BXP 6401-X - (XX) - Manual Io Rev 1

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NSCM: D2356

Mode S Transponder Level 2 es

BXP 6401-1-(XX) Class 1

BXP 6401-2-(XX) Class 2


Manual DV 69801.03 PN 0584.053-071

Becker Flugfunkwerk GmbH • Baden-Airpark B 108 • 77836 Rheinmünster • Germany

Telephone +49 (0) 7229 / 305-0 • Fax +49 (0) 7229 / 305-217
http://www.becker-avionics.de · e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]

Initial Issue:
December 2005 34-50-08 February 2007
© Copyright by Becker Flugfunkwerk GmbH 77836 Rheinmünster / Germany
All rights reserved. Subject to technical changes.
BXP 6401-X-(XX)




1 February 2007 02/07 Becker

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Title Page TP-1 Feb. 2007 3-7 Dec. 2005

TP-2 2005 3-8 Dec. 2005
3-9 Dec. 2005
Record of Revisions ROR-1 Feb. 2007 3-10 Dec. 2005
ROR-2 blank

List of Effective Pages LEP-1 Feb. 2007

LEP-2 blank

Introduction Intro-1 Dec. 2005

Intro-2 Dec. 2005
Intro-3 Dec. 2005
In tro-4 blank

Table of Contents I-I Dec. 2005

I-II blank
General Description 1-1 Feb. 2007
1-2 Dec. 2005
1-3 Dec. 2005
1-4 Dec. 2005
1-5 Dec. 2005
1-6 Feb. 2007
1-7 Feb. 2007
1-8 blank

Table of Contents II-I Dec. 2005

II-II blank
Installation 2-1 Feb. 2007
2-2 Dec. 2005
2-3 Feb. 2007
2-4 Dec. 2005
2-5 Dec. 2005
2-6 Feb. 2007
2-7 Dec. 2005
2-8 Dec. 2005
2-9 Dec. 2005
2-10 Dec. 2005
2-11 Dec. 2005
2-12 blank

Table of Contents III-I Dec. 2005

III-II Dec. 2005
Operation 3-1 Dec. 2005
3-2 Dec. 2005
3-3 Dec. 2005
3-4 Dec. 2005
3-5 Dec. 2005
3-6 Dec. 2005

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1. Gen eral

The sing le block Mode S trans pon der BXP 6401-X-(XX) is des cri bed in this ma nu al
“Installation and Operation”.

2. Manufacturer

The Mode S trans pon der was de ve lo ped and is ma nu fac tur ed b y :

Be cker Flug funk werk GmbH

Ba den-Airpark B 108
77836 Rhein müns ter / Germany

Te le pho ne: +49 (0) 7229 / 305-0

Te le fax: +49 (0) 7229 / 305-217
http://www.be cker-avionics.de
e-mail: info@be cker-avionics.de or sup port@be cker-avionics.de


The Be cker qua li ty ma na ge ment sys tem is cer ti fied ac cor ding t o :

DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 CERT Reg. - Nr. 12 100 20985


DE.21G.0075 Ap pro val as ma nu fac tu rer to EASA PART 21

DE.145.0166 Ap pro val as main ten an ce or gani za ti on t o


3. Sa fe ty information

n The installation of the Mode S transponder into an aircraft may be carried

out only by an authorized installation company. The country regulations
always have to be observed.

n Do not con nect the unit to AC sour ces.

n Make sure that the unit is con nec ted to a DC sour ce ≤ 33 V DC.

n The unit should be pro tec ted from the air craft po wer supp ly by a de di ca ted
5 A cir cuit brea ker for class 1 and 3 A for class 2.

n Do not con nect the unit with re ver sed po la ri ty to the DC sour ce.

n Do not switch on the unit be fo re the air craft en gi nes are started. Switch off
the unit be fo re the en gi nes are shut down.

n Do not ope ra te the unit un der am bient tem pe ra tu res be low -20° C and abo -
ve + 70° C.

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BXP 6401-X-(XX)

n Voltages > 42 V are possible within the transponder.

n The programming of the address module AM 6400-1 with the ICAO 24-bit
address of the aircraft must be carried out only at an installation company
or in the manfacturer factory.

4. Lay out of manual

The ma nu al is divi ded into three chapters:




5. Re vi sions of the manual

All chan ges to the ma nu al are re cor ded con se cu ti ve ly on the pre-page “Record of
Revi sions”.

6. List of ab bre via tions

AA Ai craft Ad dress (24-bit ICAO)

ADLP Avio nics Data Link Pro ces sor
AI Air craft Iden ti fier
ALT Al ti tu de or trans pon der ALT mode
ATC Air Traf fic Con trol
BIT Built-In Test
CBIT Con ti nu ous Built-In Test
CCS Com pa ny Call Sign
CS Call Sign
DV Ma nu al iden ti fi ca ti on num ber
EASA Eu ro pe an Avia ti on Sa fe ty Agen cy
ELS Ele men ta ry Sur veil lan ce
EHS En han ced Sur veil lan ce
es e = Extended squit ter and s = SI capability
FAA Fe de ral Avia ti on Ad mi nis tra ti on
FL Flight Le v e l
FMS Flight Ma na ge ment Sys tem
FN Flight Num ber
GICB Ground In itia ted Comm-B
GND Ground
ICAO In ter na tio nal Ci vil Avia ti on O r gani za ti on
IBIT In itia ted Built-In Test
ID Iden ti fier
IDT Ident (Iden ti fi ca ti on)
IFR In stru ment Flight Rules
MTL Minimum Triggering Level
ON Trans pon der ON mode (wit hout al ti tu de trans mis si on)
NSCM Nato Supp ly Code of Manufacturers

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PBIT Power-on Built-In Test

PN Part Number
R Reply
RX Re cei ver
SBY Stand by mode
SEL Se lec ti on
SI Sur veil lan ce Iden ti fier
SPI Special Position Identification Pulse
STO Sto re
SUPP Supply voltage DC
TCAS Traffic Alert and Collosion Avoidance System (US)
TIS Traf fic In for ma ti on Ser vi ce
TN Tail Number
TX Trans mit ter
VFR Vi su al Flight Ru les
XPDR Trans pon der

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1. Ap pli ca ti on 1-1

2. Ge ne ral des crip ti on 1-1

3. Tech ni cal data 1-2

4. Soft wa re 1-6

5. Sys tem ap pro vals 1-6

6. Equipment 1-6

7. Ac ces so ries 1-6

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1. Ap pli ca ti on

The sing le block Mode S trans pon der BXP 6401-X-(XX) is the air bor ne com po nent
of the Air Traf fic Con trol (ATC). It functions in ac cor dan ce with the se con da ry ra -
dar prin ci ple and al lows a ir traf fic con trol to lo ca te, iden ti fy and track air craft.

2. Ge ne ral des crip ti on

A. The BXP 6401-X-(XX) tran spon der is de sig ned as a sing le block unit and is in-
te nded for in stal la ti on in the in stru ment pa nel of air craft. The di mensions cor-
respond to the stan dard in stru ment size with a 58 mm (2¼ inch) dia me ter.

B. All con trol ele ments are lo ca ted on the front panel of the unit. The two 25-pin
unit con nec tors for con nec ti on to the air craft in ter wi ring, the 5-pin sub mi nia tu-
re con nec tor for the Ad dress Mo du le AM 6400-1-(XX) and the TNC an ten na
socket are lo ca ted at the rear side of the unit.

C. Seri al in ter faces RS-422 are avai lable at the unit con nec tors.

D. The Mode S trans pon der provides the fol lo wing fea tu res:

(1) In the selective mode (Mode S), the Ground Con trol can in terro ga te the
trans pon der in di vi du al ly using an ICAO-24-bit ad dress, which is uni que
to the par ti cu lar air craft.

(2) Sup port of the SI code (Sur veil lan ce Iden ti fier)

(3) Regis ter ca pa bi li ty for ele me nta ry su rveil lan ce (ELS) and en han ced sur-
veil lan ce (EHS)

(4) Exten ded squit ters trans mis si on

(5) Data link ca pa bi li ty

E. Inherent features:

(1) Mode A - in this mode, the 4096 cha rac ter code set on the con trol head
is sent as a reply to in ter ro ga ti on from a ground sta ti on.

(2) Mode C - in this mode, the en co ded altitude is sent in ad di ti on to the

mode A re ply. The al ti tu de in for ma ti on must be de li ver ed from an ex ter-
nal device (e.g. Becker Blind Encoder BE6400).

(3) A spe ci al iden ti fier pul se (SPI) can be activated by pres sing the IDT
but ton in Mode A/C and Mode S.

(4) Self tests (BITs). The Ini tia ted Built-In Test (IBIT), the Con ti nu ous Built-
In Test (CBIT) and the Power-on Built-In Test (PBIT) are in te gra ted in
the trans pon der.

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BXP 6401-X-(XX)

3. Tech ni cal data

A. Ge ne ral data

Supp ly vol ta ge 10.0 V to 33.0 V DC

Typical con sump ti on 50 mode S re plies/sec. + Squit ter

0.37 A at 14 V (il lu mi na ti on off)

0.22 A at 28 V (il lu mi na ti on off)
0.43 A at 14 V (il lu mi na ti on max.)
0.25 A at 28 V (il lu mi na ti on max.)
in stand by mode:
0.22 A at 14 V (illu mi na ti on off)
0.14 A at 28 V (il lu mi na ti on off)
0.28 A at 14 V (il lu mi na ti on max.)
0.16 A at 28 V (il lu mi na ti on max.)

Pa nel il lu mi na ti on con trol input

Il lu mi na ti on con trol current max. 1 mA at 28V

Il lu mi na ti on co lor (dis play and but tons) white

Se ri al in ter fa ces RS-422

Data link ca pa bi li ty 255 GICB registers

DME sup pres si on:

- in put vol ta ge < 2 V (no sup pres si on)
> 8 V (sup pres si on)
- out put vol ta ge < 0.5 V (not ac ti ve)
> 18 V (ac ti ve)

External Ident in put:

“0” (ac ti ve) ≤ 3.5 V
“1” (pas si ve) ≥ 4.0 V
I sour ce (shor ted to GND) ≤ 10 mA

Ground de tec ti on in put:

“ground” ≤ 0.5 V
“air bor ne” ≥ 2 V
I sour ce (shor ted to GND) ≤ 10 mA

Po wer-up time 2 s (in clu ding in ter nal self-test)

In ter nal fuse pro tec ti on F 5 A

Ex ter nal fuse pro tec ti on 5 A (class 1)

3 A (class 2)

Ope ra ting tem pe ra tu re ran ge - 20° C to + 55° C

(short-time + 70° C)

Sto ra ge t e m pe ra tu re ran ge - 55° C to + 85° C

Ope ra ting al ti tu de 50000 ft. max. (class 1)

15000 ft. max. (class 2)

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Mode S Class 1 or 2, Le vel 2es

- ex ten ded squit ter ca pa bi li ty
- sur veil lan ce iden ti fier (SI code)

Con for mi ty RTCA DO-181C

FAA TSO-C112, class 2a
Eu ro cae ED-73B, le vel 2es,
class 1 or 2

En vi ron men tal con di tions in ac cor dan ce with

(see also pa ra graph D) EU RO CAE/RTCA

Me cha ni cal di men sions :

- Front pa nel 61.3 x 61.3 mm (H x W)

(2.413 x 2.413 inch)

- In stru ment size diameter 58 mm (2¼ inch)

- Case depth

w it hout an ten na so cket 192 mm (7.599 inch)

w ith an ten na so cket 206 mm (8.110 inch)
w ith ad dress mo du le 239 mm (9.409 inch)

Weight ap prox. 0.8 kg (1.764 lb)

B. Re cei ver data

Ope ra ting mo des Mode A/C/S,

depen ding on interrogation

Re cei ve fre quen cy 1030 MHz ± 0.1 MHz (mode A/C)

1030 MHz ± 0.01 MHz (mode S)

Sen si ti vi ty (MTL) - 74 dBm ± 3 dB (for 90 % re ply

rate in mode A/C and 99 % in
mode S)

Se lec ti vi ty ± 15 MHz > 40 dB

± 25 MHz > 60 dB

Dy na mic ran ge ≥ 60 dB

Band width ± 3 MHz < 3 dB

Mo du la ti on (mode A/C) PAM (Pulse Ampli tu de Modu la ti on)

Mo du la ti on (mode S) DPSK (Dif fe ren ti al Phase Shift

Key ing)

Side lobe sup pres si on 3-pulse me thod (mode A/C)

P5 (mode S)

Nominal impedance 50 Ω

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C. Trans mit ter data

Trans mit fre quen cy 1090 MHz ± 1 MHz

Trans mit mo du la ti on 12MOM1D PAM (Pulse Am pli tu de

Mo du la ti on)

Trans mit ter type So lid sta te

Trans mit po wer (class 1) ≥ 125 W (+ 21 dBW) at an ten na e n d

ter mi nal and ≥ 250 W at unit out put

Trans mit po wer (class 2) ≥ 70 W (+ 18.5 dBW) at an ten na end

ter mi nal and ≥ 140 W at unit out put

Re ply rate ca pa bi li ty (mode A/C) at least 1200 mode A/C re plies

per se cond for a 15 pul se coded
re ply, can be li mit ed to 500...1200

Re ply rate ca pa bi li ty (mode S) at least 50 mode S re plies in

one-second in ter val (the re of at
least 16 long for mats)

Mode S squit ter rate (ap prox.) Ac qui si ti on squitter 4/sec.

Exten ded squit ter 1/sec.

Re ply code (mode A) ICAO co ding sys tem with 4 0 9 6

pulse re ply pos si bi li ties (oc tal

Altitude code (mode C) ICAO co ding sys tem 100 ft. steps
from -1000 to 62700 ft.

Al ti tu de code (mode S) 25 ft. or 100 ft. steps

(de pen ding on sour ce)

Trans mit pul se sha pe pul se width 0.45µ s ± 0 . 1µs (mode A/C)
pul se width 0.5µs ± 0.05µs (mode S)
rise time 0.05 to 0.1µ s
fall time 0.05 to 0.2µs

No mi nal out put im pe dan ce 50 Ω

D. En vi ron men tal con di tions in ac cor dan ce

with EU RO CAE/RTCA ED-14D/DO-160D

In put vol ta ge ran ge 10.0 to 33.0 V DC

Low ope ra ting tem pe ra tu re -20°C

High ope ra ting tem pe ra tu re + 55°C

High short-time ope ra ting tem pe ra tu re + 70°C

Sto ra ge tem pe ra tu re ran ge - 55°C to + 85°C

In-flight loss of coo ling Cat. Z, no au xi lia ry coo ling re qui red

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Al ti tu de 50000 ft. max. (class 1)

15000 ft. max. (class 2)

Hu mi di ty Cat. A / + 50°C; 95%, 48 h

Vi brat ion resistance Cat. S, test cur ve M

Cat, U, test cur ve G

Ope ra tio nal shocks 6 g in any direction

Crash sa fe ty 20 g shocks
20 g ac cele ra ti on

Mag ne tic ef fect Ca te go ry Z

En vi ron men tal ca te go ries:


E. En vi ron men tal qua li fi ca ti on


Con di ti on Sec ti on Cat. Des crip ti on

Tem pe ra tu re and Al ti tu de 4.0 D1 Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry D1

Low Ground Sur vi val Tem pe ra tu re 4.5.1 D1 -55 deg C
Low Ope ra ting Tem pe ra tu re 4.5.1 D1 BXP 6401-X-(XX): -20 deg C,
High Ground Sur vi val Temp 4.5.2 D1 +85 deg C
High Short-Time Ope ra ting Temp. 4.5.2 D1 +70 deg C
High Ope ra ting Temp. 4.5.2 D1 +55 deg C
In-flight Loss of Coo ling 4.5.4 Z No for ced coo ling re qui red – No test
re qui red
Al ti tu de 4.6.1 D1 BXP 6401-1-(XX): 50000 ft (class 1)
A1 BXP 6401-2-(XX): 15000 ft (class 2)
De com pres si on 4.6.2 Not applicable
Over pres su re 4.6.3 Not appli ca ble
Tem pe ra tu re Va ria ti on 5.0 B Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry B
Hu mi di ty 6.0 A Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry A
Shock and Crash Sa fe ty 7.0 B Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry B
Vi brat ion 8.0 S Cat. S, vi brat ion test cur ve M
U Cat. U, vi brat ion test cur ve G
Ex plo si on P r o of ness 9.0 X No test re qui red, Equip ment iden ti fied
as Cate go ry X
Wa ter pro of ness 10.0 X No test re qui red, Equip ment iden ti fied
a s C a te go ry X
Fluids Sus cep ti bi li ty 11.0 X No test re qui red, Equip ment iden ti fied
a s C a te go ry X
Sand and Dust 12.0 X No test re qui red, Equip ment iden ti fied
a s C a te go ry X
Fun gus Re sis tan ce 13.0 X No test re qui red, Equip ment iden ti fied
a s C a te go ry X
Salt Spray 14.0 X No test re qui red, Equip ment iden ti fied
a s C a te go ry X
Mag ne tic Ef fect 15.0 Z Equip ment is Class Z
Po wer In put 16.0 B Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry B
Vol ta ge Spi ke 17.0 A Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry A
Au dio Freq. Con duc ted Sus cep ti - 18.0 B Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry B
bi li ty
In du ced S ig nal Sus cep ti bi li ty 19.0 A Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry A

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BXP 6401-X-(XX)

Con di ti on Sec ti on Cat. Des crip ti on

Ra dio Fre quen cy Sus cep ti bi li ty 20.0 WW Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry W W
Spu ri ous RF Emis si on 21.0 B Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry B
Light ning In du ced Tran sients Sus - 22.0 A3E3X Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry A3E3X
cep ti bi li ty
Light ning Di rect Ef fects 23.0 X No test re qui red, Equip ment iden ti fied
as Ca te go ry X
Icing 24.0 X No test re qui red, Equip ment iden ti fied
as Ca te go ry X
Elec tro sta tic Disch ar ge 25.0 A Equip ment tes ted to Ca te go ry A

4. Soft wa re

The trans pon der BPX 6401-X-(XX) is con trol led by a mi cro con trol ler in the con trol
head and the core unit. The soft wa re cri ti ca li ty is de ter min ed to be Le vel C in ac cor -
dan ce with EU ROCAE/RTCA do cu ment ED12B/DO-178B.

5. Sys tem ap pro vals

EASA.210.322 ETSO-2C112a

6. Equipment

BXP 6401-1-(01) Transponder, Article-No. 0588.687-915

Level 2, class 1

BXP 6401-2-(01) Transponder, Article-No. 0588.709-915

Level 2, class 2

AM 6400-1-(01) Address Module Article-No. 0572.942-915

BE6400-01-(01) Blind Encoder Article-No. 0592.137-915

7. Ac ces so ries

AMP 6400-1 Address Module programmer Article-No. 0584.843-954

kit (soft wa re and ca ble),
par al lel in ter fa ce

CK 4401-C Stan dard con nec tor kit Ar ti cle-No. 0552.798-954

1 D-Sub plug, 25-pin
(crimp ver si on)

CK 4401-S Stan dard con nec tor kit Ar ti cle-No. 0552.801-954

1 D-Sub plug, 25-pin
(sol de ring ver si on)

CK 6400-C Ex ten ded con nec tor kit Ar ti cle-No. 0586.064-954

1 D-Sub plug, 25-pin
1 D-Sub jack, 25-pin
(crimp ver si on)

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BXP 6401-X-(XX)

CK 6400-S Ex ten ded con nec tor kit Ar ti cle-No. 0586.072-954

1 D-Sub plug, 25-pin
1 D-Sub jack, 25-pin
(sol de ring ver si on)

TNC coa xi al con nec tor for RG-58C/U Ar ti cle-No. 0551.694-277

(crimp ver si on)

TNC coa xi al con nec tor for RG-223/U Ar ti cle-No. 0551.732-277

(crimp ver si on)

TNC coa xi al con nec tor for RG-58C/U Ar ti cle-No. 0552.781-277

and RG-223/U (sol de ring version)
or spa re con nec tor Ar ti cle-No. 0725.900-277

1A032 Trans pon der rod an ten na Ar ti cle-No. 0707.007-952

Coa xi al con nec tors for an ten na 1A032:

BNC an ten na con nec tor for RG-58C/U (crimp) Ar ti cle-No. 0551.708-277

BNC an ten na con nec tor for RG-223/U (crimp) Ar ti cle-No. 0551.740-277

BNC an ten na con nec tor for RG-58C/U

and RG-223/U (sol dering) Ar ti cle-No. 0552.771-277

Ma nu als:

In stal la ti on and Operation BXP 6401-X-(XX) Article-No. 0584.053-071

Maintenance and Repair BXP 6401-X-(XX) Article-No. 0584.061-071

Data Transfer Interface Protocol Article-No. 0590.258-071

BXP 640X-XX-(XX)

Installation and Operation BE6400-01-(XX) Article-No. 0594.547-071

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1. Ge ne ral 2-1

2. In spec ti on be fo re in stal la ti on 2-1

3. Me cha ni cal in stal la ti on 2-1

4. Air craft wi ring 2-1

5. In stal ling the trans pon der an ten na 1A032 2-4

6. Pro gram ming of the Ad dress Mo du le 2-5

7. Avio nics data transfer 2-5

8. Set tings af ter in stal la ti on 2-5

9. Chec king af ter in stal la ti on 2-7

Fig. 2-1 In stal la ti on di men sions BXP 6401-X-(XX) 2-8

Fig. 2-2 In stal la ti on di men sions 1A032 2-9

Fig. 2-3 Pro po sal for air craft wi ring BXP 6401-X-(XX) 2-10

Fig. 2-4 RS-232 se ri al en co ding al ti me ter con nec ti on 2-11

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BXP 6401-X-(XX)


1. Ge ne ral

In stal la ti on of the trans pon der BXP 6401-X-(XX) is de pen ding on the air craft type
and its clas si fi ca ti on as well as re qui re ments. The re fo re, only ge ne ral in for ma ti on
can be pro vi ded in this sec ti on.

2. In spec ti on be fo re in stal la ti on

Be fo re the trans pon der is in stal led on an air craft, a vi su al in spec ti on for pos si ble
trans port da ma ges shall be done.

Please look for the following defects:

(1) Dirt, dents, scratches, corrosion, broken fastening elements on housing

and housing parts.

(2) Dirt and scratches on nameplate, front plate and inscriptions.

(3) Dirt, bent or broken pins, cracked insert of unit connector and antenna socket.

(4) Dirt, stiffness and mechanical damage to the pushbuttons, rotary switches and
LC display.

(5) Missing screws.

3. Me cha ni cal in stal la ti on

The trans pon der is de sig ned for in stal la ti on in the in stru ment pa nel of an aircraft. It
is con struc ted for moun ting be hind the pa nel. The cir cu lar cut out and the moun ting
ho les are to be dril led in ac cor dan ce with the small in stru ment size. The moun ting
pla ce shall be at least 30 cm from the mag ne tic air craft com pass, to avoid any in ter -
fe ren ce to the mag ne tic com pass by the trans pon der.

The ne ces sa ry di men sions are gi ven in Fig. 2-1. At tach ment is by me ans of four
screws M3x12, which are in clu ded in the de li very.

Blind Encoder installation:

For installation of the Becker Blind Encoder BE6400 the corresponding manual
(Article- No. 0594.547-071) has to be noticed. The Blind Encoder BE6400 is inten-
ded to be connected to the J8 unit connector of the transponder and can be used
only in installations that do not require connection of other equipment utilizing ADLP
interface of the transponder.The Blind Encoder is direct connected to the trans-
ponder, without any interwiring.

4. Air craft wi ring

A. The air craft wi ring of the trans pon der is shown in Fig. 2-3.


For in stal la tions in a more se ve re elec tro mag ne ti cal e n vi ronment use shiel ded
ca ble con nec tors and a com mon shiel ding for the transpon der in ter wi ring.

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BXP 6401-X-(XX)

B. RF con nec tor

The unit RF con nec tor is of the TNC fe ma le type. The an ten na ca ble shall be
of low-loss 50 Ω ca ble, at least RG 58C/U or bet ter RG 223/U type.

Pin Name Pin Des crip ti on Sour ce Des ti na ti on Re com men ded
cable type
An ten na 50 Ω TNC an ten na con - bi-directional to the bi-directional to the RG58C/U or
nec tor, fe ma le an ten na an ten na RG223/U

C. Pin con nec tions of the unit con nec tor P9

The unit con nec tor type is D-SUB 25-pole male.

Pin Pin Name Pin Des crip ti on Sour ce Des ti na ti on Re com men -
ded cable
1 A1 Al ti tu de A 1 En co ding al ti me ter BXP 6401-X-(XX) 3xAWG24
2 A2 Al ti tu de A 2 (paral lel in ter fa ce)
3 A4 Al ti tu de A 4
4 IDENT_N Ident but ton, ext. Ex ter nal Ident BXP 6401-X-(XX) AWG26
but ton
5 EXT. SUP- Air craft sup pres si on bi-directional bi-directional Coaxi al
PRES SI ON system cable
6 SWIT CHED Swit ched supp ly vol t a - BXP 6401-X-(XX) En co ding al ti me ter
PO WER OUT ge I max = 1 A
7 RE PLY OUT Out put for ext. re ply BXP 6401-X-(XX) Re ply lamp AWG26
lamp, lamp to be con -
nec ted to po si ti ve il l u -
mi na tion vol ta ge
8 Not con nec ted RS-422 RX- Re mo te con trol Re mo te control
9 RS-422 RX+
RS-422 data inter fa ce
10 Il lu mi na ti on A Il lu mi na ti on con trol Il lum. vol ta ge BXP 6401-X-(XX) AWG24
11 SUPP Supp ly vol ta ge i n put, DC supp ly vol t a g e BXP 6401-X-(XX) 2xAWG20
12 ex ter nal 5 A fuse for sour ce 1 0 t o 3 3 V
cur rent pro tec ti on
13 GND DC supp l y Ground, DC supp ly vol t a g e BXP 6401-X-(XX) AWG20
ad di tio nal ly con nec ted G round
to Pin 25
14 B1 Al ti tu de B 1 En co ding al ti me ter BXP 6401-X-(XX) 7xAWG24
15 B2 Al ti tu de B 2 (paral lel in ter fa ce)
16 B4 Al ti tu de B 4
17 C1 Al ti tu de C 1
18 C2 Al ti tu de C 2
19 C4 Al ti tu de C 4
20 D4 Al ti tu de D 4
21 Not connected RS-422 TX- Re mo te control Re mo te control
22 RS-422 TX+
RS-422 data interface
23 Il lu mi na ti on B Il lu mi na ti on GND Il lum. ground BXP 6401-X-(XX AWG22
24 Not connected

25 GND Ground, ad di tio nally DC supply voltage BX6401-X-(XX) AWG20

con nec ted to Pin 13 ground

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BXP 6401-X-(XX)

D. Pin con nec tions of the unit con nec tor J8

The unit con nec tor type is D-SUB 25-pole female.

Pin Pin Name Pin Des crip ti on Sour ce Des ti na ti on Re com men -
ded cable
1 Not connected Reserved for protocol
2 Not connected Reserved for GPIN1
3 GND Ground connection
4 BSUPP Supply for BE6400* BXP 6401-X-(XX) BE6400
5 Not connected
6 Not connected Re ser ved for GPSRX-
7 Not connected Re ser ved for GPSRX+
8 Not connected Re ser ved for hi jack
mode (HI)
9 Not connected Re ser ved for hi jack
mode (HO)
10 Not connected Re ser ved for SQ
11 GND SWITCH “Weigth on wheel” Aircraft BXP 6401-X-(XX) AWG26
12 ALTS- RS-422** Se ri al enco ding BXP 6401-X-(XX) AWG 26
13 ALTS+ data in ter fa ce altimeter shielded
14 TISRX- RS-422 data in ter fa ce Avio nics Data Link BXP 6401-X-(XX) 2xAWG26
15 TISRX+ Pro ces sor twis ted pair,
shiel ded a l l
16 Not connected
17 TISTX- RS-422 data in ter fa ce BXP 6401-X-(XX) Avio nics Data 2xAWG26
18 TISTX+ Link Pro ces sor twis ted pair,
shiel ded a l l
19 Not connected
20 Not connected
21 GND Ground
22 Not connected
23 Not connected
24 Not connected
25 Not connected

* NOTE: Do not connect if no BE6400 is used.

* * NOTE: See Fig. 2-4 for RS-232 serial encoding altimeter connection.

E. Pin con nec tions of the unit con nec tor J7

The unit con nec tor type is sub mi na tu re 5-po le fe ma le.

Pin Pin Name Pin Des crip ti on Sour ce Des ti na ti on

1 VCC Po wer supply BXP 6401-X-(XX) AM 6400-1-(01)
2 I 2 C_CLK Clock AM 6400-1-(01) BXP 6401-X-(XX)
3 Not con nec ted Reserved
4 I 2 C_DAT Data AM 6400-1-(01) BXP 6401-X-(XX)
5 GND Po wer supp ly return BXP 6401-X-(XX) AM 6400-1-(01)

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BXP 6401-X-(XX)

F. DME sup pres si on

If re qui red, con nect the sup pres si on in/out of trans pon der to the cor re spon -
ding pin of the DME unit or any rel evant de vi ce.

G. Ex ter nal IDENT push-button

If this in put (Pin 4 of unit con nec tor P9) is brief ly con nec ted to GND (e.g. by
an ex ter nal push-button), the IDENT functi o n (SPI) is start ed in the same way
as when using the IDENT push-button on the front pa nel.

H. Ground switch

If re qui red, con nect an au to ma tic ground switch (weight on wheel sen sor) at
Pin 11 of unit con nec tor J8.

I. Il lu mi na ti on

For ex ter nal il lu mi na ti on con trol con nect the il lu mi na ti on vol ta ge to pin 10 of
P 9 and at tach pin 23 to the illumi na ti on ground. Set the max. illu mi na ti on
vol ta ge in the in stal la ti on menu. For manu al il lu mi na ti on con trol set dim ming
in put to “none” in the in stal la ti on menu. Set il lu mi na ti on in ten si ty manu al ly in
the con fi gu ra ti on menu.

5. In stal ling the trans pon der an ten na 1A032

A. The trans pon der an ten na has to be fit ted to the bottom of the air craft at a ho ri-
zon tal, flat lo ca ti on. This lo ca ti on should not be in the “sha dow” of air craft
struc tu re items. The hig hest ran g e is achie vied when the an ten na is lo ca ted at
the lowest point of the air craft fu se la ge.

B. The in stal la ti on di men sions of the trans pon der an ten na 1A032 is shown in
Fig. 2-2.


n The trans pon der an ten na 1A032 is pro vi ded with a si li co ne rub ber
gas ket which must also be in ter po sed bet ween the skin of the air craft
and the an ten na.

n In air craft ha ving a woo den or plas tic airf ra me an elec tric coun ter-
weight pla te or pa nel must be lo ca ted wit hin the fu se la ge at the an-
ten na lo ca ti on with mi ni mum di men sions 40x40 cm (15.7x15.7 inch).

C. An ten na ca ble

RG-58C/U (0.9 dB/m) or RG-223/U (0.6 dB/m) can be used for the trans pon -
der. If the ca ble length is lon ger than 2 m bet ween the unit and the an ten na,
the ca ble type RG- 223/U is re com men ded. The ma xi mum cable length
shouldn’t be any more than 5 m. The com ple te loss of the an ten na ca ble
mustn’t be grea ter than 3 dB.

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BXP 6401-X-(XX)

6. Pro gram ming of the Ad dress Mo du le

The 24-bit ICAO ad dress once al lo ca ted by the lo cal authority is sto red for the as -
sig ned trans pon der in the Ad dress Mo du le AM 6400-1-(01).

The address modu le pro grammer kit AMP 6400-1 (Ar ti cle-No. 0584.843-954) is a
tool for rea ding and sto ring fi xed air craft data into the Ad dress Mo du le (par al lel in -
ter fa ce). This tool is for ser vi ce and main ten an ce only.

The CD-ROM, which is part of the ad dress mo du le program mer kit, in clu des a des -
crip ti on of the program ming pro ce du re. In sert the CD-ROM into a PC and fol low the
in struc tions. If au to start is dis ab led on your PC, you have to start “setup.exe” ma n u -
al ly.

7. Avio nics data transfer

A. The BXP 6401-X-(XX) is a “data link trans pon der” ac cor ding to RTCA
DO-181C, re spec ti ve ly a “le vel 2” trans pon der ac cor ding to Eu ro cae
ED-73B. This stands for the ca pa bi li ty to trans fer data from the ground to a
con nec ted ADLP or a simi lar de vi ce and vice ver sa.

B. The trans pon der trans mits in for ma ti on as re ply on a Ground Ini tia ted Comm-B
(GICB) re quest or by me ans of the ex ten ded squit ter functi on. In both ca ses
the va lid in for ma ti on must be avai la ble in the GICB re gis ters in the trans pon-

C. The trans pon der also trans mits in for ma ti on by me ans of the Air Ini tia ted
Comm-B (AICB) functi on. In this case the in for ma ti on must be avai la ble in a
spe ci al re gis ter in the trans pon der. The trans pon der a n noun ces the mes sa ge
and trans mits it af ter aut ho ri sa ti on from the ground sta ti on.

D. In the ot her di rec ti on, the trans pon der is able to re cei ve in for ma ti on wit hin a
Comm-A for m a t from the ground sta ti on, which is then buf fe red and trans fer red
to the con nec ted de vi ce.

E. In the BXP 6401-X-(XX) a “sto ra ge de sign” is im ple men ted for uplink- as well
as for downlink mes sa ges. This me ans that all in for ma ti on that might be trans-
fer red from the trans pon der is buf fe red in si de the trans pon der first.

F. The buf fers can be ac ces sed from an ADLP or a si mi lar de vi ce via the in ter fa-
ce on the rear con nec tor J8. The in ter fa ce is mar ked with “TISRX” and “TISTX”
in the aircraft wi ring dia gram (see Fig. 2-3).

G. The re la ted pro to col is spe ci fied in the attachment document “Data Transfer
Interface Protocol BXP 640X-XX-(XX)”. This manual is avai la ble at the Becker
Product Support under the Article-No. 0590.258-071.

8. Set tings af ter in stal la ti on

Ins ta lla ti on mode is avai la ble from SBY mode only. To get into in stal la ti on mode
press but ton SEL (G, see Fig. 3-1), turn with ro ta ry en co der (B) un til “INS” ap pe ars
in the bot tom line of the dis play. Se lect by pres sing push-button (C). The in stal la ti on
se tup is pro tec ted by pass word “6435”. En ter pass word and press sto re but ton (F).
See tab le on the next page.

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BXP 6401-X-(XX)

Select with but ton (C) Se lect with rota r y en co der ( B ) Sto re but ton (F)
UPS AT (BECKER BE6400) sto re
LORAN sto re
MA GEL LAN sto re
SHA DIN store
AR NAV store
GILHAM / PARALLEL default store
DIM MING IN PU T None de fault sto re
(set il lu mi na ti on in ten si ty ma -
nu al ly in the con fi gu ra ti on

+5V DC store
+14V DC sto re
+28V DC sto re
SQUIT TER Short ACQ SQU * default on off/on


500-1200 re plies/sec.
in Mode A/C
(set ting in steps of 50)
sto re
DE FAULT CON FIG *** store
Er ror Latch LOW VOLT view only
HIGH TEMP view only
AN TEN NA view only
RF PO WER view only
DME ERR view only
SQRT ERR view only
CORE EE view only
RE CEI VER view only
FIX DATA view only
AL TI ME TER view only
DATA LINK view only
Cle ar latch store

* Trans pon ders equip ped for ex ten ded squit ter ope ra ti on should have a me ans to
dis ab le ac quisition squitters to facilitate the suppression of acquisition squitters
when all TCAS units have been converted to receive extended squitter.

** Shall be dis ab led if no ADLP or si mi lar d e vi ce is con nec ted.

*** De fault con fig.: Dim ming in put → none

Bright ness → 50%
Al ti tu de dis play ed in ALT mode
AI in ON
II lu min. cha rac te ris tics → max. ran ge
Code → 0000
VFR → 0000
Flight num ber → eight blanks
Flight num ber → not ac ti ve

NOTE: If no type is avai la ble, this field in di ca tes not hing.

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BXP 6401-X-(XX)

9. Chec king af ter in stal la ti on

A. Ge ne ral

Af ter the in stal la ti on, check the trans pon der to en su re sa tis fac to ry ope ra ti on
of the unit.

B. Pre-flight check using self test

Switch-on test:

Switch the trans pon der ope ra ting mode switch from OFF to SBY. A po wer-on
built-in test (PBIT) then fol lows au to ma ti cal ly for 1 se cond. Du ring the test
“WAIT is in di ca ted. If the test was suc cess ful, the unit swit ches then to the
mode set on the mode switch.

Test trig ge red (IBIT):

Press the SEL but ton and STO but ton at the same time in mode ON or ALT.
A test of all avai la ble test rou ti nes then fol lows for 1 se cond. Du ring the test,
“IBIT” is in di ca ted on the dis play. If the IBIT was suc cess ful, the trans pon der
swit ches im me di ate ly into the nor mal ope ra ting mode.

In case of a fault ap pe ars the re port “FAI LU RE” in the dis play. Switch OFF
the trans pon der at the fault in di ca ti on.

C. Check of the ad dress module

The installation company has to make sure that the corresponding address
module AM 6400-1 is in stalled with the transponder and that the address
module is pro gram med correctly. It is recommended to connect the address
module with the aircraft tightly.

D. Test and ad just ment of trans mit fre quen cy

Set code 0000 on the trans pon der and mode A in ter ro ga ti on on the ramp test
set. Check trans mit fre quen cy by me ans of the ramp test set. Trans mit fre-
quen cy must be 1090 ± 1 MHz. If out of ran ge send the trans pon der to aut ho ri-
sed ser vi ce.

E. Check of the trans mit po wer

Af ter in stal la ti on of equip ment and an ten na the trans mit po wer has to be che -
cked at the an ten na end of the fee der line:

Re qui re ment: ≥ 1 2 5 W (21 dBW) at class 1 trans pon der

≥ 7 0 W (18.5 dBW) at class 2 trans pon der


Ra di ati on risk: A safe dis tan ce to the in stal led a n ten na must be en su red by
cor re spon ding in stal la ti on mea su res around hu man body da ma ge (e.g. at the
eyes) and / or avoid the in flam ma ti on of com bus ti ble ma te ri als by ra di ated
ener gy.

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BXP 6401-X-(XX)

Fig. 2-1 In stal la ti on di men sions BXP 6401-X-(XX)

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Fig. 2-2 In stal la ti on di men sions 1A032

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BXP 6401-X-(XX)



1. Con trols and in di ca tors 3-1

2. Functi on of con trols and in di ca tors 3-1

3. Ope ra ting in struc tions 3-2

A. Swit ching on the unit (pre-flight check) 3-2

B. Start-up 3-3

C. CODE dis play 3-3

D. Air craft iden ti fi ca ti on / Flight num ber 3-3

E. Flight le vel 3-4

F. Selftests of the unit (BITs) 3-4

G. Selection mode 3-5

G.1 Air craft Iden ti fi ca ti on (AI or FN) 3-6

G.2 VFR code set ting 3-7

H. Flight ope ra ti on in Mode A/C/S (re ply and al ti tu de code) 3-8

I. VFR code ac ti vat ion 3-9

J. Internal and ex ter nal Ident 3-9

K. Special con dings for air emer gen cies 3-9

L. Configuration mode 3-10

Fig. 3-1 Front view of the BXP 6401-X-(XX) 3-1

Fig. 3-2 Start-up in di ca ti on 3-3

Fig. 3-3 AID in di ca ti on 3-3

Fig. 3-4 FN in di ca ti on 3-3

Fig. 3-5 Flight le vel in di ca ti on 3-4

Fig. 3-6 Error in di ca ti on and War ning in di ca ti on 3-5

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34-50-08 December 2005
BXP 6401-X-(XX)


1. Con trols and in di ca tors

Fig. 3-1 Front view of the BXP 6401-X-(XX)

2. Functi on of con trols and in di ca tors

Ref. to Con trols and Des crip ti on Functi on

Fig. 3-1 In di ca tors

A Mode se lec tor Ro ta ry switch with 4 OFF po si ti on: Trans pon der is swit ched off
SBY po si ti on: Stand by mode is swit ched on

ON position: Mode A/S is switched on.

Transmission of altitude information is

ALT po si ti on: Mode A/C/S is swit ched on and

t h e a l ti tu de i n for ma ti on is trans mit ted.

B Ro ta ry switch Ro ta ry op ti cal en co der Ro ta ry switch to chan ge set tings

(ro ta ry mode of C) (16 steps per turn)

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BXP 6401-X-(XX)

Ref. to Con trols and Des crip ti on Functi on

Fig. 3-1 in di ca tors

C But ton Push-button Push to jump from di git t o d i git for set tings
(mode of B) or from one menu to the next;
ge ne ral ly used as an en ter key

D IDT Push-button Ac ti va tes the Spe ci al Iden ti fier (SPI) in ad-

dition to the re ply code for ap prox. 18 se -
conds; du ring this time “ID” ap p e a r s in the
LC dis play

E Dis play, part 1 2-line LCD dis play Dis plays the fol lo wing in for ma tions:

- code in di ca ti on in the top row

- flight le vel i n t h e b o t tom r o w
- vari ous in for ma tions in the bot tom row
- addi tio nal i n di ca tors on the left side (see
Ref. H)

F STO Push-button Sto res the selected values to the set tings

G SEL Push-button Opens and se lects the menu

H Dis play , part 2 LCD in di ca tors Dis plays ad di tio nal i n di ca tors, (R for re ply,
ID for Ident, ALT for XPDR ALT mode or ON
for XPDR ON mode, FL for flight le vel)

J VFR Push-button Ac ti va tes VFR code in the up per row of the

dis play

3. Ope ra ting in struc tions

A. Swit ching on the unit (pre-flight check)

(1) Check that the cir cuit brea ker is set and switch on the air craft po wer
supp ly.

CAU TI ON: Do not switch on the trans pon der before the air craft en gi-
nes are started. Switch off the trans pon der before the en-
gines are shut down.

(2) Using mode switch (A), switch the trans pon der from OFF to SBY. A Po-
wer-on Built-In Test (PBIT) then fol lows au to ma ti cal ly for 1 se cond.
Start-up see also sec ti on B .

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BXP 6401-X-(XX)

B. Start-up

On power-up, the device starts. The soft wa re in itia tes cir cuits and performs
PBIT. During that time the display looks as fol lows.

Fig. 3-2 Start-up in di ca ti on

Af ter the PBIT has elap sed and no er ror-message is shown in the display, the
trans pon der swit ches to the mode set by the mode switch (A).

C. CODE display

Trans pon der’s code is dis pla yed in the top line using high rea da bi li ty font, at
all ti mes in mo des SBY, ON, ALT.

D. Air craft iden ti fi ca ti on / Flight num ber

Depending on the configuration settings, the Air craft Identifica ti on (AI) or

Flight Number (FN) is dis play ed in the bottom line as fol lows:

Fig. 3-3 AI in di ca ti on

Fig. 3-4 FN in di ca ti on

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BXP 6401-X-(XX)

E. Flight le v e l

Flight le vel is dis play ed in ALT mode in the bot tom line of the dis play (al ti tu de
= FL x 100 in ft):

FL 050
Fig. 3-5 Flight le vel in di ca ti on

F. Self tests of the unit (BITs)

The fol lo wing dif fe rent tests are in te gra ted in the trans pon der or can be trig ge red at
the trans pon der:

(1) The IBIT (Ini tia ted Built-in Test) can be ac ti vat ed in any mode (ex clu ding the
con figu ra ti on mode) with the push of (F) and (G) at the same time. The ac ti on
starts with the lea ding edge of the se cond pus hed but ton.

The IBIT works as fol lows in all modes:

The test starts with all avai la ble test rou ti nes inclu ding the trans mit ter test rou-
tine. Du ring the test, “IBIT” is in di ca ted on the dis play.The test takes not lon-
ger than 1 se cond. If the IBIT was suc cess ful, the XPDR swit ches immediately
into the nor mal ope ra ting mode. Du ring the IBIT any ac ti on from ot her switches
is not re cognized.

Negative results of the IBIT are indicated on the display with “FAILURE”. The
transponder may be not switched into ON or ALT mode if any failure was

(2) The CBIT (Continuous Built-in Test) works as follows:

The continuous BIT acts as a kind of watchdog during operation. Negative

results of the CBIT are indicated on the display with “FAILURE”. In this case
the transponder may be not switched into ON or ALT mode (display indication
of operating mode set to SBY) if any failure was found.

(3) The PBIT (Power-on Built-in Test) works as follows:

The XPDR has a power-on BIT after switching on. During the PBIT any actions
from other switches are not accepted.

During the PBIT the XPDR is in the SBY mode but this is not indicated on the
display. The operating mode indication on the display starts immediately after
finalisation of the PBIT.

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BXP 6401-X-(XX)

Ne ga ti ve re sults are in di ca ted on the dis play with “FAI LU RE”. The trans pon der
may be not switched into ON or ALT mode if any fai lu re was found.

The PBIT takes not lon ger than 1 se cond. If the test was suc cess ful, the XPDR
switches im me di ate ly into the nor mal ope ra ting mode.

Fig. 3-6 Er ror i n di ca ti on and War ning i n di ca ti on

G. Selection mode

Press SEL but ton (G) and rotate en co der (B) for se lec ti on. In se lec ti on mode
ad di tio nal in for ma ti on is dis play ed in the bot tom line of the dis play. Some of
the data are edi tab le, some are read only:

VFR 4096 code presetting editable; see section G.2

AI Air craft Iden ti fier fi xed; read only from ad dress mo-
(Tail Num b e r ) dule (can be re pla ced by FN)
If no valid AI is stored, “--------”
is displayed.

FN Flight Num ber or edi tab le; see section G.1,

Com pa ny Call Sign can be re pla ced by AI (fi xed) by
selec ting “AI DEF”

AA Air craft Ad dress fixed; read only from address

(24-bit ICAO) module (uni que number for each

MA Maxi mum Air speed fixed; read only from address


AT Aircraft Type fixed; read only from address


CFG Con fi gu ra ti on avai la ble in SBY mode only,

see sec ti on L

INS Installation se tup avai la ble in SBY mode only;

pro tec ted by pass word,
see chapter 2, section 8

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BXP 6401-X-(XX)

G.1 Air craft Iden ti fic ati on (AI or FN)

With flight plan: The de fi ni ti on out of the flight plan:

e.g. Flight Num ber or Com pa ny Call Sign

Wit hout flight plan (VFR): Tail Num ber (Call Sign)

The in di ca ti on of AI in the bot tom line of the dis play is in mode SBY and ON
only if se lec ted in con fi gu ra ti on menu. The Air craft Iden ti fier (fi xed) is avai la-
ble in any mode af ter pres sing SEL but ton (G) and tur ning the ro ta ry en co der
(B). The de fault va lue for AI is the Tail Num ber of the air craft and is sto red in
the Address Mo du le.

If a flight plan exists, it has to be che cked, which AI has to be used. If a Flight
Num ber is as sig ned it has to be en te red. If a Com pa ny Call Sign is men tio ned,
this has to be en te red. To en ter it see be low. It will be sto red in the EE PROM
of the con trol head. In this case the in di ca ti on on the dis play chan ges to FN
(Flight Num ber). If the Call Sign (Tail Num ber) is men tio ned, no chan ge, as it
is the de fault set ting from the Ad dress Mo du le.

Setting the flight number:

(1) Press SEL button (G) to enter the select mode.

(2) Rotate (B) until AI is displayed.

(3) Push (C) to switch to FN. The cursor is set on the first character.

(4) Rotate (B) to change this character.

(5) Push (C) to set the cursor to the next character.

(6) Repeat steps 4 and 5 until the flight number is entered.

(7) If the flight number consists of less than 7 characters, put a space at
the end to fill the remaining characters with spaces.

(8) Store the changes with STO button (F). For leaving the setting proce-
dure without storing, push the SEL button (G).


Aircraft Identifier / Flight Number consists of max. 7 characters (on the left-
hand side oriented). No dashes or spaces shall be included. If the FN con-
sists of less than 7 characters, the remaining characters on the right side
shall be filled with spaces.

Switching back to default AI:

(1) Press SEL but ton (G) to enter the select mode.

(2) Rotate (B) to the in di ca ti on FN=XXXXXXXX.

(3) First push on (C) indicates”FN=AI DEF” (inverted).

(4) Can be set to AI=DEF with STO button (F).

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BXP 6401-X-(XX)

Changing the flight number:

(1) Press SEL button (G).

(2) Rotate (B) until FN is displayed.

(3) Push (C) twice to enter the FN editing mode.

(4) Change the FN as described above.

G.2 VFR code presetting

Press the SEL button (G) to get into configuration mode (selection is indica-
ted in the left bottom corner of the display under the operating mode indica-

(1) Rotate (B) to the indication VFR=XXXX.

(2) First push to button (C) ⇒ left digit of the code is inverted.

(3) Now the digit can be changed with (B).

(4) Second push to button (C) ⇒ next left digit of the code is inverted.

(5) The next digit can be changed with (B)

(6) and the same for next digits.

(7) Fifth push to button (C) ⇒ again first digit is inverted.

(8) Changes can be stored with STO button (F) at any time, inversion stops
in this case.

(9) A VFR code that was preset in this way can be activated as described
in chapter I.

( 1 0 ) A timeout for inversion (10 sec) is introduced if no action happens.

Nothing stored, as long as (F) is not pressed.


It is possible to leave the setting procedure with SEL button (G) at any time
and normal mode is available then. Indication SEL on the display changes
back to mode indication. If STO button (F) was not used, no change has been

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BXP 6401-X-(XX)

H. Flight operation in Mode A/C/S (reply code and altitude code)

(1) When ATC re quests the trans mis si on “squawk”, switch the transponder
to ALT using mode switch (A).

NO TES: This only ma kes sen s e if the trans pon der is connec ted to a
co ding al ti me ter. If not, tell ATC that you do not have mode C
(“mode char lie not avai la ble”).

In ex cep tions the al ti tu de has to be tur ned off, i.e. switch the
trans pon der to ON using mode switch (A).

(2) The trans pon der re plies using the se lec ted Code and in re spon se to
mode C in ter ro ga ti on it trans mits the altitude of the air craft to ATC. A
“R” on the left next to the Code on the dis play sig nals the trans pon der
re plies.

NOTE : Switch the trans pon der to Stand-by (SBY), if the Code has to
be chan ged. Ot her wi se if could hap pen that a Code with a
spe ci al meaning (see chapter K, e.g. highjack) will be trans-
mitted and unwan ted ac tions could take pla ce.

(3) Af ter a “squawk ident” re quest from ATC, press Ident but ton IDT (D)
brief ly. This trans mits an ad di tio nal spe ci al pul se (SPI) for ap prox. 18
se conds, which en ab les the air craft to be cle ar ly iden ti fied on the ra dar
screen of the con trol ler. “ID” ap pe ars on the left side in the LC dis-
play du ring this time.

(4) In a nor mal in stal la ti on the blind en co der is only po we red if the trans-
pon der is not swit ched OFF (at least SBY).

A blind en co der needs a warm-up time (sometimes several mi nu tes).

Therefore, although the so lid sta te trans pon der needs no warm-up time,
turn the trans pon der to SBY im me di ate ly af ter star ting the en gi ne.

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34-50-08 December 2005
BXP 6401-X-(XX)

I. VFR code ac ti vat ion

(1) Press the VFR push-button (J). The prese lec ted code is then dis play ed.
After 3 se conds, the dis play ed code gets ac ti ve and over wri tes the pre-
vious ly-set re ply code.

(2) Pres sing push-button (J) again wit hin 3 se conds re ac ti va tes the pre vi-
ous ly-set re ply code.


When the unit is de li ver ed, the VFR but ton is not as sig ned a code. This
me ans that if this but ton is pres sed for 0.5 se conds, “----” is shown in the
code dis play and the trans pon der then swit ches back to the pre vi ous ly-active

J. In ter nal and ex ter nal Ident

The spe ci al iden ti fier pul se (SPI) can be trig ge red by pres sing “IDT” but ton on
the con trol pa nel or from ex ter nal in put lo ca ted on the trans pon der.

If spe ci al iden ti fier pul se has been trig ge red, then “IDT is dis play ed on the
display as long as SPI is ac ti ve.

K. Spe ci al co dings for air emer gen cies

(1) Spe ci al co dings, which de pend on the type of in ci dent, are sti pu la ted for
cer tain air emer gen cies:

n 7500 Hi jac king

n 7600 Loss of com mu ni ca tions

n 7700 Emer gen cy on board which cons ti tu tes an im me di ate

dan ger to the air craft

(2) The code eva lua ti on de vi ces of the ra dar sys tems au to ma ti cal ly alarm
the con trol lers at the ra dar screens im me di ately if one of the se spe ci al
codes is re cei ved.

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34-50-08 December 2005
BXP 6401-X-(XX)

L. Con fi gu ra ti on mode

The con fi gu ra ti on mode is avai la ble from SBY mode only. To get into con fi gu -
ra ti on mode press but ton SEL (G), turn ro ta ry en co der (B) u n til “CFG” ap pe -
ars in the bot t o m row of the dis play. Avai la ble op tions are de fi ned in the fol -
lowing tab le.

Select with push- Select with rotary Sto re but ton (F)
button (C) switch (B)
BRIGHT NESS 0 % sto re

(only if dimming input … sto re

is set to “none” in
installation menu) 50% de fault sto re

… sto re

100 % sto re
IL LUM CUR VE Cha rac te ris tics sto re to chan ge

(only if external
illumination control is
set in the instal-
lation menu)



AI IN ON de fault ON


FL IN ALT de fault ON

DE VI CE INFO CU VER view only

CORE VER view only

FPGA VER view only

DEV TYPE view only

SE RI AL N B not supported

NOTE: If no type is available, this field indicates nothing.

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34-50-08 December 2005

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