AHA Flushing & Disinfection of Water Supply
AHA Flushing & Disinfection of Water Supply
AHA Flushing & Disinfection of Water Supply
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Step Description of Hazard/Risk Risk level Control Measures/
Responsible Party
No. Task Step Preventive Measures
1. Securely fasten all materials stored or stacked against falling or sliding
Proper cribbing under material
Tripping / Falling Store in proper area Supervisor/safety Officer
Unloading / Storage of Falling Objects/ Sprains / Strains SEC. 14.C.01
Material Material will not be lifted above or over personnel
Back Injury Tripping / ,02,03.04, 05, 06,
Falling Eye Injury
Use adequate manpower and/or equipment to deliver materials to their locations
07, 08,09.
Use proper lifting procedures
Orderly housekeeping shall be maintained
Materials, tools and chemicals labeled and stored properly
Dust and eye protection shall be utilized during moving and cutting of materials
2. Material Handling Sprains / Strains Back pain Use adequate manpower and/or equipment to deliver materials to their locations Supervisor/safety Officer
Injury Use proper Manual lifting procedures SEC. 14.C
Tripping / Falling injury Eye Orderly housekeeping shall be maintained .01,02,03,04,05,06,
Injury. 07,08,09. 06.D.02
Materials, tools and chemicals labeled and stored properly
Dust and eye protection shall be utilized during moving and cutting of materials
3. Surface preparation and Exposure to noise, dust during Use proper required PPE, especially dust mask to avoid dust inhalation.
Site Engineer,
surveying operation, noise, dust hazard, and Noise TBT must be conducted among the operatives prior to commencement of job.
induced hearing loss Proper and regular basis housekeeping required before pack up.
4. Cleaning of the Road Compressor hose may get detached Ensure compressor hose connections are safe, safety latches are fitted at Site Engineer and safety
and ground surface by from the connection point, exposed to connection points. Officer.
means of a power boom, pressurized air, dust/flying foreign Endure safe operation condition of the equipment including its valves, valves are
compressor and or hand particles. Eye/bodily injuries, inhalation to be set for safe handling of the compressor hose for air-cleaning.
brush. of dust. The area to be cleaned must be cordoned/barricaded, signages to be posted for
unauthorized entry to be prevented.
While carrying out the compressed cleaning, trained worker must be stationed to
control the air outlet valve and to switch off the compressor in case of
Worker involved in cleaning work ground surface must wear applicable PPE
such as safety goggles, Coverall, dust marks, face shield, safety helmet, safety
shoes, and hand gloves.
5. Using Pressure Pump / Pressure Pump/ Spray Equipment Inspect the pump/Spray equipment daily before operating. Pumps/ Safety Officer & Site
Spray Equipment/ power Trouble Eye Injury, leg to hands, feet Engineer, site
Spray equipment must be maintained properly
tools / Hand tools and body supervisor/15.
Do not wash into sewers or any body of water. Soak up with sand.
Chemical Spillage A,15, D,15, G, 15, H,13,
Proper housekeeping and segregation of materials A.05, A
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6. Road marking Exposure to Noise Equipment should be inspected and tagged. the user before each period of use
Inhalation of Paint Particles should inspect to ensure it is not damaged. A system of regular planned
Slips, Trips and Falls maintenance and inspection by a competent person should be in place and a record
UV Exposure kept of all maintenance.
Vehicular Traffic
irritation and skin inflammation
headaches, giddiness and nauseas Correct PPE to be used reduced time exposure should be considered. No workers are
allowed to work nearby moving equipment.
Place barricade to avoid unauthorized entry.
Storage, handling, use and disposal of COSHH items must be strictly as per
Storage must be away from offices and work area.
Do not keep flammable items near heat sources / hot work area.
Always keep COSHH containers closed.
7. Use of power tools Damaged Sockets & cable All portable electrical equipment must be PAT tested and color
and pump insulation. coded. Make sure the test dates are visible on the equipment.
Electrocution Ensure all disk shall be appropriate and expiry date is over.
Electric shock Ensure all power tools are in good condition and periodically
Short circuit & Burns maintained
Trip/Fall PTW to be obtained for above 110 volt electrical permit Mechanical
prior to commencing the task. Engineer/ Safety
Damaged industrial sockets and power cables must be removed Officer, Sec.05.A
Hearing loss
from service. 13.A
Dust Ensure the electrical cable is not damaged and has not been
repaired with insulating tape or unsuitable connectors.
Ensure cables from power tools shall be organized so as
not to present a tripping hazard
Only trained competent operatives to operate the power tools.
8. Improper selection of hand Hand tools should be visually inspected for defects, prior to Supervisor/safety
Use of Hand tools tools. use. Officer Sec.05.A
Damaged and Defective Never use damaged, blunt or broken tools to avoid injury. 13.A
Hand tools. Select right tools for right Job
Hand injuries Ensure no Homemade or makeshift tools to be used at site
Pinch point Remove from service any tool that shows signs of damage
Ergonomics or defect
Repetitive strain injury Ensure Hand tools are Stored in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions.
Ensure hands are not in direct line of fire while working
with hand tools
Ensure appropriate PPE at all times.
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9. Collision with personnel, Provide competent flagman Foreman and Safety
Traffic Management Collision with another vehicle, Officer.
Avoid reserving on site
Serious injury, Fatality Proper plant and equipment inspection must be carried out
Ensure plant and equipment are fixed with revolving light.
Proper directional signages should be provided
11. inhalation Chemical Exposure Lung’s Coverall, Hand gloves, safety glass, Double Filter mask to be worn by
Personnel exposed to dermatitis Supervisor, safety
Applicators. The personnel those involved should be well trained & qualified
Chemical Officer
workers sec. 06.A.04 a, b, c, d
Applicators should have mask, rubber hand gloves & safety goggles in addition to
regular PPE. All personnel other than applicators should keep away at least 10
meters from the treatment area
12 Improper disposal Proper disposal facility / area to be provided to avoid environmental pollution. Supervisor/safety Officer.
Soil contamination, Environmental All COSHH items / empty containers must be disposed as per MSDS and complied 14. F. 01 a & b. 02, a b 04,
Pollution. a b 05 sec 06 B.03
with Local Authorities regulations.
13 Emergency No available notice boards Established Contact for key personnel for Emergency
procedure posted at the sites Situation
Ensure ALL are aware & understood the Emergency
Lack of responsible person in Procedure & Plan during formwork installation works.
case of emergency situation. Ensuring the First Aid kits box is available at all time.
Stand-by Certified First Aider (if works commencing at the
Engineer, Activity
Missing emergency vehicle night shift operation)
Supervisor & HSE
Trained First Aider Team to be arranged & deployed before
Unavailability of First Aider commencing works.
Emergency vehicle must be standby should in case of emergency
Ensure adequate training among emergency rescue team
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14 Short circuit Ensure to instruct workers to replace fluids being used from the Safety Officer/
Working in climate body by taking appropriate drinking water Supervisor
Weather Ensure appropriate dress code in cold/hot weather
Management Team must ensure that all working and testing Sec.06.J
crew/personnel should follow client safety instructions and 01,02, a, b,
respond to their safety policy
Ensure close monitoring by the activity supervisor and assigned
Ensure proper site timing while working as approved by the Site
Management Team.
15 General Overcrowded and congested Site of works to be kept neat and tidy at all times.
Housekeeping work platforms Keep the area organized and tidy at all times.
Slips, Trips and Falls Waste to be immediately placed into waste containers
Discarded materials / waste.
/ Receptacles.
Materials poorly stored / untidy.
Work areas not maintained. Store all materials securely and tidy.
Poorly lighted work areas. Ensure all work areas are properly lit.
Inappropriate footwear / Wear appropriate footwear and clothing to prevent Supervisor/safety
clothing Segregation of materials Site of works to be kept neat and tidy at Officer sec.2.A 2
all times. B.01,02 &
Keep the area organized and tidy at all times.
Waste to be immediately placed into waste containers
/ Receptacles.
Store all materials securely and tidy.
Ensure all work areas are properly lit.
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