Cargo Midterms Reviewer

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Sec 1211. Time of Unloading Cargo Sec 1212.

Entrance of Vessel through

❑ Generally, unloading of cargoes should be
within official working hours.  Foreign vessels should enter a designated
port of entry only (Sec. 1201);
(Unloading of cargo should be within the
official working hours from 8 am to 5 pm)  Manifest reflects the port of entry;
❑ Unloading of cargoes during official (Necessity means pangangailangan, pag
nonworking hours shall be allowed subject to sinabing designated port of entry it was
payment of the following: being declared at manifest however there
are some cases that the vessel is not
✓ Service fees by airlines, shipping directly enter on a port of entry that not
lines or other interested parties. reflected in the manifest because of this
✓ Possible overtime payments necessities because of stress of weather.
To seek harbor, they will dock on other
(Kapag may natanggap ng notice to berth
saka pa lang magbeberth at kapag
nakapag berth na saka iuunload yung ❑ Entry of foreign vessels in ports, other than
mga cargo during unloading saka the designated one is allowed under the ff
magkakaroon ng mga officers of different circumstances:
parties na nagmomonitor ng mga
(Putting the vessel to another port other
shipment like customs inspector from
than the port of entry)
BOC, officer from cargo handling
operator and representative to PPA to ✓ Stress of weather
monitor the unloading of cargo. Also, ✓ Other necessity (duress of enemies,
winchman who operates the arrastre or system, lockdown, riots,etc)
yung crane. Hindi enough yung working
hours para mag unload ng cargo kaya What happens to the cargoes?
nag eextend sila)  BOC will allow them to enter a port,
❑ These rates are prescribed by the other than the designated port, provided
commissioner of Customs. that the master must submit a protest
(w/in 24 hours after its arrival) indicating
(service fee, shipping lines or other the reasons.
interested parties as well as the possible
overtime payments that will be  The master should also report if any
prescribed by time to time of the cargo is missing or if unloaded
commissioner of customs) necessarily and must produce that such
unloading is really necessary.
-This section pertains to a foreign cargo.
Monitoring of this cargo are important Jettison
because they are foreign origin that ✓ throwing away of cargoes to save lives
means the goods are dutiable thats why and properties.
BOC come into place.
(jettison is accepted if there's
reasonable reason and necessities)
General Average- Pag aambag ambag ng mga Sec 1214. Entry and Clearance of Vessels of a
owner ng cargo to compensate the lost Foreign Government
properties, pati yung nawalan mag aambag din.
❑ The entry and clearance of transport or
supply ship of a foreign government shall be
in accordance with the agreement by and
Sec 1213. Unloading of Vessel in Port from
between the Philippines and the foreign
❑ When necessary , and upon submission of
-Here we speak of reciprocity rule. It
Proof of necessity, The District Collector
means that if a foreign state does not
may allow the unloading of goods and be
allow a Philippine registered vessel to
stored under the supervision customs officer,
enter their jurisdiction, the same shall
(upon the arrival of the vessel, master of apply to their vessel.
the vessel must submit a report or proof
Sec 1215. Clearance of Vessel for foreign Port
of necessity 24 hrs after its arrival and
after its submission the decision rest Prior departure, the master of the vessel must
upon to the District Collector) present to the district collector, the ff documents
❑ Can these goods be entered in a customs ✓ Bill of health.
house of the port of entry, other than (From the quarantine officers)
designated Port of Entry? ✓ Three (3) copies of export cargo
manifest on which upon certification of
-Yes, at the request of the master of the
customs officer of the public health
vessel or owner.
service on the port
-This shall be under prejudice of the (for export, because they will depart)
district collector if he or she will allow ✓ Two (2) copies of passenger list.
the entry of these goods under necessity ✓ Register and shipping goods, if the
vessel if or Philippine Registry.
(The master of the vessel should justify ✓ Clearance from the last port of entry
the necessity, and the district collector is ✓ Phil post certificate certifying that it
will be the one approved the unloading of receives a timely notice of sailing.
cargo or its entry) ✓ That the District Collector shall not
❑ Upon departure, part of those cargoes may be permit any vessel to sail for a foreign
reloaded to the vessel and proceed to its port port if the master or agent thereof refuses
of destination. to receive bags of mail delivered to the
❑ Under necessities, the shipping line will be same by the Philippine Postal
subject to storing and safekeeping as well as Corporation for transport upon
the entrance and clearance charges. reasonable compensation.
❑ No port charges (e.g., dockage, berthing fee, (snail mail or not electronically sent)
etc.) shall be collected on these vessels if the
reason for entry is stress of weather, duress of ▪ In case the Postmaster General and the
enemies or other urgent necessities. master or agent do not come to an
agreement concerning the amount of the
compensation to be paid for the carriage
of the mail, the matter shall be submitted
for decision to a Board of Referees to be
composed of three (3) members
appointed, respectively, by the Philippine any colony, district, or people
Postal Corporation, the agency of the with whom the Philippines is at
company to which the vessel concerned peace, until the decision of the
belongs, and the Bureau, who shall fix a President of the Philippines is
reasonable rate of compensation. rendered thereon, or until the
owner or owners shall give a
(In case that philpost and shipping lines
security, in double the value of
do not come to an agreement kung
the vessel and cargo, that it will
magkano yung magiging rate sa pag
not be so employed, if in the
deliver ng mga postal mail)
discretion of the District
Sec 1216. Detention of Warlike Vessel Collector such security will
Containing Arms and Munitions prevent the violation of the
provisions of this section.
 District Collectors shall report to the
proper authorities or detain any vessel of Sec 1217. Oath of Master of Departing Vessel
commercial registry manifestly built for
The master of a departing vessel shall state under
warlike purposes and about to depart
oath that:
from the Philippines with a cargo
consisting principally of arms and ➢ All cargoes conveyed on the vessel,
munitions of war. destined for the Philippines, have been
duly discharged or accounted for
o District Collector shall report
(It is important that they should
even not doing anything to the
report this under oath that all the
proper authorities or may detain
vessel that had been carried. The
any vessel manifestly build for
primary function of the BOC is to
warlike purposes.
assess and collect. Kung may
o The district collector shall report
missing hindi marerender ng
or detain yung mga warlike
BOC yung kanilang mandate of
vessel containing Arms and
collecting and assessing kung
Munitions. If the warlike vessels
hindi nila madidiscover kung
intended to commit hostilities,
talagang na discharge na talaga
hindi sila papayagan makaalis
lahat ng container ban that is
until the decision of the president
carried by the foreign vessel.)
has rendered their own or
➢ A true copy of the outgoing cargo
magbigay ng security double the
manifest has been furnished to the
bonding of the vessel or cargo,
hindi sila papayagan maka
(To maintain important
depart and they will be detained
relationship between Philippines
in the port of entry.
and other foreign government
o when the number of men shipped
upon submission of export cargo
on board or other circumstances
manifest or competent
render it probable that such
authorities like the BOC should
vessel is intended to be
see to it that this vessel should to
employed by the owner or
depart from the Philippines does
owners to cruise or commit
not carry dangerous goods or
hostilities upon the subjects,
other smuggled contrabands
citizens, or property of any
which will affect the foreign
foreign principality or state, or of
country yung isang foreign such extension the original clearance shall be
country wherein dun pupunta nullified.
yung outgoing vessel. There are
(If there are necessities for this departing
also export duties on certain
vessel to extend yung time nila, it will be
allowed by the district collector.
❑ No letters or packets, not enclosed in
Provided that it will be requested by the
properly stamped envelope sufficient to
master of the vessel.)
cover postage, have been received or will be
conveyed, except those relating to the vessel; Sec. 1219. Advance Notice of Aircraft Arrival
and that all mails placed on board the vessel
before its last clearance from the Philippines A. Non-scheduled arrivals
have been delivered at the proper foreign (Hindi alam ng international airport na
port. mag aarrive yung aircraft)
o Philippine Postal Corporations
(All mails know the timely ❑ timely notice of the intended flight shall
sailing of the vessel they may be furnished to the District Collector or
also send mails or parcels sa customs officer in charge prior to arrival.
mga outgoing vessel, under oath
❑ If dependable facilities for giving notice
the master should see to it that
are not available before departure, the
they are properly stamp to cover
use of any radio equipment shall be
postage or freight. Ang isang
appropriate as long as it will result in the
parcel yung binabayad sa
giving of adequate and timely notice of
philpost depend on the stamp
the aircraft's approach.
except those relating to the
vessel) (Importante na yung communication sa
▪ If clearing without passenger, the vessel aircraft would not be hinder of any
will not carry upon the instant voyage, mobile devices kase naka rely yung pilot
from the Philippine port; any passenger sa communication tower)
of any class, or other person not entered
upon the ship's declaration. ❑ upon landing in any area, the government
o (Kung walang linagay na pangalan officers have not arrived, the pilot-in-
sa declaration nila bawal na silang command shall hold the aircraft and any
magsakay instantly) baggage and goods thereon intact and
keep the passengers and crew members
lines do not come to an agreement kung in a segregated place until the inspecting
magkano yung magiging rate sa pag officers arrive.
deliver ng mga postal mail)
(Kapag hindi pa dumadating government
Sec 1218. Extension of time for Clearance officers including customs officer
therefore ang mga passenger and crew
❑ At the time of clearance, the master of a
members especially cargoes should not
departing vessel shall be required to indicate
be unloaded and as a function of customs
the time of intended departure, and if the
to prevent and suppress smuggling)
vessel should remain in port forty-eight (48)
hours after the time indicated, the master B. Scheduled arrivals
shall report to the District Collector for an
extension of time of departure, and without ❑ Such advance notice will not be required
in the case of an airline arriving in
accordance with the regular schedule
filed with the District Collector for the (yung owner or operator ng aircraft will
Customs District in which the place of pay on such activity which includes
first landing area is situated, and also inspecting tha aircraft, goods, passenger
with the quarantine and immigration and baggages. They will be subject to the
officers-in-charge of such place. authority of district collector)
- Before they could have those flight Emergency landing:
numbers kailangan cleared muna sa
❑ Should an emergency or forced landing
CAAP (Civil Aviation Authoritymof
be made by an aircraft coming into the
the Philippines) or CAB (Civil
Philippines at a place outside the
Aviation Board) so that magkaroon
jurisdiction of the latter, the pilot-in-
ng departure or arrival. Therefore,
command shall not allow goods,
in this case advance notice shall not
baggage, passenger, or crew member
be required.
to be removed or to depart from the
landing place without permission of a
customs officer, unless such removal or
Sec. 1220. Landing at International Airport of
departure is necessary for purposes of
safety, communication with customs
aircrafts arriving in the Philippines from any officers, or preservation of life, health, or
foreign port or place shall make the first landing property.
at an international airport of entry, Except, in
❑ As soon as practicable, the pilot-in-
case of emergency or forced landings, unless
command, or a member of the crew-in-
permission to land elsewhere other than at an
charge, or the owner of the aircraft,
international airport of entry is first obtained
shall communicate with the customs
from the Commissioner.
officer at the intended place of first
International Airport in the Philippines landing or at the nearest international
airport or other customs port of entry
- NAIA in the area and make a full report of
- Mactan International Airport the circumstances of the flight and of
- Puerto princesa International Airport the emergency or forced landing.
(Allowed sila basta ang condition is kung mag (Kapag nagkaroon ng emergency
tatranship ka from one airport to another, dapat landing and pinaka consideration ni
magland ka muna sa isang International airport cutoms is health and safety ng mga
of entry) passenger pero ang pinaka aim is yung
Landing elsewhere than in the international bagahe.)
airport of entry.
❑ the owner, operator, or person in Sec. 1221. Report of Arrival and Entry of
charge of the aircraft shall pay the Aircraft
expenses incurred in inspecting the
aircraft, goods, passengers, and baggage ❑ The pilot-in-command of any aircraft
carried thereon, and such aircraft shall arriving from a foreign port or place shall
be subject to the authority of the immediately report its arrival to the
District Collector at the airport while District Collector at the airport of entry
within its jurisdiction. or to the customs officer detailed to meet
the aircraft at the place of first landing,
(upon arrival, Aircraft shall be boarded general declaration which shall contain
by quarantine officer. Magkakaroon pa the following data, unless any of such
din ng customs formality or customs data is otherwise presented on a separate
boarding operations wherein ang official form.
mauuna umakyat ay quarantine officer • Name of owner or operator of
and after that the pratique or health aircraft, registration marks and
clearance shall be granted. Ma gagrant nationality of aircraft, and flight
lang yung health clearance kapag number of identification;
walang contagious disease na na grant (All airlines operating here in
ang quarantine officer. Kapag ma found Philippines cannot operate
out na may contagious disease yung isa without the franchise from the
sa mga passenger sa aircraft, congress. Than ema of the owner
iququarantine sila or mahohold yung here is the one nan aka reflect sa
mga passenger in a certain period of time license to operate granted by the
or I checheck one by one.) congress)
• Points of clearance and entry,
❑ Upon arrival, such aircraft shall be
and date of arrival.
boarded by a quarantine officer, and
(Point of clearance or
after pratique or health clearance is
pinaggalingan, yung entry dito
granted, shall be boarded by a customs
sa Philippines)
officer; subsequently no person shall be
• Health and customs clearance at
permitted to board or leave the aircraft
the last airport of departure.
without the permission of the customs
officer. • Itinerary of aircraft, including
information as to airport of
(Hindi na iniissuehan ulit ng pratique origin and departure dates.
kapag nag tranship ka on one another (when we say itinerary it is the
airport but there is exemption to the rule route including info abt origin,
wherein pag inakyat sila ng quarantine departure, crew members.
officers at nagkaroon ng disease and Basically less than 10 yung crew
isang crew, in those instances kailangan ng airplane)
pa din ng pratique para maka proceed si • Names and nationality of crew
vessel or makapag unload) members
• Passengers manifest showing
❑ The pilot-in-command or any other
places of embarkation and
authorized agent of the owner or operator
of the aircraft shall make the necessary
(embarkation, pagsampa sa
entry. No such aircraft shall, without
eroplano and disembarkation
previous permission from the District
Collector, depart from the place of first
landing or discharge goods, passengers, • Cargo manifest showing
or baggage. information as to airway bill
number, the number of
Section 1222. Documents Required in packages related to each airway
Making Entry For Aircraft bill number, nature of goods,
destination, and gross weight,
(a) For the purpose of making entry, there
together with a copy of each
shall be presented to the boarding
airway bill securely attached
customs officer four (4) copies of a
• Store list (In general, hindi pwede mag alter ng
(Pertaining to salun store and cargo. Except by means of amendment ng
sea store. Sea store are pilot in command or agent ng aircraft.
provisions for consumption of However, hindi na rin pwede I modify or
crew and salun store ayon yung amend kapag yung invoice that is
pangbenta nila. Required yung covered by manifest has been recorded in
submission ng store list or the the office of appraiserEXCEPT kung ang
provisions of the crew should be modification mo is because of clerical
enough in the crew, kapag sobra error)
yon may assumption na binenta
Sec. 1223. Manifests for the Commission on
na magiging dutiable. Bago sila
Audit (COA) and District Collector
mag depart, Hinihingi ulit ng
BOC yung store list para ❑ Upon arrival of an aircraft from a foreign
malaman kung may na consume, port, the Bureau shall provide
nawawala.) electronic copies of the manifest to the
• Such other documents as may be Chairperson of the COA. The master
required by the Bureau. shall immediately present to the District
(b) The general declaration shall be written Collector the original copy of the cargo
in English and duly signed by the pilot- manifest properly endorsed by the
in-command or operator of the aircraft, boarding officer, and for inspection, the
or the authorized agent. The section on aircraft's register or other documents in
health, and customs clearances, however, lieu thereof, together with the clearance
shall be signed only by the pilot-in- and other papers granted to the aircraft at
command or when necessary, by a crew the port of departure for the Philippines.
member when the general declaration
itself has been signed by a non-crew (Pagdating ng aircraft magkakaron ng
member. If the aircraft does not carry customs boarding operation and
cargoes or passengers, such facts must be magsusubmit ng pilot in command ng
shown in the manifest. mga docu,ents sa boarding team, yung
(c) A cargo manifest shall in no case be mga copy ng cargo manifest is
changed or altered after entry of the pipirmahan ng customs boarding team or
aircraft, except by means of an customs boarding officer na lalabas na
amendment by the pilot-in-command or endorse na yung manifest na yon, and
authorized agent thereof, under oath, and then yung endorse na cargo manifest ay
attached to the original isusubmit kay district collector. Ang
manifest: Provided, That after the concern lang ni COA is yung cargo
invoice and/or goods declaration manifest)
covering an importation have been Sec. 1224. Clearance of Aircraft for Foreign
received and recorded in the office of the Port
appraiser, no amendment shall be
allowed except when it is obvious that a (a) Any aircraft bound to a foreign port
clerical error or any other discrepancy shall, before departure, be granted
has been committed without any clearance by the Commissioner at an
fraudulent intent in the preparation of the airport of entry where such aircraft
manifest, the discovery of which could has been authorized to make its
not have been made until after complete landing
examination of the importation.
(b) Before clearance shall be granted bill securely attached
to an aircraft bound to a foreign port, thereto;
there shall be presented to the ▪ Store list showing stores
District Collector or to the customs loaded.
officer detailed at the place of (kapag nag load ng
departure four (4) copies of a panibagong provisions
general declaration signed by the hinihingi ulit yung store list
pilot-in-command or authorized para malaman jung ilan
agent of an aircraft which shall nadagdag
contain the following data:
▪ Name of owner or operator
of aircraft, registration Sec. 1225. Oath of Person-in-Charge of
marks and nationality of Departing Aircraft
aircraft, and flight number of
▪ Port of clearance, data  The pilot-in-command or authorized
thereof and destination; agent of such departing aircraft shall also
▪ Health and customs state under oath to the effect that.
▪ Itinerary of aircraft, 1. All cargoes conveyed on the aircraft
including information as to destined to the Philippines have been
airport of destination and duly discharged and accounted for;
departure date; and
(This is necessary kase pag (Under oath dapat yung pilot in
alis nila dito sa pilipinas and command or authorized agent of
mag transit. Dapat alam aircraft should oath that the cargoes
kung san sila nag transit conveyed on that aircraft has been
kape kapag may duly discharged or accounted for.)
nawawalang kargamento at
mag coconduct ng 2. The aircraft has not received nor will
investigation pwede nila convey any letter or packet not
maging lead kung saan nila enclosed in properly stamped
nababa) envelope sufficient to cover postage,
except those relating to the cargo of
▪ Names and nationality of the aircraft, and that there was
crew members; delivery to the proper foreign port of
▪ Passengers manifest all mails placed on board said aircraft
showing places of before clearance from the
destination; Philippines.
▪ Export cargo manifest (Hindi pwede tumanggap ng mga
showing information as to mails or parcels na walang stamp to
airway bill number, the cover sufficient amount ng postage.
number of packages related When we say postage it refers to the
to each airway bill number, freight.)
nature of goods, destination, ❑ If an aircraft is cleared to depart without
and gross weight, together passengers, the aircraft shall not carry
with a copy of each airway any passenger thereon.
❑ A record shall be made and kept open to Answer: 4 hours after its arrival to the
public inspection in every customs office port of necessity
at an airport of entry of the dates of 8. How many copies of the export cargo
arrival and entry of all aircraft. manifest must be submitted by the master
of the vessel to secure clearance before
Answer: three (3) copies
Customs Boarding Operations
9. The entry and clearance of transport or
- Before quarantine officer allow customs supply ship of a foreign government shall
officer, mga people from PDEA, PNP to be in accordance with the agreement by
board yung foreign vessel. Kailangan and between___________________.
mag issue muna yung quarantine officer Answer: Philippines and the foreign
ng pratique. The document would government
warrant free from any contagious 10. What will be the indication that a customs
officer my now board an aircraft after its
landing at an international airport of entry?
Answer: NONE

1. Who is required to indicate the time of 11. Which among the following shall report to
intended departure? proper authorities any vessel of
Answer: Master of the Vessel commercial registry manifestly built for
2. Which among the following shall be warlike purposes and about to depart from
responsible for reporting the arrival of a the Philippines with a cargo consisting
foreign aircraft to the District Collector or principally of arms and munitions of war?
to the customs officer detailed to meet the Answer: District Collector
aircraft at the place of first landing? 12. Who may grant the entry of goods
Answer: Pilot in Command unloaded from a vessel which entered to
3. which among the following refer to the act a port from necessity?
of throwing away of cargoes to save life or Answer: District Collector
property at sea?
Answer: Jettison 13. For nonscheduled arrivals, Before an
4. What is the allowable period wherein aircraft comes into any area in the
vessels may extend their stay in a port of Philippines from any place outside
entry? thereof, a timely notice of the _______
Answer: 48 hours max shall be furnished to the District Collector
5. Who are the composition of the board of or other customs officer-in-charge.
referees? Answer: Intended flight
Answer: Philippine Postal 14. Vessels which encountered stress of
Corporation, BOC and, agent of the weather my be allowed to enter a port of
vessel entry, other than her designated port of
6. How much is the security for warlike entry. Goods which were unloaded from
vessels? necessity may be allowed to enter the
Answer: NONE port, other than her designated port of
double the value of the vessel and cargo entry, and may be reloaded to proceed to
7. What is the period wherein the master of its original port of entry.
the vessel, after its entrance to port out of
necessity, make a protest under oath Answer: Both statements are correct
setting forth the causes of such necessity?
15. Notice of arrivals for all incoming aircrafts (BOC Function- Suppression and
are expected by the Bureau of Customs, prevention of smuggling and facilitation
the District Collector in Particular. Aircraft of International trade, In addition to that
operators or its agent are likewise part of the function of the BOC is the
expected by the BOC to submit a copy of
supervision and control foreign vessels
their cargo and passenger manifest.
Answer: 1st statement is true, 2nd is which the Bay Service Section executes.)
false The Bay Service Section shall be headed
by a Chief, who shall have direct
supervision and control over all
MANUAL personnel therein. He (CHIEF) shall issue
instructions to the Customs Senior
Administrative Provisions
Boarding Officer (Part of Boarding
❑ Bay Service Section or equivalent office team), and who shall in turn be held.
Uniform & Insignia (Piers and Inspection
responsible for their proper execution of
the instructions given from time to time
❑ Duties & Responsibilities of COOIII
and to render reports.
(Customs Senior Boarding Officer)
❑ Duties & Responsibilities of COOI Uniforms & Insignia (Piers and Inspection
(Customs Inspector) Division)
❑ Port Utilization Section
❑ Duties & Responsibilities of Assistant (Insignia- Logo of the BOC or particular
Customs Operations Officer office in the BOC)
(Wharfingers) ➢ The Chief, Bay Service Section,
❑ Duties & Responsibilities of Assistant Customs Senior Boarding Officers,
Customs Operations Officer (Designated Customs Inspectors, Customs Guards
Assistant Wharfingers) and Wharfingers shall always wear the
❑ Duties & Responsibilities of Assistant appropriate and prescribed uniform,
Customs Operations Officer (Customs insignia, name plate, Customs badge,
Guards) black shoes and regulation cap. (The
❑ Duties & Responsibilities of Assistant essence of wearing proper uniform is to
Customs Operations Officer. establish authority)
(Designated Customs Gatekeeper


Duties & Responsibilities of Customs
➢ The Bay Service Section oversees Operations Officer III (Customs Senior Boarding
boarding formalities and the entrance Officer)
and clearance of foreign vessels. It
supervises and implements security (When we ay COO III it refers to customs Senior
measures in the discharging/loading of Boarding Officer, however this is for the part of
import/expo shipments as well as to BOARDING OPERATIONS or Operation side of
incoming/outgoing crew, passengers BOC NOT the assessment side)
and visitors on board such vessels. ❑ Board incoming foreign vessels outside
the breakwater or harbor, unless
prevented by stress of weather. When presence of the Customs Inspector, may
boarding a vessel, the Customs Senior break the seal and allow the withdrawal
Boarding Officer shall be assisted by the of such quantities as may be authorized,
Customs Inspector assigned on a vessel. and re-seal the sea store compartment
(Breakwater- To protect the vessel from after such withdrawal.
waves. Boarding of foreign vessel
should be done outside breakwater.) (Part of the responsibility of Customs
❑ During boarding formalities, only the Senor Boarding officer is to seal sea
Customs Senior Boarding Officer and stores, Sea store is being sealed by the
the Customs Inspector shall be allowed BOC to prevent illegal activities.
to enter the Captain's or (master of the Logically speaking the sea store should
vessel) cabin unless the Captain chooses not be sealed because it is a provision in
to give the boarding information to the the crew of the vessel, if it will be sealed
Customs Senior Boarding Officers what is the crew utilize or use however
outside the Captain’s Cabin. BASED on the Operation procedure
❑ Obtain from the Master of a vessel the (SOP) of the BOC naka sealed sya
necessary information as required in because the provision should in
BOC OPM Form No. 15 (Records 01 adequate to the number of crew in a
Vessel Boarded). vessel. Kung mag rere stock sila ng sea
(according to the CMTA upon arrival of store, sinusulat din ng mga customs
foreign vessel the master of the vessel officer. Siniseal nila yon para hindi nila
provide documents to the Customs maibaba.)
boarding team,like Manifest; the most - Citizens charter is a part of the abidance
important document that the master or of BOC to follow the mandate of the
the captain of the vessel should provide government to issue documents to the
to the boarding officers because it public, para malaman ng public kung
contain the info of the cargoes that is pano proseso sa BOC.
being carried by the vessel. Passenger - Lahat ng Checklist Requirement si
list, crew list ,Store list etc.) Master of the vesse nag iissue Actual
Time of Arrival (ATA)- Dito bumabasse
kung sino una magbeberth. So it is
❑ Seal sea stores in the presence of ship's crucial that the authorities indicate the
officer and the Customs Inspector actual time of Arrival
assigned on board. Under penalty of ❑ Sea stores when adjusted by the
law, the Customs seal so affixed shall Collector of Customs to be excessive or
not be broken while their vessel is when duties assessed thereon are not
within the jurisdictional limits of the paid, such excess sea stores shall be
Philippines except if, when the vessel is treated as that provided for in Section
in port and only upon written 2530 of the Tariff and Customs Code of
application to withdraw supplies signed the Philippines, as amended.
by the Master and approved by ❑ See to it that all Customs Inspectors
Collector of Customs or his duly and Customs Guards on duty I are in
authorized representatives. Only the their proper prescribed uniforms. Unless
customs Senior Boarding Officer, in the the Customs Inspectors are properly
uniformed, the Customs Senior Boarding mean is to know if there’s missing
Officer shall not allow their embarking containers.”
on the launch and shall report them as ❑ Be responsible for the proper disposal
absent. of all cargo and stores on board vessels
Report of Customs Senior Boarding under their charge. It is their duty to see
Officer that no cargo or stores of any
(Post Operation/after conducting of description are discharged from, or
Boarding Operation that happen next) received on, the vessel without
❑ Upon his return from an official trip in authority from the Collector of Customs,
the bay, the Customs Senior Boarding or his authorized representative.
Officer shall transmit to the Chief, Bay (Dapat walang bababa na stores from
Service Section (or its equivalent office) the vessel however it may happen with
all reports, entries and other documents the authority of Collector of Customs.
delivered to him by the Master, Agent or Pagdating nila sa designated port at
the Customs Inspector assigned on kaunti na lang provision nila. They are
board vessels. allowed to stock or re-store their
❑ He shall prepare and submit his trip provisions with the authority of collector
report on BOC OPM Form No. 15 of customs or his authorized
(Records of Vessel Boarded) to the Chief, representatibe whick is the Customs
Bay Service Section (or its equivalent Senior Boarding Officer or Customs
office) and make reports of a y deviation Inspector)
from the assignment order issued to the ❑ Represent the Customs Service in his
Customs Inspectors and Customs official relations with the passengers,
Guards. Duties and responsibilities of ship's officers, owners, agents and
Customs Operations Officer I (Customs consignees, and should see to it that the
Inspector) dignity of the service if not impaired.
❑ Supervise the discharge and loading (Dapat alam ng mga passenger yung
of cargo and to supervise continuous boarding operation na ginagawa ng
surveillance to protect the interests of BOC)
the Customs Service. (Tally sheet- ❑ Stay in the vessel to which he has
nilalagyan ni Customs Operations Officer been assigned until he is relieved by
I or COO I kung ilan na yung na discharge proper authority, except as herein after
na container sa vessel at ilan na yung provided, or it be necessary in the
container na na load na sa vessel, to interest of the service that immediate
protect the interest of Customer action be taken.
Service.The MANIFEST and STOWAGE (Hindi porket sila yung nakatoka sa
PLAN can be a reference kung tama yung boarding operations lahat ng pwedeng
number of container na na mangyari inside the vessel during
discharge.Yung interest ng customs customs boarding operations ay
service we have a primary function jurisdiction nila depending on the
which is to suppress and prevent scenario. Example drugs, they should
smuggling. So that all containers shall be seek assistance on the PDEA. Kung yung
duly accounted for. The phrase to drugs ay imported dapat na hindi
“protect the interest of customer service makiela si PDEA, and mangyayari ay
ituturn over yung drugs kay PDEA. Also the cargo handling operations being
PDEA file a case to the importer) done sa baba ng vessel. Yung amo nila
❑ Honor any order, request, or permit of yung BOC)
any description only from the following
named officials: - Arrastre (this are cargo handling
operations done on board the vessel)
❑ Commissioner of Customs or ❑ Instruct the customs guards to conduct
Deputy Commissioner of body search, if necessary, on all persons
Customs; boarding or leaving the vessel; (dapat
❑ Collector of Customs or Deputy walang mababang dutiable items during
Collector for Operations; boarding operations)
❑ Chief or Asst. Chief, Piers & ❑ Require the vessel to have proper
Inspection Division; lighting, when docked at night;
❑ Chief, Bay Service Section; ❑ See to it that the customs guards are in
❑ Customs Senior Boarding proper uniform;
Officers. ❑ He shall report to the Customs Senior
❑ Work in harmony with customs officers Boarding Officer on duty the
of other divisions and with immigrations unexplained absence of any Customs
officers; Guard assigned to him.
❑ Cooperate with quarantine authorities
in the enforcement of quarantine
regulations; - daanan ng mga stevedores or boarding
❑ Familiarize themselves with the customs officers. Every gangway there are
& tariff laws; assigned customs guard under
❑ Refer the matter to the Customs Senior supervision of customs inspector. Dapat
Boarding Officer or Chief, Bay Service mag maintain ng logbook to prevent the
Section (or equivalent office) for illegal activities. Dapat yung inassign na
decision, in case he is in doubt as to the customs guard ay empleyado ng BOC
proper action to be taken. kasi baka magkaroon ng sabwatan or
(Hindi pwedeng mag marunong ka in the insight activities. Dapat yung inassign
proper action that you have to do, dapat nya ay yung tao pa din na naandon time
mag refer or escalate the matter to the to time.
superior or kay COO III)
COOI should also maintain a logbook to keep
❑ Assign a customs guard on each record of events, during his tour of duties, to
gangway or ladder with the instruction include Customs Guard/s sent ashore or to
not to allow any person to board or leave another vessel on official business specifying
the vessel except for stevedores; the following

(stevedores- any employee or contractor ❑ Time of departure;

sa dock na nag loload or unload the ❑ Nature of business;
cargoes. Any person who is related to ❑ Destination;
❑ Where and when he is to report with the help of barge especially kapag
upon the completion of his business; yung item bulk in nature or hindi sya
and naka package and Pier side is the
❑ Time returned. traditional unloading where it will
discharge on the pier.
When Customs Guards are ordered to
 Accomplished Certificate of Inspection
report to the Customs Senior Boarding
Officer's launch at a certain time, a
 Certificate of Identification and Loading
similar note shall be given, addressed to
(CIL); (Certificate of Identification is for
the Customs Senior Boarding Officer.
the item that will temporarily stay in the
These records shall always be rendered
certain period of time or subject to re
on the Iog book furnished to Customs
exportation. Para malaman kung ano
Inspectors, so that absent Customs
yung dinala dito, ayon din yung dinala
Guards can be accounted for. (In
general, naka assign sila sa gangway and
 Certificate of Date of last Cargo
if ever na utusan or may ipagawa dapat
Discharged accomplished by Customs
nakalagay yon sa lo book, so kapag may
Inspector on board and bearing the seal
extra ordinary na mangyari meron silang
of the Master of the vessel, to be
magagamit or lead nila sa investigation.)
submitted to the office of he Chief, Piers
REPORT OF TERMINATION OF DUTY and Inspection Division (or its equivalent
❑ COOI shall immediately report to the  Clearance of a vessel indicating therein
Chief, Bay Service Section (or its the time and date the vessel actually
equivalent section) and submit all sails and the berth assignment and the
reports relative to his assignment; period of time the vessel stays at such
❑ Chief, Bay Service Section shall endorse berths a d/or anchorage for transmittal
the report of COOI to the Chief, Piers & to the Customs Clearance Officer. (All of
Inspection Division (PID); those should be recorded)
❑ Customs Inspectors who was not able to
submit his records and documents
pertinent to his vessel assignment shall
1. The Customs Operations Office 1, is
not be given a new assignment to a new tasked to honor any request or order from
vessel; the proper officials. Which among the
following is not included in the said
report of the COOI shall include: Answer: Quarantine Officer, being
 Duly accomplished Inspector's included in the boarding team
2. Who is responsible for supervising the
Certificate of lading; ( certificate of
loading and unloading of cargo and to
lading is the loading of cargoes)
supervise continuous surveillance to
 Shipside Permits; protect the interests of the Customs
( The 2 kinds of discharge is Shipside Service?
Permits and Pier side) Answer: COO I
- When we say Shipside the discharge of 3. Which among the following is tasked to
cargo done on the side of the vessel maintain a logbook and keep record of all
kahit hindi pa sya nakakadating sa pier
events during a customs boarding Answer: No, COO1 should had sought
formality. permission from the Customs Senior
Answer: Customs Inspector Boarding Officer before went home.
4. Who is responsible for sealing the sea 10. Who among the following is instructed not
store? to allow any person to board or leave the
Answer: None vessel during a customs boarding
5. Which among the following documents will Answer: Customs guard
permit vessels to discharge the cargoes,
alongside, directly to a barge or small
Answer: Shipside Permit
6. The Bay Service Section shall be headed
by a chief. This office, who is headed by a
chief, is under the office of the Piers and
Inspection Division
7. During a customs boarding formality, the
master of the vessel submitted the
documents to the customs boarding team.
During inspection of these documents,
COOIII and COOI insisted that these
documents be inspected inside the
Captain's Cabin. The latter refused and
said that they cannot enter the said Cabin.
Was the action of the Captain correct?
Answer: Yes, in this instance, the
Captain is correct because he has the
right to refuse anybody to enter his
8. Who shall be responsible for assuring that
the customs guard are in proper uniform
and that proper identification be carried at
all times during the conduct of the boarding
Answer: COO III
9. During a customs boarding formality, the
COOI (Customs Inspector) received a call
from his daughter and told him that she was
feeling ill, hence, he immediately dropped
the call and told the customs guard that he
needs to go home and tend to the needs of
his daughter. Understanding the situation,
the customs guard logged the instance on
the logbook and proceeded with their duty.
Did the COOI observed the right protocol
pursuant to the Revised Port Operations
Manual? Kaya mo yan, Ikaw pa ba! Padayon 😊

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