P-985-SH-AHA-003. AHA For Outage Lock Our Tag Out

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Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA). P-985-SH-AHA-003. Rev.0

Activity/Work Task: POWER OUTAGE
Risk Assessment Code (RAC) Rating Matrix
Project Location: NSA I – Bahrain
Contract Number: N33191-19-C-0805 Probability
Date Prepared: 25.07.2020 Frequent Likely Occasional Seldom Unlikely
Catastrophic E E H H M
Prepared by (Name/Title): PATRICK BIBILA N.
Critical E H H M L
Marginal H M M L L
Reviewed by (Name/Title):
Negligible M L L L L
Notes: (Field Notes, Review Comments, etc.) Step 1: Review each “Hazard” with identified safety “Controls” and
determine RAC rating (above).
“Probability” is the likelihood to cause an incident, near miss, or
RAC Rating
accident and identified as: Frequent, Likely, Occasional, Seldom or
E = Extremely High
Severity” is the outcome/degree if an incident, near miss, or accident
H = High Risk
did occur and identified as: Catastrophic, Critical, Marginal, or
M = Moderate Risk
L= Low Risk
Step 2: Identify the RAC (Probability/Severity) rating as E, H, M, or L
for each “Hazard” on AHA. Annotate the overall highest RAC at the
top of AHA.
Job Steps Hazards Controls RAC
 All personnel entering Site  Slips, trips and falls  All debris or materials should be well segregated and
 Sun radiation exposure arranged to provide access for personnel entry. L
 Long sleeves and sunglasses to prevent direct sun rays and
radiation. UV index could be greater than 12.

 The required work area must  Manual handling  Barriers should be portable enough to be carried by one
be protected and barricaded.  Slip and Trip hazard worker during barricading in case these barriers are heavy
 Refuse two or more workers should be use during this exercise. L
 Area must be clear of obstruction during barrier to avoid
trip hazard.

 Marking the area that needs  Use water base paint spray to mark areas to be excavated.
to be excavated  Ergonomic for example Poor  Use proper PPE during this exercise.
posture, Awkward movements,  Outdoor use is preferable.
especially if they are repetitive
during marking or the area.

 Lock out tag out FP-B6 Energy source tag without isolation  Isolation of electrical power source to be tested and H
pedestal panel from its source could exposed individuals to confirm by competent person before lockout tagout
 electrical shock. procedure. Follow the lock out tag our procedure e.g.
 secondary injury. o Announce shut off
 an electrical arc. o Identify the energy source(s)
o Isolate the energy source.
 Excavate the area using hand  Ground instability  Check hand tools for default before use. Take defaulted
tools  Twisting your back when hand tools out of site.
shoveling or digging  Stand with feet apart and one ahead of the other; this
 Lifting heavy loads with a shovel improves stability.
 Stretching to reach the material  Allow your whole body to help, instead of just your arms H
you are shoveling and back. Push and pull instead of lifting.
 Bending while shoveling or  Always move with the shovel, using your whole body to
digging for long periods smoothly follow-through in the shoveling motion.
 Long periods of gripping the  Face toward the direction you will throw the shoveled
shovel load; this will keep you from twisting and lessen the
 Continuous shoveling or digging strain on your back.
 No matter what material you are shoveling, always try
to “skim off of the top.” Do not pick up more than 10
 pounds with any shovel at one time.
 Work in a radius close to your body to avoid stretching
and reaching while shoveling and digging.
 Pay attention to the blade type, handle length and grip
of the shovel you are using. Always select the most
appropriate tool for the job.
 When shoveling select a tool with a flat blade, and when
digging use a round shovel blade.
 Use a handle length that allows you to keep your back as
straight as possible, which will lessen the strain on your
back caused by excessive lifting.
 The hand holding the shaft of the shovel should be held
in a palm up position.
 Adjust the handle size of your shovel so that its diameter
comfortably fits the size of your hand.
 Take mini breaks after 20-30 minutes of continuous
shoveling or digging.
 House Keeping  Exposure to dust  PPE to be warn during housekeeping. L
 Slip and Trip Hazard  Take refuse to refuse bin. If Hazardous contact
environmental coordinator.

Training Requirements/Competent or
Equipment to be Used Inspection Requirements
Qualified Personnel name(s)
Hand tools (Spanners full set, Shovel,  Under USG coordination  Inspection of hand tools,
Rakes, Chisel, Wheelbarrows,  Inspection of cables
buckets, Hammer & measuring tape)
 Inspection of testers
 Inspection of site
c) Cable Detector.
d) Safety Barricade.
e) Personal protective Equipment’s (PPE)
& Warning Tapes.

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