Aatmabal Saving & Credit Co-Operative Ltd. Jadibuti Kathmandu

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Collateral Type: Land Only


Mr. Jivan Bd. Karki

Khimti V.D.C -5, Ramechhap,
(Permanent Address as per Citizenship)

Location of the Property:

Sirutar -7, Aanantalingeswor, Bhaktapur
Owner of the Property:

Mr. JivanBdKarki
Khimti V.D.C -5, Ramechhap,
Mrs. BimalaBohora
Tilpung -8, Ramechhap,
(Permanent address as per Citizenship)

Submitted to:



Submitted by:



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Table of Contents

1.0 Cover Letter……………………………………………………………….…………..3

2.0 General Information.......................................................................................................5

3.0 Possibility of Future Improvement................................................................................8

4.0 Rent................................................................................................................................8

5.0 Sales Value....................................................................................................................8

6.0Method of valuation:.......................................................................................................8

7.0 Summary of the property valuation :.............................................................................9

8.0 Valuator's Comment....................................................................................................10

9.0 List of Documents Furnished.......................................................................................10

10.0 Remarks and Limiting Conditions.............................................................................10

11.0 Commitment of Property Owner and Client..............................................................11

12.0 Certification...............................................................................................................11

Annex – A, Photographs

Annex – B, Supporting Document

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Cover Letter
General Information
Possibility of Future Improvement
Sales Value
Technical Details of Building: - Not Applicable
Calculation of Land Area
Value of Land
Plinth area of Building: - Not Applicable
Valuation of Building of Civil cost: - Not Applicable
Summary of Valuation of Property
Valuator's Comment
List of Documents Furnished
Remarks and Limiting Conditions
Commitment of Property Owner and Client

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The Manager
Aatmabal Saving and Credit Co-OperativeLtd.
Jadibuti, Kathmandu

Sub:-Submission of Report on Property Valuation.

Dear Sir,
We are pleased to submit herewith the property valuation report related to appraise the fair
market value of the property (land of plot no. 1532) which is intended to be mortgaged by the
client Mr. Jivan Bdr. Karki,at the AatmabalSaving& Credit Co-operative Ltd.,Jadibuti,
Kathmandu. The mentioned property owned byMr. Jivan Bdr. Karki and Mrs. Bimala Bohara
is located at Sirutar -7, Aanantalingeswor, Bhaktapur. As discussed with client he is ready to
mortgage the land .Therefore, we have prepared the valuation report for the clientMr. Jivan Bdr.
Karki.The valuation of property has been conducted on the basis of Engineering Norms and
Malpot Office(Government) Rate.

We hereby certify that the assessedvalue of the property (land) is NRs.37, 77,060.00
And the distressed value of the property (land) is NRs.30,21,648.00is the to-date reasonable
replacement value of the mention property as detailed in the enclosed documents as on the data.
All the field data, calculation and documents are attached herewith for the reference and record.

Thanking you for entrusting us with our works and assuring you of our best professional service.

Yours sincerely,

Er.Rama Shah

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2.0 General Information
The property owned by Mr. Jivan Bdr. Karki and Mrs. Bimala Bohara is located at Sirutar
-7, Aanantalingeswor, Bhaktapur.This is residential with agriculturalarea.The property includes
the land ofplot no.1532 having an area of168.26sq.m (1810.50sq.ft)which is (0-5-1-1) R-A-D-
P.The Location plan of the property has been attached in this valuation report.

2.1Name and address of client : Mr. Jivan Bdr. Karki

Khimti V.D.C -5, Ramechhap,
(Permanent address as per Citizenship)

Type of property to be mortgaged :Land only.

Owner of the property:Mr. JivanBdrKarki / Mrs. BimalaBohara
Father’s name :Mr. PhattaBdr. Karki / Mr. AanandaBdr. Bohara
Owner’s address :Khimti V.D.C -5, Ramechhap,/Tilpung -8, Ramechhap,

2.2 Description of Land (As per field measurement)

Land Address Sirutar -7, Aanantalingeswor, Bhaktapur

Area Plot no. Ropani Aana Paisa Dam

168.26Sq.m 1532 0 5 1 0.64

Total 168.26Sq.m 1532 0 5 1 0.64

2.3 Plot No. and Address of the Land

Plot Number: 1532

Address: Sirutar -7, Aanantalingeswor, Bhaktapur

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2.4 Area of the Land as per Lalpurja

Land Address Sirutar -7, Aanantalingeswor, Bhaktapur

Area Plot no. Ropani Aana Paisa Dam

168.89Sq.m 1532 0 5 1 1

Total 168.89Sq.m 1532 0 5 1 1

Total area 168.89Sq.m(0-5-1-1) (R-A-P-D)

2.5 Location
Address where the property is situated :Sirutar -7, Aanantalingeswor, Bhaktapur

2.6 Parameters of the Boundary

Plot no East West North South

1532 Plot no.1534 Plot no. 574 Plot no. 1531 Plot no. 903 and
(20’ Earthen Road) Earthen road

2.7 Means and proximity to

surface communication
by which the locality is
served : Bus, minibus, taxi, Motorbike etc.
2.8 Proximity to civil amenities,
Like campus,
Hospital, bank,cultural
centre etc. : Not Within 1.5 Km
2.9Legal aspects : The related documents as mentioned hereunder have
been checked and noted from our side.
2.10Distance from Highway : Around3 Km. FromBalkot bus station

2.11.1 Land Ownership Documents (Lalpurja):

a. Type of ownership : Double.

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b. Ownership of land : Free-hold.

c. Name of the Owner : Mr. Jivan Bdr. Karki / Mrs. Bimala Bohara
d. Tiller’s Name (if any) : N/A.

e. Comments (if any) : None.

2.11.2 Land Revenue (Malpot) :

a. Whether current revenue has
been paid : Yes/No

b. Comments (if any) : None.

2.11.3 Land Registration Paper:

a. Date of registration : 2073/9/2

b. Comments (if any) : None.

2.11.4 Map of the land plots (i.e. cadastral map) prepared by the HMG, Geodetic Survey
Department :
a. Whether the plot are indicated
in the map : Yes.

b. Whether the access is clearly

marked on the map : Yes.

c. Whether the shape of land in

field tally with the map : Yes.

d. Comments (if any) : None.

2.12 Importance of Location

The property situated is residential plus cultivable area.The plot lies near to SirutarChowk.
If the mortarablekachhi road is pitched or maintained thenthe place would grow as
commercial areas. Thus, the value of the land seems to be good among the surroundings
because of its good soil fertility to vegetables and other agricultural products. All facilities
like schools, electricity, water supply,etcare availablenot too far from the site. So it fetch
fair value at present and has higher possibilities to get attractive value in near future.

2.13 Legal Aspects of the Property

The land of plot no.1532 having area of (0-5-1-1)(R-A-P-D) has been registered to
Mr.Jivan Bdr. Karki and Mrs. Bimala Bohara in Malpot office Bhaktapur. The property
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owner Mr.Jivan Bdr. Karki and Mrs. Bimala Bohara has Permanent address
atRamechhap.In addition, to the best of our knowledge, no legal dispute has been recorded
regarding the property.The verifiedXerox copy of citizenship, landownership, land
registration certificate etc are attached in the report.

3.0 Possibility of Future Improvement

In the future,the property area will develop as a highly demandingarea. As the concerned
location is highly suitable for residentialpropose commercial, land cultivated & industrial
purposes and the necessary physical facilities like electricity, watersupply, cables
network,road transportation etc are availableat its vicinity so the value and importance of
the land is sure to grow in near future. So,possibilities for future improvement are always

4.0 Rent
4.01Occupant of the Property
This property lies in planning area andno any construction on this planning yet.

5.0 Sales Value

Commercial Rate

The most ongoing market price for the locality at the time of valuation has been selected to
represent the valuation of the property. At the present situation, land price of the area isnot
so satisfactorily high.So, it is not an easy task to ascertain the optimum selling price of the
land. However, by the inquiry with the local broker and considering shape,size,location,
access road and other facilities available to the property site the recent value of such land of
plot no 1532 is Rs.10,50,000.00 per Aana
Plot no.1532Sirutar -7, Aanantalingeswor, Bhaktapur

The commercial rate considered for valuation purposes = Rs10,50,000.00


Government rate: = Rs2,10,000.00


6.0Method of valuation:
Land Value
Lesser of the area recorded in the Land Ownership Document and the area measured at site is
considered for valuation.

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Comparative Method:
In this method, the sales transactions of vicinity of properties were studied and then a fair
price of the land was fixed based on the collection data. The physical features such as
frontage, depth, location etc. was considered in details fixing up the price.
Extensive enquiry was carried out with the local residents familiar with the property
transaction around the locality to find out the current buying and selling price of the land.
The rate of the land adopted by the Government Land Tax Department for the particular
locality is also noted.
Due weightage is given to all information and most probable current Land Rate is fixed and


6.1 Government rate of land:2,10,000.00 per Aana(As per Malpot Office, Bhaktapur)

6.2 Market rate of land:10,50,000.00 per Aana

6.3 Adopted rate of land: 7,14,000.00per Aana

Rate of land per Anna Amount

Land Information
Kita Area Government Market rate Adopted (NRs)
Location No. (Aan rate (NRs) (NRs) rate (NRs)
Sirutar -7, 1532 5.29 2,10,000.00 10,50,000.00 7,14,000.00 37,77,060.00

Sub - Total NRs. 37,77,060.00

Note: Average rate adopted for land = 40% of government rate + 60% of market rate

7.0 Summary of the property valuation:

Property Assessed Value Distress Value Value in NRs Remarks

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Land NRs.37,77,060.00 80% NRs.30,21,648.00

Accessed value: Say NRs.37,77,060.00(In words: Thirty Seven lakhs Seventy Seven thousands
and Sixty Rupees only.)
Distressed value: Say NRs.30,21,648.00(In words: Thirty Lakhs Twenty One Thousand Six
Hundred and Fourty Eight Rupees Only.)
8.0 Valuator's Comment
Considering the above facts, we conclude that it is safe to provide the client with the loan of the
basis of the current value of property i.e.Rs. 30, 21,648.00. The property of the plot no.1532 is
situated at residential & industrial purposes area. There is in fact large demand of land in the
locality during these days, so selling and buying activities purely under negotiation. So,there is
no fix price of land or the property.

9.0 List of Documents Furnished

Legal Documents:

Land Ownership Document (Lalpurja) Attached

Land Registration Paper Not Attached
Land Revenue receipt Attached
Map of the plot by Survey Department Attached
Trace map Attached
Citizenship of land owner Attached
Boundary Certificate(4 killa) of the property Attached

Engineering Drawings and Photographs:

Location Plan Attached

Photograph Attached

10.0 Remarks and Limiting Conditions

The opinions of value stated are based upon facts and assumptions identified in this report.
The stated opinions of value are effective as of the date of value based upon information
that was available to the valuator at the time when the valuation analysis was conducted.
Values may change substantially with time, and the valuator reserves the right to alter
stated opinion of value if relevant information becomes available.

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To the best of our knowledge, all matters of factual nature discussed in this report are true
and correct. No important factors have been intentionally overlooked or withheld.

The property incorporated in this supplementary valuation includes land.

It has been fully ascertained that lending of this organisation is fully secured by this
mortgaged up to the Fair Market Value of the amount certified on the report. It has been
mentioned if there is any doubt.

In our opinion this property may be taken as mortgage for the amount recommended in the
valuation report, however, the entire format including remarks made above shall be taken
into consideration and legal documents shall be scrutinized by the legal experts.

11.0 Commitment of Property Owner and Client

We are fully responsible for the information and legal document provided to prepare this
valuation report. We are committed, there is no legal complication: it isn't being acquired
by the Government and it is not a prohibited area for construction.

................. ……………..
Mr. Jivan Bdr. Karki and Mrs. Bimala Bohara
Sirutar -7, Aanantalingeswor, Bhaktapur District,
Bagmati Zone, Nepal.

12.0 Certification

I hereby, certify that the valuation of the concerned properties as detailed in this report has
been carried out being within terms and conditions of Valuation guidelines. The said
property is an acceptable security to the bank in all respects.

Er.Rama Shah

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