Health Benefits

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Benefits of ‘kamias’

One of nature's unappreciated fruits

is the kamias or bilimbi. The sour
fruit is a natural source
of vitamins B and
C, iron, phosphorus and antioxid
ants. Its other amazing benefits: Its
leaves relieve coughing,
thrush, hemorrhoids, stings, itches,
pimples and skin eruptions.
Benefits of ‘Onions’
May Benefit Heart Health. Onions
contain antioxidants and compounds
that fight inflammation, decrease
triglycerides and reduce cholesterol
levels — all of which may lower heart
disease risk. Their potent anti-
inflammatory properties may also
help reduce high blood pressure and
protect against blood clots.
Benefits of ‘Alugbati’
It is rich in Saponins that act as
phytochemicals, which can fight off cancer.
The red variety of alugbati is a good source of
xanthones, an antioxidant. Its Folic acid, which
is also called folate, is one of the B vitamins
that are critical for childbearing women. rich
in vitamins A, C and K, magnesium, iron and
manganese. Eating this leafy green veggie
may benefit eye health, reduce oxidative
stress and reduce blood pressure levels
among other health functions.

Benefits of ‘Okra’
Okra is a nutritious food with many health
benefits. It's rich in
magnesium, folate, fiber, antioxidants,
and vitamin C, K1, and A. Okra may benefit
pregnant women, heart health, and blood
sugar control. It may even have anticancer
properties. Additionally, okra is low in calories
and carbs and contains some protein and fiber.
Many fruits and vegetables lack protein, which
makes okra somewhat unique. Eating enough
protein is associated with benefits for weight
Benefits of ‘Dahon Kamote’
Talbos ng kamote benefits offer you to get
important nutrients, vitamins, and minerals as well.
Ingredients contained in Talbos ng kamote can fight
with some disease and helps to keep your body
healthy. It is a great source of vitamin A, vitamin B,
vitamin C, vitamin K, iron, calcium, zinc, protein,
and some other important elements. Each and
every one of them has a specific function on our
body that emphasizes good health and reduces the
chance of occurring diseases. Another vegetable as
good as beneficial to camote tops you will rarely find.

Benefits of ‘Talong’
The vitamin & mineral content of eggplants is quite
extensive. They’re a great source of vitamin
C, vitamin,K, vitamin,B6, thiamine, niacin, magnesiu
m, manganese, phosphorus, copper, fiber, folic acid,
potassium. HELPS WITH DIGESTION The high fiber
content in eggplants, which is a crucial element to
maintaining a balanced diet, is a great way to
improve your gastrointestinal health. This means that
when you’ve gotta go, eating eggplant regularly will
help everything move along smoothly.
Benefits of ‘Sambong’
As a diuretic, sambong is an herb used to treat
urolithiasis (urinary tract or kidney stones)
and urinary tract infections, and thus
reduces high blood pressure. Sambong works
as an expectorant, an anti-diarrheal and an
anti-spasmotic, all of which treat some
symptoms of the common cold. A herbal
medicine that is clinically proven to dissolve
kidney stones, and reduce size and number
of urinary tract stones.

Benefits of ‘Sili Green’

Green chillies have higher water content and
zero calories which makes them
a healthy choice for those who are trying to
shed some pounds. Green chillies are a rich
source of beta–carotene, antioxidants and
endorrphins while red chilies consumed in
excess can cause internal inflammation which
results in peptic ulcers. Being rich in vitamin A,
green chillies help in improving vision among
people of all ages. Good for heart disorders:
Green chillies are enriched with minerals,
including potassium,
manganese, iron and magnesium.
Benefits of ‘Beans’
They are commonly eaten around the
world and are a rich source of fiber and B
vitamins. They are also a great
replacement for meat as a source of
vegetarian protein. Beans and legumes
have a number of health benefits,
including reducing cholesterol, decreasing
blood sugar levels and
increasing healthy gut bacteria.

Benefits of ‘Tanglad’
Lemongrass is also used as a folk remedy to
promote sleep, relieve pain, and boost
immunity. One of the most popular ways to
enjoy lemongrass is in tea. Keep reading to
learn how drinking lemongrass tea may help
deliver these potential health benefits.
lemongrass contains several antioxidants,
which can help scavenge free radicals in your
body that may cause disease. Antioxidants of
note are chlorogenic acid, isoorientin, and
swertiajaponin. These antioxidants may help
prevent dysfunction of cells inside your
coronary arteries.
Benefits of ‘Siling Labuyo’
siling labuyo (chili pepper) is “one of the most
powerful medicinal plants in the world” because
it is anti-inflammatory, relieves pain and heart
troubles, and helps speed up metabolism to aid
weight loss. He pointed to his flat belly as proof
of how the indigenous chili pepper dissolved
unwanted fat. Fight inflammation. Chilli peppers
contain a substance called capsaicin, which
gives peppers their characteristic pungency,
producing mild to intense spice when eaten.

Benefits of ‘Saluyot’
Jute leaves are said to contain iron,
protein, vitamin A, C and E, thiamine,
riboflavin, niacin, folate and dietary fibres.. 10.
The leaves are said to have anti-inflammatory
properties, which may prevent conditions like
arthritis, acne, asthma, cold. The edible part
of jute is its leaves. Richness in potassium,
vitamin B6, iron, vitamin A and vitamin C make
this crop particularly important, where people
cover a high share of their energy requirement
by micronutrient-poor staple crops. This
vegetable is predominantly eaten in Africa and
Benefits of ‘Butterfly Pea Flower’
Glutarnate Provides antioxidant support.
Promotes graceful aging. During the course of
our lives, we take in a lot of oxygen through the
air, food, and other exposure.
Contains anthocyanins. Eases occasional
stress. The earthy flavour of butterfly-pea
flower tea is said to be a mood enhancer.
The tea is said to have stress busting effects
that may also help reduce symptoms of anxiety.
It is also known to refresh the brain and helps
keep you energised and happy throughout the

Benefits of ‘Kamatis’
Tomatoes are the major dietary source of
the antioxidant lycopene, which has been
linked to many health benefits, including
reduced risk of heart disease and cancer. They
are also a great source of vitamin C,
potassium, folate, and vitamin K. lowering the
elevated blood pressure in the body. Thus,
preventing cardiovascular diseases. Also, these
contain folate, vitamin B, E and other essential
nutrients which are vital for the proper
functioning of our heart.
Benefits of ‘Gabi’
Taro root is a great source of fiber and other
nutrients and offers a variety of potential health
benefits, including improved blood sugar
management, gut and heart health. May Help
Control Blood Sugar. May Reduce Your Risk of
Heart Disease. May Offer Anticancer Properties.
The toxicity is due to the high level of oxalates in
the root, which are usually associated
with kidney stones. But when it is properly
cooked, the taro root benefits added to your
favorite dishes are too good to pass up.

Benefits of ‘Kalabasa’
Health Benefits of Squash. Winter squashes
contain carotenoids—or plant compounds such as
beta carotene (which can be converted into
Vitamin A), lutein, and zeaxanthin that have been
found reduce your risk of developing certain
cancers and eye disease. The vegetable is high
in vitamins A, B6, and
C, folate, magnesium, fiber, riboflavin, phosph
orus, and potassium. That's a serious nutritional
power-packed veggie. Yellow squash is also rich
in manganese. This mineral helps to boost bone
strength and helps the body's ability to process
fats and carbohydrates.
Benefits of ‘Papaya’
Papayas are loaded with Vitamin A an
antioxidants, which helps in improving eye health.
Vitamin A protects the corneas whereas the
antioxidants reduce the degeneration of the
retina. Other than that, papaya also contains
numerous enzymes which help break down the
foods and protects the tissues that line the
digestive tract. Eating papaya an hour before or
after a meal can aid in healthy digestion and help
your body run smoothly. Papayas are brimming
with nutrients, and a collective advantaged of
them is the boost in immunity. 

Benefits of ‘Petchay’
The iron,phosphorous, calcium, magnesium, 
zinc, and vitamin K in bok choy all contribute
to building and maintaining bone structure and
strength. Iron and zinc play crucial roles in the
production and growth of
collagen. Phosphorus and calcium are both
important in bone structure. This food is very
low in Saturated Fat and Cholesterol. It is also
a good source of Dietary Fiber, Protein,
Thiamin, Niacin.
Benefits of ‘Radish’
High on Nutrients: radishes are packed
with Vitamins E, A, C, B6, and K. Plus it's high
on antioxidants, fiber, zinc, potassium,
phosphorous, magnesium, copper, calcium,
iron and manganese. And each of these is
known to keep our body in good working
condition. This is because they are very low in
potassium and phosphorus but high in many
other important nutrients. Additionally, their
peppery taste makes a flavorful addition to low
sodium dishes.

Benefits of ‘Balagay’
Low In Calorie. The tender and immature pods of
winged beans are low in calories. The various parts of
winged beans are a rich source of protein, vitamins and
minerals. These beans are an especially good source
of Vitamin A. This is one vegetable that offers a
complete dose of nutrients to the body. Low in Calorie,
Rich in Vitamin C, Winged beans also contain ample
amounts of important minerals, such as iron,
manganese, copper, calcium, phosphorus,
magnesium. Winged beans also contain
an abundance of Vitamin A, which is a powerful
antioxidant that prevents DNA damage. 
Benefits of ‘Grapes’
grapes are higher in flavonoids and
phytonutrients, including resveratrol, They’re
also a good source of vitamin C, an essential
nutrient and powerful antioxidant necessary for
connective tissue health. Grapes contain many
important vitamins and minerals, including
more than one-quarter of the RDIs for vitamins
C and K. Grapes are high in antioxidants,
beneficial plant compounds that may protect
against chronic health conditions, such as
diabetes, cancer and heart disease.

Benefits of ‘Garlic’
Garlic is low in calories and rich in vitamin C,
vitamin B6 and manganese. It also contains
trace amounts of various other nutrients.
Garlic supplements help prevent and reduce
the severity of common illnesses like the flu
and common cold. High doses of garlic appear
to improve blood pressure for those with
known high blood pressure (hypertension). In
some instances, supplements may be as
effective as regular medications.
Benefits of ‘Ginger’
Ginger is a popular spice. It is high in gingerol,
a substance with powerful anti-inflammatory
and antioxidant properties. Just 1–1.5 grams
of ginger can help prevent various types of
nausea. This applies to sea sickness,
chemotherapy-related nausea, nausea after
surgery, and morning sickness. There are
some studies showing ginger to be effective at
reducing symptoms of osteoarthritis, which is a
very common health problem.

Benefits of ‘Malunggay’
studies show that Moringa oleifera may lead to
modest reductions in blood sugar and cholesterol.
It may also have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
effects and protect against arsenic toxicity. Moringa
leaves are also highly nutritious and should be
beneficial for people who are lacking in essential
nutrients. The leaves have 7 times more vitamin
C than oranges and 15 times more potassium than
bananas. It also has calcium, protein, iron, and
amino acids, which help your body heal and build
muscle. It's also packed with antioxidants,
substances that can protect cells from damage and
may boost your immune system.
Benefits of ‘Bayabas’
Guava extract may help improve blood sugar
control in people with diabetes or those at risk.
Guava fruit or leaf extract may have a positive
effect on heart health by lowering blood pressure,
decreasing bad cholesterol, and increasing good
cholesterol. Taking guava leaf extract daily may
help decrease symptoms of painful menstruation,
including cramps. Consuming guavas or guava
leaf extract may prevent or reduce diarrhea and
constipation. Guavas are full of fiber and low in
calories, meaning that they may help you feel full
and aid weight loss.

Benefits of ‘Ube’
 ube—a staple in the Philippines—is
a great source of healthy carbs, fiber,
vitamins, and potassium. ... Some research
suggests that a diet packed with these
antioxidants can promote heart and brain
health, and possibly even protect you from
cancer, according to the USDA. Highly
nutritious. The purple yam (ube) is a starchy
root vegetable that's a great source of
carbs, potassium, and vitamin C. Rich
in antioxidants.
Benefits of ‘Tambis’
Rich In Vitamin A: One of the most important
nutrients for eye health is Vitamin A, which is
found in abundance in the rose apples. 4. Rich
in Calcium: The most important nutrients for
teeth and bones is calcium, which rose apples
are rich in. Rich in Dietary Fibre: White jamuns
or rose apples are said to be rich in dietary fibre,
which may help protect against common
digestive troubles like diarrhoea and flatulence.
Dietary fibre is also good for regulating blood
sugar and helps in weight management.

Benefits of ‘Guayabano’
It helps lower fever, spasms, heart rate,
and blood pressure. It also helps
relieve pain, inflammation, and asthma.
Consuming guyabano extract can also safely
prevent cancer cells from forming while
effectively slowing down tumor growth. It's also
known as custard apple, guanabana and
Brazilian paw paw. Practitioners of herbal
medicine use soursop fruit and
graviola tree leaves to treat stomach ailments,
fever, parasitic infections, hypertension and
rheumatism. It's used as a sedative, as well.
Benefits of ‘Oregano’
The antioxidants thymol, carvacrol, limonene,
terpinene, ocimene, and caryophyllene give the herb its
flavor and scent. They also contribute to the health
benefits of oregano oil. Oregano provides other
antioxidants when people consume it in the diet.
Oregano and other herbs provide antioxidants. Dietary
antioxidants help the body eliminate free radicals,
which are toxic substances that result from natural
processes and environmental stresses. A buildup of
free radicals can trigger oxidative stress. Oxidative
stress can lead to cell damage that may result in
various diseases, including cancer and diabetes.

Benefits of ‘Artemisia’
People take Artemisia herba-alba for cough,
stomach and intestinal upset, the common
cold, measles, diabetes, yellowed skin
(jaundice), anxiety, irregular heartbeat, and
muscle weakness. It is also used for parasitic
infections such as roundworms, pinworms,
tapeworms, hookworms, and flukes.
Artemisia helps calm and soothe redness on
the skin while also healing acne/breakouts. It's
also packed with Vitamin A (great for
skin renewal and regeneration) and Vitamin C
(a skin brightening and protecting ingredient.
Benefits of ‘Atsal’
They are an excellent source of vitamin
A, vitamin C, and potassium. Bell Peppers
also contain a healthy dose of fiber, folate,
and iron. Along with being full of nutrients,
Bell Peppers deliver a satisfying and low-
calorie crunch with every bite. Bell peppers
are mainly made up of water and carbs.
Most of the carbs are sugars, such as
glucose and fructose. Bell peppers are also
a decent source of fiber.

Benefits of ‘Kangkong’
Water Spinach. Apart from vitamins,
kangkong is a leading source of vital minerals
such as iron, magnesium, and calcium.
Magnesium and calcium are extremely
important for the health of bone and teeth.
Kangkong contains 21% of your
daily calcium and 18% of your daily
magnesium per 100 grams. Spinach is high in
fiber and water, both of which help to prevent
constipation and promote a healthy digestive
Benefits of ‘Papaya’
Papayas are loaded with Vitamin A an
antioxidants, which helps in improving eye health.
Vitamin A protects the corneas whereas the
antioxidants reduce the degeneration of the
retina. Other than that, papaya also contains
numerous enzymes which help break down the
foods and protects the tissues that line the
digestive tract. Eating papaya an hour before or
after a meal can aid in healthy digestion and help
your body run smoothly. Papayas are brimming
with nutrients, and a collective advantaged of
them is the boost in immunity. 

Benefits of ‘Papaya’
Papayas are loaded with Vitamin A an
antioxidants, which helps in improving eye health.
Vitamin A protects the corneas whereas the
antioxidants reduce the degeneration of the
retina. Other than that, papaya also contains
numerous enzymes which help break down the
foods and protects the tissues that line the
digestive tract. Eating papaya an hour before or
after a meal can aid in healthy digestion and help
your body run smoothly. Papayas are brimming
with nutrients, and a collective advantaged of
them is the boost in immunity. 
Benefits of ‘Alugbati’
It is rich in Saponins that act as
phytochemicals, which can fight off cancer.
The red variety of alugbati is a good source of
xanthones, an antioxidant. Its Folic acid, which
is also called folate, is one of the B vitamins
that are critical for childbearing women. rich
in vitamins A, C and K, magnesium, iron and
manganese. Eating this leafy green veggie
may benefit eye health, reduce oxidative
stress and reduce blood pressure levels
among other health functions.

Benefits of ‘Alugbati’
It is rich in Saponins that act as
phytochemicals, which can fight off cancer.
The red variety of alugbati is a good source of
xanthones, an antioxidant. Its Folic acid, which
is also called folate, is one of the B vitamins
that are critical for childbearing women. rich
in vitamins A, C and K, magnesium, iron and
manganese. Eating this leafy green veggie
may benefit eye health, reduce oxidative
stress and reduce blood pressure levels
among other health functions.
Benefits of ‘Alugbati’
It is rich in Saponins that act as
phytochemicals, which can fight off cancer.
The red variety of alugbati is a good source of
xanthones, an antioxidant. Its Folic acid, which
is also called folate, is one of the B vitamins
that are critical for childbearing women. rich
in vitamins A, C and K, magnesium, iron and
manganese. Eating this leafy green veggie
may benefit eye health, reduce oxidative
stress and reduce blood pressure levels
among other health functions.

Benefits of ‘Talong’
The vitamin & mineral content of eggplants is quite
extensive. They’re a great source of vitamin
C, vitamin,K, vitamin,B6, thiamine, niacin, magnesiu
m, manganese, phosphorus, copper, fiber, folic acid,
potassium. HELPS WITH DIGESTION The high fiber
content in eggplants, which is a crucial element to
maintaining a balanced diet, is a great way to
improve your gastrointestinal health. This means that
when you’ve gotta go, eating eggplant regularly will
help everything move along smoothly.
Benefits of ‘Talong’
The vitamin & mineral content of eggplants is quite
extensive. They’re a great source of vitamin
C, vitamin,K, vitamin,B6, thiamine, niacin, magnesiu
m, manganese, phosphorus, copper, fiber, folic acid,
potassium. HELPS WITH DIGESTION The high fiber
content in eggplants, which is a crucial element to
maintaining a balanced diet, is a great way to
improve your gastrointestinal health. This means that
when you’ve gotta go, eating eggplant regularly will
help everything move along smoothly.

Benefits of ‘Talong’
The vitamin & mineral content of eggplants is quite
extensive. They’re a great source of vitamin
C, vitamin,K, vitamin,B6, thiamine, niacin, magnesiu
m, manganese, phosphorus, copper, fiber, folic acid,
potassium. HELPS WITH DIGESTION The high fiber
content in eggplants, which is a crucial element to
maintaining a balanced diet, is a great way to
improve your gastrointestinal health. This means that
when you’ve gotta go, eating eggplant regularly will
help everything move along smoothly.
Benefits of ‘Dahon Kamote’
Talbos ng kamote benefits offer you to get
important nutrients, vitamins, and minerals as well.
Ingredients contained in Talbos ng kamote can fight
with some disease and helps to keep your body
healthy. It is a great source of vitamin A, vitamin B,
vitamin C, vitamin K, iron, calcium, zinc, protein,
and some other important elements. Each and
every one of them has a specific function on our
body that emphasizes good health and reduces the
chance of occurring diseases. Another vegetable as
good as beneficial to camote tops you will rarely find.
Benefits of Lubi/Coconut
Coconuts are especially high in manganese, which is
essential for bone health and the metabolism of
carbohydrates, proteins, and cholesterol ( 8 ). They're
also rich in copper and iron, which help form red blood
cells, as well as selenium, an
important antioxidant that protects your cells. Rich in
fiber and MCTs, it may offer a number of benefits,
including improved heart health, weight loss, and
digestion. Yet, it's high in calories and saturated fat, so
you should eat it in moderation. Overall,
unsweetened coconut meat makes a great addition to
a balanced diet.

Benefits of Banana
Bananas are one of the most popular fruits in the
world. They're full important nutrients,
but eating too many could end up doing more
harm than good. Too much of any single food
may contribute to weight gain and nutrient
deficiencies. One to two bananas per day is
considered a moderate intake for
most healthy people. Bananas are healthy and
nutritious, there is no doubt about that. They are
also high in fiber, but low in calories.
Most bananas have a low to medium glycemic
index, and should not cause big spikes in blood
sugar levels compared to other high-carb foods.
Benefits of Calamansi
Calamansi has good amounts of minerals and
vitamins, especially vitamin C which is
essential to building immunity. It provides
immunity against viral and bacterial infections.
Drinking this juice on a regular basis helps
build immunity against the common cold,flu
and fever. Bleaches the skin, fights
inflammation, Aids in collagen production,
regulates glucose,insulin, and cholesterol
levels, detoxifies your body and also stomach

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