addtl $1,000 from $2,001 - $25,000 $ 15.00 $ 15.00
Each addtl $1,000 from $25,001 - $50,000 $ 11.00 $ 11.00
Each addtl $1,000 from $50,001 - $100,000 $ 7.00 $ 7.00
Each addtl $1,000 from $100,001 - $500,000 $ 6.00 $ 6.00
Each addtl $1,000 from $500,001 - $1,000,000 $ 5.00 $ 5.00
Each addtl $1,000 from $1,000,001 - $25,000,000 $ 4.00 $ 4.00
Each addtl $1,000 from $25000,001 and up $ 4.00 $ 4.00

Residential Construction (Based on Valuation):

$1 - $500 N/A N/A
$501 - $1,000 (For 2019, this category is $1-$1,000) $ 36.00 $ 36.00
Each addtl $1,000 from $1,001 to $25,000 $ 7.00 $ 7.00
Each addtl $1,000 from $25,001 to $50,000 $ 6.50 $ 6.50
Each addtl $1,000 from $50,001 to $100,000 $ 5.00 $ 5.00
Each addtl $1,000 above $100,000 $ 4.00 $ 4.00

Building Permit Reports $ 10.00 $ 10.00

Carnival or Circus $ 1,675.00 $ 1,675.00

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

Supplemental (continued)
List of Fees
License and Permit Type 2021 Fee 2022 Fee

Change of Address $ 30.00 $ 30.00

Christmas Tree Sales Permit $ 50.00 $ 50.00

Conditional Use Permit $ 175.00 $ 175.00

Conventional Rezoning $ 155.00 $ 155.00

Demolition Permit: Permit Fee $ 40.00 $ 40.00

Demolition - Cleanup Deposit Required $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00
Demolition - Abandonment of Water/Sewer
Minimum $ 500.00 $ 500.00
Maximum $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00

Driveway Permit
First Business / Industrial & Repairs
First Residential & Repairs
Driveay (Residential) $ 30.00 $ 30.00
Driveway (Commercial) $ 40.00 $ 40.00
*Fee revised per action of City Council 04/16/2018

Emergency Alarm Systems:

Business $ 105.00 $ 105.00
User Fee $ 42.00 $ 42.00
False Alarm Fee 1-4 in 6 month period No charge No charge
False Alarm Fee 5-6 in 6 month period, per alarm $ 27.00 $ 27.00
False Alarm Fee 7 or more in 6 month period, per alarm $ 37.00 $ 37.00

Electric Contractor $ 170.00 $ 170.00

Electrical Permits (Set by State) $ 50.00 $ 50.00

Excavation Permit
Trenches or bores over 200' $ 50.00 $ 50.00
Each Additional 200' $ 25.00 $ 25.00
Work Performed without a Permit $ 100.00 $ 100.00

Excavator $ 115.00 $ 115.00

Fire Department Administered CPAT Testing $ 125.00 $ 125.00

Fire Permits $ 57.00 $ 57.00

Fire Protection - Outside City Limits (Minimum Fee) $ 1,120.00 $ 1,120.00

* This fee is based on valuation of property at
site with listed fee as a minimum charge.

Fire Response - Outside City Limits/Negligence/Violation of Law Std Hourly Rate + Std Hourly Rate +
(Minimum Charge of $250) Materials Materials
Standard Hourly Rate:
Per Hour, Per Vehicle $ 100.00 $ 100.00
Per Hour, Per Person $ 50.00 $ 50.00

Fireworks Display Permit $ 280.00 $ 280.00

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

Supplemental (continued)
List of Fees
License and Permit Type 2021 Fee 2022 Fee
Food and Beverage Licenses:
Alcoholic Beverage License:
Application Fee:
New Application $ 335.00 $ 335.00
Renewal Application $ 70.00 $ 70.00

Issuance Fee:
Class 1 General On & Off Sale Alcoholic Beverage $ 69,160.00 $ 69,160.00
Class 2 Off-Sale Alcoholic Beverage $ 42,560.00 $ 42,560.00
Class 3 Off- and/or On-Sale Wine & Beer Only $ 5,320.00 $ 5,320.00
Class 4 Food & Beverage establishment
Less than 100 seats $ 31,920.00 $ 31,920.00
100 Seats or More $ 69,160.00 $ 69,160.00
Class 5 Hotel-Motel Alcoholic Beverages $ 37,240.00 $ 37,240.00
Class 5.1 Hotel-Motel Limited Service Wine & Beer $ 4,255.00 $ 4,255.00
Class 9 Bowling Center $ 19,150.00 $ 19,150.00
Class 12 Domestic Distillery $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00
Class 14 Wine & Beer Maker $ 1,065.00 $ 1,065.00
Class 15 Retail Wine $ 1,065.00 $ 1,065.00
Class 16 Brewer Taproom $ 1,065.00 $ 1,065.00
Class 17 Manufacturing Distillery $ 1,065.00 $ 1,065.00

Transfer Fee: $ 16,425.00 $ 16,425.00

Annual Fee:
Class 1 General On & Off Sale Alcoholic Beverage $ 3,895.00 $ 3,895.00
Class 2 Off-Sale Alcoholic Beverage $ 3,895.00 $ 3,895.00
Class 3 Off and/or On-Sale Wine & Beer $ 1,670.00 $ 1,670.00
Class 4 Food & Beverage establishment $ 3,895.00 $ 3,895.00
Class 5 Hotel-Motel Alcoholic Beverages $ 3,895.00 $ 3,895.00
Class 5.1 Hotel-Motel Limited Service Wine & Beer $ 1,110.00 $ 1,110.00
Class 6 Fairgrounds Beer $ 1,670.00 $ 1,670.00
Class 7 Golf Course $ 1,110.00 $ 1,110.00
Class 8 Airport $ 165.00 $ 165.00
Class 8.1 Kraft Field Beer $ 1,110.00 $ 550.00
Class 8.2 Alerus Center $ 3,335.00 $ 3,335.00
Class 8.3 Engelstad Arena $ 3,335.00 $ 3,335.00
Class 9 Bowling Center $ 3,895.00 $ 3,895.00
Class 11* Special or limited license, per license $ 55.00 $ 55.00
Class 12 Domestic Distillery $ 615.00 $ 615.00
Class 14 Wine & Beer Maker $ 390.00 $ 390.00
Class 15 Retail Wine $ 615.00 $ 615.00
Class 16 Brewer Taproom $ 615.00 $ 615.00
Class 17 Manufacturing Distillery $ 615.00 $ 615.00
* You must hold a permanent Alcoholic Beverage License with the City of Grand Forks in order to apply for
a Class 11 license.

Concession Stand $ 50.00 $ 50.00

Food Establishment (Restaurant)

Risk Level 1 $ 130.00 $ 130.00
Risk Level 2 $ 250.00 $ 250.00
Risk Level 3 $ 325.00 $ 325.00
Per seat, $150 maximum $ 1.00 $ 1.00

Mobile Food Unit Risk Level 1 $ 75.00 $ 75.00

Risk Level 2 $ 125.00 $ 125.00
Risk Level 3 $ 175.00 $ 175.00

School $ 150.00 $ 150.00

Reinspection Fee $ 100.00 $ 100.00

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

Supplemental (continued)
List of Fees
License and Permit Type 2021 Fee 2022 Fee
Food and Beverage Licenses Con't:

Temporary Food Service

Per Day (Annual cap $180) $ 30.00 $ 30.00
Additional Stand (Same Event) $ 10.00 $ 10.00

Games of Chance
Site Authorization $ 100.00 $ 100.00
Site Authorization - Short Term $ 50.00 $ 50.00

Bingo / Raffle - 1 event $ 10.00 $ 10.00

Bingo / Raffle - More than 1 event $ 25.00 $ 25.00

Grocery Store:
Risk Level 1 $ 130.00 $ 130.00
Risk Level 2 $ 250.00 $ 250.00
Risk Level 3 $ 325.00 $ 325.00

Hotel / Motel
100 Guest Rooms or Less $ 115.00 $ 115.00
Over 100 Guest Rooms $ 225.00 $ 225.00

House Mover $ 170.00 $ 170.00

Mechanical Installers:
Journeyman $ 55.00 $ 55.00
Master $ 170.00 $ 170.00

Mechanical TestFee Journeyman $ 25.00 $ 25.00

Master $ 40.00 $ 40.00

Mechanical Permits:
Issuance Fee (in addition to below) $ 30.00 $ 30.00
Furnace Up to 2Hp/100Mbh $ 17.00 $ 17.00
Over 100 Mbh $ 21.00 $ 21.00
Rooftop HVAC Unit $ 21.00 $ 21.00
Unit Heater $ 17.00 $ 17.00
Air Conditioning Unit $ 12.00 $ 12.00
Compressor / Boiler :
Up to 3Hp/100Mbh $ 17.00 $ 17.00
Over 3 to 15 HP/Over 100 to 500 Mbh $ 30.00 $ 30.00
Over 15 to 30 HP/Over 500 to 1,000 Mbh $ 41.00 $ 41.00
Over 30 to 50 HP/Over 1,000 to 1,750 Mbh $ 61.00 $ 61.00
Over 50 HP/Over 1,750 Mbh $ 100.00 $ 100.00
Air Handling UnitsUp to 10,000 Cfm $ 12.00 $ 12.00
Over 10,000 Cfm $ 21.00 $ 21.00
Exhaust Fan - Kitchen/Laboratory/Dryers/Bath $ 12.00 $ 12.00
Incinerator - Commercial $ 80.00 $ 80.00
Factory Built Fireplace $ 12.00 $ 12.00
Gas Water Heater $ 12.00 $ 12.00
Gas Range or Oven $ 12.00 $ 12.00
Gas Grill or Fryer $ 12.00 $ 12.00
Gas Broiler $ 12.00 $ 12.00
Gas Piping Outlet System of 1 to 4 Outlets $ 8.00 $ 8.00
Each Additional Outlet over 4 $ 1.50 $ 1.50
Air to Air Exchanger $ 12.00 $ 12.00
Mobile Home Connection $ 17.00 $ 17.00
VAV/Similar Type Box $ 12.00 $ 12.00

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

Supplemental (continued)
List of Fees
License and Permit Type 2021 Fee 2022 Fee

Moving Permit
Initial Inspection Fee (1st hour of inspector time) $ 30.00 $ 30.00
(May also include charges for : additional hours of
inspector's time and mileage at a rate to be determined
by Finance Dept; time and overtime by City employee
involved with moving of the building (City Electrician,
Street Dept, etc.) and a 10% administrative fee)
Application Fee $ 145.00 $ 145.00
Permit to move structure out of the City $ 30.00 $ 30.00

Noxious Weed Cutting Fee Varies by lot size Varies by lot size
Fee will be actual contractor charge to the City times 2,
plus an administrative fee of $150. Set by City Council
action 12/15/2014

Outside Seating Permit Initial Fee $ 100.00 $ 100.00

Renewal if no changes from initial $ 25.00 $ 25.00
Parabolic Antenna Permit $ 55.00 $ 55.00

Parking Ramp Space Rental

Ramp Space - Standard Permit, per month $ 40.00 $ 40.00
Ramp Space - Reserved Stall, per month $ 60.00 $ 60.00
Surface Lot, per month $ 40.00 $ 40.00

Pawnbroker $ 225.00 $ 225.00

Plumber -Master $ 170.00 $ 170.00

Plumbing Permit Fee

Per Fixture $ 9.00 $ 9.00
Sewer Tap $ 25.00 $ 25.00
Water Connect $ 25.00 $ 25.00
Storm Sewer Tap $ 25.00 $ 25.00
Water Softener $ 25.00 $ 25.00
Sump Pump $ 9.00 $ 9.00
Underground Lawn Sprinkler $ 45.00 $ 45.00

Rental License Per Unit for 1& 2 Family $ 25.00 $ 25.00

Retail Meat
Risk Level 1 $ 130.00 $ 130.00
Risk Level 2 $ 250.00 $ 250.00
Risk Level 3 $ 325.00 $ 325.00

Private Collector of Recyclable Materials (3 yr. License) $ 670.00 $ 670.00

Private Collector of Rubbish, Construction Refuse $ 60.00 $ 60.00

Concept Development Plan $ 280.00 $ 280.00
Amendment $ 280.00 $ 280.00

Detailed Development Plan $ 225.00 $ 225.00

Amendments Approved by Engineering or Planning
Estimated Market Value less than $5,000 $ 85.00 $ 85.00
Estimated Market Value more than $5,000 $ 250.00 $ 250.00

Appeal filed with Planning and Zoning Commission $ 85.00 $ 85.00

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

Supplemental (continued)
List of Fees
License and Permit Type 2021 Fee 2022 Fee
Sewer Connection Fees(per unit)
Residential (1 & 2 Family) (Unit=frontage of lot)
Lot depth 200' or less $ 4.00 $ 4.00
Lot depth more than 200' - add 20% to the total cost $ 4.00 $ 4.00
Multi-Family (Unit=Lot square footage / 200) $ 5.00 $ 5.00
Commercial (Unit =Lot square footage / 200) $ 8.00 $ 8.00

Sexually Oriented Business Business License, Initial $ 100.00 $ 100.00

Business License, Renewal $ 50.00 $ 50.00
Employee License, Initial $ 50.00 $ 50.00
Employee License, Renewal $ 25.00 $ 25.00

Shooting Range $ 85.00 $ 85.00

Sidewalk Builder $ 75.00 $ 75.00

Sidewalk Permit:
Rebuild, replace or repair
New - $15 plus $0.05 per lineal ft.
Sidewalk (Residential $ 35.00 $ 35.00
Sidewalk (commercial) $ 75.00 $ 75.00
*Fee adjusted per action of City Council April 16, 2018

Sign Hanger Regular $ 115.00 $ 115.00

Neon $ 120.00 $ 120.00

Sign Permit
Regular Sign (Per $1,000 of Valuation) $ 21.00 $ 21.00
Neon Sign (Per $1,000 of Valuation) $ 40.00 $ 40.00

Site Plan Reviews

Improvements ($5,000 or less) $ 85.00 $ 85.00
Improvements (More than $5,000) $ 250.00 $ 250.00

Stormwater Inlet Service Fee N/A $ 50.00

Stormwater Pollution Permit Fee $ 55.00 $ 55.00

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Permit (SWPP)

Base Fee $ 55.00 $ 55.00
Plus per acre $ 16.00 $ 16.00

Major Subdivisions $ 670.00 $ 670.00
Minor Subdivisions $ 390.00 $ 390.00
Variance $ 70.00 $ 70.00

Swimming Pool Base Fee for 1st Pool $ 225.00 $ 225.00

Taxi (Vehicle) Per Vehicle $ 35.00 $ 35.00

Reissue Duplicate Sticker $ 5.00 $ 5.00

Taxi / Chauffer Driver

Application Fee (New Applicants only) $ 20.00 $ 20.00
Annual Fee $ 35.00 $ 35.00
Reissue Duplicate License $ 5.00 $ 5.00

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

Supplemental (continued)
List of Fees
License and Permit Type 2021 Fee 2022 Fee

Tobacco, Retail (Annual):

Dealer $ 85.00 $ 85.00
Vending Machine $ 25.00 $ 25.00

Temporary Buildings Permit $ 50.00 $ 50.00

Towing License
Application Fee (new applicants) $ 25.00 $ 25.00
Annual Fee $ 25.00 $ 25.00

Towing Vehicle Driver's License

Application Fee (new applicants) $ 25.00 $ 25.00
Annual Fee $ 25.00 $ 25.00

Towing Fees:
Street Maintenance (No Impound) $ 55.00 $ 55.00
Vehicle Impound $ 65.00 $ 65.00
(May also include additional charges if any incurred)

Transient Merchant
Annual Fee $ 450.00 $ 450.00
Per Day $ 60.00 $ 60.00
(Also Requires $5,000 Surety Bond)

Vacation of Street, Alley, or Public Ground $ 195.00 $ 195.00

Vehicle Storage Fees

Day 1-7, Per Day $ 7.50 $ 7.50
Each Additional Day $ 5.00 $ 5.00

Wedding Fee $ 60.00 $ 60.00

Zoning Letter $ 50.00 $ 50.00

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

Supplemental (continued)
Utility Fees

2021 Fees 2022 Fees

Standard Rates
Base Container - Single Family 18.89 18.89
Base Container - Apartment or Trailer 13.71 13.71
Businesses - Shared Container (except restaurants*) 13.71 13.71

Businesses (Various changes based on Cost of Service Study)

2-Yard, dumped 1 time a week 58.74 58.74
2-Yard, dumped 2 times a week 117.43 117.43
2-Yard, dumped 3 times a week 176.16 176.16
2-Yard, dumped 4 times a week 234.86 234.86
2-Yard, dumped 5 times a week 293.60 293.60
2-Yard, dumped 6 times a week 352.32 352.32

4-Yard, dumped 1 time a week 101.95 101.95

4-Yard, dumped 2 times a week 203.93 203.93
4-Yard, dumped 3 times a week 305.87 305.87
4-Yard, dumped 4 times a week 408.24 408.24
4-Yard, dumped 5 times a week 509.79 509.79
4-Yard, dumped 6 times a week 611.76 611.76

6-Yard, dumped 1 time a week 134.00 134.00

6-Yard, dumped 2 times a week 269.11 269.11
6-Yard, dumped 3 times a week 403.68 403.68
6-Yard, dumped 4 times a week 538.23 538.23
6-Yard, dumped 5 times a week 672.80 672.80
6-Yard, dumped 6 times a week 807.35 807.35

8-Yard, dumped 1 times a week 178.67 178.67

8-Yard, dumped 2 times a week 357.33 357.33
8-Yard, dumped 3 times a week 536.00 536.00
8-Yard, dumped 4 times a week 714.65 714.65
8-Yard, dumped 5 times a week 893.31 893.31
8-Yard, dumped 6 times a week 1,071.96 1,071.96

300 Gallon, dumped 1 time a week 43.80 43.80

300 Gallon, dumped 2 times a week 87.55 87.55
300 Gallon, dumped 3 times a week 131.31 131.31
300 Gallon, dumped 4 times a week 175.13 175.13
300 Gallon, dumped 5 times a week 218.90 218.90
300 Gallon, dumped 6 times a week 262.70 262.70

*Restaurant Rates - shared container w/other business

R1: 50 seats or less 58.74 58.74
R2: 52-100 seats 108.03 108.03
R3: 101-150 seats 157.53 157.53
R4: 151-200 seats 210.00 210.00
R5: 201-250 seats 263.57 263.57
R6: 251-300 seats (or more) 318.91 318.91

Compactor Service (per dump) 485.36 485.36

10 Yard Open Roll-Off Container, per dump 176.82 176.82
15 Yard Open Roll-Off Container, per dump 203.01 203.01
22 Yard Open Roll-Off Container, per dump 244.93 244.93
30 Yard Open Roll-Off Container, per dump 294.93 294.93
40 Yard Open Roll-Off Container, per dump 368.79 368.79

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

Supplemental (continued)
Utility Fees

2021 Fees 2022 Fees

Sanitation (Con't)
Landfill Rates:
Minimum Fee 20.00 20.00
Inert (per ton) 26.77 26.77
MSW (per ton) 52.39 52.39
Special Waste, Ash, Contaminated Soil (per ton) 39.86 39.86
Asbestos, Minimum Fee 120.00 120.00
20 yds 300.00 300.00
30-40 yds 450.00 450.00
50 yd - semi trailer load 750.00 750.00

Miscellaneous Fees
Extra Pickup, Minimum Fee (first 5 minutes) 35.00 35.00
$1.00 per minutes after first 5 minutes
Appliance Pickup, per appliance 35.00 35.00
Car Tire, per tire 5.50 5.50
Truck Tire, per tire 10.50 10.50
Tractor Tire, per tire 15.50 15.50
Container Cleanout/Pressure Wash:
Side Load 60-300 Gallon 25.00 25.00
Front Load 1 - 8 yd 50.00 50.00
Roll Off 10 - 40 yd 125.00 125.00
Roll Off Compactor 200.00 200.00

Standard Rates
Base Fee, per month:
Residential 14.39 14.68
Commercial/Light Industrial 14.84 15.36
Heavy Industrial Use - JR Simplot 2,873 2,873
Heavy Industrial Use - Red River Biorefinery 2,658.00 2,729.00
East Grand Forks (Monthly) 1,930.00 2,161.00

Residential Flow (per 1,000 gallons) 3.35 3.41

Commercial/Light Industrial Flow (per 1,000 gallons) 3.47 3.59
Heavy Industrial Flow - JR Simplot (per 1,000 gallons)* 2.62 2.62
Heavy Industrial Flow - Red River Biorefinery(per 1,000 gallons) 1.59 1.10
Wholesale - East Grand Forks (per 1,000 gallons) 1.12 1.07
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (per pound) 0.1479 0.1523
Suspended Solids (SS) (per pound) 0.0746 0.0768
Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) (per pound) 0.3195 0.3355

Fats, Oils, and Grease Control (FOG) (per month):

Grease Interceptor (FOGGI) 2.75 2.75
Grease Trap/Interceptor (FOGTRAP) 11.95 11.95
Without Device (FOGNOTRAP) 71.58 71.58
Non-Active (FOGINACTIVE) 2.89 2.89
FOG Reinspection Fee 50.00 50.00
Industrial Waste 135.00 135.00
Waste Hauler Permit 100.00 100.00
One Time Hauler Fee 25.00 25.00
Sanitary Dump Fee: Minimum 25.00 25.00
Sanitary Dump Fee ( per 1,000 gallons) 55.00 55.00
After hours dump fee (Dependent on staff availability) 150.00 150.00

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

Supplemental (continued)
Utility Fees

2021 Fees 2022 Fees


Standard Rates
Base Fee, per month:
Residential (all sizes) 8.73 8.73
Commercial/Light Industrial/Heavy Industrial:
3/4" Meter 9.58 9.58
5/8" Meter 8.73 8.73
1" Meter 15.47 15.47
1 1/2" Meter 40.96 40.96
2" Meter 58.01 58.01
3" Meter 105.73 105.73
4" Meter 264.37 264.37
6" Meter 477.59 477.59
8" Meter 798.26 798.26
Flow (per 1,000 gallons):
Residential 4.51 4.51
Commercial/Light Industrial:
5/8" - 1" Meters 4.40 4.40
1 1/2" - 3" Meters 4.01 4.01
4" - 8" Meters 3.69 3.69
Heavy Industrial Flow 3.37 3.37
Hydrant Consumption 4.51 4.51
Airport Fire Flow 3.89 3.89
Wholesale - GFAFB 1.85 2.13
Bulk Rate (Sold at Vendor Location)
(per 125 gallons including sales tax) 1.00 1.00
Non-City Rates
Base Fee per month:
Residential 14.18 14.18
Commericial :
3/4" Meter 14.18 14.18
1" Meter 22.53 22.53
1 1/2" Meter 60.81 60.81
Flow (per 1,000 gallons):
Residential 6.63 6.63
Commericial :
3/4" Meter 6.54 6.54
1" Meter 6.41 6.41
1 1/2" Meter 5.96 5.96
Miscellaneous Fees
Car Wash 30.00 30.00
Service Inspection - High Water Use (per hour)
Rate listed is for 1 person
(residential small commercial)
Additional Labor Charge may apply. 30.00 30.00
Frozen Meters (per hour)
Plus parts and summarizing the cost up to
the cost of the meter.
If the total price exceeds the cost of a new
meter, a new meter is installed. 50.00 50.00
Frozen Hydrants (Private) 75.00
Meter Test - Owner's Request
(Flat fee based on meter size)
5/8" - 1 1/2" meters 30.00 30.00
2" Compound 75.00 75.00
3" - 4" meters 75.00 75.00
The owner or person requesting the test is
required to witness the test.
Meter Test (Surrounding Area), per meter
1 1/2" or less 30.00 30.00
Saw Hook-ups (flat fee, per hook-ups) 30.00 30.00

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

Supplemental (continued)
Utility Fees

2021 Fees 2022 Fees

Waterworks (Con't)
Hydrant Meters:
Installation Fee 30.00 30.00
Every 2 weeks, plus the cost of water 15.00 15.00
Fire Hose (No Longer Renting Hoses as of 2022) 5.00 0.00
Ice Rinks (flat fee) 50.00 50.00
Taps (In Town) :
3/4" 100.00 100.00
1" 100.00 100.00
1 1/2" 100.00 100.00
2" 150.00 150.00
4" 200.00 200.00
6" 250.00 250.00
8" 250.00 250.00
Taps (Out of Town) :
Double in town fee, plus See Above See Above
per mile reimbursement (based on IRS rate), plus
man-hour charge, per hour 30.00 30.00
Meter Charges - updated annually based on meter and ERT bid Contact Contact
prices Department Department

Standard Rates
Base Fee Residential, per month:
Stormwater 3.18 3.30
Stormwater Residential Development (SWRES) 3.18 3.31
Stormwater Residential Undeveloped (SWRESUNDEV) 3.18 3.31
Flood Protection Project/Greenway 1.49 1.52
Flood Protection/Greenway Undeveloped
Base Fee Nonresidential:
Stormwater (per run off unit) 1.40 1.45
Stormwater Minimum Charge (per month) 3.18 3.30
Stormwater Community Development (SWCOMMDEV) 3.18 3.31
Stormwater Church, School, Institutional (SWINST) 3.18 3.31
Stormwater Railroad (SWRR) 3.18 3.31
Stormwater Undev or Holding Pond (SWUNDEV) 3.18 3.31
Flood Protection/Greenway(per 1,000 sq. ft.) 0.1390 0.14
Flood Protection/Greenway minimum charge
(per month) 1.49 1.52
Flood/Greenway Commercial (per 1,000)(FLDGWCOM) 1.49 1.52
Flood/Greenway UND (FLDGWUND) 0.0000644 0.0000657

Mosquito Control
Standard Rates
Base Fee Residential, per month, per unit 3.00 3.00
Commercial, per 1,000 square feet 0.0452 0.0452

City of Grand Forks
2022 City Budget

Supplemental (continued)
Utility Fees

2021 Fees 2022 Fees

Environmental Lab Fees (Water, Wastewater, Wastewater Treatment)
Miscellaneous Fees
Alkalinity 10.00 10.00
Ammonia-Nitrogen 25.00 25.00
BOD-CBOD 25.00 25.00
Chlorine residual 30.00 30.00
Conductivity 16.00 16.00
Dissolved Oxygen 35.00 35.00
E coliform 26.00 26.00
Fecal Coliform 30.00 30.00
Hardness 35.00 35.00
Heterotrophic Plate Count 27.00 27.00
MDH* 31.50 31.50
pH 10.00 10.00
Suspended Solids 15.00 15.00
Total Coliform/E coliform 26.00 26.00
Total Organic Carbon 42.00 42.00
Total Phosphorus 23.00 23.00
Turbidity 15.00 15.00
Pool - Total Coliform & HPC 26.00 26.00
Flouride** 18.00 18.00
TKN** 30.00 30.00
Sample Collection Fee (New fee in 2019) 50.00 50.00
After Hours analysis (dependent on staff availability) 150.00 150.00

Utility Account Fees:

New Acccount Fee 10.00 10.00
Shut Off Fee- Regular Office Hours 20.00 20.00
Shut Off Fee - After Hours 50.00 50.00


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