Statement of Work-Template

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Statement of Work


Vendor   Client

Vendor Project Manager   Client Sponsor  

Agreement Date   Version 0.0.0

Project Begin Date   End Date  

1 Summary of Project
[Describe the primary goal of the project—what results are the client and vendor hoping to achieve?]
Client offers a wide range of products to business and consumer buyers. The project will deliver a
comprehensive strategy to support buyers throughout the lifecycle with consistent, useful, compelling content
available at point of need.

1.1 Background
[Briefly describe what led to the decision to engage in the project, including meetings held to identify need,
possible solution, specific objectives, possible risks, etc.]
Vendor has met with product, support, and IT stakeholders over a period of 10 months to determine why
customer satisfaction numbers are falling, and support calls are rising. Client’s current support organization….

1.2 Scope of Work

[Describe in detail what work the project entails. Consider including delivery methods into this description. The
goal is to clearly define exactly what work will be done, so that the project team can avoid scope creep, and
determine when additional work orders need to be submitted.]
Vendor will work with client to analyze and assess the current support content across all internal and customer-
facing channels, detail workflows and process gaps and bottlenecks, and determine current tools inventory.
Vendor will develop recommendations and a content strategy and execution plan to transform content
development processes and deliver consistent content across all support channels.

1.3 Objectives
[List the specific and measurable objectives of the project, and include a rationale as to why the objective is
Objective Rationale

1. Assess current state online Determine process and tool gaps, strength and weaknesses of legacy
documentation and training library content, and technical needs.

2. Analyze customer satisfaction data, and

Move client team to customer centric view of support functions and
community forum structure and
content, and understand customer demands and needs.

3. Recommend a comprehensive content Use analysis and assessment to design a strategy to move to a
strategy and execution plan comprehensive “support center” approach.

4. Implement a pilot program

5. Analyze results of the pilot program

2 Tasks / Activities & Schedule

[Each objective should have one or more milestones & deliverables. The schedule should list them along with a
Due Date to define the Period of Performance.

Task # Task Description Corresponding Deliverable Due Date

1.1 Perform content audit Content Assessment Report 02/01/20XX

1.2 Perform process analysis Gap Analysis Report 03/01/20XX

1.3 Perform Systems/tool review Initial systems recommendations 04/01/20XX

Customer Satisfaction findings &

2.1 Create customer satisfaction benchmarks 05/01/20XX




Determine the channel and product scope of the

4.1 Pilot project brief.

3 Terms of Payment
3.1 Cost Summary
[Describe the various costs expected to be incurred by the vendor, including personnel, implementation, training,
storage, travel, etc.]

3.2 Cost Breakdown

[Use the following chart to break out the estimated costs, delivery timeframes and payment terms.]

Rate Schedule

Estimated Cost Delivery Schedule Description

Prior to start of
$1,500 Licenses and storage
Phase 1

Conclusion of Phase
$1,000 Implementation training materials

(150 hours @ $75 per hr) $11,250 Net 30 monthly Project manager

(250 hours @ $85 per hr) $21,250 Net 30 monthly Content strategist

(300 hours @ $75 per hr) $22,500 Net 30 monthly Implementation / Content engineering

Net 30 upon
$5,000 Travel

$62,500 Total

Payment Terms

Completion Date Payment Due Phase / Work Description

2/28/20xx 3/28/20xx Phase 1: Project initiation

3/28/20xx 6/28/20xx Phase 2: Analysis

6/28/20xx 7/28/20xx Phase 3: Design/Build

7/28/20xx 8/28/20xx Phase 4: Testing

8/28/20xx 9/28/20xx Phase 5: Implementation

10/15/20xx 11/15/20xx Phase 6: Training/engagement

4 Project Requirements
[Use this section to identify specific roles and responsibilities between the Vendor and the Client that ensure
successful completion. These requirements do not relate to any business, systems, or design requirements
developed as deliverables within the project.]

4.1 Vendor Responsibilities

[Call out the specific tasks, roles, materials, or resources for which the vendor has sole responsibility.]
Vendor has the following responsibilities to ensure timely completion of the project:
 Submit deliverables in accordance with agreed-upon schedule.
 Schedule and conduct regular status update meetings with the Client.
 Identify, escalate and share risks and issues with Client promptly.
 Use client-provided equipment and resources in accordance with Client policies and procedures.
 Submit invoicing and receipts in a timely fashion according to schedule.

4.2 Client Responsibilities

[Call out the specific tasks, roles, materials, or resources for which the vendor has sole responsibility.]
Client has the following responsibilities to ensure timely completion of the project
 Review and decision acceptance of deliverables in accordance with agreed-upon schedule.
 Participate in regularly scheduled and ad hoc meetings with Vendor as agreed to support delivery, and
as needed to address issues and risk mitigation.
 Provide equipment, including laptops, access badges, and network access as needed for Vendor
personnel to complete the project.
 Review, approve and pay invoices in a timely fashion according to schedule.

4.3 Mutual Responsibilities

[Call out the specific tasks, roles, materials, or resources for which the vendor and the client share responsibility.]
Vendor and Client share the following responsibilities for the duration of the project:
 Develop and follow communications protocols, including Points of Contact, to coordinate and follow up
as needed.

5 Project Risks
[During the discussions leading up to the SOW, the client and vendor should have mutually identified some risks
that require mitigation planning. Note that additional risks may arise during the project, which may result in
change orders or new SOWs.]

Project Risks
Issue / Risk Mitigation / Contingency

Obtain IT operations maintenance and release schedules and plan tasks to

Critical system downtime
accommodate scheduled downtime.

6 Standards and Compliance

[Depending on the type and complexity of the project, the vendor may have to develop plans for, and/or ensure
compliance with various corporate standards, as well as regulatory issues.]

6.1 Communications Plan

[Most projects should include a communications plan that describes how facets of the project will be
communicated to stakeholders, the project team, and impacted users. Look for existing communications
planning requirements from the client, and reference them here. If applicable, note that a communications plan
is an identified deliverable.]

6.2 Quality Management Plan

[Most projects include a quality management component that governs quality assurance and testing activities.
Look for existing quality management requirements from the client, and reference them here. If applicable, note
that a qualify management plan is an identified deliverable.]

6.3 Training Plan

[If impacted users and other stakeholders require training to realize the benefits of the project, include a
reference here, noting any client-provided standards or guidance, and whether this is a project deliverable.]

6.4 Standard Compliance

[The client may have specific standards around project management and/or the deliverables of the project. They
should be noted here.]
6.5 Regulatory Compliance
[Identify any local, state, or federal regulations that impact the project delivery, and summarize how the project
will address the requirements (i.e., through development and adherence to risk mitigation plans, timely
submission for regulatory approval, etc.).]

6.6 Privacy & Security Adherence

[Summarize the privacy requirements that the project will be impacted by, or have impact upon, including
protection of personally identifiable data, confidential and proprietary information, or government secrecy

7 Business Terms / Conditions

7.1 Contract Modifications

[Summarize the actions the vendor and client must take to modify the SOW / contract, such as formal change
order processes.]

7.2 Confidentiality
[Summarize vendor and client responsibilities with regard to confidentiality, and reference accompanying non-
disclosure agreements.]

7.3 Termination
[Describe under what conditions the SOW / contract may terminated by either the vendor or client, and how
termination would occur.]

8 Comments and Approval

[Describe who will have the authority to approve deliverables, changes or new work orders. Include any
additional information on the project manager, and the client’s assigned point of contact.]
9 Authorization


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