Case Study Analysis of Keisha

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Case Study Analysis of Keisha

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Case Study Analysis of Keisha


Holistic care services are patient centered practices that are incorporated in the treatment

plan with the consideration of patient’s preferences and beliefs. It is a type of competent care

services where the healthcare professionals emphasize on understanding the beliefs and needs of

patients. Such types of services are challenging because, the provision of holistic care services

require increased willingness and satisfaction levels of patient. In order to provide such care

services it is important to adopt efficient communication skills that highly emphasize on the

respect of patient and appropriate language style (Demirsoy, 2017).

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the care needs of Keisha in a holistic manner. The

paper will also discuss the policies that are associated with the provision of holistic care services.

This paper will serve as a guide for healthcare professionals who are seeking ways to improve

their leadership qualities in the delivery of patient centered care. In addition to this, the paper

will highlight the significance of communication in the provision of holistic care services.

Finally, the paper will discuss the interventions on the basis of Keisha’s healthcare status.

Summary of Case Study

The provided case study has mentioned that Keisha is suffering from Down’s syndrome

and Type 1 Diabetes. Keisha’s boyfriend named, Kemal (also a patient of Down’s syndrome)

used to buy her expensive chocolates which has increased the body mass index of Keisha. Keisha

is concerned about her weight gain and therefore she has stopped eating. As a result, Keisha has

suffered from severe hypoglycemia (because she is also taking insulin). She is admitted to ward

because she fainted due to hypoglycemia. Her mother is concerned about her relationship with

Kemal due to pregnancy and exposure to sexually transmitted diseases.

Implementation of Bio-psychosocial Model on Case Study

The Bio-psychosocial model emphasize that the health care of patient is not only

associated with the biological factors (physiology and pathology) of disease but, it is also

associated with the psychological and social factors. By implementing this model on the case

study of Keisha it is analyzed, that the Keisha’s biological factor (pathologies related to Down’s

syndrome and diabetes) is greatly influenced by her social and psychological factors (Wade &

Halligan, 2017). 

Biological Factors Associated with Keisha’s Health Status

Keisha is a patient of Down’s syndrome and diabetes. She is taking insulin that indicates

the severity of diabetes. Keisha’s biological needs demand proper monitoring of blood glucose

levels. It is also important to regulate her diet and levels of physical activities. Similarly, due to

Down’s syndrome she possess low intellectual levels. She is a vulnerable person genetically

(Egan & Dinneen, 2019). 

Psychological Factors Associated with Keisha’s Health Status

Keisha’s psychological factors include high self- esteem, low mental health status, low

coping skills, disturbed social skills and depressed relationship with mother. Keisha is a

confident girl of 20 years. She thinks that she is able to make right decisions for her. However,

she is not well aware about her genetic vulnerabilities. Psychologically she is unable to cope with

the burden of her disabilities. For example, it is difficult for her to understand that chocolates are

poisonous for her and she needs to communicate Kemal about her diabetes issue. It is due to the

fact that she thinks it is socially acceptable to receive presents like chocolates and she is ignoring

her physical health status. Psychologically, she is making efforts to blend with the societal

norms. Her efforts indicate that she is depressed about her physical health status. Her angry

behavior towards her mother has highlighted that she does not follow the instructions that are

made on the basis of her health status, rather she wants to do all those activities that a person

without diabetes and down’s syndrome would do (Li, Reese, Ma & Love, 2021). 

Social Factors Associated with Keisha’s Health Status

Socially Keisha wants to connect with peers for example, her boyfriend Kemal. She

thinks that her mother is overprotective and she wants to make decisions by herself. The social

factor related to Keisha shows that she is feeling guilty about her mental health. In reaction to

this guilt, she wants to socially connect with Kemal and her relationship with Kemal cause her to

feel healthy. She is emotionally connected with Kemal and considers this connection as a source

of covering her physical vulnerabilities (Matthews et al., 2018).

Care Needs for Keisha

Keisha needs emotional and psychological support along with the provision of holistic

care services. It is important to discuss the health status of Keisha with her mother and Kemal.

The first care need that is required for Keisha is management of her diet plan. Recommending

her to a dietician would help her in managing her diet. Moreover, the dietician would also

educate her about the regulation of blood glucose levels. In addition to this, the psychological

factors linked with Keisha indicates that she needs a counselor. Counselor will educate her about

her psychological issues. For example, counselor will educate her that being a physically

vulnerable person does not indicate that she is excluded from the society. Counselor will help her

to understand that she is suffering from disorders but, emotionally and socially she is fit for

society. Counselor will also help her in making right decisions and will increase her coping

skills. The social factors related to Keisha needs education and interaction with Kemal, her

mother and Keisha as well. It is important to interact with Kemal and tell him about the severity

of Keisha’s diabetes (VanZant & McCormick, 2021). 

It is also important to discuss the psychological issues of Keisha with her mother in order

to make her understand that Keisha is feeling embarrassed and ashamed about her health status.

On the other hand, it is also important to educate her mother about independency and freedom.

Her mother needs to know that certain level of freedom and independence will make her

daughter’s decision making skills improved. In addition to this, it is also important to talk with

Keisha about the use of contraceptives and regulation of blood glucose levels. Keisha needs to

understand that chocolates are not beneficial for hear health. She also needs to understand that

contraceptives will protect her from unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.

This in turn will satisfy the worries of her mother related to Keisha’s pregnancy and sexually

transmitted diseases. Keisha needs to know the kind of food which is good for health and also

needs support to improve her coping skills so that she can interact with Kemal confidently and

can rejects the gifts that are inappropriate for her health (Skelton, Knafl, Riper, Fleming &

Swallow, 2021). 

Analysis of Policies Related to Keisha’s Case Study

Policies related to the National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS) are analyzed.

According to these policies it is important for healthcare professionals to improve the health

status and life quality of Keisha. It is also important to increase knowledge of Keisha related to

free education in least restrictive setting. NDSS policies emphasize that patients with Down’s

syndrome should be enrolled in educational programs in order to promote their educational

outcomes. NDSS advocates are making efforts to design such programs that can increase the

independency levels of Keisha. Therefore, it is important to educate Keisha that she is no less

than a person (without disability) in relevance to her intellectual levels. She needs to get enrolled

in educational programs.

Keisha also needs to get aware that policies related to economic self-sufficiency are

developed to make the people with Down’s syndrome understand that they are the significant

part of society and the state owners are available to support them financially and emotionally.

Keisha also needs to increase her awareness about the employment policies of NDSS. The policy

is designed to provide employment opportunities to people with Down’s syndrome. All these

policies can make Keisha aware that she is not the only one who is suffering from Down’s

syndrome. The information regarding these policies would protect her from isolation,

abandonment, depression, anxiety and feeling of guilt and embarrassment (NDSS, 2021).

The NDSS policies are designed to support the people with Down’s syndrome. These

policies are not only emphasizing on the financial aspects but are also focusing on the emotional

and psychological aspects of individuals with Down’s syndrome. The policies regarding

employment, economic self-sufficiency and community integration has showed that the

advocates are making efforts to integrate people with Down’s syndrome in the economy and are

working hard to provide them opportunities that can facilitate their participation and productivity

in economy. Policies related to education and healthcare is emphasizing on accessibility and

affordability towards quality care services. The policy regarding education is made to reflect the

idea that education is the right of every person and it is not associated with the disabilities of

person. Moreover, education can strengthen and improve the self-esteem of people with Down’s

syndrome and can make them realize that they can productively participate within the society

(NDSS, 2021).


Demirsoy, N. (2017). Holistic care philosophy for patient‐centered approaches and

spirituality. Patient Centered Med, 119.

Egan, A. M., & Dinneen, S. F. (2019). What is diabetes? Medicine, 47(1), 1-4.

Li, M., Reese, R. J., Ma, X., & Love, K. (2021). The role of adult attachment in international

students’ acculturation process. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 81, 29-


Matthews, T. J., Allain, D. C., Matthews, A. L., Mitchell, A., Santoro, S. L., & Cohen, L. (2018).

An assessment of health, social, communication, and daily living skills of adults with

Down syndrome. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, 176(6), 1389-1397.

National Down syndrome Society (NDSS). (2021). Policy Priorities for the Down syndrome

Community. Retrieved from


Skelton, B., Knafl, K., Van Riper, M., Fleming, L., & Swallow, V. (2021). Care Coordination

Needs of Families of Children with Down syndrome: A Scoping Review to Inform

Development of mHealth Applications for Families. Children, 8(7), 558.

VanZant, J. S., & McCormick, A. A. (2021). Health care transition for individuals with Down

syndrome: A needs assessment. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A.

Wade, D. T., & Halligan, P. W. (2017). The bio-psychosocial model of illness: a model whose

time has come.

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