Design and Analysis of Shock and Random Vibration Isolation of Operating Hard Disk Drive in Harsh Environment
Design and Analysis of Shock and Random Vibration Isolation of Operating Hard Disk Drive in Harsh Environment
Design and Analysis of Shock and Random Vibration Isolation of Operating Hard Disk Drive in Harsh Environment
DOI 10.3233/SAV-2009-0458
IOS Press
Abstract. An effective vibration isolation system is important for hard disk drives (HDD) used in a harsh mechanical environment.
This paper describes how to design, simulate, test and evaluate vibration isolation systems for operating HDD subjected to severe
shock and random vibrations based on military specifications MIL-STD-810E. The well-defined evaluation criteria proposed in
this paper can be used to effectively assess the performance of HDD vibration isolation system. Design concepts on how to
achieve satisfactory shock and vibration isolation for HDD are described. The concepts are tested and further enhanced by the
two design case studies presented here. It is shown that an effective vibration isolation system, that will allow a HDD to operate
well when subjected to severe shock and random vibration, is feasible.
Keywords: Hard disk drives, vibration and shock isolation, MIL-STD-810E, vibration testing, isolation design
1. Introduction
The topic on how to design an optimum shock and vibration isolation for general type of devices has been discussed
quite extensively in the literatures [1,2]. However, the vibration isolation design for sophisticated systems needs to
be attended in a special manner. For instance, the design of vibration isolation for an infrared equipment has been
discussed in detail in [3,4].
In this paper, the authors would like to focus on the design and analysis of shock and vibration isolation of hard disk
drives (HDD). The vibration in HDD has been increasingly studied due to the fact that HDDs have been increasingly
used in various mobile applications (e.g. portable communication and entertainment systems), in which the HDD
may be subjected to severe shock and random vibration inputs. It remains a big challenge for HDD manufacturers to
make the HDD robust to harsh environmental conditions. This is predominantly due to the fact that originally HDD
used to be designed for operation in stationary environments.
There are basically three methods to handle the shock and vibration problems in HDD [5]. The first is to design a
robust servo control mechanism to prevent read/write head error. The second is to design a robust mechanical system
and slider/disk interface. The third is to design suitable vibration isolation for the HDD. The first and second methods
have been widely used in the academic and industrial research, but the third has not been addressed sufficiently in the
literature. Some research work done focused on vibration isolators installed inside the HDD [6]. But little attention
is given to external vibration isolation of HDD. There has been a published work related to this specific area by the
same authors [7]. However, the previous work did not address the shock problem.
ISSN 1070-9622/09/$17.00 2009 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved
144 H. Harmoko et al. / Design and analysis of shock and random vibration isolation
Flexure Dimple
5.0 50 0.0
Frequency (Hz)
This paper describes in more detail on how to design, simulate, analyse and evaluate vibration isolation systems
of operating HDD subjected to not only harsh random-on-random vibrations but also severe shock. First, the shock
and vibration profiles that might be experienced by HDD are described according to Military Standard (MIL-STD)
810E. Next, the authors propose vibration testing and evaluation criteria that can be used to assess the effectiveness
of the shock and vibration isolation. Design concepts specially tailored to HDD vibration isolation systems are then
proposed in the subsequent section. Next, two case studies are presented to test and augment the concepts.
The US Department of Defense has provided a series of guidelines for reliability and environmental testing
under MIL-STD-810E [8]. Some of the tests given by the standard are vibration, water resistance, humidity, and
temperature tests.
The random vibration test in MIL-STD-810E Method 514.4 is commonly used among mobile electronics manu-
facturers for ruggedisation testing. The vibration data in the standard is derived based on the interaction of vehicle
structures with road and surface discontinuities. Due to the randomness and irregularity of data collected, the data is
best simulated by superimposing narrowband random vibration over a broadband random base. Hence, the vibration
data consists of random-on-random vibration data in 3 primary axes. Each axis has six phases which correspond to
different speed of vehicle during military mission. Figure 2 shows a general power spectral density (PSD) profile
described by the standard. The standard will be used to investigate the performance of externally isolated HDD.
According to the standard, the HDD has to be able to run smoothly under the excitation of each random-on-random
vibration profile.
The HDD also has to pass the shock tolerance requirements. The purpose of the shock tests is to ensure that the
HDD can withstand the relatively infrequent, non repetitive shocks or transient vibration encountered in handling,
transportation, and service environments. As described in the MIL-STD-810E, the shock tests are intended to assess
equipment assemblies which in this case are the HDD together with the shock and vibration isolator systems, in their
functional or operating modes. The applicable shock profiles for functional test are given in Table 1.
H. Harmoko et al. / Design and analysis of shock and random vibration isolation 145
Table 1
Shock profile for functional shock test
Test procedure Half sine peak Pulse width Cross over
acceleration frequency
Functional test 40 G 6–9 ms 45 Hz
For ground equipment
Crash hazard test 75 G 3.5–5 ms 80 Hz
For ground equipment
(1 G = 9.81 m/s2 )
Table 2
Maximum GRMS that hard disk drive can withstand without
vibration isolator
Manufacturer Serial no GRMS* (PSD profile is
flat from 5 to 500 Hz)
x-axis y-axis z-axis
Hitachi F4H23NTD 5.07 5.07 3.47
F4H23NWD 5.05 5.22 3.47
*GRMS is the root-mean-square value of acceleration in G
HDD with
Isolation system
connected Shaker
to HDD
Shock and
Input Profile
For testing the HDD, random-on-random vibration signals as specified by the power spectral density profiles of
MIL-STD-810E are generated by a vibration controller (VR8500). The controller then excites a large electrodynamics
shaker system to physically produce the random vibration. Figure 3 shows a typical experimental setup for random
For shock testing, a programmable shock table and dual-mass shock amplifier (Fig. 4) is used to produce the
required shock magnitude and pulse width.
During shock/random vibration test, the functionality of the HDD is evaluated in terms of
1. Real time data recording to the HDD with constant data transfer rate.
By using a multi-channel field data recorder, data (e.g. signals from accelerometers) is recorded and streamed
in real-time to the HDD. The data transfer rate can be determined from the size of the data and the sampling
frequency. The data written to the HDD is then verified. The HDD passes this test if the desired data recording
rate can be maintained without loss.
146 H. Harmoko et al. / Design and analysis of shock and random vibration isolation
on Base
HDD with
Drop table on HDD
4. Design concept
This section aims to demonstrate that vibration isolation is necessary for HDD. The vibration tolerances of bare
HDD (without vibration isolation system) in GRMS are determined based on the evaluation criteria given in Section 3
above. We called this maximum tolerable GRMS level of bare HDD as the threshold GRMS. Since the purpose
is to find this threshold value, it is not practical to apply directly the power spectral density profile defined in
MIL-STD-810E. Instead, by using the flat PSD profile, we can readily control the GRMS level in the threshold test
and subsequently get the vibration tolerance level of bare HDD.
In our study, the bare HDD is subjected to the random vibration with flat power spectral density from 5 Hertz to
500 Hertz. The magnitude of power spectral density is increased until the HDD fails according to the given criteria.
H. Harmoko et al. / Design and analysis of shock and random vibration isolation 147
HDD x (t )
k c
y (t )
3.0 Damping factor = 0.1
RMS acceleration (G)
2.5 V6
5 10 15 20 25
Natural frequency, fn (Hz)
Table 2 shows the experimentally measured acceptable limits of the bare HDD used in this study (the axes notation
is given in Fig. 5). It can be seen that the x- and y-axes GRMS values for failure are higher than the z-axis; from
the slider/disk interface point of view, the shock in z-direction has potential to cause more severe damage compared
to x- and y-direction [5,9] because this is the direction where the slider will crash onto the disk. Additionally, the
suspension (where the slider is attached to; see Fig. 1) is designed in such away that it is very stiff in the in-plane
directions (x- and y-) but quite flexible in the z-direction so that the slider can follow the disk contour easily [10].
The high in-plane stiffness enhances the HDD shock robustness in x and y direction.
Since the random vibration inputs specified by MIL-STD-810E are up to 8.95 GRMS for z-axis and 12 GRMS
for x-axis, the bare HDD would not be able to pass the MIL-STD-810E requirements. Hence, vibration isolation is
necessary for the HDD.
The modern HDD has a relatively high shock resistance. For example, Hitachi Travelstar 40GN can withstand up
to 200G @ 2 ms (more than the shock tolerance required by MIL-STD-810E). Therefore, the HDD isolator mounts
are primarily required to isolate random vibration. Basically, the isolator design should achieve transmissibilities for
all three axes of motion that are low enough to provide the necessary vibration isolation in the 5–500 Hz frequency
range. Since the HDD cover is relatively stiff (fundamental natural frequencies >3000 Hz), we can treat the HDD
as a rigid body [2]. Referring to Fig. 6, the RMS value of the HDD acceleration can be predicted by the formula:
RMS of HDD acceleration = |T r(ω)| Syy (ω)dω, (1)
where Tr(ω) is the frequency dependent transmissibility function, and S yy (ω) is the power spectral density function
for a random input vibration y(t) to the base.
148 H. Harmoko et al. / Design and analysis of shock and random vibration isolation
T2 Damping factor = 0.1
2.5 T5
5 10 15 20 25
Natural frequency, fn (Hz)
L3 Damping factor = 0.1
1.5 L5
RMS acceleration (G)
5 10 15 20 25
Natural frequency, fn (Hz)
The objective is to make sure that the RMS value of the HDD acceleration is lower than the acceptable limits given
in Table 2. Using Eq. (1), the RMS acceleration response can be predicted if the transmissibility function Tr(ω) and
the power spectral density input S yy (ω) is known. Tr(ω) is a function of isolator system natural frequency ω n and
the damping factor ζ.
1 + (2ζr)2 ω
T r(ω) = ;r = (2)
(1 − r2 )2 + (2ζr)2 ωn
Syy (ω) is set according to the data given in MIL-STD-810E. The data consists of six phases of random vibration
input defined in the z (vertical), x (transverse), and y (longitudinal) directions.
Figures 7–9 show the predicted RMS acceleration response of the HDD versus the isolator’s natural frequency for
damping factor of 0.1, for the given power spectral density input as defined in Mil-STD-810E Method 514.4. V1
to V6 correspond to S yy (ω) in the six phases of vertical random vibration data. T1 to T6 correspond to S yy (ω) in
six phases transverse of random vibration data. L1 to L6 correspond to S yy (ω) in six phases of longitudinal random
vibration data.
From Figs 7–9 it can be inferred that the vibration isolation design must have relatively low natural frequency.
For example, in vertical direction, a natural frequency of 20 Hz or below will give an RMS acceleration response
under 2 G. In the x and y directions, a natural frequency of 30 Hz or below will give an RMS acceleration response
under 3.5 G. A well-damped system (damping ratio 0.1) with natural frequencies between 10 to 20 Hz is expected
to give good random vibration isolation.
H. Harmoko et al. / Design and analysis of shock and random vibration isolation 149
HDD x (t )
k1 k2 c
y (t )
Fig. 10. Vibration isolator mount with additional stiff isolator (k2 ).
Hollow Box
U-shape base
Transmissibility plot
14.3 Hz 17.4 Hz x direction
Mag: 23.4 Mag: 23.5
y direction
20 17.5 Hz z direction
Mag: 19.9
Transmissibility (G/G)
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Freq (Hz)
However, a system with low natural frequencies may suffer from high displacement response under a shock
input. A high displacement response is not desirable because there may not be enough space around the HDD to
accommodate peak-to-peak displacement. In order to restrain displacement response, relatively stiff isolators can be
added to the vibration isolation system (Fig. 10). The HDD can still function normally when it hits the stiff isolator
due to its high shock tolerance.
5.1. Design I
Figure 11 shows a vibration isolation system for a 2.5” HDD. The HDD is secured inside an aluminium box. The
box is supported by four low damped rubber mounts; two at the left side and two at other side. Figure 12 shows the
150 H. Harmoko et al. / Design and analysis of shock and random vibration isolation
Power Spectral Density Plot I
input PSD
Measured Response
Acceleration (G /Hz)
2 10
0 100 200 300 400 500
Frequency (Hz)
measured transmissibilities of the system in the x, y and z directions. The damping ratios for all three directions are
less than the values that are predicted to give satisfactory vibration isolation, as explained in Section 4.2. Figure 13
shows a typical vibration PSD of the excitation and the corresponding response of the HDD. The HDD isolation
system did not pass the random vibration tests according to the criteria defined in Section 3.
5.2. Design II
Figures 14 and 15 show another vibration isolation system for a 2.5” HDD. The HDD is secured to a metal base
and suspended by rubber O-rings. Figure 16 shows the measured transmissibilities of the system in the x, y and z
directions. The natural frequencies and damping are well within the ranges that are predicted to give satisfactory
vibration isolation. Figure 17 shows a typical vibration PSD of the excitation and the corresponding response of the
HDD. It is observed that the HDD passes all the random vibration tests according to the specified criteria.
H. Harmoko et al. / Design and analysis of shock and random vibration isolation 151
Power Spectral Density Plot II
input PSD
Measured Response
Acceleration (G /Hz)
0 100 200 300 400 500
Frequency (Hz)
HDD (output)
Acceleration (G)
5 10 15 20 30 35
Figure 18 gives the acceleration time history of the base and of the HDD during the crash hazard test. The
acceleration of the HDD is below its critical level (200 G). Design II passes the criteria described in Section 3 in all
the shock tests. Figure 19 shows the snapshots of the shock response of the HDD to 80 G @ 3.5 ms shock input. It
is seen that the stiff isolator helps reduce the peak-to-peak displacement.
H. Harmoko et al. / Design and analysis of shock and random vibration isolation 153
Input vibration - Experiments
Output response - Experiments
7 Output response - Simulations
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The input shock level defined in MIL-STD-810E is 75 G @ 3.5 ms. In the experiment it is difficult to get exactly
75 G input due to the limitation of the test equipment. However, if the system passed the shock test at 80 G, it should
be able to pass the test at 75 G also.
The volume of space that the isolation apparatus consumes in the actual installation is 0.15 m (length in x-direction)
× 0.1 m (width in y-direction) × 0.06 m (height in z-direction). Additional space (0.04 m–0.05 m) should be
provided above the HDD to allow it to sway vertically during shock.
A computer simulation model of the HDD vibration isolation system (Fig. 20) has been developed using SimMe-
chanics. This model takes input in the form of vibration time history data generated from the PSD profiles defined in
MIL-STD-810E Method 514.4 and then predicts the output responses. Figure 21 shows the measured and predicted
RMS acceleration levels of the suspended HDD for the six random vibration test phases in the vertical (z) direction.
Comparing with the RMS levels of the input excitation, it can be seen that substantial vibration isolation has been
6. Conclusion
An effective suspension system is necessary to isolate the HDD from the strong vibration transmitted from the
ground, vehicle engine, etc. Procedures for vibration testing, evaluation criteria, design concept, modeling and
simulation for the external vibration isolation system for the HDD have been presented. Two example designs have
been used as case studies to demonstrate and verify the design concepts. The natural frequencies of the external
vibration isolation system should be between 10 to 20 Hz. The damping properties of the system is required to be
relatively high (10%). To reduce the peak-to-peak displacement during shock event, relatively stiff isolators can
be used. Experiments and simulations have confirmed that effective vibration isolation can indeed be designed to
isolate the operating HDD from severe shock and random vibration.
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