Generator Set Installation Manual: Olympian

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This installation manual will guide you through the factors to be considered in the
installation of your diesel or gas generator system. It discusses location and mounting
of the generator set; size of room; ventilation and air flow; engine cooling water supply
or radiator location; exhaust outlet; fuel tank and fuel transfer system.

By following the suggestions in this installation manual, you will be able to plan an
economical, efficient generator set installation with operating characteristics suitable
to each particular application.

You can make your work easier by enlisting the aid of your local dealer when planning
your generator set installation. Getting his advice early may save cost and avoid
problems. He knows engines, electrical equipment, local laws and insurance regulations.
With his help, you can be sure your generator set installation will fulfill your needs
without unnecessary cost.



1. Installation Factors 1
2. Moving the Generator Set 1
3. Generator Set Location 1
4. Generator Set Mounting 2
5. Ventilation 3
6. Engine Exhaust 6
7. Exhaust Silencing 9
8. Sound Attenuation 10
9. Engine Cooling 10
10. Fuel Supply (Diesel) 13
11. Selecting Diesel Fuels for Standby Dependability 17
12. Fuel Supply (Gaseous) 19
13. Tables and Formulas for Engineering Standby Generator Sets:
Table 1 Length Equivalents 22
Table 2 Area Equivalents 22
Table 3 Mass Equivalents 22
Table 4 Volume and Capacity Equivalents 23
Table 5 Conversions for Units of Speed 23
Table 6 Conversions of Units of Power 23
Table 7 Conversions for Measurements of Water 24
Table 8 Barometric Pressures and Boiling Points of Water at Various Altitudes 24
Table 9 Conversions of Units of Flow 25
Table 10 Conversions of Units of Pressure and Head 25
Table 11 Approximate Weights of Various Liquids 25
Table 12 Electrical Formula 26
Table 13 kVA/kW Amperage at Various Voltages 27
Table 14 Gas Flow-Pipe Size Chart 28

Conversions of Centigrade and Fahrenheit 29

Fuel Consumption Formulas 29
Electrical Motor Horsepower 29
Piston Travel 29
Break Mean Effective Pressure 29

14. Glossary of Terms 30


1. Installation Factors For lifting the generator set, lift points are provided on
the baseframe. Shackles and chains of suitable length
and lifting capacity must be used and a spreader bar
Once the size of the generator set and the required is required to prevent damaging the set. See Figure 2.1.
associated control panel and switchgear have been An optional “single point lifting eye” is available on
established, plans for installation can be prepared. most diesel generator sets if the generator set will be
Proper attention to mechanical and electrical regularly moved by lifting.
engineering details will assure a satisfactory power
system installation.
NOTE: The single point lifting eye should only be
used to lift a generator set with an empty fuel tank.
Factors to be considered in the installation of a In all other situations, i.e. with the fuel tank containing
generator are: fuel, the lifting of the generator set should only take
place using the lifting eyes located on the side of the
Access and maintenance location baseframe using the appropriate lifting equipment,
Floor loading including spreader bars, etc. to prevent damage to
Vibration transmitted to building and equipment the generator set.
Ventilation of room
Engine exhaust piping and insulation 3. Generator Set Location
Noise reduction
Method of engine cooling
Size and location of diesel fuel tank, The set may be located in the basement or on another
or gas supply system floor of the building, on a balcony, in a penthouse on the
Local, national or insurance regulations roof or even in a separate building. Usually it is located
Smoke and emissions requirements in the basement for economics and for convenience of
operating personnel. The generator room should be large
enough to provide adequate air circulation and plenty of
2. Moving the Generator Set working space around the engine and alternator.

The generator set baseframe is specifically designed for If it is necessary to locate the generator set outside the
ease of moving the set. Improper handling can seriously building, it can be furnished enclosed in a housing and
damage the generator and components. mounted on a skid or trailer (for diesel generator sets).
This type of assembly is also useful, whether located inside
Using a forklift, the generator set can be lifted or for minor or outside the building, if the installation is temporary. For
location adjustments pushed/pulled by the baseframe. outside installation the housing is normally “weatherproof”.
This is necessary to prevent water from entering the
alternator compartment if the generator set is to be
NOTE: Never lift the generator set by attaching to the exposed to rain accompanied by high winds.
engine or alternator lifting lugs!

Spreader Bar

Figure 2.1: Proper Lifting Arrangement


4. Generator Set Mounting 4.2 Floor Loading

The generator set will be shipped assembled on a rigid Floor loading depends on the total generator set weight
base that precisely aligns the alternator and engine and (including fuel and water) and the number and size of
needs merely to be set in place (on vibration isolation isolator pads. With the baseframe mounted directly on
pads for larger sets) and levelled. See Figure 4.1. the floor, the floor loading is:

4.1 Vibration Isolation Floor Loading = Total Generating Set Weight

Area of Skids

It is recommended that the generator set be mounted on

With vibration isolation between the baseframe and the
vibration isolation pads to prevent the set from receiving
floor, if the load is equally distributed over all isolators,
or transmitting injurious or objectionable vibrations.
the floor loading is:
Rubber isolation pads are used when small amounts of
vibration transmission is acceptable. Steel springs in
combination with rubber pads are used to combat both Floor Loading = Total Generating Set Weight
light and heavy vibrations. On smaller generator sets, Pad Area x Number of Pads
these isolation pads should be located between the coupled
engine/alternator feet and the baseframe. The baseframe Thus, floor loading can be reduced by increasing the
is then securely attached to the floor. On larger sets the number of isolation pads.
coupled engine/alternator may be rigidly connected to the
baseframe with vibration isolation between the baseframe
If load is not equally distributed, the maximum floor
and floor. Other effects of engine vibration can be
pressure occurs under the pad supporting the greatest
minimized by providing flexible connections between
proportion of load (assuming all pads are the same size):
the engine and fuel lines, exhaust system, radiator air
discharge duct, conduit for control and power cables and
other externally connected support systems. Max Floor Pressure = Load on Heaviest Loaded Pad
Pad Area

Flexible Discharge
Duct Connection

Flexible Exhaust

Vibration Isolators

Figure 4.1: Reducing Vibration Transmission


5. Ventilation In providing ventilation, the objective is to maintain the

room air at a comfortable temperature that is cool enough
for efficient operation and full available power, but it
Any internal combustion engine requires a liberal supply should not be so cold in winter that the room is
of cool, clean air for combustion. If the air entering the uncomfortable or engine starting is difficult. Though
engine intake is too warm or too thin, the engine may not providing adequate ventilation seldom poses serious
produce its rated power. Operation of the engine and problems, each installation should be analyzed by both
alternator radiates heat into the room and raises the the distributor and the customer to make sure the
temperature of the room air. Therefore, ventilation of the ventilation provisions are satisfactory.
generator room is necessary to limit room temperature rise
and to make clean, cool intake air available to the engine.
5.1 Circulation
When the engine is cooled by a set mounted radiator,
the radiator fan must move large quantities of air through Good ventilation requires adequate flow into and out of
the radiator core. There must be enough temperature the room and free circulation within the room. Thus, the
difference between the air and the water in the radiator to room should be of sufficient size to allow free circulation
cool the water sufficiently before it re-circulates through of air, so that temperatures are equalized and there are no
the engine. The air temperature at the radiator inlet pockets of stagnant air. See Figure 5.1. The generator set
depends on the temperature rise of air flowing through should be located so that the engine intake draws air
the room from the room inlet ventilator. By drawing air from the cooler part of the room. If there are two or more
into the room and expelling it outdoors through a generator sets, avoid locating them so that air heated by
discharge duct, the radiator fan helps to maintain room the radiator of one set flows toward the engine intake or
temperature in the desirable range. radiator fan of an adjacent set. See Figure 5.2.

Radiator Air Discharge

Cable Transfer Switch
and Automatic
Control Panel

Exhaust Outlet

Panel Door


Air Inlet Ventilator

Figure 5.1: Typical Arrangement for Adequate Air Circulation and Ventilation


5.2 Ventilators

To bring in fresh air, there should be an inlet ventilator Both the inlet and exit ventilators should have louvres
opening to the outside or at least an opening to another for weather protection. These may be fixed but preferably
part of the building through which the required amount should be movable in cold climates. For automatic starting
of air can enter. In smaller rooms, ducting may be used generator sets, if the louvers are movable, they should be
to bring air to the room or directly to the engine’s air automatically operated and should be programmed to open
intake. In addition, an exit ventilator opening should be immediately upon starting the engine.
located on the opposite outside wall to exhaust warm air.
See Figure 5.3.

Radiator Air Discharge

Airflow Equal to Engines

Optional Inlet Air Inlet Optional Inlet


Figure 5.2: Typical Arrangement for Proper Ventilation with Multiple Generator Sets


5.3 Inlet Ventilator Size After determining the required air flow into the room,
calculate the size of inlet ventilator opening to be
installed in the outside wall. The inlet ventilator must be
Before calculating the inlet ventilator size, it is necessary large enough so that the negative flow restriction will not
to take into account the radiator cooling air flow exceed a maximum of 10 mm (0.4 in) H2O. Restriction
requirements and the fan static pressure available when values of air filters, screens and louvers should be
the generator set is operating at its rated load. In standard obtained from manufacturers of these items.
room installations, the radiated heat is already taken into
account in the radiator air flow.
5.4 Exit Ventilator Size
For generator room installation with remote radiators,
the room cooling air flow is calculated using the total Where the engine and room are cooled by a set mounted
heat radiation to the ambient air of the engine and radiator, the exit ventilator must be large enough to
alternator and any part of the exhaust system. exhaust all of the air flowing through the room, except
the relatively small amount that enters the engine intake.

Engine and alternator cooling air requirements for

generator sets when operating at rated power are shown on
specification sheets. Exhaust system radiation depends on
the length of pipe within the room, the type of insulation
used and whether the silencer is located within the room
or outside. It is usual to insulate the exhaust piping and
silencer so that heat radiation from this source may be
neglected in calculating air flow required for room cooling.

Air Inlet Ventilator

Air Exit

Figure 5.3: Inlet and Exit Ventilators


6. Engine Exhaust It is not normally recommended that the engine exhaust

share a flue with a furnace or other equipment since there
is danger that back pressure caused by one will adversely
Engine exhaust must be directed to the outside through affect operation of the others. Such multiple use of a flue
a properly designed exhaust system that does not create should be attempted only if it is not detrimental to
excessive back pressure on the engine. A suitable exhaust performance of the engine or any other equipment
silencer should be connected into the exhaust piping. sharing the common flue.
Exhaust system components located within the engine
room should be insulated to reduce heat radiation. The
outer end of the pipe should be equipped with a rain cap The exhaust can be directed into a special stack that also
or cut at 60° to the horizontal to prevent rain or snow serves as the outlet for radiator discharge air and may be
from entering the exhaust system. If the building is sound-insulated. The radiator discharge air enters below
equipped with a smoke detection system, the exhaust the exhaust gas inlet so that the rising radiator air mixes
outlet should be positioned so it cannot set off the smoke with the exhaust gas. See Figures 6.2 and 6.3. The
detection alarm. silencer may be located within the stack or in the room
with its tail pipe extending through the stack and then
outward. Air guide vanes should be installed in the stack
6.1 Exhaust Piping to turn radiator discharge air flow upward and to reduce
radiator fan air flow restriction, or the sound insulation
For both installation economy and operating efficiency, lining may have a curved contour to direct air flow
engine location should make the exhaust piping as short upward. For a generator set enclosed in a penthouse on
as possible with minimum bends and restrictions. Usually the roof or in a separate outdoor enclosure or trailer, the
the exhaust pipe extends through an outside wall of the exhaust and radiator discharges can flow together above
building and continues up the outside of the wall to the the enclosure without a stack. Sometimes for this purpose
roof. There should be a sleeve in the wall opening to the radiator is mounted horizontally and the fan is driven
absorb vibration and an expansion joint in the pipe to by an electric motor to discharge air vertically.
compensate for lengthways thermal expansion or
contraction. See Figure 6.1.

Wall Sleeve and Supports
Expansion Joint

Rain Cap Silencer

Figure 6.1: Typical Exhaust System Installation


6.2 Exhaust Pipe Flexible Section An additional benefit of the insulation is that it provides
sound attenuation to reduce noise in the room.
A flexible connection between the manifold and the
exhaust piping system should be used to prevent 6.4 Minimizing Exhaust Flow Restriction
transmitting engine vibration to the piping and the
building, and to isolate the engine and piping from forces Free flow of exhaust gases through the pipe is essential
due to thermal expansion, motion or weight of piping. to minimize exhaust back pressure. Excessive exhaust
A well designed flex section will permit operation with back pressure seriously affects engine horsepower output,
±13 mm (0.5 in) permanent displacement in any direction durability and fuel consumption. Restricting the discharge
of either end of the section without damage. Not only of gases from the cylinder causes poor combustion and
must the section have the flexibility to compensate for a higher operating temperatures. The major design factors
nominal amount of permanent mismatch between piping that may cause high back pressure are:
and manifold, but it must also yield readily to
intermittent motion of the Generator Set on its vibration
isolators in response to load changes. The flexible • Exhaust pipe diameter too small
connector should be specified with the Generator Set. • Exhaust pipe too long
• Too many sharp bends in exhaust system
• Exhaust silencer restriction too high
6.3 Exhaust Pipe Insulation • At certain critical lengths, standing pressure
waves may cause high back pressure
No exposed parts of the exhaust system should be near
wood or other inflammable material. Exhaust piping inside
the building (and the silencer if mounted inside) should
be covered with suitable insulation materials to protect
personnel and to reduce room temperature. A sufficient
layer of suitable insulating material surrounding the piping
and silencer and retained by a stainless steel or aluminum
sheath may substantially reduce heat radiation to the room
from the exhaust system.

Optional Cover Optional Cover

Sound Reducing
Exhaust Silencer Material Exhaust Silencer

Sleeve and Air

Expansion Joint Chimney

Optional Sound Air Inlet

Air Inlet Louvres
Reducing Material Air Guide

Air Guide

Access Door Access Door

Figure 6.2: Horizontally Mounted Exhaust Silencer with Figure 6.3: Radiator Air Discharging into Sound-
Exhaust Pipe and Radiator Air Utilizing Insulated Stack Containing Exhaust Silencer
Common Stack


Excessive restriction in the exhaust system can be The following formula is used to calculate the back
avoided by proper design and construction. To make sure pressure of an exhaust system:
you will avoid problems related to excessive restriction,
ask the dealer to review your design.

The effect of pipe diameter, length and the restriction of
any bends in the system can be calculated to make sure where:
your exhaust system is adequate without excessive back P = back pressure in inches of mercury
pressure. The longer the pipe, and the more bends it C = .00059 for engine combustion air flow
contains, the larger the diameter required to avoid of 100 to 400 cfm
= .00056 for engine combustion air flow
excessive flow restriction and back pressure. The back
of 400 to 700 cfm
pressure should be calculated during the installation stage = .00049 for engine combustion air flow
to make certain it will be within the recommended limits of 700 to 2000 cfm
for the engine. = .00044 for engine combustion air flow
of 2000 to 5400 cfm
L = length of exhaust pipe in feet
Measure the exhaust pipe length from your installation
R = exhaust density in pounds per cubic foot
layout. See Figure 6.4. Take exhaust flow data and back
pressure limits from the generator set engine specification
sheet. Allowing for restrictions of the exhaust silencer R= 41.1
and any elbows in the pipe, calculate the minimum pipe Exhaust Temperature °F* + 460° F
diameter so that the total system restriction will not exceed
the recommended exhaust back pressure limit. Allowance Q = exhaust gas flow in cubic feet per minute*
should be made for deterioration and scale accumulation D = inside diameter of exhaust pipe in inches
that may increase restriction over a period of time.
* Available from engine specification sheet
Elbow restriction is most conveniently handled by
calculating an equivalent length of straight pipe for These formulas assume that the exhaust pipe is clean
each elbow and adding it to the total length of pipe. commercial steel or wrought iron. The back pressure is
For elbows and flexible sections, the equivalent length dependent on the surface finish of the piping and an increase
of straight pipe is calculated as follows: in the pipe roughness will increase the back pressure. The
constant 41.1 is based on the weight of combustion air and
45° Elbow: fuel burned at rated load and SAE conditions. See engine
Length (ft) = 0.75 x Diameter (inches) specification sheet for exhaust gas temperature and air flow.
Conversion tables to other units are provided in Section 13.

90° Elbow:
Length (ft) = 1.33 x Diameter (inches)
Flexible Sections:
Length (ft): 0.167 x Diameter (inches)

Exhaust Outlet


Flexible Section

Engine Exhaust

Figure 6.4: Measuring Exhaust Pipe Length to Determine Exhaust Back Pressure


7. Exhaust Silencing Silencers normally are available in two configurations —

(a) end inlet, end outlet, or (b) side inlet, end outlet.
Having the choice of these two configurations provides
Excessive noise is objectionable in most locations. Since flexibility of installation, such as horizontal or vertical,
a large part of the generator set noise is produced in the above engine, on outside wall, etc. The side inlet type
engine’s pulsating exhaust, this noise can be reduced to an permits 90° change of direction without using an elbow.
acceptable level by using an exhaust silencer. The required Both silencer configurations should contain drain fittings
degree of silencing depends on the location and may be in locations that assure draining the silencer in whatever
regulated by law. For example, the noise of an engine is attitude it is installed.
objectionable in a hospital area but generally is not as
objectionable in an isolated pumping station.
The silencer may be located close to the engine, with
exhaust piping leading from the silencer to the outside; or
7.1 Exhaust Silencer Selection it may be located outdoors on the wall or roof. Locating
the silencer close to the engine affords best overall noise
The silencer reduces noise in the exhaust system by attenuation because of minimum piping to the silencer.
dissipating energy in chambers and baffle tubes and Servicing and draining of the silencer is likely to be more
by eliminating wave reflection that causes resonance. convenient with the silencer indoors.
The silencer is selected according to the degree of
attenuation required by the site conditions and However, mounting the silencer outside has the advantage
regulations. The size of silencer and exhaust piping that the silencer need not be insulated (though it should be
should hold exhaust back pressure within limits surrounded by a protective screen). The job of insulating
recommended by the engine manufacturer. piping within the room is simpler when the silencer is
outside, and the insulation then can aid noise attenuation.
Silencers are rated according to their degree of silencing
and commonly referred to by such terms as “residential” Since silencers are large and heavy, consider their
or “critical” and “supercritical”. dimensions and weight when you are planning the exhaust
system. The silencer must be adequately supported so its
• Level 1 Silencer System “Residential” — Suitable weight is not applied to the engine’s exhaust manifold or
for industrial areas where background noise level turbocharger. The silencer must fit into the space available
is relatively high or for remote areas where partly without requiring extra bends in the exhaust piping, which
muffled noise is permissible. would cause high exhaust back pressure. A side-inlet
silencer may be installed horizontally above the engine
without requiring a great amount of headroom.
• Level 2 Silencer System “Critical” — Reduces
exhaust noise to an acceptable level in localities where
moderately effective silencing is required — such as Silencers or exhaust piping within reach of personnel
semi-residential areas where a moderate background should be protected by guards or insulation. Indoors, it
noise is always present. is preferable to insulate the silencer and piping because
the insulation not only protects personnel, but it reduces
heat radiation to the room and further reduces exhaust
• Level 3 Silencer System “Supercritical” — Provides system noise. Silencers mounted horizontally should be
maximum silencing for residential, hospital, school, set at a slight angle away from the engine outlet with a
hotel, store, apartment building and other areas where drain fitting at the lowest point to allow the disposal of
background noise level is low and generator set noise any accumulated moisture.
must be kept to a minimum.


8. Sound Attenuation 9. Engine Cooling

If noise level must be limited, it should be specified in Some engines are air cooled but the majority are cooled
terms of a sound pressure level at a given distance from the by circulating a liquid coolant through the oil cooler if
generator enclosure. Then the enclosure must be designed one is fitted and through passages in the engine block
to attenuate the noise generated inside the enclosure to and head. Hot coolant emerging from the engine is cooled
produce the required level outside. Don’t attempt to make and recirculated through the engine. Cooling devices are
this noise level unnecessarily low, because the means of commonly coolant-to-air (radiator) or coolant-to-raw
achieving it may be costly. water (heat exchanger) types.

Use of resilient mounts for the generator set plus normal In the most common generator set installation, the engine
techniques for controlling exhaust, intake and radiator fan coolant is cooled in a set-mounted radiator with air blown
noise should reduce generator set noise to an acceptable through the radiator core by an engine driven fan. Some
level for many installations. If the remaining noise level installations use a remotely mounted radiator, cooled by
is still too high, acoustic treatment of either the room or an electric motor-driven fan. Where there is a continuously
the generator set is necessary. Sound barriers can be available supply of clean, cool raw water, a heat exchanger
erected around the generator set, or the walls of the may be used instead of a radiator; the engine coolant
generator room can be sound insulated, or the generator circulates through the heat exchanger and is cooled by
set can be enclosed in a specially developed sound the raw water supply.
insulated enclosure. See Figure 8.1.
An important advantage of a radiator cooling system is
In most cases it is necessary that the air intake and air that it is self-contained. If a storm or accident disrupted
discharge openings will have to be fitted with sound the utility power source, it might also disrupt the water
attenuators. If it is desired to protect operating personnel supply and disable any generator set whose supply of raw
from direct exposure to generator set noise, the water depended upon a utility.
instruments and control station may be located in
a separate sound-insulated control room.
Whether the radiator is mounted on the generator set or
mounted remotely, accessibility for servicing the cooling
system is important. For proper maintenance, the radiator
fill cap, the cooling system drain cocks, the fan belt
tension adjustment must all be accessible to the operator.

Air Inlet
Air Outlet Attenuator



Figure 8.1: Typical Sound Attenuation Installation



Flexible Duct

Figure 9.1: Set Mounted Radiator Discharging Through Outside Wall

9.1 Set Mounted Radiator The proper radiator and fan combinations will be
provided on the set and furnished with the generator set.
Air requirements for cooling a particular generator are
A set-mounted radiator is mounted on the generator set given in the specification sheet. The radiator cooling air
base in front of the engine. See Figure 9.1. An engine- must be relatively clean to avoid clogging the radiator
driven fan blows air through the radiator core, cooling core. Adequate filtration of air flowing into the room
the liquid engine coolant flowing through the radiator. should assure relatively clean air. However if the air at
the site normally contains a high concentration of dirt,
Set mounted radiators are of two types. One type is used lint, sawdust, or other matter, the use of a remote
with the cooling fan mounted on the engine. The fan is radiator, located in a cleaner environment, may alleviate
belt-driven by the crankshaft pulley in a two-point drive. a core clogging problem.
The fan support bracket, fan spindle and drive pulley are
adjustable with respect to the crankshaft pulley in order to It is recommended that a set-mounted radiator’s discharge
maintain proper belt tension. The fan blades project into air should flow directly outdoors through a duct that
the radiator shroud, which has sufficient tip clearance for connects the radiator to an opening in an outside wall.
belt tension adjustment. The engine should be located as close to the outside wall
as possible to keep the ducting short. If the ducting is too
The other type of set mounted radiator consists of an long, it may be more economical to use a remote radiator.
assembly of radiator, fan, drive pulley and adjustable idler The air flow restriction of the discharge and the inlets
pulley to maintain belt tension. The fan is mounted with duct should not exceed the allowable fan static pressure.
its center fixed in a venturi shroud with very close tip
clearance for high-efficiency performance. The fan drive When the set-mounted radiator is to be connected to a
pulley, idler pulley and engine crankshaft pulley are discharge duct, a duct adapter should be specified for
precisely aligned and connected in a three-point drive by the radiator. A length of flexible duct material (rubber or
the belts. This second type of set-mounted radiator usually suitable fabric) between the radiator and the fixed discharge
uses an airfoil-bladed fan with the close-fitting shroud. duct is required to isolate vibration and provide freedom of
motion between the generator set and the fixed duct.


Horizontally Mounted Radiator Vertically Mounted Radiator

Air Flow Vent

Air Flow
Water to
Water to
Roof or Deck

Roof or Deck Water from

Radiator Water from
Shut Off
Valve Shut Off
Valve Auxiliary
Water Pump
Shut Off
Heat Exchanger

Figure 9.2: Remote Radiator Connected Directly to Figure 9.3: Remote Radiator Isolated from Engine
Engine Cooling System Cooling System by Heat Exchanger

9.2 Remote Radiator A separate pump circulates radiator coolant between

the remote radiator and the heat exchanger tank.
A remote radiator with electric motor-driven can be installed
in any convenient location away from the generator set. See Heat exchangers also are used for cooling the engine
Figure 9.2. A well-designed remote radiator has many useful without a radiator, as described in the following section.
features and advantages that provide greater flexibility of
generator set installations in buildings. 9.4 Heat Exchanger Cooling

More efficient venturi shroud and fan provide a A heat exchanger may be used where there is a
substantial reduction in horsepower required for engine continuously available supply of clean, cool raw water.
cooling. The fan may be driven by a thermostatically Areas where excessive foreign material in the air might
controlled motor, which will only draw power from the cause constant radiator clogging — such as in saw mill
generator set when required to cool the engine. A remote installations — may be logical sites for heat exchanger
radiator can be located outdoors where there is less air cooling. A heat exchanger cools the engine by transferring
flow restriction and air is usually cooler than engine engine coolant heat through passages in the elements to
room air, resulting in higher efficiency and smaller size cool raw water. Engine coolant and raw cooling water
radiator; and fan noise is removed from the building. flows are separated completely in closed systems, each
with its own pump, and never intermix.
Remote radiators must be connected to the engine
cooling system by coolant piping, including flexible A heat exchanger totally replaces the radiator and fan.
sections between engine and piping. See Figure 9.5. It usually is furnished as part of the
generator set assembly, mounted on the engine, although it
9.3 Remote Radiator/Heat Exchanger can be located remotely. Since the engine does not have to
System drive a radiator fan, there is more reserve power available.

Another type of remote radiator system employs a heat The raw water side of the heat exchanger requires
exchanger at the engine. See Figure 9.3 and 9.4. In this a dependable and economical supply of cool water.
application, the heat exchanger functions as an intermediate Soft water is desired to keep the heat exchanger in good
heat exchanger to isolate the engine coolant system from operating condition. For standby service, a well, lake or
the high static head of the remote radiator coolant. The cooling tower is preferred over city water since the latter
engine pump circulates engine coolant through the engine may fail at the same time that normal electric power fails,
and the element of the heat exchanger. making the generator useless.


Radiator Optional Flow

Raw Water

Water Make Up Tank

Pulley Guard
Raw Water Pump
Auxiliary Pump

Figure 9.4: Typical Heat Exchanger Installation Figure 9.5: Heat Exchanger Cooling System

9.5 Antifreeze Protection 10. Fuel Supply (Diesel)

If the engine is to be exposed to low temperatures, A dependable fuel supply system must assure instant
the cooling water in the engine must be protected from availability of fuel to facilitate starting and to keep the
freezing. In radiator-cooled installations, antifreeze may engine operating. This requires, at a minimum, a small day
be added to the water to prevent freezing. Ethylene tank (usually incorporated into the generator set baseframe
glycol permanent antifreeze is recommended for diesel — called a basetank) located close to the set. This day
engines. It includes its own corrosion inhibitor, which tank is often backed up by an auxiliary remote fuel system
eventually may have to be replenished. Only a non- including a bulk storage tank and the associated pumps and
chromate inhibitor should be used with ethylene glycol. plumbing. Extended capacity basetanks are also generally
available for longer operation prior to refuelling. Especially
The proportion of ethylene glycol required is dictated for standby generator sets it is not advisable to depend on
primarily by the need for protection against freezing regular delivery of fuel. The emergency that requires use
in the lowest ambient air temperature that will be of the standby set may also interrupt the delivery of fuel.
encountered. The concentration of ethylene glycol must
be at least 30% to afford adequate corrosion protection. 10.1 Fuel Tank Location
The concentration must not exceed 67% to maintain
adequate heat transfer capability.
The day tank should be located as close to the generator
set as possible. Normally it is safe to store diesel fuel in
For heat exchanger cooling, antifreeze does only half the the same room with the generator set because there is
job since it can only be used in the engine water side of less danger of fire or fumes with diesel than with petrol
the heat exchanger. There must be assurance that the raw (gasoline). Thus, if building codes and fire regulations
water source will not freeze. permit, the day tank should be located in the base of the
generator set, along side the set, or in an adjacent room.
9.6 Water Conditioning
Where a remote fuel system is to be installed with a bulk
Soft water should always be used in the engine storage tank, the bulk tank may be located outside the
whether cooling is by radiator or by heat exchanger. building where it will be convenient for refilling, cleaning
Adding a commercial softener is the easiest and most and inspection. It should not, however, be exposed to
economical method of water softening. Your local dealer freezing weather because fuel flow will be restricted as
can recommend suitable softeners. Manufacturers viscosity increases with cold temperature. The tank may
instructions should be carefully followed. be located either above or below ground level.


10.2 Remote Fuel Systems With this system, the basetank must include the overflow
(via the return line), a 1.4 meter extended vent to prevent
overflow through the vent, sealed fuel level gauges on the
Three types of remote fuel systems are recommended basetank and no manual fill facility. All other connections
by the manufacturer: on top of the tank must be sealed to prevent leakage. Fuel
System 1 is not compatible with the polyethylene fuel tanks
Fuel System 1: Installations where the bulk fuel sometimes used on smaller generator sets. The optional
tank is lower than the day tank. metal tank is required.
Fuel System 2: Installations where the bulk fuel
tank is higher than the day tank. The position of the bulk fuel tank should take into account
Fuel System 4: Installations where fuel must be that the maximum suction lift of the fuel transfer pump is
pumped from a free standing bulk fuel tank to the approximately 3 meters and that the maximum restriction
day tank. caused by the friction losses in the return fuel line should
not exceed 2 psi.
Fuel System 1: The bulk fuel tank is lower than the day
tank. With this system the fuel must be pumped up from Also available as an upgrade to the fuel transfer system is
the bulk tank to the day tank which is integrated into the a manual backup system. Upon failure of the automatic
baseframe. See Figure 10.1. transfer system, the manual backup can be used to transfer
fuel from the main bulk tank to the generator set basetank.
The key components in the manual backup system are
isolating valves (item 9), manual fuel pump (item 10),
Vent and non-return valve (item 11). When the fuel level in
the generator basetank is low (as observed by using the
Fuel Gauge
mechanical fuel gauge), open the manual pump isolating
valves and operate the manual pump. When the required
Baseframe -
Tank Top Plate fuel level is reached, cease operating the manual fuel
Fuel Fuel
Section of Fuel Tank Overflow Lift pump and close the isolating valves.

Fuel System 2: The bulk tank is located higher than the

basetank. With this system the fuel is gravity fed from
the bulk tank to the basetank. See Figure 10.2.
Figure 10.1: Typical Layout with Fuel System 1


The key components are the bulk fuel tank (item 1),
which is lower than the basetank, remote fuel system
controls (item 2) located in the generator set control Return
panel, an AC powered electric fuel pump (item 3), fuel
level switches in the basetank (item 4), an extended vent Fuel Gauge
on the basetank (item 5), the fuel supply line (item 6),
the fuel return line (item 7), and a fuel strainer (item 8)
on the inlet side of the pump. Baseframe - Tank Top Plate

Section of Fuel Tank

When set to automatic, the system operates as follows:

low fuel level in the basetank is sensed by the fuel level Figure 10.2: Typical Layout with Fuel System 2
sensor. The pump begins to pump fuel from the bulk
tank to the basetank through the fuel supply line. To help
ensure that clean fuel reaches the engine, fuel from the The key components are the bulk fuel tank (item 1), which
bulk tank is strained just prior to the electric fuel pump. is higher than the basetank, remote fuel system controls
When the basetank is full, as sensed by the fuel level (item 2) located in the generator set control panel, a DC
sensor, the pump stops. If there should be any overflow motorized fuel valve (item 3), fuel level switches in the
of fuel in the basetank, the excess will drain back into basetank (item 4), an extended vent/return line (continuous
the bulk tank via the return line. rise) on the basetank (item 5), the fuel supply line (item 6),
a fuel strainer (item 7) and an isolating valve at the bulk
tank (item 8).


When set to automatic, the system operates as follows: low The key components are the above ground bulk fuel tank
fuel level in the basetank is sensed by the fuel level sensor. (item 1), remote fuel system controls (item 2) located in
The DC motorized valve is opened and fuel is allowed to the generator set control panel, an AC Fuel Pump (item 3),
flow from the high level bulk tank to the basetank by the a DC motorized fuel valve (item 4), fuel level switches
force of gravity. To help ensure that clean fuel reaches the in the basetank (item 5), the fuel supply line (item 6), an
engine, fuel from the bulk tank is strained just prior to the extended vent/return line (continuous rise) on the basetank
motorized valve. When the basetank is full, as sensed by (item 7), a fuel strainer (item 8) and an isolating valve at
the fuel level sensor, the motorized valve is closed. Any the bulk tank (item 9).
overflow into the basetank or overpressure in the basetank
will flow back to the bulk tank via the extended vent.
When set to automatic, the system operates as follows:
low fuel level in the basetank is sensed by the fuel level
With this system, the basetank must include an overflow sensor. The DC motorized valve is opened and the pump
via the return line, sealed fuel level gauges and no manual begins to pump fuel from the bulk tank to the basetank
fill facility. All other connections on top of the tank must be through the supply line. To help ensure that clean fuel
sealed to prevent leakage. Fuel System 2 is not compatible reaches the engine, fuel from the bulk tank is strained
with the polyethylene fuel tanks sometimes used on smaller just prior to the motorized valve. When the basetank is
generator sets. The optional metal tank is required. full, as sensed by the fuel level sensor, the pump stops
and the motorized valve is closed. Any overflow into the
basetank or overpressure in the basetank will flow back
Distance ‘A’ in Figure 10.2 is limited to 1400 mm for all
to the bulk tank via the extended vent.
generator sets with metal basetanks.

With this system, the basetank must include an overflow

Also available as an upgrade to the fuel transfer system
via the return line, sealed fuel level gauges and no manual
is a manual backup system. Upon failure of the automatic
fill facility. All other connections on top of the tank must be
transfer system, the manual backup can be used to transfer
sealed to prevent leakage. Fuel System 4 is not compatible
fuel from the main bulk tank to the generator set basetank.
with the polyethylene fuel tanks sometimes used on smaller
The manual backup system consists of a bypass with a
generator sets. The optional metal tank is required.
manually operated shutoff valve. When the fuel level in
the generator basetank is low (as observed by using the
mechanical fuel gauge), open the manual shut-off valve in Distance ‘A’ on Figure 10.3 is limited to 1400 mm for all
the bypass circuit. When the required fuel level is reached generator sets. Note that the maximum restriction caused
close the manual shut-off valve in the bypass circuit. by friction losses and height of the return line should not
exceed 2 psi.
Fuel System 4: Some installations may require a system
where fuel is pumped from a free standing bulk tank (see Also available as an upgrade to the fuel transfer system
Figure 10.3). This pumped system would only be used if is a manual backup system. Upon failure of the automatic
gravity feed is not possible from the bulk tank to the transfer system, the manual backup can be used to transfer
basetank. fuel from the main bulk tank to the generator set basetank.
The key components in the manual backup system are
isolating valves (item 10), manual fuel pump (item 11),
and non-return valve (item 12). When the fuel level in
the generator basetank is low (as observed by using the
mechanical fuel gauge), open the manual pump isolating
Fuel Gauge
valves and operate the manual pump. When the required
fuel level is reached, cease operating the manual fuel pump
and close the isolating valves.
Baseframe - Tank
Top Plate
Section of
Fuel Tank

Figure 10.3: Typical Layout with Fuel System 4


10.3 Tank Construction 10.4 Fuel Lines

Fuel tanks are usually made of welded sheet steel or The fuel lines can be of any fuel compatible material
reinforced plastic. If an old fuel tank is used, be sure it is such as steel pipe or flexible hoses that will tolerate
made of a proper material. It should be cleaned thoroughly environmental conditions.
to remove all rust, scale and foreign deposits.
Fuel delivery and return lines should be at least as large
Connections for fuel suction and return lines must be as the fitting sizes on the engine, and overflow piping
separated as much as possible to prevent re-circulation should be one size larger. For longer runs of piping or
of hot fuel and to allow separation of any gases entrained low ambient temperatures the size of these lines should
in the fuel. Fuel suction lines should extend below the be increased to ensure adequate flow. Flexible piping
minimum fuel level in the tank. Where practical, a low should be used to connect to the engine to avoid damage
point in the tank should be equipped with a drain valve or leaks caused by engine vibration.
or plug, in an accessible location, to allow periodic
removal of water condensation and sediment. Or a hose
The fuel delivery line should pick up fuel from a point
may be inserted through the tank’s filter neck when
no lower than 50 mm (2") from the bottom of tank at
necessary to suck out water and sediment.
the high end, away from the drain plug.

The filler neck of the bulk fuel tank should be located in 10.5 Day Tank Capacity
a clean accessible location. A removable wire screen of
approximately 1.6 mm (1/16 inch) mesh should be placed
in the filler neck to prevent foreign material from entering The capacity of the day tank is based on the fuel
the tank. The filler neck cap or the highest point in the tank consumption and the expected number of hours of
should be vented to maintain atmospheric pressure on the operation that is requested between refills. Particularly
fuel and to provide pressure relief in case a temperature with standby generators, the availability of fuel delivery
rise causes the fuel to expand. It will also prevent a service will determine the number of operating hours that
vacuum as fuel is consumed. The tank may be equipped must be provided for. Don’t depend on quick service the
with a fuel level gauge — either a sight gauge or a remote very day your set starts to operate. A power outage may
electrical gauge. hamper your supplier’s operation also.

In addition, the size of the day tank should be large

enough to keep fuel temperatures down, since some
engines return hot fuel used to cool the injectors.


11. Selecting Diesel Fuels for Reliable operation of diesel engines may vary from one
fuel to another, depending on many factors, including
Standby Dependability fuel characteristics and engine operating conditions.

The types of fuels available for diesel engines, vary from The fuels commonly known as high-grade fuels seldom
highly volatile jet fuels and kerosene to the heavier fuel contribute to the formation of harmful engine deposits
oils. Most diesel engines are capable of burning a wide and corrosion. On the other hand, while refining improves
range of fuels within these extremes. The following the fuel, it also lowers the BTU or heat value of the fuel.
information will assist you in selecting the type of As a result, the higher grade fuels develop slightly less
fuel that will afford the best overall performance and power than the same quantity of low grade fuel. This is
reliability of your Generator Set. usually more than offset by the advantages of high grade
fuels such as quicker starts and less frequent overhauls.
11.1 Types of Fuel Oil Before using low-grade fuels, therefore, some understanding
of the problems and extra costs that may be encountered
is necessary.
The quality of fuel oil can be a dominant factor in
satisfactory engine life and performance. A large variety
of fuel oils are marketed for diesel engine use. Their Fuels with high sulphur content cause corrosion, wear and
properties depend upon the refining practices employed deposits in the engine. Fuels that are not volatile enough
and the nature of the crude oils from which they are or don’t ignite rapidly may leave harmful deposits in the
produced. For example, fuel oils may be produced within engine and may cause poor starting or running under
the boiling range of 148 to 371°C (300 to 700°F), having adverse operating conditions. The use of low grade fuels
many possible combinations of other properties. may require the use of high priced, higher detergent
lubricating oils and more frequent oil changes.
The additional contaminants present in low grade fuels
may result in darker exhaust and more pronounced odor. 11.2 Fuel Selection Guide
This may be objectionable in hospitals, offices commercial
and urban locations. Thus, location, application and Specify fuel properties according to the following chart.
environmental conditions should be considered when
selecting fuel.
Final Cetane Sulphur
The generator set owner may elect to use a low grade Boiling Number Number
fuel because high-grade fuels are not readily available in Point (Min) (Max)
his area or because he can realize a net saving with low Winter 290°C (550°F) 45 0.5%
grade fuels despite higher engine maintenance costs. In Summer 315°C (600°F) 40 0.5%
that case, frequent examination of lubrication oil should
be made to determine sludge formation and the extent of
lube oil contamination. Selecting a fuel that keeps within these specifications
will tend to reduce the possibility of harmful deposits
and corrosion in the engine, both of which could result in
Aside from the various grades of fuel oil commonly used more frequent overhauls and greater maintenance expense.
in diesel engines, aircraft jet fuels also are sometimes used, Specify exact fuel properties to your local fuel supplier.
especially in circumstances where the jet fuels are more
readily available than conventional fuels. Jet fuels are lower
in BTU content and lubrication quality than conventional
fuels. As a result, some diesel fuel systems must undergo
major modifications to accommodate this type of fuel.
For use of jet fuel please consult your local dealer.


11.3 Maintaining Fresh Fuel 11.4 Self Contained Dependability

Most fuels deteriorate if they stand unused for a period If a gas generator set is to provide standby operation
of many months. With standby generators it is preferable it should be fueled with LPG from a dedicated tank.
to store only enough fuel to support a few days or even A standby generator set depending on main gas will
only eight hours of continuous running of the generator be subject to any interruption in the supply. This could
set so that normal engine testing will turn over a tank happen at the same time as a main electricity failure
full within a year and a half. thereby disabling the genset when it is needed. The
generator set can be fitted with a system that will run
on natural gas when available and LPG when the natural
Other solutions are to add inhibitors to the fuel or
gas is interrupted. An explanation of the various fuel
to obtain greater turn over by using the fuel for other
supply systems is given in Section 12.
purposes. A gum inhibitor added to diesel fuel will
keep it in good condition up to two years.

If the building furnace has an oil burner, it is possible

to burn diesel fuel in the furnace, connecting both the
engine and the furnace to the same tank. In this way, a
large supply of diesel fuel is available for emergency use
by the generator set, and the fuel supply is continuously
turned over since it is being burned in the furnace. Thus,
there is no long term storage problem.


12. Fuel Supply (Gaseous) The efficiencies and procedure above can be used for all
ratings to quote energy consumption in J/hour.
As with diesel generators, gaseous fueled generators also
require a dependable fuel supply system that will ensure This figure will allow the vendor to work out consumption
instant availability of fuel to facilitate starting and keep in terms of volume of fuel at the quality they supply and
the engine operating. In some cases gaseous fueled size their tank and plumbing appropriately.
generators can be fueled either with natural gas or
liquefied propane gas (LP). Local gas codes regulating
the installation of such gas supply systems vary widely, 12.2 Natural Gas Fuel System
and therefore, local gas distributors or installers must
be consulted when installing such systems. It is the
Figure 12.2 illustrates a typical natural gas fuel supply
responsibility of the installer to ensure that all applicable
system (please note that other components or system layouts
regulations and codes are complied with when installing
may be required for compliance with local gas codes and
a gas supply system for use by a generator.
regulations). Natural gas is usually piped from the main
Gaseous fuel systems must be in compliance with distribution system to the generator site by the local
all relevant codes, standards and other requirements distribution company. The gas supply pressure in this piped
concerned with the storage, piping, handling, installation supply will vary from area to area and from distribution
and use of these hazardous fuels. It is also important that system to distribution system and may be legislated by local
the generator set room is properly ventilated according to gas codes. A primary regulator is typically required to
gas regulations. Use of a suitable leak detection system is reduce this piped gas supply pressure to a safe working level
also recommended. before it enters the generator site. This primary regulator can
usually be obtained from the local gas distribution company.
In most cases gas generators will be supplied with a
factory fitted fuel system. This will comprise of components The primary regulator should be sized correctly to give a
that will enable operation on one gaseous fuel type, such maximum outlet pressure of 20" water column and be of
as natural gas, LP vapor or LP liquid. Some gas generators sufficient size to flow the specified maximum gas volume
are also available with dual fuel systems that will allow required by a particular gas generator at the required
operation on either natural gas and LP vapor or natural gas minimum dynamic pressure (typically 7" water column).
and LP liquid. These factory fitted fuel system components
The optimum natural gas supply pressure at the generator
must be considered as only part of an overall gas supply
gas connection point (at the edge of the baseframe) is 11"
system. The installer is again responsible for ensuring
water column. An approved flexible gas fuel line should
that the complete fuel supply system is compliant with
be used for taking the gas supply to the generator’s gas
all applicable regulations and codes.
connection point. Manual shut-off valves should be fitted
at appropriate points in the system and as specified by
12.1 Sizing Tanks for LPG Vaporous
local gas codes and regulations.
and Liquid Supply
For LPG tanks the vendor should be advised of Flow of gas supplied to the generator gas connection
the following requirements in order to supply an point is controlled by a solenoid shut-off valve. On
appropriate tank. generator operation, this allows gas to flow through the
generator mounted secondary regulator to the generator
• The minimum ambient temperature as this will affect carburetor. The solenoid shut-off valve automatically
the size of tank required to obtain feed pressure. cuts-off gas flow during generator shut-down. The fuel
supply is also sealed off within the carburetor when the
• The duration of running required by the customer. generator is stopped.

• The rate at which energy must be supplied.

If the BTU content of the natural gas supply is low, an
Taking an example of a 75 eKW genset output: increase in the minimum gas inlet pressure to 15" water
Typical efficiency for conversion will typically compensate for fuel down to 900 - 950 BTU
of mechanical – electrical 85% heating value. Natural gas with even less heating value,
75 / 0.85 = 88.23 kW e.g. in the 800 BTU range, requires a special gas carburetor.
Typical efficiency for conversion of
Fuel – mechanical - 33%
88.23 / 0.33 = 267.36 kW
kW-h x 3.6 = MJ/h
267.36 x 3.6 = 962.49 J/h


Balance As with the natural gas system the flow of LP vapor

Line Secondary Regulator
Solenoid Shut-Off Pressure supplied to the generator gas connection point is controlled
Natural Gas Gauge
Wall by a solenoid shut-off valve. On generator operation,
Filter Baseframe
Side-Beam Primary this allows gas to flow through the generator mounted
Approved secondary regulator to the generator carburetor. The
Flexible Hose
Closed Circuit Throttle Body Manual solenoid shut-off valve automatically cuts-off gas flow
Crankcase Shut-Off Valve
Breathing during generator shut-down. The fuel supply is also sealed
off within the carburetor when the generator is stopped.

12.4 LP Liquid Fuel System

Figure 12.2: Typical Natural Gas Supply System
This type of system again utilizes LP fuel but with liquid
12.3 LP Vapor Fuel System withdrawal instead of vapor withdrawal as previously
discussed. Liquid LP is delivered directly to the generator
A schematic indicating the typical main components where it passes through a fuel shut-off valve (typically
of this type of fuel system are shown in Figure 12.3. operated via the engine manifold vacuum) to a ‘vaporizer-
An expansion section of the LP storage tank allows the regulator’. The vaporizer-regulator vaporizes the LP liquid
LP fuel to expand from the liquid to the vapor state. The fuel (using engine coolant as the heat source) and provides
expansion section of the tank typically represents 10-20% a regulated LP vapor supply to the generator carburetor.
of the total storage tank volume. Expanded LP vapors are When a LPG fuel is to be used in low ambient temperatures,
then withdrawn from this section of the storage tank and a liquid withdrawal system is preferred. Vapor withdrawal
are supplied to the gas generator. requires more ambient heat to be absorbed into the tank to
provide feed pressure. A typical system is illustrated in
Figure 12.4.
Ambient temperatures must be high enough to provide
adequate vaporization to sustain the draw-off rate. If the
draw-off rate is high and ambient temperatures are low,
12.5 Dual Fuel Systems
the vaporization rate may not be sufficient to sustain the
gas flow required. LP Vapor withdrawal systems are These systems allow operation on either natural gas and LP
therefore typically suited for use with smaller engines. vapor or natural gas and LP liquid. Such systems are useful
As a result care should taken in matching LP storage tank where there is a possibility of failure of the piped natural
size for vapor withdrawal systems and generator size. gas supply or where focused gas tariffs make generator
operation on natural gas excessively costly during peak
tariff periods. These dual fuel systems are factory fitted
and provide for automatic changeover from natural gas
operation to LP vapor or LP liquid operation. Gen sets with
these fuel systems will have natural gas rating on either fuel.

Air Baseframe
Filter Carburetor Side-beam Wall

Manual Shut-Off
Vapor LPG Shut-Off Valve

Closed Circuit Crankcase Solenoid Shut-Off
Breathing Replenishment Regulator

Engine Fuel Tank

Figure 12.3: Typical LP Vapor Fuel Supply System


VFF30-2 Regulator
Coolant Filter- Solenoid Shut-Off
Balance Line
Air Supply Lock-Off Gas Pressure Switch
Balance Baseframe
Line Side-Beam Manual Natural
Shut-Off Gas
Valve Filter Carburetor
Coolant Liquid Side-Beam
Throttle Vacuum Return LPG
Closed Circuit Signal Line
Crankcase Breathing Body Coolant Filter/
Replenishment Supply Lock-
Fuel Tank Off
Engine Closed Circuit Throttle Valve
Crankcase Breathing
Replenishment Lean Liquid
Off Valve LPG
Engine Coolant
Figure 12.4: Typical Liquid Gas Fuel Supply System Return
Vacuum Signal Line

Figure 12.5 shows a typical natural gas / LP vapor dual Figure 12.6: Natural Gas / LP Liquid Dual Fuel System
fuel system. The natural gas supply pressure is monitored
by a low pressure switch. When this supply pressure
12.6 Gaseous Fuel Lines
drops below an adjustable threshold level the LP vapor
solenoid shut-off valve is opened and the natural gas
solenoid shut-off is closed. The LP vapor then flows Gaseous fuel lines should be made of black iron (sch. 40)
through a dedicated regulator to the engine carburetor. and should be rigidly mounted with protection against
vibration provided for. An approved flexible gas fuel line
Balance Solenoid Shut-Off should be used for connecting between rigid gas pipework
Line Gas Pressure Switch
and the generator gas connection point (typically at the
Natural edge of the generator baseframe). Every effort should
Air Baseframe be made to ensure that pipework is sized correctly to
Filter Carburetor Side-Beam
provide an adequate gas supply for the generator under
all loading conditions.
Throttle Solenoid Shut-Off
Closed Circuit Crankcase
Regulator The complete fuel system must be purged and leak tested
Breathing Replenishment before being put into service with further checks for leaks
to be conducted thereafter on a regular basis. Any leaks
Engine found must be corrected immediately.

Figure 12.5: Natural Gas / LP Vapor Dual Fuel System

Figure 12.6 shows a typical natural gas / LP liquid dual

fuel system. Its operation is similar to the dual fuel system
already discussed. The natural gas supply pressure is
monitored by a low pressure switch. When this supply
pressure drops below an adjustable threshold level the
natural gas solenoid shut-off is closed. The loss in pressure
in the natural gas line causes the vaporizer-regulator to
open, permitting regulated LP vapor to flow to the engine
carburetor. LP liquid flow to the vaporizer-regulator is
controlled by a vacuum operated shut-off valve.


13. Tables and Formulas for Engineering Standby Generating Sets

Table 1. Length Equivalents

Unit Microns Meters Kilometers Inches Feet Yards Miles

1 Micron 1 0.000001 — 0.0000393 — — —
1 Meter 1,000,000 1 — 39.37 3.281 1.0936 —
1 Kilometer — 1000 1 39,370 3281 1093.6 0.621
1 Inch 25,400 0.0254 — 1 0.0833 0.0278 —
1 Foot — 0.3048 — 12 1 0.3333 —
1 Yard — 0.9144 — 36 3 1 —
1 Mile — 1609 1.609 63,360 5280 1760 1

One unit in the left-hand column equals the value of units under the top heading.

Table 2. Area Equivalents

Unit In2 Ft2 Acre Mile2 M2 Hectare Km2

1 In2 1 0.006944 — — 0.00064516 — —
1 Ft2 144 1 — — 0.0929 — —
1 Acre — 43,560 1 0.0015625 4,047 0.4047 0.00404
1 Mile2 — 27,878,400 640 1 2,589,998 258.99 2.5899
1 M2 1550 10.764 — — 1 — —
1 Hectare — 107,639 2.471 0.003861 10,000 1 0.01
1 Km2 — 10,763,867 247.1 0.3861 1,000,000 100 1

One unit in the left-hand column equals the value of units under the top heading.

Table 3. Mass Equivalents

Unit Ounces Pounds Kilograms Short Long Metric
1 Ounce 1 0.0625 0.02835 — — —
1 Pound 16 1 0.4536 — — —
1 Kilogram 35.27 2.205 1 — — —
1 Short Ton 32,000 2000 907.2 1 0.8929 0.9072
1 Long Ton 35,840 2240 1016 1.12 1 1.016
1 Metric Ton 35,274 2205 1000 1.102 0.9842 1

One unit in the left-hand column equals the value of units under the top heading.


Table 4. Volume and Capacity Equivalents

Unit Inches3 Feet3 Yards3 Meters3 US Liquid Imperial Liters

Gallons Gallons
1 Inch3 1 0.000579 0.0000214 0.0000164 0.004329 0.00359 0.0164
1 Ft3 1728 1 0.03704 0.0283 7.481 6.23 28.32
1 Yd3 46,656 27 1 0.765 202 168.35 764.6
1 M3 61,023 35.31 1.308 1 264.2 220.2 1000
1 U.S. Liq. Gal. 231 0.1337 0.00495 0.003785 1 0.833 3.785
1 Imp. Gal. 277.42 0.16 0.00594 0.004546 1.2 1 4.546
1 Liter 61.02 0.03531 0.001308 0.001 0.2642 0.22 1

One unit in the left-hand column equals the value of units under the top heading.

Table 5. Conversions for Units of Speed

Unit Feet/Second Feet/Min Miles/Hr Meters/Sec Meters/Min Km/Hr

1 Foot/Sec 1 60.0 0.6818 0.3048 18.288 —
1 Foot/Min 0.0167 1 0.1136 0.00508 — —
1 Mile/Hr 1.467 88 1 26.822 1.6093
1 Meter 3.281 196.848 — 1 — —
1 Meter/Min 0.05468 — 0.03728 — 1 —
1 Km/Hr — — 0.6214 0.2778 — 1

One unit in the left-hand column equals the value of units under the top heading.

Table 6. Conversions for Units of Power

Unit Horsepower Foot-lb/Minute Kilowatts Metric Btu/Minute

1 Horsepower 1 33,000 0.746 1.014 42.4
1 Foot-lb/Minute — 1 — — 0.001285
1 Kilowatt 1.341 44,260 1 1.360 56.88
1 Metric 0.986 32,544 0.736 1 41.8
1 Btu/Minute 0.0236 777.6 0.0176 0.0239 1

One unit in the left-hand column equals the value of units under the top heading.
Mechanical power and ratings of motors and engines are expressed in horsepower.
Electrical power is expressed in watts or kilowatts.


Table 7. Conversions for Measurements of Water

Unit Feet3 Pounds Gal Gal Liters Head lb/in2 Ton/Ft2 Head Ft3/Min Gal.(U.S.)/
(U.S.) (IMP) (Ft) (Meters) Hr
Feet3 1 62.42 — — — — — — — — —
Pounds 0.01602 1 0.12 0.10 0.4536 — — — — — —
Gal — 8.34 1 — — — — — —
Gal — 10.0 — 1 — — — — —
Liters — 2.204 — — 1 — — —
Head — — — — — 1 4.335 —
lb/in2 — — — — — 2.3070 1 0.02784 0.7039
Ton/Ft2 — — — — — 35.92 — 1 —
Head — — — — — — 1.4221 — 1
Ft3/Min — — — — — — — — — 1 448.92
Gal. — — — — — — — — — 0.002227 1

One unit in the left-hand column equals the value of units under the top heading.

Table 8. Barometric Pressures and Boiling Points of Water at Various Altitudes

Barometric Pressure Water Boiling

(Ft) Inches of Mercury lb/in2 Feet Water °F °C
Sea Level 29.92 14.69 33.95 212.0 100
1000 28.86 14.16 32.60 210.1 99
2000 27.82 13.66 31.42 208.3 98
3000 26.81 13.16 30.28 206.5 97
4000 25.84 12.68 29.20 204.6 95.9
5000 24.89 12.22 28.10 202.8 94.9
6000 23.98 11.77 27.08 201.0 94.1
7000 23.09 11.33 26.08 199.3 93
8000 22.22 10.91 25.10 197.4 91.9
9000 21.38 10.50 24.15 195.7 91
10,000 20.58 10.10 23.25 194.0 90
11,000 19.75 9.71 22.30 192.0 88.9
12,000 19.03 9.34 21.48 190.5 88
13,000 18.29 8.97 20.65 188.8 87.1
14,000 17.57 8.62 19.84 187.1 86.2
15,000 16.88 8.28 18.07 185.4 85.2

One unit in the left-hand column equals the value of units under the top heading.


Table 9. Conversions of Units of Flow

Unit U.S. Gallons/ Million U.S. Feet3/ Meters3/ Liters/

Minute Gallons/Day Second Hour Second
1 U.S. 1 0.001440 0.00223 0.2271 0.0630
1 Million U.S. 694.4 1 1.547 157.73 43.8
1 Foot3/Second 448.86 0.646 1 101.9 28.32
1 Meter3/Hour 4.403 0.00634 0.00981 1 0.2778
1 Liter/Second 15.85 0.0228 0.0353 3.60 1

One unit in the left-hand column equals the value of units under the top heading.

Table 10. Conversions of Units of Pressure and Head

Unit mm Hg in. Hg in. H20 ft. H20 lb/in2 kg/cm2 Atmos. kPa
1 mm 1 0.0394 0.5352 0.0447 0.01934 0.00136 0.0013 —
1 in. 25.4 1 13.5951 1.1330 0.49115 0.03453 0.0334 3.386
1 in. 1.86827 0.0736 1 0.0833 0.03613 0.00254 0.0025 0.249
1 ft. 22.4192 0.8827 12 1 0.43352 0.030479 0.0295 2.989
1 lb/in2 51.7149 2.0360 27.6807 2.3067 1 0.07031 0.0681 6.895
1 kg/cm2 735.559 28.959 393.7117 32.8093 14.2233 1 0.9678 98.07
Atmos. 760.456 29.92 406.5 33.898 14.70 1.033 1 101.3
kPa 7.50064 0.2953 4.0146 0.3346 0.14504 0.0102 0.0099 1

One unit in the left-hand column equals the value of units under the top heading.

Table 11. Approximate Weights of Various Liquids

Pounds per U.S. Gallon Specific Gravity

Diesel Fuel 6.88 - 7.46 0.825 - 0.895
Ethylene Glycol 9.3 - 9.6 1.12 - 1.15
Furnace Oil 6.7 - 7.9 0.80 - 0.95
Gasoline 5.6 - 6.3 0.67 - 0.75
Kerosene 6.25 - 7.1 0.75 - 85
Lube. Oil (Medium) 7.5 - 7.7 0.90 - 0.92
Water 8.34 1.00


Table 12. Electrical Formula

Desired Data Single-Phase Three-Phase Direct Current

Kilowatts (kW) I x V x PF √3 x I x V x PF IxV
1000 1000 1000

Kilovolt- IxV √3 x V x E
Amperes kVA 1000 1000

Electric Motor I x V x Eff. x PF √3 x I x V x Eff. x PF I x V x Eff.

Horsepower 746 746 746
Output (HP)

Amperes (I) HP x 746 HP x 746 HP x 746

when HP V x Eff. x PF √3 x V x Eff. x PF V x Eff.
is known

Amperes (I) kW x 1000 kW x 1000 kW x 1000

when kW V x PF √3 x V x PF V
are known

Amperes (I) kVA x 1000 kVA x 1000

when kVA V √3 x V
is known

NOTE: V = Volts
I = Amperes
Eff = Percentage Efficiency
PF = Power Factor = Watts


Table 13. kVA/kW Amperage at Various Voltages

(0.8 Power Factor)

kVA kW 208V 220V 240V 380V 400V 440V 460V 480V 600V 2400V 33000V 4160V
6.3 5 17.5 16.5 15.2 9.6 9.1 8.3 8.1 7.6 6.1
9.4 7.5 26.1 24.7 22.6 14.3 13.6 12.3 12 11.3 9.1
12.5 10 34.7 33 30.1 19.2 18.2 16.6 16.2 15.1 12
18.7 15 52 49.5 45 28.8 27.3 24.9 24.4 22.5 18
25 20 69.5 66 60.2 38.4 36.4 33.2 32.4 30.1 24 6 4.4 3.5
31.3 25 87 82.5 75.5 48 45.5 41.5 40.5 37.8 30 7.5 5.5 4.4
37.5 30 104 99 90.3 57.6 54.6 49.8 48.7 45.2 36 9.1 6.6 5.2
50 40 139 132 120 77 73 66.5 65 60 48 12.1 8.8 7
62.5 50 173 165 152 96 91 83 81 76 61 15.1 10.9 8.7
75 60 208 198 181 115 109 99.6 97.5 91 72 18.1 13.1 10.5
93.8 75 261 247 226 143 136 123 120 113 90 22.6 16.4 13
100 80 278 264 240 154 146 133 130 120 96 24.1 17.6 13.9
125 100 347 330 301 192 182 166 162 150 120 30 21.8 17.5
156 125 433 413 375 240 228 208 204 188 150 38 27.3 22
187 150 520 495 450 288 273 249 244 225 180 45 33 26
219 175 608 577 527 335 318 289 283 264 211 53 38 31
250 200 694 660 601 384 364 332 324 301 241 60 44 35
312 250 866 825 751 480 455 415 405 376 300 75 55 43
375 300 1040 990 903 576 546 498 487 451 361 90 66 52
438 350 1220 1155 1053 672 637 581 568 527 422 105 77 61
500 400 1390 1320 1203 770 730 665 650 602 481 120 88 69
625 500 1735 1650 1504 960 910 830 810 752 602 150 109 87
750 600 2080 1980 1803 1150 1090 996 975 902 721 180 131 104
875 700 2430 2310 2104 1344 1274 1162 1136 1052 842 210 153 121
1000 800 2780 2640 2405 1540 1460 1330 1300 1203 962 241 176 139
1125 900 3120 2970 2709 1730 1640 1495 1460 1354 1082 271 197 156
1250 1000 3470 3300 3009 1920 1820 1660 1620 1504 1202 301 218 174
1563 1250 4350 4130 3765 2400 2280 2080 2040 1885 1503 376 273 218
1875 1500 5205 4950 4520 2880 2730 2490 2440 2260 1805 452 327 261
2188 1750 5280 3350 3180 2890 2830 2640 2106 528 380 304
2500 2000 6020 3840 3640 3320 3240 3015 2405 602 436 348
2812 2250 6780 4320 4095 3735 3645 3400 2710 678 491 392
3125 2500 7420 4800 4560 4160 4080 3765 3005 752 546 435
3750 3000 9040 5760 5460 4980 4880 4525 3610 904 654 522
4375 3500 10550 6700 6360 5780 5660 5285 4220 1055 760 610
5000 4000 12040 7680 7280 6640 6480 6035 4810 1204 872 695


Table 14. Gas Flow-Pipe Size Chart

Length of Pipe 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1-1/4" Iron Pipe Size — IPS Inches
1-1/2" 2" 2-1/2" 3" 4" 6" 8"
15 76 172 345 750 1220 2480 3850 6500 13880 38700 79000
30 52 120 241 535 850 1780 2750 4700 9700 27370 55850
45 43 99 199 435 700 1475 2300 3900 7900 23350 45600
60 38 86 173 380 610 1290 2000 3450 6800 19330 39500
75 77 155 345 545 1120 1750 3000 6000 17310 35300
90 70 141 310 490 1000 1560 2700 5500 15800 32250
105 65 131 285 450 920 1430 2450 5100 14620 29850
120 120 270 420 860 1340 2300 4800 13680 27920
150 109 242 380 780 1220 2090 4350 12240 25000
180 100 225 350 720 1120 1950 4000 11160 22800
210 92 205 320 660 1030 1780 3700 10330 21100
240 190 300 620 970 1680 3490 9600 19740
270 178 285 580 910 1580 3250 9000 18610
300 170 270 545 860 1490 3000 8500 17660
450 140 226 450 710 1230 2500 7000 14420
600 119 192 390 600 1030 2130 6000 12480


Chart Correction Factors Correction Factors for Pressure Drop

Specific Gravity Multiplier Pressure Drop Multiplier

0.50 1.10 0.1 0.577
0.55 1.04 0.2 0.815
0.60 1.00 0.3 1.000
0.65 0.962 0.5 1.290
0.70 0.926 1.0 1.830
0.80 0.867 2.0 2.580
0.90 0.817 5.0 4.080
1.0 0.775
1.2 0.707
1.4 0.655
1.5 0.633
1.7 0.594
1.9 0.565
2.1 0.535


Conversions of Centigrade and Fahrenheit

Water freezes at 0°C (32°F) Water boils at 100°C (212°F)

°F = (1.8 x °C) + 32 °C = 0.5555 (°F - 32)

Fuel Consumption Formulas

Fuel Consumption (lb/hr) = Specific Fuel Cons.(lb/BHP/hr) x BHP

Fuel Consumption (US gal/hr) = Spec. Fuel Cons. (lb/BHP/hr) x BHP

Fuel Specific Weight (lb/US gal)

Fuel Spec. Weight (lb/US gal) = Fuel Specific Gravity x 8.34 lb

Specific Fuel Consumption (lb/BHP/hr) = Fuel Cons. (US gal/hr) x Fuel Spec. Wt (lb/US gal)

Specific Fuel Consumption (kg/BHP/hr) = Spec. Fuel Cons. (lb/BHP/hr)


Electrical Motor Horsepower

Electric Motor Horsepower = kW Input x Motor Efficiency

0.746 x Generator Efficiency

Engine Horsepower Required = kW Output Required

0.746 x Generator Efficiency

Piston Travel

Feet Per Minute (FPM) = 2 x L x N

Where L = Length of Stroke in Feet
N = Rotational Speed of Crankshaft in RPM

Break Mean Effective Pressure (BMEP) (4 Cycle)

BMEP (lbf/in2) = BHP x 792000

Cylinders x r/min x bore area (in2) x stroke (in)

BMEP (lbf/in2) = BHP x 792000

Displacement (in3) x RPM


14. Glossary of Terms

Alternating Current (AC) — A current which periodically reverses in direction and changes its magnitude
as it flows through a conductor or electrical circuit. The magnitude of an alternating current rises from zero to
maximum value in one direction, returns to zero, and then follows the same variation in the opposite direction.
One complete alternation is one cycle or 360 electrical degrees. In the case of 50 cycle alternating current the
cycle is completed 50 times per second.

Ambient Temperature — The air temperature of the surroundings in which the generating system operates.
This may be expressed in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit.

Ampere (A) — The unit of measurement of electric flow. One ampere of current will flow when one volt is applied
across a resistance of one ohm.

Apparent Power (kVA, VA) — A term used when the current and voltage are not in phase i.e. voltage and current do
not reach corresponding values at the same instant. The resultant product of current and voltage is the apparent power
and is expressed in kVA.

Automatic Synchronizer — This device in its simplest form is a magnetic type control relay which will
automatically close the generator switch when the conditions for paralleling are satisfied.

Break Mean Effective Pressure (BMEP) — This is the theoretical average pressure on the piston of an engine
during the power stroke when the engine is producing a given number of horsepower. It is usually expressed in
pounds/inch2. The value is strictly a calculation as it cannot be measured, since the actual cylinder pressure is
constantly changing. The mean or average pressure is used to compare engines on assumption that the lower the
BMEP, the greater the expected engine life and reliability. In practice, it is not a reliable indicator of engine
performance for the following reasons:
The formula favors older design engines with relatively low power output per cubic inch of displacement in
comparison with more modern designs. Modern engines do operate with higher average cylinder pressures, but
bearings and other engine parts are designed to withstand these higher pressures and to still provide equal or greater
life and reliability than the older designs. The formula also implies greater reliability when the same engine produces
the same power at a higher speed. Other things being equal, it is unlikely that a 60 Hz generating set operating at
1800 RPM is more reliable than a comparable 50 Hz generating set operating at 1500 RPM. Also it is doubtful that
a generator operating at 3000 RPM will be more reliable than one operating at 1500 RPM even if the latter engine
has a significantly higher BMEP. The BMEP for any given generating set will vary with the rating which changes
depending on fuel, altitude and temperature. The BMEP is also affected by generator efficiency which varies with
voltage and load.

Capacitance (C) — If a voltage is applied to two conductors separated by an insulator, the insulator will take
an electrical charge. Expressed in micro-farads (µf).

Circuit Breaker — A protective switching device capable of interrupting current flow at a pre-determined value.

Continuous Load — Any load up to and including full rated load that the generating set is capable of delivering
for an indefinitely long period, except for shut down for normal preventive maintenance.

Continuous Rating — The load rating of an electric generating system which is capable of supplying without
exceeding its specified maximum temperature rise limits.


Current (I) — The rate of flow of electricity. DC flows from negative to positive. AC alternates in direction. The current
flow theory is used conventionally in power and the current direction is positive to negative.

Cycle — One complete reversal of an alternating current or voltage from zero to a positive maximum to zero to a negative
maximum back to zero. The number of cycles per second is the frequency, expressed in Hertz (Hz).

Decibel (dB) — Unit used to define noise level.

Delta Connection — A three-phase connection in which the start of each phase is connected to the end of the next phase,
forming the Greek letter Delta (D). The load lines are connected to the corners of the delta. In some cases a center tap is
provided on each phase, but more often only on one leg, thus supplying a four wire output.

Direct Current — A electric current which flows in one direction only for a given voltage and electrical resistance.
A direct current is usually constant in magnitude for a given load.

Efficiency — The efficiency of a generating set shall be defined as the ratio of its useful power output to its total power
input expressed as a percentage.

Frequency — The number of complete cycles of an alternating voltage or current per unit of time, usually per second.
The unit for measurement is the Hertz (Hz) equivalent to 1 cycle per second (CPS).

Frequency Band — The permissible variation from a mean value under steady state conditions.

Frequency Drift — Frequency drift is a gradual deviation of the mean governed frequency above or below the desired
frequency under constant load.

Frequency Droop — The change in frequency between steady state no load and steady state full load which is a function
of the engine and governing systems.

Full Load Current — The full load current of a machine or apparatus is the value of current in RMS or DC amperes which
it carries when delivering its rate output under its rated conditions. Normally, the full load current is the “rated” current.

Generator — A general name for a device for converting mechanical energy into electrical energy. The electrical energy
may be direct current (DC) or alternating current (AC). An AC generator may be called an alternator.


Inductance (L) — Any device with iron in the magnetic structure has what amounts to magnetic inertia. This inertia
opposes any change in current. The characteristic of a circuit which causes this magnetic inertia is known as self
inductance; it is measured in Henries and the symbol is “L.”

Interruptable Service — A plan where by an electric utility elects to interrupt service to a specific customer at any time.
Special rates are often available to customers under such arrangements.

kVA — 1,000 Volt amperes (Apparent power). Equal to kW divided by the power factor.


kW — 1,000 Watts (Real Power). Equal to kVA multiplied by the power factor.

Power — Rate of performing work, or energy per unit of time. Mechanical power is often measured in horsepower, electric
power in kilowatts.

Power Factor — In AC circuits, the inductances and capacitances may cause the point at which the voltage wave passes
through zero to differ from the point at which the current wave passes through zero. When the current wave precedes
the voltage wave, a leading power factor results, as in the case of a capacitive load or over excited synchronous motors.
When the voltage wave precedes the current wave, a lagging power factor results. This is generally the case. The power
factor expresses the extent to which voltage zero differs from the current zero. Considering one full cycle to be 360 degrees,
the difference between the zero point can then be expressed as an angle q. Power factor is calculated as the cosine of the q
between zero points and is expressed as a decimal fraction (0.8) or as a percentage (80%). It can also be shown to be the
ratio of kW, divided by kVA. In other words, kW = kVA x P.F.

Prime Power — That source of supply of electrical energy utilized by the user which is normally available continuously
day and night, usually supplied by an electric utility company but sometimes by owner generation.

Rated Current — The rated continuous current of a machine or apparatus is the value of current in RMS or DC amperes
which it can carry continuously in normal service without exceeding the allowable temperature rises.

Rated Power — The stated or guaranteed new electric output which is obtainable continuously from a generating set
when it is functioning at rated conditions. If the set is equipped with additional power producing devices, then the stated
or guaranteed new electric power must take into consideration that the auxiliaries are delivering their respective stated or
guaranteed net output simultaneously, unless otherwise agreed to.

Rated Speed — Revolutions per minute at which the set is designed to operate.

Rated Voltage — The rated voltage of an engine generating set is the voltage at which it is designed to operate.

Reactance — The out of phase component of impedance that occurs in circuits containing inductance and/or capacitance.

Real Power — A term used to describe the product of current, voltage and power factor, expressed in kW.

Rectifier — A device that converts AC to DC.

Root Mean Square (RMS) — The conventional measurement of alternating current and voltage and represents
a proportional value of the true sine wave.

Single-Phase — An AC load or source of power normally having only two input terminals if a load, or two output
terminals if a source.

Standby Power — An independent reserve source of electrical energy which upon failure or outage of the normal source,
provides electric power of acceptable quality and quantity so that the user’s facilities may continue in satisfactory operation.

Star Connection — A method of interconnecting the phases of a three-phase system to form a configuration resembling
a star (or the letter Y). A fourth or neutral wire can be connected to the center point.


Telephone Influence Factor (TIF) — The telephone influence factor of a synchronous generator is a measure of
the possible effect of harmonics in the generator voltage wave on telephone circuits. TIF is measured at the generator
terminals on open circuit at rated voltage and frequency.

Three-Phase — Three complete voltage/current sine waves, each of 360 electrical degrees in length, occurring
120 degrees apart. A three-phase system may be either 3 wire or 4 wire (3 wires and a neutral).

Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) — A system designed to provide power without delay or transients, during any
period when the normal power supply is incapable of performing acceptably.

Unity Power Factor — A load whose power factor is 1.0 has no reactance’s causing the voltage wave to lag or lead
the current wave.

Watt — Unit of electrical power. In DC, it equals the volts times amperes. In AC, it equals the effective volts times
the effective amps times power factor times a constant dependent on the number of phases.

LEBX9483 © 1999 Caterpillar Inc.
Supersedes USMANOLY/0798 All rights reserved.
Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice. Printed in U.S.A.

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